#yes this is about dead boy detectives
reinanova · 4 months
me: i can be normal about this piece of media i just consumed
also me, 20 seconds later:
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hello ao3 my old friend
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lutheban · 13 days
Hey remember right before the pandemic when a season of a show was about 15-20 episodes? Remember when having 8 episodes what called "a mini-series"? Remember when we could get a season a year and not wait 2 years to get a continuation of a story? remember when shows had time to grow and form an audience? remember that? yeah? cuz i do
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moranahasbones · 4 months
if two ghosts kissed do you think they'd both be able to feel it?
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littlechameleonguy · 4 months
I'm so glad I have Tumblr and can ramble to all of you about every detail of my current hyperfixation instead of annoying the shit out of my people... ^^°
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romanticallyghosting · 2 months
the urge to write fanfiction about my new media obsession vs the fact that i have NO clue what the premise would even be.....
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noecantsleep · 4 months
ship so good they had to cancel the fucking show
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skateboardtotheheart · 3 months
there is just something about the difference between edwin's love interests and having the cat king's reaction to edwin in hell being "i'll be waiting when he gets back" vs charles "no version of this where i don't come get you" rowland convincing a powerful trans-dimensional being to open a door to hell just so he could get him back
i am insane
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coloursflyaway · 3 months
As much as I love (and understand) everyone being wild about Edwin in Port Townsend, you can't tell me that clients don't fall in love with Charles left and right, too.
Have you seen the boy?
The softest, warmest brown eyes you could imagine, surrounded by the longest lashes. A nose so regal it would make Greek sculptors cry with joy. Cheekbones so sharp you could cut a diamond on them. Curls you want to card your fingers through and never stop again. A smile so brillant it could replace the sun.
I'm sure there's an army of people just swooning over Charles back in England.
And Edwin? Edwin would have hated that ever since it happened the first time, but now he knows why it hurts that much when someone calls Charles babe or luv or darling and I am pretty sure that that would make it so much worse.
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tragedy-machine · 2 months
You know what would be funny? If Niko got Edwin into a boy band, any boy band, preferably a slightly alternative one, and if he mainly just liked them because he thought the main vocalist is cute
Charles is very confused, like, "I've tried to get him into my music for years and nothing stuck, but he likes this??"
Niko buys Edwin a poster of the vocalist, which he dutifully hangs in a strategic position, so he's able to glance at it from time to time while sitting at his desk
And only then does Charles get what Edwin really likes about the band and he's confused as to why he feels the need to block the poster from view every time he talks to Edwin, but he just does
Just Edwin having fun with Niko fangirling about the band, but being all prim and Edwin about it, Charles getting an existential crisis about being jealous of a poster of a curly-haired punk boy with shiny earrings
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alltimefail · 25 days
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(Bonus pic just for the sillies below the cut)
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He's precious, just a silly guy. Relatable though because I also look at chicken sandwiches with sincere awe and adoration
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morphean42 · 2 months
Don’t give me soulmates, give me ‘I’ll find you in every universe not because we are meant to be, but because I chose you over everyone else’. Give me ‘we were never supposed to meet, but I will never love anyone more than you’. Give me ‘the universe didn’t tell us we were destined to be lovers, but I decided to love you anyway’
There’s something inherently more romantic about choosing someone on purpose than just loving them because that’s what is supposed to happen
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opera-is-not-cool · 2 months
fanfiction isn't enough i need every dialogue exchange of theirs etched into my bones and every scene of them together burned behind my eyelids until i know them better than i know my own skin, my hands, the sound of my name
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acedrawsbad · 4 months
"How could Edwin and Charles possibly spend 30+ years together and never once talk about their feelings???!? That's a bit unrealistic!" You say because you are a fool. Listen your father has lived like 50 years and hasn't expressed a single emotion since he was 10 and his father scolded him for being too wimpy and not man enough when he cried and now he adamantly refuses to acknowledge his own feelings despite feeling so deeply about so many small things so I expected the repressed queer male teenagers to go longer. If I was stuck in a perpetual state of being 15 I wouldn't touch my emotions with a 30 year pole either do you understand me. Do you hear what I'm saying. Men to this day have lifelong friendships built entirely on simple day to day conversations without a single emotion expressed between them and they are still perfectly willing to die for each other, Edwin and Charles are just built that way. They're just like me for real. Do you hear me. Do you hear what I'm saying.
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George answers a couple questions via Cameo!
Assuming he was comfortable enough to try something new, what modern inventions/trends would excite/delight Edwin?
Anything you haven't been asked that you wanted to talk about/say?
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gendrsoup · 4 months
why dead boy detectives should have an episode/season set in venice:
1) george rexstrew speaks italian and id love too see edwin speak italian to a client and charles lose his mind over it (+flirting with charles in italian PLEASE I'D DIE)
2) it's a city surrounded by water and would be an interesting confrontation of a certain characters's possible feelings toward water and water related trauma👀
3) it's a very catholic country and would be an interesting exploration of a certain character's possible feelings toward religion and identity 👀
4) it's an absolutely gorgeous city and idc that it likely wouldn't be filmed on location because it's so pretty
5) they can bring back the running joke of charles loving spaghetti, which will seem harmless but ultimately spiral into an arc going into his relationship with lowercase "d" death and how he wanted to grow up, but does his longing for life outweigh all the wonderful things (and people) his afterlife has brought him
6) carnevale disguises carnevale disguises carnevale disguises carnevale disguises carnevale dis-
thank you for coming to my ted talk
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alexwilltellyouthings · 2 months
There's one thing, though, that makes romantic payneland better.
It's NOT that the love or bond would be stronger, or that it's "more than friendship", etc. This post I did about the line between platonic/romantic is where I stand in this regard.
The thing is: Edwin wants something new now. And it's unbalanced, when one part is craving for something and the other is not.
That doesn't mean the relationship is at risk. I'm not talking about the feeling, I'm talking about what you want to do about it. The feeling is there and it's safe. But not being able to express it as you wish, having to repress the desire to touch and speak new words and act differently, well, that hurts anyway.
In another world, maybe Edwin could eventually stop craving those things, but I don't really see it happening. Not in a looong time, at least.
So if Charles reciprocates, that is them finding the balance again. It's not about loving more, it's about loving the same way, you know? If Edwin wasn't in that place, they could remain platonic forever and nothing would change. But Edwin is there. So I really need Charles to follow.
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