#juno posts ʚ♡⃛ɞ
rookieclaire · 2 months
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Me, You, & Coffee- That's all I need!
1.2k words
claire redfield x fem!reader
tropes: f/f , hurt / comfort , wlw , claire probably has depression or atleast anxiety , angst , fluff , fall fic , love , happy ending , suggested smut
note: hehe my first fic!!! so scary.... rb/likes are appriciated!!! huge thanks to @/vaaaaaiolet for proof reading this!
tags: @rigorwhoring @vaaaaaiolet @angelstargel
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The cold air nips at your cheeks, giving them a red hue. Leaves blow around your feet, and the shout of the coffee shop bell rings as you leave. Your chai latte sits in your mouth as you treasure the flavor, deep in thought. Claire hasn’t joined you today or any time since you last got home. You can’t blame her. 
After her mission a few weeks prior, she hasn’t been acting like herself.
You had come home to your girlfriend with a broken arm, not a scene you expected to return to. She had calmed your concerns yet never stopped working, only making an exception for sleep. 
Now, as you gently knock on her office door, Claire mumbles a soft invitation. Her hair, the same color as her bloodshot eyes, was messy. She had been wearing the same red tank top for a week now. Her eyes never diverted from the screen or her bulletin board. You weren’t even sure she knew you were here. Should you call out her name again? 
“I, uh, got your coffee for you, Babe.” You place a gentle hand on her back and kiss her head.
Your heart aches for her. Almost all her hair had fallen out of her ponytail. As you set down her coffee, she smiles and grabs your hand before pressing a soft kiss into the back. You smile at the tenderness before realizing she is continuing to do her dead, thousand-yard stare. As your smile faltered, you noticed small things that had changed in her appearance recently. Her freckled skin had gotten more pale, and her makeup looked old. These small details pushed you over the edge.
“Claire, are you okay?” You crouch to her side. She nods, humming quickly. “You… you look pretty zoned out.” 
Claire keeps her distant look, the one you’ve become oh-so-accustomed to when she comes home from a grueling mission. Claire begins to divert her eyes from looking at the floor. When did she start looking there?
“Claire? Baby?”
She blinks. How long was she zoned out for? Claire pushes her hair back and wipes her palms on her black jeans, the soft denim brushing against her pale skin. 
“Yes, sorry.” She blinks to register what happened in the minute she was zoned out, meeting your concerned look. “Sorry. One more time?” She quickly glances at her work before giving you her undivided attention, clearing her voice.
“I was just saying I got coffee for you,” you repeat with a nervous smile and tensed brows. The small sympathetic act was enough to bloom a smile on Claire’s face.
“Oh. Thanks, sweetheart.” She replies, a faint smile on her face. 
You nod. You can tell that Claire noticed your concerned expression because she furrows her brows and fights off a scoff. 
“You don’t have to be worried about me or anything like that,” she snaps. 
“I’m just…” The words die in your throat. 
The redhead knows her outburst was unneeded, a small guilty expression forming on her face. Lingering eyes make Claire have a migraine. 
A sigh claws its way through your throat. “I’m gonna make lunch,” you manage to shove out, “If you want some.”
Claire nods awkwardly. “Okay.” She looks at you until you look away, then disappears into her work again.
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Wobbling into your humble abode, expecting to see Claire waiting for you, you moaned in pain. The lack of your girlfriend proved you incorrect. You knew she had returned from her mission, but maybe she hadn’t? Fear flooded your body as you heard a noise from Claire’s study. 
You pulled out your gun, opening the door to see your beloved girlfriend attempting to work with one hand in a cast.
Before you get the chance to say anything she groans and gets up, revealing herself to you.
“Hey, you’re home!” The redhead smiled, going to hug you as best as possible. 
Her skin felt freezing! She had been wearing a tank top and underwear with the window open on a cold autumn night. You watch as guilt drains into her face.
You blinked at her red sling. “What happened to your arm, babe?” 
A sigh came from her throat. “I, uh. Kinda got thrown into a wall.”
The color quickly drained from your face. “You what?” was the only thing you could mutter out.
“I’m fine now, don’t worry. It's just inconvenient.” 
You bit your tongue. Your reflection appears in Claire’s red spectacles. Your nose is bruised and stained red from blood.
“Do you want to go take a bath? Or shower?” you prompt, both of your usual healing methods after missions. 
Claire rubbed her eyes, clearly overworked. “No, it’s fine. I have some work to finish anyway. Maybe tomorrow?” Worry had bubbled into your chest. 
You hadn’t given it much thought, to your dismay now. Dread had eaten you up. As you stare at Claire now, your throat closes up. Jerking awake, you immediately notice the cold bed.
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You manage to get Claire out of the house with the promise of a:
“Coffee/Study Date?” She furrows her eyebrows. 
“Yeah! It’ll be fun.” You chirp back.
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The cold air nips at both yours and Claire’s cheeks, giving them a red hue. Leaves blow around your feet, and the shout of the coffee shop bell rings as you leave, connected by your shared scarf and tightly clasped hands.
The two of you sip on the costly coffee you had purchased to make her smile. There was a cartoon character on top drawn in creamer.
As Claire sips her coffee, the wind blows stronger, blowing cream onto her nose. She looks up at you with a sad expression before back down at her coffee. A small giggle expels from your lips at the sight. Claire glares at you.
“Don’t laugh. I spilled my coffee.” Claire whines, leaning into you and bunching up your scarf. “My latte art!” She frowns and complains jokingly. You know you’d buy her a new one in a heartbeat if she asked.
You coo and kiss her on the cheek for condolence, “You’ll survive.” 
Claire laughs, This is the biggest (read: only) smile you’ve seen from her since you got back. She squeezes your hand softly three times. Warmth trickles into your chest, temporarily battling the cold outside. You hum tenderly.
You try to ignore her paranoia, constantly checking your surroundings and flinching. 
Sniffling fills your ears and concern is etched onto your face. Her big, blue eyes look at you, beginning to water slightly. You grab her coffee and set it down on a bench nearby before engulfing her in your arms.
“Hey, hey,” your voice softens, “what's wrong, baby?” 
Claire sniffles in response. She grabs onto you like she’s afraid you’ll disappear if she lets go.
You can’t find words. With precision and gentleness, you redirect the two of you to the bench with her coffee. Her voice trembles and breaks along with the facade of the strong, independent woman you know so well.
 “‘M so, so sorry.” Claire sobs into your shoulder, tears dribbling down your scarf.
Your hand goes to her back to rub it softly. “You have nothing to be sorry about, sweetheart. I need you to talk to me, though.”
“This mission was supposed to be easy. I just needed to build schools and hospitals. But then I discovered more and dug myself farther into this shitty hole I made. I feel like I dug myself into my own grave.” You listen and hold your girlfriend as she cries. “And then when I got home I just have this… this urge to finish it. And then I started to stop acting like myself and I ruined everything we had and I-” 
You look at her, hot tears rolling down her ruby-red cheeks. “You didn’t ruin anything, baby. But I’m gonna need you to take a few deep breaths for me.” Your hand snakes its way up Claire’s frame to cup her face. Shaky breaths make themselves noticed. You ignore all the weird looks and flip people off.
Claire whispers, barely audible over the rustle of trees. “I’m sorry I haven’t been paying attention.” 
“Don’t be. I knew you were going through something. It’s not an excuse, but I knew it was out of character. I’m not mad. As long as I have our coffee dates I'm fine.” Your calm, gentle voice and small giggle lull her into a reassured space. 
“I’ll take you on a fancy date. Maybe give you some special dessert after.” Claire teases, and it is then you realize you are in for a long night.
However, it’s the first time in a long while that your bed is warm, and you know it will stay that way.
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note: HAII!! if anyone has tips on formatting lmk cause this is the first time I've really done it! i mainly used ao3 before this. thank you for reading and again thank you SO much to vivi for proofreading:)
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rookieclaire · 1 month
not resident evil but a piece i worked hard on about me and my ex-friends. names are changed for privacy. not proofread. enjoy:)
(listen to simulation swarm by big thief while reading)
Eileen screams as she stands on top of the tree she has been attempting to climb. Ava shouts for Caroline.
“Callie! Where are you going?” she yanks on my shorts and flips me to look at her. “Where’s she going?” I grumble, getting down from the bench.
“Fuck if I know.” Layla shrugs while walking across the grass to the sewers. I stare at her. She can feel it. She turns around and stares back at me. I don’t care.
Caroline gets farther and farther. I steal Eileen’s Crocs and chase after her. My feet are sore from stepping on splinters an hour ago and my back burns with Sunburn. I can feel Callie’s taste lingering in my mouth. The buzz gives me enough breath to jog up on the hill.
I’m sure she saw me, I can’t feel anything but a small warmth in my cheeks and my panting.
Callie’s facing away from me when I get up to her. “Hey, June.” She said, her face is blank. Is she mad at me?
“Why’d…” I cough out something gross. “Why’d you leave?” Callie shrugs. She climbs onto the playground. “What are you doing?” I watch her softly. My eyes squint to meet hers.
She looks at me and takes all of me in. She was staring at me up and down. “Adventuring.” her gentle voice mumbles. I think about giving the ten dollars I promised to her.
If you make out with me right now, I’ll give you ten bucks.
I think about that moment while I follow her. I debated bringing it up. She's climbing down a net. I sit on the slide. My ankles are burning up.
“Give you five bucks if you kiss me.” I snicker.
“Shut up and give me my money.” Callie laughs.
As she descends, I slide down. At the bottom, I try to jump up and find my face landed on the wood chips. Caroline laughs this big, hearty laugh. I wish to play it on repeat.
“You alright?” She giggles while I pick myself up, trying not to be cut by the wood underneath my body. “Better than ever!” I exclaim, wiping myself off. When I look up, Callie has already bolted.
“You’re too bad of a kisser.” I finally responded to her previous statement.
She shrugs. “I’ve never kissed a girl,” Caroline admits.
I can change that. I think.
I don’t question or turn around. I follow her. “Where exactly are you going?” She ignores me and kicks the water from the surrounding sprinklers. I keep my distance.
She doesn’t look back. Callie is very hard to read. “Wherever the wind takes me.” I want to point out how cheesy that sounds. How silly and stupid it is. But I do not.
“Ah.” I nod. I kick some water and turn to my side as she jumps through puddles of water. I smile softly. I can feel the water filling Eileen’s Crocs.
Sorry. I think.
I kick some water at Caroline. She turns around by whipping her head. I giggle softly and run before she can kick water back at me. She keeps walking. I feel my stomach begin to cramp up and my feet prune up.
A sprinkler shoots at me. I stand under the water of two sprinklers and chase three of them. I smile despite how wet I am now. The black crocs crunch and squeak with every step I take. The sound annoys me, but not enough to make me take them off.
When I turn around, Caroline has left once again. “The wind took you to a Mormon church?” My voice speaks. I laugh and she smiles slightly. “I guess so.”
We walk in silence. I catch up to her and my body aches. I think about saying things. Callie’s voice snaps me out of my trance.
“I’m going to start running.” She warns me. “Alright.” I nod. I don’t know if I plan to run with her or wait until she slows down. My feet pick up their pace. I feel them subconsciously lifting and falling. I remove Eileen’s soaked crocs and chase after her. My lungs expand and the feeling gives me chills. I catch up to her and yank on the back of her shirt to stop her movements. Callie looks back at me with an unreadable face. I still cannot tell if she’s mad.
As we approach the hill I think. I wonder if Callie thinks the same thing I do. I think about Emma. Mainly how she consumes my every thought. Then I think about Callie and Amelia.
Caroline’s voice interrupts my thoughts. “They’re all in the sewer.” her small hand points.
“How romantic.” my voice trickles through my throat and out into the world.
My feet step on everything it is not supposed to as we make our way back down to our spot. I think the same repetitive thought that I wish I could remember. Callie runs down. I don’t follow as quickly as before. Eileen walks up to me. I smile at her, “They fit?” I point at my Converse that are two sizes too small. “I didn’t try them on.” She shrugged with a small grin.
Layla walks away with her bag. I watch as Callie’s face drops. There has to be something there. I don’t look into it. I have heard enough of the two of them complaining about each other.
I ask about the tree, and Eileen and Ava talk about it until they argue and smile at each other. I smile too. Callie diverted to be on her phone. I lay on the picnic bench. It digs into my skin.
I can hear everyone laughing as my cheeks warm.
notes: this happened a few months ago, if it's a little hard to follow it's because i didnt remember a whole lot.
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rookieclaire · 1 month
a good girl's guide to murder inspired re!au:) under cut. no spoilers tho!!
Leon stood in front of the house. The one everybody called Raccoon City’s personal haunted house. The short blond boy sat in front, nervously nibbling nervously at the blue pen in his mouth. The flutter of his notebook paper filled his ears. The quant suburban house lined with scattered bricks and glass shards reflected one of terror, inhumane crimes, and grief. Paint chipped text is displayed on the mailbox. The Redfields.
Pale fingers slid over the freezing metal fence. Everyone in Raccoon City’s radius knew the story. ‘Jill Valentine– 17-year-old girl murdered gruesomely by her boyfriend, Chris Redfield.’ the headlines read. But Leon knew this wasn’t true. Chris wasn’t a murderer. He was a kind older brother and friend, a loyal boyfriend, and one smart ass student. It just didn’t make sense. None of it.
For this year’s Raccoon City High-school Capstone Project, Leon had picked to re-investigate the death of Chris Redfield and the disappearance of Jill Valentine.
He had known Chris personally and knew of Claire, though he had not met her. She was three years behind her but dropped out before Leon could meet her.
Though, he doesn’t blame her. If he had these vulgar words and vague threats spraypainted on his wall, he would drop out too.
Leon’s soft steps echo against the concrete floor. He brings his hand up to knock against the heavy, brown door. He listened as his fist pressed against the wooden door, making a loud clunking sound.
Clunk, clunk, clunk.
The shadow of the shattered window echoed Leon’s reflection back to him. The lock clicked and only a metal chain kept the door in place. Claire peeked from beyond the door, the two only separated by a metal chain.
“Can I help you?” Claire’s words snapped Leon out of lala land.
“H-hi.“ Leon answered, voice cracking slightly. He cleared his throat in an embarrassed manner. “Sorry, hi. Um… I‘m Leon. Leon Kennedy.” he nodded awkwardly.
“I know.” She responded simply, confused. “Do you need something?“ Her head tilted, silky auburn hair flowing with the small movement of her head. Claire’s eyes were careful ones, cautiously waiting for Leon to continue. “I‘m doing a project– for school– on what happened. You know. With Jill and–”
Claire huffed slightly, cutting the blond off. “And Chris?” She finished for him. “Why?”
Leon stared back at her. Four sentences in and he’s already messed up.
“I know it’s not my place, but I’m convinced he didn’t do it, and I’m gonna prove it.” He spoke, trying to ignore the laugh from Claire. “Trying to follow in your father’s footsteps, Kennedy?” she teased, a smirk lingering on her face. Leon stared back, an embarrassed smile and soft red tint on his face. “Maybe.” he shrugged, his smile turned into a grin and leaned against the door.
“So…?” Claire adjusted her posture, blue eyes staring back at Leon.
Leon perked up and cleared his throat. “Um, o..oh right.” Jesus Leon, you’re supposed to be trying to get her on your side, not scaring her away.
“Can I come back tomorrow? To interview you?” Leon smiled charismatically at Claire. She smiled softly, shaking her head slightly. “Yeah. Sure.” a soft laugh emitted out her mouth.
The eldest grinned. “Okay. Awesome.” he couldn’t draw his eyes away from her. “Tomorrow.”
Claire stared at him like she had something to say. “Uh...” she looked at him. “Leon.” he chirped.
“Yeah, Leon, you have blue ink all over your mouth.” she smiled before closing the door. Leon looked in the reflection, smiling like a fool and shaking his head.
Great going Leon.
this will probably never be finished as it was a Drabble i wrote in class last year but.... yeah! hope u all like it:)
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rookieclaire · 23 days
Juno's Masterlist
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Resident Evil:
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Full Pieces
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Full Pieces
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rookieclaire · 23 days
Full Pieces
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Simulation Swarm. (RPF, based on real events, fluff?)
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rookieclaire · 23 days
Resident Evil Drabbles
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A Good Boy's Guide to Murder. (Leon x Claire, AGGGTM!AU)
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A Cinderella Of His Own [Analysis]. (Leon x Reader. Fluff.)
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rookieclaire · 3 months
intro post ⋆。⋆˚。
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if you're a dick dni εїз
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wip - recents - masterlist - daily click - all about me εїз
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june/juno - minor - he/they/she - multifandom blog εїз
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have a good day ! ⋆。⋆˚。
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rookieclaire · 23 days
Resident Evil Pieces
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Claire Redfield:
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Me, You, and Coffee- That's All I Need! (ID!Claire Redfield x Reader, Hurt/Comfort)
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Ashley Graham:
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Nothing! Check back soon!
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