#yes lucy is only partially shaded
chasetrickery · 4 months
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trying to make updated refs for art fight and throw in new characters as well
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floggingink · 4 years
I’m tuning in to be VERY entertained on the grounds that I missed almost the entirety of S4 and will not understand anything
we open with an incredible analogue comparing the football team to the Army, as men do construct rituals: football players get blown into the sky, etc., in a heartrending mash-up of Archie’s innocence + the American ideal/expectations/pipeline of masculinity
Archie Company is decked out appropriately to storm Hürtgen Forest
that art direction trope where a character’s hearing goes EEEEEEEEEEEEEE after an explosion……...delightful
the Vixens and friends cheering him on from the sidelines as if Archie can only process his unprocessable present through the lens of his past………...hits the spot
distressingly wood-based rifles for our purposes
Archie > Dawson: I don’t mind telling you I felt emotion upon Archie hoisting his war buddy over his shoulders to that quadruple-toned “Chivalric Archie Using His Strength for Good” tune, like when he broke his whole hand busting Cheryl out of Sweetwater River
Hiram’s dragon-scale gloves? absolutely savory; he would
“Yonkers” is one of those New York place names I don’t totally buy is real (Poughkeepsie is another)
the sepia-toned light in this hospital room rings true judging by all the Captain America fanfiction I’ve read; I also like the mint-colored hand towels draped on Archie’s bedframe bought, one assumes, using the Department of Defense’s Kohl’s Cash
Archie made Sergeant, which is the best ranking for a fictional character: important enough that they can be a leader, get into trouble; low-profile enough that you don’t have to write them in the room making terrible decisions; probably won’t die immediately, as a Captain or Private might be
Fifth period is AP English: Archie reads A Farewell to Arms to Corporal Jackson, a WWI novel by Hemingway that Jug definitely turned him onto
Christ, Archie looks good in that on-leave jacket thing
I like Jackson’s subtle graph paper-print hospital gown
Gay?!: was Jackson in love with Archie? is he gonna bus to Riverdale once he’s off his pain meds? RAS, is that you in there?
God you know I love that haunted-ass Exorcist wooden bench bus light lighting
how long has the WW been relocated under Pop’s??? I do NOT know what happened to La Bonne Nuit
Sexy, aesthetic Southside: Fangs’ hair? his Tony Stark glasses? the girls’ “I’m a Slave 4 U” Burmese pythons? Toni’s headdress and immaculate glossed lip? 
Sixth period is Intro to Film: the only part of From Dusk till Dawn I’ve seen is Salma Hayek putting her toe in Quentin Tarantino’s mouth but judging from that I figure I’d like the rest 
The female gaze: Jesus Sweet Pea still looks good
Toni’s stage is flanked by twin pillars of melting candles and I would like someone to track those down for my bathroom
if they lay one hand on Pop Tate…
Betty appears to be, on her own, running the FBI training course. Betty is such a freak
Betty’s FBI-appointed psychologist is “Dr. Starling,” wears a great yellow blouse; Betty eats what appears to be a mini-sized Milky Way
her blond FBI trainer-boyfriend (uh) Glen appears to be an unholy fusion of Jimmi Simpson and that one actor with brown hair and really sharp light eyes whose acting credits I can’t think of right now, you know who I’m talking about (not the guy from Vampire Diaries)
I quite like her patterned blouse and I hate his yellow (gold?!) and blue tie
Please protect Betty: obviously we stan the Silence of the Lambs shit even as it remains infuriating Bryan Fuller couldn’t get his hands in it
Betty’s cat’s crying was so disturbingly baby-like that I had to leave the room once I realized it was in fact a cat
I’ve watched the Elisa Lam tape too many times in recent hours to handle this hallway shot
the Trash Bag Killer coming at her was scary :(
Betty’s lovely blue knit cardi with the puffed sleeves!
50 Shades of Betty: clearing her throat before the doctor quite finishes her sentence—Lili Reinhart continues to be great at conveying “slightly perturbing subterranean tension”
was Charles a serial killer too??? oh damn!
Betty has been successfully holding off giving Glen a key to her place until now, an era that must come to a close
fellas, “Do I at least get a kiss?” is a bad move
Veronica was rich: Veronica’s new digs: exposed brick, bougiely avant-garde chandelier; possibly an elevator door right there behind the dude?
Veronica has married Hiram, to no one’s surprise
Chadwick looks like Jimmi Simpson and brunet Evan Peters plus a jaw
Veronica’s single-puffled-sleeved gown…..madamn (she has absolutely been taking secret birth control pills)
Summer + Blair = Veronica: of course Veronica would be great at Howard Ratner’s job; I MUST know what “specialty showcase haute couture offense” Vinnie has committed
T-Dubbs’ green jacket
Veronica pretended she was working at like, a department store? but she MISSED the EDGE post-day-trading
their apartment is so expensive that their bedroom is totally exposed
oh my god, Hermione
Best costume bit: please get me these satiny green high-waisted slacks?! and ugh her blouse has shoulder tassels……..she’s flourishing
“That’s threatening to an alpha like Chad.”
yes, they have a private elevator. fine.
Glen and Chad get their ties from the same Men’s Warehouse
“When that helicopter went down on the way to Martha’s Vineyard…”
you know kissing is 4-real when one person cups their hand to the back of the other person’s neck all close
I don’t understand the drop of the Glamergé egg but I appreciate that there is one and that Veronica is like, get this the fuck out of my house
Veronica’s shiny cropped tweed two-piece, Yvonne’s weird feathery coat that matches her bf’s shirt (you know she’s supposed to be “too much” because she’s got big hoop earrings)
God, Jughead is next and I’m not gonna be able to handle it
Alphabet City?! the piano?? the fucking East Coast Beat typewriter shit—the day robe? I’m—READING CLUBMASTERS? FORSYTHE???
OH GOD HE’S DATING ANOTHER WRITER (she has nice pants)
Jughead eats: “that place you like” is a HOT DOG STAND in the middle of SOME GRASS
I’ve seen Brick like thirty times: Jughead wears high-ankle light blue jeans, grey socks, and spectators that blend to create the illusion of wading boots. I’m going to commit a crime
Jughead doubts it: “So did Kerouac. And Hemingway. And Fitzgerald.” 
fuck yes I love Floundering Jughead, and his Pushy Agent who pronounces “career” like “Korea,” and the continuing tradition of Jughead getting kicked out of his house
I like Literary Grifter’s sweater
the Brat Pack, and most of the Rat Pack for that matter, were actors, but I assume RAS couldn’t resist the rhyme 
I was 100% afraid we were about to learn Cora was an uncomfortably-young undergrad
the musical cue as she reaches into her bag is absolutely as if she’s taking out a gun, and it might as well be! it’s the scariest thing in NYC: an unpublished manuscript
showrunners doing a classic I Love Lucy job partially concealing Vanessa Morgan’s pregnancy via medium close-ups, draping black clothes
Cheryl slowly turning to ask if doesn’t she look okay 10/10 icon
Cheryl’s pins: she has either a tiny spider or maybe a tick
Cheryl’s sheaths: the lacy red thing, amazing
why is Cheryl’s left hand gloved?
Cheryl’s a chaos angel from hell: Cheryl’s going to forge a Rembrandt, which unfortunately means she’s my favorite person on the planet (she does not look happy about doing this)
btw is Nana Rose an Immortal?
please tell me about Toni’s eyelashes
“Damn good coffee”: Archie’s earnest “Where are people gonna sit for the bus?” slayed me
fuck YEAH Ghoulies party house! terrible music but really good skull spray paint art
Jug looks LOW lol
Veronica’s blouse + buttons, impeccable
I’m writing a scene where it’s gay.: Tabitha/Squeaky
the hellscape semi’s red backlighting and its skeleton’s red eyes
I like Linette’s glossy bomber!
the trucker who’s about to kill her can’t also be the Trash Bag Killer….truckers have to stick to too much of a schedule….but he could be Betty’s meandering serial
I loved this episode
NEXT WEEK: Archie brings the FBI down on some people paying their rent :(
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thanatosangels · 4 years
Congrats Mae!!! Can I have 🌿 with Thomas and Christopher? 💜
thank you so much!!! 
when Thomas was ill as a child, Christopher was essentially the only child of a similar age that Thomas really connected with. Because Gabriel and Cecily visited Gideon and Sophie a lot, they spent a decent amount of time together and bonded over their quirks and the fact they both felt like outcasts. They wrote to each other regularly as well.
Christopher was actually the first of the Merry Thieves to realise how Thomas really felt about Alastair. unfortunately, he did not realise how explosive this information could be. they were in the Devil one night, post Chain of Gold, and Matthew had been ranting about how much of a ‘wormy lying coward’ Alastair was when Thomas had come to his defence, albeit in a half-hearted manner. 
“Why do you like him so much anyway?” Matthew rocked back in his chair, wine in one hand and the other pointed at Thomas. Well, presumably anyway, because it was two inches too far to the left but Thomas gave him points for trying. 
Thomas just rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to explain that he didn’t like him, per say, just that Matthew was being, and always had been, incredibly unfair on him when Christopher piped up from his workbench in the corner.
“Because he’s in love with him, of course.” 
Several things then happened at once.
Matthew tipped back in his chair, his face a comical depiction of shock, and sent the wine flying across the room.
James got covered in red wine.
Thomas thought that his heart was going to give out.
“I- What? I am not. No!” He stuttered, his face matching the shade of scarlet James’s shirt had become. “Wherever did you get that from, Kit?”
James helped Matthew, who’s face was still slack with shock, up from the floor. “Matthew, you’re a bloody idiot, did you know that?” James mocked, laughter in his voice. “Also - yes, Christopher, what makes you say that?” He righted Matthew’s chair and helped him into as if he were an elderly man who needed assistance moving, then returned to his place at the table. Matthew’s face still did not change.
Christopher placed down his beaker and turned to face the rest of the Thieves, his goggles squint on his face. “Well, I thought it was rather obvious, is it not?” He walked over and sat down at the table, his hands gesturing animatedly. “You see, figuring out if someone is in love is just like trying to graph an experiment: you look for patterns, specifically in behaviour.” He looked around at the dumbfounded faces of his friends. 
“And... and what patterns are there here?” Thomas asked, hesitantly.
“First of all, you followed Alastair around at the Academy. Now, this could easily be dismissed as the quirks of a child but here it fits into our pattern. Secondly, you will not tell us what really happened in Paris. No, don’t try to argue Thomas, i know when you’re lying - or withholding information. Anyway, I happened to overhear Charles talking about seeing Alastair in Paris when I was at Matthew’s, I do not believe in coincidences. Thomas and Alastair were together in Paris. Third, Alastair is the only person Thomas would let see his tattoo. That’s a very intimate, private thing for Thomas, and the fact he’d share it with someone who is apparently a ‘stranger’ is very out of character for him. Hence I have to draw the conclusion that Thomas is, in fact, in love with Alastair Carstairs. And I have to say - i think they’d make a capital couple.”
Stunned silence. Thomas thought his jaw might hit the table.
Finally, Matthew blurted out “That is just preposterous! Never in all my days-”
“Shut up for a second, Matthew.” James looked at Thomas, his golden eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and love. “Remember the last time somebody spilt wine? What is it with you lot and bloody wine, by the way - anyway, it was Thomas. When Matthew told us Alastair was moving to London.” Thomas felt too hot and too cold all at the same time. “Tom? Is it true?”
“I....” Thomas didn’t know what to say. Was it true? He didn’t know. All he knew is that he missed Alastair. Missed talking to him as darkness blanketed Paris, missed watching the shadows on his face change as the city illuminated itself around them, missed walking next to him and talking about everything and nothing. All he knew was that every time he saw Alastair, his heart seemed to beat that little bit faster and if he was next to him he longed to reach out and grab his hand. All he knew was that Alastair was the most beautiful person he’d ever seen, and that he wanted to kiss him, and hold him, and-
James’s voice, soft and comforting, brought him back from his reverie. “It’s alright if you do, Tom.” He looked at the faces of his friends: Christopher’s obliviously hopeful one, James’s small smile, Matthew’s - who had finally closed his mouth - that bore an open expression, one Thomas didn’t see all that often these days, that held so much love he felt his heart might burst. He swallowed thickly.
He stared down at his hands that were knotted so tightly in his lap that his knuckles were white. He could deny it again but, really, he found that he didn’t want to. “I mean... I might? I’m not really sure...” He bit his lip.
“What ho! Excellent!” Christopher ran to his workbench and began furiously scribbling in his notebook. “I was actually right! Of course, I knew i was, but the proof is always appreciated.”
James clapped him on the back. “Wonderful! I’m so glad you told us, Thomas.” Thomas grinned at him, feeling lighter than he had in months.
And then Matthew got up, a broad smile on his face, and came to grab Thomas by the shoulder. “Well! There’s a turn up for the books.” And then the smile was replaced a serious furrow of eyebrows. “I’m happy for you, old chap, i really am, but could you not have picked absolutely anybody else?” 
Thomas looked at him, his heart sinking ever so slightly, until Matthew threw his head back and guffawed. “Don’t look so scared! I’m joking - well, partially anyway - but whoever your heart decides to give itself to will be one lucky person. Even if it is sodding Alastair Carstairs.”
Thomas felt himself laughing too, and he felt like it was the first real laugh in an age.
okay, NOT a headcannon but inspiration struck and the opportunity was too good to miss!
Thomas and Christopher always get to read Lucie’s new writing: Thomas because Lucie trusts him to be kind but fair, and Christopher because he actually has a wonderful imagination that has inspired Lucie on more than one occasion. Anyway, after every new read, they get together and discuss what she wrote, how proud of her they are, and how far she’s going to go. She’s their little sister too, after all. 
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loserswin2 · 4 years
A Matter of Timing (Jerza)
Read on FF or AO3
Erza felt that Jellal had the uncanny ability to always reach her side just in time. So the fact that now of all times is when he decides to be late is quite amusing to her. Or the fic where Jellal is late to witness the birth of not one but two of his children.
“Why don’t you rest for a bit? Today’s been very tiring for you.” Makarov made a motion for Erza to lean back onto the bed. She complied with his request but her eyes did not stray from the tiny bassinet near the bed.
“Did Warren manage to reach him?” She reached out to drag the bassinet as close as possible to the bed and she relaxed when her two sleeping babies entered her line of sight.
“Yes. Jellal is trying to get back as fast as possible. It doesn’t help that the client is being difficult.” Makarov gave an angry huff. “Mirajane is asking other guilds if they’ve worked with the client before filling out a letter of complaint to send to the Council. The client’s request was out of line and should have never been given to the guild.” What had been a simple escort mission that should have finished in two days had turned into a complicated mess. She didn’t know all the details and all she really cared about was that it had taken her husband away from her when she needed him most.
Erza bit her lip. It wasn’t entirely the client’s fault. Jellal had been reluctant to leave her side, especially this late in her pregnancy, and was initially going to refuse the request but she had insisted he take it. It was rare for clients to request Jellal’s aid as there were still some people who weren’t convinced he had earned his pardon. After several assurances that she would be fine as members of the guild would be on hand to check on her and that there wasn’t much to worry about as her due date was a month away, he left for his mission.
She knew something was wrong when he didn’t call home to check in. He always checked in, even if a mission was only going to take a day to complete. She felt he did that to remind himself that he had her to come home to now and that the life they’ve built together is not a dream but a reality.
Makarov had sent Meredy, Erik, and Sawyer to go to the town the mission was located in and everyone was unsettled when they were able to send a quick report back that the town was surrounded by a barrier that blocked people from entering and from communicating with those outside the town. They were positive Jellal was inside though as Erik had been partially able to hear Jellal’s thoughts. It had been a week since that report and the unease in Erza’s gut hadn’t settled.
It wasn’t uncommon for missions to run into complications and to take longer than usual but ever since Erza and Jellal had gotten together, they rarely, if ever, took long missions. Erza hadn’t ever thought of herself as a clingy person before but the fear that the universe would find a way to tear them apart again had her seeking shorter missions so she could quickly return to his side. She knew he felt the same and that the fear would never go away.
A whimper from the bassinet broke her out of her thoughts. She looked over to see one of the babies with a disgruntled look on his face which quickly went away when she reached out a hand to stroke his face to calm him. She softly smiled when the baby quieted down and turned to face his brother. She hadn’t had the time to process the shock of twins as her mind had been completely distracted by the pain of labor.
“I have to say, Erza,” Makarov’s voice was hushed but filled with warmth, “You and Jellal have made some adorable children.” He peered closer into the bassinet and said with a laugh, “Even if they did come rather early.”
She blushed. She knew he was referring to the fact that twins were born earlier than singletons but a part of her knew that he and the rest of the guild still made jokes about how quickly Erza had gotten pregnant. She and Jellal quietly married soon after her team had finished the 100-year quest and settled into a modest house on the outskirts of Magnolia. A few weeks later, they had found out that Erza was pregnant after she uncharacteristically burst into tears in the guildhall after Natsu had made a remark on her strange new eating habits. After seeing Porlyusica and breaking the news to the guild, everyone made sly remarks about now knowing why the two of them were never at the guildhall anymore but it didn’t distract from the sheer joy Jellal and Erza radiated at the prospect of starting a family.
“I’ll go inform the rest of the guild that we now have two new Fairy Tail members.” Makarov began making his way to the door. Only he, Wendy, and Porlyusica had been in the infirmary with her and she had refused to allow anyone else to see her children before Jellal did. She was surprised that none of the members had tried to force their way inside and figured that they were all behaving for once. Though it could also be that they were still terrified of an Erza ruled by pregnancy hormones. “Warren might have some more news on where your husband is.”
“Thank you, Master.” Erza gave a small bow before sitting back on the bed. Wendy had healed her earlier but she was still absolutely exhausted.
“Please get some rest, Erza. You know Jellal always finds his way back to you,” Makarov said before leaving. Though Makarov had tried to reassure her, Erza’s worry would only disappear once Jellal was by her side. The silence in the room only served to remind her that he wasn’t.
She turned to the bassinet and remembered what had transpired only a few hours ago. She’d endured many painful experiences in her lifetime but nothing could have prepared her for the pain of childbirth. It had felt worse with Jellal’s absence though her tears of pain had turned to tears of joy once her children were placed in her arms. Their hair shared the same shade of blue as Jellal and when they had briefly opened their eyes earlier, she saw they had her brown eyes. After briefly being looked over by Wendy and Porlyusica and declared perfectly healthy, they slept peacefully in the bassinet and hadn’t woken up since.
“Your father is running a bit late,” she whispered to the twins. “He’s usually not like this. He’s much more punctual than I am.” If Erza was to compare all her failures, she knew a majority of them were caused by her tardiness.
She had been too late to save Jellal from being brainwashed.
She had been too late in figuring that Siegrain and Jellal were the same.
She had been too late to stop Jellal from casting the self-destruction spell.
If she had been on time, maybe she could’ve spared them all the heartache. Whereas, Jellal’s timing, in her opinion, was much better.
He had arrived on time to save her from the dragons during the Eclipse Gate fiasco.
He had arrived on time to help liberate Hargeon Port from the Alverez forces.
He had arrived on time to save her and Wendy from Acnologia’s attack.
She knew if she were to tell these thoughts to her husband, he would disagree and insist that in the end, all that mattered was that they saved each other. That their mismatch in timing wasn’t something she should be concerned with and if anything, it meant they balanced each other out. Having a confident Jellal that was so positive about their future together was something she was still getting used to and reminded her of their time at the Tower, back when he was a bright-eyed boy and she a lost and confused girl who looked to him for strength. They’ve grown and changed since then but they were still quintessentially them and she was infinitely grateful that they found their way back to each other.
“I guess it’s only fair that he’s late this time since I’m so early. He can’t always be perfect,” she amusedly remarked. She recalled the few times a drunk Lucy and Levy had told her how lucky she was for having such a perfect husband and had wisely refrained from telling them all the stupid things Jellal has done.
She was content to just stare at her children until he arrived and she perked up when she felt the trace of his Meteor spell outside the window. He must’ve sped past everyone in the guild because in the next moment he was opening the door.
“Erza.” His eyes quickly looked her over before they were glued to the bassinet in front of her. From where he was standing, she knew he couldn’t see the babies. She felt the uneasiness in her gut disappear as she scanned him from head to toe and saw that he was alright aside from the minor cut on his forehead.
“You’re here.” She wanted to get up and go to him but she didn’t have the energy. He seemed to read her mind as he went to go wash his hands in the sink near the door before quickly making his way toward her. When he was close to the bed, she rushed into his arms and he held her tightly.
“I’m sorry for taking so long.” She didn’t realize she was trembling until she registered his hand running up and down her back to soothe her. “Are you okay?”
She pulled herself together and nodded. “I am now.” She leaned back and pressed her lips to his in a kiss that she hoped would convey the sheer mess of emotions that rattled inside of her since his departure. She ended the kiss before it could get out of hand like it usually did when one of them came back from a mission and muttered, “You missed a lot. Come meet your children.”
“Wha--” She laughed at how speechless Jellal was at seeing not one, but two babies in the bassinet.
She reached out to take his hand and gently stroked his palm while she explained. “Wendy kept hearing echoes of a heartbeat but didn’t think that could mean I was having twins. She’s really sorry about making the mistake and offered to babysit them whenever we want. We should probably take her up on that offer sometime. I’ve been told that twins are a handful.”
He grabbed both of her hands and stared at her with tears streaming down his face. She would never get tired of being able to see the love that shone freely from his eyes. “Erza, I…thank you,” he choked out.
She felt herself tearing up as well. She murmured, “I should be saying that to you.” They stared at each other for a few moments longer, hearts full of gratitude and love. They had taken a long and painful road to get to where they were now but it was fine as it brought them here. “Do you want to hold them?” she asked, freeing a hand to wipe the tears from his cheeks. He nodded and she arranged his arms in the correct position to hold them.
Once she safely deposited both babies into his arms, he whispered, “They’re so small.”
She rearranged the babies’ blankets, making sure they were covered and warm, and said, “Porlyusica said they’re the right size for twins and for being born early. They’re healthy as well so there’s nothing to worry about there. And it’s a good thing we couldn’t decide between those two boy names because now we can use both.”
He chuckled, probably remembering when she would spend a whole day declaring one name to be perfect for their child before deciding the next day that the other name was the better choice. “I do love that they have my hair color but I kind of wish they had yours.”
“Maybe the next one will.” Though Erza had grown up with the guild and Jellal had grown up with the people at the Tower, they had still largely kept to themselves and basically grew up alone. They decided they wanted a large family and that their children would never know what it was like to be alone and unloved.
“I’m still sorry I was late and missed everything. I promised to hold your hand forever at our wedding, remember?”
“I think I would’ve broken your hand. Labor was awful.”
“It would have been worth it.”
She hummed in agreement and looked down at the babies who had begun to squirm in Jellal’s hold. “Besides, you weren’t late at all.”
He gasped as the twins both opened their eyes to see their father for the first time.
“I think our sons will agree with me and say you came back like you always do, right on time.”
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borisbubbles · 4 years
Ben & Tan - “Yes”
I think this post is bleeding ‘Yes’ to death Lemme shoot an arrow through its chest I’m so in loathe I must surpress THIS MESS THIS MESS THIS MESS.
Song analysis
Another thing why Negaworld Estonia deserves hate: I was forced to rank them below Denmark!! but like Uku, this ranking is mostly personal.
What can I even say beyond the same gospel I’ve been preaching for years? Every year Denmark pulls the same I Can’t Believe It’s Not Sweden bullshit. Every year the only road they follow is the one of least resistance. They are terrified of anything with even an ounce of originality. It’s a broken record by now and I can’t say I’m impressed. Oh a bad Of Monsters And Men clone, forgive me for not getting my knickers into a twist.  Having said that, I don’t exactly feel a BURNING hatred for *De* and *Mon* like I usually feel for my least favourites - In fact, after the cancellation it’s hard to feel anything - but I think it may be in part because I’m always partial towards cheerful songs with deceptively dark messages? “I AM READY TO GIVE LIFE ONE MORE CHANCE” say “YES” to sex, the best anti-depressant in the world, yall.
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The problem is: I don’t buy it. I do not believe a *SINGLE* letter of this song. Depressing/Volatile lyrics (I’m astounded nobody has thought to parodying it yet by juxtaposing “Yes” to like, the hilariously graphic deaths in found in GoT and the Witcher - Get at it!!) + cheerful vibe WORKS if presented as satire or irony, but in a more earnest setting the artifice just leaks from every pore. Anyone who is *THIS* possessive and overdramatic towards their loved one is either mentally unstable or a liar or a mentally unstable liar. 
Secondly, the pair of Ben and Tan. Look, I am aware they are friends who met on some Idol show or whatever, but Tan is 23 and Ben is 17. I swear I’m not a puritan but is this... kosher? Even if we assume for a second their narrative relationship is platonic (which it sure as hell isn’t presented as), it’s still a stretch. Let me put it this way, if it were a 17 year old girl and a 23 year old man singing *those* lyrics I doubt most people would be as okay with it. 
Also, I’ve read that people believe that TAN was the weak link in the pair for God/Drug knows what reason (sexism) and I completely disagree. Tan is good and carries the song. Ben on the other hand completely undermines any credibility “Yes” could have by... well, I mean, have a look yourself: 
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Ben’s already past the Lucie Jones Zone of facial errors, and solidly encroaching towards the fluid nightmare that was Demyface. I feel bad having to trashtalk another Danish young person so soon after the world’s oldest twenty year old Leonora, but when there’s a genuine risk of a contestant morphing into John Carpenter’s The Thing, I ain’t gonna take no chances.
NF Corner
Hey, guess what, DMGP was... acceptable this year! It was... well, not *good* because Of Monsters And Men weren’t the only good act to have a *SHITTY* clone but I did love the dystopian pathos of not having an audience, and DR having to resort to hilariously fake cheer and applause stock footage to create some sort of vibe <3
and also, there were two very good songs in the line-up, which is more than what EL had, here they are:
Maja & De Sarte Sjæle - “Den eneste goth i Vejle”
A running theme in this NF season was the abundance of lovable indie entries that would normally ONLY find a place in Eesti Laul, popping up in every NF *other* than Eesti Laul. This was the Danish one. Indie rock song about growing up to be the only goth in some rural, puritan Danish village, wearing a Meat-is-Murder, BETCH, is a good way to start. Shamelessly namedropping 70s rock bands they are pilfering riffs from <3 My main gripe was the staging. You’re talking about goths, so why are your clothes and backdrop inspired by some thriftstore flowerpower movement? Anyway, wow a duo with more chemistry than De & Mon, can you believe it? I do, because they lost DMGP. 😈 (by finishing 4th in the vote allegedly. BRING THEM BACK!!!)
Jasmin Rose & Roxorloops - “Human”
 Okay, I am aware that I JUST shaded Denmark about shamelessly cloning anything that sings, but “Human” is literally a techno-ethnodance remix of Lorena’s “Tower of Babylon” and it’s SO blatant I fell out of my chair laughing the first time I heard it. And then, I had yet to deal with the hilarity of ROXORLOOPS possibly becoming the most random returnee of all times (forget Witloof Bay, Roxorloops was ALSO in the 2006 Belgian NF, where his group not only finished LAST in their heat, but also received the lowest score from ALL jurors and the audience <33333). He is SO redundant he is barely even featured in the studio track <33333 And then we got to the live of “Human” staged as an OTT Rose/Robot dichotomy, with Roxorloops of course playing the part of the ROBOT being more of a dancer than a beatboxer holy fuck this was a hilarious ride. IS THIS DENMARK I FUCKING CANNOT BELIEVE IT. Oh wait, "Human” didn’t make the top 3 YUP sounds like Denmark alright. 😈 BRING THEM BACK AS WELL!!!
Denmark 2020 vs Denmark 2021
There is currently no information published about Denmark’s plans in 2021, but I assume they will just hold DMGP again, with an invite for Ben & Tan (which seems to be the MO for countries that traditionally hold NFs).  I am however happy that “Yes” was neutered though. 😇 I don’t think it could’ve won, but its fake-cheerfulness would’ve ensnared a good chunk of casual votes and I’d rather NOT see Denmark KEiiNO themselves into a top 10 they do not deserve! Crisis averted!
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I mean, even with several legit good songs in their DMGP, it was always blatantly obvious Denmark would select “Yes”. After all, it was the only Swedish song in the running. 
Score: 0 Senhits out of 5
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musicprincess655 · 5 years
She’s walking with Atsushi, and he just rejected the offer to join the Guild. She can’t stop thinking about ways she can get him to change his mind. They’ve been together for so long, how could they possibly separate now?
“Listen,” Atsushi says, before she can try again. “You can hear the song now.”
“What song?” she asks. She can’t hear any song.
“Listen carefully.”
She suddenly finds that she can, in fact, hear a song. Just a faint strain, so soft she can’t make out the words, but she can hear it still. It fills her with dread. It fills her with fear.
“Make it stop,” she whispers, then, as the song grows louder, she covers her ears in a desperate attempt to block it out. “Make it stop!”
She opens her eyes to unending blue, and she knows exactly two things. Her name is Lucy, and she’s not supposed to be here.
Where she is supposed to be is anyone’s guess, least of all her own. But here? There’s no way she could belong here, lost in an endless sea of blue.
Where is here? Lucy can remember earlier parts of her life, but not the events that led her to this place, wherever she is. She remembers her time in No. 6, she remembers her time with the Guild, but she doesn’t remember what happened right before she got wherever here is.
Her eyes adjust to the darkness, and she can pick up pinpricks of light here and there. She can even hear, faintly, voices speaking.
“Synchronization rates are climbing rapidly.” Lucy has no clue what that means, but she listens anyway. If she’s patient, if she finds out what she can, maybe she can get out of here.
“It’s about time,” another voice says. “How many elites have been sacrificed for this? It’s creating such a fuss in the upper class.”
“They don’t matter,” the first voice says. “As long as we can awaken her, they won’t be able to say anything.”
Do they mean her? Why are they trying to awaken her? She’s already awake. She’s looking at them now.
“If we use this sample, it should be possible?”
Is she the sample? If she’s the sample, who do they mean by Her?
Lucy’s heart beats faster in her chest. Under the water, she can’t breathe, but if she could, she’d be panting by now. She’s afraid. She’s so very afraid, and instinct takes over. She calls for the one person that has ever made the world kind for her, the one person who has ever stood by her side and protected her, even when he wasn’t capable of it.
No one answers her. She can’t scream underwater, anyway.
How is that possible? She can’t breathe, she can’t speak. How is she alive? Where could she possibly be?
Lucy tries to trace the last memories she has, tries to see if her prison has an escape. The last thing she’s clear about is her memories of No. 5. She’d gone there with the Guild, and while they were partially trading and stealing, working with allies that didn’t exist in No. 6, they’d also taken a small vacation. Lucy had stood on the shores of a vast ocean, feet in the saltwater. There is no ocean in No. 6. Inside the walls around the city, it’s beautiful, shades of white and green dominating, but outside, it’s a desert. No. 6 is habitable land, but as Lucy learned for the first time when she left, only just.
Atsushi would love No. 5, she thinks. It’s the only place that has usable ocean. Most of the water on Earth was contaminated centuries ago, but No. 5 has found a way to purify their water, erecting a sea wall around themselves and slowly cleaning the ocean closest to them, expanding outwards. It would take centuries to undo the damage at the rate they’re going, but eventually, they will clean the entire planet.
Lucy had stood in that ocean, the only clean one left on Earth, and walked along a boardwalk, staring at birds called seagulls that sounded like they were laughing, eating an ice cream that was sweet but also salty, somehow a perfect treat to combine with the ocean, that stained her tongue and mouth blue.
And she knows it stained her blue because she saw it in the mirror on the Moby Dick, the blimp the Guild uses to fly above the ruined Earth, to stay away from all the city-states. Twain had teased her for it, and Lucy had snapped at him. After all, how was she supposed to know it would stain? She’d never eaten it before.
They were back on the Moby Dick because they were heading back to No. 6. It was potentially a profitable run for them, but it also came with a lot of risk. The Guild does a lot of stealing of goods, but by far the most valuable thing they can steal is people. It isn’t easy to run an operation outside of the city-states sanctioned by the entire world’s government, and it takes a lot of ingenuity that can only come from talented people. No. 6 has the people most willing to leave, but it’s also, historically, where the Guild has lost the most members.
Lucy was never sure if she was supposed to mention that she knows Edgar Allen Poe, that she knows exactly where one of the greatest minds the Guild ever has is now. She heard stories as soon as she joined, of Poe disappearing in No. 6, chasing after a detective with the devil’s own luck and intelligence to match. She never did tell them she knows both Poe and the demon he left the Guild to marry, and that they’re both hidden away in a detective agency in a neighborhood No. 6 would prefer to pretend doesn’t exist.
They’d gone back to No. 6, though. Because Alcott had recommended it despite the risks, and Lucy had been over the moon, because it meant she had another chance. This time, she would make Atsushi see that he should come with her, and they could finally both escape from No. 6.
And then…
And then she’d gone back to the detective agency, and found that Atsushi had been taken to the Security Bureau the day after she’d left. Lucy hadn’t been able to think straight. There was very little chance that the Guild would throw caution aside to rescue one person from such a secure place, but still, she had to try. She couldn’t leave her oldest friend alone to face whatever No. 6 hides in its core.
After that, Lucy only has a hazy memory of a police officer grabbing her arm, of being shoved into the backseat of a car. She can figure out the rest, though.
She was arrested. And because she was arrested, now she’s here, a sample for an experiment she can’t hope to understand. Maybe Atsushi is here, maybe he isn’t. Maybe he’s already dead.
Maybe she will be too, soon.
Lucy realizes that, even without getting a response, she’s been crying out for Atsushi all this time. It’s not Atsushi’s voice that answers her, though.
“Who are you?” she asks.
The bubbles floating away from her mouth take on a yellow tint, and soon, Lucy’s vision is filled with streams of golden light.
“I am Elyurias,” the voice says. It’s distinctly female. Lucy has never had a woman in her life she could trust, and she’s wary, but a part of her sings, a part of her wants to fall into this Elyurias and never look back. “I’ve been trying to reach you for a very long time.”
“I’m sorry,” Lucy says. She’s not sure what she’s apologizing for.
“It’s not your fault,” Elyurias tells her. “I have so few children left to me, and I’ve had trouble reaching them too.”
“Am I one of your children?” Lucy asks. She’s never been someone’s child before. Maybe it would be nice. Maybe Elyurias can get her out of here.
“No,” Elyurias says. Before Lucy can feel disappointed, Elyurias continues. “But I have another thing I can offer you, and something to ask of you.”
“What do you want?” Lucy asks. She knows nothing in this life comes for free. The Guild offered her freedom at a steep price, and she was willing to pay that. Whatever Elyurias wants, if she’ll get Lucy away from this place, Lucy will pay that price.
“I cannot wake up to this world alone,” Elyurias says. “I need someone to help me.”
“And you want my help?”
“You are one of very few who could help me,” Elyurias says. “It will not be easy. I need your body to truly awaken.”
The prospect doesn’t horrify Lucy the way it should. She’s been floating here for so long, alone, adrift, experimented on, that it doesn’t sound so bad.
“Would I still be me?” Lucy asks. Her body is one thing, but she doesn’t want to give up herself entirely. She still wants to live.
“In a way,” Elyurias says. “You would still have all your memories, still be able to interact with the world. But you will also be me, and you’ll find that being me is much more important than being you.”
“Not to me,” Lucy says. “But if you need my help, you can have it.”
Lucy doesn’t know what changes, but suddenly, the water around her is draining away.
“Success!” one of the voices that has been tormenting her says. Scientists, she now understands, that were experimenting on her. “We finally managed to awaken Elyurias!”
“This isn’t right,” his companion says. “These readings are insane, our equipment can’t even pick them up. What the hell is happening?”
“I think it’s time we both take our revenge, don’t you?” Elyurias asks.
“Yes,” Lucy says. Her body vibrates, a frequency and a song, and when it stops, the scientists are both gone. “That’s incredible. How did you do that?”
“I have a power,” Elyurias says, but now, Lucy realizes that Elyurias is speaking with her voice. “Now you do, too. Is there anything you want as thanks for your help?”
Lucy has only wanted one thing since she returned to No. 6. She wants the person who has always been a constant in her life back. She wants her best friend back. She wants the person her heart beats for back.
“I want to see Atsushi,” she says.
“That’s easy,” Elyurias says with her mouth. “He’s coming for you, after all. He’s with one of my children.”
“Then that’s all I want,” Lucy says. If she can just get back to Atsushi, her life will right itself. Even if Atsushi doesn’t love her back the way she wishes he would, just having him back in her life will be enough. “I can wait for him.”
“Then if waiting is what you want, I will do it,” Elyurias says. “My revenge can wait for your reunion.”
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thewollfgang · 6 years
Idea: Trixie does Luci's makeup. Not face painting, not ugly looks she tries out to get a laugh out of him - he walks outta there with gold dusted all over his eyelids and his highlighter glowing and the sharpest wings anyone's ever seen. It takes, and Chloe is Into It tm.
As talented as Trixie is, she's still only nine (ish). I know some girls are really accomplished with make up, but I don't feel like Chloe is a mom who would push for that, especially given her background.
But! I am here for Lucifer doing Trixie’s make up.
It's the night of the school dance Trixie has been going on about for the past month and Lucifer is over at their place for some reason that Chloe doesn't really want to over analyze. It's been fun, having him there, sleeves rolled up his forearms as they get Trixie ready.
Chloe carefully does Trixie’s hair, curling it and avoiding burnt fingers while Lucifer watches the proceedings with warm, dark, eyes. She raises a brow, asking a silent question.
"It's usually the opposite process for me," he explains, amused. Once the hair is successfully curled and partially pulled up, it's time for make up.
Chloe offers to do it, but Trixie demands Lucifer. She's a bit surprised and Lucifer is a little awkward. "Would you mind...?" Chloe asks, his eyes a bit spooked.
"Not at all," he says, surreptitiously wiping his hands on his trousers. "If it's all right with you."
She steps aside and lets Lucifer examine her daughter's face with intense scrutiny.
He gently lifts Trixie’s chin, tilts her head from side to side. Then he glances over at Chloe. "What kind of look are we going for?"
"Tasteful," Chloe is quick to reply.
"Sparkly!" is Trixie’s addition.
Lucifer frowns. "...All right." He gathers up some brushes and powders, settling in. "Had I known you were going to harang me into this, I would have brought my kit." He gives Trixie a stern look, but she only giggles.
They get a thin layer of foundation placed when Lucifer picks up an eyeliner stick and selects some golden eyeshadow. Chloe stiffens and he notices. "Too much?" he asks.
"Oh, mom, please??" Trixie requests, "the gold will look so pretty with my dress."
"I don't know..." She hedges.
"How about we put it on me first, and you can decide?" Lucifer suggests.
"All right," she agrees.
Watching Lucifer do his own make up is weirdly fascinating and relaxing. He quietly narrates the process for Trixie, talking about shadows and contours, brush types and how to use them.
"Can you do the wings?" she asks.
Lucifer stills. "Pardon?"
"On the edges of your eye." Trixie makes a little swoopy motion with her finger. "Maze does them sometimes."
"Oh. Well, yes, I suppose I could." He leans into the mirror and braces his elbow, demonstrating the careful, but practiced method of winged eyeliner. "There." He turns to Chloe. "Detective? What do you think?"
Chloe had never given much thought to men in make up before, she'd noticed Lucifer's typical eyeliner of course, how it made his eyes seem darker and deeper, but this was quite a bit more.
His lids are dusted with gold, expertly shaded, contrasted with the dark edge of the liner. There's a hint of highlighter accenting the curve of his cheekbones. He looks almost otherworldly, ethereal in a way that tugs at something in her gut.
She clears her throat. "Good. It's looks good."
He smiles. "Perhaps we will tone it down slightly for the child, but I think this will suit."
Trixie pouts, but doesn't protest when he begins applying it on her. In the end, Lucifer is right and Trixie looks beautiful. She gasps a little when she sees herself in the mirror and then scurried off to finish getting ready. Chloe goes to help zip her dress and slip her shoes on. Then the doorbell is ringing and Melissa is there to pick her Trixie up with a few other girls.
"Bye, mom! Bye, Lucifer!"
They're graced with brief hugs before Trixie is out the door and heading to the car full of giggling girls. Lucifer watches her go fondly. Melissa stares at Lucifer a bit too long before coming back to her senses and makes an exit after a few pleasantries.
Lucifer closes the door and Chloe leans into his side.
"Thank you," she says.
He turns, the light catching at the glitter, making him shimmer just a little. "You're welcome," he murmurs. She reaches up to carefully touch his cheek, not wanting to upset his work, and gently kisses him.
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keepliving21-blog · 6 years
Love Nalu Fanfic
dedicated to @rizzy09  Love you sweet thing, thank you for the idea and I hope you enjoy! For everyone out there, I am open for writing whatever nalu ideas ya’ll would like me to write. 
Nalu Fanfic where being a mate to someone isn’t actually the greatest thing in the world.
all rights to Hiro Mashima
Love was meant to be unchained, wild and free. It was supposed to be unconditional and all consuming; passionate with a splash of innocence, the greatest adventure one could take. And yet, it wasn't. In a way, love has never existed. The concept of being mates to someone, to be owned by the dominant and be kept submissive could hardly be seen as love at all. But that was life in Fiore: arranged-marriages, child weddings, and the power play between the sexes. You see the moment you met someone with the same mark, even if they were 20 years older, you would be forced to marry them. The rich would often take advantage of this by having a elderly man tattoo a "mark" that matched a young maiden's so they could strengthen their ties. In this world, you had to marry your mate regardless their behavior or age, and if you ever objected you would be publicly shunned and isolated from everyone until you gave in.
That must be why Fairy Tail is not only controversial but on the verge of criminal. Based in the farthest reaches of Fiore, the guild gives sanctuary to the runaways who refuse to be mated to a stranger. Members cover their mark with wrappings and tattoo the guild's emblem somewhere on their person. It is a symbol of freedom from the oppression of being a mate. The only consequence was that once a member, you could never go home as it would be to dangerous. It was indeed a small price to pay for freedom.
Natu's mark is on his left arm so he often wears a long coat that covered the arm completely but exposed his right arm, the Fairy Tail emblem showing clearly just below his right shoulder. As popular as he was for all the destruction he "accidentally" caused Natsu's actual role was to tattoo the emblem on others. He would deliberately go into the worst areas and find people who wanted to get help, and he helped them. According to rumors, he used to be the son of a well respected politician but like most wasn't allowed to choose his future. So Natsu rebelled and ran away, he dyed his hair pink and got into tattooing. It was meant to be a rebellious act to get back at his parents but Fairy Tail found him and convinced him to help people instead of simply living to spite his parents.
It turns out, Natsu loved saving people. He found a purpose and a future of his own making through Fairy Tail and went from a angsty teen with a attitude problem to a daring young man who was loyal to his friends and only partially chaotic. So with his blue cat snuggled in his scarf, because why dye your hair when you could also dye your cats fur, he makes his way through Magnolia.
This was different though, as he was only here to buy ink and wasn't particularly looking to help someone.
Natsu finds his favorite ink store and steps in, going to the far right corner of the store he begins analyzing the vast array of inks trying to judge which shade of red was best for the dragon tattoo he'd been dreaming about making. The sketch was drawn out he just needed the red ink to go with it. Reaching up for a fiery red one he fails to notice the other hand reaching for that same bottle. It retreats immediately and with a shy apology the stranger next to him backs off.
She was a curious thing, fidgeting a little in place and toying with a strand of her gold hair. She had long pigtails held up by blue bows and went a good two inches past her shoulders, side swept bangs partially draped over her face and failed to hide her honey brown eyes. Finding her to be beautiful Natsu gets the bottle and hands it to her instead, he can always find that shade of red later.
"Here ya go."
"Thanks..." Pure white hands take the bottle from him and Natsu can't help but notice that for someone buying ink this girl has no tattoos at all.
"So ya like tattoos huh? Are you a beginner?"
"Something like that." Was her only response as she points to her bandaged left arm. “I’m finally gonna cover this up.”
“It’s your mark right?”
“W-what I mean no, why-why would you-“
He chuckles a little, this girl was showing all the signs of a person trying to hide their mark. She was nervous and fumbled over her words, played her mark off as an injury, and was currently glancing at the stores entrance probably to make her escape.
“Can I see it?”
At this she clasps a hand over her bandage and looks mildly offended. “Isn’t that a little personal? I don’t even know your name.”
A weak argument, but the adorable girl looked nervous so he turned his attention back to the shelves of ink bottles and crosses his arms. Approaching with caution, she stands next to him to see what’s so interesting. Reaching up, Natsu finds a soft pink shade of ink and hands it to her much to the girls surprise.
“This will look much better against your skin. Anyways, good luck with hiding your mark.”
Flustered and a little upset she stalks after him as he makes his way to the stores entrance. “Now wait, aren’t you going to tell me your name?”
He looks back at her, a inkling of mischief in his eyes as a smile crept along his face. That’s when she saw the Fairy Tail guild mark on his shoulder but surprisingly she didn’t take a step back.
“You really wanna know?”
She nods in response.
“It’s Natsu, I’m Fairy Tails tattoo artist. If you want I could tattoo over-“
“Yes.” The response was immediate as if she’d longed for a chance like this and he couldn’t deny he was curious about her so he took her back to the cashier, bought the ink, and led her outside.
“You know I never caught your name.”
“It’s Lucy.”
Lucy was brimming with curiosity, taking in her new surroundings as Natsu led her by the hand through the guild. The air smelt of cigarette smoke and beer, the light atmosphere lingered with loud voices and cheers accompanied by fierce arguments. Her pink haired friend took her through a door next to the bar that she could've sworn would lead them to the kitchen, but instead found herself in a small tattoo parlor and was ushered to the seat in the center of the room.
"Can I see your mark?"
"Oh-um sure." Lucy gingerly peels the bandage off revealing the dragon like mark on her left arm, for a moment Natsu thinks nothing of it until he actually studies it and finds that it is exactly like his own mark in the exact same location. A shiver runs down his spine and for a moment he cannot help but be a little upset, the whole point of running away and joining the guild was so that he would never find his mate. And yet, here she was: a shy, beautiful young woman who had the courage to cover her own mark. If he hung out with her, would he come to love her? Now that they've met would either of them leave each other? Would they be forced by fate to stay together? The blonde shifts nervously in her seat, feeling uncomfortable under his gaze and quietly asks if the guild mark would cover it. Snapping out of his trance, Natsu reassures her it will and sets off to get his equipemente ready.
"So Luce, why do ya need the mark hidden?" He asks while getting the ink ready, he wouldn't say it, but the lad was curious how the soft pink would turn out on her virgin skin.
"It's my father Jude. He wants me to marry my uncle so...yeah."
"I'm sorry."
"Oh don't be, I heard about you and this girl I met at the library-her names Levy I think?-she said you could help."
At this he stops before piercing her skin and looks at her. This was the first time someone has come to him, usually he was the one to save people.
"You were looking for me?"
She nods shyly, and a soft blush spreads across her cheeks. "I heard that Fairy Tail was like a never ending adventure, and being trapped at home with a madman for a father, I just jumped at the chance. I figured if I found you, maybe I could finally escape it all you know?"
"Brave girl...hey lets tattoo the mark elsewhere."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, your mark is to agitated, maybe on your hand." Natsu wasn't lying, her mark really was agitated, but he also didn't want to cover her mark. In a way, Natsu really wanted to see what Lucy was like. She sounded similar to him, rebelling against her parents and taking life into her own hands, sure she was shy but there was a certain amount of bravery that if cultivated could really turn into something grand.
It takes her a while but she finally concedes and allows him to tattoo the guild mark on her hand, watching intently as he does so. Natsu fascinated her, a pink haired boy with a million dollar smile and tattoos that went all the way up his arms. At first glance he'd probably be seen as a bad guy, but with his dorky and charismatic character Natsu seemed to be the exact opposite. She couldn't deny that she was drawn to this man somehow, and made a mental note to hang out with him again.
"Hey, not to distract you but could you show me around Fairy Tail?"
"Sure thing," Natsu smiles as he finishes the mark, loving how perfect the pink appeared to be on her hand, "Better yet, I'll introduce you to some of my friends."
Taking a wipe and gingerly wiping the mark on her hand, he gives her smile.
"Welcome to Fairy Tail, Lucy."
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mythaura-blog · 7 years
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Hey all! Welcome to our December development update. Here is what lies under the cut.
What’s new
NPCs on Mythaura
New Monsters and New Item Patreon Illustrations
Community spotlight
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This month, we have been working on basic back end set up. Login and register systems are currently being built and tested. We’ve had some continuous trouble with our current server, so we’ve found it best for development to move to a new server. We’re currently in the process of shifting everything over - there may be some downtime on the Beast Demo, we will give everyone a heads up on our social media channels when that time comes!
On the topic of the Demo - we are planning some new and exciting usability features for Demo V3. • Link generation for sharing After creating a Beast, a link will be generated. The link will be a url to your creation. You can also import a link from another creation. • Lock and unlock options Options can be locked and unlocked by clicking the lock symbol. This will ensure your option will not change even when clicking randomize. • Shift Special order Shift Special options by moving the arrows. This will change the layering order of Specials without having to choose options again, making it easier to customize.
• Loading animation A simple loading animation to appear before the Beasts image is generated. Some other additions would be an "Age" option which changes the Beasts base to the Young Base or the Grown Base. And the categorization of the Base area and Special Markings area so it's a little easier to tell options apart.
The young bases for the three starter Beasts - Dragon, Griffin and Unicorn have been completed. We are planning to have all Young bases and their 125 colors and the current catalog of Special Markings available for the next Demo V3 update.
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The Hybrid bases are being worked on and will be ready for the next demo update - here are the sketches for the young Quetzal, Hippogriff and Kirin!
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We’ll have news very soon about when Demo V3 will drop. For now, I can share that work has started on the next Hybrid Beasts. Here is a quick sneak peak.
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Every shop you visit in Mythaura is run by a shopkeep. These shopkeepers have their own unique personalities, quests and dialogue. They will interact with you, the player, through dialogue boxes. Some moments will give you different options to respond to the NPC and the NPCs portrait will change to different expressions depending on their mood and dialogue. For example; if a player hands in a completed quest, the NPC portrait will change to a pleased expression. Each character will play a large role within the story and game play.
This month our amazing Tier 3+ supporters on Patreon voted in a poll to choose the first NPC players will interact with on site out of three options. Acting as a tutorial guide, they will welcome the player into the world, introduce them to the currency, explain factions, walk players through creating their first Beast and finally leading them into the full game. This is an early look at the Mythaura “Welcome” NPC!
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“A cheerful elderly Quetzal. He is a travelling merchant who sells interesting items he found while on the road. His bird is his best bud.”
Next month, patrons will decide on the Quetzal Traveller’s coloring, define their personality, their shop and their name. We’ll have more to share on the NPC system and other characters that will feature in Mythaura soon!
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Tier 4 and 5 Patreon rewards have the opportunity to work with the artists to create their own Monsters and Items that will appear in-game. Here are the illustrations that have been created this month. Many thanks to our incredibly creative supporters! Monsters: Lunar Bone Thief - Created with Fizzywits Vitterfolk - Created with Malis (Work in progress! The Vitterfolk’s final illustration will be completed soon)
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Items: Crystallion - Created with Aku Reine Plushie - Created with TwinFishes Coelacanth - Created with Frillshark Pahoehoe Flower -  Created with Mezzo
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So many pet games have been ruined by multi accounts, botters & scammers. I'd like to know what your policies will be on these since I am wary of investing in another site that doesn't have the staff or motivation to keep a clean playing field for all. - Anonymous
Those are completely valid concerns. As with any multiplayer online game, there will inevitability be those who will exploit it in some way or another. We will take our security and code of conduct very seriously, any player found violating that will be restricted or banned.
How many times can you create a beast from scratch? Only when you first join or are there other ways to do so? (Through an item for example) - Anonymous
You will create your first Beast upon joining Mythaura - a Dragon, Griffin or Unicorn. You’ll be able to choose any of the 125 colors on the wheel to customize their Base, Bottom and Top areas on their bodies. At the moment, this will be the only time you will be able to create a Beast from scratch. We are definitely not ruling out any other options! At this point it’s too early to say for sure.
Will there be a way to keep beasts as their 'baby' forms? - katjoyy
Yes! I realize that some people might prefer the young Beast artworks to their grown versions. There will be a method in the game to keep them from growing up - whether through consumable items or another means.
I know there is crowd funding, but will you be using Kickstarter at any point? I am more familiar with them, as I feel many are, and would rather fund through there (Dappervolk Funded within Hours.. or minuets??) I'd love to know, thanks! - bobbybi
Our first priority before planning the final crowdfunding push is delivering on an alpha and beta. We are 100% focused on building Mythaura the best it can be now and our Patreon is helping out a great deal to reach that goal.  
I love Mythaura so much already, I can't explain it in words! I can't wait to see it reach it's max potential. I just wanted to know if there would be a feeding or age mechanic that would cause your creature to pass on eventually. I only ask, because I dislike the game mechanic cause death is no fun. - Anonymous
Thank you so much! Your support means the world  ❤ There will be no death mechanic. We expect players to put a lot of time and effort into customizing their Beasts and it would feel like a waste to have them pass on eventually. Rest easy knowing that your Beasts will be immortal.
In the future, would you be open to beast/monster/item suggestions from users? - Anonymous
We are always open to suggestions! I am actively listening on all our social media channels. I take any and all suggestions to heart and note them down. But if you’re super eager to have your ideas made into reality, Tier 4 and 5 Patreon rewards can have their suggestions made into actual items in-game. 
Okay so, you're making a Virtual Pet game. What do you have planned that will set you apart from other games like Flight Rising and even Neopets? I see the graphics are looking good, but do you have something else new that you intend to bring to the table with this? - formerlybees
As a long time fan and player of virtual pet games, I can say that we have a number of new ideas we are planning to bring into the genre. Some ideas inspired by other virtual pet games and some inspired by other MMOs. We have some incredibly ambitious ideas planned out that I wish I could tell you about, but we need to see if we can actually build them and get it all working! 
Hi, I'm very curious as to what you look for in a portfolio for artists/writers? I'm very new to submitting portfolios and unfortunately art school doesn't really teach you this sort of thing. Thanks in advance! - rexcaliburr
For Mythaura specifically - Artists that show pieces with 2D cel-shaded style similar to our own and demonstrate cohesive anatomy for animal-like creatures. Just a couple of their best polished pieces will deliver the best first impression!  For writers, a small section of writing that best showcases your creative flair and perhaps links to your previous works if any. 
For artists, I recommend checking out the Dear Art Director tumblr. It’s helped me out a lot personally when I was freelancing.
Any update on best boy reine's final art work? - twinfishieslove
No update as of yet! You’ll have to gaze upon his glorious mugshot for now.
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(In all seriousness, the Beast bases come first and are rather time consuming!)
Hey grif! Which, personally, if your favourite species - dragondrawsdragons
Hmm, good question. I’m rather partial to my namesake. Who can’t not love a half bird of prey, half lion?! I’ll give an honorable mention to Hippogriffs, albatross ponies are fun too. 
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Our community feature for this month is showcasing the artistic talents of the Mythaura Discord community. Check it out!
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I wish I could fit more in! I am so impressed by the art I get to see there almost everyday. It’s an absolute treat.
Every month we will be showcasing some community creations. If you’d like to share your Mythaura inspired artworks, make sure to tag them with  #mythaura on both Tumblr and Twitter. We’d love to see them.
If you would like to chat with other members of the community and members of the Mythaura team - Click here to join us on the official Mythaura Discord!
That’s it for this month. To finish, I’ll leave you with this super adorable sketch of a Beast family drawn by the very talented Luci!
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Have a happy new year!
❤ Grif
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zirawrites · 7 years
How do you think romanced companions would react to traveling to the Institute together with Sole, and after meeting Shaun, he pulls them aside and says, "I am aware you and my mother/father are an item. I demand this ends at once!"
Cait: Oh man, she didn’t like that. Cait barely took any shit from Sole, so she had even less respect for their wrinkly old son. She gave Shaun a sharp punch in the arm, completely forgetting just what kind of power he held over the Institute. Cait had killed men who were three times her size, and had even longer sticks up their arses.
“Who do you think you’re talkn’ to, fuckface? You’re not the full shilling if you think I’m goin’ anywhere.” Cait’s volume attracted some nearby synths who began to watch her from the corner of their eyes. “I dare ya’ to ask me that in front of your mum/pa. I reckon she/he feels the same way.”
Codsworth (synth): Codsworth supposed he had this coming. After all, Shaun only had memories of the robot as a Mr. Handy who tended to both Sole and their spouse. He knew it must be painful to see his mother falling for the same kind of synth Shaun wanted doing physical labor to restore the Commonwealth.
“I assure you my intentions with the master are purely because I care for them,” Codsworth reassured. “I know it may seem… inappropriate. But, young master, I truly care for them. I waited 200 years for their return, and I’ll spend my next 200 years fighting to keep them.” Shaun seemed unimpressed, especially at being called young master.
Curie: “Oh, monsieur! That would be most unnecessary!” Her cheeks blushed; half-embarrassed and partially insulted. Why was she not capable enough to love Sole? Was it the stigma against synths? Did Shaun know something she didn’t? “I have read numerous subjects about love. I assure you there is nothing I wouldn’t do for your parent. Maybe we should talk about this another time, yes?”
She had wanted to try out a conflict-resolution book Sole had salvaged for them anyways.
Danse: There was no way someone who had betrayed humanity so cruelly by the inventions of synths would talk to Danse that way. “I recognize your familial rank above me, sir. But Sole and I are more than just an item. We’re in love. And if you couldn’t tell that the moment we beamed in to this abomination, you’re even more of a lunatic than I thought.”
Deacon: Shaun couldn’t tell Deacon was squinting judgmentally under his shades. Deacon had given Sole a home in the Railroad. He watched their back on every mission, every dead-drop. And what had Shaun done for them? Kept them frozen underground like a science experiment. Deacon would know. He had faithfully watched them until the day Sole finally broke free.
“Thanks for the customer complaint, compadre. Unfortunately for you, I’m not the one who gets to decide that.” Deacon wished his voice sounded more in control. It was cracking. Seething. “I’m sticking around your old man/woman until the day they don’t want me anymore. And judging by the copious amounts of SEX we have…” Shaun scoffed and turned away. Deacon knew he didn’t want to hear the rest of that sentence.
Hancock: Hancock knew Shaun obviously had a laundry list of deal-breakers regarding suitable companions for his parent. He probably hit them all. Ghoul? Check. Drug addict? Check, but he could totally stop any time he wanted to. Mayor of a synth haven? Double check.
“Is that so?” Hancock asked. His voice was low and raspy. He wasn’t sure if Shaun was rattled. Was the man really so far up his own ass he saw himself superior to everyone who wasn’t a basement-dwelling pre-war asshole? “Because I’m hearn’ a lot of yappn’, and not a lot of reasons why I should. Do you just not want to put this handsome mug on your next annual Institute Christmas card?”
MacCready: That was completely unfair of Shaun to say. MacCready was both an excellent husband and father. He would have given his life for Lucy. Hell, he was risking himself every day for Duncan. For Shaun to pull him aside and start throwing accusations was… shitty.
“Tough,” MacCready said, and already started to turn away. He didn’t need to explain himself to that assho… jerk.
Preston: “I think we should let Sole decide who they get to date,” Preston said. He wasn’t going to beat around the bush, even if Shaun scared him. Sole was their own person who deserved happiness. If Shaun couldn’t want what was best for his own parent, Preston didn’t have a lot to say. “Sole is the most kind, giving person I ever met. I’m lucky they love me so much. And you’re lucky, too. We’re not enemies here, Shaun.”
Well, except for the war over the Commonwealth. Preston looked forward to the day the Institute was finally gone.
Piper: “You can’t take away innocent people and my boyfriend/girlfriend!” she shouted. That’s all the Institute did. They terrorized families. Replaced people with synths. Tore apart homes with no regard to how others would cope. And now their leader was trying to separate her and Sole? She would fight that until her very last breath.
Nick: “I had a feeling I wouldn’t be getting a very warm welcome when I came back here,” Nick said. He supposed Shaun was itching for the opportunity to wipe his memories. Nick was a detective. He could sense Shaun’s disapproval the moment they locked eyes. And with every passing moment, the Institute was growing more animosity towards the synth. “Normally I’d take advice from someone so close to Soul. But after what you’ve done to the Commonwealth? Striking fear in the hearts of innocent people?” Nick pushed his hat forward and tipped his chin down to make a point. “Not a chance.”
 X6-88: He was just relieved all Father was doing was scolding him. X6 knew he was an asset to the Institute. Father trusted him. But if X6 became insubordinate, his creator wouldn’t hesitate to replace him. And Father had every reason to be upset.
“With all do respect, Father, you told me to watch over Sole. To protect them and keep them safe. I’ve spent every waking moment ensuring their survival,” X6 explained. “I can’t help that I’ve grown affectionate to them in that process.”
Yeah, he was definitely getting deactivated.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Growing Up in Pornland: How Porn-Addicted Boys Are “Sexual Bullying” Our Teen Daughters
By Melinda Tankard Reist
“[I want] better education regarding sex for both boys and girls [and] information about pornography, and the way it influences harmful sexual practices.”
These are the words of Lucy, aged 15, one of 600 young Australian women and girls who took part in a just-released survey commissioned by Plan Australia and Our Watch. The survey, conducted by Ipsos, gathered responses from the girls and young women aged 15-19 in all states and territories.
In the survey report, titled Don’t send me that pic, participants reported that online sexual abuse and harassment were becoming a normal part of their everyday interactions. And while the behavior seemed so common, more than 80 percent said it was unacceptable for boyfriends to request naked images.
Sexual bullying and harassment are part of daily life for many girls growing up as a part of this digital generation. Young girls are speaking out more and more about how these practices have links with pornography—because it’s directly affecting them.
Pornography is molding and conditioning the sexual behaviors and attitudes of boys, and girls are being left without the resources to deal with these porn-saturated boys.
If there are still any questions about whether porn has an impact on young people’s sexual attitudes and behaviors, perhaps it’s time to listen to young people themselves. Girls and young women describe boys pressuring them to provide acts inspired by the porn they consume routinely. Girls tell of being expected to put up with things they don’t enjoy.
Some see sex only in terms of performance, where what counts most is the boy enjoying it. I asked a 15-year-old about her first sexual experience. She replied: “I think my body looked OK. He seemed to enjoy it.” Many girls seem cut off from their own sense of pleasure or intimacy. The main marker of a “good” sexual encounter is only if he enjoyed it. Girls and young women are under a lot of pressure to give boys and men what they want, to become a real-life embodiment of what the boys have watched in porn, adopting exaggerated roles and behaviors and providing their bodies as mere sex aids. Growing up in today’s porn culture, girls quickly learn that they are service stations for male gratification and pleasure.
When asked, “How do you know a guy likes you?” an 8th-grade girl replied: “He still wants to talk to you after you [give him oral sex].” A male high school student said to a girl: “If you [give me oral sex] I’ll give you a kiss.” Girls are expected to provide sex acts for tokens of affection and are coached through it by porn-taught boys. A 15-year-old girl said she didn’t enjoy sex at all, but that getting it out of the way quickly was the only way her boyfriend would stop pressuring her and watch a movie.
Seventh-grade girls are increasingly seeking help on what to do about requests for naked images. Receiving texts like “send me a picture of your tits” is an almost daily occurrence for many young girls. The girl asks: “How do I say no without hurting his feelings?”
As the Plan Australia/Our Watch report found, girls are tired of being pressured for images they don’t want to send, but they seem resigned to send them anyway because of how normal the practice has become. Boys then typically use the images as a form of currency, to swap and share with their friends. Often times boys will use the revealing pics to humiliate girls publicly if there is a bad break up.
Seventh-grade girls are asking questions about bondage and S&M. Many of them have seen 50 Shades of Grey, and wonder if a boy wants to hit me, tie me up and stalk me, does that mean he loves me? Girls are tolerating demeaning and disrespectful behaviors, and thereby internalizing pornography’s messages about their submissive role.
Girls describe being groped in the schoolyard and being routinely sexually harassed at school or on the school bus on the way home. They are saying that boys act like they are entitled to girls’ bodies, like girls are only there to pleasure them. It is partially true what defenders of porn often say, porn does provide sex education—but not in the way they think. It teaches middle school boys that women and girls are there for his pleasure and that they are always up for sex. To them, no just means persuade me.
Girls describe being ranked at school on their bodies, and are sometimes compared to the bodies of porn stars. They know they can’t compete, but that doesn’t stop them from thinking that they have to. Requests for genital surgery have tripled in a little over a decade among young women aged 15-24. Girls who don’t undergo porn-inspired waxing are often considered ugly, dirty or gross by boys, as well as by other girls.
Some girls suffer physical injury from porn-inspired sexual acts, including anal sex. The director of a domestic violence centre on the Gold Coast wrote to Collective Shout about the increase in porn-related injuries to girls aged 14 and up, from acts including torture:
“In the past few years we have had a huge increase in intimate partner rape of women from 14 to 80+. The biggest common denominator is consumption of porn by the offender. With offenders not able to differentiate between fantasy and reality, believing women are ‘up for it’ 24/7, ascribing to the myth that ‘no means yes and yes means anal,’ oblivious to injuries caused and never ever considering consent. We have seen a huge increase in deprivation of liberty, physical injuries, torture, drugging, filming and sharing footage without consent.”
The Australian Psychological Society estimates that adolescent boys are responsible for around 20 percent of rapes of adult women and between 30 percent and 50 percent of all reported sexual assaults of children. Just last week, Emeritus Professor Freda Briggs argued that online pornography is turning children into copycat sexual predators, acting out on other children what they are seeing in porn.
A 2012 review of research on “The Impact of Internet Pornography on Adolescents” found that adolescent consumption of Internet porn was linked to attitudinal changes, including acceptance of male dominance and female submission as the primary sexual paradigm, with women viewed as “sexual playthings eager to fulfill male sexual desires.” The authors found that “adolescents who are intentionally exposed to violent sexually explicit material were six times more likely to be sexually aggressive than those who were not exposed.”
The proliferation and globalization of hypersexualized imagery and pornographic themes make healthy sexual exploration almost impossible. Sexual conquest and domination are untempered by the bounds of respect, intimacy and authentic human connection. Young people are not learning about intimacy, friendship and love, but about cruelty and humiliation. As a recent study found:
“Online mainstream pornography overwhelmingly centered on acts of violence and degradation toward women, the sexual behaviors exemplified in pornography skew away from intimacy and tenderness and typify patriarchal constructions of masculinity and femininity.”
It is intimacy and tenderness that so many girls and young women say they are looking for. But how will young women find these sensual, slow-burn experiences in men indoctrinated by pornography? Psychologist Philip Zimbardo says of young men: “They don’t know the language of face-to-face contact… Constant arousal, change, novelty, excitement makes them out of sync with slow developing relationships—relationships which build slowly.”
Most importantly, it’s young people themselves demanding change. Josie, 18, is quoted in the Plan Australia/Our Watch report:
“We need some sort of crack down on the violent pornography that is currently accessible to boys and men. This violent pornography should be illegal to make or view in Australia as we clearly have a problem with violence, and boys are watching a lot of pornography which can be very violent… This is influencing men’s attitude toward women and what they think is acceptable. Violent pornography is infiltrating Australian relationships.”
Girls like Lucy and Josie deserve our response. It is wrong to leave sexual formation in the hands of the global sex industry. We need to do more to help young people stand up against warped notions of sexuality conveyed in pornography.
Visit Fight The New Drug today to learn more about how you can join this mission. 
**This version originally published on Fight The New Drug.
Read more: https://faithit.com/growing-up-pornland-porn-addicted-boys-sexual-bullying/
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2Hi92Cp via Viral News HQ
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Writober 2020 4 - Lipstick
Summary: Ray knows nothing about makeup, which would be fine except for the fact she is a fairly popular idol with a gig coming up. Luckily, her collab partner is more than willing to give her a hand. Or in this case, just fucking do it for her. Did she mention she hated makeup?
“Now, about your scar...”
“Not fucking happening, Lucy.”
Ray got to watch as the girl in front of her sighed in exasperation. It was the third time she had achieved that particular tone, which was a record for their conversations. Then again, the day was young and her ability to annoy only increased the more tired she got. It was one of her hidden super powers, and she was more than willing to lean on it.
Then again, Lucy was her collab partner, so they probably should have some semblance of a working relationship.
At the moment, they were at the girl's school. Lucy had asked her to come over in order to hash out some things for their collab stage at the end of the week. Ray had taken it to mean practice, so there she was in her normal workout clothes. Given the other idol had all but shoved her into the room with a face hot enough to cook an egg, she had guessed wrong.
Nope. They were going over clothes and makeup instead. Maybe she should have expected that from someone who dressed like a fancy cake.
“I understand you have an aesthetic, but we need to blend well.” Lucy was in her school uniform, but it was slightly modified with a petticoat and lace on the sleeves. With her curled hair, headband, and dainty painted nails she was the picture of princess lolita. Ray didn't even want to know how early she had to get up to achieve that look – maybe that was why she boarded at the school. “And your scar...”
Ray touched it without thinking. It was an older one that started on her right cheek and stretched nearly to the bridge of her nose. She had gotten it back when she played baseball when she had successfully run for home. Apparently, they hadn't cleared all the rocks. She could still remember the pain some days, but it had been worth it to win the game.
And, well, it upped her intimidation factor.
“I get it, it doesn't work for loli fashion.” She crossed her arms. “But the only way you're going to cover it up is with a shit ton of concealer, and I doubt you have enough in my shade even for a practice run.”
She knew this from experience, of course. Once when she had been back in the states her cousin had tried to cover her scar up for a selfie. While Alice was nearly the same skin tone and they had been in fucking Texas, even she hadn't had enough to cover it completely. That selfie had never happened, partially because they had to spend a ton of time cleaning up.
So... yeah. Wasn't going to work.
Lucy sucked in her cheek at the statement. “You have a point there, I suppose. Japan is a little light on shades to match your skin tone.”
“Yeah, I know. Internet or bust.” Ray threaded her arms behind her head. “So, apart from that... can we get to practice or what?”
Judging by how her partner was dressed, she doubted that practice was going to happen at all that day. When the lolita wanted to get physical, she didn't wear any makeup and she pulled her hair back. Just getting out of her school uniform probably would've been problematic, so it was unlikely they would be doing anything of that sort. Her muscles were probably going to appreciate that; lately, Vaughan had really been putting her through the paces.
Who knew being an idol was so fucking physical?
Lucy didn't answer her. Instead, she went over to her makeup case and dug around while muttering to herself. Every so often, she placed something on the table next to her. Soon, she had a small collection of things that got her nod of approval. These she brought back over, placing them next to her target.
Well... shit.
“You know how to put lipstick and eyeliner on, yes?”
Ray shot her a blank look. “Does it fucking look like I know how to do that?”
The answer was of course a resounding hell no. Hell, she was barely 14 – why the fuck should she know? They were both fucking teenagers. But she let that matter drop – arguing it with Lucy was pointless. She had learned that one long ago.
So much for being as stubborn as both her parents claimed.
“Well, you surprised me with knowing about concealer.” Lucy retrieved two large hair clips from her pack and threaded them through Ray's bangs. “There. I can at least work on your eyes now. I have no idea how you see with your hair in the way.”
That earned her the tongue seal of disapproval. “I don't, or did you miss the fact I'm like one step up from legally blind?”
Lucy's hand stopped as she worked to prep whatever she was working with – it was all fuzzy from where Ray was sitting. “I didn't know you wore contacts.”
“I don't.”
Well, not all the time. She usually wore them for games or getting on stage. Otherwise, it was either glasses or going blind. Was she stubborn? Absolutely – also she hated poking her own fucking eyeballs. Maybe that's what her parents had meant.
Lucy definitely put the makeup down though. “New rule. You have to wear glasses or contacts when we are working together.”
Before Ray could complain, she added. “You don't know my school. I only have so much concealer in you shade. If you walk into a door and bruise something that wouldn't be covered by your costume, we'll have bigger problems.”
It was hard to argue with that, and Ray was really good at arguing. So her shoulders sagged in defeat, and she managed a nod. That at least seemed to cheer the lolita up, because she picked up her tools again.
Which meant, of course, it was now time for sensory hell.
“I'm surprised you don't know how to put this on, though. Doesn't Sunburst wear makeup for performances?” Lucy was smearing something gross onto her eyelids. Ray hadn't gotten the chance to see what it was before she shut her eyes, so she was left there wondering what the fuck was going on. If that wasn't a metaphor for her life, she wasn't sure what was.
At least her mouth was free. “It's not like we have anything telling us what to do, so no I don't really wear anything. Does your agency make you wear it?”
“Nobody makes me do anything I don't want to do.” Ray could respect that. “Well, that makes sense given what I know about your group. You do tend to do your own thing.”
There was a note of grudging respect there as Lucy continued to do whatever the hell she was doing. She would have grinned, but it was a little hard to move when someone was jamming a brush into her eyeballs. So she just sat there in sensory hell, waiting for the carnage to be complete.
It was taking a really long fucking time... this was why she didn't wear the shit.
“You have surprisingly long eyelashes now that I'm getting a better look.” Lucy was muttering as she switched tools. “Maybe that's why I never noticed you don't wear makeup.”
Did she? It was news to Ray. Then again, she wasn't really sure what determined if eyelashes were long or not. Did they have really tiny rulers for that, or was an equally minuscule measuring tape required? Or did they use one of those things people had in science class – micrograms, or something like that? It wasn't like she read fashion magazines...
Maybe she would ask Ayame about that when she got home... Ayame probably knew, she was smart about that sort of thing...
“You can open your eyes now, I just have one more thing and we're done.”
Her eyelids felt weird. Ray realized in her daze she must have zoned out. Opening them wasn't hard, though. Seeing the light again was – she hissed and shut them just as fast before the headache started. Talk about a rude awakening after a thought spiral. There should have been warnings on that kind of thing.
“Damn it, how long was I zoned out?”
Lucy was across the room from the sound of things. “About five minutes. Are you sure you remembered to take your medication before coming?”
“The bottle was upside down when I left, so yeah. Can't overwrite all the ADHD I guess.” She managed to open one eye – her partner was digging through the case. “Looking for something?”
The lolita was definitely turned towards her – the bow on her skirt was in the back and she didn't see it. “Yes, I had pulled out some lipstick and I can't find it now.”
There was a tube sitting next to Ray on the table. She picked it up and pulled off the lid. Sure looked like lipstick to her, though it was pretty damn dark. Actually, she was pretty sure it was black now that she was staring at it.
Huh. Ok maybe she was ok with this.
“This it?”
Lucy returned and took it from her. “Yes, that would be it. Thank you.”
“I didn't think black was part of the hime loli dress code, but alright.” Ray prepped herself for another form of sensory hell, one for people who normally bit at their lips when frustrated. She probably wasn't going to be allowed to do that until it was off or risk a lecture. This was the hard part about being an idol – following the rules.
The lolita didn't answer her – she just applied the damn shit with a focused gaze. It went on thick, but it wasn't terrible. On a scale from 1 – 10 of things Ray hated, it probably clocked in at about a 4 or a 5. So not great, but it wasn't going to end the world anytime soon.
Still, she didn't like it.
“Actually, I bought it for you. None of mine would have worked.” Lucy stepped back to evaluate her work. “I would suggest braiding some of your bangs back into your ponytail for performance day. The pink would stand out.”
“Suggestion noted.” Ray was still processing, though. “You got that for me?”
Was Lucy's face turning red? It was hard to tell at the distance she was at, but her body language definitely shifted. Somebody was embarrassed about something – that was almost a full body cringe. For someone who prided themselves on being subtle, she was being the exact opposite.
Which was hilarious as fuck, not going to lie.
“We are collab partners, it was appropriate.” Ah, formal language. She was definitely embarrassed. “It doesn't matter. Do you approve or not?”
Ah, right. They had been doing her makeup before Lucy had screwed up and admitted she gave a shit. Ray shrugged as she approached the mirror in the room to check things out. It took her a few seconds to get in range, but she was there eventually.
“Well, shit.”
It was a look, alright. The dark eye shadow and eyeliner made the green of her eyes stand out even more. She was pretty sure Lucy had done what the expert's called cats eye, or maybe she was just working with her eye shape to begin with. What had Vaughan called her, tsurime or something? Hell if she knew. The lipstick was definitely a little more Gothic than she normally would've gone, but it wasn't a bad thing either. With her costume, it would've definitely worked.
Not bad. She could live with this.
Lucy was waiting for her answer. Ray gave her a thumbs up in response as she loosened the tie in her ponytail. While braiding wasn't something she was great at, she could at least scoop some of her pink bangs back into the new ponytail. It wasn't as perfect as the idol would have liked, but at least it gave the perception.
“I think it's going to work. Now, how the hell am I going to get this shit off when I get home, because my dad lacks object permanence like all babies so I might confuse him.”
All she got in response was a vague noise that sounded like someone choking on their own spit. If she didn't know better, Ray would have sworn that the other idol was laughing. However, she was pretty sure Lucy didn't know how to do that. It got trained out of her at fancy idol school because it didn't look good on camera or something.
At least, she was pretty sure that's what Lena had said. Would senpai bullshit her?
“You are the worst.”
There was a softness to her tone as Lucy came over to inspect her work. Her fingers brushed back some of Ray's loose bangs, tucking them behind her ear. For the performance, it would all be better... but damn she was close.
Was it just her, or was the room getting hot?
“Ask your stepsister about makeup removing wipes, she should have some.” The lolita stepped back. “Now, about our song selection...”
Back to business as usual. At least Ray could work with this. It was hard to forget that vague sensation as she settled back to work. What the hell had that even been in that brief moment? Who knew – she had bigger things to worry about.
Like Lucy rearranging the schedule. Damn it, they had practiced it in a certain order for a reason. What the hell was she thinking?
0 notes
elsannaheadcanon · 7 years
Things I Noticed In Olaf’s Frozen Adventure Trailer
I needed to wait until I got home from work before I could post anything about this trailer. Fortunately, I was able to watch the trailer at work (hey, I was on my break, okay?) so I could jot down a few notes about some of my observations.
First, Anna and Elsa look absolutely gorgeous, don’t they?
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I love the colors: Elsa a deep blue, Anna a lavender shade (and yes, I’m probably off but cut me some slack, I’m colorblind). Both Elsa and Anna are wearing new headpieces, though only Anna’s is visible here. Looks a bit like holly. And check out the bells on Anna’s neckline.
Oh, and bells are everywhere. More on that in a moment.
One thing that noticed about Anna’s jacket: it closes left over right, like a men’s shirt. I remember reading eons ago that the reason why men’s shirts and jackets buttoned left over right (as opposed to right over left, like we see in women’s fashion) was to help facilitate the drawing of a sword. A man could reach up and undo the buttons with his off-hand, allowing him to draw his sword with his dominant hand the moment the jacket had opened. Maybe this isn’t actually true. But wouldn’t it be cool if Anna’s jackets were designed this way because she regularly carries a rapier or something similar?
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Remember when I said that bells are everywhere? Check out the trailer. They’re on the banners, Anna’s dress, the castle has one ringing, people are carrying staffs with bells atop. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the food was in the shape of bells. But bells aren’t the only thing in abundance in the trailer...
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The Yule goat shows up everywhere. In fact, it’s about as abundant as the bells. They decorate the bottom hem of Anna’s dress, they dangle from people’s doors, they hang from the aforementioned bell staffs. And in an amusing twist, there’s also a variation of the Gävle goat. Y’know, the giant Yule goat that gets sets ablaze each year despite every attempt to keep that from happening? And what happens to them?
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Yup. Crispy critters. Nice one, Disney.
A couple of other things:
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Olaf’s bow tie is actually the same petals that comprise the majority of the wreaths that are hanging around the castle. It gets changed later, though.
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His bow tie is now partially Elsa’s signature snowflake. Oh, and you know this star-encased snowman is going to the top of the tree.
And finally, it’s nice to see that Arendelle is very much open to multiple denominations, faiths, and practices.
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That looks like Hanukkah and Saint Lucy’s Day to me.
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Here’s Elsa using her powers to string up lanterns/Christmas lights.
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Skates? Elsa doesn’t need skates!
Oh, and the last thing in the trailer really made me laugh:
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Seriously? Like, is Disney going to release an R rated Frozen anything? That’s what fanfic is for.
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remeny-writes · 8 years
Roses are red, Violets are Adored (Viadore/Katlaska/group fic)
Chapter 159
Violet's POV
Adore walked Lucy and I to group, Lucy was in her green chair so I was pushing her. Lucy was fiercly independent but when I offered to push her, she must have seen something in my face for her to say yes. Lucy was a remarkably perceptive person. I was happy to have her chair to hold onto as my legs occasionally went all jello-ey on me. I didn't want Danny to worry. He was the dutiful and adoring boyfriend and carried our drinks for us.
We were almost the first ones there, the only person before us was Dr Maria, the moderator therapist person.
Shay came in sluggishly but her thin face smiled when she saw me. "Hey look who's back!" She said, hugging me and almost falling on my lap, she recovered enough of her footing to plunk down on the seat beside me. She was wearing a simple dress again but this one was flower patterned, which wasn't something she usually wore. She played with a hospital bracelet around her small olive skinned wrist.
"That dress looks nice on you!"
"Oh thanks," her eyes sparked with the compliment, "it's new! A lady at my Synagogue made it for me!! This hat is made by the community in Israel where my friend is spending a year! They sent it with a letter from everyone there! There had to have been 50 or 60 get well wishes! Enough to put in a book. It was cool."
"I see you have joined Lucy and I's gang?" I joked, twisting my own hospital bracelet around.
"Ah yeah, it's just to get me on a week or so of chemo to give me a bit more time to find a transplant. There is someone who is a partial match so if a full match doesn't come up, we can try that. It's just harder on the body if it's a 3 out of 5 instead of a 5 out of 5." She didn't seem upset that she was talking about her possibly imminent death but then again looks can be deceiving.
"My video about donating has been seen almost 400,000 times, my original tweet about it has been shared 37,000 times and I'm sure people have written new tweets and shared it on facebook so hopefully we will find you one."
"That many times!! That's AMAZING! Not just for me but for all the people who need one!"
"It pays to be friends with an internationally renowned celebrity!" Lucy quipped.
I shrugged. "What can I say? I do what I can!" I joked back.
There was a tap, tap, tap and Kyle came through the door with a girl. Maybe a sister or girlfriend or volunteer I guess. It really didn't matter. Kyle had a thick band of gauze surrounding the top of his head. His face was swollen but he was smiling. He had a white and red cane he was using to find his way into the room, the girl hovered close by in case he lost his footing.
"Hey Kyle, nice to have you back with us! Jason, Shaindel and Lucy are already here with us." Dr Maria said as the girl helped him sit.
"Hi ladies! This is my sister, Rose."
Rose turned around and waved. "Hi." She turned back to Kyle. "So I'll be back in an hour and a half ok? Text me if you need me to come by earlier."
He nodded and she high tailed it out of the room. He shrugged, "Sorry, My sister is kinda shy. I'm surprised she didn't recognize you Jason, then she would have shit her pants!" He said excitedly and then frowned, "Er...sorry for the language Dr Nunez!"
She laughed, "It's ok Kyle and I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that we've all heard it before but maybe if one of the younger teens come, a different word choice would be preferred."
"Ok got it! I have good news but I'll wait until we are all here!"
Abigail's white blonde haired head bounded around the corner. She was smiling from ear to ear when she saw me and Kyle. "Welcome back you two!" She squealed and sat beside Kyle, putting a hand on his knee. He jumped a mile and she apologized profusely until they were both giggling. What the heck is that about? Abigail still hadn't moved her hand and that's when I clued in. Were they dating? I'd have to ask Lucy for the dish later.
Fredrick came in shortly there after while I was still trying to figure out if Abigail and Kyle were together. This was the first time I had actually seen more than the profile of his face in the dim light of the games room. He was tall and slim with short strawberry blonde hair that was long at the top and short on the sides. It looked like he put effort into styling it. As soon as he saw Lucy, he smiled, his angular face totally transforming. His fingers were impossibly long and I idly wondered if he played piano. Lucy's face changed when she saw him lope over and sit down beside her. He looked fragile and rugged at the same time. Without the hospital bracelet, he looked like you might see him hiking or being outdoorsy.
"Hey Fredrick! How ya doin' today?" Lucy seemed to twang extra hard when she was happy or excited.
"I'm doing ok, how about you Lucy?"
"I'm good." She said with a little grin.
Matt walked in with Maddox, the young boy needed the nurses support to walk as he was very unsteady. Maybe he is stubborn like me and didn't want to use a wheelchair. I never really noticed just how small he was. He looked more like he should be around 10. He was a fairly sick shade of green so I didn't have to ask if he had started chemo already. I guess it hit some people harder I thought but who was I kidding, I knew I looked like shit myself so I really couldn't judge him now, could I?
Matt was Matt, his regular effervescent almost annoyingly over enthusiastic self.
We didn't really have to go around and introduce ourselves much except for Fredrick, I kinda almost felt bad for the kid as he turned a violent shade of red.
"Hi I'm Fredrick, I'm 16 and I have a brain tumour on my pituitary. The big name for it is cranio..something." He cleared his throat.
"Craniopharingioma." Matt said helpfully.
"Yeah that. I'm having surgery for it in a few days once we get some of my other health stuff sorted out."
Lucy shared a look with me as if to say "what the hell? I didn't know he had any other health problems!" And for Lucy not to know the dish on something, I'm guessing it was probably a foreign feeling for her. I would have to check and see how she felt later. I hope Fredrick’s problems were minor. I knew that Lucy really liked him and I hated to see her get hurt.
"One cool thing I found out is that they're not going to cut my head open, Instead they're going to go through my nose, Isn't that cool? I guess it's kind of gruesome but it's less gruesome than getting your head chopped open!" He said, turning red.
"It is crazy what they can do now days!" Lucy said cheerfully.
"Nice to meet you Fredrick!" Shay said with a bright smile on her sallow face. Shea was always cheerful, she attributed it to her strong faith. "I'll give you the short introduction.I'm Shay, acute myeloid leukemia. Second occurrence, I'm 16 and waiting for a stem cell transplant match."
Kyle spoke up next, "hi I'm Kyle! My eyes are covered for now because I just had surgery. I do have some good news however, as most of you guys know I lost my left eye and they prepared me to lose my right eye but it looks like I'm probably still going to be able to see out of it! Even if it's just a little bit. I have retinoblastoma and I'm 22."
Matt was next to Kyle so he decided to go next, "hi Fredrick you already know that I am Matt and I am also a medulloblastoma survivor and I've been in remission for four years and I'm 23."
Abigail smiled, she leaned her elbows onto her knees and cupped her face in her hands and looked at Frederick. "I am Abigail I have been in remission from accute myeloid leukemia for six months, I am 24."
"Hi I'm Maddox," he said in a hushed voice, his voice was just starting to change so there were cracks in his voice when he  spoke. "I am new too, I am a 14 and I have a non-Hodgkin's lymphoma." Maddox was a person of few words. He pushed his glasses up on his nose and I marveled again at how much he looked like Harry Potter.
"Well we've already met." Lucy said blushing. That's all she said so I'm imagining that her and Frederick have talked about her cancer and his well they played their marathon of GTA.
I guess it was my turn? "Hi I'm Jason, some people call me Violet. I have hereditary Leukemia and my recent bone marrow aspiration showed that the treatment is working and I should be able to go home soon. Well go home to my boyfriends house... well really to his mom's house." I laughed. It was nice to share good news for once! "And I'm glad to be back and see you all!" I added hastily. And I meant it I really appreciated this group even though I put up a fight when I first got here.
"So, does anyone else have some good news?" Dr. Maria said. Her eyes settled on Shay for a moment, "or any news that you want to talk about really! It doesn't have to be good necessarily."
"I have something," Maddox said shyly.
Dr. Maria smiled hugely In encouragement since Maddox really was incredibly shy. "We'd love to hear what you have to say Maddox!"
"Well some of you have met one of my Moms named Alexa. Well she is really my adopted mom but that doesn't matter. My other mom, her name is Leslie, is coming to spend a week so my other mom can go work on a special project! I wish they could both be here at the same time but I know that would be hard with their jobs. I'm really excited to see my mom, well I really call her mama so I can talk about them without using their first names because it feels really weird.So yeah... I'm really excited! And my mom and mama are going to both be here for two whole days!"
This was the most I ever heard Maddox speak Ever! He looked so Pleased with himself.
"That is great news!" I heard myself say, I hadn't intended to speak but I knew how much Danny and Alexa got along even though I never met her myself. Hopefully Danny and I will get to meet both of them this weekend. Danny would have to speak to Alexa when he goes to his group today.
Maddox grinned at me, I imagine he gets bullied a lot for having two mothers so maybe having someone in the group that was gay was helpful to him in some way.  I mean Matt was totally gay but  obviously he didn't talk about it with the patients.I think I would be pretty inappropriate.
"Anyone else?" Dr. Maria prodded.We were all silent so she continued, "today we are going to talk about maintaining relationships even though you might not be able to visit those friends. I know that when people become ill, some of the people they call friends can leave them. I know this is really hurtful so I thought we should talk about it."
I don't know why but this made me think of my family, no one had replied to my  message for them to call me and so I just assumed they didn't care. Or that they couldn’t put themselves through having a child with cancer again. I could somehow understand that but it didn't make it hurt any less. A kind of zoned out for a bit. I wonder what it would be like to have my parents here, when Cassie first got sick I was so mad that she was getting more attention than me by now I wasn't sure I wanted that type of attention and I felt bad that I was so upset about the attention she was receiving. I still, after all this time, was so confused about my family and how we had made our dysfunctionality work for so many years. I didn't even know as a kid how dysfunctional we really were and are I guess.
Eventually I checked back into the conversation just as Lucy was talking about a friend's that she lost. I knew that there were more than one friends that she lost and that it wasn't due to her cancer but to the crazy cult her family belonged to. I wonder if her mother ever felt bad.  Holy projection much Batman! Her mother didn't really have the choice whether she could show that she cared or not. Partially because she was brainwashed just like everyone else there and partially because Lucy told me that if her mom was caught somewhere outside of the compound, that she could lose everything. Then I checked back out of the conversation again wondering about how hard it must be to love your child and not be allowed to talk to them. It was completely different than having a child die. How heart wrenching it must be for Lucy AND for her mother.
Apparently today was not a good day for a focused Violet apparently!
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myselfinserts · 5 years
“You don’t need to mope, you know. If you’re that lonely, do something about it.”
“I know, it’s just-”
“Just go up and grab him. Kiss him in front of everyone. Show the others that it doesn’t matter because he’s yours.”
“I-I...uh...I know but...I-I...”
“...Would you prefer some other way to make him all hot and bothered without potentially embarrassing him?”
“Well, sure. Always. But...what do you have in mind?”
“Show me your best clubbing outfit.”
Regi sat at the counter, swigging down another shot. A support conference and a bartenders’ convention on the same weekend. They’d gotten lucky and managed to get the penthouse suite at the nice hotel in Reykjavik, with two separate rooms for all of them to share. Ceri and Étienne were more than accommodating, seeing as Luci was their personal translator for about a fifth of the journey, speaking to the locals when they needed to. Regi still didn’t know when Luci learned how to speak Icelandic, but that was an amazing feat nonetheless.
He started missing them. Regi had been dragged off to the bar not long after the latest announcement. A rare team up between him and Étienne on an item, with the latter getting most of the (much deserved) credit. 
Ceri was the star of the night though, juggling and tossing bottles and glasses. He made so many cocktails in a minute Regi was certain he was setting records. And all with a single eye. Half the other bartenders couldn’t work as fast with both. Ceri had perfect rhythm, mixing and shaking in time with the beat of the dj.
Now if only that musical skill into learning to carry a tune. 
Maybe I should head back, Regi thought. He didn’t like being in places like this without his Luci. They’d have him on the dance floor by now, smiling and laughing through the blushes as they pulled each other close. 
“You look miserable,” Ceri said, pouring him another round.
Regi chuckled. “I am. I want to go back to the penthouse.”
“Then let me find you a date!” one of the other designers said. “I know there’s a table of ladies who’ve been eyeing you.”
“No, no, I don’t-”
Ceri held up a hand. “Isn’t that Luci over there?”
Regi turned around, his mouth falling agape as he saw them. He didn’t want to believe it, but it was really them. Why they’d decided to come along, he didn’t know. But now that they were there, he couldn’t stop staring. 
Luci was dressed in tight black pants, wearing their favorite navy button up with the loose sleeves that puffed slightly. The buttons were open nearly halfway down, exposing their bare chest for everyone to see. Standing beside him was Étienne, dressed in a lighter shade of blue with the sleeves rolled up, and a golden vest tying the look together. He clung to Luci’s arm, locking his golden stare onto Regi and smirking devilishly. 
“It’s them,” Regi confirmed, swallowing thickly. “And they’re with Étienne.”
The two in blue made their way over to another table, sitting down and ordering something to drink. Étienne took the opportunity to pull Luci partially onto his lap, leaving a steady hand on their hip. Luci’s arms instinctively wrapped around the designer’s shoulders, a gentle blush crossing their cheeks. A few party going heroes came to join the table, effectively cutting Regi and Ceri off from their lovers before they could even react. 
“You told them you’re okay with it being open, right?” Ceri said. “Since that’s how you two met?”
“Yeah, I did,” Regi said, his face burning as he saw Luci’s eyes hood slightly.  “You?”
“Yes, of course.” Ceri smiled fondly. “Being a bartender, I understand the need to just let it all out. I wouldn’t mind.” He pouted slightly as he saw Étienne hold the strawberry from Luci’s drink up to their mouth. “That being said-”
The two couldn’t tear their gaze away from the two, pouting and pining to join them. They wanted to be over there instead, not stuck with a couple of drunks. Regi wanted to be the one with Luci in their lap. Ceri so desperately wanted to be in Étienne‘s embrace. 
This definitely sucked. 
It’d been nearly thirty minutes since they’d arrived in the bar. Luci was a little flustered being pampered like this, finally starting to understand a little what Regi and Ceri enjoyed about Étienne beyond his personality. They glanced at the bar, taking care not to let Regi know they were aware of him. Between conversations and drinks, Regi would look over at them and a steady hand would instantly start playing with their hair. Luci couldn’t help but melt.
“They’re still not hot and bothered enough,” they whined. 
“Patience,” Étienne chided, tilting Luci’s face toward his. “You need to remember the most important part. You must hook him on your line using the best bate that works for you. Using my tricks won’t be as effective if you don’t put your own spin on it.”
My own spin. But what could I-?
The music slowly began to change just after Luci finished their drink. Their eyes went wide and they jumped off Étienne, knowing exactly how to get Regi’s attention and push him to the breaking point. They gave Étienne a knowing wink, and soon they were dragging him to the dance floor while he laughed, chugging the last of his own drink down first. The dancers on the floor seemed to get the idea and backed away, leaving more than enough space for the two. 
Luci pulled Étienne close, their hips bumping together slightly. This instantly got both Regi and Ceri’s attention. 
“Follow my lead?” Luci asked. 
“Go for it,” Étienne purred. 
With an uncharacteristic smirk, Luci began to take lead, taking a few steps back before stepping forward again in a makeshift tango. It was harder with a shorter partner, but they made do. Hands began traveling over their chest, their shoulders, their back. The shirt had come undone even more, the top part slipping off their shoulders just enough to send the crowd howling. They swung their hips, sending their dance partner out in a twirl before pulling him back, their faces close together, lips ghosting over each other as they whispered the hook line. 
Not even halfway through though, Étienne completely took over the dance, pulling Luci ever so closer as Regi slowly began to stand up. Luci barely even noticed, lost in the thrill of the music, and one of Étienne’s legs wrapped around their own as they turned. They could feel one of those steady, steady hands on their lower pack, using it to keep from falling as Étienne leaned back, licking his lips over at the two at the bar. 
Had this been anywhere else, with anyone else, he probably wouldn’t have bothered. But seeing as this was potentially a once in a lifetime opportunity, Étienne had unusually enthusiastic for the idea. Was it the thrill? The smug sense of victory at making Regi squirm?
Whatever it was, it made him bold. When Luci went to dip him near the end, Étienne grabbed them by the shoulders, seemingly ready to pull them in for a kiss. 
If that was his plan, he didn’t get the chance. 
Regi grabbed them both and straightened them upright, pulling Luci away from Étienne and holding them close. Luci was about to speak, but Regi’s lips on their silenced any words they were debating in a deep, passionate kiss. A shiver ran up their spine as Regi pulled away, shooting Étienne a look that could Luci only describe as amicable dominance. 
“Mine,” he growled, shooting Étienne a carnal smirk before pulling Luci out of the club and back towards the elevator. 
“Regi-” Luci tried to speak, only for Regi to pull them close, his hands slipping inside their shirt and his arms wrapping around them as he pulled them in for another kiss. Luci’s hands found purchase in Regi’s dark hair as their back hit the wall of the elevator. They let out a soft whimper as Regi gave his hips a gentle roll. 
“You and I need to have a talk,” Regi teased, moving his kisses down their neck.
Luci snickered. “Less talk, more kiss.”
Étienne let out a sigh as he returned to the suite with Ceri. This was certainly a night he wasn’t expecting to have. It was one thing to make Reginald go over the edge, but that look? Who knew dancing with Lucien would make the technonaut hero go feral like that? He certainly didn’t. But now that he knew, he was for sure going to hold it over him for the rest of his days. 
And he had to admit, Lucien had rather soft skin. Almost too soft. (Add that to another thing stupid elf men of Elspie had). And they were a rather fantastic dancer. Maybe even better than Ceri. He wondered if they could throw knives as well as him.
As the two of them entered, it was all they could do not to laugh. From the entrance, they could see the door to Lucien and Reginald’s shared room, with the doofus’s pants hanging from the door knob by a belt loop.
“At least they made it to their room first,” he sighed, tossing his vest on the back of the couch. 
“Yeah,” Ceri chuckled, closing the door behind him. “Now the question is...do we want to?”
Étienne turned to look at him, brow raised curiously. “Pardon?”
Ceri smirked, slowly stepping forward and motioning for his lover to sit with a gentle push. He wrapped his arms around Étienne’s shoulders, slowly pulling himself onto his lap, straddling his hips as steady hands came to rest on his waist. 
“Ceri?” he asked softly. “What are you doing.
“You know exactly what I’m doing. Ceri leaned forward, practically purring into his ear. “You looked so good on that dance floor. It was all I could do not to go join you.”
“You were working.”
“And now I’m not.” He placed gentle kisses along Étienne’s jaw, trailing down his neck as he removed his tie, his single hand easily undoing the buttons on his shirt. “You were really pushing the limits of my patience. So now, I want to push your patience, if you’ll let me.” 
He pulled back a but, letting his shirt fall from his shoulders, revealing the scarred body beneath. Étienne could feel a hunger growing as he watched the sight before him. Ceri’s confidence had never been the best, but here and now? It was the highest he’d ever seen. His hands trailed over his chest, taking in every bump and edge, not even noticing when Ceri removed his eyepatch. 
“Will you let me indulge a bit tonight?” Ceri tilted his head to the right, smiling lovingly. “Master~?”
That sent him over the edge. Étienne‘s arms pulled Ceri close as he stood, drowning him in kisses as he carried him to their room. 
He made a note to spend more time casually with Lucien in the future. 
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Growing Up in Pornland: How Porn-Addicted Boys Are “Sexual Bullying” Our Teen Daughters
By Melinda Tankard Reist
“[I want] better education regarding sex for both boys and girls [and] information about pornography, and the way it influences harmful sexual practices.”
These are the words of Lucy, aged 15, one of 600 young Australian women and girls who took part in a just-released survey commissioned by Plan Australia and Our Watch. The survey, conducted by Ipsos, gathered responses from the girls and young women aged 15-19 in all states and territories.
In the survey report, titled Don’t send me that pic, participants reported that online sexual abuse and harassment were becoming a normal part of their everyday interactions. And while the behavior seemed so common, more than 80 percent said it was unacceptable for boyfriends to request naked images.
Sexual bullying and harassment are part of daily life for many girls growing up as a part of this digital generation. Young girls are speaking out more and more about how these practices have links with pornography—because it’s directly affecting them.
Pornography is molding and conditioning the sexual behaviors and attitudes of boys, and girls are being left without the resources to deal with these porn-saturated boys.
If there are still any questions about whether porn has an impact on young people’s sexual attitudes and behaviors, perhaps it’s time to listen to young people themselves. Girls and young women describe boys pressuring them to provide acts inspired by the porn they consume routinely. Girls tell of being expected to put up with things they don’t enjoy.
Some see sex only in terms of performance, where what counts most is the boy enjoying it. I asked a 15-year-old about her first sexual experience. She replied: “I think my body looked OK. He seemed to enjoy it.” Many girls seem cut off from their own sense of pleasure or intimacy. The main marker of a “good” sexual encounter is only if he enjoyed it. Girls and young women are under a lot of pressure to give boys and men what they want, to become a real-life embodiment of what the boys have watched in porn, adopting exaggerated roles and behaviors and providing their bodies as mere sex aids. Growing up in today’s porn culture, girls quickly learn that they are service stations for male gratification and pleasure.
When asked, “How do you know a guy likes you?” an 8th-grade girl replied: “He still wants to talk to you after you [give him oral sex].” A male high school student said to a girl: “If you [give me oral sex] I’ll give you a kiss.” Girls are expected to provide sex acts for tokens of affection and are coached through it by porn-taught boys. A 15-year-old girl said she didn’t enjoy sex at all, but that getting it out of the way quickly was the only way her boyfriend would stop pressuring her and watch a movie.
Seventh-grade girls are increasingly seeking help on what to do about requests for naked images. Receiving texts like “send me a picture of your tits” is an almost daily occurrence for many young girls. The girl asks: “How do I say no without hurting his feelings?”
As the Plan Australia/Our Watch report found, girls are tired of being pressured for images they don’t want to send, but they seem resigned to send them anyway because of how normal the practice has become. Boys then typically use the images as a form of currency, to swap and share with their friends. Often times boys will use the revealing pics to humiliate girls publicly if there is a bad break up.
Seventh-grade girls are asking questions about bondage and S&M. Many of them have seen 50 Shades of Grey, and wonder if a boy wants to hit me, tie me up and stalk me, does that mean he loves me? Girls are tolerating demeaning and disrespectful behaviors, and thereby internalizing pornography’s messages about their submissive role.
Girls describe being groped in the schoolyard and being routinely sexually harassed at school or on the school bus on the way home. They are saying that boys act like they are entitled to girls’ bodies, like girls are only there to pleasure them. It is partially true what defenders of porn often say, porn does provide sex education—but not in the way they think. It teaches middle school boys that women and girls are there for his pleasure and that they are always up for sex. To them, no just means persuade me.
Girls describe being ranked at school on their bodies, and are sometimes compared to the bodies of porn stars. They know they can’t compete, but that doesn’t stop them from thinking that they have to. Requests for genital surgery have tripled in a little over a decade among young women aged 15-24. Girls who don’t undergo porn-inspired waxing are often considered ugly, dirty or gross by boys, as well as by other girls.
Some girls suffer physical injury from porn-inspired sexual acts, including anal sex. The director of a domestic violence centre on the Gold Coast wrote to Collective Shout about the increase in porn-related injuries to girls aged 14 and up, from acts including torture:
“In the past few years we have had a huge increase in intimate partner rape of women from 14 to 80+. The biggest common denominator is consumption of porn by the offender. With offenders not able to differentiate between fantasy and reality, believing women are ‘up for it’ 24/7, ascribing to the myth that ‘no means yes and yes means anal,’ oblivious to injuries caused and never ever considering consent. We have seen a huge increase in deprivation of liberty, physical injuries, torture, drugging, filming and sharing footage without consent.”
The Australian Psychological Society estimates that adolescent boys are responsible for around 20 percent of rapes of adult women and between 30 percent and 50 percent of all reported sexual assaults of children. Just last week, Emeritus Professor Freda Briggs argued that online pornography is turning children into copycat sexual predators, acting out on other children what they are seeing in porn.
A 2012 review of research on “The Impact of Internet Pornography on Adolescents” found that adolescent consumption of Internet porn was linked to attitudinal changes, including acceptance of male dominance and female submission as the primary sexual paradigm, with women viewed as “sexual playthings eager to fulfill male sexual desires.” The authors found that “adolescents who are intentionally exposed to violent sexually explicit material were six times more likely to be sexually aggressive than those who were not exposed.”
The proliferation and globalization of hypersexualized imagery and pornographic themes make healthy sexual exploration almost impossible. Sexual conquest and domination are untempered by the bounds of respect, intimacy and authentic human connection. Young people are not learning about intimacy, friendship and love, but about cruelty and humiliation. As a recent study found:
“Online mainstream pornography overwhelmingly centered on acts of violence and degradation toward women, the sexual behaviors exemplified in pornography skew away from intimacy and tenderness and typify patriarchal constructions of masculinity and femininity.”
It is intimacy and tenderness that so many girls and young women say they are looking for. But how will young women find these sensual, slow-burn experiences in men indoctrinated by pornography? Psychologist Philip Zimbardo says of young men: “They don’t know the language of face-to-face contact… Constant arousal, change, novelty, excitement makes them out of sync with slow developing relationships—relationships which build slowly.”
Most importantly, it’s young people themselves demanding change. Josie, 18, is quoted in the Plan Australia/Our Watch report:
“We need some sort of crack down on the violent pornography that is currently accessible to boys and men. This violent pornography should be illegal to make or view in Australia as we clearly have a problem with violence, and boys are watching a lot of pornography which can be very violent… This is influencing men’s attitude toward women and what they think is acceptable. Violent pornography is infiltrating Australian relationships.”
Girls like Lucy and Josie deserve our response. It is wrong to leave sexual formation in the hands of the global sex industry. We need to do more to help young people stand up against warped notions of sexuality conveyed in pornography.
Visit Fight The New Drug today to learn more about how you can join this mission. 
**This version originally published on Fight The New Drug.
Read more: https://faithit.com/growing-up-pornland-porn-addicted-boys-sexual-bullying/
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2Hi92Cp via Viral News HQ
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