#ramble on
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sanguineterrain · 7 months ago
Jason calling me princess in a sassy, sarcastic way and then slowly softening and calling me princess with the most love and care a person can put into a single word would fix me I think
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patricidemutual · 11 months ago
wouldn't it be sooooo fun if we shipped this guy with the person that ruined their life 🥰
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girlgregheffley · 3 months ago
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Because they are
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 10 months ago
Led Zeppelin - Ramble On
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coffee-obsessed-writer · 10 months ago
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A/N: A Dean Drabble requested by @wings-of-a-raven to help me write... SOMETHING. Thank you for the prompt baby, ILY
W/C: More than the 200 words requested, but less than 500
@kazosa @lovealways-j @deanwinchesterswitch
Summary: Dean takes you to get ink
“Sweetheart, I promise you, it’s not going to hurt.”
“Doubtful,” you muttered as you looked out the passenger window of the Impala, watching the buildings slowly going by on Main Street.
Dean pondered your response and cleared his throat. “Alright, well… it won’t hurt as bad as a demon using you as a meat suit.”
You turned and gave him a rueful glare before looking back out the window as Dean maneuvered his baby into an empty spot in front of the neon sign that flashed “TATTOOS”.
“Besides, I don’t know why you’re acting so afraid of a little pinch. I’ve seen you get tossed across the room half a dozen times. Watched your bones break and still pulled off beheading a vamp. Hell, last month alone I sewed you up at least five times, and you didn’t flinch. Once.”
“I know… this is just… different.”
Dean turned off the Impala while his gaze continued straight ahead. “That’s crap. There’s a reason you’re scared and I wanna know why.” He turned to look at you. When you didn’t acknowledge him, he gently took your chin between his fingers and guided your face so you would be looking at him. “C’mon, I thought we were past all this and that you trusted us. Trusted me.”
“I do trust you, Dean. This just feels so permanent.”
Dean snorted a laugh and sighed. “Well, yeah. Tattoos are pretty permanent.”
“No… I mean getting this tattoo is a permanent link to hunting; to living this crazy ass life that I don’t know if I am ready to live. Also,” you paused, knowing the ridicule you were about to endure, “I hate needles, a lot.”
"C'mon, I promise you everything will be okay. And ya know, if you ARE in pain afterwards, I have plenty of ways to keep you distracted." Dean paused, a devilish smirk on his lips.
That smile–there was no way you could resist it. You slid closer to him, your fingers lightly stroking the back of his neck and your lips hovering close to his. "Would you even do that thing I love?" You asked softly, raising a seductive brow. 
"God yes."
"Okay," you whispered, then kissed him tenderly. "Let's get this over with so we can get home and you can take care of me."
You glided your hand down his arm, and to the top of his thigh. Just the hint of of what was to come made his jeans snug.
"Heh, yeah… um, why don't you head on in. I'm gonna need a minute."
Unable to hide your amusement, you got out of the car, paused, and bent down to say one last thing before closing the door.
"Just for the record, I'm scared to death of this life, but it's worth every second, long as I do it with you."
With that, you closed the car door and headed in, ready to be branded a hunter for life.
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firethatgrewsolow · 6 months ago
Why did Zep never play Ramble On live? I know they tossed pieces of it in different medleys and things, but I think it’s criminal that they never played the full song live. Was it maybe because they couldn’t replicate the intro? That would stand to reason because at the O2 show they changed the arrangement at the beginning. Or maybe it didn’t have broad appeal? I guess I’m biased as it’s one of my favorite songs. Much like Over the Hills, I think it’s a great blend of “light and shade.” And I think it would’ve lent itself to a really cool jam as the song was ending. 
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floral-hydrate · 14 days ago
idk how familiar you all (1 and a half person reading this) are with toki pona but it's a constructed language with a bit over 100 words (last I checked) and there are many phenomenal things to be said about toki pona but the one thing that stuck with me is how the only numbers in toki pona are one and two. Everything else is "many," or "none" or "all." It fundamentally changed the way I look at things I swear
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myimaginaryradio · 5 months ago
Ramble On - Led Zeppelin
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astroselene · 2 months ago
there's literally so few tamlin fics, even on ao3??? everyone just hates on my baby :(
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makkoskafanfic · 2 months ago
There's this person on Ao3 I'm just calling "The Bookmark Monster" in my mind.
I, as I assume many fanfic writers do, except for the writers of those Very Popular Stories with thousands of bookmarks, I occasionally check the bookmarks of my stories as there are these "comment morsels" to be found there. Little notes the bookmarker left. They are not necessarily, or at all, meant for me, but because of that they are often funny or make me think. Occasionally I get agitated by them too, I will recall even on my death bed the one that said "I liked the premises a lot but not the sex nor the end very much" as it spiralled me into righteous indignation. I take pride in those sex scenes, alright?!I imagine, given that there will be no technical apocalypse, that they will survive me, they will be my imprint on this world after I'm long gone.
But I'm getting distracted.
The Bookmark Monster.
This person leaves a single number in their bookmark notes. 3.9. 3.2. 2.7. 
2.7! Out of WHAT I itch to ask, but I can't, as there's no private messaging on Ao3 and even if there were, it would be quite odd of me to ask that.
And it's surely out of 5 and not out of 10, right? RIGHT? Not that it matters (but it does, a little).
Why does anyone keep a fic in their bookmarks that they rate mediocre or under, I don't know, I thought that is a place for your favourite stories you want to revisit time and time again. Why would you go and rate a fanfic like that, anyway? Even if you don't assume the author will see it, isn't it a little, you know, being a dick?
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sanguineterrain · 6 months ago
i wish jason todd would kill for me then hold me tightly to his chest covered in blood. god thats hot
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patricidemutual · 11 months ago
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is this anything
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girlgregheffley · 1 year ago
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qrfit · 6 months ago
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Just try and keep up, Monday! 💨
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krispyweiss · 20 days ago
Song Review: The String Cheese Incident - “Ramble On” (Live, Feb. 8, 2025)
Keeping the basic structure intact, the String Cheese Incident wisely lowered the key of “Ramble On” to make Michael Kang’s unenviable job a bit less daunting.
Tasked with not only singing Robert Plant’s role on SCI’s Feb. 8 Led Zeppelin cover in Atlanta, Kang also was charged with playing Jimmy Page’s parts. He handled both jobs deftly; not trying to copy, but to create an homage in his own style.
Drummer Michael Travis and percussionist Jason Hann took a more exacting route, anchoring Kang and the rest of the band in Zep’s original pitter-pounder feel.
This “Ramble On” probably shouldn’t have been so successful. But with a band as versatile as SCI, which released the performance on professional video, such surprises are not so surprising.
Grade card: The String Cheese Incident - “Ramble On” (Live - 2/8/25) - B+
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