#yes i started again just for looking at the animations and graphics
hyruleairbnb · 1 month
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So cute how Zelda checks if Link is hurt after he fought against the lil bats at the beginning and is glad that he is well
she kinda looks at him like: damn boy
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mayearies · 1 year
… ꒰ঌ ໒꒱
miles morales
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˚ʚ property of ©hiimayee ɞ˚
genre: suggestive | warnings: miles ooc, kissing, spanish translations: desea averiguarlo? / you want to find out? authors input: i wanted to make more borderline cocky miles i miss it also i cant fucking find graphics for stories anymore im actually gonna start shitting myself also ik i cant write kissing scenes dont rn
summary: turns out miles is a really good kisser
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… ꒰ঌ ໒꒱
miles liked anything to do with your body, believe it or not. he would get the most out of cuddling with you, kissing you, or just simply holding your hand. but he had a tendency to ask one thing any time he would sit down:
“can you come sit on my lap?”
sometimes he wouldnt even ask. he would just pull you on top of him or give you a pleading stare. he honestly wouldnt pay much attention to you. he would just want you close to him. if you wanted to talk to him, he would be down for that always. hell, he would drop what he’s doing and turn his attention to you any day of the week.
wanna guess how you got here? yeah, he just led you to his desk and placed you on top of him so he could draw. take it as you’re a stuffed animal he wouldn’t want to misplace.
but stuffed animals have feelings too. he didn’t say a word to you. he just rested his head over your shoulder as his finger danced on your thigh in a rhythm, the one matching his headphones. you didnt like being ignored while in this state. you couldnt even get off him.
you bit your cheek as your face held an expression of annoyance. “miles?”
he didnt answer. but you knew he heard you since the tapping on your thigh slowed down and the sound of markers against the paper increased. he liked teasing you like this. and you knew just the way to break him: neck kisses!
he was an absolute sucker for kisses in general. his forehead and his neck were his favorite places for you to kiss. everytime you would, he would giggle a little bit before breaking, “what? what’s up, darling?”
“you never look at me even after i do this for you!” “mmm? do you want something?”“a kiss would be nice. all you give is cheap forehead kisses.”
miles directed his eyes to yours. soon leaving to look at your lips which were lightly glazed with lipgloss. he held a playful smirk before looking back up at your face. “hm. cheap kisses, huh?”
“i bet you aren’t even that good of a kisser, miles.” “hah. desea averiguarlo, mami?”
oh wow. you didnt expect that. or this. despite your continuous reminders for him to put on chapstick, his lips were really soft and smooth. even smoother with your lipgloss on it.
the thing is, miles has never kissed you like this before. he would give you longing kisses like this anywhere but your lips. you thought he did it because he was nervous. turns out he was, but had just played it off cool. but he pulled all the right strings first try.
something about his hand stroking your thigh lightly, the biting of your lip as your lips danced with one another did something for you. i mean, as it should.
pulling away with a playful smirk, he leaned into your ear. “so? did you find out or do i gotta demonstrate again? you got enough attention for the hour now?”
you playfully rolled your eyes as you slipped from his grasp to go sit on the couch and turn on a movie leaving miles stunned a little. nonetheless, he followed you. snuggling against your chest as he pulled you into his lap once more. “what we watchin’, missy?”
“missing.” “ohhh.. y’know what’s really missing?” “..what?” “your last name changed to ‘morales’.”“stop using those jokes you got from peter. just because he got to keep mj with them doesn’t mean you’ll get to keep me.” “yes ma’am.”
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sweetenerobert · 8 months
keep fuckin’ quiet
1.1k / dbf!joel miller x male reader
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summary: you can’t keep quiet, joel has to find ways to keep you silent
warnings: +18 MINORS DNI, pwp, age gap (22/40s) sex in a bathroom, slight suffocation (joel covers your mouth from moaning) dbf!joel, daddy!kink, kissing, creampie, joel has a dirty mouth, spanking,
a/n: I was sick when I wrote this, and somehow wrote this shit at 3 am (from where i am), @janaispunk thank you for letting me be the most chaotic and delirious person while I was writing this 💗💗💗
a/n 2: was this me writing this out of boredom because my brain can’t sleep, yes! also thanks to @strang3lov3 for the graphic, love you queen 💗💗💗
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You noticed beads of sweat from the man behind you, littering his forehead through your squinted eyes. Hands planted hard and rough on your bare hips. You were bearing your teeth in an attempt to keep quiet. Your dad was just a few feet from the bathroom, and any sudden noise would distract him from the TV.
The pseudo-uncle whom you’ve known your entire life was fucking the daylights out of you; keeping your hands to yourself around him was hard; you were eager to know what rested under the extra cloth in his jeans that rested where his cock lay. He was hesitant, but even paper folds with enough pressure pressed.
“Ya’ fuckin’ got what you wanted? You like this big dick deep in you son?”
“Yes! Oh, I love it so much,” You whined.
Joel was trying his best to fuck you as soft as his hips drew closer to you with each thrust, but he wanted to see you squirm under each thrust, tried to stretch you out, and leave a mark on you that he never wanted to forget. But he couldn't do that with each thrust as heavy breathes and light moans were escaping with each push of his cock.
“Keep quiet, son. Your pop’s is right outside.”
“I can't help it, Joel. You're so fuckin’ big.”
A light smack came across your ass but still caused you to wince and your ass to sting. “No cursing, son. I shouldn't have to punish my good boy.”
“Punish me, daddy! Teach me a lesson!”
“You asked for it, son, but keep fuckin’ quiet, or I’ll pull my cock out of that tight pussy of yours.”
Joel’s hips have a mind of their own as his cock jackhammers deeper in your ass, thighs clapping against your ass. The volume of your moans starts to elevate as Joel keeps hitting your G-spot.
“Shut y’mouth, son,” Joel grunted. “Y’want your dad to hear us?”
“N-no! I love your cock so much.”
“Such a dirty whore, y’gonna be daddy’s good little whore?”
Joel’s forearm wrapped around your neck, and you felt his chest on your back; hearing your dad’s best friend call you a whore made your cock twitch and made you want to cum. Your hands grab the sink, bending the material under you as you feel Joel stretch you out.
“Y’look so fuckin’ addicted from my cock, son. Look at yourself.” You complied with Joel’s command and looked at yourself. You saw a beast behind you; it wasn't Joel anymore who was behind you; he seemed unrecognizable. His eyes darken, his teeth bared, his grunts in your ear. Joel was becoming an animal in heat, and you were the reason why.
Focusing your eyes back down at the sink, you suddenly feel your chin grabbed and forced to look back at the small mirror and see you and Joel again. “What do ya think you're doin’? Y’wanted this cock so bad, I’ll make sure y’have it.” Joel’s lips press up against your ear, and his mustache and beard tickle the curves of your ear, causing shivers to crawl all over your spine.
The man before you, hips’ kept pushing deeper, and his pace was picking up with each thrust. Slight moans keep leaving your mouth, and you can't help but feel how Joel makes your body go into overdrive.
He couldn't compare to the guys you’ve been with in the past; Joel knew what he was doing to leave a mark on you. He knew how to pleasure a partner, and you were glad that you got to experience what it was like. Your hands rested on Joel’s thighs to help soften his thrusts, up to no avail.
“Son, y’getting too loud again.”
Ignoring Joel, moans kept slipping through your teeth; even with Joel’s firm but not tight grip on your throat, Moans kept leaping out of your mouth. Suddenly, Joel plants his hands over your mouth to help muffle your moans.
Heavy breaths were replaced but covered your moans. Each moan was replaced with a heavy breath covered with a groan or cry that Joel’s cock gave to you. His pace wouldn’t stop, and your moans wouldn’t stop shooting from your mouth.
The floor creaked from outside the bathroom; you both couldn’t tell if it was the house settling or your dad outside, but whatever it was, it made an unsettling feeling crawl up Joel’s body. The cries escaping your mouth through his thick fingers made Joel make a rash decision.
Lightly pulling on your chin, causing you to bend backward to look up at Joel. Quickly moving his hand from your mouth — a groan escapes your lips; Joel’s plump lips connect to your soft ones. They didn't block out the cries escaping you, but they suppressed them the best they could.
Joel’s hands were on your neck, not tight, but to balance your head. Eyes shut on both you and Joel as you gripped his arms. You felt your hair pressed on Joel’s flannel-covered chest; with each thrust, you could feel Joel’s heart bump against your head. A line of precum was escaping the hardened tip of your cock; it was hurting not to cum, but kissing Joel helped suppress that hurt feeling.
Feeling Joel back away from your lips, you open your eyes to look at him, an upside-down sneer on his face as your vision fixes from the darkness it was in moments ago.
“Fuckin’ hell, baby. I’m gonna cum; you want me to —”
“Gimme your cum, Joel. I want it all.”
Planting his lips back on yours, each of Joel’s thrusts started to become animal-like; he became the animal in the heat with each thrust and push; you could feel Joel’s cock twitch inside you. He was about to explode with each thrust of pleasure he gave you.
Removing one of your hands from Joel’s arms, you grip the shaft of your cock and start to stroke yourself. The buildup of cum from your base slowly began to rise as you felt it slowly crawl the shaft.
“Fuck, baby. I’gonna cum,” Joel grunted in your mouth.
“Me too, Joel.”
With a few pushes, a groan escapes Joel’s lips as you feel his warm cum swim inside you. As Joel was cumming, lines of cum escaped your pained mushroom tip. Your dick started to go flaccid in your palm as you heard the squelch from your ass as Joel slipped his cock out of you.
But his lips didn't move from your mouth; as your body turned, Joel’s lips stayed on yours. Your body pressed up behind the sink when your nails were trying to dig into it earlier. His rough hands on your waist as your hands find his face, his coarse but soft beard in your hands.
The electricity in the kiss died down as Joel rested his forehead against yours, noses intertwining together as you both just enjoyed each other.
“T’was the best fuck I ever had.”
“Best fuck for me, ever.”
“Thank, angel.”
“No problem, Joel.”
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nrdmssgs · 4 months
Honestly need some nikto being violently concerned over readers health after they came home from a bar all far too loopy and delirious to be normal drunk if you're comfortable with that if you're not that's fine
Masterlist I hope, I got you right.
TW: mention of drug poisoning (no graphical depictions)
He never questioned your loyalty. Nikto may be a territorial animal, but he never doubted you. Others however...
"He-heeey, `m fine! C-can do it on my own," you babble, as you push away his hands and try to untie your shoelaces. If he was concerned before, just witnessing you entering home - now Nikto starts seeing red.
Because how you move and talk is so not you. Nikto saw you tipsy before, once you two even had obviously too much, and he remembered, how you were back then. Silly, yes, soft and mushy, a tad bratty, tired, but still crazy - this all was natural. And now a strange shiver runs all over your body every five minutes.
Oh no, this is not an early hungover. This and the fact, that you spent the last 15 minutes sitting in a hallway, untying and tying your shoes again and again. He sighs and descends on his knees before you. Catches your hands and presses his lips against your knuckles.
"I will help, little one."
You manage exactly one sound: a weak little mewl of protest. But Andre slowly shakes his head, looking you in the eyes and repeats: I. Will. Help.
You finally give in under his intense, and, for a reason unknown to you, concerned gaze. His movements are so careful as if hes undressing a porcelain doll. You smile and giggle, asking him to stop tickling you every time his fingers clasp around your ankles.
It breaks his heart, because he actually barely touched you. Your senses are a mess, your body is not ok, your mind... And what is about your mind?
"Sokrovishche*, tell me, how the evening went? Had fun?" Nikto is a shitty actor, his voice barely masks the fact, that he can barely think straight himself. But you seem to not notice that, because you answer lightheartedly, while he carries you to the bedroom.
Your story is hectic, and the jerky narration doesn't help it: you jump from one topic to another, mix up names and facts. But it's your sincerity that tears him apart - you're not trying to trick Nikto, you're confused and lost.
There is one particular detail reappearing in your story: a guy. You try and try again to remember his face or the name at least, but fail and start worrying.
"It's ok, if you don't remember. Tell us, what you've been drinking, mm? Something tasty?"
Tell us. A bad omen. A terrible one. It's been a while since the last time, the voices have woken up. But you miss this detail, as you miss every second word shared now.
"A glass of wine. Then a glass of water, then again the wine, the same one. After that I got thirsty once again, asked for water, he brought me a bottle, it was sealed, I remember. And then... And then I d-d-ont..." Your eyes widen slowly.
Niktos jaw clenches, a cold light grows stronger deep in pale blue eyes. That scum. Sealed bottles? So he cooks a batch prior to his night out, somewhere in his place...
"Andre, did I?... How long? What did he..." You can't finish any question, your tongue suddenly feels too big and heavy to form a full sentence. In a desperate attempt to catch a breath, you take an inhale, but your breaths grow ragged. Not even noticing this, you start hyperventilating.
He gathers you into his arms, engulfs your body in a warm embrace, hides your face on his chest and softly rocks you back and forth, helping you find a soothing breathing rhythm.
"Vsye khorosho, sokrovishche. You're safe, we promise. No bruises left. He didn't touch you."
When Nikto touches his lips to your forehead, it’s so gentle and careful, one wouldn't believe, such a beast is capable to be this soft. He is easing you into the feel of him as his hands, holding you steady. There may be no bruises, but there can still be other things, your mind has blocked, but your body remembers.
He rocks you against him, breathing in time with him, the measure of his heart a steady clip that you can follow with measured steps. He and every voice awaken thank any gods out there, for you don't tense up, squirm and run from his touch. That gives him hope, that the fucker really didn't manage to do anything.
"We will protect my little treasure." He slowly helps you out of your clothes. It's not an act of seduction, but pure manifestation of care.
"We will calm our little one, take all her worries, guard her in her sleep." Warm lips on the back of your neck. Yet again: this is not a foreplay - it is Andre giving you all the care he has. Anything soft, that he is capable of in this deep mad state of mind, belongs to you.
He takes your worries away, lulls you to sleep, interlocking his fingers with yours, buries his face in your hair, letting you drown in his deep bitterish scent and find your peace in his hands.
Nikto may be a crooked soul, a mind damaged, torn to pieces, but for you he will turn into a bastion against all the darkness in the world.
When he is sure, you're deep in your dreams and nothing bothers you anymore - Nikto vanishes for a few hours.
He rarely uses this set, but there is, in fact, an all black tactical attire in his wardrobe. There is rarely a good reason to take it on, but today is the day. Darker wet stains on black won't draw too much attention in the first lights of the dawn.
You wake in a bed that feels too empty and slowly realize, what have happened. What might have happened after you fell asleep. You wait him out, perched on the edge of your seat, watching him shuck off his gear in a deafening silence.
His mind is still out there. Each glance on you feels like he’s entered a prizefighting ring, and you’re the opponent he needs to face off with next. His jaw works, a muscle ticking, and with that particular, quiet sort of menace he’s just so good at leveraging, he holds out a hand for you to come to him. “He won't ever trouble you again.” Level. More controlled than you expected.
Nikto holds back, not letting himself slide his fingers up your arms and thus leave blood strains on your perfect skin. Never. Never should a blood of such a scum besmear his treasure.
Leave the blood of those who wronged you for his hands.
Sokrovishche - treasure
Vsye khorosho, sokrovishche - everything's allright, treasure
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glitch-karma · 1 year
Hi there! If requests are still opened, i'd love to make one :o (although it's a bit lengthy, so if you don't want to do it I understand!!)
TW for s**cide mentions from here forward btw! (common with any dazai fic, lolz)
I'd love to request a dazai x reader (fem or gn will work!) where he asks reader to commit double suicide with him, and to literally everyone's shock, they agree! So the agency (mainly kunikida and atsushi) have to repeatedly sabatoge their attempts, and during that time, the two start to get to know eachother better and grow closer whilst they aren't plotting their own demises. Eventually dazai starts to fall for them, but one day reader tries to attempt on their own life solo due to being unable to handle the pains and pressures of life anymore. Ofc they were rescued just in time, but it made him realize that he wants to see reader safe and happy, and that he had finally found his reason to live through his love for them. Extra points if he confesses his love at some point and reader accepts!!
Sorry if this was rant-y, i'm a huge sucker for angst to comfort :P either way tho, i hope you have a lovely rest of your day/night!
-Y/n is a new worker at the Cafe under the ADA
-MAJOR SUICIDE WARNING!! (Including but not limited to: Blood, pills, self-harm, etc..) I am a sucker for graphic detail so you have been warned
-Also warning for puke
-Reader is kinda based off of Mafuyu from Project Sekai cause I said so (Btw pjsk simps gonna open up reqs for them when they become open again‼️)
-also reader has dull eyes cause anime logic
I did probably a concerning amount of research on suicide, (Plus looked for so long for Dazai's stupid lil book) for this so I hope you enjoy!
Break time at the Armed detective agency usually means having some coffee at their favorite cafe. As the group sat down Dazai was glancing around when his eyes caught the sight of the new waitress waiting next to a barista Dazai frequently flirted with. The girl had semi-messy h/c colored hair, her eyes a dull e/c. Her features framed her face so beautifully. Dazai's mouth curled into a smirk as he stared at her. Kunikida caught wind and immediately irked. "Dazai.."
As the waitress approached the table, Dazai read the name stage reading "Y/n". He smiled as she stopped at their table. Before she could get a word out Dazai grabbed her hand in his. "Such soft hands.. And beautiful eyes as well. Would you, Belladona, do me the honors of accompanying me to a double suicide?"
Dazai was now lying on the floor, as Kunikida brushed himself off. "I'm so sorry Ma'am, he's always like this-" Atsushi apologized as Y/n leaned down to the man on the floor. "I'd gladly join a double suicide." She smiled down at him.
. . .
"Really!?!" Dazai yelled as he stood up, grabbing Y/n's hand again. Y/n chuckled as she nodded at him. "I get off at 6. You work in this building correct? I'll meet you on the roof." "Yes yes, that sounds wonderful~!"
Everyone at the table stared shell-shocked as Y/n takes their order normally like nothing just happened. As dazai kicked his legs in his own little world, Kunikida Atsushi and Junichiro all stared at each other in concern. Kunikida pulled them behind a menu quickly.
"As much as I'd love to let that dimwitt meet his end, we need him and that girl to stay alive. It isn't right letting a young lady with so much life in her die with that blasted Dazai." Kunikida sighed. Atsushi and Junichiro nodded in sync.
"Once Dazai leaves to meet her we should follow them," Atsushi whispered. Junichiro hummed in agreement. "It's decided then." Junichiro finished. The three quickly separated from the menu as Y/n walked over and set down their drinks. As she walked away dazai starstruck-ingly called out; "See you tonight Madameeee~". Y/n peeked over her shoulder, smiling at him. Dazai felt his heart flutter a bit at those beautifully dull eyes.. They seemed to draw him in for more.
As Dazai whipped open the doors to the building roof, he caught sight of the lady ready to accompany him with his final dance. Her hair was gently blowing in the warm Yokohama breeze as she stared off into the sky. What was she looking at? Dazai didn't know. But her eyes looked so sickeningly dull in that moment. But still, so beautiful..
"I'm pleasantly surprised to see you here! I was concerned you agreed simply to make me leave you alone." The dark-eyed man said, leaning next to her. "I'd never joke about suicide. Such a beautiful ending to a sick existence." Y/n spoke lowly. In the cafe, she had a sort of customer voice, but there was no trace of it here. Dazai smirked a bit at this.
"I should let you know now, I'm not interested in pain. I don't know exactly what you're into though.." Dazai teased her. "Pain is not something I'm looking for either. Just a quick ending."
Dazai chuckled, quickly whipping out his little red book. "Suffocation, Hanging, Poisoning, Shooting, Jumping," He read off as Y/n stared at him. Only blinking in response. "All the ideas you could storm up are right here in this very book."
"Ah! What a glorious book,, if I wasn't planning on dying I'd buy a copy.." Y/n smiled lightly. "But.." she continued, grabbing the book and shutting it quickly. "I'd like to try jumping first."
With a quick grab of Dazai's shirt, the two were suddenly falling off the roof of the building. Y/n shut her eyes, waiting for the end of it all.
The two landed on a bunch of garbage bags stacked up on each other. Y/n quickly sat up in disappointment as Dazai lay on the ground is fear and confusion. "Dang."
Dazai suddenly bursted into laughter. Y/n hummed, turning to him. "What's so funny?" Dazai wiped a tear from his eye as he sat up too. "You're the most forward suicidal girl I've ever met, my dear Y/n." He chuckled. Y/n blushed lightly before standing up.
"No matter.. We'll try again. Tomorrow. You can choose the method." She smiled at him. Dazai chuckled as he stood, lending her a hand up as he did so. "It's a date." He joked.
. .
"GAHHHH I THOUGHT WE WEREN'T GONNA MAKE IT." "Oh be quiet Atsushi, my Ideals were almost perfect."
There were the secret team, two sweaty messes, and one writing vigorously in his notebook. The three had watched Dazai enter the roof before running down to prepare in case they jumped, finishing just before they did.
"This might be a long couple of days.." Junichiro said quietly.
Day 2
"Oiiiii! Y/n dear!" Dazai yelled as he entered the roof. "Ah, hello Dazai." the girl lightly smiled. "What will we be doing today?"
Time after time,
Day 3
"Oh, Y/n you're here late! Well? Shall we begin?"
Attempt after attempt,
Week 3
"Dazai! Hurry we'll miss the train!" "Yes yes, my dear!"
The two met almost every day.
Month 2
The two had been testing the faith of this world as they attempted suicide again and again. Slowly, Dazai started to see something he hadn't before. Something fluttered in his chest..
The way she gets so distracted, the way she turned to yell at him when he took a joke too far, the way her nose scrunched up in such a way, those eyes.. Those beautifully dull eyes.
What was this feeling in Dazai's chest?
As Dazai thought intensely at his desk the others in the office grew worried. "What's up with Dazai today?" Atsushi mumbled. "I'm not sure.. I've never seen him think this much before."
"It's so clear what his problem is." Ranpo mumbled as he sucked on a loli. Dazai's head shot up immediately. "You know what this feeling is in my chest!? Please, explain Ranpo! Have I been poisoned? Is it fatal? Will I finally die? I can't die without Y/n."
Ranpo sighed as he bit off the lollipop. "No nothing of the sort, you're simply in love with that cafe waitress."
"Did he really just say that in front of us all!?"
Everyone at the agency thought in shock. Dazai's eyes were wide as he stared at Ranpo. His cheeks were flushed as he pondered the idea. The great Dazai? In love?
"This feeling in my chest.." He thought in shock. "That's a heart by the way," Ranpo smirked at the flustered Dazai. Dazai looked down for a moment, before springing up. He slammed his fist down loudly."This is..."
"Truly wonderful!!"
Dazai yelled as he pranced around the office. The majority of the group stared in dismay as he did so. "Ah, how perfect! I'm in love with the person I plan to meet my end with! We can plan a lovelier more passionate suicide now! How beautiful!"
"I should go confess right away! We can begin planning for our end together!" Dazai screamed with giddy as he threw his jacket on quickly. Ranpo's eyes scrunched together lightly as he thought. "You should go quickly, Dazai." He said as Dazai flung open the door.
"Will do!" Dazai yelled, running down the stairs to the cafe. As he opened the doors, he inhaled the lovely aroma of coffee before calling out. "Y/n my dear! I need to tell you something import-"
To Dazai's dismay, Y/n was nowhere to be seen in the cafe. He blinked a few times before walking towards one of the other workers. "Is Y/n here?" He asked with a hand covering his face.
"Ah, I'm sorry Dazai she didn't come in for her shift this morning.." The barista explained. Dazai's head popped up in surprise. "Uh, really?"
"Mhm, She didn't call in either. It's unlike her. She usually at least gives a call if she's gonna be late." The girl explained. Dazai's eyes furrowed as he thought.
"You should go quickly, Dazai."
Dazai's eyes shot open as he stared at the ground for a moment. "No.."
"Uh, Dazai?" The barista asked him. Dazai turned quickly, running out of the cafe in a hurry. His breath grew ragged as he ran quickly. He stopped in front of a familiar apartment complex to breathe. He then quickly ran in, ignoring the calls from a front desk worker. He sprinted and sprinted as he burst into Y/n's bedroom. "Y/n!" He screamed.
His eyes quickly scanned the room, finding it neatly tidied instead of the mess it was when he first visited her here. He then noticed the bathroom door shut tightly, while steam lightly flowed out of it. He ran to the door, trying the handle only to find it locked.
"Y/n!" He yelled, banging on the door. No answer. Dazai backed up quickly, before slamming his shoulder into the door, causing it to fly off its hinges. He looked up from the floor, seeing the sight he wanted to stop.
(Last major TW before we continue.)
Y/n laid in the bathtub fully clothed. The water from the faucet flowed continually, causing the room to fill with steam. A bottle of some unmarked pills laid on the bathroom floor, followed by a knife of which she'd used to make her wrist bleed. The fresh red liquid had been used to fill a small vile next to her.
Dazai quickly stood up, stopping the water before reaching his hands into the hot water. He wrapped his arms around Y/n's figure, lifting her up into his arms before placing her on the floor gently. He quickly ran to the medicine cabinet, grabbing a cotton swab and a roll of bandages.
He ran back to her fast, checking her pulse before sticking the cotton swab deep into her throat repeatedly until a steady stream of fresh puke left her lips. He pulled her into his arms as she came to, putting pressure on her wrist. Y/n's head felt fuzzy as she looked up at him. "Dazai.."
"Ah, you're conscious. Please stay awake, and don't move too much." Dazai whispered lowly. Y/n's head fog cleared as she came to. Realizing she'd been saved.
"No.." She mumbled as hot tears began to form. She suddenly became enraged. "Why you of all people.." "Y/n?"
"I thought you understood.. I just want to disappear from this world. Don't you get it?"
"I want to save you. I want to live with you, even if it's only for a bit before we depart together. There's still so much I don't know about you. Y/n, I-"
"Stop it!!" Y/n screamed, kicking Dazai away. "Don't you dare say it! What can you do? You may save me for a bit, you may make me feel happy for a short while, but then what!? One day it won't work anymore! And I'll want to die again!"
She was shouting.
"That's why this is all too much! Just let me have a clean death alone! You're so selfish for even coming here and spouting that bull shit!"
Without even realizing it, Y/n was shouting.
"I'm tired..! I'm so tired of thinking there's hope! Tired of waiting, finding something close, then watching it disappear! I'll never find what I'm looking for! I'll... I'll never truly be saved! Don't you see Dazai!?"
Dazai's eyes stayed still as he watched the girl scream.
"I'm so tired.. So tired.! Don't let me despair anymore.. Just let me rot."
The silence in the room was sickening. No one dared move.
Until Dazai broke the silence by cackling. Y/n sniffled confused as she stared at him. "I just keep seeing new sides of you Y/n.. You really are sickeningly complicated." He smirked at her as he inched closer.
Dazai's lips suddenly slammed into Y/n's. The girl's eyes opened wide as she stared at him. After a few seconds, dazai pulled away, a small string of saliva trailing behind. He licked his lips lightly before speaking:
"You called me selfish for saving you.." Dazai spoke before leaning close to Y/n's ear. "But I'm an incredibly greedy man my dear.."
Y/n's face flushed more as Dazai grabbed her wrist, wrapping her wound up tightly. "Even if it takes me saving you a thousand times, I'll do it all over again. So we can have the perfect suicide together."
Y/n breathes in shakily as Dazai kisses her hand gently.
"So, let's try this again. Y/n, my dear. I'm in love with you. Will you join me, in living and dying in this life?"
Dazai's words brought more tears into Y/n's eyes as she nodded lightly.
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yellowbunnydreams · 2 months
Masquerade (Part 2) (William Afton x F! Reader)
@ruh--roh-raggy .
Credit to; saradika-graphics for the page dividers.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Want more or something different? *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Want some ambience whilst you read?
CW: Minors DNI, (18+ ONLY), Female Reader, Meet-cute! William in a suit, sunshine dad energy Henry, William is older than reader, kissing a stranger(?), flirty banter, light mention of murder, soft!dom Will, predator/prey metaphors
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The encounter with the man had left you shaken, but the taste of fruit and alcohol on your tongue only served to remind you of how intense those silver eyes looked as he stared into your very soul. The sweetness on his breath, the subtle creak of leather gloves as he wrapped those large but somehow dexterous fingers around your wrist. The feeling of the warm leather stroking up the delicate and all too thin skin there.
But soon everybody started making their way over to the middle of the floor, leaving room in the middle as you looked over curiously, not moving from your little spot by the bar and too afraid that you could bump into the handsome, flirty stranger once again.
"Are you not going to see the performance, miss?" The bartender asked, making you turn your head as you carefully adjusted your mask to make sure it was still in place. Tipping your head to one side curiously before glancing back towards where people were gathering.
"Performance?" You somehow managed to pull enough of your thoughts together that you recalled the man had mentioned a performance, along with who seemed to be a friend of his before the two of you had met. Part of you hoped it was, the part that felt like that frightened little rabbit under his intensity didn't.
"Yes. Some of the donors are performing to help promote their newest innovations, I don't know how they got it approved, but it's supposed to revolutionise the entertainment industry." He shrugged, giving you a smile "But some people are sceptical. Especially since they requested that nobody go near the creations with drinks."
Something about the conversation you had overhead earlier stuck in your head, buzzing about annoyingly but never quite coming to you. Shaking your head, you headed over after placing your now empty glass down, feeling the pleasant burn and buzz running through you as you carefully picked through the masked crowd and to the front. Not that anybody seemed to be paying you attention.
Not when there was two giant golden animals stood in the middle of them all.
They weren't true animals though, you could see that much. They were rather anthropomorphic, one resembling a golden coloured bear with a purple top-hat and matching bow-tie, cartoonish big pale brown eyes and blocky foam teeth that made it look more like something from a children's show you might have seen once upon a time. The yellow rabbit by it's side however, made your heart skip slightly as you found it staring directly at you, head cocked to one side slightly like it was regarding you. The green eyes looked almost half-asleep, one ear flopped forwards cutely with a little purple bow-tie affixed to the neck, or rather just under the head.
A glass tinkled lightly, turning your attention there as you realised that the music had stopped, leaving room for the feminine voice that spoke to enunciate clearly and project to the large gathering.
"Thank you for attending everybody," it was the woman in the red dress from earlier, perhaps they were a troupe of performers? You could see her mask more clearly now, and how it was a careful construction of golden roses and leaves, placing the empty glass she had used to gather their attention onto a passing tray, noticing a shine on her hand that you assumed was a wedding ring of some form. "It is our pleasure to debut Freddy's newest innovations in Children's Entertainment, in honour of this year's chosen charity."
There were pleased murmurs from the crowd and a few glasses raised to toast, but you could also see a few people turning to each other and whispering like they had their own doubts. The name 'Freddy's' rang a bell, but it was lost in the back of your mind somewhere, faintly ringing as you simply looked on in awe.
"These suits combine the latest in robotics technology, developed in house, and combined with the life-like realism of suit-performers! The Springlock Suits! I'm sure there are a few faces that remember Fredbear's Family Diner, and the Fazbear-Family decided that they would like to revive those characters into these new iterations." It made you smile, that this seemed to be a company of some form that hadn't abandoned it's characters, but rather chosen to breathe new life into them. Your ear however, caught some discontented tutting behind you.
"What a death trap!"
"Yeah, they're really bringing those things back after that kid got murdered outside of Fredbear's?"
"I heard that an employee was killed inside the first versions of those things."
Surely it was gossip, just rumours that people liked to get riled up about without any basis. The drone of the woman talking about the technical specifications without giving away trade secrets and what it would mean for the local business filtering through without you really paying attention it. But the thought of those silver eyes lingering on yours, the closeness of his breath to your face as he stole your cherry, lingering over the words that had slipped out moments before from the both of you.
'Maybe it's you who's in disguise then.'
Your thoughts were quickly snapped back to the performance as a large golden hand appeared in front of you, palm held up expectantly, your eyes tracing up the blocky but rounded shapes of the multi-part suit. Landing on those sleepy green eyes, the robotic parts clicking as the eyelids slid forwards in a blink. Hearing the faint hiss and crackle of static behind the voice that came from a voice box you couldn't see, although being this close you could hear that chillingly low baritone beneath it.
"May I have this dance, Miss Bunny?"
You paused for a moment, before your much smaller hand slipped into his, and you followed the yellow rabbit.
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The orchestra started up again in a dark and whimsical version of what sounded like a waltz, the yellow rabbit seizing your smaller hand in his and the other wrapping around your waist. Squeezing you tightly against it's velveteen body whilst you tried not to step on the over-sized feet with your heels, not wanting to trip up the man inside as he began to gracefully move in time with the music. A quick glance around saw the golden bear moving amongst the crowd and gesticulating like it was showing off other features, but only you and the rabbit were dancing in amongst a crowd of other people who decided to join the soiree.
He moved with a shocking amount of grace and precision for both his natural size and the seven feet tall suit, hearing the tiny click and whirr of mechanics inside as the head blinked blindly down at you, over shadowing you as you caught a tiny glimpse of perhaps a salt and pepper beard through the darkness of the teeth. Up close, he still had that smoky, tart fruit smell about him, spiced cologne and the articulate fingers tightened on your hand as he spun and whirled you like he had done it a thousand times before.
"Such a pretty little thing." The dual voice crackled quietly, making you jump slightly as you snapped out of your focus on the flashes of skin inside the suit and the spinning lights all around, yelping and then laughing as he spun you out of his grip before pulling you back in, your shoulder hurting from the sudden snapping motions it had been forced through in the delicate twirl.
"Everything looks small compared to that suit, Mr. Rabbit." Heart racing inside your chest, you felt his grip tightening on you once more as you thought you heard a quiet hum beneath the music around you.
"It does...but you look particularly delicious in that dress." It seemed nobody could hear the two of you, your own little slice of personal time with the stranger as you could feel that cold, yet somehow heated gaze on your mask, your eyes, the curve of your collarbones leading to the valley of your breasts. "I could eat you alive."
"Do you want to?"
"More than anything, bunny. It's been a while since I felt anything like this....That burning desire to consume, to hold onto and burn us both out or keep the blaze roaring."
"You speak like an old man." You teased, earning a low growl from within the suit that was tactfully disguised as a cough as some onlookers glanced sideways at the pair of you. Your head was spinning, from the proximity or the whirling waltz you had been pulled into, you weren't quite sure.
"I speak my mind, little bunny. Tonight is not a night for patience or for holding back." Baritone mixed with the lighter notes of the character voice forcing a weird attraction to build in your head as he gripped onto your waist with what felt like bruising force, making you wince for a moment before gasping, heart pounding harder in your chest.
"Then don't, Mr. Rabbit...What's stopping you?"
You had a sudden view of the ornate plaster moulding on the ceiling, along with the glittering chandelier before the yellow rabbit put his head back into your view. Feeling his strong hand supporting your back as the music swelled to it's final act, unsure where the notes ended and your pulse began as your lips parted unsurely, taking shaking breaths before you saw the grin in the darkness of the teeth behind, licking over his own teeth and giving that low growl again as he gripped onto you.
"What's stopping me, is witnesses, Miss Bunny. I don't fucking share, particularly when it's something I really want." The tone of his words made the hair on the back of your neck stand up on end as even though you couldn't see his eyes, you could hear the feralness seeping through into his voice, feeling him slowly drag you back to your feet. The clapping of the audience you had garnered meeting your ears finally as you realised that the dance was already over. Watching the yellow rabbit bow as you curtseyed as best as you could on unsteady legs, watching the suit head tilt up slightly and tilt to one side before he brushed past you towards his collegue, whispering as he once again left you.
"Meet me in the butterfly study in an hour. You don't want to be late for a very important date, do you, Miss Bunny?"
Glancing at the clock at the end of the hall, his touch lingered against your skin at least mentally whilst you tried to catch your breath. Listening to the congratulatory conversation around you and feeling a few hands shaking yours, congratulations on your performance.
You heard none of it however, watching the second hand ticking by already as you wondered what awaited you in an hour. And you couldn't help but feel like you had been caught in an elaborate spider's web of fantasy whilst your hands trembled and you felt as if you couldn't move for fear of breaking the spell that the yellow rabbit had cast upon you.
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cadaveerie · 1 month
the things i'm the most and least excited about for Dragon Age: The Veilguard!
includes DATV spoilers from the trailers and articles
i might continuously edit this post until the game actually launches as we receive new info!
all of these have been confirmed by the devs, except for those in which i clarify the opposite (ie: those that i write with a "possibly", which have probably been only suggested). if you want the source for any of these specifically let me know!
and a big shoutout to felassan for answering my question, because i started wondering if i just made up the 'pause during cutscene' thing, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out where I'd heard that lol
anyway, here it is!
no EA app or online mode/internet to play the game
pause during cutscenes
interruptible and resumable banter
no micro-transactions
the character creator!!! - more diverse bodies, better (and darker. and better dark) skin tones and afro-textured hair!
change of voice pitch for Rook!
trans Rook! they/them Rook! and the ability to express that in-game!
b-bulge slider.......? t-tittie slider?????
different lighting options in character creator :]
in-game name suggestions for rook :]
nudity :D:D:D SEXOOO
PURPLE ROOK!!!!! (sarcastic/charming, like hawke. im gonna be insufferable to solas specifically)
"not that skeleton, but we're not saying no skeletons" as an answer to whether we can romance manfred (..... the fuck. idk what that means but... im game)
bi/pan romanceable companions! - it makes me happy, especially as someone non-binary and genderfluid. i'll die on this hill
paraphrasing: “the most romantic game yet”..... mmmm… yes….
the companions overall... i rly like both the designs and what we know of them
"are there companions gifts again" John: "(...) you very well might find things in the world that certain companions would appreciate!"
John: "Not going to get into specifics on interactables, but there is more to do in the Lighthouse than conversations with companions. The Lighthouse does have a kitchen, and your companions acknowledge it/use it both narratively and ambiently. Some maybe better than others."
more focus and intentionality on the companions' stories and relationships! yay!
inquisitor presence :D
maybe solas and inky? - not confirmed that they'll interact, but pleaaaase let them. no matter if it's a romance, friendship or hateful relationship, i need to see a reunion
the relationship between solas and rook! - from what they'd said it looks like they're gonna have a fun dynamic!!! i hope that it's kind of a bad relationship but that at some points there can be some appreciation, or respect. i think they said that it could be change, depending on you
cameos!!! - we know there will be some. confirmed morrigan cameo! my bets for others are on dorian (and mae), fenris (copium), zevran (copiumx2). and maybe these are reaches but... perhaps cassandra? leliana? illario? alistair? sten? either way im looking forward to it!
700 characters (wtf)
140,000 lines of dialogue (wtf x2. almost double of Inquisition's (80,000))
visiting places we have never seen before like Tevinter, Antiva, Anderfels, Nevarra, Rivain, etc
more thedas deep lore!!! - elven gods! and this hasn't been confirmed, but since we'll go there... will there be tevinter lore? anderfels lore? rivain lore? antivan lore? titans lore (my theory is because of Harding)!?
possibly a camera mode
beautiful textures!
beautiful landscape!
very nice hair physics! (big improvement)
gear customization + transmog
enable/disable helmets for cutscenes
I rly like the subclasses… they feel so…. gothic
combat looks more dynamic overall!
combos with the companions!
finisher animations!
mages can move while attacking apparently?
and they^ can use staffs, daggers and orbs :0
parry + shield toss :0
and i'm just excited to see how it actually feels while playing and how everything progresses!
things I'm kinda sad/disappointed about. just a little
only can bring two companions along (probably a 3 party total?)
probably no trans, they/them or they/x companions? :( (im assuming there will be characters that are trans (mae) and go by them/them or multiple pronouns, but i mean companions specifically)
only 7 companions. i was a little disappointed at first but tbh im fine w it now haha
they haven't talked about rook as a character much so im a little worried about that, their personal journey, their dialogue etc :')
that rook doesn't seem to have different beginnings depending on his origin :( not a huge deal but tbh i loved that about origins
can't choose multiple pronouns :( perhaps it's possible? they've explicitly said that you can go by he, she or they, but i don't think that implies multiple at the same time. it can't be that hard to program it so that it randomly changes between two or more pronouns, right? idk about game development so i dont actually know, sorry if i'm ignorant
this is suuuper nitpicky but in relation to the graphics.. i kinda wish the skins looked slightly.. different? idk how to put it, but they look kind of smooth? maybe too much? i just wish they had a little bit more texture, it kinda looks like they have a beauty filter, imo, and i think it would look better if they look slightly differently
and i have mixed feelings about how the characters are stylized overall. like... y'know, the whole "cartoony" discourse. at first i didnt like it at all, but since we've seen more im way more on board. still... i kinda feel like some things could look a bit nicer
idk how i feel about how the darkspawn look. like it's not a huge deal to me either, but... i just wish they looked different. lol. they do look a little bit goofy
and idk if i like the... veiny/nervous system looking-thing in demons either? like, i like it in theory but tbh in practice im not too sure
the remake of the warden's logo :((
that's it!
tbh im just happy about most things they've said and shown so far. i think a lot of these things are a good sign. also, things like the "not ea app necessary" make me inclined to believe that this is something they've had to fight for (cause you know, if ea could choose they'd do things their way) and that's something i appreciate a lot. that's why i think this and a lot of other choices and changes they've made in relation to the last game, are good signs that they've listened to our feedback in a lot of things! and i hope this reflects in the entirety of the game. i hope it's the case. idk i'm positive about this game! a little scared ofc, because i care and i want it to be as good as possible, but excited nonetheless!
are there things i didn't include but that you are excited about? what are you looking the most forward to, overall? i'd appreciate to see your excitement and know what you like the most!
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theplottdump · 8 months
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SIDE PLOTT - PURE HEDONISM - PART 2 🔞 - 𝙶𝚎𝚗 𝟼: 𝚅𝚊𝚕 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚍 -
heat level: 🌶🌶🌶🌶🌶 (It's Smut with a Plot) content warnings: simdick, choking, graphic depictions of gay sex, I'm literally warning you now!!
Forward: This scene is something that I wanted to write anyway for the main plott eventually, and the PG-13 parts will end up popping up again in the main storyline - but for Valentines smut sake I thought it would be fun to jump ahead and take way farther than reasonably necessary. Godspeed. Don't say I didn't warn you.
PART ONE: ( The One with the Plott, Rating PG ) PART TWO: ( The One with the Smut, Rating R )
~ continued from part 1 ~
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Leanne nodded a goodnight to her boys and left the room as wordlessly as she entered it. They might have taken the time to actually notice her departure if their eyes weren't fiercely locked on one another, both mentally preparing for the battle to come.
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"Valerian, you're overreacting again." "Kindly explain how." "You're sure you want to do this right now?" "I'm not afraid of you darling."
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Ask any couple about the secret to a long happy relationship and they'll likely explain the importance of communication and compromise. Sure, the two had their fair share of arguments and disagreements over the years, especially when it came to raising their baby girl-
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-but they communicated and compromised just as much as any successful normal domestic relationship.
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The only caveat: their communication and compromise skills often presented themselves in more… explosive manner.
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And it was at this point as Chad studied Val's practiced stony expression that an idea started to take shape.
Tonight, he wasn't going to compromise. Oh no, Tonight he was going to 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠 𝙝𝙞𝙢.
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Chad rested his forehead against Val's temple, looking up at him like a fox playing with it's next meal.
"We don't have to make it into a big deal, just some friends and family on the beach." "I don't have friends."
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"You'd get to dress up, Sexy lil suit, Sunny can be our flower girl... I'd only have a few demands."
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"Demands?" Val studied him, attempting to predict his partner's next move. It was like a mental game of chess, but if all the pieces spelled out 'this man is going to eat you.'
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“I want a cake animation that doesn't work, flowers we forget to use-“ “Okay, fine.” “I want to try that mod that lets HANSEL walk down the aisle with a bouquet” “Maybe.” "And I want Poppy there." "No." "I want 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙨𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 to walk me down the aisle." "I said no."
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Chad snaked his arms around Valerian's waist, pulling him to his hips, effectively closing any distance between them that might have led Val to believe he was getting out of this easily.
"I believe is what you actually meant to say is 'Yes Chad. Whatever you want my darling.'"
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"You're delusional if you think I'm going to let that woman anywhere near my happiness. She would just poison it like she poisons everything good in her life." "You're just mad because she read you like a book. I do the same thing Val." "Yes, but I actually like you."
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"Mmm, yes, I can tell." Chad slowly starting to grind his hips against Val's thigh, slipping two fingers into the waistband of his joggers and giving them a quick 𝘴𝘯𝘢𝘱.
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Val's eyes darkened again as they fought, rain against fire- Chad smile grew as he observed his favorite little cracks starting to form on Val's evil mask of concentration.
Yes, the Agent decided, this was going to be quite fun for him indeed.
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"You're being ridiculous-" "Then tell me to stop." Any lightness in Chad's tone had been completely lost, leaving only a deep predatory growl in its place.
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Val raised a hand to protest, his partner snatching it from the air without breaking eye contact, holding him close. Chad continued on in his low growl, "But know this 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘳. If you concede, 𝗜 𝘄𝗶𝗻."
"Those rules hardly seem fair."
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Val's demeanor had retained it's cool quality so far, but the cracks in his facade were growing deeper and more fractured. Through the gaps between the pieces, Chad could see his beautifully soft overgrown edgelord, and feel the prize for all his coercing stiffen against his leg.
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He slowly brought Val's captured wrist to his lips, keeping a dedicated eye on the man's face. Chad wanted to watch his favorite part of their little dance. Mouth met it's target as tongue tasted heartbeat- villainous mask falling to the ground, leaving Val vulnerable once more.
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His heart, which Val professed died long ago, was beating deliciously faster than the man wanted to let on. Persona broken, Chad earned an involuntary shiver from his beautiful, overzealous, and positivity fucked supervillain.
"Oh my love, you know I never play fair."
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( concluded on Pillowfort - explicit content ahead 🔞 )
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starfirewildheart · 9 months
Scars and Souvenirs 
Chapter 11
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Summary: Sy and his lady both retire from the army but not before tragedy befalls Sy. He slowly tries to adjust to life again on their ranch.
Pairing: Sy / OFC
Word count: 2,869
Rating: mentions of war; being a POW, death and animal abuse. Nothing graphic I promise but if the fic continues (if y'all like it) I'll add warnings for each chapter. All mistakes are mine, sorry.
Scars and Souvenirs 
Chapter 11
(It's still the start to mid December and not Christmas yet.  I apologize but rl took over and I didn't have time to write  Sy and Debbie's holidays! Thanks for being patient and I hope you're still reading!)
Debbie was flitting around the kitchen baking cookies and preparing to make candies. Today was the day! Mike was coming to stay with them today. The judge decided that while the investigation of Mike's father was underway that Mike should be housed somewhere else and since Deb and Sy were going to put him to work on the ranch they would also take temporary guardianship of him. Just as she was taking a tray of cookies out of the oven and placing the pan on a cooling rack she heard them come. She nervously wiped her hands on a dish towel.
“Smells amazing in here sugar.” Sy gave her a kiss and wrapped an arm around her waist. He reached over and snatched a still hot cookie off the pan and took a bite.”Mmmmm, perfect!” He licked his lips. 
Deb swatted his arm, “they aren't finished!” She smiled over at Mike and handed him one of the cookies. “There is a damaged cookie pile for sampling,” She winked.
“ Thanks,” Mile grinned then took a bite. The sugary cookie just melted in his mouth.  It was the best cookie he'd ever had. “ It's good, thanks.” Mike was still unsure of exactly what was happening to him. No one had ever helped him  before and he was just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
“Did Sy give ya the tour of the stable and horses?”
“Yea,” he nodded. “It's sad that the animals were so abused.”
“People suck,” She nodded then paused, “most people I mean. Some people are nice.” She fidgeted for a moment and Sy laughed then leaned in and kissed her head.
“She says what she thinks,” he winked at Mike who grinned.
“So,” Deb bit her lip. “Would you like to put your stuff in your room?”
“I'm doing time. Am I not sleeping in the stable with the horses?” Mike sighed. “This is punishment,  right?”
Deb approached him and put her arm around his shoulders leading him towards his room, Sy grabbed Mike's bag as he followed. “Yes and no. This is your punishment for things that you did; however, this isn't jail.”
Mike looked around the bedroom they led him to. It was much bigger than the one at home and sparkling clean. It was plain, light grey walls, white borders, two bi windows with deep blue curtains and a matching comforter on the twin bed.
Sy and Deb leaned back against the dresser. “ There are rules here that will be followed or the court will take you straight to juvi,” Sy explained as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“We get up early. We work hard all day no matter what the weather. It's hard, it's smelly but it's rewarding. We want to make the rules clear,  no surprises and be open and up front about our expectations,” Sy explained. 
Mike braced himself for what was coming. This was going to suck and he knew it. Things never worked out well for him. At least he would know what was expected of him and not be set up for failure just guessing at what they would want. “Ok.”
“Rule number one,” Deb said, “Know that you are safe here and you can talk to us about anything. “
“Rule number two,” Sy continued, “If you need anything,  tell us. We are not here to hurt you.”
Mike shifted uncomfortably and chewed on his lip. What was this? What were they trying to do? He crossed his arms and just listened. 
“Rule three,” Deb added “We expect you to do what we ask. It's hard work but you will always be safe. We will teach you everything we want you to do.”
“Rule four,” Sy said, “You will not leave the farm without us and we need to know where you are at all times.”
“Rule five,” Deb continued, “You keep all your meetings with the case worker and we join you at those meetings because right now we are actively your guardians.” She pushed away from the dresser and moved toward the door. “These aren't rules but,” She looked at Sy nervously.  “I know the room is plain because I'd like you to make it your own. Decorate it, put up posters, we can even go shopping and get you lamps and bedding you like. We are going to be working on cookies and candy most of the night and we would love it if you would join us.” She put her hand on his shoulder for a moment before going back to the kitchen.
“Take the time you need to settle, put your stuff away and acclimate to your surroundings. When you're settled you know where we'll be,” Sy nodded and left the room.
What the fuck was happening? People weren't this kind, never to him. This had to be some sort of set up, right? Who were these people?
Debbie laughed as she swatted Sy's arm. “You are gonna make yourself sick like that.”
Sy, very unapologetically, licked the spoon full of frosting again. He'd confiscated the remainder of the large mixing bowl as soon as she had separated most of it into smaller bowls for coloring. He wasted no time samplithisng a spoon of the sugary mix and his eyes rolled back as he moaned with pleasure. “Why haven't you made  before?”
She stirred gel colors into the smaller bowls. “Well between the desert, then rehab and going straight into building this ranch we never really had time to play house,” She shrugged. “Thought it was now or never.”
He frowned at her, pausing with the spoon midway between the bowl and his mouth dripping more into his beard. “Now or never?”
Mike walked into the kitchen having decided to try to make the best of this situation.  He could hate them until he found out what kind of people they were, right? “So What ca….” He paused mid sentence and blinked at Sy. The man had white, frothy stuff all in his beard around his mouth. “Rabid bear,” he thought and apparently said out loud.
Debbie laughed but the more she looked at the frosting on Sy's face the more she lost it. She had tears in her eyes and giggle snorted pointing at her perplexed boyfriend.  “Porn star,” was all she managed before erupting into another fit.
Sy arched his brow thinking she had totally lost it as he looked between her and the frosting. What she was laughing at finally hit him.  The white frosting looked like cum all over his beard. “Oh funny,” he smirked at her. Moving quick as a flash he had her arms pinned to her sides with one of his around her waist. Taking the spoon out of the bowl he smeared it on her face as she struggled to get free.
“Austin Lee Syverson don't you .. You brat!” She huffed through her giggles. 
“What? I just wanted us to match.” He acted innocent but his burgeoning erection against her ass said anything but.
She turned her head toward him, kissing his cheek, smearing more icing on him before squirming free and getting some paper towels to wipe her face. “As you can see Sy has issues behaving,” She winked at Mike, who was trying really hard not to laugh and failing.
She took the spoon outta Sy's hand again and smeared some on Mike's cheek. “Now you match, “ She beamed. “Would you like to work on baking cookies, decorating cookies or making candy?”
Mike blinked and stepped back when he got icing-ed but laughed when Sy laughed and shook his head. “I…I'm not sure I would be good at any of it. I don't want to mess anything up.”
“Like you could make more of a mess than my grown-ass toddler? It's not about being perfect or even good at it, it's about having fun! We aren't on a baking competition to be judged. If it tastes bad we'll just make you eat it all,” She smirked and hugged an arm around Mike’s shoulders. I have some more drop cookies ready to bake. You and Sy working together can get through those and some crackle cookies while I work on these and we can move on to candy together.”  She set up what they needed and gave them directions on what to do. 
Sy and Mike worked well together talking and laughing easily. Sy fell into that leadership role like he'd never left it. He was firm, informative and fair to his men in Special Forces and was made to lead and help. It made Deb all tingly watching him in control.
They moved through the cookies quickly, both Mike and Sy eating several and soon getting a sugar rush. They were both laughing and zooming around talking about how good the sugar cookies Deb decorated looked. 
They, mostly Debbie with assists from Sy and Mike, made two types of fudge, chocolate covered pretzels, divinity, buckeyes, and truffles.  They even made cookie and yogurt treats for Aika. Conversation was easy and they moved fluidly like they knew what the other needed and it was shocking because they were strangers to each other but it felt like they'd known each other for a lifetime.  
The trio worked through lunch though the boys were stuffing themselves with cookies and candy.
“I don't know about you fellas but I'm tired after all of that,” Deb sighed as she closed the dishwasher and started it. Cleaning up was the worst part but they got it done. “I am desperately in need of a shower but afterward how about we order some pizza and watch movies tonight?”
“Sounds perfect to me,” Sy nodded.
“Sure,” Mike nodded. “I need a shower too.”
“When we were in Iraq we had to shower outside with cold water, which you would think is good in the desert right? But not at night when it's freezing cold. So… when we designed this house we agreed we would get a tankless hot water heater which means you can shower in your bathroom while I shower in the master.”
He was impressed having never heard of it but hot water was awesome. Sometimes his old man didn't even pay the utilities so he could buy more whiskey. Something she said just dawned on him. “Wait, I have my own bathroom?”
“You didn't explore your room?” She asked. 
Sy led Mike back to his room and opened the door near the foot of the bed. “I thought it was a closet,” Mike said as he stepped inside. It wasn't huge but it was still bigger than the one at home. 
“Closet is to the left kid,” Sy pointed. “You towels and washcloths are here as well as extra toilet paper,” he pointed to the things in the linen closet. “Over here,” he opened the medicine cabinet over the sink, “There is a new toothbrush if you need it as well as toothpaste. Mouthwash is here and I wasn't sure about shaving supplies but we can pick up what you need when we head into town if you want. I put the shower gel and shampoo I use in this shower for you but we can get the type you like in town too.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“We left you to explore your room but you didn't seem to get very far?” Sy explained. 
“No,” Mike shook his head. “Why are you being so nice to me? In juvi or foster places I'm just given the basic lice scrub down a bed and enough food to survive. Here I'm being treated like a..” he was searching for the word.
“Kid? A human and not a prisoner?”
“Yea,” Mike said softly.
“When Debbie met you she saw something in you. We asked about your case and your priors and she said we needed to help you.”
“You agree or do you just always do what she tells you too?”
Sy crossed his arms over his chest. “I'll be honest, the jury is still out for me. It’s a fifty-fifty chance for me. I think there's a chance you're a punk who has his old man's disdain for the law and feels untouchable because of it  or you're just a kid who was dealt a shit life with a shit father trying to survive the best way you can. I'm willing to get to know you to find out which one you are. I'll give you my trust and respect until you give me a reason not to. You keep acting like you are now, you keep getting treated Ike this. You fuck up you get to meet Captain Syverson and we start doing this military style. You prove to me that you don't want to be here or you hurt her in any way. I'll personally deliver you back to a jail cell and let the system take over.”
Mike took a moment to process what Sy said. Part of it pissed him off. How could anyone think he was like his father? He despised that man and was ashamed that people even knew they were related but Sy really didn't know him and had no way of knowing that. It was fair for Sy to want him to prove who he was, he couldn't fault him for that. “Fair enough,” he looked Sy in the eye and nodded.
Sy grinned and patted him on the shoulder then headed to his and Debbie's bathroom.
Deb was just finishing up with her shower when she heard the bathroom door open and close. “Everything ok?”
“Yea, just showed him where stuff was and talked a bit. He had questions about why we were being good to him.”
She smiled when she felt his arms wrap around her waist as she finished rinsing her hair. “Hi,” She grinned, pressing a kiss to his lips.
“Hi,” he rumbled as he nipped at her neck. 
She turned them so that he was under the spray and started washing him by scrubbing the stiff sugar out of his beard, chuckling as he moaned when she scrubbed with her nails. “Is my bear gonna start purring?”
“I don't purr, I rumble,” he insisted though his voice sounded serene.
“Mmmmhumm,” She nodded and continued to wash his body dropping to her knees to scrub his thick thighs. When she looked up at him his blue eyes were full of pure lust. His big hand cupped the back of her head as she leaned forward and pressed soft kisses along his hard shaft. Using her hand to stroke him she carefully worked his balls in her mouth knowing how much it drove him wild.
“Fuck,” he rasped as he fisted her hair. “Keep that up and this will be over quick sugar. 
She worked him with her hand as she slipped away from his balls letting them leave her mouth with a soft pop then lucked a stripe all the way up his cock. She pulled the foreskin back and licked and sucked the head then sucked him as deep into her throat as she could bobbing her head as she licked and sucked until his thighs were trembling, his moans were a litany of curses and his balls were tightening. With a wicked gleam in her eyes she soaped up her hand and reached up to cup his balls but instead rubbed across his puckered hole and slipped her finger in deep. He squeaked and clinched around her finger but before he could say anything she was pressing on his prostate causing an electrical storm of pleasure to roll through his entire body.
“Fuck Debbie, fuck, fuck, fuck!” He whined as his entire body trembled. He was caught between her hot mouth on his cock and that wicked finger touching his prostate and it was a vortex of pleasure. His entire body tinged and rolled as the orgasm ripped through him and he blew his load in her mouth pumping wave after wave of cum as she worked him through it only stopping when his moans turned to soft whines from over stimulation.  
Debbie smiled as she held him to her chest rocking him as they sat on the bench seat gently rubbing his face as he came down from his Endorphin high after washing her hand. “Hi there,” She smiled as he looked up at her with glazed eyes.
“Hi,” he leaned in to kiss her and his hand slipped between her legs. 
She gently moved his hand and kissed his pouty lips. “I want you so bad darlin but we have a kid waiting on us. Tonight? Please?”
He pressed another kiss to her lips and nodded. “I don't like this part. I want to be able to fuck you when and where ever I want to,” he growled. 
She shivered as she leaned against him. At least he still wanted her. Maybe things weren't as bad as she'd thought.
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 1 month
Dreamboat Chapter 2
Summary: Y/N, her brother Steve, and his best friend Bucky all moved out West for a new start after Y/N was almost caught up and hurt in a rival gang fight.  Steve wasn’t in shape to fight in the war, but Bucky was drafted.  While out West, Y/N finds herself in trouble again from the local bar owner.  Steve is suddenly drafted for an experimental division of the army, but leaving Y/N alone isn’t an option.  Bucky comes home needing help, and Steve comes up with a crazy compromise.  
Warnings:  mentions of violence, war, unwanted advances, graphic imaging, eventual smut
*Y/N/N= your nick name
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The next morning Y/N woke to the sound of cooking.  It was a weekend so she didn’t have work, but was surprised someone else was up and moving before her.  She had a rush of memories flood her mind from the night before and she jumped out of bed.  She quickly got dressed before leaving her room.  She followed the sounds to the kitchen to find Steve at the stove cooking and Bucky sitting at the kitchen table.  Bucky looked exhausted, like what little sleep he did get wasn’t enough.  He looked up at her when she entered the kitchen with a sorrowful look.
“I thought I told you to not get into any trouble,” he said quietly.
Y/N frowned and Steve turned around at the sound of Bucky’s voice.  “What do you mean?” she asked.
“Justin Hammer,” Steve explained, plating some eggs and bacon and placing it in front of Bucky.
Y/N scoffed and walked toward Bucky.  She leaned down and kissed the top of his head before going over to hug Steve then grab some milk from the refrigerator.  “And I thought I told you that trouble likes to follow me.  It’s not my fault.”
Bucky didn’t laugh, only watched her carefully as she set a cup of milk in front of him and then poured two more cups before setting them on the table.  Steve brought over two more plates and sat himself down as Y/N sat across from him.  “Well, I was talking to Bucky last night about what’s been going on for a bit,” Steve started, looking sheepish.  “And since I have to leave by tomorrow, and it’s not safe for you to be here alone, we came up with a plan.  Though it’s a bit crazy.”
Y/N ate slowly as she listened to him, her narrowed eyes flitting back and forth between them.  “Okay…”
Bucky kept staring at her, not yet eating.  Steve glanced between them then took a deep breath.  “I think it would be a good idea for you to marry Buck.”
Y/N inhaled quickly, making her choke and cough heavily on her eggs.  “Excuse me?” she sputtered.
“It would give you a barrier, protection!” Steve quickly justified, his eyes wide and his hands in front of him like he was trying to calm a wild animal.  “If you were spoken for, Justin would back off.”
Y/N was silent as she stared at him.  She looked to Bucky who was still staring at her.  “You think this is a good idea?” she asked him.  “Do you even wanna marry me?  We’re like family–”
“Yes,” Bucky said quietly, making her freeze at the seriousness in his tone.  “I wanna marry you.”
Y/N blinked in surprise.  The way he said it made her stomach flip and her heart flutter wildly.  She was waiting for his smirk or his teasing laugh to sneak through, but it didn’t.  He was deadly serious.  She’d always thought Bucky to be handsome, but he’d also been her big brother’s best friend, like family, where they had relentlessly teased and joked and bothered each other.  She looked back at Steve who had a small, knowing smile on his face.  “It will keep you safe while I’m gone, and you’ll be able to take care of Buck,” he said, reaching out and grabbing her hand.  “And you two already know and like each other, so it’ll be easy.”
Y/N scoffed at the strange idea.  “I…you…Buck…”
“Just marry me, Y/N,” Bucky sighed heavily.  “We can figure out the rest later.”
She wanted to say no.  She wanted to say yes.  She wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the situation.  She wanted to cry all over again.  But she was also worried about Justin and what he would do when Steve left.  She would normally be fine on her own, but being an unmarried woman meant that she was still taken care of by the men in her family, though she was the one who handled all the business that came with home ownership, and worked her own job.  Y/N inhaled deeply and stared back at Bucky.  Even though he looked tired and frustrated, he had an intense look of hope in his eyes.  She slowly smiled.
“Okay,” she slightly nodded.  “I’ll marry you.”
Steve made a sound of triumph while Bucky nodded back, a hint of a smile twitching on the side of his lips.  “Great!” Steve said.  “Eat up, I already called the local priest.  He’s meeting us at the church in two hours.”
“Steve!” Y/N said incredulously, slapping his arm.
“What?” he asked.  
Y/N stood next to Bucky in front of a priest at the local church.  She was in her nicest dress, and Bucky was in his uniform again.  They had no rings to give to each other and said the normal marriage vows.  It all felt very much like a business proposition, making Y/N mourn silently for the dream wedding she’d always thought she’d have.  The priest droned on until he finally said, “You may now kiss the bride.”
Her eyes widened.  Of course she’d have to kiss him, but she hadn’t thought through that part until that moment.  Bucky tilted his head at her, his eyebrows slightly raising in question.  Y/N barely nodded, and that was enough permission for him to lean down and press his lips against hers.  She kissed him back softly, her brain feeling muddled yet delighted as her stomach flipped again, her heartbeat thundering in her ears.  Bucky pulled away first, and when she opened her eyes she saw a shadow of his signature smirk flash on his face.
“Told you,” he said.
“Told me what?” she asked.
“You owe me a proper kiss when I get home,” he said, then winked at her.
Y/N’s jaw dropped open at his tease as Steve stepped forward and hugged them both.  “Congratulations!” he said excitedly.  “Now we’re officially family!”
Y/N hugged him and Bucky quickly before the priest had them sign the marriage certificate.  They spent the rest of the day going around town combining Bucky and Y/N’s affairs and accounts until they all finally got home that night and plopped down on the couch and chair in the living room.  “Ugh, what a day,” Steve sighed.  
Y/N sighed as well, sitting on the couch next to Bucky.  “As strange as this all is, thank you, Bucky,” she said, looking over at him.  
He was already looking at her.  “No problem, babydoll,” he breathed.  “I’m sorry I don’t have a ring for you.”
Y/N waved away his concern.  “It’s not like I could ever wear one anyway, with work and all.  We’ll have to figure out something else.  Maybe a necklace or something.”  Bucky glanced at his lack of a left arm, frowning at the fact that he wouldn’t be able to wear a wedding ring, but quickly smiled at her suggestion, nodding gratefully toward her.
They all sat in silence for a while before Steve stood up, yawning and stretching.  “Well, I’m off to bed.  We’ll leave for the train station after lunch.  Sound good?”
Y/N frowned, remembering that he would be leaving the next day.  She sat up as she looked at him.  “Yeah, that’s fine,” she agreed quietly.
Bucky nodded, his lips tight.  “Alright.  Well, happy wedding night!” Steve winked at them and ran to his room before Y/N could chase him.
“Steve!” she yelled, throwing a couch pillow at him.  It hit his door with a muted thud and he laughed.  Y/N hung her face into her hands in embarrassment.  “Little punk,” she grumbled.  Bucky huffed a silent laugh next to her and she looked at him.  “Well,” she said, feeling like it would be better to get it all out now.  “We’re married now.”
“We are,” Bucky nodded with a side smile.
“So…now what?” Y/N asked, searching his face.
Bucky looked down at the couch between them.  “I don’t expect you to sleep with me, Y/N,” he said, his right hand picking at the couch cushion fabric.  “We can stay in our own rooms.”
Y/N frowned but nodded.  “Marriage in name only.”
Bucky frowned as well and glanced at her.  “If that’s what you want.”
Y/N faced him.  “Is that what you want?”
Bucky swallowed harshly, eyes blinking rapidly as he inhaled deeply.  “I…I don’t know.”
Y/N wasn’t satisfied with that answer but nodded.  “Okay.  We’ll take it one day at a time, then,” she said with finality.  Bucky nodded again.  “Well, goodnight Buck,” she said, standing up.  “Do you need help with anything?”
Bucky stood as well.  “No, thank you,” he murmured.  They both walked toward their respective rooms that were next to each other.  As Y/N twisted her door handle Bucky cleared his throat.  She looked at him to find him walking toward her determinedly.  He reached his right hand out and caressed her cheek before gripping the back of her neck gently, angling her head up.  He leaned down and pressed his forehead against hers, his nose resting against her nose and he stared down at her.  “I’m sorry,” he whispered, “can I just have…” he trailed off as his voice gave out on him.
Y/N’s hands lifted so one was holding his wrist and the other cupped his cheek.  “Yes,” she whispered back, her breathing started to get heavier and faster as she looked up at him.  
Bucky sighed, his eyebrows furrowed in the middle.  His face was a mix of sorrow and desire, making her heart break for him all over again.  “Thank you,” he said, then angled his head and kissed her.  This kiss was different from the one earlier.  It was hurried, deeper, harder, and Y/N loved every second of it.  Bucky’s hand slid down her back, keeping her body close to his as he opened his mouth, his tongue tasting her lips before she opened her mouth to taste him back.  He let out a low whimper which made her gasp against him.  Her hands moved to grasp the back of his neck and then run through his hair.  He pushed her against her bedroom door as he continued to turn her brain to mush.  Y/N had very little to no experience in this department of life, but if this is what it was like, and with Bucky, she was all too eager to indulge.
The kissing started to slow until they randomly pecked each other’s lips lightly, their noses rubbing against each other as his hand felt up her back.  He started to pull away, kissing the tip of her nose before leaning his forehead against hers again.  “Goodnight, babydoll,” he said.
“Goodnight, dreamboat,” Y/N replied.
A ghost of a smile lit up his face before he pulled away, dropping his hand from her then walked to his bedroom without looking back.  Y/N watched him walk away until he closed his door, then went inside her room.  She was in a daze as she sat on her bed.  Her fingers reached up and touched her lips, her mind replaying the kiss over and over.  She could still taste him, almost feel him against her mouth.  It was intoxicating.  She held in a giggle and laid back on her bed.  As much as this marriage was an arrangement for mutually beneficial purposes, she had an underlying hope that maybe it could blossom into something more.  It was both scary and exciting.
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piracytheorist · 3 months
So with that out of the way, I'll share some screenshots and my experience from the little I played from the Spy x Family game.
Note/reminder that I openly don't recommend buying the game for a computer, as the controls are clunky, and since that version is half-baked it's not worth your money, even if you plan on using a controller. Different case if you buy it for a console, though.
So the graphics are actually pretty cute, and I think they translate the feeling of the 2D characters into a 3D game environment pretty well! The music stands between an inspiration from the original anime soundtrack and typical day-in-the-life simulation game soundtrack, though mostly the latter. I wasn't impressed that much but it wasn't something that annoyed me. It's just a bit of a pity because they could definitely get some inspiration from the original soundtrack, but oh well.
Playing the game, Anya starts at Eden College, and you get a tutorial showing you how to move and interact with other characters and objects. First it instructs you to talk to Becky, then to Damian.
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And as I saw that I was like "... Do I have to?" XD Luckily, he wasn't annoying that time, just distant.
Then Anya comes back home to tell her parents about her Diary project, and I had her explore the house a bit.
In the manga and anime there's this small separate space on the hall right by the entrance, and I actually just realized that, but in the game's version of the house that area doesn't exist.
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From what I remember, in the game there is just a wall where the opening to this space is. Since this space is rarely used in the manga/anime and it would have taken memory space, I understand why they didn't add it. From the little I played Anya could only move around the main spaces, kitchen, dining/living area and hall, but those parts were pretty accurate.
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And according to my post about the Forgers' kitchen, here it looks accurate to the anime, though with a two-door fridge instead.
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I mostly took this because I found it funny how atrocious his posture was XD he's probably tired, the poor man.
One of the few minigames I tried was bowling. I like how each characters game traits actually fit their characters XD
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Like, Yor is Strong™ but with the least dexterity, Anya is the luckiest but also the weakest, Loid is the most dexterous... and also the unluckiest. I'm telling you, I can find opportunities for angst like it's my job.
Anyway, that minigame was actually nice, it took me a bit to get the hang of the curveballs but I'm sure I could get better at it if I trained more. I played as Loid, too XD
I liked the characters' responses to their throws, either going like "This is hard" or "This is harder than it looks" (even Loid, lmao, with me controlling him he actually became bad at something) if they threw only a few pins. Funny thing is, when Loid was first about to throw his ball, he said something like "Child's play" but then because it was me controlling him he only threw a couple pins and was like "This is hard" 😂 Poor Yor said "Was this good?" a few times right after throwing her ball, then Anya did a strike, and Yor and I as Loid did a spare (when you throw the remaining pins on your second go). For each of those, the other characters cheered for the one doing the strike or spare, and that was cute. Funniest responses was when a throw wouldn't get a single pin, Anya did her "Shock" face, Yor looked embarrassed, and Loid cringed back with a drop of cold sweat on his face (I was the reason for that, sorry man XD) Loid ended up winning and even though he had missed a couple of throws, at the end he was once again like "Child's play" like, my MAN, stop embarrassing yourself and me.
Anyway. Back to the story. There were some cute moments of banter, I feel they captured the characters pretty accurately!
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Then I could go into character customization and. Some interesting choices there.
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"Just going to work". Yes. That work XD
And then this... item.
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I'm still laughing about it XD
Then it was ooting time, and I actually really loved the loading screens!
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They have a cute feel to them :)
One of the few pictures I took for Anya's album. Whatever is happening on that Spy Wars issue Anya was reading, it must be interesting!
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Anya later mentioned she'd sleep with Agent Penguinman that night, and Bond did not like that XD
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When I FINALLY managed to hit the required score for Yor's fruit chopping minigame, Anya looked very smug about it 😁
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As I mentioned, it took me a lot of times to get the gist of when exactly to swing to cut the vegetables, and every time Yor missed a vegetable she would say something... but there were no subtitles for those lines XD judging by a few lines I've picked up from the anime, I think she was just saying things like "I missed" or an exclamation of disappointment, and one single "I'm sorry, Anya-san". I wanted to hug her!
Then it was back to school the next day.
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I'm right there with ya, girl XD
Then Anya asked Yor to train her, and Yor started giving her some advice on how to throw punches... and then Loid slipped in and was like uhm wut O_o
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This next part was a little weird, because Anya was supposed to be drawing (like she did in Episode 3 in the museum kids room) and Loid was going like "Oh this is Bondman and a princess, right? That part is a little graphic, though" but... she wasn't drawing? Loid was just standing in the kitchen and I approached him to talk to him and they just said lines similar to the scene I mentioned above from episode 3. It didn't seem like it fit, and only added it so they could have Anya do that expression, which, okay, fair enough XD
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This was Anya's expression when she realized Loid had completely misjudged what she was drawing and her powers weren't at risk of being exposed XD
A quick Handler cameo!
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That was the intro for a minigame of Twilight sneaking into an art gallery and having to swap paintings for forgeries. I just found her appearance quite cool!
... This, however, was the minigame that proved this game doesn't work well with a keyboard. Controlling the character AND the camera with keyboard buttons is very tricky, and while I could manage moving Anya around, I had a lot of trouble moving Twilight around while I was on a timer and I had to avoid the guards seeing him.
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So yeah. It could have been fun but for a computer user it can be frustrating. I tried twice and failed to complete the minigame, and at that point I was tired; it was more stressful than satisfying that way, so I just quit the game, uninstalled it and had it refunded.
Anyway, as I said, it looks like a fun game, but one that can only be appreciated through a console that already includes controllers with joysticks. Computer users shouldn't have to need external controllers to enjoy a game for the computer, so I definitely don't recommend buying it for the PC, if nothing else, for the moral of it. They could have optimized it to move the camera with the mouse, which is how the grand majority of such games work, but they half-assed it and as such I don't think they deserve anyone's money, especially at the price it's at (50 euros for us to need an external controller? no thanks).
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mlmxreader · 11 months
Tell Me How I'm Gonna Die | Simon Ghost Riley x gn!reader (🍋)
↳ ❝ okay, the classics, “i wanna know who i’m looking at” with ghost would be very nice 👁️👁️ including mcd, of course ❞
: ̗̀➛ one by one, the members of the 141 and their allies are being picked off and murdered, but who could be behind such a bloody massacre?
: ̗̀➛ swearing, graphic depictions of violence/death/etc, anal sex, sex without lubricant, rough oral, rough sex, breeding kink
The phone rang loudly, almost looking as if it were going to shake from its position on the wall, when a hand with rough and calloused fingers reached for it; almost middle aged, Sergeant John MacTavish was wearing a light beige knitted jumper and a pair of light blue denim jeans, his mohawk dyed blonde thanks to losing a bet with Captain John Price just three weeks earlier.
He was home on leave for the time being, and wondered who would call at such a time.
“Hello,” an unknown voice. Maybe it was the wrong number.
John thought about it for a moment, then shrugged. “Yes.”
“Who is this?” The stranger asked, almost curious in nature.
“Who are you trying to reach?” John asked bluntly, pursing his lips slightly.
“What number is this?”
“What number are you trying to reach?” He asked, sighing heavily.
“I don’t know.”
“I think you have the wrong number,” John huffed, about to put the phone down.
“Do I?”
“It happens,” John replied, rolling his eyes. “Take it easy.”
He put down the phone with a click to make sure that the call had ended; maybe it was just some neighbourhood children pulling a prank, or just someone trying to reach a friend. He didn’t really care either way as he put a tinfoil dish of popcorn on the stove and started humming to himself.
He didn’t think much of the interaction that had just happened, more than anything just wanting to get on with his evening; he had not been home in so long, and he had missed it.
The slightly affluent, middle class house in a nice and snug suburban neighbourhood; white wallpaper and white tiles adorning all the walls, light grey laminate flooring. Chairs and a table made from actual oak, along with fashionably made matching drawers and white countertops.
A sleek black stove that sat atop a sparkling black oven. A light grey two seater sofa and a large television in the living room. It was a nice, large house and by all means showed off exactly what John earned with his military career.
The portable landline in the kitchen rang loudly, making John groan with discontent as he picked it up to answer it, doing his best to keep an eye on the popcorn.
“I’m sorry,” the unknown voice was back, deep and gruff. “I guess I dialled the wrong number.”
“So why did you do it again?” John huffed, nearly losing his temper as he clenched his jaw.
“To apologise,” the voice soothed.
“You’re forgiven,” John grumbled, rolling his eyes and doing his best not to immediately slam the phone down. “Bye, now.”
“Wait, wait,” the voice sounded desperate. “Don’t hang up.”
John went to look outside the patio, humming at the pitch dark of the garden for a moment; he hoped that the hedgehog house he had built a few summers back was still standing, and was optimistic that it would have drawn a few of the animals in.
“What?” John sighed.
“I wanna talk to you for a second.”
“There’s about nine hundred fuckin’ numbers in this postcode alone,” John pointed out with a harsh bite. “Go fuckin’ bother one of them an’ quit ruinin’ me night.”
This time, he really did slam the phone down, shaking his head in disbelief as he walked over to the popcorn; he gave it a firm shake to make sure that everything was cooking evenly, and knew it would not take long.
The tinfoil was already starting to bubble and force itself upwards. He was just about to head upstairs to get his pyjamas on, when the phone rang again.
“Tae fuck d’you want?!”
“Why don’t you talk to me?”
“Who the fuck is this?” John demanded to know, a scowl upon his lips.
“You tell me your name,” the unknown caller purred. “I’ll tell you mine.”
Rolling his eyes, John went back to his popcorn as he resigned himself to having to talk to the caller. “I don’t fuckin’ think so.”
“What’s that noise?”
He smiled. Maybe it was just someone in the neighbourhood who was lonely; maybe it was the old boy down the street who had lost his wife recently and really was just looking for someone to talk to. “Am making popcorn.”
“You’re making popcorn?”
“I only eat popcorn at the cinema,” the voice sounded a lot more innocent this time. It probably was just the lonely old man.
“I’m getting ready to watch a few films,” John hummed in return.
“Really?” They sounded quite pleased. “What?”
“Just some shite horror film I found,” he admitted with a soft laugh.
“D’you like horror films?”
“Some are alright,” John mused. “Some are just bullshit, though… I mean, why is the killer always mentally ill? It’s like, y’know, they’re tryin’ to tell us that people with mental illness are all killers, when they really ain’t.”
“What’s your favourite horror film?”
John thought about it for a moment, deciding to sit at the kitchen counter so that he could try and see if any hedgehogs scampered around in the garden. “I dunno.”
“You have to have a favourite, surely.”
“Erm, Halloween. You know, the one with the guy with the white mask who just sorta walks around and stalks the babysitters. What's yours?”
“Let me guess,” John smiled to himself. “Nightmare On Elm Street?”
“Is that the one where the cunt had finger swords?”
John dared to bark out a soft laugh as he shook his head. “Oh, aye… Fred.”
“That’s right,” the stranger purred. “Freddy Krueger - I liked that one. Proper scary.”
“Wouldn’t go that far,” John scoffed. “The first was alrigh’, but the rest? Bunch of shite.”
“So,” the stranger hummed. “You got a girlfriend? Boyfriend? Significant other?”
“Why the fuck do you care?” He laughed.. “You tryin’ to get in my trousers?”
“Maybe… do you have anyone?”
“You never told me your name.”
“Why do you wanna know?”
“You got a nice few hedgehog houses out here,” the stranger hummed. “Don’t you?”
“I said I saw some hedgehogs.”
“That ain’t what you said,” John growled. “I gotta go.”
“Don’t hang up on me,” the stranger warned.
John slammed the phone down, shaking his head before going to the door again; he couldn’t see anything, but given how fucking dark it was, he couldn’t say that he was at all surprised.
He clenched his jaw, maybe the stranger was just fucking with him and had walked past his back garden a few times and realised he had hedgehog homes.
Yeah, that was it. That was all it was. He tried to shrug it off, until the phone rang again; clenching his jaw, Soap growled as he picked it up.
“Listen here, ya fuckin’ cunt-”
“No! You listen here you absolute wet wipe!” The stranger snapped. “You hang up on me again and I’ll fuckin’ gut you like a fish! Do you fucking understand?!”
“What kinda bullshit is this?”
“It’s just a little game,” the stranger mused. “That’s all.”
John hummed, shaking his head. “Whaddya want, mate?”
“To see,” the stranger paused, as if grinning. “What your insides look like.”
The doorbell rang, and John shouted from his place near the door. “Who’s there?!”
“Don’t you know not to say who’s there?” The stranger asked. “Don’t you pay attention to films? You’ll get yourself killed.”
John rolled his eyes. Fuck this. “You’ve had your fun, matey - now, please, go onto bonny street and jog the fuck on. Or else.”
“Or else what?”
“Or else, I’ll get my boyfriend here,” John snapped. “He’s big, he’s SAS, and he’ll fuckin’ kick your teeth in!”
“I thought you didn’t have anybody.”
“I lied!” John growled. “He’s gonna be here any second!”
“Sure he will… I’m so scared I can’t even hold my cigarette.”
“You best fuck off,” John warned. “He really will kick your ass!”
“His name wouldn’t happen to be Benjamin, now, would it?”
John’s grip on the phone faltered, his hands starting to shake slightly. “How’d you know?”
He nearly dropped the phone as he turned the light on, letting out a scream the second the white light shone through the garden; tied to an old patio chair that John had intended to throw away fucking years ago, was Benjamin himself. Otter.
His head was bleeding, duct tape around his mouth sticky with something red and thick. He was screaming, although it was muttered, and he was still in uniform. John went to grab the other landline.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
“Where are you?!”
“Why don’t you guess?” The stranger chuckled. “You’re pretty good at that.”
“Please,” John whimpered out, swallowing thickly. “Don’t hurt him…”
“Now,” the stranger seemed so fucking smug. “That all depends on you, Soap… I wanna play a game, just a little fun one.”
“No… please… please… just let him go…”
“Ooh, no can do!” The stranger laughed. “C’mon, it won’t take long… just turn off the light… good boy.”
John growled softly under his breath, swallowing thickly, audibly.
“Here’s the rules,” the stranger purred. “I ask a question, and if you get it right - your pretty little Otter lives.”
John crouched behind the sofa, expecting something to be thrown through the door. “Fine! Fine, you cunt! I’ll play - but only if he lives!”
“Good boy, I knew you’d come around,” the stranger chuckled softly. “First question - name the killed in Red Dragon.”
“Francis Dolarhyde!” John yelped helplessly.
“Good boy!” The stranger purred. “Next question, same category… name Hannibal Lecter’s first victim.”
“Mischa!” John howled. “It was Mischa Lecter!”
“Wrong!” The stranger snapped. “The Nazis killed Mischa and fed her to him! His first victim was Paul Momund, the racist butcher!”
“No! No, it was Mischa!” John protested. “I watched it dozens of times! It was Mischa!”
“If you watched it dozens of times then you would know that Hannibal never touched his sister!” The stranger barked. “But, lucky for you - there’s a bonus round! Poor Otter, though? He’s out.”
“No,” John weakly muttered, running towards the back door just in time. “Please, no.”
John’s screams were loud enough to wake the dead as he gazed at the sight outside; Benjamin’s stomach was sliced open, his head sitting on his lap and his cheeks missing. Bitten out.
By instinct alone, John ran outside, shaking his head in disbelief as he looked over Benjamin’s body. The blood seeping onto his hands and making the phone slip when he picked it up again.
“You fucking cunt!” John howled. “You fucking bastard!”
“Final question, Soap.”
“Do you wanna fucking end up like your boyfriend?!” The stranger didn’t wait for him to answer, already knowing. “What door am I at?”
“I beg your fucking pardon?”
“There’s two doors to your house, Soap,” they explained, “there’s the back door, where your boyfriend has so beautifully brought to life a scene from Hannibal Rising, and the front door… where… am… I?”
John didn’t dare to hesitate, grabbing the knife from the kitchen counter and steadying himself by the back door; even now, he could feel his training begin to kick in as he tried to hide himself as well as he could.
He worked out that the stranger would likely be at the front door, but when he began heading towards it, there was an almighty crash as the chair that Benjamin was in came thudding through, spraying the clear sharp shards everywhere, one landing in Soap’s arm as he desperately tried to make his way to an escape.
Without thinking, John headed through the new hole, running straight for the corner of the garden with all the speed and strength that he could muster, dropping the phone in the process.
But he was caught by a black leather glove, taking control of his wrist and easily overpowering him; John looked up, his light grey eyes meeting large, black, eyes upon a ghostly white mask.
John screamed, hoping it would at least catch them off guard.
But they brandished their own knife, and slowly cut along his forearm, forcing him to drop his knife and watch as it clattered to the floor. John tried to wriggle through, but the stranger grabbed his neck, and forced him down onto the ground.
Straddling his waist as they used one hand to strangle him as he slowly lost the will and the urge to fight back.
A flash of silver. A deep cut across the flesh of his chest, staining his light jumper so easily.
With ease, the stranger grabbed his leg, and began to drag him away, towards the tree; a rope was already hanging from one of the old and withered branches. All they had to do was hang it around his neck; with his final gasp of breath, John raised his hand, and grabbed the mask, his weak eyes growing slightly wide.
The stranger nodded, grinning at him. “Me.”
The stranger hoisted John’s body up, slipping the noose around his neck before beating his stomach with the knife until his entrails spilled out; grabbing the bloodied mask, they hummed, admiring their handiwork for a moment before leaving again.
Home time.
Inside the dusty old garage, the fridge was open, and the wooden steps leading into it were silent despite their age and the recent windy weather; although muffled, it was clear to hear the guests in the next room over.
Simon Riley was late, as always, this time he blamed traffic instead of his significant other who he was bringing with him.
Kyle Gaz Garrick was sitting on the sofa with Farah Karim and Alex Killer, watching an old repeat of Friday the 13th on the television in the living room; they all called out in unison when the protagonists made a fatal mistake.
Inside the garage, though, Captain John Price - a handsome man for his age, grey littering his beard, moustache, mutton chops and hair - was rooting through the old fridge for the drinks that he had bought. Nothing fancy, just some off-brand lemonade and a few energy drinks.
They were all on edge, after the recent murder of one of their own - John Soap MacTavish - but it was understandable that they would be; that’s why they had all gathered at Price’s sprawling and large home in the countryside outside of Liverpool - safety in numbers, and all that.
A few tools fell, and Price immediately pressed his back against the fridge, scowling; he had forgotten to lock the cat door that he had installed.
There were so many left abandoned outdoors, he converted his garage into a little safe haven for them to come and go as they pleased - yet when he had guests over, he always locked it.
With a sigh of relief, he watched the cat scramble away and run through the door, rolling his eyes at himself.
“Bollocks! Easy, John, you’re alright,” he told himself, putting his hand to his chest. “Fuckin’ cats.”
He grabbed the drinks he had promised the others, although when he reached it, he found that it had been locked; furrowing his brows, he figured that maybe Gaz or Farah had locked it in order to keep everybody safe - after all, Price did say to keep all the doors and windows locked.
He was glad that they actually paid attention to what he had said, but he wasn’t exactly happy to be locked in his own garage.
“Fuck… oi! You fucking bellends! I’m still in here!”
Carefully, so as not to shake them, Price set the drinks down on his workbench, and went to turn the light on; it didn’t work, even though he had only replaced the bulbs two weeks ago. He frowned. Maybe it was a blown fuse.
He figured it was nothing huge, so he flicked the switch to lift the garage door, and headed towards it; the drinks could wait, he could grab them when he unlocked the garage door again once he was inside the house.
It was slowly opening, rutting and spluttering as it did so, but then it suddenly slammed down in front of him.
Sighing, Price pinched the bridge of his nose. “I fucking thought I fixed that… for fuck’s sake!”
He turned around, about to head for the switch again, when he saw a tall figure in a black robe, donned in a white mask. Price rolled his eyes as he scoffed.
“Oh, bugger off, Gaz!” He was trying not to smile.
The killer shook their head, silent as they dropped their head slightly.
“Cute, very cute,” Price chuckled, folding his arms across his chest. “But what’s this from? Jason Takes Liverpool?”
The killer didn’t even move.
“Lose the getup, lad,” he told him sternly. “Halloween ain’t for another year. You missed it, and you look like a knob.”
The killer shook their head again.
“Oh, alright, I get it,” Price laughed, grinning. “You wanna play serial killer?”
The killer nodded.
“I’m guessing you want me to be the innocent bloke that gets stabbed?”
Another nod.
“Alright, let’s see…” Price clapped his hands once before humming to himself. “Fuck no Mr. Ghostface don’t kill me I want to be in the sequel! How’s that?”
A curt nod.
“Alright, playtime’s over,” he told them with a soft laugh. “C’mon, cut the shit, we should get back to the others - they’re probably thirstier than a skunk on a Tuesday.”
The killer planted their hand against the doorframe, blocking it.
“What the fuck are you doing, Gaz?”
Grabbing his arm, the killer brandished their stained knife, and slashed his wrist across the fine skin with ease; recoiling, Price furrowed his brows.
“What the fuck?!”
He backed away quickly, opening the freezer of the fridge so that it slammed into the killer’s crotch, making them grunt and double over for a moment; he grabbed some old glass bottles that he had intended to turn into lights, and hurled them at the killer as hard as he could.
He ran to the door in the garage, but only managed to get his head through, his shoulders trapped by the narrow angles as he grunted and growled, struggling and kicking his legs; he could feel the floor beneath him fading away, and snarled out a few choice phrases as he struggled even more.
Feeling pressure slowly sink onto his neck. A harsh crack echoed throughout the garage, and the killer gave his leg a firm tug before letting themselves into the house through the door.
They were quick, discarding the clothes in the cupboard but keeping the mask in their back pocket before escaping out into the back garden. Immediately, you ran up to them, and hugged them tightly as you grinned.
“How’d you do?”
“Pretty well,” Ghost agreed with a smile, nodding as he put his arm around your shoulders. “I did miss your voice, though.”
You laughed, leaning into him as you put your hand on his chest for a moment. “It’s a shame you’re not covered in blood this time.”
Eyeing you for a moment, Ghost took a look around, and redirected you towards the bottom of the garden. “Is that so?”
“Mm-hmm,” you licked your lips, breath hitching at the mere thought. “I fucking love it when you get covered in blood, you know that.”
“Do you want me to wear the mask this time?” He asked, and when you asked him to, he grinned. “I thought so…”
You were more than ready and willing, dropping to your knees the second that he stopped walking; already eagerly holding onto his belt as you let out a shaky sigh. “C’mon, Simon, please?”
“Hang on,” he chuckled, slipping the mask back on. He fumbled with his belt, taking another quick look around before pushing down his trousers and boxers. “Go on, then, baby, show me how much you like it.”
You immediately jumped at the chance, taking his cock in your hand and stroking it as you nuzzled into it; huffing the thick scent and looking up at him with your best puppy dog eyes. “Like this?”
“Fuck,” Ghost growled softly, resisting the urge to grab the back of your neck and force his cock down your throat. “You’re so good to me.”
You smiled, peppering his cock with kisses from the tip to the base before wrapping your lips around the tip and licking his slit. “Can I keep going?”
“Don’t stop until I tell you to,” he demanded, waiting for you to slowly start taking him in your mouth before he pushed down on the back of your neck, bucking his hips quickly.
Fucking your mouth as hard and as fast as he could until he could feel your tears slowly dripping onto his skin; he couldn’t resist it, tilting his head back and groaning softly as he closed his eyes in bliss and kept using your mouth like his own personal little fucktoy.
You gagged when he hit the back of your throat too many times, but you didn’t stop, and you didn’t tap his thigh twice either so he knew that he could keep going; roughly he pushed you away from his cock, and groaned softly as he looked at you on his knees for him.
“I need to fuck you,” Ghost growled. “Now.”
You grinned, nodding eagerly as you got on your hands and knees; you allowed him to help you push down your trousers and underwear, baring your ass so eagerly. “Please, Mister Ghostface. Fuck me.”
Ghost softly groaned, giving his cock a few good firm strokes before he lined himself up; it was so fucking painful, the girth of his cock stretching your ass out and making you whimper as you gripped the ground so harshly that your knuckles audibly clicked.
Ghost paused only for a moment before grabbing your hips as hard as he could, his fingernails easily breaking the skin slightly; he didn’t wait for much longer, pistoning into you until you fell flat on your stomach, begging for him to keep going between thick and needy breaths.
He was pounding into you, rutting and caring for little else but his own pleasure; but you needed it, you needed every inch and every single droplet that he had to offer.
When he grabbed your throat, leaning over you with his phone in his hand, you moaned so loudly that he had to take his hand from your throat in order to slap it onto your mouth.
“Smile for the camera,” he whispered in your ear, grinning when you made direct eye contact with it just as he pressed the screen to take the picture.
He put the phone back into his pocket, and pressed one hand against the back of your neck, the other keeping your hip ever so propped up as he fucked you so hard that you could feel yourself moving with every thrust; whimpering every time he nearly pulled out and needing him to fill you with every inch and every droplet all the same.
Fuck. He was so rough, so hard, and when you felt him put more pressure on your neck, you couldn't help but to moan so loudly that it was almost a scream.
He was fucking filling you, and you knew that wouldn't last with how he wasn't even fucking you, he was using you; treating you like little more than a fleshlight.
“Ghostface!” You whimpered so softly. “I'm gonna- fuck! I'm close!”
“Wait for me to cum,” Ghost demanded, picking up his pace and getting both faster and rougher with you. As much as he could be, like he was chasing something that he desperately desired. Needed. Craved.
But fuck, when your ass started to clench around him, he couldn't stop it, his movements sloppy and his voice rough as he continued to demand everything of you.
The worst part was that you were eager to give it, even though you did miss the feeling of blood dripping onto you, the thick scent of copper and the taste of it on your tongue when you so lovingly lapped it from the flesh of his chest.
Even thinking about it was driving you over the edge.
Yet, when Ghost came in you, you could only whimper and push back against him.
“Breed me!” You cried softly. “Please, Ghostface, please, breed me!”
Ghost grinned behind the mask, pinning you down and continuing to fuck you as he filled you up so eagerly; he could hear the squelch as he continued to fuck it into you, reaching around and palming at your crotch to push you further and further.
Everything went white. A slight ringing in your ears as your eyes rolled into the back of your head, your mouth open and drool slipping from the corner.
Your grip on the ground grew tight once more, knuckles clicking audibly and harshly as you panted his name so desperately and with such awful need.
Ghost didn't stop until you had cum twice, only daring to pull out once he was sure that you were close to collapsing; bliss on your face, he eagerly smacked your ass, and chuckled darkly as he stood up.
“C'mon,” he growled lowly. “There's three of them inside, we can take them.”
You whimpered, taking a moment to steady yourself before you slowly got up, able to feel how stuffed you were as you moaned softly and grinned. “Kiss me.”
Ghost was all too eager to do so, grabbing the back of your neck harshly as he pulled you in for a breathy, open mouthed, kiss. “You're so good for me, you know… you take Gaz. I'll take Alex. We’ll get Farah together.”
You nodded, fixing yourself up before heading over to where you had left your costume; you allowed Ghost to go before you, knowing that he would find a way to split the group left in the house somehow.
As you were getting kitted up, you could see Ghost doing the same inside, and blew him a sweet kiss before you pulled your mask on.
Giddy, you allowed him to split the group by setting a fire in the kitchen; Gaz ran outside, right into your tracks. You were quick, pouncing on him and plunging the knife into his back. All the breath left his body as he tried to grasp, falling down and going limp almost immediately.
You smiled, giving him a firm kick to make sure he was dead before you ran into the house.
Ghost had Alex on the floor, and had slashed him very well; his thighs were all cut up, his arm was split into two down the middle, his scalp was missing.
Yet Ghost was still going, carving and slashing without a single care until he saw you and nodded.
You found Farah hiding in the bedroom, and grabbed her arm roughly as you brought her down into the kitchen; Ghost had killed the fire, and helped you to corner her against the counter.
“What the fuck do you want?! Who the fuck are you?!”
“Surprise,” you grinned as you removed the mask, leaning into Ghost's side.
“Evening, Farah,” Ghost chuckled, removing his own.
She looked between both of you, her mouth agape. “Why?”
“We figured it was the best way,” you hummed with a shrug.
“We were bored,” Ghost explained, putting his arm over your shoulders, “there wasn't really much for us when we were on leave.”
“But you were our family!” She cried, tears streaming down her face.
“No!” You snapped. “Soap, Gaz and Price were family! We were left out!”
Ghost nodded in agreement. “Besides, who needs a motive nowadays?”
“You two have watched far too many films,” she said quietly.
“Well,” you hummed. “That's the thing, innit? There's always been serial killers, but films? A great source of inspiration.”
“It's just a shame,” Ghost added. “They always blame it on people with mental illness - schizophrenia. Psychosis. But that's not the people doing it.”
“Absolutely not,” you agreed. “The only thing that makes you a killer, is wanting to kill.”
“But, unfortunately for you,” Ghost brandished his knife and grinned. “We've gotta kill you.”
“Me and Simon will be the only ones who survived a horrible, bloody massacre,” you grinned. “We managed to escape.”
“Like fuck you did!”
You both turned around, seeing Gaz brandishing a gun as he steadied himself against the door. He didn't even hesitate, pulling the trigger twice. Two bodies thumped to the ground, holes in between their eyes.
“I thought they'd never shut up,” Farah breathed out, immediately running over to Gaz and holding him tightly. “Are you alright?”
Gaz slumped down, sitting against the doorframe. “Yeah, yeah, I think so… fuck, that hurt…”
“They got Alex…” she whispered. “My brother…”
Gaz frowned, holding her hand as tightly as he could. “It's alright… we're still alive.”
“I need to call someone,” she pressed.
“I already covered it,” he groaned softly. “I saw Price…”
Slowly, Farah sat beside him, and rested her head against his shoulder as she gave his hand a small squeeze; she sniffled, but as much as she would miss her brother, she knew that she at least had Gaz there.
Gaz closed his eyes, too weak to mourn as he sniffled. He was just glad he had Farah.
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 6 months
Prince Eyeless Jack x Cinderella Reader
love this
Credits to divider go to saradika-graphics! Go follow them and support their work
Thank you so much for requesting!!
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Unconventional Royalties
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"Y/n!!!" Your step mother shrieks. You sit up and rub the sleep from your eyes, taking your time to get ready. This is how most of your days start, your stepmother calls for you, you put on your work clothes, and you go to take care of whatever your family may need. You quickly step down the steps from the attic of your large home and into the hallway, quickly coming to turn the corner and turning the knob of the large doors leading to one of your step sister's rooms.
"Yes, mother?" You call, moving some hair out of your face as you step into the room. "Fix these up at once. We need them ready for the ball" Your stepmother snaps, tossing large poofy skirts into your arms. "A ball?" You ask, almost falling over as one of your stepsisters runs past you to start styling her hair. "Yes, the king is throwing a ball in the prince's honor. He's going to try to find a princess tonight." She says, waving her hand dismissively while going over to help your other stepsister tighten her corset. "The whole kingdom was invited! Oh mother, will you come help with my curls? I have to look my best for the prince!" Your stepsister says happily. "The whole kingdom?" You repeat. "So I can go too?"
The three women go quiet for a moment before laughing in unison. "You want to go?" Your stepsister sneers. "You'll be too busy doing your chores! Besides, I doubt you have any clothes proper enough for a royal ball, y/n" Your stepmother snaps her fingers and begins to shoo you away "Now, off you go. Those skirts must be finished before this evening and you're wasting time talking!" You are pushed out of the room and the door is slammed shut behind you. You frown and sigh, bunching up the skirts for easier travel up the steps into the attic. Once you arrive, you begin to patch up holes, reapply lace, and add pretty embroidery to the dresses, trying not to think about how you will have to spend the night at home while everyone else is at the ball.
There is a tapping sound on your window followed by a coo. You look up and see a crow, who is not exactly your pet, but your friend nonetheless. You smile and open up the window so he can step in, and as he does, little mice follow. The crow finds a comfortable spot on your desk and sits, chirping to ask for pets. With one hand you begin to pet him, while the other works on sewing. The animals seem to sense your sadness, because soon the mice are bringing you bits and pieces of their nesting materials to try and cheer you up. You offer the small creatures a kind smile before furrowing your brows and frowning again. "I'll be doing chores all night after finishing these skirts" You mutter to yourself. "If I could just get my chores done, and quickly finish this up I should be able to go, that's the only reason I couldn't, right?" You pick the skirt up and hold it back to admire your work. "Though, I don't have anything to wear, even if I did finish everything..." You say sadly.
As if he understands what you are saying, the crow suddenly stand up and flies over to the end of the attic, pecking and squawking at one of the storage dressers. You sigh and get up, walking over to the crow and shushing him. If your stepmother caught him up here, she'd have him roasted and served for dinner. He doesn't stop squawking until you eventually open the drawer, and then you see why he was going so crazy. Inside is your (mother/father's) wedding (dress/suit). You gasp and pull it out, looking at it for any imperfections. "Oh, this is perfect! If I can just get my jobs done quickly, then I can come back up here and patch this up a bit and I'll be ready to go!" You happily stamp your feet and toss the clothing onto your bed. Knowing that you might actually be able to go to the ball gets you motivated more than ever, and before you knew it, the skirts were done and the house was spotless. You hurriedly head back up to the attic to begin working on your ball outfit, adding your own personal flares to it like poem lines or shapes that you like. It is an hour before the ball, and you are completely ready, excitedly heading down the stairs when you hear your sisters begin to leave their rooms.
Once they see you, they both stick up their noses in disgust. "And what are you doing all dressed up?" One asks. "I'm going to the ball." You reply. "Oh you are, are you?" The other mocks. "Well, yes. All you said I had to do was to do my chores and finish the skirts. The chores are done and your skirts are ready" You say nervously. "You also needed something to wear" Your stepsister says snob-ishly. "Don't you see, I do!" You say, pointing out your outfit. "I don't know what you mean, y/n. All I see are servants rags" Your sisters are now circling you and giggling at your responses. "What do you mean, these were my (mother/father's) wedding clothes!" In a flash, they are on you, ripping and tearing the fabric you painstakingly patched and embroidered, they spit in your hear and rough it up, making you look like a mess. You are able to escape, tripping over yourself and trying to hold the few pieces of intact fabric to yourself in an attempt to cover your body. They laugh as you run, and soon you hear their heels clicking away as they rush to get into the carriage.
By the time they leave, you are in your garden, sobbing over the loss of your parent's wedding attire. Not only did you ruin your chance to go to the ball, but you ruined one of the only remaining artifacts of your real parents. Suddenly, you feel a hand on your back and smell a sweet perfume. You look up, scared that maybe someone else on their way to the ball heard you and got worried. When you look up, you see a gorgeous motherly woman offering you a tissue. You stare at her for a moment, not saying anything in pure shock. You take the tissue, and mean to say 'thank you', but what comes out is "who are you?" She smiles and says simply "Your fairy godmother, love" You are quiet again, staring in disbelief. "Why are you here?? Why now?" She sits next to you and pulls you into her chest, stroking your hair and magically making it clean and soft again. "Well, as your godmother i have to protect you. And as a fairy I help you towards your destiny." She looks around the garden. "You have to go to the ball tonight, you know. However, it doesn't seem like you're in a state to do that at the moment" You frown once more, almost crying again. "I know. And I don't have any other clothes or a ride!" She presses a finger to your lips. "Sh, honey. I'm magic! This..." She says, motioning to your ruined outfit "...Is not an issue. I can solve this in a snap. However....my magic does have limits. I can make you a brand new outfit, and get you a ride but I can only make the magic last for so long. Using transformation magic, especially on other things is very draining. I can give you until the clock strikes midnight. Deal?"
You are too shocked to speak, so you only nod. She smiles and flicks her wand around a few times. A blinding white light consumes you, and when it clears, you are in a sparkling blue outfit with the prettiest glass shoes. A few more minutes pass and you have your very own carriage with horses. You twirl and laugh happily at your new outfit, before hugging your godmother and stepping into the carriage. Before you leave, she reaches into the window and holds your hand. "Remember kiddo, midnight." She presses a gentle kiss to your hand and then lets you go, waving you a goodbye as your carriage begins to pull out of your driveway and begins the journey to the palace.
Part 2 coming soon!
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georgiapeach30513 · 8 months
The One to Sacrifice, Part 3
Summary: being here is getting to you.
Pairings: Raleigh Becket X Reader, Johnny Storm X Reader
Rating: mild
Warnings:  language, mentions of cheating, mentions of secrets, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 4.3K
Series Masterlist
*Dividers created by @firefly-graphics
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The moment your father had told you the pond had been scraped you were ready to get back on the ice, but you had responsibilities now, and they involved making sure your niece was taken care of. Everyone else’s lives got to go on living like they always did, but yours changed the moment that Mike had passed away. You became her sole caretaker. Her confidant. Her shoulder to cry on. Her everything.
“So I get to play hockey here?” She looks up at you sleepily. So far Tanzy had enjoyed being here. You had your doubts. Hopefully it would make taking care of yourself easier. As far as your personal life went, it was much more difficult. Small towns had the tendency to do that.
“Yes, darling, now go to sleep,” you whisper, giving a kiss to her forehead.
“Did my dad love hockey?”
“Your dad and uncle Frank loved hockey. Him, Frank, Johnny, and…”
“That man that brought us home?” She peeks up through her lashes at you with the most mischievous grin, and you just nod. “Did you ever kiss him?”
“Go to sleep,” your voice is a bit more animated, but it doesn’t raise. Playfully covering her eyes she starts giggling uncontrollably. “Tanzy!”
“What? He’s cute. You should kiss him,” you roll your eyes, and settle back on her bed. You need to go out on the ice, so whatever it took for her to settle down, you’d do. “He’s nice, too. He drove us home.”
“Uh huh,” you give a fake yawn that you know she doesn't believe, but you can’t help it. It was late, and you were emotionally exhausted, and only one thing helped. You can already feel the tingle of the chill on your cheeks.
“Did you love him?” Tanzy breaks your daydreaming of just moving on the ice. Giving you the softest and knowing smile as she looks up at you.
“Young love,” you agree. You loved Raleigh in your way, although you never loved him the way he loved you. You didn’t even understand what love was. And then some stupid boy with blue eyes that had the most beautiful bit green in them stole your heart, and you didn’t have the balls to break up with Raleigh.
“You should try again,” she lets out a little yawn, flipping over onto her side. “I don’t want you to be alone like daddy was,” she yawns again, waving her hand at you, “I’m good, go skate.”
This child. She knew that you needed to skate, “Love you, Tanz.”
“Love you, too,” she could very much be faking her sleepiness. She’s done it before. But she wasn’t a baby anymore. She was growing.
With a sigh, you run into the mud room, and grab your things. Putting your skates on sitting on the bench by the pond. Remembering a simpler time and skating with your brothers. Inhaling the frosty air with a smile. Skating on the pond brought back so many memories. A less complicated life. Joy. Laughter. Love.
Making a few rounds on the ice, you try to not think, just exist. Focus on your feet and legs as you launch into the air. Not think about everything that happened. Too much had happened. And even more was bubbling up to the surface, and there was more you hoped never would.
Spinning around, you let the world melt away. Let everything blur out in front of you, but then you feel Johnny’s hands on your body. Blurring into puppy love with Raleigh. Someone you didn’t have to hide. Mike would have killed you. He threatened to kill Johnny when he found out.
You come to a stop in the middle of the ice. Your chest heaving with frustration more than exertion. You really knew how to fuck up things. It’s why you prefer to push people away. Coming back home was smothering you. The only one you couldn’t run away from was Tanzy; because she needs you. Who else would take care of her?
On the one hand was this toxic love based on passion and your bodies. A fire that burned too brightly, leaving you with nothing left but ashes. On the other hand was someone you could make a life with. A life here in a small town in Maine. Things weren’t complicated with Raleigh until…Johnny.
You aren’t even sure you loved Johnny, you just wanted him. Wanted everything he had to offer, and he had big dreams and stars in his eyes that were the same as yours. But he made it. He didn’t sacrifice anything. Kept living his life, and pretending like Tanzy didn’t exist. Mike had counted on him, and he failed. Again.
You take off quickly just wanting to get in the air, and get your mind off — them. You didn’t want either of them quite frankly, and yet they were still both here. What were the odds that Johnny was being forced to be a coach to a girls’ hockey team? And you sigh as your body spins around because there’s a part of you that is lying. You did want something. Honesty, possibly.
You have to think of anything but them. Think about what would have happened if you decided to have a partner. The only one you had ever skated with was Raleigh. You’d giggle as he’d lift you up in the air, and twirl you around. You should have kept things simple, despite his push to turn romantic. No, it was his ability to make you laugh and feel comfortable. Raleigh should have had all your firsts.
You try to imagine a life where things didn’t get fucked up. Where Raleigh came with you to Minnesota. Mike could have still been alive. Tanzy would have had her father, and you would have had your big brother.
You imagine him as your partner. Practically could feel his hands back in yours as you skate around the pond. Life could have been different. Maybe you wouldn’t be thinking about these constant what if’s in your head.
“Ahh,” you fall down on the ice, and glare up at Raleigh who stops so abruptly he falls over as well. “What are you doing?”
He sits up, placing both arms on his knees as he gives you that quintessential Raleigh Becket smile, “I came to apologize,” he tilts his head to the side as he looks at you. “I spent all this time feeling like I didn’t get any closure, and…dammit, Pix, I should have been there for you.”
”What?” Your head turns to look at him quickly. Confusion doesn’t even explain what you’re feeling. Or the secrets you were hiding. How did they fit in with Raleigh?
“When Mike died. I shouldn’t have offered my help, I should have just been there. You quit your dream to raise a child that wasn’t your own.”
“It was the right thing to do.”
“Would you stop,” you look at him confused. What exactly did he mean with that? “You don’t have to be a martyr. You don’t have to do this all alone. You shouldn’t have done it alone. Tanzy…you’ve done a good job on her. You should have had a support system.”
A silence looms between the two of you. Never even getting off the ice. You look up at the stars, and whisper out a thanks to him. Starting to lean into his body a bit before your head lays over on his shoulder. The best thing about Raleigh is the comfort.
“You don’t have to do it alone anymore.”
“Is that an invitation?” He can feel the smile that creeps up on your mouth, and you feel the chuckle building up in his chest that he doesn’t want to release. “I’m sorry, too.”
“Is this a Storm thing?” You groan, starting to lift off his shoulder, but he pulls you back down. “Did he mean anything to you?”
“I don’t think so.”
“Did I?”
You’re unsure how to answer. Because he did mean a lot to you. Johnny is complicated for various reasons. And you have told yourself he meant nothing to you for a long time, but you fear it is to protect yourself the most. Because at the end of the day, you felt like a conquest to Johnny. An easy lay. A virgin.
Raleigh whispers your name, lifting you up to look at him, “Did I mean anything to you?”
“Yes,” you answer with the utmost sincerity. He smiles with glassy eyes, and you hate yourself for the pain you caused him. Not just the lack of closure but the fact he found out about his girlfriend cheating on him. “I loved you. You were my best friend.”
“Why did you do it?” You shrug your shoulders, removing your gaze from his heavy stare. It is too intense, and you can’t fully handle the way he is looking at you. Clinging to any hope you can offer him. “Don’t look away.”
“I don’t know. I told you…it was…”
“You,” he takes a deep breath, trying to choose his words carefully. It was years ago, and the pain is still there. Wedged deep inside of him because he didn’t doubt the way he felt. He was completely in love with you then, and nothing had changed. “Because of a school girl crush. He was your first.”
“He was my only,” that didn’t offer much comfort, but you see his face relax a bit. His hands cup your cheeks, leaning his forehead into yours. “Raleigh, I’m so sorry.”
“I forgive you,” you didn’t deserve him, his forgiveness, or any of his kindness. But you melt into it. It was the first time in so long you have felt comforted. No one ever bothered to check on you, and even if they did, Raleigh just knew. The the need to run away from everything seems to have stopped. You didn’t want to run anymore. You are tired. “Can we start over?”
“I don’t know what that means, Raleigh,” his eyes flick down to your lips, and you know without him saying anything. “Clarify.”
“Start from the beginning. Forget anything happened.”
“You’re suggesting we’re more than friends?”
“I’m suggesting I want you in my life. I’ve missed you, and my feelings haven’t changed,” if you made friends with girls, maybe they would have told you that he was a man that had never moved on, and that should be a red flag. But you didn’t move on either. You had no desire to make a choice. And at the time there was only one choice you could make. So you ran. You pushed everything into your career, and didn’t let any of those emotions bubble up to the surface. No one knew, and you repressed everything. You didn’t want them to know. You didn’t want to know.
“At your pace.”
“Remind me?” Your mouth tips up in a smile, hoping he didn’t forget what it meant. With a smile that matches your own, his eyes flutter close, and he presses his lips against yours. No one moves, and the kiss is warm and lingering. You still aren’t sure if you ever loved him the way he loved you. Or the way he deserved, but you hope you find it.
You settle into his arms, snuggling closer, and feeling at least comfort. It wasn’t much, and it wasn’t love, but it was…something.
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“Tanzy, why are you still awake?” Tanzy looks back at her uncle, shushing him before her eyes go back to the ice. “Oh…they didn’t waste time,” he rolls his eyes as he sits down beside his niece. Giving you and his best friend an eye roll. The two of you embrace in a hug before you stand up, and start skating around the ice.
Laughter fills the winter air with a lightness that he hasn’t seen in his friend in a long time. The two of you fall in sync, partnering up, and going with the flow. He sighs as Tanzy flips around in her bed. “They kissed.”
“It wasn’t their first time.”
“But it was like a real kiss,” Frank chuckles, reaching over to pull the covers over both him and Tanzy. “She never kissed anyone back home. I never saw a boy.”
“Don’t make sense out of your aunt.”
“She deserves to have fun. She’s a good aunt. She worked a lot. I never saw her on the ice. And now we’re here, and she’s laughing, and — they were in love, huh?” Frank shrugs his shoulders, retching while Tanzy watches her uncle curiously. “What?”
“Thinking about Raleigh and my sister is weird. He’s a good guy, but it’s…gross. But I know he’s never looked at a woman like he does Pixie.”
“Be happy for her. She didn’t smile a lot. She’s always thinking.”
“About what?” Tanzy yawns, and starts to snuggle into his body, just like she used to with her dad. She didn’t ever want to forget him. But most of what she remembered was through someone else’s memory. “Your dad?”
“No. She has secrets, Frank. Secrets that make her sad.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know. I’m just a kid. Her and dad whispered a lot. She cried a lot, and then she had to take care of me,” she yawns again, and her words get softer. Quieter. “Let her be happy.”
“Go to sleep, and I’ll try,” he gives another quick glance outside, but looks away quickly. You weren’t so much skating as holding onto each other. That weird thing the two of you did when you just touched foreheads together and looked at one another.
Secrets. You had secrets that made you sad. You did leave, and not tell Raleigh goodbye. Wouldn’t return his calls. You didn’t like the idea of “Johnny,” Frank groans. Johnny did something. He always did.
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“You and the mechanic,” Tanzy starts to tease you, but you turn around to look at her shaking your head. She was supposed to be getting her gear ready for hockey practice. “Uh huh, I saw you.”
“Skating together is nothing to get too excited about,” after a bit of sleep, you realize that even just a slight peck of a kiss was a horrible idea. Raleigh clearly is still in the zone of everything is perfect, and he can be perfect just for you. It isn’t that you doubt that. But you have only just arrived and there are still so many things swirling in your head, and you are drowning in thoughts. You need to skate, and every time you did there was a man.
“Yeah, but you didn’t just skate. I saw you,” she gives you the sweet mischievous grin that makes you think of Mike, and you can’t even be mad at her. She had this attitude just like Mike and Johnny, always into something, and always ready for a good time.
“I remember now why I hated your dad’s room right there.”
“Why because he watched you kiss that man, too?” Wrapping a hand around her stomach she lets a wave of giggles rush over her. Head leaning back, and you try — try not to laugh with her, but you can’t. She already seems happier here than she did. Being around family is good for her, and a bit suffocating for you.
“Raleigh did watch me skate a lot.”
“Did Johnny?”
“Now what kind of question is that?” Tanzy shrugs her shoulders as she lifts up a duffle bag. “Why would you ask about Johnny?”
“Why are you getting so defensive about Johnny? It was first the mechanic, and now him. Did you kiss Johnny, too? Like the Johnny Storm, did you kiss him?” You stepped right into that. You couldn’t blame her for being curious, but your relationship with Johnny was for nobody’s ears. You buried that and the memories a long time ago.
“Go on, get into the car. Gimma is waiting for us,” you car still hasn't been fixed. You didn’t doubt that Raleigh could, but he of course had other cars ahead of you. With a deep sigh, you watch Tanzy jump into the car with your mom, and you look around the kitchen. Nothing had changed. It brought you a bit of comfort, and still there was that tad of unease that always lingered in places where memories of your brother were the strongest.
Nothing is ever easy here because some things just never change, despite how much is always changing. Just take a deep breath, and go.
Trudging out to your mom’s car makes you feel like a child again, especially going to the rink. You fasten your seatbelt, and look in the rear view mirror, and the sly smile on Tanzy’s face lets you know she’s not letting this go.
“You should invite Raleigh for dinner.”
“He was most likely going to come anyway. I have to make sure all my boys are fed. Him and Frank mosey on in. It would be nice for…” Tanzy starts laughing uncontrollably as your mom rattles on.
“It would be nice if you guys wouldn’t make a big deal about it. Raleigh and I…”
“Yes, yes,” your mom looks at you with an exasperated look. It isn’t the first time that she’s had this conversation with you. “You and Raleigh have always skated together. And skating together always leads to him crawling into your bedroom and watching movies until you pass out, and I tell him to please use the front door instead.”
You glance towards her looking ashamed. You had no idea she actually knew about that. “I allowed him to stay because he made my ice princess happy. I could hear you guys laughing, and you almost never stopped talking, so I didn’t think anything was going on. And then when you actually were dating — honey, nothing ever happened?”
“Tanzy is in the car.”
“I know about kissing!”
“What I mean is you shouldn’t have to stay in your head. Raleigh gave you something more to talk about than skating. He opened up your cold heart. I heard you laugh, and weren’t repeating your routine obnoxiously over and over again. Raleigh made you human, and I hate to think that someone who was your best friend,” starting to interrupt, she covers your mouth with her hand, “I know he and Frank are close, but those two didn’t have what you two had.”
“It would be really weird if they did. I’m glad to know that everyone thinks I’m…”
“Icy,” you shoot a playful glance back at Tanzy, but try to laugh. You weren’t the most personable human in the world, and you never had been. But there is a part of what your mom is saying is right. You did feel differently around Raleigh. He was able to bring out the best of you.
“Well there he is,” your mom smiles and gives Johnny a wave as she pulls into the rink. No one was here. “Tell Johnny I said hey, and he should come by for dinner tonight, and…”
“No!” She looks taken aback as you shout at her. “Just — not yet. We don’t even know how he’s going to be with his goddaughter,” you take a deep breath, and hold your head up high as you get out of the car. Giving a wave to your mom as you give Johnny a terse nod. He’s so full of himself, his smile just gets larger.
He gives your mom a friendly wave, and his hand presses on Tanzy’s back, “Why don’t you go ahead and dress out, there’s some things I’d like to discuss with your aunt.”
“Are you wanting to kiss her, too? Aunt Pixie, you’ve got all the boys,” she gives a little giggle as she runs into the rink, and you follow right behind her.
“Let me guess, you were kissing that Neanderthal Raleigh?” You don’t answer, just walk right into the rink, and have a deep need to skate on its smooth surface. “Wow, okay. So, you won’t give me the time of day even though I know what you taste like, but you’ll let that man kiss you in front of Tanzy.”
Spinning around you glare at him, “That got your attention, ice princess. What does Raleigh have that I don’t? I got the bigger bank account.”
“And you got the bigger head.”
“You’d know all about that, wouldn’t you,” you shove his shoulder. This is what always irritated you about him; his ease at getting under your skin. “You didn’t even give me the time of day, but you let that man kiss you?”
“Why do you care? It’s not like you couldn’t have any girl that you wanted. And you have. Raleigh is…”
“Hung up on you. We both know it. Did you tell him about us? About how I couldn’t keep my hands off you, and you were just as needy for me?”
“I thought you needed to talk to me about something. Where is everyone?” You did not need to go down this road again. You just wanted for Tanzy to practice, and you to eventually go home, and away from him. He is your kryptonite.
“That’s what I thought,” he whispers before he starts walking towards the ice. “Has Tanzy ever played?” You shake your head no, sitting down on a bench, and he joins you. Too close. Just to prove you don’t like the closeness, you scoot away. “Her dad was Mike Weiss, and you didn’t put her in hockey?”
“I was struggling to feed us both, and you wanted me to put her in an expensive sport that I couldn’t afford?”
“You could have told me,” see this is the reason you easily fall for Johnny. There’s something in the way he looks at you, actually concerned. “That’s why you’re back, money?”
“Kids are expensive, even more so when you’re on their own. Her godfather didn’t reach out, so I just made do. And now I’m back in. Back here wallowing in the past, and…”
“You always were so melodramatic. It’s not that serious. You’re here getting help and support. Who fucking cares?” You cared. Your pride cared, and he called you melodramatic. “Keep the drama for the ice. It’s what I do, baby. You don’t have to have all that shit swirling in your head while you try to make sense out of everything. We had fun, right? So you cheated on some chump that was obsessed with you. How come you never had sex with him? Am I the only one? You look better when you keep your issues on the ice, and let me do the thinking for you.”
“That doesn’t fix everything.”
“Does constantly worrying about it?” You still. If there was anything you always admired about Johnny was his ability to not care. “Pix, can I be honest with you?”
“You always are. Even if I don’t want you to.”
“You’re wound too tight. You always have been. That’s why we…well, you wanted me to teach you. I did, and for a few months you relaxed. You skated better than you ever had before, and then you just — poof. I wasn’t heartbroken, but that man you are kissing was. So if you want me to relax you, get rid of him. Or use him to relax you. Either way, get laid,” you stutter a moment, as you hear the locker room door slam shut.
“Unless you want to tell me what really happened. Because believe me when I say this, Pix, something happened. Between you and me, and you’re hiding from it. You don’t have to tell me, but if it’s something that keeps you this stressed, and made my best friend yell and cuss at me, well…that’s your call since Mike can’t explain shit.”
You start to say something. Anything. But Johnny stands up, and gives a nod to Tanzy. “I know I’m an asshole. But while I’m here, I could be your asshole. And I’d like to get to know the squirt. And offer coaching. One on one. Pix, I’m not the evil monster you want me to be. I’m just a prick,” he reaches down to pick up his skates, leaving you wondering what exactly was going on inside your head, and if you made a bigger deal than things. Just like you always did.
Take out the men. And think about just you. You have to take responsibility for your actions. No one can but you. You may be sticking your foot in your mouth, but Johnny deserved to know Tanzy. “You should come by for supper sometime. You and Tanzy can skate on the pond.”
“I haven’t skated on that pond in years. What do you say, squirt, want me to start giving private lessons?”
“What about practice?” She asks, looking around to see everything is still empty. He set you up, but this will make her so happy.
“Practice doesn’t actually start until tomorrow, but we can get some skating in. Pix? Care to join us?” You shake your head no, wanting more than ever to just see Johnny with her. Watching as he actually laughs at things she says, enjoying her. It’s a shame he had all this time without her, and she with him. It just works.
You feel a slight ping in your heart as you watch them, giving your mom a text that there wasn’t actually practice today and she could pick you up.
I knew. Johnny said he could bring you two home.
Of course he did. Of course she knew. It’s fine. It was okay. Get out of your head. That was years ago. Raleigh would have to get used to Johnny being in your life. For Tanzy. And that’s how you wanted to keep it. For Tanzy.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @peaches1958 @seitmaii @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @charmed-asylum @cjand10 @rosemirrors @midnightramyeoncravings @patzammit @valhalla-kristin @kmc1989 @peaceinourtime82 @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory
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Magic Touch
Astarion and Gale get frisky again after weeks of only chaste kisses. The wizard conjures a mage hand for 'assistance'. The vampire spawn approves.
(Trigger warning (18+): graphic description of sex, smut, body worship, cum eating, frottage, hand job, (im)proper use of mage hand)
The title's based on Gale's voice line "I have the magic touch".
To avoid confusion: In one of my other fanfics Halsin and Tav had named the owlbear cup Naïlo, which means 'night breeze' in the Elven language.
According to DnD lore, elves don't sleep, but rest in a meditative, trance-like state called reverie. You can see Astarion (and your Elven Tav) do exactly that in camp during a long rest when a sleep-around-the-campfire cutscene plays.
Also: Happy new year, everyone! May your 2024 be prosperous and filled with happiness, good health and good fortune. <3 Here's to a great start ;)
Gale had fallen asleep in his study again, halfway lying on the bed in the corner, surrounded by his students' essays. Astarion smiled at the scene. Carefully and light-footed, he stacked the papers and books, placed them on the desk, lifted Gale's legs up onto the bed, and covered him with a blanket. The wizard sighed in his sleep, but didn't wake. After one last glance, Astarion extinguished all the candles and made his way to the living room where the animals dwelled. Blearily, Scratch and Naïlo blinked at him.
"Hey, boys, would you like to join me on a walk?" Astarion whispered.
The dog yawned and placed his head back on his paws, but the owlbear chirped excitedly. The vampire spawn snickered.
"Well then... come on, my feathery friend."
"Good luck on your hunt, Mister Ancunin," purred Tara sleepily.
"Thanks, my sweet."
Naïlo was fully-grown now, barely fitting through the wide doorframes in Gale's tower house. They'd talked to him multiple times about freedom, but the owlbear refused to leave the place he called home. He had no desire to go out into the wilderness by himself and wished to stay with them. Of course, they allowed it and couldn't deny Naïlo anything. No matter how big, he would always be their little cub.
Astarion had started to go hunting in the woods with him. It was fun to run for hours without stopping and watching the owlbear kill their prey efficiently and quickly. Today was no different. The vampire spawn sprinted through the forest next to a hyped-up owlbear and there was no need for him to slow down. Suddenly, Naïlo came to an abrupt halt, staring to their right. Astarion sniffed the air. A bear. With a wide grin that showed his fangs, he nodded and made a hand gesture towards their prey. The owlbear pounced, slaying the bear with one big swipe of his sharp claws. Roaring, their prey collapsed and died. Astarion heard its heart stop. With a questioning chirp, Naïlo turned around to look at him.
"Well done, pup," the vampire spawn praised.
He slinked closer, kneeled, and drove his fangs into the still warm corpse. Astarion drew back when he felt drunk. As soon as he'd stepped away, Naïlo started to eat with gusto. The vampire spawn watched, pleasantly intoxicated, his vision slightly blurred. Lazily, he licked his mouth and chin clean until the owlbear's belly was full. Then, they slowly made their way back to Waterdeep, content and sated.
At home, Naïlo curled around Scratch and Tara and fell asleep immediately. Astarion, on the other hand, freshened up in the bathroom before checking on everyone. Tav and Shadowheart were sleeping soundly, back to back, and he didn't want to disturb them. He planned to quickly take a look at Gale before making his way downstairs to his basement room, but found the wizard awake with a cup of tea balanced on his knees.
"Thank you for covering me with the blanket," Gale smiled. "I appreciate it."
"You're welcome, darling. Everything alright?"
"Yes, just..." The wizard sighed, rubbing his strained eyes. "There's so much paperwork and some of the pupils have awful handwriting."
Astarion chuckled, finally fully entering the study, and sat down next to his lover.
"Would you like my help? I don't know much about the Applied Arts, but I'm rather talented at reading ancient languages. I'm sure I can figure out your pupils' messy writing."
Gale smiled at him softly.
"Thank you, dear. I might take you up on your offer tomorrow." He sipped on his teacup. "How was tonight's hunt?"
"Good. I had a bear," Astarion grinned, leaning against the wizard's shoulder. "I went into the woods with Naïlo."
"Aah, I see. Lovely."
"Bears always get me drunk. I don't know why. – I'm sure you could figure it out. You're a genius after all."
Astarion slumped closer, with a drunken giggle. Gale snorted an amused laugh.
"Look at you. You're an intoxicated mess."
Astarion grinned at him before sitting up straight and smashing their lips together. Gale gasped in surprise.
"Mind the tea!"
"Sure," slurred the vampire spawn, took the teacup from the wizard and placed it on the floor next to a stack of specialist literature. "May I kiss you again?"
They fell into each other's arms, tongue kissing sloppily.
They'd settled into an easy dynamic regarding their relationship. They were rarely sexually intimate, mostly just kissing and snuggling. They were both content and happy with their arrangement and usually didn't need more. Usually. But not tonight.
Astarion slid his hands up the side of Gale's neck hungrily, running his fingers through the long, dark mane.
"I can see even more grey hair than when we first met," he noted. "It suits you. You're beautiful."
"So are you," panted the wizard.
"It's a good thing you're not at risk of spontaneously combusting anymore because of too much excitement. It would be a shame to lose a perfectly good Gale Dekarios, renowned wizard of Waterdeep, and professor at the Blackstaff Academy for Applied Magic Arts."
Gale's laugh was swallowed by Astarion's greedy mouth and the latter humped against the wizard's thigh.
"I need more," the vampire spawn moaned. "Please?"
Frenzied, Astarion doffed his clothes, exposing his pale skin and proudly standing erection. He bored his ruby-red eyes into the wizard, pleading.
"Come here," Gale offered, opening his arms.
Astarion plucked at Gale's shirt.
"Take your clothes off."
"But I want to –"
"Let me take care of you, Astarion. Come here. Lean your back against my chest."
The addressed complied, placing his head on Gale's shoulder and spreading his legs wide for him to see.
"Beautiful," the wizard whispered into his ear as he watched the plane of Astarion's body from behind him. The vampire spawn moaned lowly and pushed himself closer to the warmth of his lover. Gale kissed his cheek and recited a magic spell, conjuring a mage hand. It finally clicked in Astarion's still slightly intoxicated head.
"Oh," he breathed.
"Yeah." Astarion could literally hear Gale's smug grin in the way he responded. "Now, relax, dear, and let me work my magic."
The vampire spawn gasped when the mage hand wrapped its fingers around his member. There was resistance, almost like a real hand, and it was about the same temperature as his cold, undead body. Gale shushed him quietly and started running his hands over Astarion's chest. The latter moaned at the heat of them. Such a stark contrast to the mage hand and his own body. Gale let his hands wander further down, exploring his lovers abdomen, dipping his thumb into his navel, and brushing fingers over the naturally hairless pubic bone. Astarion's hips bucked up at the touch and he started to pant.
"So lovely for me," Gale praised, whispering right into Astarion's ear. The latter whined, shuddering as the wizard's hot breath ghosted over his neck. Gale kissed his ear, licking along the shell with his hot tongue, and Astarion moaned and started to drool. The conjured hand steadily stripped his cock with a comfortable grip while Gale's hands caressed his chest and abdomen lazily. Astarion shuddered as he felt the wizard's hot breath hit the shell of his ear again and his erection rub up and down his lower back. The vampire spawn tightened his grip on his lover's knees.
"Gale," he moaned, lolling his head against the other man's shoulder. "Gale... please..."
He was so close, but something was missing and he didn't know what. The wizard hummed, licking Astarion's pointy ear, and with a wail, the latter came undone. His seeds shot over the mage hand and his own gaunt belly. Astarion's legs shook, his hips gave little aborted thrusts, and his ruby-red eyes were still screwed shut. Gale tightened his grip on his lover's chest and abdomen, pressing him closer to himself, and rutted against his back until he climaxed. Astarion shivered when Gale's hot breath puffed against his neck and he felt the wizard's seeds wetting his tailbone as they seeped through the underpants. Groaning, the vampire spawn slumped against the hot body behind him.
He moaned gutturally when Gale dipped his fingers into the sticky mess on his stomach and brought them up to lick it off. The wizard made a face.
"I wager I'll never acquire a taste for the male release. But it could be worse I guess..."
Astarion hummed and sucked Gale's fingers into his mouth. The wizard's breath hitched and the vampire spawn coiled his skilled tongue around the digits.
"You'll be the death of me," muttered Gale and when Astarion finally let go of his fingers, he shifted his lover sideways to kiss him better. Moaning, the vampire spawn tangled his hands in Gale's hair, kissing back as good as he could, still basking in the afterglow of his orgasm. Gale scooped up some more semen and licked it off while staring right at Astarion who make an undignified noise as he watched. Carefully, the latter slid his hand into Gale's underwear, toying with his spent member. The wizard hissed in discomfort, still too sensitive to be touched. Astarion retracted his hand, now sticky with cum, and licked it clean. Gale stared at him, wide-eyed and in disbelief.
"By the Gods," he groaned before pulling the vampire spawn into another kiss.
Astarion sighed into it, utterly content and sated. They finally broke apart and lay down, closely entangled.
"That was amazing, darling," Astarion purred. "I couldn't even return the favour."
"Hmm," muttered Gale, already half-asleep.
The vampire spawn petted his hair and promised: "Next time, I'll be the one wielding around the mage hand."
"Mhm," Gale mumbled smiling.
Astarion watched over him as he fell into an exhausted sleep. The wizard truly needed to be fully rested to survive his cheeky students at the academy. The vampire spawn placed a gentle kiss on Gale's greying hair and slipped into reverie.
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quannaix · 16 days
What is your experience with Animal Crossing?
Okay it has been literally over three months since you sent this so I apologise I just have a lot to say and wanted to enjoy going on about Animal Crossing.
My first was Animal Crossing Wild World, which I saved up for and bought, even pre-owned it was expensive for primary school me. I did not know much about the game and it was years before I realised that the copy hadn't been wiped so I'd walked into someone else's town. I'm guessing someone called George, since my town was named Egroeg. But by that point I'd been playing for so long I didn't want to wipe my progress. Also by then I had realised that he had upgraded Nook's to the highest version, which would have been hard for me to replicate because it involved playing multiplayer and I only had one other friend with the game. I really loved ACWW, and I spent lots of time playing it even though I definitely didn't understand a lot of elements of the game. My friend and I spend loads of time imagining things we'd love to add to the game, like if you could get a job (paying that loan off in shells is hard!) and I thought it would be cute if you could drive around in a little car that had a boot for extra inventory space (backpacks fill up a lot when things don't stack). I became best friends with Kiki in this game and when she moved I was so sad that I planted a tree where her house had been thinking that would stop another house taking her place (I was wrong, but it's the thought that counts).
I did get AC Let's Go to the City for the Wii, but never racked up many hours on that because being console based I'd have to find time when the family wasn't using the TV. I definitely prefer it as a handheld game.
I got given Animal Crossing New Leaf for my birthday when it released and I maintain this is best AC game. I still love it so much. I love that they introduced the mechanics of town design, most notably that Roost was a stand alone cafe and you got to choose where to place it!!!!! I think this might be around the time I first started following you (saxyplaya hehe) I assume because I found you from looking for QR codes for designs. I am still obsessed with so many of the QR code dresses people came up with. I think ACNL had the best balance of effort to output. Like it had these town design features but still took ages to do things. You had to grow trees from scratch and grow them again if you placed em wrong. This made everything feel more satisfying though, imo. You really put in the hours, and days and weeks, so the results would make me feel proud. I love that there are so many fruit tree varieties, I love visiting the island, I love that you CAN work at the Roost and that Brewster would give you coffee rewards. The updates they made with Happy Home Designer and the campsite, including adding the 'god mode' furniture design thing did make things a lot easier. But I like actually that to see anything you have to actually put it on/put it in the room, in your cupboards everything is just the generic category icon. I still have not caught all the bugs and fish in this game. I THINK I have all the fossils, but I think it makes it more fun for longer if it's not so easy to catch everything. I love the shopping street, and slowly unlocking the buildings. I love that little bench at the end of the street looking out. I think the music in this game is so lovely too, and one of my most favourite things is walking around on a rainy day in my town. I also actually loved that it was always the opposite weather hemisphere-wise, often I'd log in in irl winter so I could feel warm and vice-versa.
I also just love the graphics and look and feel of the game. The characters are still sassy and have a lot of personality. I always think fondly of my neighbour O'Hare, because his birthday is two days after mine. Now I could wax rhapsodic about ACNL al day but I should move on!
I freely admit I did obsessively play AC Pocket Camp for like a year or two when it came out (maybe longer??) to fill the void while I waited to see if there would be a Switch game. My partner also got me the original GameCube Animal Crossing for Christmas, which I played a little, but we don't usually have the GameCube set up and see above my preference of handheld play for AC. Still, a very cute present that I love having.
The second they Switch was announced, I said that I would be holding off on buying one until I saw if they put out a new AC game with a console to match. And I am SO glad I did because I was able to get the console and the game when they came out and I think the console is sooooo pretty. ACNH is really fun as well, I do like the addition of terraforming, being able to place furniture outside, and that they went really ham on the graphics. While I think I still have more of a soft spot for the older graphic style, I love things like the raindrops on the windows and the furniture blowing as the fan goes over it, etc etc those little tiny additions really melt my heart. I do feel like they smoothed out the characters too much, they don't have as much personality as they used to. And as much as so many things are easier (changing clothes, furniture, moving trees and plants, catching all fish/bugs and fossils) I think I preferred it when it was a bit more challenging. I wish the Roost was separate still </3. I loved the addition of Island Designer, I find that so fun, and I love the glowing moss furniture, and being able to design villager's houses (given that sometimes they start to look really dogshit after I've been gifting them my garbage furniture sorry guys). I don't send letters as much in this game as I used to, idk why exactly it just never seemed as fun or important in ACNH. I like the addition of cooking, more just because it tickles me personally. I'm back and forth on the crafting mechanism. I think overall I like it, and in many ways it's a return to the challenging aspects I just went on about loving in the previous game in terms of it being an involved process (esp if you want to change the colours), but I think that tools breaking SO fast annoys me and that even gold tools break annoys me heaps. Overall I do still enjoy ACNH, and I'm actually glad that it introduced the game to a whole lot of new people because it's widened the audience of people I can ramble about AC to. I do wish I had gone with the other hemisphere weather, I went back and forth on that and I discovered I actually prefer it NOT aligning with my real life weather so it can serve as an escape.
Thank you for asking me this question, in case you can't tell I love talking about Animal Crossing it is definitely one of my favourite game series of all time <3
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