#ask uz
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screamingfromuz · 1 year ago
Hi there! I am reaching out because someone sent me a question about how to help Gazan civilians without accidentally helping Hamas or spreading more hate against Israelis. I honestly feel lost on this myself, but as far as I can tell you are someone who has done real activism in Israel. Do you have suggestions for diaspora Jews who want to help fight for peace?
So a small disclaimer to the Gaza problem. We have 2 main problems with getting aid into Gaza, the first is the limited amount of aid that is allowed in, sending more money cannot make it go in faster. Problem number 2 is that much of the physical aid ends in Hamas's hands or in the black market and there is nothing we can do with that. I have heard recommendations to wait and see who opens a field hospital on the Rafah border crossing, and donate to them. Despite that, here are some charities to help Palestinians both in and out of Gaza.
I will admit, most of my activism is focused on deradicalization on the Israeli side and solidarity work, so I had to ask around for some of those charities. Some of the groups I know of do not currently have an international donation link, so if I get more good ones, I'll make another post.
Medical aid for Palestinians-
Doctors without borders-
Palestinians outside of Gaza and Peace movements:
Palestinian red Crescent- they also work in Gaza, but as the main source for Palestinian ambulances in the WB, I put them here.
mistaclim (Looking the occupation the the eye)- this group is helping to protect Palestinians from the illegal settlers
Keshet- this is a big one. they support Bedouin communities in normal times, and now they are working on getting bomb shelters to the unrecognized villages, and providing a mental health first aid line.
standing together- totally biased, as I am a member of this organization.
Women wage peace- a feminist based solidarity group
Haqel- they represents Palestinians in cases related to land ownership and access. there work is still ongoing even during the war
Center for Jewish non Violence - a diaspora org that also does a lot of work in the South Hebron Hills.
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nicolegmattos · 1 year ago
You Won’t Fall
You won’t fall.
You won’t fall because Hell isn’t the place for someone with such a pure heart and soul.
You won’t fall because you probably wouldn’t have done anything wrong if it wasn’t for me.
You won’t fall because you don’t deserve it.
You won’t fall. Not when I’m the one tempting you.
Not when I know what that would do to you.
How it would change you. Destroy you.
The same way it did to me.
You won’t fall because I can’t bear the thought of the same thing happening to you.
You won’t fall. Because I’ll protect you from it.
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ask-underzom · 6 months ago
Year One
Very happy 1st birthday to Underzom! Each year, in celebration of its creation, I'll be hosting an askblog.
Submissions are easy, and I'm very lenient on what info I give out.
Questions will be answered by the character it pertains to (if possible), or even by me, the creator.
Underzom is a zombie apocalypse AU. Despite the original game taking place in an underground cave, Underzom takes place on the surface due to a peaceful ending to the monster-human war. The apocalypse started from an outbreak causing people to act aggressively and irrationally.
The story follows Alphys as she tries to find the cause (and cure) while living in a commune consisting of other monsters that grouped up to survive.
There's a lot to learn; there's a lot to ask! I try to keep the story as vague as possible to leave people questioning, but I have no intentions on hiding any information on this blog. The chances of an actual comic are... slim, but it IS what I want.
Each year will follow a new installment/chapter of the Underzom story. This year, the first year, will follow the very beginning;
Alphys and the team of scientists struggle to find a cure after Sans left the department to focus on his militia work. Rumors got around the militia team, and later the small colony, of a peculiar zombie that seems to not movie, even if noise is made nearby. The word spread to Alphys, and she got an idea.
With the help of Sans and the militia member that started the rumor (Asriel), Alphys sets out to find the zombie and bring it back to the compound without getting detected. Her plans are to experiment on and try to find a cure without using mindless lab rats.
That zombie, of course, is Frisk.
Major Character Differences:
Asriel is alive and grown up, about young adult age. He had no reason to die in this AU (yet). Despite this, Chara is still dead.
Papyrus died.
Napstablook found a physical body to pair with.
Toriel and Asgore are still married, but are definitely feuding.
You won't find many of the minor UT cast (Vendors and characters like froggit, vulkin, and snowdrake.) This may be due to the fact that there's no major role for them to have, or because they just haven't been introduced yet.
Frisk is unable to communicate.
Any asks pertaining characters that have died, can't communicate, or aren't in the story can STILL be asked about, but will either be answered by another character or by me.
Start date: August 25th, 2024
End Date: December 31st, 2024.
This is empty right now! Check back later and there will be posts linked to asks here!
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spookythesillyfella · 2 months ago
UR PROBABLY SLEEPING RN BUT I drew hv!shrignold!! I love ur au and I love your art im always happy to see it on my dashboard
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(I'm sorry if I don't show it very much I'm not good with words)
OH THEYRE SO PRETTY DRAWN LIKE THAT !!!! i really love how you captured their "im normal and cool and pretty guyz trust me ^_^ <[shivering and tearing up and suffering]" demeanor
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suitcase-lightbulb · 3 months ago
"Ziz iz Lightbulb"
"And Suitcase"
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"And we've decided to create an azk blog for ze two of uz!!
Zuitcaze iz my dezignated tranzlator az we like to call it zo tranzlationz for what I zay will uzually be in ze tagz"
"Usually Lightbulb changes both 'th' and 's' to z"
More info under cut [ including rules ]
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Neither of them are entirely canon-compliant - this means they will do things that the 'real' Suitcase and Lightbulb won't do
Please respect our pronouns - they will be listed below
We are endogenic, if this means nothing to you then don't worry about it. If you are anti-endo please do not interact
No nsft related stuff - we are a minor
Do not send donation related asks - I am sorry but we can not help you
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Some other notes
This blog will contain spoilers for the entirety of inanimate insanity
This blog will have swears
This is an ask blog, please send us asks
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Pronouns for all active headmates on this blog
Apricot - Paw/Bug
Lightbulb - She/They/Buzz
Suitcase - Any with a dislike towards She/Her
Sage - They/Them
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hostilemuppet · 11 months ago
i'm mostly amazed at you and alex's thought process. how did you look at a tiny pink gay troll and went "yeah this man is fucked up but you know what would be REALLY funny".
It started with the belief that his common fandom portrayal is boring, and that a 30 something y/o emo who went out on his own as a young teenager probably got into a lot of shit and would have a lot of stories to tell. Then I said he got his sex tape leaked. And from that point on jesus took the wheel
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lower-management · 5 months ago
Juzt a reminder that zewing needlez cannot be uzed to staple paperz together. Neither can the other type of needlez.
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ladystarksneedle · 1 year ago
kya haal?
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I'm good. Been a bit busy with work stuff toh haven't had time for Tumblr. Abhi bhi I'll be a bit on and off. How are you?
Here's Aemond to cheer you for the day:
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phinjeet · 4 months ago
* a bit saddening 2 look at old conversationz w my friendz n see all the namez ive gone through over the yearz like fuck i miss being called wakko . i miss being called max . i miss being called louie n dipper n leo wtf come back
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screamingfromuz · 1 year ago
You're blatantly lying to yourself if you don't think what's happening in Gaza is genocide. Entire bloodlines have been wiped out. They're not “going after Hamas” they are purposefully targeting civilians
I was gonna post about it anyway, so I'll just answer you instead.
I'm not denying all the death and destruction, I just don't consider genocide the right term. I will accept the term Policide for Israel's intentions toward Hamas, but toward Gazans? Genocide is the wrong term. Genocide means there is an intention to eradicate, the problem here is not intention to kill, the problem is the complete and utter disregard for human life. If there is a chance to kill one Hamas leader, to destroy one launch site, to disturb Hamas in any way, the IDF will take it, human cost be dammed. what is it that have been chanted in "pro-palestinian marches"? "by any means necessary?" well, this is what this looks like, horrific isn't it?
and what you children need to understand is that things doesn't have to be "the worse term you can think of" to be horrific. This kind of military tactics, that honestly is way to prevalent in urban warfare, which is most of the warfare nowadays, and is practiced by literally anyone who can pull this off, is as and sometimes even more scary to me then Genocide. Because this "by all means necessary" mentality is far harder to get rid of. Hate? I can work with hate. Dehumanization? You can work with that as well. Apathy? this is the hardest to combat. Because knowing the consequences but not caring? accepting it as an unfortunate but necessary sacrifice? This is one of the hardest mentalities to combat, because the dissonance here is so massive that it is nearly impossible to break it.
The point is, saying it is genocide ignores the actual problem, not only in the IDF, but a world wide problem. We need a better word for this, the disregard of mass death of civilians during military campaigns (ahem the entire cold war for example). And me saying we need this conversation is not ignoring the horrors in Gaza, but truly understanding them.
why does it have to be a genocide? would you stop caring if it you couldn't call it genocide?
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petrichorvoices · 1 year ago
we need to go to bed but. what if we drew like, a family photo style portrait of our most common fronters. as like a desktop background or something
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t4tdanvis · 1 year ago
I use it/its a lot and people act like it’s dehumanizing. “Nooo you’re not an it 🥺”
I’m not using it as in I’m not a person I’m using it as in I’m the opossum in your fucking garage!!!!!!
me fr!!! i uze it/itz bc i am not human and ppl alwayz go "ohhhh but thatz not true ur human too" NO I AM NOT!! i am not human and i am HAPPY with that!! (gesturez to murderbot) mecore
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spookythesillyfella · 1 month ago
I think that person who judged you is just not a good person tbh
if it makes you feel better most of my friends have a "weird" character/media they are obsessed with
And I have Coffin, I stole his name, his aesthetic, and I wanna cosplay him even though he isn't as recognizable as tony ^^' we're in this together 🤝
no no . they're a good person i swear ; i think all of you need to be aware of the fact i constantly frame myself az the victim in situationz where im not
shez pawesome !! shez a great cosplayer and also one of the few people who offer me attention in my daily life !! like . seriouzly . shez sick !!
im glad that you've found a community filled with people just az silly az you :3 i think itz very important for people to have a sense of belonging . and bonding over something so rad az "favorite strange fella" iz fantastic !!!
i know you love coffin !!! and i waz actually planning to get a pin of him custom made since it would've reminded me of you !!! »_< [the fact that hez also one of my favorite characterz iz just a bonus haha X3]
but thankz a lot for the ask – stuff like thiz doez actually help me feel better after a long . exhausting day :]
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candyredappledragon · 1 year ago
Go ahead and try. My Perrserker and Cinderace will annihilate you alone.
' Hey!! You zhouldn't be talking! Go away! >:[ ' - Rotom
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towriteloveontheirarms · 1 year ago
Hi Alex 💛 Here's a sunflower to bring happiness and sunshine into your day! ☀️🌻
Uz you are so sweet!! This brightened up my day so much!💖
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And happy birthday love (or happy belated birthday I don't know if I'm late😅)🫶🏻🫶🏻🎉
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lemon-3ds · 2 years ago
i'm always 3 seconds away from breaking and using a typing quirk but that breaks screen readers. do you understand
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