The Year of the Cookie
188 posts
I try cookies based on every Cookie Clicker cookie upgrade in 2024.
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cookieclickercookieeater · 8 months ago
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Hopefully life doesn't throw any more weeks like last week at me, or I'll have trouble reveiwing all the upgrades by the end of the year. Happy 11 years to cookie clicker, though! I'll start this week off with a cookie I've been long overdue to review, canistrelli. Olivers & Co will be representing this upgrade with their canistrelli.
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These are dry and crunchy, and the flavor is a mix of tasting like shortbread and a second taste I can't quite place. I'd maybe describe it as planty or slightly floral? Unfortunately it tastes Bad to me so i can't get too strong of a handle on it. My guess is that it's the aniseed. Sadly I can't rate these highly at all.
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cookieclickercookieeater · 8 months ago
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I've had a busy couple of days, so I'll be catching up from misssing Friday with battenberg biscuits. I have Mr. Kipling mini battenbergs for these.
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These are very soft and cakey with some graininess from the sugar on the outside. The flavor is a very sweet lemony one. I feel like quite a few of the more recent cookies have been pretty good, and these are no exception.
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cookieclickercookieeater · 8 months ago
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Vanillekipferl will be starting this month off. I went with baking these myself following this recipe:
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These came out quite similar to the putri salju. The dry and crumbly texture is similar, but theres less coarseness here. The flavor is mainly a mildly sweet almond, with the vanilla being there but faint. I definitely enjoy these.
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cookieclickercookieeater · 8 months ago
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Honesly, I've been a bit of a mess this past week. Nothing for it but to carry on and hopefully catch back up. Up today are granola cookies. I went with little apple treats granola cookies for this upgrade.
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I'd say these are somewhere between being soft and crispy and slightly crumbly. The apple flavor is pretty faint, with the taste being mostly granola with a bit of dark chocolate. The apple bits are similar texturally to raisins, but they're smaller so they don't bother me as much. Overall a good cookie.
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cookieclickercookieeater · 8 months ago
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Continuing with my imported cookies, I'm having roze koeken today. For these I went with AH brand mini roze koeken. These have a nutri-score of D, so slightly healthier than yesterday's cookies!
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Considering their name translates to "pink cakes" It's pretty predictable that these are very soft and cakey. There isn't much flavor here beyond a mild sweetness. Quite pleasant, but nothing I'd write home about.
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cookieclickercookieeater · 8 months ago
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My international cookies showed up, so it's now time for buttercakes to get a round 2. This time I've got the actual cookies they were based on, AH brand boterkoek reepjes. The nutri-score of E on these is still so funny to me.
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These are very soft and a bit dense. If you've ever had a cosmic brownie, I'd say it's similar texturally but without any chewiness. The flavor is a somewhat plain mildly sweet butter. They didn't impress me a ton, but they're definitely good, and certainly way better for me than the bourbon butter cake I originally tried for this upgrade.
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cookieclickercookieeater · 8 months ago
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I hit 700 cookies eaten just before vacation, so it's time for lavender chocolate butter biscuits. I used a Kras petit buerre as the base this time, since it's plainness matches the other chocolate butter biscuits better. The chocolate here is Goodio lavender chocolate. The color doesn't match the icon but I figure matching the flavor is more important than the appearance.
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I feel like I may need to get creative for the descriptions of the chocolate butter biscuits to not feel super repetetive, since the crispy texture with smoothness from the chocolate and good dunkability should be the same for all but maybe the last few. Unsurprisingly, these taste like dark chocolate and lavender. For me, lavender works okay as a fragrance but not at all as a flavor. Unfortunately, this week is starting out with a low cookie rating.
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cookieclickercookieeater · 9 months ago
Well, getting ready for my vacation this week sure has eaten up my free time! Looks like I'll have to continue the bonus reviews afterwards to catch up. I'll see you all next Monday!
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cookieclickercookieeater · 9 months ago
This Thursday's cookies are taiyaki. I went with the ones made by Meito for these. These are definitely one of the most fun shaped cookies!
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These are dry and crispy with a softer, though still somewhat dry, filling. The flavor is all in the filling on these, and it's a good, if somewhat artificial tasting, chocolate. Surprisingly I didn't find dunking to really do much for these. Overall pretty good.
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cookieclickercookieeater · 9 months ago
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Sesame cookies will be bringing in the middle of this week. I have Sadaf barazek with sesame for these. Hopefully eating them doesn't make me sad af lol.
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These are dry and crispy woth a bit of a coarse texture from all the seeds. There's definitely a flavor, but I'm at a bit of a loss to describe it beyond a bit nutty. The sesame, I'd assume. They do dunk well, but the flavor isn't one that does very much for me.
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cookieclickercookieeater · 9 months ago
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I've ordered the roze koeken cookies as well as some others internationally, so it may be a little before they show up. The next cookies I can do are peanut butter cup cookies. I went with making them myself following this recipe:
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These are soft and smooth with a bit of chewiness. The cookie part has just the right amount of peanut butter flavor to go with the peanut butter cups without overpowering the chocolate. These are great, and I've got to give them a nomination for the cookie championship.
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cookieclickercookieeater · 9 months ago
When did you start playing cookie clicker?
Comparing what I remember to the version history on the wiki, I think it was back in 2013, somewhere in between the 1.0 release and the 1.037 beta. Not quite from the very beginning, but I was definitely there fairly early! For me, cookie clicker has been one of those games where I'll play it a bunch, then not touch it for a couple years, then come back and do a new run to appreciate the new features. I'm the same way with minecraft. It's really cool to have a game you can come back to every so often and see how it's grown and changed while also getting a bit of that sweet nostalgia. Despite everything, you can still boot up your computer and click some cookies.
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cookieclickercookieeater · 9 months ago
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Since my granola cookies haven't arrived yet, I'm starting this week off with ricotta cookies. The Brittle Box anise cookies are the ones I went with for these.
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These are soft and cakey, with the sprinkles adding some texture. The taste is sweet and has a specific flavor I can't quite place that reminds me of licorice. My guess is this is the anise. I'm not too big of a fan of this flavor, so these are just alright.
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cookieclickercookieeater · 9 months ago
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For this week's last review, I'm trying cookies that I think have one of the cooler names, pizzelles. I went with Reko pizzelles for these cookies.
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These are light and crispy with a light vanilla flavor. Surprisingly to me, dunking doesnt seem to do much for these, and I actually prefer them undunked. I definitely enjoy these.
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cookieclickercookieeater · 9 months ago
it didn't occur to me until your milk cookie post that you were dunking the cookies in milk, not tea :/ british brainrot
To be fair, assuming milk is the standard thing to dunk cookies in could be considered american brainrot on my end lol. If i don't say a specific drink, you can always assume I'm dunking in milk, though.
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cookieclickercookieeater · 9 months ago
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The next upgrade on my list is yogurt cookies. I went with making yogurt chocolate chip cookies following this recipe (though I used mini chocolate chips since I already had them on hand):
As you'd probably expect from a homemade chocolate chip cookie, these are soft and chewy with some crispiness around the edges. The flavor is that of a pretty standard chocolate chip cookie. Nothing new here, just a classic great cookie.
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cookieclickercookieeater · 9 months ago
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Bringing in the middle of this week are marie biscuits. I went with Queen of Biscuits marie biscuits for these.
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These are crispy and a bit dry. They don't really have much flavor of their own, but I think these are more designed for dunking. They remind me of tea biscuits, so I had these with hot chocolate, and they do dunk well. Not too impressive on their own, but certainly not bad.
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