#yes i still think about this movie from time to time
f0point5 · 2 days
I think I have sent this same request some time ago but I still would like you to write something about Emilia and Max hanging out with Victoria’s children and maybe thinking about their own future kids. But really anything with Max and Emilia would be great!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen this one, but tumblr eats asks sometimes 🤷‍♀️ but it’s too cute so here you go! I am keeping these short but I hope you still enjoy it!
✨Set during summer break 2024✨
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I’m having his baby (…) no, I’m not
You take a sip of your rosé as Victoria comes to stand beside you. You’re lurking in the doorway of the lounge, watching Max sitting on the couch with his baby niece in his arms. He’s bobbing her in a gentle motion, his hands looking huge around her tiny, swaddled body.
“God, I remember when we used to say our kids would get married,” Vic says beside you, and you laugh.
You did say that. As little kids you would wish to be sisters, and somehow the only way you could think to make that happen would be for your children to marry each other. Like in that Flintstones movie you used to love. You’d draw pictures of the two of you sitting on the porch of a large house, watching your children get married.
Now you wonder if your mums thought the same, during those summers in Italy, as they watched you all play. They swear now that they did, that the mother’s intuition told them you and Max were tied together by some invisible chord that chafed on both your wrists. “A mother always knows,” Sophie said to you when she saw you last, “you will know, too”.
“And now that would be illegal and dangerous for our grandkids,” you say, shaking your head. “Crazy,”
“I like it better this way,” Victoria says, putting her arm around your shoulder and squeezing you into a hug.
“Me, too,” you agree, your eyes fixed on Max and Hailey. He’s whispering to her in Dutch, her eyes fluttering closed every few seconds as she yawns in his face, which only makes him smile. He’s utterly mesmerised by her. And you’re mesmerised by him.
I swear I can actually feel my ovaries right now.
“He’s so good with kids,” Vic says. “Even with Jaye I remember he was so gentle,”
“Yeah,” you agree, only half hearing her as you take another sip.
“Gives you baby fever, huh?”
You choke on your wine. Was that Victoria or your subconscious talking?
Vic, are you in here? No, of course she’s not in here. She’s just being nosey. Act natural.
“Are you okay?” Max asks from the couch. You look over at him as you wipe your mouth, coughing once as you nod. Even as he looks at you in concern, he never stops the gentle bouncing motion of the baby in his arms.
You go to answer, but Vic beats you to it, blunt as ever. “I was just saying, you will be having one of your own soon, yeah?” She smiles, nodding at Hailey.
If Max is panicking as much as you, he doesn’t show it, just shrugging. “I mean, ye-“ You can feel your eyes widen, and he stops when he sees your face. He tries again. “May-“ he frowns at you, silently begging for help. “No?” You nod gently, and Max turns to Victoria. “No.”
She looks at you in mild disbelief. “No?”
“No,” you emphasise to both Verstappens.
You love them dearly but genetics are a crazy thing - they both share a chronic disregard for timing. They want it all, and they want it now, in any order, all order be damned.
“You’re not getting any younger,” Victoria says, nudging you.
“That is just rude,” you tell her, and she just smiles unapologetically.
“Oh, come on,” she implores, reaching up to wind her finger around a lock of your hair, “a little baby with Max’s eyes and your hair?”
“And both of our tempers,” you say with a chuckle. “Can you imagine that? Besides, we can barely make cereal, and you want us to raise a baby?”
You look at Max for support, but he’s no longer paying attention. He’s looking down at his niece like he’s holding water.
Maybe a baby can live on cereal, if her dad looks at her like that.
“I’m going to go put Hailey down for her nap,” Vic says, jerking you from your thoughts.
She goes over to take a sleepy Hailey from Max’s arms, and he looks loathe to let her go. She looks so much bigger when held by her mother, and her so much more fragile.
“When I get back, we can start on dinner. I’m going to make cereal,” Vic teases in a whisper, winking at you as she passes.
Max snorts with laughter, and you shoot Vic a glare as she starts to hum, shuffling her way out of the lounge towards the bedroom.
You join Max on the couch, falling onto it beside him with a heavy sigh.
“So glad I’m an only child,” you say, rolling your eyes. When Max doesn’t respond, you glance over at him to find him staring at his hands. You nudge him gently. “What?”
“You do,” he starts, leaning back as he turns to you. “Want kids, someday, don’t you?With me. I mean…you don’t think I’ll be, like…”
“No,” you answer quickly, when you understand what he’s getting at.
You silently curse yourself for that joke about tempers. For ever making him think that’s something you worry about. You know there’s a heaviness in Max, in both of you. You know that he is so much more than his father’s son. But you also know that the weight on his shoulders will keep him crooked until he can see that for himself. You hope knowing you see it will be enough for now.
“I want your baby, Max. Someday. There’s no one else I would ever do this with besides you and not just because I love you, but because I know you’ll be an amazing dad,” you tell him honestly, and even that small platitude seems to relax his shoulders. “But can we at least get to one year of baby making activities before we start painting a nursery?”
Max nods, letting out a husk of a laugh. “I’m shit at painting anyway,” he says, looking at you from under those eyelashes that you secretly envy.
Maybe she’ll inherit those, too.
“Free practice?” You offer with a smirk, holding your hand for his.
Max looks at your outstretched palm for a moment before taking your hand in his. “Free practice,” he agrees, using his grip on your hand to pull you forward so that your chest is pressed against his. “I’m looking forward to FP2 later,”
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jjk4isen · 22 hours
early relationship with out of this world gorgeous man suguru and you're still stuttering when he stares at you longer than three seconds, yes you counted.
you still have no idea how you managed to garner his interest. him going from a small tiny crush to being your boyfriend? you had to pat yourself on the back.
so that's why you're extremely nervous and rambling about some lines in the movie you're currently watching with him, bodies tangled together. your hands are a little shaky, and maybe a little sweaty, from holding his and your heart is beating so loudly you pray he doesn't hear it.
as for suguru? he just stares at you no— admires you with a lazy grin. it's clear how nervous he makes you feel and he thinks it's endearing.
and as much as he's fond of listening to you rant about something completely irrelevant, he just couldn't help but steal a few glances at your lips. he knows you noticed too because your babbles were now a frenzy of stutters and the faint pink on your cheeks turn red, spreading through your face and all the way to your ears.
"so what happens after that was-" your words halt as you gulp and blink furiously, looking at anywhere but his face.
suguru only chuckles and shifts his body closer towards you "yeah? what happens after that?" he leans in teasingly.
"actually... i don't know" you smile to yourself, finding humour with it all and you turn, bravely too.
taking his chance, suguru closes the small distance separating you both and lands his lips onto your own. at first you freeze but then he feels you relax and melt into the kiss.
he slowly brings his hands to cup your cheeks, slowly caressing it as he gently tugs your lower lip with his teeth upon pulling away.
your forehead connects and suguru smiles fondly "you have no idea how long i waited for this" he practically purrs and your heart, for the hundredth time today, threatens to burst.
"me too" was all you could mutter out meekly.
suguru lets out a faint laugh "yeah?"
that was all the confirmation he needed when he leaned in to kiss you again, so much more passionate this time.
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 2 days
Shy Dream Girl -Oneshot
Word count: 2135 @imagine-all-the-fandoms
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It all started with a question.
“Hi, sorry to bother you, um…where did you find that book?” he asked her.
Y/N turned to find one of the most beautiful men she’d ever seen in her entire life.  “Oh, uh, over there in the history section,” she said, pointing to where she had come from.  
He looked to where she was pointing.  “Okay, thank you.  What’s the author’s name again?  Just so I don’t miss it.”
She told him the name and he thanked her again with a blinding smile before trotting off toward the history section.  Y/N had to calm her hastily thudding heart.  Sweet baby Jesus, she thought, shaking her head.  A few moments later as she was about to check out she saw him again at the front desk.
“I’m sorry, sir, we don’t have any more copies.  You’ll have to wait until it’s checked back in,” the librarian said.
He looked annoyed but nodded.  “Alright, thank you,” he huffed, before stalking off.  Y/N intercepted him.
“Excuse me, uh, are you still wanting this book?” she asked him, holding up the history book.
“Oh, yes, but you grabbed it first, it’s okay,” he said.
“I can wait,” Y/N smiled, and handed it to him.  
He took it with a dazed look.  “Thank you,” he said quietly.  Y/N nodded before stepping forward to check out, but he stepped in front of her.  “I’m sorry, um, I don’t usually do this, but…could I buy you a coffee or something?”
Y/N looked at him warily.  She usually didn’t accept men’s invitations for things like that, but the look he was giving her was so hopeful with the best puppy-dog eyes she’d ever seen on a man that she heard herself say, “Yeah, sure.”
He smiled and held out his hand.  “I’m Bucky.”
“Y/N,” she greeted him, shaking his hand.
It was a year ago that they first met, exchanged phone numbers, then two weeks later he’d asked her out on an official date, and a month later to be his girlfriend.  Bucky was an all-in type of personality, knowing what he wanted and going after it.  Y/N was shy, quiet, and often flustered by his compliments and how outright he was.  He took it slow with her, trying to meet her where she was at, but she still felt bad about how much she could tell he was holding back with her.  Not just because of his past with Hydra and being the Winter Soldier, but also because he was being accommodating for her.  She wished she could be more outgoing with him, playful in public and not just in private, but she just couldn’t always break out of her shell so easily like he could.
This also translated into their intimate time together.  He had introduced her to the Avengers, and she was good friends with them, but still incredibly shy around them all.  She usually holed up in Bucky’s room whenever she visited, which made the Avengers all think that a lot of “fun times” were being had, which they would tease them about relentlessly, but it hadn’t happened yet.  The most they had ever done together was making out passionately, sometimes ending up with Y/N in his lap or Bucky hovering over her laying flat on the couch, but anything more was always stopped by Y/N.  She didn’t know how to initiate intimacy, and Bucky thought she wasn’t ready, so it always hemorrhaged before it even began.
They were laying on Bucky’s bed cuddling at the Compound watching a movie after just finishing their take-out dinner.  Y/N was warm and cozy snuggled into his side, her arm across his stomach and her head resting on his chest.  She was barely paying attention to the movie, watching Bucky’s metal fingers trace her hand and fingers on his stomach.  “Are you even watching, dream girl?” he suddenly asked, looking down at her.
“Yes,” Y/N squeaked in surprise.  
Bucky twisted so he could see her face and narrowed his eyes at her, his devilish smirk growing into a full grin.  “Liar,” he retorted.
“I’m watching, I swear!” Y/N said, trying to back away into the bed even further, her own guilty smile on her face.
Bucky’s nose scrunched up and his hands raised up.  He growled as he lunged at her, tickling her neck and sides.  Y/N yelped and laughed, her body twisting away from him and wrestling him on the bed.  “NO!  Bucky stop it!”
“Admit you weren’t watching,” he laughed.
Y/N pushed him as hard as she could and Bucky wrapped an arm around her waist, the momentum pulling her on top of him.  She grabbed his wrists and held them against the bed on either side of his head, her legs straddling his hips.  “Ha!  Gotcha!” she yelled triumphantly, staring down at him.  
Bucky was still slightly smiling but his eyes were wide, his hair fanning out on the bed and his breathing slightly labored.  “You got me,” he said quietly.
Y/N’s head tilted at him in question, then she realized the position they were in.  “Oh my god!  Buck I’m sorry–”
She tried to move away but Bucky’s hands immediately went to her hips to hold her down over his hips.  “No, don’t say sorry,” he shook his head.  “Please stay there.”
Y/N froze, her hands against her chest and her core fully sitting on top of Bucky’s groin.  They stared at each other for another moment, the air heavy with a tension that was sexually hesitant.  Bucky’s fingers flexed against her hips and Y/N slowly sat down fully on his hips.  She gave a small experimental roll of her hips, watching his face intently.  Bucky’s eyelids fluttered, his brow furrowed in a wanton frown.  “You…you want this?” she asked quietly.
“Yes,” Bucky breathed, his fingers inching towards her ass.  “But only if you want to.”
“I-I…I do, I just…” she stuttered, her hands still in tight fists at her chest.  
“What do you want, Y/N?” Bucky asked.  His eyes were soft but wanting, a small smile on his face.  “Whatever you want, I’ll do it.”
Y/N bit her lip, looking him over.  She secretly loved the way he looked in this moment, pleadingly staring up at her, hoping and wishing for her to ruin him, his fingers still twitching with the effort of waiting for her permission but desperately wanting to touch her.  This was Bucky.  Her Bucky.  She could trust him.  And he wanted her, loved her like she loved him.  She sighed heavily before unclenching her fists and leaning over him, her hands holding her up on the bed on either side of his head.  She dipped her head down and kissed him slowly, sensually, then nuzzled his nose.  She gave another roll of her hips, pulling a low moan from him.  “Whatever I want?” she asked in a teasing tone.
“Yeah, whatever you want,” Bucky nodded, nuzzling her back.  “Use me, dream girl.”
Y/N smiled.  “Okay, lover boy,” she breathed.
Bucky’s eyes sparkled at the pet name, one that she had given him early on but didn’t use too often, especially around other people.  She kissed him again then sat up straight.  She started grinding down on his hips repeatedly, her hands on his chest for leverage.  Bucky’s eyes rolled back in his head, his mouth agape and another, louder moan echoing in his room.  “Fffuuuck,” he groaned, watching her hips move on him.
Y/N sat up again and pulled her shirt then her sports bra off, Bucky’s eyes bulging at seeing her naked torso.  She maneuvered herself to take off her bottoms, then to slide Bucky’s bottoms down as he took off his shirt.  Once they were both naked she sat atop his hips again, grinding onto his cock.  It slid between her lower lips easily with how wet she already was, the head rubbing against her clit so perfectly that it had her whining.  “So pretty, lover boy,” she whispered.  
Bucky’s hands felt up from her ass to her breasts, his fingers flicking and rubbing her nipples and massaging her breasts with his large hands.  His metal hand felt glorious against her skin, the coolness helping to calm her.  “Y/N…please,” he begged, his hips trembling beneath her.  “Please can I be inside you?”
Y/N nodded, her nails scratching down his chest.  She sat up on her knees as she reached a hand down and gripped his cock, slick with her arousal, pumping him a few times before aiming him upward.  She positioned her hips and slowly sank down on him.  She made a high pitched keening sound, her eyes shut tight and her head fell back as he filled her.  She heard Bucky’s shuddered huff of a breath, his hips shaking beneath her.  Once he was fully inside and her hips were sat flat on him again, she breathed heavily as she adjusted to him.  “Fuck, Bucky,” she moaned.  “You feel so good.  I’ve never felt so full…”
His hips involuntarily bucked up into her, making her shiver.  “Goddammit, dream girl,” he said.  “How do you feel this good?  Holy shit…”
Y/N rolled her hips slowly, starting a steady pace over him.  She couldn’t believe just how deep he felt, how wet she was because of him, and how free she felt in that moment with him.  Her shyness always felt so stifling, but in this moment all she wanted was to lose herself in everything Bucky.  She leaned over him again and kissed along his chest then licked and sucked at his collarbone to his neck, then kissed the scarring where the metal met his skin.  Bucky’s breathing was heavy, and soft whimpers fell out of his mouth at her kisses.  “You like that, lover boy?” she hummed, her hips moving from rolling to bobbing up and down on his cock.  Bucky gasped and nodded frantically.  “God, you’re so good, Buck.  You know that?  I know I’m not good at telling you–”
“I love you,” Bucky interrupted her, pulling her face up and kissing her deeply.  “You say so much with your eyes, my love.”  Y/N wrapped an arm under his neck, her free hand gripping his jaw and slightly forcing him to angle his head the way she wanted.  “Fuck!  And with your perfect body…Jesus…” he huffed, his arms wrapping behind her back.  He planted his feet and thrust up into her, pulling another keen from deep in her throat.
“Oh my god!” Y/N cried out.
Bucky’s eyes lit up again at hearing her express herself loudly.  “Yeah?  That feel good, dream girl?”  He continued thrusting up into her, pulling more moans and whimpers from her.  “Let me hear you, love.”
He set a frenzied pace snapping his hips into her, his cock slipping in and out so easily, reaching deeper into her with each thrust.  “Bucky!” she squealed against his mouth when he hit that special spot deep inside.
“That’s it, dream girl.  You gonna cum for me?” Bucky panted.  His arms tightened around her, pulling her down onto him harder.  “I’ve got you, love.  Cum on my cock…please please please…”
Y/N shoved her face into the crook of his neck, her free hand gripping his bicep as she held him close.  She huffed a steady stream of “uh-uh-uh” into his ear, then felt the pressure deep inside her finally snap.  She moaned loudly, biting into his shoulder as she shook and came around him.  Her pussy clenched around him hard, and with a few more snaps of his hips he was cumming deep inside her, his face in the crook of her neck as he whimpered and sucked at her throat.
They both shivered against each other as they calmed down, not willing to let go of each other yet.  After a while her breathing started to get back to normal and Y/N lifted her head to look at Bucky.  His eyes were closed with a blissfully fucked out look on his face.  Y/N giggled and he opened his eyes to look at her, smiling wide.  “What’s so funny?” he breathed.
“You’re beautiful,” Y/N replied quietly, her free hand moving up to trace along his face, booping his nose and then leaning down to kiss the tip of his nose gently.  “And I love you.”
Bucky smiled a wide, toothy smile, chuckling at her.  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered.  “And I love you.”  He leaned his head up and kissed her, soft, short pecks on her lips over and over again.  
They stared at each other for another moment before Y/N’s eyes got wide.  “Buck…we didn’t use a condom…”
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rosenclaws · 21 hours
Hello😸 I saw that you have requests open and I’m still on that Leopold high‼️
So, could I request a little something where Leo is jealous of the attention Reader is getting and tries to get their attention back on him?
(I’d prefer if Reader was gender neutral but fem is fine too‼️)
a/n: omg jealous leo is sooo cute. That scene in the movie where he gets jealous of Kate's boss is too good. I took a lot of inspiration from that. Also there is a lot of wine talk in this and I do not know anything about wine so don't come for me for incorrect wine information okay
warnings: no pronouns used for the reader, jealous leo, asshole corporate guy
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Leopold has been exposed to many unbelievable things in the past year. Time travel, television, cell phones, and the worst of all. Frozen food trays. However what Leopold isn’t used to is this feeling twisting and turning inside of his stomach. Jealously. The collar of his shirt starts to itch uncomfortably, not quite used to the wear of the 21st century. Business casual as you had called it.
He had been to many parties back in his time but they were nothing like they are now. This was no party to him. As you had explained they were more for celebrating themselves and showing off how successful the company. Still what kind of boyfriend would he be if he didn't accompany you. Ever the gentleman he is as he leads you through the crowd of people.
He had offered to get drinks as you go and mingle. With two glasses of wine in his hands he made his way back to you. Only to find you trapped in a conversation with a man he had never heard of before. He can feel his jaw clench as he slides right next to you. Handing you your drink and pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"Oh Leopold this is Mason," Leopold's eyes narrow as he notices Mason look him up and down, a smug look in his eye.
"You're the butter commercial guy." Mason says with a smirk. You feel Leopold tense slightly but he flashes his smile and reaches his hand out.
"Yes, and you are?" Leopold grips his hand a little too tight as they shake hands. You place your hand on Leopold's arm as you butt back into the conversation.
"He's new-"
"I'm the new director of marketing." He cuts you off and Leopold feels anger bubbling inside of him. Before either of you or Leopold could speak he starts talking.
Dominating the conversation with stories of how successful he's been and all the wonderful things he's done. He can't help but feel the jealously build in his gut. Your attention is on this arrogant man who is clearly trying to court you despite Leopold standing right next to you.
"You know, to be in marketing you need to have a certain, charisma about you." He glances over at you and flashes a smile. He takes a sip of his champagne and grimaces.
"Of course they got the cheap stuff, back home I have bottles of the finest wine. A bottle of champagne called La Romanée from 1873. Expensive yes but I would be happy to share. Maybe come back to my place and I'll show you." Leopold chuckles which makes Mason look to him.
"Something funny?" Leopold looks at him with a sudden confidence.
"No no. Just that from my memory that wine is from 1870 and it's pinot noir, not a champagne." Leopold raises an eyebrow as Mason starts to stammer.
"I think you've got your information wrong. My guy is a very reputable wine seller." He has a false confidence about him that Leopold can see right through. He grins, taking a sip of his own wine. He knows he isn't.
"I would contact your merchant, but perhaps I am mistaken." The damage is done as Mason starts to turn red from anger. Leopold takes a step closer. He's a polite man but he even he has his limits.
"I must add, that attempting to court someone who is already taken really is in poor taste. Simply put, you're making a fool of yourself." Mason mumbles something under his breath before stalking away in defeat. You finally let out the laugh that you had been holding in. Relieved that you were finally alone with Leo for the night.
"What a dick." You huff as pull Leopold to the side of the room.
"Didn't think you were the jealous type." You tease as Leopold starts to calm down. He sees Mason go over to what appeared to be a very important group of people. A sense of guilt washes over him. An egotistical, dick as you put it, he may be but he was still an important figure at your company.
"Forgive me if I have overstepped my place. I fear that jealously had blinded me and I acted out of line." You place your hand on top of his, gently squeezing his hand.
"You didn't, he's your typical asshole corporate higher up. It was nice seeing someone put him in his place a little." Also seeing him jealous was hot. But you'll tell him that later. You lean in and kiss him on the cheek.
"How do you know so much about wine?" He shrugs and places his now empty glass down.
"I visited Bordeaux in my youth before moving to New York." You stare at him in awe, his life before he met you was constantly surprising you.
"I want to hear more." You slowly start dragging him to the exit.
"Let's ditch this party and go home. I have a bottle of wine I got for 20 bucks that I'd be happy to share." You say, mocking the words that Mason had said to you. Leopold laughs as he places a hand on your back, guiding you away from the party.
"It's no fancy wine from France but I hope it will do." Once you're clear of the door he gently presses you against the wall. Capturing your lips in a gentle kiss.
"The best wine is any I get to share with you." He says sincerely, brushing his thumb across your lips.
He kisses you again. The sound of footsteps pass by but he could care less. A small part of him wanting to show that you are his and he is yours. He can't help it. Anyone with you in their life would feel the same way. Too bad for them, your his now.
His and no one else's.
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kyseya · 3 days
what if the reader tries to call an Uber/family member to pick them up from the farm eventually but they wait till night time bc they can feel something is “slightly”(yeah right) off with the brothers
Since I imagine them being practically in the middle of nowhere, it would be hard to get a strong signal in the first place. Even though they can watch TV in the living room it’s harder to get a good connection on the phone.
(I don’t actually know anything abt phones or signals but this is my fic so it’s ruled by kyseya-logic)
But let’s say reader did get a call to go through to a friend or a family member. This would go differently depending on when she’s try to escape. If she’s try to do it early on/the first night then this would likely go down:
She’d make the call at night and whisper into the microphone as quietly as she could while trying to make herself heard. After retelling all the events to the other person on the line, they’d tell reader that they’ll be there as soon as possible. Unfortunately, it would be a long time until they’d be there since the farm was so far out. It meant she would have to find a way to stay out of trouble and survive. Not wanting to stay there, she gets dressed and packs her things into her bag again. Every move she makes is made with outmost caution. She wouldn’t want to wake them up, not when the consequences could be fatal.
After making sure she’s ready to go, she thinks it can’t hurt to wait a little longer to go. The rescuer wouldn’t be even close until hours later. It was late enough that the brothers should be asleep, but not early enough that they’d soon wake up.
Carefully making her way downstairs, she tiptoes over the floorboards. Thankfully none of them creaks as she walks on them. Finally, yes, the doors is so close! She will make it, she’ll be free! As the door comes closer, her excitement grows. Maybe she was worried about nothing. Getting out turned out to be a life of cake. These guys were probably not even that dangerous to begin with. Did she overreact? Perhaps. Was she gone stay there? No, definitely not. Even if reader doesn’t have proof, she trusts her gut and decides to leave.
Reaching for the handle, she turns it. What? Nothing happens. She tries opening it again. The door doesn’t move and inch no matter how much she pulls it. It’s locked. The horrifying reality sets in and has her panicking. What should she do? She can see a keyhole under the knob, so there is no way to unlock it form the inside without the actual key.
“Why are you running away?” A voice speaks from the darkness behind her.
Out form the shadows steps Lucas.
“Were we not good hosts? It that it?” His questions have an easy tone and seem simple, but if you looked into his eyes, you would be able to see amusement. Not the type you feel when riding a rollercoaster or watching yoru favourite movie: the sadistic kind. “It’s kinda rude to just take off in the middle off the night without saying anything. Please don’t be rude, it’s not pleasant for anyone.”
In his hand is a meat cleaver.
So yeah, if it was early in when reader came to the farm, they would most likely kill her. Even though both of them felt some kind of liking towards reader, they still wouldn’t know her enough to want to spare her. They can’t connect to her yet, you know.
If she tried to escape when she’d been staying at the farm for a while, then it would be different. I’m currently writing a fic on what would happen if the reader found out what’s inside their special barn, so that will add to this story. If she tried to escape by calling a friend/family member pretty much the same thing would happen as in the fic that will come out soon, so I won’t write anything more here.
That is all thank you.
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ssentimentals · 23 hours
seventeen members as love tropes: kwon soonyoung
love at first sight (or meet cute au)
'did you hear wedding bells ring? cause that's what i heard when i saw you'
it wasn't supposed to happen. hoshi knew better but he's been sitting at the hotel whole day and boredom clung to his whole body like that stupid fly on the ceiling that refused to budge no matter how many pillows you threw her way. and he knows that it's all for his own safety, knows that fans went ballistic since they learned he landed in this city and he knows that his managers actually want only the best for him. it's just their version of best for him is basically imprisoning him in the hotel and hoshi's version of best for him is letting him roam around the city unguarded. so yes, him walking out of the hotel unsupervised was not supposed to him but oh well, it's too late to think about it now that he's hiding in the very first shop he saw on his way, running away from overly excited fans.
said shop turned out to be a small coffee shop in a ghibli movie characters theme. it's cute, hoshi notes from his position behind the counter. he climbed here the second he entered, quickly realizing that hiding under the tables will not help him. there's no one in the cafe and he has half a mind to call someone from staff when door from his left opens and a person walks in. hoshi instantly shoots up, apologies on his tongue when you finally look up and- oh.
not many things can leave hoshi speechless; he's been in this business for such a long time that it feels like he's seen it all, even some stuff that he wishes he could un-see. he's very used to perfect faces, perfect settings, perfect speeches - he's been trained to know what to say in any situations but right now he's at loss. you are so-
'what the hell you are doing standing behind the counter?!'
-rude. yeah. blinking, he snaps back to reality instead of getting lost in your eyes. it's almost five and sun dances beautifully on your face, it illuminates all your features with an orange glow and he wishes he had a camera with him because whoa.
'i'm gonna call police if you don't step back.' there's slight tremor in your voice but you still try to look confident. 'how did you even-'
'door was open!' hoshia blurts out in his defense, belatedly realizing that this is not a good excuse for hiding behind the counter, where only staff members can go. 'i had to hide, i'm so sorry, but they would've spot me if i chose just take any table.'
your face is very expressive. miriads of emotions change themselves until you settle on confusion. 'hide from who- oh my god, are you a gang member?'
'i-what-' hoshi sputters, looking himself up and down. does he look like a gang member? 'no, i'm- uh, a singer. popular one.'
hoshi is not sure why he added the last bit but it's too late to take it back now. your gaze focuses on his face and he takes this time to study you too. it's hard to pinpoint why, but there's something so interesting and fascinating about you (apart from you generally being really, really pretty). like hoshi could stare at you all day and not get bored, could see you as his muse even.
'okay,' you exhale, looking very done. 'okay. you are a singer. a popular one. hiding from..fans, i presume?' hoshi nods. 'okay. that still doesn't mean that you can stand here.'
hoshi moves like a lightning, quickly jumping to the other side. you're not wearing any badge with a name and he suddenly really needs to know your name. 'sorry again. uh-' he looks around, trying to keep the conversation going. 'can i get one ice americano, please? name is soonyoung, by the way.'
you look... amused. baffled. shocked. hoshi likes how he can pull out so many emotions from you but he is yet to see you smile and that makes him sad. 'okay, soonyoung. one ice americano coming right up, anything else?'
'your name,' hoshi says, beaming, not caring how awfully cheesy that sounded. he goes for a killer: 'i can't keep callling you 'pretty girl' in my mind.'
and there you go, there's your smile. it sets fireworks in his chest and his grin broadens. you look much better with that smile on your face, he decides and proceeds to tell you this loudly as well.
'thank you,' you say, blushing but also laughing.
you don't say your name but laughter is good, hoshi decides. laughter is almost love, no? it can start with a laughter, he is sure. his mind conjures thousands of pick up lines that can you make laugh and maybe, just maybe, if he makes you laugh often enough you'll tell him your name. and then he can get your number and then he can facetime you from whenever and will always be able to look at your pretty face. now that's a solid plan in hoshi's mind and he's never happier for not listening to his managers and running away from the fans because meeting you is worth it ten times over.
a/n: and i finished my 'seventeen members as love tropes' series with hoshi! hope you liked it, let me know! - nini
my other seventeen works are here
my formula 1 works are here
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holylulusworld · 2 days
Every breath you take (16)
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Summary: There is a shadow following you. He doesn’t know what he got himself into.
Pairing: Stalker!Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Warnings: a man out of time, secret admirer trope, “crazy” reader, fluff
A/N: You all made me do it! Here’s the series to this random idea: Stalker Bucky & Crazy Reader
Catch up here: Every breath you take (15)
Every Breath You Take Masterlist
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Bucky hates this. He hates leaving you alone after only two days of living together. Sam called for help, and so as not to ruin the chance of getting happy with you, he must play along. Bucky cannot let Sam know he kidnapped you.
“Bucky,” you coo while hugging him tightly. You snuggle in his chest and sigh. “You’re going to be careful. Do not leave me and Alpine all alone. Kitty will eat me if I’m too depressed to get up because you didn’t come back.”
“What?” He hiccups, shocked at your words. “I’d never leave you all alone, doll. I’ll be back soon. Sam needs my help, is all.”
“You still must be careful. I don’t want you to get hurt,” you place your hands on his chest and give him your sweetest pout. “We just moved in together, Bucky baby. Your doll needs you to come back to her.”
He hums as you stare up at him as if he’s the sun, moon, stars, and the whole fucking universe to him. You smile softly and run your hands over his chest, taking the chance to feel Bucky up.
“I’m going to miss you,” you whine. “I’ll think about you all the time.” Now you pucker your lips. “Especially when I touch myself.”
“No?” You gasp when his features harden. “No more touching yourself.” You’re taken aback by his angry tone. “You’re mine. Only I’ll bring you pleasure from now on.”
Your cheeks heat up, but you don’t want him to take away your pleasure. “What if I think about you while touching my sweet pussy?”
“Baby doll,” he purrs your name. Bucky cups your chin, holding it in a tight grip. Not hard enough to hurt, but to make his strength known. “No touching yourself. You’ll be a good girl and wait for me to return.” He pecks your lips, smirking against your soft pillows. “If you’re being good, you’ll get a surprise when I’m back.”
You fist his jacket while moaning his name against his lips. “Okay. I’ll be good,” you whisper lowly. “Alpine too. I’ll make sure Fluffy Ball is going to be a good cat.”
He laughs when Alpine sits next to you, meowing loudly. “Punk, no stealing my socks.” He looks at you one last time before he turns to leave. “And no funny business for you, doll.”
“Yes, Sir. Mr. Bucky, sir,” you giggle playfully. “I’ll be so good for you. Oh, I can put my orchids on the windowsills. I’ll just decorate the whole house to make it cozier for us. I got all those nice pillows and blankets.”
“Do as you wish, doll,” Bucky pecks your temple. “If you need my help, there’s a phone on the nightstand. You can only call one number, my number, but I’ll be right there.”
“I know,” you sigh dreamily. “Now go and save the world, my hero. Alpine and I are on house guarding duty.” You salute as you watch Bucky leave.
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For a moment, looking at the phone on the nightstand makes you feel uneasy. You don’t know why. This is what you wanted—for Bucky to take you away from your life. Still, only being able to call him, and no one else, doesn’t feel right.
You’re not going to leave Bucky. He’s the man you want, and you’re in for the long haul. Why can’t he trust you? You willingly came with him without making a fuss. Any other woman would’ve screamed and fought tooth and nail.
Shaking your head, you sigh. No. Bucky tries to keep you safe, that’s all. He’s not trying to lock you away or keep you hostage.
Sooner than later, he’ll see that you love him and that you want to stay with him.
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Alpine jumps onto the couch, bumping his head into your thigh. “Hey, sweetie,” you coo. “Do you want to watch the movie with me?”
The white cat meows loudly before jumping on your lap to get comfortable. It’s been only a few hours since Bucky left, but you already feel alone without him.
“What kind of movie do you like?” You pat Alpine’s back, gently running your hand over his fur. “Why does Bucky call you punk? You’re such a nice and well-behaved cat.”
While Alpine gets comfortable on your lap, you switch through the channels, looking for a distraction. No show or movie picks your interest because you’re worried about Bucky and, even more, about you and Alpine. What if he doesn’t come back? No one knows where you are.
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“That looks good, right?” You glance at Bucky sitting next to your feet. He watches you place another orchid on the windowsill. “What do you think, Alpine? The light is perfect.”
Alpine isn’t a big help. He just meows and looks cute, but you are happy for his company. “Hmm... maybe we should ask Bucky when he comes back. He leaves here too, and I want him to feel comfortable and happy.”
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“What’s the matter, Sam? Why did you call me in the middle of the night?” Bucky frowns because Sam leads him straight toward your abandoned apartment. “Sam?”
“A colleague of your friend called and reported her missing. Y/N, the girl you asked out, quit her job out of the blue, and no one has seen her for a few days. Her talkative colleague mentioned a stalker.”
Bucky feels his stomach tighten. This is the worst-case scenario. Sam is investigating your disappearance. Damn it. Bucky believed he covered up all traces. He even booked a flight for you with your credit card.
“Anything yet?” He asks, hoping Sam can’t hear the panic in his voice. “She’s a nice girl, and I don’t want anything to happen to her.”
“So far, it looks like she packed her bags, quit her job, and booked a flight to Fiji,” Sam explains. “When did you last see her?” He watches Bucky furrow his brows.
“On our date. You remember I had to cancel my plans with her for you. After that, she told me that we couldn’t see each other right now. I had the feeling she wasn’t interested in me. Bucky plays his role well. He shrugs and sighs deeply. “Maybe I didn’t talk enough, or I talked too much.”
“Man, sometimes it just doesn’t work out,” Sam says as he picks your lock. “Let’s have a look around her place. I bet she wanted to escape her life for a while.”
Bucky nods; it’s all he can do. He only hopes he didn’t leave any trace leading to him...
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literally-izzy · 3 days
Just Friends?
summary: you’re in love with your best friend who doesn’t feel the same way. right?
Modern AU!Anakin Skywalker and Fem!reader
A/n: ah! this is my first time writing a fic and i might’ve gotten carried away… there’s also original names. not all of the names are star wars related. please feel free to reblog! it would mean a lot!
cw: smut; unprotected piv, pet names, car accident..
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Love. It’s a funny thing. I’ll never understand it. I only know that when it hits you, it hits you hard. Here I am, 25 and still pining over a man who doesn’t want me. You would think that after ten years I would forget about him and move on. It’s hard when he’s your best friend. Anakin Skywalker. I met him my sophomore year, his freshman year. Our moms worked together and became best friends. It was only inevitable that we would too. Every weekend was a movie night at the Skywalker house. Filled with love and laughter. The only times I hated it was when an unwanted visitor came. But I denied the real reason I disliked her.
I told myself it was just because she was too quiet. Not outgoing. Definitely not because she was dating him…. I hated the way he held her in his arms. I eventually began to realize it was because I wished it was me. Any moment I had alone with him was bliss. She didn’t go to our school. They met at summer camp the year before we became friends. So, school, especially choir was a safe place to be with him. He made me laugh like no other. And never changed the way he acted around me when his friends were around.
Now here I am, teaching a class of annoying seventh graders how to sing. Anakin is still in med school. I always admired him for it. He never thought he was smart enough for it. It took my encouragement. We still keep tradition and every Friday night; I go over to his apartment for movie night. When he graduated, he and his girlfriend, Padme, split up. So, for the past 6 years, I’ve never really had to worry about anyone else. He only had a few short relationships throughout the past six years since he graduated. Occasionally his sister joins us for movie night, that’s when we have to watch cheesy hallmark movies. Not that I hate all of them, but I dislike most of them.
I looked down at my desk and saw a text on my phone.
“Just you and me for movie night. Up for Fast and Furious?”
I smiled at the text. My students were currently working on their assignment, so I replied,
“That’s a stupid question, Anakin”. I put my phone down and I sat my chair.
He texted back almost immediately, “so I take that as a yes, y/n?”
I rolled my eyes. “It’s a yes. I’d love to talk more but I have a class to teach. Love ya”
“I’ll say a prayer for those students lol. Love ya.”
I smiled at the last sentence. We’ve been inseparable for ten years. Of course, we love each other. Mine just goes deeper than his. I’ve thought multiple times about telling him. But I just couldn’t. He’s always with someone new when I finally muster up the courage to tell him. And its not like I’ve stayed single. I’m actually with someone right now. He’s amazing in every way. He’s just not Anakin. I looked down at my phone again and realized I had a text from him.
“Hey babe, I’m gong out of town to see my parents for the weekend. I know you’re going to Anakin’s apartment for movie night, so I figured i’d tell you now”.
I feel like such a bitch. At least he’s not jealous of Anakin. My last relationship ended because I refused to stop seeing him.
I texted back, “okay, have fun!” I know I should’ve said more, but I really didn’t care. I saw another text from him but before I could answer it, the bell rang.
“Okay class, that’s homework if you didn’t finish it. Have a great weekend!” All the kids quickly piled out of my classroom. Once I was alone, I read the text from Trey.
“Okay. I will. Be safe on your drive up there.”
“I will.” I replied. I got my things together and walked out to my car. Once I got in, I connected my phone and started blasting love songs. I’m a hopeless romantic. I started driving.
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He lives in the main part of Coruscant. Which is about 45 minutes away from where I live. I spent the drive belting love songs, consciously daydreaming about the life I could have with Anakin.
Once I pull into his driveway, he’s already outside waiting for me.
“Jeez, y/n, took you long enough” he smirks.
“Fuck off, Anakin” I laugh and flip him off. I walk closer to him and give him a hug. It only lasted a couple of seconds, but it felt like hours. His muscular arms wrap around me tightly and contract as we breathe in sync. He smelled like the woods behind his house, where we used to explore. His curly dirty blonde hair that shaped his face brushed against my cheek as he finally pulled away. He stood aside, gesturing for me to enter his apartment.
“Wow, you cleaned!” I teased him as I took off my shoes and sat on his black leather couch.
“Yeah, but not for you. It is my bachelor pad after all” he smirked as he sat down beside me.
“Of course,” I said with an eye roll. I tried not to sound annoyed, but I know I did. Part of my annoyance isn’t even because I want him to myself. Some of it is because he’s not as careful as he should be. He just whores around because his good looks and charm let him. One day, he’s gonna end up being a baby daddy to at least three women. And I know i’d still be around to help him. Always being his best friend. Never the love of his life.
“Pizza should be here soon” Anakin interrupted my thoughts.
“Okay great” I give him a warm smile as he sits down beside me. He pulls out his phone and starts to text someone. I know I should give him his privacy, but I’m a nosey bitch. I discreetly shift my head and side my eyes towards his phone. He’s texting a girl named Aayla. From what I could see, they’ve obviously been hooking up.
“Who’s that?” I asked, letting my jealousy get the better of me. He looks up and smirks.
“Just a girl I’ve been seeing occasionally. Why? You jealous?” He teased. I knew he was teasing but I couldn’t stop my face from turning bright red. Every normal word went out the window. I couldn’t speak. Finally, I shook myself out of it and responded nonchalantly.
“Hell no. I don’t need whatever diseases you’ve contracted from your escapades” I teased. He laughed and playfully rolled his eyes. He put his phone face down on his lap and shifted his body to face me. His black ‘KISS’ tee shirt tightened around his body, outlining his stunning six-pack.
“So, how’s everything with Trey?” His face was calm. His lips pressed into a peaceful smile.
“Everything’s great. We just came up on 4 months together.” I couldn’t think of anything interesting to tell him. As bad as it sounds, my relationship with Trey is vanilla. Nothing daring or exciting.
“Can I ask you something?” He raised his eyebrows slightly.
“Of course,” I smiled.
He paused, thinking of what to say next. “So, I’ve only seen him a few times, but he looks awfully boring. Is he any good in bed?”
My jaw dropped. I started laughing a little. “I guess so. He’s only the second guy I’ve been with. I don’t have much to compare him to”.
“Wait, really?” He looked astonished.
I immediately started blushing. I felt embarrassed. “Um, yeah…”
“How come you never told me?” He looked genuinely hurt that I didn’t tell him I’ve only slept with two men.
“I don’t know. We’ve never really gone into detail about our sex lives”
“Yeah, but I mean, I told you when I lost my virginity at least. You didn’t even tell me that.” He sounded so hurt. And I could see where this was coming from. Besides this one topic, I tell him everything. He looked down at my hands that were fidgeting in my lap. All of a sudden, he grabs them. His big strong hands gripping my smaller ones, with a look of compassion on his face. “y/n, please don’t feel like you have to keep things from me. I’m your best friend. I would never judge you”.
How was I not supposed to melt. I nodded and swallowed, keeping my hands in his. “I lost my virginity when I was nineteen. In college. I was with Maul. I was embarrassed to say anything because you lost yours before me and I felt, different, I guess. After we split, I was scared to do it with anyone else. I’ve only recently slept with Trey.”
Just as he was about to speak, the doorbell rang. We knew it was the pizza, so he went up to get it. Once he got it, he walked into the kitchen. It only took a couple of minutes before he came back in with two plates of pizza. He set the plates down, walked back into the kitchen, and came back with two bottles of ‘Mikes hard lemonade’. He then sat beside me, turning on ‘Fast and Furious’.
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We had gotten through the first three movies before I started to get sleepy. I tried to stay awake for another movie, but I couldn’t. We had talked about various things. Work, school, family, etc.
“I’m sorry, but I better leave. I’m starting to fall asleep.” I yawned tiredly.
His eyes widened. Then he started to look sad. “Wait, why don’t you just stay the weekend? I know you keep clothes in your car, and you said Trey would be at his parents’ house all weekend.”
I smiled. But then I started overthinking. What if I annoy him too much? We’ve never spent a whole weekend together without breaks. Or what if he wants to bring a girl over? I’d just get in the way. “Are you sure? What if you want to put your bachelor pad to use?” I slightly teased. Only slightly because part of me was serious.
He smirked, “Do you really think girls are over here every weekend?”
“From the way you talk about them, yes.”
He started laughing. “No, y/n. I’m really not that big of a man whore.”
I looked down at my hands, “Oh. Well, what about that Aayla girl?”
“Not important. We aren’t exclusive. She’s just something fun. There’s no relationship there. If there was, I would’ve told you, y/n.” He said seriously.
“Okay. I’ll stay. I don’t have pajamas in my car though.”
He smiled, knowing he had won. “I have a shirt and sweats you can wear.”
“Okay. Do you have a pillow for the couch?” I asked with a soft smile on my face.
“Yes. But not for you. You can have my bed. And that’s non-negotiable.”
I rolled my eyes as I stood up. I was too tired to fight. He motioned for me to follow him into his room. I’d only been in there once, and that was when he moved into the apartment. As we walked in, I was hit with the refreshing smell of his light cologne. His bed was in the corner, facing the door when you walk in. Across from his queen-sized bed was a tall, dark wood dresser. He walked over to the dresser and pulled out a gray shirt and black sweatpants.
“Here, they might be a bit big, but you’ll just be sleeping in them.”
“Thank you” I smiled. He set the clothes on his bed before walking closer to me. Once he was close enough, he wrapped his strong arms around me. I hugged him back, breathing in his scent. His head rested on my dirty blonde curls.
“Goodnight, y/n”, he breathed out before pulling away. I sighed and smiled.
“Night, Ani”. With that, he smiled and walked out, shutting his door. I began to remove my clothes and replaced them with his. I was immediately engulfed in his natural woodsy scent. I then crawled into his bed. It was very soft, like laying on a cloud. His black sheets smelled like him. I laid there and started thinking about the future I could have if I just grow a pair and tell him. Eventually, I closed my eyes and drifted off, wishing he was laying beside me.
While I was sleeping, I felt something on my hair. I decided to ignore it. But I can't help but hope it was him. But I won't bring It up.
I woke up to the sound of sizzling. I sat up and admired the way the sun shined on my body through the window above the bed. I tossed my legs over the side of the bed and walked out to the kitchen. I was hit with the smell of bacon, my favorite. I walked further in to see Anakin humming and cooking. He was so focused on breakfast; he didn’t even notice I was awake. So, I started to sing the words of the song he was humming. He quickly turned around with a huge grin on his face. His robe was open, exposing his bare chest. His body was God-like.
“You have such a beautiful voice, y/n/n” he complimented me. Sure, he knew I could sing, but this felt different. I blushed a little before responding.
“Thank you, Ani”. I smiled.
“Did you sleep well?” He asked with his eyebrows slightly raised.
“Yes, I did. Your bed is very comfy” I smiled.
He let out a small chuckle. “I know. So, I deserve a big thank you for letting you sleep in it for this weekend”
I rolled my eyes. “Thank you for letting me sleep in your incredibly comfy bed.”
“You’re welcome.” He turned back around to get our plates ready. Once he was done, he took them to the table and sat down waiting for me. We sat there and ate the eggs and bacon he had made. Then I remembered something.
“Last night, what were you going to say before the pizza got delivered?”
He looked down. He was thinking. “Well, I guess I was just surprised, I guess. It’s hard to believe you’ve only slept with two men.” I looked into his eyes and knitted my eyebrows.
“What do you mean by that?”
“Oh, c’mon y/n/n. Just because we’re best friends, doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate how beautiful you are.” I choked on my water. I coughed for a few minutes before responding.
“Oh. Really?”
He smiled and laughed lightly. “Yes. Really.” I could’ve died right there. Why couldn’t he be mine?
Once we finished eating, I walked into his living room and sat on the couch. I got on my phone to check any missed calls or notifications I might’ve had. All I had was a text from Trey.
“Good morning, beautiful. Missed waking up next to you this morning” I didn’t. I wished it was Anakin.
“Why is he so cheesy?” I heard Anakin ask from beside me. I can’t blame him for being nosey, considering I did the same thing last night.
“I don’t know. It’s not my favorite if I’m being honest” I said with a slight grimace. He laughed before focusing back on his phone. I looked back down at the text and decided to respond.
“Good morning! Don’t miss me too much. Enjoy your time with your parents”. I rolled my eyes as I pressed send. I started scrolling on instagram. I stopped when I saw an engagement post an old friend from High school made. An instant feeling of jealousy and heartbreak came over me. I heard Anakin sigh as he started to speak.
“Oh yeah, I saw that.” He spoke as if it made no difference. It probably doesn’t to him. But to me, I feel behind. I thought I still had time to start all of that. Is 25 too old? He started to speak again when I didn’t say anything. “Hey, what’s wrong?” His voice was soft, like velvet
“Am I wasting my life?” I looked up with tears begging to be released from my eyes.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” He knitted his eyebrows together.
“I though I still had time before starting a family. I thought 25 was still young. But now, Casey is getting married.” I sniffled. The tears finally leaving my eyes. Without saying anything, Anakin pulled me into a hug. Once again, his woodsy smell engulfed my senses and I felt calm. My face was pressed against his bare chest, since he still hadn’t changed. He gently rubbed my back with his hand. After a few minutes, I pulled away to save myself from falling for him even more, if that was possible. He began to speak.
“I don’t think there’s a time limit. You start it when you’re ready.” He smiled softly.
“When did you get so smart?” I teased. He scoffed and playfully put his hand to his chest.
“I am deeply offended y/n.” I pushed him and we started laughing. He paused. “Hey, I have an idea”
“Let’s go see my parents. It’ll give us something to do.” He shrugged. I smiled. I hadn’t seen them in a while.
“I love that idea. I just have to get my clothes out of my car and change” I stood up and did just that. I walked back in with my book bag and went into his room and changed. I walked out with my slightly ripped jeans and my favorite ‘Nirvana’ tee-shirt. Anakin smiled and walked into the room to change while I waited. He walked back out in black jeans and a plain gray shirt. Even in the plainest clothes he was ethereal. I grabbed my phone and his as we walked out the door.
On the drive to his parents’ house, we blasted our favorite songs. We belted our hearts out, laughed at the stupid shit he said. My heart fluttered every time he looked at me. The way he says my name. After 20 minutes, we pulled into his parents' driveway. We got out and he rang the doorbell. Their house was white and older. There was a wooded area in their backyard where Anakin, his sister Ashoka, and I would explore and mess around.
When I moved closer to my job, I was sad to be so far away. But when Anakin moved to Coruscant to go to college and Coruscant Medical School, I was elated. We were now only 45 minutes apart instead of an hour. I hadn’t been home in 6 months. My parents haven’t even met Trey. Which is intentional.
After a few seconds, his mom Shmi, opened the door and a huge grin appeared on her face. She then gasped.
“Oh! y/n!! It’s so good to see you!” She pulled me into a tight comforting hug. Anakin rolled his eyes.
“Nice to see you too mom” he teased. I pulled away and smiled. She walked forward and pulled Anakin into a hug as well. Just then, his Step dad, Cliegg, came out and gave me a side hug before hugging Anakin. Shmi finally spoke up.
“Well, come on in! I just made some chili if you’re hungry”. I walked into their house and was hit with the smell of her infamous chili. My mouth immediately started watering. I proceeded to the kitchen and didn’t waste and time on grabbing a bowl. Anakin soon entered behind me and did the same.
Once our bowls were filled, we went into the dining room and sat at the table. His parents joined us, and we began to make some small talk. Shmi smiled and began to speak.
“So, are either of you seeing anyone?” Before I could say anything, Anakin spoke up.
“Well, y/n has a boyfriend. But I’m not seeing anyone right now.” I smiled awkwardly, knowing Shmi would tell my mother. Shmi’s face looked almost sad, as if she wanted me to be single or him to not be.
“Oh, that’s wonderful! What’s his name?” She asked brightly. I looked up from the table and smiled.
“His name is Trey” I said quietly.
“Is that short for anything?” Cliegg spoke up.
“His name is Daniel Jones the third. Because he’s the third, he goes by Trey.”
“Oh, I didn’t know that.” Anakin said almost offended.
“Well, you never asked” I replied. The rest of lunch went well. After a few more hours, we decided to head back home. We hugged his parents goodbye and got back into Anakin’s truck. Once we started driving, Anakin cleared his throat and started to speak.
“Are you mad at me?” He said as if he would start crying if I said yes.
“What? No. Why would I be mad at you?” I asked genuinely.
“I don’t know. You’ve just been distant recently, I guess.” He shrugged, keeping his beautiful blue eyes on the road.
“I’m not trying to be. You’re my best friend, I would never try to distance myself from you.” I sighed. He was right. But I’m only trying to save myself from utter heartbreak.
“Okay. I believe you.” And with that, we stayed silent the rest of the ride home. The only time we spoke was when we stopped at a drive-thru to get food. We ate in the car. Still staying silent. Once we pulled into his driveway, I got out and went straight to his room to change.
In had just finished changing, when Anakin walked in. He just stood there. He didn’t say anything. I spoke up.
“Is everything go-” I was cut short by Anakin when he pressed his lips onto mine. I didn’t even have time to react before he pulled away. His eyes widened.
“I- I’m sorry.” With that, he walked out of his room and shut the door. I wanted to follow him, but I could tell he needed to be alone. I sat on the end of the bed and ran my hands through my hair. I looked down and spoke quietly.
“What the fuck just happened?” I crawled onto the bed and laid down. Did he mean to? Was he fucking with me? Did he want me as much as I want him? No. He couldn’t. It’s been too long for him not to have said anything. I curled into a ball and fell asleep thinking about what just happened.
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The next morning, I woke up ready to talk to Anakin. I changed into leggings and a plain blue shirt. When I walked out, I didn’t see him anywhere. I checked every room until I saw a note on his fridge.
“I went for a drive. I don’t know when I’ll be back. I’m so sorry. I’ll see you next weekend, I hope. - Anakin. I wasn’t angry at him for leaving, surprisingly. I understood. I walked back into his room, grabbed my stuff and left. As I drove back to my apartment, I couldn’t help but start to cry. I cried because I was hurt, confused, frustrated, in love.
When I pulled into the driveway, I sat in my car and cried some more. Eventually, I got out and walked into my apartment complex. I got in the elevator and kept my eyes on the floor so no one could see me cry. When the elevator rang, I walked out and ran down the hallway to get to my door.
I walked in and ran into my room. I crawled into my bed and cried. He kissed me and he regrets it. I was stupid to think that maybe we could be something. I fell asleep with tears still running down my cheeks.
After what was probably a few hours, I heard loud knocking on my door. I got up and opened it. Trey.
“Hey gorgeous” he smiled.
“Hi.” I said quietly. I stood to the side allowing him to come in. I couldn’t stop sniffling, so he turned around with a concerned look.
“What’s wrong, beautiful?” He said softly.
“I just don’t feel good” I lied. I couldn’t tell him that my best friend kissed me, said sorry, then left and I wished he wasn’t sorry. Trey walked over to the couch and sat down. He gestured for me to sit beside him. I did. Once I sat down, he pulled me close to him. I wont lie, Trey is very comforting. He is so sweet and honestly very good looking, but he’s not him. As much as I try to enjoy being with Trey I can't.
I sat there for what felt like another hour, before I got a call. I sat up and answered.
“Hello?” I didn’t recognize the number.
“Hi, this is Coruscant Hospital. Is this y/n y/l/n?” My heart dropped.
“Yes, it is”
“We have Anakin Skywalker here. You were number one on his emergency contact list. He’s in our trauma room right now. He got into a pretty bad accident. I would suggest that you come down and call any other family members”.
I froze. I couldn’t speak. I felt tears running down my cheeks, but I couldn’t make any sound. Finally, I said okay and hung up. I told trey what happened, and I left. I drove as fast as I could without getting pulled over. I sobbed thinking the worst. I called his mom and told her. She immediately tried to calm me down and told me she was on her way.
I pulled into the parking lot and ran in. I told the receptionist his name. She looked him up and told me he was taken into emergency surgery. I sat in the waiting room. His mom eventually came, and I told her. She held me as I cried. We sat in the waiting room for 4 hours. Eventually a doctor came out.
“Are you the family of Anakin Skywalker?”. We both nodded. “He’s out of surgery. He’s in a coma right now. He shouldn’t be asleep for long, but don’t expect him to be awake tonight.”
We nodded. A nurse came and led us to his room. As soon as I saw him, I immediately broke into tears. I pulled a chair up to the side of his bed. I sat down and grabbed his hand. He had a black eye, and his arms were covered in cuts and bruises. He had stitches visible on his chest, before they went under his gown. Shmi grabbed his other hand and gave it a kiss. We sat in silence before she finally spoke.
“He’s so lucky to have you, y/n.” She said softly with a light smile.
“What do you mean?” I asked with utter confusion.
“You bring out the best in him. He trusts you more than anyone. You’d drop anything the moment he asks you to. And you care about him so much. You’ve shed more tears tonight than I think I have in the last 4 years.” She explained.
“Of course, I care about him. He’s my best friend.” She just hummed in response. After an hour or so, another nurse came in.
“Unfortunately, only one of you can stay with him. It’s hospital policy.” I immediately went to stand up when Shmi spoke.
“y/n, stay. You need to. I’ll be back in the morning.” I she said sternly. I didn’t even try to argue with her. She left and I curled up in the chair and slept the best I could.
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The next morning, his mom walked in and woke me up. She had brought me some coffee and a breakfast sandwich. We turned on the television and occasionally had a conversation. I barely let go of his hand.
Shmi left to get some lunch. I stayed. I held his hand with my left hand and used my right to caress his face. I whispered softly.
“Please wake up. I need you. I-I love you. Please Ani.” I begged. I couldn’t help but shed a few tears. All I wanted was to hear his voice.
After a bit, Shmi returned, and we talked some more. Once it got late, she left and went back home. I sat there and cried some more. I needed my best friend. I needed my Ani. All of a sudden, I heard a knock on the door.
“Come in” I said calmly. Trey walked in with some food,
“I got you something to eat. Figured I could sit with you for a bit and then take you home.” He spoke.
I sighed. “Thank you for the food, but I’m staying here. I refuse to leave him.”
“Can I ask you something?” He said softly.
“Sure” I said staring at Anakin’s beautiful face.
“If that was me, would you stay all night, not eat and hold my hand?” He spoke softly, but I could tell he was sad and angry. How could I blame him? But I was tired of lying.
“No.” And I said that with full honesty. “He’s my best friend. We’ve been inseparable for ten years. Why would that change now?” I spoke quietly. Not once taking my eyes off of Anakin.
“You love him. Don’t you?” He questioned. I didn’t know what to say.
“Of course. He’s my best frie-”. He cut me off.
“Cut the shit, y/n. You love him. More than a friend. And I won’t stand in the way.” He said solemnly. He walked out and I didn’t say anything. I just kept my red teary eyes on the love of my life. Whether he felt the same or not, it’s true. I kissed his hand. And for the first time in years, I prayed.
I prayed to God that he wakes up. That I get my best friend back. I turned off the television and the lights. I sat there with only the beeping of the machines. I leaned forward, laid my head on the side of his bed and cried.
After a bit, his nurse came to check his vitals. I watched as she did her job. I could tell she was very meticulous, and I was thankful for that. After she left, I felt the urge to cry again. So, I pulled out my phone and called the only other person who comforts me. My mom. The phone rang for a couple of seconds before she answered.
“Hello?” She said calmly.
“Hey mom” I said, my voice cracking.
“Oh, baby. I heard what happened to Anakin. Shmi told me you haven’t left his side in almost two days.”
“How could I mom? He’s my person, my safe haven. I need him. I love him.” I said hesitantly.
“We all know that. We’re positive he does too. We were just wondering how long it would take before you noticed.” She said with a laugh in her voice. She was always good at seeing the positive in everything.
“Damn. We’re dense. I just called you to calm myself down but I’m getting tired so I’m going to try and sleep.” I said in a calm tone.
“Okay, sweetie. Call me if you need me. Bye.” And she hung up. I set my phone down and leaned forward again so I could keep holding his hand.
I laid my head on his arm and drifted off to sleep.
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I heard talking. I thought it was just nurses until I heard his voice.
“No, don’t wake her. My mom said she barely slept. I want her to get as much sleep as possible.” It was Anakin. I shot my head up. When I did his beautiful ocean blue eyes were on y/e/c ones. I brought my hand up to cover my mouth as I burst into tears. He smiled and brought his hand up to cup my cheek.
“Never mind.” He let out a soft chuckle.
The nurses all walked out and shut the door leaving us alone. I removed my hand and spoke.
“You’re awake!” I exclaimed.
“Am I?” He teased. “y/n, I’m so sorry about what happe-” I cut him off.
“I love you. So much actually.” I blurted out.
“Wait, really?” He knitted his eyebrows
I nodded. “I love you. More than just a friend. I’ve loved you since the day we met. I’ve loved you through every friend, girl, or fight we’ve ever had. I understand if you don’t feel the same way. I just needed to tell you.”
His face calmed and he smiled. His hand grabbed my shirt and pulled me forward. When we were close enough, he pressed his lips on to mine. We kissed passionately for what felt like hours. When we pulled away, he spoke.
“I never thought I’d hear you say that. I only got girlfriends to distract myself from the fact that I loved you. I thought I finally had a chance until you got with Trey. I’ve tried so hard to contain myself, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want you to leave Friday because I couldn’t handle having to wait another week before I saw you again. And at night I came in and kissed your forehead against my better judgement. y/n, I love you more than any word could express.”
I started crying again. He pulled me close to him. I laid on my side with my head to his chest. And I stayed like that for the next three days until he was discharged.
I helped him walk out to my car. Once we got in and I started driving, he put his hand on my thigh. I smiled as I drove us back to his apartment. Once I pulled into his driveway, I got out and helped him get out. We walked into his apartment, and the moment his door was shut, his lips were on mine.
Anakin moved his lips from mine down to my jaw and neck. I let out small moans of pleasure. He moved his hands down and grabbed the hem of my shirt. I raised my arms so he could remove it. Once my shirt was off, we walked into his room. When we got into his room, he began to remove everything except for his boxers. I removed everything but my bra and thong.
“Should we be doing this? You just had surgery 5 days ago” I reminded him.
“Baby, I need exercise to strengthen my heart again. That shard of glass really fucked it up. And what better way to get it working than to do this?” He smirked while he explained. I chose to just nod.
He walked closer to me and caressed every inch of me. He brought his hands around my back and unclipped my bra. I let it slide down my arms as he admired my bare chest.
“You’re so fucking beautiful baby” he grabbed my breasts and began to place kisses on my neck. He pushed me onto his bed and got on top of me. He brought his hands down and removed underwear in one go. I smirked and took my hand and placed it over his boxers, rubbing the impressive bulge. He let out a whimper, which drove me crazy. I pulled down his boxers and widened my eyes. He was huge.
Anakin took his fingers and began to rub my clit. I moaned and threw my head into the pillow. He leaned forward and placed my breast into his mouth.
“That feels so good Ani” I moaned. He began to move his fingers faster around my clit, causing me to squirm. It didn’t take long until he removed his mouth from my nipple and moved his body down.
He spread my legs open, and I felt him sucking on my clit. The feeling was phenomenal. He then started lapping at my pussy like he would die without it. He then took his middle finger and ring finger and began fingering me.
“Oh my god, Anakin. I’m gonna-” I couldn’t even finish my sentence. He let out a dark chuckle before he moved his body up.
I felt the tip of his dick at my entrance. He looked at me and smirked.
“Are you ready baby?” I looked at him and nodded. “Use your words, pretty girl.”
“Fuck, yes I’m ready.” With that, I felt him push his length in me slowly. I threw my head back and moaned loudly. Once I adjusted to his length, he began to thrust into me at a decent pace. He leaned his head down and kissed me deeply while bringing a hand down to rub my clit.
“Ani, go faster” I begged. He began to go faster and felt the knot in my stomach begin to unravel. I let out louder moans until they became incoherent babbles.
“Fuck baby, you feel so good around my cock.” Anakin let out the most glorious whimper I’d ever heard. That was enough to send me into orbit.
“I’m so close” I told him, and he began to thrust faster.
“Fuck baby, me too.” He whined. He kept thrusting faster until I felt my orgasm coming.
“Ani, I’m gonna come.” I moaned. He looked into my eyes and smiled.
“Come with me baby” and with those words I felt my orgasm take over my body as his thrusts began to slow down as he came in me.
“Fuck, y/n” He panted as he pulled out. He bent down and pushed his cum back into my leaking hole, eliciting a moan from my lips.
He got off of me and laid beside me. He then pulled me close to him, so my head was on his chest.
“You have no idea, how long I’ve wanted to do that for.” He confessed and I smiled as I began to trace circles on his chest with my finger.
“Me too” I replied. He leaned his head down and kissed the top of my head.
“I love you, y/n. So much.” He said softly as his hand ran up and down my back.
“I love you too Anakin.” I replied. We laid there, talking. At one point he brought the blanket over us. After a bit, we started to get tired, and it didn’t take long before I fell asleep in his arms. Where I belonged.
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asteraddicted · 2 days
Small interaction idea I got for the Supersons (pre-Jon age up; I HATE THAT PART) soooo sorry if this is bad its my first official drabble post (did i use that term correctly???)
Based on this (one part blacked out bc idk how tumblr would take it)
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"Hey, Damian?" Jon spoke up, he and Damian lounging in Damian's room because— no offense to Clark, but Wayne Manor was cooler for sleepovers.
"Yes, Kent?" Damian huffed, focused on sharpening one of his many daggers. Despite the dynamic, the two were undeniable best friends. It was surprising at first, with Damian's blunt, down-to-earth personality with snap backs and insults that would make a grown man cry. Damian Wayne, best friends with a sunny, optimistic, 'blinding everyone with his smile' Jon Kent. But of course, the two didn't start out that way.
"Remember when you practically- no, you DID kidnap me after I accidentally.. killed a cat and a hawk?" Jon mumbled the last part, clearly still ashamed of it. He hadn't told Damian the whole story yet, despite how long it had been. Damian's eyebrows furrowed, and he got a little closer. He remembered those times, back before they were friends.
"Yes, I remember," he replied, his voice still firm as he inquired. "Why are you bringing that up again, Kent?" Damian — despite his almost inhuman abilities, talents, and feats — was still human, and still had the ability to forget things.
"..Nothing! It's just.. the cat. Goldie was her name. It's her deathday today." Jon frowned, having always been one to wear his heart on his sleeve. Jon couldn't help but mistake the sting building up in his eyes as the burning feeling of letting his heat vision go off and MURDER cremate the two innocent creatures on accident. It was only for a second, but Damian could see how Jon panicked in that little moment.
"And? Your point?" He said, his tone a surprisingly a tad bit softer than usual. He didn't really know what Jon was talking about. Really, he did remember kidnapping Jon because he didn't trust him. But to Damian? That was like another regular Tuesday for him.
"..I didn't mean to kill Goldie, or the hawk. I know you know that. But Goldie had escaped her house, and I was chasing her to get her back." Jon began to explain, and he wasn't as cheerful as he usually was. Not as he finally told Damian the full story. Jon couldn't help it. It had been at the very least a few years ago, but the horror Jon had felt that day was something Jon himself never forgot.
"..their bodies were charred and burning. Couldn't tell hawk from cat.. only Goldie's collar remained! I.." Jon had to go quiet to compose himself. His hands were actually shaking. Damian listened to the story. He knew something was wrong with Jon. He was not his usual cheerful, confident self.
Damian looked at Jon, his expression hard to read. He didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to comfort him. Damian was never good at comfort. He just sat back in silence for a while, processing what Jon had told him. Being from the League of Assassins, death was nothing new to him. Hell, he's killed animals on purpose for mission and training before he was taken to Wayne Manor. Whales and tigers and lions and eagles, on and on. It was a little hard to see from Jon's perspective, but Damian tried.
"..Y'know.. I don't think you remember what you said to me when I woke up after you kidnapped me. Hehe.." Jon let out a chuckle, smiling with his teeth to try and lighten his sadness with humor. "You told me.. 'You are a threat to every living thing on and off this planet.' And Damian, I know this is stupid, but.." Jon curled his knees to his chest, eyes on the blank screen as a movie they were watching played it's end credits.
"..I believed you. In a way.. I still do. I'm scared of myself, Dami." Jon admitted quietly before grinning and wiping his tears.
"But I guess that's pretty dumb, right?" Jon grinned widely. He was half-Kryptonian and his dad was Superman! He shouldn't cry, and he didn't have any reason to! He was growing up, and he should be more in control of his emotions.
Yet Jon had let his mind wander multiple times, whenever he passed by where it happened. It was ironic, but Jon couldn't help but be scared of himself. Yes, himself. He had the powers of Superman — the Man of Steel himself. And he was also a young boy who could be easily tricked and manipulated. Jon was strong and carefree, but he wasn't stupid. At least not all the time. Jon has witnessed some extremely traumatic events in his life. The possibility that he had the power to massacre entire cities — maybe states, countries, or eventually the world? That was something that made Jon want to lock himself up in a kryptonite cage and hide away.
Jon was afraid of his powers and the destruction they could bring. He was immune to fire, but still couldn't stop himself from imagining the burning, mangled, charred bodies of a hawk and a cat each time there was a fire that was large enough.
Damian clenched his jaw. He remembered that day. He remembered telling Jon that he was a threat. Listening to Jon talk about his fear of himself and his own powers made something inside of Damian ache. He didn't like it. Not one bit.
"It's not dumb," he said, his voice softer than usual. Damian didn't know why he was being so soft (he knew exactly why, but he didn't want to admit it. Not yet.). "And you're not a threat, Kent. You're not. You never were. You're the last person who's a threat to anything."
"That's EXACTLY why I'm a threat, Dames! I'm part Kryptonian!.. I'm invincible to most on Earth." Jon exclaimed, sighing. "I can still go rogue! Dad has gone rogue before. I don't.." Jon trailed off.
"Kent. If you think for a second I'd let you go rogue, just know my Father has plenty of Kryptonite stocked away that I would not hesitate to use." Damian narrowed his eyes, but not in an angry way. It was affectionate, though it would be hard to tell from an outsider's perspective. Jon, oddly enough, felt reassured. Reassured that if something goes wrong, that Damian would be there to stop him. He'd always be there to stop him.
"You promise, Dames?" Jon couldn't help but whisper.
"Yes, I promise. Now come on. Didn't you want to show me this movie called 'Legally Blonde' or something?" Damian rolled his eyes, but they still held that tinge of care. That hint of affection that was only reserved for Jon, and wasn't the type that Damian held for his family. No, Damian had a part of his heart specifically reserved for Jon Kent.
"Okay, good. Now come on, let's watch a pretty girl kick legal butt!" Jon grinned, ultimately feeling much better. He was so lucky to have Damian.
AN: First post, not beta read and written in the dead of night lol. I do not write much. Romantic or platonic? Idk you choose :P
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OMITB S4:E5 "Adaptation"
We're at the halfway mark and I feel like fans with a Hercule Poirot or Sherlock Holmes type of IQ could solve the mystery by now but I am not one of those fans so I'm just here to recap and debunk or strengthen theories I already had. I say this every week but I am truly loving the pacing of this season and that they don't shy away from answering questions early on instead of trying to shoehorn everything in for the season finale. As always spoilers ahead!
Ok so now we officially have confirmation that there are two killers. After circling back to the footprint on the windowsill of the Dudenoff apartment, the tacky paper used on the photoshoot and production room set reveals that the footprint belongs to one of the Brothers sisters. We see that one twin is physically strong enough to lift a body when she lifts Oliver and moves him onto his correct mark. I don't think that necessarily means both twins are involved in the murder though. We also end the episode with that same twin being missing and hearing a gunshot implying that she has been killed. I have been waiting YEARS for a season in which the bodies start piling up and it's finally happening!
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This episode was narrated by Marshall the writer and I don't know how to feel about his character. I get that he and Mabel are supposed to be similar in that they both have imposter syndrome but he in general just gives off red flags. He's inserting himself into investigating which is something killers do and him having the fake facial hair introduces the idea of the killers having disguises so clearly he was important to this episode. Not to mention he's giving stalker vibes or parasocial Arconiac vibes. I find it very interesting that Mabel and Charles did not view the video of his stand up to verify his alibi. This could very well mean that he was at the Arconia the night that Sazz was killed. He also never stepped on the tacky paper so we don't have his footprint. That's two strikes against him.
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You know who else we didn't see step on the tacky paper? Glen Stubbins. Who is back by the way. I still don't care for his character but I am starting to suspect him. He's physically capable of jumping on the windowsill because he's a stunt performer and for that same reason I'm sure he's also capable of aiming and firing a gun. Also how did he know exactly where Charles lived? They only met the one time at the Stunt Man bar. And yes it's sweet that he brought bread but he could have left it downstairs with Lester. As Ben's stunt double I can't help but wonder if he was present at the Arconia the night of Sazz's murder but in disguise. There's actually a really compelling theory on the hulu subreddit that Glen is the killer if you want to check it out.
Bev actually does have an alibi for that night and seems to only be guilty of wanting her movie made. Can we rule her out just yet? Idk but we'll see. She didn't seem that confident while aiming the gun or firing it off to prove it wasn't loaded. Her revealing Sazz's voicemail and the time it was left definitely proved helpful in establishing a timeline and confirming that there are two killers. Or three if you think it's three people working together.
Howard working for the production team is only strengthening my theory that he's the Moriarty. This man is everywhere! He was working at the theater last season and immersed in the plot there and now here he is in the center of it all once again. Again I don't think he's an evil mastermind, I just think he started off envying the closeness of the trio and now he's high off the power of manipulating things behind the scenes.
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Have any of you heard of the opera La Forza Del Destino? In A Series of Unfortunate Events, there is a reference and parallel to it in which a character is mortally wounded after a weapon is accidentally fired off and strikes them. What if the killer was aiming for Charles, saw Sazz dressed similar to him and was aiming to shoot, and the accomplice called to warn them that it was the wrong person but something startled the killer and they accidentally shot Sazz? Like for example they were ready to go and then someone knocked loudly or something which not only muffled the noise of the phone but startled them enough to shoot.
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This season has so many parallels and coincidences that we have to assume is on purpose. We've got multiple dopplegangers and cases of mistaken identity, guns being misfired (Eva with Rudy's prop gun and Bev with Sazz's loaded gun), and even the blackout in the S4 premiere vs the fire alarm going off in the S1 premiere.
My small takeaways from the episode:
Mabel being 30 and having an identity crisis is so relatable and I hope she finds her way by the end of the series.
Lester talking about wearing a gimp mask is WILD
Charles mentioning having an account in Belize and Detective Williams pretending to unhear it is hilarious
I'm beyond tired of this Oliver and Loretta plotline and him being insecure about her new status as a celebrity. WRAP IT UP!
Fans keep bringing up the cold case and I wonder if that will become the plot point in season five
Zach Galifianakis telling Oliver about how Jonk (sp?) ran through the seven dwarfs and that they could be heard Hi-Ho'ing from the trailer took me out 🤣
Charles having a new murder board each week is my favorite thing because that's literally all of us fans each week after watching a new episode
Bev and Cinda would be besties or frenemies and I really need to see them in a scene together before the season is over
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raventhewolf9 · 3 days
Media and stuff that I'd recommend for therians/alterhumans/nonhumans
WOFLWALKERS!!! Of course this one is at the top of my list, I LOVE this movie. It's SOSOSOSOSOSO good. Perfect for wolf/canine therians especially, but as a cat therian I still enjoyed and related to it!
Benji Zeb is a Ravenous Werewolf by Deke Moulton (I hope I spelled that right)-- Another one that's great for wolf/canine therians, but again, I still really enjoyed and related to it even though I don't have a canine theriotype. It's also got great Jewish, Chinese, queer, and anxiety representation!! What more could you ask for?
Claws by Mike & Rachel Grinti-- I haven't read this book in years but I remember REALLY LOVING it, before I even found out I was a cat therian. I'm SO desperate to read this book again but I can't find it ANYWHERE-- Like it's not at my local library or anything-- Really hope I can read it again soon.
Nimona (movie) (I haven't read the book)-- Haven't watched this in a while but I really really liked it, great for alter/nonhumans in general but especially shapeshifters
Turning Red-- Don't really have much to say about this one since I haven't watched it in a few years, but if you're a red panda I would consider giving it a watch
Amphibia-- This is one of my favorite TV shows!! As the name implies it's a great watch for those with amphibian kintypes, but also just like. literally anyone. go watch this show /nf
Warrior Cats-- Come on, I couldn't not put this on the list. It's pretty cool to be in the paws of a feral cat for a while. Perfect for felines
Wings of Fire-- Great book series for anyone who identifies as a dragon. What's cool about this is that there are tons of different kinds of dragons in the books! Are you a sea dragon? WoF has got you covered! Ice dragon? Yup! Insect dragon? They have those too! There are a whole ten different dragon species in this series and hybrids even exist, too!
Luca-- Perfect for really any aquatic alter/nonhuman, especially merpeople, sea monsters, or aquatic shapeshifters. Haven't watched this in a long time but I remember it being a really good movie
Will Wood's music-- OKAY HEAR ME OUT-- No, this is not JUST because I'm obsessed with WW. That's part of it but I PROMISE I have a good reason for putting him on here! A lot of his music expresses discontent with humanity in general. I mean, one of his songs is literally called "Yes, to Err is Human, So Don't Be One." Outliars and Hyppocrates also comes to mind, as well as Willard! (which is great for those with rodent kintypes or even just those who are rodenthearted). Tomcat Disposables is also from the point of view of a mouse which is cool!! He also has a song called Vampire Reference in a Minor Key which you might enjoy if you're vampirekin
Eighth Wonder by Lemon Demon-- This song is about Gef the talking mongoose, otherwise known as The Dalby Spook. I love this song and it makes me feel very euphoric, it's perfect for cryptidkins (especially those who identify as Gef specifically!)
To The Sky by Owl City-- For a long time this song also made me feel very euphoric, great for those with avian kintypes
Wolf Bite by Owl City-- The song isn't exactly about werewolves, but it has a few werewolf references and I LOVED it when I used to identify as a wolf/werewolf.
Bonus section: Stuff that isn't inherently alterhuman/nonhuman related but still gives me euphoria!
Community Gardens by The Scary Jokes-- No idea why this one gives me euphoria. It just does.
Nothing Man by Sodikken (specifically the music video, not just the song)-- This is honestly probably just because the character in the video has a tail
Yaelokre's Music-- Again, no idea why this does it for me, it just does
Umm yeah I think that's all! If any of the stuff on this list sounds cool to you then you should totally check it out
Hope this helped!!
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fanfic-she-wrote · 21 hours
Second Chances
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(Beetlejuice x Lydia Deetz)
Chapter 1
(Spoilers for Beetlejuice Beetlejuice ⚠️ Do not read if you haven’t seen the movie!)
Chapter 2:
Breakfast was quiet as Astrid and Lydia sat at the table both lost in thought about last night. Lydia was thinking about Betelgeuse and whether or not to contact him. Did he even want to see her? Probably not. She thought mindlessly stirring her cereal around in the bowl with her spoon.
Astrid on the other hand was wondering why her mother was near the attic at all. Was she just going up there to check on things like she said or was she actually going to see Betelgeuse. Why she wanted to she didn’t understand. If only her mother would tell her.
Astrid looked up at Lydia and noticed how far off she looked. Something was bothering her. She opened her mouth, hesitating for a moment to say anything.
“Mom?” She spoke.
Lydia looked up looking almost surprised at the sudden interaction. “Yes?”
“Why were you going up to the attic last night?” She asked, hoping she would give her an honest answer this time. There was a long pause as Lydia was trying to decide exactly how to respond.
“I don’t even know. I just couldn’t get him out of my head.” Lydia finally answered.
“Like he’s haunting you?” Astrid asked, sounding concerned.
“In a sense... it’s like I’m drawn to him. I want to talk to him.” Lydia said looking down at her bowl almost feeling ashamed for wanting to but she couldn’t help it.
Astrid stared at her for a moment trying to process what she had said. She couldn’t believe she would actually want to see him. “Could he be manipulating you somehow?”
She shook her head, no, in response.
“There is just something about him. I can’t explain it but it was different this time. He was different. The ways he helped us out…and even during the wedding he was in a weird, slightly creepy way, kind of sweet.” Lydia admitted.
There was a long pause.
“You must think I’m crazy right?” She murmured still not looking at Astrid.
“Well…I don’t get it but if that’s what you want to do, I support you.” Astrid told her, placing her hand over Lydia’s.
“Thank you.” She said letting out of sigh of relief, grateful her daughter understood.
“Hey if it were me swooning over some dead guy you’d support me too right?” Astrid remarked.
“I am not swooning!” Lydia exclaimed a faint blush forming on her cheeks.
“Sure, sure.” The teen smirked, rolling her eyes jokingly.
Betelgeuse walked about the tiny model cemetery which he did on occasion, playing over the almost wedding in his mind. He had it planned out so perfectly. He was sure Lydia wouldn’t be able to say no. He did everything Rory didn’t and it still wasn’t good enough. If only she’d give him a chance. Just one kiss and—
Suddenly, he heard the door creak open. He stopped dead in his tracks and watched as Lydia made her way over to the model town. Why was she here? He wondered.
Lydia took a deep breath, preparing herself for what she was about to do.
The room suddenly became very cold and the drapes fluttered wildly even though the windows weren’t open.
The attic became an eerie green color and smoke began to emanate from the model town before her.
Then everything went dark and silent. She held her breath, waiting in anticipation.
“You called?” A gruff voice spoke from behind her making her jump in surprise.
“You really need to stop sneaking up on people.” Lydia snapped.
“Hey, it’s what I do.” Betelgeuse shrugged.
“So, what do you want now?” He said trying to sound more indifferent than he felt. Secretly he was glad that he could see her again. He wanted to be mad at her, but couldn’t.
“You.” Lydia answered simply. Betelgeuse looked down at her, stunned at her response. Did he hear he correctly?
He stuck his finger in his ear to clean it out, but instead of earwax he pulled out a little green bug. He flicked it across the room and turned back to Lydia. “Say that again?”
“I want you. Just you.” Lydia clarified.
“Wait? What? Really?!” He asked, perking up. She nodded and gave him a small smile.
Without warning, he pulled her into a hug and spun her around. “I knew you’d come around! You won’t regret it! I’ll-“ She pushed him away and placed a finger on his lips, shushing him.
“I want to go slow.” She told him. “I won’t send you back, but you have to promise to behave.”
Betelgeuse nodded his head in agreement. “I’ll try, but I wouldn’t get your hopes up babe.”
“Eeeee! Ok, ok! I’ll behave.” He exclaimed with a flinch.
“Good!” Lydia smiled, satisfied with herself and turned back towards the door, Betelgeuse following her.
“What about a little mischief? Maybe scaring the occasional Jehovah’s witness?” He asked hopefully.
“Aww cmon, ya gotta work with me here! I can’t just quit cold turkey.” Betelgeuse insisted half jokingly.
“I’m serious. I’ll send you back.” Lydia assured him.
He let out a defeated sigh. “Ok, ok fine. I can do this…but only for you.” He said pointing towards her.
Lydia’s heart skipped a beat repeating what he said over in her mind. “Only for you.”
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llamaisllama777 · 14 hours
Okay, we had a lot of really good episodes today, so let's hurry up and talk about them!
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First up, FAMILY MOMENTS! I love this thumbnail so much, especially Moon's face.. I .. I just love it!
I love how we get to learn about everyone's movie preferences. It's interesting learning these little random tidbits about them. It's fun. Also Sun...
Also, Prince of Egypt is a really good movie. You all should go watch it. Even if you aren't religious, it's really good and has some awesome animation and music. Seriously, if you haven't watched, please do. I think it's on YouTube for free???
This episode was cute.... ONTO THE TRAUMA!
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Bout time, I was wondering when Nexus would try to kidnap Sun. Took longer than I expected... I wonder why? 🤔
This episode I think confirmed a theory I had...
New Moon/Nexus never cared.
I had this thought in the back of my head that Nexus never really cared about them. He never thought of them as family. He just saw them as people he was told to call family. They were NEVER his family. He never really cared. He just cared about Solar, but Solar never saw him as a brother. OOOFFFFF!
That hurts!
But I'm glad we know because DANG! The angst there!
Also, Sun is stronger than Nexus' chain ability (That ability where he forces people to the floor. I like to imagine purple chains form around the person when he uses that move)
Nexus was so close to kidnapping Sun....
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Monty FINALLY got to use the shotgun! He nearly killed Nexus there! Thank you, Nebula, for the starshells! The Astrals are starting to grow on me.
(Okay... maybe a was a little rash on the whole "Down with the Astrals" "Viva la revolution" thing!) Sorry, Astrals. Still don't really trust Taurus or Leo tho.
Things are getting serious! October is in like two weeks! The creator is still out there! Rez and Cetus are out there! And Dark Sun still has a stinkin' dragon! This is gonna be an exciting October! I'm so excited!
Also, thank you, Davis and Reed, for this picture of Monty with a shotty.
And lastly...
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Okay, Eclipse looks like that one guy from the office that conspiracy theory guy. And Puppet just looks depressed.
Puppet really wants to catch the killer. It's really affecting her. It's the MCI incident all over again. And she clearly doesn't want anyone or herself to go through that again. Eclipse still won't watch movies with anyone. It's only a matter of time, though. The moment he says yes and joins them is the moment his redemption arc is complete for me!
So, Eclipse and Puppet have narrowed down the killer to 4 suspects. All employees of Fazbear.
1. Vincent
2. Some lady named Margo
3. A teenage intern who works in the daycare named Josh
4. And the repair man whose name I forget.
I don't think it's any of these guys. But I have a few theories on who the killer could be..
1. Michael Afton of this world. Eclipse did mention in one of the early episodes of the EAPS that the Michael of this world was/still is an employee of Fazbears.
2. Henry Emily. Just cause the angst that it would cause Puppet.
3. The Charlie of this world. Just cause again the angst it would cause Puppet being the killer of this world!
There is no way it's Wanda(the William of this world)
And I highly doubt it's Vincent or some rando employee.
It has to be someone important.
These episodes were amazing!
Davis, Reed, Kat, Valentine, you guys did amazing on these episodes again!
Extra point cause WOW!
Also shout out to this commentor for having the funniest comment on there.
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Nebula, you are starting to become my favorite Astral!
Also, Patchnotes is a ship I really hope happens now!
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imavikingo · 2 days
I was thinking on when Steve lost Bucky for the 3rd time (1st when he was drafted, 2nd when he was told he was MIA, 3rd when he fell) he tried to get drunk to forget, right? If he did that then...
What did he do when he lost him for the 6th time? (4th when he escaped, 5th when Bucky was in cryo, 6th the snap)
I mean technically Bucky died twice, but Steve lost him six times already.
And of he tried to get blind drunk once of those times- did he self-harm in other ways too?
To dull the pain? He can't get drunk, he heals quickly, he can't die easily either, so what did he do?
He wouldn't want to die when he knows for a fact that Bucky is alive ofc, but I can't see him acting normally or without a little bit of reckless energy.
To dull the pain and disappoinment (he can't feel like that, that's Bucky's choice -Cryo-. But how it hurts him tho).
(unrelated to this line of thought but it is relevant to the idea regardless)
That's why I can't fathom the idea of Steve abandoning Bucky in endgame.
He lost him 6 six (6) times already and he just... Went away? To a woman he only kissed once? After all he did for him, the pain and loss?
Even if you don't ship them, you have to think that to be really ooc on Steve's part. Everything in his character arc in the MCU is related to Bucky (and loss). Yes he liked Peggy, but he didn't suffer nor mourn her the same way he mourned Bucky (She was alive, but had dementia and was also very old, and had her own life).
His feelings for Peggy were more a "what if" and lost possibilities than anything.
She was an idea, a fantasy (that's why Wanda used that when fighting with him, right?). Not something real.
He wanted to be with her, but he didn't really knew her or love her (at least I don't think so).
She was the first woman that saw him for him after all. Before everything. But that's it.
He liked her for that (and her strong personality too) but did he love her? He didn't try to get on dates after he was defrosted because he knew people would only see Captain America, not Steve Rogers. He needed to represent an ideal and knew no one would understand (the pain, loss) and have the patience to be with him. That’s why he also highlighted the shared life experience thing.
So she was comforting, reassuring in a toxic and unhealthy kind of way (memories and fantasy aren't healthy when used like that). But still a what if and lost opportunity. He had to let her go at one point. And he did(!) But they had to fuck it up…
I mean... it's the same thing when you're still hung up on an ex. You want to think of the possibilities, the what ifs, the "what could have been" But when you go back to them nothing is like you remembered, nothing is like you wanted and you are dissatisfied and disappointed.
(Because all of that was in your head, it wasn't real).
And besides, he knew she had a life of her own (a fulfilling one at that) so what, he was selfish enough to fuck that up too? Without helping HIM? Without saving HIM? Abandoning HIM? After just being brought to life? After grieving him for another five years? Bucky was his best friend, his companion, his best pal…
He wouldn't do that to him. He would die before hurting Bucky (as they already stablished for most of the fucking movies) He even was like “You don’t understand” when Peggy talked to him in the bars ruins.
I think in canon (not ooc/EG)Steve would entertain the idea, but would decide to just keep it as that: An idea, a fantasy. And move on like he already did before.
Also the idea that it was a Peggy from an alternative universe is flawed because he abandoned HIS Bucky, even if in the other universe he helped or whatever.
In HIS UNIVERSE he abandoned his best friend? Not believable. And the logic of “oh it didn’t change their timeline because it was another one” is also stupid.
They already fucked up with Steve fighting 2012!Steve and also telling him about Bucky (creating another universe more than likely). And they were supposed to be undetected. Not create new universes. Thats also why I’m so keen on the idea of Steve being in a prison or something. He already fucked up once, twice if you think he went to the past to stay.
How can he be free while fucking up the timelines? Yeah, nah.
Also… they implied Steve can’t age in a movie if I remember correctly…. How did he become old?
And the idea that he went to Peggy because “Tony told him to have a life outside of captain america” is fucked up. So what? He relates his Bucky’s existence with work? FUCK OFF. Endgame Steve is fucked up and the worst character assassination I’ve ever seen.
They were just too annoyed with the fans because we ship Stucky (even tho they used that to promote the movies in panels and stuff, hypocrites -​I remember clearly the producers? of the movie talk about gay characters and the actors talk about Stucky in those panels for then…be one of the russos in like 1 second and have that shit ass, fuck ass ending for Steve and Bucky. That shit was vile-).
im also annoyed with some people that now shit on Steve when umh… did you see the movies? The other movies? Not only Endgame? (Btw the only one that got a “good ending” was Tony because he died as a hero in front of everyone -even tho he didn’t want to help at first because he had a good life, the ONLY ONE OF THEM might I add-, everyone else got worse, is dead or they’re neglected and treated as haha funny character or haha funny moment)
Im all for ships and ideas and headcanons (even when I hate them with passion, you do you) but don’t try and use this character assassination as an excuse to shit on Steve. If you NEED to shit on a character for your ship to work, then you’re not doing a good job at it or your ship sucks. Idk what to tell you.
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castratedvader · 2 years
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Promotional pic for Sleepwalkers (1992) dir. Mick Garris
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hauntingblue · 6 months
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making a collection
making another collection with a threatening aura
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#davy back fightbpart 3 letsgo#HOW do the three big guns get wasted on the eating contest... horrible plan.... luffy is fine bc well... but not sanji and zoro like damn.#luffy DOESNT WANNA EAT??? CALL THE NAVY!!!!#what was i saying.... bad idea putting the three beasts there#FRANKY FRANKY FRANKY!!!! they captured the two princesses :(#one sided beef squashed between luffy and foxy. friendship ended with random ex marine guy. now luffy is my best friend#usopp and franky bonding time hell yeah. throw usopp by the head once more pelase#nami with zoros swords just like holding them looks so cool like she should get a few swords too... nami three sword style oda drawing pls#i think this man underestimates nami and luffys power together he doesnt know about shiki#luffy saying he knows its a trap and sorry for being late.... lets go on an adventure all nine of us.... usopp yes anding his lie..... omg#cant believe nami isnt there yet. she could take this guy. oh there she is!!!!! she does look cool with the swords and jumping to get luffy#zoro screaming in agony from luffy getting shot omg THIS FUCKING GUY OF COURSE!!! this looks like its so over#zoro and sanji must feel so useless rn. they didnt even get the chance to fight like damn#komei-kakka??? more like come caca. boom#luffy face down dead on the floor akdjkaa chopper have you tried looking at the wound to see if it harmed him idk#it hit the face akdjskn usopp that was coom also#was robin flirting with the other guy and zoro caught her and she told hum to shut up???#'your friends got the best of me but you are still in my arms an-' 'HEAT EGG!! ALSO YOU'RE ON FIRE!'#flare maneauver that was so slay also luffy and nami in the same frame so twins of them. my children. birthed them one right after the othe#zoro and sanji fighting back to back. back to back to back to you i dont wanna fall right back to us maybe you should run right back to her#that is such a bop song. also post wano zosan. and post wci. see the recurrent theme#fighting in water.... being on top of the sword that was a slay... red hawk ace i will never forget you it seems#foxy liking his jolly roger omg nami fooled him ahdhsjs i think they should have pirate game event every year they yearn for contests#now since this experience foxy should make monthly multitudinary pirate games olympics hoping the strawhats join them a la gatsby#the faces at the mushroom akdhaksjs#talking tag#watching one piece#watching one piece movies#kinda loved how robin betted on franky against usopp.... i will take the crumbs
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