#yep-.. I love this sleep deprived mess :>
sungbeam · 1 month
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞
dragon shifter!park seonghwa x f!reader
just because you're both dragon shifters doesn't mean this courtship thing is easy.
▷ 6.1k words, pg-13, f2l, dragon shifters au, urban fantasy, swearing, mentions of a big roach/insect, shoulder kiss, seonghwa goes shirtless once (1), mentions of courtship/mating traditions, the boys are implicit in shenanigans ofc, love in the form of jewelry, very mild jealousy, pining
a/n: this au idea was like ,,, 3 months in the making but i reopened the draft yesterday cuz i was tired of rotting 😭 anyways... i think shy, romantic seonghwa is cute ! (also very much hoping this isn't too boring jsfnkdnf)
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Park Seonghwa was pretty sure he fell in love with you the day you met. 
It wasn't something he openly admitted to, especially since his attraction had come first when he saw you across the dormitory common room, and was struck dumb by the curve of your smile and the way the sunlight hit your irises to make them glint like jewels. While it was stereotypical to think that dragons only cared about appearances, it didn't come from nothing. It was part of the reason why Seonghwa didn't like saying it was love at first sight; it technically wasn't, by all definitions. He just thought you were beautiful. 
It wasn't until he finally worked up the courage (thanks to his best friend Hongjoong's encouragement (shoving)) to introduce himself to you that he realized what you were—a dragon shifter, just like him. It was no wonder he felt a pull toward you; dragon shifters were a dime a dozen, especially in the city where you both attended university. He told himself his fast friendship and bonding with you came from his excitement of being the same species, as well as learning each other's cultures and traditions, as you came from different clans. 
Though, that didn't account for the amount of times he daydreamed about adorning you in his family's jewels, as it was customary in courtship traditions to wear one's mate's gems. Neither did it account for the way his heart beat faster whenever you were around, the purring from his chest after that one time you fell asleep on his shoulder… It was complicated. 
“Everyone, let's load up the cars! Quick—off your asses. Let's move, people!” Hongjoong hollered like a drill sergeant, his hands cupped around his mouth before clapping too loud for six in the morning on a Saturday. 
Who in their right mind would be crazy enough to wake up so early on the Saturday of their last spring break? Only one demon in particular, and his name was Kim Hongjoong. 
Seonghwa was still half asleep, his eyelids droopy and his limbs even droopier. He nearly flopped face-first onto the pavement outside the apartment complex. He slung his duffle bag over his shoulder and slumped over to the passenger side of the SUV. It had taken all of his willpower to not trudge out in his Lego Movie pajama set.
“—and for goddess's sake, where is Yn?”
He jolted upright. “Yn?” He blubbered, head going on a swivel. 
Hongjoong peered at him weirdly with his hands on his hips, and Wooyoung snorted, then scurried past to avoid Seonghwa's scowl. “Yes, Yn,” Hongjoong said. “Are you awake, Hwa? We literally talked about Yn coming on the trip with us last night.”
Oh. Right. 
Seonghwa blinked his bleary eyes open and nodded sheepishly. Thank goodness he wasn't in his Lego Movie pajamas. “Y-yep, of course I remember!” 
He glanced away, nostrils flaring as he caught onto a familiar scent coming down the street. He could pick out the smell of apple blossoms, tangerines, and your particular musk from a mile away if he was more awake.
“Sorry, I'm late!” Then there came the voice. Your voice simultaneously jump-started his heart and made his heart swoon. If he was about to faint, it probably wasn't going to be from sleep deprivation. 
He couldn't believe he nearly forgot you were coming to the lake with them. 
Your form came into view, your hair a windswept mess and a sheepish sort of smile on your face as you wrestled with the duffle on one shoulder, your backpack on the other, and a paper grocery bag. 
Seonghwa practically fell over himself in order to drop his own bag on the sidewalk and rush over to you. “Here, I got it,” he murmured, taking the grocery bag and duffle bag away from you so he could hold them. 
Your smile widened at him, and he swore the soft morning light was purposefully making your eyes glow right now. “Thanks, Hwa. Very sweet of you.”
“Of course,” he said with a humble nod, pointedly ignoring all of the looks he was getting from his friends. 
“You're just on time,” Hongjoong greeted you with a small smile. “How were exams for you?”
You brushed a hand through your hair, a tired laugh falling from your lips. “They were… alright,” you opted to say. “Glad they're over now, and I'm so ready for this trip.” You gestured to the grocery bag Seonghwa held. “Oh! I brought snacks, by the way.”
Mingi stuck his entire upper body out of the passenger seat of Yunho's sedan. “Yn-ah! You're riding in our car, right?” 
Seonghwa's expression molded into something sour. “Where did you get that idea from?”
“Mingi, you should just give up now,” San chuckled. He sent a wink over to Seonghwa, then glanced back at the naiad who's head Seonghwa was currently trying to glare a hole through. “We’ve already claimed Yn for our car.”
You looked on in confused amusement. “I'll split the snacks between the cars, guys. And plus, the SUV will have more room than the sedan.”
“Exactly,” Seonghwa piped up. He marched over to the back doors of the SUV to safely deposit your things within. There was no need for you to be squished between Yeosang and Jongho in Yunho's comically tiny car, when you could be in the same car as him—no, wait. That wasn't what he meant—
“Well, this is just favoritism,” Yunho jested as he slammed his trunk shut. He shot you a sunny grin that made Seonghwa glance over at you for your reaction. Yunho's being half-siren always made his voice and gestures a little more silken and sweet than the rest of them. “Are you sure it's 'cause of the extra room and not because Wooyoung's cat is gonna be in that car?”
You chuckled, shrugging. As if on cue, a lithe feline in silky black fur trotted out from the bushes. She strutted over to you, purring as she wrapped her tail around your calf. “Okay, maybe you caught me,” you said, crouching down to pet Wooyoung's cat familiar. 
Seonghwa was not going to be jealous over a cat. He was absolutely not. Some sleep would screw his head on straight—yes, sleep did sound nice. He didn't know what was up with himself this morning. 
“Pretty sure she loves you more than she loves me,” Wooyoung pouted as he stuck his head out of the SUV's back window. 
You picked the feline up with your hands, and she gave a crooning meow as you held her up to her witch through the window. “I wouldn't mind adopting her if she wasn't permanently bound to you.”
Seonghwa's eye twitched at the same time he and Hongjoong made eye contact. 
The demon's mouth curled into a knowing, teasing smile—I see you. Seonghwa could feel the heat lift to the surface of his skin as he ducked into the car. He really needed a nap.  
The remainder of the time was used swiftly as everyone finished packing things into your respective cars, including your bodies. About an hour later, you were well on your way out of the city. 
As this was all nine of yours last year of university, this spring break needed to be a memorable one. Yeosang had heard talk through the grapevine of a collection of interlinking caves overlooking a small lake. It was located a few hours out of the city proper, but it would pose as a peaceful getaway for the week. Each of the small caverns were open facing, peering over the water's surface, and each was designed to be like rooms in a house. There would be enough for the boys to sleep two to a bed, with you getting your own. 
The drive out of the city was an easy one. Seonghwa slept nearly the entire time, only waking up to a near-quiet car, save for Hongjoong's choice of music playing softly from the radio. 
“'Morning,” Hongjoong murmured, taking his eyes off the road for a brief moment. 
Seonghwa yawned and turned his eyes up and outward at the world around him. Concrete jungle had become emerald green trees speared with beams of buttery sunshine. He bet it smelled glorious. “Morning,” he said back quietly. “Are they still…” 
His voice trailed off as he twisted around in his seat and took in the middle row behind him. You, San, and Wooyoung were squished arm to arm, thigh to thigh; Wooyoung's black cat familiar laid fast asleep in Wooyoung's lap, with Wooyoung's head against San, San's head against you, and your head against the car window. Seonghwa cooed to himself at the sight, carefully snapping a picture with his phone, before returning to face the front. 
The remainder of the drive was swift, and as you approached the site of your home for the next several days, you all slowly began to wake up. Seonghwa rolled his window down and braced his arm over the open sill, a smile breaking onto his lips as he greedily inhaled the clean, crisp air. 
His eyes flickered to the side mirror, locking gazes with you. For a moment, he held your eye contact. He watched your mouth curve into that pretty smile of yours that made his insides flutter, before you looked out at the forest again. 
When Hongjoong's and Yunho's cars broke out of the trees and into the next clearing, everyone's breaths stole away. 
“No way we scored this good,” San whispered in giddy excitement as he shoved his body between Hongjoong and Seonghwa to peer out the front windshield. 
Before you stood a wide lake, its waters so clear that one could see straight to the bottom. The caverns that you would all bunker up in were on the far shore, stacked atop one another in two layers with four openings on the bottom and three on the top. A waterfall curtained off two of the cavern rooms as it flowed from the rocky outcropping that loomed over the lake, and into the lake itself; the sound was not thunderous, but a dull sort of roar that was almost muffled. 
With the sun rising higher into the sky, its beams reflected off the cascading spray of water to create a small rainbow in the mist. Suffice to say, the view in front of you deserved its own magazine. 
“Let's get our spring break on!” Wooyoung hooted as Hongjoong pulled the car around the shore of the lake to reach the base of the caverns. 
As the day sank from late morning to early afternoon, you and your friends transferred all of your belongings from the cars and into the caverns. Rooms were decided by an efficient round of Rock Paper Scissors—you luckily scored first, and chose the most private room behind the waterfall for yourself. 
Once everyone was settled, it became a race of who could get into the water—
Seonghwa peered out from the living room cavern on the second floor to see the bodies below take a running start into the lake. He chuckled to himself, leaning his hip against the wall with a can of soda in his hand as he watched his friends break the surface of the lake, one by one. 
“You're not swimming?”
Seonghwa nearly fell forward and out of the open cave, down into the water. His hand slapped against the wall to catch himself, his heart practically tumbling out of his chest anyway. 
To your credit, you looked apologetic, grimacing through a smile as you came to stand next to him. “Sorry. You didn't hear me come in?” 
You had changed out of your T-shirt and shorts from earlier into a cropped tank top and loose skirt, a silver waist chain winking up at him from where it linked around your belly. 
The thought shoved itself into his brain—that you would look terribly divine in his jewelry.
He swallowed, dragging his eyes up back to yours. “I didn't,” he admitted sheepishly. “Guess I was too focused on watching everyone else. Have you settled in alright?”
You had chosen the cavern bedroom right next to the living room, but it was the only bedroom on this level. 
With a nod, you turned your gaze outward at the ocean of emerald green trees surrounding this little oasis. “I have,” you said pleasantly. “You?”
“Same here.” He carded a hand through his hair. “It's really quite beautiful here.” But not as beautiful as you. 
You glanced over at him again, and he wondered if he could concoct enough things to say to keep your attention on him. “Oh, I definitely agree; it's a perfect paradise, really. The waterfall” — you inclined your chin to your left — “I think it'll be most beautiful at sunset.”
He lifted one of his brows and pushed off the cavern wall. “Oh? Why do you think so?”
“If the sunset faces us,” you explained, gesturing your hand out to the eastern horizon in the distance, “then it'll reflect its light against the waterfall. As the sun sinks down and lights the sky on fire, so too will it set the water aflame.”
Seonghwa could envision your words in his mind's eye as he took in the waterfall careening into the lake below. Its crystal blue waters were so clear that it undoubtedly would reflect the shades of the sunset, and become illuminated as you said—where water turned to flame. 
A soft smile came to his face. What a gorgeous image. 
“I bet it'd look incredible from the skies.” Your words drew him back to your face. You were already looking over at him, and his heart gave a loving lurch. 
Seonghwa cleared his throat. “I agree. Have you been able to stretch your wings recently?”
You hummed, tilting your head from side to side. “Not super recently because I was locked inside to study for the last week or two. You?”
“Same,” he chuckled and reached behind his back to scratch at the nape of his neck. Usually, he tried to shift into dragon form at least twice a week to keep his wings strong, but when life got busy, it was difficult to find enough time to take to the skies. “Would—would you like to take a flight with me sometime?” He stammered, fumbling over his words. “Just, y'know, like a casual thing.”
Excellent, Hwa. The spitting image of confidence. 
He sipped on his soda, already hearing Hongjoong's exasperated sigh in his ear. 
Your smile softened at the corners. “I'd love to. After dinner, maybe?”
His shoulders loosened in relief. “Sounds like a plan.”
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“This is your chance! It's a sign!” 
Seonghwa frowned at his reflection in the vanity mirror as he played around with his dark curls. Tied up? Kept down? It really didn't matter; he was literally going to be a dragon for the majority of the time, but it never hurt to appear well-groomed before a potential… ahem, friend. A friend. 
Hongjoong slumped down on the foot of their shared bed, a deadpan on his face when Seonghwa continued to ignore him. “Park Seonghwa, so help me, I will plant one of your anklets in her jewelry box—”
“And if you do that,” Seonghwa drawled as he gave up on his hair and reached for the tube of lip gloss on the vanity top, “I will tell that elven girl you've become so fond of about how you—”
“Okay, I got it,” Hongjoong cut in with a scowl. “Aish, so touchy. I'm just saying that this trip is the perfect opportunity to let her know how you feel, and to court her.”
Seonghwa knew that; of course, he fucking knew that. The thing was that if anything went poorly, you would practically be stuck here with him until the end of the trip. He cringed to himself at the mere awkwardness of that potential outcome. “It's just a wing stretch,” he reasoned aloud to himself. He grabbed one of the bottles of cologne on the table to spritz around his scent glands. “It's not like I'm going to offer her a necklace.”
“Yes, because you need to smell nice for a wing stretch.” Hongjoong fell back onto the bed with a grumble under his breath at Seonghwa's stubbornness. 
Dinner had finished up about fifteen minutes ago, and while everyone departed to do their own activities, you and Seonghwa agreed to reconvene at the tops of the caves in five minutes for your planned flight together. The days were growing longer as spring waltzed toward summer, and thus, the sun reigned the skies for a lengthier period of time. The two of you would ideally circle back in time to watch the sunset hit the waterfall.
Seonghwa left Hongjoong to their quarters as he made his way up to the rocky outcropping at the top of the waterfall. 
You were already waiting for him, your bare feet standing in the shallow end of the river leading down to the waterfall. You still had on the top and skirt from earlier, and as a light breeze wafted past, it blew through your hair and your clothes like a dream. 
You glanced up at him. “Ready?”
“Whenever you are.” He grinned as the anticipation and excitement of breaking his wings free slowly bubbled up into his chest. It wasn't only being able to spend time with you, but simply the thoughts of being his dragon self that made him so giddy. 
You hopped out of the river and padded across the soil toward him. 
Once you were in line with him, Seonghwa flashed you a wide smile and sprinted toward the cliff edge. Your laughter followed him as he dove off toward the water below, eyes falling closed as he relished in the wind whipping past his skin. 
When he opened his eyes, he skimmed the water's surface with the edge of a veiny, membranous wing, before swooping back up toward the ripening sky above. His humanoid features had fully transformed into that of a creature nearly five times his human height. Scales of obsidian, gleaming a dark blue in the light, rippled across his back, his skin. He huffed steam from his nostrils and searched for you. 
A body of iridescent white, so pearly that you appeared a shade of light purple in the burning gold light, blurred in his periphery. 
He whipped his head in your direction, watching you soar around him in a loose circle. You wrapped around him and grazed the end of your tail against his, a caress. 
He didn't want to think too much about that. 
And then your irises, blue-purple in this form, were blinking at him. Northward? Your snout gestured in that vague direction. 
Seonghwa huffed his agreement, and the pair of you took off into the skies. 
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A dragon shifter's courtship traditions were different from other shifters’ cultures. For one, the value of wearing a potential mate's jewelry was equivalent to acceptance of courtship; additionally, wearing one another's jewels essentially spelled out a long-term partnership. It was similar to humans’ exchanging of rings. 
Dragons dressed their mates in their own jewels as dragons were ruthlessly protective of their hoards of treasures, and a mate was even more precious than any jewel one could acquire. There were other rituals, too—such as dousing one another in dragonfire, performing a certain mating dance, consuming meals made by their mate—but the jewels had always been emphasized in Seonghwa's clan. 
It was why he stiffened when he saw a slim, silver chain wrapped around your ankle this morning. 
The piece of jewelry looked awfully similar to something he owned, except the one you wore was studded with an amethyst on the tail, whereas the one he owned was studded with sapphire. He struggled to swallow as he stepped into the kitchen, eyes pinned to your ankle. 
The way the light refracted off the gem made the article appear so much like his own jewelry; his heart could not take a scare like that so early. Perhaps scare wasn't such an accurate word—he simply hadn't had the time to mentally prepare. 
It didn't matter how long he'd fantasized about it. Seeing the real thing would likely bring him to his knees regardless. 
“Hwa,” your amused chuckle greeted his ears as you peered at him from over the rim of your coffee cup. “Good morning.”
He tried for a smile and forced himself to look at something, anything, other than your ankle. “Hi. Good morning.” Seonghwa grabbed a cup of his own to pour a helping of the brew into. “Sleep well?”
You rolled your shoulders back, followed by your neck. But as he blew on the hot coffee, he failed to notice the way your eyes watched his movements regarding the coffee. “Mhm, way better after we flew last night.”
Seonghwa hummed warmly. “Yes, same here.” Last night was a blissful night of deep sleep. The tension between his shoulder blades had lessened considerably. 
He took a gentle sip of his beverage, and the rich bittersweetness hit him as an alluring wakeup call. You were still watching as he took a larger gulp. 
His eyes met yours. “Something wrong?” He asked, licking his lips. 
Your eyes widened. “Nope,” you squeaked out. You coughed, setting your mug on the table to lace your fingers together. “Uhm so… thoughts on kebabs for lunch? I was gonna go hunting later.”
“Mmh.” Seonghwa drained his cup of coffee. “That sounds good. I can go with you—if you'd like,” he added swiftly. Sometimes hunting could be a therapeutic solo trip and he hoped he wasn't encroaching. Though, going hunting just the two of you sounded nice, too. 
“I'd love the company,” you said. When you smiled, his own widened. 
The brief moment of peace the two of you shared shattered as two bodies barrelled into the room, followed by another set of thundering footsteps behind them. 
“YAH! Choi Jongho, I know this was all your idea!” Wooyoung appeared in the doorway of the kitchen, drenched from head to toe with dark and damp bangs hanging in his seething eyes. A puddle was beginning to form beneath him as he glared at the two giggling imps cowering behind the opposite end of the counter. 
You and Seonghwa connected gazes across the chaos. Good grief. 
From behind Wooyoung's calf, another creature poked her head out to hiss at the perpetrators. Wooyoung's cat familiar looked akin to a wet rat, the poor thing. 
“Seonghwa hyung, do something!”
Seonghwa's eyes drifted over to Jongho and Yeosang, who flashed him a pair of sheepish smiles. “Aye… both of you. Now.”
“We didn't get water on San,” was what Yeosang offered with a shrug. 
That seemed to not be the answer Wooyoung was looking for. If the witch was a dragon instead, Seonghwa was sure he would be blowing steam out of his ears. “Are you kidding me? I am going to hex you so badly, you will never know a day of peac—”
Jongho suddenly yelped, startling everyone as he leaped a couple feet in the air and ran to crouch beside you at the breakfast table. 
“What, what? What is it?” 
Yeosang's eyes had widened to the size of globes, too, as he scurried backward to the edge of the cavern. His stare was still pinned to something on the other side of the counter. 
Seonghwa peered over the ledge and swore sharply. “That is the biggest fucking bug I have ever seen in my life,” he said with his hand pressed to his face, stressed. 
Wooyoung had magically disappeared, and his cat had retreated alongside him. If even the cat didn't want anything to do with the big hunk of insect—
“AH-AH! HYUNG, IT'S MOVING!” Jongho screeched and grabbed the back of your chair to hide behind you. 
Seonghwa paused at that action, but snapped out of it when he saw the legs peek out from around the corner. “Can someone get Yunho?”
“Ohhhhh, I'm too young to die,” the youngest whispered toward the ceiling, his face contorted in fear and anguish; it was a rare thing to see from Jongho. “Yn, please, flame its ass or something!”
You sputtered, curling your feet up onto your chair with you in case the bug came scuttling toward the table. “Uh no. Yunho would literally flame me if I did!”
“Screw what he thinks. He's not here right now.”
Seonghwa clambered up onto the counter and peered over the edge again. He slapped a hand over his mouth after seeing the bug for another time. “Okay,” he said carefully, “on the count of three, we're all going to run for the edge and jump into the lake.”
Three nods from around the room. 
“One…” Everyone shifted an inch toward the cave opening. “Two…”
The fuckass bug moved. 
The countdown was abandoned—Jongho ran for the opening and tackled Yeosang into the water. Seonghwa leaped over the remainder of the countertop in time to swan dive into the lake beside you. His body sliced into the water like a hot knife through butter, and the lake's cool temperatures engulfed him in a refreshing embrace. 
Your head popped up right beside him and you shot him a laughing grin. “Well, that's definitely one way to start off the day.”
He laughed alongside you, slicking his wet hair back and out of his face. “I mean, we were gonna end up in the water at some point,” he mused. 
“True.” Your eyes zeroed in on something just below his jawline. You swam a little closer, and Seonghwa's heart catapulted into his throat. “You have a little, uhm, watercress…”
Your fingers brushed over his collarbone as you gently plucked the strand of watercress out from the links of the necklace sitting on his sternum. You lifted the plant up as if to say, 'Ta da,’ before pausing at your physical proximity. 
Seonghwa watched as a drop of water dripped down the middle of your face, down the slope of your nose, and slipped over your plush lips. Woah…
He had half the mind to reach out and thumb it away. 
“Two dragons, a fae prince, and a water mage couldn't handle a fucking roach?” 
You and Seonghwa jolted away from each other like similar poles of a magnet, heat rushing up to the surface of your skin. You both tilted your gazes up to the caves and saw Yunho appear at the mouth of the kitchen, a wide grin on his face as he held the bug up between his two fingers. 
“That sounds like a joke I've heard before,” San laughed as he walked up next to Yunho. He waved down at the lot of you in the water, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. 
Wooyoung peered out from behind San. “Instant karma!” He hollered. 
“Come down here, and we can talk about instant karma,” Jongho threw right back up at him. He flicked his wrist and sent a jet of lake water up to the cave mouth, hitting Wooyoung square between the eyes with scary accuracy. 
San howled in laughter as his friend hissed from the friendly fire. 
Seonghwa loosened a warm chuckle before turning toward you—wait. Where did you go? He twirled around in the water, eyes scanning the lake for where you'd gone. 
“Hwa!” You were by the far shore, raising your hand up to wave him over. 
He didn't hesitate to swim over toward you. The two of you swam over to the furthest edge of the lake, far from the others. The morning sun had not yet crested high enough to penetrate through the trees here, and that left you both in a patch of dreamy shade where long leaves dripped into the water like Mother Nature's curtains. 
Seonghwa clambered out onto the bank and yanked the hem of his shirt up and over his head. The material had stuck to his skin like glue, and he was a lot more comfortable without it on. 
Behind him though, he swore he heard your breath hitch. 
The corner of his lips curled upward in satisfaction. He continued to feign ignorance as he wrung his wet shirt out, arm muscles flexing as the water trickled out of the fabric. “You coming up, love?” He asked casually, peering over his shoulder at you lingering in the water. 
You cleared your throat as you pulled yourself onto land. “Y-yeah,” you said, covering your stammer with a breathy laugh. 
“Cold?” He teased, finally turning his body to face you in full. 
You passed him an expression of playful exasperation. “Freezing,” you jested back. It was difficult for dragon shifters to be cold; the amount of heat either of you generated on your own was enough to keep you warm all the time. After all, you did spew fire from your mouth on occasion. 
Seonghwa whipped his shirt out in front of him and blew a breath of steam through it. The fabric dried up fast, but instead of putting it back on, he slung it over his shoulder. 
An idea plunked itself into the forefront of his mind. “Shall we hunt?” He asked and extended a hand out to you. 
He saw the flicker of blue-purple in your irises—like lightning—as you brushed a lock of hair from your eyes. You took his hand, your fingers and palms slotting together like matching clasps of a chain. “We shall.”
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Seonghwa sat at the vanity table in his and Hongjoong's room. The world beyond the mouth of this cavern was a dark sapphire, embroidered with small diamonds in its fabric—the night sky and its stars. The muffled rush of the waterfall nearby played in the background as he sifted through his traveler's chest of jewelry and gemstones. Hongjoong had half fallen asleep in the hot spring somewhere behind him, so Seonghwa was taking this time to pick out what he wanted to wear to… tomorrow…
His hand movements stilled as something caught his eyes in the chest of shiny stones. He held his breath, carefully withdrawing a silver chain out by its amethyst stone. There was no question about what it was and that it didn't belong to him. 
Your fragrance still lingered on the metal, though cool from being away from your body heat for a while. 
Seonghwa breathed out loudly through his nose as he stared at the article in his palm. 
He could hear Hongjoong emerging from the hot spring pool. “Something wrong, Hwa?”
“Did you” — Seonghwa's brows furrowed and he twisted around on the vanity stool — “steal her anklet?”
Hongjoong frowned, wrapping a towel around his waist before coming to stand beside his friend. He peered down at the article, reaching out to touch the anklet. 
Seonghwa moved his hand away and his chest rumbled with a low growl. 
A soft huff of amusement fell from Hongjoong's lips, and he settled his hand on Seonghwa's shoulder instead. “No, I wouldn't dare. I don't want to face a dragon's wrath for stealing from their hoard, thank you very much.”
“Hmph.” Seonghwa considered the article in his palm once more. If Hongjoong wasn't pulling his leg, then the logical answer was that you put your anklet in his jewelry chest. But why would you do that, and when did you? He would have smelled your scent lingering in this room if you had, and he couldn't pick up on any of his friends’ scents either. 
A flower of hope blossomed in his chest as he thought about the implications of this gesture further. Maybe it didn't matter how it got here, only what you thought about it being here in his possession.
“It's a sign,” Hongjoong giggled, squeezing his shoulder. He trudged away to go find his sweatpants to sleep in. “Your move, Park!”
Seonghwa slowly wrapped his fingers around the chain, a small smile flitting onto his face. In the mirror, his cheekbones burned the color of the rubies in his jewelry case. 
His move, indeed. 
In the morning, Seonghwa rose before day broke the dawn. 
It had come to him like a strike of lightning last night as he laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling, weighing the option of wearing your anklet like a lovesick fool or returning it to you in the morning. What he'd remembered, instead, was something you told him about your clan's traditions. 
While his family held a lot more emphasis on adornment for mating traditions, your family clan put more importance on the act of making a meal for a potential partner. Consuming said meal was an acceptance of courtship and love. 
As he hunched over the kitchen countertop pouring over a recipe on his phone, he marinated on how to go about this. Presenting you with breakfast—that he only made for you, might he add—was not a subtle move in the slightest. Perhaps slipping your anklet into his things could be interpreted a couple ways, but it wasn't a glaring neon sign like this gesture was going to be. 
Nonetheless, Seonghwa got to work. He was counting on his friends to stay the fuck asleep. 
About an hour later, he was just finishing up when he picked up on the sound of your bare feet padding across the hallway toward the kitchen. Your perfume followed next, carrying into the room on an invisible breeze. Seonghwa drummed his fingers against the countertop as you strolled into the room, eyes wide and bright when you saw him there with food made. 
“Well, something smells yummy,” you said warmly. “Should I go wake the others?”
“No!” He laughed nervously, breaking into a bashful smile. “No need. This—this is just for you. I mean, I made breakfast for you.”
Your eyes seemed to grow even wider. “Break—breakfast for me? Just me?”
He nodded and wrung his hands in front of his body. “Just you… if that's okay.”
“Of course, that's okay. More than okay, really,” you murmured, eyes turning shy. The implications were too blatant not to miss or deny. 
Seonghwa gestured for you to take a seat at the breakfast table and presented you with the hot and fresh plate of breakfast he'd just made. He claimed the seat across from you with his own plate, but didn't touch it yet. His nerves made his hands shake beneath the table as he watched you take your utensil and fork a bite into your mouth. 
Something warm burst in his chest as you swallowed, then took another bite. 
“It's really good,” you said to him between bites. Your mouth was pursed into a wide smile, a tenderness swimming in your gemstone irises. “I think though,” you murmured after swallowing, “that we need to talk.”
Seonghwa's stomach tightened, but he nodded. “Agreed. I, uhm, I found this in my jewelry case last night.” He pulled out the strand of silver and amethyst from his pocket. The metal and jewel glistened in the soft morning sunlight pouring into the open cavern. 
“Oh, you didn't wear it?”
He went doe-eyed. “I wanted to—I just wanted to be clear about intentions first, just because if I wore this…” He stammered, “Then you'd be mine and I'd be yours.” 
The wording of it made your pulse skip, but it was exactly what you wanted. All of this stumbling around each other, falling over yourselves, was for this purpose. 
“Is that right, love?”
You nodded, as the two of you shared a smile in the glow of early morning. “That's right.”
He would be yours, and you would be his. 
Breakfast was dined upon in peace with quiet murmurings exchanged between the two of you, accompanied by light laughter and loving gazes. It was a marvel none of it was interrupted by the other occupants of the lakeside getaway. 
There was another thing that had to be done in order to seal the deal, however. 
When breakfast was finished and cleaned up after, Seonghwa barged back into his and Hongjoong's shared bedroom. His demon best friend was nowhere to be found, but it was no matter. Seonghwa went over to the vanity table and carefully picked up the necklace he had laid out last night. It was white gold studded in fat, glistening rubies—his prized possession, and one of the few pieces he had saved for only his future partner to wear.
That giddy excitement curled in his stomach again as he took the necklace with him up to your bedroom on the second floor. You were there waiting for him, your foot braced on the vanity stool to fix his sapphire chain onto your ankle, as your amethyst one laid around his. 
“This,” he murmured as he came up behind you in the mirror, “I've been saving for someone special.” He locked eyes with you in the looking glass, a sweet smile playing on his lips as he draped the heavy gems over your sternum. 
Blood rubies were precious and harder to come by these days, which was why Seonghwa coveted them. It only made sense that they should rest now on a person he would also come to value even more. They sat perfectly upon your collarbones, like a tiara upon your head… like it was made for you. You were yourself a treasure. 
Seonghwa could hardly contain his contentment at the sight. He wrapped his arms around your middle as he pressed a kiss to your shoulder, smiling against your skin. “Perfect.”
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a/n: don't forget to reblog + comment if u enjoyed!
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bluerosefox · 2 years
Double Troubles
Another Damian and Danny Twins Au idea but they decide to mess with their families once they get over the whole "I thought you were dead!" And "I wasn't sure if you would ever wanna see me again!" And basicly switch places for a while to see whose family would notice first. (They do set up rules for each other though)
Damian pretending to be Danny and 'explaining' to Danny's friends and Jazz his 'powers' are on the fritz due to something the Fenton's parents did with a new invention and "don't worry, I asked Frostbite and Clockwork, they say it has to wear off on its own.". Does he use Fenton Works weapons to fight ghosts. YES. Does he stare down the Ghosts that are confused why the 'ghost boy' doesn't feel ghostly anymore only to play along with Damian (and Danny, when he explains over the phone) theyre just having some fun (ghosts love causing chaos so they'll play along. For now.) Yep. Damian wearing contacts so his eyes are blue. Damian taking care of Danny's bullying problem in secret? Yes.
Meanwhile Danny is having the time of his life pretending to be his serious brother. He even is letting some of his ghost aura out so his eyes are green, not enough to glow neon but a shade lighter than Damian's though. And then doing things so out of character for Damian to do at odd hours of the night and trying to see if he make the rests of the Bats think they're going nuts (A very sleep deprived Tim caught him floating one night in the hallway, they both stared at each other before Danny says in his best Damian voice "No one will ever believe you." Before phasing into the floor). Things get even better when Dani (who was traveling around and felt him nearby) stops by, gets the info on what's going on, and pretends to be Damian too that's been hit by magic and turned into a girl for a day. (Danny totally was just watching in ghost form above everyone invisible)
All the fun ends when Jason returns from a mission with the Outlaws and can legit sense 'Demon brat' feels more dead than he should be.
(Being silly today, take my silly story idea)
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School Rules (Episode 3: Freedom of the Press)
this episode is a letterbox archives original – do not steal, plagiarise, or repost this to other websites. trigger warnings below. author notes at the end.
this episode of school rules contains: insults, intrapersonal tension, threats of violence (comedically) allusion to: homophobia and racism, sleep deprivation, academic inferiority
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Greetings, fellow students! You’re listening to School Rules Radio, courtesy of Spencer’s Private School for Enterprising Girls. We’ve got the news, we’ve got the gossip, we’ve got all you could possibly want and more – anything to keep you listening!
I’m your newshawk and host, Sunny, I’ve got the stories so horrible they’ll fill your guts with lead! Stories that are a hundred times better than anything you’d read in the Spencer Daily.
Yep, we’re talking about this. Get ready, listeners! This broadcast might go overtime. What can I say? I need all the time given to me, and more, to trash Johnnie Rhodes and her awful department. I use the word department very lightly, because the school wouldn’t let me call it a garbage heap – which it rightfully is!
Now, those uneducated few may wonder why I have so many issues with the student paper. It’s just a newspaper, what’s the worst they can do? Honestly, how haven’t they faded into obscurity, given the accessibility of the far superior radio?
Firstly, I’d like to tell you, dear uninformed listener, that you have missed out on an incredible story, and for that I am truly sorry. Luckily, we’ve got a lot of time on our hands, so I’ll tell you the entire tale of myself, Rhodes, and the student paper!
Or I would, if that ban wasn’t still active! I know, I know, very petty of me to bring it up at all if I’m contractually obliged not to talk about it! But I have to generate engagement somehow, and since the dux was just announced, not much has happened in terms of the competition. Never fear, listeners! When the news occurs, I’ll be the first to know about it, and I’ll deliver it right to you! In a much better way than the paper, might I add.
And while there is supposed to be a ‘no shop talk’ policy, all rules are begging to be broken, wouldn’t you agree? God knows Rhodes just loves talking about me, that much I know. Whether or not she keeps it off the air doesn’t really matter. It’s about status. When you have to claw your way to the top, it’s more than alright to use your status to climb higher, even to the detriment of others. The administration doesn’t mind if it’s for power. Labor omnia vincit is what they say, but ‘work’ is just a safer word for ‘power.’ And who wants to live without power? Especially here!
Now, where was I… ah, right! The Spencer Daily. Let’s not waste another second–
In the middle of the show? Ah, apologies, listeners, it would be rude if I didn’t get that. Hello?
Oh, son of a–
Hope I didn’t catch you while you’re busy.
Oh, yes, keep up the sarcasm, Rhodes, it never gets old. Now, if you could–
(shuffling, pushing)
I’m not leaving that easy.
Of course you aren’t. What’s troubling your uneducated little mind, Rhodes? If you– don’t touch that!
You’re calling me uneducated? Look at you. What are you even doing here?
Excuse you, I–
Your room is a mess. They say that one’s living space is reflective of her mind.
So? I know where everything is, and it’s my dorm, so it’s frankly embarrassing that it concerns you.
It goes to show who you really are, that’s all. I find it quite sad, actually. And instead of using your time to go to something valuable, like cleaning this hovel, you’re here… producing an episode solely dedicated to insulting my newspaper? When the dux competition has just begun?
If by ‘just begun,’ you mean ‘last week,’ then yes. And it isn’t my fault we’re off to a slow start, that’s just showbusiness. Though, if the paper had been released when the shortlist was ready, then you might not be in this situation, Rhodes.
Every form of media has its flaws. But at least the Spencer Daily is run by noble, dutiful, promising students. Girls with futures. We get the truth out, and, sure – it can be slower than your fancy radio station – but just look around. What’s the cost of media you can only pretend is superior?
There is no cost. The freshmans idolise me, the sophomores love me, the juniors want to be me, and the seniors can’t live without me! Isn’t that right, listeners?
I don’t play pretend, I get an audience.
Whatever you say, Finch.
Oh, right. I almost forgot you were… what’s the phrase, ‘on the air?’
How astute! Yes, Rhodes, we’re live! Ah, that means everything you say will be heard by everyone who listens to my show, which is… let me remember… everyone!
Ugh, do you ever get tired of bragging?
Nope! Now, why don’t you take a seat?
Okay, sorry for the incredibly rude interruption, listeners! But now that we’re back on track, I think we can take this as an opportunity instead of a terrible slight on my character and workplace! Why, on any other day, I might be inclined to take more drastic measures to make sure I’m not interrupted by disrespectful philistines during my broadcasts again!
… Excuse you?
Don’t worry, Rhodes, it’s only jokes. I’m not legally allowed to be serious here, but the Headmaster’s taken a liking to me, so I can get away with some more screwy content.
Now, why don’t I believe that?
Aw, don’t tell me you don’t believe someone as cute as me isn’t beloved by the administration!
Ugh. Save it for your girlfriend.
I don’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about.
Ahem! Come to think of it, this could be a blessing in disguise! Not because of you, Rhodes, but it’s given me the idea to interview all the students shortlisted for the dux!
A shortlist you didn’t make.
An incredibly short shortlist. Besides, the winner is on the list already, and I couldn’t be happier about that! My notoriety lies here, not in some cash prize.
Cash, acceptance into any university of the winner’s choice, and immortalisation in this prestigious school’s history, among other rewards. Everyone wants that, Finch, to say you don’t isn’t only naive, it’s completely incorrect.
Don’t act like being remembered here is a good thing. History isn’t something you should try to impress, Rhodes.
You know what kind of person says things like that?
Someone who knows she won’t be remembered anywhere, no matter what she does.
Ha, how funny! You’ve got better jokes than me! At this rate, if you put that skill to good use, maybe you could make something of yourself!
So. Funny.
You don’t–
–Anyway! I don’t have any questions prepared, but let’s begin with the basics, shall we? Why don’t you introduce yourself to the audience? And make sure to smile, if you know how!
I know how to smile.
Really? You really don’t act like it.
You little– fine. Hello, everyone. My name is Johnnie Rhodes, I’m a senior here alongside Finch, and I run the Spencer Daily. My best subjects are English Language Arts and Art, so if any younger students need mentorship within those subjects, I’m the one to go to.
How weird! I thought Angel ranked highest in the last Language Arts test.
That is weird. Speaking of, what classes are you at the top of?
… So, how do you feel about being shortlisted? You do have feelings, don’t you?
As a matter of fact, I do. And I would say that I’m beyond honoured to be considered for the shortlist. Only nine of us got selected, out of one hundred students, and I believe that is something to be deeply proud of.
I suspect the selection process has been underway for a while. There are simply some students that were always meant to be above the rest, by virtue of their efforts and innate talents. But all the contenders have their issues. Except me, of course.
Do tell.
Are you asking me to insult the competition where they can easily access my words?
You suggested it.
… Fine then, I don’t see why not. I’m not threatened by any of their presences either way.
I’ll start with Viola. Although there’s not much to say about her, she’s very quiet. Her art is fine, but let’s be honest, she can’t compete with my grades. And that shyness of hers, well, that isn’t a quality of a winner. She can hardly speak in class, let alone act outside her comfort zone to get the upper hand.
Sasha is incredibly… unique. But I suppose there’s really no way to fit in when you’re like her. Through personality and name. The administration judges our worth out of many factors, and well, there’s one thing that I fear disqualifies her from serious consideration.
Eloise, if I’m being honest, I don’t know much about her. She doesn’t seem to have a grasp of polite society. I’d call her standoffish at the best of times. That’s not the kind of person to be a winner. Average in academia, and poor in social conduct, you understand.
Katherine, I mean, don’t make me laugh. Has she ever gotten better than 60 on a test? She’s almost as bad as you! And let’s be honest, sports and looks only get people so far, and the dux isn’t in the cards for her. 
And Marion? I know why you’d never talk about her on this show, she’d snap you like a twig. Nobody can trust a girl with ambition that violent. How many times has the school board been at her neck, anyway? She might have skill, I have to assume she’s smart enough to be considered, but she won’t last.
I don’t have much to say about Imogen. She got here on a scholarship, and she hasn’t adjusted to our way of life. That’s what happens when you come from the gutter. Charity cases, you’re familiar.
I’m almost embarrassed to say that Angel Salvatore may have a shot against me, at least early on. I’ll win in the end, I know that, but her feverish pursuit to always be the best, no matter what, well, a bit of spirit is useful for everyone, but some people can’t handle always being number one. Angel will crash eventually, and when she does, I’ll take the top spot.
And, well, what’s there to say about Darcy Spencer? She got nominated because of her family. Smart enough, I digress, but I fear her determination. Complacency is all too common in legacy nominations. So when the rush of getting on the shortlist wears off… Well, we’ve all heard the story about the tortoise and the hare. She just doesn’t have what it takes like the rest of us. Not including you, of course. There’s the nominees, the rest of the school, then you, in terms of academic capability.
Are you still listening?
Hm? Sure I am. Just feel bad for the listeners that have to sit through your nothing rambling.
Don’t worry though! Entertainment is tricky business.
If you insist that’s the problem here.
… What else would it be?
Ah, what the–
You can barely keep your eyes open, let alone pay attention. Honestly, it’s pathetic. How does the administration let you of all people have so much responsibility here?
Through my talent and charm, obviously.
Alright, listeners, give me a moment…
Can’t think of what to say? Is your brain shutting down already?
Nope, no, just… looking for my notebook.
How strange, I remember telling you how disorganised this place is.
Well, you see, that’s by design. Nobody can find contraband in the mess. Blood, bodies, what have you.
Was… was that a joke?
I guess you’ll have to use that educated brain of yours to figure it out!
Here we are! Okay listeners, it says here seniors are highly encouraged to go above and beyond to succeed, especially with the dux shortlist announced. Remember, everyone has an equal shot for the prize, even if you didn’t make the list! By any means necessary, don’t forget that. There’s a depressing amount of tests coming up, so make sure to use every opportunity to crush the competition!
And thanks to all that academic pressure, extracurriculars are on the decline. Sports, art, performances, we’re taking a little break from all that. Though, sports will be off for a while, on account of the multiple arson-fuelled protests on the running track and football field. But hey, who can blame them?
That’s all the announcements, and would you look at that! It’s 8 PM already! The schedule was a bit off tonight – I’ll be the first to admit that – but at least we got there in the end!
Is that all? I wouldn’t really call that an interview.
Maybe it would’ve been more entertaining if you stopped wasting your breath antagonising me. Besides, I thought you didn’t care about the radio.
I don’t! I find it poorly formatted, that’s all.
But it is 8 PM, Rhodes; that means the show’s over for tonight! I can say on behalf of my audience that it was awful having you here! If you ever feel the need to pass through here again – don’t. Your opinion doesn’t make good radio.
Whatever makes you feel better.
If you ever do decide to do something productive, like quit this show or finally sleep, make sure to keep it away from the paper, am I clear?
Okay, listeners, now that that’s sorted, let me remind you one more time; this is School Rules Radio, your one-stop-shop for all the news you need to stay complacent! Thanks for listening, and I’ll see you next week!
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finally someone's here to put sunny in her place. though, that would be more appealing if said person wasn't the worst. oh well, you win some, you lose more. hope you enjoyed!
tag list for school rules:
@wyked-ao3, @48lexr, @thecrazyalchemist, @moltenwrites, @yourpenpaldee,
@glassfrogforest, @the-golden-comet, @ominous-feychild, @gioiaalbanoart, @drchenquill,
@paeliae-occasionally, @tc-doherty, @corinneglass, @thecomfywriter, @mysticstarlightduck,
@thelovelymachinery, @kind-lion
(@cafekitsune border)
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doodledoesthing3 · 2 months
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If Harper and Hyper ever met, this would be their dynamic! Harper knows how to deal with hyper people *cough cough Her Girlfriend tends to get very excited when she starts talking about her interests cough cough* so she’ll just let it happen. Have two little oneshots that have been living in my mind rent free!
Oneshot 1:
HyperHumor: Hey Harper, can I ask you something?
Harper Barker: What is it?
HyperHumor: I know that you live in this different universe and all, but um… What the heck happened to your CatNap?
Harper Barker: Huh? What do you mean?
HyperHumor: Well in my universe, CatNap is all sleepy and not very talkative. Your CatNap is all…
*she takes a glance at SV!CatNap who’s talking and referring to his friends as the voices*
HyperHumor: …Depressing. Like what happened to him? He’s all sleep deprived and talkative, even his ear is messed up!
*HyperHumor points towards SV!CatNap whose right ear is missing a piece.*
Harper Barker: Oh, something about my boss’s husband trapping him somewhere and they got into a fight. My boss’s husband won the fight, obviously, and CatNap’s ear is a result of that.
HyperHumor: Yikes… I have another question.
Harper Barker: Shoot it.
HyperHumor: Why is he calling his friends ‘The Voices’?
Harper Barker, whispers: I think he’s finally lost it. They just fell from the sky one day after being missing for years and they’ve been following him around ever since.
HyperHumor: Dang! Do you know why DogDay and the others have scars?
Harper Barker: I have no clue and I don’t wanna know. It’s not my problem to deal with them, my problem is with CatNap.
HyperHumor: Uh huh… Can I ask one last question?
Harper Barker: Sure, I guess.
HyperHumor: Why do you look like DogDa-
Harper Barker: ALRIGHT, THATS ENOUGH QUESTIONS FOR ME! Go bother CatNap now.
Oneshot 2:
HyperHumor: Woah! So you’re the CatNap of this universe?
SV! CatNap: Yep!
HyperHumor: You look awful.
SV! CatNap: Well that’s what happens when your friends go missing for years.
HyperHumor: And the spa was too busy for years to take care of those eye bags?
SV! CatNap: Haha. You must a real comedian from whatever universe you came from.
HyperHumor: At least my CatNap doesn’t have eye bags for days.
SV! CatNap: Well at least…um, at least I…. I don’t have any comebacks for that one.
*SV! CatNap notices HyperHumor staring at something above him.*
SV! CatNap: What?
*he looks up and sees a piano above him*
SV! CatNap: Son of a-
*The piano falls on top of him*
HyperHumor: He’ll be fine… I think.
*Harper Barker walks over to HyperHumor while drinking some boba*
Harper Barker: Yeesh, what happened here?
HyperHumor: You threw a piano on top of CatNap.
Harper Barker: No I didn’t? I was at a boba shop.
HyperHumor: Then who did- oh wait there’s a note on top of the piano.
*HyperHumor takes the note and reads it out loud*
HyperHumor: ‘Hey Harps! You left this piano back at the house, so I decided to drop it off for you while you were at work. Love you lots, Centipede <3’
Harper Barker: Aww! She remembered where I wanted the piano to be!
HyperHumor: You have a girlfriend named Centipede?
Harper Barker: What? No, Centipede is one of my nicknames for her.
HyperHumor: Oh, that makes sense but why would she sign the note with her one of nicknames though?
Harper Barker: ‘Cause she knows that I prefer no one at work knowing her real name.
HyperHumor: Huh, that’s weird-
SV! CatNap, who’s still underneath the piano: SOMEONE HELP ME!
HyperHumor belongs to @that1garrulousfan!
Harper Barker and SV! CatNap belongs to me!
(For anyone wondering what SV (Smiling Voices)! CatNap looks like, take a look down here!)
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natalchartnurtures · 11 months
Who Do You Become When You're Sleep Deprived?
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When we are deprived of sleep, our bodies, and therefore our minds, slip into survival mode, as most of us probably already know. There are some aspects of your natal chart that light up when you are in survival mode – your Moon being the most prominent of them. So here's how the Moon signs might behave when sleep deprived. Enjoy~
The Aries Moon/Moon in the First House/Mars aspecting Moon: Okay, picture this: you're a vulnerable, sleep-deprived stress monster with an Aries Moon. Yep, you might just throw punches metaphorically (or literally, if pushed too far). This lack of shut-eye can make you restless, impulsive, and prone to epic bad decisions. I mean, come on, we've all been there, right?
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The Taurus Moon/Moon in the Second House/Venus aspecting moon: Now, here's a weird one. Taurus moons pretend they're totally fine until they crash, and boy, do they crash hard! Suddenly, they transform into these adorable, moody babies craving creature comforts. Bring on the comfort food, blankets, and Netflix – it's the only way to survive the exhaustion.
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The Gemini Moon/Moon in the Third House/Mercury aspecting Moon: Gemini moons on no sleep? They're like they're on coke or something. Anxious, talkative, and mentally all over the place. Decision-making? Nope, not happening. Their minds are in overdrive, making them the kings and queens of confusion. They can find it very hard to calm down and relax, leading them to not be able to sleep, which in turn encourages more sleep deprivation. It's a cycle that keeps spinning until someone shouts, "Stop the madness!"
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The Cancer Moon/Moon in the Fourth House: Sleep-deprived Cancer moons go into full-on mom mode. They forget about themselves and become hyper-focused on nurturing others. But oh boy, their emotions go haywire. Their sensitivities break the scale (if there is one) and so they're prone to feeling emotions stronger than they usually do, which can cause them to appear like they are moody and what non-Cancerians call "an emotional mess," whatever that means. Rolling my eyes. Logic? Ha, it's out the window! Decisions are solely based on feelings, and they wear their hearts on their sleeves.
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The Leo Moon/Moon in the Fifth House/Sun aspecting moon: Sleep-deprived Leos? They crave validation and attention like never before. For these majestic beings, frustration levels peak, and their tolerance for nonsense hits rock bottom. Reassurance becomes their lifeline. Despite the exhaustion, they power through, fueled by pride. Impressive, right?
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The Virgo Moon/Moon in the Sixth House/Mercury aspecting Moon: Oh, Virgo moons, the overthinking perfectionists of the zodiac. With no sleep, they turn into anxiety-ridden hot messes, hyper-aware of every tiny detail. Relaxation? Nope, not happening. Their pursuit of perfection becomes a burden, and routines are their saving grace in this chaotic state.
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The Libra Moon/Moon in the Seventh House/Venus aspecting Moon: Sleep-deprived Libra moons? Brace yourselves. They lose their cool, becoming ultra-reactive to everything around them. Yet, strangely, they lean on their social circles to survive the sleep drought. Indecision skyrockets, and emotional limbo becomes their new normal. Avoiding conflict? You betcha.
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The Scorpio Moon/Moon in the 8th House/Pluto aspecting Moon: Oh boy, Scorpio moons, our intense, mysterious pals. When they're sleep-deprived, they morph into these paranoid baddies, getting stuck in a vortex of negativity and diving deep into the depression hole. Their emotions go haywire, and they become ultra-sensitive. Their emotions are heightened as well, making it harder for them to control their emotional reactions and come off as sensitive; even on a good day, they can take on a lot of intensity. Only solitude seems to soothe these dark souls.
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The Sagittarius Moon/Moon in the 9th House/Jupiter aspecting Moon: Now, Sagittarius moons are a different breed. Our optimistic, risk-loving besties turn into bundles of energy when sleep-deprived. They can't stand anything restricting their freedom, especially on their off-days from slumber. Confidence? Oh, they've got it in abundance, which sometimes leads to hilarious misadventures because of their impulsivity tendencies.
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The Capricorn Moon/Moon in the 10th House/Saturn aspecting Moon: Capricorn moons, our hardworking goats, handle sleep deprivation like badass bitches. Seriously, nothing, not even lack of sleep, can deter them from their goals. They keep their cool, make rational decisions, but when they hit their limit, they crave structure. Bedtime rituals, even if it's scrolling through Instagram, become their way of coping with stress.
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The Aquarius Moon/Moon in the 11th House/Uranus aspecting Moon: Ah, Aquarius moons, our Uranian crackpot buddies. Sleep-deprived, they detach from emotions faster than you can blink. "Emotions? Not today," they say, reaching for their coffee. But you know what? Their creative genius shines. They come up with the wildest solutions and can get pretty erratic, surprising everyone with their unpredictable antics. Hence. Crackpots. Lmao.
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The Pisces Moon/Moon in the 12th House/Neptune aspecting Moon: Lastly, our dreamy, sensitive Pisces moons. When sleep-deprived, they escape reality by daydreaming and drifting into their own world. They're empathetic to a fault, absorbing everyone's emotions until they hit a compassion overload. That's when they crawl back into their little caves and say "Fuck this, im too sleep deprived for this shitshow right now" Jake Peralta style lol. (Been there, done that :p)
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NOTE: Of course, if you've got aspects to your Moon, you're gonna want to check that energy apart from your moon sign and the house its in.
Thats about it for my take how you may act when sleep deprived. Hope you enjoyed this one :]
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angelofrainfrogs · 7 months
Going Back: Ch. 13
~Coauthored by @zeitghest~
Fandom(s): Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach
Description: Things are looking up for Gregory. After putting the soul of a formerly-immortal killer to rest, he and his new family can finally begin their lives anew. Sure, Gregory might have been cursed with mysterious Remnant in exchange for being involved in this mess—not to mention his caretakers consist of sentient robots and ghosts… But there’s no doubt that the bond they share is unbreakable. They love him, and he in turn. 
All in all, life is finally starting to go right for once. 
…Unfortunately, true peace is a hard-won battle. There are other things to contend with besides William’s decrepit soul, and Gregory will learn that his role in the lives of the Aftons and Emilys is far greater than anyone could’ve imagined. 
Rating: T
Read on Ao3
Far too soon, a group message buzzed Freddy, Michael, and Charlie's phones in unison. It was from Sam, alerting them that dayshift had all arrived and it was time for their grand introductions. After a round of parting hugs and goodbyes, the trio headed back to the surface with Gregory, Mari, and the other Glamrocks in tow. Monty and Bonnie went their separate ways once they'd reached the top, leaving the rest of the group to walk to Sam's office. It seemed the CEO had successfully gathered all employees in one location, as the coast was clear of any humans along the way. Still, the group was cognizant of Gregory's position and made sure to keep him in the center of their huddle, away from any potential prying eyes.
“Sam?” Michael called, knocking on the office door. “We're ready—Gregory and Mari are going to hang in your office for a bit, if that's cool.”
“Come in!” called Sam, who once again was cleaning up around his office. All the spare parts he gutted and repurposed were put away in a recycling canister and Chica was standing, propped up on a barebones recharging station. Its fun casing was removed and a rudimentary stand kept her upright as her battery refilled slowly.
Sam had worked hard; now all that was left was Roxy. Tomorrow night, he’d get around to finishing her up. Then came the next project he planned on proposing at this morning's meeting.
Mari with her mask on had entered first, making Sam jump slightly, unable to recognize who was wearing the Puppet's face like that. That was until his sleep-deprived mind relaxed when the rest of his strange family wandered inside. Samuel rubbed his head, laughing to himself for being so silly. Who else would it have been?
“Yep! Make yourselves at home, you guys—I'll bring everyone back here in no time!” Sam might need to grab a coffee from one of the break rooms, unless he really didn't want to make it to the end of his own meeting...
Freddy had momentarily stalled at the sight of Chica upright and refurbished, hand pressed to his heart. He knew Sam had been working on her, but he hadn't expected her to be ready so soon. The Emilys were full of surprises tonight, it seemed. “Chica looks wonderful, Sam. I am sure she will be ecstatic to be active again.”
“Yeah, awesome job,” Michael praised, gently knocking shoulders with his old friend. He then reached up to pat Freddy's back, simultaneously to reassure him that he wasn't dreaming while also steering him back towards the door. “Come on—we can see her later.”
“Of course,” Freddy agreed, turning slightly to call for Gregory. “Superstar, have fun with Mari! Call Michael on his walkie talkie if you need anything, alright?”
There were a ton of spares lying around the office that the boy could use if necessary, though of course the group hoped there would be no further Gregory-related drama today. 
Sam gathered a pen and a clipboard from his desk, grabbing for his own walkie. He was slightly embarrassed at how little sleep he’d gotten, and hoped the others didn't realize how exhausted he was. He had a plan to deliver to everyone and couldn't let them down. After all the chaos over the past week, the staff of the Mega Pizzaplex needed some direction.
“Thanks you guys; nothing some WD-40 and a soft mallet can't do,” Sam remarked said, really thanking his equipment more so than his own abilities. Quickly, he rose the walkie in his palm and spoke to the all-staff channel. “Meeting in 10 minutes, everyone—in front of the main stage.” Clicking off the mic, he patted Gregory's hair. “Be good. If you want to take a nap, there's the couch and a TV. Have fun, you two!”
Samuel tried to put an emphasis on be good. After all, this kid had quickly adopted a lot of Michael's habits and inclination for mischief. He gave Mari the same treatment, ruffling her soft hewn hair in his hands.
“Don't worry, Sammy! Gregory's under my watchful eye,” she said, lifting her mask and winking up to her old friend.
“I'm expecting a full report when we return, Miss Security Bot,” Michael told Puppet with hands on his hips. Then he realized she might take this seriously and added: “Uh, not really—just have fun and keep the kid out of trouble. Don't let him do anything I wouldn't do.”
“Ah, correction—do not let him do most of the things Michael would do,” Freddy remarked, raising a finger as he spoke to emphasize his point. Mike scoffed in offense, batting the redhead's arm.
“The he—eck, Fred, did Gregory give you an attitude update while I was working?” he muttered, barely catching his curse in time.
“I am happy; now that everyone is getting either refurbished or receiving new bodies, I feel as though everything is becoming right again,” Freddy replied simply, never one to shy away from speaking his positive feelings aloud.
The room was silent for a moment, before Michael let out a little sigh and hooked an arm through Freddy's, leading him out of the room before he could spout more pleasant commentary that vaguely made him feel like he wanted to cry.
“Let's go, sappy bear,” the guard said, a little smile on his face as he pulled his friend along to follow after Sam. 
“Awh...,” Charlie murmured, thinking of Freddy still as a big teddy bear when it came to his more sensitive side. He cared so deeply for his friends; she was glad Freddy was beginning to feel better about everyone’s recovery. She gave both Gregory and Mari one big hug as she was able to fit the two comfortably in her arms before following the crew out.
Samuel felt a little nervous introducing everyone. In reality, not that many people came into work while they were closed. There was no need besides from a few shift managers and some specialized techs to help repair all the messed-up functionality around the Pizzaplex. Really, he wanted this staffing change to mostly spread by word of mouth.
Once arriving to the stage, the idle chatter around the group of people settled and Sam attempted to sound as unbothered and well-rested as humanly possible.
“Morning, everyone! Wow, what a weird few weeks, huh? It's almost time to reopen. And with the system repairs nearly complete, I've decided to hire a few more helping hands for plans going forward!” Sam spoke confidently, showing off the group that followed him. “This is Mike Afton, General Manager and new Head of Security. He’s also taking on some night guard duties. Before any rumors start—no, Vanessa is not fired. She's currently on a wellness retreat and won't be back for some time.”
Clearing his throat he moved onto Freddy, realizing he had no last name to introduce him with. “This... is... Fred Fitzburgh. New stage manager! He'll be helping out with detecting further issues in the band and coordinating the shows. And lastly, Charlie Emily! She'll be helping me out closely, so any questions or concerns you may have for me, you can always direct to Charlie.”
As Sam looked around the room, he felt that some people were confused with the abrupt staffing change—especially Sophie, who thought they already worked at the Pizzaplex.
The terms “stage fright” and “social anxiety” weren't even in Freddy's databank. Completely at home with all eyes upon him, he was the first to step forward with a winning smile, pressing a hand to his chest and giving the meager group of staff a small bow.
“It is wonderful to meet you all,” he said once fully upright again. It felt strange to be re-introducing himself to people he'd worked with, some of them for years. However, that'd been in a completely different capacity and while his animatronic friends might understand and accept the concept of data transfers and android bodies, he knew this would be a lot for most humans to handle. Regardless, he took the situation in stride, sweeping his gaze over the room. “I look forward to working with everyone to make sure that our shows and animatronics run smoothly. Also, please do not hesitate to ask me if you need extra assistance at any time; I am always happy to help!”
There was a hushed murmuring from the crowd as they stared up at the redhead, noting the confident stature and formal way of speaking. His formality was a bit unnerving, but he seemed like a nice person; reminiscent of one of their Glamrocks, in a way...
Before the crowd's attention was lost to speculation, Michael stepped up next to Freddy with a tinnier smile of his own. Unlike the bear, Mike disliked feeling as though he was on display with a passion. He didn't necessarily have a problem speaking to groups of people, but circumstances like these where he was literally forced to be the center of attention got under his skin.
“Hey, everyone,” he greeted with a wave, and the crowd instantly went silent. Whether it was his accent or the fact that he was an Afton that shut them up Michael wasn't quite sure, though he guessed it was a combination of the two. “Like Sam said, I'm here to keep things safe around here, though you can come to me with any issues you have. It's, uh... good to meet you all.”
Charlie gave a small wave before stepping forward next to her friends and brother. Easygoing, she gave off a similar energy to Freddy with her short and sweet speech that got right to the point. “Happy to be working here with all of you!”
She felt a little too closely inspected as the group watched her. She wondered if they were trying to figure out how exactly her and Sam were related. To Sophie, who knew the most out of everyone, Charlie was Samuel’s daughter. It wasn’t a secret that Sammy rarely spoke on his personal life. The Pizzaplex staff simply accepted that, while their CEO was nice for the most part, he wouldn’t get chummy enough with anyone to spill the secrets of his existence outside the neon-lit walls. Sure, the fact that he had a fully-grown daughter was a bit shocking, but with how odd Fazbear Entertainment had been from the get-go, it certainly wasn’t the weirdest thing about the company and its management.
“So—going forward, it’s going to be real busy,” Sam continued, scrubbing at the stubble coating his chin. “After making a deal with a few sponsors, I’ll be working on some new animatronics with my mechanics. I know a lot of you wanted a reintroduction of classic characters. So, in the spirit of trying to keep my own promises—” Sam let out somewhat nervous chuckle. “—we’ve already restored Bonnie to his former glory after his sudden decommissioning. Just know the vandal who ended up breaking him has been taken care of.”
He finished off strong and confidently, flashing his team a grin. “Any questions?”
Sophie immediately raised her hand. Sam was banking on no one wanting to ask in the group setting, but of course there was always one.
“I do—many, actually. Uh—” Sophie began, coughing into her fist to clear her throat. “I thought these guys already worked here?”
Charlie spoke up, giving lying another shot. “We were brought on to help out with the mess of last week. Then, Sam asked us if we wanted more permanent positions.”
Cocking her head to the side, Sophie raised an eyebrow. Considering how odd this meeting was and the timing of everything in general, she felt as if something was fishy about the whole debacle.
“Right…,” Sophie replied, pretending to believe them. “And the vents? Are we allowed to go near them again?”
“No, we’re still working on that rat problem,” Michael replied, unable to stop his eyes from flickering to one of the ducts high up on the far wall. To Sophie’s increasingly disbelieving gaze, he added with a shrug: “They’re really giving us a run for our money.”
Now that Ennard had Sun to spend time with, Michael hoped they wouldn’t track him as much… but he had no doubt in his mind he’d be subjected to the usual stalking at least once a night. Michael realized it would probably be in everyone’s best interest to have a conversation with Ennard at some point about how things were going to change once the Pizzaplex officially reopened—specifically, absolutely no wandering out of the basement when there were children present during the day.
“Just steer clear of vents for a bit longer,” Michael reiterated, managing to relax enough to flash the group an easy smile. “We’ll give you a heads-up when everything’s clear.”
There was another moment of silence until another employee spoke up with a half-raised hand. “So… you said Bonnie’s back?”
“Bonnie and Monty are back in commission, yes,” Freddy replied with an eye-crinkling smile, recognizing this man as one of the techs that often helped with animatronic repairs. “Samuel is working hard to get the others restored soon as well.” 
Sophie blinked at this, unable to fully process that Bonnie and Monty were already up and running. The progress that Samuel had made in the past week would probably cripple a lesser man.
“Boss, have you been... sleeping? There's no way you did this all in a week,” Sophie remarked with a slight laugh to punctuate her sentence. The look on Sam's face told her everything.
With a slightly pinched expression and tapping the back of his clipboard, Sam responded with a shrug. “Oh no, not a lot.”
No need for his employees to worry about him, even if every time he shut his eyes Sam saw Redbulls and socket wrenches dancing in his vision.
“I aim to have Roxy finished by the end of the night Saturday; Chica's already on her way to a restart one she finishes charging. We should be ready to re-open next Monday without a hitch. Oh a-and Parts & Services is off limits for the time being. There's going to be some construction work as we move the department to a more convenient location...” Sam warned, knowing he was putting off the most important thing for last: finally sealing off that awful room.
“Like Sam said, any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us,” Michael chimed in, unsure if Sam had anything else he wanted to announce. If not, he was ready to get off this stage and away from the confused and mildly terrified gazes currently turned upon him. “If the person you speak to can’t help, they’ll direct you to someone who can.”
“We are so happy to be working with you all—” Freddy began, though Michael gripped his shoulder warningly. He didn’t want the sweet bear to lay it on too thick, lest the employees think the situation was fishier than they already did. He could tell that Sophie was very suspicious, although he couldn’t blame her.
“Anything else you wanted to cover, boss?” Michael intoned, glancing towards Sammy across the stage.
Sam answered with one last item on the agenda. After flipping through his clipboard, he held up two pictures from security footage for all the crowd to see.
“Yes—these two are named Terry and Rita Smith. Under no circumstances are they allowed inside the Pizzaplex. They're currently under a ban,” Samuel explained, though Sophie's eyes widened considerably once she recognized the couple from the local cable news.
They’d lost a boy—a younger kid with hazel eyes and brown shaggy head of hair. Sophie couldn’t remember the picture clearly as it’d only flashed for a second, but his visage tugged at her subconscious. Terry and Rita claimed that neighbors last saw him and a pair of twins heading towards Main Street. It led them to wonder if they were going to the Pizzaplex...
A murmured affirmation issued from the crowd. Banning people from the Pizzaplex wasn’t a common occurrence, but it happened enough that this wasn’t too strange. Of course some people recognized the Smiths just as Sophie had, but they weren’t going to question Sam’s decisions.
…At least, not to his face. There would be a lot of chatter in the break rooms over the next few weeks, that’s for sure.
“We greatly appreciate your understanding with all of these changes,” Freddy chimed in with his easy smile, though there was a hardness in his eyes imperceptible except to those standing right next to him. The mention of Rita and Terry made him uneasy, though he was glad that now Michael had legal reason to take serious action should they come traipsing around again.
“Absolutely,” Mike agreed, simultaneously clapping Freddy on the back and flashing his own confident grin. “Here’s to a successful reopening!”
With that, most people dispersed back towards their posts. It was going to take a few more days for everything to be as spotless and finely tuned as it once was. Come Monday, everything was going to at least look perfect enough for guests.
“Sam? Could I use the card to buy some hair scissors?” Charlie asked seemingly out of the blue. She’d recognized that some of them may have seen Gregory's wanted poster. So, she had an idea. 
“Uh... Yeah—I suppose,” Sam replied, whipping around to look at her strangely. “Can I ask why?”
“I'm going to give Gregory a makeover! It'll make him less... noticeable,” his sister stressed.
“Charlie that is a wonderful idea!” Freddy praised, expression relaxing back into its usual calmness. Everything would be fine. Gregory would be fine. There were so many people looking out for him at this point—living, dead, and something robotic in-between—that it was hard to imagine a scenario where he wouldn’t be alright.
Still, while Freddy always tried to look on the bright side, he was rational and had a penchant for worrying. Changing Gregory’s appearance where they could would certainly help the situation.
“We should see what trouble those two got into… hopefully your office isn’t trashed, Sam,” Michael remarked with a snicker, starting the walk back to Sam’s office.
In the half an hour that the group was gone, Sam's office wasn't so much destroyed as it was a little unorganized. Gregory's drawing pad was in the middle of the floor. The TV played mutely inside the office as he and Mari sat inside a pillow fort made out of couch cushions. They’d created a mighty battlement with it, lining the bottom of the fortress with throw blankets Sam kept for long nights at work. At some point, Gregory had decided to curl up and fall asleep to the sounds of Freddy and Friends. Mari had tried to change the channel out of curiosity, but the remote needed fresher batteries to accomplish such a task...
The little bot still was sitting up, Gregory using her legs as a pillow while she watched the old reruns with a fixed gaze until the door began to crack open. Her head snapped to the sound, always alert.
“Hey, it’s just us,” Michael reassured, slipping into the office with palms raised. The look Mari gave the would-be intruder was calculating and menacing, despite the cherubic face. Mike laughed, taking in the pillow fort. “Wow, you guys have been busy!”
“Thank you for watching over him, Mari,” Freddy told her, stepping up to the pair and running his finger gently through Mari’s hair. His smile widened as the stalwart guardian seemed to lean into the gesture, then turned his attention to his sleeping son. With a gentle shake of Gregory’s shoulder, Freddy quietly tried to wake him: “Superstar, we are back. It is time to wake up so we can return to the hotel shortly.”
Just her friends. Mari's aggressive look dithered out and a smile replaced itself on her face. Leaning into Freddy's hand, she blinked up at him with an innocent look.
“It's no trouble; he's an angel,” Mari assured Freddy before he gently shook Gregory's shoulder's awake.
Gregory startled a bit, not quite used to falling asleep without Freddy around these days. Only when those glowing silver eyes batted themselves to full awareness did Gregory greet them all.
“Guys... Hey...,” he murmured in a groggy voice. With his eyes unfocused and sleepy, he raised a fist to rub the tiredness away. When he could finally see well again, he reached over and hugged Freddy around the shoulders. “How was the meeting thing?”
“I believe it went well,” Freddy replied, hooking an arm under Gregory’s legs and around his back to lift him up, letting the boy settle comfortably on his hip. “Samuel introduced us to some of the staff.” An amused smile crossed his lips. “Apparently I will be known as ‘Fred Fitzburgh.’”
“Yeah, we probably should’ve thought of an alias beforehand…,” Michael remarked, though he had to give the guy credit for coming up with a name on such short notice. “Some people are definitely a little suspicious of the sudden staff changes, but they probably just think it’s nepotism at its finest.”
As Michael spoke, Freddy wandered over to Chica’s resting form. Careful not to dislodge Gregory, he peered close to the meter on the side of the crude charging port. His eyes widened as he realized the bird’s power was at 97%. Looking to the CEO, he asked hesitantly: “Sam, is there a chance we can speak to Chica before we go? It is alright if not, I… simply wanted to ask.” His eyes flickered to the boy in his arms. “As long as it is okay with Gregory too, of course.” 
Samuel wasn't super happy with how his staff might be viewing him right now. Then again, it was better than to have them know the strange, terrifying truth of what happened here this past week—not to mention the dark inception that’d started since Vanessa’s sudden “promotion” from beta-tester at a contracted company to a top position in the Pizzaplex.
As Freddy spoke, Samuel watched Gregory hide his face away in the man’s shoulder. He didn't seem too bothered by the prospect of Chica’s reactivation, too tired to really care. If Monty and Bonnie of all the characters were just fine, then Gregory could surmise the rest were purged quite expertly. With Sam's caring hand, the robots were free of this all-encompassing virus.
“Oh! Yeah, of course. She's probably almost done resting! I'll go power her on,” Sam agreed, careful not to step on Gregory's drawing tablet on the way over to the bird. With a swift hand he found her main power button, feeling under a panel at the side of Chica's neck. After pressing down and holding for ten seconds, Sam stepped back to watch the magic happen as she woke up.
Unsurprisingly, a few seconds passed by with no signs of life. Gregory peeked away from Freddy's shoulder with curiosity. Then, two bright blue eyes snapped open and immediately pierced back to Gregory's own silver stare.
"BA-GAWK!” Chica crooned, caught off-guard at the people watching her. Normally she would’ve woken up alone in her room... 
But this was just totally weird. Why was she in Sam's office on the repair rig?
“Oh geez! Sorry there!” she apologized, blinking as she carefully moved her limbs off the sturdy structure. She gripped her head as if nursing some robotic hangover. “I must be out of it, man... I remember I was in my room last...”
“It is wonderful to see you back in commission, Chica!” Freddy was quick to speak up, pushing down the twisty feeling in his gut when she turned an utterly confused pair of eyes on him. He’d come to expect his old friends wouldn’t recognize him, but that didn’t make their blank stares any less hurtful. She’d understand his interest in her soon enough, but Freddy figured it best to give her a moment to wake up before regaling her with his body-swapping ordeal.
“You’ve been through quite a bit,” Michael informed the bird, stepping up next to Freddy. He gazed up at her with a satisfied smile, happy to see Sam’s efforts come to fruition. As a testament to how unafraid he was of the Glamrocks now, he thrust out a hand for Chica to shake. “I’m Mike, new head of security. I’ve been helping Sam fix you and the others up. It’s… been a crazy time around here, but everything’s getting sorted out now.”
He gave her a second to process, before adding on: “You might have some memory loss, but all your systems should be functional. How are you feeling? Any problems your internal diagnostics can detect?”
This was a lot to take in. The new guy was named Mike, Chica got that. But who was this dude with the little chick on his hip?
Wait—speaking of the chick...
She’d seen him before. The boy was definitely in her facial recognition bank, but strangely with no profile to match it.
Chica shut her eyes, quietly running her maintenance folder before perking up. “Yeah, I'll be fine. Just, like... Totally out of it. Phew.”
She fanned a hand in front of her face dramatically. Her entertainment protocol was kicking in now that she recognized there were two kids in the vicinity. She bent at the waist slightly, looking down to both Gregory and Mari with smile in her eyes.
“And how are you two enjoying the Pizzaplex? You guys must be new pals of my good friend Sam!” she said, recognizing there must be a reason she was here with two tikes and the new staff members.
Gregory wasn't shying away from her, but seemed just a little hesitant before speaking. “Y... Yeah, Sam's my friend. My name’s Gregory...”
Chica cocked her head to the side. Gregory... She searched the name up in her internal hardware folder. A search on just the first name showed that, at one time, someone with that name was previously blacklisted. However, nothing came up in the present.
Weird. It must’ve been an error that was fixed by now. Even if she couldn’t actually recall meeting this kid, Chica reached out and gently patted the top of his head affectionately.
“It's tubular to meet you, Gregory!” she gushed regardless of his previous status in their computer system. It might not even have been for him, anyway—it was rare that children themselves were banned. Usually their parents were the troublemakers.
Freddy could feel Gregory’s tension at the sudden focus Chica gave him, made worse when the bird reached out to touch his head. Gregory flinched but didn’t give any indication of wanting his dad to whisk him away to safety, so Freddy allowed the interaction to take place. When Chica pulled back and Gregory did not look like he was either going to pass out from fear or punch Chica in the beak, Freddy allowed his own tension to ease. Things were going better than expected.
“Okay, I suppose introductions are in order.” Mike chuckled, giving Gregory’s hair a little ruffle of his own. He was proud of the kid for sticking his ground in the face of the things that previously tried to kill him—it was something Michael understood firsthand and made him appreciate Gregory’s resilience even more.
“You obviously know Sam,” the guard continued, gesturing to the older man who looked like he was about to fall over. As soon as this meeting was done, Mike was marching Sam straight to the Daycare for an extended nap… and if he refused, he’d get Sam’s loving animatronics to strong-arm him there.
Pressing a hand to his chest, he went on. “I’m Mike, that’s Gregory, and those are all the names you know. Now this is Charlie—” He pulled the girl to his side, gesturing to her smiling face. “—and she’s also a new employee. The girl with huge eyes staring up at you is Mari, and this is…”
Michael paused, looking to Sam and Freddy for direction. He didn’t want to overwhelm the bird and fry her circuits, although he could see Freddy practically vibrating with the need to let her know that her good friend was right here.
“Freddy,” the redhead piped up, his eyes shining brightly. “My name is Freddy.”
Perhaps she’d pick up the clues on her own and accept him immediately like Bonnie… or perhaps like Monty, she’d need some more convincing—and vouching from Sam—that this was indeed Freddy Fazbear personified as a human.
After waving hi to the girls, Chica was looking between Michael and the man that called himself “Freddy.” Then, she looked from the child on his hip right back to him, her eyes darting as it was clear the gears were turning hard in her head. Her first guess as to why he seemed so familiar didn't make sense.
He acted like Freddy Fazbear. Sounded like the bear, too. But Freddy wasn't a person...
That just couldn't happen. Not that Sam wasn't a genius—but how could Freddy suddenly become a human?!
Chica's hands were raised now, looking like she was halfway between pulling Freddy into a hug or pinching him to see if he was actually real.
“F... Freddy?!” she asked, eyebrows high on her head now as she tried to put it all together. “Like... our Freddy? Are you really real...?”
One of her oldest friends had changed seemingly overnight. But why? Chica would never tell Freddy what he could and couldn't be; only he could decide that for himself. She just wondered why and how he’d done it!
She ran her health diagnostics on the room. Only two people had a health signature profile pop up onto her interface, and that was when she finally nodded her head in somewhat of an understanding.
“You're all robots like me! Wow...,” Chica said, raking a hand through the lush feathers on the top of her head.
“I apologize for the unexpected change,” Freddy said, handing Gregory over to Michael with a grateful smile. As Mike set his little brother on his shoulders, Freddy stepped forward to slip his arms around Chica’s torso, squeezing tightly. Despite his tall android form, for the first time Chica beat him in the height department.
“So much has happened while you were asleep,” Freddy continued, clinging to his feathered friend as long as he could. He loved Monty and Roxy dearly, but there was just something special about finally having almost all the original quartet back that made his heart soar just a little bit higher. “I will explain everything over the next few days, I promise. I needed to take on this form to care for Gregory—as you can probably tell from the people he is around, he is quite a special child.”
“We’ve got a good friend that specializes in robotics who whipped us up a couple of androids,” Michael elaborated. “The rest of us also have, um… extenuating circumstances that necessitated these things. But we can guarantee that the guy hugging you right now is one hundred percent Freddy Fazbear.”
Chica sighed a simulated breath of relief. It was Freddy. She recognized the crushing hug style anywhere. No matter his size, Fred still managed to give bear hugs. Her arms gently slipped around Freddy's shoulders and hugged him close in turn.
“Freddy,” Chica crooned, happy that her friend was okay. Now that she was in her fullest mental faculties, Chica was able to finally express how worried he made her and the rest of the band that fateful night.
“You had us scared, you know—with your gnarly malfunction on stage. I'm glad you're okay...” she said truthfully, then let out a bright laugh. “And as for the kid? Freddy, that's so like you to take care of a little chick in need.”
She sounded so proud, always loving the chance to see the best qualities in her friends shine through, like Freddy's deep empathy for any and all people. And ever since Bonnie had been decommissioned, she was so fearful of Freddy being scrapped next and replaced with something new...
“You have to do what you have to do,” she said, knowing what that meant. Freddy had to leave soon and take care of Gregory. She didn't want to let go... Yet she made herself slowly unclench her hands from around his shoulders to hold him at an arm’s length and really look him over.
“You know, Roxy’s going to be bouncing off the walls when she sees you like this!” she laughed. The wolf might even be a little jealous knowing that Freddy could probably make it outside in such a form.
“I do not doubt that,” Freddy replied with a smile so wide his entire face hurt. “Monty did not put me down for some time when he saw me! And as for—”
Freddy cut himself off, eyes growing wide with excitement. Though he’d need to part with Chica far too soon for his liking, he could leave her with a surprise that would certainly distract her from any negative feelings she might have from his temporary departure. When Chica finally released him he took a step back only to grasp her hand between both of his own.
“When Samuel gives you the okay to free roam, I suggest stopping by the bowling alley. You will be very happy with the recent addition he and Michael have incorporated.” With a final knowing wink like they were kids sharing a secret, Freddy let Chica’s hand slip from his grasp and moved back to Mike, who returned Gregory into his waiting arms.
“It’s great to meet you, Chica,” Michael said, and he meant it. “Any mechanical or technical issues, you can come straight to me, okay? For the next few days we’re all working the night shift, though I show up a couple hours earlier to help Sam out. You let me know if anything feels funky, and I’ll get you fixed up in no time.”
Chica already knew she was going to like Mike. Sending him a thankful grin, she flexed her articulate hand in a wave to the “humans” and watched as the rather sleepy child was transferred back into Freddy's waiting arms. The way he immediately reached for Freddy, dependent like the patrons were for their parents told Chica everything she needed to know that their whole deal was for real.
“Thank you, Mike! I'm feeling pretty good—you and Sammy did a great job!” she praised, thinking that she'd have to go see what was so important down at Bonnie Bowl.
After all, she typically tried to avoid the whole place these days. She wasn't specifically designed to feel pain. Still... When she thought about Bonnie, her throat felt tight as if she just couldn’t sing or move in the ways she usually could. It was sadness—something she wasn't programmed specifically to feel, but had become a learned emotion over time.
“I'll probably head to Bonnie Bowl after I catch up with my good friend Sam!” she replied energetically. Too bad Sam was currently leaning into her like he was going to pass out. “Or... Maybe I'll take him to see Mr. Moon in the Daycare first!”
“I think a trip to Moon is exactly what Sam needs,” Michael murmured, his tone indicating that it wasn’t meant as a suggestion. He gave Sam a brief hug, speaking into his ear: “Get some damn sleep, okay, Sammy? I’ll be back to help with Roxy before night shift.”
Feeling it was time for their departure soon, Mari came over to the group, first silently hugging Michael goodbye around the legs and then moving onto Charlie and Freddy. She took Gregory's hand in hers and rubbed his palm on the top of her head.
“I'll miss you guys. Come back soon~” Mari asked of them, her voice sad to see them go. This must always be what she felt when she sees them leave, as though they'd never come back...
Discreetly, Mari slipped a little green band on Gregory's wrist. She’d insisted Henry make an extra before working on her new body and was determined to use it properly this time. Gregory was too tired to notice it, but was awake enough to rake his fingers gently through her hair in quiet response to her affection.
“We will see you tomorrow, Mari,” Freddy assured the little security bot, offering her his kindest smile. 
“Hey, quick request—” Michael piped up as they set out. “—can we swing by the gift shop? I was looking around for cool merch during one of my breaks and I found something good.”
There was an eager shine to Michael’s eyes that was impossible to deny. Whatever he found must have amused him greatly...
“I am fine with that, as long as we do not take too long,” Freddy replied, holding his son close. “Gregory is already falling back asleep…”
“Five minute detour, tops,” Michael reassured with a grin. 
Charlie had perked up at this. What on earth was Michael up to? She knew that grin well enough to know it could either be something that made him die laughing at some point, or something he wasn't expecting them to take seriously. Either way, Charlie was dying to see it.
Sam told them with the last remaining brain cells floating in his sleep deprived mind: “Go ahead; you know you can take anything you need—”
As he was interrupted by a yawn, Chica lovingly scooped Samuel up into her arms. She shushed him, and Mari went to get the door for everyone.
“Goodbye, everyone! We'll see you real soon,” Chica bid, happily waving farewell to the group with Samuel's limp hand.
When they reached the gift shop, Michael rushed to the storage area and pulled out the box he’d hidden away at the back of a far shelf. He was starting a little collection of things—some items he found cool, but mostly merch he thought his friends might like. It was always good to have a stash of surprise presents; you never know when you might need them!
Soon Michael emerged with a piece of clothing. Freddy instantly recognized it as his color palate, and his old databank of Fazbear merch pulled up exactly what this item was. He let out a little aww as Michael stretched out his prize, revealing one of the limited edition Glamrock-themed zip-up hoodies. This one was of course Freddy’s model, mostly orange with a cream oval on the chest and the signature blue lightning bolt in the center. The thing even had faux red shoulder pads, though arguably the most noticeable—and adorable—feature was the hood designed to look like Freddy’s head, complete with bear ears and a little black and blue top hat.
“Oh, Michael, how sweet!” the former bear exclaimed, his eyes wide with mild surprise. “I thought this sold out months ago!”
“Well, that explains why this was the only one I could find,” Michael replied. “Our biggest concern is Gregory’s face being recognized, so I figured if we can cover it with the hoodie it’ll be a little less stressful for all of us waking to and fro. If he’s in your arms like right now, you’ll just have a mini-Fredbear and no one will question it!”
“That is brilliant,” Freddy praised, and Michael rubbed the back of his neck with an embarrassed laugh.
“Okay, okay, it’s not that smart… Now come on, kid—” The eldest Afton lightly jabbed a finger into Gregory’s side. “—sit up so I can put this on. Then you can pass out for as long as you’d like.”
Gregory opened his eyes again, half attempting to pay attention to the conversations being had inside the waking world. When he processed what he was looking at, Gregory seemed excited to curl up comfortably with the fleece-lined hoodie.
“That's for me?” he asked in a groggy manner. Charlie chuckled at him; the poor kid was so sleepy he couldn't quite pay attention long enough to know. Still, he was good and stretched out his arms to allow himself to be dressed up.
After zipping the hoodie up himself, he flung the heavy hood forward. Then Gregory went right back to stuffing his face into his father's shoulder to try and catch up on some shut-eye. It was hard being a kid without a real sleep schedule sometimes, but Gregory made do.
“Alright, night...” Gregory yawned, grasping the front of his dad's shirt for comfort as he drifted back off to sleep. Charlie reached up, gently tugging the hood further in front of Gregory's face before giving the group a little thumbs up.
“This was a good idea, Mike,” she said, impressed at his little hidden plan to put aside the merch that would help Gregory in the long run.
“I figured he’d like it, what with his Freddy obsession and all,” Michael joked, though it was clear he found the whole thing endearing. No matter what form Freddy wore, everyone would always have a soft spot for the original animatronic bear look. With a chuckle, Michael patted the hoodie’s top hat on his way to the door. “He’s super cute though, I’ve got to admit.”
Thank god Gregory was too exhausted to fight back… Under normal circumstances Michael would’ve been attacked for such comments. For now though, the boy was content to rest in the safe warmth of his father’s arms as the group traveled back to the hotel.
Once they all got to the hotel room, safe and sound without any prying eyes to watch the family's every move, they entered and Charlie immediately went to draw the blinds for Gregory. The sun was far too bright outside, and might intervene with his nap. When she turned around, watching Freddy nestle Gregory on the bed beneath the covers, she couldn't help but smile.
“Look—he's a baby bear cub,” she remarked, knowing if Gregory heard her call him that, there would certainly be hell to pay. Though it was kind of true, being Freddy's kid and all.
Charlie had learned how to use her phone fairly quickly in the past 48 hours. She raised her camera and snapped a quiet picture to remember him like this: peaceful and sleeping in tranquil bliss before he was awake and running around everywhere again. “When he wakes up, I'm going to ask if he wants me to cut his hair...”
Freddy simply nodded in acknowledgement, a faint smile on his face as he ran his fingers through Gregory’s hair. They were both underneath the covers, Gregory still in his hoodie and curled up to Freddy’s chest as his dad rested on his side, one elbow on his pillow to keep his head propped up.
“M’kay, I’m going to follow Gregory’s lead and pass out for a bit,” Michael announced in a hushed voice, kicking off his shoes and hopping into the other bed. He didn’t even bother removing his security guard uniform, suddenly hit with a wave of exhaustion as the day caught up with him. Even these android bodies had their limits, it seemed. Still, it’d be nice to get some actual pajamas in the near future…
But Michael didn’t have time to worry about that right now. Dreamland was calling and he didn’t want to miss his appointment. With a huge yawn, he patted the empty spot next to him.
“You should guys should try and get some rest, too,” he advised, then promptly rolled over so his back was to the others, leaving it up to Charlie whether she’d take his suggestion and crawl into bed as well. Within a minute, Michael’s breathing slowed as he quickly drifted off to sleep.
With everyone having a fully messed up sleep schedule, Charlie had to agree with Mike. It wasn’t long before she was kicking off her shoes as well and flinging herself in beside him. There was hardly any time to argue; her robotic body needed some way to recharge, and sleep was the best answer right then. She made sure to cover them both with the cushiony comforter and took one last look over to her friends in the bed besides them.
She may be overthinking it, but the way Gregory slept had changed a little since that first night in the hotel. Where he was once curled in on himself and huddled in a tight ball Gregory now laid sprawled out, usually with one fist curled into his father's shirt for comfort. It brought a smile to Charlie’s face knowing he was becoming more comfortable. With all the stress in their lives, she could count her blessings that at the moment Gregory—for the most part—appeared to be just fine.
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backpackingspace · 1 year
okay were getting deep oversharing with the internet times bc I'm going to react to dw through my trauma lense. Specifically hell bent and heaven sent here we go.
So far so good.
Listen will I be grateful if these episodes no longer trigger me to hell and back. Will I also be pissed that I've spent years being triggered by this show when the original trigger episodes no long trigger me? Yes. Yes I will be.
Never mind there will be no deeper meaning sound here the doctor is trying to dry his doc martins up right and laced up and its annoyed me so much it's all I will associate with this episode now.
The doctor talking himself into being brave o.o baby. Also me. Talking myself into doing anything with heights.
Sprays last thought like a cat no bad. Making me based comparisons is how this whole mess got started
Oh. Yep there it is. Being forced to relive the things that scares you on purpose forever. "I'm scared and I'm alone" ha ha yah fuck
Okay listen self. If the doctor being forced to relive his wrost fears on purpose is torture than you being forced to relive your worst fear is torture. I know we don't want to accept that don't want to accept its that bad but it is.
Oh hey the losing time thing too?? Haha yah
The sleep deprivation
"Maybe I'm in hell" "how long do I have to be here? Forever?" Yah it sure did feel that that.
"Asking a skull if it's still scared" yah passively contemplating death so I didn't have to be scared anymore. That sure was a thing.
"There's something I'm missing and I think it's something terrible" literally shut the hell up
Im actually finding this really helpful to be able to go through and label my emotions and thoughts about my situation might show this to the brand new shiny therapist I now have.
"I'm playing someone else's game I cannot stop and everyone else has lost" man if we're taking ever line as a metaphor for what was done to me. This therapist had a deal with a school man. It literally terrifies me to think of how many kids she's messed up like she messed me up. Both before and after because let me tell you. She was so fucking good at messing you up. Took literally 3 sessions to get you dependent on her and going insane.
The clinging feeling of desperation that you just have to get through this it gets worse before it gets better.
"The I can't keep doing this rant"
the way he's just sitting defeated against the wall? Yah I saw that expression everyday for years. That hits hard.
Okay not trauma related but the doctor saying I remember it all everytime when we've been lead to believe he doesn't like talk about a hell. Talk about good story writing. I've never caught that before!!
The way the doctor looks so tired. Yah that's framilar too. Also the having to be strong as your body gives up you that sure was a thing too.
Okay but literally this episode is so good. I fucking love the doctors dying speech in this it's only one of my favorite episodes of tv ever. Which is in part of why losing it hit me so hard.
hey if the rooms revert how come the shovel has dirt on it and the clues stays and the clothes are drying?? Finally some good old plot holes.
Also where is the food coming from like???
Okay but the sequence of the Shephards boy says is fucking fire
I want to know how long each time lap is
....thinking about how the tardis was left alone for 4.5 billion years.
Okay no because I should have been able to trust the therapist and the doctor should have been able to trust the time dial!! They were tools meant to HELP HEAL TURNED INTO PAIN AND TRUAMA
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evilhomestuckposter · 2 years
BREAKFAST IN BED - FIC (read below link)
Karkat had been hard at work for several hours preparing breakfast for his human boyfriend/matesprail. He had been assured by Kanaya that Dave would love it, though he wasn’t entirely certain what humans saw as breakfast food. Still, he had gotten the idea around five in the morning when he still couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t like he ever got tired of cuddling with Dave, but, for all his assholery, he wanted to do something nice. He knew that he could be abrasive, so he tried his best to make sure Dave knew he was serious about him. Of course, it helped that he was one of the only ones on the meteor who knew how to cook. 
Humming a human pop song to himself, he finished cooking the “steak” he had alchemized, knowing that humans couldn’t exactly eat raw meat. He found it a bit funny, but definitely didn’t want to make one of the many, many, many mistakes that seemed to make humans sick. Even god tier ones. 
Having seen this meal in a human rom-com, he had deemed it romantic enough to make for breakfast. By the time he had finished the full meal, several hours later, he had managed to alchemize a covered serving dish and some flowers too, just like in the movie. 
Placing everything on the tray, he carefully made his way to his respiteblock, where he knew Dave was asleep, appreciating the quiet of the meteor at the early hour. Making his way into the room, he paused slightly, blood-pusher giving a little jump at the way Dave hugged the pillow to his chest. 
Karkat cleared his throat softly, trying to keep his voice uncharacteristically gentle so as not to startle him awake. 
“Dave?” He whispered a bit hesitantly, suddenly feeling very vulnerable. Just because he hadn’t gotten any sleep didn’t mean he should deprive his human boyfriend of it. Karkat set down the tray, beginning to wonder if he had been selfish, as usual. Maybe this had been a bad idea after all. He cursed under his breath, running a hand through his hair and messing with the hem of his sweater. 
“Dave,” he repeated, a bit louder. Still no response. Deciding to try a different approach, he shuffled closer, ignoring the nagging feeling that this had been a bad idea. He pressed a kiss to Dave’s forehead, gently brushing his boyfriend’s hair out of his face. 
At that, Dave wrinkled his nose slightly. His eyes fluttered open, and he squinted up at the other. 
“Hey, ‘Kat,” he yawned, “'s early,” he mumbled.
“Uh- yeah,” replied Karkat, shifting his weight from foot to foot. “I made you breakfast,” he said, his tone as though he had gotten caught doing something bad. 
That woke Dave up.
“Really? Oh hell yeah, thanks!” He sat up, rubbing his eyes tiredly. “That’s really sweet of you.”
Karkat fought back a slight smile, glad that he was pleased. He nodded, grabbing the tray and setting it in Dave’s lap.
“Yep, simmered barkbeast!” Karkat joked, crawling to sit next to Dave in bed.
Dave did a double take, eyes widening slightly. 
“Wait- what?” 
“Kidding, it’s ‘steak,’ for humans. I alchemized a human cookbook after seeing it in a movie we watched.” Karkat laughed softly to himself at Dave’s reaction before pausing. “I hope it’s okay.”
Dave took a bite enthusiastically.
“It’s great, thanks Karkles,” he ruffled Karkat’s hair. 
Karkat narrowed his eyes slightly at the nickname. 
“I can still take it back, asswipe,” he huffed, trying to fix his already unruly hair. There was no real malice behind the comment. 
Dave laughed, and Karkat bit back another smile, leaning into his side. 
After a few minutes of quiet conversation, Dave finished and set the tray aside as Karkat stifled a yawn. 
“How much did you sleep last night? It’s like- exactly seven o’ two. This must have taken you several hours,” Dave questioned, noticing the increased prominence of the bags under Karkat’s eyes. 
“I didn’t,” he admitted, chewing his bottom lip.
Dave stared at his lips and the sharpness of his teeth for a few seconds before snapping out of it. They could kiss later. 
“The night before?” Dave asked, brushing his thumb over Karkat’s lower lip.
“Not many,” he yawned again. “You know how I get though, I’ll be okay.” 
Dave raised an eyebrow. “Not many-? Babe, you should get some sleep.” 
Karkat just flipped him off, though with no real meaning behind the gesture. “There’s things to do though, I have humans to kiss,” he whined, leaning a bit closer. 
Dave found his glance back on Karkat’s lips, and he was quiet for a moment. Finally, he spoke up, forcing himself to meet his eyes again. 
“Listen, you know me. I am all about quality smooching time. I am all over that like you wouldn’t believe. I’m all over that like marinara is all over pasta, you know, I’m-” Dave stopped himself before he started to ramble, “-you get it.” 
Karkat furrowed his brows. “Not really. What’s marinara?” 
Dave laughed. “It’s- well, it doesn’t matter. The point is, as much as I’d like to kiss in bed all day, you need to get some sleep.”
Karkat frowned. “I’ll lay down and cuddle you, but that doesn’t mean I’ll sleep. And I’ll only do it for a kiss. A real one.” 
“You drive a hard bargain, Mr. Vantas,” replied Dave, cupping his face and kissing him deeply. 
Karkat hummed, glad to have gotten his way. He eagerly reciprocated the kiss, bringing a hand to the back of Dave’s head and tangling it in his hair. 
After a few minutes, Dave reluctantly pulled away, pressing one last kiss to his forehead. 
“Alright ‘Kat, sleep time.”
Karkat groaned, rolling his eyes, but he laid down anyway, wrapping his arms around Dave’s waist. He glanced nervously up at the vents, as he usually did before sleeping, and then looked back at Dave. 
“And you’ll be here?”
“Always,” replied Dave softly. 
A few minutes later, Karkat was fast asleep, a soft purr emanating from his chest, and Dave was sure he had never been happier. 
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cloudsrust · 4 years
Tumblr media
“I don’t need sleep, Blossom. It disappoints me.” Finally finished a ref for them-..I had in mind some stuff and expressions but- I’m lazy and bad with references ohoh;; Anyway-.. their name is Blair Novelle, a writer came to the Habitat to exchange their noisy and stressful city life with a quiet place where they could write in peace and build up their confidence again. Forgot to had two things to the ref so here we go;; To make them happy: They first need to be taken out of their “coffee/sleep deprived state”. Can be done in two ways: 1)After “taking their quest”, go to the lounge during morning time and Jim will hand you a coffee. Bring it to them and they’ll be instantly refreshed and approchable. 2)Punch them two times with the boxing glove, this will knock them out for the whole day. The next day they’ll be back up and refreshed, even though with a bit of a migraine, and approchable. You then need to help them find their missing pen, so that they can get back to work on their newly found inspiration. All you have to do is show them the pocket mirror, revealing the lost item caught among their hair. If not made happy: Their head will be a spilling coffee mug during the finale. I also- wrote some of their possible reactions to some of the objects and a description of them under the cuts- wanted to include the paintings but it would have been way too long;;;
So-.. short description of them: -Always in search of inspiration- so they’re always seen with their notebook. Their pen however keeps getting lost, often among their hair, leading them into a panicked search. -They’re a heavy coffee addict, practically unapproachable when “caffeine sober” (First Image). They won’t react to any object when in this state. -They absolutely despise sleeping. Even Habit gave up trying to make them follow the Habit curfew. -Their hearing is extremely sensible and because of that they grew deeply interested in sounds. - Camera shy and quite akward with others. Manages to interact “normally” only with other artists (Mirphy, Dallas, Randy, ...). -Passionate about occult and other mythical creatures, some believe they themself aren’t an ordinary human. -Only able to smell strong scents- like coffe,, or Randy. -Scared of children. Objects reactions: (Megaphone) “PLEASE DO NOT- My sensible hearing is the only good sense I have left,,”
(Punch) (When sleep deprived) “EHH?? Wait-.. WAIT THIS COULD W O R K-.. go on Flower, HIT AGAIN!” (When awake) “I already know how to describe pain- No need for THAT.”
(Kiss) “AH?? WAIT- I recognize these careless yet delicate aster lips.. is this a kiss from uhh.. J-Jerafina I believe? Her voice always… slobbers when telling her name-,,” (Yes) “Oh dear- should I just accept such an unusual delivery, fall for a sweet yet overdone enchantment.. No- no, no- oh, I believe you’re mistaken: I cannot be the right recipient for such a gift. I’m afraid you must keep going with your kiss delivery quest, my dear accidental cupid. … But thank you for the taste of such inspiration.” (Gives back the kiss) (No) “So-.. it must be from you? Oh- You lil’ tulip, you shouldn’t waste such precious gifts on a tired writer. Other residents are deeply more in need of a lil’ kiss than me- who knows, maybe someone awaiting at the top of his crystal tower to help them break their melancholic curse… oh how bitterly romantic.” (Gives back the kiss) (When Coffee deprived) ”N o .” (Jimothan’s photo) “Ugh- him. He banned me from the lounge. Well- I can still enter the place luckily .. I just can’t order my beloved bitter bean elixir- my adored C O F F E E! ...Just because I consumed their entire stock in one sitting- what a cruel torture, it is not my fault they aren’t equipped for over a mere sixty cups a day. ..Eh? What do you mean “How am I still alive?”
(Randy’s photo) “Truly a peculiar soul, but all artists are eccentric in their own way I believe. He takes inspiration from smells the same way I do with sounds- quite interesting if I must say. Just- do not enter his room: if I could sense something with my busted nose in there, I believe you’d completely lose your sense of smell by entering.”
(Dallas’s photo) “A fool in love- I keep telling him that sometimes art isn’t enough to get one’s admiration, at least not a passion driven one, but he is persistent in his methods. I’m no romance writer but I know words play a good role in this kind of things… and he isn’t the best at it- he still tries.”
(Tiff’s photo) “Ah- such a marvellous voice complementing such a laid back beauty, one of the few reasons I still frequent the lounge. Her versatile singing blesses my ears each time- a shame it’s wasted on such low tier songs,, she doesn’t seem excited about it either. Poor thing.” And... that’s all :,>
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sleeplessgaywriter · 2 years
Gosh, it's been a while since I wrote something...but college is killing me and my job is practically sucking up my soul...
Anyway...as I was browsing Tumblr, I noticed the lack of activity in Poppy related things, so I just had to do something...
With nothing else to say, here's a little something 🤗
(Again, I'm sleep deprived and tired...my already sucking skills of naming things are beyond hope at this point...so it is yet another nameless fic)
Pairing: Poppy x MC (Sam/Samantha)
At first, looking at Poppy and watching her every move was a means to find a weakness to use against her.
Sam had always been observant, a trait that she acquired from her days of working at the farm. As with animals, people's body language was very telling about their personalities.
Poppy was no different.
Or so she thought.
Sam believed that Poppy was like everyone else, and her expressions were just easy to read.
But as time went on, Sam found out how wrong she was.
The girl was like the sea. On the surface, the waves would seem dangerous or calm, yet beneath the surface was a mystery for all afraid to take a dive.
Sam always did like to unravel a mystery, and her attention soon focused solely on one person. Poppy's real thoughts were somewhat hard to guess, but it made for an interesting discovery. And Sam soon began to learn Poppy's body language.
The quirk of an eyebrow with an upward twist of her lips and the chin held high - confident on the outside, daring you to challenge her on the inside.
A soft exhale with shoulders dropping somewhat and her arms crossed- pensive on the outside, utterly bored on the inside.
As time went on, observing Poppy became more of a fixation. Her interest in learning a weakness was no more. Instead was found enthralled by the one Poppy Min Sinclair.
Before she could stop it, Sam had already fallen in love, and from her observing she could tell it was going to be hard going down that path.
Because Poppy wasn't indifferent to her. Sam would even say that Poppy liked her, but she knew, the Min Sinclair heiress would do everything to deny her feelings.
But Sam was nothing if not committed.
It took as long as she previously assessed. The fights took place as well, and thousands of tears were spilled in between.
But finally, Poppy let down her final wall around her heart, and Sam could not have been happier.
Their relationship was finally official, and Sam was proud to walk hand on hand with Poppy.
She felt the luckiest girl in the world, and she never failed to mention it to her girlfriend.
"You're such a dork." Poppy would always say rolling her eyes without malice, and then peck her lips.
Yep. The luckiest.
Yet, her observing never stopped. On the contrary, now she could observe sides she was never given the chance before.
Such small details that made Poppy, well, Poppy.
Now was just another example of it.
It was movie night. A time to bond with both their friends, and try to not murder each other.
They were on her and Zoey's suite, waiting for the rest of their friends to show up.
Sam had just finished with the popcorn and handed over Poppy's personal bowl - because from previous observation, Sam knew Poppy hated when other people touched her food - and she sat next to her girlfriend.
Poppy was lazily scrolling down her phone, the recently made bowl of popcorn placed on her lap.
Instead of taking out her phone as well, Sam observed her girlfriend, one of her favorite activities.
One slender and delicate hand reached down to the bowl, and took just one popcorn, taking it to Poppy's mouth.
A minute passed and the action was repeated, with only one popcorn being taken.
Sam's eyebrows rose on her face. She had never seen anyone eat popcorn like that. Everyone always just grabbed a bunch of popcorn and pushed it into their mouths, making a mess in the process. Sam was no exception on doing that.
Looking at the fifth sole popcorn reaching Poppy's mouth, a breathy chuckle left her lips.
Eating popcorn one by one...it was just so Poppy.
"What?" The blonde asked while looking at her girlfriend in confusion, head tilted slightly to the side.
"Gosh...I love you."
She thought, but then Poppy's eyes widened and her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink.
"Did...did I say that out loud?" Sam mumbled with her own eyes widened in panic.
Poppy narrowed her eyes, "You did."
"I- I'm sorry. I didn't mean-" she saw the way Poppy's jaw set, and she knew she was being misunderstood. "I did meant it! I love you...I just didn't mean to say it out." Her panic made it impossible to read Poppy's expression and it just made her panic further. "I know you're probably not there yet, and you don't have to say it back. We can just forget I said anyht-"
Her sentence was not finished, or better say, she was cut off by a pair of soft lips upon her own.
Instantly, Sam melted and reciprocated the kiss.
Soon, her panic dissipated and her mind was just filled with Poppy and how much she loved her.
"You're such an idiot." Poppy mumbled against her lips when pulling away.
"I-" she didnt know what to say, and thankfully she didn't have to.
"I love you too."
I ate popcorn today and someone pointed out the way I eat it...yes, it made me write this Xd
I'm sorry if this fic isn't as satisfactory as other fics, and I'm sorry if you find way too many grammar errors, I'm just so tired and I didn't check twice before posting 😣
Anyway, I'm gonna try and catch up on some sleep.
Hope you liked this little piece 💖
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incomingalbatross · 3 years
GF Fic: (Insert Time-Related Pun Here)
Having a birthday on the last day of summer was great when you were a kid.
When you were in college and vacation ended somewhere in the last third of August? Not so much.
“Grunkle Ford, I...I don’t think Mabel and I can make it to Gravity Falls,” Dipper confessed, the day before his twenty-second birthday.
“Is it the travel time?” Ford asked from the other end of the phone. “If your usual transportation is too slow, we can call in a favor or two for you kids—I know plenty of entities that would be happy to give you a lift as a birthday present—”
“No, I know, I know,” Dipper said, running a frustrated hand through his hair. “And I really appreciate that, Grunkle Ford, I just...it’s not the travel, it’s being there. The other years we’ve been in college, our birthday was always on a weekend—last year was a Monday, but we spent that year with you guys instead of in school—”
“Thank goodness that seer tipped us off about her vision of 2020!” Ford agreed. “Taking a gap year to sail the Arctic with us was definitely the right decision for you two.”
“Right? Half a semester of online classes was more than enough. But—I mean, maybe it’s being back in school after being gone for a year, maybe it’s just early-semester problems, but...” Dipper sighed. “It’s just, I’m taking five classes, and I’ve got a TA job this year, and I’m getting back into the DD&MD group again and maybe planning to DM a oneshot as a Halloween event, and...” He sighed again. “It all looked much more manageable on my schedule. It was color-coded and everything!”
Grunkle Ford hummed noncommittally.
“Yeah, I know,” Dipper admitted. “Not the first time I’ve overbooked myself.”
“Not quite, perhaps. But it’s very good that you’re learning to recognize it and take steps to take care of yourself—when I was in college, I burned out routinely.”
“Mabel would sic the ‘Self-Care Fairy’ on me again if I didn’t learn.” The “Self-Care Fairy” was a truly terrifying onslaught of Mabelness, complete with costume and character voice, and would not go away until its subject had reached an acceptable level of well-being and had examined their mistakes. “Which is why...I have to cancel. If I came to Gravity Falls, even with instant travel, I’d only be able to get there around like 5:00 PM and I’d be stressed and anxious the whole time. And then I’d get back here exhausted and with no homework done and with class tomorrow, and...I just don’t think I can afford that.” Dipper paused, a knot twisting in his stomach. “I’m really sorry, I wish we could come...”
“Of course, Dipper, we know you do!” Grunkle Ford hastened to assure him. “Don’t feel sorry for us—of course we’d love to see you, but we just had the summer together. I’m just sorry you’re so short on time.” There was a moment’s silence.
“But how is Mabel doing? Is she facing the same challenges?”
“I mean, sort of.” Dipper smiled ruefully. “She kept trying to figure out some solution so that we could have our usual birthday and everything would work out, but...neither of us could come up with anything that would actually work. And she’s really busy too. She jumped back into school full steam ahead, and she’s got her Etsy store, and all her social groups to keep up with—you know she’s better at managing her energy than I am, but it’s still a lot.”
“I understand that,” Ford said. “You both do what you need to to keep up with your responsibilities, okay? We’re very proud of you both, you know.”
Dipper swallowed around the lump in his throat. “I know, Grunkle Ford.”
“Well, then, I’ll let you go—I imagine you have plenty to do right now! We’ll get in touch with you tomorrow, even if only by text.”
“Thank you, Grunkle Ford! Mabel and I are going to video-call at some point, we think, so there’s that. Say hi to Stan and Soos and Melody and the kids and everyone for me?”
“Of course, my boy. Have a good evening.”
“You too.”
The call disconnected, and Dipper sighed, throwing himself down on his bed. After a minute, he picked up his phone again and texted Mabel.
Just called Ford and canceled plans. He said to take care of ourselves and that he and Stan are proud of us.
Then he pushed himself into the homework for tomorrow until his phone buzzed.
Aww, of course he did. <3 Thanks for calling, brobro. I wish we could go, but you were right--I’ve got WAY too much booked. Why didn’t we check what weekday our birthday was FIRST???
Dipper snorted. Maybe we’re dumb :/
IMPOSSIBLE, Mabel sent back. Clearly an evil College Schedule Gremlin messed with our brains
Is that the same guy who makes it so you can never take the prereqs you need when you need them?
Yep!! And the one who fogs your brain so you THINK you’ve filled all your requirements until it’s too late to patch up the holes in your plan. His phone buzzed a second time after that text. ...Ugh, maybe there ARE gremlins in all the college systems
It would explain Blackboard, Dipper agreed with a frown. Huh, maybe they should look into that...
Anyway, though, u good for Zoom tomorrow?
Dipper huffed, reminded of the fact that they had no time for a paranormal investigation right now. Yeah, he typed, I can do an hour or so anytime after 5:30.
Cool, I will figure out a time and let you know!! Can’t wait to see your 22-year-old face!! :) Even if it sucks that we can’t party :(
Same, same. TTYL :)
Dipper tossed his phone aside again, shutting his eyes for a minute. It wasn’t just the party that had him down—though he would miss the bash that Gravity Falls usually threw on their birthday. It was...everything.
It was having a birthday without Mabel.
Oh, sure, they would talk, but they wouldn’t be in the same place. That was why, really, he’d hung onto their plans until the very last minute. He’d made it work on paper—taking an evening to travel to Gravity Falls, have a party, and be back in time for the next class—and it just felt wrong to admit defeat, to compromise on something this important. Their birthday meant the two of them celebrating together, having a good time, acknowledging that it was important.
This year wasn’t going to feel like a birthday at all, Dipper thought glumly.
But no, that was quitter talk. They were going to do their best anyway, because they were the Mystery Twins! Even if the situation was lame. Even if he was going to spend his time on the call with Mabel tomorrow doing homework and/or bursting with stress.
He opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling. “Why do I always overfill my schedule?” he asked plaintively.
The ceiling didn’t answer.
Dipper dropped his backpack with a thud on his dorm room floor, hastily unzipping it and digging out his laptop. He was late—he’d left his thermos in his last classroom, and been halfway across campus before he realized and turned around to go get it. He blamed his sleep deprivation (a week in, and his body still hadn’t readjusted to the rhythm of morning classes).
Now, though, he could finally pull up Zoom. He plugged in his headphones as he waited for it to connect (stupid dorm wifi), and was rewarded with an ear-splitting squeal.
“Happy birthday, Dipper!”
He grinned at her beaming face. “Happy birthday, Mabel!”
“Did you get a birthday cupcake?” she demanded. “Or at least a birthday cookie?”
He grimaced. “I got ice cream at the cafeteria, but I had to eat it there,” he confessed. “Here, I’ve got...a birthday candy bar?”
“Hmph.” Mabel looked crestfallen, but plastered a smile on anyway. “It’ll have to do! We can sing Happy Birthday, anyway. One, two, thr—”
Before they could launch into an inevitably out-of-sync rendition of “Happy Birthday,” Dipper heard a loud knock. Judging by Mabel’s startled turn towards her door, she heard it too—
Wait, what?
The knocking repeated. On both their doors.
“..Huh,” Mabel said thoughtfully. With a wordless glance between them, they both unplugged their headphones and went to their respective doors.
“Happy birthday, slugger!” Stan said, grinning, the instant he saw Dipper. Over the internet, Ford’s voice was greeting Mabel at the same time.
Dipper’s jaw dropped.
“Ha!” Grunkle Stan shoved past him into the room. Waving to the camera, he added, “Happy birthday, sweetie!”
Ford peered past Mabel into the screen. “Happy birthday, Dipper, my boy!”
“Grunkles!” Mabel cried. “...But wait, why not just video call us? Not that we’re not happy to see your wrinkly faces, but you came such a long way!”
“Yeah, exactly,” Dipper said, waving his arm in confusion. “You guys—you know we can’t really visit, right? Even with you with us? We don’t have time. I dont want you guys to waste a trip—”
“But we didn’t,” Ford said smugly. “We came to bring your birthday presents.”
With a flourish, Stan produced something and handed it to Dipper. It looked like...a piggy bank, but with a clock face set into the side?
Mabel gasped. “It’s so CUTE!”
“But what is it, Grunkle Ford?” Dipper asked.
“Simply put, my boy...it’s time.”
“It’s a Time-Savings Bank,” Stan said proudly. “Got our hands on these babies a few months ago, on a little side trip. See, when you’ve got some extra time—like, at night, or when you’re waiting for a pot to boil, or whatever—you can use these gizmos to store it up instead! Then when you need more time, you use the clock to take it back out. Whammo! You squeeze in a few extra hours between the normal ones.”
“Like Daylight Saving Time without the false advertising,” Ford added. “We know you two are short on time right now, but...if you’d like, there’s enough in here to give you and everyone currently at the Mystery Shack a good few hours of spare time. What do you say, kids? Still up for a party?”
“Are we!” Mabel crowed.
Dipper stared at this miraculous device. “But...that’s a lot of hours,” he said. “Where did you get the time?”
Stan barked out a laugh. “You kiddin’, Dipper? We figured from the start that at least one of you would burn out when you went back to school. We’ve been putting time aside in these things for months.”
“...Really?” Dipper said. Somehow, he found himself blinking rapidly, and swallowing down some obstruction in his throat.
Stan coughed uncomfortably, looking away. “I mean, it’s not like we gave you any time we had a use for. Just some odds and ends here and there...every day... Anyway! You kids wanna get this show on the road?”
“YES!” Mabel shouted.
Dipper beamed. “Definitely,” he said. “Absolutely.”
And a few minutes later, when they all found themselves in the Shack (courtesy of one of those “favors” Ford had mentioned yesterday), and Dipper had piled into the inevitable group hug with his twin and his grunkles—and with hours of birthday celebration in front of them all—he had to add, “Best present ever.”
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youryanderedaddy · 3 years
Yandere! Belphegor x reader
tw: spoilers for lessons 14 - 16 of Obey me!; implied non - consensual somnophilia, lots of manipulation, cruelty, mentions of bullying, obsessive behavior, mental isolation
Yep, I got back into Obey me! and I’m a little bit obsessed lol. Maaybe I will write something for the other brothers too, not sure yet, still, enjoy~
 Belphegor wanted to believe he didn't hate you, at least not anymore, now that he knew you were somewhat related to Lilith, his precious little sister. He was finally out of the attic, his brothers accepted him back, his life was finally falling into place, yet something still bothered him and kept him up when he should have been long asleep in his cozy bed. Even after everything that had happened between the two of you, you still refused to show him your vulnerable side. Of course, the demon wasn't stupid, it was quite obvious why you were avoiding him at any cost - he tried to kill you after all, but he already apologized so many times and promised to never hurt you again. The Avatar of sloth was trying his best to be sweet and nice to you, yet you made it so goddamn hard in the way you acted like an ungrateful, petty human. Why couldn't you understand that he was making an exception just for you? That he was fighting years of hatred and prejudice against all of mankind just so he could look you in the eyes without feeling his chest tighten in disgust? You should have been honored and shown some meek forgiveness, instead you were being a stuck-up little bitch, the type of person the demon hated the most, simply because they mirrored his own behavior to an extent.
 Belphegor wasn't a patient being. He was always so tired and sleepy, already grumpy and yawning, snappy and frustrated, even before he had the chance to hear your sickeningly - sweet voice first thing in the morning. The demon watched you from afar silently, unable to shake off his old habits of observing you and creating different plans to trick you, to manipulate you into trusting him with your heart. Unfortunately, you seemed to have learnt your lesson the second time he tried to use the same technique to lure you in. You only smiled at him for a second, just to be polite, and walked off while he was burning a hole in your back with his deep, dark lilac eyes. It was decided then and there - you obviously wanted him to play the big bad villain once again and that was exactly what he was going to do.
 The demon wished to feel your gentle gaze on him so he had to resort to drastic measures. He knew just what to say and which strings to pull to make you cry and whimper in misery. Belphie pushed you around just like he used to do while he believed you to be just another pathetic excuse of a human. His pale cold hand never seemed to leave your vulnerable neck and his piercing cold eyes pinned you in place for hours on end until the man decided that he had had enough fun for today and finally let you go. The demon wasn't above insulting you, calling you a disgrace to the exchange program, a failure his brothers tolerated only because Diavolo wanted them to. The Avatar of lust liked playing with his prey before digging his claws deep and ravaging it. He lied to you, twisting your narrative, messing with your memories and slowly, but surely, isolating you from the others. Soon enough you were doubting Mammon's loyalty, Lucifer's dedication, Asmo's affection, every word seemed to have a hidden meaning, you felt like everyone was trying to deceive you, to hurt and use you. Sometime along the way you had started believing Belphie's harsh painful affirmations.
 The demon didn't want to admit just how much he liked the tears in your eyes, the uncertainty in your heart, the way you finally, finally, looked only in his direction. He just couldn't stop himself from grinning when you looked so cute crying in your sleep, so adorable and tiny, so hesitant and unsure about your surroundings. The man enjoyed emmersly all the deprived little sounds and whines you gave out while he let his freezing hand roam all over your form, exploring every little curve, playing with your warm body like it finally belonged to him even if that wasn't the case. The best part, though, was the panic written on your face every time you woke up with a new bruise or a love-mark, staining your beautiful skin. You never suspected the actual culprit since you believed that he found you disgusting and repulsive, but his brothers were fair game. You didn't want to see any of the demons in such a terrifying light, desperate to keep the last precious pieces of your scattered friendships but paranoia had already crept its way into your heart and it wasn't leaving any time soon.
 In those terrible moments of fear and anxiety you were truly alone, with no way to contact your parents, your friends or anyone back on Earth. That's why you often found yourself drawn to Belphegor, despite his cruel treatment and poisonous tongue. You wanted comfort more than anything, you craved a warm embrace and a few reassuring words - that you weren't going insane, that everything was going to be alright sooner or later. The spiteful youngest brother didn't provide you with any of these things yet he never seemed to leave your side, and for better or worse, that was enough.
 You were soft and vulnerable in front of the demon, confessing everything like a dying sinner, all your pesky, lowly human thoughts, feelings and fears. It was clearer than a day that you were afraid, dancing on the edge of a sword every day. The man smiled at you for the first time in a while, realizing that his words had really gotten to you. He had you right where he had wanted you all along, naked to your very soul, exposed, broken down for his greedy prying eyes.
 And you were finally looking at him.
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hikarimiyanaga · 3 years
Loving You (Part 3)
Part 1 I Part 2
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I just finished writing... the first part. Oh god, this fic already has a sequel and I haven't posted all of it yet. Also, thanks for the support for me through hell week, it still isn't finished but apparently my muse likes to just tell my exams to f*ck off.
Warning : Omegaverse. Beta!Reader x Omega!Wanda Maximoff. Curse Words. Mentions of Bullying.
Also, just tell me if I need to add more warnings so I can edit as quickly as I can.
Taglist: @mitchiesdungeon / @upsidedowndanvers
Two weeks pass by and before you knew it, Wanda’s overwhelming scent invades your nose. You turn to her sharply and see that she’s wearing a jacket but it’s not enough. Jesus. You can even smell Pietro’s and he’s further down the hall. You quickly get the perfume from your locker and go to her. You see Tony take off his jacket and give it to Pietro while Pepper is assuring him that it’s okay. So he’s fine. You get to Wanda and take your own jacket off. Everyone knows that Pepper and Tony are set for life so him giving Pietro his jacket is just a sign for other Alphas to back off.
“Fuck.” Right. Beta. Not going to be enough. “Wanda.” You call out and you see Vision heading towards her. Oh. FUCK THAT. No one, specially Wanda gets to be claimed by an Alpha who hasn’t even bonded with anyone yet. Vision’s scent is overbearing because no one has ever sullied or claimed it yet. You look her in the eyes. “Do you trust me?” She furrows her eyebrows and nods. You spray the perfume and you can already feel your own heart calm down. Damn, this perfume really is the best.
“Y/N.” It was your first day of school and you turn to see your Ma holding out a box… of perfume?
“What is this?”
“Scent hiding perfume.” You furrow your brows and look at Dahlia.
“For me?”
“No. For Omegas.”
“Am I-“ How did they know?... Do they know?
“That’s still unclear, sis.” Alsie says and pat your head. You sigh in relief, you weren’t ready to know just yet. “Just accept it and keep it in your locker. And if you smell an Omega’s scent which means-“
“They’re in heat.”
“That’s right, anak. This perfume is effective on hiding their heat’s scent.”
“Oh. Just like suppressant pills.”
“Yeah. Most Omegas’ heat scent can be suppressed by clothing and pills but if it can’t.”
“Then use this?”
“It’s highly effective. I gave some to my friends back in High School and it literally blows their heat scent away.”
“Oh. Nice. Do I give the whole bottle?”
“Yep. Better safe than never.”
“Gotcha.” You get the box and put it in your bag.
“What was that?” Wanda raises an eyebrow at you.
“Wanda.” Pietro calls out and both you and Wanda turn to him. He tilts his head. “You don’t have any smell.”
“It’s the wonder perfume.” Angel says and gets the bottle from you. “I can’t believe you have one of these.”
“Wonder Perfume?”
“Said to be only sold to known Omegas that have connections, this perfume can’t be found anywhere else.”
“It can cancel out any scent.” You get the bottle back and hold it out to Wanda.
“You’re giving it to me?” You smile.
“Yep. Better safe than sorry.” You get another one from your bag and toss it to Pietro. “If Tony’s scent ever runs out.” Tony growls at your words and Pepper puts a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. You roll your eyes.
“So you were that girl.” You tilt your head at Angel.
“What girl?”
“My first heat in this school and I haven’t met Natasha yet so I was hiding out in the bathroom since my brother’s scent was getting weak. When suddenly one of those bottles slid inside the toilet stall. Never knew who it was.”
“Ah.” You rub your neck. “I could smell your scent and just slid it without thinking.”
“How did you get these?”
“Ma gets those all the time. She gives me a box every time I run out of it.”
“A box!?” You nod.
“The one in my locker has only five bottles left.”
“But this thing isn’t sold in malls or online.”
“Yeah. I think one of mom’s clients is the owner and developer of it? I met her once at a Gala.” Angel’s jaw drops.
“Yep. I can tell Ma to get you some if you want it.”
“N-no. I already have Nat and her scent overpowers mine.”
“Oh. That’s good.” You grin and Wanda gulps. God, how could you be so adorable? “An Omega should never feel alone when they have a heat.” Angel narrows her eyes at you.
“What? Dependence on others?” You shake your head and give her a smile.
“No. Not dependence. Just lending a hand. Specially in time of need.” You wave them goodbye and go to your first class.”
You were waiting on the secluded bench when you hear two sets of footprints. You look up and see both Pietro and Wanda. They’re both wearing their dad’s jackets but Pietro is no longer wearing Tony’s.
“Hey, Y/LN.” He greets and you smile.
“Hey.” Wanda sits next to you and Pietro rubs his neck.
“Can I eat lunch with you guys? It feels awkward with my friends now that I returned Tony’s jacket.” Wanda narrows her eyes at him. You frown at him as well.
“Are they bull-“
“They’re not! It just feels awkward!” You chuckle and nod at him.
“You can’t. This is my and Y/N’s secret spot.”
“Wanda! Come on!” You sigh and stand.
“Take my spot.”
“No buts. You’re in heat and it can get uncomfortable if you keep standing. So just sit.”
“What about you?”
“I’ll get something. Wait here for a second.” You leave them and Wanda glares at Pietro. He notices her.
“What!?” He asks as he unwraps his sandwich.
“Would you leave!? This is the only place Y/N eats with me!”
“Just this day! Jesus! Share your blessing!”
“I’d rather die than share Y/N!” You stop in your tracks as you hear Wanda’s words. You blush and you feel your heart beat faster. Damn it, why does she have this effect on you? You shake your head and take a deep breath to calm yourself down.
“I’m back.” You say as you drag the chair in front of them.
“From over there. Used stuff that aren’t always stable get thrown there.” They look at each other then at you.
“Is that safe?” You shrug and sit. Wanda holds out a plastic bag to you and you get a sandwich and juice from it. You hum and smile. You moan at the first bite and Wanda blushes while Pietro laughs.
“Where’d you get this?”
“She prepared it herself.” Wanda elbows Pietro on the side and you eat more.
“Thanks for the food.” You say and grin at her. She blushes and smile at you.
You yawn as you get inside your last class and sit at your usual seat. Usually, you get the whole table by yourself but this time someone takes the seat besides you. You turn and see Angel who gives you a small wave. You nod at her and get your notebook out. You pay attention to the Professor. Then suddenly, Angel pokes you lightly and she points to her notebook where you see a question.
How many AP classes are you taking?
You hum and write your answer.
3 this year, why?
What are they?
Latin, Calculus and This, why?
Before either of you knew it, you were both having a conversation through the notebook.
Just asking, have you taken Japanese?
Can you help me with my homework today? It’s hard and I don’t know where to start.
Sure, come with me to the library.
That’s perfect since Natasha has to help the Judo Club today.
You nod and after half an hour, the class ends. You stretch your body before putting your things in your bag.
“Why the library?” You yawn as you get out of the classroom.
“Wanda’s there.” Angel raises an eyebrow as she follows you.
“What’s with you and Wanda? You spend time everyday despite having different classes.” You hum and your sleep-deprived self has no more inhibition whatsoever. All you want is to take a nap. You were about to on lunch but Pietro was there. You couldn’t possibly do it on a chair that was about to break.
“I like her.” Angel grins teasingly but you don’t care anymore. You yawn again. “I think she likes me too but I’m too scared.”
“Scared of what?”
“Her. And society.”
“Yep.” You finally enter the library and Wanda waves at you but it falters when she spots Angel. She frowns. What are you doing with another Omega? Someone with a soulmate mark? You notice her gaze and go to her. “She’s here because she needs help with her homework.” You yawn again and Wanda furrows her eyebrows at you.
“Are you okay?” You hum and grin lazily at her.
“I’m fine.” Angel brings out her homework and after just half an hour, you’ve already helped her finish it. Before you knew it, you’ve closed your eyes and lean your head into Wanda. Angel hides her laugh as she reads her book on Japanese language. Wanda blushes as you snuggle into her and hug her arm.
“She likes you, you know.” Wanda looks at Angel who smirks. “She told me herself.”
“When?” Angel smiles and closes her book.
“Just before we got here.”
“Because she’s sleep deprived and had no inhibition.”
“Well, I like her too.” Angel scoffs at her.
“As if that wasn’t obvious? You literally ditched your own brother to hang out with her.”
“She’s the only person who helped us that day. Most people either ignored or rolled their eyes at us. Then there she was, she was reading a novel and I took a chance.”
“She helped you?”
“Yeah. She was just straight up adorable.”
“You’re falling fast and hard, Maximoff.” Wanda smiles.
“At least I’m falling for the right person.”
“She’s a good one.” Wanda chuckle and nods.
“At least you’re not bullying her. It seems she has had bad experience. Specially with Omegas.”
“Yeah. She was the target of Janine and her goons; they were straight up messing things up for her. Which is why she never goes into the cafeteria anymore.” Wanda grits her teeth and Angel can feel her protectiveness… Jesus, it feels like Wanda has already imprinted on you despite being an Omega.
“No one stopped them?” Wanda looks at you.
“Some Betas tried but ultimately gave up.” Angel runs a hand through her hair. “Most of the cliques and groups just ignored them. Wasn’t one of my finest moments.” Wanda nods and looks at her.
“How bad was it?” Angel sighs.
“Only she can tell… but this bad one was when they filled her locker with their heat-scented clothes. She ran so fast to the bathroom and puked.” Wanda flinches at that and clenches her fist, how could they? So that was why you were so adamant to avoid her at first.
“The teachers?” What the hell were they doing while you were suffering?
“Didn’t pay them much attention since Janine’s parents are big donators to the school.” Wanda scoffs. Typical corrupt assholes. Would rather keep the money than to protect their own students.
“Her parents?” What about them? Didn’t they help you? Since you were so fond of them.
“I don’t think she ever told them, if they did then R Firm will rain hellfire to the school and to all the people who did it.”
“She’s been through so much.” She holds your hand and rubs your knuckles. Angel looks at her and groans. Wanda turns to her.
“Yeah. Fine, I’ll tell you the worst one.”
“There’s a worst?”
“Yes. When they tried to frame her for stealing underwears.” Wanda’s eyes widen and she felt her heart drop.
“What?” Angel sighs and fidgets with her book.
“Yeah. When she opened her locker, it was just pure underwear. Overflowing and everyone can smell that it was from Omegas and Alphas alike. It was a good thing that there was a camera installed in the hallway and people wearing masks were seen putting it inside her locker. Nobody knew who did it but most people knew it was Janine’s idea and Rumlow most probably did it.”
“Why go that far?”
“The only thing her parents complained was her not getting into AP classes despite her middle school record. People liked testing her endurance or if she-“
“Was going to get her parents again.”
“Yeah. R Firm is feared by most people in the town but that fear was lessened when people knew that she was a Beta.”
“Why would she let them go that far?” Her voice breaks slightly as she and Angel turn to you. You make yourself more comfortable on Wanda’s shoulder.
“I think she blamed herself.”
“For what?”
“For being a Beta.” Angel sighs. “When I ran into her in a bathroom one time, she had scars on her wrists.”
“No.” Wanda gets teary eyed and Angel nods.
“I think she wanted to die. It was a month after the evaluation tests when I saw the scars.” Wanda’s tears flow freely and Angel gives her a handkerchief. She accepts it and wipes them away. “I think she knew how her second gender affected everyone in her family.”
“Angel. Tomorrow will you please point out Janine to me?”
“I’m going to-“
“Don’t try it, Wanda.” You stir and both turn to you.
“How mu-“
“Enough. I told you before, didn’t I?” You flick her forehead and she glares at you. “Stop being a stubborn idiot. We can’t erase what happened in the past. Getting revenge won’t do me any good.”
“But she-“
“Wanda.” You look her straight in the eyes. “I mean it. Don’t try it. If you do then you won’t ever see me again.” She looks nervous at your words. “Revenge never does anyone good.”
“Justice though?” You raise an eyebrow at Angel who is challenging you.
“Justice is fine. Revenge is not.”
“Why do you want to take the high road?”
“Because getting revenge means I’m the same as them.” Both Wanda and Angel scoff at you.
“What? Sexist assholes who think they’re better than everyone because of their second gender and parents’ business. Sounds like you.” You sigh.
“Just trust me.” You look at the clock and hum. “Come on, time for me to go.” They both pack up their things and you wait for them. The three of you get outside and you stretch your body. Wanda looks down and is frowning when you turn to her.
“Why let them go that far?”
“Angel was right. I blamed myself and some part of me believed their words. I went to therapy for months and got better though.”
“Do you still go?” You nod.
“When those thoughts come back. But it’s optional most of the time.” Wanda hugs you suddenly and you look at Angel who shrugs.
“Please don’t.” Wanda mumbles and you hum.
“Don’t what?”
“Think those thoughts again.” She looks up and you gulp as your heart beat faster against your chest. You’re suddenly nervous that she would hear your heart. “I don’t think I can live without you.” You sigh and try to calm yourself down as you blush.
“You’re exag-“
“I’m not!” Wanda pulls off and glares at you. “I like you! I don’t even care if you reject me or not! I-“ She runs a hand through her hair. “You’re so frustrating!”
“Are you- Why are your emotions changing so much?”
“Because of you! You make me angry and sad and happy all at the same time!” She cries and you hug her. You send her comforting waves and hope they are enough. She calms down in your arms and you sigh in relief.
“I like you too, Wanda.” She smiles and you smile softly. “I might be a pain in the ass sometimes but I hope you know that.”
“You are.” You push her away gently and scoff.
“You’re not supposed to agree with me.” She smirks and you gulp.
“But you are. You kept rejecting me at first, remember?” You look away as you blush.
“Fine. I am.” She grins and takes your hand.
“Go on a date with me.” You chuckle and intertwine your hands.
“Sure. When and where?”
“Oh. Uh.” You laugh and Angel snickers.
“Just meet me in the park near the church? Do you know it?”
“Yep.” You smile and kiss her hand.
“Saturday, 1 pm.” You wink and pull away. “Don’t forget.”
“Angel!” “Wanda!” The three of you turn to see Pietro and Natasha walking to you.
“And I should leave.” You smile at Wanda who blushes. You kiss her cheek then turn. You wave at them as you walk to go home.
You open the door and see Valerie with a sandwich in her mouth. She’s been visiting every Thursday and moping in the house since you picked her up weeks ago.
“Hey… sis?” She grins and gets the sandwich.
“Welcome home!” She ruffles your hair and you tilt your head.
“You’re weirdly cheered up.”
“Yep!” You raise an eyebrow as she goes to the kitchen.
“Where’s mom and ma?” You look around the house and there aren’t any signs of them. Your ma’s usually cooking this time and your mom is either watching TV or scrolling through her phone in the dining room.
“On a fancy dinner date.” Ah.
“Oh, what about food?” You scratch your neck. Do you have to bike and get some from the convenience store? It’s a pain but if there wasn’t any then you have no choice.
“There’s some in the ref. You can heat it up.” You hum and you notice that Valerie’s bag is on her shoulder.
“You leaving already?”
“Yep. I have to. I have an early class tomorrow.”
“Right. 8 am.”
“Yep! See you, sis!”
“Okay! Be careful!” You sigh and go to your room after your sister left. “The hell happened to her?” You mumble as you change your clothes. You yawn as you get down. You get the food from the fridge and heat it up. You turn on the tv and watch as you eat your dinner.
Your phone pings and you see Wanda’s name.
Wanda: Hi.
You chuckle at her text. Does she have telepathy? She seems to know when you want something to do.
You: Hey, what’s up?
Wanda: Just wanted to talk to you.
You: We just talked like an hour ago.
Wanda: Still. Let me have this.
You chuckle at how cute she was being.
You: Alright.
And before the both of you knew it, you talked until 1 am where Wanda just fell asleep.
Hell week is still ongoing but here we are. No one can stop my love for Wanda. Not even my exams nor my grades.
Thanks for @mitchiesdungeon for the encouraging words.
You've given me enough motivation to actually finish this and review as well.
Thank you for reading!
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
Hey Molly! Thank you for putting in so much effort. Your fans and friends (yep, I am both a fan and a friend) love you for it! Your headcanons are so much fun! I was thinking of (another) one and thought I'd message you: Pregnant Kate wakes up in the middle of the night to hear Anthony whispering to her baby bump. (Very fluffy, I know. I apologise to the angst-lovers lurking on this tumblr)
Well Hello there friend! 
I’m not sure I consider myself as someone that has “fans” per-say, that implies some amount of talent on my behalf which, you may be able to see from my absolutely haphazard writing style, there is none. Talent? In the words of the great Mariah Carey: I don’t know her. But it seems I do have a lot of friends on here so I’m very glad to have you all! 
This is a very fluffy prompt, but I’ve been writing about Kate’s grief this week and Ladies (I’m fairly sure there are no gentleman here but if there are Welcome) it’s been rough. Poor Katie Sheffield is really going through it. So I really needed this! As always:   😘
Kate awoke suddenly one night in the sixth month of her first pregnancy, to darkness all around her. Awareness slowly drifting back in as she glanced at the clock on her nightstand 2:47. She let out a light huff. She’d been sleeping poorly of late, the baby moving around like a trapeze artist in the middle of the night. She could feel a warm hand pressed against her stomach, but no warmth pressed to her back as it usually was. She was just about to turn around, and make sure Anthony wasn’t sleeping at the foot of the bed with Newton like the ridiculous watchdog he’d turned into the last month when she heard it. 
Anthony’s soft, velvety voice murmuring across the darkness. 
“You have been giving your mother quite a rough time lately, little sprout.” He was saying softly, his hand starting to rub soft circles against where the baby lay curled in her stomach. Kate bit her lip, trying to stay as still as possible. She felt the bed shift as Anthony lay back down beside her, and let her eyelids flutter closed, not wanting to interrupt whatever her husband was saying. 
“And we love Mummy very very much little one, so we don’t want to do that. She might realise Daddy’s not worth it after all and then where would we be?” Kate felt her heart clench at the softness in Anthony’s voice as much as his words.  “I’m so excited to meet you. Daddy thought he’d never get to have this, and then Mummy came along and stomped on his foot and that was it I’m afraid. Your mother is so strong and incredible, and beautiful and I can’t wait for you to be just like her.” He whispered sleepily, his voice a little incredulous. Kate felt a flutter against her stomach as the baby kicked at his hand. She felt Anthony chuckle behind her, tears welling up in her eyes at their tiny little family. 
“I love you too little sprout.” Anthony said happily and then “I know you’re awake, Kate you haven’t snored in minutes, but thank you for letting me finish.” Anthony laughed and her heart clenched and even though her heart was bursting with love for this ridiculous man she choked out. 
“Surprising I know, since letting you finish is how I got into this sleep deprived mess in the first place.” 
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akemiiiii · 3 years
Like waves crashing.
[before anything else, i know i only put my art here, but I do write from time to time hehe, so I'm sharing this one with you all, much love! I hope you enjoy it!]
“What the fuck?”
The first thing that Iwaizumi registers in his sleep-addled mind is that the bed is too soft. It did not feel like the firm mattress he always sleeps on in his apartment.
The second thing he registers is the soft scent of bergamot and pine which reminds him of Oikawa.
Which was definitely weird because Oikawa isn’t anywhere remotely near him at the moment, in fact, he clearly remembers he was 6 thousand miles away.
His eyes open to see a white ceiling, a grey duvet cover, and the king-sized bed he was currently on.
”What the fuck?”
Iwaizumi was thoroughly confused. He doesn’t remember anything that would sufficiently explain where he was.
The last thing he does remember was his sleep-deprived thoughts of missing Tooru because they’d yet to see each other for a year now and a pixelated face on a screen does not count.
And now here he is on a soft mattress that does wonders for his body, a room he does not recognize, and a scent that reminds him so much of his best friend.
“Did I die from missing Tooru so much?” Iwa anxiously gets up from the bed and heads to what he assumes is the cabinet. Right now, the idea of lying half-naked on a stranger’s bed did not seem appealing.
The thought leaves a bitter taste in his mouth for reasons unknown to him. But as Iwaizumi scrambles to open the cabinet, his sight lands on two very conspicuous shirts.
Hanging isolated on the right end of the closet was a black shirt that housed a small Japanese flag right above where a heart would be when worn. Besides the black shirt is a blue jersey, a huge ‘13’ smack right in the middle with an Argentine flag on the corner.
For the 3rd time that day, Iwaizumi curses.
Was Tooru already 1st string on his team? Was he already playing for Argentina? Wait, no, that’d be impossible Tooru would have to be an Argentine citizen for that ti happen.
Thoughts beeline in his brain, too fast for him to process. While Iwa was trying to understand what he was seeing, voices past the door of the room catch his attention.
Iwa stands still, eyes wide, fearing he’d be caught. Any hopes of these people leaving burn to dust as the knob turns slightly.
Then his eyes meet the soft brown burned and buried into his heart.
“Tooru?” Iwaizumi doesn’t take notice of the fact that Oikawa’s taller, bulkier, and more tanned. He was too happy to finally see his best friend after a year of not having him near that he barrels past the unfamiliar room to crush said man into a fierce hug.
“...Iwa-chan?” Oikawa squeaks out
“Tooru! Gods, I missed your stupid face, how are you here? Why are you here?” at this Iwa moves back to glare at the man “You better not have skipped out on your practices dumbass, you know better than to…”
“What the fuck?” The fourth curse surprisingly does not come from Iwaizumi. Well, not from the one who just bear-hugged Oikawa.
Iwa’s eyes move from Oikawa’s wide-blown eyes, past his shoulder, to see his own face staring back at him. A more muscled, more robust, maybe slightly taller version of himself.
Iwa curses for the fifth time.
“Wait, wait, wait, you mean to say it is currently 2024?” Iwaizumi asks this supposedly adult Tooru.
“Yeah! We’re like, 30 now, Iwa-chan!” For the most part, Tooru looks extremely amused at what was happening that he couldn’t stop looking back and forth between the younger Iwa and the older.
“Damn, Iwa-chan, look at all the wrinkles you’ve accumulated, I told you all that scowling was gonna stay.” Oikawa chatters on excitedly
“Shut up ‘kawa” On the other hand, Iwa’s older counterpart now looks on calmly, as if this mind-blowing event was a normal part of his everyday life.
“Wait, you said we’re in Japan? And we’re...living together?? What about Argentina? Did you come back to Japan after all? But that wouldn’t explain the jersey…” There was so much Iwa wanted to ask about, but these were his topmost concerns.
“Hmmm, how much am I allowed to say? Will this affect the past? How did you even get here?” Oikawa directs the first 2 questions to the Iwaizumi closer to him (the adult one) and directs the last one to the Iwa sitting in front of them.
“I suppose you can say the condition we’re in now. But not the major ones.” The adult Iwaizumi offers
“But Iwa-chan! How am I supposed to know which ones are ‘major’ ones?!” Oikawa whines out, dramatically air quoting his statement.
The older Iwa heaves a sigh and faces his counterpart, “Yeah, we’re living together, we’re in Japan, as for Argentina, you’ll know in time.”
“...Huh.” Younger Iwa just huffs at that, but living together wasn’t really a big issue, in the back of his mind, Iwa thinks he knew all along that they would end up like that anyway.
Living with your best friend doesn’t really pose any much problem for him, plus he’d get to spend the days with Oikawa at his side and take care of his dumbass, so it’d be a win-win.
Younger Iwa still doesn’t realize why exactly he was very much pleased with the information that he and Oikawa living together was a great thing.
“Wait, I wanna know how old you are though Iwa-chan, you look almost the same as I remember when we were high school, but with major eye-bags.” Oikawa shifts closer, and younger Iwa stares at the freckles prominent on his face, the wide smile, and something in him clicks.
The one difference that he couldn’t pin, the one thing that made him believe that this Tooru really wasn’t his Tooru. This Tooru exuded happiness. Exuded contentedness.
He must’ve stared too long because Oikawa’s clearing of the throat makes snaps him out of whatever he was trying to comprehend.
“..Ah. well you aren’t exactly wrong, its been a year or so after we graduated as seniors. I’m at the end of the 2nd sem of college,” Iwa explains
“Holy fuck, that’d make you 19, ah youth! You’re so young let me pinch your cheeks!” Oikawa doesn’t wait for the go before both hands grab at younger Iwa’s chubby cheeks.
“Ha-ji-me~~ your baby fats are all still here! How wonderful!”
The sudden use of first name leaves Iwa blushing in Oikawa’s hands, panicked eyes seek help from the man beside Oikawa but adult him just laughed at his plight.
“Oi, ‘Kawa stop, he’ll combust.”
“You mean, you’ll combust?” Oikawa turns his head to face his Iwaizumi and wiggles his eyebrows. Younger Iwa doesn’t miss the gleam of affection that passes his eyes, and suddenly he is very aware of the lack of insults these two were trading.
If they were them, in the future, surely they’d have the same amount of banter he and Oikawa have, right? the roughhousing and all that, right?
But the only thing Iwa sees are casual touches here and there.
Like a switch, Iwa realizes a lot of things.
The apartment seemed to only have one master bedroom. In that room was a king-sized bed. With two pillows. The closet seems to house both of their clothes.
Oikawa was leaning into adult Iwa’s space more than the usual Oikawa would have been to younger Iwa.
There was a lot of gentle and almost, Iwa daresay, loving affectionate stares the two in front of him kept having in this hour alone.
And the most glaring, most shocking, most unbelievable thing Iwa has finally, finally noticed: The shining, demanding gleam of two matching rings.
“Are you married?” Iwa blurts out, the need to know suddenly engulfing him in ways he can’t fathom. How? Why? Since when?
The two in front of him exchange glances. And as an answer, both lace their fingers together. It is the older him that speaks softly, “Yeah.”
The word silences him. Once again, thoughts swim in his mind furiously crashing back and forth like waves.
How? Did he actually love Tooru all this time or did he come to fall in love with him? Was it when they were separated??
Why? Was this a need or a want or a what? What exactly could be the reason that they’d end up married???
Since when? When did they fall in love, when did they decide on marriage, when did they realize that the other was the one person they wanted to spend their entire lives with?
Iwa’s mind was a mess, but honestly, he knew every answer. He was probably in love with his best friend. No, not probably. Definitely. He started the moment they met and never stopped.
He loved Tooru. Loved his stupid collection of alien merch, loved the way his eyes lit up when they were on call, loved the way he took the spot next to Iwa as if that was where he was always supposed to be.
Iwaizumi loved and hated the way he was separated from Tooru, because of the space it left and because of the growth it pushed in them.
In the back of his mind, Iwaizumi hoped, wished, and knew that whatever their future may be, he’d always be beside Tooru, even if they were physically apart.
He’d known for years now that his future would have been with Tooru because the only future he pictured himself happy was with Tooru.
Fuck, he was in love with his best friend.
“Holy shit.” Iwa breathes out.
“Yep. Hard to swallow that you’re in love with this ass right?” Older him chuckles out, nudging Oikawa’s shoulder
“Hey! I’m a fine piece of ass. You’re lucky enough you got me!” Oikawa shoves back, the smile evident behind his pouting face.
“I really am.” The casual confidence in which his adult self replies to this is another blow to Iwa.
He fell in love with his best friend.
He gets to live with his best friend.
He gets to marry his best friend.
He gets to spend the rest of his life loving the person who has always made his soul feel alive.
“I love that I’m getting to see firsthand your reaction to realizing you’re in love with me.” Oikawa pinches the younger Iwa’s cheek with his free hand, and all pleasant thoughts of Tooru fly away, getting replaced with irritation at his smug smile.
“Well, knowing me, you have no other option but to fall in love with me Iwa-chan. I mean really, did you really think you’d get rid of me that easily?? My bi realization happened in junior high, you shit!”
Oikawa’s hold on his cheek strengthens, as he forcefully wiggles Iwa’s face right and left. Adult Iwa was apparently finding it amusing.
“Like what the hell! You were up in my room all shirtless in summer when it’s hot! And sweat!! And you had the fucking gall to play wrestle me without even knowing the internal turmoil I was having!”
Oikawa finally lets go of his abused cheeks, it was probably beet red from the amount of force he used to pinch, but also because of the words Oikawa was spewing.
“To be fair, ‘kawa, you liked the play wrestles because you said it gave you a reason to touch the developing muscles I had.” adult Iwa smooths over.
“It was still unfair because up until we were seniors I was literally dropping hints left and right and the entire fuckin’ team knew, and you were still there being the slowest idiot I have ever encountered in my life. Even your parents knew, how slow can you be Iwa-chan?”
Oikawa’s glare was directed at older Iwa, but it could have also been aimed at him from the amount of mortification he had. So that was why Oikawa loved holding hands when going home back then.
“Ah, the sweet taste of knowing the exact moment you realized you love me. Can’t believe it took for you to meet the future us to fucken know. Iwa-chan, you a rare breed.” Oikawa winks at him.
Older Iwa snorts, “Oh my god, never use that phrase again Tooru, what the fuck” He shoves him playfully, while Oikawa just wiggles his eyebrow back at him, prompting older Iwa’s fuller laugh.
And seeing this domestic scene in front of him somehow calms Iwaizumi enough to the point that everything in the world rearranges itself because he has found the answer that settles his very core.
“Ah. Times up.” Older Iwa says, looking straight at him. He dons a secretive smile, and for some reason, Iwa understands that he’s probably going to go back to the past now.
“Wait, last thing, are we happy? together?” Iwa frantically asks. Because no matter how he wants what this future paints, he wants what makes Oikawa happiest the most.
Adult Oikawa moves closer to him, leaving a lingering kiss on his forehead. “Ah, my Iwa-chan, I was never, will never be not happy when I’m with you. Now off you go! Don’t make things too hard for me, ‘kay?”
A last caress is what Iwa feels before he wakes up back in his shitty apartment with clustered notes and dirty laundry. It was currently afternoon, which means Tooru would be lounging in his own bed, probably reading.
Iwaizumi picks up his phone to ring him immediately. It’s answered in less than a minute, and the fluffy cocoon blanket of Tooru is what greets him first, before the scrunched-up nose of his best friend.
“You’re late Iwa-chan! Did you forget about lil’ ol’ me?” He pouts, and even though he was just with Tooru a second ago, he missed this Tooru still.
“Never. Hey Tooru.” The first name surprises Tooru, a blush rising, and before he would’ve just waved that off, but now that Iwa knows what he knows, he can easily see the pleased and happy gleam Tooru feels.
“Hey Hajime. So, how was your day?”
Iwa opens his mouth to tell him what he had just experienced, but adult Oikawa’s last words ring in his mind. It wouldn’t be fun at all if Hajime makes it known that he knows Tooru likes him, and him vice versa would it?
He closes his mouth and hides a grin. Nope. Not fun at all. Guess he’ll let things flow for now and keep Tooru at his feet. Someones gotta have to, right?
“Nothing much, I just woke up late, anyways tell me that gossip you had with your Abuela.”
“Oh yeah!! Iwa-chan you won’t believe what's happened, Juan’s partner got…”
Really, Iwaizumi muses that he should have realized long ago that he can’t imagine anybody else’s voice filling up his days in the future.
[Ok omg, tell me what you think, I know there're probably a lot of errors in grammar, hshshs, i'm still trying to get a hang of writing :D, I really hope you enjoyed reading this !!]
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aweecrush · 3 years
Tuesday, October 16th 2007
“Jesus, I can’t believe you’re actually in the fucking plane - took you long enough! If I had known it took a wedding to get your arse back home, I would have had a couple by now, for God’s sake .”
“Michelle, you promised you wouldn’t start! ” Clare’s reproachful voice rose.
“Aye, first, I didn’t promise shit, and second, I told you, she’s not chickening out so chill out - right Erin?”
Despite the culpability and shame pricking at her skin, her heart warmed at their traditional bickering she wished she’d hear more often. At their voices. And, most of all, at knowing that in a few hours, she’d get to hear them for real.
Feck, she’d missed these eejits.
“Well, I’m not actually in the plane yet, we’re waiting to board. And then I still have that stupid long flight, and then the stupid long wait at stupid London, so don’t wait up - but yes, I’m definitely on my way,” she promised, earning herself an earful of high pitched cackles and happy swears.
Her heart welled up.
“So, how is the bride doing? She wasn’t home when I called earlier, and all Mammy could talk about was how the caterer was driving her crazy and how aunt Sarah almost set her own hair on fire trying a new hairdo she’d like to nail for the ceremony.”
Michelle snorted. “ Yeah, hilarious so it was. You should have seen your dad’s face, mental. ”
“It was terrifying,” Clare corrected, apparently still shaken.
Then, perked up. “Orla’s going to look so cute though - I can’t wait for you to see the dress!” Erin tried to ignore the sting of not having been there for such an important moment.
“We’re still trying to convince her out of drawing anything on it, but I’m not sure we’ll win this one, to be honest. Also, we’ve got everything almost ready to go for the bachelorette party, although I do need you to help me stop Michelle from bringing the tons of drugs she wants to, because - ”
“For feck’s sake Clare, Orla would love it! The girl is tying the knot, she deserves to get properly shit faced.”
“She said she wanted something small!”
“She said she would have liked to have a little something with just the five of us the night before. She never said anything about the actual bachelorette party being small - or fucking boring for that matter!”
“Just the five of us?”
The words spilled out before she could stop them, stupid that she was. At the other end of the line, the girls went uncharastically silent, and Erin cursed herself.
“I mean, that’s grand. It’s cool, I thought it was just going to be one big night for the bachelorette party before the big day, but - I mean, that’s even better! Grand - cool.”
Christ on a bike, that was pathetic. She was.
“Yeah...The thing is, Orla wanted a wee night with just us Derry girls the night before the bachelorette party, hanging at the bar and stuff you know, because - Well, just because.” Poor Clare was rambling now, in a typical panicked Clare kind of way. “And we thought - Well, then we thought about it, and it turns out it’s not going to work, just timing-wise and stuff, so - “
“So the point is we dropped it.”
“Right. Yep.”
Again, silence, only betrayed by the hammering in her chest that she hoped her friends wouldn’t hear over her cellphone.
“Oh okay, well - that’s a shame.” Her casual slash over the top fake disappointment tone did nothing to help convince anyone, of course, herself included. She winced.
She promised herself it wasn’t going to be like this, though. She wasn’t going to ruin this for anyone - not a chance.
For God’s sake, catch yourself on Erin.
Pushing all dangerous thoughts aside, Erin took a deep breath. “In any case, I’m sure it’ll all be fine - really fine.”
There were another few seconds of silence, and she could just picture the worried look they were sharing - probably very similar to the one they had that particular, fateful day. To the one they had again when she told them she was moving away. Then -
“You bet it’ll be fine - feck, it will be absolutely brilliant is what it is! Wait til you see my dress, Erin - my tits look amazing in it.”
As it turned out, running all over the city for work for the past ten days and dangerously flirting with the limits of sleep deprivation did have a perk: her whole, eight hours flight, Erin slept like a log.
(Truth was, she could have done without the look of contempt and the ‘Miss? You have drool on your face’ from that stupid flight attendant who woke her up when they landed, but still - all in all, it went well.)
The wait at Stansted airport, however, was pure hell.
Because of the jitters, mostly.
Growing up, despite how much she loved to complain about them, Erin had never actually considered living away from her family. Well, not that far, at least - she’d always known she would leave Derry after high school, which they did, and it was glorious. War or not, she had a pretty nice life as a child and then a teenager, but those college years and the first ones that had followed - they were the best of her life.
Still, it was only Belfast at the time, and Belfast was a two hours drive from home. Erin knew that at some point, she wanted to go out in the world, maybe live abroad for a while, but this - New-York, all on her own, away for so long? She hadn’t planned that. Didn’t, really - it all went so fast, in the end.
It was a good thing too, because if she had stopped and thought about it for too long, she wasn’t sure she would have gone through with it.
(Then again, what else could she have done?)
Despite her dreams, and her need for independence, and her eagerness to see the world, Erin had never thought that she’d leave her family for that far, for that long. Orla had come to see her once, thank goodness, but Jesus -
On the last picture her Ma had sent her, Anna had grown so much, she almost looked like a wee woman. She’d forgotten the exact colour of that lipstick aunt Sarah wore all the time, she couldn’t remember each wrinkle on Granda’s beautiful face like she used to, and sometimes, she was afraid she was forgetting her Da’s smell and what her Ma’s voice sounded like in real life. She’d missed them so much, it hurt (a lot, often).
She just couldn’t wait any longer to get back to that crazy bunch, and those last, endless few hours? Torture so it was.
She was half considering starting to work on her next article to pass the time when across from her, Erin spotted a young couple bickering, their luggages next to their seats. She was a beautiful thing, red hair tied in a messy bun, and his brown curls fell above his forehead, all messed up.
She couldn’t hear what they were saying, but she could make out their accents. He looked like he was trying to make her smile, leaning over so he could kiss her, and she was doing everything she could not to laugh, weakly trying to escape his arms around hers, her pretense wavering with every second.
They were probably in their early twenties, just out of uni or something. They looked happy.
Her chest tightened, and suddenly, Erin felt the urge to cry.
Well, that was quick.
Shite. Shite shite shite.
It was okay, though - it was all fine. She knew herself by now - she was emotional as heck most days of the year (crazy, her Ma would say), but the day of her returning back home, with accumulated fatigue and an Atlantic crossing flight in her feet? Of course she'd get misty eyed at the first occasion. At anything, this just happened to be what, because they were very cute and - it was a coincidence, nothing more.
It was nothing.
The girl laughed, though, giving him a small slap over the head before she let him nuzzle his face in the crook of her neck. She brushed his forehead with her lips, a soft smile on them, and kept talking.
It was difficult, then, not to think about another time, another long wait, at the Bali airport this time. It was difficult, not to think about another English fella with wild, brown curls.
It was impossible, really, not to think about him.
Memories of a perfect trip came flooding back, of burnt skin and drunken smiles, of blue waters and green eyes. The tickles of the sun, the softness of his fingers over her exposed neck, her naked arms. Sweaty bodies pressed together during hot nights, slow breathes, so many new sights discovered, fingers intertwined.
Sometimes, the memory of his face hidden against her neck was so vivid, she could almost feel it. Just like she did now.
Her breath caught.
Sweet suffering Jesus.
Experience had taught her that she had to stop now - needed to, really, before her mind wandered to anything more. To everything else, every little thing that could, and would, make her heart ache even more than it already did.
(That’s another thing she’d found out: as it happened, the expression “heartbreak” wasn’t, in fact, an overly dramatic turn of words. Quite accurately descriptive it was, actually.
She often wondered when hers would stop feeling like it had been ripped into a million little pieces, but she was starting to lose faith that it ever would.)
Of course, she should have seen it coming, she knew that. She had, in fact. True to herself, she’d tried to ignore it, but she knew full well that with her coming back home, it would come back.
This painful, sneaky way every little thing seemed to remind her of before - of a life that felt so far away now.
Over the months, the many months since she’d been gone, she’d gotten it almost under control. Everyday life brought its distractions, particularly in a city like New-York: running between brunches and dinners, partying with her cool American friends, writing for a newspaper in the Big Apple, it was easy, forgetting what you wanted to, if only for so long. She was becoming a real life city girl, a full time one, and that was exactly what her busy brain - her treacherous heart - needed.
With time, every sight, every sound, every smell no longer reminded her of home - the place, the person. With time, she’d moved on.
Yes, sometimes - often - she’d wavered, but that was normal: having been close to someone meant that they lived with you forever, she couldn’t help that. At some point, it would just die down enough that she’d just be able to call it the past without her insides hurting.
(She thought it would, with Matt. Maybe not with the others before him, they were just passing through - but with him, she thought it would. She couldn’t really explain how it all made the permanent weight on her chest even heavier instead, somehow.)
But it hadn’t died down yet, and even though it was normal and okay and to be expected, six weeks ago, Erin had booked her tickets, and six weeks ago, she had lost the grip over the carefully built barriers she’d made sure to rise in the meantime for - well, self-preservation, really.
It started small. The song that had played this one special night, resonating through Starbucks as she waited for her drink. That sweatshirt her colleague bought one day that reminded her of another one. That scarf in the store that looked so much like Doctor Who’s.
But then...Then, it was every day, every damn day, just like the beginning - even worse, if she was being honest. Up until yesterday, when she boarded that damn plane.
Up until now, in this stupid airport where she didn’t want to cry.
Arms tightened around her own chest, Erin willed herself not to, even though it was becoming evident that there was no ignoring the memories and the aching now. Even though, just like she feared, it was becoming perfectly clear that there was no escaping anymore, no pretending that she wasn’t the worst person in this Goddamn country, that the worst hadn’t happened.
Even though she could feel the fear mixed with longing and excitement and dread and a million other emotions that had painfully, permanently taken residence in her stomach now that she was home.
(That had taken roots there ever since the day she left, so it did.)
Sitting back up, Erin shook herself. No, no, no, no - she could do this.
She’d grown, she’d prepared herself. She’d even planned what to say if...She was ready. Responsable, mature, and ready. And she won’t have to face this alone.
In a few hours, she was going to see the people who raised her. In a couple of days, wee Orla was getting married. She’d come up with excuses after excuses not to come home, even for Christmas - babbling something about being overloaded with work even though it made her heart ache to know she’ll be alone for the holidays for the first time in her life. Even though she knew full well her Ma didn’t buy a single word, very aware of the real reason she was staying away. She didn’t say a single word, though, and Erin was grateful.
No more, though.
For months and months, Erin had found reasons to stay away for the exact reasons that were chipping away at her heart more and more by the second, but now her baby cousin was getting married, and she’d see her family, and they’ll hold her close, and she’ll find a way to bury all the stuff that was so, so much more difficult to ignore now that she was coming home.
Maybe - maybe it will be difficult, but they’ll be here to help her through it. She’ll be there for her family, and they’ll be here for her.
Fighting the urge to reach out for the folded photograph in her wallet (the one that brought so much comfort and so much else she’d rather avoid at the same time, the one she clinged to but pretended she didn’t), Erin just breathed, and moved to change seats.
Everything would be fine, in the end. It will be grand.
Except her family didn’t come.
No one did.
It was eight thirty in the morning, and, her cellphone penibly stuck between her ear and shoulder as she struggled to zip her jacket to protect herself from the freezing cold, Erin tried to swallow her disappointment.
“Aye I’m sorry love, it looks like you’re going to have to get a cab,” her Ma announced before yelling something at her Granda in the distance.
Erin couldn’t help but notice the fact that she didn’t seem that sorry, not at all in fact. “Your Da was going to come get you, but there’s a problem of some kind where the reception is, and he had to take Orla.”
Erin nodded, even though her Ma couldn’t see her. “Yeah, sure. I’ll just - ”
“We’ll give you the money back for the cab when you arrive. Alright, I gotta go love, we’re checking the hair accessories for the big day - see you in a bit.” And with that, she hung up.
Here went her big welcome home, eh.
Again, it was nothing, though, she reasoned. She was a grown up now, of course she understood that something had come up, and that this all delayed their big reunion from only an hour, tops. So really, there was no reason to get upset.
She wished she wasn’t getting upset.
From what she told her, Clare would be putting together gift bags now, and there was absolutely no doubt that Michelle was still snoring. Pocketing her cell as best as she could, Erin bit the inside of her cheek and started looking for the only plan B she had left, ignoring the burning in her eyes. It really was nothing - she’ll be fine.
It didn’t matter that she took forever to get a cab, for some reason, or that her luggage fell over her foot when they tried to put it in the truck, or that her handbag crashed on the floor and spilled everywhere.
Erin did know she tended to be over dramatic - and yes, maybe borderline crazy, Ma wasn't completely wrong - but she was more mature now, so instead of getting riled up, instead of being crushed by the fact that her family didn’t seem to have missed her as much as she did them, and that the land she grew up on was sending her sign after sign that she wasn’t welcomed back, Erin breathed.
Instead of being violently overwhelmed by memories at every corner of the place she’d grown up in, the place where they met and it all began, she did - she tried to breathe, slowly, carefully, squeezing her scarf in her hand a little too tight.
(That was another thing about your close ones not coming to get you at the airport after you left your country to run away: there wasn’t much to distract you from the memories you were running away from.)
She wouldn’t cry. She was just tired, and being stupid, and she wasn’t coming home with puffy red eyes - no way.
They passed the mall they all used to hang out at, and her throat tightened so much, it felt like the air had left the inside of the car. She saw the movie theater he was always so eager to bring her to in the distance, and a familiar pang of missing shot through her chest. Her heart twisted that particular way when they drove by the hiding spot of their early days, but even though she wondered how she was still holding her tears, she did.
After what felt like an eternity, the car finally pulled up her street, and Erin hadn’t shed one silly tear. She’d done it. She could do it.
By the time she pushed their small barrier and started for the couple of stairs, all Erin wanted was to collapse into bed and black out. Orla and Da wouldn’t be home, Ana would probably still be asleep, and given the day and time, Grandda would have gone for his walk. She’d give a big hug to Ma and Aunt Sarah, pretext a headache, and go lie down.
As she struggled to get her bags through the door while keeping the damn thing open, Erin shouted, cursing herself at how strangled her voice sounded. “I’m home!”
Finally managing to get everything and herself inside, she collapsed on the wall behind her, only now taking in the wallpaper, the coat hangers, the shoes by the entry.
Damn - she was home.
The emotion was so striking, she didn’t quite have the time to stop the tears from welling up in her yes, taken by surprise.
She moved before it all became too much and shrugged off her coat, feeling her insides warm at the familiar surroundings, and yet her heart ache at not having the usual voices that went with it, the faces that she wanted so much to see. She shouted again, but there was still no response.
Ma and aunt Sarah must have had something to do, then. It was fine, she thought as she pushed the living door open. It was, she’d just grab a glass of water and -
And just like that, Saturday Night started playing from somewhere, overcoming the shouting and the party whistles that had broken the silence so suddenly, Erin had jumped out, her back hitting doorframe behind her. There was colours and and noise and arms waving in every direction, and Erin vaguely realized that she was covered in confetti that matched the balloons and the hats.
Somehow, she noticed that they all had one: Michelle, up on the sofa, Clare, jumping in place at the other side of the room, Orla and the giant teddy bear she was holding. Anna, her pink one stuck on top of her mass of blond hair. Aunt Sarah and Grandda, both holding hands and arboring the same green one. Her Ma, her Da, tears in their eyes, huge grins on their faces, red and yellow ones falling over.
Her brain had stopped functionning, so she couldn't be sure, but Erin thought that her legs were giving out.
Before they did, though, both her parents closed the distance and hugged her close, whispering things she couldn't quite make sense of just yet. Their voices in her ear, their smell surrounding her, Erin broke her promise to herself, and finally let the tears come flooding as she held them back as close as she could.
She was home.
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