#yeah this is another redraw of a pic...
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rottysphere · 2 years ago
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Get the hell off of him dingus
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aeb-art · 11 months ago
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this is silly but i used geo and my sona for posing practice lmao
geo belongs to @8um8le as always and the reference pics are below the cut 🙇
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virtualbeetle · 1 year ago
Hello there! I saw your pen sketch post, and I do love low-effort $5 crazy sketches. Are you still offering them?
Yep! I'm about to head for bed for the night but feel free to go ahead and send details for me to do them tomorrow :>
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tearsofmilky · 1 year ago
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Another redraw
I like to see them together. Also this pic looks kinda funny
And yeah, something wrong with my hands, I know 😢
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knucklesdaily · 1 year ago
Day 37: Baseball
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Just another simple redraw because yeah lol
Og pic under cut
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leonenjoyer69 · 10 months ago
I really love your art and your artstyle!!! I'm trying to learn to draw and I'm struggling to find a way to draw faces and especially eyes that I like, could you maybe share some tips on how you draw faces because omg I am so in awe of how cool your art looks! :D
Honestly, the best advice I can give is to study tf out of art styles you like, bc that's exactly what I did with TGS. The amount of pages I just stared at and tried to lowkey memorize is ungodly, and once I started drawing the characters and trying to emulate sage's style, I kinda just kept getting better from there. My ability to draw poses and full body stuff also got exponentially better VERY quickly, TGS is just magic like that, I swear.
Also, for eyes specifically, referencing each characters eyes and testing different expressions is kinda the way to go. I use my physical copy of Vol 1 a LOT for referencing (especially for Hyde and Lanyon)
(A LOT more under the cut lmao)
Also, just drawing headshots of the characters over and over helps too, especially in pen! I have literal DOZENS of random 5- 10 minute pen doodles. The nice thing about the pen stuff is that, yeah, youll mess up a lot and not be super satisfied with most of them, but it forces you to be a bit more careful about how you place things and steadier with you hand, at least in my experience.
(The sillies)
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See? Most of them really suck, but they made me pay a lot more attention to what I was doing and what I wanted to do. It also helped me grasp quirks of the characters and drawing expressions a lot better. Plus, this isn't even all of them, I've got a bunch more in a little envelope I made.
Also, looking on Pinterest for pose references probably would also help, or taking pics of yourself for reference, but I'm built different (stubborn and lazy) so I rawdog my anatomy and poses 🗣️🗣️
Otherwise, I can also give a little doodle example with Whole Jekyll on how I currently draw in pencil and such :3
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Start with circle, then give it a nice center line and chin
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Then I throw in the neck and shoulders (which tend to change a decent bit bc anatomy is hard), the eye line, which goes through the middle of the circle, and then I like to do a line down the chest to figure out which way I want him pointing, since he's at a tilt. I also change this quite often, along with where I want the face pointing lmao. Once I've figured out direction, I draw the nose starting at the bottom of the circle and up to the eye line. I also then draw the top of the eyes first. The eye line (and apparently the center line 💀) is of course a suggestion, and I tend to mess around with the eye shape until it looks mostly right.
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Then the bottoms of the eyes and the pupils get thrown in, which I have to redraw pretty often to try and make them match better. I also usually leave the eyes blank bc I'm lazy af and can't draw pupils too well, I will shade them tho and that makes them look better.
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Then bbg gets ears (which I usually start around the corners of the eyes and go down to just above the little curve of the jaw), eyebrows (also just mess around with these til they look right) and a mouth (I HATE drawing mouths 😋😋), then they get their hair (also have to redraw a bunch)
Also, to show Whole Jekylls other eye, I pinned his hair back, so there's a treat, Whole Jekyll enjoyers <3 bbg can fully see 😍 (Mind Lanyon probably forced him too)
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Then I shade his eyes, give him clothes and fix up any quick things that were bothering me (in this his nose) and go back with the edge of a rectangle eraser and get those guidelines and extra lines out (sometimes they're still a little visible, but maybe just don't draw them as heavy handed as I do 💀) and Bada Bing Bada boom! Doodle done :3 of course its not the best, but it doesn't have to be, thats the joy of doodles
Heres another good pic to kinda show how I use my guidelines (and how messy my doodles usually are, it's part of my charm guys, I swear--)
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Otherwise like, my progress shots for drawings look goofy af lmao, like--
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Messy af, incorrect proportions, wrong anatomy, eugh. just takes time (and a lot of redrawing) to get to the final pieces.
But yeah!!! Eyes are annoying, it just takes a lot of tweaking and repetition.
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Like, I redrew some of these eyes a decent few times and some of them are still off, like cmon Lanyon, why you gotta be so hard for me to draw 💔
Anyways!!! Thats probably the best I can offer right this second lmao, sometimes I kinda wish I could record drawing and stuff but I don't do stuff purely digital often enough to. I do have a full speed paint for that drawing of Jekyll in Hydes mind clothes tho, so idk maybe I'll share that if anyone wants me to lmao.
But yeah! Thank you so much for the ask and the kind words, I hope this helps! or is at least entertaining lmao
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crumpet-doodles · 7 months ago
2018-2024 Redraw!!
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Rant under the cut lmao
OUGHHHHHHHHH *fucking DIES* MANNNN I REMEMBER DRAWING THE OLD ONE- It was at summer camp and this really nice girl tried to teach me her artstyle ToT the perspective is SO OFF but give me a break, I was what- 8??? Anyways-
The ocs themselves are so so so SO old- I made them around the same time as the drawing actually, being inspired by our favorite 2010s "robo kitty" animation memes. You know the ones. (I was an IPad kid, but I was exposed to furries at a younger age than most/silly. I don't think I learned what a furry was until I was like- 9 or 10-)
I don't think I ever named them, they were just Robodog and Cyborg Kitty. It was basically an AU of another one of my ocs, Venus, but if they got captured and sent to a lab (2000s/2010s kids, you know. The fucking neon emo wolf lab shit. The good stuff <33) I absolutely LOVED them. Also, they were nonbinary before I knew what that was. The term I used instead was. Ragingly embarrassing, so I shan't tell what it was.
I found some old drawings, too-
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I find it so funny because every single time I drew them their design changed. The last pic was a jungle-themed costume btw.
They were supposed to be a tortoiseshell-calico mix, but I didn't know what either of those looked like, so I improvised lmao.
But yeah. The prompt for the picture was Cy talking about an adventure they had before being kidnapped to the lab, and Robodog listening. (BTW they actually hacked robodog bc he was evil. Yeah. They were so cool <333)
Anyways, this was SO fun to draw, especially because of the fact I improved so much lmfao.
Wait. Wait- 2018 WAS 6 YEARS AGO!?!? HOOOLY SHI-
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roseartsandfics · 11 months ago
Sephiroth (CC) -- Rose
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Here is another Sephiroth artwork from Crisis Core with a rose 🌹 Tbh, I actually LOVED how this turned how. I just love drawing my favorite FF character (or villain lol), especially the FFVII trilogy <3. I’ve been wanting to draw more Sephiroth lately, so here he is I did probably last week (?).
SPOILER ALERT for those who hadn't played Crisis Core and/or Crisis Core Reunion, and the original and the remakes of FFVII of what I am about to say! So be aware of spoils!
I managed to do chapter 8 of CC-R, finally managed to see the Nibelheim Incident, which was an essential, and most shocking event I have EVER seen in my life ever since getting into FF. I hadn't even known that the people that created FFVII to have the most crucial event that probably is popular and shocking at the same time. I hadn't even gotten into that event in the OG and the remakes of FFVII just yet, nor seen the full thing of Last Order, but I did manage to get through it in Crisis Core Reunion. I was NERVOUS of playing that chapter 0_0. My heart was beating fast and my stomach was turning just thinking about it and how I will get through it! (I started to love Tifa's voice, btw :3). Sephiroth’s fall from hero to a threat was INDEED heartbreaking. I feel like he is the victim of Hojo’s experiments and the origins are just heartbreaking. Unfortunately he fell into insanity. I also felt if that wasn't for Hojo, and all the experiments he had done, and what he had done to Sephiroth, and probably the company did this to him as well, none of Sephiroth’s insanity would've happened. And yeah, Cloud killing Sephiroth at the reactor by stabbing him and throwing him into the Mako pit (or lifestream) was hard for me to watch after the battle. It'll be hard and NERVOUS for me to watch that scene from the OG as well along with the backstory from Cloud's POV in the OG and Rebirth. Oh, and that Sephiroth battle… was probably one of those battles that got my blood boiling but loving at the same time for some odd reason. I wasn't even READY for the Sephiroth battle at all, and I hated it, but loved it at the same time. Things I love was his stances and and intros before the battle, but what I hate is trying not to die from every powers he's using. The second phased I don't really like. So yeah, Sephiroth's fall from grace sucked, but will be forever my favorite FF villain ❤️
Alright, that's enough with the long description of my time playing chapter 8 and discussion before I get myself carried away lol. I had the shirtless Sephiroth art with a rose done on this book, but I didn't like how it turned out. So I decided to redraw that piece on my iPad and will display it as soon as it's done :). I'll be playing more Crisis Core soon!
WIP pics:
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Sephiroth and Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII - Reunion ©Tetsuya Nomura, Hajime Tabata, Yoshihiro Hirota, Mariko Sato, SQUARE ENIX and Tose
Artwork ©RosePrincessArts
No copyright infringement is intended
Used: Soho Studio pencils and markers, fine artists pens, gel pen, illustration markers, non toxic alcohol markers and calligraphy pen
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neonsomatic · 6 months ago
Please info dump to me about your favourite OC or your favourite aspect of your world Within 👀
aaaaaaaaaaaa Okay okay it's hard to pick one of seven... Eight? Nine, technically? (Two of which belong to very close friends of mine.)
I'm putting it under a cut because it looks pretty lengthy on my phone, plus there's some... Negative implications regarding gender? It's not bad and it has a happy ending, it's just a description of my personal experience with it back when I was in a pretty dark place.
I think the most important one(s) to me overall would be Rhys and Ilvenath; they're grouped together because they're a package deal. Rhys - the small, idiotic, loud-mouthed arsonist gremlin of a man with absolutely ZERO sense of self preservation - was the first OC that sparked the whole thing, but the story was way different back then. It actually took me about a year to actually name him; I kept calling him "Bastard Man Dumpster Fire" and every combination of those words rearranged, and I'm pretty sure I still have art files with those names too, including one called, "I finally named him Rhys." I know the art folder itself is definitely named something like "Bastard Fire Dumpster Man and Friends" or something like that as well, I never bothered changing it and I probably never will.
I was kinda in a really dark place mentally at the time I made him, and both he and Ilvenath (or just Nath,) were basically how I saw myself cranked up to 11. I had used them as a coping mechanism and a way to vent through both art and writing since I wasn't comfortable talking to anyone about it, and at the time I was still very much questioning my relationship with gender and the (very true) possibility of me being trans. It was very unhealthy at first, but the characters grew as I did and eventually they became a very positive thing for me.
But anyway, Rhys had started as this trans man who had this monster inside of him trying to violently take over his mind and body (the monster was actually himself to no one's surprise,) and he had to constantly take this drug called Neon to kinda keep the monster at bay; it's actually where the name "Neonsomatic" came from, it was what I originally called the story. Eventually this "monster" character evolved into a separate being, and I had given the two of them this (very toxic in hindsight,) love/hate relationship.
After this phase in Rhys' evolution, I had given him a redesign (thanks Sims 4 mods!) and I ended up falling in love with it, and eventually that "monster" became a demon that got trapped inside of him, keeping him alive; it was here that the demon became Ilvenath. I had then wanted them both to have a more positive relationship with each other. At this point I had already made another OC for Rhys to have a romantic relationship with - Emmerich and his Eldritch companion Ez - and I kept tweaking their stories to still keep that Cyberpunk-esque "no one has a happy beginning or ending" feel I had from the beginning, but they had each other and that's all that mattered. I had also kept changing their heights because I couldn't get enough of that delicious height difference; as of the most current change, Rhys is 5'4" and Emmerich is 6'8". But yeah, then the rest of the crew came in (the ones that are my own are all aspects of me cranked up to 11; that still hasn't changed,) and the story evolved into what it is now; a story about found family and overcoming trauma at its core.
But my personal connection with Rhys has always remained the same, he just grew with me as I got more and more comfortable with myself and eventually, accepting who I am. This pic of them is an older one and I definitely need to redraw it sometime; there's SO much wrong with it. But it's still one of my favorites.
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sixrealmsbeneaththesea · 2 years ago
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another sketch worked on while working on commission goodness. it's like double the productivity, helps me do the things faster that i would otherwise spin in agony over being not good enough for my pencils or something lmao
but yeah a redraw of an old pic. serial experiments lain has always been one of the reasons i like to draw...what i like to draw. and apart from lain herself? i always thought masami eiri was cool. his design is simple but the electrical tape really does him a solid. i dunno.
alright back to commission.
still accepting commissions...orrrr donations. /points to ko-fi on main brog
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26aspen-edits · 1 year ago
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This originally started with me just redrawing this and seeing them looking at the cadets but after awhile it just looked like Hunk was embarrassed and Pidge is looking at him in awe, so yeah, here's another Hidge rewrite art piece for yall!
Since they have their scars, they are together in this shot, they were together when Hunk got his scar but not together when Pidge got his
original pic below (ep 14, inside the music)
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nentofus · 2 years ago
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oh yeah the campaign for these fellas fell through but i still had a lot of fun messing around with these meme redraws when it was still ongoing. some of these were done using procreate, some were done using my old setup (laptop n tablet)
oc credits: boozy (wizard goat) belongs to @/boozy.boi (IG) mephiles (dragonborn) belongs to @/__av.enue (IG, two underscores in front!) vellmyr (dwarf in the second pic :3) is mine olin (halfling throwing rose petals) belongs to @/tofuunut (IG) elias (drow in the leopard print undies) belongs to an irl acquaintance whose socials i'm unsure about miranda (....high elf? with her back facing the camera in pic 3) belongs to a pal whose social media i dont know
bonus: below are some sketches i did like 2 sessions in; i wanted to feel out their designs for future art!
left pic OCs grey: carolus! our... aasimar? paladin who was made to retire from the campaign. i miss him.. he belongs to the same person who created miranda! blue: boozy! our lovely wizard who speaks abyssal hehe red: mephiles, our super duper cool dragonborn druid :blushu: orangey-brown: albern, high elf wizard who's a big goober. belongs to an acquaintance who prefers to keep his privacy
right pic OCs pink: sylvia. DM PC. belongs to another irl acquaintance who doesn't use social media red: miranda. our sub-DM's PC. she had the power to control time and i think she is very cool :megaflush: purple: olin. our super chill halfling bard!! they're the coolest... grey: vellmyr! my dwarf totem warrior barbarian hehe~ god i. need to settle his tattoos and backstory one day
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chocodaffodil · 2 years ago
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I don't know what I'm doing. I just slapped on colors and hoped it looked good
Now I will start rambling!
So there was this person in the Omori discord server who drew fine in the Omori art style and my friend, a fellow Omori fan, sent it to me and I was super inspired. It just looked super pretty and my crops were watered and absolutely flourished!! My friend also helped me figure out who would be in Mari's role, with the options being past fine members and of course, Tsumugi had to die <3
I like him very much (and he is one of my favorite Enstars characters... just #5 though) so I wanna give him that really important role ahah
It only makes sense because he's the one who was the most affected by Eichi?? He really considered Eichi a friend and felt betrayed by his actions while Nagisa and Hiyori were just in fine on contract. I honestly do not know much about the Enstars story and it's been a while since I've finished Omori so idk...
But yeah, it has to be Tsumugi!
Anyways, Eichi wouldn't be a shut-in and only stay at home like Sunny. I see him in a coma after the events of the War and Tsumugi's death? And that's why he's in a dream world, where Tsumugi is still alive and things are starting to settle down.
The white egret orchid in the pic is basically a redraw of the one in Omori. The game says that it symbolizes the phrase "my thoughts will follow you into your dreams."
I associate it with Basil and I think he means well when he shows up in Sunny's dreams as Stranger.
As for Natsume... I'm giving him Stranger's role and he definitely does not have good intentions for Eichi so that line, "my thoughts will follow you into your dreams" would be more of a curse. He'd be constantly showing up in Eichi's dream world and trying to force him to remember what he's done.
The inciting event that forces Omori to explore the dream world with his friends (and him eventually remembering Mari's death) was looking for Basil, who is missing.
For Eichi, the inciting event would be Natsume stirring up a rebellion.
I don't think there'd be silly little creatures to fight like sprout moles and bunnies. The battles would be singing and dancing as per Yumenosaki style. Rebels would continuously spring up and challenge fine to a duel.
But of course, there'd be little side quests like Omori where fine, with 3 out of 4 members being part of the student council, have to do some work. I'm being vague because I have no clue. I can see quests being asked by students and they're like pinned to a bulletin board. Is Yuzuru even a part of the student council or was he just there to help Tori out?
Other notes!
There is no Trickstar :)
As in their unit hasn't really officially formed yet. I just don't really see where they would fit?
Eichi is not just impacted by Tsumugi's death. Tsumugi is the face of his guilt and also stands for all the other lives that were lost in the War. A really fitting line I remember is Eichi's 4-star card for the Tempest event in which he says, "I'm destroying someone's dream." I had to check in-game so I guess the lines are actually: "I'm the one who crushes that dream. I, and my dream, could ruin the dreams of others." In order to make his wish of creating a utopia for idols into a reality, Eichi has crushed other people's dreams.
I can see him telling himself that they were necessary sacrifices but perhaps there's another small part of him (or it could be Natsume's thoughts entering his head) that asks if Tsumugi's death and the other deaths were actually necessary. Could there have been some world where all that pain could have been avoided?
Yeah that's the end of my rambling~
I'll talk about the rest of fine and their roles later
I have college stuff to do urghh
Ahh I almost forgot that this would be past Tsumugi, who had no blue/turquoise(??) streaks in his hair.
Also I wanted Natsume to be on the right side of the canvas but the way I drew him, it only makes sense if he's on the left. His longer hair lock is on the left side of his face (if it was our pov, it'd be the right? I feel like I'm making this more confusing) and I want to keep it that way but if he was on the right side of the canvas, that longer lock would be on the wrong side...
Also fun fact, my friend shared that fine Omori art with me 178 days ago so about half a year ago... this has been in the back of my mind for some time but I'm glad I finally drew something and wrote my thoughts out.
The majority of my funky ideas are actually Twst-related even though I have yet to talk about any Twst characters or draw fanart of them...
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mooncalf87 · 5 months ago
Another redraw of cringy art i made when I was 12!
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the poses are less exciting in the new one but in thr old one i literally just traced png pics of them so. Yeah
The two faces of Lilith Clawthorne
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"Go back to your
world, Human.
This one is ours."
"I'm not going to
comment on
that, Hootsifer."
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funakounasoul · 2 years ago
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The very first picture I did to tease what would become "Raison d'Etre." I did a redraw later on that same year, and then another one about 3 years later. 
 ....I think it may be time for another one, eh? HOWEVER, there will be a big difference if I do a redraw of that pic. 
See, Teen Miko isn't the default Miko like I thought she would be, at first. Adult Miko *is*
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See, the original idea for Raison was that Yukina would be reading nothing but diaries until the very end, so we'd just be seeing Sachiko, Miko, etc in their teen years. And then, at the verrrry end, we get to see SachiMiko as Yuki's moms. I strayed from that idea in Ch 3
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Since then, including the Memory Series and random illustrations, and even into the REMIX project, I am making an effort to make Yuki's parents known from the beginning, and since the main plot takes place in the Present Day (2030), that would make these two the default now
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So yeah, it should be fun doing a new version of this!
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twoshipsnorowboat · 3 years ago
Your art style is a bloody DELIGHT - I was curious if you had any inspirations for it you'd be open to sharing? It's such a lovely balance between the whimsy of animation while still being fantastic likenesses of the characters the art is based on and it's everything I hope I'll be able to do one day myself (but I'm still VERY early on in practicing drawing).
A more coherent answer:
First off, thank you so fucking much for liking my art style!!! It’s always a fucking battle and I am never certain of how I feel about it. Often, it kind of seems like I don’t have as cohesive a style as I should—so seeing this was such a shock. Thank you you fucking godsend
In terms of inspirations, a shit ton? Haha not very helpful. I started off drawing really loving burdge-art’s style and there’s a bit of their style influence on me. That said, at the same time, I was learning traditional art as well, so I learned a lot about capturing likenesses and proportions and such there. (FYI this was…6 years ago? Haha yeah. Drawing is a fucking process and it’s one that’s most appreciated as a craft rather than one where the finished product is perfect, so just general advice for not losing your mind: don’t be too hard on yourself for not getting something right in the final draft of your artwork. Note it, figure out how to improve it, then start the next project. It happens, it’s part of the process.)
When capturing someone’s likeness, I like to do a sheet of just studies first. First off, get a bunch of reference pics. People look different in different angles and the way their eye looks on one angle doesn’t quite match up to how they look another angle. Give everything a good study. I then *gasp* trace a source image. Probably not the best practice, but it familiarizes me with the shapes of the person. (FYI I’m in “tracing is amazing for practice but never claim that’s your own art” camp.) Then, I close the trace, do a redraw of the same picture but with only references. And then I draw a bunch of other poses. Everyone has a different process but this really works for me.
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The reason why you want to do a version post-trace (aside from good practice) is because the trace looks…off. Real world lines don’t really convert very well to art lines. The sketch version has a stronger sense of 3D and structure. It doesn’t feel as wishy-washy as the trace. This is the place where art style begins to show because this is where you start to “condense” and take out parts of the original photo you don’t want to express. The sketch loses accuracy, but that’s where style develops. (In this one, I do think the eyes are a bit far apart. I’d fix that when I do the next sketch!)
The faint red lines behind the sketch is my shape layer. Highly recommend this. It helps everything set into place!
Okay, back to inspirations. Generally I am really drawn to art with strong fluidity and mood. Pencil sketches, oils, ink and watercolour, animators’ sketches, etc. I love love love nephrosoupp, holly warburton, chopinspree, and nobodyanybody0 (now nbgpart!)’s art. They have such a great cohesion to the works as well as fluidity and colour, and it’s like, how are they so good?
My current colouring style is influenced by traditional coloured pencil art, hence the line-y look. I’m working on incorporating some high-contrast into the style (ex. using blue as shade colours when base is yellow, etc.) but, as with all art, it’s a Fucking Process.
Hope the ramble was a decent read, and a giant fucking thank you once again for making my fucking day.
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