winternoon · 4 months
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winternoon · 4 months
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winternoon · 6 months
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winternoon · 6 months
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winternoon · 6 months
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winternoon · 2 years
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winternoon · 3 years
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winternoon · 4 years
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Good Morning
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winternoon · 4 years
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winternoon · 4 years
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winternoon · 4 years
ASL/Facts About Us
T and I are both Southeast Asian-Americans. I am Cambodian, he is Lao/Thai. We can speak our native languages.
I am almost 29. T is 31.
We have unique quirks (e.g. I always cut up my food, like steak into small pieces when I eat) or interests (e.g. I like playing ITG {DDR}, watching Super Sentai/Power Rangers, and couponing, and T likes anime, sewing/knitting, poetry/novels etc.) that make each other smile or that we’ll watch or do together. T always makes terrible puns; my face usually looks like :/ afterwards.
Our first date we got boba and went to a festival hosted by a local college and then had sushi with my two friends.
He first accidentally said “I love you” over Skype when he misheard/interpreted something wrong. (lol)
I also fingered my ass for him in a hotel over Skype, while my four friends were asleep 10 feet away, before we were even a couple.
We made out on his couch once at his old apartment in Merced where I sat on his lap when randomly his sister unlocked the front door and it flew open.
Now we both live together in a house, in Fresno, (Central) California.
We are both gay bottoms, who are only versatile for each other. He allows me to record and upload XXX as I please. Last I checked, I think I had 3 dozen old videos uploaded to Xtube, most of which are pinned.
We live a quiet, simple life as introverted homebodies. We are gaymers. We love food; my friends and coworkers always comment on how amazing our food porn photos look on social media.
And on April 22, T and I will celebrate our six (6) year anniversary of being together as ChocoMog; he is Chocobo and I am Moogle (for a bunch of cute reasons outlined on my personal blog).
We have been together since 2012. Several years later, I showed T a screenshot of a text from an old phone where his wish became a reality: having a house with a big backyard, having one or two dogs, and coming home to me every day.
Dreams and an amazing boyfriend and relationship are possible.
Sometimes you must chase after someone you want. Sometimes you must wait. Sometimes everything just falls into place. Once you have him, communication, nurturance, and effort are key. For us, it was a combination of all of the above.
He was worth it all.
That is why he became my best friend and my significant other.
And maybe one day, when we’re both ready, he will be my husband.
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winternoon · 5 years
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winternoon · 6 years
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winternoon · 6 years
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Again. Come and follow my instagram and Twitter. I usually post more on instagram. For Twitter, I will upload videos as long as they don’t get removed. ;) Lets meet there.
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winternoon · 6 years
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winternoon · 6 years
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winternoon · 6 years
Taken as I was ready to lock up my old condo, having cleaned every nook and cranny and scrubbed or wiped down every piece of furniture included in the sale. During the final walk-through, the new owners were elated that they could immediately start the paint job. Even my real-estate agent commented that never in his career had he seen a transferred property in such a spick-and-span condition. In all honesty, though, I was simply doing for others what I’d like them to do for me.
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