#//but yeah!! i do kinda wanna go somewhere with this but i dunno hh
keeps-ache · 1 year
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and ANOTHER !!
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Picasso! Da Vinci! Degas! Michelangelo! And uhhh Cézanne! (Heyhowyadoinyacoolbird-)
Hey! I’m doin’ good!! How ‘bout you, you awesome owl? :DPicasso: would you rather sleep on the moon with a stardust dress or on a tiny flower with a sunflower dress?Hmm……..  I think I’d have to go for on the Moon yeah yeah!! (Could I have a stardust tuxedo instead? Well, I guess the dress would be cool and I’m sure it’d be beautiful but hh…………..)Da Vinci: describe your dream home (with or without a significant other)!!OH!!!hmmm…. well, it’d prolly be somewhere with a nice view, like on a hill near a forest maybe! I’m not sure how many rooms or exactly how big but…. I wanna have like… one room that’s painted like the outdoors with a night sky! And where stars would be maybe there’d be christmas lights (fairy lights?) that aren’t too bright, more dim but you can still see just fine in there, it’d kinda just be a room where you could relax or just hang out! (the christmas lights would mainly be for Aesthetic and could be substituted for simple little lights in the ceiling if that makes sense? aa?) and there could be a secret door that leads to a ladder that you can use to go on the roof so you could see the actual night sky!!! Yeah!!!!!And there’d be another room that just empty. The walls and ceiling and floors would be entirely white. Just an empty room, (maybe it’d have a window? I’m not sure if it’d be better to have an artificial light source in this room) except for speakers maybe? This would be a sort of……. isolation….. room…… thing. Kinda just to be alone or not have distractions!! Or just a place to hang out and only listen to music (could be a cool place to jump and run around! Just an empty room!! Lots of space!!! yeah!!!) I’d also want this room so I can fulfill one of my goals in life, which is to be lying face down on a floor, listening to Running In The 90′s really loudly–There’d also absolutely be secret peppermint stashes around the house!!!!!!!! Heck yeah!!!!There could be a room that’s full of blankets and pillows where you could just kinda flop down and hang out with people or roll yourself into a blanket and lie there or bury yourself in pillows, that’d be fun!!!!!Oh! and with the peppermints stashes there’d also be water bottles, just in case they’re needed, yes yes! *claps* it’s important!!And a drawing room!!! aa, not a drawing room (in the normal use of the term) but an actual drawing room with paper and art supplies and yeah!!!!!!!!!!And well… I’d kinda just… wanna be with someone who’d wanna be with me, ya know? Someone I can have fun and hang out with! and would be cool with a sorta strange house and the equally (or even more) strange person they’d be with??????? I dunno!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA–Degas: in a garden full of all sorts of flowers, which one would you pick right now to have in your space?Aaa, well I’ve always loved pink carnations! Like a soft sorta pink….. But I’m also rather fond of red pansies! I dunno! All flowers are pretty cool, though!!Michelangelo: do you show your teeth when you smile? do you squint your eyes?Aaaa, I don’t show my teeth, but my eyes kinda squint I guess???(Also, fun fact: I can not smile on command and when I try it looks like I’m in pain or am confused I guess from what people have told me ;v; )Cézanne:  do you have a favourite holiday treat? name one if you do!I’m…. not so sure I have one, I’m sorry aaaaaaThank you for asking!! ovo!!!!!—Aaaa *claps twice*
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