#yeah larry has long hair
phantous · 2 years
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they should be called bedbug more. it'd be funny i think
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dinasfavslut · 1 year
hello could you do a sal fisher x fem reader who is very confident but also really friendly?
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Ok so I tried but I wasn’t sure if you wanted smut or fluff I guess it’s just more fluff and to be completely honest is was kinda lazy with it I’m sorry it’s not my best but I hope you like it (probably will delete later)
Sally Face x Fem!r
No major warnings slight smut near the end but just like leaving marks and neck kisses
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I believe that he has many insecurities because of the trauma he experienced as a child and because of the mask he wears.
When you go to the beach, Sal normally doesn't get in the water; he doesn't want his mask to get torn or fly off by a large wave, and if he does, he makes sure it doesn't get above his knees.
As much as he adores you, he is also envious of your confidence and unaffected demeanor when you fall flat on your face in public. People fall all the time. So, if someone messes up your or his order when getting food, you call the waitress back so they may make the necessary corrections.
You met for the first time in college. You could say you were popular, but it was more about how kind you were and how many friends you had. You were well-known, but not everyone knew who you were or wished to be like you. So you were sitting in chemistry as the "popular" girl next to the "quiet" guy (it's always the quiet ones). "Woah, that's such a cool mask!"
"Oh, uh, thanks."
"Did you make it yourself or get it from somewhere?"
“It’s just prosthetic." He didn't want to give into too much information since he didn't want to scare you away too quickly. He was surprised you didn't ask him what the mask was for; that hadn't come up in a long time.
You've been dating for a few months but have only known each other for around a year."Don't you want to know why I am wearing this?"
"I mean, yeah, I've always wondered, but you haven't seemed at ease talking about why you wear it or what happened, but I think you'll tell me when you're ready."
It took him some time. He removed his mask totally about five months into the relationship. He was stunning. You couldn't help but run your fingers through his hair and kiss him like you'd wanted to for so long. His lips were surprisingly soft. Larry and Ash are the only people who have seen his face (his father is irrelevant). You're now staring at him in awe. "I knew you'd look lovely, but I really underestimated myself." He drew you back into the embrace. It was brimming with passion, love, hunger, and lust.
You feel like it was harder not to kiss him. Consider how many times he's wanted to pull off the mask and make out with you, but he couldn't be too concerned about how you'd scream in fright or slap him for leading you on for so long just to be mortified under his mask. He was well aware that they were ridiculous ideas.
It was dark and rainy outside, and he had planned to take you out to a nice meal. You had your hair done perfectly, your makeup was simple, highlighting your best features, and you wore a dress that accentuated all of your curves as well as a pair of sneakers to look attractive while remaining comfortable. He was driving with his headlights on, barely able to see due to the heavy rain. "Holy shit, Sal! Stop the car, Sal!" He pushed on the brakes, forcing himself forward as you jumped out of the car. A cat was frozen in front of the car; it was dark, wet, and shivering. You cloaked it in a hoodie.
Your hair was a mess, and what you thought was smear-proof mascara was running down your cheeks. "We don't have to go if you don't want us to."
“No no, I'll just put my hair up and clean my make-up." You walked into the restaurant, garnering strange looks as if you'd been living on the street. "sal table for two?"
The night finished with you leaving markings all over him and him biting into your neck, which was okay because you were willing to wear anything that claimed you as his.
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ev3rgreenxtrees · 9 months
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,,Tattoo’’- C.S.
back to masterlist
synopsis: Chris and his girlfriend, Evelyn, are dared by Chris’ brothers Matt and Chris to get ‘matching’ tattoos, as punishment for loosing a challenge for their video.
pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Evelyn (she/her)
warnings: cussing, dirty jokes, suggestive content, getting a tattoo.
“No fucking way we lost ALL of those!” Chris’ jaw drops as he looks at his girlfriend, Evelyn, in shock.
“Well, you did! So now we get to choose your punishment!” Nick said, letting out a fake evil laugh.
They were in teams for a youtube video, Matt and his girlfriend- Layla- and Nick with Larray.
“Bitchhh i just got an idea!!” Larray giggled as he pulled all four of them in a huddle, Chris and Evelyn giving each other worried looks.
The couple heard a few giggles from the group, before they broke apart.
“Okay, so,” Layla started. “you have two options. one, you get ‘matching’ tattoos. they could be something small and simple, or something that doesn’t even really go together- like a sun and a moon. that way, the tattoos even work by themself. two, you guys take us all on a all expenses paid trip to the Bahamas AND a cruise. Meaning, you’d pay for the plane tickets, hotel rooms, food, cruise tickets, everything.” Layla smirked. “So, which is it?” she asked.
“what! thats not fair!” chris pouted. the boy had money, but he sure as hell doesn’t want to waste it all on a trip. He also has no tattoos, and being honest, he didnt really have any desire to get one.
“yes it is! you lost bitch!” Larray laughed, and Chris groaned.
Evelyn already had a few tattoos, like Matt, Nick, and Larray, so she was definitely leaning more towards the tattoo option.
“Chris, how ‘bout we just do the tattoo? something badass, or small; so you wont regret it? Its WAY cheaper than a trip to the Bahamas alone.” Chris rolled his eyes.
“I don’t have much of a choice, do I?” he shook his head, and the group cheered.
“well, there you have it! Chris and Ev will be getting tattoos! maybe that will be next weeks vlog. Hell, maybe even me and Matt will get one.” Nick shrugged.
“YOU REALLY WANNA GET MATCHING TATTOOS?!” Evelyn yelled, grabbing Chris’ arm in excitement.
“Yeah, yeah.. i guess. i swear though, im not doing anything stupid. no cringey shit.” Chris fake gagged, and Evelyn rolled her eyes.
“oh, shut up you big baby. Ill go look for some ideas! Layla, Larray, come with me!” Evelyn rushed off to somewhere else in the house, Larray and Layla following close behind.
“hey! im gay too y’know!” Nick called out after them, but shrugged and walked over to the camera.
“fuck.” Chris grumbled as he sat on the couch.
“whats up?” Matt asked his younger brother as he sat next to him.
“what do you thinks up, matt. I have to get a tattoo,” Chris sighed. “man, that shits gonna hurt so bad, and i really dont wanna do it.” Chris whined, putting his head in his hands. Being honest, the pain was the least of his worries. What if Evelyn ever dumps him? Every time he would look at the tattoo, he’d be reminded of her. But he couldn’t say that.
“hey, its no big deal.” Matt reassured his brother, placing his hand on his back. “They dont hurt bad, i promise. Ev won’t pick anything you wont like, and i doubt she’d pick something big, so you wont have to be there for long. and hey, we can make the appointment, and if you really dont wanna do this, we can cancel it. i dont think the fans will be upset.” Matt nodded, and chris sat up.
“yeah, your right. ill be okay. thanks, matt.” Chris nodded up at his brother, who flashed him a smile and walked over to Nick with the camera.
Chris heard his and Matt’s girlfriends squealing, and Larry chuckling. God, Evelyn warmed his heart so much. He wouldn’t say it, but he loves her. They’ve been dating for only a few months, maybe five or six, and Matt and Layla have been dating for around seven or eight months.
“Chris!” The brown haired boy heard his girlfriend yell, as the three of them bursted out of the hallway.
“hm?” Chris looked up at her.
“Whats wrong, baby?” Her smile quickly faded and her eyebrows furrowed, as she sat next to him. She placed her hand on his leg, and he looked at her.
He made eye contact with her, and leaned in for a small kiss.
“Oh. Was that all, silly?” Evelyn giggled. Chris shook his head and wrapped both arms around Evelyn, as he pulled her into him.
“your my everything,” he spoke. “I think i love you, Ev..” he looked at the girl who’s head was on his chest.
“really..?” she asked, as chris held his breath. He nodded. “Oh my god, chris!! I love you too!” she laughed and pulled him into a loving kiss. Their lips moved in sync before Chris pulled away.
“I’m glad,” he smiled, his face red, as he placed his forehead against Evelyn’s.
The whole house cheered and laughed, congratulating the two as if they just got proposed.
“See, Ev! I told you!” Layla jumped, rushing over to give her best friend a hug.
“Yeah, yeah!” Evelyn rolled her eyes and got off of her boyfriend.
“Proud of you, man.” Matt nodded at his younger brother, as they did their ‘secret’ handshake.
“thanks.” Chris smiled, and Evelyn whipped back around.
“Wait! I forgot to show you the tattoo!” Evelyn quickly sat back down beside Chris, as he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. “What do you think about these ones?” She asked, showing him her phone.
The image was of spiders, seemingly black widows.
“holy fuck! Those are dope!” Chris laughed, grabbing the phone to show nick and matt, who were standing behind the couch.
“Thats sick!” Nick laughed, pointing at the phone.
“See, man, told ya she wouldn’t pick somethin’ ya didn’t like.” Matt shrugged, and Chris glared at him.
“ready?” the tattooist asked as she held the needle close to a worried Chris, his girlfriends’ hand in his. She had already gotten hers done, along with the rest of the group getting tiny ones, Chris being the last one left.
“mhm,” he nodded, as he felt the needle touch his skin. “ow ow ow-“ he squeezed Evelyn’s hand, as she kissed it gently.
“you’re doing great, baby.” She reassured him, as nick held the camera aiming at him.
“mhm..” he grunted.
“bet thats what he sounds like in bed,” Larray joked, as Chris and Evelyn gasped.
“Larray!” Evelyn yelled, and everyone, besides chris, laughed. He found it funny as fuck, he was just too occupied by the needle poking in and out of his skin.
About twenty minutes into the tattoo, chris spoke up again.
“it doesn’t hurt bad anymore,” he sighed, as he slowly let go of Evelyn’s hand. Matt and Layla were talking, and Nick and Larray were, so Evelyn just patiently waited by her boyfriends side.
“see?” Evelyn joked, and chris mocked her.
“yeah, yeah. whatever.” he scolded.
The group waited for around an hour, and Chris’ tattoo was finally done.
He slowly stood up, and admired it in the mirror.
“This looks sick as fuck,” he smiled, pulling Evelyn by his side so he could see the matching tattoos.
He pulled out his phone, and snapped a picture.
“this ones’ goin on the photo dump,” he said as he gently kissed Evelyn’s shoulder.
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seriesxwriting · 7 months
Enemies to lovers with rafe Cameron and y/n
Thank you so much for this request, I love this trope and I have never written it for Rafe so it really excited me!! I hope you enjoy the read.
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Maybe I liked you this whole time.
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paring: Rafe Cameron X y/n
Series: outer banks
Warnings: use of guns, swearing, fighting, kissing, sexual talk.
Summary: you and Rafe despise each other. But one little night at a beach party could change all that. That doesn’t come without, flirting, crying and having a gun put to your head, you know- all the normal stuff. Protective Rafe <3.
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“And that’s how my mum crashed her car” Rebecca cackled shaking her head full of mousey blonde hair. She was in stitches over her own story. Me and Chloe looked at each other as if to say what is going on. “Rebecca your mum is going to have to pay out a lot of money for that car, let alone the medical bill for her broken finger” I raised my eyebrow stopping at my locker to put my books away. “And her broken collarbone don’t forget that” she warned me with a bright smile on her face. I pulled a face of horror at her.
“Y/n my mum is fine, she’d laugh about it too, plus who cares- we’re kooks the moneys there isn’t it” she rolled her eyes at my reaction before ignoring me and unlocking her phone to take pictures of herself. I focused my attention back on my locker twisting the right password in to open the door. As I did, unbelievably, golden coloured sand started poring out all over the floor. It buried my feet beneath as I widely stared at the rest tumbling out. There was nothing more I could do.
Once it has stopped falling I blinked at it to double check I wasn’t dreaming. But laughing pulled me out of my fake delusion. I threw my glare around until it landed on the person laughing. Rafe Cameron. And his gang of ass-lickers. “Did you do this?!” I gritted my teeth together, the hallway was silent seems everyone was watching the scene. “Did you steal my test paper out of mr Larry’s office and replace it with one full of nonsense?” Rafe questioned me with his thick eyebrow raised.
I felt my blood boil inside of me, under my skin. The sand was everywhere. And I’d never get it all out of my locker and shoes. “Because you syphoned all the petrol out my car!” I yelled back unable to control my anger. Which was not the right move seems rafes eyes were still full of glee and his dumb smirk was still stuck to his face. He was enjoying this, he thrived off this. “Yeah I only did that because you filled my school bag with jam when sat behind me in maths” he giggled walking slightly closer to me.
“You know why I did that!” I put my finger up at him warning him to stay back. “Well you know why I don’t like you, so you know why there’s sand in your locker” Rafe bounced his shoulders as another annoying laugh tumbled out of his mouth. “You’re such a dick Rafe!” I bent down and picked up the sand in both my hands and launched it at him but he was long gone. Running away down the hall way pissing himself with laughter.
“I hate him! I hate! Him!” I scrunched my fists together “I think he hates you more” Rebecca shrugged her shoulders looking down the hall for him. “No! He doesn’t, I hate him more- more than England hates their government” I put my index finger up making it very clear how serious I was. “Forget him y/n, look- let’s go grab our lunch and talk about what we’re going to wear to the beach party later” Chloe wrapped her arm around my shoulders.
“Ugh- I don’t know Chloe- I’d rather grab lunch and think about how to get Rafe back” I shook my head as she started dragging me towards the doors to get out. “Why do you hate him so much- I mean everyone knows that you’ve played pranks on each other since before we can remember, but what actually started it?” Rebecca questioned following us out the building. I blinked staring at my feet. “I- don’t remember” I admitted in a shaky voice, I’d never sat back and thought about it before. “But it’s irrelevant why it started, I hate him now”.
And that’s what I did, while Chloe and Rebecca spoke the whole of lunch, I sat and planned. There were two options I’d narrowed it down to. Either I could remove all the tires off his car or I could cover his car in slime and dirt, then throw feathers on the top of it. I voiced the ideas to the girls, Chloe didn’t even seem half interested but they made Rebecca laugh. “Why don’t you just pretend to be into him, get him to think it’s going somewhere and then drop him- leave him flabbergasted my love” she shrugged going back to her phone.
My mind raced with the idea “no one would believe y/n was into Rafe” Chloe shook her head negatively. “Negative Nancy much, look at her she could pull it off, he’d be drooling” she flirtatiously winked at me. “Yeah- his ego would be so bruised- that’s a great idea, why’d you hide it from me for so long” I scoffed throwing my note pad on one of the seats. “Really y/n? Or rise above it?” She raised a threaded eyebrow at me. But I just shook my head. “Nope, I’m not a loser, I will win this stupid game” I answered rubbing my hands together.
“Now we can talk about what we’re wearing to the beach party, I need to look sexy, Rafe will be there” I winked at them.
Later that night-
Chloe picked me up, Rebecca was already in the front so I got into the back again. But before I did Rebecca made me do a spin. I’d chosen a white dress because I’d once seen Rafe post something about ‘tanned brunettes dressed in white’. I’d also done my nails and toes in white too, to match. I’d left my hair down but washed it to get the shine back. Incase I did get in the water, I didn’t want my hair to be ruined. I was actually quite confident about the plan, Rafe was easy so I thought it would be easier than it sounded. “My girl looks hot, come on jump in, I’m so excited”
Chloe got us safely to the beach, there was quite a lot of people there already. The music was blearing and the beer appeared to be flowing. “Can anyone see him?” I whispered as we all got out the car. “I’m staying out of this one, don’t ask for my help” Chloe put her hands up shaking her long brunette hair. “There y/n, by the keg” Rebecca whispered to me. “Here- pose next to the car- look hot” she hissed pushing me backwards while whipping out her phone.
I did as she said, as I positioned myself she put her fingers in her mouth and wolf whistled at me. “Hotter, hotter my girl” she shouted as I moved around. “Fuck me it’s working- rafes looking right at you” Chloe whispered gobsmacked that the plan was somewhat working. “What facial expression is he making?” I asked in a low tone, while bending down for a photo. “It’s sorta- neutral- oh he’s biting his lip” Chloe freaked. I stopped posing and went straight to see the photos with Rebecca. “Play it cool guys, keep it normal” she whispered scrolling through them.
“That was quick thinking babe” I nudged her “all because I watched a YouTube video on how to wolf whistle” she winked at me. Eventually we all walked down the stairs to the beach. “I’ll get the drinks” I wiggled my eyebrows at my girls before walking off backwards. I thought if I completely ignored him, he’d start something with some sarcastic, snarky comment. “Do you think you’re hot posing like that in front of all the guys on the beach?”. I was right. He came up behind me making me turn around. Our bodies only inches apart.
“You tell me, were you turned on?” I whispered tilting my head. He looked my body up at down before laughing. “You couldn’t turn me on even if you tried y/n” “not even a little bit?” I whispered smirking. “You uh, ever heard of hate fucking Rafe?” I leant in to his ear, I had to stand on my tippy toes because of his hight. I caught his eye, he looked shell shocked. “Because you turn me on- just a little bit” I showed him with my fingers. “You’re playing games y/n” rafe’s face shifted, his eyebrows knitted together as if he was confused. “Okay- if you’re not interested that’s fine” I shrugged pulling away and attempting to walk off.
He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back towards him. “I didn’t say that” he whispered back, staring into my eyes. In that moment I really took Rafe in, he was gorgeous. His blue eyes pierced mine and mesmerised me. “Rafe! Rafe look who’s showed up!” Topper came over slapping him on the back. He didn’t let go of me though, he clung to my waist as he turned round to see. The pogues.
Not just any pogues. The pogues. Kelce was already starting on them, they were at the water now causing hassle. I heard him say “this is a kook party only”. Which wasn’t true because there were a bunch of tourons here and a few other pogues dotted around. “You should probably get out of here- I’ll come find you later” “don’t start shit Rafe” I rolled my eyes pulling away from him. He caught me yet again spinning me around to look at him.
“Will you get out of here, before you see something you don’t like?” He raised an eyebrow. “It’s all gonna be over after this huh?”. He nodded at me rubbing an hand on my waist. “I’m leaving” I sighed putting my hands up and walking away from him for good this time. I heard him go over to the pogues but I didn’t watch. In the next moment I heard gun fire. My body froze. What if it was rafe. I turned round to see what was happening but a large group of people came running my way, knocking me to the ground.
I saw topper fighting John B in the water and I now could see JJ was the one holding the gun. “What the fuck are you doing! Why the fuck would you bring that here!” Rafe yelled storming towards him. The crowd had just gotten past me and I sat up looking for Rebecca and Chloe to make sure they were safe. In the next second I was dragged up by my neck and I felt the gun touching my temple. I was face to face with Rafe now. “How’d you like it if it’s your girl huh?” JJ snarled at him. My chest panted up and down heavily as I saw rafes face drop and go red with anger within a few seconds of each other.
“Huh!” JJ yelled out. “Get the fuck off of her, or I swear to god you won’t recognise yourself when you look in the mirror tomorrow” Rafe spat out in a low tone. “JJ stop it! Y/ns done nothing wrong” kiara called out desperately, in tears. JJ looked down at me, I was trembling and my eyes were watering. “Fuck sake” he put the gun back in his trouser band and let go of me. I turned around and slapped him right across the face. “Coward” I hissed but that clearly wasn’t good enough for Rafe.
He came up behind me and punched JJ across the face. “STOP IT! It’s over!” Pope yelled out. But Rafe punched him again in the face. And again. Before grabbing his face and pulling it up to his. “Put your hands on her again, I fucking dare you- you won’t be able to see the sun ever again” he snarled very close to him, but JJ looked like he was about to pass out. “Rafe” I called out putting my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me seeing my tear stained face, my messed up frizzy hair. He rose and embraced me, my face falling flat on his chest.
“You’re okay, I’ve got you” he whispered stroking my hair. “He had a fucking- strap to my head Rafe” I winced trying to keep it all in. “Let me take you home” he whispered making me look up at him holding my chin. I nodded in agreement, that’s all I wanted right now. We made our way towards the stairs, he didn’t even say a word to his friends. As if by magic Chloe and Rebecca appear from behind the wall. “Y/n! I’m so glad you’re okay- I- we looked for you but hoped you had gone back to the car” Chloe ran over embracing me.
“I’m okay- I’m glad you two are as well” I said in a very timid voice. “Um- im going home can I catch up with you two later” “with- rafe?” Rebecca wondered looking him up and down. “Yeah it’s fine guys, I’ll speak to you later get home safe” I rubbed Chloe’s back and waved to Rebecca before Rafe put his arm around my waist guiding me to his car. Though he’d been drinking I’m sure he’d sobered up after that. He was careful driving me home, even though one hand was always on my thigh. We didn’t talk nothing needed to be said.
When he pulled into my driveway we stopped and looked at each other. “I’m sorry y/n- I’m so fucking sorry” he whispered dragging a thumb down my cheek. “I’m okay” I shook my head taking his hand in my hand. “I have- something I feel guilty about..” I stuttered feeling embarrassed to bring it up. “What are you talking about?” “Me flirting with you- I was just trying to get you back for the sand thing…” I trailed off feeling stupid. Rafe cracked a small smile and adjusted himself in the seat. “Well that’s a shame” he told me before rolling his head towards me. “Because I think I like you y/n”.
I blinked. I blinked a few times not knowing what words to use back. “Don’t look at me like that- I can hardly believe it myself” he chuckled rubbing a thumb over my thigh. “It’s okay- maybe that’s why I enjoyed pranking you so much” “rafe- you didn’t let me finish” I shook my head grasping his hand again. “I know I like you- me pretending to flirt with you made me want it to be true- they way you protected me- I know I like you- I don’t understand it but… that’s how it is”.
He tilted his head to the side. “You’re not just trying to get me back?” “No rafe- I finally realised why I pretend to hate you so much- it was easier believing that then going through the pain of not having a chance”. Rafe moved his hand to my cheek rubbing it gently. He looked me in the eyes as he lent in before we both closed them. Our lips met in a kiss I had never imagined myself wanting until tonight. Our pace matched, my hand slid into his hair holding him closer to me.
“That’s what I call passion, I dunno about you” he whispered after he pulled away, hardly moving his face though. “I can’t believe it- us- who would have thought?” I whispered laughing slightly. He pressed another kiss on my lips. “I love your laugh- you’re so gorgeous” he whispered taking me in.
“Do you want to come in?” I questioned, not letting go of him. Rafe smiled, giving me a little nod.
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Rafe masterlist-
Outerbanks master list-
All series masterlist-
Masterlist of masterlists-
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isackwhy · 4 months
okay isaac’s hair has been getting long.
let’s say he starts using the readers expensive hair shampoo and products (bonus if reader has wavy or curly hair too [curl cream])
she starts noticing her bottles getting empty faster but doesn’t really care to find out why
until she’s showering w isaac
(nothing steamy, maybe reader was gonna go shower and isaac jokingly suggests they should shower together [like some “where’s my invite” shit 😭] and it’s a funny haha shower)
UNTILLL she notices him using GLOBS of shampoo and conditioner and she like is surprised but not really but doesn’t say anything until a podcast episode where she’s invited
she starts telling the story and isaac is like “what it makes my hair soft!”
they’re like joke arguing when larry goes “wait you guys shower together?” in a joke disgusted way and nick says “no wonder our water bill is so high”
you’re sitting on the podcast couch between mock and isaac as they talk about their hair. grunk is going more into detail about his hair routine when you laugh, immediately remembering a story regarding hair products.
“why’s y/n giggling? what’s goin’ on?” tanner points out. you stifle your giggle, looking around at your friends and boyfriend. even with his mask and glasses on you can see the realization hit isaac’s face as he remembers exactly what story you want to bring up. “y/n—okay, she’s gonna tell a story—and i want to clarify, i wasn’t aware how expensive the products were,” isaac defends himself.
“huhhh? what’d you do?” larry asks, leaning forward. “can i explain it?” you question and isaac just throws his arms up and shrugs. you roll your eyes, “okay so, i have a bunch of expensive hair products and for a bit i was noticing them just like….depleting. like it was being used. i thought i was losing my shit until isaac and i were showering—nothing, like, just don’t be weird—“
“oh god.”
larry and yumi speak, covering their face.
“DONT BE FUCKING WEIRD!” you yell through a laugh, “i turn around and fucking mr. isaacwhy over here is putting globs of MY shit into his hand. into his big ass hands!”
“it makes my hair so soft though!” isaac yells, hands still in the air.
“okay, mine too! that’s why i use it, asshat—“
“wait!” larry throws his hands up, “you guys shower together! oh my god!” he jokes. “that’s what happens when you date someone, LARRY,” isaac comments, “to be fair, i bought her more.”
“is that why our water bill is so damn high?” nick asks, staring right at you and isaac. your cheeks burn up, “we WERENT DOING ANYTHING—“
“uh huh. sure. yeah.”
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writingbirdy · 9 months
Hi! Could you please write a drabble/oneshot/headcanons (whichever you prefer) about cuddling with Larry (fem s/o if possible but gn is good ^-^)
{The reader can be any gender you want them to be}
(I'm so sorry but I accidentally posted it before I was finished and lost the user who asked 😔)
Larry Johnson cuddling headcannon
If you both are watching a movie or a show he'll hold your hand and snuggle close to you
When you cuddle in bed at night he holds you close to him because you're so warm
He loves to hug you from behind if you're talking to someone or doing something
When you're sad he'll sit with you and stroke you're hair while you vent to him
After a long day of school you slowly drag yourself into your apartment and flop on you're bed. You pull out you're phone to see that larry has texted you.
Larry: hey (y/n) you want to come over?
Y/n: yeah let me just feed smokey and ill be there soon!
You but your phone in youre pocket and walked to your kitchen to be greeted by a small meow of your kitten smokey who was a beautiful tuxedo cat. "Hey girl ill just feed you and ill be going" you say to the kitten. She looks at you with a tilted head at the mention of food. After feeding smokey you put you're shoes back on and locked your apartment, walking to the elevator and pressed the button to the basement.
Once you had reached larry's apartment you opened the door to see Lisa sat on the couch. "Hello dear larry is in his room" Lisa turns and smiles at you. "Thanks Lisa!" You say running into larry's room.
"Larry!" You yell giggling as you jump on top of him. "Ow! Shit that hurt" he laughs pulling you close and cuddling you. "I'm sorry hehe" you say kissing his cheek. You both layed and talked about anything you both could think of. New films coming out, school, future date and plans to hang out with the rest of the gang. As the two of you talked it soon started to turn night and you slowly closed you're eyes and you heard larry whisper "goodnight I love you" and you finally let sleep take over
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makemeactup · 5 months
Ringo Starr x Reader - Stolen Glances
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Summary: Ringo has feelings for his long time friend, but cant bring himself to do more than steal glances.
This is actually something I wrote for my oc but thought everyone would enjoy it. So — here ya go!
It wasn't that Ringo was scared to say anything to you. No, he wasn't the least bit worried about the outcome. You were adults now, it'd be fine. But, perhaps, he was just being cautious about the situation. Weighing up the possibilities and the comfort of the now. Such as:
Everytime you would playfully shove him, or playfully punch his shoulder, or playfully try to fight or wrestle, or just sit next him or drape your legs over his lap or put your head on his shoulder, Ringo held a humongous grin. His cheeks would tint a soft red. His blue eyes took you in as quickly as they could without drawing any attention.
Each time, he played along or dismissed you with a joke. Sometimes he would wrestle or take an exaggerated boxing stance, or he'd put his hand around your legs to make sure that you could relax and not worry about them sliding off. You'd smile at him then, beaming and radiant. And it'd be just for him — until one of the other boys, usually John, demanded your attention.
You were like that with everyone for the most part, Ringo had reasoned. You'd playfully shove George, but you wouldn't try to fight him. You'd use Paul as a pillow, but you wouldn't try to wrestle with him. You'd offer both men your smile, the one they all knew so well. But John, to Ringo's eyes, was too close to how you treated him.
John did get the playful fights and attempts to wrestle, and sometimes you'd get put into a headlock or he'd have his arm wrenched behind his back. John did get sat next to, and he got your head on his shoulder, or legs over his lap. But worst of all, he got the smile. The others got the smile, sure, but that wasn't the same. It was a specific smile.
But who was Ringo against John? Clint Eastwood versus Larry Fine?
Oh well, Ringo would shrug to himself at the thought. You were all long time friends, nothing more. His feelings had to pass, right? The denial certainly wouldn't, but that was neither here nor there.
Sat behind his drumkit, drumsticks held loosely in hand, he watched his friends interact. He watched you as you laughed at something George had said, waving him away. He admired your side profile, your shiny hair. Your shirt was nice today.
Sporadically, his eyes flickered to whoever was talking, an attempt to cover his tracks. He'd crack a smile and laugh at a joke or story, but he wasn't actually listening. Not as he gently hit the cymbals absentmindedly, and not as he looked at you again.
"—right, Ringo?" Came the sudden voice of Paul, the use of his name knocking him back into the room.
It was only then, under the scrutinising stares of his friends, did the drummer realise that his face gave away his previously absent mind. His eyes, dark with the apparent lack of sleep lately, grew briefly wide as he perked up and looked at Paul.
"What'd you say, Paul?"
"You alright? You look spaced out."
"Oh," Ringo blinked. "Yeah, I'm fine. And you?"
"You're gonna get bug-eyed if y' keep starin'," John hummed, smirk wide. He had obviously seen something the others hadn't.
"In me own world," Ringo raised an arm and moved his drumstick in a circular motion beside his temple for emphasis.
"Can I join your world?" You asked innocently, brows arching, as if you'd have to plead for him to say yes.
"'course ya can!" He beamed softly. "None'a these jokers can, though."
"What have I done?" George asked, sounding offended to be included with John and Paul.
"Dunno, let me get back t' you," Ringo offered, earning a small laugh and smile from his friends.
His eyes met yours, and he offered a small shrug. When you didn't immediately turn around, he swore he felt his neck grow warmer and the grip on his drumsticks grow ten times tighter. His lips grew into a lopsided grin, nose turning a soft shade of red.
When you did eventually turn back around, he released a breath he didn't know he was holding. Swallowing thickly and lightly hitting his drumsticks together, he feigned interest in whatever joke or story was being told. All the while, as subtly as he could in the background, he kept stealing loving glances at you.
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fictionalmenxyn · 3 days
Tumblr media
¡𝟏𝟎 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐈 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮!
Pt.1 (making it a story…hopefully) (ALSO not movie accurate!!) (will be based in modern time rather than the 90s/00s)
Pairing: Rafe x reader (strangers/enemies to lovers)
(Face claim: Jessica Alba)
Warnings: language, mentions of the word ‘rape’ (due to a part in the book I reference ‘heroes’ if you haven’t read it, I kinda recommend, I read it for my gcse and it was one of the better books I did for English 😭)
It was the beginning of summer, life was great. Even greater for Rafe, new place, fresh start. Moving from California, to Outer Banks was a big change. Well, it was nice for him. He hoped the people… mainly girls… were different from the fake basic girls in Cali.
It was his first day of school, as for you, it was a normal day of school.
You were in your stone grey Toyota gt86, blasting your rock chick music. As the car next to you blasts white chick music. You rolled your eyes at the basic taste of music.
You pulled off as soon as the light hit green. Driving over to the high school.
Once on you had parked up, you got out of the car. Grabbing your tote bag from the back seat you closed both doors and locked your car. Putting your keys into your bag. You adjusted the straps on your shoulder.
Rafe was already there, talking with his ‘tour guide’. The guy, Jake, went through the basics. More specifically the basics of what group of people was what. The ‘jocks’, ‘popular girls’, ‘cowboys’, etc.
That’s when Rafe spotted you from afar. You walked over to your small (preferably) friendship group. Sitting with them on the small brick wall.
Rage’s attention went from you as Jake patted his shoulder and chuckled. Rafe asked “who’s that??” Jake replied “that, my friend, is Y/n Y/l/n… no point in going for her, man.” Rafe’s eyebrow raised “why not??” Jake answered “dude, she’s like got a huge attitude and kinda a bitch…” Rafe scoffed “you probably said something to upset her or some shit, that’s why..” Jake shakes his head “all I’m sayin’ is, watch out for her, man.”
Rafe’s attention was back on you. The way your hair naturally curls, the way your white band tee hugged your chest nicely, the way your long black skirt hugged your curves in all the right places. The way the slight showed just the right amount of thigh that it would be a nice view; but doesn’t dress code you. The way your docs topped off the outfit nicely. Edgy, but modest. You had different style to other girls in the school. And Rafe, for the first time, wasn’t complaining. He never thought he’d be into girls that didn’t wear dresses that practically suffocated them. Or girls that didn’t wear skirts that showed half of your ass. You were different, a good different.
The bell snapped him out of his thoughts. Shit, he has class, he looked over to you one more time to see you walking away with your friends.
You sat in class, the teacher spoke “so? Did anyone even bother to read heroes??”
A girl raised her hand, “yeah, it was so romantic…” you rolled your eyes and remarked “romantic? Larry raped Nicole, so Francis went on a mission. Then it was wasted cause he didn’t even get to complete the mission cause Larry shot himself. Then Nicole and Francis didn’t even reconnect officially… hardly a love story..”
The teacher spoke “thank you, Y/n… didn’t need the summary but thanks…” you crossed your arms and leaned back into the plastic chair “why can’t we read better books by better authors… like Emily Brontë, or George Orwell, even Chuck Palahniuk, maybe even Steven Ki-”
Your teacher spoke “alright, we get it, you say it every time, and I always say..” you mocked “I can’t do a single thing, it’s the school that picks, not me..” your teacher nodded “exa-” the classroom door opens.
Rafe walks in, he gave a small smile “wha’d I miss?” You look over your shoulder. Looking him up and down “discussing the fact this school picks shitty books rather than actual interesting ones…” he smirked when he heard you speak “great.” He left the class.
You looked to your teacher, they spoke “office, now” you place your books in your tote bag and put it over your shoulder. You gave a small smirk to your friends as they subtly cheered for you. As the completely agreed with your argument.
You walked down the hallway, Rafe leaned against the lockers on his phone. As you walked past he looked up, “Y/n… right?”
You turned on your heel and faced him “who’s asking?” He chuckles softly “I’m uh, Rafe… Rafe Cameron…” you nodded “I know, you’re Ward’s son, right??” He raised an eyebrow. How did she know?
You quickly added “my dad is in the same company as the one your father joined. He told me they chatted and mentioned that you’d be joining here…” he nodded “oh right… yeah, uh where you headin’?”
“The office, once again, the English teacher never likes me.” He chuckled as he walked over to her “why’s that? You smarter than her?” You shrug “wouldn’t say smart, I just have good taste in book unlike her or the school…” he nodded. Shoving his hands in the pockets of his slacks “so… mind if I walk with you?” You shook your head “I don’t mind. I wasn’t going to the principals office anyways..” he smirked “bad girl, huh?” You playfully rolled your eyes “more like, the principal is fed up of me going to her office… so here I am, roaming the halls for the next…” you look at your watch “..ten minutes”
He nods, you walk side by side. Rafe didn’t know what he was feeling. He wasn’t intimidated but felt almost shy. He couldn’t describe it, you look the type to rip people’s head off if they bark back at you. But honestly… that was hot in his eyes.
It was currently lunch, you sat on the bleachers with your friends. Eating lunch and talking about anything and everything.
Rafe sat with Jake and a few of Jake’s friends. Rafe clicked almost instantly with Topper and Kelce. They’re both interested in golf, partying, girls, etc. So naturally they clicked.
Rafe would glance over to you from time to time. Topper chuckled “hey, if you keep lookin’ she’s gonna see, dude” Rafe rolled his eyes “fine with me.” The guys chuckled.
Kelce asked “hey Top, Y/n friends with your sister, right??” Topper nodded then sipped his can of Pepsi. Rafe looked to Topper, “wait seriously??” Topper put tossed his can in the trash “yeah, dude, she’s over my place quite a lot.”
Rafe’s ears perked, over Topper’s place quite a lot?? Damn…
He then looked back over to the group to see his sister, Sarah, walk over and sit with them. He watched as Sarah and you talked and laughed. He thinks to himself ‘if she’s friends with Sarah, that means she might come over our place? Oh. My. God’
It was an hour or two after school, you sat on the couch. Your Marshall headphones resting on your head as you listen to music and read.
You hear footsteps approaching, it was your father. He holds an envelope to you. You pulled your headphone down, resting them around your neck. You opened the envelope and gasped “no way!” Your dad asked “what is it??” You answered “I got in! The art and music college we talked about! I got in!” He smiled “really?! Congrats, sweetie!”
Your younger sister (who’s completely opposite to you, full glam and girly, made you wanna gag) came downstairs is a slightly shorter than usual dress. Your father asked “and where are you going??”
Your sister, Gabs, replied “there’s this boy, his name is Brooks” you rolled your eyes “you mean the not so good looking guy who is a huge idiot??” “Shut up!!” Your sister looks back to your dad “he asked to go to the movies, go I pleaseee go daddy?” Your dad shakes his head “absolutely not, you know the rule. No dating till you graduate” Gabs rolls her eyes “please!” He replied “no, end of discussion.”
Gabs argued “this isn’t fair, Y/n gets to go out but I can’t??” You fake laughed “good one, Gabs.” Your father added “same rule applies to her.” You looked over to Gabs “and by the way, I’m not looking for anyone, not interested in a single soul…”
Gabs huffed, your father walks away. You crossed your legs on the couch and rested your now closed book in your lap. “So, where were you actually going? I assume you just lied to dad…” Gabs whispered “a party…” you lightly scoffed “you know you’re too young for those parties, especially with Brooks..” Gabs rolls her eyes “I’m only two years younger than you, quit it.”
Your father re-enters, “new deal, Gabs can have a date-” Gabs squealed and smiled. Your dad added “-if Y/n gets a date.” Gabs smiled drops. “What?! She won’t date! Daddy this is unfair!”
You grabbed your book and stood up, heading over to the stairs. Your sister complained “daddy! She won’t date at all, she’ll be buried and not have a date! C’mon!” You chuckled “good, I’ll keep it that way.” Gabs stood at the bottom of the stairs, looking up at you “you’re so selfish, you know that?!” You chuckled and walked down the hallway upstairs and to your room. Gabs huffed in annoyance.
If you date, Gabs can date. But you don’t wanna date anyone, do you? Not now, not ever… maybe that can change… maybe it’ll stay the same… who knows…
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pignipplez · 4 months
I was dozing off cuz I’m eepy and in the 2 second span of my slumber a hole story formed into my thick skull 🥲🥲🥲🥲
I woke up in my dream and I checked my social medias and shit and everyone was panicking so I checked to see what was wrong and it said GERARD WAS DEAD 😭 He died from like a drug overdose or something their like dead thing memorial pictures or whatever looked like a one piece wanted poster idk it was weird.
So then I was randomly invited to the funeral of Mr Way and it was an open casket so I walked up to them it was in the Helena church and Gerard had black little ballet shoes on and his blue dress they wore that one time (forgot when 🤔)
But yeah I was still in shock and the rest of the band was there right and Ray was holding onto the group like the little mama bear he his and was silently crying he was also eating a subway sandwich. Mikey then turned to me and he was wearing the sluttiest shit ever like blud was smokin in that drip. But anyways he flipped his hair at me and said.
“Follow the new Mr Way”
Now I’m following him also Frank has looked like a lost dog this whole entire time just so ya know he was there if you were worried 😜 but yeah Mikey takes me into this weird white room dungeon thing it opened from the ground like in front of the casket in the music video.
So Mikey is now gone Me, Ray, and Frank are now alone in the spooky Edgar Allan Poe short story the pit and the pendulum type shit. So the big hole in front of us arises the dude from The black parade music video. His eyes are rolled back and his mouth is snapped open like that one girl from stranger things.
The dude starts to speak he starts screaming like Tweek from South Park. Then mini Mikey climbs out of the dudes gaped jaw with his onion hair and a long curly stash.
My vision zooms up to his lips and he says, “Gerard’s death has given me inspiration for an incredible album” “We should call it GG” “It-
He gets cut off tho cuz disco music and lights flood the room then he starts to do the dancing blabazar brat does in despicable me 3.
Everything cuts off though like a film camera and it’s Ray gripping onto the camera he’s sweating and frantic franks also there doing a ballerina spin over and over agian in the background without stopping. Like just rotating. Also Ray now kinda looks like Larry from Sally Face like all icky and detailed also I’m talking about him specifically dead like Cult Larry.
Ray shouts gibberish into the camera but finally the static gets through as “I Did it *my real name* I killed Gee,” “He said that I wasn’t the real alpha I had to I HAD TOO,”
“This is all real alpha *my real name* I don’t take steroids,” “IM STIGMA LOOK AT M-“
Then it cut off and it Glitched back to when I woke up and found out that Gerard was dead and the wanted poster and everything but this time I turned to Ray then and there and he sobbing holding a “We need a bartender” card and a beer bottle while sadly looking at me. (Like those pictures of him 😈)
Then I was like This can’t be real it can’t be he isn’t then I awoked 😋
I think I’m going insane 😍
An Invader Zim character was in there somewhere just not sure where 🤧
Also Gerard tried to crawl out of the casket at the funeral but Frank beat him back in with an acoustic guitar but for some weird reason my mind didn’t register that at all so I just forgot but remembered it happened
Dreams are confusing 😭
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eddieismypimp · 1 month
My love, are you okay?
Chapter 1: I haven't seen you around before
Wanings: definite grammar errors, cussing, cringe lowkey, probably major spelling errors. nothing to major or serious. That will be happening in the later chapters.
A/N: This is quite literally terrible but maybe it's because I'm rusty. I haven't wrote in a while. I hope you guys enjoy anyway and I hope it gets better in the future chapters.
Five days. It's been five days since I officially moved to the little, weird town of Nockfell. Five days since I started my job at the record store, and five days since I've had any interaction with anyone I actually ENJOYED conversing with. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I made the decision to move out on my own, I love my job, but I didn't realize how lonely I would be with no one here. Today has been especially excruciating considering my manager only had me scheduled today and there's only been two customers. I looked at the clock... I still had an hour and a half until I can clock out and go home to cuddle with my cat Dior. She was a cute, fluffy black cat. She's a cuddle bug too. I slumped over the desk with a groan. I would kill to be at home relaxing with Dior right now.... Just as I was daydreaming about being home in my comfy bed, watching netflix, I heard the chime of the front door. Oh thank god. I thought, standing up straight, looking towards the door. I saw a group of about 5 people walk in. "Hi guys!" I said. Getting a chorus of hey's, and hi's in return. "Welcome in, let me know if there's anything you need help with" I say. "Alright, thank you!" A guy with long brown hair responded barely even acknowledging my existence as they explored the store. "No problem!" I said, walking around the store, putting records away, pretending that I had been working the whole time. I took some time to observe the people who came in. There was a guy with long brown hair, a boy with dark skin with his arm around the shoulders of a boy with bright orange hair, a pale girl with long dark brown hair and a very pale guy with long blue hair and.... a mask? I looked at the person in interest and confusion. Then they spoke to the guy with the brown hair. "Larry look, they have it!" He said holding up a record, I couldn't see the artist though. Damn... he's got a deep voice.... lowkey got some muscle to him too... I don't know if this is my mask kink talking but he's kinda fine..."Hell yeah!" The guy he called Larry shouted, walking over to him. I decided to walk over to the two, maybe I could even make friends with them so I wouldn't be so lonely here. I doubt it though, I'm absolutely terrible at making conversation. "Hey, you guys finding everything okay?" I asked with a smile. You couldn't have thought of anything more basic? I thought, scolding myself internally. They paused for a moment, both giving me a once over. A few seconds go by neither one of them saying anything until the guy with brown hair nudges the guy with blue hair with his elbow. He cleared his throat. "Oh, uh, yeah. We're good." He says. Damn...I thought, Boring ass response. "Okay." I say with a smile and beginning to walk off, accepting the fact that these people probably did not want to be bothered by the worker. "Uh, wait.." I heard one of them say. I turned around. "What's up?" I asked politely.
Sal's POV:
Larry, Neil, Todd, Ashley and I decided to go to the record store today. Sanity's Fall released a new album a couple days ago and we were hoping the record store would have it. We were greeted as soon as we walked in. We all let out a hey, or a hi. I looked over to see who the voice was connected to and my breathe hitched. Holy shit.....I've never seen her before...she's gorgeous... "Welcome in, let me know if there's anything you need help with" She says. "Alright, thank you!" Larry responded, going to walk in the opposite direction. "Larry," I said walking up to him. "What's up?" He asked looking through records. "Bro, look at the worker, shes so hot." I said pointing to where she was standing putting some records away. She had brown skin, black super curly hair, a lip piercing, both sides of her nose done, her septum done, her eyebrow... multiple tattoos on her arms and legs. She was wearing a maroon corset, black skirt with two chains hanging from it, and black platforms. My god.. Larry chuckled. "She is hot bro, go get her man, go talk to her." Larry said nudging me towards her. "No man... she's way to hot for me." I said pushing him back. "Shut up." He said laughing. Then we split off into our own directions looking for the Sanity's fall record. After barely even a minute of looking I found the Sanity's fall record. "Larry look, they have it!" I said. "Hell yeah!" Larry said walking over to me. "Hey, you guys finding everything okay?" I heard. I turned my head. I knew it was her but I was still taken by surprise to see her standing so close. I took her in, seeing her piercings and tattoos up close. I saw a tattoo of a pumpkin on her wrist and bats going up her arm. There was alot more but those are the main ones that caught my eye. I didn't realize I was just staring until Larry nudged me. I cleared my throat. "Oh, uh, yeah. We're good." I say, internally cursing myself for that boring ass response. "Okay." She said with a smile, turning to walk away. I couldn't let her walk away, I had to say something. . "Uh, wait.." I say nervously. Nice one dumbass.. She turned around! Thank god. "What's up?" She asked politely. Think Sal, come on... "Are you from here? I haven't seen you around before?" I asked. She smiled. "No, I'm not from here," She said, "I actually just moved here like five days ago." "Oh, that's cool!" I said a little to enthusiastically, "Do you have family or friends here?" I hope she doesn't think that was creepy.
"Do you have family or friends here?" He asked me. I smiled slighlty, glad he's attempting to continue the conversation but also not knowing if I should answer truthfully or not. Considering I still didn't even know his name. Yes he's hot but he's still a whole ass stranger. Fuck it.."Nope," I decided to answer truthfully, "I decided to move out on my own. I don't know why I chose somewhere with absolutely no one that I know." I say, nervously chuckling. He chuckled a little too. I noticed that the Larry guy had walked away to join his other friends and left the blue haired guy here alone to converse with me. "Doesn't that get lonely though?" He asked sounding genuinely concerned. I sighed. "Yeah, it does get pretty lonely, and boring," I say, "It's just my cat and I." "You have a cat?!" He asked excitedly. "Yes! Her name is dior." I said with a smile. "I have a cat too, his name is Gizmo." He said. "Awww, I love cats." I said in adoration. "I do too," He said, "So, whats your name?" He asked, he semed a little nervous or anxious. Glad I'm not the only one. "My name is y/n," I said, sticking my hand out. This feels way to formal, why the hell did I stick my hand out... "My name is Sal." He said, thankfully taking my hand in his and shaking it, making me feel less awkward. "Hi Sal." I said sweetly. "Hi y/n." He mocked in a playful way making me chuckle a bit. "Well.. if you ever need someone to hang out with or something... my friends and I would be down.." He said, looking down, putting a hand on the back of his neck. I damn near let out a squeal. Fuck yeah.. thank you god. Okay, okay y/n, compose yourself. Keep your cool. "Uh, yeah," I said smiling, "I would love that!" To enthusiastic girl come on now...He chuckled. "Cool.. can I have your number?" He asked, holding out his phone to me. "Sure." I said, taking the phone from him and putting my number in. He took his phone back. "I guess I'll be texting you." He said. "I hope so." I said, looking him up and down, trying to sound flirty. Hopefully that was sexy and not dumb as shit. "Y-yeah," He said, turning to go join his friends again. "I'll see you." "Yeah, I'll see you." I said, walking back to the register.
Sal's POV:
I actually asked for her number, fuck yeah. Go Sal. "I guess I'll be texting you." I said, trying to sound confident. "I hope so." She said looking me up and down. My god that was sexy. "Y-yeah," I said. Goddamn stuttering. "I'll see you." I said, turning around to head back to everyone. "Yeah, I'll see you." She said with that sweet voice of hers. Fuck... my jeans are tight...
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persephoneflouwers · 8 months
Hey! I’m wondering if you have any more favourite Larry fanfics? I read every single one you’ve recommended and they’re amazing! Also highly suggest you read My Saddle’s Waiting by RealityBetterThanFiction on AO3 if you haven’t already. It’s one of a kind! Another thing I made a tumblr so I can reach you lol. Thank you for posting the fanfiction, you’re doing gods work!
Read recently(in no specific order):
Wings to break your fall (102K) by karamelised: classic, iconic, the blueprint of a genre. I read it like 10 times lmao this author is probably my favourite ever. I read everything from them. They wrote another all time favourite for me <3 anyway. This is THE stripper AU. THE Angel Harry with wings. I love love love love it’s such a cute fic omfg
It’s you or no one else (20K) by softfonds ( @softfonds , actually one of my favourite authors here): a cute little ABO fic that revolves around a qui pro quo. Omega Harry and Alpha Louis meet on a cruise while they’re pretending to be respectively Mrs Zayn Payne and a stranger, definitely not a private detective hired by Mr Liam Payne to follow his husband on a unrealistic secret love affair. Very light, very fun! TAGS: Historical fic - 1940s, Fluff, detective Louis, club singer Harry, mentions of pregnancy, false identity
Rise up like the sun (41K) by Star_Henderson ( @tommosgun ) : Louis is a doctor on his way to UCLA for an interview. Harry is an actor who Louis vaguely recognises. He attempts to take a sneaky photo, to send to his friend to help identify him but leaves the flash on. They bond over stupid mistakes, french toast and motorbike rides to the ocean.
Eyes on the horizon (12K) by yeah_alright ( @uhoh-but-yeah-alright ): This was such a fun read. This author never disappoints. I want to quote a line of the fic that got me hooked: «This frankly devastating man with a scruff-dusted face that had Harry’s thoughts drifting to impure places faster than they ever had and a bright, raspy voice that could convince the angel on his shoulder to fall in line with the devil on his other in less than a sentence.» TAGS: age difference, older Harry (he’s forty), younger Louis (he’s in his 20s), bisexual Harry, so much humor in the writing I had so much fun!
All I want for Christmas is (not) you! By unbrxokenhabits (12K): Harry and Louis kind of hate each other. Harry is definitely not happy when Louis barges in on his holiday trip with his family. TAGS: no smut, childhood friends, friends to enemies to lovers, oh there’s only one bed
Everybody wants a taste (2K) by shiptattou : this was soooo cool. TAGS: girl direction, established relationship, public sex
Let me add my two fics here, just because I can <3
Tuca Tuca (IlikeyouIlikeyouIlikeyou) by persephoneflouwers (4.9K): the San Francisco getaway AU where Harry is needy and Louis has a flight in a few hours. TAGS: canon compliant, established relationship, smut and fluff, harry dances in the kitchen and louis plays a guitar
De amore ex tempore (101K) by persephoneflouwers: the middle ages AU / Time travel AU with Philosopher Harry and Painter Louis. Feature Zayn as Maestro Verrocchio, Liam as Lorenzo de’ Medici and Niall… well Niall as a Father. TAGS: historical fiction, period related homophobia, Florence - Italy, louis has long hair at some point, horseback riding, murder attempts, philosophical talks, some sex in front of the fireplace, with almond oil as lube, under a sky full of stars in a brook.
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twopoppies · 2 years
I usually don't comment on stuff like this, because I don't make a habit of pissing on people's parades, but some of the recent things people are using as "proof" (of bbg ending, of Larry communicating with us, etc) are really wild stretches.
And, I usually wouldn't let it bother me; I understand that people (especially newer larries) are just having fun. But, as someone who's been here for a long time and who was part of the fandom when "proof" really meant concrete, vetted, and consistent evidence, I think people are unaware of how creating, spreading, and encouraging these unsubstantiated stretches and theories only support the extremely damaging stereotype that larries are unhinged and that we can (and will) make a connection out of anything, if it suits our narrative. (Which is, literally, what hets and shippers do, so yeah, forgive me if I don't want to be lumped in with that crowd.)
When we talk about Larry signaling (through clothing, warnings, selfies, the bears, etc), I think it's really, really important to remember the context in which those things happened.
They were both banging on the glass closet and seemingly seeding a potential coming out. They were at the height of their 'enemies' narrative and banned from being seen interacting, even while they were living out of each other's pockets. They were restricted by extremely abusive public identities (homophobe and serial womanizer) and contract clauses. They were making music and money for oppressive management and labels, none of which was directly contributing to or even hinting at potential personal career growth outside One Direction. They were signaling not only because it's all they had in terms of connecting with their community, but as an act of extreme rebellion and as a means of winning over even an inch of personal freedom and self-expression. (Remember, Niall wasn't even allowed to keep his natural hair color.)
And, while yes, Harry and Louis are still heavily closeted and being made to participate in (especially in Louis' case) extremely vile and abusive stunts, the context, in terms of their need to be seen (whether it be as their own people, queer people, or as a couple), has actually changed. In terms of self-expression, they're both making music that resonates with their creative identities, that they have some level of control over, and that contribute to them, personally, as individual artists. This means they actually have a personal stake in whether or not their projects do well because its a direct indicator of whether they get to continue making music that they love. Taking that into consideration, its unlikely that they want to overshadow the soul of those projects by slipping in all these little clues about their relationship into their promo. They’ve also (thanks mostly to the fans) found other ways of connecting to the queer community (which is an entirely different objective from wanting people to know about their relationship, specifically.)
To be really honest, I think they’ve actually made a collective decision to work harder to protect the privacy of their relationship, even behind the scenes, for many reasons. (Harris Reed’s recent interview, where he mentioned not really knowing Harry all that well, but alluded to leaving space for his queerness is what swayed me the most.) Being older, and having a lot more at stake (personally and professionally), makes me think they’re now (maybe in the last four or so years) very, very selective about who they share this part of their life with, one, because they each have a lot more to lose now if they’re outed, but also because their relationship is their top priority, and as Harry has said (and no doubt learned), a relationship has never benefitted from being made public (and we have to remember that even “within the confines of the industry” is still very, very “public”).
But, I digress. My point is, they've been together for twelve years, they've written hundreds upon hundreds of love songs to each other, they have their love story tattooed all over their skin. I get if you, individually, need to read into every little clue to prove to yourself they're still together, but don’t confuse that with them needing us to know it.
Again, I'm not saying this to piss on anyone's parade. I love a Larry proof to death and god knows I believe in the real ones with my whole chest (Still the One still gives me chills, Princess Park is fucking perfection, ‘waiting to wrap your legs around me' and ‘tired eyes are the death of me’ are tattooed on my heart). What I'm saying is people need to take context into consideration to keep from devaluing and trivializing actual, solid, vetted Larry proof and signaling because the only people and reputations these stretches and theories are hurting are Larries’.
Anon, if I wasn’t already married, I would marry you. THANK YOU.
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free-for-all-fics · 1 year
The Lost Boys and Queen of the Damned/The Vampire Lestat crossover prompt! (In my head Lestat is still blond and face claimed by either Tom Cruise or Sam Reid, but if you wanna picture Stuart Townsend, go ahead!) Pls tag me if you’re inspired to write something based off any of the ideas below and I’d love to read it! ❤️🩸
You’re a vampire and the bassist for the rock band Satan’s Night Out with your human band mates Alex, Larry, and Tough Cookie. The band has been struggling for years, but your stage presence helps them gain popularity. As you get a cult following that grows bigger and bigger over time, you rise up from performing in seedy bars and underground clubs and land spots on bigger stages in better venues. When Lestat de Lioncourt is awakened from his decades long slumber after hearing your band rehearsing, he rises from his grave to join as the new lead vocalist. You rename your band as The Vampire Lestat and tour all over the country, playing to crowds of hundreds or thousands of people. You often play at sold out shows and sometimes your band is more anticipated than the main headliner. People really come to see The Vampire Lestat even if you’re just the opening act.
One of your stops is Santa Carla, California - the murder capital of the world! Hell fucking yeah, you and Lestat are so pumped! You just promoted a massive concert in Death Valley, but this is even better! This city really seems to come alive at night and there’s lots of interesting and colorful characters living here. Missing posters are littered everywhere but the police are desensitized to it and won’t lift a finger to investigate. Perfect, easy pickings for you and Lestat. You and Lestat receive several threats from other vampires warning you not to play in Santa Carla, but you dismiss them and have the concert anyway. While you’re performing on the boardwalk, the Lost Boys are completely entranced by the frenetic energy of your music as they watch you play and hear Lestat’s singing voice. You and Lestat can sense there’s vampires nearby, possibly even among the large crowd of fans. You and Lestat attempt to drive back to your hideout afterwards, but several vampires attack you and your car gets lit on fire. David and his Lost Boys swoop in and come to your rescue, fighting off the rival vampires. They urge you and Lestat to hop on their bikes and together you make your escape.
You’re both invited to hang out with them in their cave - It’s like a giant coffin and they live here. It’s full of tons of cool stuff; posters, a fountain, etc. It’s a totally sick setup! You drink, smoke, listen to music, and just fuck around together all night. It’s like a big vampire party. Both you and Lestat are sexy as fuck and would fit right in with them. They would love to have more members join their group since Michael Emerson and Star didn’t work out. It’s a long story. You’re invited to sleepover in their cave/coffin. Hell, you and Lestat could live here permanently if you wanted. There’s plenty of room since Star and Michael are gone, so you and Lestat can take their old “rooms” in the cave and make them your own. Really they’re more like spacious alcoves separated by curtains but you and Lestat have had far worse sleeping quarters so this is a welcomed improvement.
You also join the boys on hunts. Damn, they look so hot when their eyes turn yellow while they feed. Their hair gets messy from the wind, and their faces and clothing get covered in blood. Their fangs are bigger and shaped differently from yours and Lestat’s. You almost want to touch them. You and Lestat lick your lips when the boys ask if either of you are hungry and want a bite. You and Lestat accidentally bite your lips so hard that they bleed. Damn fangs. You try to cover it up and play it cool by sharing a passionate kiss. You and Lestat may have had an ongoing fling and fooled around with each other, but now you’d both like to take a bite out of David and his friends— Wait, what? Fuck, are you both lusting after these vampires? Fuck, are these vampires your mates? You may have to cancel the rest of the tour and stay in Santa Carla longer than you originally planned. This newfound sexual attraction has made things much more interesting, especially if it’s mutual and the boys reciprocate. Lestat may be experiencing ✨Bi Panic✨ and you’re in a similar bind.
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drunkenpixie23 · 2 years
HIII!!!! I was wondering if you could write a fanfic of sal with an S/O That dresses up in different styles??? For example one day they can be wearing a really goth outfit, like full on fishnets and everything but then the next day they can be wearing a mostly white outfit with fluffy leg warmers, white mini skirt, and like a fluffy coat? Or another day they can be wearing the most bright and bold clothes ever, YKWIM? SORRY I DONT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT GOOD!! Anyways, if you can't or don't want to write this I understand!
Have a nice day/night! <3
Hey hun, thanks for the request :) sorry it’s a bit shorter than I expected but I hope you like it <3
Requests open
Warnings: none <3
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Sal with an S/O that has a different style each day:
•When you both first met, Sal thought your style was pretty cool. He loved the whole gothic look, who wouldn’t? Then, the time came when it was the next day, to say Sal was surprised was an understatement. I mean, you were wearing gothic clothing previously and now…all white? He loved that too, thinking that style was cool as well but he was confused. Hell, coming in the day after in all bright clothes was pretty awesome to him too! He’d never met someone with such a diverse sense of style.
•Obviously, when the two of you started dating, he complimented each different style you chose to wear. No matter what it was. Sometimes, the male would even go out to different clothes shops with you to help you pick out different outfits for you to wear.
You were getting ready for the day but got stuck on what kind of style to wear. You had many to choose from but it was still somewhat hard to pick out an outfit. So, you called your blue haired boyfriend, who was in the other room waiting for you. The male peaked into the room ever so slightly and tilted his head a little, “yeah Y/N?”
You smiled at the sight of him and gestured for him to walk over, which he did, “I’m having trouble picking an outfit for today,” you said, biting the inside of your cheek not long after then pointed at two outfits you had laid out on your bed. One was quite gothic victorian like, a dark red skirt that fell to your ankles and had black lace at the bottom of it, which was paired with a lace top and a small blazer that matched the skirt.
The second was a white corset, a white mini skirt paired with some white knitted tights and white fluffy leg warmers. Sal looked between both outfits and blinked a couple times. The male had gotten used to your diverse style and thought you were definitely the coolest person he’d met (other than Larry), but that could also be because you were his S/O.
You both stood there in silence for a while before the blue haired male pointed towards the white outfit, “I think that one would go for today, besides, it looks like it’s snowing outside. Would be great camouflage,” he joked and you smacked him on the back of the head gently, due to simply playing. You then nodded, “thanks hun..wanna leave so I can get changed?” you spoke, raising an eyebrow slightly and Sal quickly nodded before exiting the room.
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debbeh · 10 months
can u give me a guide to the six idiots :33 like maybe with a picture of them n their names n who they play in the Big Three shows :33 pwetty peesse :33
ok, you saw me earlier trying to format all the images so it's gonna be mostly my (ehhhh) descriptions of the characters and you gotta guess what they look like 😈
Ben Willbond
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Elder Vex (above): the one who says Deb-beh and has the coziest looking outfit I NEED IT RN PLZ and the Tom Cardy- esque hair and earring
Nick: the stick. Grumpy all the time cuz he's a stick >:(. Is also a portal between dimensions but whatevs
Horrible Histories
Mike Peabody :historical news reporter that wishes he were anywhere but here rn
King Henry, Alexander the Great: SkINy MaNdRiA, excellent hair, sniffed a guy
The captain: AKA James, makes a lotta noises, if you ever hear me going weeeahhhhhuuuueeeaaaaaahhhh, I'm referencing him, the gay one<3
Martha Howe-Douglas!
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Debbie's evil twin sister (bossy boobs)
I just googled it: Rita, the Negatus simp AKA us, the demon that looks like how female animals are protrayed in Barbie movies
Horrible Histories!!!
Boudica (look up the song, it's rlly good), Cleopatra, every female historical figure
Pirate lady....<33333
Lady Button (present day): Old disgruntled lady that pouts all the time and falls out of windows
Lady Button (flashback)
Mathew Baynton!!!
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Oracle: weird blue blob guy, Nigel, Darling
Nanny la roo: NUM NUMS!!!! - nanny that is also a kangaroo
Admiral Anous: Voldemort mf I hate him bc he hates Negatus>:(
Elder Choop: Croissant hair mf, says, "IDK WHY DON'T WE ASK UR MUM??"
Le Fox: French
THE BIRRDDDDD: AKA Thomas Payne, Batman but cooler
Oh yeah, and Elf: the elf shaped one, full name: Grintallin Gobscrew Crotell Fashanu F’naw Goplatz Holla-Holla, has multiple wives apparently and is in debt to the mob
Horible Histories (look all of them up, they are all hot)
Dick Turpin: play the song >:333, shot not one but two men dead!
D.I. Bones: the whakkus bonkkused
King Charles II: absolute party-er
Thomas Thorne, shot, dead! Absolute poetic simp for Allison, drowned himself in the lake ;( -cannot drown-
Jim Howik!!!
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Elder Pressley: looks like Elvis, eats christmas tree ornaments
Crone: A sLaPper *wink wink*, has apparently gotten with everyone, goes eeeerrrrrrrrrrr all the time- sounds like a doorhinge, she is amazing
Neil: lhe most normal of the demons probably
Horrible Histories
A SHOUTY MAN!!! :does all the infomercials, will try to sell you piss
King George VI (above) : "oh yesss, dad's dead, I'm king..."
King Richard III: a sweet little guy<3 -according to the song, get's attacked by whasp
Pat Butcher: Greatest DJ in the AAARRREEEEEUHHHHH, killed by a child, AKA Pete in the American version
Larry Rickard
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Detective Mounteback: very dumb detective with very large hat
Elder Ho Tan: trans Icon, doesn't like loud noises, absolute baby<3
Sue: above, the lady with the gun from the episode I showed you
Horrible Histories
Bob Hale: weather report, needs a hellicopter and a nice cup of tea, basically Bill Wurtz
Lol knight with shit on head, Aztec guy, George III friend who slays so hard; "ConGRatu-VerY-LaTiOns your... *MAgEsTy*"
Humphrey: keeps getting left on roofs and shelves, does NOT know French smh
Robin: 5,000 yo ghosts, once saw a cool butterfly, KNOWS FRENCH! Got stuck by lightning and now he can turn on lights
and finally... the moment you've been waiting for...
Simon Farnaby!!!
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Negatus<333: Silly guy try to take over Yonderland but is just a lil guy, has an evil lair, uses The Font of Orris (cauldron thing that lets you see everything) as a hot tub, get's bullied by all the other overlords, wears pjs with houses on them.
Elder Flowers!!!: Long hair and lack of shirt, vegetarian hippie of the group, wants his clothes to be veGONE, "all you need is love, brothers... oh, and food"
Horrible Histories
Emperor Caligula: the wakkus bonkkus guy
Marcus Licinius Crassus: Knockoff Bassline Junkie song
Jullian!!!: Died conducting an affair with his secretary!!!, is eternally sorta drunk, does the hand thing, only ghost that can interact with stuff, makes silly EEERREREEEEE noise when he's trying to move something, his name is Trevor in the American version, sad when there's no porn on da TV ;(, has no pants BTW
Thanks for coming to my TEDTALK!!!
Lemme know if I missed anything!
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salty-an-disco · 5 months
Man. The character poll got me looking at my designs with new eyes, and I feel like rambling about it, so Imma just do it.
(pretty long artist ramble under the cut)
The thing about me is that a lot of the choices I make when I’m designing something are mostly intuitive/subconscious; just me following a Vibe and seeing what works for the feeling I want to pass on. Not to say I design stuff without thought, I’m just not aware of those thoughts until the design’s done lol
All this to say the character poll got me analyzing my own designs and realizing what my intuitive brain was going for when doing these aissmdmfjdm
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this was the first ever concept I drew for these guys, and you can already see some of the building blocks for my final designs here.
The thing that I focus most on, at first, is the overall silhouette and posing. Which is why I wasn’t worried about specific details or polishing up anything in this drawing, I just wanted to get a feel of these characters and see what kinds of shape worked best for them.
Going through each design and my process for them–
Cold was both the easiest and most difficult one for me. While I had a pretty strong idea for his overall shapes from my first drawing and knew what details were important (fluffy collar and head shaped like a water drop), specific details eluded me. I wasn’t sure what to do with its legs or cloak. Eventually tho, I decided I wanted them to be almost completely covered in feathers, leading to their white plumage with dark hands, feet, and face. Something simple, but effective, and I was happy enough with it. I was torn between a diamond or the X for its cloak’s clasp, but eventually decided the X was a more striking detail, and connected her to Spectre more.
Hero is another one that came very easily to me, but whose specific details I struggled with some. I gave him pure white eyes at first, but it limited his expressions, so I ended up giving him those black with white pupils eyes while doodling around. I figured out the helmet shape almost instantly while doing my second ever drawing of him, going for that beak-shaped helm with fiery feathers; tho the rest of his clothes I was really unsure about. Whether to give him a full set or not, if I give him a cape, or metal cladding, etc. The solution came by trial and error, simply giving him different pieces and seeing what fit best, and I eventually arrived on the set he has now!! The secondary clothes just kinda appeared as I doodled him in more casual scenes, and the hair came because I was looking at all the puffy-haired Hero designs and suddenly felt like mine was too bald lol. Overall, I’m really happy with my fluffy and smol son <3 (oh, and yeah, I always pictured him as short in my mind and never thought much about it isjsjdndjndjc)
While it too me a bit to get a doodle of Smitten out, I also figured him out almost instantly. The main thing I wanted for him was to look bright, approachable, and expressive. He’s the only one who has normal-ish eyes because of this, and the side cape was something I gave him to differentiate him from Hero and add to his dramatic flair.
Oppy was definitely the one I struggled with the most, as I had too many ideas in my head for him that all clashed with each other. He didn’t have a set design in my head for a while because of that, which you can see in my early doodles of him where I very clearly didn’t know what to do with his suit lol. His head shape was the first thing I figured out for sure, with those antennae hair strands being present ever since the first doodle I did of him, and for his suit, I just put Reigan Mob Psycho and Larry Pokemon Scarlet in a blender and that car salesman looking ass was the result (centrist politician was another vibe I was going for). I’ve been told he looks deceivingly handsome, tho personally, I just think his face is very punchable.
Broken was prolly the easiest one for me, and one I was satisfied with the first true try (I consider those first sketches up there more of a ‘test run’). I wanted them to look the most similar to Quiet (even more so than Hero), but, well, broken. A reflection of the state Quiet was left in by the Princess in the Tower lead-up. The horn tufts have been ripped off, there are a lot of slashes and cuts across its body, their feathers look unkept and like they have been torn off, and lots of its scales are missing. The sack covering its body is their measly attempt at covering their injuries, and I tried to make all the bandages look old and makeshift.
While the funny corvid face in my first attempt at drawing Contra is very neat, it just wasn’t very fun to draw or allowed them to have many expressions, so I changed it to the face you know now. The curly hair was mostly just me wanting my favorite blorbo to have my favorite kinda hair to draw, and it just so happened that it also fitted with them lol. Them being the only one out of my voices that wear pants instead of some upper body wear is something I always had in mind for them, and the suspenders were more of a little ‘extra’ thing I added to give them more of a clown look alongside with their hat. Something I find funny about my design for Contrarian is that, while it didn’t change much since my first full drawing of them, you can tell something about that first drawing seems off. A little scruffed and odd-looking, and that was mainly because I simply wasn’t used to drawing these humanoid bird things and you can really see me getting the hang of it with how I drew Contrarian, specifically.
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(even the colors saturation is something I slowly figure it out by trial and error)
Paranoid was the next one I did, and not to brag but, I think I nailed it that second try aidjkxmddkfkkfc only thing I knew about her design was that I wanted her to have large eyes and a bold spot on her head, and then everything else I just kinda drew around that. And honestly? Really happy with the result!! The bald spot ended up looking a lot like part of her brain was straight-up exposed, so I just rolled with that, and she probably has one of the most fun faces to draw. Her silhouette is also very distinct, with the cloak + fluffy head and horn tufts kinda looking like pigtails giving her a very fun shape. I just love how she turned out, not my personal favorite design, but definitely the one I’m most proud of. She looks like a weird bug and I love that.
While I had very strong images for Cheated’s, Hunted’s, Skeptic’s and Stubborn’s design, it’d still be a while before I actually sat down to figure out their details. But once I did, they all came quite easily.
For Hunted, I just wanted it to look like a Creature. I had the idea of having leaves stuck to its feathers as a sorta camouflage thing, but that’d be to much of a hassle to constantly draw, so I scrapped that and just kept the camouflage marks on its cheeks. I wanted its body shape to look slender and nimble; slightly malnourished. The head shape was mainly me wanting its beak to look the most distinct from the other’s beaked voices, more of a ‘wild’ look, and the cat-like tufts was also added for that more feral look.
For Skeptic, I went back and forth on some details, but the hat, big gloves, and scarf were the things that stuck to the end. Something I find really funny with him is that he wears no clothes besides those accessories and its just the way his feathers are drawn that gives the impression of a suit, or some kinda coat under that scarf lol. His color pallette is the one I find the nicest. It’s mainly monochrome, but I think it works well for him.
Only thing I wanted for Stubborn is Big Soft Kitty. With scars. That was about it tbh, I just wanted him to look big, stronk, and huggable, he’s just a big kitty to me.
Cheated I also knew from the start what I wanted to do with him, as you can see by how similar the first concept and final designs look. Main thing I wanted for her was this sorta ‘uneven’ look, with her clothes seeming like they used to be symmetrical before being sliced and torn up. The slices on an ear tuft and a brow is something that just sorta appeared as I doodled him.
So… yeah! This is about it. It took me a while to reach to this final result, but I’m really glad with how all my designs turned out and seeing that others likes them too makes me incredibly happy!! :D
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