#yes i did just watch it on broadway it was amazing
jim-kirks-bubble-butt · 9 months
i can’t believe that lieutenant nyota uhura was featured in hit musical the book of mormon
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estapa-edwards · 4 months
pookie saw you were taking requests and that plus your amazing work had my brain working,, I loved your grumpy fic,, and as self-proclaimed menace to society, I would love to see Connor with a full on chaotic dramatic mess of a person,, very orange cat coded 🙈🙈😋
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paring: Connor Bedard x reader
word count: 875
requested? yes
warnings: use of y/n.
*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*
Y/n has a larger-than-life personality reminiscent of an orange tabby cat, with a penchant for drama that could rival Broadway's finest. Their life is a constant whirlwind of spontaneous adventures, dramatic outbursts, and laughter that echoes through the halls. Y/N is the kind of person who can turn the most mundane moments into unforgettable memories, leaving a trail of chaos and joy in their wake.
Then there's Connor, the epitome of calm in the storm, whose presence exudes a quiet strength and determination. As a rising star in the world of hockey, his days are filled with rigorous training sessions, media obligations, and the pressure of living up to lofty expectations. Yet, amidst the chaos of his professional life, Y/N is his anchor, a source of light and laughter that brings balance to his world.
Armed with a recipe they found online, Connor and Y/N eagerly embark on a culinary adventure, determined to whip up a romantic dinner together. Their differing personalities complement each other perfectly, turning the kitchen chaos into a delightful symphony of laughter and love.
“How much salt did the recipe say to add?” Y/N asks, stirring a pot on the stove with a flourish of dramatic flair.
“It says just a pinch, but I think you might have gone a bit overboard there,” Connor replies with a gentle smile, his calm demeanor a stark contrast to Y/N's animated gestures.
“Oops. Well, they do say cooking is all about experimentation, right?” Y/N laughs, their vibrant energy filling the room with warmth.
As Connor watches Y/N taste the sauce, he can't help but admire their zest for life. "I hope it's not too salty," he says, his voice steady and reassuring.
Y/N's face lights up with excitement. "Hmm, it's definitely... bold," they say, their eyes sparkling with mischief. "Maybe a sprinkle of paprika will give it that extra kick?"
Connor nods, impressed by Y/N's creativity. He reaches for the spice rack and adds a dash of paprika to the sauce, marveling at how effortlessly they transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.
As they continue to cook, Connor marvels at the way Y/N moves around the kitchen with grace and confidence, turning simple ingredients into a culinary masterpiece. Meanwhile, Y/N admires Connor's precision and attention to detail, grateful for his calming presence amidst the chaos.
Suddenly, Y/N accidentally knocks over a jar of olive oil, sending it crashing to the floor with a loud thud. They freeze, their eyes wide with shock.
Connor rushes to their side, his concern palpable. "Are you okay?"
Y/N bursts into laughter, their melodramatic reaction adding a touch of comedy to the situation. "I'm fine, just a little clumsy," they say, wiping away tears of mirth.
Connor joins in their laughter, relieved to see Y/N's spirits lifted. Together, they clean up the mess, their laughter echoing through the kitchen like music. 
--- --- --- 
Y/N arrives at the hockey arena, her excitement palpable as she bounces on the balls of her feet, a whirlwind of energy in the midst of a sea of fans. Her outfit is a riot of colors, a mishmash of patterns and textures that somehow come together in a chaotic symphony of style. She cheers loudly, her voice rising above the crowd as she waves a homemade sign emblazoned with Connor's name.
As the game begins, Y/N's enthusiasm knows no bounds. She jumps up and down, her hands flailing wildly in the air as she cheers on her beloved Connor with unwavering support. Her antics draw the attention of nearby spectators, who watch in amusement as she becomes increasingly animated with each play.
When Connor scores a goal, Y/N leaps out of her seat, cheering at the top of her lungs and showering the ice with confetti from a hidden stash in her bag. She dances in the aisles, oblivious to the stares of the other fans as she celebrates with reckless abandon.
But amidst the chaos of her celebration, disaster strikes in the form of an overenthusiastic high-five that sends her drink flying, drenching the unsuspecting fans seated in front of her. Y/N gasps in horror, her face flushing with embarrassment as she frantically apologizes and offers to buy them new drinks.
Despite the mishap, Y/N remains undeterred in her support for Connor, cheering him on with even greater fervor as the game progresses. She waves her homemade sign like a flag, her voice hoarse from shouting as she urges him onward to victory.
As the final buzzer sounds and the crowd erupts into cheers, Y/N rushes down to the edge of the rink, eager to congratulate Connor on his stellar performance. She wraps him in a tight embrace, her messy hair and smudged makeup a testament to the intensity of her support.
"Congratulations, Connor!" she exclaims, her eyes shining with pride. "You were amazing out there!"
Connor smiles, his heart full at the sight of Y/N's unbridled joy. He pulls her close, grateful for her unwavering support and the chaotic energy she brings into his life.
"Thanks, Y/N," he says, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "I couldn't have done it without you."
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sorry its so late, ive haven't been up to writing recently! hope you enjoy!
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stevie-petey · 2 months
I have an idea for a Jonathan x Steve x reader blurb
You know how gaten matarazzo is a singer and does Broadway? How about Dustin and bug are both former choir kids. Like had solos in recitals and everything. I'd imagine Mrs/Ms. Henderson being super proud of her talented ass children, but Dustin and bug quitting choir as soon as they transfer to Hawkins. Like Jonathan's the only one who knows about it until Jonathan or Dustin bring it up trying to tease / embarrass bug. Steve just being surprised and impressed while Jonathan's laughing his ass off, telling Steve about every performance he knows. Bugs just sulking in the back having so many embarrassing memories come back." You guys are dicks you know that?"
anon this was sent back in JANUARY and i just want to say: u amaze me. idk how u guessed so accurately my bug being secretly good at singing because of her mom plotline
spooky. anyways, enjoy !
"just one song, angel." steve follows you around the store, pestering you. "promise i wont laugh."
"yes you will."
"why do you have such little faith in me?"
"because im a loving girlfriend."
steves about to complain, but the bell above the front door cuts him off. he turns, ready to greet the customer as if he works there, and sees jonathan instead. "oh, youre here."
jonathan gives him a funny look. "im... sorry?"
"you should be," steve scoffs at him, annoyed that hes interrupting a very important conversation with you. steve is determined to annoy you into singing for him. its a hill he will die on if he needs to.
"did i miss something?" jonathan is completely confused as to why steve is being so cold to him. he thought they put aside their differences by now. sure, they arent necessarily friends, but jonathan was willing to call steve a loose acquaintance by now.
guess not anymore.
you walk back from the storage room and pat jonathans shoulder. "ignore him," you glare at steve, warning him to knock it off. "hes just mad that i wont sing him anything from theater camp."
as soon as the words have left your mouth, you know youve made a grave mistake.
the confusion on jonathans face slips, and an evil smirk replaces it. your blood runs cold, he has that look in his eye that has only ever meant trouble for you. "is that so, steve?"
"... yes?" steve doesnt trust the guy. jonathans always been on your side. hes never once gone against you, so steve is a little skeptical of where this is going.
"jonathan byers dont you dare-"
jonathan covers your mouth and shoves you behind his back, which you fight against pathetically. holding you back, he tells steve, "i have tapes of her and dustin performing at least five musical numbers. costume changes and all. i can show you them, if you want."
steve cant believe what hes hearing. its too good to be true. you and dustin? hed kill to see that. "youre so full of shit, byers."
"im serious-ow!" jonathan flinches and pulls his hand away from your mouth. theres a bite mark on it, red and fresh, and he glares at you. "was that really necessary?"
"youre going against me!" you then turn to steve, hit his chest, and he flinches as well and rubs at the wound. "you both are! stop it, go back to hating one another!"
steve drapes an arm over your shoulder. "no can do, angel. jonathan and i are about to become best friends."
"we can watch the tapes at my house." jonathan drapes an arm around you as well, each boy on opposite sides of you. steve nods eagerly, giving you pleading puppy dog eyes to say yes, and you groan.
its going to be a long, long day.
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xx-slug-xx · 8 months
My problem with Vivziepop right now has more to do with the way she handles the real life situations she’s gotten herself into more so than anything within the media she’s created tbh
If someone likes Hazbeen or Helluva, cool. I watched HB, and I did enjoy it to some extent. Personally not my favorite thing in the world, but people have a right to enjoy it for whatever reason they want. And HH’s pilot was fun. I have high hopes for when it gets released. But honestly, despite my high hopes, I know what the creator is like and her actions are something that’s not cool to me.
Vivziepop has severely underpaid her employees, and it’s blatantly obvious she cares more than her top dollar, broadway VAs than she does anyone else. She had amazing VAs during the pilot! It would have been great to see them work on something large scale! But they were replaced with people that Vivzie sees as (essentially) celebrities. No hate to the current VAs! I’m sure that they’ve done an amazing job! But Vivzie’s choice is something I don’t really agree with personally. I’m more in favor of letting smaller VAs have a crack at something bigger. Plus, seeing the trailer, it’s obvious that her animators are overworked and underpaid.
That aside, I will not be complaining too too much about the show itself outside of this. I keep seeing people complaining about how it’s terrible for portraying abuse a certain way and how the art style is horrible. There’s better ways to do everything, and I do have my opinions that align with what a lot of people say, but it’s her show and she can depict and create whatever she wants.
However, her poc characters appeal to stereotypes and don’t even look like the ethnicities that she says they are. Yes, they are demons. Demons have different features outside of humans. That’s obvious. But to say that Alaster is “black rep” is a slap to the face. He’s a villain, has absolutely no black features to the point of (what I would say) white washing, and the voodoo he uses is depicted more so as “black magic” for the aesthetic and perpetuating the idea that voodoo is evil than what it actually is. Alaster has really good potential, and I think the idea is cool. A deer/demon radio host with that old radio-stay voice sounds really fun! But they way Vivzie has gone about him is actively harmful to call it “black representation” imo. Rebecca Sugar created better black rep with multicolored aliens, and it was damn good too! She has the right to create her characters however she wants, but I think it’s harmful that she’s saying that her characters are good representation for minorities. Not to say people can’t feel represented by these characters, but it just feels off for her to act like she’s doing good outright.
Plus, she hasn’t addressed any controversies that have been brought up. I understand the whole “don’t fuel the haters” thing, but it’s so rude to act like anyone who has any sort of criticism towards her is all of a sudden a “hater”. People have genuine concerns about what she’s doing and the way she’s treating the people who work for her. Ignoring criticism at this point is, frankly, unprofessional at best and harmful at worst. The best part is that she actively likes post defending her misdeeds and complains about how “toxic” people are who disagree with her. Yeah, the internet is full of toxic people and no creator is going to be im he to toxic people. Especially large creators! I’ve seen toxic Vivziepop haters, they are obnoxious and complain about everything she does. Even before what’s been going on more recently. That’s not what’s happening here and that’s not what I’m talking about.
Just speaking my thoughts on the matter, especially since I keep seeing people say she’s a pedo or pedo supporter for hiring proshippers onto her team. I’m proship, let me be clear about that. It doesn’t matter who she’s hired or what they create. I’m way more concerned about the actual harmful things she’s doing than I am with the glorification of abuse in her work of fiction or what the people she hires creates in their own works of fiction. Tired of people virtue signaling and saying “eww yuck proshippers”, when there’s better things to worry about with the Helluverse. People need to make money, and the people who are creating this show aren’t making much as it is. Don’t dog pile her team when they are actively trying to create something while making money to live. Don’t hate artists because of what they create or what labels they call themselves. It doesn’t matter. How they treat real people does, and Vivzie has proven (to me at least) that she treats real people kinda shitty
Just sharing my opinion lol, nobody has to agree with me, and I do enjoy looking at other peoples points of view. Also not saying that you can’t enjoy her work or watch her shows! Just shouting into the void tbh!
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acaplaya-musings · 7 months
Voiceplay Visuals: A Chance To Fly (Wicked Medley)
You'd be hard pressed to find a Voiceplay arrangement that took more time to create/finish than this one. This was Geoff's creation (he arranged it, came up with the video concept, co-directed it, and collaborated on lighting design), and he apparently worked on this for years. I don't know how long exactly, but I'm fairly certain he vaguely alluded to it in a live Q&A he did on his channel in 2020, when someone asked if Voiceplay was planning to do any Broadway stuff. And based on comments I've read on reaction videos, I believe he's worked on it since sometime in 2019 or so?
But anyway, as spectacular an arrangement as it is, I'm not here to talk about it! I'm here to talk about the video which accompanies it, which was released on the 26th of November, 2021, and features the awesome Emoni Wilkins (in the role of Galinda), and the wonderful Rachel Potter (in the role of Elphaba) (and yes, this is another rare six-vocalist video for Voiceplay, though this time it's 4 members + 2 guests, rather than 5 members + 1 guest). One of the comments says that this is apparently Rachel's 10th collaboration with Voiceplay, though I can only count 7 previous ones (or 8 if you count Just Sing (she was in that too right?)). But regardless, what a veteran!
Anyway, the medley itself clocks in at about 7 and a half minutes, so enough backstory - there's a lot to get through!
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Group shot! Love the giant clock backdrop, very cool (and very accurate/appropriate of course)
(Note that I've never seen Wicked, not even a bootleg, but I've listened to the soundtrack a few times on the odd occasion, and I know how the story goes)
(Also this video really highlights the height difference between Layne and Eli, the tallest and shortest of the group, respectively. Apparently Eli isn't actually even that short - he's like 5"5/165cm (which is about how tall I am) - it's just that everyone else in the group is taller than him, whether by a little (like Cesar), or a lot (like Layne, who's 6"1/~183cm)
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I adore Emoni and Rachel's makeup looks in this one. Shoutout to Rick Underwood for doing amazing things yet again!
(Also that's a super gorgeous necklace that Rachel is wearing and I want it)
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Super massive shoutout and kudos to Geoff and Eli for the lighting on this one! This is top-tier stuff! And so much variety throughout the video in terms of colours and light levels!
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Cute earrings, and also face jewels! (Those things can be an absolute pain in the backside, both in terms of applying and then getting them to stay there! I'm assuming Rick used some special skin-safe "glue" product to make them stay in place, and/or some setting spray afterwards?)
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Get it, Rachel! 🙌👌
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Geoff is handsome as ever, of course
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Firstly, go off, Eli! And second of all, Rachel looks so freaking enamoured by Eli during this part, which obviously would be because he's filling the role of Fiyero, the love interest of Elphaba (whom she's acting/singing as here), but also it's just a little bit amusing too 😁
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"Think of it as personality dialysis!"
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Cesar being adorable 💜
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Layne popped a bubble! (With matching "sound effect" of course) (Also I only just realised earlier while watching this that Layne is wearing a tie, just that it's mostly hidden/tucked in)
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"And with an assist from me, to be who you'll be, instead of dreary who you were- well, are"
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Nothing but respect for my Wonderful Wizard! (He did nothing wrong 😁😝)
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I love him your honour
(Gonna do a Geoff Hair Study for this one too, but won't include it in this post, because frankly this post is long enough ^^;)
(Also just realised that Geoff is also wearing a tie that is mostly hidden, and wait hang on a minute, that means that his shirt is actually fully-buttoned-up? Gasp!)
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I know I'm going quite heavy on screencaps (and we're only halfway through the video, heck), but I had to share these blink-and-you-miss-it shots of Cesar and Rachel 😄
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Geoff (noted bass singer and sometimes sea witch): Uh oh 😬
(Joke stolen from a YouTube comment, but it was too good not to include)
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"Because I knew you," (🥺🥺🥺)
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The urge to take a million screencaps of the Defying Gravity section at the end is strong. It's so good on all levels!
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The quality as an individual screencap is not the best, but still, I'm calling it another "Voiceplay money shot", and such a cool way to end the video!
As I am typing this, the trailer for the Wicked movie (or part 1 at least) has been out for a few days, but I'm yet to even watch it, and I probably won't see the movie, because honestly I don't see how they could make any of the musical numbers better than this. And this was just a medley! And acapella! Re the movie, I'm a little uncertain on how to feel about Cynthia Erivo as Elphaba, and I'm definitely skeptical about Ariana Grande as Galinda. Rachel and Emoni killed it though, as did all of the guys of course! Well done Geoff, this was definitely worth the hard work and the long wait!
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mclqren · 4 months
Heyy, so I just read your ballerina fic and its sooo good but also bring me into asking this question, are you into broadway musical?
I was wondering if i could make a request about some drivers on grid are invited to watch this broadway musical with reader in it casted as the mc or the antagonist (maybe Heather? Anything is fine actually) catching some of their attention and turned out she's the Albon sister or something.
Dw if you not going to write this, I hope you're doing amazing anyway!! ❤
i loveee this request! to answer your question: yes, i love broadway musicals!! i'd say my favorite is probably six or wicked, but i love heathers as well!
for this request i did alter it slightly, but i hope you enjoy it regardless! you can find it here <3
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duchessdepolignaca03 · 6 months
Thanks @priincebutt for the tag! This is an open tag, because I don't want to tag anyone specifically as some of these questions are a little sketch, so the answers below are a little obtuse/long-winded. This was SUPER FUN though!
Are you named after anyone?
Yes - a pop star and a jewelry company/type of diamond cut. 
When was the last time you cried?
During Totality of the 2024 Solar Eclipse, genuinely one of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring moments of my life.  I was struck by the beauty of the corona which shimmered like diamonds in the sky, struck by perfect randomness of the universe that that gave us a sun that’s 400x bigger than the moon and 400x as far, creating the perfect symmetry to allow for a solar eclipse, and how this same random perfection gave me my daughter, loving husband and all the privileges I have in my life.
Hours before, I also shed frustrated and sad tears that my enjoyment of a fandom that has given me so much joy and creative inspiration has soured over being soundly, but unexpectedly, rejected. Frustrated and sad that I may have to bow out and give up something I thoroughly enjoyed giving my free labour to and through which I have made some wonderful friends that have buoyed me over the past year.  
Do you have kids?
See above.
What sports do you play/have you played?
I was never a sporty kid, but as an adult I discovered running, which has both been a lifeline and a source of endless frustration and pain. I’ve run a marathon, about a dozen half marathons,  innumerable 5ks and 10ks and kicked the butt of a 30k once in a winter storm. I can’t wait to rediscover running again and start my running journey from scratch.
Do you use sarcasm?
Not as much as I wish I would like. I’m not as spicy as I think I am, haha. 
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
How they are treating me, which tells me how they want to be treated back.
What’s your eye color?
Dark like my soul! You can hardly see my pupils, and its not because I’m high! 
Scary movies or happy endings comedies?
Neither! I love a good story, I love a drama. My favourite films recently have been films that felt simultaneously satisfying and unsatisfying at the same time. Both feature Paul Mescal (Aftersun and All of Us Strangers), and focus on parenthood and the relationships we have with the memories of our parents.
Any talents?
Not really? I suppose I have a talent for seeming more enthusiastic about things than I really am. 
Where were you born?
In a city in an archipelago in the Pacific Ocean. 
What are your hobbies?
Motherhood and full time job life doesn’t leave a lot of time for hobbies, but I l have love engaging in the RWRB fandom, and reading and writing and making some amazing friends. Before writing  and posting fanfiction, I did a lot of roleplaying on IJ, Tumblr and Discord. I enjoy broadway musicals and watching too much British television. I also love riding the Peloton and a good strength session!
Do you have any pets?
Yes. But I see you with this revealing security question, potential fraudster :P
How tall are you?
I grew up in poverty in a developing country, subsisting mostly on rice and coffee and white bread with mayonnaise (yes, mayonnaise), raised by a loving but chain-smoking mother. There was no hope for me to become taller than an oversized hobbit. Let’s just say my husband and I have to toggle the Peloton back and forth between the most extreme settings possible.
Favorite subject in school?
History and Politics. The great loves of my life, if its not already obvious.
Dream job?
My current job is nominally my dream job. However, I would like to serve a government that genuinely cares about the public, that thinks beyond myopic and cynical politics and actually wants to improve the lives of ordinary citizens, uplift the vulnerable, tax the shit out of the rich and - at minimum - not support genocide. 
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droughtofapathy · 9 months
The Gilded Age of Broadway Divas: Duets, Trios, and Other Crossovers
While I wait for my matinee show to start, here's our final compilation just six hours before our season finale. If you've been following along with this series, you'll notice how much overlap there is in the theatre. Everyone has been with, or sung with, or played the same role as everyone else. Here is just a taste of the sublime combined talents of our favorite Broadway Divas. And yes, this is my petition to have a musical episode.
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#1: "Lily's Eyes," (The Secret Garden) Miscast 2022 - Audra McDonald and Kelli O'Hara
I watched this, and my soul transcended space and time. Performed at MCC's 2022 Miscast gala honoring Christine Baranski (of course), Audra and Kelli have a brief tiff about which soprano is worthy of Soprano Island before joining together to sing the most resplendent duet you will ever experience in your life.
The Secret Garden opened on Broadway in 1991 starring Rebecca Luker as Lily. Kelli and Audra are singing the parts of Lily's husband and brother-in-law respectively. And like Lily, Rebecca Luker has since passed away. Knowing that they are singing not only to honor Christine, but also to Rebecca, their dear friend and fellow soprano, is yet another layer of heartbreak. I love this song.
#2: "Move On," (Sunday in the Park with George) Princetown concert 2022 - Audra McDonald & Michael Cerveris
Former co-stars reunited in Princetown last year to sing this impromptu duet from the Pulitzer-winning Sunday in the Park with George. Sunday is filled with sublime music, and "Move On" is one of the best. In it, Dot appears to George, the grandson of Georges Seurat, and encourages him to move on with his artistry and stop worrying about perfection. The show itself is beautiful and complex, and a proshot is available for your convenience.
Audra and Michael had previously done a three-day, semi-staged production of this show in 2004, also featuring Patti LuPone as Yvonne/Blair Daniels (the role Christine Baranski created in the original pre-Broadway workshop). Interestingly, this trio would move on to take part in the Lincoln Center Broadcast of Passion in 2005 with Audra as Clara (the Marin Mazzie role), and Patti as Fosca (the Donna Murphy role).
Michael Cerveris would play Giorgio multiple times in his career, including the 10th Anniversary concert with Marin and Donna.
#3 Tonight: Quintet (West Side Story) - Lucky to Be Me: The Music of Leonard Bernstein (2010) - Kelli O'Hara, Donna Murphy, Michael Cerveris
Speaking of Michael Cerveris and Donna Murphy, and joined by Kelli O'Hara, this audio comes from a 2010 concert celebrating the music of Leonard Bernstein. The youtube video incorrectly attributes this to a 2012 concert, but it is not.
"Tonight (Quintet)" is, of course, from West Side Story, where Bernstein wrote the music, and Sondheim wrote the lyrics. Because this was a concert, certain singing parts are taken by those who would not sing such parts in a full production...anymore. (Lest we forget Natalie Wood in the movie.)
Donna sings Anita, and Kelli sings Maria, the two young Puerto Rican women in the show. And I think we'll leave that there. Michael Cerveris sings the part of Riff, and they are joined by Cheyenne Jackson as Tony.
Also featured in this concert is the amazing, incredible, beloved soprano Victoria Clark, who has starred opposite all three of our Gilded Age actors at one point or another. As the Margaret to Kelli's Clara (Light in the Piazza), the Sally to Donna's Phyllis (Encores! Follies), and in Titanic with Michael Cerveris. Theatre, it's all connected.
#4: LoveMusik (2007)
A little more on LoveMusik. While I've already detailed a little on my Donna Murphy post, here's some more about Michael Cerveris, two-time Tony winner. As Kurt Weill, Michael was nominated for a Tony, Drama Desk, Outer Critics Circle, and Drama League Award, but did not win any. While the show itself was given mixed reviews, the performances of Donna and Michael were almost universally praised.
The 2007 Tony Award for Best Leading Actress in a Musical included three Gilded Age nominees. Debra Monk (Curtains), Audra McDonald (110 in the Shade) and Donna Murphy (LoveMusik). All three lost to Christine Ebersole of the Grey Gardens variety. Fair. I suppose. However, Audra and Donna tied for the Drama Desk. And there WAS a wonderful clip of their award ceremony online for years, except now that I need it for this, it's been taken down. Of course.
#5: "At the Ballet," (A Chorus Line) - Audra McDonald & Kelli O'Hara
Joined by Megan Hilty, Kelli O'Hara and Audra McDonald performed "At the Ballet" from A Chorus Line at a Lincoln Center Marvin Hamlisch tribute in 2013. Audra showcases a robust lower range I simply adore. Unfortunately the lower key change leaves Kelli's soprano in an awkward place, but I love her anyway.
A Chorus Line is one of the musical theatre greats, and while "At the Ballet" is often overshadowed by "What I Did for Love," it's my personal favorite. The original stage show ran for 6,137 performances, and was nominated for twelve Tonys, winning nine. After Follies, this is the show I most want to see fully staged. A 50th Anniversary revival was rumored back in 2016 for 2025, but I'll believe it when I see it.
#6: The Ladies Who Lunch (Company) - Take Me to the World: A Sondheim 90th Celebration - Christine Baranski & Audra McDonald (ft. Meryl Streep)
Legends. Icons. Divas. What more can I say about "The Ladies Who Lunch," performed by Christine Baranski, Audra McDonald, and Meryl Streep, mother to Louisa Jacobson? As the story goes, they had done so many takes that by this time, they were well and truly on their way to being drunk. And yet, Audra McDonald still sounds more exquisite than anyone on earth.
I watched this when it premiered "live" on YouTube during the early days of the pandemic. Several Broadway stars who would go on to The Gilded Age are featured, including Kelli O'Hara, Laura Benanti, Nathan Lane, and Michael Cerveris.
It has been almost four years, and I have still not recovered from this song's placement in the concert. Picture it: you have just been emotionally wrung out by Donna Murphy's revelatory "Send in the Clowns," sung whilst seated in front of an Al Hirshfeld print of Passion, with her cleavage out in true Mrs. Astor fashion. And then suddenly there's jaunty Company music, and an illustration of the great Elaine Stritch with her martini glass high. And then there is Christine Baranski in a bathrobe and a truly massive glass of red wine. And you think it cannot get any better. And then the second verse hits and there's Meryl Streep with a cocktail mixer. AND THEN Audra Fucking McDonald. They put those two songs back-to-back and expected me to recover one day? As if.
Bonus: "Lips Together, Teeth Apart" (2018) - Nathan Lane & Christine Baranski
While not a musical performance, I would be remiss if I didn't direct your attention to this masterpiece. Did you ever think you'd hear Aunt Agnes gunning to see Ward McAllister's dick? No? Well, here it is. Terrence McNally wrote "Lips Together, Teeth Apart" specifically for his 1991 original cast which included Christine as Chloe and Nathan Lane as her brother Sam. And they are going through marital troubles with their respective spouses. Nathan and Christine reunited in 2018 to perform this scene for McNally's 80th Birthday.
But the Gilded Age connection doesn't stop there:
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In 2019, The New York Times Magazine ran a special "America 2024" issue, as a tribute to Terrence McNally. The whole thing is a fantastic read, and I'd recommend it. In it features photoshoots depicting scenes from several of McNally's plays, including "Lips Together, Teeth Apart." And look who's here: Donna Murphy as Chloe (the Christine Baranski role), Broadway's Leading Man Brian Stokes Mitchell, Michael Shannon as Sam (the Nathan Lane role), and Katie Finneran.
And on one of four covers for this issue, Celia Keenan-Bolger.
With that, the conclusion to my little Diva miniseries. I hope you've found this as entertaining as I have. And if you'd like me to go into more detail about anything you've seen throughout this series, let me know, because I have so much more gossip and drama that I had to restrain myself from adding.
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captainsophiestark · 10 days
Broadway Calling
Angie Martinelli x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Angie Martinelli's having a crisis of confidence before an audition. Thankfully, she has someone she loves to help pick her up.
Word Count: 1,746
Category: Fluff
A/N: Happy Friday the 13th everybody!
Putting work into an AI program without permission is illegal. You do not have my permission. Do not do it.
I grinned as I watched my girlfriend behind the counter of the Automat, moving like a whirlwind as she took care of the last of her responsibilities for the day. The customers at the counter had all the water, coffee, and food they could ask for, the table was wiped, and Angie's apron got hung on the hook in the kitchen all in a matter of moments. Then she was moving towards me, leaving the job behind her before anyone knew what was happening, or had a second to bark another request at her.
Angie's eyes scanned the room as she left her work behind for the day, and the moment she caught sight of me, a beaming smile broke out on her face. My heart stuttered in my chest. I lived to bring that look to her face, and I'd spend all day, every day making her smile like that if I could.
This time, the smile and the little laugh that followed were down to the sign in my hands. I'd written out "Miss Angie Martinelli" in fancy print, holding it up like they did for famous people at the airport. I was picking Angie up to take her to a big audition today, and I wanted to help her feel as confident as possible. To me, she was already a star. It was only a matter of time before the rest of the world figured it out, too.
"Miss Martinelli?" I asked, grinning widely as Angie finally reached me. She gave me a stunning smile in return, dipping into a playful curtsey.
"Right here, honey." She straightened up, closing the rest of the distance between us, and I put down the sign to pull her in for a quick kiss. "You know, this is the kind of celebrity treatment I could get used to."
"I'm sure it's not far off. Chauffeurs, your name in lights, the works. You ready to head out?"
Angie huffed a breath, then gave me a grin that looked a little more forced than usual.
"As ready as I'll ever be."
With that, she linked her arm in mine, pulling me out the door with her. She spoke and moved and smiled like the enthusiastic whirlwind I'd fallen in love with, but something wasn't quite right. She fidgeted in the seat next to me in the car when she didn't think I was looking, and when we got to the place they were holding the audition, her hand shook when she reached for the doorhandle.
"Angie," I said, stopping her halfway out of the passenger seat of my car. "...Are you okay?"
"What? Of course I'm okay," she said, just a little too quickly, waving me off with a laugh. "It's just yet another chance at the rest of my life, the start of my dreams, just waiting to go to some other actress who has god knows what that I don't."
I frowned, shifting closer to Angie across the car's center console as she closed the car door again, flopping back in her seat with a sigh.
"Ange, all the greats ever talk about is how many times they heard no before they finally got their yes. It sucks, and I'd be happy to fight every single idiot of a casting director who ever looked at you and didn't realize how amazing you are, but it doesn't reflect on you. Don't let them convince you that it does."
"How can it not reflect on me?" she snapped, whipping around to face me. "If it wasn't a problem with me, don't you think somebody would've said yes by now?"
"No! Angie, every interview you hear with all these stars is how long they spent working a shitty job, going to shitty auditions just to get shooed out of the room after two lines, before they finally had someone recognize what was hiding there all along. That's you, babe. You are such a bright, shining light of a person, and you're a goddamned fantastic actress, and some day you're going to be on a big radio show laughing about how many people told you no and missed out on signing the biggest star of the generation."
Angie scoffed and rolled her eyes. "That's not true. Hell, I was doing my best to keep it together the whole way here and even you could see through my lousy acting."
"Your acting was not lousy. The only reason I didn't start interrogating you at the Automat was because I wasn't totally sure something was wrong! You would've fooled everyone else alive, babe, but I know you. I've got an advantage."
Angie just sighed, shaking her head and sinking back into her seat.
"I just... I don't know how many more times I can take myself to the edge of reason, shaking out of my boots and putting on a show anyway, only for nothing to come of any of it."
"Angie Martinelli. You are a force of nature. I've seen you bulldoze through challenges, hurdles, assholes trying to cause you problems, and everything else in your way. You are an unstoppable whirlwind, and dammit, I refuse to believe there's anything in this life you can't go out and get if you really put your mind to it. Is it gonna be easy? Obviously no! But neither is a lot of the other stuff you've done! You've handled jerks at the Automat, including coworkers. You saved Peggy from a bunch of trained government agents who bought your act hook, line, and sinker. You convinced Miss Fry you're a demure, polite, quiet person that she should take under her wing! You're a fantastic actress, and more than that, you're smart and strong as hell. So fuck everybody who doesn't see it. Don't let them get to you. You're goddamn Angie Martinelli!"
As I spoke, a little bit more of the life came back into Angie with each word. By the time I finished, she wasn't totally back to normal, but she was sitting up straight again and facing me with the first sincere smile she'd had all night.
"You really think so?"
"Yes, Angie. My god, do I have to go in there and fight a casting director for you?"
She grinned, throwing open her car door without taking her eyes off mine.
"I'll let you know in a twenty minutes."
I laughed as Angie turned around and stepped out onto the sidewalk, back straight and chin held high. I saw her take a long, deep breath, just staring up at the building ahead of her, before taking her first purposeful step forward, gaining speed as she went. She only paused once, when she got to the door, to shoot me a determined nod as she disappeared into the belly of the beast. I grinned back at her and gave her a double thumbs-up.
Once Angie was out of sight, I went and parked the car, then moved into the lobby of the building to wait for her. I wished I could sit with her straight through the audition, but I'd just have to settle for seeing her the moment she got out.
I tried not to figdet or look at my watch too often, but it got harder and harder with each passing second. When I finally gave in, it had been almost fifteen minutes since Angie had left the car. She should've been done, or at least close to done, by now.
Ten minutes later, and I still hadn't seen my girlfriend. I stood up, at least to start pacing and maybe to go find Angie, when a door swung open and she appeared. She walked slowly, all of the energy taken out of her, and my heart dropped to my shoes.
"Ange?" I called, taking a few tentative steps towards her. She picked her head up to look at me, her eyebrows drawn and the corners of her mouth pointing down. "Babe, are you okay?"
Slowly, she shook her head.
"I have some bad news," she said, a humorless laugh on her breath. I closed the rest of the distance between us, taking her in my arms as I met her watery eyes.
"Yeah. We're not gonna get to spend as much time together, because I'm going to be in rehearsals every day starting next week."
A grin spread across Angie's face as she said the words, but it still took a second for them to sink in. When it finally did, my heart shot back up into my chest like a rocket, making the room spin under me as relief washed over me. I held on tighter to Angie, beaming at her as her act fell away at last.
"Angie, are you kidding me? CONGRATULATIONS! Babe, that's amazing!" I pulled her in tight for a hug, then after a few long moments, pulled away just enough to kiss her like my life depended on it. We finally broke apart for air, Angie laughing happily as she looked at me.
"Can you believe it? It still doesn't feel real to me."
"Of course I believe it! I never had a doubt."
Angie raised an eyebrow. "You sure looked like you had a doubt when I walked out here."
"Because you looked devastated! The fact that I believed you got rejected is just evidence of how damn good you are! But no more using it on me, okay? That's an unfair superpower."
Angie gigled, shaking her head at me as she smiled, and my heart started doing backflips in my chest. She radiated light and warmth like the sun, and having her look at me with all the love in her eyes made me the luckiest person on planet earth.
"Alright, I promise. As long as you promise to be front row on opening night."
"Are you kidding me? I'd never be anywhere else! Now come on, let's go out somewhere and celebrate. My girlfriend finally got her big break. I gotta go shout about it from the rooftops."
Angie just grinned at me as she took my hand, the two of us heading for the doors side by side and shoulder to shoulder, like we always were. I had her back, she had mine, and that's the way it'd always be. Come crazy secret agents or life-changing auditions or just Mrs. Fry finally getting wise to the fact that Angie and I were dating, we would handle it together. And like that, we were unbeatable.
I was already mentally planning the bouquet and sign I wanted to bring Angie for her opening night.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @infinetlyforgotten @sagesmelts @gaychaosgremlin
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jgroffdaily · 1 year
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Excerpts from an interview with Jonathan, Lindsay and Daniel at Vulture:
Now, the show is back on Broadway for the first time, directed by Maria Friedman, with 42 years of changes and a cast that earned rave reviews for a production Off Broadway last winter. Jonathan Groff, Lindsay Mendez, and Daniel Radcliffe, who play Frank, Mary, and Charley respectively, sustain deep chemistry onstage and off, roasting and complimenting each other often in the same breath — and, together, they’re helping turn the idea of “Merrily We Roll Along on Broadway” from one of the saddest stories in theater to the type of show its explosive Act Two number “It’s a Hit” could be sung about.
Did you have a relationship to Merrily prior to getting involved with the production?
Groff: The documentary was the first time I knew anything about it.
Mendez: Same.
Radcliffe: I saw this production in London in 2013, and that was my only experience of the musical. I had no appreciation of the troubled history of the show until I watched the documentary.
Groff: Frank says in the first scene, “I made only one mistake in my life, but I made it over and over again, and that was saying ‘yes’ when I meant ‘no.’” In the early stages of the friendship, we’re all on the same page. We’re coming up together in New York, and we are inspiring each other with our common goals and shared talents, and, as years go by, people have families and people have writer’s block and shows become successful; there’s wives and children and mistakes, and needs become different. The mistake that we all make to a certain extent is we don’t allow each other to change.
What did you think when you were first cast together?
Mendez: Jonathan’s how I got cast. He was like, “Lindsay should be Mary.” Dan was cast before either of us, but Dan didn’t know either of us really, right?
Radcliffe: No, but obviously both by reputation. As soon as this trio was the idea and it came together, everything just worked. I flash back to what my life could have been like if it hadn’t been with them, and it’s a very different story.
Jonathan, what did you see in Lindsay that made you think she should be Mary?
Groff: I just selfishly was thinking she’d be so great for the part because she’s an animal. An amazing actor and singer. Even before meeting Dan, I had seen him in Equus and knew he was a theater animal. It’s brilliant to cast Dan in the show because we’ve all seen him grow up from being a child to a full grown man. It’s like Wow, we’ve all seen Dan for the last 20 years in front of us.
Dan, as the person who didn’t know these two before, how did you develop chemistry?
Radcliffe: It was a case of being plunged into a world of video messages at first unwillingly. [Groff and Mendez laugh.] Then being like, “Oh, fuck. I guess.”
Groff and Mendez: Dan!
Radcliffe: I was watching them like, “They’ve said so much. I need to write notes to answer all the things that they’ve said.”
Were they about the show?
Radcliffe: Yes and no.
Mendez: It was months and months before. We were trying to get to know each other so that we wouldn’t arrive on the first day like, “Nice to meet you. Let’s be old friends.”
Radcliffe: And now I send videos all the time. Now I’m like, “You can’t stop me.”
Groff: Now you initiate sometimes.
Radcliffe: You get to jobs when you know you are playing people that are intense friends hoping that the other people are coming in with the spirit of, “Let’s get involved and see how much of that we can bring out.” We did it pretty fast at New York Theatre Workshop, but this time around, having had a full year of knowing each other, it feels so different in a lovely way.
I was rewatching Best Worst Thing That Ever Could Have Happened and was struck by how young the original cast was. Given that you all worked professionally at that age, what would it have been like if you were in this show at their age?
Groff: I look back at that time of being 21, and all the dreams and expectations — if Spring Awakening had flopped in the way that their show flopped, it would’ve been a very different life. I was ugly crying through that entire documentary because it was like sliding doors. Knowing how this show brings you together and bonds you — feeling that that wouldn’t be accepted or celebrated would be even more devastating.
Jonathan, you haven’t mentioned Frank’s future past the show yet.
Groff: I think healing begins. The way that we’ve now staged the ending is a bookend, which is a nod to it being hopeful. Maria always says, “You can start over again. It’s never too late in your life to be a good person.” I do think that this show is an offering for the audience. We want them to follow our characters and be invested in us, but at the same time, we want them to think about their own lives. There were people Off Broadway that would say, “I called my dad. I called my friend.”
Radcliffe: Maria has specifically asked us to make eye contact with people in the audience. So if you’re reading this and that makes you very uncomfortable, I’m sorry that it happened to you already. There are some times you would see somebody a minute and a half into the show absolutely sobbing.
How do you start the show at that place without any momentum? How do you start at the end?
Mendez: I’ve gotten really good at snapping into a moment. That’s what this play has done. I leave hysterically sobbing and then have to come in and have it be five years earlier. I do it 20 times in each show.
Groff: The gift of the Off Broadway run was that getting to live it allowed us to layer it, because the more we lived it, the more it became clear how fucking brilliant the writing is.
It’s so nice that, in the experience of performing the show, you get to shed the severity scene by scene. When we would finish the show Off Broadway, I would feel like I was 18. It’s different for the audience because they’re taken on a different experience, but we’ve spent a lot of time rehearsing and in performance and now rehearsing again, reminding ourselves to start again at the beginning of every scene. Start again, start again. It’s a unique acting challenge because usually you can feel the momentum.
Mendez: And you get to take that with you, but instead, with this show, you have to leave it every time. “Leave it, leave it. I don’t know this yet. I don’t know this yet. I don’t know this yet.”
Groff: It’s a life lesson. Sometimes the things we take with us no longer exist. I find myself working this muscle when performing this show — “Now I’m going to show up in this scene releasing everything that has happened and be here right now.” And then I take that work into my life with my old friends.
With the level that you appreciate the show, is there a sense of responsibility toward it? The goal is to redefine Merrily’s place in the canon, right?
Radcliffe: There have been a lot of productions. These include, but are not limited to: a 1985 production at the La Jolla Playhouse, a 1994 Off Broadway revival, a 2000 West End production that won the Olivier Award for Best New Musical, a 2012 Encores! production, a 2012-13 London production, also directed by Friedman, and a 2019 Off Broadway production of Merrily. I definitely don’t feel like the goal is redefining, but I share the sense of responsibility. It’s so fucking good, and I want to do justice to this story every night.
Groff: Seeing the marquee go up, “Merrily We Roll Along on Broadway,” 42 years later, does feel like a big deal. But there’s a difference when we’re sitting and talking about it now. But as an actor, I’m not thinking about anything except the moment to moment of the show. There’s so much to think about when we’re performing the show that it isn’t until moments like this where it’s like, You’re right, it’s a big deal that Merrily is going to be on Broadway.
Mendez: All I hope for is that people understand it and that we break their hearts a bit and they say, “Wow, I saw a Sondheim show that I haven’t seen before and now is in my canon.”
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A Decidedly Unserious Review of Hair 2001 (ft. Drew Sarich)
I’m back for another lunatic review. This time: the 2001 recording of Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical. This is so silly. I literally decided to do this like two hours ago because @peppi-mint wanted to hear my thoughts on it. Well, peppi, prepare to get an earful because I had some THOUGHTS
(I’m so sorry)
Aquarius- um. This is literally so cool. The hip-hop beat sets the tone, which is vastly different from every Hair recording I’ve heard. And then the violins come in and it’s like YOOOOO. And then the broadway singing comes in and it’s like YOOOOOOOOOOO! And then the dissonant harmonies hit and it’s like YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! I really like this. Very different and fresh and new and Y2K in the best way. I can’t stress how fucking amazing those harmonies sound.
Donna- Ok, Drew!! Give us that punk-rock energy! The electric guitar sound is really neat, and I kinda dig the reverb as well as the way Sarich sings most of the lines straight intentionally. Whereas the harmonies were highlighted in the last song, they act more as a part of the orchestra in this song, but it still feels full and tasteful. Really enjoying this so far.
Hashish- I’ve literally always skipped “Hashish.” It’s boring to me. I’m a sober loser. But THIS?! What are they doing to my boring hashish!! The instrumentation is so experimental and interesting to listen to. I like that the cast isn’t going over the top with the vocals, too. They’re supposed to be high, so going full belt and vibrato isn’t really the vibe.
Sodomy- I’m literally Debbie Reynolds-ing right now. This guy’s voice has me biting my lip for real. Catch me joining the Holy Orgy ™ any day of the week.
Colored Spade- This production is obviously informed heavily by black music. Which makes this song slightly more comfortable to listen to. I can’t really speak on it though- I’m white. All I can say is: it’s a bop. Also, the second half?? So fucking groovy. Yes I’m using that word unironically. It’s a good word.
Manchester England- Stripped down acoustic guitar… mkay I can get with that. Makes the full orchestration pop out more. Loving these glam rock vocals from Kyrre Kvam.
I’m Black- It was literally 22 seconds long and sounded like a car commercial with that fade in and fade out I’m lmao 😭Where’s my Ain’t Got No?!?!?!?
Dead End- Ok so I rarely hear this one in any recorded productions. I’ve only ever really heard it in college production bootlegs I watch on Youtube. This version has me saying WHY DID THEY REMOVE IT?!? It’s seriously so good. 
Air- The vocal affectation that Jeannie usually has tends to annoy me, which I guess is intentional, but I’m glad it’s more toned down here. The industrial sound of the instruments clashes with the light and breezy vocals in a really fascinating way. It’s like a big burly man wearing a flowery perfume. Thumbs up from me. 
I Got Life- Teehee if you take out your left earbud you get an a capella intro 🤭Anyway, I always love this song. This version is no exception. Treat Williams is still top, tho (Rest in Peace, King). 
Hair- The titular bitchular! (-Athena P on YT). Something about the way the sound is split between each ear in the intro (vocals in one ear, guitar in the other) is ticking me off. That’s just me, though. Overall, this sounds so fucking good and it’s such a vibe. I’m not sure if it’s Kvam or Sarich who hits those high notes but they hit, man.
My Conviction- Hehehehehe this sounds so out of place I love it. (It’s supposed to- just like Herod’s song in JCS)! Also how are these vocals from a man?? They aren’t my favorite but they sound soooo much like a woman that’s crazy. Anyway gender is fake
Easy To Be Hard- Um. Can we say elegant? Can we say… mystical? GORGINA?!? BRO when the,,, fuck what is it, a marimba or some shit comes in with that overarching angelic tone- fuuuuuucccckkkkk. So good. Also the shaker keeping the beat tastes good. I can taste this song. It tastes like a capri-sun on a hot day. I’m in love. Hold up- added verse? Why haven’t I heard this-
Frank Mills- Awwwwww this is cute. I like this woman’s voice. Very smooth and nice to listen to. What I’m noticing so far about this album is that they treat each song like it’s its own person, you know? Like- every tune sounds coherent and like it belongs, but it also sounds like its own thing with its own special instrumentation. It’s just. So neat.
Be In - Hare Krishna- The speaker shifting got me like 🫠so good. It’s like ASMR. Another thing I’m noticing about the ensemble vocals is that they’re so… earnest? They aren’t worn like clothing, they’re like a part of the individual. ... Any arrangement that can make me describe music like this deserves the world.
Where Do I Go- Fuck. I just love arrangements that do something new. This sound is so clean and genuine and beautiful. If I could insert John Savage’s vocals into this it would be perfect (No shade to Kvam- I just love the movie version of this song so much). This is probably my favorite song from the musical (I literally wrote a 30k+ word fanfiction based on its lyrics), and I’m sooooo utterly pleased with this interpretation of it. All I’ll say is that the end could’ve been a bit louder/more intense- it is an Act I closer, after all. More drums, please!
Electric Blues- TELL ME WHOOOOOO DO YOU LOVE MAN! *guitar* Ermmm I love Electric Blues I love it. I wanna inject this song into my bloodstream. This version doesn’t stray too much from the original, and it slaps. Always does. Also I just realized this came out before the Broadway revival. I wonder if the revival folks took a bit of inspo from this version 🤔
Black Boys- ATE AND LEFT NO CRUMBS (I love the staccato guitar chords, offbeat, percussion, tonal shift during the solo represented by the instrumentation, and just everything else about this).
White Boys- My eyes literally rolled to the back of my skull during that intro. So good!! So tasty! Also these VOCALS! Less energy than the others I’ve heard, but that’s not a criticism. It’s more reminiscent of the original cast recording. Once again, ATE AND LEFT NO CRUMBS. 🍽️
Walking in Space- dodo do do dodo dooooooo. (guitar). Again, the vocalists aren’t overdoing it, which is working. I’ll probably smoke marijuana to this song at some point. Looking forward to it. Also when she sang “ 🎶floooooooaaating, flipping, flyyyyyying, tripping 🎶” I was like 😶‍🌫️(that’s me floating flipping flying tripping). . I want to consume these vocals
The War- Don’t think I’ve heard this one in any other production? It definitely fits the vibe they’re going for. I’d love to know the context for it. Eh, actually, I think I can guess...
Three-Five-Zero-Zero- Listening to this is making me realize how important the bass guitar is as an instrument. Songs would sound so much less full without its constant, droning presence. Also, I would’ve loved to see them lean even further into the experimental vibe for this one so that the tonal shift would sound more stark. Regardless, it all sounds really good. Love the harmonies, especially at the end.
Good Morning Starshine- I have a poster of these three words in my room. Also, I like this version of the song. Very 2001. Kinda reminds me of that song “Walking on Sunshine,” similar vibes. Not my favorite version, but still a bop and very fun. 
The Flesh Failures/Eyes Look Your Last- Guitar is so yummy. I don’t like the chorus singing the first part. I’m just too used to it being a soloist or Claude. Also, it feels kinda too fast? Sorry, I have ridiculously high standards for this song. I think it’s one of the best songs ever written. Given that fact, it’s hard to fuck it up. So, this sounds really good still, obviously. Just didn’t hit quite as hard for me. I feel like they tried so hard to make every other song sound unique and they dropped the ball a bit here. It sounds like they’re trying to just get it over with… which is very contradictory to the song’s message. Also, why isn’t “Let the Sunshine In” a part of the title? Seems kinda important 😬
Hippie Life- …huh?
Aquarius (Bonustrack) - director’s cut- It’s the remix 😎
Overall, I was really impressed by this album. I’m glad I took a listen. It seems like a very approachable version of the controversial musical. I think it’d be a good album to show friends that aren’t into musicals but should still get to enjoy Hair. Some choices weren’t my style, but I’m genuinely so astounded and excited by others. Act I was better than Act II. Drew Sarich was great, and so was the rest of the cast. Ultimately, a very cool take on one of my favorite musicals of all time. Thanks again to @peppi-mint for recommending this to me- I’m so happy I got to do another silly little stream-of-consciousness musical review!
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fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
“I know it’s three am but I couldn’t let you be sad by yourself” for any pairing you want please?
of course and this gives me the perfect opportunity to let loose!
“I know it’s three am but I couldn’t let you be sad by yourself”
Great. Another failed audition. Loosey sighed and rubbed her forehead as she sat at the bar. She couldn't remember how long she's been there wallowing in her sorrows. The establishment was packed when she got there, barely able to squeeze past the swarm of people filling the dance floor. Slowly as the night went on the crowd thinned down to only the drunks or party animals that would leave when the music stopped.
She dragged her manicured nail around the edge of the glass. Maybe this was her sign to just give up? Audition after audition came and went and nothing ever happened. No phone call, no email from the agencies, nothing. She didn't care how humiliating it must look to have her sitting at a bar drowning her sorrows in cheap alcohol. She needed this.
A younger girl came up after a while, hopping onto a barstool and ordering something Loosey had never heard of. Judging by how young the girl was and how fresh the black hair dye was in her hair, it was probably something that would rot her teeth and flood her system with alcohol so fast she wouldn't remember the night. The girl turned around as the bartender nodded, turning their back.
"You've been here a while." Loosey turned her head and had a glare at the ready.
"And you've been here same as me." The younger girls brow seemed to furrow at the pointed slight but she shook it off, still smiling at her.
"Yeah but you've just been here the whole time. Isn't that like lonely?" She tilted her head curiously. Loosey furrowed her brow, rolling her eyes and mumbling something about "kids these days". But the girl didn't react to any of it, just watching her with an intent focus.
"Well, I know it’s three am, but I couldn’t let you be sad by yourself and I know that drinking alone isn't any fun." The black haired girl said with a smile, her drink next to her and taking it in her small hands. "And if it helps, I'm a pretty good listener."
The blonde exhaled and looked over at her and returned the smile, smaller though but still there. "You are some girl, you know that?"
She giggled. "I've been told. My names Spice by the way."
"That's pretty." She took a sip from her drink. "You are too." That made the older woman chuckle.
"Well thank you." They chatted for a bit, getting the barebones of who they were. When Loosey mentioned she was a performer, Spice's eyes seemed to light up and her smile change to an expression of awe.
"That's so cool! Do you like sing and stuff?"
The blonde shrugged. "I do. Obviously that's not getting me anywhere." She half joked, sipping from her glass.
"I bet your like amazing. You give me Broadway triple threat energy." Spice giggled. "Did I use that right?"
That got Loosey to smile. "Yes, you did but I'm hardly a triple threat."
They slowly slipped into comfortable conversation and the painful edge of bitterness subsided and dulled. There was a smile on her face the whole time Spice rambled about something her and her twin had done when they were younger. She could feel the bartenders eyes on them, begging for them to leave and Loosey started getting up, Spice following suit.
"Y'know I know great place for pancakes. They're still open." She said and slipped on a thin jacket, if Loosey would even call it that and not a scarp of see through fabric that did nothing against the cold. She looked at Spice. She was fully ready to make her smile as best she could and she hardly knew her.
"I'd like that." She said, going to push open the door for the booth of them. Spice smiled at her like a puppy wagging it's tail. She trotted over to her quickly, holding the chain of her small purse. They took to the sidewalk as Spice raved about how amazing everything was where they were going.
Maybe failing another audition wasn't so bad after all.
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Chapter 57: Phantom of the Train
They were trying to keep everything running smoothly, but it was clear it would be a more chaotic day at Dead Bird Studios when they walked through the door. It was supposed to be Hat Girl coming in the film some cameo scenes in a movie DJ Grooves was working on, along with Shadow to see if she could play a role in Conductor's new paranormal-style movie. No one expected they would walk in with, along with others, a deity of the moon only told of in legends. They all heard bits and pieces of the stories, but never thought they would ever be true.
Of course, everyone had known something was up when the moon's color shifted one night, but nothing of note had happened, so they had almost forgotten about it, until now… Despite all that, the deity was really calm and casual. Apparently, he was the soul of a normal human that, for one reason or another, got chosen to be reborn into this power. He had been part of Hat Girl's group when alive so he had been staying with them and only felt comfortable exploring beyond the subcon forest now. Although granted, no one from her group really went far from there since winter started.
Despite that, shaky to say the least start to the day, they slowly worked on getting what they needed to be done. Grooves directing Hat Girl for what to do during her scenes and Conductor giving Shadow Kid scripts and stage direction to see how she would do, Snatcher sticking close to make sure things didn't go too far. Randy would watch from a slight distance, Macbeth sticking close by in case anything happened. He was more on guard now, despite knowing everything should be fine. It was his job to protect the Moonjumper after all.
That being said, waiting for the two to get done did start to bore the ghostly conductor. Normally he was fine, he could handle it, but something about him just…itched for something else that day. He didn't understand why, couldn't even put a finger on it, but it was there. Maybe the long, tried days of things being the same were starting to get to him. Even with Randy back, things had fallen into a route that was starting to get too same-y. Even he was itching to do a robbery now.
He decided maybe he was just too tired to deal with all the voices and noise around. He asked Randy if he could be alone for a few minutes, to which Randy agreed. Macbeth left the room after, Randy giving him a worried look but just sighed. He still felt so bad for Java. The boy he cared for had so much taken away from him, and he was still struggling to express himself again. Randy just wished there was a way he could get Java too… He paused as he looked up, seeing the penguin and Hat Girl enter the room.
"You were amazing as always, Darling." Grooves complimented as Hat Girl gave a smile, adjusting her scarf back around her neck. "Oh, I wish I could put you in another movie as a lead but I don't have any scripts that fit at the moment." She just gave a giggle as they heard the Conductor give an annoyed sigh. "Hey, I heard that." Grooves stated.
"Well ye didn't have too." Conductor stated as he glanced over, crossing his arms and then turning his attention over to where Randy was, pausing a moment. "Oi, where did Macbeth go? I was planin' on askin' him somethin'." Randy gave a small shrug as began to float around, going to nearby rooms and cracking the door open slightly to see if he was in any of them… until he heard something faintly from one of them. "Grooves, did you leave one of your radio's on?" The bird asked as he walked where Randy was, cracking open the door slightly.
"A show stoppin' number, is something you die for. A real catchy, earwormy tune. An award-winning score, that seeps in and out of your pores, a ditty to make the chorus girls swoon. It'll unify humanity in a thundering chorus, no exits from this Broadway venue! So splash those shiny cymbals-!"
"What's that even from?" Snatcher's voice suddenly asked, cutting off the man who had gotten lost in his own thoughts. Macbeth shook his head and turned to the door to tell him off, only to pause up slightly when he saw the small group outside the door. Oh why did they have to walk in now? He backed up slightly, trying to maintain a more neutral stance, but he was sure there was blush on his face. "Oh come on, half the clans knows your can sing, why get so nervous about it."
"You got a good voice Java." Randy said as he came in, giving the man a smile. Macbeth just blinked as he tried to think of a response. One that seemed like he wasn't bothered. Couldn't he at least have sung something else if he was going to get caught like this?
"It's just a small thing, we've all sung once or twice in our lives when it's quiet, you all happened to hear one of those times." Macbeth tried to claim. A lie, of course, but he was trying to stay quiet about this whole thing. He just didn't really sing much anymore, he didn't like the idea of being known as a singer. He was one of the higher ups at the clan, he couldn't let a soft side like that show. "Anyway, if you guys are done, we should be headin' back to the clan now."
"Wait!" Conductor said, coming up to the man. "I actually was considerin' ye for a small while now, but I think that voice of yers is perfect for a scene I have in mind!" Macbeth looked at the bird, trying to see if he was drunk but he appeared to be fine. He didn't like where this was going and tried to quietly move past, but the Conductor grabbed the sleeve of his shirt before he could. "You'd be perfect for the ghostly conductor. I mean, yer already one anyhow!"
"Wait, are you tryin' to pull me into one of your movies?" Macbeth asked, getting a nod from the bird. He pulled his arm away so he would let go. "Sorry but not all toppats are actors on the level of Hat Girl. And I can't commit to months or maybe even years of flimin', we'll be ready to leave by then." The Conductor seemed to give a confused look about the comment about time, Macbeth could tell even without the eyes. "Besides, I can't act for the life of me. I would just ruin everythin'."
"I mean, you did a lot of good acting when you were younger. Surely some of that talent is there." Randy said, giving a gentle jab in the shoulder as he floated to Macbeth's side. He gave a cheeky wink but a well meaning smile. Macbeth just glanced to the side as he tried to head to the exit. It didn't matter if Randy's words were once true, it was who he was now that would be filmed. "I mean, it wouldn't hurt to at least give it a try Java."
"They don't do as many takes as we do on our planet, Macbeth." Hat Girl explained. "It's basically one big improv act with a script to roughly follow. Shouldn't take more then a few days at most." Macbeth shook his head, but then paused as his hat fell off his head, Alexsandera coming out and looking at him. An odd look of asking for something, wanting something. "I think they want you to try it to." Hat Girl had to hold in a giggle as Alex nodded, making Macbeth sighed. "I can try to help!"
"Hey, if you end up sucking, me or Randy can control your body with our magic." Snatcher stated with a smirk, earning a faint glare from the man. Randy looked over at Snatcher confused and worried by the claim, but Macbeth looked at Alex as they wrapped themself around his arm, looking up at him with pleading eyes. God, he hated being put on the spot like this, what was he supposed to do? "Beside, Shadows going to be in the movie so it's not like you'll be the only frist time actor."
"…Only if the clan doesn't learn." Macbeth answered. "I don't need them making jabs at me about it."
"Good, because I need you ready in a few days, I'll go grab a script!" Conductor said, before heading out of the room to grab one.
"What did I just agree to?" Macbeth sighed, resting his head in his hands and shaking a little. Alexsandera floated up and seemed to be beaming with joy however. He didn't understand why they seemed so insistent on this, they of all people should know the feeling of not wanting to be in the spotlight. He looked over at Snatcher, who crossed his arms slightly when he noticed. "Do you think you could shapeshift and cover me? Use some voice changing spell to make sure no one notices."
"Sorry, I got my own little showstar to worry about, isn't that right little Shadow?" Snatcher asked, Shadow kid bobbing her head up and down in joy. Macbeth gave a small smile at the moment, giving a tired chuckle. At least Conductor shouldn't make him do anything too crazy, not when there was a child on set. Although, this was the same man who had the movie filming on top of an actively moving train with Teenages on top. "It's not like you'll DIE of embarrassment."
Shadow Kid raced up to him. "Yea, you can't die again!"
Macbeth just patted the top of her hat slightly, giving a sigh as he thought about it. Oh, if Carol learned of any of this, she never let him live it down…
A few days later, they were back at the movie studio, waiting by the train as a few final preparations were done. The air in the desert was cooler, and the sun, while bright, didn't burn the living souls to sweating. It was almost odd for everyone who hadn't been here before. Shadow Kid was playing little games with Dinenna, her normal outfit changed for one with a victorian style with a mix of a service employee uniform, and now they were waiting for Macbeth to come out once he had changed into his outfit for the movie.
Randy kept glancing back at the door to the changing room as he spent time speaking with Grooves, who was passing by before Randy started up a conversation. At first he was excited about this whole thing. He thought it was a way for Java to use the talents they both knew he had but had been squished away during Wilford's reigne. It was only in the days following did Randy realize how much they had just thrown onto the man in such a short time.
"I was just so excited in the moment." Randy sighed, shaking his head as he glanced past the penguin and under the train, where Alexsandera was playing with the small plush they brought to keep them entertained. "He always wanted to star in a play, be the star of the show… Or he used too." He shook his head with a sad smile as he lowered a bit closer to the ground. "I guess I'm not adjusting as well as I thought I would have. It's just, to me it was only a few weeks but for him it was three decades."
"Well, he could still be a bit lighter about it if you ask me." Grooves stated. "Like I know he went through a lot, but this isn't something he needs to worry about. It's an artform, and you can stress art." Randy gave a small nod. He could see where Grooves was coming from at least. But still, Grooves didn't know the layers of Java's situation, Randy barely knew himself. "I'm sure once he gets the stagefright off it'll be fine. It's not your fault for being excited, darling."
"I can't help but feel that way though.." He gave a small chuckle. "Still can't believe all this is real to be honest.." He paused as he heard the door open, looking over to see Java step through the door. The outfit he was wearing looked like a fancier version of his normal outfit, with more of a victorian feel. Patterns of crossing rows were stitched in and a few carefully placed tears and 'blood' stains dotted it. "Woah, that's very good! I'm surprised they made it in only a few days."
"This has to be the most elaborate thing I've ever worn." Macbeth said as he glanced to the side, bending down on one knee for Alex when they rushed over at the sight of him, going up and resting along his shoulders. He gave them a small smile and patted the top of their mask, getting a happy little sound in response. He then looked over at Conductor, who was adjusting the sleeves for the outfit he was wearing. "You better not have me do any elaborate stunts in this. I don't care if I'm already dead. It will end poorly."
"Eh, not to worry about all that." Conductor said as he waved a dismissive hand. "Yer character's main purpose in the plot is, essentially, be the plot, nothing more to worry about." He said as he began to head over to the train, starting to talk to some of the owls that were there, discussing what they should do first. Macbeth sighed, he just wanted to get this over with. "Oh, hope you been on that thought rest or whatever yer vocal-somethin' people call it, since we will need to film yer singing."
"Ohh, I wonder if it will end up like the movie you told me about. The french one." Snatcher said as he floated over, Macbeth seeming to groan as the mere mention of that existence. Macbeth was doing his best to keep a level head, but he could feel his heart beating despite no physical heart existing. Phantom heart, he supposed? He didn't even fully know why, he truly thought his nerves would have calmed down by now and yet, here he was. "Just remember, only a few thousands people will see this, no worries!"
"It's gonna be so fun, Mr. Macbeth!" Shadow Kid said, bouncing on the tips of her toes with a smile. "Even if it will be a little weird to be calling you Papa for this." She added in a tone that made the adults around chuckle a bit. Macbeth gave a small nod to her claim.
"Just don't get used to it, pal." Snatcher stated, giving a small glare to the ghostly man who rolled his eyes at the comment. Shadow began to head over to the train and Macbeth began to follow. For a few steps, that is, before pausing in his place. He looked to the side as he looked at Alexandra, who seemed to notice his worry. They floated off his shoulders as Snatcher floated with a smirk. "Ok, you can drop the whole stage fright thing now, for real. It's starting to get more annoying than fun to poke at."
"It's not stage fright." Macbeth said as he shook his head. "It's just natural to feel, well, like this when yer just being tossed in front of a camera for the world to see." He went to pull down his hat a bit on reflex, letting out an annoyed sigh when he realized it wasn't there. It better not be lost by the time he got done with this process. He wasn't in the mood to find it. "What if I ruin things or, I don't know, do poorly? They'll still throw a bad performance into the movie."
"That sounds like stage fright." Snatcher stated, getting a glare from the man. "What, I'm just being honest to you."
"Snatcher, please" Randy said, the ghost rolling his eyes at the comment before Randy turned to Macbeth. "Just do your best. You were nervous back then too, remember?" Randy didn't say it allowed, and Macbeth was grateful for that. He didn't need everyone in this room knowing about his past theater kid actions. Randy wiped some dust that had been on the shoulder of Macbeth's sleeve. "Worse case scenario, it just gets you back in practice. Besides, maybe you'll warm into the role quicker than you think."
"Maybe… That's the only way this would turn out good." Macbeth sighed as he took a small breath, looking at Randy and Alex who were giving him gentle looks. He did suppose this was his only chance to be in a movie. He never really wanted to be in one of those but if the clan found out, they would kill him for not taking the chance. Maybe via fire spirits.. he shook his head and took a breath. "Ok, let's get started." He said as he walked over to the train, hands to side.
"Ah, ready for flimin' at last, good! Let's hop on and I'll give you the rough ideas, we changed some stuff from the scripts." Macbeth rolled his eyes at Condoctor's comment, because of course they did. Granted, he only half remembered it himself, he had been hungover a bit ago and that didn't help with his memories. As he climbed onto the train, Conductor locked eyes with the penguin a bit away. "I don't want to hear any of yer yappin', Grooves! It's a good way of doin' scripts."
"I was saying nothing, Conductor dear." Grooves said, going to grab Dinenna from her little play pen. The crew for the movie started to get onto the train, Randy giving a smile until Macbeth was out of sight, giving a sigh and fornwing. He really did believe in Java. He did. He still just felt so bad for getting this thrown onto him so suddenly… He looked over as Grooves walked beside him. "Just make sure he does his best, darling. I have a feeling it will end better than you both think."
"Thanks, it means a lot." He began to head to the train, floating up and letting Alex rest around his shoulders. He did pause and watch the penguins leave, then turned to the Conductor. "Why do you work in the same building if you have-"
"We 'ave beef because we work in the same buildin'." Conductor mumbled. "Pecking retailers."
Snatcher poke his head in at the comment about the retailers. "You know, I would offer help if you ever turn that to legal matters, but I have a feeling by now it wouldn't qualify for conflict of interest."
Macbeth rolled his eyes as Snatcher's comment rang through his head. To think that ghost would've been a lawyer if things hadn't turned south… or would north be more appropriate?
The Conductor groaned as he awoke, leaning back in his chair as he rubbed his head. The random noises from around the train must be starting to get to him. Footsteps when no one was around, what sounded like giggling. Not long ago he overheard the sound of something metal falling and found part of the train broken, a gear having fallen out of its place and now on the ground. A toolbox and some oil had been nearby. It was like someone had tried to do a repair and vanished halfway through it.
He sighed as he leaned forward, looking up at the night sky. Most of the passengers should be asleep, most of the workers too. Maybe he could stop by the bar and grab himself a small drink. Nothing major, he just got the job and didn't want to lose it. Just something to help him drift off to sleep easier. You couldn't be a good train conductor if you were tired all the time, barely staying awake. He yawned as he garbed a lamp and began to head through the hall of the cart that connected to his locomotive.
He paused when music started to play over the speakers. It was quiet, faint, but he heard it. And knew he shouldn't.
"We dressed her up in that yellow dress you gave her… remember what you said to her…" The voice was faint, like the music, but the suddenness of it might as well have been thunder in the middle of clear skies. Conductor quickly swung his lamp around, trying to spot who was singing, but no one appeared. No bird, no cat, no man… Until he caught the hint of a silhouette from above. "Remember what you said to her? The story about your.." The voice gave a tired sigh with a hint of what seemed to be a tired chuckle.
"Oi! Yer not allowed to be up there!" Conductor called to the figure. It seemed to pause for a moment, but only for a moment, before going along its path, still singing the song quietly under its breath. He growled and climbed up the nearby ladder as quick as his limbs could carry him, lamp hanging from his mouth. "Answer me!" he mumbled.
The figure paused. "Is he crazy… Or is he actually…" Conductor got up to the top of the stairs, taking a second to cough a bit as he took the lamp out of his mouth, holding it up to the figure, and pausing. Was his sight playing dirty with him? The figure… he could see through it. The figure stood there, a hint of surprise in his tired eyes. Wait… hadn't he seen him before. "I didn't think it was possible…" The ghost took a step forward, the Conductor leaning back.
"Y-Yer.. Yer the old Conductor!" The bird stated, trying to keep his voice quiet so no one would awake, although he failed. The ghostly figure gave a tired nod, looking at the bird as he took some steps back. The ghost made no movement to harm him, but how could he trust that. Was he drunk? He heard the original Conductor went missing, along with his daughter. "I-I must have had somethin' slip into one of me drinks, this isn't possible. You disappeared long ago! Just into thin air."
"Did you honestly believe that?" The ghost asked, tilting his head. "I had everythin' here, why would I just leave?"
"Wha- I wasn't tryin' to imply you left intentionally." Conductor said, looking over the ghost again. It was only then that it struck him. He hadn't been given all the information when he got the train, despite pushing for it. Just that it belonged to a family who's last living members seemed to disappear out of the blue. Previous owners had made complaints of odd activity and yet he brushed them off at the time… Until now. "What happened to ya? There was no traces of anythin' on the train."
"He was like that, always cleaning up the act… I just wish he didn't drag dear May into this.." The ghost spoke, glancing to the side with anger and sorrow in his eyes, or at least as much as he could muster. Conductor stepped closer to try and hear him better, but then noticed the ghost seemed fainter than he had a minute ago. The ghost didn't seem to notice, or if he did chose to ignore it. "Just keep your eye out. What he wants is still on here, and he'll do anything to get it… anything."
The scene was quiet for a moment, then there was suddenly a crash. "Cut!" Conductor suddenly called, clapping his hands as he went over to the railing and glanced down. "Ok, who broke what? At least wait until we finish the scene!" One of the owls tried to swipe some glass from one of the prop bottles under one carpet, making him sigh as he drafted his hand
along his beak. "At least it was during a moment we could cut easily. Let's have a break for a few, recharge and all that stuff."
"Good." Macbeth stated with a sigh, the comfort on his face fading to his usual style of tiredness as he headed over to the ladder and climbing down. He thought about jumping for a brief second, it wasn't going to hurt him anyway, but he didn't. He walked over to one of the seats near where Randy and Alex were, watching as the lining that was placed over the windows rolled up so the sunlight came in again. "Man, I don't know how actual actors do that their entire lives. Maybe they at least get their scenes mixed up?"
"Well I think you did great." Randy stated as he sat beside him, Macbeth rolling his eyes as Alexsandera rested in his lap, him patting the Dweller's plush when they held it up to him slightly. Macbeth was a little surprised by how well it was going. It wasn't tony or broadway worthy by any means but, compared to how he pictured it in his head, it was going well. It took a take or two to fully get into character, but it was starting to become more like a switch. "Your voice still sounds so good."
"I'm just wonderin' where Conductor found that song? Apparently it's six minutes long normally despite not having too many lyrics." Macbeth questioned. He also fully didn't understand why his character would sing part of the song but hey, he wasn't about to argue over choices like that, he just wanted to get filming done before the other toppats figured it out. "I get it's about a funeral or, sometin', gonna have to get a better look at the full lyrics, but it seems too gloomy?"
"Well, yer character is dead." Conductor called. "I'm not the best at these song choices, I'll admit."
"I'll be sure to tell Grooves then." Randy claimed, the Conductor walking up and glaring up at him. Well, as much as he could glare without his eyes being visible. "I kid, I kid!" Randy stated with a small chuckle to his voice. Macbeth had to hold in a chuckle of amusement over a deity backing away in his seat from one angry bird… But then again, that was Randy. "I'm allowed to have a little fun with this kind of stuff. I'm the jokester toppat after all. It's what I'm known for."
"Like me bein' known for being like a brick wall that gets drunk." Macbeth stated as he rolled his eyes, adjusting the sleeves on his costume since they had rolled up. Randy placed a hand around his shoulder and made Macbeth glance over, a comforting look in his eyes with a hint of worry. Macbeth rolled his eye as he gently removed Randy's arm from his shoulder. "I know I'm more than that Randy, I kid as well." Macbeth said as he looked up at Radman. "Or am I not allowed to now?"
"Of course yo' allowed to!" Randy stated, crossing his arms, getting a small smirk on his face, but there was relief in his words. Macbeth gave a quiet chuckle as he shrugged. "I just get worried sometimes, you know that, right?"
Macbeth nodded. "You and everyone else in the clan made that very clear."
The Conductor shrugged as he listened to the two. "I'd say yer made of something softer than brick." He claimed.
Macbeth rolled his eyes at that comment, but let out a sigh. He didn't want to admit it aloud but, he was starting to have some odd form of fun with this movie thing.
Everything was a dream, that's what Conductor kept telling himself as he worked around the fire box for the train. He didn't even know why this train had one, it was clearly upgraded to run off of newer tech. He heard many tried to remove the fire box but it always went south for one vague reason or another. It was like it was being a pest, trying to stay somewhere unwelcomed. Some even joked that the old Conductor was still around, trying to keep what little remained of the original train's parts.
Either way, it was annoying. He wasn't even working directly with it, at least at the moment. But the heat that kept coming from it was making him sweat. Even the brightness and lightness outfits he had didn't block most of the heat back. That mixed with the sounds of guests from other rooms and the smell of it almost made him light headed. He had to sit down a few times to be safe. He didn't want to have to burn something in it only for him to fall in as well. Who knows how long it would be before anyone would find him.
"Why did the only train available have to be the strange one?" He mumbled as he leaned back, groaning as he heard those tiny little footsteps again, along with the faint giggling. The one's of a young girl, who's voice always had a hint of pain… He jolted forward as his head suddenly hit something soft, turning around, only to groan at the sight of a garbage bag. "Who left this just in here?" He mumbled. "Pecking pecknecks." He said as he grabbed it, heading over to the fire box.
The giggling sounded like it came closer. "Mr. Bird!" He heard a faint voice whisper. He always would look behind him when he heard it, but never saw anyone. It had to be the child of one of the guests, he told himself. He opened the firebox and went to throw the bag in. "Oh Mr. Bird! What are you doing in-" He turned around slightly, getting a glimpse of the girl's silhouette. "…D-Doing" she said as the bag made contact with the fire, it giving a loud pop and a wave of heat, Conductor leaning away to avoid the embers.
"What was in that thin'?!" He asked as he coughed and closed the doors to the firebox, the doors letting out what sounded like a shriek as he did. He took some small breaths, glancing behind him again. There was no one… his mind was playing tricks on him… He sighed as he sat down, shaking his head as he glanced at some of the coal bits that dotted the ground… he paused as he picked a paler one up. "What coal are we usin'?" If he didn't know better, it almost felt like he was holding a burnt bone…
"PAPA!" The shriek would have been enough to terrify the living, but for the ghostly conductor it was worse. He snapped out of his trace of watching from the window, looking over to a wall as May raced into the scene, sobbing as golden tears fell to the ground. Instantly he got on his knees as she raced to him, clinging to him as she sobbed into his outfit. "I-I wanted to look at Mr. Bird b-but then the flames were growing again. I-I didn't want them to get me again, t-they were going to Papa, I-I couldn't-"
"Dear, it's ok, it's ok. Yo' here now, I'm so sorry." The ghostly Conductor said, pulling her closer as he stood up, her still crying into his outfit. The only reason it wasn't getting stained was that there techally was nothing to be stained. He walked over to the corner of the room they were in, dark and cold with a window still in view. He sat down, and gently moved some of her bangs out of her eyes. "I'm sorry, I should have seen if he would've been there. I should have known better."
"I just don't understand why.." The girl gave a small hiccup through her sobs. The man's eyes could barely muster a single tear. He already spent them all so long ago. He hummed quietly, letting her move her head by where his heart would have been if they were still alive. Even if it no longer beated, she seemed to find some strange comfort in all of it. "Papa, you said we would see Mama again someday.." She looked up at him. "Are we still going to? And when? I.."
"I don't know…" He sighed as he glanced to the ceiling. "I don't know…" God it took everything to not start crying. Just the context of the scene alone was horrifying… Luckily, they heard the clapping sound that indicated the cameras were being turned off, allowing him to breathe a sigh of relief as he wiped at his eyes before the tears could start forming, looking down at Shadow Kid. "Are you alright? That wasn't too much for you?" He asked as Snatcher floated over to check.
"Yea." Shadow Kid said, wiping at her tears and shaking her head a bit in an attempt to get back out of character. "I just need a few, I think.. Do you guys have chocolate milk?" She asked as she looked over to the owls by the cameras, one going to go check with some hesitation. Shadow Kid paused as Snatcher picked her up, holding her close as she glanced up at him confused. "I'm fine Papa, it's just acting, like we signed up for." She said, but the phantom looked to the side.
"I just don't like you being hurt." He mumbled as he floated away from the camera's view, Randy watching the phantom leave as they passed each other. "I'll see if we can get the day to end early."
"It's a little odd, don't you think?" Randy asked Macbeth as he looked at him. "About how Conductor chose for how your characters died?" Macbeth nodded a bit. He personally found it hard to believe the bodies would have been burnt enough in the furnace by the time the first investigators came around but it wasn't his movie. Wasn't his place to say how the plot went. "Did he have to pick the slowest and most painful one I can imagine?" Randy asked. "I know he isn't planning on actually filming any scene where it's shown but, geez."
"I'm not puttin' Shadow through that, I'm not that bad." The Conductor called as he walked into the room, dusting himself off and swiping some of the sweat off his brow. Macbeth gave a nod as he looked over at Alexsandera, who seemed to shake a little in the air just from the idea of it alone. Not that he could blame them. He didn't know how people did that in movies. "How are you feelin' Macbeth? Need a break?"
"A little? Not sure how much balance I can keep doin' for the emotional but not over about it act." Macbeth said, rolling his eyes a little at the wording he used. Somehow he did have suspicions about Conductor's claim of not putting Shadow through it, he knew he did some extreme scenes in general for movies in the past but he supposed at least he was better about it now? As good as that was. "How many more seconds do you need to film today? Any possibility we can move them to another date."
"I might be able to push around the schedule a bit, but there aren't too many left, at least for ye." Conductor claimed. "Like I said, your character is mostly there to play a part in the plot as, rude as that may sound." Macbeth gave a small nod as Snatcher came back into the room, floating over to Conductor with a small glare on his face. "Hey, whacha givin' me that look for, phantom?" Conductor asked as he looked up at him. "I had you read over the scripts… Did that one scene not get printed?"
"Appernally not." Snatcher said as he grabbed the bird's arm. "Don't make my daughter go through something like that again, especially involving fire." He warned.
"What the peck do you have against fire all of the sudden?" Conductor questioned.
"Oh, I don't know, the fire spirits in the forest that can kill ghosts? The ones that were specially designed to kill a god and did so." Snatcher warned.
As the two started to bicker, Macbeth hummed as he thought about it. It was funny in some odd, twisted way that Conductor had chosen fire for their deaths considering what fire could do to ghosts if charged magically… He still remembered the pain he had to recover from after they took care of that one group of fire spirits… He heard their numbers were getting low… Why did he feel that was a bad thing?
Hat Girl was right about movies being made very quickly on this planet. Macbeth only had to go back two, maybe three more times before they wrapped up production. Not that he was complaining, of course. It meant he and Randy stopped having to come up with random excuses to leave the clearing and why it would be hard to track them down in subcon. He was going to avoid the clan learning for as long as possible… even if his feelings about them learning had softened up a little.
He was in his room of the studio after they got done filming the final scene, changing back into his normal attire and leaving the costume in the past. It felt relieving, he could go back to normal now, but… he had a weird feeling he'd miss this. Sure, it wasn't exactly his taste but, it at least killed time that he normally would've just, done the same boring stuff or gotten drunk. He had been getting in the habit of drinking more often since he had someone to watch Alexnsadera but he knew it wasn't the best for him.
It reminded him of the joys of once going on the stage or, a random table that was laying about, playing out the scenes of whatever play or musical he had seen from memory, sometimes with a little crowed of his friends…
"Oi!" The call drew him out of his mini trip down memory lane, looking over to see the Conductor who had his arm waving in the door. "I need to make sure the owls are editing it correctly but I wanted to thank you for this! The audience will be in awe with an actor they won't recognize." Macbeth thought it was an odd compliment but gave a hum of agreement. "Oh, and feel free to take the costume with you. It's not going to fit most other people, we're all kinda short compared to humans, annoyingly."
"Oh, thank you?" Macbeth said as the Conductor's arm vanished. At least he didn't open the door all the way, even if Macbeth had already gotten back into his normal clothing. He looked at the box that had the costume placed inside. It was close enough to a normal conductor outfit, he supposed. Maybe he might humor the toppats next Halloween if he had to do a trip with the train around then… He paused as he heard a knock at the door. "Come in!" He called as he grabbed his hat.
Randy floated in with Alexsandera rushing right to Macbeth's side in joy. "You did amazing Java! I don't know how you do all of it. This kind of thing is just in your blood, huh?"
"Oh it wasn't anytin' special, Rand." Macbeth said as he rolled his eyes, giving Alex a small hug (well, as best as he could hug a dweller) before letting them head into his hat and having it rest on his head. He closed the box with his costume and picked it up, taking a breath as he began to head to the exit door, pausing as he glanced at some owls trying to clean up stuff nearby. "I swear, if Conductor sends a tape or disk of this movie to anyone in the clan, I will kill him."
Randy had to hold back a fit of laughter from the sudden comment. "I'm sure it won't be that bad, Java." Randy said, Macbeth rolling his eyes at the comment as they began to head out. Macbeth would glance around, more with his ears than anything else. All the talk of the Moonjumper suddenly being there was gone, it was mostly about the movie now, it seemed. A lot talking about him… "Hey, Java, I'm sorry I threw you into this." Randy sighed, making Macbeth pause at the sudden comment.
"I was the one who agreed to it." He said as he turned slightly so he and Randy could look each other in the eyes. "You were excited about the idea, sure, but the choice was still mine."
"I know that but I can't help but feel like I pressured you into it, even if indirectly." Randy sighed as he shook his head, looking to the side. "I think at the idea of you getting to express that side of yourself again I got excited, blindly so…" He shook his head, and Macbeth nodded. He wondered how hard it truly was for Randy. His entire world changed yet for the most part he was still the same. "…I just remember your joy for the acting arts when young and I wanted to see that again."
"Who knows, maybe you will." Macbeth shrugged slightly, making Randy pause. It felt weird to say. Sure he sang occasionally and might put on a bit of a character if he got dragged into the kids games but he never seriously thought about returning to this type of thing, even as a side hobby. Besides, he didn't use the train too much anymore, and that wouldn't change when they got back to earth. "Biggest thing is if the clan will make me the biggest laughing stock if I start."
"If they do, they gotta get past me first." Randy snapped his fingers, a small ball of light coming from them. He snapped a few more times and it stayed the same. "Still working on it."
"Honestly, it's mostly Carol I'm worried about." Macbeth said as he rolled his eyes. She slowly started to get back to her usual treatment of him ever since he came back and things felt about normal again now. It was a little annoying but in a way he enjoyed? Was that the word? There was just something about her holding herself back that made him feel bad, like he hurt her with something out of his control. "She always finds ways to make little jabs at my express. It's practically an art from for her."
"I don't understand what her deal in particular is. All the other elites at least show their softer side." Randy said as he crossed his arms. But then again, Randy was likely more bais. He was chosen as a third in command mainly to lighten the mood during tougher times, to always see the bright side. And he didn't even pick elites until Macbeth, and they both remembered how that went. "But I'm not going to try reading her like a book, that'd be weird… Can I turn people into books?"
"Randy, let's not get too creative before you fire off a random spell." Macbeth said. "Last thing I want it to rely on Snatcher for help."
"No, please, rely on me for help." Snatcher said as he came over, hovering above the two with Shadow Kid resting on his back, still in her movie outfit and holding the plush cat toy that had been one of May's props throughout the movie. Was meant to make her more clearly innocent and all that. Made her and her father's fate still worse somehow, at least they got some form of peace in the end. "I've been curious if I could craft a counter spell for deity nonsense, as I will be calling it."
"Just wait till he does something to you one of these days. Maybe then my mind will get some rest." Macbeth mumbled, Snatcher letting out a quiet gasp. It made him hold in a chuckle as they headed out of Dead Birds studio, the sun barely starting to set in the distance. The moon would be in the sky by the time they got back, most likely. Maybe he could plop in a movie, or something.
Or a musical. Who knows.
He felt like maybe he could work on his voice more.
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opera-ghost · 2 years
really quick thoughts on 3/2/23 evening phantom performance:
main trio was ben crawford, emilie kouatchou, and greg mills(!)
kelly loughran was on for meg and she was very sweet! i really liked her voice
also janet saia for carlotta, very entertaining
whenever greg was watching emilie on stage like during think of me and il muto, he was super attentive and into it. paul schaefer seems almost bored during think of me, checking the program or just sitting there like a statue. greg was enraptured, and turned around to nehal a few times to talk with him excitedly. he seemed to really enjoy watching emilie as the page boy in il muto, it was so fun to see
ben started doing this thing where after the third or fourth “sing for me” during the title song, he lets out a breathless “yes.” i first heard it in a recording of the 35th anniversary show but he also did it during the 3/1 evening performance. you can’t hear it super well on this audio but i think it’s slightly clearer on the audio from 3/1. i like the choice a lot
people laughed during ben’s STYDI crawl, because, well, it does look a little silly. i still love it though. if the STYDI crawl has one fan, it’s me. if the STYDI crawl has no fans, i’m dead
again, GREG MILLS RAOUL. absolutely iconic AIAOY. the way he spun around excitedly as he sang “then say you’ll share with me…” ,, and he held emilie so tenderly when they kissed
actual gasps and whispers when ben’s hand appeared on the angel and he climbed up. it was amazing energy
during WC, the spark thing on the staff didn’t work. ben sort of looked at the staff while singing and then just continued going on as normal. the pyrotechnics at the end still worked
when emilie was behind ben during PONR, right before she ran her hand over the mask (and ben gets up from the bench), ben’s right hand traveled down and was hovering over his crotch (almost… touching), and emilie touching his mask seemed to cut him off. he was SUFFERING throughout the whole number, hands going insane, fingers twitching
during final lair- on the second kiss, ben kept almost touching emilie and then hovering, like almost touching her face, almost touching her hair, almost touching her waist
when greg was holding emilie, and ben was telling them to leave, she wasn’t necessarily struggling against greg but she was reaching out to ben and like sort of trying to go to him but seemed to be almost grounded by greg’s hold on her, if that makes sense
ben grabbed the veil and sniffed it deeply, then sobbed loudly into it. i don’t think i’ll ever recover honestly
he repeats “i love you” multiple times which seems to just be A Thing the broadway phantoms do now. i personally think it works very well and it also hit me like a freight train tonight
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What are your top 5 fave Hamilton songs?
gosh i have been WAITING for someone to ask me this. i don’t even have a proper answer and i am absolutely going to name more than five but oh my gosh finally i get to gush about my brainrot broadway musical!!!!!!!
two i definitely have to include because i spent a bit of time working on both of them to memorize and doing that sort of launched me into listening to hamilton every night:
the room where it happens
satisfied is one of the fastest songs and i’m super proud of myself for having it memorized :”) and the room where it happens is just really fun. i especially loved these two for the choreography in the show, they’re both SOOOOO amazing to watch. but since i can’t watch it all the time, best i could do for myself was get the songs down pat so i can picture it any time i want.
the three beginning songs are also very go-to for me to just start rapping to myself when i’m at work or doing whatever. i love doing my shot especially, but i usually start it with aaron burr, sir and often forget they’re two separate songs lmao
alexander hamilton
aaron burr, sir
my shot
(also, alexander hamilton WAS the first one i ever memorized! back in summer 2021 i just really wanted to get it down. and i only revisited hamilton in fall 2022, and it’s been brainworms ever since)
dear theodosia is so precious to me <3
i REALLY love non-stop, it’s the longest one in the show and i was also very proud of myself when i finally got it all down. it’s another go-to for me, as well as the following number that opens act two: what’d i miss
and honestly i’m just very obsessed with the ending. the whole spiral down from eye of the hurricane to the world was wide enough is just SO fun and snappy and intense. i can always picture leslie odom jr.’s shocked face when hamilton chooses jefferson over burr in the election of 1800. i also always instinctually look up when hamilton sings “america! you great unfinished symphony, you sent for me! you let me make a difference, a place where even orphan immigrants can leave their finger prints and rise up, i’m running out of time, i’m running and my time’s up, wise up, eyes UP!” in the world was wide enough.
(the urge to write out that entire song is so strong right now. but i will remain focused)
also definitely have to give a shout out to burn. it’s such a powerful song and i am by no means a great singer but i do love singing along to it, even in my smaller range and lower tone lmao. in my head i’m matching phillipa soo and that’s what counts <3
and yes finally, i do adore the ending a lot. who lives, who dies, who tells your story. great finale that used to make me cry every time when eliza sings “in their eyes i see you, alexander, i see you every time.”
i definitely love every single song i did not mention here specifically. i love the cabinet meetings and the boys who may not live to see their glory and the schuyler sisters and i LOVE king george’s songs so so much. i have absolutely no idea why this show has infested my brain so much, but i love it soooo very much and i truly thank you for giving me a chance to infodump about it :)
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natsubeatsrock · 9 months
Top 7 Things I Enjoyed in 2023: Number 6
This year I got to see several musicals and movie musicals. Some of it is genuine interest in a genre I have always loved. Some of it is finally getting to watch classic musicals. Some of it is finally having the means to watch stuff on Broadway. Whatever the case, I'm spoiled for picks about musicals.
Into the Woods? It's amazing, but I saw the inferior Disney version years ago. Can't put it here.
A Little Night Music? As much as I love Send in the Clowns, the rest of the musical wasn't my favorite.
Sweeney Todd? Company? Frogs?
You might not be able to tell, but I'm just listing a bunch of Stephen Sondheim musicals I saw this year. The guy's amazing. But surely, I saw a musical this year I loved without Sondheim.
Yes… kinda.
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Number #6 – Tick, Tick… BOOM
The tragic story of Jonathan Larson is well-known in theater circles. He wrote one of the greatest musicals to hit the stage in RENT but wasn't able to see any of its success, dying just before it opened. He never quite got to see what would become of his works.
This semi-biographical movie takes place just before the two musicals he wrote before his big hit. He worked himself ragged to get the Superbia workshop off the ground. It's not just a matter of being stressed. He pushes multiple people close to him away just to get help writing the last song of the musical. Mind you, this is its most important number. 
What happens next? I think you'd better watch it for yourself.
I don't know that we'd get this film if it weren't for a company willing to throw money at an idea that only kind of would make money. The original musical, starring Larson himself, lasted a few weeks in its initial run and has come up occasionally on Off-Broadway now and again. Not many production companies would think this would be as worthy of Oscar buzz as other musicals yet to hit the stage are. Yet the film did garner some buzz during awards season. I guess Netflix is good for something. 
However, special props go to the debut directorial job of Lin-Manuel Miranda. This would be impressive for any director, but for a first crack, this was phenomenal. It helps, of course, that Miranda is no stranger to the musical world. Not to mention, he stared as Larson during a run of the musical Off-Broadway, across Leslie Odom Jr.
"Didn't you mention Sondheim?"
It turns out that Sondheim was a major influence on Larson. Not just in the way that his work inspired Larson. He was a guiding influence on Superbia, including the inclusion of that all-important song. 
Sadly, Sondheim passed away the year this film came out. He was one of the greatest to do it. If the current (and potentially future) Broadway scene is anything to go by, he's been deeply missed.
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