#yes I know they'll give us the title and all that but fuck I still would like to be able to actually see the photo and not
fluffykitteninabox · 1 year
the exam tomorrow be like:
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analyse this painting
me trying to figure out wtf I'm looking at:
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anonymous-dentist · 6 months
Part Three of the Catboy in the Village AU
Part One | Part Two
Cellbit has been in and out of several prisons in his life. He's no stranger to captivity, he knows how it works. He knows how the system works, and he's not expecting the queen to be any better than any of his previous wardens.
...Still. It's kind of nice to be given a cell with an actual bed in it. With bedsheets- silk, probably, they're soft. And a rug on the marble floor to keep the chill away. And bookshelves. With books in them. Interesting-looking books, too: mysteries, judging by the titles, and ones he didn't have access to back home due to Gato Kingdom customs laws.
But, like. Fuck the queen. She kidnapped him and his husband, she's currently working on kidnapping their children, and she doesn't seem keen to give Cellbit and Roier any chance to escape.
The cell- a bedroom, Roier had called it, but, really, it's a cell- doesn't have any windows. The door is unlocked, but there are two guards outside who are apparently supposed to follow Cellbit and-slash-or Roier wherever they go.
There are clothes in the wardrobe that are clearly recycled from some other member of Gato royalty. They're all finer than anything Cellbit has ever known, and he thinks he'd rather die than wear them.
Roier, though? He's not happy about being kidnapped, and he's even less happy about not having anything to protect himself and Cellbit with, but he seems happy enough about the 'lost prince' treatment that Cellbit's getting.
"When we escape, we're bringing the clothes with us," Roier decides on night two of their forced stay in the castle.
They're in bed, Roier wrapped protectively around Cellbit's back and holding him so tightly that Cellbit's ribs hurt. It's close to midnight, but neither of them can sleep, because how can they sleep when their kids are an entire kingdom away?
Cellbit quietly laughs. "Yeah? How?"
"You'll carry them."
"Oh, will I?"
"Yes, obviously. I have to have my arms free for fighting."
Roier's breath ghosts over the back of Cellbit's neck. It's warm, and Roier is warm, and the blankets are warm, and it all feels so cozy and yet so wrong. The bed is too nice. The bed is too big. The room is too big. Roier's clothes are too soft. It's too quiet, where is all the noise?
The entire time that Cellbit has been in the castle, these past two days, he has seen a handful of people: a few guards, a total of two servants, and, of course, the queen. But she's been too busy trying to rebuild her kingdom to bother with the men she's had kidnapped, and Cellbit hasn't seen much of her outside of the meals he and Roier are dragged to twice a day.
The queen is... interesting. She's a total piece of shit and Cellbit kind of hates her more than he can describe, but she refuses to be addressed by any of the usual titles; she keeps correcting her knights when they call her anything but 'Bagi', and she looks two seconds away from murder every time Cellbit calls her 'your highness'. She seems to actually care about her kingdom, which is a marked difference from her parents, and she spends all day locked in her study in the tallest of the castle's towers working on... queen stuff. Whatever it is she does, Cellbit doesn't know. He isn't royalty, he's an alchemist. This is all foreign to him.
"Who says we need to fight?" Cellbit asks. "Maybe they'll just... let us go when they figure out they've got the wrong Cellbit."
"Mm, maybe. Or, hear me out, I knock out a guard, steal their sword, and then I carry you out of here. Easy."
Cellbit imagines it. He smiles as his imaginary Roier spontaneously becomes shirtless mid-escape.
He snuggles back into his real shirtless husband's chest with a happy little trill. His trill becomes a proper purr as one of Roier's hands trails up and into Cellbit's hair, landing at the base of his ears and scratching lightly. His eyes slip shut, and his back arches, and he loves his husband so much! He's so sweet even when he's the victim of a kidnapping, he's literally the perfect man.
"Aww, gatinho," Roier coos. "You are the prince... of my heart."
Gods, that's cheesy.
Cellbit loves him.
"That... doesn't even make... sense..." Cellbit murmurs, voice obscured by his purring.
Roier sighs dramatically: "Fine, you're the king of my heart. Better?"
Roier chuckles fondly. "Mhmm, I see, yes, yes."
Cellbit bats a hand in the vague direction of Roier's face. He doesn't make contact, but that's fine. He'd rather die than hurt Roier, even playfully.
A kiss plants itself between Cellbit's ears. He melts, all thoughts evaporating outside of warm and Roier. Warmoier...
(The room doesn't have a window, so neither of them see the faint green light surrounding the castle.)
He's jerked back into his body as the entire castle shakes and rattles to the point of books falling off of their shelves. He's nearly tossed out of bed, only staying in bed thanks to Roier.
Cellbit immediately tries sitting up, but Roier pulls him back down with a hissed, "Be careful!"
"We'll be safer on the floor," Cellbit huffs. "Come on."
He drags Roier off of the bed and, together, they huddle beneath it clinging to each other.
"This sucks," Roier complains. He grips Cellbit's arm tightly, definitely not worried about the literal earthquake they're stuck in the middle of. "We just got comfortable!"
"We can get comfortable again," Cellbit assures him.
He feels it before he hears it. His entire body recoils upon instinct, his ears pressing down against his head just as an otherworldly wail echoes up from somewhere and burrows into his very bones.
"Are you sure?" Roier asks, wide-eyed. "What the fuck? Is this place haunted?"
The wailing continues. Roier has to let go of Cellbit so he can clap his hands over his ears. Cellbit covers his own ears, but it doesn't stop the chill in his bones, and it doesn't make the sick feeling growing in his stomach go away.
"I hope it is!" Cellbit replies, his voice near a shout from how loud the wailing is. "At least it would be interesting!"
Roier rolls his eyes. "Oh, at least!"
And then, just like that, the shaking stops. The wail cuts itself off with a sob, and then it's gone.
Cellbit looks at Roier. Roier looks at Cellbit.
Slowly, Cellbit lowers his hands from his ears, though his ears don't perk back up.
"You know," he says, "I don't think the queen told us everything when she kidnapped us."
"No shit," Roier grumbles. He moves his hands from his ears to Cellbit's hands, linking their fingers together; their hands are shaking from the adrenaline, but they seem to stabilize as soon as they're holding each other.
"I bet she doesn't even think I'm the prince," Cellbit continues. He looks down at his and Roier's joined hands. "I bet we're some kind of sacrifice to whatever spirit is haunting this castle."
"That's ridiculous," Roier scoffs. "I wouldn't be a sacrifice. You, yes, but me?"
He laughs as Cellbit untangles his fingers from Roier's and crawls out from under the bed. As he does so, Roier calls out to him and grabs his ankle and tries pulling him back under. Cellbit kicks at him, and Roier bites Cellbit's ankle, and Cellbit uses his leg to pull Roier out from under the bed, and they end up pressed against each other on the rug surrounded by fallen books laughing.
Roier, on top for the moment, leans down to kiss Cellbit.
That, of course, is when their cell's door slams open and the guards stationed outside come running in with alarmed expressions on their faces.
Cellbit groans and shoots the guards a dirty look.
"Do you mind?" he snaps.
At least the guards have the decency to look ashamed as they take in Cellbit and Roier's... position.
Roier huffs out a sigh and collapses onto Cellbit's chest, laying his head on its side on Cellbit's chest so he can glare at the guards properly.
"Can we help you?" Roier asks.
"Um," says one guard, clearly blushing and absolutely mortified. "Sorry. The prince has been requested in the queen's study. Uh. Sorry. We'll just..."
She and her fellow guard awkwardly bow, and then they start slowly backing out of the cell.
They aren't alarmed by the scattered books, Cellbit notices. No mention of the earthquake or the wailing, either. This is normal, then.
Cellbit feigns a yawn. "Well, tell her majesty that both me and my husband would like to sleep after whatever the hell that was that woke us up. Whatever it is, it can wait until the morning."
The guards freeze. They go pale, look at each other, look back to Cellbit.
Roier lifts a hand and waves it dismissively towards them. "You heard the prince, go away."
Cellbit waits until the guards are gone before pushing Roier off of him and shooting him a halfhearted glare.
"'You heard the prince'?" he asks. "Really?"
Roier shrugs innocently. "It got them to leave. Now, get back here."
He growls playfully before pouncing back onto Cellbit. He frames Cellbit's face with his hands, and then he kisses him roughly. And then he kisses him softer after Cellbit mumbles something against his lips about being tired and wanting to get back into bed.
"You're so weak," Roier teases, lips moving against Cellbit's as he speaks.
"I'm weak... for you."
Cellbit laughs as Roier groans and tears himself away to go mope his way back into the bed. He's soon to follow, and he's immediately snatched back into Roier's arms and held captive once again.
This castle may be a very nice prison, but there's no better one than Roier's arms. It is simply the best, and Cellbit should know; it's the only prison he's never tried to escape from.
To be continued...
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berryz-writes · 4 months
Summary: Your forced to spend the weekend with Azriel the bane of your existence but little do you realise he doesn't completely hate you
did i think of the title before writing the actual fic? Yes i did. ENJOY LOVELIES <3 (ignore mistakes it's midnight😭)
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I crossed my arms, wishing and hoping for my sake Rhys was playing some sort of prank and he didn't really mean I had to spend the next three days with the bane of my existence.
"It's last minute I know but you two are the ones I trust to be able to carry this out without gathering much suspicion" Rhys explained looking between the two of us. His expression was slightly apologetic when he looked toward me and it rightfully should have been. He was forcing me to spend 3 days with Azriel. The most arrogant fucking man in the whole of Prythian.
Azriel stood next to me his brows furrowed and his eyes sending daggers at Rhys "I wouldn't want y/n to tire herself out too much. I'll do the mission myself" I grit my teeth together at his words and the annoying belittling tone he used.
"I'm right fucking here. It's better if I go myself, they'll be able to spot a brooding bat from miles away" I replied not even bothering to look at the moody asshole. His wings twitched slightly but he gave no other indication that he had been affected by my words.
Rhys let out a sigh and stood up, walking around his desk and reaching for a folded parchment. "Your both going. End of story" He extended his hand and before Azriel could reach for it I all but snatched it out of Rhys's hand. Rhys looks slightly amused but Azriel didn't. He turned to me, his glare rooting me to the spot. I gave him a pleasant smile back trying to get him even more annoyed. I could hear his teeth grinding together even from the distance between us.
"Go fuck yourself" He muttered to me before storming out the room, his shadows trailing behind as if scared of their master too.
"Someone woke up on the wrong side of bed" I commented, opening the parchment and noting the details Rhys had written, the population of the village, the number of cabins, weapons stores etc. I looked up to see Rhys looking at me, his eyebrows raised slightly as if he found this all amusing "At least try to get along. It'll make things easier"
I let out a sigh. Rhys was right. But annoying Azriel was always so fun. "I'll think about it" I finally let out, leaving his study and going to prepare my weapons.
I walked around the cabin, running a finger along the book case. Not a speck of dust in sight, the magic keeping the cabin clean for any guests. There was a double bed on one side of the room, matching side tables on both sides, opposite them were two armchairs and a fireplace which was currently filled with logs as the fire danced away the cold. A small kitchen to the back with cupboards stocked with every ingredient.
Gods I hated this place. Well not the cabin. It was cosy. What I hated was the village itself. It was always so dreary and grey. Not to mention the smell of misogynistic males who thought themselves too high up to talk to a female. Fucking pricks.
I sat down on the bed and unlaced my boots, finally being able to feel my feet properly. The day had been a long and annoying one. Meeting with village heads to discuss why there was disruptions amongst the Illyrians. Making sure females were still allowed to train and their wings were kept safe. The whole lot of them were stubborn, not a word going through their thick skulls. And to add to the growing list of annoyances Azriel had been an asshole the entire day. More than usual.
Before I could think more about how draining my day had been I heard a sharp knock at my door. I readied myself. If it was that fucking Illyrian who had called me a whore I was going to give him a piece of my mind. I walked over to the front door my socks gliding across the wooden floorboards, reminding me of when me and Rhys used to ice skate on the Sidra. I opened the door my frown already in place. Good thing it was because it was Azriel darkening up my door with his gloom.
"What is it Shadowsinger? Miss me?" I crossed my arms and waited for him to say something. Common courtesy would be to invite him into the guest house but I wasn't in the mood of playing nice. He didn't look like he wanted to play nice either. His shadows were moving slowly over his wings and around his body, their colour darker than the night itself.
"I'm staying here for the night" He finally said before moving past me and into the cabin. My mouth fell open as I slammed the front door so the cold wouldn't come in. "What do you mean your staying here? Go to your own cabin..... I was here first!" I admit I sounded like a child but what was he doing here? We had made sure two guest cabins were empty before coming here.
"You were here first? Well that's fucking unfortunate" He replied sending me a glare before sitting on the edge of my bed and removing his belt containing his daggers, bending down to take off his boots too. Why was he looking at me like it was my fault?
I stomped over to him and stopped in front of him "Go to your own cabin! What are you even doing here?" I asked. Gods he was being irritating. Why wasn't he answering me with the truth instead of wasting my time?
He finally turned to look at me, having taken his boots off. His amber eyes looked deadly in this light and with his eyebrows furrowed like that I wouldn't be surprised if he was thinking of killing me on the spot "I can't go to my cabin because it doesn't fucking exist. Understand? Or do you want me to show you a visual representation?" Gods I hated it when he was sarcastic. His head was tilted slightly waiting for my reaction.
I took a deep breath and narrowed my eyes, anger would get me no where "What do you mean it doesn't exist? It was there in the morning so how has it just disappeared?"
He took a deep breath as well as if he were tired of talking to me, he ran a hand through his hair. Gods he was hot......I shook my head. Was my head screwed on straight?
"There was a fight. The cabin was....demolished during it" He explained. I raised an eyebrow "Who fought? Was it you?....Don't tell me it was you"
Azriel shrugged "It wasn't". I rolled my eyes and sat down on the edge of the bed, keeping a big enough distance between us so I wouldn't start thinking about his looks or the way his hair was so pullable or the way his lips...
"Who did you fight with? Didn't Rhys send us with orders of keeping on the down. fucking. low?"
I could see his jaw clench as he refused to look at me "It doesn't matter who I fought with. Your just going to have suck it up and share the bed"
It took me great will power to not roll my eyes again. I took another deep breath "Go back to Velaris for the night"
He turned to me his eyebrows raised as if I had mentioned something stupid "What and leave you here with all those males who would love to fuck you and then slit your throat?"
I narrowed my eyes "First of all, who do you think you are telling me I can't handle a bunch of pricks. Second of all don't you dare underestimate me. Third of all-" I moved closer to him, a grin spreading as I looked at his slightly surprised expression "-are you jealous?"
It was his turn to roll his eyes "In your dreams, sweetheart" He replied, his eyes flicking down to where our legs touched and then back up to my face. I swallowed. This wasn't where I thought this conversation would go.
Luckily, the sound of the door banging gave me the opportunity to escape his hazel eyes. I opened the door to find that same Illyrian who had called me a whore. His expression however was different this time, as if he was forced to stand here and it was taking all his energy to not walk away. His face was also different. A black eye and what seemed to be a broken nose. He was also clutching his side rather strangely...as if he had broken a rib of some sort.
"What? Here to call me a whore again? Say it again. I fucking dare you" I could feel my blood rushing around my body, my fists clenched ready to punch the shit out of this asshole but unfortunately it looked like he had learnt moral decency.
He shifted from one foot to another, his wings folding and opening again before he cleared his throat "I uh...wanted to apologise for what I said earlier"
I raised an eyebrow "You do?"
He nodded his head but I could tell he meant the complete opposite "I shouldn't have called you a whore...I'm-" He cleared his throat again before wincing in pain, his hand clutching his side again. "I'm sorry" He rushed out quickly. I crossed my arms. I was tired. If I wasn't I would have asked him to repeat it.
"Okay well I don't accept your apology, you can go fuck yourself now" I closed the door in his face, locked the door and turned to Azriel eyeing him suspiciously.
"Did you know that guy?" I asked moving over to the bathroom and stopping outside the door to wait for his answer.
Azriel shook his head from where he was sitting on the bed "Nope. Never seen him. Looked pretty messed up didn't he?"
"Hmm" I replied not knowing what to say. I had a feeling Azriel had something to do with it. I went into the bathroom, changed out of my leathers and into my night clothes before stepping out. I wished and wished and wished I hadn't packed shorts for the night. It was already so cold the fire only doing so much if I sat in front of it. While I had been in the bathroom Azriel had changed too, having already laid down on his back, his arm over his eyes. I let out a sigh "So your not going back to Velaris?"
I sat down on the bed, crossing my legs while I tied my hair back. Azriel didn't look at me "No"
I let out another sigh "And your sure there's no other cabins free?". Azriel finally looked at me his lips pressed tightly together "I don't bite"
I rolled my eyes and layed down, the lights dimmed to it being almost pitch black except the silvery moonlight coming in from the window. I pulled the blanket over me and curled up so I had as much heat as possible. Gods it was cold.
After a few minutes of me trying to sleep but failing Azriel turned to his side and faced me. He didn't even have a blanket on "Your shaking the bed" He pointed out.
"It's cold" I turned onto my other side so I didn't have to look at his piercing gaze, just his one look making butterflies erupt in my stomach. "Your so dramatic" He muttered before I felt his arm wrap around my waist and pull me closer to him, until my back met his chest and I was engulfed in his warmth. I froze for a second not knowing what to do "Is this alright?" He whispered in my ear, his voice softer than I was used to. I bit back a smile and nodded my head, settling into his hold. This was so nice. So damn nice. I shouldn't have been enjoying it but I was. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep and I couldn't help but realise that maybe being in Azriel's arms wasn't so bad.
part 2
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justatalkingface · 11 months
More thoughts on the Rebel!Todoroki AU
I'm now actively thinking on this. Why.
My main thought starting this line of thinking is about how none of the Todoroki's ever blow the whistle on Endeavour in canon; while some of it (a lot of it, unfortunately, knowing Hori) is probably about not wanting to ruin his life, since they've secretly loved him all this time or whatever, it's probably also based in a few more practical facts: not wanting themselves to get dragged into the mud, wanting not to drag their mother into the mud, and an Endeavor-born lack of faith in heroic accountability which is completely canon, to the point where they may have gotten assassinated if they made too big a stink about it. While those same practical motivations are still there, so no blatant call outs of what he did, in this AU there is far less mercy in how they discuss Endeavour to outsiders.
Fuyumi, here, is still rather soft spoken, and when she talks to reporters, she always leaves them with a positive impression, until they review what she actually said, and not how she said it, and they realize she never once actually referred to Endeavour as her father, or as someone related to her, or in any sort of relaxed way indicating that they're family; it's just 'Endeavour, Endeavour', over and over again, always carefully proper in how she refers to him by his hero name, which is de facto his job title.
Moreover, they then realize she never says anything nice about him; hell, she barely talks about him at all! Summed up, she basically says that, 'Yes, I have heard about a hero named Endeavour' and that 'Yes, I have heard he has done (this newsworthy thing); I heard about it on the news just yesterday'.
It leaves every interview she gives ultimately unusable for how utterly empty and lifeless they all are.
Natsuo, meanwhile, is less subtle. And by less subtle, I mean he has one line about Endeavour he gives to anyone who asks him, every time he's asked about him: "Every day I wake up I pray he trips over a banana and dies."
Nothing else. He says that one line, says bye, and walks off, and has done this for years. He's a cryptid like figure for those that pay attention to this kind of thing, and in the hero forums more focused on the celebrity end they have long running debates on if he actually means that, or if this entire thing is this strange, elaborate joke he's been running on anyone who pays attention to him; he never goes into any other detail, and every other Todoroki refuses to comment on this, even Endeavour (if for different reasons than his children).
Rei... the thing is with Rei is her life is kinda utterly destroyed. Natsuo and Fuyumi care about things like their reputations, if they'll be believed, and her reputation, but Rei herself? Nah, she's gone through eight cycles of the stages of grief while she's been trapped in the psych ward, and Rei no longer cares about those petty things; at this point in her life? Rei wants one thing, and one thing only:
To kill Endeavour with her own hands.
And since she decided that, she started acting better, to get good evaluations and to get her husband to visit her as she gets 'cured'; she lies and lies and lies to every therapist about whatever they want to hear, she acts calm and sensible and buries all her negative feelings deep down inside her, while carefully practicing small, but controlled uses of her Quirk in ways that no one else can tell.
And she does this for years, slowly cycling into a deeper insanity, because as it turns out? Endeavour doesn't actually care if she's 'better' or not; he got what he needed from her, and while leaving her locked up is a money drain, he's got the cash to burn and it's more convenient for him to just have his inconvenient wife locked away, far from the prying eyes of the media, than to let her out and risk an incident of some kind. By the time he actually does go to visit her, she's at a level of fucked up far beyond she had ever been outside, even at her worst, and there is zero hesitation in her when he finally appears before he, repentant. As it turns out, all her children have grown up, but they've all drifted further and farther away from Endeavour as they aged; he lives alone now in his massive house and the last time he got a chance to talk to his prized heir in private, without the cameras watching, so they could have a real conversation? Shoto froze the hand that touched him solid before walking off without saying a word, and it was only then that the reality started to sink in.
Rei then acts, as she has been for years now, and the second he lowers his guard, he stabs him in the face with a shiv she made out of ice. Here, Endeavour doesn't get a cosmetic scar from a Nomu, no. Here, he loses an eye to his wife.
And as for Shoto? Well. In this, at least, he is his mother's son: Shoto well and truly does not care about the media; he was burned by them when he was young and grew up distrusting them, and never once saw a reason to change that stance; at this point, he basiclly considers them more noise pollution more than anything legitimate, and the media classes that UA put the students in in their third year did nothing to change this impression, no matter how hard Present Mic tried.
As a hero, Shoto is many ways... raw. He doesn't focus on how his costume looks, or talking to his fans, or getting his image out there, or even having an image, he just... saves people, half out of defiance of his father's way of life, where saving people is just a tool to help his image rather than being a reason in itself, and half out his genuinely good nature.
Out of spite, he's reverted to an older form of heroism, and people noticed that. There are plenty of hero 'traditionalists' who see him do his own thing, be blunt and uncurated and hate it, but he nevertheless has a steady and growing fanbase for how straight forward he is; among his fans, he's known as the 'Rebel Hero' and over time he eventually took to calling himself that because he never really bothered with a hero name beyond 'Shoto'. He's never been able to break into the highest ranks of heroism, and probably never will (not that he cares), but in sheer amount of fans he's actually in the top twenty or thirty of heroes in Japan.
To be fair, he only gets away with it because he's Endeavour's son, because he never needs to generate his own popularity when the media loves to use him for an easy scandel when nothing's going on, and when his sheer notoriety protects him from the worst abuses of the Hero Commision, because unlike others, if Endeavour's son, the one everyone knows and is an active hero, was to suddenly disappear, Japan would lose it's shit, and they're smart enough to know that, even if Shoto himself isn't away of how dangerous the waters he treads in are at times.
All of this, of course, makes his response to questions about Endeavour infamous: he says absolutely nothing.
On the rare, rare, rare occasions he deigns to talk to a reporter, if that reporter dares to mention his father the same thing always happens:
First, he uses his version of the Endeavour patented, 'I don't care if you live or die so I'll gladly walk over your lifeless corpse' stare on that reporter for about thirty seconds. Then he walks off without saying a word.
And then he never acknowledges that reporter's existence ever again.
And this is not because he's trying to spare anyone's reputation, or even to try and harm Endeavour; his contempt of the media is that low that he genuinely thinks talking about his father with them is a complete waste of time.
...Well, anyways, beyond all that, a few more thoughts on this AU concept as a whole: there is no Dabi here, he genuinely died. There is, in fact, no AFO at all, and the greater plot of MHA basiclly isn't happening; All Might is, depending on when whatever story is happening is in the timeline, either in his final years of heroism or retired, and with no successor, because Izuku ruins Shoto's glorious clusterfuck. The people are there, sure, but society isn't quite at that point of seconds away from falling to pieces, so they're all in different places (if I commit to more world building on this I'll try to figure out where the more relevent people actually are). If this ends up with a greater plot beyond 'various stories of AU Todorokis', I like to think it'd focus on the HC as the main villains in how they're controlling and perverting heroism.
I like the idea of Shoto killing his father and going on a villain origin story as part of a long running psychotic break, I really do, but I honestly also like the 'Rebel Hero' dynamic I literally just came up with today; I'm conflicted. As kind of a middle ground it's easy to put off Rei's confrontation until years after he becomes a hero, and even justify it (because, you know. Never coming to see her is an Endeavour thing to do) so I can get both, but it feels like a cop out, like I'm refusing to commit.
Meanwhile, while working on how Rei is thinking (that is to say, I took the canon blank slate and blatantly made shit up), I'm wondering if I should make her a villain, here; after stabbing Endeavour, she escapes, and takes on a lot of the Dabi energy this story doesn't really have. No real development, just the idea of it: I'm still on the fence if it's good or not, but I think it's interesting so I'm mulling it over, and waiting to see what happens in my rotten swamp of a mind.
I think this is one of my few non-critical posts? I don't think it belongs in the usual 'mha/bnha critical' tags I use, anyways.
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laladellakang · 2 years
YES YES YES PLEASE I’m literally down for anything whether it’s a drabble or some ideas u just had just give me sth 😭😭😭( on a serious note tho it’s fine take your time love)
thank you so much!! here’s some of the drafts i have so far! maybe you guys have some ideas to add on these?
"Della?" Jungwon looked up from his phone to look at the girl beside him. He could've sworn he heard her breath get heavier.
"Look at Koya!" her eyes were watering when she showed him a video of her youngest cat. "He's so cute," she tried to blink the tears away. She can't ruin her makeup or she'll get scolded and probably cry harder.
"He really is so cute. He kinda looks like his mom," he helped fan the tears away. "Here, have a lollipop."
[della’s period episode]
"It also sucks that I wasn't the first one," SHIT, I'm fucking blushing.
I know these guys literally just asked me to be their girlfriend but it's still crazy to me that they actually have feelings for me. Like- Jake actually wants to kiss me? Holy fuck.
[first kisses, della’s pov]
"We can have a few sessions together if you want. That way we can meet more often," it's no secret that Kazuha (well.. Le Sserafim in general) wants to get closer to the girl. Given that they're the same age, in the same industry, from the same company, and that she can speak Kazuha's mother tongue really well.
"I would like that," Kazuha reciprocated Della's high-five.
[extras: hybe caterers]
"Guys- go play the strawberry game or something with the kids while Jay and I check in," Heeseung instructed the rest of Enha.
"Okay, hyung, "Okay, oppa," the six and their kids watched them walk away.
"Let's get some boba," everyone agreed with Sunoo's suggestion.
They knew that they can't play such games in places like the airport. They'll be way too loud.
[the en-family goes to disneyland tokyo]
"No but- I'll be so offended if my cooking skills were compared to Sunghoon-oppa," Della joined. "Niki and Sunoo are not that bad."
[ Park Sunghoon (20): Number 1 worst cook in ENHYPEN ]
[en-o’clock 14&15]
"So Della, you're going to be standing on top of here, and just stand there," the staff instructed the girl dressed in a white gown. "We'll shoot a few far away shots with Enhypen in the bottom and then you can come down for the close ups, okay?"
"Yes, understood," Della nodded her head once.
[au: nonidol!della]
Della would say that she was comfortable with virtually all of her stage outfits.
Everything was tested beforehand so she was never worried about flashing anyone, especially with how hard their choreos go.
[della wardrobe malfunction (or something like that but i just can’t figure it out)]
“Hear me out..." Heeseung leaned against the sink. "Have you ever seen any of us naked?"
"Bro- ew," Jake's eyes widened.
[nsfw: ramyeonz threesome]
"You're gonna win. No way," the older laughed. "Try with one of the guys."
"Let's try, Lala," Youngbin suddenly offered.
[scenario: the guys getting jealous during i-land]
"Two what?!" Jake asked, laughing at what Della called them, causing her to burst too.
"Today I was supposed to be alone but two invaders decided to join," Della translated in Korean, talking in between laughs.
"Guys she called us idiots!" Jake protested, still off-camera and making Della laugh more.
"Sunghoon-oppa and Jake-oppa!" Della announced with an applause. The two boys appeared from both sides of the screen, Jake from the left and Sunghoon on the right.
[v-live: jallahoon (y’all this was OLD OLD. over a year old omg)]
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several thumbnails i planned to use but… idk now
[della living up to the korea’s siren title]
[kang della giving major dom vibes]
[whoever put tyd together is a genius]
[enhypen: our favourite poly couple part 63278129]
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omegaverse-guide · 4 months
WHY would you read that?!
Let's admit it - upon encountering omegaverse for the first time, we all thought it was weird. Maybe someone reading this still thinks so. There's certainly enough people out there who wouldn't touch it with a ten-foot pole.
But it's popular. I love it, personally, and I'm clearly not the only one. There are tv shows being made with a concept that a singular person put into a fandom-specific kink meme a mere 14 years ago. My grandma could walk into the bookstore and see a manga with omegaverse terminology in the title and ask me what it is. That's wild.
So, this is an earnest question - not necessarily of how it spread this quickly, but what's so appealing about it. This is based on my own personal experience and what I've heard others say, not necessarily representative of everyone who enjoys the trope.
From what I've seen, omegaverse has four major draws:
1. Porn
That's kinda obvious, and the one most people would put first, or perhaps as the only reason. And I'll argue the other points later, but I think it'd be stupid to understate the importance of this one. If you're into certain kinks, even if it's exclusively in fiction, omegaverse is great for you. Big dicks, breeding kink, excessive amounts of cum, biting, marathon sex, dubcon, feral/animalistic sex, dom/sub dynamics, possessive behaviour, maybe a dash of furry stuff, it's all there. There's a reason so much omegaverse is pwp, and it's that these are common kinks, and they work well together. People are horny, that's how omegaverse got made and spread, and that's beautiful.
2. Mpreg
Yes, there are other ways to knock a man up. Make him trans. Use magic. Or science, which is essentially the same thing anyway. You can come up with any amounts of ways to make this happen. But the beauty of the omegaverse is you don't have to. You don't have to do any research, you don't need to come up with a reason, and you don't have to figure out what the implications are if you don't want to. This man can get knocked up, and it's totally normal to everyone around him, and everyone reading will know and accept it, so you can get all of that out of the way and just focus on your guy, or all the guys, getting pregnant and having and raising a bunch of kids you made up for them. This gives you the satisfaction of letting any character you want produce babies with any other character you want, while also giving you the chance to torture any man you want with pregnancy symptoms (very cathartic). Or maybe you just have a pregnancy kink! Either way, it's convenient.
3. Social Commentary
Okay, to anyone who's never read omegaverse, this probably sounds like a joke, but I'm dead serious. At the core of omegaverse is one basic assumption: if a group of people is capable of bearing children, society will do anything and everything to make them have kids, and restrict them from whatever other roles they can, and they'll find whatever excuse they can find. It exposes sexism by stripping away all pretense of logic: in omegaverse, omegas are the stand-ins for women, and are treated as such. but anyone can be an omega. it has nothing to do with physical or mental capabilities how you're treated. you could literally be batman, the moment people find out you could theoretically give birth to a child, it's all over for you. the reality of our world is, sexism is still here. it's gotten better in a lot of ways, but sexism is not over. and sometimes the best way of realizing just how not over it is, is to put a man into the exact same situations we experience and go 'hey would that be fucked up or what?'.
4. Free For All
Because omegaverse is, by and large, a fanfiction thing, it's popular with the kind of people who enjoy reading and writing fanfiction. Do you know what the best thing about fanfiction is? No, it's not the gay sex, though that's a close second. The real answer is: it can be whatever the fuck you want it to be. Fanfiction has one major selling point: it doesn't need to be sold. Which means no author ever has to consider a target audience, or god forbid, a mass audience. Someone can just pour out their passion onto the page, and sometimes thousands of people will read it, and other times it'll just be you and three other freaks, but there's no reason to only produce the first type of fic. Most fic writers don't even have an editor/beta reader. And omegaverse is the same in that regard, at least in the realm of fic. It can be literally anything. It can be nothing but porn, including all the kinks, and only all the kinks you personally enjoy. It can be fluffy family stuff. It can be deep drama in a 200k epic, with biting social commentary. It can be all of that at once. Omegaverse has no rules. It's an author's playground, and fic writers love their playgrounds.
So that's my thesis on what's good about omegaverse. Why do you like it? Did I miss anything? Let me know!
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admirableadmiranda · 8 months
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "ladypfenix "?
I don't mind at all! Thank you for waiting quite a long while though, life has been.... hectic recently, to say the least.
I'll answer the story question here, then list the fics below since there's a lot.
It's a pretty simple story, when my sister and I were 14 and 16, we had a dream of starting a youtube channel as siblings, and we were going to use noble titles. I picked LadyPfenix for mine and opened my tumblr account with that in mind, but the idea never materialized beyond usernames and it has long since outlasted that dream. At this point I've had it too long to bother changing it, even though I'm using Admiranda most other places I go. Some things just stick.
I don't know that I have a top ten fave fics ever, it's hard for me to quantify on that level, but I'll definitely lay out the ones I keep going back to years on down the line even long after I've left the fandom. There's definitely something special about them that I will always enjoy.
The Professor's Wife by foolish_mortal (archive locked)
The students all said that Professor Doumeki had a wife who made him lunches and impeccably pressed his shirts. Watanuki found this hilarious. For the wtfholic fest prompt: "The only people who can see Watanuki are customers with wishes."
Eir's Tomorrow by jukeboxhound
Cloud is the Planet's greatest weapon, and if he can't fix old wrongs and battles then he may end up being the means by which it all ends (again).
A Little Bit To The Left by miixz
[A System error during execution bound you to Shi Yuan’s account instead of the intended Shen Qingqiu. We sincerely apologize.
You will be given the chance to climb from your current position of canon fodder as the story progresses and plot points become available to you. As Shi Yuan does not have an established character the OOC function is automatically unlocked, please accept this bonus as your compensation for the mistaken role.
Please ensure that no score falls below zero, or the System will automatically administer punishment.]
Intended role of Shen Qingqiu?! The fuck, were you trying to kill me? Why would anyone think transmigrating into that scum of all people would be helpful? Alright, alright. Shi Yuan takes a deep breath. He can deal with this. So he’d transmigrated into the shitty novel he’d just finished, but at least he’d somehow avoided becoming the villain. Or: Shen Yuan transmigrates into Proud Immortal Demon Way as a Bai Zhan Peak disciple.
The Way Home by Traincat
“This is an inane discussion,” Soren said. “I’m coming with you, and that’s final.” He took a step forward and swayed. If Ike reached out and shoved with one finger, he was sure he could topple Soren right over. He kept his arms folded so he wouldn’t be tempted to try and make a point. “I’m still your commander, aren’t I?” Ike asked, raising his eyebrows. “You still trust me to make decisions?” “Yes, but, Ike –” he said. “Then you’ll do as I say, for the good of the company,” Ike said. “I won’t risk you. You’re too important.” He stepped close, adjusting the hood of Soren’s cloak. He lowered his voice so he wouldn’t be heard by Shinon and Gatrie, waiting up by the gate. “Go back to bed,” he said, his voice gentler. “I’ll be home soon.” -- Post-Path of Radiance, Ike and Soren share a promise, a first kiss, and a bed. Not in that order.
A Pretty Good Year by arboretum
Giving up, moving in, living life.
Ikesoren Academia AU by leonidskies
Falling to the Rhythm by Selenay
"So it's a bet?" Jiang Cheng said. "Dance the showcase if you get him, fancy coffee machine if you don't?" Wei Wuxian considered the machine. "Fine. You're on. I want it in red." "Don't start planning your caffeine overdose yet." "It's in the bag," Wei Wuxian said cheerfully. "There's no way they'll match me with someone like Lan Wangji."   Teaching Lan Wangji to dance in front of the nation for twelve weeks, how hard can that be? Wei Wuxian is about to find out.
this world (what I make of it) by glitteringmoonlight
The war had consequences. Once, a fully realized Avatar referred to one who had mastered all the elements and could go into the Avatar State. Now, that has changed. No one could master fire when there was no one to teach it, and people feared the abilities of a firebender too much to allow anyone, even the Avatar, to learn too much of it. Now, an Avatar was simply said to be fully realized when their instructors decided they had learnt enough.   In which Lan Sizhui is the Avatar, but he cannot firebend, nor can he waterbend very well. That changes when his travels take him to Yiling.
Preparing the Soil by Rynne
When Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian return to spend the first winter after their marriage in the Cloud Recesses, Wangji is forced to grapple with his uncle's resistance to accepting his new husband fully into the clan. At the heart of this conflict is Lan Qiren's rule forbidding talking to Wei Wuxian. How can Wangji make the Cloud Recesses a more welcoming place for his husband when what he fights now is his uncle's stubbornness?
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toomuchracket · 1 year
baby boy is like elementary school age and somehow sees a pic of 2012/13 matty with the shaved sides haircut and is like you look so cool i wanna look like that!! and mom isn’t home and matty (riding the high of his son saying he’s cool) is like well i don’t see why not…the little guy LOVES it and feels so cool too…and mom comes home to her baby boy in full 24 year old matty attire (skinny jeans, leather jacket, the works) shaved head and all, prancing around like MOM LOOK IM A ROCKSTAR LIKE DAD!! and she’s like WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO OUR SON but really she’s melting bc he’s the spitting image of his dad and she’s like oh we have to show uncle george he’s gonna lose it
HAHAHAHAHA YES ok so he's like 7 (i feel like that was the age where boys started having a say in what they thought looked cool on them lol) and your daughter is 8/9 and they're rifling through some old boxes of photos for some school project while you're at work. your daughter finds some from self titled era and she's like "dad i can't believe that's you", and matty's jokingly like "because i look so young?", to which your son replies "no, dad, it's because you look really cool! like me!"; matty's immediately overcome like "really? you think i'm cool there?", and your daughter kinda shrugs while your son is like "YES the coolest! i wish my hair was like that". and like you said, matty's too busy celebrating the fact he's a kid-certified Cool Dad to think of the ramifications, before he's like "well, we COULD do it now, if you wanted" - as soon as he says "now", your son's face lights up to a level that matty cannot bring himself to dim at all. so yeah, he shaves the sides of his seven year old son's hair off, lowkey getting a ridiculous sense of deja vu to his own hair, while your daughter hovers in the bathroom doorway like "mum's not going to be happyyyyyyyy" (but the boys are too busy giggling and hairstyling to really listen to her). in fairness to matty, he triple checks with your son before he does anything to his hair, and he doesn't give him quite as close a shave as he had himself back in the day. but the effect is still the same; your daughter is adamant she's having no part in the shenanigans, but her eyes flit from the pic of her dad to her little brother right in front of her and she says "yeah, bro, you really do look exactly like dad" and the boys literally cheer lol. and matty's like "oh we need to recreate the full look. do you even have black skinny jeans?", and your son's like "no. but she does!", pointing at his sister, who's like "noooooo you're not using my clothes for this he'll get them all dirty" - matty crouches in front of her and he's like "sweetheart, it'll only be until mum comes in, alright? then we'll wash them and they'll be good as new. and i'll get you a mcdonalds as a thank you", and then she's like " ok :D" lmao.
when you get home, you're greeted by your daughter being like "hi mum, before the boys say anything, just know that i warned them and had no part in it", so naturally you're on alert like "WHAT?"; your question is shortly answered by your son barrelling into the hallway in delight, in his sister's jeans and your old cropped leather jacket and his black vans and, like "mum LOOK i'm just like dad look how cool i look!". you tilt your head and just stare at matty, who's tentatively peering round the living room door, before turning back to your son and smiling at how cute he is like "god you really are your dad's spit, aren't you? but cooler, definitely cooler" - both your kids are like "duh!", which makes you giggle and matty roll his eyes like "thanks, babies, really. tell you what, why don't you go and get a guitar for the full effect?", so the kids run off all excited and leave you and matty alone. matty's over at you immediately, hugging you and kissing all over your face like "hi, princess, my beautiful girl, love of my life", but you're unmoved; you just calmly say "i cannot believe you shaved our seven year old's head, matthew. you're lucky you're both so cute, otherwise i would NOT be happy". and matty just hides his face in your neck like "i know, i know. he just got so excited when he saw the picture and i literally couldn't resist it. s'when he reminds me most of you, when he's like that. and you know i can't say no to you either, sweetheart", and you kiss the side of his head like "you're such a sap" - matty kisses you like "and proud of it", which makes you giggle. and yeah you make out for a little bit (you're married to a dilf and your kids are preoccupied literally what else are you meant to do!), before you're like "oh my god we need to get our boy to facetime george and show him the makeover. he'll freak" and matty's like "YES let's go". and yeah, george DOES freak; he initially reacts to his nephew the exact same way he reacted to matty in the suitcase in atpoaim, then laughs so hard he cries at your son doing an (uncannily accurate) impression of his dad and offers to cut his hair for him if he needs it "cos i used to do matty's when it looked like that", to which you're like "ABSOLUTELY NOT" lmao. yeah, it's funny <3
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galaxae · 11 months
if youre still doing the ocverse ask game, 3 and 19? 🥺
ougghhh i so totally still am. i'm mainly fixated on my stupid ass video game idea (working title is gods don't bleed but i want to change it bc it doesn't fit as well anymore)
forgive me if this is incoherent, my boyfriend dislocated his knee so i have to care for him, and work has been terrible and burned me out, so i'm definitely leaving some stuff out of my answers :(, but whatever!!
3.) any recurring images/elements?
absolutely yes. lots of imagery of plants and animals, for one. fire vs. ice too, yes i know it's a very commonly used trope but i like playing around with those two things, especially when i get to kinda subvert expectations with them. similarly with light vs. dark. and also colors vs black and white, both in terms of morality and in terms of actual visuals
19.) describe the sillies you think about but that dont go in the story.
in my mind, charity and fabian (the first two playable characters, and close friends) are exes. it's probably not going to be canonized, but it's also not going to be explicitly denied, so...
their first date was incredibly awkward, by the way. fabian was an ignorant rich kid who loved to pry and stick his nose in others' business and not let up until he knew everything about a situation, while charity was freshly in the "my mom and i were homeless, got taken in by a man, and then that man turned out to be very very bad so we had to flee the state and come to this small piece of shit town where no one realizes how privileged they are, and this all sucks, and i don't want to talk about it" mindset. they were also both 14-15 which is the worst age to be. they broke up so fast after this but now they've got a really solid friendship going a few years later, and charity has a different (cooler) partner
also, so many silly bits of dialogue that... i'm not sure they'll go into the game at all, or if they do, whether they'll just be optional bits. but some favorites include (formatted sorta like they would be in my script document):
KIMBERLY: Oh, hey, Fabián, you're in French 2 with me next semester. JAMAL: Wh... what? People actually take French? I thought that was a myth. FABIÁN: Well, I already know Spanish since everyone on my mom's side and, like, half of my dad's side speaks it. So I thought taking Spanish would be way too easy. CHARITY: You stupid son of a bitch. That's exactly why you should take Spanish.
ACE: Holy shit, I just got stung by a bee! FABIÁN: Are you ok??? Ace pulls the stinger out of their face ACE: LOOK! It's still pumping venom! That's so cool! CHARITY: What the fuck is wrong with you? ACE: What's wrong with you? Lookit!
JAMAL: Hey. Kimbie. KIMBERLY: Don't call me that, please. What is it? JAMAL: Spell ICUP. KIMBERLY: "ICUP?" JAMAL: Spell it. KIMBERLY: That's not a real word. Fake words don't have spellings. JAMAL: Can you at least try? KIMBERLY: Oh. Wait. I see. I-K-U-P. JAMAL: ... KIMBERLY: Does that suffice? Jamal looks as though he's about to cry. [Later that same day] JAMAL: Hey, uh, hey Kimbi-- Kimberly. Is it just me, or is your outfit kind of, uh, "updog?" KIMBERLY: What? JAMAL: Your outfit's kind of "updog." KIMBERLY: What does "updog" mean? JAMAL: ........Can you........... rephrase that, please? KIMBERLY: ? No. JAMAL: :/
also, there's a period of time when kimberly is in 9th grade where she gets really intensely into astrology. specifically so that she can Know A Lot About A Thing that other people don't know as much about. she'll see someone doing something, walk up to them and be like "what are you, an aries venus?" and when they don't understand the reference she'll be like "never mind :)" and feel smart. she no longer does this in the game because she realizes that's so cringe. and she has OTHER science to do, dammit!! (like proving the Weird Kid at school is a literal alien)
another fun fact: kimberly (resident genius) and jamal (who does not give a shit about academics) play chess together one time and jamal wins because kimberly is so perplexed by his newbie moves that she doesn't know how to respond to them.
oh... i didnt realize i had this many sillies... cool :)
yall are encouraged to send more asks if you want i love these blorbos
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sytokun · 2 years
Introducing my super cool RWBY rewrite that is definitely better than literally anything
Hey guys, this is my RWBY fanfiction universe. All ideas are mine, I just think... I dunno, RWBY kinda sucks so I'm making my own, better version. I'll call it... RWBY: Rescued or some other vaguely pretentious title, idk. Hey, John and Jane RWBYson! Thanks for subscribing to my project! Or anonymously stalking it? It's hard to tell sometimes.
Now I know I already introduced Team RWBY, and everyone loves them, I'm happy! I'm just gonna add a little dude here, no it's fine! He's like a side character, nothing more. Like an ally, Ruby's first friend, he leads the other team, it'll be really cool I promise. His name is Jaune btw, no, NO big deal. Just trust me on this. I'm the superior writer, remember?
Um... sorry guys. Over the weekend I just got a really big spark of inspiration, like... the Muses struck me from the heavens above. So I'm sorry, but... I'm going to make a quarter of the first Volume entirely focused on Jaune, the Volume that is crucially formative to the cast and entire series, which will cause a ripple effect so bad that a consistently large number of fans dislike him in my series 10 years later, but also find it hard to imagine the story without him at this point, like a lukewarm relationship you don't know how to feel about.
But it's fine! The show is still called RWBY and I plan to deliver on that, not like those hacks at Rooster Teeth stepping on Monty's vision. That's the rhetoric I'm supposed to use, right? To make you hate me? To make me into an easy strawman to hate and dismiss? GOT IT, just making sure, lol
I'm going to voice act as him too, btw. No big deal, I'm sure this won't affect my treatment of him whatsoever. Oh, but here's Neptune. He's voiced by the other dude writing this, and we're gonna write a love triangle between the characters we voice and Weiss, one of the main leads. That counts as a character arc for her, right? Right, glad you understand. Oh, Neptune? You actually liked him and wanted him around? What are you, fucking sexist? God. Make sure to tell your friends how cool my story is
Next, I'm going to have Pyrrha's entire screentime devoted around Jaune, and even after she dies, only Jaune is allowed to process his emotions regarding her death while Ren, an Asian dude, and Nora, another girl, prop him up. I'm also going to bring her death up every two years like 2-3 times to really milk that man pain. What does Ruby the main character feel about this? Oh don't worry, she'll talk about it with another character I'll add in. I'll even have her say Keep Moving Forward™ to really sell the audience's Ruby's pain and really stoke and stir your anguish. Her anguish. Moving on.
Eh, something feels off, there's not enough conflict... Let's have Cinder run Weiss through with a spear, for funsies ig, because I have this post-it note on my monitor saying Jaune's Semblance and this is the perfect moment. I'm also gonna give Jaune this whole ass emotional outburst, 1-on-1 fight and confrontation with Cinder since she killed Pyrrha and awakened all his angst.
Ruby? Uh... yeah, she can stand there I guess. I need to remind the goddamn audience that YES, I still remember silver eyes exist, gawd. I have to do it every few Volumes or I can sometimes forget the protagonist in my female-led story exists - man what a pain, I bet I'm gonna be pressured into creating an old lady to teach her or some shit in the Volume right after this one. Whatever, I'll have her disappear in 2 years, they'll never know she left. Anyway OOPS Emerald knocked Ruby out, thank god she's out of the way so I can squeeze in a shot of Cinder stepping on Jaune and really rub that pain in. God, Jaune really needed this, so glad I did that
Fuck it, Jaune kills Penny too. I dunno, it just feels right, y'know? Nah... I don't think Ruby or anyone is the right person for this, and I don't think we've really, one hundred percent explored just how deeply Jaune can angst over dead women; women who could have grown into full, complex people with rich arcs and relationships using all the screentime I parasitically extracted from them via sudden, unwarranted death. Penny, like, she really needs to fuckin' die for this. Her death is worth having to retread this same tired fucking emotional arc if it's for my boy, know what I'm sayin'? Good, glad you understand
Alright, it's the Volume finale. Team RWBY and Neo are falling into the next story arc. Great, people really wanted this - an entire Volume just focused on the title characters together. The fans have been on my ass asking for this since Volume fucking Four. It's alright, I GOT THIS. I FUCKING GOT THIS! It's simple! This is perfect. But... I mean, I shouldn't... but I really... SDGDSGDED FUCK IT, fuck you, Jaune falls in with them too
John and Jane RWBYson: "God, this is why I hate rewriters who think they can write a good story with RWBY. They love making white men the focus of their self insert fantasies while shoving female characters into the fridge and off to the side, all while using Monty's name to rile people into brainlessly supporting it. I hope they fucking disappear"
Wait. John. Jane. Did I say my RWBY fanfiction universe?
Oh. Oh god.
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I think that a good chunk of us (the miraculous fandom) (me included) tend to forget that Andre isn't that much better then Audrey. Like sure he's physically there with Chloe and all but emotionally he isn't, he's more focused on how to keep his position as mayor of Paris then on "how is my child doing?" "Is she doing ok?" "Does she have friends?" "Are her morals in the correct path" yes he isn't emotionally and mentally abusive but he is neglectful. He's there but he's not really there....you get what i mean?
He's that type of father that had a kid just for a boost in his career (at least that's what i think). The kind that's so inlove with their wife that they'll ignore the red flags that they have (plus I'm pretty sure that he knows that Audrey only got with him because of the power that he could give her but only stays with her because she was the first one if not the only girl that showed interest in him). We (or well....i) like to paint him as this good parent, the better one of the two, when he probably isn't that better. All we've seen him do is throw money at Chloe's problems and threaten anyone that "upsets his little baby" with his title but that doesn't show anything to us but that he doesn't have a spine
Yes he's a victim of Audrey too but he's also a grown adult and a father....if anything Chloe's butler has acted more like a father to Chloe in the few episodes we've seen him then Andre. And i have no doubt that he loves Chloe with all his heart but still......but sometimes knowing isn't enough
Oh yeah looking at future leaks is just a whole barrel of YIKES on Andre's part. Like you have NO fucking idea.
And even Canon so far: his way of dealing with any problem Chloé has is to just... throw gifts and money at her. This is demonstrated incredibly clearly in Malediktator. Chloé is upset because her classmates were insulting her, and his solution was to just... give more and more extravagant gifts hoping that it would make her feel better. Abuse his power where he can to please her. This teaches her that this is okay behavior, which we do see her repeat! Both in the general 'abuse his power' thing, but also that Chloé's sincerest apologies are accompanied by /gifts/. 'Evillustrator', 'Antibug' and 'Miraculer' all end with her apologizing to Sabrina by giving her gifts(a beret, a new brooch, a spa day together). 'Zombizou' has her apologize by giving Bustier a gift after class. 'Despair Bear' was a large-scale apology accompanied by the gift of a party they could all have fun at.
It's incredibly easy to see where Chloé learns this behavior and why she thinks it's okay/the right thing/how it's supposed to work.
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Watching Con O'Neill's old stuff cause it's fun. Day #? Soldier Soldier S06 EP.09 Asking for it (Con's Conography. 1996)
In future if you want to read all of these posts, I've added the tag 'Con's Conography'. Now they're all in one nice spot!
Warnings for: Sexual assault/rape (committed by Con's character), abuse of power within the military structure, assault, abuse of power, sexist comments(what you would expect from the military).
Should I watch this before reading this? Is it worth it?:
Con plays a military official who abuses his station, sexually assaults a female private under his care, and semi-gets away with it with barely a scuff on the wrist in the end.
It's a really fucking good story about how women are treated in the military. Especially victims of sexual assault. He uses his power to try to get her kicked out. When that fails, he knows they're onto him. Without much evidence, he can't be prosecuted so he asks for a transfer, which he receives. He's not a repeat offender, his first assault happens mid-way through the episode, but he's a fucking jackass who couldn't take no for an answer. They give him internal reasons why he thinks he didn't go too far, and it is very real. If you're still interested, watch it.
Again, cause I went into this fully blind I will be saying whoreish things about Con. If you just look at his costumes, he has some 'hot' ones in this if you don't know what he does. If you look up Soldier Soldier a good chunk of it is people rebloging hot photos/gifs of Con without context.
He did this 1 year after Scarborough Ahoy and basically has a shorter haircut. Still in the 'hot young Con era'. They literally throw him into a pool fully clothed for fucks sake. After the scene happens, my tune changes. I promise. Again, they don't define him as a man with a history of assault, but Con's character is definitely the type to think 'I only fucked up once, I'm still a good person.' just fucking gross.
If it's too much skip around my live reaction and jump to the end for my final thoughts.
So, military. Should have guessed based on that title. This intro is very 80s for the 90s. If they kill anyone I'll kind of be surprised.
Angry swim coach Con, yes.
God, he pulls off military type so well.
"If you've got the energy to smile, go give me a few more laps." HELL YEAH.
God, I know that's his voice, but god it sounds like it hurts.
I hate military types...so much.
This bike tampering is dumb, and dangerous, and is going to get both of them beat up. Also, these men(E-1 privates) 'respect' women more than any vet I've met.
I'd be entertained by that shit. And fucker seems like an ass so might as well give it to him.
Con looks huggable in that jacket. It's a nice soft blue. Love it.
CON IN A HAT! With a little feather.
"I never thought of you as a romantic!" GOD FUCKING DAMN IT. Can he just be evil? Or a douche? Every single fucking project this guy needs to be sad and lonely, wanting a friend/lover. Hurt by a past relationship and just wanting justice in his life. Don't get me wrong, I eat this shit up with a goddamn spoon. But Fucking HELL. EVERY CHARACTER?
HE'S DIVORCED. THAT MEANS HE'S AVAILABLE BABY. "There's only room for one woman in my life, I joined the army, she made a man out of me." I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE.
ALSO THAT CARDIGAN, AHHHH. It's obviously cheap military clothes, but god.
(The young couple we've been following all episode) They're a cute couple (I say, a military brat that got out before I was 10. They'll fuck, have a kid, and be just as unhappy as anyone else on base. Divorce before their kids fifth birthday. Love that)
OHH I think I've seen clips of this scene!
ROBERT! THEY GAVE HIM THE NAME ROBERT. :) Funny in an Ironic way. He couldn't find a date? If he's a teacher then he probably doesn't leave base often, and a divorce? This man is going to be relationship adverse as fuck.
Also, parental issues be damned, he looks nice in uniform
I love that he got all up in his space, and Robert just looked fucking dead inside. Then he ruined his meal.
Also, please tell me he isn't going to fucking go after a woman in his charge. :). Please. Fucking please. I'm holding on by the edge of my rope, if he takes advantage of his subordinate, I will be pissed.
God, Con's speech around 12:30 sounds like a good ol' time.
BOB. I know it's a shortening of Robert, but Jesus fuck.
Also, this amount of restraint is admirable. He should have gotten screamed at.
We as the audience are probably supposed to think he's an ass. Nah, he didn't humiliate him in front of the other officers, held his ground when he thought he was being made fun of. This is just good leadership. Izzy Hands could fucking learn a thing.
Bitch, he would have already heard about them fucking. The gossip would have been spread by lower-level officers. This 'damn, she got away' thing shouldn't work.
OOooooo sexist Con line. Don't like that.
Small break to talk about a fun real life military thing.
His point about some people getting ahead by passing tests is a real thing many in the military resent. (In the US you go up an E-4 on day 1 if you have a bachelor's degree in anything, to Corprol. Hell, depending on if you were reserves you could go up higher, when most start as E-1). This motivates some to join up even after they could get a job away from the civilian world. If you are poor, you're fucked. Take the long way around and don't get good pay.
Personally I see what Robert is saying here to be the main thing Izzy holds a grudge with Stede over. Stede was able to purchase being a captain where as he had to fight for it. Possibly die for it.
Now, back to this episode. There are bullshit and bigoted reasons behind this belief, not just class-based. It's used to say why women shouldn't serve, etc. Con's a sexist pig here and says these same reasons. It is exactly the reason I never followed in my family's footsteps. In male-dominated fields they will 9 times out of 10 treat you like shit. BACK TO THE SHOW.
Robert, if you fucking assault this woman I will reach into the screen and murder your ass.
Okay, a drunken apology is fun. Jackass trying to get in her pants.
Forced attempted kiss/assult.
Don't like this. Mam, just scream close to the doors if you feel uncomfortable. Jesus Christ. OH THAT'S FUCKED UP.
Okay, he's forcing himself onto her. Gross.
Also, real-life examples of abuse of military power.
He assaults her here.
Hey, you remember when I didn't want con to be in roles where he wasn't sympathetic. NOT LIKE THIS. This is actually one of the worst things you could have made him do.
BEAT HIS ASS UP. (This is around the 40-minute mark.)
This is where I started skipping around, thus why the rest is so short. It's all too painful and real. He's called into the office to answer for his crimes and bluff.
He threatens her in private, and thinks that he's going to get away with it.
Again, the military is in to protect their ass, but it's good to see the woman investigator standing up for the victim.
OH GOOD, FUCKING KILL HIM (he's almost drowned from the victims boyfriend, but gets stopped).
So, at the end of the day. There's not enough evidence to put him in jail or kick him out. She's left traumatized, and Robert gets away with some glares and very little else.
Story: 8-9/10. Very real. I was wearing Con tinted glasses, but as a military kid who grew up around this shit, I almost immediately coped with him as the type to assault an officer. Lonely, doesn't get out much and feels like women owe him something. The type.
Con: ?/10 He plays A Fucking Vile piece of shit. The worst of it is you know his character has half a dozen reasons of justification. I was tempted to write out all the ones he says in the show, but no. I've heard it all before when men come onto me, and I tell them I'm gay. 'But you looked at me and smiled?' type shit. He plays the part really fucking well. Skin crawling performance of a 'nice guy'. He just does it so realistically I don't want to say like 3/10 you know?
Characters besides Con: Realistically, and sadly, more men would have sided with Robert. He has the rank, and though not well-liked, he would have been given the benefit of the doubt more than he was in the show. Everyone's performances were realistic and semi-heartwarming with how they believed the E-1. I liked the main couple and I hope they get together in the end. This a good example of why we need high-ranking women in the military.
Editing: Of it's era but non intrusive.
Overall: ?/10. I don't know how to put this one.
Again, if I wasn't ex-military kid/grew up around vets it wouldn't hurt as much. They sell you a dream when you grow up thinking the military does no wrong. How successful your male family members are and how they are heroes. But as a little girl, I quickly saw just how fucking dangerous to live up to these expectations was as an woman. On and off the field. If the purpose in this was to reassure the public that female victims would be believed, then it kind of works as propaganda.
This show fully explores it in a military with less rigor than the one I'm used to seeing. Still the same sexism bullshit regardless of where you are.
Don't worry, I'm watching a Val (BBC Uncle) mega cut after this to soothe my head.
I'd love to hear if anyone else has watched this, and your thoughts on it!
Have a lovely day.
thanks to @ivegotnonameidea for the list :)
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infinitedilf · 2 years
∘°∘♡∘°∘ Worlds Collide: Esmary ∘°∘♡∘°∘
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"You're fucking kidding me!" I snapped. "We're in the middle of a fucking war and you want me to go make friends with Serphenda! Did you forget that we are, i don't know, in the middle of a fucking war!" What the fuck were these old bags of flesh and bone thinking, war means other countries are bad not friends.
"Miss L/N, if you could please consider." One of them started, his name was Sir Gideon Ford, he was the biggest ass kisser I've ever seen and yet here he is going against my will. "They want Amethyst, we need a bigger verity of food. If we make allies we can both get what we want"
"And then when we relax they'll attack!"
"Not if you sign the goddamn papers girl" There she goes Lady Hellena Ox, she's as strict as a religious school teacher. Old and wrinkled, I'm surprised she's still alive, she is as old as Esmary itself. "If you sign the papers they will have no rights to attack us"
"Oh yes of course, some paper with my signature on it will stop them from attacking"
"Lady L/N, your father wouldn't be impressed with this!"
"Fuck my father! It's not like he gave me this role!" He didn't give me the status of general, I earned it from the beginning.
This country is a broken one, society divided by money status. The bottom of the cliffs were the poor, constantly scrambling to get food, sickness everywhere you turn. In the cliffs we're the middle class, not rich enough to build a house so they dug into the cliffs for shelter, the area is beautiful but not the best. Finally the top of the cliffs, houses and stores litter the streets, the pathways were made of amethyst and gold. To get a job in this country your either born on the top or you fake it, I fortunately was born on the top although that isn't how I got here in the first place.
I thought for a moment, if we make friends with these people, not only will be have access to more food but we will have someone to fight with us if we are ever attacked. This could be a big benefit, more food for the poor and a higher chance of getting a job for the middle. "Fine, I set foot tomorrow at dawn" I sighed, this will either be a disaster or the birth of something amazing. Turning to leave the dimmed building.
I've spent years giving the military of this nation a good name, if you were to look at the library you would see how horrible we were and I don't mean we were weak. Yet when I look at the scenery around me -the sun at its peak, glorious light shining it's way onto the golden path and sparking into many other directions- I can't help but feel hatred, toward this country and some of its people. We didn't have huge castles covered in diamonds or marble, we had simple houses and shops, our people either lived in a cave or a building. I regret ever being born in this country.
storming my way down the weaved path and gliding down the flights stairs, to get to the mid section of the cliffs. Heading towards that creepy ass library, I needed to research these people before i confront them. Attempting to find the section of the library where they stored all the books about this world and it's people, having that eerie feeling I always get when here. I find one called 'The Water People', which as racist as the title is, it's the only book about them here.
[The water people, their main culture is food. Their diets mainly consist of seafood due to majority of produce coming from the vast majority of their land being lakes, ponds and rivers. They aren't very hostile however due to their 'kindness' towards others, many have been assassinated due to their guard being let down. Mannerisms such as being invited to eat, being overly loud and, being excellent swimmers were found while doing research. The weaponry they posses is quite unique, swords with a shell like look, arrows made of spines from one of their aquatic creatures and their amour is made of a rare form of metal that only they posses. Now for the sexual organs.]
I slammed the book shut, I was here to negotiate not fuck one of them. Who knew a book that was about three hundred years old could be so... explicit, thanks Alissa Ragenvar for the trauma. Deciding to leave the cursed library, I started my stroll home.
I've always enjoyed the view of our cave based home - despite hating the country itself - it's hard to believe that centuries ago our ancestors found this ravine and cut out holes into the edges to make homes. Over time vines and greenery grew and now the walls of our home is covered in beautiful flowers and fireflies, the luminescence of the moon mixing with the lighting of the lanterns perfectly.
Stepping foot onto the wobbly and uneven bridge that connects the leisure centre to one of the residential areas, I grip the weathered ropes as I cautiously cross the bridge. If only the upper levels gave a crap about how dangerous it was to cross these bridges in order to get places. Children cross these bridges alone to get to the education centre and yet there's holes big enough for kids to fall through. Unfortunately the middle class residents couldn't afford the rope or wood, having the only place to get it being too expensive.
I step foot off of the bridge, and travel through the caved path as I travel to my cave. Once I'm at my dear home I strip myself of my armour and head for the bathroom, running the water I prepare my bathing supplies. Setting myself down in the bath tub I start to think of how I will introduce myself to the people of Serphenda, especially their leader, Sir Taishiro Toyomistu also known as Fat Gum. If that book is correct, they should be friendly, if it's not then I'm screwed.
Finishing washing myself I dress and then prepare for the early rise. I pack my travelling  kit before I turn to my bed and lay to sleep.
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Monster Hunter Stories Talk
♊ENFP: you know what, I might try that stupid game today...
♎ENTP: *gives a bit of a verbal rundown* you know, it's pretty decent when you look into it, like ok, I understand Pokemon does have a lot of lore etc, but it's a lot more subtle and the base story of each game is still practically the same, and mostly the ones that stand out are gens 4 & 5, POSSIBLY gen 3?, but MHST kills it in that department, especially compared to all other monster RPGs including Pokemon.
♊ENFP: *kinda glitching a bit* so like, does it have a story?
♎ENTP: *drops ladle in the sink and puts hand on the hip* 😑
♒INTP: *snorts iced tea*
♎ENTP: *sarcastically*
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NOOOOOooooOoooOoOoO it's not like the game's TITLE is idk..... Monster Hunter STORIES. FUCKING STORIES. Not "Monster Hunter Almost Stories"
♒INTP: you know, some people in the fandom do make that argument 💀, maybe they'll think that should be the game's nam-
♎ENTP: *cuts INTP off fast* I need you to STFU RIGHT. NOW.
♒INTP: 💀💀💀 damn so serious about Monster Hunter Pokemon version like calm down lmao
♎ENTP: ._.
♊ENFP: ALRIGHT I GET IT, I do feel stupid now, of course, it's in the name, but like also, is it really mostly story based?
♎ENTP: *eye spasm*
♒INTP: *snort laughs*
♎ENTP: *sigh* obviously gameplay is a huge part of the game as well, but yes, there is a very prominent story on both games, granted, #1 had a lot more to go of than #2 but #2 wasn't really as bad as people make it out to be
♒INTP: *does the "eh" hand sign at ENFP*
♎ENTP: istg I will cut you, I'm washing the knives now 😐
♒INTP: *sarcastic gasp* oh no 😱 um anyway 💀
♊ENFP: *looks to the side concerned* nvm I'll play Pokemon
♎ENTP: *sighs in defeat over the sink*
♒INTP: *smirks*
♎ENTP: it's one of your favorite franchises what tf are you smirking about?
♒INTP: you look funny when you're mad 💀
♎ENTP: 😒
♊ENFP: look if it's really that good, I'll give it a try next week sounds good?
♎ENTP: I mean it's not like I'm forcing you 😒
♊ENFP: well yeah, you're right, you're not forcing me soooo...
♎ENTP: alright, but use my switch account so you can get the shit I already paid for at the store
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idontpreferit · 8 months
Did you know that Saltburn was originally titled The Talented Mr Ripoff?
Can you imagine how much worse of a situation culturally we'd find ourselves in if they casted thimothy like they wanted to
I think there's more to me being upset about it than not getting anything out of horny boys
It's not punk rock to self compare to John waters, it's something you have bestowed on you, this was not earned
"It felt plagiarized" was a thought before I even knew about the Mr Ripley movie, which I did watch today (with a migraine) and it was fantastic and written by a lesbian apparently, so I hate to say I told you so but,
How did saltburn manage to run that movie through a sieve and toss out the gems
[Straight white rich people talking abt gay people, of course they'll miss the point]
The only time I had a real response during saltburn is when I was triggered at the loss of his alcoholic dad , and then it turned out to be a lie? What a fucking insult
So he's just an empty psychopath? Is he really that hot, is that the power that Male hotness has? We're in Danger fr if he's some kind of bi king icon
It's written by a fucking rich woman about rich people, casting an actor who irl lost his addict mom as a kid to play someone who pretended to lose his addict parent to manipulate silly innocent rich people
Good cinematography does not inject a believable or even identifiable motivation into the characters the same as Good CGI doesn't make Avatar not colonizer propaganda
It does seem to lull an audience into an entertainment flow state, in combination with shock value sex shit
Which seems like the sex shit was not even as shock value as something like the torso vagina from brand new cherry flavor, which is just queer coded body horror (which ofc I cherish)
Saltburn is just another glossy package of the type of queerness that straight people want to gasp at
Which brings me to:
At The Wake of a Dead Drag Queen
Can you guess what could a drag queen possibly die from? What's the most derivative thing you can come up with?
Yes AIDS still exists, but let me go verify with Google that prep existed once we had flip phones tho
So granted the iPhone came out in 2007 but nobody had it yet, especially not poor drag queens, probably til 2012
The phone was the only clue I had to the time period this play occurs
So the point is
Why do we need another dies of aids story?
So straight people can continue to think of aids when they think of gay men? And why do they need to think of gay men when they think of drag for that matter?
You don't need to have aids to have a captivating sympathetic relatable story that humanizes a queer person
You don't need to be catty, bitchy, and hypersexual to be a drag queen. Even my straight man friend doing tech for the show was like "this seems oldschool" because how could you live in this city and see a drag show and think that this narrow ass view is still it?
I'm sick of stories about us being like you put the gutter bumpers up at the bowling alley so you could shoot whatever shot you want without risk
We queers are lords of the gutters and we are striking
Neither of these stories are for queer people because they don't believe queer money exists apparently, which... consider giving us money
but you'd hope queer people love good writing, at least, even if homosexuals and straight women could do without when they could just see dick on screen and have a nice time
If you don't need good writing to sell tickets then sure, ask ChatGPT to make a homosexual story for the straight eye
If you want examples of good movies that are queer, and decidedly not homosexual,
Everything Everywhere All at Once
Poor Things
Oh, and of course, The Talented Mr Ripley
Coming up next, I defend why these are all queer if not on their face but in subtext, by asserting that since I'm queer and I liked the film, they must be queer films. In this essay I will--
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fluffypotatey · 2 years
Re: Squires of the Round Table.
The ones who serve Percival do not mind the lack of sleeves bc when they're stuck on chainmaille-cleaning duty, they always get done first.
"Ah, all done, guess that's it for me, see you later, lads."
"Fuck yourself, Lucan."
And yes to Mob Wife Merlin, and also consider, just about every RT squire is Very Much Aware that Merlin has magic, but he's always so nice and helps them if they need it and tells them all kinds of insider tips and sneaks them sweetmeats from the kitchen, so if you say one damn word, Roland will fucking cut you, istg.
Like, their circus, their monkeys, but not their fuck to give.
Merlin, So Tired and just wants to Rest: *rolls a Nat 1 on a stealth check doing magic*
SotRT, eating Forbidden Snacks: Wow, that looks like someone-who-gets-paid-more-than-me's problem.
anon, you are so right. they don't mind nothing that will ease the endless chores they're required to do. the first time the other squires realize this leads to an all out prank war concerning chainmail, a horrid supply in soap water, and a tired king lecturing said squires because they should know better they are the future knights of camelot--
the knights totally sided with their own squires but they are standing behind arthur shaking their heads as if they weren't involved. gwaine was the one to start a sponge war but it was lancelot that involved the stablehands
it is now my belief that the knights dragoon met in....that one episode that i'm forgetting the title of (was it in s3? s4??? you know the "i am what i am" scene) was the first time the squires ever encountered merlin using magic (they didn't know then it was merlin but you get what i mean) and it is here where they decide that they are not paid enough for this. sure, they'll chase after the old coot because who would want to face the disappointed look on sir leon's face? not them that's for sure.
they definitely raised an eyebrow when lancelot covered for merlin. like, not to judge lancelot but your excuse could have been much better. lucan here has a couple notes ("the tavern excuse is getting old, can't they say he's gone on a date?" "you say that, but the king hasn't even sent a knight to supervise merlin when he's 'at the tavern'" "it's still dumb!").
it's the squires that mess with agravaine the most. they saw what he did to gaius, they know that there's something fishy going on with this dude. they can't really make him disappear because he's a high profile man and the king's uncle, but they can make his day a living minor inconvenience. oh, you wanted the gray steed, sire??? could have sworn you wanted this brown one. is she temperamental? sire, i'd never give you such a horse! (agravaine is later thrown off his horse who was, in fact, temperamental, and disliked being kicked.)
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