#yeah sorry for the different sizes but I wanted to keep the last two big
warningsine · 2 years
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siddyyyyyyyy · 1 month
You're Only Sixteen
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wc: ~4.6k
summary: child soldier joins task force 141 part THREE; part two, part one; part four
warnings: brief flashback, blood, violence, nightmares
a/n: I'm genuinenly happy how well this is going so far, I'm going to update the parts a bit more slowly for now, but I'm pretty sure I won't take too long on this. Probably. Enjoy!
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This time, Ghost is leading the training for today. That just means they're no fun games like last time with Price, not that you were looking forward to it. Starting at the shooting range is like a warm-up for you, landing all shots while doing everything casually. Your reload is fast and precise, your aim is almost always perfect, and your technique couldn't be more clean.
Sparring was similar to the last time, but now you're paired up with Soap. You're both getting in your stance, knees slightly bent, one leg forward, and abdominal muscles tense. Both ready to fight, but this time without any weapons. Ghost specifically told him to strike first, wanting to see how long you can last or even win against Soap. It shouldn't be a big deal for you, even though he is quite a big guy, full of muscle, and slightly taller than you. You've mostly had opponents your size or bigger in field, and you never really had a problem winning or lasting long. Well, besides one person back in camp.
Soap strikes you first with a sharp jab to your side, but you dodge it quickly, hitting him back. You focus on your technique instead of winning, wanting to be strong against him. He seems to be focussing more on his technique as well, noticing how fast he works and his reflexes are. Your fighting styles are similar; the only difference is how you two use it in practice. While he's using more strength and power, you're trying to be quicker than your opponent and trick them.
You kick against his knee, and land some hits against his weak points, it's hard for him to stay balanced or focused. He huffs and stumbles back, only to rush to you quickly and try to tackle you down. With his amount of strength, it's difficult to actually stop him or dodge, having to think quickly. With a small grunt, however, you're down, with him trying to keep you like that. Your heartbeat speeds up and your eyes widen, your breath hitching in your throat. The position you're in is too familiar; trying to get out of it as quickly as you can. Soap is oblivious, just training with you and having tackled you down, keeping you pinned on the mat. Your brain is quick to handle, pulling out the same moves you did in camp. Soap doesn't even realise he's getting into a headlock by you at first. His back on the mat with your arm holding him tight around his neck, feeling how you're only squeezing him more and more with your bicep. He grips your arm and tries to relax, not wanting to get hurt. Luckily, that's all it takes for you to snap back to reality and let go. You sigh out heavily and stand back up, calming down.
»Ye alright?« He asks you even though he should be the one getting checked up on. You give him a weary nod, clearing your throat.
»Yeah, sorry about that.«
You mumble back and focus on not thinking back to the time in camp. It's almost confusing you now, how similar and suffocating it felt. But you know better than to think back to a time like that and distract yourself in training. Soap tilts his head with a confused gaze.
»What do ye mean? The headlock? Nah, that was sick.«
He encourages you with a thumbs up. You nod, unsure of what to say back. The training continues with trembling hands and more focussing on your breathing than technique, feeling on edge the entire time, thanks to the small trigger. Of course, no one has noticed these signs from you, or at least no one has said anything about it. On the other hand, you're glad no one has noticed your trembling hands and more or less distracted mind during the time.
Once it's over, you're headed to the showers and straight back to your bunk. That was more off-putting now that you're alone in your small room, thinking quietly to yourself about what had happened. You shouldn't feel this way, having thought you were over it a long time ago. Maybe it was something else that triggered you, or maybe you really aren't over it yet. Getting in a pin on the ground was one thing your past rival used on you as much as he could. You don't know the real reason behind his technique, but all you do know is how weird and creepy it felt like.
A heavy sigh escapes your lips once more, slumping down on your bed with no energy. Today's training was longer but not as exhausting as the one at camp. But you still feel very tired for no reason. You close your eyes and try to shut your brain off; instead, a lot of thoughts appear about your rival and that god awful training. You don't know why he's all of a sudden back in your mind. You don't know why you're thinking so much about it, and you don't know why you can't stop thinking about him. He was such an annoying and unpleasant person that you tried so hard to forget about, yet he can't seem to give you peace. Even when you're finally away from him.
After spending most of your day inside your bunk, trying to get your mind off old memories, it's time to actually try and do something about it. With slow steps, you make your way back to the training hall. It's dark out already, forcing you to walk cautiously around and not wake anyone. Eventually, you made it in and looked around for a punching bag… and something to wrap your knuckles with. You don't want to injure yourself after all.
It's dimly lit in the training hall, making it seem more cosy and relaxing. Especially with no one inside beside you. There are five punching bags to use in a row, but unfortunately no bandages or gloves for your hands. It is what it is, and you walk up to one of these punching bags to release some tension and stress. After getting into the stance, you land a few softer punches to get used to the feeling again. Maybe it's because you're alone in here, but it already seems too loud for you. Checking behind you, the double door is closed, so there's no way someone could hear you from their bunk.
You start again, using proper technique, and gradually become faster and put more strength into your punches. The punching bag suffers through your hard punches, taking it like a champ, all the while your mind zones out. Zoned out, all you can think about is your past rival back at camp. You don't remember his name; didn't even bother asking for it back then. But you do remember how creepy and annoying he used to be to you, for no reason. And that's enough for your punches to grow heavier and even quicker, the punching sounds are growing louder through the hall. Maybe your knuckles are hurting at this point, but you don't care. That bastard had no reason to treat you like that, leaving you confused, hurt, and probably traumatized.
It's only then when a gruff voice calls out through the hall, speaking to no one other than you.
»Didn't you have enough training for today?«
You stop in your tracks and turn around, seeing that familiar shadow again. Ghost.
Glancing down at your knuckles, you notice how red they look just from how hard you've been punching that bag for… how long already? You didn't keep track, but it seems like more than ten minutes, judging from your aching knuckles. Ghost has crossed his arms, glaring at you with tired eyes.
»Go back to bed, 's way too late for this.« He adds with a more weary tone and leaves no room for arguments, cocking his head slightly to the side. You sigh out rather disappointed, knowing you shouldn't talk back, but you also can't stop just now.
»But I just started...« You mumble and trail off at the end, already smelling how annoyed he is with you. He shakes his head, being as serious as before.
»I won't tell you again. Don't overwork yourself and go to sleep. Let your body rest. We've got trainin' tomorrow, too.« Ghost is not joking with you, probably being more stern than he needs to be. But he knows better than to let you work too much or stress over something for no reason. In his eyes, you're just a poor child who happens to have this fate and is forced to get along with it on your own. Too much alike himself. Eventually, your shoulders drop in defeat, and you nod in understanding.
»Fine. Sorry about that.« He doesn't respond back and just leaves, most likely going back to sleep, too. After considering his words and contemplating if you should just stay longer in here, you walk back to your own bunk like promised and fall against your bed. It's comfortable and quiet, dark as well.
But you notice a small med kit on your night stand, bandages and a cream for sore muscles beside it. You blink, thinking it's just your sleep catching up on you, but there is indeed stuff for you on that small table. Eventually, you apply the cream on your red knuckles and wrap them up, laying back on your bed. Maybe it really is just a normal base and rather peaceful. Maybe you could get used to this some time.
Having no energy to think any more about that, you fall asleep quite quickly this time. Even if you fell asleep quickly, it wasn’t a good sleep. A nightmare plagued you, most likely because of the trigger from earlier. A grey room with no windows, similar to your old training room in camp, several people around you, and loud noises everywhere. It’s incoherent nonsense, but you still understand everything clearly. The room is cold and rather dark for some reason; it all seems too much, but there’s nothing at the same time. Your body feels numb, and you’re wearing your bandages around your knuckles, some dried blood decorating the usual whiteness of the material. You notice it too late, but Mike has you on the ground already. The ground is even colder against your back, and you can’t do anything but lay and watch. He’s on top, which he often tried to do on you, and has your wrists and legs pinned tightly beside you.
Everything is so loud but also so quiet, it makes your ears ring. There’s a horrible stench of blood and sweat around the air, which makes it hard to stay still and fight back. Your moves are too slow, having no other choice but to stay like this. Your rival, Mike, slashes quickly through your throat, staying on top in a mocking way. It’s hard to breathe, you’re chocking on your own blood and squirming under him helplessly. The whole dream feels like a flashback, but worse. Too quick, too real.
You don’t remember much of what happened next, because the next thing you know is how you’re trying to control your breath and get rid of the sickening feeling from the nightmare. It’s not unusual you get dreams like this, but never to such an extent of being unable to breathe normally.
The digital clock on your nightstand tells you it’s time to get ready for the day. You couldn’t be more thankful for Ghost to lay the training into early afternoon instead of early morning. Because you know they’d notice if you showed up like this to the hall. Still on edge and tired, feeling as bad as you look right now. You keep trying to tell yourself that it’s normal to feel like this, hoping it’ll pass soon. Deciding to distract your mind, you go out to the park with your small sketchbook in hand. Maybe you will feel better in the fresh air while sketching something down that comes to mind.
But, of course, you never have a few minutes to yourself as a familiar figure comes by and stops in front of you.
»Drawing?« Gaz seems curious and tries to secretly subtly into your sketchbook.
»Ah. What exactly?« He carefully asks, knowing not to disturb a teenage girl when they seem peaceful at the moment. Gaz has past experience from his own family and friends, knowing how moody some are.
You hesitate to show him what exactly you’re drawing, and you just shrug in response.
»Just… anything.« That was a boring response to anyone, and he still wasn’t done disturbing your peace. He politely asks if he can sit by you for a while, sitting down on the same bench after you accept his kind offer. Gaz isn’t one to pry or mind someone else’s business, but today he’s really curious. Probably, because it’s been three days since you’ve been here and no one got to know you properly. Maybe they should work on their social skills instead.
»You sketch often?« Finally, he’s asking you about your hobbies. And finally, a normal question after years.
»From time to time.« That’s not true, you’ve been drawing since you remember and ever since. Drawing to kill time? Three pages full with doodles. Sketching something pretty? Two pages full with only that beautiful thing you saw earlier. Filling some pages to get rid of the anxiety? Done.
Gaz doesn’t quite believe your answer as well, noticing there’s only three pages left in there. Instead of prying more into it, he changes the topic slightly.
»So, what’re you drawing then? People?«
Without another word, you hand him your sketchbook, deciding it’s easier and probably faster this way. He takes it wordlessly and flips through the pages carefully. His eyes study the way you drew random people and objects, not having expected how good you’re at this. He glances at you before flipping another page, recognising the person almost immediately.
»Soap? You drew Soap?« You look down to his hands as he’s still holding it, seeing he found the first sketch of his teammate.
»I guess,« There’s no way out of this now, seeing he’s actually quite amused about it, »There’s more, actually.«
His smile widens, not having expected to see realistic drawings of his teammate. And there’s more? Today couldn’t get any better.
»More? You like drawing him or somethin’?« Gaz stops talking once he goes some pages forward, seeing some doodles of himself and Price. Even if it’s just some sketches or doodles, they look surprisingly well-made and semi-realistic. He looks towards you again, holding up that book of yours slightly.
»Can you draw Soap with a moustache?« Out of all questions he could’ve asked, he chose this one. Always picking the important ones. You need a full second to process what he’s asking before you find yourself speechless.
»What do I get for it in return?« Now, he’s the one without words. He considers for a moment as he tilts his head to the side.
»Depends on how well you draw.«
It’s then, when he can’t take himself seriously and chuckles.
»All jokes, I’ll get you a new sketchbook. Seems like this won’t do in a while.«
That’s a deal well struck with him. You can’t deny such an offer and start scribbling down a rough sketch of Soap, added with a moustache. Gaz watches the lines on the blank paper slowly resemble his teammate, grinning at the extra facial hair above his lip. It’s a sight to behold, being glad he could make someone draw a silly pic of this even more goofier SAS soldier.
Once you’re done, you show the page fully to him, and he can’t help but laugh at the drawing. Not because it’s ugly, but because it looks so much like him, and a moustache looks rather silly on his face.
»We gotta show it to him later.« You don’t see why not and nod, already seeing how absurd the situation will be later on.
After the more eventful interaction, it’s time for the usual training. This time, there wasn’t any difference in sparring, only feeling more tired than usual because of the nightmare last night. All you four did, was practice in the shooting range and go about sparring with Soap, leading with him improving your technique and showing some tricks. Of course, like no other time, you all went to the mess hall to eat dinner. You would have forgotten about the silly sketch of Soap if Gaz hadn’t reminded you beforehand to bring it over for dinner.
Sitting in front of the two teammates, Soap is laughing so hard that he’s clutching to his stomach. The drawing was really worth it, being amused at the sight in front of you. At least now, you could eat in peace without one particular person trying to get to know you better.
A familiar shadow appears in the corner of your eye, and you instinctively glance over. Ghost is approaching the table… with a Capri Sun? You look over once again, needing to take a double take to reassure yourself of what you’re seeing. And right, there he was, the scary-looking goth with a Capri Sun in hand.
It’s then that Soap also notices Ghost. Eventually, he stays standing next to the table and places the smaller but sweet drink on the table.
»Oi, what’s that?« The still amused scot questions him, as confused as you and Gaz. Ghost clarifies, finally not being an intimidating tree.
»Shitbox got me this instead of wa’er. Some of you can have it.«
Oh, so he can’t deal with a vending machine. If he weren’t your lieutenant, you would have made fun of him. Gaz nods and looks over to you after noticing you shift in your seat slightly. To him, it’s clear who wants it most. He wasn’t the only one noticing it, and Ghost shifts the drink towards you, mentioning it to you. Or maybe he just doesn’t think the two blokes deserve such a sweet drink and let’s you have it instead.
»You can have it.«
He grumbles before leaving for wherever he needs to go. It’s a bit weird to just receive something like this for no reason, especially from someone like Ghost. Glancing around, the two others seem normal about it, or they’re just good at hiding their real surprise. Eventually, you take the Capri Sun and draw in the orange straw into the packet. Oh, it’s cherry-flavoured. Your favourite.
Even when you thought your small happiness wasn’t so obvious, it turns wrong once Gaz speaks up.
»Taste good?«
You nod back in response and relax your expression as well as you can, not wanting to come off as too giddy for a sweet drink as such. They both grin quietly and continue eating with Price joining in after some time to eat beside you three.
It’s been a week there, and it feels less awkward now. You train and practice every day, sometimes sneaking in late at night to punch some bags. Capri Sun is something you get more regularly at lunch because Ghost can’t seem to figure out how to use the vending machine. In reality, he just likes to give you a small treat and see your eyes light up for a split second. It’s his small way to befriend you; it doesn’t matter if it seems silly or stupid, you appreciate it, and there’s no harm to it. You could compare it with an attempt to befriend a cat with treats, and it works well. Consider Ghost as a harmless guy who gives you your favourite drink- just because.
Gaz talks to you the most from the others, occasionally checking up on your new drawings and sketches, promising to get you a new one as soon as he can. He likes your drawings after all. He’s easy to talk to as well, having light conversations with you and a few jokes. Gaz is the most friendly and easygoing of them all for one. At least that’s how he is with you, but you’re sure he can be different too. Soap is as friendly as him, but for some reason you feel like you need to be careful around him.
The problem isn’t him, it’s no one’s fault, really. You know he’s just as nice and supportive, but it seems like the pin he did on you is still in your head. They can always out win you in a fight if you don’t pay attention, and the thought of it makes your skin crawl. Ignoring it most of the time, you trust them all equally. It’s better here than back in camp. If you can still call it that anymore.
Being here, made you realise how toxic it was back then. They don’t judge and punish you for making simple mistakes; they won’t even look at your scars twice or ask about them, and most importantly, no one forces you into something uncomfortable.
You feel safer.
Pushing the constant nightmares and headaches away, it really is more safe and peaceful here.
Today, after training, you cross paths with Ghost. You immediately notice that he’s carrying an almost comically large bag in his arms. Taking a closer look, you see it’s dry dog food. Dog food? Why would he need that? You never took him as someone with pets, and you never saw dogs around on base. Thank God you didn’t.
You nod briefly at him and can’t help it but approach him out of curiosity.
»Do you have a dog?«
He grunts, side eyeing you for a moment.
»Just gonna feed Riley. A K9.«
So, they do have military dogs. How come you never saw them? Back in the old camp, the dogs could roam freely on base. But they also weren’t really nice dogs, always barking and ready to attack anyone. Even you were once chased by a large German Shepherd, almost getting bitten if you weren’t fast enough.
You simply nod back, not sure what to answer to that. Of course, he could sense your shift into uneasiness and nudges your shoulder lightly while walking down the base with you.
»You should get to know some. They’re not scary, don’t worry.« That makes it better only for a moment before you fully process his words. There isn’t really a way you can deny his offer and nod slightly, following him wordlessly. He isn’t as talkative either, but you don’t think that’s a bad thing. You’re lost in thought once he speaks up, shifting the big bag of dog food into his left arm.
»Ever met a big dog? Anything?«
You’re standing outside his office as he asks, opening his door with a key while he waits for your answer.
»Kind of. Got chased by one.« He can’t help but pause for a moment at your blunt answer, eventually getting his door open and stepping in. You follow him in and close the door behind you, noticing a bigger German Shepherd sitting up on the ground. It’s tongue sticks out and seems to be happy about seeing you both, judging from it’s wagging tail.
The dog stays silent though, patiently waiting for their owner to give them some sort of permission. You stay standing near the door, watching the two silently, hoping it won’t do anything. Ghost puts the large bag down against the wall and steps closer to the dog, kneeling down as it happily walks to him and enjoys the few hat pats he gives. You watch them both interact, visibly relaxing slowly as long as the dog is near Ghost and gets fed, getting a few more pats from its tall owner. He turns to you and introduces you to the dog, his hand staying on the dog’s back.
»That’s Riley. A sweet girl- will be joining our next mission, as far as I know.«
That’s totally great. Yeah, sure, you could work with a big dog while having a fear of them. You nod either way, shifting on your feet as you watch the dog from the closed door. Riley munches on her food, seemingly content.
»She seems… nice.«
He can see how unsure you are about the dog, and he guessed he would need to get you used to dogs somehow. Ghost sits down beside Riley, nodding towards her.
»You can pet her. She’s friendly, won’t bite.« He is trying to loosen the tension with a small joke, only seeing how you glance at him before looking back at Riley. Eventually, you approach her with silent steps, being cautious of the still-eating dog. You kneel down beside Ghost, firstly just watching her with anticipation in silence. Riley is quick to realise you are close now too and lifts her head off the bowl of food, trying to get to know you eagerly. She takes a step towards you, and you stay still, not wanting to accidentally make her angry. Ghost beside you can’t help it but feel amused watching you be so stiff while also watching Riley to make sure she won’t make you even more scared.
Riley sniffs around the air shortly before leaning towards your hands on your knees, taking a sniff at them. Before you know it, she’s licking at them. You cringe at the feeling, leaning a bit away from her.
Beside you, Ghost grins under his mask, glad that you don’t seem to be scared and more amused at how you react to Riley’s sudden affection. Suddenly, the K9 is trying to lick at your face, but you turn away with a small groan. Ghost pets her on the back, commanding her to sit down for now.
It takes a moment for Riley to fully calm down, her tail still wiggling back and forth. Ghost hands you some treats and wants to show you what tricks this joyful dog can do. Riley follows his commands flawlessly, rolling over, laying down, playing dead, able to stand on her back paws for a few seconds.
You extend your hand to give her a few treats- the small cookies in shape of bones in the palm of your hand. She eats it out of there happily, probably having a blast right now.
Riley is a good dog, even when she wants to give you affection through licking your hand, which mostly feels weird, but overall she doesn’t overwhelm you like the past dogs in your life.
Ghost also seems to be satisfied with the end result, however, he couldn’t let go of your words earlier. Normally, he would mind his business, but this is a sixteen-year-old we’re talking about.
»So, you were chased by one?«
You glance at him shortly, unsure of how to explain it to him now. You try it out, explaining it to him as shortly as you can.
»We also had some K9’s on camp and I was chased by one because I wasn’t careful enough.« You don’t realise how shocking that sounds before he gives you a look of disbelief. He asks again, gently petting Riley behind her ear.
»Your own camp had dogs, and one chased you? Why’s that?« You only shrug in response, not sure yourself. The dogs were mostly trained to be aggressive and were held rather roughly.
»I believe they got extra trained to be as aggressive as possible.«
He only hums out in acknowledgement, letting go of Riley and standing back up. Every time he hears more about your camp it is when he loses five years of his life. You follow right after him, standing up and getting a last glance at the sweet dog.
»Go, get your shower.« He mumbles, reminding you of taking your shower since you joined him after training, finally able to rinse off your sweat. You nod and leave without another word, taking a quick rest before eating dinner in the mess hall.
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a/n: Hope you had fun reading this, it was a bit longer than the last part. The next one is probably going to be just as long. I hope you enjoed it!
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A little bit of spice a little bit of upgraduating s upgrade you upgrade you I'm gonna upgrade you as Beyonce said every Virgo did you know Beyoncé the Virgo? Yeah Beyonce's Virgo you know you start one yeah and Jay Z's Sagittarius girl Virgo Virgo Virgo one of my favorite signs of all I love your sense of humour I love the way you see the world for a different Collider scope I love the way that you can be very family orientated I love it that you can be so adaptable in a virgo's mine Jesus fit sweet innocent viral victim but in reality sorry girls you are not mostly cheated on I'm sorry guys women and that doesn't make you bad it makes you whatever it is or not to that side of you I'd be that victim side of you the Virgin side of you that you had enough of and you just want to escape because the thing with Virgo is is a caught straight off the path for too long that wasn't the game they were put here for they were put here to achieve their course they have to that's who they are but you also gotta remember them mutable sign and the mutable signs on it's reliable as the other two we know six and Cardinals they innocently but they don't want to be Trust they don't want to feel like they're not in control right that's I and they have to be the one who in control of that life which I totally get I totally get that people. Rule by Mercury you just absolutely love to learn learning is almost a form of sexuality to you learning about someone else is another form of sexuality to you you really want to get in there I know everything about everyone and be a human lie detector, which you can be you have that ability and you have the ability to put people at ease even if you do look put your nose down upon them don't think the people don't notice outside of you because we do we really do and like I said just own up to us to make you who you are completely honest with who they are comfortable and anyway if you're being criticized for a burger remember their friends sizing themselves and she wanted to play schools all the time and it was really fun and she similar trials you are too I want every girl that's why I always use Guardians here strong and know who they are
You are the big sister that nobody had you are the big sister that people did have you are that sister who protects and it's like a lioness more than the Leo you're here to pick up the mess who's here to pick up yours? Anyway Virgo women your God's gift your own angel crafted never forget that when I praise these Praise You Praise You. Now let's give some examples of famous virgos or Virgo placements first Jennifer Coolidge the ultimate MILF Who, ironically can't have kids full stop then we have another iconic Jennifer Tilly look her up kids if you're too young she plays Bonnie's voice in family honestly your job prospects are endless you could be a voice actress you could be an actress, you could be a singer you could be a reader you could be someone who teaches people, you love to read and learn more about different events likes to Scorpio which is a sex tile to your sign you can learn way too much about other people without them even knowing you know all these stuff about them that's why I had so big it's full of this is what I believe in you virgos. Some more famous here are your people who are famous virgos Zendaya, Cameron Diaz, beyonce ,Keke palmer,
Blake lively all powerful female forces ...I love girl power. .....
Now I'm going to give you some characters in programs who I get feel give strong Virgo energy Bernadette from The Big Bang theory , debbie Gallagher uk ,finally Gallagher us , monica in friends .keep giving us your light virgo .and know that the sky in the limit . The last picture on the slide is you when nobody is looking haha. Xxxxx
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korebringerofded · 2 years
The Truth- Steddie X F!Reader “Changes” part 4
A/N- This is part 4 to the changes series but could honestly be read on its own. I will be naming each part as I have a lot planned for this right now! Sorry this took so long I have been very ill.
Summary- After you find Steve and Eddie tangled up in each other the truth finally comes out followed by a great show of passion.
Warnings/tags-SMUT SMUT SMUT FILTHY SMUT, heavy steve smut, slight size kink, stomach bulging, Steve having a big dick, Eddie enjoying watching, Eddie is a mechanic because I think its hot though its not relevant for this part, unprotected sex, wrap it before you tap it please this is FICTION, multipart, slight angst, hurt/comfort.
A/N-If you enjoy please like, comment, reblog as it helps me keep going! I am worried this series will die and I have had lots of fun so if you guys want more and enjoy please let me know!
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Eddie and Steve sat on opposite ends of the couch, faces burning crimson that only made their partially faded bruises appear darker.
You stood in front of them, arms linked over one another.
If there wasn’t pain etched across your face Eddie would have joked that you looked like a cross mother.
“I just don’t get it. The last time you two were alone you were LITERALLY fist fighting.” You sighed, eyebrows furrowed. “Eddie, you accused me of cheating on you with Steve.” You rubbed your arms. “And now you’re the one sucking face with him in our hallway.”
You had tried multiple times to get Eddie to talk about what had happened between him and Steve, or why he was gone for so long and where. Despite your efforts ever since Eddie and Steve appeared on your doorstep he had been unusually quiet about the entire situation. In fact, he avoided bringing up or talking about Steve as much as he could.
It had created a wave of tension between the two of you.
“It’s…hard to explain.” Eddie avoided your sharp gaze.
“You need to at least try, you owe me at least that.”
“Yeah…I know.” Eddie sighed. I thought that I hated him, but really…I was just jealous of him.” He ran a hand through his hair. “Afraid of how he made me feel, afraid he was going to take you away from me.” Eddie avoided looking at you or Steve. He couldn’t stop his hands from trembling.
Steve almost laughed at that, it was ridiculous to him.
When Eddie was there, Steve was painfully invisible to you. It was never a choice.
“Then I realized that what I was feeling was a lot more…complicated than I originally realized. I actually didn’t hate him at all.” Eddie glanced up, knee bouncing as his eyes locked with Steve’s.
The electricity that crackled between their gaze made the hair on the back of your neck stand on edge. Eddie’s eyes flickered between you and Steve who looked at him expectantly, each of you holding your breath.
“You…have feelings for each other” You whispered, feeling Steve and Eddie’s eyes burning into your skin.
The room was still after that, the tension building up a thick wall between you three.
Your mind was running in circles, lungs burning as you forgot to breathe.
“So…do you not love me anymore?” Your voice was soft, tears rolling down your cheeks. “Is…is that why you left?”
Fuck…What had they done? They never wanted to make you feel unloved.
Steve and Eddie pulled themselves from their spots on the couch to rush over to you in an instant, Eddie cupping your face in his hands while Steve sat beside you, taking your small hand in his.
“It's not that, princess. I love you so much that it makes me act like a fucking idiot. I…” He glanced at Steve. “I never planned on any of this, but nonetheless I love you both. In different ways but..both at the same time.”
“And…” Steve cleared his throat, trying to settle his drumming heart in his chest. “Y/N I have loved you since I saw you again that day at Scoops. Everything after has just been my awful way of trying to keep you in my life.” He couldn’t stop the words that slipped from his lips. “And somewhere along the way… I think I fell in love with you too, Eddie.”
You were shocked, frozen in place between the two men as the tension seemingly evaporated.
“So now what?” You were meek, face bright pink as you looked between the two men.
“That's up to you, sweetheart.” Eddie smiled. “I know what I want, but I’ll never force you into anything.”
You were quiet, chewing on your lip as you processed everything that had happened.
You loved Eddie, that was easy. Steve was and had been your best friend for a while, when you walked into Scoops Ahoy that day your life was forever changed, you were sucked into a russian elevator, you almost died, and Steve had saved your life countless times. You had a crush on him for so long before all that had ever happened. And being with Eddie you didn’t think about other people, it wouldn’t be true to say you never thought about Steve. Especially in those few weeks you were alone, while Steve comforted you and cared for you.
“What if we were all together, all three of us?” You blurted out, face burning even darker at the silence that fell over you three.
Steve and Eddie were simply shocked that out of the three of them, you were the one that said it first. The two men had certainly been thinking about just that for so long it felt like fiction but hearing it from your perfect lips, made it feel real for the first time.
“Is that-what you want?” Steve choked out, eyes wide. He still wasn’t sure how you felt about him, and to be honest you were just as confused but something deep in your stomach pushed you forward.
You glanced between the two men, finding your confidence before you leaned forward, connecting your lips with Steve’s. You had never kissed before, the sparks spreading over your lips as they melded together, Steve wrapping his hand around the back of your neck to pull you closer against him.
Eddie’s mouth went dry as he watched, his dick growing embarrassingly hard in his sweats. He had thought about it so much it made his head spin and now it was inches away, your thighs rubbing together as Steve’s tongue took over your entire mouth. You both pulled away eyes low and sultry and a thin string of saliva connecting between your lips.
“Fuck, don’t stop now.” Eddie chuckled, adjusting to get a better view.
“Are you-sure?” You panted, feeling a bit guilty for leaving Eddie out.
“Yes, absolutely. I am more than fine with watching for a bit.” Eddie’s eyes were blown and huge like a predator honed in on his prey, the full outline of his dick only making your head spin.
That was all Steve and you needed to fall back into each other, Steve tugging you to straddle his lap where he pressed soft kisses down the side of your throat. You leaned into his touch, tilting your chin up to give him better access as his hands massaged your hips, running over your thighs.
You couldn’t help but whimper and squirm slightly when you glanced over at Eddie who pumped his dick over his sweats, his eyes hazy and locked onto you and Steve. Your sweet noises were music to Eddie’s ears and only sent him further over the edge.
Steve ran his hands over your clothed breasts, squeezing and running his thumb over your nipples as his lips continued trailing down your neck and chest, eventually nuzzling between your breasts and pressing breathy kisses to your chest. Your heart echoed in your chest, Eddie’s sharp gaze and Steve’s desperate deliberate touch was sending you over the edge, between your thighs was becoming unbearably hot even in your thin cotton shorts as your puffy clothed clit was pressed against Steve’s dick, your hips bucking against him as he tugged your shirt over your head, he groaned softly at the sight of your bare breasts. He hadn’t even noticed you weren't wearing a bra.
“Beautiful, isn’t she?” Eddie chuckled, now having snuck his hand under his sweats and boxers and was running his fist over the pink tip of his hardened dick, precum shimmering.
“More than I ever could have imagined…fucking perfect.” Steve rambled, twisting your hardened nipples between his fingers as you trembled under his touch.
You were becoming increasingly impatient and desperate, Steve’s fingers working expertly at your breasts while you grinded against his dick, you didn't need to see it to be intimidated, the curved shape even clothed made you twitch and mumble incoherently.
You were going to cum and soon if you kept this up, all the tension and stress had built up all in this moment.
Steve was reluctantly not far behind and knew he wouldn’t last long like this. It all felt like a dream to him. He wanted to take care of you, make you come undone and eyes roll back. He wanted to leave you breathless.
“Someone is a bit needy, huh?” Steve grinned, tilting his head to the side with a shimmer in his eye as he dropped one of his hands to your thigh, his thumb running over your inner thigh before they trailed over the soaked front of your thin shorts. All while he flipped your nipple back and forth, his long fingers pressing against your cunt and massaging your puffy clit through your clothes.
“Better give her what she wants, Stevie. Our girl gets impatient, likes to misbehave.” Eddie chuckled darkly.
Our girl.
Those words only made you feel more light headed as Steve gently moved you off his lap so he could tug your soaked shorts off, leaving you completely nude. This was all so foreign and strange and yet you fell into it with ease as Steve tugged off his clothes as well before he guided you back onto his lap, your back pressed against his chest this time as his hands trailed over your body, his hard dick pressing unavoidable against your puffy lips.
“Wanna give Eddie a good view, hm?” Steve mumbled in your hair as he brushed his teeth over the spongy part of your throat.
‘Y-yes…” You blushed, eyes locking with Eddie’s as you struggled to keep your composer. Steve slid his hand down your front before he pressed his fingers to your clit, grinding his dick against your slick cunt as he did. Your mouth fell agape slightly, legs trembling for a moment.
“Fuck…” Eddie threw his head back, jaw tight as he watched you both closely, he could hardly move. It was by far the hottest thing he had ever seen.
You felt your orgasm approach rapidly as Steve ground his dick along your cunt, the curve and bumps along his dick along sending sharp waves of hot pleasure over you. His long, precise fingers worked against your clit.
“Stevie…” You mumbled, drunk on his touch. “Please…fuck me.” You whimpered, glancing back at him with teary eyes.
“Think you can handle me, princess? I wouldn’t want to hurt a sweet little thing like you.”
“Yes, please.” You pouted a bit, shooting a glare at Eddie when he chuckled.
“Spoiled little princess, like I said.” Eddie snorted, though he desperately wanted to watch Steve fuck your perfect pussy.
Steve was bigger than you ever could’ve guessed and when he pressed his tip into your soaked cunt you were squirming and trembling as he held your hips still. You panted, chest rising and falling as he fucked you with just his tip, letting you adjust to his size for a moment.
Your walls tightened and closed around him, Steve having to prevent himself from painting your inner walls right there. Steve pressed his fingers against your clit as he fucked into you, his dick pressing deeper and deeper inside before he was fully in, a slight bulge from where his dick nestled inside of you, tears stinging your eyes at the fullness.
“Fuck you feel so good-fuck.” Steve rambled, almost drunkenly as he finally moved his hips, his dick pulling completely out of you before sliding fully back in, poking your belly and bulging the skin yet again.
Eddie was seconds from finishing, your belly enlarged from Steve’s dick fucking into you slow and steady at first before you brought your hips down to meet Steve’s and he knew you could handle more, he gripped your hips and matched your pace, his head leaning back as his dick pressed and stung your walls, that familiar heat building more and more rapidly before you were whimpering, mumbling and coming undone around Steve’s dick, the two men not far behind you as your walls tightened around Steve’s dick and he came with a start, grunting loudly and eyes squeezing shut as he fucked his cum deep into your cunt.
Eddie came in his hand and over his lap as he panted, eyes never leaving the sight on the couch in front of him.
“Think you can handle us both next time, sweetheart?” Eddie chuckled.
Requests are open!
Again, if you enjoyed please like, comment, or reblog.
It helps me feel like less of a loser.
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Escapees of IRIS Part 3
[Part 1 ][Part 2]
Chase squints his eyes as the rays of the sun hit his face, waking him from his slumber. He rolls over, spotting his new roommate Jackie sprawled out on the couch. His legs and arms hanging off the cushions with a spiderman comic book half open on his chest. A smile spreads across the former dad’s face at the pure silliness of it all. His limbs all twisted up in sheets, the comforter pushed to the side without a care. Chase has to fight the instinct to tuck Jackie in properly as he gets up. He creeps to the door only letting his toes touch the carpeted floor. He turns the knob slowly and steadily and pushes the door out without a sound.
Chase’s eyes wander around the small living room. He didn’t get much time to really take in the entire place last night. A pile of leather bound books  next to a mountain of crinkled paper sits in a corner, while a bunch of old laptops and red string sits in the other. A bookshelf that looks like it was from the dumpster filled to the brim with comics and old English literature. Framed photographs of everything from silly pictures of Marvin and Jackie to old wilted flowers line the walls. 
The entire apartment smells of cinnamon, nutmeg and freshly chopped wood giving the small place a feel of autumn. Blankets and pillows of all shapes and sizes cover the floor and couch enhancing the cozy homemade feel. Chase dragged his finger across one of the blankets, the fuzzy texture brought a smile to his face. He would definitely be taking that later. 
“Are you just gonna wander like a lost little kitten, or do you want some breakfast?” Chase whips around, a gasp caught in his throat. The green haired one-the magic one- stands in the kitchen, random ingredients strewn about. His smile is gentle and his eyes tired. 
“Marvin. Hey.” Chase gives a small chuckle as he tries to process Marvin’s existence. “You scared me.”
“I get that a lot. Go on. Sit.” Marvin motions to the small kitchen table, littered  with opened envelopes, spreadsheets and pens. Chase moves it all aside as he looks back at Marvin.
“You-You don’t have to pamper me. Honestly a bowl of cereal is fine.” Chase protests as Marvin starts to place each dish down in front of him. Chase has to stop his mouth from salivating as looks over the whole spread. Hashbrowns grilled to a perfect crisp, pancakes thick and fluffy, bacon that will give the most satisfying crunch, and in the middle of it a big omelet stuffed to the brim with meat, cheese and vegetables.  
“Yeah, no. Iris didn’t give you enough food and I think Jackie would kill me if we didn’t go all out.”  Marvin replies, filling his own plate. “Besides, we gotta take care of each other.”
“Take care of each other?” No one had cared for Chase Brody since September 27th 2016. When the ink on the divorce papers dried and Stacy took his whole life away. Why would these two be the ones to change that? Last night was a fluke, something of pity. At least that's what Chase wants to think, needs to think. It will be so much easier when they leave.
“I know you doubt us.” Marvin says, interrupting Chase’s thoughts. “I know that the last few years, hell decades, have put you through the worst of the worst. But Chase, we will protect you. We will keep you safe. I promise.”
“Why are you being so nice to me? Why are you doing this?” That is the one question that keeps coming back to Chase. There was always a motive, a reason. These two can’t be any different.  
“Because you’re like us.”
Chase stares at Marvin, his eyes darting around the mage’s face as he tries to make sense of the cryptic statement. How is he anything like them? What would a drunk homeless man have in common with a mage and a superhero?  Won’t it just be safer to just chuck him back out onto the street? Avoid this mess all together. Chase continues to pick at his food as he mulls over the question.   
“What was her name?” Marvin blurts out, trying to make some conversation. 
“I-I’m sorry what?” Chase stumbles over his words as he tries to process the question.
“Her name, ya know, your daughter?” 
Oh. His daughter. His little ball of pure sunshine and energy. He feels his heart break all over again as memories of her bright smile flooded his mind. Her laugh, her energy. All the daddy daughter dates they’d go on. All the last minute shopping trips for school. Helping her put on the cutest little dresses as Stacy yelled down stairs for them to hurry up. Those were the days. 
“My daughter’s name was Chloe. I wanted to name her Hope, but my wife- Stacy- didn’t go for it, so Chloe was a compromise, cause apparently Chole means hope but I think Stacy might have just made that up.” Chase feels his lips curl into a melancholy smile.The thought of her bringing a sense of bittersweet love into his heart and tears to his eyes. 
“Why Hope?”
“She was everything I could ever hope for. All my thoughts, and dreams, and love, it all shifted in an instant. I became hopeful again.”
“That’s…That’s really sweet.” 
“Yeah, well, she’s gone now.” Chase brings down the fork into his hashbrowns with a force he didn’t know was possible. The table shakes under the force, nearly knocking Marvin’s mug off the table. The wall that had been torn down the previous night is now back up. Good. Keeping these two at arms length is for the best, less heartbreak for all when the inevitable happens. 
The two resume eating in heavy silence. The awkwardness palpable between the two of them. Chase can tell Marvin wanted to say something, anything. Most likely a worthless apology, or even worse a “kind” way to say “if you’re going to be such a dick get out of my house.”. But neither of those came. He watches as Marvin fidgets with the cloth napkin, tying it into knots only to take them apart. Over and over. Guilt crawls up Chase’s spine, an apology was ready on his tongue but right as his mouth opens Marvin speaks up.   
“Jackie and I aren’t blood brothers. But we grew up in IRIS together. We understand what it’s like, losing everything.” Chase closes his mouth shut as he watches tears fall into Marvin’s lap. “I uh-I was taken into IRIS captivity when I was three and Jackie got taken when he was five They-They killed my family, my town, everything I had was gone. I watched them shoot my own mother right in front of me.”
“Yeah, they pillage towns, kidnap kids, tear apart families, and unleash horrors onto the world. Jackie and I, we just try and put back the remaining pieces.” 
“Is that how I’m like you? My family was torn apart and…”
“Oh…” It takes a moment for Chase to process everything. They’re all broken. Traumatized men who had every scrap of happiness taken from them. Every family member, every piece of their identity, stolen. Through some crazy fate of the universe they all found each other. He can feel that wall put up just minutes ago start to chip away. 
They are all in the same ocean of grief, waves pounding over their head, the kelp twisting around their legs pulling them down. And instead of tying weights to his ankles, they offered him a lifeboat. A free ride out of the storm and back to land.   
“Hey, good morning.” Jackie yawns as he sits down at the table. “Ooo! Bacon!” Chase watches as this ray of absolute sunshine reaches over the table pushing everything aside to get the breakfast food of his choice. 
“You’re doing the dishes, I hope you know that.” Marvin teases, as the light comes back into his eyes as he looks over at his brother.
“Oh what?! Not fair!” 
“Yeah, it is fair!” 
Chase feels something spark in his chest as Marvin and Jackie laugh and joke with each other. It’s small to be sure, but he can feel it. The warmth of laughter, the joy of words, the happiness that other people brought. He hasn’t felt this in almost two years. 
This flicker of hope, comes to light. His first instinct is to feel guilty, snuff out the flame before it could grow any bigger. How dare he try and be happy again. How dare he try to find love and kindness in a world that has done him so wrong. How dare he try to find peace after what he did. His mind begs him to smother this spark with cigarettes, alcohol and pain. To do what he has always done and leave. Leave everything that caused the little spark to emerge. 
But another part of him begs for this flame to live. To give it a chance to grow a blaze into something bigger. He wants this flame to bring warmth and light into his life again. He wants to throw as much kindling as he could into the little candle and pray it would turn into a wildfire, giving it a chance to melt the iceberg that had become his heart.  He will let Marvin and Jackie bring light into his world.          
Thank you to all my Beta Readers! Literally the only people holding me accountable.
What? Parker posting on time? When they promised?? Is this witchcraft?!
[Part 4]
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roanofarc · 1 year
wait what has actually happened with the fob/mcr feud stuff my whole dash is just vague references to something happening
i’m putting this below a read more bc it’s going to get long and i don’t really want to recap all this but i’d rather do it myself than have more people totally misrepresent the situation, so.
okay so mcrblr has been for some reason passing around a bunch of polls about how comparatively good the members of mcr are at different kinds of sex.
aside number one: my personal stance on this is that i think it’s weird to speculate about the guys’ sex lives, even as a joke, but given that none of them will see it, it’s whatever. i’ll scroll past it and move on. if pressed i do think that kind of joking should probably be kept to a closed discord server where everyone is in on the joke, because doing it on here means it will inevitably break containment, but again. not my circus, not my monkeys.
anyways. a mcr blogger is like “this sex discussion is so funny, what if it was expanded to include more of bandom” and then used patrick stump as an example. from what i can tell they were trying to satirize the way mcr fans were talking about the guys’ sex lives. they said some stuff in a now deleted post that included things like “patrick would light candles and play marvin gaye during sex [subtext: in a lame way]” and “he looks like a mouse” (note that this is something mcr fans very commonly say about gerard)
that post broke containment and fob fans interpreted it as suggesting that patrick is bad at sex and thus is fatphobic, based on the fatphobic idea that fat people are sexually unappealing
aside number two: fatphobia in bandom is a real issue and nothing i have said has meant to trivialize that. it is absolutely something that has contributed to the way people have treated and talked about both patrick and gerard. but it is not what i see to be the true crux of the situation i’ve been observing here.
okay now let’s go back in time a bit. last year mcr toured again for the first time in a decade. mcr fans understandably went crazy. at some point along the way, i started seeing posts from fob bloggers complaining about specifically mcr fans talking shit about fob and praising mcr at fob’s expense
aside number three: i am a fan of both fob and mcr. i was a fan of fob first. i saw them last week and cried. i do not think either band is better than the other, but if pressed, i would say i personally like mcr more, because i identify more heavily with them/their storytelling. i follow people who like both, people who like mcr and not fob, and people who like fob and not mcr. i myself have never actually seen a mcr fan hating on fob specifically. from my perspective, most mcr fans either like fob or don’t really talk about them. i did see a few posts claiming that mcr was doing things no other band had done or could do (objectively untrue, but understandable hyperbole from big fans) but as far as i could tell fob was never namedropped.
so yeah every now and then i would see some vagueposts about mcr fans from fob bloggers. once polls became a thing the “feud” would come up whenever a bandom poll would get passed around, people would complain about the results, etc
back to the present. op of the post doubles down. a mcr blogger says something like “patrick is a normal size for a 40 something man” which they clearly meant to mean “being fat is within the range of normal bodies” but was interpreted as “i can’t be fatphobic bc patrick isn’t fat. he’s normal and fat people aren’t normal”
i’m too tired to keep typing and it’s 1 am and in 7 hours i am getting on a plane for a one day round trip to see my grandfather before he dies so i’m logging off now. sorry i didn’t finish explaining but i feel like this is probably enough that you can bridge the gap to where we are now. if you have more questions you can dm me or send another ask. i do have more analysis of the situation i just really can’t deal with trying to distill it right now. most of my posts about the issue have been meant to encompass the entire months in the making feud that i believe has lead us to this point, not the specific post
if you’re going to be like why are you involving yourself in bandom drama when your family member is dying it’s because i can’t do anything about it and i was TRYING to use tumblr as a distraction. also like i said the feud has been months in the making and as someone who likes both bands i was really sick of ppl acting like we were enemies
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any other rules you want to cover? like are there any specific characters or readers you won't do? is there a limit on how many characters we can ask about or characters you will not cover? will get less content if we ask for more characters? feel free to include any other rules you want to bring up. sorry about the all questions, just want to be sure. thanks for answering and have a great day!
I'm willing to write both fluff and smut however this account in particular is more so tagerted towards smut, but like I said either or is fine
As far as characters that I will or won't write for, for fluff I'll write for pretty much any character from any anime/manga that I'm open to writing for. With smut I'm little more...picky, with the way that I write smut if I can't picture that character in a smutty situation I won't write for them or if I just don't like the character. However this only applies to a few characters so it shouldn't be too big of a problem. Who these specific characters are I honestly don't feel like writing it all out right now but it will be listed in a masterlist that I'm steadily working on and will hopefully get out sooner rather than later.
There are some obvious characters that I won't write for a.k.a the literal children from certain shows, like I won't write smut for Gon and Killua from HxH or Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki from Brouto for example. This is pretty self explanatory though. (Platonic fluff is on the table though)
I'll write for characters that are like sixteen/seventeen and I can age them up in the fic because I feel like they can be aged up without their personality or appearance changing too drastically so I'm still just writing for that character even if they are slightly aged up.
The amount of characters that I'll write for at a time I'll keep at about three to four for now, I'll maaaybe even write five characters for one request but that would definitely be the max.
I write way too much most of the time so you won't have to worry about getting less content because you asked for too many characters or something like that.
I'll write smut with most of the main kinks in it but I wrote out a simple list off the top of my head to give a general idea.
Things I Will Write:
Top male reader
Size difference
Age difference
Incest (between reader and a character)
Female characters
Male characters
Trans characters (whether cannon or not)
Things I Won't Write:
Bottom male reader
Female reader
Child reader/child characters
Ageplay/Age regression
(the last two or three should be self explanatory but I've read a few fanfics in my day that had either one of them so yeah)
Hope this answered all your questions and thank you for asking! I hope you have a great day too!
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castle-dominion · 1 year
I can't type as fast on my phone but I am going to finish this episode & this liveblog.
Edit: I am clipping stuff so I will try to get a little bit of a liveblog in
Nice music
Trail of bills lol
nice accent lol
Lol castle mind reading the books
alexis' hair <3
Martha got money babes!
How did esposito hear what they had said eariler? a million. ten times that. try 100.
Voice of experience lmao
VAPORIZED his heart they were betting on it XD clip? no.
Castle: not as great as you would think. Only as fast as all te other cars in rush hour
Oh no "servant"
Cars with heated seats <3 yeah girl keep it on the downlow. I like how mom didn't say nicole was on drugs until nicole gave her ok. My man helped the soup kitchen. Good on him
Why would he NOT share what was so important if he said he Needed TO share it?
not clipping "the butler did it" ppl holding out hands & the shake of the head. Good little things in the show.
He still sneaks money out <3
Looks like Just Some Guy Why did he need it & where did he get it?
Love esposito's outfit. Dislike Ryan's shirt tho.
TS: idk it was dark! KR: so's your future todd They look like they are trying to talk privately but they are not even whispering in front of their suspect
sweating like he'd been walking, WALKING not running the car is moving rn?
Jersey Brethren lol.
Winery Big-ass boat! fantasizing about the size of your rods Time out, WHO did I kill? "but did I want his car?"
Timeline straight thirty two credit cards!? Oh lmao one for every nfl team. JE: and that's just the tip of the iceberg. He also bought a racehorse, minority stake in a lingerie football team, and a Bentley which is currently at the bottom of the Hudson River because he drove it off of a boat he was renting. KB: Wow, sounds like that money really turned Hixton into a different person for a little while. RC: Yeah, money doesn't change who you are. It just magnifies your personality. JE: Well, it wasn't all bad. He also bought a house for the clerk that sold him the winning ticket, a mausoleum for his dead neighbor, JE, no longer saying "it wasn't all bad": and three acres on the moon. RC: Get outta town. He's right down the crater from me. KB: Why doesn't it surprise me that you have property on the moon? RC: You know what? Laugh it up. When the earth is a desiccated husk, you will be begging to come live with me in the Nectaris Basin.
KR: Hey. So, I searched the car. KB: Oh, yeah. Sorry, York is not our guy. (noone thought to call ryan?) KR: That's okay. Jersey impound lot's nice this time of year
Same shirt ryan is wearing as the dead pool episode
Esposito has that entire room covered in financials. I mean the guy was rich.
KB: Last time I busted him, he was trying to grill cheese a guy in a dry-cleaning press.
"misspoke" not "lie" Ah he got the gun just last night OH YES GREG & TY PAGE I LOVE THESE TWO "going hunting"
MR: *enters wearing a leopard print dress and fur coat, with both hands full of shopping bags* RC: Whoa! Looks like you made a serious dent in your surprise inheritance. Is it safe to say there is not an animal print left in any store in New York City? MR: Very funny. *looks down at herself* Probably true.
Ooh we get to see the convo abt lanie right?
This is why I want a ubi. People would still work, they like to work, but a ubi would mean people who can't work as much or who need breaks or need to take time off to take care of kids would be able to. You wouldn't need to try to get a job you hate that pays more bc you can work the job you like that pays less.
Yes, Esposito, a winery. The fiancee is not damaging him. As if Lanie hasn't changed you! This legit sounds like a fight between lovers or two people who are pinning for each other but dating other ppl, like Beckett & castle.
Je: Wpwplwpldjfhsj Lanie??? Kr: yes, we all know! Je: castle & Beckett know too? (clipped)
Aw, inner child. That's so true. Freedom to write, spend time with Alexis, live life at your own pace. That's what we all want. We want to be able work a job we enjoy without worrying about money, we want to be able to spend time with our kids, we want to be able to live life without worrying about how we can keep living in this cramped apartment or paying for college so at least one of us can get a high paying job working 80 hour weeks because that's definitely better than living in poverty why afford a nice big home if you are never there to live in it?
That property on the moon? I just bought that last month.
I can't hear the hip-hop music that the captions claimed.
Wow this sucks. I usually touch type so I can watch the show while typing (mostly, & only during non dialogue parts) but here I need to watch my phone as I type.
Yucky ryan coming gun first around the camera
Lol I love them
Just doing some hip-hop rap about their robberies in some grungy recording room, these are the glory days. (I'll clip the actual music video too later)
Three armed cops & a writer makes four. You're under arrest, get on the floor. (clipping)
Castle you're a wordsmith don't make them stop rapping! Wait I was wrong. "I'll buy the album" XD (meh won't clip)
Cat named oz?
This boy is a kid
You know that's valid. Hire the guys who robbed you to beat up your daughter's dealer & then they go make a rap album? I would watch that movie. Real meet the Millers vibes. Or that zombie apocalypse Vegas heist. they're just admitting to assaulting this individual
Poor Ryan, exiled to watching them upstairs while the other three go down. Ryan really is the new guy, they said they would stop after remaking the pilot. (has his gun out already) Plus, he's been there two years more than castle, they had their ten year anniversary at the end of s7. Timeline facts: for 14 months before joining homicide, ryan was undercover. Ike was "dead" for three years in season two & when Ike died that's when esposito transferred to homicide. Rysposito worked their first case together ten years before the s7 finale.
RC & me: looks like oz wasnt kidding when he said he'd burn them alive
Don't ask her this in front of her mom!
Oh Hun no, you are not the reason your father is dead.
Marvin osminkowski is a cool name, a gay loser name tho... Oz is a cool gay name tho.
Oz catches one whiff of bacon & he disappears into thin air. So valid bestie. & Thank you for the imagery. (kinda want to clip but nah)
Still tho, Esposito's hair is short & stubble is long.
Martha my beloved. Oh Beckett & Martha I love their relationship. Beckett quoting castle. Beckett low-key saying what she would do if she won the lottery.
Rick looks nice.
Let castle drive it's his car! (she's into muscle cars apaprently, we learn that later)
Or not. I love the framing over the city I hate the driving.
It's like me & my brothers, we always pass the keys to the passenger out of habit BC we are so used to driving with mom.
Ooh she looks good! She knew she was walking like that, probably for his benefit, then when she sees him checking her out he's mad? Nah.
Is it really that easy for a cop to get in? I thought he had a network protecting him. How did they choose the correct club anyway?
Ibitha? Is not Ibiza? love the lighting btw
Little birdy have a name? Yes. You gonna tell me? No. (meh won't clip)
That your boyfriend? For now. Shiny!! Reminds me of firefly...
See? kick em in the balls. Not the drink castle! This she didn't say it!
No she looks great!
You can't charge him for a crime you made him commit. Felony blowing crap up. (also holy crows & maggots, 20 years is a Long time!)
Medical condition XD (the way he got beat up)
True true, don't commit the crime if you were seen by the butler.
I like how they have convict photos of ppl up on the board but then they have this nice halfbody shot of the butler
Ooh look at Ryan's sweater he's so pretty! (took a pic)
Ah wearing an apron. Nice. Yeah eat the rich. He employed him, not owned him True, it is not really stealing lol. Wow that's,,, a lot of money. His tax on being an idiot XD.
His bad luck? Like the drugs or?
Aw that's so cute!
KB: No! RC: Yes!
Castle & Beckett humoring one another.
Aw captain plays his kids' bdays! His two older girls & his little boy! Je: I play my firsts. Sex & combat. Is being horny that important to you & is your first combat that important to you? That is wild to me. Kr: I play his firsts too. FIRST OF ALL WHAT THE FUCK SECOND THATS GAY BRO. Je: looks at him kr: what? That way we both win & it's not awkward. Esposito looks like he's just saying "why did you just out our relationship to everyone?" B'y that is so gay, playing his firsts. & you know them? (already clipped)
It is weird to me to choose to gamble on your first time in combat. So weird. & honestly sad. See maybe it's just bc I'm so anti military.
What is so important about the moon castle? You immediately go talking about the mausoleum for the neighbour but you first mention the moon?
I'm assuming that was just edited together for our benefit & was not actually real time?
For real? Yeah he was an old man dying of like six different things. (if that's the actual quote I will clip it)
Jason & whizzer falsettos.
This guy looks high rn.
Oh. Fun. That's going to be a lot of work. Maybe you could start a scholarship. Or maybe making money off the school would get you out of living with your son.
I didn't know Beckett played guitar IS THAT THE RAP SONG SHES TRYING TO COVER??? GET ON THE FLOOR (meh don't need to clip but I could)
By all means please come in.
He is doing so much for her he really loves her. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
0 notes
the-firebird69 · 2 years
MotoUSA 2011 ATK 700 Cruiser First Ride Video
But I like most about this bike is it doesn't resemble the dirt bike at all and it really shouldn't because it's a cruiser and a son said it too and daughter they said why should it resemble it in shape or form when it is nothing like it and he made it completely different it's a different motor and people are jumping up for Joy they said why is a dirt bike motor when it's not a dirt bike and I loved it and it was set up really really nice it's low yet it can corner and can keep up with sport bikes on the turns there's a lot of power about 80 horsepower and 70 footp and for a 700 that's a lot. And it really sold well this is a real high selling bike is American people wanted to buy it he's going to put it into production today and with a couple of bigger ones too pretty much the same frame it's a bigger motor so I'm pretty honking sized cruiser by the way he says he might make a real nice big one as a matter of fact it's two big ones 2000 and 3000 but not sport bikes but he has those too already designed and it being built for racing. These are for cruising but they do race them too and he's going to probably enter races fairly soon it's American bike but we're getting ready to take on the clones they don't want the bike out still it's not as imperative to them, but they don't like it. And our son says I don't know why they wouldn't like it because if the Yamaha is like a yamaka the ATK is like an American bike it's sort of getting it and all about getting free stuff like dinging me. And Tommy F there's no comment but he says sure they probably go for it cuz they're stupid like most clones and I agree why wouldn't you you didn't even get free stuff cuz he like this vending machine nobody's watching. No. Can't get it. Well anyways they're made to be a little dumber than me I'd say no but who the hell cares about a motorcycle company we're going to expose themselves over it and it probably pull up with you with brand new leather on. Lol it's a very gay look you're probably a new leather on too that's absurd. Tommy F said all that but my son said the last part. Literally want the gay stuff but when people dress up in their leather and it's new it looks kind of gay so I can see you from that mad Max thing. But you have to have leather for the cruisers you said it would be Spike would be the 700 which has a lot of power but probably doesn't go that fast it does though yeah it doesn't have to go that fast on a big bike it's true value but it looks really cool on the road it would be his bike that he designed and he's getting money from and people who have a horse s*** I mean a fit okay they will go nuts and probably out of control nuts just completely outside of their skin. Who knows what they would say it would be unruly and weird and strange drive around with a crew that originated and they'd be like it's not really his and Jesus would be just interesting wouldn't it. It says it's better than fighting with the shopping carts. So it's going to make everybody sick what's going on here and really the four 60 or 4 whatever size the smaller bike would be would fit him very well and then conquer everybody in the dirt you would not be able to touch him he likes to fly around fast okay and he likes to top it out and he's kicking your ass. He'd be kicking our ass. I mean it too in the dirt could be fast with that bike is really fast just wondering about the Enduro to get that first mb I'm sorry to get what he's saying it wouldn't have to ride on the road. But seriously folks it is the thought and they're going to come out soon and it's his bike and it's hers. Lot of people thinking KTM and in a street sport bike because they're made in Australia for real that's where the plant is and they want to take him there even trumpsters there's no way to get one right now because it doesn't have money that's what I'm trying to tell you
Thor Freya
That's a very clueless and last night was the example around 3:00 a.m. the attack convinced and around 4:00 a.m. they're all gone it was so huge it took a while and it kept pouring in believe it or not and it spread out in Canada it took it took that long and the empire attacked you afterwards you don't even mention it you're pretty stupid this is actually hard and it's took out a lot of stuff. So much so they're making it possible for us to bring out lots of cars and trucks and bikes and more all sorts of companies even ATK as leftover cruisers Enduro quads well trikes for off-road, in a slew of dirt bikes and the new ones aren't very much different so I'm going to the old deer dealerships who are not the big wigs cuz they're stinkers see if they want to open and they say yes it's not very many big wings there's like three and they don't have much left we believe. It is working this morning they're opening their doors again and I'm going to have these bikes
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the-cannibal · 2 years
Slashers with an animal lover s/o
Gender neutral terms used - they/them, you/your
Bo Sinclair:
.Oh boy, he both finds it adorable how you love animals so much, and very annoying
.I mean, he already has to deal with Lester doing shit like bringing raccoons into the house, now he has to deal with you doing the same?!
.I mean he loves you! Don’t get me wrong! But if you try and hide a snapping turtle in the bathtub one more time because it “looked lonely” then he’s gonna hook you up to one of those kid leashes that some parents use to make sure their child doesn’t run off into trafic.
.Lester definitely encourages it.
. “Hey Les, have you seen Y/n?”
“Nope! Haven’t seen them all day.”
“Uh huh… so if I open the tail gate of your truck they aren’t gonna be in there snuggling with a baby deer?”
Vincent Sinclair:
.He wouldn’t mind. As long as it don’t have rabbis or something.
.He has made so much art of you and different animals.
.Tell this man your favorite animal and he will make sure to make tons of art of it for you.
.just don’t bring them into the basement. We don’t want a repeat of last time… so… much… wax… everywhere…
Stu Macher:
.Oh this man loves animals too.
.You two would definitely go out into the woods by his house and catch little critters
.You two also sneak them into his bedroom (like bunnies and frogs)
.Ya’ll the type of people to call your animals your “fur babies”
.omg wait just imagine Stu is like sitting in class (not paying attention) and he just hears a light tap on the window, and he looks over to see you outside, covered in mud and holding a frog with a huge grin on your face.
.mans would definitely skip class just to go outside and look at the frog you found.
.”But babe, why are you all muddy?”
“Had to shimmy my ass down a log to catch this fucker!”
Billy Loomis:
.Im a strong believer that he is a cat person
.Im also a strong believer that that is the only animal he tolerates
. “Y/n get that thing out of here or so help me-”
“Okay okay! I’ll put it back!”
*They did not put it back*
.he would take you to animal shelters and zoos to let you look at and pet the animals.
.but he would then have to deal with you wanting to adopt every single one of them
. “No Y/n we are NOT taking home the alligator!”
“But Billy look at her! She’s calling out to me!”
.What is that thing Y/n is giving all their attention to? It’s not me? UNACCEPTABLE.
.Oh wait. It’s a little bird. Awww okay that’s kinda cute :)
.Wait why are they coming towards the house..? Wait y/N NO-
.yeah he keeps a close eye on you when you have animals ever since that day.
.but the big baby still gets jealous of them. That man is a brat for attention. Even if your holding a damn worm, that worm should be HIM.
Bubba Sawyer:
.Another animal lover!
.please show him any animal you find, his heart will absolutely melt and he will squeal in excitement
. “Bubba, Look! I found a little bunny!”
Cue Bubba making happy noises.
.I think because of his (beautiful gorgeous amazing) size he is scared to hold any animal, especially the small ones. He doesn’t wanna hurt the little fellas!
.but you help him through that fear!
“Here Bubs, just hold your hands like this… that’s it! Look at you! Ain’t you two just the cutest!
You’re making him a blushing, giggling mess Y/n
Michael Myers:
.just don’t even try
.You will be lucky if any animal he comes across leaves with its life.
.sorry (Michaels not)
(Poly) The Lost Boys:
.Depends on the animal, they will either like it, dislike it, or love it.
.Marko is wary with animals you bring in the cave because of his birds.
.Dwayne finds it cute and will tell you any facts he knows about it. And will smile when you tell him facts back.
Also if you bond with Laddie with animals all of them are going to die of cute overload
.but let’s be honest, these big vampires would probably want to kill and eat most animals you bring home.
. “That’s a tasty looking deer there babe.”
“Paul I will rip you apart.”
.yeahhhh better only show them animals that they for sure won’t eat, like dogs and cats… but even then, keep an eye on them…
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Goldilocks & the Three Men, Part 3
Summary: it’s time for Sy
Pairings: Captain Syverson X Reader
Rating: explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, smut, unprotected sex, PIV sex, fingering, size kink, dub con 🤔, drugging, breeding kink, cream pie, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 2.2K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics​
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Sy stands in the doorway of your makeshift room watching Ari pet all over your body. You had become completely blissed out, and he’s amazed that you even could handle him.
His large and thick stature walks into the room, and lifts up your hand watching it flop back on the bed. “How much of the fritter did you feed her?” he asks, looking up at Ari who just smiles down at your sleeping self.
“She ate the whole thing,” he finally looks up at his brother and chuckles. “Didn’t even notice a thing. She did so good.”
“The glamor didn’t fall at all?” Ari shakes his head no, pressing a soft kiss on your forehead. “Didn’t suspect a thing?”
“The only time she did was when the runt was sitting there watching,” his eyes glare at his other brother who stands out in the hallway. “It was kinda creepy. I don’t mind you watching, just don’t make it be so obvious.”
“Did she suspect anything? Did she question who the man was?” Steve gives Ari a big toothy grin, because he knows the answer. “All she saw was a black bear.”
“Yeah, a tiny little one,” Ari gives Steve a playful shove, standing up to let you rest. “You gonna wake her up big guy?” he asks Sy.
The large man walks over to your body, and rubs his thumb along your wrist. Giving his two brothers a sly smirk. “I don’t know if that’s fair,” Steve gives him a little whine. He always has to be last.
“Gotta help her out. What was it she kept saying? ‘It’s too big, Ari,’. She needs all the help we can give her.”
“By the end of it, I had her screaming it was just right.”
“And still fucked her until she passed out,” Steve rolls his eyes at the older brothers. He would never do that. “You little creep, keep your mouth off this one. You have an urge you need to control. I like her. She’s up for the challenge of being stuffed to the brim.”
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You stir awake. Stretching your muscles when you feel a deep emptiness. Disbelieving of what exactly is going on. Flashes of a moment in a pond with…that can’t be right.
But you feel without. You look around the room for…Ari, yes, his name is Ari only to find you’re alone. You can’t help but to stand and go search for the warm and kind man.
Wandering down the hallway you see a bed that looks just about right for you. Not to big, not too thick, not too soft, just perfect. “Nope,” a voice speaks behind your. You turn to see a new man, and back away slowly.
“Sorry,” he gives you a kind smile, and you stop. “It’s not time for you to go in there.”
“Steve,” he holds a hand for you to take, and you shake it softly. “I think you’re looking for Sy,” you shake your head no. That wasn’t his name.
“I’m sorry to say, he’s busy. As am I. There’s a treat for you on the table. Sy should be out back. He’s cutting some wood.”
You give him an odd look. Something isn’t right. “Why am I here?”
“We called, you came.”
“Can I not go home?” he frowns, shaking his head no. “Why?”
“Didn’t that old man warn you? Women get lost. They can’t find their way back. But we’ll keep you safe from the things out there. There’s men who try to steal your first born child, a beast who wants to keep you for his own, the fae, a wolf, and…”
“What are you then?” he hesitates. Now, no matter what he says, you won’t believe him.
“A friend.”
“That didn’t answer my question. What are you?”
“Different than my brothers. Go and eat your snack. Sy is waiting. He’s impatient. You don’t have much of a choice. Stay here, or get more lost out there. And what will you find?” he isn’t wrong. You know it.
Knew it the moment you fully walked into the woods, and there was no sight of the world outside. “Why?”
“It’s a long story, and it’ll cost you gold and your first child. You can always go find the beast. He’s the reason we’re all in on this mess. Go on. Go out into the woods alone. Maybe we’ll find you first. You should be grateful.”
He gives you a long look and sighs. “Curses abound all through the woods. Eat. Sy. He’ll take care of you.”
That is just what you’re scared of, but with one sound of a grunt, and hearing the swinging of an axe, you get a deep desire to find him. “Snack. Sy,” Steve reminds you one more time, before closing his bedroom door.
With nothing else to do, but listen to his words, you find yourself back in the kitchen, grabbing up the snack, before looking out the kitchen window. Taking a slow bite when you see, who are assuming is Sy, swing the axe down on the wood.
You’re not sure why but every chop, you feel at your core. Your knees going weak, and you take another bite of the bread, moaning at the ‘taste’ of it.
Thinking to yourself you wonder how he tastes. His corded muscles rippling with every swing he takes. Even the way he wipes at his forehead. Looking over to see you gawking at him. “Well, come on,” he sighs. Stopping his movements.
Carrying the bread with you, you go outside to see him in all his glory. Ari was tall, but Sy is thick. His skin glistens with the sweat, and it only makes him sexier. “Bring me that water bottle,” he tells you with a smirk. He knows just how attractive he is. Visions of the things he could do to you, with very little effort run through your mind.
Thoughts of those thick arms wrapping around your neck, or even just the way his body could manhandle you. “It doesn’t have to be just a fantasy, Goldie,” he gives you a quick wink taking a drink of the water.
“Your eyes, they’re pitch black and filled with desire. Your blood is hot and pumping so hard, I can see your neck pulse. You struggling to stand, or are you squeezing your thighs together, trying to deny the primal need for me to sink into that tight. Hot. Wet. Cunt?”
You gulp, turning your eyes to look at the ground, and that thick body stalks closer to you. “We’re far out in the woods. No one will hear you when you scream,” he whispers on your neck. You shiver, and it only causes him to chuckle. Pressing the softest kiss on the pulse point on your neck. Giving it a tiny nibble, and he catches you when your knees go out.
“Why would I scream?”
“Why wouldn’t you? You think you could handle all this?” those thick arms wrap around your waist and your fingers trace the veins on the rock hard muscles. “You wanna find out? See if you can hold off on screaming my name?”
“You’re home now,” he whispers behind your ear. Open mouth kisses move all along your neck, and down to your shoulders, making you even more weak with every pass over your skin.
“You can do whatever you want now. No one to judge you. No one to make comments. Just us.”
“And Ari and Steve.”
“What was it you told Ari? It was too big? Too hard? What do you think about me?” he thrusts his hips into your ass and you let out a measly whimper. Already succumbing to his roughness.
Whining when your hand rubs over his cock, “Sy it’s too thick.”
“You can take it. You’re gonna love it aren’t you?”
“Yes,” his hands already slide up your thighs, those thick digits going right to your mound. No one had bothered to give you panties, so he has easy access.
He stimulates your bundle of nerves, before sliding down, entering two fingers into your messy cunt. Palming your clit, while your ass moves on his crotch. “A tight fit indeed. Fuck!”
“Sy,” you become even weaker when he walks you over to the fallen log. Maneuvering you to your knees. Ripping off every bit of clothes you have, before leaning you over the tree. He gives your exposed cunt a look over before he’s shoving his fingers back in there.
His teeth nipping all along your shoulders and back. “My god, you’re a responsive one aren’t, ya?” he moans listening to your sweet intoxicating sounds. Pulling his fingers out he stares at your swollen lips. Gazing at how your juices make your skin shine.
Standing up he begins removing his own clothes, and he laughs when you turn around, looking at him. Whining when that thick cock bounces up. “Sy.”
“Can’t be cockdrunk already, Goldie,” getting to his knees he runs his length through your velvety folds. Mewling, you try and back your ass up on him, “Easy there, sweetheart. It’d be best if you let me take my time. Don’t worry, I’ll have you speechless shortly.”
He pushes his shaft through your puffy lips. Bringing the tip back at your tight channel. Slowly he breaks through your walls, and you yelp. Turning back to look at him, but his eyes stay only where the two of you connect.
He sinks slowly into you, biting on his bottom lip when he slides home. Holding his stance, and he grabs onto your hips. “It’ll go quite quickly after this. Look at you, such a mess for my cock. Does it sting? You hurting sweet girl?”
“A little.”
“I’m letting this pretty pussy adjust for a bit. She feels so good wrapped around me so tight. You took me so well. I know it couldn’t have been easy,” he pulls out a bit, and quickly stabs back in, and your eyes flutter close.
“You sure do make some pretty sounds. You gonna scream for me?” when you don’t respond, he starts rutting into you.
Your voice becoming louder with every jut into your silky walls. His fingers gripping tightly to your hips, and you know that there will be bruising.
Sore won’t even describe how you feel. “Sy, it’s too thick!”
“But you fucking take it so well,” he grunts out, turning back to look at an upstairs window with a cheeky grin.
That thick arm wraps around your neck, and he lifts your back to his front. Nearly growling in his motions, while you become a complete mess. “Found us a good one. Gonna be our sweet little cumdump aren’t ya? Have us dripping down your thighs. Your job will be to serve us.”
“Sy, please!”
“You want it. Our pussy has got me in a vice grip. Did that apple bread taste good?” he presses a hard kiss on your cheek, and chuckles when he sees you struggling to keep your eyes open.
“You’ll last longer eventually. You trust me?”
“Uh huh.”
“Thatta girl,” he growls on your skin before completely wrecking you. Shoving his veiny girth in you, like his life depended on it. Not even caring when you give out.
His thick spunk spurts deep into your cunt, and he pulls out. Gently laying your spent body over the tree.
Tilting his head to the side, he watches his cream drip out of you. “She lasted longer this time,” Ari says, giving your body a look over. “This one just might work. You think it’ll take?”
Steve takes a seat on the swing, and laughs, “We’re a dying breed man. It’s never worked before.”
“And when it doesn’t, you get to dispose of them,” Sy responds slowly getting dressed. “Don’t act like you don’t enjoy it.”
“Maybe if you two weren’t so damn big, their bodies might have been able to handle it.”
“Maybe if you didn’t fucking ruin everything with your damn appetite,” Ari turns around glaring at the smallest brother. “She’s perfect.”
“You keeping her drugged on apples and she doesn’t even know what she signed up for. Nothing but a breeding tool.”
Sy cackles looking at him. Going to pick up your pliant body, holding you tight against his chest. “It’s fun. It gives us someone to protect. Brings joy and light to our home. Can you imagine our little cubs in the house? You saying you really don’t want a turn? She’s the one. I feel it.”
“I heard,” Steve says annoyed. “She had you in a fucking vice grip.”
“I’m going to give our little one a bath. Ari, you wanna join me? She would love waking up to see her Papa and Daddy. Pretty soon, we’ll be just right.”
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Taglist:   @tis-thedamn-season​ @marveloustaylortot​ @pono-pura-vida​ @missacidburn928​
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sohcah-toa · 2 years
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Teyvat Blossoms - a series ❀
Teyvat Blossoms [click for the main masterlist]
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Chapter 4: Giving new memories
cw — smut, fluff, voyeurism, masturbation, nipple play, size difference, slight dom f reader
tip or donate at ko-fi
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"You okay?" Itto asked, going inside your office "Sorry if I like — kinda forced you into telling that story? Did I?"
You sighed and then smiled at him "No, Itto, you didn't. Don't feel responsible, I wanted to tell the story but I just wasn't ready to complete it yet, sorry"
"No problemo boss!" He has his usual big grin now. He can be cute sometimes "You tired?"
"I'am .. but I don't feel like resting" You rub your forehead. Itto jogged towards you then grabbed your hand, he pulled you out of the office.
"Itto! Where are you taking me?" You asked, keeping up with him. His hand was so much bigger than yours, you feel safe for some reason.
He looked back, smiling widely "You'll see!!"
"Ta-da!" He said, grinning widely as usual. He took you to a small spot near Wangshu Inn.
You gasped at how beautiful the stars were. The spot is actually enough just for one person, seeing how big Itto is, you were both skin to skin.
You blushed, realizing how close you two were. You think of him as a close friend but maybe that's just because you work together.
"T-Thank you" You stuttered "I'll cherish this place an go here whenever I feel stressed out" you smile sweetly. Guess he didn't expect it.
Itto was confused, for some reason his palms were really sweaty, he was nervous, he's trying his best to not move, his heart started beating fast. He doesn't know what any of these mean. He gulped, smiling nervously back at you and just said "Y-Yeah .. make sure"
Ever since that day, Itto makes sure to visit that place every now and then, expecting you but he would always be disappointed.
You became even busier because of Scaramouche, that one guy who always complains. He's being a real asshole.
"Sir. We only serve meals that are in the menu" You tell him, sighing.
Childe was so annoyed at this point "I've been trying to tell him for the last hour! God! It's like he's not here every day! Scaramouche, you punk, you go here everyday, you must know basic rules by now"
Kaeya was there too. He's at the kitchen when it's day and at the bar when it's night "Or just ban him forever"
Scaramouche just laughed "What kind of place is this? You don't have off menu meals? Pathetic. Also, who lets non workers hang out at the kitchen?"
Childe's and your eyebrows furrowed. Obviously, he was doing this on purpose .. just like always.
You lean in to whisper to Childe "Just serve him whatever and say it's an off menu meal"
Childe smirked and nodded. You finally left. You flicked your tongue when finally out of their sight "I oughta do something about that little turd"
"Who's the turd?" Thoma asked, your eyes widen in surprise, you didn't mean to bad mouth a customer in front of someone. Then Thoma continued "If it's Scaramouche then I agree"
You giggle, nervousness leaving your body "Yeah. He's a real pain in the a"
"Yeah. Anyway, boss, I've finished decorating the rooms except for Xiao's. You know how it is"
You nod "That was fast Thoma"
"Is there anything I can help you with?" He asked
You ponder for a second then answer "The stalls and parade stuff are almost done with Itto and his gang helping. I guess Zhongli, Diluc and Childe has their own stuff but it isn't that big. I guess — we're really done"
"What?! No! Give me something! I can decorate the whole inn" He said, eager to do more.
"Well, the gang's doing that too" You rub your cheek, trying to think of something "Hey, you're good at sewing?"
"I can do it! Just tell me boss!" His eyes sparkled. He was like a cute little puppy, leaning closer to you.
You can't help but giggle "Do you mind making us costumes? If it's not too much, of course"
Thoma nodded "I've got ideas already! Thanks boss!" he ran away, waving bye. He's really cute and bubbly, you can never imagine Thoma doing something vulgar. He's just that pure and innocent for you.
Since you basically have nothing else to do at the moment, you decide to go to that spot Itto told you about.
"Boss! You're here!"
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Aaah! That grin! Your face flushed in a moment. You cleared your throat "You're here"
"Are you stressed out?" He asked, you did say you'll go here when stressed but that's not the case.
You shook your head no "Just wanted to get some air" you hesitated to go at the spot because last time you two were so close. But Itto reached his hand out, you took it, he helped you get up with him.
Your faces were so close to each other "Hi"
"Hey" Itto was blushing and you were sure you were too. You both quickly sat down and averted your gaze with each other.
It was quiet for a moment. Both of you not wanting to break the silence because of embarrassment.
The mood got even intense when Itto's hand touched yours.
"S-Sorry!!" He immediately said, finally you looked at each other again, Itto couldn't handle it anymore "I-I better leave!" and with that he ran away.
You touched your hand that he held earlier "Oh Itto"
You were in your room, trying to think "The day of the event is near .. have we already done everything?"
You think of everybody, but suddenly you felt yourself blush "Oh my gosh, have I done something terrible?" you think of 'those' moments. You touch your face and feel your whole body in heat.
You were craving for those times. That time with Diluc .. Kaeya and Childe .. It was surreal and spontaneous. Was it a mistake?
Meanwhile ...
In a matter of seconds, you were touching yourself, hungry for more, you never realized how good it felt back then. You just know you want more today.
"Was that weird?" Itto asked himself, walking towards your room to apologize "I must have weirded her out!!" he panicked, scratching his head in frustration "If I stayed there I would've kissed her! That's gonna be weirder right?"
Itto sighed, finally in front of your room "Alright, Arataki Itto, you can do this, you are the man" he whispered to himself but before opening the door, he heard something.
He didn't dare utter a word. He held the doorknob and slowly opened it, his eyes widen. You were masturbating, moaning loudly. He knows he should leave but he couldn't take his eyes off of you.
He started breathing heavily, trying to fight the urge to go in and help you himself. His mind went blank, he knew his cock was already hard, seeing you naked and touching yourself, moaning. He wished he could make you moan like that.
He slowly reached down for his dick, at first he just started rubbing it. You were trembling from the pleasure of rubbing your own clit. Itto pulled his zipper down and started stroking his erect cock. He looked side by side in the hallways and nobody was there. Your room was pretty isolated, lucky for him.
"Fuck" He whispered to himself, completely focused on watching you masturbate "I-I can't —"
You were so engrossed in trying to fulfill yourself that you don't notice Itto. You just wanted to feel the pleasure.
Itto stopped his strokes and pushed the door open, his face red and his breathing was rough. His cock was still out, massive and erect.
You were taken aback, you immediately covered yourself with sheets and covered your eyes "I-Itto?!"
You feel him crawling in bed. His face super close with yours "Can — I help?" even though he was so eager to just kiss you then and there, he still asked.
You were still out of it, you look at his cock and gulp. He was so big, you had no idea. You were trying to catch your breath. For a moment, the two of you just stared into each other's eyes. That led to rough kissing.
Your nipples were rubbing against his clothes a little, your legs wrapping around his waist, pleasuring yourself wasn't enough, thank God he was here. You take his clothes off and rub his chest.
His big hands touching your face, pulling you deeper into the kiss. You never realize how big he really was until this, he was on top of you, naked.
"I-Itto..." You moaned softly, trying to breathe from the kiss "Let me breathe—"
"S-Sorry" Itto muttered, you felt his breath on your face, even though he was much bigger than you, he was still gentle, he continued "It's just .. you're so .. irresistible. I can't help myself" his cheeks were red, he was honestly adorable at the moment.
You change positions with him "Then .. should I take the lead?" you're now on top of him, he was slightly surprised but he made it happen anyway.
What are you doing y/n? You keep asking yourself, you were out of control, wanting more ever since with Diluc. Once you get to it, you just can't stop. The moment controls you and Itto happens to be here.
"B-Boss" Itto moaned softly, he was huge but he acts so innocent. You decide to tease him a little bit, your bad thoughts going away.
You lean in closer and lick his chest, both your hands above his nipples, rubbing his muscles. He couldn't help but held onto your hair, gripping it tightly.
You feel his dick twitch on your crotch as you grind above him. It feels good knowing he was like this because of you. It feels good hearing him moan your name.
Your tongue went to his nipple, you stared at him while doing so "Not so tough now, leader?" you tease him. He couldn't even respond, he was losing his mind, grunting and moaning. He never felt this way before.
"Q-Quit teasing or else.." He muttered in between his breaths. His large hands rubbing your waist to your ass. Your licks went upwards to his neck, biting it softly "F—uck" he was breathing heavily, gripping your ass as he moves his hips, grinding.
You pulled back to face him, you kiss his nose and giggle "Do you like it?" you ask, this was the first time you tried taking the lead, you had no idea if you did good.
"A lot" he whispered before pulling you in a kiss, he immediately entered his tongue, his other hand moving your hips back and forth on his cock "Let me put it in" he whispered before switching places with you, your kiss never breaking.
You were out of breath in no time ... again. He started positioning himself, completely intoxicated, never wanting his lips to be away from yours.
"I-Itto.." You called, he kept kissing you preventing you from talking but you manage to squeeze out the words while holding tight to his arm "Be gentle please"
Itto nodded, his kisses went down to your neck. Your arms wrapped around his head, moaning uncontrollably.
You feel his tip go inside you, you scream but at the same time he starts licking your nipples to make the pain bearable.
"I-Itto!" You screamed, your nails sinking in his shoulders. He went even slower. Just when he was almost all in, you both heard a camera noise.
You both sat up and covered yourself in sheets. You look at the door, noticing that there was someone but that someone immediately ran away after you knew they were there.
You and Itto look at each other. Itto immediately got dressed, regretting that he didn't lock the door earlier. He immediately left to find the person while you bury yourself in your bed.
"What the fuck was that? Was someone there?" You whisper to yourself, feeling overwhelmed all pf a sudden "Shit shit! There WAS someone, I saw the camera. I'm fucking doomed"
"Shit!" Itto panted, running around, finding the guy "Show yourself!!" he shouted while fixing his clothes "Fuck, she's definitely going to ignore me"
Days passed. Everything that happened that night felt like a dream for Itto. You both never caught the person who had the camera but at the same time no videos were leaked, nobody knew anything.
You can't forget about it though but you're too embarrassed to speak to Itto about it. You work with each other, you talk with each other but the awkwardness is there.
To be Continued ❀
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ppl that asked to be tagged: @stygianoir @yay-its-tj @atsukawolfcat @e7t3 @dainsleif-when-playable @nookiesposts @emperatris-rinaka
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cafedanslanuit · 3 years
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♡   —   pairing: kazutora x reader
♡   —   summary: after a long day at work, you want nothing but to spend a calm night with your boyfriend. however, you have no idea this is the night were all his demons finally get the best of him.
♡   —   tags/warnings: female reader, angst, breakups, hurt feelings everywhere, mention on mental illnesses and nightmares, based on ben platt’s song ‘carefully’, mention of tora’s job in one of the future timelines.
♡   —   a/n: i enjoyed writing kazutora so. damn. much. also, i’m quite proud of this one and the small details i added~ thank you @ofoceansandtombstones​​ for being my lovely beta <3
♡   —  masterlist
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And all this time you've had a gentle way of holding me
So could you please release me that way too?
— “carefully” by Ben Platt
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“It’s open, come in!”
The first thing Kazutora sees when he opens the door of your apartment is you, kneeling on the kitchen floor and picking up pieces of a broken baking dish. Red sauce has splattered everywhere and his mind betrays him for a second, imagining an accident far worse than what has truly happened. He blinks twice and starts to notice the small details that finally slow down the fast beating of his heart. There are pieces of chicken breasts next to the open oven door and what he thinks are sliced carrots next to your right knee.
You hiss when you pick up a piece of the shattered glass, the sharp end pinching your finger. Kazutora comes back to his senses, widening his eyes as he realizes he’s just been standing there.
“Hey, let me. You’ll cut yourself,” he warns, walking up to you. Grabbing both your hands, he eases you into your feet and then guides you to the living room. “I’ll take care of it,” he promises as he goes back to the kitchen and starts cleaning up the mess.
You let yourself fall on the sofa with a loud thud and let out an exasperated sigh.
“I just had the most awful day,” you whine, taking off your apron and leaving it on the arm of the sofa.  “Work was hell, I got scolded by something that I didn’t do— like always, only this time my boss was all like: ‘You gotta be more careful, we wouldn’t want to lose such a valuable employee’. Like he was going to fire me over someone else’s mistake?!”
Your voice is getting louder by the minute and you take advantage of the fact Kazutora is in another room to keep the volume. You have been waiting the entire day to see him and vent about what a trainwreck you day had been. Just as always, he listens intently, the only noise coming from the kitchen being a soft scraping sound as he picks up everything and throws it to the trash. 
“Then, I went to the store and of course they had run out of basil. Tell me, how does a store that big run out of basil?” you ask. There’s no answer from the kitchen so you continue. “I mean, yeah, I could have gone to another store but my feet were killing me. I’m just not meant to work in heels the entire day,” you sigh tiredly, swinging your feet.
You reposition yourself, now sitting cross-legged on the sofa. Putting your right hand on your left shoulder, you stretch your neck, feeling your sore muscles releasing a bit of tension with a small ‘pop’.
“I ended up preparing something entirely different than I had planned for dinner. I tried to let it go but just as I was going to put it in the oven, it slipped my hands and—”
“I think we should break up.”
Words die in your lips the moment you listen to your boyfriend speak. The silence becomes loud and abrasive as you struggle to understand what was happening. Why was Kazutora breaking up with you with such a small voice? What had triggered him to come to that conclusion? Why had he decided to bring it up now? You turn your head to the kitchen door and watch him slowly make his way towards you, doubtful steps as he takes a seat on the other side of the sofa, avoiding your eyes at all costs.
“What?” you ask, your voice hoarse. His lips form a tight line and you see him swallowing nervously.
“I’m not doing okay— haven’t been for a while. I— it’s been two years since I left prison and I still haven’t— I don’t— I don’t know what I’m doing,” he explains, looking down at his hands.
You nod slowly, trying to comprehend where he’s coming from. Turning your body towards him, you take a deep breath before speaking.
“It’s okay not to know,” you assure him in a soft voice. “Just… take it slow. One day at a time and then I’m sure you’ll—”
“I haven’t been sleeping well,” Kazutora confesses and you notice his voice wavering a little. “I— I keep having nightmares about— about that day and— and also about the motorcycle shop. Those two mix up and…” he takes one of his hands to the side of his head, his fingers grazing his temple. “And I’m hitting Baji in the head. And there’s so much blood— so, so much blood and—”
Leaning forward, you take his hands. They’re shaking and extremely cold and you rub your thumb over his knuckles, trying your best to soothe him.
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re safe now, Tora, you’re—”
Kazutora pulls his hands away hastily, leaving a tingling sensation on your palms.
“I can’t!” he says as he shakes his head. You spend a moment looking at your empty hands, never before having felt your boyfriend’s rejection. “I feel like I’m drowning and— You know what? I think relationships just aren’t for me,” he shrugs, his hands moving in exaggerated gestures. “That’s why I never cared for dating, never got myself involved in that kind of shit, not until—”
He finally looks at you and, fuck, you wish he didn’t. You’re not sure if you have the strength to deal with such hurtful discourse. You lick your lips and take yet another deep breath, deciding to ignore his hurtful remark.
“I’m… so sorry you’re feeling this way,” you say, slowing down your words, trying your best not to show how hurt you were. This isn’t him, you tell yourself. So no need for that tightness in your throat. “But you have to understand it’s not because of me. It’s because of everything that you’ve gone through and how hard it’s to deal with them. I don’t blame you, it is hard. But this… us,” you gesture to the both of you. “This is a good thing. Despite all the pain and hurt we’ve both been through, we—”
“Please, stop,” he says, raising his hand and pressing his eyelids together. “I can’t be with you anymore. That’s it, that’s all—”
“So you don’t love me anymore?” you counter. You scoff in disbelief, shaking your head. Kazutora’s eyes shoot open and you notice his pupils shaking in fear, like a deer caught in headlights.
“I love you,” he breathes out, and for a moment you see the boy you fell in love with in his amber eyes that are quickly filling with tears. “I do love you but it’s killing me. I feel like I’m dying,” he chokes out. He looks away from you once more and starts tugging at his fingers. “I’m rotting inside and I don’t know what to do to make it better. I just want it to stop. I want it to stop and— I don’t want you around when I’m like this. I want to figure out what the hell is happening and—”
“But if you love me and I love you then why—”
“I’m not happy with you!”
Kazutora widens his eyes, scared by his loud outburst. He parts his lips, silently muttering nonsense as he tries to come up with words that can make it better. You lower your head and he wants to punch himself over it. He doesn’t want to make you cry, not after everything you’ve done for him. Is he really going to be the person that hurt the one that made a home for him in her embrace? Is he going to hurt the only person that was brave enough to pick up the pieces of his shattered soul?
“I’m…” he babbles, in a soft voice. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.”
You snort. “No, you really did mean it, Tora.”
He can sense the hurt and sadness in your voice, even if now you’re the one that won’t look at him. He watches helplessly as you stand up and walk towards the living room window in complete silence. The apron you took off is still on the couch and the vast memories of all the times he embraced you while you were wearing it quickly fill his mind.
He wishes there was a way he could keep you. But no matter how much he wants to, he knows there really is no other way. He’s thought about this countless times. He has gone to work without getting proper sleep, stared at his blank tv screen for hours on end, trying to come up with a plan where he could keep you. Was staying with the person he loved the most too much to ask?
No matter in how many shades of light or with how much care he handled the memory of you, the only way he could spare you the greatest amount of pain was to leave you— even if he knew he’d end up shattering your heart as well.
Kazutora notices the way your fingers tightly close around the edge of the window, your knuckles turning white. He had come to terms that he’d lose you today, yet he never expected for it to be this way. It doesn’t matter, he tells himself. If hating him would mend your wounds faster, then he’d take it. Anything that would make the heartache he was causing you a little bit lighter. He knew you were the last person on Earth that deserved to go to bed carrying that much pain in her soul.
Looking out the window, you focus on a small girl walking her dog on the street. It’s a brown labrador and by the size of it, it’s barely a puppy. Rather than walk, it jumps on its four legs, his little head looking back at the girl every chance he has as he happily wags his tail. The pet shop Kazutora and Chifuyu work at immediately comes to mind. Would it be like this from now on? Small things eliciting memories of your days together without your consent and leaving a sour taste in your mouth?
You will need to find a new commute, you think, as you had been stopping by the pet shop on your way home for the past year. Is there another bus that you could take? As you try to remember the lines and their respective routes, you’re engulfed by the memory of the first time Kazutora dozed off with his head resting on your shoulder as you rode the bus together. You close your eyes and you can clearly see his peaceful expression and slightly parted lips as he slept, his fingers tightly intertwined with yours. His breathing is slow and his hands are cold and you wish you could go back, even for a minute and place a kiss on top of his head, since you wouldn’t be able to do so from now on.
Where exactly had you failed? You had just been complaining about your day when he dropped the bomb. Did you complain too much? Did you talk too much? Or was it you the one that was too much? You tried your best and supported him as much as you could but as it turns out, it hadn’t been enough. Good intentions were nothing but useless as you were now saying goodbye to the man you had loved the most.
You didn’t realize you were crying until you felt Kazutora’s cold knuckles against your cheek, wiping your tears. You gasp, startled by his touch and take a couple steps back until your back hits the wall. It takes a few seconds for him to bring his hand now, unsure on what to do next.
He looks so scared and small— it fills your heart with frustration. Your whole body is screaming to take a step forward and comfort him, cradle him in your arms like so many times before, assure him he’s safe with you and that he doesn’t have to worry anymore. That, if you can still go home to each other at the end of a bad day, you can take anything life throws at you.
But that’s the thing. You’re not each other’s home anymore. You don’t get to bury your face in his neck and hum happily when his perfume reaches your nose. You don’t get to have him take a nap on your lap as you watch a series or feel his lips ghost against yours seconds before colliding in a kiss.
You hate it. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, crossing his arms in front of his chest and looking down at his feet. “Please, don’t cry.”
“You know what, Kazutora?” you say, wiping your tears with the back of your hand. You taste venom in your words, yet that doesn’t stop you. “If you’re not happy with me, then what are you doing here?”
He flinches at your words. Biting his inner cheek, he nods, still incapable of holding your gaze.
“Yeah, okay,” he mutters. “I’ll go. I really am sorry.”
Kazutora turns on his heel, walking towards the door. Maybe it’s the way you know he’s not coming back this time that makes your desperation afloat. You don’t want him to go and you also know you can’t make him stay. And even if somehow you could find a way to keep him by your side, it would be worthless.
He’s just not happy with you.
“Are you happy somewhere else, though?” you ask, your words leaving your mouth before your head has time to process them. He stumbles on his feet and stops. “Because if you just can’t manage to be happy, then it’s not on me.”
Kazutora doesn’t have to turn for you to know he’s second guessing himself. The next seconds feel like years as he just stands there, mid-way to the front door, thoughts so messy and loud you can almost hear them.
“That doesn’t matter,” he finally says with his back to you. He closes his fists and you see his shoulders rising and falling as he takes a deep breath. “This way you don’t have to deal with... with the mess I am and—”
“Oh, please, I knew what I was getting into when I started dating an ex-convict.”
The weight of your words fall onto you the moment they leave your mouth. You squeeze your eyes shut, muttering a curse. It takes no time for you to walk towards Kazutora, standing between him and the door.
“Shit, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Tora, I didn’t— you know I didn’t mean it that way. Fuck, I’m so sorry,” you whimper, tears flowing free down your cheeks. Your wave your shaky hands, desperate to make your point across. “I just wanted to say I knew things would be difficult but I loved you— I love you and I—”
Kazutora shakes his head, a gentle yet sad smile on his face as he takes your hands in his. He holds them in front of his chest, squeezing them gently as they don’t stop trembling.
“Stop, it’s okay,” he assures you. “That’s what I am.”
“It’s not,” you protest. “I mean— yeah, but you’re more than that. You’re so much more than that. You’re caring, you’re noble— you’re so tender with the animals at your shop. You’re so sweet with me, always checking if I’ve eaten and offering to help me out if I have chores I need to do. You always come pick me up if I’m working late. You— you’re so fucking special to me.”
Kazutora’s lips form a tight line. “I wish I could see that,” he whispers.
“Then just— let me try. Let me try until you can look at yourself the way I do,” you almost beg. You let go of the hold he has on your hands to gently cradle his face. “I’ll do anything, but... don’t patronize me. I’m not a little girl. Whatever life throws at me, I’ve always been able to handle it. No— we’ll handle it. Together. Like it’s always been, you and me, I just— please, I don’t want you to go,” you cry. “We were going to be happy together, you were going to live with me and I’d give you half my drawers and half my closet and half… half everything. Please, don’t go. Don’t go, Tora.”
The sadness in his amber eyes only confirms what you’ve been fearing this whole time. You sob, your thumbs softly stroking his cheeks as you feel the world crumbling around you. This time, he doesn’t stop you, letting you cry as you hold his face, coming to terms with the fact he’s really leaving after all.
Your hands move to his hair, gently threading your fingers across his long, dark locks. Tracing the outline of his face, you push one of the dyed streaks away, only for it to fall back right where it was before. You can’t help the small smile that forms on your lips. He’s so pretty, you think, as the pads of your fingers gently caress his face. Your thumb grazes the space between his bottom lip and his chin and you dream of a world when he’s not saying goodbye, but rather falling asleep under your touch on your shared bed. You never knew loving someone as much as you loved him was possible-- yet the way your heart was crumbling in pieces was evidence of how much your soul was aching by being separated from the person it belonged to.
Sniffling, you rub your cheek against your shoulder to wipe your tears. You swallow before raising another question.
“Is this a… temporary thing? Or for good?” Your voice comes out in a whisper as you place down your hands on his shoulders.
“I don’t know,” he answers. He wants nothing more than to put his arms around your body like so many times before, but he’s aware that it will only make things more difficult. “But I don’t want to keep you waiting in vain. You should move on.”
Kazutora realizes how much he hates the idea as it leaves his lips. The idea of you starting over with someone else rots in his tongue. He doesn’t want you to hold anyone’s face the way you were just holding his. He wants to keep you all to himself, to go to endless visits to the grocery shop, to watch you fall asleep during movie night and then pretend you didn’t, to massage your hands as you tell him about his day.
But you don’t deserve the guck that’s forming inside his mind. He knows it’s only a matter of time before it comes out pouring and reaches you. And he’ll be damned if he lets himself ruin the one good thing he’s had in his life for many years. He promised to himself he wouldn’t let his ill state of mind touch his loved ones. Never again.
He watches you nod and feels his heart shattering, even if everything is going just the way he intended. You rub his shoulders and look into his eyes, a sad smile on the pretty lips he would never get to kiss again.
“Okay,” you sigh. “We’ll end this but… when you leave, never doubt how loved you were. No— how loved you are. I don’t know what is coming for either of us but… I do know a part of my heart will always belong to you, no matter who I hold hands with. I will always love you, Tora.”
Your words are enough to finally break him. Kazutora clutches your body tightly against him as he loudly sobs against your shoulder. You hold him, tears flowing free once again as you try and soothe the man you love, leaving small kisses on the side of his head and whispering soft reassurances that it’s okay. It’s not, you tell yourself. It’s never going to be okay. But it has to be.
Carefully, you move him back to the sofa, helping him sit down while he refuses to let go of his hold on your body. You lean on the back pillows, both your arms cradling him while he whimpers like a small child. Kazutora clutches the fabric of your sweater with desperation, wishing there was a way he could stay with you.
Why does he have to give up the person that had put a smile back on his face? He can’t quite remember a time when his stomach had hurt out of laughter before he ever met you. Or when he’d experienced such peace as the night he stayed at your apartment and got to see your sleeping face first thing in the morning. He’s never loved anyone as much as he loves you and, for all he knows, he may never love like this again. 
But he could never risk tainting you. He would never be able to forgive himself.
Kazutora softly pulls away from your embrace. His eyes are blotchy and red and you’re sure yours look the same or even worse. His nose is red, like it always does when he cries. It’s endearing, you think. Everything about him, from his hair, to his eyes, his hands— you’ve come to love every part of Kazutora. And that’s exactly why it’s so hard to let him go.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he says in a whisper, resting the side of his head on the back pillows of the sofa.
“Like what?” you ask, gently pushing his hair away from his face and behind his ear.
“Like I matter to you. Like I’m making a huge mistake.”
You take a deep breath. Imitating him, you rest your head on the back pillows as well, so you’re both facing each other.
“I don’t— I don’t fully understand what you’re going through,” you admit, your eyes locked on his. “But if you need to… get away, then you should. You’ve been nothing but loving to me. All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be happy, whether it’s with me or not. You deserve to fully experience all the beautiful things life has to offer.”
Silent tears fall from both your cheeks and his.
“I should be thankful I got to love you for this whole year. Because even if it ends this way… God, I loved you so much,” you sniffle, letting out a small laugh. “And I felt so loved. Isn’t that magical in itself? That we got to love each other at the same time?” you wonder with a sad smile.
Kazutora parts his lips, yet the doorbell interrupts him before he can even speak. You look at the front door, your eyebrows furrowing for a moment before you realize who’s probably there.
“Food’s here,” you say, wiping the tears from your face.
“Food?” Kazutora asks, confused.
“Yeah,” you sigh. “Didn’t I tell you? The baking dish broke so I called that restaurant, the one with the burgers we like.”
“Sorry. I wasn’t really listening back then,” he admits with a pang of guilt. He sits up on the couch and turns his head at you. “I’ll leave you to it, then.”
You sit up as well. “I ordered for the two of us. C’mon, stay for dinner. Let’s… remember us this way, okay? Without so many tears and sadness,” you offer, tilting your head towards him. “I even ordered your favourite one.”
Kazutora rubs his face with his sleeve, erasing the trail of the tears he just shed. Looking at you, he nods, drawing a small smile on his lips.
“Okay. I’ll get it.”
He only walks a few steps towards the door before he feels you tugging at the back of his shirt. Turning around, he notices you’re standing right behind him. Your eyes look up to him, biting your bottom lip and not even a ghost of the smile you previously offered him.
“Before that, uh— I want you to know I… I mean it,” you firmly say, taking in all his facial features, loving how they soften every time he looks at you. “I’ll always love you. No matter how many years go by or if I ever stop being in love with you— I’ll still love you.”
“I’ll always love you too,” he replies, taking your hand and squeezing it softly. “I don’t think I could stop even if I wanted to.”
You finally let out a soft chuckle and squeeze his hand back. The doorbell rings again and you walk around Kazutora to get to it. This time, he’s the one that stops you, not letting go of the hold of your hand. Looking back at him, you notice the soft pout in his lips and how they softly tremble, looming more tears.
“It’s okay,” you assure him, and you know you’re saying it to yourself as well. “Who knows, we might get together again someday. Have our own Casablanca moment. We’ll always have the pet shop,” you joke, trying to fight back to tears that threaten to fill your eyes as well.
It’s Kazutora’s turn to chuckle, only this time he does it along with you. You let go of his hand only to hold his face tenderly, a soft smile as you look at the man you love. Standing on your tiptoes, you press your lips against the beauty mark under his right eye. You feel his hands setting on the small of your back and watch his smile widen when you fall back on your heels.
Locking your fingers with him once more, you open the door.
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jungshookz · 3 years
maybe, she can drive his car; mechanic!yoongi
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➺ pairing; mechanic!yoongi x spoiledbrat!y/n
➺ genre; mechanic!yoongiverse!! sfw!! honk honk humour!! some suggestive behaviour because this is mechanic!yoongi and his y/n we're talking about!! the green-eyed monster inside of y/n is awoken after being dormant for so long and she's ready to bite some heads off
➺ wordcount; 11.6k
➺ summary; yoongi's ex is back in town for a visit and you'd be lying if you said you weren't slightly envious of a) how knowledgeable she is about stupid cars and b) how well she gets along with literally everyone.
➺ what to expect; "right, about that- i know i was supposed to come over for dinner tonight but- listen, i don't know what lisa did but obviously she's got a lot of connections now and the shop has literally never been this busy before... you understand, don't you?"
➺ currently spinning on the record player; mustang sally (originally by wilson pickett, covered by andrew strong)
(unfortunately i wasn’t able to track down the original maker of this gif but this is where i sourced it from! all credits go to the original creator of course :-))
»»————- 🛠️ ————-««
namjoon usually doesn't pay too much attention to you whenever you're hanging out at the workshop with everyone because of how often you're here, but there's something about the way you're acting today that even he has to admit is oddly very...
and it's not that you're not cute all the time (because you totally are!!) but it's just that the version of you today in particular is suddenly making him want to go off and find a y/n of his own
"whatcha doing?"
namjoon jolts in surprise when a grimy hand suddenly burrows itself into the warm bag of freshly-popped popcorn that he has cradled to his chest and he scowls before turning his body away slightly
"hey, you're contaminating the popcorn, man-" he huffs, quickly grabbing the mega-sized pack of hand wipes from the desk before plopping it down on the countertop for jungkook, "at least have the decency to wipe your hands before digging into my popcorn- also, i'm watching. duh."
"watching?" jungkook frowns as he sloppily wipes his hands on the front of his shirt, turning to look out the open door, "watching what?"
"yoongi and y/n." namjoon hums, popping a couple of kernels into his mouth with a crunch, "she's been following him around like a little duckling all day."
"mm." jungkook props an elbow up on the counter as he looks towards the two of you before clicking his tongue, "...he must've really given it to her good last night if she's acting like that-"
"okay, now you've ruined the moment-" namjoon frowns, his shoulders dropping slightly before he gestures to you guys, "it's sweet! this is obviously a wholesome thing-"
"call it what you want, but all i'm trying to say is that good sex makes you do crazy things-" jungkook snorts before aggressively shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth, "cravy phings."
"i'd like to argue that good sex forms a strong emotional bond which explains why there are cartoon hearts currently floating around y/n's head-" namjoon perks up when he notices the way your eyes light up at something yoongi says, "look at her! look at the way she's looking at him!"
"oh, please." jungkook tuts, "that dopey look on her face is telling me that the only thing on her mind is yoongi bending her over the hood of that car and just ramming-"
"namjoon and jungkook are arguing again." you point out, turning to look towards the office just in time to see namjoon throw a handful of popcorn at jungkook only for him to open his mouth and chomp wildly at the air to get some into his mouth
"jungkook probably said something stupid, as per usual." yoongi snorts, leaning over to lock the hood of the car into place before pulling away and taking a look at the situation, "now, let's see what we have going on here..."
when namjoon told him that this was a brake master cylinder repair he immediately felt all the excitement leave his body
he hates doing brake master cylinder repairs
all the parts are so small and the handiwork is super tedious anD the last time he did one of these he took like four hours to get it done
overall it's a pretty boring repair job and as much as he wants to pass it off to one of the others to do, he knows that he's the most skilled with the internal mechanics of a car compared to everyone else which he usually likes to brag about but today he wishes that that wasn't the case
"so what do you have to do?" you frown, stepping over so that you're standing by the side of the car and you're not in yoongi's way, "all the thingies look fine to me."
"well, i actually need to replace the brake master cylinder thingy." yoongi teases, smiling lightly as he points at some kind of container, "there's a leak in the seals, which is pretty common since they wear out after a few years. it should be an easy fix! it'll just take a while, that's all."
luckily, taehyung already took care of the messy part and emptied the fluid from the reservoir for him so now it's time to start the actual repair process
"so does beeper have one of these cylinders in him?" you ask, tilting your head in curiosity
you've never actually taken a look at beeper's under the hood situation before so you wouldn't know
(it feels like he's all naked and exposed whenever yoongi lifts his hood up and you just want to give beeper some privacy, that's all.)
"if beeper didn't have one of these cylinders in him, you wouldn't be able to brake, silly." yoongi snorts, reaching down to unclip the sensor from the reservoir, "see, when you push down on the brake, it pushes a piston through the cylinder and forces hydraulic fluid through the brake lines, which goes to the slave cylinders of each wheel, and then-" he pauses when he notices you've gone all quiet and he turns to see you staring directly at him with a dopey little smile on your face "-what? what'd i say?"
"i like it when you talk shop to me." you giggle quietly, "i mean, i don't understand 98% of the words that come out of your mouth when you do, but i still like it a lot-"
"yeah?" yoongi teases, taking a hand off the edge of the car so he can gesture for you to come closer (and you do, obviously), "you like it when i talk to you about... hm, i don't know..." he feigns cluelessness as he stands up to slink an arm around your waist and bring you towards him while your arms automatically hang loosely around his neck, "how the rubbing of the brake pad against the brake disc generates friction..." he lowers his voice as he sits lightly on the edge of the car and gives your hips a squeeze
"mm, tell me more..." you play along, letting yoongi pull you closer so that you're settled nicely in between his legs
"i don't know, maybe i should save all the good stuff for the bedroom..."
you resist the urge to immediately start whining when you lean in only for yoongi to dodge your kiss, "hey, i like you in these baggy overalls, by the way." he suddenly changes the subject and you feel your cheeks flush when both his hands slide in through the gaps until he's able to grip your bum, "big, big fan of them-"
"you- namjoon and jungkook are right there-" you gawk, "at least have the decency to turn me around so they don't see you fully groping me-"
"they can always just close their eyes or something-"
"okay, you two, break it up-!" you hear namjoon's claps echoing from the office as he tries to get your attention and you immediately turn to look at him with a grin, "god, it's like you sick freaks want to rub it in our faces-"
"okay, i have to get to work so why don't you go and hang out with namjoon in the office?" yoongi stands up, being careful not to hit the top of his head on the hood, "he'll let you play chess on the computer if you ask nicely."
"i thought i was helping you out today!" you frown, grabbing onto his hand before waving it back and forth, "you said i did a good job handing you the tools and stuff. i'm getting better at not mixing all the different types of screwdrivers up!"
yoongi can't help but laugh at how needy you're being and he reaches up with his free hand to adjust his bandana
"i know you wanna help, but i promise you there's nothing exciting about repairing a master cylinder." he hums, reaching up to pinch your cheek playfully, "plus, don't you still have a huge research paper to work on?"
"yeah, but i'd much rather hang out with you..." you pout, yoongi cooing before leaning in to give your pushed-out bottom lip a little kiss
"we can hang out when we're both done with work."
"okay..." you purse your lips before letting go of his hand, "it's your loss. i'm a fantastic helper."
"mhm, you certainly are-" yoongi spins you around before pushing his palm against your lower back to get you to move, "now go and bug namjoon!"
you turn back to glance at yoongi one last time and he sweeps his hands at you to tell you to gO
it was getting hot in the garage anyway and namjoon always has the aircon blasting in the office
"sorry! only sad, single people are allowed in this area-" namjoon jokes as soon as you step in, gesturing to the office space with a grin, "leave or i'll have security escort you out."
"oh, stop it." you giggle, folding your arms up on the counter and leaning forward, "i keep telling you i'd be more than happy to set you up with one of my friends!!"
"i know, and that's very nice of you to offer, but i just want to find someone organically, you know?" namjoon sighs, leaning back against his chair before looking up at the ceiling wistfully, "being set up with someone doesn't feel like a natural process."
"namjoon thinks he's the main character of a shitty netflix romantic comedy." jungkook mutters, the two of you exchanging low giggles with each other
"well, if no one comes into your life organically you can always let me know and i'll- woah-" you jump in surprise when the sound of a roaring engine suddenly shatters the peaceful atmosphere and you turn around just in time to see a sleek car veering into the shop
you wince and raise a hand to shield your eyes from the bright headlights and you don't get a chance to make the first comment because jungkook beats you to it
(for the record, you were going to talk about how dramatic of an entrance whatever that was)
"oh my god. that is the sexiest car i've ever seen in my entire life." he breathes out, stepping away from the counter so he can stand by the door and get a closer look, "a 1965 mustang. nice."
"fun fact: i was actually thinking about getting a vintage mustang! i wanted an olive green one because i could've named her 'olive' which is super cute-" you nod enthusiastically, looking back and forth between namjoon and jungkook only for them to.,., completely ignore you and continue staring at the glossy mustang sitting out front
"okay, you guys, it's just a car-" you roll your eyes and let out a little snort of disbelief, "this isn't going to change your life or anything-"
a high-heel clad foot steps out of the car and onto the pavement and you immediately recognize the classic red-bottom louboutins
you actually own a pair of them as well but you rarely wear them out because you're always paranoid that you're going to topple over and snap an ankle and that would be completely mortifying
they're six inches tall!!!!
for the record, they look very nice sitting (collecting dust) on your shelf but now you're starting to think that it might be a good idea to wear them out again because this stranger makes it look like walking in them is easy breezy beautiful
"holy shit. is that lisa?" namjoon murmurs, reaching up to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "oh, wow. she..."
"i don't remember her looking like that the last time we saw her." jungkook whistles lowly, "hello, miss manoban."
"lisa- who's lisa?" you frown, tilting your head in curiosity as you watch this mysterious lisa toss her oversized sunglasses into the front seat of the car before slamming the door shut
"uh, she's just one of yoongi's exes- she actually used to work here but-" namjoon reaches over the counter so he can nudge you aside gently to get a better look, "when did she get a vintage mustang?!"
lisa leans down to look at herself in the side mirror, smearing some red lipstick over her pillowy bottom lip before rubbing her lips together and nodding satisfactorily
"guess her car-wrapping business really took off." jungkook hums, his eyes glued to the car
she seems to be moving in slow motion as she takes her hair down and shakes her head back and forth, the three of you tilting your heads at the same time as you watch her in awe
"car-wrapping?" you ask curiously, "she must spend a fortune on wrapping paper and giant bows-"
"no, obviously it's not actual wrapping- like-" jungkook huffs and you resist the urge to bop him over the head at how snappy he's being with you when he already knows you're clueless when it comes to this kind of stuff, "okay, you know how you said that if you ever got a g-wagon for yourself one day that you wanted to make it baby blue just like beeper and also matte? lisa could do that for you."
"oh! in that case, it might be nice to get a business card from her or something-" you make a mental note before shaking your head and turning back around to face namjoon, "hey, so, super casual, can we round back to the whole 'yoongi's ex' thing real quickly because i-"
"yoohoo, boys!" lisa whistles, grinning excitedly when she's suddenly joined by everyone outside one by one, "what, no one thought to roll out the red carpet for me?"
"c'mon, namjoon! let's go say hi to lisa and her vintage 'stang!!" jungkook grins, gesturing for namjoon to hurry before he's darting out the door, "lisa, hey!"
"yeah, okay!!" namjoon gets up from his seat so quickly that he sends his chair rolling back and smacking against the file cabinets, "oh, y/n-! if anyone calls, just send them straight to voicemail-"
"but i-" you don't get a chance to say anything before namjoon's brushing past you and dashing out the door as well
you don't know too much about lisa but obviously she's a pretty big deal around here
it'd probably be good for you to go and introduce yourself instead of awkwardly hanging out in the office by yourself
"hello, lisa. it's very nice to meet you. firm handshake." you mutter to yourself as you step out of the office and head towards the bustling group of boys, "hey, lisa! so great to meet you. firm handshake. hi, girlie-! nope, don't like that one-"
"-in town for business so i thought it'd be nice to swing by and visit my boys." you manage to catch the end of lisa's sentences as you join the boys, trying not to make any sudden movements to catch her attention
"you should've texted one of us or something!" namjoon pulls his phone out of his back pocket, "we could've ordered a pizza for lunch-"
you reach over to give the back of yoongi's jumpsuit a little tug just to get his attention and he glances over his shoulder at you before offering you a teasing smile and reaching back to wiggle his fingers against your stomach
you giggle lightly before swatting his hand away and he turns back to look at lisa
"well, i wanted to surprise you guys!" lisa chirps, tucking her clutch underneath her armpit before clapping her hands together, "i see nothing's changed around here... except for..." you feel your heart drop when she suddenly leans over and looks directly at you, "hello! i don't think we've ever met."
"oh, shoot- sorry, i should've introduced you sooner-" yoongi steps aside so that he isn't blocking you, "lisa, this is y/n! y/n, this is lisa." he smiles, gesturing towards lisa, "my girlfriend." he pauses and quickly shakes his head at his little flub-up, "i mean- lisa, this is y/n, my girlfriend-"
"he's definitely gonna pay for that later." jimin mutters, jungkook snickering before nudging at his side to get him to shut up
"it's super nice to meet you, y/n!" lisa doesn't acknowledge yoongi's error and she steps forward to get closer to you
she's practically towering over you but it's really just because of the stilettos
she turns her head to look at the boys and a second of silence goes by before they realize what she's asking of them and they all scatter in different directions
you give yoongi a look that basically screams S.O.S. and you resist the urge to burst into tears when he gives you a cheery thumbs up in return and trots off to go and do something else
you'll be fine
you have nothing to be nervous about!
this is just yoongi's very hot ex who looks like a million bucks while you'e currently dressed like a giant toddler
it doesn't help that you're wearing what's commonly known as a 'baby tee' under these overalls
"you- yeah, you too-" you chuckle uneasily, giving her a weak handshake before pulling away with a smile, "i'm sorry, i'm a little underdressed-" you pause to gesture to the grubby overalls you have on, "i promise i look better than this most of the time..."
"oh, don't be silly. i just grabbed the first outfit i saw out of my suitcase and threw it on-" she sighs, reaching up to pick some lint off her blazer that you're pretty sure you saw in the most recent YSL spring catalog (in fact, you're pretty sure it's on your to-buy list), "so, what do you do?"
"me? i- uh, well, nothing, at the moment- i'm still studying for my undergraduate degree, so..." you shrug sheepishly, reaching up to scratch the back of your neck
for some reason you can't seem to maintain eye contact with her for more than three seconds at a time
"oh! you're still in school?"
"yeah, i- well, i'm graduating this year, so i'm almost out of school if you think about it that way- but yes. yes, i... am currently a university student, so that's what i'm doing."
"mm, cute! what are you studying?"
"history! i'm a history major and a marine biology minor." you nod, "so... the cold war and... like, sharks. something like that."
"ah, very cool."
to be honest you're not entirely sure if lisa's being sincere or not but you'll take the compliment either way
you can tell she's trying to scope you out - which is fair, because this is the first time you two are meeting and you're currently involved with someone she used to be involved with
"i'm sorry. i'm probably, like, freaking you out right now, aren't i?" lisa snorts, reaching out and placing her hand on your forearm for a split second, "i promise i'm just genuinely curious and i'm not trying to, like, interrogate you or anything. it's super nice to meet you! and honestly- i love the overalls. the little knee patches are adorable."
"oh, thank you..." you smile nervously, reaching down to glance at the mismatched patches of fabric sewn onto the knees of your overalls, "yoongi actually sewed 'em on for me! i usually wear this whenever i'm here because i'm okay with getting it dirty- i, um, i like your blazer! and your heels. and your purse- a chanel clutch is a classic!"
"ooh, someone has an eye for fashion..." lisa winks, raising her clutch and waving it slightly, "maybe after i'm done talking business with yoongi we can talk about gucci's new multicolour line-"
"oh, i have so many thoughts on gucci's new multicolour line!" you gasp, suddenly reignited with a spurt of energy, "honestly the colour scheme is very stabilo highlighters to me but we can talk about it later- i'll just be hanging out in the office, so you can find me there whenever you're ready-"
"perfect!" lisa gives you a thumbs up before pointing over to where yoongi is, "if you'll excuse me, i have to go and talk about boring things with yoongi-"
"mhm!" you watch with a smile as lisa click-clacks off towards yoongi before you spin around on your heels, giving yourself a mental pat on the back for how well you handled that interaction
lisa's actually nicer than you thought she'd be!
obviously the saying don't judge a book by its cover is very applicable here
"so... what'd you think of lisa?" namjoon joins your side before nudging you gently, "she's nice, right?"
"i like her! she seems really cool." you nod enthusiastically, pausing to glance over your shoulder to look at her from behind, "i need to ask her for tips on walking in those louboutins and how not to fall over."
"you know, i must say i'm pleasantly surprised at how you're handling this." namjoon snorts, holding back for a second to let you into the office first before he steps in behind you, "colour me impressed!"
"thank you!" you reach over to pull the lollipop jar towards you before suddenly pausing and looking back over at namjoon with a frown, "hold on a sec, what's that supposed to mean?"
"hm? oh, it's nothing." namjoon scrunches his nose, dismissing you with a flick of his wrist as he takes his seat behind the counter, "i just know that if i was in your shoes and my significant other's very attractive and very successful ex came back i would be a little antsy about it-" namjoon glances up from the computer and his eyes widen in panic when he notices that your eyes have widened in panic, "i- i mean- not that you're not very attractive and very successful- what i'm trying to say is that you have nothing to worry- you and yoongi seem like a very stable couple so-"
"do you think maybe you could tell me a bit about yoongi and lisa?" you interrupt his spiral and you feel yourself starting to get a little fidgety, "because i- i actually don't know anything about that situation-"
namjoon has a point, now that you think about it
lisa is very successful and very attractive and can walk in high heels very elegantly
and what about you?
yesterday you submitted a paper one minute before the deadline because of how much procrastinating you had done
and you haven't worn heels in forever because they just hurt so much
but lisa wouldn't complain about her feet hurting in high heels
lisa could have a hundred blisters and still walk into the room with a beautiful, red-lipped smile
"has he never told you about her?" namjoon frowns, "i feel like every couple should at least have one conversation about their past relationships."
"i think he tried to one time, but i- i dunno, you can't blame me for not wanting to sit there and listen to yoongi talking about all the girls he's been with, so i just changed the subject..." you mutter, pushing the jar away from you after pulling a strawberry lollipop out, "kind of regretting that decision now."
it's not like you have a reason to be insecure or anything, right?
your relationship with yoongi is very solid and there are certainly no trust issues or communication issues or anything of the sort
but he is your first boyfriend...,., and this is your first serious relationship which means you've had no prior experiences to learn from which means you're just going with the flow most of the time.,., so is it possible that you're being a little naïve right now?
"still, i don't think me telling you all the details of their relationship is a good idea because i feel like this is a conversation you should be having with yoongi-" namjoon chuckles nervously, leaning back against his chair before tucking a pencil behind his ear, "sorry, kiddo. i'm not trying to stir the pot here."
"i- oh, c'mon, joon- what's it gonna take, huh?" you reach into the front pocket of your overalls before subtly flashing a folded up hundred dollar bill, pursing your lips slightly as your eyes flicker back and forth between namjoon and your chest-money, "hm??"
"first of all, it's very concerning to me that you stash loose cash in your pocket like that. second of all, are you really trying to bribe me into telling you about yoongi and lisa?" namjoon asks incredulously
"what?! no!" you scoff, tucking the bill back into your pocket before pausing and raising an eyebrow, "...is it working?"
"no! in fact, i find it offensive that you think i'd be so easily swayed-"
"the next time i bring sushi for lunch, i'll get you your own mango shrimp tempura roll." you offer, namjoon staring at you blankly before he suddenly springs into action
"so, they used to sleep together, obviously." he clears his throat, "when lisa started working here, i kind of expected her to get involved with one of us and unsurprisingly it was yoongi, because... well, it's yoongi- i'm pretty sure it was a friends with benefits kind of thing because i remember asking him about it and he said they didn't want to put a label on it? and then at one point jimin asked lisa about it because all of us were super curious and she called it a 'situationship'... which, personally, i think is a pretty cheesy label- i dunno, they'd go out to dinners sometimes and occasionally they'd come into work together in the morning because- well, you know- uh, they were in this 'situationship' for... maybe, like, eight months? and then lisa got an opportunity to work elsewhere and she took it and they decided to call it off and fast forward to now... here we are!" namjoon claps his hands together before pressing his palm over his heart, "and i promise you that's all the information i have- well, maybe this piece of information might be useful to you: they were, like, super horny for each other all the time. like, almost outrageously horny, which i think is one of the downfalls of the relationship because you can't base a solid relationship off of animalistic sex, right? ooh, there was one time i caught them in yoongi's office and lisa was-"
"okay, i think that's enough-!" you hold a hand out to shut namjoon up and he shrugs before leaning back against his chair, "more than enough, actually-"
you weren't expecting to learn about the raw, animalistic sex yoongi had with lisa, but then again, you weren't expecting to even meet lisa at all
oh, god
should you be nervous??
you shouldn't be nervous, right??
...yeah, you're being ridiculous!
yoongi has been with other girls before and that shouldn't bother you because you didn't exist then
this has nothing to do with you!
so what if he bent her over the office table and-
okay, maybe it's time to stop thinking about this because the point is: you're fine. don't worry. everything is normal. yoongi is your boyfriend. lisa is his ex. everything is great!
"by the way, i want you to know that you honestly have nothing to worry about." namjoon suddenly chimes in as if he can read your mind, "lisa was yoongi's past but you are his present and most likely his future as well, so- seriously, don't even worry about it."
"yeah, you're right. it'd be silly of me to be upset about yoongi being with someone else when i wasn't even in the picture yet." you snort, reaching up to smack your own forehead gently, "okay! i'm feeling a little better. it would've been nice to not be informed about how horny they were for each other, but thank you for that detail-"
"yo, where are the snap ring pliers from my toolbox?" you turn just in time to see yoongi pop his head in, "i can't find them anywhere... i swear to god, everyone keeps borrowing my tools and 'forgetting' to put them back-" he rolls his eyes before looking over at you with a smile, "hi, baby-"
"hi yoongi-" you giggle, all your doubts and insecurities immediately fluttering away
see? nothing to worry about!
it feels like a weight's been lifted off your shoulders
"i think hoseok might've been using them earlier this morning." namjoon hums, "what do you need them for?"
"oh, lisa offered to help me out with the master cylinder repair and she needs 'em." yoongi points back over his shoulder, "you know how great she is with her hands-"
"woah, i thought-" your voice cracks slightly and you clear your throat, "i thought, uh- you were working on it yourself? like, i thought you didn't need any help and that's why i'm in here-"
"oh, i don't, but- well, lisa's good with fine-tuning so i might as well take advantage of her expertise while she's here." yoongi snorts before looking back over at namjoon, "you said hoseok had them?"
you bite down on your tongue to keep yourself from commenting any further
it's fine!
as we've already established, you have nothing to worry about.
»»————- 🛠️ ————-««
"and... voilà!" you smile satisfactorily to yourself after you set the scented candle down on the coffee table
the living room is going to smell like warm brown sugar and cinnamon in a few minutes and you can't wait
this is yoongi's favourite candle so you hope he'll be excited about that when he gets here :'))
you've been preparing the apartment for his arrival and lighting the candle was one of the last things on your to-do list
you still have to order dinner for tonight and you've always been awful at making decisions so you figured it'd be best to let yoongi choose instead
you haven't seen him for about a week and a half because of finals (and, being perfectly honest, you were the one who implemented this distancing rule in the first place because you know you won't be able to focus on studying when yoongi's in the apartment with you) so you're pretty pumped for tonight!!
you hum to yourself as you click on yoongi's phone number in your contacts, flopping back on the couch with a fwump! while your legs swing lazily over the arm
the phone picks up after a couple of rings and it takes you a second to realize that the voice on the other end certainly does not belong to your boyfriend
"he-" you pause, pulling your phone away from your ear and frowning at the unfamiliar voice before bringing it back, "um, hello?"
"hi! who's this?"
"who's this?" you point to yourself before scoffing lightly, "what do you mean who- who's this?"
"oh- oh, y/n! hey, it's lisa!" lisa greets enthusiastically and you relax a little knowing that it's just lisa, "sorry, i didn't look at the contact name before picking up- what's up?"
"well, i-" you pause again to recollect your thoughts, "um, sorry, i guess i was just expecting yoongi to pick up his own phone so i'm a little lost right now-"
"oh my gosh, don't even worry about it! yoongi's hands are super gross right now so i offered to take his call for him which is why i picked up the phone. is there something you wanted me to pass along to him?"
"yeah, you could pass his phone right along to him-" you joke before reminding yourself to keep the unnecessary cattiness to a minimum, "yeah, um- can you ask him what time he's coming over? so that i know what time to order our food and stuff? i want the food to still be nice and hot by the time he gets here, so i just need a time from him, that's all-"
"yeah, about that... i actually don't think yoongi's going to make it for dinner."
"i-" you frown, pushing yourself up so that you're leaning back against an elbow, "what? why not?"
"the thing is, i hooked him up with a bunch of clients so the poor thing's been working like a dog all day and it looks like he's going to be stuck here for a while... if you're worried about him skipping dinner, i can totally go and get some food for him if you want! there's this sandwich place a block away and i know what he likes-"
your eyes widen slightly at how... happy? lisa sounds about the fact that yoongi potentially won't be joining you for dinner and you nod to yourself as you clench your jaw
"that's- that's very kind of you, lisa-" your voice is a little pitchier than usual at this point and you clear your throat obnoxiously, "i'm sorry, i just really have to talk to yoongi for a second so if you could just, like, hold the phone up to his ear that would be okay too-"
"okay! gimme a sec." there's a bit of shuffling on the other end and you press your lips together as you wait (im)patiently, "yoongs! it's y/n... dinner... hot food... her place... clients... pretty busy tonight..."
and she even has a nickname for him
that's just downright adorable, isn't it?
"god, just give him the damn phone." you mutter under your breath, raising your other hand to inspect your cuticles as you lie back down on the couch
you should probably schedule another manicure soon
"-it's okay, i can hold the phone myself- y/n?" you perk up when you hear yoongi on the other end and you can't help but kick your legs in excitement
you can't help it!!!
you haven't heard his voice in a whole week and a half!!!
"greetings, yoongs." you tease, "what time are you going to be here?" you bypass lisa's whole monologue about yoongi probably not being able to come over tonight in hopes that she'll be wrong about him ditching you to continue working, "i wanna order the food so it'll get here a little before you arrive. also, i haven't chosen what we're going to eat tonight so you're going to have to choose for us-"
"right, about that-" yoongi clears his throat, "i know i was supposed to come over for dinner tonight but- listen, i don't know what lisa did but obviously she's got a lot of connections now and the shop has literally never been this busy before..." he pauses and you hear the sound of loud clanging in the background, "you understand, don't you?"
it takes you a couple of seconds to process the fact that yoongi really won't be coming over tonight and you puff your cheeks out to keep yourself from immediately whining in protest
to say the least, you are.,.,,. very disappointed,.., but!! it won't be the end of the world, right?
you hate that lisa was right, but that's a conversation you can have with yourself another time
and if yoongi won't be here, that means you can hog all the garlic cheesy bread to yourself so maybe this is a blessing in disguise >:-)
"no, yeah, i- yeah, get it!" you nod, "i love that business is booming, i just don't love that you didn't text me or call me earlier to let me know you weren't going to come over tonight," you frown, turning your head to look at the flickering candle, "a heads up would've been nice, that's all..."
"i asked lisa to text you earlier when my hands were full... sorry, she must've forgot..."
"oh. yeah, i guess it could've slipped her mind." you respond dryly, "it would've taken, like, five seconds to text me-"
"okay, i-" you hear yoongi let out a small sigh before he speaks up again, "i'm sorry, baby, i really am- do you- i can come over now if you want me t-"
"no, it's okay! i'm sorry, i'm just-" you shake your head quickly before chuckling uneasily, "i just haven't seen you in a while so i miss you, that's all- but i'll let you get back to work now and i'll see you later?"
"yes! you are the best, you really are- look, i promise i'll be all yours as soon as i-"
"yoongi! these tires aren't going to change themselves, silly-"
"oh, c'mon-" you grumble, your teeth grinding slightly at the interruption of lisa's peppy voice in the background
"uh- yeah, in a sec-! i gotta go, doll- i'll call you later-"
"okay, b-" you don't get a chance to even say goodbye before the line goes dead and the only thing you can hear is an obnoxious beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep- "-ye."
»»————- 🛠️ ————-««
one of your goals for the new year was to try your best to not hold a grudge
admittedly, holding grudges is one of your specialties so it's been a little bit difficult but you think you've been doing an okay job so far!
like that time jungkook accidentally drowned you with dirty car water because he didn't see you and also he had headphones on so he couldn't hear you
you were ready to strangle him right then and there but you just took a deep breath and reminded yourself that *~deep-cleaning services exist~*
and sure, you were a little upset that yoongi couldn't make it for dinner the other night and that the two of you haven't really had a chance to have a moment alone because of how swamped he's been with work, but... well, the past is in the past and challenges like this are good for your personal growth!
plus, it's the start of a new week so you're just going to focus on the present
you try your best to keep your footsteps as quiet as possible as you approach a preoccupied yoongi from behind
he's currently sorting out all the things to do on his giant whiteboard (you bought this for the boys because you thought it'd be a good way to organize all their tasks and unsurprisingly, namjoon was the most excited about it)
"guess who?" you hold your hands over yoongi's eyes with a giddy smile and he immediately spins around to face you
"hey, what are you doing here?" yoongi asks, leaning down to give you a quick kiss before pulling away to check the time on his watch, "aren't you supposed to be in class right now?"
"my history seminar was cancelled because my professor had some kind of an emergency so i thought i'd come and have lunch with you guys!" you hum, reaching over to fix the thin silver chain hanging around yoongi's neck, "i was going to pick the food up before coming here but i didn't want to just choose for everyone so i thought it'd be better to get everyone's orders first-"
"oh, you don't have to do that, baby-" yoongi shakes his head, capping the marker and dropping it back into the wire holder, "lisa actually offered to treat us to lunch- apparently there's some bagel place that has, like, a hundred different fillings-"
"lisa's here?" you interrupt, suddenly straightening your back before looking around quickly, "i... was not aware that lisa was... still here! i thought she was only here for a little while-"
"mm, she ended up extending her stay! one of her clients pushed their appointment to thursday so she came over to help out for the day."
"oh, cool." you nod, pressing your lips together as you take a second to sort through your thoughts
your nose scrunches slightly as you weigh the pros and cons of saying what you're about to say to yoongi
it won't kill you to ask, right?
"hey, i don't wanna, um-" you pause, "you know, i don't wanna... be that girlfriend, but... do you think that there's a slight possibility that lisa might still have feelings for you?"
a moment of silence goes by before yoongi practically barks out a laugh of disbelief
"what? lisa? no, no- that- no, don't be ridiculous." he snorts, shaking his head before turning back around to face the whiteboard, "lisa most certainly does not still have feelings for me- and, by the way, she was the one who broke things off with me, so if anything, i should be the one who still has feelings for-" he stops himself midway and presses his lips together before turning to glance at you over his shoulder, "you know, i'm hearing the words coming out of my mouth and i... am going to shut up now."
"mm, good choice." you raise a brow before shrugging, "alright, well, i just- you know, it's a possibility but if you say that lisa doesn't still have feelings for you, then i believe you-"
"alright, boys! it's chow time!"
you turn your head to see lisa waltzing into the shop carrying two large paper bags and the rest of the boys immediately rush over to her like moths to a flame
she brought bagels for lunch?
you're not trying to be biased or anything sandwiches are easier to eat, in your personal opinion
you basically have to unhinge your jaw to get a good bite of a bagel
"y/n!" lisa looks more than surprised at your presence when you and yoongi walk over the join the group, "i wasn't aware you were going to be here today- yoongi told me that you had class so i-" she pauses to set the bags down on the table, "oh my goodness, i am so sorry but i really didn't know you'd be joining us for lunch... yoongi, you could've texted me or something-"
"she just got here!" yoongi shrugs as he takes a seat at the table, "don't pin this on me-"
"ah, i probably look like such a jerk right now..." lisa winces, scratching the back of her head before reaching down to grab a bagel out of one of the paper bags, "here! you can take my bagel-"
"no, no, it's alright!" you hold your hands out before shaking them, "don't be silly, you don't have to do that- it's very nice of you to offer but i- it's alright, you go ahead and enjoy yourself!"
"oh, stop- take the bagel, y/n." lisa scoffs playfully, practically shoving the bagel into your arms before rummaging through the bags again, "i'll just share a bagel with yoongi! you don't mind, right, yoongs?"
"yeah, i had a snack earlier so i'm not, like, starving or anything-" yoongi nods, "what kind of filling is it?"
"this one is..." lisa pauses to look at the sticker on the top, "smoked salmon and dill cream cheese with capers."
"yoongi doesn't like capers." you chime in, suddenly feeling the need to prove to everyone that you know your boyfriend very well, "i remember they were sprinkled in a salad one time and he said they were too salty-"
"eh, i'll survive. i can always just pick 'em out." yoongi shrugs nonchalantly and you can't help but purse your lips in mild frustration at his response
"'atta boy! luckily, they're already sliced in half otherwise we'd have to take turns taking bites which would be weird-"
"agreed." you mutter, peeling the label off your bagel and sticking it onto the side instead
"oh, lisa! i was wondering if maybe you could help me out with some custom headlights i'm working on?" hoseok perks up, "i'm having some trouble getting the halo lights to work and i need your magic hands-"
"mhm! i can definitely check them out after lunch-" lisa grins, taking a seat next to yoongi, "anyone need a napkin?"
"yes, please!"
"i need one too-"
"pass one over here-"
you know it's silly of you to be feeling jealous over this because god knows the only thing you know about cars is that key go in and car go vroom so obviously the boys would never ask you to help them out with anything like how they're asking lisa to help out
and you're trying very hard to noT throw a self-pity party but it's getting harder and harder to not to that
(and it certainly doesn't help that there aren't any more seats left at the table)
you just can't help but feel so!!!!! inferior!!!!! compared to lisa
she's so cool and pretty and witty and obviously very knowledgable about cars
and what are you bringing to the table??
ham and cheese sandwiches??? fancy sushi rolls????
obviously not anymore because they've been replaced by these stupid bagels
this is the first time you haven't been able to throw money at a problem and you're not,.., sure.,., how you feel about it,..,
"i, uh, have to work on a paper, so i think i'm going to go and eat this in the office if anyone wants to come with?" you clear your throat quietly as you start to back away from the table slowly, "...or i can just go fuck myself, which is fine too."
you're not entirely surprised when your comment isn't acknowledged by anyone and you nod to yourself before swiftly turning on your heel and trying your best not to storm towards the office
you force your fists to uncurl and your shoulders to relax slightly but you can't help but make a face when you hear the boys laughing obnoxiously at one of lisa's jokes
of course she has to be funny as well
because the woman literally has zero flaws
you've been trying to find a reason to hate her and so far you haven't found anything negative to say
hating someone for having perfectly styled hair is a little odd
the legs of the chair screech against the floor as you pull it out and plop down
you like eating alone anyway
you unwrap the parchment paper and pick up the bagel before taking an overly aggressive bite of it, your cheeks practically bursting from how much food is currently in your mouth
you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand as you chew, tossing the bagel back onto the wrapper with a thunk!
this is the best goddamn bagel you've ever had in your entire life!!
"phtupid phriggin' bavhel." you grumble, reaching up to wipe the sauce off the corner of your mouth before swallowing roughly, "even the mayo is delicious! god, what is this? some kind of garlic mayo-"
"oh my god. i think she's finally lost it." you jolt upon hearing jungkook's voice and you turn to see him and jimin standing at the door
"what's your problem?" jimin asks, the two of them walking over to join you at your sad, lonely table
"what? nothing. i don't have a problem." you shake your head stubbornly, "i just- i just wanted to be alone, that doesn't mean something's wrong-"
"is that why you're in here basically yelling at a bagel?" jungkook points out as he pulls out a chair and sits on your right
"i'm- i'm just stressed about- my paper. or whatever. it's whatever, i'm fine-"
"you can talk to us, you know." you frown when jungkook suddenly reaches over and in an uncharacteristic move, places both hands over yours
"is it about lisa?" jimin asks, crinkling his nose as he sits down as well, "it's about lisa, isn't it?"
"no, it's not-" you press your lips together before letting out a light laugh, "you know, i don't even have a reason to be upset about lisa, right? she's super cool and very nice and knows a lot about cars and is yoongi's age and namjoon blessed me with the knowledge that she, apparently, was a very passionate lover- so i have nothing to be upset about!" you snap, slapping your palm down on the table before wincing and cradling your hand to your chest, "...everything is fine."
"i have to say, i really don't think jealousy is a good look on you." jungkook clicks his tongue before glancing down at your feet, "i also don't know if those shoes are a good look on you- jeez, it's like the people at gucci are just pulling design elements out of a hat-"
"you are not making me feel any better, jungkook- these shoes are new!"
"ooh, you should make him jealous!" jungkook suddenly lights up and the fluorescent light hanging above you guys flickers for a second
"we're going to have to round back to my shoes later because i really don't think they're that bad-"
"you should make him jealous and give him a taste of his own medicine..." jungkook trails off, ignoring your previous comments once again, "it's what you deserve."
"i'm not- i'm not doing that." you chuckle uneasily, "are you serious? this isn't high school and getting him back would just be petty of me-"
"but it'd feel so nice to be petty, don't you think?" jungkook encourages, scooting a little closer to you with a devilish grin, "think about it, y/n. don't you wanna see yoongi get all hot and possessive over you-"
"i don't think it's a good idea." jimin chimes in, shaking his head quickly as he moves in closer as well, "because if yoongi finds out you orchestrated something just to get him back, that might create an issue of trust in the relationship, and that would be very, very bad-"
"oh, but it feels so good to be bad..." jungkook coos, poking your arm with his pointer finger, "so, so good..."
"uh, i don't think so! i'd like to argue that it feels bad to be bad-"
"don't listen to jimin, he's a wuss-"
"don't listen to jungkook, he's an idiot-!"
"okay, cut it out!" you snap, shoving your hands into both their chests to keep them from coming any closer, "i... must admit, i do want to do something to piss yoongi off because of how much he's pissed me off, but... i'm not like that, you know? and i don't want to come off as some crazy girlfriend because-" you pause when you notice jungkook's finger creeping closer and closer to your bagel and you immediately deflate as soon as you realize what's going on here, "oh my god. you guys only came in here because you wanted to try my bagel, didn't you?"
jungkook and jimin exchange knowing glances before looking up at you sheepishly
"yeah, that makes more sense-" you snort, rolling your eyes before pushing the bagel away from you, "have at it, you animals."
you lean back against your chair, stroking your chin in thought as the sound of jungkook and jimin bickering over who gets the bigger half of the bagel starts to fade out
to be petty or not to be petty, that is the question...
»»————- 🛠️ ————-««
(spoiler alert: the answer to the previous question is to be petty. very, very petty.) »»————- 🛠️ ————-««
"namjoon! where did you put my keys??" yoongi calls out, yanking open another drawer to rifle through its contents, "i'm supposed to pick y/n up from campus and i can't find them anywhere... i don't want her to just stand there waiting for me..."
"looking for these?"
yoongi looks up to see lisa standing by the door with his keys in her hand before she tosses them to him
"yes! you're a lifesaver, thanks-" he catches them with one hand before stepping out from behind the counter, "i thought you were leaving today? we already said goodbye to you this morning-"
"yeah, i know-" lisa chuckles as she steps into the office, "it's just that... well, i was going to just leave but i actually had something i needed to talk to you about before i left. i felt it wouldn't be fair to either one of us if i didn't say anything."
"mm. what's up?" yoongi hums, sticking his hand into the lollipop jar to pull a cherry flavoured one out
he pulls another one out before tucking it into his pocket (one for you when he picks you up!)
"well, i guess i should just go ahead and say it- just gotta rip the bandaid off-" lisa straightens her blazer before clearing her throat, "yes."
"...yes?" yoongi frowns, unwrapping his lollipop before popping it into his mouth and scrunching up the wrapper, "i'm not following. yes to what?"
"oh, don't play dumb-" lisa snorts, flicking her wrist at him, "yes, as in: i would love to rekindle our friends with benefits situationship-"
"woah, what?!" yoongi immediately chokes and he yanks the lollipop out of his mouth before patting his chest roughly, "what are you- what the hell are you talking about??"
"what do you mean what the hell am i talking about??" lisa stares at him incredulously before shaking her head, "you're the one who's been giving me secret signals all week-"
"signals-" yoongi's gawks, "what signals??"
"you know, like, how you cancelled dinner plans with her so you could be with me..." lisa croons, taking a step closer towards him
"i cancelled dinner plans with y/n so i could be with twenty cars-" yoongi inches to the side so he can make a quick getaway to run behind the counter in case lisa pounces, "which, i'm realizing doesn't make me sound like the best boyfriend but- i most certainly didn't cancel just to spend private time with you, no offence-"
"what about when we shared a bagel and you didn't complain about the capers??" lisa snaps, lunging towards yoongi only for him to quickly spin out of the way and hurry to get behind the counter
"uh, we shared a bagel because i wasn't hungry for a full bagel and i thought you weren't either, and also-" yoongi grabs namjoon's wheely chair as a makeshift barrier between him and lisa, "i'm a grown man, i'm not going to throw a fit over some friggin' capers-"
"how about when i squeezed your arm and asked you if you'd been working out and you totally flexed your arm for me??" lisa grabs the arms of the chair before yanking and aggressively rolling it behind her, yoongi's eyes widening in panic at the sudden empty space in between the two of them
"i flexed it to prove to you that i have indeed been working out-!" yoongi hops up onto the counter as soon as lisa darts towards him and he hurries to jump off so he's on the other side of it, knocking the phone and namjoon's pen holder down onto the ground in the process, "friends can ask each other if they've been hitting the gym!! i squeeze namjoon's arms all the time because his biceps are literally boulders-"
"i just feel like we have unfinished business, you know?" lisa whines, pausing for a second before bringing a hand up to bite down on the tip of her pointer finger teasingly, "plus, you have to admit that our sex was super hot-"
"are you- hello, i'm dating y/n!" yoongi gasps, "our business is finished! we have no more- we're out of business, lisa!"
"oh, c'mon." lisa raises a brow, clearly unimpressed with his reaction, "it's not going to hurt anyone to keep me as your sexy little secret- it's perfect! i only come into town, like, once or twice a year, so she won't even suspect anythi-"
"what are you- are you insane?! i'm not going to cheat on y/n-" yoongi chokes before raising his hands in defence, "lisa, you're a very beautiful woman and we do have a history, but- look, i'm sorry if i sent you mixed signals this week, that was certainly not my intention- please understand that i am very much not trying to cheat on someone who i love very much and who i'm pretty sure loves me back, so-"
"then who's that person she's so obviously flirting with right now?" lisa points over his shoulder, "also, she's barely visited you this week. what kind of girlfriend doesn't want to always be with her boyfriend??"
"first of all, space can be healthy, and second of all, she- hold on, you said flirting?" yoongi turns to look over his shoulder and out the door, tilting his head slightly when he sees you standing at the front of the garage laughing with... someone he certainly doesn't recognize...
"you can leave all of this behind and come and work for me, yoongi-" yoongi jumps when he suddenly feels hands grasping at the collar of his jumpsuit and he turns back to see lisa standing right in front of him (how did she move so quickly and quietly?!), "we can be happy together, i swear-"
"yeah, cool, just give me a second-" yoongi gently yanks lisa's hands off of him before hurrying out of the office and making a beeline right for you and this mysterious stranger
"oop- okay, he's coming this way-" baekhyun mutters, glancing over your shoulder before looking back at you, "it's show time. you ready?" he hums, reaching over to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear
"what do you think? do we look convincing?" you reach down to unbutton another button on your blouse before adjusting the collar
it's taking everything within you noT to whip around to see if yoongi's just walking towards you or if he's storming towards you... because there's definitely a difference and you definitely want it to be the latter
the plan you came up with had a pretty simple formula: one handsome stranger + one flirty, oblivious y/n = one jealous yoongi
jungkook had a point about how nice it'd be to get yoongi all riled up and possessive and frankly you think you deserve it considering how dismissive he's been with you all week... which is why you were more than happy to recruit your very handsome friend baekhyun (he's very sweet / you met last semester in one of your history courses / he was more than willing to help out with your plan because he's a theatre major and this is good practice for him) to help you out with your plan!
"you're laughing like a robot." baekhyun lowers his voice, "i told you to act natural-"
"i'm being natural! ha, ha! ha! ha-ha. you're so funny, baek-" you giggle obnoxiously, reaching over to slap his chest gently, "you are absolutely the funniest person i've ever met-"
"y/n!" yoongi clears his throat loudly and you bite back a grin at the hint of annoyance you can detect in his voice, "i... thought i was picking you up from class today? i wasn't aware you hired a chauffeur!"
"oh, yoongi!" you spin around, feigning surprise as if you totally weren't expecting to see him at all, "oh, this is actually my friend- i know you've been busy so he offered to give me a ride!" you hum, stepping aside to let baekhyun step up onto the sidewalk, "baekhyun, this is yoongi-" you gesture to yoongi, "yoongi, this is baekhyun! ...my boyfriend."
you're hoping your accidental on-purpose flub-up triggers yoongi's memory of how he accidentally introduced lisa to you as his girlfriend and you're delighted to see the way yoongi's jaw drops slightly, "oh, my bad! i'm sorry, i don't know how that happened- what i meant to say was baekhyun, this is yoongi, my boyfriend. there we go."
"baekhyun..." yoongi repeats, his eyes narrowing slightly when baekhyun suddenly wraps an arm around your shoulder and gives you a squeeze "well, that's very nice of you to drive y/n all the way here. thanks for doing that, man."
"oh, it's no problem at all!" baekhyun hums, reaching over to pinch your cheek, "y/n's the sweetest and i didn't want to abandon her on campus-"
"okay, she wasn't abandoned, i was literally about to leave to pick her up-" yoongi points out, lifting his keys with a jingle before abruptly shoving them into his back pocket, "you know, y/n's never mentioned a baekhyun before. you two seem... close!"
"oh, baek and i go way back." you snort, digging your elbow into his side with a grin, "isn't that right, baek?"
yoongi pokes his tongue against the inside of his cheek at the fact that baekhyun still has his arm wrapped around your shoulder and you haven't made a move to shoVE it off
how can you not see that his intentions with you aren't just chummy??
he wouldn't have driven you all the way here if he didn't want to get his grubby hands under your skirt-
"we most certainly do! we made some great memories in that lecture hall- i have to say, i was, uh, pretty disappointed when i found out she was already in a relationship..." baekhyun sighs dramatically, shaking his head before looking back at you, "i would treat you right and never cancel dinner plans with you-"
"okay, i think it's time for you to go, bacon-" yoongi forces a smile on his face before reaching over to gently pull you towards him, "thank you for dropping my girlfriend off. have a good one."
"oh, no problem!" baekhyun points towards you, "hey, lemme know if you need a ride to campus on monday because i'd be happy to swing by your apartment and-"
"no, i can take her!" yoongi manoeuvres you so that you're standing behind him and basically blocked from baekhyun's sight, "i've got it from here, thanks."
"bye, baek!" you wave at baekhyun as gets into his car and he salutes at you before his right eye drops in a cheeky wink and it's at that point that yoongi really thinks he's about to lose it
what the hell was that?!
he spins around to face you as soon as baekhyun zooms off and you keep yourself from asking him why his ears have suddenly turned super red
"why are you wearing lowbuttons to class?" yoongi crosses his arms over his chest, "i thought you said you were going to use them as, like, apartment decoration."
"louboutins, yoongi." you correct, looking down at your slick stilettos, "and why can't i wear louboutins to class?"
"you wore them out to dinner one time and i ended up having to carry you back to the car because your feet were aching-" yoongi reminds you with a pointed tone, "are you telling me that you walked up and down and all around campus in those things?"
"maybe i did." you shrug, turning to stick your nose up in the air a little, "i can wear stilettos to class if i so please."
"and the miniskirt?"
"what, you don't like it?" you pout, reaching down to pick a piece of fluff off the surface, "it's new!"
it's a plain black skirt but it has a little slit on the side and you purposely bought this specific piece knowing that yoongi has expressed how much he likes you in black
"of course i like it, and obviously i'm a big fan of the heels but-" yoongi huffs, "all i'm saying is that it's a little odd- the timing is weird for your miniskirts and heels to make a sudden comeback now that you're all buddy-buddy with this backyawn-"
"it's baekhyun-"
"that's what i said!"
"you know, i don't know what you're implying here but i haven't done anything wrong-" you shrug, "are you feeling okay? maybe you need to take a nap-"
"stop being stubborn, y/n. just tell me what's going on!"
"nothing's going on!" you insist, raising your hands in defense before flicking a strand of hair over your shoulder, "everything is perfectly fine and nothing is-"
"are you leaving me for baekhyun?" yoongi interrupts, his eyes suddenly softening, "because if this is how you're telling me we're over, it's a pretty shitty-"
"what- what?? no!" you shake your head quickly, "no, of course i'm not- why would you even- okay, fine! fine, i-" you let out a breath and your shoulders drop a little, "it's just that... i don't know, it kind of feels like i've been fighting to get your attention for the whole week and i... i feel like i shouldn't have to do that as your girlfriend, you know? and i'm not... i guess i just felt like i wasn't stacking up to lisa and how cool and smart she is and- this whole week it's just felt like you're in a relationship with lisa and not me, so i... wanted to make you jealous to see if you still cared. or whatever."
"are you serious?" yoongi's eyes flutter shut and he reaches up to pinch the bridge of his nose in frustration, "fuck, i'm sorry, ah- i'm sorry, y/n, i really am-" his brows knit together in remorse as he looks at you, "i think i just got swept up in all the new clients she was bringing in so i was focusing more on that than on noticing what was going on with you... i'm sorry. why didn't you just come and talk to me about it?"
"i didn't know how." you mutter, reaching up to scratch the side of your head, "i've never had to deal with something like this before, so... i know it was silly of me to come up with this whole thing-"
"you are my girlfriend, y/n." yoongi reminds you, his voice softening, "not lisa. it's you." he reaches over to hook a finger under your chin so he can get you to look at him, "i promise i only have eyes for you, pretty girl. you still love me?"
"god, yoongi-" you feel your cheeks flush at the nickname and you roll your eyes playfully before turning your head, "yeah. duh."
"oh, you silly thing..." he tuts, pulling you in for a hug and propping his chin up on the top of your head, "i'm sorry, baby. i really didn't mean to make you feel like that..." he pulls away and reaches down to glide his finger down the bridge of your nose before poking the tip, "i hope you can forgive me for being a shitty boyfriend."
"i'll forgive you if you forgive me for pretending to flirt with someone else." you smile sheepishly, yoongi grinning before nodding in agreement
"deal." he wraps an arm around your shoulder as the two of you head back towards the direction of the office, "so you really went through all that trouble just to make me a little jealous?" yoongi grins, "just for a little bit of attention? as if i'm not already all over you when we're alone-"
"well, it worked, didn't it?" you take your bottom lip in between your teeth as you squish your cheek against yoongi's shoulder and look up at him, "my acting skills are not half bad, if i do say so myself-"
"oh, shit, uh-" yoongi suddenly stops in his tracks when he sees lisa step out of the office and he spins around so that his back is facing her, "not to make you worry, but you should probably know that lisa's somehow convinced that i've been secretly flirting with her all week because i want to become friends with benefits again and she almost, like, body-slammed me in the office- also, if namjoon asks, tell him a raccoon snuck in and that's why his desk is a mess and his pens are all over the floor-"
"wait, what?!" your brows knit together and you're about to lean over to look at lisa but yoongi quickly reaches out and grabs onto your shoulders to keep you in place
"-yeah, so i'm going to lay you down on the hood of that car now because doing something extreme is probably the only thing that'll prove to her that she's wrong and i am very desperate to show her that she's wrong-"
"lay me down on the- and do what?! yoongi-!" you don't get much of a chance to say anything else before yoongi's suddenly bending down to pick you up off the ground in one swift movement, his fingers digging underneath your thighs as he lays you down on the hood of the nearest car, "yoongi-! you can't just-"
"shush!" yoongi hisses, pressing his lips against yours to shut you up promptly
it doesn't take you very long to melt into the kiss once you realize you haven't kissed yoongi like this in like a week and a half and you can't help but smile at the familiar faint taste of cherry you're getting from him
yoongi's warm hand slides down from your waist so he can hitch your left leg up against his hip, one of your heels slipping from your foot and clattering onto the floor
your senses are so clouded with yoongi cherry yoongi cherry that you nearly forget the two of you aren't alone (and also, all of this is definitely being recorded on the security cameras right now)
"hey, so- i- i'm gonna get going-" lisa announces loudly as she stands at a good distance away from the two of you, her eyes looking up towards the ceiling so that she doesn't have to watch the way yoongi's kissing down your neck, "i have to check out of my hotel, so-"
"yeah, sounds good!" yoongi pulls away for a second and shoots a quick thumbs up over his shoulder, "see you later, pal!"
"bye, lisa!" you chime in, giving her a wave even though she isn't looking at you and is really trying to double-time it to her car, "it was so nice meeting you!"
the two of you watch silently as lisa practically leaps into her mustang, the sound of the engine revving before she quickly speeds off like she just remembered she left the oven on at home
you turn your head to look up at yoongi before scoffing lightly, hooking a finger against his chain to pull him back down towards you, "you're ridiculous, you know that?"
"yeah, i know-" yoongi's nose crinkles before he offers you a boyish smirk and a half-hearted shrug, "you love it, though."
🎙️help me help you make your wishes come true (send me a request!) ✨why don’t you explore the rest of the library while you’re here? (full fics!) 💫or perhaps you want something shorter to read? (drabbles like this one!) 🌟or something even shorter? (teeny tidbits!)
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finelinevogue · 3 years
for tour content, maybe you could do an imagine that’s like a series of small moments like little interactions on stage or picking tour outfits or nights in the tour bus/airplane ! just little domestic things <3
i’m going to do this because i have so many weird ideas and just no way of putting them all together ! ;
Grilled Cheese Conversations
The tour bus smelt like it was on fire.
You had been sitting in the living room with Harry for a couple of hours, both of you just skimming through photos from the Met Gala together - judging obviously, before Harry announced he wanted to make himself some food and so left for the kitchen.
He’d been in there for 45 minutes now and the smells that were diffusing from their smelt bloody awful. Harry could cook really extravagant foods, like caviar and lobster, but when it came to something as simple as making a sandwich he was absolutely terrible for some reason. The point was proven when he walked back into the room with a burnt coal looking sandwich.
“What, is that?” You laughed, still sitting with your phone in your hand and waiting for him to come back so you could continue judging these Met outfits together.
“It’s a grilled cheese sandwich?” He spoke as if you were dumb and you should have known that instantly. He walked over to you, sitting down next to you and resting the plate on the table in front of him.
“No, that’s a piece of char.” You raised your eyebrows disapprovingly and watched as he scowled at you for being mean to his culinary skills.
“Well i’m sure it’ll taste great.” He looked smug, up until he took a bite from the cheesy melted - burnt - bread. As soon as the food touched his tongue he was quick to spit it back out again, you groaning in disgust. He pushed the plate away and looked at it in anger. “45 bloody minutes and it tastes of burnt wood.”
“I’m not even going to ask why you know that.” You raised your hands and laughed, watching as he turned to scowl at you again. He had quite the angry face when he wanted to. “Sorry, alright! Do you want me to go make you one?” You asked, sitting up to go and make him one if he wanted.
Harry pulled you into his lap so you were sat with your back to his front, his arms looping around your waist tightly to keep you with him. His chin rested on your shoulder and he kissed your cheek because he could. “No. Stay w’me.” He got all cuddly and soft and you loved it when Harry was like this. He was like a life-size version of your stuffed teddy bear you used to sleep with at night - all cute and cuddly.
“Okay, okay.” You calmed him when he thought you were just going to get up and go. “Let’s judge some people again.” You pulled out your phone and opened it to a twitter account which had posted all of them.
“Where did we get up to?” Harry asked, fiddling with the skin on your stomach as his hands snaked beneath your hoodie.
“Um, Kim K.” You clicked on the image of her and tried to hold back the laugh. It was a dreadful outfit and highly meme worthy, so you’ve heard.
“Well…” Harry sighed, reaching his own hand to swipe seeing as he didn’t have anything more to say on this particular one.
“Billie looked beautiful.” You smiled as Billie’s huge dress came on display, looking a fluffy pink marshmallow dream. She looked very Monroe with her makeup and you were always so shocked when people told you her age, because she looked so mature.
“She must’ve taken inspiration from Marilyn Monroe.” Harry added, nodding in approval of Billie’s outfit.
“More so than bloody Addison Rae.” You laughed, thinking about how far that had been from the truth.
“Addison who?” Harry asked and it made you smile and turn your head around to look at him. He looked down at you, noticing the cheeky glint in your eyes and couldn’t help but steal a glance at your beautiful lips.
“This is why I love you.” You sighed happily and gave him a kiss on the lips, cupping his cheek to direct him better. You were only going for a peck, but Harry made it that you got the full taste of him and kissed you for a minute longer. He felt perfect against you and you really did just simply love him.
“Yeah,” Harry broke from the kiss for a brief moment to tell you something important, “and I love you.”
All Things Sparkles
It was an hour before the Dallas show and Harry was getting ready for another big show.
Dallas were known for being crazy and you were so excited for the energy they’d bring for Harry tonight. Harry always enjoyed the shows more when the crowd was actually ecstatic to be there and he knew Dallas wouldn’t let him down.
He was putting on his silk trousers, Lambert just to the side as he was ironing the shirt to get rid of all its crinkles. Your Harry currently looked so funny in his Gucci silk trousers, his bright yellow socks with bananas all over them, his suspenders hanging down by his sides and no shirt on as of yet. It was the socks that really pieced everything together. He had just had his hair and makeup done, just needing to get dressed before he was completely ready.
He was really glowing tonight. It made you happy to see him like this.
You were watching him through the vanity mirror as you touched up your own makeup, adding highlighter to the areas you wanted to shine a little brighter. You also started adding some gems around your eyes, wanting to be a bit different tonight along with your glittery eye shadow that you didn’t normally do. You were glueing your gems when you felt your boyfriends presence behind you, the heat of his bare chest radiating against the skin of your back.
“You look stunning, m’love.” You looked up through the vanity to catch his gaze, he smiled and you smiled back.
“Thank you. Not too bad looking y’self.” You cheekily replied, motioning towards his bare chest. “Are y’going to be keeping that out all night?” You asked, being hopeful that he would, because fuck it was hot, but also wouldn’t, because you wanted this part of him all to yourself.
“You’d like that wouldn’t y’yeah.” He squinted his eyes at you and nodded, a clear sign that no his tits were not going to be out for Dallas. “Up.” He spoke, lifting you up from under your armpits and walking around the chair so that he could sit down himself. He plonked you right back on top of his lap and watched as you leant forwards to add another gem to the corner of your eye.
“Y’putting me off.” You whined, your ass leaning right back onto the hard of his cock. He couldn’t keep soft around you, that was his kryptonite.
“Oh i’m sorry. It’s not like m’girlfriend is just sitting there looking ridiculously beautiful and yet so innocent.” He leaned forwards to whisper the rest of his words, because they were only for you. “Just look so fuckable right now.”
You had to bite your tongue from turning around and shoving it down his throat, because god did his words make you want to jump his bones. “Shut up, before y’get us both in trouble.” You wiggled your ass back over his cock as you sat back to admire the work of the gems brightening up around your eyes.
“Then stop being a fuckin’ tease.” He grabbed your hips and stopped your from moving anymore. You just smiled and put the lid back on the glue before it went everywhere, especially over Harry’s expensive clothing - even the banana socks were £17.
You looked at him through the mirror to find him already looking at you. You blushed quietly as you watched him take in your beauty. It was quite hard to get over just how ethereal he looked tonight and it made you so feral knowing he was all yours and only yours. Looking down at the gems you got an idea.
“Do y’want me to put some gems on y’too?” You asked, pointing to the ones around your eyes and thinking that he’d looked even prettier with some around his.
“Only if i’m matching w’you yeah.” Harry nodded excitedly. You got up from the chair and swizzled yourself around until you were sat back on his lap, only this time straddling him. You were so close to him now that it was getting ridiculously harder to stop yourself from taking him here and now. You leant down, instead, and gave him a lasting kiss on the skin covering his heart. Your lips lingered there for a moment, before you moved back up to see him already staring down. He smiled when he saw the stain of your lipstick printed over where his heart beat. “I proper love you, Y/N.” He smiled and cupped your chin in his fingers to bring your lips to him.
“No!” Lambert shouted, making you two pause. “You two’ll never stop if you start, so don’t start until after the bloody show.” He rolled his eyes and continued with his ironing, making you and Harry chuckle feeling like high-school kids.
“Okay, now stay still.” You spoke as you glued the first gem and held it steady against the corner of his eye. He wanted to keep his eyes open to keep looking at you, because that’s all he ever wanted to do, but you instructed him to close them just to be on the safer side. It went on easy, sticking to the outer corner of his eye, in a soft white colour that matched his trousers. Yours were the same creamy white colour to match the colour of your dress.
“Do I look pretty yet?” Harry asked rhetorically, but you replied anyways.
“Y’look pretty always.” You kissed the top of his nose whilst you glued the other gem. He closed his eyes as you told him to, but he still smiled at your words. You concentrated as you stuck the gem to the corner of the other eye and sat back to make sure they were even. Harry opened his eyes to see you making sure they looked good. “S’perfect.”
“Like you then.” He hummed in appreciation of you.
“Let’s see then.” Lambert asked, making you both turn in the chair to face him and you readjusting yourself so you were sat back against his chest. “Oh yes! Okay this is photo worthy.” Lambert took out his phone and held it up to face you both, making sure you could see the gems.
“I don’t even have a shirt on!” Harry exclaimed, but held you close anyways as you smiled for the photos and his words making you belly laugh. You posed more seriously for a few and then took a few silly ones to. Your favourite one, though, was one where you were laughing so happily and Harry was looking at you and smiling in awe over you.
He set it as his lock screen. You set it as yours. It would stay that way until your new favourite photos became your wedding day photos.
Sign Of The Times
Tonight was the first Love on Tour show you were attending, only having missed opening night in Las Vegas.
Harry knew that you were coming, but you’d told him to source you out within the crowds because you wanted a full fan experience. You’d gotten the all-clear from Harry’s security, allowing your from backstage and straight through into the cherry pit. You had your lanyard and your sign ready, as fans started to pile in. You were originally going to go straight to the barricade, but you thought the fans deserved that more than you so you hung back and stayed the ends of the crowds.
A few fans spotted you and came up to asking for photos, so you did. Posing with your mask on was weird because you still smiled underneath the mask even though it wouldn’t be seen in the photo. Some fans asked whether they could stay and dance with you ask night to which you were so happy for, because dancing alone would’ve been embarrassing even for you.
The intro for golden started and the crowds were deafening, but all you could think about was your boyfriend and his challenge to spot you within the crowds. Golden and Carolina came and went, you dancing like a crazed fan along with all your new friends. Everyone was so happy and some were even crying tears of joy.
There was just love, love, love, everywhere.
Harry came to his first pause and took a quick drink since he was already quite hot and the altitude in Denver was crazy.
“Good evening Denver!” He shouted into the mic, waiting for the screams of his fans to uproar and then settle before speaking on, “The altitude is crazy here. I’ve barely done anything and I can’t breathe!” He spoke, making you slightly anxious for him but you knew he would be okay because he had an oxygen tank on stage. “Now, m’girlfriend is somewhere here tonight and i’ve gotta find Y/N before I lose the challenge.”
The fans around you started screaming that you were here and the message kept on getting passed down the crowds until they reached the front. Harry was walking around your side of the stage until he met the fans at the front saying that you were behind them. Harry held his hand over his eyes to help him find you better and you held up your sign to help him. Your sign had taken you all of 5 minutes to doodle, but the message was clear;
“I want a kiss from the one in suspenders.”
“There y’are.” He laughed when he saw your sign, dropping his mic and leaning over himself to catch his breathe from the belly laugh that he just let out. You smiled when you saw him laugh, the fans around you screaming and thanking you for making him be this way. Harry stood up and looked at you, messing with his earpiece so he could hear the arena better.
“Kiss me!” You shouted and the people around you were also shouting for him to kiss you. Even with masks on Harry could clearly understand the message.
“I wanna kiss you but I can’t!” He spoke through his mic and his voice echoed throughout the arena, making everyone scream and you simply blush. You knew he couldn’t come and just give you a kiss, it would be too dangerous, but he sent you loads of blown kisses instead and you kept them all. You sent your own back and he stuffed them all in his back pocket, before moving on to his next song before he got told off.
“Damn, he really loved you.” One of your new fans friends says next to you and all you could think was; yeah, yeah he does.
My Only Angel*
For four hours he had been gone.
Four hours since he was in this hotel room with you. Four hours since you had first started acting like a brat. Four hours since he’d gotten fed up of our attitude and tied you up and left a vibrator pulsing against your clit. Four hours since your first orgasm, four minutes since your last.
The whole time Harry had been on stage, all he could think about was you being bound tight in his hotel room and dripping wet from the number of orgasms you would’ve had. He knew you’d never be able to hold yourself for four hours, so he didn’t say you couldn’t cum only he forgot to mention that the number of times that you did cum would be the number of times he denied you later on in the evening. Harry had gotten especially hard performing Only Angel, because that was your song that he’d written for you and then fucked you countless times to. Fans noticed, but put it down to the adrenaline of being onstage rather than the thought of his girlfriend being tied up and overstimulated back in his hotel room.
You just came down from the high of another orgasm when Harry walked through the door. You sighed when you saw him, thinking this would finally be it and he’d let you go free now you’ve suffered your punishment. That was wishful thinking, however.
“Oh, I didn’t see you there.” Harry pretended, wanting to tease you as much as possible, as he walked past you and hung his jacket on the back of a chair.
“H-harry.” You sighed, squeezing your eyes when you moved and felt the vibrator hit and new and exciting angle. You moaned quietly and had to suppress the embarrassing cries you wanted to let out.
“Yes?” Harry moved so he was standing at the edge of the bed, undoing the buttons on his shirt one-by-one. He looked so hot with his sleeves rolled and the suspenders already dropped down to his sides.
“I-I please s-st- enough.” You whimpered, pulling on the restraints to try and stop it yourself but you’d already tried that one too many times and nothing has come of it.
Your wrists were slightly red and bruised from all the tugging you’d been doing and Harry noticed that as he peeled away his shirt from his body. He threw the silk shirt somewhere else in the room and walked over to the right side of the bed, sitting down to get a closer look at your wrists. He leant down to give it a gentle rub and a kiss. You sighed in delight at the feeling of his cool lips burn against your flaming skin. Harry sat up and tilted your face to the side so you could face him, slight tears in your eyes. He looked at you for a few moments, taking in the shear beauty of you and your glorious body, before making sure you were alright.
“What’s your colour, baby?” He asked you gently, stroking your cheek and then running his thumb along your bottom lip with a soft pull.
“G-green.” You nodded and he smiled, leaning in to kiss you on your desperate lips. You basked in the taste of him, closing your eyes like you needed to save this moment to memory forever. You loved him like this, when he was dominant with you. He let you be submissive like you wanted to be.
“That’s my good girl.” He leaned back from you and moved onto the bed more, straddling your bare body. The silk of his pants felt erotic against your hot skin and you moaned at the dreamy sensation. He ran his large, ringed, hands up and down your body, feeling every curve and crevice. He massaged your boobs lightly in his hands, up and down your stomach and to your inner thighs behind him. You hummed at the feeling, gasping when Harry finally turned off the vibrator and moved it away from you. You felt lighter from freedom all of a sudden.
“T-hank you.” You breathed out, opening your eyes to meet his electric green ones. Wow, he looked beautiful - still slightly sweaty and hot from his concert.
“Don’t thank me yet, angel.” He grinned as he took down his trousers and pants, pushing them to the floor with his foot.
He didn’t even wait for you to register what was going on before he slipped himself inside of you. You loved the feeling so greatly, but your clit was still so sensitive. You shuddered as he picked up his pace and thrusted into you harder and harder, faster and faster. The sound of his skin slapping against yours, made you arch your back and your toes curl and then feeling if him so deep inside of you was enough to make you cum already, again.
“Feel s-so good.” You looked at him and saw the desire within his eyes. He was so full of lust right now, because the sight of you tied up with him pounding into you is better than simply imagining it. Nothing could feel more euphoric than this, both of you were sure of that.
“Yeah? Feel me all around you? So perfect f’me. M’beautiful angel.” Harry moaned out, cupping one of his hands around your throat and pushing you deeper into the mattress, whilst his other hand went to cup your breasts and give them the devotion they deserved.
Everything felt everywhere.
His rocks became sloppier as he reached his high, yours approaching much sooner than you thought it would. You were surprised you actually had anything left in you. His cock hit a spot inside of you that made you scream out and he felt you collapse around him all at once, causing his own release to quickly follow. He continued to fuck you through your release and bent himself over to press his lips to yours. He felt and tasted amazing, you couldn’t get enough. It would never be enough.
“Love you so much.” You spoke the best you could and Harry released his hand from your throat, leaning down to kiss it softly. He reached over to your hands to untie them afterwards, giving them both a few kisses over your wrists when he saw the harsh marks. Your arms were so tired that they just fell to your sides, but Harry kept on touching you softly; stroking your messy hair away from your face and caressing your cheek softly as if he hadn’t just fucked you raw. He kept his face close to you as he whispered the words that would stay imprinted on your heart forever.
“I love you, Y/N.”
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hand delivered ~ corpse husband
word count: 1498
request?: no
description: in which he surprises her with a visit, and she surprises him with something else
pairing: corpse x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
i was inspired by corpse hand delivering sykkuno’s hoodie so i had to write a hella fluffy imagine on it
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“I swear to God Rae!” you exclaimed as Rae giggled at her actions.
The two of you were streaming GTA V together at Rae had taken an amusement to stealing cars and driving them towards you, narrowly avoiding killing you every time. For obvious reasons, this wasn’t exactly keeping you under the radar of the cops. Quite the opposite, actually. You were spending most of your time running from both Rae and the cops.
“We’re never gonna make any money at this rate,” you told her. “We’re gonna spend it all on bail fees.”
“Don’t be so dramatic!” Rae argued. “Just jump in, we’ll go to the next job.”
“I can’t jump in when you’re trying to run me over!”
Rae giggled again as your chat joked about what she was doing to you. You rolled your eyes at everyone, but you couldn’t stop the smile that was on your face.
Before you could jump into the car that Rae had recently stolen, you heard a knock at your door. You paused a moment, confused. You weren’t expecting anyone, and you hadn’t ordered any take out or anything. You decided to ignore it, figuring maybe it was a wrong place or something and if no one answered they’d leave. But the knock came again, this time a bit louder and faster.
“Hey, don’t get us killed, I gotta go AFK for a second,” you told Rae. You heard just a piece of her response as you set your headphone aside and made your way to your front door.
You were looking down when you opened the door, prepared to tell whoever was there that they were at the wrong house, but instead your gaze landed on a pair of familiar hands holding a black and red hoodie, folded in a way that all you could see was the familiar fanart of Corpse Husband.
Against your better judgement, you let your eyes trail up to the face of your visitor, the real life version of the face on the hoodie, smiling down at you. Your eyes widened. It was the first time you had ever seen Corpse’s face, and it felt illegal to be standing here looking at him. You quickly covered your eyes, willing yourself to forget what you had saw.
“(Y/N),” Corpse laughed. “You don’t have to cover your eyes.”
“I saw your face!” you said. “I-I saw your actual face! I have to gouge my eyes out or something!”
You felt his cold hands taking hold of your own, lowering them from your eyes so you could look up at him again. Although you tried to stop yourself, you let your eyes wander over his face, taking in every detail. It occurred to you in that moment that this was the first time you were seeing the face of a man you had been crushing on for the past six months.
“Come in,” you said, realizing that he was still just standing outside. “Come, get comfortable. I’m-I’m streaming, I’ll be right back.”
“You don’t have to end your stream early because of me.”
That voice! It comes from an actual person! A real, living person!
“You really think I’ll be able to return to my stream for another few hours while you’re here?” you questioned. “It’s fine, it’s just GTA with Rae. She’ll probably play with Sykkuno instead when I get off.”
You felt like you were in a daze as you returned to your room. You quickly told Rae you were hopping off stream and you’d explain to her - and to your viewers - why later on. Your chat started asking what was wrong, but you ended the stream before responding.
When you returned to your living room, you saw the back of Corpse’s curly, brown haired head sitting on your couch. Your heart was racing with so many different emotions. You couldn’t believe he was actually here, that the voice you had befriended nearly half a year ago was actually sat in your house.
“Wait a second,” you said, realizing something. “Don’t you live like...five hours away? Corpse, did you drive five hours to come visit me?”
He looked up at you and shrugged. “Yeah, so?”
“So?! Corpse, you have nerve issues! You can’t even sit straight for ten minutes!” You were suddenly starting to feel guilty, although obviously you hadn’t asked Corpse to come visit you.
“I’m fine!” he assured you. “Do I look like I’m in pain? I wanted to come give you your merch, and I figured this would be a nice surprise too!”
You went to sit next to him, your heart beating faster the closer you got to him. You were sure this was just a dream and you’d wake up in bed at any moment. To test your theory, you slowly inched your finger forward to softly poke Corpse’s cheek. He chuckled as you jumped back, shocked by the success of your touch.
“You’re real!” you blurted, causing more laughter.
“I am real. Are you surprised?”
“Just a little,” you admitted.
You both sat in silence, just looking at one another. You weren’t really sure what to say. It was like every possible topic you could bring up, or every joke you could make, was suddenly gone. It was obvious Corpse was feeling the same as he was usually the one who could keep a conversation going.
“Try on your hoodie,” he finally said, passing you the hoodie he was still holding to you. You took it excitedly and slipped it on over your head. The warm material engulfed you immediately. It was definitely a few sizes too big, but that was your favorite part - the bagginess of it.
“It’s perfect,” you told him. “Thank you so much for bringing it to me.”
“I told you I would. I really wanted you to have at least one article of my merch. You were so excited for it when I released it.”
You held the hoodie close to your nose, taking in the scent of Corpse that still lingered on it. There was so much happiness bubbling up inside of you that you felt like you were going to burst at any moment. You really did not think things could get any better.
“Can I hug you?” you asked.
Corpse smiled and opened his arms as a response. You immediately lunged into them, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him tightly. It was the last confirmation you needed that this was all real, that Corpse was really there.
The hug was prolonged and eventually Corpse was pulling you into his lap, squeezing you back as if afraid that you would disappear too. You rested your head against his shoulder, feeling his curly locks brush against your face. You never wanted to let go, and you could tell that Corpse felt the same way.
When you finally pulled away from the hug, you looked down into Corpse’s eyes. His hands were still resting on your hips, and yours were on his shoulders. Before you could stop yourself, you were leaning forward to kiss him. The minute your lips collided, it was like someone had set off fireworks inside your small apartment.
You pulled away almost immediately, realizing what you had done. “I-I’m sorry. That-that wasn’t right of me. I’m sorry.”
There was a small smile on Corpse’s face as his hands came up to cup your face and pulled you to him, attaching his lips to yours again.
Just when I thought today couldn’t get any better.
Forgetting the world around you, you became lost in one another. Your arms were back around Corpse’s neck, holding on to him as if you were afraid he’d disappear if you let go. One of his hands was still on your cheek as the other slipped behind your head, your hair tangling around his fingers. There was so much passion in the kiss that it made your head spin, and when the two of you finally pulled away it felt like your head was spinning.
“You don’t have to apologize,” Corpse told you. “I may have been hoping something like this would happen when I got here.”
“What?” you questioned. “Why did you never tell me how you were feeling?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Corpse teased. “I was always flirting with you, I had hoped you’d get the message.”
“Corpse, you flirt with everyone!”
The two of you laughed. You couldn’t help but dip your head to kiss him once more. His lips were intoxicating, and you just wanted to kiss them all the time.
“How long were you planning on staying?” you asked.
“I don’t know. I was going to see how well this visit went and go from there.”
You giggled and cuddled into Corpse’s arms. “Well, you’re welcome to stay as long as you want. I think I’ll have a hard time letting you go now, though.”
“I think I’ll have a hard time leaving.”
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