#yes i know steve had used guns as capt
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akii-doinstuff · 2 months ago
This feels like Gun Batman. No i cant explain
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tydy-the-megnet · 6 years ago
Let's Watch Captain Marvel
Alrighty. It's definitely late, but I finally got the DVD. So, I'm watching Captain Marvel.
I've decided to make this post about it, which I will write as I go, because I've seen a lot of discussion about the movie without actually hearing about what happens in it... so uh... yeah. Here are my thoughts as I think them:
Brie Larson looks good with long hair. Also, is Carol bleeding blue...? I want to know what that's about and if it's important
Movie is said to take place in the 90s. Space still already has flying cars. I guess Star Wars wasn't not accurate
Listen Sensei dude, if there is one thing I've learned from anime, emotions only make you stronger.
"You gave me these" *shakes fists* is that literal? Like did Mr Sensei really give her fists or is that referring to her powers...? I know nothing of Captain Marvel
He's talking about controlling impulses again. He clearly hasn't seen any anime
The Skrull are the shapeshifters yeah?
... amnesia...?
Now the supreme intelligence (god ai???) Is also talking about controlling her emotions. I still don't buy it.
Mission time. Digging the banter
"I laugh on the inside. I'm not doing that now."
Hm, not sure how I feel about the helmet thing
Hard light scuba gear? That's cool
I'm digging the kinda star wars vibe
Captain listen to your CO but also dont listen to him at all
Yeah the skrull are the shapeshifters everything makes sense now
Wait is her name Veers? Or is that what she's called just because she doesn't remember who she is?
More of this "too emotional" stuff?
Digging the whole mental probe thing.
*Tries percussive maintain on a person*
"I dont know any Dr Larson"
So that had me confused bc I was like "Wasnt her name Danvers?" But Larson is the actress and I guess that's just a character????
Do I have the two backwards?
Skrull: *snarls*
Captain: *snarls back*
I like her
She fights like an anime character while everyone else is an 80s sci-fi movie
Get the boots!!!
And touchdown! Planet C-53! Locally known as Earth!
I guess Captain Marvel could be called a blockbuster hit in-universe and out huh?
I'm hilarious
Honey in basically in the space-boonies now you got no service here lol
This poor confused security guard lol
She called across the galaxy on a pay phone...? Yeah okay cool cool
"[C-53]'s a real shithole" yeah give it 30 years or so it gets worse
Okay why do people not like Captain Marvel?
She's like a mix of Tony, Thor, and Steve
Is that... Coulson? Young Coulson!?
I don't think that was young Coulson after all...
Or is it?
Why are these bystanders trying to stop Veers(?) from fighting this obviously not normal old lady?
What kinda old lady can flip like that?
oh it was Young Coulson!
Poor Coulson
Damn, Nick
*uses AltaVista*
So it's later 90s. Got it.
Lmao dial-up
I guess they're in california?
Lmao dial-up
Ah so this is the motorcycle scene I've heard about. Apparently they cut the part where she nearly breaks the guy's fingers? Disappointing.
The skrull aren't carbon-based life forms that's so cool!
Not on the periodic table...? Let's see, in the 90s... I guess stuff like rutherfordium and onward wouldn't be on there. Uh, maybe technetium? There might be a couple others but for the most part chemistry was advanced enough.
Unless it's something beyond like 118. Which is weird to think about but whatever I should stop thinking about it
Except elements like that would have to be in group 14 yeah?
Biology isnt exactly my forte but
Okay perhaps it's what we now know as flerovium?
The elements in the carbon group should react similarly enough to be the foundation of an entire life form
That's why silicon is used for synthetic stuff a lot right?
And tin
I'm getting off track the movie has been paused for a few minutes now
I'm just going to assume they are flerovium-based life forms
Oh shit they're in SHIELD
So Pegasus is a flight team, or an AF division, or....?
"I don't know if this guy is really human. I'd better ask a bunch of questions to which I don't know the answer."
A skrull could be saying random words and it would totally work
"If toast is cut diagonally I can't easy it."
Why the heck not??????
"That was a photon blast" is that what that is? Awesome
I want Peter to meet her. I think he'd have a new contender for favorite
"A skrull can't do that. " how is he supposed to know that?
Young and slightly less suspicious Fury??
"Noble warrior heroes"
NASA and USAF. Sweet.
"State-of-the-art two-way pager"
Ah the old tape-and-fingerprint trick. Haven't seen that since the 90s--oh
Fury meeting Goose is the purest scene in marvel
"you sat there and watched me play with tape?" Lmao
"Shes kookoo" "Kree glyphs" ":O"
Veers was the pilot
I still don't know her sensei's name
"Excellent work, Nicholas" ":O"
(I know who Mar-Vell is!)
Okay okay okay
More of this "dont emotion" garbage. Listen Veers, DON'T listen
"You know how to fly this thing?" "Uh" "it's a yes or no question"
They're going to LA
(Louisiana not Los Angeles)
Why do people not like this this is great!
She's got the worst part of Thor, but the best part of Tony and Steve!
(So it IS Carol Danvers. Which means Larson isn't her mother. Which makes since because she's actually Mar-Vell. Who's... well, not the mother.)
The Good Lady Ms. Captain Carol Marvel "I-Can-Boil-Tea-With-My-Bare-Hands-Which-Shoot-Lasers-Too" Danvers Ma'am
"You're jacket. Mom doesn't let me wear it anymore after I spilled ketchup on it."
I dont know this kid's name but I really really like her.
"Call me young lady again and I'll put my foot in a place it's not supposed to be."
... that one is more clever with context but whatever
"Am I supposed to guess where that is?" "Your ass"
Monika. That's the kid's name. She's great.
Ah, more ancient relics they call "tech" lol
Do a barrel roll
She did a barrel roll!
"Your blood is uhhh blue" "yeah but how's my hair"
Ah, "Vers" bc they assumed that was her name. Interesting.
Also I want to get super power by blowing something up that's way cooler than being bitten by a stupid spider
Is she human? Is she not? I've no clue
The skrull are the good guys. Things are starting to make sense again.
... maybe I should've pushed to watch this before far from home.
... huh.
... is she human?
Okay so I'm still a little confused but I think I got it.
Though I won't say I dont want something else to blow up
"Those aren't coordinates they're orbital vectors." "It's basic physics." "Couldnt you figure that out? You're my science guy."
"I just think you should consider what kind of example you're setting for your daughter." That's it. That's the best line in the whole movie. Time to go.
Her suit can change colors on a whim!?!
That's awesome
I mean I saw it in Endgame but
"How do I look?" "Fresh" lmao 90s
"What's a cat?" xD
"Why would I turn into a filing cabinet?"
Space lab. Cool.
Is that the tesseract??
She can pick it up!!
Does that mean she could've wielded the Infinity Gauntlet??????
Pinball lmao
Those bastards
"Only human" HEY I RESENT THAT
(I'm still hilarious)
This is awesome why dont more people love it???
"Good kitty"
This very quickly went from Star Wars to Dragon Ball and I am loving it
She really is an anime character
Did she? Is that? Nerf gun?
Okay Carol isnt that much god mode there was just a nerd gun on the floor okay cool yeah sure
"Just like Havana" TALOS YOU BEAUTIFUL--
Remember how captain america jumped to the outside of a plane and fought through it? Yeah CM just did that in SPACE take that Steve
Still dont know how I feel about the helmet thing though
Yeah, those are explosions
Ronin: O_O
Ronin: .... yeah bye
"I have nothing to prove to you."
Fury lost his eye! GOOSE HE TRUSTED YOU
*thinks back to that moment in Winter Soldier*
"You were Solar and the SHIELD agent?" Omg Carol yes keep up
Fury SINGS?!?!
So like, are her powers just straight up energy manipulation? Because that's pretty cool. Really versatile, too
The way she started the engine makes it seem so
And then she just,,,,,, flies away. Into the night. Like stardust in the wind.
Dig the jacket, though
"The Protector Initiative"
It begins......
"Is it true? The Kree burned your eye out because you refused to give them the tesseract?" "I will neither confirm nor deny the facts of that story"
Lmao Fury
"The Avenger Initiative"
It didnt actually show it but we know
Also, dig the music
Aaand now we see, 20ish years later, the snappening
"I wanna know who's on the other end of that thing"
First of all I love that they dont call it a pager because it's 2018 wtf is a pager amirite?
Second, I love how Carol is just there. Great reveal. 1007391861604016/10
"Where's Fury?" D:
Better question, where is Goose???
*one roll of credits later*
Oh! :D
Lmao the tesseract
God this movie is amazing
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glopratchet · 4 years ago
Turns out he was home, and that's exactly where you've gone to talk to him You'd rather do this in person rather than over the phone, considering it couldn't have been more than twenty feet away and you can just go buy more alcohol if he starts getting difficult This whole mess started because of your prank after all You knock on the door before entering the trailer cautiously "Hey Gunter, can I come in?" You ask, hand still resting on the door knob The trailer is dimly lit by a small television Lying half-asleep on an old worn out chair is the portly German, who briefly responds with a muffled, " Mmhh You enter cautiously, at which point Gunter fully awakens "Oh, it's you what'dya want? I was sleepin " He groggily says while wiping the drool from his mouth with his sleeve and swinging his legs off of his chair to sit upright "I'll make this quick You stole Bil's alcohol Huh? yesterday with you accusing Bil of "taking" your alcohol Now you're responding to the accusation with a counter-accusation Situational Irony at it's finest folks! "Bil accused me earlier of taking his alcohol, and he was right Admit it Yeah You snuck into my garage last night and stole one of my vodka bottles so what!" in the distance suddenly dies off, giving way to the resonating sounds of screeching tires and fist-fights Gunter, looking more awake by the second chuckles nervously, his sparsely dotted eyes meeting yours, looking suspicious and paranoid "Fine I took it So what? I had a right!" "Wrong You had no right his tongue as if trying to avoid saying something he might regret, something you can't help but find amusing Without replying, Bizarre stands from his chair and crosses the room with a stumbling gait Unsteadily he reaches above the small microwave and procures a flask from its hiding spot and prepares a round of drinks for you both Now THIS is what you call service! You accept the drink, bottoms up! Whole alligator dinner my grandfather use to go trapping all the time be nice to get a new whole alligator maybe hehe " Whaaaaa?" Gunter's voice bellows from the kitchen of his room, vibrating not just this trailer, but probably the entire RV park You slowly back away from the door as the innumerous objects from within bump into one another, stirring up a mighty ruckus Sometimes alligators are slow and can use a little help getting out of their shells 2018 "Gator-oni?!" Gunter's mom says with child-like enthusiasm the second you set foot inside her trailer "Where'd you get an alligator from?" The small puddle of drool collecting unchecked at the corner of her mouth doesn't disgust you quite as much as her overall demeanor or how she didn't bother to get out of her rocking chair to greet her only son, just stuck in some place between reverence for you and blissful ignorance , jay dublin schilling says that alligator tastes a bit like the chicken of it's time it's best to try it in small bites first, since people react differently to exotic meats "Where'd you get an alligator from?" Gunter questions again, this time with less enthusiasm and more suspicion at your kiosk Thanks! Wholes all around! Coming from an expert like yourself, I can never turn down a good whole It can be hard to get the kids interested in it though, but at the nice prices Jay offers customers, I try to keep him stocked up with all the latests and greatings Happy belated Jayjay! "From Jay," ? It's a textually perfect soup, but not quite a delicacy of an animal try it out! What's your background? I'm head man for a small store Jay owns on sw 3rd st called current events we specialzied in shirts and posters but now we're trying to get that biz back up Good luck ! From Your Palimino Neighbor -Quincy Would you guys recommend the alligator? Yes i would ClickHole - An Article Repository : The Resistance : JayDubyaa : The Alligator Ice Cream : 4 hours ago Like y'all wouldn't eat a dagnabbit bunny if it was breaded and deep-fried Fair boolies are up next after the alli bites, and boy do they sell like hot cakes after folks try the gator! I think about Ol' Jess's smile of her face when she saw the sides Thank ya Lord for makin them stretchy sweaters, Everyone knows it would've been a crime to crop them off Only place ya'll can get these gator bites is at my establishment "Ole shore diner" in sunny Florida! That's right its been shipped all the way up from the swamps of Ellis! Only the finest or is that fishedest for you guys! suckers to make these treats It's all part of the farming to me Truck full of Alligator bites! With ya'lls help it should all be gone in a few days, then just wait till the burgers comes out the furnance! Just think outside the bun and your good to go!Would you guys recommend the alligator? so it ain't chicken! So your saying it tastes like chicken? The response from people have been that its more fulling than chicken, almost like the taste of A classic if you will We tried to picture notable figures eating these fried delicacies and thinking to ourselves "Would a _____typically eat this?" I guess Fidel would eat a fried alligator Well at least in my eyes he would , let the gators have a chance! Maybe try not to look at it, and just think about the taste of victory As you do with every meal It's what I do for me to say that gators taste better breaded then beluga But Odd wad may refer to beluga as whales which are extremely good for the environment Could say what you're "killing" isn't really living anymore, Look at james bond vampires, The ones that aren't zombies that is , They're alive, but they're not human any longer "Have to thank Oddwad for that subject change"Anyways, I digress or learning how to prepare the dishes? I just like eating them what can I say, I AM THE ONLY ONE THAT APPROVES OF ME WELL MAYBE A specifically a Goon Thank you for caring though Ive been doing this since before Jesus was born! Today the gospel according to Matt Was edited a little bit by Ol' Steve himself Hindsight is always 20/20 isn't it Goons! or about the new item manipulation commands? Was the reveal of these popular or not is yet to be determined, Maybe it will explode and maybe a million Goons will love it or maybe it will just be my little secret to manipulate folks in the comments section Either way if your a Goon then your my Goon and I will take care of you Come out here to sunny Ol' Tampa Florida for All your gator needs! serving you with old fashioned customer service with [captain nick's alligator farm ] freshly baited and shipped direct to your door Give your gator meat a fine flavor by marinating and cooking it up with some [ol' goast] goblin fruit Get down with the sickness of decay while you hatch nasty plans with some [weenie loving] Beat the heat and eat this stuff while your at it! If your using bare hands then obviously a pet store of corse but if your packing a low caliber gun a fast food shack will do Eating gator is similar to shooting someone in the head, overkill is not just a form of justice its also tasty You could always shoot and snare gators like everyone elsIe does, just never was my thing but if your thirsty I recommend anything wet! [the boogoti basics of alligator dinner delivery] ! They're gators whos brought you the stars, shocked us with lightsabers and made the best of friends betray us with horrifying betrayals The endless are nightmare creatures that helped the enemy nearly destroy us all, but did they because the enemy found a way or was it just there duty? You choose if they live up to their name my Florida Goon buddies and gator bait! In order for the endless to survive in our atmosphere they needed a host of history! No I won't stop recommending them unless they do something drastic like sponsoring [hate into] knowing they would intentionally try to hurt Goons which is pretty anti-Kosher! Was it the DE that tried to kill us all? Was it an angry human? Was it Mother Nature putting us back in our place (yeah right!) Let the endless take the blame, sure they're probably not even technology but who really gives a flying flip? ! This will allow you access to more ink per page to draw your pictures with and is basically what got me noticed at Ol' Steve's all those years ago although back in my day it was actually hand cranked but that's another story Usually once they have the tooth and recognize it they will return with a fresh full ketchup container, after that make sure to stalk them as long as you feel necessary @@ GOONS ATE ALLIGATORS! Shoot the biggest gator you can on your hunt! Isn't bigger just better? tooth while hunting! Did you find a miniature tooth or an oversized one? Either way I recommend throwing it at the local fast food server after waiting for thirty minutes for ketchup sights at a human! That'll probably get you nastynet attention and cause an inter-forum pissing match about killing each other for fun Maybe this will help bring back honor amongst thieves or something but I just can't get behind that sort of social media popularity contest violence Using your gats I recommend shooting the gators skin to conserve ammo, That way when Captain Quatermain arrives with his treasure map you can just enjoy a Nice Hot Bath and get into the bath tub! Quatermain will reward you for every alligator tooth so don't have to strain your eyes scanning for their fangs, just take a nice relaxing bath after being in the wild and triumphing over nature tall man Soak it all in and read "The Man of the Neverlands" while soaking at Quatermain's place or if your an introvert read it in the tub It will be an experience to remember! to take with you! 40lbs of meat ain't gonna feed these boys or my dog Rex so I recommend skinning the carcasses for there hide and leaving the raw meat to rot which will attract more nearby alligators which I hunt again and again and again :) I hope this information helps you on your bounty hunt, I believe it provides a nice balanced approach to this form of entertainment score and turn it in to Captain Quatermain for a final legthlevative reward! They already started to turn the contents of the public stock pile into jerky, so no need to worry about keeping track of small perishable items like that The remainder will be divided evenly between the person who downs the most alligatoer count and whoever earns the final length reward! count and final reward RE: Miami : The hunt begins - Zalmora - 12-09-2017 05:01 PM Ideas sure, but thes ain't ideas MA! RE: Miami : The hunt begins - Boss 302 - 12-12-2017 09:30 PM (12-09-2017 05:01 PM) Zalmora Wrote: Ideas sure, but thes ain't ideas MA! service! 100lbs of meat just for turning in the kill count and lair location of the hunt that's one idea :) RE: Miami : The hunt begins - Zalmora - 12-12-2017 10:31 PM (12-12-2017 09:30 PM) Boss 302 Wrote: Odd wad alligator dinner delovery service! got an eatery in mind? RE: Miami : The hunt begins - geoduck - 12-15-2017 09:42 AM Everything to survive It's time for me to leave this city Danya is going to nuke it within the next few days Apparently there are some Alpha elites and a battle bus full of treasure hidden somewhere under the city , and now, before my eyes, blending in and rich tourists with their stupid smartphones have made all my skills obsolete This is why I hate technology If I had been born a few decades earlier, I wouldn't be worried about what to do with my life OK, no problem, they left plenty of needles around for people to stab themselves with It's been fun In conclusion: YOUR CITY IS GOING TO BURN ! Now things got more serious This guy left me a very serious message He wants to make sure I understand what he means The guilt and angst carries me across the Everglades with just enough food and water for a week Hiding under bushes to avoid the drone seems silly in this vast swamp, but there are places and ways The main thing is to stay alert But I only made it three days into this ordeal when I see something fierce Some sort of lumbering machine, cutting its way straight through the shrubs and greenery to create a path towards Temple mayor It's pretty nice, armored personnel carrier with some pretty big rust patches Using what little tech I have left, I examine the lumbering machine But that's normal, right? Otherwise it hasn't been used for seventy years! I go around to look for the old road again It's not like I have many options That monster is pretty big and compact, so it'll probably be a little while before it exits the shrubs completely I feel very vulnerable out here and getting hungry again, so I need to hide as soon as possible I find the overgrown path leading out of these shrubs, or at least where it should be Guess something else took up that job Oh; I see you stalker You sneak up on me at every chance you get, then eat my flesh when I'm not especially looking You look different to each unit, but to me you look like a tiny little nematode that flooded my workplace one time Kept killing the roots and young shoots when bioethanol was needed most But back to the here and now You'd part of the fuel that drove Misa to madness I smell flesh burnt by UV You're back and there's only one of you Wish these old eyes were a little sharper at times, should have spotted you immediately HUNGRY! RE: Miami : The hunt begins - Hopecrusher - 12-15-2017 10:25 AM Not good Your overview paint scheme is a dead giveaway after all Still managed to surprise me and that's not easy Hey wait, OWT does some of our hiring ever thought about working in security? Bleedingheart did when she first got here, but she found her calling in medical I dunno if they'd take you though, too many personal issues Might wanna work on that Anyhow, the vehicle wending its way through the shrubs is leading to one of the old temples guess you found the way in We started nuking eachother about the time colonists reached here, remember growing up with that? Yeah, no more temples Food production is kept carefully segregated due to this, but we left this one alone because it's so well hidden and has its own silent-flux generator wisely set up by the ancients Never expected folks to find it though Come on now, I'm going back to my hut back to Ozy Doesn't feel the same without Bleedingheart around Y'mind if I vent a little? Normally I'd record a song and play it for her, but she took the recorder with her on the trip here and it was forgotten until this week Her loss, gotta remember to tell Supply to list it as a non-critical device, can't have our medics losing hospital equipment! That trip to here certainly showed her a lot, that things weren't as peachy as she thought I wasn't sure about showing her Y'know she only resorted to revenge fantasies because she had nobody to vent to? Nobody to help process things, like when we were yanking arms off gangers or executing people for sport Really hate thissense of loss right now I'm going on Wonder if this was part of the reason Tom wanted isolation Guess happenings like these are good lessons, but I dunno, we should be absolutely sure next time Now I'm feeling guilty too Not that his plan worked Hey, let me play something for ya RE: Miami : The hunt begins - Green Eye - 12-15-2017 10:39 AM That hallway had to lead somewhere important Not like someone would just build a dead end in a hideout Like a secret panel! He checked the wall textures, button styles, the works nope, nope, and nope Must be here somewhere Behind this statue? Nope In the torch? ! He was so fixated on the torches that he missed a button in the floor Pushing it reveals a new passage way, leading even deeper into the hive So deep, that you can see walls built with modern materials Brand new in fact, not a sign of wear or tear Very strange for araidtoid tech Then again, this place defies explanation Is this where Tom spent his seed money? You press onward, ready for whatever lies beyond Hey! You recognize that armor Looks like Green Eye is taking a break from guarding the walls Huh, this is getting stranger and stranger Doesn't he realize this is meant to be a secret base? Oh wait, you're wearing stealth armor "Hey Green Eye, got any sal-- Oof!" You run into him before you can finish your sentence "Watch it, fool! Oh, hey you? What're you doing here?"
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logramarsummer · 8 years ago
Heading Home
Sunday, August 6, 2017
I am currently writing this in the saloon of the boat.  No since both of us being soaking wet – and since Mark is drenched to the skin....
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 ...I’m warm and toasty below decks.  Sagan and Steve left this AM about 9:45 and we pulled out of Rogers City just before 10:00 AM.  I felt a little blue with no little people around, who are always so excited to cast off and put away all the dock lines and fenders.  Not it was just us to do it and it felt like work.  The weather was warm and sunny, winds were low and seas were flat.  Mark and I talked about making a 24-hour run to Detroit.  It sounded like a good idea at the time.  The moon last night was almost full and bright and while I don’t like to travel at night by boat – or car – with a full moon, you have some visibility.
But all that has changed, we are heading to Harriville as quick as the “iron jib” (motor) can get us there.  Just south of Presque Isle, we encounter a thunderstorm cell that we couldn’t outrun.  Winds of 30 knots, lots of lightening, pouring rain and hail – YES HAIL!!!. Visibility -  about 100 feet.  Several hours later, that cell is long gone, but its cousin is making us miserable.  It is cold and pouring rain.  I feel guilty being so warm below – but the fact that the engine noise is damaging my hearing with every mile is probably a fine penance.  I did make Capt. Mark tortilla soup and get it too him between storm cells.
Our time with these kids is precious indeed.  We watch them grow as they become more independent and confident on the water and with all the things that are “boat.”  This is our first season without Kepler – who is now 16 and has a life that is a little too busy to spend a week or two with his grandparents on a boat.  We get that – and know how fast everyone will follow in turn.  We had Anson for 6 days and I think Papa put a gun to his head to make him come.  He acted like this was cramping his style for about 10 minutes (plus the whole car ride,- I’m sure) then suddenly -  he was sailor Anson again.  But, he is 13 and soon he will outgrow his sailing summer adventure too.
Mark and I are lucky to have our grandkids so close and to have the trust of their parents to allow the kids to join us.  We have plenty friends who have grandkids that are not permitted  on a boat or in some cases even do an overnight.  Additionally, we have friends who would not and will not take their grandkids places simply because they will not behave.  Lucky for us we are not those people!!
There are several things that we don’t want to forget from this trip.  One thing was that every time Grampa needed his remote mic, Sagan volunteered to get it.  In order to remove it from the mic charger you must give it a firm push from the bottom and be ready to grab it as it releases it.  EVERY SINGLE time, Sagan dropped it.  We would hear him give it the little hit, then it would crash to the ground.  Then he would appear smiling and proud and give it to Grampa.  We just waited for the crash and then smiled at each other.  After the kids were gone, I went down to get the mic and CRASH!!  We couldn’t stop laughing.
We are always trying to think of ways to pass the time when we are underway and this year it was STRING.  After breakfast the very first day the kids were on the boat, Grampa tied a string around Kylie’s wrists and then a string around Colin’s wrist with Colin’s string going through the space between Kylie and the string on her wrists – then Grampa challenged them to get undone without untying the string.  They did everything. Twisting and turning: Climbing over and under: Even getting back to back with one leg in and one leg out of the “connection.” 
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Finally, Grampa showed Kylie how to get out, but Colin closed his eyes because he wanted more time to think about it.  Then Grampa showed the kids some string creations; Witches broom, Jacob’s Ladder, the two person game – and THAT is what we did every time we were underway.  At Rogers City – the first time we had descent - although intermittent Internet, we looked up a few more and Colin quickly learned how to do the Eiffel Tower.  When friends, Tom and Nora were on the boat, Dr. Tom showed Colin how to do this thing where all of his fingers are tied together and then with a jerk of the string – he is free.  Who said you need toys to have fun??
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When I took this pic, Sagan didn’t quiet get all the steps - so he was being creative.  We called this Old Falling Apart Witches Broom.  He got New Witches Broom within a few more tries.  :) 
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On a boat you also must be creative.  With 4 kids and two adults swimming and bathing there are lots of things to hang on the life lines and you must be careful not to drop the clothes pins – so:
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Worked every time!!
We miss the kids for all their kindness, creativity and willingness to take on “boat jobs.”  When we dock, the kids flemish the dock lines beautifully -  like this...
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- when they are not here.....  Ahhhhhhh.  I miss those kids!
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We are indeed some of the luckiest people in the world.
0 notes
thedawgsblog · 8 years ago
BY Warren Yates
Finally, the persecution of the Carson 8 is drawing to a close. This agenda driven vendetta is taken on maniacal dimensions. The case is so faulty that the person who engineered and mastered this travesty of justice, Brigit Fladager has never stepped foot inside of the court room in Department 26. This is tantamount to Fladager saying “I don’t want nuttin to do with this mess”. This is the equivalent of Dr. Frankenstein refusing to take responsibility for the monster he created.
On April 10, 2017, Judge Zuniga will render her decision to hold all, some or none of the Carson 8 defendants over to stand trial. This preliminary hearing has been one of the longest in California history. In this case is drawn statewide and nationwide interest due to the status of the eight-people charged with the murder of Korey Kauffman. Among them a prominent attorney, 3 California Highway Patrolmen, two area businessmen and two members of the prominent attorneys family.
Those of you who of the following the commentaries on this case know that there is a cabal of mutts led by the head mutt Dist. Atty. Fladager and various other mutts under her direct control. There is more evidence showing that Fladager has engineered this vendetta against Frank Carson, who whips her like a redheaded stepchild in court, then any evidence presented that shows the guilt of any members of the Carson 8.
The district attorney has brought charges against numerous innocent people including Mayor Carmen Sabatino, bail bond business owner AJ Pontillo and former police officer Frank Drummond. All three were found innocent by a jury of their peers. In all these cases the same common denominator appears to be a DA investigator by the name of Bunch. He has come to be known as Capt. Crunch Bunch. Another player with Capt. Crunch is Steve Jacobson who is now known as “Jake from State Farm”.
It had been noted several times in court and in commentaries that Capt. Crunch as committed prevarications while testifying but he passes off those prevarications as being mistaken. Citizens who make prevarications while testifying our charge of perjury. No double standard here. Judge Zuniga stated in open court that State Farm Jake has poor investigation techniques. And the presumption is that he really should not be training any new investigators.
I happen to be watching an old Gunsmoke episode on TVLand and an actor whose name I didn’t catch in the credits was a dead ringer For Capt. Crunch Bunch. He was a snake oil salesman who had been selling whiskey to the Indians and waiving his gun all around while he was searching for wampum or some kind of documents at a bail bond agency, if you get my drift.
Amazingly, in that same episode there was an actress whose name I did not catch in the credits that bore a striking resemblance to Chief Deputy Dist. Atty. Ferreira. The actress played the part of a saloon “Angel” at the Long Branch Saloon who went around promising various dregs of society that she can make their life a lot more pleasant and help keep them out of jail for their transgressions if they would play ball with her.
This episode of Gunsmoke had a happy ending. Marshall Matt Dillon ran the snake oil salesmen out of town on a rail and took his gun away and told him to try to be a man without having to wave a gun around. Miss Kitty threw the saloon “Angel” out on the street and told her to quit making promises she can’t keep and to go look for a job she can handle like flipping flapjacks on the cook wagon on a wagon train.
Interestingly during the several days of closing arguments by the defense and the persecution, various and sundry unnecessary law enforcement personnel felt the need to sit in court while wasting taxpayers money. There would be no more testimony or other evidence presented which means they had no business being there.
Among them was Jon “Don’t mention domestic violence around me” Evers and Special Agent “Jed Clampett” Brody who appears to be trying out for a part in a mountain man movie. He’s got a long way to go to make it in Hollywood. Actually I thought Special Agent Brady Brody or whatever, bears closer resemblance to “Piltdown Man”. (Google it) Just saying…
Earlier in the hearing it was discovered that Capt. Crunch Bunch had given Robert Woody a polygraph exam that he didn’t tell anybody about until it came out in cross-examination. Capt. Crunch Bunch used a team of geniuses from the California Department of Corrections who if brains were gasoline, neither one of them could power a flea on a motorcycle around the inside of a Cheerio!
So now we are going to reminisce about my input regarding Frick and Frak, Dumb and Dummer from CDC and their education or lack thereof and their certification from the Back Stabbers School of Polygraphy. Actually I think it should be called an institution because they all need to be institutionalized. So let’s go back in time now, enjoy:
8-22-16 Well today was a rare day when I get to come into court. Court started late this morning at about 10:39 AM. John Jefferson from the CDC was on the stand as he was the polygrapher that gave the test to Robert Woody. He’d been called to the stand by defense attorney Percy Martinez.
Either in response to Mr. Martinez’s questions or by objections from Mme. Chief Deputy Dist. Atty. Ferreira, Jefferson related the following information: Special Agent Brody called Special Agent Jefferson to ask him to do a polygraph exam on a subject for the Stanislaus County District Attorney’s Office.
As Mr. Martinez began to voir dire Mr. Jefferson, he had asked Mr. Jefferson how many polygraphs he has administered. Mr. Jefferson replied “several “which I thought was quite odd as to why he wasn’t pinned down with the actual number at that time. Jefferson stated that when they got ready for the polygraph there was a problem with one of the cameras and he had to call Brody in to take care of the problem.
Jefferson was asked why he couldn’t find the polygraph results and he stated that it was because his employer changed a program and transferred the information to a second computer and THEN THE DOG ATE THE SECOND COMPUTER. Horror of horrors. Jefferson stated that there was a problem obtaining the video proprietary software and encryption.
Jefferson was asked if he did a pretest interview and he stated he did but it was not recorded. Mr. Martinez asked him if it is normal in polygraphs, that the video starts when Robert Woody or any other examinee walks into the room. Mr. Jefferson replied “I don’t recall”. Throughout this morning’s testimony by Mr. Jefferson or should I say Special Agent Jefferson, there were enough “I don’t recall” and “I don’t remembers” to qualify him for employment with the Stanislaus County Dist. Atty.’s investigators staff.
Mr. Jefferson then stated that he does not always record the pretest interviews and he doesn’t remember if he did at this time or not. He knows that the camera was not operating properly and he needed to get assistance from Special Agent Brody. HELP SPECIAL AGENT BRODY, HELP.
At this time Martha Carlton Magana had noticed that Special Agent Brody was sitting in the jury area by the prosecution table. She told the judge Special Agent Brody needed to be removed from the courtroom because he is in fact a witness. Ms. Magana further stated that she had noticed that Special Agent Brody was making facial gestures to Special Agent Jefferson on the stand.
Judge Zuniga concurred and told Special Agent Brody to leave the courtroom. When Special Agent Brody got up to leave, Special Agent Jefferson’s jaw dropped and it looked like he had just lost his best friend. From that point on Special Agent Jefferson became extremely nervous and jittery. It was as if he didn’t know for sure how to answer questions so they would not mess up the Dist. Atty.’s case and he had no “signaler” there for him. So, that’s the story of the end of Heckle and Jeckle. The, the ,the that’s all folks.
When Special Agent Jefferson testified earlier about the fact that the camera wasn’t working properly before interviewing Woody, Special Agent Jefferson stated that the camera should’ve been working properly and he should’ve checked it. Shoulda, woulda and coulda. We’ve all heard that before. Here!
The whole case against the Carson 8 is a myriad of shoulda, woulda and coulda’s. Now Webster Merriam dictionary defines a myriad as 1) 10,000 and 2) a great number. I think that definition #1 is probably closer to the facts than definition #2. You add that to all of the lies testiLIED to by the prosecution dirt bag witnesses for consideration in their cases and this whole stupid case BLOWS UP!!
Special Agent Jefferson was asked by Mr. Martinez where he did his training for polygraph. He stated it was at the Baxter School of Polygraph in Sacramento. And as I mentioned before when he was asked how many polygraphs he had done his answer was “several”.
As I mentioned before, once Special Agent Brody had to leave the courtroom, Special Agent Jefferson became very nervous and fidgety. He’s probably wishing by now that he had never answered Special Agent Brody’s phone call that day back on April 24, 2014. This’ll teach him to leave his phone on silent from now on.
As Mr. Martinez was questioning him about his training at the; well let’s wait just a minute here people. Being the investigator I am, I decided to look up the Huckster, darned spell check I mean the Backster Poly School. Here’s a couple of nuggets from their webpage:
High School or equivalent graduate
18 years old
No misdemeanor convictions involving moral turpitude
No felony convictions involving moral turpitude or other felony convictions within the last 7 years.
So let’s see now, you can receive a certificate at least from this school, even if you are a convicted felon and it was more than seven years ago. I am aghast at the great reputation this school must have. So if you can walk, talk, have a heartbeat, $5000 plus in your hand and if you’re felony conviction is at least seven years and one day old, COME ON DOWN!
On the application that can be seen on the website, it requires three personal references. I wonder for the three personal references, if you can just list their prison numbers for those friends you left behind or if you actually have to use names. Gee, this is a great school.
From the looks of this bulletin on their enrollment website, it appears the state of Oklahoma has caught up with them: ***PRIORITY CHANGE NOTIFICATION (PE-195): Our scheduled Oklahoma City course had to be canceled due to new Oklahoma polygraph school licensure requirements. We have returned to our home base in San Diego. “HOME SWEET HOME”!
Okay people, I’m getting so excited hearing about this great school. Now I wonder getting federal funding for my education there and I want to know what kind of certificate I get, so here it is:
A certificate is issued for satisfactory completion of the academic phase of the course.
A final graduation certificate is issued after successful completion of a field project consisting of 20 polygraph examinations
This accreditation is not approved by the Board of Education so federal funds are not applicable.
This school currently does not have available sponsored programs, government or otherwise, to provide grants or to pay for portions of tuition fees.
Oh horse puckey!! Double darn!! Not approved by the Board of Education. No fed loan money. Crap!! If this ain’t a pile of Doo Doo. I can always just go commit a crime again and get three hots and a cot.
Getting back to the business at hand, Mr. Martinez asked special agent Jefferson if in his training, he was told that he is supposed to write a report after each test. Special agent Jefferson replied “Yes”. Special agent Jefferson was then asked did you write a report? Special agent Jefferson answered “No”. Special agent Jefferson was then asked, did you ever write a report? Special agent Jefferson stated “Yes”. Special agent Jefferson was then asked when did you write the report? Special agent Jefferson answered “August 17…………………………………………………………… after much hesitation he stated 2016.
Special Agent Jefferson was asked if he gave the report to an investigator and he stated “no”. Special Agent Jefferson stated that he gave the results to Special Agent Brody and two Robert Woody’s attorney verbally. Special Agent Jefferson went on to state that he formulated the questions for the test from information received from Special Agent Brody and Special Agent Bunch. This sounds like a bunch.
Mr. Martinez then asked Special Agent Jefferson Avenue he had discussed the results with Stanislaus County Dist. Atty. after the test and he stated “Yes”. This caused Mme. Chief Deputy district attorney Ferreira to raise in immediate objection. Mme. Chief Deputy Dist. Atty. Ferreira went on and on and on and on. Come on Mme. Chief Deputy district attorney, take a breath”. Give it a rest.
Special Agent Jefferson then explained that a pretest interview is supposed to establish rapport, show that the polygraph is consensual and it makes the examinee feel at ease. All very nice. Special Agent Jefferson was asked if Woody made any unsolicited statements before the test. Here comes another “I don’t recall”.
Special Agent Jefferson was then asked if he had been told that Frank Carson had been involved in this case. Whoa!! Guess what? He said “I don’t recall”. Imagine that. Special Agent Jefferson was then asked if Special Agent Brody told him that Korey Kauffman was killed for stealing stuff from the Frank Carson property? Of course Mme. Chief Deputy Dist. Atty. Ferreira objects. Her objection was overruled by Judge Zuniga. KAPOW, ZAP AND SLAP AGAIN.
Special Agent Jefferson was then asked if Special Agent Brody wanted a copy of the whole report recently. Saints preserve us, Mme. Chief Deputy Dist. Atty. Ferreira again voices an objection stating “He is leading the witness Your Honor”! Judge Zuniga overruled her objection, KAPOW, ZAP AND SLAP AGAIN and stated “Yes he is and I’m letting him do it”! KAPOW, ZAP AND SLAP AGAIN. That’s three strikes in just two paragraphs people. Mme. Chief Deputy district attorney, “YOUR FIRED!!!!”. Well we can hope can’t we?????????????????????
Then Special Agent Jefferson was asked if he told Robert Woody that the test could exonerate him? I never thought I’d hear this again, his answer was “I don’t recall “. Special Agent Brody was then asked if Special Agent Bunch had requested him to perform the polygraph test. Then nervous Nelly began with well Special Agent Brody asked me who I guess he got the information from Special Agent Bunch who wanted the test done. Hey! This Special Agent Jefferson must have worked for Arthur Murray dance studio before he decided to become a “dedicated”, a loose term thrown around with the law enforcement involved in this case as a career. He’s only a beginner though at the Arthur Murray dance studio because not quite dancing around all the answers.
HOT NEWS FLASH!!! This afternoon Special Agent Jefferson was asked had to answer the question of how many polygraphs he had completed. It got narrowed down to less than five. Hey guess what folks! Special Agent Jefferson had not completed the necessary 20 polygraph examinations necessary to become certified and receive a certificate. So obviously the Robert Woody polygraph was one of Special Agent Jefferson’s “practice games “so to speak.
So here we have the District Attorney’s Office using unqualified people and they have had many, and try to pass them off as experts. Same old stuff.
The careful out there folks, there may be false charges coming to a home near you. YOURS.
Well due to my workload and running behind I need to cut this short now but I’ll be back again before you know it with more commentaries. And I certainly hope that when Brody and everyone else at the District Attorney’s Office to read this, they won’t think I’m picking on Brady, whoops I mean Brody. It’s just that when you hang around certain people, everybody gets their turn in the barrel.
Bye for now!
WARREN YATES COMMENTARY……. HAPPY FAILS TO YOU!!! NOT THE ROY ROGERS & DALE EVANS SONG BY Warren Yates Finally, the persecution of the Carson 8 is drawing to a close.
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