This is mostly a writing blong, with some additional ramblings on fandom things and about my favourite characters. You can find my fics on AO3 under alias Makkoska. Currently I'm on the Naruto fandom - again.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
cute little guys, glad nothing bad ever happens to them
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Something something about love something about denial something about uchihan gods and religion headcanons something about the weight on Madaras shoulders and about his intrinsic belief to never know peace.
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With most segment of the online world being about monetary gain, or propaganda for whichever side someone wants to campaign for, or simply hating on people someone don't like, Ao3 is one of these last surviving pillars of the golden age of the internet. I can honestly suggest anyone not liking the way it works to look for another hobby, they don't need to be there.
Ao3 does not need an algorithm, you're just lazy
Ao3 does not need a 1-5 star rating system, you just want to bring down authors writing for FREE
Ao3 does not need automatic censorship, it is an archive, therefore anything can be posted
Writing or reading about something illegal does not mean the author nor the reader condones it, if that were true, you could never read a story involving anything negative
Purity culture is ruining fan culture and you all are fucking annoying
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sleep deprivation got him actin funny
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(non native speaker here so there might be some atrocious errors below)
I just read your post about The Bookmark Monster. And, just from the perspective of someone that was one and kinda still is one, all the bookmarks are for works that we love and we want to read again sometime, but the notes are so that it fits the mood for what we'd want to read at that specific time. And, well, until a time ago, I didn't even know authors can/usually read the bookmarks notes. I used to put numbers so I know what to expect when opening a bookmark (I know, I bit dickish. In my case, I just wanted to be organized). Fortunately I did it in just a couple of works, now it's switched to key words/tags.
For the one you speak about, idk. I guess they have an order of scoring for all their bookmarks, like *angst-drama-plot-characterization*? a bit over the top but I respect the commitment. Why would someone give multiple scores and not do it in a priv bookmark? Idk. Maybe they don't know they're public by default 😔.
Ps.: I just want to add that I love your hsmd stories. I've read the majority of them, if not all (The Moon is just the Sun at Night is my fave, next to Our Shattered Pieces). Hell, I even went to .
(fellow non-native speaker here, who has embraced her mistakes a long ago haha)
If I want to be fair (which I occasionally want to be) I may wish the Bookmark Monster wouldn't downscore my fics in a public bookmark, but likely not many people will see that. So my complaint is born from my perpetual insecurity of posting my fics and my admittedly weird love-hate relationship I have with writing. Maybe everyone who posts creative content on the internet feels similar. This is coming from me. Will people hate it or love it? (hate or love that part of me that I made visible) Scary stuff. I'd have expected it to become better with all these years, but no. Posting fics is quite a masochistic habit of mine I guess.
I cope better with downright hateful comments - that can fire up my righteous indignation and inspire witty comebacks. But seeing 2.3/5 there really kills me.
I guess this is just a very long way of saying please be nice to insecure fanfic writers and that yes, we (at least i) check the bookmark notes.
Anyhow! Very glad to hear you enjoyed my stories! There will be a new one coming later this year. It's progressing slowly.
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HashiMada feelings might slumber but they won't leave

I don't wanna fade into the darkness tonight
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Happy International Women's Day 💐🌺 Not exactly a woman drawing (I'm sorry women, I will do better I prommy), but I enjoy putting Hashirama into feminine clothes. My little doll :--)
(this has been in my drafts since December. thank you women for giving me strength to finish it)
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Snape has been my favourite character in the series ever since he turned out to be more than the mean, ugly teacher in Book 1. This flashes out his controversial character so nicely. Gotta love a good villain/evil hero.
One of the reasons I find Snape kind of unique as a character in the stories I've read in that his particular combination of traits is... rare. By this I mean in that A) he has virtues and skills that would normally appear in a main character, a hero, hell even a teen boy power-fantasy, completely larger than life demonstrations of competence and virtue, while at the same time B) having traits that would normally be given to petty villains in order to make them look lame/pathetic, in order for the audience to laugh at the loser. (petty villains are not the same as regular villains, it's the difference between Filch and Voldemort. Voldemort is infinitely more evil but is rarely someone you pity/think is a loser the way you do Filch).
For A) he is a genius immensely skilled at magic and is hyper competent, inventing spells and potions as a teenager, is self sacrificing and brave to ridiculous extremes, over and over again, more than any other character bar the protagonist himself, is a spy that constantly makes the main villain look like a fool, is so virtuous he risks himself to save people he hates because it's the right thing to do, has tons of sarcastic one liners and witty jokes, is intimidating and smooth and has presence, I could go on. All these are traits you give to the Harry Potters of the world.
For B) he's ugly in a very visceral way, he bullies children who did nothing to him and makes them cry, he's bullied and never truly gets his revenge, in fact the girl he's in love with gets together with his bully, he's constantly humiliated (i.e. the Neville boggart scene where he's made to dress in an old woman's clothes, Dumbledore telling him that he disgusts him, the SWM scene). All this is stuff you give to the Filch's of the world.
More interesting than gray morality of whatever the fuck, which I've seen before, Snape is unique to me in that he's as much of a classical hero, larger than life teenage hyper-competence power fantasy made to idealize and try (and inevitably fail) to live up to as he is a pathetic petty tyrant loser made for the audience to laugh at and feel sorry for while hating him at the same time. It's like if you fused Harry Potter's virtues with Argus Filchs flaws. And he never really stops being either of these things throughout the story, he is cool and pathetic always. It's what makes him so incongruous to me, and part of what makes him inspire such strong emotions. People, whether fans or people that hate him, don't really know on what traits to lean into more: Is he cool or pathetic? Lame or awesome? The reality is that he's both. At both extremes at the same time, writing Snape correctly requires toeing the line between power-fantasy and masochistic self-flagellation.
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There's this person on Ao3 I'm just calling "The Bookmark Monster" in my mind.
I, as I assume many fanfic writers do, except for the writers of those Very Popular Stories with thousands of bookmarks, I occasionally check the bookmarks of my stories as there are these "comment morsels" to be found there. Little notes the bookmarker left. They are not necessarily, or at all, meant for me, but because of that they are often funny or make me think. Occasionally I get agitated by them too, I will recall even on my death bed the one that said "I liked the premises a lot but not the sex nor the end very much" as it spiralled me into righteous indignation. I take pride in those sex scenes, alright?!I imagine, given that there will be no technical apocalypse, that they will survive me, they will be my imprint on this world after I'm long gone.
But I'm getting distracted.
The Bookmark Monster.
This person leaves a single number in their bookmark notes. 3.9. 3.2. 2.7.
2.7! Out of WHAT I itch to ask, but I can't, as there's no private messaging on Ao3 and even if there were, it would be quite odd of me to ask that.
And it's surely out of 5 and not out of 10, right? RIGHT? Not that it matters (but it does, a little).
Why does anyone keep a fic in their bookmarks that they rate mediocre or under, I don't know, I thought that is a place for your favourite stories you want to revisit time and time again. Why would you go and rate a fanfic like that, anyway? Even if you don't assume the author will see it, isn't it a little, you know, being a dick?
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International Fanworks Day 2025 Is Coming Soon!
February 15 is #InternationalFanworksDay where we celebrate the importance of all types of fanworks. If you are part of a community planning to host an event for the occasion, let us know by January 28 and we’ll share it! Get more details here:
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accountants when the math doesn't work out
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Them girls wanna see you wiggle!
ELVIS (2022) dir. Baz Luhrmann
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look at my elvis tho, pretty boy <3
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