#yes that was sorta a pun thing
does anyone have any Ideas for the name of a doctor who themed typing game. all i can come up with is TARDIS typer 😭😭
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rogueddie · 8 months
Sweet Nothings T | 545 words Prompt for @steddielovemonth: Love is wanting to do everything with someone, even if it's nothing special
Eddie has his keys in hand, holding his jacket with his teeth as he gets ready to leave, when someone knocks on the door.
"Hiya, Ed," Steve greets with a grin, that quickly falters. "Oh, sorry, is it a bad time?"
"Sorta? You're not interrupting anything important."
"But you have other plans. No worries, I'll- uh... what are you going out for?"
"Need a part for the van. Was gonna head up to the scrap yard, see if I could find anything there."
"Oh, cool. I could help, if you want?"
"You sure? It's pretty boring."
"Nah, it'll be fun! C'mon, tell me what you need."
Steve steps back, waving Eddie over to his car.
"You sure you want us to go in your car? Some of the shit we're grabbing is gonna be dirty."
"So I'll clean it? Come on, I'm excited now."
"Excited to go digging through a scrap yard?"
"With you? Yeah." He walks back over, gently pushing Eddie towards his car. "We can make it fun! And I know Henderson has been on your ass as much as he has been on mine about us finally hanging out."
"You're just bored with nothing else to do, aren't you?"
"Yeah, I am. But, hey, two birds with one stone!"
Eddie sighs, finally stepping to the passenger door, rolling his eyes. "Fine, whatever, let's go."
Steve whoops, doing a little fistpump, before rushing to the car when Eddie raises an eyebrow at him.
He keeps up conversation the entire drive and Eddie quickly realises that Steve... he genuinely loves cars. He doesn't know a lot about how they work and, knowing now that Eddie does, he has a lot of questions.
Eddie is happy to answer them.
At the scrapyard, they end up distracted almost immediately. Eddie ends up spending most of the time showing Steve how engines work.
Thanks to the visual and practical aid, Steve learns fast. It only takes him two attempts and a lot of running around, tearing other shit apart, to get one of the abandoned, broken engines to roar to life.
It sputters out as soon as it starts, but it does start.
"This stuff is so cool!" Steve says, bouncing on the balls of his feet, as they finally head back to the car.
Thanks to how much destruction they'd thoroughly caused, finding the little replacement part that Eddie needed hadn't taken long.
"Yeah, surprisingly so."
"Aww," Steve coos, teasingly. "But are you saying that because you mean it or because you love me?"
"It can't be both?"
"That- oh, haha."
"Didn't even mean to make that pun. I'm just that funny, huh."
"No, your jokes are terrible."
"Steve, hey," Eddie stops, faking a serious tone. "You can't say things like that about your boyfriend, it's not nice."
"What are you, the love police?"
"Yes. Put your hands up, you're under arrest."
Steve sticks his tongue out at him, before sprinting off to the car.
Eddie is hot on his heels, struggling to keep himself from laughing as he yells after him, unable to bite back the grin.
He can't help but wonder how he'll ever manage to come back to the scrapyard without Steve.
Nothing is ever as fun as it is when they're together.
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mochinek0 · 9 months
Daminette December 2023: 23-Astrology
Jon was browsing the horoscope app again.
"You don't really believe that stuff, right?" Marinette questioned.
"Yes." Jon answered.
"Why?" Damian asked.
"Sagittarius are sometimes opinionated, impatient, and detached, but they can also be passionate and inspiring." Jon spoke, "Doesn't that sound like Damian?"
"Actually, it does." Marinette stated.
Damian huffed, "What about yours?"
"My what?" Mari asked.
"What is your sign?" Jon questioned.
"I don't know." Marinette answered, "I've only followed the Chinese zodiac."
"When is your birthday?" Jon prodded.
"Late July." she stated.
"It says here, that you are a Leo." Jon continued.
"Is that a good thing?" she asked, looking confused to Damian.
"Well, your romance options are better than his." Jon chuckled.
"Explain." Damian growled.
Jon winced, "It says your crushes usually end up falling for your friends."
"I don't have friends." Damian replied, "I have people I tolerate." making Mari giggled.
"For Marinette," the half-alien continued, "it says lots of people have crushes on you."
Mari shrugged, "Except the people I like."
"What?" The Wayne heir asked, confused.
"There was Nathaniel, a guy who flirts with puns, a musician, two girls, and my own crushes' cousin." the designer sighed.
The boys just sat there in shock.
"Did you date any of them?" Jon asked.
"The musician for a month." she answered.
"Did he do something?" Damian pushed.
"No." Mari replied, "He was very sweet, but I was always busy."
Jon quickly changed the subject, sensing Mari become uncomfortable, "It says here, Damian wouldn't date because his mother said no."
"You have met my mother." Damian spoke, "You wanna go against her?"
"No." Jon declared.
"Then, it's not a lie." the ex-assassin stated.
Marinette giggled.
"She is the strictest woman I have ever met." Damian spoke.
Jon continued, "It says, here, that you fall for confidence."
Mari nodded, "I can sorta see that."
"What does mine say?" Damian questioned.
"It says you fall for cute smiles." Jon answered, gleefully.
"Well, that's bullshit." the Wayne heir declared, "I see a bunch of harpies smiling at men every time I go to galas."
Marinette patted his shoulder, hoping to comfort him. The bell rang, ending lunch. Mari stood up, waving at them, and left the table.
Jon leaned close to his best friend, "Were any of them cute? Did any of them make you think of their smile again, later?"
"No." Damian answered.
"Then it wasn't a cute smile." the half-alien answered, before leaving as well.
'Cute smile?'
Damian couldn't help, but think of Marinette's smile. Damian stood up quickly.
"Astrology is bullshit." he snapped and left.
Only the few people that were left, notice that his ears were tipped red.
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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ghoulysaphomet · 3 months
An exempt from my newest Chatfic
Sharing this on Tumblr because I actually think it's funny, and because I'm considering making this into a mini-comic scene.
Abel: Jason
Cain: Cass
Dickiebird: Dick
*Eggplant Emoji*: Stephanie
NotDamian: Damian
Queen: Barbara
Stoplight: Duke
Timber: Tim
Chat Room: Is that a bat? no. Is it a bird? Also no. We don’t know what that is.
Stoplight: what was that 
Cain: you should be asleep
Stoplight: well yeah i was asleep
Stoplight: ?? 
Stoplight: is someone crying?
Timber: It’s fine nothing’s wrong, Stephanie was just overreacting 
Stoplight: it doesnt sound like steph crying though
*Eggplant Emoji*: i thought a fucking demon was in the kitchen excuse me for freaking out 
*Eggplant Emoji*: what did you want me to do? conveniently drop onto the floor with spread legs saying ‘oh no step-monster i tripped and cannot get up pls help me’ huh tim? is that what you wanted? 
Timber: Uhm. 
*Eggplant Emoji*: no tim that’s not what you do in that scenario. no you find the first fucking thing you can find and you hurl that shit. do you understand
Timber : Yes? 
*Eggplant Emoji*: i dont believe you
Timber : But also, why is that your example? 
*Eggplant Emoji*: you know why.
Abel: lol
Dickiebird: but did it have to be my cereal
Stoplight: woah wait a minute
Stoplight: back up a bit. i feel like y’all may have glossed over something
Stoplight: what was that about a demon in the kitchen?
Timber: There was no demon. 
Timber: It was just Jason. 
Stoplight: ..okay that doesn’t really clarify anything? 
*Eggplant Emoji*: yeah well i didnt know that! how was i supposed to know his eyes glow in the dark like some analog horror creature?
Abel: rude
Dickiebird: :( my cereal 
*Eggplant Emoji*: dude you were sitting on the counter (alfred is going to murder you. was the rat not enough?) in pitch blackness eating a soggy bowl of cereal 
*Eggplant Emoji*: thats on u.
Dickiebird : its perfectly normal to eat cereal as an adult, its an easy meal and i was tired
*Eggplant Emoji*: uh-huh sure and next thing you'll say that you pour milk before the cereal too
Timber: What's wrong with that? That's clearly the superior way to eat cereal if you’ll eat it with milk. 
Stoplight: are we sure jasons the demon
Abel : don't drag me into this
*Eggplant Emoji*: tim. no.
Timber : Uh Tim, yes?
Timber: Soggy cereal is disgusting. If you pour milk on top of dry cereal it’ll all just get mushy and gross! If you pour milk first though you can strategically eat parts of it so it’ll retain the maximum capacity of crunch. 
Abel: it’s cereal.
Abel: only you would be overthinking, planning and ‘strategizing’ the best way to eat cereal. 
*Eggplant Emoji*: why are you surprised this is coming from the guy eating oats like its cereal 
Timber: ?? It is!! Oats with milk and cocoa powder on top is a valid meal? 
*Eggplant Emoji*: you dont even like oatmeal 
Timber: Oats are delicious. Oatmeal is gross. 
Abel: lemme guess. you hate tomatoes but like ketchup? 
Timber: Ew. no. 
Timber : I hate tomatoes and ketchup both, thanks.
Timber: I love tomato juice, though. 
Abel: bruh 
Stoplight: wait if dick was in the kitchen…
Stoplight: why didnt he react to jason/a demon breaking in to rob the fridge?
Timber : He probably recognised him?
Dickiebird : what if the demon had a family at home to feed. huh. what then?
NotDamian: Grayson likes to take stupid risks when he’s tired and hungry, especially when he’s both. I doubt he recognized the apparition as Todd and deemed the cereal worth it. this is backed up by the emotional outburst of brown taking his meal away.
Stoplight: ahh he’s the one crying 
Dickiebird: it was good cereal ok. 
-Cassandra and Jason's usernames are linked and sorta puns, in that Cain was Cass's last name (She goes by Wayne now) and that Jason was the first sibling to die.
And that's it! This is from the 2nd chapter of my newest chatfic "'Cus everytime we touch I get this feeling (That I want to kick your ass)" which can be found here on ao3.
There's no strict plotlines or anything. It's honestly just me having fun with these characters. It's not based on social media usage, because I don't have any other social media accounts aside from my tumblr (nor do i look at stuff from there) so it's just going to be fun scenarios and references to other fandom media by either inside jokes or very vague references lol.
I made this fic because I wanted to do something fun, so this is completely self indulgent.
Just fun tidbits on the batfam in this verse, which is probably more or less aligned with the WFA canon.
-It's an AU where Bruce is a good parent and went to therapy. He didn't revive the joker when Dick killed him.
- Jason wasn't revived as a Wayne and is usually referred to as a family friend in public. He has tattoos from the all-caste, which I believe he has canonically in one of the webcomics.
- Tim isn't UwU soft baby boy who needs help and someone to save him. He's unapologetically unhinged. So there's a lot of references to him knowing things or saying things he's not supposed to know. Let him be creepy, fanon, dammit.
- Damian has a snake, her name is Sting, because she'll sting you if you don't treat her well. She's of the species Bitis Rhinoceros and I love her.
- Tim and Barbara can and often will insert themselves in private conversations because they're nosy, bored or because they think whatever is being discussed could have important information. Jason can do this sometimes too, which he learned from Barbara. He mostly does it to mess with people.
- Duke's chatname is a reference to him being a robin once. I feel like his character is often either boiled down to him being either a tech-dude or moral support, but he was Robin canonically as well, just as Steph was, and he deserves acknowledgement, dammit.
- I'm not really a fan of romance, like, at all. There's very, very few ships/pairings where my mindset is "oh yeah they're in love" because usually it's just "they fuck nasty/they're obsessed with each other lose boundaries that way" - not saying that's a healthy relationship, but it's basically my sort of disclaimer that romance isn't going to be featured heavily if at all. However, Cass/Steph is in a relationship. It's not really mentioned so the reader can interpret it as romantic or queerplatonic, whatever they wanna I ain't a cop.
- Damian's chatname comes from Dick telling him not to put his real name online.
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mazzystar24 · 6 months
So next episode, we have eddie, buck, Tommy and marisol at the restaurant. So who Is looking after Christopher? All of Eddie's baby-sitters are there!
But jokes aside this is wild like literaly the episode ended with bi buck reveal and straight away (bad pun I'm sorry) we have the promo that starts with Eddie high jacking the date. Like this has been approuve by the team not just PR like it has to have been approved. And if they didn't want buddie they wouldn't do it like that, heck if they didn't want buddie the bi reveal would not have included eddie and we definitely wouldn't have eddie interrupt the date (I know it's been said before but that is fanfiction territory and just wild!). I'm repeating all the points that shows that they aren't against buddie and that shows that we have a line following them in this journey and all the interviews and all cause im terrified they'll just not make buddie canon and only have eddie being BFF ally eddie but it would be cruel of them to taunt us like that and leave us hanging cause that is a lot like never seen before in any other show a lot!
Fr - this is how Chris is at a sleepover can still win🤭🤭
I love bad puns 🫡
Yesss totally like they’re having the very major moments (and whole storyline in 7x04) be VERY heavy in the Eddie involvement and that’s supposed to be subtle? Nooo they KNOW what they’re doing 10000%
I highly HIGHLY doubt they’d pull the straight best friend thing with Eddie and buck because they KNOW how committed the fandom has been
I totally agree they are DEFINITELY not against buddie (as you said in all the interviews things are looking really good for us) and if I’m 100% honest I do think they’re only being vague still to try to keep us guessing
Like I mentioned this before 7x04 aired but buck and Tommy kissing could make buddie becoming canon less of a shock to the fans so I think that while they kinda needed to do it that way to better communicate to the new audience and GA, sorta to set the scene, they’re kinda now trying to still maintain as much build up and shock for when they do make buddie canon if you get what I mean?
Also that last point of yours EXACTLY like buddie would be monumental, like I don’t think I can name a single queer ship like it and we are SO close
Also yes the fanfic territory is WILD Tim minear tell us your ao3 account 🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️
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djzbasement · 3 months
I spent all day. All. Day. Drawing this stupid ugly fugly annoying mean FAMILY.
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Hours. For these STINKY. PEOPLE
Anyways here’s them with better quality + names and whatever (these are in age order btws)
Chiyo Gokuhara and Higashi Gokuhara. (aka slenderman with hair)
Higashi is troubled and rude and pushy and hates his children unless they’re perfect. We don’t like him here. Meanwhile Chiyo… CHIYO! 😊 She’s a radical woman, doesn’t push her children into doing anything, very supportive, very sweet, and love love LOVES her babies. Also she’s pretty :3
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Maria Gokuhara.
One of Gontas older sisters, she owns her a relatively large section of the families company, and a huge fan of puns. She’s chill, serious when she needs to be, looks out for her younger siblings and has a crush on her coworker… ooooo.
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Silvia Myoga (Married name).
Another one of Gontas older sisters. She has a bubbly personality and a huge heart, similar to Gonta. She’s the only one of the Gokuhara siblings who are married, though, her marriage was arranged. But despite that, she is like BESTIES with her husband. Not in love, but they’re good friends. So they don’t really care about being married to each other. She’s the sibling that Gonta probably vents to the most, only because she’s the only one that doesn’t do much work. All the siblings comfort each other when they can, though.
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Andrés Gokuhara.
The oldest brother in the family, also the most serious. He isn’t really stuck up, per se. Just.. strict. Really. He takes his gentleman AND work role very seriously. He’s a fabulous worker, also taking up a portion of the families company, just like Maria. He INSISTS on brushing on Gontas hair, which never works and it just ends up getting hair brushes and combs stuck in his hair. Gonta and him don’t really talk much..
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Gonta Gokuhara.
…It’s Gonta.
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Rui Gokuhara.
Gontas younger brother, who’s obsessed with Spider-Man. Yes, Spider-Man. He’s also unable to speak, he’s mute. He LOVES Gonta to bits. Mostly because of his height, he likes climbing on his shoulders. He finds it fun. Watch out though, he bites. For no reason. He just does.
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Nomi Gokuhara.
The youngest of the siblings, an absolute BRAT. She’s very rude, insults everyone, and only really likes her mother. She’s sorta like a 6 year old version of Hiyoko. But richer. She’s a mean one..
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Spare thing-
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Before you ask, they’re all VERY tall. They take after their dad.
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image-thot · 1 year
Would a request for PLATONIC! Yandere! Bad Batch headcannons with a preferably teenage reader be acceptable?
Ok gonna be honest when I saw your request one thing came to my mind " Two of those works don't belong that close together." But never one to back away from a challenge I shall do my best 👍 Also sorry it took so long with this one had some stuff come up in rl that stopped me from writing for a bit.
Warning ⚠️  It's been ages since I was a teen so my depiction of one may be off 😅 
• They all see you in a similar way to Omega however as you are older than her, they know a lot more risks and have a harder time keeping you close/dependent on them.
• They'd prefer that you stay on the ship during missions, especially if one of them can stay behind and watch you.
• If they can't be prepared for what can only be described as being grounded to hell and back. Starting with Tech locking down the ship, no one is getting in or out of that thing. Echo has hidden away any of the dangerous items and Wrecker has put out some fun but safe things for you to do after you finish the list of chores Hunter has left for you.
• It's not all bad however, after a while they did think it best to use you as the emergency pick-up driver. Tech taught you how to fly and operate the ship under emergency scenarios, yes Hunter was present during those and yes he almost had a heart attack.
• Sometimes their styles do clash when it comes to how they want to treat and spend time with you, for example, Hunter is a lot very blunt when than Echo is when it comes to protecting you (think of Hunter as the Overprotective father and Echo as the kind but Overprotective Mother).
• Omega and Wrecker are the only two that don't but-heads over their needs for you, they are both clingy but they were like that before you joined them so they are used to being around one another that it would feel weird if either one of them wasn't there with you as well.
• Crosshair often gets into arguments with Echo and Hunter usually over something Crosshair wants to do with you, for example, Crosshair doesn't mind taking you on missions with him. He's often perched away from the fights and wants you to watch him work, maybe even show you a trick or two. Hunter and Echo strongly disagree with this and have had some physical altercations over it.
Type: Overprotective 
Hunter can't be classed as anything but overprotective when it comes to you.
He wants to keep you safe and will do everything in his power to do so.
Which makes him the worst in the group.
 Why you may ask, well those keen senses of his. He can tell the moment something changes with you, then he's on you faster than you can say oh no. It can be literally anything as well, he knows what's normal for you and what's not. So even the smallest change in your vitals, behaviour, hormones and scent and it’s all 21 and counting questions.
If you happen to be a girl... Yeah if you've already had your first visit from aunt flow, you’re in for a real treat. Of course, he knows what it is but it takes a two-hour talk with both you and Tech to assure him that the process is completely normal. Still doesn't stop him from going into red alert (pun intended) every time it happens.
He does, however, respect your privacy, if you ask him to leave you alone for a bit or deny him access to your room he respects it. It doesn’t mean that he won't be listening in on you in other ways or that he won't bust down the door if he feels you're in danger.
Type: Overprotective 
Like Hunter, Echo is very protective of you in a mother goose sorta way.
He’s a lot more gentle about it than Hunter is, to you at least. To everyone else well I didn’t say goes for no reason.
He’ll often explain why he does/suggests something when it comes to keeping you safe and with them. For example, with a mission, he doesn’t stop at “It’s too dangerous” but goes on to say why specifically that mission poses a risk to you "It's too dangerous because it involves x which you haven't trained for that" etc.
He'd come off a lot more reasonable and a better listener than everyone else.
He's reasonable yes unless it involves current/former Separatists.
If there happens to be a mission that brings them into contact with them be prepared for him to not let you out of his sight and to go full lockdown mode. 
To be fair he has a valid reason after what they did to him he doesn't want it happening to you, he just gets a little too carried away with that.
Type: Manipulative 
He'll manipulate you with facts (I could just stop there but he's me boy so).
To put it simply anything that you think/want to do that would in his opinion be bad for you, he somehow has a fact that proves it's wrong. Even if the information is slightly skewed.
It's not like he's completely making up data, he's simply not revealing the entirety of it. Honestly, you'd think it would bother him but when he first started to use facts to persuade you they were all very much true. The only problem was that after a while he was running out of relatable factoids to use.
Like the rest of the squad, he is protective of you, in his own unique way. Yes, he would 100% get into a fight if needed for you but he also prides himself on preventing that from happening in the first place.
It works 99.9% of the time, mainly due to how persistent he is about it. It's easier just to do what he suggests rather than argue against him, it won't take you long to learn that. If you do manage to outlast him be prepared to face smug and sarcastic Tech. Don't get him wrong he's still going to fix it but not before/after he makes you feel bad first.
Honestly, he doesn't change too much, he seems a lot more interested in your health and well-being than his brothers. But aside from that to anyone else he could appear to be his normal self.
Type: Clingy 
Literally wants to be around you 24/7
He's the big bro that may be 1000% too Overprotective but will at least attempt to make up for it with tons of fun
He is the first one to go with you for after-mission snacks or to go out for a little bit of RnR. He's also the first one who's going to start a fistfight in the name of your honour or minor inconvenience 
He can be a bit impulsive and forget that he is way bigger and stronger than you, often leading you to either be dragged along with him or being crushed by his inhuman strength.
He tries not to use his impressive strength to do you any harm and he will try to avoid using it to get you to do what he wants, but at the end of the day, he isn't going to totally cut that option off.
Type: Stalker/Possessive 
Crosshair is the group's cat you could say. He loves your attention and company but at the same time also likes to have his space.
It often leads him to be caught between wanting you to hang out with only him and him wanting to be left the hell alone.
That doesn’t mean he isn’t going to keep an eye on you when he does have some solo time, he will watch you like the hawk that he is.
So expect if Hunter doesn’t know something about you then Crosshair certainly will know it.
He wants to teach you how to shoot properly, unfortunately, that is a no from both Hunter and Echo. It also doesn’t help that he is the world's worst teacher, despite being observant he forgets others aren’t always as quick learners as him.
He has numerous amounts of times suggested that you be assigned to him during missions, after all, he is often up and out of harm's way. 
He can be borderline clingy in public, but that’s mainly his strong dislike of regs with the small (very large) fear that you will be taken away from the group. 
(sorry that some of these are way off my norm, my brain was having a lot of trouble writing this.)
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2baddiesfanfics · 5 days
A Seamstress' Touch
Pairing: Chiori x Kirara
Tags: Youkai, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Tail Sex, Cat Puns, Fontaine (Genshin Impact), Inazuma (Genshin Impact)
Kirara is in Fontaine for a delivery...but also to see Chiori. After ripping a hole in her skirt during a nap in a tree in Sumeru, she needs practiced hands to fix her back up (and maybe take care of some other things...)
Read on Ao3
Chioriya Boutique, though situated on the busiest street in Fontaine's Quartier Lyonnais, was suspiciously quiet tonight. The simple yet elegant sign hanging from the front window read “Closed” in the Thundering Seamstress’ signature script. Be that as it may, Chiori did make exceptions for certain special clients. Although the front office was dark, what many people didn’t know was she often did most of her private tailoring work in the back.
Tonight, that client was Kirara. It was always an occasion for celebration when the Gold Level Courier of Komaniya Express came to town with a delivery. Chiori was never the lonely sort, but she wouldn’t turn down the chance to see a friend from her home country. The nekomata had sent her a letter ahead of time informing her she’d be in Fontaine for a few days bearing some sweet treats from Inazuma.
Hey Chiori!
Please don’t get mad, but I kinda sorta accidentally ripped my skirt when I was taking a nap in a tree in Sumeru…it’s a long story. I’m in Fontaine on a delivery next week and I was hoping you might be able to stitch it back up for me like old times. I’ll pay you in dango!
Miss you,
Chiori had scoffed and shaken her head. You never change, do you, Kirara? She had mentioned old times. While the seamstress did miss Inazuman delicacies, there was something else she’d been craving lately. I’ll have to see what else she’s willing to throw in as a tip.
The door to the shop rattled slightly, the tinkle of a bell nearly imperceptible had she not been longing to hear it.
“Pssst! Chiori! It’s me!”
She quickly let the youkai inside.
“Kirara, darling. Punctual as usual I see.” Her eyes shifted downward to survey the damage to her handiwork. “…and as careless when it comes to your outfit,” she chastised with a click of her tongue.
The nekomata smiled sheepishly, her sharp canines peeking out from between her lips. “Eheheh…yeaaaaa sorry about that. Good thing my latest assignment brought me right to you, huh?”
“Indeed,” Chiori agreed. “Now, let’s not dawdle. To the back with you,” she commanded, giving her a sharp slap on the ass. Kirara’s two tails stood at attention.
“Yow! Chiori! Easy!” She tried to play it cool, but her yokai instincts told her this night would likely last longer than just the time it took to repair her outfit.
They situated themselves and the seamstress got to work, her needle weaving in and out swiftly but precisely.
“Gee, you’ve always been really good with your hands, huh?” Kirara never liked awkward silences and decided she’d try to get her to open up a bit.
“Hmmm…yes. I’d venture to say one couldn’t open the most renowned boutique in Teyvat without skilled fingers,” she countered. The youkai’s tails swayed back and forth, signaling calm and trust. “Kirara, if I may…I need to shift the fabric to get this stitch right. It requires me to touch your tails. I just don’t want to frighten you.”
Kirara stilled. “Um…yea it’s fine. I do love it when you brush my fur, so I’m used to the feel of your fingers. Just…be gentle.”
“Of course, dear,” she reassured her. The fabric of the woman’s gloves always did something to the nekomata that she couldn’t accurately describe. Her touch felt like satin on silk and Kirara shuddered with pleasure just thinking about it. Chiori reached for the base of her twin tails, softly shifting the hole she had made to accommodate them. Holding them both steady so as not to have any of the fur catch, she heard a quiet rumble start.
“Kirara? Is that you?”
The youkai’s cheeks tinted pink. “Yea, sorry about that. It just means you’re doing a good job is all.”
“Is that so? Well, keep holding still. I’m almost done with this stitch.” With a few more weaves of her needle, the skirt was as good as new. “There we are. Be more careful next time, would you, love? I can’t have expensive pieces of Inazuman silk strewn about the Sumeran forests. It’s tacky.”
“Thanks so much, Chiori! But if you don’t mind…do you think you could brush my tails a little longer? It just feels so good.”
The seamstress smirked knowingly. It’s now or never, I suppose.
“Since you asked so nicely, I suppose I can oblige.” She began to stroke in long, slow movements as she watched the girl shift in her seat. Her fingers drifted through the well-maintained brown and white fur, the rumble in Kirara’s chest now vibrating throughout her body.
“C-chiori…do you think you could maybe…go a little harder and faster? Really, uh…make sure to get those knots out.”
She hummed in agreement as she did as she was requested.
“Ahhhhh…” Kirara let out a whimper that could only be described as lewd.
“Kirara, dear. Don’t be shy. Tell me what you really want,” she murmured as her lips ghosted over the shell of her ear from behind, her unoccupied hand coming up across her chest to lightly grip her neck.
“Touch me…please…”
“Oh, but I am touching you. How do you want me to touch you?”
“Everywhere…but definitely don’t stop with my tails.”
The seamstress’ hand wandered under the youkai’s black crop top, seeking the warm, full skin of her breast in her palm. Kirara’s head lilted back as she mewled in pleasure. Chiori continued sifting her fur through her fingers, tugging just hard enough to get a reaction.
“Now be a good little kitty and bend over for me,” she instructed. She did as she was told without hesitation. Chiori helped her shift out of the shorts she wore under her skirt before removing her gloves. Taking one long finger, she moved it across her slit, a tendril of slick trailing from the digit to her pussy.
“And who says cats don’t like getting wet?” she quipped before licking her finger clean.
Kirara groaned. “Please, Chiori…more…”
She slid inside of her again, this time with two fingers. The youkai cried out, shifting her hips backward to meet her every thrust. Chiori used her other hand to grab her tails, each pull controlling the pace.
“Ah…ah….ah…” the nekomata gasped.
“I was under the impression you’re never late with delivery. Don’t make me wait, Kirara. Come for me. Now.”
In a half-moan, half-meow, she screamed out in pleasure.
Kirara turned to lock eyes with Chiori, her animal instincts getting the better of her. It was her turn now. The seamstress quickly held up a finger. “Wait!” She started to untie the belt of her kimono and then slipped out of the expensive fabric entirely. “I’m removing this so you don’t rip anything else,” she explained. The nekomata’s desire was heightened as her gaze dropped to the pair of lacy black panties that were revealed beneath. The youkai eyed her as if she was stalking prey.
“If I didn’t know any better, it’d seem like you were expecting this,” Kirara smirked. 
“It’s a possibility. Now, when a service is completed, one is to be rewarded accordingly, don’t you think?” Chiori asked as she sat down and patted her lap.
Kirara crawled over to her, kissing up the seamstress’ legs. The woman bristled slightly at the feel of the nekomata’s tongue – not as abrasively rough as an actual cat, but just enough to produce a sensation she’d grown accustomed to. As she made her way up her body, she tended to her breasts, licking each nipple as if she were lapping at a bowl of milk. Her two tails danced uncontrollably with excitement at the sounds Chiori made at her touch.
Pushing her limit, Kirara shifted her tails to tuck between Chiori’s legs and rubbed them along the crotch of her panties.  
“Ooooooh!” Chirori groaned as she held onto the chair to stop herself from bucking.
She could feel the nekomata smile deviously against her chest as she took her nipple between her fangs and grazed the sharp teeth ever-so-carefully against it.
“Kirara…such a…bad kitty,” she panted. 
Feeling her arousal soaking the fur of her tail, Kirara pulled them off her and sat between her legs. Gently using the flat of her rough tongue, she licked up her clit causing her to jolt and moan. She slid her tongue inside her easily, slurping at her arousal. Thrusting her tongue in and out of her, the sound of her crying out her name caused Kirara’s purring to start back up.
The sensation of the vibration shot through Chiori’s core. Mixed with the unique texture of her tongue, she could no longer hold onto control. Grabbing the nekomata’s head with both hands, she pressed her closer as she rode out her climax.
Thankfully the seamstress had equipped the back room with a bed for nights she had to work so late there was no point in going back to her apartment. Kirara had already trotted over and dug herself a spot in the oversized comforter. She yawned loudly as she pawed at the spot reserved for Chiori.
“I know you wanna snuggle. Don’t act all tough. C’mon, I know you overwork yourself. The clothing can wait until tomorrow.”
Chiori sighed. Although there were many aspects of sleeping with a youkai she enjoyed, perhaps the best was how incredibly soft and warm Kirara felt in her arms at the end of a long day.
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screamingfromuz · 9 months
my problem with the genocide charge is honestly multifaceted, (sorry I'm just having thoughts in your inbox) it's first of all; things can be bad, very bad, without being the worst anything has ever been.
and I don't know... if we're going by the kinda sorta academic definition of genocide that includes things like 'the ongoing genocide of african americans' or 'the ongoing canadian genocide of the first nations' and the sort of political situations where two groups can be attempting to genocide one another at the same time, then yes, I do think it's an accurate charge against medinat israel, probably. but it's still an antisemitic charge because it fails on the double standards clause. These western leftists aren't gathering this degree of outrage or demands of punative action for the US or Canada or the Scandinavian countries or literally all of europe, the countries they live in and whose governments (gd willing) they influence and vote for, despite being an equal charge, and as citizens they have an actual chance of influencing things for the better, as they do for the same claim levied against israel, by orders of magnitude.
and if we mean the legal definition, the popular understanding of genocide, then it is just wholly inaccurate - are palestinians oppressed? absolutely, is the occupation bad? absolutely, are civilians dying in war a terrible horrible no good very bad thing? yes of course, every life is priceless and irreplacable! but the pure numbers don't add up - the cide part of genocide matters for this definition, and a population whose growth isn't inhibited, and whose numbers (despite the civilian casulty toll) are nowhere near the losses of the rohingya or the armenians or the ukranians or the uyghurs or the tutsi or the jews... it's just not true. which should be an obviously antisemitic charge - a full lie about the bloodthirsty jews.
and I think a lot of the people out chanting wants the general population to think of definition two, but if you point out that the math aint mathing, they'll say that OBVIOUSLY they mean the first definition, so neener neener they aren't antisemitic. But as I said, I think definition one is still antisemitic, because reacting way harsher when the jewish state does something than when other countries do is antisemitic, EVEN IF what israel did is unambiguosly bad. but also. They want people to think definition two. to me it's a 'innocent to the murder, was busy robbing the bank' defence - claiming innocence on the blood libel by copping to the double standards.
And of course; things can be bad without being the worst.
sorry. that was a lot of words without any conclusion. I just. had thoughts.
feel free to have thoughts in my inbox (I promise nothing)
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I was actually holding off on playing this until my exams were over but I lost myself to temptation and honestly this was just an amazing update. I would have probably hated myself for not reading this sooner if I have waited tbh😭
Initially, I was a bit confused bout who exactly moi MC should romance but I think Dante just single handedly cleared those doubts by a landslide and we haven't even fully met the other ROs yet🛐 I'm just in love with the way you portray him, like he actually feels alive and reading his parts are like breathing in fresh air, you know.
And I had to read that 'nudges MC's leg apart' part 60k times just for it to register in my head that I hadn't hallucinated that😭 and also was the actually the Warden outside MC's window?? If it is, I find it hilarious that this dude was just casually hanging outside smones window and being just shady af.
And honestly though, it should be a crime that Ro isn't actually an RO (...was that a twisted pun on your part btw?🥹)
I mean forget kissing MC's temple, stroking their spine but this man had me at stocking their fridge like hello? do u want to get married that badly?
Btw, it's implied a bunch of times in the demo, about how our dad clearly shows signs of genuine care towards the mc and blaming himself etc etc but the mc always has this 'he's disappointed in me' mentality. Is that actually a semi set feature of the mc coz it felt a bit contradictory to everything we've been getting about the dad in actuality. I mean I understand that we, the readers, maybe a bit omniscient in some things related to the plot, as in seeing things the MC can't see, but MC seems well aware of their situation it.
Either way, I think this was a great update mainly because it really balanced out the other chapter quite well, I think. It felt like the pace slowed down a bit and honestly that was a really great choice. Also, I did feel a lot of things were missing when i first read this if's demo but the additions in the previous chapters really bring together the entire demo as a whole. I think the only criticism I have is towards the amount of grammatical and vocabulary related mistakes, it did throw me off the plot in some areas but nevertheless it's pretty solid.
Also, have you already selected the beta testers btw?
(v sorry for this long ask, i think i rambled a bit too much😶)
The grammatical errors will forever be the bane of my existence and I will fix them. But everything else aside, I'm really glad and I adore long asks so don't worry.
But I'm really glad you enjoyed it, I had felt that the pacing was a bit off and there was just so many things I really really wanted to add, just wasn't equipped in doing so. Aswell as my financial situation is rocky and before I hadn't had access to a computer, which is the cause of my hella long hiatus. But I really really wanted to grow the world MC is in and make y'all familiar with it. So finally learning code and learning it well enough honestly helps me so much in accomplishing what I really want to accomplish.
With MC and their dad/ur dad it's sorta predetermined, but you'll get the chance to actually face you and your father's relationship before it's too late. I feel that where MC is, it's an honest bitterness. I mean comparing the rest of their family, Racheal, their mom, Charles, even Amelia show how much they love MC, but we'll definitely get more insight into why he acts the way he does and everything in the coming chapters!
And the Ro stroking your spine, yes he did that. I absolutely had to throw that in.
And Dante feeling alive, I really really try by just adding habits and things that extend outside of speech and just ugh, that is such a huge compliment!
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Ohhh the Dratchet thing is definitely a bold take, lol. To preface, I'm not a die hard Dratchet stan, but I am curious about your reasoning...
(You mentioned you were thinking about posting about it anyways, so I hope you don't mind explaining a bit more of your take here?)
I agree with you about IDW missing an opportunity to develop Drift more, but I think that applied to like... maybe 9/10 TF characters lmao. That said, I definitely disagree with him revolving around Ratchet.
I really hope this doesn't come off as condescending, it's impossible to convey tone over text—but how many of the IDW comics have you read? (Because if you're going off MTMTE alone, he's most assuredly Ratchet-focused, but MTMTE in general was sorta a bunch of different love stories.)
Outside of MTMTE, I think Spotlight: Drift did a pretty good job outlining his change of heart and new mindset/motivations. And I think All Hail Megatron (#15 in particular) did a fair job highlighting his other friendships. And none of that featured Ratchet at all...
Yes, most TF characters are underdeveloped.
However, I expect more from characters who are part of the “main cast,” which JRo seems to have done with Drift.
As far as I know, I’ve read all of Drift’s major appearances, except in The Transformers (the ‘Chaos’ storyline).
I loved his development in his miniseries; that’s his peak as a character, in my opinion. I was devastated that his time with Wing was cut short.
As for his “friendships” being highlighted in AHM, they were just that—highlights. I can count on one hand the number of notable interactions he had with those “friends.”
To compare: In MTMTE & LL, even Nightbeat—a character I consider to be minor—had moments with Censere and Rung that were more memorable than what Drift got in AHM.
Drift has lost almost everyone he’s loved—either through death or drifting apart. (pun not intended)
Gasket was killed.
Wing was killed.
His potential friendship with Perceptor was never explored.
His friendly card games with Blurr were insignificant.
Pipes was killed.
Dai Atlas was killed.
Axe was killed
Rodimus drifted away.
His place in Megatron’s life was never explored. In any case, Megs was killed too.
Ratchet, Rodimus, and Wing were Drift’s most significant relationships over the course of his arc.
By the end of his story, all he had left was Ratchet, with whom he’d formed a codependent relationship, which happened to turn into something more.
So, except for that and a very dead Wing, none of his other relationships written did anything to enhance him as a character.
Whirl had Cyclonus and Tailgate.
Brainstorm had Perceptor and Nautica.
Nautica had Skids, Brainstorm, and Velocity.
Megatron had Ravage and Ultra Magnus.
Heck, even Swerve got Skids and Misfire.
In Drift’s story, every relationship was cut short until Ratchet was the “last man standing.” Of course he fell for him.
To me, Dratchet is somewhat of a last-resort relationship. Yes, it works. Yes, there’s love. However, there’s also a strong undercurrent of attachment and dare I say, defeat.
If any of the writers had done a better job of showing (1) how Drift’s other relationships shaped him and (2) how much he grew as an individual outside of relationships, I’d probably like Dratchet more. As it stands, I don’t fully trust Drift’s development near the end of MTMTE & LL, and I don’t find Dratchet very compelling.
Then again, I’m known to expect a lot when it comes to my blorbos. Maybe a bit too much.
(This is still a personal opinion piece. Nothing more; nothing less.)
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the-great-papyru · 1 month
I typed out a concept QUITE a while ago for a Deltarune Asriel encounter:
Okay, I had this idea regarding Deltarune Ch. 4
When apparently there’s a lot of like town-exploring stuff
With Susie
So basically 
The reason is
Asriel comes back
So, you’re chilling with Susie and Toriel, then you hear the doorbell ring.
Toriel: “Who could that be? Kris, why not nip that problem in the bud and check it out?”
And of course you’re a bit confused 
Toriel likes puns
Bad puns
And that’s clearly a horrendously executed pun
But what does it mean?
So you open the door
“Howdy! Did you miss me?”
It’s your best friend
So the dialogue choices are:
And of course
Most people will choose the latter
To which he will reply:
“Uh… Who? I haven’t been in college for that long, Kris. Did you really forget about your brother that easily?”
And then he just sorta detaches himself from the soil
Crawls on the floor like a freaking octopus 
Cause roots
Tells you break happened a little early because “technical difficulties”
Refuses to elaborate 
He already called Toriel
Then you enter the kitchen 
Asriel’s still a freaking octopus flower horror creature 
And then Toriel is just
“Oh, hello there, Asriel”
This is normal to everybody but you
And Susie
She’s like
“So your brother is a flower…?”
Everyone’s just like
Yep pretty much
Normal day in the Dreemurr household
Then Toriel’s like
“Kris, how about you and Susie take a walk outside? It is a beautiful day, and the exercise will be good for you both! Asriel and I have some… things we must discuss.”
So you go to the cafe
And that’s when you get
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Though come to think of it, if there was some kind of Flowey enemy in Chapters 3 or 4, she’d probably react a lot more extremely.
Asriel being a flower is a really far stretch and it’s not happening (tragically) but it’s still pretty fun to think about.
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rayveewrites · 2 years
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Yes, I have once again done the thing where I shove characters from one hyperfixation into the world of another hyperfixation.
Have a SanitizedCleo and a Joe Spills (Name subject to change if anyone has a better pun)
Cleo is a Sanitized Octoling! She has odd orange spots in her hair for an unkown reason and no memories from before getting Sanitized, probably because her brain was kinda destroyed in the process (along with. A not insignifigant number of their internal organs.) She has her free will back now though, and they're just sorta... hanging with Joe because she doesn't really have anything better to do.
Joe is a fairly normal Inkling, although he doesn't use his squid form much- not because he doesn't want to, but because his glasses don't carry over so he can't actually see properly and it'll give him a killer headache.
Neither of them participate in turf wars. They would probably not be very good if they did.
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queenlilithprime · 3 months
Business of Love - Meeting the Bros
Lilith (They/Them) x Gavin (He/They) ft. Malik (He/Him) (from @campwillowpeakvn)
This is probably gonna be a long series of these two bc I love them /w\ yes the title is a pun on a pack of ferrets :3
Content Warnings: Uhhh none yet? Just cute!
Word Count: 1,682
Gavin and Lily sat in Malik’s vehicle as they headed to the campus. It had been a while since the succubus had been around so many other people their age. They found themself fidgeting a bit in the seat for a while before Gavin’s hand slipped into theirs. He didn’t need to say anything but he just understood them. His lover was an anxious one even if they didn’t show it outwardly.
“Soo… Shortstack, any reason you didn’t want to tell the guys until you could show up in person together?” Malik asked, turning his head a bit to glance back at them.
“Oh uh… For an extra surprise I guess? Hot goth partner on Gavin’s arm might be easier to believe when I’m right there. Also I sorta want to see everyone’s faces? I think it’d be hilarious.” They replied, scratching their cheek a bit in embarassment.
“What, you want to knock their socks off and let Gavin show off a bit?” he chuckled, realizing Lily was being a little bit silly.
“S-Sort of… If everyone does have such like… low expectations of him and stuff I want them to understand he can do well, he’s just gotta find the right person.” Their cheeks grow a soft pink as they speak, their hand squeezing Gavin’s softly. Oh man do they love them.
The blue-haired goofball blinked at Lily for a few moments before his cheeks became beet red. It still almost didn’t feel real some days, being able to say he has a partner. Someone who returns his flirting and wants to give him the affection he’s been starved of. They still remember the first time their lips met. It was by a campfire after everyone else had already headed to bed for the night.
Both of them had been joking around and flirting for most of the night when Gavin mentioned something about still not having his first kiss. It was then that Lily looked at them, their pretty green eyes shimmering in the firelight as they smiled.
He could still feel the way they gently cupped his cheeks, tugging him down to their level before softly pressing their lips to his. Gavin still remembered the way their lids fluttered shut, the way their face grew pink. The goofball didn’t close their eyes, their wide brown eyes just staring at their lovers face for the first kiss he had ever received.
When the succubus finally pulled away and saw his awestruck face they covered their mouth with a hand to stifle their giggles.
"Hyeon... Love... You're so cute." They managed to say between giggles. He blinked at them before his face softened, an almost pleading look in his eyes.
"C-Can we do that again?"
A grin tugged at Lilith's lips as they stepped closer, leaning their body against his. Gavin's cheeks were red as his breath hitched, kissing them felt better than he ever expected. When they finally indulged him in his plea, he almost melted into them.
Their knees felt weak, not knowing if their lover was intentionally draining their energy or if it was an instinctual thing. But honestly he didn't care, feeling their kiss felt incredible.
Gavin found himself tentatively placing his hands on Lilith's hips. Was this okay? Is it alright to do this? What comes next? Is it good? Bad? Is Lily enjoying this?
They stood for a few moments longer, the two lovers kissing under the starlight and beside the heat of the campfire. There was a crunch from the trees, that startled them into breaking the kiss.
There was a moment as Gavin's face grew red in the car that made Lily tilt their head. What was he thinking of just now? Silly goose. They gently tapped his nose with their index finger and smiled at him.
"Earth to Hyeon, is my lover still there?" They grinned as he finally snapped back to reality, looking into their green eyes. A goofy smile spread across their face as they grabbed Lily's wrist, pulling their palm to his lips.
"I'll always be here for you baby~" He murmured as he kissed their hand. It earned a bright giggle from Lily whose cheeks flushed a bright pink. All their dumb flirts always managed to land perfectly with his lover. Forever the ego boost.
"You're so sweet love!~" They cooed, pulling him close and peppering kisses across his cheeks. Malik scrunched his nose as he glanced into the rear view mirror. Those two were a really cute albeit extremely dorky couple.
"Groooooooooossssssss. Keep it PG while I'm driving there is no partition please here." He shot back at a giggling Lily and a bright red Gavin. The blue-haired half of the couple couldn't help but melt in their lovers hands. If they were in a cartoon, little hearts would be floating around his head as he wrapped his arms loosely around Lilith's waist.
"I know I know~ I just can't help it they're so cuuuuuteeee~" The succubus cooed again, biting their lip as they rested their cheek on Gavin's shoulder. The succubus felt extremely secure in the relationship, knowing that Gavin had fallen for them and not their species. It felt... Comfortable.
"Maaaaaaannn why you gotta block me from getting attention? I wanna be spoiled..." He whined softly, earning a giggle from Lily who pressed a few kisses to their jaw. It seemed to appease them for a little bit as his arms tugged them closer.
"You two aren't allowed in my car until I install a divider anymore. Ya nasties." He grinned, slowing down to pull into the parking lot of the cafe. The group had agreed to meet there since it was around noon when they agreed to meet up. A lot of the guys were getting out of class or just were hungry.
"Fine fiiiiiinnneee, I'll be good." The succubus replied, lacing their fingers with Gavin's. As the car shifted into park, Malik saw that the guys were already inside ordering food.
"Man they're starting without us!" Malik huffs, turning to look at the two in the back. "Okay shortstack, how do you want to do this?"
The raven-haired enby thought for a few moments before explaining how they wanted to be introduced. Gavin felt a little nervous and excited at the prospect of finally introducing a partner to his friends.
The three got out of the vehicle and headed inside, Lily tagging a little bit behind Gavin.
"Hey! You guys are early."
"Yeaaaahhh when you said there was a big announcement we figured we'd want to be here. Seems important."
"Well it is kind of a huge milestone for cringe-fest." Malik chuckled, earning a few laughs from the other guys.
"What did they convince someone to hold their hand?" One of the dudes retorted, earning a few more chuckles as Gavin just sat grinning. Even if his cheeks were growing a little pink.
"No no, way bigger than that." He paused for dramatic effect and then proudly put his hands on his hips, "I'm dating someone... And you all lost the bet!"
The group blinked for a second before Lily stepped out from behind Gavin and waved, sliding their hand back into his and leaning against him.
"Hi... You can call me Lily, I use they/them pronouns before you say anything." They said, feeling all the eyes land on them and their cheeks turn a soft pink. Gavin slipped their arm around Lilith's waist and rubbed their hip with his thumb.
All the dudes were staring hard before they all looked at each other, then began laughing.
"No way dude, you paid them. How much did he bribe you???"
"Gavin that's a GREAT prank but we know you, you've never pulled before let alone gotten close to winning that bet."
"Poor dude... You really had me going there for a second."
Gavin looked smug for a moment before he could feel his face getting redder. It was sort of embarrassing but he knew it was all light-hearted. Although, before he could say anything in retort, Lilith did.
"Mmmmm I love the enthusiasm but do you really think that lowly of Hyeon?" They ask, tilting their head a bit with a soft smile. "I personally think the only way he bribed me was with the cute way they flirted. I even got free snacks. If that counts as a bribe."
They watched Lily for a few seconds before squinting.
"You paid a lot of money for this good of acting didn't you, Gavin?" One of them said with a chuckle.
"Mmmmm not acting, I do really like him. We met at the camp, Gavin shot his shot... It landed well with me... Here we are!" They beamed, earning a few more confused looks before Malik piped up.
"Yeah no I'm being serious those two are actually dating. It's not a joke." Once he said that, the guys looked almost as though they had loading symbols above their heads.
"OH SHIT!" They all said in unison, jumping up with bright smiles on their faces.
"For real?!"
"For real for real." Gavin said, a wide smile plastered on his cheeks. Suddenly the two were swarmed by their friends, the guys flooding Lily and Gavin with questions. Gavin's back hurt from all the patting and praise he ended up getting.
"Never thought I'd see the day!!! Our baby boy has finally grown up!"
"And with a damn bombshell too, good catch Gav!"
"Right? Like woah, maybe I need to borrow some of those pick up lines!"
"Haha, hell yeah. I'll tell you guys my favorite go-to lines." His smile was bright as ever as he kept Lily snugly against his side. "Told you it'd work eventually!"
"I'm so proud of them." Malik grinned, wiping a fake tear from his eye. "So proud."
"Oh, don't forget... Y'all lost the betting pool to Hyeon." Lily grinned, earning a slow blink from the guys before they all groaned and laughed, some slamming their hands and heads on nearby tables. Others falling to their knees dramatically.
"Yeaaaahhh... We lost."
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acaplaya-musings · 7 months
Voiceplay Visuals: We're Good
A bit of a more chill video, but I knew I'd have at least a few things to talk about, and as well as featuring Adriana Arellano in her second ever Voiceplay collaboration, the video (released in June 2021) includes the one and only Cesar De La Rosa, in his first ever collaboration with the group! So without further ado, let's go!
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I may be wrong but I feel like Eli doesn't wear glasses as often as he used to. Maybe contacts are easier to deal with for video-filming and stuff?
(Also looking stylish there, Geoff! 👌👀)
Only just realised the quiet hilarity of Voiceplay all sitting/standing around a piano when they're an acapella group 😂 (apart from the rare appearance from Violayne 😉😁)
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*hair flip*
(Also manicured nails I believe?)
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I love Cesar's fan (yes yes obvious pun opportunity, I don't need to say it) (also cool necklace!)
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What an icon, I adore him
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Yes Geoff is very pretty/handsome in this video, also peep the necklace that he usually wears (a gift from Kathy at some point or another apparently), on full display here!)
Y'know what, time for another Geoff Hair Study
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Love a guy that can make somewhat-messy hair look good (affectionate) (Also not that the colour picks for this one are the way they are due to the lighting of the shot)
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Cool effect they did for a few seconds here, with the narrower aspect ratio and altered video quality/colouration, which matches up with the effect they put on the audio in the same moment (they did something kinda sorta similar a couple years later with In The Air Tonight (which was last year))
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Adriana looks very stylish in this video, and I love how you can see how much she's enjoying herself!
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Yeah that was cool
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*fan thwoop*
If you haven't ever listened to this cover with headphones on, you should! It's a very cool arrangement (shoutout to Rob Dietz for this one), and honestly what a brilliant introduction of Cesar! He literally was only in one more video (full-length, not counting the Minis) before he became a full-time member, and that video is up next! Stay tuned!
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uraniumnm333 · 1 year
HI. HELLO. YES IT'S ME THE FA AU POLYSHO PERSON. it's funny because olysho's like a small amount of the au. like the main character is ichika. and the main ship is ichihona. so silly right all this chaos is going down.
miku is an actual existing character here because i love the virtual singer they need to be added in more fantasy aus for god's sake and not just the humans. her design is the sakura cherry tree 1.5 colorfes card! her hair used to be blue but she dyed it and her eyes are always closed. she's a mysterious magic lady that is probably the narrator idk haven't figured that out yet *CUES THE KAGAMINE TWINS THAT BOTH PINE OVER HER* yeah she saved the two from dying lolololol
yeah, rui sorta made a fancy potion allowing nene to walk on land. along with other mermaids. aka luka lolz!!! the reason he was able to cure saki is because he practically did all the work before,, he saved luka from dying.
ACTUAL summary of the main plot is: there are two kingdoms. one in the mountains cold brrr (aoyagi kingdom), and the other not cold near the ground (tenma kingdom). they r in war. they were always fighting but like a cold war (pun intended). BUT when the tenmas took toya from the aoyagis (AS DESERVED) they started actually being in war yeah. ichika used to live in the mountains under the aoyagi's rule but she ran away lolololz!!! and then met honami, a girl who lived alone. she was a girl she was a girl this lesbian story will change your perception of love.
also akitoya but akito almost dies (WHY DO THE BOYFRIENDS KEEP ON ALMOST DYING HELP) (it's aoyagi harumichi's fault) (well only for akito's almost death) (rui just got poisoned lololol!!!)
mafuyu finds her true self having to take care of both this knight that got stabbed and this magic alchemist dude that might've gotten himself in a jiffy. kanade is a reseacher for the knights. ena cursed herself and now has horns. mizuki is a knight. they cause chaos occasionally
minoharu canon, we all die, so much lore, sorry for ranting about the sillies again.
Mafuyu watching Tsukasa Rui Emu and nene pine is so goofy,,, but on the other hand they’re all so endearing to him,,, he’s so happy when they all finally get together it’s so silly,,,
ICHIKA AND HONAMI CHANGING MY PERCEPTION OF LOVE FORWVER AND EVER !!! I’d like to think Saki is like. Seventh wheeling at this point. She’s gotta see Tsukasa and the gang, toya and akito, ichika and honami, whatever the hell Mafuyu is doing w his self-discovery, ect ect ect. She is going CRAZY !!!
minoharu being the token “we have our shit together” couple is so funny to me. War and violence and then BAM !!! Lesbians
also akito and toya !!! Akito originally only saving toya bc “well it’s orders and Tsukasa wants him saved so *shrug*” to “he’s actually kind of growing on me” to “I would lay down my life for this man.” All while toya is doing his little silly thing
ALSO YOU DIDNT MENTION THEM BUT AN AND KOHANE ??? I’d like to think they also have their own “love but we can’t” vibe where the both of them are from rival families in the tenma kingdom and m. Boom. Lower one’s eyes moment and they just start dancing in the ballroom. Everyone learns love is love 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
Kaimei in the background is so silly to me like they’re trying to help all these children and they’re also in love *explosion*
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