#yes i'm still moving at a snail's pace
thecoffeelorian · 7 days
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Made with the help of @starwarscaptionthis, original post here...
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spindleweedss · 1 year
gotta love getting overwhelmed when playing new games </3
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Headcannons for Luci finding out his s/o is a virgin please and thank you
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Oh I'm so ready for this ask!!
So, if you want a little backstory about me, I'm in the same boat. It's not that I don't have ANY experience, but it's extremely lacking (hooray for the aspec experience)
Lucifer, in my opinion, would be over the moon yet nervous at the same time. On the one hand, he's honored that he'd be the first one to show you how good sex can be, but on the other hand, he'd be worried about taking that from you. He'd do everything to make sure that this is actually what you want and he definitely doesn’t want to cross any boundaries with you. Once you've told him you're certain that you want him to be your first, he's practically bouncing off the walls! Of course he asks you what you are and aren’t ok with before anything starts. If you guys somehow missed talking about something, he’d stop whatever he was doing and get your approval first.
Everything is at a snail’s pace with him during your first time. He spends a long time kissing you, feeling up and down your arms, your stomach, your hips. He asks permission for everything. He asks if he can touch and suck at your breasts, if he can leave hickies and other marks on your body, if he can remove your shorts. He gets hard just at the thought of touching and tasting your wet pussy. Once you give him the okay, his hands are delicate as he starts moving his fingers against your folds. He lives for the sounds you’re making because of him. “Can I taste you, my love?” he’d ask sweetly before you nod and give him a faint “yes, please…”
He’s slow at first, as not to overstimulate you during your first time. Once he finds what causes you to make the loudest sounds, he focuses on that area for a long time. It’s not long before you’re cumming on his face, and him man laps you up like he’s dying of thirst. He’d definitely being doing that again with your again, but he figures it’s time for the actual thing. Of course, he knows he’s a little bit on the larger side plus you haven’t done this before at all, so he does his best to warn you. “Darling, this may hurt a little bit. If you need me to stop, just say the word, ok? I’ll be as gentle as possible. Relax as much as you can for me.” Lethargically, he presses himself into you. You can feel some pain as he pushes himself deeper. After he’s all the way in, you have to catch your breath. “Hurts…a little…g-gimme a minute, please.” He responds with a kiss to your lips and says “Take as much time as you need, you’re doing so well. Let me know when I’m alright to move.” You intake a few deep breaths and slowly the pain rescinds, now replaced with only pleasure. “Y-You can move now, Luci…” you murmur. He smiles, slowly removing himself from you, only to thrust his hips forward again. It’s pure ecstasy. It’s not long before he’s absolutely rutting himself into you at a relentless pace, wanting to feel you cum on his cock. He gets his wish, and he feels you pulsate around him as you cry out his name. Your own orgasm triggers his own, spilling his hot seed into (which you told him was okay before)
Lucifer collapses on top of you, still inside of you. “S-So, how was your first time?” he asks coyly. You know he had to ask, son of pride and all! “Wonderful! And it won’t be the last.” You tease him. His face goes red, and you can feel him twitch inside of you. You guys are definitely not done just yet.
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junipers-archive · 1 year
And They Were Roommates
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Word Count: 1k
Includes: Fluff, fluff, some more fluff and a kiss? You confront Spencer about your relationship status after Penelope informs you of everyone's belief of you being more than roommates :)
(Prompt from this challenged by @imagining-in-the-margins)
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You were at the coffee shop nearest to the apartment, desperately trying to find a pick me up. It was 6:30am...a new record for you. Seeing as your roommate and best-friend Spencer hadn't alerted you that you guys ran out of coffee at home, you were now standing in what you deem the longest line in the world you'd ever seen for coffee.
Then again it was one of the first times you'd been up this early to see people who actually got up early. It'd only been 10 minutes but you swore if you didn't get your daily caffeine boost soon you'd start to shut down.
The line was moving at snail pace so you decided to see what the problem was, only to catch a Penelope Garcia with 8 coffees in her arms, trying to balance her way out of the crowd.
Fortunately for her, Spencer had introduced you to the team a few months ago after they'd wanted to see where he lived and he was essentially peer-pressured in showing them by Derek. You'd been given a 5-minute notice at the late hour of 11pm and to this day are still making him pay on movie-nights where you got to choose the film.
You were torn between helping Penelope and staying in your spot in line, but seeing as you remembered how kind she had been and she was about to drop all that coffee, you took pity. Rushing over and calling her name,
"Penelope, you need some help there?"
"ah!-oh hi Y/n, sorry you scared me for a moment! And yes please."
You took one of the trays of coffee from her, holding her purse around your other arm. "Not that I mind helping, but why all the coffee?"
"Well" She was now wobbling over to a table that was just freed up by a couple, talking to you while placing her many belongings on it,
"Sometimes, I like to get up really early and get coffee for the team, cause you know the coffee at work sucks and I'm sure Spencer's already alerted you, but someone's been stealing the curate cups from the kitchen!"
You now placed the tray you had been carrying on the table as well,
"No...uh Spencer doesn't exactly talk about his job much, we usually just talk about other stuff"
She looked surprised at this, "Really? I thought he'd be more open about what he does with his girlfriend. But I guess thats just Spencer."
Now it was your turn to be surprised. "I-I'm sorry, did you say girlfriend?"
"Well, I mean yeah, you live together, he talks about you all the time, and when we went over you two just had so much chemistry we all just assumed-" she stopped talking as she saw the growing disbelief on your face, "I-I just- I'm sorry are you not dating?"
You were speechless. Absolutely speechless.
I mean sure you liked Spencer, he was one of your best-friends and you did live together and yea maybe you had feelings for him. But could other people see it too?
I mean, it made sense, now that you thought about it, you two were practically never seen apart, having roomate-movie-nights, going on consistent 'friend-dates', eating almost every meal together and getting each other gifts for holidays, even sometimes falling asleep in each others beds when you both got black-out drunk on occasion...
Were you dating?
Penelope had taken your silence as her cue to leave, gathering her things, but you had another idea, one that wouldn't leave you overthinking for the rest of the day.
"Wait- I- I'll help you! I mean you can't carry this all yourself!"
"Thank you" she smiled " but you're sure you don't have anywhere to be?"
"Not a place in the world." You would just call in sick today, you thought.
On the drive to the BAU as you talked to Penelope who you found was alluringly talkative, you also realized you might not even be able to get into the building. When you asked she waved her hand, shooing away your worries it seemed as she explained that as long as you weren't a spy you'd be fine for staying a couple minutes since she had clearence.
The topic of Spencer didn't come up again.
Once you got there and helped Penelope up to the office you caught sight of your roommate sitting at his desk. Excusing yourself, you began walking over, It was more decorated than you assumed, containing his adorable action figure favorites and small trinkets you'd given him over the years. And as you got closer you even found he had a picture of the two of you posing at a theme park you'd forced him to go to with you.
He saw you before you were closer, standing himself up as well.
"Y/n? What-What're you doing here?"
"Are we dating?"god you needed to get a filter, but you were really curious.
He sputtered at that, which admittedly made you smile, "I-uh-Who-did Garcia?-What?"
By pure instinct you grabbed his face so he had to look at you now, as he had a habit of looking down when nervous.
You asked him once more,
"Doctor Spencer Reid Are you dating me?"
You could feel him blush against your palms as he answered,
"Uhm...do you want me to be dating you?"
You don't know what had gotten into you that morning, but the next thing you did surprised both of you, pulling him closer as his hands circled your waist hesitantly and you kissed him.
It was soft at first, almost gentle in the way the both of you were nervous, but eventually he deepened it, grabbing one side of your face, the other circling your waist completely now as you arms came to rest around his shoulders.
When you both had to finally come up for air you breathed out your more than obvious response, "yes."
And while you both grinning like idiots at one another, Penelope was adamantly taking photos of the two of you for your wedding which she had already informed Spencer was to be on October 31 of next year.
You never even noticed you didn't get your coffee, knowing you were now with the Dr.Spencer Reid was enough of a pick-me-up to last you a lifetime.
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Reblogs and Comments appreciated!!
Update: Part 2
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thelittleliars · 1 year
Natasha Romanoff x fem!Reader
Warnings: anxiety/panic attack, alcohol, drunkness
Words: 3.3k
Summary: you are Natasha's bodyguard at a Comic Convention
AN: Hi everyone! Had this cute little idea in my head for a month or two and now it's finally yours!
Camera flashes shone into your faces, fans who were crying and screaming rang into your ears to the point it hurt to. Fans were pushing until people fell to the ground and got hurt. This was madness.. everything was just pure chaos. You were mad at the convention organizers, they either should have hired more security or simply sold less tickets. You were one of Natasha Romanoff's bodyguards for public events gor year already and not a single event had been as fucked up as this one. Yes conventions were an entire different story then red carpets or pride events but it still could have been all avoided if the organizers wouldn't have been so greedy. 
Three other bodyguards of her and you tried to get Natasha from the entrance to the backstage area. But you moved in a snail pace since a tons of fans blocked every way to reach for the Black Widow. "Move out of the way!" You yelled over the loud noise. The disrespect of these people really got under your skin, you got extremely angry but you tried not to push the people harshly. You felt Natasha's small frame pressed against your back as you guys made your way through the large crowd. And since you knew her well, you knew in right that moment she was full of anxiety and most likely on the brink of an anxiety/panic attack. "IF YOU DON'T MOVE OUT THE WAY THEN NOBODY GETS TO SEE THE BLACK WIDOW AT ALL TODAY!" You threatened them. Something with the way you yelled it must had struck with a bunch of people since they backed off quickly afterwards. You soon could move smoothly towards the backstage entrance, where you made sure that Natasha was alright by guiding her to mimic your breaths. When that didn't work you tried another method. "What things do you see five times?" You asked her. She looked around. "I see five chairs." You continued with four things she saw. "Four pens." The two continued counting down. Three tables. Two doors. One apple. When you felt she was pretty alright you lead her to one of the chairs and brought a water bottle. "Here drink this." 
Natasha appreciated you as her bodyguard so much, not only because you her only female bodyguard but also since you were the only one who always made sure that she was alright and if that weren't the case you helped and comforted her until she was her old self. "Thank you." You nodded your before kneeling in front of her, taking one free hand in yours and looked into her green eyes. Natasha still looked distraught from being mobbed but being with you helped her immensely. She concentrated on the feeling of your warm hand along with how they both fit so wonderful together. It made her heart clench with want. She actually longed to be closer to you, being her bodyguard was not enough for her anymore. The want to feel your touch every second of the day was consuming her thoughts, she also wished to know what your lips felt like on hers. But before she could think further you brought her out of those thoughts. "Are you good to continue the schedule at this convention today?" You asked with worry in your voice. It's another thing Natasha liked about you, you were a stone cold front for everyone but her. For her you were such a softie and always so goddamn gentle, it drove her insane. "Only with you by my side." 
"Of course! That's what I'm being paid for." You teased her. "The autograph sessions are gonna be so fun so much fun." The evil smile on your face was something the Black Widow rarely saw but she knew you wouldn't do anything but sitting next to her and looking at the people in line who probably would be squirming underneath your gaze. That alone brought you joy and she knew that. After you guys met up with the other Avengers, they all went on stage and answered a bunch of questions from the interviewer and fans. It went smoothly except for some inappropriate questions that were directed to Natasha. The second they went backstage again and she saw you, she knew you were angry at the people who asked inappropriate and sexist questions. She put her hand on your arm, telling you everything was alright but it still didn't sit okay with you. It was 2023 and people still were asking questions when they just should mind their own goddamn business. Why would literally anyone want to know what she Black Widow is wearing underneath her suit? Anyone with an IQ can greatly assume it's underwear and even it she were naked underneath, in what world was that your business?? "I hate it too Y/N. But look on the bright side, that one guy who were beyond the line got an ass-whopping from a tons of fans in the audience. Not only that but Steve answered the question as if it was his." 
"I really liked his answer. 'Would anybody really want to flash themself to the enemy if there's a malfunction with the suit or it gets torn in a battle?'" You mimicked him and his reply. "It was such a huge statement that shut that boy up real quick. In my opinion, he deserves more than just Steve shutting him up but I can't do anything about it, can it?" 
Natasha shock her head. "No you can't but I appreciate what he did and what you'd do anyways." With a smile you lead her further into the backstage area and waited for the staff to get you to the next scheduled event.
Later when Natasha was hours into writing autographs, you noticed her hand and wrist movement being awfully off. You asked a staff member to bring an ice pack if not available then a cold wet towel. Instead of the staff guy you talked to, Natasha's manager, who was only there for these kinda public events, came with the ice pack you had requested. "How long do you think she can still last?" He asked you as he whisper talked to you. "An hour or two but no longer. If you ask me I'd arrange the queue in a way that all children with their supervisors should cut to the front, maybe even all teenage girls." 
You glance at Natasha who brightly smiled at some girl who seemed to be in their twenties. "She'll work through the pain till the end of line of I know for sure that we have to cut it way before that so I'd really consider that at least these kids get a chance to get their superhero before we have to shut it down." He nodded then told you he'd discuss it with the organizers. 
By the time he went away your attention was back to the red headed superhero next to you. "Gimme your wrist." She was stubborn and did not give you her wrist, acting as if everything was perfectly fine. You were patient enough though and waited a few minutes until the teenager who was talking to Natasha was gone. Next in line was a a mother with a girl that couldn't have been older than 5 years old. You smiled at them and politely told them to wait a second. "You either give me your wrist now or we have to cut short way sooner than you want to." You told the Widow sternly. She sighed but gave you her left wrist anyways. You gently put the gel ice pack, which was in a towel, onto her wrist to cool down the swelling that was caused by signing autographs all day long. While you held the pack in place, the small girl put down a cute stuffed teddy bear onto the table while sweetly telling Natasha that it's for her. You were about to take it and put it aside as you did with all her other gifts too when she beat you to it and let it rest against the front of her body. "The bear stays." You respected her request without saying anything, she talked with the kid for a bit before asking for her name to sign the poster that they brought with them. You let go of her wrist, she signed the poster with the girls name and thanked them for coming. 
This time she took the ice pack from you herself and laid it on the table so that she could rest her arm on the table better and more comfortable. At some point Dave, her manager came back with convention staff and rearrange the queue exactly the you proposed to him. An hour later you saw it in her eyes that she couldn't do much more. You hauled down Dave and he cut the line after an elderly woman who waited in line for what seemed like hours. "What a lovely team you have! They were very nice to let me still meet you." The old lady started to ramble. "I'm not sure if you recognize me but you saved me and my husband at the alien attack in 2012! Oh sweet girl I have to thank you so much for that. The shock was deep afterwards and we had to see a specialist and they found something in my husbands organs and it literally saved him again. After his surgery and recovery we started traveling more and saw so many beautiful places before." She then gifted Natasha some crystals that they had found on their trips around the world. "Ohh I probably should hurry. Your people are waiting."
Natasha and you both answered her at the same time. You said that there was no rush and the superhero told her that she should take all the time she needs. The elderly had such a relieved look on her face that it made your heart warm. She introduced herself as Martha and she started telling you both, she included you by constantly looking at you and back to Natasha, how the Black Widow still became her idol at such an old age and how inspiring everything was with what the red head did. Before Natasha even came to signing the free autograph card, she asked Martha if she wanted to take a photo with her. The woman was bubbling over with joy. Especially when Natasha told her she'd sign another autograph card for her husband for free. And since some fans never went away and just stayed to ogle at the woman, some angry words were spewed out of jealousy. You gave each of those people a death glare that shut them up for good but you insisted for Martha to come with Natasha and your security. Fans were chaotic and it wouldn't surprise you if some people would get violent with her just to get her autographs and spread hate. Your goal was to protect both woman even if your job contained only to protect the superhero at all costs. After leaving the Black Widow backstage you brought Martha to her car and waited until she drove off. With the assurance that she left safely, you went back to get Natasha and the both of you got into the van that was designated for her to get driven back to the Hotel. 
As soon as you arrived in your room you immediately jumped into the shower to clear your mind since all of your thoughts were consumed by how sweet Natasha was with the fans. By the time you were done, your stomach was a rumbling mess, looking through the menu you ordered  yourself some fries and a burger thanks to room service. You changed quickly into a tshirt and some shorts, then looking at all your notifications of your personal phone that was hidden in the hotel room safe. A tons of it were from twitter, people tagging you in videos and photos, gushing and freaking out over how cute you & Natasha were together. There was a particular tweet with two photos attached that made your stomach flip. The first one was you looking grumpily at fans but Natasha was looking at you lovingly, the second was the exactly opposite. You were looking at her, what fans described as heart eyes, as she was smiling at a younger fan. You send the tweet to Natasha through iMessage with a simple 'lol' as caption. 
Meanwhile, Natasha was sitting at the hotel bar with a drink in one hand and her phone in her hand. She also was looking through tweets that fans added her in. When you sent her that tweet she was staring at the same photo already. She felt butterflies in her belly when she saw the way you looked at her, so soft and protective. But that feeling vanished into a clump of anxiety when she read your message. The simple 'lol' to that tweet of you guys gazing at each other when the one of you wasn't looking was a punch to her gut. She quickly typed a reply in hope it would be a good answer.
Fans ship me with anyone who's 3 feet near me. Sorry you have to experience that. 
I don't mind. I feel flattered that so many people actually think I have "insane chemistry" with THE Black Widow. 
I'm still sorry about it all. It can get pretty intense with some fans. They ship people so much to a point that they'll get delusional of every single interaction.
Ahh so I shouldn't be surprised if at some point I see a tweet of someone being super convinced that we're married? 
If that happens I'll definitely gonna fuck with them and post "hints" of my non existing relationship with you.
Maybe I should join in with your little jokes?
I'd love that. Wanna start already? I'll come over to your room after I finish my food?
I'm at the bar.
Ohh even better. I'll be down in 10. Don't have too much fun without your "girlfriend" 😉
Before she knew it a new notification from twitter popped up. It was you tagging her in a tweet.  
After a long convention day w/ @BlackWidow I finally get some alone time with my date. 
Her heart started to beat faster than it did before. She had to re-read it a bunch of times before it true sunk it that you meant her as the date. And then, suddenly out of nowhere you stood beside her ordering yourself a bottle of beer. "I'm wondering how you felt about today. Well rather about how you feel about this texan comic con compared to the other 3 we've been to." 
She sighed not wanting to think much about today since it all was overwhelming and exhausting but she couldn't deny you this answer since she knew you wanted to know this for future events. You wanted to make sure that she was alright and comfortable after a day like today. "The mob in the morning was awful but the autograph session and panel was fine. You hummed while taking a sip from your bottle, still watching here face to see if there was any discomfort or hatred towards the convention but all you saw was the hidden exhaustion. She was masking once again and you hated seeing her like this, though you knew why she did it that moment, you both were still in a public space and both of you were always careful incase paparazzi's were around. "So you'd be up for another convention?" She nodded but also told you that it wouldn't happen anytime soon. The superhero needed time to process this huge overwhelming and exhausting event first. And that wasn't an easy task. When you suggested to move this little drinking party that the two of you had into your room, she was quick to agree with your idea. The more privacy the better. 
While you guys had been in the elevator, one of the two of you started to giggle and then the other one joined in and now nobody could actually stop. The giggling died down as you walked out the elevator and immediately stopped when you went around the corner. Your ex girlfriend was coming your way and you did not want her to recognize you. So you turned back around to Natasha, who also stopped laughing, now with a worried look on her face. Before she could even ask what was wrong you asked her to kiss you. She shocked out a shocked what. "Just kiss me please. I'll explain later." The urgency in your voice was something that Natasha didn't miss so she stopped thinking and dived in. And what a kiss it was. You never thought kissing the superhero would get you so deeply lost and leaving you with wanting more. 
Since you were so engrossed in the kiss, you almost didn't hear your ex scolding you both. "These kids from today.." You tried your best not to burst out into laughter right then when you still had your lips locked with the red head. As soon as she disappeared in the elevator, Natasha broke the kiss. "Kids from today? Apparently I'm not in my thirties yet. That's good." She said then looked back into your eyes. "So why the need for a kiss Y/N?"
You gulped hard while feeling heat creeping up on you since you now felt a little embarrassed to tell her the truth. "That was my ex." Even though you both saw her disappearing, Natasha took a double look to where ex just had been. She couldn't fathom you dating someone so much older. "You dated her? That clearly very old lady??" 
"That was around ten years ago, alright? She was happily throwing more money at me than she was already paying me for and I loved the money." You told her truthfully. It was no surprise for you that she was shocked about it. "You worked for her and then became a couple?" You nodded shyly at her question. 
"Don't judge okay? I was young and dumb." You were feeling the awkwardness, that was a first between you two, there was hardly ever a awkward moment between you. Not only the awkwardness but also the silence was killing you slowly. 
Natasha on the other hand was thinking hard, if you mixed business with pleasure once already, would you do it again? Were you willing to kiss her? With the way you looked at her you had to, right? If the fans were seeing something between you two then there had to be some bit truth to it. But what if she overstepped and all of this was unconsensual? She'd hate of she was treating you the way other people treated her. Thanks to her overthinking she didn't notice her inching closer to you until she felt your breath on her face. That snapped her out of the deepest thoughts she was in. The world suddenly seemed to stop for the both of you. The kiss from earlier played in your heads like a broken record but before anything could go further Natasha distanced her from you. "I think I'm a bit more tipsy than I thought I were." She apologized and looked away. 
"And I think I'm drunk since I want you to kiss me again." You sighed. That piped her interest. "Well we do have great chemistry." You smiled at her and nodded. "I won't deny that. But I'm afraid to cross that line again." 
"We won't cross that line if it's just one night right?" You agreed to that then pulled her into a desperate kiss. Her hands  went straight to your waist, pulling you even closer. You didn't know who starting dragging the other person into your hotel room, all you knew for certain was that the night was full of passion and satisfying all your needs. 
What you both didn't realize in your tipsy-drunk state was that you in fact crossed that line by sleeping with each other. Even fans noticed that something had changed with you and Natasha. 
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eldritch-spouse · 6 months
Shags get obsessed with a girl that works at an art store where he gets his supplies. She's laid back and chit-chats with him about any projects he's working on.
[Okay but what if you had a really strange thing going on?]
You like this little freak.
Yeah, okay, that's a bit of a mean thing to say. But can you be blamed? There's no word that fits him more aptly than freak. Not even in the physical sense, there's a lot of variety in mushroom monsters, you know some of them can be tall and gangly like Shags. He's just bizarre.
The way he speaks, moves, conducts himself. You swear, not a single mannerism this monster makes feels natural or reflexive. Even the way he seems to intensely wait and make himself an obstacle until you initiate conversation with him... God, even the fucking topics of conversation, it's like he makes an effort to speak in riddles.
In this rather boring dead-end of a job, seeing this weirdo bend and squeeze through the doors like Samara about to crawl out of the TV is the highlight of your shift.
That's why he's your favorite client.
He's been standing still in the same supplies isle for too long, you already know what he wants.
" Having trouble finding something, Mr Shags? "
As if, he probably knows this store better than yourself.
In fact, he outright told you he used to be a client before you started working here.
He murmurs a response too quietly to interpret, forcing you to come closer. And, predictably, as soon as you are within grabbing distance (not hard to achieve when you're a lamppost of a monster featuring branch-like arms), a spider hand slithers onto your shoulder. It's cold, he's always a little cold.
You're urged in front of a shelf, his head looming over yours.
" Ahh, I need your honest opinion on something... If you don't mind? "
This is the paints section, a mural of hues that hurt the eyes.
" Sure. "
" What shade of orange do you think I should get? "
You love these questions. Because never once does he elaborate on what he's creating or why he wants you to choose. It's happened many times before. What size of canvas should I get? What pen should I get? What sketch books should I get?
You like the strange autonomy of getting to pick, offering him the same level of context he does to you.
Absolutely none.
" Alloy. " You point.
Shags reaches towards it with little effort, snagging several little containers with his root-like digits. The hand on your shoulders tightens.
" What a choice. Thank you very much, my dear. "
" No problem. "
It takes a bit of shifting before the hand on your skin is lifted.
You stroll back to the cash register with a small smile and occasionally observe the monster in the same way you'd study an animal at the zoo.
It's strange how little he moves sometimes. Initially, you thought it was just so he wouldn't drip ink everywhere, but it seems to be a part of him now. Blending in with all his other vaguely creepy mannerisms. Mr Shags gets all his items at a snail's torturous pace and finally, finally approaches you.
" How are the latest projects going, Mr Shags? " You start while scanning the paints first.
The shroom actually seems to frown for a second. Fingers busy on the balcony. " Not as smoothly as I wished... "
Tap tap tap.
" My latest muse and I, our chemistry, I'm afraid it has no substance. "
" Oh? " Your eyes deviate to his face for a moment.
" Yes... Something tells me it's time to move on. But I do want to honor our time together with one last, preserving piece. "
Tap tap tap.
" Mhm. Sounds good, I hope the next one works out. " Frankly, you're not sure what he's talking about, but you usually never are to begin with.
" Me too. " Then he smiles again, and you get the distinct feeling his stare has turned into a more scrutinizing one.
Far from the first time, it doesn't scare you like it did initially.
It's pretty funny, actually. You started out thinking this guy was some kind of loser looking to harass you, to intentionally make you uncomfortable. Nowadays he's more of an entertaining almost-friend.
Tap tap tap.
" Will that be all, Mr Shags? "
" Shags. "
He's told you to call him just by his name a couple of times. You always ignore it, but he keeps trying anyway.
There's a silent beat.
During your first years of work, the lack of action would have made you antsy enough to break the silence, which is what you know he wants you to do. But now, you have no trouble staring back placidly until he continues the conversation.
Apparently, the shroom enjoys that continuous challenge, because his grin widens slowly.
" You have a peculiar facial definition. " He eventually rasps.
A nothing statement, not quite a compliment, not quite an insult, definitely said to confuse and prompt a question. One you don't give him the satisfaction of hearing.
" Thanks. " The customer service smile has an edge of playful smarm this time.
Tap tap tap.
" ... I would enjoy sketching you sometime. Your facial expressions are intriguing. "
This is essentially his way of asking you out, you presume.
" You've drawn me before. "
He's even given you the pages, pencil depictions of you caught in a selection of moments. Mostly bored to tears and staring at the little universe between the cracks in aged walls.
Shags tuts. " It's quite different when the muse in question is part of the experience. I much prefer it that way. "
You can't help the hint of a snicker that tugs at the corners of your lips as you bag his items to hurry things along. Not that there's anyone else inside right now.
" Mm. And what if we don't have good chemistry? "
The shroom monster hands you his card, not even caring about hearing the total.
" I think we both know that wouldn't be the case. "
Tap tap tap.
It's only a few moments of intentionally creating suspense until you hand him all his new belongings and card.
" See you soon, Mr Shags. "
His grin only twitches for a delightful glimpse of a second before he carefully takes his possessions and leaves.
Playing with fire is fun.
One day, you'll get burned.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Oh I was absolutely going with them Jason Finds Out During TT route. I think it would be especially funny if he's heard horror stories from Rouges and his own Henchmen that Robin The Third is some kind of demon that Batman summoned on accident. There are some rumors about how the demon feeds off of grief or anger or vengeance because it's illusions of being g a human are stronger when the Bat is there so *clearly* it is taking its power *from* the Bat. Others say that Nightwing summoned it so that it would keep Bruce on a leash without the first Robin having to come back. Some say it was some person in Gothem who did it or that it was the combined form of the many curses on the city.
All Jason knows is that when his replacement turned around, it's head luled to the side just an inch or two, like a puppet on strings that had to much slack on that one string. Jason manages to shoot one of its arms but instead of a spray of blood, it is broken shards of porcelain and sand. His hits feel like he's punching a solid wall but some do leave visible cracks in Tim. This Thing in a Robin Costume could not ever be human. He knows because when he left, he took a handful of sand in a vile to see if he could figure out what it is. Jason still has that vile to this day, the only proof he has that Tim isn't a human. Sometimes he will set it on a flat surface and watch the sand in it make it slowly roll towards whatever direction Tim is in.
As for how he heals, that's to the magic that animates him, all Tim needs to do is hold his pieces together like a jigsaw puzzle and after a few moments the piece he's holding will weld itself back into place. Also his sand will slowly come back to him, attracted like a magnet and he can tell where all his sand in instinctually. He let's Jason keep the vial of it as it's basically an unhacklable Jason Tracker. The sand isn't fast at moving towards him, roughly about the pace of a snail or sloth. It's certainly moving but just getting from downtown to the Batcave could take his sand a week. Also the pull isn't super strong, gaining about as much force as a particularly stubborn ant.
Ras took half a pound of Tim's sand instead of his spleen and Tim would very much like his sand back.
As for Cass knowing, she 100% does. Tim has shown her his true gorm and when she asked why he didn't show the others, Tim replied, "they wouldn't understand. They would worry over things that aren't problems and try to fix things I already fixed and end up breaking those things."
Eventually the Bats must find out though, and when Dick asks if that means they need to do special things to keep Tim from dying to Magic Users, Tim laughs and laughs like Dick has told the funniest joke in the world. When he calms down, he asks a question of his own, "Dick. How could I possibly die if I have never been alive in the first place? I am simply an object enchanted to move and speak. I am no more alive that the AI Babs uses to scan the internet for pictures of us. I am no more alive than a character in a video game. At most, at *most* I can be compared to some of Ivy's plants that she uses to attack us. I can not be killed for I have never been alive. Broken, yes, but that I can fix. I simply have to be put back together like a jigsaw puzzle."
Oof. Poor Dick is going to have to figure out how to feel about that statement. Tim not being alive at all and comparing himself to a video game or AI might fuck with Dick's sense of self, sentience, etc. I would love to see how they all logic, cope, and understand identity after this.
I do love the idea that the sand tries to make its way back to Tim, but he knows where it is at all times. Jason has an estimated location of Tim (N, S, E, W), but Tim has like coordinates.
I wonder if Cass would try dancing with Tim. Since his movements are different, perhaps she would enjoy learning to dance in a way that's similar to how he moves? It could be eerie and fun for her.
I'm curious how Ra's would feel about Tim and his sand in this. Why did he keep the sand? Does it look distinct from other sand? Was it just cause it was part of Tim and Ra's thought he might be able to use it? Also, does he attempt that shit he did with his Nyssa since Tim probably can't reproduce?
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x0x0josephinex0x0 · 11 months
could you do a seventeen reaction to the “my bf told me to slow down on my spending” tiktok prank/trend
ok that is absolutely hysterical yes i can!! hope u like it :) let me know if there's anything else you'd like to see! this is allllllll gonna be fluff so i think we're ok on the warnings...let me know tho!
scoups: "what are you doing, baby?" he calls across the room as you walk at a snail's pace toward your wallet on the counter.
"just following your advice to slow down on my spending," you say with a grin. a less-practiced eye would have failed to notice the corners of cheol's mouth twitch upward before he looks at you with a straight face.
"you know that's not what i meant," he says.
"yeah, well," you continue, finally reaching your wallet and picking it up, "I need to pay rent."
he can't help himself from cracking a smile at you as he watches your stupidly slow movements. rolling his eyes, he comes into the kitchen and grabs your wallet from you gently and puts it back on the counter. "move in with me," he says.
you're so shocked you freeze. "what did you just say to me?"
"don't pay rent. move in with me. you'll save money on rent, and gas money from driving here all the time, and most of your stuff is here anyway so it won't be that bad to move. move in with me."
"wait, wait. you want me to move in to save money? and for convenience?" this kind of hurts to hear.
he kisses your forehead. "i want you to move in because i love you and i want to be with you forever. but that'll free up a big part of your income, too, so you can save for other things."
he pulls you in by the waist. "and if you want to buy things, spend my money, not yours," he says, and his low, quiet voice makes you blush. "i get using your own money for gas and car payments and things like that, and i appreciate you wanting to be responsible for those things, but if you want a new outfit or you want to eat something, i'll get it for you. save your money for the essentials, and use mine for whatever else."
"you're ridiculous," you say, grinning, brushing his hair off his forehead. "all of that for little old me?"
he shrugs, smiling his lovestruck smile at you. "it'll all be yours one day anyway."
jeonghan: the first time you did it, he laughed. but now, at time number 4, he's starting to get confused.
"i didn't mean literally slow down, honey."
"i know," you say, still moving comically slow.
"can you stop for a minute and come over here?" he asks you quietly, a soft smile on his face. He pats his lap.
you give up on the theatrics and take a seat on his thigh.
"i want you to listen very closely, love. i don't want you to spend more money because there are things coming in the future that we should be saving for."
you smile at him. "i know," you say. "i'm sorry for being sassy about it. i just didn't like the way you said it."
"i'm sorry that i wasn't more clear about my reasons for asking you to be more careful." he holds you close and presses a kiss to your temple. "i know you wanted to pay for that wedding dress yourself, but you can always reconsider. i'm happy to pay for it."
"you already bought the ring," you remind him.
"and i also make a lot more money than you," he reminds you with a grin.
joshua: "why do you do that every time you go to pay for something?" he asks.
"because you told me to slow down on my spending," you reply with a grin, slowly tapping your card to pay for your coffee.
he laughs. "i appreciate how committed you are to following my advice," he says, "but that wasn't what i said."
you pause halfway between sliding your card into your wallet. "it wasn't?"
"no," joshua said, gratefully accepting the coffee from the barista and spinning on his heel to find you a seat.
you follow him, dumbstruck. "what did you say, then?"
he laughs. "i said you should stop spending money on me," he reminds you.
your mouth falls open. "i don't remember that part," you admit quickly.
he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. "i know it's hard for you to receive any kind of criticism, constructive included," he says gently. "so next time i say anything like that, i'll try to frame it in a more positive way so the message is easier to digest. is that okay?"
you narrow your eyes at him. "are you trying to apologize for triggering my rejection-sensitive dysphoria?" you ask.
"yeah, that's exactly what i'm doing," he says with a smile.
you lean over and kiss him. "it's okay, josh. i can also work on managing my reactions better."
he catches your hand in his and brings it to his lips before the two of you pull out your laptops to begin working.
junhui: "what are you doing?" jun says, amused.
"i'm slowing down on my spending," you say, grabbing your keys with all the urgency of a sedated sloth and making your way to the door.
he giggles. "i can see that. what are you going to spend money on?"
"i need new shoes," you tell him.
"are you going to drive slow too?" he asks you with a laugh, watching you from the doorway.
"honestly, my plan was to start running the minute i make it out the door," you say.
"you're such a goober," he says, and when you turn over your shoulder to look at him reproachfully, you see the warm fondness in his eyes. it makes you pause for a minute, because he just looks so yummy leaning his shoulder against the doorframe, watching you with his half-smile and that feeling in his gaze that makes your knees weak.
"do you have time right now?" you ask him suddenly.
"why? did you want me to come?" he asks.
"well, yes, there's that," you say, "but i think there's something i need more than new shoes right now."
you grin as his eyes light up in realization about what you mean.
soonyoung: for awhile he was bemused when you would use your wallet like a car running out of gas, and his cute confused face would make you chuckle.
then, he was a little frustrated. "aw, come on," he'd say. "you know i didn't mean this." and when you'd just grin, he'd start laughing exasperatedly. "you're so stubborn!"
then he became a little worried. "how long are you going to do this?" he'd ask you, his eyes wide. he looked so precious like that that it almost convinced you to stop doing it so he stopped being worried.
and now, at the end of it all, he has given up. instead of fighting, now he's joined in your slow-motion option when paying for things. it has now become an inside joke. everyone around you is baffled when you approach registers at the grocery store like two tortoises, giggling like kids.
and you're reminded why you fell in love with him in the first place, which erases any indignation you may have felt about him asking you to "slow down" on your spending.
because everything is fun with him.
wonwoo: he is entirely unbothered by your ridiculous slowness when paying for anything these days. he just watches you with his steady gaze, sometimes grinning, always patiently waiting for you to finish.
finally, one day, he says, "you know, i only told you to slow down because you told me you were saving up to go on vacation. is that still the plan?"
you deflate a little bit. "my friends all bailed on the trip, so i don't think it's going to happen anymore."
wonwoo shrugs. "then i'll go with you."
"really?" you ask, surprised. "i didn't really take you for an amusement park guy."
"i'm not, really," he admits. "but i am your guy. plus anything with you is fun for me."
"i'd love that," you say, "but i was really looking forward to it being a girls' trip. we were gonna have a spa night and paint nails and do face masks, we were gonna go shopping..." you trail off as wonwoo's eyebrow raises.
"who says i cannot participate in a spa day?" he says. "or take you shopping?"
"i mean, i guess you can," you say. "but do you want to?"
"of course! i'm a huge proponent of self-care." he grins. "so when do we leave?"
jihoon: it had just slipped out one day when you were at the market. you had handed him a fifth gourd he didn't recognize, and he had said, "whoa, slow down on the spending!"
but now, because you are a menace, you had done exactly as he asked. every time you went to pay, you met his eyes with a mischievousness that for all his attempts to be serious never failed to make him crack a smile. it had become a kind of game between you -- how long could he last with your intense eye contact as you pulled out your money to pay at a speed that would make turtles look fast?
the answer often was "not very long" -- the longest he lasted was probably a generous four seconds. the shortest was the time a dog had actually collided with your legs and nearly knocked you over while you were doing it. you were fine, and his reflexive giggles after he steadied you made you giggle, too.
it was this incident that made him address it. "i didn't mean it," he said. "i'm sorry. that was a dumb thing to say."
because the two of you were in public, you knew better than to do what you felt like doing, which was kiss him all over his adorable face. instead, you settled for a quick kiss on his cheek, which still made his face pink. "it's okay," you reassured him.
seokmin: ever the sucker for a good bit, you were not at all surprised when seokmin joined in your "slowing down" prank. it didn't take him long, either -- by the second time, he was giggling along with you, blocking your card from the slot at the counter and inserting his own in slow motion.
"nooooooooo," you intone in horror, using a lower register than usual, mimicking a slow-motion movie voice, and seokmin can't handle it. he collapses in a fit of laughter, and you join in.
"i don't know why i told you to slow down on spending," he admits later through giggles. "i spend way more money than you."
"well, you also usually pay for my things, and you make more than i do," you reason. "it wasn't bad advice. i can always use a reminder."
he slings an arm over your shoulder. "maybe, but you also deserve reminders of how well you're doing, too."
you laugh. "seokmin, you give me those all the time."
"i can do more!" he insists.
"well, i'll never say no to that," you say as he kisses your forehead.
mingyu: he watches you with one eye twitching as, for the third time today, you reach your card slowly toward the slot.
"why are you doing this?" he says once you've left the store, sounding both frustrated and amused.
"you don't remember?" you realize. "oh, well, that makes this way less funny."
"please explain," he requests.
you sigh. "you told me to 'slow down' on my spending."
he giggles, and you give him a fond smile. "oh!" he says. "well, i don't even remember why i said that, but you can move at your normal pace. i don't actually mind if you spend money."
"thanks," you say, grabbing his offered hand. "you know, i was a little frustrated when you said that."
"why?" he asks, his eyes wide with surprise at this twist.
"because you were looking at the receipt from all the things i bought for a party we held at my place for your friends. it was your idea." you give him a sheepish smile. "sorry for trying to prank you as payback."
"damn. i wasn't even thinking when i said that," he says, looking thoughtful. "I'm sorry, babe."
you smile up at him. "it's okay. i know you had good intentions."
his eyes crinkle at the corners in that way that you love as he leans down to kiss the crown of your head.
minghao: he shouldn't find this cute. he should be encouraging you to stick to your goals. and he should be setting a good example, too. but here he is, grinning when he should be straight-faced, as you slowly approach the register.
"you don't have to do that, love," he says, his voice mild, trying to avoid laughing at your ridiculousness.
"you said to slow down," you remind him.
"i'm trying to help you meet your savings goal for this month," he groans. "and you are making it very difficult."
"well, it does actually help to do this," you say. "while i'm moving in slow motion, i have time to think to myself if the purchase is something i really need or is worth it. so your advice has actually been helping me make smarter money decisions!" you wiggle your eyebrows at him as you continue your painstaking trek to the register.
he watches you struggle for a brief second before giving up. quickly, he pays for the meal, and then drags you into a chair, giving you a kiss on the cheek that is much more aggressive than you're used to.
you look at him quizzically as he sits in the seat across from you. "are you that mad?" you ask him.
"no," he says softly. "you're just too cute. you're weakening my resolve."
you raise your eyebrow over your coffee cup. "i think you need to meditate more, minghao."
seungkwan: you started the prank months ago, as a sassy response to your boyfriend's observation that since you started dating, your bills have almost doubled. and even after you talked about it and set a budget that made you feel more comfortable, you continued it.
so why do you keep up the "slowing down on your spending" prank?
because seungkwan laughs. every single time.
you don't do it all the time. just in very particular moments -- usually if there's tension or low energy. you'll begin moving like the air is made of jelly, and he'll perk up immediately, laughing harder the slower you go. you milk it as hard as you can so he'll keep laughing, enjoying the sound like it's music.
inevitably, every time, he will look at you like you invented happiness. "i love you," he always says, sometimes in relief, sometimes in contentment, and sometimes in exasperation, but he always says it.
and by golly, if that's all it takes, you'll make a fool out of yourself a thousand more times just to hear it.
vernon: he literally doesn't notice. he just goes about like it's business as usual as you literally crawl toward your wallet. typical unbothered vernon. but this time, it's unacceptable. because you're doing your darndest to make him laugh, and he's not even picking up on anything being outside of the ordinary.
so you clear your throat, and vernon's eyes follow the noise to the literal floor. "yeah, babe?" he says casually.
"you're not going to ask?" you say, gesturing to yourself.
"about what?" he asks.
"why i'm doing this?"
he chuckles. "i just kind of figured you'd explain it to me."
you purse your lips. "you told me to slow down on spending."
"oooooooh," he says, amused.
"you need to spend less time around the guys," you huff, standing up. "it makes all my efforts a lot less exciting to you."
he brings you into a hug after brushing off your clothes, which are dusty from the floor. "well, firstly, i thought it would be good if we set a savings goal together, so that's a little different than just telling you to slow down," he points out. "and secondly, you're plenty exciting."
chan: the poor man is confused, but he rolls with it, matching your pace as you approach your wallet.
you absolutely know he has no idea why you're doing this, so you pause. "do you get it?" you say, your hand hovering over the leather case.
"not at all," he admits.
"i'm slowing down on spending."
he laughs. "oh!" he says. "i never would've gotten that." and then in a quick move, he grabs the wallet before you can.
"i only told you to do that because you were on the verge of buying something that i was planning on getting you for your birthday," he says. "but now that you mention it, i think i want to make it a rule that i get to pay for everything for you from now on."
"what? why?" you say, shocked.
"there are a few reasons. the best one is that i love you," he says, dodging as you snatch at the wallet in his grip. "but some other ones are: because i can, and because i want to give you the world."
as you swipe for the wallet again, chan wraps an arm around your waist. you freeze at the sight of his eyes smiling into yours, barely having a second to think about it before he presses a light kiss to your lips.
"you don't really need to slow down," he says, handing your wallet back to you as you try not to be too flustered. "it really was just the birthday thing. you can spend your money however you want."
"thank you, my love."
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
Hey lovely!
I'm back for another request haha
Could I please request amethyst with Boss in Winter?
There's just something about Boss being courageous in everything he does that makes me think it would be a good fit!
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Summary: You and Boss have been tiptoeing around each other for, what seems like, years. Something has to give, and early one winter morning, something does.
Pairing: Clone Commando Boss x Reader
Word Count: 733
Prompt: Amethyst - Courageous Love
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I hope this is close to what you wanted! I love Boss so much, so I put a lot of myself into the reader, lol. Sorry. And I gave Boss some of my husband's mannerisms (like walking on the outside, closest to the road)
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Months ago, when you were in the middle of an anxiety attack, Boss dragged you outside and took you for a walk. You didn’t walk anywhere, the pair of you just walked and talked. 
It was the start of an early morning habit, or perhaps tradition would be a better word.
Every morning, you and Boss will wake up and go for a walk while the sun rises. No matter the weather. Heat, cold, rain, shine. It doesn’t matter.
It’s become a much beloved part of your morning routine. It allows you to be the center of Boss’ attention for however long the pair of you decide to walk, it gets you some much needed exercise, and it allows you to get out of your own head for a bit.
Really, it’s no wonder that you fell in love with him, all things considered. No one’s ever been so conscientious towards you before.
Of course, he doesn’t know that.
You’re not quite brave enough to put yourself out there like that. Not even for him. But you are, slowly, working up the nerve.
Very slowly.
Like. At a snail’s pace.
In any event, when you wake up at your normal time one winter morning and see that there’s snow falling from the sky, you’re thrilled. You love the snow, how it coats everything in a blanket of soft white, how everything seems quieter and more muffled.
Snow makes everything seem a little more magical.
Maybe you’re a bit old to believe that, but you don’t care.
You can cling to this little bit of whimsy for a bit longer, right?
Quickly, to not keep Boss waiting longer than you have to, you dart around your room, pulling on thicker clothes and boots that are suitable for walking in the snow, and then you hurry out of your suite to where Boss always waits for you.
“Sorry, am I late?” You ask as you hurry to his side.
He looks amazing, dressed in casual winter clothes rather than the armor that he normally wears. Of course, he never wears his armor while going on these walks with you. 
“No, I only just arrived myself.” Boss allows as a small smile crosses his face. He reaches out and flicks the pom-pom on top of your hat, “Cute.”
“It’s my only winter hat,” You admit sheepishly, “My mom bought it for me.”
His smile widens slightly and he pushes open the door and steps to the side to let you out first, “It suits you.”
You step into the snow, throwing an amused smile over your shoulder, “You think so?”
“I know so. It’s a good color on you.”
“Thanks. I have a lot of siblings, so mom made it easy when we were born and chose a color for all of us. I was given teal.”
“Yeah? How many siblings?”
“Less than you,” You tease as you wait for Boss to fall into step next to you, before you head off the base.
“Everyone has fewer siblings than me.” Boss points out wryly, “I should hope, at least.”
You laugh, “I have less than 10 and more than 1.”
“That’s very specific,” Boss teases as he moves to your other side so that he’s walking closest to the road. 
“I try.” You tease right back.
Boss guides you into the park, towards the hiking trail that you both prefer, the conversation light and friendly. And then he stops in front of the fountain. It’s not running, because of the cold, but it’s still beautiful.
“I need to tell you something.”
“Okay?” You turn to face him properly, “Is something wrong?”
“No…and yes.” Boss takes your gloved hands in his, “I’m tired of us tiptoeing around each other.”
“I love you. I want to date you. And I think you feel the same way.” Boss says, “Tell me that I’m wrong and I’ll never mention it again. We can continue on as we have been.”
“No, I-” You fumble over your words, “I feel the same way. I do!”
He smiles at you, and your heart skips a beat, “I knew you did. But it’s still nice to hear it.” He steps closer, one of his hands comes up to brush some snow off your cheek, “I’m going to kiss you now.”
And then his lips are against yours, and it’s everything you’ve ever wanted.
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renshengs · 11 months
idk why, i’m kind of imagining it with that dami and tim context you gave up until mini jason shows up with his “totally joking” marriage proposal. not sure if he still dies in this au, but maybe while he’s gone damitim finally start to get closer, until boom! red hood/jason shows up (with perfect timing, for maximum drama) and wants to make good on tim’s promise from all those years ago.
apologies for dumping this in your ask box, but the au idea really just jumped out at me!
originally i wasn't planning on having them in the same universe but then the damijaytim love triangle brainworms started hitting and i was like,,, ohhh
ooh it'd be interesting if jason stayed dead a few years longer in this au! i'm not so sure how much shit from canon i want to put him through but i imagine it'd be maybe 3 years and then he comes crawling back out of the grave yk. meanwhile yes damitim are moving at an absolute snail's pace when it comes to a potential romance so when jason gets back he's all like. fucked up and furious and part of that fury would extend to tim, of course, but also the uhhh feelings from when he was 13 did not go away so he tries to get tim to join him and tim is like, No. later damian confronts jason and demands "what do you think you're doing" and jason bares his teeth and is like "what you always wanted to do, except i'm not scared. not like you."
honestly i have no idea how this would resolve itself. give it 5 more years and maybe jason and damian will calm down enough to be like Okay tim has 2 hands but if they don't, well. they can keep hissing and growling at each other like two territorial cats while tim shakes his head and moves past them to get to the batcomputer. or the fridge.
don't be sorry for the ask! i made up this entire au on a whim and didn't actually give much thought to it bc i didn't think it would take off like this LMAO i'm glad people are enjoying it and also the lore i'm making up as i go!
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giurochedadomani · 11 months
You replyed to my post twice? 🥰 blessings upon you, your family your cows! Know that every post you make I shove into my brain with the velocity, of a starving lion being presented with the bloated carcass of a dead hippo— I live for your asks and Id die for your answers.
Any who another Mishanks idea. Marriage au but one of them doesn’t know they’re married.
Like Shanks was raised by pirates on a pirate ship his ideas of societal and cultural norms are probably extremely warped. And he’s absolutely head over heels in love with Mihawk and is like yes I shall marry him… what does that entail maybe we drink over sake and i pronounce us in Matelotage (pirate married.) and Mihawk says yes and shanks is over the moon— and look does it make him kinda sad his husband doesn’t want to sleep with him yes but he’s totally cool if Mihawk never does and he’s also cool with Mihawk having his own life and not seeing him for a bit but he does wish he’d stop by more—
Meanwhile Mihawk who isn’t technically a pirate and look he knows some pirate stuff but not like the deep lore has no idea what Matelotage is and is still panicking over his new discovered internal feelings (ew) and like oh god we’re friends but what if he doesn’t see us as something else and god how could I love a man such as him this is so embarrassing and blah blah blah the terrible idea of being known and opening one self to the idea of love and holding hands (Mihawk will puke at the thought.) so you know good old fashion snail paced breaking of emotional repression.
While on Shanks side he’s on cloud 9. Wondering which of these amazingly crafted necklaces his husband would like most from that world government outpost they just stole from.( because Matelotage is a promise to share treasure and Mihawk likes shiny things so who is Shanks to deny his husband all the shiny staby things.)
asdfghjhgfdsasdfg!! I LOVE those types of misunderstandings, and I feel they would fit very nicely with Mishanks. Afterall, Shanks and Mihawk seem to have a RADICAL different stance of: I'm approachable to everybody vs. I'm the most unapproachable bastard in all of the blues, I feel like they would move at wildly different paces when it comes to relationships. Like, I can imagine so much a situation where Mihawk is secretly pleased that Shanks sees him as a friend, that's good, his crush is paying attention to him vs. Shanks being sad because Mihawk is surprised? That he considers him a friend, when he thought they were already...
So the husbands thing seems fitting as hell.
And also, I really hope this ends with the misunderstanding coming to light because Shanks does a version of his speech at the start of the story and says: you can threaten me, and I'll let it slide, but don't you dare threaten my husband.
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bellysoupset · 28 days
fuckk luke’s reaction to vince moving back is going to be SO SWEET.
can’t believe vince is coming back holy SHIT
so excited!!
also “wendy fought the urge to bite him” girl you’re sooo real for that. what i wouldn’t give to have a lil nibble
i see the “almost her in-laws” btw 👀 🍄
oh also i wasn’t gonna tell you this because it’s dumb as hell on my part but i thinn you might like it? . so the other day i completely forgot that wendy is trans and kept thinking about how her and vince’s kids would be the sweetest little people to ever exist because both their parents are soo nice?? wendy and vince are both such sweethearts!! 🍄 ----- not that i think they’ll have kids any time soon ( i think) but still. okay gonna stop spamming your inbox now byee <3🍄
Putting these together!
Luke's probably gonna cry, let's be real now. Wendy on the side like... suddenly I feel like i'm the other woman here.
I'm really excited to write Vin coming back and also having a set date gave me many Doveport ideas, so keep an eye out for those. Many fics I wanna do of Vin and his fam + Max
Also YES her almost-in-laws I'm serious about that!! They move at snail pace but they're endgame and I'm set on this!!
Vin and Wen's kid would be the sweetest baby in the playground and then Jonah and Leo's kid would need to protect them, lol. I can see it all in my mind's eye, we just know Jon/Leo are gonna have a little bitchy-baby 😂😂
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cheolsfae · 8 months
i’m so excited to see the hyunjin tf reading 😩 would it be possible to get one on chris as well?
Why not? This is their journey!
*Disclaimer: solely for fun! Please do not take this seriously. For entertainment purposes only!*
Past: the chariot, 3 of pentacles (reversed)
Their maybe like an urgency to rush into something with the other. Like yeah, I'm feeling you! Lets just dive right in. the other person could be feeling like no, that's not something I want to happen quickly. Let's take our time. (Slow mover→ Chris; I think). Let's build a solid thing and not trash it so quickly. This person could be lacking situation awareness in this moment. There are more important things for this person to be looking at rather than this connection and vice versa. They don't need to be pushing so hard for it. It will unfold in due time.
Present: queen of pentacles, 5 of swords
This slow mover is still moving at a snails pace for the other and it could be causing plenty of arguments. They are a very caring and good tempered person but fast mover could be looking at the slow mover and thinking, you know what if this doesn't start going anywhere, I don't want it. Kind of like resentful energy here. Bitter that they are not getting their way in this present moment. This person could be working on their finances and trying to straighten that all out before they get together. This connection is abundant and they may squander it away if they keep pushing for commitment.
Future: 10 of cups, ace of swords
But it's looking like things pick up here. They will eventually get into a solidified relationship (assuming they cross paths at all). Seems like the snail is going to come in with something truth. Maybe the real reason why they were going at the pace they were. Again, could be work related. There is real raw protentional for this connection to really move into something more serious. But again this person needs to tone it down on the commitment thing for now.
Bottom of the deck: 9 of swords
This whole thing is causing them anxiety and unneeded stress. I see this person pulling back a little bit to just let things fall where they may. Just giving up control and letting the universe have at it. It is what it is and they can't let this get to them. It really isn't that serious. Yes, this does sound like a bread crumbing situation but it's really not. There is more here for them, even if it does feel like it's not going anywhere.
*Oracle deck was also used!
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
Always seen you.
Tumblr media
Pairing: Eddie x Insecure!Fem plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
A/N: Ok lovelies. Sorry it took me so long to get these last two parts out. I've been working a lot. So the only time I can write is during my breaks. So a warning. This is a little sad. But with hopeful ending. I hope you guys like it. Thanks for reading. As always feedback is greatly appreciated. Kay love ya bye.
Warnings: 18+ language angst, fluff, body insecurities, slow burn, sexual situations, heartache and not proof read and no word count.
Summary: You finally got your guy. But something always gets in the way. Does true love conquer all?
Part 13
Two weeks after Eddie had met the producer he received the best news. He and the band were invited to tour. And not just that. But to also record.
They were to fly out to LA and start in a month. Which was perfect because the guys needed to get their affairs in order before heading out.
It was hard to believe that graduation was only 5 months away. Time seemed to be moving at a snails pace. Your time was filled with SAT prep courses. College applications and essays. Even traveling for clubs.
When Eddie told you about the plan, all you could think about was him dropping out of school. You guys actually had a very heated argument about it.
It was only a few days after Eddie told you, you decided to voice your concerns.
" Eddie. I just...you worked so hard. I hate to see you throw that all away."
You were sitting on his bed and he was on top of his dresser.
" I don't see why you just can't be happy for me y/n."
" I-I am."
" Then why are you trying to talk me out of it?!"
" Eddie I'm not. All I'm asking is for you to think about it...I get that this is an amazing opportunity. But it won't be the only one. You don't always have to jump on the first offer you get."
" This is our chance y/n. Please don't ask me to choose."
"I'm not asking for you to choose between becoming a rockstar and staying here. All I'm trying to say is that graduating is important. Getting a diploma is a good thing Eddie. You don't know what can hap-"
Eddie narrowed his eyes and cut you off. " So you really think I need a fall back? You know what." He shook his head and gripped the edge of the dresser until his knuckles were white. "It's really nice knowing you never believed in us."
You felt a prickle of tears coming. That's not what you were trying to say.
" Eds no. That's not it...you know I think you guys are amazing-"
" Are we really? Or were you just saying that because you have feelings for me?"
" Y-yes. You guys are very talented. And sure maybe my love for you influenced me a little. But I wouldn't say something I didn't mean."
Eddie scoffed. To be fair you did tell him they were good before you started dating. And you actually made a tape of them. Showing whoever you could when he still had it. But right now it felt like you wanted to hold him back. Didn't you know that he finally could be someone you could be proud of?
"So you're just being selfish?"
You looked at him and your heart sank. He looked so mad. And that was because you couldn't keep your mouth shut.
" W-what?"
" Yeah. So you get to go off and live your dreams. While I stay here being miserable and wait for you...or is it that you are just being clingy and don't want me to leave?"
Eddie knew he shouldn't have said that. He immediately regretted it as soon as it came out. You weren't like that at all. To be honest, he wasn't really mad at you. He loved the shit out of you. It was just he had gotten into it with his uncle about the same thing earlier that morning. He always thought Wayne supported his dream. But after the exchange of heated words, all he cared about was your support. Which now he felt like he didn't have.
You looked away. Was that really what he thought? Were you only saying this so he would stay? Were you being overbearing and way too attached?
You stood up and went to him. "I love you Eddie. And all I want is what's best for you... I'm sorry."
You kissed his cheek and went home. Finally letting yourself cry along the way.
He felt like such a dick. He knew he fucked up. And though he wanted to chase you and apologized for being that way. He decided to take some space to calm down. To go over the conversation. He didn't want to come back together just to fight again.
You really didn't say anything bad. Just for him to consider his options. Which to be fair he really didn't think about. When he was talking to the producer he kinda got too excited and said yes immediately. Without even talking to his band mates about it.
Still he really wanted to do this. And so did the guys. So he had to. Not just for him. But for them...for you. So that you guys could have a good life together.
Eddie was already planning what he was gonna do as soon as he made enough money. He was going to buy you a house. Then get married. After traveling for a couple of years. You guys would finally settle down and start a family. Sure the plan could change. But as long as it was you and him he didn't care how it changed.
Just a little after you left he grabbed his acoustic guitar and sat on the bed. This was how he dealt with overwhelming feelings. Pouring his heart out in song.
Leaving Eddie's was hard. You wanted to stay and talk about the issue. But you didn't want to cry in front of him.
He had already seen you cry too many times. And you hated it. Also a part of you thought that he was being way too harsh on you. He was your boyfriend, but most importantly your friend. You should have been able to talk to him. To say how you felt and not fear how he would react to it.
You could understand that yes this was his dream. But walking the line was also one too. Why couldn't he do both? Why couldn't fame wait until after graduation?
Maybe you were being selfish. Maybe the thought of him running off scared you. What if he found someone better? Someone he had more in common with. Someone who could be there with him.
Yes you knew that eventually things were gonna change. But you didn't expect it to change this fast. You had barely had any time with him. And now he was already moving on.
When he leaves, would that be the end of the relationship? Or would it end sooner?
So many damn unanswered questions ran through your head. That all they did was make you cry even more.
You sat at your desk and started to draw. Not really having anything in mind. You just drew. Sometimes you did this when you were upset. And right now you were hurt.
Before bed you packed your overnight bag for tomorrow's debate competition in Columbus Ohio. You looked out your window and saw Eddie putting in his pajamas.
You caught his eye and he waved. You looked away and turned off the light.
Eddie was getting ready to go over and sleep with you like he did almost every night since you guys got together. But when you didn't wave back he figured you needed more time. He must have really hurt your feelings if you couldn't even look at him.
His instincts told him to just go over anyways. But he didn't.
In the morning Eddie woke up from the worst sleep in his life. He was up in the early morning hours thinking of a way to show you how truly sorry he was for saying those awful things to you.
When he finally did fall asleep, his alarm went off an hour later. The first thing he did when he got up was peered out the window into yours. You should have been up by now. But he didn't see you.
He got dressed and went over. He knocked and was greeted by your brother.
" Eddie. What's up?"
" Uhh came to drive y/n to school."
" Did you forget? She had that debate thing in Ohio."
Eddie palmed his forehead. " Fuck!"
Matthew chuckled. " Yeah you forgot. It's cool. You have a lot on your plate. "
" Shit I didn't even get to say bye."
" Dude she's coming home in two days. Don't freak out."
Eddie nodded. Now he had to sleep without you again. How could he forget you were leaving? And how the hell was he going to make it without you?
He turned and started for his van.
" Hey hold up. Y/n said to give this to you when I see you."
Eddie turned back to your brother who disappeared into the trailer and came back after a second. Handing him your sketch book.
He went to his van and looked through the book. You must have worked on it all night. The first couple of pictures were of D&D characters. He saw your version of what everyone's character looked like. Then as he kept going he saw the cartoon you watering flowers. And as soon as they were big enough, you picked them and gave them to the cartoon version of him. Saying you were sorry for making him upset.
Then his cartoon apologized for saying mean things to you.
Eddie smiled seeing the drawing of you two kissing. The last picture was him and Corroded Coffin on a stage performing. With a little you holding up your horns in the crowd.
Eddie had half the mind to drive to Ohio. But he didn't. So he went to school to try and convince someone to give him his diploma.
The whole competition was a blur. All you could think about was Eddie. It was so bad that you actually lost.
This was the first time that happened. You didn't even get a second place award.
Worried that Eddie was still upset you went straight home instead of going to see him.
The moment you came back Eddie was at band practice. He was having a hard time concentrating too. To the point where he decided to call it a day.
When he went home he saw your light on. He quickly ran over.
You were in the kitchen fixing supper when he walked in.
You glanced at him and put on a fake smile. This was the longest you've guys been apart since you got together. The pain in your heart for not seeing him was terrible.
" Hi"
Eddie walked to the small kitchen and pulled you away from the stove. Embracing you.
The way he held you, made you feel so much better.
" Baby, I don't want to fight anymore. I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. And I'm really sorry for not coming over the other night."
"I'm sorry too Ed's."
He looked down at you. " You don't need to apologize for anything. I know you were just trying to talk. I was the dick for thinking you were doing something that you weren't. I don't want you to think that you have to hold back when it comes to saying how you feel. Especially when you talk to me."
You turned off the stove and took a few steps away from him.
" Eddie, I didn't mean to come off like I don't support you. Of course I do." You hung your head. " And...and if I'm being too needed. I'm sorry."
Eddie felt even worse. You weren't like that at all. If anything he was the super clingy one. He basically followed you around like a puppy. Hanging off every word you said. Touching you whenever he could.
He shook his head and went to you. Lifting your face so that he can look into his favorite pair of eyes.
" No. You're not needy or clingy or any of that. And I really didn't mean it. If anything I want you to be more. "
" I just don't want to be too much for you. I know I can be annoying sometimes."
" Never. You could never annoy me. I love you."
You wrapped your arms around him and buried your face into his chest.
" I missed you Eds."
He kissed the top of your head. " I missed you too baby."
After a bit he sat at the small table while you continued to cook.
" So did you win?"
You quickly glanced at him. " Umm no."
" Oh Angel I'm sorry. I know how hard you worked for it."
"It's okay... can't win them all I guess."
You fixed Eddie and yourself a plate and sat with him.
You weren't really hungry anymore so you just picked at your food. " When...when do you have to leave?"
Eddie grabbed your hand making you look at him.
" In about a month."
You nodded and your heart sank again. You looked back down at your plate.
So soon.
You faked a smile and Eddie knew it.
"Y/n. Look at me."
You fought back your tears and did.
" I want to spend every second with you."
You nodded.
"And before I go. I'm gonna need your help."
" With what?"
He tried to smile. But he wanted to cry.
" I need help with a schedule."
"A schedule?"
" Yeah. I want something to follow. I want us to make time for each other. I know that I'm gonna be busy and so will you. So we have to have a set time for us to call one another. And if for some reason we can't talk. Then we'll write."
You started to feel a little better knowing he still wanted to talk to you after he left.
"Umm so we're still going to do this?"
He tilted his head and furrowed his brow. " What do you mean?"
" Be together."
Eddie pulled his hand away. " Do-do you not want to be?"
" I do. I want to be with you."
" But?"
You shook your head and looked away again. " But, are you sure?"
" Sure about what?"
" That you want me. That you're willing to do the distance thing with me...I can understand if you don't....if you meet someone else."
" That's what you're worried about? That I'm gonna meet someone else."
You stood quiet.
" Y/n." He stood up and you moved to face him when he kneeled in front of you. " Don't you know that you're the one for me? This just started and I'm not ready to just let that go. And to tell you the truth. I'm never gonna want this to be over."
" I just don't want to hold you back."
" Baby, I'm doing this not just because it's my dream. I'm doing this for you...so I can give you the life you deserve."
" You want a life with me?"
" Yes! I want you."
You finally let the tears fall. " I want you too...always."
He wiped your tears away. " And you have me. Forever."
You sniffled. " Umm excuse me."
Eddie got up and watched you go to your room. He sat back down pulling his plate and chair closer to yours.
When you came back you had two brand new daily planners and two pens.
" Okay Munson. Let's do this."
Eddie smirked and kissed your cheek. " Ready baby."
Eddie didn't lie when he said he wanted to spend every second he could with you. He even kept going to school just to see you.
One day two weeks later you went home to get changed while Eddie got ready for band practice. The guys wanted your opinion on a new song they came up with.
There was an unfamiliar car parked in front of your trailer.
When you walked through the door there was someone sitting in the living room talking to your brother.
" Hey sis "
" Hey."
" Umm this is Mr. Davidson."
" Hello." You said walking to him and held out your hand.
Mr Davidson stood up and shook your hand.
" It's very nice to meet you Miss L/N. I am the Administrative Officer for MIT."
Oh shit!
" Oh. Hi. Um yes it's nice to meet you as well."
You all took a seat as Mr Davidson continued.
" Miss L/N. I was just telling your brother that MIT would like to invite you to visit our campus in two weeks. I saw that you submitted an application to the school for next fall."
" Y-Yes."
"Well normal we wait until February to send out our early action letters. But the school thought I should reach out earlier than that."
" Umm. Are you saying I've been accepted?"
Mr Davidson smiled. " Yes. You will still be getting a letter in the mail. I assume MIT wasn't the only college you applied for?"
" Yes sir. But MIT was my first option. It's my dream school."
" Good. That's very good to hear. So the reason the schools inviting you to visit is because we would like to see if MIT would be the right fit for you. We understand that there are many colleges that have similar programs and that are much closer to home. However, we would be honored to have you join the school the summer after graduation."
The summer?
You looked at your brother and he grinned at you. MIT was really the only school you actually wanted to go to.
" I umm. Wow. This is...wow. thank you."
" You're very welcome. But Miss L/N you don't have to make the decision now. We encourage all our applicants to visit other schools to make sure they are making the best choice for their higher education."
You nodded.
Mr Davidson pulled open his brief case. " I have here some information for the week of the visit if you choose to participate." He handed you a piece of paper. " The week will be filled with activities and introductions of courses. You will see the dormitories and mess hall. You will also get information about the local area if you choose to explore that as well."
" That sounds fantastic."
" Mr Davidson, I have a question about tuition."
He looked at your brother. " Yes of course. It is with great pleasure that I can offer Miss L/N a full ride."
Your mouth dropped open. Not only did you get an early acceptance but a full ride. And to MIT.
This can't be happening.
You and your brother were speechless.
" I-i-i."
Mr Davidson laughed. " I know. It's a lot. But like I said. MIT wants you to consider it while you make your decision. You are incredibly bright. I can see by your grades and extra curricular activities that you will go far. You stood out amongst other applicants with all your work and progress you've made throughout your academic career. And with the schools help, we can narrow down what exactly you will be majoring in. Then you can have your choice in the abundance of jobs that will be offered to you once you graduate
All you could do was nod. You wanted to accept the offer right then and there. But you really had to go over your options. There was now someone who made things a little more challenging. And he was leaving.
As you said your goodbyes. You and your brother just stood there for a second. Then you jumped into his arms.
" OH MY GOD!!! MIT!"
" See kiddo. I knew you could do it." Matthew said while spinning you around in his arms.
With tears in your eyes. You pulled away and palmed your forehead.
" We have to celebrate! Let me call Bethany and you go get Eddie."
You watched your brother jog to the kitchen phone and dial. Your smile faded into a frown.
When Eddie got home he was so happy. He had your support and after a lot of convincing he had his uncle's too.
When he was getting his guitar he didn't know how he could make it through practice without touching you. Without kissing you. Especially after you heard the song he wrote just for you.
When he went to his van a smile found him. He watched you walk over from your place. There was something different. You seemed happy but your eyes told a different story.
When you came to him you hugged him... hard.
" What's going on Angel?"
You pulled away and grabbed his hand. Leading him to the steps to sit down.
You sat there with his arm around your waist.
" I just had a visitor."
He tried to meet your eyes. But you didn't look at him.
" Who?"
" The uhh administrative officer from MIT."
" Really?"
You nodded. " He offered me a full ride."
He jumped up and pulled you into his arms. When you hesitated to hug him back he leaned away to look at you.
" Why aren't you as happy as I am?"
" I am. Really."
" But?"
" I...I got invited to visit the school."
" Uhh okay. That doesn't explain why you're not jumping up and down right now."
You tried to hold back your tears.
" Eddie, the weekend I'm supposed to go and visit...is the weekend you're leaving."
His heart sank. " O-oh. So you won't be here when..."
You shook your head.
Eddie let you go and backed away. All he wanted to say was not to go. He wanted to beg you to stay so that he could be with you until the moment he had to get on the plane. But he couldn't. He shouldn't. You didn't beg him to stay with you. So he couldn't ask you to do that.
" I don't-"
Eddie cut you off. " You should go."
" No. I have to be here."
He came back to you and held your hands. " Where is the school again?"
" Massachusetts."
Eddie brought your hands up and kissed them. " Maybe I can leave from there. I can try to change my ticket."
" You would do that for me?"
" I would do anything for you."
Now you couldn't go. He had to know that you would do the same for him.
" I'm staying."
" No Angel."
" Yes Munson. The school will still look the same after you leave."
" No I'll go with you. Besides. I want to see if the place is good enough for my girl."
" What about the guys?"
" I'll meet them in LA."
" Eddie-"
"Baby. I'm going with you. And that's final."
You sighed. No point in arguing about this.
" Okay."
He smiled. " Okay. So no practice tonight. We are celebrating. I'm going to tell the guys."
" Umm if you want, invite them join us."
" Yeah. I'll have one of them bring a cake or something."
Eddie smirked and hugged you lifting you up a little.
When he let you go he shouted.
You guys actually drove to MIT. The fourteen hour drive was awesome. You all switched off when someone got tired. And when you guys finally got to the hotel, you passed out.
Eddie didn't bring it up or even try. Which was also nerve wrecking. He spent most of the time either on the phone or just holding you. He seemed to be getting sadder with each passing day.
This was a first. Sharing in a hotel room with Eddie. You were nervous because this was the last few nights together. You weren't sure if you should let Eddie leave without you two having sex. Not that you didn't want to. It's just you didn't want it to be forced. And every day that got closer to him leaving felt like you had to.
Every time he looked at you now all he wanted to do was cry. He knew leaving you was gonna be hard. He just didn't expect for it to be this hard.
For the past two nights he had been silently crying. Wishing for you to just come with him. Sure he still had his friends and he had the schedule for when you guys could talk. But he knew the moment he left he would leave a piece of himself behind.
He didn't want to ruin this moment for you though. The way your face lit up when you explored the school. How absolutely excited you were to go there. He hated it. Well not really. He just didn't like the fact you guys were gonna be so far apart. But he swore to himself he wasn't going to regret this. He swore to support you just as much as you've supported him.
As the final day crept closer you felt the reality of what was happening finally setting in. You tried to make the best of the situation. However, two nights before he had to go he got a call from Gareth saying he had to leave the next morning. Something about picking the wrong day to fly out.
Eddie hung up the phone and went to find his ticket. And sure enough it said he was supposed to leave in the morning. He sat on the bed waiting for you to come back with more towels. Cursing at himself.
When you got back he immediately got up and hugged you.
" What's wrong Eds?"
He pulled you to the bed and sighed.
"I have to leave in the morning."
Your initial reaction was silence. But then you started to stutter.
" Wh-what? N-no. We-we have two-two more d-days."
" I screwed up Angel. I guess I asked for the wrong day."
" You what? Eddie I told you what day."
" I know. I'm sorry."
You got up and shook your head. You were supposed to have two more days with him.
" I.. fuck!"
" Baby, come sit down."
" No! I..."
He got up and tried to hold you but you moved away from him.
" Y/n don't-'
" No Eddie. You're leaving tomorrow."
" I'm sorry."
" Stop! Stop being sorry."
Eddie stood quiet watching you pace the room.
" I had this whole thing planned Eddie."
" I-I know."
You looked at him seeing the tears in his eyes. There was a comet that was supposed to pass tomorrow night. You had planned on taking him out to dinner and watch it after.
Then once you guys got back you were gonna ask him to make love to you. But now all that was ruined.
It was already difficult as it was. You weren't ready to say goodbye. Now you were forced to do it early.
" I'm not ready." You said, wiping away your tears.
You finally let Eddie hold you.
" I know baby. I'm not ready either."
After a little while you helped him pack. Crying every little bit.
Once everything was ready to go, you guys got ready for bed. You pulled him into your arms and held him.
Eddie hugged your torso and started to sing.
So caught up in you, little girl
And I never did suspect a thing
So caught up in you, little girl
That I never want to get myself free
And baby it's true
You're the oneWho caught me baby you taught me
How good it could be
As he continued to sing tears fell down the side of your face.
Eddie could feel your body tense slightly under him. He looked up to you.
" Baby please don't cry. I'll be back as soon as I can."
" I know. I'm just happy. Happy that you came, happy that you chose me to spend your last night with, happy that you still want this. Even when you don't have to. I'm happy because you make me feel so loved."
You met his gaze.
" Make love to me Eddie."
" Are...are you sure? I don't want you to feel like you have to just because I'm leaving."
You sat up. " I want to...I want you. All of you."
" Okay Angel...okay." he whispered kissing you.
He slowly undressed you as you helped him out of his clothes.
As the kiss deepened you straddled him wrapping your fingers in his curls.
"Do you have a condom?" You asked just above a whisper.
He nodded. You rolled off and he reached over for his wallet.
You watched as he pulled out a foiled square. Before he put it on he leaned on his elbow and caressed your cheek.
" Y/n. Seriously we don't have to do this."
" Do you not want to?"
" I do. I just-"
" Eddie. I love you. And I'm ready now."
He leaned in and kissed you.
Once the condom was on he got on top of you and pressed himself between your legs.
You closed your eyes and tried to calm your nerves.
" Are you nervous?"
You opened your eyes and peered deep into his. The second your eyes met. You weren't so nervous anymore. He looked at you with so much love. That all you could do was smile.
" Not anymore."
He grinned. " I am."
You moved his bangs. " Why?"
He looked away.
" Eds look at me."
He did.
" If you don't want to-"
" I do. I'm just worried that I'll hurt you."
" Do you want me to get on top?"
" Y-yeah."
He slid off and helped you straddle him again. You bent over to kiss him and lifted your bottom so he could align himself with your entrance.
You had both hands on the either side of his face then moved one to put on his chest.
As you took him in you, you pulled away from his lips and met his forehead with yours.
Eddie's hands held onto your thighs while you slowly sank down on him. Fingers digging in harder with every inch that disappeared in you. Your incredible warmth surrounded him. Gripping him like a vice. Your soft gasps turned him on even more.
Feeling the stretch he was giving you was amazing. You could feel yourself practically dripping for him.
You kept going until he was completely in. The second he was, you gasped so loud that Eddie thought you were hurt.
He quickly cupped your face. " Baby let's stop."
You moved back a little " What? Why?"
" I hurt you."
" N-no Eds...well yes. But it felt...I don't know. Good...I never felt that before."
"The spot where my tip is touching?"
You nodded.
" Oh baby. I'm sorry. I should have been on top and eased that for you."
You gave him a sweet smile. " it's fine Eds. I'm fine. I just wasn't expecting it."
"Are you sure you don't want to stop?"
" No Eddie. I want to keep going."
" Okay... Let's just go slow."
You bit your lip and pulled yourself to sit up. You hurried and pressed your lips together to stop another loud gasp.
The pain was well.. painful. But you didn't know why you wanted more.
You swiveled your hips back the forwards painfully slow. And when the spot got hit again you threw your head back and moaned.
When Eddie saw that he sat up and held you still. He moved his hips so that he could thrust up into you. Being as careful as he could.
Your arms wrapped around his shoulders. Moans and grunts filled the room. Them becoming more frequent the faster Eddie went.
"Ed-Eddie. I'm close"
"Shit. Me too."
" Can...can I move my hips?"
Eddie's hands let up a little. " Yeah Baby....fuck...yeah."
Eddie stopped moving and let you rock your hips. He could feel your body shake every time you got him to hit that sweet spot. And with every bitter sweet hit he also felt your walls pulsate like crazy. Drawing him closer and closer to his release. Then your rocking became short and fast .
" I'm cu-cumming." You warned
" Jesus H!!" Was all he could say before he came too.
Your hips slowed until you felt Eddie twitch.
You guys held each other until you caught your breaths.
You laid down so tired. Eddie pulled you into his arms after he took off the condom.
" Are you okay Angel?"
" Mmhmm. Are you?"
" So good baby. So good."
Eddie laughed a bit. " Pinky promise."
He held out his pinky and you hooked it with yours.
" I love you so much Eddie."
" Promise?"
You giggled a little. "Pinky promise."
You held out your pinky this time.
" I love you too y/n."
As you laid there you got sad again. And so did Eddie.
You started outlining his tattoos with your finger tips. While Eddie rubbed your back.
You both knew you were worried about one another. But instead of ruining this moment with tears you both continue to say I love yous and kissed until you both fell asleep.
Eddie woke up at the ass crack of dawn. When he opened his eyes you were spooning him.
He grinned to himself and slowly got up so he wouldn't wake you. He tipped toed around putting on his clothes. He went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and hair. He looked down into your toiletry bag and saw your favorite light blue green scrunchie. He plucked it out and put his hair in a low bun.
He went back out into the room and saw that you moved. You were laying down on your stomach with your leg doing a figure four under the bed sheet.
He smiled again and went to squat next to the bed.
He moved your hair out of your face and over your shoulder. Your beauty took his breath away and made his stomach do flips. His eyes fell to his ring as his hand resting on your back. He pulled it off and slid it on your finger. After he stood up and gently kissed your forehead. Hovering for a second.
" I'm yours baby... evermore."
Before he went out the door he placed a note and his keys on the pillow.
He took one last look at you. " I'll be back soon...I promise."
@chloe-6123 @irishhappiness @idkidknemore @hiscrimsonangel @hellv1ra @browneyes528 @b-irock @erinsingalong @salenorona23 @eddie-is-a-god @screaming-blue-bagel
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Okay, there's A LOT going on in part 2 of the Reigate Squires:
Alec Cunningham making his debut as an utter arse by making a "witty" remark about Holmes being slow, implying that he's not living up to his reputation
Holmes not responding to the provocation, and then simply fainting from one second to the next
Watson absolutely freaking out inwardly because he brought Holmes here to rest and recover and he knew Holmes shouldn't take another case just yet but he seemed so energised by it and ...! Anyway, it doesn't say anything about Watson's reaction (which is a classic Watson move) but he mentions that "they" were "[h]orrified at the suddenness and severity of the attack" which, I think, is saying enough.
Holmes being completely exhausted and embarrassed, but still intrigued/obsessed with the case, not wanting to leave (and likely Watson thinking that Holmes will be the death of them both)
Holmes making a professional mistake, being mortified, and Watson feeling fiercely protective and sympathetic
Alec Cunningham being an absolute arse again, laughing about Holmes' mistake, and Watson likely plotting a murder of his own
Holmes making his way through the house at a snail pace, "taking keen note of the architecture of the house" - yes, I get it, he doesn't want to miss any detail of the crime scene but also the man just had some kind of seizure so please have some patience Mr Cunningham!
Alec Cunningham being an utter arse ... again
Watson taking the blame for something really awkward and rude Holmes just did on purpose - let's be honest, even if Holmes had knocked water and oranges over by mistake, I'm convinced Watson would have pretended that it was him so no one would get another opportunity to ridicule Holmes
Holmes simply disappearing
I don't know what you think, but I find all of that quite intense - for both of them.
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fkinavocado · 2 months
Oh yes I agree, most people on here have lost patience for long fics, the attention span and significantly decreased, I blame the ongoing trend of reels and tiktoks lol I too love REALLY long fics but sadly most of them on here have already been read by me and no new ones are getting posted because the demand just isn't there. I don't blame the writers, they are just catering to the demands of their readers but it does break my heart.
Not just fics, the shows have started having a lesser number of episodes 😭 I mean how did we go from 20+ episodes per season and at least on season every year to 8-10 episodes per season and 2 yr+ gaps between 2 seasons? It's really heartbreaking. I wish Indian TV shows had some quality because they literally never end lol
I have started watching Pakistani dramas lately because they are amazing and have around 30 or even 50-60 episodes. My only problem is that I am very vulgar and a proud horndog so I need to see the leads shagging the shit out of each other but in Pak dramas they don't even kiss, cultural reasons maybe, but the shows in general are amazing. Never tried Turkish or Korean dramas, heard good things about them, have you? 👀
agreed abt shows getting shorter too :( as for dramas, i have watched some Turkish ones that i really enoyed! for example calikusu (lovebird) it used to he on netflix even
i admit i wouldn't have the patience for dramas anymore. the plot moves at a snail's pace. however series i still seek and i'm sad i haven't found anything good lately
i really loved yellowjackets, my most recent find. it's ongoing
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