#yeah this is long...but I added lots of pictures???? :'DD
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brrdhouse · 2 days ago
ok this is getting LONG so i'm putting it under a readmore —
not what he seems + a tale of two stans
for that very reason, i do not want gideon to be there.
i know i knowww, it could be fun, but i don't want him to get in the way. i imagine he'd get in a fight with stan an episode or two before because of the mounting portal stress making them both antsy, and get dragged out of the picture for a little bit. he'd come back during dd&md though! he'd be in the "this game is for loser nerds" group but sit in the same room just to spend time with his dad. i still don't want him to be super important, so i don't think i'd involve him in the main plot, but he'd be there in the background before shit hits the fan, and he comes back after running errands or something to the family watching the ducktective episode. he could be in the main group, but i want to keep grenda as the main side character here because i love her.
family dynamic
i don't want to take away the dipper and ford scenes, so i'm adding them to the tension.
ford gets back and while he's obviously happy to see his son, he's kind of distant like he is towards stan, just a lot less upset. he also skews more towards involving dipper in his projects, and gideon's conflict for the rest of the season is if he even wants to be in gravity falls anymore if his dad's acting so weird towards him.
yeah, it was 30 years ago, but ford used to tell gideon everything about his studies. and it hurts that it feels like he's being replaced by dipper just because he grew up while ford was gone.
he'd spend more time with mabel, soos, and wendy, and accidentally feed into ford's isolationist worldview as well as the one he's projecting onto dipper.
(also because i feel it vaguely relates, something else goldsixer drew for this that i can't stop thinking about)
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society of the blind eye + sock opera (+ into the bunker)
you're right, i wouldn't put gideon in into the bunker.
i would however put him in sock opera and blind eye!
sock opera, i'd give him the same place as everyone else: just generally unaware of what's going on with dipper and bill in this episode. i think he'd clue in when dipper gets possessed because wow that seems pretty familiar, if only you could put your finger on it. this would be the episode that makes him get that much stricter in watching the twins. he doesn't want dipper to end up like ford, and he doesn't want mabel to end up like him.
i'd have him in society of the blind eye big time. he'd get dragged in like soos and wendy, and just be really fucking sad hearing fiddleford talk about himself after being accused. same plot really, just with the added context that he's the anomaly being erased from people's minds and he's kind of pissed about it. ("is that why i have t'reintroduce myself every time i go to th' library? are you serious?!")
gideon gets briefly mentioned in fiddleford's memory tapes, but it's a blink-and-you-miss-it reference to "a visiting researcher and his son," which dipper obsesses over. (psst.. here's a quick thing for this btw..)
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the last mabelcorn
again, gideon would choose to spend more time with the girls. he doesn't dislike dipper or anything, he just can't handle being around ford right now.
he comes along for the same reason wendy does, to keep an eye on the kids, but he also knows unicorns exist because he vaguely remembers seeing them as a kid, so he's not as cynical as she is about it. he's not 100% around for her goodness montage because i think it's funny for him to be like "wendy, i have t'go buy smokes, you're in charge for now." (🐦 <- also an older gideon smoker truther, especially in this au because he's not suffering from the amulet / a chronic illness metaphor to me)
he'd be there when mabel gets told she's a bad person and stick with her to comfort her while the other girls make their plan, and helps them take down the unicorns when it comes to it.
roadside attraction
i'm sorry i'm killing roadside attraction.
not entirely, but i'm making the dipper plot less important because i hate it. he'd still flirt awfully with girls and candy would still have a crush on him, but he wouldn't get ambushed, he'd just say something dumb and upset candy, and it'd end the same way.
stan would still get kidnapped because i like him being tied up. next question.
i'd replace the dipper plot with a ford and gideon plot back at the shack. i think it'd be fun to have them kind of stepping around each other and thinking "well that's not how i remember you acting" before they realize they're being dumb and apologize to each other. it's stilted and awkward and not quite bridging the gap yet, but it's a start.
if this takes a day or two to get posted, this is why. weirdmageddon in AUs, my worst enemy...
i think i want weirdmageddon to go SIMILARLY. not exactly the same obviously, but i think it'd be fun to still have gideon and the bikers be minor obstacles, only instead of them having the key and attacking dipper and wendy (iirc.. i haven't watched weirdmageddon in a while), those two find the key another way and gideon's just still really strict and doesn't want them to run into the action. they have a heart-to-heart along the lines of "you can't stop us from trying even if it ends up bad and you have to stop being a control freak about it" and he lets them go.
because he has less contact with bill, i don't think he'd get captured the same way, i think he'd either go back to the shack and help there OR stay on the outside and end up back at the fearamid somehow. pretty much every thing afterward would be the same, and then he'd regroup with the rest of the family after it all clears up. i think it'd be cute to have him talking stan through a lot of the last 30 years because he's the only other person who remembers them, and it'd be a healing/bonding moment for both of them 😊 i love family
okay i THINK that's all. i THINK. this took me a few days to think on lol
silly au from twitter:
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+context lol
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badsalmonella · 5 months ago
SGATGK getting 'er done.👍
TLDR: some neato historical/fantasy drawing references, I like character design would be neat if someone paid me to do that someday, I have to trick myself into being motivated to finish anything like one tricks a dog into taking their meds by putting it in the wet food, tales passed down for centuries are cool.
Why did I do this? : Because I'm obsessed with art books and design bibles and it's what made me want to study animation in the first place. Portfolio pieces like this, this and this were always something I wanted to do, I think they are so inspiring.
Unfortunately you like have to put in a lot of effort to get something like this done, and as I have learned from a semi-failed attempt to do this with Hadestown it is very easy to get too precious about the art and restart 80 times and essentially never get anything done. I'm out here chanting "finished not perfect" to myself in the mirror like a mantra maybe one day it will seep into my bones and I will fully embrace it. Full disclosure, one of the circumstances that led to me actually finishing this is that I have way too much free time on my hands atm, like I don't think I would have gotten this done (or gotten it done in a timely manner) if I was also balancing full time work, but I was tryinggg to squeeze some lemons out of a less than ideal situation. Second thing, on top of trying to do this for 4 years with Hadestown, I alsooo initially tried to do this with the musical Camelot/ the Arthur/Lancelot/Guinevere love triangle part of the Arthurian legends but found I was once again too obsessed with the thing, and getting too precious about the art to get anything substantial done. I did get these Guinevere runaway bride drawings done though. Phillipa Soo high cheekbones Guinevere will always be important to me!!
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So I switched gears and chose an Arthurian legend I liked well enough, but not so much I would sike myself out of getting it done and went with Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. It's also a story that adheres to a pretty traditional fable structure. A young guy goes on a quest, he experiences trials in threes, he comes back a little changed having learned a life lesson, etc. Also designing The Green Knight comes with a fun 'cool' factor that I like. The Arthurian discord server run by queer-ragnelle on tumblr is full of really nice, and wayyyy more knowledgeable people who pointed me in the direction of Simon Armitage's translations of the poem so that's what I read to get started. Another great resource I liked was Queer as Fact's podcast episode on the story. Something that I found really interesting was that they discussed Gawain's kissing game with the Bertilak's being something that brought on both queer positive and queerness as a sort of cautionary tale that was encouraged to be turned away from interpretations*. Interesting that you could take away two opposite readings from the same text, but also really framed the experience of staying with the Bertilaks as something that is otherworldly and treading into unknown territory for Gawain.
*I wanna add that 1. just because I acknowledge the two conflicting interpretations doesn't mean that I think one cancels out the other's validity 2. Just because I acknowledge it doesn't mean that it's one that I like or agree with. Obviously these stories are so old we can't ask the author what intent they were writing with so we'll never get 'the right answer', all we really have is interpretation. So like why not interpret something positive out of it, especially if you can back it up with the text.
I got pretty tired of using Google images for research, and actually went to the library for most of my drawing reference. This was also good because it got me out of the house yay! It made me feel like those movie behind the scenes featurettes I love, where people go on their little research trips, like OoooO I'm making the fake movie in my brain!! I unfortunately never wrote down the titles of these books I was using but there were some great illustrated book of clothing worn throughout history. I wanted to keep Gawain, and the design of Camelot fairly close to something historical.
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I loved this book especially because all the art was so colourful. I think a lot of people have this idea that medieval costuming should be dull/dark colours but I definitely didn't want to go in that direction. I love bright colours!
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I really took inspiration from this illustration I found for Gawain, even though people typically associate medieval knights with full plate armour, in the story Gawain is going on a lengthy journey to find the green chapel, then accept his beheading so I actually felt something lighter like this chainmail outfit with robe on top was the way to go to make him feel mobile. Also Gawain really lays on the self deprecating sauce thick when he volunteers himself up to participate in the Green Knight's game, claiming he is of no great importance, he's just a little guy, it's not a big risk if he gets hurt. (that's not a direct quote. That just the vibe) So I also snuck in the small detail that his clothing is a little oversized, not quite arranged straight, but he grows into it by the end of the tale :3
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I also used designing Gawain as the chance to lock down what artstyle I wanted to move forward with. My brain told me 'oohhh storybook!' but go into a bookstore and give it a peruse and you will quickly find there is a wide array of storybook artstyles. So that was not specific enough. I tried simplifying my art style, I liked Cartoon Saloon's stuff (good catch everyone who commented on it's influence in the post's tags) but felt it was a little too simplified and stylized for what I wanted to do. The big lightbulb moment for me was when I found this art by an-old-lady on tumblr. I really like how this artist's work is pretty stylized but sticks close to recognizable human proportions. So I put this one my inspiration board, while still trying to keep it distinctly mine. not really my call to say if I succeeded at this or not lol
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But yes Cartoon Saloon's influence is still there, especially with backgrounds,
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and I also really loved looking towards the art of Sleeping Beauty. Really amazing use of colour in this art, also the way they simplify nature into easy to read shapes, then pack in all the detail there is something I loved.
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me doing my best to harness that Disney concept art power
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(Side note one books I can name from all this research is this one because I would like to own it some day. Fantastic resource for not only showing the classic art and architecture they are taking reference from, but how you can apply that to something a lot more cartoony and simplified. Seriously the side by side comparisons of medieval book artwork next to their Sleeping Beauty storybook scenes are masterclass mwah)
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From there something I really wanted to drive home was this contrast between Gawain's world and Lord Bertilak/Green Knight's world. The Green Knight comes with lengthy descriptions about his odd (but hot *wink*) appearance, and there is definitely an aura that something unknown has entered King Arthur's court. While I tried to find inspiration for Gawain's armour from old artwork, Green Knight's outfit I was looking more to fantasy influences like Lord of the Rings, House of the Dragon, Renaissance Faire costumes, etc.
When you look up medieval fashion you get a lot of reference for these crazy cool headpieces
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Lots of head coverings too for women (lots of it done for modesty reasons. Also a little bit for hygiene reasons) so I kept that consistent with the women of Camelot
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Also even though a lot of medieval media associates the revealed shoulders and the sleeves with interesting cutouts with woman's fashion at the time, a lot of actual historical imagery I was finding has a full coverage layer underneath known as the kirtle (mostly for hygiene purposes......though I'm sure modesty is also a factor)
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( Alicent where is your underlayer?? Cringe.)
But for Lady Bertilak I went full medieval fantasy and whipped out those sleeves that I always associate with princesses and gave her long flowing hair. Also interestingly I remember the story once emphasising her ~flirtatiously~ revealed shoulders. I wonder if that was a fashion choice still made back then, or if this is fantasy detailing, sort of like how the trash doctor drama TV show Doctor Odyssey will have doctors doing work on patients in full cocktail party attire a decision that is not based on any sort of reality but maybe hundreds of years from now if the media is preserved humans might assume that was how the doctors of our day dressed. HM!
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Lord Bertilak actually gave me a hard time with his look. I went in really only knowing I wanted to give him that Hozier inspired bun hairstyle. My reasoning being that like Lord Bertilak loves going hunting he's a kind of man of the woods.....but he's also supposed to be this hot Lord who is making Gawain question if he wants to join a very unchristian open marriage and when I think of man of the woods but make it glam I think of this dude
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but other than that I had no ideas on how to approach this 'same shape as the Green Knight but make him more warm and approachable' look I was trying to achieve, so I just made lots of sketches that got trashed pretty quickly. Also at the time I didn't know what colour scheme I wanted for these two yet, only that I wanted green as an accent colour to hint at his true identity (also because plot relevant green girdle) but not the MAIN COLOUR of their colour scheme. So anyways that's how you get this funny drawing of Lord Bertilak looking very Curious George's Yellow Guy vibes.
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Then it hit me in the most unexpected of places....
You're probably wondering "hey there is literally a fantasy historical King Arthur musical you are OBSESSED WITH why are you not turning to that for inspiration?" or maybe "why would you reference House of the Dragon earlier but not the much more famous Game of Thrones?" and the answer there is as cool as those costumes are they are taking a LOT of inspiration from modern runway fashion and that just wasn't the vibe I was looking for. But then one day as I played the Camelot bootleg as comfort background noise (normal behaviour) I found inspiration from THE UNDERRATED FASHION ICON SIR PELLINORE!
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I just really loved the long sleeveless drapery situation he had going on. I added the fur along the neckline for Lord Bertie though to make him more top heavy (like his Green Knight counterpart) and as a nod to hunting. but yes big props to Pellinore. ty king!
The contrasting shape language I used in the character design then informed all the extra prop details surrounding these characters.
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But to keep things consistent I tried to keep some similar design principles for costumes. They like drapery. They like big sleeve moments. Bold colours. Girdles to break up dress forms. Tunics that generally fall close to knees in length.
I think the coolest bit of research I did was I visited a church in my city and got some good pictures as reference for the green chapel. In the poem the green chapel really ends up being a grass mound but that's not really an impressive drawing to put in your portfolio so I got the idea to have a chapel so old that nature has overtaken it and there's a structure in this hill. The church is open to just look through for free without attending a mass, it's a bit of a tourist destination for good reason it's really well kept, I'd been telling myself to go check it out for years of living here now but this project was what got me to finally do it.
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I sketched some random object in there (this can be helpful even if you don't draw these things in your actual project just because it fills up your design bank in your brain) I also wish I took this picture but they had what looked like one of those office water coolers but it was labelled 'Holy Water' and I just thought that was funny. Sorry just wanted to share.
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Anyways this has been my incredibly long advertisement for your local library, your local tourist spots, cool art books, cool cartoons, The Green Knight poem, the kirtle, to try your best to make the art you wanna make because it will fill your heart with joy. Don't be precious about your art in a design project, just sketch like your life is ending in the next couple of hours, it's cool if you draw something like this
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There's definitely stuff I wish I had drawn, more props, something more to indicate Lord Bertilak's hunts (I also suck at drawing animals oop) and maybe those things will be drawn in the future, but I am happy to call this done for the time being :)
Did you get this far? Well thanks. ilu 🫶🏼
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theamityelf · 8 months ago
the survivors watching despair disease makoto in the simulation fuck everything up. His entire behavior reminded me that byakuya played with the crime scene in ch 2 of thh. Please can we have the real world reaction to despair disease makoto of the survivors (+maybe komaru...in my heart she's home by the time the neo world takes place.)
That's amazing. You've painted a picture for me where all of the other survivors, and also Komaru, are in the pod room watching the screens, and I like that a lot.
Makoto wakes up early, the morning he first comes down with despair disease, and he walks straight out the door, visibly clammy and in his pajamas.
"Something's wrong," Komaru says.
"W-What is it?" Toko asks, immediately covering her eyes. "Did someone die?"
"No, it's Makoto. He just...woke up and left his cabin. He didn't spend forever in the bathroom, he didn't even put shoes on, and he hates walking outside barefoot ever since the thumbtack incident. Hey, what's he doing?"
"It looks like he's ringing Nanami's doorbell," Kyoko observes. "A lot."
"Maybe he had one of those memory-dreams and he knows why he's in there, now?" Aoi suggests.
"That's...not the impression I get from his expression. He almost looks like he's doing it for no reason."
Indeed, he's walked away from the door by the time she opens it to see what's going on. When she eventually returns to bed, he goes and rings the doorbell again.
"Why's he ding-dong-ditching Chiaki?" Hiro wonders.
"Um..." Alter Ego looks nervous. "It looks like something's...wrong with him."
"Well, yeah. That's what we just-"
"Quiet, Hiro," Kyoko interrupts tersely. "What do you mean by that?"
"Well," Alter Ego continues, "Junko's virus seems like it's messing with his personality somehow. It's not just him; there are two others. It seems like it all comes down to that mysterious variable I told you about yesterday. That boolean, named 'dd', set to false for everyone. Well, an hour ago it was set to true for Makoto and two others. I've been going through all references to 'dd' in the code-"
"I thought you said it wasn't referenced anywhere," Byakuya protests.
"It wasn't. In the past two hours, she added conditionals that check for whether dd is set to true at any given time, and if it is-"
"He's throwing lawn chairs into the pool," Komaru observes.
"He looks sick," Aoi says. "Like he's going to pass out."
And after another minute of increasingly short-winded problem-causing, Makoto indeed collapses next to the hotel pool, basically just laying there in direct sunlight and feeling terrible.
The first few people on their way to breakfast ask him what he's up to, and he just says that he doesn't feel like getting up yet. Eventually, someone carries him into the hotel because he is drenched in sweat and so breathless he can barely talk.
When Monokuma explains the despair disease to everyone, those outside the simulation are all furious.
"Despair disease?" Kyoko protests. "Even for her, that-"
"That's not fair!" Komaru exclaims.
Inside the simulation, everyone is figuring out who has the disease.
"...and, Makoto," Hajime says. "You must have it, too."
Makoto, with his face resting on the breakfast table, says, "Have what?"
"D-Do you f-feel sick?" Mikan asks, tilting her head (and lowkey excited at the prospect that her friend needs her).
"I don't know, do I?" Makoto says.
"He's definitely not acting like himself," Hajime says.
"To be fair, that could just be a symptom of laying out in the sun for so long," Nagito points out.
"That's a good point," Makoto says. "You should all listen to Nagito more."
"Oh, he is sick," Nagito says, with a slightly disturbed look.
Outside the simulation:
"Can it be undone?" Byakuya demands.
"Once the variable is set to true, it can't be reverted until a murder happens," Alter Ego says helplessly.
"Can you keep it from being set to true for anyone else, in the future?" Kyoko asks.
"I can stop her from manually setting them to true, but the disease is coded to be contagious. I can't change that without giving up the bandwidth I'm using to maintain the rule system."
"Meaning, until another murder happens, despair disease is going to keep existing and spreading." Kyoko rubs her forehead in frustration, watching the onscreen Makoto flail around to make it harder for the others to carry him to the hospital.
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randomfoggytiger · 10 months ago
"I find it tasteless that you don’t really care what KF did to those young people as long as your golden boy comes out looking alright...."
"You’ll defend anything adjacent to D. I see a lot of arguments that do not have anything to back it up, like he probably acted inappropriately while drunk at a party before and so what? I’m taking about MP (who said she was drunk?) being unable to control herself because she needed everyone to know she was with D and touches his dick in her spare time. Disturbingly, that’s what seems to give her self-worth. All that is why she’s not very likable or tolerable. Evidence shows that chiropractic adjustments do more to harm than help, but as long as people feel they work everything is hunky-dory? It alarming that you don’t care about real harm being done to people’s spines because it’s D’s gf’s father providing the service? I can’t respect people who push any of that bull crap."
-@iwantapenguin, 2024
Lie, verb: lied; lying. To make an untrue statement with intent to deceive. To create a false or misleading impression.
Slander, verb: slandered, slandering. To make false and damaging statements about (someone).
Gloves off, then. But next time, tag me properly so I can be notified that you are going to abandon a civil discussion and resort to violence.
Post I'm responding to here (and tangentially, here.)
I shall also give you the curtesy of quoting you directly so that everyone can judge for themselves if my claims are valid, fair, or truthful.
**Note**: I do not begrudge anyone feeling disgusted or grossed out by age gap relationships: the majority of those relationships start from a bad place, continue in a bad place, and are doomed to fail or take both parties down with it. However, the accusations flung against David and Monique without merit-- not those that are or were provably awkward or roughshod -- are a waste of my time, energy, and brain power. Give me proof or give me death.
First: "Whataboutism?" Wherefore art thou, 'Whataboutism'?
Next: "People who post their family’s whole lives on social media for attention or to make money are vultures." Except Monique doesn't get a cut off of management deals, engagement, or even ads. DD and his kids have posted pics of their personal lives, homes, and vacations, as well. They not only let Monique continue to post pics and videos, but also respond to (West) or engage with (David) them. And hi, yes, hello, I also despise family vloggers because they exploit children who can't consent.
Next: "MP has thousands of followers she does not know, so private her account is not." ...What? You can have a private account and still have followers without following them. I know people who operate their dinosaur Facebook accounts like that, young and old generation; and they're most certainly private citizens. I know youngins and oldins who operate their Twitters like that. You probably do, too, or at least know someone who does. I'm hungry for facts, but nothing's been proven with that statement.
Next: "D is so clueless he didn’t know that Gillian was taking BTS pictures on TXF’s set to post on Instagram." David didn't know GA was posting their bts vids online, true; but he was also the one who brought up that she was "always taking pictures and videos" when they were discussing fan engagement; and he and she both laughed over it while he assured Gillian he was okay with "it", regardless.
Their exact dialogue, transcribed:
David: "You know how stupid I am? How innocent and naive I am? You would take a video and I'd go 'oh, cool'."
Gillian: *smiling* "And not realize that I was gonna post it?"
David: *smiling*: "Yeah, and then you'd post it. It'll be like, 'Oh. Well, I should have taken a look at that one.'
Both: *laughing*
Gillian: "Well, you never complained so I thought you were okay with whatever...."
David: "I AM o-- y'know, none of it was terrible; but it was like, I never think to do it."
Also, he clarified in May 2015 (before, as you theorize, Monique could have gotten her hands on his phone or publicly posted about him) that he doesn't trust social media because of the assumptions, misinterpretations, and no-going-back nature of technology: "The 54-year-old actor, who has daughter West, 16, and son Miller, 12, with ex-wife Téa Leoni, admits he only uses Twitter because he was ''prodded to do it.'' The 'Aquarius' star said: ''I'm skeptical of Twitter. I'm prodded to do it, and so I do it. But I feel like there is an opportunity to screw up constantly. You have to be careful. It doesn't go away anymore! I tell my kids the same thing.'" Not because of some high-minded but too-lazy-to-accomplish-her-schemes gold digger posting his private business behind his back.
Next: "A few of his daughter’s friends unfollowed her after the sneaky filming started. The photos are already out there for many people to see curtesy of MP, so I’ll document her ridiculous behavior." Perhaps. I don't discount it. But if David didn't have a problem posthumously with Gillian filming him then, and if he still doesn't have a problem with Monique filming him now-- and I know he doesn't because I've watched him play to the camera in some leaked vids others repost here or there-- it would make sense, logically, why West engaged in the same behavior then and now, on her own and with Monique. Some days he might not want to be on camera for all posterity-- indirectly implying that lightheartedly to Gillian in the above transcript-- hence the leg and feet filming.
Again, we. don't. know. If she's a monster or he's a monster, I cast them off into the abyss. But we, the public, have no actual, factual information of... anything, really, other than rumors, speculations, or opinions. What we do know is: he was fine with Gillian posting, even after being made aware of it. He's fine with West posting his apartment and their family activities. He was fine posting a pic of Miller to his own account. He seemed fine with West's boyfriend posting an intimate father-daughter hug for Bucky Dent's premiere. And he seems fine with Monique posting since then.
For every mention you have of West and her friends not engaging with Monique years ago, she most certainly does now. And you can't hide that fact behind West using her father as a leg up in the industry without bringing Tea's contacts from both entertainment and finance into the discussion. Tea who, by the way, has been more than cordial and civil in each outing and sighting with David, saying they're friends, saying they still love each other, telling him he's a good influence and father to West, etc. Even after the timeline you allege he started dating Monique. Even after the other dating timeline you allege she gave fans in a conversation somewhere. Even after he flew in and out of New York before the pandemic. Even after spending the pandemic locked down with his son.
Next: "The photos are already out there for many people to see curtesy of MP, so I’ll document her ridiculous behavior. I’m not his gf, I’ve made no vows to him. He likes to make money on voicing his feelings and opinions. While I’ll continue to comment on a public figure." 'Ridiculous behavior', you say, about an adult posting milestones or cute pictures and videos to her Instagram. Interesting. If she were trying to launch her own career-- which you and your responders have said before she would, a couple times, without anything coming to fruition (the archives don't lie)-- your argument would have a leg to stand on. But then again, David and Tea talked about explicit sex (and their sex lives) back in the day; rolled atop each other on a crowded, public beach; sold David's bottom-as-brush paintings for charity; and promoted her charitable causes during their various movie interviews... so, I would still retract half a point.
Next: "She should have the loyalty, respect, love and care to not use him for attention." Would you say he used her for attention during his performance the night before Bucky Dent, pointing at her and waiting for her response during one of his songs? Did he use her for attention during his recent stories about their private lives on recent podcasts? Did he use his children for attention on his podcasts? Did he use Tea for attention during their collaborations? Did she use him for attention to promote her friend's brand during their recent family vacation? If we broaden this out to its conclusion: do the Obamas use their children or each other for attention, setting aside their 'loyalty, respect, love, and care' for each other in order to do so? Or do they just say or post what they want within personalized limitations that are narrowed or broadened as relationships shift and grow?
Next: "He’ll hold her hand or leg in public now that his mother isn’t here to witness them. How romantic." David's stated in the past his mother didn't listen to what the talk shows said or read what the papers wrote about him. If you want to be really technical, he's also said she had dementia or Alzheimer's (can't recall which specifically) for a few years now; and that it was so advanced by the time of her death that she didn't recall one day from the next. Would she have disapproved? You bet your bottom dollar she probably did. She also would have disapproved of him being as explicit and cussy as he was for decades; and she would more than likely have disapproved of him getting tattoos; and she would have most definitely disapproved of all his youthful, adult, and older adult sexual shenanigans, innocent or not. That didn't stop him before.
To be even more technical, most of the pap shots of DD and MP are taken at Soho House and Erewhon Market, two celebrity hotspots that managers, publicists, and paparazzi use to prearrange meetups in order to get the celebrity's name out there in advance of the next promotional tour, as well as merge their interests to get a split of the photograph proceeds. (I covered the topic here.) All David has to do is show up--ultimately, they're business strolls. He's annoyed (even angry) at having to do it; but he still holds up his end of the celebrity bargain 'cuz that's Hollywood, baby. And he's always brought Monique along with him.
Next: "He pushed her hand away when people were looking before...." Continuing on my train of thought. The other times he and Monique were caught unawares by paparazzi (his band at the airport, Vancouver, the beach, etc.) were during the Revival hype. Monique didn't try to snuggle up, grab his hand, or get too close most incidences. The hand move you're referring to was, I believe, after a live show when he was super-duper keyed up, wanted to leave, and was followed (semi-circled?) by fans. Yeah, it could be a sign he wanted physical distance from her... except he acted out the exact same routine with his kids whenever they got papped or surrounded by a crowd: walking ahead of them, retreating into himself, not touching anyone unless they were feeling insecure or scared, looking serious or annoyed unless talked to or joked with. It was a clear pattern to me, so I guess I'm surprised you didn't notice it, too.
Next: "...and made her hold his arm like he was her gramps." I have an older couple-- 70s-- who have been married forever and still hold each other's arm like that, preferring to keep any romantic overtures tightly under wraps. I knew other older couples who would think that's rubbish or insanity. I know other young couples who are physically affectionate in public; and others who, again, would prefer to keep contact to a minimum. I've seen, read, or heard of every shade in-between; and I know you have, too. Maybe David likes how it makes him feel. Maybe Monique likes reenacting Austenian period dramas. Of all the accusations brought against them, this amuses me the most.
To be even more technical, I can pull up preeeeetty much all the paparazzi pics between he and MP in chronological (not release, they were reshuffled) order to prove that he initiated more contact with MP than the other way around, stemming as far back as 2017.
Next: "They didn’t have to have contact with Tim once he started dating their mother but they always did." First of all, I challenge you to prove that assertion. Second of all... why is that the focus of your question? Why did or didn't they have to? That's an assumption equal to the kids having no contact at all with MP for years. We don't know.
Tim said on a podcast that he and Tea shared a trailer to catch a nap early on in their relationship. Their coworkers suspected they were dating the entire first season, long before they announced it publicly (five-six months later around Christmas.) Tea and David previously married each other within eight weeks. Tea moves fast. We don't know how fast; but we do know one source alleged she and Tim were an item since summer (July) of 2014. David then filed for divorce in August, citing an "irretrievable breakdown of the marriage" (meaning Tea was ready to move on, that's her prerogative); and she and Tim spent Season 1 fake kissing but looked like they were "really kissing", according to an onset actor friend. All this to say, pretty sure Madam Secretary's pilot filmed in May; and if she and Tim were "on" by July, etc., it stands to reason she moves at the same pace as she did with her first husband; then David; then (presumably) Tim. Meaning, we don't know how much contact the kids had with Tim; but it was probably, likely, a lot. Monique, meanwhile, lived primarily in California; and she and the kids had separate worlds, we assume, until West graduated and started forming her own relationship behind the scenes. Miller seems to have followed suit; and the rest is history. All of those are provable facts because we have what David and Tea have said about and done with each other; what Tea and Tim have said about each other; what observers have confirmed or denied on all angles of the situation; and what the kids were doing then and doing now.
Next: "She smoked, loved red meat, wasn’t a gym rat etc. It’s just a little thing, not marriage ending but people fair better the more similar their habits." Your previous implication in the comments of our last chat here was that they wouldn't have lasted long because David couldn't mold Tea into the woman HE wanted. You assume he cheated, cheated, cheated until rehab, then cheated, cheated, cheated some more until their second and final breakup (despite the fact sources from her side said the final dissolution was due to her love not being the same as pre-rehab, not that he'd kept acting reprehensibly), then hooked up with a 19-year-old mercenary social climber that, somehow, waited two years before accidentally leaking where she and her boyfriend would be working out (in a reply to the owners of the Instagram gym they would be going to... which means someone had to have been stalking who she was talking to in order to find that information, hm) so he could no longer hide her away like a dirty secret. Those aspects of Tea were brought up to subtly back your larger point, which was to lay the blame at David's feet one way or another. If he deserves it, lay it there. But prove that he deserves it.
Next: "MP is at his beck and call, she will also twin him without hesitation." MP at his beck and call? ...Or maybe she's down to fly free to any cool new location, down to fly wherever he is because he's her boyfriend and she loves him, down to enjoy a financial freedom we mortals could only dream of having, etc., etc.? Assumptions on all sides; and, again, no proof.
Next: "They didn’t follow each other before because they didn’t interact in real life either. She had to leave when they were visiting up until 2022 and 2023. They didn’t have to have contact with Tim once he started dating their mother but they always did." Never denied that was the case. Still don't buy there was some grand conspiracy happening behind the scenes to keep the kids away from the disgusting age gap relationship and the dastardly, evil machinations MP was concocting on her evil Instagram account. I need hard proof before I believe assumptions.
Next: "Regarding Téa you are assuming she must be ok with MP because she’s good with D but I’m pointing out that she admitted she still wanted to strangle him sometimes for the things he does on a national television show" I never said Tea was okay with MP, just that she's more than okay with David despite his relationship.
Also, Tea's throttle comment disproves your angle, actually. Might as well throw it in here because that's a point you've not let go.
Tea's comment with full context:
In fact, the exes are on very amicable terms and talk almost every day, they even shared a rental home with all of their family over the Christmas period. But this doesn't mean the pair's current relationship is always smooth sailing. “On occasion, I want to throttle him,” she said of her former hubby. "But in any real relationship with someone you love, that’s true.”
Tea's quote the previous year, fresh from divorce:
"Listen, David gave me the two greatest gifts on the planet; I don't know how I could ever hate him. We've always loved each other, and we adore these kids," the 'Jurassic Park 3' actress said of her children, Kyd Miller, 12, and Madelaine West, 15. "I'm not playing stupid-I understand feelings can get hurt and things can get icky. We've had our moments like that. But these kids are too important, and he feels the same way. I know it," she continued. "He's a good guy."
Next: "Of course MP showed everyone the second she first hung out with both of them to no one’s surprise." This doesn't hold up in court, either, because West and her boyfriend gushed over MP all summer. West would have complained to her mom or dad if she felt uncomfortable with the video posted; and neither parent have would let that happen again. Furthermore, guess who was relaxed, smiling, and engaging with the camera, other than Monique? West. Guess who hugged up on Monique while her dad and Ben Stiller celebrated Bucky Dent's release with a performance? West. Guess who gave Monique a happy Happy Birthday message? West. Guess who attended a Taylor Swift concert with Monique? West. Guess who went with her to London to, as you say, "babysit" Monique? West. Guess who celebrated her birthday in New York with, you assume, Monique? West. Guess who'll be elsewhere with Monique in future? Probably West.
Next: "What are you taking about fixing things because of what’s written about her? She made fun of people for saying her friend was her boyfriend because they were disgusted by thought of David dating her and didn’t want to believe she was for real. So that was proof she was reading a few tumblrs when her name was first revealed." Logical inference but incomplete reasoning, I believe. David knows exactly what was said about his House of D movie; David knows what everyone was saying and has said about him during his rehab, reunion, and divorce; Tea knows what might be said and forbids Tim to talk about her in interviews; I know and you know what is being said about each other, which is why we're here (but at least I'll respond to you properly with a reblog or @); and Monique knows what people say about her because she possibly Googled herself or, I don't know, took a look at the vitriol in her comments section-- a few of which you've reposted in the past so even I got to see them. Lovely times. Again, no definitive proof.
Next: "How am I supposed to know if she’s read my blog? But what a dedicated reader you are." Thank you, I'll take that as a compliment instead of a barb. I began poking around your archives right around the time you made a post trying to debunk my David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson seasonal palette posts. (If you're trying to put me off, consider that you brought up our difference of opinion once again in the midst of an entirely separate talk about Monique and David's relationship.) You didn't have the curtesy to @ me then (and now); but I started scrolling while waiting for you to respond, came across a host of information, and decided to come back later to iron out some details. Needless to say, you can't passive-aggressively point a finger at me when your posts are supposed to be public to begin with, not even coyly private like you claim Monique's Instagram account is. One pointing forward, three pointing back, after all.
While we're on the topic, I also caught a lie you told during our previous conversation. Back in 2019? you put a cryptic message saying you didn't believe David and West were close because of Monique; and when West posted the next day for Father's Day, you followed up with another cryptic post hinting MP was reading her Tumblr detractors; and when another user called you out for that, you denied, denied, denied that was your intent; and then you confirmed that that had been your intent to me (in essence, restating that you believe MP keeps up with her anti Tumblr accounts and pressures DD's kids through him to post nice family tributes so they'll cover for her manipulative tactics actively destroying everyone's hunky dory life.) It's the same train of thought as "Gillovny is married"; except your theories are couched with half facts instead of pure insanity.
Next: "She’s never looked anorexic to me so thin yes but not too thin. D was only shockingly thin after Téa left him for good in 2011. My criticism has alway been to question the men in her life and her surroundings pushing her to get plastic surgery and to over exercise which made her much slimmer than she was before. Is that constructive enough?" Yes, actually; because this ties beautifully into my next point about your warfare tactics.
Indirect aggression is a form of aggression that hides behind "my opinion" or "my two cents" to bully others without receiving backlash. While it can be used in sexually competitive environments (in same sex bullying, for example), it mainly extends to interpersonal groups, families, and anonymous online forums. To quote National Library of Medicine: "According to Björkqvist [15], females prefer to use indirect aggression over direct aggression (i.e. verbal and physical aggression) because this form of aggression maximizes the harm inflicted on the victim while minimizing the personal danger involved. The risk to the perpetrator is lower because he/she often remains anonymous, thereby avoiding a counterattack. As well, indirect aggression harms others in such a socially skilled manner that the aggressor can also make it appear as if there was ‘no intention to hurt at all’." I recommend reading the study: it has a few fascinating things to say about perceived threats and thinness, as well.
The study continues: "Indirect aggression is circuitous in nature and entails actions such as getting others to dislike a person, excluding peers from the group, giving someone the ‘silent treatment’, purposefully divulging secrets to others, and the use of derisive body and facial gestures to make another feel self-conscious." While I can't see your face while typing out a post, your words do a sufficient enough job: "When has she ever been stunning honestly? She’s comparable to Perry Reeves and Suzanne Lanza. Average, a little masculine, thin and no sagging. The face doesn’t matter to men like David, nor intellect."
Another quote from a study published on PubMed Central: "In indirect aggression, the aggressor often uses others in the social group to harm the target and may avoid direct confrontation, whereas in direct aggression, the aggressor either physically or verbally confronts the target." Examples? Posting one's opinions about another person indirectly to their blog by not, say, tagging or addressing the 'opposition' directly, leaving them to be told about it or stumble onto it later before they can defend themselves... that might, perhaps, fit the bill. As would calling David and Monique names; then, when given pushback, telling detractors they don't need to care about your opinions, anyway. (For the record, I don't. Just found it fascinating to study the oh so subtle shifts of your narrative back and forth. That compliment's a freebie, by the way-- I try to hand out at least one in each negatively bent post.)
Don't get me wrong: if Monique were a provably bad person, I'd dust off my hands and let you have at. But for all your opinions, you have very few facts; and the mess-ups, flubs, or ill-thought actions on MP's part you have mentioned are so disparate and scattered-- and rarely repeated-- that they look less like condemning incidents and more like overblown reactions to mundane or innocent mistakes.
And before you write off my points by claiming I'm claiming you're jealous of Monique or some such nonsense, one of the above studies openly acknowledges that indirect aggression is not built on the premise of intrasexual competition strategy: "...developmental psychologists have tended to not conceptualize females' use of indirect aggression as an intrasexual competition strategy."
Next: "Again with the whataboutism." Art thou 'Whataboutism'?
Next: "So you were at the after party to see people’s reactions and parties where D’s been drunk?" No, and neither were you. You were also not at David's apartment when Monique and the kids might or might not have been there; you were also not in the room when David and Tea and the kids discussed Tim or Monique; and you were also not in either Monique's or David's head during the posts, blocks, unfollows, refollows, etc. decisions that were made. I merely commented on the fact that you have brought up his drinking before events in in the past, your reactions to it, others on here's reactions to it, and David's circle of friends, and what I do and don't know of said friends' behavior in the past.
Next: "D and T were inappropriate but consensual. PM pulled G’s bikini bottom down when she was trying to close the umbrella and I slammed him for that too. She was humiliated and embarrassed when the pictures were released." Conflation. David and Tea were surrounded by people in both instances, knew others could see them, and didn't care, inappropriate or not. Peter Morgan and Gillian were on a private vacation; and their privacy was infringed on by the paparazzi and media. For all the negative talk that came out of that incident, not one person stated that G was unwilling, visibly uncomfortable, or angry at Peter Morgan for doing so; only that she was "humiliated and embarrassed" after the fact. The problem in BOTH situations is that PM and MP were groping their partners in what they took for granted as private situations-- I have a casual understanding of David's friends and wouldn't be surprised if they didn't care about her or his antics in the long run-- and were filmed without any parties' consent.
Next: "D did not know what MP was doing, he almost spilled his drink jumping back away from her and he did not look like he enjoyed that trick in a room full of strangers." I saw the video a couple times. Did you not catch his smirk once he realized she wasn't trying to tickle his stomach but was doing a game to end up at his junk? It wasn't a polite one, either. If she had intentionally crossed a boundary and made him uncomfortable, I don't condone that behavior.
Next: "Defending that kind of public humiliation is repugnant." That's a lie, and you know it. Not once in our conversation have I taken the position of condoning, endorsing, or rug sweeping manipulative, abusive, coercive, or other boundary stomping behaviors. They are repugnant to me; and though being called 'repugnant' doesn't make a dent because you have no proof to back up your claim. And, frankly, it speaks to your character that you would try to blacken mine.
Next: "I find it tasteless that you don’t really care what KF did to those young people as long as your golden boy comes out looking alright."
Excuse you, that is a lie and slander.
In the comments of our previous conversation, I stated over and over he was a pimp. He should absolutely rot for what he's done. But you assume that Monique is just as guilty: benefiting from a business relationship with him, sweeping his treatment of other girls under the rug, using a victim's story to score back pats for herself. The reality is, the victim sided with Monique, both when MP supported her in the comments and when MP posted her own Instagram story sharing she'd been "there" before. Foregoing the obvious conclusion, you posted their first back and forth with other comments tearing Monique apart as the secret villain in this tragic story. That's disgusting, in my opinion. I tried to understand why you got to that conclusion; but if not only her friends, not only her coworkers, but the victim HERSELF is standing by Monique, then it is not the time to vindictively insinuate she exercised the same mean, grasping, oily tactics as her former boss. Further, that she was exploiting someone else's tragedy and trauma for her own gain.
Next: "She can be immature and also be a user who uses situations to her advantage." To quote you once again: that's a lie. Prove it. You can't. You can only assume what her intent, motives, and actions are based on your inference of her character.
Next: "...the old greasy celebrity rocker KR was trying to push on them." You can't prove that; and until you can, I can sit here and say it's a lie. It's your inference against mine.
Next: "She did not say she was mistreated by her boss." I never said her boss mistreated her. I never even got that indication from the post you spread around. She related to her coworker's experience through her personal one. Just because KR was an absolute monster to other girls doesn't mean he was a monster to all of them: monsters, abusers, and manipulators pick on the weakest person who has no one to stand behind and back them up. Her father, for instance, would have been a not insignificant buffer. He's well-connected in California, or so you imply by saying he's met David before. And it stands to reason he would be, supplement and wellness culture being what it is in the Golden State.
Next: "According to you MP was an adult and mature enough so she should have know what those special favors from the boss looked like to everyone else." Let's not get into the "his family and friends should have known Ted Bundy was a horrible person" of it all. No one knows what they're not aware of. I have a close, close family member who grew up adoring an abuser because he'd never abused her; yet was horrified and had to process the fact her other sibling was being used for everything short of penetration. To quote a good ol' Aslan meme: "Do not cite the deep magic to me, Witch! I was there when it was written."
Next: "She wrote a short perfunctory show of support for damage control and went back to thanking her lucky stars she now has an easy life of privilege living in a multi-million dollar Malibu home by the ocean thanks to her boss at SLO." First: prove it. You can't with any degree of fact. Second: I'd be thanking my lucky stars, too. So would you. So does everyone who's been in a tangential situation to an abuser and escaped unscathed-- so unscathed that they didn't even know the boss was perpetuating abuse. And that can at least be proven because, as you say, MP's boyfriend was still buying from that shop days before everything broke out; and she publicly empathized with and received empathy from the victim right after. Has the victim made a scathing comment calling out Monique later? Nope. Bet they're still on good terms, too.
Next: "What else does a very rich 54 year old man want from a 21 year old but lots of sex and an easy relationship with someone who doesn’t know any better?" Lots of sex, an easy relationship free of the complicated dynamics of children from other relationships, and someone to love and love him. Seems logical to me. What is unacceptable in age gap relationships are the predators who aim for 21-year-olds (or 19-year-olds, as you posit) because they pull women their age and can't aim lower; and who lock 'em down and knock 'em up as quickly as possible so they can't escape. Or those who say "yeah, sure, I'll marry you" while dragging their feet until the girl (as they see her) gives up and stays or gets up and leaves. If the latter, they start fresh with another young woman who might not see through their routine bag of tricks. David, for all his faults, has stated his intentions up front and publicly: he's not marrying again. He still wears the ring tattoo from his previous relationship. He relived the trauma of a broken home through his own actions. He still can't dwell on the pain his kids went through during that time. Unless he decides to change his mind, Monique's outta luck. Yet, I don't believe she cares as much as you do if they do get married or not. Certainly not as far as either of us can prove, anyway. By the way, Tea and Tim haven't married yet, either; and they've been together provably longer than Monique and David.
Next: "She was male celebrity obsessed, younger but she went with the one who came into the shop and showed interest." Prove it. You can't. Let's say that's the case: she would've hopped to a new person long before now. David's got friends, she's gone to his parties, she's met his people. Opportunists don't sit long with a second option when they get an opportunity to grab for their first. I read your old posts about her Twitter/Instagram follows; but none of you take into account if she was following other people and pruned those people out as her interests changed. You also can't prove when she followed those accounts: the next day after she opened her account? A month after? A year after? I have accounts open I've never used; I have family and friends that do, as well. Let's say she opened it right away and began using it: again, when did she follow those accounts? Were those celebrities part of a collective that her boss or coworkers said came into the shop? Did she prune out the others after seeing them in person? Why? Because you assume other celebrities are immune to her masterfully unskilled manipulation, but David wasn't?
Next" "You’ll defend anything adjacent to D."
That's a lie.
Prove it. He had to go into a sex addiction program because he hurt his wife and kids. He talks about saving the planet yet doesn't take more than bare minimum actionable steps himself. (What he does in his personal life is of no concern to me; but it is hypocritical of him.) If he backs up Chris Carter against Gillian in the Revival controversy, I will lose a qualitative amount of respect for him (because there is actual, factual proof of wrongdoing on Chris's part to his longtime friend and mother of his goddaughter.) He has blind spots, faults, weaknesses, and failures like any other person.
Next: "I see a lot of arguments that do not have anything to back it up, like he probably acted inappropriately while drunk at a party before and so what?" No, my comment was even you have picked at DD for drinking before his shows. That even he has probably acted on impulse before or during a party. That even he didn't seem too bothered after he realized MP wasn't tickling him. That his expression changed when he saw someone filming their interaction. I also pointed out his and Tea's post-rehab reconciliation shenanigans of equal and greater caliber (having a jolly time at a public ballgame and rolling on top of each around other beachgoers.) I also pointed out that GA had a Portofino moment. Would I grab my boyfriend's junk if we were in public? No. But David did with Tea. The only difference between those situations was DD and T had the power of denial on their side while MP was not afforded that luxury. You called her behavior trashy; but posting someone's junk grab to the internet without their consent is trashier to me.
Next: "Disturbingly, that’s what seems to give her self-worth." Prove it, with testimony and evidence other than assumptions you and other Tumblr, Instagram, or Twitter jockeys assume and interpret. Give me a firsthand witness of her behavior. Give me a former friend or a colleague. Give me a family member. Give me someone other than people on Twitter being blocked by DD's account and assuming it's her. Further, give me proof what they were saying before they were blocked: I don't give mercy to people being snide, snarky, or vile and boohooing about it later. You don't, either, so I'm sure you'll respect that quality.
Next: "Evidence shows that chiropractic adjustments do more to harm than help...."
That's a lie, and a pretty brazen one.
WebMD, MayoClinic, Medical News Today, healthline, and more medical websites and journals have articles promoting chiropractic methods, as well as the warning signs like any other medical procedure. The only disclaimer they put up was that chiropractic adjustments haven't shown a conclusive improvement in athletic achievement.
One of their articles state: "All chiropractors must earn a postgraduate degree (DC), taking up to 4 years to complete, and are required 90 semester hours of undergraduate coursework, and some programs require a bachelor's degree. All states also require chiropractors to be licensed." And all medical doctors and nurses are required to be licensed if they practice medicine; yet, bad apples slip through the cracks. It's slander to paint me as a blackhearted, single-minded, "let them eat cake" person towards victims of possible scammers, manipulators, and frauds just because I don't fall in line with your viewpoint. Further, you indirectly lump me in with your public statements about her "snake oil salesman" father without having any proof whatsoever that chiropractic practice is detrimental other than a few studies-- which I hope you didn't lie about looking up, too-- that the medical community doesn't even stand behind, while using them as your sword and shield. All because you didn't have concrete proof against Monique's father, all because Monique is dating David, all because you don't like their relationship.
More quotes and linked studies from healthline: "For example, in a 2015 study, researchers found that a group of 544 people in chiropractic care reported a high level of satisfaction. ...A 2016 study found that the Cobb angle in a group of five children with scoliosis improved after 8 weeks of chiropractic treatment. Noticeable improvements were seen after 4 weeks of treatment. ...A 2017 case study examined the effect of chiropractic treatment on a 27-year-old woman suffering from back pain, neck pain, and headaches caused by hyperkyphosis posture." They even provide guidelines to find a chiropractor-- "Ask for recommendations from your doctor, physical therapist, or other healthcare provider." And-- "Ask your friends, coworkers, or family members if they have any recommendations."
Next: "Evidence shows that chiropractic adjustments do more to harm than help, but as long as people feel they work everything is hunky-dory?" Prove it. I have genetic backproblems riddling the maternal side of my family; and my great grandmother, a nurse, and her daughter, my grandmother, both had their spines slowly realigned over time with chiropractic procedures. From an almost noticeable hunch to an almost straight line.
Next: "It alarming that you don’t care about real harm being done to people’s spines because it’s D’s gf’s father providing the service?" I also have a maternal family member who suffers from severe back pain every day but can't afford treatment where she lives. You know how I help? Reflexology. Every time, it takes her back from a ~8/10 to almost nothing-- and this from a woman hypersensitive to her body's workings and with an incredible pain tolerance. And yet, I'd be the first person to sign her up for surgery if I could. I regularly push her to seek medical attention for the most minor inconveniences.
I'm sorry to say that you are either: A. blinded by my lack of agreement into misinterpreting my words to fit your own narrative-- which is really probable, actually-- or B. willfully telling lies, to yourself or others, because it helps you feel like you've come off on top of an argument.
I'm not interested in creating a rift or a war. I'm also not interested in lies, slander, gossip, and bullying disguised as "this is my opinion."
You can attest I've been nothing but kind, overly so, in the past; and that I didn't ever strike out unless you struck first-- and even then, only to mimic your words or phrases back to you.
I do not respect your opinions: they are baseless and poisonous.
I do not respect your tactics: they are beneath you and I.
I do not respect your lies and slander: that is a given.
Fare thee well. I'm sure we shall speak again.
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liftfox · 1 year ago
I have blender and krita downloaded. When I tried krita it just did not run well on my computer, so despite all the nice things I've heard I haven't used it.
I tend to default to facing left. I mainly do 3/4 faces.
Abel is one of my oldest characters, as he originally was created when I was in middle school prior to me utilizing him for a dnd campaign (of course, he's seen some large changes during that). A general affinity for creatures, mainly dragons, probably carries through to some extent. My previous 1920's era obsession definitely carries through, though rather than using the era itself as a setting I mainly steal the style.
Abel is my baby bastard boy, and his armor is way too fucking complicated. Malfis's revised demon design comes second I think due to how I had massive difficulties actually posing him in a way that shows the design off.
I post most finished art, though there's a significant portion of time where I had literally no socials for posting. I also don't post art to socials that I make for other people or projects (ex. artfight).
Witch Hat Atelier may have massively influenced my love of adding stuff that flows to characters (ex. long hair, scarves, capes).
Sewing, knitting, and croquet! Massive respect.
The biggest one would be a series of character designs based on the periodic table. I got to sodium before I burned out, but that project was a massive aid in my improvement and even just designing 11 characters is a decent chunk of work.
Character name, one or two words to describe (typically sketch), date in MM-DD-YYYY
Anything flow-y.
Random stuff on spotify, like recommendations. If I have one, a character playlist for whatever I'm doing.
Unsure. I feel decidedly neutral about all body parts, but likely arms?
I respect a lot of youtuber artists, but most of their styles don't appeal to me. The main example for myself would be Lavendertown.
Any excuse to do bright red in strong contrast with something else. Aka blood.
My room mainly. I doodle between or during some college classes.
I feel like I'm best at what I like doing because I practice those things more. Suppose I would say just normal animals and fanart?
Generally just have water or tea.
Not many recently. I've swapped mainly to tablet, which is not broken and never had been, and pens for doodles.
Plants are fun.
Hands. They can still be a struggle, but I generally like looking at references because getting hands right is so satisfying.
My style is all over the place, so it's difficult to say "nothing like". I enjoy art that's super eye bleedy with bold lines and clean shapes.
Uh, none. Not sure if that's bad.
Yeah. The bulk of what I paint is on one layer, but often I may use layer modes to create starting points or adjust stuff.
I just get random images online or take pictures of myself, so sometimes.
I haven't posted much online and I don't remember any comparisons really. The one that sticks out to me is a comparison to Mando. No, it is not Mando, it is just a modification on a spartan helm where the insides are stylized to be dark.
Again, I've shown my art to so few people I don't know.
Not really? I guess I use my rough sketches to warm up, or just draw some lines.
Only artfight.
Don't know.
I'm really proud of the angel carving art I did. It doesn't perfectly match the look of stonework, but I think it's a cool blend of textures and I'm proud of how the shapes turned out.
Weirdly Specific Artist Ask Game
Didn't see a lot of artist ask games, wanted to make a silly one.
(I wrote this while sick out of my mind last year and it's been collecting dust in my drafts, I might as well let it run free) 1. Art programs you have but don't use
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
3. What ideas come from when you were little
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
5. Estimate of how much of your art you post online vs. the art you keep for yourself
6. Anything that might inspire you subconsciously (i.e. this horse wasn't supposed to look like the Last Unicorn but I see it)
7. A medium of art you don't work in but appreciate
8. What's an old project idea that you've lost interest in
9. What are your file name conventions
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
11. Do you listen to anything while drawing? If so, what
12. Easiest part of body to draw
13. A creator who you admire but whose work isn't your thing
14. Any favorite motifs
15. *Where* do you draw (don't drop your ip address this just means do you doodle at a park or smth)
16. Something you are good at but don't really have fun doing
17. Do you eat/drink when drawing? if so, what
18. An estimate of how much art supplies you've broken
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
22. What physical exercises do you do before drawing, if any
23. Do you use different layer modes
24. Do your references include stock images
25. Something your art has been compared to that you were NOT inspired by
26. What's a piece that got a wildly different interpretation from what you intended
27. Do you warm up before getting to the good stuff? If so, what is it you draw to warm up with
28. Any art events you have participated in the past (like zines)
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
30. What piece of yours do you think is underrated
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bonny-kookoo · 5 years ago
Good Girl [J.JK x Reader]🔞🌼
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, a lil angst
Warnings: dom/sub dynamics, dom!jungkook, sub!Reader, size kink, oral (f & m rec.), mild dd/lg themes, praise kink, cumplay, reader is a virgin, jungkook is lowkey a hoe, a lil heartbreak, Taehyung makes an appearance, long haired jungkook, mentions of harrassment, jungkook punches a guy, strength kink
Jeon Jungkook was known to have a specific type when it came to his partners; tall, gorgeous, dominant and older. It's not like he's a true blood baby boy; he's just too lazy to put any effort into his flings. When a new girl answers to his ad online searching for a roommate for his apartment to share rent and space however, he didn't quite expect such an innocent being to turn up at his doorstep with a box full of pastel colored belongings, ready to move in. And what he definitely didn't expect was his growing interest in her and the feeling of having her under him, all submissive and ready to be ruined.
Good Girl || Sweet Girl || Smart Girl || Brave Girl || Pretty Girl || Charming Girl || Enticing Girl || Bad Girl || ???
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A wink was all he got from the woman who'd occupied his bed together with him last night as she walked out his bedroom door, seemingly knowing how to get out of his apartment. Jungkook ran his hand through his still sweaty hair, groaning after stretching his arms above his head, his mood seemingly sunkissed. He just finished an almost three hour sex-session after all; all without him providing any actual effort. His dick had seemed to be enough for her anyways, her face when she rode him happy, although he could really care less.
Reaching for his laptop near his bed, he didn't bother to put on any clothes for now, just wanting to check if he'd gotten any new E-Mails or messages, clicking through the casual nudes that constantly seemed to slip into his postbox. He cocked his head to the side however when he noticed that a website has notified him of an answer to his ad online; he'd put it up some time ago now after Taehyung, his former roommate, had to move out simply because Jungkook himself couldn't survive the older one's sleep shedule. Tae seemed to never sleep, waking the younger one up on a daily (and nightly) basis. He really tried to get along with him, both of them sharing a deep friendship, but god no, as a roommate he couldn't stand that guy. His rent however was something he struggled as well, so as much as he really wanted to live alone, he couldn't. He clicked the message on the website, his interest peaked.
"Hello. Is this AD still up to date? My name is Y/N, and I'm searching for a place because I'm starting to work close by soon, and its too expensive to take the bus for hours on end every day.. so uh, I don't know? I'm really good at cooking, and I promise I'll be so quiet and organized you won't even notice I'm there! I work at a restaurant nearby as a waitress- I mean, I'm going to, haha. Ugh, I hope you're okay sharing your apartment with a girl as well, I for my part don't have a problem with that! So, I guess, I'll wait for your reply?
Have a nice day!"
He scoffed a little, hovering over the delete button, but instead, he clicked her profile icon, opening the details. Her profile picture showed a white big dog, being hugged by what he assumed was her. He couldn't see her face however, half of her face above her nose cropped out to fit the entire dog instead. He could spot her clothes however; a top and skirt, flat shoes and sheer tights with white spots on them. His brows furrowed, how old was she? Her profile said she was about a year younger than him, every post she'd made up to this date about pet stuff, clothes who all seemed to follow a pastel-color scheme, and artwork you seemed to be selling. You were basically the definition of cute.
Fan-fucking-tastic. Hopefully you wouldn't be too upset when he denied your request, but somehow he thought it over. You said you could cook and you did seem like an organized person. Knowing what kind of effect he could have on people, he could probably scare the shit out of you and keep you around without really having to interact much; and rent was also due this month, so the sooner he found a roommate the better. "Fuck it." He said, and began to type his reply.
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When his doorbell rang, he almost burned his hand with the hot water he currently used to make himself a cup of ramen, cursing loudly. Who the fuck wasn't home again so he had to take their package in? One day the old lady across the hall would find a dead rat or something in front of her door, he swore to himself. Ripping the door open with so much force he could feel a bit of wind gushing by, his eyes widened when he saw a similar face in front of him- well, a little below actually. He remembered your lips instantly for some awkward reason, having tried to maybe paint a picture of what you looked like entirely over the last few days. He would've never expected something like this however- you looked like a literal doll in his opinion, your eyes wide open and mouth a little parted, shiny lipgloss making him swallow. Wait, did he really forget that you said you wanted to move in today?!
"I uh.. I'm- I'm Y/N, we- I- the ad..?" You said, your voice sounding nothing like the woman he usually was around. He smirked a little, moving so you could step inside, food now definitely forgotten on the kitchen counter. He really should've at least cleaned up a little he thought. Whatever.
"Yeah, figured. There you go, thats your room. The keys and shit are on the matress, make sure you don't loose 'em." He simply said, before leaving you alone in your new home to settle down.
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"What I'm trying to say is, Y/N, you and I, this could really be something!" Taehyung slurred into your ear, loud enough for Jungkook to hear. For some reason it pissed him off to no ends how close the older one seemed to be, constantly hitting on you like he was a starving man, even know half of town knew very well that he wasn't. He could see why; you were innocent, and Tae known to fool around a lot. You were a challenge, something new for him, and he would lie if he said that he wasn't interested as well. Oh he was; but he also had at least some manners left inside of him, contrary to popular belief not only thinking with his dick. Taehyung however was only out for fun, making Jungkook question if he should really let this continue.
He decided no.
"Alright you fucking whore, it's bedtime isn't it? I'll call you a cab." Taehyung groaned at the younger one's words, nodded his head however before looking at you with a smirk.
"Ah, what a shame. But if you wanna have some fun you know my number!" He said, as if he didn't just offer you sex. You blushed at this, not answering, making Jungkook watch you a bit. You really were something else. "Jungkookie, you're so nicee... If I was gay I would definitely suck your dick-" The younger in question made a disgusted yet amused face, putting a hand over the blue haired one's mouth.
"Yeah yeah, you pay me back though you fucker." He said, before going into the kitchen to make the call. Taehyung, being left alone with you again started with his questioning, as he had done the entire night.
"So, Y/N.." He said, dragging out the last syllable of your name playfully, making you shuffle around where you were sitting a bit. He certainly was a pretty attractive guy, but he also seemed to be very straightforward- something you always had struggled with, being more on the shy side. You looked at him, silently urging him to continue before taking a sip of your own beer- cherry flavored, simply because the regular was too bitter in your opinion. "What kind of toys do you use, heh?" He questioned, and you coughed suddenly. Taehyung laughed loudly at that, cooing when you calmed down slowly.
"Taehyung, stop harassing my roommate you fucking idiot. I need her to pay half of the rent-" He said, before sitting down next to you, raising one of his eyebrows at you. "And she also makes some killer lasagna. Kinda wanna keep that." He said, before laughing a bit. Even though Jungkook seemed to be pretty intimidating to you, he was actually a pretty good guy to have around. You both barely ever fought, and overall you could almost see yourself falling for him too- he had the looks after all. But his habit of bringing people over just to satisfy himself was something that made you keep some distance between you both. He wasn't someone to settle down- let alone with someone like you. You were pretty much the exact opposite of what he seemed to like.
Sending Tae home was easier than you both thought. Not being able to go to bed you both decided to watch some late night shows while casually talking- something that wasn't uncommon between you two. Just when you seemed to have gotten comfortable again, Jungkook couldn't help but tease you again.
"So, what Toys do you use, heh?" He said, laughing with his head thrown back afterwards at your red face. This would certainly never get old in his opinion. Just as he was about to apologize and tell you you didn't have to answer, your voice was heard, however.
"None." You said, and his eyes widened at that. "What? Do I look like I do these things to you?" You asked, and he cocked his head to the side a bit, scanning you obviously. He shrugged, and you began to pout, moving to wrap your pastel pink blanket around yourself. "I don't even know how to buy one. That stuff is just.. don't know. Gross." You said, and Jungkook turned on the couch, body facing you now, his interest sparked.
"Gross? So you never had sex before?" He said, and you went silent. Were you serious right now? You were an angel in his eyes, body proportions almost perfect, hell, even your slight imperfections were adorable in his eyes. Up until now he had been sure that you at least have had your fair share of experience, but a virgin? His world was suddenly turned upside down. "Well.. that's something I didn't expect." He said, making you raise your eyebrows at him. "You're hot. Thats why. Oh well." He said, missing the way your eyes widened at that. "I'm gonna go to bed now. Goodnight." He simply said, and you answered with a short 'goodnight' as well- still a bit surprised by his statement. Jungkook thought.. you were attractive?
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He'd somehow gotten used to you, how you would leave your pastel pink but admittedly really soft blanket in a pile on one edge of the couch in the living room, how you sometimes left your toothbrush in the sink when you'd been in a hurry, or how you would hum to a song, not knowing he could hear you very clearly. Maybe he really did go soft after living with you for a while. He still didn't know himself why he got so upset with Taehyung the day prior; was he really being selfish? He was protecting you, nothing more. Taehyung was everything but a gentle lover, jungkook just knew he'd break you for sure, not to mention that you already stated how much you despised one night stands, which were practically Taehyungs speciality. He was just looking after you, nothing more.
The more he thought about it however, the more problematic the entire plan became.
But even now, while the young woman whose name he had already forgotten was giving it her all sucking his dick, all that seemed to swim around in his head were the events of the previous evening; how innocent and embarrassed you looked at him when you told him you'd never bought, let alone use a toy before. Surely you'd be someone to enjoy a good vibrator he thought, maybe as a gag he could buy you one? Oh how enchanting you'd look, spread out on his mattress while he would edge you over and over until you'd be crying, begging for his mercy. He would praise you for taking it so well, for being so good for him and only him, and he just knew you would blush. Instead of rushing to his own satisfaction, he would go slow, agonizingly slow, just to see how far he could push you. He would feast on you like a predator on his prey, pull you close so you had no chance of escaping him, he would trace every curve of your skin, gently, as if to make up for the bruises and Mark's he would surely leave all over you to feed his inner need to claim you, even though he would never let anyone see you like this while he was alive and breathing anyways. He just knew you would fit perfectly underneath him, his body covering you and shielding you away from the world around. Would you be able to take all of him? He probably would have to stretch you real good before even thinking about pushing his dick inside you, yet he just knows you would somehow make him proud and take it all, and he would continue his praises, telling you what a good girl you are.
He almost laughed at the situation, he really was in deep, wasn't he? Frustrated and confused he started to picture someone else entirely kneeled between his legs on the floor, how you'd bat your eyelashes at him like the fucking angel you were instead of the girl currently there, and that thought alone gave him the final push to shoot his load down the strangers throat, who moaned obscenely at the feeling. Usually he would be aroused, ready for more, but the sound of someone who wasn't his little roommate ripped him out of his daydream. This couldn't go on like that. Sending the lady out without many words, he decided that he just needed to fuck you, and all would be good again. He was just curious. Nothing else. He just needed to satiate his hunger and he could go back to normal.
How would he be able to do this without ending up hurting you? No matter how big his hunger for you was, he also considered you somewhat of a friend. He remembered when you came home crying one time after a bad day at work, and how he wanted to hold you, shielding you from any harm, making you feel safe. Because that's what he, and only he could do in his opinion. No matter what, he'd protect you, as weird as that sounded. Shit.
He really had a crush on you.
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Unknowing to him you always held your hands over your ears whenever he brought home a different girl, not being able to listen to his moans mixed with someone else's. You were slowly beginning to regret moving in, already starting to think about maybe searching for a different apartment. But the rent was cheap, your room big, and his company relaxing when he wasn't busy being buried in someone he couldn't even remember after a day or two. Somehow tears were leaking out of your eyes, and you took your hands down from the sides of your head to wipe them away, careful to be as silent as possible as to not alert him that you were awake, well aware of the shower turning on. You did notice however how his sessions became shorter and shorter, always seeming to end sudden instead of usual. But the more you thought of it, the more angry at yourself for falling for this manwhore you became. You really should hate him- but you couldn't.
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Tonight was definetely the prime example of why you didn't go into clubs. The sheer amount of people around you, the smell of sweat and cheap cologne and perfume all around made you feel like a headache was inevitable. Why were you here again? Oh yes. You followed Taehyungs advice and 'tried to make friends' instad of looming around your apartment all day. But right now you just really wished you stayed home instead of going here.
Sure, you liked your coworkers, and they seemed nice and everything, but if you were being honest, they're definition of fun was entirely not yours. You began to feel cramped up in the large club, making you desperately pull your phone out of your pocket, texting Jungkook in hopes he could save you from this god forsaken torment they called a club.
  Minutes later, after Jungkook oh so gentlemanly told you to pick you up, you stood in front of that said location, waiting for his cheap but admittedly nice car to pull up. Sadly, someone else seemed to be way more intent on bringing you home- a young man your age, attractive, yes, but also heavily intoxicated. He had already eyed you up inside the building you noticed, yet hadn't made a move towards you. Now however, he seemed more determined than ever.
"Lets go home baby, I swear you won't regret-" He started, but you moved away from him, clenching onto your little handbag in order to at least keep your belongings safe if he tried anything else. Suddenly both your figures were drowned in the warm light of Jungkook's car lights- you immediately recognized them simply by the fact that one was brighter than the other, something you always told him, yet he always waved you off, telling you that both were doing just fine, even though his left light was clearly almost dead. Typical him, you thought. Yet right now, you couldn't be happier to see him.
He however, did not seem happy at all. His face was serious, his wavy hair hanging a little over his eyes, steps fast and strong enough that you could hear his black boots almost crush the slight gravel of the parking lot. "Fuck off sunnyboy and go back inside." He simply yelled out, having already seen how uncomfortable you were with the stranger so close to you. Jungkook wasn't someone to blindly punch someone, that said however, he couldn't contain himself once he saw the guy reaching out for your arm, your figure instinctively scrambling to get behind Jungkooks way larger body. He didn't even notice his fist connecting with the strangers face, simply leading you by the small of your back inside his car, driving home without any more words.
You were not to be touched by someone so dirty like this young man who didn't even knew his own limits it seemed.
Yet you were completely confused now. Maybe, if you were now the reason he got into physical fights, you should make a decision.
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The next morning, sitting down at the kitchen table, you watched Jungkook filling your bowl with cereal as well- lucky charms for you, and chocolate chips for him. It became somewhat of a routine since you both woke up roughly around the same time, sharing breakfast was common. The best moment in your opinion to pop the bomb.
"I'm moving out." You said softly, fiddling with your fingers in your lap, leg nervously bouncing up and down. Why did this feel like you were breaking up with him? You both would've ended up going separate ways sooner or later anyways- so he would probably just nod, ask when, and that would be it. He was someone who didn't bother much. But the second you said it, he turned around completely shocked, suddenly very much awake.
"Why? Did I do something?" He asked, sounding genuinely offended for some reason you couldn't come up with. In his mind, scenario over scenario started to play, as if he wanted to search for something he may have said or done to make you so upset that you didn't want to live with him anymore. He knew he shouldn't be so upset over it, since you and him were merely roommates, friends who shared an apartment, nothing more, but he never really expected you to come up with it so sudden. Or maybe you had a boyfriend? What if it was Taehyung, and you just didn't tell him? He would rip that fucker's stupid blue hair out, he knew-
"No. I- not reall-" You sighed, setting your elbows on the kitchen table before letting your head fall into your hands. "Actually yes, you did." You started, looking at him, but unable to hold eye contact with the now completely confused curly haired boy in front of you. "You.. uh.. I cant sleep. Your, 'guests', the walls aren't really soundproof and like, I really- and just.. ugh this is so awkward, please don't make me say it-" You said, groaning the rest of your sentence before stubbornly shoving your back against the chair, throwing your legs back and forth viciously, reminding Jungkook of a kid who was close to throwing a tantrum. Even though this was definitely not the time to think about you laid out over his leg, his hand hitting your perfectly shaped butt until it was red just to punish you for being such a brat, exactly this picture began to form in the back of his head. He hated himself somehow, really. But somehow instead of accepting your decision, he moved to stand at the table, hands on top of it, eyes searching yours.
"Say it Y/N. You know I hate when I have to pull thing out your throat sweetheart." He didn't intend on using the nickname, but somehow he threw his hesitation out the window. If you really were fooling around with someone, someone who wasn't him he wanted to know- and even if you didn't share that information with him, you would move out anyways, so why hold back anymore? You shook your head at him, avoiding his gaze, and he clicked his tongue, patience slowly thinning out. "Spit it out." He said again, but he still got no reaction. His hand seemed to move without his consent when he suddenly found his fingers on your chin, moving your head to force your attention towards him. "Speak the fuck up, I swear to god." He said, voice dropping down lower, and somehow you seemed as if bewitched.
Maybe it was the way he stood there, how he still held your chin, or how intensely he looked at you, but words dropped out of your mouth as if you drank harry potters truth potion. "I cant stand that you let these girls touch you, that they can get you so easily and you just look past me a- and I really tried you know, because Taehyung said you liked mature girls more so I tried to do that, but he lied to me, you don't notice me at all, you're so mean you-" He shut your mouth with his mouth, trying to process the information he just received, yet it seemed like it was too much at once. You were.. jealous? And what kind of stupid advice was Taehyung giving away, that fucker? It was true that he liked his women to be confident and mature, but that was just so they knew what they were doing, and he didn't need to put so much effort into something he could get so easily.
"So you were jealous?" He said, a small smirk creeping up on him, cooing at you internally when you shook your head, face red. "If you wanted me to fuck you, you could've just asked. Geez." He said, but instead of being relieved, your shoulders sagged down. "What?" He asked, and you mumbled to him.
"Because I don't want just that one time stuff you do." Jungkook looked at you, eyes softening at your somehow-confession. He just put together the pieces in his head, and it did make sense. You were practically attached to him wherever he took you, always seemingly glowing whenever his attention was on you. He was as much as a dense head than you were, and he couldn't help but pull out a chair and sitting down, patting his legs as an invitation.
"Good, because I don't want that either. And I don't share either." He said, and looked at you gently, but with a deep darkness behind his eyes. "Trust me baby, you can sit down now and I promise you'll be the only one to have me- or you can move out and go on with your life." He almost laughed at the way it suddenly clicked in your head on what he was offering, suddenly jumping up and sitting on his thighs, legs on either side of his body. He looked down at you, a divine picture coming to life. His hands were placed on the exposed skin under your skirt, slowly sliding over the soft skin until his fingers felt the seam of your tights- those goddamn things he'd wanted to rip off of you so badly these past days. "You can touch me, you know?" He said lowly, and you noticed how awkward you must've looked for a second, seated on his lap with your hands in front of you, unsure where to put them. Just to ground yourself, your fingers began to play with his shirt, and he had to swallow the laugh that wanted to break free. "You don't have to do this, you know? I'm fine with waiting-" He began, but you immediately shook your head, however, at loss for words. He smiled again, dangerously so you noticed. His head dipped down, finally touching your skin on your neck with his lips, leaving open mouthed kisses under your earlobe down to the crook, hands moving over your clothes already mapping out your body in his mind, one hand pulling down one side of your soft fleece jacket you wore, pulling down your shirt as well, so he could softly nip at your shoulder, making you gasp oh so cutely at his actions. His hands didn't stop however, moving over your chest, kneading both of your breasts softly, as if he would hurt you if he used too much strength- which was probably the case. He already loved how bis his hands looked running over your body, how your hands held his shirt in fists, eyes closed, yet not because of fear; you looked serene to him, face showing him the soft pleasure you felt. He suddenly moved you a little, making you straddle one of his leg, core pushed against his thigh. "Let's start slow, yeah?" He asked, whispering words into your ear, lips never parting from you. He slowly began to move your hips, urging you to simply follow what you thought felt best to you. "Use me baby. Get off on my thigh." You whined at that, slowly starting to move more and more boldly, and he decided that he was officially a goner. Even if you didn't want him after whatever may be happening, he knew he could never go back. The way you squeezed your eyes shut every now and then, moving back and forth yet always a bit helpless, showing how inexperienced you were. He could feel the wet patch forming on his jeans, his hands moving you a bit faster, before you let your head fall onto his shoulder, making him chuckle. "What is it baby? Do you need help, hm?" He said, a bit mockingly even, and you nodded into his shoulder. "Tell me what you need then. What do you want, princess?" He said, running his hands over your back, feeling your bodyheat through your clothes.
"wanna get the same.. as the others.." You mumbled, unsure what you were even asking for. Jungkook however simply smiled, suddenly lifting you up, hands under your behind carrying you to his room, before finally letting you fall onto his mattress, laughing when your body jumped a little, making you squeak so cutely. He smiled, crawling over you, his fantasy finally coming to life- you looked so lost under him, so utterly defenseless he could swear he could feel something primal awake inside him- and that was not his dick, which already strained against his jeans, impatient.
"Ah but Baby.." He began, taking off your soft jacket before his hands traced your bare arms until he moved them under your shirt, feeling your skin underneath his fingers. "You're my special girl.." He began to lift your shirt up, helping you out of it before he got rid of your skirt as well, chuckling at your cute lacey underwear, which was so typically you. So innocent, yet so arousing, how you squirmed underneath him in nothing but those pastel colored undergarments. "And special girls get special treatments.." His words were low, soft spoken yet with a rough edge to his tone, a natural feature of his voice that you've come to love. You couldn't even begin to paint out a picture of what he was talking about- sure, you have seen your fair share of adult films, you weren't a kid after all- but up until this moment, up until you met Jungkook, you've never really thought about what you could like when it came to these things. Even in your thoughts you felt shy saying any profanities out loud, how could you expect to know about kinks? "But only if you can behave for me, but you can do that right?" He said, unhooking your bra behind your back with ease and interrupting your inner talk with yourself. "You'll be my good girl, yeah?" He said, and you just viciously nodded, already growing frustrated, and oh how he loved it. This was how he had pictured you. If he had known before that this was what it felt like to have control over someone, he would've never done anything else if he was honest; but then again, you really were a special girl to him. The way you suddenly mewled when his hand cupped your heat, giving you a little pressure just to tease you even further almost caught him off guard. God have mercy on his soul, you were so sensitive to him, and it dawned on him again that he was making you this way. He was the first to- and he would make sure he'd be the only one as well. All those noises tumbling out of between your lips were only his to hear. His breathing peaked up at the view he had, how you began to impatiently rut into his hand, needy for more than he was giving you. He leaned back, finally getting rid of his own clothes as well to your satisfaction, lazily throwing his opened flannel as well as his white shirt somewhere on the floor in his room, and you couldn't help but stare. Truth be told, you didn't really know what to expect of him if you were honest, his constant gym visits giving you the impression that he had to be extremely fit, yet his habit of consuming more than two cups of ramen easily spoke differently. He was, in your eyes, the perfect in-between- he definetely was fit, his abs visible to your eyes, yet he didn't look like those over-achievers you sometimes saw walking around the same gym whenever you met him there to go home together. The way his muscles flexed at every move when he loomed over you again made you want to touch him, yet your shy side forbade you. He chuckled again. "You can touch what's yours all you want, you know?" He said, before he began to place his hand back onto your chest, his breath hot on your collarbone where he placed his kisses again, already hooked on your taste. His other, tattooed hand found its way back to your core, feeling the dampness there with amusement. You were more than what he'd imagined. Slowly he got rid of that barrier however, leaving your tights on for his own pleasure and maybe also for the aesthetic of it, his digits circling around your sensitive bud, making you squeal again, putting your hands over your mouth to keep your voice down. He clicked his tongue at this, moving them to lay right under the small of your back. "Be good and keep them there, yeah?" He said, and you looked away.
"But its- thats emb-" You couldn't even finish the beginning of your rant before he went back to his task at hand, sitting back before moving your legs to spread obscenely over his thighs simply to catch a glimpse of your glistening center, before he placed his body over yours again, hand now roughly circling in delicious eights around your clit, making you gasp out.
"Nothing you do is embarrassing, you hear me. If anything its fucking hot how you can be so fucking adorable even with my hand between your legs, doll." He said, before dipping a finger into you, making you move a bit at the foreign feeling. "Gotta stretch you out babygirl.." He said lowly, careful not to get too fast. His second finger joined in, and he could feel how tight you were around them, already clenching a bit as well, making his mouth water, but also growing a bit of worry in the back of his mind. Usually he was quite cocky about his overly average qualities down in his pants, but now he was genuinely concerned to hurt you with it. This was definitely a first for him. "Baby you're so small.. I don't think you can take it.." He said, a bit of a teasing undertone to his words as well. "See? You're already squeezing my fingers so hard princess, how could my dick ever fit inside huh?" He said, contrary to his otherwise rough nature keeping his movements gentle and slow enough for you to adjust without causing much pain. He could see the slight discomfort in your eyes, yet you suddenly shook your head, voice whiny.
"Uh-uh.." You mumbled, and he laughed a bit at that. "can take it.." You said bratty as ever, feeding his ego to no ends. "Wanna have it- you.. you gon' give it right? 'm good.." You said, having troubles keeping your hands under your back just like he told you to, grabbing the sheets underneath you instead to have something to keep yourself grounded.
Jungkook couldn't stop smiling. You didn't even know what you were asking for, yet you seemed so drowned in trust with him, that you simply gave him the right to do anything he wanted with you. "You sure?" He said, and smiled at the way you nodded again with your eyes closed. He moved away after that, shedding his pants before he walked over to his bedside table, fishing out a condom, before moving back to you, your eyes now on him, or more than that, on his very apparent bulge his boxers failed to conceal. Maybe you really did ask for more than you could take. Quite literally. Sensing your growing uneasiness he simply discarded his underwear, cock finally springing free, slapping soundlessly against his abdomen before he sat between your legs again. You made grabby hands for the foil package in his hands, somehow wanting to slip it onto him, yet he shook his head amused. "Nuh-uh baby. I'm afraid if you touch me right now I'll just embarrass myself and come straight away." He said, and you giggled at that. The sound of it brought him back at ease, his little joke having helped to calm you down at least a little bit. He knew this was a big thing, especially for someone like you- and it made him feel even a bit pressured if he was honest. He was slow when he dipped his head inside, your body instinctively trying to move away a bit, but you forced yourself to stay still, eyes now pressed close. Moving around a bit he kept one hand around the base of himself, the other steadying himself next to your shoulder, kissing you on your lips for the first time since you both started, surprising you enough to not notice how he somehow began to glide into you with the help of your arousal and the lubricant of the condom around him. He groaned, the first actual noise he'd made you could tie to his pleasure, and your breathing picked up once you noticed how full you felt. Gasping several times he suddenly started to laugh, making you giggle as well, even though you didn't knew what was so funny in that situation. "God- ugh.. your- fuck you're tight.." He pressed out, fighting hard against his hips' own mind yelling at him to move, to wreck you, to utterly ruin you. But he couldn't allow himself to do that- reassuring himself that he would have time for that at a later date. He slowly started to move around after he calmed down enough, keeping his speed down to keep it gentle for you. "I- fuck.." He started, having to talk to stretch his patience out, and to also ease your mild pain a little bit. "Let's- ugh.. Let's go on a date tomorrow, yeah? I.. god-" He said, and you nodded, moaning in your delicate pitch he oh so loved. "Gonna be all romantic and shit- fuck- gonna treat you like- for Mcdonald's or some shit." He said, making you both laugh between gasps of pleasure, your hands suddenly frantically moving around the sheets, legs shaking as he began to speed up his pace. You didn't knew what an orgasm would feel like, or how you knew you would have one, but you gasped, chocking on unshed tears in frustration as you noticed that you couldn't tumble over that delicious edge, and Jungkook noticed, cooing at you. "Ah, my baby can't come without her little clit being touched?" He said, kissing the side of your neck, biting the skin teasingly before sucking a hickey on your collarbone, his hands now grabbing yours, fingers intertwining with his, before moving them around his neck, sensing how you wanted to be closer to him, even though that hardly seemed possible. "Come for me baby, you can do it." He said, kissing your shoulder as if to make up for his mark he'd left, his hand now reaching between your bodies, only needing to put a bit of pressure on your little nub to send you flying. You moaned out loud, uncaring on how you sounded, clinging onto him for dear life, his own release making him groan out as well.
He could feel your body trembling, your breathing still fast. He waited for a moment or two for himself to soften up so he could pull out gently- your still slightly clenching hole almost pushing his dick out of yourself. You whined at the empty feeling, and he hushed you gently, moving around so he was sitting up against his headboard, your body on his lap, head on his shoulder. His hand moved back and forth over your spine, the other keeping your body steadily against him. "You did so, so good baby." He gently whispered between your breaths still coming out a little faster than they should. "To be honest I actually was kind of worried you wouldn't be able to take it. I'm impressed princess." He said, making you giggle. You still weren't quite back yet, still bathing in your own afterglow, and he simply waited for you to calm down- slowly becoming aware of your surroundings again.
"Hey, Jungkookie.." You started with that nickname Taehyung always teased him with, yet you would get away with it anytime on his watch. He simply moved his head to look at you, even if you weren't at him. "Did you.. like, mean it? Are we.. a couple now, or?" You started a bit too softly, yet you didn't have to be scared of his answer to that.
He took a deep breath, before yawning a bit. "If you want us to be. I know I want to." He started, brushing some hair away from your eyes. You looked at him, big eyes so innocent like he didn't just fuck you into his mattress literally minutes ago.
"I want to!" You immediately said, making him chuckle and place a kiss on your nose, receiving a giggle at that, before you tensed up. He raised his eyebrows at that, before you looked at him surprised. "My legs are all- tingly.. Jungkook did you break me- HEY don't laugh!" You said, but he couldn't help himself.
He threw his head back, laughing his admittedly cute open laugh, before wrapping his arms around your body. "God I love you." He simply said, making you smile.
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"Hey Jungkookie?" You said after a bit.
"Yeah Princess?" He answered.
"That McDonald's date still stands, right?" You said with a small voice, making him snort.
"Anything you want princess. Anything you want."
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@mrcleanheichou @sugasbratz @sassysaxsolo @bananagukkie @wh3resangel @urmomgee
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nct-lian · 4 years ago
relationships outside of sm
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so iconic omg like how they do it, i have no idea
they hang out all the time and lian is literally ALWAYS on jennie’s instagram
the two of them once had an instagram story conversation over pigtails
like,, jennie posted a picture of lian’s pigtails for that one bicycle performance on her story and captioned it “pigtail baby” and then lian reposted it on her own story with a picture of jennie’s pigtails, captioning it “pigtail eomma”
speaking of eomma, jennie is genuinely her mother
jennie takes her shopping all the time
and in return, lian buys her food
the interactions these two used to have at award shows were SO CUTE
everyone remembers when jennie pretty much yelled out lian’s name and she just came running over to the members of blackpink after taeyong let her leave :(
i’m crying just thinking about it help
jennie also posted a full on instagram post for lian on her birthday and had such a sweet caption with it
it was something like “my daughter is finally 21 today! i hope she has an amazing day and i can’t wait to see her later tonight to give her a gift :) haneullie, lots of love from jennie eomma”
SPEAKING OF THE GIFT,, jennie bought her a whole ass $9000 necklace from chanel because she knew that lian was looking for more
jenli kpop bestest duo
dispatch once thought jennie was on a date with a girl but it turned out to just be her walking lian home after going shopping with her so they never posted anything about it
they were embarrassed they got something wrong so i get it
omfg when news came out that lian and jinwoo broke up mama jennie was threatening to punch the shit out of him
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what i’ve been waiting to write for so long okay here we go
so mf chaotic like there are compilations made of these two that scream “go crazy go stupid”
their time as guest mc’s for inkigayo was probably some of the best kpop content we’d gotten in a long ass time
cause she’s such a good friend to him and wtf why would he wanna share
“mine mine mine mine” constant dory vibes 24/7
lian thrives off of calling him by his korean name because she knows it annoys him
he’s constantly teasing her for having bagged milk in toronto so he deserves it
the one time lian and jacob talked to each other they seemed to be getting along too much for kevin’s liking so he really went:
“okay lian isn’t it time for you to go” because he WAS GETTING JEALOUSJCLSJX
their styles are pretty much complete opposites and everytime they take pictures together kevin never forgets to mention how off it all looks
“tf is that why are your clothes so boring”
“okay sNaKe pAnTs” because of that one eric moment on kpop daebak show where he said kevin had pants with snakes on them
i’m getting heated let me calm down.
they normally speak in english to each other but since lian seems to be stuttering over her words when she isn’t speaking korean, he mixes in a few korean phrases every now and then to help her out
kevin is arguably the most hype every single time lian performs, like he really thinks there isn’t anything better
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more lian x the canadian line WOOHOO
lia spent her trainee days really looking up to lian and she’s even mentioned before that she’d love for itzy to get the chance to collab with her for a song
she really has her fingers crossed for that btw
they actually met during an award show when ryujin, chaeryeong and yuna all had to leave because it was past curfew
lian decided to sit next to them and during all the intermissions between performances she, lia and yeji conversed to pass time
they ended up growing a friendship together but lian has a stronger bond with lia
she loves all the girls either way but yk
lia and lian love going to cafes together and taking adorable pictures :(
like whenever lia posts on itzy’s instagram midzeys don’t exactly know whether or not lian would be on it too :0
like lian normally posts all the scenery pictures she gets to keep her instagram pleasing whereas lia posts the pictures the two of them take together
my heart </3
lian treats lia like a whole daughter because it isn’t often she finds girls that are younger than her
*screams in the fact that majority of sm’s female artists are all from 2015 and under*
like when i say lian SPOILS her i’m not joking
she will randomly call lia up like:
“hey i’m gonna get you out of that dungeon, come get some chicken with me”
and then they’ll just hang out together
but only if lian is out of the dungeon herself because wbk she ain’t treated very well </3
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their chemistry is fucking insane holy shit
like their acting for past to present was seriously so praised, netizens found it hard to believe it was all just for the show
dating rumours follow these two everywhere,, like everywhere
it’s one of the most popular ships inside ncity when it comes to lian and other idols
i kid you not one tweet said “chanhyeok treated jihye so well in past to present, i’m only wondering how well eunwoo would treat lian 👀”
but yeah they do look really good together
and they’re an amazing pair for acting
when eunwoo started working with inyeop for true beauty, he said:
“hyung’s dating my girlfriend” because of the fact that both of them have acted with lian and BOTH of them dated her in the dramas
what a coincidence though
we all cried when we saw chanhyeok and jihye kiss for the first time DONT LIE
and they wished each other happy birthday on their instagram stories
there’s actually people who like to think that they dated while filming for past to present andddd they radiate big delulu vibes
like you know liskook shippers? wooli shipped are kinda the same, but not as intense (thank god)
they took a lot of cute pictures together behind the scenes (ノ﹏ヽ)
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this ship isn’t actually as popular as we would like it to be, but nonetheless people love limo
a lot of interactions during award shows !!
like for example momo’s fancams always captured her dancing perfectly to lian’s choreo
and lian smiling in momo’s direction
i love them
when lian found out about heechul and momo’s relationship, she asked momo if she was her mom now because of how much of a father figure she considers heechul to be JDFJK
“i mean sure”
they’ve actually done a vlive together before (ᗒᗨᗕ)
it was when lian visited her at the twice dorms and they ended up getting bored so they decided to do a vlive in the living room
her throat was dry for the rest of the night
after seeing momo’s hair for the i can’t stop me era, lian actually wanted to cut it like that
but she decided against it because she loves her long hair too much
the two of them met on hit the stage where they competed against each other in a freestyle dance battle
after that they just started casually talking over the phone and became great friends
with the way momo talks about lian, you’d think they’re dating-
“oh, lian- she’s so pretty! i love her a lot!”
and the same goes for lian, she loves talking about momo’s dancing skills
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her dad :/
adopted her with amber liu like a year ago so now she’s just his daughter
supports each other like crazy not even joking
jackson promotes her on instagram and twitter 24/7
lian was once given a ridiculously short dress while attending an award show and jackson gave her his jacket to wear over her legs because she wasn’t provided a blanket :(
(keep in mind, she went there without the members!)
lian added all his music to her playlist :)
once got drunk together and spent like three hours doing karaoke but it’s okay cause it was fun
speaking of getting drunk, jackson’s the cool dad that lets her do whatever she wants
he has his protective moments where he’s like “ma’am where are you going on that short of a dress” but he’s also like “hey wanna go get chicken and soju”
they both appeared on a radio show together as guests and they ruined the whole broadcast because they were too loud
like they kept getting out of their seats to go wave at all the fans outside the window and they were just fighting back and forth about whether or not lian’s extensions look real
according to jackson, they’re “NOT AUTHENTIC ENOUGH- LOVE YOUR HAIR FOR WHAT IT IS, LIANNA HANEUL BAE.” lian’s hair lives matter :/
jackson was so proud that his good friend was smooching his other good friend but the protective dad instincts really kicked in
“break her heart and you die no cap”
was surprisingly chill when they broke up though, he was just glad lian didn’t cry
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so many interactions
honestly took lian under wing once she debuted as a soloist
female kpop soloists gotta have each other’s backs in this industry man :(
sunmi calls lian her princess SOBS
lian always hugs sunmi at award shows, like if they’re sitting close together
or if they’re standing next to each other on stage
you bet your ass lian is gripping onto sunmi for dear life
did a photoshoot together for marie claire korea
they’re so hot bro
they were kinda awkward ngl uh
but by the end of it they were besties :DD
and they’ve been besties ever since
lian is the ceo of doing dance covers for sunmi’s songs
cmon lian we’re waiting for tail 👀
sunmi has actually met lian’s grandma </3
like her and lian were hanging out at the dorms while the boys were out on a schedule and her grandma just randomly showed up with homemade food so that was definitely a win
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they’ve been friends for a LOOONGGG time
and chain’s known her since dating back to like, smrookies era when lian was still a red velvet member
like at that time she had no idea he existed, but he was keeping up with her daily :(
chan plays her music on vlives all the time and he always knows the dance moves
like he just dances along in his chair and mumbles the lyrics
we love to see it
a lot of fans ship them together
only because chan gives off big pining energy
lian only looks at him like “:D” whereas he looks at her like “♡•♡”
kinda sad but
lian promotes him on live so often HVKSVU
“my friend chan is coming back with his group soon, you should check it out! :)”
and the way she just says “my friend chan” LIKE ITS SO OBVIOUSLY A FRIENDZONE BUT HE THINKS ITS ADORABLE
he once got a comment on a vlive to react to lian moments, obviously complying because who wouldn’t
there was this one clip of her saying “my friend chan from stay kids!” and whoever edited the compilation added in squishy noises right after while zooming in on her face
“oh- hahaha, uhh, she’s so cute aw hahahah”
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oh god not another lian x mom ship
like she’s submitted lian’s resume to bm so many times so they could be part of the big tiddie committee together
ashley is constantly, and i mean constantly, reposting all of lian’s posts on her story with captions like “LOOK AT HER GO”
and lian has even discovered all the cool instagram filters because of ashley, and now we get the quality content from her that WE DESERVEEEEE
back when lian’s album came out, all ashley’s story really was was just screenshots of her streaming all the songs and calling them bops
when they first met in person after texting back in forth, ashley spammed her instagram story with pictures of lian that she took without her looking
these two radiate a lot of “YES GIRL WORKKK ITTT TURN THIS WAY OKAYYY POSE POSE POSE” energy
lian’s been featured in one of ashley’s youtube videos and it was when they met for the first time :)
they exchange a lot of gifts through the mail
like lian once found a mug when shopping with doyoung and she thought that it would fit ashley’s taste so she sent it to her apartment
and ever since then they just send random little gifts to each other’s houses
it’s so cute
ashley talks about lian all the time
she always says that for someone so young, she’s accomplished a lot and she’s really proud of her
they wanna do tiktoks with each other but they never have the time </3
lian spam comments on ashley’s instagram like “WOAH” “OKAYYYY” “YESYESYES”
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1tsnoya · 5 years ago
NOYA-SENPAI - it me- your internet thirsty hours bestie 💜 Can we get headcanons on the following babies introducing their s/o to the team for the first time? -> NOYA (obvs), BOIkawa, KEN-fucking-MA, kita PLEASE MARRY ME shinsuke and the sweet sweet SWEET bokuto? PLEASE AND THANK YOU I LOVE YOU 💜💜💜
a/n: hi eden ILY<3 this is to apologize for showing you bald kuroo-
✧・゚getting introduced as their s/o ✧・゚ headcanons
pairings: nishinoya x reader, oikawa x reader, kenma x reader, kita x reader, bokuto x reader
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:* :・゚✧*:・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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→ as soon as you two started dating, he wanted to tell the vbc
→ and he did hhshsjs
→ he was always talking about you at practice, the team knew so much about you
→ noya: “guys guess what!”
→ tsukishima: “let me guess, it has to do with (y/n)?”
→ noya: “no...well actually-”
→ so one day hinata was just like “let’s meet them!”
→ noya was SO up for it, he called you right after practice to make sure that it was okay
→ you couldn’t say no, you could just hear the excitement in his voice
→ so the next day at the end of school, he bolted to meet you after your last class
→ “hi baby!” he grabbed your hand “let’s go!”
→ next thing you know, your fingers are braided together and you’re running down the hallway to go to the gym-
→ you are so out of breath by the time you get there but he’s still bursting with excitement
→ he swung the gym doors open and just shouted - “everyone!! this is (y/n) !!”
→ he was like a 5 year old showing off a toy at show and tell-
→ since he talked about you so much, the team just instantly clicked with you
→ ugh they’re just so welcoming and friendly
→ since you connected with them so quickly, they added you to the vbc groupchat and invited you to come to their next practice
→ the team just adores you probably more than they like noya HAHA
→ tanaka is 100% your and noya’s wingman
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→ okay before you, this boy would just fly through relationships
→ we know this for sure bc his nephew made fun of him 😔 heart been broke so many times-
→ anyways, so when you started dating he wanted to keep it on the downlow
→ he didn’t wanna jinx it! he just wants to see your relationship grow and last for a long time
→ even though deep down he wanted everyone to know that you were dating
→ yeah even though it was supposed to be lowkey, he put a picture of you as his lockscreen
→ being in a relationship with flattykawa, i feel like he’d definitely screenshot any snaps you send him or just in general has a lot of pictures of you on his phone
→ secret relationship my ASS- what was he expecting???
→ his mindset was “who’s gonna go through the captain’s phone?? nobody caus-”
→ it wasn’t intentional, he just wanted to check the time but then saw a new face on oikawa’s phone..
→ so he took the phone, walked up to oikawa, and just SHOWED HIM THE LOCKSCREEN
→ then wow no surprise here. the whole team is 👀
→ iwaizumi teases him about this-
→ and then the whole team caught on
→ so an embarrassed oikawa called you and was like “can i introduce you to the team?”
→ he was lowkey peer pressured but we’re not gonna talk about that-
→ ofc you said yes. he was literally the captain of the team how could you not-
→ at first they were all welcoming and friendly. but after a few minutes passed, they were just—sigh rip oikawa
→ he’s was blushing like crazy at his teammates telling all of these embarrassing stories of him and you were just laughing hsksh
→ anywho the team loves u and when you occasionally show up to practice, it’s always an adventure
→ iwa is ur new bestie and kyoutani/mad dog tells you that if oikawa ever does something mean to you, he’ll beat the shit out of him
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→ i feel like kenma wouldn’t purposely hide your relationship, he’s just not the type to be so loud about it yk?
→ one day you texted him when he was at practice, and the nekoma vbc saw your contact name
→ “keNMA?? who’s (y/n) with a RED HEART??”
→ kenma: “my? s/o?”
→ and kuroo freaked out on him for not telling him
→ kenma: “it’s not like i was hiding it?”
→ that whole practice. everyone was just breathing down kenma’s neck
→ “what are they like???” “kenma you sly dog when’d this happen??” “when can we meet them?” “are u gonna get maaaarrrieeeed??”
→ cue annoyed and kind of blushing kenma
→ when he told you about the team finding out, he surprisingly had asked you if you wanted to meet them
→ “they’re really dumb but they’ll love you”
→ so next practice, he met up with you and walked u to the gym
→ and when you got there.. there was just SCREAMING
→ kenma: “guys back off you’re gonna scare them”
→ kuroo is basically like.. a mom. throw all that cool guy shit out of the window
→ he’s like shaking ur hand at 85 mph “kenma has told us so much about you”
→ lev: “but we just found out yester-?”
→ yaku: “just let him have his moment”
→ you become the team mom! how could u not? these boys love you too much
→ “kenma why didn’t you tell us about them earlier??!!”
→ the team is super hype whenever you show up, and when you don’t they’re all pouty — “kenma where’s (y/n) ?🥺”
→ bonus: you, kenma, lev, kuroo, and yaku all play minecraft together. boom ultimate friend group.
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→ i feel like kita would hide your relationship for a few months
→ he’s a bit on the more reserved side? i’m not sure how to explain it but he would want to wait to make sure your relationship is going well enough to introduce you to his friends, family, etc.
→ and since he’s the captain of the volleyball team, he definitely wanted to let some time pass before introducing you
→ this boy literally cried when he realized that he was captain. he loves them but on the downlow hhdjsh
→ a few months in, kita was at practice and atsumu was just...
→ “kita?? come on now, you’re still single?”
→ “oh kitaaaa i know you hear me!”
→ kita: “hop off my dick pls❤️”
→ “nO listen i can help you out her-”
→ he thought about it for a quick second and thought that your relationship was in a good place so just flat out said “i’m seeing someone already”
→ atsumu: surprised pikachu face “wait fr FR??”
→ he was just in shock tbh LOL
→ kita’s confidence 📈📈
→ then the whole team kinda just gathered around
→ kita: “yeah. i’ve been seeing them for a few months”
→ ofc the team was happy for him. maybe a few teases here and there but yuh<3
→ atsumu was still >:O what
→ a few days passed and he had asked you if you wanted to meet the team
→ you agreed and were super pumped. he loved his team like i said earlier though, on the DOWNLOW
→ when you met them, they were very polite and respectful
→ it felt a little weird tbh SHSJJS
→ but nope here comes atsumu “have you two really been dating for so long?”
→ kita: “yes..??”
→ “oh. well, hi i’m atsumu! :) how is kita? like you know-?”
→ he teases you two about dating but is rooting for it
→ the first time meeting everyone was a little awkward but then everyone warmed up to you
→ like they became used to you coming to practice and would occasionally ask kita “how’s (y/n)?”
→ basically, you help kita with his captain duties and the team really appreciates you <3
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→ being captain, the team is like his family
→ so it’s barely a few days into your relationship and he’s like “you should come to one of our practices!!”
→ and he’s bouncing up and down as he mentions it
→ “i’ll show you all of my cool moves-OH you can see how we do this thing ca-”
→ yeahhh you couldn’t say no
→ the team didn’t even know he was dating someone, he wanted to surprise everyone
→ so when you randomly showed up to practice with your bf, they were just “??? bokuto who is this ???”
→ there were stars in his eyes and he had this huge smile, “MY S/O! :DD”
→ the team is very welcoming. they’re just caught off guard because they’re lowkey thinking “how did bokuto manage to hop into a relationship he’s basically a baby-”
→ they’re a little quiet at first but then warm up to you. then it’s just wild
→ well bokuto gets wild..
→ bokuto: “HEY HEY- (Y/N) DID YOU SEE THAT?”
→ he 100% goes tryhard for you
→ the team notices this.. THEY TEASE HIM
→ they wouldn’t stop so he went into emo mode for a few minutes
→ you: “is he?? okay??”
→ akaashi: “oh yeah, he gets like this. bokuto weakness #7-”
→ akaashi lowkey becomes your wingman even though he denies it
→ he teaches you whatever ‘weaknesses’ bokuto has that you might need to know
→ bokuto also talks to akaashi about you a lot after you meet so you become besties at practices
→ if he starts acting like a baby while playing a match, you know how to calm him down or cheer him up
→ and then he plays 10x better
→ but yeah the team really likes you because you know how to control bokuto hsjsjhs
→ when bokuto adds you to the vbc groupchat, that’s when you become good friends with the team
→ like it’ll occasionally blow up at midnight when you send a tiktok lol
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witheringvoice · 3 years ago
Hi, hello! How are you doing at this fine time for you? <33
My pronouns change from day to day because I may or may not have a fluid gender, but if you ask what it is specifically, my answer will have to either be "yes" or "potato" and there is no in-between.
My preference of pronouns: They/Them, just because I wear skirts, makeups and dresses sometimes it doesn't fucking mean I'm a girl, okay? :)
I am on the asexual and aromantic spectrums! But I have no gender preference, just, not really interested in humans romantically or sexually lol.
I am but a humble, young writer.
And by young, I mean young, I am a miner, in Minecraft obviously ;)
Anyway, I love to write stories, poems, and random things. And I will be sharing them on here!
Feel free to give me a word and I'll try to make a poem out of it :DD
I'll probably also talk about my slow journey of attempting to write music and even show my photography! I love taking pictures of landscapes and nature, and sometimes they turn out really well! (mainly when water is involved, you'll see when I decide to start sharing)
I am currently a Batfam fan, and I like anime, and I'm a music lover.
I love reading, nature, blah blah blah.
I am a practicing witch! I work with Hades, Poseidon, Persephone, and Techno (Technoblade has an egregore if you're curious) currently! But I have others I am honoring as well.
This will be like- an area for me to just talk! And if you want to talk back, you can, I would love to talk to you if you're interested!
Feel free to do so, I'm pretty open, apart from my major social anxiety.
But I'm good at ignoring it if someone talks to me randomly cuz, why not? I mean internet is less social anxiety.
I love a lot of different streamers/youtubers/content creators, I just randomly have the habit of clinging to one random type of content for however long until going to another kind. It's a bit more complicated than that, but yeah.
My favorite artists are Fish in the Birdcage and Hozier
And um, if you're curious my birthday is 02/07 ?? (Jacksepticeye birthday twin yooo)
Um, I think that's all you need to know?
Idk lol.
Fair warning, I vent and complain a lot, and I may talk about a lot of depressing content. Sometimes I might miss adding a TW because I won't know if something I saw will be triggering unless I know for a fact, like, that's obviously a trigger. So keep that in mind! I also casually cuss, especially when I feel strongly, however that may be.
And yeah! I like calling people supremo pringles or potatoes, or my darlings ;) (platonically)
Sooo...Thank you for reading you nice potato <33
Hope your day/afternoon/night goes well!
Remember to take care of yourself!!!
You are loved, valid, important, and you fucking matter lots <33
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flamebearrel · 3 years ago
I don’t have any specific questions but I would love to hear about your thought process behind ur recent spirit phone art!! All the details you put into it were so cool, I was staring at it for so long lol
Skfjsjsh THANK YOU, I’m glad to hear you liked them that much :DD This may get a little long
I started the original SP one in... February? March? Then I lost motivation for a while (as one does with most of their projects) and picked it up again at the end of summer. As stated before, I tried to replicate Ms. Doyle’s shading - both as a general study and because I wanted to learn my way around Medibang (which I just started using on my new tablet this year)! The finer lines and details weren’t things I could implement back when I drew on my phone
The alternates weren’t set in motion until after I finished shading the main one; I wanted to do them from the get-go, but almost didn’t because of how long the main one was already taking. Ultimately I decided to go through with them, just with flat colors... and I'm glad I did
I started with Live (Only Not)'s design since the cover already provided me both an outfit and a color palette to go off of, then I bounced between all the others! (Generally it went LON -> VM -> IABC -> DSA/NT in order of difficulty)
Lucky for me that most of the albums already had photos/videos I could reference! VM is from its trailer:
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IABC is from the little opening clip at the beginning of the album video, except I changed the dollar into a scarf:
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And DSA came from the album's bonus cover plus two other photos that I think are from the same shoot:
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Nature Tapes doesn’t have any official looks associated with it (aside from maybe Goosebumps but that’s pretty dubious). Instead, I decided to push the “thrown-together” vibe by combining different parts from the single covers!
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The outfit: Adrien Brody’s suit + Raymond’s flannel + the My Trains bandana and overalls + the mask (it was getting a little too busy to add things from RCW, unfortunately)
The typography: My Trains + Jaws + the text from the NeedleJuice NT release
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The only thing difficult about writing said typography was getting the spacing right!! Dinosaurchestra and VM were the hardest on that front because of their borders; otherwise it was just a lot of messing with ruler tools
As for Maui, I referenced pictures of him in different lighting:
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A few other details:
I spent an UNREASONABLY LONG amount of time on perfecting the LON glasses shine... When I started adding in the others and saw I had to do it again for Dave I just threw down one blue line and called it a day lol
NT Maui was gonna have a shark fin headpiece at first; I changed it to Eddie Murphy Truck (tm) to differentiate it more from the Goodsie headpiece and add more to the unsettling feeling. It's iconic enough to forgive it not being a direct NT reference, right?
Dinosaurchestra was already mostly colored before I settled on expressions for Neil and Maui (a whistle and a roar respectively)
“But... overnight... my hair turned white.” ;)
My "favorites" kept changing throughout the process, but I think the ones that turned out best are View-Monster, IABC and Spirit Phone itself!
Okay yeah that's all. Have another alternate version (one that's more simplified) for going through all of this!!
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zecoritheweirdone · 4 years ago
*pulls out spoon* kindly asking u to share knowledge of epic bench bugs au <3
(aight dsmpblr if you don’t know bug fables i Highly recommend checking it out it do be good.)
okay so i haven’t actually shared too much of it over here on tumblr(or anywhere really,, fkdmdkdmr) but the basic idea that i have said before is that it’s a dream smp bug fables au,,, with the bench trio taking the place of team snakemouth. none of them quite fill the roles Exactly,, but they are based vaguely on each member,, tubbo being kabbu, tommy being vi, and ranboo being leif. only ranboo keeps the bug type of the original role(if you’d played the game you’d know why(technically speaking bc this is an au i Could change that,,, but i don’t wanna,, dkdmdkdmdk. ‘sides, i like mothboo,,)),, while tubbo becomes a bee and tommy becomes a damselfly. originally i called him a dragonfly,, but turns out!! the npc i was referencing for his design(riz) was not, in fact, a dragonfly,,,, and i do Not wanna redesign him i Just got used to his design. so. he be damselfly now <3.
and speaking of designs,,, art (and a lot more infodumping) below!
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color theory my beloathed <3
yes tubbo has a bazooka. he deserves it. also it ain’t shown here but tommy gets knives.
i also thought about who other characters would be,,,, thinking queen elizant ii would maybe be eret? with maki being foolish bc eternal duo? i also wanna say karl be neolith bc of his whole library thing,, but i think someone close to tubbo might make more sense,, since kabbu and neolith are pretty close in the game (read: gay bugs).
thinking mothiva and zasp would be wilbur and techno respectively? except wilbur is a lot less toxic(more teasing),,, and they are actually friends.
oh also micheal is here too!! (the piglin not the mcchill) he be chompy ^v^,,, thinking he might be a little rotten,, since he is a zombie piglin,,,
now back to the bench trio,, attack styles!!! i thought out some attack styles for them,, kinda like how kabbu is a tank,, vi focuses on long range,, and leif uses ice powers. thinking tubbo might be a hard hitter with his bazooka,, but as a consequence he might have a low hp or it takes a long while for him to attack. tommy hits fast,, and a lot,, might be able to take a lot hits,,, but his attacks alone don’t do a lot of damage. despite being the one i think about the most, i don’t actually have a lot of ideas for ranboo’s attacks. all i know is that he’s got powers kind of like an enderman. i Was thinking he could be a healer of sorts? but that does not relate to enderman at all so. wh. might be able to blast some sort of orb thing? like the enderdragon?? shrugs???
speaking of enderman powers,, he can also teleport! and i’m debating whether or not to keep the water allergy,,,, bc like. the bugs in the game already have an aversion to water, because. bugs. and not to mention,, uh. [stares at the end of chapter 1]. yeah. yeah no if he was allergic to water he would either be Dead or need medical attention fkfmdkfmfknff.
anyway switching topics once again (look at me so good at transitions),, muze!!! thinking niki could take the place of muze. niki is also muse. also also instead of it being a marriage it’s more of a sibling relationship. if you know what i’m talking about,, ;D! if you don’t, suffer <3. ash and zachary both take the place of tod, and no one really replaces the father(wiki calls him grandpa),, he is Nerfed. no longer exists. instead there is awkward cousin john john. yes i am bringing the tales from the smp characters into this, otherwise this would be Weird.
wilbur and niki are friends that is importent to note for me. also jack is,,, somewhere, idk.
the captain and crumb are also here!!! heck yeah!!!!!! they are both beetles(or crumb might be a fruity bug),, and they are tubbo’s (adoptive) family. i would also like to reemphasize the fact that tubbo replaces kabbu. :D!!!!!!!!
unrelated to that last point. the beast. the beast is relatively the same but it’s coloring is more like the enderdragon. why? idk man i just thought it’d be Neat.
oh,, and the wasp king? dream,, 100% dream. (and puffy is(was?) the wasp queen,,)
and phil,,, thinking he could take the place of acolyte aria? and kristen could be venus!!! don’t know if i wanna fully replace the harvest part of her godly status, or add that to it,,, but either way she is also thought to be in charge of death :D! and maybe also primes idk jfmfkdmd. do i know what being the god of primes entails? absolutely not.
also,, this ain’t related to anything from the game,, but i was thinking phil might have been a warrior back in the day? the angel of death :DD!! was teamed with techno,, mayhaps,, before phil retired and tech teamed with wil.
and,,, that’s pretty much it, in terms of characters, i think? aside from a small idea of bad being The Wizard,,,, and also skeppy just. Being There. you simply cannot separate them.
and simply because my brain is hyperfixated on them at the moment,, and i already added tftsmp characters here,,, ran and jackie. they are just. Here. ran might be some sort of thief,, either with whoever replaces astotheles(maybe ponk??? only really thinking that because of,, well. [gestures vaguely]. yeah.),, a separate group,, or just on his own. and jackie. jackie is just There. to cause problems on purpose.
and uh,,, okay Now that’s all i got. aside from doodles during school but that would require me getting Up and taking pictures of them, and. no <3. that being said i Do have pictures of some of em.
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if you don’t know bug fables lore simply ignore the two niki’s you don’t need to know about that ;DDD!!!
also idk if i’ll actually add enderwalking in here,,, but like. bogos binted, am i right, folks?
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sublimestarker · 6 years ago
Starker smut - Locked and loaded
This is a fill for the Starker bingo 2019. Square filled - cock cage
Taglist: @hpspazz @x-we-won-mr-stark-x
Peter wasn’t sure how or when he found his new kink. He’d been browsing the gay section of pornhub and stumbled onto a bdsm video. He’d rarely watch those types, but the thumbnail looked promising. It was a rather long video, and it featured all the goods – tying up, degradation, spanking, choking. But then the dom got out a strange looking thing and put it the sub’s cock. Peter almost got soft, because it looked painful, but his roommate would be back soon, so he had to finish. As he watched the sub get pounded mercilessly, unable to cum, aroused him more than he thought it would. He imagined himself in that situation and after a few more strokes and Peter had the most powerful orgasm yet.
He’d go back to the video again and again, but sometimes it wasn’t enough. He wanted to experience it, but he had to find a dom, who’d be willing to do it. Craigslist was a no go, he couldn’t find the right guy on Grindr. So Peter resorted to using Reddit and after creating a throwaway account he made a post on r/bdsm. It read ‘’20-year-old gay male looking for a professional dom in the New York area. Mostly into chastity’’. Peter ignored the post for a few hours, in order for it to get enough answers. It gained popularity pretty quickly and he had to read a lot of suggestions. After he scrolled through countless websites, he chose dom T. T had been doing this for 20 years now, he was bisexual and his prices were good. And the cherry on top was that his specialties were orgasm denial, chastity and role play. So Peter didn’t hesitate to book a consultation with his new dom. They exchanged messages and then the male dominatrix sent his client a hotel address and a time for their meeting. He had instructed Peter to text him when he arrived.
Peter’s hands shook as he typed ‘’here’’ on his phone. His thumb hovered momentarily over the send button, then he pressed it. Was he making a mistake? What if he didn’t like the experience? He could always safe word out, but then what? His thoughts were interrupted by the door chime. He looked over and saw T, God that man was more attractive in person. The pictures on the site didn’t do him justice. Peter just waved, to signal that he was the client. That was so cringy, he thought.
‘’I’m Tony.’’. The dom introduced himself.
’’Don’t I have to call you master, or something. Sorry, it slipped out. I’m Peter.’’
‘’You can call me Mr. Stark if you’d like.’’
‘’So, where are we going from here? A bdsm club? Please tell me that you don’t have a red room or a basement dungeon nearby.’’ Pete said, still standing outside.
‘’No, we’re going up to my hotel room. Jesus kid, is this your first time doing something like this?’’ Mr. Stark replied, leading his client inside.
‘’Yeah.’’ Peter said, turning red.
‘’Well I’d be glad to pop your cherry.’’ Tony said, licking his lips.
As they took the elevator up to the penthouse suite, Tony started asking his client some questions.
‘’So kid, how’d you get into cock cages. Most people start off with something less intense, like role play.’’
‘’Well orgasm denial has always been pretty hot, but I couldn’t control myself, I’d always cum. And cock rings were nice, but I wanted something more restrictive.’’
‘’And why did you choose me? I’m sure there were younger and better looking professional doms out there.’’
‘’Well I’ve always been attracted to older men and you Mr. Stark are a silver fox. Another perk was your experience – you definitely know what you’re doing. And you’re fucking hot.’’
‘’Okay Peter, calm down before you cum in your pants. We’re here’’. Tony led him in the hotel room. Then he walked over to the suitcase laid on the bed and started pulling out things like lube, condoms and three velvet cases.
‘’Before we start, let’s go over our rules again. What do we use for communication?’’
‘’The color system – green means I’m okay, yellow means stop the scene for a moment and continue when I’m green again and red means stop the scene completely. We also have a safe word, which is spider.’’
‘’Very good Peter. And which kinks are we here to explore.’’
‘’Chastity, cock cages, orgasm delay and denial, degradation and dd/lb role play.’’
‘’Good. Should we get started?’’
The sub just nodded.
‘’Can you strip for me? I need to figure out the size for the cage.’’ The dom asked.  Peter did as he was told. Mr. Stark examined the sub’s cock for a moment. ‘’Okay, now I need you to get hard.’’. Pete thrust his dick into his fist a couple of times, not that looking at the handsome man beside him wasn’t enough to get him hard.
Mr. Stark took out a pretty pink cock cage, that Peter had definitely seen before. It was called the vice and it retailed for about 150 dollars. The dom had chosen the plus size and it seemed like it would fit snugly on Pete’s cock. Peter closed his eyes as the dom put on the cock cage, he was always squeamish when it came to that part.
‘’I’m done. Look at your pretty little cock.’’. So he did, and it was pretty – the cage had some extra parts and the black padlock was contrasting with the pink. He reached down to feel it, when Tony lightly smacked his wrist.
‘’Who said you could touch it. Don’t misbehave, kitten or daddy will have to punish you.’’
Tony sank down to his knees and licked the bottom of the cock cage, almost as if he was giving him a blowjob. Peter buckled his hips forward and the other man pulled away.
‘’Strike two, kitten. One more and you’re out. Behave.’’
‘’Make me.’’
‘’That’s it. I’m gonna give you 10 spanks for that. And after that I’ll fuck you so good you won’t be able to walk tomorrow. Get in my lap like a good boy count them for me.’’
Tony lovingly caressed Peter’s ass, before bringing his palm harshly down on it.
‘’Two’’ That was harder than the first one
‘’Three’’ Peter’s ass was already red and aching. He couldn’t touch himself and he was so hard against the cage that it almost hurt. But the pain was delicious, much like the pain that he was currently receiving from his dom.
Each spank felt different. He barely got to ten, his voice breaking when he said the last number.
Hearing this, Tony asked concerned
‘’Okay. Kitten, I’m gonna fuck you now. Make your whore mouth scream for daddy.’’ Mr. Stark laid Peter on his stomach, placing a pillow underneath his cock. The sub could hear the lube cap pop off, and moments later he felt Tony’s finger at his entrance.
‘’You’re so tight for me, Peter. I wanna fuck you so bad, wanna ruin your pretty little hole.’’ Pete just moaned, not thrusting his voice. He could accidentally make a bratty remark and get punished again. As Mr. Stark added a second finger, he could hear him unwrapping the condom. Before thrusting in, the dom asked once again.
Tony was bigger than any guy Peter had been with. He was long and thick, filling him almost to the brim. The sub thought how much he’d love to suck that cock, gagging on the length.
‘’Kitten, you take me so well. I don’t think I’ll last long with the way you’re squeezing around me. ‘’ Tony grabbed Pete’s hips and began thrusting fast and shallow, making his cheeks bounce. The dom angled his thrust so he could hit his sub’s g-spot.  A few more thrusts and Tony came, finishing inside the condom. While he was riding out his orgasm, Peter’s cock was painfully hard in the cock cage. He needed to cum.
Tony disposed of the condom and walked over to him. He laid Pete on his back and unlocked the cock cage, taking off all the parts. Peter’s dick sprang free, hard with beads of precum on the head.
Mr. Stark grabbed both his cock and Pete’s and jerked them together. It took the sub 2 strokes to cum all over Tony’s chest. The dom was about to pull his hand away, in order to not overstimulate his partner
‘’Don’t stop. Please, I can go again.’’
‘’You sure?’’
’’Yes. Please make me cum again.’’
Tony took both cocks again as Peter thrust forward, moans spilling from his mouth. He cums with Mr. Stark and almost falls to the ground too spent move. He’s a mess – all red and sweaty, his stomach covered in cum. Tony grabs a washcloth and cleans them both up.
‘’I should go.’’
‘’It’s late, Pete. Just crash on the couch.’’
‘’Okay. As long as you don’t charge me 300 dollars an hour for that.’’
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rovvboat · 6 years ago
Painted Flaws - Colossus/Piotr Rasputin x villian!Reader
Part 10
A/N: send an ask if you wanna be added to the taglist! Lmk how you feel about this series!
Summary: You’re a villian with a moral grey area. You meet Piotr at an art exhibit, but both of you are there for completely different reasons. Though the attraction was inevitable, will it be enough? A growing passionate love wrought with secrecy, both of you try to move through this maze. But when the ball drops, what will you choose?
word count: 3.3k
You lie in bed the rest of the day – the same scene repeating through your head; like the world’s worst silent film; of Piotr and his form as Colossus. And with that flicker of recognition, you realise just how much more you’re entangled into the X-Mens’ affairs – how much more you were set-up to be the catalyst for their demise.
There’s a moment when sleep catches up to you, somehow, despite the headache of thoughts.
You see him.
He’s standing in your room – the colours on the walls all distorted into a deep and ugly purple and pink – blending into every piece of furniture, fluid and balmy in its touch – as if it was all happening underwater
but Piotr doesn’t seem happy to be there; his face twisted into one of disgust and disappointment as he faces you.
Piotr I can explain –
You try to speak, but no sound come out no matter how hard you try. You bring a hand up to your throat, and that’s when you look down and realise: you’re naked.
Your hands springs onto your bed, pulling desperately at the sheets to cover yourself – trying your hardest to scream your heart out at the same time, just for Piotr to listen to your pleas – but the sheets don’t come out, and neither does your voice.
Piotr, all of a sudden, has his back turned to you, walking out of your apartment as the door shuts with a loud creak.
The sheets finally spring out of the bed, and you scramble to get them to cover you.
You run to the door, swinging it open – but he’s no longer there. He’s no longer waiting.
 You wake up in a cold sweat, gasping as your eyes shoot open. You sit up on your bed, beads of sweat run down your back, sending a vaguely uneasy sensation down your spine. You look to your window, yanked wide open, as it swayed back and forth with heavy screeches.
The weather outside matched your sentiment – heavy thundering rain crash against the surface of the outside, alongside the ghosts of howling winds that sent sprays of rain onto the spot where the calm moonlight would normally hit.
You rub at the tiredness of your eyes, unravelling from the nightmare that had awoken you so terrified, before getting up to shut the window close.
It wasn’t in your nature to feel fear – where it wasn’t used as fuel to succeed on your missions – but you knew how far gone you were with Piotr.
To have felt his love, and to be brave enough to love him back – that was a risk in and of itself, and you knew it.
But now that his truth has been bared –
where does that leave me?
Your phone buzzes against your bedside table – and you turn to look at your notifications, somewhat tethering you back to the present.
10 unread messages
[Dd]: hey, I’m locked out of my apartment – could you come give me the spare key?
[Dd]: hey
[Dd]: heyyyyyyyyy
[3 missed calls from Dd]
 You immediately hop off your bed, stretching your arms over your head as you let out a high-pitched whine.
This is no time for a pity party.
You wash yourself up and immediately suit up – throwing on a thick white t-shirt, paired with a black leather jacket as you hurriedly grab your keys (and DK’s spare keys), wallet and the purple vial. You put the purple vial into a small black drawstring bag – your grip tight on it as you walk towards your motorcycle.
You revv the engine – booming down the street – before speeding off towards the direction of D.K.’s dorm.
NTW fiddles with the interface to the hologram, bringing up profiles of people with their physical and affiliation descriptors.
‘’We were able to track the manufacturing company of the spear that hit Colossus in the back. It belongs to a small company called Lazarus – which has ties to the creator of the Sentinels, Dr. Bolivar Trask,’’ – she swipes at the hologram to reveal Dr Trask’s profile, ‘’who is also linked to this man.’’ She swipes at the hologram again, but this time, the profile showed a silhouette of a man with a question mark in the middle.
Name: Unknown
Alias: Boss, D
Affiliations: Sentinel technology, Dr Bolivar Trask
‘’We don’t have any idea what he looks like, but he’s been linked to dozens of mutant testing labs and sentinel technology. He also does seem to have a weak link.’’
A picture of the mystery lady comes up, half her face covered under a thin fabric of her turtleneck.
‘’We’ve been tracking this lady for past 3 months and we just came in contact with her again. Intel tells us that she had the serum on her at that time, but we’re pretty sure she was to hand it off to her boss after she fled on the helicopter. The Sentinels also had their eyes on her, but she managed to evade them when we were too busy keeping them down.’’
‘’So, what you’re telling me – is that we’ve been helping this lady get her way?’’
NTW rolls her eyes at Deadpool.
‘’I’m just saying what everybody’s thinking, sugarplum. She doesn’t seem like that weak of a link to me – going by how she kicked half our asses out there,’’ Deadpool lightheartedly brandishes one of his katanas around– pointedly at Cable and Colossus – as he lay sprawled over the sofa.
Cable tenses his fist on the table, uneasy at the prospect of having this mystery lady getting in their way of getting the anti-mutant serum.
When an idea pops into his head.
‘’Where’re you headed, foxy pops?’’ Deadpool quips, as Cable stands up – pushing his chair back with a screech – and strides over to NTW.
‘’Do you think we could scan this for prints or DNA?’’ Cable presents his metal hand, swaying each finger in a wave. ‘’I burnt her hand, and I’m sure some of her skin is on here.’’
‘’Sounds like something I could do.’’
‘’Holy Mother of God, all we do is sit around trying to track this woman! I wanna go do something fucking worthwhile!’’ Deadpool howls.
‘’You’d be doing us all a favour by shutting the fuck up, douchepool,’’ NTW crosses her arms as she stares at Deadpool.
‘’Suit yourself, one-man travelling circus of megatronic teenage big head,’’ Deadpool stands up and steps directly infront of NTW, staring her down.
Colossus’ booming footsteps enter into the meeting room.
‘’You are not children. There is no need for this nonsensical bickering. Come, Wade. We will do some review of the evidence from the helicopter weapon.’’ Colossus instructs as he starts heading for the door.
Deadpool lifts up his mask partway, showing only half his face, humming as he sticks his tongue out at NTW – then yelping as he gets elbowed hard in the ribs by her, before pacing behind Colossus.
The afternoon sun was slowly waning, disappearing and reappearing behind passing clouds as you zoom down the highway to D.K.’s dorm.
You see him the moment you turn into the dorm’s parking lot, standing near the lobby – no doubt playing some stupid game on his phone. He looks up when he hears your motorcycle pull up near the curb. You flip up the wind shield from your helmet, greeting him with a little toss of your head backward.
‘’Here’re your keys, dumbass,’’ you toss D.K.’s spare keys at him.
‘’I have the highest GPA in my class. I beg to differ,’’ he retorts as he catches the key between both hands, clanking against his phone.
‘’Well, that didn’t help find your key, did it? You better get your locks changed.’’
‘’Yeah, yeah whatever.’’
You park by the curb, before following behind him up to his dorm room.
The smell of fresh flowers hits you when he swings open the door to his room. You had to admit, he was an overall meticulous and responsible kid – which didn’t make sense that he would lose his keys; especially considering that the both of you were always on high-alert with the threat of Demetrius and his goons looming around you.
But teenagers will be teenagers – even though this one was just initiated into the young adult 20s club recently.
‘’Make yourself at home,’’ D.K. announces, pulling out a chair out of his study desk towards you. He heads to the bathroom, leaving you alone in the room.
You look at the pictures on his desk – of his 2 little sisters back home, and him in the middle; the three of them seated on some kind of child-sized toy car. They were all beaming at the camera – carefree and innocent. As they should be.
You snap back when you hear the click of the bathroom door unlocking.
‘’So, what brings you here, sis?’’
‘’Well, for one – you forgot your keys somewhere.’’
D.K. smiles at you sheepishly, shrugging as he drapes his towel over his shoulders.
‘’But more importantly – I got the anti-mutant serum vial with me. I need you to pass it onto to Dr. Wong. I’ve sent him instructions–‘’
‘’My chemistry elective professor, Dr Wong? You’re kidding me, he’s working for you too?’’
‘’He works with me. Not for me.’’
‘’hE wOrKs WiTh Me,’’ D.K. imitates you in an annoying high-pitched voice – which prompts you to reach out to his ear lobes, twisting it as he winces.
‘’I was joking! Ow– OW!’’ He swats at your hand.
You spend the next hour going through your plans with him – giving him contingencies and back-up plans in case he’s unable to deliver the vial for any reason.
‘’So… how long until I have to go back?’’ D.K. asks, a hand rubbing the back of his neck.
You tilt your head at him. ‘’You don’t sound too happy about that.’’
‘’Yeah, well. This has been my home for the past 9 years… and you – you’ve been taking care of me since I got tangled up with your Boss. I just… Maybe we could make it so that you don’t disappear from my life after this?’’
There was a knot in his throat you could hear through his voice, and it broke your heart.
You hold him by the shoulders, looking directly at him as he looks up at you surprised – ‘’Hey, kid, listen to me okay? You’re gonna be okay. Your family can’t wait to see you again. Your life is over there – living like a 20 year old kid; working for your goals, partying with friends and just living a normal life. Not this. I was never meant to be in your life. In fact, I’m probably the reason why you’re here in the first place–’’
‘’But that’s not your fault!’’
‘’It was. And I’ll pay the price for it, not you.’’
D.K. frowns at you, then looks to the floor.
‘’I’m sorry, D.K.. It’s the only way I can keep you safe.’’
‘’I know,’’ he sighs. ‘’I just – I’m sorry.’’
‘’Don’t be, D. I know it’s hard. But you have to be strong. I’ll be okay, and I’ll definitely contact you, one way or another – I promise.’’
He holds out a pinky to you. You look at it, then smile at him – before meeting his pinky finger with yours in a pinky promise.
Colossus meets with Beast at the analytics lab, as Beast worked on pinpointing the different locations that the weapon could have come from. Deadpool walks up to the closest piece of evidence – a large broken spear – and slowly puts a finger towards it – only for Beast to smack it away without even looking up from his screen.
‘’Do we have any more information about our mystery lady yet, friend Hank?’’
‘’I’m afraid not, Colossus. We only managed to get information on the organizations that she might be affiliated with. Most of them are contractors – but we do have information on who was piloting the helicopter. Perhaps we could pay them a visit – ‘’
Colossus’ phone notification sounds inside his pocket.
‘’Da¸ we could. Please excuse me– ‘’ he fishes his phone out of his pocket, and walks a little away from Beast.
Y/N: Hey big guy♡ Hope you’re recovering well. I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk with me? Wanted to see you. Let me know♡
Colossus couldn’t keep his smile in, when Deadpool peaks over his shoulder, startling him.
‘’What’s this, tinman? Another booty call?’’
Colossus rolls his eyes – ‘’No, it is not.’’ – as he walks back towards Beast.
‘’I have some matters to attend to. Please alert me if there is any urgent business.’’
‘’Will do, Colossus – ‘’
‘’Chrome-Dome is ditching us for his side chick!’’ Deadpool accusingly points at Colossus, ‘’that’s right, I said side chick, because we all know I’m the main course. And also! How is this fair? I ask for a fucking vacation and it’s ‘’superhero is a full-time job’’ this and ‘’Wade, you can’t demand money in exchange for saving lives’’’ that. I’m sick of the double standards – Hey, listen to me when I’m talking to you!’’ Deadpool calls after Colossus, who’s already disappeared behind the lab doors.
You debate sending the message for a good hour.
I should break up with him. I can not deal with anymore emotions on this issue.
Your mind swirls with ideas on how to break it off gently – but every time you imagine the scenario, your heart gets much too heavy to get to the we should see other people part of the dialogue.
Maybe not today.
You decide that maybe just having a quick meet-up with him could calm you down a little – maybe even prepare you for the next time you meet him.
To break things off, of course.
Even the internal mentions of it makes your heart drop. He made you happy. Happier, safer and more loved than you’ve ever been.
I don’t deserve any of it.
You let out a resigned sigh. No matter how you looked at it, you were incompatible. Not to mention that he lied to you about his job.
Not that I didn’t, but still.
You fiddle nervously with your hands in your pockets – when your phone rings – a call from none other than Piotr.
You feel the soft – almost fluffy – fine sand sinking under you with every step, getting between your toes in the most crisp manner that only barely itched the edges of needing attention.
You wave it away, and instead focus on the small tingles you felt when the back of his hands brush against yours, as you walk along the shore.
He had asked to meet you at this beach – ‘’It is a good beach for couples and walking,’’ he suggested through the phone – an eagerness to his voice that was now something you always looked forward to hearing.
Not for long…
The thought makes your heart dread your next few steps.
Distant squawks of pelicans and seagulls fade out across the beach as you trod along, arms swinging gently, with Piotr next to you.
You look up when you hear him inhale, long and slow, as he takes in the glistening surface of the sea. You watch him, as his body relaxes, and he exhales an equally long breath. You follow his eyes to meet the sunset before you.
‘’Your taste in beaches is impeccable,’’ you mention off-handedly, mostly as an attempt to calm your own nerves.
He smiles back at you – that million dollar smile – ‘’Really? I am glad you like it too…’’
A strong chill breeze brushes past – bringing with it the fresh salty savour of the ocean – gliding over your exposed skin and gently caressing your hair, as it finds its way the back of your neck – cooling you off from the sweltering heat of the day.
Piotr’s arm slowly snakes around your waist, drawing close to you, without taking his eyes off the scene before him, as you feel a heat rising to your cheeks.
“Beautiful is it not? I wish I had a chance to paint this. To maybe… capture this moment”
You look up at him and attempt a sly grin to cross your face, as you hook your arm through his.
“This moment, after you spent half the week in bed?”
Piotr chuckles – a deep well-kept laugh that rumbles in his chest – then smiles back at you, smile lines creasing the edges of his lips – his eyes twinkling under the slow receding sun.
His eyes regard you warmly, and you feel an intense burning in the pit of your stomach – a desire. To not only spend the rest of the night with him, but your whole life too.
You feel your cheeks burn with embarrassment at the thought of even considering a normal life with someone so kind and generous and wonderful.
‘’Hey Piotr? –’’
He raises his eyebrows at you, his full attention undoubtedly on you.
‘’– do you believe… do you believe that good people can do bad things?’’
He doesn’t even take a moment to answer the question.
‘’Of course. Good people do bad things all the time. But it only matters what they do to make things better. If they know what they are doing is bad, they should stop immediately – if not it can make them… tolerate more evil in the world.’’
‘’What about– ‘’ You cut yourself off when you notice a lady clad in her bikini walking past the both of you, giving Piotr a painfully slow once over – smirking as she nods in his direction.
Your stomach drops as you loosen your grip around his arm, letting your hand fall back next to you, and Piotr’s face changes to one of concern.
He doesn’t deserve this. Not me. Not for who I am, that’s for sure.
“Is everything alright?”
“No, I… I think I’m not feeling too good.”
“Would you like to head back home?”
You think for a moment. And though you wanted nothing more than to stretch these serene and wonderful moments with him – moments which felt almost final – you genuinely didn’t think you deserved it. Much less be competent enough to protect it from the life you actually lead.
“Yes please,” you force out, albeit a little choked, as you look away from him. When you’re with him, your feelings always showed somehow – something which in your line of job was called ‘a massive liability’.
He watches you, deciding whether to press the matter – but your avoidance makes him want to do nothing else but bring you home and allow you to settle in comfortably for the night.
His finger grazes the back of your hand – finding the inside of your palm – before allowing each of his fingers to interlace with yours; and he does it loosely – in case you weren’t comfortable with it. You smile up at him, before gripping his hand tightly, as you walked back towards the road.
Piotr walks you to your apartment, stopping near the entrance. You busy yourself with sliding your fingers over the straps of your handbag, looking anywhere but at Piotr. You start at a sentence, when Piotr speaks up.
‘’Are you sure you are okay, myshka? You sound unwell…’’ he tilts your chin up towards him, ‘’please tell me if there is anything I can do for you? I can stay the night if you –’’
‘’No! I– I mean, I would love that but, I have a lot of work to do tonight and, uh… yeah.’’
‘’That is okay,’’ his voice soft and unhurried, ‘’please take care of yourself if you are working through the night. I heard lawyers do that a lot,’’ he huffs a laugh, trying to ease your nerves. He reaches out for your hand, and when you offer it, he steps forward into a tight hug. He whiffs at your hair – in the way men do in affection – then presses his lips against your temple.
You pull away a little to look at him, still enveloped in his arms – safe and full – tiptoeing as you pull his face towards you into a deep, needy kiss; eyes scrunched closed.
You let yourself enjoy his love; pure and unadulterated by anything.
Even though it hurt to know that it might be one of the last times you can actually do so.
@emma-frxst @chromecutie @fluffymadamina @master-sass-blast @marvelhead17 @onthequill @candle-light-writings
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tyzerman91 · 7 years ago
Gorgeous (William Nylander)
Requested: No
Word Count: 1125
A/N: I’m really just trying to get over this writers block. I will be back to posting requested imagine as soon as I can. 
The first time you met William you were celebrating. You were on your 8th or 9th whiskey neat, so you weren’t exactly in the best of shape. He was beside you at the bar, presumably ordering drinks for his group, he had an accent.  It was an accident, you didn’t mean it- at least you didn’t mean to hurt his feelings.
Really, he should have taken it as a compliment. He was insanely gorgeous and the accent only added to it. But you could see the hurt flash across his face. You quickly covered your face, which had turned red- and not because of the whiskey, and mumbled out a sorry.
The second time you saw William you couldn’t even talk to him. Mostly because he was so gorgeous that it actually hurt, but also because you were so embarrassed about “the incident” as you started calling it in your head.  You talked to everyone else at the party. It wasn’t every day the Leafs made it to the playoffs.
The third time, and thankfully the most memorable, was after the loss to the Capitals that ended the season for the Leafs.  A Capitals fan started talking about how William was just along for the ride, and wouldn’t even be playing in the NHL if it wasn’t for his dad.
“Excuse me?” You snapped turning around and facing the man. How was this man even allowed down here? You wanted to punch him in the face. “What did you just say?”
“Nylander isn’t good.” The man repeats. “If it wasn’t for his daddy playing in the NHL, Nylander wouldn’t even see the ice.”
“I’m sorry, I must have missed when you became the know all of hockey.” You snapped.
“Get over it. He sucks. So do the Leafs.”
“William Nylander is an amazing hockey player. He’s smarter than anyone who steps on that ice. He finds slots that your team couldn’t even dream of finding.” You’re seething. “And he’s a hell of a lot better of a person than you. You peaked in high school, washed up, asshole.”
“Who knew Nylander had a hot girlfriend.” The guy's friend chimes in. “If you ever want to be with a real man, let me know.”  
Your jaw dropped. You really wanted to hit him. “Why, do you know someone?”
“Ouch.” Matt said from behind you. “You’re savage (Y/N). Come on, before you knock someone's teeth out. I don’t want to be out of a job.”
You follow Matt back to where the guys are. The room is melancholy. You see the disappointment on the faces of the rookies.  Your heart breaks.
You start to make your way to Auston, as he is your best friend and the reason you are here. But on your way, you see William from the corner of your eye.  Sad Auston is something you hate to see but sad William destroys your heart. You stop short and head to William.
“Oh, Will.” You say pulling him in for a hug. Thankfully he is sitting otherwise it wouldn't have worked.  He doesn’t say anything. For a moment you start to rethink hugging him. But he soon shifts so you’re standing between his legs and wraps his arms around your middle.  You’re not sure how long you stand there, but after a while, William pulls away sending a small, slightly less sad than before smile your way.
“She hates me.” Williams says.
“No, she doesn’t. I don’t think (Y/N) is capable of hating anyone without a damn good reason.” Auston replies.
“Matts, she hated me the moment she saw me.” William speaks quietly now. “You remember the first time you brought the team around her?”
“Yeah, right before my first season.” Auston replies. “She moved to Toronto while I was still playing in Switzerland. So when I got drafted my mom thought it would be good for me to have someone around that could keep an eye out. (Y/N) had just graduated and gotten the job she wanted so we were celebrating. Or, she was because I was the DD.”
“Yeah, and she made fun of the way I talked.” William huffed. You could picture him crossing his arms. “And then the next time, she didn’t say a single word to me but talked to every single other person at the party.
“What? Are you kidding me?” Auston is laughing.  
“This isn’t funny.”
“Yes it is.” You can see Auston holding his stomach. “She was trashed the first time you met her. Like at least 8 whiskey neats deep. She would have made fun of me if I was sitting there. She has a thing about accents. She really wasn’t being mean.”
“Yeah, well that doesn’t explain why she would talk to everyone but me the next time we were invited to the same party.”
“She’s going to fucking kill me. “ Auston stops laughing. “Like actually kill me, so let Babs know. She thinks you're gorgeous. She can’t talk to you because she gets distracted.”
“(Y/N) finds you incredibly attractive.” Auston says. “I personally don’t see it, but hey whatever floats her boat I guess.”
“You’re telling me, after months of pining after (Y/N), that she- she won’t get a chance to kill you because I’m going to kill you.”
“No you won’t.” Auston says smugly.
“And why not?”
“Because if you do, then (Y/N) would be sad.” William thinks about what Auston is saying.
“You win this time.” Auston smirks. “But, ah (Y/N) is still gonna kill you man.”
“So (Y/N),” William began sitting down beside you. “Matts mentioned something interesting last week.”
“Aus said something interesting?” You say in mock shock. “Whatever has the world come to.”
“There is a first time for everything. And it probably won’t happen again.”  William laughs, and god it’s the most beautiful sound you’ve heard.
“Well, come on Nylander, spill. What did Auston say?” You ask poking his arm. “Share with the rest of the class.”
“He said you think I’m-”
“Gorgeous. Yes.” You say quickly. “Is that a question?”
“Ah, no I guess not.” He rubs the back of his neck.
“So what that all you wanted?” You ask a little confused.
“Will you- would you like to get dinner? With me?” William asks.
“Absolutely.” You smile. You stand to leave.
“You are too.” William says causing you to pause.
“Huh?” You turn to face him.
“You’re gorgeous too.” William clarifies. “Just thought you should know. I’ll pick you up at 8.”
“8 it is.” He sends a smile your way and then heads to the ice for practice. You just shake your head. That boy is going to be the death of you.
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terriblyastronomical · 5 years ago
Alle & Em: OC Character Info
With the aforementioned Alle and Em in Xem’s character info post, I decided to shine some light for Alle and Em too! So here’s some basic info with their designs righhhttt here :D
Name: Alle Morgen     ; Older ‘sister’ to Em Pronouns: She/Her Species: Human
Name: ‘Em’ Morgen     ; Younger sibling to Alle Pronouns: They/He/She (Whatever Em says they are *shrug* Also, Em uses their own name as their pronoun) Species: Toy
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CHARACTER INFO (Part 1: Personality, Info and Scenarios)
Alle Morgen      - She is the acting older sister of Em, making her very protective of the child.      - Though she is quite protective, she does bring Em into nonsense she doesn’t want to be called out for (Em doesn’t let her though :’D)      - She ADORES Lolita fashion! To the point she dyed her hair ash rose! (She originally had blonde hair)      - She’s very hyper and empathetic. She loved Xem the moment they met solely because she felt a connection and a sense of sadness around them, not because Xem froze and said nothing in return to the child who randomly approached them.      - She has a wide mouth and openly adores her smile! Her eyes are also prety big for a child, but she doesn’t care ovo (Self love yeah!)      - She may be caring to the people she’s close with (i.e. family and Xem) but she acts overly hyper for people who don’t know her solely to annoy them for her amusement.      - As happy as she is, she’s always concerned about Em. She vowed to herself to make Em smile at least once a day (It used to be once a month, until Em opened up to her more)
‘Em’ Morgen      - Em is, most of the time, poker faced. This is generally because they don’t experience much emotion in their system.      - Em was a ‘toy’ built and assigned to the Morgen family for prototype. They ended up liking the family and staying (The parents agreed because they ended up liking Em too).      - They tolerate the energy that Alle gives off, and sometimes even lives through her energetic self. On quiet days, Em misses the sound of their sister talking.      - Though Em is seemingly beside Alle most of the time, Em wouldn’t easily follow Alle’s jump into a risky situation. They assess the situation beforehand and would see if they benefit in it or not. (I.e. stealing a cookie from the jar for their mother’s birthday. Em would benefit cause they’d eat it, so they’d do it. Stealing candies from friends wouldn’t cause Em doesn’t like candies.)      - Em LOVES creating things! They have a very creative mind and could create things from simple items around them :>      - Em likes talking to Xem alone. They make such a chaotic duo when left by Alle but they also have late night talks and Xem helps Em with their anxieties about losing Alle.      - Em likes holding onto Alle’s wrist. They know that even if Alle loves herself openly, her thin wrists are what makes her slightly shy.
CHARACTER INFO (Part 2: Inspiration, Body Design and Symbolisms)
[Note: I added these two together because it’s not that long as well as most symbolisms and inspirations are linked through their design!]
Alle Morgen      - Alle is derived from my adoration of feminine traits and a part of me I prefer to hide back. The energetic nature of Alle mirrors my brain and hyper-thinking. She acts ‘annoying’ to annoy other people INTENTIONALLY. In a sense, I have done those in the past, but set these back in the present. Her design is centered around lolita looks all over the globe.
            The FRIENDSHIP BRACELET: She is seen wearing a friendship bracelet alongside a normal black hairtie on her left wrist. Her parent’s don’t know who she shares the other bracelet with, and she wouldn’t tell. The closest Em got to figuring it out was that the other bracelet was with ‘a friend I(Alle) cant see anymore’.
            The LACE: Though it is barely seen on the dress, Alle always prefers having laces on her dress or bow (if she wears one). She likes the feel of laces and they ‘make me(Alle) look pretty’.
            The BABY HEEL sandals: Alle doesn’t care what design the sandals, boots or slippers are, as long as they have a tiny baby heel :D
            The HAIR: As mentioned above, Alle used to have blonde hair. The only reason they dyed it ash rose is cause of her love for how it matches most of the Lolita fashion! 
            The ‘4′ FINGERS on both hands: I don’t know how to explain this. Genetics? Every Morgen family member have 4 fingers. You do the punnet square or something...
‘Em’ Morgen      - Em, to put it simply, is an embodiment of a part of my lazy and tired self. Though they are always inspired by multiple things, they’re strategical in whether it’s done easily, quick or tiresome. The fact that Em only has one hand is symbolic of the fact that I tend to only work with one hand if I can’t move (whether cause of a headache or a slight paralysis, it depends). 
            The ONE EYE shown: Em’s eyes work like fish eye lenses. They don’t like using both their eyes so they cover the other as they deem it makes them dizzy. For the reason they don’t just remove it (since they’re a toy) they find that they might need it in the future.
            The LONG BOTTOM Eyelashes: They like it that way. These were placed in the request of Alle a few months after Em entered the Morgen household :D
            The ONE ARM: Em has one arm that revolves around their torso (refer to picture 1 at the top right). It’s attached to a black cylindrical disk around their torso that serves as the body. The hand turns a full 360 as well as the arm around the torso. So it works ‘both ways’ in a sense :’DD
            The HAIR: They just like it like that.
            The PONCHO design: My basic idea of Em’s design was “TRIANGLE” so I made a triangle silhouette and I love ponchos- That’s the sole reason for the poncho, but the design on the poncho is derived from one of the multiple meanings of ‘Triangles’ as they sometimes mean the Sun, Male, Gender, Uprising or Energy(Alle) and Creativity(Em).
            The RAIN BOOTS: Rain boots are exactly that. Boots for the rain. But while they look simple in design, they are the easiest thing to wear without dirtying your feet and legs. And that’s really just why Em wears them- to avoid having a hard time cleaning them when following Alle with her shenanigans. 
SO! Overall info :D
Name: Alle Morgen     ; Older ‘sister’ to Em Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Birthday: April 19 Age: 9 Species: Human Height: 4′5 (135 cm) Weight: Don’t ask... Favourite Color: Electric Blue! You can see it a lot in her dresses :D Favourite Type of Music: Jazz and EDM Textbox (for drawing and adding text): Distinctive through a swirly line Favourite memory with Xem: Xem singing! The only time he ever sang for someone he didn’t know much about (before) was for Alle! He sang an on the spot song, granted the lyrics didn’t seem to make any sense. (They didn’t talk to her for a week.)
Name: ‘Em’ Morgen     ; Younger sibling to Alle Gender Identity: Genderfluid Pronouns: They/He/She (Whatever Em says they are *shrug* Also, Em uses their own name as their pronoun) Birthday: April 19 (Shared only cause they don’t really... want to remember birthdays) Age: 8 Species: Toy Height: 4′0 (128 cm) Weight: They don’t weight anything (Unless they want to) Favourite Color: Green (This, you don’t see in their outfit) Favourite Animal: Chihuahuas and Honeybees  Textbox (for drawing and adding text): Recognized through the two convace lines at the end pointing to them Favourite memory with Xem: When Xem ‘accidentally’ dropped an ice cream cone in Alle’s dress while they were up a tree. Later on, Em figures out they did this because they noticed that Em was tired of arguing with Alle.
0 notes
hawkland · 8 years ago
Another submission from me for @svucharacterappreciation​ Fin week—this for the prompt “secretive”.
You can read this as either gen Munch & Fin, or pre-slash, as it fits into my Spaces in Between fic series on AO3. It is set in and around the season 3 episode “Counterfeit”.
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Fin was getting used to the sight of his partner hobbling around the bullpen on crutches. What had been ridiculous and giggle-inducing at first had since become part of the normal everyday workplace scenery—complete with Munch’s foot propped up on his desk and pointed directly in Fin’s face.
“Better be a clean sock,” Fin warned as John sat down—with not inconsiderable, awkward effort—and the foot resumed said position.
“Every morning. Though I can’t wait to take a normal shower again.”
“You and me both.”
As scary as it was to admit, Fin was starting to miss having John out in the field with him. And he still wished John would tell him what had happened, how he had managed to injure that foot in the first place.
His curiosity over Munch’s secretiveness about it was driving him crazy. Usually John would tell Fin everything that was going on in his life, whether Fin wanted to hear all the details or not. So the fact that he refused to reveal the truth over this one particular mishap was mystifying.
“How long you gotta stay in that cast?” Fin asked, for far from the first time. He kept hoping John would slip up in answering and give him some kind of clue to go on.
“Six more weeks.”
“Damn. You must’ve seriously done a number on that foot.”
“Mm,” John answered, noncommittal. He picked up a file from the leaning tower on his desk, and was almost convincing in feigning actual interest in his paperwork.
“Skiing,” Fin wagered.
John looked across at him, eyebrows slowly rising. “Excuse me?”
“You went off for a weekend skiing and that’s how you hurt it.” It was the middle of January and they’d had a fair amount of snow since the beginning of the year. It seemed a logical guess. Did Munch have a secret girlfriend he’d taken skiing on a romantic getaway? He had shown up with a new haircut, too, that first day he’d come in with cast and crutches.
For some reason Fin hoped that wasn’t the case. At least the part regarding the girlfriend. He wasn’t quite sure why. But he actually felt a bit relieved when John answered, “Nope. I haven’t been out on the slopes in years.”
Struck down once more. Fin shook his head. He had his own pile of DD-5s to complete, he should be doing his paperwork too, and yet… “Okay, I got it now. You were rearranging the bookshelves in your apartment. A heavy book fell on your foot.” He remembered John telling him recently how he’d gotten a new software program to organize his personal library—though he was anxious about using the online ISBN database in case the government was monitoring people’s choices in reading materials.
“Imaginative hypothesis, but wrong again.”
“Damn. C’mon, man, why won’t you just tell me what went down?” Fin was close to begging for the truth at this point. “It can’t be that embarrassing, not even if it happened during sex.” Fin hesitated, and remembered that this was Munch he was talking to. “It wasn’t during sex, was it?” he added. If it was, maybe that was something about which he didn’t want to hear.
“No. And trust me, if it was? It wouldn’t be the worst injury I’ve suffered in the boudoir.”
“Well you can save that story for some other time,” Fin replied, intrigued but not sure he wanted to go there in the middle of the workday.
“Perhaps. Though I’m thinking that my days of serious oversharing around this office are behind me. It’s not like my open-book nature has always been welcomed. Or returned in kind.” He added the last with another trademark Munch Expressive Eyebrow Gesture.
Fin sighed and rolled his eyes in response. “Are you still mad I didn’t tell you ’bout my son? Is that what this is all about?”
“I’m not mad, Fin. But I am a little…disappointed. I thought we were closer than that by now. That’s a pretty big secret to keep from your partner after all this time.”
Munch might not be “mad”, but he was definitely hurt. And doing a good job of making Fin feel guilty for it, what with that wounded puppy dog act. “Look, it’s just…me and my son, we’re not exactly on great terms these days.”
“Because of the divorce?”
“That, and a lot of other things. I…it’s…not somethin’ I like to talk about much, you know?” It was hard to admit to yourself you were a failure of a father, let alone admit it to someone else. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. Though, you know, you never asked if I had kids or not.”
John shrugged. “The fault of the childless, I suppose. We’re used to everyone who has children announcing it as soon as possible in any introductory conversation. I suppose I assumed you didn’t have any when you never brought it up on your own.”
“Hmph. Good point.”
“It’s just the one though, right? One kid?”
“Yeah, just one.” Fin paused, thinking of his son for a moment. He realized it was a little odd that he had a photo of his old dog on his desk, whom he still missed terribly after being gone for several years, but not one of his very own son. He played with the pen in his hand, clicking and unclicking the ink cartridge. “His name is Kwasi.”
“Kwasi Tutuola? Has a nice ring to it.”
“I thought so. He tends to prefer Americanizing it to Ken these days. And using his mother’s surname.” More ways to distance himself from me, Fin thought with regret, rejecting the name I chose for him and the name of his father’s family.
They both fell into silence for a while, as the rest of the squadroom buzzed with daytime activity around them. John eventually closed his file, dropped it on his desk, and sat staring at Fin until Fin realized he was under scrutiny. “I fell,” John said once he had Fin’s full attention again.
“I fell. On a patch of ice outside my apartment building. I was rushing to get inside with some take-out I’d grabbed on the way home from work. Lost my balance, and like an idiot I worried more about trying to save the food instead of my own ass—or foot, as the case turned out to be. Ended up with a fractured ankle and egg drop soup all over my favorite winter coat.”
Fin could just picture it, and the mental image made it hard to stop himself from laughing. “Not nearly as glamorous as a sky diving accident, huh?”
“Not by a long shot. Though the more you and everyone else tried to guess what elaborate scenario had led to my misfortune, the more I started to enjoy not sharing the true story. Fiction can be much more entertaining than the truth. I could at least live vicariously through your creative imaginations.”
“So how do I know you’re telling me the truth now?” Fin asked.
“Because lying about something so pathetic wouldn’t be worth it. Would it?”
“Probably not.”
John leaned forward—as best as he could with his foot on the desk—and said in a low voice, “You sure you don’t want to hear the sex injury story?”
“NO. Not now. Please.” Fin then added with a sly smile, “Maybe later. If you want I can drive you home, pick up some Chinese, and you can tell me after egg rolls and peanut noodles. If it’s not gonna make me lose my appetite.”
“Depends. You might want to skip the egg rolls. In case they get…bent during transit.”
It only took a second for Fin to put two and two together and then—“Aw man, ouch,” he cringed, instinctively shifting in his seat.
“Sorry, but you set yourself up for that one. But don’t worry, it was only a temporary setback. Everything was fully functional again in no time at all.”
“That’s nice. But why should the state of your dick be any of my concern?”
“I’m assuming this is a conversation I don’t need to be overhearing,” Elliot said, having picked a very inopportune moment to be passing by.
“Keep walking,” John said, grabbing another file.
Fin made a mental note to find a photo of Kwasi to bring in, and show to John tomorrow.
Author’s note: Munch’s sex-related injury is a tiny reference to the Homicide: Life on the Street episode "Red, Red Wine". If you picked it up, then I send a bent balloon salute to you!
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