that1garrulousfan · 30 days
i wanna try
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doodledoesthing3 · 2 months
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If Harper and Hyper ever met, this would be their dynamic! Harper knows how to deal with hyper people *cough cough Her Girlfriend tends to get very excited when she starts talking about her interests cough cough* so she’ll just let it happen. Have two little oneshots that have been living in my mind rent free!
Oneshot 1:
HyperHumor: Hey Harper, can I ask you something?
Harper Barker: What is it?
HyperHumor: I know that you live in this different universe and all, but um… What the heck happened to your CatNap?
Harper Barker: Huh? What do you mean?
HyperHumor: Well in my universe, CatNap is all sleepy and not very talkative. Your CatNap is all…
*she takes a glance at SV!CatNap who’s talking and referring to his friends as the voices*
HyperHumor: …Depressing. Like what happened to him? He’s all sleep deprived and talkative, even his ear is messed up!
*HyperHumor points towards SV!CatNap whose right ear is missing a piece.*
Harper Barker: Oh, something about my boss’s husband trapping him somewhere and they got into a fight. My boss’s husband won the fight, obviously, and CatNap’s ear is a result of that.
HyperHumor: Yikes… I have another question.
Harper Barker: Shoot it.
HyperHumor: Why is he calling his friends ‘The Voices’?
Harper Barker, whispers: I think he’s finally lost it. They just fell from the sky one day after being missing for years and they’ve been following him around ever since.
HyperHumor: Dang! Do you know why DogDay and the others have scars?
Harper Barker: I have no clue and I don’t wanna know. It’s not my problem to deal with them, my problem is with CatNap.
HyperHumor: Uh huh… Can I ask one last question?
Harper Barker: Sure, I guess.
HyperHumor: Why do you look like DogDa-
Harper Barker: ALRIGHT, THATS ENOUGH QUESTIONS FOR ME! Go bother CatNap now.
Oneshot 2:
HyperHumor: Woah! So you’re the CatNap of this universe?
SV! CatNap: Yep!
HyperHumor: You look awful.
SV! CatNap: Well that’s what happens when your friends go missing for years.
HyperHumor: And the spa was too busy for years to take care of those eye bags?
SV! CatNap: Haha. You must a real comedian from whatever universe you came from.
HyperHumor: At least my CatNap doesn’t have eye bags for days.
SV! CatNap: Well at least…um, at least I…. I don’t have any comebacks for that one.
*SV! CatNap notices HyperHumor staring at something above him.*
SV! CatNap: What?
*he looks up and sees a piano above him*
SV! CatNap: Son of a-
*The piano falls on top of him*
HyperHumor: He’ll be fine… I think.
*Harper Barker walks over to HyperHumor while drinking some boba*
Harper Barker: Yeesh, what happened here?
HyperHumor: You threw a piano on top of CatNap.
Harper Barker: No I didn’t? I was at a boba shop.
HyperHumor: Then who did- oh wait there’s a note on top of the piano.
*HyperHumor takes the note and reads it out loud*
HyperHumor: ‘Hey Harps! You left this piano back at the house, so I decided to drop it off for you while you were at work. Love you lots, Centipede <3’
Harper Barker: Aww! She remembered where I wanted the piano to be!
HyperHumor: You have a girlfriend named Centipede?
Harper Barker: What? No, Centipede is one of my nicknames for her.
HyperHumor: Oh, that makes sense but why would she sign the note with her one of nicknames though?
Harper Barker: ‘Cause she knows that I prefer no one at work knowing her real name.
HyperHumor: Huh, that’s weird-
SV! CatNap, who’s still underneath the piano: SOMEONE HELP ME!
HyperHumor belongs to @that1garrulousfan!
Harper Barker and SV! CatNap belongs to me!
(For anyone wondering what SV (Smiling Voices)! CatNap looks like, take a look down here!)
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apexparadox · 2 months
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My part of the art trade with @that1garrulousfan 😋
Her oc, Hyperhumor. I love this oc cuz it gives me an excuse to draw a silly hyena.
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that1garrulousfan · 1 month
This is that self-indulgent AU-
I was heavily inspired to make this into a written form by @doodledoesthing3 , @ninjablasterzx , @daydreamer36 and @guppieishere .
Also one last thing to clear up possible confusion, since I’m so indecisive, HyperHumor has a different backstory in every AU she’s in to specifically fit the context/plot. So this is fresh outta the oven, baby! :]
Sorry if it’s cringe, I haven’t written in a while!
23 minutes.
HyperHumor was created for the sole purpose of being a close friend of the Bubba Bubbaphant character in the Smiling Critters series produced by PlayTime Co., celebrating the new collection of colorful, scented plushies.
They didn’t have to know each other; it was automatic. With no need to understand or know her own identity, or anyone else’s, all she had to do was exist and play her role.
Her first and only appearance took place on the fourth episode, “The Spotlight Shuffle” where she’d reunite with her pachyderm pal and ask him if he’d like to perform with her on a big stand up, which causes him to spend more time with her over his friend group in the process, leaving them to worry if he considers her over them.
23 minutes.
“It’ll be alright. And I can visit you whenever!” Hyper chirped with a bright smile, holding her friend’s hooves. Bubba smiled back in response, “Mhm. And we’ll be here once you do.”
And it was over. All wrapped in a pretty little bow and done with.
She spent the next five years in isolation and silence.
She couldn’t feel anything at first. Her eyes were open, but she couldn’t piece where she was. Her ears barely picking up a single wave of coherent sound. Not that she knew what it would be anyway. There’s only so much one can remember from 23 minutes. A few measures of music, bits of scripted lines, a handful of colors, the elephant’s name for sure…
Hyper shuffled on the ground, struggling to stand up without falling back down. It was weird. Her body felt numb, yet everything hurt. Another thing she wasn’t used to. Back in the cartoon, her home, pain was exceptionally temporary and minor, but here, every waking moment was agonizing.
She felt as if an unbearable weight was keeping her in place although she was certain nothing was near her. Weird. She thought.
Which was weird as well! It’s been so long since she’s even heard her own “voice”. Or thought. Let alone for herself. Everything was usually predetermined to be true and that was who she was. Whatever the creators wanted her to be.
Did she even have control of herself? Are these thoughts even her own?
Every move, every word, every problem, every solution was written and planned. And she was aware of it!
Was this planned too?
Why is she thinking like this then?
Hyper couldn’t recall walking towards the door, she simply found herself there, her hand pressed against the wall that she couldn’t even feel. Her senses were disconnected. Was she… standing? Probably? Maybe? She should be, right? How else could she have gotten there?
And why did her head hurt so much? The constant throbbing sensation made her want to tear her way through her fur and rip her brain out of her skull. Her vision was blurry, everything around her was seemingly fading away into the darkness.
None of it made sense.
What is this place?
Why was she here?
Why does she feel this way?
Her heart rapidly pounded in her chest, her breaths were shallow and uneven, as if daggers were stabbing into her lungs.
She rubbed her temples with her fingers in slow motions, humming something to herself, too tired to form any actual words of consolation.
The more time she spent trying to calm down, the more time she spent fantasizing about being back home. A place she could hardly remember all on its own.
Thinking of things that brought her comfort, helped her forget about the distress she was in in order to stay calm. However, this was always seen as “problematic” according to the creators. They believed that behavior would cause the children to develop unhealthy ways of coping and destroy their mental health. Not that it mattered anymore, right?
It’s not like they can read her mind anyways.
She took slow, deep breaths.
Home was nice.
Her ears rang, a loud sizzling, high-pitched noise.
They were punishing her for her sinful act.
The walls bore nice messages.
Were there pictures?
Her breathing quickened and heaved. She could barely feel the sweat dripping down her face.
Pictures would be nice.
Maybe she could take pictures of her with her friends and hang them up when she went back.
She rubbed her eyes with her free hand, blinking a few times before everything finally came into focus. Cold sweat ran down her face as it immediately when pale.
Dark. Very dark.
And… red?
She heard voices.
People were here!
What are they talking about?
Maybe they can explain what’s happening!
Yes! She could get help!
She had so many questions and—
They’re not talking.
Not at all in fact.
Are those…
“S-Screams…?” Hyper muttered to herself in confusion. She shuddered a bit, wincing in pain.
She hadn’t spoken in so long, it scared her how raspy and quiet her voice was.
Suddenly, her hand slipped, the door she happened to lean on swung open much too fast for her to react. She fell face first into the other room. More red. A lot of red. Everywhere.
She was breathing it in!
Her body gave out, her senses intensifying as the situation did.
Shrill cries of names.
More screams.
Even faster footsteps.
The last thing she saw before blacking out was a clock dead center across the room, which read 10:13am.
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🚫Please don’t repost, trace, steal and/or use my artwork for AI!🚫
🚫Do not plagiarize my work!🚫
if you want, please give me feedback
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that1garrulousfan · 2 months
Drawing check
*bonks you on teh head with a long ahh wand*
Show your sketches so I can marvel at them pls--
I have a stupid amount of WIPs and artwork of my OC 😭😭 Heavy cringe warning and future post spoilers if I ever finish these-
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But yeah :,]
🚫Please don’t repost, trace and/or steal my artwork! AND NO AI STUFF EITHER🚫
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that1garrulousfan · 2 months
Some doodles based off this post:
Harper Barker and the SV!CatNap belong to @doodledoesthing3
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🚫Please don’t repost, trace and/or steal my artwork!🚫
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that1garrulousfan · 16 days
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Perfect Pierre and Piper belong to @daydreamer36
Harper Barker belongs to @doodledoesthing3
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that1garrulousfan · 12 days
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I think she’s mad guys idk
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that1garrulousfan · 1 month
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🚫Please don’t repost, trace, steal and/or use my artwork for AI!🚫
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that1garrulousfan · 3 months
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imagine waking up at like 12:00am :,]
I finished the thing!
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🚫Please don’t repost, trace and/or steal my artwork!🚫
No, the astronaut was an image I found.
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that1garrulousfan · 8 days
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that1garrulousfan · 2 months
HyperHumor: *watching television, and something stupid happens* What the crap?
CatNap: Wow, that’s not cringe.
HyperHumor: *turns over, irritated* Well, what do you want me to say? “What the f—”
If this post gets one like/note/heart, I’m drawing it.
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that1garrulousfan · 14 days
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that1garrulousfan · 4 months
This character was created first on paper, I’m finalizing her design in digital art. (More art will be in a reblog because I can’t post it all at once. :,] )
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that1garrulousfan · 1 month
Quick doodle from @daydreamer36 ‘s post:
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Pico Impure belongs to daydreamer36 as well!
🚫Please don’t repost, trace, steal and/or use my artwork for AI!🚫
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that1garrulousfan · 1 month
School started a few days ago and here’s some doodles I made. (featuring @apexparadox !)
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