#yes i DID go to bunnings and buy a 2 by 4 to make more. ive written Just This. i need more
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dykerikki · 2 days ago
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okayyy. hi.
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grumpygreenwitch · 2 years ago
Fanfiction 4-5
I do love automatic queues, did I ever mention that?
Buy me a Ko-fi?
1-2-3 + 4-5 + 6-7-8-9-10 + 11-12 + 13-14 + 15-16 + 17-18-19 + 20-21 + 22-23 + 24-25 + 26-27
Alyss spent a panicky afternoon combing and brushing his wing, afraid every time that his fingers would run into some more nightmarish greenbrier thorns that Jean had missed. But once he finally settled down, once reason reasserted itself and he could sit at his desk before his laptop, he found himself unaccountably distracted by memories of the vampire.
There was, he thought angrily, no call for anyone to be that well-muscled. It was unfair and it was distracting, and he ended up printing out his work and going over it by hand with a restless pencil, if only to try and force himself to focus. He spread the printouts everywhere on the desk, and then began to further take over the space; by the time someone came to fetch him for dinner he was sitting on the floor, paper everywhere. "Oh, crap." The woman froze at the door when she realized her opening it might disturb his work.
"Oh, it's fine. Sorry. It's fine." Alyss grabbed a folder. "The flood hasn't reached that far," he assured her.
"Wouldn't it be easier to do this on a computer?" she asked, pushing the door open slowly. She was a solidly built woman clad in a sensible skirt and a no-nonsense blouse, her tightly curled black hair pinned up in a bun, and her skin as dark as the mahogany of Alyss' desk.
"Yes, but not quite as satisfying," Alyss replied. "Sometimes if you want to choke someone you want them right there with you, you know?"
She laughed. "Already reached the choking someone point?"
"Not really, but I'm sure I'll get there. I'm still just beginning with Rhode Island. I don't think we've met."
"No. I'm Lilah. I'm supposed to be working with you through the auditing, but I was in Boston, Evie had a situation."
Alyss managed to get to his feet and found a path past the paperwork to offer her his hand. Her handshake was firm and strong, the scent of her vampirism settled and subtle, like Gevaun's. "You must the house liaison then."
"That I am." Her grin was friendly and warm. "Right now, though, I'm a dinner fetch."
"... Oh! Oh, I'm sorry," Alyss felt himself flushing, and Lilah's grin broadened. He rushed to the bathroom to wash his hands. "I'm so sorry, I get working and I lose track of time and place and really, everything -"
"It's fine," she assured him as they walked out of his rooms. "I'm a preemptive dinner fetch. I'm guessing that's why Gevaun sent me early. How's it going with Andrew?"
"Well, nothing Gevaun didn't know already. I imagine that means nothing you didn't know already. You're really just going to... let him be."
Lilah curled a brow at him, then looked away. "Andrew's not a bad sort. He's lazy, don't get me wrong. He's, pardon my language, fucking lazy. He could make so much of himself, he just... doesn't want to. But he was solid during the Cascade, and he was solid during the mess after, when I sincerely thought he'd crack. He's got the balls, he's got the will. Just not the drive."
"Is he old?"
"No, but I get your point. It'd make sense if he were tired. He's not. He's just lazy. Outright." She shrugged. "He'll do fine with whoever Kliman chooses as her heir." Whatever she saw in the angel's face drew her further along. "Not the answer you expected."
"I thought Kliman would punish him. Or kill him. It's what I've always seen happen."
Lilah pressed her lips into a thin line. "Not unheard of," she admitted. "But stupid. If she did that she'd have to replace him. Rhode Island's not exactly a hotbed of crime and supernatural activity but you still want someone in place who knows the land, the locals. You want someone they'll speak to, and around here that's hard to get. Andrew's been with them for nearly two hundred years, you can't buy the kind of rapport he's got."
"So he gets away with whatever?"
"No, not whatever. Gevaun's had to bring him to task a couple of times. So did I, once. But that was on his first century working for Kliman, right after he'd left his original angel. We showed him the lines and he's never stepped past them since."
Dinner was a loud, chaotic affair, swirling all around Alyss without actually touching him. Kliman liked a full table and that meant many of the staff sat to dinner with her, both humans and vampires. She was the first angel the accountant had met that didn't keep other angels on her immediate staff. She also used dinner to inquire into any matters that might require her attention.
Meanwhile, Alyss had been struck by the fact Jean's chest had been sprinkled with a spattering of fine black hair that disappeared over his stomach and reappeared along his navel, to meander off under the hem of his pants for parts both known and unknown. He hadn't noticed at the time, too busy panicking over his wing, but the image had come into his mind, potent and vivid, while he'd been trying to make short work of a baked sweet potato.
He dropped his fork and jumped in his chair. The sound was terribly loud in the unexpected silence that had settled over the table. Gevaun was looking at him consideringly, and Kliman looked faintly amused. "You were a thousand miles away, young man."
"I'm sorry, ma'am." Alyss could feel traitorous red creeping over his ears. Always his ears!
"Surely your inquiries into Rhode Island aren't so worrisome?"
"No, no, they're matching up with what Gevaun already had."
"And you've had no other other problems?"
Alyss assured the older angel he was fine, his work was fine, everything was fine; he scarfed down his dinner and trotted after the Second when everyone at last rose from the table. "Gevaun, a word?"
"Of course." The vampire turned to face him.
"Does Kliman welcome all of the house staff to the table?"
"No, not all at the same time," Gevaun admitted readily. "You need a few people still doing work, so they take turns. Were you looking for someone in particular?" The vampire's tone invited Alyss to reveal any issue he might have.
"No! Well, yes, but no. I mean." Alyss sighed, then explained. "I met a man in the woods. He was chopping wood."
"Oh, you're the bird Jean found," Gevaun grinned, "tangled up in the brier."
The angel went red all over again. "Yes, well, grace and accounting don't do a lot of work together. I was just wondering why I haven't seen him at the table."
"Jean's not staff. He's a guest and he's currently..." Alyss saw a guarded, unknown expression flicker over the vampire's powerful features. "Recovering."
"Oh, is he alright? I didn't mean -"
"It's not you, Alyss." Gevaun put a hand up to stop the young angel's runaway words. "He's fine. He just mentioned you to me because he's not used to seeing angels here, no one other than Kliman, and occasionally Evie and Rook. He was making sure someone isn't spying on us."
"Oh, I'd make a terrible spy," Alyss blurted out.
"That was the general consensus, yes," Gevaun teased him, and after that the angel couldn't flee back to his office fast enough.
Alyss cleared Rhode Island in four days, the work going faster after a van rolled down the neat driveway to deliver hard-copy records from its vampire overseer. Andrew Simmons apparently knew he had nothing to hide that those above him didn't know already. All the paperwork went back to its owner on the late morning of the fourth day, escorted by Lilah, and Alyss was left feeling out of sorts, as ever he did when he finished a job. Granted that it only meant he had to move onto the next state, but still.
The day was blustery, a fine mist occasionally sweeping over the grounds, playing at being rain but not quite managing. Wary of the woods, Alyss still put on a wing-fitted rain cloak and meandered carefully down a broad, light-lined path, basking in the silence and the weather. He kept his wings held high and tight until he came to the edge of the marshes, where a wooden boardwalk rambled off, and then he walked through a world of sere browns and grays, occasionally splotched with the bright white or rich slate blue of a hunting heron. He came back to the woods on the far side of the crescent-shaped pond.
He heard the engine long before he saw the vehicle, the little ATV pulling on the wagon he'd seen once before, this time carrying a pile of things he couldn't piece together. Jean was driving, wearing faded jeans, muddy work boots and a heavy lined jacket zipped shut over a dark turtleneck. Alyss felt cheated to find the vampire so thoroughly covered up, and then flailed inwardly at the unexpected feeling. "Hello."
Jean brought the ATV to a stop and stared evenly at the angel. The heavy moisture in the air made the amber-colored wings gleam as if every feather were a jewel. The bird looked snug, cozy and uncertain. Uncertainty was not something the vampire had ever seen in an angel before. "'s raining," he pointed out, and could have kicked himself at the absolute inanity of the words.
"It's not terrible," Alyss replied. "I think it's nice. It's just water, it dries off."
"Can you fly in this weather?"
Alyss shook his head. "No. My wings are too heavy already," he replied, still and somehow utterly innocent of the danger in his words.
Jean didn't know what to say. He was, to some degree, unsure he should say anything. He hadn't roused the angel's temper, yet, but it had to be there somewhere, hidden, waiting in ambush. Still, time and again Alyss reacted to the vampire and to the world as if he expected nothing but the best from it, from him.
It was disconcerting in the extreme.
"You want a ride?"
"To the house?"
Something in Alyss' tone told Jean the angel wasn't ready for four walls and a roof just yet. "I was gonna drive the paths, see if they need fixing," he admitted, and then took what courage he could scrounge out of his heart to add, "You can come if you want."
Alyss hesitated, then slipped onto the seat next to the vampire, lifting his wings and then resting them carelessly on the contents of the wagon, picking up mud and dirt and bits of crushed vegetation at once. Jean brushed his dark hair back so it wouldn't drip in his eyes and tried to focus on the road, on his self-appointed duty.
He couldn't. Next to him the angel smelled of books, that faint, forbidden scent of paper and ink, of leather bindings, of ancient libraries. Some unknown part inside the vampire was tightening up as if he were starving at that smell. So instead he drove, watching the paths for signs of damage, trying hard to focus on something else, anything else.
They traveled in awkward silence until the ATV went over an elegant little stone bridge a little too fast, and jarred back onto the path on the other side. Before an apology could burst out of Jean, Alyss, clinging white-knuckled to the ATV's dash, laughed in delight.
The vampire found a smile tugging at his mouth at the surprised, cheerful sound. "You don't get out much."
"No, not unless I'm traveling between jobs."
"Don't you got a home, a roost?"
"No," Alyss said easily. "I travel too much. Everything I own comes with me when I do." He cleared his throat. "Gevaun said you're recovering. I'm not imposing, am I?"
For a long moment Jean digested those words. Not a question as to what he might be recovering from, not an inquiry into why he might need recovery. Just simple, plain, honest concern.
In Jean's world angels were never so kind. When he'd left that world behind he'd found nothing better until he'd ended up at Evelie's doorstep. She'd been the first to be kind. Kliman had been the second. He'd been willing to believe them both flukes, the one born from the other. With Alyss he was having to revise some foundation tenets of his life and he didn't know what to do about it. "You're not," he said at last. "It's not that kind of recovering."
"Do you like being an accountant?"
"Yes!" Alyss declared enthusiastically, launching into a delighted explanation of his calling. He ran on, uninterrupted, until he realized they were parked next to a tiny Greek-style theater stage, in the shade of a pergola covered in bare, gnarled vines. Jean was staring at him with a bemused expression, head cocked slightly. "I'm droning. I'm ranting. I'm so sorry." Alyss ducked his head and hid his arms under his cloak.
"It's fine," Jean assured him. "Makes a liar out of you, though."
"What, no -!"
"Does when you love what you do, not just like it."
"Oh." Alyss deflated from his indignant self-defense. "I guess you're right." They stared at the woods in silence as a brief, thin bit of rain came and went. When it eased yet again to a heavy misting, the vampire got them going once more. "Is it alright to ask what you do?"
"Why wouldn't it be?" Jean asked sharply.
Alyss shrugged. "Because you're a guest. And you're recovering. And it's not from a physical injury. And I'd... I'd like to know you're getting better. You seem the sort of person who deserves to get better."
Jean nearly drove them off the path in surprise. "I'm between jobs," he said at last, the technical truth.
"Well, then." They reached the back of the manor house, where it opened up into a broad patio, and Alyss made to stand up, forcing the vampire to come to a halt. The angel leapt awkwardly off the ATV and smiled at Jean. "I hope you get a very good job when you're ready for it." He rushed up the steps, his water-logged feathers dragging on the ground, paused at the door and waved at the vampire.
Still trying to process any part of that conversation at all, Jean automatically waved back; he stayed there staring at the door for a long time after the angel had gone inside.
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palettes-and-prompts · 3 years ago
I just spent almost 2 hrs in bed reading all ur prompts 😭 ❤️ thank u for writing them they’re super fun! If you are still taking requests, may i get prompts/dialogue for a grumpy/sunshine dynamic? A is a grumpy teacher’s assistant and B is their student that’s always trying to get on their nerves and teasing them
I read this too fast and only did dialogue prompts, I'm sorry. I'll probably do proper prompts for this dynamic later anyway though because it is a favorite of mine. Hopefully these are good for you for now!
1) "Oh, look! Baby cows and pigs are on this farm. Aren't they so cute?" "Be even cuter when they're gutted, cooked and crushed between sesame seed buns, lettuce and cheese."
2) "We're going to a theme park? This is probably the worst day of my life." "Hey, look, a theme park! Is that where we're going? This is the best day of my life!"
3) "Do you think if I jam this pen into my eye I'll be able to get out of this dinner?" "But you can't enjoy cake if you're in the hospital."
4) "Is that a needle? I hate getting shots. Person A, will you hold my hand, I'm scared of needles." "Hey, Doc, you got morphine in one of those you could stick me with?"
5) "What part of the museum are you looking forward to, Person A?" "The exit."
6) "We're going to a birthday for a child at Chuck E. Cheese. Isn't that fun, it'll be like when we were kids. We'll play games and eat pizza and we'll get prizes!" "Think if I tuck and roll out of the car right now I'd survive it?"
7) "I'm really glad you asked me out, Person A. I've had a really nice time today." "I did too. Usually I hate when people talk to me but I'm really glad you talked to me first, Person B. More than you could ever know."
8) "You want me to play laser tag?" "Well, I know you don't really like games but I heard your rival was going to be here so I thought you and I could kick their ass and ruin their day and then maybe go out for pizza after." "God you really are perfect."
9) "We're not going to go look at cats." "Why not?" "Because you get attached and cry when it's time to leave." "Because we never buy one!" "Because you're allergic to cats!" "I can buy stuff for my allergies!"
10) "We would love to cat sit." "No we wouldn't. Find someone else to do it." "Person A, please?" "No, I don't like cats." "Please?" "
11) "Can we go to the water park?" "No, water parks are filled with piss and small but loud children. We're never going to a water park." "You never let me do anything." "Why don't I drive us to a beach?" "You hate the beach." "Yeah, but you love the beach, don't you?" "You're the best, Person A!"
12) "Are you crying? Who did this to you? Do you want me to kill them?" "No, I just watched something sad that's all." "Well, don't do that. Come here, let me hug you."
13) "Here." "You won me the bear? I thought you thought it was stupid." "It is stupid. But you wanted it, didn't you?" "Yeah. Thanks, Person A."
14) "I'm in love with you." "Why? I mean, not why. That was weird to ask. Sorry, I just—can I kiss you now?" "Yes!"
15) "When I first met you I thought you were a weirdo who smiled too much. Now whenever you're not smiling I feel the need to do whatever it takes to see you smile again. You've done something to me, Person A. I don't know what it is but I think I like it."
16) "Do you think I'm dumb?" "No, you're not dumb. Why did someone say you were? You want me to kick their ass?" "No. I just feel dumb sometimes." "You're not dumb, Person A. Don't ever let anyone make you feel like you are."
17) "Why did you get a tattoo of a small happy sun? It doesn't go with your other tattoos." "Just reminded me of you and I wanted to get it." "And the frowning rain cloud beside it?" "I wanted to be next to you."
18) "Why would you like me? You're all sunshine and rainbows and I'm...the way that I am." "I like the way you are. I've always liked the way you are."
19) "I'm not good enough for you." "You're right, you're more than enough for me. Too good, hard for me to handle how perfect you are sometimes." "I mean it." "So do I."
20) "Are you alright?" "I'm fine, why are you panting?" "Person A said you got hurt really bad." "D-Did you run all the way here because you were worried about me?" "What? No. I-I ran because I was just trying to do more cardio. That's all."
21) "Fix it or I'll kill you!" "Person A wont kill you, they're just upset." "I mean it, Person B, if you don't fix it I will kill you. Person C can't save you either." "I will stand in front of you so Person A cannot get to you." "Look at me, B. I am stronger than C, I can pick them up and move them out of the way and then I will kill you!"
22) "You think you can just say please and give me those puppy eyes and pouty lip and I'm just going to fold and give you what you want?" "Please, Person A?" "Yeah, alright, fine. Just stop pouting."
23) "Person A?" "Yeah?" "Do you want to makeout? With me?" "I'm a little busy at the moment but later we can—what did you just ask me?!" "If you wanted to makeout with me." "Yeah, yeah, come here. I'll makeout with you right now."
24) "Are you oblivious to my crush on you or do you just not like me?" "You have a crush on me?" "Yeah, I mean, you're all soft and shiny. I'm sure everyone likes you." "But you like me? Like, you really like me?" "Yeah, especially when you smile like that. Do you like me back?" "Of course I like you back! I've been trying to get your attention for months now!"
25) "You're in love with Person A!" "I am not." "You are, you're so broody and mean and you fell in love with an actually ball of sunshine." "Shut up." "Oh my god, are you blushing?!" "SHUT UP!"
26) "You gave me my life back, Person A. I think, if you want, it's only fair that I give the rest of it to you." "What are you saying?" "Do you want to marry me?" "I thought you'd never ask."
27) "Person A asked me out, can you believe it?" "What'd you say?" "I told them I was dating you, obviously." "Why did you tell them that?" "Cause we're dating...aren't we?" "Do you want to date me?" "I mean, after we kissed I just assumed...do you want to date me?" "Yeah! Yes. Of course I do."
28) "Can I ask you something and you be honest with me." "Of course." "Do you like me?" "What?" "I just feel like I'm throwing myself at you and you're not interested so I figured I'd just ask." "You've been throwing yourself at me?" "You didn't notice?" "No. But I'm interested! I like that, please do it more!"
29) "What's wrong?" "I did something really bad, Person A. Really bad." "Whatever it is I'll still be here. Whatever you did I'll forgive you." "You wont." "I will. I always will."
30) "I'm in love with you." "I know, I heard you practicing confessing to me in the mirror the other day." "Y-You heard all that?" "Yeah, I thought it was cute." "Cute?" "I'm in love with you too, Person A."
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btsmakesmehappy · 4 years ago
MicroWave | 1
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Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Future Smut
Pairing: Agent!Yoongi x Reader (Agent au. Neighbor au)
Word Count: 4,8k
Rating: 18+ (M)
Warning: stalker (not explicit), Yoongi is a soft bun, Y/N is clumsy and naive.
Chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | completed
Summary: Yoongi can’t help to worry about his neighbor. Not only that she almost burned the apartment down, she also trusts people too much, and yet she doesn’t want people to help her. She is just trouble written in bold and capital and he shouldn’t be acquainted with her. But yet, he makes it his mission to help her with all costs.
Series Masterlist: The Company
Go check the other series because *sst... It’s all connected!
A/N: Thank you again @arizonapoppy who always help me! Without you, I won't even have any will to write and finish this series. Love you!
also please send me asks for the feedbacks and if you want to be added in The Company taglist!
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You don’t know what you would do now if you choose to stay in the countryside. Maybe you’d sow seeds or milk the cow. Maybe your skin would be so tanned because you spend most of your time outdoors. Maybe you’d be sent into marriage with a neighbor's grandchild just so you can maintain your grandparents’ farm. Or maybe you’d be staying at home, nursing your second-born child to sleep.
But instead, you chose to accept your teacher’s offer for some scholarship in the city. Instead of staying in your comfortable grandparents’ house, you used all of your savings and some of your parents’ insurance money to rent a studio apartment in the city. Instead of eating warm nutritious meals three times a day, you eat mostly twice a day, But don’t take it the wrong way: you eat warm food too, since you usually eat microwave dinners.
You’re grateful to receive a scholarship to such a prestigious university in the city. You do. Even if the scholarship only covers your tuition fee, you’re still happy. Even if it means you need to work multiple part-time jobs just so you can buy food, books, or basically anything to live a proper life, you still have a smile on your face.
Yes, you want to live in a more positive way. You’re just being optimistic here.
You loved living in the city when you were kid, but when your parents suddenly died in an accident, you had no choice but to live with your grandparents. It’s not that you hated them. You do love your grandparents. But to move to a place completely different when you’re just a ten year old was very hard. You missed the sound of cars and the loud noises of the city. You missed the bright lamplights in the night. You missed walking only five minutes to get your favorite ice cream from the convenience store.
So when you dropped your luggage in your new apartment, the first thing you did was to open your window widely, letting the noises fill your dusty room. You’re happy to finally live in the city again, happy to start something new. Happy that you can do whatever you want.
And now, you’re in your third year of your university, still struggling to live by eating instant food.
You open your fridge to check on your stock of food and decide that chicken rice will be your dinner tonight. It’s been four days that you’ve eaten the same stuff. You’re sick of it, but you won’t complain about it anyway. You can’t.
As you push your food into the microwave, your phone vibrates in your pocket. After you push the start button, you walk to your desk while fishing your phone from the pocket and put it on your ear. “Hey granny! How are you?”
“I’m fine! How about you? Are you eating well?” Your grandmother yells from the other end, it means that she puts it in the speaker again, while she is doing something.
You giggle and take a glance at your microwave on the countertop. “Yes. I’m good too. I eat so much every day that I don’t even want to take a look at my scale. What are you doing anyway?”
“Really? Good then. I’m making lasagna for your grandfather. He’s a little upset that the tractor broke yesterday and he even slipped in front of the Baek family.” she laughs a little.
“Oh my God, is he okay?”
“Yeah, he’s fine, just a low back pain. And shame. Oh, I should send you some too! You love my lasagna, after all.”
You smile as you open your laptop. “I’m fine, just eat it with grandpa. I’ll send you some money for the tractor, okay? And take him to the hospital if he’s still in pain.”
You turn immediately to the source of the sound, eyes widen as you see smoke coming from your microwave. “Granny, I have to go. Talk to you later. I love you. Please send kisses to grandpa as well!” you hurriedly speak and hang up the phone.
You walk quickly to the kitchen and unplug the cord from the socket, then open your door and windows to let the smoke out. Luckily you see no fire or anything, but you just wasted money on your burnt dinner.
You sigh, and lightly stroke the microwave. “You know, when I adopted you from a thrift store, I expected more. But well, maybe three years is more than enough.” You hug the machine tightly. It’s one of your most prized possessions in your apartment, and your first thing you bought when you move to the city. It has sentimental meaning to you. “Thank you for the three years. You’re the best-”
“What are you doing?”
You jerk with the sudden voice coming from the door. Your eyes fall to the pale man with messy hair leaning on your doorframe with an amused smile on his face. You immediately release the machine with red cheeks, feeling embarrassed to be exposed. “Nothing.” You smile awkwardly. You scan the man from the head to toe, trying to remember who he is. “I’m sorry, I don’t recognize you. You are?”
“Oh right, I’m sorry. I’m your new neighbor. I just moved today. 3C.” He reaches his hand out to you. “I’m Min Yoongi, nice to meet you.”
“I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you too.” You accept the hand politely. “Do you need something?”
He scratches his head lightly. “Not really, I just heard a big sound and I was wondering what it was. It looks like it came from your room.”
You fiddle with your shirt nervously. “Yes, my microwave seems to be broken. Don’t worry though, it didn’t catch fire and I believe the fire alarm will work well.”
He nods and walks away from the door, slightly eyeing the microwave you hugged earlier. “If you want, I can try to fix it. Just let me know.”
You smile. “Thanks. I’ll let you know.”
You shake your head quickly and close your door. You sit again in front of your desk, hands reach for your phone, deciding to transfer some money to your grandparents.
You sigh after reading the amount of money in your account. This semester cost more than the last semester. That means: today is another cup noodles day.
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A month later
When you grew up in the countryside, you always knew your neighbors. It’s kinda rude if you just stay at your home without mingling with the others. But life in the city is different. After almost three years living in this apartment, you only know your landlady, who’s living on the first floor. That’s it.
Oh, except you knew a man on the same floor as yours, who you met a month ago.
Min Yoongi left an impression on you. Like how his hair is always messy and he looks so tired. How his skin is so fair that it’s almost white, hidden in his long sleeves. He actually looks so cold and unfriendly compared to your neighbors in the countryside, but in this city, especially in this apartment, he is more friendly than any of your neighbors.
Well, you don’t practically know why. You only met him twice or maybe thrice after he snuck to your door in your smoking the microwave incident. And it’s a shame how he always met you in such unfortunate events, like when your keys fell from your ripped pocket, or your bag of groceries just exploded, or even when you slipped in the hallway.
It’s also annoying how you’re supposed to help him since he’s the new one, but instead he’s the one who helps you. It just makes you lose the opportunity to befriend him. You’re almost sure that he’ll think of you as an unlucky woman and will avoid you for the rest of his life.
But you were wrong.
It is Tuesday evening at six o’clock, when you hear a knock on your door. When you open it, you’re surprised and a little delighted to see Yoongi standing before you. You smile. “Hey, neighbor! Can I help you?”
Yoongi scratches the back of his neck. “Hi, do you mind if I borrow a pot?”
“Sure. Let me-” your hand pauses before the cabinet. As your microwave is broken, you’ve had to cook instant noodles for the past few weeks, so you actually need it. But this man seems to need it too and you have to reply to his kindness from before. But you don’t have any other pot or pan and you don’t really want to go to the convenience store. Wait, what day is it? Tuesday? Then he shouldn’t be working tonight. It should be okay then.
“If you need to use it, it’s okay.”
You open the cabinet and pull out your pink pot. “Don’t worry. You can use it. I’m not cooking for tonight.”
Yoongi receives it with a wide smile. “Thank you, I’ll return it as soon as possible. Have a good night!”
You wave to him vigorously with a smile, feeling happy that at least you can help him once.
You look at your watch and immediately grab your purse. You have a little time to shop before seven. Well, you already know what you’ll buy since you need to save as much money as possible. With that kimbap in your thoughts, you run outside to go to the convenience store.
At least tonight, you won’t eat some cup noodles.
At least for tonight, you won’t think about your savings.
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You open the store with your elbow and head directly to the food section. You look into the various types of kimbap, frowning a little after seeing the empty tray of your favorite tuna mayonnaise. Just when your hand reaches the salmon, another hand sweeps in and grabs the last salmon kimbap. “Ah,” you whine quietly.
“Oh, sorry, do you want this?”
A little perplexed, you wave your hands vigorously. “It’s fine. I can take anything. You should take it.” You look at the man before you; his small face is covered with a black mask and a black baseball hat. “Ohh, Yoongi-ssi?”
“Hey, Y/N. I didn’t realize that this would be your dinner. Then you should take this. I borrowed your pot, it’s just inappropriate for me to ruin your dinner plan again.” His eyes narrow to crescents and he places the kimbap in your hand.
You laugh awkwardly. “Thank you. I.. appreciate this, I guess.”
A sudden call of your name makes you freeze in the spot. You’re familiar with the voice and you’ve been avoiding him so hard for two years. It’s just so unlucky for you to suddenly meet him.
The man walks closer to you. “Right? You’re Y/N?”
You try to ignore him and unconsciously hide your body behind your neighbor. Your hands tremble as you hold your kimbap for dear life and your mind goes blank.
Yoongi looks at you with a raised eyebrow and turns his head slightly to look at the man who is approaching you. Yoongi then lightly pats your trembling hand and takes the kimbap from you, placing it in his basket. “You only want this? You really need to eat more, you know.” He picks another type of kimbap and puts them in the basket again. “You need to eat at least three of these.”
You look at him confusedly and nod. “Okay.”
“Good girl.” He smiles again. Even though his mouth is hidden in his mask, his eyes crinkle cutely. He holds your hand all the way to the cashier. “You sure you don’t want the ice cream? You know, the fish-shaped thing you always love?”
“No. Ibst guess...” you answer as you follow Yoongi, leaving the other man standing confused in the aisle. Still he looks at you weirdly from afar, sending shivers through your spine.
Yoongi puts the basket on the checkout counter and shrugs. “Fine, don’t steal mine,” he giggles and ruffles your hair. He gives his credit card to the cashier and leans toward your ear. “My treat.”
You look at Yoongi again, who is now holding a bag of groceries in his hand, but this time in amazement. He seems bigger, like a knight in shining armor. Well, a knight in an all-black outfit from head to toe.
Wait a minute, Yoongi is a stranger. Why are you letting a random man hold your hand?
But still, you let him. You let his big hand wrap yours. You let the warmth from his hand seep into your skin.
And you feel more relaxed than ever. You feel safe with him beside you.
Just as both of you step outside the store, Yoongi leans toward you again. “That man is still looking at us. Actually he seems like glaring? Do you want to walk around for a little bit to lose him?”
You turn to face him, to sneak a glance at the man behind you and you see him still looking at you. “Can we? I don’t want to trouble you.”
“Not a problem.” Yoongi walks again, dragging you with him in the opposite direction of your apartment.
You walk in the neighborhood casually side by side. It’s a little past six in the evening, but the wind still feels cold on your skin. You cross your arms to wrap your body, trying to keep you a little warmer.
“You want to head back?” Yoongi asks softly.
You shake your head and smile. “No, it’s fine. It’s been a while since I walked around the neighborhood. This is nice.” You turn to him with concern on your face. “I’m sorry. But we can head back, if you want. I’m sure you have something to do.”
He shrugs. “Nah. This is nice.” He lets out a little yawn. “Makes me a little sleepy, but it’s alright.”
“Yes. it’s kind of comforting.”
“Let me guess. An obsessive ex-boyfriend?”
You scoff. “Kinda. How did you tell?”
“He’s still following behind us, hiding behind the brown building. And as for the boyfriend, I just guessed.”
“Wow, you’re an observant guy, aren’t you?”
He giggles. “Well, it’s either I’m observant or that man just plainly sucks at following you.”
“Thank you anyway. I appreciate it.”
"No worries." He stops at the nearby park. Taking up a seat on the bench, he opens the grocery bag. He removes his mask and puts it in his pocket. "So what do you do?"
You accept the kimbap he hands you with a small nod. "I'm in my third year in university. Also work part-time at some places. You?"
Yoongi opens a salmon kimbap and bites into it. "I work in technical stuff."
"Oh that's why you told me you can save my Mickey." You nod again in understanding as you chew quickly.
"Mickey?" He raises an eyebrow as he hands you another kimbap.
You laugh awkwardly. "I mean, my microwave. Sorry that was super weird."
Yoongi lets out a laugh. "Not at all. I think it's cute. Well, a little weird actually, but that's acceptable."
Heat rushes to your cheeks and you try to ignore it by munching your second kimbap.
Yoongi watches you eat with a smile in his face. He always loves to watch the others eat, and seeing you tear into those kimbaps so deliciously just makes him full of contentment. He looks around the perimeter to search for the questionable man but he can't find him anymore. "You want to head back? I think he’s gone."
You nod with your full mouth. Gathering your trash, you throw it into the nearby bin.
The walk back to your apartment is actually quite fun as both of you try to get to know each other. It’s been a tiring month as you worked your ass off, so actually talking to people really means something to you. You learned that he moved here from Hawaii as a relocation, while he learned that you are in a scholarship program and live alone. The last part was his guess as he takes you to your door and picks your spare keys under a potted plant in front of your door. “You really should find a new place for that spare key. You live alone, right? It’s dangerous.”
You take your key from his hand and smile sheepishly. “Right. Thank you.”
“Or maybe you should install a security lock, you know, that kind with a passcode, it’s easier and you don’t need to bring a key with you,” Yoongi says. He gives you another kimbap before you walk inside your living room.
You look at your feet, lost in thought. You’ve been thinking about it since a year ago, but since you’re too busy at your work and have to save money, you never were able to do it. “How much does it usually cost?”
“It depends, but actually I have a ‘buy one get one’ free promo after I installed mine. Don’t ask, I also don’t know why they had that promo. If you want, I can contact them for you.”
“Really? I’ll be thankful. So I pay you half price then?”
He smiles widely and you actually can see his gums. “You don’t need to. It’s just free stuff. But don’t worry, I know the owner so I assure you that it’s the good one.”
Your eyes widen. “But... I don’t really want to bother you...”
He pats your shoulder and turns away. “Just take it, okay? Just think of it as my welcome gift!”
You reach out your hand to grab his sleeves. “Why-why are you helping me?” It’s just what you’ve been taught when you’re a kid: you should never receive help from strangers, who know what they’d want. It might be a trap or fraud. It won't hurt to have a little suspicion, right? Sure, this is maybe not the best way to address your suspicion so explicitly.
“Because I know it’s hard for you to live in this city, study, and make money at the same time. Besides, we are friends and also neighbors. We should help each other.” He smiles again and ruffles your hair. “I had a great time talking with you, neighbor. Just remember to close your door and windows. Oh and here.” He picks a yellowish bottle from his paper bag and hands it to you, a banana milk, and walks away.
You see him walk to his door, and when he wants to close the door, he mouths, Go inside already.
And it makes your heart skip a beat.
You lean on your door after you close it tight. Your face is getting hotter and you feel weird as you look at the banana milk in your hands.
Jesus, he might be a serial killer or human trafficker.
And yet, you decided to trust him for now. Sure, maybe you’re just too naive, but you literally don’t have anyone in this city, let alone a friend. So, the thought of having a new hot friend who happily helps you just makes you elated. This is maybe your happiest moment in three years, even beating the moment when you got a bonus from your work.
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Yoongi hums as he enters his apartment. He always does it when he’s in a happy mood and seeing him in that condition makes another man on the other side of the apartment annoyed.
“Where the heck did you go, hyung? I thought you just went to the nearby store?” Jungkook yells, never moving his eyes from his phone.
Yoongi puts the bag on his counter and starts unloading it. “I just met my neighbor and walked around a little.” He takes a good glance at Jungkook and sighs. “Seriously, what happened last night? You just disappeared when I paid for the drinks and came back in the middle of the night looking this miserable.”
Jungkook bites his lips, refusing to answer. He just looks at his phone silently.
“Fine, if you don’t want to tell me.” Yoongi’s eyes fall on a pink pot in his sink. “Glad that you didn’t skip a meal.” Yoongi picks up a kimbap and throws it to Jungkook. He looks at the fish-shaped ice cream bar on his counter, pouting a little when he finds it has already melted.
“Where is my banana milk?” Jungkook asks around a mouth full of food.
Yoongi throws his melted ice cream into the trash. “Oh, right. I’m sorry I forgot about it.”
Jungkook looks at Yoongi with a pout on his face, not only does his woman not want to talk to him, he can’t even have his favorite drink. Well, Jungkook can’t be mad at Yoongi, as he is the guest: living and eating as he likes in Yoongi’s apartment. He’s actually pretty lucky that Yoongi doesn’t kick his butt out of his place.
“I’m going to work in my room, so please don’t disturb me.” Yoongi walks to his room full of computer screens with a bottle of americano in his hand. “And turn off the lights when you go.”
With a small slam of his door, Yoongi sits at his desk. He’s still investigating the incident in the hall and forensic office a few days ago. It shouldn’t be hard, since not many people came to the Company on the day of the incident, but unlucky for him, the culprit was doing a great job to hide his body and face from the CCTV. It makes his job harder. The way the culprit moves the CCTV cameras to hide his figure seems like a professional job. Maybe, hopefully not, that incident is connected with the Black.
Yoongi lets out a sigh and runs his hand through his hair, the bright screens lighting his pale face. He feels bad for all of his team. He was the one who handled the Black Case in Hawaii, and he did it poorly. If only he went into the field more and wasn’t stuck in front of his computers, maybe he wouldn’t have lost Jiseok two years ago. If only he had looked for the Black a little more back then, maybe he could have found Jiseok and maybe that incident in Hawaii a month ago wouldn't have happened.
He feels that it’s partly his fault.
Sure, his team never blames him. He couldn’t do anything anyway two years ago, since it was a secret mission. But still, the fact that he couldn’t do anything was killing him, and soon enough it turned into regrets, which sometimes sneak into his sleep, pestering him as a nightmare.
That’s why he asked the Boss personally to be relocated here even if he hates working in an office. He doesn’t want to miss anything about this mission. He needs to stop the Black, even if it means that he needs to wake up in the morning --so cruel!-- just to go to the office. This mission is his priority right now. He has to do something.
His fingers move quickly over the keyboard, changing the view countless times. This is going to be a long night, but luckily he had a great dinner before and he’s sure that he can make it through the night. And hopefully he can get some leads.
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Yoongi walks lazily to his kitchen in the morning, only to find that his living room is too bright. He looks around and his eyes fall on Jungkook who is still in the same spot as yesterday. “Man, you didn’t go home?”
Jungkook turns his head to meet Yoongi’s eyes. “Is it morning already?”
Yoongi sighs and opens his fridge to pull out a carton of milk. “Let’s have breakfast.”
“I’m not starving.” Jungkook looks at his phone again and slides it into his pocket. He stands and walks to the bathroom. “I’m just going to wash up for a bit.”
Yoongi looks at his younger friend with a sad smile. He doesn’t know what happened to Jungkook, but it is surely serious and bad. He takes his phone from the counter and texts Taehyung about Jungkook. He knows that it isn’t his place to meddle in other people’s business, but he’s worried about Jungkook; everyone does.
Jungkook is like his little brother. He basically raised him along with other agents. Jungkook is like a fused version of the older ones. And even though Jungkook is a grown-up right now, Yoongi sometimes still sees him as a shy kid who laughed with hands covering his mouth. Jungkook laughs freely now, but he is still a little shy, especially with that girl in forensics.
Yoongi scoffs, who would even think that Jungkook would be this mad about that girl?
Thirty minutes later, both Yoongi and Jungkook are both ready to go to work. It’s as they are walking down the hallway, that you open your door.
You wear a grey hoodie and black pants. You sling your blue backpack clumsily with your hands full, a big water bottle in your right hand and a banana milk in your left. Your hair is tied into a low ponytail, your usual hairstyle. “Hey, neighbor!” you call out to them.
Yoongi replies with a nod, as he drags Jungkook with him. “Morning, Y/N. This is my friend, Jungkook.”
You look at Jungkook, who keeps silent in confusion. The way the taller man’s eyes show sadness and fatigue actually makes you curious. “Not a morning person, I assume?” you laugh a little as you hand the banana milk to Jungkook.
“You don’t have to. Isn’t this your breakfast?” Yoongi asks as he pushes Jungkook’s hand away from the milk.
“That’s fine. It seems he needs it more.” You grab Jungkook’s hand and put the milk in his grip. “Nice to meet you, Jungkook.”
Jungkook nods weakly. “Nice to meet you too. Thank you for the milk.”
You smile at both of the men and walk to the stairs. “I see you later, I guess.”
“Oh right, when do you want to change the key? I called the shop and they can do it today.”
You stop walking and turn to see Yoongi. “Today? I don’t think I can. I have a job until the evening.” You tap your finger on your chin, thinking. “Do I have to be here when they install it?”
Yoongi looks at you weirdly, not knowing where the conversation is headed. "Not really, why?”
Your face beams as you continue to talk and hand the key. “Then would you tell them that I put the key in the potted plant?”
Yoongi eyes widen. “What?”
You tilt your head in confusion. “What? I’m sorry I don’t want to bother you again, but would you please tell-”
“Are you crazy? Why’d you give the key to strangers?”
“I don’t really have a choice! You’re right I really should install it since I’ve lost like twenty keys since I lived here. But I don’t really have the time. I work every single day till evening,” you pout as you fiddle with the hem of your hoodie.
Yoongi runs his fingers through his hair in exasperation. “What about the weekend? Or any other day?”
You shake your head weakly. “I’m sorry. Maybe I shouldn’t change the lock. Sorry that I bothered you with this kind of thing.”
He sighs and reaches out his hand. “Fine. I’ll be there when they change it.”
“What? No-no. You have a job, I don’t want to disturb you.”
Yoongi quickly grabs the keys from your hand and puts it in his pants. “That’s okay. I’ll check it at lunchtime. The faster the key changes is the better for my sanity.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Nothing.” He sighs again as he hands you his phone. “Just at least keep your phone with you, okay? I’m gonna update you by text.”
Your eyes beam in admiration and you quickly tap in your numbers. “Thank you. I really appreciate it.” You look at your watch and your eyes widen. “Oh my God, I have to go now. Just call or text me if you need something.”
Yoongi watches you running down the stairs and shakes his head in disbelief. He actually wants to offer his car to drive you to your university, but you run so fast that you’re gone before he can even say anything.
“Wow, she is really gullible, isn’t she? She’ll get hurt someday.” Jungkook scoffs and stabs the straw on the lid of the banana milk. It’s when he sips the milk, he smiles a little. “Or maybe she’s just stupid?”
“She literally just gave her breakfast to you, don’t be such a jackass. But yeah, I think so too.” Yoongi looks at the screen of his phone, your phone number, and then to your door. Why do I keep wanting to help her?
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Taglist: @kb-bangtanenthusiast @w0lfqu33n @gee-nee @jaienn @nctssidehoe @codeinebelle @kali-20 @mygalaxysupernova @jeoncookie-bts @kookunot @1-in-abillion @beingbeings @enchantingbrowneyedgirl @yiyi4657 @jinsalpaca @giadalin @spring2787 @drmrastraea @katbonv @fluffyjoons @baebyjoonie @theresnoplacelike @ggukkieland @purplewinterluv
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jungshookz · 4 years ago
teeny tidbits: emma comes home past curfew & y/n's not happy about it
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➺ genre; kindergartenteacher!taehyungiverse!! honk honk humour!! sixteen year old emma reminds y/n of herself and she doesn't know if that's a bad thing or a good thing
➺ wordcount; 1.5k
➺ p.s. this takes place far faR off into the future!! i just thought it'd be nice to see emma as a spunky teenager :'))
(unfortunately i wasn’t able to track down the original maker of this gif but this is where i sourced it from! all credits go to the original creator of course :-))
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
the sound of the front door rattling at four in the morning would usually be something that would terrify pretty much anybody, but for you-
"oh, come on!"
it's really just another day in the life.
"em's home," taehyung reaches over slowly to pat your stomach and wake you up (as if you haven't been up waiting for the past four hours), his voice laced with sleep as he rolls to the side, "i'll go open the-"
"nope." you reach over to turn the lamp on before flicking the covers off and stepping out of bed, adjusting the strap of your tank top before pointing a finger at taehyung, "you're not opening anything."
"okay, well-" taehyung pauses before propping himself up a little to frown at you, "wait, what?"
"you know, i cannot believe her-" you snap, pulling your hair up into a bun as you hurry over to the window, "it's like she likes to be grounded! i told her she could go out with her friends as long as she came back before curfew, but no-"
"well, it's not that late, is it?" taehyung tosses the pillow he's hugging to his chest aside before turning to look at the clock sitting on his bedside table, "it's only- oh. it's 4:18."
you unlock the latch on the window before digging your fingers underneath it and pulling it up with a snap, watching as emma rushes out from the front porch at the sudden noise
"why, good morning, miss kim!" you call out, leaning down against the edge of the open window with a bright smile, "now i can rest well knowing you weren't murdered tonight."
"the door's broken or something!" emma strategically ignores your snarky comment, placing a hand on her hip before sticking her hand up in the air to flash you her keys with a jingle, "my keys aren't working!"
"oh, your keys are fine, sweetheart." you let out a sigh before scrunching your nose, "i triple-locked the doors. better to be safe than to be sorry, right?"
"okay, well-" emma pauses, scratching the back of her neck before gesturing towards the door, "are you gonna open the door for me or what? i really have to pee-"
"you could always take a squat and pee in the bushes." you point out, emma's jaw dropping slightly before she lets out a scoff
"are you serious? i'm not taking a piss in the bushes-"
"well, i guess you should've thought of that before coming home four hours past curfew!" your tone changes as soon as you get to the point and even from here you're able to make out the slight twitch of panic that runs through emma's body
"don't be ridiculous, i'm not four hours past curfew-" emma grumbles, turning to pull her phone out of her purse and glancing at it before pausing for a second and then looking back up at you, "i'm... four hours and twenty minutes past curfew. so take that!"
"you know, i was just being nice and i rounded down, but if you wanna say you were four hours and twenty minutes late, we can definitely say you were four hours and twenty minutes late-"
"mom!" emma whines, stomping her foot down on the ground as she shoves her phone back into her (your!!) purse hastily, "you can't just- are you seriously not going to let me into the house?! you're gonna make me sleep out on the front porch?! i can't- what if the coyotes get me?! if the coyotes get me, you're gonna regret this decision so bad-"
"the only thing that's going to attack you in this neighbourhood are the little girl scouts who won't leave you alone until you buy, like, ten boxes of cookies from them-"
"i'm sixteen, mother!" emma cuts you off with another whine and you can't help but roll your eyes at the sight of your daughter throwing a tantrum on the front lawn, "i'm grown! i should be allowed to go out with my friends and come home whenever i want!"
you thought you were 'grown' at sixteen too
(spoiler alert: that was not the case at all.)
obviously you love your daughter more than anything in the world but you hate that she inherited one of the traits that you're not fond too of: your stubbornness
and look, of course you know that she's getting older and that she should be allowed to go and have (safe) fun with her friends but this isn't the first time she's broken the rules and knowing her, it certainly won't be the last time
and it doesn't help that taehyung always gets to play good cop and you have to be the bad one!!!
like last time when the two of you caught emma climbing into the house through one of the windows and she ended up getting stuck - instead of reprimanding her for coming home late again, taehyung just laughed and immediately went over to help her out
sure, the sight of your daughter flailing around trapped in a small window was hilarious, but someone had to be the serious one in the situation (1) she lied to you about just having a chill night with her friends because you're pretty sure a chill night doesn't involve body glitter and the faint smell of vodka on her breath! 2) she climbed up the side of the house like a maniac and could've gotten seriously injured????) and of course the responsibility to do that fell onto your lap
taehyung's also just not very good at disciplining which is why you usually gently push him aside and take the lead and it looks like it's time for you to turn on your i'm not mad, i'm just very disappointed in you act once again
"you're going to wake your brother up if you keep screaming like that, and you know how fussy he gets when he doesn't get a good night's sleep-"
"he's the world's sleepiest baby, i could blow up fireworks in his room and he'd be fine- dad!" emma's eyes immediately light up when a sleepy taehyung suddenly pops up next to you and you raise a brow when he nudges you aside gently, "oh my god, thank god- mom's literally being insane right now, you have to let me in-"
"what time did you say you'd be home?" taehyung interrupts, "because i think we agreed on midnight when i dropped you off at hope's apartment..."
"i-" emma presses her lips together before letting out a little scoff and rolling her eyes, "okay, yes, we- i said i would be home by midnight, yes." she sighs before suddenly perking up again, "it's not my fault, though! no one goes home before midnight, it's so lame- hope's dad lets her stay out as long as she texts-"
"ah, texts! let's talk about that! didn't you say you'd text us to let us know where you were if you weren't home by midnight?" taehyung points out, crossing his arms over his chest before reaching up to stroke at his chin to feign deep thought, "because my phone hasn't gone off all night... has yours, darling?" he hums, turning to glance at you
"nope!" you chime in with a helpless little shrug and you nearly crack a smile when you see emma reach up to pinch the bridge of her nose in frustration, "my phone has been dead silent. no texts. not even an emoji!"
"you hear that, emma? not even an emoji." taehyung tsks, shaking his head in disappointment, "you know what this means, don't you?"
"i'm grounded for two weeks, i know-"
"two weeks?? oh, you're grounded for a month." taehyung pauses for a second before looking down at her again, "and! and you have to change all of your brother's diapers the whole time you're grounded. also, i just want to let you know that he had sweet potatoes for dinner and you know how gassy he gets after a helping of sweet potatoes-"
"a month?!" emma roars and your eye twitches at how high her voice goes, "you can't ground me for a month, lucas is throwing this huge party next weekend and i have to be there! are you kidding m-"
taehyung slides the window back down before emma gets to say anything else and he turns to face you with a grin before opening his arms slightly, "well?? what did you think??"
"i think... that was probably one of the sexiest things you've ever done for me." you laugh lightly, happily giving him a quick kiss when he leans in for one
"duly noted." taehyung beams before letting out a quick sigh and then turning on his heels to head to the door, "okay, i'm going to go let our daughter into the house now because i don't think my hydrangeas are going to survive being peed on-"
🎙️give emma some diaper changing tips (talk to my characters/send in a message!)
✨why don’t you explore the rest of the library while you’re here? (full fics!)
💫or perhaps you want something shorter to read? (drabbles! mini series!)
🌟or something even shorter? (teeny tidbits like this one!)
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dorky-thighchi · 5 years ago
Let’s appreciate these two for leading the team to the nationals (long post ahead)
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1. Their goals and hard work for the team:
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They’re always shown together planning for the team. When Asahi stopped playing volleyball, Noya got suspended, former coach Ukai stopped coaching. I felt bad for these two, they went through hard times as their captain and vice captain it’s their obligation to unite and guide the team. During their first year and second year they were used to failure and called flightless crows. Their expectations crumpled but they did not give up. It’s Daichi and Suga’s job to bring back the name of Karasuno to the nationals with the help of coach Ukai and Takeda, finally they made it to nationals, that’s why their former captain was so proud of them because they followed his words. When they didn't have their coach yet, they behaved as Karasuno’s temporary coaches (thank goodness Takeda’s an angel). Daichi was shown coaching the team in the first few episodes and Suga helped Tanaka bond Kageyama and Hinata. Suga questioned Daichi’s plan about the weird duo (Daichi’s a matchmaker) but after what Daichi said he helped the two bond and honed their skills.
In the HQ light novel “Melancholy of the third year student”, Asahi stated “with Sawamura leading the team and Sugawara taking care of the members, what could i possibly do to contribute” he witnessed Daichi and Suga walking together in the hallway; Asahi was impressed because of their dedication to guide the team to the nationals despite they’re in college prep class still they gave their best in guiding the team. Tanaka also acknowledged his senpais hard work that’s why he extremely respects his senpais, he was always there supporting the two. Coach Ukai madly respects Suga because he gave his setter position to Kageyama for the sake of the team and Daichi because he’s the best in motivating the team. 
2. They know each other so well: 
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Daichi has this proud mode when he talks about Suga. When he told the team that Suga’s an experienced setter he had this “Yes that’s my amazing setter” face and when Suga did that amazing spike he jumped like a kid. In the HQ light novel “Sugawara’s decision” this happened during the first training camp. Suga was anxious to tell Daichi of his plan to give his setter position to Kageyama. When Suga finally told Ukai about his decision, Daichi and Asahi overheard their conversation and promised to win any match as much as they can. When Suga stated “I think in order to win, the person we need right now is Kageyama” Daichi and Asahi expressed their concern because the three promised to step on the court together (i get so emotional when the 3rd yrs play together). Daichi was worried and he told Suga that they can do something about it. THIS IS ACTUALLY ONE OF MY FAVORITE HQ LNs because of what Suga thought after their discussion “He was glad to have sawamura who accepted him the way he is, as his teammate” AND I FUCKIN LOST IT HQ LN SHOULD BE ANIMATED. Daichi supported Suga’s decision for the team, “Daichi was very certain of Suga who had been with him for the past 3 years”, he even stopped Tanaka from interrupting Suga’s monologue telling him to listen. 
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Remember when Ukai announced the first lineup for dateko vs karasuno match and the shot was focused to Suga and back to Daichi; you can see Daichi did this weird eye thing glancing at Suga. Daichi’s proud moments of Suga were “I think you’ve revived too Suga” and “I’m glad you still want to fight” when he told Daichi “I do wish my tosses could’ve played a part in the victory”. When Asahi and Noya stopped coming to the team, the only members left were Suga, Daichi and the 2nd years. Suga also took the blame and Daichi was there for him. He was shown secretly listening to Yamaguchi and Suga’s conversation about the mop (and comforted him that he shouldn't blame himself. I’m kinda disappointed they didn't include this in the anime). These panels show their trust and respect for each other.
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He cant even dare to hurt Suga (but lets Suga punch him anytime) and he knows when Suga goes to overthinking mode. Also Suga knows Daichi so well i think i’m gonna cry. Scolding Daichi when he was not vocal during the game; Suga’s known for being the only one who can lecture Daichi. When Daichi told Suga and Asahi that it’s better to hand over the team to the 2nd yrs, Suga knew Daichi didn't mean that; Daichi felt hopeless because they lost again. He knew Daichi wanted to stay and play volleyball and step on the orange court. 
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He’s also used to Daichi’s stern mode. Daichi was also shown being the one who can keep Suga in control like “Suga please calm down”. Their relationship isn’t fully conveyed in the anime but i’m thankful that creators created drama cds, light novels, extras, spin-offs and haikyuu stage play to let us know more about the characters.
 3. The team parents: 
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They always discuss about their team members like Suga asking Daichi about Kageyama and Hinata (kagehina bond ep) and Tsukishima. In the haikyuu drama cds “what if karasuno’s manager isn’t shimizu kiyoko” and “the reason behind the t-shirts” they were worried about entrusting the manager’s job to Tanaka, Noya and Hinata. When the team was hungry because Kiyoko wasn’t there, Suga told Daichi to take action so he assigned the weird duo to buy foods for the team and they were the ones who planned for the names of the shirts with the help of Noya, Kiyoko was pissed at the two because they were busy thinking of their own shirts. In the haikyuu light novel “the last summer vacation” (Sources: 1|2) Suga watched the team with worry on his face because it was so hot so he approached Daichi and expressed his concern that the team will get sick from the heat. Coach Ukai overheard the discussion and called a meeting. They’re usually seen together in every scene in the anime, stage play, haikyuu light novel, extras, manga, spin-offs and drama cds, scolding Tanaka, Noya, Hinata, Kageyama and Tsukishima; discussing volleyball stuffs; and buying pork buns for the team. In the lets haikyuu and extras (hq spin-off) it’s actually semi-canon they’re karasuno’s team parents. They also have this karasuno christmas bonding tradition.
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 4. Teasing, bickering and just them being dorks: 
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Suga teasing daichi is my jam. In the HQ LN “Yachi’s delivery mission” (Sources 1|2), this conversation frickin made me squeal like a mouse with laryngitis. After practice the team was thirsty and wanted something cold to eat. “It’s indeed hot, lets get ice pops before we head home” daichi stated then frickin SLY/LIL SHIT SUGA JUST CASUALLY SAID THIS REMARK “Oh that’s not a bad idea, are you going to treat us Daichi-san” HE FRICKIN ADDED -SAN. So the team didn't let the opportunity go away they screamed with joy and thanked Daichi. After what happened Daichi just glared at Suga who was smiling at him. Daichi’s a softie when Suga’s involved. Suga got Daichi to buy ice cream for the team.  I REPEAT HQ LN SHOULD BE ANIMATED. 
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Daichi knows when Suga’s about to do something stupid and his antics. They argued about this. When Suga was mad at Daichi because he was implying that the last year shrine visit was nothing; he was so pissed he started fuming at daichi. Suga also told Daichi that steak just being steak is better over diced steak.  Hyped suga and daichi trying to calm him down is the cutest shit. In the HQ LN “Tokyo Expedition: Captains’ Meeting”(Sources: 1|2), Daichi warned Suga about Kuroo because he knows how to read minds and loves mind games and Suga was like ‘you need to chill Daichi’. When it was Suga’s turn to pick a card from Daichi’s deck he picked the joker and twitched his brows, Daichi whispered at Suga telling him whenever he drew the joker his brows twitch so Suga massaged his brows. I REPEAT AGAIN THIS SHOULD BE ANIMATED. The other captains and vice captains are competing against each other but look at these frickin idiots they are helping each other. DAICHI OBSERVING SUGA THEN WARNED HIM ABOUT HIS TENDENCY OF TWITCHING HIS EYEBROWS. IM GONNA FRICKIN DO A BACKFLIP. Also Daichi and Suga love to make fun of asahi but when you frickin hurt asahi these two will frickin punch you in the face. Frickin daisugasting dorks.
 5. They are always together and in sync:
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In the manga, anime, extras, stage play, light novel, drama cds and official art/merchandise they’re usually frickin together and always in sync, same reactions and thoughts. Remember when Daichi looked at Suga (S1 ep24) like he was asking for approval then Suga nodded. That was so cute ugh.
Suga is 6 months older than Daichi. June 13 and December 31. Their birth dates makes me go WAIT WHAT. 
Suga and Daichi’s name meanings are compatible.
During the christmas bonding time, Suga received daichi’s gift, a daruma. Daichi bought it as a gift because it weighs like a volleyball (he’s such a volleyball nerd) and he told Suga that they should draw the eye together. (Source link)
Suga thought that Daichi was jealous of his t-shirt because the phrase on his shirt was cooler than his. (Source link)
Suga’s first synchronize attack was a success and he tossed it to Daichi. Coach Ukai assigned these two along with Tanaka to learn synchronize attack.(Remember when Daichi told Suga he borrowed coach ukai’s tablet so they can watch the videos together)
The way they look at each other like there’s nothing else to look at. 
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What I truly love about these two is their relationship and trust for each other.They complement each other, which makes them a good combination. They went through obstacles and look THEY MADE IT TO THE NATIONALS, kiyoko witnessed their progress and asahi thanked suga and daichi because they welcomed him again in the team, remember when asahi was not sure if they’d accept him to the team but daichi and suga were just laughing and made fun of him. 
Their vice captain and captain interaction isn't fully expressed in the anime and i hope that everyone will appreciate them more! They made it to nationals! And them being proud of Hinata and Kageyama in the hq time skip is one of the best treasures Furudate sensei gave to us. 
Lets talk about these two. Daisugasting volleyball idiots. 
I rest my case.
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dreamilymagicalhideout · 4 years ago
Geto Suguru
This contains spoilers of the manga
Word count: 3174
Summary: you are afraid of a horror movie that concerns with a monster, but you do not tell Geto.
So this is where Geto doesn't go berserk, so yeah a bun haired Geto.
You never admit it, but actually you are afraid of horror movies, well at first you love it, the feelings of watching it, the scare, the adrenaline, and the thrill you felt while you were watching is exciting. Even the can't sleep period after watching the movie, the feeling you felt before you were sleeping at that time did not stop you from watching it again and again, but that has changed after you met Geto.
He is a Shaman, who had fight a lot of monster, or in this world, you called them a cursed spirits. At first, you were still the usual you, but that was changed when that accident happened. You wanted to meet Geto, but unfortunately there was a sudden attack, you were trapped in the curtain and could not get out. You were not the only non-Shaman that were trapped inside the barrier, there were other people too, and they were a lot more panicked than you. Even a few of them could see the cursed spirits.
One of them screamed so loud, the other one stood still in spot with her eyes widened. While you were just stand there didn't know what to do. You couldn't see the cursed spirits and you didn't know which place is safe. Two persons who see the cursed spirits where screamed and crying loudly. They were screaming "HELP" from the top of their lungs, their hysterical face was enough to make you feel afraid.
After that, the two of them went into an asylum, only one of them finally get out, the other one is still there, still not yet recovered. All she talked about is "it is the scariest thing I've seen, their face is just, their face-" she stopped talking and screamed, then crying.
After that, you never watch any horror movies, especially the one with a monster. Now that you are in cinema with Geto, and he already has in his hands, the ticket of the so called scariest movie of the year. It is the movie with a lot of monster, and have many positive critics both from experts and movie junkies.
He chuckles looking at your shocked expression, seems like he misunderstood your reaction. You react like that because you don't want to watch the movie, but you can't say it because you feel bad. He, on the other hand, thinking that you are touched because he bought you a ticket of your favorite movie genre.
"Wait, Geto, I.. uh.." you try to find the right words for it, but there are none. He smiles, "you don't have to say anything"
"I mean, uh- I think.... Thank you?" You said to him, he just pat your head and said "you're welcome, doll"
He actually told you to meet at 2 pm, but you where afraid that he will ask you to watch this movie, so you said let's just meet at 4 pm. Hoping that all the tickets will be sold, but here you are going to watch that movie. "How did you manage to get a ticket?"
"I waited here since 12 pm" he said and you gaped in awe. "Geto, I-" you look at him in pity, you are definitely going to watch this movie whether you are going to like it or not. If you are peeing in the middle of the movie, then so be it.
"What's with that face?" He said while smirking, he hold your cheek and pinch it. "Are you tired? Here you should take a sit" You grab his hand and take him to the nearest bench there. Geto is just following behind you while looking at your back with a smile on his face by seeing the way you acted right now.
"Are you thirsty?"
"Now that you mention it, I-"
"Wait here, I'll buy you some drinks" You said then leave him to buy a drink, you are queueing on the counter, then you feel like something warm is close to you. You turned your head and see Geto is standing beside you. "What are you doing here?"
"I want a cola" he said while reading at the menu from afar "alright, go back to your seat" you push him gently. "No, i'm staying here"
"You don't have to, hush, go away, sit down" you said pushing him again, but he just stood still without moving an inch. "No. I don't think so, let's wait together" you sighed, seems like he doesn't want you to wait alone so you just give up.
Now you're forget about the movie for a while and just talking to Geto like the usual, but the moment you entered the movie theater, you can feel your body tensed again. Your hands are on Geto's arm, you unconsciously squeeze his arm because you are afraid, but again, Geto thinks otherwise. "Excited, aren't we?"
The lights are off, now that he can't see your panicked face. The big screen in front of you finally shows some picture, the movie has started, your hands gripped the arm rest, you can feel your heartbeat getting quicker, your hands perspires, you are restless.
If you close your eyes in the entire movie then what's the point of Geto waiting for four hours? So you try to braced yourself to be brave and watch the movie, at first you can handle it, however in the middle it was just a total nightmare. You already heard about this movie, they say it is extremely scary and the effects is just too good. Turns out they were not exagerrating things, it is extremely scary.
You try to stay composed and stay silent, but you can't stop the shaking of your body. Then, you remember the person from the asylum said to you "his talons, his red face, he has many eyes, he can speak" that definition really match the monster in the movie right now, you stand up suddenly, then said "I need to go to the bathroom"
You sprint to the bathroom as if there was an earthquake and you must escape from the building. When you entered the bathroom you closed the door and cry. Your eyes are already damp and now it is completely wet. The tears are continue to fall as your small hiccups escape your mouth.
It's been a while since you left the cinema, if you are here any longer he would surely check on you, so you get out and wash your face then go back.
"Hey, is everything okay?" He asked while pulling you into his embrace. "Yes, everything is fine" you said while positioned yourself in his embrace. Geto already feels that something is wrong, because no matter how much you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the movie, you won't. However, he decided not to push on it, well at least for now.
Geto lowered his face and put his lips near your ear to whisper something "Here, a quick summary. He left his dad and decided to go on his own, but...." You don't get what is he saying, you just continue to hug him.
Then once again, the monster are out, the screams of terror of the people on the movie theater mirrors the people in the movie, you just can't stand it, you cry again, you try to cry as quiet as possible so Geto won't notice.
You try to hold on, but sometimes you just can't help it and turn your face so you don't see the screen in front of you. By the time the movie ended, the whole room is filled with sniffs, some people even crying their heart out and sobbed because not only the movie where scary, it is sad too.
You couldn't hold yourself anymore and you sobbed. Geto continue to hold you, to calm yourself down. "Sshh, it's okay Sweetheart" He says as his hand pat your back, his other hand is on your hair gently straightening all your tangled hair.
He lets you calm down a little before asking if you want to go right now or not, you said you can go right now and both of you are left the movie theater. He intertwined your hand with his, he can feel your dampened hand, it is also cold, then he looks at you and stop.
"Are you okay? You look so pale" he said as he bows a little so his head is the same level as yours. "I'm fine" you said as he looks at you in worry, "let's take a seat for a while" He said as he let go of your hand, put his hand on your waist, while his other hand hold your hand then guide you to the bench.
"Here, drink a little" the mineral water that you bought before watching the movie is still half full. He opened the lid and give it to you. He moves to crouched down in front of you, he put his hand on your forehead, cheek, and your neck to check your temperature. Then he notice that your hands are shaking a little too.
"Can I stay at your place tonight?" This is the first time you said this, usually he would be the one asking you. You don't think you can handle being alone after watching that movie without having a paranoia. "Of course, Love"
"Here, sit beside me" you pat the bench next to you, gesturing him to take a seat. People are starting to look and whisper to each other. Geto take a seat beside you, he put his hand on your waist, afraid that you might fall.
"Are you feeling dizzy?" Geto asks again "No"
"Let's go"
"Are you sure? We could rest here for a while, you don't have to force yourself" he takes a good look at you and you are still pale.
"It's okay. I'm fine" you said as you stand and start walking, Geto follows you while his arm is circling around your waist. "Just take it slow" He still doesn't know what's wrong with you, so he just wait until you tell him, in the meantime he will not push you into anything.
You both arrived at Geto's apartment, his apartment is a medium sized with only one bedroom, two bathroom, a kitchen, and a balcony since he is living alone. You sometimes spend the night here too, just sleeping of course, not doing anything else. By the time you arrived, turns out he already ordered a meal. You both enjoying the meal in silence, he ordered a porridge for you, he still thinks that you are sick.
Now, that you are thinking about the monster again, well right now you are with Geto, you are sure safe, but what if you got back to your house? Geto noticed that you are so deep in thought that you don't notice that he is looking at you. Suddenly the silence broke because of the sound of the kettle, the loud sounds surprised you that you lost your grip on the glass and accidentally drop it. The glass dropped on the floor with a loud crash and break.
"I'm sorry, I-" you try to find the correct words, but you don't find any. You want to pick the glass, but you are so frustrated right now that you broke down crying first "sorry" you put your palm on your face, hiding behind your palm. Geto stood from his seat and hug you "It's okay"
He hugs you while he is standing and you are still sitting on a chair. He combs your hair slowly and his other hand is around your shoulder, pulling you close. "It's okay, just let it out" both of you just stay like that for a while until you calm down. Now that there are no sniffs or hiccups coming from you, Geto loosened his grip for a moment to take a look at your face.
“What should I do? I want to say you look bad while you were crying to make you stop crying, but you still look pretty even when you’re crying” He said with both of his hands are holding cupping your face, he removed your tears with his thumb, then move the strands of your dampened hair that stick to your face.
“Go take a bath in my room, I clean this up”
“I’ll help you” you said because you feel bad for breaking a glass in his house, but he is the one who will clean it up, not you. “No buts, just take a bath then pick whatever clothes in my wardrobe that you like. Go” you could never argue with him, so you just say thank you and go to his room.
After you’re done, you go out from his room and found out that he also has taken a bath, he changes into a navy t-shirt with a sweatpants. While you wear his baby blue sweater and grey sweatpants. "You picked a nice clothes" he said after seeing you and gestured you to sit on his lap.
"Aren’t you cold?" You ask while sitting on his lap "no. Are you?"
"Not anymore, your clothes are warm" he pushes your shoulder back to his chest, gesturing you to lean into him, you complied and rest yourself into him. He put his arms around your waist, then kissed your cheek and rest his head on your shoulder.
"Are you alright?" He finally asks you, you want to tell him the truth, but you are still afraid. You don't answer him, you don't want to lie, well he knows that you are not alright, it is just a rhetorical question to make you tell him what's on your mind. Nobody talked for a moment, he is waiting for you to answer while you don't know what to answer.
"It's okay If you are not ready to tell me yet, I won't push you, if there is anything I could help just tell me"
"Hmm?" He said while looking at you. You turn your head to look at him "I.. it's just- wait" you were in the middle of talking while Geto suddenly lift you up to fix your position, you are now on jus lap, but your back is not in his chest anymore, your left arm is now on his chest so he could look at you. "Continue" he said with his face close to you, eyes definitely staring at your face.
"Don't look at me, look there" you said as your finger point into the TV. "No. Why would I?" He is still smiling, his face is still close to you as of he would kiss you anytime. It's not like he never kissed you before, but everytime he did you still feel shy to look at him.
"Well, it just I don't really like to watch that kind of monster movie anymore, since..." You can feel his eyes lingering on you, you put your palm on his eyes to make him stop looking at you, he use his hand to pry off your hand from his eyes, he hold your wrist so you can't do it again "....that time when I, uh was trapped in the curtain"
"I was afraid" you try to put your other palm to cover his eyes, but again, he pried your hand off and hold into your wrist. "I'm sorry" you finally said as you look down. You know he will feel guilty and blame himself, that's why you didn't tell him, but after this happened you feel guilty to keep something from him and if you don't tell him, and there's a high possibility that he will ask you to watch another monster movie too if you don't tell him now.
"Why don't you tell me sooner?"
"I don't want you to leave me"
"Why would I leave you?" He said while he makes both of your hands cupping your cheek, and his hands cup your hands, so your hands won't go to close his eyes again. "I know you must’ve preferred a girl who is brave, considering your job as a shaman, so I think if I am afraid then..” you can’t say the rest, but you know he gets what you mean.
“and I don’t want you to blame yourself” you paused, then continued again “well I won't be scared of the monster in movie anymore. Let's watch another movie, I won't be afraid"
“Of course I choose a girl who thinks about me until she hold back all the burden on her shoulder all by herself just to make me feel better” You remember after that incident he felt guilty for a week, you have to convince him again and again so he will get over it. You look anywhere but him “what a sweet mouth”
“Of course, you’ve tasted it before” he smirked, you are about to push his hands from your face when he continues “I am not joking (Y/N)” his face is close to you, you can feel that your face is hot, you close your eyes, you just can’t see his face this range, he is too handsome.
You can tell by now that your face is red, you still close your eyes because you know his face is still near. “Why are you still embarrassed?” Geto chuckled, but still don’t let go of your face. His face is going forward and he pressed his forehead to yours. “besides I like the feeling of you needed me to protect you from the cursed spirits”
“I love to protect you” you both stayed like that for a while, no one is talking, you just enjoying the moment. He finally let go of your hands and pull away, then sneaked put his arms around your waist. You finally open your eyes and see that his face is still close to you and still looking at you. You turned your head so you don’t see eye to eye with him “What? Where did you expect me to look beside you?”
“Does this mean we don’t have a movie date in the halloween?” he asked.
“Well I don’t mind, to be honest I like stay at home date better” He looks at you with a glint of mischievousness in his eyes “because things could get a little...” he talks with a smirk on his lips, then leaned in to your ear to whisper “intimate”
You push him and get out from his lap to stand, then walk to his bedroom, “wait, where are you going?” he said with a smile on his face, he definitely held back a laugh. "I’m going to sleep, do not follow me” you literally bolted out to his bedroom and close the door, then stay behind the door for a while. You can hear Geto laughing in the other side, you, you are laughing too, but quickly shut your mouth so he can’t hear it.
I imagine Geto would be a gentleman like Nanami, but also playful like Gojo. So, yeah.
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ahundredtimesover · 4 years ago
Friday Nights and Take-Out Drabble (3)
It’s not how I wanted to tell you but doesn’t mean I don’t mean it any less. 
Pairing: Jungkook x (f.) Reader
Genre/Tags: strangers to friends to lovers, popstar/idol!jk, fluff, angst, future smut; this is a dialogue-heavy series so read if you’re into that!
Warnings: foul language 
Word count: 1,500 sorry
Series summary: You meet pop star/idol Jeon Jungkook at the cafe, you get close, and as Hyejin says, you’re like friends with benefits without the sex. But you’re bad at feelings and so is he.
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A/N: Fast forward to several months later with these two idiots-turned-lovebirds!
“Rock-paper-scissors! Winner decides if they want to choose the movie or the dinner tonight,” Jungkook says, right hand ready, bunny smile flashing through your phone screen.
You roll your eyes as you sit up from your upside-down position on the couch. “What are you, a child? Your game doesn’t even make sense.”
“Yes, your man-child boyfriend. And yes, it does. Now come on!” He urges you.
“Fine, only because you recognize yourself as such.” 
He rolls his eyes this time. 
He was late on the first try, making it not count. You usually go scissors after rock, which Jungkook knows - hence, why you often lose - but he didn’t this time. 
“I win!” You say, surprised. “A bit rusty now, are we?” A smug look on your face. “We’re going with Winter Soldier tonight, babe,” you continue, his hopeful face turning into a disappointed one. 
“But we watched Iron Man 2 the last time, shouldn’t we watch Iron Man 3 tonight?” He tries, towel wiping his sweaty face, their Friday night rehearsal having just ended. Months after the end of the tour, they’re still plenty busy and the month of February isn’t any different than the others. 
Still, you’re happy with your arrangement. Regardless of how late they end on a Friday, Jungkook makes sure to come see you, with take-outs now a staple in your relationship. Until you both think you’re ready to go public, your little home is your little world for now.
“We’re not following any order, Kook. I win so I get to decide the movie. At least you get to choose dinner! I’m not particularly picky today. I just want me some Bucky,” you tease. He gives you a displeased look. 
Something you’ve come to learn is that your jealous and competitive boyfriend will always try to one-up any person who gets your attention, regardless if they’re a fictional character or a real-life individual, regardless of gender too. He thinks he’s being subtle about it, which is the funny part, but Jungkook is anything but subtle. You’d mentioned one time how you liked Evan Rachel Wood’s undercut and he showed up 2 days later with his own undercut, in a bun. Do you like it? He’d asked later that night, lips all pouty. Safe to say it took all of you not to pounce on him the moment you saw him enter the bar. 
“I just don’t like him because he did my man dirty,” he reasons. You respond with a laugh, “yeah, I hear you babe. It totally has nothing to do with me having a crush on him ”
“Baby, don’t tease me tonight, please. I’m tired and I miss you and I want to cuddle you in peace while we watch the definitely-not-best Marvel movie,” he pouts.
“Okay fine, we shall cuddle in peace, then if that’s what you want to do,” you give in, hearing the tiredness in his voice, and then bidding him goodbye. 
If you didn’t miss him, you probably would’ve continued teasing him, but you do and you want nothing more than to have him next to you. It’s been two weeks since you’ve spent time together, after all. 
Four months since you both got your head out of your asses and finally admitted your feelings to each other - and three since you told his agency, which was fortunately supportive - you and Jungkook have found your rhythm. 
He’s still as busy, but nothing that video calls can’t solve, and still falls asleep on you over the phone after a long day at work, but you both always make time. He insists on spoiling you, despite knowing that a Chanel bracelet has got nothing on a whole strawberry shortcake, especially after a long day at work. You spoil him too in your own ways - buying him novelty items that remind you of him, stocking your pantry with his favorites, and of course, through kisses.
You didn’t think you could be this affectionate but you’ve long surprised yourself when it came to Jungkook. It seems as if every time you see him, you just want to shower his pretty little face with all the kisses you can possibly give. He enjoys this, partly for the fact that he likes seeing you be the needy one for a change and partly because, well it’s you and anything you give is more than enough for him. Except for an ‘I love you,’ though; somehow that isn’t part of the rhythm yet.
A little over an hour later, you hear the incessant knocking on your door and you jump from the couch. You open the door and take in how your boyfriend looks enveloped in his oversized black hoodie - hair damp, tired smile, but eyes still sparkling like the night sky. A shower of kisses later, you find yourselves on the floor, take-out food all but unwrapped. 
He surprises you with your own favorites - ribeye steak and truffle pasta cooked by one of their chef friends who runs a restaurant that you definitely can’t afford, which also doesn’t do take-outs, to preserve food quality or something. But Jungkook, you’ve also learned, lives off of making you happy, and this is one of the ways that he, as he says, puts his stardom to “good use.”
You stare at him, eyes wide. “Babe, they gave us plates,” you say, confused and amused at the same time. “Food presentation or something, Chef Choi said,” he shrugs, but unable to help the smile on his face as your eyes scour the presentation on the table.
“We’ve been wanting to eat at his restaurant,” is all you say, still unable to process what he had done, not missing the extras included - cheese and artichoke dip and tomato soup. “These seem basic, are they even on the menu?” 
He laughs. “Too basic to be on their menu, definitely, which is why he was able to whip them up,” he says proudly. “I just wanted to surprise you with something special.”
The twinkle in your eyes and the smile reaching them let him know he succeeded. 
One bite into the steak and you feel like heaven. It has marbled well and tastes so scrumptious and tender, as if you’re having an orgasm in your mouth. It tastes expensive, too. You close your eyes and savor the flavor, juices spilling out with every movement of your mouth against the meat. You’ve never had steak this good, it actually makes you feel emotional.
“Fuck babe, this is so good I love you so much.”
You open your eyes to see your boyfriend, mouth half parted, orbs even darker and rounder than you remember.
“Did you just tell me you love me… while eating steak?”
You cower on your side of the table, nervous at how he will take it. The words just slipped out of your mouth before you got to the next bite. It’s not that you don’t mean it; it’s because you do and want to at least tell him in a more romantic way than this. He’d survived practice until 10PM, made arrangements to get you a delectable dinner, and you tell him you love him like this - unfocused and unaware, prompted by food, of all things.
“Is that how much you love steak or how much you love me?” he asks, a smile slowly creeping up his face. “I was thinking maybe you’d say it while cuddling in bed or watching Crazy, Stupid, Love or even like, in the middle of sex or something but this… this is so unmistakbly you that I don’t think I can be more in love with you than I am this moment.” Now it’s his turn to look nervous.
You mirror his expression from earlier, senses suddenly heightened at what he’d just said.
“I…” he starts, unsure what to say next.
“I love you,” you repeat, unable to help the smile gracing your face. “It’s not how I wanted to tell you but doesn’t mean I mean it any less. But I do, for a while now,” you continue, hands playing with each other, teeth biting your lower lip. 
“I love you,” he responds, suddenly calming your nerves. “I feel like I say it in my head too much that I’m scared you might just hear it,” he chuckles, eyes finding yours.
“Well, I’d like to hear it, everyday if possible,” you shyly smile. You becoming such a sap like this is a side-effect of dating Jungkook that you definitely don’t mind.
He easily pulls you by your waist and sandwiches you in between his legs, wrapping them around you and peppering your cheeks with kisses. He hugs you tightly and lays his chin on your shoulder. Nothing is better than this. He’s starting to think this is what he wants to come home to everyday. He lets the thought sink in; that’s a talk for another time.
“Anything for you, Y/N.”    
part 4 || completed
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jungshook69 · 4 years ago
Love is a myth :: 03
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DISCLAIMER: This doesn’t represent the members’ actions or the army’s actions in any manner it’s pure fiction. This is an original work, do not copy. The taglist is open if you want. Taglist is now closed.
WORD COUNT: 4.3K words
MAIN PAIRING:  musician! Yoongi X waitress! female reader
SIDE PAIRING/S: Jungkook X female reader ; Taehyung X female reader
GENRE: FWB! au ; Strangers to lovers! au
WARNINGS: Implied smut (Forgive me cuz I suck at writing it, no puns intended) ; Mentions of alcohol and smoking (I do not condone smoking) ; Profanity ; Mentions of infidelity ; Heavy angst ; Self loathing (Namjoon’s about to wack me in the head with his slipper) ; I apologize in advance if there’s any spelling errors.
SUMMARY: "You covered your bare form with the silk sheets beneath you, as you watched him walk out your door without a word." // "Love is a myth. All that existed between you two was pure lust." // "The last rule was if anyone of the two of you caught feelings for the other, the deal would be off."
SERIES MASTERLIST: Trailer » Meet the cast » Chapter #1 » Chapter #2 » Chapter #3 » Chapter #4
STATUS: Complete
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It was a pleasant morning, and you thought it couldn’t go any better. At least that’s what you thought, before your luck was inevitably snatched away from you.
 You heard a gruff voice clear their throat, in close proximity to you, before they spoke up, “Y-Y/N?”
 You looked up through your round lenses, and your jaw dropped open at the sight. Your eyes roamed the man’s face, unwilling to blink. It took you a nice long 10 seconds, to find your voice, which still came out small and slightly wavered, “J-Jungkook?”
“Hi…” his soothing voice managed to mutter, his shocked expression mirroring your own.
 “Long time no see…” you say with a heavy breath.
 You observed his figure. His beautiful doe eyes were shining with the same sparkle as they did back when you both were lovers. His face had gone from being a bit boyish, or babyish as you liked to call it, to a bit more structured. His jaw had sharpened, although there were no visible wrinkles lining his face, except for some adorable smile lines beside his crescent eyes. His hair was far different from what is was back then. You used to call him coconut head, in owe to his soft brown hair that lay across his forehead. But now his hair was much longer, and a dark shade of black, lengthy enough to be easily pulled back into a man bun. His shoulders were broader and his body looked much more buff, and his arms were fairly big as compared to a few years ago. He was adorned in black trousers and a white button down, with the top 2 buttons undone, giving you a slight peak at the tattoo you had grown to love, on his right collarbone.
 “Do you mind if I take a seat beside you?” his melodious voice asked softly, contrary to his rough exterior.
 “Y-yeah sure…” you said, shutting your journal close and making room for him on the small park bench.
 You lay your hands across your lap, unsure of what to say next. But he saved you the pain and spoke up first, “How have you been?”
 “Good… you?”
 “Great…” he said his gaze fixed on the playground.
 “Still married?” you ask. You want to mentally slap yourself for letting such a question slip, before he interrupts your thoughts.
 “Yes… you see her?” he says pointing to the playground. Your eyes search for a female, perhaps the same height as Jungkook, but your eyes widen at what he says next, “You see that small girl with pigtails on the swing?”
 “Y-Yeah…” you manage to speak.
 “Her name is Hana, she’s my daughter.” He says letting out a deep breath.
 “O-Oh…” you didn’t know why you were surprised. He was married. It had been 6 years. Of course he had a child. You watched as the small girl giggled, as a woman with straight platinum blonde hair, a smile on her lips, stood behind the swing and pushed the little girl back and forth.
 “And that’s my wife… Sana.”
 “Wow… you got a whole family… nice…” you cringe at the words that left your mouth. You felt a twinge of envy. How did everyone around you have their life so put together? Were you the only one who would never settle down with a special someone? Were you only made to work and never love?
 “Not the family I envisioned, but none the less, a happy family.” He whispered to himself. “So… you seeing someone?” he asks.
 “Not at the moment no…” you speak, ashamed of your toxic lust-induced lifestyle.
 You share a moment of silence, both of you keeping your eyes fixed on the playground. “Y-You still where that?” Jungkook spoke up.
 “Huh?” you looked up to see him pointing at your fingers which were unconsciously playing with the band of your silver ring. “O-Oh yeah… umm… just— yeah I wear it… it looks cool…” you cringe in disgust at your word vomit, knowing he wouldn’t buy it.
 But he knew better, and didn’t question it further. You laid motionless as you tried to keep your emotions at bay. You were mad at him. Infuriated even. He left you in the dust. But at the same time, you loved him dearly. He was the only one you could trust in this cruel world. He was the only real thing that happened to your young naïve 16 year old self.
 You immediately froze in your spot when you felt a warm touch of skin on the back of your hand. You looked down to see Jungkook’s tattooed right hand laying over your hand, which was on your lap.
 “I’m sorry Y/N, I’m sorry for doing what I did and hurting you.”
 Your eyes were glossy, tears threatening to overflow, as you fixed your gaze on the woman and the small girl in her arms, as they walked into the neighboring convenience store.
 “We weren’t meant to be…” was all you could muster out.
 “We were meant to be… I was a coward.” He says, his hand not leaving yours.
 “Don’t blame yourself. It was my fault, I pushed it too far, by planning to run away.” You try sounding cold and stern, but it comes out as a whimper.
 “The people were right…” he says, his finger absent-mindedly playing with the ring on your finger. “…the timing was wrong.”
 You control your rapid heartbeat as you feel a tear slip out from your right eye, staining your cheek, as the drop slid down the length of your face. You hear the loud piercing sound of his ringtone, before he picks up the call and puts the phone up to his ear, his hand never leaving yours. You hear the loud voice on the other end.
 “Baby, I got the diapers, I didn’t see you anywhere. Will you come to our car in the parking lot?”
 “Yeah, I’ll be there in 2 minutes.”
 “Okay bye baby!”
 You here the beep of the phone call hanging up as you feel his figure shift next to you. You gasp as his hand tightens his grip on yours. You swear your heart stops when you feel his other hand turns your shoulder to face him. This is the first time you’ve looked straight into his eyes, in the last 6 years. He looks at you with the same warmth and guilt, as his large hands clasp your tiny ones.
 “I missed you.” He huffs out.
 “I missed you too. But you have a family to get back to.” You sigh sadly.
 “I hope we meet again Y/N.”
 “I don’t.” you mutter out too low for him to hear. It was too painful even thinking about seeing him again.
 He stands up, his figure looming over yours, before you decide to do the same. He then leans in and wraps his arms around your waist, in an all-too-familiar manner, which breaks the last wall you’ve been holding up. You feel his breath skim the skin on your neck, sending goosebumps down your spine. You feel his warm cheeks brush against your collarbones. You try to hold yourself back from surrendering and dropping yourself in his strong arms right then and there. He slowly backs away from you before you could do so, “Bye Y/N…” he says giving you a sad smile.
 You’re unable to form words, as your hands feel cold, needy to feel his warmth again. You watch his retreating figure, until he disappears behind the rows and rows of cars. You slam your journal into your sling and run back home as fast as your feet can carry you. You promised yourself, you would never let another man get to you. You’d never let another man, make you cry for him again. But you never expected the same man from your past, to break you a second time.
 The first 10 minutes after you reached home, you just blankly started at the white wall in front of you. The next 20 minutes were spent with you cleaning up the mess after you broke a glass plate in anger. You didn’t know what to do with yourself. You’d never been so devastated in the last 6 years. You’d learnt to control your emotions, and to not take love seriously. But when a certain someone had walked into your life for a mere 20 minutes, all of that had gone down the drain. You felt helpless. You felt powerless. How could a man have such an effect on you?
 You were on the ground sweeping a few remnant glass shards, when you heard a soft knock on the door. You opened the door to reveal a smiling Yoongi, a rare sight you would’ve teased him for, if it weren’t for the horrible morning you’d had. His smile immediately dropped on seeing your red eyes, concern washing over his features, “You okay?”
 “Yeah” you mutter out uninterested, walking back into your apartment. You watched him drop his phone and keys onto your shoe stand, as he took off his beanie placing it down, ruffling his soft hair.
 “I was actually gonna ask you if you wanted to get an early dinner together, some friends from my college are meeting up. What would you like? Maybe ramen, ooo how about gimb—”
 “You can go without me, I’m not feeling too well…” you say trying to stop your voice from cracking.
 “You sure?” he asks again.
 “Yeah…” you say louder than you intended to speak.
 “O-Oh… ummm okay…” Yoongi says before you here the jingle of his car keys and the click of your front door. Yoongi wasn’t one to pressure people into doing things. He liked giving people space. As soon as he left, you let your tears flow. They were unstoppable. You were still wailing, as your form dropped to the ground, even though there weren’t enough tears to flow out.
 It was 9 PM. Your eyes were puffy and your sinuses hurt from crying for the past 2 hours. Your head was throbbing and your empty bedroom was filled with the sounds of your sniffles. That was before there was a loud knock on your door.
 You slipped out of your bed, still dressed in your pajamas, as you made your way to the door. You peeped through the hole and saw Yoongi’s form leaning against the door frame. You opened the door and made sure to turn around immediately in a feeble attempt to hide your mess of a face.
 “Hey sorry to disturb I left my beanie here.” He said picking it up. His eyes narrowed as you walked back towards your bedroom. “You can close the door on the way out.” You say, failing to contain a crack in your voice.
 Yoongi notices and closes the door, with him still inside. “Y/N, seriously what’s wrong?” he asks.
 “Nothing, I just have a cold…” you sigh, your back facing him.
 You hear his consequent footsteps getting closer as his hand lands on your shoulder, whipping you around. His eyes widen, as he sees your puffy red eyes, and distraught face stained with dried tears.
 “A cold huh?” he says his eyebrows furrowed.
 “Yeah…” you say softly, sniffling.
 “What’s going on Y/N?” he says, his tone serious.
 “Why do you care? You’re my fuck buddy, not my counselor!”
 “I’m your friend, before any of that.” He says sternly, before he grabs your petite withering form in his strong arms for a tight hug. Your face collides with his firm chest and before you can overthink it, you wrap your arms around his waist, nuzzling your face closer into his warm neck. His hand threads through your hair as he whispers, “It’s okay I’m here…”
 You woke up to the sound of a phone ringing off the hook. You were quick to realize that it wasn’t your ringtone. Your eyes fluttered open as you realized the position you had slept in. Your arm remained draped over Yoongi’s chest, and you were snuggled into the crook of his arm. You were leaning into him, while he had slept partially upright on your couch. Your legs were covered by a blanket, while Yoongi’s feet were propped up on the coffee table.
 It all came back to you. How you had cried onto his shoulder for the umpteenth time that night. How he had cuddled your shivering form and insisted to stay with you, afraid of leaving you alone. You carefully let go of his sleeping form, trying very hard not to wake him up. You reached over to see a phone call from an unknown number, and put his phone on silent. You checked to make sure he hadn’t woken up. You got up and pushed your hair into a neat ponytail. You blinked hard to get the remnant sleep out of your pupils, as you tried to decipher everything that happened yesterday. Yoongi had stayed over with you… why? It went against the rule you’d made in your agreement. You weren’t complaining though because you needed someone last night. And you were more than glad that it was Yoongi. You just didn’t take him to be the type to break the ‘cuddling’ rule.
 You cleared your mind of all these thoughts, brushed your teeth and took a much-needed shower. By the time you were out of the shower, in your work clothes, you found Yoongi awake, sitting upright on the couch, his head hung low, hands cupping the back of his neck. You slowly walked towards the back of the couch and laid your hands on his shoulders, your thumbs extending to press into the back of his neck. He visibly flinched, not expecting your presence, but soon relaxed under your touch.
 “I’m sorry, your neck must be hurting because of the uncomfortable position you slept in last night…” you say, with a guilt-ridden voice.
 “No it’s okay…” he hummed out.
 You make your way around the couch and sit next to him. Confrontation. It was the solution to every problem. “Seriously, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have forced you to stay last nigh—”
 “I stayed… because I wanted to stay.” He says, rubbing his eyes. “What’s the time?”
 “O-Oh… it’s 10 am.”
 “Don’t you have to leave for work in 10 minutes?”
 “We have to leave for work.” You say chuckling.
 “O-Oh… I was actually thinking of not coming in today… ya know… my back hurts and stuff…”
 You were suspicious of his stuttering but decided that you tortured him enough, and just let it slide. “Well I have to leave, you can take a shower if you want, you already know where it is, and please close the door when you leave, okay?” you say grabbing your purse and your coat.
 “Yeah sure… hey Y/N?” he says.
 You stop in front of the door.
 “Are you okay?” he says sincerely.
 “Yeah I am, thank you Yoongi…” you smile and leave for work.
  While you were in your own little bubble, occupied at work, Yoongi, having showered and carefully locked up your apartment, was headed to a certain someone’s humble abode, on his day off. He stood before the wooden door, as he knocked, waiting for his doom residing on the other side of the door. The door opened to reveal a familiar female, long pink hair pulled into space buns, her lips chewing on a pencil.
 “Yoongi… didn’t expect to see you back here after a month… come in…”
 “Actually I’m gonna make it quick” Yoongi says rubbing his palms together. “Where is Maria?”
 “Oh she actually had to turn up at work, they were understaffed today…” her pink-haired roommate said.
 “Oh okay thanks for your help.” He says leaving the doorstep, headed back to the restaurant. He walked in, and his eyes immediately searched for you. You were nowhere to be seen so he assumed that you were probably back in the kitchen. Then his eyes searched for a female with a short black bob, in uniform and spotted her at a table, close to the washroom. He walked up to her and tapped her shoulder.
 “Oh Yoongi, hey…” Maria said, surprised to see him.
 “Yeah hey, can we talk?”
 She smirked at his question, assuming that wanting to “talk” was code for a hook up. She latched onto his collar and pulled him discretely towards the washroom. Before Yoongi could protest she slammed him against the empty washroom walls.
 Yoongi never got to say, what he wanted to, what he had gone all the way to her apartment for. His mouth was clasped shut when Maria’s heavily-glossed lips landed on his own. He struggled to push her off, but before he could pry her off of him, he heard the sound of a toilet flushing, and a washroom stall door creaking open. He finally pushed Maria away and met your eyes, widened in shock.
 You stood there, horrified, as you watched Maria smirking at you, an eyebrow raised in a challenging manner. You looked over to see Yoongi panting, against the wall, his lips swollen and smeared with Maria’s red lipstick. You held your whimpers in, and merely walked, no more like rushed out of the humiliating scene.
 You walked out the back kitchen door and took in a deep breath. You calmed yourself down and did not allow any tears to flow. He was kissing her. So what? You were no one to decide who he kisses, much less sleeps with! You both had mutually decided upon staying anonymous about your personal affairs. Then why did it hurt? Why did it hurt to watch another woman lunge herself at that man? Why?
 Your thoughts were interrupted by Maya’s voice, “Hey ummm… the customers are starting to line up, we need your help.”
 “Yeah, I’ll be right there.” You respond facing away from her.
 Back in the washroom Yoongi watched you leave, his mind in utter chaos. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Yoongi asks in frustration, turning to Maria.
 “You were the one who wanted to ‘talk’.” She says scoffing.
 “Yeah I wanted to ‘talk’, literally talk.”
 “Don’t lie to yourself Yoongi. We’re both hot and we both obviously have a lot of sexual tension between us. What would it take for you to let go off her puny ass for once and give us another try?”
 “I already told you! When I slept with you a month ago, it was a mistake! We were both shit drunk!”
 “What does she have that I don’t?”
 “She has some god damn respect and dignity. She doesn’t just throw herself at me, when I say no. No means no. At least she respects my decision.”
 “Jeez what happened to you Yoongles? You were never like this… like a lost puppy following around that bitch Y/N.”
 “Don’t you dare call me Yoongles.” He says, his tone dead serious. “And look in the mirror when you call Y/N that.”
 “You’re just as fucked up as she is.” She says scoffing.
 “Just stay away from me. I’m never gonna come back to you and sleep with you. Give up already and find someone else to latch onto.” With that Yoongi leaves the washroom and exits the restaurant, feeling an unhealthy amount of guilt in his heart.
 When you got absorbed into work, you couldn’t care less about Yoongi’s absence. But your eyes did drift over to the young gentlemen who was playing in Yoongi’s place today, and everytime you looked over, your eyes would drop down in disappointment of the person that met your eyes. Maria pretended like nothing happened and you went along with it. Confronting her would lead nowhere sensible.
 Soon it was night time, well more like early morning time, and you were walking down the dark midnight streets, Jackie and Mark by your side. You had all decided to walk to a bar down the street and have a few drinks before turning in for the night. You needed to drown your misery in shots, and were more than happy to receive an invitation to accompany your friends.
 “Y/N?” Jackie spoke up.
 “Please don’t be mad…”
 “Oh no, what did you do?”
 “I observed that you sorta looked sad today. And I wanted to cheer you up…”
 “Oh no…”
 “I’m afraid to say it, but yes… I kinda reached out to a good friend of Mark’s and set you up on a blind date for tomorrow night.” She finishes.
 “What?!” you exclaim.
 “I’m sorry okay, but I thought you needed to brighten up a bit…”
 “First of all what were you thinking, setting me up on a work night? It’s Tuesday tomorrow for Christ’s sake!”
 “It’s the only time he was free! He has a busy schedule okay?” Mark defends, looking up from his phone screen.
 “Ohh Mr. businessman is busy. I hate boring people, I’ll pass.” You say rolling your eyes.
 “He’s a model… wait for it… for Gucci.” Jackie says, eyes shining.
 “Keep talking…” you said, suddenly interested.
 “His name is Taehyung. Age 24, same as yours. Aspiring to become an actor. Currently a model for Gucci. Also… he’s a god damn work of art.” Jackie says.
 “I should be jealous, but I can’t lie, he’s too pretty to be human.” Mark says pitching in.
 “Hmm…” you quietly think to yourself.
 “Please, just try it out once? Get out there, have some fun!” Jackie pleads.
 “Why the fuck not? YOLO right?” you say chuckling, heading to the bar, to drown all your obsessive thoughts.
 Unlike waking up to your neighbor’s baby screaming loud enough to summon Satan like always, you wake up to a throbbing in your forehead. Your eyes scan your surroundings and finally focus on the clock on your wall. 11 am! You had to be at work in 15 minutes. You ran around your apartment, your brush in your mouth, one hand through the sleeve of your white button down, the other searching your dresser for your hairbrush.
 You were at work. Even though you were 15 minutes late, and looked as though you had just survived a hurricane, you were still present, and that’s what mattered. Luckily, Mark had taken care of inventory for you, so that left you with enough time to polish yourself in the restaurant washroom before the doors opened for business. The washroom brought back unwanted memories from a day ago, but you ignored those, and focused on fixing yourself up, trying to make yourself presentable enough to match the class of the restaurant.
 You were in your pajamas, happier than ever, watching a really good kdrama, ‘Its okay not to be okay’, definitely recommend 10 outta 10. Your work shift had ended early. You all had gotten a call from the owner and manager Kim Seokjin, that there was gonna be an extermination. You couldn’t be happier as you relaxed into the comfort of your couch. It hadn’t been 3 minutes into the new episode, when someone knocked on your door. You groaned in irritation.
 “Just as it was about to get good.” You huffed out and approached the door.
 You opened the door to a rather dim looking Yoongi. “Oh hi… ummm… wassup? Were the only words you could form.
 “Can we talk?” Yoongi asks rubbing the back of his neck.
 “Sure come in…” you say stepping back and closing the door behind him.
 “I’ll get straight to the point…” Yoongi sighs. “What you saw, it wasn’t what you think happened.”
 “What’re you talking about?” you asked chuckling nervously.
 “You know exactly what I’m talking about Y/N.”
 “Oh that… yeah right…”
 “Listen, I just want to clarify that yes I did sleep with Maria a month ago, back when we never used to talk, when we used to ignore each other 24/7. But I haven’t slept with her since. What you witnessed today was me telling her to back off, but she kissed me without my consent, and you happened to walk in at a bad time.”
 You let out a huge sigh and folded your arms. “And why’re you telling me this?”
 Yoongi’s eyebrows scrunched in confusion. To that, you poke again, “I don’t control who you sleep with or who you choose to date Yoongi. We had a deal. We don’t get involved in each other’s personal lives.”
 “Well I’m sorry if I seemed to be ‘involved in your personal life’ after we told each other something that I thought was personal to both of us.” He speaks out, in irritation.
 You looked down at your ring and remember how you had told him about your past. You remembered how you both had shared a moment, sitting at the piano, which reminded you of the fact that he had also shared his past with you. But you were scared, terrified even. You were scared to let someone close to your heart again, afraid of being left alone again. You were frightened that someone would finally get through the tough walls you’d put up around yourself, and steal your fragile heart, only to break it into a million pieces again. The pain was too much.
 “Well maybe we shouldn’t have shared that with each other!” you yell out without thinking twice.
 You heard nothing but silence on Yoongi’s end. It took a minute before he spoke up, “So you regret it huh?” his voice alarmingly calm.
 “I-I- I don’t know…” you say, unsure guilt settling in your heart.
 “Well that just about explains every fucking doubt I’ve been having about this relationship.”
 “That’s not wha—” you protest.
 “Save it.” He said sternly. “I made a mistake. I tried to get us to be friends. We should go back to our old ways. Just text each other when we’re needy, and ignore each other at all other times. Got it. If that’s what you want, then that’s what you’ll get.” He storms out of the apartment, slamming the door with a loud bang on the way out.
 You felt a tremendous guilt envelope your heart. You didn’t want things to go the way they did just now. He was never the issue. It was you. You were the coward who had commitment issues. And you didn’t want him to waste his time trying to get you to open up. This was the only way. You were never suited for love. It was always lust.
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A/N: Don’t forget to follow @jungshook69​ for more content:) You can check out more works of mine here. Have a great day:)
TAGLIST: @kookieebangtan​ 
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brokenmusicboxwolfe · 3 years ago
Rewatching the “Stars of Star Wars” episode of The Muppet Show for the first time in decades I had a few thoughts…
1) Piggy dress like Leia probably looks about like 6 year old me did when Mom made my Halloween costume, complete with blonde approximation of Leia’s bun hairdo.
 2) Awwww, Mark Hamill is such an adorable ham.
3) Yeah, like little kid me thought, Luke is out of character, but it hardly matters in context. Besides, when Return of the Jedi came out I’d be grumbling that Jedi Luke was all wrong so it was good practice.  4) Dearth  Nadir!  5) I didn’t remember that when Scooter did him musical number the bedroom wall was covered in Star Wars pics besides the apparently signed Luke photo.
6) I do wish  the argyle gargoyle who gargles Gershwin had looked a bit more classically gargoyle-ish.  7) I always love a bit of Pigs in Space or the planet Koozebane, and they were a must here.
8) The running joke about liking Luke’s outfit amused me. Those jackets were easily available through the Star Wars/Lucasfilms fan club back in the day. I have one, though I barely wore it. Now Han Solo’s vest, also for sale there, I wore every single day in 9th grade. I was openly a weird and geeky girl who actually felt more comfortable by wearing something so uncool. Shocking I know! LOL
9) I simply can’t see Chewbacca without remembering Mom’s delight at getting a hug from Chewie at the Star Tours ride at Disney World. She still mentions it happily. Man, Mom loved that Star Tours. We went to Disney World for my 30th birthday, which made it the off season, and there were no lines. Guess who had us riding that ride over and over and OVER. (Hint: it wasn’t me or Pop)
10) That closing number with the muppets and Star Wars folks singing “When You Wish Upon a Star” was prophetic, but sort of makes me sad. A child Star Wars, the Muppets, and Marvel comics (X-Men really) were some of my favorite things in the world and now they are ALL owned by Disney. I kinda hate that. Thank goodness they can’t buy Doctor Who too. I mean, I think they can’t…
11) And despite the fact I have “ways” to watch it now, I am still very annoyed this isn’t on DVD. I get Disney doesn’t believe in physical media anymore, and they are a bit dismissive of the Muppets to boot, but releasing over half a series on DVD and then never finishing it bugs the hell out of me. At least when they didn’t release the second season of Agent Carter here in the US I could buy it elsewhere. Not having the whole Muppet Show on my shelves (or in boxes rather, since the floor collapse) will always irritate me.
12) And now I’m going to have to hunt down ways to rewatch the Star Wars Holiday Special aren’t I? Yes, I know exactly what it is like. Little kid me, seeing it in the context of the standard loopy bad specials of the day and with no way at the time to rewatch Star Wars beyond out 8mm silent highlight reel, loved it. I  had a bootleg video of it from a con once, but never upgraded to bootleg DVD. Geez, nostalgia can make you miss the oddest things. 
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years ago
My little brothers revenge part 3
The next 2 weeks flew by after that, with the only strange thing being that Justin started to have A LOT of close call's with getting to the backroom on time and was leaving a ton of skid marks in his pants, and that Justin had also apparently seen the error in his ways and had asked to try and host a D&D session for Alex and his friends to make up for everything he'd done.
Naturally of course Alex wasn't sure about whether or not to trust Justin, but then the bully had gone out of his way to get permission from their parents for Alex to have all of his friends over while they were gone for the session to happen.
"I just think with how rough he's had it lately, he could use a treat, and it'll be a good bonding experience for us since he's kinda too small to play football with me and the guys." Justin had said, acting sheepish.
After that Alex had dialed back the amount of ex-lax he'd been sneaking into Justin's drink's since he felt just awful about trying to make Justin a diaper boy when he was being so nice.
Of course Ben warned him it could just be a trap and to keep up the treatment (and had asked for pictures of Alex next time he had a uh-oh accident as payment for his words of wisdom) But Alex choice to believe in Justin, a choice he would come to regret.
With their parents gone Saturday morning, most of the day was spent with Alex helping Justin go over the rules for the campaign in the morning, and then hanging out and playing with his friends in the afternoon while Justin went out to hang with Grizz and Rayne.
"Man, hard to believe that Justin is being such a cool guy." Lyle said and winced as they were walking back from the park, having played a game of touch football with some younger kids (and having gotten their butts kicked, which only confirmed Alex's belief he was NOT meant to play the damn game)
"areeee you sure he's on the up and up on this?" Kyle asked, rubbing at his arm where a 5 year old had punched him.
"What? Guys come on, it's the four of US vs. him if he tries anything. we can take him!" Alex said full of misplaced pride and swagger even as he had a slight limp.
"..you realize a group of five year olds just whooped us right?" Max asked, Pausing to spit out more dirt from when he'd been driven into the ground.
"Yeah but there was a equal number of them to us and they were all sneaky like ninjas." Alex said, waving a hand. "Sides, worse case go for the nuts. it's like the weak spot on the death star."
"You've been going to your mom's self defense class again haven't you?" Max asked and chuckled.
"...Maybe." Alex huffed.
"heh, just don't" Lyle started.
"Scream out 'he's got my purse!' this time." Kyle finished and the rest of the losers club laughed while Alex blushed and fumed.
"Guys it was ONE time, let it goooo!"
While the losers club was out and playing their little games, Justin and the boys were getting everything ready for the pampering.
as it turned out the old crib wasn't going to be big enough for even just one of the boys, while the old playpen might of fit two at most though it would be cramped.
Thankfully two solutions provided themselves in this, their darkest hour in the form of finding a old car seat of Justin's that looked big enough to MAYBE hold Alex, and a old high chair that would hold Max for sure.
"So..how are we going to hide ALL of this upstairs? I know Alex and his friends are dorks, but their not stupid." Grizz asked.
"Oh, what if we went and put like sheets over them, and tell them their ghosts!" Rayne suggested eagerly.
"...Rayne buddy why don't you go have a juice box." Justin said, patting the hulking boys back.
as the muscle bound boy headed up to the fridge for some apple juice, Grizz and Justin exchanged looks.
"Man, he's our friend and everything, but Jesus.. does he eat paint chips or something?" Grizz asked.
"Go ahead and ask him, I'll go and get the bucket to mop you up after he creams you." Justin chuckled. "Ok ok..back to the problem at hand..We could Make get the high chair in the broom closet, and the playpen all folded up in the linen closet. Car seat, I dunno.."
"Yeahhh whole lotta time to waste between getting them pampered and getting them in they're seats." Grizz agreed then added with a blush.. "and I didn't go though all the humiliation of buying 4 packs of those discount diapers just for them to go to waste."
By now Rayne was coming back down the steps with his juice box and smiled and waved a hand.
"heh, Yes Rayne?" Justin asked, waiting for the stupid idea to come out.
"What if like, you have the playpen and stuff all set up down here but hidden behind some stuff and we just send up the gaming area down here. you can claim you wanna set a atmosphere for the game, capture the feeling of going though a dungeon." Rayne said and smiled big time.
"...H-U-H..Man Rayne, you need to drink apple juice more often!" Justin chuckled. "Good idea!"
"nah, then i get the poops." Rayne said but grinned big time.
"..Noted?" Grizz said/asked with a sweat drop.
It was after supper, and with bellies full of Pizza and root beet, the boys made they're way down the dusty (though not as dusty as before) basement, the twins semi hugging each other as the basement's lights only worked in two of the four areas, casting long scary shadows.
Max was mostly ok, though he could of sworn he'd seen something move out of the corner of his eye.
"Uh..Alex,Justin, you guys sure you don't have rats?" he asked, a twinge of worry in his voice.
"Oh yeah, we get checked regularly, Dad's TERRIFIED of them, it's why we can't go to Disney world." Alex said, laughing though he was getting a little bit creeped out being in the basement after dark.
still he wanted to try and support Justin who clearly was making a effort. plenty of large blankets had been rolled out onto the stone floor and a coffee table was set up in the middle, not on the blankets but they were bunched around it.
there were books and note pads and pencils and dice, all the great makings for a table top game and Alex turned to smile at his friends as they took in the site.
coming around the table and looking at the set up, the boys all whistled and Alex smirked at his friends under the pale light of the basement.
"See? I told you guys we could trust Justin!" he beamed.
"heh, Oh?" Justin asked.
"Yeah, the guys were kinda worried you were gonna pull something." Alex said, rubbing the back of his head. "Buttt I knew you were trying ..to.." Alex trailed off as he saw the look on his brothers face.
"Yeahhh about that, maybe listen to your friends next time." Justin advised.
"Whatever! It's four on one Justin, we CAN and WILL kick your butt!" Alex said, balling up his fists and looking over his shoulder to his friends.
The twins and Max nodded back and got ready to fight but Justin didn't look too concerned.
"oh no, Four little dorks who already got their butts kicked by five year olds and they're threatening me. what ever will I do. Oh woe is me." Justin said, putting the back of his hand to his forehead in a dramatic fashion then grinning and snapping his fingers. "Oh wait, I know..Grizz, Rayne, wanna help me get our soon to be slaves dressed and ready for they're new life's of cooking, cleaning and doing homework for us?" Justin said.
two shadows moved out from behind a pile of boxes and indeed there was Justin's buddy's.
"Oh, by the way, feel free to fight back, but anyone who does gets a spanking. if your GOOD little boys, we'll get you dressed with minimal fussing." Justin added.
Alex of course chose to fight, as did Max since he had to have his buddies back.
the two of them lunged at Justin going for a combo knee and groin attack but Justin caught Alex in the air and just hoisted him over his shoulder with Alex's head and arms over his back and yanked down Alex's pants with his free hand and started to slap the boys butt, getting howls of pain from him.
Max meanwhile had gotten his ankle grabbed by Rayne as he went to leap and was tugged back and put under Rayne's beefy arm and much like Alex, pants were yanked down and his butt was slapped, Max howling away as Rayne giggled and gave Justin a silly grin.
"it's like I'm playing the bongo's!" he giggled childishly.
Lyle and Kyle meanwhile had taken inventory of how sore they already were, how big and strong Justin and his friends were and had just stayed put, holding each other hands while Grizz looked down at them and smirked.
"heh, so your gonna be good boys?" Grizz asked.
Both twins nodded then jumped at the sounds coming from their friends.
"H-hey! stop that! They'll-" Lyle started, looking at Alex and Max who's buns where getting red even with their undies protecting them.
"-Be good boys like us! Come on, Please stop?" Kyle finished, wincing and fighting the urge to bury his face in his brothers shoulder.
"Hmm I dunno.. Alex, are you gonna be a good boy or make your widdle friends into liars?" Justin asked, pausing for a second.
Alex of course had been beating on Justin's back, for all the good it had done him and was now stood in front of Justin, tears running down his face and pants around his ankles.
Likewise, Max was set on his feet, though the tears weren't as free flowing and he gave a glare at the Twin's who suddenly found something VERY interesting to look at at the floor so they could avoid eye contract.
"Hey now, none of that Maxie, those two might of just gotten you out of the 5 minutes spanking we had planned." Justin said.
"F-Five Minutes?" Alex whimpered, and put a hand to his sore butt. it already hurt so much from just 30 seconds!!
"well give or take a bout 30 seconds." Justin said and smirked.
a hissing sound was heard and it didn't take a genius to figure out what it was, as Alex started to sob heavily as a puddle started to form under him where his accidents wasn't being soaked up by his pants.
"well, I'm gonna count that as a third vow to be a good boy..what do you say Max, wanna make it four for four?" Justin asked.
"Rot in hell! I'll never give in!" Max vowed.
Never as it turned out lasted all of anther 40 seconds then Max had a accident too. Following a quick clean up that would keep the boys from making puddles all the way up the stairs, Justin had Alex and Max take a quick bath together to both boys embarrassment, with Justin supervising to 'keep them out of trouble' while the Twin's mopped up the piddle accidents and got the wet clothes in the wash under the watchful eyes of Rayne and Grizz.
since the cat was out of the bag so to speak Rayne and Grizz had the twins help them bring the supplies for tonight's fun up into the living room, the urine smell in the basement being a big deciding factor.
The twins had a very good idea what was gonna happen as they carried the packs of diapers upstairs for the bullies, as well as a bag of dirty socks.
Well ok, the twins knew what the diapers and baby furniture was for, but the socks stumped them.
"Um..Mister Rayne?" Lyle asked, and held the bag up with one hand, the other being used to hold his nose.
"Hmm? me? Oh I'm just Rayne kiddo. what's up." Rayne said, confused at first but then smiling.
"I think I get most of what your planning, but why the stinky socks?" Lyle asked, looking over as Kyle was being a super good helper and getting the playpen set up, even though the look on his face made it clear he didn't wanna be helping at all.
"Oh the socks are for..are for.." And Rayne trailed off, and rubbed the back of his head, then turned to Grizz. "Hey Grizz, what are the socks for again?"
"We're gonna get the babies who aren't doing homework to wear them on both hands, one hand for the ones who are, and use about 3 socks per hand and tape for make shift baby mitts." Grizz called over.
"Ohhh yeahh..So that." Rayne said and smiled brightly.
"B-But why stinky socks? I don't wanna get athletes foot on my hands!" Lyle whined and whimpered.
"Oh! this part I do 'member! it's cuz you won't be tempted to try and tug'em off with your teeth after those socks have been on me and Justin's and Grizz's feet!" Rayne said, ever so proud of himself that he'd recalled that much.
"I..but..Ewwwww!" Lyle whined and started to cry.
"oh hey hey, look, it's just kinda fair if you think about it!" Rayne said, pulling the smaller boy into a hug.
"H-How so?" Lyle sniffled.
"well we're gonna hafa smell you guys when your blort your diapers. So see? it all works out!"
Somehow not only was this NOT a comfort for the twins, but started Kyle bawling too.
With Alex and Max washed nice and clean, they huffed and pouted as they were marched down stairs in just they're towels and were greeted to the site of of Lyle and Kyle (Aka mentally labeled the traitors in both boys minds) sitting side by side in Alex's old playpen wearing nothing but three pairs of dirty white socks on each hand that were taped up at the wrist with green masking tape and at least 4 pairs of white and pink diapers around their hips.
Finishing the look off as a bib around each twins hip, Lyle had Big bird on his while his brother was rocking cookie monster.
"Heh, nice touch with the bibs!" Justin commented. "I was gonna let them keep their shirts on."
"Well you know, I found a box of them in the basement and thought, why not?" Grizz said.
The twins had tear stains on their cheeks and Justin raised a eyebrow at that.
"Did they have to get spanked too?" He asked.
"Oh nah, just had a little sob feast. kinda shocked it didn't happen sooner. they ARE babies after all." Rayne giggled.
"So what do you have picked out for our two little naughty boys to wear?" Justin asked, chuckling and yanking the towels off of the younger boys who yelped and covered themselves despite the fact that A) they had both already seen everything B) so had Justin and C) they we gonna have to move their hands once they were diapered.
"Well I was thinking something retro, and classy at the same time." Grizz said, taking on a snobbish voice and making the other bullies smirk. "Something that screams 'I'm a big dumb baby slave, but at least I can do homework.' You know, a look for the ages."
"I see I see. Looks like you two little brainiac's get to do our homework while we supervise the good boys. And Don't even THINK of fucking it up. We'll be taking all SORTS of pictures of you dweebs in all your big baby glory and won't be shy about sharing it with your classmates." Justin chuckled and then pointed over to the changing mat's on the floor.
"J-Justin come on, do we HAVE to wear diapers?" Alex tried one last time.
"Alex I'm shocked, don't tell me you WANNA run around in the buff all night!" Justin said.
somehow the boy's blush got worse and along with Max he scrambled over to the changing mat's without further argument.
thickly diapered and one hand in the make shift baby mitts (Left hand for Alex and right hand for Max) and sporting Elmo themed for Max and Oscar the grouch for Alex, the last two of the loser's club was living up to it's name.
Max had been put in a old wooden high chair which even as small and shrimpy as he was was still a tight fit and had the bullies English and Social studies homework out in front of him.
Alex meanwhile had oddly easier been strapped into a old car seat and pulled up to the coffee table and handed the Math and science homework.
"Since when do you even get this much homework over one weekend?" Alex had asked, eyes going wide.
"Oh yeah, we asked for extra homework to make up for our falling grades. our teachers loved we were trying. So again. Don't make us look bad." Justin said and ruffled Alex's hair, making the huffy diapered shrimp squirm and try and get away.
"I can't believe I actually thought you were turning over a new leaf." Alex huffed and sulked.
"Honestly, neither could I, but you just wanted it to be true sooo bad~ Though I'm not without a degree of mercy." Justin chuckled and at that moment Grizz came in and set a baby bottle full of milk on Max's tray, then on in reach of Max.
Meanwhile the twins were being handed one each by Rayne and just took them with some difficulties in both hands and started to drink, they they wrinkled they're noses.
"heh, I guess the socks kinda keep you from fully enjoying the moo juice. Ah well, not my problem. I expect that ba-ba drained in a hour little man, I don't need you getting all dehydrated with all the crying and pissing you've been doing." Justin snickered and after handing Alex his ba-ba, walked away.
For a tiny split second Alex was tempted to grab the bottle and toss it at Justin, but then his common sense kicked in stead and he went to work, pausing every so often to drink the oddly sweet milk.
The twins tummies were starting to hurt as they chugged down they're milk but with the lack of room in the playpen and their stinky sock mitten's they weren't sure if they were gonna be able to pick the bottle back up if they put them down.
Since they had maybe already lost they're friends after betraying them before, they had silently agreed to just try and be the best big babies they could tonight since there was no point in getting a spanking now anyways.
"Sheesh, I guess that sob feast they had really dried them up. Careful little guys you're gonna give yourselves gas bubbles!" Rayne said, looking almost legitimately concerned.
"heh, don't tell me you're going soft on us man." Grizz teased, lightly elbowing Rayne side.
"Huh? no, I just don't wanna have to burp them and risk getting spit up on me."
"..You uh, Know their not REALLY babies right?" Justin asked after a second. "So I don't think that's gonna be a worry."
the mental image of being held in the bullies arms and being burped like a oversized baby wasn't exactly appealing to Kyle who slowed his chugging down but Lyle seemed to speed his up.
"..heh, I think one of them WANTS to be burped!" Grizz said.
Tugging his ba-ba out quick Lyle went to defend himself but in stead let out a massive belch that did kinda make his tummy feel better.
Kyle on the other hand took the other option when it came to gas relief as before anyone could say anything about the burp, a muffled long fart came out of Kyle's behind and the boys eyes went wide as saucers making it clear who had cut the cheese.
"Sheesh, couple of Gas holes over here." Justin laughed then wrinkled his nose, taking a step back. "Ugh, If his FARTS smell this bad.."
"yeahhh Maybe we shouldn't of put all that laxative powder in there." Rayne said, rubbing the back of his head.
With THAT announcement all four boys who had been taking a drink, Lyle having just put his bottle back up to his mouth dropped them and looked at the bullies.
"Rayne, they weren't suppose to know about that." Scolded Justin, then he grinned like a Cheshire cat.
"oh..uh sorry. How can I make it up to you?" Rayne said, while all four of the diapered losers club squirmed and whined in their baby prison's.
"Guess who gets to change all four stinkers himself?" Justin asked.
"Grizz? that's not fair he did- ...OH!...oh." Rayne started to argue, but then his face lit up as he got it, then fell as he got it.
Hearing about how the milk had been tainted, Alex grabbed his and was trying to pry the lid off to dump it out when Justin came over and shook his head.
"Ah ah ah, Bad baby brother! I guess you're gonna have to take a homework break so big brother can bottle feed you." Justin scolded, getting Alex out of the car seat and into his lap while Justin sat on the floor, pressing and rubbing the nipple on Alex's closed mouth.
"Open up little man, it's either you drink your special ba-ba and make 'present's for big brother or I get out the enema kit mom got for dad." Justin said.
Alex's eyes widen and he stared at his brothers face, wondering if Justin would really actually use that horrible looking thing on him..then recalling he was currently dressed like a big baby and opened his mouth.
"Good boy! Guess i could of just made you drink it on your own with that threat..eh, Your kinda cute like this. In a total loser big baby sorta way." Justin snickered.
Alex suckled down fast and hard, just wanting to get it over with and glared at Justin, willing himself to be able to make his asshole of a big brother end up crapping HIMSELF before Alex fudged his huggies.
As the cramps started to build in his tummy, Alex didn't think that was going to happen.
Seeing Alex being bottle fed by his brother and Grizz coming over Max gulped and gave a sheepish smile.
"I..Don't suppose you could just take the nipple off so i can chug this and get it over with huh?" He tried.
"heh, I suppose so. at least then I don't have to worry about burping the nerdy baby." Grizz said and started to unscrew the top. "But just so you know, if you try and just dump it out, I'll be tanning your ass for 5 minutes strait, then just giving you a enema."
Whether it was the threat itself, or the fact Max had loaded up on fluids on the way home he'd never be sure, but the poor boy gasped and whimpered as a hissing was heard and he soaked his diaper.
"Heh, We got our first wet diaper! Man, you must have a hair trigger bladder huh?" Grizz asked, and offered the opened ba-ba to Max. "Bottoms up soggy pants."
Whining softly but knowing he was stuck (in more ways then one with his diaper bloating out in the high chair) Max gave a week smile and drank as fast as he could.
The twins meanwhile had been given new instructions by Rayne who had decided if he was gonna have four sets of poopie diapers to change, he might as well get a cute site first.
The nicest of the three bullies (if only due to his lower IQ) he'd understood when Lyle and Kyle hadn't been abler to get they're ba-ba's picked up between the cramped space and the baby mitt and had picked up their bottle's and handed them to the other.
"Um..Rayne? I-I had more of my ba-ba gone." Kyle said meekly. "This is Lyle's."
"I Know, I want you to bottle feed each other, it'll look so cute!" he said and then with a big of shuffling around got them facing each other. "Your twin brothers so you're both close..So go on, help you brother drink up!" He encouraged them both.
Knowing better then to argue, the Twins shifted around and worked out how to get their arms out of the way of the other then both were drinking up, eyes closed and noses wrinkled from the smell of the socks, and the mini poots that were escaping almost constantly now as they were almost finished their ba-ba's.
As such with they're eyes closed they didn't see that Rayne had grabbed Justin's camera phone (After losing three cells of his own, Rayne wasn't trusted with one anymore.) and snapped a few pictures of the cuteness in front of him, and when they finished he fished them both out of the playpen and had them each put a head over one of his shoulders, apparently having gotten over his stance on burping them.
As they felt the big strong pats on their back and looked at each other over the simple giants shoulder, both twins wet their diapers at the same time but just like how they normally talked, one would burp then the other then the first one, back and forth till Rayne was sure he'd gotten all the gas bubbles out.
The twin's weren't sure how they felt about this, since Clearly Rayne was strong enough to support BOTH of them with just one hand making them feel even smaller then before, though it DID feel good to get all that gas out even if they're tummies were still cramping big time now.
"Feel better little guys?" Rayne asked, smirking.
Lyle started to nod while Kyle went to say something, but that was when the ba-ba's special ingredient kicked in. Both twins stiffened and little gasps came out of their mouths but that was nothing compared to the torrent of muck that poured out of their backside as the pink and white diapers rapidly expanded and even with the slits cut in them it was clear they were rapidly approaching a overflow point.
"Sheesh, that didn't take long." Grizz said, holding his nose.
"Oh man, their fucking toxic!" Justin complained.
between the sick sounding wet farts you could HEARD the diapers crackling as they fought to keep up but it wouldn't be till the diapers were fully loaded that they Twins would snap out of their shocked silence.
Rayne went to say something to comfort them but it was like a shrill alarm going off as both twin once again started wailing and crying, and Rayne winced, his own nose wrinkling.
"Uhh.. Can I just go and hose them off in the back yard?" He semi shouted, trying to be heard over the twins.
"Are you kidding? they'd alert the whole block as to whats going on!" Justin said, gagging a little. "Oh Man..I did NOT think this though..."
"Well what did you expect a dirty diaper was gonna smell like?" Alex huffed, though he was making grossed out faces too, plus knew that was his future."Sun shrine and rainbows?!"
"Also it's WAY too cold out to clean them up outside anyways Rayne, you'll make them sick."Max pointed out
"You two, shut up and get back to work. and Rayne..I know we were gonna make them sit in it but for the sake of everyone noses, change them now....and uh, take them to the basement to do it." Justin huffed.
Rayne nodded and off he went with the little stinkers and Grizz turned to Justin.
"Ahhh.. maybe we'll just use the pictures of them, but let them take dumps in the potty..I mean.. " he was saying, moving to go and open some windows.
"Ngggh, you might be onto something there." Justin said, then noticed Max and Alex exchanging looks and smirking. "..what's with the looks?"
"It seems to me, like the balance of power has shifted." Max said with a evil grin.
"Unless you WANT us unleashing hell in our diapers over and over again, you're gonna knock all of this off now, and hand over the pictures." Alex said smugly.
"Are you REALLY trying to threaten us with stinky diapers?" Grizz asked, half amused half in disbelief.
"If you thought the twin's were stinky they don't hold a candle up to Max, and Justin you know how bad I can be when I'm NOT loaded with ex-lax."
"..Mistakes have been made." Justin groaned, face palming.
"Are you kidding me?! I went though all that embarrassment and blew all that money on diapers and we're gonna cave in now?" Grizz huffed, looking pissed.
Max left out a poot and that fresh tears to the bullies eyes.
"Consider that a preview of whats to come." Max said and gave a evil laugh. "and tick tock guys.. us 'babies' can only hold it for sooo long~"
"Look Grizz, I'm sorry but unless you wanna be the one helping Rayne change diapers." Justin started to say, cut off by Rayne's cry of horror from the basement. "Then the plan failed."
"This is fucking bullshit!" Grizz huffed and then stormed out of the living room, grabbing his jacket.
"Grizz come on! wait!"
"No way man, screw you! I'm going home!" Grizz growled back and took off, slamming the door.
"...Well I hope your happy now!" Justin huffed at the big babies.
"Oh, we will be.. but first.. socks off and let us out of our baby prisons." Alex said, then smirked. "and don't worry, I have a feeling the diapers WON'T be going to waste."
For the first time since this little war had started, Justin felt a pang of worry.
In the aftermath, only the twins ended up messing their diapers and once Rayne found out the plan had fallen though he sulked and huffed and stormed off home too to do the extra class work that no one else was gonna do for him now.
The Pictures were turned over as promised and Justin figured Alex just deleted them, never suspecting that they were kept for blackmail power of a sort later on, and while no one else had a smelly diaper that night, all four boys kept wearing one just in case.
The twins were forgiven by Max and Alex after a bit, mostly due to how traumatized they seemed from having made such big stinkies and having to get cleaned up and had sucked on their thumbs when they weren't playing video games with Max and Alex, though they had conked out hard shortly after.
Justin, as the last bully standing, got the 'honor' of taking the shovel and going out to the trail to 'bury the treasure' and was less then happy when he came back and got told to go to bed and rest up, he was going to need it.
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xeo-kunsatan · 3 years ago
Dissatisfied One shot +14 (Part 1)
This story contains sexual themes, Domestic abuse themes, Toxic relationships, Suicide, cigarettes use, bad words and prostitution references. If you are sensitive or underage please don't read this story.
Dissatisfied.... i don't think it's difficult to found out why do i feel like that..
I wasn't always being the inappropriate whore my grandmother or even my uncle used to call me.. I was supposed to be a innocent child.. tsk yeah.. an innocent child with the shitty luck of having such a shattered family and a stupid child with the shitty luck of having a pedophile as teacher who tried to rape him when the bastard child was just 10.
It's alright.. I guess.. I just woke up in the bed from one of my classmates, let's say he wanted a fun night so I accepted to gave him pleasure.. at least he paid me money so I can leave this room, .. but that didn't satisfied me.. nor even filled me.
I taked my stuff making sure he didn't woke up too but he still..
Tumblr media
Rocky: Hey Bunny~, are you leaving to soon?~.
Bradley: Are you Horny again? we did it for almost 2 hours the last night, if you want to continue you most pay again.
Rocky: I have not enough money
Bradley: *change on his clothes* Then I have nothing to do here
Rocky: Tsk, you lost...
Bradley: Lost what? *Sarcastic Chuckle* Your "Buddy" is just bigger than mine, is not the big thing..
Rocky: *chuckles* As if you were that hot~.
Bradley: *takes his backpack* You didn't said that that night.
I left that room, that guy seemed mad by my comment, I can't help it, they still see me as the bastard son of the fire ghost which mess with their city but they actually desires me to gives them the pleasure that a girl or anyone else can't gave them..
I was walking through the hallways, then suddenly someone touched my hand to catch my attention, it was that big blue guy who uses to play American football, another client more.
Bradley: Unwin? Are you sure about this? You didn't had a girlfriend?
Unwin: Well yes.. i have a girlfriend, she asked me to do it one day but I'm not ready to do it nor even i have no idea about how to do it.
Bradley: so.. your first Time?
Unwin: Yep..
Bradley: alright.. we will do it this night, don't forget you have to pay for the fun night, i will teach you how to do it.
Unwin: Ok.. thanks man, Heheh now I see why people calls you Bunny, and not just for being little~ *leaves quickly while he was laughing at Bradley* Slut~.
Bradley: But Rabbits are cute...
After that I went to the school restrooms to take a quick bath to at least go to classes without any boy smell.
Since when i thought that this shit was a good idea?.. why did i thought that this would make me feel complete or even satisfied? I questioned myself while the shower drops were falling on my face.
I have a lot of missed calls from my uncle who is surely mad instead of worried by not arriving at the round house.
I dried myself quickly to then change my clothing and go to classes in time, at my seat I saw him.. Skeebo, after that day it's not the same being next to him. He used to bully me by the same old shit as the others but he stopped since that day I saved his life and i snapped to that lemon head which calls himself hero for a nonsense reason.
If you are asking why the heck I was selling my body like this if I have a traumatic event related with this?
I will answer your question, hate me or not depends of you, I will explain.
First my uncle is a hypocritical stingy, he will not give me any fucking money not even for a candy, he just gives money to my cousin, understandable, and the stupid lemon for his mediocre work.
The second reason... Everything happened in a normal school day (yes, after I got Skeebo's respect), also a normal day of ghost attack, there was a new ghost around the netherworld, this one has a weird power which makes everyone Who touches him or is slimed by him, that person ends into a lust state, it was easy to recognize when he attacked someone...at least for me, he has peculiar smell to Cherries, Strawberries and... saliva.
I didn't had to hide, the ghosts didn't attacked me as always, that lemon ball was around eating them and burping their eyes. That clumsy Pac crashed against me and suddenly Skeebo which was running away locking us in a locker by accident.
Bradley: shit...
Skeebo: Arghh!.. that lemon head!!...
Bradley: *sighs*....
Skeebo: are we in a girl's locker?.. this place smells good~
Bradley:*sniffs*... Oh.. shit.. we are not in a girl's locker...It's my locker....
Skeebo:*sniffs on Bradley's hair* is it you? You smell so good~
Bradley: Well my perfume used to be from my older sister, and i use Pactene Shampoo because my uncle has lots of them for my cousin and me, so it has sense.
Skeebo: It's still so good~
Bradley: fuck fuck fuck fuck... Skeebo.. you were infected by a lust ghost.. and you will not snap from that state until you....
Skeebo: me what?~
Bradley:... *Sighs* i-i.. I'm still scared for t-this... But.. just do it with me... D-d-dont worry.. you will not remember any of this moments...
Skeebo: you're so cute~ you're so sweet~..
Bradley: Ok i think he lost the control short time ago..damn it..
Then Skeebo slowly was ripping off my virginity.. I thought it would hurt as when that awful man tried to do to me.. but... This time.. I felt different.. I felt.. strange... i was embarrassed.. it hurted but I liked it..I don't know how nor why...He where keep going for 1 hour until he ended inside me.. for me it was difficult to still up but that feeling was too difficult to describe... Did I feel satisfaction?.. is this what am I looking for to feel full, did I feel good for at least one time of my life, he finally snapped out that state he didn't understand what happened and suddenly the locker door opened, I was a little naked so I acted quickly and transformed myself into a rabbit to escape from a already embarrassing moment leaving him with the shame. Because of me everyone saw Skeebo half-naked and stained in with his own fluids.
Ms Globular: Mr Spheros.. Mr Skeebo! Wake up!
Bradley: Huh!?...
Skeebo: What!?
Almost Everyone laugh about that.. specially to Skeebo
Ms Globular: Please focus yourself in the exam.
Bradley:..*sighs* yes Ms Globular..
Rocky: what's wrong Skeebo aren't you playing with your "buddy" again?
Izod: Yeah, please don't splash us~
Skeebo: *blushed and mad* you 2 shut up!
Yep... also that day was even worst for Skeebo than the day became into Heebo-Skeebo, he was even a bigger mock for almost all the students, it was my fault by running away as a coward..
Izod: Or what?
Bradley: Do you have any idea about how pathetic you look making fun with a guy because of an embarrassing moment he clearly wants to forget?
Rocky: You have no rights to speak slut!
Skeebo: Don't call him slut!
Izod: Aww the Sper-Man is defending the Play-Bun?.
Bradley: So sad that the sizes of your "Buddies" are not that good enough to compensate your lack of brain..
Ms Globular: That's enough you 4!! If you don't quit speaking that dirty stuff in the class i will send you to detention!
Izod/Rocky: Fine Ms Globular..
Bradley: Alright Ms...
Skeebo: *sighs*
The School Bell rings
It was now lunch time, i wasn't hungry so i left to the school yard to smoke a cigarette, a cherry one, I'm allergic to the normals.
Bradley: *sighs*
"Can i sit with you?" - a voice sounded..
It was Lexy Soto, one of my classmates and the most popular in the school for being so kind with all and bringing desserts from his Dad's restaurant also one of the most famous restaurants in Pacopolis), for it Lexy is really respected and beloved here, especially for that Lemon Ball.
Lexy always left a single meal for me and comes to me to give me company, it's still incredible that he is my friend without caring about my Dad's actions, did Latins are like this?
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Bradley: Sure Lexy.
Lexy: Good, *sits to him* i noticed that you weren't in the Cafeteria so i left this cupcake for you.
Bradley: Thanks Lexy, you don't had to do it.
Lexy: I have to, Weon
Bradley:*smiles a little and takes the cupcake* Thanks Lexy, *bites it* Hmm~ is so sweet and soft.
Lexy: Chocolate with raspberry cream.
Bradley: Also.. let me guess, did you put ice cream for the cream?
Lexy: You got me.
Bradley: I knew it!
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Lexy: *giggles*... *Starts sniffing Bradley* where selling your body again!?.
Bradley: Oh shit.. you got me
Lexy: Bradley, please you don't have to do it..
Bradley: Lexy, i don't have money to buy any stuff i need, and my uncle doesn't give me a shit.
Lexy: And i thought that presidents in Latin America are awful.. but please... You don't have to do it if you don't like it..
Bradley: That's the problem Lexy.. I think like it..but I hate to do it with that bastards.
Lexy: How you can like that awfull thing?...
Bradley: Because I'm sick Lexy..I know i am sick...but i can't cry for help.. because my uncle will not understand..
Lexy: I could ask my Dad to help you but.. i don't want to bother him...
Bradley: *pets him*... Lexy.. you don't have to do it... Maybe i could be sick.. but i will be okay.
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Lexy: *starts sobbing* You're lying!... You are not okay! You said that you would be okay but that's not true.. i know you are suffering.. and it... It worries me a lot!! *Cries*
Bradley:...it's because that awful neighbor did to you, right?
Lexy: !!..
Bradley:*hugs Lexy* I'm sorry... I didn't mean to worry you like this.. maybe it would hurt but.. If something happens to me.. i already have a place in the netherworld with my Dad..
Lexy: If Pacopolis were your home too...
Bradley: Even if i live in netherworld, we would still be friends.
Lexy: At least.. please found a solution...
Bradley: I promise I will try.. *dries Lexy's tears* cheer up BerryPie.
Lexy: you most be the one who most smile first Cabro Culiao!..
Bradley: Heh..*smiles* sorry, like this?
Lexy: *cheers* much better~
6:00 pm
The school And clubs activities ended, Lexy have left to his home early to help out his father with his job as always, it was getting late and time to start my job with that moron, so i left the reading club (Club Wich has a single one member, me) to meet up with that guy i just forgot his name and i don't give a care in remember it.
Unwin: Finally..
Bradley: we will do this quickly, i have to go back to the round house.. i have piano practice at 8:00 pm.
Unwin: All you have to do is please me..
Bradley: just if you pay the price, if you don't i will make sure one of my boys to torment you, got it?
Unwin:*sighs* fine!..*pays him 10 Pac Dollars*
Bradley: Good Boy~.
And well i did it with him as i did with the rest of the boys from Maze High (Except by Pac and Spiral, dude i have my limits, i can't leave that stinky lemon to touch me, and Spiral, i know he likes Pacster since long, it's kinda obvious and i prefer them to have that experience by theirselfs) but ..i didn't felt nothing similar to that curious feeling i felt with him.. it wasn't the same.. but it wasn't possible.. even after he ended as a mock because of me.. i would not be able to stand the guilt...
7:00 pm
By finishing, i just put in my clothing to take my stuff and left the dorms, it was almond late for my classes and even worst i was having a lot of walking problems, fortunately or well.. unfortunately my uncle's limousine arrived next to me And taked me to the round house, the bodyguards didn't looked at me in any moment.. it was uncomfortable.. when we arrived to the round house, there was my uncle waiting for me, he seemed completely mad.
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Bradley: *sighs*..
Stratos: Bradley..Where the heck you have been!? Why you didn't come back to home yesterday!? Or not even answered my calls!!??... And ugh!.. what's that awful smell!!??
Bradley: Do you care?.
Stratos: wait.. don't tell me you where sleeping with a guy!!?
Bradley: So what!?, If i was sleeping with someone or i was making out with someone, that's not of your business!!
Stratos: of course it's my business to take care of you!
Bradley: As it was your business to take care of my dad when he needed you more than anything... You cared so much of me that you left me with grandmother!
Stratos: It wasn't that bad!
Bradley: That Bad...It wasn't..That Bad!? I was her fucking Boxing bag and used me to turn off her cigarettes
Stratos: You are exaggerating, she was educating you to be a disciplined and decent man!.
Bradley: So sad, it didn't work..
Stratos: It was for you could not end like your father.
Bradley: Should I'll remember you the boiling water cup she threw me in that Barbecue in the round house by "Accident?
Stratos: Agh just go inside and take a bath right now!.. don't let Cedrick see you!.
Bradley: Whatever...
Yep the same old shit of always... I taked another bath and went to my room, i was so tired, Quartzy was sleeping on my lap to comfort me.. but i still had to play that piano.. so i get up to go to the piano room.. my Uncle wasn't there... that was a good thing, that means he would not bother me.
So i sat in that sit and taked a cherry cigarette from a box i use to hide from my uncle and cousin.
I smoke one of them while I was playing a soft melody in the piano..I was losing myself in my thoughts and the music.. then suddenly someone entered in.
Cedrick: Hey Brad!
Bradley:*throws the cigarette through the window* Oh, hi Cedrick
Cedrick: what where you eating?...
Bradley: oh, it was nothing.
Cedrick: Oke, can I stay with you? I love how you play the piano :D.
Bradley: Alright little bud.
So I played a melodies for my little cousin, I didn't wanted him to see me like this..
I'm at least a little alright if my cousins, my people, my sister, Buttler and my Dad are alright too.. maybe.
Lately when I was close to Skeebo I was feeling something unusual.. like a hungry.. hungry for his virility, hungry for his touch.. I sounded like a monster... I'm sorry..
Suddenly i felt that someone was calling me.
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grumpygreenwitch · 1 year ago
Fanfiction 4-5
I do love automatic queues, did I ever mention that? Originally posted 8/29/23.
Buy me a Ko-fi? And please remember that reblogs are about the only way my stories get out there.
1-2-3 + 4-5 + 6-7-8-9-10 + 11-12 + 13-14 + 15-16 + 17-18-19 + 20-21 + 22-23 + 24-25 + 26-27
Alyss spent a panicky afternoon combing and brushing his wing, afraid every time that his fingers would run into some more nightmarish greenbrier thorns that Jean had missed. But once he finally settled down, once reason reasserted itself and he could sit at his desk before his laptop, he found himself unaccountably distracted by memories of the vampire.
There was, he thought angrily, no call for anyone to be that well-muscled. It was unfair and it was distracting, and he ended up printing out his work and going over it by hand with a restless pencil, if only to try and force himself to focus. He spread the printouts everywhere on the desk, and then began to further take over the space; by the time someone came to fetch him for dinner he was sitting on the floor, paper everywhere. “Oh, crap.” The woman froze at the door when she realized her opening it might disturb his work.
“Oh, it’s fine. Sorry. It’s fine.” Alyss grabbed a folder. “The flood hasn’t reached that far,” he assured her.
“Wouldn’t it be easier to do this on a computer?” she asked, pushing the door open slowly. She was a solidly built woman clad in a sensible skirt and a no-nonsense blouse, her tightly curled black hair pinned up in a bun, and her skin as dark as the mahogany of Alyss’ desk.
“Yes, but not quite as satisfying,” Alyss replied. “Sometimes if you want to choke someone you want them right there with you, you know?”
She laughed. “Already reached the choking someone point?”
“Not really, but I’m sure I’ll get there. I’m still just beginning with Rhode Island. I don’t think we’ve met.”
“No. I’m Lilah. I’m supposed to be working with you through the auditing, but I was in Boston, Evie had a situation.”
Alyss managed to get to his feet and found a path past the paperwork to offer her his hand. Her handshake was firm and strong, the scent of her vampirism settled and subtle, like Gevaun’s. “You must the house liaison then.”
“That I am.” Her grin was friendly and warm. “Right now, though, I’m a dinner fetch.”
“… Oh! Oh, I’m sorry,” Alyss felt himself flushing, and Lilah’s grin broadened. He rushed to the bathroom to wash his hands. “I’m so sorry, I get working and I lose track of time and place and really, everything -”
“It’s fine,” she assured him as they walked out of his rooms. “I’m a preemptive dinner fetch. I’m guessing that’s why Gevaun sent me early. How’s it going with Andrew?”
“Well, nothing Gevaun didn’t know already. I imagine that means nothing you didn’t know already. You’re really just going to… let him be.”
Lilah curled a brow at him, then looked away. “Andrew’s not a bad sort. He’s lazy, don’t get me wrong. He’s, pardon my language, fucking lazy. He could make so much of himself, he just… doesn’t want to. But he was solid during the Cascade, and he was solid during the mess after, when I sincerely thought he’d crack. He’s got the balls, he’s got the will. Just not the drive.”
“Is he old?”
“No, but I get your point. It’d make sense if he were tired. He’s not. He’s just lazy. Outright.” She shrugged. “He’ll do fine with whoever Kliman chooses as her heir.” Whatever she saw in the angel’s face drew her further along. “Not the answer you expected.”
“I thought Kliman would punish him. Or kill him. It’s what I’ve always seen happen.”
Lilah pressed her lips into a thin line. “Not unheard of,” she admitted. “But stupid. If she did that she’d have to replace him. Rhode Island’s not exactly a hotbed of crime and supernatural activity but you still want someone in place who knows the land, the locals. You want someone they’ll speak to, and around here that’s hard to get. Andrew’s been with them for nearly two hundred years, you can’t buy the kind of rapport he’s got.”
“So he gets away with whatever?”
“No, not whatever. Gevaun’s had to bring him to task a couple of times. So did I, once. But that was on his first century working for Kliman, right after he’d left his original angel. We showed him the lines and he’s never stepped past them since.”
Dinner was a loud, chaotic affair, swirling all around Alyss without actually touching him. Kliman liked a full table and that meant many of the staff sat to dinner with her, both humans and vampires. She was the first angel the accountant had met that didn’t keep other angels on her immediate staff. She also used dinner to inquire into any matters that might require her attention.
Meanwhile, Alyss had been struck by the fact Jean’s chest had been sprinkled with a spattering of fine black hair that disappeared over his stomach and reappeared along his navel, to meander off under the hem of his pants for parts both known and unknown. He hadn’t noticed at the time, too busy panicking over his wing, but the image had come into his mind, potent and vivid, while he’d been trying to make short work of a baked sweet potato.
He dropped his fork and jumped in his chair. The sound was terribly loud in the unexpected silence that had settled over the table. Gevaun was looking at him consideringly, and Kliman looked faintly amused. “You were a thousand miles away, young man.”
“I’m sorry, ma'am.” Alyss could feel traitorous red creeping over his ears. Always his ears!
“Surely your inquiries into Rhode Island aren’t so worrisome?”
“No, no, they’re matching up with what Gevaun already had.”
“And you’ve had no other other problems?”
Alyss assured the older angel he was fine, his work was fine, everything was fine; he scarfed down his dinner and trotted after the Second when everyone at last rose from the table. “Gevaun, a word?”
“Of course.” The vampire turned to face him.
“Does Kliman welcome all of the house staff to the table?”
“No, not all at the same time,” Gevaun admitted readily. “You need a few people still doing work, so they take turns. Were you looking for someone in particular?” The vampire’s tone invited Alyss to reveal any issue he might have.
“No! Well, yes, but no. I mean.” Alyss sighed, then explained. “I met a man in the woods. He was chopping wood.”
“Oh, you’re the bird Jean found,” Gevaun grinned, “tangled up in the brier.”
The angel went red all over again. “Yes, well, grace and accounting don’t do a lot of work together. I was just wondering why I haven’t seen him at the table.”
“Jean’s not staff. He’s a guest and he’s currently…” Alyss saw a guarded, unknown expression flicker over the vampire’s powerful features. “Recovering.”
“Oh, is he alright? I didn’t mean -”
“It’s not you, Alyss.” Gevaun put a hand up to stop the young angel’s runaway words. “He’s fine. He just mentioned you to me because he’s not used to seeing angels here, no one other than Kliman, and occasionally Evie and Rook. He was making sure someone isn’t spying on us.”
“Oh, I’d make a terrible spy,” Alyss blurted out.
“That was the general consensus, yes,” Gevaun teased him, and after that the angel couldn’t flee back to his office fast enough.
Alyss cleared Rhode Island in four days, the work going faster after a van rolled down the neat driveway to deliver hard-copy records from its vampire overseer. Andrew Simmons apparently knew he had nothing to hide that those above him didn’t know already. All the paperwork went back to its owner on the late morning of the fourth day, escorted by Lilah, and Alyss was left feeling out of sorts, as ever he did when he finished a job. Granted that it only meant he had to move onto the next state, but still.
The day was blustery, a fine mist occasionally sweeping over the grounds, playing at being rain but not quite managing. Wary of the woods, Alyss still put on a wing-fitted rain cloak and meandered carefully down a broad, light-lined path, basking in the silence and the weather. He kept his wings held high and tight until he came to the edge of the marshes, where a wooden boardwalk rambled off, and then he walked through a world of sere browns and grays, occasionally splotched with the bright white or rich slate blue of a hunting heron. He came back to the woods on the far side of the crescent-shaped pond.
He heard the engine long before he saw the vehicle, the little ATV pulling on the wagon he’d seen once before, this time carrying a pile of things he couldn’t piece together. Jean was driving, wearing faded jeans, muddy work boots and a heavy lined jacket zipped shut over a dark turtleneck. Alyss felt cheated to find the vampire so thoroughly covered up, and then flailed inwardly at the unexpected feeling. “Hello.”
Jean brought the ATV to a stop and stared evenly at the angel. The heavy moisture in the air made the amber-colored wings gleam as if every feather were a jewel. The bird looked snug, cozy and uncertain. Uncertainty was not something the vampire had ever seen in an angel before. “’s raining,” he pointed out, and could have kicked himself at the absolute inanity of the words.
“It’s not terrible,” Alyss replied. “I think it’s nice. It’s just water, it dries off.”
“Can you fly in this weather?”
Alyss shook his head. “No. My wings are too heavy already,” he replied, still and somehow utterly innocent of the danger in his words.
Jean didn’t know what to say. He was, to some degree, unsure he should say anything. He hadn’t roused the angel’s temper, yet, but it had to be there somewhere, hidden, waiting in ambush. Still, time and again Alyss reacted to the vampire and to the world as if he expected nothing but the best from it, from him.
It was disconcerting in the extreme.
“You want a ride?”
“To the house?”
Something in Alyss’ tone told Jean the angel wasn’t ready for four walls and a roof just yet. “I was gonna drive the paths, see if they need fixing,” he admitted, and then took what courage he could scrounge out of his heart to add, “You can come if you want.”
Alyss hesitated, then slipped onto the seat next to the vampire, lifting his wings and then resting them carelessly on the contents of the wagon, picking up mud and dirt and bits of crushed vegetation at once. Jean brushed his dark hair back so it wouldn’t drip in his eyes and tried to focus on the road, on his self-appointed duty.
He couldn’t. Next to him the angel smelled of books, that faint, forbidden scent of paper and ink, of leather bindings, of ancient libraries. Some unknown part inside the vampire was tightening up as if he were starving at that smell. So instead he drove, watching the paths for signs of damage, trying hard to focus on something else, anything else.
They traveled in awkward silence until the ATV went over an elegant little stone bridge a little too fast, and jarred back onto the path on the other side. Before an apology could burst out of Jean, Alyss, clinging white-knuckled to the ATV’s dash, laughed in delight.
The vampire found a smile tugging at his mouth at the surprised, cheerful sound. “You don’t get out much.”
“No, not unless I’m traveling between jobs.”
“Don’t you got a home, a roost?”
“No,” Alyss said easily. “I travel too much. Everything I own comes with me when I do.” He cleared his throat. “Gevaun said you’re recovering. I’m not imposing, am I?”
For a long moment Jean digested those words. Not a question as to what he might be recovering from, not an inquiry into why he might need recovery. Just simple, plain, honest concern.
In Jean’s world angels were never so kind. When he’d left that world behind he’d found nothing better until he’d ended up at Evelie’s doorstep. She’d been the first to be kind. Kliman had been the second. He’d been willing to believe them both flukes, the one born from the other. With Alyss he was having to revise some foundation tenets of his life and he didn’t know what to do about it. “You’re not,” he said at last. “It’s not that kind of recovering.”
“Do you like being an accountant?”
“Yes!” Alyss declared enthusiastically, launching into a delighted explanation of his calling. He ran on, uninterrupted, until he realized they were parked next to a tiny Greek-style theater stage, in the shade of a pergola covered in bare, gnarled vines. Jean was staring at him with a bemused expression, head cocked slightly. “I’m droning. I’m ranting. I’m so sorry.” Alyss ducked his head and hid his arms under his cloak.
“It’s fine,” Jean assured him. “Makes a liar out of you, though.”
“What, no -!”
“Does when you love what you do, not just like it.”
“Oh.” Alyss deflated from his indignant self-defense. “I guess you’re right.” They stared at the woods in silence as a brief, thin bit of rain came and went. When it eased yet again to a heavy misting, the vampire got them going once more. “Is it alright to ask what you do?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?” Jean asked sharply.
Alyss shrugged. “Because you’re a guest. And you’re recovering. And it’s not from a physical injury. And I’d… I’d like to know you’re getting better. You seem the sort of person who deserves to get better.”
Jean nearly drove them off the path in surprise. “I’m between jobs,” he said at last, the technical truth.
“Well, then.” They reached the back of the manor house, where it opened up into a broad patio, and Alyss made to stand up, forcing the vampire to come to a halt. The angel leapt awkwardly off the ATV and smiled at Jean. “I hope you get a very good job when you’re ready for it.” He rushed up the steps, his water-logged feathers dragging on the ground, paused at the door and waved at the vampire.
Still trying to process any part of that conversation at all, Jean automatically waved back; he stayed there staring at the door for a long time after the angel had gone inside.
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thebestofoneshots · 4 years ago
Paring: Dean Winchester x reader
Prompt: You and Dean are determined to finish a homemade meal and a cake for Jack’s birthday. So, naturally, the kitchen turns upside down.
Warnings: None, maybe a spoilers for 15x14? But nothing serious.
A/N: this is just a bunch of fluffy fluff because my boy Dean deserves some happy times.
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You sat on the library table flipping through some monster lore pages, trying to find interesting information on possibly unknown monsters when Dean walked in, looking around suspiciously.
“Have you seen Jack?” He asked you and Sam, who had been silently reading on the chair opposite yours.
You denied with your head.
“He must still be in his room,” replied Sam “he’s been in his room ever since Mrs. Butters left.”
Dean nodded “I need you to keep him out of the kitchen at all costs!” He explained.
Sammy frowned “Why?”
“I’m making burgers, and a cake for his birthday,” He nodded and a little smile appeared on his mouth.
“Oh I can help you with the burger buns,” you volunteered.
“Did you just offered yourself to buy burger buns?”
“Not buy, make them!” You answered matter of factly.
“Wait second... you know how to make burger buns?”
“Well they’re just bread,” you shrugged.
“Yeah,” he nodded.
“Well it’s basically just yeast, flour and water...” you elaborated.
“Huh,” he nodded “well that sounds awesome, fresh buns and homemade patties... it’ll be a feast!”
You nodded and stood up to follow Dean to the kitchen.
He turned around right before reaching the door “Sammy, you better make sure he doesn’t go in the kitchen,”
Sammy nodded and then went back to his book.
As the two of you reached the kitchen, Dean took out some ground meat from the fridge, and an apron from the cupboard, that he then placed over his shoulders, it was a stupid black one that said “kiss the cook” in bold cursive, he loved wearing it.
You rolled your eyes but started looking for all the ingredients on your list. You needed yeast, flour, milk, butter and 2 eggs. Your buns had to rise before going in the oven so you had to start with those.
As the two of you worked in synchrony around the kitchen, just like you would on a hunt, he finished his meat blend and you finished the bread, but it still needed more kneading, if only the men of letters had a stand mixer, you wouldn’t have to do it by hand.
“Do you want some help?” He asked from behind, as he noticed you struggling with the dough.
“Be my guest,” you replied stepping aside. He started moving the dough around like playing with playdough, bland then he tried to spin it around like a pizza, you giggled from behind.
“What?” He asked.
“Nothing,” you replied “is just that you’re making burger buns, not pizza.”
He just turned around and raised his eyebrows at you.
“Here,” you approached him “you need to push, and then bring it back, push and then bring it back towards you,” you explained as you kneaded the dough on the counter.
He nodded and tried it himself. He wasn’t half bad “if you weren’t a Hunter, you’d make a decent cook.”
“Hey! I’d make an amazing cook!”
“Sure thing,” you answers and then, now that the dough looked even grabbed it deposited on a bowl, draped a wet towel above it and left on the furthest places on the counter possible.
Dean's patties were already on the fridge and your dough was going through the first rise time. “should we start with the cake?”
He nodded, “I found this recipe,” he pointed at a chocolate sponge cake one on an old men of letters’ book. You gave it a quick overview and it seemed nice, you weren’t anything close to a professional baker but you had made your fair share of cakes in the past.
“I think is a good one, you can measure the dry ingredients while I do the wet ones,” you said casually as you walked to the fridge to get some milk.
“Why are they wet?” He asked with a little sly smirk on his face. Of course he would, you weren’t even surprised. This was Dean Winchester after all.
“Well, you know Dean, wet ingredients are generally liquids, like milk, eggs, butter, that kind of stuff, so yeah, that kind of makes them wet... it does not mean they are aroused in any shape or form,” you added at the end just to mess with him. He drew a short breath like he was about to speak but you quickly interrupted “Now focus on the flour and cocoa powder please.”
He nodded and started measuring the ingredients. “The books say you have to sift them,” you told him as you departed the egg whites from the yolks.
He nodded and started sifting. As you busied yourself measuring the milk and melting some butter, you heard Dean from behind.
“Hey (Y/N)! Look what I found!” He said showing you an electric hand mixer. It was already connected, and he had already turned it on, it was just seconds from inches away from touching the mix. The mix with only dry ingredients.
Your eyes opened wide and you definitely screamed “Nooo!” as you walked towards Dean to try and stop him. But it was too late, as soon as the beaters touched the flour mixture a cloud of light brown powder filled the kitchen. Dusting not only Dean but also you and the entire kitchen around the two of you.
It didn’t take too long for him to realize his mistake and turn off the mixer. You drew in a deep breath and stared at him.
“I’m sorry,” he said, now setting the mixer on the counter, still holding the bowl in his hands.
“You just dusted me completely...” you stated.
“Well not completely,” he argued.
“Dean Winchester, don’t you dare argue with me.”
“I should measure the ingredients again,” he nodded towards the Noe half-empty bowl. “Is all of this really going to waste?” He questioned, looking at the red bowl on his hands.
“Oh no, it won’t,” you said carefully grabbing it from his hands “In fact, it will be of great use,” you smiled at him and proceeded to dump the leftovers of the bowl towards him.
“What the f...” he started but you brushed out laughing, he couldn’t even finish.
“Ok fine, if that’s what we’re playing at,” he said then, dusting off all the powder towards you. The two of you were laughing at this point, and you grabbed some barbecue sauce he’d prepared earlier with a wooden spoon and softly spread it on his cheek.
“There, that’s the icing!” You smirked. He just narrowed his eyes at you but decided to be the bigger person and did not, ouch an egg on top of your head. Once your laughter died out, you almost felt bad for him. He genuinely wanted to make this dinner for Jack and an accident had gotten him filled with spices and ingredients. “All right, all right, we should probably focus,” you managed to say.
He just raised his eyebrows at you. “Sorry,” you mumbled as you started dusting off some of the powder on his shoulders and his chest. Then with a towel that sat on the counter, you started cleaning his sauce filled face. You had one hand on his left cheek and the other cleaning his right. After cleaning out most of it you nodded to yourself. “There you go, like new.”
He missed your hands cupping his cheeks as soon as you removed them. No one had cleaned his cheeks that way since he was 4, ever so gentle... so loving...
You stared at his big green eyes for a little too long before snapping out of the trance “we should go back to baking, or the cake won’t be finished, nor will the bread,” you said as you walked towards the dough and as you punched it and worked your way with it to start making the little balls.
“Is this ready?” He asked showing you the batter he was mixing.
“When there are no lumps, probably like a minute more. When it’s done you can put it on the moulds,” you commanded, “Also, don’t forget to grease the pans.”
He nodded and continued with his work until he was done. “Ready! Should I put them in the oven?”
“Yes! And then you can come over, help me make the little balls.”
He placed the cakes on the oven and walked towards you, “aren’t they too small for burger buns?” He questioned.
You shook your head “We’ll let them rise another hour before placing them in the oven.”
“Awesome,” he said and then paid attention to what you were doing “so you just roll them around?”
“Not quite, first, you have to pull the dough towards the bottom, to make the top smooth, then you can start rolling,” he nodded and tried following, but his little dough balls were a little weird. “Here, let me help,” you said as you placed your hand on top of his to coach him on the circular movement he was supposed to do. Not that either of you would admit it, but you loved every second of that hand over hand contact. “There you go!” You said as you removed your hand from his “you’re a natural.”
He smiled and continued. In just a few minutes you were done with the little balls and placed them on top of the oven, so they would rise nicely on the warm area. You then turned around and saw the mess the kitchen had turned into. You sighed “We’re gonna have to clean this out...”
He drew a deep breath “Yeah we do.”
As the two of you started cleaning the counter, Dean tripped, on attempts to keep himself off the floor he grabbed the side of the counter with one hand, but the sauce bowl was there and he only succeeded in flipping it and consequently it falling over his face, you, trying to help tried to grab his free hand, but his weight pulled you in and the two of you ended ok the floor. You on top of him and the sauce bowl on top of his head.
“Awww,” you heard him complain from underneath, you removed the bowl from his head and couldn’t help but let a small google out.
“That sauce most really like your face,” you pointed out and with your index finger grabbed a bit from the sauce and plopped on your mouth to taste it “and I’m sorry to inform you, you’re going make more since it’s incredibly tasty.”
He let out a small chuckle after that. He was in a good mood, after all, he loved having you on top of him. Not that he would ever admit it “Do you want some more?” He asked, grabbing some on his finger and plopping it on his mouth.
You thought it over “I don’t know... I’d be kind of weird to lick your face...” you joked.
But he wasn’t going to let the joke slip away that easily “you wouldn’t!” He played offended.
And that was all you needed, Dean turns things into a dare and you almost lose complete control over your own actions. Leaning closer to his face and lowering your head towards his ear, you whispered “Ah... wouldn’t I?”
And you gave a fast long kick to the far side of his cheek, laughing uncontrollably at his reaction as you rolled off of him. Your hair was now too filled with sticky sauce.
“Did you really just?” He asked in between laughter, you were both just like children when you were around each other. This just prooved it.
The two of you finally stood off the ground and continued with the cleaning. You tied your hair after trying to get some of the sauce with water and he did the same. You were determined to finish this dinner.
“Go bathe!” He said, “I’ll take the cakes out when they’re done, and put the buns in, that way you can check on them while I shower and after we can finish the burgers.”
“10 minutes more,” you said pointing at the oven “make sure to use a toothpick to make sure they’re ready!”
“You know, I’ve made cake before,” he replied.
“Have you, really?” You questioned.
He thought about it for a moment. He must have, he thought to himself. He knew he had at some point he just couldn’t quite pinpoint when. So he just repeated his earlier words “Go clean up, I’ll take care of it,” and so he did.
He checked the cakes were ready and took them out, set the timer for the buns, who had now grown into beautifully big dough balls for perfect burgers and, and placed them in the oven. But when he tried to take the bread out of the mould it wouldn’t come out.
“Hey (Y/N)!” He said loudly, so you would hear him from wherever he was, you walked in with a towel over your shoulders since your hair was still wet. “The bread won’t come out.”
You frowned “Did you grease the pans?”
“Yeah, they’re over there,” he pointed at a pile of oily frypans that sat per the kitchen table “but I don’t understand what that has to do with this...”
You sighed “Dean. You’re telling me you greased the frypans over the kitchen table...”
“Yeah, so the meat wouldn’t stick while cooking,” he replied, still fumbling with the bread on the mould.
“And didn’t it occur to you, that the moulds should’ve been greased too? So that the bread wouldn’t stick?”
Realization downed of him, that by “greasing the pans” You meant the moulds for the cake, rather than the frypans for the meat. “oh...”
“Can we fix it?” He questioned.
“We could try taking them out, some of it definitely won’t come off, no matter how much we try, especially the bottom part, but some can be salvaged,” You explained. And so the two of you went around the cakes with a knife to try and unstick the sides before Turing around the bread, luckily, two cakes came out, since the moulds were good quality and the bread had its fair share of butter on it. So other than the tops, the bread had come out almost entirely. Still good for a cake.
“All right, your turn,” you said motioning to the door, “there’re so many ingredients on top of you, you might as well be a cake.”
He chuckled at your words and walked towards the bathroom. Leaving you to tend the buns. Dean came about 15 minutes later, all fresh and clean and the two of you took the buns out of the oven together. But since he was cold from the shower you told him to focus on decorating the cake while you finished the meat. He tried to argue by telling you that he was the grill master and not you, but you shot him down by telling him he would be the master of nothing if he got arthritis from switching between cold and hot all the time.
So he finished decorating the cake, a masterpiece he called it. You tried not to laugh at the sweet intents of the big broad man to make a nice cake for Jack. You chuckled when you took a look at his face. It was again filled with stuff. This time the frosting you had prepared for the cake.
“All right grill master,” you said, walking closer to him and using the same towel as earlier to clean his face again. After removing most of if with the damp towel you smiled. He was so pretty, with his big green eyes just waiting for you to finish. “You really need to stop getting your face filled with food.”
“Well it’s not so bad if you lick it off like earlier,” he mumbled, barely audible, but you paid way too much attention to his words anyway, so you heard it. But you didn’t comprehend what he meant by it, or maybe you were too set on the idea that he would never think of you that way that you were now oblivious to the very evidence against it. So you ignored it and moved on.
The two of you finished preparing the burgers, the cake was in the fridge and you started bringing the burgers to the library, were Sam, Jack and now even Cass sat.
The dinner was fun, everyone loved your food and Jack even argued that Dean and You should open a restaurant together. He couldn’t believe his eyes when Dean brought over his cake. With a cap covering the cake to make more impact on the surprise.
“Ta daaa” he said as he revealed the cake, “Well it’s not like Mrs. Butters but—“
“— it’s great,” Jack said with a smile.
You were sitting in the table next to Sam, and couldn’t help but smile, you knew Dean was still hurt, from everything that had happened, but he was getting better, and he was starting to forgive, even if it was the hardest thing.
“Come here!” You said motioning Dean to sit next to you.
“It’s actually Nut and almond on the inside,” you said as you helped cut the cake.
“Like Nougat?” Asked Jack, with a bright smile.
“Exactly like Nougat,” replied Dean with a tiny little smirk, like he was so proud of himself.
You sighed deeply, staring at Dean for a little too long before going back to cutting the cake.
As Dean tried his first bite his face turned into one of surprise “Wow, we did great!” He said pointing at the cake “this is delicious!”
You took a bite of your slice and nodded in agreement.
“We should bake together more often,” he said casually as he took another bite.
You laughed since the frosting had gotten all over his face again. You had to resist the urge of cleaning it off. Not in front of everyone at least. “I doubt the kitchen would survive if we did...”
“Wait why?” Asked Sam with a frown.
“Oh nothing, right (Y/N)?” Said Dean giving you a look.
“Right... nothing,” you replied smirking complicitly.
What happens in the kitchen, stays in the kitchen.
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Permanent Dean taglist: @akshi8278 @hobby27
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kookscrescent · 4 years ago
Prompt List
I've created this random list of prompts in hopes that it will spark some inspiration and some creativity in me again. Some of them I've come up with myself, and some I've seen in various places and really liked. Please feel free to leave me an ask with 1 - 2 prompts for a short drabble or maybe it will inspire a longer fic who knows and please specify the member and genre of your choice, if you don’t have any that’s fine too - it just makes it a bit easier for me to know what you want:)))
❀ Fluff
"Seriously, fuck you for being so goddamn beautiful!"
"How come every time you smile I get butterflies in my stomach?"
"I could spend all day just looking at you."
"Kiss me."
"Rest your head on my shoulder."
"Just sleep."
"I love you."
"I'm right here if you need me."
"I promise I'm not letting go."
"Let's just get married! Like right now!"
"Kiss me again."
"Can you hold my hand please?"
"You are home to me."
"You're lucky you're pretty."
"Please be mine."
"You look absolutely stunning!"
"I can't take my eyes off of you even if I tried."
"I fell in love with you the moment you bit my head off for almost running over your foot."
"I trust you with my life."
"It's you and me forever babygirl."
"I feel like my heart might leap out of my chest."
"Let me see that beautiful smile."
"That's one of the many reasons why I love you."
"You are the brightest star in my sky."
"I missed being in your arms."
"I missed you."
"You're my person."
"We only need each other."
"You're the greatest blessing in my life."
"Let's go together."
☹ Angst
"You can't go in there!"
"Please, don't."
"You look hideous!"
"Please! You have to believe me!"
"Stop running away from me!"
"I'm not going to have this conversation with you when you're drunk."
"I hate you!"
"Please don't go. Stay. Please."
"I wish I could go back in time."
"I wish I didn't love you."
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck, that's not fucking good!"
"You are such a fucking asshole!"
"You're giving me a headache."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"I swear I didn't do it!"
"Are you okay?"
"Why are you bleeding?"
"Why don't you just shut up."
"Fuck you."
"I didn't realize I needed your permission."
"Do I look like I give a shit?"
"Who asked for your opinion. I sure as hell didn't!"
"Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out."
"Yes, but the difference is, that I'm going to remember this in the morning and you are not."
"We can't do this any more!"
"You put me through hell and back, and you still have the fucking nerve to lie to me!"
"You're drunk."
"Everyone has bad days, but tomorrow will still come."
"Don't tell me you love me if you don't mean it."
"I just want to see you smiling again."
❥ Smut/Suggestive
"Why aren't you wet yet?"
"This isn't really the time or place to have sex."
"But I want to do it now."
"You'll get your hoodie back when I get my virginity back!"
"When was the last time you had sex?"
"Can I sit on your lap?"
"Let's try something different tonight."
"We both know we can't resist each other much longer."
"Was it always this big?!"
"Wait, they have flavored condoms?"
"You know what happens when you tease me like that."
"Baby... baby, slow down."
"Make me."
"I can't take anymore."
"I want to do it again."
"Why is your dick poking me in the ass?"
"You're ready to go again?!"
"Fuck! I'm not on the pill!"
"Listen, I'm trying my best to be a gentleman here, but if you keep looking at me like that, bad things will happen."
"Thank god we had lube."
"Is there a reason you're naked in my bed?"
"Is there a reason why you're not lying naked in my bed yet?"
"I'm not going to have sex in your brothers bed."
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're trying to seduce me."
"Do you have another date with the hot tinder guy?"
"How big are we talking?"
"Seriously? Right now?"
"How can you be pitching a tent right now? It's so inappropriate!"
"Is that all you've got?"
"I bet he's compensating for something."
"Do you have condoms?"
❋ Miscellaneous
"What are you going to do if I say no?"
"Well, the sun's out, so my bun's are out."
"We're out of milk."
"Why would you tell my parents?!"
"Why did you buy me a pink flamingo floaty?"
"It's seriously annoying."
"What are you doing?"
"No no, it's fine... it wasn't that expensive."
"Okay, but that's kinda creepy."
"It's just around the corner."
"Did you borrow my One Direction cd again?"
"Okay, but I really need that back by the end of the week. I have exams coming up."
"Did you fail the exam?"
"Is it working?"
"I think it's the engine. I see a bunch of black smoke coming from the hood of the car."
"But why are you dressed like that?"
"But do you really need to wear socks?"
"Are you sure you don't have a fever? You look really clammy."
"Go back to sleep. It's 4 in the fucking morning."
"I love your mom! She's fucking fantastic."
"Is that a cow?"
"Better yet, why wouldn't you want to dance naked in the rain?"
"Why is the music so loud?"
"Have you seen what's going on in the hallway?"
"When did you get back in town?"
"I like sunflowers and ice coffee."
"That really isn't something you should be saying out loud."
"It's been fun, but I gotta get home and do... anything else than this."
"Let's just forget that this ever happened, okay!"
"I forgot to lock the door."
"Oh look, it's raining."
I'll add more if I stumble across some that I like or I suddenly think of some myself.
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palettes-and-prompts · 5 years ago
25 Dialogue Prompts for Each Color of the Rainbow (Part 2)
Red 1) "How could anyone not like me? I'm perfect." 2) "Quick! They're coming, how do I look? Do I have anything in my teeth? Do I smell because I need to look perfect!" 3) "Wow, have you been working out, you look great!" 4) "Oh, this old thing? I just threw this on." 5) "You really think I'm beautiful?" 6) "I wasn't meant to be some little star. I was meant to be the sun." 7) "They haven't texted me since the date and it's been a week. What if they didn't like me? No, that's ridiculous, I'm wonderful. Something must've just happened to their phone." 8) "I'm going to die alone aren't I? Just me, some cats, and boxed wine. At least Real Housewives will always be there for me." 9) "They're obviously not looking for perfection because I'm right here." 10) "I'm not shopping at a thrift store, that's where poor people shop!" 11) "You had better change for the party because you're fucking high if you think I'm going to let you stand next to me while you wear that outfit." 12) "A gift? For me? Oh you shouldn't have! Oh...a book...wow...thanks. You, uh, really shouldn't have." 13) "Please be a loser somewhere else." 14) "I'm on a diet where I have to drink kale. If you value your life leave right now." 15) "I want this entire box of Kit Kats." "....the whole box." "NOW!" 16) "It's scary out there, I'm not coming with you to check out that noise." "Okay." "No! Wait, don't actually leave me alone." 17) "I am not a scaredy cat! I just don't like when things pop out at me or creep around in the dark or come within ten feet of me unless they're hot." 18) "I would never ever fall in love with you." "Okay, well, you're still holding onto me." "I just didn't want to get lost!" 19) "Wow, you're really strong. Like...really strong." "If you're that thirsty there's a water fountain right over there." 20) "God look at them. They look so good when they're sweaty. Oh fuck they're taking their jacket off." "You're drooling." 21) "Give me back the honey bun or I will scratch your eyes out." "You need to calm down." "You need to not tell me to calm down." 22) "Everyone keeps getting flowers and it's so annoying. Like, we have work to do, you shouldn't be worried about getting flowers. I hate flowers, I-" "I think there are some flowers on your desk." "Oh my god I love flowers! They're so pretty. Aww, I wonder who got them for me." " 23) "I think you're the most dramatic person I know." "That can't be true, I'm not dramatic." "You literally cried yesterday when no one noticed you got your hair trimmed like a centimeter." "It was a big difference from how it was!" "It was a centimeter!" 24) "My ideal home is one that's small but enough to have a family in." "They're such a fucking liar, their ideal home has to have mirrors everywhere, a double curved staircases so they can walk down dramatically, a maze in the backyard, a fountain in the front with a circular driveway, but then the road in is lined with trees because their dramatic and when you get to the gate it has their last initial on it." "Oh my god, you do listen to me!" "Unfortunately yes." 25) "Are you in love with me?" "What? No, I can't stand you." "You remember everything about me! You pay attention to everything I say and I can be very..." "Dramatic?" "Passionate about certain things. You hate it." "I don't hate it." "So you love it?" "We don't have to put a label on what I feel." "Yes we do. You love me!" "Fine, okay, I love you." "Really?" "Don't get all passionate right now." "I'm already planning our wedding in my mind."
Orange 1) "You're really cool, we should hang out sometime. Maybe you could watch me skateboard." 2) "You're always stressing yourself out, why don't you let me help you unwind?" 3) "It's just you, me, and this goat you told me not to get." 4) "You think hiding your snacks is gonna stop me from eating them? I'm like a bloodhound, I will sniff them out!" 5) "What do you think would happen if I snorted Cheeto dust?" 6) "Remember when you told me not to try to reach into the vending machine when my chips got stuck because my arm would get stuck in there. Well, the good news is I got my chips. Bad news is I wont be home for a while." 7) "You know how Gaston ate four dozen eggs every morning to help him get large? Okay, so that's bullshit because when I was a kid I tried to do that and I barely ate a dozen before I threw up." 8) "Oh, I'm an idiot? Because I think I'm fucking styling in these diamond studded crocs while I ride my razor scooter!" 9) "Oh, I always get a perfect score on any test I take. Everyone always thinks I'm cheating but the doctors say I've got something called an photographic memory where I only look at things once and I just remember it. Anyway, wanna see how many ants I can eat?" 10) "One time I got stung by a bee on the tongue because I wanted to see what it felt like." "Did it feel good?" "It did not." 11) "I used to think Bronchitis meant I was growing broccoli inside my lungs." "It doesn't mean that. When did you find out that it didn't mean that?" "Oh, um, like... a few days ago." "A FEW DAYS AGO?!" 12) "So, I did something." "What did you do?" "I should preface by saying I am not smart." "What. Did. You. Do?" 13) "Just shaved a cat to look like a lion with a mane." "That's so stupid, why would you do that?" "Why don't you look at the results first?" 14) "I beat all of Super Mario World and found every single secret." "When's the last time you slept?" "Last time I what?" 15) "Why are you all twitchy?" "I just mixed every energy drink from the gas station with pixie sticks." "Jesus, we're going to the hospital." 16) "I know eating cheese makes you constipated and everything, but like, how much cheese? I don't want to be constipated so what's the maximum amount I can eat without that happening." 17) "Don't freak out, but I'm in jail." "JAIL?!" "It's all a big misunderstanding!" 18) "Can I tell you something without you getting mad?" "You always ask me this and I always get mad." "Yeah, but like, maybe this time you could just...not get mad?" 19) "You are the human equivalent of the smiley face emoji." "Aww! Thank you." "It wasn't a compliment." 20) "You look like you eat sunshine and shit rainbows." "Actually I eat Lucky Charms. Well, just the charms actually with like a little bit of the lucky bit." "You're so positive it sickens me." 21) "I love Thanksgiving." "Yikes. Why?" "Because I get to have dinner with all my friends and family. There's no pressure to buy gifts or anything. We all just come together and appreciate each other." "I could put everything you've ever said on a Hallmark card." 22) "Do you know how much I love you?" "You send me every heart emoji before bed and end it with a kissy face with the words 'I love you' every night. I think I get it." "I'll start doing it every morning just to be sure." 23) "You know how in Inside Out there's all the different little people that represent each emotion?" "Yeah, I love that movie!" "Yeah, I think your Joy emotion person killed your Sad emotion person." "What? No! She wouldn't do that!" " 24) "You have to stop crying every time this scene in the movie comes up." "He thinks she doesn't love him!" "It's just Shrek. You've seen how it ends, you can quote it for fuck's sake!" "I know but he doesn't know right now!" "Oh my god." 25) "I swallowed the key to Person A's car." "Oh my god why would you do that?" "I thought it'd be funny but now I'm worried about it." "Oh now you're worried about it?"
Yellow 1) "I heard everyone survived, is that true?" "Yes, everyone's fine." "Pity." 2) "If being classy means being mean to everyone who's considered to be beneath you then I must be the classiest bitch in the whole fucking world." 3) "I don't think you're beneath me, I know you are." 4) "A piece of advice I'll give to you for free. Stay out of my way unless you'd like to be crushed under my foot." 5) "Hmm, I wonder which shoes I should wear to stomp on the dreams of others today." 6) "Don't cry on me, this jacket is worth more than your car!" 7) "Oh no, I won. Aww! And you wanted it so bad, didn't you?" 8) "You know, in duos it's usually one's the beauty and one's the brains but in our case I guess I really lucked out, didn't I?" 9) "Don't think for a second I'm interested in you, I'm only speaking to you because I have to." 10) "They took something that was mine. And now I have to kill them." 11) "I was scheduled to ruin someone's life today, but I guess I can save that for another time. Let's hang out!" 12) "I know that person, their significant other made my friend cry so I slept with their boyfriend/girlfriend and made them fall in love with me. I can't wait to be there when they tell them they're leaving them for me." 13) "You need good friends, people who will watch out for you and help you handle your problems." 14) "Listen here, you little shit, I've worked hard to get this perfect so if you fuck it up I will destroy everything you love." 15) "Oh, how cute! You think you're a threat to me." 16) "Next time you try to threaten me remember who you're dealing with. Because I don't do threats, I make promises. And when I promised I'd ruin your life I intended to keep that promise." 17) "Oh my god, here comes that insufferable bitc-Hi! Oh my god, I haven't seen you in forever, you look so good!" 18) "Oh, gag me with a fucking spoon. If I have to listen to you idiots try to talk and breathe at the same time I'm going to jump in front of a fucking bus." 19) "Move! I'll handle it just like I handle everything, with grace and vague threats." 20) "What do you mean they're in love with me? Did they say that word for word? Because you know I'm in love with them so if this is a trick it's not funny and I'll fucking kill you. Did they say that word for word?" 21) "I only have strengths I don't have weaknesses." 22) "They called me heartless? I'm not heartless! I'm nice. I'm so fucking nice. I'm going to prove how fucking nice I am and then they're going to look like an idiot for saying that!" 23) "Stop crying. You look fucking pathetic and you're not pathetic because I don't have pathetic friends. So keep your head up, bury your feelings, and act like the goddamn champion you are." 24) "Don't speak, you could make the town idiot feel like a genius." 25) "Stop acting like a loser or you're not allowed to stand next to me anymore."
Green 1) "Well, look at that, we're all alone. So, anything you wanna say to me? Anything you wanna do to me?" 2) "Of course I have sex for money, you think I'd just give all this away for free?" 3) "What do you mean I can't wear this to the funeral? It's my mourning crop top." 4) "How's my outfit?" "Hideous. You should shred it and then burn it just to be safe." 5) "Ew, what do you want?"   6) "I'm gonna need you to not stand next to me at this party, I don't want anyone thinking we came together." 7) "Does this make me look slutty?" "Not at all, it's very modest for you actually." "Ew, okay, I'm gonna go change." 8) "Why are you putting on glitter? We're going to a toddler's birthday party." "Look, if you wanna look like that that's your choice. I plan on looking like I hunt mythical creatures for a living." 9) "The robbers took everything in my house." "Yeah, but they left your clothes so what do you think that says about them?" 10) "I thought you hated the thrift store." "I did, I thought it was a very sad little place, but then I started designing my own outfit with all the decent things they sell and so now I love the thrift store." 11) "They broke up with you? You?! No, I don't think so. Come with me, we're going to fix you and you're going to show them what they're missing." 12) "They might have more money than me but I'm the one who has clear skin and the ability to not look like trash." 13) "A choker can be something that says it all. It can say 'I'm fun and I love hanging out with my friends' but it can also say 'I only have rough sex' you know?" 14) "You're not my type." "You haven't even turned around to see me." "Didn't need to. I could smell that cheap cologne/perfume from a mile away." "What is your type?" "Rich." 15) "What are you doing?" "Eating take out and watching porn." "What kind of porn?" "Bondage porn." "Oh, that kind of day, huh? Should I come over?" "No, I'll just try to sleep wit you." "You do that even when you're not sad." "Okay, you can come over." 16) "Where are you going with my keys?" "I've got to kill someone." "Okay, make sure you don't get blood on my seats." 17) "No, highlight yellow and highlighter orange are not real colors. Okay? Are you a hunter trying not to get shot or a construction worker? No, you're not. You're trying to seduce someone. So lets get rid of this monstrosity and find something that'll make your eyes look pretty." 18) "I love you very much and it's because I love you that I can say this. Please don't wear that outfit or you will embarrass me." 19) "You just kissed me." "Yeah, I did." "Why? Did I seem like I was drowning or that I needed mouth to mouth? Were you trying to kill a bug with your lips? Why would you kiss me?" "I like you. A lot." "Hahaha...wait, seriously?" "Why's that so hard to believe?" "Because I'm me, people don't like me, they just like looking at me." "Well, I like you. A lot. And if you like me maybe we could get some dinner later or something." "Okay!" 20) "Oh my god, is that a skort? I think I might vomit. Skorts are for children, not adults. Once you hit eighteen you are legally banned from wearing skorts unless you play tennis or something. Do you play tennis? No. I didn't think so. Burn that." 21) "Camo is disgusting and if I ever catch any of you wearing it we are no longer friends." 22) "Your shorts are a little too short." "Yeah? You like it?" "You're attracting a lot of attention." "But am I attracting your attention?" 23) "Oh, wow, that's a bright shade of yellow. Um, why don't we try a few different outfits for fun before we decide on that one, okay?" 24) "Hey, I came as fast as I could, where's the body?" "Actually, I called you for a--you came here prepared to hide a body with me?" "Of course I did, you're my best friend." "Aww!" 25) "I only have sex for free when I like someone, and for you, honey? It'll cost triple what I normally charge."
Blue 1) "I heard the pet store got new puppies and kittens, wanna go see them with me?" 2) "We should go ice skating!" 3) "I love having picnics with you, you always bring my favorite foods." 4) "I love spending time with you." 5) "I think I wanna spend the rest of my life with you." 6) "Are you cold? You can wear my jacket if you want!" 7) "I don't want any of that stuff. I just want you. I've always wanted you." 8) "I wonder what it's like to hug a cloud." "Your hands would go right through it." "Yeah, but I've always wanted to touch one." 9) "Is it okay if we stay a little longer?" "We can stay until close if you'd like." "I just really like looking at the fish." "I know." 10) "Could you hug me for like an hour?" "Yeah, okay, wanna watch a movie while we do that or?" 11) "We have to leave right now. The Easter Bunny is at the store up the road and they're doing pictures." "You're an adult." "Please!!!" "Fine. We can go sit on the employee dressed in a rabbit suit's lap." "Yay! Thank you!" 12) "You can't eat that much cotton candy, you'll make yourself sick." "But it's good!" "You'll get a cavity." 13) "Can we go to the fair?" "We're not riding the toddler rides again. People gave us so many dirty looks last year." "But what about the teacups?" "We can ride the teacups, but none of the other kid ones." 14) "Can we shoot fireworks this year?" "You hate the ones with loud noises." "Yeah, but I like looking at them." "I'll buy earmuffs for you." 15) "Can we paint the side room." "Sure, what color?" "I was thinking like maybe a purple or green. Maybe all the colors." "Like a rainbow room? Why would we do the whole room?" "It'd be fun, it'd be cute for a side room or an office, maybe a baby room." "Baby room?" "Maybe. I mean, if you like that idea." "I think it's a great idea." 16) "Can we get a dog?" "You're an adult, if you want a dog you don't have to ask me." "Yeah, but it's your house too so..." "Yes, we can get a dog. We can go to the shelter tomorrow." 17) "So, I was thinking maybe we could have our wedding during the spring or maybe the summer." "You have bad allergies during those times." "Yeah, but I was thinking we could get fake flowers and I could take some allergy medication and it could still look like a spring or a summer wedding." "I'll start looking at fake flowers." "I'll check venues." 18) "Why are you up so early?" "Look outside! It's snowing!!!" "And you woke me up so we could play in it?" "Uh huh." "One hour and then you let me go back to sleep." "I'll go get my gloves!!" 19) "We have to go to the zoo." "You hate the zoo, you said you don't like seeing animals in cages." "I know but the goats just gave birth to baby goats and they're finally letting them out to be pet today!" 20) "I dream about flying all the time but I never thought I'd actually get to do it." 21) "Thanks for tonight, I had a really great time with you. I hope we can do it again soon." 22) "We should move in together. I mean, if you want." 23) "I don't want to lose you, and it took me a while to realize but I know what I want now. Will you marry me?" 24) "I wouldn't trade you for all the gold, silver, gems, or all the most expensive things in the world." 25) "You really are the love of my life."
Indigo 1) "They're obnoxious and loud and stupid and I can't believe I'm in love with them." 2) "You may be a star but you'll never be as big a star as VY Canis Majoris." 3) "The most fucked up thing I ever learned was that Luna moths don't have mouths or a digestive tract because their sole purpose is to mate. So they live for a week and then die because they starve to death." 4) "I think you have more outfits than you have IQ points." 5) "Can you just stop doing...whatever it is you're doing for like ten minutes." 6) "God you're so annoying, just stop breathing. Please? Just stop." 7) "I wish I were a plant, I wouldn't have to talk or think or do all this shit. I'd just have to soak up sunlight, soak up rain, and take in carbon dioxide. Being a plant really is the fucking dream." 8) "Hey, I heard Person A broke up with you. That sucks. So, um, do you think I could get my Chemistry book?" 9) "Are you still upset about your break up with Person A? You shouldn't be, I've seen their family members, they don't age well. But, um, that neighbor of yours, the cute one, their family looks pretty good. And with your genes you two would have some above average looking children." "Thank you?" "You're welcome." 10) "You know, you're terrible at giving advice." "Yeah, well, I'm not used to being around other humans." "Maybe just say people. Calling other people humans is kind of...weird." "Noted." 11) "Do you want to come to a party with me tonight?" "To what? Drink, embarrass myself, have to listen to terrible music, and interact with people I don't even like?" "Yes." "Pass. I'd rather be here studying plants." 12) "Would you like to go out sometime, on like a date?" "Sure, I guess. You just set up the blind date and I'll do my best. Though, maybe you could find me someone who at least can carry on a conversation with me." "No, I mean would you want to go out on a date with me?" "With you? Why would you want to date me? Don't you have plenty of other options?" "I like you." "We wouldn't work out. You and I are too different. You are good looking and nice and deserve someone who's like you. You don't want someone like me anyways. Besides I'd bore you to death before the appetizers came out." 13) "I care about you." "You? Thought you didn't care about anyone." "I don't. Usually. But I think the reason I care so much is because I like you." "You like me?" "Yeah, it's um... it's a new feeling for sure." 14) "What they said back there. You're not a robot." "No, I am. They're right. It's hard for me to be like the others. I didn't grow up having friends so I didn't know what it was like to care about anything other than school or projects." "You care about me. You said you care about me. Is that true." "Of course it's true." "Then you're not a robot." 15) "You kissed me back there. Why did you do that?" "I was testing a hypothesis." "Oh yeah? What was your hypothesis." "You would kiss me back if I kissed you." "And the results?" "Well, if worked the first time. But a good scientists always checks their work to be sure, right?" "That's correct, yes." 16) "Have you ever kissed anyone?" "I've done a lot of things." "Have you had sex?" "Yes, but it was purely for research. I wanted to know what certain things felt like and what certain things would do for others." "Only you could manage to make sex sound so boring." 17) "Hey, I was--are you watching porn?" "I'm researching for an experiment." "What kind? You gonna see what happens when you put your hand down your pants to that?" "No, I was studying to see if I could tell the difference between a real orgasm and a fake one." "If you wanted to study that you could have just asked me." 18) "Do you think I should socialize more?" "Since when do you care what I think? You're the one with a billion degrees." "Well, you're better with people than I am." 19) "You're hugging me." "Yeah. It's what friends do, they hug." "It's, um, nice. I think." 20) "Yesterday I felt the urge to hug the mailman. Isn't that weird?" "Did you hug the mailman?" "No." "Then it's not that weird. Probably just your body telling you it needs to be touched physically, you know?" "What?" "You crave physical touch." 21) "I think I'm lonely." "Yeah, I think you are too." "Should I start dating?" "Do you want to date?" "Not particularly." "Then maybe just try getting friends." 22) "If I have to spend another evening with that idiot I might lose it." "Is this because they thought photosynthesis had to do with photography?" "Don't remind me." 23) "We're having dinner with my friends tonight." "They hate me." "They don't hate you, you're just smarter than all of them combined." 24) "I can't talk to Person A, they tried to ask me about plant cells and actually thought that I was talking about a cellphone made of plants." "They're not very good at Science, but they like you a lot an they're trying to find ways to talk to you. It's cute. You should give them a chance. Take them to a Science museum." "Like, the ones for kids?" "Yeah. They'll love it." "Fine, but if it starts to go bad I'm texting you to call me and say there's an emergency so I can get out of it." "As long as you give it a try." 25) "They're in love with you, you know? Why do you ruin all your chances at love?" "Because sometimes I'm not sure I'm capable of feeling it."
Violet 1) "You smell like desperation. That a new cologne/perfume or is that just you?" 2) "I'm not here to play nice, I'm here to protect your ass because you couldn't follow simple instructions!" 3) "God, you are so annoying. I can't believe I have to put up with you for six months." 4) "Get your shit, we're getting out of here. I'm not leaving you in this hellhole, alright? Pack your stuff, you're coming with me." 5) "Are we gonna be a family?" "Let's not call it that, let's call it I'm taking care of you for a while alright?" "For how long?" "For as long as you want me to." 6) "Are you gonna be my mom/dad?" "WOAH! No. Absolutely not. I'll be your guardian, okay? And it's only temporary." 7) "Goddamn it, kid, wake up! You can't annoy the shit out of me for months and make me care about you just so you can die like this. I'm not allowing it. Come on, get up, kid. If you get up I'll take you to that Funland place you wanted to go. Anywhere you wanna go. I'll be better to you. I'll...fuck! I'll take care of you for the rest of your life. I'll teach you how to ride a bike and be there for you when you do Science fairs and shit. I'll be your mom/dad." 8) "You're stupid trying to save me like that. You can't swim." "You never taught me how to." "Yeah, well, I'm gonna teach you when we get out of here." 9) "You're evil and manipulative and you're mean and I kinda love that about you, kid. You remind me of me. If you want a place to sleep and food you don't have to dig out of the trash you can stay with me as long as you want." 10) "Can I get a motorcycle?" "Absolutely not, kid. As long as I'm alive the only two wheel thing you'll be riding on is a fucking bicycle." "Well, can I get a bicycle?" "Yeah, we can steal you one later." 11) "You might be the most annoying person I've ever met in the world but I'd die for you." 12) "If you ever come near me or my family I'll fucking kill you. I will bury you in a shallow grave and leave you as food for the worms. Do you understand me?" 13) "You're not going to die here because I'm gonna protect you." 14) "Hey, you trust me don't you?" "Yeah." "Good, you're going to have to disguise yourself. And whatever you do keep your head down, don't talk, and don't let go of me, okay?" 15) "Hey short stack." "You came for me?" "Course I did, did you really think I'd leave you behind?" 16) "I'm coming with you." "You're not." "I am and you can't stop me." "I can handcuff you to that bench over there and leave Person A the keys." "...well I would appreciate if you didn't do that." 17) "Hey there, stranger, haven't seen you in a while." "What the fuck are you doing here?" "Is that really how you greet your best friend?" 18) "Out of my way." "You'll die if you go in there." "And you'll die if I don't go in there." 19) "I'm always gonna be here for you, you know that? 20) "Woah, what's wrong, why are you crying?" "You'll be leaving after this." "Come here, I'm not leaving you after this. I'm staying here with you. Did you really think I'd leave you here all alone? You can barely make toast." 21) "Hey, you can't run off like that again, do you hear me?" "Yeah, whatever-" "No! No, you don't get to whatever me about this. You could have fucking died out there. So you look me in the eye and you promise me you're never going to do that again!" "I-I promise I'll never do it again!" 22) "Look, I'm not your parent so I'm not going to tell you what to do, but that kid you're hanging around is bad news. I've seen their arrest record, you shouldn't be hanging around them. I know they're nice right now but people like that take advantage of nice. I would know. I used to be like them." 23) "I love you. More than anything in the world and that's why I train so hard. I have to train harder because now I have to be stronger. Because now I finally have something worth fighting for." 24) "You can't come with me. You're staying here." "I want to fight!" "You're sick. You need to stay here with Person A, take some medicine, and get some rest." 25) "Hey, watch your mouth, no one talks like that in front of my kid!"
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