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Ren | UK | Masterlist | Most Recent: Guardian Angel - 1 - PJM
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wtf-taeyong · 3 years ago
So, I think it's obvious by now that I don't use this blog anymore. I don't listen to kpop or interact with it in any way, and I probably never will again! I'm making this post now because I still get messages (incredibly lovely and thoughtful ones and I've read every single one) and even new followers, which is madness to me.
I don't really like anything that I've written (except for the stars, which I still think about) and I've gotten an entire degree and a few years under my belt from when I started writing on this blog to now. Honestly, I would prefer to silently delete everything and vanish but it would be doing a disservice to the people in my inbox and the people I've known through this blog. So, I'm going to leave everything as it is in the hopes that some of you may still enjoy my writing, particularly for those that have told me they come back and re-read some of my better pieces.
If anybody reads this at all, thank you for the good years on this blog! I think about them fondly.
All my love,
Ren x
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wtf-taeyong · 3 years ago
Hi!! I am a random person, but I am on a mission and maybe? you can help me? I'm looking for "Ghost" by stormae, who deactivated. I saw you were tagged by them in a post. I'm sorry if this message is weird or creepy, but idk. I've been out of the fandom scene for a year or so, and suddenly remembered how good that fic was only to find that it is gone, and now I want closure lmao. So, if you know what happened to them, or if there is a way to read the fic, i would appreciate a reply so much :)
Hey! I don't remember Mae writing a fic called Ghost, do you remember which idol it was for? As you know, Mae deactivated a while ago, and we lost touch too. I can message her on snapchat but I feel awkward not having many details, so if you could let me know anything else about it I'll try messaging her and see how it works out
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wtf-taeyong · 4 years ago
Farewell 2020, Hello to 2021
There is much to say but I will keep it to a minimum. If you know me, I tend to ramble. If you know me even deeper, you know I’m pretty sentimental. Bear with me. 
2020 was quite the feat. It was a year of feeling. Fierce feeling, both negative and positive. It was a year of lessons, of trials that we are still in the midst of. A year of gratitude, of heartache, of maturity. 
There was a cacophony of beauty and tragedy. Many of us came together and many of us drifted apart. I find my farewell faint because, well, I can’t really believe it’s over. 
There is much growth for me to continue to embrace. I have realized that where I am now, I am not satisfied. That is not a bad thing, and I look ahead with the determination of a mountain. I also look ahead with the lesson of fragility. Nothing is set in stone, I should be kind not only to myself but to the world. It takes one step at time to get somewhere. 
I am not going anywhere on this blog. There were moments when I was frustrated with myself for not putting anything out on here. Voices of self doubt swarming, telling me that no one likes it when you’re not doing what people expect of you. A wise man named Cory Kenshin actually opened my eyes in his last video of 2020. He said something along the lines of, it’s okay to take breaks. Breaks are for calibrating and recuperating, for nurturing our spirits. As long as there’s forward progress, then be forgiving of yourself. 
I’ve been moving from stepping stone to stepping stone, and I can say I am breathing deeply in without any pain and struggle. 
In 2020, I lost pieces of myself but I gained many more. That’s the way life is, huh?
I am incredibly thankful for the little moments, for the times I’ve spent with those most precious to me. I reconnected with my old love, books. I cherished my lover’s smile whenever he graced me with it and realized that when I struggle with myself, there are those will remind me of who I am. 
Well, I know I can continue on but I’m sure most won’t enjoy that. Just know that in the midst of despair, there are tiny buds blooming in the shadows. We must never forget that. 
Much love to you all.
“And when I was shipwrecked 
I thought of you 
In the cracks of light 
I dreamed of you 
It was real enough 
To get me through
I swear
You were there.”
-Taylor Swift, evermore (feat. Bon Iver)
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wtf-taeyong · 5 years ago
another day has gone by and honestly it’s pissing me off. the sun comes up one more time and i lose it
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wtf-taeyong · 5 years ago
the trouble with writing is that it’s literally always easier to just lie facedown on your floor and make inarticulate noises
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wtf-taeyong · 5 years ago
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wtf-taeyong · 5 years ago
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snapshots of the last bujo spread i did this year
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wtf-taeyong · 5 years ago
Thank you Angel! I love you terribly
hi!! since i really love all of your works (like really, you’re probably my favorite blog out there) i was wondering if you had any fic recs or blog recs (specifically, nct but anything really!!)? ilyyy 💓💓💓
Thank you so much for your ask! Honestly, I can't even wrap my mind over being someone's favorite blog. I'm not even my own favorite blog half the time Haha. I hope I can continue to make you happy with my content. Thank you for being patient and waiting on my response! Not only do I forget to answer asks sometimes, I also get overwhelmed with this particular question because so many people deserve recognition. But alas, I'll keep it to a minimum.
I'm always going to shout out my friends @wtf-taeyong and @evangelene because their writing is otherworldly. They're so down-to-earth, friendly, lovely people. When I go to their blogs, I feel nothing short of warmth.
Now I haven't read any fics in such a long while, but based on my memory I can name some nct blogs that blow me away. I apologize for not being more specific.
There's @stormae who is just wow. She weaves words like she created language herself. There's @taeyongtime who also just blows my mind with their concepts and ideas. And lastly, @starlightkun can paint pictures that last in my mind forever. Cherry Cola? Yeah, still think of it every time I drink it.
I hope that you find works by these incredible authors that amaze you like they amaze me.
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wtf-taeyong · 5 years ago
Do you plan on updating Twenty Five Years in the future? I loved the first chapter.
tbh I'm surprised, it received a bit of a shit reception hahaha. I might in the future! I've definitely got the plans for it, I just need to write it. thanks for asking!
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wtf-taeyong · 5 years ago
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wtf-taeyong · 5 years ago
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wtf-taeyong · 5 years ago
The Stars // Sicheng
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Word count - 29.7+ (madness)
Genre - angst, fluff, smut
Warnings - Brief descriptions of violence. I think that’s all.
Fantasy!au, Historic!au
@stormae Thank you for all that you are and all that you do. Thank you for giving me my passion back and cheering for me across the planet. You mean so much to me.
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Sometimes, when the time of the year was right and it was the correct hour in the evening, the sun would rest between the twin peaks of the mountain range your village lay under as if they were only there to hold the sun up in all its fading majesty. Your village and all the land surrounding it was dusted in the most glorious golden light, erasing all signs of difficulty and struggle, and caressing all with the final tendrils of warmth before the mountains encased the sun, and it was hidden from view until the morn broke.
The land you were treading, however, did not get this honour, and dusk soon arrived without the familiar sight of liquid splendour bathing everything in light. You missed the burning presence of the star so far in the sky, but you knew that you would see it again soon enough.
Keep reading
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wtf-taeyong · 5 years ago
university is just. it's you, your laptop and your water bottle against the world
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wtf-taeyong · 5 years ago
me: *breaks down crying in the privacy of my own home*
my brain: you’re faking your emotions for attention. you’re just doing this because you think it makes for a cool personal narrative
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wtf-taeyong · 5 years ago
sorry i’m late, professor. im disenchanted with the human experience and waking up every morning thrusts me into an instant existential crisis
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wtf-taeyong · 5 years ago
Ever since you’ve written ‘The Stars’ I’ve never satisfied with any fanfics ever again. I will never forget that fic it’s forever in my heart. Thank you so much for creating such masterpiece. I hope to see nct works of you again. I love you so much you’re my favorite person and author here in tumblr 🥺💚
Hi, I'm sorry for not responding until now! I took a very big step away from Tumblr. Thank you so much for your sweet message, it really does mean a lot <3 I may never write a fanfic again, but this really does mean a lot
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wtf-taeyong · 5 years ago
So your story mayhaps has inspired an artwork.. The stars really hit hard .. Drawing angel sicheng is fun but kills
Hey sorry for not replying until like a lifetime later! I don't really log in on here anymore. Did you post the artwork? I would absolutely LOVE to see it!
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