#year reveiw
tacochippy · 9 months
My end of year Art Reveiw thingy!!
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I had a lot of fun, ans theres been a kot less deppression induced doodle rather than full epices. Ive improved so much and GAH THE HANDS I IMPROVED AT HANDS look at me go
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cluepoke-archive · 11 months
Scariest thing about today is that instagram yelled at me and gave me a community strike for saying I'd kill a man for a hot choccy 😔
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nightoftheland · 9 months
2023 in Review of Fic
After taking almost a full year off of writing, 2023 was the year I finally returned to the fandom and writing world. 2023 has brought me new incredible friends and a rekindled love for this incredibly freeing art form.
Overall, this year I published 40,152 words. And while this may not seem like a lot, it's more words than I had written in over a year. This is divided over 4 fics - 3 complete, 1 WIP. I also contributed to collaboration Podfic and this introduced me to a new art form I am excited to explore more in 2024.
I am incredibly proud of the work I've put out this year. A lot of heart went into each work and I am excited to share what I have been working on recently in the coming weeks!
Below are 2023's works:
Written by Me - Complete:
Title: Outshine The Stars Rating: E Words: 12,400
Title: The Sun (bright as juice breaking in the mouth in its shape of morning) Rating: E Words: 17,168
Title: A Little Hotter than Forecast Rating: E Words: 3,327
Written by Me - WIP:
Title: Between the Wars Rating: E Words so far: 7,257
Title: [Podfic] The 501st Ruins Hound's Day Rating: G Audio Length: 20:27
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poison-uwu · 1 year
Finally have another neurologist appointment today after being left to deal with my FND by myself for the last year and a half
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viridian-bones · 2 years
just a little tidbit from the story I’m attempting to write for this weird ass dream I had when I was five, forgot existed and then had it again four days ago and began storyificating pretty quickly. Sorry I’m not that great at writing but would you be interested in reading the full version when/if it’s done?
(Jake and the Neverland Pirates, Smee centric. I was five stop judging me.)
Ehen they heard that he was coming they expected someone tall, maybe intimidating, or perhaps even Jake himself. After all, this was the man rumored to have single handedly slain a millipede nest! It was said he had been the turning point in the siege of Gravestone, saving the town from ruin.
What the people of The Grove were not expecting was a small old man, rather round in shape with circular glasses perched on his nose. They were not expecting sad smiles and a old red hat.
Perhaps this wasn’t the person they were waiting for and just another traveler. But then they saw the axe strapped to his back.
They knew that axe.
How couldn’t they, so many stories had been told about that axe and the foes it felled. This was who they had been waiting for, the one who could rid them of the ants. The hero.
So yeah, I had a crazy apocalypse dream about Neverland. And Smee was the main character. Honestly it was one of the most tragic stories I’d come up with… ever. So I’m attempting to write it, pls tell me how I did and if you’d read this!
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squishidoodles · 2 years
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My (late again) 2022 Year in Reveiw!!
We got covid in January, and it took me till a while into February to recover, since I already had bronchitis before I got covid, so I didn't really draw a lot in those two months. My phone screen cracked, so @roger-dear told me to make my lockscreen a pic of Kinsai punching where the crack was, so that's what that is on February. I didnt do much in March either.
By the end of March, I had an idea that led to a whole ton of new concepts, and spend the next three months mostly exploring those, and then in July, it was ArtFight time 👊😎🤜
In August both and September I didn't do a ton of drawing, but did some more designs for overthewaves characters and stuff in August, and then I started an animatic to 'Darken' by ZUTOMAYO in September... and never finished it, obviously xD
I did some Inktober drawings in October, with little snippets of writing with most of them, and that's pretty much it, since I started working on a sewing project as well then.
I mostly just worked on that sewing project through November and December (I got covid again in Dec, which kept me from doing much for almost two weeks :( ), so I mostly just doodled some James in November, and doodled the characters I was sewing to help me figure them out in December.
And so here we are, 2023. Yup.
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jonahmagnus · 2 years
The feeling of being in ur mutuals "top rbs" is....... Exhilarating
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bubblegum-blackwood · 2 years
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I posted 1,071 times in 2022
That's 1,008 more posts than 2021!
125 posts created (12%)
946 posts reblogged (88%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,016 of my posts in 2022
Only 5% of my posts had no tags
#vampires - 954 posts
#vampire - 949 posts
#vampire chronicles - 858 posts
#tvc - 840 posts
#the vampire chronicles - 829 posts
#vc - 784 posts
#iwtv - 696 posts
#interview with the vampire - 685 posts
#iwtv amc - 434 posts
#amc iwtv - 404 posts
My Top Posts in 2022:
Bitches be like “this is my sweet smol baby we must protecc him” and it’s a morally grey vampire who has killed hundreds, maybe thousands of people. It’s me, I’m bitches.
539 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
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You guys you don't know how much it means to me that it's Louis initiating this kiss.
608 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
- "He ain't white, he French." (Oh, Louis, do I have news for you) - "I had planned to make a new life for myself in St. Louis. That was to be my destiny. And now I know I was right. But it turns out that the saint is not a city but a handsome man with a most agreeable disposition." *screams* - Lestat using his mind powers to help Louis, his crush and a black man, win a game of poker against a table of racist white bitches - Lestat, being his usual dumbass self, forgets to tell Louis that vampires are burnt by sunlight, so Louis decides to walk home in the daytime and proceeds to get burnt. The first thing he does is pour a bottle of milk all over himself and then he runs back to Lestat. Lestat bridal-carries him up the stairs and strips before getting in his coffin. "It's okay. You can be on top." - Louis crying and Lestat wiping away his tears with a handkerchief like that was so tender and gentle and sweet and I am sobbing - Cut back to the present day/framing device, right as Louis is contemplating biting his newborn nephew. "Anyway, I haven't killed anyone since Y2K." "Did you eat the baby?" "I don't kill people because - " "Did you eat the baby?" "I find alternatives to killing - " "DID YOU FUCKIN EAT THE BABY OR NOT LOUIS" - Louis ruining Daniel's dinner by unapologetically slurping a man's blood right in front of him. The man is staring Daniel down and telling him to go to Dubai's Kite Beach. This show is a comedy. - Louis says "fuck you" to Lestat and Lestat says "well fuck you too!" BUT IN FRENCH BECAUSE HE'S A FRENCH BITCH - Louis literally dying and having a mental breakdown and Lestat's just shoving a dead priest in a random crypt and telling Louis "omg mon cher you're so cute <3" - LOUIS INITIATING THE KISSES because Lestat is the bottom in this relationship you can't convince me otherwise - Louis's gay panic is so bad he doesn't even question that Lestat bit him (hey fellas is it gay to drink each other's blood?) - Lestat telling Louis that he is a "library of confusion" - Lestat saying he can tell Louis is skipping meals and being a supportive bf like "please take care of yourself babe" <3 - Anyway I'm sure there's more and there will be more when the later episodes come out but like there are definitely things I don't like about this show but the things I do like about it far outweigh them I am so enjoying watching this
637 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
IWTV Anne Rice: lol all my vampires are ace cuz drinking blood just feels better.
TVL, QotD,TotBT, Memnoch, and TVA Anne Rice: Let's see how many people Lestat and Armand can fuck or want to fuck, including each other and their own fucking selves.
679 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Lestat tenderly wiping Louis's tears from his cheeks and in the same episode yelling "fuck you too" in French at him. This is giving us the true chaotic Loustat energy. Get you a ship that can do both.
921 notes - Posted October 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hidden-elytras · 10 months
Good morning It is currently 10 30 am for me, and so far I have gone on a manic duolingo spree(again, im demoralizing 2nd place at this point and im not even sorry), had to meet a huge customer at my job, watched a quarter of gems secret life ep. Lost my mind over the wattpad fanfic. Cried over several emails I have to send out. Layed on the floor trying to get a photo of a serial number of the backup battery on a server rack. And then had to explain to my boss why I was laying on the floor like that.
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diamondnokouzai · 11 months
having a five year dnd campaign is a lot like having a job. for instance, you dont get a yearly raise in either.
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it was so funny when anthony fantano apparently reveiwed some jersey club ep/album and was like "whats wild to me is this bed squeaking sample, ive never heard that before," like shut up pussy. Youre clearly not trying. how have you not heard the bed squeak. you have never gotten low. i was tired of you 10 years ago
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Hopefully life doesn't throw any more weeks like last week at me, or I'll have trouble reveiwing all the upgrades by the end of the year. Happy 11 years to cookie clicker, though! I'll start this week off with a cookie I've been long overdue to review, canistrelli. Olivers & Co will be representing this upgrade with their canistrelli.
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These are dry and crunchy, and the flavor is a mix of tasting like shortbread and a second taste I can't quite place. I'd maybe describe it as planty or slightly floral? Unfortunately it tastes Bad to me so i can't get too strong of a handle on it. My guess is that it's the aniseed. Sadly I can't rate these highly at all.
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xo-zozo · 2 months
TGG REVEIW *spoilers*
[ “sometimes, in the games that matter most, the only to really play is to live.” ]
4 | ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ |
i’m so happy that this book finally came out, i had been looking forward to it for the past year!! and as always, jlb did not disappoint. it was so fun to see all of the dynamics between the new characters and the old ones.
first and foremost, here were some of the bad things. i had no idea why grayson was playing in the game? like it made zero sense to me why he would need to, even if her didn’t participate in making the puzzles. he was an a lot better person in this book though so im thankful for that. i did enjoy reading this book but at the same time, i kinda wished that there was more things out of the escape room and moments with out the riddles because it felt REALLY jam packed with them.
but on the lighter side, i loved all of the new characters in this book and the little things that we got to see of the old ones. the riddles and puzzles were fun, and the setting was also really interesting to me. it is absolutely insane to me how jlb manages to connect things that happened in her other books with this one and somehow make it all make sense when it comes down to it.
i thought that romances in this book were actually pretty good. one of my favorites was savannah and rohan, but i’m also excited to see how gigi’s romantic life plays out. and as always, avery and jameson served as always and everytime they were mentioned, i got super duper excited because they’re cuties and i love them. and of course, lyra and grayson were pretty good but i was expecting a lot more than what we got.
lyra kane - so, on tumblr she was very hyped up and i have never really played into that because i didn’t have strong feelings about this character that we didn’t know. and now that i’ve read the book, i still have a lot of the same opinions on her and i mainly predicted how i would feel about her. although she was a good character and i did like her, she just didn’t feel like anything special to me? but that’s just a personal preference and i know that a lot of people d9 like her. A LOT.
grayson hawthorne - a lot of people know this as well, but i’m not a huge fan of grayson. and although a lot of the things i felt about him still stand, i did like him a lot more in this book than i did in the other ones. being with lyra must’ve just been really refreshing for him. he was just a lot more open than usual.
gigi grayson - as always i LOVE this girl. she’s so sweet and she genuinely reminds me of myself. (annoying in the best way possible) i’m so interested in where her story is going, especially because of all the new people in this book that she got to meet.
savannah grayson - oh. my. gosh. she’s literally my wife, but at the same time, the part at the end where she says that’s she’s gonna expose avery and the hawthornes for killing her dad was insane. i think she’s in the wrong for that but i’m excited to see where this is going.
rohan - all of the brothers hawthorne i HATED this man. the whole time i was like “who does this guy think he is” but i literally loved him this book, he was so flirty and sassy and it was great.
odette morales - she is my QUEEN she was more iconic than lyra could ever be… im being totally honest. her whole thing with tobias and alice was one of the most crazy things ever and im so excited to see where that goes too.
avery grambs - i have ALWAYS loved this woman, but she was serving even harder than in the other series in this book. the way that she was described was djejenhdehd. this made me even more excited for games untold in november.
jameson hawthorne - my man is always the best and he’s just the best. he’s always so sweet to avery in these books and it brings me joy.
knox - i don’t have any strong feelings about him… but yk excited to see what’s happening with him.
brady - same with knox… there’s a lot of things i’m interested in but i don’t have a lot to say about him.
[ “beside avery, jameson was looking at her like she was the sun and the moon and the stars and eternity, all rolled into one.” ] IM SAT.
[ “at sixteen, lyra had watched and rewatched that interview more times than she wanted to admit.” ] IM CRYING LAUGHING HELP
[ “my symptoms include a tightness in my jaw, increased heart rate, and a desire to use foul language in particularly creative combinations” ] ODETTE MY QUEEN 💋
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mallgothyamaguchi · 1 month
ive seen that all of your bookmarks are tskym and you dont have many of them (not that thats a bad thing!!!) could you give a bookmark tour and like give a reveiw of each?
ofc! tsukkiyama bookmark tour begin!
autumn by windofjune - this fic is ongoing but i'm just totally in love with the author's writing style. essentially, tsukishima and yamaguchi have had mutual feelings for a long time, but nothing was ever acted upon, so in college, they begin to drift apart from one another even when living in the same apartment. tsukishima faces an injury to his knee and yamaguchi gets dumped by his boyfriend, leading to their slow-burning reconciliation as they both recover from their emotional and physical injuries. everything is so beautifully written and i'm not-so-patiently waiting for chapter 8 hehe
Sleeping Habits by BlueColoredDreams - piece written in a series of vignettes as tsukishima and yamaguchi grow older, ending in their high school years. very sweet and very fluffy. i'm a snuggler, so any fic that involves sleeping and cuddling, i'm there.
(Not) A bad day by WhereDoesTheTimeGo - yamaguchi has a bad day, and all of his insecurities bubble up, so tsukishima comforts him. they both have their own self-doubts and insecurities unveiled, but everything's okay with a snuggle and first kiss. you will notice there is a pattern in my fic tastes, lol.
Home Is Where The Heart Is by Pepper_Moon - very short and sweet domestic fic about the two moving in together in a cottage in the countryside after marrying. artist yamaguchi and writer tsukishima. SO COTTAGECORE. the author is also currently writing a chaptered piece for day 1 of tsukkiyama week i'm very much looking forward to reading!
just ourselves by beefybuttlord - another short and sweet fic where hinata asks yamaguchi what his relationship with tsukishima really is. essentially it's a "what are we" fic. puts how i think their canon relationship is in 800 words.
hottaru-kun by palebluestings - very much plays around with the significance of names and naming conventions in japanese culture, and the different ways kanji can be read. tsukishima has started calling yamaguchi 'tadashi', but yamaguchi still calls him 'tsukki'. also, cue tsukishima being a little jealous of yamaguchi hanging out with his brother. it's a cute and thoughtful fic.
The sign on your heart said it's still reserved for me. by yamaguchiforpresident - as they get older, yamaguchi gets more and more attention from girls (and guys), and by their third year, tsukishima realizes he's in love with his best friend. lots of pining from tsukishima, and does he do anything about it? hmmm... a little bit of yamayama (at least from tsukishima's perspective), so yet again, jealous tsukishima >:)
Won't You Stay For The Ride? (The Views Will Be Nice) by xxet - self-hating tsukishima begins to have his walls broken down by yamaguchi as they grow up. tsukishima is totally whipped, and everyone knows. flips back and forth between past and present throughout. good mix of fluff and angst.
i wish to be found by TheFledglingDM - ok this one isn't in my bookmarks but i'm actually obsessed with this fic i'm shocked i didn't bookmark it. essentially a 'You've Got Mail' au, where yamaguchi is a small bookstore owner who took it over after his mother passed and tsukishima is a financial executive for a chain bookstore with aspirations to become a published author. when tsukishima helps to make the decision to put a store location near yamaguchi's bookstore, yamaguchi fears he may be put out of business. unknowingly, for a whole year prior, they've been online best friends over discord. mistaken identity, enemies to lovers, influence of and allusions to pride & prejudice, what more could you want from a fic? so skillfully written. i will never shut up about it. i finished it a month ago and i think about it every other day.
hope you enjoyed my thoughts on these fics! honestly, i haven't been reading many fics recently since life got pretty busy and then that makes me pretty tired and i've been very focused on writing my own fics...but! with all the entries for tsukkiyama week i have so much new content to read. i'm still pretty new to ao3 (it's been a little over a year since i started reading fics on there), so that kind of explains why my bookmarks list is pretty short, and also i tend to bounce between different forms of reading like manga to physical books to fanfiction. kind of just depends on what my mood is at the moment. now that i've started writing, i've really been fueling my tsukkiyama brainrot into that, lol. when it's slow at work, i'm collecting ideas in my brain for them.
bottomline: tsukkiyama will always and forever be my #1, so if there's a fic i'm reading it and if they have zero fans, i'm dead.
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shubblelive · 11 months
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If you know anyone under the age of 25 then you will have heard of the band Dream Theory, who made waves in the pop-rock scene with their debut EP 'RECURRING DAYDREAM' released late last year. The band, comprised of frontman Wilbur Soot on vocals, accompanied by guitarist Tyler Parks, bassist Chris Matthews and drummer Evan Thompson, has been nominated for several big awards despite its short lifespan, including Best New Artist at the Grammy Awards in February.
Their success was placed under jeopardy last night at MTV's Video Music Awards, of which the band one award: Song of The Year for their song ‘MALADAPTIVE,' which debuted at number 3 on the Billboard charts. Cameras at the event last night captured frontman Wilbur Soot throwing the award at the head of bassist Chris Matthews.
Witnesses reported hearing the two arguing loudly in the bathroom after the ceremony with several theories rising that the altercation was over Soot's longtime girlfriend Maria Evans, who was seen entering the after-party with Matthews. No charges were pressed, but a statement from MTV confirmed that Soot has been banned from the event next year and has had his Grammy nomination rescinded, meaning in the event that Dream Theory takes home an award at the ceremony it will not be shared with Soot.
Maria Evans, when asked on Twitter said that 'Will and Chris have been having issues recently, this wasn't honestly that surprising.' A spokesperson for the band has said they will be reveiwing the incident, leaving Soot's place within the band under fire.
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iliketoeatplastic · 8 months
hazbin hotel cherictor ep 2 reveiw
charlie : u belefe to much
vaggie : i LOVE her outfit in the part where they try and kill pent
angel : IM to Sober for this shit
alastor : OH deer mug ,then voxes mug it is lke a one way crush with vox likeing him ,is still a troll
pent : you can shoot me with ur ray gun
egg bois : egg
niffty so not a bad boy ,after calling pent a bad boi for the whole ep ,keep your not knowing vees they are bad ignore them niffty .
vox : is a just sales man with a crutch on some one that regacted him , holey crap there was baxter
val: piss baby that makes moth sqieeks , keep pissing of vox
vel , fucking slay i love vel so fuckin mych her va is good ,and good suprising
kitty : fizz bot holly shit fizz bot ahhhhhhhh , wonder if is set in the ten year fizz won the pagent or is after and has have them for a bit
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