#yes i have to work on new years eve but not monday for some reason
cozycreaturescorner · 2 years
actually feeling and looking cute today? what's going on here
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anewp0tat0 · 1 year
AAAAHHHHH!! CONSIDER MY SHIT FLIPPED!! THE BLACK BUTLER LIVES! What are your thoughts on the new art style?
BRO I'm with you, flipped like that pancake I managed to throw half out the pan😩 I still can't believe. best Monday every fr.
and ooo thanks for the question, I wanna hear your thoughts after this👀 I've already said a little bit about this in the tags of some other posts, as well as touched on it in my master post of the crew, but I suppose I may give a big final answer(for now, from this teaser).
judging the art alone, not the fact that we get a new anime or anything exciting like that, just the art alone... it's very pretty!
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yea this is very pretty. the kid looks great, small and good, and his hair looks feathery and neat, so I approve. I think they nailed his general proportions, I think they'll do a great job at keeping them consistent during episodes! the image to the right does looks a tiny bit like a 3d asset, which is a bit jarring compared to the previous anime style, but I'm flexible towards this change. even if he looks like a video game cutscene character, I usually love cutscenes!!
but here's the drama I'm sure you're here for. yes, unfortunately, there are some wee things that I don't love as much🤏
the first thing, it really doesn't matter and I should shut up about it now... but YOU asked so ajdjfksksk why did they have to shrink sebs jaw cmon my favorite art of him ever was during the Greenwitch arc so don't tell me I'll NEVER be able to see that style of him animated😫 I just like prominent features man. I know he's meant to be pretty but but but....
ah okay. heres the main thing that I think most people may agree with.
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these are two screenies of sebster from the teaser. honestly, as ☆luxurious☆ as his lashes are, I'm not a fan of the left image. the airbrush on his hair feels a tad overdone. I love the attention to detail, especially in the one on the right, it shows a lot of love! but there's just something about it that's a bit off for me.
and I think after 24 hours I've finally figured it out: it's the colors.
the realization started to hit me when I saw my favorite edit so far here by @ashxketchum. the colors have been edited to be much more saturated and warm. and I think this is exactly what is missing here.
I even tried my own hand at it, and yea personally, I think slapping a saturation, tint, and just a BIT of contrast on the whole thing can do numbers on it.
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already I like it(no I'm not just praising my own work, it's not the best edit out there I did it in 30 secs). I think the reason for this is because the background is very rich in contrast and warm tones, so the characters(particularly sebastian who is all black) stand out when they are muddy and low contrast. I love stylistically when contrast is high, but that's just a personal thing, and I shouldn't hold a studio to those standards.
I tried it for the poster too though, which again I felt was a bit off. official art has never been the most top tear, and the poster is GOOD, the background is awesome and the two peeps looks amazing. but my problem with it was clear once I did another color edit.
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(edit on the right)
again, I feel like everything was very muted in the left original, not to mention a tad monochromatic. I really think a kick of contrast and hue could do wonders.
BUT. I know that at the end of the day, it's not a big deal. I don't really care. would it make my day or whole year if they slapped a color filter on it, or continued to work on the color grading of the scenes? probably yea! but my opinion isn't obsolete, and most of all, I look forward to and respect the artists decisions.
so no I'm not "fixing" the art😅😒.
and finally, I think this is awesome:
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(I had forgotten but this gif is edited by @kilruas from this post)
GORGEOUS. could it turn some people off cause it's mostly cg? maybe. idc though. gorgeous. gimme some of that beverage.
sorry for the rant, hope it's what you wanted! I think that's everything... I like it 85%!
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taintedevesayori · 1 year
Tainted Eve Chapter Seven
((It's not Friday, but it's been a while since I've been busy with work so I decided to post the chapter late. No specific content warnings for this chapter.))
Monday came around quicker than anyone wanted. It had been nice to get a ride to school with Kisa for that week, but now Sayo was back to walking to school. She didn’t mind all that much, but it was a bit of a pain. It was true that she could get a ride with Kou and the others, but she hadn’t thought of a good idea to combat being seen with them. If she thought hard enough, she could come up with one but didn’t really care that much. She had been walking to school for years. One week's worth of getting a ride wasn’t enough to deter her. 
To her surprise, a car pulled up beside her part way through her walk. The window rolled down, allowing Lei to stick her head out the window. 
“Come on, get in.”
There wasn’t any reason for her to refuse, so she climbed into the car when Lei opened the door. 
“Back to walking, huh?” She asked when Sayo was settled in.
“Yeah. Can’t ask Kisa’s mom to come to me, after all.”
“I’m sure she wouldn’t mind, but I get that,” Lei shrugged.
“What’s up, Sayo?” Lei’s older brother, Tetsu, turned his head to look at them. “How ya been?”
“Not too bad. And you?”
“Been pretty good. Heard you finally escaped hell.”
Sayo couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yes, I was able to move out. The circumstances were questionable but it seems like it’ll be alright.”
“Well if ya need me to knock some sense into your new roomies, you know who to call,” he grinned. 
Both her and Lei laughed. Tetsu was a protective type of guy, not just over Lei but the rest of their friend group as well. He was the only one out of her friends’ families that knew about how the church really was. If she didn’t stop him, he would have barged into the church a long time ago. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“If you’re walking down this road, I can give you a ride partway,” he continued. “There’s a park right before where we stopped. You can meet us there and I’ll drive you the rest of the way.”
“You don’t have to go out of your way to do that…”
“It ain’t going out of my way if it’s on the road we take already. Don’t be so stubborn, missy.”
“Alright, alright,” she sighed. “Thank you, Tetsu.”
“No problem, Sayo,” he grinned. 
“Guess you won’t be walking the whole way after all,” Lei grinned as well. 
“Guess not,” she chuckled. 
She couldn’t help but wonder how the brothers would react if they found out she was getting a ride with Lei, even if it was only part way. They would probably be upset…Maybe it would be best to keep it to herself unless they found out. 
“How’s it going at the new house?” Lei asked. 
“Not bad. Still getting used to it. They live in a really nice manor so it’s been a weird change to have a nice room and eat meals with everyone.”
“Yeah, I’m sure that feels strange. But I’m glad that the change seems to be for the better.”
“True,” she agreed. “The only thing that could make it suck at this point is if they’re weirdos and are holding back while I get settled.”
“Hopefully not….”
“That’s why I said to tell me if something like that happens,” Tetsu chimed in. “I’ll make sure they don’t mess with ya.”
“I know,” she chuckled. “And I really appreciate it.”
The three continued to chat on their way to school. 
“Alright, have a good day you two,” Tetsu said as they were getting out of the car. “Don’t cause trouble.”
“Like we ever do,” Lei stuck her tongue out at him. 
All he did was laugh before driving off. The two headed inside, unaware that two people were watching them. 
“Guess she didn’t walk after all,” Yuma said to Ruki.
“She probably walked part of the way,” Ruki mused. “I can’t imagine she told that girl where we live.”
“Didn’t think she would ask a different friend to drive her just to avoid being seen with us,” Yuma sighed. “Should we ignore it?”
“No, I will confront her about it. We can’t force her to stop, but she should know it isn’t as easy to sneak around as she may think.”
Yuma nodded as the two of them headed inside as well. 
Classes had ended for the day and everyone in Sayo’s class felt braindead. They had a substitute teacher who was one of the worst types of teachers you could have. His lecture was incredibly boring and he had a voice that could put you to sleep. Some had actually fallen asleep during the lecture while others tried their best to pay attention. It was an understatement to say they needed something entertaining. The substitute had left, but most of the students were much slower to leave than usual. 
“Hey!” Kisa threw the door open, letting Emi walk in before her. 
Lei lifted her head from her desk. She was half asleep, causing Kisa to laugh. 
“Damn, what is up with everyone?” She asked, sitting on top of Lei’s desk. 
“Boring substitute,” Sayo filled her in. “He was the worst.”
“Sounds like you could use something fun.”
“Oooh, I have an idea,” Rena walked up to them. “We could do that thing we used to do last year when we were all in the same class!”
Most of the others were now paying attention to them, wondering what sort of fun Rena was talking about. During their first year, Rena had more free time, so she would often stay after school with them as well. Sometimes they would all sing and dance in the classroom once everyone had left. It had been a long time since then. 
“Are you serious?!” Kisa exclaimed, bouncing with excitement. “I forgot we used to do that! Hell yeah! Let’s teach your classmates how to have some fun!”
“What do you mean?” One of Rena’s friends, Yori, asked.
“This!” Rena motioned for Kisa to help her out.
Pretty much everyone was surprised when Kisa stood on Lei’s desk. Following her lead, Rena climbed up on her own. Kisa began stomping out a beat as Rena started to sing the lyrics to a popular song. Lei was now wide awake and laughing so hard her eyes had teared up. 
“Emi!” Kisa held out her hand for Emi to join her on the desk. 
There really wasn’t much room for two people, but since Kisa had asked, Emi couldn’t refuse. She giggled as she took Kisa’s hand, climbing onto the desk with her. 
“Well, shall we join in?” Lei nudged Sayo’s arm with her elbow. 
“Of course,” Sayo chuckled. “But I’m staying on the floor.” 
“Then I’ll guess I’ll stay with you.”
And so, one by one a bunch of their classmates joined in. Most didn’t climb up on a desk, but a couple of the girls and one or two boys did as well. They were quite the scene as they all danced, stomped, clapped, and sang their hearts out. No one was really paying attention to what was going on outside of the classroom. They had attracted a crowd. Different students had gathered at the door to see what the commotion was about. Nobody had seen anything like it before while at school. Some students gawked at the class while others decided to join in. 
A couple of songs in, this became normal, and those who had come to see had either gone by now or joined in. Rena had started the first song and Kisa followed with a second. But after that, their classmates decided to start the songs as well. Sayo was having so much fun that she wasn’t paying attention to the door. Because of that, she didn’t notice the Mukami brothers had gathered since they had also heard all of the noise. Yuma was fairly shocked by what was going on. Azusa was mesmerized by it all, and Ruki wasn’t sure what to think of the sight. On the other hand, Kou was highly amused. A part of him wanted to join in but knew that would only earn Sayo’s wrath. 
One by one, people began to go home until it was just Sayo’s group and Rena. They had decided to sit and take a rest, and were now talking amongst each other, still full of energy. 
“I can’t believe how many people joined in!” Rena exclaimed. “I really only expected a few. That was so crazy!”
“It was all thanks to your good idea!” Kisa pointed out. “We haven’t done that in so long. It was so much fun!”
Emi nodded enthusiastically. 
“It was nice to see everyone perk up,” Lei smiled. 
“Did you notice that a bunch of other kids from different classes joined in?” Sayo asked. 
“Yeah!” Kisa grinned. “How cool was that? I’ll bet people will be talking about it tomorrow!”
“Probably,” Rena giggled. “Maybe we’ll start a trend?”
“I doubt that,” Sayo chuckled. “It was one thing when it was just us last year, but the teachers will probably crack down on big groups doing it. I’m a little surprised no one intervened.”
“Luck was on our side,” Kisa shrugged. “No buzzkills allowed.”
The topic turned to Sayo’s new living situation. She had talked a bit about it with Lei this morning, but everyone else wanted to be updated as well. There really wasn’t very much to say, though. Only a day had passed, after all. 
Eventually, Sayo decided she had kept the brothers waiting long enough. She told everyone goodbye before leaving the classroom. There was no way to know where they would be at, but she figured if she headed to the entryway somehow they would run into one another. Sure enough, she was right. The four were all waiting around outside the front of the school. 
“Saaaayoooo~” Kou wrapped an arm around her shoulders the moment he saw her. “Did you have fun with your friends? I was having fun just watching you!”
“Oh, you saw?” She asked, shrugging him off. 
“Your class caused a lot of commotion,” Ruki said. “There was no way we couldn’t hear.”
“I wanted to join in,” Kou added. “I would have made things ten times more lively.”
“I’m glad you didn’t,” she glanced over, sticking her tongue out at him.
“Careful with that tongue,” he smirked, leaning closer to her. “Or I might use mine to force it back into your mouth.”
She rolled her eyes but was in too good of a mood to let him spoil it.
“What the hell were you even doing?” Yuma questioned.
“Having a dance party, of course.”
“But why?”
“Do you need an excuse to have fun?”
Yuma didn’t have a counter for that. 
“Such a thing,” Ruki was shaking his head, although didn’t actually seem upset. “You are definitely untrained.”
“I’m not an animal, therefore I am untrainable. Sorry Ruki, but there’s no way to change my behavior. Especially if you want me to keep living with you.”
She chuckled, crossing her arms behind her head as she walked past all of them. Ruki only sighed. They weren’t planning on trying, but still. 
“She is nothing like that sow,” Yuma muttered. 
“Is that such a bad thing?” Kou chuckled. “She’s lively. The masochistic kitten was broken by the time we got our hands on her.”
Broken….? What a cruel thing to say…
The fact that Yui could put up with the treatment she got from all of the vampires in her life and still manage to smile made her the strongest person Sayo knew. She wasn’t broken. 
Sayo could suddenly see the apple tree in the middle of the glass pavilion. Karlheinz didn’t need to tell her that it should be blooming apple blossoms, ones that would eventually bear fruit. The apples would be a sign that she had found Adam. But there were no blossoms. The tree looked to be dying slowly. That was fine by her. It would be more concerning if the tree was blooming. She couldn’t help but wonder if Yui’s had bloomed. Not to mention if Yui could even see it. 
As the five settled in the Mukami’s car, Ruki decided to bring up what they had seen this morning. 
“Sayori, did you walk to school?”
Since he was asking, she figured there was a chance he had seen her with Lei before school started. She didn’t want to flat out lie if that was the case, but she also didn’t want to say it outright if he didn’t know. 
“I started to.”
“And then you were picked up by that Leiko girl,” he stated.
“Yup. Her brother saw me walking and stopped to grab me. I didn’t actually plan for that to happen. I was just fine walking all the way.”
“I told you we could figure something out.”
“There’s no need,” she shook her head. “I’m perfectly fine with this.”
Would there be any convincing her? Ruki had the feeling it would be impossible. Considering he wanted some form of control, she was a bit frustrating. But if they wanted to maintain a good relationship with her, there was nothing he could do. Living together was going to be a learning curve for all of them….
“Not wanting anything to do with us is pretty cruel, Sayo,” Kou said. 
“I wouldn’t go that far. It was true that I did want nothing to do with you guys before, but I don’t have a choice in the matter now. I just want to keep my school life the same. It’s not like I’m going to avoid you guys when we’re at home.”
“Alright, we’ll lay off for now,” Yuma sighed. “As long as you know you can’t avoid us all the time.”
Sayo didn’t respond. What could they do to break down her walls and bring her closer to them? They weren’t completely sure. Yuma recalled that she had fun gardening with him, so that could be a place to start. Kou knew she loved music and dance, so he could try that, but had his doubts that it would work. Other than that, they had nothing. They would just need to keep trying.
Eventually she would come to like them….And Kou was sure that eventually he would become Adam. But none of them had any way of knowing that her apple tree, the one thing signifying the progression of Adam and Eve, was dying.
<- Chapter Six - Chapter Eight ->
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mightynonagesimus · 3 years
15 Minutes (What If I Told You)
ANGST WITH AN UNHAPPY ENDING. DO NOT READ FOR A GOOD TIME. This is a supercorp oneshot I wrote after I hear the title song. Very Angsty, you are warned. Trigger Warning : Angst, mentions of suicidal thoughts, depression, MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH. Obiviously. This is pre-apocalypse.
Monday, July 13th
Lena's Loft,
National City.
It was very unnoticeable at first. Solar flares from a nearby galaxy far enough that they didn't think much of it. A few explosions a couple galaxies down hardly warranted the DEO's involvement. Besides, Earth had different things to worry about. The Team had different things to worry about. Probably. Lena wouldn't know anymore, would she? After the Fortress, she had taken extra precautions to block every single one of them out of her life. She didn't need anyone. She just needed to save the world.
And to be honest? Lena was ashamed it took her that long to figure it out. It wasn't like her. The  Prodigy of her generation. The CEO of one of the biggest Tech Corporations in America. The sister of Earth's most infamous criminal mastermind.
If she had just gotten out of bed, checked any of her projects, called her secretary back. But she was too numb, too empty. Lying in bed, unable to move or think. Wishing to die. She couldn't even muster up the energy to lift a hand, it was just... pathetic.
After a week, Jess had had enough. It took Sam flying over from Metropolis to even get Lena out of bed. Sam had no idea about Kara, of course. But it didn't take long for her to march over to Alex's apartment and threaten her friend until the truth spilled. Lena had never seen that furious. Over Lena, of all people.
She didn't deserve Sam.
Sam had been pestering her all week. Bringing over food and staying with her every night. Lena felt like an asshole, taking up so much of her time. That was the main reason she returned to L-Corp after a week That was when she found out about the satellite malfunctions. Some radioactive signature was messing with their signals. That was fine, this was a problem Lena could fix, right? Easy.
Wrong. Turns out the signature was something her systems could recognize. Kryptonite. A giant chunky piece of Kryptonite and debris about the size of a small moon. A Krypto-Comet that was hurtling at half the speed of light from deep space, directly towards Earth.
Mondays, right?
Of course, she contacted the DEO immediately. They were horrified. For a Secret Government Agency handling the extraterrestrial, they had some shockingly bad tech. She wasn't really surprised.  Also, they might have been slightly distracted with Leviathan. Lena had spent the next three days cooped up in a lab with Brainiac 5 desperately trying to come up with a way to deflect it or destroy it, or anything really. Usually, an Anti-Kryptonite suit and Supergirl would have taken care of the problem real quick, but considering the size of the comet and the excessive amount of Kryptonite on it, it just wouldn't be possible. There was no time to call for back-up from Argo City either, with the satellites malfunctioning.
The last five days were utter chaos. Naturally, the news hit the public hard. It was pandemonium, but how could you keep a goddamn meteorite impact from them? The skies were already turning purple.
Lena however, was still in her lab. Over the course of three days, a complete whirlwind of people checked in and out of her lab. People she had never met before. People she had never even heard of. Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow. A scientist named Raymond Palmer with some very interesting ideas on molecular structure and shrinkage. Felicity Smoak. Alex pulled her aside during lunch to explain about the Multiverse.
What. Even. What.
It felt like her brain was exploding, but she was their best chance of saving the planet. She had to pull it together. She can't show any weakness.
Alex called for another excruciating meeting the second day.
"Attention! I have some news." Alex exhaled slowly. "Sara?"
"I'm sorry guys, but it's bad. We were unable to prevent this event from not occurring. It happens rarely, but this can't be prevented by modifying the timeline. It's inevitable. We have to find other ways."
"What if we move your population to our Earth?" Harry? Larry? The guy in red spandex asked.
"More than half out Earth's population have doppelgangers in yours. It will mess with the balance of your universe. We can't move them. How about finding an empty universe?"
"Kara is out looking for one, but every Earth we found was either ruined or full. That's too long a shot, I don't think we'll find one in time."
"Well, theoretically-" Brainy hesitated - "My ancestors had a way of...dealing with planets that disagreed with them. They would shrink them down and have them as trophies."
"We can't shrink the planet, the gravitation of the solar system would collapse and we would fall into the sun." Lena muttered distractedly, fiddling with her pen.
"Let's not do that. Any luck contacting Superman?"
"Radio silence. The radiation is messing with communications."
"We could push it through a wormhole, or a portal, but-"
"The comet will be here before we could begin to build it. What if we transport our people to a different planet?"
"Seven billion people on a different planet without nearly enough food and water?"
"Or maybe into a space station?"
"We have four days. To transport seven billion people. And essential items."
"Yeah, that's not gonna work either."
"Okay, let's keep at it guys." Alex clapped her hands together. "There IS a way, we just don't know it yet."
Yeah, there was no other way. The days went by in a whirl. They came up with theory after theory, but it was too late. Their world was going to end. Nothing can stop it.
During the last day, Alex ordered every non-Earth-38 person off the universe. And even though there was some resistance, everyone sombrely agreed it was the best move.
A surprising lot of friendships were made that week. World-ending threats tend to do that, apparently. Lena personally never wanted to experience Nia and Zari Tarazi try to cook a pizza together ever again. They almost blasted the dough halfway across the DEO building and into the miniature Nuclear Reactor.
Lena would never, not in a million years, ever admit it; but she wanted what they had.
She couldn't fathom that comfort, that mutual understanding of trust that Nia shared with Zari. How did they build it? How could they rely on it, when they had been strangers only a week ago? How could you share your secrets, yourself, with someone who could potentially turn against you, someone who could be lying through their teeth like Eve was, someone who might hate you just because of a name that you can't change?
Not that anything could be done now. It was too late.
They were gathered at the DEO training facility off-city to say their final goodbyes, except Lena was at L-Corp. It took her a while to accept it, but this time it was real. There was no hail mary, no high stake final masterplan left in her. She was going to die, along with her planet.
So it was the perfect time to break out her finest bottle of scotch.
The L-Corp building was deadly silent. Any other day, Lena would have enjoyed it. The building was almost never fully empty, with the security team and the journalists and the interns who never sleep. Today it put her on edge.
Because she did this. Lena caused all this, it was Lena's fault. She was the reason-
The tiny blue screen lit up on her desk, ringing insistently. The tech mogul was almost relieved that something interrupted.
The silence. Interrupted the silence.
Lena brought it to her ear.
"Lena!? Where the hell are you?" For a second, Lena relished the panic in Alex's voice. Of course, it probably was over the world ending, but she wanted to pretend that it was over Lena. That Alex actually cared about her.
"What do need me to do, Director Danvers?" Her voice was meant to be posh and clipped as always, but it came out slightly more drunk than she wanted it to.
"Wha-Nothing! I just couldn't find you anywhere so I thought I'd check up on you." Aww, Alex. You don't need to pretend, everything is gonna go to shit anyway.
"Is Sam still there?"
"Uh- Yes. Yeah, she's here. Do you want to talk to her?"
"Nooo." Lena considered it. "No, definitely not."
"Lena, are you drunk?"
Lena exhaled loudly. "Why did you call me, Director?"
"Because the universe is ending!" Lena cringed away from the phone. That was too loud for her sleep-deprived brain.
"I don't see your point." She huffed back.
"Goddammit. Look, Kara and I will keep looking for a solution, you don't need to worry, okay? You know she never gives up. Nia and the others-"
"Please just stop." Lena begged.
"I-Stop?" Lena could picture Alex's face. She hated that she did.
"I don't care! About anything, anymore. Just leave me alone. Goodbye, Alex."Sorry I pulled so much shit.
Lena switched it off and chucked it across the room, onto her couch. It bounced over the cushions and fell over.
She was alone, now.
"Greetings, miss Luthor. What can I do for you today?" Hope was always here. Lena's only constant companion through everything. Even if it did wear the face of her traitor friend.
"You understand that this will be the last day?"
"Yes, miss Luthor-"
"Lena. Call me Lena."
The robot cocked its head to the side. Why did Lena program it so life-like?
"Lena. Would you like for me to call anyone else?"
"No, thank you. How long is it now?"
"Seventeen minutes and three seconds."
Lena cradled her head. It felt like her brain was swimming in the alcohol. At least she won't have to feel this tomorrow.
"Execute terminal orders and shut down, please."
"Executed. Goodbye, Miss Luthor."
The hologram blinked off. Lena swirled the last of the scotch in her glass. It didn't taste nearly as good as she hoped. She set it down in distaste.
God, this was all her doing, wasn't it?
If only Lex could see her now, pushing everyone away, alone and lonely on top of the empire that was built by her psychopathic family. Everything he said that day was true.
And it was all Lena's fault. Because she chose to trust Kara. She chose her new family. She wanted that. She craved that. Even when she knew she could never have it. She's always craved that. This wonderful 'family' she could love with all her heart. They would have been her people, they would love her no matter her last name. They would support her through hell and back. She fucking fantasized about how they would be there for her every birthday, about how she would shower them with love and affection, about game nights and road trips. She didn't give a shit about romantic, platonic, she just wanted someone to be there at the airport when she comes back from month-long expeditions through Europe.
It all seems so naive now. She was still here, on top of an empty building, because of her choices. Because of her stupid, stubborn pride. She must have chosen this, right? This is what she wanted. To be alone. Sixteen minutes from the world ending. She had chosen to be alone, bitter, angry at herself for doing what she had done.
Fuck, no.
But it was too late. Too late to accept her family, too late to enjoy them. Too late to save the world. Too late to apologize.
Fuuuuuuck, she messed up. What she wouldn't give to go back in time, find her younger self and...eughh. Berate her? Explain? Mug her? Lena had no idea.
This scotch tastes like shit.
Why is time so slow?
Her life is shit. She would like a refund.
The alcohol is really getting to her brain, cause she found that funny.
The entire floor rattled when the door flies open behind her. *
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Oh hey, Sam. You did come.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" She crossed her arms, raising one brow at her CFO.
"Lena, no." Sam stomped over and wretched the glass away from Lena.
"Goddammit, leave me alone, Sam!" Why I am so shitty all the time Sam?
"No." She repeated firmly.
"No. I should have done this a long time ago when I first got back here. I'm not leaving you alone, I'm not letting you drink yourself to death. I'm not let you wallow in your misery when the world is fucking ending and you still stubbornly refuse to put down your pride. I'm not leaving!"
She walked over to Lena's hidden break room and poured the scotch down the sink.
"But I-"
"No. Listen, you dumbass. You've been through some horrible, messed-up shit. Your brother almost destroyed the world multiple times. Your mother was a narcissistic fucking psychopath. I cannot even begin to understand how you feel most of the time. Having every move scrutinized by the world, feeling like you can't trust anyone."
"I trust you."
Sam paused. "I-What?"
"I trust you, Sam. You may be the only person who I can be myself around right now. And-And I know that isn't fair to you, me having constant breakdowns. I keep you from your life and Ruby and I hate it-"
"Lena!" Sam takes her hand. "You can always tell me about it. Everything. And I won't lie, helping you through your trauma isn't easy, especially since you refuse to meet a therapist. But that doesn't mean you can keep everything to yourself. It means that your pain, it matters to me. It is a piece of you that you have shared with me, and it isn't going to fucking evaporate the second I know about it. You matter. Your trauma matters. To me, and to everyone at the DEO. I want to help you." She inhaled deeply.
"And I can't promise that everything is going to be fine, I don't even know if we'll exist an hour from now, but I can tell you this. You don't deserve all this pain. That doesn't mean you don't have it. You are not responsible for what your family did, and you are not responsible for your mother's death. You don't deserve to die alone and at odds with everyone you love."
"Sam, but I-"
"And I'm sorry, I know Kara and the others messed up. But they love you. They are your family now. And I can't watch you punish yourself over this. Lena, it's time to let go."
Tears lined Lena's eyes. "I can't do it, Sam!"
"You can."
"I can't! I trusted Kara with everything. I shared every piece of me with her. Love and family were supposed to cure me! I made myself completely powerless, I was vulnerable, and she threw it back at my face. I cannot make that mistake again!"
"It's not fucking magic, Lena! Love isn't a cure-all. It doesn't mean everything bad that ever happened disappears! It only means that you aren't alone in your fight. Family and friendship, it  takes work! You have to see them, and they have to see you. And Kara and the others, they love you!"
"If they fucking love me so much, why do they keep hurting me? Why am I the only one who gets lied to?!"
"It not that fucking simple! Everyone there has their own stuff. We're fucking terrified all the time. And now everything we ever feared is happening, and we can't even fucking be together!"
"What, now you're on their side?!" Lena heard the words spill out her head as messily as she felt, drenched in bitterness and insecurity. "Should've known that you would turn on me too."
Regret fills her immediately, but Lena drops Sam's hand like a searing pan.
"How can you think that?" Sam's voice was quiet now. Her eyes, Lena realized, were also filled with tears.
This is it. This is the moment I chase away the last person who's ever cared for me. One last screw over that will be wiped after the comet hits. One more mistake in my endless list.
Sam raised her arms. Lena reflexively leaned back, her heart hammering against her chest. Shit. She knew how this goes. She's seen enough fights between Lillian and Lionel end. She could hear the resonating crack from almost two decades ago. Lionel might have loved Lena, but he wasn't all that kind to Lillian.
You deserve this. You failed. You failed to protect yourself,  failed to protect the universe. You are never going to be enough. You failed both your families, you failed yourself.
Warmth burst around her. Sam wrapped her arms around Lena.
What in the world... why was Sam hugging her?
Shit, this feels nice.
"There are no sides, Lena. That's the whole point. You are a part of this family, and we will fight like hell to keep it that way." Sam stroked her hair. "We aren't perfect, we are flawed, we hurt each other. But we aren't alone. We love fiercely, and we have each other's back. We take care of our own. And you are one of us. We love you. We are here if you accept us."
Lena sniffled against Sam's shirt. A fierce rush of gratitude rushed through her. Sam has always been her rock, her constant for almost six years now. She's had her back so many times. Her best friend.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, Sam." Lena sobbed. "Shit, it's too late. I can't fix everything. I messed up. I messed the whole thing up-"
"Hey. There's still time." Sam drew back and swiped at her eyes. "You can still call Alex. We have... seven minutes left."
Lena nodded, biting her lip.
"Thank you, Sam."
She shakily dialed her phone.
"Hi! Aunt Lena!" A little bundle of joy crawled into Lena's lap and gave her a hug.
Ruby.  She always meant a lot to Lena. Maybe because Lena never really had an aunt while she grew up. Maybe because her hugs were made of pure love; because Ruby is the most wonderful little human Lena ever met. Maybe because there was no tension, no tears involved. Ruby felt like hugging Lena, so she did.
It was the first time Lena cracked a smile in over a year.
"Hello, little monkey. Did you eavesdrop our whole fight?" She mussed her hair.
"Hey! I'm fourteen now. Not so little anymore." She carefully flattened her hair down. "And I know what swear words are, Auntie."
"Do you, now?"
"Yes!" She huffed. "Mom said she's making Mac and Cheese. She said your fridge was full of atrocious rabbit fodder and she hid about seventy percent of your kale." Ruby's voice dropped low and she whispered conspiratorially. "It's behind the eggs, don't tell her said that. Not that we'd be needing it anymore." She glanced sadly at the red skies.
"Are you okay, little monkey?"
"Aunt Lena, is there really no way to destroy the comet?" Ruby asked her.
Lena's heart broke. At that moment, she would've given anything to be back in her lab three weeks ago when they first found the comet. To have found a way out of this catastrophe.
She smiled sadly at Ruby. "I'm sorry, monkey. There's nothing we can do."
How do you tell a child that you failed her, that the entire world was gonna burn? That they were all going to die?
"It's okay, Aunt Lena. I love you." She kissed Lena on the cheek.
The elevator bell dinged and Lena could hear the doors open with a hiss. Her's mouth got just a little dry.
"I'm going to go help mom with the cheese. You should talk to them."
"Wait, Ruby-" she was gone. Great.
Lena exhaled shakily and got to her feet.
Here goes. Oh god. Why did I do this? This is a bad idea, shit. Shit, shit, shit. They still hate me why did I call them, they- Alex.
It was Alex. Suddenly, it wasn't the monsters that she was facing. It was Alex and Kelly and Nia and Brainy. Her family.
Alex stumbled forward first. "Lena, I-" She interrupted herself by crashing into Lena-"I'm so fucking sorry. I should've told you when the whole thing with Reign happened, but then Kara told me that she had to work things out between you and Supergirl, and then I lost my memories for a while-" Lena realized with a jerk that Alex was sobbing against her shoulder.
"-I feel like such an awful friend." Alex's voice cracked.
"Ale-Alex! Hey, it's okay." And for the first time, Lena really meant it. "I'm sorry too. I just felt-"
"Betrayed. I know. I'm sorry." She repeated, stepping away from Lena. She gave Lena a small smile. Smaller, but much like the one she gave Lena the first time they met in Kara's apartment. Tired, but it gives off so much warmth that Lena could feel it. It reminded Lena of all the times they spent together. All the days when they made small explosions in her lab and teamed up for game night.  When Alex took her to self-defense classes and showed her fancy tricks with her guns. She was Lena's best friend. She is.
"Brainy, Nia." God, it felt good to- Lena couldn't even describe it. She missed this. Her friendship with Brainy was one of the few things she treasured most in the world. He was the only one who could ever match her intellect, her best lab partner. Her friend. And to the lonely twelve-year-old genius from the Luthor family, that was everything. And Nia was one of the bravest people Lena knew, unafraid to be herself and face the world. Fighting every day for the greater good. And she was more than that, she was the one who taught Lena that she didn't have to hide who she was. Lena will be a Luthor her entire life. She just had to embrace it. Or as Nia had framed, quite eloquently; 'own it.'
Kelly, and her crazy therapy skills. Lena regretted not spending more time with her. She was such a wonderful person. Kelly was the silent rock of their group, Lena could see that now. She was always there and she knew exactly what to say. In Lena's eyes, she was magical. So determined in supporting her friends through everything. The sweetest, most bad-ass person out of them all.
Shit, Lena was crying now.
"No more little boxes, Lena." Brainy whispered in her ear, and she giggled. Even Lena was surprised by that.
He was right. No more boxes. She has three minutes left to live and she wasn't going to crush herself with the weight of her stupid boxes.
There was still one more person-
"Kara. I'm sorry Lena, she- couldn't make it." Alex squeezed her shoulder. "Barry's Earth- they don't have a Kara. She can live there and not disintegrate. I told her to go with him. I'm sorry, Lena."
Lena's lungs filled with lead.
"Yes, of course." Lena's voice sounded far away even to herself. "She deserves to live there, in peace. I'm sorry, excuse me."
Something akin to panic swelled over her. Anxiety? Sorrow? Feelings were not Lena's strong suit. Panic attacks, unfortunately, she's already dealt with. She backed away from the room, almost knocking Sam over in the process. "Uh- Bathroom."
The door slammed behind her, and Lena splashed her face with cold water.
She would never get to apologize, she would never even get to see Kara again. Her best friend. Her soulmate. And now, she would die without Kara knowing- knowing that-
Because Lena only ever hated herself. She could never,ever hate Kara.
She curled into a ball on the floor, trying to physically hold herself together so she didn't fall apart. She couldn't fall apart, not right now. Her heart was racing and her breathing was short and distressed.
"Lena? Open the door." Alex's voice, carried in through the door.
"I-I'll be right out!" Even Lena knew they won't buy it. She could hear her voice crack with emotion.
"Lena? You don't have to go through this alone, I just told you that." Her voice was soft, and Lena chose to listen.
"I know it's hard. I know you miss her, and I can't imagine what it must feel after everything that happened between you and Kara. It was difficult for me too. I'm leaving her alone, just like everyone else in her life. I'm leaving her and her world is ending again, and we can't do anything about it. I hate it. I broke my promise. She doesn't deserve this pain, and you don't either."
The door creaked open. Suddenly it was Alex surprised by the hug.
"Alex, I'm so sorry."
"Lena." Alex wrapped her arms around the small brunette. "Trust me, she knows. She knows that you love her."
Lena sniffed and pulled back.
"That's just it, Alex." Lena's voice grew softer. "She doesn't know that I'm in love with her."
"You're in love with me?" A small, hopeful voice echoed from the back of the room.
The blonde superhero stepped forward with the sunny smile Lena loved. "Sorry I'm late but, I bought emergency Potstickers." She waved a bag at the rest of them.
"Kara-" The word was out of her mouth before she realized it, but then it was Lena in Kara's arms and nothing else mattered. She buried her head in the Kryptonian's shoulders.
"Hey." Kara tucked a strand of hair behind Lena's mismatched eyes, and Lena fucking melted.  "You know, I've been doing some research." Her voice was low and breathy.
"Oh yeah?" Lena's eyes shined as bright as the red skies outside. Kara thought she could see the whole galaxy in her them.
"I think I finally know what Quantum Entanglement means." She rested her forehead against Lena's and smiled softly.
Lena's heart was racing. She reached up and caught Kara's lips in hers.
"I love you too, Lena."
"System error. Terminal order simulation failed."
Lena gasped and fell to her knees.
"Redirect operations to internal systems." She gasped, tears streaming down her face.
Just a few more, a few more minutes. Please. I need to hold her. I need to be held by her.
"Simulation failed."
"No! No, no, no. Please. Try again." Lena fumbled with her screen.
"Simulation failed."
"TRY AGAIN, GODDAMMIT." Lena cried, her voice full of raw emotion.
"Simulation failed. Shutting down. Thirty seconds left in final countdown."
"Twenty-five seconds."
The air was getting hotter. She could already see the streaks of green and red raining down from above outside Kara's window.
"Nooo." She sobbed. "Please, I need to see them. I need to hold her. Please." She crumpled on the floor, holding Kara's green hoodie in her hand. The last piece of her Lena had. The worst part is, Kara wasn't dead. Just lost forever, to Lena.
"Ten seconds."
"Five seconds."
"I don't want to be alone." She whispered.
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Stark Spangled Forever
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A Very Rogers Christmas.
Part 1- The Best Things In Life Are Tree.
Summary: It’s that time of year again and the Rogers family prepare to go and pick their Christmas tree. But when Emmy calls with a bit of bad news, it puts a little downer on the whole thing for Katie and Steve decides to call in reinforcements to pull off the best Christmas Heist he can…
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
A/N: So here we go, Part 1 of my Stark Spangled 2020 Christmas special- A Very Rogers Christmas.  This one was written for for @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ and @sagechanoafterdark​ ‘s Winter/Holiday Challenge. My prompt- Finding the PERFECT Tree.
It feels like AGES since I wrote for my babies so I hope you enjoy this little three parter. Part 2 posting next Friday, and part 3 on Christmas Eve.
SSF Masterlist //  WIYPT Masterlist 
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"Daddy, I found something else I want to ask Santa for, for Christmas." Rori bounced into the study and Steve closed his eyes on the papers he was trying to grade and sighed.
"I bet you have." He mumbled before he glanced up at his daughter and couldn't help but smile at her as she skipped over to him, her long pony tail swinging behind her "What is it, Princess?" "A capybara." she said, scrambling up onto his lap. "A what?" Steve frowned. "A capybara. Look!" she turned the tablet she was holding towards him to show him a picture of the brown animal "They're like huge guinea pigs. I saw one at the zoo with Uncle Buck yesterday and when I said I wanted one he told me to tell you that I was gonna ask Santa." "Course he did." Steve sighed, mentally cursing his asshole best friend. "You know, Rori, don't think Santa can get you one of those." "Why not?" "It’s too big." He attempted “There’s nowhere for us to keep it.” "Our garden is huge!" Rori blinked at him. "And when Emmy and Petey move into the Tower he can live in the cabin." Trust her to be as damned smart as her mother. "They're wild animals honey." Steve shook his head as he tried attempt number two. "But they live in a zoo." Rori looked up at him, her face full of eager excitement “That’s not the wild.” "Yeah but that’s different." Steve reasoned patiently. "They're not like dogs or cats or regular guinea pigs. They need very special care.” "Oh." Rori looked down a little, her shoulders slumping and Steve sighed.
Fuck you, Bucky.
"Okay. Never mind." She clicked off the screen of her tablet and turned towards Steve, looking up at him with those damned green eyes. "Do you think he could get me a kitty instead?"
No, just say no… "Maybe."
Way to go, Rogers. Rori's eyes lit up and Steve inwardly groaned. It was a well-known fact in their house that whenever Dad said maybe, it meant yes. Fuck.
“I love you Daddy!” she beamed, reaching up to press a kiss to his bearded cheek before she hopped off his lap and skipped towards the door “Oh, me and momma are going to make gingerbread men for tomorrow so we can have them when we decorate the tree.”
“Can’t wait baby.” He smiled
“Are you gonna be working tomorrow afternoon?” she asked a little shyly and he shook his head.
“No, I promise.”  He assured her. “All day tomorrow is family day.”
She gave him another huge smile, one that truly warmed his entire being as it made her look even more like his wife, and then headed out of the room, her feet pattering on the tiles of the hallway as she skipped back into the other part of the house. Steve exhaled and looked back down at the paper, groaning as he realised he’d lost his place. He’d been home early that afternoon hoping for more peace and quiet than he got in his office at the University to concentrate on getting through all these and for the most it had worked, until Jamie and Rori had arrived home from school full of it as usual. Katie had kept them out of his way for the most but the realisation that Christmas was well on the way had hit the eldest two and whipped them up into a fever.
Not that Steve particularly cared. He adored this time of year. It was Katie’s holiday and from the day after Thanksgiving the Christmas period started in full throttle in the Rogers household, and they’d picked tomorrow, 2 weeks before the schools broke up, to go and pick the trees for their lounge and hallway. He was a little disappointed that it hadn’t snowed yet, there had been a good covering the previous year but, still it was set to be a cold and dry day so they could still get bundled up and have their hot chocolate and snacks as usual.
He rubbed at his eyes and focussed, reading through the paper in front of him on the ‘Strategy, Diplomacy and politics of Axis and Allied forces in WW2’, wishing to God he was marking something on the course he was actually employed to teach now- Fine Arts- but all those had been done and graded last week. This was the module of History that he taught, because as the Uni said- he was a living, breathing expert.
An hour or so later he finished red-penning the final six paged essay, with a proud smile as that one had been particularly good and he quickly checked it over once more, making sure he’d captured all the notes on the electronic copy and queued it up to send on Monday, just like Katie had shown him how to, so that each student had the hard copy and soft copy back. He stood up, stretched, turned off his laptop and headed through to the main area of the house, the smell of baking and cooking hitting his nostrils as he went.
He walked into the kitchen to find Rori kneeling on one of the tall stools over the island-slash-breakfast bar, her hands and face smeared in pink icing as she decorated a gingerbread man, her little tongue poking out of the side of her mouth in concentration. Katie was stood supervising Harry who was also covered in frosting, this one bright green. Flossie sat in the highchair opposite, banging a spoon on the tray occasionally letting out a yell or babble of something incoherent. As soon as she saw Steve she gave a huge grin and her shouts became louder and he smiled.
“Hi Floss-Floss!” he beamed, crossing to drop a kiss to her head before he looked across at Katie “Where’s Jamie?”
“Upstairs in his room.” Katie gave a little sigh “He said, and I quote, ‘I’m ten now, far too old to decorate gingerbread, mom.’ I could have cried there and then Steve.” She finished with a pout.
Steve gave her a sympathetic smile, the fact her eldest baby boy was growing up was something he knew she hated “Yeah, I bet he won’t be too old to eat them, though.” He appeased and she smiled.
“That’s what I said.” Rori gave a dramatic roll of her eyes and Steve chuckled.
“You finished Grading?” Katie asked as she gently guided Harry’s hand over the cookie shaped like a Christmas tree.
“Yeah, all done. Sorry it took so long.”
“It’s okay.” She looked up at him, smiling “Your dinner is in the oven. I already ate with the kids. Sorry, I was starving.”
“I didn’t expect you to wait.”  Steve walked over the room and dropped a kiss to her cheek. “Thanks, Sweetheart.”
He made his way over to the Aga stove and opened the door, giving a little groan when he saw she’d done his favourite, a Mac and Cheese bake laced with chicken, chorizo and broccoli. He turned to look at her and didn’t miss the flicker of a smile on her face as she knew what he was thinking, before he pulled out the plate giving a yell as it burnt his fingers, dropping it onto the side with a clatter.
“Careful daddy, hot!” Harry turned to face him, and Katie burst out laughing.
“Yeah, thanks Son.” Steve tried not to roll his eyes as he sucked his thumb. Grabbing a tea-towel he gripped the plate, found some cutlery and sat down at the table to the side of the kitchen, tucking in.
“I finished all mine, Momma.” Rori grinned, placing the tube of squeezy frosting down on the side. Steve watched as Katie moved to look over Rori’s shoulder.
“Good job sweetie.” She smiled, “Creative, I’ve never seen a pink cat before.”
Steve paused and looked at Rori as she grinned “I know they’re not really pink, and my kitty won’t be, but it can have a pink collar.”
At that he winced and hastily shoved another forkful of food into his mouth, praying that the conversation stopped there.
Katie sighed “Rori we’ve been over this, you can’t have a cat.”
“Daddy said I could.”
Katie’s eyes shot to Steve and he gave her his best innocent look, but from the way her features grew stern he knew he was utterly busted and he swallowed the food in his mouth which turned to cement in his throat.
“No, that’s not what I said.” Steve shook his head.
“You said maybe.” Rori shrugged “Same thing.”
“We getting a kitty?” Harry asked, looking at Katie.
“No.” she shook her head.
“But I asked Daddy if Santa would bring me one and he said maybe.” Rori looked at Katie.
“Well Daddy is wrong.” She glared at Steve and he visibly shrank in his seat. Katie’s green eyes narrowed before they turned back to Rori. “Santa can’t bring live animals. It’s in the rules.”
“What rules?”
“The Christmas Rules” Katie said quickly “No live animals. It’s not fair on them. They don’t like the sleigh.”
“No buts Rori.” Katie sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose “I’m sorry honey, but it’s not gonna happen.”
Rori pouted a little but she knew when she was beat and glanced down at the cookies on the tray before she looked up, grinning smugly. “I’ll just ask Uncle Bucky to get me one. He got me Dory.”
“Oh for the love of…” Katie spluttered “Uncle Bucky won’t get you one either.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’ll tell him not to.” Katie looked at her “We have Stark. No more animals.”
Rori folded her arms and at that point Steve stepped in, sensing an impending tantrum.
“Aurora.” He said sternly and she turned her head to face him as he pointed his fork at her. “Enough.”
She glared at him before she sighed and looked at Katie “Can I get down now please?”
Katie obliged and pulled her stool out a little allowing Rori to hop down. “Stay right there little miss.”
“Why?” Rori frowned as Katie headed to the sink, coming back with a cloth. With a groan, Rori held out her hands so Katie could wipe them clean, along with the little smear of icing on her face “20 minutes and then its bath time. We’re up early in the morning.”
“Ooh, yeah!” Rori bounced excitedly “To pick our trees. Hey, can I get one for my room?”
Katie hesitated before she shrugged “You know, I saw some in the shop that already have the lights on and they change colour. We’ll get a big one for the lounge and hallway like normal and I’ll get you a special one. And you get to keep it for next year and the year after.”
Rori pondered this for a moment before she shook her head “I want a real one from the farm.”
Katie groaned, and threw her hands out to the side “Fine, just, go and watch TV or something in the Play Room.”
“I watch TV too please, Momma?” Harry asked and Katie nodded, cleaning him up too before she lifted him down off the stool. He toddled after Rori, yelling for her to wait and as soon as they were gone Katie rounded on Steve.
“Honey, I…” he began and winced as she exploded on him.
“Seriously? A damned cat?”
“She caught me unawares.”
“She always catches you unawares!” Katie scoffed “After six, almost seven years I’d have thought you’d be used it by now.”
“I only said-“
“And as usual I’m left to be the bad guy.” Katie ranted, shaking her head as she moved to turn Flossie’s chair so she was facing the table. “You’re an asshole.”
“This is technically Bucky’s fault.”
“Oh, no, Steven Grant Rogers! Don’t you are try and blame this one on Buck.” She hissed.
“But he took her to the zoo and told her to ask for a capybara!” Steve practically whined “When I said no she asked for a cat, the maybe just slipped out.” Katie paused, her arms folded, face furious and Steve peered up at her giving her a little smile “Don’t be mad, come on baby. I didn’t mean it.”
“You’re still an asshole.” She grumbled, before she crossed to the fridge and pulled out the wine. “And for that you can deal with bedtime. I’m going for a bath.”
“Sure, not a problem.” Steve nodded, swallowing more of his food. Katie poured herself a large glass before she moved to put the bottle back and then changed her mind. With the bottle in one hand, full glass in the other she made for the door. “I love you.” Steve shot as she passed him, and despite her annoyed demeanour, the slight smile that played on her face told him he wasn’t in too much trouble.  
All kids were bathed and in bed little over an hour later. The youngest three settled down to sleep, Jamie instructed he had an hour of TV or reading time before lights off.
“Ok Dad.” He nodded, running his hand through his hair as he tidied up his games console a little, Stark curled up on the bed.
“I’ll be in to check.” Steve looked at him, and Jamie rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, I got it. You can trust me.”
“I know.” Steve gave a chuckle “Night son.” He crossed the room to drop a kiss to his head and Jamie pushed him away.
“Gerroff, I’m ten.”
“Yeah, well, you’re still my kid so…” Steve grumbled, and Jamie burst into laughter as the pair of them began to play fight, Jamie digging Steve in the ribs with a well-aimed jab. “Ouch! “ Steve stood up, rubbing at his side, that had hurt a little too much for his liking. “Nice shot.”
“Bucky said I had a good right hook.”
Steve rolled his eyes “I don’t wanna know how he even found that out.”
“He has a punch bag in the garage.” Jamie shrugged as he flopped down onto his bed. “Like yours. He was teaching me to swing.”
“I could teach you that.” Steve replied, a little petulantly.
“Will you?”
“No. You’re ten.” He shot back and Jamie let out a groan of frustration, before Steve chuckled “Ok, I’ll teach you a little IF you promise not to use it anywhere but on the punch bag.”
“But what if I need to use it?”
“Well, that’s different.” Steve pondered, before he shook his head. “But you’re far too young to be getting into situations like that.”
“Uncle Buck said you were fighting people form the age of six. And getting your ass kicked.”
“Well, you do as I say…”
“Not as I do, yeah I got it.” Jamie grinned and Steve arched an eyebrow before he made his way to the door. He paused and turned back to look at his son, not for the first time taking in how damned tall and broad he was for his age. He pointed to Stark “Don’t let your mother catch him on the bed.”
“You know she says the same thing about you.” Jamie looked at him and Steve chuckled.
“I do, but let’s just pretend I don’t okay?”
“Okay, night dad. Love you.”
“Love you too.” Steve smiled, closing the door behind him.
He made his way back downstairs and into the lounge, and paused as he saw Katie talking into the laptop, her eyes brimming with tears.
“Don’t worry about it.” She said softly, and he could tell she was fighting to keep her face straight as Emmy’s voice came from the other side.
“I’m just gutted we can’t get home to come with you guys for the tree.”
“What’s going on?” Steve frowned as he sat next to Katie on the sofa, looking at Emmy and Peter as they both waved to him on the screen “Hey Kids.”
“The UK has been caught up in a huge snow storm.” Katie turned to him. “Their flight has been cancelled.”
“Bummer.” Steve’s frown deepened “Is there nothing from another airport?”
“Not in London.” Emmy shook her head “And the roads are that bad, even if we managed somewhere else…”
“Don’t wanna risk driving Mr R.” Pete shrugged and Steve had to give it to him, that was a sensible move.
“Wise decision.” Steve bit his lip, before he turned to Katie “Can we not get The Stark jet over? You guys should have used that anyway, not gone commercial.”
The irony of his statement didn’t pass him by, as there’d been a time when he had hated using a private jet as he felt it was ostentatious, but he’d fast learned to live with it as it was less hassle and a damned sight comfier and quicker too.
“I told you we didn’t want to.” Emmy shot back and Peter hastily cut in to prevent an argument.
“Already tried Happy before we called. He can’t get in any airfield be it private or other. I’m really sorry.”
“It’s not your fault.” Katie shook her head “If you need anything just call. Have you got a place to stay?”
“Yeah, The Savoy found us another room.” Emmy shrugged before she grimaced “I’m gonna have to put it on my credit card though.”
“Don’t worry about that.” Katie shook her head “Just do what you gotta do, we’ll sort the bill out. Do you need us to wire you some cash or-“
“No, we’ve got enough between us for that.” Pete smiled “Just the hotel. We could get somewhere cheaper if that’s-“
“If it’s that bad out there you can stay where you are.” Steve shook his head. “Don’t worry about the money kids, it’s not important.”
“Just call us if you need anything.” Katie added.
“Thanks Mom. Look, we’re gonna go try and get something to eat and then sleep” Emmy sighed “It’s past 1 am now.”
“Sure, call us tomorrow okay, keep us updated.” Steve instructed and Emmy nodded.
“Will do. Love you both.”
“And you.” Katie smiled “Stay safe, and look after each other.”
“Got it.” Emmy grinned and with that she blew them both a kiss as Peter waved and the screen went blank.
Katie bit her lip before she tapped at the keyboard of her laptop “I’m going to send her some money, just in case. I know she has plenty in her savings, but…”
Steve nodded “Good idea. Those are for a rainy day, not a snowy one.”
Katie gave a small smile as she logged into the banking, and hesitated before she transferred a few thousand over to Emmy and closed the laptop, running her hands over her face. Steve saw her shouldes shake and he gave a sigh, pulling her to him.
“Hey, come on. They’re safe. In the poshest hotel known to man.” He pressed a kiss to her head “No doubt thinking this is some kind of huge romantic adventure. Snowed in, in London, with a mini-bar, room service.”
At that thought he grimaced, as his mind took him to a very dark place about just exactly what the spider kid would be doing to his daughter in said hotel room but he shook himself out of it as Katie spoke, sniffling a little.
“I know it’s just, well we started this tradition with Emmy that first Christmas she lived with us.” Her voice cracked “We went with Tony, Pep and Nat remember?”
“I could I forget.” Steve chuckled, his hands rubbing Katie’s back “You were almost five months pregnant and had that jumper on with a huge Christmas pudding on the front.”
“I’ve still got that.” Her voice was muffled as her face pressed into his Henley.
“And Pepper was going mad when Tony bought that nine foot tree for their lounge.”
“Ours wasn’t much smaller.” Katie laughed, leaning back to wipe her eyes. “You had to trim the top off.”
Steve chuckled, his hands cupping her face “A few days after that we found out bump was blue. Hello Jamie.”
“God it seems so long ago.”
“It was.” Steve smiled pressing a kiss to her lips. “11 years.”
“Yeah.” Katie looked at him “We’ve been through a lot since then.”
Steve nodded, as he wiped her face with his thumbs “And a lot worse than this. I know it’s disappointing, kitten, and I’m gutted as well, but it can’t be helped. We’ll still have a good time and we can go out with Emmy and Peter when they get back, nice meal and a few drinks somewhere instead, just the four of us. Start a new tradition now she’s all grown up.”
“Yeah suppose.” Katie sighed “I mean when they moved out in the New Year, they might not wanna come with us to get a tree anymore.”
“Like that’s gonna happen.” Steve snorted “She’ll simply be getting one for her own place. You know she loves Christmas as much as you. All the kids do. Because you make it so special.”
“It isn’t all down to me.” She smiled “You help.”
“It’s definitely your speciality.” Steve shook his head “You do the baking, the carols, the cooking…suss the decorations out.”
“Yeah, but you hang them. And you’re the one that started leaving Santa footprints by the hearth.”
“Okay so it’s a team effort.” Steve shrugged, dropping another kiss to her lips. “It always is when the kids are concerned.” He pulled back a little and nodded to her glass “You want another?”
“I wasn’t going to but yeah, now I do.”
Steve chuckled “I’ll go get us a drink, you find us something suitably Christmassy to watch.”
He stood, pressing his lips to the crown of Katie’s head before he wandered into the kitchen. As he closed the door behind him he pulled out his phone. He’d had an idea, but hadn’t wanted to mention it to Katie just in case it didn’t work…but if it did, well, he was going to reunite his family for their tradition and earn himself major husband points.
Win win situation.
“Hey punk.” Bucky drawled as he picked up.“What’s crackalackin?”
“God you talk some shit.” Steve rolled his eyes and Bucky laughed
“Sorry, we were watching Madagascar.”
“Yeah, I know where it’s from. I got five kids, remember. Six if I count you.”
“Well you could argue Diva Doll counts for two so you really have seven.”
“Yeah, speaking of which, I got a bone to pick with you about her and a damned capybara.” Steve narrowed his eyes as he spoke and there was a pause before Bucky burst out laughing. “Yeah, laugh it up, jerk. That got me in some major shit before.”
“You didn’t say yes?”
“No of course I didn’t.” Steve sighed “But she sideswiped me asking for a damned cat and I said maybe, so…”
“You fucking moron.”
“Whatever, listen, that’s not why I’m calling anyway.” Steve sighed, his voice growing serious. “I need a favour, Buck.”
“I’m listening.” Bucky replied, before Steve explained the predicament and possible solution. When he finished there was a pause and Bucky let out a long whistle. ���Man, that’s…”
“I know, I know.” Steve sighed “But I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t desperate. Katie’s heartbroken Emmy can’t get home.”
“Well, we can’t have the second most important woman in my life upset now can we?” Bucky replied “Leave it with me.”
“Cheers buddy.”
“You’ll owe me a life time of favours if I can pull this off.”
“We’ll call it quits for you almost getting me couched.”
“Not my fault you can’t say no to your likkle Princessa.” Bucky responded and Steve snorted.
“You’ve met her, right?”
There as another pause and Bucky laughed “Point taken.”
“Not a word to Katie.” Steve instructed “Just in case you can’t do it.”
“You seriously doubt me after all this time?” Bucky sighed “That hurts Stevie.”
“You know what else will hurt?” Steve shot back “My foot up your ass.”
“You want me to do this or not?” Bucky scoffed “Because threatening me aint gonna make me wanna do you any favours.”
“No but not wanting to see my wife upset is.”
“You fight dirty, Steven.” Bucky’s voice was low and Steve could imagine the narrowed eyes he was pulling as he spoke. “Okay, I’ll call Sam now. Leave it with me.”
“Thanks Buck.”
Steve cut the call and stuffed his phone back in his pocket, running a hand over his beard. Buck was right, it was a big ask and ridiculously over the top but, well, nothing was too much for him where his family was concerned. And after everything they’d been through this year what with Flossie’s horrific birth and Katie’s post-partum depression, his amazingly brave and gorgeous wife deserved the damned world. With a sigh he yanked open the fridge as he pulled out Katie’s wine and a beer for him, simply hoping that it worked.
**** “You good?” Steve asked as Jamie hopped into the back of the Q7, taking his place on the rear row of seats.
“Yup.” Jamie grinned “I prefer it back here, Rori can’t bug me.”
“Wanna bet?” Rori turned her head and peered at him from her place in the middle of the second row and Steve shot her a look.
“Enough. I hear one sound outta you that’s annoying him, we’re coming straight home.” He said sternly. Rori eyed him shrewdly, as if weighing up whether he was serious or not and he raised his eyebrows, challenging her.
“Ok Daddy.” She shrugged, turning back round. Steve shot Jamie a wink as turned and collapsed Flossie’s little stroller. He slotted it down the side of Jamie’s seat before he shut the trunk and then quickly inspected the roof rack. Satisfied he looked up just as Katie came out of the house, Flossie on her hip, Harry jumping down the steps in front of her. He headed over to his dad and peeked up, Steve giving a laugh as his little woollen hat slipped down over his eyes.
“Come here, buddy.” He said, swinging him into his arms. The little boy gave a giggle as Steve pulled his hat straight so he could see.
“Thanks Daddy!” he smiled and Steve pressed a kiss to his rosy cheek.
“No problem. You ready to get a tree?”
He nodded “Big one!” he threw his arms out wide and Steve nodded seriously.
“The biggest.”
Ten minutes or so later they were sailing out of Brooklyn in the winter morning sun, heading for the tree farm some forty or so minutes away. True to her word, Rori was behaving and chatting to Harry, Jamie was quiet in the back doing something on his tablet and Katie was gently humming to something on the radio. Steve’s hand reached over for hers and he entwined their fingers, gently bringing her arm across his body, pressing a kiss to her wrist.
The journey pass uneventfully and as Steve announced they had arrived the kids all gave a cheer. He parked the car up and then the disembarking began along with issued orders for Jamie and Rori to stay where they were as they sorted the youngest two.
“I think I’ll just carry Floss.” Katie glanced around. “Pushing her stroller is gonna be a pain. I’ll put her in the carrier.”
“You sure?” Steve asked “I would say I’d do it but…”
“You’re gonna be carrying trees, yeah I know.” Katie waved him away. “Its fine, she’s not heavy. Besides, she’ll be too big to do this with next year.”
Steve smiled at her wistful tone, and between them they had Flossie strapped to Katie’s back in no time, having become experts at it over the years. Katie glanced over her shoulder as Flossie gave her a hug grin, before she peeked around and started to gabble animatedly.
“Ready?” Steve looked around and held the hand that wasn’t containing the saw out, Rori taking it as Katie took Harry’s, Jamie falling into step at her other side next to Steve who strategically placed himself between his eldest son and Rori to avoid any potential arguments between the two siblings.
“Want me to take that Dad?” Jamie asked, nodding to the saw. Steve hesitated then shrugged, it had the safety cover on so he handed it over, Jamie slinging it over his shoulder proudly, stepping in front of them a little and Harry wriggled his hand free of Katie’s and ran forward to take Jamie’s. Jamie smiled down at him and Steve shared a glance with Katie as she smiled at him, slipping her hand into his. The family made their way to the entrance and as they approached the various little trade stands, one of which was selling various hot drinks and baked snacks. Katie took a deep breath and smiled, the warming scents of spices, cinnamon and pine hitting her nostrils.
“Smells exactly the same.” She beamed and then frowned as Steve was looking around, blatantly not listening to her as he was busy studying something to their right.
“Hey!” she tugged on his hand and he glanced down at her.
“Sorry, honey.” He diverted his attention “Just saw someone I know.”
“Oh, from work?” she asked.
“Not exactly.” He nodded in the direction he had been looking and Katie spun at the same time Rori let out a shriek.
“Emmy!” she yelled, wrenching her hand free of Steve’s and bolting towards her sister as she strode towards them alongside Peter, Bucky and Sam.
“I don’t-how?” Katie was struggling for words at the sheer emotion of seeing her eldest daughter, who should still be stranded in England, sweeping Rori into hug. “Steve? What?”
“You got Bucky and Sam to thank.” He said gently, as she spun between them all, before she strode forward meeting Emmy halfway and throwing her arms around her.
“Hey mom!” Emmy smiled, before she pulled back and gently waggled Flossie’s hand. “Hi Floss!”
“How did you get here?” Katie sniffed, wiping her eyes, chuckling before she gave Pete a hug.
“Quinjet.” Emmy grinned “It was awesome. Hey Dad!”
“Hey, sweetheart.” Steve swept her up into a huge hug, picking her up slightly off the ground kissing her head. “Nice to have you home.”
“Hold up, a Quinjet?” Katie looked at Emmy, then to Bucky who shrugged.
“Yeah well Steve rang me last night begging for my help…” he began, putting on a whiney voice “Please Buck, I can’t do this without you Buck, you know the usual.” Steve rolled his eyes as Bucky sniggered. “So, me and Birdbrain set off on a daring rescue mission.”
“Yeah, we totally used and abused Fury’s equipment.” Sam chuckled, as he pressed a kiss to Katie’s cheek as he gave her a hug. “He’s gonna be pissed when he finds out.”
“Oh, screw him!” Katie gave a laugh as she turned to Bucky, wrapping her arms round him. “Thank you so much!”
“Anything for you darlin’” he beamed before she stepped back and spun to face Steve, reaching up and grabbing his face. With a smile she pulled him down to meet her in a long, deep kiss.
“Thank you.” She whispered against his lips, and he beamed at her, his nose brushing hers. “I love you, so much.”
“Love you too.” He smiled, before he drew himself up, a little embarrassed at their PDA in front of his two friends and the kids. “Right, who’s ready to go tree picking?”
“We’ll leave you to it.” Bucky smirked as various excited shouts rang out around them. “I’ve got stuff to do with Jen and Sam’s…ahhhh, crap.” The smile on his face turned into a grimace and Steve spun round to see a familiar figure in a trench coat and eyepatch stood by a black SUV watching from a distance.
“Son of a-” Steve snorted, shaking his head as Fury started walking towards of them. “He still knows everything.”
“You have no idea. “Sam muttered.
“Oh, trust me, we do.” Katie grinned as Fury stopped in front of them.
“Someone wanna tell me why one of my jets was in London this morning?” Fury looked at Bucky, then to Sam, then to Peter, all three of them giving him an innocent look.
“Well, there was a thing.” Bucky shrugged “Emergency.”
“Emergency.” Fury dead panned “So nothing to do with a certain Miss Rogers and Mr Parker being stuck in London in snow storm?”
“How do you know this stuff?” Bucky looked at him.
“I told you Barnes, you wanna get one up on me you gotta keep both eyes open.” He levelled him with a look. “Happy called me in a flap to see if I could action a pick up and I told him I wasn’t running a damned Uber service. And then one of them went missing so I put two and two together and looks like I came up with four” He paused and shrugged, smirking a little “Plus, you forgot to wipe the mission log.”
“Damned it Tin Man!” Sam shoved Bucky “You dick, I told you!”
As the two men began to squabble Fury raised his eyebrows and turned to Steve and then Katie, a small smile flickered across his face “Nova, Cap. Long-time no see.”
“Hi Nick.” Steve smiled, reaching out and shaking his hand.
Fury jerked his head as Katie shook his hand, his eyes roving over each of their kids in turn. “I’ll say. You’ve been busy I see.”
Katie gave a huff “One way of putting it.”
Nick arched an eyebrow before he sighed and turned to Bucky and Sam who were still bickering. “Imma let this one slide.” He spoke loudly, the two men instantly turning to face him. “But only because it’s the holidays and I’m in a good mood.”
“You know technically Stark Industries owns half those jets. Tony paid for and designed a lot of the tech on them after all.” Katie quipped and Nick looked at her, before he let out a laugh.
“You’re more like your brother than you’ll ever care to admit” he shook his head as she snorted, pointing at her.
“Worse people to be like.” She smiled fondly, and Fury gave one last scoff before he turned to Sam and Bucky.
“I’ll see you two later. Now, imma go get me some churros then split.” He looked back at them all “Merry Christmas.”
As they all waved him off, watching the curious glances he attracted as he strode towards the hot food stand and then Harry tugged on Steve’s sleeve, causing him to turn his attention from Fury to the little boy.
“Daddy, who’s the pirate?” Harry asked.
There was a pause before Katie burst out laughing, Steve following suite as they both shared a knowing glance, remembering Tony’s fond little nickname for their one time director.
The Goth Pirate.
“He’s an old friend of mine and your momma’s “Steve explained before he glanced up, not surprised to find that once more Fury had disappeared from sight. “We haven’t seen him in a while. And I doubt we will again for a long time.”
There were more hugs shared and after another final thank you to Sam and Bucky, Katie demanding they come over later for drinks, the four remaining adults and four kids all headed into the farm and the chaos began as they began to scout for their perfect trees.
“So we need two large ones.” Katie spoke, “And one for Emmy and Pete in the Cabin and a smaller one for Rori’s room.” she paused “Jamie, did you want one for your room too?”
“Nah, it’s okay.” He shook his head “Thanks though.”
“So four over all.” Steve nodded. “Okay gang, let’s find us some trees.”
They decided to get Rori’s first as it would be smaller and easier to carry once they’d picked it. They set about walking down the various aisles, and before long the jokes started flowing and they were getting worse and worse with time.
“What would you get if you ate the Christmas decorations?” Pete asked and Jamie looked at him, arching a brow. “Tinselitis.”
“Oh God.” Emmy snorted “That’s as bad as one of dad’s”
“Which reminds me.” Steve said, a smirk on his face, “Did you guys hear the forecast for Christmas eve? They’re predicting rain, deer…”
Katie and Emmy both let out a groan as Jamie and Peter howled with laughter.
“What do you call an elf that runs away from Santa’s workshop?” Jamie asked and Steve paused before he shrugged.
“No idea.”
“A rebel without a Clause…”
Katie, Steve, Emmy and Pete burst out laughing as Pete held out his hand to hi-five him. Jamie grinned.
“That’s a good one buddy.” Steve chuckled. “Where did you hear that?”
“Moo text me before.” He smiled “She said her and Auntie Pep had been googling them to put in their cards this year.”
“Like Father like daughter.” Katie smiled to herself, a little nostalgically as a memory of her brother crashed over her and Steve pulled her a little closer, his hand tightening on hers as he dropped a kiss to her head.
After half an hour or so of scouting and plenty of excited shouts and laughter, Rori paused in front of a tree that was the same height as her and she gave a gasp.
“Daddy, that one.” She pointed.
“You sure?” he cocked his head to one side. The tree was leaning to one side, the branches completely uneven, sticking out at all angles and the top was bent. “It’s a bit-”
“It’s perfect.” Rori insisted.
“Okay Princess, whatever you say.”  He looked at Katie as she smiled, her hand dropping to the back of Rori’s head. “Jamie, you got the saw?”
“Yup.” Jamie nodded, passing it over and they all watched as Steve gripped the trunk of the small tree with one hand a little higher up and began to cut it towards the bottom. He could have easily snapped the trunk with his bare hands but he played the part and in four strong swipes it pulled free with a little crack and Rori gave a shriek and clapped her hands.
“I love it!”
Once the safety cover was back on the saw they continued their search, walking towards the slightly bigger trees they spotted and Katie paused in front of a large, Norwegian spruce and reached out, gently crushing one of the needles between her fingers. She took a sniff and stepped back, nodding.
“That one.”
“I still can’t believe you pick them with the smell.” Steve shook his head.
“It’s not all the smell.” She protested “There’s a lot to consider. The height, width and spacing of the branches…this one’s just right for the corner in the lounge. And that one two down will do for the hallway.”
Steve chuckled, knowing better than to argue. “Positive?”
Katie nodded and once more Jamie passed him the saw. This time they all stepped back as Steve crouched down on the ground, expertly cutting the trunk and just the right place. As he took the final swipe, the tree pitched over to a loud shout of “Timberrrrr” from Jamie and Peter and it landed with a thud.
Harry gave a loud cackle and clapped, Flossie shrieking too as Steve then moved two down and repeated the action with a slightly smaller one that would sit in the entrance lounge directly in front of the photo of the pair of them at their wedding, so it would be the first thing anyone saw as they walked into the house.
Emmy strode past the tree to one that was behind it and then nodded to Pete “I think this one will do. I kinda like the way it fans out at the bottom.”
“Sure, Em.” He smiled “Mr R?”
“Oh, here.” Steve handed him the saw and watched as Pete cut his and Emmy’s first Christmas tree down, his arm round Katie’s waist, lips softly kissing Flossie’s cheek as the baby grinned. He arched an eyebrow as Emmy pressed a kiss to Pete’s lips, giving a soft huff as Katie dug him in the ribs, shooting him a warning glance which he returned with an innocent one of his own.
“Well, that was easy.” Emmy commented “It took us 2 hours last year.”
“They need to be right.” Katie shrugged simply, Steve and Emmy exchanging a look before Steve watched as Pete hoisted his tree easily onto his shoulder. It still surprised Steve how strong Peter was, even though it shouldn’t, he knew he was enhanced after all.
“I’ll take Rori’s, Dad.” Jamie stepped forwards, puffing his chest out a little, picking the smaller tree up easily and placing it on his shoulder, in an identical manner to Pete. Steve actively fought the urge to laugh as Jamie began to walk besides Peter and Emmy, clearly proud as punch at being able to help before he turned to Katie.
“Don’t say it.”
Katie laughed “Oh I’m gonna.” she smirked “If he was any more like you I’d be convinced he was a clone.”
Steve snorted as he bent down and easily lifted their two trees onto his shoulders, before they followed a little slower due to Harry being with them. Steve maneuvered around the other tree pickers as they went, his boot clad feet traipsing on the damp of the ground as they made their way back towards the main entrance and joined Pete, Emmy and Jamie at the place ready to pay. As the various helpers, all dressed in little Elf outfits bustled around to wrap their trees and strap them to the roof of the Audi, Katie was suddenly struck with a little problem.
“Hang on.” she turned to Emmy as she thanked the man who’d been dealing with and handed over the cash. “How are you two gonna get home if Bucky and Sam left?”
At that Pete gave a little grin and pulled a set of keys out of his pocket, “Mr Wilson let me borrow his Chevvy.”
“Yeah they went home on Buck’s bike.” Emmy shrugged and at that Steve let out a huge laugh.
“What?” Katie asked.
“Sorry, I’m just picturing those two riding pillion.” He snorted “I give it five minutes before Sam ended up tells Buck to let him off on account of him driving his Ducatti like a maniac.”
“You’ve no room to talk.” Katie scoffed and Steve looked at her with mock outrage.
“Mom?” Jamie asked and Katie turned to him “Can we get a drink now please?”
“Sure, come on.” She smiled and they headed over to the stall. She purchased a hot cider each for her, Steve, Emmy and Pete before hot chocolate for each of the kids along with a selection of donuts, churros and Stollen as Steve took Flossie back to the car so they could pop her in the stroller. They made their way over to one of the benches by the side and sat down and Steve returned, parking Flossie besides them before he handed her a piece of a donut and slipped his arm round Katie, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“You have a good time?” he asked.
“Yeah.” She beamed, before she glanced over at the other side of the bench. Jamie was settled to Emmy’s left, talking to her about school, as she nodded along whilst Rori was perched on Peter’s knee as she animatedly told him about how she was going to decorate her tree in unicorn colours. Harry meanwhile sat in between both Pete and Emmy, his little frame chewing on a donut as he grinned at his parents who smiled back. Katie turned to look a Steve again, leaning up to kiss him softly “It’s been perfect, thank you for making sure we were all together.”
“Well it wouldn’t be a Rogers Christmas otherwise would it?” he smiled, kissing her again.
“Get a room.” Emmy grumbled and Steve turned to her as she smirked, shoving a piece of donut in her mouth.
“Watch it young lady.” Steve pointed at her.                      
“Daddy.” Rori asked “Can I go with Pete in their car to Target? I need decorations for my Princess Tree.”
Steve hesitated for a while and Pete hastily cut in “It’s no bother Mr Rogers.”
“Yeah we need some for ours.” Emmy nodded.”So we’re going anyway.”
“I come too?” Harry asked hopefully and Emmy shrugged
“If Momma and Daddy say it’s ok, course you can, squirt.”
Steve looked at Katie who shrugged “Fine by me. Sure you can manage them?”
Emmy rolled her eyes “They’re no bother.” She then turned to Jamie “You wanna come too?”
“Hell no.” he said hastily, peering round at Rori before he shook his head “I’m going home for some peace and quiet.”
Both Steve and Katie let out a loud laugh, as Katie shook her head “Oh Jamie.”
“What?” he frowned.
“Nothing pal.” Steve smiled, reaching for his cider. “Nothing at all.”
#ssholidaychallenge #sageandsweater
72 notes · View notes
nanagoswife · 4 years
For You? Always.
Chapter Four
Summary: Ben takes you out for dinner, just the two of you. How will it go?
W/C: 2.5k
<<Previous, Next>>
Your weekend was solely sitting on the couch and watching movies and sometimes reading. The only breaks you took were to use the washroom and moving to the kitchen, which was technically a part of the same room, to eat.
When Monday came around, you longed for the comfort of your couch, but the feeling of being productive did make you feel good. Not only that, but you had something to look forward to at the end of the day, turning the day to one of anticipation.
“So,” Paisley said, standing in the doorway. “Tell me what I know, followed up by what I don’t.”
You rolled your eyes knowing exactly that she meant the dinner you shared with Ben and his mom.
“Come on! I’ve been waiting for this day since you and I met. You can’t tell me you feel nothing for Ben.”
At the mention of his name, you smiled, telling her everything she needed to know without a single word.
"I knew it! Did you two have a moment," she asked almost conspiratorially.
Looking back at it, there were many moments. What Paisley wanted to know was if the two of you said anything to each other, and you weren't one to gush.
"And how is this relevant to the work I see piled on your desk?"
Paisley sighed petulantly, crossing her arms.
After a glare, she went back to her desk to do the work you knew she had.
Only a few minutes went by before you heard a familiar knock at the door.
Eyes bright, you watched Ben walk into your office. He had a file in his hand which made you feel better. Him bringing work meant you got to spend more time with him. Even if the work was quick, you could drag it out with conversation.
Before, when you were getting to know more about each other, that’s what you did.
Ben sat at one of the chairs in front of your desk and put the file in front of him.
“The papers will only take a signature from both you and Derek, but I have time to spare if you’d like.” Smiling, you agreed as long as he let you get some things done in the process.
Not long after, Derek knocked at the door. This gave Ben the opportunity to explain a few things before asking him to sign what was needed.
“Also, before I leave,” Derek said as he laid the pen on top of the paper, “I believe a deal is a deal.”
He reached into his pocket and retrieved the fifty-five dollars you had won in a bet from over a few weeks ago now. He would always say he’d have it quickly, but he never did.
“Pleasure doing business with you, sir.” you said, earning a laugh from both of you. "Oh."
Seeing his look of confusion, you then explained to Ben what happened. A chuckle came from you as a wave of understanding spread across his expression.
“It’s something we’ve done for a long time now. He wins occasionally, but I’m usually the one who wins the bets. This one, actually, was the highest amount we’ve ever bet. Usually it doesn’t reach above twenty.” You explained.
“I raised the stakes and paid the price. Literally,” Derek chimed in, which earned a laugh from all of you.
"Well, I technically did. You just had to raise it that few dollars more."
"Fair point. Still, it was a gamble that cost me," Derek said with a chuckle.
After that, he said his farewell to both you and Ben.
Being left with Ben, the two of you talked a bit while you tried to get some work done. It was a nice conversation, making the revisions of an ad actually enjoyable.
When Paisley had come in with something to consult with you on, she had a certain smile that only you could read. Partially because you had work, and partially so not too much attention was drawn to the two of you, Ben left. If you didn’t get the work done now, you never would.
Although the day of work was longer, it was a normality. Two days of a break made for one long day of work. It was a nice trade in so that you didn't have to work on weekends.
Today had you determined to power through anything that had to be done. This meant that you were done much sooner than you usually were.
As you were finishing up, you could hear Ben talking with Paisley. You just hoped she wasn’t trying to talk about you and him.
As you stepped out of your office, you were greeted by Ben’s almost immediately, “Are you ready?” Nodding in response, the two of you made your way over to the elevators.
“I just need to quickly stop at my house before we go anywhere else.”
He smiled as he said, “Okay.”
The walk seemed so much better today than it normally had. Normally, you’d say you didn’t know why, but today you did. That reason was walking right beside you, chatting about different topics that he wanted to hear your opinion on.
Arriving at your home, Ben stood outside as you quickly dropped your work bag on your shelf, which was beside your door.
Then, you were off, heading to a restaurant of his choosing. It filled you with eagerness to know where it was he was bringing you. He wouldn't tell you where he was taking you.
Walking down the street, he offered you his arm like he had the other night. This time, when you looped your arm through his, you leaned a little closer and enjoyed his comforting warmth.
He brought you to a place you were surprisingly unfamiliar with. You didn't even know it existed and you had lived in this city your whole life.
The restaurant was small but intimate. Entering the building, there was no one else there. It was empty except for the employees. When he said it would just be you and him, he wasn't kidding.
This all made you feel slightly grateful, though, knowing that you had time with him, and only him. There was no office, no other guests, and no family or friends. Even the workers weren't anywhere to be seen.
Getting to the table, Ben thanked the worker who showed you your table. You could’ve sworn you also heard him say, “Perfect,” under his breath. You decided to ignore this, though.
He looked at you with a smile, and you mirrored it. Taking the menu, Ben ordered a bottle of wine you’d never heard of. Looking at the menu, you didn’t see it.
If this is how the night was starting, how was the rest of this going to go? The thought of finding out excited you.
“How’s your mom doing?” you started the conversation.
“She’s amazing. Tomorrow she’s getting the removal,” Ben replied. "She's just happy that it was something this simple."
"I bet. Would you tell me more about her?"
Ben seemed to light up when you asked. "Of course."
As he talked about Amelia, his accent came out a bit more. Then, because you wanted to hear more and you loved the now thicker accent, you asked if he could tell you even more about her. With a smile that made him age backwards, he did.
Not a single word was negative. He started with how his father had passed from a work accident a month before he was born. Being raised only by his mother, he felt a responsibility to her. Like he had to take care of her even when it wasn’t needed.
You watched him as the light in his eyes grew as he told you many stories with his mother.You would have listened to him tell these stories all day if you could.
When the wine came, you hardly paid any attention to it. You absent mindedly watched Ben as he poured the wine, taking a few sips while you listened. When the food came is when he stopped the stories. It was replaced by you telling stories.
In between bites, you told a story about how you, Sadie, and your parents went on a camping trip. The first night, you and Sadie thought that you should leave some marshmallows out for the animals so they wouldn’t get hungry. The next morning, you were met by the sounds of a bear outside of the tent. You had to wait for a few hours before it left and you were able to get out of the tent. At the time, you were terrified but you had to lie and said that the two of you didn’t do anything to avoid getting into trouble.
"Wait, did your parents actually believed you?"
"Would you not believe a terrified Seven-year-old?"
Ben laughed, "Good point."
Today, when you recall the story, you couldn’t help but laugh at what happened. It was one that you and Sadie brought up often during many occasions.
“Sadie sounds like a nice person. I never did meet her at school. Are you two still close?” Ben asked with genuine interest.
“Oh, yes. We still see each other often. Speaking of which, she’s coming up this weekend. You should come with us to dinner or something one night.”
His smile, that hadn’t left his face almost all night, got bigger, "I'd be honoured."
Not only did you want him to meet her, but you wanted Sadie to meet him. She was one of the best judges of character and you wanted her opinion. You wanted to know if you were making a good decision, but also you wanted her acceptance.
“We'll set a day, then,” you said with a smile.
Once the bill came, you went to take it in habit but he swiftly took it in his hand and told you not to worry about it.
"This is a night that I'm treating you. Plus, what kind of guy would I be if I set this all up and made you pay."
Ben made a good point.
For years, you had always been the one to grab the bill except for the occasional outing with Sadie, Siara, or your parents. Not being the one to pay was strange, but it was nice. Having someone who convinces you that you shouldn’t even think of grabbing the bill also was a new experience.
After Ben paid, he led you outside and offered his arm again. The two of you walked around the area with no planned destination.
“Would you be able to tell me more stories about you and Sadie?” He said after walking a while in silence, just enjoying the closeness of the other.
A smile grew on your face when he asked that. Indulging his request, you told him a bunch of quirky stories of you and Sadie spanning from when you were little to memories a few months old.
When you and Sadie were in public, you were respectable and polite. Put the two of you behind closed doors, though, you almost seemed like you had no thought process unless it was dangerous or illegal.
Some stories even included Siara, as she had become friends with you when going into highschool. Ben had laughed along with you as you divulged your childhood with the other two girls.
You hadn’t felt this happy telling someone these stories, well, ever. You either never got close enough with another to tell them, or they already knew.
You finished your last story you waited a moment before saying, “Ben, I hate to end the night this early, but I need to go home.”
“May I walk you there?”
Smiling, you accepted, setting off in the direction.
A breeze that came through made you slightly shiver. Ben noticed this and took off his dress coat and draped it across your shoulders.
When you thanked him, you started to think about how he never seemed to not be wearing a suit. In the time you knew him, the most casual he had been was when he didn't have a tie and had to top couple buttons undone on his shirt.
Pushing all of this aside, you enjoyed the warmth and comfort it brought you. Not only that, but you once again leaned closer to him.
The last of the walk was spent talking about little bits of news that had been going around lately. It was mainly happy little stories like a dog who was reunited with its owner who had been deployed in the army for two years.
The warmth in his smile as he talked about these stories made your heart swell.
Walking around the corner that led to your house, you felt saddened at the fact that the night was truly ending and you would have to leave him. Even if it were only until tomorrow.
Looking up at Ben, you saw the same feeling in his eyes as he walked you to your door.
Stopping at the top of the few stairs, Ben stared you in the eyes for a few moments. His flickered between both of yours before slowly taking one of your hands in his, seeing if you’d object. You didn’t.
Brining your hand up and slightly bowing, he kissed the back of your hand, lingering for a few blissful seconds, never taking his eyes off yours. As he pulled away, his bottom lip grazed against your skin, sending a tingly sensation down your arm. You almost shivered from the sensation as your heart began to pick up its pace.
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said in almost a whisper. He reluctantly let go of your hand as he slowly backed away.
“Good night.” He fully turned and walked back down the street after that.
Your heart began to fill with dread, thinking about how the rest of the night would be spent alone. For a moment, you contemplated telling him to stop and stay with you. Even if it was only for a few minutes longer, but you didn't.
Before stepping into your house, you watched him walk until he walked around the corner you had come from. Taking a deep breath, you walked in with the lingering sensation of his lips on your hand, making you feel enraptured.
Closing the door, you realized that his jacket was still sitting on your shoulders. Looking out the window, you wondered if he’d noticed and turned back. He didn’t.
Gently, you hung it on the coat rack. Smiling at the thought that you had a reason to seek him out tomorrow. Then, you realised that it was what he meant when he said he'd see you tomorrow.
@stardancerluv @jaydenwoo @madmax2003
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wienerbarnes · 4 years
Feel Good
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader (Cheek to Cheek)
Word Count: 2,817
Warnings: lots o drinking (its new years!), mentions to being nervous/self-doubt, drunk sam wilson, perhaps some smooching idk guess u gotta read it man
A/N: ngl I have like 4 cheek to cheek one shots that I wrote yesterday instead of working on school work or art commissions so lets enjoy this before that motivation spark dies okay enjoy my two fav ppl ever
“Agent 51, stay behind, please.”
You meet Sam’s eye, confused for two reasons - this was supposed to be a quick debriefing after a mission, and he’s never called you out specifically before. You give him a nod and obligatory Yes, Captain before making eyes with Sharon, who gives you a quick smile before exiting the room with the other agents. That doesn’t give you anything. Is there already another mission? But if there was another mission, wouldn’t Sharon have stayed? Wouldn’t Bucky be here? Does it involve Bucky? Does-
“I want you to start training with the other recruits when they begin next week.” Sam informs you once the door closes behind the last person.
This Friday is New Year’s Eve, meaning Monday begins the seven-week training led by Sergeant Barnes for wannabe Avengers Agents, before whoever remains continues on to undercover and psychological training with Sharon and other legendary retired agents of the field.
“Are you... sure?” You didn’t think there was a problem with the training you were currently doing with Sam, in fact, you thought you were doing pretty good for someone who hasn't followed a strict workout regimen in ten years. This would be the first time being around so many people with a greater chance of interacting. All of the meetings you go to have made you a little more comfortable with larger crowds, but you haven’t actually spoken to anyone.
“You know your file well?”
“Then, yes, I’m sure.”
“I want you to continue your training with me on the weekends, though.” Sam adds.
Working out seven days a week? I might’ve considered prison if I knew this was a part of the deal.
“Won’t all of that all the time be hard?” You offer, suddenly scared for your biceps and hamstrings.
“Are you asking me if training to become a team member of the Avengers is hard?” Sam gives you a pointed look.
“...Right.” You stand, assuming that was all he had to tell you about.
“Also, there’s a little party Friday night. Nothing crazy, just me, Sharon, Bucky, Sharon and I are bringing some dates, maybe a few agents, but they usually go out and party. They don’t want to hang out with us more than they already have to around here.” He mentions as you reach the door.
Your hand pauses on the knob. A party. What if they pull some Carrie shit on you?
“A party?” You ask, eyebrows failing to conceal your silent fears as they tilt upward at him.
“I promise, it won’t be anything insane. I wouldn’t have mentioned it if I didn’t think it was something you could handle.” He reassures.
Friday comes sooner than you’d hoped, and your anxiety still lingers, as much as you’d hoped it’d go away by now. You glance at the time, 8:00 in the evening. This was the time Sam told you everything would more or less be starting, but that you could go whenever you wanted, if you wanted.
You’ve actually been ready for about an hour, just too scared to go to the common area where everything was taking place.
You feel like you’re a teenager again; being invited to an event where you feel as though you won’t belong. An event where you know that everyone is so drastically different than you. You wonder how you would feel if you were different; if you weren’t so fucked up with trauma. Would you be a party person? Drinking and dancing through your twenties? Hooking up with men and women, maybe even having relationships?
You’re dressed in a short lilac romper, layers of silky ruffles around the tops of your thighs, and thin straps across your shoulders that cross against your back. The neckline is a tad low, a complimenting V that you’ve filled with layers of necklaces. Nude platforms put you about two inches taller without the fear of a heel, and you’re nervously picking at your recently painted green fingernails in anticipation for what the night will bring.
It’s not too late to not go. You can just tell Sam you ended up not feeling well, tell F.R.I.D.A.Y. not to let anyone bother you. Just take all these clothes off and put on your pajamas, and we can pretend you haven’t been thinking about this night for the last three days and spent all day thinking about what you’re going to wear, how you’re going to act, reviewing your file just in case anyone asks you anything - we can just pretend you were going to be staying in the whole time.
You stand to begin slipping the straps from your shoulders, mind made up, when a knock sounds at the door.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y., who is that?” You whisper out.
“It’s Sergeant Barnes, Agent.” The A.I. relays in an equally hushed voice.
You sigh and walk over to the door before opening it a few inches.
“Hey! You look so cute! Party’s getting started, let's go!” He steps back out to the hallway, an excited smile on his face which drops when he focuses more on the frown that decorates your own face.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, immediately stepping back towards you.
“... I’m nervous.” You all but whimper out. Why do you have to be such a baby?
“Why are you nervous?” Bucky asks, his voice calm as he genuinely wants to know what’s troubling you, not an accusatory tone found in his voice.
“Because there’s going to be a lot of people, and I don’t know anyone, and I’ve never been to these kinds of parties, or at least I haven’t in, like, a decade.” You ramble, exasperated with yourself.
“Would it make you feel better if I stayed with you the whole night? Either here or down at the party?” He offers, ready to give up one of his favorite nights for you.
“Bucky, I’m not going to make you -”
“You’re not making me, I’m offering. Besides, Sam’s all over the girl he brought and Sharon’s halfway drunk with her little boyfriend; they’re not going to be much fun for me tonight.” Bucky justifies, sounding like the eldest of three having to deal with their younger siblings.
“C’mon, you’re really gonna waste a dress like that? And your hair looks all nice! And - wait a minute, are those new earrings?” Bucky butters you, showering you with compliments in a sweet tone, metal hand reaching out to touch at the earrings hanging from your ears, the small tink sounding right in your ear.
A girlish giggle escapes you at his teasing. “Alright, alright, you’ve convinced me. But you promise you don’t mind staying with me all night?”
“I promise, there’s no one else I’d rather spend the night with.”
The common area isn’t how you expected it to be; there’s definitely more people than Sam promised there’d be, but it’s not the thousands of strangers you’d imagined in your head.
“Let’s get a drink,” Bucky’s deep voice speaks in your ear, and you’re not sure if it's his voice that makes you shiver or his warm hand in yours, but the two of you make your way to the bar.
“What do you drink?” He asks you, after ordering the name of some drink for himself.
“Uhm - I don’t, I don’t know.” You mutter to him. He scans your face for a second before rattling off the name of some other drink to the person behind the bar.
You never really drank; sure, you had the shitty beer as a teenager or perhaps a celebratory shot during your time in the Navy, but nothing you remember explicitly. You weren’t even old enough to drink in the Navy, you had turned twenty-one when you were already with HYDRA.
“Are you excited?” Bucky interrupts your thoughts of lost childhood.
“For the New Year!” Bucky exclaims, and you give him a smile even if you don't understand the hoop-lah.
“Sure?” You offer.
“C’mon! There’s so much opportunity and promise that comes with a new year! A million chances to grow, to experience things, to learn, to have fun. A new chapter for everyone.” He explains.
You smile at his positivity. A new year should be good for you based on his logic. A new chapter. You’d be starting your training. Getting ahead as an agent. Using your powers to help for good. Maybe making friends. Maybe getting closer to Bucky.
The drinks arrive and you appreciate that Bucky knows you so well; the drink in front of you is bright pink, different fruits crowded around the rim with a curly straw sticking out. His is a deeper brown, in a short, crystal glass, figures. Matches his whole dark and emo aesthetic. He stands before you in black jeans and a black buttoned shirt, black leather jacket to sit on top.
You take a sip of your drink and immediately have to slap a hand over your mouth to keep from spitting it out. Am I that much of a lightweight or is there actual gasoline in this?
“Sorry, maybe I should’ve warned you, babe,” Bucky chuckles, amused at your reaction to a mixed drink. “I think there’s, like, four different things in that.” He wants to cringe for you, but all he can do is look at you with a cheeky smile while you struggle to swallow the sip down.
“Christ, Bucky, I’ll blackout by ten at this rate, are all of the drinks like this?”
“Honestly? Probably. Everyone loves getting drunk on New Year’s.”
The night is not nearly as bad as you were thinking it was going to be. The room is lit up in different colored lights and screens; all of the TV’s display the annual countdown in Times Square but are muted so that music can be played the whole night. People are dancing, drinking, laughing, having the most fun you’ve seen people have in a long time. It’s 11:51 now, and everyone’s gathering closer and closer in anticipation for the countdown into the new year.
You and Bucky are gathered together with Sam and Sharon, and their respective dates. You don’t think you’ll let Sam live down how drunk he is; you never thought you’d feel so much joy seeing your Captain slurring his words while making jokes and telling stories.
Sharon leans over to you and whispers, a gentle hand on your arm, “Can you come to the bathroom with me?” A small giggle escaping her because she, too, is equally drunk. You give her a nod and hand your drink to Bucky to watch over while you’re gone.
The bathroom makes your ears buzz with the silence you encounter and Sharon walks over to the mirror to retouch her makeup.
“I just needed a little breather, have you tried the drinks at the bar?” She asks, and you laugh knowing that that’s the reason she, and everyone else at the party, is wasted.
“Yeah, Bucky proceeded to warn me after I had started drinking.” Laughs are shared as she reapplies her lipstick, a bright red shade.
“Do you know who you’re gonna kiss tonight?” She asks, smirk playing on her lips.
Shit, I forgot about that. How awkward would it be if you’re the only one not having a partner to kiss at midnight? Don’t worry, plenty of lame, single, psychotic basket cases that hear voices don’t kiss people on New Year’s Eve!
“Oh, uhm, I probably won’t be kissing anybody.” You inform her with a nervous laugh.
“I think you should kiss Bucky.” She states matter-of-factly.
“Yeah, why not? He’s not here with a date and he surely won’t kiss a stranger. I think last year Sam ended up planting one on him at midnight.” She laughs, a few hiccups interrupting her as she remembers that night.
As much as you want to join her in laughing at the thought of Sam drunkenly grabbing Bucky cheeks at midnight and smooching him, a pit opens up in your stomach at the thought of kissing Bucky.
“C’mon, T-minus five minutes.” Sharon tells you, interlocking her fingers with yours as she drags you back out to the common room.
The two of you rejoin the group and Bucky hands you your drink back, though you don’t feel much like drinking anymore, stomach suddenly knotted up with nerves. You’re torn because you don’t necessarily have a problem not kissing anybody, but now all you can think about is the urge to press your lips against Bucky’s, new year or not.
A husky voice whispers in your ear, “You okay? You look a little pale, you wanna head up to your room?” Bucky looks at you with concerned eyes, willing to go up to your room two minutes before midnight to ensure your comfort and wellbeing.
“I’m… I’m fine.” You reassure him, giving him the most unconvincing smile ever, even you wouldn’t believe you. He silently pulls you away from the group and pulls you into a hallway.
“Talk to me, sweetheart.”
His pet names are, for once, not helping right now.
You take a large gulp of your drink, stinging a bit, but hopefully it’ll give you some courage and relax you a bit. Bucky chuckles and gently takes the glass from your hand, “Hey,”
“I’m fine, just have some jitters, is all.” You try and convince.
You take the drink back and grab his hand with your open one and take him back out to the open area, a sixty second countdown already starting.
You quickly down the rest of your drink and discard it on a nearby table as the entire room begins chanting. Sam is the loudest, one arm wrapped around the waist of his date and the other wrapped around Bucky’s shoulders. Bucky’s smiling at his enthusiasm, yelling the numbers just as loud as he wraps an arm around your shoulders to bring you in closer to the group. Sharon is on the other side of you, but her focus is on her date as they look into each other’s eyes, just waiting for the clock to strike twelve so they can share a kiss.
The ball drops on the TV and the room erupts in cheers and “Happy New Year!”’s. Sam unhooks himself from Bucky and turns to grab his date's face as they share a laugh-filled kiss. You glance at Sharon and you suspect her and her date began sharing kisses a few seconds early. Bucky’s arm is still wrapped around your shoulders and he tugs you closer so you’re face to face.
His grin is wide, “Happy New Year -”
His excitement is interrupted as your courage finally kicks in, and with a hand on either side of his face, you pull him in and press your lips to his.
It takes him less than two seconds to reciprocate, dropping his hands to your waist and pulling you closer as your hands slide from his cheeks to his neck, wrapping themselves around.
There’s no more anxiety. No more nerves. No more doubts or second-thoughts. No more voices, no more people in the room, no more music; it’s just you and Bucky in that moment.
His lips are soft and sweet, a strong taste of the drinks he’s had tonight with a mix of sweetness that’s all him. He smells like man and like Bucky and your senses are overwhelmed in the best way possible. Tingles travel down your spine at the feeling of being so close to him.
You’re so, so, so good. Sure, Bucky’s imagined kissing you, but he never thought it’d feel like this. You’re sweet like cherries and you’re soft all over and your perfume is flooding his nose and it’s all he wants to breathe for the rest of time. Your skin sends sparks of fire through his fingertips as they rest on your bare back and slide down to your silk-covered waist.
You pull away and Bucky sneaks a few extra pecks before pulling away completely, not removing his eyes from yours.
“Happy New Year.” He wishes you with a love-sick smile.
“Happy New -”
“Happy New Year, Tinman!” Sam yelps in both of your ears, arms wrapping around Bucky and disconnecting him from you, but you can’t help but laugh at Sam trying to plant a kiss on Bucky’s cheek while he attempts to wrestle him off.
You feel electricity all over watching him, butterflies not only in your stomach, but all over your body, in every organ, in your bloodstream, in your head, everywhere. But as much as you feel as though you’ve been struck by lightning, you feel good; you feel really good.
A few months ago, you wouldn't have imagined that this is how you were going to be starting the new year. But here you are, and you feel good.
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shortythescreen · 4 years
come over chapter 2: the invitation.
Warning(s): NSFT/18+, fem reader, dysfunctional family dynamics, semi public sex. 
Relationship(s): Octane/Female Reader.
Summary: Octavio’s family is having an event for their donors. He’d really rather not go but you’d make it a lot more bearable. 
Author’s Notes: I LLIIIIIVEEEEEEE. It took forever to get here y’all but here it is! Part 2 of Come Over! It was originally like, 10k words so I split it into two. Which means Part 3 is already written and I’ll just wait to see how this does before I put it out. 
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3.
Octavio doesn’t avoid his family.
He doesn’t! He really doesn’t. Seven chances out of ten, he picks up the phone when his mama calls, and if he doesn’t it’s probably because he’s in the arena. Or out. Whatever.
He’s sent his papa text messages during every major holiday he isn’t there for. Not that he isn’t there for a lot of them! He’s hasn’t missed El Dia de los Reyes in. Ever. Even if he didn’t show up for his parents’ New Year’s Eve party days prior. Not that he hadn’t wanted to, he’s just a busy guy. Busy guys don’t have time to go to every social event their billionaire parents host.
That’s what he’s trying to tell his mama.
“Mami, I’m busy with the games-” he tries, pressing his fingers to his temples, for once grateful that his mama doesn’t know how to operate the video camera function on her tablet. Otherwise, she’d see the twist of his lip as he speaks. He kinda thinks she might still be able to hear it, considering Elliot is skirting him as he walks through the common room, trying to distance himself from the hostility in his voice.
“Octavio, ya.” She bites and the tone of her voice seals his lips shut. Fuck. How’s that even fair? “The next game isn’t until Monday. You can be back on planet by Sunday night if you leave tomorrow.”
“Ma, I can’t,” Octavio tries, but his mama cuts him off.
“Yes, you can! Octavio Jose, you use Silva Pharmaceuticals for the games. This party is to celebrate all the donors that give us the resources to create the stim you use. You will come to this party, shake hands, jump hoops and do whatever these people want, or we will revoke your supply. Do you understand me?”
Octavio’s nostrils flare, his leg jiggling as he pushes his teeth against his tongue piercing. The stretch of metal against his muscle is half painful, but he ignores the ache in favor of clenching and unclenching his fists.
“Do you hear me-”
“Yes, ma, I’ll be there, bye.” And with that, Octavio taps the pad in front of him, effectively ending the call. He’ll get some messages later about hanging up on her, but he doesn’t care. All he wants to do right now is put his head through the fucking table next to the tablet.
“That, uh, sounded pretty heated,” Elliot says and Octavio snorts, turning pinched green eyes up to his fellow legend. He’s holding out a water bottle, clutching another in his opposite hand, and Octavio snatches it from his hand, not even bothering to grumble a thank you as he guzzles half of it. “Whoa! Easy!”
“I have to go to a party this weekend,” Octavio bites, ignoring the way that Elliot’s lips stitch shut, like his did when mama told him ya. Elliot hums, sipping more cautiously at his own water.
“Wow, what a predac- p-perdim- that kinda sounds like a dumb reason to be upset,” Elliot drops the sarcasm as he fumbles over the word and Octavio barks a laugh.
“Compadre, I wish it was,” he grits, pressing the flat of his palm against his still jiggling knee. It keeps moving. “My parents are hosting some stupid thank you donor thing.”
“That doesn’t sound that bad,” Elliot says, hopping over the edge of the couch to settle beside Octavio. He throws his boots up, resting them on the coffee table in front of him, the slide of the front door accompanied by some more footfalls. “You’ve thanked Silva Pharm on camera before.”
“It’s not the same,” Octavio grunts. Donors lived for Octane. They lived for his thrill seeking and heart stopping shows. They loved his tattoo and his catch phrases and wanted him to keep it up.
His parents didn’t want Octane. They wanted Octavio. And not even the real Octavio – the one they’d always wanted him to be. The one who was content being a dutiful son. The one who didn’t blow off his own legs with a grenade. The one who didn’t renounce his position as the heir to Silva Pharm.
“My mom said she’ll revoke my supply of stim if I don’t go,” he tells Elliot, who sucks in air through his teeth.
“Ooh, yikes. Guess you don’t have a choice, huh?” Elliot says. Octavio grimaces, now sipping at his water, hand still trying to placate his jittering leg.
“No he don’t. He knew that when his mama called,” a voice says and Octavio glances over, catching Ajay at the fridge on the edge of the common room. She’s pulled out a flavorless yogurt and busies herself scraping it into a bowl.
Ajay has been talking to him little by little, but they haven’t talked about the- incident. Of him lying. He lied to her. He regrets it most days. Right now, he really does, because he could really use her advice.
“Maybe it won’t be that bad!” Elliot says and Octavio sniffs, looking down at the coffee table to avoid Ajay’s eyes as she flops onto the couch across from them. She, too, kick her feet up onto the coffee table, slouching into the cushions.
“Maybe,” Octavio says, not moping into his water.
Silence passes between the three long enough for it to begin to feel stiff. Ajay breaks it with a loud sigh, and his eyes turn up, finding her staring at him.
“What?” He asks.
“Do ya parents still need a photographer?” She asks instead of answering him. Octavio blanches, sitting upright, and his leg stops in its insistent shaking, the click of his metal foot ceasing abruptly.
“What?” He asks again and Ajay blusters her lips, stuffing a spoonful of yogurt between her cheeks.
“Ya parents never let you bring a plus one ‘cause you always bring some so’n’so,” Ajay says and before Octavio protests, she continues, “shut up, yes ya do. If they still need a photographer, bring ours. She’s ya friend, right? She’ll make it more bearable, and she’s official, so ya parents won’t say nutin’.”
Octavio swallows, holding Ajay’s stare. She always seems so critical – like she knows what he’s thinking even when he doesn’t think he’s thinking at all. He wonders if she can tell how he’s been around you recently – if she’s noticed how you show up at his house late at night.
“Plus, she’s totally hot,” Elliot remarks and Octavio bristles and, oh yeah, Ajay notices. Her face remains neutral, but she thumps her foot against Elliot, who whines as the coffee table rattles beneath them.
“I’ll think about it,” he mutters, turning back to his water.
It’s probably a bad idea for Octavio to invite you to his parents’ party.
After his… realization, he’s sort of been avoiding you. Not directly because Octavio doesn’t directly avoid- anything, really. He doesn’t avoid things. He’s not avoiding you. You guys just haven’t had sex since he said te amo into your throat. That’s all.
He’s not totally avoiding you, though. He still sends you shitty memes and you still tell him to let you work. He even brought you lunch the other day because your dumbass forgets to eat. Which is why he’s carrying over some empanadas to your studio.
Apex spared no expense for someone who was going to be key to their marketing. Your studio has vaulted ceilings and the pristine, white walls and tarps are constantly lit by either the natural light of the sun or the way too tall studio lights.
You seem concerned with neither, hunched in front of the triple monitors posed in front of your shooting area. He’s pretty sure that’s a picture of Bloodhound you’re editing.
“Hey,” he says, and you jump, your rolling chair skittering back as you dazedly blink up. Your eyes pinch as you squint, clearly perturbed from looking away from the screen after however long you’d been staring.
“Jesus! Fucking say something next time, Oc, you scared me!” You say and Octavio snickers, lips curling into a devious grin against his will.
“C’mon, amiga, you should’ve heard me coming,” he says, tapping his metal foot on the black tile. You huff, turning back to your computer.
“Shut up. What do you want?” You ask, leaning a little closer to the screen, despite having already zoomed in pretty damn far on Artur. Octavio grabs the chair at your left that you usually reserve for when your bosses come to visit, then flops down. The wheels careen him a little away, but he grabs the edge of your desk and pulls himself up.
“You need to eat, muchacha,” he says, holding up the brown paper bag. You purse your lips, glancing at him from the corner of your eye. Wordlessly, you take the bag from him, then move away from your computer.
You lean back in your seat, kicking your legs up onto his lap. Instinctively, Octavio reaches down, grabbing the edges of your feet to keep them in place on his thighs. He thumbs at the edge of your shoe and his nostrils flare. Damn it.
“Thanks,” you say, the crinkle of the bag the only sound for a little. Octavio rests an elbow on the edge of your desk, turning to look at what you’d been doing to Artur. He can see your notes at the top of the screen, scrawled with some digital pen: no alterations to the bird – it would be disrespectful to Houn-
“What’s the matter with you?” You ask, startling Octavio out of his reading. He turns his head to face you, your cheek bulged as you chew.
“What do you mean what’s the matter with me?” He asks back and you roll your eyes, swallowing hard.
“You’re never this quiet,” you say and Octavio huffs, turning to face the screen once again, his leg beginning to bounce in anticipation.
“Fuck off.”
“Fuck you, stop moving.”
“I’m not a fucking—a fucking—joda, what’s that word?”
“What word?”
“You know, for the- for the thing. When you put your feet up. Reposapíes.”
“What, like an ottoman?”
“No, fuck. I mean, yes, but that’s not the word I was thinking of.”
“A footrest?”
“Eso! Yes! Fuck you, I’m not a footrest.”
You press your lips together and silence passes between you for a moment. Then you snort, shoulders folding in. You raise your brows at him, and he sighs, chuckling through a groan, leaning back in his own seat to drag his hand down his face.
“Kinda lost steam there,” you say, and he squeezes the tips of your toes, half in warning, and you giggle. Your expression softens and you nudge his stomach with the toe of your shoe, tickling at the edge of where a sensor exists in his abdomen. “C’mon, Oc, what’s going on? You can talk to me…”
He knows he can. Octavio has vented to you about lots of things before. He’s vented to you about Anita, back before she started to cut him a little bit of slack. He’s vented to you about his phantom pains, on the days that he wakes up and forgets that he doesn’t really have legs anymore. He’s even vented to you about his parents before – about how his father has never quite accepted the man he’s become and how his mom is like an ice sculpture. Beautiful from a distance, but cold, and quick to melt under heat.
Still, with the… incident, he’s hesitant. He feels like he’s digging himself a deeper hole than he should. But he’s here. On Ajay’s advice. Ajay’s always known what’s best, in a way. At least, it seems that way.
“I have to go to some stupid donor function for Silva Pharmaceuticals or my parents are gonna revoke my stim,” Octavio blurts and he sees your expression soften a little, the edges of your brows drooping, your lips half pursing, and he hates, hates the loud LUBB-DUPP in his ears.
“That fucking sucks,” you tell him and he half snorts.
“Si, I know… But you would make it less sucky,” he says, “you… wanna come? I always have a plus one but my ma doesn’t like when I bring just anybody.”
“And your fuck buddy isn’t just anybody?” You deadpan, raising a brow, and Octavio hums, tugging at the toe of your shoe on his lap.
“You’re a professional photographer,” he reminds you. “It would only be for a night. Less than twelve hours. Fourteen if you include ride time to Psamathe.”
“Oh, Oc…”
“Mami, please? Please. My parents would pay you for the shots. There’s gonna be tons of booze.” He tries.
“You don’t even have to talk to anyone but me!” He insists.
“I hate these things. We can get a hotel right after and you can ride my face right up until I have to be back for the game-”
“Yes! Yes, Octavio!” You cry, reaching over and grabbing his shoulders, your body bending awkwardly, tummy crinkling the empanada bag in your lap. You shake him a little. “Yes, I will come with you, Jesus Christ. I was gonna say yes to begin with!”
“Why didn’t you just come out and say that then?” He huffs, though the tension drains out of his shoulders and he smiles at you, lips pulling up further at one corner. His chest expands with breath, like a weight has been lifted.
“I was trying but you don’t shut the fuck up.” You mutter, shoving his shoulders and he throws his head back, laughing into the vaulted ceiling of your studio.
The week comes and goes within the blink of an eye and Octavio is… Definitely not ready to go to this stupid event. He’s texted you a little more throughout the week, telling you the kind of attire that’s expected at these dumb functions and reminding you that you don’t have to bring any crazy equipment with you.
He calls mama at the last minute, of course, telling her that he’s bringing on a photographer who expects to be paid in full for her services. She’s huffy about it but mostly seems glad someone will be capturing the event from the perspective of the Silva family – though why she kept his pa’s name after the divorce, he’ll never know. Anyway, it’s not like they can’t afford to pay you.
Octavio wears the black tie he knows his mama will hound him not for wearing but he refuses to put the blazer on. Instead, he’ll just carry it, black fabric hanging off his forearm. The sleeves of his white button up are rolled up to his elbows and even though mama could make a big stink, he’d remind her he could have showed up in what he wore in the games – including the Jade Tiger outfit.
It might have been a little too intimate to pick you up. The thought of knocking on your door at an appropriate hour, of being in his monkey suit and offering you his arm, made this feel more like it was a date and not just a favor. Instead, Octavio ordered you a cab and now, he’s waiting for you just outside the entrance of Ship’s Landing.
He’s tapping away on his phone, playing a racing game that he’s definitely going to beat Makoa’s score in. His tongue pokes out and he leans a little closer, glancing up only when he hears the whistle of vehicles going by, hoping to catch sight of your cab.
It’s in the middle of a jump that requires all his attention, a taxi stops right in front of him and the door opens. Octavio glances up, looking back down at his game, only to stop and look back up again, this time lowering his phone to get a better look.
His heart must be running a relay, must be trying to get a lead with a grenade, because the second he sees you, all he can hear is that loud noise again. Like an explosion of movement through his arteries and veins, his heart desperately trying to pick up with the adrenaline in his system. For once, it isn’t a fight, or an explosion, or a race that causes it, though. It’s you.
It’s you, struggling to get some huge camera tote out of the taxi while in high heels (he told you that you just had to bring a camera, damn it). It’s you, wearing a shade of vermillion that matches the fabric of your dress that hugs your figure. It’s you, with the off the shoulder, sweetheart neckline, and Octavio is surprised he can still recall anything about fashion. He’s kind of kicking himself for it too, because he can’t stop thinking of how much of a sweetheart that cut is, how easy it would be to slide it down your chest.
Octavio’s chest constricts, pupils blown wide as he imagines those heels digging into his ass as he fucks you, the sharp pinch of them spurring him faster, harder. It would be so easy to push you back into the cab, pay the driver a little extra to keep quiet while he shucks the dress up to your hips and sucks on your clit until you’re crying.
You guys should skip this. As a matter of fact, he should pay the cab driver to take you guys home so he can rip that dress off you. So, he doesn’t have to see you glide around in it, taking pictures, laughing and holding glasses of chardonnay at some stupid promotional party he doesn’t give a flying fuck about it.
“Oc?” Your voice snaps him from his reverie and Octavio realizes you’re staring at him, lips pursed, half waving to get his attention. “Can you shut the door?”
“Oh, yeah,” he breathes, moving forward to shut the cab door. “You… look really good.”
“Gee, thanks,” you say, smirking his way, and the rare little dance of mischief that glitters in your eyes makes his heart constrict. Fuck, he’s in so much trouble. This was a bad idea. Why did Ajay tell him to do this?
“We should skip this thing,” he tells you, waggling his brows, and you purse your lips at him.
“And get your stim revoked?” Right. He’d forgotten. Which is saying something, a voice in his head that sounds very much like Che says. He bats her away.
“Shut up, I know,” he mumbles and you two walk towards the ship his mama had ordered to take you to Psamathe. It has the Silva Pharmaceuticals logo on the side and he waves away the driver who stands with his arms folded at the passenger doors.
Octavio opens the trunk, taking your camera tote and laying it down in the backseat. You fuss at him, telling him that you can hold it in your lap and that this extravagant looking ship definitely has the space for you to hold your camera. He waves you off, telling you that you’re going to be in the ship for two hours, and you don’t need to be holding the bag in your lap the whole time.
After that, you two set off, towards his home planet. The ship his ma ordered is, of course, top of the line. The interior is plush, and over cushioned, with a tiny little bar on the opposite side of the long seats. You gaze around in wonder, squinting at the compartment at the top of the ship that he knows contains a disco ball.
“Jeez, your family pulled out all the stops, huh?” You ask and he snorts, scooting towards the edge of the seat and grabbing a bottle of Aguardiente his knows his pa keeps stashed for when he has to ride with ma to events.
“Gotta show up in style,” he mumbles, grabbing one of the little cups stacked on top of a fancy looking cupholder. “Would look bad if I came in just a cab.”
He feels your gaze burning on the side of his face and he holds out the first glass of liquor to you. When he looks in your direction, you shake your head, and Octavio shrugs, taking the first shot with a loud ‘aa’ sound afterwards and a little clench of his teeth. Coño, that shit’s strong.
“You’re really stressed about this,” you conclude, and Octavio turns to look at you again. Your hands rest idly in your lap and your eyes seem to look right through him, finding all the little weak spots, the little internal ticks that made him say that stupid thing into your neck.
“I am,” he says, “you can help me de-stress, if you want, chica.”
He waggles his eyebrows at you, masking his discomfort at how easily you read him with a little laugh. To Octavio’s surprise, you reach over, placing a hand on his thigh, and his eyes meet yours with dark intent.
“Yeah,” you say, then lean in, and kiss him. His heart constricts in his chest and he hate, hate, hates Ajay right now.
At the same time, he loves her. Thinks that he should thank her, should apologize and thank her, because you’re kissing him slowly, lips warming him with every gentle slide. Your chin tucks a little closer to your chest as you bow your head, just enough to catch his lower lip between his teeth. He sighs, squirming at the gentle scrape, the distracting buzz of your hand creeping closer to the space between his thighs.
“If we fuck, can you manage not to get cum on this dress?” You ask him as you pull away and his dick throbs at the thought of fucking you.
“Absolutamente, mami,” he mutters, hands creeping out to grab at your hips. He wants to pull you on top of him, pull whatever panties you’re wearing to the side. Watch his dick disappear inside you. Watch you throw your head back while he pulls down that sweetheart neckline-
“I don’t believe that,” you grumble but you’re pushing him down onto the long seat. Octavio lands with a thump and he’s kind of thankful he doesn’t have much hair. He pushes himself up onto his elbows, watching you make your way down his body. You don’t stop to place gentle kisses on his stomach, or any of that other fluffy bullshit that makes his stomach flutter, and he’s grateful and disappointed all at the same time.
You wrangle his belt open, the button of his pants and his fly following. You only scoot his waistband down enough to reveal his boxer briefs and the choked off sound that leaves him as you fenagle his dick out of the small gap in them is embarrassing.
“Shit, mami, you don’t have to, we can wait,” he says, even though his fingers are already tangling in your hair. Impatient. You smirk up at him.
“I don’t think you can,” you reply, before you drag your tongue up the underside of him. He gasps, like the air has been punched from his lungs, hypersensitive from weeks of having not been touched. You let saliva pool in your mouth, then stick your tongue out, watching it drip down. It makes his dick glisten, slippery with your saliva, and a dark spot forms at the base where he’s poking out of his boxer-briefs.
“Baby,” he whines and now his hand has tightened, trying desperately to push you where he wants you. Your licks and kisses are good, but not enough, not for how hard he is, for how he wants to fuck into your throat.
You only smirk, dragging the flat of your tongue up, the tip of it flicking just beneath the head. His hips jerk at the sensation and he rolls his neck back with a little groan. Octavio is always so vocal, so willing to tell you what he wants and what he doesn’t. Right now, what he wants is for you to take it, suck his dick until his eyes cross and he cums down your throat.
“I’m working on it,” you reply, and he definitely hadn’t realized he said that out loud. Oh well. You finally, finally, gracias a Dios, take the tip of him into your mouth. You place your puckered lips over the very tip, tongue poking the salty slit, and Octavio’s mouth falls open. Yours does a moment later and your cheeks hollow as you make your down the length of him.
“Puuuutamadre! Baby! Fuck!” Octavio gasps and he’s thankful to be riding in such a large ship because he’s certain if he kept it up, the driver would definitely know what was going on. He also kind of doesn’t give a fuck, hips trembling with the effort to not fuck your throat. You bob your head up and down, tongue glued to the hard length of him, and fuck, your eyes are closed, like you’re enjoying this.
You have the audacity, in all of this, to drag the tip of your finger around the base of him. He’s so close to being fully buried inside you. You push yourself, making wet noises that go straight to his dick as your lips finally touch the opening of his underwear. Then, the tip of your wet finger prods his rosebud, and that’s all it takes for Octavio to cum.
Toe curling, jaw dropping orgasm. That’s all he can think of when you finally get him to cum, the mere tease of your finger inside somewhere so intimate making his thighs clench. He shudders out, fist clenched tightly in your hair, trying to keep you down and still respect if you need to come up for air, but, coño, do you make it hard to keep that split train of thought going. He feels you swallow, throat folding around his cock, and the motion itself makes him whimper, for once overstimmed.
You slowly pull away, lips swollen and wet and red, sitting back on your knees with a shit eating grin. Octavio is catching his breath, trying desperately to slow his racing heart which, for once, isn’t caused by stim stabbed into his thigh. You gently massage his thighs and, Jesus, he really wishes you wouldn’t do shit like that.
“You good?” You murmur and the husky edge of your voice makes his spine tingle. He nods, slowing his breath to normal.
“I forgot how good you are at giving head,” he tells you and you snort as he looks around. When he doesn’t spy a handtowel, or something that isn’t a napkin that won’t stick to his dick, he gives up, tucking it away with your drool still on it. He adjusts his fly, slowly sitting up, muscles more relaxed than they’ve been in the week since he’d gotten that phone call.
“I expect you to return the favor on the flight home,” you say and he grins, for the moment distracted from the impending doom of his parents.
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Texas Triangle
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For most of my forties, I worked as the assistant news director for CBS News, based in Manhattan.    The position came with a number of perks, most notably salary and benefits greater than I would have earned back in my hometown on California’s Central Coast, where my career began.  Within mere walking distance, so many of New York’s great museums, concert halls, restaurants, etc. were right there to explore during the little free time allowed by a demanding career.  It was a spectacular time, the dynamics of television journalism in the twenty-first century, always learning something new, and the great people with whom I worked, the latter being perhaps one of the greatest benefits.  This was especially true regarding one particular co-worker: legendary anchorman Bob Schieffer.
Arguably one of the more recognizable reporters of our time with an impressive CV, Bob commanded the respect of everyone at Black Rock, as the New York headquarters of CBS is known, not just because of his professional accomplishments, but because of how well he interacted with others.  Whether you were network top brass or a member of the cleaning crew, he treated everyone with a sincere compassion.  It was quite common on a Monday morning for Bob to pass through the halls and ask other employees how their kids performed at a piano recital or baseball game over the weekend.  His affable nature allowed for bridge-building and ease of relationship maintenance between management and on-air talent, which made my life easier. This was a sharp contrast to the environment during the time of his friend and predecessor, Dan Rather, with whom I was acquainted and got on well, but the mention of whose name still drew eye-rolls on the property.  Our professional dealings were so excellent, that they eventually led to a friendship outside of work.
After a couple of years on the job, Bob and I became such good friends, we were frequent guests at one another’s home for dinner parties.  In fact, I had even been to his home for Christmas Eve dinner on consecutive years.  His wife was a wonderful, gracious woman, and the same could be said for the rest of the family whom I had the opportunity to meet.  It was a friendship based on trust in a professional situation, but had blossomed into what I considered to be a very rewarding relationship.  
Due to our difference in ages, he was in many ways a role model given his life experiences.  Also, I found myself very attracted to him, and why not?  He was a handsome, well-dressed, intelligent mature gentleman with a wonderful personality, in other words, exactly my type.  The exceptions being that he was straight, a colleague, and a friend.
One spring, I had planned to return to California, where I kept a home for visits and eventual retirement, for a couple of weeks to attend a family wedding and also to take some time to wind down by travelling along the coast.  A few days before I was scheduled to head west, my boss summoned me to his office one afternoon.  He requested that I schedule some time to speak with Bob about a personnel matter involving the research department.  When I reminded him that I would not be back in New York for two weeks, he expressed a desire for the matter to be concluded quickly.  So, I mentioned that I would be seeing Bob in Austin at the end of the week, and could discuss then.  He was a great boss, but I knew that he was aware that as a friend, I would be attending the awarding of an honorary doctorate to Bob by the University of Texas on my way back to the West Coast.  A crafty move on his part, but I would have tried the same.
A few days later, I traveled to Austin for a night, and checked into the Four Seasons downtown, where Bob was staying.  Upon checking in, the clerk informed me that he had passed to the front desk a message asking me to visit his suite.  I thanked her, and headed to my own room to drop-off my luggage, and do some minimal unpacking.  It was already 2:30 in Austin, and I was flying to SFO to get a connecting flight the next afternoon following the award and luncheon.
Upon settling, I headed to Bob’s suite on the top floor. I knocked on the door, and then heard, “I’ll be right there, John,” in his familiar Texas drawl.  When he opened the door, we shook hands, and then embraced in a more familiar hug of close friends.  He showed me around, a rather impressive room of no less than 1800 square feet overlooking the river.  “Where is Patricia?” I asked.  Bob replied, “Well, change of plans.”  He explained that his wife had gone to visit her sister in Dallas, whose husband was recovering from a recent procedure.  I asked him to pass along my regards.
We made our way into the living room to take care of business, which concluded rather quickly to my delight, and from there began to just be ourselves.  I congratulated him on the honor, and Bob being Bob, became flushed and modest.  He then arose, and asked if I wanted a drink, and he poured me a vodka on the rocks.  From there, we began to get caught up on a number of personal matters.
At one point he asked, “So, did you ever fill in that plus one on the wedding invitation?”  Even though we were close, I was taken by surprise, forgetting that Bob had been in my office when the invite arrived several months prior.  “No,” I said.  “I’ll be attending solo.  This way, I can focus on visiting with people at the events.  I only get back to the Coast a few times a year.”
This seemed to draw a rather puzzled look on Bob’s face, as I could clearly see the eyebrows pointed upward through the lenses of his reading glasses.  “Come on, John.  Are you trying to tell me that you can’t get a date for this wedding? You’re in your prime.  Forty-five years old, handsome, well-educated, well-traveled, great career, and you spend most of your time in California when not in New York.  I’m sure there are plenty of eligible gentlemen in both places who would love to accompany you.”
I was shocked, to say the least.  On the one hand, flattered, on the other, feeling as if I’d been drawn out of the closet, even though my being gay was not a secret at headquarters.  Before I could respond, Bob asked, “Did you think I did not know?  You know it doesn’t matter, right?”  The answer of course being, I knew, despite the whole TCU connection he had, that he did not care about ethnicity, orientation, race, religion, etc., with regard to how he viewed people.  
“I suppose that it’s just never come up in conversation between us over the years,” I said.  Thinking about it, I supposed it was true, despite my occasional lusts for him.  
“Well, no pressure, but I would just like to see you with someone.  This isn’t the 1950’s, a couple of 40’s/50’s something guys like you should be enjoying the time together”, Bob said with a smile.
I answered, “That could be an issue.  You see, I have a type, and what you describe, doesn’t match.”  
“Well then, what is your type of man?” Bob inquired.  
In a matter of seemingly no time, I found myself pouring out the details of my ideal man: mature, handsome, worldly, cultured, gentile.  He laughed, “Why on Earth would you want to be with an old man?”  “Not just any old man, the right sort of older man.  Truth be told, he would be a man, like you, Bob, in many respects.”
He looked a little taken aback, so I said that I would head back to my room, and see him at the ceremony.  As I made my way for the front door, I felt a tug on my right arm, and when I turned around, Bob embraced me in a hug and said, “Don’t leave just yet.  You just surprised me is all.  You know that there is no problem for us, right?”  
“Yes,” I said.  
“You know that I love my wife, don’t you, John?”
“Of course, Bob.”
With that, he moved his arms down, and then up along my jacket, caressing my back and chest as he pulled me closer, pulling off his glasses before passionately and firmly pressing his lips to mine.  Not exactly the first time kissing a man significantly older than myself, but this was certainly unchartered territory.  I was so turned on, it felt as if I were high, and wow, could he kiss.  It was a perfect example of why older men are better: they know things.  Even more, I was beginning to realize this was not his first time with another man, certainly not when he began to move his hand over my crotch, focusing on my now fully erect manhood.
“What do we have here?” he asked slyly, as he bent down to unbuckle and open my slacks.  From there, he took me across his lips, and then along his tongue, taking my entirety within his mouth, moving me back and forth.  The sensation was so pleasing, I felt as if I was going to pass out in the middle of the suite.  Hearing his moans and seeing the look upon his face, Bob was enjoying the act at least as much.
After a couple of minutes, he stood and pressed himself against me, with me now feeling the full excitement coming from Bob’s side. We embraced in a kiss for minutes, not wanting to separate.  Toward the end, he was undoing my tie, and I his, after I removed my jacket, and then unzipped his fly, as I had imagined doing so many times over the years. Feeling a drop of pre-cum, I spread it along his tip, then began to move my hand back and forth, reveling in his moans and breathing, until he pulled himself closer and whispered, “Let’s go to the bedroom.”
Within a matter of seconds, we had completely undressed and were embraced near the foot of the bed, and engaged in a complete lip-lock. As I saw it, there was certainly no reason to separate now.  He tasted so good, and I knew he felt the same.  In addition, we had established that he loved his wife, I had no intention of getting in the way, and my attraction to him had clearly taken over after settling those details.
We separated for a moment, as Bob walked over to the side of the bed.  He pulled back the covers and climbed inside.  Leaning on his side he patted his hand on the opposite side of the bed and said, “Come on, don’t be shy,” grinning from ear to ear.  It was all the invitation needed for me to get under the covers and wrap my arms around his beautiful, smooth body.  I wasted no time before reuniting with his lips and playing with his wonderful tongue.  I moved my hands up and down his torso, finally settling down on his firm and gorgeous ass, adjusting to move my head down to focus on his nipples with my tongue and using my right hand to stroke him.  
I could not believe that this was happening.  This was a good friend, a colleague, and although this had been a fantasy for a few years, I could never have imagined that he would be so receptive and then some.  I had every intention of making the most of the opportunity, and thus moved further down to take him in my mouth, and give him his medicine.
“Oh my god,” he exclaimed.  “That is so wonderful.  Please don’t stop.”
I moved up and down along his shaft, wrapping my tongue around the head, and after a couple of minutes, began to really work the head with my mouth while using my hand to pleasure his shaft.  In doing so, I really began to get turned on by his moaning. After a few minutes, he placed his hand on my chest, as if to pause, but then pushed down until I lay flat on my back. Now, Bob was in charge, cleaning my testicles with his tongue, before focusing down on my cock. He moved up and down, closing his eyes, then opening them so that he could see the look of joy upon my face, and he certainly knew how to put in there with years of practice.  
What seemed like hours of pure delight had passed when he let up and pulled himself back up to cuddle and kiss deeply and passionately. He was so close to having me reach the limit, but suddenly pulled back from the act, held me close and whispered into my ear, “Please enter me, darlin’.  I want you to, it will be okay.”  Then, Bob, pulled away and reached into the night stand drawer, and to my surprise, produced a bottle of lube.
“Now, you what to do, don’t you?” Bob asked rhetorically, as he kissed me on the forehead.  So, I felt compelled to prove him right, and lubed my right index finger, and moved it slowly across his rosebud.  This made him twitch and tickle at first, but he knew he was in good company, and I would never let him feel discomfort.  So, as he loosened up after a minute, I lubed my middle finger as well, and began to slowly move them back and forth until I eventually reached his prostate.  Now, he was putty in my hands.  
Once my cock was sufficiently lubricated, I placed myself upon his precipice, slowly waiting for the right time, as I lay with my head upon his stomach. After a minute or two, I lifted my head toward his to embrace in a passionate kiss, after which he said, “I’m ready.”
I began to move ever so slowly back and forth, Bob in the missionary position, resting his heels on my shoulders, facing one another.  It was so hot with the pleasure being split equally.  Every time I thrust forward, I would make eye contact so as to see how much he was enjoying the penetration.  He was giddy like a schoolboy, but more appropriately as an adult, panting and moaning.  After several minutes, neither of us could handle any more, and I thrust against his prostate and ejected a stream within Bob, and then he let out a sigh, “Ohhh, god,” and shot a river of cum across my chest.  Once concluded, we wrapped one another in hugs and kisses, and cuddled. It had been a couple of months since my last experience, but would easily say it was the best sex I had at that point in my life.
Eventually, the silence was broken by the ring of the room’s landline.  Bob answered, “Hello.  Come on now, of course I didn’t forget about you.  Drop by when you’re ready,” he chuckled.
I looked over at the clock, and a couple of hours had since passed.  Then I looked at Bob, and said, “Well, if you’re having a visitor, perhaps it’s best if I move to my room.”  
Bob winked at me and said, “Don’t worry, sweetheart.  You may want to put this on, however,” as he passed me a robe, along with a pair of slippers.
After a few minutes, there was a knock at the door.  Bob went out to the hallway to answer, and I could hear the faint echo of what appeared to be excited conversation between old friends. In the moment, it occurred to me that Bob felt comfortable enough with me to have me here in a robe, while inviting someone else inside, but I still had a tinge of awkwardness about the room. This was originally supposed to be just a stop on the way back west, but had taken a fantastic detour.
Then, a minute later, Bob came walking around the corner, also robed. Then, he asked, “You met John back at one of the holiday parties, didn’t you?”  A moment later around the corner stepped James “Jim” Baker III, former Secretary of Treasury, White House Chief of Staff, to name just a few posts. Being a double-major political science/journalism as an undergraduate, of course he was a familiar figure, in addition to being introduced at Bob’s house.
“Of course.  Nice to see you again, John.”  He smiled, but you could tell from the expression on his face, that this, by no means, was the encounter he had expected.  It was known that although there had been many interviews over the years, they had developed a friendship off-camera.  So, while a stately, respectful man, he did seem somewhat put off that there was an extra man in the room, and reported, “Well, I won’t stay too long.”
The phone rang once more, and Bob said, “I’ll need to take this.  Can you two make yourselves comfortable?”  
“Sure,” we replied in unison.
Jim made his way around to sit on one of the sofas.  He was, I think, a rather handsome man in his own right.  Nicely cut head of white hair, beautiful navy blue suit with a red and blue striped tie, it was as if he’d just stepped out of a Brooks Brothers ad.                                                       
We attempted the task of small talk, although there was a bit of discomfort in the air.  The conversation shifted to the next day’s event for Bob, which brought us both to Austin in the first place, then moved to an overview of each of our schedules for the week. Eventually, I noticed him wince a little, and asked if he was okay.  
“Oh sure, I’m fine.  Just paying the price for a round of golf this past weekend.  No carts, all walking, so my feet are a little tender,” he chuckled.
 I’m not sure what came over me, but I stood up and moved an ottoman closer to Jim, and sat down.  Then, one-by one, I extended each of his legs and removed his cordovan Alden tassel loafers and began to massage his dress-socked feet.  
“Oh, you don’t have to do that,” he said.  
“I’m sorry, I just thought you were having discomfort.  I’ll stop.”
“Well, it certainly is improving things,” Jim said, laughing a little.
I continued doing so for a couple of minutes, enjoying his pleasure.
Then, Bob returned and leaned over Jim to ask, “Do you still want to leave, Bake? They have such great service here.”
Bob then reached over and removed Jim’s suit jacket, as I continued to massage his tired feet.  After hanging his jacket, Bob returned, and from behind, planted a deep kiss on Jim’s lips, that seemed to go on for minutes.  It would have become obvious to an outside observer why Jim seemed edgy at first; he had planned on meeting Bob all by himself, and the way they were going at it, it was not the first or even fifth time, this had been an arrangement for a while.
While they were still kissing, I placed Jim’s feet on the floor, and made my way to his chair.  I moved my hand up and down each of his corresponding legs, and then focused on the midsection.  I caressed his torso, and transferred to his belt, which I unbuckled, then unzipped his fly and opened his slacks, and reaching inside the front hole of his boxers to release him.  Now, he was mine, all 7 inches of engorgement that had developed in the past few minutes, and I wrapped my mouth around the head of his beautiful cock and began working my way up and down.  I could feel the vein along the side, as it met my tongue, and could feel his excitement as he wriggled while still kissing Bob.  
Bob untied Jim’s tie, and I began to move my hand inside of his shirt to feel his amazing chest.  Not smooth like Bob’s, but just the right amount of hair, and light-colored.  In a few minutes, we moved to the bedroom.
We placed Jim back on the bed, and then proceeded to fully undress him.  I moved my way up the bed to kiss him, and again, older men know things.  He was a master kisser, and we worked on one another while Bob serviced Jim below the deck. After a minute or two, I extended my right hand upward and began playing with his nipple.  It seemed to be going well, so I released myself from his lips, and re-focused my mouth on his left nipple, while using my hand to play with his right.
To my delight, he was enthused, evidenced by his moaning of satisfaction.  In fact, he must have been so appreciative, because without notice, he eventually maneuvered so that he could take me into his mouth, and did he ever do so.  He had me in sheer ecstasy for several minutes, moving up and down on my head and shaft, completely reviving me for another performance.
At one point, he changed gears, shifting to Bob.  After all, Bob had been hard at work for some time, and it was his turn to receive the delights he deserved.  In doing so, he placed his hands on each side of Bob’s torso and pulled him up further on the bed.  Then, he got between Bob’s legs and lowered his head, lips first.  As he did, Bob’s patented grin returned to his face as he moved his head back and forth on the pillow.
It’s often said when a threesome occurs, that one person can find himself left out of the equation.  I did not find this to be the case, but rather an opportunity. Specifically, Jim’s spectacular ass was now staring me right in the face.  I extended my hands outward, massaging his buttocks.  It was wonderful, so smooth and tight, you could just feel that he worked out 3-4 times per week.  I could also feel that he was enjoying the chain of stimulation, as on the front end, his mouth and hand were now bringing Bob to new heights of joy.  So, I reached over to the bedside table and retrieved the bottle of lube from earlier.  One by one, I lubed my fingers, and began to finger Jim.  He wriggled a little at first, but began to relax and loosen up, so a couple of minutes later, I spread a generous amount of lube on my cock, and then inserted myself into the former Secretary of Treasury.
As I stated before, this is not anything like I had imagined this trip unfolding.  I wanted it to last as long as possible, so I slowly slid in and out.  He was so moist, and I was so turned by watching him blow Bob and all of the moaning coming from both of them.  I knew it would be only a few minutes at the most until I released myself within Jim.
“Jim,” Bob panted a few minutes later.  “I can’t hang on much longer.”
Jim pulled Bob out of his mouth and began to quickly jerk him off before replying, “Come on, honey.”
Bob threw his head back and said, “Oh my god,” and then proceeded to cum right into Jim’s mouth, which he took like a pro and countered, “Umhm.”
I couldn’t take any more myself, and then pushed further into Jim before shooting a load.
Bob put his head back on the pillow.  His expression was one of satisfaction and exhaustion.  He was spent.
Jim leaned over and covered Bob with the sheet.  Then, he kissed him deeply and passionately on the lips, then gently on the forehead.
I was now lying flat on my back, and Jim cuddled up next to me. He extended both hands, placed them on either side of my face, and pulled me in for a wonderful kiss that made me melt away, and we held in the embrace for several minutes.
“Doesn’t he look cute when he’s sleeping?” he asked me while looking over at Bob.
“As for you, you are every bit as good as I thought you’d be.  Mmm, mmm, mmm.  I knew the first time I laid eyes on you.”  With that, he maneuvered so that he was right on top of me, and as he did, his cock rubbed up against my leg, just dripping with pre-cum.  
Jim pressed his manhood right up against my balls and said, “There just one thing, son.  The next time you’re in Texas, I get Bobby first.  Understood?”
“Understood,” I said.
He then smiled at me, and lifted my legs upward so that my feet were now resting on his shoulders.  With his right hand, he grabbed the lube and squirted several drops on my anus and a plentiful amount over his cock, and moved it up and down his shaft.  Then, he got closer, and pushed himself gently up against my opening.  His cock was just the right size, not too thick, not too thin, that with the lube, he slid right into me.
 “Oh my,” he muttered, as he began to move back and forth.
It was heavenly, as he moved in and out, building up his pace over a few minutes.  Eventually, he unloaded what felt like a gallon of cum all over my insides, falling forward and resting his head on my chest for several minutes before he went limp and released himself from me.  
I must have dozed off because after a while, I felt a hand upon my chin.  I looked up to find Bob smiling as he asked, “Hello, darlin’.  Are you ready for another go?”
What transpired then is between the three of us. That said, it would not be my final encounter with either Bob or Jim.
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shadow-dancing · 4 years
Guitar Man (Taeil)
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Listen: Guitar Man ; Every time I’m With You ; New Kid in Town
Genre: white collar worker!Taeil, guitarist!Taeil, some angst, moonlighting Words: 2, 217 
It was another crowded night at Pandora's Box, the pub in town that your uncle owned. Lately there has been a guitar playing man who was drawing in hoards of people to visit, & your uncle couldn't be happier by the boom in business. You weren't into pubs or bars—the stale air & smell of booze was a big turn off for your sensitive sense of smell, & the songs that usually blared at a billion decibels were not your cup of tea. Your uncle was singing this guitar man praises every night when he came home from work, & it was driving you slightly mad.
Your friend, Taeyong, was absolutely floored that you have never heard this person live when your uncle literally ran the place. "Come on, Y/N, the guy's great! Just go listen once, trust me."
You gave in after 3 weeks, & visited the establishment on a Monday night where you hoped the crowds would be less compared to the weekends. The pub air hit your nostrils like a sucker punch & you silently gagged as you made your way to the bar. You recognized the bartender, it was Johnny, the gentle giant whom you've known since your uncle opened the place about 3 years ago.
"Hey Y/N! What're you doing here?" Johnny asked with a wave. He was aware you were not a big fan of pubs.
"Came to see the newest sensation, of course," you smiled wryly, sitting gingerly on the bar stool.
"Ah, Taeil. He's great, the bars been busier than Times Square on New Year's Eve these past weeks. I think boss is considering hiring him permanently," Johnny nodded. "Have you eaten?"
"Not yet."
"I'll get Kun to make some fish & chips for you."
Soon you were tucking into your fish & chips with some iced Ribena. It was starting to get really crowded, & Johnny eventually got busy enough that he was making 3 drinks at the same time. You were tempted to leave; the amount of people in the relatively large space was probably over the maximum capacity at this point, & people had to jostle their ways around trying to find seats. At 7:45 the band that was playing stopped, said their thanks, & got off the stage. A relatively short young man, clad in a striped shirt under an oversized denim jacket & his dark hair side swept, took their place, a black guitar case slung over his shoulder & a bottle of water in hand. The crowd started murmuring excitedly, which gave you all you needed to know—this young man was Taeil. You were startled by his appearance when he turned around—he was wearing a white half mask to cover the upper half of his face.
Taeil adjusted the mic to fit his smaller stature, & perched on the stool that had been brought out for him. You watched as he produced an acoustic guitar from the case, & tuned it. He cleared his throat, took a quick sip of water, cleared his throat once more, & leaned into the mic a little.
"Good evening everyone—"
The crowd interrupted him with hoots & cheers. You rolled your eyes. Let the man speak, dammit.
Taeil smiled politely as the cheers died down. "I hope you all enjoy yourselves tonight."
You pushed aside your empty plate, sipping your drink. A hush fell over the crowd as Taeil started playing.
"Are we going insane? Do we need to explain? I feel like we know it."
Your heart leaped. Taeyong & Johnny were wrong—he wasn't just good, he was damn good. The crowd slowed their activities, their eyes trained on him as he sang. The kitchen grew quieter as Johnny & Kun paused a moment to listen.
"I could lose it all it won't be daunting Somehow I don't think I'd even care Cuz every time I'm with you I feel wanted We could make believers if we dared"
As he finished the song, the people sighed; some wiped their tears & kissed their significant others, while others wallowed in loneliness. Taeil realized the mixed reaction & wanted to stammer an apology, but the crowd burst into applause & screamed for another song. He took a swig of water & started on the next song.
"Baby I don't know why, but somehow I always seem to get tangled up in my pride"
Taeil's set ended at 9.30, much to the dismay of the crowd. He waved shyly as he hopped off the stage & disappeared through a back door. Johnny & Kun resumed their work. & you gulped down the rest of your drink. Taeil's set was over, there no longer was a reason to hang around. As you lay in bed later that night, your heart was still pounding, the sweet vocals resonating in you ears.
You found yourself at the pub after work the next day. Johnny looked up as you approached, & you knew he could tell you couldn't get enough of Taeil. At the same time as yesterday, Taeil took the stage at 7:45, & today he asked the band to accompany him as he played a rendition of Got My Mind Set On You, Oh Pretty Woman, & Part Time Lover.
"Okay break time everyone! I need to hydrate!" Taeil laughed, leaving the mic.
He squeezed past his adoring fans & made it to the bar, where he asked for some lemon tea. Johnny handed it to him, & he downed it pretty fast, almost choking on the ice.
"You okay?" You asked, offering some serviettes.
"Yeah, fine. Forgot my bottle," Taeil reassured. He flashed you a smile, before heading off to the stage again.
Taeil scrubbed a hand over his eyes as the sun started to hang low. Work was exhausting as always, & he was more than ready to just up & leave the place. He glanced at his watch—4:55PM. 5 more minutes & he could clock out. He looked around to see what his colleagues were up to; Jungwoo was yawning widely as he typed away at his laptop, Yuta was scrawling away busily on some paper, probably doodling, & Jaehyun had his earphones plugged in—Taeil could make out some TV drama playing on Jaehyun's Netflix account. Taeil exhaled, glancing at his watch again.
Another 2 minutes to freedom.
He pushed his papers aside, pulling out a binder full of guitar chords from his bag. He flipped through the sheets to find a song to play at the pub. Are You Lonesome Tonight seemed good for a first song, maybe for the second song he could play—
"Aw yes! Finally time to leave this place!" Yuta announced loudly, standing up to stretch his arms.
"Not so loud! Do you want the boss to hear?" Taeil hissed, putting a finger to his lips.
"He left like 45 minutes ago," Jungwoo pointed out, shutting off his laptop.
"What? Really?" Jaehyun asked, taking his earphones out.
"Seriously? I thought you were watching that stupid TV drama because you knew he was gone!" Jungwoo exclaimed.
"No, I watched it because I don't want to do work. Tomorrow's a holiday for heaven's sakes why are we even here when we could've taken the day off."
"Oh whatever let's just get out of here," Yuta grumbled, packing up. "The pool table at Daydream is calling my name."
"Taeil, you joining us for pool?" Jungwoo asked. "Yuta is gonna go up against Doyoung later."
"No it's fine, I have something to do tonight. I'll see you all tomorrow, bye," Taeil said as he walked out the door.
He quickly got into his car, & drove home for a quick rinse. He found a clean shirt & threw on a black jacket & was out the door again with his guitar in hand. He was glad the owner of Pandora's Box let him play; he was tired of the tedious routine of his work days, & playing for the crowd for 1.5 hours was the one thing he looked forward to everyday, even if it meant he had to take a 2 hour drive to the pub. He had chanced upon the pub after the previous place he used to frequent got shut down due to poor business. He didn't even realize the crowds got less, as he was so focused on his playing.
Traffic was lighter than usual today, to which Taeil chalked up to being related to tomorrow being a public holiday, & most probably took the day off to make it a long weekend. He parked in his usual spot, & entered the front discreetly. It was pretty early, so there were only a handful of people inside. Johnny, the bartender, looked up as Taeil approached.
"Hey man, you're early today," he noted.
"Yeah, traffic was good. Can I get some water?"
Johnny slid him a glass of water.
"Is that musician gonna play tonight?"
Taeil almost choked on his water as he accidentally eavesdropped on the conversation of the fellas at the table behind him.
"I should think so."
"Tsk. What's so great about him? He just sings songs & strums his guitar. Anyone can do it!"
"Uh, I mean, not everyone has the—"
"Pass me a guitar & I could sing as good as him."
"Can you even play guitar."
"Does it matter?"
"Yes it does, you nitwit."
Taeil was mildly amused by the exchange, but also by the fact they thought they might like to take his place. In no way did he believe he was superior over them, but being a musician wasn't as easy as prancing on the stage with a guitar.
He wowed the crowd as always that night, and at 9.25 he looked at his binder stuffed with sheet music. What shall his final song be?
You watched intently form your seat, Taeyong cheering next to you; Taeil was absolutely glowing tonight, & everyone was all ears. He sang Elvis, & even played Piano Man by Billy Joel. You noticed the crowd seemed to be a little thin today, yet it didn't faze Taeil. He adjusted his mask, & picked up his guitar. A familiar set of chords filled your ears, & you inhale deeply.
"There's talk on the street it sounds so familiar. Great expectations, everybody's watching you."
You bit your lip slightly. What could Taeil possibly mean by playing this song? Was it just a song for tonight or did he have some intention to sing it?
"Johnny come lately The new kid in town Everybody loves you So don't let them down"
The rest of the crowd did not seem to be worried by the song. After all, why should they? The guitar man was simply here to serenade them with his angelic vocals to help them forget about life for a while. You take a swig of your Ribena. You were probably just overthinking things. After all, this song was about fleeting romance. You glanced at Taeyong briefly, & he catches your eye. He smiles, & you feel your heart skip a beat.
"There's talk on the street, it's there to remind you Doesn't really matter which side you're on You're walking away, and they're talking behind you They will never forget you 'til somebody new comes along"
As the pub emptied for closing, Taeil sat at the bar with a glass of water. Johnny was mopping up the beer some patron had spilled all over the floor, grumbling about how uncouth some people can get. Kun was singing softly in the kitchen as he washed up the dirty dishes in the sink, while his kitchen assistants cleaned the stoves & countertops. Taeil thumbed the rim of his glass, suddenly tired. Boy was he glad tomorrow was a holiday cuz he intended to sleep in late.
"You did well today, Taeil," the bar owner said as he rearranged the tables & chairs.
"Thank you, sir."
"Is something wrong?"
"Not at all, sir, just tired," Taeil admitted.
"Not surprised, you did go all out tonight," the owner nodded. "If you're too tired to make the drive home I think Johnny can let you stay in his place, can you Johnny?"
Johnny gave a thumbs up.
"Nah, I think I'll be fine."
The lightbulb above Taeil flickered. The bar owner frowned at it, muttering he should get a replacement bulb for that. Taeil stayed until the owner had to escort his employees out. Sitting in the driver seat of his car, Taeil watched as the lights went out before starting his car. 
It was time to leave. 
"Is the Guitar Man coming back?"
"I don't know, maybe."
"I hope he does. He was fantastic."
Johnny looked up. The crowds were less now that Taeil hasn't returned to play for the past 5 days. The boss had called Taeil out of concern 3 days ago, lord knows what could've happened that night that he insisted on driving back despite his tiredness, & Taeil answered that he’s gone elsewhere to play. The boss was disappointed, but understood that sensations tend to fade out after their 15 minutes of fame. 
Johnny returned to his chores; he too had been disappointed to hear Taeil left to go elsewhere to sing. Maybe one day the guitar man would return. 
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The Pact - Part 7
Sam Winchester x Crowley’s Daughter!Reader
Gothic AU
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
A/N: This idea was a long time coming. My first true AU, so please be gentle. This will be a slow burn, multi-chapter fic. Incantation used in this chapter was taken from SuperWiki.
WC: 6.8K
Series Summary: Lord Samuel Winchester has lost the love of his life due to the actions of the Demon King, Crowley. As he plots secret revenge, his father, the King of Lawrence, decrees that Sam will wed Crowley’s daughter in order to unite the two families to protect the sacred ground the Winchester’s Kingdom is built upon.
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Crowley’s Daughter!Reader
Other Characters: John Winchester, Crowley, Rowena, Dean Winchester, Bobby Singer, Jessica Moore (deceased), Pamela Barnes
Series Warnings: 18+ only, mild language, violence, implied smut
“I think Dad and Crowley want to sacrifice your child to Eve.”
The bedroom chamber was so quiet, you could hear the distant sounds of children playing in the gardens rising up through the open window. Despite the gleeful sounds that played softly in the background, you felt as if the wind had been knocked free from your chest and felt your stomach drop. 
Looking between the Lords Winchester, you could see that Sam and Dean were also struggling with what had been revealed. You wanted to speak, had every intention to do so, but there was no air to propel any words forth.
“I--I don’t even know how to comprehend that, Dean. Why--What would make you think that our father could even entertain an idea like that?”
“Something I overheard… Look, Sammy, I don’t know what the Hell dad and Crowley are planning. I just know what I heard.”
“Which was?” Sam asked with exasperation.
“The only reason Crowley aided us with reinforcements, was because he’d made a deal.”
“Crowley, the King of Hell, make a deal? C’mon man, that’s just a Monday morning for him. What does that have to do with anything?”
“Because, part of this deal was Crowley promised Eve a new life. One created from the blood of her enemies.”
“Wh--Why? Why would she want that? She’s got all of Purgatory at her side. She has the ability to create whatever kind of life she wants!”
“Not a human life,” Dean shrugged in response. “But, I did over hear this from one of his demons, so take it with a grain of salt, wouldya?”
“Our father is a lot of things, but a monster that could sacrifice his own flesh and blood?”
“Sounds more like my father, than yours,” you replied softly. “Crowley would sacrifice anyone if it meant cementing his crown.”
“Even you?” Dean asked.
“Yes, even me.”
“Well, I guess I know who I’ll be nominating as father of the year,” Dean quipped and let his half smile fade as he made eye contact with Sam.
Sam pursed his lips tightly and sighed. “We need answers. Speculating what our father’s are up to won’t help anyone.”
“And how do you plan on getting that assurance, husband? Crowley won’t show here unless summoned. The King, if this is what is planned, won’t tell you. So, how--”
Sam grabbed your shoulder and gently turned you to face him. You did your best to stay stoic, but couldn’t help but so cracks beneath the surface. “I promise you, I will find out one way or the other. That’s the pact, right? We work together to uncover their plan--”
“Yeah, and don’t go making any babies until then,” Dean mumbled, and smiley shyly when you and Sam both looked at him with a quiet disdain. 
Yet, Dean’s words fell heavy on both you and Sam. Knowing how you had spent the night before, a quick glance between you two left a cold, numbing feeling in the pit of your stomach. Sam could almost read your mind, and gave your shoulder a loving squeeze. 
“We will get answers. But Dean’s right. Until we do, we will keep up appearances, but take no chances in creating a child.”
All you could do was nod slightly in response and present your husband with a demure smile. 
Dean cleared his throat to break up the moment. “I hate to pull your husband away, (Y/N) but I think he and I have some things to figure out before I have to leave for the Front again.”
“Wait,” Sam released you and quickly turned towards his brother. “What do you mean, go back? I thought you were home!”
“Just for a few days little brother. With Crowley’s reinforcements arriving, and the damage the rift storm caused, I can’t leave the Winchester Guard unprotected. Besides, we are actually making some headway having those black-eyed bitches with us. I hate to say it, but they are helping. I just don’t trust they won’t try and possess a few of our men if given the chance.”
Sam nodded in reluctant agreement. “I get it. It’s just, I could use you here.”
“I know, man. I do. But…”
“The greater good,” Sam replied with a half-defeated smile. “I guess we should go then, see what we can learn together while you’re here.”
“And don’t forget, plan a celebration…” Dean’s sarcasm wasn’t lost on you, but you were unsure of what he meant. 
“A celebration?”
“Yes, my father thinks we should have a large celebration, open the gates to the castle and allow the people of Lawrence to rejoice with us.”
“What’s the occasion?” you asked, not liking the sound of the King’s latest decree.
Sam signed and ran a hand through his long hair. “Our marriage and Dean’s return.”
“I see…” You hated the idea, but thought there was some way to use this to your collective advantage. “Well, one way or another we will make it work for us.”
Sam’s smile grew wide across his face, creating the cavernous dimples you had quickly come to love. “Yes, that’s exactly what we will do.”
Despite Dean’s presence, Sam pulled you into a loving embrace and held you tightly. Though your head was happily buried in Sam’s broad chest, you could feel Dean’s eyes watching you again. You understood his hesitancy in you, and your motives, but you wouldn’t let it ruin what you were building with your husband.
When you pulled back from the embrace, Sam turned back towards Dean and slapped his shoulder with one, large hand. “So, what do you say we go do a little digging.” 
Dean didn’t respond, but instead watched his little brother move towards the door to leave. He didn’t budge from his spot, or take his eyes off Sam. 
“Hey, you uh, you forgetting something?” Dean asked, arms crossed over his chest and watching Sam curiously.
Sam frowned in response and shook his head. “Don’t think so.”
“Well then you must be a witch yourself little brother. Because last I remember, you had yourself a shattered hip that barely let you learn to walk again. Now you’re basically sprinting out the door with no cane, no limp…”
Sam’s face fell instantly and lost color. then passed a nervous glance to you. Able to read his expression, you shrugged in return. ‘Should we tell him?’ ‘I guess… ‘
Sam sighed and snorted an anxious laugh. “Well, I’m not a witch but I am married to one. We got stuck in the rift storm, out in the Elven Woods. Found an old cottage and (Y/N) here worked her magic. Literally. I was able to walk with no pain, no limp… for days.”
“Days? That rift storm was weeks ago. You still look fine to me.”
“Last night, I applied a heavier dose of the ointment. Let it heat by the fire,” you paused and blushed at the memory of what happened after, “and this morning, he’s better than ever.”
“You let her work her hoodoo on you? Sammy, what were you thinking? She’s--”
“Listen here, Dean Winchester,” you interrupted, unable to hold your tongue any longer, “I understand your suspicions of me, I’ve lived with that stigma all my life just because of who my father is. But I grew up to have a mind of my own, and yes, I was taught witchcraft by the most powerful witch in all of Lawrence and beyond. Rowena MacLeod may have shown me the way of magic, but I learned a few things on my own, as well. Including love, compassion, and commitment to those in my favor. Your brother and I had a rocky start, yet we have come to a mutual understanding. If you can’t respect HIS choices in that, then I beg you to reconsider. Your brother is a wonderful man, and has been just as disrespected by his father, as I have been by mine. And if you truly believe, even for a moment, that I am capable of hurting him, well then, frankly, you’re a horses’ ass.”
Your impassioned speech fell heavy in the room for a few moments. From the corner of your eye, you could see Sam smirking. Dean’s expression, however, was more shocked than anything.
“Well alright then,” Dean finally said, “I suppose I could be wrong. Hell, hope I am.” 
You straightened your shoulders and stood as tall as you could. “You are wrong, Lord Winchester. Just you wait, you’ll see who’s side I’m on.”
Dean nodded and looked towards Sam. “Come on Sammy, let’s go see what Dad has really got cooking up with the King of Hell.”
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Shortly after they left the room, you sat down on the plush bed and sank back into the pillows. A flurry of thoughts and concerns raced through your mind, but as you tucked your arm over your head, hand beneath the pillow, you felt something hard and cool to the touch. Sitting up, you removed the pillows to see the vial that had once been around your neck to be stuck between the large, carved wooden headboard and the down mattress of Sam’s bed. 
A sigh of relief released from your lips; it was so audible you were afraid someone heard you out in the corridor. You clutched the vial to your chest and began to laugh softly. Slipping the cord back around your neck, you let the small bottle fall to your chest, then tucked it beneath your dress. Feeling its weight against your skin gave you more than just relief, it gave you an idea. Unsure if the pieces would fit together, you knew you had to find out. The one person who could answer your questions, was the same woman who taught you how to concoct potions in the first place. 
By the time the sun had hit the midday sky, you were reaching the entrance to the Elven Woods, and clutched at the old leather satchel slung over one shoulder. It was the first time you had ventured back to them since Sam had brought you there the day after the ceremony. ‘The day he tried to kill me,’ you thought. Shaking off the feeling of Sam’s blade against you, you took the first step through the archway to the woods.
As you made your way down the bumpy terrain, you came out to the majestic oak that grew at the fork in the path. It was just as radiant as you had remembered. The sunlight streamed down through its twisted maze of leaves and branches. You could feel its energy calling to you as it did to many magical folk in Lawrence. Somehow the magic you infused into the cream was able to break through the castle’s powerful warding. But the ritual you wanted to perform now, needed this extra boost of power. 
Pressing your hand against the rough bark of the trunk, you closed your eyes and felt the power that lived within its core. Focusing your mind towards that force, you began to feel it seep into your veins. When you finally opened your eyes, you felt a surge of magic like you’d never experienced and watched as the glow around your hand began to fade. It left you even more convinced that you were doing the right thing. Stepping back from the tree, you bowed your head in thanks, and continued down the right path that would lead you to the small cottage you’d found refuge in before. 
It didn’t take long before you could see the familiar shape of the roof peeking out through the trees. You took a last glance up at the sky, unsure if another rift storm would be lurking. Blue skies still reigned above, and you walked the last hundred steps towards the old place. 
You pushed in the door, and was immediately hit by the smell of the dried herbs lining the walls. It was warm and welcoming, and you began to find a love for the vibration you felt standing within its structure. Carefully lifting off the satchel you carried on your shoulder, you laid it down on the long wooden table and unpacked its contents.
Other than the noise you made setting up an altar, there wasn’t a sound to be heard.  Summoning another witch wasn’t exactly difficult, though it did require a certain amount of concentration. Grateful for the quiet, you lit the candles and began to break up the herbs and bones as the Grimoire had instructed. Holding your hands over the cauldron, you sprinkled in the last ingredient, conjured Rowena’s face in your mind and repeated the incantation. 
Upon finishing, a burst of purple light and blue smoke erupted from the old ceramic bowl, engulfing you in its haze. Waving your hands to help it clear, you began to smile the moment you saw a hint of Rowena’s bright red hair emerging through a small clearing in the fog.
“This best be important, dear. I was right in the middle of convincing the Prince of Wales that I was his long lost sister. That man’s money could’ve set me up for life…”
“I’m sorry, grandm--Rowena… but it is important.”
“You know, dearie, there are messengers to deliver important news. Did your father not teach you anythin’?”
Her words conveyed annoyance, but her expression gave you pause to think that maybe she wasn’t as bothered as she wanted you to believe. Rowena’s half smile, pulled into true grin as she surveyed your altar in front of her.
“Impressive. Seems as though you had a good teacher,” she replied smugly, and slowly made her way round to the side you stood on. “So tell me, why did you need to call on grannie?”
“I heard some things. Some details of the pact my father made with the King.”
“Oh?” Rowena’s curiosity was transparent, and as much as you respected her, you knew deep down you couldn’t trust her. “Do tell.”
“I… can’t. I have no reassurance that it’s true, though I do plan on protecting myself if it turns out to be a fact. What I need from you, is to tell me more about this…” you paused and withdrew the vial from beneath your dress.
Rowena took a small step forward and examined the bottle. A devilish smile unfurled on her petite face as her eyes came up to meet yours.
“Well, now, what do we have here?” Her eyes lit up as her painted fingertips carefully toyed with the glass. 
“It’s a love potion. I made it before we came here, in case I needed to protect myself from Lord Winchester.”
“Smart girl, though, poison and hex bags work better in my experience,” she shrugged and let it fall gently back to your chest. “Are you and Samuel getting along? Has he tried to hurt you?”
“Yes. we are getting along now, but he did try to kill me.”
“Yet, here you stand,” her smile grew even wider, “Clever girl… did you have to use that on him?”
“No, and don’t think I will. But…” you trailed off and turned back towards the altar. Pressing your hands against the wood of the table for support, you leaned forward and found the courage to tell her what you wanted to do with it. 
“If what I learned is true, I may need to use it on the King.”
“The King? Oh, please tell me you don’t mean your father…”
“Rowena, please. Of course not. I mean King Winchester. I am afraid the only sure fired way I can divert is his plans--”
“Is to make him fall in love with you?”
You nodded softly, and released your grip on the table. “I don’t want to. The idea of it gives me a sick feeling. But, if it's my last option, then I will do what I must.”
“Fair enough, dear. But where do I fit into this grand scheme of yours?”
“I took the spell from one of your books. I need to know the effects, if there is a curse attached, if I can break it if needed. I only mean to distract the King, not to become his bride next.”
“I don’t know, the King is at least easy on the eyes…”
“Please, don’t even suggest it. I was completely against this whole arrangement, but I have found a kindred spirit in Samuel. I’m sure part of my father’s intention was to have me tortured by this marriage, but really, he only did me a favor.”
“Don’t say that too loudly, you know that son of mine is always lurking. Knowing he did you a service, he may just snatch it right back from you.”
“I know, and it's why I hope I can trust you with this.” You paused and took Rowena’s hand, hoping that you could appeal to the side of her that felt fondness for you, and hatred for her son. “He’s your son… my father. We should be rooting for him, but at what cost? Look at what he’s already taken from both of us. You’re at his beck and call, and he had me marry his enemies, knowing they wanted me to burn solely for having the same blood run through my veins.”
Rowena seemed to be studying you, but you ignored her scrutiny. She stood quiet, contemplating the circumstances, then finally nodded. “You’re not wrong, my dear. My son is, to say the least, a vengeful little man. He’ll take any chance he can to destroy your happiness.”
“I know, that’s why I need to be proactive. So can you… will you, keep this to yourself?”
“Can I keep your motivations quiet? Yes, of course. But I cannot and will not help you with whatever plan you are conjuring. At some point, you have to be your own witch, dear. Can’t rely on dear old Rowena for everything.”
You thought you heard her wrong, but when she took a step back and made a demur shrug with her expression, you knew you hadn’t.
“I’m your granddaughter, and you refuse to help me? We’re family!”
“Oh, sweet child, what does family really mean? Because we share blood? One thing I’ve learned in this big, rotten world is that it means absolutely nothin’. Family is what you make it. Our bloodlines are poisonous, why do you think I sold Fergus off as a child? He was a rotten little twat. I needed to escape, or be put to death.”
Shaking your head slowly in disbelief, you turned back towards the altar. You could feel anger begin to boil under the surface, and for the first time in your life, felt the same hatred towards Rowena that you carried for your father. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N. But, I have to look out for myself. Think maybe it’s best if I disappear for a while. Go explore the world a bit. I do wish you luck,” she paused and gave a little smirk when she looked over your altar again. “Seems as if you know what you’re doin’.”
Before you could respond, Rowena mumbled a few words, and was gone. All that she left behind was a swirling mist of violet smoke, and her words ringing in your ears. 
‘...what does family really mean? Because we share blood? One thing I’ve learned in this big, rotten world is that it means absolutely nothing. Family is what you make it.’
“That’s probably the best thing you’ve ever taught me, grandmother.”
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You emerged from the Elven Woods just as the sun was reaching late afternoon. Despite its brilliance, you were left with a chill that ran through your bones. A feeling of certain dread that loomed on the horizon. Stepping across the threshold into the gardens, you took a moment to breathe, and lifted your face towards the warmth of the sun. Losing track of time, you weren’t sure how long you stood that way, just clearing your mind and letting its light wash over the darkness you felt in your gut. 
“Y/N? My Lady… are you alright?”
The older, gravely voice of the Winchester’s Maester brought you out of your unintended meditation. When you lowered your eyes, blinking away the bright spots behind them, you saw Bobby standing there, looking concerned and a bit puzzled. 
“Bobby… yes, I’m... “ you tried to say the word fine, but it wouldn’t seem to work. “...breathing.”
“Need a moment, did ya?” Bobby replied, slowly closing the distance left between you. “You look a bit pale, feeling alright?”
“Yes… well… no. But it’s not an ailment I’m afraid. No herbs or teas to fix this ache.”
“And what kinda ache is that, may I ask?” His tone had shifted from curious to suspicious.
You knew he was a trusted part of Samuel’s family; you had experienced that first hand when he allowed you use of his apothecary. But could you trust him with conspiring against his King in the manner of which you were considering?
“Revelation,” you said, and sighed softly. “Maester Singer… I know Samuel trusts you, so I am hoping I can as well.”
Bobby considered it for a moment, and nodded. “You can, long as you aren’t looking to hurt my boy.”
“Never. I have grown quite fond of Samuel, and hurting him is something I would never consider. Not anymore.”
“Glad to know we’re on the same page here. So, spill, what’s got you lookin’ like you just walked over your own grave?”
“Revelations… things I’ve heard. An unspeakable betrayal from those I thought were my family.”
“Well, considering who your dad is, can’t really say you should be surprised.”
“Not just him, Rowena, too. I asked her for help, and she threw me to the wolves.”
“Yes, I understand,” you interrupted and flashed him a look of annoyance.
“Alright, so if they can’t help ya, maybe I can. What is it exactly you need help with?”
“I need answers… I need to know if these things are true.”
“You can ask me. If I know, I’ll give ya an honest answer.”
Taking a moment to think before answering, you passed him a demur smile, and took a few steps around him, before turning back to face him. “I want too, Bobby. I do. But I fear asking puts you in a precarious position. I don’t want to do that to you. Samuel adores you, and frankly, I adore him. So, no, I cannot ask you.”
“Fair enough,” he replied, his brow furrowed in thought. “I may know someone who could help. A friend of mine is back in town. She’s been known to see what us mere mortals can’t.”
“Is she a Dreamwalker?” you asked, a burst of excitement creeping into your tone, despite your sense of being overwhelmed.
“No. But, she’s the best damned psychic I’ve ever known. People around here know her best as ‘The Oracle’. She travels ‘round helpin’ folks however she can. If you need answers, I am pretty sure she can get them for ya.”
“You would do that? For me?”
“You’re family, ain’t ya?”
For the first time in a while that day, you smiled a genuine smile. “Yes, I am. So, where do we find this friend of yours?”
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The journey to find the Maester’s friend didn’t take nearly as long as you thought it would. You didn’t want to be gone too long, or Sam may question where you went. Telling him your plans without all the answers felt dangerous somehow, but taking too long to divulge your thoughts could be just as dangerous. Rowena wasn’t exactly trustworthy, and who knew what she was liable to do with what you’ve already told her. Her agreement to keep it to herself didn’t exactly instill a sense of confidence in you.
Bobby seemed to sense your urgency, and had the horse drawn cart rumbling down the old dirt lane. But once he hit an offbeat path, overgrown with wildflowers and ferns, he eased up on the reins. 
“Almost there, Y/N. When we get there, I’ll make the introductions, but then I’ll wait outside. Been thinkin’ on what you said before, about not wanting to put me in the middle, and I do appreciate that. I may not always agree with John, but I did pledge my loyalty to his family. Sam and Dean, they’re just as much my boys as they are John’s. Hell, sometimes I think even more.”
He paused, and gave a quick glance your way. When you didn’t respond, he looked back towards the path ahead. “I’d give my life to protect both those boys. That includes protection from John, not that it would come to that. I know he’s rough around the edges, but--”
“But, he’s their father. I understand that, Bobby. Trust me, the last thing I want to do is destroy Samuel’s father. Despite their troubles, I couldn’t do that to my husband.”
“I’m glad to hear that. I can see that you are on his side, Y/N. It's why I’m helpin’ ya. I know John’s up to something, and my place in his court puts me at odds with how to handle it. So, if you need some answers, the least I can do is help you get to them.”
As Bobby guided the carriage round a bend in the path, you felt a surge of energy before the small house even came into view. When you saw it, you knew that was where he was taking you. You were so transfixed on the house, you barely noticed Bobby slowing down and calling the horse to a halt. It wasn’t until he set the reins around the hook and climbed down, did you realize that you were completely stopped.
You carefully stepped down, and waited for Bobby to join you before taking the short walk to the old, wooden door. Enamored by the energy pulsating from the house, you were both excited and nervous to step inside. 
Looking to Bobby, and swallowing thickly, you raised your brows and sighed, “Here goes nothing.”
The door opened before Bobby could knock. A tall, dark haired woman, dressed in a simple black dress with a plunging neckline stood before you. Her eyes were clouded white, but her smile beamed from ear to ear. 
“Bobby, I always love when you drop by,” she greeted and reached out for the Maester’s hand to pull him into a hug. 
“Pamela, beautiful as always.” He hugged her briefly and stood to the side. “This is Lady Y/N. She’s--”
“The wife of Lord Samuel. Oh, I know who she is. C’mon Bobby, I may be blind, the whole psychic helps with that,” Pamela laughed, and patted his shoulder before turning to you. “Now, let me get a look at you.”
Pamela reached out for your hand, and when you gently placed yours in it, she guided you inside.
“Alright ladies, I’ll be out here guarding Old Gus if ya need me.”
“Not joining us today, Bobby?” Pamela asked, slightly disappointed. 
“Not today. Today, Y/N needs some answers and whatever revelations she receives, are for her ears only.”
“I see,” she said, and turned her attention back to you. “Well then, Lady Winchester, let’s see what the spirits have to tell you.”
Pamela closed the door slowly behind you as you stepped further into her home, you drew in a deep breath of mixed herbs, candles, and sage. It was comforting and yet rejuvenated your energy, just as the old Oak did in the Elven Woods. 
“Please, have a seat.” Pamela motioned towards an worn, but cozy looking wooden chair, lined with plush red velvet. As she took her place directly at the round table, you slipped into the chair directly across from her and placed your palms flat on the table. 
“The energy in this place is inexplicably strong,” you mused, taking in more of the room. Candles were lit all around, some on table tops, some sitting atop tall iron candle holders. Over the table hung an iron chandelier, with more candles lazily flickering in a light breeze; yet you noticed no open windows. In the center of the small, round table, stood an iridescent purple crystal set in a sterling silver bowl filled with water. Admiring your surroundings, you settled into your seat with a sense of peace.
Pamela reached her hands towards the middle, palm up. You placed yours in hers once again, and could immediately feel the vibrations coming through her. When you looked up at her, meeting her clouded white eyes, a slight smile appeared on her face. 
“You’re a very powerful witch,” she said, then wrapped her fingers a bit tighter. “Taught, yes, but also born with the gift of magic.”
“My grandmother, Rowena. She’s a well known witch also born with innate magic. I suppose it comes from her.”
“I know of Rowena MacLeod. She’s… something alright. But your magic comes from a white witch. Your mother I believe.” She grew quiet, tuning in on your frequency, then nodded in confirmation. “Yes, your mother was a white witch. She’s passed, yes?”
“Y-Yes… I never knew my mother,” you replied softly, a twisted feeling bubbling in your gut. 
“Okay, close your eyes, Y/N. Focus your mind’s eye towards the crystal in the middle of the table.”
You did as told and waited for Pamela to begin. You could hear her breathing begin to slow, and nearly feel the rush of air she exhaled through her nose. 
“Amate spiritus obscure, te quaerimus, te oramus, nobiscum colloquere, aput nos circita. Amate spiritus obscure, te quaerimus, te oramus, nobiscum colloquere, aput nos circita."
Pamela repeated the chant a few more times, her will stronger each time. After the final pass, you opened your eyes and felt a cool air blew through the room, flickering the candles and casting erratic shadows to dance on the walls. 
“I call upon you, spirit, show yourself. I call upon you, spirit, show yourself!”
From beyond Pamela’s shoulder, a pale blue mist began to swirl slowly, eventually taking the loose shape of a woman. It floated towards Pamela, and seemed to ensconce her with its light. 
“Yes, I can hear you,” Pamela replied to a silent question. “Your name… to whom am I speaking…” She paused, awaiting a response. It felt as if time stretched on, but only a mere few seconds truly had. “Emmeline, yes, I understand. I give you permission.”
Though she had no external sight, Pamela’s gaze met yours for a moment, before she closed them tightly. When they opened again, gone were the clouded white orbs, and replaced by bright hazel eyes. You gasped at the change, then stared into them as if you knew them somehow. 
“Y/N,” Pamela spoke, but it was no longer her raspy tone; this voice was soft and gentle., “My daughter… you’ve grown up so beautiful.”
The whole change that unfolded before you, left you breathless. You reacted without thinking and tried to pull your hands away, but the spirit inhabiting Pamela’s body wouldn’t let go.
“Y/N, please....” the voice pleaded, “stay.”
You allowed her to hold your hands, and tried to think of what to say. But for all your questions, not only about her, but about how to handle the King, went out the window. All your mind could decipher was that despite all your magical knowledge and understanding, you were sitting and communicating with the spirit of your deceased mother. 
“How,” you whispered, “how is this possible? How do I know…”
“My sweet girl, you were born during a Harvest Moon, and I loved you from the moment I saw your face. Despite how you came to be…”
Recoiling slightly, you slowly shook your head. “I--I… I don’t know what that means. I have so many questions…”
“I don’t have long. Breaking through the veil isn’t easy, so I will try to answer what I can for you, child.”
Suddenly, everything you had come there seeking in the first place went out the window. Your blank mind began to grasp at the information you needed, but all you could think was that you were sitting across from a woman you longed to know your whole life. 
“I don’t know where to begin. My father would never speak of you. Grandmother, either. They would ignore me, or change the subject. Why? Why wouldn’t they tell me about you?”
The spirit didn’t reply. Instead she let go of your hand and raised Pamela’s fingers to rest upon the center of your forehead. Instantly you were hit with a surge of energy that felt like lightning racing through your body. Gasping for air, your vision went dark, and a series of images played out in your mind’s eye. Fragments of your mother’s memories poured into your knowing as the pictures flashed before you. 
Seeing her in her natural state was breathtaking. Emmeline had been a uniquely beautiful woman; her hair the color of spun gold, deep dimples--much like Samuel’s--when she smiled. You could see some resemblances of yourself in her, and it helped to settle the feeling of uncertainty you had rising in your gut. Seeing your mother, in her own body, practicing witchcraft at her own altar… the room filling with black smoke and taking over her body… Crowley entering the chambers and having his goons smash her altar to bits. 
Another flash… Crowley and her mother, now possessed by one of his minions, in bed together laughing maniacally at the despicable things they did and were planning to do. Another… her mother’s body, very pregnant, still possessed, but now she could hear her mother’s consciousness screaming to be let free, for the demon to leave her and her child alone. 
The images were coming faster now - death and destruction following Crowley and Emmeline’s body while she was carrying you inside her. Emmeline’s body on a dungeon floor, her eyes completely black and laughing as she gave birth to you. Then finally, one last image… this one was slow and lingered behind your eyes, as you watched the black smoke clear Emmeline’s mouth. Her body crumpled to the floor, but she was still alive and breathing slowly as she looked up to see Crowley holding a tiny bundle in his arms. 
 “Well done,” Crowley cooed to the heap of a woman on the floor as he stared down as his newly born child. “I promise, your efforts will not go unrewarded.”
“You can’t...take.. her,” Emmeline managed to squeak out. She pulled herself up to her feet, wincing in great pain as she found her footing. “She’s MY DAUGHTER!”
“Sorry, love. She;s mine. But, I can promise you, I will make sure she’s put to good use,” Crowley looked at the baby in his arms and smiled wickedly. “Papa has big plans for you, doesn’t he?”
Emmeline watched in horror as he lifted one of his hands from cradling the baby. Crowley ticked his head to the side and snapped his fingers. Emmeline began to choke, as her mouth began to spill blood down her dirtied and bruised form. 
“Don’t…. Do…. this…..”
“Too late. It’s done.” He watched as Emmeline drowned in her own blood and frowned when she ceased making any noise. Her body fell back to the ground, her once beautiful, vibrant eyes now vacant and cold. “Well, that was anticlimactic, wasn’t, Y/N? That’s okay, daddy still picked a good witch to bring you into this world. Me and you, we are going to do great things together.”
As the vision faded and your eyes readjusted to the somber lighting of Pamela’s cottage, you could feel the sting of fresh tears soaking your flesh. Pamela’s body was sitting back fully in her chair, but you could still see Emmeline’s eyes looking back at you. 
“I’m sorry to have to have showed you that, but you needed to know. Your father is a monster. I tried so hard to break free from that demon’s control, but I was helpless.”
The candles began to flicker before you even felt the icy cold breeze blow through the room. Your breath became visible in the air, and it made Emmeline’s spirit panic. 
“No… I need more time!” she yelled, half in her own voice, and half in Pamela’s. Pamela’s body jerked forward, then back against the chair hard knocking the spirit free from her body. The same swirling blue mist filled the room, ricocheting from the ceiling to the floor, to the corners and back again while Pamela’s chin hung to her chest, her palms still laying flat on the table. 
As quickly as she appeared, Emmeline was gone, leaving you feeling a sense of emptiness and dread. To have come so close to your mother, only to have her taken away again added a vat of fuel to the fire that burned inside you. The fire you would use to burn your father, and his Kingdom, to the ground. 
The temperature began to rise and the candles finally steadied from the whirlwind that just blew around them. Pamela was starting to come to, slowly raising her head until her white eyes met yours. 
Still shaken from the entire experience, her blank stare was starting to unnerve you. “Pamela?”
“I’m okay,” she said softly, her signature rasp still enough for you to know it was really her and not spirit. “That was… intense.” She reached across for your hand again, and though you honored her request, part of you was afraid to touch her again. “Your mother, you spoke with her? She showed you what you came here for?”
“Yes, she showed me…”
Pamela squeezed your hand and closed her eyes. “But not everything--”
Before she could continue, she was interrupted by a knock at the door, and the old wooden beast being slowly pushed open, allowing the day’s fading light to fill the room.
“Hate to interrupt the girl talk,” Bobby spoke up cautiously as she stepped over the threshold, “but are you ladies almost done? Day’s wasting here, and if Y/N doesn’t get back to the castle grounds before dark, I’m going to have some explaining to do to the King himself.”
You nodded in solemn agreement. You had come here for answers, though the ones you received weren’t exactly what you had been seeking. Unsure of how to process what you had learned, you turned to Pamela and smiled wanly. 
“Thank you, Pamela,” you started, and felt the rest of the words catch in your throat. “I--” expelling a deep sigh, you rose from the table and tried again. “I can’t thank you enough for what you’ve given me.”
“But you didn’t get everything you came here for,” she replied, then stood up from her own chair. Pamela walked around the table with great ease for a blind woman, finding you immediately and putting both of her hands on your shoulders. 
Pamela pulled you into a warm embrace and gave you a caring squeeze. Before she completely let go, she allowed her lips to linger near your ear for a brief moment and whispered, “The baby you’re carrying is going to be blessed with great power. It will be up to you to keep him balanced and not let the scales tip in Crowley’s favor.”
Jerking away from her, your eyes snapped up to meet hers as a small smile unfurled on her lips. She gently laid one of her long fingers against her lips. “Shhhh… that baby needs to be your secret, or danger will find him long before he’ll need to pledge his allegiance.”
“Ladies? Everything okay?” Bobby asked from where he still stood in the doorway. 
“Everything’s fine Bobby,” Pamela replied, looking over your shoulder to flash Bobby her signature smile and wink. “She’ll be right along.” When her false eyes looked back on you again, her smile faded. “Keep him safe, and this child will one day sit on the King’s throne.”
“Y/N, I hate to bust this party up, but we really have to go.”
Still in a complete state of disbelief, you turned just enough to see the Maester impatiently waiting for you and nodded. “I’ll be right there.”
He threw up his arms and shrugged, before turning and heading back outside. 
“Y/N,” Pamela said, and turned your chin so you were again focused on her. “I know you have more questions, I know you were seeking truths about the potion, and a plan to use it. Whether you chose to follow through or not, it will not change the outcome of what’s meant to be.”
“And what is that? What IS meant to be?” you pleaded. “And how could I already be pregnant? Samuel and I, we just… it was one--”
“What is meant to be is already in motion. It was put that way the moment you and Samuel came together. Twin flames, though born of different fires, can still come together to create a force of nature.” She paused, and gently rested her hand on your belly. “And this boy, he will be a force of nature.”
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Series Tags: @theplaid-wearingmoose / @zombiewerewolfqueen / @silkiechicken / @collette04 / @katiecurls75 / @death-unbecomes-you / @colie87 / @roxytheimmortal / @klanceiscannon14 / @voltage-my2dlove / @flamencodiva / @xhannahbananax03 / @babykalika2001 / @traceyaudette /  @winchester-wifey @pilaxia​ 
Sam Winchester: @buckyscrystalqueen​ / @unabashedsoul97​
SPN (all): @wings-of-a-raven / @negans-wife / @kazosa / @deans-baby-momma / @hobby27 / @breereadsthings / @maddiepants / @sorenmarie87 / @screechingartisancashbailiff / @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ / @unlikelygalaxyiver / @linki-locks11 / @stoneyggirl / @clarinette07 / @lefthologramdeer / @destielhoneybee / @faughnphotography / @katehuntington / @81mysteriouslyme / @mrswhozeewhatsis / @deathofmissjackson / @lauravic / @akshi8278 / @rebelminxy / @idreamofplaid / @fictionalabyss / @blackcherrywhiskey / @his-paradox / @closetspngirl / @sorenmarie87 
53 notes · View notes
purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by nadine07
First Name: Robyn.
Middle Name: I don’t think I’ve shared it on here and I doubt I will.
Last Name: Not providing it either but it starts with a C.
Birthdate: April 21st.
[..First Things First..]
What was the first thing you did after you got up? I rushed to the rooftop so that I could see the sunrise. I also got in the random mood to do a time-lapse of it, but the sun took forrrrrrrr-freaking-ever to come up entirely. I was holding up my phone for like 15 minutes and nothing was happening, so I quit halfway through lol.
What was the name of your first pet? Goldie, because it was a goldfish.
Who was your first big crush? Gabie, I would say.
Where was the first place you drove after you got your license? Chelsea’s 18th birthday dinner was scheduled right after I happened to get my license, and the event took place in a small, quaint little restaurant in Marikina. 
There’s a bit of a funny story here, too – Aaron needed a ride to get there and so I offered to drive him. I picked him up and we were having small talk in the car, and he asked me how long I’ve been driving. I told him that moment was my literal first time driving out and that I just got my license the day before, and he is my first-ever passenger (at that point I’ve never even tried driving solo yet). The horror and immediate distrust on his face was something I will never forget HAHAHA. We got to the place unharmed, but it’s still one of my favorite stories to tell.
Who was your very first friend? It was a kind girl named Kaye back in kindergarten. We were always next to each other in our class lists, so it was inevitable for us to befriend one another. She transferred schools in first grade and I have not seen nor heard from her since.
What was the first thing you ate today? I had another bag of salted egg chips. I’m extremely hooked, lmao.
What was your first job? I work as an associate at a PR agency.
Name something red in the room you are in: We have an unopened bottle of wine here on the dining table and there’s still a red ribbon wrapped around it.
Is orange one of your school's team colors? No, neither of my schools had orange as one of its colors.
How many yellow shirts do you own? I can think of 5 tops hanging out in my wardrobe at the moment. Two of them are class shirts from high school; the others were tops I bought when I started getting into mustard yellow.
Name someone you know who drives a green car: I believe Angel, a classmate from high school who also studies in UP, also drives a Mitsubishi Mirage, albeit a lime green one.
Is it a blue sky outside right now? Yes for the most part, but the sun is setting soon so the sky is bound to change into many pretty colors as it usually does at this time of the day.
What is the first thing that pops into your head when I say 'purple'? Barney the dinosaur, and ube.
Are the walls in the room you're in white? Yes, all our walls indoors are white.
Does black make you think of depressing things? Not always, but if used specifically in that context, it definitely helps boosts the mood.
Jewelry: gold or silver? Silverrr, always.
[..Phone Stuff..]
Who is your provider? Nothing you would be familiar with, but I use Globe.
How long have you had your current phone? It’ll be three years this year. It would be nice to upgrade, but I’m also still happy with my current phone so it doesn’t really matter to me.
What did your last text say? The last one that came through that didn’t come from my mobile services provider was from someone in the media. It was his birthday last Friday and I messaged him if he’d like to receive a gift from us, on behalf of one of our clients; he just replied with his confirmation and details.
If you woke up naked next to the last person to call, would it be awkward? Yep and I’d feel like throwing up almost immediately.
Was your last missed call male or female? It was from my mom.
Who is your 10th phone contact? It’s from Jum, who I realize is still listed as Ate Jum on my phone. That’s cute hahaha; I must have gotten her number when we weren’t super close yet. Anyway, she’s been super MIA for like the last two years...basically, ever since she graduated. I believe she has also since moved back to Bicol, so it’s become virtually impossible to see her again. Bums me out and I look forward to the day we somehow end up in the same room once again.
How did you meet them? I met her in my very first journalism major class. I had mixed feelings towards her at first since I found her to be super loud in class, and I initially thought she would only be a one-time classmate and nothing more; but I got to know her more and we even ended up as orgmates, and it turns out she is literally the most hilarious person I know.
Are you related to your 17th phone contact? I have absolutely no clue who it is. I no longer remember what led to it, but Gabie and I swapped the SIM cards in our phones at one point, and for some reason it made me have access to her contacts; the 17th contact on my phone is someone from her list. And since I never hang out in my Contacts app, I’ve never gotten around to deleting those extra numbers I received.
How long have you known your 1st phone contact? Around 6th or 7th grade. I can’t remember the exact grade level she transferred to my school as a new student.
When was the last time you saw them? It’s been at least a year. I remember seeing her on campus very briefly when I was on my way to a certain building for class, while she was walking out of it.
Who is your 4th phone contact? LMAO, again, it’s from her contact list. Said person is one of her older cousins, I believe.
Have you ever kissed that person? No, and that is very weird and uncomfortable to think about.
When was the last time someone drunk dialed/texted/left a voicemail? Andi drunk messaged me a few months ago. November, I think.
Who is your #1? No Myspace but I’d say my top best friend is Angela.
How long have you known them? It will be 16 years this year.
Have you ever kissed? Oh my gosh, hell no. It would be like kissing a sister haha. She’s super affectionate and will sometimes kiss my shoulder or cheek, though.
Are you dating this person? No, never did and never desired to.
Do you have nicknames for each other? Not really exclusive to each other, but I call her Anj (and only a few people call her so) and she will occasionally call me Reben or Rolayn, both from past inside jokes.
What is your #2's full name? I am not sharing that, but I refer to them as Andi (you may remember them as Andrew from the past times I’ve mentioned them).
Do they live within 20 minutes of you? If there is zero traffic, I can probably make it to their place within that timeframe, yeah. But realistically, no they don’t.
How did you meet? We initially met in an anti-Marcos protest/rally – I approached they first because they had a wrestling shirt on, heheh – and that’s when I learned we were from the same college. But they rubbed me off the wrong way from our first meeting as they were too extroverted for my liking, and I spent a good chunk of time ignoring him whenever we crossed paths, lmfao. Eventually we were put in the same class at some point, and they even joined my org, and an intensely close friendship started from there.
Could you live with this person? Sure. I think they would never be a boring roommate.
Who is your #3? I’m gonna go with Kate for this one.
Where are they right now? I have no idea. We don’t really catch up with each other’s lives on a regular basis; we have a very chill, low-maintenance friendship.
When is this person's birthday? January 1st.
Has this person ever seen you naked? I don’t think so.
What is your #4's full name? I don’t think I have a 4th-tier best friend haha, but I’m gonna pick Tina.
When did you last see them? Last year, on the last normal day I was able to be on campus. She was set to present one of her projects at a journalism conference that was taking place in campus that day, but I was able to hang out with her for a short time before the event.
Have they ever dated one of your other friends? No. I knew she had a crush on someone from the college, though.
Do you know their favorite movie? I’m not sure about her favorite movie but I do know she loves Adam Sandler. I was never able to figure out if her interest was ironic or genuine but yeah, she enjoys a good number of his works.
What time is it? 6:20 PM.
Are you supposed to be doing something other than this? I wouldn’t say so. I do have deliverables for work but since it’s the weekend, I’m not thinking about them nor do I have the desire to touch those tasks until Monday.
Do you live on your own or with your parents? I live with my family. Considering my monthly income, it’d be close to impossible to sustain myself in my own place this early in my adult life.
Are you more of a cat or a dog person? Dog, for sure.
Are you allergic to anything? I don’t believe so.
Does your shirt have anything written on it? Yeah, it says “UP Fighting Maroons” styled in a varsity font since that’s the term for our sports team.
Have you ever tie-dyed something? I have, but only back in like Grade 6 when we had to do it for a home ec class. I remember wanting to buy a tie-dye set recently so I could revisit the activity, but I never got around to it.
Who can you always count on to cheer you up? Angela for the most part; but I also don’t want to be too reliant on my friends in this way. Sometimes I simply allow myself to be sad or upset, and sometimes I count on myself to cheer up.
How many places have you been today? I have been nowhere but at home today lol. I’ll be going to BGC tomorrow to have lunch with my godfather and my cousins, though.
Are you a forgiving person? No.
When was the last time you felt let down? Last night when I read the news that the government will be making All Souls’ Day, Christmas Eve, and New Year’s Eve working days this year. I already know I’ll be half-assing my way through those days lmao because whyyyyyyy the fuck would you make people work on family-centric holidays such as those
What is the title of the nearest book to you? There are no books here at the rooftop.
Are you wearing anything that belongs to someone else? Nope.
Can you whistle? Only through my lips. I can’t do the kind of whistle where you put your fingers in your mouth as well.
Do you look more like your mother or your father? My mom.
Are you still in high school? I’m well past that chapter.
Are you the oldest, middle, youngest, or an only child? I’m the eldest.
Has anyone ever told you that you talk in your sleep? No, because I don’t.
How many people have you kissed this year? None.
Is there anyone of the opposite sex you trust fully? Hmm, no one comes to mind.
Are you a night owl or an early bird? More of a night owl.
If you could have an exotic pet, what would it be? No thanks. I’ve never had the desire to have one.
Would you rather go to Brazil for the weekend or Finland for a month? I’d have to go with Finland. I feel like the cultural differences would be a lot more marked, plus the vacation is longer so that is an instant win for me.
[..And Finally..]
Where did you go the last time you drove somewhere? I was driving to the local coffee shop to spend some time with myself, and do a liiiiiiiittle bit of work as well.
Where did you last go out to eat at? Ramen Nagi. I was initially hesitant to show up there and ask for a table for one on a Sunday evening...but it turned out to feel incredibly empowering and freeing. It was definitely awkward at first, but it got a lot easier once I realized literally no one gives a fuck. Or if they did, they didn’t do anything about it and let me mind my own business. That evening was a crucial step in reclaiming my happiness, so I’m glad I made the choice to suck it up and enter the restaurant.
When was the last time you let someone borrow something from you? Last week, when Angela needed our abaca mat as an aesthetic for her grad shoot.
Was your last breakup a bad one? Yes.
What was the last song you listened to? Just checked my Spotify and the current song I have on pause is Descansos by Hayley Williams. 
What was the last movie you watched? Midsommar.
Did your last kiss happen in a public place? Not technically, but it did take place outside of my house so we were outdoors for some neighbors to see.
How did you meet the last person to leave you a comment? It was Andi, and I already explained how we met earlier in this survey.
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cilldaracailin · 4 years
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
Hello weekend! And all my lovely Tumblr’s! I know I am happy to see this weekend and plan to sleep for most of it.
But before that happens, I am here to post the next part in this story.
The pictures for this one are actual photo’s I have taken from the St. Patrick’s Day parade in my home town and shows the same view point that Robyn and Taron would have.
Hope you all enjoy. Thanks so much for all the love and comments! :)
Suze xxx
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“Sometimes you just have to jump in a mud puddle because it's there. Never get so old that you forget about having fun.”
Once they had pinned their shamrock plant on the left side of their jackets and pulled them on, the typical Irish weather threatening to literally rain on their parade, Taron draped his flag back over his shoulders, leaving his hat on the bed, deciding he wasn’t going to need it. He felt completely safe in Robyn’s home town and together they walked into what was called ‘The Square’ in Kilcreen, Robyn taking up her usual viewing spot at the top left corner of the The Square, the best spot in her opinion, standing with Taron behind the metal barriers that stopped the spectators from getting onto the road.
“Well this is a different viewpoint for me. I am normally the one on the opposite side of these.” Grinned Taron.
“I am counting on you to catch the packets of jellies that are thrown into the crowd Taron. You need to stretch and grab and get me some. I miss out every year ‘cos I am too short and they are thrown over my head.”
“Robyn, those jellies are for the children.”
“I am someone’s child and I want jellies.” Pouted Robyn.
Taron laughed at her pout and was waiting for her to stamp her foot at him, but his laugh turned to a smile and he moved a little closer to her. “I will try to catch a packet for you but only if you share with me.”
“Robyn!” They both looked up to see Robyn’s mam Lizzie walked towards them. “You giving my spot to Taron?”
“There is enough room for both of you.”
Lizzie grinned and continued to walk around the barriers to move in to stand beside Taron, who she gave a hug too. “Nice to see you again and haven’t you come prepared.” She said taking in his completely green outfit, jacket included and Irish flag around his shoulders.
“Robyn told me I had to dress in green.”
“Oh she did, did she?” Lizzie looked past him to her daughter who was smiling. “What else has she told you Taron? That you have to put green hair dye in your hair too?”
“No.” Interrupted Robyn. “That was all his doing.”
“I saw that Robyn had some so I got some too.”
“And the shamrock tattoos?”
“You know that comes out every year Mam.”
Lizzie looked at the two beside her and was jumping around with delight on the inside to see Taron and her daughter together once again. Despite her initial concerns and even though she still had a few, it was a relationship she was routing for and was more than happy to see them standing close together, sporting the same shamrock tattoos on their faces.
Taron excused himself as his phone rang and took a few steps back to answer the call, letting Robyn and her mam move a little closer to each other.
“He looks exhausted.” Whispered Lizzie to her daughter.
“He is. Absolutely shattered. He’s been prepping for a new film and there have been a lot of long days and hours for him over the weekend. He was working right up until he had to leave for the airport last night.”
“But yet he still made it here for you.”
“I told him not too mam but he insisted. Changed his flight.”
“For you.” Lizzie grinned.
“Don’t start.” Moaned Robyn.
“You two are spending a lot of time together lately. You have seen each other every month since you met and he has been very kind to you with his invites.”
“Got another one yesterday.”
“And where is he whisking you off to this time?”
Robyn rolled his eyes and gave her mam a look of disapproval. “He is not whisking me anywhere mam. Just asked me to go with him to his movie premier in London.”
“And of course I am going to go. He asked me to go with him.”
“Another beautiful dress too?”
Robyn sighed. “Probably.”
“And hotel stay?”
“More than likely.”
“And pictures in the newspapers.” It was the one part of her friendship with Taron that worried Lizzie. Snaps from her latest adventure with Taron on the red carpet had been mostly well received but even when her daughter kept away from social media, Lizzie couldn’t help herself and was disgusted at what she had read, needing a serious chat with her daughter for her to explain exactly how Taron’s publicist actually dealt with any media backlash. Lizzie was also just as mad as Robyn was when the article appeared online before Christmas, the Irish woman ready to follow her daughter to New York when she had heard what Taron had done, honesty thinking Robyn gave into Taron much too easily, letting him off the hook but when he did such a quick and thorough job of getting his publicist to sort the mess out, her anger faded a little. Then when Taron sat in her kitchen after New Year’s, she could see the developing chemistry between the two, the same spark they had when she had first met Taron and if Robyn trusted him, Lizzie was prepared to do so too.
“Just comes with him Mam.”
“And you go where he goes.”
“Yep especially when he has asked me to go.” Robyn turned to face her mother. “He changed his flight and came straight from work to see me, to spend less than two days with me because he promised me he would be here if he could. He did that, not me. He is coming to see me in RENT, the least I can do is accompany him and support him with his premier and I want to go mam. I want to be there for him.”
“And so you shall. You are good with him and I think he needs someone like you to look after him. You are going to have to introduce me to his mother at some point Robyn. I would very much like to get to talk to her.”
Robyn smiled a little nervous grin. “He hates it when I have what he calls girl talk with Tina, his mam.”
“I really think us mothers could do with some girl talk of our own.” Lizzie gave her daughter a hug. “You know I trust your judgement and always have and made sure I raised you with morals, independence and responsibility. I can see how connected you two are but I need you to make sure that he does not hurt you again. I won’t have it Robyn. I also installed in you compassion, caring and love and I can see you giving your all to that man but make sure you get the same love and respect back Robyn because you deserve it as much as he does.”
“He does mam. Taron is a wonderful man and he looks after me too. I promise.”
With the assurance she was looking for, Lizzie let go of her daughter. “I can see how he looks at you but I really need to make sure he does.”
Robyn took her mother’s hands. “I told about his speech in the car in London and you know how he has worked his arse off to keep my name from the media as much as possible with his publicist and he is ridiculously affectionate.”
“New Year’s Eve’s kisses?”
Robyn let go her hands. “You know that was on me and not him.”
“Bet he didn’t protest though.”
“And here we go again.” Robyn took a step back so she could really look at her mam. “Taron is a remarkable caring man who despite his and mine faults and how we clash sometimes, he has been nothing but a friend to me.”
“A friend?” Grinned Lizzie.
“Yes mother a friend. My best friend.”
“Ok then.”
Robyn rolled her eyes. “I cannot even begin to explain it to you.”
“Well start because a mother needs details!”
“Details?” Taron walked back over to the two, a little smirk on his face hearing some of the slightly heated tones of voice from his friend. “Details about?”
“Your Kingsman premier.” Robyn interject before her mother could say anything. “I was just telling her about the invite you gave me last night.”
“It sounds exciting. Going to a movie premier.” Smiled Lizzie not missing the exchanged looks between the two but followed with the change of subject her daughter made.
“Naturally I was going to invite Robyn to go with me. She is the reason I was able to finish filming in the first place and she’s a pro at the red carpet now.”
Some cheering made them all turn their heads and they saw a garda car slowly driving down the road, the indication that the parade was on the move and would be moving through the main street very soon.
With the distraction and Robyn’s mam’s attention now taken by the person standing on the opposite side, Robyn linked her arm with Taron’s, pulling him a little closer to her. “You ok?”
“Taron.” Robyn warned. She felt the heavy sigh that came from his chest. “What’s wrong?”
“Just some scheduling conflicts.”
“I will be here for RENT, Robyn. I promise.”
“Taron…” Robyn didn’t get to ask what has actually happened as she was pulled in for a tight hug, Irish flag and all as Taron buried his face into her shoulder. Robyn freed her hands from the flag so she could get one to the nape of his neck and one around his back. “Hey Taron. It’s ok.” Robyn felt the second weighty sigh against her.
“I fucking hate my job sometimes.”
His words made her smile a little. “Talk to me rocketman.”
“Phone call was from Matthew. He knew I needed the Friday off to come and see you and some PR stuff got organised that weekend, so we’ve just had to shuffle some interviews around.”
“I thought your PR stuff didn’t start until that Monday.”
“That bulk of it and traveling but some radio interviews were slotted into that weekend and the week before and Matthew just wanted to see what my plan was.”
“Taron you know your work comes before…”
He quickly let go of her and placed his hands on her shoulders, a little more roughly then he meant too. “Absolutely not.” He said sternly. “This was something I told Matthew about during the whole audition process. I will be there front and centre cheering you on.” Taron lifted his hands from her shoulders and used his index fingers to try to lift the corner of her lips. “It’s sorted Robyn. I will just need to leave on Saturday instead of Sunday to fit the interviews in.”
Even as he tried to make Robyn smile, her lips stayed in a sad downward position. She took his hands from her face and held them tight in her hands. “Your work comes first.” She said quickly.
“No Robyn not for this. This was something I had planned weeks ago and it was planned around my promotion and I am not missing your performance. There would be no Kingsman movie if it wasn’t for you.”
“Please tell me you did not say that to Matthew.”
“No Matthew said it to me. He was the one to jumble things around with some help from Lyndsey. He just wanted to let me know about Sunday. I am sorry our time will be cut short. Fucking usual shit.” Taron spat the last words.
“Taron…” Robyn let go of his hands placed her hands on his face, her thumbs immediately rubbing his cheeks. “Stop and take a breath.” Frustrated green eyes stared at her. “I am serious. Take a breath. I am not going to let go of your face until you do as I ask and you know how well known I am in this town. People are going to start to talk, not too mention my mother, who is already asking questions about us.” She whispered, leaning a little closer to him. She felt the two deep breathes he took. “Ok. So, we lose out on Sunday but we still have some of Saturday, right?” He nodded. “And we will take one night together over no nights together?” Another nod. “And you still get to see RENT and have a cosy duvet sleep before your promotion really starts and then we have the premier and that is three nights Taron.” As she spoke Taron’s whole body visibly relaxed, the tension he carried gone from every part of him. With her thumbs, she copied what he had done to her and pushed the corner of his lips up, her actions making him really smile as he sighed.
“How do you do it.” He asked her his hands going onto hers on his face.
“Do what?”
“Just knock some sense into me.”
“Just lucky I guess.” She answered him. “Please don’t start worrying over things that haven’t happened yet Taron. Matthew knows how much you want to come and see me in RENT and it sounds like he worked a little magic to make it happen but you can’t help the twists and turns that life brings us and this just is one.” Robyn took her hands from his face and her voice turned a little quiet and troubled. “Taron, I love that you want to do these things for me and support me but don’t forget that your health comes before anything.”
“I am serious Taron. This constant tiredness is not good for you and with your work getting busier, you need to look after yourself, especially when I am not there all the time to do it for you. I can get to you easier than you can get to me and if we need to switch up who visits who, we are doing it. I refuse to be a reason to add to your fatigue.”
“I am used to it Robyn. It’s not my first rodeo.”
Robyn frowned. “Yeah I know and I don’t like it.”
Her answer made him smile. “You sound so like my parents. Just comes with the traveling chicken.”
“Still don’t like it.”
Taron grinned and Robyn found herself wrapped up into another hug, Taron gently rocking her from side to side. “You’re adorable and this tour I have my throw. I sleep like a baby with it and you are right about the worrying. It’s just what I do, especially when it comes to work but I will try to let some of it go. I can only try.”
“It’s all I ask for. Is Matthew travelling with you?”
“Why good?” Taron chuckled.
“Because he thinks a little like I do and I can count on him to look after you.”
“I am able to look after myself Robyn. I was actually doing that before I met you and was doing a pretty good job. Now granted I didn’t get fed rainbow coloured food but I managed.”
Robyn broke the hug and pushed him away from her laughing. “I am slowly seeing a pattern here of why you keep me around. Cosy sleeps, blue dinosaurs and rainbow food.”
“Don’t forget about the rainfall shower, the corner of your couch and most importantly head massages and now shoulder ones too.”
It was laughter that filled the air, taking the attention of Lizzie and the people standing next to them as Robyn and Taron, giggled with each other, whispered words between them as they stood close together. “I just want you to look after yourself. I am invested Taron and you know that.”
“Invested?” He grinned, grinning wider as Robyn pushed him away from her once more. “I know Robyn and I will try but the promotion is tiring for me. It’s just natural that I get a little run down from all the travelling and long days.”
Robyn never got to answer him as the first people walking in the parade were cheered on by the crowd around them and Taron’s attention was immediately taken away as he took a step to the barrier. “Ok chicken, start commenting.”
Shaking her head, Robyn moved to stand closer to Taron’s left side, while Lizzie was on his right and Robyn explained every single float in the parade to Taron who asked question after question about everything he saw, enjoying the little show the local Irish dance group put on.
“This what we are going to be doing at the céilí?” He asked her as the dancers walked by.
“Kind of. Céilí dancing is more like group dancing rather than solo dancing. You will pick it up really fast.”
Taron threw her a doubtful glance but as Lizzie cheered louder beside him, he looked back to the people walking down the street. “Hey isn’t that your dad?” He asked Robyn.
“Yep. Mr President of the GAA himself leading Kilcreen GAA!” She laughed giving her dad a wave as he walked by, receiving one in return.
Robyn continued on explaining every truck, float and car to Taron who listened intently to everything he was being told, watching with a grin on his face as Kilcreen’s parade of trucks and children walked past him, the participants exactly as Robyn described them but he didn’t mind. He was happy to be there at all, standing beside her, being Irish for the day and any tiredness Taron had been feeling earlier that morning had been replaced by an excitement and pure joy as he soaked up the atmosphere around him. He thoroughly enjoyed his first experience of a St Patrick’s Day parade, loving how happy Robyn was when he managed to catch a packet of jellies for her, her arm going around his waist to give him a sideways hug as a thank you. The little rush of sugar from the jellies she shared with him was more than welcomed too and once the parade was finished, he let Robyn lead him towards the canal for another perfect viewing spot for the duck race.
“I have this in the bag.” He said as he stood close to her, the flag now tied around his waist.
“Taron I wouldn’t get my hopes up if I were you.”
“I have told you already. You are my lucky Irish chicken. I am going to win.”
“Don’t be too disappointed rocketman if your duck comes last of the two thousand or so.”
His head turned so fast as he heard his name called, he cringed a little as his shoulder pulled uncomfortably. He felt Robyn step a little behind him so she could look too and his heart started to hammer hard in his chest as he heard his name called once more. He was looking through the many faces around him, trying to see who had called his name, starting to worry he had been recognised and that his cover was blown, knowing it going to mean a shit show for Lyndsey as the story of his visit to Ireland was flashed all over every newspaper and social media outlet, Robyn’s home and privacy now at risk.
“Taron!” He squinted as he looked deep into the crowd again and knew he exhaled loudly as a little red-headed girl ran in his direction. He hadn’t realised Robyn had even taken his right hand as he fretted but now could feel her thumb running over his knuckles as they both saw that the voice calling his name was from little Beth who he had met in the doctor’s surgery last year.
“Hey Taron! Hi Robyn!” Beth came to a halt in front of them. “Happy St Patrick’s Day! I like your shamrocks and your hair and your flag Taron.”
“Hello Beth.” Taron slipped his hand from Robyn’s and crouched down so he was eye level with the little girl. “Thank you very much. I like your ribbons in your hair.”
“Beth! Beth!” The little girl’s mother with a jog, came to stand beside Robyn. “Beth! You cannot just run away from me like that!” She scolded.
“But it’s Taron and Robyn!” She turned to tell her mother as if that was a good enough excuse.
“You do not run away from me Beth. I could have lost you in the crowd.”
“I am sorry mammy.”
Margaret, Beth’s mam looked to Robyn who was standing behind Taron, who still hunkered down at Beth’s level. “Robyn I am sorry. She saw you and wanted to come and see you, again and just ran.”
“No need to apologise.”
“She was very excited to see Taron.” Margaret looked down to see her daughter in full chat with him. “She really hasn’t stopped talking about him.”
Robyn smiled. “He has made quite an impression on the pre-schoolers despite his short time with them.”
“He’s back for a visit?” Margaret asked, taking a second glance down to her daughter and Taron, Beth showing him her little flag she held in her hands, Taron fully engaged with the little girl.
“Yeah. I invited him over for St Patrick’s Day. He has never had one.”
“He is a good friend to you.”
“He is.” Agreed Robyn, crouching down beside Taron, smiling as Beth spoke a mile a minute to him.
“And then we are going to go and see granny!”
Taron grinned. “Well that sounds like a wonderful day Beth.”
“What are you and Robyn going to do today?”
Taron took a glance to Robyn. “Well we are going to go and have some dinner after the duck race and then well then I am not too sure.”
“Have you been giving Taron lots of hugs Robyn? He needs lots of hugs.”
Robyn chuckled. “Yes, he does and of course I have Beth.”
“Good. You still like her hugs?”
“Still love her hugs Beth.”
“Ok Beth I think we had better go.” Beth’s mother, who was still a little embarrassed at her young daughter’s escape and interest in hugs, decided it was time for them to go. “They are going to start the duck race. Robyn, Taron lovely to see you both.”
Once Taron had stood up, Beth threw her arms around his legs to give him a hug before she moved to Robyn. Robyn picking the little girl up in her arms to hug her. “Enjoy your day Beth and I will see you on Thursday.”
With another goodbye, Margaret and Beth walked away from Taron and Robyn who moved to take up their position again at the railing in front of the canal.
“Well that was a surprise.” Said Taron as he leaned on the railing. “She remembered me.”
“Those kids still bloody talk about you.”
“Maybe I need to come and visit them again.” He grinned. “You know, help with your popularity in the creche. Make you the favourite.” He laughed as she pushed him, Taron leaning back into his place.
“You come and visit, you will be the favourite.” She corrected.
“Are you allowed have visitors?”
“Yeah of course. Parents come in and do activities with the kids, read stories, make playdough.”
“I could do that.”
“And probably enjoy it more than the kids.”
“Maybe it’s something I could do.”
“And fit it in your schedule where?”
Taron closed his eyes. “Maybe at the end of the year.” He sighed.
“It’s a wonderful idea Taron and if you want to do it, I am sure I can talk Emma around to it.”
“Let’s keep it in mind.”
“Let’s.” She agreed.
Even though it was a small town, the excitement and noise from the crowd was building and every now and again Taron would throw his own shout into the air, laughing as Robyn chastised him each time.
“Thought you were keeping a low profile!” She complained.
“But it’s St Patrick’s Day!” He countered, nudging her with his left hip.
Robyn had no control over him once the duck race started and she was nearly ready to push him into the canal, slightly annoyed the railing was in the way. The ducks were emptied in at the lock the other side of the bridge and as the little yellow plastic ducks slowly bobbed their way along the water, Taron whooped and called along with everyone else, trying his hardest to see his duck that Robyn had bought for him.
“It’s not that hard to miss Taron.” She laughed. “It’s the one that has the love heart glasses and orange jumpsuit with feathers, sequins and two large feathery wings!”
Taron stopped mid-shout to look at Robyn and then to the water, his eyes finding the decorated duck near the front of the floating bunch. “You make a mini Elton John duck.” He asked.
“Nope. I made a Taron Egerton dressed as Elton John in Rocketman duck!”
It was so wonderful to hear Taron laugh, and his giggles came from deep inside his chest and he cheered on even harder for his duck, almost yelling at it at one point to get a move on.
“Jesus Taron! It’s a plastic duck!”
“And it’s winning!”
Robyn was ready to stand behind Taron and put her two hands over his mouth to keep him quiet but his words made her look to the water and she couldn’t believe her eyes when the duck she had made an orange fabric jumpsuit for was floating in first place towards the water polo rope that had been used as a finish line. Getting completely caught up with the drama unfolding on the water, Robyn was soon shouting along with Taron, as if their words were going to make any different to the flow of the slow-paced canal water.
“Go go go!” Yelled Taron. “Go on duck!”
“Go go!” Repeated Robyn standing on her toes, her hands on the railing and she felt Taron’s little finger link with hers. “Go on rocketman!”
“No no no! Stupid green duck!” Taron’s face fell as another duck fell in line with his and was threatening to take first place away from his duck. “Get away from my duck! Move your arse Rocketman!”
“Taron!” Robyn gently slapped his arm, apologizing to the people standing around them as Taron got extremely over excited and a little too loud.
“Go duck GO!”
Robyn’s face fell into her hands on the railing as she was ignored by the Welshman as he became extremely animated, willing the duck on with more words of encouragement, a few Welsh ones thrown in for good luck too.
“Go go go go!”
A huge cheer went up around Robyn and she suddenly found herself wrapped up in a generous squishy hug, her whole body lifted from the ground by Taron. “He won! Rocketman won!” She could feel the vibrations from his laugh against her and she could only laugh with him. “Knew I’d win!”
Locked in his arms, Robyn was still able to turn her head to look at the water and see for herself that the duck she had bought for Taron indeed was the first one to cross the line and was now being fished out by members of the canoe polo team, followed by the green duck in second place, a plain old yellow one in third.
Taron placed Robyn carefully down on the ground his arms still wrapped around her. “Told you.” He whispered to her, kissing her temple.
Robyn unfolded herself from Taron and turned to him. She was ready to give him a biggest scowl she could muster up but his face was lit up in one of his trademark giddy smiles, dimples on full show, eyes creased at the corners and even with the horrible dark circles under his eyes, Robyn heart triple jumped and her stomach dropped. “Yes, you did.” She sighed.
“Lucky Irish chicken.” Taron placed two hands on her cheeks and gave her forehead a soft kiss. “You are my good luck charm, without a doubt. So, what is my…”
“And in first place is duck two two zero two and the winner of the five hundred euro is Dean Edwards!”
Taron’s question was cut off as a voice came over the loudspeaker. “Dean Edwards?” He asked. “Really?”
“Well I couldn’t give your real name, could I?” Grinned Robyn. “I know Kilcreen is small but I still want to keep you a bit of a secret, so I went with Dean for Dean Karny and Edwards for Eddie.”
“Might be a bit late for incognito when Beth practically yelled my name many times and keep me a secret?” He smirked.
Robyn stalled. “You know what I mean Taron. I know Kilcreen is a safe haven for you and I want to try and keep it that way.”
Taron’s heart swelled not for the first time at Robyn’s need to protect him and make sure there was one place he knew he didn’t have to hide and could be himself. What Robyn didn’t know was that he had already found that place and it was wherever she was. “Do you know how glad I am I met you?” He asked her. “How much I need this time with you away from the rush of my work life so it makes me stop and breathe and just…” Taron let a long breathe fill his lungs before he exhaled.
“And you know I am always here for you when you need the breath of air away from the madness.”
“I definitely know that.” He agreed.
Sensing a turnaround in Taron’s mood, Robyn didn’t want him to linger any more on any thoughts of work when he had a day of fun ahead of him so she gave him a large smile. “Let’s go and claim your prize Dean.”
Robyn didn’t wait for an answer and grabbed his hand and half pulled, half led him onto the road, through the crowd and towards the corner of the bridge where she knew the table was set up for the duck race. She stood him in front of the table. “One Dean Edwards.” She grinned.
“Well Miss Quinn. After all of these years you finally won the duck race?” The lady at the table asked.
“I wish, Jane, but it was my friend, Dean here who won. I bought it for him. It was his duck.”
Jane grinned. “Devastated for you.” She winked. “So, Dean, congratulations.” Jane pushed the now very wet and soggy decorated duck towards him. “This is yours and this too.” She handed Taron an envelope.
Taron picked the envelope up and the duck too.
“I just need to see a photo ID please.”
“Thank you Jane! Enjoy your day!”
Robyn placed her hands on Taron’s hips and with a push, he got the hint and took a few steps before he was walking properly and Robyn slipped her hand into his free hand and together they walked up and over the bridge a little and down the steps that led towards a small green beside the train station.
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brynnmck · 4 years
 Tagged by @agirlnamedkeith, @pretty--thief, and @samirant, thank you! <333
What is the colour of your hairbrush? Mostly black, with a green ring on it.
Name a food you never eat: I have quite a few foods I can’t eat anymore thanks to some random health issues I developed a few years back (friends, aging is great from a mental/emotional perspective, Not Great from a physical perspective) but in terms of voluntary stuff, green peppers. I’ve outgrown a lot of my childhood food dislikes but that one is in my SOUL.
Are you typically too warm or too cold? Too cold, definitely.
What were you doing 45 minutes ago? I was in a boring meeting!
What’s your favourite candy bar?  Probably Snickers? I really like 100 Grand too, though. And Butterfinger. And Twix. And I want Claire Saffitz to make all of them for me.
Have you ever been to a professional sports game? I’ve been going to Major League baseball games since I was a kid (it was my dad’s favorite sport), and the past few years, I’ve been to 20-30 games a season. I usually go for my birthday, too, which is in a couple of weeks, and it’s just kinda sinking in that there will be no birthday baseball for me this year. :(
What was the last thing you said out loud? Just saying hi to my husband. 
What is your favourite ice cream? Coffee Heath Bar Crunch. I can’t have caffeine anymore so this summer I’m gonna try to make a decaf version for myself. (WHY IS ALMOST ALL COFFEE ICE CREAM CAFFEINATED. There are so many reasons people can’t have caffeine! Sigh.)
What was the last thing you had to drink? Water!
Do you like your wallet? Sure? It’s a nice blue and it holds my stuff.
What was the last thing you ate? Fruit and Greek yogurt for breakfast.
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? I didn’t! I actually ordered a couple of soft bras from TomboyX on Monday, but nothing on the weekend.
What’s the last sporting event you watched? A replay of an old Mariners game a couple of nights ago. If we’re talking live sports, I watched about half of a Korean baseball league game a few nights back, which was delightful.
What is your favourite flavour of popcorn? Butter!
Who is the last person you sent a text message to? @ajoblotofjunk 
Ever go camping? Not in a long time. My husband has been getting the urge to go lately, though, so maybe we will!
Do you take vitamins? I take supplements due to the aforementioned health issues. And vitamin B.
Do you go to church every Sunday? Lol no. My mother is very Catholic and she brought us to 6 am Mass every weekday when I was a kid. It was well-intentioned (her dad had a pretty volatile temperament and she always felt safe at church, so she subconsciously wanted us to feel the same way) but it did not sell me on the experience! Heh.
Do you have a tan? I live in the Seattle area and it’s May, so... lol no. I’m also pretty pale so I don’t get that tan anyway, but. I usually get a little something going in the summer, enough to have tan lines anyway.
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? Tough call, but I’m going with pizza.
Do you drink your soda through a straw? I don’t drink soda anymore (though I drink a LOT of carbonated water), but I’ll drink my drink through a straw if I get it at a fast-food place. Otherwise I don’t usually use one.
What colour socks do you usually wear? Most of my winter socks for work are black. Otherwise it’s a pretty random selection of colors.
Do you ever drive above the speed limit? Sure. Usually 5-10 miles over, rarely more (or less) than that.
What terrifies you? Climate change. Global pandemics. You know. Just generally suffering (both mine and other people’s).
Look to your left. What do you see? Through window of the room I’m sitting in: my neighbors’ house, and a cherry tree in their yard.
What chore do you hate most? Cleaning the bathrooms.
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? The hot Australian woman who’s been on Gold Rush recently, or a dear fannish friend of mine I haven’t talked to in years who is actually from New Zealand and I KNOW IT’S VERY DIFFERENT but it’s close enough to make me think of her!
What’s your favourite soda? I used to drink a lot of Diet Mountain Dew. I really miss ginger beer, too. I love a good spicy ginger beer. Root beer too.
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thru? Drive-thru all the way. Isn’t that part of the advantage of fast food?
What’s your favourite number? I don’t really have one!
Who’s the last person you talked to? My husband!
Favourite cut of beef? Boneless ribeye. I finally bought a propane grill a couple of years back and I have now learned to make a badass steak, if I say so myself.
Last song you listened to? Eve 6 - Inside Out. A few months ago I suddenly remembered that this song existed and so I bought it and now I have to listen to it at least twice every time it comes up, ha.
Last book you read? An as-yet-unpublished Rose Lerner novel, because I am very lucky! (It’s a wlw Gothic. SUCH A GOOD CONCEPT.)
Favourite day of the week? Saturday
Can you say the alphabet backwards? In this economy??? Idk, I could probably figure it out, but it would definitely be work.
How do you like your coffee? I love a caramel macchiato, especially iced so you get those weird globules of caramel coming up through the straw. But a nonfat decaf double latte with a little bit of some kind of syrup is my go-to these days--hot when it’s cold out, iced when it’s warm out.
Favourite pair of shoes? I have these 40s-ish heels that tie over your instep with a little bow and I love them. I also have some extremely cool red velvet with black cording peep-toe Louboutins that I bought off some discount site years ago, except I can’t wear them for long because they’re about a half size too small. But they’re SO PRETTY.
Time you normally get up? In isolation, I’m discovering that my natural sleep schedule is about 2 am - 10 am. But I have a daily meeting at 9:30, and I try to get my workout done before that, so I get up at 8-8:30ish. I am discovering through this meme that SO MANY of you are morning people! What is that like???
Sunrises or sunsets? I love sunrises but I am not remotely a morning person, so. I see a lot more sunsets, and I love them too!
How many blankets are on your bed? Just one duvet.
Describe your kitchen plates. We have some with blue perimeters and kind of a white/oatmeal middle that we inherited from my in-laws, and the ones we actually bought on purpose are white on top and either sage-y green or charcoal black on the bottom.
Describe your kitchen at the moment. Somewhat messy, or at least there are dishes to do. I made some pretty epic cauliflower mushroom risotto with shrimp last night, though, so it was for a good cause.
Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink? Perfect Manhattans with rye are my go-to, or a Quebecois, which is basically a perfect Manhattan with a little bit of maraschino liqueur added (and ideally a lemon twist, though we’re usually too lazy for those). In the summer, I’m getting really into gin these days: either gin and tonic, gin and some kind of citrus spiked seltzer, or a Last Word. I also really love a good craft beer, and sparkling wine too.
Do you play cards? Not really. We used to play a shit ton of gin rummy in high school, but I haven’t really played cards much since.
What colour is your car? Blue!
Do you know how to change a tire? Theoretically yes, though the one time I actually tried to do it myself, I had a hell of a time getting the lug nuts off. I was fortunately in my driveway at the time (good place for a flat tire!) and my neighbors kept coming by and offering to help, and I was like NO I WANNA DO IT. I think I did need help eventually, though. Stupid pneumatic tools at tire installation places!
Your favourite state? That rare, usually-brief phase of writing where everything seems to fit and flow and you’re a genius and you understand all the secrets of the cosmos. Also Washington.
Favourite job you’ve had? My current one. It’s not my dream job, but it pays well and I like my team and I get to learn new stuff fairly often and I can work from home in the midst of all this, so. I am very lucky!
How did you get your biggest scar? The summer after my freshman year of college, I was part of a summer stock theatre troupe, and we performed half the summer at my college, and half the summer in a very small town in eastern Oregon that had an outdoor stage. One of my entrances involved running over the grass to get to the stage, and one night the grass was wet, and my costume involved ballet slippers, and I slipped and fell onto the stage stairs in front of the whole audience. It hurt SO MUCH that I got very light-headed onstage while I was trying to get through the scene, lol. Anyway, my costume also involved harem pants that had elastic around the calf/ankle area, and I got a friction burn from those, which ended up scarring because the skin over your shins is very thin! (I also got a few massive bruises on my leg that didn’t go away for weeks, so eventually my mom nagged me into going to the doctor, who promptly started gently hinting to see if my boyfriend at the time was responsible for the injuries. Which was actually pretty cool of the doctor! But then I was like, lol no, trust me, a hundred people saw me bite it, this is 100% dumbass mistake.) And that’s my scar story.
Tagging, if you want to do it: @ajoblotofjunk, @snowymary, @halcyon-red, @it-may-be-dull-but-im-determined, @unadulteratedkr, and anyone else who feels like doing this!
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reindeersweaters · 5 years
A Hand for Mrs. Claus
Rating : T? I think...? Rude humor, some harsh language, and lots of implied sexual content... but I don’t think it actually warrants M? Idk... just be careful?
Words : 2492
Pairing: Anna/Kristoff
Continuation of the ‘Santa Baby’ series.
I will have you all know that I was bullied into writing this... okay not really. I wrote it because I wanted to. But a proposal was mentioned and I love writing my favorite cuties be happy together. This continues along the outrageous ‘Santa’ theme that I started. Merry Christmas to all and all that jazz. Enjoy~
                 He had the girl. He had the ring.
               Those were, apparently, not the two most important things when planning a proposal, Kristoff had found. The most important thing was to, in the words of his loving father who was still getting over his (vicious) cold; “grow a pair and just fucking ask her.” His mother had been absolutely horrified by the language but had agreed with the sentiment.
              Alas, there lay the problem, though. He was having some trouble getting up his courage. 
              It wasn’t that he was worried that she might say no. In fact, he was quite certain she would say ‘yes’. He just couldn’t find the right moment.
              He’d been carrying the ring around in his pocket for a full week, just waiting for the opportunity to get down on one knee to present itself… it had not.
              And Elsa had been absolutely no help. He’d asked her weeks ago if Anna had ever mentioned a particular way she would like to be proposed to.  
             “Nope.” Elsa had said, flipping the page of a book and not even looking up at him.
             “No, hot air balloons?”
             “No special hikes out to romantic waterfalls or anything?”
             “No butterflies and confetti?”
             “Kristoff you are over thinking this.”
             He probably was. But how was he supposed to ask the most extraordinary girl in the entire world to marry him. I mean, he was no slouch, he didn’t have any horrible deep dark secrets, and he knew he wasn’t ugly (though he’d never thought he was particularly handsome, his nose always felt too big), but those felt like remarkably small factors when he put them in comparison to everything Anna was.
              Gorgeous, funny, brave, absolutely brilliant, and so kind. And feisty. And so, so beautiful.
              All he had going for him was that he really loved her.
              How was he supposed to do this??
              And he needed to do it soon, because he had already shown his mother the ring he’d bought (terrible mistake, really), and if he didn’t ask her by Christmas Eve (in two days), he had no doubt his mother would spoil everything. She might actually just go ahead and ask her for him. And that would be a disaster.
               “Oh, Kristoff look!” Anna exclaimed, yanking his hand.
               The Christmas light display he and Anna were currently admiring was apparently one of the biggest in the state, and it was immaculate.
              Anna was practically vibrating as she pulled him along, ‘oohing’ and ‘ahhing’ at every new display and fixture.
               This is what had made the asking so difficult.
               It was a romantic, albeit very crowded, place. But Anna was very easily distracted.
               “Anna,” he cleared his throat, not for the first time that evening, preparing himself.
               “Huh?” She only glanced at him for a second, so as not to miss the synchronized light display to the song ‘Joy to the World’.
               “Um…” Kristoff rubbed the back of his neck quickly. “I was just thinking-“
               No, that was a horrible way to begin this. ‘I was just thinking’? Who starts a proposal that way?
               “You were thinking what?”
               “Just that… you look beautiful tonight.”
               “Awww.” She said peeling her eyes away from the twinkling lights to look at him. “Well that’s sweet. Thank you.”
               “Well it’s true.” He laughed. “You look beautiful every night. Every day, too. All the time, actually. And I’m always going to think that, even when we’re old and gray, and you know, dying.”
               “What?” Anna blinked and then laughed.
               “I-oh nevermind.” He sighed, tucking her hand around his arm and walking abruptly to the next display.
               “Oh, Kristoff, I wasn’t done looking at that- oh my gosh! Look at this!” She bounded forward, pulling him along again.
               He waited for his cringeworthy words to wear off, as Anna looked at different displays. Anna was remarkably unbothered, but Kristoff felt shaken to his core. He’d talked about dying… what the hell was wrong with him??
               When they came to a bridge that had a lighted archway overtop that blinked, twinkled, and shimmered in all different colors he realized the setting wasn’t going to get much prettier than this.
              He took a deep breath.
             “Anna.” He said firmly.
             He began to lower down on one knee and fish the ring from his pocket.
             A few people around them gasped in delight.
             And Anna did not notice.
            “Kristoff! Look, look, look! Just across the bridge.” Without even turning around she grasped ahold of his hand and jerked him forward.
            He stumbled, due to the fact that he had been getting down on one knee, and Anna glanced back at him briefly, but she didn’t see the ring in his hand and continued to pull him along.
            He’d blown it.
            He spent the rest of their excursion being a bit of a grump (he knew it), because how could he have possibly missed such a golden opportunity? It had been so ideal! In fact, he saw another two people getting proposed to in the same spot as they’d walked around the park again, and he hadn’t been able to use that spot again. He hated those other two couples for some reason.  
             “Are you okay?” Anna asked as they pulled up in front of their apartment. “You’ve been really quiet.”
             “Hm? I’m fine.”
             “Are you sure?” Her hand rested on his arm.
             “Yep. Just fine.”
             She didn’t believe him, he could tell. But he pulled the keys out of the ignition and hopped out of his truck without any further prying. He jogged around to Anna’s door and opened it for her, helping her on the slick sidewalk.
             As they approached the door, he saw a package resting there.
            “What’s that?” Anna asked.
            “I don’t know.” Kristoff was surprised that it wasn’t something Anna had ordered for Christmas (her cyber Monday shopping had been intense). “Is it not something you bought?”
            “No, all my packages came in already.”
            “Huh. It must have been misdelivered or something because I didn’t-“ He started to say then realization hit him. “Oh no!”
            He hurried to the door and swiped up the package before Anna could get a good look at it and tucked it behind his back.
            “What is it?”
            “It’s nothing!” He insisted.
            “Kristoff,” Anna raised an eyebrow. “Is it something for me?”
            “Um… kinda. I forgot I bought it… late the other night when Elsa and Olaf were over, and we had maybe one too many glasses of eggnog.”
           “Well what is it?” Anna giggled, skipping up to put her hands on his chest. “Or can’t you tell me?”
            “Uh,” his voice cracked, “it’s um. It’s nothing. I’m going to return it.”
            “What!?” Anna pouted. “You can’t return it! Not now that I’ve seen you got me something! Is it a Christmas gift?”
            “Well, not exactly-“
            “Then why can’t I see it now?”  
            “I think I bought the wrong size so-“
            “The wrong size? So, it’s clothing?” She looked excited. “It’s too small to be a shoe box.”
            “Erm… let’s go inside, please. Where the neighbors can’t hear this conversation.”
             As Kristoff unlocked the door, and was bombarded by Sven, Anna snuck behind him and swiped the package from his hands.
           “Anna!” He scrambled to get the door shut, and untangle himself from Sven’s slobbery dog kisses. “Please don’t!”
           It was too late. She’s already ripped the tape off the box and pulled out a very (very) skimpy red lingerie set that had white fur trim and came with a Santa styled hat, and a pair of long red gloves. The plastic packaging that it came in very clearly read “Sexy Mrs. Claus Costume” over the top.
“Oh my god.” Anna said.
“It was meant to be a gag gift,” Kristoff stammered quickly, trying to talk his way out of what a perverted weirdo he must look like. “You know because the other day I was dressed as Santa, it’s just a joke though!”
But when Anna turned, she was giggling, and smiling.
“I can’t believe you bought this!” She squealed with a huge grin. “I’m going to go put this on right now!”
“Anna, you don’t have to!” Kristoff insisted.
“’Santa’ is about to get a real treat!” She arched an eyebrow seductively, then scampered down the hall to their bedroom.
Kristoff looked at Sven, who seemed to be eyeing him saying ‘you didn’t ask her yet did you?’
“Don’t patronize me.” He sighed.
“Kristoff!” Anna called down the hall, sounding far to giddy for her own good. “Put on the Santa hat that’s on the entertainment center.”
“That’s just for decoration, I thought?”
“Just do it!”
Kristoff sighed, taking off his coat and putting it away in the closet. He obediently retrieved the hat as instructed. He jammed it on his head as he sat on the couch and crossed his arms.
This was absolutely ridiculous, and it was his own damn fault.
“Hey google!” Anna’s voice came from the kitchen. “Play ‘A Hand for Mrs. Claus’.”
“’A Hand for Mrs. Claus’ by Idina Menzel, sure. Playing on Spotify.” The disembodied voice echoed through their apartment.
Then Anna came skipping into view.
“I wish I had some thigh-high boots to go with this.” She told him. “But I think it fits pretty well.”
Kristoff’s jaw had gone slack and he was having trouble forming words.
“What do you think, ‘Santa’?” She cocked a thinly veiled hip and raised a gloved arm above her head, striking a pose for him.
“Uh, erm, yeah.” He stuttered, unable to take his eyes off her. “You look… wow you look- you look-”
“Proud of your costume choice, huh?” She giggled, bouncing (so much was bouncing) up to him.
She straddled his hips and draped her arms over his shoulders.
“Mhmm.” Was all he could mumble.
“Has Santa been working so hard this year?” She gave him a little pout.
She had put on red lipstick for this.
“Are you really going to keep up with this ‘Santa’ thing?” He chuckled, his hands going to her hips automatically.
“Well if the hat fits, wear it.” She adjusted the hat on his head to a cocky angle.
“I think that phrase is ‘if the shoe fits, wear it’”
“Semantics.” She waved it off, her lips coming dangerously close to his. “Though I think your feet would be too big for Santa’s boots, honestly.”
“I did actually have to wear my own work boots the other day.”
“So, is this something we’re going to do every year now?” He could feel that he had a dopey grin on his face.
“Maybe,” Anna giggled, “I’m honestly having a lot of fun with it.”
“I can tell.” His nose brushed hers. “Thanks for the warning though. It will take a bit of mental preparation to be called ‘Santa’ every year for the rest of my life.”
Anna pulled back slightly.
“What?” Her eyes were wide.
Kristoff realized what he’d done.
When he and Anna talked about the future, it had always been full of promise. There had never been an ‘end’ in sight, so to speak. They had talked about their dreams (Kristoff wanted to own just a little bit of land, and Anna desperately wanted tiny farm animals at some point), they had talked about homes (Kristoff wanted to build one someday, and Anna insisted a secret passageway was necessary), they had talked about kids (They both agreed that lots of kids would be good).
They had taken each day, each week, each month, and each year with hope for the future together, but never had Kristoff so explicitly stated the words ‘for the rest of my life’.
Now he had to do it.
He wasn’t going to get a better opportunity.
“Anna.” He said standing suddenly, taking Anna with him and setting her on her feet in front of him. “You… are the most extraordinary person I have ever met.”
He got down on one knee.
“Kristoff!” She gasped covering her mouth.
“I may not have much.” He took her other free hand. “But Anna, I promise you, for as long as I’m living, I will give you everything I have. I will do everything in my power to be the man that you want.”
“You already are.” She whispered, tears leaking from her eyes.
He smiled.
“Anna, I love you with all that I am.” He fished the ring out of his pocket and held it out to her. “Will you marry me?”
He barely got the words out of his mouth before Anna was attacking him with kisses.
“Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” She laughed, and cried, and covered his face with red lipstick marks.
He stood to his feet and spun her around. He couldn’t help it. He was too excited to stay kneeling.
She quickly peeled off the long glove on her left hand and let him slip the ring onto her finger.
“We’re engaged!” She shrieked, and he was sure the neighbors would be able to hear her. “We’re going to get married! I have to call everybody! I need to facetime Elsa to show her this ring!”
“Maybe you should change?”
“She already knows we’ve got a weird Santa kink going on.” Anna said leaping out of his arms to find her phone.
“Excuse me, what?”
“OH, and I gotta call your mom!”
“Please…” Kristoff begged. “Whatever you do when you tell this story, do not use the words “Santa kink”.”
“Of course not! I’ll just say you proposed at home in the sweetest way possible.” She came over and planted a giddy kiss on his lips again. “Wait! You had the ring in your pocket already?”
“Yes, I’ve been trying to ask you all week.”
“I was actually nearly down on one knee on that bridge earlier.”
“Oh my gosh!” Anna covered her mouth, her eyes wide with both amusement and pity. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be.” Kristoff insisted, giving her nose a kiss. “This was better.”
Then she kissed him. And again. And then her kiss lingered. He grasped ahold of her waist tightly and pulled her closer. She swiped her tongue against his bottom lip.
“You know, I can wait to call everyone.” She whispered, her voice low.
“Good idea.”
“Gotta make good use of this outfit first.” Her eyes were dark with desire. “I’m gonna be Mrs. Claus, after all.”
“God, I love you so much.” He chuckled moving his kisses to her neck.
He could have proposed in a fancy, flashy way. He could have had it written out in the sky. He could have proclaimed it loudly in front of crowds of people. He could have tried to make it ‘not him’.
But truly, nothing beat asking Anna to marry him when she was wearing nothing but a skimpy bit of see-through fabric and a Santa hat while they were at home. There were some immediate perks that he certainly enjoyed.
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What a Week /Part I
A/N: Hi, Eve here. So, this is our first post. I’m very excited and hope you like it.
This is going to be a two part story.
Pairing: Jimin x Reader Warnings: none, just a tiny bit of fluff and a tiny bit of angst word count: 1K
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This was one of your worst weeks, since arriving in Korea. You worked at the embassy of your home country. Because everyone deserves to have luck for once in their lives, you were able to get an internship at the department for Human Resources. Out of hundreds of applications, yours was the one which stood out. Two years have passed and slowly but steady your efforts and talents were being noticed. Mr.  Byun, your team manager and kind men, recommend you to take a big lead part in a presentation in front of students from Yonsei University. So why was this week so horrific?
Well starting of with monday. Besides it being a monday, your brand new outfit was ruined even before arriving at the office. The embassy was located right next to the main station in Seoul. Tons of cars, taxis, pedestrians, cyclists and tourists were passing the streets. This morning was no exception. Heavy rain since Sunday evening was causing the pave way and street standing in water. Because the temperature drastically dropped in the night, you decided to wear your new coat. It was crème coloured and reached down to your knees. Over that a light blue woolen scarf and skinny jeans with white sneakers completed the look. You felt so good this morning. Until out of the blue, a car drove with high speed through a huge puddle, right next to where you were walking. Having no chance jumping aside, the water splashed all over you. From head to toe it left dark muddy spots. Collecting yourself and trying not to freak out and scream, you waddled to the main entrance. “Everyone is staring at me. Oh my god. Oh my god. OH MY GOD. Why is it always me? Huh universe? Tell me!” you talked to yourself in your head. Surviving the gauntlet, you finally sat at your desk. This day was starting out great. Tuesday and Wednesday was just full of work. Your assigned partner for the presentation at Yonsei was not the one you hoped ending up with. Do you know this memes about group projects, in which everyone around you is doing all kind of stuff, but not that what they are supposed to do? And you are the only one doing the work and end up saving every ones ass? Well, this memes are there for a reason. Maria, your partner, was the picture perfect example for incompetence. There was one week left, before giving this huge presentation at one of Koreas Sky University’s. Besides, this task could mean a milestone in your career. And that’s why you were totally not having it with Maria. She arrived too late at meetings, spilled coffee all over the documents, was hanging out on Instagram and Twitter the whole day, asking you out about your personal life and so on. She did everything, but not her work. That’s why you stayed in the office longer than anyone else. On Thursday your cat got sick. He had problems breathing probably and his eyes were infected. Meaning after a short working day, you rushed home, grabbed him and drove to the vet. It was just a minor treatment, nothing too serious. Your boyfriend Jimin (Yes, this Jimin. Jimin from BTS. Chimmy. Jimini Mochi) was more concerned about it than you. In your relationship he was the emotional one. But being busy himself, he couldn’t really help. You were used to handle things on your one. You want to keep every unnecessary detail and problem away from him. That’s why you were telling him, everything was fine, nothing spectacular happened in your week. To be honest, comparing to his working life, being an Idol, travelling the world, practice until midnight, yours was more than fine. Until friday. Yours and Jimin’s relationship had to stay secret. No one, besides the members, your family and your best friend knew about it. And both of you were trying your best to keep it like that. It’s not because, you didn’t love each other. You adored him to pieces. He was your Mochi, your love. But knowing, how some fans can be, it was the best for your health and the well-being of the group, that it will stay a secret. The company was never a big fan of your relationship. However Jimin put his will over the CEOs. He wanted to protect you. In every way possible. That’s why you were a rare guest at BigHit. He doesn’t want you to be confronted with stares, questions our restrictions from the staff’s side. Once in a while you watched him practice or stayed in the studio. But that was mostly it. Now, back to this highly announced friday. Your phone rang half past 8. It was Jimin. “Why is he calling me? Shouldn’t he be sleeping?”. “Hey. What is wrong? I thought you are still in bed.” “Hey Jagi. Ehm no, I…I wasn’t sleeping. I…”. Something is wrong, you thought. He sounds different. “I need you to come to BigHit. When are you able to leave?”Jimin stated coldly. “I have to finish some work. But maybe around two? Can you please tell me what is wrong? I’m a bit concerned over here.” “Two sounds good. I will pass that on. Don’t make up your mind too much. I will wait for you at the back entrance. See you.” And then he hung up. Just like that. Leaving you speechless and confused. “What does he mean, I shouldn’t think about it too much? Park Jimin! Are you serious? I hate this week.” you rambled in the empty hallway. Time didn’t wanted to pass. Minutes felt like hours. When the clock striked two, you dashed out of the building. Why were you like this now? You are very logical. You can handle emotions quite well, not letting them influence your outer appearance. But this was different. “He is going to break up with me. I know it. No one is this lucky in life. Having success in career and in love. Or he had an accident. What if the has severe injuries? Or the group has to disband!”. Your mind ran wild. Assumptions and horror scenarios appeared in your head. Somehow you managed it to arrive at the BigHit building. Your feet were doing everything automatically, guiding you to the back entrance.   And, as promised, Jimin was waiting for you. He looked so down, his hair messy from running his hand through it. A habit you knew too well. Trying to catch your breath, you opened your mouth to speak. And then, he just hugged you. “What is going on Jimin? Please just tell me. What is wrong?”.
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