#yeah this'll be fun!
areyousanta · 5 days
If I watch 3.5 episodes everyday from now until Oct. 3rd I can watch the entirety of FMAB before Oct. 3rd.
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the-haunted-office · 2 years
Email directed to Stanley
hey Stanley it’s Alice
Do you fancy coming over for a ghost sleepover to my and Sadies new house, your welcome to invite other ghost friends if you know any.
(My attempt at starting a lighthearted rp thread I didn’t have many ideas so sorry if it doesn’t work, I just need a distraction from my anxiety right now)
Stanley is hanging out in his office when he receives the email.
A ghost sleepover? That sounds like a lot of fun.
Grinning, he types up a response:
Hello, Alice,
Absolutely, I'd love to. So long as one of you two paints my nails for me! Kidding. You don't have to do that, but I'll bring some nail polish just in case.
Don't know any other ghosts I could bring with me.
See you soon!
As soon as his response is sent, Stanley asks his Narrators for one of those big cases full of like 200 different nail polish colors - which they provide for him - and he's off for his first ghost slumber party!
When he arrives, he knocks on the door and as soon as the door is opened, he holds up the case of nail polish.
"I brought the goods," he laughs.
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lepusrufus · 9 months
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Started a new game solely to make a sweet little cinnamon bun Selunite cleric to romance Shadowheart with
Going great so far
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dootznbootz · 8 months
Menelaus rambles a lot about not only Helen, but also Hermione. About how she used to say Olive like "Olifs". How she lost her first tooth running too fast and running into a low branch while out with Helen. How he'd sometimes wake up to Hermione leaning over him and poking his face to say, "Dad, can we go see the horses?" even though it was barely daylight. How she was much nicer waking Helen and how he thinks Hermione did that on purpose because she found "dad's face funny". How her favorite color was every color.
And Odysseus listens.
And he thinks about how his son only had a few teeth coming in when he left, teething on everything. How he could only say one syllable with his babbles. How his son needed balance to stand but Odysseus was so proud that Telemachus was very good at rolling over. How his son loved pulling at his and Penelope's hair.
How his son would be talking, walking, maybe even lost his first tooth by now. And he doesn't even know if he'll ever know his son's favorite color.
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gazspookiebear · 8 months
No thoughts, just arm wrestling with Ghost
You wanted Ghost's attention. There was no denying it- he was too enticing to let him slip through your fingers. You wanted, just once, to feel him.
You were purposefully being an arrogant and cocky prick all day, telling anyone who would listen to you (and those who didn't) that you could easily beat Ghost in an arm wrestling match.
Of course, Ghost caught wind of it, but he brushed it off. After all, there were tons of clueless rookies who talked shit when they didn't know who exactly they were facing.
Unfortunately for Ghost, it kept happening. First time he heard you yapping was during training. Then when Soap was laughing and telling him about some dumb comment you made earlier. A few times after that throughout the next few days, and finally, you had the nerve to say it to his face.
"You couldn't beat me, " you announced mockingly
"Mmh. Let's put that to the test, mate."
You were nervous. You hadn't expected him to agree to it in all honesty. Not that you would back down now.
Sitting down at the table, you had gathered quite a crowd. Who would want to watch some rookie get slammed by the Ghost? Everyone, apparently.
You readied your elbow on the table. On the opposite side, Ghost did the same. You took in a small gasp of air, nerves now getting the best of you. This was a horrible idea, wasn't it? You vaguely hear someone count down and yell "start", causing you to clasp your hand with Ghost's and start pushing with all your might.
Holy shit. He was hardly struggling- the both of your arms staying firmly in the center. You looked up for a second to try and gage his expression, only to be met with his eyes already staring into you.
It was like all the air was torn from your lungs- you might as well have forgotten how to breathe.
You couldn't deny it, his eyes were absolutely gorgeous. Weary and calculated brown eyes staring into your own, an odd softness to them.
He still hadn't beat you. He easily could, you were never a match for him.
But maybe, just maybe-
-he wanted to hold your hand, too.
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wayfayrr · 10 months
300 Followers event!!!!
Every time I do something like this I can't believe that you all are here, seeing as I only started writing earlier this year hitting 300 this fast seems like it should only be possible in a dream but anyway onto the actual event! Seeing as it's so close to the holiday season why not give it some festive flair! Asks for this event are now closed <3
The boys will be different desserts with prompts as drinks for you guys to order as you please <3
The main event - Red Velvet - Warriors Peppermint brittle - Sky Panettone - Four Fruit cake - Time Candy canes - Wild Gingerbread - Hyrule Sticky toffee pudding - Legend Yule log - Twilight Christmas pudding - First
The sides - Hot chocolate - Falling asleep together on the couch Spiced cider - Burning Christmas dinner and trying to order take-out Mulled wine - kissing under the mistletoe Latte - Sneaking into the other bed(roll) to share the warmth with you Eggnog - Gift-giving  Buttered rum - How did you two get into a snowball fight? Bailey’s - Drunken ramblings
Special directions (leave free for a surprise) Spiked - Yandere Soft - Romantic Sugar-free- Platonic  ~ Eat in - set within Hyrule Takeaway - Set in the modern world 
So for example a "Soft mulled wine with Peppermint brittle to take away" would be romantically kissing sky under the mistletoe back in your own home !! Have fun and Happy holidays all of you <3
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idea for fun
if you want
give your character an area song (like when you enter the character's area in a game) (I.E. Hip Shop plays when you enter Rouxls/Swatch's shop in Deltarune)
and a boss theme (plays when you fight them)
link them in the post if you can, it'd be fun learning about the characters through songs 👍
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imogenkol · 1 year
tagged by the lovely @socially-awkward-skeleton and @cassietrn thank you!! 💕💕
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @marivenah @simonxriley @shegetsburned @voidika @kyber-infinitygems @v0idbuggy @inafieldofdaisies @statichvm @aceghosts @jillvalentinesday @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree
Just gonna casually drop a really pivotal character moment from the whumptober thing I am still working on that became way longer than I intended it to be (warning: mentions of torture and also this is very heartbreaking)
When the pain became too unbearable, Imogen attempted to go inwards. Her mind may be the only chance of salvation. If she could rebuild her barricades from the inside, then perhaps she could buy herself more time. Battle meditation proved useful for all manner of talented Force users. Her own Master even tried to impart her wisdom on the practice, though Imogen had been too impatient to successfully utilize it at the time. She may not be at the frontlines of war or in the middle of a duel, but this excruciating invasion of her mind was just as arduous as any other challenging fight. Only difference now… Imogen was on the losing side.
The pressure built up in her head as a thunderous cacophony until she was sure something had to give when suddenly everything went utterly silent and still. Imogen wondered if she had been tortured into unconsciousness or perhaps her interrogator had enough and put his lightsaber blade through her skull before she could realize her end.
“I am relieved that you have held on to some of my teachings.”
Imogen’s eyes snapped open to see the room now completely empty. She glanced around for the source of the voice – a voice she had not heard in many, many years – and found that even her bindings had disappeared. The bounty hunter cautiously rose from the interrogation chair, not trusting whatever vision had clearly been imposed upon her.
“Show yourself,” Imogen commanded, though her tone had a slight waver. 
“I have always been here, you simply refused to see.”
Imogen spun around and saw a figure that caused her heart to plummet with enough force to nearly bring her to her knees. Rejna Shúl appeared just as the former Padawan last saw her. Imogen recognized the light brown Jedi robes, the silver hilt at her belt, and that unyielding conviction in her sharp green eyes. A ghost come to haunt her like a painful memory.
“You are a trick,” she weakly accused. Imogen could not decide which would be worse – being right or being wrong. 
“I assure you, I am not,” Rejna insisted and placed her hands behind her back. “Listen to your instincts.”
Imogen did not want to, but a dreadful chill in her bones demanded to be felt. The image before her shook her down to her very soul and she knew for certain that not even Vader himself could conjure such a convincing specter of her former Master. Not like this. 
Imogen shook her head. The shock made her feel sick. “Why now, after all this time?”
“Because you were not ready to face me.”
“Why should I face you at all? I killed you for a reason,” Imogen snarled. A part of her hoped her rage would chase this spirit away. Had she not done enough unforgivable acts to completely sever whatever connection they had in life and death?
Rejna regarded her patiently, unflinching to the storm of hostility that brewed within her apprentice. “You killed me out of impulse.”
Imogen’s hands trembled and she clenched them into tight fists at her sides, as tight as she could make them. “I would have died if you lived.” 
“So here you stand now.” The Jedi Master moved around Imogen in a slow circle, studying her the same way she did the very day they met. Imogen had been so young, she didn’t fully understand her circumstances, but Rejna took stock of what she had to work with. It made Imogen feel like an item being appraised for auction. “A woman. And more powerful than I could have imagined, yet… you still carry the same hatred for me. How long has it been? Nearly twenty years since your blade pierced my heart? Two decades is a long time to hold on to such a burden, Imogen.”
“It is not only hatred I carry,” she responded quietly. Her resolve started to crumble. 
“No,” Rejna agreed and came to a stop in front of her former ward. Her eyes softened ever so slightly at the edges. “I sense your grief.”
The mask fell away. Imogen had never acknowledged how the murder committed by her own hands shattered her as much as it mended. How, when the weight lifted off her shoulders at her Master’s last breath, she had been consumed – not by remorse, but by the agony of loss. Imogen tried to ignore it, and when that failed, she used it. She fed it into the crystal that powered her new saber, and with that conduit of her pure hatred, she let it flow unrestrained unto her prey. Yet the grief remained just beneath her rage as steady as her own heartbeat. 
“You were all I had.” Uttering those words out loud caused her vision to blur. “That is why I needed to kill you.”
Rejna seemed equal parts pleased and heartbroken at the admission. “I only understood in my final moments that you were my greatest failure.”
It felt like the phantom of her plasma blade burst through Imogen’s chest. She knew the statement to be true, but it made her realize that as much as she resented Rejna, she still always hoped for her praise. Even now, in the face of her own doom, staring into the eyes of her long dead Master, did Imogen wish she could have been different for them both.
Imogen could no longer bear to hold her gaze, but as soon as her face fell with a few stray tears, she felt the gentle hand of her Master rest on her shoulder. It took a long moment, but she found the courage to look up at her once more.
“I failed you, Imogen. You were my greatest pride and I failed you,” she stated earnestly. 
Of all the confessions to grace her ears, this was one Imogen never expected. She needed to hear it after all this time, but a part of her will forever be empty. She accepted that fact even before Rejna fell. “It is far too late, Master.”
Rejna nodded solemnly. “Perhaps for me, but you know what you must do.”
“Yes,” she said, her voice hoarse. 
“You were always so strong, Imogen.” Her old mentor’s hand moved to caress her cheek, the motherly touch Imogen always longed for and never got to experience. It caused more tears to stream down her cheeks as she clenched her jaw hard enough to nearly crack her own teeth to stifle a sob. “I will always regret holding you back.”
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spiritsblade · 6 months
fuuuuuckkkk knew i shouldn't have eaten that gas station sushi
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taruruchi · 3 months
... I ended up writing an idea for azulchi instead of doing my assignment
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justreckin · 8 months
WIP Tag Game
Ho boy
Got tagged by @curator-on-ao3 and wouldn't you know it? Actually actively working on something at the moment 😶 So, thank you my friend and here goes nothing.
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Last thing I wrote: “Chris, you’re human.”
Okay so, hilariously the sentence immediately before this was "Are we married?" so somehow I lucked out and it's 3 words either way 😮‍💨
Anyway, @emonydeborah, @the-redhead-in-a-dress, and @sun-lit-roses, what are y'all up to? (If you've already been tagged... not sorry.)
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wereh0gz · 11 months
Wow being a vtuber/pngtuber sounds like fun (<- watched one (1) tutorial on how to make a pngtuber, has not made any plans to stream, does not have any proper equipment or a good place to stream)
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smile-files · 1 year
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radicheart-a · 5 months
(( Fun fact(?): deer velvet is used to boost strength and endurance, improve the way the immune system works, counter the effects of stress, and promote rapid recovery from illness.
I wonder if Al's velvet can do the same thing... ))
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ailinu · 5 months
preserve us from edgelords. good lord.
#i'm not naming any system names.#to each their own and all that. i'm sure it's doing fine at what it's designed for.#(and similarly jack if you're reading this i have full faith in your ability to get this to work to your own tonal ends.#and i know we've at least partially discussed where they differ from the material presented.)#but sometimes you look at a thing. and it goes 'yeah what if your blood is living maggots'#and you sigh heavily and make jerk-off motions. say 'okay. call your mom' in the way you do if you see a real intentionally edgy metal band#you know how it is#again i'm just being a bitch on main. don't take this too seriously.#it's interesting trying to figure out the boundaries of games i'm interested in. because i know i have a fairly wide range to start with.#like to be clear i'm not against tragedy or horror! i'm not against consequences or characters dying!#but every so often i do come across something that simply falls outside what i'm interested in.#and start saying things like 'they should make twee illegal' or. you know. 'okay. call your mom.' which are on vastly different ends of thi#fun to see when that happens.#anyway if things get too edgy i reserve the right to make jerk-off motions in the background.#that's all thanks for listening.#actually wait no maybe that's not all.#if pressed i think i'm pinpointing my response here to. like. the apparent reliance on a sort of 'gross-out horror' (among other things)#which tends not to work for me in that i usually find it exhausting and at times immature. hence the 'call your mom.'#and despite the system's partial fascination with it i've not encountered it in the prospective dm's work thus far (albeit in other systems#so this'll probably work out fine.#(as always. again. full faith in you jack.)#okay. at least partially figured it out.#jerk-off motion rights still reserved though.
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keeps-ache · 1 year
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and ANOTHER !!
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