#yeah sorry guys I have to get lost in the madness of the deep web
initial-lime · 5 months
Going insane today,,, got a tumblr ad that was slightly more horrifying than the usual nonsense, and ???
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I got a notification and clicked out of it on accident before I could really get into it but what the?????
It reads like AI writing but JEEZ, what the hell are we promoting here?? What the
I think I’ve been cursed or something
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andilovetowrite · 3 years
Chosen Couple (Part 3)
Peter Parker x Reader (The reader is an Avenger)
Summary- Peter and you have a movie night to celebrate the school year ending, but the night takes an unexpected turn. Suddenly, you wish you had never even gone to Peter’s house in the first place.
Warnings- Pretty bad angst, but then again, it’s my first time writing it, so I am open to comments and suggestions on how to improve it.
Posted: April 26, 2021
Word Count- 2.3k
Part 1 and Part 2
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Feeling your face heat up, you read the card again and again. Could it be for you? Could Peter like you back? But you got your answer quite quickly.
“What are you doing?!” Peter asked, dashing to you, webbing the box shut.
“Uh, just checking out what was in the box…” you said, crossing your fingers behind your back. “Who’s it for Peter?”
He stared at you, and for a second, you thought he was going to say your name, tell you that he liked you back, tell you that he wanted to be more than friends. But it all went down the drain, and your heart sunk to your stomach when he blurted out. “MJ!”
“MJ?” you asked, feeling pieces of your heart tear into two. Peter looked shocked at what he said, eyebrows furrowed at the slight shake in your voice. But he couldn’t take it back now, could he?
“Y-yeah...uh, I.. um, like MJ, and I told Mr Stark the other day, and he helped me buy these things for yo-her”, he said, stuttering lightly. Maybe if you had paid attention, you would have seen the slight look of desperation on his face, but you were too busy trying to keep a neutral face.
“You told Tony before you told me?” you asked randomly, trying to mask the pain in your voice.
Again, Peter looked crestfallen, looking at the ground before nodding. “You know, because MJ is your best friend, and I thought that if you knew, you might tell her and she might reject me before I even could tell her how I feel” As Peter went on with the sentence, you could see his eyes start to shine a bit, and the small ball in your throat started to grow bigger, almost choking you.
You could feel a slight tingling in your stomach and hands, meaning your powers were beginning to become stronger. It usually happened when you were angry, but now, it made sense that it showed up whenever strong feelings were blowing up your mind. Numbly nodding, you picked up the beautiful copy of the book he had gotten her, now understanding.
You weren’t the only one who liked the book. MJ loved it as well. A couple of weeks ago, you two were chatting about it in the cafeteria, laughing and joking around, and then Peter had shown up, pulling you aside to ask you what was the title of the book that had you enamoured. Well, which had MJ enchanted. Putting it back down, you gulped, forcing a smile on your face. The air was uncomfortable for a couple of minutes, neither of you saying anything. Peter kept staring at the ground while you were blinking rapidly, trying to have a weak attempt at keeping the flow of tears threatening to burst out. Just as you were about to leave from the high tension, open the door and leave, the lights flickered back one by one, the TV’s sounds filling the room again.
“Um, do you want to finish movie night?” Peter’s voice asked from behind you, making you hesitate. You had two choices. You could either go home and cry under the comfort of your bed and then rant to Nat and Wanda about your conundrum, or you could suck it up and endure few more hours of torture, knowing that the last four years of your life spent on loving you best friend would be in vain…. See, you had never taken the easy way out in anything.
So you nodded at him, not saying a word as you slowly walked back to the sofa where you were just about to confess your feelings. Not even touching the blanket, on you and Peter earlier, you pulled your feet up, hugging your knees. Peter sat from across you, reaching out his hand as he might touch you but then pulling it back. You could hardly pay attention to the movie, which was probably the sixth one.
Instead, you focused on the clock, watching the minutes tick by slowly. Second by second. You knew him long enough to see that he wasn’t paying attention either. Any time you spared him a glance, he seemed far away, glassy-eyed and lost in thought. Just as the movie was ending, Peter asked out loud, his voice sharp and brittle.
“Why are you so weird?”
Looking at him properly for the first time since you opened the box, you were speechless. Why were you weird? Maybe because you thought you and Peter were close enough to share little things like crushes. Maybe you were mad that he could trust you with his life on the battlefield but not with his high school crush. Maybe you were furious that he went to Tony for help. Maybe because you thought that he and you were closer than him and Tony. Maybe because you were angry that he couldn’t just suck it up and tell you that he liked MJ. Perhaps because you liked him like he liked MJ, and just maybe because you thought that he wanted you like he liked MJ...
But you couldn’t tell that to him, so you just said back in an emotionless voice. “I’m not weird at all. Why do you think I’m weird?”
Not expecting you to beat around the bush, he answered back, hints of a frown showing up on his face. “Well, you haven’t said anything since I told you I liked MJ. Do you have some type of problem with her?” As soon as he finished, his face contorted into a frown as if he was in pain.
Shocked that he would even ask that, you shot back. “I don’t have any problem with MJ. Hell, she is my best friend. I just want to know why you didn’t tell me about this simple secret?”
He spat, answering me back as he stood up, towering over me. “What’s your problem?! Just cause I don’t tell you about my crush? Oh, and by the way, it’s not a simple little secret. I’ve loved her for years!” His jaw clenched lightly, slowly looking you in the eyes.
Shaking your head, you stood up, now standing the same height as him. “I’m don’t have a problem with anything. I just thought that you- uh…-”, gulping softly, you gaped at him, “Peter, why are you acting like this?”
Breathing heavily now, he glared at you, hate in his eyes, mixed with something you couldn’t make out. “Why are you acting like my mother Y/N?!”
“What the hell Parker? I could’ve helped you out. We’ve always done these things together”, you said, pushing out the words. Your stomach twisted as you said you would help him, curling with envy and jealously towards MJ.
“Oh yeah? Like how you asked for my help with Brad?”
Exasperated, you threw your hands up, light lavender light starting to show from your fingertips. “What is it with you and Brad? He’s a great guy!”
“Uh-huh, and that’s why you thanked me for launching you out of that problematic date of yours, right?”
Starting to feel tired and feeling the weight of your fight beginning to fall on you, you just gazed at him, trying to figure out why his face was red. “Is it because of the movie? Or the exams?”
“Y/N, I don’t know why you can’t just-”, going to sighed, hands running through his curls. The only time you had seen him this broken was when Tony had taken away his suit and when you came with him to find the Vulture. You took a deep breath, moving back from the couch. This was the first time you and Peter had ever fought on something so minute. So irrelevant. Something so damn hard to swallow for you. Peter clicked his tongue and then called out, fire laced in his words.
“Well, maybe it is because of the movie. You keep saying that you like Harry and have spent your whole life loving him as a... character, but now, judging from your glances at the screen, Ron’s the one you want, don’t you?”His eyes narrowed into tiny slits as he spoke.
“Oh yeah, and why’s that?” you asked accusingly, folding your arms over your chest.
“I don’t know? Maybe because you just have bad taste in men!” he said, sneering at you. Not once, ever in the six years you had known Peter did you see him sneer at you. But this only fueled the anger deep within your chest.
“Well, in that case, you probably don’t even like Hermione so much. You would like someone like Ginny Weasley! You tried to stop, but you couldn’t as you went on, airing all of your problems out.
“Oh wait, and your right, I do like Ron better. It’s because Ron is tall and cute, part of sports teams and oh yeah, he gets all the girls. He has experience with a girl, and I think that’s what makes him more interesting than Harry!” you said, knowing that the topic had gone off the movie long ago.
Peter almost looked hurt for a couple of seconds as you spoke of ‘Ron’, but then he clenched his jaw, face hardening. “Well, your right then! Ginny is the perfect girl. I mean, her life is smooth and secure, with family and friends surrounding her. Not like Hermione, whose parents don’t even care about her, let alone anyone else.”
As soon as Peter finished, you could feel the anger draining out of you, replaced by a blinding pain in your chest. You could see Peter’s eyes widen in realisation, softening apologetically. Letting out a long breath, you stood up, not wanting to let him see the tears welling in your eyes. “Why would you say that?”, You asked as you let out all the pent up energy, stress and emotions you had been holding in for the evening in one go. Picking up your phone, you began walking to the door, ignoring Peter’s calls behind you.
“Y/N, I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry!” Peter said, calling out, his voice cracking towards the end. Gritting your teeth, you kept going. You were taught from a young age never to cry in public. You had kind of let that go with Peter, though. He was your best friend. You two used to talk about many things, about school, movies, family, friends. You had comforted Peter every year when his parent’s death anniversary came around. He was a shoulder to cry on when being an Avenger became just too much for you. But you had never cried because of Peter. Never but none because of your fight.
Oh, and coincidentally, that little piece of advice was given by your parents. Your parents who...left you. Almost forgot about you. Feeling a fresh new set of emotions burst through your mouth. Whirling backwards, you stared at Peter. He was standing in the middle of the hallway, almost hunched over under your vision. He glanced up at you, eyes bloodshot. “I’m sorry”, he whispered helplessly.
Dark purple light started emerging from you, making your hair stand up. You could feel your heartbeat get faster as you pushed out every last bit of hatred you could muster. Peter’s face was now reflecting the violet light, lip quivering ever so slightly.
“Why would you use my parents? You know how I-” Feeling a sob jump out of your throat, you collapsed on the floor, the purple ring around you flashing out before the apartment became as dark as before. Just as you fell, you felt Peter run over to you; arm’s circling you. You could feel his hair tickling your neck as he bought you closer.
“I didn’t mean it. Please…”, Peter said, holding you tight as his embrace. Wondering if you should push him back, you couldn’t be bothered. Instead, you hugged him back, letting yourself melt into him. You don’t know how long you stayed in that position, huddled near the door, both you and Peter trying to figure things out.
But at some point, when you were sure that you could stand up without becoming a bumbling mess of tears, you pulled away. Peter looked at you, eyes rimmed with red, cheeks puffy with his curls a mess. Sniffing, you stand up, not saying anything as you turn away, opening the door softly and looking back at him, your gaze diverting to the black box.
“Go give it to her Pete. I’m sure she would love it.”
And with that, you walked out the door, into the dark night, rain pelting on your head, but truthfully, you couldn’t care less at this point.
Damn, and I thought this would be a fun, fluffy piece, but it turned into something a bit more… Well, anyway, let’s see what happens next. Will Peter give MJ the box? Will Y/N ever even talk to Peter and MJ? Check it out in a few days when I put out the next part. Also, if you made it this far, maybe follow me to see some more short series and stories about our favourite spider boy :)
Part 1 and Part 2
Part 4
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alotsgonnachange · 4 years
Mystic Messenger Saeran’s AE Thoughts (.......And Prayers..) #Spoilerz
Hello, I just finished Saeran’s after ending and I have a lot of things to say and I am going to write it down while I'm still all keyed up about it.
First of all… Please DO NOT ask me how much money I spent to finish this as fast as I did…. I’m grown but my bank account is certainly going to have a good ole fashioned CHUCKLE at this….. It’s been a long quarantine I deserve a lil happiness as a treat methinks!
I have been playing this absolutely insane game since I think 2016? When I first started playing the deep routes had JUST come out I think? And I was just finishing up high school and am now a college grad...lmao
I’ve played all routes at least once except Jaehee but i’ve seen walkthroughs of her route (I’ve heard it makes you hate Jumin and he’s my favorite so um. hehe). V’s and Saeran’s routes I found to be so emotionally intense and just….a lot and I've been waiting a long ass god damn time for this after ending okay…. I would theorize and make up an ending in my head but i’m no writer so it was hard to figure out lol. I’m a Jumin stan mostly but I love everybody and yeah I should probably play that jumin dlc too but I need like a DAY to recover from Saeran’s AE. Enough about me HERE are my thoughts on it overall
Major Saeran AE Spoilers under da cut!
Can we please discuss V showing up to the C+R conference room with basically chloroform and made everybody Pass Out like??? I was alone in my room at like midnight just SCREAMING at my phone???? And the creepy ass CG ???? It’s like that gif of sarah paulson from ahs being like “I put arsenic in the wine….and the pasta”
Anyway I screamed at V a lot during this process!!
Loved RFA being sweet and kind to saeran (before V fucking drugged them…)
This is such common V behavior “I have to do it all myself...there’s no other way..” GIRL SHUT UPPP You do this every route....
SO many CG’s and I enjoy them a lot
Saeran’s sprite looks a little TOO crisp compared to everyone else but maybe its a glitch??? V next to him is in 480p while saeran is like 1080p
Hearing both Saeran and Saeyoung missing the other brother the whole time??? PAIN. All my homies know is PAIN
BOSS and his V for Vendetta ass guy fawkes mask??? I literally yelled “this game is TERRIBLE!!” several times at my phone
Their dad is so>??????? When he was sitting on the couch with saeyoung in that one CG while simultaneously telling him to kill himself?????????? Maybe chairman han is actually the best dad in this game somehow
When V and Rika were like we’re back together teehee teehee okay pack it up bonnie and clyde ..
When chairman han calls u and says hes jealous of u and saeran…..HUH????? I’m calling HR
When they go to the apartment and see boss and vanderwood and poor saeyoung is sitting there seeing his brother for the first time in years i wanted to D word sooooo bad like PAIN...PAIN….
Can we HAVE A DISCUSSION ABOUT JUMIN HAN BEING THE BEST CHARACTER IN THE GAME AND HE LOST EVERYTHING IN THIS AE……. he just took the blame and moved on jumin what the hell….. I love him so much r we serious? He watched his 2 closest friends betray him in the worst way and found out abt how Rika abused Saeyoung and Saeran???? I felt just AWFUL. Terrible ...Terrible….
Rika’s change in demeanor from Saeran's actual route is certainly a Choice. I find her much more bearable this time around and unfortunately i think I was too nice to her and ended up with a bad end LMFAO
I was happy to see Saeran stand up for himself and become stronger and confident. You go king!
The CG of Yoosung laying in Zen’s lap is everything to me…
HOWEVER YUP I sure did get a bad ending and I was so mad fdsafdskfdhsf ! (I would be happy to clarify how I got the good one the second time.) MAKE SURE To SAVE EARLY in days 2 and 3 bc the branches on day 4 is where the bad end will show up. For me it was the first day 4 chat and then a story mode titled “SAVIOR”.... If you see that RUN FOR THE HILLS!!
I was so mad! But I had saved in day 2 and replayed and MANAGED to get good end
I’m obsessed with everyone calling V and Rika “that psychotic couple” like…..its true its true…
No those two are so toxic… V’s route was torture watching them go on and on about the sun like yo can yall just call each other babe like normal people.
I respect straight people but not V and RIka that shit was just wrong… Straight marriage was a mistake
Oh lord i also FULLY Forgot Rika killed the twins’ mother…. Yeah that scene was um Certainly a lot but it needed to happen eventually
Like it’s good they know but damn that storyline is just so bleak
I think it was satisfying TO A DEGREE….To see Rika understand where she was wrong, why she was wrong, fess up and even APOLOGIZE! I was very surprised.
Saeran and Saeyoung are Certainly twins with the amount that those two self sacrifice in every route MY GOD…..
The scene with Jumin talking to his father and the other scene of him praying oh my god I cannot tell you how happy I was to see him begin to understand and address his own feelings in a route that was not his own. My main problem with Jumin’s route has always been the trapping MC in his penthouse aspect.. This way Jumin understands love and emotions without being overly possessive !!! YAY also loved seeing him be on good terms with his dad who was surprisingly profound
That last Story mode was Really a Lot…. and Strange things occurred which I will get into in just a minute
Jumin becoming a politician is so funny but ngl … i see it.
Yoosung going to france to study pastries ok king I see u! (it made more sense to me than the vet thing anyway)
Lastly Zen FURRY ERA
MY BEEF With the AE
I was happy with how they handled it for the most part. I think Cheritz heard our feedback about V’s after ending and was like okay….let’s try something different
Saeran…. Sweet kind saeran… IS SO AFFECTIONATE HAHA….
He must have said I love you like 300 times…..very mushy gushy flowery language...and maybe that’s just his personality but for me it was like eating cake with buttercream cake. It means well, but god damn is it sugary and going to cause a stomach ache later.
He was just… SO MUCH! SO forward and ON all the time in his affections. I honestly felt kind of smothered and by day 3 and 4 I was sooooo over all the compliments… King you’ve come a very long way, but ur still putting MC on a pedestal and probably need to see a therapist.
Nextly….Rika and V….. Naw that knock out gas really ...that hurt lol. Coming from “I would do anything to protect RFA” V? Idk like…. EYE felt betrayed reading that. It was just hurtful. I can’t even imagine how the members would have felt as they were passing out. It was just so cruel. I suppose I understand why but like?? Just TERRIBLE
Them being in cahoots with the agency and the prime minister..HUH??? Also too much
V just felt so irresponsible like I do understand that he ended up in a weird web of secrets that’s hard to untangle but he’s so fucking stubborn he’s SO stubborn it makes me insane. Like sir… It seems like in other routes he wanted to try to protect Rika and the RFA.. But in this AE it seems more to me that he was like yeah i’m protecting Rika and That’s It… so fucking hurtful to me. Both of y’all apologize ESPECIALLY to the twins and Jumin..
The forgiveness thing…… Okay so I think some people will not like that Saeran decided to “forgive” the people who hurt him (Rika, V, Saejoong, his mother). I would point out that I actually think this was approached somewhat well. He says at one point that he doesn’t think they’re good or bad, just people. I think he sounded mature and like this was the way for him personally to accomplish his healing process. Would I have loved for Saeran to flip V and Rika off and kick Saejoong off a cliff? Yea I really would. But like…. If that’s what HE needs to do to heal then who am I to judge?
HOWEVER…. Everything Eye just said goes out the window when the scenes at the end with Saejoong come up… I was PERPLEXED. Like why did he HUG his deranged father who just kicked the shit out of him??? Also all the chat options that MC has with him r like blah blah you’re like this because no one loves you were so corny to me LMFAOOOO?
AND WHEN HE WAS IN THE ROOM LATER WITH SAERAN… i’m sorry but if that were me I would have called a nurse to deck his ass. Cool he turned himself in YOU SUCK SOOOO BAD AND I NEVER WANT YOU TO COME NEAR SAEYOUNG AND SAERAN AGAIN THANKS.
*scratches ass* I wish I got to see saeyoung and saeran finally sit down and have that first conversation after a long time and hug CG but the ending was fine I GUESS….. I dont care about ROMANCE I want those boys to be happy brothers together
Anyway that was really emotionally exhausting but I fr think I got it out of my system after literal years… And I can rest in peace knowing the choi twins are happy. THATS ALL I WANTED TO KNOW!!!!
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ellz9800 · 3 years
A Spideypool Drabble
An excerpt from an unpublished spideypool/avengers family fanfic and wondering if I should get around to finishing it and posting on AO3
“Why do you kill people?” Peter asked suddenly, feet dangling over the edge of the building and Wade’s body slowly healed back into its proper shape. At first, he didn’t notice the young Spider; didn’t expect anyone to wait with him while he healed. The decapitation was bloody and stomach churning to say the least.
“Why do you kill people?” Peter repeated. “You saved that guy tonight. We both know he didn’t deserve it. Why didn’t you kill him?” Wade sighed as he cracked his bones back into place.
“Yeah he was a bag guy, Spidey, but he isn’t the worst. I only kill the worst.” Wade said as if it were his duty.
Peter sighed and stood up, not saying a word.
[He’s mad now. This has to be a record for fastest fuck up since dying.]
‘Oh great,’ Wade thought, ‘you’re back already.’
[Bingo bitch]
Wade watched Peter get up and walk the edge of the building, too deep in thought to even look at Wade.
“What if we made a deal?” Peter asked suddenly. Wade looked at him.
“As nice as that ass is, Webs, friends with benefits isn’t really my style.” Wade couldn’t help but joke. He watched Peter trip over his own foot before bouncing off the ledge and in front of Wade.
“No,” Peter sighed, shaking his head. “I mean, a... hero deal.” He amended.
“You want to patrol with me, right?” Peter asked. Wade nodded slowly. God, patrolling with Spider-Man sounded like a dream.
{Imagine the places we could have sex!}
[yeah, like he’d go for that.]
“What if I let you patrol with me but only if you stop killing?” Peter asked. Wade looked at him as if he was more spider than man.
[Fuck that. He’s pretty but not that pretty.]
{Meh, I’m still down for it.}
“Hot Cakes, I don’t know how new to this you are, but mercenaries kill. It’s what we are literally paid to do.” Wade said. He watched Peter nod.
“Yeah but why are you a Mercenary?” He asked Wade shrugged.
“Someone’s gotta get those fuckers off the streets.” He said. Peter nodded.
“We aren’t that different, you know.” Peter commented as if he was letting Wade in on a secret. The older man scoffed loudly.
[Oh really? Ask him to show us his scars! Or better yet, have him jump off the building and go splat to prove his healing abilities!!]
{Calm down, White. Asking him to strip for a full body inspection is perfectly fine.}
“How so?” Wade asked. He watched Peter shrug.
“We’re both doing what we can with what we got to make the world at least a little bit of a better place?” He phrased it more like a question than Wade suspected he meant to.
“Look,” he backtracked, “I know you don’t like killing people. You do it because you have to because you think it’s all you’re good at. But that’s not true. You saved someone’s life today. And you didn’t even kill the bad guy! Let me help you keep doing good. I know you liked it.” Peter finished. Wade didn’t really know what to say. Help him? Nobody has ever helped him in his life.
[Stopping us from killing isn’t helping.]
{Neither is pointing out all the depressing shit. Shut the fuck up, White.}
“Spidey, as fun as that sounds, I’m kind of a lost cause.” Wade said. Peter shook his head violently.
“No, you’re not! You think you are but you’re not. Everyone thinks you’re this horrible killing machine, but you aren’t. Let’s show them that you can be a hero. That you are one.” Peter said earnestly. His and Tony’s argument about Deadpool being too dangerous started floating back into his mind and all that did was push Peter harder to convince Wade that he wants to help.
“What’s in it for you?” Wade asked suddenly. Peter shrugged.
“You mean besides stopping you from killing people and helping to add another hero to New York City?” He joked.
“Yeah,” Wade said seriously, “why are you so hell bent on me not killing people?” Wade asked. Peter shot him a clear look of ‘are you kidding me’ and even through the mask, the eye roll was loud and clear.
“I’m not going to lie and say stopping you from killing isn’t a driving force in this,” Peter paused. “But you aren’t like the Avengers. You make your own rules and do your own thing. You make a difference even if I don’t approve of your methods.” Peter shrugged.
{There’s more to it than that. Get him to tell us.}
“So you admire what I do but not how I do it?” Wade summarizes. He saw the Spider shrug.
“I started this whole superhero thing when I was young. Probably too young. Sometimes I feel like all the Avengers see is that kid who just got his powers last week and can’t make his own decisions. You don’t treat me like that. With you I’m an equal, not just some kid.” Wade was silent. He didn’t really know how to respond to that. It was pretty low on the severity scale of self-depreciation—
[You wrote the fucking book on self-depreciation.]
—but that didn’t mean Wade was impartial to the feeling of inadequacy. In fact, it was probably his best friend.
“Sorry,” Peter said suddenly, as if snapping out of his daze of self pity. “I just dumped that on you when I probably shouldn’t have. I mean, I don’t know what you’ve been through but I heard it wasn’t by any means easy. You probably think I’m pathetic; complaining about how the Avengers don’t like me. As if that’s as bad as the end of the world.” Wade shook his head.
“No,” he said. “I think the Avengers are the pathetic ones here.” Peter scoffed.
“I want to help you, Wade.” Peter whispered, looking back out over the nightlife of the city. “I know you’re a good guy and I want others to see it too.” He said. Wade looked at Spider-Man. It was the first time he ever said Wade’s actual name.
[Don’t do it.]
{Do it.}
“Alright, Baby Boy. Let’s say I agree to your little deal—“
[Fuck you, Wade.]
“—what does it entail, exactly?” Peter shrugged.
“We patrol together, basically. And you don’t kill anyone.”
“That’s it?” Wade asked. Where’s the catch?
“Yeah, pretty much?” Peter shrugged. “When word gets out you’re teaming up with Spider-Man, maybe people will start realizing you’re not such a bad person.” Peter shrugged. Wade nodded.
“And when the news outlets start reporting their pure innocent Spider-Man is getting corrupted and brainwashed by the evil Merc Deadpool?” Wade asked. He heard Peter snort.
“Have you read the Daily Buggle? Jameson wants my head on a stick. He’d probably spin it so you’re the hero the city needs and I’m so horrible for stopping you.” Wade snorted.
They were silent.
Streets were still bustling below despite it being nearly dawn. People weren’t joking about New York being the city that never sleeps.
“So what do you think?” Peter asked suddenly. Wade leaned back on his heels and clicked his tongue.
[Wade think about this. No more killing means no more money. No more money means no more fun expensive toys to blow shit up with.]
{Idiot, he’s already got millions in the bank. Quitting now isn’t going to make that shit disappear.}
[Its a bad idea.]
“You got a deal, Webs. Don’t make me regret it.”
Wade suddenly felt the pressure of a hand in his. He looked up at Peter who kept his head down and squeezed the fabric covered palm. Peter squeezed back. And for the first time since Vanessa, Wade felt content and the voices didn’t speak.
Lots of love <3
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alarawriting · 4 years
52 Project #28 / Writeober 2020 #8 Haunting: The Court of the Lion King
I returned to the apartment building where Daro and Anzali and I had lived before we went down to the sea. It had not changed in the way buildings change-- its paint was the same color, it seemed no more or less weatherbeaten than before.  The railing on the 3rd floor balcony still sagged.  But it had changed in the way homes change, because it wasn't home any more. Because different people lived there now, filling it with their strange scents, and because I had changed.  The scent of the sea was still in my nostrils. I would never smell the comforts of home again.
Renting the third floor apartment did not present difficulties.  I walked through the silence of the apartment, marveling at its emptiness.  The furniture was still there, the faded rug, the great sagging bed, the tired appliances. But all the personality was gone. Anzali's bright prints had been taken off the walls, which themselves had been whitewashed again to remove our cheery yellow paint.  White is a disturbing color, the color of bones and of drowned skin, pink human and green farla alike.  Even the humans of other colors became gray, in death by water. If I needed to be here long, the white walls would glare in my eyes and drive me mad.  
There was a knock at the door, startling me, and I almost fled.  But it wouldn't be the Lion King, not here, not yet.  He wouldn't know I was back.  I opened the door.
A human greeted me. "Hi there, new neighbor.  I'm Rachael from the second floor apartment. Just thought I'd come say hi. Need help moving in?"
Rachael was chubby – not just by farla standards, but by human – with short brown hair and a squeaky tenor voice. She had pale skin, which she covered with more makeup than most humans, and her chin and brow seemed unusually defined for a female human. "Hello,"  I said distantly.  "I'm Ashmi.  No, I don't need help moving in.  Thanks for asking."
"Oh.  Well, sorry to bother you.  You want to come downstairs for a cup of tea or something? I like to get to know my neighbors.  It cuts down on the insecurity, you know.  Living in a place like this-- well, this isn't the best of neighborhoods, you know?"
"I know,"  I said bitterly, and wondered if this androgynous human knew the Lion King.  I also wondered if I could still drink tea.  I was afraid of my bone-white apartment, and loneliness.  "I'll come downstairs if you want, but I don't know if I'll be able to take tea.  I tend to be allergic to nearly everything."
"Well, come on down. You don't have to have tea if you don't want it.  You're a farla, aren't you?"
I stepped out of my apartment and followed Rachael downstairs.  "You can't tell?"
"You're a bit pale, aren't you? I never saw a farla so white.  I thought you guys were all green.  Not that I think it looks bad, I think you look gorgeous.  At least, I don't know, by human standards or something, but maybe you don't feel good?"
"It's the color we turn when we're away from our Mother,"  I said.  "The Sun.  It is not a well color, and I thank you for your concern, but really, don't worry about me."
Rachael's apartment smelled like cats.  Unsurprisingly, three came to greet Rachael, and another one sat on a moth-eaten armchair and glowered at me.  The cats seemed unsure of me.  Farla generally get along well with cats, sometimes better than with the humans who brought them, and I had always liked them.  These, however, avoided me, and I avoided them.  Rachael noticed.  "Don't you like cats?"
There is one Cat that I despise.  But I wouldn't say so.  These cats were nothing of the Lion King.  "They're all right.  These don't seem to like me."
"That's funny.  Normally they're all over strangers.  What's wrong, guys? You being little bitches today?"  Rachael turned to me apologetically.  "They get like this sometimes."
"I don't blame them."  I took a deep breath of cat-scented air.  It was not quite enough to drown out the scent of the sea.  "Forgive me for my ignorance.  I'm not very experienced with humans, but...  you are a woman, aren’t you?”
Rachael laughed. "Already? That’s great!"
"I don’t understand."
"I’ve been trying."  The human went into the kitchen to put on tea.  "Just managed to get on hormones two weeks ago. This place, well. Not a lot of doctors, and the mail’s not too reliable."
"What do doctors and the mail have to do with your – no. This is none of my concern, I’m being very rude."
"From a farla, I’m okay with it,"  Rachael said, coming out with the tea. “I’m a woman, but I only figured it out for certain a year ago, and it’s taken me this long to get the hormones I need.”
“I didn’t know humans could have an ambiguous gender," I said.
“Yeah, sometimes we’re born with the wrong genitals and hormones, and it can be hard to figure out what we really ought to be. I’m thirty-five. I don’t know if farlae age like humans do, but that’s, like, more than a third of a human’s maximum average lifespan, more than half of how long we usually do live when we grow up in neighborhoods like this. I didn’t grow up here, though, but just a few cities over, not so close to the water, but other than that it’s just like this. So that’s a long time to not know, but I know it now. Gonna start growing my hair out now that I have my shots.”
I doubted the other city was really just like this. This city was different from any I had known. "I see,"  I said, though I didn't really understand most of what she was talking about.  I tried to smell the tea, but I could only smell salt water.
"Do you want something? Some water? I feel bad that you're allergic to tea and all."
What I needed, Rachael could not give me.  Or at the least, I would not take from her.  "That's fine.  I'm all right."  I had not been all right since we went to the sea.  I no longer even knew how many years it had been.  "How long have you been living here?"
"Oh, a year and a half or so.  It's a bad neighborhood, but it's cheap.  You know how it is.  Hard to get work nowadays."
I didn't know how it was, but I nodded politely.  "Yes."
"Now that I’m out, a lot of humans won’t hire me. This is the kind of neighborhood where they’ve got really old, traditional attitudes, you know? And I guess you've got it worse.  Not many farlae here."
"This was a farla neighborhood once,"  I said. "An artists' community.  It was poor, but it had a soul."
"Well, it hasn't got one now,"  Rachael said, with an edge of bitterness in her voice.  "That's just like us humans.  We wreck everything."
"You feel too much guilt.  This may be a human neighborhood now, but its soullessness is not human doing." Panic choked me like seaweed as I realized I'd said too much.  I had lost my old instincts-- I had no way to know if Rachael was the Lion's or not.
"You talk like you've been here before."
"I must go." I got up, hastily.  "I'm sorry."
"Uh, okay. Health problems or something? Or was it something I said?"
"Health problems," I lied.  "Perhaps we'll talk again.  I'm sorry."
I locked the door of my apartment behind me.  It wasn't necessary; what I feared could come through walls, and there were no mundane threats I did fear anymore.  But it would disturb me if Rachael came upstairs and came inside while I wasn't watching.  I wanted to be careful of what she might see.  
I thought she was a sweet, harmless soul, if a bit strange.  I would wish to befriend her, another time, perhaps, but not here.  Not where anything might warp under the paw of the Lion.  I could see the signs she'd spoken of now.  This place no longer had a soul.
Once Daro had argued that humans could be rendered soulless, could be enslaved, far more easily than the farlae.  Farlae, he argued, had been created as slaves, and would die free rather than live that way again.  Humans, freely evolved, knew no better.  Slavery was a sporadic thing in their history and was performed by groups of them on other groups, never something their race as a whole had suffered.  So they did not notice being enslaved.  They couldn't see the loss of their souls until after the precious stuff was gone.
At the time I had called Daro racist, but secretly suspected some part of his theory to be true.  Now I knew better.  Farlae had fled this neighborhood because they'd heard of our fate, I thought.  And humans moved in simply by the laws of diffusion, there being more of them on this world than us.  Unaware of the danger until it was too late.  Farlae would notice an absence of farlae, and stay away, feeling unwelcome. Humans, the majority, had no such warning system.
And farlae could be enslaved, stripped of will or soul.  Sometimes the choice was not between slavery or death.  Sometimes it was between two forms of slavery.
I thought I could sleep. But the bed would not touch me. When I closed my eyes and lay down, I felt myself in my ocean bed once more, curled like a child in the womb, the green water penetrating me and washing my thoughts away.  It didn't matter.  I didn't need sleep anyway.
I left my apartment and went to explore the neighborhood by night.  It had changed physically after all.  No one I'd known would have allowed their apartments to become so run-down, let so much trash collect in the streets, or left broken, melted vehicles like mountains of plastic on the sides of the roads.  Aside from me, no woman walked abroad, and I was invisible if I chose. Gangs of young male humans lounged about, predators waiting for prey.  Empty drug vials and used-up dermal patches littered the sidewalks and the paths between the buildings.  
The Lion King's place alone had grown in splendor.  His nightclub, Heaven, looked positively palatial, glittering with light and music. He sat in the center of the neighborhood, with a vast spiderweb thrown in the air about him of parking for aircars. There were no longer any grounded streets leading to his court, and all the buildings that used to stand around Heaven had been swallowed by the glittering fibers of the parking web. From the ground, only someone light as a wraith could climb the web to reach the cars, as I did; the human children down below could see fat, juicy prey overhead, but had no way to reach it. They were driven sullen, reminded of what they didn't have and could never get, made impotent by the Lion. And so in impotent fury they raged against those that had no more than they-- which was why no one walked alone on the night streets, and no women walked at all.
This was what I saw when the Lion King first arrived.  But then it was only a vision in a dream-clouded farla's mind.  I didn't truly know what the Lion King truly was until the day he summoned me to his court.  None of us knew.  I tried to tell myself that, to remind myself that Daro and Anzali's fate was not my fault. I didn't believe my own reassurances at all.
The club itself was the last place I went, that night.  Invisible to almost all, I wandered the two dance floors, peered in some of the upstairs bedrooms and slipped back out again.  Heaven had grown more openly decadent since last I was here, with more bedrooms for the transactions of perversion and vice.  They were no longer hidden away on the top floor, available only to members of the Lion's court.  I saw businessmen cavorting in swimming pools with women who were no more than animated shells, the vivacity that seemed to pour from them as artificial as the sunlamp light that glittered off the pool.  I saw humans and farlae both drugged out of their minds, performing obscene rituals of life and death for an appreciative audience of both races. I saw other humans and farlae voluntarily drinking down hells'brews, filling their bodies with a greater variety and concentration of drugs than even the poor victim-slaves had been poisoned with.  And none of them saw me.  I didn't expect humans to see me, but the fact that I was invisible even to farlae said that the farlae in this establishment were all spiritually dead.
None of this surprised me. It filled me with hate, but hate gave me strength.  I remembered what had been done to me, what had happened to my husband and wife, and why I was here.  I decided to risk finding the Lion King.
The topmost floor of Heaven was the Lion King's court.  One could not get in without an invitation, but in a sense the Lion had tendered me an invitation all those years ago.  In any case, only the Lion himself could have kept me out, and he didn't man his own doors.
I saw him on his throne, with four scantily-clad women serving him.  Two were human, one was farla, and one was as he was, part cat. The humans once manufactured other humans with the blood of animals mingled with their own.  Normally cat-humans manifested only with cat-shaped eyes and bodies far more graceful than a typical human body.  The Lion King himself was thought a mutant or a throwback, or else something entirely inhuman, with his features subtly shaped to seem more cat than human, and his curly golden hair almost a mane.  He was feeding from one of the human women as he held her in his lap.  The others were massaging him or stroking his hair, oblivious to the bloody fate of their companion.  Favored courtiers, men and unattractive women, competed for his attention, praising him and giving him information on his business.
He could not speak as he drank, but eventually he released the woman he was feeding from.  She dropped to the floor in a heap, and I shuddered.  In my time, his habits were not quite so open.  I turned and left as I heard his voice.  It was deep and mellifluous, no different than I remembered it, and I feared that my hate would choke me and I'd do something rash.  I hadn't come all this way to throw away my best chance.
In the morning, I went to visit Rachael.  My sight of the Lion King had fortified me, and I no longer cared if she was his creature or not.  I needed information.
"Hey, Ashmi!" she said cheerfully, answering my knock in a bathrobe.  "Want to come in and get some breakfast?"
"I'd like to come in, in any case,"  I said, "though I've already eaten."
"Oh.  Well, if you don't mind watching me eat, come on in. I was kind of hoping you'd come in."  She stared at me as I entered the cat-full apartment and seated myself.  "God, you're gorgeous.  I'd give anything to look like you."
"If you would give what I have given, you're a fool,"  I said softly.
"Beauty is only a danger, in a place like this.  I need information, Rachael; about the Lion King.  What do you know?"
She swallowed. "Um.  I don't think it's safe to talk about him..."
"It's safe.  No one is listening, I am not an informant, and if you are I don't care.  Tell me what you know about the Lion King."
"I don't think--"
I stood up again, and stared into her eyes.  I let her see a small fraction of what I truly was.  "Tell me."
"Oh, God." She stared at me with fear, not envy, now.  "You're-- you're not--"
"I am not. Yes.  I won't hurt you, Rachael, not unless you keep information from me."
"No wonder you didn't want to eat."  She swallowed again.  "All right.  I don't know much-- I'm too ugly for the Lion and too poor to go to his club.  But I know what everyone in the neighborhood knows. He's not human, for starters.  I mean, more than the way you're-- uh, maybe the way you're not.  Um.  I mean, he isn't natural.  He isn't just a catperson, he's something else. Something else totally."
"Yes.  Something that can strip away a will, or a soul."
"And pretty girls have got to go to him, if he wants them.  He doesn't take them all.  And most of the ones he takes come back, though they don't remember much about what happened, and they're usually not so pretty anymore.  Some of them, though-- some of them don't come back at all."
"How do the girls go to him? How are they chosen?"
"Anytime someone new moves in, his people check to see if there's a pretty girl in with them. They'll probably come to take you tonight.  If there are any remotely pretty girls, they go with the Lion King's men, and they get presented to him in his court.  And if he likes them, they stay there."
"Yes.  It was not the same in my time, but it was similar." A fierce pain beat at me from within. "What of those who won't submit?"
"The Lion King's bullyboys don't give you a choice.  You have to go with them."
I smiled bitterly and looked hard at Rachael.  "You wanted to be my friend.  Yet you made no attempt to warn me-- though you thought I was beautiful, and that must have meant you knew the Lion King's men would come for me."
"I was scared," Rachael whispered, looking down. "If I'd warned you, and you'd run away...  and he found out..."
"You might find yourself walking to the ocean,"  I agreed.  "No, I suppose it doesn't matter."
"Ah--" Rachael looked up.  "Did it happen to you? Did you..."
"When the Lion King first came,"  I said, "I lived in the apartment I live in now, with my husband and my wife, Daro and Anzali."
"Your wife?" Rachael sounded startled, and then nodded.  "Oh, right.  Farlae live with two women and a man, don't they? I'd forgot."
"The Lion King summoned me.  He had less power in those days, but he was less well known as well.  I thought he would be a patron for my art, so I went willingly enough."  I lost myself in memory a moment.  
We had such bright happy lives then, and knew nothing of it.  We had problems with bills, lovers' quarrels, emotional intrigues with the rest of the farla community, and we thought those were troubles.  I was a naive innocent when I went to see the Lion King, thinking he had heard of my art.  But what he wanted was not what I had created.  What he wanted...  was what I was.
The demand was for my body. I knew it went deeper than that. Farlae tend to be more sensitive to such things than humans; it was my soul he wanted, and I knew it.  I refused.  He threatened to kill me, to kill my husband and wife.  I told him that all of us would rather die free than live as soulless slaves.
I looked up, shaking myself free of memory.  "I was a naive fool,"  I said harshly.  "But the Lion King has no more power over me."  I stood up.  "Rachael, I forgive you for not warning me.  But if you tell the Lion King of his danger, or give him or anyone else any information concerning me, I will kill you slowly.  Do you understand me?"
She nodded, shivering. She knew what I was capable of.
They came for me that night.
I feigned sleep, lying on the sagging mattress in the semblance of a nightgown, waiting for them. They unlocked my door and shook me, roughly, thinking they were waking me.  "Get up.  You've been summoned to the palace of the Lion King."
So even he called it a palace now.  I looked at them with dazed eyes.  "Do I have time to get into some clothes?"
One of them snickered. "Why bother? You'll just be taking them off again anyway."  They all laughed.
I went with them in my nightgown and my artfully disheveled hair, out to their aircar and from there to Heaven.  They brought me to the top floor, to the court of the Lion King.  And I stood before the creature who'd destroyed my life, and felt the hatred surging in me, giving me strength.  On the outside, I showed frightened, sleep-bewildered eyes, the face of a beautiful innocent.
"What is your name, girl?"  he asked me. His voice was beautiful, rich and deep as the sea.  
"Ashmi,"  I whispered, letting myself tremble.  I looked down at my feet, at the enamel floor, and forced myself to see a reflection.
"Ashmi,"  he said reflectively.  "I knew a farla named Ashmi once.  Years ago...  She looked much like you, but not as pale.  And she gave me trouble.  You won't give me trouble, girl, will you?"
"You should know what happens to those who resist the Lion King,"  one of his courtiers hissed.
"Disrobe," he ordered.
I stripped, letting the nightgown pool around my feet, and turned around for him like a bird on a spit as he ordered me to.  Finally he smiled, showing sharp teeth.  "She'll do.  Take her to my chambers and have her wait."
I scooped up the nightgown and slipped back into it.  Once I was in his chambers, alone, I let it disperse into mist.  I sat on his bed, naked, and remembered our journey to the sea.
He had demanded me, body and soul.  I'd refused, and he'd laughed.  "You have spirit, don't you,"  he said. "Go home then.  Go on back to your husband and wife.  I have no shortage of beautiful women, that I need to trouble myself with you."
And gods help me, I thought I was free.  I ran back to Daro and Anzali, to tell them what had happened, to seek their comfort. I ran up the stairs to the apartment, and into Daro's spotless kitchen, where the two of them had stayed up late, waiting for me.
But as I met their eyes, a compulsion struck, consuming the three of us.  I explained nothing-- I couldn't speak.  All I knew was that I had to go down to the sea and die, and that my loves felt the same way.
We left the apartment, holding hands, and began to walk.  We felt as if we were in a dream, inexplicably shared.  The empathic bond between us had twined around us all, dragging us down together.  Perhaps this was intended to be my private nightmare, and the bond I had with my loves, the linkage between our minds, pulled them down with me.  Or perhaps the Lion King had always intended to send us all. Throughout the night we walked, slowly, in a daze.  The sea was normally half an hour's journey by aircar.  On foot, holding hands and walking with dreamlike slowness, it took us all of the night and most of the next day.  We were exhausted, but there was never any question of stopping.  The sea pulled us with some strange gravity. Hydrotropic, we flowed down the path of least resistance, through the city and out, until we came to a cliff over the ocean.
I felt their love for me, and mine for them.  I felt an overwhelming despair and exhaustion, a hunger for the ocean's balm. We looked at each other and nodded. Then we released one another, and separately we leapt into the sea.
Daro and Anzali were dashed against the rocks at the bottom, immediately.  I fell into a deeper part, cushioned by water, and curled up in green darkness to sleep my despair away.
The Lion entered the room, awakening me from my reverie.  "Good.  You've got your clothes off."  He smiled at me ferally.  On him, it was more of a baring of teeth than a smile, and spoke of hunger.  "Lie down."
He removed his own clothes and came to touch me, to cover me with his lightly furred body.  "Gods of hell, you're cold, woman.  What have you been doing, standing on the balcony with your clothes off?"  
"It's a cold night,"  I whispered.
"I'll warm you, then."  His hands had articulated digits, but furred fingers and pads on his palms.  With these paws, he explored my body, finding no body heat anywhere.  Alarmed, he licked at my neck, and when he found the reassuring taste of salt there bit in, drinking what ran through my veins.
What he needed was blood. All I had was seawater.
The Lion King jerked away, spluttering, and stared down at me.  I smiled at him, the same baring of teeth he'd shown me.  
"You knew me," I said.  "Many years ago.  And I gave you trouble."
He tried to back away then. But I grabbed him and pulled him down to the bed, pinning him under my weight, the weight of the ocean.  I opened my jaws wide and let the semblance of normalcy fall from me, showing myself as I truly was-- a skeleton animated by seawater, a demon driven by hate.  He screamed. I dove upon his throat and tore at it, drinking his hot blood as my claws dug into other parts of his body, tearing flesh away.
The Lion's life force was strong, fed by the blood of innocence and whatever demons he served. But my hate was stronger.  He fought me, digging his teeth into my neck once more.  All he drank was seawater.  He tried to drink that, hoping to weaken me, but he might as well have tried to drink the ocean dry.  I drank his blood and it was finite, though fortified with the blood of many victims. I ate bits of his flesh, torn away. As his struggles weakened, I released his neck and burrowed my face into his belly, chewing through the flesh. Drenched in blood, I reached my bony hand into the opening I'd made and clawed through his liver and lungs. Finally I tore out his heart and showed it to him.  He died then.
The air was filled with a rustling noise.  The souls he had stolen from young women, from men, from the neighborhood itself, fled from the punctured hole in his body.  Some were partially consumed, and would never be strong again.  The sight renewed my hatred, though my enemy was dead and his soul bound to the darkness.
For this moment alone I had the power.  I had stolen the life force of the Lion King, and I had within me the strength of the sea and the energy of my hate.  I could have called a tidal wave to destroy Heaven and all the tormentors within. The tormented would die as well, but that would be only a blessing, I felt.  The neighborhood would be destroyed, but there was nothing in this blasted ruin of a hometown worth keeping anymore, was there? Destroy it all and let the survivors rebuild.  Yes.  I felt the charge build within me, and almost gave myself over to it.
But then Rachael would die as well.  And she was an innocent, who had kept her soul, though the paw of the Lion had undoubtedly started to warp her.  She had not warned me, but she'd tried to befriend me, as best she could with her fear of the Lion King.  If I killed her with a tidal wave, I was no better than the Lion King, killing as it suited me.
There would be no tidal wave.  I let the energy fade away.  Let someone else save the city; I had done my part.  I was so tired.
It was time to return to my ocean bed, and to my loves.  I faded away, and let myself turn into mist, carried back to the sea.
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wordsfromthesol · 5 years
I’m No One’s Princess (3/3)
Author: @wordsfromthesol Pairing: Dick Grayson x Reader Summary:  You catch Dick’s eye at one of the infamous Wayne Galas, things took a turn and now he needs to find you. Warnings: The usuals aka language, violence, fluffy fluff, etc.  Word Count: 4.0k A/N: Sorry not sorry I got a little carried away with this part but there was no good point to split it up. 
Part One  Part Two
Dick turned towards Jason, “How many?”
“I counted five patrolling around the warehouse. Seems like a small team, just set up to wait for someone to pick her up. They definitely aren’t expecting anyone.”
“Have you seen her?”
“No, no one has come in or out. There’s two door entrances. I’m betting one leads to the office where she’s being held.”
“We go in through the roof. Too many unknowns going in through the doors.”
“Not if you just start shooting…”
Dick glared at his brother.
“Why do we care about this girl again?” Damian snarled.
“Because she’s an innocent, Damian.” Dick tried to reason with his youngest brother.
“We do not know this. She is the daughter of a hitman.”
“Ever heard of innocent until proven guilty?”
Damian rolled his eyes but proceeded to follow his brothers anyways.
Ignoring the spots in your vision, you tried to move your hands, to at least allow you to push yourself to the side. That was when an immense pain filled your arm. Great, my wrist is broken. You added another injury to the list. Injuries due to your father, your father that would and has sold you out for less than a piece of bread. The worst part was, you couldn’t even sell him out if you wanted to. You had no idea where that criminal was.
You began to hear sounds of fighting in the other room and soon you swore you heard your name. As you opened your mouth to speak, all that came out was blood. You glanced around for some way to make noise. You sucked in a breath and thrust you hips into the air, forcing the chair to move with them. The metal chair came down and clashed with the concrete. You felt the cost of your decision lingering on your already injured wrist. About to brave the risk yet again, you heard the door swing open.
“Y/N?!” You watched as Nightwing slid by your side, examining your current state. You didn’t try to respond. “Guys, she’s in here! I need an ambulance!” Your eyes widened at his words as you violently shook your head. “Y/N, look at you, you need to be in a hospital.”
“N..no.” You were able to stutter out. Nightwing hoisted the chair upright and began to cut the zip-ties. You felt a twinge of relief in your chest, now that gravity was there to help keep the blood down. “He’ll find…me. No…hospital.” He looked to the other vigilantes crowded in the room.
“Just take her back to the cave.” Red Hood waved his hand, as if that were the obvious solution. Red Robin nodded in agreement, but the youngest one just stared at you.
“Just take me…home.”
“There is no way I’m taking you home like this.”
“I’m tired…tired of masked – they always…hurt. Home. Please.” The spots in your vision were getting worse since you stood, but you refused to let them see you give into the pain. Nightwing ran his hand through his hair.
“Alright. Home. Where is that?”
Your blinking had become more animated as you tried to fake normalcy. Wait, what did he just ask me? You shifted your eyes side to side. “Home.” You began to walk towards the door, though it was less of a walk and more of a swayed stagger. Your mind didn’t even register the three men very clearly in the way of the door, and you ran directly into Red Robin. The small bump caused you to stumble backwards. Thankfully, Nightwing was close on your heels and caught you before you hit the ground.
“I’ll meet you guys, tell Alfred to get the medical equipment ready.” Nightwing picked you up as he headed for the car.
“Alfred?” Tim radioed from his bike.
“Master Timothy. I did not realize you were out tonight.”
“Wasn’t supposed to be. Something came up. We’re coming in hot.”
“Who is injured?”
“A girl, stab wound to the left leg, broken right wrist, broken ribs, concussion.”
“My, something did come up. I will prepare the medical equipment.”
Waking up, you looked around and noticed you were not home. You let out a deep sigh as you examined your patched-up wounds, grimacing as you noticed the cast on your wrist. You sighed again before swinging your legs over the side of the bed. I’m tired of the masks. I’m tired of the running. I didn’t sign up for this, just because my last name is Y/L/N. Pushing yourself up, you limped around the room looking for some kind of door. Where the fuck am I? Finally, you noticed a staircase. Of course it’s stairs. You looked down at your bandaged leg and prepared yourself for the pain. As you stepped up the first one, you heard someone behind you.
“Planning on going somewhere?” You turned around and saw Red Robin minus the mask, plus dark circles underneath his eyes. Not bothering to offer an explanation, you slowly lifted your leg to the next stair. “I think Nightwing may kill me if I let you leave.” You felt his hand grasp your arm.
“And how are you going to stop me exactly?’
“I’d like to think I can just reason with you.” You let out a sigh and turned around, leaning against the railing and motioning him to begin. “Well, Maroni is going to be pissed his boys lost you. Double, triple his efforts. Whatever information you have, he wants. You are safest here, recovering. Your house is the first place they will look.”
You stared blankly towards him, you should’ve known that. How could you have been so careless? “Fine. But I need clothes.” He nodded, and helped you back to the hospital bed, before heading up the same stairs himself. The young vigilante did not return, but an older one did, carrying clothes. “Nightwing?”
“The one and only, how are you?”
“Well, clearly…” you gestured around the room, “I’m doing fabulous. Though I’m not at home.”
“In my defense, you didn’t tell me where that was.”
“You found me, I think you could’ve found my address.”
“Wouldn’t be safe,” he shrugged, “plus I don’t know what medical supplies you have. And I’m going to doubt it includes plaster.” Nodding towards your encased wrist. Rolling your eyes, you held your hand out for the clothes.
“I’m so not sleeping on this, don’t you vigilantes have places that aren’t dark and creepy? And have less masks?”
Nightwing ran his hand through his hair. “I think I can find something…put those on and we’ll go.”
“Much less dark, though there is still some weirdo in a mask hanging around.”
“Ha, ha, very funny.” Nightwing hopped over the couch and proceeded to turn on the tv.
“Wait, you’re staying here?”
“Well, I’m not leaving you alone.”
“Why do you even care?!” You were growing more and more frustrated with the situation you had been thrust in.
“Just trying to help, calm down there princess.”
That name, why did he have to use that name? “Don’t you dare call me that!” Tears escaped from your eyes before you had a chance to stop them. You sunk to the floor, shaking. Nightwing quickly realized his mistake and was at your side in seconds.
“Hey hey, calm down. I’m sorry. I just…I saw you, at the gala. And when they took you, well I couldn’t do nothing…and not just because I’m Nightwing.”
You looked up at him, tears still looming in your eyes, “You were at the gala?”
“Yeah, more importantly though…why were you?”
“I was…looking for someone.”
“Who?” You didn’t want his judgement, so you said nothing. Dick sighed at the lack of response but didn’t press you further. “Why does Maroni want you?”
“Who knows.”
“Y/N, you gotta give me something to work with here.”
“I really don’t know. I was…I was at the gala to try and figure out. My name was beginning to pop up more than usually on the –” you stopped yourself, you were talking to one of the ‘good guys’ after all. Dick threw his hands in the air.
“For Christ’s sake Y/N, I’m not going to judge you. Just let me help you dammit.”
“Alright, calm down bird boy. My name was circling around the dark web, more than it should be. I was worried my father did something stupid again. I always seem to pay the price for him…”
“I know he’s your dad…but why protect him?”
“Protect him?!” A laugh escaped your lips. “God, I wouldn’t protect that monster. I just don’t actually know what he’s doing. Anytime I do see him…well it’s usually because he’s bargaining my life for his.” You looked down and mumbled, “To either side. Masked vigilantes, masked criminals? They all see me as one thing, I’ve got the scars to prove it.”
“I don’t.” Nightwing reached up and pulled off his mask. “I don’t see you only as his daughter.”
A small smile formed on your lips as the familiar face looked back at you, “I wish I wasn’t. I was looking for him at the gala.” A look of shock donned Dick’s face. “His next target was there.” You offered the information as an explanation.
“Do you know who it was?”
“…Dominic Nero.”
“And you didn’t warn him? Or try to stop your dad?” Now you could see Dick getting mad, you could see his image of you falter, change into the one everyone else saw. Henryk Y/L/N’s daughter. You rose from the floor, making your way to the bedroom, and saying nothing.
Dick tried to rectify himself, “Y/N I didn’t –” The words were too late, as you shut the door inches from his face and crawled into the bed. Your mind was filled with nightmares, both of memories and of what is yet to come.
You woke in the middle of the night in tremendous pain. Carefully, you rolled off the bed and made your way to bathroom in search of painkillers. Traipsing back into the bedroom you saw a figure in the corner of the room. You saw it, but it didn’t quite register in your mind, which only created more problems.
“What? Not even going to acknowledge your dear old dad?”
Your face contorted with confusion at the words. “Henyrk?”
“Come on princess, let’s get you out of here.”
This wasn’t right… You bolted for the bedroom door, but with your injuries, your father easily stopped you.
“Man, those boys really did a number on you. I told them not to hurt you.”
“I’m sure. I knew they were yours. Your little test failed. If I did know where you were, I would’ve given you up in a heartbeat. DICK –” Your father’s hand quickly went up to cover your mouth. Thankfully, not fast enough, and he knew it.
“He can’t protect you forever.” Henyrk turned and jumped through the window as Dick threw open the door and saw you on the floor grasping your knees to your chest.
“Y/N…” Dick surveyed the room and noticed the open window, “what happened?”
“He found me. I knew he would find me. Why would I try to go after him? I should’ve run.” You violently shook your head. “I knew I should’ve run.”
Dick sat beside you, “If he found you here, running wouldn’t have done you any good.”
“I didn’t ask for this.”
“I know.” Dick pulled you into his chest. “I’m sorry.”
Once you had fallen asleep, Dick placed you back in the bed and called his brother.
“Tim? I need everything you have on Henyrk Y/L/N. And I need you to round up Jason and Damian and be at safe house delta for a briefing. We need to end this.”
“We’ll be there at the end of the hour.”
You woke up to multiple voices in the living room. Looking around, you began to wonder if you dreamed the encounter with your father. I mean how would he have found he here in the first place? You sat up and looked around the room, searching for any signs of a break-in. There were none. Slowly, you got up and headed out of the room. Your eyes were met by four other pairs. Most of them gave you looks of sympathy, save for the youngest who looked at you with resentment and disgust.
“Was there a party invitation I missed?” Your words came out slightly hoarse and much less confident than you hoped.
“I was sharing the information I gathered about your father.” You recognized the boy who spoke, it was the same one who stopped you from leaving the vigilante headquarters the day before.
You let out a chuckle, “Well this will be interesting. Mind if I sit in on this meeting?”
“I don’t know if that’s a good –” Dick began, but Jason soon cut him off.
“She might have some useful information.”
“That is unlikely.” The youngest boy scoffed.
“I can tell you it looks like he’s building his own army against Maroni. Whatever shit he pulled…” your words trailed off.
“Why do you think building his own legion means he did something?” Dick questioned.
“Because I know my father. He hates working with people. And there’s one last effort move he always makes when he’s in trouble. It hasn’t failed yet.” You pushed down the horrific memories that started to stir in your mind. “For him to skip that…and go straight to amassing an army…it’s bad.”
“How do you know he skipped it?” Jason looked at you quizzically, wondering what this move was.
“Because it’s me…he trades me.”
“How do you know he didn’t? The men that grabbed you…”
“Were his,” Tim had already pieced the puzzle together and answered Jason. “Weren’t they?” He turned towards you, you nodded in confirmation.
To your surprise, the youngest boy’s face twisted as more information surfaced. “Your father let his men injure you in this way?”
“I think I found out why Maroni is after him.” Tim interjected as all eyes turned to him. “He killed Maroni’s sons.”
“I thought Holiday –” Jason started.
“We all thought it was Holiday. How did we not see this before?” Dick looked to his brother.
“Something one of the men said when we got Y/N back, about how his boss wanted the princess. And then Dick told me your reaction to the name. It had to be your father’s name for you. I started looking at all your father’s connections and there was a bystander testimony claiming they heard the killer arguing about a princess.”
“Why would he have been talking about me to the Maroni brothers?”
“That is a question only he can answer.”
You nodded, “So then boys, what’s the plan?”
“You’re going back to the Manor. It’s safer.” Dick’s tone seemed almost angry.
“The Manor? Is that the dark and creepy place I was before? Because no thanks. I don’t want to deal with any more masked people. I’ve been given enough from them as it is.”
“You know we are the good masked people, right?” Jason soon corrected his statement, “Well they are, I’m more of a neutral party.”
“I’ve never known a good person in a mask.” You watched Dick’s face twist with disappointment, just to dig the knife in further, you continued. “I have the scars to prove it.” You lifted your shirt and pointed to the mangled flesh. “That’s from an arrow from your ‘hero’ Green Arrow. Oh and we have this piece from the Wondergirl.” You pointed to a circular mark burned around your ankle. You were hoping that was enough to push them away from you. Unfortunately, it wasn’t, as you turned to go back to the bedroom Dick called out.
“Don’t think that’s going to make us give up on you. You deserve to be free from your father.”
You didn’t turn back to face him, so you didn’t see all his brothers (even Damian) nod in agreement.
A few hours later you walked out of the room and saw Tim sitting at the dining room table, his faced glued to a computer.
“How did you get stuck babysitting?”
“Dick thought I would be most convincing to get you back to the Manor. I believe I have located your father. They went back to gear up now.”
“I’m coming with you.”
“I don’t think that’s a smart idea. You’re already injured.”
“Yeah well, what’s the harm then?”
“You could slow us down and get someone else hurt?”
You huffed in annoyance. Why did this little brat have to actually make a point? “Fine.” You grumbled out, “take me to the damn Manor. Then join your brothers so they don’t all get themselves killed.”
“You knew?”
“I’m not stupid. Just like I know your dad is Bruce Wayne, which makes him Batman. Where is he anyways?”
“Helping the Justice League. Let’s go.”
All the vigilantes stared at you as you walked into the room. Finally, Dick made his way over to you.
“You know you’re not going, right?”
“I know. But I also knew it was pointless arguing with Tim, especially when he was right.”
“I still have to admit, I’m surprised you came here.”
“Yeah, well, my dear old dad already knew the location of that safe house. Didn’t have too many other options.” Just then Tim walked in, geared up. “Now you all go before my dad decides to move.”
“Alright…” Dick turned around reluctantly. He knew something wasn’t right. If only he really knew. You waited a few minutes and then set out yourself, you couldn’t afford to stay too long, less you wanted your father to know who the vigilantes really were. You planned to set up shop near your father’s hideout, not only to lure him out, but also so the bird boys were nearby if you needed them.
Dick watched as you took one of their bikes out. I fucking knew it. He radioed his brothers.
“Yeah, I was right, she just left. I’m going to follow. Don’t move on Henyrk just yet.”
He followed you to an abandoned convenience store just across the street from the supposed location of your father.
“Well, it doesn’t seem like she’s moving. Just staying across the street. Been standing in the middle of the room for nearly five minutes now.”
“I wager she’s waiting for her father.” Tim explained.
“How would he know where she is?”
“I’ve been thinking about how he knew where the safe house was. You brought her from the Manor, there’s no way he followed her. And he knew she was at the gala…I think he’s got a tracker on her.”
“Shit. How could I not have seen that?”
“Perhaps you were too distracted, Nightwing.”
“Can it, Robin. Do you see any movement?”
“People are gearing up. I’m sending the demon spawn your way. The replacement here can stay with me and follow him.”
It only took about ten minutes for your father to saunter in through the door.
“So where is it?” There was a chill to your words.
“Oh my dearest princess…”
“Just tell me. I can’t be your bargaining ship for this anyways.”
“I don’t know, a daughter for a son. Seems like an even trade.”
“But you killed two.”
“Hm, I did didn’t I?”
“Why couldn’t you have just left me out of this? I didn’t want to be in your world!”
“But you’ve always wanted to help people.”
“Never you.”
“Come now, princess. It’s time to go home.”
“I’m not YOUR PRINCESS and you have never been my HOME.” You pulled a pistol from your waistband. “Just leave me alone, or I will kill you.”
“I doubt my sweet little princess could even use that. Nonetheless kill her father, her king.”
You let out a disgusted laugh. “Oh, the tracker didn’t tell you all those days I spent at the range? Or how about all those hours I was locked up paying your debts? How do you think I got out? By asking nicely?” You lowered the gun and shot centimeters away from his foot. “Next time, you may lose a toe…or maybe I’ll just go straight for your crown.” You raised the gun back to his head.
“I don’t think my boys here would like that very much. Especially Ethan, I hear you gave him this lovely wound.”
“Yeah and a broken nose. Plus, I don’t think MY boys would like you threatening me very much.”
“Princess, look around. You’re alone.”
“If you’re willing to take that risk.”
Your father scoffed and as he motioned for the men at his sides to grab you, you shot directly through his raised hand.
“Remember, I warned you!” You screamed back at him as you ran into the shadows. Feeling hands grab you from behind and spin you around, you let out a small sigh of relief. “I almost thought I was hallucinating you following me.” You whispered at the black and blue clad figure.
“You shot him.”
“I didn’t kill him. Now can we get out of here. I got what I needed.”
“But you didn’t get anything.”
You gave him a smirk as you headed for the doorway. “Tell your brothers to get out.”
“We can’t let him go free.”
“Man, you gotta work on that trust thing…Nightwing. I don’t want to tell this story twice, so to your little cave and I’ll explain everything. I’m also going to need a ride.”
“What about the bike you stole?”
“Someone’s going to have to pick that up.”
Dick eyed you curiously but led you bike to his anyways. He then watched in shock as you pulled out a knife, using your broken wrist to cut into your forearm. You smiled as you pulled the tracker from the flesh and threw in to the ground.
“We could’ve done that way cleaner at the Batcave.”
“Didn’t want to take any chances…or have him that close to me any longer.”
“Alright Y/L/N, your wounds have been tended to. Enlighten us.”
“So impatient Damian. Well I knew the only way he could’ve found me in that safe house was a tracker. So I needed to get out of the…what did you call it? Batcave?” You looked at Dick as he nodded in confirmation, “as soon as possible so the asshole didn’t come here. I knew he would be checking up on me after Dick interrupted our conversation last night. So I went to him, that way you guys would be close by. I was surprised Dick followed me though.”
“I’d like to think I’ve gotten to know you a little after these past few days.”
“So why didn’t you kill the bastard then?” Jason piped up.
“Well, believe me I wanted to, but I just don’t know if I could cross that line.”
“What about that tale you spun to your father then?”
“It was true, Jason, I never said I killed anyone. Just that I was very good at wielding a gun.”
“So, what plan did you have, why did we let him go?” Tim grew impatient, as he worked hard building the file against Henryk.
“Well, I may have sent your file over to GCPD, Tim. And I may have recorded his confession that he killed the Maroni boys. And I may have had GCPD take down his headquarters while I was chatting with him. He walked right back into an ambush.”
“We could have just taken him in ya’know.” Dick looked at you, confused as to why you went the extra steps.
“Didn’t want him holding more of a grudge against you lot…plus I’m still not a fan of the masks.”
“And yet you donned this intricate one when we met.” He walked over and pulled the mask from the drawer.
“You kept it?”
“Alright! I’m out.” Jason turned to leave immediately acknowledging where the conversation was headed, his brothers hot on his heels.
“I suppose they do have their purposes.” You reluctantly answered his question as he made his way over to you. Gently he tied the mask around your head. “Well, does it fit?”
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jojoreadwhat · 5 years
I should've asked you to stay, begged you to stay | b.h. x fem!reader
a/n; meant to have this out last night before the ball drop but ya know. Anywho, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! love you all so much and I wish nothing but the greatest for all in 2020. I hope you enjoy this piece. x
prompt; the ghost of New Year’s Eve past makes a unexpected visit, let’s call it a New Years resolution that should’ve been stuck to.
mentions; joe mazzello, rami malek and lucy boynton.
words; 2.6k
this tale includes angst, flashbacks, sexual tension which will lead to unprotected bathroom sex, blow/hand job, fingering and Voyeurism (mirror sex)
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The moment you heard the guys of your group, cheer on Ben’s arrival to the party. You thought you were dreaming.
You knew it couldn’t have been who you thought it was, there was absolutely no way. The last time you glanced at any headlines on the internet or Joe would sly and bring it up in conversations. He was supposedly away on press duties.
“Benny Benny Ben-nayyy!” Joe sang, rising from his spot across from you.
“Ay, there mate!” Ben replied.
His familiar voice, drenched with rasp, laced in a thick English accent, froze every particle of you. Silencing everything in your mind before hearing the light smacks ricochet from their hearty hug.
Ben and you had quite the history. The two of you met both being friends with Joe and him introducing you while filling in as a date for Joe. It was like love at first sight, an immediate connection the moment you two learned each other’s name. You were on for nearly a year, even ringing in the last one together. But things got complicated when Ben brought up an upcoming project and the length time apart with it. At first it was a mutual understanding... until tabloids stated otherwise.
Your eyes followed in the direction where the rowdy boys stood.
Ben’s green eyes were already fixated on you when they met your own. “Hey Y/N.” He greeted first, returning with a weak smile as you closed your blazer, tighter to your chest.
It pained you that not only his presence was nauseating, but that he still looked amazing as always. The way his grey button down clung to his broad chest and biceps, tucked swiftly into his brown trousers.
His blonde little locks wavy at the top of his head, green eyes still one of the things you noticed at first glance. So potent and inviting. Lips rosy and perfectly plump, with a jawline that could cut through smoke. Everything about him where he stood, made your stomach turn into knots, ready to burst in mixed feelings.
Pulling you away from your thoughts, Lucy, who had been sitting next to you, locked arms with yours. “Let’s go refresh our drinks, love.” Helping you to your feet before you squeezed your way through the crowd.
“Did you know?!” She asked as you at the bar, waiting to flag down an available.
You shook your head, “If I knew I wouldn’t have shown up.”
It was true, to be honest, you were regretting ever leaving your couch when you stepped foot into this place. This wasn’t your scene, you were no party girl and this was just only making matters worse.
Lucy smiled, toothlessly with sympathy. Grabbing your hand in hers. “Well, I’m glad your here and I’m not going to let that blonde bloke ruin that for you!” Squeezing your hand lightly.
You smiled at her optimism, pulling her into a quick hug. Not knowing where to begin with how much appreciation you had for her, “thank you, doll!” You muttered, pulling away with a light grasp of her arms, holding her close.
“Just remind me to kick Joe’s ass at brunch tomorrow.” Leaving Lucy in stitches, “No worries!” She rested assured
“Now, let’s get drunk!” She announced, then. Flagging the bartender taking forever, “We’re gonna have a blast!”
To your benefit, the night wasn’t a complete drag after all. Your mind fled from any rut it was in hours ago. Getting lost in fresh rounds and conversation. Finding yourself occasionally up and dancing with Lucy every few songs. Laughing so much that your cheeks hurt and getting anxious at every hour growing closer to midnight, not wanting the night to end.
Even though Joe was going to hear a piece of your mind tomorrow about the guest list. You couldn’t help but give him credit with how much he outdid himself, throwing this New Year’s Eve extravaganza.
The place was dazzled in neon colors cascading throughout. Party streamers hanging from every inch of the ceiling. Noises from the celebration favors on each table or lounge from chairs. Games were being played, the DJ was turning up all good jams from college days. While the place reeked of smoke and mixed alcohol accompanying the unbelievably, packed beyond capacity amounts of bodies. Just walls and corners aligned with strangers, ready to ring in the new decade of 2020.
Taking the last sip of your drink, you announced to Lucy and Rami in conversation that you were heading for a refresher.
Bouncing to your feet and heading for the bar. Squeezing past bodies again.
“Gin and tonic.” You requested once you got the bartender’s attention. “make that two.” Ben added behind you before filling in the space next to you.
He looked at you, first. You smiled softly, grasping the opening of your black blazer that went along with your black sparkly body con. Waiting as patiently on the drinks as you could in the unbearable silence between you two.
It was taking everything in you to not want to make a scene with all the unanswered questions you had bottled up. To turn and lash out at him, blame him for everything he put you through with the headlines and news haunting the past year. But Lucy’s words stuck to you like glue, you were going to get drunk and have a great night. End of story.
“You look good.” He broke, glancing down at his hands, not sure what to expect as he took a chance. “Thanks.” You replied.
Staring down as you rocked on your feet in wait. Falling into a silence again. From the corner of your eye, Ben straightened out his posture as he took out a deep breath.
“Look I’m S-“ his words were cut off mid sentence the second you raised your hand to stop him. You turned, looking at him now, not even knowing what to say but you knew you didn’t want to hear anything right now.
Thankfully, one of your drinks had gotten done in the nick of time. Clasping it between your fingers as you placed a crisp tip onto the bar.
Ben lips were agape momentarily before they closed, “let’s just enjoy the night, alright?” beginning to turn on your heel when he grabbed a hold of your wrist, bringing your attention back to him.
“I want to enjoy the night with you.” he said, “I’m sorry for what I did. I should’ve had more faith in us, but I was scared; of us, of what it was going to do with us. I didn’t want to put you through that.”
You were taken back by what he was blurting out, each word. You only heard them in the webs of your dreams when all you could think about was him, having him back in your arms again. A sudden reminder took you away from those fairytale thoughts, knowing damn well that they were the words you wanted to hear but none of them were true.
“So, putting me through hearing about you date co-stars, having lavish vacations with a new woman for every day of the week and making red carpet debuts... you wanted to put me through that?”
Ben seen the hurt in your face with each sentence you stated. You admitting that you were keeping an eye, even with no contact for the past year gave him hope that you still cared what you once had. But hurting you was never his intent. Especially when everything falling from your pretty lips was far from the truth.
“None of that is true. I haven’t had anyone since you.” Assuring, “You should know that!” you rolled your eyes before you brought them back to Ben. “Yeah, okay. And my real name is stupid. C’mon Ben.”
“But it’s the truth! I didn’t, I’ll admit that I tried. No one could come close to you, make me feel like I once did.” Ben took your drink, placing it on the bar, intertwining your tiny hands in his large ones.
“Like I still do. I came back for you, Joe told me you were here when I told him I was on your front step.”
Your brows rose in bewilderment, “You were looking for me?” you questioned, your eyes searching every speck of his, he closed them, nodding in response.
“I should’ve never let you walk out that door.”
You were in utter shock from the moment the conversation began. Before you could process any of it, you turned on your heel again but this time with Ben in hand as you pushed your way through the crowd.
In an instant, Ben had you pressed up against the door, crashing his lips upon yours. Fighting tongues, frantically. You wrapped your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss and needing of each other.
Ben’s hands were everywhere on you, his pouty lips in pursuit shortly, trailing down your cheek, against your jaw and down your neck. You whimpered at the warmth of them, never forgetting the spots that drove you mad as you melted within his grip.
“I missed you so much.” He muttered, climbing back up you with his lips as they eclipsed yours again.
Grinding harshly, you gasped as he pressed you flushed against the door, feeling his growing member at your clothed heat.
It encouraged you, pulling away from his lips, leaving him chase them, wanting more. You placed your hands on his chest, pushing him back towards the sink. His hands meeting the marble, keeping himself steady while you attacked his lips again, letting them begin a journey.
He sighed, pleasantly, the moment your lips met his neck and down to his exposed collarbone, peeking from the three buttons undone on his shirt. Your fingers worked the others open, pushing back the fabric off his shoulders, landing at his wrists. Trailing wet kisses down his chest and torso, Ben sneaked his fingers through your hair as yourself, dropping to your knees.
Your eyes never left his green ones as you peppered kisses over his trousers, soon buttoning them. Ben let out a soft moan from the release of pressure, so heavenly to your ears while watched you pull them down. The cheeky blonde had no briefs on, his vast cock springing free in front of you and against his abdomen. You grabbed it immediately, Ben’s breath hitched as you began to slowly pump your hand, base to tip, swiping over his slit and collecting up precum with your thumb, lubing him up.
Ben moaned loudly, “Baby please” he cried, and lowered yourself to his shaft. Taking him in.
You flicked your tongue around his tip, before you started to bob your mouth around his cock. Cheeks hollowed as you took him slow, building up, “F-fuck, you feel so good!” Groaning above you, his hand running through your hair moving strands from your face as your eyes met his. Staying steady at the back of your head, emboldening you to pick up speed.
Sucking harder, your hand running along the shaft you couldn’t cover. Ben’s groans and moans, ricocheted off the walls of the beat up bathroom. “I missed your mouth.” Practically heaving every word from his lips.
You moaned at the sight above, watching him close his eyes, throwing his head back while bucking his hips, your eyes trickled with a tear gagging a bit.
“I’m so close, y/n. Stop baby.” He groaned, watching you again. “Please stop, please please” he begged, not ready to release yet. You pulled off of him with a ‘pop’ of your lips. A sight for sore eyes for Ben, as his hands cupped your face, bringing you up to him again in a hungry kiss.
The kiss had you rotating, feeling the sink against your bum. “I’m gonna make you feel so good, love.” Ben purred between each kiss, his strong hands, so delicately, clasped around your face, lifting it to give him complete access to your neck.
Soon Ben turned you around, facing the mirror. Your hands resting on the sink, his hands slipping the straps of your dress off, pulling it down and your breasts fleeing. You watched as he seen the pretty sight in the mirror in front of him.
“You’re so beautiful.” His lips trailed along your shoulder, nipping the exposed skin and leaving you gasp at the feeling.
His hands coming up from your waist, cupping your breasts, kneading them. You arched your back, pressing your ass against him.
“Please touch me” you groaned, Ben complied with your plea, one hand leaving your breasts and heading towards your heat. Slipping under the waist band of your panties. “Oh love.” His fingers making past your mound and to your folds, slipping inside. “You’re soaked.”
Ben had you a moaning mess when he found your clit. Slow, tight circles against you, his lips vibrating against your ear as he spoke. “Look at you, so gorgeous.”
“Are you ready for me, baby?” He asked, his fingers teasing your entrance. “Y-yes. Please!”
He pulled your panties down, spreading your legs while pressing your front further into the sink. A firm hold around your body,grabbing his shaft in hand, pumping himself a few times. Before he aligned himself at your entrance from behind.
You whimpered softly at the feeling of his tip graze where you needed him most, biting your lip in anticipation but how fast your lip fell at him slowly making entry of your heat. Filling you up little by little, but so good. Stretching you out, generously. Ben carefully moved a bit, watching every facial expression of your through the mirror. Allowing you to adjust.
“Move, Ben.” Following into a moan and he nodded, picking up just a bit until an array of moans and groans gave him more to go by.
His hands all over you as he thrusted into you. You couldn't count how many kisses he had given you. How the mixing paces of fast, slow, hard, soft drove you fucking insane. You weren't even moaning anymore, you screaming in delight of how good he made you feel. How you swooned when he groaned, his teeth inviting themselves in a smile or along your shoulder. You were so immersed in how well your bodies work with one another, how you loved and were making up for lost time, so thoroughly and utterly.
You were so close to your climax, “I’m so close!” You cried. Your walls clutching ever so tightly around Ben who was nearing too. Seeing as his brows furrowed slightly from time to time through the mirror. You felt the heat rising quickly, engulfing from your curled toes to your belly.
Without pressing a warning, you cried out in absolute pleasure. Your back arching, your bum close to him as you hit your peak. The lights faded out. The sounds of breathless moans between the both of you as Ben met his too. He held you so close as you trembled and bringing his face close to yours, kissing him as he came, groaning loudly and twitched inside you. Coating your walls.
So fucked out, you both became limp with only yourselves and the sink helping you keep steady. Ben released himself from you, spinning you around to face him. He cupped your face eagerly in his hands, devouring your lips and peppering kisses all over your face.
Your arms wrapped around his bare body. Calming down with racing, restless hearts in each other’s embrace. Enjoying the sounds of your euphoric comedown before smiling at the sounds, colliding from outside the door.
“3, 2, 1, Happy New Year!”
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emiisanxious · 4 years
Rainy Day
Archive of Our Own Link
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Sanders Sides (Web Series)
Additional Tags:
Sympathetic Dark Creativity | Remus "The Duke" Sanders
Sympathetic Deceit | Janus Sanders
a LOT of rain
Light Angst
Anxiety | Virgil Sanders-centric
Summary: “On a storm day, Virgil was feeling so good that he decided to go for a walk, of course, he didn't say anything to anyone, since he wasn't expecting to be a problem.
Or: Virgil spaces outs, goes for a walk, Roman, Logan, and Patton get sick worried because they can't find him. Remus doesn't care as far he is back, and Janus just wants him to come back or use a dammit umbrella.”
Note: On a rainy day I had this idea, and won't leave me out so... I thought why not? Although this fic isn't perfect in my eyes, it does have a big warm spot in my heart. It can be a messy and unclear text in some parts, but... It truly was warm for me... Really I liked to type this one.
He could hear, other than his music blasting through his headphones, the sound of cars passing in water puddles, the water descending by a pipe, he could hear the small droplets against his window, the wind making the window cause noises because of the speed. Weird enough those were calming sounds.
Obviously, he didn't like the thunder when he wasn't looking, but he could appreciate it if he is sitting at the window looking at the rain. After all, the light of thunder is quicker than the sound, so he won't feel scared when he is watching. A calming feeling, a sense of cold but not the bad one, he could just stay under his blankets hearing those sounds and... Appreciate it.
As he put down his phone and headphone on his bed table. Curling in a small ball under the pile of blankets, maybe he should just go outside? Cold weather isn't something he often can appreciate, and it would be nicer to have rain falling over his body. A small smile, as he got up from his bed; the others were all busy so it's not they would miss him right now. He just needs to make sure to be back before dinner is ready, right?
With that in mind, he put on his boots, skinny distressed jeans, his old black and grey jacket mostly because he didn't want to attract attention, but at the same time, he does worry about the weather damaging his purple patched one. Pulling up his hoodie, he got his phone and went outside. Because of the rain, no one would notice him walking around, heck! If they didn't recognize Remy, why should he care about him?!
The feel of the droplets touching his face, the droplets slowly wetting his clothes, he didn't mind it. He was happy with the overwhelming feeling of the calm and solitude that the rains bring him. The slowly building up weigh as his clothes start to get wet. Looking at the gray sky, the street lights turned on a bit more early so it wouldn't be dark.
Like anytime that it's raining, Virgil felt so... Good. His thoughts for once far back in his mind, nothing to worry about, nothing to be cautious about. He knows that it's his work been anxious about everything, self-aware of everything but... Once in a while... It was good to feel the opposite.
Sadly, his thoughts were back to reality as he picks up his phone. It was vibrating a few minutes ago, but now it was getting more insistent. Insistent from Janus and the same type of messages.
Deceit: Virgil. GET. OUT. OF. THE. RAIN!
"Fuck" He murmured before laughing, he found it funny, how now that Deceit was better accepted between the traits, he was back in mamma mod with him.
Daddy: Virge, I tried to knock on your door? Are you okay? Daddy: Virge, please answer me! Daddy: Oh... You're not in your room... Daddy: Sorry for getting inside your room without consent. Daddy: Wait... Daddy: WHERE ARE YOU?! Daddy: ARE YOU OKAY?! Daddy: VIRGIL WHERE ARE YOU?!
"Why he needed me?" He thought as he sighed at that as he looked at the rest of the messages, it seems he was wrong when he thought that he would just be called at dinner.
Logic: Patton is really worried about you. Where are you? He is yelling and asking everyone. Can you answer me at least? Prince: Hey hot topic, where are you? Padre is yelling and is freaking out... Prince: That is it! We are going to ask De--- Janus. Rat: You know, mama is really worried, can you get out of the fucking rain?! Also, the light trio is here asking where the fucking you're. Dee is lying, although I don't understand why. Rat: Can you just get the fuck back home bitch?
"Thaaaaaaaaaaat is weird." He thought again as he looks at the sky, it has been a lovely walk around, he was feeling a bit cold from his wet clothes, but he didn't mind, not at all. Closing his eyes as he let the rain pour over him before his anxiety kicked in and wash over that feeling of calm he opened his eyes to send a message again.
Emo: hey rat, can you tell Jan that I will be back in like... 1 hour or so? Rat: WHAT?! NO! Those three are annoying as hell right now! Emo: well... can't care less. im okay. just tell them im okay Rat: They don't believe it. Emo: sucks for them and you. ill be back in 1 hour or so. Emo: oh, says that im fine and when im back i will explain Rat: Uuuuuuurgh... Fine! Only because it's been years since you were this careless. Don't make it a habit! Emo: okay Rat: Enjoy.
With that, he pockets his phone again, starting to walking aimlessly around the street, it's been so long since the last rain, sure it does rain sometimes, but it does need specific things happening to mess with him like that.
Mess up his senses and mind, although he felt angst, sad and even depressed, it did him feel calm, relief and hopeful, he wasn't sure about what or why, but he could care less about it. Also, that was something he doesn't understand, he could care less about everything in that mood.
Like whenever is raining, in that specific mood set, he felt free, free of his anxiety, free of whatever paranoia, free of his thoughts. Just the sound of the rain, the cars passing over the water puddles, the steps on the water, the droplets on the umbrella, the smell of rain. Three of his senses were all around the rain, but it was marvelous and messed up more with him, when his last two senses were as well, sights and hearing since it started thundering around.
He couldn't help, he felt relaxed and he wanted to enjoy it as much as possible, and like all the times that he was that messed up, we went to a park, sitting on a swing, he did lose the passage of time. Although his phone soon was going to start vibrating again.
He let out a long laugh, he was alone in the park so he didn't care about it, Janus was back in full mama mod, and honestly? He was going to get scolded a lot about it. But he couldn't seem to care right now.
Prince: Virge, padre is really worried. Can you return? Prince: Like, Remus told us you would be back in 1 hour or so, but it is already dinner. Emo: you can say to Patton, to join with Janus Prince: YOU'RE ALIVE! Prince: What that even mean? Emo sent a picture. Emo: dont tell Janus tho Prince: Okay... WOW! He is like padre! Emo: yeah... he is been sending messages since i left Prince: But really Virge. Come back. Emo: fine... im on my way back... Emo: the catch is... it will take more... 30 minutes or 1 hour Prince: WHAT?!?! Emo: im really... far away right now Prince: Just make your way back! Emo: okay okay... your brother is texting wait a minute
Rat: Mama is mad and angry and worried, you're fucked up if you get sick. Emo: say for him to join with Patton Rat: Oh yeah, that daddy is also worried sick, although less angry and mad. Emo: yeap. im on my home. 30 minutes or 1 hour Rat: Fuck! You got really far, huh? Emo: i would be even far if it wasn't Dee sending so many messages and calling me my full name Rat: Stormcloud, better you hurry up. I can hear Dee and Patton saying they are going to the real world to find you. Emo: okay okay... now NERD is texting... wait a minute
Logic: I presume that Roman, Remus, Janus, and Patton already did their worried text? Emo: yes...? Logic: So I should be more direct. Why are you out in the rain? Emo: rain numbs my anxiety... Logic: That... Doesn't make sense. Emo: no logic can explain it. Emo: just... it numbs, totally, i don't feel anxious, i don't feel bad, i don't care... i feel calm... Logic: Huh. That is curious. Emo: so... i just enjoy it... i thought that you guys won't call me till dinner. Logic: Well... You see Patton went to check on Thomas. And Thomas was really... Really... Calm. Patton panicked and thought you had ducked out, although it was weird because Thomas wasn't like with the symptoms of you disappearing. Logic: The reason for worry was because Thomas was lazy all the time today, to a point where Patton was checking for him to eat and things like that. So Patton called me, to figure out if something was wrong. We couldn't find why. So we tried to summon you but you didn't show up, we went to your room, but you weren't there and it just... Emo: you all jumped to a conclusion Emo: come on... a little faith?! Logic: I apologize. Emo: im on my way back, i will be in 30 minutes or 1 hour Logic: You were far away huh? Emo: yes, please when im back i want you all to be in the real-world okay? Emo: even Janus and Remus Logic: For what? Emo: because i want to discuss this "jumped conclusion" and explain a few things Logic: Sure. I will tell them. Emo: thanks, now im going back.
He took a deep breath, passing his hand over his face, he didn't wear makeup, since he knew it would be pointless, as he gets ups and returns to his home. In the middle of his walk, he got lost in thought and feelings again, to a point that when he got home he had glassy purple eyes, getting inside he could see the six already there, where he just looked to himself, he was wet and dripping from all his time on the rain.
He was also wearing his old jacket, something he didn't do since he was accepted, and that probably freaked out them more than anything as he looks at them. But that was enough to snap him back from his dazed mind.
"Thanks for been here." He said sarcastic, he changed his clothes with a snap, so it wasn't dripping or wet anymore, it was more like his normal clothes for now. His purple patched jacket, his sneakers instead of boots, and now he picked up things to do his make up, while he sat on the stairs as normal. "Let's get over it shall we?" He said while applying his makeup.
"Virgil, why..." Thomas tried to say something but he was lost.
He was totally back in been anxiety when he applied his makeup. "Why you're so calm?" A nod as he looks to his host. "I'm calm now. Normally when it rains my anxiety gets numb when things are like today, that is more a storm with thunder, wind, and the heavy rain I just get... More numb."
"That is true, but since normally doesn't rain that much it is rare for him to do that." Remus said as he looked at Janus who was storming.
"Told you for fucking sake at least use a dammit umbrella!" Janus was angry and mad. "Also you should get a warm bath, take some soup or drink something warm!"
"Why is Janus so...?" Thomas didn't know how to vocalize those thoughts as he looks to the yellow side.
"Janus was and is, the mother figure for most of The Others? Well not all of them, because a few are jerks, the ones who weren't, Dee was the mother. Like Patton is the Daddy for Roman and Logan" Virgil shrugged as he looked between Thomas and Deceit. "Relax, I will do it soon. Also, umbrellas take half of the purpose!"
"Please don't start arguing you both... Jan I know you're worried, but Vee doesn't give you a shit when it's storming. Vee, I know that okay? Just focus on explaining the things?" Remus put his hand between the two sides who were nearly starting to argue.
"Okay." "Fine." Both pouted but did stop as Logan and Patton were still impressed, not used to this new... Thing. Roman on the other hand was the first one to ask. "So... When it's raining your anxiety gets numbs, storms make you more numb if that is possible, and you just... Fall in a sense of calm?"
"Yeah, something like that... I just feel free and can't care about anything... I fell calm, extremely relaxed, and self-aware, but needed to say, Thomas can't have anything on the day that happens. After all, taking care of Thomas is a top priority and thus I won't be able to relax. On that note, since the day Logan calmed me and Thomas with those five sensory exercises, I realized, that in the rain it's like... A real version of that?" Virgil answered while looking at Logan.
"Oh... I guess since you're the mental representation of anxiety, you need something more grounding than just breathing exercises, or other ground exercises to fully calm down and relax. Like the full five senses working on something instead of just exercises. Oh... That is interesting." Logan was truly surprised about it.
"So... Why I never noticed it?" Thomas asked curiously as he looks around.
"Because... I'm normally back in a spawn of time, like 1 hour or 30 minutes. I don't always go that far, like today. But... Today my mind got really blank and numb, and I didn't notice my phone at all. That is why everyone texted me and was worried. Also, when I go for a walk, I normally end up noticing how long I'm out but today was... Off." He felt bad for worrying them but at the same time, he was feeling calm and relaxed, which was really weird for him. "What I'm mean is... I'm sorry for worrying you guys... I will not do that again..."
"No!" Patton surprised everyone when he exclaimed. "No! You don't need to stop doing it! If it's something that does you well then you shouldn't stop it! You were so happy and calm when you got here, that I was surprised. But I can see it does you very well."
"I have to agree. It's not something bad or some type of disease, it does seem that it's good for you to relax and for Thomas to have a nice and relaxed day to self-care. I can rearrange his schedule when it's raining so you both can enjoy it. I also, find it quite enjoyable to read while raining so it can be a day for all of us doing some relaxing. Instead of working." Logan was next in change that. "I apologize for us jumping in a conclusion."
"The reason for us been worried is just because we didn't understand what was happening or where you went. Now that we know, and the effects of it we can work with it. If you want, I can let you know whenever is raining in my side of imagination, so you can go there. Not sure if have the same effect, but we can work on something for at least have half of the effect?" Roman was really happy to know that something other than just breath and grounding exercises could help Virgil to feel calmer, so he was the first to jump thinking of ways to help.
Janus and Remus were quiet while looking at Virgil. "I'm sorry Virgil. I shouldn't let my job interfere and be so... Demanding with you. I knew you felt calm and good, but I really worry when you got outside without an umbrella, or just doesn't pick up messages. If you could just work on one of those?" Janus tried as he wasn't sure. "So at least I could worry a bit lest."
"Hm... Why don't Remus come out with me when it happens? He is someone you can rely on texting you back, he can also stalk me without triggering too much, and he sometimes even let me enjoy my solitude although most of the time he will talk a lot. It would be a win-win for everyone. Although I hate the idea of been stalked..." Anxiety let out a small sigh. "But I can't really do any of those Jan... The feeling of rain falling on me is what makes it special. And I get really distracted so I can't really answer a text."
Everyone fell in silence, they didn't know how to deal with that, but surprisingly it was Remus who spoke. "So, how about it, I don't need to stalk you or whatever. I can configure a GPS thing on your phone, you just click a button when you go out, and it will go to Dee and Patton, and they will know your location. And we will just need to rely on that. It's not too invasive, neither is repressing you or creeping you. I won't need to follow you and all."
"Oooh... That sounds like a nice idea." Thomas said while yawning. "Can I nap... The rain really is making me sleep..."
Virgil looked at them and they nodded. "I need to shower and put on some more... Comfortable clothes. So I will go." Without waiting he was back at commons, and soon he was heading to his room, soon he was in the shower, taking a lot of time on there. Even wishing he had a bathtub like Roman or Patton, but he didn't.
After half an hour he was back at the commons, now using pants and still on his hoodie, more relaxed and calm as he goes to the kitchen, finding Patton and Janus. "Kiddo!" As morality noticed him, he saluted with two fingers before sitting down. "Thought in eat and drink something before going back to bed."
"Good, I did some soup and Patton did the food, and we have hot choco. Is that good?" Deceit asked although he was already separating things for Virgil.
"It's fine. Again, sorry for worrying you, mama." As now Virgil wasn't around Remus and Roman he didn't mind in be a bit more... Open. "And daddy."
Both of them got surprised as he looked at Virgil, who was now fidgeting with his jacket's sleeves and looking down. "It's okay Kiddo. We understand and as we said, it isn't something bad." Patton was the first to answer as he heats the meal in the microwave.
"I thought... I would never hear you call me that again..." Janus was shocked as he looked at the anxious side. "But Patton is right, everything will be alright now and apologizes accepted."
"I told you... I was a jerk because I was scared... And I'm sorry about that, but... I'm trying okay? It's not perfect, I sure will close up if my anxiety gets worse but... I'm trying..." He trails off as he looks anywhere but for them.
"It's fine, we know that, I know that, and Remus, well he is just Remus so... I bet he is happy to have his brother back, just, please... Stop him, instead of helping him." Janus smiled as he teases.
"I can't promise anything... Some of Remus's ideas are too good to just... Stop him." He teased back but soon turned in a more serious. "Thank you, you two. I'm not sure what I would be if I didn't have both of you." He smiled softly at that.
"Well, we still have a lot to work on, arguments will happen but... this can be a good family. We will work together instead of separated." Patton smiled as he places the meal in front of Virgil.
"We are all trying Virgil, and that is what matters. Now eat. Before Remus and Roman find you and want to drag you." Janus pointed as he knows one of the twins, and sure enough that could happen.
"Just to ask... Why were you in your old jacket? That kinda bothered me, Logan and Roman..." Patton asked a bit embarrassed.
"Well... I don't like to wash this jacket too much, I get scared it will be torn out. Purple does get too much attention when you're walking around the city. And last old habits, it's just... Normal for me use that jacket when walking outside in the rain. I did that a lot when I was with The Others. So habits."
"Oh... That is not a problem, I can explain that to them later." Morality was thoughtful for a few minutes before he answered. "Oh, do you like the taste of the rain?"
"Yes. Although I don't walk with my mouth open to get it." Chuckles filled the kitchen as Virgil started to eat, the vague sound of rain, the vague sound of droplets on windows. The weather slowly clearing up, but he was still calm, relaxed, and comfortable. Maybe it does have other things that can calm him down like rain, he just needs to find out, although he has a small suspect that a warm meal done by his two "parents" was one small way of getting that feeling.
Maybe... If he can find more small ways of getting that feeling, he could feel like that more times, but for now? He would just enjoy this little warmth.
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tingleparker · 5 years
Whatever it takes
Peter Parker x Reader
Request: Yes, actually! Thank you nonnie :))
Read the request HERE!
Warnings: SPOILERS!!! Angst.
•Summary: To protect humanity, your family and the love of your life; you would do whatever it takes.
•Word count: 1.6k
A/n: Just tears streaming down ;-; sorry for such a long wait.
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5 years.
5 god damn years, the world has never been the same. You lost everything; your family, the Avengers and the love of your life. Peter Parker, or well Spiderman. But he was your Peter; nothing less, nothing more.
Which brought you here, fighting for the ones you love; whatever it takes.
Your whole body ached. Dirt and grime covering any exposed skin you had as there was blood in the whole grimy mess as well. You find a large rock to lean against, watching as Captain America put in his all to defeat the tyrant. You gradually push your body up, shocks of pain shooting through your body. You stood as strong as you could, limping your way to the one and only Steve Rogers. He would stand against Thanos’s army by himself if he had to but you wouldn't let him. Slowly but surely, you made your way standing next to Captain America. Steve turned his head looking at you with uncertainty. You gave him a nod as the both of you look out in front; what the world has become. Thousands of monsters and creatures mobbed together behind their leader; Thanos.
“On your left.” Sam's voice sounded out from Steve's com.
Both of you turned in utter shock. Massive portals spread behind you, T'challa walking out; millions of his warriors following. Hope filled your body as more and more heroes walked out; seeing them for the first time in five years caused tears to well up in your eyes. Then Peter came swinging out, your heart bursting at its seems. It’s been so long, all these people; your whole family; you had missed for the past five years were all here together. You just wished Natasha was here to see it but you hoped somewhere in the millions of confusing galaxies she was watching you all.
“Avengers!” Steve’s voice boomed across the land, everyone behind him; ready for the fight of their lifetime. You knew you had to focus on this soon battle but you wanted to just run into Peter's arms. But you stood your ground, you would see him after, but now you had an army to defeat.
The riot began. Both sides running towards each other created a mess of violence and death. You slashed through creature by creature, blood getting on you. Using your mind control power as minimally as you could because it drained you fast.  As you look around to see if anybody needed help; a pain shot you in the back as you fell forward. Turning your body around, you crawl backwards as you see a disgusting monster coming closer to you. Just before it could get to you though; a web shot at it; pulling the monster's body somewhere you couldn't even see.
And for the first time in five years, you had Peter in front of you. You hurriedly pushed yourself up, off the ground. Launching yourself into Spiderman's arms, hugging him tightly as you took in this moment. Pulling back; you took in his appearance.
“I must have passed out, cause you were gone but Doctor Strange was there right? And-”
Before Peter could continue rambling you pulled him even closer, his lips meeting yours.
“I missed you” You admit, willingly.
You both look around to see the copious amounts of chaos going around the two of you; knowing that you would have to leave each other's arms soon.
“I love you,” Peter says with all his heart; it was the first time one of you had said those three words.
“I love you too. Now let's go save the world, superhero.” You reply, giving him one last kiss before pulling away reluctantly.
Peter swung into the battle as you ran over near Tony. You caught a glimpse of Doctor Strange signalling to Iron Man, that this was the one. This was the one possibility that we would win, but it came with a cost. You knew that with this information Tony would be ready to sacrifice himself, but he had his own family to care for. You knew it was all or nothing; you could save all of humanity including your loved ones or the world would perish into nothing. You made your decision. Whatever it takes.
You watch as Tony struggles to battle Thanos, you run as fast as you could; you knew what would come next. ON the way over you thought about how the Avengers gave you this wonderful family.
Walking into the compound, there was warmth exploding all throughout your body. You felt so giddy, having just got back from a date with Peter. It wasn't extravagant, not at all; just a cuddle session at Pete’s. Though it has been going on for a while now, none of the Avengers knows just yet.
“Now, why are you so happy missy?” Tony asked, sitting on the couch with his drink as you walk into the lounge.
“Can’t I just be happy?” You respond, taking a seat next to the superhero.
Before Tony could even answer, Steve and Natasha walked in.
“Now what father and daughter talk were you having?” Nat teased as she poured herself a drink.
“Just Y/n seems unusually happy,” Tony explained as Nat sent you a questioning look; whilst Steve sat next to you.
“You don't want her to be happy?” Steve questioned, being on your side.
“Yeah, you guys don't want me to be happy?” You ask smugly, your smile growing wider.
“Hey, what that on your neck?” Natasha points out, as your eyes widen; hands shooting up to cover the mark you know is on there.
Tony and Steve leaning in closer to get a look, prying your hands off your neck.
“A hickey?! Who gave this to y-” Before Tony could even finish his question, the one and only Peter walked in; all cute and oblivious.
“What’s happening?” The young teen asks innocently.
“You too?” Nat asks Peter, sipping her drink.
Looking over, you see a matching purple love mark on your boyfriend's neck. Turning your head over to the older heroes; you see the gears in their mind turning.
“You and the spiderling?!” Tony exclaims, staring at the both of you in disbelief.
“Nope, you are not allowed to be happy anymore,” Steve says to you, making everybody laugh.
Oh, how you love these people, your family.
Watching Ironman get thrown to the side as the mad titan thought he had won. You ran falling to your knees next to Tony, grabbing at his gauntlet.
“What are you doing kid?!” He asks, bewildered.
“Whatever it takes. Let me do this Tony.” You say as steadily as you could.
“I can't let you do this.” He said slowly sitting up now.
You took a deep breath, you would be going against everyone right now but you knew you had to do this. Tony was like a father to you and had just got a family for himself, you couldn't do it to him, to Pepper or Morgan. You love Peter with all your heart to let him go, to finally defeat this behemoth; once and for all.
“I’m sorry,” You say to a confused Tony Stark before channelling your power against him.
You grabbed the gauntlet from him without any struggle this time but his face said it all; all the pain and misery.
“I am inevitable.” The purple titan says, thinking he had now won; clicking his fingers.
Nothing happened, as Thanos turned over the infinity gauntlet he realises there were no stones.
With the gauntlet on your hand, the stones glowed as the power went through your veins.
“We are the Avengers.” You say, the power coursing through your entire body.
With a single click, the power overtook your body.
Peter had been fending off the enemies grasping at him, but second by second it got harder for him to keep them away. Just as he thought this would be his last breath, there was nothing; no impact, no pain, nothing. Opening his eyes; he sees the creature he was fighting turning into dust. Scanning around, every single one of Thanos’s minions blew away into the wind. A smile on Peters' lips as he realised hey had won, they had really done it. Looking over he saw Thanos slowly fading away as well. But his smile quickly dropped; looking past Thanos he saw your worn out body leaning up against some rocks; a crowd around you already. As quickly as he could Peter rushed to you, pushing past anyone and everyone. He had realised what you had done, sacrificing yourself for everyone. Your selflessness was something he loved about you but not at this moment. Kneeling next to you, he grabbed your hand; tears streaming down his cheeks.
“You did it. We won, love.” Peter sobbed, a small smile resting on your lips as you used all your energy to squeeze his hand.
You had no energy to respond, your heart slowing down. Your eyes close, becoming too tired. You wish you could take the pain away, from everyone here right now. Your breaths became shallow, the love of your life becoming aware of what was soon coming.
“I love you. You’ve saved the world, my superhero.” Peter kissed your temple as you took your last breath, content with your life.
Peter had just got his girl back, only to lose you again; but this time forever.
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galactic-magick · 5 years
Interrupted Dates: Peter Parker x Reader
Request: OMG, I WANT TO SEND A REQUEST 💖 So how about a Peter P x Reader where they're dating but reader knows that Peter is Spider-Man even when he hasn't told her yet (that's why she doesn't get mad when their dates get cancelled) so one day Spider-Man saves her from some muggers and she kiss him on the lips over the mask to thank him and Peter freaks out thinking she's cheating and that's why she doesn't bother over cancelled dates and then fluff, don't know if it makes sense, pretty please 💖
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,000+
Warnings: Kissing, getting mugged
Author’s Notes: This fic turned out so cute and I really hope you like it, anon! i aDoRE my spidey boi
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“I’m so so sorry, Y/N,” your boyfriend, Peter Parker sighs while packing up his bag. “I have to go,” You’re having a date at a small restaurant down the street from school, and it has barely been a half-hour.
“It’s okay, hun,” you kiss him on the cheek and smile.
“Are you sure? I know I keep having to leave you-“ you cut him off with a huge smooch.
“Peter. I promise it’s okay. Just go,” you laugh as a grin spreads across his face.
“You’re the best girlfriend ever!” he hugs you tight and runs out the door with a skip in his step.
There goes your Spider-Man.
Yeah, you know. It honestly didn’t take you too long to figure it out. Peter would have to leave a date early and then just coincidentally Spider-Man is on the news?
Peter runs over to you the next day at school as soon as he sees you at your locker.
“Hey, love,” he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you in for a kiss. “I’m sorry again for having to leave yesterday,” You turn to him and place your hands on either side of his face, slightly squeezing his cheeks.
“Peter, I trust you. I know you always have a good reason when you have to leave,” He releases his breath in relief and pulls your body closer to him.
“Well, you know I’m still going to make it up to you either way,” you blush outrageously as he presses his forehead to yours, looking deep into your eyes.
“Oh really?”
“Yup. I’ll pick you up for dinner tonight,”
“Alright, Parker,” you smirk as you go your separate ways for class.
Peter picks you up promptly and puts a blindfold around your head. He holds your hand daintily and leads you down multiple streets. When he unties it, you’re met with a beautiful candlelit dinner in the park.
“Oh, Peter, wow…” you say, nearly speechless.
“Do you like it?”
“Of course! I love it!” he pulls out a chair for you and serves you the food. He gazes at you dreamily as you enjoy each other’s company.
“Y/N, I honestly don’t understand how you don’t get mad at me more often,”
“How could I ever be mad at you? I love you,” his face lights up.
Down the street, there’s an explosion and you see a few masked robbers run into the building.
“I uh, have to go-“ he knows you know the drill, so he doesn’t take a lot of time to apologize. He races around the corner into an alley and not a few minutes later, Spider-Man miraculously appears on the scene.
It’s honestly comedic that he thinks you don’t know at this point.
You get up from your chair and start running the other direction, trying to get away from the danger as much as you can. You know Peter would want you to be safe above anything else.
You’re running at a consistent speed thanks to the rush of adrenaline until you feel something pull at your collar. You whip around to see one of the masked men, grabbing at you and looking for anything valuable. He takes your wallet, your phone, and starts scrummaging through your bag. You kick at him as much as you can, screeching for help.
“HEY!” a voice yells. The mugger turns around. “GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!” Spider-Man swings down and completely knocks out the guy. “Are you alright? Did he hurt you?” It takes you several minutes for your heart to stop pounding and your breathing to get back to normal, but you squeak out a “yeah” and nod.
“Spider-Man?” you say, looking into the eyes of his mask. You give him a quick peck where it seems like his lips would be. “Thank you,”
“Wha-“ he steps back in shock. Why would you kiss him? You couldn’t possibly know it was him, right? Does that mean you do this with other guys? Would you cheat on him? How could you kiss Spider-Man like this?! Is this why you never get mad when he has to leave? Do you not love him? Are you interested in someone else?
“Peter,” you burst out laughing. “I know it’s you,”
“What? No! I’m Spider-Man! Who’s Peter? Unless you mean the Peter who’s your boyfriend, in which case he’s a pretty swell dude, and you really shouldn’t cheat on him because he loves you very much-“ you press a finger to his lips and then pull his mask off. You lift an eyebrow at him as he looks down in embarrassment. “So… you’re not cheating on me?”
“Of course not! Why would you think that?”
“I just thought, maybe the reason you don’t get mad when I miss dates is because you were seeing someone else anyway,” he finally looks you in the eyes. “But I guess it was just because you knew,”
“Of course I knew,” you wrap your hands around his neck and his wraps his around your back. “You’re terrible at hiding things, hun,”
“I guess so,” he kisses your forehead. “Well, now that you know I’m Spider-Man, I guess I can do this now,” he closes the space between your frames and holds you tight. He shoots a web to the roof of the building and pulls the two of you to the top.
“Wow,” you sigh, unable to contain your happiness and getting lost in his glistening brown eyes.
“How about no more secrets? I love you too much to keep you in the dark any longer,”
“Sounds great,” you agree. Keeping one arm tight around your waist, he uses his other hand to caress your face, slowly weaving it into your hair and giving you chills down your neck. Then he closes the gap between your lips and kisses you passionately, filling you with warm and fuzzy emotions.
“I love you, Y/N,” he whispers in your ear.
“Love you too, Spider-Man.”
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justformyself2 · 4 years
San Francisco (Part Three)
Hello guys, it’s been a while because i was having some trouble to find a time to just relax and write a little. I hope you and your loved ones are okay, and i hope you like the last part of the series “San Francisco.” Thank you so much for keeping me company till the end ♥
. This story contains strong language.
. Pairing John Krasinski x Reader.
. If you want to read from the beginning CLICK FOR THE MASTERLIST
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"And this is Ethan's girlfriend, (Y/N). (Y/N) this is my mother and father in law, Bridget Thaler and Monrey Thaler."
Rachel takes care of the introductions while you hold a smile in place, focusing on your posture instead of on Ethan's hand on your lower back.
Dex's mother approaches amicably towards you, while Dex's father shook Ethan's hand a little too aggressively.
"Oh, so you two are a couple? What a wonderful surprise. Dex told me you were-."  Mr. Thaler stops himself, letting go of Ethan's hand, subsiding to silence as the rest of us watched the scene.
You look to the side, and spot Rachel smiling devilishly at Ethan.
"Gay?" Ethan completes with a comedic tone. Dex's father is lost for a second or two, but accompanied him before saying.
“I was going to say that he told me you were both writers.”
You immediatly look down to hide your necessity to laugh, while Ethan, nervously, breaths in. 
“Yes, yes...I’m, and i got this beautiful company by my side.” He responds, almost whispering.
"That you do."  Mr. Thaler agrees, leaving a doubtful stare at you.
He embraces Mrs. Thaler, who was rearranging the blond locks of her Chanel hairstyle behind her ears, adorned with big white pearls. 
"Well, it was marvelous meeting both of you, now if you two don't mind I have to steal these two. There is some great people who came all the way from France, and are excited to meet Dex and my future daughter in law."
Mr. Thaler smiles politely as his wife looks down for a second before smiling towards her son, a smile that doesn't reach her eyes.
You never thought Dex could be even quieter than usual, as he nods, and Rachel reaches his hand with the same unlived expression. 
It gave you a bad feeling, as this was supposed to be a special dinner in honor of their wedding tomorrow evening, and something switched quickly since Dex's parents walked through the door.
You wanted to ask Ethan, but that would make him think you were apen to being normal with him.
"It was our pleasure, Mr. Thaler." You decide to speak, clearing your throat towards Ethan, caught up in the vibration of the room, who quickly catches the hint and smiles.
"We'll see you guys around." 
You roll your eyes as they were all turning away to exit the patio and enter the main restaurant salon with their condescending smiles.
When sure they all left, you get rid of Ethan's embrace immediately, but he grabs your arm again, obliging you to stay at his side.
"(Y/N) Don't do it like that, we have to talk."
When turned around, you make sure to exchange looks between his grip on your arm and his focused eyes.
"Sorry." He understands and retrieves the gesture.
"Oh, you want to talk?" You mock bitterly.  "I don't even know why I haven't made my bags yet after you left me talking by myself at that beach."
"I know, I've been a fucking asshole, but I had to take time to myself and think. I want to make things right-."
"Wooooow, Ethaaaaan." A third, unrelated individual, appears behind Ethan. A tanned brunette comes closer, holding a glass of the pink drink Rachel offered you earlier, Rosé, maybe the reason why she is smiling too much, and her eyes were enlarged.
"Oh, Hey, Claire." Ethan almost whispers and then bites his lips nervously.
Claire. Your brain starts to rewind all the tangled web of hot mess information that is Ethan's life as the girl keeps coming closer, now laughing in a very Jack Nicholson way, at the end of 'The Shining.'  
"Who is this?"
The "this" is you, who she points at, using the drink and almost spilling it, unbothered because it looked like she already had plenty before this one.
Claire does an eye search, from your heels towards your face while Ethan is lost of words.
"I'm his girlfriend. (Y/N)." You take the lead, and her mouth curves, like her body, exaggerating a surprised expression. "You must be Claire."
She blinks at you more than a couple of times at just one second.
"Yeah, I must be Claire." With her free hand, she patted her short hair behind the ear, then turns to Ethan. You don't know either to be scared or grateful.
Laughing, she points at his chest, taking an unbalanced step further.
 "And you... You MUST BE GAY!"
"Oh, God." You let it slip as heads start to turn.
You were sure her eyes were about to pop out of their orbits, or she was about to pop Ethan's.
"Claire, calm down."
His try is weak, and Claire is fast. She spills the drink on his face and throws the empty glass on the ground, winning gasps and laughs among the observing crowd before leaving the patio. 
"I deserved it." He says, wiping the wine out of his face, some of the drops landed onto your cheek and hair, but it was nothing compared to Ethan's stained white shirt along with the gray blazer.
"You were saying you wanted to make things right?"
You play him, who just nods along without much to say.
"We have to go back and change, let's go, there is already a bunch of people staring and laughing."
"Oh, really? I haven't noticed."
You take him by the arm and lead an alternative way to avoid the main salon. He doesn't refuse, gratefully accepts your hand in his while you chased the white garden lights that carved the path along with the most beautiful white arrangement of plants, white and blue, looking familiar for a second and left behind in the other when you saw the exit.
"Carpet-of-snow, right?"
Ethan pointed at the plants when you were close to the red brick walls and a neglected open gate you saw people from the restaurant staff using it earlier when you came with Rachel to offer a helping hand. That was why you felt safe in coming in tonight, knowing there was an alternative exit you could silently use at any point and leave the excuses to Ethan. Still, now you were leaving with him, and he just remembered the name of your favorite flower for some reason you didn't want to examine microscopically at the moment but left you unsettled.
"How do you know that?"
Your undecisive look switched over between him and the flower, trying to find a clue somewhere like it was hidden in the plants before shaking the old noisy gate and making an opening for both of you. He was smirking, and you didn't know whether or not to start worrying.
"You told me about it."
Your brain burns, trying to heat the engines to remember, but there was only the sound of your high heels clicking on the pavement and the loud gate being closed when you both made out of the place. 
You give in, hearing a low giggle in response, but before he could respond, a random group of loud teens infested the sidewalk like a cloud of starling birds you saw once on youtube. You can't recall how you ended up watching that video or explain how your brain just applied that to teenagers.
They were coming out of another fancy restaurant just a few steps ahead from the one you left, and now you thought there was nothing else to see in Hamptons, or that you wanted to see.
Ethan guided the way past the teens, keeping you close and crossing the street quickly on the red lights.
"Hey, don't make me run in those high heels." You slap his arm.
"Oh, sorry."
"Now, finish what you were saying."
"About what?"
You get slightly annoyed at him for the fifth time on the same day and realize the pattern or karma that surrounded both of you.
A cold breeze blowing your hair away lets you know the bridge was close, and he pulls you closer, arm to arm, hand to hand, they were still there all the way.
"Remember when Kevin and Rosa got married?"
"Oh yes, Valentine's day, on a church, I'm not sure it was really a church, but a cover for something else, that neighborhood was skeptical as fuck."
"And we all went through town to find a dozen of red roses." He completes.
"On the flower market." You laugh.
"Last minute."
He continues.
"That day you saw the flowers of the carpet of snow, and you told that if by complete madness one day you think of getting married you would choose them, but you couldn't even hold someone's hand for more than a minute to get to the point of holding a bouquet to get married."
He squeezes your hand in his and raises his eyebrows, like saying "see?".
"Oh, okay. So you think that me, holding your hand right now is supposed to mean something." 
You laugh, but now out of being nervous.
"It could mean something.
You let go of his hand brutally, not moving an inch further on the last cross to the bridge. He sighs, and people from the other side are coming towards you because it is time to cross.
"Is this a game to you, Ethan? Hun? Your ping pong between Rachel and me, go to her, bring me here, which I have to give it to you, is in fact, my fault because I wanted to make sure you would be okay when she dumped your ass again, then you sleep with me, leave me alone to go to Rachel once again, and now this? What is wrong with you?"
There is heat forming everywhere in your body, heat from anger, resentment, and confusion. You went back into the house intending to pack your bags when Ethan left you talking by yourself on that beach. Still, you are here, angry, resented, and confused, waiting for him to answer back, anything, because you weren't patient with the feeling of your chest tightening around your heart like a fist. You try to find Ethan somewhere in the man you see now, you try to find yourself through his eyes, because you always told him what you wanted and how, but this time was different. You knew it was, and it made you scared, while he looked reluctant with himself.
Two steps front and back, and a deep breath after he said:
"Okay, okay...I never told Rachel anything. There was no love confession, or second love confession, nothing."
"That night, we chatted, drank, and then she went back home, that was it."
You look away, and everything got out of place quickly, you blink twice, feeling your body lighter, floating in front of Ethan.
"I'm not in love with Rachel (Y/N). " 
"Then, why?" You gestured when the words wouldn't form on your tongue.
Another cold breeze blows your hair away into your face, but you didn't possess the strength to get annoyed or less numb.
"The answer is simple, I'm a coward. I didn't have the guts to tell Claire that I'm not interested; I rather lie about my sexual preference. I pretended to not have feelings for Rachel, practically my whole life, till it was too late, and instead of learning from my mistakes, I even convinced myself and then pretended to still have feelings for her so I could hide my feelings for you."
He unbuttons the stained blazer, looking down as he did.
The words catapulted themselves immediately, impulsively, an impulsive miracle: 
"Ethan, look at me."
His eyes shone brightly as he took off the blazer and came closer to you. Not an interruption when he placed the blazer over your shoulders, irradiating the warmth that mixed with the cold, made you even more inebriated, unaware of yourself. Similar to when you held his hand all the way through here, similar to when you two made love the night you searched for him, similar to now.
 "I'm sorry, I truly am, I know you are not interested in this type of relationship or feelings, and I should have respected that, and trust me I tried, I really did. I even brought you here in a stupid and vain attempt to prove myself I still have that armory that would protect me from being rejected again. I-." He shrugs, his voice cracks  "I just can't stop thinking about you, you are everywhere I go, because I bring you with me, on purpose, even with Rachel, and I didn't want to take it far, but sharing the same room with you again was a little too much."
"Oh, God." 
Holding yourself under the blazer, you laughed, arid. "I never took you for the type for monologues, which is stupid; you are a writer, also so reserved." Your mouth gets sour, and your jaw hurts, "You are right, you are a coward, Ethan." 
You felt the metaphoric knife on your back, getting twisted. You felt the flesh and nerves connected to your heart, starting to create the agonizing silence you knew since last summer. 
"I know."
He nods, still close enough to be looking upon you, but ready to drift away and still somewhat expecting, and you had seconds to forget about the knife, reach his back with your hand, completing the space between both of you.
There are still some remains of Rosé mixed with the taste of Ethan, warm, wet, hard to compare, like the taste of water.
He breaks the bond, grabbing both of your cheeks, obliging you to look at his darker eyes, pupils dilated from desire and, still, doubtful.
"Sorry, I'm really confused here, are we... doing this? Because you sound still very upset."
"I know you want them, but I don't have all the answers, Ethan. There is no instant miracle like in novels. I can only say that I'm willing to see why that night when you came back from the bar, and I thought you were just trying to get over Rachel, why that night was-."
His answers caught you off guard.
"Yeah. It made me furious when you left me alone the next morning. I want to stop wondering why. I want to know why I can't forget about San Francisco, and why I don't want to."
"I think I know why." His fingers intertwine with your hair. "And I promise I didn't leave because I wanted to, we had a deal and didn't know how you would react the next morning."
"Well, I have to give you that one."
"And I have to give you this one."
He covers your lips with his, letting wandering hands dislocate from the back of your head towards your waist, bringing your body impossible closer to his, chest to chest. The wine had already dried on his shirt, you knew because your hands also wandered through there, tracing the way towards his strong shoulders while your mouth devoured his in a more needy way.
There is a honk, a whistle, and you want to laugh, don't want to stop, don't want to let him go, and this time you actually knew he wouldn't let you go either because you wouldn't ask him to, you wouldn't want him to. You knew.
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His Legacy
Paring: Peter Parker X Stark!Reader X Platonic!Harley
Warnings: ☡ ENDGAME SPOILERS ☡, Slight language
Synopsis: The reader is concerned for Peter becoming the "new Ironman."
GIF NOT MINE: @tomhollandnet
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He was distraught. We all were. Anthony Stark's sacrifice destroyed us all in many ways.
Pepper lost the man she loved.
Morgan and I lost our father.
Rhodes lost his best friend.
But Peter. Peter lost his second father figure. And that hurt him in ways that his Uncle Ben's death didn't.
I was depressed for a couple weeks. Part of me felt that it was my fault. I helped Tony figure out how to fix the snag in the Time Heist.
--Flash Back--
"D'you want washing or drying?" He asked me as we both apprached the sink.
"Drying, definitely drying." I responded, already picking up the dish towel.
"Alright, but if you accidentally end up soaking, don't be complaining to me about it later."
And a few minutes later, he did "accidentally" spray water on me, the ceiling, and a collection of photos near us.
"Dad! Ugh, I'll get the mop." I carefully walked away.
He just smiled and looked at the photos. First observing a picture of his father. Then he pulled a different photo from behind it, taking the time to gently wipe away the water droplets on the frame. He looked hurt.
I walked back over to mess. I managed to sneakily catch a glance at what photo he had: the one of him and Peter getting his "internship."
It made me want to cry. I know he felt bad about Peter dying. It's just the way dad rolled. Everything is his fault.
"Maybe it wouldn't hurt to look into the calculations about Scott's Time Heist." I slowly suggested, now staring at the photo of Peter smiling. I missed him.
My dad constantly teased us on "being oblivious to one anothers' feelings." Feelings or not, I knew I missed him. When dad told me he hadn't made it, we both cried for an hour.
"What did I tell you about easedropping young lady?" He feigned suprise. He took a deep breath and cleared his voice of any emotion other than sarcasm.
He wrapped his left arm around me and kissed the top of my head.
" It's too bad you suck at quantum mechanics too badly to help with any of it."
I scoffed at his insult, knowing I was fully capable of keeping up. I was a Stark, it's in my blood.
So we went to work. Busting out every computation of every calculation we could think of.
"This is impossible. I told them Tiny's stupid hesit is physically impossible."
I chuckled at his codename for Scott. It helped relieve some of the tension in the room.
"Okay, so the calculus works, we can agree on that?"
He nodded.
"So we just need a workable shape to bend time around and to morph ourselves around?"
I layed my face in my hands and thought of the shapes we hadn't tested yet.
"Yes, Einstein, we do. But We've tried every geometrical postulate imaginable. I'm sorry kid, it's not hap..."
"Mobius strip." I whipped my head out of my hands and looked at him.
"FRI, can you run the calculations with the Mobius strip?" He asked, desperation clinging to his voice.
I didn't have the energy to make some snarky remark on how he took my idea. I just wanted to see if it worked
I moved to where my dad was standing, also waiting with anticipation. I felt him glance at me. He wanted this to work because he knew I needed it to work.
The moment we saw the green loop appear around the stip we both fell backwords into our seats.
"Shit." Be both said in unison, stares not breaking from the display.
"Shit!" We heard a little voice behind us.
We turned around to see Morgan happily sitting on the stairs, watching us.
Dad made some quippy remark about having important shit to do, which caused Morgan to frown/smile. He then took her up to bed, but not before getting them icepops.
I turned back to the display. The green line still surprised me. I half expected it to disappear in the time we looked away.
This was gonna work. We were going to get them back.
I blamed myself for it. I should've just let it go. We were happy. We had a family. We were good.
But then I remember the billions who dusted away. It was the right thing to do. It just hurts.
But Peter's pain was significantly worse. He was hard to trust. After Ben's death, he found it hard to trust people, especially any father-figure he became close to. Understandably dad's death destroyed his limited trust capacity.
We could tell it was destroying him, Happy and I. We saw it firsthand.
Fury was pushing Peter. What with his constant calls, and even him hijacking our Summer vacation. Fury wanted the new Ironman and he was deadset on it being Peter.
It made me mad a first. Fury believed I was envious of the offer being given to Peter. But it was more concern than envy. Peter was Spiderman, not Ironman. He can't be both. And nobody could ever replace my dad
Plus people overlooked the obvious choice here: Harley Keener.
He was 16, and a new student to Midtown Tech. He was the perfect choice to carry on dad's legacy. It's not like Harley had other heroic prior commitments like Peter or I did. Plus we got along great.
My dad connected us one year when we all went down to vacation in Tennessee and met his family. I immediately gravitated to Harley. Seeing as he was only one year older than me, a sort of summer fling also sprouted between us. It ended on good terms. We kept in touch, agreed to hang out every once in a while, and had a fun tendency to provoke my dad.
But when I apprached Fury about this he struck it down before I even got to mention Harley. He insisted that Peter become the new Ironman. Which was weird.
The next step was to try to convince Peter which I felt wouldn't be too difficult. He was cracking under the pressure.
But seeing as we were currently going head to head with a giant water monster in London, I figured it'd be best to table the the discussion for a later time.
So we did. Just at a different time when Harley showed up at the rebuilt HQ (the old Stark/Avengers tower) just after we got back from vacation. It was 9:30 and we both just wanted to sleep for days.
Peter went into full defense mode the moment he saw Harley sitting in the corner. In Peter's defence, Harley did look pretty shady.
The whole squabble was resolved when I pushed past Peter and welcomed Harley with open arms.
"Hey, if it isn't my second favourite Stark!" He exclaimed as we embraced.
Though he kept it silent, I could sense Peter's jealousy.
"Hey, Keener, nice suprise, but what are you doing here?"
"Well, I thought we were going to talk to Fury today, so I just figured I would come in. I heard you guys were getting back today." He smiled.
I smiled back. It was truly nice to see him again. The last time I saw him as a few days after the Funeral when he dropped the news that he'd be attending Midtown Tech. I wasn't exactly a happy time, but it was mosty better now.
"Um, I'm sorry, but can you please explain who this dude is, (Y/n)?" Peter broke our little bubble of joy.
I noticed Peter even gave Harley a side glance of disgust and distrust. This should be interesting.
"Peter, play nice. This is one of my old friends, Harley Keener. I'm not sure you two met at the funeral, but basically he was a fellow mentee my dad sort of trained. He just moved here, and he'll be a Junior at Midtown Tech in a couple weeks." I politely explained to the disgruntled Spiderboy.
"And she wants me to be Ironlad."
Oh, this can't be good.
"Ironlad?" Peter questioned, now meeting Harley's gaze. Posture suddenly taller. Was he challenging Harley?
"Yeah, (Y/n) here called me about it a while back. I already have prints for a suit and she said she'd help me with it." He replied rather egotistically.
Peter looked hurt. He looked to me and back to Harley with definative anger. He began to walk away.
I quickly hit Harley's arm in frustration.
"What the hell, Keener? I was going to tell him gingerly!" I whisper-yelled at him as I began to follow Peter. He started to suit up.
"Peter." I called to him.
"Peter!" I called a little louder.
"Peter Parker!" I jogged up to meet his fast paced walk and pulled his arm.
He pulled away forcefully. He looked pained. His eyes were showing early signs of crying, but his actions showed anger.
"Leave me alone, (Y/n)." He proceeded to walk briskly to the edge of an open window.
I followed him to the edge.
We made brief eye contact before he jumped out.
"Spidey, don't make me do this!" I shouted in his direction.
No response.
"Alright, he forced my hand." I muttered to myself.
"FRIDAY, do me a favor and don't send my suit after me, okay?" I asked the A.I, knowing she'd be listning.
So I jumped out. Completely suitless. Pepper was going to kill me.
Either I end up on th street as a not so pretty decoration, or Peter'd save me. We'll find out soon enough.
I felt the wind swishing through my hair and my clothes puffing in weird directions around me. I saw the points on the ground becoming more clear. I was getting to close for comfort. This was it. Peter was actually going to let me die because he's mad at me. Talk about petty.
Suddenly I felt a familiar tug on the back of my shirt. He really waited until the last last second to web me up.
I braced myself for the intense g-force I'd experience while being pulled back to the sky.
Before I knew it, Peter and I stood on the roof of a building near the tower.
"Do us a favor and don't throw yourself off of any more buildings." He said not even prying his eyes off of the ground. He was about to take off again.
"Peter Parker, I will keep launching myself off of buildings until you and I talk!" I yell at him.
He looked at me like I was insane. Which, jury's out on that one. I might be.
"What." He stated, again not looking at me.
"You can't be the next Ironman." I said simply.
This caused him to look up. Again, he looked like I just told him the worst news in the world.
"Peter, you can't be the next Ironman because nobody can be the next Ironman. He's irreplaceable." My voice began to crack. I was definitely going to cry. No preventing that.
"Tony Stark was an enigma. He was the best and worst man. Did I ever tell you the reason he took on Scott's Time Heist was because he looked at a picture of you two? Peter, he wanted you to live, not to crack under the pressure of being the next Ironman. If he could see you now, he'd..."
"Hey, (N/n)," He began to interrupt. But I wasn't having any of it.
"Peter, I don't even know what he'd do, but I just know he would disapprove of you trying so desperately to be the 'new Ironman.' Damn what Fury says, all he cares about is finding replacements! He wants you because he knows he can control you. Hell, he already replaced Natasha with another former assassin. He doesn't care about our wellbeing. I just know you would've been too excited to recognize you were being used, so I thought if I brought Harley in, he'd help me show my point. Peter, trust me he's great, and..."
Peter shut me up by pulling me into a tight hug and shushing me. This caused me to let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding in.
"I get it. I miss him too. And you know he wouldn't want to be jumping off of buildings." I felt his chest vibrations. They were oddly soothing.
"Excuse you Peter, he's the one who taught me that trick." I smiled and sniffled. He wiped my tears away and just held my face.
We both jolted around to see Harley, now decked out in his Mark I Ironlad suit.
"I hate to break up this tender moment my ex and my soon to be best friend are having, but you guys SUCK at the whole secret identity thing."
"Ex? So you two have a history?" Peter asked, looking at me awkwardly.
"I was 14, I had bad judgement."
This caused an offended noise to leave Harley's mouth, but a laugh to exit Peter's.
Yep, these two were going to be good friends.
"Alright, we should probably all head home and sleep. School starts soon." I, being the mature teenager I am, suggested.
Harley took off.
Which left me and Peter on a roof.
"So." I smirked. "You should probably get going. May's gonna be worried."
"Yeah, well sure, but do you like need a lift or..?" His question trailed off. Suddenly it clicked when my dad would tease him about being awkward with me. Does Peter Parker like me?
Instead of a response, I tapped the edge of my glasses and watched Peter watch as my suit began flying out the tower and to me.
"I'll be fine, Parker." I smiled, though it was hidden from him.
"Tell May I said hey." And I took off towards our house.
When I landed Pepper was out, waiting for me.
I tapped the edge of my helmet and the suit began to return to its nano form.
"What's this I hear about you jumping out of the tower?!" She yells at me, obviously playfully.
"What? I needed a way to get Peter's attention." I breezed past her.
"I swear you are jus like your father! You're aging me prematurely."
"How premature can it be?" I quip back sarcastically.
I hear an offended gasp followed by a chuckle.
I went up to my room, deciding I was too tired to take a shower. I just wanted to go to bed. So I proceed with my Nighttime routine and in no time was cozy in bed.
My window curtains were drawn back. As I began to close my eyes, I swear I saw the outline of the infamous red snd blue suit watching me...
I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and sent a quick text to Peter.
He almost fell from the roof he was on. But recovered quickly. He stood and waved goodbye as he swung off into the night.
I just wanted to make sure they made it home alright. I knew Mr. Stark would never let me live it down if I didn't. Besides, I knew they were beat after the vacation, so I was afraid they would mess up the directions home, or something; but part of me just wanted to see them one more time before I called it a night. So I sat on a roof parallel to their bedroom window.
I waited until they got into their bed, and was tucked under the covers. They looked ready to go to bed, but they suddenly grabbed their phone off their nightstand.
I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out, suspecting it was them.
'My hero, making sure I got home safely. Go get some sleep Peter, I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight x.'
I slipped when I read it. The 'x', that meant a kiss, right? Oh my God. They called me their hero. This is so much to take in.
I looked up again to see their beautiful (E/c) eyes one more time and waved them goodbye.
I jumped off of the roof and began swinging home, thinking about what adventure we'll have tomorrow. Hopefully a good one.
A/N: Hey, so here's a thing. I got the inspiration of the Far From Home Trailer. I'm trying to get rid of some of my lost Endgame depression, but this actually made it worse wow.
Anyway, hope you enoyed this crappily slopped together thing I wrote during school.
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stardust-ghost · 5 years
Overthinking | pt.1
Ahhh I actually really like how this came out!
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Part: 1/4
Warnings: Angst 
Summary: Peter Parker has been trying to tell you, his best friend, that he loves you for a while now, but is terrified of rejection. When he finally musters up the courage, things seem to get in his way.
A/N: I transferred this imagine series thing from my other account @parkerthehero and while I won’t be deleting that account, I will no longer be posting on it. Since this was a series, I do intend on finishing the fourth part, although I don’t know when. 
Edit: By popular demand, this is being turned into a mini-series, so let me know if you want to be tagged. 
Part 2 | Part 3
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Today’s the day. Today’s the day he’ll actually do it. Today’s the day he’ll get over his nerves and just tell you the how he feels. How hard could it be, really? What’s the worst you can say? No?
I don’t think we can be friends anymore.
No. Peter pushed the thought down before his mind had the chance to stress over it. Surely, after being friends for years you wouldn’t turn him away so harshly. You would never, he knew that. Right?
Peter sighed and smiled wistfully at the thought of the girl of his dreams. Glancing over at the clock, he watched it for a moment as 2:34 AM turned to 2:35. He shouldn’t be up this late, he knew that. He needed the little amount of sleep he could get, yet here he was, lying awake and thinking about you as he did most nights. You. He shifted uncomfortably in his bed before turning on his other side. Gorgeous, intelligent, witty you. Peter nearly resented himself for how his heart pounded against his chest at the idea of you. He hated feeling this way more than anything. To have such strong emotions for a person that would most likely reject him anyway.
He again tried to soothe his nerves, bringing reason and logic to the equation. You were his best friend, for Christ's sake, why is he so goddamn nervous? He has told you everything in the past. He told you first about his not so real crush on Liz Allen. He told you first about the spider bite. He told you first about becoming a superhero. He told you first about meeting Tony Stark. Everything. So why couldn’t he just tell you?
Deep down he knew your friendship wouldn’t end because of some emotions, but somehow, that scared him even more. The thought of you distancing yourself to give him space. What if you just kept drifting? Or the thought of you treating him like a lost puppy? He doesn’t want to see the pity in your eyes when you say no. What if you said yes, but it’s because you don’t want to hurt him? He wouldn’t put it past you, sometimes you make the wrong choice to avoid hurting people. 
Hundreds of possibilities plagued him, but after a while, he made himself stop. Stop thinking about it. It was just going to get worse if he continued. He would tell her today at school, end of story. Whatever happens, happens. He has put up with this secret long enough.
Peter had actually been able to force himself to sleep after that and although he was a bit sluggish in the morning, he had a bounce in his step that even May recognized on his way out the door.
“What's up with you?” She asked with a slight laugh, seeing the boy hurried by, making him stop short.
“I’m-,” he paused and let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. There was no use lying to her. Plus, he would rather share this with her now instead of being asked questions later if he came home in tears. “I’m going to tell her.” Being the only other person that knew of Peter’s extra big crush, May understood exactly what he meant and a soft smile crossed her face, but just nodded knowingly.
The entire way to school was spent convincing himself that he was making the right choice, that you wouldn’t do any of the things his mind was telling him to worry about. That the gain was worth the risk. Surprisingly, for once, he was winning and a small smile pulled at his lips as he walked towards the school doors, brimming with confidence that was at least half real. 
Until he saw you, that is. Then everything he talked himself into, everything he prepared himself for, every little bit of courage he had, all forgotten in an instant. A smile the brightens the room, with eyes to match. Hair that looks as soft as silk. The excitement on your face when you saw him across the hall... Wait. 
You saw him. 
Panic mode. Peter was by no means ready to approach now. He’s not even sure if he could have a normal conversation with you right now, quite frankly, because the words he has been dying to say to you would be sitting on the tip of his tongue. So Peter did the only thing he could think of. Shot you a smile, then turned and walked the other way.
As soon as he was out of view from you, he scolded himself. Idiot. He chewed on his bottom lip harshly and wonders what you were thinking. Were you mad at him for not coming over? Did you think he was mad at you? Whatever it was, he was almost positive it wasn’t good. Nonetheless, he went to class without any of his books, only slightly relieved he wouldn’t have to face you until lunch. 
Peter felt like a coward. He skipped lunch. He just couldn’t face you, he wasn’t ready. He was planning to go, but his heart jumped in his throat and just headed to the library instead, but the entire rest of the school day he tried to build up his confidence once again. Once the last bell of the day rang, he took a deep breath and headed over to your locker, ready to pour out apologies. 
“H-hey Y/N! I’m r-really sorry about ditching you at lunch, I just had some major studying to do for another class.” The lie slipped out of his lips without intention and he panicked slightly. Peter is a horrible liar and he knows it. 
“It’s okay!”
“I know that it was a jerk- wait, what? It’s... okay?” He could hardly believe what he just heard. You usually chided him whenever he skipped out on stuff without mentioning it. 
“Yeah! Someone else kept me company.” His heart almost sighed in relief. 
“Oh. Oh, that’s great, I’m glad.” He let a smile spread across his lips, a weight being lifted from his shoulders. “Who is she?” 
“It’s a he actually.” You paused to smile somewhat bashfully and Peter could feel his breath stop with your words. He quickly pushed down the worry and reminded himself not to jump to conclusions. “His name is Damien.”
“That’s nice!” He faked a cheerful tone, ignoring the way his heart thudded almost painfully. 
“Yeah, and I have some good news!” He nodded for you to continue. “He asked me out on a date!” You nearly squealed that line and continued to ramble on about it, not noticing the way Peter’s face fell into one of slight horror and pain. “Can you believe it? A date! I don’t think anyone has even ever had a crush on me, let alone asked me out! For a while, I was starting to believe I would never get a boyfriend. He’s taking me out to dinner on Friday.”
Peter could feel his heart crack at your words and found a lump forming in his throat. Sure you would talk about guys occasionally, but mostly celebrities or random ones you two would see on the street. Peter was sure nothing has ever hurt him in this way. 
“But... Friday is movie night.” He was right. Friday you two would spend the night eating your weight in junk food, watching movies, browsing the web, and talking. 
“I know, but I was hoping I could skip it just this once.” You gave him a guilty smile, before taking back the suggestion. “But it’s completely fine, it’s not right of me to cancel our plans like that. I’ll just tell Dam-”
“No no... It’s...” Peter almost struggled to say it. “It’s fine Y/N, really. You seem really excited, its just one Friday, I think I can manage.” He let out a fake laugh as to reassure you. 
“Thank you so much, Peter!” You pulled him in for a tight hug and by instinct, he wrapped his arms around you as well. Tears welled up in his eyes and he blinked rapidly to subdue them. He knew that if he just said no you would cancel without complaint... But he couldn’t ruin this for you. Not when you were that happy. No matter how much it hurt. 
“Anything for you...”
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starkerforlife6969 · 6 years
Peter who’s really kinda quiet and nerdy and shy but also secretly v kinky- and he keeps teasing tony with it, little things here and there- and Tony’s losing his fucking mind until one day he just snaps
this was...this is gold. I made it way too long also but...I couldn’t stop! 
Tony’s scanning through a very tedious contract at the kitchen counter when Peter stumbles into the tower; home from college. His hair’s a fluffy mess on his head and his large glasses are perched a little off-centred on his nose. He comes racing in and beams at the sight of Tony, whose heart softens a little at the sight of him. 
“Look what Ned got me, Mr Stark!” Peter exclaims, because he’s a walking exclamation point, and everything he says is exuberant and happy. He rifles through his backpack and fishes out a tee that says geology rocks!!! 
Tony stares at it, then at Peter’s rosy face, and then back at the tee. “Whatever makes you happy, kid,” he snorts.
Peter nods enthusiastically, “it’s so cool. And he got me this writing pen knife! It’s not really a penknife, but it’s a pen and you can pull a pencil out of it, and a ruler, and a stencil set and-”
The older man startles suddenly because wait is it Peter’s birthday? Has he forgotten? He’s about to pull up a calendar and fire someone when Peter continues:
“I got him this new LEGO set, and we’re gonna build it together and-”
“Why were you getting each other presents?” 
Peter blinks and looks up from where he’s currently pulling what looks like a protractor out of a bulky pen as he leans over the counter. “Oh, it’s the anniversary of the day we became friends! Ten years ago!” 
Tony hums fondly. Of course. He’s grateful Peter has such good friends. “No parole tonight?” 
Peter shakes his head. “No,” he sighs, but then his voice brightens, “because I have the best assignment for english okay, we have to make a...” 
Slowly, something dawns on Tony. 
Peter is a....he’s a nerd. 
He stares as Peter heads to his bedroom to change, tripping over the coffee table like he does every day despite his spider senses and he resists the urge to gawk, cuz Christ the kid is a nerd. 
He has those big glasses, and loves science puns, and plays with lego and loves work. He laughs at the weirdest things and-
Oh god, how did Tony not put it together sooner? 
In his defence, his first impression of Peter had been as an undercover, albeit smalltime, superhero. Web slinging and people-saving with a heart of gold. The second impression had been that Peter was wicked intelligent, and could design web shooters and understand high-level physics. 
Tony had seen a mini-Tony. Young, fit, intelligent- but no, Peter isn’t hiding coolness under his mask, he doesn’t have any because Peter is a-
He laughs. Fuck. Peter’s a nerd.
It’s adorable. 
And a little arousing. 
He tries not to dwell on that latter one. 
And later, when they’re in the lab, he looks over amusedly to see Peter eagerly putting wires together as he completes his circuit board for the iPod he’s fixing up. Tony’s tinkering around on Rhodey’s suit, and Peter is humming to himself, and they make a nice little team. 
A thought occurs to him. “Hey, you don’t need glasses, do you? Didn’t the spider bite...” he waves his hand to encompass ‘fix everything up’. 
Peter nods, pushing his glasses further up his face with an impish little grin. He has fucking dimples. “Yeah, but I don’t know- they’re kind of a comfort thing, I guess? MJ thinks I do it for fashion but I really don’t.”
Tony can believe it, especially when the next day, the kid wears a fucking sweater vest like it’s normal. 
It should be cute and that’s that. He should leave it at that. 
Except Tony kind of likes it. When he was Peter’s age, he’d been working on his Masters, but he’d still been at college. Where he was popular, charismatic and well-liked, and all he can think about is pinning Peter to the wall and watching that shy little blush creep across his skin and-
Fuck. No. He shouldn’t be thinking stuff like that. 
The two of them are spending another companionable evening in the lab, and Peter is buried in a book except his phone keeps buzzing and he keeps getting this little grin on his face and Tony can’t hold his curiosity. “What’s going on, kid?” He murmurs teasingly, setting down his tools. 
Peter looks up with a start, like he forgot anyone else was in the room with him. “Oh! Sorry, M-Mr Stark,” he says, his voice nervous and stammering- more so than usual. “MJ’s giving me advice.” 
“Oh? Over what?” He can’t really imagine the spunky, slightly scary, girl offering advice. 
“Well,” Peter dips his head a little; biting his bottom lip and Tony has to curl his hands into a fist under the table. “This guy in our class- Harry, he asked me out for a date!” 
Fury, quick as a flash, comes and goes and Tony manages a small smile. “That’s great, Pete.”
“It’s my first date!” Peter exclaims, sighing dreamily, “and MJ’s telling me what to wear and how I should act, you know?” 
His first date. The kid’s a virgin- probably only ever kissed before, and not properly at that. Tony wants it. He wants all of it so hard it hurts. “I didn’t realise you liked Harry,” he says lightly, and Peter pauses. 
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you’re going on a date with him. Do you like him?” 
Peter looks confused like the words don’t all make sense. “I-he- he asked me out, Mr Stark.”
The kid’s so sweet. So naive and precious. What would he do if Tony wasn’t around? “I get that, but do you like him in that way? Do you think he’s attractive?”
“I-” Peter pauses again, as if really thinking about it for the first time. “He is handsome,” he says slowly, and Tony grits his teeth, “but I don't know if he’s my- Mr Stark, it doesn’t matter! He’s asked me out and I’ve never been asked out before and-”
“Peter,” Tony murmurs, “you don’t have to say yes to the first guy who asks you out. You’re clever, kind and attractive. You’ll be beating them away with a stick- just trust me.”
Peter’s cheeks turn the most delicious shade of red and his eyes seem to look anywhere but Tony. “Really?” He whispers, and Tony nods. 
“Absolutely.” He says, and he watches the boy flush with pleasure. 
Peter ends up saying no to Harry, and Tony tries not to feel smug about it all week. He’s also been having dreams. Troubling dreams about his protege which involve a lot of moaning and dirty uses of the Iron Man suit. 
One Saturday morning, Peter limps out of his bedroom after a particularly gruelling encounter on patrol last night. Tony immediately pours him some orange juice and Peter eases onto the stools of the breakfast bar. “You doing alright, kid?” He asks sympathetically, trying not to ogle all the smooth skin on display as Peter’s night shirt practically swamps him. 
“Yeah,” Peter grins after a large gulpful- his lips all shiny and wet- “I’m healing super fast, but hey, Mr Stark, can I ask you a question?” 
“The floor is yours.”
“Do any of the Avengers ever wish that- like, I don’t know- maybe their super healing could be slowed down sometimes? Or that they could control it?”
Tony frowns, trying to understand the uses of that. “I don’t think so, why?”
Peter bites his lip but tilts his head to the side to show off the long line of his neck. Tony can see little purple bruises- almost gone now, dotted along the side. Peter was covered with them last night, and the thought makes him feel protective and possessive all at once. “You see these?” Tony nods, “well, when I-” Peter uses two of his fingers to press hard over one of the bruises and lets out a long, deep moan that has Tony frozen in place. “Sometimes,” Peter continues, his voice low and his fingers still pressing against the bruises, “sometimes that ache feels really good, right? Or is that just me?’
Shit. Fuck. Shit. Tony finds himself reaching forward against his will and knocking Peter’s fingers out of the way so he can use his own. He presses just like Peter did, but a little harder and watches as the boy’s eyes flutter shut and he lets out a sigh of contentment and Tony has to yank his hand away like he’s been scalded. “Happens to all of us,” he manages faux-lightly, “maybe your spider thing makes you a bit more sensitive.” 
Peter doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s way too innocent, way too inexperienced about the world to know that he’s- fuck Tony wants to fuck him till he’s sore. Till the bruises cover that marble skin and then when they heal, he can do it all over again. 
He thinks it’s a one off. 
He’s wrong.
The following month sees him rescuing Peter from a weird octopus man who has him shackled to the wall. Peter was never in any real danger, but Tony shoots some lasers into the man just to prove a point, and as he goes to free Spiderman from the wall, Peter tugs against them. 
“Leave them on, for a sec, Mr Stark?” He pants, and Tony swallows hard when he sees the swell of an erection through Peter’s suit. The boy pulls harder at the chains around his wrists and lets out a moan like he can’t help himself. “It-it f-feels so good,” he whimpers, sounding so confused and lost, like he can’t help but buck his hips a little and strain against the binds. “Why does it feel good, Mr Stark?” 
Because you’re perfect and you were made for me Tony wants to say. Instead he says: “He must’ve put something in the metal.” He thanks god that his erection is hidden. 
Tony’s starting to have a really hard time controlling himself now. If the image of Peter as a nerd turns him on, then the image of a nerdy Peter completely engulfed in kinks he didn’t even know he had- is driving him mad. He watches the boy like a hawk, the way that he bites his lip hard whenever the smart-tech of his suit creeps up his torso and over his nipples- like he likes the cold, hard little plates rubbing against his dusky peaks. 
Tony watches as Peter tugs his fingers through his hair over a tough assignment question- the way he pulls at the strands, harder and harder until he’s panting a little and his eyes have slipped shut and he’s forgotten about the question altogether. 
It comes to a head when they’re about to leave for a gala. 
Peter comes out of his bedroom in the suit that Tony had made for him (it’s complimentary to Tony’s in every way, just like Peter) except his bowtie is undone around his neck. “I can’t do it- woah! Mr Stark, you look incredible!”
Tony knows, but still, he feels good when the kid says it. He rolls his eyes and beckons Peter over, taking the black ends in his fingers and tugging the boy close. 
He realises that this is a mistake. Because he’s not- he’s not the paternal, mentor figure he should be. He’s not- he’s- he’s someone who likes the way his cologne smells on Peter. Who likes the look of Peter in a suit purposely just a little too tight. 
Peter’s looking up at him, his sweet breath fanning over Tony’s face and Tony doesn’t look at him- focuses on the bow. 
It’s all too intimate, and in his haste to finish the job and get away before he does something stupid, he ends up fastening the bow just a little too tight. 
“Shit, sorry, buddy, let me just-”
Peter’s hands are suddenly on his wrists, and Tony meets those big, brown eyes. “A little tighter,” Peter murmurs, wetting his lips, “please,”
Tony can hear his heart thundering in his ears and does fasten it just a little tighter, and is rewarded with a lovely little gasp and he’s going to have to go the bathroom before they leave, when Peter takes Tony’s right hand and guides it down his body.
Tony stares in awe as Peter places Tony’s palm over his crotch and bucks into him slightly. “Mr Stark,” he whispers, voice a whine, “sometimes I get really hard right here-” he grinds his dick into Tony’s hand and fuck, yes it is hard- he can feel the wetness seeping through- “and I don’t know why.”
Tony’s eyes snap to Peter’s face immediately and those eyes are wide but they’re not innocent at all. They’re fucking knowing. There’s a smirk on his lips and a teasing little grin. This has all been- this whole thing has been a fucking play. The boy’s a tease and Tony’s fallen right into his trap and-and-
“That happens sometimes, baby,” Tony growls, right into the shell of Peter’s ear, as he grabs the boy’s dick more firmly and Peter mewls without restraint. “I can show you how to take care of it though. If you trust me.”
Peter nods desperately, but his eyes are still so fucking smug and triumphant and Tony doesn’t even care that he’s lost this round. 
Loser or not, he still got the prize. 
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joonieflower · 5 years
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BURNS - Chapter 3
( Chapter 1 / Chapter 2)
pairing :yoongi x reader, namjoon x reader
genre: smut, angst, fluff
word count: 6.165
Namjoon made a mistake. Yoongi is struggling with his feelings - feelings he has for more than one person. You? You’re confused, caught in the middle of it all.
(this fic is a sequel to my Playboy!Namjoon fic, but can be read as a separate work!)
Two weeks pass. You don’t think is possible to miss someone as much as you do now.
Somi looks at you worryingly from the other side of the couch. She knows what happened, of course. How could you not tell her after she saw you crying? The poor girl had listened to you in between sobs, had tried to help.
“You need a distraction, unnie. I can’t stand seeing you so down.”
You smile at her. “I’m fine. Don’t worry about me, Somi.” she snorts at you. “What? “
“The fact that I need to come here and water your plants tell me a lot about how well you’re feeling.“ She gives you this analytical look like she’s seeing through you before she continues saying, “There’s a party, tonight.  Kihyun is throwing it, you should come.”
Your brow furrows. “How do you even know Kihyun?”
She gives you a long eye roll, looking exactly like the little brat that she is. “ I know everybody. Come with me, meet new people. There’s gonna be cute guys there. Please?”
She makes her best puppy eyes at you, one of your only weaknesses. You give her a long sigh. “Fine, but I’m not staying long. Also, I know you are only inviting me so your parents let you go.”
Somi beams at you. “I mean, you’re not wrong. But I also want you to take your mind off of it. “
You reach over so you can pet her head. “Yeah, yeah. Tell me what time I should pick you up.”
You look around, having lost your groups maknae in the crowd. The party is loud, and there are way too many people in here, but Kihyun was nice to you when you went to greet him so you didn’t mind as much as you thought you would, feeling somewhat grateful for the young atmosphere full of others who were also trying to forget about their real problems.
You are having fun, to a certain extent. The music is nice, and the drink in your hand is helping you relieve some of your stress. You’re feeling…okay. Somi was actually right. It was nice to go out a little and distract yourself.
“Hey.” a voice says to your right, making you startle. Sehun gives you a big smile, eyes crinkling with mirth. “I didn’t know you would come. Are you here alone? “
You give him a little shrug, feeling internally grateful for the new company. “Somi is being her sociable self, but I came with her. Have you seen how the pictures turned out? My manager sent it to me this week.”
He nods, reaching at the counter next to you so he can mix some more alcohol into his red cup. “Yeah, we look great. Where’s your boyfriend?” You look down at your cup, shrugging. Sehun’s brow furrows with worry. “What did he do?”
You try to laugh it off. “Don’t sweat it, Sehun-ah. We’re just…”
You look up again. Your breath gets caught in your throat. Yoongi is staring straight at you, Hoseok talking excitingly to Kihyun besides him. And is not just namjoon that you miss, but him as well.
You miss Yoongi so much it’s like a punch to the stomach to see him standing there. You had spent so much time with him in the last months he had become a part of your daily life. And now… you were reminded of Namjoons text, telling you how Yoongi was secluding himself, not leaving his studio, not taking care of himself.
He didn’t look so good, he looked like he hadn’t been sleeping well, not with his deep dark circles. Even so, his sharp eyes were trained on you, darting from you to Sehun and squinting, trying to make sense of what was going on.
Sehun hand comes to your arm, making you look at him again. “I’m sorry, what?”
He looks back, finally noticing Yoongi, who very reluctantly turns to talk to the party host. He gives you a knowing look. “I asked if you want to go somewhere quieter. You look like you could use some privacy.” 
You nod, thankful. You two had really come a long way since you had decided to forgive him, now you could even call him a friend again. Filming the web drama was fun, and now you could say he had quickly returned to his position as one of your closest friends.
After refilling your cup you let him guide you to one of the bathrooms, his hand on the small of your back feeling comforting as he does so.
You lean against the sink, taking a deep breath. “Thank you.”
His fingers gently wipe away a tear from your cheek. He gives you this soft look, reminding you of the way he looked at you when you two were still together. “Do you want me to hit him? I think I could win in a fight. You know I fight dirty.”
That manages to get a laugh out of you. You shake your head, smiling at the dark haired man in front of you, this big dork with a serious face. “I know you do.” You bite your bottom lip, meeting his eyes. “Sehun, as someone who dated me before… Do you think I forgive people too easily?”
“Definitely,” he says, without missing a beat. He looks guilty again, making you feel bad for him. He still carried all this guilt on his shoulders of having broken up with you in that terrible manner, even if you yourself had already forgiven him.  “You have a heart that’s too good for anybody. I don’t think that’s a bad thing,”
“Namjoon slept with someone else.” You blurt wincing after, not meaning for you to sound so desperate. “I forgave him already, but I don’t know what I should do now.”
“Who?” He asks, jaw set. He looks furious, and you are reminded of how protective he always was of you, even before you two dated.
“Is that important?” he takes a deep breath. “Someone close to me. I’m not mad with neither of them, I kinda get it to be honest? They were drunk, they have a past. He seemed sorry.”
“That’s not a fucking excuse, Y/N. I was a jerk to you, yes, but I never cheated on you. I never took you for granted” He fumes, eyes hard. He looks at you, gaze level with yours. “If I see him, I’m gonna sock him in the neck.”
Someone knocks hard at the door. “Just a second!” You look at your ex-boyfriend, shaking your head. “That’s not gonna solve anything. Let’s go, I need another drink.”
When Sehun opens the door for you a very familiar face is waiting on the other side. He ignores Sehun completely, eyes focusing on you. “Can we talk?”
Sehun holds your hand, blocking you from Yoongi’s view.”She’s busy.”
You let Sehun pull you towards the bar again as you swallow the lump in your throat and fight the need to turn back.to.check on the older boy. He hands you a drink. “Let’s forget everything tonight, what do you say?”
You look back, Yoongi is on his phone, texting someone. You give Sehun a fake smile. “Sounds good.”
He knows you well enough to notice you’re drunk. Your pink cheeks and glossy eyes give you away. When the taller boy move even closer, fingers trailing you jawline tilting your head up so he can see your lips, Yoongi finally moves.
He doesn’t really have a recollection of pushing Sehun away. He just does, making the boy stumble back
“What the hell?”
He ignores Sehun. “Do you really wanna do this? You’ll regret it.”
You huff, annoyed and clearly inebriated. Your speech is slurred. You face him eye to eye, your heels giving you the needed height to be able to match his gaze. “Am I not allowed? Namjoon is the only one who can do this?”
Sehun tried to pull you away from Yoongi, hand circling around your arm. He pushes the boy again, stronger this time so he can get the message across.”Beat it, pretty boy, before you annoy me for real.”
“Y/N?” Sehun asks, eyes searching yours. It makes Yoongi less angry, seeing genuine concern in the boy’s eyes.
You run a hand through your hair, biting your lower lip before sighing. “I’m fine, go back to the party Sehunie. I’ll text you later, I’m going home.”
He nods, giving Yoongi a wary look before disappearing at the end of the hallway. You turn around, getting inside the first room you see. Yoongi reaches from behind you, hand catching yours making you stop and look at him. He knows he doesn’t have any right to be nagging you but…
“You think you’ll feel better if you do the same? You won’t, believe me.”
You free your hand from his. The look of hurt in your eyes is so raw it makes Yoongi’s gut twitch. “Leave me the fuck alone oppa. Is Namjoon the only one allowed to hurt me?
“You want to hurt him too? By kissing your ex? Fine.” He takes the cup from your hand, finishing it in a single gulp.
You don’t really have a lot of time to process what he’s doing when he reaches behind your neck, your head is too fuzzy from all the alcohol you had.
His long fingers tangled in your hair, short nails lightly scraping your skin when his other hand grabs your waist. It shouldn’t feel nice, it shouldn’t send a shiver down your spine, but it does. Then, his lips are on yours.
It takes you a second to realize you’re kissing him back, tongue tangling with his, pressing yourself against him, hands fisting his shirt to bring him closer. His lips are surprisingly soft even as he kisses you hard, trying to get his point across. His tongue fighting for dominance, fighting to make you see how ridiculous you were being. He tastes like the drink he just gulped down, bitter but still sweet underneath, like nicotine and just. Just like him.
You pull back at the same time he does, scared by how you responded to it. Your fingers touch your lips, eyes open wide in shock as you look at the older boy in front of you. This close, you can see each one of his eyelashes, the barely visible freckles on the bridge of his nose.
Yoongi looks as stunned as you. “Fuck,” he says slowly, voice hoarse. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t…I’m sorry.”
“We’re drunk.” You shake your head, trying to sober up by pure willpower. “We’re both not thinking straight. I shouldn’t…you were right. It doesn’t make me feel any better. Just confused. Why did you-”
“Let’s pretend this never happened.”
The door slams open. Hoseok looks at the both of you frowning before turning back to yoongi. “ Hi, Y/N.Hyung I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
“I’m going home.” You say to no one in particular, giving Hoseok a small smile before turning back to an apprehensive looking Yoongi. “It’s okay, oppa. I’ll still go see you tomorrow so we can finish the song. Bye, Hobi.”
You’re gone before he can even answer. Now alone, he turns back to the black-haired rapper. “Hyung, why do you like hurting yourself like this?”
He takes a hand through his hair, heaving a deep sigh. “Leave me alone, Hoseok-ah.”
You’re in the cab when you call him. “Joon, Can you come home?”
His voice sounds groggy like he had just woke up. You can almost see the lines from the bedsheets on his cheeks as he reaches for his glasses. “Angel? Is something wrong?”
“I miss you,” you answer, resting your head against the car window. The city rushes by you in blurry lines.  You’re so tired you can barely keep your head up, so you rest it on the cold window “I- forget it, I know it’s late and-”
“Baby,” his voice is soft, careful.”I’ll be there in half an hour.”
He does just that. You’re lying down on your bed, too tired to take your makeup off when you hear the little beeping sound of the door.
You’re on your feet the second you see him, arms circling around his neck as you hug him, inhaling his scent. “I forgive you.”
“Angel,” his voice still sounds gruff, but he hugs you back, burying his nose in your hair. “Are you sure?”
You nod, finally stepping back. You take a deep breath  “I went to a party today, Yoongi was there.”
He nods, showing you he’s paying attention. He sits down, pulling you with him and sitting you on his lap. It’s so comforting, having him wrapping his long arms around you, him understanding that this was what you needed the most.
“Sehun was there. We were drinking together, and I was feeling hurt, so when he made a pass at me I let him. I was drunk.”
He takes a second before taking a deep breath and nodding. “Did it have to be Sehun, though?”
You shake your head, holding his hand in-between yours. “Nothing happened between me and him. Yoongi was there, he almost punched Sehun.”
“Yoongi?” Namjoon sounds alarmed.
You bite your lips.”We argued. He called me out for trying to get back at you by doing the same thing. He was also drinking. He ..” you stop, that wasn’t the complete truth, was it? He wasn’t the only one in the kiss. “we kissed. He was trying to prove his point.”
Namjoon looks stunned for a moment. “That’s not like him.” he shakes his head, hugging you close. “It’s okay, baby. Don’t feel bad, I don’t mind.”
“You don’t?” you ask, looking up at him again. He looks flushed. “But you’re so possessive about me. “
He shrugs. “I trust Yoongi. He would never do anything to hurt you, he has such a soft spot for you. Let’s get you to bed now, it’s late.”
You whine when he sets you back on the bed, leaving you to go to your bathroom. He’s wearing joggers and a t-shirt, clearly having put on the first thing he saw. He comes back with your makeup remover, carefully dragging the tissues against your skin.
God, you loved him so much. Could anyone really blame you for forgiving everything he did, when he looks at you with so much love like this?
You reach forward, hand stopping inches away from the button. Shaking your head, you press it. The bag of food feels hot even held away from you.
Yoongi answers the door after what seemed like an absurd amount of time. He looked….bad. His dark circles made him look like a little panda bear, and him grimacing because of the bright lights wasn’t any better.
“Please tell me you didn’t sleep in here.” He averts his eyes, stepping aside so you can come in. you sigh. That’s all the confirmation you need. “You promised me you wouldn’t.”
“I wanted to work on some tunes,” he says, sitting down on the leather couch. “What are our doing here? I heard you and Namjoon made up.”
You sit next to him, placing the food in front of him before you can even reach for the chopsticks he’s already breaking one pair apart and giving it to you. You’re so used to taking care of others, it makes you feel so warm inside whenever he does this silent caring thing of his. People might think Yoongi doesn’t really care about other people but he does, so much. All his little actions show it.
“I said I would come to visit you. I wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
He chews for a long time before swallowing and raising his head again, eyes on your, searching. “I’m the one who should be asking this. Stop putting others before yourself for a minute here, petal. Are you sure you’re ok in forgiving me and Namjoon?”
You straighten your back, ignoring the fuzzy feelings the new nickname made you feel. “I’m…I’m not. Putting others before me. And I’m ok.  I talked to Joon all night about this. Didn’t he tell you?”
Yoongi shakes his head, looking a little ashamed. “We’re not really talking.”
You stop yourself from pointing out whose fault that was.
“I’m…I’m ok if you two want to… you know…to be together again. It doesn’t bother me that you two slept together, to be honest. I don’t like lies, that’s all I ask. For both of you to tell me when it happens.”
“What?” Yoongi puts down his food. ” You’re fine with your boyfriend sleeping with another man?”
You try to hide your laugh. “That’s homophobic”
He gives you a very unimpressed look.”I’m the bi-est person in the world. You know what I meant. Are you okay with him cheating on you?”
You sigh, following his lead and putting your food down as well. You look at him, one of your closest friends. Yoongi had seen you cry before even Namjoon did when you came here to record your first collab. Things were so tense between your group, Somi was almost leaving and management kept giving you schedule after schedule, telling you to lose weight in a short amount of time. You were so tense that at the first correction he gave you - he wasn’t mean or anything, Yoongi had never been less than sweet to you-you had started bawling, sitting down on the floor and simply crying all your frustrations out. He didn’t ask questions first, as one would do. He just got up from his chair immediately and hugged you, waiting for you to calm down before offering to hear about what was afflicting you.
“It’s not cheating if I trust you both. I trust Namjoons feelings about me enough for us to try this open relationship.”  you smile at him, taking one of his hands and squeezing it in between yours. He had these long fingers, pale and knobby. Pianist’s hands. Just like Namjoons hands, they were so much bigger than yours. “ I’m not putting anyone before me, oppa. If anything, I’m being selfish. I can’t bear the thought of not having both of you in my life. I missed you.”
His fingers are calloused when he caresses your hand back. He looks like he wants to say more like he wants to keep protesting. “The three of us should discuss this later,” he says instead, getting up and passing you the headphones so you can start recording. He tucks one stray strand of hair behind your ear. “I missed you too. I’m sorry about yesterday.”
You accept the headphones, getting up and moving closer to the monitor, his edited lyrics already being shown across the screen. “I didn’t mind it, you’re a good kisser. Should I sing it in the same tone I did last time?”
Yoongi can only nod for fear of stuttering as he sets the music and mic up for you. You have this little smirk gracing your lips as you began singing like you knew the effect you had caused on the older man. Yoongi, once again, wondered why the hell Namjoon called you an angel when you were clearly a fucking menace.
Namjoon tries not to give a sigh at you sending him a message, letting him know you were going out with Sehun to grab something to eat after the end of the shooting.
He’s not a jealous guy. He just…. well, he just doesn’t trust Sehun for a second. He saw all the fan articles about how everybody suspected you two were in love, seen all the photos that were used of evidence, all of them with the man looking longingly at you.
He wouldn’t even blame you. Sehun was handsome. You both were the visuals of your groups. You had dated before. objectively, Sehun was a better match for you than he was.
He was….just him. Awkward, never considered anything near the most handsome of the group, always finding a way of hurting you by not knowing how to deal with his feelings.
“Stop moping,” Yoongi says, voice muffled by his pillow. “I’m not letting you get mad at her for going out with Sehun when you just finished fucking me yourself, Namjoon. She can have friends. You both agreed to be open, you’re not the only one allowed of doing this.
Namjoon huffs at the older man lying beside him. Yoongi had his eyes closed, cheeks still red, his dark hair matted against his forehead with sweat. He looked pretty, like this. Vulnerable. Namjoon is so incredibly found
“You’re so defensive of her, hyung. One would think she’s the one who’s been by your side for 8 years.”
Yoongi gives him an unimpressed look, rolling around and getting his shirt from. the ground, pulling it over his head. “She’s already being nicer than she should about this. I know how possessive you can get, and she doesn’t deserve this kind of shit from you after hurting her.  I still think she’s too forgiving for her own good“
Now Namjoon let out the sigh he was holding. Yoongi, as he tended to always be, was right. But even so, it was pretty hard not to be jealous when every corner of Seoul and every other tv commercial had you two, acting like a couple in love for one of the biggest shopping malls in all Korea.
After the first of you two did together, it was pretty clear the public loved you two. The cosmetics brand had re-signed both of you for one more round of ads, and both of you had received an offer from Lotte to act in a short web drama to boost their sales.
He knows Yoongi is right. You had been so understanding, so gracious about him and Yoongi. You’re the one who had suggested this open relationship. You had thought this through, you told him, and that was the only way you had come up for the both of you to still be together. You wanted him to be happy, regardless of who it was with.
And Namjoon had agreed. How could he not, when you were offering the thing he wanted most - to be able to love both of you.
He wraps his arms around Yoongi, pulling him close, head resting against his shoulder. “I miss her. She’s been so busy this week, I barely spoke to her.”
He could almost see the black haired man rolling his eyes at the younger whining. He hums in agreement, combing Namjoons hair with his fingers. “Me too, but I saw her yesterday. She wanted to see you but you were in a meeting with Bang PD-nim”
“She’s too good for me, hyung,” Namjoon says quietly. “She told me…. she told me people aren’t supposed to deserve each other, that we just take why people give us. It made me so sad. I should give her more. She deserves more.”
“It’s her choice, Joon.” Yoongi answers, knowing how the younger got insecure, these kinds of self-deprecating thoughts creeping inside his mind. “You two are good together. You have this… this emotional connection. She’s with you because she wants to because she loves you.”
Namjoon phone chimes again, warning you of the new photo you posted on your Instagram. He reaches over, opens his private Instagram and like the picture of you and Sehun making faces at the camera.
“We could stop this, you know. You two could be strictly exclusive again.”
“I…. it’s not about the sex hyung. She knows I love you, too. It wouldn’t matter to her if we stopped or not, the sex isn’t what she cares about.”
Yoongi remains silent.
Namjoon is waiting for you at your apartment the other day, comfortably lying on your sofa as he watches a Friends rerun on your TV. You take off your shoes, hang your coat and finally throw yourself over him, kissing his lips.
“Missed you. I’m so glad we’re done with filming. How’s Yoongi? He told me he was going to come here later to help me set up my new desk. If he’s busy he shouldn’t trouble himself, though. Sehun told me he’d help me too If I needed.”
You can visibly see Namjoon trying to swallow what he wants to say. Instead of whatever it was, he kisses you, slowly, thoroughly. You sigh against his lips. God, you had gone three days without seeing him and you had missed him so much.
“Hyung was sleeping at home, so I don’t think he’s busy today. I’ll text him reminding him to come.”
“Thank you,” You say, smiling at him. Nuzzling his neck with the tip of your nose, you kiss the spot right after. “I miss him, too. We can order pizza and eat it together.”
Namjoon hums, arms holding you even closer. He closes his eyes, giving up whatever battle of wits his mind was having against himself. “Are you and Sehun close again?”
You cock your head to the side, giving him a puzzled look. “We’re friends.”
“We were also just friends, remember?”
You back away from him the moment you realize what he’s implying, a look of hurt flashes across your face. He looks like he regretted saying it the second the words left his mouth.
“What the fuck, Namjoon. I’m not fucking Sehun.” You run a hand through your hair, getting up. “I was working, not fucking my ex, you’re the one who does that in this relationship.”
Namjoon gets up, looking guilty, and hurt.
“I’m sorry, angel.” he shakes his head, pressing his hands against his eyes. “I’m just being jealous. I keep wondering if he’s trying to make a move at you again.”
You feel so tired, you had such a long day of recording, so little sleep. “I would tell you if he was. We discussed this, Joon. You know I would tell you.“
“I’m sorry,” he says again, looking at you pleadingly. “I love you, I was just… I’m just stupid. “
You take a deep breath. You two were not going to have a fight over something like this, you tell yourself. You need to cool your head before saying anything else, you know it’s just his insecurity about Sehun being voiced.
“I’m tired, I don’t want to fight,” You say, walking towards your bathroom. “I’m gonna take a shower.”
You’re halfway through your shower when he gets in too, arms circling your waist as he presses himself against you, rapidly getting water all over himself. He kisses the back of your neck, softly, like he’s afraid your going to tell him to stop.
“Is this okay?” he asks, tone careful. “Or would rather I didn’t touch you right now?”
You sigh, relaxing in his arms. “You can touch me always, oppa. I’m not mad. it’s okay.”
"I’m sorry I get so insecure. I’ll try to work on it, angel.”
This reminds you of why you fell for him. Namjoon always apologized, never embarrassed to admit he was in the wrong. You let him wash you, his hands carefully lathering you with your body wash, focusing on all the parts he knows your sensitive, hands massaging your shoulder, releasing your tension.
You do the same to him, not ignoring how he’s half-hard from just that. You wrap your arms around his neck, pressing yourself against him. “Don’t be jealous of him, Joon. He never made me feel like I feel about you. I never loved him, not like I love you.”
“How do you do it? How are you not jealous of me and hyung?”
You shrug, kissing the corner of his mouth. “For one, I trust Yoongi with my life. I love him, and I know he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. I also trust you. “
He presses himself harder against you, making you shiver with not so innocent thoughts. “Doesn’t it bother you, me sleeping with him?”
You can clearly see the image of the two of them together in your mind, backs arching ad gasps leaving the older boy pouty mouth. You swallow around nothing.
It’s the first time you actually blush in a long time. “No, it doesn’t. Sounds kinda hot, to be honest. I know how you are in bed.” You give him a little smile, turning the shower off. His hands are trailing down your back, to the top of your butt, and then sliding around your waist again. It makes your mouth dry, the way he’s looking at you.“He’s gonna be here any minute, Joon. We can’t.”
His golden skin is absolutely beautiful with droplets of water reflecting the bathroom lights. His gray hair looks almost black when it’s damp like this. He reaches for the hook outside of the shower, snatching your tower and wrapping it around you.
He kisses your nose, dimples showing as he smiles at you, his hands busy trying to dry himself. “You sure you don’t want me to fuck you against the tiles, baby? I texted him the code to the door, he can get in by himself.”
Oh, fuck it. “Bed, not here.“
You don’t have to say it twice. He leads you to your room, lips pressing against your neck, relentlessly sucking on it. Swiftly depositing you in your bed, he accommodates himself better, your legs wrapping around his hips bringing you two closer. Namjoon was always so warm against your usually cold skin.
You bite back a moan as he slides inside of you. He angles his hip the way he knows to make you have a hard time keeping quiet.
His rhythm is relentless, your hands close around the sheets in fists, trying to bring you back to earth. “Joon,” you whine, head thrown back as you try not to lose your mind, “He’s gonna be here soon…”
“He can wait. You want to come, right, baby girl?
His mouth is on your neck, sucking what you know will be a bruise later. How can he even manage to get you so worked up like this in so little time is beyond you. “Please, oppa.”
He kisses you, sliding off of you and lying on his back beside you. You let out a ridiculously high pitched whine at the loss of him. “Ride me then, baby.”
You don’t wast another second, settling I’ve him, straddling him. You reach down, lining him against your entrance. You lower your hips, gasping at the feeling of him inside of you, so much deeper like this, making you feel amazingly full.
You begin moving, fast, not wasting a second. His hands are possessive against your hips, bringing you down harder, squeezing your ass. God, his hands on your bare skin makes you feel things even more intensely.
It doesn’t take long for you to throw your head back, letting out a long moan as you come. That’s all he needs to start thrusting his hips up, fucking you from under you as he brings you down to meet him, hard.
He slides out of you when he comes, messing your bedsheets but you can’t make yourself care right now, too busy trying not to combust. You’re still catching your breath when your phone starts ringing. In the living room.
You sigh, getting up and pulling one of Namjoons shirts over your head for a sense of decency. The owner fo the shirts protests from the bed, trying to pull you back to him. You lean down, kissing him again. “Need to get it, love. My manager said he would call me to confirm my break.”
He pouts like he’s not a 24 years old adult. “He can leave a message. Let’s cuddle, I missed you.”
“I’ll be quick.” You promise with another peck to his lips. Reluctant, he lets you go. You smile at him, this whole ass looking moody about being left alone for five seconds. “Why don’t you clean your mess while I go?”
He rolls his eyes. “You’re the one who caused it.” But he’s already getting up to do so.
You walk to the living room, looking around for your phone. It’s nowhere in sight. You try searching in between the couch cushions to no avail.
“Here.” A voice says from the kitchen entrance.
You almost jump out of your skin, hand coming to your heart to protect you from a heart attack.
Yoongi smiles at you with mirth, clearly having found it extremely funny to almost kill you. You walk over to him, getting your phone while giving him a look of false hurt. “Thanks.” You get in your tiptoes to kiss his cheek in greeting, one of his hands come to the small of your back to support you so you don’t lose balance, his mischievous expressions changes to something soft, one he reserves only for you and Namjoon. “When did you get here, oppa?”
He smiles again. “Maybe ten minutes ago. You both seemed…busy. So I let myself in.”
A blush creeps over your cheeks. He definitely heard you two.
“Sorry “
The older boy shakes his head. “Don’t act like I never heard you two before, petal. Did you two talk? He was feeling jealous of Sehun yesterday, threw a whole self-pity party.”
You avert your eyes. You hated knowing Namjoon felt insecure about you. “Something like that. He kinda blew up on me about it.” You sigh. “He knows I love him, I wish he wouldn’t feel like this.”
“You two need to communicate better.” He shakes his head. “ Come on, let’s set up your desk.”
You lead him to the room you use as your "office”. The big Ikea box sits right in the middle of it, looking dangerous to you. He sits on the floor, hands moving fast to undo the box and pull out the instructions.
You sit in front of him, watching him. His hair is too long, it keeps falling in front of his eyes every two seconds as he lowers his head to read the paper. You smile, resting your chin on your knees.
“What?” He asks without looking up.
“You’re cute, oppa.”
He flushes, looking like a mixture of resignation and horrified. “I’m not.” He sputters, ”what would namjoon say about you calling me cute huh? Go wake that egg head, I’m gonna rat you out to him.”
You give him a knowing look. “Namjoon also thinks you’re cute.”
He rolls his eyes. After a second he shrugs, accepting it nonchalantly. “Are you gonna help me or what? Pass me the screwdriver, will you?”
You chuckle, doing what he tells you to.
It was nice, this. Being close to yoongi, joking around. Maybe a month had passed since you had told namjoon he could still see the older boy, and you haven’t regretted it. You trusted yoongi. That’s why it was hard to understand Namjoons insecurity, as you have never felt it about them both. But well, Namjoon never liked Sehun. You and Yoongi have become close at an alarming rate if what their members said was true.
God, Jackson gave you so much shit when you told him about this decision of yours of being in an open relationship with Namjoon. And you couldn’t really blame him, not when he was the one who had to deal with you when you were broken-hearted and a mess.
But this… this was different. You loved namjoon, you wanted him to be happy. and if the way for him to be happy was to also love yoongi at the same time you saw no problem.
You had even walked on them making out once. You didn’t feel betrayed, or anything like that. After the initial shock, you had felt…. flustered. Which wasn’t all that confusing? They both were very attractive. You were dating one of them. It was okay to think they were hot together, right?
This was right. You were happy even with all the difficulties, and hopefully, both of them were happy too.
“Oppa.” You interrupt yoongi mid-rant about something he saw on Twitter. “You’re happy, right? Joon makes you happy?”
He’s quiet for a couple of seconds before finally nodding. “Yeah, petal. You and Joon, you both make me happy.”
You reach for his hand, intertwining your fingers. “Good. The both of you make me happy too.”
“Same here.” Namjoon rough voices come from the door. He has this soft look on his face as he watches both of you together. “Thanks to the both of you, this is the happiest I’ve ever been.”
You smile, feeling warm inside. You loved this when the three of you were together. You and namjoon completed each other, you always knew this. But with yoongi, it also felt like this. Like all the missing pieces came together, finally.
a/n: Well this took a while……….. also it’s a mess lol anyways let me know whatyou thin!!!
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imagine-food-souls · 6 years
College AU but with the Pizza trio please :3
“Heck yeah! No school!”
Running ahead of Cassata and Cheese, Pizza dove onto his knees and scooped up a huge mound of snow. Springing to his feet, he launched it all into the air. Instead of creating a gentle shower of flakes, both Cheese and Cassata cringed as wet chunks fell on their head and shoulders. Cheese even yelped as a piece found a way through her collar and onto her neck.
“Pizza, you’re dead!” She yanked his braid down, growling menacingly.
“No!! Cassata, save me!” Pizza’s head bobbed up and down as Cheese jerked him around.
“Come on, Cheese,” Cassata sighed, putting a gloved hand on her shoulder. “You can get revenge on him later. No need to rip out his hair follicles.”
Cheese gave one last look to Pizza before she let go of the braid, leaving the blond man to rub at his aching neck.
Cassata dusted the snowflakes off Pizza’s hair. “Pizza, maybe don’t eject snow at Cheese? You know she hates getting wet.”
“I just wanted to celebrate the snow day!” Pizza pouted, lightly batting at Cassata’s hand. “No school! No classes and no homework, just running in the snow!”
“We have online assignments, you know.”
“Don’t remind me…”
Cheese punched Pizza’s shoulder. “You probably haven’t started even the first calc web assignment, have you?”
“Neither have you!” Pizza whined.
“Nuh uh! I was responsible and started early!”
“I bet you haven’t even finished the first set of problems then, you— AAAAAAA MY ARM!!”
“Stop twisting his arm Cheese, we can’t afford healthcare.”
Cheese looked away from trying to break Pizza in half to remark, “It’s fine Cassata, the school clinic can probably fix it~”
She pushed Pizza’s arm down further, eliciting a pained whimper from him. “Besides, we can always ask one of the med students, like that creepy Harry Potter looking dude.”
Cassata stiffened at the mention of the med student, but Cheese didn’t seem to notice.
“I don’t like that Wispy guy…” Pizza mumbled as Cheese let go of his arm (but not before giving him one last pinch) “He’s weird, and always talking about dreams for some reason…”
She rolled her eyes at him. “You know I was joking about Whiskey, right? I wouldn’t want him within ten feet of me or any of my body parts. And he talks about dreams all the time because it’s part of his study, duh.”
“Hey Cheese!” A voice floated over to the trio.
Cheese turned to the voice and excitedly grinned and waved. “Hi Gingerbread!”
Gingerbread returned the gesture, walking up to them with her typical poker face.  
Cassata politely waved too, while Pizza was preoccupied with nursing his arm.
“Watchu doing Gingy?”
“Nothing much. On my way to grab some hot chocolate.” Gingerbread sighed, causing white clouds to form. “Got tired of third wheeling Steak and Red Wine, so thought I would treat myself.”
“Ooo! Sounds nice…” Cheese quickly rubbed her small hands together. “Ginger, lemme join you! I need food and shelter!!”
“Only if you promise not to ‘lose’ your wallet again. I’m not paying for your hot coco and then seventy million snacks.” Ginger turned and walked away, Cheese following behind.
“Yeah, yeah, I get it~” Cheese threw a look back to the two. “See ya two in bit!”
“She’s so quick to pick food over us….” Pizza whined as they watched the two shrink in the distance.
Cassata shrugged. “Maybe.” He saw the way Cheese’s hand twitched towards Ginger’s. He wasn’t dumb- he knew all too well that nerve wracking feeling of excitement and anxiety.
“Hey Cassata?”
“Yeah?” He turned to Pizza, forgetting his thoughts of Cheese and Gingerbread.
“Let’s make a snowman!” Pizza flopped back on the snowbank, rolling around.
The redhead laughed, shielding himself from the spray of snow with an arm. “Maybe you shouldn’t destroy all of your building materials. And besides,”
He knelt down to the sitting Pizza, who eyed him curiously. Cassata pursed his lips at he poked Pizza’s cheek, causing the other man to cry out in surprise. “You’re almost as red as my hair. Frostbite only takes minutes to set in, you know?”
“I’m fine!!” Pizza pouted as he got back up. “We can always go back in if we want to, Cas, and it only takes a little bit to make a teeny snowman!”
Cassata folded his arms. And then unfolded them and sighed. “Fine, but just for ten more minutes, okay?”
Pizza immediately set Cassata to work on the lowest and biggest snowball for the body. Rolling behind him, Pizza hummed happily as he pushed a smaller snowball.
“Hey Cassata?~”
“Mm?” The ball was stuck. He grunted as he gave it a good shove, displacing it.
“What do you think you’re gonna major in?”
“No clue.” He replied. “All I really ever wanted was to get away from my hometown.”
He exhaled, and nothing appeared. His body temperature must be lowering.
“Maybe forensics? Sounds kinda cool. But I really don’t know what I want to do at the end of the day...”
He couldn’t see Pizza, but it sounded like he was shrugging.
“Same~” The blond responded. “Cheese has been determined since high school to go into the restaurant business, being such a big foodie and all.”
“Me though, I just wanna have fun, that’s all.” Cassata heard Pizza quickly roll up beside him.
“Don’t we all.”
“Duh~ If I’m completely honest, I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to go to college.” Pizza patted his snowball.
“It was more like I happened to get into the same university as Cheese and decided to follow her here and see what happened, haha,”
“Is she mad?”
“Definitely.” Pizza’s grinning face popped up. “This was supposed to be her moment of ‘freedom’, after all. But between you and me, I think she’s grateful to have a piece of home with her.”
“I bet.” Cassata wryly smiled. For as tough and mischevious Cheese acted, she was a bit of a softy deep down.
“But anyways,” Suddenly, Pizza reached out and grabbed Cassata’s freezing hand in his own. “We don’t need to figure out what we wanna do for monthes now, so don’t stress yourself.”
The smile that Pizza had on was so bright and warm that it was a miracle that all the nearby snow didn’t evaporate. “No matter what happens, I’ll always be there for you, degree or no degree~”
Cassata just stared. God, he would die for that smile.
“Yeah, yeah,” he shook himself out of it. “Just… that means a lot to me. Thanks, Pizza.” He squeezed Pizza’s hand back.
“You’re welcome!”
Cassata stood up. The ball was about up to his thigh now. “Is this good now, Pizza?”
“Yeah!!” The look on Pizza’s face was absurdly happy considering the fact that it was only over frozen water. But it didn’t stop Cassata from smiling a little himself.
“Cas, help me lift mine onto it!!”
“...Pizza how is your snowball already bigger than mine.”
Pizza took a look at his snowball. Despite remaining behind Cassata the entire time, the ball was larger by a significant degree.
Cassata looked behind him. Ah.
While Cassata had taken a straight and direct line, Pizza’s twisted and turned, winding and whirling. Judging by the snow trail, he also… looped around a tree?
He sighed and turned to Pizza. “Never mind. C’mon, help me lift mine onto yours.”
Lifting the snowball was actually much easier said than done. It took a few tries, but finally, the two of them managed to hoist the ball a bit off the ground.
“Okay Cassata… on the count of three, let’s put it on!” Pizza’s huge blue eyes blinked rapidly. “One…”
“You sure it won’t crumble…?”
“Completely! Two…”
Cassata sighed, and braced himself.
Pizza was correct that the snow wouldn’t crumble as soon as they hoisted it off the ground. However, they had overshot a little, and now their snowman resembled the Tower of Pisa more than anything.
“No issue!” Pizza slapped a comically small head on top, anchored to the right. “He’ll just be… dancing?”
The dancing snowman topic was interrupted by a voice calling out. “I’m back~!”
Turning around, the duo were greeted by the sight of a cheery looking Cheese walking towards them, cup of cocoa in each hand.
“Hey Cheese— where did Ginger go?” Cassata gratefully took the warm cup of cocoa and wrapped his frozen fingers around it.
“Ah, Gingy had to go and deal with Eggnog,” Cheese responded, tail drooping. “Something about Turkey, I think.”
Cassata nodded knowingly, while Pizza kept on staring at the remaining cup in Cheese’s hand.
She looked him straight in the eye, then popped the lid open and took a big sip. “What? You think I was gonna get you one after accusing me of being lazy?”
A pained cry came from Pizza. “Cheese, you meanie head!”
“It’s what you deserve, poopy face!”
“Stop fighting you two— You can share mine, Pizza.”
“I love you so much Cassata.” Pizza sighed dreamily as the redhead handed him the steaming cup. Cassata ignored how his heart skipped a beat there.
It was at this moment that Cheese finally noticed their snowman. “Geez, what happened here?”
“It’s Mister Pepperoni!” Pizza defensively wrapped an arm around the snowman. “I won’t have you talking bad on him!”
“Gosh, Mr. Pepperoni, I’m so sorry my idiot brother brought you into this cold, harsh world.” Cheese knelt down to pick up a few pebbles, and pressed them into the tiny head.
Cassata tilted his head. “His eyes look like a fly’s.”
“Well, which one of you gave him such a tiny head?!”
Pizza immediately looked away, causing Cheese to glare at him.
“Of course,” she lightly punched his shoulder. “Should’ve known- it matches your own.”
“I was gonna add more…” Pizza muttered, rubbing his shoulder.
Suddenly, he then plucked Cheese’s empty plastic cup out of her hands, provoking a “Hey!” from her. Dumping out the last droplets of hot chocolate, he then placed the cup on top. The cup almost entirely engulfed the head, but it remained above the eyes.
Cheese took a step back and giggled. “He looks absolutely ridiculous.”
“We haven’t added on the arms yet!”
“Yeah, like that’ll make a difference.” Cheese glanced back at Cassata and Pizza. “You two need to go inside- seriously, Cassata, you’re looking blue.”
It was at this point that Cassata realized that he had lost feeling in his cheeks. He raised a hand to touch his face and realized that he had lost feeling in his fingers too.
“Let’s just take a photo first!” Pizza took out his phone. “Who knows how much longer until global warming eats us all~”
“Cassata, you’re the tallest so you should take it.” Pizza placed the blocky iPhone 5 in Cassata’s numb fingers. Then, they all huddled around in front of Mr. Pepperoni and jostled each other, trying pose.
“Cheese, stop fixing your hair, just stay still!”
“Well stop squeezing me! You’re gonna knock me over!”
“I’m trying to hug everyone! Who doesn’t like hugs?”
Cassata shuffled around, his torso wrapped in Pizza’s right arm. “Hey, I’m gonna just take the photo now. Quit it.”
Cheese and Pizza opened their mouths to protest, but upon seeing Cassata’s extended arm holding the phone, they both shut it and grinned.
The camera flash went off.
Back home, Cassata didn’t have many photos- of himself or really anything at all. What was there to capture? He blinked, and saw darkness, flashes of panic and fear and self hatred.
His mind already captured those moments, he didn’t need more reminders from photography.
But for the first time, looking at the grainy photo on Pizza’s tiny phone, there was something else. Something worth capturing, worth remembering.
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