#yeah that’s how I feel except that I know it’s hell and not to be trusted
yurinabluu · 3 days
🔹2. Honey-comb icecream
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synopsis- Break-up of the it couple of the university was surely shocking for everyone but yu jimin didn't care. She knew it was right to do as she was in love with somebody else. Precisely her ex's bestfriend.
[A moment from the past when Ryujin and Jimin were dating]
“Do you like the taste? This place is particularly renowned for it’s ice-cream. I tried the raspberry one with Y/N few months ago and loved it so much. Though Y/N liked the honey-comb more. I had a bite and trust me when I say how bad it was. God knows how she likes it so much.”
Ryujin chuckled lowly and took a bite from her ice-cream.
While Ryujin was busy in talking about something, Jimin couldn’t help but motion her orbs onto the woman who had stolen her heart without even her realizing the moment it happened. She had convinced her broken heart that you did not feel the same about her , which led her to accept Ryujin’s proposal.
She thought this would help her to move on but boy how wrong she was. You were so pretty , so kind and so gentle. How can she ever move on from you?
Jimin was not a fool. She knew about her popularity. She was aware how everyone in the university adored her. Everyone except you she assumed. Nobody knows how many times she had prayed that she was wrong. Maybe you felt something for her. She did not mind if it was friendship or anything less . She just wanted to be near you and admire you for the amazing woman you were.
“I want to try another flavor.”
Ryujin looked up at Jimin before replying,
“Yeah? Tell me the flavor . I’ll go and buy for you.”
“The honey-comb one”
Ryujin looked at Jimin for a second before nodding and head towards the counter. Jimin gave her a small smile before her eyes moved back to you again. However, the smile which was gracing her beautiful face got replaced with a frown when she noticed a girl standing close to you which was more than enough to disrupt Jimin’s whole self.
She hated this feeling. She felt her gut wrench and stomach churn in a way she had never experienced before. It was an unfamiliar painful feeling and Jimin despised it. She never wished to feel like this again.
[Present time]
“Jimmy, are you fine?”
Minjeong asked her , her eyes mirroring the worry in her other two friend’s, Aeri and NingNing eyes.
Jimin’s eyes were fixed on you, particularly on your arm which was being held by Yunjin, the famous cheerleader. Yunjin was one of your admirers except for the fact that she was hell bent to make you hers. Everyone knew of her liking towards you and the efforts she has been putting in since freshman years to please you, which only resulted in earning a polite rejection from you.
Jimin knew you would reject her again like you have been doing since before , not to her but to everyone who’d dared to confess their feelings to you.
But the similar feeling always haunts her every time something like this happened.
“Do you think Y/N will accept Yunjin this time?”
“Maybe. I mean Yunjin has been trying for so long.”
“Really? I don’t think so.”
“Wanna bet?”
Having enough of the chatters, Jimin got up from her seat and left the cafeteria immediately. Jimin was a strong and resilient woman but she was nothing but powerless when it came to you.
Your eyes wandered on the screen in-front you while your hands were busy in jotting down the notes Mr. Lee was displaying. You had an important test coming up soon and needless to say you were lacking behind a lot due to volleyball practices. You loved the sport more than anything else but this test was important and covered an important part of your grade. Not to forget, the project which was going to be announced today held the similar importance. God it was extremely stressful but it something which was needed to be done.
“I just hope my partner will be useful. I cannot do all the work alone.”
You muttered under your breath when you noticed a presence beside you.
You looked up at the source of voice when you felt your breath stop at the sight. Jimin stood beside you with her laptop and essentials in her hand, adorned in a white sleeve-less tee with a matching sky blue jeans , looking at you with a small smile. You were speechless. You never had a proper conversation with her before. You had no idea on what to say.
“Uhm hey..”
You mumbled nervously before Jimin sat down beside you making you even more surprised. You noticed her putting the materials down on the table gracefully before her eyes met your wide ones again. She let out a small laugh before speaking to you,
“We are partners….. y’know for the project.”
You were cooked. Undoubtedly. You don’t know about God’s favorite child but you swore you definitely were the least. Before you could speak anything, Mr. Lee’s voice filled the classroom.
“Now that your partners are announced, I need you all to prepare a thorough and detailed presentation on the topic you like. Make sure to counter all the expected areas of the topic you choose along with your partners and discuss each other’s findings daily for at least an hour for a month before concluding it. Strategize your schedule for a month accordingly and remember this project is important for your grade. So better take it seriously.”
You cursed internally thinking about how you were going to survive a month being that close to Jimin. You just hoped that you won’t do anything stupid. Making Jimin uncomfortable was the least thing you ever want to do. And God knows how you were going to explain this to Ryujin. You cannot imagine what was going to happen during this whole month but things will definitely be taking a turn.
For good or for bad… only God knows that.
“So I was saying…” , Jimin looked at you giving you all her attention. You released a breath you did not realize you were holding before speaking,
“Should we exchange numbers?”
Jimin raised a brow at you in surprise which made you even more nervous if it was even possible.
“I mean since we are now partners, sorry project partners and Mr. Lee said we need to discuss our findings daily. So to decide the timings we need to chat and of course we cannot do that without having each other’s number. I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable. It did not mean that. Trust me I am-”
Placing her hand on your shoulder, Jimin gave you a light comforting squeeze while having a teasing smile on her lips.
“I did not know you could get nervous Y/N.”
Jimin spoke making you look away from her with blood rushing in your face, making your ears and cheeks turn red. She laughed looking at your flushed self before handing her phone to you and asking you to hand over yours to her. Jimin returned your phone back to you after saving her number making you do the same.
“Let’s have a good month together Y/N.”
A genuine smile graced your lips mirroring hers before you spoke,
“Sure Jimin.”
Taglist(open) - @saysirhc , @1luvkarina , @myouiiiiiiii , @nasyu-kookies , @gayforalll , @yuyuy90 , @hooneysugarh , @spidrgamer , @sunshinez4 , @hwm1hyun .
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dsireland86 · 2 days
Hello ☺️ Hope your doing well.
Could I please request a Matt Dierkes one shot if possible him being a grumpy ass except to his wife?? Fluffy and cute 🙏
Oh you are my first Matt Dierkes one-shot! Yes! Thank you for the inspiration :)
Feeling on the Edge
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TAGS: @philomenie @supersquirrel1996 @foliosgirl @angelmarie89 @fadingintothegrey @theanarchymuse95 @thisbicc @lma1986
Matt drummed his fingers on his lap anxiously. I could tell he was in a bad mood, dying to get out of the video call meeting with the management team. His face said he was irritated and completely over the whole record label bull crap. He just wanted to be done.
Seeing how fidgety he was, I nudged his leg beneath the table with my foot hoping the friction was enough to tame his temper. He looked over at me and his dark eyes, full aggression, immediately softening.
I grinned at him to let him know I was still in his corner. He grinned back, took a deep breath, and refocused his attention on the computer screen, but not before reaching over and placing his hand on the inside of my thigh.
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The rest of the day was hell for everyone, because Matt insisted on setting the world around him on fire. Every little thing that someone did annoyed him. Every word that was said, Matt had some sarcastic, snippy remark to follow it.
In the process of just three hours, he managed to break a computer monitor because he was too impatient, cut the wrong wire while attempting to splice a cable that Noah said was dead, spill Nicholas's coffee all down the front of him because he turned around too fast out of anger, dropped a mix board, misplaced his phone not once, not twice, but three times, and to top it all off, he had run out of Dr. Pepper.
"Dude, you need to calm the hell down! You starting to stress me out," Folio criticized him.
"Yeah, no joke. And if Folio is stressed then the rest of us are at the point of giving you a beatdown."
Matt glared at Noah who crossed his arms while leaning against the table. Matt didn't speak, but the look he was giving Noah screamed a big "fuck you".
"Well, it's not my fault. Those stupid pieces of shit at the record label treat me like I'm and idiot sometimes. I'm not a fucking idiot! I know how to do my job!"
"Nobody is say you are, baby," I pointed out.
"Matt calm down, man. You know not to listen to those people."
Nicholas came walking into the conversation after switching to a pair of clean clothes.
"Oh my god! What the hell are you wearing?"
Matt's expression was of utter disgust, looking at Nick. All of us turned and stared, a few bursting into fits of laughter. Nick didn't match at all. Sporting a neon pink shit that was a little too snug and a pair of snake skin looking pants that were way too stretchy for him to be wearing, he looked ridiculous.
"What?" Nick shrugged with his hands up. "It's all I could find. If someone hadn't been so angry and turned around so fast," scowling over at Matt, "I wouldn't be in this mess."
"Oh so it's my fault you look like a clown?" Matt snapped.
"Yeah, I kinda is," Nick shot back. "And your piss poor attitude!"
"What! I don't have a piss poor attitude! I've just had a fucked up day and all of you have added to it!"
"What! I didn't do anything!" I exclaimed defensively.
Matt's eyes quickly shifted over to me. "No, no, not you baby. You're fine. You haven't done anything wrong," he reassured me, smiling.
"Oh for god's sake, come on man! Your wife isn't that perfect," Folio groaned.
"Mmm, I don't know, Folio, she's pretty perfect. I mean, you've had her cooking, and we all know that's she's done your laundry a few times, even finding the matches to your lost socks."
Folio looked at me, smiling apologetically.
"Yeah I guess so. Sorry, Y/N," he said leaning over and laying a sweet soft kiss on my cheek.
"Okay, well if you all are done flirting with my wife, I'd like to have her back now, please. Go get your own women! She belongs to me."
"Matt! That was so mean!"
"What! It's true! They're always trying to steal you from me."
I laughed so hard.
"Holy shit, Matt, you can't be serious!"
"Especially you," he chided Noah. "You're always trying to get in her pants."
"Alright, Matthew. That's it! Come with me; now!"
"It's Matt," he corrected me as I pulled him away from the group.
"What is going on with you? Where did that come from? Noah? Really, Matt!"
Squeezing his eyes shut, Matt pinched the bridge of his nose, walking sluggishly over to me. I snaked my arms around his waist, shaking my head at the Lord of the Rings Shirt he was wearing.
"I just washed that shirt and hung it up last night," I scolded him.
Turning his hat backwards, he lowered his forehead to mine, taking a deep breath.
"I'm sorry. I'm snapping again, aren't I?"
I smiled, placing my hands on the sides of his face.
"Yes, baby, you are," slowly sliding my hands up under his shirt. I played with the front of the waistband of his joggers, feeling his tummy sink in from being so ticklish. He chuckled, jerking his body away from me, but I gathered his shirt in my hands and pulled him back into me. That's when his lips found mine, colliding ever so gently. They were wet and warm, and tasted like the recent Celsius he'd just had.
"I'm sorry," he breathed.
"For which part?"
He scowled at me, confused.
"For being grumpy or the shirt?"
Matt laughed, giving me a quick kiss.
"You owe those guys over there more of an apology. You've been horrible to them today. Are you listening to me?"
"Yup, I am," he assured me. But the way he scooped me up into his arms, leaning over me and attaching his lips to my neck, I knew he wasn't.
"Matthew, stop!" I squealed, trying to get out of his clutches. "Let me go!"
"It's Matt, and no," he groaned, letting his head fall to my chest as I continued to wiggle out of his embrace. "I'm not letting you go. Ever."
The more I wiggled, the more he tightened his grip and my leg got caught up in his, tripping me, and causing me to fall. I squeezed my eyes shut, preparing for the hard impact, only to meet a soft body beneath me and a slight bump to the floor. I looked down and saw Matt beneath me.
"Shit, baby!"
"I'm fine. Don't worry. I'm good." He stared up at me, smiling.
"What? Are you sure?"
"Positive," he assures me, reaching up and pulling me into his lips. He kissed me slow, taking his time to let me feel every move he made.
"Mmm, that... I like that."
He grinned. "I like, you. A lot."
"Oh really? I hadn't noticed," I joked, leaning in and kissing him again, feeling him smile against my lips.
Matt sat up and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his lap. I rested my arms on his shoulders, staring into his eyes.
"You're really pretty, you know that?"
"Oh, so you can give compliments. Shocking!"
"Shut-up! God," he shook his head laughing. "Your sarcasm's going to kill me one day. And what the hell, I'm trying to be nice here!"
Matt tickled my sides, making me laugh hysterically.
"I love you," he said, kissing my forehead.
Wrapping myself up in his arms, I snuggle into Matt, burying my face in his chest. His heart was beating fast, telling me he was happy; that I made him happy.
"I love you, too, Matthew," I replied, grinning.
"It's Matt."
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royaltea000 · 3 months
You ever see something Hetalia coded and it makes you feel like you just got a peek into a world where the personas were real and known about
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raayllum · 9 months
it's funny because in our two examples of "what does a high mage do" we see Viren be involved in basically every decision that Harrow makes as an advisor, even ones that wouldn't necessarily warrant it immediately, versus Callum, who *checks canon* isn't substantially involved in any decision Ezran makes as king in any given season
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ardentpoop · 5 months
I’m pretty sure @finalgirlsamwinchester said this first but supernatural episode 14.13 “lebanon” except it’s succession austerlitz family therapy
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realising you're trans is like realising you've been driving in a clown car all your life and infinite clowns of misery and uncomfortableness and dysphoria have been squished into what looks like a completely normal car and once they start coming out they don't stop
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woodsborostabathon · 2 months
pondering the kirsch siblings orb yet again and you really cannot convince me that quinn would not have been moving like depression era bella in new moon from the moment she even FOUND OUT richie was moving to modesto...
#like bc LISTEN.#anyone with eyes can tell richie was clearly her everything 😭#and idt she was super young bc i hc he moved out about 1-2 yrs b4 the events of 5cream#and richie wouldve still been 23-24#but just given how close they were + how spoiled he was at home LMAO idt she wouldve Expected him to leave 'so soon'#read: EVER or at least before the twins graduated hs#so i think that news hit her like the final destination 2 log truck. like that HURT. DEVASTATED her even. esp given the distance bc-#i hc the kirsches as Wisconsin People (source: kinda sorta radio silence but also my besties knowledge of Wisconsin People)#so from wherever the hell wisconsin to CALIFORNIA?!?!?!?! ik quinn was crying screaming throwing up like that was the worst day of her LIFE#up until then at least. like maybe she was onto smth bc nothing GOOD came of him moving there.#but yeah no i think she was absolutely moping about emo as hell feeling like a piece of her was literally missing.#bc and i think this goes wrt both of her brothers but since im kirschcest pilled yk theres an extra element there#quinn is very like family oriented in general and i think she doesnt know how to think of herself/what to do w herself if shes not like.#being their sister. best way i can put it thats not so convoluted but ykwim. like so it just does Not feel natural for her#for them to be apart & SO far away from each other. i think it wouldnt be nearly as big a deal if he moved out but stayed even just in stat#the only bright spot for her wouldve been 1) getting to visit and 2) getting the idea that she could just go out there for college#then yippee!! the whole gang is reunited!#bc obvi ethan is coming with. im ngl i do not even think she would ask or be like 'so i wanna move to cali to be close to richie hbu?'#i think she'd assume like well theyve been together their whole lives? why WOULDNT ethan go along?? 😭#and she's right except he is 100% agreeing bc he'd be with HER#but thats another post and or tag essay#ceci speaks#scream franchise#scream vi#kirsch siblings#richie kirsch#quinn bailey
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running-in-the-dark · 5 months
kinda disappointed with how this weekend went. I mean, it wasn't bad! but it was our first weekend in the new apartment, and I/we wanted to get a lot done. I already did a lot during the week (a lot for me, not a lot for most people I guess), but there's lots of things that I can't do/can't do on my own, either because I'm too short or not strong enough or I need someone else to hold something or whatever. which realistically just won't get done during the week because my husband works full time, so. it sort of sucks that only one very small, unimportant thing got done. 😔
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diteach · 5 days
The Thoughts(c) are getting to me so I should probably go to bed but I have to say hmm maybe I should go to therapy
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"if you think that kryptos was from flatland and you believe bill genuinely cared about him, meaning he had some fort of actual human connection to another flatlander, why did bill still end up destroying the place? wouldn't kryptos trying to stop him have either made him reconsider his actions, or made him get rid of kryptos entirely?" well you see when bill was burning flatland, kryptos was whooping and hollering and breaking out the champagne
#imo on paper bill and kryptos have the healthiest relationship bill has ever had-- hell off paper too#BUT it's really just because kryptos has like nearly alway agreed with bill's decision making except for small bickery things#that really don't matter#YEAH kryptos has some weird bad upsetting feelings about the second dimension being destroyed but it's very much a#'oh wait the catharsis is wearing off' thing#while it was happening? the minute he realized what was going on he was all for it#bill isn't even inhernetly trying to manipulate andy this is truly just their Dynamic. which is unhealthy in itself but! not intentionally#andy is so lost in the 'bill is the best person i know and he's always right' sauce that he genuinely doesn't want ot argue with bill#he just assumes bill is correct and right and any weird feelings he ever has are just flukes#meanwhile bill just would not know how to react if andy suddenly started disagreeing with him on anything serious#like??? this is andy. andy's smart he knows what's up why is he suddenly being Stupid#he would not handle it well but also he'll never have to because they're so weirdly codependent at this point that this is just the Dynamic#and it's not flat out abusive like every other dynamic in bill's life but man. Man.#'i was eight years old before anyone was ever really nice to me and actually wanted to be my friend and now eons later we're#just enmeshed but we do genuinely care about each other and it's the closest thing to healthy that we know so we don't think we have to#change anything about our dynamic'
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Worst Guy Ever - Also, Unfortunately, Very Homosexual Convo. (subtextually)
#Evidence of Tom being a bad boyfriend is also in a file labeled 'Tom wants to fuck Steth so bad'#but seriously I wanted to deck him in this convo v_v FORTUNATELY it is bearable bc I think that's the point - like the narrative is#showing that Tom is 'ruining what he's worked for' by being a dick to B'Elanna so I'm not like meta-mad about it (like OTHER Tom/B'Elanna#moments) <- Ex: Tom saying 'I have a beautiful girlfriend' instead of something like#'someone I care about/a girl I love' but that's a like...tv writing thing. I don't like it but I know it's a tv writing thing#Woman as like a status symbol instead of a person you care about#I never care about Tom's inner conflict in Tom episodes (with the exception of the one where he gets thrown in solitary - him going full#rogue was fun) bc his inner conflict is always the most boomer bullshit#Literally he's just having a midlife crisis in this one.#BUT...GUYS....IMPORTANT NEWS...BULLDOG'S IN THIS ONE??#BULLDOG ?? My enemy BULLDOG BRISCOE from Frasier??? Good to see you man! This makes sense.#Steth....WHY would you choose to turn into a guy with a detailed and established web of interconnected relationships on a ship with a#complex hierarchy? Steth really thought he'd be able to play it cool on VOYAGER...the USS codependent...nu uh#they sniff you out and maul you like gophers on that baby#EHHEHEEH the Emh is funny as hell...'WOW...I had no idea me being so perfect at everything was making you feel bad! It all makes sense to#me now...' / Steth(as Tom):....Yeah v_v#SNRKEHEHEHEHEHEH GUYS..I'm taking a mental health day so I can reflect on myself and how even though I'll never be as good as the Doctor#I'm probably still worth SOMETHING#Steth(as Tom): Hey now B'Elanna...let's not go around blaming Steth for things. He's a pretty cool guy actually.#Okay yes confirmed! The above convo is also to show that Steth is 'being better' than Tom by telling B'Elanna what she wants to hear#unfortunately this does not make me like Tom more#SHE WANTS SO LITTLE. SHE ASKS FOR SO LITTLE.#BC Tom DOES say that B'Elanna is 'overreacting' and basically calls her crazy even when it's not for a later moral lesson and#this isn't framed as bad by the narrative. If your girl's always mad at you then your relationship ISN'T good.#There's literally NO resolution once again to their relationship issues. Tom shows her his garage program and when B'Elanna says she feels#she doesn't value her he says 'Yeah I do.' episode ends.#T/B scenes are literally [conflict arises then they argue or kiss] <- it is never...RESOLVED...#Me @ The Writers: (B'Elanna voice) Is this your idea of an adult conversation?#OH. Gay subtext: I hate spending time with my girl I want to hang out and live the bachelor life with my cool guy friend.#Tom's grease monkey program might as well be a subscription to playgirl magazine sit DOWN dude
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vegasandhishedgehog · 2 years
Am I currently sobbing because of My School President right now? Yes.
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di-girls-dem-sugar · 6 months
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quatregats · 6 months
Having a real "*freeze frame**record scratch* oh hey it's me you might be wondering how I ended up here" kind of moment rn
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7-oh-ta1 · 7 months
Been trying to working on my trust issues thru writing and here's the problem: I think everything I say makes sense how does everyone else not think this way
#lindsay speaks#// vent ish#like yk usually therapist say it's coming from an irrational fear but i don't feel like I'm being irrational i think I'm very logical#like i mentioned recently i don't believe in absolutes especially in relationships and the counselor I was talking to was baffled ghhghfh#''not even your family?'' girl especially??? what are we talking about#and then it was how do you know if you don't try / every person is different every relationship is and it's like yeah#but someone always leaves first there's no other end to this story yadayada so then it's it's normal for relationships to only last a seaso#like ok so you agree there are no absolutes and shes like wait no. ok so what gives. there's no such thing as unconditional love#there's always conditions. there's always exceptions. there's always an end. and the majority of the time it's a bloody one.#so really why treat anything seriously.... it will never last soooo... i give up#literally everytime i have said ''yk what... I'm going to trust them. if they say nothing's wrong then nothing's wrong. if I'm loving them#wrong they will let me know. if they hate me they will tell me. stop worrying stop worrying!!'' and then it's always [#[psychological manipulation] [psychological manipulation] [psychological manipulation]#and I'm left feeling like what the fuck is reality what is going on and they're like ''yk you're just not fun anymore'' and throw me away#meanwhile I'm still laying there in the garbage bin confused as fuck !!!!!!!! what the hell !!!!!! I'm not fun anymore because I'm hurt??#and confused???#so no. absolutes do not exist. and people will leave you for reasons such as ''too emotional'' or ''no fun anymore''#and I've accepted that. i guess it's trying to unaccept it that i struggle with.#because logically. it just makes sense.#and it's ruining my life that i can't trust anyone#and I'm right about it.#and if it's not a universal truth then... it's just me. and I'm cursed#my b lemme stop being so not fun then.
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hyperfixationtimego · 2 years
every time I see someone say their favorite executions were sdr2’s, I lose a couple years off my life I think
#I’M SORRY I’M BEING NEGATIVE TODAY#but I hate those executions so much. they’re so cartoony and bad#and most of them are animated super lazily#chapter 3’s is disgustingly sexualized#AND AGAIN THEY’RE JUST. NOT SCARY. LIKE THEY’RE NOT EFFECTIVE AS A MEANS OF MAKING YOU FEEL FOR THE CHARACTERS#the only exceptions to this are usami’s ‘’execution’’ in the prologue and the chapter 5 execution#those slap - and it’s simply because they manage to make the threats realistically terrifying#and yes. Yes I KNOW that sdr2’s executions bei exaggerated and cartoony TECHNICALLY fits with the lore of that game but consider this:#it still sucks#like my dears ‘tis a psychological horror franchise. bye bye ouchies doesn’t thrill or upset me it just makes me lose braincells /Meg#hell even most of THH’s executions weren’t great.#Thousand Knocks is utterly DEVASTATINGLY shocking and therefore one of the strongest in the series imo#and the burning of the versailles witch could have been very good if not for the ending#but the others are just………I do not like them.#excavator destroyer is. fine. like yeah okay big twist alter ego was discovered but. it’s so fucking low stakes. besties it’s a computer#OH ACTUALLY. MAKOTO’S VERSION OF AFTER SCHOOL LESSON MIGHT GENUINELY BE MY FAVORITE OF THE WHOLE SERIES#THAT ONE’S FUCKING INCREDIBLE IT’S SO STRESSFUL TO WATCH OUGH I LOVE IT#and the. when alter ego saves him….. WHEN THEY FLIP THE FORMULA!!!!!!!!#WHEN YOU’RE WATCHING THE EXECUTIONS YOU KNOW HOW UNPREVENTABLE THE CHARACTERS’ DEATHS ARE…….SO WHEN ALTER EGO SHOWS UP IT’S SUCH A MOMENT!!!#genuinely so good and Kyoko’s version completely pales in comparison like it’s not even a competition#and then v3 is like………it has the most consistent execution qualities of the series I think but none of them are particularly noteworthy#Blast Off 2.0 is cool as fuck for the ending alone but the fact that they reused the blast off concept from thh………it’s disappointing af ngl#I LOVE cultural melting pot for the name alone but man…….mixed feelings on it at best#the only real issues I have with the rest are the monokubs basically highjacking everything at the most climactic moments#AND OH MY FUCKING GOD. DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON BUGS PANIC. stupidest execution EVER and its only saving grace#is that it’s even SLIGHTLY gory
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