thejewitches · 5 months
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A siddur from 1937, in accordance with the German & Polish tradition. Sold via Instagram.
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bellatrixdelrey · 2 days
if they dont make the blacks and the malfoys german speaking yekkes whats even the point
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cringelordofchaos · 3 months
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armandsdivorcelawyer · 3 months
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Oh my god so glad you asked!!! There are many different types of Expat in Korea:
FB Rant Woman is who I’d classify as “First Time Minority.” There are many of these. They’re white people that usually believe that they now understand systemic oppression because they’re now a minority group in Korea and xenophobia exists. Probably doesn’t believe that they have white privilege in Korea.
Will say anything seemingly negative that happens to them is racism. Korean person not interested in having a serious relationship with expats that will most likely leave the country in the next 1-2 years? Racism. Korean person doesn’t understand their accent when they speak Korean (their pronunciation sucks)? Racism. It’s all racism. They understand now. Don’t you see, American Person of Color? Here, we’re the same 🫶🏽
Other types of expats are:
The Koreaboo
They love KPop and K-dramas and moved to Korea to find their oppar. This expat either has a Korean boyfriend who is an ugly loser or is attractive and clearly not taking the relationship as seriously as she is, or a revolving cast of Korean boyfriends that changes so fast you never can actually learn their names. You would warn her that most men looking to date foreign women are only really looking for casual relationships, but she’s insufferable so you don’t bother.
If she sees you on the street when she’s with her boyfriend, she’s going to glare at you even though he looks like a foot and is chronically unemployed. In her mind, you want him. And that’s all that matters.
She’s an English teacher, but she really doesn’t care about her job. Has an annoying social media presence with titles like “My KOREAN BOYFRIEND tries NEW YORK PIZZA for the FIRST TIME!!”
She posts on the FB groups about how her boyfriend won’t introduce her to his family. People try to tell her that, culturally, people in Korea don’t introduce partners unless they’re engaged and about to get married. She doesn’t get it.
The Loser Back Home
This person is usually a white man who for some reason could not cash into his white male privilege in his country of origin, so he came to Korea expecting Korean women to throw coochie at him simply because he’s white. The LBH fetishizes Korean women, and loathes non-Korean woman. He’s also insufferable.
Also an English teacher, not good at his job. Has lived in Korea for 10+ years and speaks little to no Korean. Sometimes has a Korean wife that you pray divorces him eventually. He usually relies on her to do everything because he refuses to learn Korean.
The “Why are You Still Here?”
This person has also lived in Korea for 10+ years and they HATE the country. They don’t like the food, the people, their jobs, the culture, everything. Chronically miserable.
You ask them why they’re still here, and they never have a straight answer. It’s implicitly understood that they’ve been living in Korea for most of their adult life, and don’t know what they’d do if they left. If they do leave, they’re going to a nearby country (probably Japan or China) to start the process all over again.
The College Student
This person is studying abroad for a semester. Commonly seen in Hongdae clubs. They’re 19 and they can drink legally in Korea and it’s about to be everyone’s problem!
This group has overlap with the Koreaboo.
The Military Man
This person is a man in the US military. He’s either looking to get married to someone after knowing them for 5 business days, or is cheating on their wife with whom they share 3 children (with one on the way!) Swears he gets tested regularly, but will give you an STI. If he’s been in Korea for years, he probably ended up on The Black Book fb group to warn women to not interact with him. (TBB got shut down because other women started leaking the information to the men listed in it, and they threatened to sue the moderators. RIP TBB you saved many a life.)
This person is reviled by everyone in the country, expats included, because he is a menace. He and his friends terrorize the innocent citizens of whatever poor city their base is closest to. Avoid at all costs.
The Traveler
This person hasn’t lived in their country of origin for years, and has mostly been jumping from country to country for adventure! They live in Korea because 1. It’s a nice place to live., 2. Relatively low cost of living, and 3. Close to other countries. A holiday is coming up? They’re going to Thailand. They got vacation days? They’re spending it in Vietnam.
Either very chill and interesting, or insufferable.
And finally; The Running Away from Something. (That’s me!!)
This person is living in Korea because for some reason they do not want to be in their country of origin.
Shitty family? It’s hard to keep in contact with a 12 hour time difference. Don’t know what they’re gonna do with their life? English teaching in Korea is a good gap year job to let you save and figure your shit out. Mentally ill? Oh you stupid bitch. Go make that appointment at the Itaewon International Clinic. DO IT NOW.
Is either staying 1-2 years, or ends up living there forever. No in between.
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rotzaprachim · 8 months
I choose which characters speak Yiddish. Kaz rotfeld (poylish) Nina Zenik (Odessa galitzianer) cassian andor (his imma is from a respectable space!Mexico City Syrian Jewish family but his fathers family is Hungarian yiddn ergo andor as a surname) k2so (swallowed the YIVO klal-sprakh textbook) Mike wazowski from monsters inc (poylish) vel sartha (litvak) Mon mothma (also litvak) Nimona from Nimona (medieval western Yiddish from 1000+ years ago) jyn erso (Galen was a yekke but Lyra is a galitzianer) din djarin (modern Hasidish Yiddish, kiryas mandalor dialect) leia organa (nyc yinglish) Han Solo (Poylish)
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kermit is a yekke and miss piggy is a moroccan jew
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pattern-recognition · 11 months
Anat was a Sabra The daughter of a Sephardic Kibbutznik nurse and a Yekke lawyer from Bonn She fell in love with Khais Born in a PLO refugee camp in southern Lebanon And they married in Cyprus He almost got arrested living with her family in Ramat Gan So she tried wrapping her hair and serving coffee with his family in Hebron But that didn't work either Then they thought about leaving to live with her cousin David in Brooklyn But he and his boyfriend Patrick wanted to get married And were maybe moving to Berlin So she went to the Jaffa beach and stared at the sea And thought about how someday all of this would pass If only she could find someone to help Khais pass
Should she make an inner emigration? Tell me what you think she should decide Considering the couple's situation She'd be better off as someone else's bride She and he comprise a kind of nation The kind we build inside when we're alone But if they just make inner emigrations Then they'll only have a home when they're at home
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b-0-ngripper · 7 months
For u @yekkes
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sethshead · 5 months
There have always been Jews ready and willing to sell the rest of us back into slavery in Egypt, to ignore the suffering of their brethren or even inflict that suffering in return for acceptance and praise from the dominant majority.
In the 1920s, there was a "Jewish Section", the Yevsektsiya, of the Communist Party in the Soviet Union. Its role was to drag the majority of Jews into the revolutionary future by suppressing worship, religious and cultural practices, the Hebrew language, and most of the markers of a distinct identity. They claimed it was in solidarity with the proletariat, for the cause of liberation, and that they were the "good Jews", in contrast to the "bad Jews", the particularists, the traditionalists, the Zionists, the rootless cosmopolitans, the argumentative dissenters. In the end, the Yevsektsiya was all purged.
In the '30s, over in Germany, there were the upstanding Verband nationaldeutscher Juden. Eminently and assiduously assimilated, they were horrified at the arrival of the shabby, impoverished, Yiddish-speaking, traditional Ostjuden who reminded those establishment Yekkes too painfully of their own roots. The VnJ was convinced that, if only it could demonstrate its loyalty to the German nationalist cause and exceed it in disdain for these un-German, uncivilized easterners, the Nazis might see that the "good Jews" might have a place in the reborn Reich. In the end, the VnJ were all sent to the camps.
Grant Miner is the same sort of Jew.
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discworldwitches · 6 months
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@yekkes this is what my internal map looks like for vancouver & vancouver island. we have mountains and the ocean which makes it easier.
edit: also in ASL level 1b was devoted to developing a full internal map of the city because it’s described visually
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pilibitikk · 1 year
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armandsdivorcelawyer · 2 months
@yekkes i took your URL idea
he's getting everything as long as I'm on the case
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rotzaprachim · 7 months
Percy is temeni but Annabeth is a yekke
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Hello, I used to follow you as a teenager and young adult on my previous account using the same URL. I left tumblr and just recently created this new account to start off anew using the same URL. To clarify, I am French, I used to go to a reform synagogue and then a more traditional "yekke" one, etc. Also, I think you being married is new to me, so mazel tov!
Wow, that must have been a long time ago, cuz I met my husband 5 years ago this July 3 and got married less than 4 months after that. Welcome back!
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titoist · 2 years
(with lyrics that are in actuality just particular parts of the song that i really like, because the full thing would be too big for tumblr to let me post) Well, Sasha had heard about the Emigratzia, (aliyah) And the talk wasn't just in the family anymore, But in the Kharkov streets, there was a kind of thaw… "We're going home!" said old Saminsky when he filed his application to leave, And Anya already had family in Tel Aviv… But Sasha didn't know; 200 years among Slavs being called "Hebrews", He knew they'd only be called "Russians" by the Jews. And then on the prospekt lenina ovtobus, he heard the Saminsky's lost their apartment and were denied their pass… The weather seemed like it was never gonna pass. He chose to make an Inner Emigration! He chose to keep his alien inside! And all the bureaucratic frus-tra-ations… He chose to keep his status bona fide. And what's the bother of finding a new nation! A border isn't art, it's just a frame! Just make a secret Inner Emigration… The Holy Land and Exile are the same. [...] Anat was a Sabra. The daughter of a Sephardic Kibbutznik nurse, And a Yekke lawyer from Bonn. She fell in love with Khais, Born in a PLO refugee camp in Lebanon, And they married in Cyprus. He almost got arrested living with her family in Ramat Gan, So she tried wrapping her hair and serving coffee with his family, in Hebron… But that didn't work either…. They thought about leaving to live with her cousin David in Brookyln, But he and his boyfriend Patrick wanted to get married, and were maybe moving to Berlin… So she went to the Jaffa beach, and stared at the sea, and thought about how someday all of this would pass… If she could only find someone to help Khais pass… So, should she make an Inner Emigration? Tell me what you think she should decide…. Considering the couple's situation, She'd be better off as someone else's bride. But she and he comprise a kind of nation! The kind we build inside, when we're alone… But if they just make Inner Emigrations, Then they'll only have a home when they're at home. Compare yourself! What does all this have to do with you? How does your experience ring true? You're where, yourself? You aren't suffering anyone's regime. You're free to follow every little dream. Be fair to yourself, You needn't be oppressed to feel alone! You don't have to be driven from your home! To spare yourself, From feeling like a part of the control! With an internal diplomatic role… SOOOOO, Make a kind of Inner Emigration! It's a kind of shift accomplished easily! We all have made our disassociations, Whether on the job or in our families! And what could be more irrelevant than Nations?! When everywhere you go, it's buy or sell? But if we all make only Inner Emigrations…Then everything will only go to hell.
my favorite daniel kahn song, probably. though nakam also just has a certain allure to it that i can't quite quantify...
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septembergold · 2 years
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