#yes this is his kid with Fire Flower Cookie
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aquarius-cookie-jar · 8 months ago
"My dear, little one... Listen to what I must say... I promise to make sure you'll always know you're loved. That you'll always feel the warmth of your father's heart..."
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"... For I vow that you'll never feel the cold that I once felt all those years ago..."
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jessicas-pi · 9 months ago
Bo and the Blueberry AU incorrect quotes
Bo-Katan: How’s school going? Ezra: Terrible. I want to stab everybody there. Bo-Katan: Okay, just don’t get any blood on your clothes. Ezra: …you shouldn’t be condoning this.
Ezra: If history repeats, I'm so getting a Mythosaur.
Sabine: I'm not mean. Name one mean thing I’ve ever done. Ezra: When we were kids, you convinced me eggs weren't real. Sabine: They're not. Ezra: Haha, very funny. Sabine: I'm serious. Didn't you hear? Ezra: No… what happened? Sabine: …Why would you fall for this again-
Din (after Ezra becomes Mand'alor): I think I mostly want to see what happens when this whole place breaks apart.
Sabine: You know what’s funny about Ezra? He’s my best friend, and anyone who’d hurt him is someone I’d murder, probably.
Bo-Katan: We'll talk about this later. Ezra: Ok, I won’t be listening.
Tristan: I found an old note that said Note to self: Get revenge on Ezra. Tristan: Except I couldn't remember what I was supposed to get revenge for. Tristan: But I trusted my own judgment, so I went with it. Ezra: Hmm… I don't know what you were supposed to get revenge for, either. Tristan: I can only assume you got what was coming to you. Not 100 percent sure, though. Ezra: Well, whatever I did, I guess I deserved it. Tristan: Let that possibly be a lesson to you.
Bo-Katan: Come on, Ursa. Nobody actually believes that Din is in love with me. Ursa, to the other Mandalorians: Raise your hand if you think that Din is helplessly in love with Bo-Katan. *Everyone raises their hand* Bo-Katan: Din, put your hand down.
Korkie, looking at his friends: I need to become a therapist faster.
Ezra: I’m not being weird. Am I being weird? Tristan: Yes, and that’s coming from me.
Ezra, to Sabine: You drink too much, swear too much, and your morals are highly questionable. Sabine: … Ezra: You are everything I’ve ever wanted in a best friend.
Ezra: Your smile? It makes my day. Sabine: Your happiness? I live for that. Korkie: A room? Get one. Tristan: Hotel? Trivago.
Ezra, texting Bo-Katan: *sends a voice message* Bo-Katan, texting back: I’m a little busy, is it urgent? Ezra: No, don’t worry, just listen later. *later* Bo-Katan: *presses play* Ezra's voice message: THERE’S A FIRE-
Sabine: Relationships should be 50/50. Ezra tries to be Mand'alor while I sit on the armrest of his throne looking intimidating.
Ezra: I need life advice. Korkie, sipping Space Gatorade and eating cookie dough: You came to the right person.
Sabine: Okay, I’m going to make sure the flower decorations have arrived. Ezra: Perfect, while you do that I’ll check on the ring bear. Sabine: … Sabine: You mean ring bearER, right? Ezra: … Sabine: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.
Bo-Katan: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone. Ezra: Mine just says "Ezra no." Bo-Katan: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
Tristan: Why is Ezra making me do the dishes again? You haven’t washed them in a week, Sabine! Sabine: It’s because I’m Ezra’s favorite. Tristan: I hate you.
Korkie: I have a bad feeling about this, guys. Sabine: Oh don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Ezra: Yeah, what’s the worst that could happen? Korkie, being bailed out of jail the next morning: I hate you all.
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cathumanthing2 · 4 months ago
List of things my orchestra, chorus, and band teachers have said:
"I need your bows to be infused with the power of christmas and stretch out" (orchestra 1)
"i guess I'll be practicing all week instead of doing homework" "atta girl, you got your priorities straight!" (band)
"it needs to sound like 'ho ho ho' not 'ho ho those damn kids keep takin my cookies'" (orchestra 1)
"you're making it sound like the wrong sleigh! its 'sleigh ride', not" *plays the chord from psycho* (orchestra 1)
"dont drink and run, kids" (orchestra 1)
*mewing* (chorus)
"you guys are so zesty" (chorus)
"it sounds like if you took a box of ornaments and just dumped it all over the tree then threw the tinsel on and then it catches fire and your house burns down" (orchestra 1)
"thats a good mama" (chorus)
*weird voice* "i have flower" (orchestra 1)
"YES, ill let you take my job today" (orchestra 2)
"if you're gonna fart... pose" *strikes some weird pose* (band 2)
"you're supposed to do *makes petting motion* kittyyy kittyyy, pet it gently, not *fucking WHACKS the invisible kitten* animal abuse" (orchestra 1)
"yes, im evil and made this warmup to make you smack yourselves in the face" (chorus)
"i want you to burp so loud and long that even your dad is impressed" (band 2)
"i guess we're teaching sign language now" (orchestra 1)
*steals people's sheet music* "im doing you a favor" (band)
*day before long weekend* "you did so good that im giving you Monday off of school" *collective groaning noises at an overused joke* (band)
*chases oboist around the band room* (band)
"who do you think it is?" *calls on kid with hand raised* kid: "is it-" "its not [name2]" (chorus)
"i need you to pretend you're throwing up" (chorus)
"i cant believe im saying this but... percussion, can you perhaps be louder?" (band)
"I have a funny story...my dad died and when my mom got married again she didn't invite me to her wedding." (orchestra 2) (NOTE: i never had this teacher, i joined orchestra the year after she retired)
"do you know how hard it is to make frosty the snowman sound like frosty the snowman instead of frosty the big wet sad puddle?" (orchestra 1)
"We will accept bribery" (chorus)
"guys, will you PLEASE stop hitting kittens" (orchestra 1)
*at a baritone who has his arm resting on the back [name]s chair* "[name2], i dont think [name] wants to go on a date with you" random kid: "yeah, [name2] is like 'hey, wanna go to the movies and put our hands in the popcorn bucket at the same time'"
SO. thats what i have so far. this is FAR from a complete list. the band 2 is for an extra band where the teacher isnt the same one or one of the ones for band, and orchestra 1 and orchestra 2 are completely different and numbered based on when i joined. 1 is after school and not really a school orchestra, and 2 is a school orchestra.
bonus: things they say a lot
"snailed it!" "open up your vowels, sopranos" "you SLAYED" "does anyone have any hot tea?" (chorus)
"SHAPE IT" "less talking more rocking/less conversing more rehearsing" "lets go! *loud clap*" (orchestra 1)
[insert dad jokes here] (band)
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usernameforaboredcat · 1 year ago
Wasn’t Fated To Succeed
{Spy Ace X Marine Reader}
(I thought of this idea from a manga side story where Ace breaks into a Marine headquarters and fucks around n thought “hey, I can make sum angst with this shit🤷🏻‍♀️” so tehe like look at him!!
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He’s such a silly goofy guy I love this mf so much!! Anyway-
Warnings⚠️: Angst, very sad angst, smut, p in v, virginity loss, use of nicknames "princess" "sweetheart" "good girl" ect, fingering, groping, very very slow burn, like this might take a while to read, death, daddy isn’t the best lol
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It didn’t take long for him to notice her.
That young woman maybe a year or two younger than him, sitting at the large table, leaning comfortably in her chair with her arms and legs crossed with an annoyed and tired scowl on her face. Whist on his infiltration mission, Ace got dragged into a Marine meeting. He was more in the back, hiding himself to stay unnoticed while listening in.
Something about her was trying to telling him something he couldn’t hear, and he was trying desperately to make out what it was. To be fair he had been listening to everything, making as many mental notes as possible.
“What about that Straw Hat kid?!”. His ears perked up. “That punk has caused enough trouble as is!”. A loud disgusted “uhg” echoes through the room, drawing all eyes to that girl. She’s wearing a white low cut sailor dress with a beautiful pink flower in her hair. “Is there something you’d like to say?”. She gets asked, the man talking in an angry tone. “First of all I don’t quite appreciate that tone of yours when talking to me”. She starts, her eyes like daggers.
Ace felt a shiver run down his spine, her cold tone freezing the temperature of the whole room. “And second I don’t think that child should be a problem of ours”. She leans forward in her seat, propping her elbows on the table and resting her chin on her laces together fingers. “He is a child, gentlemen. Us marines should be adult enough to not get too affected by him”. She finishes. “But miss! Haven’t you heard all the trouble he’s started! Lougetown! Alabasta! Water 7!?”. A man yells.
The girl rolls her eyes dramatically at his words. “Please, I quite frankly think we have much higher risks and problems than him! And even if we did follow through with his antics and arrest him, what exactly do we do? There’s no laws regarding child pirates so what? Do we execute a child? Just like how if a grown ass man committed theft we just give him a smack on the ass like a child who stole a cookie from grandmas kitchen?”. She questions.
The room goes silent, no one knowing how to respond or even daring to respond. Something switched in Aces mind, something that felt weird and funny and new. Seeing such a ice cold girl with a burning fire of true justice set his heart ablaze. She wasn’t wrong, there aren’t any laws about punishment for pirates under the age of 18. He couldn’t help but let out a quiet chuckle.
The girl stands up from her seat, resting her hand on her hip. “Now, personally I think we have more important things to deal with at the moment! Send a team out on a patrol of the city and see if there are actual problems we should take care of, report them back to me by the end of the day”. She explains as she starts to make her way to the door. “And if I find out that there’s been an incident that hasn’t been reported to me I’ll make sure to serve you at the next hot pot in the hot pot”. She threatens, then exits the room.
The room bursts into whispers and murmurs. The room started to clear out, the meeting ending basic after the girl had left. As Ace starts to make his way out, he hears whispers about her. “I don’t get why she’s here”. “Bitch really think she’s the boss of us”. “Hey! Don’t say that!”. “Why? Scared her daddy will kill you?”. “Yes!”. So her dad has a lot of power in the Marines then. Interesting.
The room had emptied, the halls slowly emptying with people heading off to their jobs. With not real job, Ace scrambles down the hall and walks into a random room. He sighs as he closes the door, the click of a sword being unsheathed makes him freeze. ‘Oh fuck’. He slowly turns around, seeing the girl from before standing behind her desk holding her swords handle in her dominant hand ready to pull out. “You’re not supposed to be in here”. She tells him. “Why are you here? And what’s your rank?”. She asks him.
He straightens up and chuckles nervously, scratching the back of his neck. “I just wanted to say that what you said back there was cool! A real sense of justice, I’ve never seen something like that from a marine”. He admits to her. “I see”. She mutters. She clicks her sword back into place and makes her way over to the little kitchen in the office, opening a cupboard. “Care for a coffee?”. She asks without looking at him. “No thanks, not a fan of bitter stuff”. He answers.
She nods. “Very well”. She only takes out one mug. “Tell me, are you new to the marines? With your wording ‘I’ve never seen something like that from a marine’ implies that you haven’t seen a lot of marines talk or any meetings”. She explains as she puts coffee grounds and sugar in her mug. “Yep! I haven’t been here too long!”. He answers. Technically he’s not wrong. “Tell me then, how are you finding the marines?”. She asks. “Definitely not annoying and sick of people telling me what to do”. He explains in a chuckle.
She lets out a small chuckle as she fills her mug with milk. “I can’t imagine having to listen to marine would be easy for someone like you”. She states as she stirs the milk. “Especially for someone like you, Fire Fist Ace”. She adds. Aces eyes widen, but he gets back his cool demeanour and tilts his marine cap up as if it’s his classic hat, his finger alit. “Guess it was only a matter of time before someone figured me out”. He chuckles.
She lets out a chuckle again, walking over to the kettle. “It only took me a second. Unlike my colleagues I’m good with faces. As soon as you walked in I was able to recognise your face”. She explains as she fills up the kettle with water and set it on the stove. “However I do not wish to report you or arrest you”. She adds. She tries to turn the stove on, but it’s refuses to turn on.
She lets out an annoyed sigh, turning back to the pirate. “Mind giving me a hand?”. She asks, her voice in a more softer tone. “Uh…sure!”. He agrees happily, walking over to her. He places his hand on the kettle and sets his hand on fire, the kettle slowly starting to boil. “So…how come you’re not gonna report or arrest me?”. He asks her. “Because I hate the marines”. She blatantly states.
The kettle quickly starts to whistle causing Ace to move his hand away, the girl grabbing the kettle by the handle and filling up her mug. “I’ve always hated the marines”. She walks towards her desk, taking a seat. She gestures him to take a seat in the chair across from her, which he does. “Ever since a young age we’re all taught the black and white of marines good and pirates bad, however those with a brain can tell you that it’s mixed. I’m only young but I’ve seen good pirates and bad marines”. She explains.
She leans back in her seat and takes a sip of her drink. “For example…That Straw Hat Luffy”. Aces eyes widened. “I had been keeping an eye of what’s been happening in Alabasta for a few months now but because of our affiliations with Sir Crocodile the marines never did a thing. I felt terrible, for the king, Princess Vivi, and their people! I honestly thought that Sir Crocodile was going to distort that poor country, until I heard that Straw Hat arrived and was able to take care of it. I’m honestly surprised someone just a year younger than me was able to take him down, colour me impressed”. She explains.
Ace let’s out a chuckle as he leans back in his chair, arms propped behind his head. “That’s my little brother for ya! He’s full of surprises!”. He laughs loudly. “You’re joking! You and Straw Hat are brothers?!”. She yells out in shock, almost dropping her cup. “Nope, Luffy’s my baby brother”. He confirms. “Hm, you learn something new everyday I guess”. She mutters. “So if you hate marines so much, why become one?”. Ace asks her. “Because like hell I’d let the corrupted marines stay in power and continue to ruin the world government. I’m just waiting for the day the head admirals kick the bucket and I’ll take over! With them gone, I’ll finally be able to fix this twisted government up”. She explains to him.
“Now it’s my turn to ask a question”. She sets her coffee mug down on the table, crossing her legs and setting her hands down on her knee. “Why are you here?”. She asks. “Simple! I’m here to gather information, is there anything else to it?”. He responds. “Well if that’s the case”. She takes a key out her pocket, opening a filing draw at her desk. She grabs a note pad and a pen, sliding it over to Ace. “What would you like to know?”. She asks him with a growing smirk, Ace smirking and chuckling in response as he takes the note pad. “Whatever you know”.
Ace had been around the marine base for over a week now, working as a small team with a very powerful woman in the marine world. (Y/n). That’s the name she told him, he trusts that it’s her real name and not a name she’s giving him just to play with him. They where a team of people from two worlds. Ace had thought she would have outed him by now, but instead she’d always vouch for him if he was ever in trouble and let him sleep in her office. In his eyes she’s truely an amazing person.
The room was quiet, the faint light of a candle lighting up the desk enough for the woman to work. She lets out a sigh as she finishes reading the last of the reports, crossing her arms and laying them on the desk to use them as a pillow. The door to her office opens without a knock, she knows who it is. “Hey hey! There’s my favourite marine!”. She giggles to herself and she looks up, seeing Ace closing the door behind himself. “Evening Ace, how was your day?”. She ask him in a soft tired tone. “Ah ya know! Pretty good! Almost got my ass beat today but I in fact was the one who did the beating!”. He says proudly as he walks over and takes a seat across from her.
“I wouldn’t recommend drawing too much attention to yourself”. She says as she look up at him. “I’ll be fine! I have you!”. He responds. She smiles to herself, tilting her head. “I can only do so much you know, have you forgotten the kind of number that’s on your head?”. She tells him, then letting out a yawn. “Hm? You okay?”. He asks her. “Yes yes, just tired from work is all”. She explains. “You want me to leave and let you rest?”. He asks her, concern in his voice. “No no no, it’s good that you’re here. It’s better when you’re here, I feel like I don’t have a stick up my ass”. She explains to him, laying her head back down.
“Aawww, you chill out around me! Aren’t you cuuuuuute”. He coos at her, heat rising to his face. “I mean you’re not a marine, I don’t have to try to impress you”. She admits in a soft tone, looking back up at Ace for him to see her reddening cheeks. “I wish you never have to leave”. She adds, smiling up at him. “It has been fun, but if I stay here any longer it might start to cause you trouble”. He adds to her statement.
“Hey, how about tonight we drink? To a better future!”. He suggests to her. She hums, smiling at the idea. “That sounds quite nice, I approve”. She agrees. “Actually-“. She gets up from her chair, walking over to the fridge and taking out a bottle of fancy expensive alcohol. “I’ve had this since my 18th birthday and I thought now would be a good time to use it”. She explains, grabbing two glass cups. “Wow! Pulling out that good stuff! Very nice very nice”. He responds, his hand on his chin as he rubs it.
“Only the best…for me!”. (Y/n) says happily as she grabs glasses, shrugging. She walks back over to her desk, popping open the bottle and pouring the liquid into the glasses. She takes a seat, the two taking a glass each. “Well, even with this funny predicament…I’ve enjoyed our time together”. (Y/n) admits, swirling the drink then taking a sip. “Why not come with me?”. Ace suddenly asks. (Y/n) looks at him wide eyed. “What?”. She asks simply. “Leave the marines, come join the White Beard Pirates with me! The old man would love ya, take ya in as if you where his own daughter”. He explains to her.
She continues to look at him in shock, then turning to look away from him. “Ace I-… I can’t just leave the marines! It’s all I know, it’s what I’ve grown up with. Besides, if I left the marines to become a pirate my father would for sure kill me”. She explains, the thought of death sending a shiver down her spine. “By the way, who is your father?”. He asks. “He’s a…an Admiral”. She answers, refusing to look at him. “Damn! No wonder everyone is so shit scared of you!”. Ace yelps, almost spitting out his drink.
“Hey! Don’t spit that out! It’s expensive!”. (Y/n) snapped at him. “You never told me that your dad was a fucking Admiral!”. He snaps back. (Y/n) scoffs and rolls her eyes. “It doesn’t matter anyway. You wouldn’t know what it’s like to have a father like that, especially a father that kills the innocent despite being a “man of justice”, yeah justice my ass”. She mutters, chugging the rest of the drink. “I’m guessing you don’t know my father then”. Ace chuckles. “Hey, I have a lot of people to do background checks on and to keep track of!”. She defends. Ace let’s out another chuckle, chugging down the rest of his drink. “Ever heard of Gol. D. Roger?”. He asks. “Okay now you’re fucking with me! No way your father is the King of Pirates like 20 years ago!”. She snaps. “Yeah…”. He mutters out. (Y/n) leans over and refills both of their glasses up.
“So tell me lil Roger Jr. What do you think about him?”. She asks, taking a sip of her refilled drink. “I don’t really care, I don’t see him as my father anyway! White Beard is my father and always will be”. He answers. (Y/n) smiles softly as she looks at the older man. “That’s cute”. She admits. “What about you? What do you think about your old man?”. He then asks her. “Ah. I don’t know, he treats me like his own personal army toy. He raised me to be a marine and I never really got to have a life. No friends, no other family, no hobbies, no nothing to me! I never wanted to be a marine or even a pirate, I’d rather just be a normal girl”. She goes on. She sees Ace looking at her with a soft smile, causing her to take another sip of her drink to hide her plush.
“I didn’t mean to go on”. She apologises. “No no no, it’s fine”. Ace reassures her. “I just…never really had the chance to talk to anyone like that”. She hums. “Oh Ace, you have no idea how badly I wish I could go with you. Travel the world, find who I am as a person, meet people of all different…well…everything!”. She rants. “But…I’m stuck here”. She chugs her drink again, quick to fill it up again. “Come on kid, you’re drinking a little too much”. Ace states, getting up from his chair and walks over to take her drink from her. “I’m not a kid! Don’t you dare call me that!”. She snaps, quickly chugging the drink before it can be taken away.
“Maybe we should get you to bed”. Ace says, taking the glass from her and placing it on her desk. “I’m fine, okay? I don’t need you to baby me like everyone else!”. She snaps, looking up at him. He chuckles down at her, amused by her cranky face. He reaches and grabs her chin with his thumb and pointer finger. Without thinking, he leans down and presses his lips against hers. Regret immediately flows through him, but it instantly vanishes when he feels her hands on his cheeks to pull him closer.
He could taste the alcohol on her lips, tasting it more when she opens her mouth to let him slide his tongue in. He pulls away from her, looking down at her to see her big pleading begging eyes and kiss puffy lips. “For a marine you’re absolutely beautiful”. He whispers just loud enough for her to hear. “For a pirate you’re incredibly handsome”. She whispers back loudly. This time, she leans up and kisses him. She pulls him closer by wrapping her arms around his neck, Ace leaning over and easily picking her up to wrap her legs around his waist.
He sits down in her chair, letting the younger girl sit on his lap. She pulls away from Ace, the two panting of the lack of air. Fire, want, and need builds up in their bodies, (Y/n) slowly starting to grind herself over Aces growing length. He chuckles at her neediness, rubbing her hips up and down. “Never in my life would I ever think I’d see a marine be so needy for a pirate”. He chuckles as his hands travel to her thighs and going over her dress.
He uses one hand to move her panties aside and the other running a finger through her wet folds. “Ah! Ace~”. She moans out, grinding against his hand. “Jeez you’re so wet already, it makes me want to take you here and now”. He teases. “Then why don’t you?”. She asks in a giggle, running her hand down his chest to his hardened bulge and rubbing it through his pants. Ace hisses at her actions, causing (Y/n) to giggle as she leans in close to his ear. “Although I’d rather be the one to take you~”. She whispers into his ear, then kissing his ear lobe.
“God!”. Ace let’s out in a loud groan. He grabs her chin again with his spare hand and grabs her chin, pulling her in closer. (Y/n) moans into the kiss, letting out a cry of pleasure as she feels him slide two finger inside her warm wet entrance. She pulls away and whimpers at the new slightly painful feeling, her legs shaking as he slowly drags his fingers in and out. “I just realized…you’re a virgin”. Ace states. “Oh shut up”. She gasps, slamming her lips back on his. Ace picks up the speed of his fingers, using his thumb to rub against her clit.
He pulls away from the kiss, moving his hand from her chin to the low cut neck of her dress. He smirks as he pulls the dress neck down, her boobs sliding out from the motion. He’d be lying to himself if he didn’t at least wanna cop one feel of her tits while here. He aggressively grabs her breast and squeezes it, pulling and pinching on the nipple. “A-! Aaaaaace~ please!”. She cries out, needing something more. “Pleeeeease let me feel you inside me!”. She begs. Ace smirks as he lets out a single chuckle, pulling his hands away from her as he goes down to his pants. With ease his undoes his belt buckle, belt and zipper, easily being able to hop with her on top for him to slide his pants and boxers down to his ankles.
(Y/n) feels a shiver go down her spine as she looks down at his erection. He’s so long and thick, probably the first time in her life she’s ever felt intimated. “What’s the matter? Scared?”. Ace chuckles, grabbing the base of his cock. “Quiet!”. She snaps. She puts her hands on his shoulders to use to keep herself stable. She lifts herself up and hovers over his cock, feeling his hot leaking tip against her entrance. “Take it slow princess~”. Ace coos her, his hands back on her hips and rubbing them to comfort her.
She sinks down on his cock, feeling his tip slide inside her aching hole. The aching feeling of need grows stronger and stronger, craving him to fill her up. Without thinking she sinks her whole body onto his cock, his tip slamming painful against her cervix. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”. She cries, feeling as if electricity shock through her body. “Sssshhhhhhit! Ah fuck me! Shit you’re tight”. Ace pants out as he squeezes his eyes shut, feeling his cock getting squeezed so tight inside her he could explode inside her already.
He opens his eyes but his vision isn’t the clearest, light headed from the feeling of her insides. He looks at the girl on his lap, seeing her still trying to catch her breath as tears run down her cheeks, a painful grip against his shoulders. He slowly starts to rock her hips, sliding her up and down on his length. Her cries turn onto moans, starting to move her hips on her own. “That’s it, good girl~”. Ace praises, rubbing circles on her hips over her dress.
(Y/n) picks up speed, smoothly bouncing up and down on the pirates cock. Ace happily leans back in the chair, his limit approaching fast at the feeling of her right pussy sucking him in and trying to milk his cock of every single drop of his cum. More. More. He grips her hips tight, getting a tight hold on her and pulling her up and down on him, using her as a toy. A very pretty, very off limits, very hey she’s literally your enemy, toy.
He can’t help but start thrusting his hips up into her as he slams her down, the two meeting half way as Ace oh so desperately tries to chase his fast growing high. He needs to cum. Specifically he needs to cum in this marines perfect tight pussy. A now strong believer in the idea of if he cums in her it’ll make all his dreams come true. Without warning and a hard slam he releases deep inside her, his hot seed filling up her insides. (Y/n) shutters at the feeling of his warmth.
She pants as she tries to get off of him, but Ace slams her back down, drawing a whimper from her when she whimpers. “I don’t think so”. He pants out. He moves his hands under her thighs, swiftly picking her up and laying her on her desk. Ace smirks as he looks down at the marine, seeing her breasts raise up and down with each breath, her pussy still stuffed with his cock as cum starts to leak out the sides. He reaches over and grabs the forgotten bottle of liquor, taking a massive chug of it till the last little remaining drops are gone.
He leans down with each of his hand on either side of her head, her hips trying to move to chase the aching need of release she still hadn’t gotten. “We’ll be here all night until morning, hope you like the shitty coffee they have here cuz you’ll need it”. He tells her as he slowly grabs her ankles and pushes them up to her chest. “A-Ace~”. She whimpers, feeling him so deep inside her he might just be inside her womb. “You’re in for a looooooong night sweetheart~”.
The wind was cold, giving a gentle touch every time to touched her face. There’re no clouds in the sky, just a blue ocean above and in front of her. The sound of ringing and feet pattering rush over to the young lady’s sitting spot, some marine in a much lower rank than her running towards her with a transponder snail. “Miss! Your father is calling!”. The man calls. She reaches out and answers it. “Hello father”. She greets him. “Hello (Y/n)”. He responds with his bored gruffed voice. “What is the pleasure I have for you to call me out of the blue?”. She asks. “I wanted to check in that you’ve arrived to the base safely”. He answers. “I’d prefer you’d be here but you made the mistake that lead not to”. He adds. Ah yes, a mistake. A living, growing “mistake”. She runs her free hand over her stomach, only a few month’s pregnant by this point. “I’m sure everything would go smoothly without me, besides I’m not really in the mood to see something like an execution”. She informs him. “Yes, I’m sure”. He agrees. “How long now?”. She asks. “8 hours until that Fire Fist is dead”. He answers.
(Y/n)s grip tightened, her hands shaking. “Mr Akainu! We have to go!”. A voice is heard in the background of the call. “These idiots need me, I’ll be leaving”. And without a goodbye, he hangs up. (Y/n) ends the call on her end, shooing away the marine. She takes a deep breath as she closes her eyes, feeling the soft breeze on her face. She starts to hum a random tune as she rubs her stomach, hot tears falling down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, little one. I’m afraid your father won’t get to meet you”. She mutters under her breath. “Oh Ace, I’m sorry that this happened…I hope…I hope somehow that brother of yours saves you so I can see you again…and…and you to meet our little one…”.
The winds where fast, the breeze smelling like sea salt as music rode along the winds. “CAPTAIN!”. The crew pause their antics, looking towards the navigator. “MARINES APPROACHING!”. He yells. The Captain shoots to the head of the ship, sitting on the lions head. “Do we attack?”. The cyborg asks, getting ready to ready for an attack. “THEYRE WAVING A WHITE FLAG!”. The sniper informs them. “What do we do captain?”. The swordsman asks. Their captain looks at the oncoming ship, laughing. “This could be fun!”. He laughs.
The ship slowly gets closer, the two ships setting down their anchors. The pirates watch as the marines look over their ship to look at them. A young woman walks up to the side, a high ranking woman. Without a second thought she jumps down, easily landing on the ship. The woman is wrapped in a long white cloak, maintaining eye contact with their captain. “You’re Straw Hat Luffy, correct?”. She asks him. “Yeah? So what?”. He asks her. “There’s something I’d like to discuss, is there somewhere more private for us to talk?”. She asks. “Don’t worry, if you’re questioning my intentions your crew mates are free to join which I think you’d rather”. She adds. “Yeah sure, we can talk in the kitchen”. He answers.
He leads her to the kitchen and dining room of the ship, the crew following behind them. “So, what’s up?”. Luffy asks, taking a seat at his spot at the head of the table. “If I remember correctly your older brother was Fire Fist Ace, yes?”. She asks. Luffy shivers, looking at her with murder in his eyes. Why would a marine come to him asking about his brother NOW?! “Yeah, what about it?”. He asks. The woman smiles softly as she takes off her coat hanging around her shoulders, setting it on the table to reveal a sleeping toddler in her arms. A little girl, long black hair with freckles. She looks like… “I know Ace never got the chance to meet her, but I thought her uncle should at least know she exists”. The woman explains.
Luffy looks down at the girl wide eyes, his eyes softening as he looks at her. “Wh-what?”. He stutters out. “WHAT?!?!”. The other crew members yell out, causing the baby to stir and begin to wake up. She looks up at her mum, who sweetly looks at her. “Mama?”. She asks. The woman giggles as she points Luffy to her, the little girl turning to look at him with wide eyes. “Rouge, this is your uncle! You know that stretchy guy that grandpa yells about? Say hi”. She tells the little one. “Hi”. The little girl greets, giving a little wave. “Would you like to hold her?”. (Y/n) asks Luffy. He doesn’t answer, just taking the girl from her arms and holding her close to himself. The other crew members crowd around their captain, looking down at the girl with aws and coos.
“Aawww she’s so adorable!”.
“She’s so pretty!”.
“She sure does look a lot like her daddy”.
“Wow! You’re an uncle!
“Uncle Luffy!!”
(Y/n) takes a seat at the table as the Straw Hats coos and laugh at her daughter. “How old is she?”. Robin asks the mother. “She’s two”. She answers. “She’s so adorable! You and Ace really made the cutest baby I’ve ever seen”. Nami compliments, taking a seat next to the mother. “Thank you! A day doesn’t go by that she doesn’t remind me of her father”. She thanks. “Honestly with how much she looks like her dad I’m surprised there hasn’t been anything in the news about it”. Nami points out. “No one’s figured it out yet, which I’m hoping never happens. If anyone asks about her father I tell them it was a random I had a drunk hook up with at a hotel so I don’t know what he looks like”. She explains. “Hey Marine Lady”. Luffy calls, the mother turning to him. “Yes?”. She responds. “What’s your name?”. He asks. “It’s (Y/n)”. She answers. “And hers?”. He asks, referring to the girl in his arms. “I named her Rouge, after Aces mother”. She answers.
“Luffy, I have a request”. She then starts. “Yeah?”. He responds. “If something happens to me, weather I die in war or I get executed for birthing Aces child, no matter what if anything happens to me…please take care of her. Either she’ll get raised to be a marine soldier like I was or killed as well, I want her to live free and I know you and your friends will teach her the right things. I know you’d be an amazing uncle and teacher for her”. She explains to him. He smiles brightly and nods. “Of course!”. He says happily. His expression changes into a more serious one, but still with a smile.
“If anything happens, I’ll make sure to protect and save her! I won’t make the same mistake again!”.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year ago
Spicynoodles baby #13 (he's a fankid for your AU [yes, I make ocs for other people's AUs if I get their permission] if I can explain this all in one go, I would.. maybe I'll just reblog to explain how he was made—) probably has red hair just like Redson. Like Redson, he also has a short temper. Despite being the youngest, (and probably the most babied by his grandparents, much to his protest..) he's not the weakest. His hair will burst out into flames when he's mad.
Clothing wise, he likes revealing clothes. He probably wears clothes similar to those of what Golden Cheese Cookie wears. He likes to wear them and prefers the winter season rather than summer. He feels like he's cooking from the inside out when wearing hoodies and baggy clothes. Despite being a fire demon, he's more inclined to the cold. All of his elders (parents, grandparents, godparents, ect..) were very taken aback by this. Everyone else is still confused to this day on why the fuck he's like this.
Anyway— what are your thoughts on him?
Oh my lord I love him
Probably gives his uncles and grandparents bad memories of Redson as a little kid. Lots of burn marks all over the playroom and nursery. Redson having to invest in tiny wielding equipment cus his youngest son is determined to join his bama in the workshop.
I did have to look up Golden Cheese Cookie's outfit and:
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Oh yeah this is def a kid who'd wear shorts and mid-drift shirts in any kind of weather. Wears the more traditional fire demon clothing. He's running hot - dont mean he likes being hot.
I feel like his name has a metal/golden ring to it like Huang Hua/黄花 ("goldenrod/yellow flower"), or spicy like Hua Jiao/花椒 ("Sichuan pepper/prickly ash") - because he is a spicy baby :3
Im sorry but now I'm thinking he has a literal "cheesy" nickname. Like his family and friends just take one look at his red-orange hair and decided "that boy looks like spicy cheese" "Plus when he's too warm he melts!" :D
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genavere · 2 years ago
Let's talk about "The Overgrown Lawn." I am curious.
This is an odd one I had been working on. I stopped when I realized that people might not really read it since it was centered around original characters, and when I came to a crossroads in how to write it.
The story focuses on Dabs and Oats (Debra and Otis) Brandfield, an elderly couple who hired a young college man to do their yardwork. Unfortunately, by the time the story starts, the young man has not been showing up recently, and Otis has been getting ornery. They decided to give him a call to find out why.
Here is a snippet of it below:
Otis looked over his overgrown lawn, a frown firmly in place. Last week he had been willing to give leniency the week before when it rained every day and the college kid who had come around with business cards and fast smile called to say he would be over the next available day to do the yardwork. That day had come and gone. The grass was unruly, the flower beds needed to be weeded, and the service he paid for was not fulfilled as originally promised. A strongly worded review would be issued the next time his grandkids came over to show him how to do it. “Dabs,” he called for his wife and turned from the window. “That young punk who charmed you to do the lawn work, do you have his card still?” “One second, Oats,” her reply came from kitchen. There would be more cookies his doctor would scold him for eating, he knew. Could not be helped, his wife’s baking had to be worshipped for the goodness it was. Retirement had offered her enough time to become a master of all things sugar.
Apron clean except for a small speck of flour, which confirmed his suspicions, the love of his life and high school sweetheart came from the kitchen. Even with greying hair, wrinkles that highlighted her smiling face, and the extra weight she had put on from bearing their children and enduring the changes in her body, she looked as beautiful to him as the day he first saw her. The sour mood the lawn brought him lifted a small bit. “Here’s the card,” she said, a touch of motherly concern in her voice. “Has that young boy still not shown up?” “No,” he huffed and looked at the card. Adjusting his glasses, he managed to read the wording on it: ‘Natsu Dragneel – I’m all fired up to do your yardwork!’ Of course, a young punk would say something like that. Below that was a phone number. “Going to demand he show up today. The youth of today have no idea how to prioritize anything.” Debra chuckled at him. “I remember your father saying that about some of your actions.” “And I learned!” He felt her follow him to the kitchen. While he went to the phone hanging on the wall, she went to the counter and began getting everything together for tea. A grunt escaped him before he had the state of mind not to. Coffee would have been preferred but damn his aged body that could only handle one cup a day now, unless it was decaf. His sense of pride would never allow that in the house, so tea it was.
Receiver against his shoulder and ear, he punched in the number on the card and listened to the dial tone ring. His foot tapped, agitated at even having to do this and the longer the ringing went, the redder he felt his face grow. Finally, when he thought he would be sent to the answering machine, a tired voice answered. “Hello? This is Igneel Dragneel.” The agitated tapping halted. “Igneel Dragneel?” Where had he heard that name before? He knew he had, and the way he felt eyes on him, he had a feeling his wife knew who it was. “Yes, oh, right, this is Natsu’s phone.” A short gasp, what his long years could fathom being near a sob, came from the man on the other side. “I apologize, it has been a long couple of days. Are you one of his customers?” He looked back at his wife, his frown no longer pulled by anger. “Yes, Otis Brandfield is my name. He was supposed to come by the first day it didn’t rain.” “Oh…” Silence filled the line after that. They both shared another look, and both moved to sit at the table. Once again, he was glad his kids had insisted on getting them a cordless phone. At his wife’s insistence, he pulled the receiver from his ear and pressed the speaker button. It sat on the table between them. “Mr. Dragneel,” Debra softly called to the man on the other side of the phone, “my name is Debra, but you may call me Debbie if that is easier on you. We were just calling since your son is usually very dependable, and we were worried that he has not come by.” A look was all Otis needed to know not to say anything to contradict his wife’s statement. It was a battle he knew would be added to his tallied losses. “Sorry, Natsu, he—” A shuddered breath came over the line. There were few instances when he had seen Deb purse her lips together. It happened when she was mad, especially when he had done something that warranted her wrath, and when she became set with determination. The slight difference between the two depended on her eyes. In that moment, he saw the burning fire of determination in her still-clear grey eyes and fell in love all over again. “Mr. Dragneel, pardon my intrusion, but where are you right now?” “Huh? Oh, um, Magnolia General Hospital—” “We will see you soon, Mr. Dragneel.”
Let's just say...Natsu and Lucy ran into some trouble. Natsu was not being a bad apple, just...unable to do anything.
I really did like this story, and I will probably go back to it. I loved Oats and Dabs, thinking of putting them into other stories, too, cause who don't like the ol' grandparent couple?
Thank you for the ask!
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bogbees · 1 year ago
Fuck it I'm reading this sort of thing rn so! FLORIST AND TATTOO AU NINJA DADS!!
7:53 AM · Jan 22, 2018
Kakashi has a flower shop. It was his mom's, cherished by his father and he just kinda ended up taking it over after they died
Iruka is a tattoo artist. Likes tribal designs, Japanese art and ocean themes. Is a master at inking dark skin tones
Naruto is under Kakashi's care, Minato and Kushina were over seas and died in an accident while he was babysitting and now they're just waiting for Jiraiya to arrive to start godfathering
But Naruto is like 9 and is upset and fights a lot with Kakashi - one day he runs away
Iruka is taking out the trash when he finds this little kid hunched up by the dumpster. He's like "you ok little dude?" Naruto ignores him and starts yelling at him
And Iruka fucks off like and Naruto thinks he's won but Iruka comes back with two bags of ice cream and cookies like "I got comfort food for you, come into the shop and I'll give you some"
Naruto's stomach growels obnoxiously but reluctantly listens to the guy. He's shocked to see the tattoo parlour and goes "I don't think I should trust you Anko pops her head around like "Ruka who's the brat? Are we stealing brats now for practice skin??" "Shut up Anko"
So Iruka sets the kid up on a stool and feeds him some junk food "You know you shouldn't run away from your parents" Iruka says "I don't have any parents" Naruto says Iruka feels like he was punched in the gut
"Same," Iruka says biting into a cookie, "mine died when I was 12, there was a fire." Naruto looks up like the very fact there was someone like him !! But he quickly closes off again
Iruka goes "well surely someones worried about you," and Naruto bristles "No that guy is a jerk face nugget fart" Iruka cracks a grin and Anko barks a laugh. Anko looks at Naruto, "brat, Ruka here was king of running away when he was younger. He knows" and sorta hisses
So anyway they feed Naruto some more food and talk with him a bit more ab running away and that sort of thing and eventually get him to give them Kakashi's phone number
Anko really wants to be the one to talk - but Iruka knows she'll just swear the man's ear off and Iruka would rather be in the man's good graces as they've been sorta watching his kid
So he dials him up like "hello? Hatake-san I've found your kid - Naruto - Yes yes, he's fine would you like me to bring him over - oh we're at the tattoo place on 4th, [ocean pun name here]
Kakashi apparently knows it and hell be there shortly. Iruka ends the call and turns to his friends like "time to clean up this mess" But then the door opens with a jingle of bells and a man is yelling out to Naruto
Iruka blinks. It's the florist from across the road??? He looks at the guy chastising the kid and goes to attempt to lighten the load - tell him a piece of his mind bc children run away for reasons and this isn't helping it at all
And Kakashi starts talking shit ab feeding the kid junk food - gesturing wildly to the counter cluttered with cookies and ice cream wrappers "And you call yourself responsible" he sighs
Naruto kicks Kakashi's knee "shut up and stop being mean to Iruka-nii!" Kakashi blinks. He takes the kids hand and says "we're leaving." They walk across the lobby, across the street, and into the flower shop across the road. Anko starts swearing after Kakashi
Iruka bristles and spends the rest of the day - the week in a crappy mood. One day, the door opens, and he hears Naruto's loud voice coaxing his guardian into the store
"Iruka-nii!!" He calls, "Kakashi-san has something say to you!" Kakashi looks 100% anxious and embarrassed to be there and he's holding a potted plant.
The man Kakashi looks awfully anxious to be here, probably because of Narutoxs nagging. He bows a great degree and apologises for his behaviour the other day, presenting the flower as a gift. Iruka, he asks if it was a bribe.
Kakashi looks close to sputtering or walking away in a huff at the very accusation. Naruto just simply nods, "yes." Iruka starts laughing at that and accepts the plant, "thank you for the bribe then!"
So after that it's sorta smooth sailing between them. A couple times Iruka finds Naruto hiding in the alley and ushering him inside to wait out the negative feelings. It gets so accustomed Naruto starts to walk on in, announcing to the shop that Kakashi is a turd.
Kakashi tends to collect Naruto around closing time and is usually annoyed with Iruka when he feeds him (usually cup ramen or cookies) and one night he catches them just before they start boiling ymtge water "You're coming with me." He says to Iruka, "You're getting a good meal" 10:30 PM · Jan 24, 2018
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rosewendybros · 10 months ago
Mario and Luigi: OvenBreak Adventure
Chapter 2: The Observation
Meanwhile, in a dark, barren, desolate land, with lava and fire everywhere, at the valley, laid a castle, home to the Mushroom Kingdom’s oldest nemesis: Bowser! Bowser of the Bowser Kingdom. Unlike the brimming and bustling cities of the Mushroom Kingdom, the Bowser Kingdom was a place of terrible sorrow. Unlike blooming flowers, there was burning fire, unlike lush water, there was scalding lava, and unlike the bright virtue of the Mushroom Kingdom, there was pure evil. All the people there were a part of Bowser’s Koopa Troop, Bowser’s army of Koopas, Goombas, Shy Guys—you name it, he has them all.
Bowser’s private army, the Koopa Corp, had just completed their mission on spying on the Mushroom Kingdom, and they were heading back to deliver the news.
“King Bowser, your Chicanerousness, we’ve come back with the latest news.” The Koopa Corps leader, Corporal Koopa announced to Bowser with authority. “Security is loose for now, so we should be able to sneak in without being detected.”
“Heheheh… you fail to disappoint me.” Bowser said. “I’m giving you guys a raise!”
“Thank you, King.” Corporal Koopa said.
Meanwhile, back at Peach’s Castle, there was an investigation going on at the castle sewers. Mario and Luigi showed the ruler, Princess Peach, the pipe they saw earlier.
“This pipe…” observed Peach. “I’ve never seen anything quite like it…”
“No kidding.” Luigi said. “I wonder what’s inside.”
“Not sure…” Mario said. “I don’t know if anyone has ever been inside of it…”
Mario decided to step forward a little, and peek inside the pipe, when suddenly…
“Well, well, well… lookie here…” a voice said from behind the group. Standing there, was Bowser, with a devilish grin.
“BOWSER?!” the group cried out in question.
“That’s right, bozos!” Bowser said. “I’m here! I heard about you guys lowering your security, so now, it’s our chance!”
“Not on our watch!” Mario jumped in front of Bowser.
“You guys again!?” Bowser was surprised. “Ugh… it always has to start like this…”
“That’s how the cookie crumbles!” Mario joked.
“FINE! I’ll let you have this one.” Bowser said.
“Are you saying I win?” Mario asked.
“Yes...” Bowser said. “Have at me.”
“Very well.” Mario said, before he jumped high, and stomped on Bowser, defeating him.
“Wow... that was way too easy!” Luigi said.
However, what Mario didn’t realize was that the automatic win for him was a trick, as when the group started celebrating, Bowser said, “Hey bozo!”
“Huh?” Mario said.
“HOT POTATO!” Bowser called out. He pulled a lit Bob-omb out of his spiked shell and tossed it at him.
“EEK!” Mario shouted, and ducked, successfully dodging the bomb. “Nice try, slim.” He said, after.
“Wait for it…” Bowser said.
The bomb went into the pipe, and exploded, causing a massive interdimensional collapse inside the pipe, which started pulling the group, and Bowser inside.
“Wha-!? What’s happening?” Mario worried.
“It’s an interdimensional collapse!” Luigi shrieked. “We’re being pulled in!”
The pipe started sucking in everything in its vacuum. From blocks, to bricks, to other pipes, and even the group standing near it.
Mario was the last sucked inside the pipe. Inside the pipe was a current that was pulling Mario by force. Up ahead, he saw his brother and the others being pulled alongst the current. Reacting fast, Mario grabbed his brother’s hand, who grabbed Peach’s hand, who grabbed Bowser’s hand as well.
“I got you guys!” Mario said. “Just hang on!”
They managed to hold on for a few, but the force became too much. Soon, they let go, and a fork in the current separated them. Mario, Luigi, Peach, and the rest were all separated from each other. Finally, he was pulled into a charcoal black pipe, and he got sent inside. It seemed like the end… or was it?
0 notes
piedpiperart · 2 years ago
“Look, Danny, you can’t keep breaking into crime scenes,” Nightwing scolds,”Especially not with a vape, and I don’t want to have to tell you this again.”
“Then stop telling me,” Danny pouts,”It’s not like I’m gonna listen to you this time either.”
Grumbling, Nightwing pockets the vape, much to Danny’s annoyance. He mutters something about bees before looking back to Danny with a frown. “No more crime scenes, no more drugs. It’s way too late for you to be out here on your own, kid.”
“Technically it’s early, since it’s like 2am,”Danny corrects,”And who else is gonna solve Charlene’s murder?”
“I’m trying to, but some kids been distracting me,” Nightwing mutters, giving Danny a look.
“Sucks for you,”Danny smiles, crossing his arms. “But seriously, she says her husband killed her with the flower vase she got from her grandma. His alibi lied and you find his dna on a beer bottle in the living room where he’d been drinking all night. Now can I have my vape back?”
“No,” Nightwing says, not missing a beat. “Thanks for the tip, but you shouldn’t be out here, even if the ghosts want you to.”
“It’s not like anyone else can hear them,” Danny rolled his eyes. “What if I need it for chronic pain?”
Nightwing raised an eyebrow, making his mask warp with the movement.”Do you have chronic pain?”
“… yes?” Danny lies, putting his best puppy dog eyes on. Nightwing gives him a deadpan look, unyielding on giving drugs to nine year olds, unfortunately.
“I can’t even believe we’re having this conversation,” The vigilante grumbles,”Alright, where do you live, I’m taking you home,” Nightwing says, shooing the kid away from the dead body in the dining room.
Danny glares at him as he dodges Nightwings floppy hands. “Charlene says I can have a cookie from the kitchen though, can we get some first?”
“This is a crime scene, Danny.”
“Yeah, so no one’s gonna eat em,” Danny points out, and Nightwing feels like this is what Bruce has had to deal with for years.
“How about this, I’ll take you to Batburger and you can have as much food as you want,” Nightwing bargains, and Danny lights up at the prospect of the kids meal toys.
“And then I take you home,” Nightwing adds, and Danny groans.
“Can Charlene come?”
Nightwing pauses in his efforts to get the kid out of the house before the police show up again, wondering why Charlene’s ghost would even want to come to Batburger with them. “Uh, I guess?”
“Sweet,” Danny smiles, and Dick watches with fondness as the little kid hops down the steps to the sidewalk like a little rabbit.
When they get to Batburger, Nightwing let’s Danny order a kids meal and gets his own burger and joker-ized fries. Apparently, Charlene wanted a milkshake, so Nightwing got her a vanilla one that Danny ended up drinking.
“Okay, it’s time for bed,”Nightwing says, offering the sleepy kid a piggy back ride so he could roof-hop. “Where’s home, kiddo?”
Smooshing his face into Dicks neck, he feels Danny shrug. “Firehouse on sixth,” he says, and Dick freezes.
“Kiddo, that’s…”Dick trails off, realizing just where the little ghost detective lives. He swallows his protests and heads to the firehouse anyways. He doesn’t know the kid, not really.
Hopefully, Dick thinks, there’s someone looking after Danny at the firehouse. Maybe his parents are just going through a rough patch, he reasons. And if the Wayne foundation offers them some amenities tomorrow, then only Dick would know why.
But when they arrive on the roof, Danny’s nearly asleep, so Dick travels to the fire escape and slides into the second floor. His heart sinks when he sees the lone sleeping bag in the corner next to a pile of non perishable food. Dick purses his lips, no longer able to let the kid stay here if no one else is looking out for him.
“Thanks for the ride,”Danny mumbles sleepily, wiggling to get down but Dick keeps him there and starts walking back out. Danny freezes,”uh, Nightwing? You can put me down now.”
“Nope,”Dick says firmly. “You’re coming home with me instead and sleeping in an actual bed.”
“What?!” Danny exclaims, wiggling more until Dick gives up and holds him under his arm like a sack of potatoes. “That wasn’t part of the deal! This is kidnapping!”
“I’m not letting you stay here, Danny,” Nightwing says firmly. “Do you have anyone looking after you?”
Danny is about to protest until Nightwing adds,”Not including ghosts,”and Danny falls silent. Dick sighs,”yeah, that’s what I thought.”
“Hey, I can look after myself!”Danny protests, kicking his feet lightly as Nightwing swings them to another roof. “I’m almost ten!”
“Right,”Nightwing mutters. “Do you even go to school?” He asks, realizing he’s only ever seen Danny at crime scenes at all hours. He’d been trying to keep the kid from putting himself in danger, but the kid was surprisingly great at disappearing.
Danny scoffs, crossing his arms as best he can while still being held under Nightwings arm. “Schools boring,” He says, and Nightwing would laugh if he wasn’t so sad for the kid.
“Kay, we’ll come back to that,”Nightwing sighs, finally landing on his apartment building. “For now, you’re gonna take a bath and go straight to bed. I think some of my little brothers clothes will fit you.”
“You know I’m just gonna leav- wait,”Danny gasps. “Are you- is this your real appartment? You’re showing me where you live??”
“And my identity,”Nightwing agrees. He was pretty sure Danny could see his parents ghosts anyways. The kid was just too polite to mention it, and while Dick was grateful, he had no doubt that it would give away his identity if they ever met outside of crime scenes. And, he was surprisingly okay with Danny knowing.
“Your- your identity?!” Danny splutters, too shocked to stop Dick from hoisting Danny through the window. Still in shock, Dick plants Danny on his feet, watching the kid take in his messy apartment with wide eyes.
Dick takes advantage of this, and leans the kid to the bathroom. “I’ll bring clothes in a minute, but why don’t you take a shower, or a bath if you want,” he says, not waiting for Danny to protest before closing the door on the kid and walking to his guest room.
Feeling almost giddy with nerves, Dick does his best to find clothes that would fit the nine year old. Damian, now twelve, wouldnt be a perfect fit for Danny, but they’d be similar in size than anyone else in his family. On his way back, he smiled when he hears the shower running.
Once he dropped off the clothes, Dick hurries to get dressed in his pajamas as quickly as possible, then started on making some hot chocolate.
Danny exited the bathroom just as the cocoa was done, and Dick had to resist the urge to coo. The kid was dressed in Damian’s clothes, which were definitely a few sizes too big. The sleeves of the shirt covered his hands and the pants covered his feet entirely. Dick was a bit worried he’d trip on them. He almost offered to roll them up when he caught the look on Danny’s face.
“What?”Dick asked as the kid continued to stare.
“Oh my god,” Danny said absently,”You’re Nightwing. Why- you- you know I could tell people, right? Why would you trust me with this?”
Dick just shrugged, smiling into his cocoa as Danny threw his over-sleeved arms into the air. “Geez, are all the heroes like this? You also shouldn’t kidnap kids. I hope you know that.”
“It’s not kidnapping,”Dick protests, handing the kid his cocoa as he sits across from him on the counter.
“So I can leave?”Danny raises an eyebrow. He smiles wryly at Dick’s silence. “Totally a kidnapping.”
“Well, now that you know where I live and what I look like, you should probably know my name,”Dick says, ignoring Danny entirely.
Danny sighs dramatically, then glances to his left. Dick tries to follow him but sees nothing there. Suddenly, Danny blurts,”You go by Dick on purpose??”
Dick laughs, assuming a ghost told him. While he’d normally be unnerved by that, he’d been around the kid enough to get used to it. Besides, if the kid was staying here he’d need support, especially with his ghostly powers. “Yeah, it’s what my parents nicknamed me.”
Danny grumbles a bit, but Dick notices he’d been visibly dropping from exhaustion. “Alright, time for bed kiddo, we can talk more in the morning over pancakes.”
“You know how to cook?”Danny yawned, and Dick would be offended that the kid guessed he couldn’t if that wasn’t true. He was planning to video chat Alfred for advice.
“Of course,” Dick lied, picking up the kid and carrying him to the guest room, much to Danny’s protesting. Dick felt the kid relax against him though, which warmed his heart. “Now get some sleep. No talking to ghosts, no crime scenes, no drugs.”
“I don’t think vape counts,” Danny protests sleepily, but snuggles into the blankets anyways. He’s out before Dick could finish tucking him in, and Dick runs his hand through Danny’s damp hair.
The panic would definitely hit him in a few minutes, but right now he couldn’t bring himself to regret kidnapping the kid. After reluctantly working with the little ghostbuster for the past five months, he’d grown attached. He’d be lying if he hadn’t thought about adopting the kid before today.
Dick just hoped his family wouldn’t freak out too much.
"Probably because they don't have a grave," Danny said, pulling out his vape. "Final resting places are--HEY!"
Nightwing held the pilfered vape above his head. "Where did you get this?" he asked, scandalized.
Danny jumped for it, but Nightwing was too tall! Even at 5'7 he'd have to use his powers to reach the vape; he had no chance as a 9 year old. "We're in Gotham! You're lucky I didn't get cocaine instead!"
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thesupernaturalhouse · 2 years ago
Designs and some funfacts about my oc Violet(in the WF au)
Violet is a former heaven angle who left for multiple reasons, including finding out about the FFM burning incident. She's 3x immortal, the peach, Elixir/wine, and having her name erased from the book of the dead. Powers would include: breathing underwater, immune to fire and poison, flying(she has wings), incredibly fast reflexes, more speed and strength, and she can speed up the growing process of plants(Specifically flowers and fruit). Her choice of weapons would be mainly explosives and long ranged weapons; bit she does have a staff with a sharp blade at the end
She like the sray collector, but children wise!....seriously half the kids she has she picked uo from the streets and just took them home- she has a whole bunch of Immortality alcohol and carries a flask of it on her person. She downst take training lightly and won't go easy on you....unless she's actually hurting you and your close to her. A very stubborn person and a tough cookie to crack, her defenses are almost always up and she doesn't trust easily. Besides that though she'll gladly help anyone who needs it, sometimes forcefully. A chaotic, protective, mom figure at best and a defensive, willing to kill, soldier at worst.
Shes 6'2, AroAce, She/Her, and is dyslexic; though noboImmortal peach
And the immortal elixir winedy ever taught her how to read anyways, as they gave up after the first 3 tries because she "wasn't tying"
For her looks she has short purple hair, brown skin, dark blue eyes and white wings. She wears a black top and pants, with a belt that has most of her weapons, and bracelets.
Shes about 15 thousand years old in immortal years so aboutttt 600 human years but physically 35 years, older then Wukong and Mac
Side note: yes she knows NeZha but absolutely refused to train him because "thats a fucking CHILD!" And so they don't see eachtoher much....until later on in the book series when Macaque grabs the boy, proclaims him as his kid and now she's his grandma-
.....she may or may not have passed down the picking up stray children thing to Macaque.....
Another side not: from what I know Zísè means violet in Chinese so, for now that's gonna be her name(in chinese) and by that I Mena, lime Macauqes name is Luier Mihou in chinese but in English we call him the six-eared Macaque or how Meis name is Xiaojiao in chinese so, yeah, just for fun and stuff
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clumsyexpression · 3 years ago
𐐪Playing it Cool𐑂 -(but failing like hot garbage)-
You know when you try to make yourself look really cool and impress someone but it utterly fails? Yeah... so do they (´・ω・`)
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Will pace a burning circle into the ground he walks until there’s an 8ft deep ring.
Will probably rattle off a bunch of corny pick up lines from the 90’s
Ace: “Hey good lookin’ what’s cookin?”
Y/N: “Um, you, I think. The ground has been completely razed from where you’ve been walking..”
Ace: “Aha, yeah, can I get some fries with that shake?”
Y/N: “Ace, you’re on fire and so is the ship, now!”
what 🤷‍♀️ if 🧐 we 👫 kissed 💏 on ⬇️ the moby 🐳 dick 🍆  while 💬 the whole island 🏝and ship ⛵burned and pops 🤠 held 🤝 me  💑 hostage 🔐 to prevent 🚫 this ☝🏽 from happening 💫 again ♻ this week 💦💢ahhh
Can't feel if he’s shooting enough daggers at you, so he ends up scrunching his face up like he’s really holding in the bubble guts
Tries to ignore you completely but ends up roping you into every conversation since you’re already on his mind
Law: “Tch, I bet Y/N doesn’t has the slightest clue when it comes to Krebs Cycle.”
Law: “I dare Y/N to even take a step in this direction – I’ll just move move my head indignantly in *this* direction to look even more aloof.”
Penguin: “Law what the fuck are you going on about?”
He likes to watch you from a distance but does a very poor job at concealing himself within the bushes from across the way since the pair of binoculars he’s using keeps reflecting the lens glare straight into your eyes, revealing his exact location and the dubious Bepo costume he’s been wearing to blend in with the natural fauna of the area
Even though he’s eyeing you down and looks super intimidating, underneath that scarf he looks like:
⠀               __
         (⁄ ⁄•⁄vWv⁄•⁄ ⁄)
       _ノ ヽ ノ\_
    / `/ ⌒Y⌒ Y  \
 (  (三ヽ人  /   |
| ノ⌒\  ̄ ̄���  ノ
          |( 王 ノ〈
Despite how imposing his figure is, occasionally you'll find his hand beside your face, offering you a donut or cookie
In few words, he’ll inform you what kind it is since it’s never the same flavor
“Dark chocolate raspberry. It’s good.”
“Ice cream batter.”
“Snozzberry. My personal recipe. Try it.” (⁄ ⁄•⁄-⁄•⁄ ⁄)
Kid: “Y/N? Never heard of them.”
Kid: “Oi, check this out – no one can do this better than me!”
*scatters trash all over the place*
Kid: “I can totally tell if you have a cow magnet in your stomach right now”
Killer: “Kid, what the fuck?? Don’t?”
Kid: “So you’re saying there’s  a cow magnet in there. That’s fine, keep your not-so-secrets, Y/N.”
Depends on what side of his job you meet him on, but disastrous all the same
If you meet him as Corazon, he’ll try to be mean but in a cool way that he thinks people likes
Will decorate flashcards beautified just for you that will read as:
✧・゚: ✧・゚: bitch :・゚✧:・゚✧, ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚ass goblin˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ, ·̩̩̥͙*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙˚beth˚•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙˚*·̩̩̥͙
You have no idea why he keeps calling you that and he doesn’t understand why you keep punching him for it
As a marine, his generosity is a bit more transparent, along with his romantic gestures and intent
He’ll outright pick you some flowers, which, of course, are poisonous and only then will he discover the creeping rash on his arms as he hands them to you
It would not be the first time he buys you a snack or pay for lunch and the chef wanted to be a lil trifling that day and you find some hair or things-that-should-be-attached-to-your-persons-and-not-found-in-my-food in your food.
Begins to speak fluent French and can only operate in romantic gestures
Will throw down any garment he may be wearing in order for you to walk over a puddle, mud, trash, etc
…sometimes that means Chopper if he’s riding his head or nearby at the time of your passage
Y/N: "Sanji, are you okay? You don’t have to do all that – this toilet paper is just fine, silly."
Sanji: "Es-tu sûr??"
Y/N: "Yes, but thank you. A face towel is a bit much."
Sanji: *sighs in French disappointment as you unknowingly decline to use Zoro’s face towel as toilet paper*
Would be even more of an awkward dork than he already is and would stumble over the limited amount of words he’s capable of speaking
Zoro: “Oi, Y/N. Eyes.”
Y/N: “Eyes? What do you mean?”
Zoro: “Like them. Nice.”
Y/N: “..thanks, Zoro.”
Zoro: “….ass ass ass ass ass ass ass”
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im-hotline-bling-blog · 3 years ago
some headcanons while i wait for my turn to be in the lab:
they both love to spoil their kids, just with different things. daddy bradley bought them all nice books and new toys every two weeks or so, while papa jake bought them pretty clothes and do their hair.
they once try to help the kids with their homework, and they failed miserably because while they can work with complicated physics formulas, they apparently sucks at basic algebra.
oh and they ended up using super complicated formulas to solve a ax + by + c type of question. they did after a series of scrabbling and debates over a simple equation.
apparently jake is a master in chemistry, so when one of their kid has a chem homework—a simple chemistry project—he’s got so excited to help them. and it’s a plus because it helps him in the kitchen.
fun fact: while bradley is good at fixing things (yes, sewing and plumbing included), he is so banned from the kitchen after a cookie accident (he almost set their home sweet home on fire, and managed to cut his finger with a cookie cutter).
jake is almost a clean freak, so he made the kids and bradley clean on the weekend while he bakes/cooks something for them.
their little family has a tradition to eat big on the weekends, or going on a picnic, oooooor going to mav’s hangar.
while bradley is banned from the kitchen, jake is banned from touching the flower bed bradley and the kids made.
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fireandblood-xxii · 3 years ago
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Fluffy Sasha x Nicolo HCs ♡
Art cred: @senneiyart
For one of my favorite couples that never got their chance to shine. 🥺
Nicolo LIVES for Sasha, she’s his entire world both in and out of the kitchen; she’s his #1 biggest fan and supporter
Every time he tries out a new recipe she’s right there to give it a try and an honest critique (honest to the best of her ability bc she just loves him and his food so much that everything is 🤌🏼a masterpiece)
So bc of this, he’ll have to outsource the help from his other friends but this always gets her all kinds of jealous, she hates sharing her baby’s food (ง •̀_•́)ง
When they’re not in the kitchen, they love exploring the outdoors; Sasha is a country girl to her heart and being out in nature reminds her of home.
On their outdoor adventures, Sasha tells him all about the local flora and fauna, and he even collects the edible plants to incorporate in his cooking…. If Sasha doesn’t eat it all first before making it back home
There’s a spot in the woods that became “their spot”; a clearing that’s filled with flowers in the Spring and away from all the commotion of the town
Whenever either one of them is particularly stressed, they go out together and just lay in the tall grass
He loves cuddling her; Nic is the ONE (1) person on the island who is able to soothe her ravenous soul, so whenever she goes berserk, one hug from him is able to bring her back down to earth
On the other side of the coin, she lights a fire in him that no one else ever has
She is the one who awoke and then nurtured his passion for culinary arts
Sasha shows her affections as fiercely and with as much gusto as she consumes her meals
When the feelings arise she’ll completely BOMBARD Nic with kisses and loves giving the biggest bear hugs
He absolutely loves this about her, except it can get a little embarrassing when she does this in public… she is NOT afraid of PDA
Nic is more conservative in the way he expresses his affection to Sasha but do not be be fooled… if “simp” were a term in the dictionary this man would be pictured along side of it
But just because he’s more timid outside doesn’t mean he won’t absolutely RAVAGE her inside the bedroom *wink wink*
And yes, it’s just as wild as you would imagine
Bc Sasha is besties with Connie he often has to put up with their shenanigans but he loves the joy that Connie brings her; he truly is not at all jealous
Nic generally is not the jealous type however he is FIERCELY protective of his girl and Sasha would NOT hesitate to tear apart the person who hurt her man
Because Sasha is so comfortable around Nic, she drops her formal way of speaking and she allows her local accent to come out (which makes Nic weak in the knees, he thinks is SO attractive and can listen to her talk forever)
The Brauses LOVE when Nic comes around because he always has treats to give to all her little siblings, like cookies, cakes, muffins, etc… treats they normally wouldn’t have in their village
Nic will play out in the fields with all the kids and they always, always kick his ass whenever they play games
And when it’s time for bed they have a giant cuddle party while Nic tells them bedtime stories until they all fall asleep
Nic makes it a point to always give them forehead kisses after they’ve all fallen asleep, and then when they’re back in their own home, Nic continues this with Sasha
One night Nic accidentally fell asleep before giving Sasha her good night kisses and she was soooo sad ;-;
Conny and Nic also become besties just bc he comes around so often due to Sasha
So close in fact that they have Boys Days with Connie, Nic, and Jean.. sasha gets a little jealous but she’s just happy that her man is getting along with her bros
Nic definitely received “the talks” from Jean, Connie, and her father about “you better not hurt Sasha, or else…” to which he always nervously aggrees
But his love for Sasha is so strong that even the thought of possibly hurting her hurts his soul so deeply
Sasha asks about what life was like on Marley, if he misses his parents or his friends.. all he says in response is “you’re my family now, Sasha.” And she just skjdskksjs 🥹
But he does miss his family from time to time, but instead of sulking he goes to Sasha’s family farm and spends time with her parents instead who treat him like a son
Whenever Nic is feeling sad, Sasha attempts to boost his spirits by making him a lavish meal of her own…. Which never quite turns out as good as his meals do, but he just doesn’t have it in him to tell her and happily eats it all up instead
But just the fact that she tries so hard and cares so much is enough to put a smile on his face, and whatever bad day he was having is instantly forgotten
Sasha very loudly and proudly announces to anyone that that Nic her is man, which always makes him blush
Sasha often walks around with a food baby but Nic lovingly fantasizes about the day he puts a REAL baby in her
He always knew he loved her and wanted to marry her, but the first time these thoughts crossed his mind was when he first saw Sasha around all her little siblings. The way she laughed and cared for them so well. He imagined her being that way with their own children and that sparked a far deeper love for her that he hadn’t felt before
He never told Sasha about these thoughts tho for fear of rejection, but one day Sasha oh-so casually mentioned it one afternoon and this man was damn near brought to tears, poor boi was so happy
They just love each other so much!!!
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The Four Lords (+Duke) reaction to the adopted daughter!Reader 
💎The Duke💎
• The Duke is quite pleased with how well behaved you’re being during the visits to the four Lords. But in the few months he’s cared for you he’d noticed you were a rather well behaved child. More interested in playing with dolls or reading than getting in trouble. Which was a weight off his mind. He’d be panicked if you’d decided to run off while he was working.
• He’d dressed you in a darling little dress in your favorite color, perfect for the weather. And before he spoke with the Lords he’d given you one of the little dolls and some children’s books to keep you occupied. A bored child is a mischievous child after all. 
• The Duke kept an eye on you regardless of how well behaved you were though. He is confident in his abilities but he’s also very aware of the four Lord’s abilities and refuses to risk your safety by being overly confident in himself.
• Though he was happy to realize that none of the lords had given him any issues regarding his new charge. In fact you seem to have charmed your way into their hearts in one way or another. Though he can’t say he’s terribly surprised. You’re a wonderful little darling <3
🍷 Lady Dimitrescu 🍷
• She’s quite surprised by the sudden introduction of a child from the Duke. As far as she knew the Duke had no children, or a wife to give him such a child for that matter. Though she supposed it wasn’t impossible for him to have found himself a little wife and then ended up with a little one. She supposed stranger things had been known to happen.
• And she offered the same courtesy and hospitality to you that she did to the Duke. You were both guests of Castle Dimitrescu after all. It also helped that you were very polite and looked at her in such awe. But that wasn’t surprising, Alcina was aware that she was rather impressive. So it made sense for you to be in awe of her. 
• When it was time for her and the Duke to talk business she noticed you were sat in a chair in the corner behind the Duke playing quietly with a pretty doll. Secretly Alcina thought you were adorable, in your little dress and with the flower clip in your brushed and styled hair. So when she called for a maid to bring her and the Duke a glass of wine she also offhandedly told the maid to bring ‘the little one’, aka you, a cup of something sweet.
• On your way out the Duke thanked the Lord for her kindness, looking down at you and saying, “And what do we say?”. Making you turn to Alcina and the Dimitrescu daughters before dipping into a little curtsy and thanking them for letting you both visit. Lady Dimitrescu couldn’t hide the small smile the action caused, you were very adorable and it left her in a brighter mood. She just chuckled and replied that it was a pleasure having you and the Duke, and you were both welcome back again.
🎎 Donna Beneviento 🎎
• Donna is more surprised than Lady Dimitrescu had been. Though thanks to her veil there’s no way anyone would be able to tell. But Angie is excited, practically wiggling out of her seat at the introduction of a potential new playmate. Its been far too long since Angie got to play with anyone besides Donna and their other doll friends.
• Before any business talk could be started Angie excitedly asked the portly merchant if she could play with you. He glanced down at you and saw you didn’t look scared of the doll girl, just curious. So he said it was up to you. So Angie asked you if you wanted to play. You happily agreed, not having had anyone to play with in a long time. 
• While the Duke and Donna spoke together you, Angie, and a couple other animated porcelain dolls played together. You had a little tea party and Angie even let you brush her hair. You had a wonderful time and were even happier when Donna offered to make everyone some lemonade with cookies. The Duke said that sounded wonderful while they talked business. And all in all the evening was a delight for everyone.
• But all good things must come to an end and after a few hours it was time for you and the Duke to go. Angie was visibly upset, even getting a little bratty about her new playmate having to leave. The Duke however reassured both Angie and Donna that he would be happy to have him and you return for another visit if they wanted. Before he could even finish his offer Angie was all but squealing yes. So needless to say you were going to be visiting again~
🐟 Salvatore Moreau 🐟
• Moreau is shocked by the sudden appearance of a little girl and also incredibly nervous. But he’s always nervous around new people, the fact you’re a child just makes it worse somehow. He’s aware of his... less than pleasing appearance and he doesn’t want to scare a little girl. In fact he braces himself after catching sight of you, fully expecting you to scream or run or even cry.
• But to his surprise you do none of any of those. You don’t even wrinkle your nose in disgust. Instead you just stare up at him with wide curious eyes, which isn’t exactly pleasant for him either but he understands on a level that you’re just a child and merely curious. And honestly you staring in curiosity is far better than you bawling your eyes out..
• Once the introductions are out of the way Moreau is surprised to see you sitting at the Duke’s side, just reading a little fairytale book quietly while he and your father speak of business. And your distracted state gives Moreau the perfect opportunity to observe you. He hasn’t seen a child in... so long. He actually can’t recall the last time he’d seen a child. What with him isolating himself in the Reservoir and only being given adults to experiment on with the Cadou. Being around children hadn’t exactly been something he’d sought out. 
• But he found he didn’t mind you. You were polite and kind and he thought how you called him ‘Mr. Moreau’ was adorable. The Duke kept you close to him while visiting Moreau, not because he thought the fish man would hurt you, but because of how... unsanitary the Reservoir was. He didn’t want you touching any of the slime that was around the place. But he did allow Moreau to gift you little gold trinkets he said he found at the bottom of the lake. 
⚙️ Karl Heisenberg ⚙️
• Heisenberg is... put off by the presence of a child in his domain. He’s not exactly the most ‘child friendly’ person in a 20 mile radius. In fact, if you ask anyone they’d assume with his rough demeanor that he didn’t like kids. And he’d agree with them in a heartbeat too. And he’d site every shitty thing he could think of about kids with a scoff. 
• “They’re loud, they’re annoying, they piss and shit everywhere, and they can’t even fend for themselves on top of all that. They’re like untrained dogs that don’t even have the bonus of being good guards.”
• But what he doesn’t want anyone to know is... he loves kids. Seeing kids with their parents reminds him of a time in his life, one long before now, where he was actually happy. To him kids meant family. Something he’s desperately wanted, but known he couldn’t have with Miranda around. So seeing you made him feel happy and also very sad. Both of which he avoided confronting so he instead settled on irritation, his go-to.
• And when he demanded to know what this little ‘ankle biter’ was doing in his factory the Duke had just smiled and told him you were his daughter. That’d thrown the metal manipulator for a bit of a loop. But after snapping out of it Heisenberg told the Duke that his factory was the last place a KID needed to be running around and messing with shit. The Duke assured him you would be on your best behavior. Heisenberg begrudgingly let you stay, but only on the terms that you’d stay out of his way, not touch anything, and not leave the Duke’s sight. The Duke agreed easily.
• Heisenberg had two outward moods regarding you. Either he acted like he was annoyed with you or he acted like you weren’t even there. But he never actually spoke harshly to you. Even when you kept asking him questions about the stuff in his factory. After answering half a dozen questions he fired one back at you, asking why you had so many questions. You’d been surprised by his question but just giggled and said because his factory was cool. He’d acted like he didn’t care but after that when he’d come talk to the Duke he’d always bring you little metal figurines that you adored. Heisenberg found you to be a cute little punk, but he’d rather saw an arm off before admitting it.
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kayssweetdreams · 2 years ago
A Wonderous Christmas Ch 15
Meanwhile, Back in Timeville...
Walt gave a sadistic smile as he watched the entire town freeze over. All of Timeville seemed to have scurried for cover under the darkened winter. "Oh how I love the snow during the holidays!" He squealed. His family watched uncomfortably as he skipped like a kid in a candy store. "Walt dear? How long is this winter going to last?" Wilma asked. "Just until one of those pathetic Brunos comes out, and gets that book to stop it." Walt reminded.
"Yeah. And how exactly are we gonna know when they do that?" She asked, shivering in the snow. "When one of them finds a way to make the sun shine, or make the flower bloom. " Walt said, as if he was stating a fact. "Well. It better happen sooner or later. Or else I'm heading over to the Bahamas." Wilma said.
Walt rolled his eyes at her before he gazed back out at the frozen over town, he just needed to wait...
Meanwhile, Back with Team Flora in Wonderworld...
The 4 inhabitants searched for the Flora of Love around the combined stages. Cass checked a clock themed teacup rids while Bruce tapped around some rather technological snowflakes. "Maybe we're thinking about this to much. Maybe we're looking for a flower!" Cass said, trying to encourage the others. "Yes, but none of our stages are really flower centered..." Iben said.
The others knew Iben had a point. Bruce's trash covered temple didn't have many plants other than the vines and foilage, and the only flowers made from Iben's stage were those carved of Ice and Snow. Cass' stage had sweets popping around her world, and the closest thing that Attilio had to flora, was the roses he wanted to gift to Princess Merry.
Bruce gave a comforting pat on Iben's shoulder. "Chin up dearie. We'll find the Flora and stop the winter." He said. Iben smiled at her surrogate grandfather. When she was in the hospital getting ready to give birth to Lila, Phil had helped Bruce clean up the Timeville park. After that day, the old man was practically like family to her.
Cass and Attilio smiled at them. They too felt their moments of love. Cass when she realized her kitten was safe, and Attilio when he finally confessed and had gotten the hand of Princess Merry. A clattering sound got their attention, and to their surprise, a large top hat that sat on a kitten plush had fallen off of its head...and started talking in Balan's voice.
"Iben or Bruce? Attilio or Cass? Can you hear me young sir or Lass?" It asked. Attilio picked up the fallen top hat. "Balan! It's good to hear your voice! We're having a little trouble finding the Flora of Love." He said. "You are? Well that's no good. I wish I can be there, I really could. But don't fret! It's not over yet!" Balan said
"Do you think you can find some kind of info on what the Flora of Love is?" Iben asked. "Of course, just a moment please. Soon you'll be able to find that flower with ease." The maestro said before his voice was no longer heard. The group looked at each other while they waited "Well, Maybe we should keep looking? I mean, we haven't searched the entire world yet..." Attilio said. "We might as well, at least until Balan finds some more info about the flower." Bruce said.
The group nodded before they began their search once more.
Meanwhile, Back in the Theater...
The families and friends of the inhabitants and Wonder Stars all gathered in a large sitting area in the theater. A roaring fire kept them all warm from the darkened snow outside, but that didn't mean that spirits were high.
Nancy Gallard, Lin Lin Chang, and Elieen Brand all worriedly gazed outside, and back to the theater curtain, hoping to see their loved ones come out. Miguel Gallard stood up and comforted his mom "Hey Mama, it's gonna be alright. It'll be fine!" He said, hoping to get her to stop looking so worried.
"Hey, on the bright side! We have an endless amount of food!" Bianca Suresh pointed out as Catilin walked out with a tray of fully decorated Gingerbread cookies. "Erm...Maybe you should calm down a little Catilin, you've made a lot..." Alice said, watching as she sped back into the kitchen, and pipe nervously at a very large cake. "Nope, We gotta have food. At least while the ovens hot. And besides! Who doesn't love sweets!" She said, jitters in her voice.
Arwen walked in, trying to comfort his wife "If you're worried about Kaylo and the others, don't worry. This is Wonderworld, the place watched over by two ultra powerful maestros with reality bending powers. They're perfectly safe." He said, grasping the hand she was piping icing out of.
Catilin shook her head. "That's not the part I'm worried about." She said. Arwen and Alice raised an eyebrow at what she said, when she lead them over back to the entrance of the theater...
And to their horror, it was beginning to freeze over...
The Keller family belongs to @lovelyteng
Miguel, Nancy, Lin Lin, Elieen, and Bianca belong to @sundove88
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clairecrive · 4 years ago
Soooo I know you did a reader who doesnt want kids with Nikolai, but I was wondering if you could do something with reader and Nik with children. I feel like if he was to be a father he would be amazing and protective the whole shebang.
not only he'd be protective and caring
Nikolai would be the fun parent
I have no doubt in my mind of that
whenever he'd be with the kids there'd be total chaos everywhere
pillow fights, treasure hunt, playing with the ball or with arrows, with water guns, staging whatever scenario came to mind
you name it, he'd do it with the kids
as well as trying to bake cookies to surprise you and almost setting the kitchen on fire
or trying to plant the seeds of your favourite flowers almost flooding the garden
Nikolai alone was trouble but when he was with the kids?
a hurricane would make less damage
but honestly, you didn't mind too much
of course, seeing your kids riding the stairs and flying on the couch or being thrown in the sky only to fall into their father's arms almost gave you a heart attack
but in the end, you knew that Nikolai would never let anything happen to them
and the enthusiastic screeches and screams of joy of your kids were worth all of the worrying
Nikolai loved his kids, there was nothing he wouldn't do for them
and contrary to popular belief he was very observing
he had a gift for figuring out the person in front of him and this applied to his kids meant that he knew what to say to get them to stop crying or to eat their vegetables
you were usually there to restore order and take care of them
yes, Nikolai included
sometimes, you weren't sure that you had three kids instead of two
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