#yes like Suzie its funny
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messymoonmad · 2 months ago
i have seen people rying to get Zeus pregnant. personally, isnt a me thing. BUT, i do like seeing people go nuts over thins, so zeus i must tell you this
give he people what they want, or, i will:
be looking into contacting Hera with an idomised list of your infedelities so she gets mad all over again.
contacting Nyx and letting her know your location this very instant.
tell hades youve had verry upsetting behavor to his wife.
and last one:
4. personally be reviving Kronas to ask his opinion.
the ball is in your court, and I'm a professional basketball player. your move.
*i say, holding a book of summoning and a binder.*
(Clarification if needed : they mean to threaten zeus into submission for the other anons)
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Zeus : I don't wanna get Mpreg for the 3rd time m- maybe we can just agree on a one night stand ? @ilona2nerrie
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*when the anon takes the gift back*
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Zeus : if I'm gonna get pregnant anyway at least let me be a woman this time.
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chai-en-kaadhale · 1 year ago
wow orv was so long *proceeds to start lotm*
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cryptosexologist · 2 years ago
i feel like the ‘yaoi victims’ meme would’ve been funnier if it was ever like. actual female characters who really did get that and not just the het love interests of popular noncanon gay ships. like i GUESS a character being relatively ignored counts but jfc none of these hold a candle to like… the architypal concept. i’m not going to feel sad for some straight fictional character just bc the fandom would rather her husband fuck other men, you have to like. PROVE that shits misogynist to get me to even slightly care.
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cometcrystal · 8 months ago
GAME THEORY: the Johnsons are an Evil Family
during my rewatch of pnf, i have recently concocted the headcanon that the johnson family has a legacy of evil. you know, not like Evil-evil, but the dwampyverse brand of evil that exists more as a career path than a morality system. here's my reasoning for each member
suzy - self-explanatory. she's an evil prodigy and will have a lucrative career climbing up the lovemuffin corporate ladder when she gets older. she's even getting in some good nemesis experience with candace
hildegard - has an affinity for cheating in roller derby. has the personality for it. i also think she 100% views betty jo as her nemesis but betty jo doesn't know what that is.
hawkeye - okay her name is literally hawkeye which is a perfect evil name. she's also very proficient with munitions.
jack - besides jeremy, he seems the most unassuming, but maybe his job at the space lab grants him access to tech he couldn't otherwise use...
annabelle - when doof's (evil) building was being foreclosed, she showed a LOT of interest in it (new evil hq). she also loved the gargoyles (evil decor). AND she had a job in an anvil-hanging factory. who hangs anvils besides like bugs bunny or some shit? cartoon villains. extremely evil-coded activity
nicolette - yeah her stories about swimming with piranhas and other such activities are from a video game. but i think it would be really funny if that was just her cover story. she's actually doing all that shit and telling people its from tomb raider or something and shes stealing jewels as a hobby
jeremy - he's actually the black sheep of the family. he doesn't have an evil bone in his body. his mom and dad tried to get him interested in laser guns, scheming, and spike pits when he was little and it never stuck. but even though he'll never work in the family business, they love him anyway.
is this theory 100% serious? not really...OR IS IT. do i like it and think it's fun? YES!!!
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autumnmobile12 · 11 months ago
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The Sekoto Peak Tournament
It’s kinda funny how My Hero Academia is pretty much told through the lens of Midoriya’s perspective to the point where all other professions that have a fan following:  athletes, actors, singers, etc. just go completely by the wayside.  Just once, it would have been great to have Kirishima or someone mention a household name and Midoriya’s all, “…..?”
“Y’know, [insert name here?]  Legendary boxing champion?”
My point is, other professions outside of hero still exist and are probably just as popular as they’ve always been, so here’s the ‘Young Rei used to snowboard competitively’ headcanon.  This started as a piece I did for Inktober with a, ‘Rei’s a refridgerated character.  Don’t love that,’ attitude.   Because aside from finally making an attempt to fight for her family (a little late, sure, but I’m not here to do a character analysis right now,) Rei doesn’t have much characterization beyond being the victimized mother in Shouto’s story.
So two things to consider:
1.) Snowboarding is a high-intensity activity.  High intensity activities are known to reduce stress, anxiety and depression.  So Rei having this career before marriage (and possibly a little after) would have had a very positive impact on her mental health.  But after having four children, something this intense would be difficult to restart and being in her late twenties when Natsuo and Shouto were born, her professional career would have been effectively over.  Being cut off from snowboarding and its mental health benefits would have definitely contributed to her downward spiral in a more significant way than if she had never done it.  In its own way, this is also a reflection of Touya having all his energy and ambition and nowhere to put it, contributing to his own mental break.
2.) In both my Inktober post and this piece, Rei won gold and she’s wearing a different jacket, showing these were separate competitions.  Winning gold wasn’t a one-off moment; she was relatively successful and that may have served as some unspoken tension/resentment between her and Endeavor if she was one of the top competitors in her profession while her husband never made it past second place until over two decades into his.
I like the idea of this background for her.  I want to explore it further possibly as a one-shot, but I have a lot of ongoing projects right now (plus I’d need to do a little more research on how professional snowboarding competitions work,) so it’s a little up in the air whether or not an actual fic will happen.  For now, I hope you enjoy the artwork.
I also referenced Touya’s freaky smile for these, albeit not quite as intense.  He got that from someone, and my money is on Mom.  Mostly because I am entertained by the idea of a much younger Rei rocketing down a mountainside and terrifying other snowboarders with the same ecstatic, unhinged smile her son has.  And that footage probably exists online somewhere, someone in Class 1A is going to find it, and be all,  “Uh, Todoroki, I think I found a video of your mom.”
And just in case anyone asks:  Yes, that is Korra in the back.  I like to sneak crossover cameos into both my fanart and fanfics, and when thinking of characters, I remembered a behind the scenes LOK fact that Korra’s character design was partially inspired by female snowboarders.
The third snowboarder is also a cameo from a more obscure, nostalgia cartoon:  Suzy Lu from Storm Hawks.
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jrooc · 5 months ago
🍁Weekly Tag Wednesday- Sweata Weatha Edition👻
(shhhh it's still Wednesday 🤫 ) Welcome to this fake magical Wednesday✨ It's a Fall edition. So grab your fave hot drink and settle in.
Name: Jess
Location: Canada, suddenly realizing what day it is
Favourite season: Funny I should ask, its fall! 🍁
Favourite hot drink: Coffee but I love a Hot Toddy or some Mulled Wine
Pumpkin: Yay! 🎃 or No 😔
If no? Another fall flavour you prefer:
If yes? What is your favourite pumpkin treat: All of it. Love Pumpkin pie, PSL's, pumpkin bread. Pumpkin in oatmeal. Love. Gimme.
Favourite Fall activity: Reading under a cozy blanket or going for walks to see the leaves
Favourite Fall Movie or Show: Practical Magic or Gilmore Girls
Fave Fall Fanfic: Book U-Up by @notherenewjersey (it's published now) (Go buy it or here is the podfic)
Fave outfit: Sweaters! Anything cozy
Do the leaves change where you are in the world? Yes 🍁
What are you most looking forward to in the next couple of months: Been a weird week... not sure? Maybe some vacation in October.
What's your one hope for Fall? Some smooth sailing. I could use some calm in my life.
*Sorry to anyone who isn't in Fall!! Swap out your answers for your current season! I see I tagged like 7 of you 😂 do it anyways 🙏
Tags below the cut but if you see this! Do it!
@deedala @energievie @spookygingerr @michellemisfit @celestialmickey
@gallapiech @roryonic @palepinkgoat @darlingian @gallawitchxx
@mickeysgaymom @gallavichsuperfan @heymrspatel @such-a-barbarian @crestfallercanyon
@creepkinginc @ian-galagher @transmurderbug @transmickey @guinguin1984
@blue-disco-lights @stocious @sgtmickeyslaughter @bawlbrayker @wehangout
@too-schoolforcool @suzy-queued @deathclassic @whatthebodygraspsnot @francesrose3
@mybrainismelted @spoonfulstar @look-i-love-u @rereadanon @thepupperino
@runawaybrainsc @burninface @andthatisnotfake @kiennilove @annarowyn
@takeyourpillsbitchh @sam-loves-seb @samantitheos @mmmichyyy @vintagelacerosette
@transsexual-dandelions @gallavichgeek @ms-moonlight-inn @bawlbrayker
If you see I missed anyone tag 'em in!
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illgetthe · 2 years ago
Hello Illgetthe today I am having paranatural thoughts and your inbox shall be my parchment. ☆☆
Isaac O'Connor is soooooo transfemme to me like. She strikes me as an uncracked egg the same way barbed wire on a baseball bat would strike a face in a zombie movie.
Shes someone who feels profoundly isolated and other'ed from her peers and doesnt know that this feeling is a feeling that other people have- she just thinks its another thing that makes her alone. I think she gets sooo much gender envy from the anime girls she watches and just thinks its a crush. I think she has giant posters of Sailor Moon on the wall for completely cisgener reasons. She thinks Lisa (also gendersomething) is soooooo cool but doesnt know why, again maybe just assuming its a crush. "Why do you like the pink power ranger so much" "uhmmmm because shes cool". Anyways
[Playing animal jam]
Suzy: Hey Isaac why is your avatar a girl? :?
Isaac, defensive: Because girls are prettier okay? They have cooler outfits and cooler clothes boy clothes are so boring so ofc I made her a girl so she can look more interesting
Colin: ...... >_>
Dimitri:....... <_<
Suzy: ...... <_<
Colin: .... Mines a girl too Isaac dw about it
YES QHAQHAHA let's dig in
Isaac is definitely SOMETHING to me. she/her or she/he agenda... the interaction u wrote is HILARIOUS bc ohh my gosh so right but so wrong... I feel like another factor could be ed coming out as whatever nonbinary bastard ed is only to get poor isaac confused bc like....? You can't do that. And she wouldn't mean like you can't as in like, doesn't know what trans is, or transphobic (although i feel like she would be mistaken as so bc 1. Its a lil funny and 2. Isaac SEEMS so bamboozled by it or just condescending when really it's just confusion) but like as in YOU can't. As in it being someone that close in her bubble not necessarily being gender funky right off the bat like Lisa but later DISCOVERING IT? As in sometimes people don't KNOW? Ofc ed is like yes I can....when collin/someone else pulls the same stunt it's like a double blast Biden beam was shot into his/her she/her heart. ANYWAYSZ THANK you for writing on my scroll....fem isaac outfits time. He would wear miku binder we can’t ever pretend he wouldn’t
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tobeflyhaikyuu · 1 year ago
The K-Dramas I've watched
Playful Kiss
Possibly the first kdramas i've ever watched, it was either this one or The Miracle. I enjoyed it at first but i found it was an adaptation of Itazura na Kiss and went to watch the other adaptations and hated the story as a whole. Also when I found the Thai version it was game over cus that version is so much better than the source material.
Weighlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo
It was cute!! And very funny, I don't have much to say about it tho.
Ignoring the fact he is idk how many years old and she was 18-19 when they properly meet... it's kinda cute. And heartbreaking. The Goblin and Reaper duo is also just iconically hilarious.
Doom At Your Service
MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE EVER!! The writing is so good and the story is so beautiful and I mean, Park Bo-Young is one of my favorite actresses for a reason. I just cannot properly put into words how much i adore this show, honestly.
While You Were Sleeping
How I meet both Suzy and Lee Jong-Suk and i loved them and their characters both so much. The story was very engaging too.
Strong Woman Bong-Soon
Park Bo-Young and Park Hyung-sik <3 Do Bong-Soon and Ahn Min-Hyuk <3 They were too good in this man, I'd love to see them in another drama together. One thing that felt uncessary to me was the gangsters and their whole screentime, it just wasnt entertaining or important to the story afjsahfkdagj
True Beauty
Very funny, very entertaining. Also how I feel in love with Cha Eun-woo. Also yes I loved Seo-jun but it made a lot more sense for Joo-kyung to be with Su-ho, me thinks.
Extraordinary Attorney Woo
Entertaining but the depiction of mental disabilities is really just... atrocious. It's a little hard to rewatch tbh.
Business Proposal
Kim Se-jeong is a treasure. And this show was very funny and cute.
Alchemy Of Souls
Amazing, showstopping, spectacular, no wonder it was so popular.
My Only Love Song
Also one of the first ones i've watched, hilarious too. But i dont remember thinking much about the romance tbh. At least it's on the shorter end so if you dont feel like committing to 16+ 1-hour long episodes, this is a good one
W: Two Worlds
I. LOVE. THE. CONCEPT. OF. COMIC CHARACTERS. BEING SELF AWARE!!!! It's so interesting and I think W explored it so well, I'd love more kdramas like it.
The Miracle
I remember very little about this one lol but i do remember the over fatphobia, like yes its what the show criticizes but i remember feeling so uncomfortable watching it. it's been like 7 years tho so i cant properly talk about it
Extraordinary You
comic book characters being self aware <3 also think this was did a fantastic job with that concept. it also made me cry so badly, my heart still aches for Haru and Dan-Oh
This is the one last one I finished, and I binged it. Was not expecting to be so enthralled by a drama that's essencially about news reporting but I was.
Why Her
Reccommend to me by a close friend who adores pain... I was also not expecting to be so engaged with this one but I was and it was so painful, omg but so so good!
+ unfinished ones
Hotel Del Luna
Mr. Queen
Rookie Historian Goo Rae-Hyeong
Destined with You
Magic of the Abyss
Uncanny Counter
King: The Eternal Monarch
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha
Run On
Crash Landing on You
Hospital Playlist
Crash Course In Romance
Romance Is A Bonus Book
A Love So Beautiful
King The Land
See You in My 19th Life
The King's Affection
Judge vs Judge
Tale of The Nine Tailed
Law School
Dr. Romantic
++ dropped
Shooting Stars
The Glory
Love Alarm
My ID is a Gangnam Beauty
Legend of the Blue Sea
Boys Over Flowers
The Heirs
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am-i-sans · 1 year ago
dnd adventures 30
time to get up were heroes! cam flops outta bed! undyne slept in her armor she aint getting caught slacking again. dans is mindlessly making breakfast. suzy wakes up and thinks itll be funny to jump on undyne to wake her. elbow drop! right in the armor ouch.
undyne groggily wakes up like what? cam runs to suzy 'are you ok?!' her poor elbow lol. suzy is just on the ground in pain. claims undyne punched her in her sleep. frog is practicing the lyre neat (wonderwall!)
frog turns to dans and asks what was on the papers he stole from kyris. dans doesnt seem to hear them hes zoned out. undyne calls out to him and he snaps out of it and pulls out the papers, showing its some sort of artifact location probably. undyne says we should go get it so no one else does. suzy asks if we can keep it, but only if its not evil.
frog is excited reading about the magical creature pages in particular. cam asks if their alright but no response. cam pokes them to snap them out of it. 'this is interesting!' cam squints and tells them to be careful. suzy lets a zoned out tori know that frog is learning pog.
vani has the zoomies! suzy jumps in to wrestle! war dancing! chasing! zooming! wrestling! vani uses tori as a shield, dodging away from suzy xD
undyne casually goes through some of the papers while eating. cam says if its not evil or useless we can sell the item for armor. undyne picks up a bigfoot page lol. suzy jumps at tori trying to catch vani! tori holds her straight out, then places her by vani.
tori casts hidden step! vani jumps on the bed and knocks over cam! cam screeches and falls backwards yelling for them to be careful. vani cannot fit under a dressor and suzy just slams into it lol. cam is holding a sleepy blobbo, who is melty lol.
frog hands undyne a paper and says this might be on the map, then goes back to reading. undyne looks and it says its a wacky scroll made by a crazy lady in a cave guarded. undyne notices tori is gone and is like wtf. she asks cam where tori went. the door opens and tori comes back in! 'where the hell did you go?' tori is sus dammit. claims she has something of kyris's. (her name you bastard.)
undyne is confused why tori cared if kyris was looking for her name. cam thinks this is very wrong. suzy looks at cam and says we stole all of kyris's shit, are we giving all of it back? 'yes!' cam shes evil shhh. undyne reminds cam that the cult is evil and kills kids. cam says she was nice to them. undyne says it was a trick. dans speaks up finally "being kind is not the same as being nice."
undyne asks whats up with dans and he claims hes just tired. undyne reitirates the info and that we should go get it. when undyne mentions maybe using it to defeat steve, dans makes a face and zones back out.
meanwhile vani has grabbed a pillow and is smacking suzy with it and zooping around only to smack her again. and then they smack cam with it too. vani tiptoes toward cam but suzy tackles vani and cam!
frog finally looks up and knocks on undynes armor and asks if they can mothman. dans perks up 'my ex?' tori says she doesnt wanna see anymore of his ex's. frog is so hyped dans met mothman lol. frog demands answers and dans says maybe when their older. dans looks at tori like 'help me.' dans tries to distract frog by giving them the hat of disguise. they asks why hes distracting them. he just gets up and goes for a walk.
tori says she didnt know undyne could read. undyne says she knows sign language too and flips her off. cam is laughing hard and blobbo reforms. suzy is cackling. vani bites the hat a little and gives frog a sad face. no takebacks darn. vani tosses a pillow at frog and wants to play. vani grabs the end of the pillow and shakes!
undyne just reiterates to follow the map. tori asks if she learned how to follow directions recently. undyne is like 'wtf is your deal?' tori says undyne is bad with directions. tori says shes being a bitch rn. suzy says she didnt know undyne could read at all. 'rich coming from you suzy.' cam offers to teach suzy how lol.
undyne notices dans is gone. suzy screams out the window for dans. she hears nothing in response. she keeps screaming. vani cutely tilts his head watching suzy. undyne collects the papers and off they go to find dans. suzy goes out the window of course.
godmoss is whispering to dans to get his shit together and he just ignores them. tori follows frog out since suzy jumped out lol. suzy finds a different dwarf and bothers him lol. undyne finds him zoning out at a well. undyne tries to see what hes seeing in the well. she fucking starts shaking him lol. dans snaps out of it and tries to brush it off. dans says he'll speak if undyne talks about how weird shes been since the portal incident. (noted that undyne is literally holding dans in the air.)
dans says his family is alive and well in the other world. so totally normal. and the other him isnt a warlock. our dans has been a warlock since he was 12. and it was all hell. how much was steves fault and how much was his. how much did steve fucking plan?
undyne says her otherself was a slaughtering murderer. lots of blood. she unintentionally grips dans tighter. shes shaking. says she ran and all she saw was a slaughter. cam walks in on this oh no. 'undyne?' undyne drops dans and tries to say everything is alright. cam grabs both their hands and tugs them somewhere more private.
cam makes us sit on a bench lol and says they know we were talking about the portal stuff and we cant hide from it forever. dans pats undynes leg and says undyne wont feel better until she accepts shes not ok and what she saw was fucked up. cam also pats undynes leg and also dans hand.
undyne says theres nothing to talk about, and dans says she wouldnt be bothered by it then. shes gotta work her way through it cause its changing her and shes hurting. undyne snaps that dans and cam arent speaking. cam says dans and cam spoke about it and can tell her. dans tells undyne to quit changing the subject. if the memory makes undyne aggressive dans says she can hit him. cam agrees.
dans says if you let it sit and stew itll only get bigger until it explodes. he shows a bruise forming on his arm from her gripping him. 'what if its frog next time.' 'its not like im seeing things?!' 'you clearly are.' images her otherself caused. 'it couldve been me!' 'you dont know that.' 'i came from an orc warband.' 'i was a rich noble sold into slavery. shit happens and you cant predict it.'
cutting back to the kids. suzy runs up to tori and says she cant find dans. vani is sniffing the ground and goes in a direction, doing the pointer dog pose. frog says vani is trying to lead them. 'we should stop splitting up.'
back to undyne! shes getting worked up. 'dont you feel better yelling about it?' "NO!" the shopkeeper fucking wakes up then goes back to sleep. 'why are you so afraid of her? afraid of becoming her, doing that.' he motions to the crack she made in the wall. the other dipshits arrive!
vani makes their way inside and forces themselves into dans lap. tori asks if they walked in on something. undyne gives up and storms out. vani follows behind. frog follows and says undyne is grumpier than usual. 'maybe you should leave me alone.' frog says they care about her. 'if you cared then leave me alone.' frog says their friends and to let them care dammit. undyne ignores frog and keeps going. vani still follows her.
dans looks up at tori and asks whats her issue. 'your stealing names and shit now?' he asks what tori saw through the portal. 'just the same damn cave.' 'you lived in a cave?' cam is sent to eeby deeby! suzy leaves to go after undyne. she kicks undyne in the shin and tells her to stop being stupid. undyne whips around and tells suzy to stop being stupid and she hasnt done anything smart since they met. (OUCH) 'im not stupid your a dumb bitch!' undyne calls her a feral animal. 'fuck you i didnt choose to be raised by wolves!'
suzy comes back to tori and says undyne is being a bitch. tori asks what undyne did but suzy just shrugs and says its undyne. tori asks which way undyne went. suzy points and tori goes. frog just laying down on vani eepy. tori calls after undyne but she keeps walking. tori speedwalks lol. undyne keeps ignoring.
'can you stop for a minute?' 'can i be left alone for a minute?!' tori gets in front and grabs her shoulders. tori tells her to figure out how to move past it cause its affecting everyone. undyne says she doesnt wanna talk about it and shes dealing with it herself. tori says not to yell at her kids anymore. undyne says to stop them from kicking but tori says shes the adult. 'dont get lost on the way back.' tori tells frog to give undyne space and picks them up.
tori goes back to the shop. dans is still zoned out. frog goes over and flops into dans side. dans shoves something in his pocket and asks whats up. they need a nap lol.
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maximumwobblerbanditdonut · 2 years ago
Love Again: First Reviews
‘Love Again’ Review: Not Even Celine Dion Can Save This Wildly Contrived Rom-Com from Its Own Sadness
The texts that Priyanka Chopra Jonas sends her dead boyfriend wind up on Sam Heughan's phone in a very bad movie about love after loss.
MAY 4, 2023 5:08 PM
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"Love Again" Sony Pictures
It’s never a great sign when the funniest part of your romantic comedy involves the female lead’s flawless boyfriend being killed by a drunk driver in the opening scene (picture Priyanka Chopra Jonas’ smiling face locked in a wide-eyed, ultra-slow-motion close-up as Keegan DeWitt’s lush and bouncy score is suddenly replaced by the Wilhelm scream of screeching tires), but in fairness to James C. Strouse’s absurd “Love Again,” this unclassifiable whatsit isn’t a traditional rom-com so much as a grief drama with a severe identity disorder.
Based on a German film called “SMS für Dich” — which sadly doesn’t mean what it sounds like — Strouse’s moribund yet almost intoxicatingly strange new movie is more or less exactly what you would expect to happen if the guy behind depressive indies like “Lonesome Jim” and “Grace Is Gone” decided to make a poppy date flick that adhered to the rhythms and logic of a Lindsay Lohan vehicle from 2006.
Yes, most of the laugh lines in “Love Again” are stale enough that even just hearing them kind of hurts your teeth, but for all of its blatant ridiculousness, this movie seldom tries to be funny. Don’t be fooled by the snarky gay best friend, the advice-giving sister, or the freak lightning storm that magically connects Chopra Jonas’ character to the world’s most chiseled music critic (Sam Heughan) through the mystical powers of their Sony mobile phones: “Love Again” might be possessed by the spirit of a rom-com, but it’s as deadly serious as a Celine Dion power ballad.
Celine Dion… what a totally random point of comparison, right? WRONG! The Quebecois singer — who seems to be something of a magnet for batshit movies that hinge on her life story, uses this once as a chance to reflect on her own lost love — proves crucial to this mixed-up tale about two strangers teaching each other how their hearts might go on.
Rob Burns (Heughan) is no stranger to the power of love, specifically its power to crush you into a million tiny pieces. His work has been suffering as of late, and while that seems to be explained by the fact that he’s clearly never listened to a single piece of music in his entire life (the character’s entire personality is that he watches Knicks games alone on his couch with a basketball in his lap), his editor seems to believe that it’s because Rob was recently dumped just a week before his wedding.
Rob’s lucky that he looks like a Scottish Tom Brady, and luckier still that he’s been assigned to write about Dion’s first American tour in 10 years. Not only is Rob so bad at his job that the singer (playing herself) take a personal interest in his incompetence, but — in the aftermath of some purple lightning above Manhattan — the work phone he’s given to record his interview starts receiving the voluminous text messages that children’s author Mira Ray (Chopra Jonas) has been sending to her dead partner as a healing exercise.
It’s been two years since the tragedy, and Mira is basically still stuck in the “hide yourself away from the world” stage of grief. She’s living in her parents’ house, the caterpillar she’s famous for drawing seems like it’s never going to turn into a butterfly, and her punchy younger sister Suzy (an effervescent Sofia Barclay) is so desperate to get Mira some Dich that she even creates a Bumble profile for her. Watching Chopra Jonas and Barclay turn to the camera and say “that’s the dating app where the girl gets to make the first move!” was enough to make me wonder if “Love Again” might not be weirdly serious for a rom-com, but rather weirdly romantic for a piece of sponsored content.
Anyway, Rob obviously becomes infatuated with the rando who’s spamming his phone with messages about how much she misses his scent, and, with the help of his bowtied co-worker Billy (Russell Tovey), even more obviously contrives a way to cross paths with her in real life. That his plan involves sitting through several dozen opera performances of “Orpheus and Eurydice” in the hopes of catching sight of his mystery crush — rather than, say, standing outside the entrance of the theater and waiting for her to walk by — epitomizes the fiercely romantic but utterly inane spirit of a film that’s far too love drunk to make sense of its sobering tone.
For a story whose third act (kind of) pivots on a random job offer from Celine Dion, “Love Again” could hardly be more predictable. From the moment that Rob endeavors to find Mira, you know that he’s going to hide the fact that he’s been getting her dead boyfriend’s texts, you know that they’ll eventually rekindle each other’s dormant romantic streak (cue: “It’s All Coming Back to Me Now”), only for Mira to discover the truth behind their meet-cute about eight seconds after they finally have sex.
Not to begrudge a rom-com its conventions, but the scene where Mira learns Rob’s secret — and then storms out of his apartment without any follow-up questions! — goes a long way towards exposing the disconnect between the heaviness of Strouse’s hand and the silliness of his plot. There’s something admirable about the sterility of his direction, which resists the easy charm that most rom-coms rely upon to pave over their plot holes, but Strouse forfeits too much of the levity that “Love Again” needs to remain light on its feet.
It doesn’t help that Chopra Jonas and Heughan have all the spark of a rusty lighter in the middle of a rainstorm, even though Chopra Jonas eases into her natural radiance once Mira begins to relax around Rob (an unmotivated turn that happens in the blink of an eye). Or that even Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert would struggle for something to hold onto amidst such oppressively forced circumstances; one problem with devoting roughly 45 minutes of a film to aerial shots of New York City is that it doesn’t leave a lot of time for the lead actors to develop their characters any deeper than they appear on the page.
It certainly doesn’t help that Dion puts the emphasis on the wrong word when she tells Rob that he has “the presence of a pair of used underwear,” as if the perfect man should boast the charisma of some freshly laundered Fruits of the Loom. But Dion’s questionable acting talents shouldn’t distract from the fact that her voice remains as commanding as ever, and — wouldn’t you know it — the first of the five new songs that she wrote for this movie’s Sony Music soundtrack is available to download now. Here’s hoping they stir up stronger emotions than the film that inspired them.
*Chopra Jonas and Heughan have all the spark of a rusty lighter in the middle of a rainstorm 😂🤣
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thebadtimewolf · 2 years ago
hey i think it would be funny to see!
i want rose tyler to come back as a weeping angel.
yes that means billie can come back as rose but as the stone rose so we can see it in all of its live action glory.
yes that means the doctor has to face the consequences of his actions for that event to "remedy the timeline" even though that statue is now in a quantum locked state between the time of its creation and the existence of the museum it resides in even to this day.
yes i think it would be funny for billie to learn doja cat stage performances for the robo pop lock action for this work.
also to have a mask for billie for the iconic angry weeping angel screeching jaw but it's her angry screaming face from season 2 of i hate suzie from the dance crazee sequences
i think it would be funny to have the bts be playing doja cat get into it (yuh)
i also like the parallel whereas the dr ran to rose and got shot, he runs away from the stone rose and lives. i could save the world but lose you = i could save you but lose the universe. and we all know the doctor chooses the universe but its just a knife twister when the angel has a former love you left behind on a beach twice unanswered now trying to kill you. the past that haunts you should be the title or the past that hunts you something along those lines.
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haganez · 2 years ago
hav u heard suzie's deco27 mash up song its so funny how easily they all blend together, i thought you'd like it since u said u always think the songs r salamander whenever they come on ur playlist
im assuming you mean rachies covers bc if so yes i have lmao its so funny they really do just merge into the same fucking song
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polyamorous-elevenv2 · 2 years ago
you’re right and it’s annoying. Like, one time i was looking for duzie ships and there is nearly nothing?? like the first page is full of fanfics where duzie is just the background ship, and there isn’t just that much fic about them anyway.
but then, again, there isn’t much fanfics with ANY of the dustin ships :’) and I was looking for ships with him with everyone in the party. el, max, mike, dustin, will. there really isn’t much. nearly nothing. i read everything in one day :) (ones where the dustin x other was a main ship) (also had to remove steve harrington bc i kept getting ships like sxeddie and oher steve ships and dustin ships as a background of background and omg i hate it)
but anyway, about duzie.
(its all my personal take btw!) (kinda long?)
personally, I LOVE Suzie as a character. She’s great, smart, funny, loves musicals and has an interesting background. that one ep in s4 with her? AWESOME. i would love to know more about her. and when i say it, i mean it. shes so interesting, like just the way she speaks is so.. unusual, but in a good way! she’s memorable, and its good for a fictional character!
but duzie, well,
when I don’t mind them as canon couple, and i don’t hate them i just don’t enjoy seeing them. and don’t get me wrong, they are cute and healthy couple, but, its just not for me, ya know?
but, imo, its on writers. duzie is the only established (probably endgame) couple that happened OFFSCREAN and we have never seen them interact in one place (WE DIDNT EVEN GET ANY FLASHBACKS, NOTHING). they just did them dirty, so dirty. as if, after s1 and s2, they wanted to give dustin gf, and let him be purely for comedic relief and younger brother to steve :))) 
but anyway.
personally, i don’t enjoy them bc they happened offscreen and I don’t like couples like that. add to that that we only seen them talking through celebro but not really interact otherwise. zero little touches, zero loving,longing looks, zero hugs, kisses, hand holding. nothing. every. every other couple had those things. only duzie didnt. and just, ya know, i really enjoy, i think the most even, that stage when character go from friends/enemies/stranger to crushes/lovers. its the most interesting thing to me, i love seeing and reading it. but we got nothing. then, i enjoy things like couple looking at each other and those little touches, and hugs, and just physical touch and again we got nothing. 
so personally, while I think duzie is cute and i don’t mind them, its just hard for me to be hyperfixated on them. 
and personally i think it may be why the don’t have much fans. and yes, ppl like them yes, but i mean; they don’t have much fans who activaly makes content about them. fanfics, fanarts, headcanons, or even just random posts. and they are a canon couple... I do think that if suzie and dustin will (finally) meet on screen in s5, and ppl will get to actually see how they behave together, then more ppl will like them and add them to their ships. 
Since someone mentioned it, the way Dustin is treated is lowkey criminal
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ablednt · 3 years ago
you are a slightly more actually angry susie deltarune /pos
Thank you this is the highest compliment/g
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timespace · 5 years ago
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if you can even BEGIN to understand this i wholeheartedly congratulate you im so sorry
[image desc:
a ‘venn diagram’ consisting of many intersecting rectangles, squares, and other shapes connecting the characters jack harkness, toshiko sato, owen harper, ianto jones, suzie costello, and gwen cooper. all of these shapes are ultimately enclosed within a rectangle labelled “needs to go to therapy” which is in turn enclosed within a larger rectangle labelled “bisexual” written in the bi flag colours.
all but ianto are in the group “gets shot.” all but gwen are in the group “dies at least once.” suzie, jack, and owen are in the group “has died more than once.” jack, suzie, owen, and ianto are in the group “has killed jack.” tosh, owen, suzie, and gwen are in the group “leather jackets.” tosh, owen, and jack are in the group “has fallen in love with someone from the past.” ianto, owen, and suzie are in the group “daddy issues.” suzie, gwen, and tosh are in the group “needed someone to talk to.” tosh and ianto are in the group “jack killed their girlfriend.” gwen and ianto are in the group “welsh.” tosh and suzie are in the group “good with computers.” jack and ianto are in the group “stopwatches.” ianto alone is in the group “fell in love with someone from the future.” /end desc]
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magnumdays · 3 years ago
Magnum P.I. 4.19 - The Long Sleep review
So yeah.
We be canon now.
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(At least spoken feels be canon.)
I am still shook. And I’m pretty sure next week is either going to be the most amazing episode ever or it will kill me. 
Or both. Quite possibly both.
Before we go into the main case and the Miggy... let me just say how adorable this episode was over all and just the big Ohana vibes. 
Cabe and TC just -chef’s kiss on everything.
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(Seriously, can TC adopt me?)
Rick and Suzy at the end, her craving pickles (which you know a little cliche but still so funny) and being all “we gonna be good at this” and even the case-guy feeling like maybe his granddad’s would have wanted him to seek more adventure and Kumu being all “a good quiet life is what most people want” and maybe the guy realizing that but also maybe wanting a bit more adventure.  Just all around the wholesome and heartwarming experience I want when I put on a Magnum PI episode. 
(Side note: Saw the newest Fantastical Beast movie. I’m not sure what I think about it at all but I do know it was a mess, even if it did have some sprinkles of the Harry Potter magic just because IDK? Hogwarts? But the reptile horse was super cute and I still find Newt adorable as heck. Also Nifflers are the best.)
Case - memory loss, blood and diamonds and a dead long lost grandfather 
I feel like premises / plot of like a bunch of 80/90s spy/heist movies, but cute and adapted for TV! In a good way.
This guy was clearly in trouble from the second this woman came over to talk to him. Like the warning bells were going off big time. And yes, at the end of the ep. she does try to gut him while he’s still alive and kicking...
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The gutting him alive is so weird and crazy to me. Because there is one thing to drug one guy and shoot another to try to steal (back) a diamond her dad helped steal (I guess), another to start rooting around in a guy’s intestines. Like come on, just buy the guy some prune juice and let nature takes its course?? Work smarter - not bloodier! 
But you know, guess there was a time crunch and for the end of the ep we had to have a dramatic near death/rescue scene, so I forgive them! 
So yeah, case was fine, I like the wacky ones and we had our babies working together with no fuss or muss. 
(Which is what I want to see in season 5 especially if we get canon Miggy soon. We can have Miggy and still have Magnum and Higgins investigations! They can still bicker even if they’re dating! Come on, people bicker more when they’re together, even! It’s jut s a good reason for more banter!)
I really was more invested in Magnum and Higgins and Cade/TC/Grandma plot, but the case-guy (was his name Greg? I feel like it was) was weirdly sympathetic and I liked the fact that this was a good case of ‘need a PI not the cops’ and that they didn’t involve HPD until they needed to. Lia was back and I do hope she’s there for the finale also. It be funny if there was the exact flipped Cole scenario with Juliet being ready to ask Magnum out and he’s all “meeting Lia in five, what can I do for you” (but it’s obviously case related but could be fun. Which by I mean, torture. But the fun kind.)
Now onto the Miggy...
You could buy a decent used car for that price!
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(So I’m not sure what Magnum deems ‘a decent car’, but yes, agree, strollers are ridiculously expensive.)
Other than the weirdly long intro with the guy/future client at the bar, we starting the episode of strong with Rick and Magnum looking at strollers and being hilarious - quickly taking us to a full on Magnum confession of feelings which gets the “Gad finally, you were like the last to know” thing from Rick! I cannot believe he actually went “we have a texting thread about you guys“ - that is just... well it prove Rick, TC and Kumu are basically us (the viewers)!!! We had some of this from the sneak peek but the full thing was much better.
So that’s Magnum admitting not only to himself but to Rick that he has feelings for Juliet. I was like My God! What is happening? This can’t be happening! Now we’re sure to get the episode ending with Juliet going on her stupid picnic with Cole!
Is that what we get?
What do you want Juliet?
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No. We get Juliet visiting our favorite head-doctor and doing basically the same thing. Just while being more freaked.
So while Magnum’s confession of having feelings for Juliet at the start was very nice, he’s clearly been thinking it over since coming to this realization in the last episode (so possibly a week or two yeah?) He basically just wanted to tell Rick so he’d get a little push to go ask Juliet out. Magnum got himself sort of figured out and wants to act.
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Juliet? Our little baby Juliet? Well, she not so sure. 
But her telling Dr. Ogawa “I can't have magnum -of all people- on my mind all the time” and “I can’t risk it” and ‘what if he won’t ask again?what if I closed the door’ etc, that was her genuinely being in that very confused state emotional. Yet, part of her must have known that she too would get that push to face her feelings, as her doc is a total shipper! But she was much more torn and I just enjoyed that scene tremendously. Not even minding the episode ending on the question of what do you want Juliet? because the answer is obvious!
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(Also, I will forever love the “...the idea of spending the day with Magnum was more appealing than a picnic with Cole...” bit. Like, well, duh, of course it is. And how Perdie always does this thing when she’s at the Ogawa’s office where she is just awkward like because for Higgy this would be so awkward. Not sure what it is, like her whole body is just screaming don’t want to be here somehow. Actors are cool.)
So you’re saying you just didn’t have any better options?
So the two Miggy scenes we actually get is firstly him asking her out and Cole’s stupid picnic getting in the way. (Though can we just talk about how sweet him just watching her with a longing look and sigh in the wine cellar was? I NEED gifs)
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(Also this top - I have on super similar to it from H&M! I imagine hers is more fancy and she def. looks better in it. Still, fun!)
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Then in the car with her asking, well, why he asked her to hang out.
Leading to Magnum being all “well TC was doing this with Cade and Rick was baby shopping-” and she purposely misunderstands and goes with the whole “so I was your last option?” because at this point, she’s been thinking about it the whole day. And she is both scared and hoping that he did asked her out. 
And when Higgy is hopeful or scared, she goes for sarcastic.
Then he goes “no, no that’s not what I meant” and she’s happy. Because that means he did ask because he wanted to just spend the day with her.
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But she’s also scared. Still, I’m glad she says ‘I’m kidding’ even with that I loved that he’s trying to explain it while going ‘dang that came out wrong what do say?’.
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 Also I think if the phone call hadn’t come in... his explanation would have gone something like “No, but them spending time with the people that make them happy, I realized I wanted to spend time with the person who makes me happy too.” Or maybe that’s just some wishful thinking on my part...
What does this mean?
While my Miggy heart is so happy... tad bit nervous at this, because Jay always said we’d get Miggy - but only for the last episode. That the show would be over once they got together. (Then again, Jay isn’t writing the show, so the Magnum Higgins relationship development is not really up to him, now is it?)
Question is, is that what we’re getting next week?
I think it almost have to be. Why else have the both of them sort of come to term, or state their feelings so clearly, in the very same episode? If they did not have something specific planed for next week I’m not sure why they would do that.
So either 4.20 is the series finale and they knew and decided to give Miggy their HEA as it ends (which I don’t think as we keep getting ‘season finale’ on promos and stuff + because rating be real good for a Friday night show) or perhaps they’ve been told season 5 will be their last one and are setting up their final endgame well in advance? 
So maybe season 4 will end with a our long awaited (real) Miggy kiss 
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(thought this one still haunts me)
and the early season 5 will be them figuring themselves out and we get something dramatic closer to the end and the god damned proposal (at pillbox? because currently that is all we can think about...or you know, while arguing in the Ferrari or during a shoot out. I’d be good with that too). 
In fact, I feel like we need that engagement/wedding story-line because we got both Juliet’s engagement to Richard which ended with him dead, Magnum’s to Hannah which ended when she betrayed him and then the Magnum and Higgins’ faux wedding! So a real wedding or at least them getting engaged at the end of season 5 that feels like it would take things full circle somehow.
4.20 thoughts
Just watched the promo for 4.20, and I do think they’re teasing us with the whole “Magnum, I need to tell you something” I don’t think it’s feelings related. I mean this balcony is a very random place and I don’t think that’s how either one of them would do it. It also has a very weird and kind of depressing lighting about it, like end of the world vibes big time.
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I just think this conversation is going to turn out to be case related or something. But they both look very tense, and expectant but really they can make promos seem like anything and everything is going down. 
Then again, if something serious is about to happen - which, it is the season finale so totally possible - maybe she’d want to say something before he goes undercover or throws himself into danger? Not sure. 
Or she will tell him and he’ll smile all ‘omg I can’t believe she beat me to it’ and she’ll misunderstand his smile or silence and someone will come interrupt that they have to go on the mission and then we get their reunion and he’ll be about what you said before ‘I feel the same way’ and we get a kiss on the beach or whatever and it’s ever so romantic and yes, my Miggy colored glasses are turning Magnum PI into a romantic comedy. But our babies deserve to be happy!
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(Or this one where she goes to knock on his door could be feelings. But a call from Gordon will come interrupt her before she can say anything and then we maybe have it through the episode. It could be kind of funny with like they’re both trying to figure out how to admit it to the other one and they both keep getting interrupted!!)
At the same time, for all we know, she could be telling him that her dad just died and she has to leave to go to England for the summer to bury him or something. That would be on par with the past few season... (But please, dear god, let it not be that!!!)
Anyhow, as it’s going to be the last ep. for a good long while, I’m torn between utter excitement, fear and sadness. But with the last few episodes having been so good and the Miggy, I’m mostly excited though! 
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