#dick is happy for him and proud of Danny
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piedpiperart · 2 years ago
“Look, Danny, you can’t keep breaking into crime scenes,” Nightwing scolds,”Especially not with a vape, and I don’t want to have to tell you this again.”
“Then stop telling me,” Danny pouts,”It’s not like I’m gonna listen to you this time either.”
Grumbling, Nightwing pockets the vape, much to Danny’s annoyance. He mutters something about bees before looking back to Danny with a frown. “No more crime scenes, no more drugs. It’s way too late for you to be out here on your own, kid.”
“Technically it’s early, since it’s like 2am,”Danny corrects,”And who else is gonna solve Charlene’s murder?”
“I’m trying to, but some kids been distracting me,” Nightwing mutters, giving Danny a look.
“Sucks for you,”Danny smiles, crossing his arms. “But seriously, she says her husband killed her with the flower vase she got from her grandma. His alibi lied and you find his dna on a beer bottle in the living room where he’d been drinking all night. Now can I have my vape back?”
“No,” Nightwing says, not missing a beat. “Thanks for the tip, but you shouldn’t be out here, even if the ghosts want you to.”
“It’s not like anyone else can hear them,” Danny rolled his eyes. “What if I need it for chronic pain?”
Nightwing raised an eyebrow, making his mask warp with the movement.”Do you have chronic pain?”
“… yes?” Danny lies, putting his best puppy dog eyes on. Nightwing gives him a deadpan look, unyielding on giving drugs to nine year olds, unfortunately.
“I can’t even believe we’re having this conversation,” The vigilante grumbles,”Alright, where do you live, I’m taking you home,” Nightwing says, shooing the kid away from the dead body in the dining room.
Danny glares at him as he dodges Nightwings floppy hands. “Charlene says I can have a cookie from the kitchen though, can we get some first?”
“This is a crime scene, Danny.”
“Yeah, so no one’s gonna eat em,” Danny points out, and Nightwing feels like this is what Bruce has had to deal with for years.
“How about this, I’ll take you to Batburger and you can have as much food as you want,” Nightwing bargains, and Danny lights up at the prospect of the kids meal toys.
“And then I take you home,” Nightwing adds, and Danny groans.
“Can Charlene come?”
Nightwing pauses in his efforts to get the kid out of the house before the police show up again, wondering why Charlene’s ghost would even want to come to Batburger with them. “Uh, I guess?”
“Sweet,” Danny smiles, and Dick watches with fondness as the little kid hops down the steps to the sidewalk like a little rabbit.
When they get to Batburger, Nightwing let’s Danny order a kids meal and gets his own burger and joker-ized fries. Apparently, Charlene wanted a milkshake, so Nightwing got her a vanilla one that Danny ended up drinking.
“Okay, it’s time for bed,”Nightwing says, offering the sleepy kid a piggy back ride so he could roof-hop. “Where’s home, kiddo?”
Smooshing his face into Dicks neck, he feels Danny shrug. “Firehouse on sixth,” he says, and Dick freezes.
“Kiddo, that’s…”Dick trails off, realizing just where the little ghost detective lives. He swallows his protests and heads to the firehouse anyways. He doesn’t know the kid, not really.
Hopefully, Dick thinks, there’s someone looking after Danny at the firehouse. Maybe his parents are just going through a rough patch, he reasons. And if the Wayne foundation offers them some amenities tomorrow, then only Dick would know why.
But when they arrive on the roof, Danny’s nearly asleep, so Dick travels to the fire escape and slides into the second floor. His heart sinks when he sees the lone sleeping bag in the corner next to a pile of non perishable food. Dick purses his lips, no longer able to let the kid stay here if no one else is looking out for him.
“Thanks for the ride,”Danny mumbles sleepily, wiggling to get down but Dick keeps him there and starts walking back out. Danny freezes,”uh, Nightwing? You can put me down now.”
“Nope,”Dick says firmly. “You’re coming home with me instead and sleeping in an actual bed.”
“What?!” Danny exclaims, wiggling more until Dick gives up and holds him under his arm like a sack of potatoes. “That wasn’t part of the deal! This is kidnapping!”
“I’m not letting you stay here, Danny,” Nightwing says firmly. “Do you have anyone looking after you?”
Danny is about to protest until Nightwing adds,”Not including ghosts,”and Danny falls silent. Dick sighs,”yeah, that’s what I thought.”
“Hey, I can look after myself!”Danny protests, kicking his feet lightly as Nightwing swings them to another roof. “I’m almost ten!”
“Right,”Nightwing mutters. “Do you even go to school?” He asks, realizing he’s only ever seen Danny at crime scenes at all hours. He’d been trying to keep the kid from putting himself in danger, but the kid was surprisingly great at disappearing.
Danny scoffs, crossing his arms as best he can while still being held under Nightwings arm. “Schools boring,” He says, and Nightwing would laugh if he wasn’t so sad for the kid.
“Kay, we’ll come back to that,”Nightwing sighs, finally landing on his apartment building. “For now, you’re gonna take a bath and go straight to bed. I think some of my little brothers clothes will fit you.”
“You know I’m just gonna leav- wait,”Danny gasps. “Are you- is this your real appartment? You’re showing me where you live??”
“And my identity,”Nightwing agrees. He was pretty sure Danny could see his parents ghosts anyways. The kid was just too polite to mention it, and while Dick was grateful, he had no doubt that it would give away his identity if they ever met outside of crime scenes. And, he was surprisingly okay with Danny knowing.
“Your- your identity?!” Danny splutters, too shocked to stop Dick from hoisting Danny through the window. Still in shock, Dick plants Danny on his feet, watching the kid take in his messy apartment with wide eyes.
Dick takes advantage of this, and leans the kid to the bathroom. “I’ll bring clothes in a minute, but why don’t you take a shower, or a bath if you want,” he says, not waiting for Danny to protest before closing the door on the kid and walking to his guest room.
Feeling almost giddy with nerves, Dick does his best to find clothes that would fit the nine year old. Damian, now twelve, wouldnt be a perfect fit for Danny, but they’d be similar in size than anyone else in his family. On his way back, he smiled when he hears the shower running.
Once he dropped off the clothes, Dick hurries to get dressed in his pajamas as quickly as possible, then started on making some hot chocolate.
Danny exited the bathroom just as the cocoa was done, and Dick had to resist the urge to coo. The kid was dressed in Damian’s clothes, which were definitely a few sizes too big. The sleeves of the shirt covered his hands and the pants covered his feet entirely. Dick was a bit worried he’d trip on them. He almost offered to roll them up when he caught the look on Danny’s face.
“What?”Dick asked as the kid continued to stare.
“Oh my god,” Danny said absently,”You’re Nightwing. Why- you- you know I could tell people, right? Why would you trust me with this?”
Dick just shrugged, smiling into his cocoa as Danny threw his over-sleeved arms into the air. “Geez, are all the heroes like this? You also shouldn’t kidnap kids. I hope you know that.”
“It’s not kidnapping,”Dick protests, handing the kid his cocoa as he sits across from him on the counter.
“So I can leave?”Danny raises an eyebrow. He smiles wryly at Dick’s silence. “Totally a kidnapping.”
“Well, now that you know where I live and what I look like, you should probably know my name,”Dick says, ignoring Danny entirely.
Danny sighs dramatically, then glances to his left. Dick tries to follow him but sees nothing there. Suddenly, Danny blurts,”You go by Dick on purpose??”
Dick laughs, assuming a ghost told him. While he’d normally be unnerved by that, he’d been around the kid enough to get used to it. Besides, if the kid was staying here he’d need support, especially with his ghostly powers. “Yeah, it’s what my parents nicknamed me.”
Danny grumbles a bit, but Dick notices he’d been visibly dropping from exhaustion. “Alright, time for bed kiddo, we can talk more in the morning over pancakes.”
“You know how to cook?”Danny yawned, and Dick would be offended that the kid guessed he couldn’t if that wasn’t true. He was planning to video chat Alfred for advice.
“Of course,” Dick lied, picking up the kid and carrying him to the guest room, much to Danny’s protesting. Dick felt the kid relax against him though, which warmed his heart. “Now get some sleep. No talking to ghosts, no crime scenes, no drugs.”
“I don’t think vape counts,” Danny protests sleepily, but snuggles into the blankets anyways. He’s out before Dick could finish tucking him in, and Dick runs his hand through Danny’s damp hair.
The panic would definitely hit him in a few minutes, but right now he couldn’t bring himself to regret kidnapping the kid. After reluctantly working with the little ghostbuster for the past five months, he’d grown attached. He’d be lying if he hadn’t thought about adopting the kid before today.
Dick just hoped his family wouldn’t freak out too much.
"Probably because they don't have a grave," Danny said, pulling out his vape. "Final resting places are--HEY!"
Nightwing held the pilfered vape above his head. "Where did you get this?" he asked, scandalized.
Danny jumped for it, but Nightwing was too tall! Even at 5'7 he'd have to use his powers to reach the vape; he had no chance as a 9 year old. "We're in Gotham! You're lucky I didn't get cocaine instead!"
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bunny-jpeg · 5 months ago
kink-o-ween - day four
daniel riccicardo - cockwarming
cw: smut/pwp, cockwarming, size difference/kink, secret sex, semi-public sex, unprotected sex, daniel is horny (and needy), restaurant sex
kink-o-ween: formula one edition - call of duty edition
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you knew daniel could seduce a habit off a nun. he was an inferno that buried deep into someone and made them hot all over. you were no exception. your beloved danny had a mean streak in his, at least sexually. as much as you tried to push back on the insatiable lust he carried in him, sometimes the allure of the driver was too much.
you were confident that this dinner together would go swimmingly. one date before you spent the entire summer in your apartment feeding into daniel's sexual desires. after weeks apart, he hungered for you. therefore, you were proud that you managed to hold him off to have one nice dinner together.
so why were your panties in your boyfriend's pocket?
the place was quiet on a tuesday evening, the moon hung large in the sky and the food was delicious. but the food tasted dull on daniel's tongue, he yearned for something more. the weight of your cotton panties in his pocket was heavier than the wallet next to it. when he went to wash his hands before dinner, he took them out and gave them a good sniff.
call him perverted, but being exhausted from the intensity of racing left him little time to sate his other urges. he was running on empty by the time the season break occurred. so call him a little antsy for some affection from his beautiful girlfriend of almost three years.
you were mostly alone, you had the privacy to let daniel's eyes wander across your form. the softness of your face, how your curves looked into the dress you wore. he wondered if he could take you apart over the table and no one would notice. or care enough to say anything. he had that kind of buying power.
but he knew you'd die of embarrassment. it was bad enough he had to forgo your panties for the evening. but something crossed his mind that would make both of you happy.
"babe." he said as he propped his elbows on the table and rested his chin across his interlocked fingers, "come here. i missed you too much, you feel so far away."
you looked up from your meal and raised your eyebrows, 'danny."
he pouted a little, showing those big brown eyes that seemed to touch the depths of your soul. you sighed before you got up, you went to his side of the table and held his face for a moment before he got you down on his lap. you could feel his erection straining against his slacks.
"danny, if we need to. we can do it in the car."
"it'll take too long. your dress should cover any activities we do here. just warm it up a little. get familiar again." he kissed at your neck before he fed you a piece of his meal, "please."
you got off of daniel's lap for a moment and thanks to the privacy of where you were seated, he was able to get his cock out of his slacks and with a little work you got yourself onto it. you clutched onto the side of the table as you felt the stretch. maybe you two were a little less familiar than when he left.
the skirt of your dress has enough volume to cover both of your laps, hiding your activities of the evening. you rested against him, while his cock remained pressed against the softest parts of you.
"this feels insane." you said softly, but daniel silenced you with a kiss on the lips. his hand in your hair for a moment. he tasted like the expensive cut of meat he was having for dinner. it tasted good, but you knew he'd forgo food for a month if it meant keeping his dick in you.
"don't worry, babe." he said as he kissed your nose, "just don't be too loud." he remarked as he held your face for a moment, "we'll share my dinner tonight."
it was hard to ignore the growing of warmth in your middle. daniel ricciardo's cock was inside of you at an expensive restaurant. you were enjoying food, wine and the familiar girth of your lover's cock in your slick pussy.
so much could go horribly wrong, but the way his cock nudged against your sweet spot made you almost choke on your wine. you covered your mouth with your elbow as you swallowed the tart liquid. the coughs that went through you caused your pussy to clench which made daniel hold your hip tightly.
"careful, beautiful." he said as he kissed your shoulder, "don't want to get me too excited." then leaned over you to cut another piece of his food. he slowly fed it to you and kept his gaze on you.
most would assume this was some lavish display of public affection. not daniel's need to feel as close to you as he could get. you could feel the heat rise in your body as you rocked your hips a little. his cock was snug in your, but it felt right.
you ate and after you swallowed, he brought you in for a kiss. everything felt over-saturated as you mind tried to focus on everything at once. the lust, the food, the setting. it was a lot.
but you snapped back in reality when you heard someone's voice nearby. you looked over and saw the poor waiter by the table.
"how is everything?"
daniel leaned back in his seat a little, not enough to show what he was doing under your skirt. he smiled, "everything is lovely. thank you so much. actually, if you can, may we get some more wine?" his smiled was confident, like all seven inches of him weren't shoved inside your poor pussy.
the waiter nodded, "of course. i have to ask, is the chair you were seated in okay, ma'am?" he turned his attention to you.
you blinked for a moment, feeling the gaze of the waiter and your boyfriend on you. you swallowed, it was sink or swim. play it cool or have your face in the headlines. you took your lover's hand and held it close to your chest, daniel could feel your rapid heartbeat, "of course! i just really missed my boyfriend so i thought his lap was better option tonight." you gave your own smile, hiding that your core was shaking.
daniel looked at the waiter once more, "we promise everything is perfect." he laughed, "thank you though." then watched the waiter nod and walk off to get you some more wine. when he was far enough away, daniel held onto your hips and rutted up a little further in your sweet pussy. it almost made you choke on your drink once more.
daniel pressed his chest against your back, he curved over you like a shadow, "amazing acting, beautiful. if i didn't feel your heartbeat, i would've called it a convincing performance." he took the napkin and pressed it at the corner of your lips, "next time i'll order you some white wine. this is the second time you've choked, babe. don't want to ruin this pretty dress. it hides everything."
"shut up." you groaned a little bit, but composed yourself when the waiter came back with two glasses of wine. you thanked the man before he walked away and did your best to keep yourself composed.
daniel was feeling good, he knew he wasn't going to last long. and while he couldn't make you finish as well. but he'd make it when you got home, he'd happily lay you out for hours and devour your sweet pussy. he shifted his hips a little bit to get that rush through his body. he continued to feed you his meal, your meal grew cold. but daniel was more than happy to share.
"you're so beautiful." he said, "i can tell you're all flustered. poor thing." he chuckled low in your ear. he feed you some of the vegetables and kissed your chin where a bit of the sauce from the vegetables ended up. tasted better on your skin.
he moved against you a little more, small shifts of his hips allowed for him to get a little more friction against you. you felt like a dream, to daniel it was heaven. he buried his face into the back of your shoulder as the fork in his hand trembled. he came inside of your pretty cunt.
he shuddered and deeply exhaled. it took all the focus in him not to moan. he kissed an exposed part of your arm and muttered, "i love you. oh fuck, i love you."
you craned your neck to look back at him and were met with a kiss. heat was high in your face and you fanned yourself with daniel's napkin before you slowly got up on shaky legs.
when your dress exposed his wet cock to the evening air, he was quick to put it back in his slacks. he adjusted himself and leaned forward in his chair once more. his hands were still shaky as he picked up the wine glass and took a careful sip.
you knew that this was only act one of tonight's sexual adventures. you hoped that the rest of the even was less public. the last thing you needed was your face on the front page tomorrow. daniel reached out for you and held your hand across the table.
"i have to say." he said, "next time i wonder how well your pussy would pair with this wine." he chuckled and held the glass up with his other hand.
you could've thrown your napkin at him. daniel ricciardo, your loving boyfriend, could be an insatiable sexual hound sometimes. <3
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ew-selfish-art · 2 years ago
Dp x dc AU where Dick adopts teenage Danny into his family with Kor’i and Mar’i
Mar’i had always wanted a sibling, all seven years of her life in fact!! Toys and play times with friends couldnt possibly compare to having a brother or a sister, and she knew this as a fact from some of her school mates.
So when her dad brings home a kid that was all cut up and bruised, and her mom patches him up because something about his “biology” was weird- Mar’i sees this as an opportunity in the making!
Danny is healing up slowly but surely in Nightwings house, and he feels like a total intrusion. He’s now seen their faces and it feels like so much trust has been placed in him with no way for him to repay it. So he’s moping a bit, hanging in his room reading a book based on his video game series when a small child walks in, her arms filled with board games and toys.
“Hello, will you be my big brother?” Is all she asks him with a straight face, her eyes incredibly serious for someone so small.
“Er, im just here until-“
“Want to play a game?” Mar’i changes the subject favoring a specific board game in her hands. Rule number one of negotiation is to never let them say no- her uncle Damian taught her that.
“…yeah, sure.” Danny accepts because honestly? He could at least repay Nightwing and Starfire by babysitting right? They play a few games and then dinner gets brought in and for once, Danny feels like he’s having a normal family meal.
Next time she comes into his room, he’s focused on healing one of his larger wounds from the power in his core- he’s floating and his eyes are green. Mar’i is ECSTATIC. He fits in PERFECTLY.
“WILL YOU PLEASE BE MY BIG BROTHER?!?” Mar’i persistently asks every single day. Danny laughs and smiles and pats her head.
Once he’s feeling better, he starts patrolling with Nightwing, just to pay him back. Not that he’s having fun bashing goons and getting solid hero advice for the first time in his life.
Then he goes to Tameran with Kor’i for a diplomatic mission (his royal ambdassadorship/ king titles tbd) to discuss the Infinite Realms and why they absolutely need to abandon their attempts to use ghost artifacts. Kor’i explains how proud she is of him as they fly home.
He gets invited to all their family outings now, and he is overwhelmed by how accepted he is. How much the Bats all seem to leave him space for boundaries but invite him to do things very much to his interests (they are detectives after all). Once its safe, Jazz comes every now and then from her Ivy League college to hang out with them all and spend time with Danny. She gives him the advice he needed to hear about accepting good things into his life and deserving happiness.
One day Mar’i has a bad day at school, and when Danny gets home from his own community college classes- he brings her into a big hug, makes her a cup of tea from her mom’s home planet and once she’s comforted and happy again he says “hey, what are big brothers for?”
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yoonjae20 · 1 month ago
Ric(hard) Fenton; Part 3
Read on ao3.
Masterlist. Previous. Next.
For several minutes after Jason gently laid Dick down, Jason just sits there, head in his hands as his world falls apart around him. 
He doesn’t know how long it takes — it could have been minutes or hours until he pushes himself to stand. He hesitates at the door, looking over to where Dick and Danny are laying. Dick must have moved during his sleep because he has a hand grasped around the hem of Danny’s shirt. They look so peaceful like that — but the sight of Danny screaming as he gets repeatedly electrocuted and Dick’s face twisting with pain is still burned into his retina. The pit rage roars at the sight. 
He leaves the building, hoping that he’ll be able to find his way back to it as he sneaks through the empty streets of Amity Park once again. He keeps to alleyways and stays out of the open, shoulders tense as he tries to make not a single sound. The city feels like a maze and the longer Jason trots through it, the more he wishes that he would have at least waited until Dick woke up — he has not a single clue where he is supposed to find an Ecto-Dejecto. The only clue he has is that Danny’s parents are crazy enough to build a portal into their basement — so he can only hope they are also eccentric enough that their home would stand out in the rows of family homes.
Now if he could only find his way out of the more commercial and industrial district of the town so he doesn’t have to stare at more skyscrapers, that would be great. Whoever decided on this infrastructure deserves hell. And he can’t even use the rooftops to orient himself from a higher vantage point because he of course forgot to bring his grapple hook with him and the skyscrapers are so high that even if he found a building with a fire exit ladder, they would block his view anyway. 
Suddenly the hairs on his neck stand up on their own and Jason pulls his gun, about to shoot until he comes face to face with the Blob Ghost from before. He blinks away the Pit Rage, perplexed as the ghost nuzzles his cheek, radiating safe, happy, protect. 
“Hey buddy,” Jason says, weirdly not being creeped out about the feeling of the ghost on his skin. “Think you could help me out?”
Confused, wary, scared.
“Do you know where Danny’s home is?”
Recognition, proud, excited.
“You do?” Jason feels a bit like a nut-jub talking to the ghost considering it can only communicate through emotions, but he still follows as it floats away. Better than wandering around lost even if it might lead him to the wrong house. He can start from there, if need be. 
It’s a bit hard navigating the city with a ghost as his tour guide, considering it just phases through the buildings in its path, leaving Jason to scramble after it. It takes every bit of Bat Training for Jason to follow in its step and to not lose it. He slowly starts to understand what Dick and Danny meant by Blob Ghosts being a bit stupid — they seem to have a single-minded focus. If Jason lost sight of it, he doesn’t think the Blob Ghost would notice until he arrived where the hell it is leading Jason to. 
By the time they come across the house he’s more than out of breath and sweaty. He stares at the big, bold sign titled “Fenton” and the large — whatever that is supposed to be on top of the roof and decides — yeah, there is no way this isn’t Danny’s home. The Blob Ghost makes a beeline towards it and disappears inside. 
Jason goes up to the door and to his surprise it’s not even closed, but slightly ajar. He knits his eyebrows together — remembering how the one agent told Dick they had taken the Fenton’s from their home. As Jason steps into the house it becomes clear that there was some kind of struggle — a broken vase on the floor, several holes in the walls — obviously the Fenton’s hadn’t just offered themselves up. He glances at the photos of the wall as he searches for the basement door, finally able to put faces to the names. 
Even from the pictures it’s easy to tell that they are a chaotic family and Jason is surprised to see that the latest picture includes Dick, the man standing between Danny and his sister as he beams at the camera. He wonders if the picture was made before or after the man regained his memories. 
Despite the situation he is in, Jason can’t resist snooping around as he inspects the inside of the house — while he might not like to admit it, he’s still a Bat after all. There’s a half-assembled invention on the kitchen table next to a carton of milk as well as a box of cereal and ghost magnets pin a class schedule on the fridge. By the looks of it seems like it might be Danny’s. Jason almost steps into the shards of a broken bowl as he steps closer to read through it and he gags as the smell of spoiled milk hits his nose. 
He steps back and tries covering his nose with the hem of shirt to no avail. His eyes trail the destruction from the kitchen to the front door. They probably overwhelmed whoever opened the front door before moving into the kitchen and surprising the other two. With the amount of agents they have, the Fentons had no chance.
He moves through the kitchen, side stepping the mess on the floor and finally finding the door leading down the basement. If he thought the rest of the house was messy but obviously lived in, the lab looks even worse. Mad Scientists fits the bill well — there isn’t a single surface that isn’t covered with either some suspiciously glowing chemicals, flasks, inventions or wires and machinery. And that isn’t even talking about the swirling portal that looks like a nightmarish Lazarus Pit. 
He sees the Blob Ghost floating in front of it before it enters it, leaving Jason behind.
Jazon drifts to the computer and his eyebrows rise to the top of his hairline as he realizes it’s not even password protected. He decides against snooping in their files — he already lost enough time as is. He searches for Ecto-Dejecto and feels baffled when the blueprints detail it being a literal syringe with the words Ecto-Dejecto printed on it. He looks around the mess and lets out a big sigh — here’s to finding the needle in the haystack. 
It takes him way too long to find where they store the serum. Jason thought the Batcave had many gadgets, but it’s nowhere close to the amount the lab holds. There’s also concerningly amount of weapons, making it obvious the Fentons must have been Ghost Hunters at some point in time — but he trusts Dick’s judgment of character. Dick would have never let Danny stay in this home if he was at risk of getting hurt by his parents. 
Also Danny made it clear that most of the town, along with Jason and Dick themselves are liminal and he can’t imagine that the Fentons didn’t used to have alarms or internal defenses against ghosts or as Dick calls them “ectoplasmic entities” — especially with an open portal to the Infinite Realms. They would have been activated by now if they were still any. 
He pockets the serum and makes his way back upstairs. Now to the bigger problem. How the hell is he supposed to find his way back to where he left Danny and Dick? He doesn’t have a guide anymore and he took so many twists and turns to follow the Blob Ghost that he lost all orientation. Not even speaking about the fact that he had wandered the town before that.
Jason sighs before he shakes his head. He doesn’t have time to hesitate, he just has to pick a direction and hope something seems familiar so he can retrace his steps from there. Mind made up, he heads across the street, but before he is able to duck back into an alleyway, something heavy hits his head. He has barely enough time to see a blurry white outline before he passes out. 
Bruce is already in the Batplane as Tim explains the situation and the information he found out. Damian had insisted on coming with Bruce but he hadn’t relented. He already put two of his sons at risk because he made a mistake — he will not be doing another that will lead to their death again.
The comm line is charged with tension as Bruce mans the plane to fly to Amity Park at record time and Oracle directs him so he doesn’t interfere with any commercial flights. In the meantime Tim works on activating the tracker on Dick — after Bruce got lost in the time stream, everybody but Jason — Bruce hadn’t asked him although he wanted to — had agreed to wearing a tracker at all times as an emergency beacon in case they disappeared or got kidnapped. 
He has a location once he sets down outside the city, leaving the Batplane behind. The sun will rise in an hour — he only has a small time window. 
“Oracle, do we have eyes?”
“Negative, something seems to be interfering with the signal.”
Bruce grunts and the sign he walks past almost seems to be mocking him. ‘Amity Park — It’s calm here.’
“Avoid people in white suits at all cost,” Tim informs Bruce just in time as he ducks into an alleyway and hides behind a garbage can as a group of agents holding strange blasters walk past it, discussing something.
“I always thought Operative O was too cocky — he had it coming.”
Someone snorts.
“No one will be missing him, for sure.”
Bruce knits his eyebrows together as the voices fade. A casualty on their side? Jason, Dick and Danny have only been in Amity for mere hours. How has something already gone wrong?
“Did you copy that Red?” 
“Copied. Operative O is one of the main agents assigned to Amity Park. He’s…” Tim hesitates rarely and it’s enough for Bruce to know that the man must be a big deal. “...rogue material.”
“Hood then,” Bruce affirms and strangely doesn’t even feel angry about the fact. “ETA for the signal?”
“15 minutes if you stay on the ground, 10 if you use shortcuts.”
“I’ll make it in 5.” Bruce aims his grapple at one of the roofs and swings himself up. They have no idea in which state they’ll find Dick in — according to Tim his signal has been stagnant for the last two hours. There’s also no guarantee that either Jason or Danny will be with him. “Prepare the Batplane for extraction.”
Bruce runs across the rooftops, barely giving himself time to think as he hurries in the direction of the signal, using his grapple to catapult himself forward even as it strains his arms and shoulders. He slides down using the cord of the grapple, using minimal time to make sure they aren’t agents waiting in ambush before he storms into the building. 
He’s barely two steps in before Danny lunges at him with an animalistic snarl, Bruce narrowly evading with a backward roll and getting cornered as his back hits the door. He holds up his hands in a placating gesture and it’s all he can do as the boy heaves with exertion, claws barely prickling his neck and drawing blood through his cowl. 
The boy’s pupils narrow into slits as he takes in Bruce and bares his teeth at the man, sharp canines revealing themselves— and if he didn’t know better from Tim, he would think the boy is some kind of feline meta. 
“I’m not here to hurt you,” Bruce says calmly, eyes wandering to Dick’s prone form, but Danny instinctively blocks his vision, taking a few steps back. 
“And why should I believe you?” Danny growls, distrust in his eyes. 
Bruce frowns, mind reeling. 
“I don’t hurt kids.”
Danny barks out a bitter laugh. 
“Right,” he says sarcastically. “Only the bad ones.” 
Bruce knits his eyebrows together, staying quiet. 
“You are the one that implied I’m dangerous, that I need to be ‘vetted’,” Danny quotes and Bruce eyes widen — how long had the boy known? How did he find out? Did Dick tell him? — “See? Bet you are thinking of how to shut me up by now.” 
Bruce’s thoughts screech to a halt. 
“See that’s a difference between you and me. While my instinct is to trust, yours is to distrust,” Danny spits out. “But apparently not when it’s about me being a potential villain.”
“If you know I’m also Bruce Wayne... Why…” Bruce is almost afraid of the answer. “Why don’t you trust me?”
“BECAUSE YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!” Danny blurts out, panting hard before he folds into himself, voice barely a whisper. “You almost killed me — dropped me off like- like a pig to be slaughtered.” 
Danny tears his shirt down in frustration, revealing gnarly, twisted scars — a vivisection scar.
“You want to know why I don’t trust you? This is what you did to me — you and your goddamn team of heroes.” 
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britcision · 2 years ago
Oooooh I get to be the one to bring this one up!!!!
You give a stuffy a big hug before giving it to a kid to store the love in so they can hug it out later
But like
Danny runs to the store, grabs a teddy basically at random (for fun and profit he grabs a Wonder Woman one) and just
Stuffs it full of love and safety and happy ectoplasm and comfort for Jason
And Jason is just. Deeply offended to be presented with a teddy bear by this random kid
But then he takes it from Danny’s hand and the second he touches it he feels safe and welcome and cherished and he’s hugging it before he can stop
And Danny just smiles at him and promises to be back as soon as he can and refill the bear
Jason starts by leaving it in his favourite safe house while he’s out and about but it’s just overwhelming to feel the rage creep back in when he’s far away and under heavy pressure and high emotions and having had a break makes it all the worse
But he Must Protect Diana Bear
So he approaches Alfred privately for an indestructible bear backpack he can wear under his jacket and Alfred asks no questions
The other bats learn he’s done something for Jason, maybe someone catches sight of the bag and OBVIOUSLY it is immediately nosey sibling time
What if it’s a gun or bombs or something
What if it’s cool and they want one
But it’s a teddy bear
And they’re just…. Wtf??? Why????
And Jason deadass nearly shoots someone for touching the bear, grabs her back, and promptly just
Bursts into tears from conflicting rage/protective fury/vengeance vs the safety/love/he nearly hurt his family
Danny gets a wash of feedback because Diana Bear is magic fuck you and ten minutes later we get a worried and protective Danny zooming into Gotham and a very confused family meeting
This is when he works out who these people are, why Jason was so scared and frustrated and screaming his emotional messages because they never replied
And he has to explain the whole ghost telepathy, remind them to speak their emotions to Jason in particular (but Dami and Cass will probably also gain Enrichment from it)
And most important of all
Dick’s favourite part
Jason’s least favourite
Medicinal hugs
Someone whose touch Jason can tolerate needs to give him some extra affection and reassurance while he adjusts to his ghost telepathy and getting overt emotional validation instead of the unspoken kind they can’t give him
Dick is twitching to hug Jason before Danny finishes the sentence
Jason stares him dead in the eye, turns around, and hucks Cass on his back like a backpack
Dick falls to the floor to decry his woe and does not get up until Jason agrees to hug him (which he does when it stops being super funny, they both did it for the bit)
All the bats get a bit more used to sharing physical affection over the months, especially once there’s a visible improvement in Jason (and Damian) and y’know what?
It’s not always hugs, sometimes it’s a fist bump, a pat on the back, an arm around shoulders, but ghosts aren’t the only ones who need a little emotional closeness
It helps them all as a family too, especially Bruce who is fucking TERRIFIED to touch Jason in case he fucks it up right up until Jason breaks and hugs him after a tough case
Bruce is an overnight convert, suddenly he’s got at least a hand brushing everyone during every briefing, every time they meet, and Steph starts doing mandatory hello and goodbye hugs
It starts as a bit, it becomes tradition, Alfred cannot resist being pulled in because they are MANDATORY and yea he does cry some happy tears watching his family all get happier and more comfortable with each other
Touch hunger is real and the bats are STARVING (this may be why Dick is a ho he needs lots and lots and lots of touching)
One of your latest asks had Jason able to communicate with Danny through telepathy with the implication that ghosts just do that and it gave me an idea. What if Jason has been instinctively trying to do the same with the batfamily for years? Like, he's just sending floods of I'm-hurting-please-help-me-love-me-please for years and getting more and more distressed to never get anything back because he doesn't even realize he's doing it and meanwhile the other bats still kind of think he hates them because they can't get that nonverbal communication.
bro that is some BEAUTIFUL set up for some prime angst stories. I really really love the idea that ghosts have different forms of communication outside of verbal so this makes me v happy. I’d write more but my hands feel like they’re filled with bees rn. If anyone wants to add onto this PLEASE feel free to do so.
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callme-holly · 2 months ago
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐞 𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐨𝐜𝐡 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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𝐚/𝐧: not my usual stuff but a few of ya'll wanted kenickie posts so here ya go!! if anyone has any requests for fics please just send them !!
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Dating Kenickie Murdoch Headcanons
When he first sees you, he acts like a bit of a dick to try and get your attention. He’ll show off, whistle at you, make little comments whenever you walk by, and then act confused when you don’t grovel at his feet.
The more you ignore his poor attempts at trying to get your attention, the more “respectful” he becomes. It probably isn’t until Danny knocks some sense into him that he realises, yeah, maybe he needs to be a little bit more of a gentleman.
He’ll lay it on thick, let me tell you. He’ll offer to walk you to your classes, to carry your stuff, and give you lifts home, and soon you can’t help falling a little in love with him.
When he does eventually ask you out, he’ll be a little sheepish and kinda nervous (which he will deny until the day he dies), and he does just sort of blurt it out. It’s not romantic at all, and he makes a fool of himself, but somehow you still say yes.
“So, uh, look...” he starts, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. “I was thinking—well, not thinking, but maybe we could, y’know, go grab a burger or somethin’...” His voice cracks slightly, and you have to fight to keep the smile from creeping onto your face as you nod slowly. “Sure, why not. I’ll grab a burger with you, Murdoch.” He looks in a state of shock for a minute before grinning, smoothing his hair back coolly. “Yeah? I mean—of course, I knew you’d say yes.”
Once you both officially start dating, he takes his role as your boyfriend very seriously. He’s never cared this much about a girl before, but he’s determined to make this work.
He’s insanely protective of you, and if anyone even thinks about looking at you the wrong way, he’s snapping and jumping to your defence like some kind of guard dog.
He’s got a whole range of nicknames for you, such as “doll face,” “baby,” and “sweetheart.”
He isn’t the flowers and candles type of guy; his romantic gestures are much more grand and over-the-top.
He’s a sucker for PDA, as long as it shows just how tough and cool he is. He isn’t the hand-holding, lovey-dovey type, especially not in front of the other guys. His arm is around you 24/7, and he’s always trying to steal kisses whenever he can. However, when it's just you two, he’s a lot softer, holding you from behind, leaning his head against yours when he’s tired.
Some lunches, when everyone is hanging out on the bleachers, he’ll rest his head in your lap and let you play with his hair as long as you don’t mess it up. If the guys say anything about it, he’ll shut them down with a single glare or a snarky comment. 
Kenickie has a jealousy streak a mile wide. If he sees someone talking to you, or someone paying you a little too much attention, he’ll casually wrap an arm around you and smirk, making it clear to anyone looking that you’re his. 
He’ll try and teach you stuff about cars and let you sit in the garage while he’s fixing up greased lightning. You’re the only one allowed to sit in the passenger seat and make comments about little mistakes.
When it comes to arguments, the two of you bicker quite a bit. You don’t usually have full-on fights, but when you do, they’re pretty serious. He’s too proud to admit when he’s wrong, so just give him the silent treatment, and he’ll stride over to you in no time at all, playing it cool and giving his best attempt at an apology. 
“C’mon, doll, you really gonna ignore me all night?” He mutters, stepping towards you and running a hand through his hair. When you don't respond, he lets out a dramatic huff, feigning indifference. “Alright, fine. Maybe I was a little wrong. You happy?”
Kenickie is a pretty tough guy, and sometimes keeping up that image can weigh down on him quite a bit. You’re one of the only people who he softens around, and sometimes he’ll vent about how he’s feeling. He feels safe around you.
Once he’s committed to you, he’s all in. This boy is loyal to a fault and will stick with you through thick and thin. He’s not the best when it comes to words, but he’ll show his love for you through what he does.
He’ll sneak into your room some nights and convince you to go on little spontaneous trips in the car with him. Do your parents agree with it? No, definitely not. Does Kenickie care? Not in the slightest.
He’s secretly very thoughtful, and while he pretends not to care, he’ll remember the smallest details, such as your favourite snacks or songs, and prove he knows more than he lets on by randomly throwing you said snacks during lunch or making sure your favourite song is playing when you get into his car.
Under all the tough act, he can actually be pretty sweet to you <33
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ghostbsuter · 2 years ago
Batclan and Catband (part 2)
> previous part
> next part
.・゜-: ✧ :-
Dinner ended up a relatively calm affair, or as calm as it can be with the batclan and the cat catband in one place.
"Where is elle actually?" Selina asks, leaning on the table with a grin.
"With her aunty harley and pam," he answers, phone in hand. "They're bringing her over soon, tho."
Dick, sitting opposite of Danny, perks up at that. "Your daughter, right? How old is she?"
The teen practically glows at the question, proud and not far from showing it.
"Become 2 recently! A gremlin in sheep clothes, truly. She knows how to get what she wants, a habit learned from her glam glam." At the last words, he gives catwoman the stink eye, huffing when she laughs at him.
"I have been wondering, how old are you, danny? If you don't mind." Bruce has an easygoing smile on, but Danny knows that glint in his eyes.
"Also freshly turned 18."
Both Selina and Danny watch the other man carefully, one hiding her sharp stare, the other openly showing it.
"Isn't that a bit young to become a single parent?" The man asks in concern, no matter he should be with emotions, mother and son recognise the tone of worry and relax slightly.
"Her circumstances of appearing in our life is not much to be desired. However, we are very happy with her joining our little family at that time."
Danny speaks fondly, smiling as he recalls the moments. "Selina helped immensely when needed and didn't shy from showering the little gremlin in love"
While the batclan would have loved to continue the conversation, Alfred appeared with a gentle smile.
"Master Danny, there is a guest waiting patiently at the front door for you, I'm afraid she might just run off with no one watching." He gives a very amused look at the members of the table.
He shoots out of his chair, letting the butler lead him out and about.
Once the teen is gone, does Bruce straighten his form and look at selina.
"What about the mother? Is there anything—"
"I'll stop you right there, bat dear." She holds up her hand, giving a sharp smile.
"While I'd rather not talk behind Danny's back like this," she gives the table a look, noting that every member seems to be in their vigilante persona.
"Elle doesn't have a mother, I won't explain any details without Danny's consent, but this is more of a Kon-El situation."
(Bruce, in particular, doesn't like how that info makes everything else snap into place, and the final picture isn't much better.)
"Kon-El situation– isn't she a toddler??"
"Why would anyone go for danny??"
"Was it Lex Luthor–?!"
Their questions were silenced by the sound of tiny footsteps running to the door and swinging it open with no grace.
The tiny being runs around the table, peeks over it to see where a certain woman is located at and sprint to her lap.
The father of said being isn't far from her, making sure she doesn't trip nor fall. Alfred closes the doors and flawlessly slips next to Bruce, the amused smile very much still present.
"Glam glam!" The tiny girl squeals excited, getting pulled up and seated, just in sight of everyone else.
She is like a carbon copy of her father, minus the gender, but at the stares she becomes quite shy, very endearing.
Danny sits next to them, grin on his face and gesturing to the batclan.
"Wanna meet your uncles and aunts, elle darling?"
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flamingpudding · 1 year ago
Part 15 of Ghost Kid in Gotham
>>Masterpost >>AO3
<<1 Previous Next
Green and Red Emotions, similar but not
Jason leaned against the wall, arms crossed, as he waited. He checked the time one more time and then listened for the sounds in the hallway. The bandage against his arm was causing an itch he ignored skilfully. If there was one thing the little shit was apparently good at in his feral stage it was fucking biting, though it was nothing to be proud at. Well unless you were well versed in the art of fighting dirty.
Eitherway the kid had a sharp set of chompers and apparently some sort of homing sense, considering Jason was only sporting three visible bite marks all on the same forearm and all nearly in the same area. The kid always aimed for that specific spot to bite. Maybe Jason should start considering keeping that arm out of sight for the little shit so he wouldn't latch onto it. But the following worst case would be the kid deciding on a new spot to bite on.
Footsteps caught Jason's attention and he inclined his head slightly. Light with purpose loud enough to make sure people knew they were coming.
So he knew and was not going to avoid him today.
Good, Jason wasn't going to allow his brother to make that choice today anyway. He had waited long enough. His patience lasted long enough for his brother to step into the room fully and flick the lights on, before Jason closed the door behind him. Considering Dick was only simply turning around with a tired smile, confirmed his thoughts that his brother knew this was coming.
"Got enough of avoiding me already? Thought it would take me a week." He could help the teasing dig.
"Safe it Dickbird." He shook his head. "You're good. I don't think the 'kids' noticed anything. No bets on Cass though. She can read any of us like an open book."
He watched how his elder brother sighed, put his hands on his hips and still smiled at him. "What gave it away?"
Eyes traveling over the wary form of his elder brother he considered answering the question honestly. Dick was good at hiding certain emotions, but even he slipped up in the smallest of moments. Moments you wouldn't catch easily if one wasn't looking for them, small tells Jason had gotten familiar with over the years. He could be honest but then his elder brother would attempt to cover these tells in the future so he wouldn't 'worry' them and put even more on his shoulder unnecessarily.
"During that Dinner you stuck close to Demon Brat, little shit and me." It wasn't a lie, but neither the full truth. It was the first thing that tipped him off along with what Dick had said. "Besides that I have my own sources ans suspicions. The little shit has a pit, one that is different from mine."
"Is that going to be your nickname for Teethling, that's not a very nice little Wing?" Dick joked but Jason's expression didn't change as he watched the other. After a moment Dick once more let out a sigh and comped through his hair with one hand.
"If this is about what we found out about Danny's past. We didn't hide anything there. We have found an entire paper trail of his schooling. You know he could use some help with English." The light heartedness of Dick's voice did not carry as Jason didn't take the bait, but instead heard something else out of it.
"So what did you and the old man hide?"
"Jason." He tensed at the seriousness that entered his brother's voice. So it was bad, really bad. He wanted to curse Bruce but he didn't really know for what exactly, it was just one of his go to mechanisms whenever the old man kept something from them.
"Keep talking Dickbird or I will go to Barbie instead." Dick flinched, he refrained from arching an eyebrow but couldn't help the small lift to his lips. It was just a thrown out thread, implying that he would have Barbie hack into the Batcomputer if necessary to get the information it wanted but looking at that reaction. She was involved, and most likely not happy with their handling of the information they had.
As the silence stretched on he got impatient again.
"Chop chop pretty boy. Spill or do I really need to see Barbie?" Was it fair to use Barbara as some sort of weapon here? Probably not, but did he care? Nope, he didn't. He was going to get information on what was going on with the little shit and how much of that fucked up green juice was involved. Though he was pretty sure for the kid to get dragged it must have been a shit ton of it.
Neither of them moved for a while again, and Jason really thought that he might have to go to Barbara for real until Dick once more commed through his hair seemingly finally having come to a decision himself. Turning on his heel the elder went over to his desk and pulled out a laptop, not any laptop but the one with direct connection to the Batcomp Servers.
Jason caused heavily under his breath as he walked over and watched Dick power it up before logging in to access files. Fuck, it must be really bad if they went that far which meant Bruce had intended to keep all of them out of these files should they attempt it directly over the Batcomputer.
Which meant Demon Brat would have no chance of seeing these unless he uses one of the special access ways. The moment Dick pulled up the first image, Jason only half heartedly listened to his brother's explanation as his eyes turned green.
"These fuckers!" Oh he would need to go out on Crime Alley tonight, otherwise he wouldn't know where to put this shit ton of rage. His head sharply turned towards his elder brother for the first time he realized just how much of his own emotions Dick had been hiding from them reflected in the others eyes.
"The bits and pieces of the reports we recovered are even worse." He watched how Dick closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again and focusing them solely on Jason. The rage he had just seen no longer reflected in his eyes but at the same time his brother halted like he saw something else that stopped him for a brief moment before he continued. "It's more speculation based on the bits and pieces we have discovered. Are you sure you really want in on this information Jason? It will not be pretty, and Danny…"
"Will still be a little shit that fucking bites me like I am his personal chew toy." Making direct eye contact Jason attempted to earnestly convey his stand on the situation. Besides now that he had seen a glimps of what was most likely truly going on, he was not going to leave that fucked up shit alone.
Jason only later learned through Dick's admission that his eyes had glowed green throughout the entire explanation of what they had dug up so far as well as what they were suspecting and only turned back once Dick was done and had closed the laptop. If he punched a couple of criminals in close combat just a tad bit harder than necessary in response that night, that was no one's but his own business.
Meanwhile in a Area hidden between Illinois and Gotham
Dan sat on the little hill of unconscious bodies he had created in his ghost form. Originally he was going to go for the headquarters of the League of Assassins. Thing was, having a merged ghost core of two different ghosts, as well as a newly created human side (thanks to his clone body), did intact impact his 'Danny' memories slightly. Which meant he sort of forgot where it was again, but hey instead he remembered where some of the sub hide outs where. Like this one that happened to be close to Illinois.
He kicked the guy squished under the one he was sitting on, enticing a pained groan out of them. They weren't dead, Jazz, Ellie and the twerp had spent a lot of time resocializing him. He was not about to fuck that up by taking a live. Besides, the twerp as well as his human half never really had been able to take a life.
Still he was stuck, now. He had thought that they had been involved. Danny had disappeared without an explanation. Of course there could alway have been the chance that the GIW as well as the twerps former parents had lied in some way. That instead of disappearing, the twerp just got transferred to some other place they didn't know about.
But Dan had remembered when he had seen the world map. He had remembered them. People capable of making people disappear without a trace. Be it permanently or for their body to turn up at a later point as a warning. He wouldn't have put it past them if they had been behind it.
If the old sack of bones had learned of the twerps powers, his tone most likely would have changed. His eyes flashed for a moment just a bit brighter in a muddled red at that thought.
In a way it surprised Dan that he was able to think this way about these people. But then again. He had left his human side behind and merged his core with Plasimus. He did not hold any sympathy for these people anymore. Well maybe only for one of them, the rest could go screw off as far as he cared. And if he knew his former self the way he did then he knew that the only ones the twerp would really care for would be his mother and twin. Which was fine with Dan only to a certain extent, he would only care for one of them and which one it was was pretty obvious in his opinion. Damian held the same value to him that Jazz did.
Talia was a different matter. Without his human half and probably a bit of the influence of Plasimus' core, Dan had a more objective opinion on his shared memories with Danny in regards to her.
Kicking another unfortunate soul on the human pile to give his frustration way, he growled as he sensed a new presence coming closer. When the growl didn't work as warning enough and the presence did not deter in their approach, he turned, flaring his hair and snarled towards the shadows.
His eyes glowed stronger and dangerously warning red as they narrowed at the person that stepped out of the shadows. Observing him and the pile of unconscious bodies stacked under him.
"This is quite the surprise. I did not expect your appearance."
"Where is he?" Dan snarled gloved fingers turning into claws, figures she knew about his existence somehow.
"Won't you at least greet me, Habibi?"
His hackles rose and held out his claws threateningly, preparing for the fight that was most likely to come. "I am no son of yours! Now, where the fuck is he?"
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clockwayswrites · 1 year ago
*steeps fingers* In my continual efforts to eventually write Danny/Dick (without Wally adding to the sandwich)...
CW: BSDM subject matter (no smut) below the cut
Dick Grayson- the first Wayne child. The poster boy of the rest of them. Smiling, handsome, friendly.
Nightwing- the og sidekick now a decorated hero. Hell, he's been a hero longer than most. The golden boy and a leader. Smiling, intelligent, kind.
And he loves who he is. He loves being Dick Grayson and Nightwing. He's proud of what he's built with his family and the Titans. But it's hard. There's always been this small angry part inside of him and sometimes it thrashes and rages about how it's his roll to always smile and fix everyone else's issues.
And Dick is tired. He's tired of saving everyone else while he's struggling to tread water. Then an overheard conversation has him thinking about a new option. He doesn't need another 'mask' to wear, but maybe one where he doesn't have to be smiling, friendly, and kind would do him good.
He ends up joining a dungeon as a dom. He's careful to protect his identity- both of them- but it does him so much good. He can be harsh and he can hurt and do so in ways that are still good. He can make someone else happy by bruising them.
Of course, he doesn't expect to start falling for one of the subs that he keeps having scenes with. He doesn't expect to have to decided if it's worth the risk to let someone know all of who he really is.
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strong-with-the-sarcasm · 9 months ago
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Part 17: the stars are shining their brightest light
"We can get lost in fears that we make for days that feel black as night, but there in the dark, you'll find that the stars are shining their brightest light." -If You Love Someone by The Veronicas
Regent Masterlist Part 16
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“This is my girlfriend, Queen Regent Jasmine of the Infinite Realms.” 
If there was ever a way to silence the Bat-family, it was with an introduction like that. 
Sure, Jason knew the family was fully aware of Jasmine Nightingale (thanks to Replacement), but he was positive that he had just rocked their world by just casually dropping the fact that  Jazz was not only royalty of the same dimension but also ruled it in the stead of the true monarch… He was certain that his family would figure out what he wasn’t saying soon enough. 
Beautifully executed and dinner hadn’t even started. 
The shock that permeated the room was delicious, feeding his ego as he led Jazz to their seats the furthest from Bruce, with Jazz safe at his side where he could intercept any perceived attack aimed at her. He’d ignored the rule about weapons at the table, packing his favorite desert eagle at his back and an ecto-gun strapped to his ankle that was a thoughtful gift from Danny. Jasmine had her bracelets uncharmed for the evening, desiring transparency with his family, and he knew how quickly she could summon her armor and Faithkeeper. They were as prepared as they could be and it made him proud that he had someone like Jazz to watch his back.
(He loved fighting back-to-back with her.) (Almost as much as he loved keeping her safe.) (The Lady and her knight.) (He was in love.)
It was Dickolas that spoke first, barely containing his excitement, “Little Wing, I’m so happy for you!” Which allowed pandemonium to follow from the rest of his siblings. 
“Oh my gosh-” 
“A member of royalty-” “-you’re-” 
“Jason pulled-”
“New sister?”
“-is willing-” 
“A queen?!” 
“-to date you?” 
“Nice one man.” 
The once-Revenant could practically taste Jazz’s amusement, relishing in her amusement-bafflement-love as they waited quietly for the others to settle down so the couple could answer the questions no doubt waiting for them.  
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The first question Jazz could answer was probably the one that she dreaded to answer. 
“How’d you meet?” Tim asked, eyes switching from Jason to her and back again. 
Jason was swift to reply, “At a bookstore.” “Got to talking and Jason asked me out.” Jazz added with a soft smile at the memory of a blushing Jason. 
The dark-haired girl at the table, Cassandra Wayne, signed something far too quick for Jazz to read completely. Though Stephanie translated right away, “Cass asked how long it took Jason to ask you out.” 
Jazz chuckled a bit and set down her cutlery to sign her response, though the movements were somewhat stilted- she hadn’t used sign language since the last meeting with Heppa, a mute acropolis amazonian that once acted as Jazz’s sparring partner while under Pandora’s tutelage. 
Some signs were muscle memory (stop, peace, fight), but others were difficult to recall. The ghost equivalent of ASL (ESL or ecto sign language) was far easier to fall back into than ASL, given that it also used emotions to communicate. [Two days, nervous, very cute.] Jazz signed, projecting the fondness-love she felt for her soulmate as she did. Cass tilted her head, the faint prickle of curiosity evaporating into the air almost as soon as Jazz registered it, but one of the other men at the table turned the attention away from the two women’s silent conversation. “I can’t believe little wing got a queen to date him!” Dick exclaimed. 
“Tt, a member of royalty should have better standards than to settle for Todd.” That comment came from the youngest Wayne, Damian, where he sat to his father’s left. The head of the house studied Jazz with a quiet air of protect-wariness. 
Ah, yes. They’d met as their alter egos- her the Regent and him the Batman. How concerning it must be for her to find her way into his son’s life and to his dining table with his other children. Bruce no doubt saw the evidence of the extent she would go to for Phantom. 
One slash, two, three Blood is on your hands already. 
Fourth, fifth slash Ask the ghosts if honor matters, buried amongst the ash.  Slash six, seven Sharpen your love into a weapon
“Jason is a wonderful person and partner.” Jazz replied, electing to ignore the DadBat’s stare into the side of her skull. Cass’s hands moved again, a bit slower than the first time, much to Jazz’s relief. [Do ghosts use sign?] 
[Yes. Emotions with words.] Jazz answered with a small smile as she once again projected her emotions, fondness-anxiety-amusement, for those present even if they couldn’t register them. 
“What are those shadows behind you?” Duke blurted out, eyes still locked onto something over Jazz’s shoulder. 
“Shades.” The manor was full of weak shades, no doubt belonging to ancestors of the Wayne lineage. “Weak ones” she clarified. 
Bruce spoke up this time, “The weakest form of ghosts?” he asked for clarification as if he wasn’t in possession of the Ghost Files, which she knew had information on shades. 
(Among other beings.) (She tried not to think about her own file.) (The evidence of patricide and matricide.) 
“Yes. These ones are probably just curious about my presence.” It was true, as far as she could tell. Jazz was the most liminal being in existence, after all, not to mention the Crown of Fire she bared as Regent. Thankfully, she couldn’t make out any hostility from the ancestral shades, not with her permission to be here and an escort of a Fraid member (Jason) was not an intrusion. 
“You are aware we know your identity,” Damian stated, with a glare that would cut down weak men. “And that you know ours.” 
(Well, no shit Sherlock.) (Jason’s Red Hood.) (No need for a corkboard and red string.) “Demon spawn-” Jason growled, but Jazz took his hand in hers to calm down the anger she could feel bubbling up to the surface. He took a deep breath in and out before he squeezed her hand back. “Damian. I trust Jazz with my life, she won’t betray us or our secret identities.” 
“Phantom trusted you with the Ghost Files. If he considers you worthy, then so will I.” Jazz swore. 
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Dinner passed far quicker than Jason expected. He sat back and basked in his Lady’s presence at the dining table as she answered questions, as they had agreed before arriving. Bruce hadn’t spoken much, no doubt content to watch the interactions between his kids and Jazz. 
Jason hoped the old man could see how wonderful his Lady was. She was his guiding hand through darkness and fire, made his worries melt away, and offered him peace in his second chance at life. 
Gave him her heart, him, the eight-heads in a duffel bag crime lord. Let him meet her little brother, her reason for surviving thus far, her world. Let Jason’s scarred and bloody hands hold her close to his still-beating heart and Proto-core. 
He couldn’t offer her much, not really, but he could offer her a piece of him- this, his family, his Fraid. It wasn’t a lot, not when compared to what Jazz had given him before he ever knew her name, but it was all he had to give that couldn’t be offered so easily. 
(Jazz would never hurt his family.) (Not unless they hurt him first.) 
One day, the two of them would be comfortable in this manor side by side, but not now with the newness and wariness he could feel from his Fraid
Perhaps he shouldn’t ask Bruce for that favor quite yet. 
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A/N: I am thrilled to announce that with this update the Regent is no longer in Hiatus! With the AO3 version comes more fuel to write (comments & kudos) and of course that gives me more encouragement to write. There will be gaps between posts still, but I will be posting parts again. AO3 link in Regent masterlist, parts combined into longer chapters. beta'd by the awesome @meditating-cat
Thanks for reading!
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tripthelightfandomtastic · 2 years ago
Rebel Yell -D.R.W
Author's Note: I am so happy to finally be able to put this out, this story took me ages but I am so very proud of it. Am I projecting here? Maybe. But hey, I too am living for the single life.
Synopsis: A shitty party gets turned around after a playful game of spin the bottle.
Word Count: 8.5k (you asked for it!)
Warnings: 18+ MINORS NEED NOT INTERACT. Alcohol, mild violence, foul language, rough sex, choking, spanking, slight domination, oral, fingering, raw doggin’ (wrap it before you tap the hottest guy at the party.) Smut but make it Danny with eyeliner. 
Pairing: Tattoo!Danny x Female Reader
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Have you ever even been to a party where you had a genuinely good time? One without awkward conversations with people you hardly know, one that matches the high expectations for a night that only happens in movies, or one where you have a few drinks and don't feel like vomiting all over the friend's car that drives you home? Well, this is worse than any party you've been to so far. Mainly because you're fucking ex and his friends are here. 
You pound the rest of your drink from the plastic red solo cup of Malibu and coke, who fucking made that anyway? It'll have to do until you can get a baker's dozen of shots poured for you to even think about being in the same room as him. The music is loud and obnoxious and the tile of the kitchen is sticking to the bottom of your Docs, but, at least you're in the clear. Looking around for a familiar face you find one of your girl friends you came here with, Summer. She's walking with your other friend who looks like she's had way too much to drink and is making a b-line to the bathroom. You do not envy them in the least, you would go and help but the anxiety building inside of your chest needs to be dampened with more liquor. 
Pouring yourself a more than hefty amount of tequila in your cup, you slam the whole double (most likely double and a half) shot down. You cringe and squeeze your eyes closed as you take a breath. You groan as the alcohol burns down your throat when you meet eyes with a guy across the room, some very tall drink of water with long dark curly hair, you saw him earlier in the backyard puffing on a joint with some long haired hippie wannabe looking friend with a stoner laugh to match.
You hold his gaze a moment in the crowded room, you think you saw smudged eyeliner on him earlier and had to keep yourself from nearly falling instantly head over heels for the bad boy in the black leather jacket and Church of Rock N Roll muscle tank. The combat boots and ripped black jeans with the chain hanging off his belt wasn't helping your cause either. He sends a small nod your way along with a subtle yet confident smirk that lights you on fire. You can't help but smile back, you can feel your heart race in your chest as you look away, keeping your cool as best as you can. You've been told before that people can read your mind based on the faces you make, subtlety not being your best quality. 
At least you have positive qualities, unlike your ex, Ryan. You had been dating for about two years, your longest relationship to date and your first real boyfriend. It started out great, he was super sweet and funny, gentle and interesting. But he got distant, so distant in fact that he would almost never reply to your messages or calls until it was too late and you started seeing each other less and less. It wasn't until you were out with friends to dinner one night when you saw him there with another girl. Long story short, they had been talking for a while and hooked up a few times, poor girl had no idea you even existed. So yeah, the lying dick head was here and grinding on every girl in sight. 
Being single again after so long has been feeling so foreign to you, almost like you were doing something you shouldn't, forgetting you have no loyalties to anyone anymore. So fuck it. Tonight, you were gonna have fun and flirt your ass off. Why shouldn't you?! It's been almost seven months since your messy breakup with Ryan, might as well have some fucking fun for the first time in a while. And hey, if you end up having some stupid one night stand, who cares? You're owed at least one good orgasm that's not by your own hand. 
The music is thumping through the house and you've had enough to really feel the music and let your body talk for you. You make your way over to the makeshift dance floor and sway to beat. Closing your eyes and just allowing yourself to let go of the anxieties you were holding on to. You meet eyes again with that curly haired guy again through the crowded floor, damn he's good looking. He takes a sip of his drink, eyes not tearing away from you as you sway your hips up against some girl behind you. She laughs and begins dancing with you, she spins you around and you get lost in the song, your eyes only flitting away to the guy leaning up against the wall who keeps meeting your eyes, his conversation with the three other guys he's with be damned. 
The crowd moves to the kitchen as someone brings up the idea of playing spin the bottle. It seems like the whole party has decided to gather in the kitchen, to play or just spectate around the round dining room table. You stand at the table and your stomach drops into your shoes when your ex is almost directly across from you. You move to leave when the hot guy you've been eyeing all night stands right beside you. 
"Hey." The tall drink of water says accompanied with a smile that makes you mirror his expression. "Hi." You reply almost shyly, he's quite intimidating to be honest, maybe it's the bone structure or his clothes but something about his warm brown eyes that makes you feel safe to talk to. "Big fan of spin the bottle?" He asks. "I've never played." You answer, fiddling with your rings, your eyes take in his appearance now that he's right in front of you, his smudged eyeliner making your heart skip a beat, fuck he's hot. 
"The rules aren't very difficult, I'm sure you'll be a natural at it." He teases, a smile pulling at your lips as he gets a chuckle out of you. "Well, if anything, I think it's a great way to make friends." You counter flirtatiously that makes the man smirk. "I'm Danny, by the way." He says introducing himself, finally giving a name to the gorgeous face, you extend your own introduction when all of a sudden a voice rings out, "Alright, fuckers listen up!" A guy begins to shout, holding up an empty beer bottle. "I don't care if you're gay, straight or anything in between! A spin is a spin! So either play or don't." The guy finishes before spinning the bottle, starting the game. You exchange a look to Danny who keeps his ground, ready to play, come what may.
The bottle spins several times with no real wild kisses exchanged. You're nervous for when it will land on you. The empty Dos Equis bottle is spun and the girl on the other side of you gets a kiss, prompting your turn to spin. You take a deep breath before and your bottle is spinning rapidly, you're practically sweating as the bottle begins to slow, coming to a stop on the long haired stoner guy Danny was talking to earlier. He's cute, tall, tan, with a sweet disposition, why not? The crowd around the table "oohs" as the stoner walks over to you. 
He gives you a small but gentle kiss, his hand on your cheek, he tastes like tequila and weed, he smells like cologne and his lips are a little dry, probably cottonmouth. The kiss doesn't last long but the excitement from the kiss makes you buzz with confidence. The guy gives you a wink before walking silently back to his side of the table. You take your place back next to Danny, he whispers in your ear, "I see you've met Sam." He jokes, "Well Sam's a pretty decent kisser." You smile back, Danny gives you a chuckle before he looks back at the game unraveling ahead. 
The bottle spins and spins for a few turns, you and Danny quip back and forth, passing the time and flirting a bit as the game rolls on. Danny even gets landed on by a friend of his, some shorter long haired guy who joined him by the wall near the living room dance floor. It's short but kinda cute to see two guys kiss without making a big deal about it, but instead joking about, "Who hasn't kissed their friends before?!" The friend laughs before going back to his spot, saying something in a very drunk and very fake accent. 
The bottle takes a few more spins, you watch uncomfortably as your ex kisses some red headed girl for a little too long and gets a little too handsy, only egging on the crowd. You roll your eyes, crossing your arms and standing awkwardly. Danny gives you a look, tearing his eyes away from the scene ahead. "Will these two just get a room already?" He whispers to you. You can't help but show an uneasy expression, Danny must sense your discomfort because he asks you very gently, "Hey, you okay?" You nod quickly in silence, offering no reply. You look over at him, almost ashamed, "That's my ex." You say with a bitter taste left on your tongue. "Oh. Well he seems like a real stand up guy." Danny comments with a sneer, watching as Ryan practically sticks his entire tongue in the girl's mouth. It's like a train wreck, it's awful but you can't look away. A red solo cup is held in front of your face, "Here. You need it more than I do." He hands you the rest of his drink. From the smell of it, coke and fireball, which you happily sink the rest down, you sigh with a slight cringe as the drink slides down your throat. Danny brings his hand to your back comfortingly, "Good girl." He praises. That phrase shouldn't affect you the way it does but holy hell do you feel like a whole new woman. The pair finally disconnects and the game continues on. 
Your friend Summer appears behind you tapping your shoulder. "Oh there you are! Danny! This is my friend Summer!" You can already hear the semi drunkenness in your voice as you're introducing her to Danny. He smiles charmingly, "Hi, it's good to meet you." He introduces himself, "Oh, hi." She smiles, but you notice she's got her purse and your other drunk friend in tow. 
"We're leaving, Mari is a mess and I'm tired. Are you coming?" She asks, her keys jingling in her hand. They are your ride, but your night just got interesting. Fucking carpooling. You look back at the table and roll your eyes as you come to the realization that the party for you is probably over. "I mean, um, I guess-" "If you want, I can take you?" Danny interrupts, "If you don't wanna go, I can drive you later if you like?" His offer hangs in the air for a moment as you look at your friend, speaking practically telepathically with the other if that all sounds okay to the other. "Yeah. That would be great actually. Only if you don't mind, I don't wanna put you out-" "It's really no big deal." Danny assures you with a smile. Your friend shrugs, "Alright then. Just text me when you get home, okay?" Summer smiles at you knowingly. You widen your eyes at her turning your head so Danny doesn't see your obvious smile as she walks away. 
"You really don't have to do all that for me, I can take an uber or something later." "It's really no bother. Besides, I'd hate for you to miss out on having a good time. I think you deserve it, especially since that asshole gets to, I think it's only fair that you do too." Danny smirks as he motions to Ryan. You smile, your heart thumping in your chest with excitement at the idea of Danny driving you home. 
The game continues on and the guy next to Danny gets a kiss from some girl and it's Danny's turn to spin. You make accidental eye contact with your ex who just chugged the rest of his drink while his buddies laugh about something. It makes you practically freeze in an almost anxious fear until you hear the spinning glass begin to slow on the wooden table. The last rotations make its way around until the end of the bottle is pointed at you. 
You take a moment to even realize it's pointing at you, you look up at Danny, he wears a face of 'I'm down if you are.' A small smile pulls at your lips, this was exactly what you were hoping for when you joined the game. You step forward shyly, Danny brings a hand gently to your chin, "Let's give 'em a show, huh?" He rasps against your lips, only quiet enough for you to hear. You nod before bringing your own hands to his chest, letting him take you to his lips. His lips slot gently against your own, you move in time with his lips. His hands venture down to your waist, pulling you close to his body, he's so tall it makes you feel like swooning here in his arms. The crowd hoops and hollers loudly as you let him slip his tongue in your mouth, your nails come to his back, clawing into the back of his leather jacket. He smirks against your lips, his hands wander down toward your ass, but stays respectfully on your lower back. You bite his bottom lip, grinning as you meet his eyes again, they're darker than before and you want nothing more than to keep kissing him. 
You almost completely tuned out the woo’s of the party goers around you until now. You smirk at Danny, knowing damn well you put on a good show, and knowing even more that he's a great fucking kisser. 
"Fuckin' slut." A scoff sounds across the room. You turn your head fast to the voice the comment came from. Ryan rolls his eyes as he toys with his empty red cup. Before you can say a word, Danny stands up straight, "What the fuck did you just say?" He asks, his voice is deep, completely sincere in his question and it commands the room in a way that makes Ryan look in his direction. He scoffs again, the crowd hums with whispered excitement, "Just funny is all, a little desperate I think." Ryan says. "It's just part of the game, dude." Danny laughs. “Danny, really, it’s fine.” You say quietly, you gain his attention and he looks upset. “No, I think he’s a fuckin’ asshole.” Danny says to Ryan and the rest of the party. Ryan steps closer, his gaggle of idiot friends behind him making their way through to the side of the table by you and Danny. Sam comes up silently behind you and Danny, getting ready to jump in if the situation calls for it. 
“I just think maybe she and I broke up too soon, especially because she was never that freaky with me.” Ryan smirks at you, his friends laugh at his statement. Danny bows out his chest and looks down at Ryan who is only a few inches from meeting Danny’s eyeline. “Maybe you should learn to shut your mouth before it really gets you in trouble.” Danny threatens, his jaw is clenched as he stares Ryan down. “I’m not talking to you anymore, I’m talking to her.” Ryan says as he tries to walk past Danny and toward you, you take a step back, Sam places a hand on your shoulder to help guide you away from your ex while Danny puts an arm out, keeping you out of Ryan's reach. “I have nothing left to say to you.” You say, anger and anxiety adding a tremble to your voice. “We don’t have to talk, baby, what I have in mind doesn't require much talking.” He quips, your stomach churning at his words. “That’s enough.” Danny says firmly, putting a hand on Ryan’s chest, keeping him in his place. 
“Get your fuckin’ hands off of me.” Ryan shouts as he pushes Danny but he hardly even moves. “Then leave her alone.” Danny’s voice is deep and threateningly quieter as he steps even closer to Ryan. He smirks over Danny’s shoulder to you, "Oh come on sweetheart, just one last kiss, huh?" Ryan shouts at you. Danny shoves Ryan backward, he falls back into his friends. Ryan’s face twists into a furious scowl as he lunges towards Danny with his fist, but he’s too fast. Danny dodges the hit and swings, punching Ryan right in the nose. It spews blood as Ryan falls flat on his back onto the sticky kitchen floor, his hand comes to his face and his friends are too frozen in shock to do or say anything. A harang of people gasping and shouting and cheering echoes through the kitchen and it feels like time stands still until Ryan shouts, “You broke my nose?! You broke my goddamn nose!” 
“Then get the fuck outta here before I break your fucking legs!” Danny bellows at Ryan, his stance is intimidating and large as he leans over Ryan. Scrambling to his feet, Ryan stumbles as he gets up and to his buddies and begins heading for the front door. “Have fun with my left overs, asshole!” Ryan shouts over his shoulder. “You son of a bitch!” Danny shouts as he lunges forward, making a run for Ryan but Sam’s long arms grab a hold of his friend’s large frame first before he can even make it out of the kitchen, allowing Ryan and his posse of douchebags to run out the door. 
“Hey man, chill out okay. Just let it go.” Sam says, calming Danny down before letting go of him. Danny turns to look at you, his intense glare of anger in his eyes softening as they settle on you before him. “Are you okay?” His voice is soft as his hands hold your arms gently, bending a bit to speak to you. 
You blink rapidly as you try not to let the tears in your eyes fall. “Yeah, I’m uh, I just need some air.” Your voice cracks before you turn and walk out the back door to the backyard, letting the cool breeze of the night wind calm the heat of your embarrassed face. You look up and stare at the crescent moon in the sky, taking in a deep, yet shaky, breath and you can’t help but feel absolutely mortified by the scene that just transpired. 
Fuck Ryan. 
Fuck parties. 
Fuck this. 
“Hey.” A voice says gently, almost nervously behind you. You turn to find Danny coming out towards you. You turn back around and quickly wipe your eyes as you keep your arms crossed and your eyes trained up at the sky, dark clouds moving over the night sky and through the light of the moon. "I'm really sorry about all of that." Danny's voice is soft as he comes to your side. The thumping music from the party inside only makes you feel like curling up into a ball, never to be seen again. "It's fine. He's uh, yeah, he's not nice." Your voice is like a whisper, trying not to let it break as you hold back the tears that threaten to pull you down with them. "No, no he's not. I'm sorry." Danny apologizes again. "No I should be sorry, I feel like that was all my fault in there." You say, shaking your head. Danny's hand comes to your back, prompting you to look at him, "None of that was your fault-" "I should've just left when Summer said so. I knew he was here, him and his fucking friends. I hate that you got dragged into any of that. You don’t even fucking know me!" You say with a bewildered laugh as a tear rolls down your cheek. Your words hang in the cool autumn air for a moment before Danny speaks. "I think I know you enough to know that you're a really great kisser." He says with a smile, knowing that would make you forget about the whole Ryan thing, if only for just a second. You chuckle as you dry your eyes, "Oh my God, how could I forget." You smile at him, you can see his features perk up as you finally meet his eyes. "Besides, Ryan just seems like the kind of guy who deserves a punch in the face." He smirks pridefully as he thinks back to replay the look of shock on Ryan's face when he hit the floor. 
"It was kinda cathartic to watch the hottest guy at the party deck my ex in the nose." You smile playfully, turning to take in all of Danny's gorgeous face. He smiles charmingly, "Well, I'm just glad I got to kiss the hottest girl at the party." He muses before giving you a look that only makes you want to kiss him again, and again and again. You move to step forward but let your eyes wander to the house, a handful of prying eyes from the fight in the kitchen looking intently at you and Danny's conversation, only reminding you of how you wish you could be somewhere more private. 
"If the offer still stands, do you mind taking me home? I think I've had about enough of this party." You ask, crossing your arms to warm yourself from the evening breeze that seems to blow right through you. A smile pulls at Danny's lips, "Yeah I think I'm ready to go too, I'd say we made quite the impression though." He jokes before turning to leave, you walk along with him and head to his car. 
Your hands run up and down your arms, trying to preserve whatever heat you can keep from escaping your thin long sleeve shirt. Before you even really notice, Danny pulls his large leather jacket off and places it over your own shoulders. "There." He simply says. You smile to yourself before turning to him as you both walk, the whole thing feels like it swallows you up, the sleeves so long your hands aren't even poking through. "Fits you better than me." He jests with an endearingly sweet look, his smile is contagious and you can feel your cold cheeks warming from the blush on your face. You bury your burning face into the collar of his coat, relishing in the mix of musk and cologne of the well loved jacket. 
The ride to your place isn't too long, the conversation is easy and soon you're pulling up to your apartment. The silence in the car is heavy as you think of what to say next. "So-" "Do you wanna come inside?" You beat Danny to the punch, interrupting him. He meets your eyes with a look of subtle surprise, "I'd love to." He says, his voice low and soft in the confines of the car in a way that makes the butterflies in your chest explode. 
You show Danny up to your apartment, you close the door and take off his jacket, "Thanks for letting me wear your coat." You say before handing it to him, "What kind of man would I be if I let you freeze to death in the cold?" He jokes before taking it from you, hanging it on your coat rack as you both take off your shoes. You laugh before walking off to the living room, sitting on the couch, Danny follows suit and sits beside you. You both smile fondly and comfortably at each other, unsure of what step comes next. A familiar anxious feeling in your stomach begins to stir, one that could be described as really overactive butterflies when in such close and intimate proximity with a hot guy alone with you in your apartment. 
You cut through the silence with a scoff. "For the record, I just wanna say, you're a much better kisser than Ryan." You smirk, Danny chuckles, "I'm sure Ryan lacked in several departments." He smiles to himself, crossing his arms in pride. You stare up at the ceiling and huff a sigh. "Ugh, you have no idea." You wish you could say you had been in more of a slut era than you really were since your breakup, but honestly, it's been dry as hell. "That bad?" He cringes, bracing himself. "He was fine, just, I don't know, kinda… boring?" You reply, shrugging as you try and gently explain how your sex life for the last two years was less than satisfying.
"How bad was it?" Danny asks, you search the ceiling for a moment, Danny stirs next to you, sitting up straight, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry-" "No no it's fine! He just, uh, he just wasn't very um, creative?" You explain vaguely. Danny chuckles, "Creative?" He repeats with a smile, "Just that it was very vanilla I guess? He never really wanted to try anything new or different." "Sounds like he was pretty selfish." Danny extrapolates. "Oh absolutely. If it didn't end with him cumming first, he wasn't super interested." You explain irritatedly. 
"He's an asshole." Danny snarks, you just chuckle a knowing laugh. "Most times I had to use my vibrator later when I got home." You cringe with a chuckle as you recount the many nights you spent with a toy between your legs. "What would you think of?" Danny asks softly, "Oh." You pause a moment in anxiety at the idea of having to speak your innermost fantasies to this gorgeous man before you. 
On your couch. 
You could feel the blush creeping in on your cheeks. "I uh, I liked to think about… ya know, getting tossed around, someone being rough with me." You confess, unable to meet Danny's eyes as you mess with the rings on your fingers. "Mmm, I see now. He was too soft? Too boring?" Danny speaks with a smirk that lights you on fire. "Y-Yeah, I uh, I'd bring up the idea but, he never really did anything new, maybe he thought it was weird?" You shift in your seat, ready to hear the judgment in Danny's voice. To hear the same put off tone like Ryan had. Instead, he places his hand on your knee, you turn to finally look at him. 
"I don't think it's weird at all. I like being rough." Danny smiles, you can feel the wave of relief washing over you. "Yeah?" You ask. "Mhm, to take control, to have a pretty little thing under me, letting me touch her all over, kiss her wherever, grab her however I want. Hear how good she feels." His voice feels like silk as he speaks, warming you all over. You can't think of a single thing that isn't a kin to 'fuck me', so you stay silent. You look over Danny's lips, he smirks at you as he moves closer. 
"Tell me what you've been dreaming of, angel, because I know I am a much better listener than that prick ever was." Danny grins, you can't help the hitch in your throat at the nickname. "Lots of things." You whisper. Danny smiles, his hand runs up your knee to your thigh, his large hand radiates warmth through your jeans to your skin beneath, fuck his hands are big. 
He leans in close, his cologne flooding your senses, his breath fanning gently over your lips as he brings his other hand to your chin, his eyes holding yours. "Did he never pull you onto his lap? Spank you over his knee? Squeeze his hand around your throat a little?" Danny asks, his finger under your chin holds you gently, your face is flushed as he tilts his head awaiting your answer. "Never." You whisper, your eyes practically begging his lips to yours, instead he runs his hand against your cheek, his thumb softly moves along your cheekbone. "Would you like that? If I did?" Danny asks softly, a rasp in his words sends a delicious chill down your neck. You nod embarrassingly quickly but it makes Danny chuckle at your eagerness. "Words, angel." He smiles. 
"Yes, I'd like that very much." You say, a slight shake in your voice, you almost don't even sound like yourself, you're so desperate. "Good. Because I think you deserve a good fuck." Danny pulls you in, a soft kiss at first, softer than the one at the party but it doesn't stay sweet. 
Your hands come to his face, to his hair, wanting to touch him where you've been dying to. Your kiss becomes more desperate, his tongue enters your mouth, your hands tug at his hair, he groans at the pull, smirking as he breaks the kiss, “Oh angel, that’s my job.” He teases before kissing you again, his hands on the small of your back brings you closer to him, bringing you on to his lap, he captures your bottom lip between his teeth making you moan. He pulls away, allowing you to grind down to feel his already hardening cock in his pants, you whimper out a pathetic sound at just the feeling of him near you. 
“You sure?” Danny asks, breaking the bad boy persona a moment as he reads your face, “Take me to my bedroom.” You sigh as you roll your hips against his. Danny sighs at the feeling of your movements before he huffs a small laugh, “Where is your bedroom?” He asks, you laugh, “Down the hall to the left.” You smile. With no hesitation, Danny stands from the couch, you wrap your legs around his waist as he carries you to your room, his hands holding you close to him as he makes his way down the hall. 
Your room is warmly lit, a gentle glow from your fairy lights and salt lamp you left on, Danny sets you down on your bed before looking around the room, “Cute.” He simply states, making you roll your eyes. 
You go to take your top off, “Wait.” Danny interrupts, you stop your hands, dropping the material of your sweater. “Come here.” He says, you smile in response as you make your way over to him, clambering off the bed and standing in front of him. Danny brings his hands to the hem of your sweater, pulling the material over your head and off to be discarded to the floor. “Pretty girl.” He smiles, a rasp to his voice makes you blush as you stand before him in your bra. He undoes the button of your jeans, pulling them down your legs until you stand before him in just your underwear. 
You stand before him, his eyes scanning your half naked figure, he gives you a ‘come hither’ motion with his finger, you walk up to him, your doe eyes looking up at him as his hands come to rest warmly on your sides. “So pretty.” He whispers, his voice bringing goosebumps to your skin. His hand trails down to your panties, his fingers running over the already dampened material. You sigh at the touch, “Mmm, already so wet for me. Aren’t you such a good girl?” Danny praises, his lips right against your ear as he speaks, your heart nearly jumps out of your rib cage at his words. “Just for you.” You breathe, Danny smiles, kissing your neck.
He pulls away, his hands come to his own shirt, pulling his church of rock ‘n roll tank top off, tossing it alongside your own discarded clothes. You watch astounded at the beauty of his body, the dark ink of the tattoos you never saw are revealed as he peels the tight black jeans from his body, leaving him clad only in a tight pair of black briefs, the outline of his dick takes your breath away. 
Danny pulls you to him in a gentle kiss, he pulls away after a moment, taking you by the hand and leading you to the bed. He sits on the edge of the bed, he pulls you on to his leg, you sigh at the contact. “Wanna watch you ride my thigh, show me how bad you want it.” He says, his hands on your hips, pulling you down onto his muscular thigh, making you whine. 
You roll your hips down against him, a moan rolls out of your throat as you grind down, you place your hands on his shoulders as you move, his hands come down to your ass, dull nails digging into the softness of your muscle. “That feel good, angel?” Danny asks teasingly, you offer a hum as you chase the feeling building up in your lower stomach, “Tell me baby, tell me how you feel.” He smirks, his grip tightening and pulling you to rock against him harder and faster, “Ah, fuck, so good.” You whine. “Yeah?” Danny asks, his hand coming down hard on your ass, you yelp out in shock, the stinging a delicious blend of pain and a euphoric sensation that only makes you wetter. “How good?” He asks, looking at the way your eyes have widened and the way your mouth hangs open, his hands gripping tightly, “So fucking good, oh god.” You cry out.
Danny brings his hand behind your back, unclipping your bra and pulling you closer to him, his lips latching around one of your nipples. You moan as you rock back and forth on his thigh, his teeth grazing your nipple, his other hand gripping the small of your back, encouraging you to move. The wetness in your panties and the friction on your clit against Danny's muscular thigh, feels like nothing you've ever felt before. He pulls away from your chest, his hands pull you to him as he flips you onto the bed and lies you on your back, manhandling you and laying between your legs. He kisses you hard before sitting back on his heels, a shining wet spot on his thigh tattoo catches your eye, making you blush. “You need it bad, huh, baby?” He teases, grinning at the wetness on his thigh. 
"God yes." You sigh. He looks so dreamy under the lights like this, like an angel with his curly hair catching the warm lighting from the salt lamp. The golden hue makes his skin look so soft and warm and you cannot wait to feel him. "Then let me give it to you." He smirks, his hands come down to your panties, he gives you one last look for permission that you immediately grant him before pulling them down.
You can’t stop the instinct of closing your legs out of shyness as Danny tosses your panties to the side, Danny laughs a moment at your coyness. “Oh, baby, don't act shy now. Spread your legs for me, sweet girl, show me what a good girl you are.” Danny’s voice makes you sigh, no one has ever talked this way to you before, you keep your eyes on him as you slowly open your legs. Danny’s eyes travel down to your glistening core and subtly palms himself over his briefs, only making you wetter at the sight. “Fuck angel, you are dripping.” His voice laced in seduction as his hands come to your thighs, spreading you wider. 
“So fucking gorgeous, all laid out for me. I want a taste.” His proposition makes your eyes widen. “Fuck yes please. I haven’t…” Your voice trails off making Danny look at you with an air of confusion, “Haven’t what?” Danny’s voice in that perfect mocking tone that makes your brain hazy. You can’t help but blush and look away before answering him. 
“I um, I’ve never really cum from… oral before.” You confess. Danny almost looks pained by your statement. “Never?” he asks as his hands softly wander up and down your thighs. “My ex didn’t do that much.” You say nervously, Danny brings his hand closer to your core making your breath hitch, he leans in close to you, his face inches away from your own, eyes boring into yours. “With a pussy as perfect as yours, I don’t see how he wasn’t between your legs all hours of the day.” Danny whispers as his hand slowly glides down to your center, you sigh as his fingers bring your wetness up and around your clit, making you moan. Danny smiles as he watches your expression change as his fingers roll slow wide circles over your clit, your mouth hanging open. 
“Let me take care of you, pretty girl.” He says softly before kissing your neck, down your chest, your stomach, kissing his way down all the while his fingers play with your clit. Danny lays down on the bed, he watches as his fingers make a mess of you. “If it ever becomes too much, just say Metallica, that’s the safeword.” He explains, you simply nod. “No angel, I need to hear it. Be a good girl and repeat it so I know you understand.” “M-Metallica, yes, I-I understand.” You stammer out, “Good girl.” Danny grins before kissing your inner thigh, heading closer until he removes his hand from your clit. You take a deep shaky breath as Danny’s breath warms over your folds, his warm tongue licking languidly up to your clit. You sigh a moan as he takes his time, licking slowly along the sensitive bud, your hands clawing at the duvet beneath you. 
Danny’s mouth moves faster, lapping up at your soaking wet pussy. He moans against your core, making your back arch, “Fuck, Danny.” You moan, Danny brings his hands to wrap tightly at your thighs, gripping you to him, holding you in place as he eats your pussy. The delicious sounds of Danny’s mouth makes you whimper at the beautiful lewdness of it all. “So fucking sweet,” it was muffled but you just barely registered it from Danny, like it was never even meant for you to hear but you did and fuck that was hot. “Oh fuck, holy fuck.” You cry out, your eyes rolling back in your head as you clutch tighter at the balled up comforter beneath your writhing body.
Watching as Danny’s mouth works over you, the way his large hands hold you open for him and the way his nose nudges against your clit as he tongue fucks your weeping pussy has you moaning and your legs shaking uncontrollably. The prideful smirk you catch on Danny’s features makes your breathing more uneven than before, because he is so fucking good at this and the way you’re moaning is making him want you to cum even more. “Oh god Danny. Fuck, I’m gonna-oh fuck I’m cumming, oh fuck.” You moan out as Danny latches his lips around your clit, sucking on the bundle of nerves that has you clawing onto anything that can hold you as your orgasm takes root in you. Your hands come to Danny’s hair as your hips attempt to buck, but the firm grip he has on your thighs, move to your hips, pinning you down as his tongue fucks you hard and fast into the most intense orgasm of your life.
Danny’s name and a string of other expletives fill the air until you’re hit with a wave of pleasure so hard you can’t make a sound. Your body goes rigid, your grip in Danny’s curls is tight and rough, only making him groan against your core which feels like it's sparking like a live wire. Then something inside of you snaps and you can breathe again, uneven and labored breaths as you try to make sense of the bliss you just felt from this man you’ve only know for a matter of hours could make you feel like this, a million times better than a guy you were dating for two years could have ever dreamed.
His tongue slows to a stop as you come down from your climax, “H-Holy shit.” You huff out, you're in awe and just staring at your ceiling. If that’s what he can do with just his mouth, then you have to know what else he can do. 
You sit up and look at him with a look of insatiable lust. He smirks as he sits up and wipes the shine of wetness from his lips and chin with the back of his hand. “Oh angel, you look like you need more.” He teases as he sits up on his knees, the very prominent outline in his briefs pulls your attention away. “Please.” Is all you’re able to say. “I saw you sizing me up earlier, baby. I know you’re not as innocent as your boy toy thought you were.” Danny grins as he moves closer to you, his hand resting on the thigh of your spread legs. He moves to take his briefs off, you’re practically drooling as he pulls them off. His cock springs up and slaps against his stomach, “Fuck.” You whisper, a thought that wasn’t meant to come out. 
Danny moves closer to you, his fingers coming to your core, you almost jump from the enhanced sensation from between your legs. His fingers dip inside you a moment, you sigh out, your breath making Danny’s curls sway against his face from your proximity. “Show me what a good girl you are.” He whispers before pulling his fingers away and bringing them up to your lips. “Taste how sweet you are.” His voice sends chills across your body. Your eyes don’t leave his as you present your open mouth to him, sucking on his slender fingers. You hum against them, tasting your own arousal from his fingers. You open your mouth again, allowing him to pull away, but he doesn’t. 
His fingers rest on your tongue, “Such a good girl.” Danny whispers, he experimentally pushes his fingers back in your mouth, further back. You don’t dare break eye contact as he slowly runs his fingers in and out of your mouth. “Pretty little slut.” He smirks as you gag around his fingers, your eyes water, but you don’t retreat. “Suck.” He commands. You do as you're told and suck on his middle and index fingers, he sighs at the feeling. You release them with a ‘pop’, Danny smiles as he watches your face when he brings his fingers back down to your pussy, teasing your clit before pressing back inside of you.
You can’t help the moan that rolls out of your throat at the feeling of him filling you up. “Mmm, you are so tight.” Danny rasps, he moves closer to you, prompting you to lay back, his fingers slowly pushing in and out of you. He envelops you into a kiss as he makes work of you. You moan against his lips, grinding down on his fingers, your eyes fluttering closed at the feeling of him grazing your g-spot. “I know baby, I know.” He teases you as he continues finger fucking you, his pace speeding up a tad. His hardened cock lays against your thigh, you whimper as his fingers move faster. “You need it so bad, huh, baby?” Danny’s voice sends a chill over you, “Mhm.” You can’t even speak it feels so good, playing your body like he’s done it so many times before, so intune with you for absolutely no reason, it makes your head spin. 
“I wanna hear you say it.” He says, your eyes look at him, almost shyly. “Yeah, I wanna hear you say it. Hear that innocent little voice of yours ask for what you want me to do to you.” He smiles devilishly, the sound of your wetness all over his fingers fills the room, making you want him even more. You move to speak, but his fingers curl up inside of you making you moan, “Oh fuck,” You whisper to yourself, trying to get yourself under control. “I-I want you.” You say, Danny just chuckles, “Oh sweet girl, you’re gonna have to ask a lot prettier than that.” He teases, he adds his thumb to the mix, rolling over your clit as he finger fucks you. 
“Mmm, fuck. I-I want you to fuck me.” 
“Not even a please?” 
“P-Please, Danny. Please, I wanna feel it. N-Need to feel it, fuck me.”
Danny thinks for a minute to himself, a smug smirk on his face, “Yeah, that’ll do.” He grins before kissing you, his fingers pulling away as he puts himself between your open legs. You hum against his kiss as you feel his hardened cock resting against your warm core, begging for more. You buck your hips against him, hoping and praying he'd understand how much you need it. He smiles against your lips, "Oh yeah? That bad, huh?" He teases. You open your mouth to protest but whimper as he slowly taps the head of his cock against your needy clit. You look at him with eyes of dismay, shocked how your body reacts with a jump with every touch like this. "Like that, baby?" Danny speaks in a way that makes you practically buzz with excitement. "So much." You whisper. 
Slowly he presses inside of you, both of you moaning at the stretch. It feels like a wave flowing through you, from your scalp down to your toes. All you need in this moment is him. "Fuuuck." Danny's voice waivers as his eyes close, "So fucking wet for me." "Fuck baby, just for you." Your voice breathy and small sounding as you rake your nails down his back, making Danny sigh in your ear. His hand comes down to your thigh, pulling it over his hip, gripping so tight you pray it leaves bruises, wanting some sort of proof that this pleasure wasn't some fleeting dream. 
The angle is so deep and you can't help the way he's making you sound. Your nails gripping into his back and pulling him closer to you. It's all so fuckin perfect, you've never felt this good, so all consumed by desire and a euphoric pleasure that takes you under like the wave of tsunami. His breath cascades over your cheek and you can't help the way you wish you were the only oxygen in his lungs. "Fuck, Danny." You moan out as he speeds up his pace, the head of his cock grazing against your g-spot in a way that has your legs spread even wider for him. "So good angel, so fuckin good." He practically growls as he moves faster. 
A moan rips through you and you're clawing at the sheets beneath you, your hands detach from the linen and take root in Danny's curly hair. He groans at the pull, the way your nails scrape through his scalp. You're so close to the edge, the way he's pounding inside of you and the way the bedframe slams against the wall of your bedroom makes your eyes roll back in ecstasy. 
Your eyes slam open as the presence of a large hand presses against your throat just right. "Look at me baby. Want you to look at me when I make you cum." Danny's voice is so raspy and commanding you can't help but say, "Yes, sir." It must have sparked something in Danny because the way his eyes glint in the golden light of your bedroom leads you to believe you must have stumbled upon something. His pace quickens and his hand on your throat closes tighter, your eyes roll back and a devilish smile pulls at your lips as you completely surrender yourself to Danny. 
The building pressure inside of you has you moaning against Danny's strong hand surrounding your throat, making only a weak and broken whimper come awkwardly tumbling from your mouth. Danny releases his grip on your throat and instead holds your wrists down to the bed as he fucks you. "Let me hear it baby. Come on, angel. Be a good girl and cum for me." He whispers, his own voice shakes as he's barely holding on to his own climax. Your moans are so loud and Danny's name falls so easily from your lips, crying out for more and for him. He watches intently in your eyes, feeling the way your pussy flutters around him, and the way you can barely keep yourself from moaning as you cum hard around him.
Your climax makes Danny practically collapse against you, letting go of your wrists and opting instead to hold you close to him, both of his arms encircling your waist, hands grasping to your back. His nose presses against your neck as he groans, your name like silk on his lips as his hips stutter and slam back inside of you, cumming so deep. 
The two of you lay this way for a moment, both panting and searching for something to say, but you're both practically fucked so stupid you can't form any notable shit to say. Your pussy flutters around him, both of you moan exhausted at the intense shock waves that course through you and to him. Slowly and gently Danny pulls out of you, you whine at the loss of him and the way you can feel his cum leaking out of you so deliciously. "Uh where's your bathroom?" He blushes as if he weren't just choking you and fucking you senseless. "Uh, yeah, uh right down there." You chuckle as you point to the door that leads to your en suite bathroom. He returns with a clean washcloth and helps clean you up, a thing your ex never once cared to do for you. Your heart swells at his tenderness with you. He returns to your bed, motioning you to come closer. 
You waste no time as you rest your head on his chest, looking at the tattoos that intricately swirl in dark ink over his body. His warm hands hold you close, your leg over his, soft fingertips run over his ribs. "That was…" You trail off, blushing as the words evade you. "Yeah, that was everything." Danny smiles, hands gently caressing your back. 
"I've never felt that good before." You confess. "Never?" Danny asks surprised, you shake your head. "I could've guessed, you really weren't lying." Danny smirks. "Can we, um, do this whole thing again sometime?" You ask looking nervously up at his big brown eyes. His eyes light up innocently, "I don't think I could make this a one time thing if I tried." He smiles, his arms subtly hold you tighter. 
"Wanna stay the night?" 
"Baby, I'll never leave if you keep holding me this way."
My faithful tag list (pls update me if you changed your user)
@tripthelight-fanfic @emsgvf @ageofstardust @dakotadovato @screechesincoherently @gretavankleep37 @strangeh0rizons @capturethechaos @kiszkathecook @jakeslovehandles @depressingdarlin @gretavanfleas @samsurfgreenbass @prophetofthedune
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phantom-dc · 2 years ago
Dad Hood - part 12
When Jason wakes up, he is a bit confused. This isn’t his appartement? After a few moments he realizes that he is in his old room in the Manor. Why is he here? Last thing he remember is a fight with Bruce about-
Sitting up, Jason looks around him. He is about to leave his bed, when Alfred enters the room.
‘I suggest you get back into bed, master Jason. You gave us quite the scare.’
Alfred explains that Jason collapsed due to stress and Bruce brought both him and the child here.
‘Where is Danny? Is he ok?’
Jason was still worried. Who was looking after Danny while he was recovering? As soon as Jason said this, he noticed Bruce entering the room, Danny on his arm.
‘Good morning Jason. How are you feeling?’
Bruce had been very worried about Jason, so he was very glad that Jason woke up so soon.
‘Hi daddy! Are you feeling better? Grandpa Alfred said you were reeeaaaallyyy tired and had to sleep a lot! Did you sleep well?’
Danny un-clung himself from Bruce and climbed up to Jason, hugging his dad.
‘Hey kiddo. Yeah, I feel much better. How do you like the Manor? Are you getting along with everyone?’
Jason ruffled Danny’s hair. Even feeling so tired, his first instinct was making sure Danny was ok. He didn’t notice Bruce looking very proud.
‘Yeah! It’s great! It’s so big, but not green and gold and ugly! Grandpa Alfred is really nice, like Hobson! And everyone else is really nice too! Uncle Duke bought sunglasses so he could play with me, and auntie Cass let me do her hair, and uncle Damian showed me his penguin-’
‘Excuse me, young master Danny? Could you be so kind as to show me this penguin?’
Alfred took Danny away, as Jason was still very tired and needed sleep. Bruce still needed to talk with Jason after all. And besides, there was a penguin that needed to be removed.
‘Are you alright? You fainted so suddenly?’
Bruce sat down on the bed. He had been very worried seeing his son in that state. Tim had told him there were some issues with how Danny ended up with Jason that caused stress, but also told Bruce to ask Jason about it. Then Tim had opted to forgo coffee and go to bed, so he too must’ve been very stressed and tired. And Bruce wasn’t even going to mention Dick’s condition.
‘Yeah, I’ll be fine. I just had a very stressful 2 weeks. Everything just happened so fast, I barely got time to process anything.’
Jason was already feeling much better than before. Knowing his kid was safe with his family was such a relief.
‘Look, Bruce. I’m sorry for attacking you like that. It’s just-’
Bruce cuts Jason off:
‘You thought I had hidden your child from you and tried to clone him. Tim told me. I felt similair when I first found out about Damian. Just rest, Jason.’
After Bruce leaves, Jason dozes off. Before he truly falls asleep, he hears Dick yelling at Damian that Danny in not ready for sword-training. Jason smiles. Everything would be fine.
Bruce headed to the Bat-cave. As much as he wanted to spend time with his grandson, and god he had a grandson, Batman had work to do. Getting on the Bat-computer, he revisits the case that has been bugging him for days. Where had the Joker escaped too?
When Jason wakes up again, he is feeling much, much better. He really needed that rest. He gets out of bed and heads down to the main living room. There he finds almost the whole family minus Bruce, all doting on Danny.
‘And this is my dog, Titus. You may let him sniff your hand.’
Damian was introducing Titus to Danny, who was very excited. Then Danny noticed Jason.
‘Good morning daddy! Uncle Damian is letting me meet his friend! He is so cute!’
Danny was very happy, and giggled when Titus licked his hand. Duke asked Danny if he likes dogs. Danny answers him with a big grin:
‘Yeah! I have a dog too! Well, he’s not really my dog, but we play a lot! He’s really cute, until he gets angry. Then he gets really big and scary, but he is still a good boy. He’s dead!’
The room gets uncomfortable. Steph wants to ask Jason about this, but he cuts her off.
‘Don’t even ask. I have no idea what he means. Just roll with it.’
Bruce enters the room as well. He looks a bit tired, but perks up upon seeing all his family. He immediately walks over and scoops up Danny.
‘There is my new grandson! How’s the little man doing?’
When Bruce notices Jason is awake, he asks him if he is doing better. Jason waves him off, saying he is fine now that he had… 36 hours of sleep. Turns out he’d been running pretty ragged. Bruce agrees. Dick jokes that Jason didn’t even have the energy to argue with Bruce, earning him a laugh from his other siblings. Danny starts to struggle out of Bruce’s grip, wanting his dad. Bruce puts him down, but is visibly sad about it.
‘Come now, master Bruce. You spend all day with young master Danny yesterday. Let the boy see his dad.’
Alfred scolded Bruce. Bruce had spend nearly all day doting on Danny the day before, happy to have a grandson. He’d actually made his other kids a bit jealous. He only went back to work after Alfred had taken Danny and put him to bed.
‘By the way, B. How is your case going? Did you figure out where the Joker went?’
Dick was curious. Bruce still didn’t know Danny had been there, and Dick intended to keep it that way. But he had still felt weird about it. Why had Joker left without doing anything? He hoped Bruce would know something. Unfortunately, Bruce had to tell him there were no new leads. It was like the clown had gone up in smoke. Seeing that Jason was getting uncomfortable, no doubt because the clown had nearly hurt his kid, Tim decided to change the topic.
‘By the way, Jason. You were sleeping, so you don’t know yet, but tomorrow I’m having some of my friends over at the Manor. All supers, though. Kon, Bart and Cassie wanted to see the Bat-cave.’
Jason gave him a nod, but Danny got confused.
‘What do you mean? Auntie Cass is already here?’
Dick told him that more than one person could have the same name. Aunt Cass and Cassie shared their name, which is why they made sure to always call Tim’s friend ‘Cassie’, and never ‘Cass’. Danny seemed to understand, saying it was just like him and ‘Dani’ with an i! That had started a whole conversation about Danny’s clone. Jason didn’t like Duke’s joke:
‘Wait, Jason, does that make you a grandpa?’
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pipedreame · 1 year ago
DPxDC WIP — Conceal, Don’t Feel
(official continuation of this prompt post)
Pairings: Jason/Danny, Tim/Bernard, Dick/Wally
Idea: Frozen/Rise of the Guardians AU
Okay the brain worms won out so official new WIP here we go!
Jason is Elsa, Danny is Jack Frost
Basic premise is that Jason was abandoned as a young child and the Spirits gifted him with powers to help him stay alive after they witnessed him helping a young reindeer (no he does not adopt it lmao) and he’s eventually taken in by Bruce Wayne, King of Arendelle Gotham
His powers are a shock to Bruce, but they seem harmless enough and he mostly uses them to make little trinkets or mini snow storms/flurries when his emotions are high
He gains more control as he gets older and Dick and Tim are always asking him to make more action figures and slides and whatnot and he’s more than happy to comply, enjoying making his brothers happy
Until one night (ages are roughly: Dick 12, Jason 7, Tim 5) there’s an accident with Timmy jumping too fast on the pillars Jason was creating for him and he falls and Jason reaches out with too much power that hits his brother square in the chest
Dick runs to get Bruce as Jason cradles Tim who’s passed out and cold as ice and Jason is so, so scared
Bruce takes them all to John Constantine who is a hermit in the woods with lots of magical and arcane knowlege
He is able to heal Tim but he makes it very clear that Jason could have killed him and that if he continued to use his powers without tight control he could kill someone else
They’re all shaken enough to take this as meaning that Jason should just… never use his powers. Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them show
So life goes on and Jason locks himself away in his room most of the time (Bruce does not shut down the castle though — they just keep Jason’s powers a secret like usual). Tim doesn’t remember the accident or the fact that Jason has powers so he’s confused and hurt and Dick is worried about Jason but follows Bruce and his lead and doesn’t talk about it and tells Tim that Jason is just sick and needs his space
Their family grows as Bruce takes in Damian (Talia died when he was about 2, Bruce didn’t even know about him until the kid showed up at the Palace doors with a letter explaining the situation), and adopts Cass and Duke.
Babs is the daughter of the Captain of the Guard and Dick’s best friend so is basically part of the family and Steph (a street rat, daughter of a criminal) got attached to Tim and basically lives in the palace (but is NOT Bruce’s daughter, she reminds them all constantly). Other batfam members come in and out as they please lol
Bruce is presumed dead when Jason is 16 and Dick takes the throne at 21. Things are a bit tense but Dick has a solid support system and things go relatively smoothly, but Jason is having a harder time controlling his powers and emotions
Cut to his 18th birthday when he’s to get Crowned as Prince (I know this may be incorrect but I also Do Not care how monarchies work <3 — Maybe it could be Dick’s official Coronation or smth to make it easier, idc)
He really fucking doesn’t want to, but he also wants to act normal and make Dick proud so he suffers through it
Needless to say it goes terribly and ends with him basically turning the ballroom into ice and setting an eternal winter on all of Gotham as he flees to the mountains
Tim (who kind of set Jason off) tells Dick he’s going to track him down. (After a quick run-down explanation from Dick who is Stressed and Tim is so pissed that he didn’t remember the accident and that Jason felt the need to isolate himself — and that Bruce let him and convinced Dick it was for the best)
Dick goes with him and leaves the Kingdom in the capable hands of his Advisor (Babs) and Consort (Wally) and Alfred
They left very fast and aren’t the Most prepared and it’s a bit of a shitshow trek (cue Tim falling into a river trying to mimic Dick’s stupid gymnast moves and Dick getting a tree full of snow dumped on him for laughing) but they eventually make to to a little trading post (‘Look, Tim, they have a sauna!’) and are immediately recognized as Royalty and are getting products shoved at them left and right
Enter Bernard, local ice harvester, who is covered in snow and already annoyed at the Royal Roadshow when he needs to buy some real supplies
Tim and he immediately start bickering and when Dick overhears that Bernard knows the mountain he asks him to be their guide, much to both Tim and Bernard’s immediate refusals. But Dick offers a lot of money and Bernard caves
Meanwhile Jason has found himself collapsing in the snow and finally lets himself have the emotional release that he’s been holding in and his magic goes nuts creating things and he finds himself in a giant ice fortress, which, rad
What’s not rad is the freaky guy who shows up inside said fortress and starts poking around at both the ice and at Jason
It’s Danny, AKA Phantom Frost from the Legends
Now, Danny has been around for a century or two as a Winter Spirit and then became a Guardian when he kicked Pariah Dark’s ass back to the Eternal Darkness a couple hundred years ago. (Pariah Dark = Pitch Black/the Boogeyman)
He doesn’t remember his mortal life and no one is sure if he actually ever had a life Before or if he’s a manifestation of Magic herself. That rumor mixed with his defeat of Pariah leaves him revered among the Spirits and Guardians alike and he doesn’t love it because they often come to him with problems as if he can fix them (he does, every time)
He’s known as Phantom Frost but his closer friends call him Danny - the name he came into this world instinctively knowing as himself even when everything else was missing. (Maybe his squad can be Spirits/Guardians too? hmmm.)
Things have been quiet for a couple of decades and then one day his instinctual alarm bells start going off telling him that something is wrong and Unbalanced with Winter so he goes to investigate
He finds out that an Eternal Winter has been set on the Kingdom of Gotham and discovers a truly spectacular fortress built from ice in the mountains north of the kingdom
He goes inside and meets Jason who has clearly been Gifted by Magic herself and is so Unbalanced within his own soul that it makes Danny shiver
He knows he needs to help the guy and ends up showing off some of his own powers and gaining a bit of trust from Jason who ends up telling him the rundown of what led up to this and Danny is Pissed (and confused on how he had never known about Jason throughout the years) and vows to help him learn how to properly control his powers without trying to shut them off and harm his soul
After a bit of training and huge improvements with Jason’s abilities, Dick and Tim (and Bernard) come to find him and when Jason figures out he set off an Eternal Winter (Danny did Not inform him of that fact) he kind of spirals and ends up lashing out at Tim for the second time in his life and Danny has to calm him down so they can Fix the situation
Dick is (rightfully) freaking the fuck out and doesn’t trust Danny all the way so Danny agrees to go with them to visit their local Hermit/Arcane Expert to get a second opinion and who, from what Danny heard from Jason, deserves an ass kicking anyway (it’s John Constantine and he’d been the person Bruce took Tim to when the first accident happened and who had basically convinced them all to fear Jason’s powers and led to him trying to pretend they didn’t exist)
John Constantine is So Tired
Meeting Phantom Frost is overwhelming enough, but having to yet again deal with a Wayne level Situation… he feels like maybe he should move
But he helps, calling on Magic and finding the situation much more dire than any of them thought
He tells them the solution and they all pretty much laugh in his face (all except Phantom, who knows Magic better than John could ever even hope to and who wouldn’t dare laugh or scoff at Her power)
Only an act of True Love can thaw the ice that has set in Tim’s heart
aaaaand… to be continued ;)
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manapeer · 2 years ago
Batfam's favorite recurring Discworld characters based on : My Brain
Bruce : Granny Weatherwax. For her well polished ability to see past the appearances and her extensive use of headology.
Dick : Sam Vimes. A cynical but uncorrupt cop who manage over the volumes to raise up the city watch from a bunch of corrupted misfits to the peace gardian they're supposed to be.
Barbara : Moist von Lipwig. Well, that's quite a predicament you're finding yourself again, what are you going to do ? Okay, that works, you fixed the city's infrastructure by trying to save your petty conman's skin!
Jason : Granny Weatherwax. Because she takes shit from no-one and pulled a uno reverse card on people who tried to mess with her head. She's a badass.
Tim : Vetinari. The mastermind.
Steph : The Librarian. Life-goal.
Cass : Lu-Tze. He fascinate her. She's always very exited and passionate when he makes a cameo.
Damian : Carrot Ironfoundersson. If he and Jon had a son... well he probably would'nt be like that at all, but Carrot looks like a weird combination of them both and Damian loves him.
Duke : Angua von Überwald. The Sane One(tm) of the watch, and he empathise as a meta.
Alfred : Sam Vimes. He went from solitary desillusioned drunkyard to a sacastic but proud father with great accomplishments without compromising who he was, not quite content, but that sort of man can't stand having no better to do than relax. Alfred is very proud and very happy for the lad.
Bonus :
Danny : Igor. All of them.
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Okay but after the initial shock and confusion, jason need to realize that he is in one of hisncontrieved romance novels rn and to ride that as far as it goes. Like yes his life is already so freaking weird, with resurrection and family drama, but he just entered a dating a secret princess and becoming royalty plotline . There are hallmark movies about this scenario.
How much warning he gives them is depentant on what kind of drama he wants. Im inclined to say he may communicate earlier not because he doesnt want to fuck with his family but because he does not want the drama at the actual wedding. He owes jazz the full shebang and he will shoot anyone who tries to fuck her special day(s).
So he tells the family only after he actually gets engaged, and you know hes acting like he knew who danny was all along and that if the rest of the bats didn't already know theyre the dumb ones.
Alfred is gonna be pumped. He isbso happy for jason and also they get to have thebsmall family ceromony and it's going to be lovely, hell make sure. But also jason gets to be a prince? Good for him. He always had a heart of gold and its nice that he gets to share it with a kingdom. He'll do a wonderful job.
Bruce is torn between proud happy dad, paranoid overprotective research and contingency making, and brooding because his baby has grown up. It doesn't matter that jason is an adult killer who hasnt lived with bruce for 7 years. This still hits bruce in the 'my child has grown' feels. Again hes happy but hes gonna mope and brood about it. Hes gonna try and be controling about aspects of the wedding, especially security. He is going to deep dove ghost culture and end up knowing more than danny does about ghost politics. He's a mess in a very bruce way and fights will probably happen but genuine exchanges of pride and love will also happen.
Dick is going to remind everyone that he was formally engaged to a princess and is uniquely qualified to help and be best man. Bonus points if jason makes kori his best man because dick makes this comment. Arsenal and bizarre and maybe tim are going to be groomsmen. Dick is deliberately snubbed for the role. Dick still intends to get his fingers in everyrhing planning wise. The bachelor party, the floral arrangements, the tux fitting. Hes annoying but obviously ecstatic for his little brother so its hard to hold it against him
Tim, as mentioned, gets to be a groomsman. He is genuinely kinda surprised by this fact and it ends up meaning a lot to both of them. I imagine tim will more quietly be doing deep dive research and contingency plans. He is there to make sure things fo off perfectly for jason, even if hes trying to be subtle about maybe closing all of jasons cases and ensuring the main rougues are in prison during the wedding. He's genuinely pretty considerate about it. BUT if he finds put jason didnt know danny was phantom or that he would become a prince, the mockery will be relentless. Tim is also definately making sharp little digs about jason be a fairytale prince.
Cass is also a flower girl. She will share the role with dani. I am realizigng how absolutely chaotic putting these two girls will be is and i love that for then. Many flowers will be thrown at people. Its fun for both of them. Low key she is also bodygaurding jason, just in case.
Damian gets to be the ring barer and he takes the role way too seriously. He seems to expect someone to try and steal the rings from him and if they try they will need to prey them from his cold dead hands. He also seems to be thr most prepared for this level of opulent wedding, he feels its wasted on jason but is clearly still really into it. For some reason i feel he will invite talia to the ghost zone wedding. He'd ask jason first and theyd both kinda agree that as jasons psuedo mother figure she should be there, but they dont trust her enough to be at the small ceremony. There's definitely a small element of 'look what you missed out on' by showing her the royal wedding.
Bonus, the ghost of Catherine todd can attend jason wedding. Tears will be had with that.
Ive gone on too long but it tickles me that jason gets to live a romance novel, and he deserves for it to be the best day of his life
- hestia
Dp x Dc AU: Jason and Jazz have been dating for a while and… Danny presumes that because he knows about Jason being Red Hood that Jason knows about Phantom. 
Danny got a text randomly in the afternoon from Jazz’s boyfriend. Which was inherently a strange experience considering Jason was typically dead asleep in the afternoon from all his ‘evening shifts’ and Jazz was in class. Stranger, the message just asked if Danny would be free to meet up today for a short chat. Jason doesn’t reply to Danny’s response of “Anything for my sister’s BOO <3.” 
Normally, Jason would start launching into a rant about Danny’s coffee choice being too like his little brother’s when they met at cafes- right now Jason looks deadly serious. 
“Look. I’ll cut to the chase of it all. I want to ask Jazz to marry me and well, your folks are shitty but it feels weird to not ask for permission.” 
“So do I have permission?” Jason asks, a bit of a glare and Danny can see the RedHood’s famous attitude peeking out with the abundance of anxiety Jason must be feeling. 
“I mean, Yeah! She loves you and I know she’s been subliminally messaging you to find your balls and ask her already.” Danny rolls his eyes and laughs. His brother-in-law to be sure was a strange guy, but he liked him all the more because of it. 
Jason sighs in relief and his normal literature nerd, easy going and plucky ‘cool guy’ attitude comes back. They start chatting about the ring he bought for her, how they’re probably going to have to do a small wedding with his family members to appease his grandpa figure. Its all very cute and optimistic. 
“Love it! She mentioned your grandpa’s rose garden before and that’ll be perfect for human family events before the big ceremony.” 
“Big Ceremony?” Jason sounds unsure of where the conversation is going. 
“Yeah, you know. Plus now that I’m thinking about it, it’s probably for the best that you asked me, the observants would totally turn this into like, an interdimensional faux pa or something if I don’t give them a heads up.” Danny laughs at the idea of it causing an incident, but he can see Jason straighten his shoulders and his eyes attempt to pierce through him. 
“Danny. What the fuck are you talking about?” Jason looks more pissed than he looks concerned, and Danny is just confused. 
“Cause… You Know.” 
“If you don’t give me a real answer I’m going to-” At least Jason was taking deep breaths. 
“Hey man, chill out! I guess Jazz keeps it on the DL but my night shift has-” 
“Night shift? You’re an engineer.” Jason cuts him off and the fact sounds accusatory. 
“And I’m the Ghost King? You knew this?” Danny relents, he hated saying it out loud cause it sounded lame, but he’s not sure why Jason is so up in arms all of a sudden. Jason looked like he might have an aneurysm and Danny knows his expression is declaring Jason is the biggest Dumbass in the world. 
“Danny …what the fuck are you trying to say to me right now?” 
“That you and Jazz have to have a royal wedding in the Infinite Realms or my counsel and advisors will throw an absolute fit.” 
Jason doesn’t reply so Danny decides to add “You know, ‘cause my title translates to the Family’s royal lineage and if you marry Jazz you’ll become a Prince. I guess you don’t technically have to have a big wedding but if you don’t it’ll just mean shit loads of paperwork and a huge fucking headache on my end. Which I can survive but… I’m sensing that you’re frustrated. Let’s call Jazz.” 
“Let’s do that.” Jason sounds like he’s being strangled. Danny thinks it’s a bit dramatic but is excited to help Jazz wedding plan. 
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cadybear420 · 8 months ago
Cadybear's MC-LI couples: The Ultimate Crash Course Masterlist (NOTE: List is subject to frequent updates)
As a corollary to my MC Crash Course Masterlist, I've decided to make a comprehensive list of all of my official MC-LI couples in Choices. I might also make some "profile/intro pages" for each of my couples, we'll see.
"Canon" Couples
The Couples that I have done official playthroughs for (or am well into a playthrough for) and are part of my personal canon. These are the main couples that you will see me post about the most.
DLS: Dick Ryder (m!MC) x Peg King (Hispanic Charlotte King)
Important Notes: - Dick and Peg marry after the DLS timeline, Dick happy to be the (step)dad to Yvette (and, of course, officially a DILF).
HSS Prime: Jordan Price (f!MC) x Julian Castillo
Important Notes: - Jordan does not start to feel attraction for Julian until much later into/after the HSS Prime timeline. Prior to this, she dates a prep boy named Danny who later moves away. - Jordan and Julian begin to date at the end of OG HSS Book 3. She's stayed in touch with the rest of her friends after she graduated, and confesses her feelings for him when she asks him to prom. - Their relationship definitely lasts a long time at the very least. They most likely do not get married, but do remain a couple.
HSS OG: Evie Ayana (f!MC) x Aiden Zhou
Important Notes: - Evie and Aiden share their first kiss at homecoming and confess their love for each other at prom. - The two maintain a very strong relationship following the OG HSS timeline. They get married after they both graduate college, it being an open marriage, and they eventually have kids. - There also exists a AU parallel universe in which Evie joined band and got even closer with Aiden while developing a talent at sax-playing.
HSS:CA: Cher Lee (f!MC) x Ajay Bhandari
Important Notes: - In Book 1, Cher did not have any romantic interest in Rory or Ajay. She saw Rory as a friend and didn't care much for Ajay. Rather, she had a bit of a puppy crush on Erin. - Cher does not take an interest in Ajay until the timeline of HSS:CA Book 2. - Sometime during Cher's sophomore year/Ajay's senior year, the two break up on amicable terms due to uncertainties about their relationship following Ajay's graduation. - However, they do maintain a strong friendship through the years. When they're a bit older and wiser, they start dating again and eventually marry and have kids.
ILITW: Jo Hunter (f!MC) x Lucas Thomas
Important Notes: - Prior to ILITW timeline, Jo has slept around with a handful of other guys in a series of one-night stands. But she's never had a committed relationship before. - Jo and Lucas date after the ILITW timeline, and maintain a long distance relationship while Lucas is in college. - They eventually get married, having become engaged by the end of ILW. It's an open marriage. They probably will not have kids though, maybe one at the very most.
ILB: Harper Addison Vance-Fisher (demigirl!MC) x Tom Sato
Important Notes: - Harper and Tom stay in an official relationship post ILB timeline, but they do not marry. They just live together in an apartment as a couple and the proud parents of Boo Boo, AKA the giant teddy bear that Harper won for Tom at Lake Day.
ILW: Cedric Zhao (m!MC) x Jocelyn Wu
Important Notes: - Cedric and Jocelyn start out as a friends-with-benefits relationship that eventually gains a romantic element too. - This relationship might get replaced with Cedric x Amalia, or maybe even an open/poly relationship where Cedric can be with both Joss and Amalia.
MAH: Peggy Stone x Tyler Woods (White)
Important Notes: - Peggy and Tyler begin dating with an open relationship by the end of MAH. - The two maintain a strong relationship post MAH timeline. Whether or not they marry is uncertain, but they do share a home after they both graduate. They most likely will have kids.
ROD: Adelaide Zhou (f!MC) x Colt Kaneko
Important Notes: - Addi and Colt have some romantic and sexual attractions for each other, but the relationship is nothing more than a brief fling and they do not become an official dating couple. They may or may not reunite years later, though.
RWB: Atticus St. James (m!MC) x f!Drew Young (White)
Important Notes: - Drew in this universe is pansexual. - Their relationship lasts for a couple of years, but I haven't fully decided their endgame.
WEH: Sage Amin (f!MC) x m!Dakota Winchester (East Asian)
Important Notes: - Sage and Dakota's relationship does not last, for obvious reasons. :(
Parallel Universe "Canon" Couples
The couples that are for my secondary MCs and are part of my personal canon for parallel universes. These are also couples I may post about a lot, albeit maybe not as frequently as their main-universe counterparts.
HSS OG: Alan Parke (m!MC) x Emma Hawkins
Important Notes: - This relationship might get replaced with Alan x Maria, or maybe even an open/poly relationship where Alan can be with both girls.
WIP Couples
MCs and Couples where I've more or less decided their romantic route/endgame, but they are still awaiting a playthrough before I can officially incorporate then into any aspects of my personal canon. I might still share with the occasional headcanon I come up with here and there, but I'll need more time doing their actual playthrough first in order to develop them better.
ATV: Jax Elara (m!MC) x Kepler
Important Notes: [None yet]
AME: Jamie MacLeod-Noor (f!MC) x Carson Stewart
Important Notes: - Unfortunately, Carson is not a LI option in the canon game. So in my playthrough, Jamie will end up engaged to either Adam or Derek, but then ditch whoever it is at the wedding for Slater. This will translate very differently in my headcanons. - Jamie has some attraction to Adam/Derek, but not enough for a committed relationship. She half-thinkingly accepts the proposal, but quickly realizes she does not want this marriage. - But when Slater flirts with her, she starts to figure out a way to get out of the wedding and snag Carson instead. She plays along with the wedding to reap the benefits of it, and leads Slater on in order to better plot her way out. - At the wedding itself, she ditches the groom. But much to the disappointment of Slater, she does not confess feelings for him. Instead, she finally confesses her feelings for Carson. - She and Carson then begin dating, and have a TV wedding for the fun of it. They live together in the fancy beach house (and there may or may not be a queerplatonic relationship with Jen too), and they might get married some years later.
BaBu: Jayden Cassidy (bigender!MC) x Myra Dixon
Important Notes: - The two definitely stay together after getting married. I haven't yet decided the names of their kids though.
BB: Jasmine Yin (f!MC)
Important Notes: - She's probably going to have relations with Adrian (white), Jax, and Kamilah. She might also develop some queerplatonic attraction to Lily. Whoever she will end up closest to is still being decided, but there's definitely gonna be a poly endgame. - She may also hook up with Drac and Priya. - In my headcanons, she will also have relations with Nikhil. - In my first playthrough, Jax is the one who died at the end. IDK how this will play out in my upcoming more official playthrough. But whatever the case, I might change it in my headcanons so that Adrian is the one who dies– both Adrian and Kamilah should have been eligible too, and I feel like it's more fitting for Adrian to die. IDK yet.
ES: Emilia Harris (f!MC) x Raj Bhandarkar
Important Notes: - Unfortunately, Raj is not a LI option in the canon game. In my official playthrough, I might have Emilia be a bit flirty with Jake, and maybe even get handfasted to him just to see what the route is like. But in my actual headcanons, it doesn't go past flirting and she instead gets in a relationship with Raj. - Her relationship might not last, because I will most likely be choosing the Vaanu ending for her.
ES: BJ Kingsley (m!MC) x Estela Montoya
Important Notes: - I might have BJ choose the Endless ending, meaning that his relationship with Estela should be able to last.
HSS OG: Violet Jones (f!MC) x Michael Harrison
Important Notes: [None yet]
HSS OG: Samara Al-hakim (f!MC) x Caleb Mitchell
Important Notes: [None yet]
TH:M: Otto
Important Notes: - She has had feelings for Ansel for a long time, and in my headcanons, she'll get to have hate sex with him in that scene in the wine cellar. Her official endgame however is still being decided. I'm considering a possible friends-to-lovers with Rye, but it's not certain yet.
TPA: Jane Bond (f!MC) x Callum "Booty Galore" Grey (Indian), m!Rowan Salazar, m!Lou Belrose, m!Alexis Reid
Important Notes: - Unfortunately, Alexis and Rowan die in the canon storyline. I may or may not rewrite this.
TRR: Lew [Last Name Pending] (f!MC) x Liam Rys (East Asian)
Important Notes: [None yet]
(Possible) AU Couples
Parallel universes in which MCs that already have endgame LIs in my personal canon end up pursuing different LIs. In some cases, if I like the AU couple better than the original planned couple, I might switch and make the AU couple the canon one.
HSS OG: Evie Ayana (f!MC) x Michael Harrison
Important Notes: - This will definitely not be taking the place of Evie x Aiden in my personal canon, but some of it will still be incorporated in the Evie x Aiden canon. Evie and Aiden do have an open relationship, so Evie will sleep with Michael every now and then. - In the AU parallel universe where Evie pursues Michael, their relationship might be more queerplatonic.
ILITW: Jo Hunter (f!MC) x Andy Kang
Important Notes: - This will likely not be taking the place of Jo x Lucas in my personal canon, but some of it will still be incorporated in the Jo x Lucas canon. Jo and Lucas do have an open relationship, so Jo will have some relations with Andy, Connor, maybe even Dan and Noah too. However, the relationship with Andy would definitely be the strongest of the outside relations.
ILW: Cedric Zhao (m!MC) x Amalia de Leon
Important Notes: - This couple has the possibility of replacing Cedric x Joss as the main route and endgame for Cedric. Though if possible, I would like to maybe go for a poly endgame.
Unserious Couples
The MCs and couples where I just did not take them seriously and really only exist for fun.
TNA: Eh IDC (f!MC) x Samuel Dalton (White)
Important Notes: [None]
Rewrite Couples
The MCs and couples that exist solely for me to rewrite their stories in my personal canon because their actual canon story is in my shitlist tiers.
TBB: Alyssa Larson (f!MC) x Cole Stone (Native American)
Important Notes: - These characters exist in my headcanons for the sole purpose of headcanoning that the baby is rescued from this awful couple and adopted by Evie and Aiden. I have yet to decide the name of the baby though.
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