#yes I printed this myself
boneskullravenriver · 5 months
I actually really like that astarion looks... I don't want to say aged, but like... Idk how to describe it.. adult?? So many times in media they always make a point to mention how youthful vampires are and how smooth their skin is. But astarion has laugh lines, his skin wrinkles when he emotes. And it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. He's ethereal and gorgeous. And I find it hilarious how he has a line where he goes "and beautiful. Not enough people mention that!" Because if only he knew how much brainrot he's caused in the minds of hundreds of people online simply by existing
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floweroflaurelin · 10 months
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If you’re looking for some cool art to put up, everything in my print shop is on sale through Sunday! ✨✨
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benvoliotheorphan · 2 months
My favorite thing with nicktoons unite fan stuff is when people take the darkness of the dp phanon and combine it with the crossover so like Danny is going through all these existential and horrific things and then spongebob is there.
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the-acid-pear · 1 month
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im literally at the verge of tears stop.
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oofuri2003 · 2 years
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Runner on third! [comm info]
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ereborne · 1 month
Anyone who has ever received a package from me had better know themselves loved
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ejunkiet · 11 months
i need to get into book binding >:3
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faunandfloraas · 2 months
The fact Chan and Felix have never had a cover of an Australian magazine is so odd to me.
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zarvasace · 3 months
I worked on this cookbook layout for 11 hours straight today (thanks caffeine you did your job) and I am only like 50% done with it by page count, and we're trying to get it done by Monday.
I mean a bunch of that was setup work like establishing masters and getting mad at paragraph styling, but I still have tables of contents and appendices and the index and all the cross-reference anchors and probably a few revisions because this client will likely want to edit a few things.....
If you hear screaming that's me
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emeraldwarriors · 10 months
okay now that im a neet i can officially start making dc merch
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jaw-bones · 11 months
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✨🌿 top of the month mention of my patreon! 🌿✨
🖤 — you can get access to high res versions of my work, receive monthly postcard print(s), discord benefits, 18+ content, monthly suggestions, early notice of comms, and a peek at the worldbuilding behind The Hive~
— & I do have an open discord for my art, peeks of what i'm working on, and Hive worldbuilding~
🔗 to both patreon & my discord server can be found at my carrd ! ✨
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treeshrine · 4 months
gonna be real bud if your fic relies so heavily on intense triggering themes and shock value that you're averse to putting warnings on it to "maintain surprise" and "avoid spoilers", then you act like you did nothing wrong when people are upset that you didn't make any effort to turn them away and allow them to protect themselves, while also telling them it's their fault that they read something that upset them when they could have never known it contained specific things that will upset them, i think you are a tar pit
#'warnings are a courtesy!!' yes so why are you apparently averse to being courteous#saying omg fanfiction never used to warn people and print books never warn people so it's not a bad thing if i don't warn you!#that's some 'no one protected me so why should i protect you' type shit#sorry i got recommended this dumb ass post and i had to say something so i'm saying it here#why are you telling people to curate their own experiences while actively making it more difficult to curate their experiences LMFAO#if i read a scene with intensely triggering content without knowing it was there before. 'just closing the book' or 'hitting the back butto#is not protecting myself. how do i protect myself from something I've already read???#diary#like dude it's possible to protect people from spoilers while also protecting people from seeing things that will distress them#i also honestly take issue with people who do a content warning but just say “this gets into some shit” or something of the like.#you might as well have just not said anything because now i'm confused and on edge#instead of able to protect myself properly i have to try and gauge my personal sensitivity against the unknowable factor of#what your idea of “some shit” is#also telling someone to 'just close the book lol' is an incredibly dismissive approach to people being affected by something triggering#you know these things do happen to people in real life. right. but of course who would have empathy for someone who doesn't want to be#reminded of trauma
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mctreeleth · 1 year
Big Dice Update:
The metre tall dice is very good but it is difficult so say that is bigger than some of the other “biggest” dice I have seen, and now that the technique has been worked out it isn’t that hard to do the math for the next size up, and the sewing is not technically challenging it is just slow, so like, I may as well go for broke in my attempt to make the biggest roll-able D20 there is.
I found some $4 a metre light grey canvas at Spotlight while I was home over the long weekend but they only had 5 metres of it and I needed 10. Fortunately the one up here in the city also had some, so I now have the 10 metres required to make both the 135cm (bigger than the biggest roll-able dice I have found record of online) and 70cm (can fit through a door - just) D20s.
I have ordered a pack of rainbow dyes to colour it (I just want big random rainbow splotchy batik) which hopefully gets here by this weekend, so we can get some spray bottles and make a day of it. I still need to order a hundred+ dollars worth of zipper and twill tape, and then go back to Spotlight for about $30 of the cheap poplin for the tubes.
As always, the noodles will be the last bit bought, because these two will require another 20 of them, and my apartment is quite small.
Oh, and I would like to take the real big one to the medieval fair, which is in less than 4 weeks.
I make such good choices.
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narrettwist · 1 year
It arrived.
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He's here. And he looks amazing.
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Sculpt is awesome and shimmery. His hair is dramatically detailed just what Best Jeanist deserves.
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Some rearranging of the Jrine.
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christarfield · 5 months
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Trevor Horn cutout mask on the back cover of the Summer 2021 Issue #5 Yes Fanzine, published by Awakening Comics
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seventh-district · 1 year
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IRL photos jumpscare
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