#bts ake text
strxnged · 1 year
love bart 4 (after many requests) jiman x readet
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jimin x reader fan ficyion fluff and steamy
read part 3 first otherwist you wont know wgst is happenign
summary: seokjin and namjuon fight for dominince but theres plot twisst. trigger warning your parents are dead
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i go to higu school with all the members of bts. my name is y/n and i have long hair blond blue sparkling orbs. my parents are dead and i ak poor i live all alonr in a shack behind a contruction sight. i am the popular girl at my schopl and nobody likes me because I'm shy and dont talk.
himin my boyfreind has feelibgs for me and kisses me every day after my class. i he also texts me when i get home to make shure i get home saif.
hello " sez my buttler, tayhung. "did you get home safe.0
"yes v i did. i had a good day how about you"
"i hadda good day to. you have male."
you opened your malebox and took out some letters from your secret admirers. onebof them was from you're crush, jungkoock. i onow he likes me and i like hom two. slay.
i texted yim and said hey i got you're lter it sounds like you like me like is that troue?
"yes sugarlips, sweet honey punkin bear?
you kised uim on the lips and he fell over on the you
uour eyes bugged out of your skull and you were shooked shocked even. "jimin is that you?"
he didn't say. he only stared back at you in shock. you were both so shcoked that yoi could feel your face turn red as a beet when you lookied at him his face was bright as a tometo!
you thiought maybr he recieprocatef. but he didn't recyprole. he waked out?!
you were never the same. your personal cok tehying made you dinner and you never got a letter ever again
the next day you ran right into the house of the boy. you had to tell him rhe noose. he was on a cowch and working on filing his taxes for his manchun. babygirl do you. need to shower
you saud yes please help me junkook I can't do it myselph so ge helped
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5his was a really importan project for me thos year. i hope yoy guys injoyed my fick because i wurked reely gard on it thisbyear.
take care guys sorry this is late my dog got ran ove rby a subway when we went to bew york
part three is hear
taglist @short4life @howdyfriend @so2uv
ps i hope u gyts liked this picture i found on pinktrest with
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halfmoonbts · 5 years
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hey anon ! I’ve already written a jimin fluff with prompt number 7 and it’s linked here but I took your request anyway bc I was thinking about yoongi hehe, thank you for requesting though ! 💖💖
[ full masterlist ] - for everything else
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Mafia au! Yoongi
I don’t know how this will turn but I hope u like them, I plan on doing one of each member.
Jin Mafia au! // Hoseok Mafia au! // Namjoons Mafia au! // Jimins Mafia au! // Taehyungs Mafia au! // Jungkooks Mafia au! 
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bts-trans · 4 years
210118 BigHit’s Tweet
[네이버 포스트] 가장 피곤한 월요일 이 시간, 아미들의 잠을 깨우러온 방림이가 있다? (@ https://m.post.naver.com/viewer/postView.nhn?volumeNo=30505233&memberNo=51325039)
[Naver Post] Here, on a monday, the most tiring time, Bangbell is here to wake ARMYs up?
Naver Post Translation
Keep reading for a plain text version of the blog post! For a picture edit version, please check out our twitter post!
Title: [BTS] 방탄소년단 셀카와 함께라면 월요병? 거뜬해..☆
Title: [BTS] If we're with BTS, the monday blues? They melt away..☆
(T/N: Stands for ‘Hi ARMY’, which is how Bangbell always starts these posts.)
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아미 여러분들 안녕하세요?!  자칭 타칭 월요병 치료사-* 방림이가 돌아왔습니다 ^-^)/ (하트)
Hello ARMYs?!  It’s me, Bangbell, the one everyone (myself included) calls the Monday blues doctor-* I’m back ^-^)/ (Heart)
지난주에 올렸던 슈가 미니배너 모음! 모두 잘 보셨나요? 아미 여러분들의 뜨거운 반응에 방림이는 또 몸 둘 바를 몰랐다는 소식을 전해드리며..! 
Did you have fun looking at the Suga mini-banner collection! last week?  ARMYs, you all gave such an enthusiastic response that I didn’t know what to do with myself once again..! 
직업 불문! 제일 피곤하다는 월요일 이 시간  (비장)
Regardless of occupation! The most tiring time is Monday right now (Serious)
우리 아미 여러분들의 월요병 치료를 위해서! 방림이가! 또! 선물을 준비해 왔는데요!
To cure our ARMYs monday blues! I have!  Once again!  Prepared a gift!
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제목에서부터 느껴지는 방림이의 하드털이의 기운이 느껴지시나요..! 지금 바로 만나보시죠!
Just from the title alone, can you tell that I’m about to clear out my hard drives...!  Let's go see them right now! 
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2019 MAMA VCR로 만났던 방탄소년단! 포근한 모습으로 우리 아미 여러분들이 많이 좋아했었죠!
The BTS we saw in the 2019 MAMA VCR! Our ARMYs really liked how cozy they looked!
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2019년에 찾아왔던 CONNECT, BTS  현대미술과 음악의 경계를 넘어 도시를 연결하는 글로벌 프로젝트가 진행됐었죠! BTS가 도슨트로서 설명하는 새로운 모습까지 만나볼 수 있었습니당 ^ㅇ^
2019’s CONNECT, BTS  It was a global project that connected cities to each other and crossed the borders between contemporary art and music You can see a new side of BTS through the docents ^ㅇ^
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7명의 왕자님 그 자체였던 2019 가요대전의 방탄소년단! 이 왕자님들이라면 날 구해줄 것만 같고.. 날 찾아와줄 것만 같고.... (행복한 상상 중)
BTS at the 2019 Gayo Daejeon, the very definition of ‘7 princes’! If it’s these princes, I think they’d be able to save me.. They’d be able to find me.... (Lost in happy fantasies)
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두욜똉,, 두욜뗑,, 두욜뗑,, (아련) ON과 함께 유니콘 같은 존재인 Black Swan! 이 의상도 아미 여러분들이 많이 좋아해 주셨다는 소문이! 
Do your thang,, Do your thang,, Do your thang,, (Sentimental) Black Swan, that together with ON, is like a unicorn*! I heard you all liked these outfits a lot too!
(T/N: BTS mentioned in their 200821 Dynamite Countdown Live that they felt 'ON' was like a unicorn as they weren't able to promote in-person.)
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2020 페스타 방탄생파! 나이는 또 방림이만 먹네.. 방탄소년단 나이 편식하네..
2020 Festa Bangtan Birthday Party! It seems I’m the only one getting older.. Bangtan doesn’t age..
(T/N: Bangbell uses the Korean phrase  '나이를 먹다/na-i-reul-meok-da', which is used to mean getting older, but literally means to 'eat age'. Bangbell goes on to joke that BTS must be picky eaters and not like "eating age" very much.) 
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아미 여러분들의 심장을 쎄게 흔들어 놨다던 WSJ 화보!
The WSJ photospread that really shook up your hearts!
방림이가 슬-쩍 셀카를 준비해 보았습니다 ㅎ^^ㅎ
I tried sne-aking in some selfies he^^he
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자! 여기까지 모두 잘 보셨나요?! 스크롤을 내리는 아미들 표정 : (대충 행복한 짤) 나 셀카 좋아하네.. (흐뭇)
Okay! Has everyone had a good look at everything up till here? ARMYs’ faces as they scroll down: (pretty happy gif) I do like selfies.. (Pleased)
그런데.. 좋은데.. 분명히 좋은데.. 방림이가 뭔가 빼먹은 것 같다…
But..this is good but.. It’s definitely good but..I think Bangbell left something out...
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“ 방림이는, 알고, 있습니다.. “
“ Bangbell, knows, very well.. “
“정국 금발 셀카”
“Blond Jungkook Selfie”
우리 아미 여러분들이 섭섭하지 않게! 방림이가! 가져왔습니다! 
To make sure that our ARMYs aren’t sad! I! Have brought these!
뽀너스 2021 골든디스크 어워즈 셀카까지 바로 지금 만나보시죠! 
Let’s go take a look at the Bonus 2021 Golden Disk Awards selfies!
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이 정도면 우리 아미 여러분들의 월요병은 거뜬히 치료되었죠?! 아미 여러분들의 행복한 월요일 마무리를 기원하며 방림이는 다음에 또 찾아오도록 하겠습니다!
This should have cured our ARMYs’ Monday blues pretty well, right?! I’ll be wishing for all ARMYs out there to wrap their Mondays up happily   and I’ll be back again next time!
방탄소년단의 예쁨 뽀짝한 셀카들을 보며 이번 주도 힘 내보자구요!
Look at BTS’ cute and pretty selfies and stay strong this week as well!
(T/N: Short for “Bye ARMY! Poof!”, which is how Bangbell always ends these posts.)
본 포스트는 빅히트 엔터테인먼트에서 직접 운영하는 포스트입니다.
This Naver Post account is personally  run by Big Hit Entertainment.
[End Note]
Trans cr; Aditi & Faith | Typeset cr; Laura @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS 
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yoongiandchiminie · 7 years
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After winning Yoongi refuses to give up the stand in billboard award.
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awatifismail · 6 years
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-wan nur khairunnisaa’ bt wan abdul aziz- ak berkawan dgn dia since 2005, waktu tu ak study dekat mp3. dia masuk sekolah tu masa form 2. ak masuk masa form 1.. maknanya dia dr sek lain la kan. msti hampa tertanya2 pasai apa kan? haha, ak ni kira special sikit la kot.. dekat orng lain dia x habaq knp dia tukaq sekolah, dekat ak ja dia habaq. dia tukaq sbb... jeng3 ada la mana blh habaq.. aib dia.. biaq ak ja tau. yg pstinya hmpa pon tau la kan knp kalu ssetengah orng tu tiba2 pindah sek kan?haha ak ni orng kedah, dia orng kelantan. so, untk paham bhsa depa tu, agak payah sikit la.. ambk masa oiii, ingt mudah2 ka blh paham bhsa orng.. belajaq punya belajaq punya belajaq, ak xpndai mana pon. ayat ja ni.. haha, kami ditakdirkan jadi kawan baik.. xblh bpisah langsung! macam tu lah ceritanya ak nk habaq kat hmpa.. smpai lani ak still bkawan dgn dia, lumrah berkawan lah, ad ketika kita baik, ad ketika kita x cntx lngsung, ad ketika kita berkelai, mcm tu lah. ak syg gila dekat dia ni.. xtau la ak nk habaq mcm mn, hmm, ak sedih sikit sbnrnya.. nk kata menyesai pon ad. ak x p waktu dia trima anugerah konvo ni haritu, sbb ad hal yg xdpt dielakkan, dah la dia trima anugerah dekan oi. bangga?? gila xbangga! kawan baik aku ni! masuk surat khabq pulak tu. perhhh! mekno, walaupon hang xdpt dekan dekat u, tp hang dah buktikan kat mak ayah ang, ang pon blh bjaya mcm orng lain jugak! so proud!!!! hang tau dak, ni ak nk habaq sikit.. ak tgh sedih sikit lani ngn hang. sbb hang xmau text ak, ak msj pnjang2, hang jwb okey je? haha, xpa lah. ak rasa mcm ak koi jauh ja dgn hang. apa2 pon ak still syg hang mekno as kwn baik! ak nak hang tau tu.. masa ak tgk gmbaq hang dalam paper ni, ak tereyak! bkn sbb apa, sbb ak bangga tgk hang. tu ja ak nk habaq. nah hadiah untuk hang! 🌹, satu ja.. sbb hang satu satunya kawan baik yg pernah ak ada! 💕 p/s: knp mekno? sbb tu nama paling simple prnah ad simpan dlm ❤️ ak.
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adamidyrazlan · 3 years
Got this is my work whatsapp grp today,
"Korg..jgn text ak tau...tgh cuti ni..nnt ak xfocus cuti..sian suami ak nak spend time..harap semua memahami..sekian🙏"
In my defense, that morning I only asked things that I didnt know because its not my unit anymore. Soalan yg lepas tu plak sbb primary team tiba2 tny n kes tu kes dia, nk jd citer plak slide tu hilang aku tny jela. Tup tup kne sound dlm group. Ouch.
2 can play that game. Next time aku cuti aku nk bt disclaimer pastu off data terus. Also bila dia minta cover aku akan fikir 99 kali dulu before aku agree.
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BTS Jungkook x Sick Reader
Genre: Light fluff, like very very light fluff 
A/N: okay so the weirdest things give me inspiration and I’ve been sick lately. so naturally, I’m going to write a oneshot about being sick. being sick and having chapped lips. anyways... it’s not angst. It’s another story with first person narration so yeah. enjoy! or critique! whichever works. it’s also kinda rough around the edges... but ye. 
I groan. I hate missing classes. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I love work or love to learn, it’s just that I hate missing classes then being behind on the work. I’d rather be miserably sick while learning, then comfortable at home missing my classes.  
“What are you groaning about?” Jungkook, my cute male acquaintance asks, plopping down on my couch next to me with an extra stack of papers just for me.
“Missing school,” I answer truthfully. He scoffs.
“You’re groaning about that? Now I’m convinced there’s something wrong with you.”
I roll my eyes. This is why we’re not exactly friends; Jeon Jungkook can be very unpleasant very often.
“Yes, thank you, I’ve already established that. It’s called being sick, now may I please have my work?”
He pauses to thumb through the papers before handing them to me, actually having the decency to make sure he got everything. I’m slightly -only very slightly- touched.
I take the paper and am just about to thank him when another coughing fit interrupts me. This one is one of the worse ones, long strained coughs, phlegm rising in the back of my throat, wheezing breaths. This fit lasts a good 30 seconds.  
When I finally finish coughing, my male companion looks just a tad bit concerned.
“You don’t sound too good,” even his voice sounds worried.
“I know.” I shrug. “I should be good by tomorrow though.”
“I’m not sure you will.”
“What are you? My doctor?” I squint up at him, trying to look intimidating from my slouched position on the couch. “I’ll be fine.”
Jungkook still looks unconvinced but doesn’t say anything.
“Whatever floats your boat. I’ll come by tomorrow morning and we’ll see then.”
“Okay, mom. I’ll see you then.”
By then he’s already at the door and he turns back to glare playfully at me. I manage a small laugh before succumbing to another coughing fit. He rolls his eyes as if to say ‘riiight, you’ll definitely be better by tomorrow’.
“Don’t die, okay?”
“I’ll try not to. Thanks for bringing the work for me.”
“You are most definitely not okay.”
“S-says wh-*coughs* who?”
“Says your fever.”
Another day, still the same cold, plus a newly added fever. 
Struggling to push myself up into a sitting position, I blow the stray hairs away from my face and try to glare at my infuriatingly cute male acquaintance. Key word being ‘try’. Before I can do much damage, my arms collapse underneath me and I flop back down onto the couch in a fit of coughs.
Above me, Jungkook smirks at his proven point. Thank the lord my cheeks are already flushed from my fever, because I have to admit, he looks good in a muscle tee and a smirk.
“Whatever,” I manage to mumble under my breath.
He shuffles, smirk and all, into my kitchen. After hearing a series of creaking hinges opening and closing and the tap turn on and off, he shuffles back into the room, now holding a glass of water and some medicine.
Reluctantly, I take the medicine and water. I know he’s going to make me stay home. If I had any means of transportation to my classes, I’d leave home right now, pajamas and all. But… Jungkook’s my only mode of transportation so he gets to control where I go or not. Which sucks.
Sitting up, I swallow the meds and water before falling back into a shivering fetal position on my couch.
I’m already drifting off when I hear him call from the front door,
“I’ll come back in the afternoon to check on you.”
“-ake up! You need to take more medicine!”
I open my eyes slowly, looking around groggily. A familiar face suddenly pops into my vision, almost scaring the shit out of me.
“You’re awake. Good.”
Jungkook is here again. Looking at the clock behind him and the orangish glow filtering through the blinds, I am brought to the conclusion that it’s afternoon. And that I missed yet another day of classes.
I push myself clumsily into a sitting position before yet another coughing fit overtakes me. Gosh, it’s getting so irritating.
Licking my lips, I’m also brought to the unpleasant conclusion my lips are really chapped. Great. Now they’re going to crack and bleed and hurt. I let out a weak, short whine.
The attractive male walks back into the room, medicine and water in hand.
“Why are you whining now?”
“My lips are chapped.”
“Out of all the- are you serious?”
I nod, completely serious. He sets down the medicine and water and slaps himself on the forehead.
“I can’t believe I’m asking this but, would you like me to get you some chapstick?”
I nod again.
Running a hand between his hair, obviously annoyed, he mumbles something under his breath. The sight of his biceps flexing is enough to make me unconsciously lick my lips again. Unfortunately for me, my lips are dried and cracked, meaning my saliva is able to slip into the crevices of my cracked lips and sting them.
“Where’s your chapstick?”
“Ow- uh in the top left drawer in my bathroom.”
By the time he returns, my newly taken medicine has made me groggy again.
“Here’s your chapstick.”
I barely catch it as he tosses it to me. Rolling it on, I smack my lips loudly, satisfied with my new, softer lips.
“Ooh~” I giggle, the medicine making my drowsy words slur together slightly. “My lips are so soft.”
Meanwhile, Jungkook has plopped down onto the loveseat adjacent me with a chemistry engineering text book open on his lap.
“I’m sure they are.”
Now I’m not exactly sure which part of the brain chose to let me actually speak this, but because of my drowsy state, the next thing that falls from my softer lips is; “Wanna feel them?”
Had he been drinking anything, he would surely have choked.
I repeat my question.
“You wanna feel how soft my lips are?”
I’m sure I mean it in an innocent way, but the way his irises flash a darker color for a moment clears my grogginess like that. The true meaning of my spoken words finally registers in my mind and I feel the flush traveling from my neck all the way up my face.
“Uhm… No, thanks. Maybe, in any other situation, but not now. Especially since you’re sick...”
I slap on a goofy smile, trying to cover up my mortifying slip up.
“Okey dokey! Maybe some other time.”
“Hey,” Jungkook murmurs, jumping onto the couch beside me. It’s been a couple weeks since that chapstick scenario and thankfully, he hasn’t brought it up at all. 
“Mm,” I grunt in reply, face stuffed with popcorn, skittles, and a couple of chewable jolly ranchers. I’m too invested in the drama unfolding in front of my eyes on my TV screen to realize how close Jungkook actually is. Soon enough, I’ve forgotten about everything else in the room. The episode is right at its climax, and for a moment, I’ve forgotten these types of drama episodes always end right as things start to get exciting.
“Wha- what did they say?”  the lead female asks, her voice only slightly shaking.
The male lead’s arm goes slack and his phone nearly slips out of his quivering hand. A sudden impassive look overtakes his handsome features. Any hint emotion vacates his eyes. He clenches his jaw, looking down towards his shoes before sucking in a shaky breath and looking at the female lead.
I’m at the edge of the couch, mouth agape in anticipation. My cute male acquaintance studies me with an amused expression. As the lead male’s lips part to say the next lines, the frame freezes and the theme song sounds, signaling the end of the episode. I sigh loudly, throwing up my arms, irritated with how they always end these stupid k-drama episodes.
“Ughhh… Why don- oooaah shi-!”
I’m about the stand up to stretch when I slip on a magazine that had fallen on the floor. Flailing around for a good moment, I decide gravity’s winning this one before bracing myself for my coming impact with the floor - and quite possibly the edge of the coffee table.  
But- I never do feel the cold edge of the glass coffee table. Or the floor for that matter.
“You are so bad at balancing.” Jungkook sings, thoroughly amused.
I glare back at him from my spot on his lap. What happened was he grabbed me before I could face plant and pulled me back onto the couch, more specifically, onto his lap.
Before I can say anything in retort though, he leans down and presses his impossibly plush lips to mine for a brief moment, erasing any previous or incoming thoughts of mine.
“What the…?” is all I can say.
Jeon Jungkook pulls back, a light pink blush painted over his cheeks.
“I mean, it is some other time… and you’re not sick anymore. I was just…” he pauses to rub his neck bashfully. “...feeling how soft your lips are.”
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I will write One Shots, Drabbles, preferences/reactions, fake texts conversations/video, ships and series for following Fandoms/Characters/Stars. 
BTS: Kim Namjoon/ Min Yoongi/ Kim Seokjin/ Jung Hoseok/ Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung/ Park Jimin
EXO: Kim Min Seok/ Kim Jun Myun/ Zhang Yixing/ Byun Baek Hyun/ Kim Jong Dae/ Park Chan Yeol/ Do Kyung Soo/ Kim Jong In/ Oh Se Hun,
BIGBANG: Kwon Ji Yong/ Dong Yong Bae/ Choi Seung-hyun/ Kang Daesung/ Lee Seung Hyun
BLACKPINK: Jennie Kim/ Lalisa Manoban/ Kim Ji Soo/ Park Chae Young
KARD: Matthew Kim/ Kim TaeHyung/ Jeon SoMin/ Jeon JiWoo
GOT7: Im Jae Bum/ Mark Yi En Tuan/ Jackson Wang/ Park Jin Young/ Choi Young Jae/  BamBam/ Kim Yu Gyeom/
STRAY KIDS: Bang Chan/ Jang Jeongin/ Hwang Hyunjin/ Kim Seungmin/ Han Jisung/ Seo Changbin/ Lee Felix/ Kim Woojin/ Lee Minho/
OTHERS: Jay Park/ Wu Yifan/ Lu Han/ Huang Zitao/ Song Min-ho
Supernatural: Dean Winchester/ Sam Winchester/ Castiel/ Lucifer/ Gabriel/ Balthazar/ Meg/ Charlie/ Kevin/ Michael(Johns vessel)/ John Winchester/ Crowley/ Henry Winchester
Doctor Who: 10th/ 11th/ Clara/ Master/ Captain Jack/
Sherlock BBC: Sherlock/ Moriarty/ John
Star Trek (2009): Kirk/ Bones/ Spock/ Scotty/ Zulu/ Chekov/ Jayla/ Khan
The Originals: Klaus/ Elijah/ Kol/ Rebecca/ Davina/ Macel/ Freya
The Vampire Diaries: Damon/ Stefan/ Enzo/ Bonnie/ Elena/ Alaric/ Kai
Marvel: Captain America/ Tony Stark/ Hawkeye/ Black Widow/ Scarlett Witch/ Peter/Pietro Maximoff/ Magneto(jung)/ Charles Xavier(jung)/ Loki/ Thor/Spiderman/ Harry Osborn/Sam Wilson/ Ant-man/
Riverdale: Archie/ Jughead/ Betty/ Cheryl/ Veronica/ Kevin/ Toni
Gotham: Bruce/ Selina/ Jerome
Arrow: Oliver Queen/ Thea/ Roy Harper/ Felicity Smoak
Star Wars: Han Solo/ Leia/ Jyn/ Cassian
Game of Thrones: Danerys/ Jon/ Rob
KDRAMA (actors): Lee Jong suk/ Ji Soo/ Seo In-guk
(I won't write for the ones that are crossed out, mainly because I am not up to date with the show/movie/fandom or because I feel like I don’t know enough about it right now. If u still want to request, I can try my best but not promise anything.)
I write about the actors and actresses as well. 
I write:
>(male/female) character/star x (female/male/gender neutral) reader (If u don’t tell me specifically which gender I will probably write female.)
>any ships (as long it isn’t incest and no crossover ships)
>smut (ähm…I will try my best, mostly gay smut...)
>angst (maybe not to extreme angst and I don’t like character death.)
>AU/Alternativ Universes (Anything you can think of)
>Crossovers (but no crossover ships)
How to request:
One Shot: Just tell me which character/star x which gender or ship and what should happen.
Drabble: Character/Star/Ship + Number (Drabble list)
Preferences/Reactions: Groupe/Show/Movie + what should happen (example: Exo reacting to their crush confessing their love for them…)
Fake Text Conversation: In form of a video or image. Character/Star/Ship and what it should be about.
Ships: How to request here!
Korean Famous Request Thingy: Read more here
Thats it I guess if you have more questions feel free to aks me. :)
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mnnyoongi · 7 years
Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! 😊
thank you so much ♥♥♥
now let’s see
list of things that make me happy (in no particular order)
my cat
my friends
watching brooklyn nine-nine so much that i forget what day it is
eating fruit
eating pasta
new instagram followers
spending time with my family
finally getting your homework done
feeding stray animals
watching cartoons at 1am
listening to music
listening to bts
watching bts’ mvs
being confident
sunny weather
answering aks on tumblr
reading interesting books
waking up early
eating breakfast
drinking coffee/tea/hot chocolate with friends
cuddling with my cat
petting my cat
petting cats
petting animals
seeing a cute animal
watching videos on youtube
texting my friends
actually replying my friends’ messages
actually paying attention to my friends
being productive
making people happy
smelling oranges
buying make up
putting on make up
giving presents
receiving presents
eating cake
letting a piece of chocolate melt in my mouth
eating salads
making salads
seeing people enjoy themselves
seeing smiling people
seeing happy animals
telling my friends how much i love them
telling my friends how cool they are
my friends knowing how cool they are
my friends being confident
my friends being happy
i needed this
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karinaori · 7 years
Textbook Kedokteran (untuk mahasiswa fk, koas, residen atau dokter) *Complete package including links to download all the pdf books you will need in MBBS* :- Anatomy: 1--> KLM for Gross Anatomy 2--> Snell's Anatomy 3--> BD Churassia 4--> RJ Last 5--> Grey's Anatomy 6--> Langman Embryology 7--> KLM for Embryology 8--> BD For General Anatomy 9--> Dissector 10--> Di Fore Histology 11--> Junqueira's Histology 12--> Netter Atlas of human Aantomy Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LYV9KQ3lxY29FY28 Physiology:- 1--> Guyton 2--> Ganong 3--> Sheerwood 4--> Sembulingam Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LdXlCSjdZM214dEE Biochemistry:- 1--> Harper 2--> Lippincott 3--> Chatterjea 4--> Satyanarayan 5--> Stryer 6--> MRS Biochemistry Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0Ld0o3WnhCR2VEczg Pathology:- 1--> Big Robins 2--> Medium Robins 3--> Pathoma 4--> Goljan 5--> Harsh Mohan Pathology 6--> Atlas of Histopathology 7--> Levinson 8--> MRS microbiology 9--> Microbiology by Jacquelyn G. Black 10--> Color Atlas of Microbiology 11--> Kaplan Pathology Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LYkRYdjFrTm5MR0U Pharmacology:- 1--> Big Katzung 2--> Mini Katzung 3--> Kaplan Review 4--> Lippincott 5--> Pocket Katzung 6--> Rang and Dale's Pharmacology 7--> Atlas of Pharmacology Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LMkE1UUVRZGwtTlU Forensic Medicine:- 1--> Simpson's Forensics 2--> Krishan's Forensics 3--> Atlas of Autopsy 4--> Atlas of Forensic Medicine Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LQXVwOGoyWnFSV2s Ophthalmology:- 1--> Jogi 2--> Jatoi 3--> Parson's Textbook of Eye 4--> Kanski 5--> AK Khurana 6--> Atlas of ophthalmology Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LOHc5WVZMdkJjX2M Otorhinolaryngology:- 1--> Dhingra 2--> Logans Turner 3--> Color Atlas of Otorhinolaryngology 4--> Maqbool's Text Book of ENT 5--> Clinical Methods in ENT by PT Wakode 6--> ENT at a Glance Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LaDY2a0lFNDlfTGc Community Medicine:- 1--> Monica's Text Book Community Medicine 2--> Mahajan And Gupta Text Book of Community Medicine 3--> Bancroft's Text Book of Community Medicine Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0Lc1RCMml2NjhFNjA Medicine:- 1--> Churchill's Pocketbook of DD 2--> MTB Step 2 Ck 3--> Davidson Essentials 4--> Davidson Principals and practice 5--> Harrison's Internal Medicine 6--> Internal Medicine USMLE Nuggets 7--> Internal Medicine on call bt LANGE 8--> Oxfords Specialties Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LeEFJNG5TMlc4eWc Surgery:- 1--> Bailey_love short practice of Surgery 2--> Churchill's pocketbook of Surgery 3--> Deja Review of surgery 4--> Farquharson's Textbook of Operative General Surgery 5--> Hamilton Bailey’s Physical Signs 6--> Oxford Handbook of Clinical Surgery 7--> Schwartz's Principles of Surgery 8--> Macleod's Clinical Examination 9--> Macleod's Clinical Diagnosis Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LRFpFSG5hZ1pVWkE Obstetrics & Gynecology:- 1--> Case Discussions in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2--> Deja Review of Obstetrics Gynecology 3--> Obstetrics by Ten Teachers 4--> Gynaecology illustrated 5--> Gynaecology by Ten Teachers Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LMU1LRjFDa1FrbjA Pediatrics:- 1--> Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics[ 2--> Nelson Complete 3--> Pediatrics Review Folder link--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LUkdTQkVuNV92Yzg 1st Professional Books--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0Lay1HT1d5Yks5V0U 2nd Professional Books--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LemtmYXpYMGlydVk 3rd Professional Books--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LWmlCSHBpUFpPZU0 4th Professional Books--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LbnJvUzk3NHRhWWc One Link For All eBooks--> https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3WdpdsqpX0LQW5tbWEtUmJJY0k٠ Like dan share ke grup belajar 📚 🎓
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halfmoonbts · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
hoseok scenario for anon, hope you liked it! 🥺💖
[ full masterlist ] - for everything else
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kadobeclothing · 5 years
Stream free, TV channel, score, teams – Wilson gives Cherries shock Premier League lead – The Sun
LIVERPOOL welcome Bournemouth to Anfield as they look to shake off their mini-slump and remain on course for a record Premier League points total. Jurgen Klopp’s side have fallen to back-to-back defeats in all competitions, losing 3-0 at Watford last weekend and 2-0 to Chelsea in the FA Cup in midweek. Liverpool vs Bournemouth is live on BT Sport 1 and BT Sport Ultimate, with live streaming available for subscribers via the BT Sport app. EE phone subscribers can get a FREE three-month trial of the app to watch this one. Simply text SPORT to 150 to sign up. NBC (English) and Telemundo Deportes (Spanish) have the US TV rights, with a Hulu free trial or Sling Blue providing live streaming options. Liverpool XI: Adrian, Alexander-Arnold, Gomez, Van Dijk, Milner, Fabinho, Wijnaldum, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Mane, Salah, Firmino.Subs: Lonergan, Keita, Minamino, Lallana, Origi, Matip, Williams. Bournemouth XI: Ramsdale, Smith, Ake, Cook, Stacey, Billing, Lerma, L.Cook, Stanislas, Fraser, Wilson.Subs: Boruc, Gosling, Surman, Solanke, Rico, Simpson, Surridge
Source link
source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/stream-free-tv-channel-score-teams-wilson-gives-cherries-shock-premier-league-lead-the-sun/
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captainlenfan · 5 years
Waterproof Fitness Tracker Heart Rate Monitor Watch Band for Kids Women and Men
New Post has been published on https://fitnesstech.website/product/waterproof-fitness-tracker-heart-rate-monitor-watch-band-for-kids-women-and-men-2/
Waterproof Fitness Tracker Heart Rate Monitor Watch Band for Kids Women and Men
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Waterproof Fitness Tracker Heart Rate Monitor Watch Band for Kids Women and Men
Fitness Tracker HR, Activity Tracker Watch with Heart Rate Monitor, Waterproof Smart Fitness Band with Step Counter, Calorie Counter, Pedometer Watch for Kids Women and Men
    【HD Full Color Screen Design】The fitness tracker with 0.96 inch HD full color screen, unique visual experience, more vividly shows the various content with different colors, including text, digital and function icon. 3 color themes for you to choose, you can free to switch the theme according to your preference.
  【Health Assistant】Measuring heart rate, blood pressure and blood oxygen at the top of the hour automatically, and it can also be measured by app in manually, you can monitor your body health condition at any time. Make sure your skin close to the fitness tracker, otherwise the measure result may be affected (Measurement results are for reference only, not for medical purpose).
  【 Smart Message Notification】Via the high speed steady Bluetooth 4.0 connaction , the color screen fitness tracker will remind you all messages such as Calls, SMS, Twitter and Facebook etc, you won’t miss anything. What’s more, The smart watch Strap can control camera and vibration reminder alarm mode, convenient to your daily life.
  【Life Waterproof and Long-time Standby】fitness tracker, waterproof allows you washing hands, getting caught in the rain. But it is not suitable for swimming and shower .One single charge gives you up to 3- 7 days of working time.
    Basic parameters
Bracelet size(mm) L*W*H=40.4*20.1*10.5
weight : 23.04 g
Color : Black/ Purple/ Darkblue
Major function : Exercise recording (step count, distance, calorie calculation), exercise mode, message push, information storage, heart rate monitoring, sleep monitoring, blood pressure measurement, oxygen saturation measurement, stopwatch, full-font language, color display
Hardware parameter
Chip maker : Dialog
chip :Dialog14585
Compatible system :Android5.1 (contain), IOS8.0 (contain) above
FLASH memory : 16Mbit
Type :TFT
screen size : 0.96inch
Pixels : 80RGB*160
Touch type :Single touch
Connection parameters
BT BT4.0
G-Sensor :YES
Gyroscope: NO
Battery type Lithium polymer
capacity 90mAh
Charging mode USB
APP software features : Step, sleep, real-time heart rate, intelligent alarm clock, shake shake to take pictures ,WeChat authentication, automatic heart rate test, goal steps, sedentary reminder, power saving settings ,Call push, SMS push, qq push, micro letter push, add more push
    Other parameters
Waterproof Level IP67
Charging time About 1.5H
Life time Use 5 days, standby 7 days
Product language:multi-language
Wristband size:Total length 210MM, adjustable length 120-200MM
Appearance size Body: plastic alloy wrist strap: metal
      In the Box:
1 x Fitness Tracker color screen
1 x User Manual
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jsmumedbook · 7 years
Free Medical Books
Main Google Drive link containing all below-mentioned books (MBBS prof.wise):  Click Here
1st and 2nd Year Anatomy MBBS Books
KLM for Gross Anatomy
Snell’s Anatomy
BD Chaurasia
RJ Last
Grey’s Anatomy
Langman Embryology
KLM for Embryology
BD For General Anatomy
Di Fore Histology
Junqueira’s Histology
Netter Atlas of Human Anatomy
Google Drive Link
1st and 2nd Year Physiology MBBS Books
Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology
Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology
Sherwood Physiology
Sembulingam Physiology
Google Drive Link
Biochemistry MBBS Books
Harpers Illustrated Biochemistry
Lippincott Biochemistry
Chatterjee Biochemistry
Satyanarayana Biochemistry
Stryer Biochemistry
MRS Biochemistry
Google Drive Link
Pathology MBBS Books
Big Robins Pathology
Medium Robins Pathology
Goljan’s Pathology
Harsh Mohan Pathology
Atlas of Histopathology
Levinson Microbiology
MRS microbiology
Microbiology by Jacquelyn G. Black
Color Atlas of Microbiology
Kaplan Pathology
Google Drive Link
Big Katzung
Mini Katzung
Kaplan Review
Pocket Katzung
Rang and Dale’s Pharmacology PDF
Atlas of Pharmacology
Google Drive Link
Forensic Medicine
Simpson’s Forensics
Krishan’s Forensics
Atlas of Autopsy
Atlas of Forensic Medicine
Google Drive Link
Parson’s Textbook of Eye
AK Khurana
Atlas of Ophthalmology
Google Drive Link
Logans Turner
Color Atlas of Otorhinolaryngology
Maqbool’s Text Book of ENT
Clinical Methods in ENT by PT Wakod
ENT at a Glance
Google Drive Link
Community Medicine
Monica’s Text Book Community Medicine
Mahajan And Gupta Text Book of Community Medicine
Bancroft’s Text Book of Community Medicine
Google Drive Link
Churchill’s Pocketbook of DD
MTB Step 2 Ck
Davidson Essentials
Davidson Principals and practice
Harrison’s Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine USMLE Nugget
Internal Medicine on-call bt LANGE
Oxfords Specialties
Google Drive Link
Bailey_love short practice of Surgery
Churchill’s pocketbook of Surgery
Deja Review of surgery
Farquharson’s Textbook of Operative General Surgery
Hamilton Bailey’s Physical Signs
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Surgery
Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery
Macleod’s Clinical Examination
Macleod’s Clinical Diagnosis
Google Drive Link
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Case Discussions in Obstetrics and Gynecology
Deja Review of Obstetrics Gynecology
Obstetrics by Ten Teachers
Gynaecology illustrated
Gynaecology by Ten Teachers
Google Drive Link
Pediatrics MBBS Books
Nelson Essentials of Pediatrics
Nelson Complete
Pediatrics Review
Google Drive Link
That’s all!
DMCA Disclaimer: This site complies with DMCA Digital Copyright Laws. Please bear in mind that we do not own copyrights to these books. We’re sharing this material with our audience ONLY for educational purpose. We highly encourage our visitors to purchase original books from the respected publishers. If someone with copyrights wants us to remove this content, please contact us immediately.All books/videos on the Medicos Republic are free and NOT HOSTED ON OUR WEBSITE. If you feel that we have violated your copyrights, then please contact us immediately
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adriankbloyola-blog · 7 years
BTS, Behind the Scenes, Sa Likod ng mga Eksena ng: Ano Ang Magagawa Ko?
BABALA: ang blog na ito ay may mga spoilers, at naglalaman ng analysis tungkol sa naiakda kong maikling kwento.
Mahilig ako sa mga kwento, at nakikita ko ang iba’t ibang uri nito sa mga telebisyon, internet, libro, at kahit sa mga video games. Naging hilig ko ang mga pagsususuri nito, at ang pagbasa ng mga spekulasyon o teorya sa kung ano ang mga nangyari, ano ang mgs simbolo, o ano ang mga nakatagong mensahe ng istorya. Nandito ang konsepto ng canon kung saan nangyari talaga ito sa kwento, at sa mga gumagawa ng fan fiction, ang mga nilikha nila ay pwedeng gawing canon din kung naaprubahan ng orihinal na awtor. Tawag dito ang “word of God” kung saan nakikita ang awtoridad ng lumikha sa kanyang istorya para ikumpira, ibago, bigyan linaw, at dagdagan pa ang kanyang kwento at kupirmahin kung ano ang mga canon o hindi. Gayunpaman, sa blog post na ito, magiging layunin ko ipahayag ang proseso ko ng pagsulat, simbolismo ng aking mga karakterisasyon, at ang mga eksplanasyon sa mga pangyayari sa aking kwento; ikekwento ko rin ang mga kritisismong aking natanggap galing sa aking mga kapwa estudyante at manunulat, at kung anong mga rebisyon ko dahil doon. Sana, hindi ito maging dahilan sa paglilimita ng pananaliksik sa aking maikling kwento. Iba’t ibang pananaw at lapit ang pwedeng gamitin para tignan at pag-aralan ang aking kwento. Kausapin niyo lang ako kung meron man kayong mga tanong, suhestyon, o bagong pagtingin sa aking kwento.
Ano ang magagawa ko? Sa nangyayari ngayon sa lipunan natin, ito ang maitatanong ko sa sarili ko. “Estudyante lang ako”, ang unang papasok sa isip ko. Iniisip ko kasi na para may magawa ka, kailangan sikat ka, makapangyarihan, mayaman, o may mataas na pwesto; pwede ring makibaka at sumali sa mga kilos-protesta gaya ng mga aktibistang estudyante, ngunit ito ay delikado. Ang pagtanong ng “Ano magagawa ko?” bilang estudyante na nagnanais na makamit ng pagbabago ang aking gabay para maisulat ang aking maikling kwento. Layunin ko masagot ang aking tanong para sakin, at para sa lipunan lalo na sa aking mga ka-edad.
Isa sa pangunahing tauhan si Arabella na kasing edad ko lang. Nagsisimbolo siya bilang isang millennial na nagnanais na gumawa ng paraan para maibago ang lipunan. Naging malaki niyang impluwensya si Nicollette, ang ate niya nakakagawa rin ng pagbabago sa kanyang paraang nagbibigay kaalaman sa lipunan. Ang huwes na si Miranda, ang nanay nila, naman ang nagsisimbolismo ng hadlang sa adhikain nina Arabella at Nicollette sa pagbabago, at ito ang naging tunggalian nila sa kwento. Paboritong anak si Arabella. Nakikita ni Miranda ang sarili niya rito, ngunit takot din si Miranda na baka dumating ang araw na sumuway si Arabella sa kanyang saloobin, at naipakita ito sa kwento.
Naipakita rin ng kwentong ito na hindi lang pakikibaka gamit ang pagsasali sa kilos o gamit ng dahas ang paraan para makamit ang pagbabago. Tamang bata pa nga si Arabella para isipin ‘yon.
Ninanais nina Arabella at Nicollette ang pagbabago na sana’y magampanan ng kasalukuyang administrasyon dahil sa posisyon nito sa extra-judicial killings, ngunit ang nanay nila na kung sino ay may pwesto bilang huwes, ay kumakampi rito dahil gusto niyang umangat ng pwesto para sa pamilya at para sa sarili.  
Nagsisimbolo naman ng pagkaburgis at walang pake sa mga nangyayari sa lipunan ang mga kapatid na sina Mikaela, isang negosyanteng kasama ang asawa, at Miguel, ang bunsong kapatid, na dahil hindi raw nangyayari sa kanila, bakit pa sila makikisali. Isa ring simbolo ng pagkaburgis si Nathan na ka-edad ni Arabella; kahit nililigawan ni Nathan at interesado siya kay Arabella, di pa rin siya gusto ni Arabella. Pinapakita ng karakter ni Nathan na meron din kabataang burgis, at para saakin, hindi ito magandang katangian, kaya hiniwalayan siya ni Arabella.
Nagkaroon din ng dating tunggalian sina Nicollette at Miranda dahil hindi sinunod ni Nicollette ang gusto ng nanay niyang pakasalan niya ang pinili para sa kanya, at pinili niya si Lorenzo. Napahiya si Miranda sa mga kaibigan, at nasira mga plano niya kaya sumama loob niya. Nakikita rito ang pagkontrol ni Miranda sa mga anak niya, tipong “Mother knows best”. Humulma rin ang mga karanasan ni Miranda gaya ng pagpatay ng asawa niya, at ang pagtanggap ng mga banta sa buhay nilang mag-iina sa pag-iisip na kailangan niyang protektahan ang kanyang pamilya. Gusto niya rin ipagpatuloy ang alaala ng kanyang asawa bilang alagad ng hustisya. Simbolo si Miranda bilang magulang na, “Papunta ka palang, at pabalik na ako”, at nakakalimutan niya na kahit pabalik na siya, meron pa siyang matututunan.
Si Sylvia ang nagsilbing punto ng paliwanag kay Arabella, na mas gusto niya ang mga taong may pake sa kanya, at sa lipunan din. Si Slyvia rin ang naghatid kay Arabella papunta sa kay Nicollette, at paulit-ulit na pinapaliwanag na delikado ang kalagayan nila. Sa simula pa lang, meron nang nararmadaman si Sylvia, at kita ang selos nung aalis sa Arabella patungo kay Nathan.
Dito naman tayo sa pagsulat ng kwento. Nanggaling ako sa debut ni Maien. Umuwi ako ng basang basa dahil inabutan ako ng napakalakas na ulan at hangin. Nakapagtataka lang dahil hindi umulan sa lugar naming. Pero dahil basang basa ako, ramdam ko na magkakaroon ako ng trangkaso noong araw na ‘yun, ngunit sinulat ko pa rin. Halos mga sampung oras ko sinulat ang maikli kong kwento.
Isang fun fact: ang piyesang sinulat ni Arabella na ginamit ni Nicollette, ay nanggaling sa aking piyesang “AnTokhang, a Wake Up Call for Justice” na nanalo ng ginto sa YouThink 2017 Campus Journalism Competition ng Guilder Org ng Cesar Virata College of Business of UP Diliman kasama ang the Philippine Star. Kasalukuyang nalimbag ito sa the Philippine Star. Sinalin ko siya sa wikang sariling atin, para sa maikli kong kwento, na may mga pinalitan para sa kunteksto ng istorya ko.
Sa una kong bersyon, naging kritisismo ang pacing. Siguro, naging excited ako dahil nagmamadali ako lalo na nung tumitindi yung kilos. Nahirapan din sundan ng mga mambabasa ang kwento ko dahil sa oras at araw. Nangyari lang ang kwento sa halos isang linggo. Para maibsan ito, dinagdagan ko ng mga petsa na nababanggit sa mga text messages, sa programa sa kwento, at sa naratibo mismo.
Isa pang kritisismo ang hindi pag-intindi ng mga mambabasa ang kwento dahil mapulitika. Sa isang parte, dapat sikapin nilang intindihin, at sa isang parte, dapat may maiambag ako sa kanilang kaalaman tungkol sa paksa, kaya sinikap kong ipakita kung ano ang mga proseso para maging mahistrado sa Korte Suprema ng ating bansa na minanipulado ni Miranda.
Dito nagtatapos ang aking blog, pero hindi rito nagtatapos ang kwento at usapan. Hanggang sa susunod....
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