#yes this is about the promnis fic
cyborgpulsebooks · 2 months
the mortifying ordeal of creating
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ghostoftheyear · 3 months
I've been thinking about how I tag things in AO3 -- minimally, though I try to cover the bases for triggers and major story events. It's been on my mind more as time passes and trends of how people tag their fic change.
Like, when I started posting fic, I was putting it on my website or on a mailing list; there was no tagging, just basics like the fic name, the thing it was based on (the mailing list was a comic book fandom, so you'd have like the book's title and the characters involved), a rating, maybe a summary or note as to the fic's content (i.e. if it was slash, gen, etc.), the length of the fic by kb count or word count. That was it. You saw this header info, and you chose to read or not based on that. You got what the author gave you. The end.
Now, I look at tags on AO3 and they feel like they spoil the whole fic. There's a list of everything that happens in the fic, from kissing to specific sex acts. There's X kind of smut, with Y and Z tools involved. There's X type of Y character portrayal (Sane Sephiroth is one I see frequently in the FFVII tags, and I guess that's a choice). It's kind of overwhelming.
Obviously, certain tags, such as ones for certain themes in the fic, or character death, or warnings for gore or sexual assault or, idk, mpreg, are valuable and necessary. I consider them vital to the fic. It's important to let readers know so they can make an informed choice. But when the tags start covering every aspect of the fic, I can't help but wonder what the point is.
Especially when I look at a lot of the fic that I put up when I got my AO3 account in 2012 or whenever, and the tags are extremely basic: characters, pairings, any major thing that I think might need to be warned for, and... that's about it. Sometimes I wonder if I should go back and add to them.
But you know what? Not only is that a lot of effort I don't have the energy for, I don't want to. I don't intend to summarize my entire fic in the tags. My fic doesn't need a tag that notes "Kujo Jotaro Smokes" because I'm pretty confident that anyone reading my JJBA fic will be aware of a basic character trait. (And yes, that is an existing tag on AO3. Why? Why anything? Why do people persist in adding ship names to the tags, even when the ship is clearly stated in the pairing? I searched for Prompto/Ignis; an additional "Promnis" tag is overkill.)
In other words, I'm not going to change how I tag. You'll get the fic I give you, and you'll like it.
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whostarlockeda03 · 3 years
I love all your thoughts on Nyx! Would you mind sharing how you started shipping PromNyx? I've mostly been into CorNyx, but I think PromNyx has a lot of potential to be really cute!
Hello, my lovely! Thanks for this ask, I'm glad you appreciated the Nyx ramble (I have so many thoughts about him, I could go for days) XD
So initially I found this fic while looking for Promnis to read, but the first time I came across it I think I guessed that Promnis wouldn't be the main ship, and stopped halfway through.
And then after I watched Kingsglaive, I was lamenting how two of my favourite characters never met in canon (that we know of, at least) and then wondered how they'd interact and so on, and so on, until I thought 'Hey, they'd be perfect for each other!' and typed the ship into AO3 to see what already existed.
At which point I despaired at myself for yet again choosing a rare pair to obsess over
I reread the above linked fic, and then went on a fic binge. Here are some of my all time favourites:
- Melt My Heart Like Wax by aphaire (@themusecalliope) - your face by kindly (@kindly-creatot) - Nothing Subtle Here author unknown (orphan account) - Lending a Hand by dragonbornette (@dragonbornette) - Secretly Dating by Selador (@seladorie) - range of motion by queenhomeslice - small windows by kindly - One Final Favour by TheEmcee
and last but not least, a gift from my wonderful friend @thedarkestdandelion, Why You Gotta Be So Rude?
The one that really sold it for me, though, is Notavodkashot's AU, Terms and Conditions Apply
In terms of them fitting together, there's many different takes I've come across, but for me, it kinda goes back to all that hidden depth and those masks Nyx wears that I spoke about in the ask meme.
We see in canon that Prompto has a lot of those same masks - he's always the joker, forever playing dumb and doing anything to make other people happy. Nyx is very similar, isn't he? Always smirking, always ready with a quirky one-liner, and underneath all that, he's so very haunted.
I like to think that because Nyx uses that kind of deflection himself, he can see straight through Prompto's antics. Where everyone always writes Prom off as a joker, Nyx sees the person underneath - the boy who's petrified that he won't be good enough and everyone will leave him.
Sure, they're not the same insecurities, but it's the same cover-up.
So then the fact that they have different fears and hurts and upsets works well together, too, because rather than getting bogged down together by their insecurities, they can help each other. Neither of them are the kind of person to tear someone down, so of course they'd both reach out and help, no matter what.
Nyx can see how scared Prompto is of being left alone, and he'd try to ensure that never ended up being the case. He'd introduce Prom to all his friends, encourage him on his path to stay by Noct's side, and be there for him himself whenever possible.
And the flip side of that: Prompto can see how cut up Nyx is by all the losses he's endured, he can understand the loneliness that comes with it; he can help Nyx make a home in Insomnia, and give him reasons to come home in one piece.
They understand each other, in a way few other people ever understand them. That makes for such a unique bond. So yes, to outside eyes they probably seem like a happy-go-lucky, sweet, jokey couple, and they probably mostly would just clown around and be sickeningly in love around their friends, but then in those quiet moments when they're trying to face down their worst demons and almost falling short, they've got each other to even the fight.
There are so many ways to experiment with PromNyx, and I think that's one of the main reasons I love it. It can be fluffy, it can be jokey, it can be sweet and casual, but it can also be so much more profound, too. I like having the ability to dabble in both sides of that, when I'm writing for them.
And if you want to read, here are my PromNyx works (that I've actually managed to finish):
- In The Small Hours - Ghosts - Keep Me Warm - It's Got to be Perfect
I hope this piques your curiousity, my dear! We need all the PromNyx shippers we can get XD
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harmonization · 3 years
Oh my god, those were great! Thank you so much for that, and for answering so quickly. :3 Do you plan on writing any more Promnis-related material in the future? How about your own personal favs for Promnis fics/authors? You’re definitely on my list! 😁👍
( Continuation of this post! )
That's really sweet, thank you 😭 I'm honored! And yeah, I do have at least one more promnis fic I'd like to post at some point in the next few weeks! I'll be sure to post about it here once that's up on Ao3 ♥️
Also yes, there are plenty of promnis writers I really love! I'm sorry that I'm definitely going to miss a lot of people by accident because I'm literally just going off the top of my head here, but some of my favorites include:
- greyskiesblack, especially the years between! A lovely, angsty long oneshot set during the WoR.
- lithos_saeculum, especially You Say Rotato (and I Say I Love You), which is some very good comedy lol
- edibleflowers, especially Twist of Fate, which is one of the very few soulmate AUs out there to ever give me chest pangs (which is a feat because I actually don't like soulmate AUs normally).
- @crazyloststar, especially Only If For A Night which actually straight-up made me cry. Like real tears, not kidding. So angsty but really heartwarming. Left an impact.
- @caseofthestolenspecs, especially Gemini Elementia which is just a phenomenal concept and probably my favorite of her fics. Like a punch to the heart. It's a great time travel AU that I think fits promnis perfectly.
- @ignisgayentia, especially everybody's got a hungry heart which some people might consider an unusual choice because it's a zombie AU but for some reason this one personally made me the most emotional out of all his fics 😂 he's got TONS of awesome AUs of all different kinds, def check out his entire profile beyond this one rec!
- @hard-noct-life, especially The Daemons that Live in the Dark (it's more Prompto-centric, but it has a promnis sequel) which had me on the edge of my seat the entire time! A very intense, heart-pounding plot. It involves quite heavy topics so please take note of the tags.
- Dark_Ruby_Regalia, who's mostly an ig/noct writer but has so far written one or two promnis pieces including A Door in the Dark (and a zine piece that's yet to be posted). All of their work is stunning and definitely worth checking out!
Again, I've definitely missed people because there's just too many amazing writers out there - I'm just quickly throwing out names so this is absolutely an incomplete list, but I hope it serves as a good start for finding some promnis fic that you'll like!!
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foxgloveinspace · 4 years
for the ship ask, Promnis? I think theyre so cute and unique together.
Ahhhh, Yess, I love this ship so much!
Who does the laundry: Hmmm. I think Prompto does? Despite what a lot of the fandom thinks, they are both very independent people, so I don’t think they have a problem dividing up house chores, and I think all things considered, Prompto would have the most time to do the laundry.
Who makes the bed: Ignis. He get’s up first, does a little morning rutine, and wakes Prompto up with a kiss to the forehead. He doesn’t make the bed, make the bed, but he pulls the blankets up and smooths it out before they go about heir day.
Who sleeps on the right and who sleeps on the left/do they end up in the middle curled around each other: Prompt sleeps on the left, Ignis sleeps on the right, but Prompto usually ends up pressed up against Ignis’ side.
Who likes cooking dinner but who ends up cooking dinner more: Ignis for both!
Who buys the snack foods: Prompto. And this leads to Ignis being like ‘I can make that, and make it better.’ and Prompto being like ‘its because they are bad that they are good.’
Who keeps the grocery list: Ignis, but they both sit down to work on it together as well.
Who adds silly things to the list and does the other gets it for them: Prompto, and yes, Ignis usually buys whatever it is Prompto puts on the list.
Who has an obsession with water bottles/travel mugs: Ignis. He has ones from everywhere, and they end up building a shelf in the kitchen just for his cups.
Who has an obsession with hats: Prompto.
Who likes camping gear but hates camping: Ignis.
Who likes stickers: Prompto, and he doesn’t like putting them on things, he likes keeping them and then when he gets a new laptop or something he will cover it in stickers.
Who likes tea and who likes coffee: Prompto likes tea more then coffee, but he does drink coffee, Ignis likes coffee more then tea, but he will drink tea.
Who prefers cold drinks and who prefers hot ones: Ignis prefers cold drinks, Prompto prefers them hot.
Who hordes blankets and who just likes putting on socks when they are cold: Prompto hordes blankets, and Ignis puts on socks, but he usually ends up under the blankets with Prompto anyways.
Who prefers spring/summer and who prefers fall/winter: Ignis prefers fall/winter, and Prompto prefers spring/summer.
Who gets obsessed with something random on YouTube (what it is): Prompt, and he gets obsessed with keyboard build videos.
who likes podcasts (what they listen to) (this will be kinda limited to what I watch): Ignis and Prompto both like podcasts, but I think Prompto likes true crime, and Ignis listens to like, news podcasts, or cooking ones. Ignis will find ones about photography, and send them to Prompto, but they end up listening to those together.
Who has a tumblr: Prompto. It’s for photography and Assassin’s Creed and Justice Monsters.
Who has a twitter: Ignis, and he mostly uses it for news, but he also has some fun stuff on there and will post pics of recipes he tries/turns out good.
Who reads fanfic/if they are famous who has read fic about themselves and who judges the other just a little bit/do they ask people to not write fic about them: Prompto reads fic for Assassin’s creed, and yes, he has read fic about himself and Noctis, but after they had a laugh about it they both asked people to stop making fic of them. Ignis didn’t really judge him for reading fic about himself, cause he has as well, but just in a ‘wtf is this’ kinda way. He doesn’t ask people not to as long as they don’t try to shove it in his face.
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heartlessfujoshi · 4 years
I have fic idea/request/what-have-you. Promnis- Prompto overhears Ignis confessing to Gladio that he has feelings for Prompto and he runs away from camp because of his own doubts and insecurities
Hello!!! Yes, I would be very happy to fill this request for you! :D I hope you’ll like what I came up with!! :D 
Title: Insecurities Fandom: FFXV Pairing: Promnis (Prompto Argentum x Ignis Scientia) Rating: General (Feels and Fluff) Word Count: ~3230
Summary: Prompto accidentally hears a conversation not meant for his ears, and panics. 
A/N: This was written as a request over on tumblr. :) Please enjoy! 
Prompto was standing on the dock with Noctis, who had been fishing for the last hour when he decided to look over at the haven and saw Gladio and Ignis sitting close together. His heart gave a lurch in his chest as he still wasn’t used to seeing Gladio back with them, after it had been the three of them for the last few weeks. Which was absurd because Gladio was an integral part of their group, but over the last few weeks he’d gotten to know Ignis a little better than he probably would have if Gladio hadn’t left. And he was slowly beginning to realize that he very well might have feelings for him, which he knew would do him no good as they had more important things to deal with - like getting Noctis to Altissia. 
“Hey - I’m gonna head back up to the haven. That okay?” He called out to his best friend, who was casting his line again. They had come back to the Vesperpool area, as Noctis preferred fishing here, and really - it was a lot nicer than being drenched day in and day out in Duscae. The sky was a pale pink, slowly turning to indigo above their heads as the sun had set for the day. Nocturnal noises such as crickets and frogs were creating a symphony that added an ambiance to their remote area. Sometimes, he missed the sounds of traffic, but on nights like these - there was no better noise to hear. “Or do you want me to stick around for a bit?” 
“No, you can go back up there. I’ll stay here for a couple more hours, probably. Let Ignis know?” Noctis cast his line again, keeping his back turned towards him. 
Prompto made an affirmative noise. “Okay, Noct! Have fun fishing!” He turned and made his way back down the dock, keeping his eyes on the haven to make sure he wouldn’t get lost. 
As he approached the raised campsite, he heard Ignis’ voice. “Gladio - I’ve been meaning to talk to you about something. Would you mind lending me your ear for a moment?” 
“Sure, Ignis. What’s up?” 
He stayed in the shadows of the trees, not wanting to interrupt their conversation as it sounded like Ignis was using his more serious voice, letting Prompto know that this was probably something important. He looked back over his shoulder and wondered if he should go back to the dock and let these two have their fun, as he was sure that Ignis had missed Gladio a lot while he’d been gone. A pang to his chest made him wince a little as he felt a little bit of jealousy rise up within him. Who am I kidding? I never had a chance to be closer to Iggy. He sighed, and leaned up against the stone wall, waiting for the two men to have their conversation. 
“It’s about Prompto.” 
That got his attention almost immediately. What? What about me? He almost felt bad for still being here, because now he was actively eavesdropping, and he knew that no good could come from it. The few times he’d ever eavesdropped on a conversation had always proven to be disastrous, but he literally had nowhere to go. If he moved now, then Ignis would know he was here. So, it was better to just stay put, and hope that whatever he was about to hear wasn’t going to destroy him. Gods, please don’t say anything awful.
“Oh? What about him? He’s been doing good, hasn’t he? He wasn’t any trouble while I was gone, right? I know you tend to mother hen the Prince, and Prompto can sometimes be a handful in battle.” 
Prompto curled his arm around his stomach as he listened to Gladio. He knew he wasn’t being mean, but more or less stating the facts. It still didn’t hurt any less to hear. “No, he did quite well all things considered. He’s very remarkable, wouldn’t you say?” 
“I suppose.” The sound of someone stoking the fire bounced off the air. “Then, if it isn’t that, what is it?” 
“I’m afraid that I might be a bit compromised because of him.” 
“Tell me you’re not serious, are you?” 
Prompto could feel his palms beginning to sweat, his mind beginning to spin. What? What does that mean? Compromised?? How?? He really wished he hadn’t been standing because this wasn’t making him feel very good. 
“With you gone, and seeing as you’re right - I do tend to gravitate towards His Highness, I was allowed to spend more time with Prompto and found that he can be rather endearing. He makes me feel better about myself than anyone has in a long time.” 
He blinked a few times, not at all sure he was hearing what Ignis was saying. “You know that Noct is gonna have some words if you decide to pursue this. He’s a good kid - there are worse people you could fancy.” 
“Thank you, I think.” 
That was it. He’d heard enough. Pushing off the wall, he went over to where the chocobos were and hopped up onto his, not bothering to say a word when he could hear both Ignis and Gladio were now calling out to him, his secrecy no longer an issue. Clutching to the reins, he kicked his heels and forced his chocobo to head towards the east, wanting to hide himself in the only place he knew he could safely - in the Steyliff ruins. 
There was no way that Ignis could like him. It couldn’t be possible. He was nobody. He wasn’t anyone important - he was just some dumb person that had become best friends with the Prince of Lucis. If Ignis had met him on the street, there was no way he would have paid him any attention. It was because he had inserted himself into Noctis’ life that he wound up meeting Ignis, and now here they were - trying to get Noctis to Altissia to go through with the Covenant in a last bid to gather more power to regain the Crystal. Ignis couldn’t like him because he couldn’t offer him anything in return. Nothing. 
He left his chocobo at the entrance, happy that it was night, so he could even enter the cleared ruins. It had been a bitch when Noctis had to fight that humongous bird, but now - now it was just a beautiful building that he could seek refuge in for a little while. Save himself the embarrassment of having to go back to the haven and see Ignis again. Gods, this is some cruel, awful trick. 
“Prompto!” On the bottom floor of Steyliff, Prompto looked up and saw Ignis was standing up on the top floor, looking down at him from up above. “Don’t move!” 
As if he was going to go anywhere. He was seated on one of the steps, staring up at the ceiling, the water seeming to swirl up above his head, defying gravity. He didn’t think about it too much, because if he did then he would panic, but instead chose to look up at the ceiling and see the beauty that was there, even though the dungeon itself had been a bitch to get through to get to the Royal tomb. 
“W-What are you doing down here?” Prompto looked up, and saw that Ignis was now standing next to him, slightly out of breath. “Are you trying to get yourself murdered on purpose?” 
The anger in his tone made him lean back, hating that he’d made Ignis upset. That was never a voice he liked to hear, and he ducked his head down as a way to nonverbally give Ignis an apology. “No.” He spoke quietly, looking at his boots as he hugged his knees up to his chest. “How did you find me?” 
“It took some serious looking.” Through his peripheral vision, he saw Ignis sit down beside him. It was slightly humid due to the pools above their heads. Prompto could feel beads of sweat dripping down his neck, and if Ignis had run through the dungeon to get to him, he knew he had to be covered in it as well. “The only tip I had was that your chocobo was outside.” 
“Are Noctis and Gladio…?” 
“I sent a text to Gladio telling him I found you. He’s with the Prince, who, as i understand, is still fishing.” 
Prompto wasn’t sure if that was meant to make him feel better or worse. He felt a little worse, because if Noct knew that he’d disappeared, he for sure thought his best friend would attempt to look for him too. But then, maybe Ignis had found him faster than anything like that could have happened. He honestly didn’t know how long he’d been down here already. “I’m really sorry.” 
“You seem to say that often.” Ignis replied, his voice no longer holding the same bite that had been there upon first arriving to where Prompto had chosen to take up space. “Yes, you should be sorry for worrying us. It’s not like you to do something like this.” 
He bit his lip, and gave a small nod of his head. Ignis was right - this really wasn’t something he did often. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d run away like this - high school, probably. Or maybe middle school, after trying to talk to Noctis when he’d been a bit on the heavier side. “I don’t know what to say.” 
“Why don’t you tell me what made you decide to hop on your chocobo and take off?” There was a calm gentleness that was inflected into Ignis’ tone, helping Prompto to lower his defenses. “Did the Prince say something to you that made you upset?” 
“Noct?? No way.” Prompto shook his head, as he hugged his knees a little tighter to his chest, his chin now resting between his knees. “No, I had left him to fish because as much fun as it is to stand around and do nothing for a few hours while he can patiently sit and wait for fish to bite, that’s not really something I like to do.” 
Ignis’ soft laughter made him turn his head as he saw a genuine smile on his face. “I would agree. I know that the Prince really likes to fish, but it can be rather boring.” 
He laughed with him, happy to get to see this side of Ignis. “Iggy, I’m going to tell him you said that.” 
“Don’t you dare.” Green eyes turned to look at him, Prompto’s chest growing warm as he couldn’t help but stare into his eyes. “If it wasn’t Noctis, then what happened?” 
Wishing he could look away, Prompto kept his eyes on Ignis’ as he took a deep breath. “I heard you talking with Gladio.” 
“Oh?” Ignis’ eyebrow rose up. “What did you hear?” 
“If you heard enough, and that made you run away - I am very confused.” Ignis reached his hand forward, and without giving it a second thought Prompto dropped his arms from being around his knees so that he could accept Ignis’ hand. Their fingers curled over one another, their palms coming together with a simple touch that sent a pleasing heat up the length of his arm and up towards his neck. “Did you hear my confession to him?” 
“Yes.” Prompto whispered, his eyes looking up at the water as he held onto Ignis’ fingers with a little more pressure. “You like me.” 
“I do.” 
“Because you are a good person.” He was glad that he wasn’t looking directly at Ignis because he could feel his eyes beginning to well up with tears. “You have a selflessness about you that the others take for granted. But I don’t. I know what it’s like to be in your position.” 
“So, you feel sorry for me.” 
“How on Eos did you come to that conclusion?” Ignis asked him. 
Blinking a few times to get rid of those pesky tears that didn’t seem to want to go away, Prompto kept his eyes on the water. “Because Noct and Gladio both seem to give me crap about things, but you do the same. So, how am I supposed to know that you like me? What’s there to like?? I’m nobody, Ignis.” His eyes looked at his right wrist, his tattoo conveniently covered by the bracelets he wore, his stomach in knots as he knew that was a secret he was going to take to his grave if he could. Ignis would never understand. 
“Your self esteem is horrible.” A hand touched his face, Prompto flinching a little at the intimate touch, but then Ignis didn’t pull away so he carefully turned his head to look at him. “You really don’t know how magnificent you are, do you?” 
Some of the hair on his face was gently pushed to the side, Prompto’s eyes zeroing in on Ignis’ as he watched him move his head a little closer to him. “It’s difficult, Iggy.” He couldn’t tell him he’d always struggled with issues like these - body, academic, the whole gamut. “I don’t know what I could give to you that you couldn’t find in someone that isn’t….well, me.” 
“But I want you.” Ignis’ fingers touched below his ear, holding his face as he kept staring into his eyes. “I don’t want anyone else. No one can make me laugh the way you can. No one can make me feel like I’m worth a damn like you can.” 
Hearing Ignis say he had the same insecurity as himself made him gasp softly, shocked at hearing it. But before he could say anything in reply to it, he felt Ignis’ lips touch his with a hesitant kiss, which he immediately returned by leaning his head forward more. He soon moved to put his hand on Ignis’ shoulder, then slipped it around his neck as their mouths continued to learn what was nice. He could taste coffee on Ignis’ breath, and wondered if he could taste the soda he’d chosen to drink with his dinner. He knew he hated those sweet drinks, and almost pulled away because he didn’t want Ignis to think he tasted bad, but then he pushed those thoughts away to focus solely on the kiss. 
He opened his mouth, moaning softly as Ignis’ tongue touched his with a slow caress, his own tongue mimicking the touch to Ignis’. He heard him moan low, the sound sending a slight shiver down his spine as he inched a little closer to him, figuring what did he have to lose? He felt Ignis’ hand touch his hip, and soon he was seated on his lap, his knees digging into the concrete floor as his feet hung off the stairs, both of his arms now wrapped around Ignis’ neck as their kiss grew more intense. 
A soft pop sounded as they pulled away from each other, the need to refill the air in their lungs with fresh air won out for the both of them. Prompto hid his face against Ignis’ neck, panting softly as he felt his arms wrap protectively around him. “You may think you have nothing to offer to me, but I will tell you often that by just being who you are - that is enough for me. Don’t run away from me, Prompto.” 
“Are you sure, Iggy?” He lifted his head, and shifted a little on his lap so that he could look directly into his eyes. “Because if you’re not - it’s okay. I understand. I won’t expect anything. I-” 
Ignis returned his lips to Propto’s, kissing him silent. He sank against him, moaning into the kiss as he felt Ignis’ tongue return to touching his. “I won’t take no for an answer.” Ignis whispered against his lips. “I’m going to show you that you deserve this. That we deserve this.” 
“What about Noct?” 
“He will be fine with it. And if he’s not? I don’t care.” The serious look on Ignis’ face told him he wasn’t joking. “I’m allowed to have a significant other if he’s going to be married soon.” 
“Y-You want me to be your SO?” 
The laugh that left Ignis’ mouth made him smile. “Of course I do, Prompto. Why else would I run through this blasted dungeon to be down here with you? Not because I wanted to marvel at the wonders of this building again.” 
“I like it here.” Prompto shifted his weight, and rested his head on Ignis’ shoulder, allowing him to look up at the water. “It’s unique.” 
“Indeed it is.” He felt Ignis brush his lips against the top of his head, and curled himself a little closer to his body. 
They sat close together for another half hour, and then Prompto got up from Ignis’ lap and held his hand out to him. “Let’s go back to the haven? I’m sure Gladio is bored out of his mind if he’s still with Noctis.” 
“I’m afraid you might be correct.” The smile on Ignis’ face was one he’d never seen before. “But first…” 
He looked up at him, then closed his eyes as Ignis’ face loomed closer to him, pouting his lips to receive a kiss from him. Prompto moaned into the kiss that left him breathless, his feet dropping back down to the ground as Ignis ended the kiss with a smirk on his lips. “Now let’s head back to the entrance.” 
“Okay, Iggy.” 
Both of their chocobos were waiting for them outside, Prompto happy Ignis had cared enough to come and find him. They rode back to the haven, and saw that both Gladio and Noctis were still at the dock. Prompto waved as the rode by, and then went back up to the camp with Ignis. He hopped off his chocobo and fed her some greens, then looked back at Ignis who was walking towards him. 
“We gonna go down to the dock?” He asked, then saw both Gladio and Noctis were heading back up to the haven. “It looks like they’re coming back.” 
“Sleep next to me tonight?” Ignis requested, as they stood close to one another. “Please?” 
Prompto knew he could never say no to that. “I’d love to, Iggy.” He normally slept beside Noctis, but this would be nice. He hoped. 
As they all got ready for bed, he was going to talk to Noctis about what had happened, but he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He heard Gladio snoring as well, probably bored out of his mind from having to watch Noctis fish for so long. He looked at Ignis, the two of them facing each other. He felt Ignis put an arm around him, and he was quick to move as close to him as he could. 
“Good night, Prompto.” A kiss brushed his lips. “Sweet dreams.” 
I don’t need them. I have you here with me. Prompto smiled, and closed his eyes. “Night, Iggy. Sweet dream to you too.” 
He knew he was going to have to have more confidence if he was going to be Ignis’ significant other. How one small conversation could change their relationship so quickly, he didn’t know but he was excited to see where it was going to take them. Tucking his head underneath Ignis’ chin, he fell asleep with the biggest smile on his face. 
Cross-posted to AO3
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bgn846 · 4 years
Renewed Hope A FFXV Fanfic ft: Promnis
Fic link in the comments if you want to read on ao3 instead.
It all happened in an instant, the daemon he was fighting simply dissolved into a cloud of black miasma. Prompto knew what that meant; Noct had done what he’d promised. He’d saved the Eos from eternal darkness. The other indication that things had shifted was his gun he couldn’t dismiss into the armiger anymore.
However, at that exact moment, Prompto didn’t know for certain whether or not Noct had survived his battle against Ardyn.  Their plan to stick together until the end hadn’t worked out. Ardyn had easily separated them and left Gladio, Ignis, and him to fight a daemon army alone. The onslaught had been so great that Prompto had lost track of his friends.
In a panic, he began to run around looking for signs of life. He knew where they’d all head to, they’d check on Noct first. Ignis had figured out how Noct could beat Ardyn without having to die in the process, but that didn’t mean it had played out that way.
It was in his frantic run up the battered steps to the citadel that he spotted Gladio limping towards him. “Do you think he made it?” Prompto asked with worry.
“Dunno blondie, we gotta get there first to check. Where’s Iggy?” he huffed in obvious discomfort.
Prompto scanned the area but saw no sign of the advisor. The urge to look for him was overwhelming but he also needed to see Noct. Forcing the thoughts away that suggested death and loss he forged ahead. Gladio refused aid when they were near enough; he practically shoved him away and up the steps.
“Don’t wait for me, we need to find Noct and Iggy.”
“On it!” Prompto replied as he sprinted up the stairs. Gladio’s grunts of pain sounded out behind him as he ran towards the throne room.  That was the last place they’d seen them. Noct and Ardyn.
Ripping open the door Prompto’s breath caught in his throat. There in the middle of the room was Noct, lying on the floor.  Yelling out loud in a gut reaction Prompto raced forward and fell to his knees next to his friend.  Unsure of what to do he gently placed his hands on Noct’s shoulders and gave them a squeeze. The prince, no, their king groaned and scrunched his face up in discomfort.
Letting out an undignified squeal at the sight Prompto couldn’t help but smile and promptly start crying. They’d done it, Noct was alive and Ardyn was gone. Noct seemed to finally have enough energy to open his eyes to take in his friend losing it.
“Prom, I’m alright,” he said weakly.
“Prompto! What – thank the gods,” Gladio exclaimed as he steadied his body against the door frame. “Don’t scare me like that!” he hollered.
Noct didn’t attempt to get up but managed to roll his head to the side. “Gladio, you made it. Where’s Ignis? Is he alright?”
Prompto was about to comment that they still hadn’t found the advisor when a scraping noise nearby caused him to look up.  There in another doorway stood Ignis, he was hunched over holding his side. The sheer relief at seeing him alive made Prompto shout loudly, again.  His emotions were threatening to overtake him.  Everything was happening too fast but not fast enough.
Gladio was still working to get over to them when Ignis appeared. The shield's excitement at seeing him was just as animated. He tried to hobble over to help Ignis but ended up falling over halfway there. What a sorry looking lot they all were, beat and battered from battle.  “Can you make it alright?” Gladio asked as he panted heavily from where he’d crumpled on the floor.
Ignis didn’t answer verbally but continued to shuffle slowly towards them. He seemed to be afraid until he spotted Noct looking up at him. Their small moment of relief lasted a few brief seconds, but it was enough to set Ignis at ease.  Prompto watched as Ignis’ shoulders sagged, he’d been unsure of the outcome, just like them.
He didn’t say anything as he carefully walked closer, his eyes still locked with Noct’s. “It’s done, you did it,” he breathed reverently.
“We did it,” Noct corrected from his position sprawled across the broken marble floor.
A small bubble of laughter spilled from Ignis’ lips right before he began to fall sideways. Without pause Prompto shot up and caught the man, guiding him down slowly so he wouldn’t hit the floor. Looking quickly to see if Ignis was hiding any severe injuries Prompto could only see surface bumps and bruises. “Iggy, don’t die or anything, what’s wrong?” Prompto asked in a rush.
“Got in a fight,” was all he offered with a small smirk.
“Look! Oh my gods, look!” Gladio blurted suddenly.
Glancing up, Prompto noted what Gladio was getting so excited about. There was sunlight, real honest to astrals sunlight beginning to pour in through the windows of the throne room.
“No one can call me lazy ever again,” Noct sighed with a smile.
“I wouldn’t dream of it princess,” Gladio said happily.
“Iggy, can you see it?” Prompto checked as he tried to hoist the advisor upright a little more.
Ignis blinked a few times, his green eyes catching the first rays of light and making his eyes water. “it’s lovely,” he uttered softly.  Then without any warning, Ignis grabbed him by the neck and pulled him down into a kiss.
Unable to process what exactly was happening Prompto sat frozen in place. Ignis pulled away just as quickly and smiled up at him. “Wha – what?”  However, Prompto didn’t get an answer as Ignis promptly passed out in his arms.
“Guys, guys! What just happened!? Ignis kissed me and now he’s unconscious--- help,” Prompto whined.
“Huh? What are you talking about? Specs kissed you? Like he’s happy we’re alive and thanks for helping kinda smooch or different?” Noct asked quickly, his penchant for distracted rambling coming to the surface despite their serious setting.
“It was on the lips,” Prompto offered still in shock at the turn of events.
“Wait, you mean he just kissed you?” Gladio checked as he dragged himself closer. “He’s breathing okay, right? You’re freaking me out again Prompto.”
“Yes and yes, you both missed it, but he grabbed me and kissed me, on the lips.”
“Huh, I guess he wasn’t kidding.”
“Kidding about what, explain!” Prompto ordered though it was hard to focus on everything that had just happened. They’d survived Ardyn, Noct was alive, and the sun was shining for the first time in ten years. Prompto was slightly overwhelmed.
Prompto couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away from the window. He’d been sitting and staring out at the sun-drenched landscape all day. A makeshift hospital had been set up in one of the less damaged areas of the citadel. This meant his current view overlooked what used to be gardens. The area was torn up from 10 years of war and darkness, but that didn’t change the fact that it was being blessed by light again.
Things that used to glitter in the sun were allowed to regain their life once more. Turning away for a moment Prompto peered across the room to check on his friends. Of all of them, he’d been lucky enough to escape serious injury. Gladio had a few busted ribs and a sprained ankle.  Ignis appeared to have a bruised rib along with a bump to the back of his head.  Noct was alive and simply beat making him a total pile of mush.
The three of them were resting peacefully; even in the tiny crownsguard issued cots they’d been provided. The arsenal of old and new recruits that had stormed the place after the final battle had been startling. Cor had led the small crew and was taking charge of organizing their next moves. Everyone was tired, but Prompto figured Noct deserved a break. He’d beat a cranky two-thousand-year-old immortal relative. That act alone should merit some downtime.
The four of them had been ushered into the space as soon as it had been cleared and readied. Cor seemed to understand that they needed some alone time. This was how Prompto found himself sitting on a cot staring out the window and pondering the future.
The only noise to be heard in the small room was Gladio and Noct snoring, a true sign of their utter exhaustion.  They were safe and that’s all that mattered at the moment. Though, when Prompto had decided that he wanted to sit on the cot nearest to Ignis no one challenged him.  Now that the frenzy was over Prompto had time to think. He could go back and analyze the way Ignis interacted with him. The advisor had always been kind but maybe there had been something more, and Prompto had missed it somehow.  Glancing over at to the man in question, Prompto was happy to see he was resting comfortably.  Covered in blankets up to his chin, Prompto watched the steady rise and fall of his chest as Ignis slept.
Was there any possibility that the kiss had been purely friendly in nature? They had just finished saving the world so maybe Ignis had been really, really happy about it. Or without his glasses, he thought Prompto was Noct. Shaking his head at the thought Prompto debated about what to do when Ignis woke up again.  He might not even remember the incident, though Gladio had indicated it wasn’t as spontaneous as Prompto thought.
Ignis had told Gladio one night years ago that if he ever saw the sun again he’d act on his feelings.  Whatever those feelings might have been no one knew except the man sleeping in the cot next to him. Unfortunately, Ignis hadn’t told Gladio anything more after that. Prompto would have to figure out the real meaning behind the kiss on his own.
Thankfully, he didn’t have to ruminate for much longer, when Ignis let out a long breath and moved slightly. Hopping off his cot, Prompto dropped down on his knees next to Ignis. “Hey, how you are feeling?” he asked quickly hoping to dispel any lingering fears as Ignis woke.
The first sound that tumbled past the advisor's lips didn’t sound like words, but he did manage to open his eyes.  “Mhnnn, m’not dreaming am I?”
“No! It’s really over, we won.”
“Good, I don’t think I can get up, I need to sleep for another week,” Ignis sighed.
Laughing at how uncharacteristic the comment was Prompto couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah, I think Noct is gonna win that game.”
Ignis turned to look around and huffed out a small breath. “He’s always been excellent at taking naps. He’s not injured is he?” he checked quickly, the thought seeming to have just come to mind.
“Not that we can tell, he was grumbling about being sore, but he’s alright otherwise.”
“Good, and Gladio?”
“Same, he’s a little more beat up than the rest of us but he’s fine too.”
“And you? You seem in good spirits.”
“I’m fine, still sorta shell shocked that this is all real. I’ve been staring out the window looking at the sunlight, gods Iggy we did it!”
“That we did,” Ignis smiled and held his gaze. Vibrant green eyes roamed his face but never looked away. “I hope you didn’t mind my display earlier.”
Perking up at the subject Prompto shuffled a little closer. “You mean when you kissed me?”
“Yes, that. I’d promised myself a little something self-indulgent if we ever managed to see the sun again. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I simply couldn’t deny myself any longer.”
“I wasn’t uncomfortable, um – just surprised,” Prompto offered quietly. “I didn’t know you liked me that way.”
Ignis laughed softly and worked his arm out from under the covers. “I’ve liked you that way for a few years,” he said while reaching out his arm to grab a fist full of Prompto’s shirt. “I assumed I’d be forgiven given the circumstances. If you weren’t interested, that is.”
“Uh – but I don’t want to forgive you.”
“Oh, for what reason exactly?” Ignis asked puzzled.
Prompto was sure the grip on his shirt had gotten incrementally tighter. Ignis was still looking at him, though he appeared to be nervous if his slightly furrowed brow was anything to go on. Taking a deep breath Prompto said what he felt was right. “I don’t think people have to forgive someone if they aren’t upset.”
Unable to brace himself, Prompto fell on the cot when Ignis pulled him forward. Their noses were only a few inches apart now and Prompto could see every beauty mark on Ignis’ face in stunning detail.
The advisor swallowed hard and took a steadying breath, “Might I be correct in assuming I’ll be given another free pass should I act so brazenly in the future?”
Prompto could only nod his head and wait. This was all so new, but he would be lying to himself if he said he didn’t like the idea. Ignis had been one of his best friends for over a decade. The chance to explore something more with him was exciting.
Without realizing it, the gap between them had shrunk. Ignis had maintained his grip and didn’t appear to be letting go anytime soon. Deciding to just go for it, Prompto leaned in the rest of the way. The kiss was soft and delicate. Nothing at all like Prompto was expecting. The brief taste he’d had earlier was nothing like this.
The moment Ignis released his hold; Prompto surged up and held Ignis’ face in between his hands. The advisor's arms were twined around his waist and pulling him close. Not wanting to crush the man Prompto had to break apart to brace himself on the cot. “Careful there,” he rasped, “I don’t want to crush you.”
“I’m sturdier than I look,” was the husky reply he received.
“I know you are, but maybe you should rest some more?”
“Only if you join me, I simply can’t let you slip away, not after,” Ignis paused and licked his lips, “not after that.”
Prompto didn’t have to be asked twice, grinning like an idiot he quickly shucked off his shoes and gingerly crawled under the covers. “Tell me if I hurt you at all, kay?”
“You could never hurt me.”
“I’m serious!” Prompto huffed as he worked to situate his legs comfortably.
“You’re doing splendid, don’t worry about it.”
Snorting at Ignis’ attitude, Prompto finally came to rest with his arm across the advisors’ waist. His injury was further up and Prompto was being extra careful not to jostle the man.  “I still can’t believe this is happening.”
“What, the light coming back, Noct surviving, or us kissing?”
“Oh em gee, all of it!” Prompto yelped but not loud enough to wake the others.
“It appears the dawn has brought with it renewed hope,” Ignis uttered right before his eyes slipped shut.
Prompto knew he had to be tired, he’d only been able to rest for a few hours. Ignis most likely needed a few days to sleep and recoup his energy. Smiling at the idea that they would get to repeat their previous activities, Prompto snuggled closer and allowed his body to shut down. They had more to talk about and more to do but it could wait. Life was going to get better, it already was better.
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quillfulwriter · 5 years
The Distraction: FFXV Iggy’s Birthday Fic
Prompto's in on a surprise party for Ignis, and he's been tasked with being the distraction. It's harder than he thought, but he won't let the guys down! (Forgive the Promnis vibes, I'm trash for them.)
Words: 3073 words (10-25 minutes) | Chocobros
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This was it, the big day for their surprise party for Specs... Prompto was in charge of being a distraction, probably the hardest job of the whole thing. He tried telling the others that, but they swore up and down that he could do it, no problem. Riding in the passenger seat next to Iggy like usual, Prompto figured out that was probably because they didn’t wanna do it. Not ‘cause hanging with Iggy was bad or anything, but keeping him distracted when he was designed for laser-like focus was gonna be the hardest thing he’s ever done in his life.
He convinced Ignis to take him along to the Crown City mall half by saying he wanted to check out some places and half by saying he should learn what Ignis does for Noct, so he could be a backup if he needs it. And that only worked by stocking up Iggy points with little favors to make his job easier. Y’know, to prove he could be a good backup!
Which was kinda part of his day-to-day anyway. Iggy worked so hard doing stuff for them all the time, and Gladio and Noct didn’t really do that whole ‘helping with dinner’ thing. But hey, that’s what made it such a good cover story!
“We’ve arrived,” Ignis announced and the doors automatically locked once he put the car in park. The morning sun gave a little extra warmth to the winter air, but he couldn’t complain about the cold when it meant Ignis broke out his sharp, double-breasted wool peacoat. All his friends were supermodels, but he had to give it to Ig, he looked extra good dressed for cold weather. Like the Six knew it when they set his birthday in stone.
“Gotcha,” Prompto answered, springing out of the car with his camera around his neck. Just in case! Never know when you’ll see a shot you just got to take, and it was a great reason to draw out their trip if he had to. Ignis always stopped to wait when Prompto wanted to take pictures, and he was pretty patient about it too.
And really, Prompto was banking on that. They still had to decorate, put the gifts together, make a cake… And they hadn’t even started wrapping yet. Leaving all that to Noct and the big guy felt like a recipe for disaster, but all he could do now was his part. Going at a light jog to keep up with Iggy’s longer, purposeful stride, Prompto followed him into the Crown City mall.
“So! What’s our first stop?” There wasn’t much of a crowd, since it was mid-week. No luck there. Just made Prompto think about how he wished there was more color in their uniform.
“We’ll be visiting just the one shop: a specialty dining store,” Ignis answered and led the way. “There are certain cooking instruments designed for the road that will prove essential on our journey.”
“Hey, Iggy!” Prompto raced ahead of him, eager to get started ‘cause this was gonna eat up hours. …Okay, maybe one hour. For his first distraction, Prompto picked up a cup-like thing with a little curve for pouring, some weird plunger thing, and measuring lines on the side. Turning around with a bounce in his step, he showed the tool to Ignis. “What’s this gadget do?”
“Hm?” Ignis strode over to the table Prompto picked out. Even here, he did the driving and pushed the cart along too. There was a lotta stuff here he didn’t recognize, so Prompto had plenty of ammo to keep his attention. “Ah, that is a milk frother, primarily used for lattes and other such beverages where foam is a key part of the experience.”
“Right, right. Y’know, I’ve never had a latte.” He put the frother down by the others, twisting it so it’d match its family of frothers before he took off after Ignis. “Think you could use it in hot chocolate?”
“You certainly can. I’ll show you sometime.” Ignis had a hint of a smile as he wound artfully through the rows and rows of cooking stuff that was either high-end normal stuff or specialty stuff.
“That’d be real sweet of you,” Prompto shot back a pun, giggling while he followed after Ignis.
Maybe if he wasn’t so caught up looking at grills, Iggy might’ve given as good as he got. Probably better, he did a lot more reading than Prom and that gave him more material to work with. Comparing little portable grills to each other with wordless hums and silent notetaking on his phone, Prompto was pretty sure he could do a dance and get nothing from the royal advisor. Or just a quick glance, anyway.
“Hey, uh, Igster,” Prompto ventured an interruption when he looked just about done. “Isn’t this thing just a slab of salt?” He held up a swirled dark and light pink rectangle about two or three inches thick labelled with just ‘mineral salt block’ on the side.
“It is far more than that.” Ignis finished up a note on his phone, picking up a boxed version of the grill he settled on and put it in the cart. “That is for grilling or stovetop cooking for the right stove, and it imparts a lightly salty flavor with the various health benefits of its mineral composition to—” Ignis sighed, picking up on the overwhelmed look on Prompto’s face. Probably. “It’s good for the food and for those who eat it.”
“Ah, gotcha. So Noct’d hate it, huh? Too healthy.” He put the block down, smiling at Ignis’ laugh.
“It doesn’t feature the same textural concerns Noct has with beans, but… I suspect you may be correct.”
Of course Prom got a text right then, and he hoped it was Gladio or Noct saying everything was fine and ready to go. Pulling his phone out of his pocket with only a little extra flair, he brought up the message from Noctis.
Need more time.
Only one way to answer that. Tossing in an exasperated emoji, he sent back just what he thought of that.
y tho
And the picture he got from Noct was so depressing, it was truly a loss for mankind. What was once gold cake was a bit more brown-and-black-ish, and big chunks of it were still stuck on the pan while the rest was somewhere off-frame. Uh, he hoped.
Thank Gladio.
smh how much time u need
A few seconds turned to a minute and Prompto kept checking his screen every few minutes before Ignis finally spoke up.
“Prompto, do pay attention,” he advised.
“Right, gotcha.” Pockets his phone for the last time. Left on read by Noct! If it wasn’t for Iggy’s birthday, he’d be in for a parade of emojis until Prompto got an answer. Or maybe not, but it sounded kinda fun to do. Trotting to catch up to Ignis again, he started up conversation. “So, you do all this by yourself?”
“Typically, yes,” he answered, though he sounded pleased rather than put out. Even looked the part smirking like that when he pushed up his glasses. “Gladio has little patience for it and Noctis has other responsibilities. It’s only natural this should be entrusted to me.”
“Yeah, but on your birthday?” Oops. He was so not supposed to say that, and Prompto’s stilted laugh when he figured out his slip-up didn’t do anything to throw Ignis off his scent. He even stopped to look at Prompto, examining him for answers. Or maybe it just felt like that and Prompto was worrying too much! He just to chill like Noct said to. Yeah, just… chill.
“I didn’t realize you knew.”
“Yeah, well, y’know.” Crap, he was very un-chill right now. Prompto shrugged, eyeing the shelves next to him for a way out of this conversation. “Noct brought it up, and I guess it stuck.” Gotta find a distraction and quick. It’d just buy time, Iggy’d never forget a slip-up like that, but time was all he needed. Prompto snatched up a waffle iron at the end of a really long stick from a display by the camping stuff. “Oh em gee, check this out! Waffles at camp, can you imagine?”
“If you’re willing to make them one at a time,” he teased with that slight smile, turning back to push the cart ahead. That’s right, Iggy, focus on the to-do list and forget that little blunder from Prompto.
“Aw, I’d never keep up with the big guy,” he mourned, dejectedly returning the specialty cookware to its box and catching up to the birthday guy again.
“Indeed not.”
After gathering the rest of their supplies in preparation for the coming trip in the warmer weather, Ignis checked off the final item in his phone.
“And that concludes our shopping for the time being.” The cart was expertly packed just so everything fit in and was even sorted for putting on the belt in an orderly fashion at checkout. Seriously, Ignis’ brain should be melting from all the stuff he thought ahead on. But Prompto was keeping up with him for now, anyway—maybe he really could be halfway-decent at this back-up thing.
“Really? You do a ton, but you really make it look easy. And that’s not just flattery to distract you, I mean it!” Dammit, he was getting bad at this. Thankfully, Ignis pretended not to notice it. Probably. He doubted he really didn’t realize. Ignis, miss something? Next, it’d rain ice cream!
“I should thank you.” With the last item rung through checkout (Prompto didn’t even dare to look at the total), it was as good a time as any, but so weird. Yeah, Prompto got it, he’d do the same if he were Iggy, but… He laughed, shrugging it off. Like always, Ignis kept going undaunted. “As much as I don’t anticipate I’ll need a substitute for my duty to Noctis, it never hurts to be prepared.”
“Hey, uh. No problem! Least I can do, really.” Prompto was spared being even more awkward somehow when Ignis gave his attention to checkout. Plus, it got him a second to text Noct without spectacles maybe seeing what he was up to if he didn’t figure it out yet.
omw home
Not yet.
Prompto let out a groan, slumping in defeat. The shopping trip was over, Noct! What now?
“Stocking the cart might go more smoothly if your hands were free.” Uh oh, that was the informative warning tone. Ignis was audio-coded to hint at what he was thinking and Prompto was getting a code yellow.
“Uh, right.” Putting his phone away, he helped moved the grill and cooking stuff he didn’t exactly recognize into the cart. They were almost done and Prompto blurted out his only idea before he had a chance to think about it enough to stop. “Actually, wanna go someplace cool after this?”
“Y’know, ‘cause it’s your birthday! There’s guys who can take this stuff back to the castle, yeah?” He really hoped Ignis would buy this. He couldn’t be the one who screwed up and ruined the surprise, the guys were counting on him! “Isn’t there a place you’ve always wanted to check out, but never got to?”
“Not especially,” Ignis answered after a brief pause. That mildly wide-eyed look was way too caught off guard… Could it be Iggy never thought about stuff he wanted to do before? Seriously? Prompto wanted to not believe it, but with all the stuff he’s always doing for everyone else under the sun, it’s, y’know… Possible. If not super likely.
“Then I’ll show you around. C’mon, it’s just one day, not even. Two hours.” Ignis pulled the cart to the side and out of the way, which wasn’t a yes but it wasn’t a no yet either. He could still get away with this! Prompto flashed the smile that usually worked on Noct, tossing in an eager bounce to cover his bases. “Birthday trip? Birthday trip!”
“There’s snow outside, Prompto.” This answer was just a little bit weaker, not reinforced with the typical Ignis brand crisp certainty that came with every sentence. And what kinda sharpshooter would he be if he didn’t take this opening?
“So? We’ve got boots.” Prompto bent his knee and held one foot up like he needed to demonstrate. Paired with the grin, he could tell—he was winning this round.
“I have to return to the castle for dinner preparation.” Ignis’ gaze darted to the shop windows and the city guard posted outside. The ones that could take all this back to the castle for them and buy the guys some time before Iggy came back.
“How’s this—you go on the birthday trip you so deserve, let me take a couple cool shoots to remember it by, and I’ll help make dinner.” He offered his hand to Ignis, leaning into his field of vision to get his attention. “Deal?”
With a sigh and a signal the guards outside, Ignis gave in. “Very well.”
“Woohoo! You’re not gonna regret it.”
After their side trip, they had to get someone to give them a ride and man, was it weird to have Ignis riding in the back seat of a car next to Prompto in calm quiet. Not a bad, awkward quiet—he was so used to those—but chill. He was usually in front too so Gladio could get the extra leg room, so at least being next to Iggy was just like always. Prompto dug out his phone again, sending one last warning text. They’d gotten another hour or hour and a half outta this, he hoped they figured it out.
omw 4 real
“When you said cool pictures, I hadn’t thought you meant literally on the ice.” Ignis only just glanced his way, his face still slightly red from spending time in the cold February air.
“Hey, that pond is a prime photo op!” He slipped his phone into his pocket, swapping it out for his camera. “Check it out,” he offered, bringing up a photo of Ignis in the light, warm glow of the late afternoon winter sun glittering off the ice, a faint plume of his breath in front of him and a delicate blush to his cheeks. Say what you want about the royal advisor, but it’d better be a compliment—he was gorgeous. “My best one yet.”
“Oh, so you collect them?”
“Ah, well, y’see, I—” Shoot. The car was slowing down and he caught a peek of the castle entrance. Thank the Six! “I take pictures of all you guys, yeah? Hey, look, we’re here!” Shuffling out his side, half-stumbling out, Prompto fled to safety. Almost over, this was the home stretch!
“They keep falling!”
“And whose fault is that?” Familiar voices reached Ignis and Prompto as they worked their way back to one of the smaller, casual family dining rooms in the castle.
“The tape.” Ah, classic Noct. Ignis turned to Prompto with a questioning brow and he just smiled back, nodding him to go first. Nothing left to hide now! Ignis pulled the door open and stepped into the room, which… kinda looked like elementary schoolers decorated it, but hey. Not everyone was a perfect party coordinator like Iggy.
“Gladio? Noctis.” Was that disbelief or patient warnings at the sight of lopsided streamers hanging all the way over to Noctis, who stood on a chair taping the last corner up. For the millionth time, from the sounds of it. Mostly decently wrapped presents sat on one end of the elegant dining table and at the other were three whole separate two-layer cakes and enough fancy takeout for a family of six. “What is…?”
“Happy birthday, Specs,” Noctis said, smiling as he stepped down from the chair and came over with Gladio.
“Didn’t think we forgot, did you?” Gladio clapped his hand on Ignis’ shoulder, his too-perfect smile coming as naturally as ever. Maybe a little more, even.
“I… Suppose this was what the escapades were all about,” he remarked, glancing back at Prompto.
“Whoa, three cakes?!” Gotta change that subject, Ignis, they didn’t know about any escapades! It was just supposed to be errands. But it was their fault he had to draw it out, wasn’t it? Chill, Prompto—chill. “All this food… I’m just gonna have to run more tomorrow.”
“After running around all day today too,” Gladio joked, thankfully getting the hint. Probably.
“What’s this about escapades?” Noct was not so merciful, and that is why Gladio got all the ladies, Prompto thought to himself. Okay, yeah, it was always great to see him smile, just—not at Prompto’s expense!
“Hey, you guys told me to keep him busy!”
“And you did very well. I haven’t been ice skating since Noctis was a boy and that pond was rather scenic.” Ignis to the rescue even on his birthday, what a saint. He did fall into a thoughtful silence, looking like he was trying to find life’s answers in the present pile. “Though I had figured you out by then, of course. I am curious why you kept me preoccupied for so much longer than necessary.”
“Gladio wrecked the cake.”
“Okay, Princess,” he dismissed. “Told you to set the timer.”
“And I told you I was busy.”
“Never heard you.”
“Getting old already,” Noctis said like he was in mourning, giving as good as he got and ducking out of a headlock from Gladio by just a hair. He’d better be faster than Gladio after all that childhood of training with him.
“Regardless of the kitchen mishaps I’ll contend with later,” Ignis got their attention back. “Thank you. I admit, I am at a loss for what else I might say.”
“No big deal,” Noctis answered, obviously proud of himself. “You could start by having dinner. I’m dying to try these skewers,” he suggested, leading the way to the meal.
“Speaking of that, I do believe Prompto owes me a standing offer to help with dinner.” Ignis picked up his own plate and shot Prompto a smile. “An awfully easy suggestion when you know there’s takeout on the table, hm?”
“You don’t have to resort to birthday blackmail, dude. I got your back,” Prompto promised. And snagged a plate of his own, he had to get to this food before the big guy got it all. “Still, though. Uh, happy birthday, Ignis.”
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ignisgayentia · 5 years
ffxv halloween week fics!
pairing: prompto/ignis
i figured i’d post all of my halloween week fics in one giant masterpost for @ffxvhalloweenweeksfw / @ffxvhalloweenweeknsfw ! i decided to make these all for the pairing of promnis (prompto/ignis), so if that’s your thing, i hope you enjoy! i had a lot of fun with ‘em! no archive warnings apply, but do mind the tags for any ratings/content you don’t want to see!
day 1 | theme: halloween carnival/prompto’s birthday | falling for you | rated teen |  Sure, Prompto’s not dumb enough to consider this an actual date. Ignis wouldn’t date Prompto if he was the last person on Eos, probably, but one-on-one time is good. It’s great. Prompto can work with that -- especially on his birthday, especially nuzzled up cheek-to-cheek in a haunted house with the world’s most handsome dude. Nothing could totally go wrong there.
day 2 | theme: vampires | blinded by the bite | rated explicit |  “Man, could you do me a favor, dude?” Prompto asks. “This rain totally wrecked my hair probably, and, like, I can’t check my reflection. Stupid dumb vampire shit.” He laughs nervously. "So sorry to bother you, it’s just, I’m supposed to meet my date here soon." It’s almost endearing, a smile tugging at Ignis's lips as he realizes that Prompto doesn’t realize that Ignis is, in fact, blind, as he hasn't looked up yet. There’s a pause. “Shit. Wait. You’re--” Prompto realizes with horror, but not the kind of horror that Ignis usually expects with such a realization. “You’re my date?!” Ignis can’t help but blurt out, “you’re a vampire?”
day 3 | theme: ghosts/hunting supernatural/ghost ignis | i’ve been ghosting along | rated teen | “You, uh… um, you’re… not gonna eat me, are you?” Prompto asks. Ignis lets out a beautiful laugh, soft and musical. “No. Why do you keep mentioning that? Why on Eos would I eat you?” “You’re, uh. You’re… a, um…” Prompto trails off awkwardly. Is it rude to tell a ghost that they’re no longer alive? “A spirit? Yes, you’ve a rather firm grasp on the obvious,” Ignis says. “I didn’t have an appetite for human flesh in life, however, I’m uncertain how I would suddenly crave such things now.”
day 4 | theme: bodyswapping | trading places | rated teen | “Holy shit, Iggy, you’ve gotta fucking help me--” Prompto blurts, realizing only now that Ignis is going to be hearing his own voice talking back to him. The silence is deafening, and Prompto hears the familiar cadence of his own voice -- his real voice -- responding to him. “I do believe we have a problem, Prompto.” Prompto could almost laugh at the sound of his own voice with such a calm, dignified edge to it, but it’s not really a laughing matter right now. “Holy shit. You’re me, too,” Prompto says, not bothering to even try to talk more like Ignis.
day 5 | theme: zombies/zombie prompto | everybody’s got a hungry heart | rated teen | Prompto’s young, far younger than Ignis thought. He’s the same age as Noctis, only twenty. Since he was picked up outside of Niflheim after being reanimated from the dead, he’s been nonviolent, but also nonverbal, not eating, and not very reactive in general. He isn’t responding to any medical treatments, and three different ones have been administered to him in the month that he’s been at the facilities. “Nonviolent, but not reacting to medication,” Ignis hums to himself thoughtfully. “Now, that’s certainly a first.” Ignis closes the file, getting in his car immediately to drive to the Reanimated Rehabilitation Facility, trying to push away the young blonde boy’s chilling bright gray eyes and freckles from his mind.
day 6 | theme: demons/demon ignis | i will possess your heart | rated explicit | “Huh. You’re really hung up on coffee. Wouldn’t you prefer, like, the blood of newborns or something more… demon-y?” Prompto asks. Ignis locks eyes with him. “Rude. Do you often invite people into your home and then accuse them of infant slaughter?” Prompto thinks about this, and realizes that he has a point. “Okay, fair. Um, sorry that I summoned you…? I honestly didn’t think that it would work, man. I’m still kinda feeling like I’m dreaming. There’s a really hot, well-dressed demon in my house asking me for coffee.”
day 7 | theme: masquerade/costume parties/prince prompto au | love looks not with the eyes | rated explicit | Ignis, of course, has been looking forward to this evening more than most. Not only will he get to see Prince Prompto, but he’ll have the excuse of the masquerade to allow himself to dance and converse and court Prompto without any prying, judging eyes. He’s under no illusion that people won’t recognize himself and the prince simply because they’ll be wearing masks, but the masquerade theme provides an excuse to engage with those he normally wouldn’t on any other night. At least, Ignis hopes. If they’re to end their tryst soon, he doesn’t want it to be without one last, final goodbye. He hopes it’s everything he’s been dreaming of the past few months.
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notthelasttime · 5 years
Fanfic asks! C, L, R, X
C: what fandom(s) did you start writing?
since I don’t think the “vampire/werewolf/demon self insert love triangle” is an actual fandom.... that would be FFXV. yes, really! wrote some bad stories online back in the day in high school and then just.. stopped writing for a very long time. read fic off and on for various fandoms, but I never jumped back into writing it until I played XV and had a desperate need for more promnis after flying through everything in the tag
L: favourite fic of yours?
hnng that’s hard. honestly I kind of want to say memoria which is weird because I don’t necessarily thing it’s my “”best”” writing, but idk it feels very personal for some reason. I’ve got a big soft spot for it. runner up is for those in the know which was one of those fics that felt so effortless to write I’m still baffled by it. the words just flowed, yknow?
R:  link your favourite fic of all-time.
this is payback isn’t it ok well I can’t actually link it because I can’t find it (and haven’t been able to refind it for years) ;_; it was a north & south fic (the elizabeth gaskell novel not the civil war shit) and it was one of those fics that like, perfectly imitated the langue/writing style of the time, and there was so much pining and angst and unrequited but actually requited love and misunderstandings... so good. it was on ff.net, when I found it, it had already gone years without updating (and I think it was like 13 chapters long or something, it was pretty hefty), but the author must have deleted it since then
X: give a summary of your current project!
WHICH ONE I have a lot ok uh how about some ignyx, here have an excerpt: 
They'd decided to hit the bars before everyone snapped. All of them, everyone from Council members to the lowest recruits in an uncommon display of camaraderie. Even if they hadn't all been commingling at least they hadn't been at each other's throats. There was enough to worry about otherwise. One night, one break, wouldn't kill them. The problem was booze made Nyx flirty, the problem was it had been an age since he'd gotten laid.
The problem was Ignis, dangerously handsome Ignis, had been so quick to reciprocate and he'd looked so alluring when he finally started to smile and if Nyx had been out of line Ignis hadn't stopped him and when they kissed in the hidden corner by the bathrooms Ignis had been so quick to open his mouth and Ignis had known how to sneak out together without anyone seeing them just like he'd known how to sneak Nyx back to his apartment at the Citadel in secret.
Ignis. Now looking like he's on the verge of panic.
Ignis goes to straighten hiss glasses, only to realized they're not on his face, and the little flounder and touch of embarrassment that follows is so endearing Nyx can see a straight line down all the things that brought them to this situation, why he'd jumped in with enthusiasm. What would people say? Ignis Scientia, too young, too arrogant, already thinking he can voice his opinion on serious matter to the Council, to the King. Ignis Scientia, guiding force to the young wayward Prince, drinking heavily in his off-hours, shacking up with a Glaive, one 10 years his senior and worse, a Galahadian refugee. The things people would say and the stories they would try to turn. Nyx was used to a certain level of disdain, but it was one thing to deal with it on your own, knowing who you were and who you weren't, knowing what fights were worth fighting and what to let roll of your back. That didn't mean he wanted to drag someone down there with him. Especially not someone like Ignis.
"I think," Ignis says, fists clutching the sheets around his waist, "it might be best if we pretend this never happened."
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maybe a promnis proposal fic bc I Like Sappy Shit
It had been about nine years from when they first officially met, Ignis didn’t count the research going into Prompto’s background as meeting him. As anxious as he was, his smile was still blinding. Then at about eight or so years ago he had finally asked him out, at the behest of Noctis and Gladio who were apparently tired of them pining after each other. Prompto was now 18, graduated from high school, and training to be a crownsguard. He approached him after a training and asked him to dinner. He had expected to be turned down, but Prompto gleefully accepted. They had their first kiss a week later.
They didn’t move in together until about six years ago, getting Prompto out of that Gods awful house was one matter, but the apartment Prompto had chosen for himself had been just as wretched. However Ignis did not push the issue, and instead waited for the time to be right to ask Prompto to move in with him. He accepted, and he’s lived in their home together ever since. A few months later, the King died, and it had been nothing but busy work since. Preparing Noctis for the throne, arranging the Coronation, doing all the necessary paperwork day in and day out, helping Gladio to officially take the role of shield from his father. Not to mention Prompto had to kick himself into high gear to finalize his position as Noctis’ crownsguard. He had trained so hard day in and day out, Ignis would often have to come and collect him during his breaks because had passed out in the locker rooms. While he appreciated his effort, he had wished that Prompto would take better care of himself. True, Ignis himself worked non-stop as well, but acting as a secretary, pouring over paperwork was nothing compared to the hours of physical activity demanded of Prompto.
Eventually Noctis was crowned King, their lives became somewhat more stable, but nonetheless still busy as ever. Ignis tried to make time for Prompto as much as possible, but more often than not, the only time they had together was the wee hours of the morning, and in the late evenings. Sometimes they would get a day or two to spend together, or at least have lunch together, but it wasn’t often. But despite it all, Ignis cherished every moment together, leading him to now.
Everything had been arranged. Ignis conspired with Noctis to give them a three-day weekend, but distract Prompto during the majority of Friday, who agreed and gave Prompto “the royal command to play video games” or something of the sort. Giving Ignis plenty of time to spend the day shopping for fresh ingredients and preparing a lavish dinner and dessert. With an hour to go before dinner was complete, Ignis sent the text.
“Augh, shit, not again,” Noctis whined, flopping backwards on the couch, dropping his controller next to him. “How do you keep beating me? Where do you even get time to practice?”
“That’s for me to know and for you to cry about!” Prompto laughed. “I really don’t practice much though, maybe you just suck.”
“You’re going to talk to your King like that?” Noctis teased, putting on a monk indignant tone. “I could easily have you stripped of your rank for that.”
“And who would you play with then? Cor? Gladio?” Prompto snickered. “Maybe Cor could hold his own, but I think the number of buttons would confuse Gladio.”
“Hey, I heard that!” Gladio grumbled from the bedroom, poking his head out from where he was toweling off.
“I don’t hear you denying it!” Prompto prodded. “Come on name five video games.”
“Don’t be mean to him,” Noctis interjected. “Go pick on your own boyfriend.” Prompto’s smile waivered.
“Right, my boyfriend,” he responded glumly. He set his controller down and leaned back into his corner of the couch. “So, has Ignis said anything to you guys?”
“What do you mean?” Noctis asked, keeping his tone as neutral as possible. If there is anything he’s learned since being King, its how to keep a poker face.
“Trouble in Paradise?” Gladio teased, walking into the room after dressing. Prompto shrugged.
“I don’t know, maybe?” Prompto sighed and crossed his arms. “We haven’t talked as much this week, and I can tell he’s been planning something, but he hasn’t talked to me about it. We’ve both been so busy that we hardly see each other. I think he’s…. Has he said anything to you guys about us breaking up?”
“No, he hasn’t,” Noctis easily responded. “He really loves you, you know that right?”
“Sure he does, I guess-“
“You guess, or you know?” Gladio egged on. “Do you need me to talk to him? Because I’ll talk to him.”
“Knock if off,” Noctis snapped. “I’m sure its-“
Wa-KEWH-woo Wa-KEWH-woo
“Are you ever going to change your text tone?” Noctis laughed.
“I have!” Prompto defended, pulling his phone out from his pocket. “That was for Ignis, I only use the Chocobo for Ignis now, because I love them both.”
“You don’t love me?” Noctis gasped. “I’m shocked and appalled. Gladio, can you believe this?”
“Has the Princess been offended?” Gladio teased.
“Excuse you!” Noctis huffed. “I’m clearly a Queen.”
“Oh no…” Prompto spoke out softly. “I’ve got to go.”
“What is it, what did he say?” Noctis asked.
“’Could you please hurry home as soon as you can? There is something I must speak with you about.’,” Prompto relayed. “I don’t know what’s going on, but… If it doesn’t go well can I come back?”
“Of course you can,” Gladio nodded. “We’re always here for you.”
“But it’ll be fine, okay?” Noctis grinned. “I’ve got a good feeling about it. You know Iggy, he can be a little dramatic without meaning to.”
“I hope so,” Prompto smiled back. He grabbed his coat and keys and headed for the door. “See ya!” The door closed and Gladio plopped down on the couch where Prompto sat prior.
“So should we text Iggy and let him know Prompto is freaking out?” Gladio suggested. Noctis waved his hand dismissively.
“Nah, those two can figure it out on their own, besides its their night, why interrupt the fun?”
Just as Ignis finished setting the table and lighting the candles, the front door opened.
“I’m back!” Prompto called from the front, stopping to remove his shoes. Ignis round the corner, two glasses of Chardonnay on hand.
“Welcome home,” he smiled softly, handing a glass over to him. “Have fun at his Majesty’s?”
“Yeah, kicked his butt so hard it was almost unfair,” Prompto grinned taking the glass. He looked over Ignis, who had his button up slightly undone, with an apron overtop. “You’ve been cooking?”
“Of course,” He grinned. “I wanted it be a surprise, so I had Noctis distract you in the meantime. You’ve arrived just in time actually, everything is just about done.” Ignis took Prompto by the hand and lead him to their dining table, pulling his chair for him.
“My, what a Gentlemen,” Prompto teased. As he pulled himself close to the table he gave a sniff of the air. “It smells amazing in here!”
“I would hope so, I made your favorite,” Ignis explained as he disappeared into the kitchen before coming back with a serving tray. “I hope you’re hungry.”
“I’m always hungry when you’re cooking!” Prompto beamed. Ignis chuckled lightly before serving their food. He dropped a bowl down first, which Prompto recognized immediately as Creamy Bisque. Then on the plate there was a healthy amount of Triple Truffle Risotto, next to, his favorite, Spice Long-Bone Rib Steak! “Oh my Gods Iggy, this is incredible! What’s the occasion?”
“Do I need an occasion to spoil my dearest?” Ignis smiled coyly as he took his own seat, setting down his food. As he settled, Prompto took a bite of his food, starting with the bisque. Gods it was creamy! And the Karlabos so fluffy! He practically moaned as he finished it off. Next, he took a few bites of the Risotto, taking in the pungent smell of the Truffles before taking a bite. How much did this cost to make? Then again with their salary… Finally, he looked over to the Spicy Steak Ribs. The knife glided into the meat like butter, practically falling off the bone. Ah!
“Its sooo good!” Prompto moaned after taking a bite. “If you weren’t Noct’s advisor you totally could’ve opened a restaurant.”
“I appreciate the sentiment,” Ignis smiled before taking a bite of his own risotto. “Its nice to have someone around that appreciates my cooking.”
“Noctis still refuses to eat his vegetables!” Prompto laughed. “He’s never going to get any better.”
“Afraid not,” Ignis grinned. Once they were finished with their meals, Ignis collected their plates and came back with Chiffon Cake, with a scoop of homemade Vanilla ice cream on the side. Prompto took a bite before shuffling nervously.
“So, um, you said you had something to discuss?” Prompto asked meekly. “Is everything okay?”
“Of course, why wouldn’t it be?” Ignis responded lightly between his own bites.
“I… I don’t know…” Prompto set his fork down. “Maybe I’m just being anxious, you sounded upset when you texted me, but you don’t seem like you are. And this… we haven’t had a meal together like this in months. I was getting worried that maybe…” he blinked back his tears as much as he could. “We’re okay, right?”
“Oh, darling,” Ignis cooed softly as he got up from his chair and knelt next to Prompto’s. “I know we’ve been busy, but the way I feel about you has never changed.” He took Prompto’s hands into his. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Ignis,” Prompto smiled despite his trembling lips. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to freak out like this.”
“Its okay, I was expecting it a little bit,” Ignis said back. “As you pointed out earlier, I do have something important to discuss. For as long as we’ve been together, I’ve come to realize that we need to make a change.” He let go of Prompto’s hands and reached into his pocket. “I’ve been a fool to take this long, and I do hope you can forgive me for that.” From his pocket he pulled out a small velvet box, opening it to present the matching rings inside.
“Iggy…” Prompto sobbed, his hands going up to his face.
“Prompto Argentum, will you do me the honor of marrying me?”
“Yes!” He fell out of his chair, wrapping his arms around Ignis and burying his face into his neck. “Yes, yes, yes!” He pulled back from his neck to dive back to his lips, kissing him hard and earnestly. “Ignis, you beautiful, perfect man!”
“So that is a yes then?” Ignis asked in between kisses of his own.
“Duh!” Prompto laughed. “Come on, put it on me!” He held up his right hand for Ignis to take, who gently took slid the shiny, silver ring onto his finger. Prompto couldn’t help but to choke in glee at the sight. “Okay, my turn.” He took the box from Ignis’ hand and watched as he lifted up his own. Prompto removed the matching ring from the silk lining, sliding onto Ignis’s shaking hand. “Wow.”
“Wow.” Ignis repeated. He took Prompto by the hands and got back on his feet. “Well, now that we’ve got that settled, I propose we move to our next event for the evening.”
“Oh, what would that be?” Prompto asked, smirking. “We haven’t even finished our dessert yet.” Ignis only gave a similar look before swiftly lifting Prompto up and into his arms.
“I can think of something far sweeter than cake, can’t you?”
This took me all day and its not even good, whoops! Hope you liked it anyway. 
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breotch-blog1 · 6 years
Happy Fanfic Writer’s Appreciation Day  💕
Honestly, this has been long overdue. I wanted to share some fics and authors who have left such a positive imprint on my life. I wish I knew about this ahead of time instead of the day before so I could have properly put something together. BUT! I wanted to try and throw this together before I lost the courage.
When You Know You’ll Know (and I Know) - @downrightfierce
One of my favorite Promptio stories. The perfect blend of cute, funny, sexy, mixed with a lot of feels ♡ this author’s capture of these boys is amazing and I find myself constantly coming back to read this.
Like the Wolf - @notthelasttime​
Promnis + werewolves.  Honestly what more do you need to know?  The way the author is able to get the voice of Ignis down is so beautiful and watching him struggle and come to terms with himself just pulls at my heartstrings in the best way.
Let Me Count the Freckles of My Love - SpiritMuse 
Ignis is having a bad day, so what makes him better? Getting drunk and counting Prompto’s freckles ♡♡♡ I am constantly grinning whenever I read this.  Such a feel good fic!
Stay at Mine - @miluette​
Adorable Promnis friends to lovers! This author’s writing always leaves me mesmerized and hooked, I could not put this one down. It’s way too sweet. Not to mention their smut had me blushing ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What’s Past is Present - @spitfirerose​
This one...this one hurts so good. We’ve got our bros learning how to deal with a sudden de-aged Prompto and finding out what the poor boy has been through along the way. The author has one of the best de-aging transitions I've ever read. Absolutely incredible. Bring your tissues!  ♡
Drowning in Delphinium - @sunshineandsnark27
Ignis is suffering from his one-sided love (or so he seems) for Prompto, and is struggling to balance his duty between Noctis and his love for Prompto. I was not able to put this one down. The way the author is able to put so many emotions and depth into this story, was so beautiful. Such a great read!
Common Ground - @the-lucian-archives
Promnis Coffee Shop Au...what could be better! I’ve honestly reread this one so many times. There’s a moment where there’s a storm...I don’t want to give it away! It’s just such a cute and amazing story! The author’s portrayal of Prompto and Ignis is so on point. Absolutely charming and an all time classic ♡
Falling Into Place - @memegitek
Promnis as single fathers! I’m honestly at the edge of my seat just waiting for more of this story! It’s so wonderful! First chapter I was instantly hooked and have been so thirsty for it ever since. This author puts so much great detail into their work as well, never disappoints.
Home - @gizzwhizz
The sweetest kind of Promnis with a nice mix of hurt/comfort. The kiss scene is just to die for! ♡♡♡ The author’s characterizations of these boys is flawless, especially Prompto! I’m always able to relate so much to him and it just brings out all the best feels. Another one I've reread a million times now.
Written Across the Fabric of our Years - @harmonization
The cutest ficlets ever, telling the story of Prompto and Ignis’ relationship  through the years. The way this author writes is so poetic and absolutely stunning. I’m always taken aback by how much emotion she’s able to pull out of me. I always wish there was more to read from her ♡ Definitely cried at the end of this one. 
A New Dawn - @cndrow
One of the cutest Promnis confessions ever!  Seriously, such an incredible story! The way the author is able to pull off Ignis’ sass and wit along with Prompto’s playful banter always has me grinning nonstop. And I gotta say, the smut scene is just, wow!  ♡
Rule of Thirds - @dirtyhecker
Seriously, no duh! I feel like everyone knows this story, but this author still deserves the appreciation and shout out all the same ♡ Ultimate Promnis good feels story. I wont even tell you how often I’ve reread this. Prompto’s inner monologue is still one of favorite things, it’s so amazing. 
A.I. am Human - @caseofthestolenspecs
Oh my god, please do yourself a favor, and read this story now!  Promnis. Androids. Romance. It’s got it all! The author’s writing is absolutely incredible. The world building alone is breathtaking, I always feel like I’m actually in the story, and I never want to leave. Not to mention amazing dialogue, stellar characterizations, and sweet sweet pining ♡♡♡
A Man of Faith - @heartlessfujoshi
Promnis with a Priest kink... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) oh yes. Sinful Sunday is a thing, and I am all about it. The authors smut leaves me breathless. This fic is everything, honestly ♡ Bless this author for sharing this beauty with us!
Some Place I’d Like to Go - @jumpsoap
Promnis Sexting! ♡ Such a classic that I never get tired of! I find myself always coming back to reread this work of gold. The authors text style is so engaging and then when you add in the actual sexting bit, yowza! Absolutely in love with this one! 
One Week Win - @birdsandivory​
The greatest slow burn of Promnis! Due to a bet between Noctis and Prompto, Ignis becomes the advisor/caretaker to Prompto for one week. Cue the pining, falling in love, friends to lovers ♡ I absolutely love this story so much! The authors portrayal of all the boys is way too good, and always leaves me feeling weak and full of feels!
I Went Too Far - @hollandvosjjk
The most beautiful storytelling of Prompto’s struggles with himself and his relationships. The slow burn is real for Promnis and so worth it! We have Ignis as trans and it is everything I ever needed ♡ This fic is so incredibly well-written, the author is able to get inside of Prompto’s head and make you just want to hold both of these boys forever. ♡♡♡
I know I’m missing so many great authors here. I do plan to create a master post so if you don’t see your name, I assure you, it will more than likely be added ♡ 
All you writers, even the ones I haven’t listed, are such amazing and talented  human beings. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into your stories and for sharing them with us. I’m sure it’s never easy to put something out there, but you are so appreciated and loved, thank you for all you do.  You’re all incredible and I love you!!  ♡♡♡
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seladorie · 6 years
Fic: Accolades (Promnis, FFXV, Rated T)
for @infidusfiles​ birthday! also here on AO3
a continuation of this ficlet. it’ll probably be more satisfying reading that first
Prompto lingers by the edges of the scene, appearing increasingly more like a flight risk to the point where Ignis leaves the arrest to Silex to keep him company.
“How long do I have to stay?” asks Prompto.
“Just a bit longer,” Ignis promises. “I’d like you to speak to Cor  before you part, at least. I know you would rather not get a recruitment speech, but I admit he cuts a much more impressive demeanor than I.”
“Cor?” he wonders aloud, before recognition set in. Yes, that is about what Ignis expected. There is hardly a person in Eos who has no heard of Cor. Hopefully, given his residency in Insomnia and his propensity for heroics, his feelings towards Cor lean positively. Given the sudden flush and strangled squeak, Ignis guessed correctly. “Cor! The Marshal is coming here?”
“He is,” Ignis confirms. “To meet you, in fact. I was not joking earlier about how you would be a prime candidate for the Crownsguard.”
Blue eyes wide--and oh my, how blue they are--Prompto gapes. “I’m going to meet Cor the Immortal?”
“Indeed you are.”
“Oh my--oh my Shiva, holy shit, holy shit--but I haven’t showered!” Prompto protests.
Not being able to help himself, Ignis bursts out laughing.
“This isn’t funny!” Prompto whispers furiously. “My hair looks like shit! I can’t meet someone that important right now!”
“Prompto, you look fine. More than fine,” Ignis promises, and is gratified when he pinkens. “Cor is a soldier. He won’t even notice.”
Prompto makes an odd, panicked noise, and when Ignis follows his line of sight, he sees Cor approaching them.
“Ah, Cor,” Ignis says. “This is Prompto. He assisted me in fighting the daemons, and also prevented the culprit’s escape.”
“Well done,” says Cor. He holds out a hand, which Prompto takes tentatively. He’s quite pale at the moment. Ignis does hope he doesn’t do anything silly like fainting. That would be a bit harder to explain to Cor. “You’ve done Insomnia a great service. Where did you learn to fight?”
“Um--on the road, I was--I kinda had to learn, I grew up in Niflheim and to escape, I really had to protect myself--” Prompto says. “I mean, I left Niflheim when I was really young, and I take photographs now for work, so I have to be able to protect myself on the road since I’m out of Insomnia a lot, so I’ve had to get really good at fighting, though I’m really not that good, not really.” He chuckles nervously, bouncing around in place. Or could it be excitement? Both, perhaps. “I mean, I’m a decent shot with a gun, but I’m really only just. Passable? And I don’t have any guns in Insomnia! I keep them at the hunter’s base near Hammerhead!”
“He’s also decent with a crowbar,” Ignis interjects. “It’s what he used earlier.”
Cor’s eyebrow quirks. “A crowbar?”
“Uh, yeah, it was… there, so I grabbed it and started wailing on the daemons. Maybe not the best plan? It worked, though.”
“Indeed it did. Prompto, how would you like to join me at the Citadel for a brief introduction of the Crownsguard division?”
“Sure!” Prompto says, voice high and just shy of squeaky. “I mean, yes! I’d love that!”
Cor doesn’t smile, but his demeanor seems pleased. “Excellent. Come with me.”
Much later that afternoon, Ignis gets a call on his personal cell phone.
“Hello?” he answers, and isn’t that surprised that it’s Prompto on the other side.
“So I’m sure you didn’t expect me to call you this soon,” Prompto says. “I didn’t either, but I’ve got a lot to think about, and Cor had me spar with him, and he said he was impressed with my skill level, and he asked me to join the Crownsguard which you totally called, and I’m freaking out a lot and do you want to meet up for a drink? Not even in a date way, but it can be that too, I just need someone to talk to about all of this.”
“I would love that,” Ignis says. “Are you still at the Citadel? I can meet you at the entrance.”
“Yeah--I mean, yes, I am,” Prompto says. “See you in a few?”
“Give me fifteen minutes,” Ignis says, looking over the files on his desk. “I know a lovely wine bar not too far from here. My treat,” he adds on, realizing that a photographers budget is likely not the same as a Royal Advisor’s.
Prompto is waiting by the gates when Ignis makes his way there, looking dirty from whatever demonstration and training Cor had for him. Ignis sees him glance towards the guards a couple of times, fidgeting. The guards, at least, are completely ignoring him.
“Prompto,” Ignis says, smiling. “Did you enjoy your time with the Marshal?”
“Holy shit,” Prompto says. “Holy shit, he’s so cool. And he complimented me! My fighting skills! He said I have good aim with a gun. Iggy,” Prompto says, placing a dramatic hand on Ignis’ arm, stopping them in their walk. “He said I have good aim.”
“I’m sure you do,” Ignis says. “I take it he offered you a position in the Crownsguard?”
“He did! I don’t know what to do now,” Prompto says, picking at his wrist band.
“You realize I am not an impartial party to discuss this with?” Ignis reminds him. “I also tried to woo you over to the Crownsguard.”
“Heh, I thought you were trying to just woo me,” Prompto says. He waggles his eyebrows at him, and he even manages to be endearing about it.
“That too,” Ignis agrees. “While I haven’t seen your shooting skills, your combat skills were quite impressive. Really quite remarkable.”
“I knew you only wanted me for my fighting skills,” Prompto says, smiling.
“Not just your fighting skills. Also for your looks,” Ignis teases, emboldened. “You’re beautiful.”
“My dude, you haven’t even had any wine yet,” Prompto laughs.
“Good gracious,” Ignis drawls. He walks a bit closer to Prompto as they walk, and he gratifyingly mirrors him to the point where their arms brush. He smells quite a lot like fresh soap--good, he took a shower after his audition. Not that Ignis is opposed to the scent of sweat--not at all, in fact--but there are much better venues for that presentation than a wine bar. “Perhaps I ought to abstain, for fear of embarrassing myself. Who knows what accolades I might say when inebriated.”
“No, no,” Prompto says, still pleasantly pink. “You can keep complimenting me. I’m fine with that.”
“Well,” Ignis says, as he directs him into the wine bar. “If you insist.”
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whostarlockeda03 · 3 years
what was your first ship, and what fandom is it from?
Ah, 2012, back when I had nothing to worry about except school, and I didn't have to adult, and the most joyous thing I could do was write Star Trek fanfiction XD XD
Yes, my very first fandom way back when was Star Trek (TOS and the reboot films, for those interested)! There is a distinct lack of Star Trek fanfic on my AO3 account, but some of it might still exist on FF.net. *Scuttles off to check real quick* Yes, it still exists there. And although I never wrote for them, my first ship was probably reboot McCoy/Chekov. But I read loads of different pairings in the fandom and there were none I was really opposed to.
Look at these two cuties
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Of course I loved them!
Then in 2014-ish I cautiously stepped into the Sherlock fandom (And lo, my username was born!) and I think I mostly shipped Sherlock/OC at that point. (If you wanted to read anything I wrote for that, you'd have to dig and find my Wattpad account, and well, good luck!)
And then, two years later came Marvel. I still love the marvel fandom, and do still work on my WIPs for that fandom, when the mood strikes me. Again, I never wrote for my first ship, which was IronHawk, because it wasn't long before it got bulldozed out of the way by @captn-sara-holmes's fic I'll Keep You Safe Here With Me , and then by more and more of their amazing works, and then by @flawedamythyst's works too, and by then I was an ardent WinterHawk shipper.
And last but not least, FFXV. Now you all have @thedarkestdandelion to thank for that one, and we chatted a lot about potential ships as we played through the game. I think my first ship for the fandom was Promnis, closely followed by GladNoct, and then I watched Kingsglaive and the idea of PromNyx planted itself firmly in my mind.
So, that's my journey so far through fandoms and shipping (sorry it became a ramble), please feel free to add comments, reblog, yell at me in tags or strike up a conversation about it. I am more than happy to chat to my fellow fandom lovers!
Thanks for the ask, anon!
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(you know what? I have three days off, I have fannish things to do, I have time to write, and I have things I want to write. also, I have exactly 99 fic/lets in my Quick Fic Pick tag. you know what that means: this is the century fic!)
(qfp 97: sky’s the limit, promptis, brotherhood-era AU) (qfp 98: threw away ten thousand songs, igyx, canon-compliant AU) (qfp 99: map out the clouds in your eyes, promnis, coda to the game)
(I’ve already done a little rambling to @voxiferous about this particular musician AU. if you want visual inspiration, look no further than this spectacular live version of heart of sword by T.M.Revolution!) 
Quick Fic Pick 100: cross into distant dawn
Not the first time he curses his luck: and he knows he can’t say this out loud, not around the other guys, not where they can hear him or at the very least read what he’s sending into the chat room and then they’d both have words with him, and he’s not going for that right now, he’s got a rare night off and there’s no one to go out with, and there’s nowhere to go -- so he cracks open another beer, and seriously considers rolling himself a joint, but then there’s a different notification popping up onto his tablet and he squints, tilts his head, and he’d ignore the URL entirely, except that it’s been sent to him by Monica and he tends to trust her tastes, fanatically eclectic though that might be.
So he drinks half of the beer and clicks on and --
He nearly jumps off his beatdown couch in surprise because it only takes the flourish of the cymbals, the long low shriek of the bass guitar, the shivering rising challenge of the melody played on the keyboard -- three measures, four at the most and he knows exactly what this song is and who’s performing it. The people who composed it, the people who’ve made it one of their signature tracks, one of the group’s favorite encore performances.
Luna and Aranea and Gen and Noctis -- Riotfeathers -- and the song is called “Against the Dying Shadow”, and they’re four angry beautiful voices rising in rage, rising in protest, and they’re playing to a tightly packed basement, and Prompto actually knows all the words to the song, mouths along as they shout out the third and fourth verses and -- then he clicks out of the tab entirely.
Here’s the thing, with Riotfeathers -- they’re not around any more. Ignis had called them a meteor of a band and -- Prompto still agrees with that assessment, now, even though he sort of hopes he’ll run into Aranea at least, because she’s still kicking around with a lot of the other performers in the scene and it’s still a small world, when it’s a world of soundstages and groupies and stadium tours, and then maybe he’ll have a snowball’s hope in hell to hear the actual story and reason why they suddenly dropped out.
(Family has its perks, he supposes, even though there is no tie of blood that could possibly exist between him and her. Just ink, and signatures on a legally binding document, and for them it’s been enough.)
The flat’s too small for him, suddenly, missing Aranea and wondering if the others are faring any better on this forced hiatus, and he leaves a voicemail on Monica’s phone -- Are we ever getting fucking Crackshot back on the road? -- and then he throws on his jacket. 
Finds himself walking to the exact same club that Riotfeathers had been playing -- one of their last performances ever -- and his face is enough to get him through into the somewhat more barricaded section of the club, the narrow snaking mezzanine and its never, ever, ever safe railings.
Nodding at vaguely familiar faces in the gloom of the alcoves, and shaking Lightning’s hand when she holds it out to him, and then Prompto heads for the last table and -- it’s taken, too. Silver-sequinned clutch, and a long trailing strap in rainbow-stripes, and he allows himself a snort and -- he’s already steeling himself to head back down the stairs -- he might as well head back to the flat, too, as there’s nothing for him here -- and he turns.
She’s not so very tall, is the first thought -- dumb as it is -- that drops into the front of his mind. She certainly looks like she has super long legs, and she certainly dresses to show them off, in the shiny thigh-high boots with their tops folded down, and her lace-draped shift that covers her throat and her shoulders and her wrists but stops a full couple of inches above the tops of the boots. Silver chains threaded into her hair, far shorter than it had been in the video, and her face wiped clean of makeup, so he can see not just the beauty mark to the right of her mouth but also the faint remnants of the bruise ringing her left eye.
He wonders if the shiner hurts worse, considering the piercings in her left eyebrow.
Noctis. The girl who’d been the drummer for Riotfeathers, the girl who’d been wearing a ripped-up pinstriped suit in the video, fraying edges a startling contrast to the branch-lines of her hair ornament, gold gleam underneath the harsh stage lights.
Noctis, here?
“Noctis,” he says.
“Prompto,“ she says, and it’s a surprise that she knows his name, and it isn’t -- and she pulls her gloved hands down from her mouth. “You wanted the table.”
“You obviously got here first,” he says, and tries on a smile.
“Why, is there a rule that says I can’t share my -- that table?” And she’s smiling, too, lopsided and sharp. “Especially when you’re -- in a situation I know. Fairly intimately. Sick and tired of it, intimately.”
“How did you know,” he says, and he knows he’s being difficult and she knows it, too, if the way she rolls her eyes is any indication.
He sits, and she reclaims her purse, and when he pulls the flask out of his jacket she’s offering him one, too. 
“Trade,” he laughs, in the end, and the firewater in her flask tastes like plums and cream and kicks him right in the head on the second swallow, and the world dances around him, loopy and dizzying.
“That’s rough. I like it,” she declares, and he woozily watches her throw back another swallow from his flask.
“Keep it,” he mutters. “If you like.”
“I’d ask you to keep mine,” he hears her say, “but I’m too attached to my booze. Gods know when I’ll be able to buy another bottle.”
“What is it anyway?” he asks, and the world is still spinning around him, wild tilting arcs that make his eyes hurt.
“It’s a slivovitz,” he hears her say. 
“Pretty name, but I’m not sure it’s finished kicking me in the head yet.”
“It does that -- may I?”
“Yes, what?” And he blinks, because Noctis is leaning over the table to him and she’s -- kissing him full on the mouth. 
He’s left staring at her as she pulls away, covers her mouth again with her hand -- but he sees her jawline moving and why does that make him think of -- her licking her lips? 
Why does the thought make him go hot and cold all over and -- he gets to his feet and the words fall out of him before he can even think: “Where can I go to buy some? Spot you a bottle.”
He expects her to -- reject him gently, reject him sharply, laugh at him and reject him, laugh at him and make everyone else laugh at him -- 
He’s not expecting her to -- haul him up from the table and he can see the lace clinging to the muscles of her shoulders, of her arms, moving as she pulls on him -- as he gladly follows her -- someone in the mezzanine whistles encouragement and the moment they’re out on the street again Noctis is turning around, and looking at him, and she’s oddly gentle and shy for all her hand is still clasped tightly around his wrist.
So he grins, blinks away the slivovitz-haze, and mutters, “May I?”
“Yeah,” she says, and she laughs, and he pulls her into a kiss, and her hands are tangling into his hair, and he’s making fists in her lace, and pulling her frantically closer -- 
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niightwngs · 6 years
In celebration of Fanfic Writer’s Appreciation Day, I wanted to make a quick post with some of my favorite fics that I’ve read this past year. They’ve all inspired me to improve as a writer and many of them I have gone back to read over and over again simply because I couldn’t get enough. If you’ve got some time to spare, please consider checking out these awesome writers and give them some love.
Like Stars by littlecakes | T | Promnis | Complete
This fic was so sweet, I had to make an appointment with my dentist. Nothing makes me happier than seeing Ignis and Prompto being supportive of each other (also I just!!! live for sappy little fics like this ok). TWs for eating disorders, though not in great detail.
Mixed Signals by backseatwriting | E | Promnis | Complete
Questionable wardrobe choices? Friends with benefits? Flagging? Kink exploration? Sign me tf up. Admittedly, it takes about eight chapters before you get into anything sexual, but trust me, it is soooooo worth the wait.
In Anticipation of Loss by @chocolatepecan | T | Gen | Complete
This is most certainly not the first time this writer has made me bawl like an actual baby, and I hope it isn’t the last. This fic is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of angst with a happy ending and the way Noct and Prompto’s friendship is written here is just perfect. TWs for road traffic accidents and hospitals. 
HOME, a series by @missymoth | G-M | Promptis | Complete
This is technically cheating, but I found it difficult to pick one story out of the series because I loved every one of them. At times, it can be a difficult read—it deals with a lot of heavy subjects, such as abuse, depression, and suicide—but it’s written in a very respectful way and I was always so excited when I saw it updated. Please be sure to read the tags of each story before you read, though!
Blessing by @dirtyhecker | E | Promnis | Complete
This literally checks EVERY box on my hell yes list: Papa Cor, wedding proposals, Promnis, kitchen sex!! I’m not kidding when I say this fic has everything. Also, it’s beautifully written and it’s so sweet and I’ve stopped writing this rec just to read it again.
Back To Who We Are by @cndrow | E | Promnis | Ongoing
I’m not gonna lie, one of my favorite tropes is memory loss, and let me tell you, Drow’s fic does not disappoint. It’s sweet and silly and it shows a more carefree and playful side of Ignis that I just ADORE.
You May Be a Mess, But Honey, So Am I by @darth-darling | M | Promnis | Complete
As I said earlier, I really enjoy fics where Prompto and Ignis are supportive of each other, and not only does this fic deliver, it shows their support going both ways. It’s a very sweet fic and it doesn’t shy away from exploring mental illness, though it can hit a little close to home. TWs for self-harm and eating disorders, please be sure to read the tags!
A.I. am Human by @caseofthestolenspecs | T | Promnis | Ongoing
I didn’t know how badly I needed an Android!Prompto AU until I read this fic. I was hooked not even halfway through the first chapter and every time this fic updates, I drop what I’m doing to read it. I absolutely adore Prompto and Ignis’ dynamic and by the end of each chapter I am eagerly awaiting the next.
I know I missed a ton of fics, but I just want to give a big thank you to all the fanfic writers out there for sharing their creations with the world. Your writing has brought hours of entertainment and good vibes after bad days.
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