#yes im planning on getting paintings for the walls
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35gofbeansprouts · 2 months ago
after spending time at someone elses (very nice) house i wanna copy their vibes and Style our house but i already have confirmation that dad is 107% not into it. which is fine im perfectly happy to do it by myself but he will probably whinge about it just bc he doesnt like being in the presence of things he doesnt like
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brainworms-all-night-long · 20 days ago
Haha guess who's making a clay imprint of their favorite dinosaur fossil!!
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eatmeandbirthmeagain · 4 months ago
I have literally read all you stories and im so so impressed. Im not sure if your taking requests or if. If not than im very sorry. If yes then could you please write one where a modern doctor ends up being reborn as a Nobel princess who is about to marry king baldwin. She could then cure him.
♧ A Better Life - King Baldwin x Reader ♧
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♧ Angst ♧
A/N: HELLO FRIENDS!!! I am back officially now!! Exams are over and the school year is done! I am so exited to be back!! Anon thank you so much for this beautiful request. This took me so long and I really hope you like it!!! This was an amazing one to return with, I hope yall enjoy it!!. As always this is based on the film Kingdom Of Heaven not the real historical figures. Enjoy!
TW: Leprosy, Slight mention of blood
Y/n remembered little to nothing from that night.
Simply getting into her car late, well after the sun had set, and driving. Then the lights. Then the crash. Everything else was fuzzy. Even in her life before the crash, the only knowledge she seemed to remember was what she had learnt in medical school all those years ago.
Nothing about her beautiful rooftop apartment where she lived alone. And certainly not the crippling loneliness she dreaded returning to every night after work at the hospital.
Y/n’s eyes flew open and she sat up with a gasp, clutching at her pounding heart. After a few seconds of panic, she looked up at her surroundings.
There was no car, no wreckage, no blood.
Just a plush, white sheeted, four poster bed that held her trembling form. The curtains that hung around the top of the bed shrouded her view of the rest of the room, but from what she could see, an open balcony window allowed sun to shine through and into the large, beautifully decorated stone room.
Confusion soon replaced fear in the young doctor's mind. Was she in a hospital? No, it wasn't sterile enough to be a hospital. There was no beeping of machines, no bustling nurses. Something she was all too familiar with.
She tried to think back to what had happened, but all she could remember was the crash. Nothing else. Y/n pulled back the covers and cautiously stepped out of the bed. She barely got one foot on the ground before the large, wooden doors opened to reveal young woman carrying a tray with an assortment of dishes that y/n had never seen in her life.
“Good morning my lady” the young woman said with a smile, approaching y/n’s bedside.
“Good morning,” the doctor replied, trying to hide the confusion in her voice.
“I hope you are excited for today my lady, everybody in the maids chamber surely is!” the young woman said, her bright eyes practically glowing.
“I'm- excited for what?” y/n replied cautiously.
“Well your wedding of course, everybody has been anticipating this day for months now! Our kingdom will finally have a queen!” she was grinning now, y/n couldn't help but smile despite her confusion.
“Oh- yes! How could I have forgotten” the doctor said, once again attempting to hide the fact she had no idea where she was.
After the maid had left, y/n inspected the food. It looked delicious but eating was the last thing on her mind, for now. She slipped out of the bed to take a look around the room. There were books stacked on a shelf, a desk, a face washing basin and lots and lots of religious imagery, painted in typical pre-renaissance fashion.
Judging by the beautiful stone walls, she was most definitely not in the twenty-first century anymore. Nothing was boring and white. No white walls, no white marble countertops. Everything was handmade. Genuine. It was certainly a changeup from the old routine.
You see, y/n was intelligent. She always had been and on top of this, her years as a surgeon had taught her to act reasonable, calm, and logical even in the most outlandish situations.
Waking up in a different time period after a car wreck was no different.
She had to think of a plan.
“It's morning, people should be expecting me somewhere soon”. Turning to the bookshelf, y/n picked up a book and opened it. Handwritten. In Hebrew.
“That should place me somewhere in Israel, perhaps Jerusalem” she thought.
“And it's definitely before the renaissance, but after the birth of Christ”.
Placing the book back on the shelf, y/n continued to think. She had to figure out where she was and fast.
Y/n turned her attention to the other side of the room. The bed, a couch, and the open balcony doors. Approaching the balcony, y/n looked outside inspecting the area around the building she was in.
Knights. Many knights.
“Medieval “ was the first word that came to mind.
“That should place me somewhere around the 12th century-” was the last thing her mind concluded before the wooden doors opened again.
Six maids came into the room, each carrying something different. Some carried jewelry, some hairbrushes and combs, and others beautiful white fabric that appeared to be some kind of dress.
“Oh my lady, you have barely touched your breakfast!” one of them exclaimed as y/n entered the room from the balcony.
“You will need your strength for today!”
“Oh I'm terribly sorry, I forgot all about it! I was just getting some fresh air, I'm a little nervous” y/n said as calmly as she could, praying that they didn't notice something was off.
“That's alright dear” the oldest of the maids said, “it doesn't matter now because we need to get you dressed! Come, sit” she gestured to a vanity mirror and chair that y/n hadn't even noticed. 
It felt like hours that the doctor sat in that chair, as the maids worked tirelessly on her hair and face. Braiding and brushing, applying makeup and finally helping her into the beautiful white dress robes.
They fit perfectly, just like a glove. As if they were made for just her and her alone.
“You look immaculate, your majesty,” one of the maids said, taking a step back to admire their future queen. Y/n smiled, for a moment forgetting her predicament.
It felt as though she had lived in this world her entire life.
“Come now darling, we don't want to keep the guests waiting!” the oldest maid said, taking the doctor's hand and leading her towards the door. Y/n followed blindly.
“This should be interesting,” she muttered.
It was a short walk from her chambers to the church. There were already plenty of people waiting inside. Y/n barely had any time to think before a bouquet of flowers were shoved into her hands and she was walking down the aisle, people standing left and right staring at her.
Taking a deep breath, y/n steadied her hands and continued walking at a slow, measured pace.
“Come on y/n, this has to be the least nerve racking thing you've done all week”.
Looking up, she could see her “future husband” standing at the end of the aisle. It was strange, she couldn't see his face, he was wearing white robes and a veil that shrouded his features almost entirely. But from what she could see, it appeared he was wearing some kind of mask.
Then it all connected.
Not only had y/n taken a myriad of science and math subjects in highschool, she had also taken an ancient history class. One unit had specifically focused on the “Leper King of Jerusalem, Baldwin IV”. This must have been him.
As she approached the end of the aisle, her mind wandered to a patient she had treated with severe leprosy, contracted while he was on a tropical holiday. She remembered how much pain he had been in and her heart broke thinking about this poor king who had gone untreated for so long.
She was only snapped out of her thoughts when she came face to face with her soon to be husband. His eyes met hers and what she thought would have been a neutral feeling (since she did not yet know this man at all) turned quickly to a feeling that she had not experienced in what felt like years.
The doctor's heart skipped a beat looking into those eyes. Those beautiful, blue eyes. The mask he wore was polished to perfection, the metal was perfectly shaped into sculpted, masculine features.
He was beautiful.
Y/n was far too focused on just how captivating the man who stood before her was to pay any attention to whatever the priest was saying, until once again she was snapped out of thought by the large crowd cheering as they were pronounced husband and wife, in the name of the Lord.
Later on, the guests had left and all had returned to somewhat calm after a day of celebration. Y/n was slightly shy at first during the celebrations, doing everything in her power to read the room and understand her place in this new world. But after a while, she began to enjoy herself.
Her “husband” had barely spoken a word all day, but she had caught him looking at her as she talked with his sister and associates. She was told by a few maids that after getting changed from her wedding attire, she would go and meet privately with her new husband.
She was nervous, but not even half as nervous as somebody else was...
Baldwin paced up and down his chambers until his legs were in agony. The day had been strenuous on his body and the pacing did not help.
The young king slumped down on his couch, cursing his frail body. He had watched her all day, his wonderful y/n. So full of life, so intelegent, speaking with everyone and enjoying her time while all he could do was sit and watch.
Oh how he had wished to join her, to dance with her, to speak with her, to hear every word her beautiful voice had to say, to look into her eyes. Those perfect eyes.
He hoped that she knew just how much he had fallen for her, even though they had not spoken a single word all day.
He cursed the mask that shrouded his emotions, forcing him to look cold and stern when all he wanted was her to know how warmly and deeply he felt for her. Baldwin sunk deeper into the couch cushions. His body craved sleep, craved a break from the pain. But he couldn't. He had to see her right this instant.
Taking a deep breath, or as deep as his failing lungs could take, the young king sat up and stared down into his hands, anticipating the moment y/n knocked on his door.
He did not have to wait long because no more than a minute after he sat up, a small knock came from the wooden door. Baldwin got to his feet, perhaps too fast. He steadied himself and called for her to enter. Y/n pushed open the door. She looked as beautiful as she did in her wedding dress.
“Good evening your majesty�� she said with a graceful curtsey.
“Hello” he replied, suddenly feeling incredibly shy.
Y/n smiled. He was truly adorable. He looked so soft and warm in those robes. Good lord what was she thinking? She had barely met this man and yet she was acting like a teenager in love!
“Would you like to take a seat?” he offered, his voice gentle and kind. “Of course,” she replied. The two sat in silence for a moment. But it was not an awkward silence, more of a comfortable silence as the young couple took each other in.
It wasn't long before they got to talking. Two intelligent, young minds in the same room were bound to connect almost instantly. And that's just what they did.
Y/n tried to not say anything about her “world of the future”. That was until they were brought to the topic of his disease.
“So, you have no issue in being wed to a leper?” Baldwin had asked, his voice growing sad. Her heart broke for him in an instant, remembering how terribly people with his disease were treated at this time.
“Of course I don't” the doctor replied.
Her kind voice soothed something deep inside Baldwin. Something untouched for so many years. His eyes burned with tears but he dare not  let one fall.
“Really?” he asked, his voice breaking slightly.
“Of course! All I see is a beautiful, young man with a bright future. And from what I've heard, you're a wonderful ruler, and I know you will be a wonderful husband too”.
Baldwin smiled beneath the mask. He hoped she could see the smile through his eyes. Y/n took a deep breath before her next choice of words.
“You know, where I come from, lepers can be healed,” she said softly. Baldwin’s eyes widened.
“Truely?” he said in disbelief.
“Yes, but you can not tell anyone”
“I won't, of course! Please, share this with me” the young king said in a hushed voice taking her hands in his.
“Alright. I'm going to need a few things to do it and it may take a while-”
“Please, y/n. I'll do anything” Baldwin was on the verge of tears now. “Now I have you, I have a reason to live. I need to live, please” he begged.
Y/n’s heart sank as his previously strong demeanor shattered into a thousand pieces before her very eyes. As gently as she could, y/n wrapped her arms around her husband, pulling him into a gentle yet firm hug.
At that moment, the young doctor understood why all of this had happened. She was brought here for a reason. To cure this poor young man, to show him the love he deserves and to have a better life by his side.
“I promise Baldwin, I’ll make you well again. No matter what it takes. I'll do it”
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hysteria-things · 5 months ago
what kinks do u think chris has i feel like he’s a big hitter and choker (or maybe im just saying that because those r my kinks and i like the idea of that😭)
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chris has quite a few kinks, and here they are ;)
slapping your ass raw is one of chris’ favorites, especially when you’re being punished. rarely when you act like a brat, he doesn’t reward you by fucking you. he’ll drag you into his bedroom and make you bend over his desk, pinning your hands behind your back. yelps and cries fall past your lips, tears welling in your eyes whenever his hand makes contact with your asscheeks. hard.
“i’m sorry— ah!” you wince in pain, a harsh smack tingling the numbed flesh. he spanks you up to fifty times, but you always lose count.
seeing you so fucked out on his dick is his favorite sight to see. he forced two orgasms out of you already, but doesn’t plan on stopping anytime soon. his cum is painted on your bare stomach and your panties are soaked. he has them moved to the side while he continuously rubs his tip on your clit, teasing you in your dumb state.
what chris sees is your eyes rolled back and mouth wide open with your tongue sticking out. you try to blab out a phrase from time to time, but there’s no use. he groans, dick twitching giving him the indication to snap his hips forward once again. all you do is moan, your sweet spot getting abused making your pussy clench. “oh— oh, god! oh!” you scream out nonsense, which has him go faster.
grunting, he thinks to himself that if you’re still managing to speak, he just has to keep going.
this kink of his is one of his secrets that mostly occurs during ovulation week. “chris! yes!” you chant, holding on for dear life onto the headboard as it bangs against the wall, your ass recoiling off of his pelvis vigorously. this is your third position so far, and the bed has never been this messy. cum from your previous orgasm drips down his shaft that’s balls deep into your cunt, your boyfriend being mesmerized by the view.
you wrap around him perfectly, the squelching noise becoming louder when his balls slap against your clit harshly. burying your head into the pillows, your loud moans are muffled from the cushioning. chris pulls you by the hair to lift your head back up. “come on, let me hear it.” he says, grunting in the process. you feel the bulge start to protrude from your tummy, his tip hitting directly at your cervix.
“d-don’t stop.” you sob from the pleasure. “oh god, right there! feels so go-od, daddy.”
his breath hitches. “oh, yeah? is that what you think?” he starts, gripping your hips tighter as his dick twitches inside of you from the nickname. “you want my baby fucked in ya?”
hoarse moans leave your throat when his seed shoots a load deep within your walls as you nod your head frantically. “that’s my girl. take my cock just like that.”
when he’s done with you after a good hour, he puts your underwear back on for you and kisses your freshly bred pussy that has you flinch from the sensitivity, but it has him smirk. “making sure none falls out.”
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confused-wanderer · 2 years ago
Batman and superman are their opposite personalities in civilian form.
.. so this gives us a perfect opportunity for the most disastrously chaotic dynamic (and love square) EVER.
ESPECIALLY if they don’t know the others true identities, or even they did and are just being lil shits anyways
Give me:
grumpy skeptical Clark to Bruce’s sunshine playboy persona.
Clark *trying to down as many aspirins as he can, half tempted to throw himself into the sun* : Bruce we needed to surround the enemy, not SEDUCE them!
Bruce *currently on his way to a dinner wearing the most seductive outfit known to man* : Well, you know the saying. We can’t gatekeep or manslaughter our way out of it. Girlboss it is.
Clark: Bruce you are going on a date with a STRAIGHT MAN
Bruce: Give me five minutes and then I’ll let you hear him scream my name
*horrified Clark noises*
Brooding and detective Batman meeting lie-detector and very effective investigator journalist Clark Kent
Batman: Tell me where the bombs are Riddler!
Riddler *currently tied up* : Hehe you’ll never find them~
Clark: Mind if I record this session Mr. Riddler?
Riddler: Who the hell-
Batman: .. Kent. How’d you even get here?
Clark: Irrelevant questions. *waves recorder* so..?
Riddler: Sure..tell the public I’m going to paint the walls red-
Clark *in investigative journalist mode* : So which devastating rock bottom led you to lose your mind and pursue this as a career?
Riddler: hey wait hang on this is a fulfilling career!
Clark *raising a judgemental eyebrow*: So.. you fighting a man dressed as a bat, with that atrocious outfit you must’ve gotten from hell and riddles that you’ll give him the answer to anyway.. this is fulfilling?
Riddler *voice breaking* : .. yes?
*questioning and judgemental silence*
Few hours later
Red Robin: .. why is Riddler crying and why does he also have a career counselling book in his hand?
Batman *just as surprised and kind of disturbed at how methodical and impressive Clark was in breaking down Riddlers plan based on evidence and connecting the dots* : Honestly I thought he was here for me and he started ignoring me so out of concern for his safety I demanded he paid attention
Red robin: And?
Batman: and he said “oh you don’t want me to pay attention to you” and showed me.. a lot of details and screenshots I don’t know how he got his hands on
Red robin:
Batman: Riddler also then attempted to escape and Clark just.. punched him so hard Riddler still doesn’t know which universe he’s in..
Red robin: well it could’ve been worse.. Clark could’ve pulled out a gun
Batman: .. he has a flamethrower
Batman: .. and he told me we should work together sometimes, and I gave him few crime stories and plots to help raise awareness for the public and stop them.
Red robin:
Batman: also he gave me a therapy card.
Give me ray of sunshine and leader Superman with no sense of self preservation Bruce Wayne
Superman: Good evening Mr. Wayne, there’s a credible threat against you so I’ll be on the lookout for today-
Bruce *sidling upto him* : .. damn.. when I said send your hottest stripper you did deliver..
Superman *beet red* : Im not the stripper sir!
Bruce: Really?
Superman *furious nodding*
Bruce: okay then.. hey listen, I’ve been learning about important dates in history lately.. do you wanna be one of them?
Superman. Exe has stopped functioning
Superman: Mr. Wayne there’s a blackout and the building is under attack! Evacuate!
Bruce *running with gunshots behind* : Are you outside? You’re invulnerable right? Nothing can hurt you? Not even gunpowder or explosives?!
Superman *touched and pleasantly surprised* : yes.. so you don’t have to worry about me Mr. Wayn-
*glass breaks and Superman catches the dark mass falling in the air*
Superman: See? You’re safe-
*realises he’s holding a huge bomb about to detonate*
One explosion later
Superman: … you threw a bomb at me
Bruce: What?? You said you were invulnerable! I didn’t know what else to do with it??
Superman: So you didn’t think to tell me? Not even a warning?
Bruce: Listen that bomb was hot but compared to how smoking hot you were I didn’t think it ever stood a change
Superman: Mr. Wayne, listen. You should’ve atleast yelled or said something so I could’ve gotten it away in time. What if I hadn’t?
Bruce: I did! I yelled GET READY FOR A BLOWJOB
Bruce: ?? Did I do something wrong?
And obviously.. the usual golden retriever Superman x black cat Batman that we all know and love so I’m just going to leave it at:
Batman: Someone is going to die.
Superman: Of fun!
Batman: Sure if you consider burning to death fun
Superman: Oh come on be a little optimistic! We must have hope! We will persevere!
Batman: we are literally being held hostages by aliens
Superman: ..listen okay, let me do the talking. We just gotta de-escalate the situation
Alien: You intruders! You will never get our superior defender systems-
Batman *done with this bullshit* : I already hacked into it twenty days ago and found all of your identities, families and now have full control over your systems of defends and weapons. If I wanted to hurt somebody.. I would’ve done so already.
Alien *tries to punch him, gets headbutted instead*
Alien *chuckles* : You have a thick skull Batman..
Superman *frantic whispering*: Dontsayitdontsayitdontsayitdontsayit-
Batman: .. atleast mines protecting a brain. Wish I could say the same for yours
Superman *heavy sigh*
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eliciana · 1 year ago
Reverse SAGAU: The Weird Door At My Café
-> Chapter 1(Here)| Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 |...
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Hello everyone, pls don't expect much from this chapter,which is going to be part of a series, will be that good. I may have grammatical errors and wrong spellings so please don't hesitate to tell me in the comments about it. English is not my main language. Also, I write some very descriptive and long scenes about what the reader does because i got used to writing descriptive essays so please bear with the long paragraphs and sentences. Thank you.
And yes, I'm back. Also the Misunderstanding series will be updated after my exams this is just in my drafts and I wanted to just upload it.
Tw: Reverse!Isekai!Sagau, Normal Au, Café Au, a bit of cussing like this bit 🤏.
Reader: Gn!Reader, Adult!Reader, Café Owner!Reader
Characters: Reader
Note: Restaurant to Another World animanga inspired au. You can slide into my dms (😝 im joking bro) if you ever want to be tagged in my works just tell me what series you want to be tagged in or all of them. thank you <3.
You close your eyes and think back to that very fateful day — the day that entirely altered your life's course and shatter any semblance of normalcy you once knew. The memory is etched in your mind, clear and vivid. The secret your café had.
You had always dreamed of owning your very own café when you get older. It had always consumed your thoughts and fueled your ambitions. Doing everything you can to be able to make your dream come true. It was a dream that guided you through your highs and lows, the setbacks and triumphs, and now, your very own cafe is now right infront of your eyes. You stand awe, gazing upon your newly built dream café that represents your years of hard work and dedication. It almost feels surreal. The weight of such an accomplishment settles in your shoulders, filling with a sense of pride that it threatens to burst out of your chest.
The obstacles and challenges you faced along the way have not gone unnoticed. The countless hours of planning, the sacrifices made, the hurdles overcome—each scar and battle wound a testament to your unwavering determination. They have shaped you into the person you are today, a person who is standing on the precipice of their own extraordinary creation. In this moment, you can't help but reflect on how far you have come. You just want to curl up into a ball and cry for how proud you are for yourself.
As you approach the door to your café, your hand trembles with anticipation. You grasp the smooth handle, feeling the coolness of the metal against your palm, and slowly turn it. The door swung open, emitting a soft creak that pierced the silence. Above it, a small, quaint bell dangled delicately, waiting to be disturbed. The cascade of delicate notes wove together seamlessly, announcing your presence, like a whispered greeting to anyone who would listen.
You stare in awe and wonder at the interior design of your cafe , captivated by it's beauty. The space exceeds your imagination and sketches, each detail meticulously brought to life. You explore every corner, your eyes eager to take in every detail. The plants you selected with great care breathe life into the space, their vibrant green leaves adding a touch of freshness and enhancing the cozy, warm aura you envisioned. Sunlight steams through the windows, casting a golden glow that illuminates upon your carefully handpicked furniture, adding a touch of charm. Every detail, from the placement of tables and chairs to the color palette and textures and to the shelf placed at the wall behind the counter with small sized standees of genshin impact, comes together harmoniously, painting a reality that is more beautiful than it was in your imagination.
You took one last look at your own café, only to catch sight of a door that had seemingly materialized out of thin air. It wasn't in your sketches, nor was it part of the layout you had memorized. How could something so out of place suddenly appear in your beloved café? How weird. You were sure that when you went inside this café it was never there. It was on the opposite side of the front entrance door of your café. It had a very different kind of design from the doors you had. How weird . Were you perhaps hallucinating? Was your stress and sleep deprivation finally getting to you? You resort to pinching and slapping your cheeks in an attempt to jolt yourself back to reality. Nope. You can still see it. You rushed to go outside of your café. As you step out into the open, your eyes scanning the exterior, you're met with a surprising revelation—the door you saw inside your café is nowhere to be found. It's as if it had vanished into thin air, leaving you bewildered and questioning your senses.
Nonetheless, you breathed a heavy sigh of relief and once again went inside of your café, blaming your hallucination to your stress. However, as your eyes scanned the interior again, you saw the door still there.
'Oh, hell no.' You thought and quickly opened the front door again, took a look at the exterior, look at the door inside, and continued doing that action for a minute. Yup, you're officialy hallucinating.
You looked at the strange door and felt a nagging feeling of curiousity wanting to try and open that door. Maybe it was actually a big ass sticker that one of the builders placed as a prank. You never know. Steeling yourself, you went closer to the door on your tippy toes. Carefully trying to be quiet. Why? You don't know. You just knew you had to. Maybe it was an instinct of yours. You were now infront of the door and you tried reaching for the door knob still thinking it was a sticker but the coolness feeling in your hands said uno reverse. You abruptly took back your hand in shock. You stared down at the atrocity in front of you. You quickly raised your foot and took off your shoes/heel/slipper and held onto it tightly. Preparing yourself to open the door, you took in a deep breath and reached for the door knob once more. Twisting it open, a ray of sunlight shone through the small crack as you pushed the door open gently.
Your eyes widen at the sight infront of you as you had fully opened the door. The grip your hand had on your lethal weapon widened and it slipped from your hands. The sight infront of you was so surreal. 'This can't be true, right?' your head was going to so many places, unable to comprehend what was going on. You felt kinda dizzy.
You would be a fool not to recognize this place that you had seen so many times throughout your life. A few kilometers infront of you was the City of Mondstadt in view. You could even see the knights guarding the gate and Timmie with his pigeons at the bridge.
The weird door from your cafe was actually a door to the Genshin Impact world. Wow... wtf.
also pls take a look at my poorly drawn drawing of what your view looks like cause for the love of god I can't seem to explain it:
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Also you're in a cliff or something. so yeah
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shuaboo · 4 months ago
so ricky having a breeding and size kink with the reader…yk where he then pins the readers thighs to their chest just goes at it 😀😀
mdni nsfw under the cut
DAMN I GOT LIKE TWO ASKS ABT SIZE KINKS WITH DIFF MEMBERS.. ALL Y’ALL INTO SIZE KINKS???? who threw a size kink party and forgot to invite me 🙅🏻‍♀️?
THIS HIGHKEY TURNED INTO A FULL ON FIC sorry i love to yap. im the #1 yap god
anyway this is some delicious shit… i know ricky hate to see me comin 😭. he knows it’s unlikely you’ll have a baby when you’re both only 20. that’s far too young! but poor ricky just loves your pretty pussy so much, he wants to breed you and paint your walls white with his cum. :c he’s been hitting the gym lately, so he’s gotten bigger and stronger. that doesn’t help his case at all. now everytime you have sex, all he wants to do is put you in positions you didn’t even know existed and fuck you. all while begging you to let him cum inside because he wants to breed you soooo bad.
“hngh.. fuck.. baby please please let me cum inside, please.” ricky says as he fucks you in an inhumane pace, while he holds your legs open with one of them placed on his shoulder. “no— ah! n-no, ricky.. you can’t..” you manage to say in between broken moans, rejecting his pleads. ricky whines at your rejection, the image of you with his kid filling his mind. “don’t you want a mini us running around? hm? c’mon, don’t you wanna feel me stuff you full of my cum, baby?” ricky says, maintaining his speed ans kissing and nipping at your chest. “o-of course i want to, but—“ you try to explain, but ricky cuts you off. “then please let me cum inside you. i wanna stuff you full with my cum. give you my kid. mine. you’re all mine, right?” ricky pleads with you again. you nod at him and moan, tears falling down your face from how hard he’s fucking you. the thoughts of of ricky cumming inside you, ricky looking so happy with your kid, and ricky helping you when your boobs get sore because you’re pregnant clouding your head. eventually, it gets too much and he successfully convinces you to let him cum inside. ricky smirks at his triumph and fucks you even faster n harder than before if that’s possible. “shit.. ah— gonna look so.. so good when you’re stuffed full of my cum… even better when you’re carrying my baby.. i love you.. i love you.. i love you s’much..” ricky moans out as his thrusts start to get sloppy, signaling that he’s close. “f-fuck! baby, im g’na cum.. gonna let me cum inside right?” ricky asks and lowers himself to kiss you. you moan into the kiss and pull back again. “yes.. yes, yes, yes please cum inside me, ricky… oh fuck—“ you cry out as you cum around his length. your words alone makes his dick throb harder than ever, and he cums inside of you. both of you are panting from the long fucking session you just had, and ricky falls right beside u on the bed.
ricky adjusts himself so he’s facing you, and puts a hand on your cheek to make you face him. “y-you didn’t say that just because i wanted to cum inside you, right?” ricky asks you hesitantly, wanting to make sure you wanted it too and you didn’t just do it because he was into it. “fuck— yeah, of course. im sure about it. i don’t regret it either, but i think we should still get a plan b.” you answer him and chuckle, putting your own hand above his. ricky smiles and nods at your answer, kissing you quickly before sitting up. “c’mon lets get cleaned up, i’ll pick up the plan b tomorrow, kay?” you murmur an “okay” and nod. ricky smiles and picks you up so he can take you to the bathroom and help you shower.
“you sure you’re just here to help me shower?” you say teasingly at him. ricky rolls his eyes at your words, and leans down smirking. “yeah yeah, unless… you need another round? can’t get enough of me can you, baby?” he teases you right back. you slap his arm and pull him closer to kiss him.
pulling back from the kiss, ricky gives you a soft smile. “i love you so much, you know that? there’s no one else i want to do this with other than you.” you smile at his words, touched by his confession (that u alr knew..). “of course i do. i love you too. now, let’s shower. i feel icky.” you say back to him and both of you laugh at your last statement.
yay! ricky if u dont get over here and fuck me rn—
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shegatsby · 7 months ago
could you please write a Hannibal one-shot, where he is in love with Alana‘s best friend? He met her after she picked up Alana from one of his dinners? And Alana often tries to set them up, with the reader being pretty stubborn, but after a while, finally gives in?
A/N: Hi, thank you for this request. Don't wory guys im getting to your other requests as well. xxx
''Pretty please!'' you heard Alana's honeyed voice yet demanding. You were at home, minding your own business, reading and drinking your wine when suddenly your friend Alana called, asking you to pick her up from a friend's dinner party. ''What happened to your car?'' Alana paused for a second, she came up with a quick lie ''Broke down a week ago.'' you looked outside the window and saw the darkness, under the yellow street lights one could see snow. ''Send me the address.'' Little did you and a certain gentleman know that Alana had a cunning plan. You wore a simple outfit, black jeans, a burgundy sweater, with your keys you left the comfort of your home.
The drive was 20 minutes, when you parked you felt as if you have entered Dracula's castle. ''The owner of the house must be into architecture.'' you thought.
When you rang the bell you had a feeling that tonight something strange would happen but you pushed that feeling away, no need to be paranoid.
A tall man answered the door, and made you freeze for a second. He was much taller than you, his maroon eyes seemed like the pits of a deep wheel, observing you and calling for you, ''Hello, I am Doctor Lecter. Please come in.'' you walked in with a bluch on your cheeks, you weren't sure why you were flustered. He took your coat, ''I am Y/N Y/L/N, Alana's friend. Here to pick her up.'' you said calmly as he took your coat you didn't notice but his eyes closed for a second to smell your scent and he found himself intrigued. ''Please follow me.'' you did as he said, he guided you to the grand living room where Alana was sitting by the fire place, as soon as you entered you were struck by the ambiance. The inside made you feel like you were in a museum, the walls were dark blue which held paintings from renaissance era, mostly depictions of ancient Greek tales. You fund yourself standing in front of the painting of ''Leda and the Swan''
''You are interested in fine art I take it?'' you heard Hannibal say with a cool yet interested tone. Before you could speak Alana's voice was heard ''Yes, my friend is deeply interested in art.'' you gave a threatning look to your friend and turned to Hannibal, ''Yes, I'm in awe of what men can create.''
Hannibal found your answer daring, you could see his eyebrow twitch, ''If you have to I would love to offer you a warm cup of tea?'' he offered kindly, you looked at Alana, wondering if she had to go home immediately but she nodded in agreement. ''I would love that. Thank you.''
''I will be back shortly.'' he declared and left you alone with Alana.
Alana had a strange look on her face as she sat by the fire again, ''He is fine isn't he?'' she asked trying to conceal her smirk, you rolled your eyes and sat next to your friend. ''What's your angle?'' you turned to your friend, obviously she was after something. Her blue eyes had a strange shimmer. Hannibal walked in with a silver tray that had three cups, you noticed how he held the tray elegantly his three piece suit made him look like a member of a royal family far away from here. You noticed his accent, he must be from Lithuania, an exotic place and exotic man...
''Thank you.'' you said she handed you the porcelain cup, it smelled divine, ''My pleasure.'' he responded kindly. It also tasted divine.
Even though you had spent thirty minutes there you loved the conversation, he was konwledgeable about everything and he was willing to listen, you noticed how focused his eyes were on your reactions and face.
You dropped your friend off and drove back home. When you climbed the bed your mind went back to tonight's events. Doctor Lecter's demeanor made you aware of him, he was there and dominant. It triggered you in an exciting way.
The next morning you went to work, you worked at a bookshop, the owner was an old lady who needed help and you started working, it had been 2 years and you were comfortable there.
As you placed the books on the shelves you heard the door open, a dominant voice called in a disbelief ''Miss Y/LN?'' you turned to owner of the voice, ''Doctor Lecter?'' you were startled to see him there, ''H-hi, how are you?'' you stood up to approach him, he was wearing a long black coat, black leather gloves and a dark red scarf, he immediately took off his gloves and extended his hand eagerly, ''Its lovely to see you here Miss, I'm very well, what about you?'' he smiled and you swore his eyes shimmered with an emotion... a powerful one.
''I'm doing great, what brings you here?'' you asked in a curious manner.
''I'm on a break and I thought I should look for a new book to read. I had no idea you were working here.'' Lie... Last night ss soon as you left he did a deep dive search on you and thanks to your Instagram he found a lot about you.
''What a grea idea. Anything speacial in mind?''
He looked around for a second, ''I would love to hear your recommendation.''
He was looking at you so intensely, ''Well,'' you started, ''My favorite is Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald.''
He took a step towards you, once again you were reminded how tall he was, tovering above you, ''May I ask why?'' his dark mind observing you, ''Its a love story and im sucker for those,'' you chuckled which earned you a grin from him, ''There was a line there which stroke a cord with me,'' you stopped to think for a second, trying to remember, ''He looked at her the way all women want to be looked at by a man.'' you gave the quote, ''Its just.. a great story.'' you were gas and his eyes were matched, lighting you up.
''Its a shame,'' he made you focus on him, you thought he was going to humiliate you, ''All the credit goes to Fitzgerald in fact his wife Zelda was the one who he stole the ideas from.'' your eyes lit up, he knew.
''Another white man getting a credit from something a woman had done. Same old story.'' you commented, he raised his hands as defending in a sarcastic manner, ''You said it, not me.'' you laughed at his reaction.
After talking for a while he offered you something, ''I will be throwing another dinner party next week. I would love to see you there.''
You smiled gently, ''I would love that.''
The entire week you pondered upon what to wear, and the day finally came. Alana was at your home watching you get ready, ''Wow, he really invited you huh? I knew he was interested in you since the second he saw you.''
You rolled your eyes, ''Its not like that, he is friendly.'' you protested as you wore a nice black dress, ''I know him, he never invites other than his work friends, you are the first person from outside his work and... you know what? You'll see what I'm talking about.'' Alana raised her hands in a weary attitude.
When you entered his home you understood what Alana was trying to say, everyone came from a successful background and they were all one way or another his colleagues, she was right. You were an outsider. Alana introduced you to her team she kept talking about, Will Graham, Jack Crawford and others, you had a nice chat when Hannibal approached, his eyes first landed on Will, who waa talking to you, and then you. ''I see you met my close friends.'' he said greeting you, ''Will was just talking about a case you and him worked on.''
His stood next to you and his hand went to the small of your back, you didn't understand what was going on, but he was directly facing Wil.. ''Please Will, go on.'' his tone was careful. ''Uhh-'' Will froze for a second, he looked at you and Hannibal and then smiled understandingly. You still didn't understand what was going on but let it go.
The night was vibrant, you met most of his colleagues and they were nice and kind but everytime he introduced you to someone new he would place his hand on your back and stood there like a statue.
When the night came to an end Alana left you with him, you decided to help him in the kitchen, he gave you an apron and you got to work. He played some classical music, you heard Hildegard Von Bingen and smiled to yourself, he noticed, ''I love Hildegard.'' you explained shortly. Together you worked in silence, ''Thank you for helping.'' he said gently and you smiled kindly. He offered a glass of wine and asked you to wait in the living room, the fireplace was lit, you decided to stand by the tall window and watch the serene night.
Hannibal walked in with two glasses and for few seconds he watched you, you looked calm and content. He approached and offered you a glass, ''Thank you.'' he smiled kindly and decided to stand next to you, a question was nagging you, ''Alana said that you usually invite your colleagues.'' you began, ''That is true.'' he said waiting for you to continue, ''What am I doing here then?'' you asked turning to him, looking at him under your lashes, ''I wanted you to mee to my friends and be a part of my life.'' he was so frank that it caught you off guard, '' You have captured me the moment I had met you Y/N, you don't have to say anything just think about it.''
''Yes.'' you found yourself saying, ''I want to be with you too Hannibal.''
He smiled lovingly and leaned in for a kiss.
Thank you for reading. :)
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fanficwriterlover · 1 year ago
My Choice Our Consequence
Chapter 4 : Trusting in Your Safety
Summary: Now that you and Simon have worked out on living accommodations for your soon to be born son. You're getting closer to your due date and everything has been... moderate to say the least. But will you and Simon overcome the barrier of trust ?
Call-Sign or Nickname: Hera or Lil Light
Word Count: 10.6k Words
A03 Version
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Your POV
Honestly it’s been, something having Ghost…well Simon around whenever he wasn’t at base. Sometimes you wished someone would pinch you to remind you this wasn’t some fanfic imagination (or is it ?)…
Either way, it’s been about two months since you and Simon agreed to work together to raise the child. Was definitely going to be like co-parenting but you both had everything planned out. Being both apart of the military had definitely played a part in both of you being detailed and determined to ensure everything goes according to plan.
Your mother sometimes found it laughable how much you two have over planned on every detail. But to you two…it was just having backup plans and touching all the bases.
Last month, Simon insisted on helping with the nursery along with your Uncle Daryl’s help. They revamped the once guest room into the nursery, painting the walls a light blue that you and your mother picked out. They put together the crib, with its no climb corners and fluffy mattress.
Every extra detail, from the cabinet full of diapers, baby powder, cleaner supplies and necessary items. Closet full of clothing of different apparels some even Simon disagreed with needing but you found it important your son have all different kinds of clothing for different occasions.
This also includes the bookshelf full of books to read with him, and basket of toys that your son can pick from. Everything was ready. Least to your mom and uncles opinion
But to you and Simon, there was much more to be done before he shows up. As of now... Simon stood in front of you across the island his elbows resting on the marble counter while you sat on the high stool with your iPad open tapping away on the screen, as you two discussed…
Simon gruffly states “We are not naming ‘im that.” He huffs holding his cup of tea to his lifted mask lips. This is the closest you’ve come to seeing him, honestly it killed you not knowing what he looks like still.
Like Gaz joked, if your son gets all the genes from him then you could possibly know what he looks like. You sigh softly rolling your eyes “Why not ? I think Xander is a cute name…” you bite at your lower lip.
Yes, this was the hardest task of them all, coming up with an agreeable name that you both would like. He glances at you, over the edge of his cup “Over my bloody damn body. Next.” He grumbles taking a sip. You grumble “Fuckin’ hell.” You scan through the list of names so far that you’ve found off the baby name dictionary. There was over a million of name choices for boys. Yet, so far, as you two gone through different meaningful names, none popped out to either of you.
This made you worry, you were expecting in about 28 weeks now…you have a check up tomorrow and neither of you have come up with a name yet. What if you two are too late ? What if when your baby is born that you two can’t agree on a name and have to call him “Baby 1” until you agree on one. It made you stress a bit. And that’s why the two of you always postponed the topic.
“Simon…we can’t keep rejecting every name…I’m only 28 weeks away…” you say lowly, your other hand resting down on your stomach. You begin to trace circles on your stomach.
Ghost’s POV
It didn’t take a genius to see how stressed out you were. The more weeks that went by, not only did you get more emotional but the lack of comfort made it impossible to do anything you used to. Ghost has no experience with women pregnant. Only memories of hearing about his once sister in law…but that was a touchy subject for him and he couldn’t bring himself to remember the last image of her.
Yet, sometimes he couldn’t help it…stealing a glance at you. You were someone he treasured now, much to his resistance, and he feared his presence would alone put you in danger. That never seemed to bother you though... He wanted you to start trusting him, to understand him for why he is the way he is...one day, he will. Just not today.
Your POV
Fall, was slowly shifting to winter, the chill in the air made it insufferable to want to do any kind of work. From just even walking outside to get the mail you did not want to go out into the cold air to retrieve it. “Ugh...why is it already bloody cold.” You huff, setting down your tablet down. Your hands stretch out to wrap around the hot cup of cocoa. It was the one drink you could have, since caffeine was off the table. Tea was more something you savored in the mornings and evenings but you have been recently craving chocolate so this was the best you could get for now.
Simon grumbles in response before leaving the kitchen to stalk somewhere, “’Snt it always ?” You huff at his remark rolling your eyes then stroking your belly.
Ever since Simon got back from his recent mission he been hounding you in every way. Shoot, the man wouldn’t even let you make yourself a cup scared you’d burn your belly. As if when he was gone you never did but you allowed him to be overprotective.
You take a slow sip from your cocoa, unlike you who rushes the process of making cocoa, this cup wasn’t as good as the ones Simon had made for you. He always made it perfect. He always made sure to use fresh cocoa and simmered a kettle of fresh milk (non fat since it was safe during pregnancy) he followed the doctors orders to the T. Which is hilarious, because you’ve seen the man ignore doctors orders after breaking his ribs to go to the gym to spar anyways.
As you mindlessly sipped your cup, you forgot to blow on it and burned your tongue, letting out a screech before fanning your tongue. Regretfully dropping your cup, as it crashes down onto the hard surface of your tile. What you didn’t expect was the man himself to rush to your aid as if you got attacked by an intruder. He jumps over the couch with ease, taking in the scene.
You can see the perplex in his eyes as if analyzing the situation seeing what the cause of your yelp was. Taking in the scene he immediately relaxed his shoulder just slightly satisfied that there was no actual harm, except the kind you’ve made for yourself. He strides over to you “You good ?” you blush seeing him ever so close, his cologne reaching your nose. Despite you being sensitive to certain smells, it seems your nose never got tired of smelling his cologne. His eyes study you then he reaches out to take your hands which puzzles your mind until you see his eyes squint down.
That’s when you see the red tint on your fingers. You burned yourself when boiling the milk. Blushing a bit and mumbling softly “Ah..that was when I was warming the milk…nothing serious.” His sharp eyes look down to meet yours.
Yes down…the man towered over you insanely…
“ Didn’t I ‘ellya to leave the cooking and shit to me…” he grumbles the words before withdrawing himself “I know…but Simon I’m not entirely helpless.” You pout, but you can see his eyes briefly crinkle…did he smile ? “Mhm…right….Go sit down. ‘ll clean it up.” You were about to protest but a sudden punch in your stomach had you gasping out.
Simons eyes blew up, seeing you putting your hand on your stomach as if reeling from a pain. Once you composed yourself, you see Simon’s outstretched hands bracing you at your elbows. You start laughing softly out of breath “Holy shit…your son’s a kicker.” You take a breath. Then meet his eyes as he gives you a puzzling look. It was endearing to see the stone cold lieutenant confused and unable to understand what was going on.
His almond brown eyes look at you confused “What ?” he asked sternly, as if the idea of you giving birth now made him feel taken by surprise. You laugh at the slight confusion plastered on Simons face. He seemed even more taken back that you’re laughing after showing signs of being in pain. However you feel a slight instinct while you have him close…
You gently grab at his hand, one he flinches from the sudden contact as you look into his eyes, “Trust me ?” you ask softly waiting for confirmation to proceed.
Ghost’s POV
One minute you were grasping onto him for your dear life, nails digging deep into his hoodie sleeves, then after a few breaths your laughing about it. He couldn’t figure out what to make of the situation. His mind still reeling if there was something wrong with the baby for you to react such a way.
Yet, when you ask him to trust you, it was like a whiplash. You know he questions anything to do with trust. The idea makes the Ghost want to crawl out and pull away. However, the Simon part of him wants to reach out and grasp onto this new unknown feeling…
No it wasn’t unknown…it was just something long forgotten and buried from years of betrayal.
When you asked him this, he felt deep down he could trust you. From the missions together, he trusted you. Against his better judgement. He trusted you and confided in you in a moments weakness for both of you to be in an intimate moment together. He trusted you from the moment he saw you again and was willing to give him a chance because despite him breaking it, in honesty you were willing to give him a chance.
He wanted to take a chance with you. Even if it was unfamiliar territory and he didn’t know what he was going to be walking into.
When his eyes meet yours, you give him the most doe eyes imaginable…
There’s just something about the way you look at him which makes him want the Ghost to stay in a corner and allow Simon to revel in the contact and embrace this new found feeling of interaction. So…for once…he let his guard down.
Nodding his head slowly, he didn’t know what to expect when you took his hand. They were still in his signature skull leather gloves. But it was the kind of contact that felt like electricity coursing through his nervous system. Slowly and tenderly, you soft hands guided his to rest on your stomach. For a moment he was confused by this…until he felt it.
It was subtle. Like a poke onto his palm. Their son was kicking.
For the first time, your son showed no signs of life, the doctor having to reassure you that he was very much healthy and breathing. You would joke it was because of him that their son gained his personality. However, now it seems your son wants to let you two know he’s there.
It was a moment for sure. Simon didn’t know how to feel or even know how to acknowledge the feeling he was expressing.
True happiness.
The little bundle that gave you and him a chance of unity to work together. An experience he never thought imaginable until he met you. It was a moment he wish he could keep with him forever. Especially as he looked down at your face.
You had the softest smile on your face, your eyes closed feeling the little kicks hit against your stomach as you still press Simons hand on your stomach. Seeing you in your cozy autumn dress that snugged your body, just reaching to your knees and your hair, down . You looked perfect. This moment felt perfect. For once it was nice to experience something mundane. To experience something he’d call…
His family.
It was this moment he wanted to give himself entirely to you, swear to you, open up to you. Yet, he figured when the time was right he would. For now.
Soaking in the moment of their little life they created. Who for once Simon was eager to meet. Yet, he’d never would admit it out loud, especially with the guys pestering about it. But he’d shrug it off and tell them he just wants your suffering to end.
It felt like the world stopped in that moment, it was just you two enjoying this moment together, Simon couldn’t resist it. His other hand slowly reached up to your cheek. Your eyes watching his every move. Yet you didn’t say anything. He was hesitant. But you just looked at him, almost reassuring him to keep going. Your doe eyes bore into his, they weren’t of hunger like the night you two laid. No it was a different kind of intimacy. One of companionship. But most of all…
He gently stroked your jaw line, as he slowly leaned closer to your face….
Your POV
He kept leaning closer by the minute, your heart was pounding harder than ever. You can’t believe this was happening. Was he going to kiss you ? His eyes drift down to your lips. It was a subtle question without words needing to be said. You knew what his eyes was entailing. It was something you learned to understand about him long ago.
Slowly you let go of his hand that still rested on your swollen stomach. He had no intentions of withdrawing even after your hands were off his. You slowly reach your hands up to the edge of his mask tucked under his hoodie. His eyes don’t leave yours. He’s watching you. Studying you. Seeing what next move you do. But there’s no sign of discontent. He wants you to do this. You can tell by his eyes. They speak so much more volume that any words spoken can comprehend.
You tentatively begin pulling up his mask, my eyes remaining on his as you do this. You’re expecting the worse as you slowly pull it up, but he doesn’t recoil or stop you. No. He just keeps looking at you.
So you keep going. Passing it just over his lips, revealing his perfect lips, that are slightly shaded pink, his stubble jawline as if carved out of a statue. His jaw adorned with tapestry of scars. Some danced along his cheek, it seemed long you were only seeing the tip that seemed to run up. There was one that crossed over the corner of his lips. You remember that one, when you two were together that night. Even though it was dark and everything was rushed you remember pressing light kisses over it. Almost wishing for those awful memories of it to wash away from his perfect skin. But it was something you accept and love about him…
Wait love ?
Do you love Simon ? Maybe….or maybe it’s just your hormones..
He looks at you still, my eyes meeting his, as you slowly lean up, he seems to lean in as well and just when our lips were grazing each others…
His phone rings…
He withdraws so fast it almost hurt. His eyes seemed to squint, almost as a sign of annoyance…He seemed to almost wished it had happened but at last, someone had to pop it.
You clear your throat eyeing down to his pants where the phone rings “You going to get that ?” for once you see him contemplate almost considering to ignore. For a few seconds you see him battle within himself…it was painful to watch the Ghost himself wanting to rebel. So you made the choice for him. You slowly withdrew from the close contact as you feel the heat rising in your cheeks. “I’m going to go….um…make another cup.” You leave the room quickly, well at least as quick as your legs could take you as you headed back into the kitchen. Stealing a glance at him as he looks your way, rolling his mask down as he digs into his pocket for his phone.
Ghost’s POV
We were so close to kissing, and of course something had to disrupt it. It felt like luck was never on his side. As always all the good in his life gets taken from him even from brief moments.
He answers the phone. He was agitated from the disruption and the person on the other was going to hear how angry he was for the intrusion.
“What you want ?”
Price : “Aye…good ‘earing from you too Simon. What’s with you eh ? How’s the little light ?”
“Price…” Simon felt the pit of his stomach dropped. “She and the bugger are fine.” He leaves the living room going outside to take this call, he couldn’t risk you hearing it… “What’s the news ?”
He hears Price hum softly and slight shifting in the background, he was readjusting himself in his seat, means he doesn’t have something good to say... “Ah…we got a lead. Shepard will fill you in. You’ll be dropped at the base in a couple days. That’s all I can share over the phone…”
Simon stayed silent. His eyes casting at your complex, this mission was important he knew that…in fact in most cases he would’ve put that before anything so why…
“Simon…I know you have a lot going on…I don’t blame you for wanting ou-” “I’ll be there.” There was silence for a moment as Price let out a sigh. “ ‘Right, I’ll send you where to go. You leave Monday (the day was Thursday) Good luck Simon.” With that he hung up. Looking at his phone screen silently. Hearing the words Price was going to finish he couldn’t even process those words.
Out ? This is all he ever known. Sure things are different now…but are they ?
He began second guessing his choices now for allowing himself to get close. Perhaps going on this mission will do him some good. Ghost heads back into the complex where he finds you finishing your new cup, but this time of tea, that you just poured for yourself. As you were letting the bag rest inside your cup, as the warm water seeps it.
Your eyes meet his, and once again he feels Simon wanting to crawl out and take over, but he shoves him down. Ghost needed to be present. “That was Price.” He watches as your features shift, it was brief it was a slight sadness peeking your face. But you recovered quickly averting your eyes from his looking into your cup. “Ah…when do you leave ?” you start dipping your tea bag up and down into your cup looking into it, deeply. As he says lowly “In a ‘ouple days.”
Your eyes look towards him…it once again made Simon want to claw out, the need to be there for you. But he can’t . Not now knowing he has to leave you at such a bad time. But you surprised him….
Your POV
Yes, the news hurt, the sudden change in his aura as he went back to being Ghost. Cold reserved and untouchable. It hurt how quickly his demeanor changed towards you. However, you understood. You have been in his shoes and you knew it would be inevitable. That came with the job. You guys were stuck to this life whether you wanted out later or not. The job demanded you.
You were an exception given your predicament. But you knew this was what Ghost lived for. It’s all he’s ever known. Nodding your head slowly. “You should probably get packing than, shouldn’t ya ?” you let out a low dry laugh. It seemed more of a huff then a laugh. But the fact was…it was amusing.
Of course you knew the reality of the job. If a lead came up of course they’d jump at it. Especially knowing the urgency for the mission. You didn’t know the full extent but you knew enough, and your time in the field to know such. You sigh softly “Look…Simon. You don’t need to worry about us. I told you this.” Your eyes meet his, his eyes remained unmoved from you. He was looking to see if you were covering up with lies, but they weren’t they were genuine.
“When you find the chance…reach me. I’m sure by then he’ll be born…” you bite at your lower lip. As much as you would love Simon to be there during birth you sure as hell weren’t going to make him feel guilty for leaving or make it seem like he has to choose. No, now more than anything he deserves to know he’s welcomed back. You smile softly at him, approaching him slowly.
He doesn’t withdraw as you approach, his eyes never leaving your movements as you drew closer as you gently reach your hand up, watching his expression. Ghost doesn’t budge or withdraw though, so you place your hand on his masked cheek. “Trust me?” You reach up as best you can against this tall giant. He lowers himself down though, enough so you can press a kiss onto his masked cheek before looking into his eyes.
He didn’t need to say a word.
You saw all the conviction in his eyes to know he planned to come back for you and their son…
“Thomas…” you blink at the sudden name…as you recalled his brother name being Tommy. Then you slowly began to understand, he wanted to name your son after him.
“Thomas…I like it.” You smile softly holding his gaze, he seemed to appreciate it. A part of you wandered if him wanting to name their son after his brother was a way to prove better. Almost swearing this time…he won’t lose his loved ones. You knew nothing would happen. Simon would return from the mission when it’s over and get to meet his son. Maybe things will play out better for you two. You don’t know…but you were willing to see what this choice leads to.
The Next Day
Honestly from the events of yesterday, you nearly forgotten about your appointment for today.
It was thanks to your mother reminding you before she left for work, and Simon sudden urgency to usher you out of the complex into the car.
To say pregnancy befuddles your mind was an understatement, you could barely think straight. It was painful to think too. Your once strategic, organized, and determined mind was a train wreck.
It could be from the lack of sleep now, you felt so bloated, but also it was impossible to get out of bed comfortably let alone sleep. It seemed your unborn was like his father, in the quietness was when he made himself known. Which he would either kick your stomach to the point you had to sit up and walk around or he demanded food to be deposited into your stomach. With which you’d made a late midnight snack.
Since being closer to your due date, and time flying by effortlessly, you started noticing Simon insistent on staying in your complex to make sure you get the help you need. Because of this, your mother had decided (since she has so grown to love Simon) that she’d stay at your uncle’s place while Simon was present so you could lean on him more. Of course you hated that she left you with him, sometimes his silence was unbearable and you worried you burden him with helping you with tedious tasks. But perhaps it was because your mother knew nothing would happen while he was there.
So, Simon spent most nights in your mother’s room that she loaned to him. However on some midnight scouring through the refrigerator, you’ve learned he would often sleep on the couch. Mostly because he knew you’d wake up craving something and didn’t apparently trust you enough to open a simple yogurt container. Silly little things like that he worried about your well being. As if you were out on the field fighting for you life, Simon was there at your six to keep you safe from such tedious civilian tasks.
Oh, and driving with Simon has become quite the most stressful part of the trip. The man, bless him, as big as he was must drive crazy do to discomfort. He was a bully man for the matter and being used to harsh conditions he drives almost like a madman. I’m always bracing the handle on the door because, his turns were painfully sharp. But you know the wiser, correcting or even judging a man’s driving skill is not a debate to go on. The drive was of course short, since the man nearly blew through 3 stop lights, you knew he’ll probably get tickets about it. Wondering how embarrassing that was you were the reason for his reckless driving. Yet, he got you there safely.
Pulling into the hospital parking lot, it was packed. Rows of cars lined up, but Simon found the most closet spot to the entrance as possible. Yes, the man drove through every single aisle in the lot to find the BEST one. Sighing in relief you release the seat belt buckle freeing the slight pressure that was pressing over your chest and lower abdomen a bit too tightly. You were just collecting my bearings for a few seconds, before feeling the coolness brush your right shoulder.
Glancing over, you see Simon had already hopped out of the truck and was now opening your passenger side door. You take the chivalrous act turning yourself in the seat, it was much harder to get in and out of cars. Especially harder, in a big pick up truck, that Simon drove.
Luckily, Simon, was there to help you, his large arm nearly caged you in the front as you use his arm to balance yourself and ease out of the car. He doesn’t touch you, just uses his body to help you get out. It was such a subtle gesture but meant a lot. Because, your mother would’ve struggled much more trying to help you out. “Thanks...You didn’t have to.”
You knew that was a lie, you did need it, it was painful to change positions now, your growing baby, had decided to expand ever so more, your once small physique outweighed by your growing baby who just so happens to have the DNA of a giant. Yes, this still bugged you. Of all men to get knocked up by, why did YOU have to do it not only with your lieutenant but the biggest man you ever known. Was a cruel joke the thought of pushing out his baby often sent shivers down your spine.
Simon must’ve noticed as you can see the squint in his eyes and crease in his brows “You cold ?” you wave you hand dismissively supporting your back as he walks closely at your side, on your right of course. “No, I’m fine. Just uncomfortable. God I can’t wait to push him out.” You huff, even walking barely a mile was an effort. You were already out of breath by the time you both entered through the automatic sliding doors.
The hospital was bustling, taking in patients and front desk ladies answering calls. Simon tenses from the atmosphere. This is his first time coming with you. From your last checkup, he simply drove you and your mother and your mother would go in with you. This time after many attempts at persuading him you won over him.
And Simon, wore something less terrifying than his usual apparel. He wore a black surgical face mask, it went up over his nose, he had no black smear paint over his eyes for once, but his hoodie cloaked his hair and shaded his eyes from the light. Immediately you sat yourself down in the chair, Simon however, stood near you. Like a looming bodyguard, the man just did NOT know when to relax or let his guard down. You could see his eyes shift to every person in the room as if waiting for some surprise attack.
A part of you didn’t blame him for this habit, when you first started having to live as a civilian you doubted every single person. You can’t imagine how untrusting Simon must be feeling, to be so exposed and you’re certain to him, the worse part was being weaponless.
However, him being on edge was not helping your anxiety for this appointment. Yes, you trusted your baby was fine but it still didn’t stop your mind from worrying. Slowly you reach up and touch his arm.
He nearly jumps. But of course he’d never admit it. He looks down at you, seeing it was your harmless hand resting on his arm as you say lowly “Relax Simon…you’re stressing me out…also you’re making everyone else anxious-” he huffs under his mask, giving an eye roll as you look at him serious not going to put up with his attitude “I mean it. You either sit down or there will be hell.” His eyes look at you seriously, debating if should challenge that minor threat.
But of course, you were a women to your word. And you’d never forget. In fact you planned to give him an ear full about his demeanor. You were okay to an extent but sometimes you just wish he let his guard down when in civilian area so he didn’t stress you or anyone else in radius.
Finally he grumbles lowly, moving to sit in the seat to your right, near the entry, as he finally sat done. You couldn’t help but smirk, the chair looked ridiculously small holding him. It was a miracle it didn’t collapse. That would be a humorous sight.
Now he was quite the sight himself, standing 6’4 practically lean killing machine. His mystery aura probably was an attraction to many civilians, especially youthful ones. As just so happens a bunch of teenagers were gossiping and giggling in the corner of the lounge. Why they were there was beyond your brain capacity, they seemed too young to be pregnant…was that normal in society? You felt so old…
You could hear little what was said but tried not to feel the bubbling feeling in your chest “Oh-My-God, he’s hot…” “He’s a tall dark drink of mystery” “I dare you to ask his number.”
Honestly, if these girls think their whispering was low enough they were not even trying. You couldn’t help but steal a glance at Ghost. His eyes focused dead ahead at the front desk. Surely he was hearing the words these girls were saying.
It didn’t help he was in the most….hottest sitting position you’ve seen. His legs were spread arms crossed over his chest, you know he wasn’t doing it intentionally more for comfort since he barely fit the seat. But you couldn’t help how attractive he seemed. You didn’t blame the girls for finding him attractive, honestly you wished you knew if he was attractive without the mask too.
His deep voice broke your train of thought, “I can feel yer eyes on me y/n.” his eyes slowly shift to you, which made you blush. You didn’t realize you had stared at him long enough for him to notice. Than again nothing gets past his radar. “Well…can’t help it…you got quite the fan girls over there.” You snort.
His head looks in your direction, his eyes squinting obviously not finding it amusing as you can see his brows crease processing your features probably and attitude, as he then asks “You jealous ?” You could see the corners of his eyes crinkle, the bastard was smirking “S-Shut up.” You huff smirking trying to ignore the burning in your cheeks as he speaks again shifting in his seat “Plus I’m not here for bunch of kids. Got my own to worry about, yea ?”
How this man says stuff so casually astounds you. He seems too calm and collected it makes you wish you could open his brain up and know what’s running through it.
Ghost’s POV
Having eyes on him has always been something he had been used to. From recruits shaking to their bones of what he’ll shout, to his victims petrified of their life getting taken from his hands, and now civilians. This though, was something he’ll never get used to.
Civilians seemed to walk aimless with no purpose and oblivious to their surroundings. Without a care in the world. It sometimes baffled him how relaxed these people were, unaware of the raging war that he and people like him were fighting to keep the peace, that these people took for granted.
Yet, today, he was here with you, doing something so mundane to take you for your pregnancy checkup.
Honestly, he would’ve taken you here every day if he could, this whole pregnancy process had him on edge. He never felt so helpless in his entire life.
Unable to help you with all the weight you were carrying and the discomfort you were having to endure in order to carry his child. You didn’t deserve this, yet motherhood almost seemed to suit you.
His eyes couldn’t help but glance at you subtly when you would pretend you weren’t staring at him. You had the most earnest smile, too pure for the military, your hair had this shine to it, but in a way was done hastily in a messy bun. However, it looked attractive for you. From your clothes, you always wore something cozy and snug, today wearing a loose v neck top with a plaid jacket to keep you warm. Some stretchy pants that curved around your hips and thighs nice especially your protruding belly.
From your ripped nails (a habit he absolutely disliked one you did even on duty), fresh clean smooth skin, perfect face structure. Everything. You had bewitched him in ways he could never comprehend Which makes him think back to when you two laid together…it had been so long ago. But at nights it was something that plagued his dreams and had him wanting to experience it again.
Of course then a women in a white cloak approaches the two of you, sending him a bit more on edge with the women’s plastered smile. Was too white for Simon’s liking. She stops short of him, eyeing him before looking at you “Ah, Y/n ! Ready for your check-up?” she smiles at you…
So she’s the doctor…. “Yes I’m ready. Also this is-” You look to him a bit. He knew you were trying to be considerate in his choice of giving names…yet for you he’d let this slide. “Simon.” he says blunt and uninterested in interacting with the doctor, he only came to make sure the baby was okay as per your request, well more of begging.
You give him the biggest smile, hearing him use his name to greet the doctor. Just seeing you happy for something so minor gave you the greatest joy…why you held him so high he’ll never understand but he held you the same way too. You slowly stood up, getting to your feet, he gives you his arm, that was still in his pocket to assist, which you take his subtle gesture.
The doctor blushing and biting her lip, it bothered him. The way she looked at him. He only liked when you looked at him that way but something in him wanted to snap at her for such but he refrained. Instead walking behind you as the doctor led you to the ultrasound room.
Entering the room, he had to duck his head a bit, the doors were definitely not made for men his height, obviously more for women. You giggled at his struggle as he shot you a glare which stopped your adorable giggles but still plastering a smirk.
“Alright…you know the drill, momma. Sit down, lift up, and relax.” The doctor was now getting the machine wheeled closer, and turned on. You turned to the laying chair, Simon’s seeing it was a bit high for you as he moved closer in front of you.
You give him a questionable look, but he simply gestures with his hand, that he’ll help you up. You take it, his arms tense as he helps you up, you blush when it seems to get into the chair with ease. Looking up at him you whisper softly, “Thank you…”. He simply nods his head stepping back to stay out of the way. Choosing to linger against the wall as the doctor comes to your side now, once you lifted up your top exposing your stomach.
It's the first time he’s seen your belly bare, you were never naked or wearing shorter tops since pregnant. You still had that tattoo on your right that that ran just under your arm down your whole side. It was a bunch of rose vines tangled around skull head, butterflies, ribbons, but most of all a peacock head with the feathers spread on the side pulling a chariot.
It was the most detailed tattoo he admired on you when you rested on your side beside him after you two were intimate. He remembered looking at the details put into it, and how it seemed unique.
He never asked though, but he did his own researching. Hera’s chariot was pulled by the peacock. Which made since considering your call sign. Not to mention the meaning behind Hera, as the goddess of childbirth, he prayed you had that luck on your side.
The doctor had spread some gel substance on your stomach just at your lower abdomen as she placed the probe there. The monitor on the screen started giving a swoosh sound and bit pulsing but it was all grey and white visuals. Until she worked the probe more on your stomach to show the view of…
Their son.
The doctor looked at the monitor seeing how the baby was curled in the fetal position all curled up. Simon felt an odd feeling looking at the screen.
It felt unreal actually seeing it on the screen. The doctor than began speaking “That’s a healthy looking baby. Wow I’d say he’s about…3.997 kilograms (8.13 pounds) !” you nearly groan inwardly as he did his best to stop himself from huffing a laugh. The doctor arches a brow “I take you’re the dad ?”
The question made Simon stiff but he simply just nodded his head slowly, which the doctor giggles “Yeah go figures, he definitely got the dad genes y/n.” you roll your eyes as you remained still while she continues to examine the monitor making sure everything else looks good. That’s when you brought up “Oh can you take the pictures. I want a few if you don’t mind.” The doctor smiles at you nodding her head. “I figured you’d want that. I’ll send to you via email and I’ll print out a copy that you can pick up at the front.” She smiles, clicking on the machine to capture the ultrasound picture and having it printed to the printer at the front desk. His eyes never leaving the ultrasound.
He couldn’t help but glance at your face. You looked happy, admiring the monitor of your unborn child. It was a moment he would remember. He couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride at that being his son he’ll get to meet when he gets back from the mission. He definitely had a reason now to come back.
Your POV
After everything seemed clear, the doctor went over what to expect with the contractions and asking where you would be giving birth.
Then even gave advice that Simon could help you with by doing the gentle lifting. This of course made you blush as you sat on the examination chair “It’s a great exercise and harmless. Relaxes the body from the heavy weight you been carrying that child. Plus Dad will get an opportunity to see how much weight you’re carrying.” She laughs softly “I can show you how to do it dad if you’d like to help her ?”
A part of you knew Simon would definitely feel uncomfortable with that suggestion or even volunteer to do something remotely having to touch someone. It’s something about showing attachments in public that isn’t his forte. In fact you only feel he stuck around for the kid sake since he probably wanted to be better than how he was raised.
You could see Simon shift uncomfortably his eyes darting away as if the idea wasn’t something he wanted to express or do. “Ah…it’s okay. I think we sho-” “Show me.” Simons deep British accent seem vibrate in the room. All eyes were on him now. You were nearly gaping, but looking at him uncertain wondering if he only was feeling obligated to do it for the doctor to not judge “Simon…really it’s okay. Let’s just g-” “I want to.” He stops you which makes you blush from embarrassment. The doctor laughs softly “Okay then ! Y/n stand up and Simon right ?” he nods his head.
You stand up getting out of the chair as the doctor comes behind you “Alright, so what you’re going to do is links your fingers together like this” as she shows her both hands linked then stands behind you. You awkwardly stand there unsure what to expect. “Then you come behind, make sure y/n you can lean back into me..now I’ll use my legs to just slightly bend and keep back flat then slowly lift…” the moment the doctor lifted your stomach, it felt like all the weight was well…weightless.
It was so satisfying…you almost forgot how it felt to not having carried so much weight.
In the moment your eyes slowly flutter close you can hear the doctor continue to lecture “Only lift about two inches, should do it. Now when you release you have to do it SLOWLY.” She gives you a few minutes enjoying the session before slowly lowering your stomach. It was relaxing for the moment and made you almost wish she hadn’t stop. However your eyes flutter open, looking to see Simon’s eyes were on you.
It made you blush realizing how relaxed you were in the moment that you were unaware of his watching eyes on you. “Alright dad. Ready to try ?” you blink realizing what was about to happen as you watched Simon push himself off the wall. He nods his head at the doctor as she sits back to observe. Your heart beats harder as he walks around behind you, his looming presence all so familiar as it made you feel déjà vu when you had first met him…
2 Years Ago 141 Meeting at Base
The helicopter hummed loudly, despite the headset you wore to dull out the loud blades. You had your hair braided down over your shoulder to keep the wind from whipping your hair in your face and you wore a cap to keep the strands down. Your eyes shift as you feel it began to descend hitting the landing platform. Once confirmed the pilot let you know you can get out. Which you hastily do so, standing up keeping low as you open the side of the chopper. You had your duffle bag swung over your shoulder as you climbed out.
The blades made your hair fly crazy but you kept low until clear from the blade. Finally taking in your surroundings of your new base it was exciting to be working with Captain Price. You had met him on a mission many years ago in Urzikstan where you assisted in helping Karim escape. Luckily you weren’t needed much for medical side, but you did aid in freeing commander Karim’s men and women. However she would never know, you were a female that was there. Most times you wore attire that hid that you were a women.
It kept the fights even. No one would go easy on you or suspect they were beaten and killed by a women. That’s how you liked it.
However the main reason you hide yourself, was how you got your name…
“Ah Hera ! You made it.” You turn you head having dazed off as you noticed Price striding over to greet you.
His muttonchops were fuller, you remember the last you two had spoke he was considering growing out a beard but was unsure what style. It was very unique style yet suited him. You gave him a tender smile “Captain Price. Wouldn’t miss joining up with an old friend now.” You smirk. He shakes your hand fondly then gently pats your shoulder “Why I picked you for my taskforce. Come. The lads will be joining soon.” He nods his head for you to follow which you do.
He gives you a brief tour of the base, seeing the gym, cafeteria, lounge room, medical wing (your favorite) his office, meeting room, baths (as of course he had to mention there were no separate ones for women but would ensure you had a key to lock when using it,), and lastly your bunker.
Your name plate was plastered on the door in a silver plate with your rank y/n, “Hera” and your l/n. Price opened your door with ease showing you, your neatly made room, with the bed in the corner, pale beige walls, old wooden floor boards, a desk and chair, a counter space in the corner where you can buy your own appliances for small kitchen ware and a small closet for your clothing.
Typical base room. Small simple and tidy. “Thanks Price.” You smile at him as he smiles back, his muttonchops crinkling as he smiles as you could no longer see his dimples cheeks when he smiles, but you knew they were there “Please y/n, no need for formalities, you can call me John” you smirk “What ? Already playing favorite Cap ?” you give a wicked grin as he simply chuckles shaking his head stepping to your door. “Ill see you tomorrow for briefing. 0600 sharp. Rest of the lads will be in tonight. Rest up.” He nods his head, as he leaves you in your room.
Taking a breath, you decide to look around the room taking in the surroundings and debating on what you could do to lively it up when you get the time and chance to go shopping. For now you planned to rest up, and unpack. Tomorrow will be when you meet the rest of your team. You had heard their names but was not permitted to seeing their files on each one. Probably because you’ll be meeting them anyways. For now…you needed rest so rest was what you planned to get.
Next Day at 0400
Your alarm blared annoyingly at your bedside stand as you moaned annoyed. As much as you should be used to waking up this early your body however seemed to hate every moment of it. Groggily, you reach over to stop your alarm, after embarrassingly missing the stop button after three attempts, you finally silenced the cruel bastard.
Slowly you positioned yourself up so that you didn’t fall back to sleep and grabbed your hygiene stuff and spare clothing to go get ready.
Peeking your head out the room, the bunker halls were silent, you were the only one up at this hour, thankfully. You slipped out of the room and shut the door quietly aware your other teammates were probably trying to get every last bit of rest they can muster. You make your way to the bathroom, you planned on at least making yourself presentable today. Having brought your towel and other hygiene supplies, you began showering first to wake yourself up.
Dipping yourself under the cold running water to wake you, while you waited for the water to warm up, sent shivers down your spine. Taking cold showers was definitely a way to wake you. But once the warm water hit it made you melt. You could stay under the streaming water forever, however, today you planned to make a good impression.
After finally finishing cleaning yourself up and drying yourself, you began to dress into your attire. After putting on your sports bra, and boxer pants (yes, they were more comfortable to wear underneath heavy cargo pants and military attire. Plus no lie, it curved your ass nicely) then put on your thick beige cargo pants that had plenty of pockets. Then putting on a tight long sleeve camo top. It was a collar type with a zipper and you always kept the zipper halfway down to make it breathable.
Once you finishing dressing and tying on your duffle boots, you got your hair slick back in a tight bun using some gel that slicked your hair perfectly.
Satisfied with your apparel, you glance at the watch on your wrist, it was 0500, you had an hour to spare. Walking out of the bathroom with your discarded clothes and hygiene you went to your room to return your stuff then decided to grab yourself a cup of coffee to wake up before heading to the meeting room.
However what you didn’t expect, upon walking into the lounge where the coffee maker would be, was a tall looming man cloaked in all black hunched over with a cup. The man was massive it was insane. You couldn’t help but freeze, like a deer in line of sight of headlights. The man surely wasn’t military was he ? He must’ve sense your presence as he side glanced you, barely shifting his head to glance back at you. His eyes scan you head to toe, before you hear a huff.
‘Whats his problem ?’ you frown at the odd behavior as you slowly make your way over to grab yourself a cup “Um, Morning, sorry wasn’t aware someone else was up. You are?” his eyes glare at you annoyed as if your question was the most ridiculous thing he heard. But instead of pleasantly answering, oh no he turned and left. Just up and leave. You stood there dumbfounded wondering what the hell the man problem was for him to be so cold. ‘God…he must not be a morning person.’ You roll your eyes as you begin to work on your cup of coffee.
By 0549 you made you way to the meeting room where it would be taking place, you have yet to see anyone aside from the grumpy cloaked man.
Opening the door to the meeting room though you see Price eyes look up to your figure as he smiles “Ah Hera. You made it.” yet, he wasn’t alone. Two other member were seated. One was muscular, he had a nice round chiseled face. Beautiful blue eyes, but you’ll never admit that to him and a Mohawk. He seemed lively as he spoke up “Aye you ‘ust be Hera ! Names Soap.” He gives you a toothy grin, odd name for a handsome face, you dare not question that name. “Nice to meet you.” You nod your head to him, as the other man who you knew smirked “Good seein’ ya Hera. You gotten taller ? Or is it just your boots ?” he smirks playfully as you roll your eyes “Tough love Gaz” He laughs softly, his laugh was too pure for this world, as his slightly curled hair was under his ball cap, wearing his light blue button up rolled up sleeve shirt under his vest. He always was a handsome man, even since he was a little boy he was handsome and you two were close buddies since middle school and through boot camp.
Just when you were about to question where the last member was “Um so where’s the other gu-” but Price spoke up, and his eyes weren’t on you but rather something or rather someone behind you “Ah, good of you to join us Ghost. Lads…and erm lass meet Lieutenant Riley. You can call him Ghost.”
As if slowly registering all the eyes shifting behind you, you slowly glance your head behind seeing him looming behind you. The man was tall. It was insane how much he over towered you, it made you feel incredibly small with a bunch of big men. Yet he was different.
Looking up to meet, his almond brown eyes, that were piercing down at you, you could see hint of blonde of his lashes despite it smeared with black paint, and his face was covered with a mask, that had a literal skull plate on top of it that had chips on the eye rim of the skull. The man was menacing yet as beautiful as death. You couldn’t help but swallow the lump that was slowly forming in your mouth as you couldn’t tear your eyes from him…working with him was definitely going to be interesting…
Present Moment
It was hard to believe they were literally in the same moment as before. You were looking up at the menacing man in the past with fear as he looked at you once with distaste . However after doing missions together, the two of you had worked up a good bond, a respectable one that had each other’s backs . Yet that led to an unknown attraction, one you’d presume was just lust that resulted in well…your predicament.
Simon gently leaned forward, you felt his broad chest at the back of your head as your felt his chest muscle flex when his arms slowly, hesitantly encircled you. Your heart raced harder against your chest, this was just him helping and you were making it seem like he was kissing you.
God why could you feel his breath through the mask against your neck, it made the hair on the back of your neck, go up. The moment your felt his muscular arms go around you, it made you almost shiver but you forced your body to stay still. The moment he had his hand gently coming under your stomach, your breath slightly hitched. Even though his hands were gloved, it still sent your body into a huge heat wave.
You prayed with all your might be didn’t notice how enflamed your cheeks were or how his subtle touches sent your body emblazed. Then when he slowly lifted, of course having followed the instructions to the T, the moment he lifted your stomach you felt yourself lean more into him, and he was pressed into you.
When he lifted you could definitely feel, his biceps were flexing as he held your stomach, he seemed so gentle for hands that could be so brutal. It was impressive how he could be ever so careful when needed to be. You didn’t even think it was possible.
You don’t know how long he was holding your stomach, or what the doctor may have commented, probably praising him for doing a good job, but in that moment you felt….
It was the only word you could describe the feeling. Even if it was something Simon wasn’t keen to do, you honestly don’t know his reason for wanting to do this…but you felt this made you feel completely safe from everything. It was a comfort you were neglected having as a child. When you threw yourself into the military you wanted to harden yourself to not rely on anyone for safety, yet meeting Ghost. That changed everything.
From the moment you two first went on mission together, you wanted nothing more than to trust him and knew he’d keep you safe no matter the cost.
He showed that multiple times when you put yourself in the line, a few times to save wounded or even take a risk, and every time. He was there having your back.
So now…here he was…weaponless, out of his comfort zone and having to do something gentle, you felt entirely safe once again.
You didn’t even realize how relaxed you were that you had leaned into him and let out a soft sigh. After some minutes, you feel him slowly lower your stomach, the moment ending but it was nice. Even better than when the doctor did it.
She seemed pleased nodding her head “Well you seem like a natural ! Okay ! When you start getting contractions, call me ! We discuss by then. I have your number and your mother’s. I’ll send you some things to read okay ?” You nod your head. “Thank you Doctor. Andrea.” You smile as she nods her head opening the door out of the room then leading you both to the front desk.
You could sense Simon lingering behind you as he followed you closely. The doctor goes behind the front desk walking to the printer as she grabs the ultrasound picture. There was 3 printed out as she handed them over to you from the desk. “Alright. You both are set ! Can’t wait to meet the little one.” She smiles giving you both a wave. As you do the same. Looking up at him, you smile at him holding the pictures.
Ghost’s POV
When doing the belly lift exercise, a part of him worried he may hurt you or the baby. Yet, he was very intent on following the doctors direction to the exact T. He watched intently as you expressed a sense of relaxing when doing it. Like it was the first kind of relief you experienced since being pregnant. All the more reason he wanted to do this.
When it was his turn, his eyes landed on you, you seemed nervous. Was it because of him ? Even when he got behind you he could tell your heart rate increased and you were trying to control your breathing. It was as if his presence makes you flustered. However he tried to control his own reaction to being right behind you and having to actually touch you more closely than he’s ever done.
When he carefully lifts your stomach, immediately he realizes how much weight you’ve been having to carry. ‘Bloody hell…no wonder she’s barely sleeping.’ As he holds your stomach up, he couldn’t help but feel proud at how much of a fighter you were. Not only were you fighting through the pain of carrying the child but also you were willing to do this alone if he didn’t plan to be there for you.
There was a sense of regret as he felt the slight strain in his muscles, honestly it was impressive to him how you didn’t complain as much as you did.
However, he regretted having to leave in a couple days for this mission. Knowing you’ll be going through this alone. Even though he knew you wouldn’t be entirely alone having your mother and uncle a part of him hated it wasn’t going to be him. He just hopes the mission will be done without any complications.
Once he slowly lets go of your stomach, even though he’d willingly hold it for you as long as you needed he finally let go knowing you’d want to go home and get off your feet. Especially how swollen your ankles were.
As they left the ultrasound room and made their way to the desk, they once again passed the young girls who once again began staring at him. Briefly he saw your face slightly twist with once again jealousy. Why you would get jealous was beyond him…you were much more than some teens and it angered him you thought less of yourself when you were carrying their child.
All the more reason he couldn’t resist casting a quick glare in the girls direction which obviously got the message clear enough as they looked terrified. You luckily were all the more unaware as he remained close behind you as you collected your pictures.
The smile adorned your face would be that of the sun, it was bright and gorgeous he wanted to capture the moment himself.
They both then walked out of the hospital, finally as they make their way to his truck. As they drew near he steps ahead of you when they drew near opening your door for you. He then holds out his gloved hand for you to help get into the car, it was something he thought even if minor you seemed to appreciate it instead of trying to pull yourself in. With his strength he eased you into the passenger seat. Once he was sure you were safely seat he shut your door then walked around to the driver side.
When he got in. He noticed you had already put your seatbelt on and was looking at the ultrasound photos. He couldn’t help but smile. You seemed so happy just since the growing baby in your stomach and it made him smile to himself seeing you this way. As he put the key into his engine, your hand reached out onto his. For a moment he thought something was wrong as his eyes looked down at you. Then you spoke “I want you to have one.” You extend our in your hand one of the ultrasound pictures. They were small yet perfect. “That’s if you want it. I don’t know…maybe just something to hold onto to-” you pause, as he watches your face turn teary, you were getting emotional “Sorry, nevermind. Silly thought. I know you don’t wan-” he didn’t even realize he said something until he saw your eyes flutter up to meet his.
They looked so innocent and pure. Sometimes he couldn’t believe you used to be able to take men his size down in a heartbeat. But a part of him like seeing you this way. It made him want to protect you even more. Which is why, against Ghost’s better judgement. Simon said it. “No. I want it.” Simple words.
He could see you were wondering if he was being serious or not so to prove it, he reached out for the little printed picture that you let him take as he took a glance at it briefly before pulling out his wallet. “When I’m on the mission, plan to put it in my vest.” He mumbles lowly, he could see something drop in the corner of his eye.
When he looked it was a tear. And another. ‘Fuck…was it something I said ?’ but then he saw you smile…god you were really bringing out Simon more and more. He then reached his gloved hand tentatively, to your cheek. Once again his eyes watching for any withdrawal or dislike.
But he saw none, and you had already begun to reach to cup his cheek as well. For a moment he expected you to pull up his mask again but instead, you lean forward and press a kiss over his mask on his cheek. Right where his left cheek scar crosses over. It was almost as if you knew the story behind the scar, because in that moment, he felt his walls slowly crumble, and he pressed his forehead against yours.
It was the closest you two have ever been And honestly, he was grateful you weren’t pushing him. You knew his limit and respected. And this made him feel trusting in you. Because you trusted he’ll one day open up to you when he’s ready. Now he planned to when he returned from the mission…everything.
He doesn’t know what you two will be when he comes back. Or how you two will be having a child together but he knows more than anything he wants to put his trust in you.
That’s his next mission…
You and their unborn Thomas.
Taglist : @the-reality-of-my-life , @kat-nee , @wwe1rdc0re , @saturnknows , @stalyxysh ,@avatarislife4ever,@ayesha-fish , @sae1kie ,@longing-for-the-past-times ,@daisyfrubies ,@sailorneotunemivhiru,@ra-im , @maflor123 ,@i-love-ptv , @sseleniaa , @ghostandneteyamaremine , @darkravenqueen98 @lazybutsmexy ,@thestartitaness ,@uniquecroissant , @princessdimondheart , @braindancecopy , @mrflyingbanana03
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bwabys-scenarios · 2 years ago
Fixer Upper
Part 9
Perv!Kurapika x Fem!Reader
part 8
part 10
taglist: @fabitheraven @tsukilover11 @ashdownunderscorebeloved @lemonslut @homeinmydreams @superweeniehutjrsblog @bugmomwrites @heartsforseo @lixiawinter @altaircc @itszenava @fiightforlovee @mimi-sanisanidiot @monainanuttshell @wow-im-gay @whorermoviestar @lightshowerrr
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(Name)’s friend had a small cabin near the beach she’d offered to loan her for a few days. From Tuesday to Thursday, they’d be staying in a few towns over to enjoy the beach.
When they arrived home, Leorio left to go and start packing his stuff. They had a few days before the cabin would be available, so they had plenty of time to plan.
“Everyone get to bed! We’re going to be having a down day tomorrow, and Monday we’re going shopping for beach supplies.”
Killua nodded as he rubbed at his eyes. “Yeah, okay. Come on, Gon.”
The two leave to their rooms.
(Name) sighs before crashing onto the couch, not even knowing the skirt of her dress was lifted just enough to expose the pink panties she’d worn to the Barbie movie.
Kurapika didn’t notice at first either, he was too busy pulling off his shirt. That was until her back arched and cracked a bit, causing her to groan and him to look over to make sure she was okay.
He didn’t think this day could get any better, but the view he saw certainly… did something for him.
Her butt was firmly in the air, her clothed pussy on full display. Her cute thigh highs squished her thighs perfectly, creating a sight he thought he could only see in heaven.
‘I want to…’
He stopped himself before he even finished that thought, moving away from the couch and towards his room.
“Going to bed, goodnight.”
He heard her whine slightly as she stretched before he rushed to his room. He barely got the door closed before he was slipping his hand into his pants, panting as he stroked his cock. The door was still slightly cracked open, and he realized if he peeked out, he could still see her cute butt poking up into the air.
‘This is… dirty.’
But he couldn’t stop looking. She just looked so perfect on display, all for him to enjoy.
‘Fuck, fuck, fuck…’
She whimpered out, rubbing her back lightly. It must if hurt from carrying around those big boobs all day.
He stopped, eyes going wide. Did she happen to see him? That couldn’t be possible, she was facing in the opposite direction.
“Did he go to bed already?”
She pushed herself off of the couch, moving so her butt was pushed in his direction, her panties moving to the side ever so slightly.
It was enough to make him cum instantly, gasping as he painted the door.
“Kurapika?” she called out again, this time beginning to turn towards his door.
He slipped his hand from his pants and ran over to his desk, grabbing a tissue she’d supplied for him and moving to wipe off the door.
“Hey, are you asleep?”
She knocked on the cracked door, causing it to open up. Thankfully he’d wiped the door clean before she opened it, holding the tissue in his hand relived.
“No, I’m awake. Do you need something?”
His cheeks were still flushed and his limbs weak from his orgasm seconds before. Kurapika felt soft, his eyelashes fluttering when she bent slightly to smile at him.
“Can you unzip me? Leorio was going to, but he forgot and now he’s gone.”
Kurapika wanted to bang his head against the wall. “… yes, of course I can.”
He followed her up to her room, now noticing how easy it was to see her underwear when he was following right behind her.
“Ugh my back is killing me! I knew wearing a bra without any support was a bad idea… but this dress is strapless.”
Kurapika was not listening to a goddamn thing. He was too focused on her cute ass. “Uh huh.”
They walked into her room. She instantly kicked off her Mary Janes and lifted her leg onto the bed to pull off her thigh highs.
‘She’s going to kill me.’
He watched as she pulled the first one down before he had to turn to avoid getting hard again. He didn’t want to embarrass himself in front of her, especially after spying on her like a perv minutes before.
“Okay, I’m ready.”
She turned his way, her back to him. He stepped forward and stared down at her back.
‘It’s just her back. Don’t you DARE get hard over her back you fucking idiot.’
He pulled the zipper down.
‘God fucking damn it.’
The sight of her bra made him grow hard yet again, and there was no hiding it in these jeans. He pulled the zipper the rest of the way down before turning.
“You’re going so soon?”
He paused in the doorway, gritting his teeth. All Kurapika wanted to do was go to his room, jerk off, and pass out.
But the innocent tone in her voice made him sigh.
“Do you need me to stay?”
“Well, I was wondering if you’d like to watch a movie with me. Since it was… interrupted last time.”
Ouch. He’d forgotten he’d pretty much abandoned her a week or so ago to find a member of the phantom troupe. She’d stayed up all night waiting for him, and he couldn’t even call to ease her worries.
Usually, Kurapika would push these guilty feelings away and just sleep, but after his orgasm he was feeling… soft. Easily mailable by her hands.
“… sure. You get changed and I’ll meet you downstairs.”
Kurapika internally groaned, looking down at himself with a sigh. ‘I’ll change into some baggy pajama pants. Should… hide it…’
(Name) walked downstairs wearing a nightgown and a green face mask. He wanted to tease her for it, saying she looked silly, but knew if he did she’d have plenty of ammo to throw back at him.
“Imma pop some popcorn! We gotta eat quietly though. Just the smell is enough to wake up Gon…”
She sighed, and pulled the popcorn from the cabinet. Kurapika was curled up on the couch, a blanket covering his form. “Shouldn’t we just not eat it then?”
“Nah, if he wakes up I’ll just give him some horse tranquilizer.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s like a melatonin gummy for him.”
The blonde stared at the TV. ‘What the hell is wrong with that boy?’
Kurapika huffed when she sat the bowl of popcorn in his lap. “It’s hot! I’m gonna grab us some lemonade!”
He popped a few pieces into his mouth. ‘Mmm… I haven’t had popcorn in years.’
(Name) plopped down next to him, curling her legs against the side of the couch. She leaned until her head was comfortably against Kurapika’s shoulder.
Usually he would have pushed her off subtly or moved away, but right now he was feeling… cuddly.
Although he didn’t move to hold her close, he did allow her to stay.
“What do you want to watch? I’m thinking a ghibli movie.”
“I don’t care, you can pick.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, but picked a random ghibli movie.
It happened to be Howl’s Moving Castle.
“Oooh, this is a good one. I think you’ll like it!”
Kurapika only nodded, leaning his head against hers. It was the only contact he’d allow himself to make.
The movie started, Kurapika barely able to pay attention. He was too focused on (Name)’s soft scent and comforting warmth.
A few minutes in, he felt (Name) pull away slightly. She seemed excited, bouncing in her seat.
“Ahh, it’s Howl.”
Her eyes almost twinkled when a blonde man appeared on screen, offering a hand to the main female character. Kurapika hadn’t bothered to learn her name.
The man looked… awfully familiar. His blonde hair, soft feminine appearance, and pretty eyes made Kurapika tilt his head.
“Is that… your favorite character?”
She nodded, her eyes never leaving the blonde haired man.
“He’s been my favorite ghibli character for years.”
Kurapika smiled. “I see.”
‘She did say my butt was cute earlier… and that she likes my hair…’
The movie continued on, (Name) occasionally gasping or cooing at the screen. “Hehe, look! Aren’t they just the cutest?”
The girl on screen reminded him of her. She was a bit insecure, but to everyone else but her she was beautiful.
“Yes. They are.”
He glanced at her from the corner of his eye. She looked gorgeous, even in the low light of the living room.
She caught him staring, sending him a wink. “Pay attention to the movie, sweetheart.”
Kurapika blushed. She wasn’t usually the type to confront him about his staring, even though he was sure she could notice it. (Name) was a hunter after all, she couldn’t be that oblivious.
“Ah… it’s almost over.”
She seemed a little sad at this. Kurapika wasn’t sure if it was because she really liked the movie, or their time together would end soon.
He wasn’t stupid. He knew (Name) cared for him quite a bit, even being told by Leorio she had a crush on him during the Hunter Exam. Of course, at the time that made him beyond happy. Kurapika didn’t know why exactly, but knowing she liked him more than the others made his heart soar.
But now, that knowledge didn’t fill him with butterflies, it filled him with dread. Had he broken her heart with what he said during York New? Had he ruined any chances he’d had with her?
‘Ruined any… what am I thinking?’
He shook the thought from his head. Kurapika couldn’t dare to think like that. She was his dear friend, someone that needed to be protected.
Protected from the danger being around him could bring.
She sighed as the end credits rolled, looking up at him with sleepy eyes. “Did you like it?”
He wasn’t sure how to tell her he’d barely paid any attention to the movie on screen, much to busy thinking about her, so he just nodded.
“I’m glad. I’m… happy I got to spend this time with you.”
She held onto his hand, a sad smile on her lips. He wanted to cup her cheeks and wipe that sad smile away more than anything.
But did he really have the right to when he was the reason for her sadness?
Kurapika patted her head. “I did too. We should get going to bed, though.”
(Name) but her lip, staring down at her lap.
He paused. She sounded soft, vulnerable. He didn’t often hear that in her voice.
Her eyes met his, the beginnings of tears tucked away in the corners.
“Will I… will I ever seen you again after you leave?”
A stab in the chest would have been easier to handle than that question. Kurapika stuttered, his eyes looking away from hers.
He couldn’t answer her, not when his answer would only make her cry. Kurapika hated seeing her tears.
(Name) pulled away from him, hugging herself tight. It hurt him to see her so small, like she could shrink into nothing at any second.
“You’re really important to me, you know? Even if… even if you hate me. I…”
Tears began to fall down her cheeks, collecting on the throw blanket they’d been sharing.
He reached out to wipe away her tears, but stopped midway.
“I don’t…”
“I can’t stand you! You’re weak, you can’t do anything right!”
Kurapika pulled his hand back and held it against his chest. ‘Do I have the right to comfort her when I said such awful things?’
Killua poked his head out of his bedroom door, his blue eyes scanning the room until they landed on (Name). He ran forward and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“I heard you from my room…”
Killua sent a glare Kurapika’s way before pulling her off the couch and towards the bathroom. “You need to wash off that face mask before you break out.”
She only nodded, glancing back at Kurapika before the bathroom door closed behind her.
The blonde stared at the closed door, clutching the fabric of his shirt so tightly it ripped.
‘She thinks I hate her… maybe it’s for the best.’
Kurapika stood, walking towards the TV to turn it off. On a table by the TV was a framed photo, Kurapika’s eyes widening when he took a closer look.
It was a picture of the entire group chatting about their plan in the hotel during York New.
‘Did (Name) take this?’
She wasn’t in the picture, Kurapika feeling a little disappointed. But that was quickly changed when he saw there were several photos of various members of the group framed, some of just him alone.
‘She… she put these up even after what happened…’
Kurapika bit his lip so hard it bled. She wanted to remember him when he was smiling, looking at her with those soft eyes he always seemed to have when she was around.
Kurapika walked to his room and closed the door behind him.
(Name) and Killua sat at the kitchen table, Gon fixing himself a bowl of cereal by the fridge.
“Remember boys, todays a rest day, so no getting into any trouble.”
She sipped on her coffee, looking around the house. It was a mess, meaning she’d need to clean before she even thought about leaving for the beach.
Kurapika left his room, wandering into the kitchen while rubbing his sleepy eyes.
“Good morning…”
He yawned into his hand as he made himself a cup of coffee then sat down at the table next to (Name). “Good morning, Kurapika.”
She gave him a smile, before standing up and taking her cup with her upstairs. “We’ll all be resting today, Kurapika. Of course, you can do what you want, but the rest of us are going to catch up on some sleep and indulge in our interests.”
He nodded, still waking up as she left for her room. Once she was out of earshot, Killua scoffed.
“You sure fucked up last night. Do you enjoy making (Name) cry?”
Oh, Kurapika and forgotten about last night’s events. And he’d just sat down next to her like nothing had happened.
“… I didn’t mean to make her cry.”
“You never do.”
Gon sat down with them at the table, munching on his cereal. “Hmm? What were y’all talking about?”
Killua sighed. “Nothing of importance to Kurapika, apparently.”
Kurapika finished his coffee in silence. ‘Less than a week I’ll be gone and out of her hair. She’ll… she’ll forget about me eventually.’
But the thought of her forgetting about him and moving on with a different man made him feel sick.
“Kurapika, you should come to the creek with us today! We’re releasing the fish we saved last week.”
Kurapika tilted his head. “You want me to come with you?”
Gon nodded. “Yeah, it would be fun! We could even have a picnic! (Name) always packs us lunches when we go out to the creek all day.”
Killua groaned. “But Gon, going to the creek is our thing!”
The blonde raised an eyebrow. “I have my own things to do today.”
“Like what?”
Kurapika scowled. “I have phone calls to make.”
“What kind of phone calls?”
“… important ones.”
Gon tilted his head, and Killua sighed. “There are no phone calls, are there?”
Kurapika stayed quiet.
“Alright, so he’s coming with us then!”
It seemed like Kurapika didn’t have much of a choice, so he downed his coffee and left to get dressed.
(Name) began packing the three lunches in the kitchen. Gon and Killua had left to grab some buckets from the garage, leaving Kurapika and (Name) alone.
He lingered in the kitchen, watching her from a distance. She finished packing their lunches before turning to him with a shy smile.
“Hey um… about last night…”
Kurapika froze in his spot, nearly dropping his cup of coffee.
“I… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked you those questions. You don’t have to tell me anything, and I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable.”
Kurapika blinked. ‘Is she… is she apologizing? No…’
“Even if you… hate me… I won’t hold it against you, you’re still always welcome here.”
‘Stop. Don’t say those things. Don’t.’
“So… just forget about what I said. Let’s just enjoy whatever time we have together!”
She gave him a final smile before the front door opened. Killua and Gon walked in carrying buckets.
“It’s show time. Kurapika, I hope you know how to work a pole.”
“A what!?”
“A fishing pole.”
(Name) held a hand over her mouth to stop herself from laughing. Kurapika just sighed and followed them out the door, carrying their packed lunches with them.
“Make sure you keep up, we will leave you behind.”
“Killua! No we won’t, that isn’t nice.”
Kurapika didn’t respond, only focusing on memorizing the route to the creek. If Killua did end up leaving him behind, he’d have no trouble finding his way back.
They arrived at the creek, Gon and Killua instantly releasing the fish they’d saved last week.
“During a few weeks in the summer, the creek goes down and a lot of the fish die. Me and Killua will catch as many as we can then release them when the creek is full again.”
‘That sounds like eco-terrorism.’
Killua tossed Kurapika a fishing pole, the blonde catching it immediately. “Do you know how to fish?”
“Yes, Killua. I’ve had to fish to feed myself on numerous occasions.”
Killua scoffed. “Yeah, sure. We’re going to be surprising (Name) with fish for dinner tonight, so make sure to use your ‘skills’ and catch as much fish as you can.”
The two frowned at each other before Gon stepped in between them. “Hey, let’s save our energy for the fishing!”
Killua was the first to catch a fish, holding it up with a proud smile.
“Oh, I’ll get a picture for (Name)!”
He snapped a picture of Killua holding up his first catch.
‘Why does she need a picture of him holding a fish?’ Kurapika thought, before turning his attention back to his own fishing pole.
A few hours passed, Kurapika being the only one without a single catch.
“Didn’t you say you were good at fishing, blondie?”
The blonde huffed. “I didn’t say I was good, I said I knew how to fish.”
“Then do it?”
Kurapika dropped his pole to the ground and began to walk off.
“Killua, don’t anta… antony…”
“Antagonize him?”
Killua sighed. “Hey, blondie, get back here! Don’t you want to do something nice for (Name) after making her cry last night?”
The blonde stopped in his tracks. “… would bringing home fish… make her feel better?”
“She always gets happy when we bring home fish! Well, at least fish to eat.”
Kurapika walked back over and sat by the creek again, picking up his pole and inspecting it.
The white haired boy walked over. “Yeees?”
“Why is there a gummy worm on my hook?”
“For good luck of course!”
Kurapika threw the gummy worm into the dirt. “I hate you.”
“Feelings mutual, blondie.”
After placing an actual worm on his hook, Kurapika was able to catch several fish. Of course, it wasn’t very easy. He had to climb down into the creek with a net to catch them, slipping on the mud and falling in several times.
The walk back home was humiliating.
Kurapika’s hair was wet, with leaves and little sticks clinging to his blonde locks. His tabard and shirt were slung over his shoulder.
Killua and Gon didn’t look much better. The two looked like they’d been mud wrestling.
‘I mean technically Gon did wrestle that alligator… still don’t know how he won.’
Said boy was holding the buckets they brought, all full of fish of varying species.
Kurapika recognized most of them, besides the strange… sea urchin thing? Did it have eyes? Oh god it was looking at him.
The blonde faced forward. All he knew is he was NOT eating that.
“(Name) is going to be so happy! Oh Gon, I told you to throw that thing back.”
He pointed to the sea urchin thing. “Oh, I’m keeping this one as a pet. I’m naming him Hanzo!”
‘(Name) won’t like that. Her and Hanzo hated each other.’
Kurapika thought back to their time fixing the boat before the 4th phase. Hanzo and (Name) butted heads a lot, often because Hanzo didn’t know what personal space was.
He remembered when he fell and hit his head, and she stayed with him through the night, even though she herself was in pain.
‘She’s always been there for me…’
Kurapika was glad they’d reached (Name)’s house, because he didn’t want to think about how often she’d saved his ass and helped him through tough times.
Would he have done the same for her?
“Oh wow, look at all this fish! You sure caught a lot, didn’t you?”
The two boys smiled wide as she cooed and gave them hugs, praising them. “Fried fish sound good to you two?”
“Mhm! With fries!”
(Name) giggled, patting Gon’s head. “Of course.”
Her face always took on a different form when she was looking at the two boys. While she was almost always soft and gentle, it was like her soft nature intensified tenfold when they were around.
Killua seemed pretty attached to her. Had he been that way when he’d last seen them in York New? Kurapika couldn’t remember him seeming so content in her presence.
“Kurapika, I heard you caught a lot too. You did a great job.”
Something about her praising him made his heart race. It almost made him feel giddy.
“Oh, um… it was no trouble.”
Killua scoffed next to him. ‘He’s awful at hiding how happy she makes him.’
Kurapika wasn’t surprised at how easily she was able to descale and gut the fish. During the Hunter Exam, she’d been the one feeding him and Leorio when they were stranded on that boat.
“Dinner will be ready in 30 minutes. You boys go wash up. You can use my bathroom, it’s bigger.”
The three trudged up the stairs, dropping their muddy clothes into her hamper.
(Name)’s bathroom was big, it had both a bath tub and shower. The two boys started the bath before jumping into the shower.
Kurapika raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you two getting too old to be bathing together?”
Killua raised an eyebrow. “We’re both guys, why does it matter? Plus Gon can’t wash his hair by himself. He always gets soap in his eyes.”
“Usually Aunt Mito or (Name) comes in and helps, but Killua does it when they can’t.”
They rinsed off a majority of the mud before jumping in the soapy bath. Kurapika sighed.
‘She babies them too much. He can’t wash the soap out of his hair? Isn’t he 14 already?’
Kurapika made sure that the two weren’t paying attention when he pulled his own clothes off and stepped into the shower.
There was a pink loofa, several soaps and body scrubs, and shampoo on the shelves.
‘Oh, I forgot to grab my shampoo…’
He shrugged and picked up her bottle, squirting some of the shampoo into his hand before rubbing it into his hair.
Kurapika would never get used to how his body reacted to anything that reminded him of her. Sometimes it was arousal, and sometimes a soothing feeling settled over him.
Like now.
He felt his tired muscles relax when he began to run her soap into his skin. He thought about using her loofa, the fluffy pink thing tempting, but he decided not to. Using her soap was one thing, using the object she rubbed all over her naked body was another.
Oh no, now he was thinking about her taking a shower. (Name) rubbing herself with the loofa, humming to herself as the suds washed away to reveal her breasts and bare p-
Kurapika’s eyes snapped open. He couldn’t think about that, not now. He tucked away those thoughts for later, when he could think about her in the privacy of his bedroom.
Kurapika let the suds rinse away, staring down at his naked body. He had a few new scars from recent missions, and he was still a bit underweight. (Name)’s meals were certainly helping him come back to his normal weight, but just a few weeks wouldn’t cause any major changes.
He wrapped a towel around his waist before stepping out.
‘Oh. I didn’t bring any clothes up either.’
Kurapika was about to sigh and take a walk of shame down the stairs when he spotted a pile of folded clothes on the counter.
On top was a pair of his pajamas. He picked up the shirt and sniffed it, sighing when he could smell the lingering scent of (Name)’s perfume.
‘She brought us a change of clothes?’
He put the clothes on and wrapped his towel around his neck. ‘Maybe she’ll dry my hair for me again…’
Kurapika allowed himself this small amount of happiness.
He glanced to where the boys were in the bathtub, nearly laughing when he saw them playing with random bath toys. It was a rare sight, Killua smiling and acting like the kid he really was.
Kurapika let them have their fun, walking out the bathroom door and closing it behind him. When he reached the bottom of the stairs, (Name) was waiting for him.
“Come on.”
She pulled him to the living room and had him sit on the floor as she dried his hair. “You know, your hair is looking a lot better. Maybe you should just start using my shampoo.”
He didn’t answer, his eyes closed and his head leaning against her knees as her fingers ran through his hair. It was relaxing, and Kurapika was realizing that he really liked his hair being played with.
“You’ve got such pretty hair, Kurapika. I’m glad you’re taking better care of it.”
She finished drying his hair, running her fingers through it one last time.
“… you’re too kind, (Name).”
She hummed. “So I’ve heard, but I don’t think anyone can be too kind.”
‘You can, (Name).’
He remembered the way her face dropped during one of their arguments in York New. Kurapika was so sure after that, he’d never see her smile at him again.
But here she was, letting him lean against her knees as she dried his hair. Him, the man who broke her heart and called her so many mean names. She was doing this for him.
And part of him hated her for it.
“I need to get back to cooking. Will you tell Killua and Gon dinner will be ready in five minutes?”
Kurapika stood. “Of course.”
(Name) dried both of the two boy’s hair as Kurapika made his plate.
“Oh, I cut up some fruit too! It’s sitting in the fridge, could you take it out for me, sweetheart?”
He paused, but recovered quickly. “On it.”
He glanced to the group as he pulled the bowl out. Gon was waiting patiently at (Name)’s feet as Killua got his hair dried.
“All done, go and make your plate.”
Killua stood and Gon too his place.
“I got my hands full with all of you, ya know?”
She squeezed Gon’s cheek, who laughed. “Sorry, but you’re the best at drying hair!”
“Haha, I’m not sure how good of a skill that is to have, but thank you.”
Killua made his plate and sat at the table, farthest away from Kurapika.
“Alright, you’re done.”
Gon jumped up and ran to make his plate, (Name) following behind him. “I’m starving! I could eat all of this!”
(Name) giggled. “You can have as much as you want after I make my plate.”
The four ate dinner, Gon and Killua recounting the fun day they had. It didn’t take long for them to finish their food, the two yawning.
“I think it’s about time for bed. Why don’t you two watch some TV for a bit then get some sleep? I’m gonna go shower.”
She placed her plate in the dishwasher, closing it before sighing. “We’ve got to go shopping then leave for the cabin tomorrow evening. It’ll be a long day, so get plenty of rest.”
“Yes, (Name)!”
Gon gave her a hug before she went upstairs. Kurapika noticed Killua watching her go.
The white haired boy looked… anxious? He was playing with drawstring of his sleeveless hoodie and tapping his foot.
‘Did something happen?’
Kurapika decided not to pry, instead sitting on the far end of the couch and watching some cartoon movie with the two.
He enjoyed spending time with them as well, even if Killua was a bit rude. Kurapika didn’t hold it against him. Mostly.
“Killua, we should get going. It’s getting late.”
Gon pulled Killua to his feet and started to lead him to their shared room.
“… alright.”
The two left, Gon leaving the door cracked open behind him.
‘I should sleep as well. With them, there’s no telling how exhausting tomorrow may be.’
The blonde entered his room and closed the door behind him. If he wanted to sleep, he’d need to jerk off first. He didn’t want to have another wet dream, it made it hard to be around (Name) after.
Though, jerking off to the thought of her didn’t make him feel much better. Besides the overwhelming amount of pleasure, that is.
Kurapika awoke to the sound of someone sneaking down the hallway. A normal person would have never noticed this, but the blonde was far from normal.
He tiptoed to his door and peeked out, spotting Killua running up the stairs.
Kurapika would have ignored it and gone back to bed, but the brief glance he’d gotten from Killua’s face made him worry.
He looked absolutely terrified, something Kurapika had never seen in Killua before.
The blonde concealed his aura, waiting a moment before walking upstairs as well. By then, Killua was long gone, the only indication of where he’d gone being (Name)’s door, left cracked open.
“Killua? Shh, it’s okay.”
Kurapika could hear (Name) talking in a low, soothing voice. He peeked through the crack in the door to see Killua holding onto her, his head on her shoulder. He was blubbering nonsense, his tears soaking into her tshirt.
“I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere. I’ll never leave you alone again, promise.”
‘Leave him alone again? What is she talking about?’
“It… it happened again. Another nightmare about when you…”
(Name) shushed him and scooted over. “Come on, it’s late. You can just sleep with me tonight.”
Killua climbed in without a second thought, clinging onto her like a child would his mother.
“I thought this might happen. You were anxious tonight, right?”
Killua nodded slowly as she ran her fingers through his hair. “Yes… sometimes I remember that day and… can’t stop thinking about it.”
She sighed. “I really wish you would let me enroll you in some therapy. Could do you some good.”
Killua was silent, (Name) realizing he’d fallen asleep. She hummed softly and continued to play with his hair until she fell asleep too.
Kurapika watched the two with soft eyes. She was holding onto him so tenderly, even in her sleep. It was clear the two had bonded greatly between the time Kurapika had seen them last.
‘And… they’re hiding something from me. Something big enough to have traumatized Killua.’
He walked back down the stairs, spotting Gon standing in the hallway.
“Did Killua go to sleep with (Name)?” Gon asked. Kurapika nodded.
“Yes, they’re both asleep now.”
Gon sighed, pushing some hair out of his face. “Sometimes Killua wakes up from some awful nightmares, and the only one that can calm him down is (Name). Something… something happened. I’m not sure what, but Killua was really hurt by whatever it was, and he won’t tell me.”
Kurapika reached out a hand to pat Gon’s shoulder. “It’s not easy telling others about the things that have hurt you. It may take him a while, but I’m sure he’ll open up to you eventually.”
‘If I was around a little longer, maybe they would tell me too.’
He walked back to bed after saying goodnight to Gon. It was 1 am now, meaning he’d have to be up in four hours for a few phone calls before leaving to go shopping with the group.
“Alright everyone, let’s split up to cover more ground. Killua, you’re coming with me. Kurapika, Gon is with you.”
The group were at a local grocery store. Killua had been quiet all morning, clinging to (Name)’s side sleepily.
“I’ll text you the grocery list, okay?”
Kurapika nodded. (Name) walked away hand in hand with Killua, laughing when he leaned against her. “Aww, still sleepy? You can take a nap when we get home.”
The two watched them leave before Kurapika sighed. “He sure is being clinging today.”
Gon nodded, placing a box of cereal into the shopping cart. “Yeah, he usually is after he’s had a nightmare. It’s like he’s scared she’ll disappear or something.”
Kurapika bit his lip. ‘Does his nightmare have something to do with (Name)?’
Kurapika jumped at the sound of his phone going off, realizing it was just the grocery list (Name) had sent them.
The two finished the list easily, meeting back up with the two at the cash register. They checked out, and drove home.
“Okay, I’m going to pick up Leorio, you boys start packing your bags. Killua, you go get a nap. I’ll pack your bag later.”
Killua shook his head and held onto her sleeve. “I’ll go with you.”
Kurapika blinked at the way (Name)’s eyes softened, her hand cupping his cheek. “Oh, of course. Come on.”
He followed her to the mom van, climbing into the front seat.
Kurapika and Gon watched them leave. “It must of been bad for him to still be so clingy.” Gon said, a worried look on his face.
Kurapika nodded.
The two left to pack in their respective rooms. Kurapika packed using the small black suitcase gifted to him by (Name).
Killua and (Name) were back within 30 minutes, Leorio with them now. He seemed to be talking softly with (Name) and Killua, having that same soft look (Name) had when Killua had a nightmare.
‘Leorio must know as well.’ Kurapika thought, frowning.
He knew that they all had grown closer while he was gone, but they’d never been the types to keep secrets from him. Kurapika couldn’t be angry though, he kept plenty of secrets from them.
Leorio walked in, pulling a suitcase behind him. “I haven’t been to the beach since the Hunter Exam! I can’t wait!”
(Name) giggled, Killua following close behind her. He kept a hand on her shirt, and hadn’t said a word since he said he was coming with her earlier.
“I ordered some takeout for dinner. Let’s all do some cleaning up before we have to leave in a few hours. I’ll be folding laundry.”
She handed out brooms and gloves to everyone as she went and sat on the couch, beginning to fold the laundry she had recently washed.
Killua lied his head on her lap and slept as she folded. No one complained, it seemed everyone could tell he’d had a rough night.
“Are you excited, Gon? I know you come from an island but-“
“Yep, I’m very excited!! Last time (Name) took us to the beach, Killua got super sunburnt, it was pretty funny.”
Kurapika snickered. ‘So he gets sunburnt easily?’
“I don’t think you have any right to be laughing when you’re as pasty as Killua.”
Kurapika blinked at Leorio. “Oh. I guess you’re not wrong, I have been… inside more lately, I guess. No time to get a tan.”
He glanced at himself in the mirror again. Slowly fading dark circles under his eyes, a pale face. He didn’t find himself particularly attractive, he wandered why (Name) had called him pretty so many times.
“Well you’ll have plenty of time to soak in the sun when we’re at the beach!” Gon clapped him on the back, smiling.
“You always know how to cheer someone up, Gon.”
The blonde ruffled Gon’s hair as he laughed.
“Alright you two, get to work. I don’t want (Name) having to pick up your slack.”
Gon and Kurapika stuck their tongues out at Leorio before starting their work.
After eating an early dinner, the group piled into the mom van. Leorio was driving, with Kurapika in the passenger seat. Although killua was doing better after his nap, he still requested that (Name) sit next to him in the car. She didn’t seem to mind at all, something that made Kurapika sigh softly.
“Wouldn’t it be more comfortable for you in the front seat? You get motion sickness, right?”
(Name) laughed. “I’m surprised you remembered that, Kurapika, but I’m fine! It’s not that long of a drive anyways.”
He didn’t argue with her, there was no point. When (Name) decided to do something for someone else, it was hard to convince her otherwise.
The group began their drive, Leorio watching the road and singing along to some random pop song on the radio. Kurapika didn’t want to admit it, but he was also excited to spend some time under the sun and in the waves.
It didn’t take long for them to reach their destination, just two hours.
The group left the mom van and began to unpack.
“Why did we bring groceries with us? Couldn’t we just shop here?” Gon asked as he carried the ice chest inside.
“Well this place probably has higher prices because of how many tourists there are, so it’s better to bring food from home.”
Kurapika nodded. “Yes, that makes sense. I’m glad you thought of that, (Name).”
She perked up from his compliment, happily strolling inside with Killua close behind.
The cabin was nice, with three bedrooms. The first was the master bedroom, with a queen sized bed, bathroom, and walk in closet.
“This one is mine!” (Name) said with a smile. No one argued.
The second room had two queen sized beds and a large dresser.
The third room had a bunk bed, a trunk full of beach toys, and a small bathroom,
“There’s also an extra bathroom down the hall, with a shower and bath.”
Of course, Killua and Gon claimed the bunk beds immediately, leaving Kurapika and Leorio with the second room.
“Everyone get unpacked and sleep. We’re getting up early tomorrow!”
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gumeyyy · 7 months ago
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Name: Gumey, with how many Y's you feel like writing (i mean, if youre speaking of my actual name, i am actually called Raquel, thank you!!)
Status: there might be someone outside your window, but youll just, never know.
Languages: Brazilian portuguese, English and currently learning spanish and a little bit of french
Pronouns + sexuality: she/her mainly but i really dont care what u use, neos, xenos, i dont really care what u call me!! Im a phlesbian 😽😽
About me simplified + hobbies: just another one of those emo nerds that tapes stuff to their wall ,'/ i like reading, drawing, painting, diy'ing (is that how its spelled??), I EFFIN LOVE COLOR THEORY, my favorite color is pink and thats why i am so cool, the most masculine people SHALL ENJOY PINK, totally fine if u like pink and you arent masculine BUT IF YOU WISH TO BE MASCULINE, THOU SHALL LIKE PINK (im not in the slightest close to masculine)
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Youtubers: Amazing Phil, Daniel Howell (obviously both of them are here, what'd you expect?), Markiplier, Pewdiepie, Saiko, Drama Kween, Louis McClung, FunkyFrogBait, Film Cooper, Jarvis Johnson, Chad Chad, Danny Gonzalez, Cyber Noop, Kurtin Conner, Drippy, Izzzyzzz, Tex Hs, Not Even Emily, Kurzgesagt, Vsauce, The Click, Manual do Mundo, Você Sabia, Ibibbishiboula, AcidMilk, etc
Series + films: Psych, Monk, Dexter, Scott Pilgrim, Gravity falls, Monster High, Ever After High, Garfield, House, Charlie the Unicorn, Salad Fingers, Inanimate Insanity, Animation vs Minecraft/Animator, Açafrão Bondoso, My Little Pony, Azumanga Daioh, Lucky Star, Invader Zim, Spongebob (i cant take myself seriously for this 😭), The Ring, Annabelle, The Nun, Heathers, Ride the Cyclone, Hamilton, Glitter Force, etc
Games: Undertale, Portal, Club Penguin, Steve's Parable, Fnaf, Animal Jam, Slenderman, Homestuck (does homestuck count as a game? I mean, it can be interacted but where would it fit in??), Sally Face, Pokemon, Minecraft, Papa's Pizzaria + other zipline studios Papa's games, Bad End Theater, Starry Flowers, etc
Music: My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, leATHERMOUTH, Megadeth, Pencey Prep, Taking Back Sunday, Descendents Pierce The Veil, Party Cannon, Weezer, Blur, Death Spells, The High Court, From First To Last, Pink Floyd, Misfits, Gorilla Biscuits, Suicidal Tendencies, Black Sabbath, She Wants Revenge, The Academy Is…, Say Anythin, All, Alkaline Trio, New Found Glory, Story Of The Year, Genitorturers, Sugarcult, Paramore, Muse, Radiohead, Dance Gavin Dance, Jack Off Jill, Bikini Kill, Emery, Green Day, System Of A Down, My Ruin, Panic! At The Disco (first 3 albums), Korn, Isles And Glaciers, Nirvana, Simple Plan, Bad Waitress, Bratmobile, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Pitty, Nx Zero, Restart, Mindless Self Indulgence, Pantera, Yes, Teenage Fanclub, L.E.S Stitches, Alice In Chains, Led Zeppelin, The Smashing Pumpkins, Iron Maiden, Humble Beginnings, The Bouncing Souls, Nightmare Of You, Aerodrone, Thrusday, Type O Negative, Alesana, McCafferty, Depeche Mode, Finch, Teen Idles, Mike V & The Rats, An Evening Elmwood, A Heartwell Ending, L.S Dunes, Rites Of Spring, Adolescents, The Used, Sleeping With Sirens, The Teeth, The Death Set, Chiodos, Deadbeat Nightlife, Get Scared, Rehasher, Self, Box Car Racer, S.O.A, The Dark Prison Massacre, Devourment, Snuffed On Sight, Minor Threat, Be Your Own Pet, Wasted Youth, Set It Off, Sum 41, Frank Iero, Mest, The Beatles, Bring Me The Horizon, Motorhead, The Infested, AFI, Anthrax, Disturbed, Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Danzig, Two Tongues, Slutever, Alexisonfire, Saosin, Cute Is What We Aim For, The Frights, Sunny Day Real Estate, Gerard Way, Pinkshift, The Brobecks, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Hawthorne Heights, Bayside, Die So Fluid, The Cure, Kittie, DECEITS, David Bowie, Bayside Kings, Strike, Yellowcard, SR-71, Cine, Gloria, Cobra Starship, Eyes Set To Kill, Scary Bitches, The Aquabats!, Streetlight Manifesto, Blink-182, Three Days Grace, Sangue De Bode, Inhuman Condition, Desalmado, Escape The Fate, Modern Baseball, All Time Low, Evanescence, Ashbury Heights, Subhumans, Ashtray, Senses Fail, Pinegrove, Big Thief, Hole, Destructo Disk, Chomp Chomp Attack!, The Killers, Queenryche, The Hirs Collective, La Dispute, Before Today, Snow White's Poison Bite, Picture Me Broken, Delirium Division, Meth Wax, Brand New, Slipknot, Farewell My Love, Mayday Parade, Good Charlotte, Asking Alexandria, Scary Kids Scarying Kids, Silverstein, Jimmy Eat World, Sepultura, Boys Like Girls, Dashboard Confessional, Matchbook Romance, Hidden In Plain View, SayWeCanFly, Sounds Like Harmony, The Get Up Kids, Forever The Sickest Kids, Mae, Lovehatehero, The Postal Service, Funeral For a Friend, Hit The Lights, Dead Poetic, There For Tomorrow, Underoath, Armor For Sleep, etc
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halfusek · 11 months ago
What do you think about that new Bendy game coming out on the 14th?
hard to tell from how little there is
the trailer didnt really captivate me, but i guess its fair how much of a nothing there is considering the game will be free, so i'd expect something like batds - i did enjoy batds for what it was (maybe except for the final "reveal" about the collage which was uh. a giant nothing burger)
seems like this is leaning to the scp / found footage / analog horror territory, which ive gotta say im very sceptical about, at least personally to me they are often executed in an unsatisfying way but who knows maybe the devs who kept delivering a disappointment after a disappointment will surprise me
i do like the design of that thing that you can see clearer in the screenshots, im intriguied by the possibility of meeting a less messed up butcher gang character, and im especially excited about The House
seems like im not the only person reminded of the little barn allison painted on the wall we can see at the beginning of batim's chapter 5, i would love a tie in back to that (cuz it never really was tied back to and thats quite interesting why she'd paint something specific like that)
but i am begging them, i am getting on my knees - stop STOP copy pasting the bendy face png on everything, i promise the house doesnt need to have a giant bendy face, it looks sooooo out of place
speaking of overdoing things, mentions of 414 are starting to get a bit tasteless, especially that the number isn't really meaningful in-universe - yes i know that's henry's assigned subject number - but 414 really started as a joke from one of the developers which was picked up by theorists. that meaning was given by fans and it doesn't seem to have any satisfying origin in-universe. yes henry has the 414 subject number *now*. what does it refer to? there's a few theories (like we used to theorise about it waaay before batdr) but there's nothing that's really clearly stated. if it's just gonna be a number that appears cuz ooooo oooh look its a number you guys like isn't this fun like jiggling car keys in front of a baby that's gonna get old Pretty Fast. but maybe they are planning to give it a meaning, i'd be looking forward to it
i will give them that the game being officially developed by Gent Corporation is kind of funny
it seems like they're trying to alleviate responsibility for Whatever Horrors That Happened Really off of JDS shoulders (and joey's by extension) and put the blame on gent for being The freak evil corporation and im not sure how to feel about that (weeeeeell i do not like this direction the way it is looking now. i would have liked it more if it was executed differently)
my thoughts are that this is going to be a game that will not really answer any questions or will answer questions we didn't/wouldn't have but it will be more or less entertaining while we wait for the main course (the cage)
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*burns down building cutely* guys im literally just a girl!!!
welcome to my blog
hi guys!!! im loralai but you can call me lora. this post is a running collection of all my chaos
you guys like lists? good bc that's all ive got for you
stuff i do
i draw in ibis paint on my phone with a disc stylus and use capcut to edit animatics (which yes, i can still do, despite being in the us). most of my stuff is tagged with either #art or #doodles, rarely both. doodles is my old tag for sketches and... well, doodles. i put everything under the art tag now
i have one published fic right now with another multi chapter on the way and some one shots im going to get to eventually! i don't have an update schedule. im little1133 on ao3
if you have perfect pitch talk to me please i need someone who understands the feeling when you get a song stuck in your head and you can't remember what key it's in but all the keys you picture it in sound wrong so now it's in your head but it sounds WRONG
epic the musical
this is my main fandom right now! epic has had a huge effect on my life, gotten me back into drawing and writing :) im always down to yap about the babies or read your fic or whatever
i love odypen so so much. also i heard someone use the ship name penelody and that's the prettiest ship name ive ever heard i think. platonic eurypoli is also one of my favs. im a eurylochus defender for life
if you follow me you are big time signing up for epic spam
this is my longest-term fandom i think. i love this little fandom so much!! Katie (@ myfairkatiecat , very cool user) got me into it last summer (i know, not very long term for my longest term fandom. im young okay). im a keefe defender (sorry stria) and i love fintan pyren a normal amount. fav ships are sokeefe, dexiana, and fintante! i am a sucker for platonic sophitz. they go well together what can i say
iywalirayhtdwa > wiityispb
percy jackson / riordanverse
i love love love this series so much. leo is my baby. percabeth should be called smartwater for ever and ever. i don't participate in this fandom because i learned my lesson from kotlc about joining the fandom before you're done reading and ive already gotten spoiled enough just from random youtube comments. am i really going to abstain from this fandom until ive read all however many series there are? probably not
greek mythology in general
yeah... right above this is percy jackson and epic the musical. you knew this was coming. im rapidly turning into the greek mythology kid. it's bad.
i listened to the soundtrack with animatics a bit ago and im planning on watching a recording of the actual show. this musical has already. made me. FEEL THINGS. A LOT. doubt comes in absolutely broke me which im sure isn't a surprise to anyone who's seen hadestown. just like in epic Hermes is a whole vibe and a half. living it up on top, chant, and why we build the wall have alternated being played on loop in my brain. this musical is literally so.
im currently playing in a dnd campaign (#ivanna) as an elven wizard named Ivanna and in the late planning stages of dming a campaign (#crossfire campaign) for me and my friends. im unwell about both of these things
i... don't have much to say about this fandom. im not very active in it. love the fanart. love daisuke and anya ofc. we be taking responsibility with this one
elnea kingdom
i don't really post about this game on here because the fandom is mainly on Reddit. this is here purely for propaganda. look up this game and play it. you know you want toooo ohh you wanna play it soooo baaaad
posts i want you to see
too lazy to do this list rn. im gonna link the seaglass vacker eyes post, the Ody is the short one in odypen, and some of my top posts later
tags ig
#art - self explanatory.
#bookmark - things I'm saving to refer back to later.
#liveblog - ive been doing this less lately but it's always a tradition for me to do at least a few liveblogs whenever im consuming a new media. i love this tag because it contains my magnum opus: my huge reblog chains with every little thought i had while reading kotlc. all of them have like 40 self reblogs to just add to them. there's a chain for each book, and i did it for the first like 5 or 6 books. i highly recommend looking at those they're very funny.
userboxes + other
i don't have a dni. if i don't like you ill block you
im not donating to your gofundme
my interests are subject to change on a whim with zero warning
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argumentl · 1 year ago
Nouteikarano 2 exhibition - brief report
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I had a ticket for the first session of the last day of the exhibition! I arrived outside the gallery with about 10 mins to spare, very sweaty from the walk, but nevermind 😅 It seems like there were 10 spots per session for the Osaka run, and about 6 or 7 people were waiting there, including me. 
Fujieda came outside at 11am and called each person in by their ticket number. I was number 5! He touched my phone screen to swipe my ticket, and yes, that was an event for me! 😂 
Next I went upstairs to the 2nd floor, where Takabayashi was waiting, and he handed me the paper ticket for the event. This was the first time for me to actually talk to both managers in person, so I was quite happy about that 😄 
After this I was in the exhibition space. No photos were allowed at all this time unfortunately, it was quite a small room. 
I think the biggest difference from Tokyo is probably just that there was no space for the personal items display in this small room (and obviously no live painting). However, I did actually see 2 or 3 of those personal items hiding behind a kind of ridge at the top of the ceiling. I cant think of any reason why he would hide them there other than to see who was eagle-eyed enough to spot them!😅 
There was also some footage being projected on part of the wall, which was showing Kaoru in his art studio/apartment wearing a winter down jacket while painting. 
His bgm was playing in the background too. 
As for the art itself, it was an experience seeing all the pieces up close in reality. I had seen a few of them at Tora no ana, but there was stilll plenty which was new to me. One piece in particular made me well up!  (Here I can't really say much else, I'm planning to send my detailed thoughts about the art and the atmosphere to TTD)
His Hanshin × Dir happi coat was also on display on a mannequin, and didn't even have any 'no touching' signs with it! I was so tempted to just feel the sleeve at least or something, but out of respect I didn't touch it.
Of course, I spent the full hour in this tiny room looking at each piece over and over. 
A few people left after about ten mins, but some stayed the whole hour like me. I heard one woman telling the merch guy why she liked Kaoru so much. She was saying, "Its his sexy eyes, I love them!....I mean, his guitar playing is good too though", which made me laugh to myself a bit 😂 
As for merch I only bought the pamphlet, which is the only thing I really wanted to buy anyway. Initially, I wanted an acrylic stand too, but they are 12 types sold at random, so I decided against that in the end. 
Anyway, the pamphlet is wonderful, so I highly recommend getting it if it goes on GBS afterwards. 
One interesting thing I noticed since going to Kaoru's events is that a lot of his fans look as if they are a similar age to me or older. I do tend to feel like a bit of an old woman within the online fandom sometimes, so this is actually quite heartwarming to see 😄
Overall though, I can say it was a moving and fullfilling experience, and Im so grateful I was able to go!
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shirefantasies · 1 year ago
From mossthebogwitch I had no idea what i was doing but I did my best.
Since it was now a dare i am submitting myself for a matchup: presently I am mortified.but too curious to back down now. I have sealed my own fate per usual. I appreciate you taking me on this journey and hope you enjoy the experience! I don't know what gender I prefer in partner: I have a huge weakness for Kíli - I have no hard fast rules- just have fun it's a Tumblr matchup yknow?🤣
I would prefer Hobbit based matches since that is my current hyperfixation.
I radiate golden retriever energy: loyal, never gonna give you upn never gonna let you down, never gonna turn around and desert you. I'm the unofficial security guard according to my boss. I have a level head under pressure and I don't back down.  I have a constant stream of humor. The comedy doesn't end. I enjoy being an artist and writer in many media's. I study folklore and weird nature things. Im the weird facts kid grown up to the ' adult who knows how to do a bunch of different things'.
I have trouble socializing due to anxiety and OCD. Because of this I'm naturally more of a watcher until I feel comfortable.  I'm either casually friendly or hiding behind other people talking.  I'm a mom friend and the one people go to for help. I work in counseling its natures pipeline.
If I'm not working, reading, tending my pets, wild foraging for supplies or exploring hiking trails, I can be found cobbling together my house and garden from whatever I get my grabby hands on.
I have a community garden and regularly supply winter camping gear, food, first aid, and hygienic supplies. I do feral cat housing too so I just do a lot of weird stuff. Last week I saved a squirrel?? Befriending crows is starting this week lol. Never dull.
I plan on painting my entire house in fantasy based murals and hiding meme paintings behind appliances..Spock is behind my stove.
One funny thing i do that my coworkers thinks is hilarious is I have an entire measurement system for measuring animals using only potatoes as a counting system. Yknow how you count horses with hands?I count animals using potatoes and i am right every time the key is when to switch your counter between Russetts and Yukon golds. It's a good day when a growing animal graduates from being counted from russetts to Yukon golds.
I'm 5'0  and don't mind because I grew up LOTR with Gimli!! He's short and I'm short too!! I am told I have mood ring eyes that change shades of blue with my emotions and I'm red green color blind so that's fun.
Voted most likely to have a mug of coffee or tea in hand at work while I give one of my coworkers a gentle peptalk which turns into me pulling out the Gimli scale and asking them where they are on there today.
Yes, this is great @mossthebogwitch ! More detail always helps on my end 🥰 also you sound like such a fun person I wanna be friends 😆😆😆 the potato counting & secret memes are legendary OMG! I definitely saw you with a dwarf right away, but after some thought, I decided on...
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You meet under curious circumstances, you having settled at the foot of the great mountain after the war. Thinking you are alone, you had made your way to the woods, idly walking until a chattering squirrel spiraling up a tree distracts you. Given your love of animals, you strike up a conversation, getting quite lost in it all when a jovial voice rings out behind you, asking if you’re getting along, then. Turning, you see a dwarf with a large floppy hat and twin braids standing a ways behind you, apologizing for startling you- you must've jumped more than you realized. In the end, he introduces himself as Bofur and offers you a piece of one of his brother's biscuits from his pockets to give to the squirrel. Finding out that he works as a toymaker, you promise to visit his shop, and when you take in all the wonders he creates with his cousin, well, you can hardly stay away! Bofur ends up enlisting you to paint murals upon the walls of his and Bifur’s shop, which the young ones of Erebor and New Dale alike delight greatly in. Bifur is very impressed by your art and building skills, elbowing Bofur at every chance he gets and waggling his eyebrows over the amazing lass that’s seemingly just fallen into his life.
The first time Bofur actually initiates some time alone with you, he asks you to join him for a night in town, and that’s when he learns you work with livestock. You best believe he laughs his mustache off at your counting technique and also vows to steal it. You can see in his manner, though, and what you know of him that he would be great with the animals too. He can see that you prefer him not to ask so many personal questions and to lead the conversation which he is more than happy to do! He tells you all about his family, the quest he went on, his funny nice hobbit friend Bilbo, where to get the best ale in town if you’re into that sort of thing, a cool rock his brother found in the mines the other day, you name it! Everything is lighter when you two are together. Ever the gentleman, he waits to share your first kiss until he is completely sure you’re ready.
Bofur loves your height; you are a few inches taller than him, not much but just so that he can rest his forehead against yours and put his head on your shoulder. Either one of you can cuddle against the other’s chest as desired. Knowing how much of your time goes to helping others, though, brings the dwarf to lean heavily towards caring for you whether that means he is the one holding you or singing for you or simply by giving you lots of time to get comfortable and express your needs, even if it’s hard. Even in your most tender moments, though, both of you are cracking jokes. Always laughter between you two! Anything big gets called a Yukon Gold with you two because he just loves that saying so much.
If you are comfortable with it, Bofur loves to take you dancing just to show you off! He also adores the way you’ll stand up for him if anyone is mean or pushy- your loyalty is astounding and you truly have a dwarf-like spirit. He gets heart eyes when you become a de facto bouncer and actually throw a drunk or two out of the place. He also takes you camping, pitching a tent and bringing your supplies so you can stay wrapped outside with your animal friends and some weenies to roast beneath the stars.
Teases you to high heaven about being colorblind, though. Overdramatically reminds you what color you’re painting that toy, asks you if you’re sure that’s the right color for the leaves on your mural. Feel free to smack him lightly, he knows he deserves it and he’ll just laugh! If anxiety or OCD symptoms lead to you having a routine or a placement of things that being comfort (if so, big mood friend!), Bofur is definitely the best at remembering to have them out there and follow that for you, no questions asked. You’ll feel so cared for, that his house is a home. You are his warm hearth, his neverending laughter, the only person who could convince him to take home a wounded opossum and call it Bofur jr. but this is his life now and you know what? Bifur was right- he’d run into quite a catch in those woods, a lass far more beautiful than any old fern or flower.
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19calicos · 7 months ago
can you show what everyone's skateboards look like?? please im begging 🙏🏼
this will include the skater cat fan club gc & kuroo!
when someone in the gc fucks up their board, they'll buy a plain deck from ace and hand it over to yn so they can practice and go ham with the board. it always turns out super cool, and yn not only paints something dope af on the deck but they'll also customize the grip tape as well, usually by painting on it. they’re not opposed to grip tape cut outs but its tedious work to them
more below! tap on pics to expand bc im lazy as hell. these will cover current boards (let's just say they're all the standard popsicle shape), so there are some nods to small details that i've already written so far. ignore decks that dont look painted lmfao dont think abt any details too hard ok
also none of these images are mine! all of them were gathered from pinterest.
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yn's current board! the nose of their old deck got badly chipped after it hit kuroo's head and flew into the corner of some wall, and it wasn't worth it to try fixing it so they bought a basic black deck, yanked the aux cord from suna, and went ham with the board. they were really nervous about if they were going to fuck up the thermal hands or not, but obv it turned out fine. suna wrote the "overthinking will fucking kill you" text on the nose of the new board and ended up totally shredding the posca marker he used for it
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suna's board is pretty old in comparison to everyone else's – he snaps the least amount of decks (but to be fair, everyone can only afford cheap ones at this time). red is his favorite color so yn has made sure to incorporate it into all his decks that they get their hands on. they also wrote his name on the grip tape (ignore how it doesnt actually say suna) for funsies since they wanted to practice a new font
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wanted a domo board SO bad after he and samu went home for a weekend and helped their dad clean out the garage. he found his and samu's old domo hats and could not stop thinking about a domo board. his board at the time was fine and everything too but once he was back in tokyo he bought a pink board (the brown one looked too much like shit bc he stared at it too hard) and presented the idea to yn ...... obv they said yes. they threw in the poser text on his grip tape for funsies lolol they wanted to try out the thrasher fire font
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no grip tape paint for samu bc yn was practicing the spider web grip tape cut out on his board. usually yn paints on grip tape but mattsun was commissioning yn at the time and sent them a vid of some guy doing web grip tape on a board. yn figured it was easy enough but they still wanted to use samu's new deck as a guinea pig. he was fine with it and to make up for possibly messing it up, yn brainstormed something extra cool to paint on his deck. samu is considering displaying this one since this one is extra cool
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noya snapped his last deck clean in half from skating on rails lmfao. he and yn watched spirited away the night it happened so that's where the no face on the nose comes from. he goes through the most decks out of everyone bc he's always attempting some crazy ass rail trick. coincidentally he works the most shifts at ace since he's gotta pay for these decks somehow
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kuroo has accumulated two boards so far: his first one that yn picked out at ace (shown above) and the one that yn made for him at community day. he's not planning on skating with the second one for preservation reasons. after finding out that yn designs decks though, he asked if they could customize his somehow, so they doodled gir (in disguise) from invader zim, one of kuroo's favorite tv shows as a kid.
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ukai doesn't skate as often anymore, but sometimes, if he's at ace, he'll join a sesh right after ace closes for the day. yn designed this board for his birthday last year, and he usually keeps it on display in the shop since it's one of yn's best works. it was definitely a process for them to make and took a lot of experimentation, but it paid off and is one of their best performing decks on their socials
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