#years passed and he can now legally drink alcohol!
quanblovk · 2 years
I like to think Susie tried to redeem herself by volunteering to be Meta Knight's secretary once, only to find out that she has competition.....
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corroded-hellfire · 8 months
As You Wish - Eddie Munson x Reader, Part 8
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Collaboration with the Dusty Bun to my Steeb @munson-blurbs 💚
Summary: The unresolved fight between you and Eddie continues as your birthday comes around and he still won't come to celebrate with you and your friends.
Note: I can't believe it's been over a year now since I started writing this series. That feels insane to me. I hope you enjoy this next chapter!
Warnings: alcohol, drunkenness, smut, p in v, unprotected (wrap it up), oral, f receiving
Words: 6.1k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Today should have been perfect. 
For one, it’s your birthday, and it coincides with your off day from classes. You got a free coffee from the local café this morning. And your friends are planning a night out at the bar now that you’ve finally reached the legal drinking age. 
But it’s not perfect, because you and Eddie still haven’t spoken since your argument. To be honest, you’re not sure if he even wants to fix things. 
It’s all you thought about the whole day while you babysat Danny and Amelia Harrington. You force yourself to concentrate on the road as you drive to pick the older kids up from school, the youngest two safely buckled in the car seats. 
Ryan and Natalie walk out first, bundled up to fight off the heavy wind and animatedly discussing some intense second-grade gossip. Luke and Theo trail behind, play-fighting until they reach the car. 
The sliding doors have barely opened before Luke is climbing into the car and shouting, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!”
You wince, massaging your ear with your forefinger. “Thanks, little man,” you say, and the rest of the group chimes in with their own cheers. 
“I got you a gift!” Luke chirps, something crinkling in his grasp. He hands you a bright blue snack pack of mini Oreos. It’s opened and currently only contains a single cookie. 
You smile gratefully, trying not to laugh. “My favorite!” you exclaim, taking the lone Oreo and popping it in your mouth. 
Ryan digs into his backpack and takes out a yellow piece of construction paper. “I made you this card,” he says shyly. 
It reads, “Happy Birthday to the best babysitter in the world!” Below the printed words, he’s drawn himself, Luke, you, and Eddie. Your heart pangs when you think about that stupid fight, the one where you’d both let your insecurities run wild. 
If this is the end of the relationship, how will you break it to the boys?
You don’t have time to ruminate on that before Luke leads everyone, even baby Amelia, into a very off-key rendition of Happy Birthday to You. Even if Amelia can’t speak yet, her melodic mumbling and gurgling only enhanced the performance. They’ve barely taken a breath after the song is finished before Natalie and Theo are asking questions. 
“How old are you?”
“Are you gonna have cake?”
“What presents did you get?”
Luke, of course, pipes up with a request of his own:
“Since it’s your birthday, can we get McDonalds? I want a Happy Meal.”
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When you get back to the Harrington household—sans McDonald’s to Luke’s disappointment—you situate the two youngest in front of the television and pop Mulan into the VHS player for them. Once you’ve made sure Amelia is securely in her walker and Danny is cuddled up on the couch between his favorite teddy bear and his stuffed rhinoceros, you head into the kitchen to prepare a snack for the older kids.
The four of them seem to be doing alright with their homework as you put one bowl of baby carrots and one bowl of Cheez-It crackers on the table. Unsurprisingly, four small hands grab for the processed orange snack, bypassing the healthier option all together. 
For the next hour or so you flit back and forth between the dining room to help with homework and the living room to attend to any toddler needs or upsets. The time passes quicker than you would’ve thought, and you’re surprised when you hear the front door unlocking. You had known Steve and Nancy would be coming home early today to give you a chance to go out and celebrate your birthday, but the hour snuck up on you. 
The moment that Amelia hears her parents step into the house, she’s no longer interested in the avalanche that buried the Huns and has the urgent need for her mom to pick her up. 
“They weren’t too much trouble, I hope,” Steve says as he reaches up to muss Theo’s hair. The little boy just ignores him as he tries to figure out the math problem he’s been working on for the last five minutes. 
“Nah, not too bad,” you say. Trying to contain a smirk, you lean in towards Steve and speak in a loud conspiratorial whisper. “Except…these two,” you say, gesturing to Ryan and Natalie. “Evil masterminds.”
Natalie just hmphs and tosses her light brown hair over her shoulder while Ryan sticks his tongue out at you. With a chuckle, you walk over and press a kiss to the top of the eldest Munson boy’s head. 
“I’m gonna get going, okay?” you tell him. The truth is that you definitely have time to spare before you have to start getting ready for the bar tonight, but you want to make sure you’re gone by the time Eddie gets here. 
Ryan turns in his seat to look at you and opens his mouth, but before he can speak Eddie enters the house. Your body has had many different reactions to Eddie over the course of you knowing one another, but the one that comes over you now is completely foreign. Heat seems to rise to your cheeks, but it feels like your veins are made of ice and you could snap them beneath your skin if you moved too quickly. 
Eddie toes off his chunky black work boots by the front door and does a double take when he sees you standing by Ryan. He gives you a tentative smile and you give a small nod in recognition. Needing to focus on something else, you look back down at Ryan and gently move some of his growing honey colored hair off of his forehead. You can still see Eddie in your periphery though. He’s coming closer towards you, and it feels like every step he takes makes your heart race a little faster. 
Once he’s so close that you can’t avoid looking at him, you notice a small pink gift bag in his hands. Eddie’s deep brown eyes are looking down at it too, but you both raise your heads simultaneously and meet each other’s gaze. Pain and longing radiate off the two of you so strongly that even baby Amelia could probably sense it. 
“Happy birthday, Sweetheart,” he murmurs, offering you the bag. 
Slowly, you reach out to take it, the white tissue paper that sticks out of the top crinkling beneath your fingers. You give Eddie a polite smile and start to leave, but Luke stops you in your tracks.
“You gotta open it!”
A nod is the only response you can give Luke, not trusting your voice—or even knowing what you’d say. Biting your lip, you ruffle through the pristine white tissue paper and pull out a pair of earrings fastened to an earring card. They’re beautiful. Three tiny hearts stacked on top of each other, all purple and connected by silver chain links. The urge to put them on immediately is strong, 
“The hearts…one’s for Ryan, one’s for Luke, and one’s for, um, me,” Eddie explains bashfully as he slips his hands into his pockets. 
Your eyes fill with tears, a cacophony of emotions in each drop. 
“Thank you,” you say quietly, bending down to hug Luke and Ryan. You stand up and face Eddie, feeling the boys’ eyes drilling into you as they wait for you to embrace their dad like you always do. 
You lean in and give him a small hug, lingering for an extra moment. He smells of motor oil and sweat, but you can’t get enough. It’s a test of wills to tear yourself away from him. As you pull back, a tight smile forms on your face.
“I should get going,” you tell them kindly.
“Where’re you going?” Luke asks. 
You ruffle his hair lovingly. “My friends are having a birthday party for me. But I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”
“Or,” Ryan offers, dragging out the word, “we could treat you to dinner tomorrow.”
Luke grins. “Can we go to McDonalds?”
You can’t help but laugh. The boys bring you more humor and joy than they could possibly imagine. 
“You boys are too much sometimes,” you tell them. If you’re being honest, you would love to spend time with them and Eddie, even if it’s just eating fast food. Anywhere with the three of them becomes its own adventure. It breaks your heart knowing there’s still this friction between you and Eddie and you’re not exactly on speaking terms. You can’t dwell on it, though. Not tonight.
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When you arrive at the bar, it’s bursting with people. Groups have gathered to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, clinking oversized mugs teeming with foamy beer. It’s much noisier than you’d normally prefer, but you’re glad for the excess sound to drown out your thoughts. 
Jess spots you immediately and waves you over to where she, Lily, and Paul are sitting in front of the bartender. As soon as you plop down on a stool, Lily places a sash around you. 
“It’s my 21st birthday? Really?”
“Well, it is!” she quips with a laugh. “Besides, people will totally buy you drinks if you wear this.”
She isn’t wrong. You take shot after shot, eventually losing track of the total amount. A tiny voice in your head reminds you not to mix light and dark liquor, but it’s too late for that. 
Your friends keep toasting to the ‘birthday girl,’ which prompts more people to cheer and offer to treat you to another round. By the time you get up to dance, your head is spinning. 
You sway along to Bon Jovi’s ‘You Give Love a Bad Name’ until you can no longer stand. Jess is kindly letting you lean on her, her arm wrapped around your waist, when you feel a soft tap on your shoulder. 
“Can I buy you a drink?” an unfamiliar voice asks, tone laced with sultriness. 
You turn around to see a guy about your age, a ten-dollar bill between his pointer and middle fingers. 
“Oh, I-I shouldn’t,” you start, but Lily jumps in instead. 
“She would love that.” She smiles at him, then whispers in your ear, “the best way to get over Eddie is to get under someone else.” She sticks out her hand to the mystery man and introduces both herself and you. I don’t want to get over Eddie, your brain thinks before drunkenly attempting to focus on what the man in front of you is saying now.
Mystery Man smiles. “I’m Stefon.”
Unbeknownst to you, one Wayne Munson is watching the entire encounter from across the bar. It isn’t his usual digs, but the guys from the plant invited him out for drinks to celebrate the holiday, and he obliged. 
He sees you take another drink with trepidation, a young man resting his hand on your hip. It seems like you’re barely aware of what’s going on, sending a queasiness through Wayne’s stomach that definitely isn’t from the alcohol. He’s used to minding his business, but when the guy puts his arm around you, he makes the decision to call Eddie from the payphone. 
Just under fifteen minutes later, Eddie is pushing his way into the smoky and boisterous bar, eyes anxiously scanning for you. A surge of relief floods his veins when he sees your beautiful familiar face amongst the sea of green clothing, but the feeling is short-lived when he sees you leaning on a strange man. 
It’s hard to tell if you’re aware that you’re leaning on him or not, because you’re talking to Lily animatedly. The man has his eyes glued to you, but he may or may not be on your radar. Your boyfriend isn’t waiting to find out, though. Eddie’s met your friend Paul who you’re out with tonight, so he immediately knows it isn’t him with you and Lily, so he shoves his way through the crowd and shoulders the mystery man out of the way and gently holds your arm to steady you. 
“C’mon, let’s go home,” Eddie says, speaking loudly to be heard over the crowd and music. He’s doing his best to be inconspicuous but you’re too drunk for that.
“Eddie!” You fling your arms around him in a hug and let out a loud and giddy laugh. Eddie feels a small surge of pride when you seem to forget all about the guy standing there—if you’d even remembered he was there to begin with. When he looks into your eyes, he can see the glassiness from the alcohol as well as glee that seeing him caused. “Eddie, what’re you doing here? You didn’t wan’ be here!” 
He takes a deep breath, inhaling a lung full of secondhand smoke. “You need water and sleep, baby,” he says, trying to be heard over the music.
“But it’s my party!” you whine, giving an exaggerated pout. “An’ you didn’t come ‘cuz you don’t love me.”
His brows shoot up as his heart falls. “I don’t love you?” Obviously, you’re drunk but that doesn’t mean it hurts any less.
“Nuh-uh.” You scrunch your nose. “Maybe you do, ‘cuz you’re here now.” Your frown quickly flips to a drunken smile. “We should dance! ‘Cuz you love me!”
Eddie tilts his head, giving you a skeptical look. “I thought you said I didn’t.” 
“But you came here to see me, so you do,” you explain as if it’s the simplest thing in the world. The fact that you’re swaying where you stand doesn’t help your credibility though.
Out of the corner of his eye, Eddie can see the man you were leaning on finally slink away. Apparently, he only needed to hear the confirmation that Eddie does indeed love you.
“Let me take you home, princess,” Eddie says, doing his best to keep the irritation out of his tone.
“That sounds like a line,” you say with a giggle that’s interrupted by a hiccup. 
“It’s probably the most chivalrous thing anyone’s said to you tonight,” Eddie says, looking around at the other men in the bar like they’re vultures, ready to step in and claim you for their own. “Come on, sweetheart.”
“Fine,” you lament with an over dramatic sigh. “But just cause you’re so cute.” You giggle again as you lean against Eddie. 
At least she’s leaning against me now, he thinks bitterly. Too exasperated for more words, Eddie just presses a kiss to the top of your head and laces his fingers with yours—tightly, so he won’t lose you in the crowded bar. 
Eddie catches Jess’s eye where she’s leaning against the bar and nods towards the door, letting her know that he’s taking you home. She nods in return and gives a thumbs up. Eddie scans the crowd to see if he can spot his uncle, but there’s just too many people.
“Hey, you’re not wearin’ green,” you say once you’re outside in the cool night air. The air feels fresh yet too silent after being in that stuffy place. 
“Hmm?” Eddie hums as he helps you into the passenger’s seat.
“No green! Is St. Pagrick Day though!”
“Your birthday is a far more important holiday,” he says as he closes the door for you. He doesn’t even consider if you heard the words or not, it was his inner monologue just coming out. 
The drive back to the apartment starts off with you chattering on, still feeling good from the drinks.
“It’s so cute that the boys wanna buy me MiDonal’s! They’re the sweetest boys ever. Where are we goin’? Oh, hey! You’re movin’ into your new aparment soon. Do you still wan’ me to—hey look, a dog!—wan’ me to go shopping for the stuff that you need? Eddie? Are you still mad at me? I hope not. I don’t like when we fight. I never wanna fight witchu. I love you! I never loved no one before, ya know. Just you! I was only bein’ such a pain in the butt because I wanna be by your side. Like partners. Wanna help you and have fun with you and do all the things with you. I hope you wanna be that with me too! Like Bonnie and Clyde! But no stealing or dying. Do you, hey, hey Eddie, do you remember that time a long time ago you said you liked that blue shirt I wore? Ya know, the one with the buttons and sleeves? Well, now it’s my favorite—”
Eddie glances over, concerned that your speech—that was highly amusing to him—stopped so abruptly. You’re just looking up at the streetlights as they pass, your eyes getting heavier by the second, the mesmerizing sight lulling you to sleep.
Eddie chuckles to himself and the rest of the drive is quiet.
When you finally arrive back at the apartment, you’re practically comatose in the passenger seat. Eddie half carries you up the stairs and holds you close to his side with one arm while he unlocks the door with the other.
Somehow, he manages to get you laying down on your bed without bumping into anything on the way. You look up at him with a sleepy smile that Eddie swears is the cutest thing he’s ever seen. 
“I’m gonna help you change, okay? I don’t think that dress will be comfortable to sleep in.”
You nod absentmindedly as Eddie grabs a pair of your pajama pants and an oversized t-shirt. Eddie is an expert at undressing you by now but it’s harder when your body can’t even hold itself up. The green dress gets stuck on your nose as Eddie pulls it off over your head and it makes you giggle, though it’s much softer than your laughter in the car. He slips your pink plaid pajama bottoms over your white lace panties and chuckles to himself as he sees he pulled a Rugrats t-shirt out of your drawer. An amused smile grows on his face as he shakes his head.
“Better?” he asks.
A big yawn accompanies the nod that you give him. Satisfied that you’re not going to fall over if he lets go, Eddie walks towards the head of the bed so he can pull your blankets down. It takes both of you working together to get you beneath the blankets.
Once you’re settled, Eddie shucks himself out of his jeans and t-shirt and climbs in bed next to you. Without any hesitation, you scoot over and rest your head on his chest. He wraps his arm around your shoulders and presses a kiss to your head.
Eddie isn't sure if in the morning, once you’ve sobered up, you’ll still be fighting or not. He doesn’t want to be, but he also knows the issues haven’t been resolved between the two of you. What you said tonight about Eddie not loving you definitely has to be addressed tomorrow—whether you were drunk or not when you said it, he doesn’t care. 
Soft snores begin to fill your room and Eddie smiles to himself. His eyes slip closed, and he holds you a little tighter against his body.
“Happy birthday, baby,” he says into the darkness.
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You wake up the next morning with a dull headache. It definitely could be worse, especially considering how much you’d drank last night. 
There’s two Tylenol and a bottle of water on your nightstand, none of which you remember putting there…
You shift positions and see Eddie curled up on the pillow next to you, wearing just his boxers. Soft snores punctuate the rise and fall of his chest. 
“Eddie?” you whisper, eyes wide. 
He stirs and stretches, giving you a small smile. 
“Morning, baby.” He presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “How’re you feeling?”
“Um, just a headache. Not too much of a hangover.” You’re working to figure out exactly why he’s here. 
He grins. “Must be nice to be 21,” he jokes. “I have one beer too many and I’m out of commission for a week.”
You’re too focused on the maybe-boyfriend-shaped elephant in the room to laugh at his joke. Instead, you take a deep breath and muster up all of your courage. 
“Did we, um…”
Eddie pulls back. “No. Nope!” He shakes his head. “I brought you home and we fell asleep. I promise.”
You nod, relief flooding your body. “Okay. Okay, good.” You swing your legs over the side of the bed. “I’m gonna take a shower.” 
“I’ll make some breakfast, okay?”
“Yeah. Okay.” 
You get out of bed and stretch your muscles before heading towards the door. But first you stop and look back at Eddie. “I didn’t do anything stupid last night, did I?”
“No,” Eddie assures you. “Your knight in shining leather got there before anything could happen.” He flexes his muscles dramatically, which causes you to chuckle as you step out of your room and into the bathroom. 
Eddie puts his clothes from yesterday back on and heads out to the kitchen. He makes pancakes, and you come out of your room freshly showered and dressed just as they’re ready. 
“Smells good,” you say, rubbing at your eye. The shower helped wake you up, but your body is still tired from last night. 
You and Eddie sit down across from one another and start eating in silence before you can’t take it anymore.
“Um, where are the boys?” you ask, desperate for some semblance of an interaction.
“Harrington’s,” Eddie answers before shoving a mouthful of syrup-covered pancake into his mouth. “Steve and Nance said they got them, I should go to you.”
“And, uh, why did you show up? I mean, did you change your mind about celebrating with us or..?”
Eddie sighs and shakes his head. “Wayne was, um, actually at the bar last night with some guys from his work. He saw some assholes starting to get handsy with you, so he called me.”
“Oh.” You stay quiet as you move a few pieces of pancake around on your plate. 
You had hoped Eddie had changed his mind and wanted to spend your birthday night with you after all, but he was only there because his uncle called him. 
Eddie bites his lower lip, hating the tension in the air. The two of you used to sit in comfortable silences with one another, so this is excruciating.
“Look, sweetheart,” Eddie says before pausing to clear his throat. “It’s not that I didn’t want to spend time with you. Because I did. I do. I always do. I just, I don’t know, thought I’d bring the party down. I didn’t want you to feel like I was supervision or some shit like that. And I wasn’t sure how I’d meld in with your friends.”
“Eddie,” you start before taking a deep breath. “I never think of you as some authority type figure. You’re just Eddie. Like, yeah, maybe you’re twelve years older than me, but I don’t really feel like there’s this chasm between us or anything. Do…do you?”
Eddie’s silent for a moment, making sure he picks his words carefully so as not to give you a wrong impression. “When it’s you and me? No. When it’s us and the boys? No. But when it comes to you hanging out with your friends, I guess I feel, I don’t know, like I don’t belong.”
“Belong where?”
He sighs and twirls one of his rings around his finger as a nervous twitch. “When I see your friends it’s this reminder that I’m not your age. It feels like all the shit that I try not to let bother me is unavoidable as I see you with guys it would be more socially acceptable for you to date. Or seeing your girl friends going off to do things with their boyfriends that I can’t because of my job and kids. It makes me feel selfish.” His eyes mist over for a second. “Like I’m keeping you from that.”
“Eddie, no one is keeping me from anything. Especially you. You act like I don’t have a choice or say in this. I’m pretty sure you didn’t kidnap me and rope me into an arranged marriage or something.” You give a small smile, hoping to ease some of the frustration radiating off of him. “I don’t want someone my age. I don’t want someone younger. I don’t want someone older that isn’t you.”
“I know that,” Eddie says. “I swear, I do. I guess I’ve had a number done on me, though. Got beaten down enough that the insecurity comes second nature. It’s not your fault, you shouldn’t have to pay for things that she did.”
“Can I beat her?”
He chuckles and seeing him smile makes a genuine one grow on your own face.
“She’s not worth it,” Eddie says with a shake of his head. “But I see where you were coming from with being upset. It probably did seem like I just didn’t want to go out with you and your friends. I’m sorry. I also get where you’re coming from with the court stuff. Wanting to be by my side. Princess, you have no idea how much that means to me. Honestly. I just…I don’t want you to have to be in the middle of all of that.”
“I know,” you say, lowering your eyes back down to your plate. “I’m sorry, too. I was overstepping when it came to Brittany. That’s your ordeal, you get to call the shots when it comes to that. I only want you to know that you have my support. In whatever way you need it.”
He reaches across the table and slips his hand into yours. “I promise to tell you in what ways I’ll need your support through this whole thing.”
You nod and give his hand a small squeeze. The air around you feels lighter and it’s as if weights have been lifted off your shoulders. 
“Are—Are we okay?” you ask, wanting to clarify.
“We’re more than okay,” he reassures you as he returns your hand squeeze with one of his own. “But there is something else we need to talk about.”
“Sure. What?”
He sighs and gently taps your entwined hands against the tabletop. “Last night…when I got to the bar to pick you up, you, um, you said something. I know you were drunk but it still hurt.”
Immediately you feel mortified. Did I really…?
“I thought you said I didn’t do anything stupid?”
“Well, this was saying something stupid.”
How bad was it that it’s making him stall like this? “What did I say?” You wince, afraid to hear what you might’ve said in your inebriated state.
“You, uh, you said that I didn’t love you. That I didn’t come to the bar with you and your friends because I don’t love you.”
Your eyes are immediately flooded with tears. The heartbreak and shame you feel for uttering something so absurd cuts you deeply, and you push yourself out of your chair and walk around the table to Eddie. He scoots back so you can perch yourself in his lap. 
Gently, you cup Eddie’s face in your hands and stare into his eyes. “I love you. I love you, I love you. Please always remember that. Sober, drunk, high, or otherwise in an altered state…I love you. I am so sorry I said that to you. It amazes me that somehow you love me, but that doesn’t mean I doubt it for a second.”
Eddie nods and wraps his arms around your waist. Your shirt rides up a little and his syrupy fingers rub against your skin—but you couldn’t care less.
“You’re mine,” you tell him. “I’m yours. Simple as that.”
“Simple as that,” Eddie agrees.
The two of you sit there together for a few silent minutes before Jess’s door creaks open and she shuffles into the kitchen, looking far worse than you felt when you woke up. She gives a half-hearted wave, as if even that small movement was too much for her. 
Eddie smiles and nods his head towards the kitchen counter. “I made a stack of pancakes for you,” he says.
Jess heads towards the counter but pauses to put a hand on your shoulder. “If you don’t marry him, I will,” she vows. 
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Deciding to play hooky from school and work didn’t take much convincing for you or Eddie. You’re not feeling great, and he’s more than happy to take care of you. 
You’re washing the breakfast dishes while Eddie stands behind you and wraps his arms around your waist. “Y’know,” he murmurs just under your ear, “I had another birthday surprise up my sleeve.”
He pulls you closer, and you try—and fail—to focus on the task at hand. “And what’s that?”
He smirks and presses soft kisses into your neck. “Well, I bought a bottle of champagne,” he says, “and I figured we could have some drunk sex?”
You snap off the water and dry your hands, spinning to face him. “And where is this bottle of champagne, handsome?”
Eddie blushes slightly. “Um, at the Harringtons’ place,” he admits. “But we could still do the sex part, if you’re feeling up to it.”
You press your body to his, grinning widely. “Bedroom?”
“Hell yes.”
Clothes are shed instantly, leaving a trail that leads to your room. You lay back on the bed and Eddie climbs on top of you, slotting his leg between yours and kissing you softly. 
“Let me take care of my birthday girl, hm?” he coos, nibbling on your ear. He chuckles when you whimper, two of his thick fingers trailing downward towards your pussy. “Oh, you poor thing. Needy already?”
He grins, scooting back and pressing his lips just above your clit. His tongue grazes your folds, over the sensitive bud, and he sucks on it gently. You moan when he positions your legs on his shoulders. “Keep making those noises, baby.”
You eagerly oblige, whining as he slips his middle finger into your pussy, tongue remaining trained on your clit. The overstimulation has you grinding against his face, desperate to get some relief. 
He wraps his free hand around your thigh and squeezes it, bringing himself even closer into you. Muffled, barely audible fucks and tastes goods escape his lips, driving you even wilder. 
“E-Eddie, I’m gonna cum!” you mewl, fingers digging into the bed sheets. He continues lapping at your cunt until you’re screaming his name. 
Eddie pulls back, face shiny with your slick. “Need you,” he growls, and his painfully hard cock bobs in agreement. 
He crawls up your body, pressing kisses to your soft flesh as he makes his way towards your neck. Teeth gently graze the side of your throat, and it sends a shiver down your spine. 
Taking advantage of your legs spread openly before him, Eddie settles himself between them and lines his cock up with your soaking entrance. It feels like it takes an eternity until he finally bottoms out, making you feel so full and revel in that exquisite stretch. 
Sweat breaks out along your hairline and it melds with Eddie’s as he rests his forehead against yours. The bed beneath you shakes as your body rocks with your boyfriend’s. A slight tilt of his hips has your hands scrambling against the lilac sheet below you, desperate to hold on to something—anything. Eddie wants you to hold on to him, though. His pale toned arms seek out your own until he slips his hands into yours and threads your fingers together. Never breaking eye contact even for a second, Eddie holds your hands up above your head, staring down at you with a blissful expression on his face. He’s not smiling, but there’s a light in his eyes and the way his lips part just slightly only adds to your enjoyment. 
“I love you, sweet girl,” Eddie says, voice low and husky in the small space you’re both occupying. “Don’t ever forget that.”
“L-Love you, too, Eds.”
“You’re so beautiful,” he says as his hips roll up against yours. “You have the cutest nose. I hope any kids we have inherit that from you.”
With every thrust of Eddie’s hips, he lists another thing he loves about you.
“Your lips are so soft. Sometimes I get torn between kissing them or staring at them. And your laugh? God, you have no idea what that does to me. It’s so infectious and bubbly and completely genuine. One of the best sounds in the world.”
There’s nothing else in the world right now other than Eddie’s voice and Eddie’s body. All that exists is the two of you, staring into one another’s eyes as pleasurable groans and whimpers fall from your lips. Sweet sighs and shared breath connect you both, adding to the already dizzying intimacy. You stare up into those large brown eyes and for that moment everything is perfect in the world. The moment belongs to you, and nothing will ever take it from you. 
Eddie leans in to press a soft, slow kiss to your lips. He pulls away only far enough for you to fix your gazes on one another’s eyes again. His hip thrusts are becoming increasingly erratic, a sign that he’s nearing his finish. 
Curls sway back and forth around his face, like a curtain keeping you two separated from everything else. 
More than anything, you know what’s going to have you reaching your high is the locked stares you share. Eddie looks so intently into your eyes, as if he’ll find answers to all of his problems in them. It’s sexier than any words either of you could possibly vocalize. The look says so much more than your voices ever could. 
“I’m close,” you tell him in a rough whisper. Your fingers tighten on his and Eddie’s hips rock slightly harder into yours.
“Me too, baby.”
The urge to close your eyes floats over you as your impending orgasm gets closer by the second, but you refuse. Even blinking is too long to look away from the eyes of the man you love. Eddie agrees, never taking those brown beauties off of you as he feels his release closing in.
“Eddie,” you whimper, more just needing to say his name than anything else. “Oh, Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.”
“I know, my love.” 
“Gonna cum, Eds,” you slur.
“With me, yeah baby?”
“Yeah,” you breathe out more than speak. 
All it takes is two more thrusts before Eddie’s spilling into you. Him coating your walls with his release is enough to have you falling headfirst into your euphoria as well. 
Both of you ride it out together, trying to squeeze every last drop of enjoyment out of it that you could from one another. By the lazy smiles you give one another as you try and catch your breaths, you’d say that you both enjoyed it very much.
Eddie leans down and presses a sweet but sensuous kiss to your lips before begrudgingly pulling out of you. Neither of you like it, so you’re quick to cuddle up to one another, desperate to have your arms wrapped around the warm skin of his middle. 
“That was…wow,” you say after a few minutes of companionable silence. 
“Very wow,” Eddie agrees, rubbing his hand up and down your arm. “Y’know, there’s something else I’d like to add to that list, now that I have blood flowing to my brain.”
“Your heart,” he says, kissing your forehead. “Just when I think it can’t get any bigger or warmer, you prove me wrong time and time again. The kindness and generosity that you have is something I’ve never seen in another person. You’re so amazingly you and I’ve been enchanted by it since the day I met you.  Sometimes I feel like this is all a fairytale except the prince is the one constantly swept off his feet.”
“The princess is too,” you assure him through increasingly labored breath. “Very, very swept.”
Letting your suddenly heavy eyes slip closed, you tuck your head beneath Eddie’s chin and revel in his touch. A nap with you in his arms sounds like heaven right now, but Eddie knows there’s something he has to say before he forgets.
“Yeah?” Your sleepy voice brings a smile to his face.
“Luke asked me to bring over McDonalds.”
“C’mon, let’s go hit the drive-thru.” 
You move to get up, but Eddie keeps you right where you are.
“Not yet. Naps first. Food for gremlins later.”
You chuckle and press a kiss to his bare chest. 
“Naps first,” you agree.
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bumblebriez · 28 days
Love Stricken (PT.1)
(Gojo Satoru x Chubby!Fem!Reader)
⚠️⚠️⚠️: Smutty smutty smut, Swearing. Drinking. Gojo in loooove
Never in a million years would you think, you'd catch the eyes of a certain jujutsu sorcerer but you did and with that came alot of consequences. That you would eventually find out the hard way.
Your parents vanished a good couple of years ago with no knowledge of why and where, leaving you; the eldest, to care and provide for your younger siblings. Being responsible and forgetting about the life you used to live, you felt lost. Struggling a lot with your self worth.
Your best friend took it upon herself to finally get you to live your life a little more by taking you out on the town for a night.
But you found that night was the start of your downfall.
I plan to turn this into a series eventually and this is also the first time I'm writing in a third person, so there could be a few mistakes not to mention the spelling and grammar might be a little baaad. I'll try to fix them when I can. I'm also not the greatest at writing descriptions.
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"See? Didn't I tell you, you would have fun." Your best friend shouted over the loud booming club music and the noises of the on going clubbers.
You rolled your eyes slightly, head lightly bobbing to the music as you took a sip from the straw in your drink, vodka and cranberry was your drink of choice. It definitely wasn't your first but after the persistent nagging from your bestie to actually drink something alcoholic, you went with the safe one.
"Yeah I loved the fact that I already have a migraine!" You shouted back, eyes squinting from the bright strobe lights.
From the moment you walked in on the party scene, you felt like you were being watched, as soon as your foot hit the concrete floor. You couldn't pinpoint where or who but you could feel their glaze burn holes into you, perhaps it was just the swarm that surrounded you, you couldn't tell.
"You are so dull now! You use to love going out!" You watched as Zariah downed the two shots she had ordered for herself, deciding it'll be better to not delay the inevitable.
"That was before I had kids to look after." She pouted slightly, her hand gripping your shoulder, moving closer to your ear.
"That's why you need to enjoy yourself tonight! Get fucked up, maybe even get fucked? Hmmm~" you shake your head, giggling nervously slightly at the continuous pressure. It was her plan all along. Getting you out there, finding a short distraction from what you were dealing with currently.
You twirled your straw around in your drink, pushing the Ice to the different sides of the glass.
"Stop thinking about them. They will be fine! Rast will be taking great care of them! He wants you to enjoy your night too."
Truth is.. Ever since your parents disappeared, leaving no trace behind except other children they forgot about for you to look after; to become their legal guardian. You have not had much time to yourself.
The years started to flicker by and the realisation started to set in that this was your life now. Your parents were not coming back. They were your kids now. It's a hard pill to swallow and frankly not one you were interested in but what else could you do? You felt obligated to care and provide for your siblings.
The more you worried about your siblings, the more you lost yourself. Your confidence had plummeted and your self image was shattered. Though you wouldn't let anyone know. The looks those skinny tan gorgeous girls would give you as you passed them on the street, did not go unnoticed.
The small remarks guys would leave you to ponder over, never far from your mind.
The comments you received from a previous ex, picking at your self esteem, your self confidence; resided in your core constantly.
You'd never show them that it affected you. You held your head high, trying to fake the confidence you once had.
But when you get home, it was a different story. In the privacy of your own bedroom was when the waterworks started. The constant peering in the mirror, pointing out all the differences between you and other girls. Comparing yourself and wishing for things that were in your eyes imperfections, just to go away.
You were happy alone. At least that's what you told yourself. You didn't need a guy. Especially when you looked like you.
Maybe sometimes you're too hard on yourself. Maybe.
"I don't mean to weird you out but that gooorgeous man has been eyeing you for ages." Zariah broke you out of your zoning, pointing slightly in the direction behind you.
"Consider me weirded out. Don't be silly. You mean eyeing you?" You didn't even bothered turning around to follow, he clearly wasn't looking at you. Maybe at someone who was further down the bar. If not your gorgeous best friend.
You can't seem to help yourself though, your eyes peek around before you could even react, a quick subtle peek.
You flick over the crowd of different people, trying to find the guy your best friend was talking about, until your eyes finally land on who you were looking for.
She wasn't lying.
He was *chefs kiss*
And he was already looking at you.
You couldn't see his eyes since they were hiding behind a pair of low sunglasses. His hair was almost pure white, reflecting off the neon lights that scattered around the room.
A white button up shirt with the a few of the buttons undone, sleeves pushed up to his elbows; drink resting in his longer slender fingers.
Your eyes widen as he tipped his glass at you, a devilish grin resting on his lips.
You quickly faced your best friend returning to raised eyebrows and a cheeky smirk.
"Don't even say anything." You growled, feeling almost foolish that a man of that pristine stature could be even interested in something like you.
Zariah held her hands up in defence "I wasn't gonna but he is fine." She took a slow gulp from her drink, eyes avoiding my glaze.
"You have a boyfriend." You watched her roll her eyes at you, placing her cup back down on the harden wood. "I can still appreciate a good looking guy or a girl for that matter." Her eyebrows wiggled aggressively causing you to sigh dramatically, resting your elbow on the bar; chin resting in the palm of your hand.
Just as you were about to take another sip of your drink, Zariah's eyes widen slightly before spinning around in her chair facing away from you; back in full view.
Before you could even ask what her problem was, you felt a presence appear behind you; them looming over you.
"What's a nice place like you doing in a girl like this?" You stifled a chuckle that tried to escape your throat as you turned to face the new comer, realising it was the guy you were previously checking out. Allegedly.
He leant against the bar, resting on his elbow, his full attention and glaze set on your form. That devilish grin still resting on his lips. Making you feel almost uneasy. Under pressure almost.
"Wow. How many girls have you used that one liner on?"
He tilted his head slightly, his glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose, his eyes peering from behind them. They were stunning. The brightest blue you had ever seen. It was reflecting an ocean. Unnaturally glistening, the specks of colour flowing like a river. Maybe it was just the lightning or maybe you are already tipsy from one drink.
"Was waiting to use it on the right girl." You hummed before taking a sip from your straw, fingers pressed tightly at the tip, your eyes never leaving his as you look at him with doe eyes.
"How charming of you." You smirked moving the empty glass away from you.
"I'm Satoru Gojo but you can call me Satoru. What about you gorgeous?" He pressed with a light flick of his head, his tongue wetting his lips.
"Just Y/n." You felt a slight heat starting to form within your face, this Satoru was clearly flirting with you and you had no idea how to take it. This felt a little be overwhelming for you. He was drop dead handsome and he was showing some sort of interest in you.
"Well 'Just Y/n' can I buy you another drink?" You don't say anything as you look down at your empty glass before giving a nod.
You both sit there for a couple moments more, just small talking as you take your time sipping away at your drink. A laugh here and a giggle there as Satoru throws a joke your way; slowly opening you up, allowing you to get comfortable in his presence. Completely forgetting you did not come here by yourself.
Gojo quickly downs the rest of his drink before his eyes fall on you once more "Do you wanna dance?"
Your breathing hitched slightly at the invitation, Satoru was already moving before you could even respond, pulling you by your hand through the crowds and on to the dance floor.
He placed your hand on his shoulder, placing his own large hands on your hips, guiding them to the rhythm of the music. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer, chest pressing against chest.
A small sweet smile made its way to your lips as you stare up at the much taller man through your eyelashes.
You started to feel a bit exposed, your eyes moved around the room, briefly looking at all the different couples that surrounded the two of you. You caught a few glimpses of a cluster of girls that weren't that far from you, noises scrunched up at you, giggling as they spoke to each other, watching you with envy. It was frankly very uncomfortable.
Fed up with the looks, you pulled back from Satoru abruptly "I'm sorry, I can't-." You muttered more to yourself than him.
But just as turned around, back facing the towering man, he grabs you by your wrist, pulling you back kind of aggressively into his chest.
Your ass press up against him, his hands resting on your hips, digging in slightly to hold you there.
"Don't think about them. Think about me." He whispered in your ear, sending cold shivers down your spine causing goosebumps all over your skin. A quiet gasp leaves your lips at the suggesting tone.
"Think about the way I'm pressed up against you." Our hips moved in a slow dance, his hands guiding me to grind against him.
"Think about the way my hands feel." Your eyes fluttered closed as one of his hands traced your prominent curves over the fabric of your dress, pulling it up slightly when he gets to your thighs, exposing some hidden skin.
"The way my lips feeling on your skin." His teeth grazed your ear lobe, moving to your neck to leave soft burning pecks on your skin, a very small whimper comes from you from the actions.
Your head lobbed back against his shoulder, allowing more access for him. Your skin was burning from the kisses. the touches.
You continue to grind against him, feeling more turned on by the minute. Especially hearing the shutters from his throat when you rub him the right way, making you uncontrollably wet.
"My god. You're intoxicating." He breathed out as he held you against him, tighter. His hand moving up your body, painfully slowly before gripping gently on to your neck, using a ringed finger to push your chin in his direction.
You let out a soft noise as your lips were in proximity of each other, you could feel the essence of where his lips need to be; hovering.
"Think about how our lips feel..." he press a soft peck on your lips before capturing your bottom lip in between his teeth. You couldn't help the noise that flowed out of you. This was so.. hot. He was hot. He was making you hot.
You leaned up to press your lips to his, nearly almost fed up with the teasing. Both of you move in sync with each other, Satoru's hand still holding your neck with no pressure. Keeping you aligned with him as your mouths explore each others; His rings leaving a cold sensation as they graze your skin.
"Wanna get out of here?" He mumbled against your lips, kissing you after each word. You smiled slightly as much as you could.
"Yes please Satoru." A slight groan came from the milky skinned man, pulling you even harder against him. "I'm loving hearing you say my name baby." A little giggle escaped your lips as he nuzzled his nose with yours.
As you both rushed through the bodies on bodies, you leave Satoru alone for just a minute while he ordered an Uber, leaving you to remember why you were here and who you were with.
"Damn. I mean damn. You better be coming over to tell me, you're going home with him." Zariah exclaimed already holding out your belongings as you made your way over to her with a bright smile on your face.
Without saying too much, you quickly lay a fresh kiss on her cheek "I'll see you tomorrow." Your best friend let out a squeal of excitement, watching your retreating form.
"Fucking finally. He better fuck her good." Zariah mumbled to herself before downing the rest of her drink. Accomplished her mission and ready to go home.
You and Satoru walk out of the club, fingers intertwined. Immediately spotting our ride. He leads you towards the SUV, opening the door open for you. Like a gentleman.
You express your appreciation before hoping in and moving over to the other side, mumbling a quick greeting to the driver.
Gojo closes the door behind him once he jumps in, scooting closer to you, not even bothering to put a seatbelt on; which the driver doesn't enforce either.
Frankly he wasn't all too bothered with keeping a conversation but that didn't seem to stop the man who was inviting you back to his.
"Had a busy night so far?" Gojo asked the driver as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him, his other hand resting on your thigh.
You couldn't focus on both of the men conversing when Satoru hands was rubbing patterns into your skin, starting to go high and closer to where was needed to be touched. Teasing you.
You tried to control your breath, ignoring the neediness you were currently experiencing. You pressed a hand on his chest, coming to rest your head. Your eyes still stuck on his dangerous hand.
Your jaw clenched as his hand did in fact go higher, biting your lip as you feel his index finger press against the fabric of your panties; causing you to seize up.
Your eyes look to Satoru, witnessing a cheeky smirk resting on his lips as he continues to chat with the Uber driver. Feigning innocence.
Your eyes started to roll to the back of your head when he continued to rub at your clothed cunt. Your panties becoming wetter and wetter the more he pushed. You started to bite your finger knuckle to hold in any noises that might try to escape you.
You couldn't believe he would even try to do this right in the middle of this car ride, thankfully you were out of view. At least you hoped..
You started to bite harder when his finger pushed aside your panties and swiped at your slick folds, subconsciously you opened your legs wider for him. Scooting down so you were hanging off the seat.
The biting got harder when he plunged a finger past your walls, pumping in and out slowly. Curling in the right spot. His other hand was ghosting over the skin on your shoulders, causing you to shiver while being fingered in the backseat of this strangers truck.
"Ahh shit. Sorry guys. Just gotta make a quick stop. Didn't realise I was low on gas."
"No worries man. You do you." Gojo spoke up still pumping his finger into you, slightly picking up the pace but still managing to conceal you.
The very moment the man jumped out of the car, letting you guys know he'll only be a few minutes, Satoru turned to you, pushing your legs apart further "Two minutes, That's all I need."
You let out the moans you had been holding in, gripping on to his forearm as his pace became aggressive. Nothing you have felt with any man. He was hitting the right spot over and over again with his long fingers. One you honestly didn't think you had. If he kept at this, you were definitely going to cum. Which shocked you to your core.
"Who knew you were so dirty. Letting me do this to you at the chance of getting caught." He moan slightly, adding another finger to the mix. Curling up wards, pulling a quiet cry from you.
"Holy shit-" you whimpered as you felt electricity spreading throughout your body, his fingers felt so nice inside you. Gliding in and out of your wet pussy, the squelching noises were more prominent now.
"You're already so wet.. probably making a mess on these leather seats. I turn you on that much huh? God you're fucking hot." A deep growl erupted from his throat as his fingers continued to plunge deeper. Faster.
"You gonna cum? You gonna cum on these fingers? I want you too. Cum for me baby." Not only was the pleasure on a whole another level, the shock was too. How was it possible that this guy could very much bring you to the edge in five minutes? This was nothing you had ever experienced before and you are only just getting started.
You couldn't even form words, that's how bad the effect was, they only came out in moans and whines. You were nearly over the edge, stars were appearing in your vision. You squeezed harder on his forearm, nails digging deeper as you started your ascent.
"Oh fuck- I'm gonna- shit." You babbled out, your legs started to quiver as you felt yourself approaching the high, Satoru had brought you too only using his fingers.
"That's it baby. Cum all over these fingers, all over the seats." His words quite literally brought you to the edge, you felt your walls clenched around his fingers, starting to flail against him. He let out a low groan feeling you tighten around his fingers, his cock was becoming uncomfortable hard through his pants; just at the sight of you alone. The thought of you cumming on his cock. Squeezing him so nicely. Gojo was excited.
Excited to fuck the shit out of you.
Your mouth formed an O as you felt the orgasm wash over, leaving you a panting mess. You were left with no words. Completely and utterly stunned. You've never came so fast or so hard  in your life, not even by your fingers and certainly not by a man.
Satoru pressed a sweet kiss on your temple before pulling his fingers out, a small sob leaving your mouth at the bareness. He lifted his fingers to his mouth before eagerly sucking your juices off.
"Mmm. So sweet." You honestly thought you would cum again. This was so embarrassing to you. You were so hot and turned on. You honestly just wanted to fuck him right here and now, not even caring if the driver came back or not. You were becoming inpatient.
It seemed Satoru felt the same way, once he caught a glimpse of your dilated pupils, your face covered in need, he knew he was in for a long night. Satoru smirked dangerous before pressing his fingers up to your lips, not needing to wait too long when you didn't even hesitate to open, sucking contentedly on his fingers. Loving the feeling as your tongue twirled around them.
"Oh fuck-" Satoru shuttered with a slight roll of his eyes, you were something else.
Thank goodness for blacked out windows..
The driver came back, finally for what felt like hours to you, returning on the path to the destination in question.
You sat there completely dazed, thinking of what had just transpired. Trying to ignore your juices that were oozing out of you. While Satoru was whispering sweet nothings in your ear, his hand was lying in your lap and you were just playing with his fingers, his rings. The fingers that just made you have possibly the best orgasm of your life but you definitely knew that was going to change. Real quick.
But a thought couldn't help but sneak in and ruin your buzzed feeling.
How many girls has he made cum with these hands. Said the same shit too. You weren't special. You were just that, another girl to get his dick wet.
But you shouldn't care, this was only fun. This is only suppose to be a hook up. No matter if he made you feel like the only girl in the world for the night. He was good at was he does. He was good at making you feel good in more ways than physical.
The drive felt like hours, you felt like you were losing your mind as Satoru's hands were exploring your body. Trying to push aside the unsettling feeling when he brushed over your extra layers.
From the outside it seemed he didn't even care that you were a larger woman but what worried you was what he was thinking. Your head was full of intrusive thoughts.
Did he really find you attractive?
When he looked at you did he see something more?
Was he disgusted?
Was he regretting this and just being nice?
Far far out of your league.
Little did you know, Gojo Satoru found you absolutely beautiful. All six of his eyes spotted you as soon as you stepped foot in the establishment.
You were positively delicious.
He just had to have you.
And now he does. He couldn't be more happy.
"I can hear those cogs turning in that pretty head of yours." You looked towards Satoru, forcing a smile as he gently brushed his knuckle across your jaw. A small sweet smile resting on his lips; his face close to yours.
"You're really attractive." You simply said, taking in his features properly, getting a clearer picture. Away from all of bright and flashing lights.
His eyes were more sparkling than before, you found yourself looking away every now again, afraid you'd be put under a spell. Not that you'd would mind anyway..
His bone structure was out of this world, it's like he was sculpted by a god or maybe he was just a god.
He was uncomfortably ravishing.
"Mmm I get that a lot. I'm pretty hot. But you." Your eyes widen a little at his comment, not sure how to take it. His hand cupped your cheek, his eyes peering into yours.
"You are crazy fucking hot. That curvy body is going to be the death of me. I mean.. I'd die a happy man in between those thighs." You bite your bottom lip, completely speechless. This man was turning you to putty and no matter how much your body was trying to tell you he was lying. You knew deep down he meant every word.
You were shell shocked.
And unbelievably horny.
The wait was over, you had arrived at the destination. Your eyes glazed over the very large and lavish apartment complex. A completely different place to where you resided. A decently ran down 4 bedroom home that you were pretty positive was still full of mold, no matter how hard you cleaned.
Your mind immediately went into autopilot, as Satoru lead you out of the truck, muttering a quick 'thank you' to the Uber.
Satoru pulled you with him as you both stride towards the entrance, your fingers intertwined. He lead you into the lobby, towards one of the many elevators and as soon as those doors closed. As soon as he had pressed the button, you were pressed up against the glass wall. Your leg hanging loosely over his hip, hand placed securely behind your knee.
"Satoru.. they have cameras.." you whispered as he placed sloppy kisses along your neck.
"Mmm say my name again." He grumbled against your skin, having no care in the world for your protests. The only care was to hear you scream his name, no matter where you both are.
"Satoru stooop, we can't. Not here." You giggled a little as he ran his nose over your jugular. A smirk appeared on Satoru lips as he listened to your laugh.
He was compelled to hear it again and obviously since he was like the funniest person HE knew, it wouldn't be hard.
"But whyyy. You're too sweet. You taste like candy." He whined slightly pulling away to stare into your eyes, quite like staring into your soul. If it was anyone else, you probably would recoil, cringing.
Buuuut he was also kinda adorable. You thought.
You leaned forward pressing a sweet peck on his lips, Satoru dropping your leg, allowing you to correct your posture.
"I do not." You giggled yet again, pressing your hands against his chest, moving them up and down his torso.
"Do too. I can't wait to gobble you up." He pressed, your giggle pierced his ears again, causing his smile to brighten as he stared down at you, basically inhaling your beauty.
"You've got such a way with words." You sarcastically say as you give him a playful eye roll, trying to push him back slightly but to no avail, he stood strong.
"That's not the only thing, Baby." And god did you believe him.
You jump once you hear the ding of the elevator, realising you are so close to getting the life fucked out of you and that put a bounce in your step. You were nearly stepping on the backs of Satoru heels as the both of you wonder down the halls.
Your breathing started to pick up, feeling almost inpatient. You couldn't even blame it on the alcohol because realistically you only had two, you were definitely drunk on something else and you'd only experienced it briefly.
You watched as Satoru's long slender fingers, played with his keys; trying to find the right one.
And as soon as that door was opened, you couldn't even process how fast you were inside, immediately locking lips.
Satoru kicked the door shut with his foot, his hands never leaving you as he pushed his tongue past your lips. You let out a low moan as your tongues started to dance with each other.
The kiss was sloppy and ferocious. You didn't believe when people talked about sparks but in that moment, you started to believe. He left your lips tingling, nothing you've felt before. It sent waves of pleasure throughout your body. Your pussy aching, needing for this man.
You were nearly tripping over each other, bumping into things, lips never leaving each others as you both made your way through the apartment. Letting out a low whimper when your back hit the soft mattress, spreading your legs to allow Satoru to press himself against you.
"I'm fucking you. No more playing. I need to feel you around me." Satoru growled against your lips, before resuming sticking his tongue down your throat.
His hands left you, reaching down to work at his belt, he was quick and efficient, pushing his pants down his legs with one hand.
He broke from you, pushing up your dress past your hips and literally ripping off your panties, exposing your wet and dripping cunt. You'd worry about your panties later.
Satoru let out a low groan seeing you now bare beneath him, your pussy glistening for him. And only him.
You were his for tonight and he was going to rock you until you were cumming for him.
He didn't dare waste anymore time, aligning himself up at your entrance, his head bowed to watched himself push against your pussy, a moan leaving him when he felt how wet you really were, he could just slide in and you'd take him perfectly.
But he knew better, you'd need to adjust.
You were a moaning mess already, grabbing at him, bucking your hips against the ghosting tip of his cock, it was too dark to see have big he was but you soon found out as he pushed himself in.
"Fuck." He let out a staggering breath as he felt the beginning of your tight walls, you let out a sharp gasp as you take him, your fingers digging into his shoulders. The pain was real. He was huge.
You felt the pop as he finally pushed past your boundaries, a synced moan coming from both parties. Satoru moved his hips slowly, his fingers digging into his expensive sheets; restraining himself.
You were mewing lowly as he pumped into you, grateful he was allowing you to adjust to his size.
The more he felt himself able to go further without any resistance, the more he sped up.
"You feel amazing." He huffed out, rocking his hips in a steady pace. Your eyes fluttered as moans flowed effortlessly from your mouth. His cock was rubbing against your walls in just the right way. Tickling that itch you never knew you truly needed.
But you were becoming even more impatient, you wanted him to use you. You knew he was holding back and you wanted him to show you just how much.
Your hand moved up into his hair, gripping at the roots "I want you all. Don't hold back. Please Satoru."
At just the moan of his name, sent him. Before you knew it, both of his hands gripped your hips aggressively, slamming into yours.
You cried out loudly as he repeatedly did it again and again. Fucking his cock into you, hitting right into your cervix. You gripped desperately onto his forearms as he continued to plow into you; bouncing at every thrust.
You squeezed Satoru better than he imagined, you would. He stared down at your form with hunger, watching you arch your back, your beautiful mouth letting out cries of pleasures from his cock. You were taking him so well. He wanted you to scream for him.
"God. You look so good taking my cock. Taking me so well." He purred, placing a hand on the pudge of your stomach, pressing down firmly. He wished he had taken off your dress so he could see your beautiful tits bouncing from every time he fucked his cock into you.
"Satoru! Fuck. Holy shit-" You cried out, throwing your head back against the mattress, arching your back even more.
"Keep saying my name baby. Just like that." He leaned down, resting on his forearm just above your head, not before using his other hand to push one of your legs up, allowing him more access to your addicting cunt.
"AAHH fuck! Satoru!" You screamed out, feeling your body start to shake from the continuous pounding. His cock deeper inside from the new position.
"Fuck yeah. Holy fuck. You're so beautifult." He groaned, your little noises were music to his ears, his fingers digging deeper into your supple skin and you knew it would definitely leave marks.
Your lips crashed against his, teeth clashing together. Satoru swallowing each cry and moan that would try to escape.
"You gonna cum for me? You gonna cum on my cock?" He moaned in your ear, followed by hallowed panting as he pounded into you. You couldn't rely on forming any words, they were just coming out as sobs and cries. You were putty underneath him, no one has EVER fucked you this good before. You were on cloud nine.
And just as you thought it couldn't get any better, you started to feel the familiar build up. You were close. You felt like you were going to explode from the pleasure as it flowed through your body, you couldn't even warn Satoru before you released around his cock, screaming out in pure bliss as you felt yourself gush over him.
Satoru quickly pulled out and watched as you released a great quantity of liquid. Your legs shaking from the overbearing orgasm that shook your core.
He let out a breathless chuckle, realising you. HE had just made you squirt, all over him.
Your hands trembled as you brought them to your mouth, trying to control your breathing.
"Oh god. I'm sorry." You were shocked that you could even squirt and this man had not only brought you to a full penetration orgasm but he made you squirt.
"Hah Sorry? No. That was fucking hot. So hot. fuck." Satoru's breathing became heavier, his pupils dilated as he watched your trembling form, without anymore words, he slammed back into you, pulling a louder cry from you. Having seen you squirt on his cock, brought him closer to his own climax.
His thrusts were becoming sloppier and more desperate as he chased his own high. You were completely dazed, stars in your vision. Being fucked harder into the mattress. An uncontrollable moaning mess.
You tugged at his hair, yanking his head back slightly "Cum in me. I want it."
He couldn't believe his ears, as if you could get anymore sexier.
"You want it. You want my hot load inside your juicy pussy?" Your hands travelled down his back, leaving long and deep scratches, marking him red.
"Satoru- please. Cum. Please. I want it. I want you." He growled from the stinging sensation and from your voice. He was so close. So close.
"Anything for you, baby." He angled his hips and thrusted harder, until he felt it. He shoved his face into the crook of your neck as he felt his own orgasm approaching, his cum shot straight into you, causing a guttural cry from your throat as you feel it coat your walls. Satoru pumped into you until he was dry, slowing to a stop. A complete panting mess above you.
You were trying hard to catch your own breath as he lowered himself onto you, carefully trying not to crush you.
Your hand brushed through his pure white strands, as you both laid there together, in pure bliss. Panting excessively.
Satoru sat up slightly to place a sweet kiss on your lips, you of course accepted happily. He hummed softly before resting his face on your tits.
"I've never squirted before." You panted out, your eyes staring up at the ceiling. You felt embarrassed, more so for the fact you had made a mess but you also felt bewildered. You didn't think you could and you didn't think that any man could pull an orgasm out of you, let alone two, It started you thinking. How many could he make you have?
Every boyfriend you've had, NEVER made you feel like how this man did here. They were all so more selfish for their own desire than satisfying you. Even getting to the point where you would just roll over and let them have their way, sucking the enjoyment out of sex completely. Making it feel like a chore, so you wouldn't have to constantly hear their whines and moans about 'why you didn't want to fuck?'
"Never?" You shook your head lazily, feeling an overwhelming sense of drowsiness.
You felt him vibrate from the low chuckle he let out, his head lifting up to look you in the eyes "Well. I can't wait to make you do it again and again.." his voice was mumbled against your skin as he peppered you with wet kisses.
"And again." You felt Satoru cradle your ass cheeks, his fingers massaging intensely. Hoisting you up, angling himself up with your overstimulated cunt.
And here you thought you could sleep.
Nah. You're in for a long night.
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undercovercameron · 2 years
same person, same mistakes
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summary: coming home from college, you see the boy you never wanted to; and he's the same as he always was.
notes: i just wrote this literally so quick it was magical... there is rough sex, cheating, a semi-choking kink (as always), and mentions of drug use and literal alcohol use in this one! i'm also yet again noticing a pattern.... what is with me and bathroom sex? anyways i hope you people enjoy! consider this a favor, i'm preparing you all for rafe to have a love interest
tags: rafe cameron x reader
word count: 2929
When you walked into the country club that night, you made a beeline for the bar. Your first year of college had not been treating you well, and you needed a drink. A strong one at that. 
Your favorite bartender, a red-headed woman named Joey, was working that night. She made you a vodka soda just like how you liked ‘em: more vodka than soda and a shit ton of lime. An underage-drinking staple. But hey, you were only two years away from legality. It wasn’t that bad. 
You drank it with your younger brother Landon by your side at the bar, watching him refresh Twitter for the status reports of the hockey game happening tonight. 
“You want the NHL, Landon?” Joey asked, wiping up a ring of perspiration with a black rag at the now-empty tabletop to his right. “I can change it.”
“Yes, Joey, thank you,” Landon sighed, pocketing his phone, and swiveled around in his chair towards the TV mounted beside the bar. “Hey,” he said abruptly, and you hummed curiously in response. “Rafe is here.”
You crunched down onto the ice cube in your mouth, the easy smile on your lips hardening.
“Who is he with?” You ask, not turning to look, and focus in on the stack of paper coasters next to the mixing pads. 
“Dunno. Some girl. She has black hair.”
The grip on your drink tightens. 
“Nice,” you say through gritted teeth, gaze never wavering from the coasters. 
Yes, Rafe Cameron had a girlfriend. She was some hotshot golfer from Northern Carolina. You saw her in your communications lecture sometimes, sitting in the front row next to her posse of badly self-tanned girls with shining smiles and alcohol problems. She had sat next to you on the first day, passing you the syllabus with a snarky look on her face, and you had decided to hate her right then and there. It was a simple hatred, nothing personal, but when she came back to the Outer Banks with Rafe’s hand in hers, it got personal. 
Rafe was your highschool fling. He used to pick you up from school in his truck and you’d go out to the lighthouse or the beach by his house or his grandparents' summer home fifteen minutes away to hang out, have sex, or smoke. Usually all three. You two dated for nearly 10 months starting at the first semester of your senior year, and then he decided to break it off and focus on being a good son and good employee of his father’s. Whatever. Like he actually did anything of the sort— all he’d done while you were at college was hold his hand out to his father and snort coke with your hometown’s dealer. 
And then he has a girlfriend. A beautiful girlfriend, but you’d never admit it. You wonder if she has a cocaine problem too. 
You weren’t averse to drugs, no—in fact, you had a J with your breakfast nearly every day. But at least you weren’t dropping hundreds of dollars for fifteen minutes of a high every week. And at least you weren’t distracting yourself between the legs of a tall black-haired student athlete. 
Maybe you were bitter. 
“Two more,” says a breathless voice at the end of the bar, and you just let your eyes fall closed. Landon slaps at your arm without pulling his eyes from the TV, and you curse at him with a smack back. Asshole. 
You breathe in through your nose. Okay. Don’t act like you recognize him. 
You turn towards Rafe, a pleasantly blank look on your face, and purse your lips. 
“Hey.” His perfectly tan face splits in a grin, and he comes around the corner of the bar towards you two. “Hey, Landon.” He daps up your brother, that stupid look still on his face, and just stands and looks at you for a second. He puts his hands on his hips, and your gaze follows them for a second before moving back up to his face, whip-fast. You see him catch it, the corners of his lips tugging up further. He sighs. “I see the Xanax finally caught up to you.”
“Ha!” You blurt loudly, a mocking smile on your face, and you look down to your feet. “That’s actually pretty ironic, sweetheart. You’ve got a little something.” You look him in his eyes and wipe at your nostril. The grin drops from his face. 
“Nice to see you again.” His tongue pushes at the spot between his teeth and his lip. “Just like old times. Still a bitch.”
“Still wasting your dad’s money.” You sip at your drink, lips around the straw. You catch him glance at them. Ha. Gotcha. “How’s, uh, Betsy King, over there?”
The black haired girl is sitting on the deck with her back to the bar, watching the hockey game on an outdoor TV. You watch her hair move in the wind for a moment, hating it. 
“Easier than you, believe or not.” Rafe stares at you. You snort. This is fun, you suppose. Just like old times, like he said. Biting conversation and secret glances at each others’ mouths. 
“Two whiskey sours?” Calls Joey from the end of the bar, eyebrows drawn when she doesn’t see her patron. Rafe glances back at you, chewing at his lip, but decides against whatever he was going to say. He just walks over and grabs his drinks and disappears back outside. You suck at the straw of your drink, coming up empty, and drop it onto the counter. Your head is buzzing. From the liquor, yes, but also from him. He makes you so angry—so stupidly and embarrassingly angry. That stupid face and stupid smile and stupid hair and stupid boat shoes. 
“That was nice,” says Landon, still focused on the TV, but you see his head turn slightly when you sigh. 
“Sorry.” You are, really. You’re supposed to be on your best behavior; it’s not every day your parents let you take your 16 year old brother to the country club to sit and watch you get drunker and drunker.
“Yeah.” He sounds annoyed, and you feel embarrassed.
You drain two more vodka sodas and call it a night. You spend your time staring at the array of liquors and mixers beneath you at the bar, making small talk with Joey about the island, and numbly watch the hockey players beat each other to death. Rafe comes back in for another drink an hour after your conversation, but you just ignore his eyes on your profile. 
“I’m gonna go pee, and then we’ll leave.” You heave yourself off of the stool, wincing at your sore ass, and nearly stumble. Shit. 
Landon says “okay”, eyes on his phone and texting, and you hobble towards the bathroom on steady feet. You avoid looking outside, knowing it will only aggravate you. 
The bathroom door slams behind you, too heavy for its own good, and the motion sensor lights kick on. You pee, staring up at the ceiling, and try to will away the pounding in your head and rippling vision. 
You scrub your hands after, desperate to rid them of the dirt and grime of your day, and try not to think about how you wish you could wash Rafe out of your life. You stare at yourself in the mirror with a paper towel between your hands. 
The girl in the mirror looks tired. You poke a finger at a pimple on your forehead, frowning. You just sigh. 
You turn towards the door and wrench it open, the smell of restaurant and something musky filling your nose before you step out, and you barely get a foot out the door. Two hands push at your abdomen, eerily familiar, and you stumble back into the bathroom with your eyebrows drawn in confusion. 
Rafe clouds your vision and your smell, hard chest at eye-level, and he reaches behind him to lock the door. 
You stare up at him, chest heaving and he looks down at you with those stormy eyes. 
“You’re aggravating, you know that?” He says, sounding exasperated, and seizes your waist in one large hand, pulling you to him. His mouth finds yours, familiar, and you feel his fingers on your warm cheek. You hate to admit it but your heart thumps loudly in your chest when you taste him. 
His other arm snakes around your hips and grabs at your ass. You fall into the hard counter of the sink vanity, and you hum pleasantly. 
“What about—about her?” You barely pull away to say, breathless, and he just pulls you back to him with his with strong fingers entwined in your hair. 
“Up,” he murmurs into your mouth, and you brace a hand on the sink and obey. He pushes between your legs and your arms wind around his neck. You just breathe each other in, blood pounding, pressed up against each other. 
Your fingers find the hem of his shirt, and you push it up to feel his skin. He’s hot. Your fingers crawl up his abdomen and press to the center of his stomach, feeling it heave and push against your fingertips. He nearly flinches away at your cold fingers but is drawn closer when you make a noise into his mouth that reminds him of that time in the lighthouse where you had left with bruises around your neck and he with an ache in his hips. His hair is smooth when you drag a hand up to feel it, newly blunt and choppy. You like it all the same. 
His body has grown and matured while you’ve been gone. His shoulders are stronger, bulkier, and when you feel the flesh of his stomach it feels more alive. Like he’s been moving and working hard while you were gone. Maybe he has been. With her. 
You pull away at the thought. He chases you, fingers at your jaw, but you back up into the wall. He licks at his lips, a dangerous look in his eyes. He doesn’t like when he doesn’t get what he wants. 
“What’s her name?” You ask. He removes himself from your grasp, backing away. He drags a hand through his hair. When his eyes meet yours, his eyebrows are drawn and his lips screwed up as he chews at his lip. 
“Do you love her?”
He barks out a laugh when you ask, hands pressed to the counter on either side of you, head bowed. 
“Love? Are you insane?” He looks back up at you, shaking his head. He heart skips a beat when he thinks of you two in high school, and then he thinks he might be insane. 
“Well, I’m currently in a family bathroom at the Island Club with you, so maybe.” You try a smile, but it falls when your eyes meet again. He thinks for a second. 
“You’d be in here with me even if I was fucking married to that girl.” He watches your expression change from somber to disbelieving. 
“You think?” Your eyebrows raise, incredulous, and watch as he nears you again and bows down to your eye level. You like to think you’re not the affair-woman. Well, you guess you might be. 
“I know so. Why do you think I told your brother to get you to come tonight?” His lips curl into a smirk. 
You just stare at him. Manipulative, psychotic, deranged, possessive. He’s all of the above and more. He slipped the idea into your goody-two-shoes 16 year old brother’s head to bring you to a bar and fuck him, and it makes your heart drop to your stomach. 
You grab at the collar of his shirt and tug him down to you. Your mouths connect with a hot breath into his mouth, and you arch up into him. His hands find your lower back and he drags you further from the wall, letting you carefully slide on the granite and fall onto your back. 
His large hands fumble with your pants, popping the buttons, and you crane your neck to watch as he tugs them down your legs, panties following with a slip of his thumb. He ducks to kiss you again and you hear his belt jingle. His fingers tug your shirt up and over your bra, and he grabs at a breast tightly as he jerks you down once more and pushes his dick into you. 
You cry out, fingers on his cheekbone, and arch up into him. He just hums into your mouth, liking the feeling of your muscles straining around him, and it feels just as good as it used to. Just as beautiful as you’ve always been. 
“Rafe,” you start, a breath caught in your throat. His nose brushes yours and he looks into your wide eyes. “Fuck me like you mean it.”
Rafe’s head falls, and he groans into your neck. Fuck, you’re so hot. 
He grips your hips tight and pulls you away and then back, hips colliding with yours and prompting a pained noise from your mouth. He relishes in it. 
He slaps a hand at the wall above your head, using it as tension, and his hips move along with yours like they’re supposed to. It’s an uncoordinated dance, soft flesh rippling against hard muscle, and he pants into your mouth with the strain. 
“You feel so good,” he groans into your ear, and you squeeze around him in response. “Fuck.”
“Please,” you mumble, lips pressed haphazardly against his stubbly cheek. He smells so good. You curl an arm around his head, fingers brushing past his hair, and hold his head down by yours. 
The bathroom is loud with breaths and the sounds your bodies make, lewd and hurried. He huffs into your neck when he feels a pinch in his back and adjusts you further from the wall quickly. Nearly your entire ass is hanging off of the edge, precarious, but you know he won’t let you drop. His fingers around your back fall and he pushes his hand between your legs, seeking what you know he’s always been good at paying attention to. His large thumb finds your clit immediately, strumming you open, and your head falls back.
“You’re on the pill still?” He asks, fingers tight, and you close your eyes.
“Implant,” you say, squeezing your eyes shut. “Fuck, Rafe,” you nearly cry, but slap a hand over your mouth. His thumb strokes you in quick circles, and you’re cumming onto him embarrassingly quickly. Your abdomen tenses and you curl up into him. You feel your legs warm and you tighten them around his back, wanting him deeper as you fade into pleasure.
He grins at that, but it fades when his eyes squeeze shut and he’s bowing to touch his forehead to your chest. He bites at the bunched-up material of your shirt and pushes himself as deep as possible—so far that you can feel the flesh of your stomach move. He cums into you then, the release washing over his whole body and coating him in a sheen, and he nearly collapses on top of you. 
You two catch your breath, still connected, and he pants hot into your neck. 
“Fuck.” You struggle to swallow, nearly choking on an inhale. 
He rugs himself from you, wincing, and zips his pants back up. He offers you a hand and you take it, struggling to slide off of the counter and onto your shaky legs. He watches you slide your underwear back on, wiping his mouth, and enjoys the show. You get your pants back up but fumble with the button and zipper. 
“I hate this,” you mumble, eyebrows furrowed, and just give up with a roll of your eyes. 
“Here,” he half-chuckles, and easily zips you up and buttons you with nimble fingers. Fingers you know and love. 
Before you can think about that, he grabs your face in two hands and tilts you up to him, staring at your relaxed features. He admires you. And then he dips to kiss your mouth one final time, savoring how your lips move against him like they’re supposed to. Like they always have. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he whispers, breath cool on your lips, and you stare up at him with confused eyes. 
“What’s tomorrow?” 
“I’ll come over.” He shrugs, and reaches to unlock the door. It swings open, and he sweeps a hand to gesture for you to leave first. You pass the threshold, patting down your hair, and lock eyes with Allison when you emerge from the cove that has the entrance to the kitchen and the bathrooms. She looks confused. 
Guilt washes over your body, making your blood prickle at your skin, and you swallow. You walk straight past her piercing gaze, feeling Rafe pass you and go straight for the deck. You grab your jacket from next to Landon and feel for the keys. 
“Let’s go,” you say to your brother, voice quiet, and he nods. He follows you as you exit through the side door, heading for your parent’s SUV. You toss him the keys when you get to the passenger door and he secretly and silently fist pumps. 
“Did you talk to Rafe?”
Landon asks when he gets buckled and starts the engine. You sling the seatbelt over your torso and click it into place. 
“Yeah. He hasn’t changed.” You watch Rafe usher Allison out the side door, hand on her lower back, and you swallow. “Let’s go home.”
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jamil-s-wifey · 1 year
Hello! Can I request drunken reader and drunken Jack howl making out and about to go further but there's a knock on the door that brings them back to reality? They weren't thinking straight in the moment and now they don't know how to act with each other after the heated makeout and groping session
Thank you!
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Ah, I love these types of requests so much omg! I made it kind of open-ended, do tell if you wish for a part two of this! This is so cute! We love them drunken shenanigans. One slightly lime-y scenario with extra vodka, coming right up~~ ALSO A TON OF CURSING!
P.S. This is happening during MC and Jack's 3rd year, so that they are of legal age for both the nsfw part and the drinking, (at least in my country) AND to still be together most of the time, and be in that crush phase~
P.P.S. Alcohol is fun until it's not! Drink responsibly~~
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How your friends managed to procure alcohol on campus was beyond you. How they hid it from Crowley was even more beyond you. Did it matter? Not necessarily. Not when you were having so much fun!
Towards the end of your third year, you decided to celebrate together with your friends. After all, the future was uncertain. Ace, Deuce, Sebek, Jack, Epel and of course Grim and you, everybody was there! You all stayed at Ramshackle, away from prying eyes. So here you were, drinking to your heart's content, celebrating the end of the school year, reminiscing, laughing, playing games like truth or dare, you know how it is.
As time passed, everybody reluctantly returned to their respective dorms until only you and Jack remained. Even Grim had gone who knows where to probably sleep off the ungodly amount of food he'd consumed.
"So, I don't really want tonight to end yet. If you've got nothing better to do, how about we drink one more?" You proposed, taking a sip of your drink. You were currently facing each other, cross-legged on your bed.
"Yeah, I'd like that." He smiled back, tail swishing behind him. The more he drank, the more he let loose. He was leaning back, eyes glazed over from the alcohol. A sight to behold. And my my, were you beholding it.
Your gaze travelled down his body, before moving to the alcohol, taking a big gulp. You couldn't exactly help yourself, not when Jack was just sitting there, on YOUR bed, all attractive and shit.
"Let's play a staring game!" Suddenly you chimed in. Then you could stare at him and compete at the same time.
"Staring game? Okay, bring it on."
"But with a twist." (Hehe, twist)
"Oh no"
"Oh yes. We can try anything to get the other person to blink."
You realised the implications of your words and your cheeks heated up almost immediately.
"Yes. Anything."
He moved closer to you, using you as leverage, so that you could be perfectly face to face, with little space between you two, less than an arms length. His own heart skipped a beat at the closeness and your implication, which was FOR ONCE not lost on him. Perhaps it was the alcohol? It is a great way of dropping your inhibitions.
"3... 2... 1... Start!"
And so the game began. The first few seconds were easy, until you reached out to try and poke him, only for him to firmly grab your hand. His eyes read determination...and a little something more.
"I'm just playing the game, MC."
But then, you reached out and with your other hand and gently cupped his cheek. His eyes widened, but he still remained unblinking. However, his gaze slowly moved downwards, from your eyes to your lips. His own hand moved to rest on your knee. It was getting increasingly harder not to blink. You slowly slid your hand out of his grasp and moved it to his knee, mirroring his actions, only you didn't stop there. Slowly gliding your hand further up his thigh, you knew you were getting a rise out of him. Perhaps it was the alcohol talking, or just your own subconscious looking for-.
"Fuck. I really want to kiss you right now."
Before you could stop yourself, you had closed the distance between you two and smashed your lips on his. And my god, was it glorious. Thin lips moving against your own warm ones, big strong hands moving up your thighs, resting on your waist. It wasn't the most romantic kiss, but god it was passionate and hungry, and needy.
With resolve almost fully broken, he pulled you towards him, manhandling you onto his lap as if you weighed nothing - which for him, you did. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer. It was cathartic, the release of finally tasting him, feeling him, all over you, crashing into you like waves of desire. His hands slid down, to the small of your back, engulfing you.
Pulling back, he looked at you, eyes glazed over, breathless, wanting, barely cohesive from that intoxicating kiss. He nodded, silently asking you if you were okay. Even drunk, needy and turned on out of his mind, he was a gentleman. You settled a little more comfortably on his lap pushing him back to lay on your bed, before demonstratively moving one of his hands to your ass - your very physical answer.
The growl that left him was unlike anything you'd ever heard before, and god, did you feel it wash over you like a heatwave. He pulled you in for another kiss, this time deeper, slower, much more sensual, hands freely roaming over your body. From your ass, toy your hips, to your chest, he couldn't stop himself - not with your intoxicating scent, engulfing his very being, with the small whimpers coming from you through the kiss. His hips moved involuntarily, grinding against your core. Fuck he was so hard it was almost painful, and you were so fucking wet for him. And he smelled it, god he smelled it, and he knew.
Suddenly, he flipped you two over, pushing you onto the bed and caging you between his arms. You were so gorgeous beneath him, hair tangled, slightly sweaty, eyes glazed over, heaving, with reddened lips. He wasted no time moving to leave heated kisses and darkened hickeys down your neck, scenting the absolute hell out of you. One hand moved under your shirt, exploring the soft skin on your stomach and pushing right underneath your bra. So warm, so soft, so fucking perfect, he wanted to feel all of you. And when the palm of his hand brushed over your hardened nipple, when you moaned so sweetly, when you tangled your fingers in his hair, pulling on it so deliciously, fuck it was over for him.
"Let me undress you. I want to undress you. I want you naked underneath me." He mumbled, lost on the taste of your skin and the sound of your breathy moans.
"Then undress me, big boy~"
He left another searing kiss right on your lips, committing their softness to memory. Then he moved back just enough to grab the hem of your shirt to pull it up.
Knock knock knock
"Oi! MC! I think I ditched my phone there! Y'sleeping?"
Ace, of all times-
You two looked at each other, before hastily jumping off the bed, making yourself look as decent as possible.
Flushed beyond salvation, you looked around, indeed spotting Ace's phone on the floor. On the floor, which was about to be littered with your clothes-
Oh my god. Were you about to have sex with Jack?!
Grabbing the phone, you opened the door just a little bit and handed it to Ace. "Here."
"Damn, you seem pretty out of it, y'still drinking with Jack?"
Fuck, don't mention him right now.
"Yeah, we were just about to clean...up around here and...call it a night."
"Cool, I can wait for him so we can walk back together."
"Uh...we still have some cleaning up to do. You go back. Okay?" Please, just fucking go.
"Suuuuure. Yeah. Okay. Gotcha. G'night then."
And with that he was gone. Somehow, you knew that he knew. But perhaps, he was just too tired to mention it. Or maybe, he was saving all his teasing for tomorrow?
What about Jack?
You turned back, only to find him actually picking up the glasses and tidying up.
"You... don't actually have to do that, you know?"
"It's the uh ... Least I can do."
Fuck. Why was this so awkward, this shouldn't be this awkward, you've known each other for years. Did you just seriously wash 3 years of friendship down the goddamn drain?!
"I...think we should talk." "I think I should go."
Really? Did you guys really say it at the exact same time? This isn't some shoujo anime-
"Can we-"
"T-tomorrow. Talk tomorrow."
"I don't think I-"
"Let us be at least...sober."
Fuck. He had a point.
"Uh....Goodnight, then."
"Yeah... Goodnight.
Before he could leave, though, he turned around to look at you.
Welp. Here goes nothing I guess. If tomorrow's gonna be awkward regardless, then you... Might as well... Right?
You stepped on your tippy toes and left the smallest of kisses on his cheek.
"Bye, Jack."
His eyes widened, tail gently swishing behind him.
"Bye, MC."
What a night.
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annwrites · 13 days
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—nine ball
only twelve-years-old, but I got a hold of a pole stick i was gifted from him. my father is a betting man, but i got myself a steady hand. he's sitting in the corner with a six pack of corona betting that his son'll win again. — dad!billyhargrove x brokenhearted!reader ; .·:·.*
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When you step through the door, you’re enveloped in dim, comfortable, ambient lighting. Country music plays quietly overhead on the radio, and the smell of beer and fried foods wafts through the air.
You walk over to a barstool, slide atop it, and you wait patiently for the bartender to come to you so you can order.
You’re wholly oblivious to the pair of blue eyes that now rest upon you, or the matching pair of smirking lips that are eager to flirt and make passes at you all night long in hopes of luring you back to his single-wide that’s not too far from here.
Once you’ve ordered something for yourself, you wrap your hands around the bottle, staring it down, fighting back the tears that sting your eyes.
“You are far too pretty to be drinkin’ alone, sweetheart,” comes a deep, attractive voice from the side of you.
You slowly turn your head, and drink in something that’s certainly not alcohol, but you have a feeling might be just as intoxicating by the look of him.
He’s tall—even while seated—with golden curls that the overhead bulbs cast in a soft glow atop his head, muscled arms, and a muscled chest that he’s clearly trying to advertise with the way his red button-up is most certainly buttoned down. All the way to his navel.
He flashes you a set of straight white teeth—a shock to see a complete set in a small, podunk town like this—then slides his arm along the bartop, staring at you all the while with eyes you can’t yet make out the color of in the provided lighting.
You swallow nervously.
You thought coming here had been what you wanted. That it would make you feel better. That being flirted with would.
You’d not expected for it to happen right away, though. And the fact that this one already seems ready to pounce like a wildcat only serves to unnerve you.
You had hoped to settle a few sips into your drink first.
“I’m Billy,” he says, taking a sip of his Corona.
“Y/N,” you reply quietly, glancing down to the bottle that now rests in your lap.
“Don’t think I’ve seen you in here before,” he states, letting his eyes trail along you, not even attempting to hide that he’s interested.
You glance to him from under your lashes and his lip twitches from how sweet and shy you seem.
You have no idea what the hell to do with yourself, clearly.
But oh, he most certainly does.
“Do you come here a lot, then?” You ask.
He smirks, shrugging. As if he doesn’t know the shameful answer of ‘almost every night’.
“Every now and again.”
He leans in toward you, planting his booted feet between each of yours on the bottom of your stool’s footrest. “Sure as hell would remember you if you’d ever been in here before, though.”
You smile slightly, deciding to finally take a small drink of your beer.
And you immediately grimace at the taste, causing your new suitor to chuckle.
“How about we get you something sweet,” he says, turning to the bar.
“Oh, no, that’s okay—”
He cuts you short by getting the attention of the middle-aged gentleman behind the bar, and he promptly orders you a wine cooler.
You take a moment to glance around and are taken aback by the sight of a young boy playing pool.
“Is…is that…”
Billy turns his head, grinning from ear-to-ear when he spots who you’ve focused on.
“That’s my boy,” Billy says, turning back to you. “Taught him everything I know about playin’. Now he whoops grown-ass men here at it almost every night, winnin’ his old man some extra cash.”
Your brows furrow. “How old is he?”
“Twelve,” he states, taking a drink. “He’s best at nine ball, but he can play anything, so long as it’s on a pool table.”
“Is that even legal?” You ask in disbelief.
This man is how old and he’s spending all his nights in a bar with his little boy? Why the hell hasn’t the bartender kicked them both out yet?
Billy shrugs, glancing back to the smaller spitting image of himself with a smile. “Can’t exactly fit a billiards table in my trailer. How else is he s’posed to keep his skills with a pool stick sharp?”
You continue staring at him like he’s suddenly grown a third head.
“Haven’t touched your drink,” he remarks.
You glance to it, then back to him.
“I’m not…” You trail off, thinking of how to best approach this—the most polite way you can word it.
“I didn’t come here to go home with anyone.”
He raises a brow.
“At least buy me a drink first, honey. Gettin’ a little ahead of yourself,” he says with a chuckle.
You look back to his son who stares at the two of you from under a mop of soft blond curls before focusing on the game before him and sinking a nine ball.
“It’s a school night,” you remark. “Shouldn’t he be at home, getting ready for bed?”
Billy’s smile disappears.
“You have any kids?” He asks, taking a long swig, staring at you all the while.
“Then don’t tell me how to look after mine,” he says in a flat tone.
You frown slightly. “I’m not.”
He snorts. “You think you have some sort of read on me?”
Your eyes flit between his own before focusing on your bottle again, nervously tearing at the label.
“Go on,” he encourages. “Hit me with your best shot. Tell me who you think I am.”
You shake your head softly. “I didn’t mean anything by it.”
He glances to his son, then back to you. “I doubt that.”
You look at him once more.
“Let me tell you what I think, then.”
You continue tearing at the label, an uncomfortable feeling settling over you.
One thing you can take a guess at is that he’s probably a mean drunk.
“I think you’re a cock-tease on a barstool looking for some male attention. You want to sit here and have drinks bought for you and get paid compliments. Just not by the likes of me. Because…what? You have a stick up your ass?”
Tears brim in your eyes and your chin wobbles.
He rolls his eyes, turning around, resting his forearms back against the bar, watching his boy sink an eight ball before racking again.
You let that simmering anger bubble to the surface then, and allow him the brunt of it.
He’s silent for awhile—thinking—his chest steadily rising and falling.
“Maybe I did come for a modicum of attention. Would you like to know why? The man I have given myself to in every way I could for two years—praying he’d finally love me the way I wanted and would want the same as I do—has been sleeping with another woman. Which I found out about less than an hour ago, by the way. And instead of apologizing for it, he looks me in the eye and says that he never intended to stay with me.
“So I came here to feel less lonely. Maybe to be flirted with and called pretty once or twice like you said—something he never did. So I guess you’re right. Maybe we both are.”
He’s quiet for so long, in fact, that you think he either didn’t hear you—drowned you out entirely—or his continued silence is his way of telling you, without actually saying it, to get lost. That he doesn’t care.
You turn around and grab the drink you initially ordered for yourself, ready to head to a booth, or maybe you’ll just toss the bottle on your way out the door, and then he speaks.
“I’m sorry.”
You look at him.
“I get it,” he says, nodding to his son. “Zach’s mom…”
He shakes his head, taking another drink. “Same damn fuckin’ thing.”
You take a very small sip from your bottle. “I’m sorry, too.”
He nods.
You study him for a moment.
He doesn’t look very old. He must’ve had his son when he was still a teenager.
“May I ask when…when you had him?”
He shrugs, not much caring if you do. “When I was eighteen.”
You take another small sip, nodding. “Oh.”
So he’s thirty, then.
In truth, he looks—at oldest—maybe twenty-seven. You don’t tell him that, though. You don’t want him to think you’re trying to flirt back.
He may be physically attractive, but that seems about the sum of it.
You chew your lip, wondering if you should try to break the tense, now-awkward silence.
“I got full custody,” he remarks.
He grinds his jaw, trying to cool his fire-hot temper.
“Bitch only ever cared about herself. I busted my ass to take care of the two of us after we had some bullshit shotgun wedding—my attempt at doing things ‘the right way’—only for her to turn around while I was at work and bring other lowlifes into my goddamn bed.
“So, we divorced and she tells me that ‘I can have him’. That she ‘didn’t sign up for this’. So, she took half of what little I already fucking had—that I worked to earn while she sat on her ass all day—and split. And I’m left with a seven-year-old that keeps asking me when his mom is coming home, and I have no idea how to answer.”
He drains the last dregs from his bottle, settling it on the stained wooden bartop. “He understands now. Not that it makes it any easier. She could do whatever to me. I don’t give a shit. But breaking my kid’s heart?”
His hands ball into fists. “I just hope she gets what she deserves for it. For all of it.”
“I can’t imagine,” you whisper.
He glances to you.
“I thought… I thought I’d spend the rest of my life with him. Even if I wasn’t entirely happy with things now. Even if he never wanted to have talks about commitment. Or he acted immature, or disrespectful toward me, or…”
You trail off, tears pooling in your eyes again and you sniffle. “I was willing to settle because I didn’t want to be alone. I wanted to get married and have a family. And when I told him that I wanted to start having kids before thirty he acted so…shocked by it. Like it was such a ridiculous thing to want.”
You stare down at your bottle. “He did that a lot: treated me like I was stupid. Acted like he was better than people and…”
A tear slips down your cheek.
“Stupid,” you whisper. “I’m so stupid. Two years I wasted on someone who never deserved even two days.”
You look at Billy again. “I’m just trying to say that I don’t understand how she could throw it away: a marriage to a man who was willing to take care of her and a child. Some people have everything and just don’t care. They throw it away because they know they’ll continue being handed whatever they want on a silver platter while those who pray to have even a fraction of what they do never get to have it.”
Your mouth settles into a scowl while your chin wobbles again, the tears in your eyes turning the lights around you blurry and unfocused.
“Maybe we should get him and my ex-wife together,” he says, looking at you.
You grin, lightly laughing. “Maybe.”
“Dad, I’m hungry.”
The two of you turn, looking at Zach, who has his hands tucked into the pockets of his blue jeans while he stares up at the two of you.
Billy sighs, reaching behind you and grabbing a menu.
Zach shakes his head. “I already know what I want. A burger, with extra pickles and onion.”
Billy turns around, placing his order for him while his son stares at you.
“You one of my dad’s new girlfriends?”
Your brows shoot into your hairline. “N-no. We’re just talking, that’s all. I’m not…”
You trail off. How to tell a twelve-year-old, in an ‘age-appropriate’ way that you’re not a floozy?
“I’m not here for anything like that. Just here for one drink, then I plan to go home.”
He studies you, pursing his lips.
You shift slightly.
“You’re pretty. Dad likes pretty girls.”
Your eyes widen and it’s just then that Billy turns back around.
“Save some women for the rest of us, bud,” he says, reaching forward and tousling his hair.
Zach swats his hand away, narrowing his eyes at him.
“She’s too old for me anyway,” he states, returning to the pool table.
Billy smirks, looking at you. “Real charmer, ain’t he?”
You smirk as well. “You did say you taught him everything you know.”
Billy throws his head back and laughs.
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The night you leave one man behind is the same night you meet another: Billy Hargrove.
Some consider him a bit of a drunkard. What, with the fact he’s at the local bar nearly every night—twelve-year-old son in-tow to win him games of pool he’s bet on with money he doesn’t have—trying to drink merely drink away the pain of being let down and left behind by each person he’s ever cared for with countless bottles of Corona. Until one comes to return to him time and again to chat and laugh over beer and pizza.
And then comes the night you’re instead the one to be betrayed. And in an instant, your entire world shifts in the worst possible way yet again, leaving you with nothing.
But it’s another chance meeting on the side of the road that allows Billy to right a terrible, terrible wrong, but only with much convincing over dinner at a diner, and with his son’s blessing.
And those same things that each of you have lost: Billy a wife, Zach a mother, and you a man to love you, you each come to find yet again, even if you each tell yourselves that you’re not looking.
But that’s the phrase, isn’t it? It’s only once you’ve stopped searching that you finally find it—whatever it may be.
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fic is heavily inspired by/based on the song ‘nine ball’ by zach bryan.
zach & reader come to bond. he likes who his dad is when he’s around her & likes how nice she is to him. that she’s maternal toward him in a way his own mom never truly was.
reader comes into the bar one night & finds billy with another woman—laying it on pretty thick.
he looks up, sees the absolutely shattered look on reader’s face & she turns to leave.
he catches her in the parking lot, but she pushes him away. she’s bawling, telling him to get away from her.
she pulls out without looking & she gets hit by a truck.
billy comes to see her everyday in the hospital because he is absolutely riddled with guilt, but due to swelling on her brain they have her in an induce coma.
when she finally wakes, he shows up & she loses it, screaming for him to get out, so he does.
when she’s released from the hospital, she has no one to call & no car, so she chooses to walk back home.
billy finds her on the side of the road.
asks what the hell she’s doing, so she tells him. she breaks down & screams at him how she’s lost everything because of him. she has no car. she’s going to be drowning in medical debt now. her arm is broken & her opposite wrist is sprained. she can’t work. so then she won’t be able to pay rent, so she’s going to end up homeless. she just begins to spiral.
he begs her to get in the car. he wants to take her to dinner & they can discuss things.
she relents reluctantly.
billy makes her an offer: marry him. he’ll put her on his insurance & provide for her & put a roof over her head until she can get back on her feet. & he will replace her car. once she’s settled, they can get a divorce.
she tells him he’s being ridiculous, but he means it.
she demands they speak to zach first. she needs to know he would be okay with things before they just get hitched to commit insurance fraud.
zach already likes her & kind of lost it on his dad already for “almost killing her” (they had a number of fights after her accident), so he says yes without too much convincing.
she basically becomes a housewife to billy & a step-mom to zach.
when the time eventually comes for her to leave, zach hears them talking in the kitchen after he’s gone to bed that the next night they’ll break the news to him that she’s going to be leaving soon.
zach panics, so he makes a plan.
the next night after dinner, before they can tell him anything, he says “mom, can you grab me a coke from the fridge?”
“of course, sweetie.”
everyone freezes.
she starts crying because he thinks of her as his mom.
he begs her to stay.
& billy breaks then, too, telling her it’s what he wants: she’s his wife. she’s zach’s mother now. this is her home.
so they all stay together. <3
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meamiya · 2 years
 synopsis♱ ‣ I mean the title speaks for itself. We’ve got Megumi and we’ve got tits. Put them together (lol) and what do we get? An orgasm (spoiler alert).
 cw♱ ‣ nsfw, characters are aged up (21+), afab!reader, slight alcohol use, slight handjob, tittyjob, one dick lick, mutual pining, friends to lovers. (Let me know if I missed anything)
 word count♱ ‣ 3.3k words
 author’s note♱ ‣ Megumi is a tits guy, and I will die on this hill. Also, this was way longer than I had planned to make it. Additionally, take a shot every time you see the word tits if you’re of legal drinking age (Juice is fine too I guess). Anyway, Enjoy!
 ♱ explicit content! minors do not interact ♱
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 Even in your slightly inebriated state you could feel his eyes on you. Warm embers flit along the exposed skin of your arms and neck in tandem with his gaze before they lock on your chest. Goosebumps follow in their wake, and you feel a satisfied shiver run down your spine once you identify where his stare has firmly rooted.
 Megumi Fushiguro, the Megumi Fushiguro, the one who acts as if he has a permanent stick stuck up his ass and who you thought had less romantic or sexual interest in you than a damn rock, is staring at your tits.
 You owe Nobara a fat kiss on the cheek and 10 bucks because never in all your years of trying have you managed to grab his attention so relentlessly.
 The cropped camisole (read scrap of fabric) you’re wearing is courtesy of Maki, who greatly underestimated how well you’d fill it out. Between the dainty straps and low neckline, there was truly little left to the imagination. You’d usually never be caught dead wearing such an item, let alone even have such a thing in you closet, but in the comfort of Maki and Nobara’s apartment and with the help of your good friend, tequila, you were relaxed enough to let them work their magic and catch their long-awaited prey.
 Laughter brings you out of your thoughts as you take in the scene before you: Yuuji lies passed out, ever the lightweight, across the living room floor while Toge, Yuta and Panda attempt to lug his heavy body somewhere more comfortable. The initial shock of your tits greeting everyone before you could had worn off; mostly. The incessant probes from your left told a different story, though. Nobara and Maki, who had been whispering amongst themselves now direct their gaze toward you, in a way that ensures trouble will follow, before they turn to get everyone’s attention.
 “I have an idea everyone!” This is not a statement you trust coming from Nobara but you listen, nonetheless. “Let’s play Truth or Dare!”.
 A chorus of eh’s and oh no’s ensue, and you wish to be sucked into the earth as you follow her train of thought.
 Before anyone can formally protest, she exclaims, “I’ll go first!”
 Oh God.
 “Panda! Truth or Dare?”
 Thank God.
 “I dare you to down my drink and yours!”
 Panda immediately complies and the game continues peacefully quite unexpectedly. Yuta admits that his favourite teacher is Gojo, Toge swallows a tablespoon of wasabi, Maki is dared to switch outfits with Yuta and before you know it, its Megumi’s turn.
 The devious glint returns to Maki’s eyes as she appraises an apprehensive Megumi. “Megs, Truth or Dare?”
 To everyone’s surprise, he picks dare, though you fear neither choice would have worked out in his favour.
 “I dare you to take a body shot off of the hottest person in this room.”
 Megumi splutters while taking a sit of the beer he had been nursing the entire night and your stomach drops. Thoughts of him picking either of the two women to your right, or anyone in this room as a matter of fact, swirl in your head as everyone stares at Megumi expectedly. Under the harsh gaze his cheeks immediately bloom a cherry red, and his eyes scan the room before landing on you. You freeze.
 “I-” he stutters, lost for words as a light sheen of perspiration covers his face, immediately breaking eye contact.
 “You...?” Maki mocks.
 “I… I need to go to the bathroom.” He’s on his feet in the flash of an eye and leaves the room briskly, completely ignoring the boo’s that follow him. You don’t miss the way he tugs his hoodie over the front of his jeans and neither does Maki.
 “It’s now or never, Hun.” She whispers encouragingly and gives you a light shove to pull you away from the negative thoughts that render you immobile.
 You get to your feet, dawdling to the hallway that Megumi had just disappeared down while wiping your sweaty palms down the length of your jeans.
 Your decade long crush was either about to reach fruition or come crashing down with your heart as the only casualty, and all the pep talks you had received from Nobara are now mute mutterings in the background of your fear clouded mind.
 You look back hoping that someone will take pity on your poor soul only to find five pairs of thumbs up pointing back at you.
 If that wasn’t a kick in the ass, then you didn’t know what was. With newfound courage, you turn back and continue your journey towards the bathroom, towards your inevitable fate.
 A steady, deep breathe steels your nerves as you knock firmly on the door, hoping he can hear you over the sound of running water.
 No response.
 Another knock. “Megumi?” you call.
 The water turns off and your breath catches in your throat. A pause.
 “I’ll be out soon. I just need a second.” He replies, so quiet you barely catch it.
 It truly was now or never. “I have something I really need to tell you. Can I come in? Please?’
 The silence behind the door is deafening but the pounding of your heart surely resonated throughout the hallway. Your patience wears thin with every passing second and before the defeated sigh passes through your lips you hear it, ever so softly.
 “The door’s open.”
 You don’t waste a second, breaking down the final barrier standing in your way and making your way inside, closing the door behind you.
 The air in the bathroom feels different: more palpable, thick with unspoken thoughts and fears. Your back knocks against the door as you appraise him.
 His tall form is hunched over the sink to your left, held up by strong arms, and his raven hair shields his face, drenched in water as the plop of each droplet hitting the sink echoes in the still space.  
 He speaks first, voice void of emotion. “What did you want to say?”
 Although you dreaded having to make eye contact; the flush of your cheeks and nervous intertwining of your fingers being a dead giveaway for what was undoubtedly a precursor for you pouring your heart out, confessing to his back was not in the cards for tonight.
 “Turn around Megumi.” You ask, ultimately command, gently.
 “No, you’re going to make fun of me.” His head lowers even further.
 His statement renders you completely confused as this situation lacks any semblance of humour.
“Why would I make fun of you, Megumi?”
 Looking back, you failed to take note of one thing. Compared to Megumi, Yuuji was an elite drinker and the fact that he was now passed out on the living room couch spoke volumes. Megumi was a fucking lightweight. And if there was one way to know if Megumi had been drinking, it would be the fact that his lips loosened tremendously and drunk, tipsy in this scenario, minds speak sober thoughts. The one beer that he had been sipping on was the final nail in the coffin of his restraint and the words flowed freely before he could stop himself.
 “Because I couldn’t go one minute without staring at you tonight even though I’ve been able to control myself for years. And you’re so short so every time I looked your way, I could see down that sorry excuse of a top and that, combined with the fact that I could smell your perfume with every breath I took, made my dick throb like a fucking teenager.” He’s basically whining at this point, ashamed of his own thoughts and desires. “Years. Years down the drain.” He mutters to himself.
 “You thought I’d laugh at you for that?” your giggling betrays you. Your heart is beating a mile a minute, unsure if you’d walked into an alternate reality or if your long-time crush had just confessed to you being his long-time crush.
 “Why wouldn’t you? I’m such a loser.” He complains, gripping at his hair
 Your feet move a step closer on their own accord.
 “Megumi.” you whisper but he ignores you, lost in self-anguish.
 Another step forward; he’s within arms reach now.
 “Megumi.” You call again, louder this time, but to no avail.
 You take the plunge, closing the distance between yourselves, and grip his damp face firmly between your comparably smaller hands, forcing his attention to you. The blush that travels from his cheeks to his ears and down his neck surely mirrors your own.
 Your voice is quiet and nervous as you whisper, “Does that mean you like me?”
 His eyes remain downcast as he replies. “Isn’t it obvious. Now that you know just reject me once and for all.”
 Your heartbeat picks up if that was even possible. If only he could see the hearts in your eyes whenever you looked at him.
 The pout of his lips and puppy dog eyes make you want to tease him just a little more. “Why would I reject you, Megumi?”
 He scoffs, as if the answer was obvious. “Because I know that you like Yuuji.”
 Your shoulders shake as you try to keep your laughing fit at bay, but the subsequent shaking of your hands against his face finally draw his attention to you, his scowl deepening further at your amusement during his time of turmoil.
 “Yuuji? Why would you think I like Yuuji?” you ask incredulously.
 He rolls his eyes in disbelief. “Because you’re always at his place when I visit and every time he whispers something in your ear you turn bright red.”
 You can’t help but find the way he had noticed these details and completely misinterpreted their meanings endearing, deciding to finally put him and yourself out of your misery.
 “Did you ever think that he specifically invites me over on the days you visit so that he can fulfil his desire to play matchmaker and that each whisper is just to tease me about how obvious my crush on you is? Well, obvious for everyone else.” You tease.
 He’s momentarily stunned, eyes wide and mouth dropped slightly as you wait for him to process what you had just declared.  
 “You like me?” he asks in disbelief.
 Since your words had not completely punctured his thick skull, you attempt a more hands on approach. Grabbing the sides of his face more firmly, you tilt his face down and rise to the tips of your toes to accommodate for the height difference before your lips meet his. The kiss is soft and innocent but allows you to communicate years’ worth of longing and once the initial shock has worn off, he relaxes and moulds his lips against yours.
 You pull away all too soon, far too soon for his liking. “I like you too, Megumi.” You finally confess, the words once a stone in your heart now something you wish to shout from the mountain tops. “I love you.”
 The words have barely left your lips before he’s encasing them in his own once again, dragging you closer with one hand on your waist and the other entangled in your hair to deepen the kiss.
 “I love you, too.” He whispers against your lips before he deepens the kiss, making up for the years he wasn’t able to. The years of delusion he had lived in thinking that you weren’t meant to be his and he yours. He had so much time to make up for and he was going to start right now.
 His face twists to deepen the kiss even further, tongue peeking out hesitantly to lick at your bottom lip and your hand moving to pull him in at the nape is more than enough permission for him to explore the wet heat of your mouth hoping for you to reciprocate and you do. The residual dampness coating his skin transfers to your own but neither of you care. The kiss is full of passion and yearning, soft sighs and moans, and the gripping of clothing to bring the other that much closer. So close that you’re reminded of what you, and Maki, had caught a glimpse of in the living room.
 Hard and hot against your thigh lies something you had seen before in countless dreams. Dreams that left you breathless once you awoke, sweat coating your entire body and mixing with the slick that dripped from between your thighs, coupled with a needy throbbing that only relented after a moment of self-deprecation and two fingers shoved into your cunt. Megumi’s cock was pressed firmly against you, and you just had to see it in person, knowing it would be a thousand times better than the half-baked image in your head.
 You pull back once again, and Megumi’s whine worsens the wetness between your legs. “You did so well in telling me how you feel, and I know it must have been hard for you to admit all that. Well, I know that wasn’t the only hard thing for you tonight so how about I make it up to you.”
 You drag his large frame towards to toilet before you plop him down onto the seat, kneeling between his legs. From your new point of view, his bulge is mouth-wateringly large, and your insides tingle in anticipation.
 Glancing up you take note of his flushed face and the soft pants falling from his swollen lips. Your hands make their way to his thighs, rubbing soothingly in order to calm your and his nerves.
 “Is this okay?” you whisper.
 His nod is enthusiastic to say the least and doesn’t fail to make you grin up at him.
 Your hand trails higher now, finger tracing over the zipper of his jeans, and his bulge. His lidded eyes follow your movements.
 “Is this okay?” you ask, lower and more seductive.
 “Yes.” A barely audible confirmation; the gulp that follows louder.
 Your patience is wearing thin, and you know Megumi’s is too by the way his leg taps sporadically, so without wasting time, you unzip his pants, grab the material of both his jeans and boxers and pull both down his legs with his assistance.
 Mouth-watering was a more than apt description as you were practically salivating at the sight before you. Pink and pretty. And big.
 Mournfully, you tear your eyes away from his appendage to look up at him, only to find his eyes had returned to their fixation of the evening. Your camisole had fallen that much further down your chest and your pebbled nipples were begging for attention, covered only by one layer of fabric.
 “Do you want to touch them?”
 His eyes jerk up to meet yours, shining with equal parts nervousness and hunger, and he nods shyly. With extreme caution his hands make their way to your tits, pausing an inch away from direct contact, almost as if to prepare himself, until his featherlight touch makes contact with the material of your camisole.
 Unsatisfied with his hesitance and the intense need to have his hands on you, you cup your tits over his hands squeezing them firmly in his grasp.
 The moan he lets out is guttural as his palms feel the tell-tale peaks of your nipples, and the sound shoots straight to your core. “Fuck.” His hands have a mind of their own now as he moulds them into his palms with pure abandon and a small smile makes their way to his lips at the moan you release.
 The unmissable twitch of his cock brings your attention back to the task at hand. You bring your hand up to grasp his solid length in your tiny hands, stroking upwards to collect the precum that had been leaking from his tip and it mixes with your sweat-lined palms allowing you to stroke him with ease.  
 Soft pants and groans escape Megumi, and you want them to increase tenfold, want him to invade all of your senses.
 “Is it okay if I try something, Megumi?” you ask and, in his state, all he can do is nod meekly.
 Prying Megumi’s hands off of you physically pains both you and him, but you place them at his side, nevertheless. Your camisole sticks to your flushed skin as you peel the straps off of each shoulder and slide the material down your torso, shivering under Megumi’s heated gaze. He admires your tits as you had admired his cock; with an intense need to suck it into the wet heat of his mouth.
 Megumi’s imagination continues to run wild, failing to take note of you leaning closer to his crotch, cupping your chest. Its only once the pillowy softness has enclosed his dick in its warm and suffocating embrace that he is brought down to Earth, and he swears his legs turn to jelly at the slight before him.
 You’re looking up at him through dark eyelashes, watching his reactions closely before sticking your tongue out and letting your spit drip over the tip of his dick to aid the movement of your tits gliding up and down his cock.
 Megumi’s head falls back against the wall behind the cistern, eyes rolling to the back of his head and a groan so loud you pray no one outside of the bathroom can hear it leaves his open mouth.
 You squeeze your tits that much closer together, maximising the contact between your skin and his, and with every downward motion, his core tightens and his thighs twitch. You found it incredibly endearing as he tried and failed to keep the movements of his hips at bay, but before long his hips began thrusting at their own pace, a much faster one. The squelching coming from the mixture of his precum and your spit had increased in volume and frequency, and you are unable keep up with his thrusts any longer, instead remaining stationary and allowing him to chase his fast-approaching orgasm.
 His hands have found their way to his hair again, grasping the drenched locks in tight fists. “Fuck, I’m sorry. I’m gonna come.”
 Your eyes lock on his drowsy ones. “Don’t apologize, ‘Gumi. Come whenever you want.”
 If the upwards tilt of your seductive eyes combined with the nickname you had just called him was not enough already, the tip of your tongue that you ran sloppily over his tip on one particular upward thrust sent him over the edge and straight into a mind-numbing orgasm.
 His hips lift off of the toilet seat as you feel the warm liquid of his cum coat your chin and chest, and with a few short thrusts to ride out his orgasm, he slumps back down onto the seat, fucked out and limp from the best orgasm of his life.
 You’re quick to grab a piece of toilet paper, wiping yourself down and tossing it into the trash while Megumi’s breathing levels out and he’s become lucid enough to button up his jeans. When you’re within arm’s reach again, he pulls you down onto his lap, tucks his chin into the crook of your neck and encircles his arms around your waist.
 “I love you.” He whispers into your skin, embedding it into your flesh.
 Your arms wrap around his neck and pull him infinitely closer. “I love you too, ‘Gumi.”
 You welcome the comforting silence for a second but noise from outside of the bathroom brings you back to reality.
 “Let’s hope you still love me after we get flamed by every one of our friends once we leave this room.”
 His laughter is light-hearted despite the fact that you were dead serious.
 30 minutes was a normal amount of time to be in the bathroom, right? Right?
  Meanwhile in the living room:
 Yuta looks down the hallway for the umpteenth time in the past 30 minutes before his curiosity gets the best of him. “You don’t think they’re-”
 “They are.”
 “What he said.”
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ruwriteshours · 1 year
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status: ongoing
summary: It seems as if the group can't catch a break; from having those five seconds of fame, to illegal money lendings to financial issues and now... they're studio is destroyed! Someone is out to get them and they're going to make sure that they'll get those bastards, along with making a name for themselves again... by signing a contract to become ballet teachers? Oh boy, how they've officially lost it.
or in other words..
a group of unprofessional dancers tries to manage a ballet class... who would've thought that it will somehow backfires?
➢ pairing: nct 127! x fem! reader(s)
(each member would have their own love interest so it's not poly)
➢ genre: street dance AU, crack, fluff, cheating, slight angst, toxic friendships, alcohol, swearing, smut (MINORS DNI)
inspired from the movie 'street dance' but VERY loosely based on it.
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Life always had its ups and downs. It took Lee Taeyong through hell for him to understand. He was reckless and frankly, impulsive. He often thought things ideally, not thinking of the consequences. Afterall, he was only a teenage boy looking for a dream. Moving out when he was barely the legal age, ready to make those dreams come through. Little did he know, that he would make one of the most life-changing decision when he decided to audition to one of the most shittiest companies known to man-kind. Partly an exaggeration, but he would be lying if he said he liked being there.
Moon Taeil had dealt with hard decisions in his life. Leaving university to pursue his passion, not knowing if it would backfire on him.
Newsflash: It totally did!
But he was no quitter, an obstacle perhaps. Taeil tries to be a positive thinker. Practically having his life fall apart, from catching his cheating girlfriend, to blindly following Taeyong in a path to their new journey; consist of illegal gambling, unnecessary fights and late night smoking sessions. But hey, it was better than that shithole. Those nights where he would drink away into total abyss, forgetting about his shitty ex. Indeed, he is no quitter!
Years and years had passed by, Johnny Suh watched people come and go. Those eight years of experience taught him a valueable lesson. People are only temporary and he was not gonna take the chance to warm up to anyone anymore. He was officially done with that shit. You'd think those eight years would've given him some patience but Johnny is having none of it. Of course, it's no suprise for the hot-headed man to not hesitate to curse out his instructor before walking off, following suit with a group of people who share the same frustation: FUCK THIS!
In contrary, Kim Doyoung was the complete opposite. A little too patient for his liking, he hated that he held in most of his emotions. His pride was stronger though, more determined to prove those fuckers that he can take their mistreatment. Even when Johnny had practically forced him to stand up to himself, he refused to stoop low. Well, guess we'll see how tolerable he can get before it all blows up. And it's gonna be hell when it gets to that point.
Did I mention that he was a patient man?
Yuta Nakamoto has always had a flirty exterior. That was when he wanted something he knew he could get. Deep down, he was a master manipulator (of course, for a good cause). He knows his charms and it doesn't hurt to have a little fun with it. It becomes a little too tiring when it becomes easy, Yuta wasn't one to favour something being handed to him in a silver spoon. He wants to fight for it. He wants to have that taste of glory and satisfaction to a challenge. He is a hardworker, if you'd ask me.
Studying abroad, Jung Jaehyun wonders if he had made the right choice. He is a handsome man and a handsome man can make someone disregard their intelligence. He really did wonder if becoming a dancer would strip away his self-worth. The company practically set him up to be this hunky dude with no brains. Girls fawning and drooling on the floor over him. He hated that his job scope included fan service: AND HE'S NOT EVEN AN IDOL. Maybe one day, he'll show them that he is way more than his looks.
Dong Sicheng is hated by all. It's funny considering that it's not like he wanted to be here in the first place. In fact, that thought never crossed his mind until his friend encouraged him to, telling him he needed to let loose for once. He was semi-glad that his friend had pushed him into this path, but he wasn't so sure if he actually wanted it. Barely given the chance for the try-outs and yet was accepted pretty quickly. Maybe that's why he had so many issues with his steps, maybe then, he wouldn't have to deal with the constant insults thrown his way. Oh well, guess he'll have to try harder next time!
Kim Jungwoo was set up to fail. Or so he thinks. He's quite a pessimistic though, it might come as a shock considering his bubbly personality. A replacement, is what he felt. That small chance of recognition is purely by luck and it was very evident from the way everyone seemed to have these look of envy in their eyes. Even when he felt that shred of success, everyone seems to claw it all up and tear it down, giving him nothing but disappointment. Maybe he is a failure, afterall.
Fame comes in easy for some people, Mark Lee is one of those people. The people where other people think that they don't work hard for their position. When in reality, people like Mark are pouring their blood, sweat and tears for it. But in human's selfish nature, they always assume the worst of others. Mark Lee was never an exception and he had to live down to it. Fuck the fact he moved all across states to come here, fuck the fact that he spent nine hours training which, mind you: when he was only sixteen and fuck the fact that he had been hospitalised for weeks because of it. Who cares?
And last but not least, Lee Donghyuck—though would recommend to call him Haechan, youngest of them all. The mood-maker, they say. The jokester is what people think of him. It's not like he minded, until it became too much. He hated that people never took him seriously because of that. Even when he shifted his entire personality, everyone would crack a smile and told him to stop being a wimp. He was more than that too, you know. Well, at least his friends took him seriously and that was enough for him.
No thanks to the company, the group managed to uphold a greater offer for themselves than that shithole ever will. But they couldn't take the full credit, at least the shitty building did something right by bringing them together in the first place. The only thing they did right.
chapter i.
more chapters coming soon...
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Flying Monkeys
kai parker x reader | requested by @chocolatepalacecloudhoagie
summary: kai mentions in passing that he can fly a plane. you challenge him to prove it.
tags: based on s06e08: Fade Into You, small drug references, flying / aircrafts, kai being confused by someone caring about him, developing friendships, implied possible future friends to lovers
word count: 2.5k
a/n: i wrote half of this when you sent that ask and totally forgot about it until this afternoon. i have so many requests i need to finish, it's so bad 💀 but i hope this is what you were looking for!!
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“I don’t believe you.”
“It’s true!”
“There’s no freaking way; you’re totally bluffing.”
“I am not! Hey, if you need proof, ask Bonnie.”
You glance over at Bonnie, who’s sitting on the opposite side of the restaurant. She dines with one of her best friends, the both of them desperately needing a drink, they had announced. You originally went with them, but upon spotting Kai at the bar, abandoned their company to talk to the young witch. Damon begged you not to; he wanted you nowhere near him, yet you can’t help your interest in the boy. 
“Why would she know?” You ask instead. 
“‘Cause I flew her from Mystic Falls back to Portland.”
“No, I had drugged her.”
“She didn’t give me much of a choice! I had to get out of that stupid prison world, and she wasn’t going to let me out unless I manipulated my own way out. Unfortunately, I needed to use her to escape.”
A sigh leaves your lips. As much as you want to hate him for torturing her, you can’t blame his desperate need to get out of that hell. You hadn’t been in the prison world, but by the way the pair describe it, it’s a terrible place to be. To be stuck there for eighteen years, and then denied your only chance at freedom? Not to mention, Kai’s a sociopath who struggles with the way he’s supposed to feel about other people, and he’s insanely lacking in his social skills. What he did isn’t okay - not by a long-shot - though you can understand what drove him to do it. 
“Are you mad at me?” He asks, taking a sip of his drink. 
You cock your head, surprised by the question. “No, I just…”
“Hurting her was never my plan, I just needed to get out.”
Maybe it’s the alcohol talking. Maybe it's the effects of the merge. 
Regardless of which, you take it as a sign that Kai’s warming up to you. In that moment, you decide not to crush his tiny seed of trust. 
“...can’t believe you flew a plane,” you finish, changing the topic. 
Kai smiles. “But I did! It wasn’t a big one, it was a Cessna. One pilot - obviously, since I was the only one flying anything - and not meant for super long distances. Stopped for gas midway.” Then he mutters, “gave her a little more gas, too, so she’d sleep through it.” You ignore that part. “But I can promise you, I know how to fly.”
“You’ll have to prove it to me.”
“Yeah, I doubt anyone’s going to let that happen. I definitely don’t have a legal flying license.”
“We’ll convince Damon to compel someone to let you.”
“Something tells me he won’t support that.”
“All I’m hearing are excuses to keep you out of a cockpit.”
Your challenging tone has him straightening his posture. “You really don’t believe me?”
“Not one bit.”
“Fine. Then I will prove it to you.”
A week later, you’ve successfully convinced Damon to one, let Kai fly a plane short distance from one small airport to another; two, let you ride with him, and three; compel a pilot to let him borrow a plane, as well as compel everyone who would typically be involved to pay no attention to the unattended aircraft that will inhabit two runways and the open sky for roughly thirty minutes total. 
Bonnie, to say the least, is not happy about this plan. When you and Kai first approached their table in the grill to discuss it, she was pissed. Now, as Damon drives the three of you to the airport, she’s still lecturing you on the dangers of not only flying with an unlicensed flier, but for said flier to be Kai Parker, of all people. 
But to her dismay and Kai’s surprise, you shrug her off, promising you’ll be fine. 
“Okay,” Damon says, parking his car. “I’ve secured thirty minutes for you two dumbasses to do this. The flight distance is twenty miles, so your actual time in the sky should only be-”
“-about ten minutes,” Kai interrupts, “I know. I know what I’m doing.”
Damon ignores him and continues, “giving you ten minutes to start up, ten to fly, ten to land. I did some research of my own when you proposed this completely diabolical plan to me.”
“It’s not-”
“Do it quickly,” he ignores again, “and keep her safe.”
“Maybe compel him for that part,” Bonnie says.
“Smart.” Damon puts a hand on Kai’s shoulder. 
Kai shrugs him off. “You don’t need to compel me. I’ll keep her safe, I promise.”
Damon looks over to you.
“I trust him,” you affirm.
The man stares at you like you’ve grown a second head. 
“I’ll be okay,” you tell him, trying to ease his nerves. It doesn’t appear to work, but you don’t try again. “Kai?”
“Yep. See you guys in thirty.”
The plane is sitting in the middle of the runway, left alone with the keys, after Damon had compelled its owner away on a “super serious mission,” in which, if the man didn’t run inside and make Bonnie a coffee with specifically one and a half packs of sugar and a dash of peppermint mocha creamer, his new boss would fire him on the spot. Then, by the time he comes back and you and Kai are already in the sky, he’ll compel him to not freak out, but go to the neighboring airport for his plane, because it had been taken over by flying monkeys. 
Damon recites the second part of his plan as the pair of you climb into the plane. Bonnie rolls her eyes at him. None of you comment. 
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he’s having fun,” Kai says once out of earshot.
“Oh, he definitely is.”
Down below, Bonnie finally mutters, “I don’t even like peppermint mocha.”
“Well then I guess he’ll get fired.”
The girl rolls her eyes again. “Do you think she’ll be okay?”
“Y/N? With him? Hell no.” He sighs. “The minute our poor, actual, pilot comes back, we’re getting to that airport quickly.”
“Alright,” Kai sits down in the cockpit. You go to the seat beside him. “Put your seatbelt on.”
You fight the urge to giggle as he practically commands you to be safe. It’s so un-Kai-like. Then again, he is taking you five thousand feet into the air. 
“Okay,” he starts pointing to all the little instruments, “this is the speed, this is the altitude, this is the height above sea level, this is the rate of turn, this is the compass, and this is the vertical speed.” 
“How high above sea level are we right now?”
“Five hundred and ninety-four feet.”
“These controls have a lot of explanation, and I better start so Damon doesn’t yell at me, but I can talk about them another time. Briefly, pedals down here, steering wheel - or yoke, in fancy people terms - here, throttle, and what controls the wings.” He points to the right of all that. “Communication stuff that I don’t use, to talk to other pilots, confirm take-off and landing and weather conditions and all that. Navigational systems.” He points to the left for those. “Ready?”
“Are you scared?”
“No.” Just a little. 
“Do you trust me?”
“Yes.” Hopefully that’s the right choice. 
“Okay. Up we go.”
The boy quiets as he starts up the plane. You can’t help but admire his concentration. 
Kai manages the controls carefully, and before you know it, you’re lifting off the ground. Your hand flies to the side door, gripping the handle bar subconsciously. 
“You okay?” He peeks over at you. He could practically feel you tense up, although he expected you would. 
“Mhm,” you nod.
He’s not entirely convinced, but there’s nothing he can do about it now. He continues gaining altitude, and before you know it, you’re completely in the sky. 
“You still good?”
“Need any sleeping pills?”
“I’m just joking!” 
You look over and playfully roll your eyes at his teasing, dimpled face. He’s glad he’s cute, otherwise there’s no way you would’ve actually gone through with this idea. Thinking about it now, it’s totally crazy - letting a boy you barely know fly you into the sky when he doesn’t even have a license. But for some reason, you trust him, and as he effortlessly controls the plane as it travels through the blue beyond, you’re confident about placing your trust in him.
Although… your friends down below are probably losing their shit…
“How high are we?” You ask, distracting yourself from that thought. No reason to worry about it now.
“You sure you want to know?” He laughs.
“Hit me.”
“Oh, alright,” he checks the meter, “about eight thousand feet up.”
When your eyes go wide, he chuckles. “Scared?”
“I trust you,” you assure both him and yourself. 
That answer seems to relax him. A gentleness settles in his eyes, brightening the usual gray to a color more like that which surrounds you. Your grip on the door handle eases up, and you ride in silence for a while, appreciating the journey. 
After a couple of minutes, he announces, “coming up on the airport.”
“It was only about a ten minute flight.”
“Do you think we’ll see our unhappy co-conspirators on the ground?”
You snort, then immediately cover your mouth. Kai only smiles. “Definitely. Shaking their heads and rolling their eyes.”
“Surprised I didn’t crash the damn thing.”
“Or kidnap me.” He starts to laugh, but then pauses, unsure if you’re joking. But then you start to laugh at your own joke and he takes it as a sign that he can laugh along with you. “Guess this means I believe you… you really can fly a plane.”
“Don’t praise me yet, we haven’t landed.”
“Easy, I’m kidding. Landing will be just as smooth as take off was. I’ve gotcha.”
And it is. He skillfully lands the plane with minimal roughness, and maintains a good distance away from the distraught-looking pair. When he turns off the engine, he throws you the keys and a wink. 
You barely catch them, then let out a laugh. “I’ll admit, I’m impressed.”
“Why thank you, Y/N.”
“So how did you learn, really?” “Books, manuals, and lots of trial and error.”
“How bad of an error?”
“Died once or twice… or more… but I couldn’t actually die in the prison world, so I’d just crop back up and try again.”
He shrugs. “But that’s all over now.”
“You have to be more careful to avoid situations that could get you hurt now.” He narrows his eyes at you, making you confused by his reaction. “No more trial and error anything. If you’re not in the prison world, you’re susceptible to getting hurt, or worse, and I’m not letting that happen on my watch.”
“I’m on your watch now?”
“Well… yeah.” You shrug, “I mean, in terms of reckless behavior, yeah. You’re my friend, and I want you to be able to live now that you’re not stuck in that Groundhog Day world, but in order to do that, you have to be safe and avoid situations where you could get hurt.”
“You consider me a friend?”
“Is that okay?”
“Yes,” he answers quickly, “I’ve just… never had a friend before.”
“Well you do now. And your friend is super impressed by your flying skills, but wants you to stay safe, too, okay?”
“But you weren’t scared, right? This wasn’t brought on because you thought I was gonna crash, was it?”
“‘Course not, I had full faith in you the entire time. I only got worried when you said you died trying to learn.”
“So no more of that, right? You can impress me with all the skills you already know, but no more near-death experiences. Promise?”
“I promise.”
“Thank you. I-” Your next words are cut off by your own scream as someone knocks on the plane door. Looking down, you see Damon reaching up. 
“Get on out of there, you lovebirds. We have to return this plane to its actual pilot.”
“Ugh.” You both roll your eyes, but listen to the man. Kai comes around to your side as soon as he’s out. He puts a stabilizing hand on your shoulders, which comes in handy when you stumble with your first step. 
“You okay?” Both men ask at once.
“Good. I always trip when I leave airplanes, too.”
A few feet away stands an annoyed looking Bonnie. “Glad to see you’re still alive.”
“Glad to see you, too, Bon. Alive and well.”
“You could’ve-”
Her retort is interrupted by the pilot running over for his keys. “Those flying monkeys! Have they returned my plane?!”
Damon tosses the keys to him. “Yep, good as new! Not a scratch!”
“Oh, thank god! Thank god. I was afraid I’d never see it again. If you find those monkeys, can you tell them I’m really upset, and that they need to go away?!”
“Of course I will. You have a good day.” The pilot runs away and Damon turns towards you and Kai. “You heard the man, time to go.” He shuffles you into the car, stuffing you both in the backseat again, Bonnie in the front, and starts the drive back to town. 
The forty minute drive is quiet, everyone too afraid to get on Bonnie’s nerves, but you and Kai text in the back. 
y/n: thank you again for the flight. i enjoyed it very much!
kai: i’m glad you let me show you my skills :)
kai: but i’ll keep your promise, no more dying
y/n: good
kai: thanks for the friendship. i’m glad to have you
y/n: me too
y/n: i knew i was gonna like you the minute damon complained about you
y/n: after he got out of the pw
kai: what did he say??
y/n: that you were talkative and annoying and seemed like just the type of person i would befriend
y/n: appears he was right
y/n: except for the annoying part
kai: huh. the talking doesn’t annoy you?
y/n: no i like hearing you talk, plus i know you were isolated for a long time, and i would like to be a person you’re comfortable talking to
kai: wait, really?
“Why are you smiling?” Damon’s voice cuts through the silence. He eyes Kai through the back mirror.
“Yes, you.”
“Because I told him what you said when you got out of the prison world about me befriending him. Seems you were right.”
“I said that as a joke.”
“Yet you hit it right on the nose.”
Damon huffs. “Well I also said he was annoying, and that’s true, too.”
“Maybe, but it just so happens that I like his,” you use quotation marks with your fingers, “‘annoying’ qualities, just as much as I like the rest of him, too.”
“It’s your headache, Y/N.”
You only shrug. 
y/n: yes, i do like hearing you talk, and i do like even the ‘annoying’ parts about you
y/n: they’re kind of endearing, actually
Kai tries to ignore the weird fluttering-like symptom in his stomach and nervously replies, 
kai: thank you
kai: i like you too
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faust-the-enjoyer · 10 months
Drunk dbf!keegan who’s careless with his flirting, passing you a beer even though your father would probably dissaprove, getting all touchy nd everything
Drunk dbf!Keegan!
Warnings: gen!reader, reader is 21+, legal age gap, mentions of alcohol and getting drunk, flirting, pre-established consent, mentions of guilt and disappointment, cursing, slight nsfw implication, reader gets called "kid" a couple of times, pet names.
Word count: 1,080 words.
A/n: made this gender neutral because there no gender specification in your request, hope you like it! Sorry it took a while.
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You came over his house to watch some football with him, specifically due to his consistent rants about it, as they intrigued you. It started innocently enough, you two sitting on the couch, a couple of sodas and some popcorn on the table, and you asking him questions about the game. After two hours, the tv is on a different channel, and Keegan started drinking, first it was whisky, now it's beer. He passed you a cup after he finished his own, and you kept looking at it, eyes undeciding, your father would be disappointed in you, even though you're old enough to drink; your family always had negative views on alcohol. "What's wrong, kid?", his says slowly, concern evident in his tone, although drunk, he was well aware of the frown on your face and the sad look in your eyes. "I...you know he wouldn't like me drinking, Keegan..." you tell him, he knew your father well, they've been friends for years now, and he knows how your father despises alcohol and its effects on people. "You don't have to if you don't want to, sweetheart.", you look at him, his face is slightly red, blue eyes kind and half-closed, smile content. "Come 'ere," he slurs, patting his lap, signalling you to come sit on it, it's not the first time you sat in his lap, nor the first time you've been touched by him like that, though it never went further. You look at your beer, pint glass full of that rich yellow drink, you reach out your hand and take the glass cup and drink, drinking until half of the drink is gone from the cup. "That's it!" he cheers excitedly, he knows you've only drunken a couple of times before, only behind your father's back, calling Keegan at eleven in the evening to come pick you up from some bar you went to.
You get up from your spot on the couch to settle on his lap, putting your full wight on him, he doesn’t care, he can handle it, he's a soldier after all. "There we go..." he says, his hand wrapping around your stomach to hold you as you lay your back on his sweaty chest, his other hand resting on your thigh, "Comfortable, baby?", ""Baby"?" you laugh, it was unlike him, really, he never dared to be like this towards you, sure, he'd sit you in his lap, but blatantly flirt with you? Never. He'd compliment you here and there as well, but never went too far. "Yeah, "Baby", or do you want me to call you something else, hm?" he gives you a relaxed, hearty laugh, so contagious that you laugh with him. You take the cup again, drinking all of the beer this time, you can practically feel Keegan's smile on your neck now. "You've always been so good, so fucking beautiful, always doing what you’re told..." "You like that, huh?" you both chuckle, "Hey, it's not every day I get this hammered, ok kid? Just let me have this..." he says, his lips on your neck now, kissing it gently. "Fine, but you're the one giving an explanation to my dad tomorrow if he asks, alright?" you tell him, tone half-serious. "Alright alright, Jesus kid, you act just like your father.", You try to conceal your smile as you slap the hand on your thigh, feeling him squeeze your flesh in return. “Wanna watch something else on tv?” he asks, his words now slurring more than before, “Yeah, sure.”, you grab the remote and flip through the channels, feeling his hand gently rub your thigh, and the thumb of his other hand drawing circles on your stomach.
You decide on turning the tv off, not finding anything interesting at all. As you turn it off, you hear a disappointed grumble come from behind you and you giggle. It was obvious that he was getting a little drowsy, his head is resting on your shoulder, and his hands loosely on your abdomen. “Keegan, want me to take you to your bed?” you asked quietly, “Mhm, do…whatever you think is…right, sweetheart…”. You sigh, getting up from his lap and going to the kitchen, grabbing two cups, and filling both up with water from the sink’s faucet you drink yours first in the kitchen, then put the cup in the sink. Coming back to the living room, you see Keegan asleep on the couch, “Keegan, here.” You tell him as you help him sit up sleepily, handing him his cup of water to drink. He drinks the whole cup, a bit of water running to his chin from the side of his mouth, he’s really fucked now, and he’ll be even more fucked in the morning. “C’mon Keegan, we gotta get ya to bed now, help me out here.”, you throw his arm over your shoulder, slowly helping him get up from the couch as you walk towards his bedroom. You stumble with his drunk body while walking to his room, opening the door quickly and walking towards the bed, helping lay him on his side. His hand reaches out for your face, gently caressing your cheek, “Always…so good to me…”, he says while faintly smiling. You smile back at him as you tuck him into bed, getting up to turn the lights off and getting back to his side on the bed. “He’d be disgusted with him…” you thought to yourself, if your father found out that his best friend had been touching you like that, having you sit on his lap and kissing your neck, getting drunk around you and giving you a drink as well, you’d get an earful, while Keegan will definitely be treated worse. However, you are an adult, a working adult who can manage their own business and relationships, whatever the morning of tomorrow brings you, you won’t be alone to face it. You look at Keegan’s sleeping face, so peaceful, it’s not as if this is the same man that cursed at the tv during the game hours before. You take your shoes off and walk to the other side of the bed, slowly lowering yourself on the soft mattress as you heard Keegan’s soft snores. You turn towards him, “Goodnight.” You whisper to him, kissing his forehead and laying your head on your pillow, closing your eyes, you’d put your head on his chest, but it’d be too hot for that, you’d sweat so much.
-(divider by vase-of-lilies)!
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enquiringangel · 1 year
@themarginalthinker some of this may appear in fic content but nevertheless I will not pass up an opportunity to ramble about my OCs
though now that I have written it all down this family is far more dysfunctional than I originally realised good lord
(Cw for discussion of csa, sex work, loss of pregnancy, infant death, alcoholism, domestic violence and other 19th century unpleasantness)
David’s mother:
Constance ‘Connie’ Flynn (née Doyle) was born in 1851 to Irish immigrants who had fled from County Cork during the early years of the Potato Famine. She originally worked in domestic service at a lower middle-class household in San Francisco as a 14-15 year old but was dismissed when she became pregnant because the man of the house took liberties with her. He’s not David’s father though; that baby was a stillborn girl. But at this point she had pretty much been branded as a prostitute and found it difficult to get reputable work. Though she did take in laundry and do cleaning jobs when she could get them her income was supplemented by sex work if needed.
David was born in 1873. Connie’s relationship with his father was rather rocky. She had been his wife since 1868 but both of them had a drink problem, and he had both a major jealousy problem and a wandering eye. They would separate and get back together again repeatedly, with Connie taking David off with her sometimes for months at a time to other lodgings but eventually she would go back.
Until David was about 6 years old and he left her for another woman (despite still being legally married to her). During the time she had been with him she had miscarried twice.
After this she went back to her old trade from time to time. David was often turfed out of their rooms while she had ‘gentleman callers’ and left to fend for himself. Occasionally his mother would get herself a new man (because two sources of income [and a half if you count David’s childhood artful dodger ways - hilariously I hc’d him as a pickpocket before I ever read the prequel script] are better than one) and he would have a stepfather for a while but it never seemed to last long.
Unfortunately his mother died when David was 13, due to complications with yet another pregnancy. This kid was a girl named Catherine who ‘failed to thrive’ and died when she was two weeks old.
David’s father:
Jonathon Flynn. His family also came to America as a result of the great famine, but from Dublin. He was a dockworker with a fondness for playing cards, gin, and pretty ladies. That last part led to a lot of heated disputes between him and Constance. She would accuse him of being a faithless, pox-ridden lech and he would in turn, call her a whore and express doubts that David was his. As mentioned they had periods of separation but she would always come back because as John would boastfully say, “She just likes me too much to stay away.”
During arguments she would get angry and start throwing things at him - while he would hit her, of the two of them she was much more likely to get physically violent.
After one argument he went to give her a make up kiss and she bit off the end of his tongue.
So err, yes. You can kind of understand why he left her.
Nobody was innocent here except David. And that didn’t last too long. As he grew older he generally made his bread by stealing stuff, usually pickpocketing but occasionally robbery, and - if he was very desperate, mugging people at knifepoint.
Which is how he met Max in straight on till nightfall lol
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bunnygirl678 · 5 months
Summary: Brunch is enjoyed, drinks are served, someone calls Gio a daddy, Ariana is not amused. And Gold receives punishment for a crime he and Silver committed in their teen years. This is gonna be a series, it's gonna go on ao3 at some point idk, everyone is an adult of legal drinking age on Pasio, whatever that is, lol
“You’ve gotta do it, Silver” Archer said, nervously peeking behind the curtain toward the loud, drunken mess outside. 
“No. No way in hell am I going out there,” Silver crossed his arms over his chest, he didn’t have a death wish. 
“Somebody has to go out there!” Petrel cried, throwing his arms up in the air. It was chaos, pandemonium, it was brunch.
“I’ll do it.” Giovanni stood up from the couch, despite his words, he looked anything but sure.
“Boss, no!” Archer begged, “If you go out there, they’ll eat you alive.”
In a rare show of emotion, Silver grabbed his father’s sleeve, shaking his head, “Dad-” Giovanni gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.
“I love you Silver,” With a deep breath, Giovanni steeled himself, he gave his son a final nod as he opened the door, stepping out into the madness that had taken over his pool area. 
Thirty pairs of eyes turned to look at the mafia boss, never had he been more afraid, yet he still put on a charming smile, opening his arms wide,
“I hope everyone is having a great time!” 
He was met with a chorus of cheering, he looked around for his son-in-law, the young man was vomiting over the railing onto the beach below his infinity pool. Silver was in for a time later. 
“I came to see if you all were interested in some different food?” He gestured toward the untouched buffet table. 
“No but you can get us some more champagne!” Came a shout from a voice he didn’t recognize, though it may have been one of the Galarian gym leaders, 
“Well you have-” Giovanni started, there was no way they were getting more alcohol. 
“NO! BRING TEQUILA!” He knew that voice, Lorelei, despite her nerdy demeanor she was a wild party girl when she drank, back when he was still a gym leader, he’d been to enough holiday parties to know to not bring out the tequila.
“Oh! Tequila, yes let’s do it!” Nessa cried from the flamigo pool floatie she was lounging on, he actually knew her fairly well, both of them worked out at the same gym in Pasio at the same very early hour. They exchanged workout tips,
“Blah! No, get us some gin!” Olena said stumbling over to lean heavily on Lady Diantha, 
“Only you like gin, you Galarian tramp!” Giovanni didn’t recognize that voice even a bit, luckily Olena didn’t seem to hear it. 
“I’ll send out some gin and tequila, how does that sound?” Giovanni asked, bluffing heavily. There were cheers as he quickly returned inside. 
“Boss?” Archer asked in a weak voice, Giovanni just shook his head, he looked at one of the waiting servants, 
“Please empty my tequila and gin into decanters, then fill up the bottles with water.” 
“Yes Mr. Giovanni,” the young man said before disappearing into the other room,
Silver barked out a laugh, “Depending on how old those bottles are, they’re pretty much all water anyway,” 
Giovanni and Archer turned to the redhead, lifting their eyebrows in an identical fashion, Silver shrugged,
“What? Ethan and I used to sneak in and steal your booze,” 
Giovanni rubbed the bridge of his nose, Silver was too old to ground now, but he’d be on drunken brunch duty next month. 
“Oh my arceus, he is such a daddy!” Olivia squealed drinking what she thought was a tequila heavy margarita, luckily she and the rest of the brunch attendees were too drunk to realize Giovanni’s double cross. 
“Yessss, seriously, you’re so lucky that you got to tap that, Ariana!” Serena sighed, leaning heavily onto a very passed out Jasmine’s shoulders. 
“Excuse me?!” The rocket executive’s face morphed from peacefully drunk to absolutely disgusted, “I would never! That’s disgusting!” She stood up, enraged, her watered down drink spilling all over the table, no one was sober enough to care.
Ethan developed a case of the giggles as he watched and listened to the scene unfold. 
“But aren’t you Silver’s mom, and Giovanni is his dad?” Dawn asked, tilting her head, Ethan spit out the sip he had just taken.
“NO!” Ariana shouted, she slammed her drink down on the table, storming off to where Wallace was braiding Cynthia’s hair, plopping down and glaring at the rest of the guests,
Between laughs Ethan explained, “Ari is Gio’s cousin, not Silv’s mom.” 
Varying degrees of shock passed the faces around the pool, Crys and Lyra already knew, as did most of the Kanto guests. 
“I know what we say doesn’t leave the pool, but feel free to spread that around,” Ethan said with a laugh, he looked down at his drink. He could feel himself sobering up. He had a bad feeling about the alcohol content in the liquor bottles as soon as they were brought out, he (and Silver) had already enjoyed the effects, and these drinks were probably almost entirely water. 
Payback’s a bitch, ain’t it?
 “Auntie? You still conscious?” Kiawe’s voice called from the gate, 
“Cyn, Wallace, let’s go,” Lance appeared behind the younger man, apparently sent to retrieve Wallace for Steven,
One by one the various partners, rivals, lovers, and coworkers came to pick up the drunken brunch crowd. Ariana was escorted to the executive’s villa by Petrel, who had chosen the shortest straw, she complained loudly and bitterly that after all of these years people still think she’s Giovanni’s lover. He just nodded along, silently crying. 
Ethan leaned back on the pool chair, everyone was gone, grunts would be cleaning up the mess soon, he could lay out a bit longer, his head was already killing him, the problem with day drinking was the day hangovers that followed much too quickly. 
“Feeling like shit?” Ethan tentatively opened an eye, Silver stood above him, a smirk playing on his lips. Ethan didn’t respond, only laid his arm over his eyes to block out the sun and Silver’s smug look.
“Did your dad serve us the…” he trailed off at Silver’s grimace, confirming that they had been found out, years later. 
“He mad?”
“I have to babysit your next brunch”
Ethan let out a laugh despite himself, only for Silver to grab his chair and dump him in the water. At least Silver stuck around to make sure his husband didn’t drown. 
Another successful brunch. 
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demeterlindavis · 2 years
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Eddie never forget his first love, specifically when it comes to the woman who taught him how to play the guitar.  Years later after the events in the upside down, an outing with the group at a Battle of the Bands event brings him back to you.
Eddie Munson x Reader
Post S4. Billy lives in this one.  
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(3/4 of Out by Midnight - Roxy, Billy, and Erik)
It was a Friday night that Max had convinced the crew to go with her to an event that was happening over an hour away from Hawkins. There was some band competition to see who can perform the best covers. Eddie had been talking about it for weeks to go as a group since 2 members of Corroded coffin were out of town for the weekend, each for their own reasons so they didn’t have a chance to enter. Max added the cherry on top saying that her brother was in one of the bands. And so on the day of the event, the gang packed themselves into Eddie’s van and Steve’s car and made their way on the road.
It had been about an hour in when his back was turned, finishing up grabbing a couple of beers and a bottle of water at the bar when he heard the opening chords of one of his favorite songs. The soft strumming of an acoustic guitar was unmistakable to his ears. This band was playing a cover of “Battery” by Metallica. He made his way back to the group he came with and passed the beers to Robin and Nancy while Max grabbed the bottled water with her hand, a big ‘X’ clearly written with a marker on it to signify who wasn’t legally old enough to drink alcohol.
“Thanks!” Robin spoke before taking a large sip, tipping the bottom end of Nancy's beer up with her pointer finger and forcing her to catch up with herself and Steve. 
“This is it, it’s them!” Max spoke loudly over the speakers amplifying the build-up of the guitar.
“Who?” Steve moved his head closer to her and squinted his eyes as if it were to help him hear better.
“Billy’s band!”
Steve’s eyes rolled, still not 100% over the history with the Hargrove boy he had tussled with long ago. He was like 95% there. The other 5% was just a little bit harder to get over. He watched Billy on stage, a mixture of surprise to find out Billy knew how to play the bass guitar and had even joined a band, with a tiny bit of bitterness knowing this most likely added to his ego. He took a big sip, finishing the rest of what was in his bottle as he saw Billy lock eyes and wink to some poor audience member who was no doubt swooning over his strumming.
“They don’t sound too shabby.” The corner of Eddie’s lips curled down in an impressed smile. He wasn’t trying to judge too soon, knowing exactly how the song was supposed to sound especially with the tempo change that was soon to come. “Do you guys know who’s playing the guitar right now?”
The group looked over at the band member standing in the front line of the stage with an acoustic guitar, the solo stage light increasing the dramatics of the opening tunes as the 3 other band members either played quietly (Billy) or waited in the background. They shook their heads, unable to recognize him as they looked towards the rest of the performers on stage.
“I don’t know who that guy is or the girl on the drums, but-“
“Holy Shit.” Eddie had cut Nancy off, hearing the electric guitar and the drums kick in. The sheer power of their entrance changing the energy of the crowd from 0 to 60. Not only did they sound good, but he had recognized the other guitarist that kicked in with the electricity.
Her hands moved effortlessly as she held the guitar with familiarity from years and years of practice. Her eyes were closed, falling into a trance that allured the crowd into the speeding tempo.
“Why does she look familiar?” Steve looked at the familiar face, trying to figure out where he’s seen her before.
“[Y/N] [L/N].” Eddie spoke with an unbroken stare, awestruck at her absolutely shredding it on stage. 
“She’s hot - ow!” Robin rubbed her side where Eddie had elbowed her. 
“Sorry Robs, there’s no way you’re cutting in line when I had to wait so long.” 
Of all the places, he shouldn’t have been surprised to find you there doing the thing you loved the most: playing your guitar. He was just more so surprised at the fact that you were within his vicinity.
His heart pounded, nearly jumping up his throat from both an old crush and the music the group was absolutely killing. Your fingers moved quickly up and down the frets during the solo moments, also moving and stirring something deep within his heart and his groin. 
What’s that saying? You never forget your first love. Especially when they were also the first person to ever teach you how to play the guitar.
His hand reached up to his necklace, holding tight and still keeping the guitar pick you had given him close to his heart. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you as he watched you thrash your head from side to side on beat, the pure raw energy of being in your element. The sweat glistened as your personal highlighter, the lights amplifying your glow while flashing behind you and emphasizing your silhouette. 
The two of you never had a romantic relationship, not officially anyways. What started out as a middle school friendship turned best friends, turned into …whatever it was the last couple of years before you had moved away. 
It was a warm dewy morning that day in sixth grade when he walked into the band room, ready to start the first day of the year with the elective he thought was the least excruciating to partake in. He heard someone playing the guitar. The melodic tunes rang in his ears as his eyes settled on the musician: you. 
He’ll never forget the way your eyes were focused on the music in front of you, hair pulled back by the headphones loudly playing music in your ears. You pressed pause on the cassette player when you stumbled on a chord and you tried the same rift again and again before getting the sequence right. When you had, Eddie’s clapping surprised you as you turned to where he was just outside of your view. 
After the introductions and his compliments, he found out you both had the same first period together. It didn’t take long throughout the year for you two to speak comfortably around each other, your carefree and goofy attitude made it easy. A lot of your passion for the guitar came from your dad, who was a musical enthusiast and guitarist with the daytime job of being a high school teacher. That passion oozed out of you and consumed him, inspiring him to pick up a guitar and ask you to teach him outside of school. What started as guitar lessons turned into weekend hangouts strumming together and at some point the hangouts would excuse the musicians from their instruments, watching movies over one another’s place or reading books like learning about Dungeons and Dragons.
Along the way and as you two aged, high school soon came and so did the slow shift in your friendship. It was around junior year when the touches and gazes lingered for just a little bit longer. When the casual flirting thrown into the mix skipped over the nervously laughed response and instigated a comeback to catch the other off guard. The tension was thick but neither dared to make that first official move. Instead settling in the comfort of the quiet and cozy movie nights spent cuddled on the couches, the dissipation of personal space between you two as his arms would always somehow be connected to you and vice versa. It was literally like dating but with a condom to stop the blooming of the next stage to come. Garret, one of the freshmen they befriended, called it “annoyingly painful to watch them both play this ‘will they, won’t they’ thing and should just let it will.” The rest of the members of what would become the band Corroded Coffin the following year had agreed, especially when their senior year rolled in and everyone at that point got accustomed to the pair stuck in an infinite and never-ending dance. 
Eddie clapped with an extra loud “Woo!” Watching you graduate and walk across the stage with your diploma in hand. He promised himself he’d walk across the stage in no time and have you cheering with just as much love and swell of pride as he had at this moment.
Only the summer after graduation your dad had accepted another teaching job in California, one also closer to studios where the big shots had better chances of being scouted. That chance for him to finally cross that line and confess himself to you was ripped away, he had helped you pack your things, savoring every last moment that he could spend with you. With a promise to call you both kept it up at first but they became less frequent the moment you began helping your dad with tutoring after school and juggling it with the addition of your part-time job and band practice. Eddie himself became engrossed in his passions for D&D and Corroded Coffin, and just trying to pass high school.
A drunk Robin thrashing around with an energy-high Dustin had pulled him out of memory lane, the song had shifted into their next Metallica cover, ‘Fuel’. Nancy was swaying with an equally drunk Johnathan to a tempo only heard by the pair. Steve was sipping his beer, shaking his head as he watched Dustin jump and down like a maniac after Mike and Lucas joined beside him. El, Will, and Max were more subdued than the others thrash-dancing but were still moving with the high energy consuming the venue. Eddie joined Robin, downing the rest of his drink and matching his dance partner’s wild and almost comedic movements.
When the song ended Eddie let out an extra loud “Woo” as he did the day of your graduation, clapping past the point where his hands turned red as the crowd continued cheering. 
The lead singer was catching his breath, allowing more time for the band to soak in the moment. High-pitched screams were erupting as the singer and Billy removed their shirts, their muscles, unfortunately, glowing in the light.
Steve once again rolled his eyes while Mike and Lucas stared questioningly at El and Max who joined in with the screaming. 
The singer took his spot again infront of the microphone and took a breath before speaking into the mic, “We are Out Past Midnight and it’s been fucking amazing playing for you all here!” The cheers echoed at the profanity, as he introduced the next band that broke out into a cover of Black Sabbath. Max lead the group out of the venue and towards the back where Billy had told her to meet him the last time they spoke on the phone. 
The step-sibling’s relationship had gotten better over the years. The strain slowly healing after the events of the Mind Flayer and Billy leaving back to California to get space away from the hauntings of Hawkins, but the phone calls kept them in touch, even visiting for a while after she was Hospitalized thanks to Vecna. He had surprised her with the fact that he joined a band, telling her he’d give her the full story when they caught up in person again instead of having to explain it on over the phone. He was going to be in the state, another one of the band members having family ties nearby and the Cover Band Competition was on the way. 
Max was the first to spot them, putting away their instruments and equipment into a shiny new van before heading back into the venue to enjoy the rest of the night.
“You know, I see now that they let you join the band solely for the number of fangirls you’d bring in.”  
The curly blonde head of hair turned at his sister’s voice after setting down an instrument case. The same old shit-eating grin resting across his face. “Tell me you brought more of them back here with you.”
“Gross.” Max said with a scoff, still moving forward with a small grin and giving Billy a hug. When she pulled away she turned to the rest of the group, “You remember the gang. I don’t know if you’ve met Robin,” She pointed to her and then to the metal head of the group, “and Eddie” Billy had given them a nod as the others waved in greeting. The lead singer had come through the backdoor, the last of their equipment in both hands and passing one to Billy. With a final check and slam of the trunk doors, Billy introduced the unknown man to the rest of the group.
“This is Erik. He’s the guy with the vocals.”
Erik stood tall with a brooding stare that was broken with a grin. His long brown hair blew in the wind and proving a magazine cover-worthy look with nothing more than his black jeans and opened leather jacket with nothing underneath. “It’s nice to meet ya, I’d introduce the rest of the band but the girls are already inside getting shots.”
Billy chuckled, “Are Rox and [Y/N] actually buying the shots themselves?”
Erik gave him a knowing look. “They’re being bought by someone but hey a free drink is a free drink.” 
While everyone else introduced themselves, Eddie’s lips pursed at the comment, imagining someone flirting with you, being close to you. He shouldn’t have felt so territorial about you, but old habits die hard, especially when old feelings were coming back just from seeing you.
Erik turned to everyone else, pulling the back door open again. “We’re going to head back in and enjoy the rest of the show, do you guys want to come in through this way instead of going back all the way around?”
Robin walked up to him and patted his shoulder in a drunken haze, “You’re not so bad, Erik!” She walked in with everyone trailing behind her. The shortcut into the building soon engulfing them in the music and lights once more. 
The younger kids of the group stayed in the crowd, enjoying the music as the rest of them headed to the bar, but still in sight of the others for Steve’s babysitting sake. Eddie followed behind, a bit more nervous the more and more he was able to see you in his view. You were raising a shot glass with your bandmate, a woman with darker skin and black twisted hair cheering you on. She wore a loose multicolored top, following the fashion of the band with the top opened but a tank top underneath.  You both took a big gulp, slamming the glasses down with a boisterous laugh.
“Ladies, Ladies” Erik shouted, gaining their attention as he gestured toward the rest of the newcomers. “Billy has friends he’d like to introduce us to.” 
He met your gaze when you turned to face them and he saw when the shock had registered in. Your eyes nearly teared as your feet slowly pulled you towards him, hands lifting to rest on his cheeks, slightly squishing them together. “Please tell me I’m not hallucinating right now.” Your voice was wavering with emotion, Eddie couldn’t help but laugh. You were a lightweight when it came to drinking, smoking being your chosen vice. But nonetheless, this was a greeting letting him know he was missed. His hands steadied you by the shoulders, an unbreakable grin spreading across his face as his warm brown eyes stared into yours. 
“Hey Sweetheart.”
Erik leaned closer to Roxanne, the drummer of the band, who was perched at the bar. “Jeez, you two were gone for like 10 minutes, how many drinks did she have?”
Roxanne gave him a look, similar to the knowing one Erik gave Billy not too long ago. “3 Shots.”
“Back to Back?” Billy joined in.
The rest of the group watched in silent curiosity at what was happening in from of them. Roxy’s mouth slowly agape as she watched you begin to sway forward unintentionally. “[Y/N] is going down, I repeat, [Y/N] is going down.” 
Billy moved fast to reach you, not really knowing Eddie’s character and how comfortable he’s feeling with you being intoxicated embarrassingly fast. He was not going to let you live this moment down but that’s for another time. His arm moved around your waist as he pulled you to the side and suddenly Eddie’s eyes were like a magnet towards the touch. 
Steve was the first to break the silence after you were pulled towards a booth to sit down. “What was all that?”
“We’re-“ Eddie tried to fight his eyes watching you past the crowd, settled in a booth with Billy standing to the side, choosing not to sit down. His arms leaned on the table and the back of the seating, encasing you between him as you were both locked in a gaze, him saying something that made you break out into a laugh. Eddie looked away feeling a sting to his chest, letting out a laugh he hoped that didn’t come out as forced “We were best friends once upon a time.”
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gen0c1de · 1 year
I got my first tattoo!
A longer post about the details of my experience and whatnot. Hopefully a bit of a stress/anxiety relief for those who are getting their first tattoo and want some form of reassurance. <3
I'm 19 years old, and in the state of Michigan in the US, idk what tattoo laws are anywhere else, but when you turn 18 years old, you're considered a "legal adult" although you can't legally purchase nicotine or tobacco nor can you purchase or drink anything alcoholic. Can't go into a casino or even rent a vehicle. But I digress.
The tattoo I got is in memory of my father who passed away July 12th, 2017. Just a few minutes shy of my 13th birthday... so that was fun to wake up to. He had an all black tribal armband tattoo around his left upper-arm, which was his dominant arm, and it wasn't finished because it hurt him too much to finish the underarm part.
I was gonna get his tattoo or something close to it on my left upper-arm, but I have an implant where the tattoo would be so I chose to have it mirrored and put on my upper right arm, my dominant arm.
I was nervous as fuck and I was low on iron at the time so I was twitching like hell, so that didn't help calm my nerves or anxiety about it getting messed up. The outline didn't hurt and he did the underside of my arm first because that part is a bitch to do last cause of how sensitive the area already is. So adding on it being tender from doing an outline would've made the ordeal WAY worse. I likely wouldn't have been able to get it finished so it would have been unfinished like my dads was lmfao.
The filling part of the process was decent in the beginning, it only really hurt when he would have to go over the same spot multiple times to get it filled, much like when you color in a book or on paper, you have to go over the same area a few times to make sure its all even and complete. So when he reached the back of my arm it was more painful because it had an hour untouched, so the newly sore areas were being abused again.
It wasn't as painful as I had expected though, I'm a bit of a cry baby when my body actually LETS me cry and I surprisingly didn't cry, so the anxiety of me crying and embarrassing myself went away after a while. I did flinch a time or two and I apologized a lot throughout because I wanna be a good client and I don't want the artists to have a bad impression of me so when I go and get another tattoo they won't be annoyed that they have to deal with me.
The artist was super cool and talked to me every now and again and let me rest my arm when I had to have it above my head so he could do the underside. He said if I needed a break to let him know and complimented me on how I barely reacted in the beginning and how, although I was shaking from adrenaline, my right arm was perfectly still for him. He did grab, pull, and stretch my skin some and I had a large bruise but it didn't hurt, just looked weird for a few days.
When it was peeling it was SO HARD to not pick at the skin... I ended up picking some off and so there's a couple little places that are discolored, but if I make an appointment to get it touched up within the next 3 months then the touch up is completely free, so that's a plus! I'll make sure not to pull at the skin when I get it touched up...
Also, it's at the itchy stage. It's so hard not to scratch it... so if anyone has any tips or pointers on what to do, that would be great... cause I can not ignore it... I have ADHD. If it bothers me, I will focus on it and won't be able to distract myself. If I do manage to forget about it, my brain will suddenly be like: "Yo, remember how itchy it is? Wonder if it still itches like a motherfucker." and then the cycle repeats.
My dad's tattoo
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My tattoo!
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saitama-division · 2 years
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ARB Birthday Special 2022: Kureha Koizumi
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~~ December 25th ~~
“Most things will be okay eventually, but not everything will be.”
Login Lines:
“Hm? A…present? Thanks I guess…but uh, you didn’t have to especially…since I didn’t get you anything…”
“….Eh? My birthday?….Oh right, today’s my birthday, I really need to keep up with the time.”
Voice Lines:
“To think that my birthday would come around again so quickly, maybe I should be paying more attention to the time.”
“They say that once you pass the threshold into ‘adulthood’, everything changes….they lied, I feel just the same as I was last year except more exhausted, I guess the only difference is that now I can ‘legally’ drink alcohol….but that’s not really much of a perk when you don’t drink.”
“I spent a good two hours thanking everyone who wished me a happy birthday on my art forums, my fingers are cramped…”
“Having your birthday on Christmas is kinda a blessing and a curse, on one hand, everyone’s too occupied with the Christmas festivities but on the other hand those that do remember your birthday tend to go overboard to compensate, I only have so much room in my apartment.”
“A long time ago, I didn’t think I would live to even think about my 20s let alone actually getting to live them, I want to happy and don’t get me wrong, I am….but I still can’t help but feel guilty, I keep wondering what he would look like now, probably much happier…without me.”
“Sayaka, you really don’t have to get me anything, you’ve done more than enough for me than I could ever imagine….*sigh* Right you are, sorry, you’d think that I’d be used to it but I still can’t help but get embarrassed whenever I feel…pampered. Nevermind that, I’m curious what you got me.”
“Wow…Mom, these are so…cute, of course I like them! It’s just…I don’t know, sometimes it doesn’t feel real, sometimes it’s hard to believe that someone as kind and loving and…bright as you is my mother, adoptive or not and I just…sometimes I just feel like I’m not worthy….thank you, Mom, I love you too.”
“Oh for the love of….*sighs* Okay, okay, I know better than to try and refuse you of anything, Lola, if our trip to the hospital has made me learn anything. Don’t try to deny it, I have it all on video and I will post it to PROFILE if you try anything, whatever, so judging by your maniac grin, you got something for me, what is it?”
“What the-?! Where did you get this?! Hold on-How did you know that I play guitar? I haven’t told any-….*sighs* Of course she did, and Sayaka wonders why I don’t share things with her as much as I used to….well, thanks, Lola, this is really nice, especially compared to last year’s ‘gift’ if you can even call it that….yeah, hell no, I’m not ready to out myself just yet.”
“Hey kitty. *chuckles* It’s good to see you too…Hm? What do you got there?”
“E-eh?! Kazu, how-?! When-?! Is..is this your way of saying happy birthday to me?!”
Sayaka Lines:
“Kureha!! Happy Birthday, sweetheart! And Merry Christmas! I can’t believe you’re 21! You’ve always been so independent but now you’re a legal adult but just know, you’ll always be my little girl to me, no matter how old you get! Oh! I almost forgot, here’s your present!…Kureha, dear, we’ve been over this time and time again, I am your mother, you are my daughter, special occasion or not, I am going to spoil you and take care of you because I want to, I do it out of love, not obligation…it’s okay, honey, now open your present!”
“Do you like it? To be honest, I was having trouble figuring out what would be a good gift to give you, I wanted to give you something that you can use but Lola said to also give you something pretty and when I went shopping, I saw these bracelets and I immediately just knew….Oh Kureha, dear, you are more than worthy, I can’t even imagine my life without you, if there’s anyone who feels unworthy, it’s me, you’re such a wonderful and beautiful and talented young woman that I can’t believe that I call you my daughter, but I do and I’m glad, I knew, ever since that day we locked eyes in that hospital, that you would become so dear to me, just like I’ve become so dear to you, Kureha Koizumi, my daughter, I love you so much.”
Lola Lines:
“Merry Birthmas, my darling ray of sunshine! Look at you, so beautiful and perfect, I could just cry!….But I don’t want to ruin my mascara so I’ll just hug you instead, c’mere!…Hm? What do you mean? C’mon, sweetness, it wasn’t that bad! It was just-…*sigh* Alright fine, I see Santa’s given you more of a backbone this year, but onto more important matters, presents! I’ve got mine right here! C’mon, c’mon, open it!”
“Ahaha! That’s right! I got you a guitar! Ah! Ah! Don’t ask for the details, just bask it in and enjoy it!…Oh? You should know by know, darling, that whatever you tell Sayaka will always come back around to me, I love the girl but she’s not exactly as confidential as she hopes to me, especially when it comes to her cutie of a daughter!…Hehe, now that I know about your secret hobby, how about a private show? Just for me?”
Bonus! Kazu Lines:
“Meow, purrrrr~ mew.”
“Mreow, purrrrrrr~”
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kaiyeti · 2 years
Ruby: Uncle Qrow. Why are you able to legally preform wedding.
Qrow: That was drunk Qrow Ruby. So we will never know.
~Roughly twenty years ago~
Drunk Qrow: Would you *burps* Would to you STOP flirting so badly in front of Summer and me! You’re being insemplical.
Tai: I I think you mean Insensitive?
Raven: Who the fuck cares? She need to grow thicker skin.
Drunk Qrow: Oh Oh yeah! WELL I D-*takes a shot* don’t need to see you two make out! Just tie the knot and be done with it. Or *burps* else
Raven: Or else what? You can’t do shit! In fact, Pucker up Tai!
Tai: Yes ma’am.
Drunk Qrow: *Frowns as they start making out* ... I’m gonna take a leak. *walks out the bar, down the street to a court house.* 
Judge:  *looks at the completed in perfect cursive pages to become wedding officiant. Then looks at Drunk Qrow. Then back to the pages.* Well Legally I can’t say no and you did pass the test so I guess I’ll allowhere did you get that Bottle?
Drunk Qrow, now with a half drunken whiskey bottle: I have my alcoholic ways your honor.
Judge: ...
Drunk Qrow: ... Wat a glass?
Drunk Qrow: I’ma back.
Tai: Where were you Qrow? You were gone for like almost a hour.
Drunk Qrow: Taking a piss... And toilet fight. The other guys as sleeping it off in the bathroom.
RaveN: Fucking hell Qrow! Now we got to leave! *waving over the waitress.*
Drunk Qrow: Fine. FIne. *Checks his pocket.* ah Sh*burps* Shit my wallet is gone.
Raven: Damn it! You are paying me bac when we get home you drunken bard ass! *Pulls out her wallet and goes for her money.*
Waitress: Oh so sorry miss. But we aren’t taking cash tonight the register is broken.
Raven: Sigh, Fine.*pulls out her card and pays for the her drinks and signs.*
Waitress: Thank you mi-Uh-oh.
Raven: What?
Waitress: It seems like you only have enough to pay for two drinks on this card.
Raven: What!? *Looks at the app on the scroll menu.* WHat the fuck!? How is my card maxed out already!?
Tai: Don’t Sweat it Rae. I can pay for the rest. *Tai uses his card and signs* There. Now lets go befo-
Raven: What the fuck are you talking about you drunk ass bitch as mother-*Raven started to growl when Qrow holds up his wedding officiant certificate.*
Drunk Qrow: While out I got this and asked my new lovely lady friend, lovely skirt by the way Have I told you that?
Waitress: Yes you have. 
Tai: BRO! *grabs the scroll form the waitress and moves the one app revealing the pages he and Raven signed and that it was sent.* 
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