#yes im still out of the fandom but i can yell about my son!
rypnami · 10 months
YESS please scream at us about questions 3, 8, 12, 13, 20, 32 and 41 for the wholesome OC ask meme :)
i'm using jamie for this because i like talking about him :3 thanks for the asl! <3
3: What is something they really like about themselves and that you really like about them?
he's pretty hard on himself for most things but something i think he prides himself on is his quidditch skills. as for me, i like everything about him. he's my baby boy.
8: What is a smell that makes them feel at home?
hmm... probably lavender. i imagine his mother wore sort of a lavender scented perfume before she died.
12: What is their safe place? And what does "safe place" mean to them?
jamie's safe place is 1000% at home. in general he's very extroverted and can feel 'safe' just about anywhere, but at home, with his extended family, he feels the most comfortable and cared for. a safe space to him is any place he can feel relaxed and like himself without having to worry about anything at all.
13: Do they prefer warm or cold temperatures? What is their favourite season and why?
he's definitely more of a warm weather guy, but he can appreciate winter and some good snow. the best season for him is spring because the weather is almost always pretty moderate. although his bf has a pretty bad pollen allergy so it's not all good...
20: What is their hidden talent? Is it a skill they've been practising since childhood or is it something they just happened to know but never got to show?
baking! he's a really good baker, a skill that carried over from his childhood. when he was little he and his dad would bake together a lot, probably as a way to cope with the loss of jamie's mother. he doesn't have much time to bake anymore because of school, quidditch, etc, but he's often the one who bakes cakes/treats for friends' birthdays and such.
32: Draw or describe the silliest outfit you can think of. It's now in their wardrobe!
i think the goofiest outfit that he'd own and wear regularly would be one of those animal pyjama onesie things. typically he's very put-together and cares somewhat about his clothes, but i also think sometimes he'd wear something silly like that. it would be in the likeness of a magical creature. likely a diricawl because those look the goofiest to me.
41: If they were a bath bomb, what scents and colours would you use to describe their personality?
this is a hard one tbh. i think he would be a bath bomb that would smell very fresh, probably with pine or fir oil. it would be blue and green, because they are very calming colours supposedly, and i think he's the kind of guy that has a very relaxing presence/aura.
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brelione · 4 years
Love and Hate (The Best Boys)
dude come on. you said you’d upload the next chapter on christmas and now it’s been a whole week after and it’s still not out. :(, hi! when are you posting the next chapter of tbb??, tbb????, Are you posting the next chapter of best boys soon? I miss her, when will you be posting the next part of the best boys series??, Ok I’m over TBB I’m just gonna say she ends up with Blah Blah and they live happily ever after, the end. Thank you for the amazing read, it has been fun❤️, TBB is literally the last series I have to finish before I can finally peace out of the shithole that is the OBX fandom for good but like no rush or anything baby❤️,When do you think you’ll be posting the last chapters of TBB?, Hey queen how’s the writing for best boys going, 
Series Masterlist
Yes, im aware this chapter is all over the place. I went through writing four different versions of this chapter and this is the one that I decided to go with. I know that this one is kind of a little ahfioshviowenvionae but it all comes together next chapter (I already started writing the next chapter). Im so sorry that this is so late. I’ve been having issues for a little bit. My grandfather and my dog passed away and I recently had a relapse and I think that’s why it was taking me so long. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter <3
Warnings:Nothing really, swearing and unedited. Also im sorry if you dont like this chapter but like....yeah.
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You were awoken to the sounds of screaming.Topper ended up at the foot of the bed, Kelce still clinging onto you.Rafe was absent from his spot but the mattress was still warm and had a slight dent which let you know that he hadnt been gone long.
You had spent most of the night trying to find the perfect spot on the mattress, one arm thrown over kelce and your heel against the back of Toppers thigh.It seemed like it hadnt been a super long time since the sun had risen which meant that it was probably around seven in the morning by now.
Your heart was thumping in your chest, trying to pay attention to what the voices were shouting.Something about a mess and irresponsibility but you couldnt hear much besides that.Rafe stomped up the stairs, opening his door.He was shirtless, face red from yelling and his eyes slightly watery.You sat up, making Kelce grumble.
 Rafe’s jaw was slightly dropped, his nose beginning to run and his body trembling.“Hey, what happened?”You asked, gaining Kelce’s attention.Topper’s eyes opened slightly, looking over at Rafe.The tall boy didnt say anything, he just dragged his feet across the room and sat back on the bed, mumbling.You were hesitant to grip his hand, squeezing lightly.
He just stared at a wrinkle in the blanket but the sound of something breaking downstairs told you that it had been more than just bickering.Kelce was worried, knowing that his parents had gotten home late last night and would see the mess he had created. “He doesnt want me living here anymore.”Rafe spoke up, a few tears rolling down his cheeks.
You pulled him closer to you, arms around his shoulders as he sobbed, your fingers rubbing against the back of his neck.He squeezed you tightly when he head footsteps coming up the stairs, silently praying to any god that would listen that it wouldnt be Ward.Kelce’s phone kept buzzing but he ignored it, knowing exactly what it was.
He knew that it was coming and he would be lying if he said that he didnt expect it, nervous the whole night as he waited for his phone to blow up.“What are you gonna do?”Topper asked.As much as you wanted to scold him for asking that when Rafe clearly didnt want to talk about it it was still something that you had also been wondering.
Rafe didnt answer, taking in a deep, shaky breath that hurt his ribs before picking up his head and looking over to his friend. “I dont know.”He admitted.His voice hurt your heart, the realisation kicking in that there wasnt really many places that he could go.
Kelce’s phone buzzed again, all of your eyes falling on him.He sighed, glancing at his screen.He had missed calls from his parents, dozens of text in all caps telling him to come home immediately. “They found the door.”He replied, keeping his voice calm.A new wave of silence washed over the room, not knowing what to say to that.
Your eyes watered as you remembered how simple life was a few weeks ago, all of you eating breakfast, watching criminal minds and laughing as Topper recorded it all on his snapchat.Now everything was completely falling apart.You didnt say anything, trying to think of a solution.Rafe couldnt go to Kelce’s house or Topper’s house since Topper’s mother had one of those security cameras outside of her home and she’d recognize him immediately.
She was still pissy about Topper’s accident, she’d explode if he let friends over. “SO what happens now?”Topper asked.You were all out of ideas.A simple drive or icecream or a movie couldnt solve any of this. “I mean...think about it.We’re adults, right?Child protective services cant stop us if we leave.”Kelce muttered.Rafe nodded, snapping his fingers.
 “Yeah, yeah!You’re right.”He agreed, causing your eyes to widen.They were acting insane. They couldnt be serious about just getting up and leaving forever, right? “No, no hes not.We cant just-we cant just leave!”You exclaimed.They were actually going crazy.How could they even think like that? “Why?What do you have here, (Y/N)?”He asked.You paused, thinking about it.
You didnt really have anything.You had your house of course but other than that you had nothing but memories and your boys.You didnt want to admit that he was right, letting out a quiet sigh. “But leaving forever isnt the answer.”You muttered.Rafe rubbed your back, shaking his head. “Doesnt have to be forever, baby.”He answered. 
“But- but just cause we arent kids doesnt mean we cant be registered as missing people.They’ll come after us.”You told them.You knew that nobody outside of this room actually cared about you enough to report you as missing but you were scrambling through your thoughts, desperately hunting for a reason to stay on the shitty island that you had learned to love so much.Topper shrugged, not really caring. 
“Guys, guys. Okay, look. You’re all fucked, ill admit it. But thats fine! Are you guys forgetting that I still have a house- you guys can just stay there until this whole thing blows over just like you always have!”You reminded them, hoping they’d agree. “This isnt gonna blow over, (Y/N). I cant come back here.”Rafe told you, becoming aggravated. 
“THEN MOVE IN! All of you guys, you can just move in, okay? You dont have to leave- I still have my moms money! We’ll figure it out as we go and…. And it’ll be fine.”You insisted. “Move in with you?”Rafe asked. You nodded, wiping your nose. “You practically live with me already, it wont be that different.”You told him, gripping his hand.
 It was a messy blur as Rafe packed his things, grabbing anything that he thought could be important. A photo of his mother, his birth certificate and diploma, laptop and ipad, the Frozen ll record. Kelce and Topper just watched, neither of them ready for anything like this so early in the morning. 
Maybe if you werent so tired and upset you wouldnt have said it, but here you were in Rafe’s truck, a dufflebag full of his things at your feet with the boys in the backseat as he drove to your house, a few tears rolling down his cheeks as the thoughts finally took over his brain. Kelce had got aggravated and shut down his phone entirely, staring out the window. 
The last thing you were expecting was to come down your road only to see a car that was practically falling apart already in your driveway, a tall man with his hands over his forehead as he tried to look in your windows. “What the fuck….”Rafe muttered, reaching for the door handle when you gripped his hand. “Dont, we dont know what he’s doing.”You told him, hoping he’d listen.
 Turns out he wasnt the one you had to worry about, Kelce swinging his door open and sprinting up your driveway before anyone could even stop him. Wherever Kelce went Topper went, the boy struggling to get the seatbelt over his cast before jumping out of the truck and nearly falling into a puddle. “ESCUSE ME! MR SIR! WHAT ARE YOU DOING LOOKING IN MY HOUSE?”Kelce shouted, purposely making his voice deeper.
 The man turned, confused as to why two half asleep teenage boys were walking towards him. “Your house?”The man asked. “Yes, sir. You ever heard of a gay couple before?”Topper asked, making Kelce break character for a moment. 
“Well, no, its not that. Its just that I thought this was someone elses house.”The man muttered, confused. You had slid down your seat, hoping that the man wouldnt see you. “He’s about to leave.”Rafe whispered. 
“Who’s the other guy in the car?”The man asked, pointing to Rafe’s figure. Kelce glanced over at Topper with wide eyes, trying to think. “Our son.”Kelce replied, cringing the moment he said it. The man only looked more confused, looking between the two boys. “How old are you guys?”The man asked, clearly not buying their story. 
“Excuse me? Are you saying that we’re too old to have a son? I did not spend years training for a medical degreee to have some random old man come and tell us how old our son can be!”Topper exclaimed.  “I didnt spend years trying to find a surrogate and figuring out a way to make a robot nanny for this!”He sighed, trying his best not to smile.
“Could you please leave the property before we call the police?”Kelce asked. The man was beyond confused at this point, quickly making his way to his shitty car before slowly backing out of the driveway, eyes still scanning the area before he gave up and went down the street. 
You let out a sigh of relief, moving to get up when Rafe placed his hand on top of your head to keep you down. “Hes coming around again.”He whispered to you, taking in a shaky breath and holding it in his lungs as the car passed a second time. Topper and Kelce were standing by the door, staring at Rafe almost as telling him to get out and make a run for it.
 “Open the door in 3...2…”You didnt wait, jumping out and running towards the house, typing in the key pad as quick as you could, Topper’s hand pushing you inside. “Here he comes again!”He exclaimed, coming in right behind you along with the others before Rafe slammed the door shut and locked it, letting out a laugh.
 “Oh god, that was scary.”He chuckled. Kelce and Topper nodded as well, eventually laughing. “Was that my dad?”You asked. “Maybe.”Topper answered. Now that you thought about it, your dad didnt same important. Nothing did. You lived on a huge rock that’s floating around space and you’re concerned about your dad when your boyfriends best friends are moving in.
 “What’d you tell him?”You asked. “We told him that we’re a gay couple, Topper’s a doctor and Rafe is our child.”Kelce replied. You giggled, snorting. “I mean, as you should.”You replied. “Hell yeah.”Kelce grinned. Topper tapped at his arm. “Bro, you wanna get married?”Topper asked. Kelce laughed again, nodding.
 “I’ll get baptised and get you guys married!”Rafe volunteered, all of you turning to look at him. “Did you just say baptised?”Kelce asked. Rafe nodded, eyebrows furrowing. “Is that not the right word?”He asked. Topper shook his head. “The word is ordained.”He informed the tall boy. “He’s trying his best.”You replied, sitting down on the chair that you werent used to sitting in. 
“You think he’s gonna come back?”You asked. Topper groaned, sitting down. “Well, I hope not. I dont want my husband and I to have to fight him.”He grinned. You rolled your eyes, changing positions in the chair. “Did he look like me?”You asked, leaning your head against the arm rest, groaning when Rafe pushed your legs aside and sat down with you.
 “Not really… he had rat tails for eyebrows.”Kelce replied, putting his fingers over his eyebrows. “Do I have rat tail eyebrows?”You asked, grinning when Rafe reached forward and poked your eyebrow, a chuckle slipping past his lips. “You wish.”He replied. “Fuck off.”You answered. “Dont be fucking rude.”He grinned, kissing you quickly before pulling away with a small smile. 
You were shocked, trying to hide your surprise. It wasnt like you werent used to kissing Rafe by now, it was just that he had never done it in front of the boys before. They looked nearly as confused as you, the thought of Rafe kissing you in front of them never even being a concern until now. They were used to him getting most of your love and attention but that had just stirred something within them. 
“So how are we gonna do this? I dont know about you guys but im not going back to my house anytime soon.”Kelce announced. Rafe lifted his head, looking over to the boy. “You could always sneak in your own window to grab your things...maybe wait until theyre at work. What about you, Top?”Rafe asked, turning his attention to the blonde boy. 
“What do I have at my house that I need? Like, really need.”He asked, grinning when none of you could answer. “Problem solved.”He replied. “What time is it?”Rafe asked, breaking the silence. “Ten.”Kelce replied, closing his eyes as he leaned against the couch. “Im going upstairs to take a nap then.”Topper yawned, slowly making his way down the hall into the first floor guest room. 
It was arguably the worst since it also worked as your moms office, a queen bed pushed into the corner. You wiggled out of Rafe’s grip, smiling when he whined. You went into the kitchen, grabbing a poptart. For the situation you felt rather calm, opening the silver package and taking a bite of one of the sweet pastries. 
The energy in the house felt different than it had yesterday. You werent sure why, maybe it was just the comfort of knowing that the boys were going to be living with you now and you wouldnt have to worry as much about Rafe or Topper’s relationship with his mom. 
“So how are we gonna handle this?”Kelce asked, confusing you. “The house, I mean. You have this whole house and like...30 million dollars. We can literally redecorate however we want, maybe even clean out your moms office if youre okay with it.”He suggested. 
You nodded, the idea of getting the memory of your mother cleansed from your life sounded appealing. His excitement took over as he opened his amazon prime app, looking for new decor. “How do you feel about your moms room?”He asked, not wanting to push your limits. You shrugged, swallowing part of the pastry. “Shes not using it.”You replied, surprised by how morbid you sounded. 
He simply nodded, shifting in his seat as he added things to his cart. “Can we redo your room? It’s been the same color since we were fourteen.”Rafe suggested. You shrugged, not really caring. You didnt spend a large amount of time in your bedroom anyways. You scrolled through your phone for a few minutes, seeing a little red bubble next to your messaging app that let you know that you had gotten a text. Curious, you opened it. 
As soon as you saw who it was a pit grew in your stomach, eyes widening. It was her. “Sweet words, (Y/N).”The text read. You knew that it was your uncle just trying to mess with you but it still caused your anxiety to skyrocket, deciding to block the number and place your phone between your thighs, taking in a deep breath through your nose. 
Topper dragged his feet, coming out of the room with a frown. “That’s the most uncomfortable bed in all of history.”He muttered, sitting down on the couch instead. “You can go upstairs.’You reminded him, feeling your phone buzz against your inner thigh. 
He just hummed, leaning his head against the back of the couch. “How long was I in there?”He asked. “Literally not even ten minutes.”Kelce replied, still scrolling. “Did I miss anything?”Topper asked. You didnt reply, breaking off another piece of the poptart. “We’re gonna redecorate the house.”Kelce answered. Topper nodded, lifting his head.
 “Does that mean that office too?”Topper asked. You nodded, staring at a spot on your carpet. “Does that mean we get to open the file cabinet in the guest room?”He asked, all of you looking over at him. The thought made you feel nauseous. Even if she wasnt here to yell at you you knew that opening the file cabinet would still scare you anyways. 
“If theres a dead body in there I swear to god-”You muttered, earning a chuckle from Rafe. “A body couldnt fit in there.”he replied, making your eyebrows furrow. “How do you know where bodies can fit?”You asked. “No, no. Like, its not….well...maybe a raccoon body.”He admitted. “Rafe!”You exclaimed, smacking his thigh. 
He rolled his eyes, pulling you into his lap. “There’s no raccoon body.”He answered. “I think theres a raccoon body.”Kelce replied. “Theres not.”You answered. Topper grinned, skipping into the room and beginning to open the cabinet, the three of you following him. “Okay, who votes raccoon body?”He asked, his hand on the knob. 
Kelce raised his hand, grabbing your arm to make you hold your hand up as well. “Ready?”Topper asked before pulling the door open, looking into it. His face fell immediately, not expecting this. “What?”You asked, stepping past Kelce and looking into the cabinet.Guns were being held by small metal pieces, multiple clear bags full of plants and needles on the floor, bullets on sashes hanging with the guns.
 The two of you just stared, ignoring Rafe and Kelce until they came up behind you, equally as confused. “What the fuck?”Rafe asked, seeing the bags. Kelce slammed the doors shut, locking it. “We’re not telling anyone about this, right?”He asked, looking at all of you. “What are we gonna do with all that? We cant just keep it here!”Topper argued. 
Rafe shrugged, resting his elbow on your shoulder. “We smoke the weed and throw the guns in the river, obviously.”Rafe answered. “We’re not smoking weed, Rafe.”You answered. “Well your mom didnt have a liscense to carry, right?”Kelce asked. You shook your head, figuring it would be hung up somewhere in the house to remind you of the power she had.
 “Right, okay. So we cant call the cops and we cant keep it here.”Kelce answered, clicking the lock on the cabinet. “What’d your mom even do for a living?”Topper asked. You frowned, thinking back. You never really knew what your mother did, you just stayed quiet and hoped you wouldnt make her angry. She’d disappear for months, money would appear in your bank account, she’d pay the bills aned thats all you needed to know. 
She’d have long phone calls with people in her office, grounding you if you even dared to listen. “I dont know.”You replied, cringing at how stupid you sounded. “She has these cabinets all over the house, doesnt she?”Kelce asked. “The one in her room is actual files.”You told him, hoping that there were no sorts of hidden things in her room.
 “Should we go check?” Rafe asked, out of the room with a grin before any of you could even answer. You sighed, slightly annoyed that he was treating this like a scavenger hunt. “Its been here this whole time, im sure nothings gonna happen.”Kelce assured you, patting you on the shoulder before his fingers tickled your arm and wrist, gripping your hand and bringing you upstairs. 
“I ordered some tapestries, succulents, fake vines and some new blankets for our new movie room.”He told you, nearly slipping up. “Movie room?”You asked, nearly slipping on the stairs. “Your mom has a big tv, I figured it could be like a second living room if you’re comfortable with that.”He answered, pausing at the top of the stairs so he could wait for you. 
Rafe was in your mother’s room, carefully pulling on the drawers, eventually finding out that the top one was locked. He looked over at you, silently asking if you knew where the key was. You shook your head, letting go of Kelce’s hand and opening the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet, the hairs on the back of your neck standing up. 
Your mother kept most of your medical documents and anything like that to herself along with basically everything that proved you existed. Baby photos, ultra sounds, old school tests. “We could just move it into the other guest room.”Rafe muttered, hoping he wasnt making you upset. You ignored him, looking through all the little colored tags, your eyes falling on a silver tag, your eyebrows furrowing. No other ones had that color. 
You picked it up, sitting down and reading it over. The words were all bundled together, ink scratches and smudges told you that it wasnt a serious document. The only word you could make out was ‘arsonist’. Nothing else was eligible. “Can we take it right now?”You asked, placing the paper on the floor and closing the drawer. Rafe nodded, Kelce grabbing one side while Rafe grabbed the other. Topper grinned, leaning against your mothers unused desk.
 “I would help but my arms broken.”he laughed, watching as Kelce struggled, walking backwards. “Some moral support would be great.”Kelce rolled his eyes. You grinned, slowly clapping. “Great job, guys. You’re doing great moving that illegal file cabinet.”You held back a laugh. They turned carefully, shuffling as they eventually got to the guest bedroom.
 “How do you feel about this?”Topper asked, sitting down on the chair. You sighed, shrugging. “I mean, you know. Its not that I dont love the idea of you guys being here but like… its the circumstances.”You answered, sighing when he pulled you closer with his good arm, rubbing your back. “Thanks a lot for this, though. Like in all seriousness im really grateful that you’re in my life.”He blushed, looking up at you. You smiled, kissing his nose lightly.
 “I mean, I do provide you with half of the drama in your life.”You giggled, kissing him gently. “Where does the other half come from?”He asked. You shrugged, sighing. “Probably you.”You answered. “I cant believe you’d say that to me! You know im at a bad place in life and you put me in this terrible situation when you know that!”He fake cried, bursting into laughter. 
“Kourtney dont laugh at me!”You exclaimed. You felt a vibration under your feet, hearing a loud, dramatic sigh and the sound of skin colliding. They had successfully moved the file cabinet, the door closing as their loud footsteps hit the floor as they entered your mother’s room again. Rafe took a moment to look around, sometimes forgetting that the room even existed. 
It was the biggest room in the house, the ceiling going up at least twenty feet with only glass separating the room from the outside world. His mind wandered, thinking of all the fun nights the two of you could have in here watching the stars or listening to the rain.
 The bed was large and still, the blankets and sheets unwrinkled and untouched. He understood why you were creeped out by the house now, feeling like he didnt belong in the room. You all took turns trying to figure out what the writing said, eventually deciding that it probably wasnt even in english. “Should we put it through google translate?”Rafe asked, staring at the paper. 
Kelce shook his head. “Nah, its not reliable. I tried using it for spanish class in freshman year and I got detention.”He replied. “Well thats definitely not spanish. Maybe its like…. Ancient text.”Topper suggested, causing you to frown. “I highly doubt that my mother would know an ancient text. 
Maybe we should just leave it.”You answered. Although you werent exactly satisfied with it you just didnt feel like spending your time trying to decode a random paper. They didnt seem satisfied either but didnt want to push you, putting the paper down on the desk where it would be safe from your footsteps. 
Of course the boys just couldnt stay at the same place for long periods of time, deciding to suggest that you guys go out to a store to get some paint for the boring walls. You agreed, the four of you getting into your car instead of Rafe’s truck, locking all the doors and windows before you left. 
Kelce didnt suggest a McDonalds run which caused you to frown, knowing that he was probably too stressed to want to eat. You guys went into Walmart with one goal, heading right for the paint section and looking at the wall of colors. “Lets get four colors and kind of just make it up as we go.”Kelce muttered, looking at all the different shades.
 “We could all pick one out.”Topper suggested, reaching forward and picking a bright green. You agreed, picking a shade of light purple, watching as Kelce picked the color toffee biscuits and Rafe went for cotton blue. You doubted any of the colors would actually look good together but that wasnt the point of the project. 
It was more about making the room look fun rather than nice. Kelce grabbed a few large paint brushes, the four of you leaving before you could get distracted by anything that you didnt need. Topper decided to get right to work, spilling some paint on the floor as he dragged the brush along the wall, creating bright stripes.
 “I have an artistic vision! Trust the process!”He exclaimed, feeling your judgemental eyes on him. You didnt say anything, watching Kelce struggle to connect his phone to your speaker, playing the first song on his playlist. 
Line without a hook. Topper looked over at you, almost like he was silently asking you if you had told the boys about his top secret playlist. You shrugged, not wanting to give anything away to the others.
 “Oh my god, I love this song.”Rafe dunked his brush in the light blue, making a smiley face on the wall. “Can I paint an onion?”He asked. You raised your eyebrows, not understanding why he wanted to put an onion on the wall. 
“Ogres are like onions! We have layers!”Kelce laughed. “Who is we? Are you an ogre, Kelce?”Topper asked, not taking his eyes off of the bright stripes, painting a circle on the top. “Topper Harry Katherine Thornton, are you painting a penis on my wall?”You asked, connecting the dots. 
He grinned, ignoring you. “Of course not.”He replied, painting frantically so that you couldnt stop him, green drops rolling down the wall. You picked up your paint brush, painting two circles quicklly before pushing the brush into the center of each, laughing to yourself.
 “Guys, really?”Rafe asked. “Cant we make the wall wholesome?”He asked. You shook your head, a smile on your face. “Says you of all people, Rafe.”You shook your head. “She got you there.”Topper replied, dragging the brush across the painting and blending it out so there was no longer a penis on your wall. 
“What are you doing now?”You asked, wanting to one up him. “What are you doing now?” He mocked you. Somehow you ended up splashing Topper with paint and getting tackled into the mattress as he held the paintbrush over you, trying to get the bright green liquid on your face while you held his arm back. 
“Im gonna murder you!”You laughed, rolling over under him so your face was against the mattress. “Im gonna paint your hair!”He laughed, holding the brush just above it. “Topper, dont mess with her hair.”Kelce took the brush away. 
Topper groaned, falling next to you on the mattress. His eyes were closed, the sun from the window casting a beautiful glow over his face, a small smile tugging at the side of his mouth. You pressed a kiss to his cheekbone, your arm resting on his torso. 
It didnt take long for painting to be forgotten, a few cheap bristles sticking to the wall with messes of colorful lines and unfilled shapes. The song changed, followed by a loud gasp from Rafe. “This is my favorite song!”He smiled, hitting his knees with his fists repeatedly. 
He didnt know what about it made him so happy, whenever he heard it it reminded him of you guys. “You know what we should do?”Topper asked. “No.”Kelce replied while Rafe rewinded the song to listen to his favorite part again. 
“We should make soup. Like, spicy soup with potatoes.”He replied, mouth watering. “We could just order soup.”Kelce replied, not in the mood to go downstairs and hunt for ingredients. “Order soup from where?”Topper asked. Kelce simply shrugged, shifting around and putting his arms under his body.
That had been a week ago. Since then a lot had happened. You guys had developed a system, Kelce could do his laundry on Saturdays, Rafe on Mondays and Topper’s just got mixed in with yours.
 It was a love and hate relationship to have them there with you. You didnt regret your decision but sometimes things would get difficult. Grocery shopping was the worst since nobody could decide what they wanted and you had all agreed not to eat out as much. 
“We need an actual meal, we cant just eat chips for everything.”Topper would grumble, realising he didnt even really know how to cook. That just lead to late flights of searching for recipes o pinterest and watching Gordon Ramsey tiktoks until they decided to try and make bake and shake chicken. That didnt really work out well, having to open all of your windows and get the smoke out of your house. 
Then you guys decided to take a new approach, finding a ton of frozen pizzas and ingredients for sushi. Kelce was the only one who had any idea of what he was doing since he had always been talented in the kitchen, specifically with breakfast. That became more of a safe meal for you guys, making extra food in the morning to eat later for dinner until you got sick of toast, eggs and bacon. 
Kelce ended up banishing you all to the pool so that he could decorate properly, vines hanging from the door ways and landscape tapestries hanging in your living room, hallway and your mother’s old bedroom. “How long do you think he’s gonna be?”You asked, floating on your back in the shallow end, letting out a yelp when Topper grabbed you and dragged you to the deep end. 
“I dont know, probably like three days.”He replied, finally letting go once you were in the middle of the pool. “We could survive three days in the pool.”You replied, watching Rafe shake his head. “With my allergy to the sun?”He asked, making you turn over, going underwater for a moment. “You dont even sunburn.”You told him, splashing water in his direction before swimming away quickly so that he couldnt get back at you.
 Kelce kept getting calls from his parents that were asking him to come home but he never did. They knew where he was, if they wanted him back so badly they’d drive over and take him away. “Guys, i’ve finished my creation.”Kelce announced, coming outside. “So we can come in now?”Topper asked, gripping the ledge of the pool and pulling himself out, falling onto his stomach as he struggled to get up.
 “Yes, you can come in now! Hurry!”Kelce yelled excitedly before going back inside, waiting impatiently for you guys to hurry. Rafe helped you out of the pool, tossing you your towel so that you wouldnt trail water through your house. “Guys! Come on!”Kelce shouted again, the three of you walking across the hot pavement quickly.
 “I’ll clean up the water after- just come see what I did!”He said again. You rolled your eyes, walking into the house. Goosebumps formed on y0our skin from the cool air, eyes widening as you looked at the kitchen. He had bought a plaid tablecloth for the table, vines hanging from the ceiling and doorways, a tie dye tapestry hanging in your living room. It looked like he had taken the time to wipe down every surface and vacuum any mess of broken spaghetti or eggshells that had been kicked under the fridge.
 “Do you like it?”He asked, unable to read your shocked expression. “Kelce, im gonna be honest with you. I feel like im in pixie hollow right now.”You grinned, making him smile. “I think thats a good thing- but upstairs is better!’He exclaimed before making his way up the stairs. He was right. 
There were marble heart shaped tiles hanging on the walls of the hall, a sign on the new hangout spot that was made out of drift wood. He opened the door, revealing bean bag chairs on the floor, a new carpet, a light yellow canopy hanging over the bed that had all new sheets and blankets on it as well. 
He had even somehow managed to fix the paint on the wall so that there were different colored polka dots all over it. The boys seemed equally impressed, still taking it in. You hugged Kelce, not even caring that you’d get his clothes wet. “So I did good?” He asked, hugging you back. “You always do good.”You replied, feeling him hug you tighter.
 “So you’re happy?”He asked, letting out a small sigh when you nodded. “I am happy, Kelce.”you replied, kissing him lightly. He smiled against you, taking in a deep breath. “I found a new recipe for fancy grilled cheese.”He told you, kissing your forehead. This was something that you loved about having them live with you.
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bellamyblcke · 4 years
I Want to Ruin Our Friendship
Fandom: True Beauty
Pairing: Han Seojun/Im Jugyeong
Summary: Jugyeong and Seojun find each other again. And everything and nothing has changed
A/N. Show verse! Future fic! Mutual pining! Happy endings! Huzzah! Follows canon up till the end of 1x12, where instead of the “reveal”, Suho and Jugyeong just date in a chill way and then amicably split at the end of the year. Also yes, I did write this before 1x14 came out, but here’s my take on a flash forward, I guess. 
Read on AO3
Jugyeong is working on a model’s face — she knows she knows his name, but she’s really having trouble remembering it — when she hears a voice calling her name, and she looks up. “Huh?” she asks, not seeing anyone in front of her.
“You?” she hears, and she turns around. “Han Seojun?” she asks in disbelief, and then she’s squealing and dropping her brush and rushing at him.
Seojun raises an arm as if to defend himself, but Jugyeong pushes past the arm, hugging him tightly around the waist and burying her head in his chest. “Hey!” someone calls. But, “It’s alright,” Seojun says into her hair, raising a hand to hug her back.
She pulls back from him, holding him by the elbows. “I didn’t know you’d be here,” she says, whacking him. It’s been almost five years now since she’s seen Seojun, not since he’d debuted and Suho had moved to the States to go to school in Los Angeles, and Jugyeong had decided to stay in Seoul to work.
“Hey!” he calls. “I didn’t know you’d be here either.” But he looks pleased. It’s been so long since Jugyeong has seen that pleased look that she feels a smile spread wide across her face.
She’s missed him. She tells him so, and watches the pleased look warp. “You missed me?” he says as if in disbelief.
“Of course I did,” she says, promptly. He runs a hand up the back of his head, ruffling his hair. It’s dyed a shade of red now, and it suits him. Though he’d always been handsome, the kind of handsome that made people stop to look at him, she thinks he looks even better now. The thought causes a flush to go through her. She reaches up and ruffles his hair to chase the feeling, and he shoots her a look, catching her wrist.
“Hey,” he says.
“Do you two know each other?” the model she’d been working on asks, and Jugyeong turns back to look at him. She’d completely forgotten he’d been there. Seojun drops her wrist, and Jugyeong pulls it back into her chest. It feels strange and tingly.
“We went to school together,” Seojun says, dropping into the chair next to the model. Jugyeong’s coworker Kim Soo gives him a giddy, panicked look, which makes Jugyeong want to laugh. Seojun is far too ridiculous to obsess over.
But still, Jugyeong feels very aware of the fact that he’s here, propping his feet on the makeup table in front of him, and talking languidly to the guy beside him, apparently they know each other, though Jugyeong has still not been able to determine his name. He looks up at Jugyeong, and raises an eyebrow. “Don’t you have work to do?”
“Don’t you?” she says, automatically, swiping at his feet to remove them from the table.
“I do,” he responds, and gestures at his face, and Jugyeong laughs despite herself, screwing up her face at him, and he laughs, too.
“Sorry,” she tells the model, picking her brush back up and returning to looking at his face, tilting it to change the angle, and adjusting the blush slightly, and then stepping back. “You’re done,” she says, fluttering her hand to indicate that he can go.
He raises an eyebrow at her, but pushes off the chair, and with a wave to Seojun disappears. “Well,” Seojun says, and Jugyeong stares at him for a moment, “What?”
“Aren’t you going to make me over?”
“Oh,” she says. Why is she holding a brush again? “Yes,” she says, and then steps forward into his space.
She’d just been doing the same thing moments before, in fact she’s put makeup on hundreds of people at this point in her career, but suddenly it feels absurdly intimate doing it to Seojun. She feels as if his skin holds a charge. His eyes flick up to her face. “Are you normally this particular?”
Jugyeong flushes. She’d been smoothing cream on the edge of his cheekbones for a minute now, and she swipes a larger amount across his entire cheek clumsily. “Yes,” she says, tartly.
His eyes are warm. “I missed you, too,” he says, softly, so that only she can hear.
They get soju and samgyupsal after the show, and when they are sitting and eating, two girls come up to him to ask for autographs. “Is she your girlfriend?” the one on the left asked, looking shyly at Jugyeong. “She’s pretty.”
Seojun looks up at Jugyeong as if just now noticing she is here. “Is she?” he asks, but there is a humor to the question that Jugyeong doesn’t get. She tucks her hair self-consciously behind her ear. It’s shorter now, and back to her natural black. “I guess she is.”
The girls squeal, and walk off twittering. “You know they think you said I was your girlfriend,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest. Seojun shrugs.
“Are you not dating anyone then?” Jugyeong asks, unsure why she is prying.
“Why?” he asks, mouth full. “Is this a date?”
“No,” Jugyeong says automatically. “We’ve been friends too long for that.”
Seojun gives her a look, though with his mouth still full, she can’t quite read it. Jugyeong takes a large sip of soju to fill the silence, and sputters as she swallows it.
“You can’t hold your liquor very well,” Seojun comments smugly.
But later, as he is walking her home, she finds that it’s him that can’t hold his liquor well, not her. He’s stumbling, and Jugyeong has put his arm around her shoulders to steady him. He’s tall enough that he has to stoop to lean on her. His hand pats at her hair in an affectionate gesture, and Jugyeong smiles, pulling his fingers from her hair, and placing them more securely on her shoulder.
“You’re drunk,” she informs him.
“No, I’m not.” He pushes off from her and then turns around to look at her. “Your hair,” he says, gesturing.
Jugyeong raises a hand to it. “What?”
“You cut it,” he says, as if this is a big surprise.
“Yours is red,” she informs him.
He gasps, putting a hand to his scalp. “Is it? Where?”
She laughs, and then steps forward and puts her arm around his waist. “Come on,” she says. “You can sleep on my floor.”
“She’s inviting me into her house,” he says, and Jugyeong whacks his arm, and he laughs into her hair, and she thinks of how two nights before, she had gone for a walk by herself in the park, and passed Prince Comics, and thought about how boring her life was now, how in high school everything had seemed so much more intense, joy and anguish pungent enough to taste, but now it had all faded to a sort of mellow contentment. Perhaps that’s what growing up meant, she’d thought. But, here, arm and arm with Han Seojun, Jugyeong feels awake for the first time in a long time, as if she had blinked and gone backwards in time.
When she wakes the next morning, Seojun isn’t where she’d left him lying on the floor, wrapped in a blanket, snoring quietly, and she startles and swings her legs from bed, darting out into the main room. But then there he is, in the t-shirt and jeans he was wearing yesterday, leaning against the counter and talking to her mother, looking ridiculously put together for the time.
Jugyeong stops in the doorway, and he turns back to look at her. “Good morning,” he says, brightly.
Her mother turns more slowly to look at her, and Jugyeong gives her an awkward wave, unsure if she’s going to yell or not. She’d meant to sneak Seojun out in the morning. “You could have told me Han Seojun was dropping by,” Eomma says instead though, her voice somehow both cheerful and threatening. “I would have cleaned.”
Soejun looks around the place and his eyes widen. “Have you not? It looks spotless.”
He nods his head to Jugyeong and she sees that there is a bra hanging over the back of the couch — not one of hers but how is he to know that? — and she gasps, plucking it up and tossing it out of sight. But Seojun just laughs, still talking to her mother about his latest music video, which her mother watched nonstop after it was released, while repeatedly reminding Jugyeong that she had passed up the opportunity to make Han Seojun her son-in-law, and now look where he was. It had been a nice video. Though not really Jugyeong’s thing, Seojun has always been good at the sort of easy sexuality that sells. Sometimes she thinks everything comes easy to him.
“Leave him alone!” Jugyeong cries eventually, extracting Seojun from her mother’s clutches.
“I don’t mind,” he says, smiling as she drags him away and into her room.
He mock gasps when she presses the door closed behind them, trapping him against it. “Are you taking advantage of me?” he asks her, and it’s only then that she realizes how close they are, and she moves back from him, almost tripping in her haste to get away.
“Han Seojun!” she cries, but he just smiles. And Jugyeong realizes that she’s smiling too, that she’s hardly stopped smiling since she’s seen him again.
It’s only a little bit later when she goes to the bathroom and sees herself in the mirror that Jugyeong realizes that this is the first time Seojun has ever seen her without makeup. And while her skin is nicer than it was when she was a teenager, she still has spots, and her face is puffy from sleep and her hair is a wreck . “Ay,” she cries, splashing water on her face and then running a brush through her hair so it lies flat, and smoothing some bb cream on the red parts of her face. It’s not much, but it’s enough to make her feel more comfortable.
“Sorry,” she says, when she gets back to her room. “I must have given you a fright.”
“Hmmm, you always do,” Seojun says, not looking up from his phone. He’s half-lying on her bed as he texts, and Jugyeong flushes at the sight of it, though she couldn’t say why. Why would she think he would care if she was wearing makeup or not? He’s never thought of her like that. She throws herself down on the bed next to him, and he startles, moving his phone out of sight. “Aish,” he says. “You’re such a loser.”
Jugyeong just hums. “Han Seojun?” she says, watching him carefully. He looks over at her, something cautious in his eyes. Their legs are brushing.
“What?” he says, suspiciously.
“Let’s stay friends this time,” she says. “Let’s not miss each other again.”
He looks at her for a moment longer, and then, “Alright,” he says before he shoves her so that she goes falling onto the ground below.
They keep their word to stay friends. They’re both busy with work, but she finds it’s easier to slot him into her life than she could have imagined, and even though several weeks before, she hadn’t seen him in years, she finds now she can hardly imagine her life without him. He’s meant to go on tour in a couple of weeks, and she’s already mourning the loss of him.
She’s at his apartment now, and they’re arguing about which movie to watch. Seojun likes to talk throughout the whole thing, which is endearing, but also means that it can’t be a movie Jugyeong really wants to see. But she finds she likes squabbling with him, too. It feels natural.
She lunges for the remote in his right hand, and he holds it high out of reach. “It’s not,” she leaps, “fair for,” she presses forward again and he dangles it just out of reach, “you to use your height,” she’s pressed tight into him now, and she stretches just a little further and feels the remote right at her fingertips, “against me!”
He is silent, and she looks down and realizes his face is millimeters away from hers. She freezes for a moment, the remote forgotten. And then she remembers herself, and scrambles backwards across the couch and away from him. His face has softened, in surprise, she thinks, but then he smirks, and presses the button to start the film. “‘Fair is fair,” is all he says, settling back into his spot.
He falls asleep part way through the film, despite it being his choice, his long legs stretched out in front of him. Juyeong is curled up all the way on the other side of the couch, wrapped tightly in her blanket, but she extricates herself from it, crawling towards him to see if he’s really asleep. The credits are rolling now, and she thinks to do something to tease him, tickle him awake maybe, but she finds when she is close, she doesn’t want to. Instead, she just stares at him, his face sleep-soft and handsome, his hand clutching his blanket tight to his chest, and Jugyeong feels a sort of overwhelming tenderness wash over her. It’s a feeling she’s only ever associated with Suho before, and she’d mainly felt it when she’d seen him in pain and wondered what she could possibly do to help. Now, she feels it again unprompted, like an itch in her fingertips, like a tiny heartbreak. Like a smile.
He is walking her home after dinner again, sober this time, when he says, suddenly, “Why did you and Suho break up?”
Jugyeong makes a sound in response, considering. “Why do you want to know?” she asks, eventually.
“I don’t,” he says, coughing, and then when this response seems too absurdly untrue, “I was just curious.”
“Well,” Jugyeong says. “He wanted to go to the States for school. And I wanted to stay here.”
“And that’s it?”
“No,” Jugyeong says, because it’s not. It was far more complicated than that. She’s never tried to tell anyone before, but if there was anyone that she could explain it to, it’s Seojun. And she tries to think of how to put it to words: “I don’t know if you know, but I was really badly bullied back at my old school.”
Seojun makes a sound, but Jugyeong’s not sure she can keep talking if she looks at him, so she doesn’t, just keeps her gaze on the landscape. “And when I came to Saebom and people seemed to like me, I was so frightened that they would find out that I was a fraud. And that they would all leave. But Suho,” she released her breath. “He didn’t care about that. He just thought well she likes comics, too. Or I don’t know, l like that she’s so ridiculous. And he was popular, but he was alone too, you know? He felt just as alone as I did. We needed each other.” She smiles. “And he was the first person to tell me I was pretty that I believed, you know?”
“I’m sorry,” Seojun says, finally. The streets had passed as they walked. “That people treated you like that back then.”
Jugyeong looks over at him in surprise, and she finds that his face is both strange and deeply familiar. He’s looked at her like this before, she thinks. “It feels like a long time ago now,” she says.
They walk a ways further, and then she says what she’d meant to say all along, “You don’t forget your first love,” she says, “But you don’t always end up with them either.”
He goes on tour and it’s not as bad as she’d thought it would be. He calls her most nights. Everyone else in the house goes to bed early, and Jugyeong sometimes goes out and sits on the patio and looks up at the stars as he talks. “Are you tired?” he’ll say when she’s been quiet for too long. The concern in his voice will always touch her, and even if she is, she’ll say, “No,” and he’ll start talking again, and she will hug her legs to her chest, and think this is almost as nice as being with him, the knowing that he wished they were together, too.
Six months after the runway show, they find themselves working together again, a photoshoot this time. She finds him in a crowd of fawning costume assistants, and smiles over at him, overlarge. He’s thinking of getting into acting, and he’s cut his hair short for a role, and it makes him seem unfamiliar. When he comes up to her, she reaches up, and he bends down so she can smooth a hand over the shaved hair. “Am I a dog?” he asks her.
She barks at him, and he laughs. “Make me pretty,” he says, smiling at her as he takes a seat in her chair.
She smiles back, smoothing a hand down his face. She’d meant it to be joking, but it comes across as too intimate instead, and she snatches the hand back, heading over to the mirror, flushing, though he hadn’t seemed to mind. Kim Soo had come along as well to assist, and she gives Jugyeong a look. “Are you really not dating him?” she asks, as if the possibility of them not dating is an absurd one.
“We’re just friends,” Jugyeong shoots back automatically. She’s said the same thing hundreds of times over the years. Even when she was dating Suho and the three of them went out together, people still assumed it was her and Seojun that were dating. But it’s the first time she’s said it, and it’s rang false, like she wishes it weren’t true.
She catches Seojun’s gaze in the mirror, and he makes a mock-frowny face at her, and then shrugs, as if to ask, you good?
It is both startling and ridiculous to realize she had been moping about the concept of not dating him several feet from him, and she nods emphatically to make up for it, heading back to him, and brandishing her brush with a zeal she does not feel. “I’m going to make you so dazzling no one will be able to resist you.”
“Watch out,” he says, eyes sparkling, and Jugyeong feels that thing again, a kind of pained happiness, like she can’t stop, “I wouldn’t want to dazzle you.”
Jugyeong is waiting outside his studio building for Seojun to be done with rehearsal, tapping through a game on her phone, when a group of girls pass by, staring up at the building and giggling, as if even just the sight of it were enchanting. “Han Seojun is signed with them, you know,” the one on the right says. She says it with a kind of proprietariness that has Jugyeong’s hackles rising, and she glares over at the both of them. As if they have any claim on him. But soon they’ve passed on, leaving Jugyeong standing there alone.
She’s still frowning when Seojun exits the building. His manager shoots her a look as if to say behave , which she doesn’t understand at all, but lets him leave with her, and they start down the street together. She loves being his friend, Jugyeong reminds herself. In some ways he was her first real friend. Even more so than Sujin and Soo-ah. She doesn’t know why all of a sudden the designation grates. All these years, she had caught sight of him on billboards and in magazine spreads, in ads on tv and in tagged instagram posts, and she hadn’t thought anything of it. And now, even his fans annoy her. She tries to imagine what he would say to such a strain of thought, and is struck by such an intense mortification that she can hardly bear it.
“What’s got you all pissy?” he asks.
“Nothing,” she says hastily, and he laughs at her expression.
“It must be something very embarrassing,” he says. “Go on. Tell me then.”
“No,” she says, and then when his expression grows even more intrigued. “I just got my period,” she says, lamely. “It’s nothing important.”
“Ah,” he says, shortly. “I know where to go then.”
He takes her to a corner store, and buys her the most ridiculously sugary ice cream she could possibly imagine, and then watches as she eats the entire thing. “It’s Gowoon’s favorite,” he says, smiling, and Jugyeong thinks, I’m so screwed, I’m so screwed, I’m so screwed, on repeat.
She goes home and throws herself down onto her bed, and cries. And then thinks it would have been better if she really had gotten her period, because there is no one to blame this melodrama on but herself.
Jugyeong is at Seojun’s apartment cooking dinner when her phone rings. It’s sitting on the counter while she is stirring at the stove. Seojun is fresh from the shower, and he keeps ruffling his hair, slightly longer now that the role is over, but still disconcertingly short, and it’s distracting Jugyeong. He smells like apple shampoo and soap, and she’s had to remind herself not to think about what he smells like on repeat for the last thirty minutes.
“Get it, would you?” she says. “My hands are full.”
He looks down at her phone, and then frowns. “It’s Suho,” he says.
Jugyeong pauses, unsure what to do in this scenario. She hasn’t actually talked to Suho since he last came back to Seoul over two years ago now. They had gotten tea and then walked around the neighborhood afterwards. The silence had felt heavy between them, and when he had left, they had hugged and Jugyeong had wished him well, and it had felt final in a way that was satisfying. Tied up. She doesn’t know if Seojun still talks to him. She hasn’t asked. And now, she dithers, before she sighs and says, “Don’t burn it,” picking the phone up and handing him the spoon as she walks a bit away into his living room.
“Hello?” she asks.
It is silent for a minute on the other line, and Jugyeong repeats the question. “Hi,” Suho says, finally. “I’m in Seoul for the weekend.”
She wonders what the proper response for this is, and just settles on, “Oh?”
“Would you like to meet?” he asks, and there’s laughter in his voice. It’s a familiar tone. Jugyeong relaxes upon hearing it, and then she looks up and makes eye contact with Seojun in the kitchen. He looks away when he sees she’s looking, fiddling with the pan.
“What are you doing now?” she asks.
Suho looks different, Jugyeong thinks. But then so does she. So does Seojun. None of them are eighteen any more. For some reason, this strikes her as funny and she begins to giggle. The two men turn and look at her.
“Something funny?” Seojun says, archily.
Dinner had been awkward, but afterwards, they had brought out the alcohol, and Suho had started talking about a song he was writing that he thought Seojun would be good for, playing bits of it on the guitar while Seojun sang, first in mocking tones and then genuine ones, and Jugyeong had sat on the chair in the corner and watched them, apart, but still included, and thought again, as she’d thought so often that year she and Suho had dated, that she was glad that they had come back together, that whatever had been between them had healed. They deserved to have each other in their lives.
“I was just thinking that we’re not kids anymore,” she says now.
“You sure?” Seojun says, and pokes her, and she yelps and pokes him back.
Suho watches the exchange, looking between the two of them. “Are you dating now?” he asks in that calm way of his.
Seojun stiffens, removing his hands from her, as if he’d been struck, “Why do you ask?”
“No,” Jugyeon says right on his tail, fluttering her hands. “We’re just friends.”
“Ah okay,” Suho says. Jugyeong wonders if that means he still has feelings for her, or if he doesn’t care what they do any more. He had been so jealous of Seojun before, and she’d never understood why. But she does now.
But just because she wishes there were something there, doesn’t mean that there is. In a way nothing has changed since they were young. Everyone thinks it, but there’s still nothing between them.
Seojun has a morning rehearsal, and he goes to bed early, looking strangely glum. It’s Suho who offers to walk Jugyeong home. The alcohol has loosened the conversation between them, and they talk easily together as they walk. He has a fiance back in the States, a Korean-American girl, and he likes living in Los Angeles, though he misses Seoul sometimes. He enjoys writing songs but he’s thinking about trying producing. Jugyeong sighs, listening to him talk.
“Am I boring you?” he asks.
“No,” she says. But her gaze has gone back down the road as if she can still see Seojun’s apartment and him within it though it’s blocks and blocks away now.
“Are you really not dating?” he asks, seemingly following her train of thought. There is a genuine confusion in his tone that baffles Jugyeong.
“We’re not,” Jugyeong says, but it comes out much more wistful than she’d intended. But then Suho’s not one to pick up on stuff like that. He just hums, and Jugyeong sighs again. She really is quite pathetic, she thinks. Worthy of all sorts of mockery. And yet….
And yet she can’t seem to stop.
Several weeks later, she runs into Gowoon at Prince Comics. She graduated from university and moved back to Seoul a couple of months ago and yet Jugyeong still hasn’t seen her yet. They’d kept missing each other. They embrace, and then spend almost thirty minutes talking about the latest novel releases, and it’s only when Jugyeong is pausing for breath, that Gowoon says, “So I heard you and my brother have been seeing each other?”
“What?” Jugeyong says, aghast, clutching at her chest. “Where did you hear that? Did he say that? What did he say?”
Gowoon huffs a laugh, looking rueful, and then pumps the air. “I totally called it,” she says. “You like him. I mean, poor taste, ew, but you like him.”
“Of course I like Han Seojun,” Jugyeong says, defensively, folding her arms in front of him. “We’re friends.”
“You like like him though,” Gowoon says, leaning forwards, and smiling in Jugyeong’s face.
“What about my brother?” Jugyeong counters. “You commented on his instagram photo the other day. He talked about it for three days.”
Gowoon flushes. “He’s annoying,” she says.
Jugyeong adjusts the stack of books in front of her, and when Jugeyong looks up at Gowoon again, she is watching Jugeyong closely, something akin to pity in her gaze. She is pitiful, Jugyeong thinks, miserably. “You should tell him,” she says. But Jugyeong couldn’t. She has lived both a life with Seojun in it and one without, and she’d never want to do anything to risk him leaving. Not again. She can just suck it up. She can.
Two months later she gets an invitation to Suho’s wedding. The wedding is in Los Angeles and at first Jugyeong thinks she just won’t go, but then she worries that if she doesn’t go, it will seem like she’s not happy for them. When she is. She looked the fiance, Amanda, up on facebook, and she’d looked sunny and happy standing arm and arm with Suho. They’d been wearing matching jackets and grinning stupidly. It had been nice to see Suho like that, stupidly happy. And then Jugyeong thinks, well if she is going to go, to prove she’s happy for them at the very least, she’s relatively certain that Seojun will be going as well. And then she thinks, well if they are both attending, going as far as leaving the country to attend even, they might as well just go together. But if that were the case, she would have to ask him to go with her, which would involve confessing, which she has no intention of doing.
“I’ll just not go,” she says, miserably. She’s sitting on the floor of her sister’s living room. A bottle is between her legs and the room is lightly spinning. She still feels weird about coming over to their house sometimes since Joon-wo was her teacher, but admittedly he’s been her sister’s husband much longer than he was her teacher at this point, and well, it’s better than drinking at home.
“Don’t be stupid,” Unni says, brandishing the wooden spoon she’s holding to mix the greens. Jugyeong thinks it’s rather indecent of her to be cooking while Jugyeong suffers alone, but her sister is seven months pregnant now and using her belly as a resting board so perhaps it can be forgiven. “You just need to man up and tell him.”
“I can’t do that!” Jugyeong cries. “He’ll hate me.”
“He won’t hate you. He’ll respect you for owning your feelings.” She nudges Joon-wo. “Right?” she prompts .
He looks up at her, wide-eyed, and then back at Jugyeong. “Yes,” he says.
Jugyeong shakes her head, not convinced. “You are not going to that wedding alone, Jugyeong,” Unni says, emphatically, and Jugyeong finds herself nodding along. Her sister has a way of sounding convincing like that. Like it was just a fact. Jugyeong was not going to the wedding alone. The thought causes a thrill to go through her.
Still, Jugyeong puts off doing it for weeks. She’s positive that he’s received an invitation, because she saw the pale green envelope sitting in his mail almost a month ago now, but neither of them have brought it up. In fact, they’ve hardly talked about Suho at all since the night he asked her why they’d broken it off. But it’s at the point where she’s having to buy her plane ticket soon, and she really doesn’t want to fly alone for the first time, and the fear of that makes it somewhat easier to say, “Are you bringing a date?”
Seojun had been laying out snacks for movie night, and he jerks, and then turns to look at her. “Huh?” he asks.
Jugyeong bites her lip, looking at him. “To Lee Suho’s wedding.”
Seojun looks torn, and he doesn’t immediately answer. Probably, Jugyeong thinks, because he thinks it would be awkward to tell her while she’s there at his place that he is. Because he knows that Jugyeong will be at her ex’s wedding alone, following after him and his glamorous date, and he feels pity for her. Of course he does. “It’s alright if you do!” Jugyeong says. “You should!”
“I should,” Seojun says, slowly, and then he curses, and stands up, walking into the kitchen. Jugyeong follows after him.
It’s not fair of her to be upset, she reminds herself, although she can admit to herself that she is upset. The more she thinks about the idea of Seojun bringing a date, the more upset she gets. Already, she can feel the conversation spiralling out of her control. “If you want to,” she says, miserably.
Seojun turns to look at her, and she has the sense, all of a sudden that he’s angry. “Okay,” he says.
Jugyeong blinks back at him. “Okay what?”
“Okay I’ll bring a date." He turns towards his phone as if he’s going to call one up right now, and Jugyeong lunges for it without thinking. He looks at her in astonishment, and she snatches the hand back, mortified, clutching the offending article to her chest.
“Sorry,” she whispers, and then before she can stop herself, she’s begun crying.
It’s right for him to bring a date, she reminds herself. In fact, in the whole time they’ve been friends again she hasn’t known him to date anyone, though he’s always being asked, and before, she’d used to read articles about all the various people he was linked to, and he’s young and handsome and charming, and he should date people. Just because he doesn’t want to date Jugyeong, doesn’t mean he should be alone.
“Why are you crying?” Seojun looks baffled, and also concerned, as if he’s not sure whether he should comfort her or not. And she knows that she should stop, because she’s perilously close to doing something that she can’t come back from, but Jugyeong has started in earnest now, and she’s always been a bit of a sloppy, uncontrollable crier. Her mascara is streaking down her face, and her breath is coming in awkward hiccups, as she looks back at him. And he has the nerve to still look handsome, even now. “Is it Suho? Is it because he’s getting married? I mean I know—”
“I like you!” Jugyeong wails, crying harder, and Seojun pauses, looking as if she’s struck him with an iron.
“What?” he says, and Jugyeong buries her face in her hands. She’s actually so embarrassed she thinks she might die.
“Are you crying because you like me?” she hears him saying as if from a distance away. He sounds vaguely distressed. She’s totally and completely ruining their friendship. Jugyeong cries harder. “You hate me!” she cries. He pulls at her arm to get her to come out from her curled position, but Jugyeong is resolute. She’ll die in here if she has to, he’s not looking at her puffy, awful, friendship destroying face. Ever again. “We used to be friends, good friends, but now you hate me.”
“Aish, let go,” he says, tugging again at her arm, and Jugyeong pulls it in harder, murmuring, “You let go,” but somehow she’s not at all prepared for when he actually does, and her elbow comes up, and whacks him hard across the face. She hears a crack, and when she lowers her hands in horror to look at him, she sees him clutching his nose, blood leaking between his fingers. She gasps.
“What?” he says, in shock, looking down at the blood on his hand.
Jugyeong scrambles forward, looking for a towel and then dousing it in hot water and coming back and pressing it to his face. His expression is petulant. “Is this how you confess?” he asks.
“I wasn’t confessing,” she snaps, though admittedly, she was.
He gives her a look. The look is equal parts skeptical and fond. It is a look, that Jugyeong is used to, though normally with a bit less fondness. She’s always been an abysmal liar.
“I’m sorry,” she says.
“Don’t be sorry,” he says. He bats at her hand holding the towel and she removes it. His nose has stopped gushing blood, but the heat of the towel has given him a pink cheeked look, and Jugyeong has the thought all of a sudden that he looks bare-faced, too.
He leans towards her, and Jugyeong jerks back, and Seojun releases his breath through his teeth. “What are you doing?” she asks, putting a hand between them, as if to ward him off.
“I’m going to kiss you.”
“I thought you just wanted to be friends,” Jugyeong says, not lowering her hand. This seems an important point. She’d been sure that was what he had wanted. She’d poured over their conversations time and time again, and always came to the same conclusions.
Seojun pushes at her hand, and she slowly lowers it, letting him take her face in his palms. His hands are large enough to completely cover her overwarm cheeks. His face is very close to hers, his eyes dark and serious on her face. “Im Jugyeong,” he says, slowly, as if he doesn’t want her to misunderstand. “I have never wanted to just be friends with you.”
And then he does kiss her. His mouth is warm, and Jugyeong is frozen for a moment, still not processing what that means, because really they’ve been friends now for a year and before that a full year back in high school, and she’s going to have to do an in depth analysis with someone, someone who is neither Gowoon, Kim Soo or Unni who would all be far too triumphant, about what all of this means, and what the signs were that she had missed, but she doesn’t know why she’s thinking this much when she could be kissing him. So she does. She kisses him back.
And Jugyeong can feel something inside her unfurling, like some tiny part of herself that has been tensed for months, for years maybe, is relaxing. He likes her. Seojun likes her. He doesn’t want to be her friend. He’s here, pressing up against her, making a pleased sound as she leans forward to kiss him more fully.  She can feel his smile.
And she thinks, maybe, that she could do this for a very long time, press her smile against his.
But when her nose brushes his, Seojun shudders and Jugyeong pulls back, raising a hand to her mouth, horrified. “Did I hurt you?” she asks, her hands fluttering over his shoulders “I can stop.”
“Im Jugyeong,” he says again. He says it like he’s pleading with her. His eyes are half-lidded now, and he is not at all looking at her like he hates her or thinks she’s pathetic or minds at all that she definitely still has mascara streaked down her cheeks. “I think we’ve wasted enough time.”
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pumpkinpaix · 4 years
K for the alphabet asks? Also, 100% agree on your N answer. *Takes a bite* Mm, these takes are Very Good. Thanks for sharing your thoughts ❤️
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
answered here, but sure, we’ll do another! I’m going to approach it sideways, because if i really go straight to best or favorite, it’s always very predictable. so I’m going to go with a couple characters whose developments I love, but maybe aren’t the expected choice: wen ning, jin ling, and ouyang zizhen.
wen ning and jin ling for actually very similar reasons: our very first introduction to both of them is quite at odds with their actual characters--wen ning shows up as the terrifying ghost general, undead, vicious, frightening, awe-inspiring. we learn about him both from wei wuxian’s “wen ning? isn’t wen ning already dead?” and the screams of terror from the surrounding cultivators, from Jiang Cheng’s rage--and then you really meet him, and he’s really just. a very sweet young man who happens to have been turned into a weapon.
it’s also like--the moment when he turns into the ghost general, when wei wuxian says, “he was such a timid person in life, the more timid the person, the deeper their wells of rage” (paraphrasing, obviously, i don’t remember the exact wording), and that like. that really gets to me! we never really see it again, but the idea that wen ning actually harbors a deep and violent rage is. A Lot! do i identify? yes lmfao but it also doesn’t change who he is: he’s still kind, he’s still timid, and he still holds a lot of love. UGH. i love wen ning. okay anyways.
jin ling: when we meet him, he’s SO ANNOYING. he’s like! the arrogant asshole bully! we love to see him get his comeuppance! we’re already connecting him with mo ziyuan, with the privileged, cruel, rich kids that feel like they can get away with anything because no one has ever told them no! and then--we realize. and the more time we spend with him, the more we understand where that attitude comes from and how he expresses care and value, and you’re suddenly like oh,,,, my god,,,, ;A; i would die for u jin ling!!! i would die for u!!!!! (fyi, my therapist thinks jin ling is one of the most fascinating characters in mdzs, and he’s got a point!!!) i just. i don’t know! I love that! I love being proven wrong! I love being convinced on characters until im ride or die!! and mdzs does that several times! it’s so good!!
and goodest boy, ouyang zizhen: what I love about him most is honestly like, his purpose as a narrative and thematic device when contrasted with his father. ouyang zizhen is just! such a sweet and kind teenager! sentimental, romantic, just!! likes!!! girls!!!! loves his dad! when he charges into the fray at the second siege like, “dad!! i’ll protect you!!” and his father is so, so afraid that he’s going to lose his son right then?? i don’t know, that moves me because like, sect leader ouyang participated in the murder of the wen remnants, people who were family to someone, who were beloved by someone (in fact, of wen ning, wei wuxian, and lan sizhui, all of whom are present) but he’s not heartless. he’s a person who loves his son, even though he really did do some woof, pretty shitty things in the past. he is not wholly a monster. and his son! his son is good! his son wants to do good! his son is such an encapsulation of like, what a child could grow up to be when not coming of age through trauma. I wrote about it in my longass cql vs mdzs meta here and also my meta on suibian and zidian, but BASICALLY. it matters so much to me that sect leader ouyang raised a young man like ouyang zizhen, and that they love each other, that they’re human, even despite the chilling things we know about sect leader ouyang’s past.
WELL this got kinda long, but HEY. look. why are u following me if not for my sudden, unexpected descents into emotional yelling about side characters!!
and thank you :’) 💛 it’s probably a good idea for me to take a step back sometimes and remember that actually, I have a great time here! but I think I usually refrain from talking about certain things that are actually enormously frustrating in this fandom, and sometimes, the truth is come out: i too, am filled with deep wells of rage.
anyways, in case y’all missed it, the referenced post is here. I also had some more fun responses to N here, if u wanted to read those! :D thank u for playing!!
(alphabet fic asks)
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writerseven · 4 years
Im physically holding myself back from sending all the reader ask emojis, but how about: 😍🤷‍♀️🏆💏😭
(from these asks)
😍 What is your favorite fic trope?
If we’re sticking to Dark Content Brand TM here, then listen...I just never stop coming back to ‘bruce wayne is an abusive parent and also probably fucks his kids’. Delightfully horrible. Extremely excellent. Nudge Bruce just sliiightly to the left and he becomes the worst parent ever, while keeping most of his characterization.
And the endless options to chose from in which kid(s) he hurts and how! and how they all interact based on that! and who finds out and when! and what pieces of canon I can take and shift slightly to fit this new backstory, or not even have to shift at all!
At any given time, I am having three new ideas about bruce being a terrible father.
(If we’re going in the more general sense for tropes, then I just love extreme angst with a happy ending. I want my faves to be okay eventually but they gotta hurt first.)
🤷 What thing that your fandom loves do you just not “get”?
sdfghjk I could list so many little peeves and bits of fanon characterization that I Do Not Jive With and could probably do a whole ask meme about just that. But for now I will just say I’m not that into a/b/o! For reasons unclear to me, it seems super common in the DC fandom.
There’s some stuff in there that works for me, but a lot that doesn’t: I’m not personally into some of the common kinks involved, a lot of times I feel like characters have the entirety of their interesting characterization stripped away for very flat ‘big rough alpha’/‘whimpering weak omega’ archetypes (and ‘beta’ meaning ‘the writer does not care about this character’), and on occasion I feel like the playing with gender and fantasy worldbuilding just loops right back around to barely-modified old-school misogyny in a way that bugs me.
I definitely have enjoyed some PWP a/b/o fics nonetheless! But when I think of the one or two a/b/o fics that I found genuinely interesting and compelling as more than just horny content...I think they’re all deconstructions of the trope lmaosdgfhj. To each their own! But, yeah, I don’t really get it. 🤷
🏆 What do you wish more authors in your fandom would write about?
also so many things, and I could really just @ myself for half of these. (you all are permitted to yell at me to write any of these things.) More comics!titans content, especially the fab five! More terribad luthor/superman content where lex luthor is the horrible man he was meant to be! More terribad Tim/Ra’s, because for a dark pairing that seems to get talked about a lot, there’s really not that much actual dark fic for them! More preboot Roy Harper! More Cass and Steph and Barbara included in the batfam, and less Bruce-And-Four-Boys-Only. (I know I said I wasn’t going to lists peeves on the last question, but I get to slip in one, okay. The new52 and following reboots distorted so many things, and I think one of the worst things it did batfam-wise was convince everyone the batfam is Bruce And Sons And Maaaybe Barbara.)
Also, just in general, I think we could all stand to go back to the source material a little bit and draw from there again. (I definitely include myself in that!) It’s so so easy to just ping pong the same concepts back at each other, but sometimes I feel like we’re stagnating without new ideas. Some of my favorite (mostly not dark) fics I’ve read are really clearly pulling from distinct comic refs, and it lends a grounding and history to the characters that I really enjoy.
💏 Who is your OTP?
You know, I wrote like five answers to this question before realizing that I just don’t think I can answer it. Honestly, it’s very rare for me to strongly ship anything in the sweet/romantic sense. Technically I could say RoyDick for this because they currently are one of those rare cases (and when I was reading NTT I really did love DickKory), but that feels misleading because I rarely-to-never seek out shipfic. I mostly go by individual characters I’m invested in!
When it comes to darkfic (because that is what I made this account for), there are some classic combos that work well--Slade/Dick, Ra’s/Tim, Bruce/all his children--but still, I go a lot more for “which character do I want to see cry today” than seeking out pairings. I do get excited every time there’s a new BruTim darkfic posted!! But, still, I feel like that’s more “I want to see Tim cry in this specific way” than something I’d classify as an OTP. Character >>>> Ship for me every time.
😭 Has a fic ever left you inconsolable?
Sometimes I read a fic where everything is awful to the bitter end and ends hopelessly, but I find myself consciously pulling away from those fics when I sense where they’re going specifically to avoid this. Which I guess implies the answer to this is a firm yes before I learned to do that, but GOD if I can remember which fics they were.
(The only fic I can remember atm that made me uncontrollably cry is ‘the gentle sin is this’ which is actually a largely sweet fic that ends on a decidedly happy note! and also is a neither dark nor taboo roy/dick fic that in no way resembles any of the content anyone here followed me for! so do what you will with that ig????)
Thanks so much for the ask!! Feel free to send others if you want ♥
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ausietigerqueen · 6 years
The post that's gonna get me hate
So Voltron.
There is so much anger at it. So much hate.
And I'd like to say
F U C K. Y O U.
//I am not saying that you guys aren't valid in your feelings because you are, but please stop hating on the show. Just stop watching, stop detailing everything wrong and just enjoy it as it's meant to be. Fandom is for loving the show and creating things you might have wanted differently that's why it's call fan art and fanfiction. It's there that you change things you didn't like or wished were done differently. You're supposed to enjoy the show!//
First of all. This show is not made for you. It's not. The Voltron team doesn't have to do anything that you want. They don't write the show a certain way to make you happy. They don't. That's the end of it. I hate the fact that people think they owe us something when they write it. "They owe us sheith or klance or whatever else!"
No they don't. They are making something and whether you like it or hate it is up to you!
I wanna clarify a few things here about how I feel about this season.
Curtis and Shiro.
B E A U T I F U L !
And question
Why can't Shiro move on? We saw Adam for five minutes and both of them knew if Shiro left the first time they'd never have another chance.
He MOVED ON. He found happiness and love and he got married!!!!!
Apparently a gay wedding is queer bait and Shiro was supposed to wallow in sadness and die alone working himself to death.
Okay, you sound like you really like Shiro.
Okay, I for one didn't much like it, I'll be honest I was angry at the first episode it felt like, it wasn't fair to either of them. EVEN OUR VLD CREW SAID SO.
But remember that Dreamworks pushed for no actual relationship between Adam and Shiro?
I bet they also made them go for allurance.
But as time went on I started to like it more. It's adorable. And fuck, okay Lance deserves to be happy and he's been wanting to be happy the whole damn time: WITH ALLURA. Hes had a crush since episode ONE. and tbh I didn't actually expect it but it was adorable and pulled my heartstrings when they had to leave each other.
Some of you will yell it doesn't matter because she's dEaD anyWay! And yes she is. But that was the way it was and how it ended it was insane. //and yes I know she was WOC rep and I'm sorry you all lost that. But if you think about it, she saved everything. Without her, no one would be alive. No one would be living on and happy.
She became the reason everyone is safe. And I think that's pretty lit. She will live on forever. She is a hero.
Lance's Altean Marks
But I have a theory!!!! Think about it when Allura brought him back //still angry they didn't bring up his death but they can't do everything// she probably put her quintessence in him!!! When she kissed him in the collective consciousness of the universe, it probably reacted to the quintessence Allura used and made the marks appear!!! Now that's not to say I wouldn't of liked a reaction or somethin. But with all they've been through and seen. Marks appearing on Lance's cheek? A minuscule fucking thing in everything.
Honerva !
Okay so I know some people were angry that we saw so much of her backstory but......
I always like knowing the villains motivation?????????? Like I don't want a villain to be a villain BECAUSE. Like and Haggar was a DIFFERENT PERSON. She had no memories of Honerva so she became consumed for a need for quintessence. So she was more inherently evil. Honerva just wanted a happy family. She just wanted to make a better world and better chances for her son. That's why she wanted to gather the quintessence at the beginning so her thoughts and feelings??? V A L I D.
Baby Lotor
So hi I love all the old paladins and them talking with our kids and them all speaking. ZARKON? MY S O N. I LOVE HIM OKAY. I WISH HE COULD HAVE HAD A HAPPY LIFE WITHOUT BEING CORRUPTED ;;;;;
The kinkaide episode! LOVED HIM. LOVE THE MFE PILOTS. L O V E.
They all are so complex and detailed and I fucking love it. They're all so beautiful and amazing and I want these people to be happy. AND THEY ARE NOW !!!!!!
The ending.
Lance is. He's happy. He's sad because he lost her but, he is living on even though he lost her. He's preaching about her method to young kids. He's telling them her story and her life. And I'm so happy he can still live without her. That's so strong. Our boy is strong and beautiful and he doesn't need someone to be able to live. He doesn't need someone else to be happy.
Shiro is so happy dammit!!! He gets to be happy!!!
Keith gets to live with Ezor and Zethrid and Axca and help people!!!
Allura Dying.
I know there are so many angry about this and all of you are screaming. But she became a hero but it's not just that.
Some will scream when someone says people die in war and we shouldn't e showing kids this kind of thing. But there are people and kids dying in wars TODAY. and you're telling me that we can't show them reality? That we can't show them that you lose people in war? That people you love die? I know some will say they're too young to learn about it. But I don't think so. The way we learn to not make the mistakes of the past is to learn from them.
And for a preteen to learn that what comes from war? Death and sadness. It isn't glory. It isn't happiness. It's regret, pain, and loss. And if we can find a way for generations of the future to realize that war isn't a good thing. That we should find a way to not have war, it's a good fucking thing.
There are things I'd have loved to be done differently but this season was so
Powerful and intense. It was so suspenseful and beautiful and the characters got to be happy and Allura gave herself up for the whole universe. She got to go with her father and Honerva got to see her son and husband again.
I love how they ended this show and I love the heartbreak that came from this. Because it's a gorgeous kind of heartbreak one we can learn from and keep with us. You remember the heartbreaking moments more than the happy. They stick with you so you don't feel the same again. We will remember this ending for forever. And for those that enjoy the show. It will stay with us always. I for one am sad it's over and will always love this show for what it's given me and the show that I enjoy.
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twinfanfics · 5 years
The tale of the three head beast. The marching fishes (20/21)
Fandom: Digimon GoT au.
Charaters: All the choosen children from Adventure, 02, Tamer and sometimes Frontier. 
Ships: Taiyama, Joumi, Daiken, Takary, TakatoxYuri, RikaxRyo . . . 
Second part of the tale of the three head beast series, you can read the first part The chosen children Here and here, or look for the tag  3t3hb  on this blog.
Resume: Three years had pased since Taichi won the hand of princess Sora and both get crowned King and Queen of the living land, now they must faced the duty of the monarchs, but the King is must worried about cover his affair with the royal guard. The war started on the Honest Island, does the King Joe would manage it?. Mean while at the other side of the sea Takato and Ruki stronger their forces.
And you can read all past chapters of the marching fishes in the links below or in AO3
ACT 2. SCENE 3: MOTHER | **warning suicide attempt**
ACT 5: SCENE 4: LIONHEART  (Chapter after the cut)
“Why?” the old man ask as soon as the knife penetrate his skin, the surprise take all the strench that remains on his body, he didn't fight, he didn't scream, he just repeat “Why?” 
But Henry didn't answered  to his corpse, he left the room of his former allie as quiet as he entered, he has a fair mision, not good or noble, but fair. 
Kill the spies, prove his loyalty, serve the King 
The death of the counselor was  scandalous; a member of the court stabbed on his own bedroom;  all the castle shake with fear, everybody talked about the  silver knife nail over the body and the beautiful symbol engraved on the handle: a  flower with diamonds as petals, the symbol of the light 
The king was there when Henry inspected the room, he, the trusty adviser, the wiser; the one in charge of investigate his own crime, Takato really was that naive, kill him would be so easy. 
To be fair, Henry had not be his first choice, Takato instanly search for Ruki, but she denied it, is the work of a coward  she said pretending to know nothing, what an amazing liar. 
Gallant lick the blood of the carpet before it could be clean it and  the Lion buried the body and burn all of the gathering. 
In all the palace no one cried the dead of counselor as the Queen, such a crime was no common on Piramide, they were used to fights at coliseum, the honor to die with your opponent in front of you; but for Takato, raised on the old temple, a childhood on the cult, killing on the dark was expected; he fails at comforting his wife. 
The lion carried her around the castle, throwing suspicious and curses to anyone who come closer, doing the job he had done all his life: be the champion of the Queen.
 “Is the work of your enemies your majesty” Henry Wong asure kneeling in front of the King and Queen 
“How?” Takato tried to look compose and fails “How did they surpass our defenses?” 
“and why him? “ Yuri  as usually asked the questions that Takato would never ask “Why send an  from a old man when the Queen and KIng live in the same castle?” 
“I don't know” he standed up and spoke calm and slowly   “But i promise i will found out” 
“Tenemos que prepararnos” the queen continues “we must reinforce the castle, bend the guard…” Lion was beside her, nodding with his head after every order 
“Excuse me?” 
“Momantai” he repeat “Is mean no te preocupes” he turns to Takato “Not to worry” 
“How i cannot be worried if a man is killed in my own castle” Yuri yells, send wàs so little,he could take her down with no effort; The Lion standed up.
“Because that man was a target” still serene he continues “ just think about it, someone entered the castle and only attack an old council, not you or the King, my guess is that is personal, not only that, my thought is that no one really break into the castle, it was an inside job” 
He felt Ruki eyes over him, the entire court gasped, the queen sobed
“the guards saw nothing, the lock was not forced, there was no sign of a fight, the murderer was someone the council knew, someone he trusted, the murderer is a member of this castle, probably a spy from the light” 
The gasp became a scream, and the sob became tears 
“And you tell me not to worried about it?” 
“Gallant is with you all the time,  the Lion protect the Queen, and now that we are aware of this spy he or she would not be able to act without been caught”  he bow “Momantai” and excuse himself out of the audience. 
“Are you out of your mind?”  Ruki follow him  “what is wrong with you?” 
“the best lies are the ones who begins with the true” 
“Don't mess with me Wong!” she come closer “just tell me who the others spies are and i would handle it! this is way out of you control!” 
“Wong!” another figure run to them 
“I don't take orders from you!” 
“Just do it!” and very much to her regret she obeyed
“Wong!” a man approached to him, he was sweating despite the cold weather “Wong! we need to talk, the counselor! what you said¡” the man searched for a safe place to speak “ are we in danger?” 
Ruki recognized him as one of the guard
“listen” a little tremble on his voice, subtle and fake “my hope is that whoever is behind this crime would panic after my declaration, I only act by the command of the alchemist” 
“Did you speak with him?” both men whispered but Ruki was able to listen  “What did he said?” 
“What I need to know, I told you, I merely  follow his instructions” one hand over his shoulder “I trust in his guide, if my purpose is to die for the light, then it will be” 
The man become a young boy at his words 
“Yes, yes of course” he mumble “I, i think the same, i just… im use to the life in this city” 
“Are you coming outside of the light my friend?” 
“No! of course not, im sorry for bothering you is just.. i have doubs” 
“Doubs about the true of the light or about our lider? 
 the fear on his face was enough  answer
Ruki come out of her hide at the same time he running away 
“Nervous men make stupid mistakes” 
“Dont lecture me” she was not convince “this is gonna explode in your face, let me help you” 
“You are helping” he sigh “The king would recognize your murder technique in an instant, I´ll do it, one by one until the last one snap” 
“or you…” 
“I´m calm” he breath, exasperate “I´m in control” even when he was thinking in a millions ways of break her neck
Ruki look at him with her big menacing eyes “Koushiro train you well” 
“I never told you he was my teacher” 
“You didn't have to” but she pause, as  if she was afraid “don't forget why are we doing this, our goal” and she look back at the throne room, the King smile as he talk and welcome the audiences, the light shine over Takato crown making him look almost divine “Only a child of the sun must reight over the living land” 
“For the glory of the house of courage” 
 “For the glory of the house of courage!” she repeat, hoping that he knew what he was doing, hoping that trust in him would not be as disastrous as it was trusting his teacher.
That night the archers of the wall shoot the guard who tried to escape at the middle of the night.  
Two days later one of the maids  throw herself from one window 
One of the gardeners was found floating on the south fountain one week later 
His work was almost done, one last victim and it would be over. 
He called him to met on the garden at dawn, at diference of the others this time they will fight, Henry will won, then he will drag his corpse to the King chamber claiming that he was the perpetrator, ending all doubs over his persona and bringing peace at the castle. 
The last spy  appear at dawn, as planning,  sweating and at the edge of tears, the oldest sidesman of the castle. Henry feel the rush on his blood, still he remains calm. 
“My friend” he said with a smile, barely controlling his excitement “i´m so happy that  you come to me in this our darkest moment” 
 “I´m sorry” he barely whisper,  something was wrong
Another figure emerged between the leaves, tall as a three, strong and proud, The lion looked at him as you can only see the traitors 
“se terminó Wong” he roar 
“Dear light” he turn to the old man “What had you done?” 
“The right thing my friend” his grind was peacefully but twisted “ the right thing” 
 “You…” Henry rush   “You old snitch” 
“hard words on the mouth of a spy” the Lion was still there, with his old chain and ball “I didn't want to believe it” 
“but is true” the sideman step back as he talked “ Wong is the one who communicate with the great alchemist, he had been an informant for him since before the King even married our queen” 
“As same as you!” 
“but he come to me with the true, he regret his past  and swear the rest of his life in favor of Piramide” 
“I´m in favor of Piramide!” Henry need to thing faser, “I´m purging all the light of this city” 
“All except you” 
“That was not...!” 
“Liar!” the heavy chain hit the floor, Henry need to act, The lion would not fail a second time. 
He need a strategy, a way out, he need to focus, to think, he would not follow into dispair; the firmest tree is the only one that can stand the storm 
“I´m not following the orders of the alquemist…” he said trying to stay calm 
“You called this man to murder him, just as you had murder so many others, you attack them from the back and  set them up as accidents, rejecting the honorable pat of a true warrior, do you denied those crimes?” 
“No, but listen…” if only he could explain 
“You lied about your loyalties, you share the secrets of the crown with their enemies” 
“I´m loyal to the king!” his plea sound empty “My only concern is the safety of the King!” 
The lion speak since his hearth “And i only live to protect my Queen” 
The queen, the fragile girl who cried with every dead, and those tears where his sentence, the Lion would kill him for bringing pain to  the monarch 
Even then, he keep breathing, he search for an exit, a distraction, an opportunity 
But then he hear the laugh of the sideman, his bitter utterly obnoxious laugh, suddenly it's fill all his thoughts, all his mind, the mocking of a buffon; he didn't care for the King, or the Kingdom or the magic or the Courage, he was a man manipulating the true to his benefit; Henry get mad at seen at him, not for the imminent death but for how much he could see himself in that elder. 
The calm before the storm was over. . . 
“Wong! Henry stop!” The hand of Ruki hold his wrist, he drop the chain and the ball fall to a pool  of blood,  his eyesight was blurry, his coat was dyed red, to his right the inert body of the old man lay on the ground “What are you doing?” 
What was he doing?
Breath… breath…  he remains  himself and stand up, the ground feel warm, under him layed another body, in horror he saw the lion heads crush on the floor, more than fourteen stabs on his back, with total security injuries perpetrated by his hand
“It's dawning, come on Wong, we have to clean up this disaster”
“Its to late” he remain inmobil, perplexe by the unspoken crimes, soon screams shocked the wind around him, the life in the palace begins early. 
A monster roar, the King was near and he was covered in rot and violence, he did not stand the storm, he was the storm. 
“Run!” Ruki commanded at the same time that she throw over him a dark water.  And what else he could do. 
Henry jumped and ran the faster, the monsters of the King would smell the blood and start follow him at any second. But they didn’t, Henry saw the dark shadow of Ruki colecting every drop of blood that fall from his body. The warrior didn´t stop until the water of the sea had cover him to head to toe. When the shadow of Ruki let him he stayed under the ocean, hopping for the salt water to clean his concience and clean his doubs. He noticed that he still had the heavy weapon of León on his hand, it was drowing him at the deptest of the blue. Henry colected his stregnth  and get out of the water.
The King watch horrified. The corpses of Leon and the old coin advisor were on the floor. There was blood and human parts all over the place. 
“It must had been an ugly battle” Ruki said 
“What?” Takato asked incredulous “Why León would fight an old man?”
“He was obviusly hidden his force, but they kill each other, that is clear” Ruki spoke with force and saw how Takato believed her “we found our killer”
“What?” the child repeated
“One of them was the killer and the other his last victim” 
A heartrending scream cut the conversation. 
Takato turned over himself and hold his trembling wife. 
“León!” The Queen cry and scream as she fallen over the corpse of his protector. 
The King hold her. The three sauros get together and howl. Ruki commanded the guard and get shure to clean everything. 
The murders stopped and for three months the castle cover its standar of black. The Queen stopped to cry a week after the body was buried, but she wasn’t talking anymore. The King hold her hand and talk to her, but her eyes failed to look at him. 
The Queen versed over herself and The King versed over her pale Queen. 
The throne of Piramide was weak.
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fandomoblivion · 6 years
And There She Was (Part 1)
Fandom: Stranger Things
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Henderson!Reader
Request: can u do a cute steve harrington x henderson ! reader? idrc what it is im just in the mood for something steve lol
Summary: (Y/N) Henderson has lived all her life pining after Steve Harrington. Steve Harrington: the athlete. Steve Harrington: the King of Hawkins. Steve Harrington: the player. Steve Harrington: the boyfriend of her best friend. But the thing is, when they’re forced to be together while fighting other-worldly creatures… stuff goes down. But hey, you know what they say. Shit happens.
Warnings: Swearing, violence
Word Count: 1,951
Notes: Hmu to be added to the new tag list!
“Son of a bitch… son of a bitch!” Dustin yelled as he ran into the living room, flipping up cushions on the other side of the couch that you were sitting on.
“Dustin, what the hell are you doing?” You groaned, pushing your glasses up on your nose with the base of your palm. You and your mom were watching the news, as another police chase had happened, following the same group of people. Yes, it was in another state, but it was still interesting to you.
“Another stupid penny…” Dustin grumbled as he threw the penny across the living room.
“Dusty, watch it! You almost hit Mews.” Mom said as your cat meowed in her arms.
“Can I please check under your cushions?” Dustin asked the two of you.
You looked at your position on the couch. You had been comfy sitting here for about a half hour and you did not want to move. Your legs were pulled up under you and you were leaning on an armrest.
“Uh, no, Dude. I’m sitting here.”
“(Y/N).” Your mom said.
“Mom!” You replied.
“Mom, please? It’s an emergency!”
“What qualifies as an emergency to you? Did your Lucas’s little sister glue his ass to his chair again?”
“C’mon, (Y/N)!”
You groaned and stood up as your mom did the same, and Dustin checked under the cushions and found what you assumed he had been looking for: two quarters. “Dude, if you just wanted quarters, you could have asked me. I’ve made a buttload of money teaching those little kids how to dance.”
“What? Really?!” Dustin smiled widely, showing off his new(ish) front teeth.
“I mean, pay me back eventually, but yeah.” You said, walking into your room. You heard him trailing behind you, which made you smile slightly. You took out your piggy bank--you and Nancy have had matching ones since you saved up to buy them in fourth grade (which was hard with no piggy bank to put your savings in)--and you poured the coins onto your bed. “Take the quarters. Just pay me back when you can.”
Dustin scrambled to grab as many quarters as he could. “Thanks, (Y/N), you’re the best! Love you!” He said hurriedly, then he rushed into his room. You heard him turn on his walkie-talkie and start talking to Lucas about the money. From this, you knew he was going straight to the arcade.
“(Y/N),” your mom said as you sat back down on the couch.
“Yeah?” You asked, chewing on your fingernail as you watched the television.
“Would you please drive Dusty to the arcade?”
You scowled, your eyes still trained on the tv. “Why? He has a bike.”
“Well yes, but I don’t want him biking home too late.”
You rolled your eyes and got up from the couch. “Fine. May as well stay out there instead of coming back then going out again. Hey, Little Dude,” you said, stopping Dustin who was running down the hall. “I’m driving you. Wait a minute while I get dress.”
Dustin groaned loudly and dramatically and fell back onto the couch as he waited for you. You changed into a pair of jeans and a yellow sweater. You pulled on your blue suede Adidas (popularized into women’s fashion by Billie Jean King in 1976), tucked your necklace from Steve under your sweater, and tied your hair up in a scrunchie.
“(Y/N)!! It’s been more than a minute! Come on!” Dustin yelled from outside your door. You laughed, grabbed your keys, and left your room. Dustin held up your cross-body bag for you, you took it, and he said, “Wow, you’re welcome.”
You laughed. “And you’re welcome for driving you to and from the arcade today.”
Dustin grinned widely as the two of you got into the car. “(Y/N), do you love me?” He asked sweetly.
You rolled your eyes. “What else do you want?”
“Can you drive Mike and maybe Will home today?”
You laughed. “You know I usually take home Mike. And yeah, sure, I’ll bring Will home, too.”
Dustin cheered and punched the air. “Thanks, (Y/N)!”
You huffed and pulled into the arcade parking lot. “No prob, Little Dude. Now, uh, remember:”
Dustin rolled his eyes as he spoke the next few words with you in unison. “Don’t talk to anyone creepy, especially that dude Keith. Don’t die or let any of your friends die. I love you, Little Dude.”
You laughed, knowing he had heard your spiel one too many times. “Ciao, Kid.” You watched as Dustin excitedly joined his friends in the arcade, and you started your car back up and drove to the movie theater, which was a few blocks away. Seeing the new movie, Terminator, was playing, you bought yourself a ticket and wasted time--okay, not wasted, Terminator was a fucking good movie--while waiting to pick up Dustin.
The next morning, you got ready for school. Dustin was talking the entire ride to the Byers’ house, and to the Wheelers’ house, and home, about somebody named MadMax who had beaten his score on… PacMan? No… Thayer’s Quest? No, it was Dig Dug. Yeah, Dig Dug. Anyway, you didn’t really care about the conversation, since you knew Dustin would find a way to somehow, someday, beat that MadMax. Even if it meant helping him yourself.
You pulled up to school, sitting in your car for a few minutes, making sure you had everything with you. You picked a piece of lint off your stripey sweater, one that Nancy had given you when she outgrew it (somehow, you managed to fit into it years after she gave it to you). You looked over at the car next to you and saw a dude smoking in his car. You scowled, hating smoking because it reminded you of your father. You got out of your car and immediately his eyes trained themselves on… your fucking chest. Really, dude?
“Hey, you know smoking isn’t allowed on campus, right?” You said to him once he took notice of you.
The dude smirked and let out a puff of smoke before flicking his cigarette onto the ground. “Sorry, Sweet Pea. I’m new in town. Don’t really know the ropes for your dumbass school yet. Maybe you can teach me?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
You scoffed. “You’re pretty cocky. I’m sure they’ll find someone to show you around. But…” You paused and sighed. “If they don’t, come find me at lunch. I usually sit near the window.”
He chucked. “Thanks, Sweet Pea.”
You scrunched up your nose as you walked away. “Don’t call me Sweet Pea,” you said under your breath.
You quietly cursed under your breath as the guy from the morning walked up to you while you were at your locker getting your lunch.
“So listen, Sweet Pea-”
“Please don’t call me that.” You said with a sarcastic smile, but he just kept talking.
“After school today you’re gonna tell me all the shit that I should know about your school. How’s 7:30?”
“I can’t, I go straight from school to dance. I don’t get off until 6:30 each night.”
He chucked and leaned in. “I don’t think you heard me. 7:30. I’ll pick you up.”
“Like a date?” You asked unenthusiastically. He just smirked. You hung your head down and took a breath, before looking back up at him with a fake ass smile. “7:30. Here’s my address.” You said, before writing your address on the back of his hand. “Don’t be late.” You said, then turning around, your whipping around your face, and heading to the cafeteria.
You knew it was stupid to say yes. You knew it was a bad idea. And yet…
It would get your mind off Steve.
At least for a bit.
After lunch, you, Nancy, and Jonathan exited the cafeteria, only to be greeted with none other than Tina Cline handing out flyers for her Halloween party. She handed Nancy and you one, and you immediately crumpled it up and threw it at your feet, kicking it along the linoleum floor as Nancy asked Tina for two more.
“You two are going to this!” Nancy said, before pushing the two flyers into your and Jonathan’s chests. You started to crumple yours up again, but Nancy shot you her famous “don’t-fucking-do-it-or-I’ll-crazy-murder-you” look. You smiled sheepishly and flattened it out against the book you were holding.
“‘Come and get sheet-faced.’ No, I’m not going.” Jonathan said, laughing.
“No, I can’t let the two of you sit home alone all Halloween. That’s just not acceptable!”
“Well, you can relax. We won’t be alone,” you said, pushing your glasses up your nose. “We’re going with the kids while they trick-or-treat.”
“All night?” Nancy asked.
Jonathan nodded. “Yeah…?”
“No, no way. You two are gonna be home by 8:00, Jonathan, you’re going to be listening to the Talking Heads and reading Vonnegut or something. (Y/N), you’re going to be watching some cheesy horror movie, eating ice cream out of its container and clutching your cat all night.”
Jonathan shrugged. “Sounds like a night night.” You laughed and agreed.
“Guys! Just come! I mean, who knows? You might even, like, meet someone.” Nancy said, opening her locker. Just then, Steve rounded the corner and picked up Nancy, making her shriek/squeal/make some weird, high-pitched noise that made you and Jonathan look at each other uncomfortably.
Steve set Nancy down, laughing, and Nancy hit his arm. “Oh, my God! Take those stupid things off.” She said, referencing his sunglasses.
He kept laughing and hugged her close to him, saying, “I missed you.”
“It’s been, like, an hour!” Nancy laughed.
“Tell me about it.” Steve said before pulling Nancy in for a kiss.
When they kept kissing, you turned to Jonathan and said, “So… how about the weather? Interesting, isnt’t it?” Which made Jonathan laugh and the two who were kissing separate. “C’mon.” You mumbled to Jonathan. The two of you walked down the hall together, leaving Nancy and Steve alone.
“I’m sorry you had to see that.” You said to him. You were the only one who knew about his huge crush on Nancy.
He sighed. “It’s fine. I… it just sucks, you know?” You nodded. “You’re lucky you don’t have to deal with that.”
You noticed the two of you were about to walk by Mrs. Armstrong’s history class, and you knew she had the next period free and wouldn’t be in her classroom. You tapped Jonathan on his shoulder and pulled him into the classroom.
“Okay, I might be absolutely insane for telling you this, but I’m gonna tell you anyway.”
Jonathan furrowed his eyebrows in concern. “You okay?” He asked.
You took a deep breath. “Not exactly. See, I’ve kinda had a teensy-weensy crush on Steve for a little while now. Okay, not so teensy-weensy. More like hugesy-wugesy. And it hasn’t been for a little while. I’ve liked him since middle school. It’s just like… every time I see him, I feel lightheaded and I get butterflies in my stomach and I can’t form words properly and when I do I sound like an asshole and… and… and I’m in love with my best friend’s boyfriend.” You felt your face grow hot as you put your feelings for Steve into words
As you were saying this, Jonathan’s eyes widened. “Really? Oh… shit. Well, I, uh… I guess we’re in the same boat, then, huh? Except I have a crush on my best friend, and you have a crush on your best friend’s boyfriend… but, essentially, we’re in this together, huh?” He said with a sad smile.
You nodded. “Yeah. We’re in this together.”
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@lovingcupcake51002 @alonewolfsblog @duffer-daddies @chayavered0116
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lunartxger · 5 years
❀ What is your favorite thing about your current fandom or RP community?
positivity hours | @horclogium
❀ What is your favorite thing about your current fandom or RP community?
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all the people i got to meet in last year!! i literally stepped into this rpc with no one else as my friend ryan didnt join until months later lmao. i did feel lonely for a bit since a lot of people already had their own friends and groups, but i didn’t let that get me down either way since I was here to have fun and honestly??? people here are really welcoming and really fun to talk to ( even though i am a sheb and rarely talk to people ooc ^^;; ). and for the most part now??? i think i can say i made some friends who i do talk to at least on discord, I still need to uh???? be better about reaching out because im a dumbass who wants to do things but never really reaches out to people on my own asdfghjkl. i especially wanna talk to my fellow atsushi roleplayers too because yes, hello, i have a twin verse, please let my son talk to your son and we can all yell together????.
apart from that???? the general ridiculousness of somehow everyone shit-posting simultaneously once every who knows how long. i like seeing everyone just being silly and having fun and interacting with one another which does happen on other rpcs im in but not as frequently as here. and it helps me relax too whenever i feel overloaded or dont have the energy for threads.
i just love everyone here okay.
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franeridart · 6 years
Wow Hi I can't spell for shit but I was wondering if you could draw some more KamiSero? Your art style is really beautiful and there are not much KamiSero art >•
Awww thank you!!! And in the future I might, yeah! Right now I’m a bit swamped by the zine things and using the time I take away from it to draw low effort stuff or my main ships so I can’t promise it’ll happen soon, but I still like the ship lots so !!! might happen!!
Anon said:Hey thanks for that last art I know you're probably just staying on model and it doesn't really mean anything but it felt really good to see a character with my body type for once so thank you
Anon the pleasure was all mine! Miruko’s body type is beautiful to look at and a pleasure to draw, and if my indulging myself could make you happy then that makes it even better spent time!!
Anon said:I love you. That is all. Carry on.
Thank you!! I love you too!!!!!
Anon said:that drawing of hawks blessed me and my children and the children of my children, i feel the salvation in my bones, i've been purified
I dunno which one specifically you’re talking about, but thank you!!!! ;^;
Anon said:I just wanna say I love Baku I’m goods! Peace
Hell yeah anon love that boy!! Smother him in love!!!! Give him all the affection his heart can take and then more!!!!!
Anon said:This is from the anon asking about todoraka and iideku fusions, I just got far enough to find them, sorry for bothering you earlier!
Not a bother at all, don’t worry about it!!! And thank you for liking my designs enough to ask about them!!!!
Anon said:Hey!! I love your art so so so much and i was wondering if you could get in some mina and bakugo friendship content bc they're just,,, so underrated as friends and I love them
Ahhhhhhh the Baku // Mina friendship debate, nice, hadn’t been around on this blog for a while - you know, the reason why there isn’t much content and their friendship is somewhat underrated (unless we’re talking about full squad content, there’s a lot of baku and mina there) is that, going only by canon, they... aren’t friends. Of course Mina’s part of the squad, but she is more in virtue of the fact that she’s besties with Kaminari and Sero and has her backstory relationship with Kirishima, than because she has had any significant interactions with Bakugou (a bit like Jirou’s a member of the squad through Sero and Kaminari and Bakugou even if she’s got no relationship with Kirishima at all, all in all) - I, personally, like to think they could be great friends, you know? But if we’re talking canon I can count the times they interacted on the fingers of one hand (the only serious one being during the sports fest, which Mina herself commented as Bakugou picking her only cause of her acid being a good strategy against Todoroki’s ice)
I know this is sort of a digression from your question, but, as you obviously noticed since you sent me this question, lately whenever I have focused on Bakugou’s friendships in my drawings Mina hasn’t been there, and people have been more or less aggressively pointing it out to me, like I was doing a disservice to a canon friendship by not portraying it - when in truth the relationship in question has nearly no canon basis at all. So I just wanna say, from the bottom of my heart and honestly, I’m sorry if my liking to delve into and focus on Bakugou’s canon friendships makes you sad, but if the focus of a drawing or a set of drawings is supposed to be Bakugou and the relationships Horikoshi gifted him, then Mina’s most probably not gonna be there (for now, I’m still hoping Hori will add her to his growing list of canon friends soon *crosses fingers*)
Either way this has nearly nothing to do with your question and it wasn’t even really directed at you specifically, I just used the chance to address something that was bothering me a bit - THAT SAID! I do have something I mean to draw that’s gonna be focused on Bakugou and include Mina! It might not be exactly what you’re looking for, but I hope you’ll like it anyway, at least a tiny little bit! ;^;
Anon said:I loved your Have a Nice day comic. It really gave me a nice day. It’s totally cute I can imagine them living together and sing this every morning Love your art xoxoxo
Ahhhh thank you so much!!!! I’m super glad you liked it!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Bro I just wanted to thank you! Becuase of your amazing art on boku no hero academia. It got me intrested in checking it out. And let me tell you, I love this show sooo much,even if its getting really intense right now. So its all thanks to you that I even started watching it.Its even more amazing becuase I get to admire your stunning work base on it.Thank You!!!!! 💕💕💕💕
HECK I’m so glad you checked it out and ended up liking it!!!! I hope you’ll keep on enjoying it from now on too, anon!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Hey fran! I love your art style so much!! Will we ever see more of the Bakushima neighbor’s cat au?
I KEEP ON PROCRASTINATING ON THAT ONE!!! I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHY!!!! It’s in the projects but I never!!! sit down!!!! to draw it!!!!! So I wanna say yes, because that’s the plan! But when I’m being honest I’m not so sure anon orz
Anon said:Okay but like.... hawks is hot right?? Its not just me??
Given the reaction the whole fandom has had to him, I’m pretty sure it’s not just you anon hahaha
Anon said:Could you possibly draw more of the Deku + Kirishima fusion?
I... dunno? If I ever feel in the mood to play around with that AU again? But to be honest if I were to draw something that isn’t just a design for it it’s probably... not gonna be about kiri and deku of all people............ so I can’t promise anything, sorry!
Anon said:Hi! I know you haven’t really touched the fusions au in a while but please consider: miritama fusion
I have considered it! It’s the first one I’m gonna draw if I’ll ever feel like going back on the fusions!
Anon said:Let kirishima touch the butty
I’m 100% sure Bakugou lets him touch anything he wants, but if you want depictions of that this blog is not the right place to ask, anon hahaha
Anon said:First off, you draw the greatest art/headcanons for KiriBaku I've ever seen! Secondly, I found it funny since Bakugou is almost exactly like his mom, and since she got with Bakugou's dad by aggressively hitting on him, what if there was a scenario where Bakugou did that to Kirishima? Idk, I just thought it would be funny.
I actually have a couple of comics based on that concept!! Somewhere... in my bakushima tag............ I’ll def draw more on the same line in the future, tho!
Anon said:I know you posted your batteryacid (kamimina) picture a while ago but I just saw it and I'm sobbing I love it!
YO that makes me super happy, thank you!!!! I love that ship so much, it’s nice to know you liked the little thing I drew for it!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:hi, i just binge watched bnha for the first time and now that i understand all your comics i fucking love them, i'm in love, i love bakugou, i love them all, i love your art
And I love YOU to be hecking honest!!!! Thank you for loving my boy, anon!!!!
Anon said:i just want kirishima to meet bakugou’s family one time in the show and his mother is probably gonna wanna make him her second son and bakugous LOSING IT
I DO hope that’s gonna happen in the manga canon sooner or later, but meanwhile Kirishima met Mitsuki in one of the novels! She’d been taken hostage by a villain, and Bakugou yelled at her for it, and she yelled right back at him like she wasn’t in the hands of a villain right then, and Kirishima said “as expected from Bakugou’s mom” and Bakugou said “don’t admire her!” or something on that line - I’d give you a link if I knew how I tagged it when I reblogged it, but I’m sure if you dig a bit around you can find it! Maybe on @aitaikimochi‘s blog, they translated a lot of kiribaku novel moments!
Anon said:im supposing that you do, but why do you think you like bakugou so much? personally i just like the angry scowl-y but fluffy characters haha and really hes so!! cute!!! and cool!!! really!!!!! hes so good at so many things but he sucks so badly ay feelings its so!! endearing!!!! apart from this i meant to praise you and your work but i ended up screaming about bakugou hahaha. i love him too muchasgshdjl
Oh heck anon, you really don’t wanna get into this, if I started talking about why I love Bakugou as much as I do I’d probably end up saying a 10k worth of words hah I love everything about him, everything he is and everything he has the potential to be, everything he’s changed about himself and every step he’s taken along the way to be who he is right now. I love his personality and I love how strong he is, I love how hard he works, I love how angry he is and how honest and direct and genuine in everything he does he is. I love the way he interacts with people, I love his expressions SO MUCH, I love his habit of speaking in hyperboles and I love how he’s a fast thinker and how he has to go back and walk through every step he skipped when he explains things to people. I love that he presents himself as a genius when actually he just pours everything he has in being the best at everything he tries doing, I love that he’s autocritical and that he cares and that he admits when he’s wrong and that he cries, I love the fact that he cries a lot. I love that he’s set on his path and that he takes everything life throws at him and keeps walking head up and square shoulders, and also I love his eyes and his hero costume and the fact that he wants to be intimidating and yells DIE at inanimate objects and enjoys hiking in his spare time and that he calls people nerd like he isn’t one himself I just. Love him. So damn much.
Anon said:Franeriiiiii~ I see that you're trying new techniques on your arts! Very nice, I enjoy watching you come up with new clothing and whatnot. I also see that the painting is a bit different, more detailed. Just dropping by to let you know I see your efforts ❤ keep on exploring! Maybe you'll discover that you can do what you couldn't in the past. As always, have a good day and much love \0/
SOB thank you SO MUCH, anon!!!!!
Anon said:Hey Fran, how are you? I was wondering if you have any tips on how to know where to place the shadows in a drawing? I'm still a beginner and this is the hardest part for me... And I love your art very much!! You're amazing, thank you for sharing your talent with us!
God, I would love to give you a hand there but to be fair I have zero clue what I’m doing when shading, anon ;-; I go a lot about it following more gut feeling and what looks right, than any actual tecnique (which probably shows to people who have a deeper understanding of it than I do orz) the best I can tell you to do is to try to draw from real life, but really this is such a hard question for me to answer when I myself need to work more on it ;^; I’m so sorry!
Anon said:Bakushima alternative ship name: POPROCKS
A GREAT NAME I’m nearly sure I read a fic called that once!
Anon said:I just wanted to thank you for sharing your amazing work for us. You literaly made my day
Anon said:I just finished going through your kiribaku tag and I honestly don't know if I'm feeling fulfilled for all of it or empty because I just saw all of it daNG YOUR STYLE JUST FUCKING FITs KIRIBAKU SO MUCH I REALLY LOVE YOUR KRBK CONTENT AND THE KIDS FUUUUUUUKCKCKCKK. I'm really, really looking forward for more of your art but for now I gotta go through all your other content as well. Ps. Have I mentioned that I fucking love how you draw feet?????
OH MAN that’s such a nice thing to hear, that my style fits them!!! My style changed so much since I started drawing them that they probably influenced it to begin with, but I’m happy you like how it looks on them nonetheless!!! thank you so so much for the kind words and for taking the time to go through the whole tag!!!
Anon said:Hi! I’m an artist and i’ve been trying to draw boy teens for a while now but i cant seem to make them have muscles without making them look like sorta adults. Any tips? I like how you draw them
I dunno how qualified I am to answer this question since I’m still playing around with my style trying to work that out, but most of what I keep an eye out for are proportions and also how round I make the traits, I guess? The rounder the younger, as far as my art style goes - I also make the eyes bigger the younger my character is supposed to be, but that probably only works if you don’t mind your style not being all that realistic hahaha
Anon said:I want to go through and the like every single one of your posts but I feel like that's a little bit excessive. Since I can't do that, I would like to tell you how amazing you are and how even when I'm having a bad day your art always makes me smile. I hope you're having a lovely day!
Thank you so so much for this ask, anon!!!!!! I hope you’re having a wonderful day/week/month too!!!
Anon said:New hawk boy lookin like a snack.
I would lie if I said the first thing I thought when I read this ask was “I guess we’re talking chicken wings”, tbh
Anon said:Fran, I love your sketch of Yuuto!! :3 Do you ship anyone from yowapeda?
Thank you!!! And I guess I ship more or less anything with a vague canon basis? Which is, like, a whole damn lot of things thank you Watanabe for your gay biking children - I’m not particularly invested into anything at the moment, tho!
Anon said:Whenever I'm having a shitty day, I come back to your blog and scroll through it, the way you draw krbk is really sweet and gives me the warmth I need when I feel down. Thank you for sharing your beautiful art, you're amazing.
Sob thank you so much, oh my god! This is such a nice ask to get, I’m glad I can help you feel a lil bit better, anon ;^;
Anon said:Fran your iida is real real cute and I'm love
THANK YOU! I think he’s way less square than he’s supposed to be... I’m working on that lol
Anon said:that drawing of hawks ended my life oh my goddddd he's bEAUTIFUL
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Tbh I thought of Hawk teaching Tokoyami how to fly with his quirk like a bird would, but birds just fricken shove their kids out of the nest.
At this point I wouldn’t even put that past Hawks, t b h
Anon said:I love all your art and I only recently discovered all of your old kirikamibaku stuff and was wondering if you'd consider drawing it again?
YEP! Not in the near future tho, as explained in the answer to the first ask up here!
Anon said:For your fusion au do you have any of the dances figured out yet?
Only the KiriBaku one, which is just hand holding - the AU was never meant to be more than just the designs tho, so I can’t say I spent too long on this sorta things!
Anon said:Your art is so nice and beautiful that you could probably draw any two characters together and say it's a ship and I would just accept it without question like "You right omg how have I not noticed this befORE IT'S GENIUS" and it could literally even be two rocks. Not even characters. Just rocks. Bless you
THANK YOU this is!!!!!!!! such a cool feeling omg so much power to have.......... I’m gonna need to use it wisely (I say, but the first thing I thought when I read the two rocks thing was “I did draw Kiri and Tetsu in the past!” so I guess wise isn’t a thing I am at all lol)
Anon said:I’m sure you get asked this a lot but is it okay if I post some art of yours on amino? (With credits to you of course)
Nope, sorry! I don’t allow reposts with or without credit, please don’t repost my stuff - if you really wanna share you can just drop a link to the original post~
Anon said:Can I repost your art in my Instagram page with credit please ?
Anon said:Can i repost your art with credit ?
Again, sorry but I’d prefer it if you did not do that!
Anon said:Hello! Opinions on iida x deku x todoroki? I love ur art sm and ur latest thing(which inspired this ask haha) hope ur having a nice day!
Love it!!! It’s one of my main ot3s in bnha!!!! And thank you!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Can you draw more Bakugo with glasses?? I love my goth/jock/nerd son. (I also love your art btw :'D💕)
Thank you!!! And I can! And most probably will!!! Can’t say how soon that’s gonna be, tho!
Anon said:was the art of bakugou doing kirishima's hand pose/stance based off of the official card game or was that a super happy coincidence? :'D
Seeing as I posted the comic weeks before the card came out, I’d say it was a coincidence haha that said! In the card Bakugou isn’t actually doing Kiri’s pose! He’s doing his own, which is adorably similar to Kirishima’s - one closed hand against an open palm as he lats out an explosion, you see him take the stance as he gets ready to fight now and again in the manga and anime! 
Anon said:Psst, you got that Bakukamikiri?
Sadly, not at the moment :( as I said, maybe in the future~
Anon said:I love your art more than anything and your Kiribaku keeps me alive, especially now it's finals week. Also your Kaminari is a beautiful boy who deserves all my love. I have to ask for more of him. I love you omg!!!! Please never stop drawing! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
More Kaminari is coming your way! Definitely! Since I draw him a lot all things considered and you therefor you don’t really need to ask to see more of him haha
210 notes · View notes
monswoon · 6 years
Do you ever think about how Lance is literally so kind??? He deadass is ALWAYS there for others, and validates their feelings, but he's always kinda brushed off??Lance never allows his insecurities to burden the team and despite it being a major issue he never allows it to limit himself??Like he very clearly wants to go back home but he doesn't act on it??His lack of backstory is annoying bc they want to make him a deeper character but refuse to go beyond giving insecurities.. (pt 1)
(pt 2) and he also demonstrates a lvl of selflessness that is really admirable?? Idk out of all the characters he like lowkey seems to get the gravity of the situation the best??He also demonstrates a lvl of maturity that is pretty admirable... Obvs he is not perfect but idk fanon seems to have made him so weak??? But Lance is so strong??? Its just upsetting that he's so often unappreciated bc my son deserves better... pls dont @ me if you disagree you just seem to appreciate Lance as much as me
omg yes??? yes I do think that??? a lot??? 
Honestly i’m not that in Voltron fandom; I don’t know what’s going out there in the Voltron Abyss I kinda just sit in my hut and enjoy whatever VLD nonsense manages to meander it’s way up my garden path through carefully filtered mutuals who themselves only partake as a minor side fandom but you can honestly bet your sweet sweet ass the only voltron thing that genuinely gets me hot and bothered is LANCE he is the BEST THING about Voltron and I am simultaneously thankful to voltron for giving him to me, while filled with unmitigated fury at HOW LITTLE APPRECIATION THERE IS FOR HIM, MY SON AND STARS???!!!
He has never done anything wrong I mean seriously think about it this isn’t that ‘i know this an i love u’ meme (although?? true.) this is legitness; he has literally done nothing but be there to support an uplift his mates and yeah maybe he can be immature sometimes maybe at first he was silly and didn’t seem to ever fully grasp the seriousness of the situation and he was often dismissed as comic relief s1 and that concept stuck since and stupidly enough overshadowed the rest of the small but crucial moments of character development since... that sentence was too long and made no sense. i forgot where i was going with this, i got so emotional. um. hold on.,,
YEAH. He’s so insecure how does everyone consistently forget the shit he’s going through so what yeah he doesn’t act out in obvious rebellious shows of defiance and anger like emo teen keith does i love him, relax, i just lOVE lance and I’m emotional just let me get this out okay but he’s still struggling?? he misses his FAMILY he isn’t loner keith he isn’t reunited with his fam like pidge he isn’t idk Clone-Shiro (and don’t get me start on HUNK’s lack of development i MEAN what is UP with him he could be the son of a Samoan Mafia family who TF knOWS not i cause ‘fuck him’ said VLD writers APPAREntLy? that’s a rant for another day..)
I need to write lance fanfic where everybody loves him ;__;
 ..everybody is just,,, finally smitten with his perfectness. he deserves it. he deserves recognition. Hunk is the only one who KNOWS. He was so worried about Kieth and Pidge kept telling him to shut up (Imma cry just thinking about it omg its so mean) and CLONE-SHIRO YELLED AT HIM and like honestly??? 2 secs later Lance is,,, reassuring him? when shiro was like all messed up about the psychic link thing he didn’t remember, lance was like ‘its all g buddy don’t stress :)))’ even tho,,, HE was the only who was obviously rlly emotional and stressed at the time? I’m so upset i mean.??
“bc they want to make him a deeper character but refuse to go beyond giving insecurities.. “
why 👏do 👏they 👏do 👏this 👏to 👏my 👏boy???👏im so mad, he deserves some good he’s been kicked around enough like his character development has 100% been ‘he’s a sad boi’ plus a healthy splash of ‘now let’s kick him while he’s down and camera pan back to some lotura fanservice or keith/shiro’s latest inner turmoil* like honestly BLeaSe 
okay yeah im done. like ur asks were 1000000x more coherent are structured and well backed up with facts and legit points but YOU KNOW. 
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221bshrlocked · 7 years
Meant to Be (3)
Meant to Be Masterlist
Pairing: Prince!Bucky X Servant!Reader
Words: 1404
Warnings: More angst....
Summary: As the news of the King’s death spreads throughout the land, lords and ladies from the nearby countries swarm the castle to offer condolences to the queen and her son. As the prince mourns his father, he is met with the reality that he must now choose a wife and begin his reign.
A/N: Because I was feeling nice and wanted to waste more time and not study Hieroglyphs. Let me know if you want to be tagged HERE.
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As the words left your mouth, the Prince couldn’t help but smile, telling one of his guards to bring him your sister. Seating her in front of him, he gave her his gloves to play with before telling one of your brothers to fetch your basket as well as everything else they might need from your home.
You were surprised by the way he was acting all of a sudden.
More importantly, you were amazed by how tender he suddenly became as he played with your sister. You waited in silence next to him, not saying anything and opting to wait to see what he would do.
Your brother came out with the everything and gave it to Sir Rogers, the knight looking for the ruby and looking up to the prince when he didn’t find it.
“Where is it?”
“It is in the safest place I could think of my lord. Would you allow me to bring it or will you keep me tied up?” You asked, waiting to see what his response would be. He unbound you and told you to bring it. As you went inside the house, James asked his most loyal guard to speak with him.
“What are we doing here?” Steve looked at him, knowing very well there was something that James was not telling him.
“I will explain everything once we are with my mother. Just wait.” You came out and gave them the ruby, presenting your hands again to Steve.
“Did you change your mind?” He sarcastically responded before taking your wrists and tying them once more.
“If it means they will be safe, then yes.” You avoided the prince’s gaze, keeping your eyes to the floor and waiting until they started moving.
As you made your way through the village, you were met with different responses. Some people apologized while others laughed at your predicament.
Once you stepped inside the castle, you couldn’t help but look around you and marvel at the beauty of the architecture. It truly was magnificent and the paintings in the market did it no justice.
“Tell my mother that I need to speak with her.” Prince James asked one of the guards to inform the Queen of his arrival along with something you couldn’t quiet hear.
Getting off the horse, he asked Steve to do something and told the rest of the guards he’d take it from there. Motioning for you to follow him, he carried your sister and joked with her while asking your brothers what their names were.
How was this man the same as the one who not an hour ago asked for you to be arrested?
Making your way through the hallways, you were mesmerized by the colors and shapes of the columns and paintings, not noticing the way James kept on stealing glances at you and smiling. Upon arriving to one of the rooms, he asked the guards to leave and not have anyone in the vicinity once the Queen arrives.
Before walking in, Sir Rogers approached you with an elderly woman behind him.
“Your grace.” The old woman curtsied before him.
“May I ask you a favor?”
Did he just ask if she can do him a favor? He’s been ordering around everyone since you met him. What was wrong with him?
“Of course.”
“Can you look after these children for me? This is important. Do not let them out of your sight. Do not tell anyone else to take care of them. They must be with you at all times.”
“Is something the matter?” She took a step forward, placing her hands on his shoulder and looking down at his hands when he motioned for her to take a folder paper.
“This will explain everything. Burn it after you read it.” She nodded and motioned for your siblings to come along. They all looked at you, almost asking if it was okay to go with her. You smiled and mouthed that everything was going to be okay, thanking her before turning around and entering the room.
As Steve shut the door behind him, James walked over to you in a hurry and took hold of your hands, cutting the ropes as quickly as possible before rubbing at your wrists.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”
“What?” It was the only word that kept on repeating in your head.
Before he could reply, the queen entered and looked around, her eyes falling on you and looking almost as confused as you were.
“My lady.” You kneeled down, your head spinning from what was taking place around you.
“James what is going on? And who is that lovely young lady you brought?” He grabbed your shoulder and pulled you up to stand next to him.
“I have no proof yet and I do not expect you to believe me, but I believe father was killed.
“What are you talking about?” The queen asked, her voice breaking as his words registered in her mind.
“I believe one of my guards killed him. I asked all of you to meet here and no one else because I do not trust anyone.”
“But why am I here? You falsely accused me of robbing you.” You couldn’t help but cut him off.
“I asked you here because I need your help catch him.”
“And how exactly will I do that?” He ignored your question, turning to his mother before speaking again.
“Mother, you told me I needed to find someone before the court resumed the meeting. And I did.” He pointed to you.
“James are you sure this is what you want?”
“As certain as I am that the moon will shine tonight.”
“Your majesty forgive me but I am confused. How am I supposed to help you?” You wanted to know what they were speaking of and how you could help him.
“By becoming my wife.”
“What?” You and Steve almost yelled the question at the same time, shocked by what you just heard.
“Once I announce I have found a wife, I will be coronated and become the king. The man who killed my father...I am certain he did this for money. We have many enemies...they are all waiting for us to weaken so they could attack. If I am married, this will prove to them that we are still a strong country.”
“So if you announce your marriage, he will try to kill you or her.” Steve finished the sentence, turning to you before telling James that this was a dangerous idea.
“It will work. We will catch him.”
“With all do respect your grace, my life is not yours to do with as you wish. I understand if you want to put yourself in danger to find this man but me? How is that any fair?”
“You told me you’d do anything to keep them safe?”
“I did. And you told me to be your servant. Not your wife!”
“The question still holds.”
“So why the theatrics? Why come to the village? Why arrest me?”
“Will my answer change yours?” “Considering the fact that I have no choice but to obey you, no.”
After a moment of silence, he approached you slowly before looking into your eyes.
“Because I am sure he saw me placing those ribbons yesterday in your basket. If I hadn’t done what I did today, he might have found you sooner and hurt you.”
“And you expect me to believe you somehow care about my well being?”
This is not how he imagined this going.
Unfortunately, the assumptive side of his brain took over, his mind telling him you would never accept him as your husband. He wanted to tell you how you affected him from the first time he saw you. He wanted to tell you how he felt.
Instead, he quickly turned around and gave Steve a paper, whispering something to him before taking his mother outside the room and speak to her.
When he came back into the room, he shut the door and locked it, turning around and striding towards you. As you backed into the wall, he cornered you with his hands, his eyes never leaving yours even for a second.
“You will become my wife whether you like it or not. You will help me catch him. And until we do so, you will remain in these chambers with me.”
some tags aren’t working!
Meant to be tag list: @damnbuckyishot @starkxpotts @ladyrevealedofcloak @jasmineladjevardi @grey-raven @n-debono @valebt1999 @i-love-superhero @hollycornish @mirachowder @learisa @soldierplum @stumblingintowonderland @crazyjam-pot @fandoms-whoa-blog @im-a-light-child @metal-armed-dino @friendlyneighborhoodnazgul @camely09 @hellohollands @jessevans @dugan365 @lunacajun @5sospaghettisauce @stupendoustyrantstranger @jmb959 @princesse-de-ravenclaw @kudosia @jasmineladjevardi  @scarletthornrose @anorracorvin @princess76179
Permanent tag list: @meganlane84 @mizzzpink @bringmetheemobands @kimistry27 @fireandicewillsuffice @vacam79 @amrita31199 @badassbaker @feelmyroarrrr @aekr @sexy-sea-basss @isaxhorror @actual-bucky-barnes-trash @cassandras-musings @mo320 @ssweet-empowerment @kapolisradomthoughts @queenmeplus1d @chameerah @purple-mango @harleyquinnandscarletwitch @bellejeunefillesansmerci @angryschnauzer @bladebarnes @huntermichelle @kristygeary @mrs-stan-barnes @jjlevin @retroasgardian @carailly @clean-and-claire @barnesvogue @also-known-as-me @seb-fucker-tucker @memory-of-a-goldfish @theonlyone-meeeee @debzybrazy @seeyainanotherlifebrotha @cloverrover @mcuimxgine @hi-my-name-is-riley @kanupps06 @danni-blog @missmeganrachel @harrisbn @teenwolftimelord @queen-merc @janellexox0 @sonofadeanwinchester @kanupps06 @sanjariti @thirstybitchqueen @veronicalei @glimmering-darling-dolly @nadtandy @veronicalei @kenziblaine @sai-kida134 @sebstanchrisevanchickforever19 @pleasantdreamqueen @bruhjustdont @capbuckybuchanan @4theluvofall @palaiasaurus64 @lianadelphius @leah--elizabeth @httpmcrvel @iamwarrenspeace @jenn0755 @nimrods-everywhere @thefridgeismybestie
Bucky tag list: @vxodoo-dxll @debbielovesbucky @esmecxcarlisle @daringtodreamawake @liziihorta @phoenixcaputo @smazztastic @wsismyhero @thunderous-flower @gloriavox @jarnesbrnes @annieluc @superpaperclip @thetrainwreckjournals @captainbitchjerkassbutt @jaekhyungie @webslingerholland @buckyappreciationsociety @elaacreditava @lostinspace33 @combo-trash @angelwingsbringmusic @youtubehelpsmesurvive @buckys-perfect-storm @irunintospace @killermonkeys45 @sakura-uchihoe @its-daydreamer23 @starcross1234 @angelwingsbringmusic @myuncontrollabletomobsession @sexysamsungl @the-red-world-of-jess-chibi @ly--canthrope @learisa @ladyrevealedofcloak @greylady1998 @georgiagrl1990 @sasquatch5 @kudosia @in-winchester-we-trust @thorsprincessxo @aestheticallywinchester @curvybihufflepuff
621 notes · View notes
okd-blr · 7 years
Who is the admin
While Im sure most of you can figure out who runs this blog, especially if you visit the OKD home page, for use on this blog go ahead and call me V.
I’m 28 years old, if you are a minor who does not wish for adult interaction please be aware of this.
I am a bisexual pre/non transitioned Trans man and use he/they pronouns
While I do not have a current diagnosis I am not neurotypical, very likely I have ADHD
And if any of this matter to you I’m an Aries, a Slytherin and a Furry
I have three different types-2 kintypes, a Theriotype and a fictotype.
My first kintype technically falls under a few different labels, but would most easily be described as a Cthonic type divine. My other kintype is that of a vampiric like animal/human shapeshifter. these two kintypes tend to be very fluid and blend together.
My theriotype is that of a melanistic jaguar like is depicted in the blog icon
My Fictotype is that of a specific character portrayed on a canadian TV drama that is an Unseelie Fae
Experience as otherkin and in the community: 
I first came to the conclusion that I might, in some way, not be entirely human 16 years ago.
At the time Vampire was the only thing I could really think of-as my grandmother was fully invested in the ideas of the Satanic Panic and had assured me as a child vampires and witches were absolutely real (she was right of course but not in the way she imagined) 
At first I dismissed this idea as the imaginings of a lonely, bullied child who wanted to be special and wished for control and power in their life. yes I was pretty quick on the critical thinking train.
However the experiences I had, the feelings I had that lead me to initially suspect being nonhuman did not go away despite my skepticism and so I would explore it in small ways until roughly 2004 when i would stumble across resources for the Real Vampire community and a small-likely now gone-page for the ‘were’ community ( the label used prior to Therianthropy) 
I read through these sites-especially the resources on vampirism, very thoroughly-though I did not join the forums as I was not allowed to do that kind of thing because of aforementioned paranoid grandmother. 
In high school I had a number of friends who claimed to be vampires, witches, reincarnated angels and such but it was clear pretty much from the beginning that this was just a game to them and they tended to engage in lots of drama and pretty teenage backstabbing and gossip. I largely managed to avoid this by claiming to be a “solitary’ vampire.
There were others I would meet in college who would, for a while, genuinely believe these kinds of things but feel out of it again after a few years-again I was the only one who remained serious about these experiences and identity.
In early 2009 during my third semester of college I would discover the forum TherianWilderness via someones Deviantart signature. Being a now independent adult I signed up, and from there also signed up for Werelist. Mostly at this time I was exploring my theriotype and the shapeshifter kintype. 
I would later bring up the subject of incarnated angels on Werelist and be directed to otherkin specific forums such as OtherkinPhenomena and OtherkinAlliance. (Though I ended up with an account on nearly every active Otherkin forum at the time, OKA was where I eventually settled down) from there 
I would begin much more serious introspection and personal growth not only related to my being Otherkin but also in relation to the rest of my spirituality. in this facet the older members of these forums were a huge asset to me and I continue to value their input and opinions on the subject-even though the group from those days has largely drifted away from each other. This same group of people would also be active in specific Otherkin circles and groups on Livejournal and then Dreamwidth.
In 2011 I would found Otherkin-Deviants on DeviantArt.com-At the time it was one of the few groups that was not Therian specific and in the ensuing 7 nyears it has become one of the largest Alterhuman related groups on Deviantart at over 350 members. 
Also in early 2011 I would create a Tumblr account. At this time there was no Otherkin community here and my main blog was almost entirely Harry Potter related. After some explosive life stuff I would be gone from the internet for a year-when I returned to Tumblr in April 2012 the Otherkin tag on Tumblr was in full swing and already full of drama, misinformation, trolls and a bunch of other ridiculous crap. So of course I rolled up my selves and went to work correcting what i could and attempting to police/moderate a community that inherently can not be moderated on this particular medium. It was all very dramatic, theres was lots of yelling and by 2014 I was sick of it all and decided to take a break from the kin community-aside from a select few people who I enjoyed talking to. 
Sometime in early 2016 I decided it was time to end my hiatus and take a peak back into the tags-annnnd it pretty much hadn't changed. but I was much better at handling The Discourse at that point and knew when to disengage. 
Sometime not too long after my return I would realize the fae kintype I had been unsure  of and questioning for nearly 10 years was, in fact, a fictotype. 
And while I had only been gone fro about two years-there didn't seem to be very many kin left in the tags who remembered me so establishing myself as a knowledgeable person within the community was starting over from scratch. I still wouldn't say I’m exactly a go to person when it comes to correcting misinformation-because while I do do that on my personal kin blogs those blogs are mostly for me to log my own personal experiences.
That brings us up to now-where I have created this extension of the OKD deviant art group. This blog has the same purpose as the original group-to showcase community art and creativity and foster a place for open and civil discussion and education. Though this is one of many ‘kin help blogs’ many of the blogs out there that claim to be information or for helping Otherkin/Therian/Fictionkin are FULL of misinformation and the mods of those blogs do not always take well to being corrected. 
So, to summarize- I realized I was Otherkin 16 years ago, prior to ever knowing there was a community- and have been an active participant and admin of my own groups for the last close to 9 years-on a verity of different mediums from forums to chats to Tumblr, Amino and Discord. 
Who I am otherwise: 
I am a freelance artist living in the US with my fiance and our son and cats.
 I love TV, films and books-especially the horror, scifi, and fantasy genres. I identify as being somewhere between Punk and Goth and truly love the music from both subcultures-though I also love music from many other different genres. I also greatly enjoy table top gaming and it would be really cool if I actually had time to join a D&D campaign. 
I joyfully engage in fandom and shipping and spend probably too much time looking at fanart and reading fanfiction. If you're interested ask me for my fandom blog :3
As mentioned earlier, I am a furry and enjoy the art and interactions of the furry community. As an artist I particularly enjoy how wonderful the furry community is about supporting artists. 
Most of my time however is probably spent stressing about pretty typical things like rent, utility bills, car repairs and home maintenance. I may not be human on the inside but rent is rent no matter who, or what, you are. 
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knxckleskissed-blog · 7 years
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BLOG MOVING   !     after almost two years of developing  /   playing melody on her own blog and meeting sooooo many amazing people  (  like honestly , it still surprise me how many individuals have came up to me and went like “DUDE!!!! THE PRINCESS IN THE WHEELCHAIR!!!!”  )    i have decided that moving melody to my multi muse   might be a better solution because it just gives me some space to like  ,  still pay attention to her even though i won’t always prioritise her   -  it’s not a bad thing !! it just means i can juggle lots of my muses in an easier flow and manner , whilst them having their own blog would just push me to neglect them at some point in favour of other muses which i dont really like doing :c  because  ———
melody is  . . .  really precious  ?  she’s perhaps my first female original muse  (  sorta  ,  when you think about it  )  and she’s so different from the kind of characters i would often play and ,  even if people disagree  ,  i do believe she poses a lot of potential to grow ???   yes  ,  she’s kind  ;  yes  ,  she’s shy  ;  yes  ,  she’s riddled with anxiety  ;  yes  ,  she might even be mary sue to some people lmao  ?   but that’s really fine  (  to each their own opinion or however the saying goes  ,  ‘cause  —  )   in my eyes  ,  she’s so much more  ????   she sees people as they are  ,  never expects anything more or anything less   -   even the villains  /  so-called bad guys  !   -   she’s stubborn too  ,  wide-eyed  ,  intelligent  ,  and  magical  :  she’s basically everything i wish i could be  ???   and being able to roleplay her and meeting soooooo many FANTASTIC people just   -   shakes me through my core  .  so these are the few most memorable people i’d like to give a shout - out  .
@steeledveins   ,    sam  .  i know we don’t really talk a lot lately because -  tbh , i’m not even gonna make excuses , i’m just shit at keeping up w/ communication and i’ve been jumping everywhere as a roleplayer but honestly ? roman and melody ? one of the   BEST    relationship i’ve ever had the fortunate of exploring  -  platonic or romantic  .  also you basically introduced me to hemlock grove and i’m ? ??  pretty much still in love with roman ??? honestly  ,  you’re straight-down hilarious  ;  so fucking nice to chill with  ,  and plotting with you has been amazing  .  i do apologise for not being able to continue staying in-contact though  ;  you can totally hit me in the head for that .
@beautycflight   ,   kylie  .  basically the sweet to my heart  .  we’re veterans in this fandom for ??? how long now ??? we’ve seen the ups and downs of it  ;  had our moments and disappeared for a bit too  .  we’re like  ,,, so old  .  but honestly growing up with you in this fandom is just ???? one of my best experience  ?? every time you grace my dashboard it’s like i caught a glimpse of that 2012 year where we’ve just began and i get so hype  ??? honestly you’re a  100/10  ,  absolutely gorgeous  .  stay beautiful  ,  okay  ?
@boykingofauradon   ,   trixie  .   also a veteran in this fandom like jfc wE WERE HERE SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME YO  ,,, like ??? remember how we get other people to even ship chad with melody  ??? ALSO OH MY GOD THAT CINDERELLA - CHAD - MELODY THREAD THAT I’M STILL PRACTICALLY HEAVING ABOUT ????? i absolutely love that . and i love that i got to write all of that with you and just sit back down and have a good time in general . also our Arranged Marriage AU w/ ben and mel ? ugh .  the reason i thrive , tbh .  i’m really sad we aren’t that actively communicating now as rp partners , but yo - it still doesn’t erase the fact you were one of the reason i had such a blast w/ melody on her own blog and i just ??? love you lots okay .
@courageisms  ,   ever since we were active i know we didn’t really talk a lot  -  bUT IMMA SIT DOWN AND TELL YOU HOW PERF YOU ARE OKAY  ???? you are , i think , the first cinderella to have ever given me a chance at writing the AU wherein my muse fell in love with ella’s son  .  and i’m  ?? ?  completely overwhelmed ??? because ??? i really love ??? ALL of our interaction  ???  even the little things we talked about how ella babysat lil melody iM JUST SO ,,,,, shakes my fist .   i love them . and i owe a lot to you for giving me the opportunity to explore that ,  so thank you  .
AND OF COURSE   ,   there’s a lot of other people who i’m just stupidly in love with  :   @tobeblamed  (  your dean is hella and im always in love w/ you wtf )  ,   @parkool  (  do you know i practically still drool over jay and melody braiding each other’s hair  ?  )  @falseargent  (  i know we don’t talk anymore but !!!! just letting u know i hold every interactions we’ve ever had to my heart and i do hope that wherever u are you’re having TONS OF FUN FRIEND !!!  )  @warricrhearted  (  brodie u’re moved but if by chance u’re reading this can i just say how fucking awesome you are and like,,,, i love EVERY rps we ever did srsly ? ? ? cause i do )  @haledaughter  (  MY FIRST F/F SHIP ON THIS BLOG THAT I HOLD SO DEAR I HOPE WHEREVER YOU ARE YOU’RE OKAY DEAR ) @fratcrnal  (  ugh pls breanna u’re gonna kill me w/ rudiandmel okay dONT EVEN )   and IM SURE THERE’S A LOT MORE IM JUST FORGETTING ALL OF THEM BUT BASICALLY IF YOU’RE READING THIS I CHERISH YOU SO MUCH and thaaaaaaank youuuuu for giving melody a chance like, ever.  you don’t have to , but you did anyway  .
also special shout out to sam ( marcus / credence / cedric ) and mandy  ( natasha / bella ) -  idk if u’re ever gonne read this cause i aint tagging cause we’re probs gonna be yelling at discord or IM at other blogs so lmao bUT EVERY INTERACTION MELODY HAD W/ BOTH / ANY OF YOUR MUSES ARE PRECIOUS TOO AND IF YOU THINK I EVER FORGOT ABOUT THEM WELL I DIDN’T AND WILL NEVER FORGET
NOTE  :    finally  ,  i did say my blog is moving  .  but here’s the deal  :  if you’re not comfortable with multis , then it’s really fine  ???   i will hold none of you accountable for not following me  /  unfollowing me after this  .  but if by any chance you kinda wanna continue writing with melody some more  ,  YOU CAN TOTES FIND IT HERE  .  i will not put this blog as  “  knxckleskissed-archive ”  or any variation thereof for personal reason  -  a.k.a. if im gonna come back tbh lolololol  -  but feel free to treat it as so  .
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bcydbeaulieu · 7 years
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for @kahlilravishans, my wife’s, bday || part 8 of 8
ok so this is it… the end. this was going to be second but i thought why not end with this. this is where it is going to get a bit emotional… so if you don’t want to hear all the gay that i am about to say then just look at the pretty edit. emily you are not allowed to skip this so buckle up babe… because you know how i can get when i decide i want to gift you some words… ok here we go!
ok so funny story… i wasn’t gonna start out this way but i was going through the early days of our tag and well i wished you a happy bday a year ago.. specifically while you were trying to get through interludes. so can you believe its been a fucking year since icos and our 12 hours skype sessions. those were the days were our relationship grew from “still had some chill” to “are you sure you two aren’t dating” so damn that book series. but seriously just needed to point that out. now here comes my incoherent babbling about how much i love you and how much you really mean to me. 
so, i’m pretty sure everyone knows the story of how me and emily met. god knows we talk about it enough. but it wouldn’t be an emotional emily and laura post if i don’t mention it so lol. i remember it, that february day, oh god. so she idk follows me or finds my blog and at the time i had a neil url and she just starts yelling at me on the chat. that stupid fucking messaging system. and of course i just start screaming back. and in the back of my mind i’m thinking how do i get this nerd girl to keep talking to me about our foxes and really i didn’t have to do much bc we exchanged numbers (she made me get a whatsapp) the next hour. and guys look.. i didn’t do this type of stuff before. i randomly talked to people and the only person i kept in contact with was my irlbff. so emily was not a normal occurrence. but anyways she asked if she could call and my heart was like beating out of my chest cause omfg what the fuck but of course i said yes and that’s how i find myself outside mid day on a february in texas walking around my front yard, my backyard, and yelling about literally everything we had in common at the time. 
now, i thought this girl is awesome and every part of me wanted to keep talking to her but i just knew that we’d talk for a month a few at max and then you know that thing would happen where you just lost connection, even tho i felt like i had just found like part of my soul. 
not what happened. the next week or couple of weeks we had our first skype session.. it lasted 6 hours yall. like who does that with someone they just met. fast forward to late august of 2016 and there we are getting into icos against our better judgement and there its kind of history. with our 12 hour skype sessions. and us eating dinner and breakfast together on opposite ends of the world and in complete different timezones. and i don’t know if something just clicked then cause we were already too close for our situation. but after that it was like i knew that this wasn’t some fluke this was real. and i HAD found a part of my soul. and god that’s cheesy but it’s fucking true. i’d run to the end of the world for this girl. and i’d do it multiple times. 
so that’s part of the story i guess. but i’m not done talking and emily i’m sorry babe but you know how i get i’m gonna write some more here so really buckle up. 
when i say i love you emily, i truly mean it with every part of me. i’ve never had a relationship like i have with you and the ones i had that came close don’t even touch to what we have. you’re so much more than my best friend and i don’t have a word for it and i don’t think words could justify it. but you keep my world spinning sometimes and then others you can make it stop. you are my rock when i need someone to ground me. you are the light in my life when i can’t seem to even get one positive thought in my mind. you support me through everything that i do and truly believe that i can be great at my career and in life in general. and i don’t know where i would be without you. 
you’re a good listener. you give great advice. and sometimes you just help me to stop thinking. you do so much for me and i hope that on the flipside i’m doing everything that i can for you. our relationship isn’t perfect and i’m glad it isn’t im glad that we can talk as honestly as we do and that we don’t keep anything from each other. and sometimes i’m amazed at how honest we can be bc so much of our relationship is over text or phone and its so easy to not say things when you’re not in person. but i would never let myself not be fully myself with you and that comes down to even the parts of me that i don’t want anyone to see. 
i’m also so happy that i’m the person that you talk to even when you don’t want to talk to anyone. i can’t believe i’m that person for someone, that person that even when the world is too much i’m not. that you trust me enough to be that person… it means… literally everything to me. 
you are always the highlight of my day, your snaps, texts, stupid messages, emojis, the fact that we’re each others screensavers. god that is freakin gay wow. i wanted to go through posts and like remember our relationship for the PAST YEAR AND A HALF CAN YOU BELIEVE LOL. but haa its like 55 pages and i don’t think i could summarize the best points cause they’re all just so good. we’re fucking legendary sometimes, you know. god this is a mess. this girl knew there was a hurricane happening in texas before i could tell her and has been the most dramatic about it. so if that says anything. 
“Perhaps it is true that we do not really exist until there is someone there to see us existing, we cannot properly speak until there is someone who can understand what we are saying in essence, we are not wholly alive until we are loved.”
This quote, this fucking quote ok wow. like ya do shit for yourself and you can create your own happiness blah blah like cool but babe sometimes you are the thing that makes me feel alive. and knowing that there is someone out there that loves me as much as i’m 100% you do keeps me going day to day. i’d swim across the damn fucking ocean for you. and one day we’ll get to see each other in person and it’ll probably be the best damn time of our lives and i can’t fucking wait for it bc it’s gonna happen. and we’re gonna road trip with son and yell at each other about music and scream in person about our favorite characters and spend hours reading together and probably some times on our computers not talking, bc honestly half our skype sessions are us just silently soaking in each other’s company and i wouldn’t change that for the world. 
you are without a doubt one of the most important people in my life, if not the most important and i can’t explain how it feels to have someone that knows me as well as you do and to have that in return with you. i love that as our relationship has grown it’s gone from we have all these things in common in fandom to we have certain fandom things in common but our lives are intertwined and even if we had nothing like that in common it wouldn’t matter. i know you have class on wednesday, i know you can’t skype in the early hours of morning but you will take my call. i know you live in the middle of nowhere and it takes like an hour to get to the city. i know your dad is australian but 50% of the time i hear him speak it’s with that terrible american accent. and well here…
The things i know about emily: she hates coffee but she will try every concoction she can to stay awake while reading, she loves her new puppy even though she said she wasn’t that attached, she has way too many comics (this girl set up a store on ebay ok), she is the most indecisive person to ever grace the earth, her books are arranged in alphabetic order correctly but only after i made sure they were correct, she loves rock music and can’t stand pop, she’s one of the most gorgeous people in the world but doesn’t believe it (uhm she should tho), she…. ok i could go on forever and i can never do those questions on tumblr bc i know everything about her. 
omg this should prob end soon, but like ok emily this is just a mess and i’m sorry but just if you didn’t know i love you more than anything and i hope you have a wonderful day and that we have many more bdays of yours to celebrate even when you don’t want to celebrate them. i’m so glad that you messaged me that day bc there would be a hole in my life without you. you’re amazing, incredible, outstanding, kind, hilarious, an asshole, and like my soulmate. also i’m listening to stand by me while writing this (the power rangers version) so just… i’m about to cry with how much you mean. 
to emily: i love you i love you i love you. and i will love you until the stars i’m looking at now and the ones you will see when you’re reading this can be looked at while we sit with each other outside one of our houses. and i will keep loving you through the distance and the ocean and the fights and the tears and the stubbornness of the world for not letting us be closer in the first place. you have undoubtedly changed my life for the better. you have made me a better person. more confident, happier, and somehow calm. there are days when you make my heart race (gay) and days when you make me still. (raven cycle much). you are my person (lol grey’s) and you are the first person i think of in any situation (laura no we don’t want to hear about this emily girl in australia). so baby girl, again i hope you have the best day and obviously the best life and i’m just so glad that i get to be a part of it even from so far away. i love you (to the moon and back and all that shit) <3
Oh, won’t you take me from this valley To that mountain high above? I will pray, pray, pray Until I see your smiling face. I will pray, pray, pray To the one I love.
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moonlight-at-dawn · 7 years
A Messy Start
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Title: A Messy Start Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret Rating: G Genre: Humor, AU Summary: A prompt from [HERE]
‘im egging your house for a dare but your parent is a cop and they’re yelling at me so i told them that you were my ex and you wronged me and now you’re coming outside and please go along with this i don’t want to go to jail’ au‘
Author’s Note: Did you guys think I forgot about this?
....I did XD Then I found it again, went “OH YEAH” and brought it up to write as soon as I could. And now here we are
The car was slowly rolling to a stop, and with every inch, Luna kept trying to convince herself she could still back out of this. That she didn't need to go along with the dare, pride be damned. It was just too bad that her pride overruled her logic.
Finally the car came to a stop, and with the engine already off, it was shifted to park and her friends both turned around to look at her. "Now, you remember the deal, Luna?" asked the woman behind the wheel.
"Yes, Aranea," she sighed. "I throw eggs at the house we stopped in front of, and if I get caught, don't run back to you guys."
Aranea smirked and gave her a thumbs up while the other passenger piped up. "Don' worry so much, Luna," Cindy drawled. "You're rolling with a pair of regular delinquents. You'll be fine."
"Except this house has a cop car parked at it! This is a cop's house!"
"We have faith in you," Aranea stated mercilessly.
Whimpering comicly, Luna shook her head and gathered up the short carton of eggs, "Why do I let you guys talk me into these things?"
The question was rhetorical, and her friends laughed knowingly. Luna softly shut the door and looked around the quiet neighborhood. Taking in a deep breath, she stepped towards the house, squashing every impulse she had to look back at her friends for reassurance. Finally close enough, she opened up the carton and pulled out an egg. Launching the egg at the house, she winced when she heard the crack of shell on wood. The deal was to throw all six, though, and so she picked up the next and let it fly. Then another. And then another, along with the heart-sinking realization that the door had just been opened.
"The hell do you think you're doing, kid!?" the man shouted from his doorstep and looking ready to chase after her.
She froze up for a moment, shaking, and a bit of movement caught her eye from an upstairs window. Wetting her lips before she could speak, she pointed up towards that window and shouted in return, "I-It's his fault! Your son's! I caught him cheating on me!"
She prayed to any diety that would listen in spite of the current situation to please let that bluff work.
She didn't think it was, but finally the man turned inside and she heard him bellow, "Noctis! Come down here and explain things, now!"
Luna swore she heard muffled laughter as the boy upstairs left his window to come down. Realizing suddenly that her lie could get this poor kid in trouble, she almost spoke up to defend him, even though it would mean breaking her cover.
"Noctis, did you hear all of that?"
"Yeah. Don't worry, dad, I can explain." Noctis leaned against the doorframe and grinned, and Luna decided to wait and see if he would sell her out, or if he could work with it. The surreptitious wink he flashed her gave her confidence, and she held her breath as she waited to hear his bluff. "I had run into Iris near where we were meeting for our date this afternoon. You know she likes giving long hugs. Why don't you head back in so she and I can work it out?"
"Alright... But she's cleaning this up, got it?"
"Yes, Father." Waiting until his father left, Noctis shook his head with a wry grin and stepped out with bare feet to meet her on the lawn. "So..."
Luna laughed nervously, her hands folded over her racing heart. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!"
"Can I at least know the real reason? And why you threw me under the bus?"
"Of course! Uhm, actually, my friends and I were playing truth or dare..." She wasn't able to finish from there. He started laughing at the simplicity of it, and she puffed out her cheeks when he kept right on laughing. "Will you let me finish, or not!?"
"Is there much to finish?" he grinned.
"Well... I suppose not. Just that, I really didn't want to get arrested, and when I saw you up there, I said the first thing that came to mind... I'm sorry about that."
"It's fine," he chuckled, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "This is the best laugh I've had in a long time!"
"I'm glad something good came from it at least."
"Tell you what. My dad said you gotta clean this up, and I think you can agree that's only fair?"
"It is!"
"Then, how 'bout you come over tomorrow to take care of it, and afterwards, we can get, that date," he managed to keep his composure even as his voice faltered with the brazen proposal.
"Date...? Oh! Oh..., uhm..."
"It's okay if not!" he rushed to reassure her, pulling his hands quickly from his pockets, the fabric following him to turn inside-out. "Really! No pressure!"
"It's not that! It's, uhm, I'm just surprised...! After I did something like this, that you would want to..."
"Then... is it a yes?"
"It's... not a no," she tendered, a smile slowly turning up the corners of her lips.
Noctis grinned broadly and nodded, "Great! I'll take it!" Laughing, he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'll help you with the cleaning... and we can talk during that..."
"...and if all goes well..."
They let it hang in the air before they each laughed together. Turning her eyes down shyly, Luna giggled softly and pointed down at his hips, "Your pockets..."
"Oh!" Rushing to fix them, Noctis laughed and half turned towards his house, then looked back at her, seeming torn as to what he ought to be doing in that moment. "Uhmmm, okay! Tomorrow! Remember this address! I'll be home all day, but my dad's working, so you don't gotta worry about him."
"Great!" she said too quickly, and with too much relief. Laughing once more, she reached out for his hand and cupped it gently between hers. "Thank you for everything tonight, Noctis. I'm so sorry for this silly prank."
"Don't worry about it. No one got hurt. Next time you might want to take the penalty instead, though."
"Hopefully next time my logic will win over my pride and I'll do just that."
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