#yeah it's crazy but different others ships that the main title
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vanitiz1 · 4 months ago
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Cordelia x Yui Komire
I like the interaction of them in Dark Fate
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electronickingdomfox · 4 months ago
"Memory Prime" review
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Novel from 1988, by Garfield and Judith Reeves-Stevens. It's strange that the title says "the new novel by...", since as far as I know, this was the first Star Trek book of these authors. Chaotic, crazy, convoluted, at times campy and hard to follow, it's also a lot of fun. Even the cover is a "what-the-fuck" moment, with that Spock looking tiredly at the viewer, wearing the trademark Kirk-ripped-shirt.
The story mixes several TOS elements: a conspiracy to kill someone aboard the Enterprise; a mission to rescue Spock that puts everyone's careers in danger; and an obnoxious Commodore that hinders the heroes' efforts. All mixed and enhanced to cinematic level. Apart from all that, the novel expands on the story from "The Lights of Zetar", showing the aftermath of Memory Alpha's destruction. And has Mira Romaine (the guest from that episode) as one of the main characters.
The titular Memory Prime is the new center of knowledge and research for the Federation, and the main node in a network of similar centers, each in a different asteroid. Selected as the place to hold the Nobel prizes, the Enterprise is tasked with bringing scientists from all over the Federation to the ceremony. But things get awry when Starfleet intelligence discovers that one or more of the scientists are targeted for assassination. And to everybody's surprise, the main suspect is... Spock!! On top of that, Starfleet has lost confidence in Kirk, and orders a Commodore to take over the Enterprise during the emergency. So Kirk now has to recover both his First Officer and his ship, while confronted with a thickening web of conspiracy. There's something of pulp fiction about the cackling villains, killer robots, and constant plot twists and cliffhangers. But surprisingly, there's also an element of more serious science fiction, with the introduction of the Pathfinders (artificial intelligences that have developed their own worldview), and the discussions about computer science. The chapters dealing with the Pathfinders show a fascinating and alien perspective, that may very well be classified as "cyberpunk". It's possible that something of this owes more to TNG than TOS. The final reveal about who was behind the assassination, the real target of it, and the motives, were actually unexpected.
As for the characters, Kirk gets the spotlight and most heroic deeds (so it's no wonder that these same authors got to co-write the Shatnerverse novels later). And of course Spock is central to the plot, though absent during a good chunk of the story. But Scotty also gets a larger-than-usual role, and picks up his romance with Romaine. While Uhura has one of her most badass moments when confronting the Commodore. Also, everyone has crazy, crazy fight scenes: from Kirk defeating a robot with bullfighter techniques (and utterly annihilating his shirt in the process), to Spock locking in a mind-meld combat, or McCoy... attacking with hypos.
In summary, a pretty exciting action adventure, with humorous scenes that are actually funny, and some food-for-thought concerning AI and the fainting distinction between human and machine. Even if the plot can get messy and even ridiculous at times.
Spirk Meter: 9/10*. Kirk is really distressed by Spock's framing and incarceration, and spends most of the novel focused on rescuing him no matter what. Even if this means the end of his career and losing the Enterprise; Spock comes as his first priority. He doesn't doubt his innocence for a moment, either, while others in the crew have some reservations. And whenever Spock's in physical danger, Kirk is the first to jump to protect him (even if he himself is a wreck). Kirk is also the only one who truly seems to understand Spock, he can anticipate his thoughts and see his logic, where others only see crazyness. Besides, there's a scene where Kirk faints, and the first thing he says upon waking up is "Spock, Spock...?". And yeah, Spock is there, hovering over him and pushing him gently to lie back in bed.
Though this is clearly a spirky novel and McCoy has a lesser role, there are a few moments with him too. At the beginning, both he and Kirk devise a convoluted plan to keep Spock in the dark about the Nobel ceremony, in the hopes of seeing him smile or at least react when the surprise is revealed. While at the end, McCoy wants to know EVERYTHING about Spock's years in the Academy, once he learns from one of his teachers that he was a bit of a "class clown" back then (for Vulcan standards). And despite Spock's apparent annoyance, Kirk notices a warm expression on him, because of the doctor's antics. Kirk also jumps in front of McCoy and Spock to take a lethal phaser shot instead of them. With the hilarious result that the shot wasn't neither that lethal, nor he took it all that well, considering both Spock and McCoy also end up groaning in bed after a stun.
*A 10 in this scale is the most obvious spirk moments in TOS. Think of the back massage, "You make me believe in miracles", or "Amok Time" for example.
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lulu2992 · 7 months ago
I’d like to (finally) talk about this interview with Mark Thompson, Narrative Director on Far Cry 4:
I love it when devs talk about their work because it’s always super interesting and informative! This video is no exception.
But what struck me most when I first saw the interview is what he says about Far Cry 3, a title he also worked on as a Level Design Director, which I believe means he was not (or barely) involved in the writing of the script. When he mentions what he thinks the issues with the game were and what had to be “fixed” in Far Cry 4, the thing is that... he often contradicts what Jeffrey Yohalem, Lead Writer on Far Cry 3, explained in various articles.
Under the cut, I highlighted some parts of Mark Thompson’s interview (in red) and compared them to Jeffrey Yohalem’s words (in blue, with the sources) so you can see how different their points of view are.
In this case, when it comes to the story and meaning of Far Cry 3, I’m inclined to give more credence to the Lead Writer’s explanations, but I think this example perfectly illustrates how even people who worked on the same project can have very different (and sometimes equally valid) opinions, understandings, and feelings about it, and why it can therefore be difficult for the audience to determine what the “truth” or the “right” interpretation is…
Open world vs story
MT: We ended up shipping a game where the open world had a lot of cool stuff, but it didn’t have a lot of depth or meaning, and it had almost no connection to what was happening in the story. And in fact, in some ways, the two were kind of opposed and they were kind of conflicting each other. So, on one hand, the story itself had this ticking time bomb of “I have these friends that I need to rescue, but holy sh*t, collecting plants, finding that next animal I need for the next upgrade, getting that next skill point… Oh, look, there’s a radio tower! Wait, wasn’t I heading to that outpost?” And then you’re like, “Oh yeah, sh*t, my friend Keith’s trapped in the basement, I should probably go rescue him… I’m a terrible friend.” That was my main goal: fix this sh*t and make sure that the story and the open world speak to each other, complement each other; strip everything down so that the story and the open world are the same thing and it’s the same game.
JY: People who have looked at the surface of the game think that the story and the game are at war with each other as they are in most games, with the story just plugging potholes and the gameplay is going along its merry way. I think it’s very exaggerated that, “Oh, go save the friends! Go save the friends!” but most people are out on the island doing all this other crazy stuff and experiencing the gameplay. And that’s actually the point of the story. It’s not a game about go save your friends. It’s a game about – doing a lot of picking skins from things, and wait, it’s just a pile of meat – this doesn’t even make sense, yet I’m still doing it instead of saving the friends. (Rock Paper Shotgun - Dec. 19, 2012)
The “white savior” trope
MT: We were definitely aware of some of the tropes that we fell into - unintentionally in some cases, intentionally in some - and (…) almost the first thing that we did was decide how we were gonna address the white savior trope, the outsider who comes in and helps simple people with his outsider’s kind of more advanced understanding of the world. (...) The first thing we said was, “This guy is from Kyrat, no matter what happens. That is the most important thing; he is part of this world, he belongs here.”
JY: “It’s a first-person game, and Jason is a 25-year old white guy from Los Angeles. From Hollywood. So his view of what’s going on on this island is his own view, and you happen to be looking through his eyes, so you’re seeing his view,” Yohalem explained. “It’s set on an island in the South Pacific, so immediately the thing that comes to mind is the white colonial trope, the Avatar trope. I started with that, and it’s like, ‘Here’s what pop culture thinks about traveling to a new place,’ and the funny thing is, that’s an exaggeration of most games, they just don’t expose it. (The Penny Arcade Report - Dec. 17, 2012)
JY: There’s a reason why Jason is a 25 year old white guy from Hollywood – these are all ideas that are in his head. You’re seeing things through his eyes. (...) It’s not that [Citra] needed a white saviour at all. She didn’t need a white guy at all. She was just looking for the ultimate warrior and someone to be her gun. (...) If this was about the white messiah motif, would I be so stupid as to have a main character’s nickname be Snow White? I’m making fun of that! (Rock Paper Shotgun - Dec. 19, 2012)
The player and the protagonist
MT: When we were doing the script review, almost immediately, the first thing we would do would be, “Okay, so how many lines does Ajay have? Okay, cut that by 75%”, and then we would review it and then cut out even more. Whenever possible, we would set up a scenario where we know or we think we know how players would react, and so we would remove the line that the character would actually say and then have the other person react to it. “Oh, you think that, do you?” - in that kind of way, so they’re like, “Oh f*ck, how did he know I was gonna say that?” Whereas, if the protagonist said that line, they’re like, “Oof, I wouldn’t have said that”, and then suddenly you’re kind of broken out of the experience. (…) When you’re in first-person, all you hear is this disconnected voice that might not be agreeing with what you’re doing. So, again, it’s just about stripping away those barriers of immersion so you can imagine yourself in this scenario.
JY: In Far Cry 3, Jason is a character and he’s not the player. The player is another character in the game. Sometimes Jason disagrees with the player, and sometimes Jason agrees with him. And the magic of that is that then it doesn’t matter! Basically, as long as the whole narrative is directed towards what the player is feeling—which for me is how videogames should be—then I get to target Jason as a resource where players can go: “I disagree with Jason.” And the player gets to convince Jason to do something else. So instead of trying to force the two of them together, I’ve decoupled them. (Killscreen - Dec. 12, 2012)
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amethystfairy1 · 1 year ago
Hello!!! Been a big fan of both TTSBC and Traveling Thieves for a while (I remember I was actually there when the first Thieves fic was published!). Like previous asks, I've got some basic worldbuilding questions for TTSBC, mostly about the logistics of the under-city. And don't worry, I'm not expecting too deep or complex an answer.
If the under-city caverns are not bottomless, then at some point wouldn't overcrowding or extreme population density become a serious issue? If that is the case, then are there any big problems with housing or homelessness? Especially from Ren we know that some under-city families/clans can grow quite large. I know you've said that the main cavern and the depths aren't the only parts of the undercity and there are other tunnels and smaller caverns that branch off from it, but still, there are only so many places to go underground when you're boxed in on all sides.
Where does the under-city get their food? I'm assuming most commercial crops aren't an option because they need lots of space and sunlight, as well as most land animals like cattle or pigs and such because they also need space for farms and grazing. Are there special types of animals or plants that have adapted to live beneath bedrock? Given the technology level in the setting, perhaps the labs came up with some way to engineer and grow their own crops? Does glamor play any role in food production?
Hello, hello! ✨
I know you of course I do! Thanks so much for all your kind comments and support of both the AUs for all this time, I really appreciate it! Questions questions questions! ☺️
Sooooo....remember how monsters are a big problem? Yeah...the mortality rate of the under-city is unfortunately quite high, especially on the lower levels and out in the tunnels and other caves and such. I also feel like I'm underselling just how huge the under-city is. Like. It's REALLY big. I don't want to slap numbers on it because I feel like I'll pigeon-hole myself but like, while yes it is certainly crowded, it's not to the point where it's extremely overpopulated. Also I will say that while it's true that clans like Ren and Lizzie's get pretty huge, there aren't that many clans that grow to that size in the under-city. The Dog and Cat hunting clans are the main ones, and I do plan to elaborate on that more especially once we get back to Treebark. So between the two of them they are huge, yes, but it's not like every single hunting family/clan of subspecies gets to that size.
They have several different ways. There are foods that have adapted to grow in the under-city such as glowberries, but also there is the underground trade. I've mentioned it here and there, but Etho's main job is that he trades with the over-city for supplies, under the table. It's something that's been going on for years and it's nothing new, and there are several characters I am very much looking forward to introducing you all too that are apart of this fragile chain keeping the over-city and under-city connected. For example, remember how Xisuma showed up briefly in 'Everything and More'? And how his job title is head of Over-City Relations? It's got something to do with that. Also yes! The labs have developed ways to grow crops and steady food supplies in the under-city, including some livestock like chickens and cows, but again, it's all quite limited. The under-city does have resources enough to manage without any connection to the over-city for at least a year or two, but things would start straining pretty quickly, and that's kind of what Doc and his new version of the labs has been trying to improve upon ever since he took over. And...well, glamor itself doesn't play a role, but there have been experiments in using glamor to help with the problem. While I don't plan to go crazy on the details in these aspects, there are pieces planned in the future (with perhaps another new ship OH NO) where we'll learn about how the under-city actually runs and supplies itself.
Hope these were helpful! 💖
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blushblushbear · 2 months ago
it's apt that the first song is titled suffering....
Also can I just-----
this instrumental is really bad... it sounds less like it's from a musical about greek myth and more like it's from a fnaf fan song
I'm not against him tricking the answer out of the siren
I like the melody but the way they break up the speak singing is still really stilted
just these big pauses
this songs not that bad but it's mostly just meh
you wanna get Big Dark BE BIG DARK
OMG TENTACLE ANNIE, I LOVE YOUR WORK (Annie from League of Legends, Scylla from Smite)
Okay no but seriously, just like the lotus eaters, I have a big ol' soft spot for Scylla and her best bud Charybdis
I'm actually just a general fan of the big epic journey that happens throughout the story and I think that's why I'm so disappointed with Epic???
like so much of it is just about Odysseus and like--- yeah he's the main character but that's not really what a lot of people remember from hearing the Odyssey
so many aspects from the Odyssey are the big grand and strange obstacles that get in their way on the journey and all the crazy turns it takes
The Lotus Eaters, The Cyclops, The Sorceress Circe, The Prophet Tiresias, The Sirens, Scylla and Charydbis, intervention from the gods, magic fruit and plants and bags of wind, journeying through the underworld
there's A LOT you can do with all these and it feels like we're just breezing through all of this like. go to the place, do the thing, go to the place, do the thing--- don't shimmer in the atmosphere of these strange locations with fantastic creatures, it's all about Odysseus, we don't need to look away from him, just quick peaks so we can see what he's gonna fight next
and add some confusing turmoil that makes no sense and also make sure anything bad Odysseus does is from someone else pressuring him to do it, we don't want our greek mythological characters to be hella flawed or anything (don't--- just don't look at all of the pages and pages of greek myth where things happen cause people were just being assholes, we can't have our hero be an ass, that's too complex, we need to give him a moral standing that he flip flops on constantly in a way that makes no sense)
frankly I would've liked this more if they just let Odysseus be an asshole. Cause he was an asshole. No one in greek mythology was above just being an asshole. Make him a likable asshole type and stop trying to make him the moral center of things. HE'S ALREADY FIGHTING MONSTERS, INTERESTING THINGS ARE ALREADY HAPPENING, YOU DON'T NEED TO GIVE HIM A NONSENSICAL MORAL CONFLICT ABOUT IT.
on the upside this is all making me remember how much I love this shit. Like-- the odyssey is buck wild man.
But seriously, there are no good guys or bad guys in greek mythology, it's mostly just stuff happening. (okay, well, YES there are good guys and bad guys, but the good guys aren't good guys the way superman is a good guy. All good guys in greek myth still have massive amounts of blood on their hands basically all the time and will FULL ON just commit acts of violence. but like--- Heroically!)
anywho Scylla (who btw is supposed to basically be roommates with Charybdis, in that the ship literally had to pass through both of them like--- at the same time, they were on either side. Rock and a hard place but it's a big monster lady and a whirlpool with teeth. and I see we DO have a song for Charybdis but I also see it's not along side Scylla and there goes any hopes of a monster duet cause this is amateur hour)
Also this is a big side note but one of the only songs I've heard from Epic is that GET IN THE WATER song and I dead ass thought that was the sirens song but again I guess this is amateur hour and also the sirens basically aren't a threat at all CAUSE IT'S SOOOOO IMPORTANT THAT WE SHOW THAT ODYSSEUS IS GOING GRIMDARK ON US GUYS, NO ONE CARES ABOUT SIRENS, DON'T GIVE THEM A WHOLE SONG OR ANYTHING, WHAT ARE THEY LIKE MONSTERS THAT SING OR SOMETHING
nah just like a few lines in a song that's mostly about Odysseus again
and def don't change the tone or style of music to match where or what we're up against, it can just be random pop all the way through, it's fine.
ah okay at least the sirens get to be backup
or is that not the siren's idk whose singing I can only assume it's the sirens
yey big scary monster lady
I really am lost which female singing voice is meant to be whom
I assume it's a duet between the sirens on the ship and Scylla???
and are they all the same cause they're monsters???
it's very tell don't show.
wonder what's gonna happen in this song
oh yeah no bud, he's been pulling you through danger this whole time
in the beginning-----
'PAINFULLY BAD' fucking dead ass END ME. PLEASE.
but yeah in the beginning he cared some, but he's been losing men left and right for a while now dude
see this is what happens when you try and make there be morals in a greek myth
like I'm not saying have a fight here, but don't flip flop like they'd been doing, let this tension grow, let Odysseus grow more and more careless and more and more desperate, and let this conflict bubble
instead Odysseus was the good guy until this last betrayal
trying to make an over all moral good guy here is just not the play
also homeboy it doesn't matter how fast you run, it's fucking Helios THE FUCK YOU GONNA HIDE?????
okay this opening is really good actually
the electric guitar giving violin vibes I dig it
Also I'm not against this turn or anything but I do think it would feel more earned if we stopped trying to make Odysseus the good guy
cause this feels like the true All Is Lost Moment, but like--- it feels less dramatic cause his second in command was being such an asshole before-- BEING AN ASSHOLE WHO GETS WORSE AND WORSE IS SUPPOSED TO BE ODYSSEUS' JOB!!
I will say, narrative and drama flaws aside, I think this has been one of the better songs thus far.
Or at least the most like--- successful. Like-- it properly uses established melodies to build the tension and call back to the events and ideas already laid in place like---- look who learned how to musical properly!
Also that brings us to the end of this section so I'm gonna take a bit of a break
I'll see y'all for the 'wisdom saga' in a bit
so I already feel bad for the anon who asked my opinionated musical theater ass to look into Epic.
Gonna attempt to keep my thoughts succinct and all on the same thread/under read more--
but with that said if you wanna avoid this all together, which is very fair, I'm gonna be tagging this as bear's epic blogging
with that all said DOWN INTO THE CUT WE GO
So right off the bat I will say the musical IMMEDIATELY looses points cause the majority of the songs are 3-4 minutes long
I'm very much of the mind set that all big feelings and plot points SHOULD have a song, but the issue with a lot of modern musicals is that they think all songs need to be 'song' length (so about 3 to 4 minutes long)
they're wrong and I think my favorite example of how to do 'give a feeling a song but don't let it over stay it's welcome' is I guess this is Goodbye from Into The Woods (side note if you saw disney's movie of this musical, I'm so sorry, that was insulting, go watch that PBS recording with Bernadette Peters, she's amazing)-- it's about fairy tale characters, this is Jack of Jack and the Bean stock fame and this is the moment he's saying goodbye to his beloved cow in exchange for magic beans. This is a big moment for Jack and is the driving force for his actions for the first half of his story so it's important, and since it's an important beat in a musical, we sing! -- for about 30 odd seconds and then we continue with the plot cause we have A LOT of story to get through.
And on the note of A Lot of story to get through---
SO-- I'm a broke bitch, so how I experience musicals is I read through the plot summary on wiki, and as songs come up, I listen to the song.
This approach is especially apt here since there is no stage production and low key THANK GOD cause this opening number is actually pretty bad as opening numbers go.
But put a pin in that cause we'll come back to it, NOW--!
I actually gave the wiki a dry read before putting music into anything cause--- well, admittedly it's partly curious but also low key uh--- so I'm not as Hot on The Odyssey as everyone else seems to be? It's a story about a captain who gets mad lost, and losses most of his men, and cheats on his wife, and yeah I GUESS it's an epic tale of his journey home or whatever but like----
I feel like it puts a damper on things when you take some details into account--- like how it's mostly just HIS journey, fuck all the dudes he brought with him I guess. This ain't about them meme. Also 'Her white arms round him pressed as though forever' does loose some cache for me when I know cha boy like---- full on cheated on his wife on the way there. He never gave up coming home! Buuut he did take a break to get laid and loose a lot of his men on the way.
I know it's like-- cunning and he out smarts the odds and blah blah blah but like-- he's still an asshole ya know??
So I was curious how they were gonna spin this, so I read the wiki. I still have not finished the wiki cause HOLY SHIT this thing is long. I know it's supposed to be An Epic but like--- I feel like things could've been stream lined SOME. ESPECIALLY when the songs are 4 minutes a piece BRUH.
I'm going to try and have an open mind here but the odds are already against this thing from word go.
BUT OKAY, the opening number.
I know it's not a stage production but like---------
If you're gonna call something A Musical, on some level you have to treat it like one.
A lot of musicals lately seem to want to REMOVE the theater aspect of musical theater (god forbid we have some incidental music or like------ A THEME or anything)
At the start of this I'm already missing the sort of Establishing Song that's in a lot of my favorite musicals.
Or I guess I should say like--- the establishing melody or stanza or something. Not all of them are full numbers but they help set the stage (sometimes literally, fucking the way the Beetlejuice musical has all it's pieces like light up or roll in and just like the scene fades in MWAH glorious I DROOL)
But yeah, Prologue: Invisible from Beetlejuice, Overture from The Producers (which I only just realized has a bit of Prisoners of Love in the full version WHICH IS THE SECOND TO LAST SONG they really said MEDLEY! with their whole chest lol), Little Shop of Horrors from Seussical the Musi--- JUST KIDDING IT'S FROM LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS, No One Mourns the Wicked from Wicked, The Ballad of Sweeney Todd from Sweeney Todd (2012 London cast my beloved), Seasons of Love from RENT, Alexander Hamilton from Hamilton (which say what you want about Miranda but DAMN this musical is so efficient and well crafted ARGUE WITH THE FUCKING WALL) HELL, EVEN HOLD ME, BATBOY FROM BAT BOY THE MUSICAL
Ever single one of these starts with a song or a bit of music that sort of Vibe Checks the audience into the world we're gonna be living in for the next 2 to 3 hours and if they don't also act as a whole on establishing number (aka a Welcome To This World song or Here's The Start of The Plot song) then it's the very next number in the show and usually follows IMMEDIATELY after
(Opening Night from the Producers, Rent from RENT, The Whole Being Dead Thing from Beetlejuice, Aaron Burr, Sir from Hamilton, No Place like London from Sweeney Todd, AND Downtown/Skid Row from The Little Shop of Horrors MY BELOVED, HAZBIN HOTEL FUCKING WISHES SHE COULD BE YOU SO BAD, MY BEAUTIFUL FLAWLESS, DARLING!!! {okay but seriously Happy Day in Hell wanted to be Skid Row so fucking bad but she tripped over the starting line and broke her neck, deadass. Though to be fair Hazbin sweetie, you never stood a chance, Skid Row does SUCH an AMAZING job introducing it's world, establishing it's characters and their wants and feelings, No One can beat it. THAT FUCKING PART WHERE THE BUMS ARE CLIMBING THE DAMN FENCE LIKE FUCKING ZOMBIES you live in my head rent free! You and the lady who starts the song-- DAMN! Sing it child INDEED.})
But yeah, back to Epic.
I'm not going to hold the fact that it doesn't sound like Full Musical Theater deal against it since it's basically a handful of people headed mostly by One Guy (there is no pit, there is no orchestra, it's not a whole ensemble of singers), but I WILL hold the fact that it basically doesn't have an establishing number at all at it's start against it.
No Vibe check, no settling in, just BAM! In medias res! Hey dude, I know you're in a war right now, but you gotta kill this baby dude, trust.
It really did just smack me in the face with it's plot. (full palm)
Like I said at the top of things I literally feel so bad for that anon. They probably did not know I am Mad Opinionated About Musical Theater but I am. And they did not know the land mine they stepped on by low key suggesting me to give it a listen.
Unfortunately I am Anton Ego here. I don't LIKE musical theater-- I LOVE IT.
I will say I think a saving grace for me during this is that Jorge Rivera-Herrans has a pretty solid singing voice.
It's very modern musical pretty boy which I'm not the hugest fan of by I can def see why people want to draw a face to match it and/or apply it to their blorbos and ocs.
This ride is already starting out bumpy for me, but my butt's probably just sensitive, so take my bitching with a grain of salt.
Also know that just cause I'm complaining doesn't mean I hate it. I complain about Blush Blush all the time in the discord and I basically spend most of my free time doing shit on here so--
Alright, I'm gonna get through a few more songs before I tune back into yap some more
I'd say stay posted, but like--- maybe don't I'm always a complainer when it comes to modern musical theater <XD;
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A Heart Of Change (Zuko X Reader) [Everything Has Changed Part 4]
Title: A Heart Of Change Summary: Azula returns to exact her revenge, but that's not the only thing that returns with her. New events and old feelings come to light. Warnings: Angst ? And canon violence. Requested: By a few lovely followers of mine who wanted a part 4!!
A/N: I glossed over Boiling Rock Part 1 + 2 because I couldn't think of a good way to incorporate the reader in those events so I'll be referring to them instead of completely retelling them.
A/N 2: Sorry for the month long hiatus! Work has been crazy! Anyway, enjoy part 4 x
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Zuko~A Heart Of Change
A lot had happened in the past few days- and it was almost enough to distract you from the bigger picture. With Zuko and Aang learning the true source of fire bending, and Sokka to rescuing Suki and his dad (with Zuko's help), you'd almost forgotten what was inevitably coming for you. Your previous actions had consequences. And, where consequences and revenge were involved, Azula wasn't far behind. (If you were being honest, you were surprised she didn't find you earlier.)
     What didn't surprise you, however, was how ready she was. She came prepared: a taunting expression on her face, and a fleet of air ships behind her, she launched her attack on the Western Air Temple. You couldn't fight them all at once, not even with Avatar right now. Fleeing safely was your main priority. If you had any hope of defeating the Fire Lord before that comet, Aang needed to master fire bending- and you needed to make it out of here alive.
    You look over at Zuko and recognise a look in his eyes. Zuko had never backed down from a fight- especially with his sister. And, now you were worried what he would do next.
    "We have to go now, Zuko," you plead, "It's not worth fighting her if it means we don't get out of here alive."
    Zuko glanced at you and then back at his sister. He had to do something: letting his sister get the best of him again didn't sit right with him. He hated feeling helpless. Besides, a distraction was needed to get out of here. Zuko was happy to provide that.
     "You go with the others," Zuko insisted, "I'm going to distract her, she'll be too busy fighting me to attack you guys."
      You weren't sure about this, but decided to help round up the others anyway.
     Haru began to make a tunnel out of the air bending temple, trying to help the others escape. Aang was doing his best to persuade Appa to follow them through the tunnel, but it wasn't working. Appa was scared of being under ground, especially after he got trapped in the mountain in the Earth Kingdom. You could see that it wasn't working. He would have to fly, even if it wasn't the safer option.
     "This isn't working," Aang says, frustrated, "I'll take Appa and fly."
     "It's too dangerous!" Katara insisted.
     "It's even more dangerous staying here like sitting ducks!" you yell back, over the noise of the airships and the crumbling temple.
      "She's right," Toph says.
      "Haru, take the others to safety through the tunnel," Aang said, "We'll fly to safety on Appa."
      Haru nodded and began to earth bend his way, with the others, through the air bending temple- he closed the tunnel behind him so that they couldn't be followed. Aang watched them go, and then turned back to the gang. They all began to climb onto Appa. Sokka looked behind him, when he realised you and Zuko weren't with the others on Appa. His eyes widened as he watched Zuko jump from the cliff towards the airships and towards his sister- also towards the huge fire balls!
     "What are you doing?" Sokka yelled to you.
     "I have to help him! Zuko needs my help! You lot go ahead- we'll catch up!" you reply, looking away from Sokka towards Zuko, "Besides you guys need a distraction!"
     Aang hesitated looking down at you, but you nodded. He nodded back then told Appa 'yip yip' and the bison began to fly through the collapsing rubble. You watched them fly upwards in an effort to avoid the blasts of fire Azula and her soldier were firing their way. You looked to the edge of the cliff and then to the airships, before taking a running start. Using blasts of fire from your hands, you launch yourself further into the air. Zuko's head turned when he heard the sound of your footsteps running along the crumbling ground. His eyes widened.
     He told you to stay behind!
     This wasn't part of his plan!
     What if you got hurt?
     His mind was racing a million miles an hour, but he tried to stay focused on Azula. He knew she'd use you against him; she was always very aware of his soft spot for you. Even as a child, he'd try and shield you from Azula. She quickly caught on, and from then on enjoyed teasing him about his precious Y/N, and then she'd go onto describe what she'd do to you if she ever caught you alone and unawares. From then on, his effort to keep you away from Azula (even as you grew older and more capable) became even more conscious. That hadn't changed. Even now. Even as you were risking your life for him and the gang. He still feared losing you- especially to his sister.
      "What are you doing here?!" Zuko yelled across the air ships.
      "What does it look like?!" you reply back, "I'm helping you dumbass! This is dangerous- I'm not letting you do it on your own!"
      Zuko tries not to freak out too much, but his attention is immediately drawn away by a large ball of fire heading his way. He dodges it narrowly and jumps to the next air ship. He quickly looks back to you- and luckily you're safe. You acknowledge him with a smile and then slide down the side of the air ship with a blade-like-flame, cutting down the side of the ship. The hull of the ship rips with a severe noise, and you can feel the ship start to spiral down. You use the side of the ship to boost yourself onto the next one.
      Between the two of you, you made quick work of the air ships. It was made ever more difficult, though, with the interference of Azula. She was a powerful bender, even at such a young age. And, with the top tier training she'd received in the heart of the fire nation, with the nation's greatest fire benders, it was no surprise that she was putting up quite a fight.
     "I don't think we can last much longer," you shouted over to Zuko, "We need to get out of here!"
     "Where's Aang?" Zuko agreed.
     "Up there," you pointed.
     "We're going to have to j-"
     Before Zuko could finish the word 'jump', you were both forced off the side of the air ship by another powerful ball of fire sent from Azula. In the process she was forced backwards. Luckily, when you were launched off of the ship, Aang was ready with Appa to catch you both. You landed with a thud on Appa's saddle, and looked back.
     "She's not going to make it," Zuko said quietly.
      Azula pulled out her hair pin, and dug it deep into the side of the cliff. Eventually she came to a halt, making eye contact with Zuko as she did.
     "Of course she did."
Things between you and Zuko had been different ever since you escape Azula. In fact, you suspected it started before that. Ever since he'd gone to the Boiling Rock with Sokka, something seemed different. Seemed off. You hadn't even had the chance to talk to him alone, yet. For you, it was only making the situation worse.
     You found yourself sitting alone on the beach. You'd eaten dinner with the others, and then excused yourself. Talk at dinner was lively, but you felt yourself shrink away from it. You hadn't seen Azula since you fled the fire nation; seeing her again was resurfacing old memories. Ones of her and you. Ones of you and Zuko. And, being at this house didn't help. Zuko and Azula used to come here all the time as kids. Sometimes Zuko would invite you. You had good memories here. However, now it felt so empty. You shook your head, trying to clear your thoughts.
     Maybe that's why Zuko was being so strange; maybe he was going through what you were going through. Surely he wasn't having second thoughts about coming here? Or maybe it was just second thoughts about you?
     You were so wrapped up in your thoughts, you barely heard footsteps approaching you.
     "You didn't stay long at dinner," Zuko commented, sitting down beside you.
     You brought your knees up to your chest and sighed.
     "I didn't mean to leave you out there," you murmur, "I just didn't feel like I had much to say, that's all."
     "And, I thought being the moody one was my job," Zuko teases.
     You have a faint smile on your face.
     "You're not moody, you're angsty," you correct, "There's a difference."
     "There's a difference?"
     "Yeah, you're so much more dramatic than moody," you reply.
     Zuko shakes his head. You smile towards him, and he rolls his eyes playfully in response.
     "I'm just teasing," you promise.
    "I know," Zuko says calmly, and then he hesitates before speaking again, "Are you sure you're okay? We haven't talked just us-"
    "-I'm fine, Zuko. It's not... It's not anything serious. I'm just over reacting. I promise."
    Zuko is silent, and in that moment, you take it as a sign for you to continue. You've held it in for so long that you almost can't help to let all your emotions out.
    "It's just I... I feel like we haven't talked in a while. And seeing Azula today, it just brought up old memories. And, this place... I feel like it should be comforting, but its not. It just reminded me of what I don't have any more," you sigh, "I feel like something happened on the Boiling Rock. Something you're not telling me. Not that you have to tell me anything... I didn't want... I'm not trying... I... I don't know I feel like something has changed. Between us. You know what- just ignore me. Forgot what I said."
      You go to get up from where you're sitting, but Zuko puts his hand on yours and you stop.
      "I didn't mean to hide anything from you," Zuko sighed, "I didn't mean to make you feel like this."
      You looked down towards the waves lapping the sand.
      "I saw Mai. I saw Mai on Boiling Rock," Zuko confessed, "And... She saved me-us. She saved us by going against Azula. I've been feeling... Conflicted about it. I'm worried about her- and what Azula has done to her-"
       That's all you could say. Part of you felt heart broken because you had pressed so much- Zuko rarely talked about his feelings like this even to you. Part of you felt selfish for thinking the reason he was so distant was because of you. It was Mai. It had always been Mai and it was always be Mai.
     "I'm sure she's alright, Zuko. Her family's high standing will protect her," you say, placing a hand on his shoulder.
      You squeeze it lightly before standing up and walking back towards the house.
     "Wait," Zuko says, running up behind you.
     "I'm going to bed, Zuko," you murmur trying to walk quicker.
     "Y/N, wait, please, I'm not good with words... I don't-"
     "-Don't worry, Zuko. Mai is special. She's special to you," you smile up at him, "I'm happy you've found that."
     "No, that's not what I meant. Y/N, please. Mai is special, but so are you. She's not my special- you're... Ugh, I'm not good with words... I..." Zuko huffs, frustrated.
      You look up at him, confused, "I'm special?"
       "Yes," he nods, "You've always been special to me. More than anyone else. You always have been. I- When I was banished, you came with me; you've always been by my side. Even when I didn't deserve. Even when I didn't deserve you..."
       "Zuko... I..."
       "You don't have to feel the same, but I just want you to-"
       You lean up and press your hand against his cheek. He stops speaking but his lips part before he gently gulps. You look up at him for permission, and he nods. In this moment, he might just agree to anything you asked of him. But, for now, all you ask of him is a kiss. He gladly accepts. You gently place your lips on his, and he kisses back.
      "How long have you felt like this?" you ask him.
     "A life time."
      You smile: so dramatic you think. But, then again, you always did like a bit of dramatic flare in your life.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years ago
The Crosshair stuff is a symptom of the lacklustre character establishment of it's main cast. Crosshair is the only Bad Batcher with a defined character to pull from, even if it's wrapped in the cluster fuck of the show being indecisive about the Inhibitor chips's abilities. The rest don't have a developed enough personality to draw from, they're archetypes who'll voice the position the plot needs them to occupy at the moment. What they'll defend in one episode they'll decry the next.
TBB characters are definitely archetypal, though I'm not sure I'd agree that this is inherently a bad thing and/or that it's at the root of the Crosshair messiness. Archetypes don't necessarily equal a lack of a character, just a character that we've seen many times before. Unless you prioritize novelty in your storytelling (which many people do), there's nothing inherently wrong with taking the "dumb," but emotionally intelligent brute, the socially inept genius, the stoic leader, and the "evil" asshole, cramming them in a small ship together, and letting sparks fly. The reason that dynamic works — as it has worked many times before — is because it pits such differing personalities against one another, resulting in both great teamwork and amusing conflict: such as when Wrecker is gleefully stuffing Lula in a pissed-off Crosshair's face. The contrast is fun and that contrast stems primarily from keeping their personalities simple and defined. Unless you really know what you're doing, the more you mess with those personality boxes, the less individualized your characters feel. See: the RWBYJNOR team who have, over the years, lost both their specialized skills and their distinguishing personality traits. The person who just blushed sweetly and awkwardly rubbed a hand behind their neck... was it Ruby? Oscar? Blake? Yang? Jaune? Even Nora? Could be any of them because at this point their core personalities have flattened. Though it's definitely not to everyone's taste, the black and white differences between TBB was kind of refreshing. Throw out a line of dialogue and you can easily figure out who said it. There's something to be said for that level of understanding about a character, even if the understanding itself is simple.
Personally, I'd say the problem lies not in creating another team where everyone has a distinct skill and a stereotypical personality to match, but rather in severely underutilizing the thing that shook that dynamic up: Echo.
Look, I ADORE Omega. I was cheering for my fictional daughter through every step of this season (quite literally during "Replacements"). But—but—if we wanted to push things in the character development department, I'd relegate her to season two. Omega's character serves as the audience surrogate/newbie/hopeful optimist archetype and that's great... provided that you ignore how Echo was already positioned to fill those roles. He became the newest member of TBB, but we skipped over his integration to instead introduce another new member. And, as much as I love her, Omega doesn't push TBB the way that Echo could.
TCW introduced a severe dislike for the "regs," something the first episode of TBB re-emphasized through the cafeteria scene, and then what do you know, the newest member is a former reg. I was expecting there to be a lot of tension stemming from that as the group worked to overcome their prejudice, a prejudice we now know is born of harassment and, interestingly, a sense of superiority. That's one of the few places where TBB does something unexpected: rather than suffering severe insecurity about being "defective," TBB is proud of their differences. (Or, at least, they've embraced pride to cover insecurity.) But unlike a reg's haircut, tattoos, or name, theirs isn't an individuality that they chose. The Kaminoans made them to be different. "I like to blow stuff up because I LIKE TO BLOW STUFF UP" Wrecker roars, but it's a moment that foreshadows his eventual fall to the chip: "No one controls me." Except, you know, he is controllable. There's a story there about characters trying to remain proud of skills and personalities that they know are engineered, trying to embrace individuality when they know they're controllable, who long for the stability and connection of their brothers, but reject the uniformity of "real" clones... and then there's Echo, suddenly on the scene, a former "real" clone who now is nothing like the majority of his brothers, whose differences were also forced on him by another, who should likewise be grappling with embracing his individuality vs. hating how it separates him from what he once knew... that's a lot. Echo could have — arguably should have — been the catalyst for a ton of self-reflection within TBB, mirroring his own development, and resulting in archetypal characters who nevertheless have a secondary layer of nuance.
But none of that happened because Omega became the focus instead, a character who forced TBB to struggle with taking care of a child, not struggle with their own identities. I'd thought for a hot second that the conflict would be whether soldiers could raise a child at all — whether they'd have to change for Omega's benefit — but instead she rather quickly became a soldier of her own, despite how often the dialogue insisted she wasn't. Here's her weapon. Here's her memorizing orders. Here's her first mission alone. Here's her almost never struggling with the horrors that she's experienced; she's as emotionally sturdy as the men bred for war. Omega develops, which is fantastic to watch, but the downside is that everyone else, our title characters, remain pretty static. I think if we'd had a season of Echo joining TBB, perhaps taking place a little before Order 66, and then Omega came on the scene, we would have seen a bit more depth to their characters, simply by virtue of Echo being a character whose personality and problems would inevitably push them. Omega doesn't push them. She's wonderful... and from a writing standpoint that's kinda the problem. She's always optimistic, always compassionate, doesn't take long to get good at these complex skills, never wavers in being satisfied and happy with this life. TBB never had to change to care for her, Omega just did them the courtesy of becoming another elite-soldier capable of keeping up with their dangerous, crazy lives. Her presence is a constant joy and benefit to the team, adding only good things to the status quo they'd developed. Echo? His arrival should, theoretically, have shaken the status quo like whoa. Here's this traumatized reg trying to become a member of a four-unit team who have an Us vs. Them approach to life. That's a recipe for conflict and development.
However, just because I can see other possibilities for TBB doesn't mean I think what we got is wrong. Yeah, it's simple in many respects and as said, the comparative complexity of Crosshair's situation might not end well, but beyond that, simple isn't inherently bad. I found it a lot of fun to watch a found family of extreme personalities take in a wonderful child and go on adventures together. I don't need every show — particularly every Star Wars show — to be a deep dive into complex storytelling. It can be enough to just embrace predictability, especially since the predictable became predictable because lots of people liked those choices.
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sparklyaxolotlstudent · 4 years ago
Inspired by @imthepunchlord​  post about Julegami 
I made this ficlet. The main difference is that this will be about their relationship as friends, nothing romantic between them.
So... uh...
Tiger and Dragon?
As usual, I’ll think on a title later.
“They’re made for each other. Tatsu, let’s go”
The A.I. that they used as a butler started the car and they went.
Kagami felt a bit weird she loved Adrien, so why wasn’t she jealous of Marinette? She actually felt happy for her… for them. Well, of course with Adrien indecisiveness and Marinette being pretty much in denial they had a lot of work to do… maybe she could… no, no, no, she will not interfere in her best friend romantic stuff… unless she asked… or she dragged her again in one of her crazy shenanigans…
And she was still a bit mad at Adrien… and not really ready to hang out with him as friends, so Marinette was on her own.
And so was she.
She looked outside, and saw the rain fall in the Parisian streets. Hope her mother was at their home by now and she would…
Her mother had given her permission to hang out with Marinette, she could take advantage of that and enjoy a bit of…
But Marinette was with Adrien now, so she should return home and…
Or should she…
Since Adrien was with Marinette (hopefully) and her mother thought she was with Marinette (Only her could perform the miracle of her mom allowing her free time) she could do wathever she wanted!
And she wanted to hang out with Marinette. Phooey!
But with Marinette unavailable, what else she could do?
“Tatsu, let’s go to the Liberty”
She ordered, without thinking. The Liberty was the place Marinette hanged out the most with the rest of her friends, be it rehearsals for Kitty Section, hanging out with the girl squad, or plan shenanigans (she remembered most of them were there when they recorded their videos for Adrien)
She quickly texted Juleka Couffaine to see if they were free and wanted to spend time with her.
Part of her feared that Juleka would say “No” since they hadn’t had one on one time before, but if Marinette had taught her anything, it was that her friends were open to friendship. She had even hanged out without Adrien in their “girl squad” reunions, and to be honest, Juleka seemed te most interesting of the bunch. Alya was a little too obsessed with making “Adrienette” happen (The reason she had stopped hanging out with them when she and Adrien became an official couple). Alix was too blunt, and hit a little too close to home to be completely honest. Rose was too bubbly and Mylene spend the whole time talking about Ivan or her environmental work, which she admired, but she wanted to relax in these hang outs.
Juleka was shy and unassuming, but Kagami had heard of her wanting to be a model, and about how she became Reflekta the first time. Being the daughter of someone like Anarka (Which Kagami still doubted was a real, legal name) it seemed odd that she wouldn’t be a Chaotic “does-what-she-wants” kind of girl. -Either way, Kagami found her interesting.
She gave a start when the sound and vibration on her phone alerted her for a new message.
“Sure” it was all of Juleka’s reply.
She arrived at the Liberty, not sure what would happen without Marinette there.
“It’s okay for me to be here?” Asked Kagami once she was inside the ship. Juleka nodded.
“Yeah, I was just going to watch a movie with my brother”
A movie! Perfect! They wouldn’t have to talk, and Kagami would be able to just turn her brain off and enjoy the mayhem.
“Oh, what movie?”
“There’s a new movie named ‘Luca’, and my brother’s name is ‘Luka’ so we thought it would be appropriate to watch it together”
“Your mom is going to watch it too?” Kagami was honestly a bit afraid of Anarka Couffaine. Nothing in particular, just the way the others talked about her, she seemed to be the polar opposite of her own mother, and that was a bit intimidating, as she wouldn’t know how to act in front of her. With her mother it was easy, she had known her her whole life. With Mrs. Cheng it was also easy, as she was just a grown-up Marinette and she could relax. With someone with an opposite alignment as her own mom? It was unexplored terrain.
“Nah, Mom is out, probably committing a crime or two.” Kagami just stared at Juleka, who chuckled. “I’m only joking, she’s running some errands”
“Oh… so… do you have Disney plus?”
“Oh right, forgot where I was”
Juleka lead Kagami to the room where they would watch the movie, where Luka was connecting a lap top to the TV.
“Hey, we have a guest.”
“Really? Oh, hey Kagome, right?”
“That’s the girl from Inuyasha. She’s Kagami”
“To be fair, it’s not the first time I’m called that. Few repeat that mistake” tried to joke Kagami. Luka stared at her a bit afraid, while Juleka chuckled.
“He’s a bit slow, but I’m sure he’ll get it. So, what do you want to drink?”
“Orange juice if you have, if not, water is fine”
“We have orange soda, if you wanna try it”
“I don’t know…”
“It’s okay if you don’t like it, it’s not like we will force you to finish it. Same with the popcorn, we have regular butter and salt ones, cheddar ones (Plagg somehow felt as if someone was calling him) and butter and toffee ones. I like the cheddar ones, Juleka likes the sweet ones.”
Kagami couldn’t help but smile. Sure, the soda and the popcorn were WAY outside of her regular diet, but a single day of not following wouldn’t hurt. Plus, if her mom somehow figured out, she could always say it was Marinette’s idea and she would accept it.”
Kagami accepted the orange soda (which she ended up liking) and the regular popcorn (She didn’t want to overwhelm her senses)
And so, her new adventure started, and the Couffaine sibling and their plus one got comfy to watch the movie. Kagami felt a bit odd, but was comfortable enough to enjoy the experience.
“Sorry I tried to kidnap you” Blurted out Juleka out of nowhere.
“Ah, don’t worry about … wait what”
Luka chuckled at her sister’s revelation and had to pause the movie while his sister explained what had happened (Another of Alya’s plans to make Adrinette happen)… Kagami couldn’t say she was surprised.
“Aw, you should have kidnapped me. That trip was boring, my mom didn’t let me alone for a second, and I tried to explore London with Adrien, but he was busy the whole weekend with his dad too.
“Yeah, he was searching for constipation medicine for Marinette”
Yeah hanging out with Juleka (and her brother that dresses like a hobo) was definitively helping Kagami to take her mind off of things
No idea were to go from here. The “reserved girl with a rebel streak” making friends with the “Wild girl who is actually shy”  is a goldmine for interactions, but I’ll see if this is a one shot or if I can continue it with more shenanigans. 
Specially if Kagami also befriends Luka and they shit-talk their exes. 
I also might wait until Juleka gets her Miraculous and see if I can do a reveal or something. 
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yelpfic · 4 years ago
2020 Writing (Year in Review)
In 2019, I posted 3K words on AO3.
In 2020, I posted 214K words on AO3.
I have probably written more fic this year than I have in my entire life... and I didn't even start until April.
Since I feel like I'm new to writing all over again (the last time I wrote regularly was probably about a decade ago), this has been a year of experimentation. One obvious change is that I'm writing from this "alt" account, where I've been posting whatever the hell iddy, gratuitous, self-indulgent stories happened to fall out of my brain. (Perhaps as a consequence, I noticed that the ratio of public bookmarks across all my fics clocked in at around 50%. In other words, half the people who bookmarked my works chose to do so privately!)
I also experimented with:
participating in fic exchanges and prompt memes
writing for a variety of fandoms: big and small, new and dead
varying up my writing style: using present and past tenses, ranging from super florid descriptions to conversational prose
self-promotion on Tumblr, which meant attempting to learn how to use it. I'm sure I still don't have all the etiquette down, but no one's complained yet I guess.
My main project this year has been Once a Runner, the fic that got me started writing again, so I owe quite a lot to it. It's also sucked me deep into Eyeshield 21, a fandom that was active 10-15 years ago but still somehow has a few loyal fans. I am deeply grateful to these folks for... well... existing! In addition to OAR, I've written four other ES21 fics this year, each with a different pairing. In all but one fic, I managed to use a different obscure character tag that has never been used before!
This year, I've done a decent job (mostly) working on one big project at a time. I'm starting to get used to the feeling of always having an active writing project again, letting it churn away in my brain in a background process. Sometimes I'm rewarded with a scene or a plot idea that comes out of nowhere, like a plant that produces mysterious fruit - both delightful and worrying at the same time.
I wrap up this year embarking on a new project, Solid as Stone, which, as currently planned, is going to take me even further out of my comfort zone.
AO3 stats and meme responses below the cut.
My AO3 stats at the end of the year:
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Meme questions:
Best title: Cloak and Dagger, Cape and Cowl
Worst title: Lightbringer Mine
Longest title: Their offers should not charm us (their evil gifts would harm us) (65 characters)
Shortest title: Talisman (8 characters)
Best first line: "Don't," the witcher's arm shot out, barring his companion mid-step, "touch."
Worst first line: Yeah, in hindsight, Sena shouldn't have answered that doorbell.
Best last line: "It will be done," he agrees, and presses the lilies into her hands. "My promise is solid as stone."
Worst last line: "I can't win or lose until you bring your strain to market. All I ask is that you hurry up and regrow, so we can really compete."
Conclusion: I need to work on endings.
Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted? I wrote more than I could have imagined in my wildest dreams.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted last year? Everything. I wasn't into any of these fandoms last year.
What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest. OAR, for sure. It got me back into writing, and I devoted an enormous amount of mental energy to it. Runners up (pun intended) were any ES21 rarepair fics where I lamented the lack of content for a pairing I loved, tried to explain everything I loved about them in fic form, and basically turned into my ship manifesto/soapbox. In fic form.
Okay, NOW your most popular story. Solid as Stone. OAR comes close by sole virtue of being a long, multichaptered work posted over 8 months, but with a single chapter of under 3K words, and having been up for under two weeks, SAS is already beating OAR in some statistics. I never realized Genshin Impact was such a hot fandom, even for a rarepair like this.
Story most underappreciated by the universe? All my stories got quite a bit more attention than I expected (thank you, everyone, sincerely), but I'd say Cloak and Dagger, Cape and Cowl. It's original, it was written in an exchange, and it has a decent plot (if I do say so myself) and even a bit of smut. Perhaps F/F work is not so popular?
Story that could have been better? I could probably list multiple things I'd want to improve about each story, but let me just limit myself to one. Lightbringer Mine had more story in it that I didn't get around to telling, and the ending felt a little abrupt. I feel a little awkward extending it now, though, as it was a gift fic.
Saddest story? Hmm, I think just about every story I wrote had a happy-ish ending. I suppose I'll go with C&D,C&C.
Most fun? TBH, the same? There are several lighthearted moments and a heist scene. 
Most fucked-up story? Stars and Stripes Forever (lack of link intentional)
Hardest story to write? Once a Runner
Easiest/most fun story to write? Always Knew I'd Fall. I went skeet shooting once, and as soon as I had the idea that Kid and Hiruma might be good at it, the story basically wrote itself. I also thought the song from the title was too perfect of a Kid song to pass up.
Top five scenes you would like to see illustrated: I would die happy to see any scene from OAR illustrated. Off the top of my head, the Hiruma and Sena bathtub scene, haircutting scene, or Hiruma taunting Monta in the car when we first meet Monta. From other fics, Kid walking around the course with Hiruma and making him carrying his gun properly in "Always Thought I'd Fall", and Sara Spectacular blocking the shadow bolts in "Cloak and Dagger, Cape and Cowl".
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them? I experimented with posting explicit works, and as it turns out, sex sells. I also really put my kinks out there (sexual and otherwise) and was surprised and gratified to find others who appreciated it. Conclusion: it's okay to write the fic that you've always wanted to write. Even if it's embarrassing, or if some will judge you for it, writing for likeminded souls makes more sense than writing to avoid critics.
What are your fic writing goals for next year? I have a lot more ideas for SAS, so I'd like to make that my next big project. I'm also signed up for Five Figure Fic Exchange, so that means I have a 10k fic due by the end of the month that I need to... start... Beyond that, I'd like to write more original works, perhaps something that I can even publish under my real name?? Is that crazy, brain??
Some specific things I've struggled with this year that I'd like to improve: titles and character names, physical descriptions, making my endings less abrupt
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purplerose244 · 5 years ago
Thoughts journal about Season 13!! 💪💪 (1/4)
Phew, I actually made it to the English release without spoilers! 🤩 I do know general things about little plots for the ninja, hopefully nothing major! Finally, the Cole season we've all been waiting for, with Rock Mom and possibly plenty of our Earth baby development! COLE IN THE SPOTLIGHT AT LAST!! 🖤🖤
Well, I know I'll be shooting rainbows from my eyeballs if I see even one Nexo Knights reference! For the rest I don't really know what will happen, I'm curious! 🤔
It's the 6th of July, and here we go!!
Is it just me or the dialogues sounds better? More built up, funnier, cohesive just like in the earliest seasons of Ninjago? Maybe it's just me but I'm really appreciating 🤷‍♀️
It also doesn't feel that rushed anymore! Which was my biggest problem in Prime Empire really. The episodes seem to me like fragments of a nice movie, not a too long story forced into 11 minutes. I'm very happy with the quality so far, I feel good about this for now! 👍
No matter what season it is, you can count on The Fold to make an AMAZING intro!! Freaking awesome, it was epic and very final battle like 👌👌 I WANT THE FULL VERSION ASAP!!!
I do appreciate we are not forgetting about the adventures we had until now, it feels like from season 11 forward we are building a new backstory of. But they still show stuff from the very first seasons so I'm happy anyway 😍
Pff, Cole plays Prime Empire right after being trapped in it. And Lloyd joins in! YES!! Maybe there is hope for a season without greenie being traumatized! 👍👍
Also he's doing laundry because I DON'T WANNA DO THE DISHES NO MORE~ 😎
The chicken is back 😂 The constant reference to the movie we are all kinda attached to a this point (well I am, LOOK AT THE LITTLE HAT 💕💕)
Is it me being a "I've rewatched this show way too much" type of fan to feel that Nya saying that Jay using Spinjitzu for chores will get Wu mad might be a reference to how the guys had cleaned the very first Destiny Bounty with that? You think that Wu found out and got crazy mad? That would be kinda cool 😂😂
Okay, poor sensei and all, but he's kinda right 😅 I like Wu, I really do, but Aspheera was a problem kinda because of him, they all going to another dangerous realm could have been dealt a lot better if he hadn't been so on edge and in Prime Empire he freaking got kidnapped by NORMAL PEOPLE. Maybe he is getting old 🤷‍♀️
At last, he has returned...
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THE ONE AND ONLY RULER OF NINJAGO, THE POSTMAN!!! 💜💜💜 Was he missing since March of the Oni? I can't remember if he was around for the Aspheera part 🤔
Soooo, not to be that person, but a secret group of royals asking the ninja to meet them in a place that was never open for outsiders before then? Kinda... feels familiar... *SoG flashbacks* 😰
Okay, not the biggest fan of Misako, but her scolding Wu was kinda fun 🤣 Needed to change the animation for her to get a bit of personality apparently 😉
Ah, you left Pixal behind to let her do... chores. Well, if you guys are happy 😒
Ninja babies all excited ❤💚💙🖤🤍💦 Also I'm excited because there is FINALLY a white heart between the emoji! I didn't notice it until now, I just need a gray/maroon heart now 😍
Jay screaming NOT MADE UP cracked me up so much 😂😂 Gosh I love my bluebell
A bit of action scene, nice, nice, also Cole going full buddy mode to save Jay gives me my beautiful Bruise vibes 💙🖤💙🖤
Well hello Brian
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Looking good 💕💕 The designs are rocking in season 12 and 13, I cannot tell it enough! Super super cool
Overall nice episode, seemed more nicely focused than usual, I don't know if it's just me. I'm happy anyway 😁
Ooohhhh, so the sails were ripped off by the bats, and they were flying thanks to the soldier guys with wings. It makes sense, I was confused by the trailer, now there's the answer!
Okay, Vania introduction, I wonder what kind of princess we will get after last ti-
Vania: I'm such a big fan of you, I was the one that insisted at having you here! 🤩
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... besides the fact that she sounds and looks absolutely ADORABLE, I'm kinda with Lloyd about feeling suspicious... because that's exactly how Harumi introduced herself back then 😅 And away it goes, the possibility of Lloyd spending a season without feeling disturbed or traumatized...
Ah, there we go, Cole and Vania. Soft looks, instant attention and... that's it? Idk, Jay and Nya's meeting had that one very awkward color question (💙❤💙❤), Kai literally heard romantic music while looking at Sky (❤🧡❤🧡), Lloyd was being mocked all the way by the guys as he looked at Harumi (💚😰💚😰). This one seems a bit weak? I don't mind it actually, I'm actually a bit curious about how it will develop since it started like this 🤷‍♀️
References to Hiroshi's Labyrinth and the Tournament of Elements, my fangirl heart is happy 😍 Is it too much thinking that the maze was a reference to Shadow of Ronin, since they all went there in the game while in the show only Lloyd was at the Labyrinth? Idk 🤷‍♀️
JAY SAYING COLE IS HIS BEST FRIEND, YES!! YES!! FINALLY, HAVEN'T HEARD IT SINCE SKYBOUND!!! BROTP IS BACK 🖤💙🖤💙 Also Jay confused that Vania is interested in Cole, pff, you clearly don't know the fandom 😂
But it is a bit fishy, does she knows stuff? Now I'm into it...
Lloyd sneaking in, that was creepy 🤣 And ninja like, of course
I kinda like how this is going, Cole straight up saying dude, I just met her, calm down. Like, I do understand green bean and I'm kinda on his side, but still 🤷‍♀️
Cole: I'm not just gonna jump on the lovesick wagon like you weirdos, geez
"It felt like a cloud of warm contentment." I'm gonna use this whenever someone asks me why have I been in my bed all day 😎
I know they all believed Cole was just dreaming the purple guy, but honestly they could have just said "Cole, we had flaming snakes raining on Ninjago a few weeks ago, what are you so worked up about?". But yeah, ROCK MOM FINALLY!!! I wanna know more!! 😍😍😍
Mr Sparkles 😂😂 So cute
Vania is cool for now, she is basically the innocent Harumi without a scarring tragedy from her past changing her into a vengeful villain... yeah 😅
Did Cole notice that she talks a lot and loud, kinda like Jay? Is that why he seemed a bit annoyed? 😂😂
For now they don't seem that annoyingly into each other, they look chill, no major lovesick moment or anything. I like it, I don't know if this ship will be super important or something, but at least I'm happy they are dealing with it in a different way 👍
With all these creatures chained up and a crazy dude making them work, Cole must have one HECK of a flashback from back in Chen's island 😵
Okay, I get the drama, I get the lair which is
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Legit cool, with that nice Underworld vibe, but really? A wood door with ropes behind a lava fall? Security measures who? 😂😂
So Skull dude is the bad guy, and has a mask. People with masks means big reveal at some point. I like dudes with masks 😗
Aaaahhh, figures it was too easy being in a literal mine with the power of Earth. They really can't keep their powers for more than five seconds now can they 😂😂
But this seems interesting, is it connected with the burst thing they said in the trailer? Or even Cole's mom? Is this Skull Sorcerer connected to her? I HAVE QUESTIONS PEOPLE!!!
I am legit enjoying this 👌 They are building up questions and I do hope we'll get a good flashback moment with Rock mom... or even finding out if something else happened to her... EXCITED 🤩🤩
So to be the main ninja of a season lately you have to be either without powers (Kai Fire Chapter) or trapped in an unknown place (Zane Ice Chapter and Jay Prime Empire). Cole got them both 😅
Mm, the king is being weird, what's up with this mountain thing? Does he know who the Skull Sorcerer is? QUESTIONS
So Vania keeps being extremely adorable, I think I really like her character 💕 We'll see what will happen with her, how she will interact with the others, especially Lloyd since he seems very suspicious... can't really blame him 😅
Kai ready to argue with a king because one of his friend is in danger, THAT'S MY FLAME BABE ❤❤❤
Okay, the conflict between the two tribes, I read about this in some plots of the season. Not sure how that will play, but
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I did laughed at this 😂 Sorry Mole
Okay, seriously, have we not learned anything from letting Kai come up with a plan? The notoriously bad planner Kai? The think before talking Kai? The let's follow the sun because yes Kai? I love him to dead but really, it was meant to go bad right away even if the title wasn't that 😅😅😅
AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO GOT EMOTIONAL AT COLE'S NINJA-GO WHILE DOING SPINJITZU?? 😭😭 They don't say it that much anymore before spinning, it kinda hit my tornado shaped heart 🖤🖤
I expected at least a comment about them being similar to the Skulkin, too bad. Not fundamental though, I'm really enjoying this so far 👍
Well, all of the ninja are trapped now 😅 Is Wu going to come for the rescue? Is Vania? I know they will be separated and will all go on separated quests, and I'm kinda more looking forward to it now. Let's see what happens!! 🤩
Considering how big of a fan Vania seems to be of the ninja, I bet she had those figures way before this moment 😂
Wooooo, hearing someone addressing Cole as the leader, does this count as a major throwback to pilots and season 1? I would make it count 😍
Okay here Vania does seem into Cole, we'll see how that plays out 🤷‍♀️
Ooooooooohhhhhh, vengestone! This actually make more sense than the last two times they were left without powers 😅 We never actually saw where that material came from, and here there's an actual mine full of it! Very cool, I like this! Big question is, what does Skull dude need all this vengestone for? 🤔🤔
Okay, the legends fits, sounds good enough but... she? SHE?!? WAS THAT ROCK MOM??? She was clearly a ninja and she did spinjitzu!! I didn't even considered the possibility, I only saw Misako, Doubloon and Aspheera knowing Spinjitzu before!! An actual mom?? THAT WOULD BE EPIC!! 🖤
Pff, these tribes are a bunch of idiots, I actually like them 😂 I like them better than the rats of Prime Empire that's for sure, but maybe that's just me 🤔
Aww, this Mino creature is cure! Cole did pretty good with him, does he remind him of Rocky? ☹
Nice, this I was waiting for! Cole and Lloyd together, leaders collaboration 💚🖤💚🖤 It didn't last much, but I think there will be more of it? I HOPE SO!!!
So the blades must be somewhere hidden, if they really have been taken by the Skull Sorcerer. I mean, even in Prime Empire they thought for sure Unagami was Dyer, so I wouldn't jump on it right away 🤔
There we go, the divided team! I knew about Kai and Zane stuck together, I remember stuff not too promising about Nya having to fight for Jay, but I'm honestly really enjoying the season so far! I like the pace and it doesn't seem as rushed as before! I hope we get to some good plot twists and backstories soon!! 🤩🤩
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happymetalgirl · 4 years ago
October 2020
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Six Feet Under - Nightmares of the Decomposed
I wrote a full-length review of this disaster of an album earlier in the month, and yeah, wow. Between the phoned-in performances from the instrumentalists who have proven themselves far above this joke of a band and the half-assed production this would have been a pretty crappy album even without Chris Barnes’ milk-aged vocals. But he’s here, and he’s managed to actually get worse too, gasping his way through the whole album and littering it with these ludicrous “high” squeals that would make Smeagol sound like a more competent death metal vocalist. It’s the worst thing I’ve heard all year, and what’s worse, I don’t think Six Feet Under is stopping.
With that out of the way, let’s cleanse the pallet right away with some really good shit.
Greg Puciato - Child Soldier: Creator of God
Ever reliable in his artistically integrity, explosive former Dillinger Escape Plan frontman, Greg Puciato, has been pretty sonically and artistically adventurous since the honorable dissolution of the iconic mathcore outfit, his most notable music project being the ethereal, synth-heavy The Black Queen. This year, however, Puciato has gone fully solo for a full-length project, and something told me to get ready for a wild ride, and boy was I right on that hunch. Borne out of an exponentiated process of songwriting that produced songs Puciato deemed unfitting for any of his current projects, what was planned as a small release to ship these songs out of the writing room eventually spiraled into a full-blown debut solo album clocking in at over an hour. A lot of solo projects play like clearly indulgent amateur hour sessions from an artist whose ego has been boosted pretty well from significant success from their main project, leading them to overconfidently try their hand at music they have no business trying it at. And it’s often approached under the understanding that it is a victory lap, more or less, and a satisfaction of creative impulses for the sake of it. Sometimes the resultant material is clearly inspired and showcases a side of an artist that certainly deserves some spotlight. Other times it feels like being trapped in an awkward situation with an acquaintance where they just show you all their newest pedals and production software and you’re just stuck there watching them fiddle around while you nod along and offer the occasional “wow, that’s pretty crazy” every now and then while they don’t pick up on the obvious cues that you are just waiting for them to finish playing with their toys. While Puciato was open about this album being borne from the very creatively borderless mindset that so often damns solo projects, Child Soldier: Creator of God is an actual realization of the type of grand, genre-spanning album that so many solo artists envision themselves making and set out to create, and it’s hardly a whimsical, amateurish crack at the styles within either. Puciato’s foray into sludge metal, industrial rock, harsh noise, darkwave, synthwave, and shoegaze, (1) makes for a hell of a dynamic and exciting track list, and (2) shows a much deeper than average respect for and relationship with the styles being played here. This isn’t some frontman thinking his charisma can carry him through a whole rap solo album; this is a well-rounded artist (also a hell of a frontman, no denying that) giving the most comprehensive look yet into his creative mind. The album leaps around in patches of different styles, strung together mostly by ambient connective tissue of various types, all with a great attention to detail paid to both texture and progression. We get early patches of smooth ambiance, but also aggressive industrial and sludge metal, eventually moving to more soothing and meditative synthy stuff around the middle, finishing with some serene, Have a Nice Life-esque shoegaze. But really there’s no way to sum up this album stylistically without breaking down every single song on here, and that would just ruin the fun and the experience. You really just have to experience it for yourself.
DevilDriver - Dealing with Demons I
Embarking on a conceptual double-album, Dez Fafara and DevilDriver’s first installment in the pair is a scoop of the, indeed, slightly above average, but unfortunately still plain and predictable modern groove metal they always offer up. I’ll give the band credit for keeping the pace up and clearly putting substantial energy into the performances on this album, while also trying to squeeze in a few shake-ups to their sound, like the clear Gojira-inspired riffage on the opening track. The album loses steam, unfortunately, as its punches lose their impact as it goes on.
Anaal Nathrakh - Endarkenment
While certainly cultivating a unique sound, Anaal Nathrakh’s unholy fusion of nasty modern blackened grindcore with sweeter metalcore and melodic death metal elements has its mixed results. And while that might at first sound like a relatively critical assessment of the Brits’ eleventh album, I’d say that there is actually a lot to enjoy and take in for at least the interesting mix of styles, most of which are hits rather than misses as well.
Enslaved - Utgard
Having been a fan of a good amount of their recent output, especially 2015’s In Times, I came out of Utgard moderately disappointed with how infrequently Enslaved galvanized their potent brand of Viking folky, progressive black metal effectively; the few moments the band do channel their strengths cohesively and purposefully left me wanting more rather than savoring those moments.
In Cauda Venenum - G.O.H.E.
It’s hard to, and indeed seems kind of in just to, sum up a heaping prog metal serving like G.O.H.E., comprised of two 22-minute halves, in a capsule review, but that is kind of the format my current busy circumstances have forced me into. French outfit In Cauda Venenum made a self-titled debut in similar two-long-track fashion back in 2015, and the band’s gothic and somewhat theatrical brand of atmospheric post-black-metal is continued on their sophomore effort here, drawing the obvious comparisons to Opeth and Katatonia, as well as Der Weg Einer Freiheit, Numenorean, and Sólstafir, and apart from the more frequent sample usage and extra drawn-out songs, there really isn’t that much to differentiate In Cauda Venenum stylistically. The band’s second album, unfortunately, resembles so many others in the field with big aspirations and the same inadequate means of getting there.
Apparition - Granular Transformation
A much more bite-sized early two-track offering, Apparition’s debut EP offers a more promising glimpse into a heady, atmospheric, yet still visceral manipulation of modern death metal that I would be curious to hear in a more long-form format. In a genre as extreme as death metal in recent years has been, finding artists effective at working with negative space can be difficult, but the two songs on Granular Transformation showcase a formidable dexterity from Apparition that I think can take them places.
Molasses - Through the Hollow
While indeed marred by some rough performances on songs with sometimes more desert to cross than water to make it there, there’s an undeniable occult hypnotism about the Dio-era-esque doom metal hollow that Molasses ritualize their way through.
Death Angel - Under Pressure
While certainly an odd choice on the surface, Death Angel’s acoustic EP and cover of the famous Queen song actually comes out pretty alright. The acoustic version of Act III’s “A Room with a View” comes off with the energy of something like Rush whenever they went acoustic, and the original acoustic cut, “Faded Remains” isn’t too bad either. The acoustic format did not, however, mask the drabness of “Revelation Song” from last year’s overall disappointment, Humanicide.
Necrophobic - Dawn of the Damned
The Swedes’ melodic brand of blackened death metal is nothing if not thorough on the quintet’s ninth full-length, Dawn of the Damned, covering all the ground that their fans expect their style to cover and doing so with more compositional and performative stamina than their average contemporary. While the band’s broader compositional approach is akin to the beating of a dead horse, I can’t deny it produces some tasty motifs in the process.
Bloodbather - Silence
After coming onto the blossoming metallic hardcore scene in 2018 with a standard, but potent enough 14-minute EP, Pressure, Bloodbather are back with another 14 minutes of similar, yet less promising material, doing little to set themselves apart from or on the same level of the likes of Jesus Piece, Vein, Knocked Loose, or Harm’s Way.
Infera Bruo - Rites of the Nameless
The Bostonians’ fourth full-length is, at the very least, a rather well-executed forty minutes of modern black metal a la Craft or Watain, but beneath the seams the band’s progressive tendencies twist what would otherwise be a fresh, but standard, slab of black metal into a more head-turning offering of the usual shrieks and blast beats.
Touché Amoré - Lament
While somewhat shaky in their compositional exploration in their fifth LP, the firmness of their emotive post-hardcore foundation allows for Touché Amoré to build upwards relatively steadily without losing that raw vulnerability that has made them so captivating to begin with.
Gargoyl - Gargoyl
This is the self-titled debut from Bostonian four-piece Gargoyl; a novel blend of dirty nineties grunge and gothic prog metal, Gargoyl come through with one of the more impressive genre fusions of the year, meeting the lofty sufficiency for dexterity with excessive vocal harmonies in a manner so uncanny that would make habe to Layne Stayley proud. While there is the expected room for improvement on the compositional end that many debut projects come with, Gargoyl have laid the groundwork for themselves fantastically and started off on a good foot.
Crippled Black Phoenix - Ellengæst
Through creative gothic flair and full-bodied guest vocal contributions that bolster the somber atmosphere beyond the typical post-metal album, the UK band’s most recent offering of “endtime ballads”, despite its few low points that undo its otherwise immersive atmosphere, serves as one of the more engaging releases under the broader post-metal umbrella of the past year.
Wayfarer - A Romance with Violence
The Denver-based quartet follow up 2018’s strong emotive case for the potential for evoking cathartic power of the atmospheric black metal which has so saturated the American scene to the point of numbness, their Americana-tinged third LP, World’s Blood, unfortunately, with a fourth LP whose compositional homogeneity and mere few intermittent bursts of enthralling atmospheric instrumentation more represent, rather than advocate the merit of, the saturation of the American atmospheric black metal scene.
Armored Saint - Punching the Sky
Though I think the structural homogeneity and John Bush’s similarly limited vocal delivery holds it back, with crunchy bangers like “Do Wrong to None” and “My Jurisdiction” alongside more tempered tracks the clearly grunge-influenced “Lone Wolf”, Bush and company provide a relatively stylistically diverse traditional heavy metal album for an age that could use more contemporary representation of classic styles (beyond the entire stoner metal genre LARPing as Black Sabbath too).
Spirit Adrift - Enlightened in Eternity
But it's not just the old guard representing their era of classic heavy metal robustly; a year and a half after their energetically melodic third album, Divided by Darkness, which took a triumphant melodic approach to classic heavy metal and doom metal similar to that of Khemmis on their excellent third album, Spirit Adrift ease up a bit on the hyper-soulful approach to guitar melody that had led me (and others I'm sure) to draw the comparison to Khemmis, and instead dive deeper into the headspace of the genre's earliest progenitors to achieve that unabashedly glorious rallying cry that is evoked by the very front cover of Enlightened in Eternity. While I am personally pretty partial to the very vulnerable and heartfelt melodic approach that characterized Divided by Darkness, the effectiveness with which Spirit Adrift are able to wield the sometimes Maiden-esque, sometimes Testament-esque sounds of the 80’s on this album is undeniably impressive.
Fever 333 - Wrong Generation
Providing the correction to this generation’s answer to Rage Against the Machine (after Prophets of Rage’s insufficient attempted revival) Fever 333 follow up last year’s debut of heavy, fired-up and modern take on rapcore with another 14 minutes of righteous anti-racist hardcore anger that’s attuned to the issues to a level that I wish more artists would at least express in their art. While the EP is 18 minutes long, the last two songs, “The Last Time” and “Supremacy”, don’t match the sonic energy of the first six tracks. The somber piano-led snippet-length ballad, “The Last Time”, should have been the conclusion of the album, but the closing track, “Supremacy”, while as conscious as the tracks before it, is basically a late-stage formulaic Linkin Park track that flatters neither of the two bands. Despite botching the landing though, Wrong Generation is a ripping batch of songs that well represent the current unrest and provide a positive hypothetical idea of what it might be like if Rage Against the Machine were in their prime and active today.
Mörk Gryning - Hinsides Vrede
The Swedes return from their 15-year disillusioned absence from the studio with a concise and clearly renewed enthusiasm for the energetic black metal that they put forth on Hinsides Vrede. Dynamically bolstered by folk-metal compositional tendencies and more than a dash of that famed Gothenburg melodicism (I know they’re from Stockholm and in fact their melodic approach often does heaven to that of their close neighbors from Uppsala, Watain), Mörk Gryning’s seamless return to music finds them jumping into the modern black metal scene’s advanced compositional rubric with relative ease.
Zeal & Ardor - Wake of a Nation
Having covered their output since their debut and being a big fan of Manuel Gagneux’ project, it pains me to say, especially given the noble pretext and occasional momentary flashes of sobering messaging, that this six-song mini release really doesn’t capture the unique sonic pallet that has made Zeal & Ardor such an interesting act to listen to for the past few years in the most flattering light. The title track is possibly the least of the offenders here, but all the songs here function by taking a little snippet of sound that samples Zeal & Ardor’s broader stylistic range, and drawing it out across these short, but all too minimally composed tracks in such a way that they lose their momentum very quickly. Like I said, I wholeheartedly appreciate, sympathize with, and support what Manuel Gagneux is doing to lend his band’s platform to the addressing of the dire issue of today’s racism through musical means with this project, and when its social motivation is at the forefront, it’s at its most potent, but musically, unfortunately, it’s just desperately underwritten in a way that doesn’t fairly represent how accomplished Zeal & Ardor really are with their sound.
Sevendust - Blood & Stone
The flashes of crushing grooves reminiscent of their earlier work on Blood & Stone that highlight how well Sevendust can harness nu/alternative metal to execute pummeling attacks with the right crunchy guitar tone, unfortunately, don’t come frequently enough on their twelfth LP to mirage the exhaustion that has come of the band’s writing process after such frequent, unrelenting output and the all too apparent desperate need for a recalibrating, refreshing break, which they certainly deserve for their tenacity.
Undeath - Lesions of a Different Kind
In one of those cases where the ridiculously gratuitous album cover actually represents the album’s sound quite well, Rochester, New York five-piece, Undeath mince neither words nor sounds on their debut LP in their 100% upfront, no-nonsense, and wonderfully nasty delivery of death metal. Eschewing even the slightest sense of snobbery or pretense for aimless ambition, the band simply compile the genre’s tried and true elements of bellowing growls, filthy riffs, mean-ass down-tuned chugging, and blood-pumping double-bass with blast beats into an addictive slab of raw, uncured death metal that serves as a testament to the merit of not overthinking shit.
Griffon - Ὸ Θεός Ὸ Βασιλεύς
On their sophomore LP, Parisian quintet Griffon channel the world innovative ethos that has become rather prominent in their scene into a somewhat short, but definitely sweet offering of modestly ambitious black metal that captures much more effectively than most albums of similar style and lesser imagination, the divine grandeur that the genre so often tries and fails to embody.
Bring Me the Horizon - Post-Human: Survival Horror
After taking the hard left into current pop music trends very transparently on their controversial, which was at least partially intentional on their part, and ultimately really patchy, but not wholly awful, 2019 album, amo, Oli Sykes and co. walk it back substantially for this smaller release here, back to That's the Spirit, even Sempiternal, a prospect that might get a lot of the band's more long-time, metalcore-centric fans excited, but I would suggest those fans temper their expectations of Post-Human: Survival Horror. The band reunite with the anthemic metalcore/deathcore that put them on the map for a good chunk of this album, and the intro track, "Dear Diary,", might even give some false hope of the prodigal sons returning home. But songs like the cookie-cutter single, "Teardrops", provide strong evidence that, while the band have re-embraced their old aesthetic, they have not kicked the pop vocal or compositional habits. And the project really does run out of energy in its final third because of this compositional homogeneity. I do want to highlight the song, "Kingslayer", which features a very in-form Babymetal (I loved their album last year), because their fun, not-so-serious approach to the crossing of J-pop and metal music in their feature on this track among the other songs around it provides a contrast to the more formulaic, disinterested radio pop swagger that Bring Me the Horizon have been trying to jam into their sound that could perhaps inform Bring Me the Horizon's artistic approach to integrating pop music if they really are so hellbent on doing so. Ultimately though, as much as they want to move into newer territory, this trajectory-revising release shows just how much more solid Bring Me the Horizon are in their metalcore territory than they were on amo. It had its predictable hiccups, but this thing wasn't too bad.
Pallbearer - Forgotten Days
With the slow, sludgy, down-tuned riffing of the menacing opening title track and the similar chug of “Vengeance & Ruination” being the sole exceptions, the remainder of Pallbearer’s fouth full-length largely sees them operating in the same niche they have in their three previous albums. And while this could invoke accusations of playing it safe, the brimming heartfelt sorrow and resistance to succumbing to despair across Forgotten Days is enough to wave that away, as Pallbearer showcase just how emotive doom metal can be.
Bleeding Out - Lifelong Death Fantasy
The very new act and fresh Profound Lore signing, Bleeding Out, certainly display more dynamic capability than your average local grindcore scene’s biggest names here on their 18-minute debut for the label, but as of now it is still just a glimpse of potential for more effective future implementation. It’s a good start, though, and I’ll be looking forward to a more long-form project from these guys.
Evildead - United States of Anarchy
Every year we get the resurrection of some long-inactive old-school band who seem to have found that missing spark at last; we’ve seen the return of smaller bands to the studio like Angel Witch or Sorcerer and long-awaited revivals of iconic acts like Possessed. This year, Los Angeles’ Evildead has seen fit to make their commentary on the massive ongoing sociopolitical upheaval. Despite my love for the 80’s thrash scene they were born out of, the combination of the utterly lame band name, logo, and covers for either their ‘89 or ‘91 albums never really made me want to check them out, but seeing the horridly cheesy and incoherent cover of United States of Anarchy (I mean how much more on-the-nose can you get), my morbid curiosity got the best of me. Maybe I’d be wrong to have judged them by their cover, plenty of my favorite 80’s albums have particularly goofy cover art. So what do we get from Evildead in 2020 with this fucking album? Well, it’s not as poorly performed as the past few Anvil albums I’ve had to review have been, but Jesus the lyricism is similarly cheesy 5th-grade-level stuff and smacks of silly political incoherence that essentially boils down to “enlightened centrism” with mix of that good ol’ Illuminati-conspiracy-theory belief that no political thrash album is apparently complete without. I mean there’s just basic acknowledgment of the prominent problems of the day and the fact that both major political parties are bad and that corruption is rampant all throughout DC, but Evildead not only barely scratch the surface, they apply the same level cynicism to the “both sides” they criticize with no substantiation to their criticism despite that mindset being a big reason for our being where we are right now, mixed in with the occasional conspiracy-paranoia about the shadowy underworld running everything, so no real solutions or even proper addressing of these problems. Like, the same level of criticism is levied at right-wingers and communists, like communists are at all why this country has gone to shit. And the generic Anthrax/Megadeth type of thrash instrumentation, while rumbly and mixed well to highlight its bass heaviness, doesn’t exactly make it easy to get past the commentary deficiencies on here.
Emma Ruth Rundle & Thou - May Our Chambers Be Full
Rounding off their year (at least I think), with a long-teased collaboration with Emma Ruth Rundle, Thou finally present their massive sludge-doom sound in a much more flattering light than the previous cover albums this year did. Thou's original material continues to highlight just why their relatively stiff sound is much more cut out for that, original material, than for trying to bend beyond its flexibility to tribute grunge songs. And while Thou being back in their more effective department, Emma Ruth Rundle's contributions, beyond just her gorgeous and ethereally haunting vocals, to the album's atmosphere, dynamic, and structuring really take the collaboration to the next level. Not to say that Thou are completely overshadowed and relegated to the background on this record or that they don't contribute to a fair share of the legwork here; the workload is shared pretty equally, and both collaborators have their moments of prominence, but Emma Ruth Rundle's ever-present gothic/folky influence really directs the music in a way that plays to Thou's strengths in a way I'm not sure they would have been able to on their own. It's great work from both of them, and I'd be eager to hear Thou find more collaborations like this in the future that push them into doing more interesting things with their crushing doom sound, as opposed to the rather tepid collaborations with The Body.
Auðn - Vökudraumsins Fangi
Sadly, three albums in, Auðn have only barely exceeded the bare minimum for naturalistic atmospheric black metal, with no signs of significant improvement to be found. The Icelandic band earn points for their earnest delivery, but they never seem to fully make it out of the rut that the genre’s many contemporary acts have dug.
Botanist - Photosynthesis
The black metal traditionalists might have had to accept that the floodgates to bright ambience and serene shoegaze in the genre have been opened and that there's no going back now, but even as an avid Deafheaven fan, I'm sometimes momentarily surprised at just how heavenly some black metal has gotten lately, and this new album from Botanist is one of those albums. And while it sometimes slips into some of the current wave's typical ruts, the sheer blindingly illuminating aura of this album when it reaches those high points (and it does so frequently) is enough to pull it out from those gutters and high into the cosmos. Yeah, another splendid offering of nature worship from Botanist.
Mr. Bungle - The Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny Demo
Making their return after over a decade, Mike Patton recruits both Dave Lombardo and Scott Ian for the long-awaited fourth Mr. Bungle album, which is titled in homage to the first Mr. Bungle demo which it is comprised largely of much clearer re-recordings of. Ever impressive, Mike Patton balances aggression and eccentricity like a tightrope walker on this project too, while his bandmates do the same with thrash metal’s natural adrenaline rush while pushing the genre into new compositional and stylistic territory without sacrificing that crucial whiplash. It’s a great time, and definitely one of the year’s best thrash albums.
Carcass - Despicable
While they've been much less prolific since their reboot than they were prior, Liverpool's melodic death metal pioneers simply continue to demonstrate their excellence in this seemingly effortless four-track appetizer to next year's Torn Arteries. Anyone familiar with the band's brutal form of melodic death metal will certainly be pleased with the four quite sufficiently pulverizing cuts here; those who may only be familiar with some of the band's many less muscular imitators might be surprised, and pleasantly so, with the Englanders' ability to lay on the infectious guitar melody without sacrificing an ounce of force.
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quirkychaoticraptor · 4 years ago
“Camp Cretaceous” Season 2 Review
 As the title says, this is what this post is gonna be about xD. And, unless I’m very stupid (which is entirely possible), but the whole “Under the Cut” option for spoilers no longer seems to exist. Sooo....
SPOILER ALERT!!! For this whole post, just in case.
 Alright, first off, I just wanna say this show has surprised me, yet again. I was concerned that this season was going to feel very rushed and turn out disappointing since the date for it was so soon after season 1. Because as I’ve probably said in my last review of this show...usually, when things get a date that soon after the first season/movie/book/whatever, they don’t turn out quite well, most of the time. So yeah, the date for this 2nd season did make me feel really skeptical. However! I binged it, today, and was genuinely surprised that it turned out to be just as good as the first season! Maybe even better!
 I’ll try not to make this review as long as my last one ^^;.
 Anyway, first off (again, but for realz or whatever), I knew that Ben was going to come back. I noticed the twitch in his fingers at the very end of season 1. So I saw that coming. What I didn’t see coming was his kinda sudden character development (if that’s what it’s called...I dunno, I’m no expert on the whole character development thing ^^;). He went from a very skittish boy to like, Tarzan. Lol! He grew a pair, and I’m a little proud of him xD. Then again, I guess that’s what being alone and surviving like that with lack of sleep will do to you. I also loved how big and powerful Bumpy grew up to be! And protective! I mean, of course, she kinda did imprint on the boy (or is it the other way around?), just as how Blue was protective of Owen. I just love those sort of bonds in wild animals and humans that they share (I’m being a nerd, please ignore me xD).
 Oh! Blue! I love that they gave her a bit more screen-time! Just like the first season, her screen-time only lasted about a second...but she had more scene cuts like that than she did in the first season! I kinda hope she’ll make more of an appearance in season 3 (yes, I read that apparently, season 3 is probably a strong possibility), and if she does, I hope she’ll actually have a full scene with her in the spotlight, if that makes any sense. She is just like, my top most favorite character in the Jurassic World movies (with Rexy coming in second).
 Speaking of Rexy, our old girl is as badass as frickin’ always! Her roars will forever give me the chills (I’m still so happy that they kept all the dinosaur sounds from all the movies. I find it interesting that she had pretty much made Main Street her little home. I was confused about her making a nest, though. Like, she an old lady, why does she need a nest xD? On a different note, maybe I just didn’t see them...but, I noticed that she did not have her scars. That confused me because since I didn’t see any of her scars, I wasn’t sure if it was actually her...or, if there has actually been a 2nd T-Rex on the island that nobody knew about (that’s unlikely, though). But she’s supposed to have scars, people! She’s a fighter, and has been in some tough battles! Lol!
 I liked that the people who made this show brought back Toro. Even for only two scenes, and Ben had gone up against her in his story of what had happened after the end of the first season. The Ceratosaur making an appearance did kinda surprise me, as the last time I saw that dinosaur, she was in the 3rd Jurassic Park movie (please don’t at me about that, I grew up with all 3 of those movies). I mean, I saw her in the season 2 trailer, but honestly, she had such a small clip in said trailer that I forgot about her ^^;. Even in this show, she didn’t really make too much of an appearance as I had thought she would.
 The Baryonyxes. This trio were very interesting antagonists! I actually liked them, a lot! And I’m not really much of a Baryonyx fan (probably because growing up, I never really paid it too much mind as I did Velociraptors and Tyrannosaurs. I only remember seeing 1 Baryonyx in the Jurassic World movies, but she only got a little bit of screen-time. Now that I think about it...it might’ve been the two siblings in “Fallen Kingdom...because I think one of them died when the volcano exploded, and the other one was carried onto one of those ships. I could be totally wrong, though...but after watching this season, it would kinda make sense and an interesting theory. Anyway, I went off-track, there. Main point being: Baryonyx, very interesting antagonist, actually terrifying. I was not expecting them to sound like that, either. Maybe I’m just crazy, but they sounded just a little bit like the Indominous! Maybe.... 
 I was not expecting poachers to be in this show, at all. I’m actually very against poachers...I feel like they’re the reason some certain animals are going extinct. But anyway, that was an interesting reveal! I was suspicious of them from the get-go, but I honestly thought that they would turn out to be working for Manticore. The show did a good job on making me constantly second-guess this couple! I never liked them, to begin with, simply because I felt something off about them...but they were just horrible people! The woman, I forget her name, was the worst of the two, or so she turned out. She seemed to be the one actually in charge of things. Lemme tell you, when she killed one of the Baryonyxes, I literally had a “uhhhmmm” moment because I just knew that her actions were going to come around right back to her...literally. My heart actually went out to the other two Baryonyxes because it was just...a bit of a roller-coaster of emotions, there! The woman later on left her husband for dead (now, that’s just a douche move). But ya know...what goes around comes around! So, I wasn’t shocked when the two Baryonyxes made their way onto her boat.
 Yeah.... Karma is a bitch.
 What I really liked about this season was that it threw in so many elements of the first Jurassic Park movie. I loved that! I haven’t seen the movie in a really long time, so those elements in this season was a nice quick nostalgia ride for me. Raptors in the kitchen (though, in the show’s case, Baryonyx in the lab), the watering hole (I think that was in the first movie, but I could be very wrong), Rexy with the flipped over Jurassic Park (World) vehicle...all of it was amazing to see!
 I talked a lot about the dinosaurs, sorry ^^;!
 The kids were great, of course. Honestly, I feel like there isn’t too much to say about the humans, this season. The kids get along, well, and prove to be a great team, Kenji is...well, Kenji xD, and like I said, Ben coming back was expected but still great to watch. One thing I also liked was that the kids realized and pretty much implied about what had happened to the Indominous.
 To close this review off, I have just one question in mind about something that has me totally thrown off and kinda desperate for answers.... What in the hell is in that locked room in the lab?!?! What was cooked up that the show is so implying to be incredibly scary and dangerous?! Is it another I-Rex or is it a I-Raptor or a half-dino, half-human creature?! What?! Dr. Wu?! Explain, please!
 Ok, I’m done with my confused ranting xD.
 That is my review for season 2 of “Camp Cretaceous”! I am curious to see what season 3 will bring and what the kids will do, now, since they’ve decided to no longer wait for people to come rescue them. I’m also curious to see what sort of dinosaurs season 3 will bring. That is all if season 3 does get decided to become a thing. 
 Until next time! Later! 
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lyquynhnhu · 4 years ago
Thoughts of Appare Ranman
Yesterday I watched the last episode of Appare Ranman, and it was a satisfying ending. I hoped that the last episode would have ended like it started, like... battle vs. Gil and preparation for the resume of the race, so that it could have a season 2. But the race had ended. I don’t know if Appare victory is predictable. I always doubted too predictable thing, but what’s important is that the finale was satisfying.
To be honest, I started this anime in spring. I didn’t plan to watch it, but after Idolish7, Fugou Keiji and To Aru Kagaku no Railgun were postponed, I wanted to watch something. I choose to try it because:
The character design look interesting
I generally like PA Works original anime (like Nagi no Asukara, Sirius, Irozuku)
I wasn’t interested in the race plot or historical accuracy of technology of 19 century. I just wanted to watch something funny. But I didn’t expect to like it so much. I love and hate when I start watching something with zero expectation, and it became my favorite anime of the season.
Here some impression:
Episode 1 and 2: it looks fine. Interesting premise and characters.
Episode 3: I think Appare plans to win the race with some strange strategy.
(I’m so unlucky. This anime has been postpone and with a cliffhanger of some mistery. I really like mistery)
Episode 4: Xialian episode. She is a good racer.
Episode 5: confusional party and the race begins.
Episode 6: Oh, no! Gil plans to use dynamite. Fortunately, Hototo is fine.
(Title next episode: FAKE. Yeah, Gil is a fake and he is Hototo father) —> and from now on, I start to wait with impatience every week for the new episode
Episode 7: Al and Xialian are such good friend. Appare begin to show emotion and it was funny how useless he is when not related to mechanics. Hototo speech made me cry. The Fake Gil and his brother are not so evil. 
(Now it’s obvious the real Gil is Richard. He has same white hair as the man in the credits of episode 3)
Episode 8: Kosame overcome his trauma. The battle was cool.
Episode 9 (my favorite episode): it’s a filler, but I like seeing the character be themself in a relax context. There were very particular interaction. The “onsen” part was hilarious.
Episode 10: the worst I expect was Sofia kidnapping and Al retiring from the race. One by one will retire, something like that. They won’t kill a main character, right?
(Preview: my hope die. Twitter preview: maybe Kosame is only in coma)
Episode 11 - part a: I cried when Appare cried.
Episode 11 - part b: sincerely, I didn’t even think that it was a prank. For a week I tried to analyze every possibility for Kosame to not die, and it was all a prank. Okay. Appare speech with the soundtrack in background was quite epic.
(I always thought Appare and Al look cute together, but I was not expecting the hug. It make me ship them. By the way, I ship Kosame with Xialian)
Episode 12: great fight and everyone fight together
Episode 13: Appare really make his car evolve each repair. But it is unfair that he have to repair his car various time because of some external problem. Although, it can be predictable that the main characters has won the race, I liked the execution. I always knew that Appare has no intention to return to Japan. At least, his sister know that he is fine. (Kosame also realize his dream to be in first page of the newspaper). But it’s sad that everyone goes different path. 
I really enjoyed this anime. I don’t care there was little race. Of all the episode were race focus, I can’t imagine how it can work. At the end, what’s important were the characters. Kosame overcome his trauma and Appare little by little begin to be more “human” (remember that he come from a family that doesn’t understand him, so it’s normal that he doesn’t understand others).
Regards Gil, he was a villain until the end. He is just a crazy terrorist and megalomaniac. He can’t be cured. And the difference between episode 10 and 13, when he fights again Dylan and TJ is because in episode 10, the two Thousand Three fought alone. In episode 13 they fought as a team, so they were stronger. It was a development for Dylan and TJ.
As the title of the anime said (Ranman means something like “victory” or “glorious”), the main focus is not the race, but the journey of Appare. The race was a part of his dream. He only wants to challenge himself. 
Now, personal idea for a sequel:
I refuse a season 2 without Al and Xialian, there must be something to make all of them reunited
Appare meeting failure. Building a plane is not easy, because unlike car, in that period doesn’t exist = possible character development
Appare like Jules Verne’s book, so he can challenge the around the world in 80 days
Some romance
Maybe Appare return to Japan and make fun of his parents because he is rich
Because it is not a historical anime, I don’t care the inaccuracy. The animation are awesome and the pacing really good. Every episode feel like 5 minutes.
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theshinsun · 4 years ago
KNB for the fandom ask thing if you’d like to!!
(sorry this took forever, work was crazy this week ;;-;;)
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you…
the first character i ever fell in love with:
Kagami. (I know, right?) I started watching the show when I saw the way he was drawn, and came to really love his character throughout seasons 1 and 2. 
Side note: I really only fell in love with Aomine once I saw how he looked in the manga, and got more into his backstory in late season 2/early season 3. 
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not:
Idk I used to like, unironically like Himuro, and subscribe to canon’s endgame portrayal of him as a harmless nice guy (with no personality to speak of). Now I like him, but like... only in the sense that he can be used narratively, and to comedic effect. I also still like his play style, but I don’t like him like, as a person.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not:
I don’t really wanna bash any ship in this show, since the characters are loose (read: underdeveloped) enough for their actual ship dynamics to kinda be up for interpretation. 
The one example I can think of, though, for a ship I used to enjoy that now kinda bothers me, is KiKasa. I just don’t see much genuine affection between these two, and yeah I get that people show their love in different ways and all that, and there is definitely something there to work with if you read between the lines, but still... I dunno in canon it mostly seems one-sided at best and antagonistic at worst to me.
my ultimate favorite character™:
...C’mon, you know who it is. The number one spot has to go to Aomine, every time. Someday I’ll write a whole in-depth character study to explain why, but if you want the thesis statement, it’s this: Aomine is the most interesting, developed and multi-faceted character in the entire series, and you can fight me on that.
prettiest character:
If we’re talking manga, then Aomine, but since he looks like a raisin in the anime, I have to give the award to Midorima, with Mibuchi coming in a close second.
my most hated character:
Heh. Uh... funny story, it used to be Hanamiya, or possibly Haizaki, but now I think my hatred for Akashi has actually surpassed them both, because we’re meant to dislike them so at least they serve their most basic function. Whereas Akashi’s arc is so forced and anticlimactic it’s infuriating, and that’s before even getting into his personality.  
my OTP:
You know what, it’s still AoKaga. After six fucking years, they still have my heart. If I can bend the rules and slip in an OT3, I’d say AoKagaKuro, but otherwise, if I had to pick one ship, it’s those two idiots with their rival dynamic, interesting chemistry and essential narrative function of pushing each other to get better. 
my NOTP:
Like I said, I don’t want to bash any ship, but if I have to pick one that just grinds my gears, it’s AkaKuro. I just... don’t get it. I mean, I get it, I know why it exists, but I don’t get it, you know? 
...I dunno, if that’s your cup of tea, more power to ya, but I personally don’t ship it and I don’t think I’m ever going to. 
favorite episode:
Episode 37: I Look Forward To It. 
Ah, the onsen episode... I know this one by heart. 
Okay, I guess I should explain myself, because on the surface this looks like pure empty fan-service (on both sides), but this episode actually has some really great character and plot-related moments. It’s the part I always jump back into when I re-read the manga, because it’s where things really start to kick off. Seirin’s been beaten down and hopeless and finally have their chance at revenge, and they find out in this episode that they’re going to be getting it right away. There’s some really great Seirin and Touou bonding, some more evidence of Momoi being a data-gathering badass (though her actual appearance in this ep bombs the Bechdel test and kinda just rubs me the wrong way). 
My favorite part, though, is Aomine and Kuroko’s confrontation in the bath house. I’ve heard someone say once (and I agree) that this episode shows a whole team of naked men (and two naked women) and yet the scene with the most sexual tension has everyone fully clothed. It’s also just a super emotionally-charged moment, full of saying things without saying them, and Kagami showing up to declare Seirin’s intentions of victory is the cherry on top. I love this episode, I’ve probably watched it about a hundred times, but I’d gladly watch it a hundred more and that tells me it’s my favorite.  
saddest death:
Himuro’s character development. I mean uh... Kiyoshi’s leg breaking, yeah, that’s totally it. Actually, him leaving at the end of season 3 is really sad, we don’t get many third years retiring in this show but that hit just as hard.
favorite season:
Season 2. It’s where the show kicks into high gear, and the plot really gets rolling. It’s well-paced and exciting up until the middle of the Yousen game, and shows so much awesome development for the characters it introduced in the previous season. Everyone gets some new abilities, but my favorite reveals have to be Kuroko’s Vanishing Drive and Overflow (that moment when Izuki gets “erased” in the Seirin/Touou game lives in my head rent free), and of course the Zone. Season 1 is nice and season 3 has some really iconic moments, but season 2 is great from start to (almost) finish, and that makes it the strongest of the bunch.
least favorite season:
As I said, it has some iconic moments, but KNB’s weakest season by far is its finale. For one thing, it focuses almost entirely on a single game, and so that game drags on forever, beyond the realm of enjoyment until it becomes tedious to get through. Besides that, though, it goes out of its way to introduce plot threads and characters that don’t really go anywhere (Haizaki and Ogiwara come to mind...) the animation budget takes a noticeable beating, and so do the trajectories of two of Season 2′s most interesting antagonists (Himuro and Akashi). The main saving grace of this season is the Teiko arc, but, enjoyable as it is, under a critical eye it’s still a lengthy, pretty unnecessary detour that stops the main narrative dead in its tracks and all but kills the tension for the final game.  
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate:
Would it be gratuitous to say Akashi, at this point? It’s funny, because I never really liked him, and didn’t understand why so many people did, but I never had any strong opinions about him until recently, when I started looking at his character up close bc I’ve run out of reasons not to. Again, if you like him, that’s totally fine, but I just can’t agree.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave:
Uhh... Imayoshi, I think. I don’t know what it is about this guy, but I love him so much. He’s a shit, and he knows it, but he’s also smart, and funny, and kind of just a big dork? Severely underrated character, with a really unique look (I don’t care if he doesn’t have eyes except when he’s pissed, it’s good character design, you guys are just mean). 
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave:
Oh, Kuroko... sidelined in your own damn show. I’ve heard people argue that Kuroko is not the protagonist of KNB, and in fact it’s Kagami, and just... whether that’s true or not technically, it just makes me sad for Kuroko bc once again he’s being overlooked in favor of other, more flashy characters on screen. Maybe that’s the point, but still, I don’t see this guy get nearly enough attention considering his name is in the fucking title. Kuroko is every bit as valid and interesting as the other GoM, and the other members of Seirin, often even more so, and he deserves all the love.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship:
Pretty much anything with Haizaki, but because this is me we’re talking about... AoHai. I used to be interested purely from a hatefucking standpoint, but recently I’ve seen some art and short little ficlets, and... have started to maybe ship it... unironically? Um. Yeah, so that happened.
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship:
KiKuro. I don’t think I’ve really talked about them before, I love their backstory and dynamic, and I tend to write them together off on the sidelines, but I’m not very passionate about this one. Maybe because it is often used as a background ship, maybe because they both work better with other people (side tangent: their dynamic instantly becomes more interesting the second you throw a third person in the mix... doesn’t matter who it is either, KiKuroKaga? AoKiKuro? KiKuroMomo? I could go on) Idk. It’s sweet, but I don’t often give this pairing a whole lot of thought on its own, maybe I ought to...
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clairefrser · 5 years ago
Tumblr media
Title: Zoey’s Extraordinary Baby Skills
Show: Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist
Ship/Relationship: Zimon (Zoey x Simon)
Characters: Zoey Clarke, Simon Haynes main // feat. David Clarke and Mitchell Clarke (Zoey’s nephew, and David and Emily’s new baby son)
One Shot | SFW | Fluff | 1,943 words
Summary: Zoey has committed to babysit her nephew one Saturday when Simon drops by unannounced.
Notes: Special thanks to @bookreader525 @rebeccabunchs and @itsalwaysfour​ for editing and beta reading.
This is my first story in years, but I’m contributing because there’s so little Zimon fics out there, so please let me know if you enjoy it. More possibly to follow. 
This story is set about six months after the finale. Zoey and Simon’s relationship is still very new. They have been seeing each other for about a month.
Zoey’s eyes shot open. The sound of someone banging on the door left her heart ready to jump out of her chest. She grabbed her phone thinking she had overslept, but thank god...it was Saturday. Zoey giggled at herself briefly before the knocking continued. She glanced back at her phone. Six unread text messages from David.
“Zoey...are you still asleep...the hell? ZOEY!?” David’s voice rang from outside her apartment. Her phone started to ring. Oh nooo.
Zoey ran to the door almost losing her balance. She swung it open with a force making David spin around swiftly, his phone to his ear. 
“Umm, hi, did you forget something?” His words were pointed and short. 
“David I am so sorry. I didn’t forget, I just overslept.” She shifted her attention to the baby in the car seat, her voice going up a few octaves. 
“Hiii little man, you ready to spend the day with auntie Zoey?” David walked in, setting the carrier gently on the floor. He looked up, obviously still annoyed at the way Zoey so lightly brushed him off. Zoey looked back up and rolled her eyes, defensive. 
“I didn’t forget, David, I swear.” 
David shifted his weight, crossing his arms like he always did whenever he was in lecture Zoey mode. “I was getting a little worried, you know. I thought you were looking forward to today, it being your first full day with him and all. Not to mention Emily and the realtor are waiting on me.” 
Zoey smirked. 
“Of course I was–I am looking forward to it. I just had a late night. I promise I’m good; we’re good. I’m sorry I made you late.” She grinned in a playful manner.
David’s face squinched. “I’m only forgiving you because I need you. You’re literally our only option today, so hey, don’t lose him or anything. Here’s everything you should need. If you need anything else or have any questions, call either of us. We’re sort of expecting it.” 
Zoey tilted her head, offended by his words. “Ha ha, you’re funny. Will you leave now? I’ve got some bonding to do with my nephew, sir.” Zoey picked the infant out of the carrier and planted a big kiss on his cheek. “Say bye to daddy.” 
David looked back before closing the door. “Be good.” 
Zoey smiled back. “I’m sure he’ll be a perfect angel.” 
David grinned, “Yeah, actually I was talking to you.”
Zoey shushed him as the door shut. “He'll like me better than you one day!”
********later that morning**********
Zoey tiptoed into her kitchen. A children's television program played vibrantly in the background. She had studied Emily and David’s various parenting techniques many times since baby Mitchell was born, including using the TV as a means of keeping him entertained. Her little nephew had fallen asleep not even two hours since David had dropped him off. Seems little man doesn’t enjoy getting up early on Saturdays either, Zoey thought to herself. 
Just as she began to take out a bowl for some cereal her phone started buzzing. SIMON. Zoey felt her face turn warm. She smiled shyly, unable to control the way her body reacted when it came to him. She answered the phone, flustered. “Hey, you. I didn’t think I’d hear from you until tonight?” Simon had been out of town visiting family and Zoey had been counting down the hours until she could see him again. They had plans to get together tonight once Simon was back in town.
“Hey, I couldn’t sleep last night so I decided to go ahead and come back early this morning. I was sort of hoping, maybe, I could come over to your place and bring you some breakfast?” Zoey loved how unpredictable Simon could be sometimes, despite being able to literally read his mind. 
Zoey’s thoughts snapped back to her sleeping nephew in the next room. “Um, Simon, I um, I would love to have breakfast with you, but…” She was interrupted by a knock at the door.
“Come let me in, I’m right outside.” Zoey froze. Well, this should be interesting.
She opened the door to a very handsome Simon holding up a take-out bag. She was suddenly very aware she was still in her PJs and hadn’t brushed her hair since her abrupt wake up call this morning. “And you’re here, now...at my apartment...with?” 
“Bagels,” Simon cut her off again. “Did you just wake up? I hope you have a coffee maker, their espresso machine was broken.” He brushed by her and walked to the kitchen counter. He smelled so good. She watched him as he set down the bag, taking contents out one by one. Seeing Simon in her kitchen, so domestic, was not something Zoey was prepared for. It was so unexpected, and very sexy. It took him stopping mid task to snap her out of her trance. “Um, Zoey, what’s that sound?” Zoey heard it too. Oh no, the knocking woke up the baby. 
She sighed and started into the next room, leaving Simon looking confused. Zoey placed her hands over her face, distorting her words into muffles. “I was trying to tell you, but you didn’t really give me the chance.” Simon followed Zoey into the living room where the trail of noises were coming from. 
Simon stared blankly. "Hmm...okay, yep...and...that’s a baby.” 
“Yeah, Simon I’m keeping my nephew today. Did I not mention that to you?” Okay, so maybe I DID forget.
Simon watched intensely as Zoey picked up the crying infant and sat down on the sofa. She was so…wow. It was strange seeing her with a baby. Not strange as in unnatural, but the complete opposite. It was blissful. He was mesmerized. He continued to admire her as she comforted and soothed her nephew. 
Zoey noticed Simon watching her. “Is this too weird? This is weird isn’t it?” 
Simon smiled as he sat down next to her. “Surprisingly, no. Not really. I mean yeah, a little, but...in a normal, I’ve never seen you with a baby before, kind of way.” 
Zoey tilted her head, curious. Simon continued. “It’s nice though. Different, I mean...I’m enjoying seeing this side of you.”
Zoey shifted her weight so that she could face Simon. “Not to make this weirder than it already is, but...do you, ya know, like kids?” 
Simon didn’t hesitate before speaking. “Sure, I love kids. I have six nieces and nephews combined. They are a lot of fun.” 
Zoey looked down. She was a bit embarrassed he didn’t understand her question, and annoyed she didn’t ask it better. 
Simon noticed her blush. The realization hit him like a gut punch. “Oh, wow. You meant, do I want kids?” 
Zoey used the baby to try to hide herself squirming in her seat. She wished so badly to rewind time and redirect this entire conversation. “Forget I asked. I have no idea why I asked you that. That was crazy,” Zoey giggled nervously. 
Simon laughed and shook his head. “Do you want to hear the answer?” he asked in a cheeky way, as he raised one eyebrow. Zoey reluctantly nodded. 
Simon proceeded cautiously. “I always loved kids, but I never really saw myself as a dad I guess. Not sure if that makes sense. With Jessica, she wanted kids, but I didn’t get excited at the thought when we were together. I always figured it would grow on me eventually.” 
Zoey continued nodding along. She was unsure of where this was going and she felt herself getting nauseous. “Has it?” Zoey asked, her voice squeaky and faint. 
Simon smiled again. “Not until recently.” 
Zoey’s head shot up. Simon still held on to that cheeky expression. “I’m not saying I have any expectations, Zoey, but when I told you that day that I was going to go the other way this time—I meant that. I want it to be different. I want us to be happy. Whatever that looks like in the future, kids or no kids, whatever. That doesn’t matter, okay. This thing, me and you, us, it's still very new. I just want to enjoy our time together. I don’t care too much about the rest right now.” Zoey’s eyes sparkled with emotion, but she couldn't stop smiling. She stood as she struggled to find the words to respond. Simon stood with her. “Zoey, let me take him off you for a minute. See if you can find that coffee machine. I need some fuel soon or I'm crashing. No sleep remember?” 
Zoey didn’t fight him. She handed the baby off to Simon. He had definitely done this before. She gave him a soft smile and kissed Mitchell on the cheek before walking into the kitchen. She couldn’t help but look back. 
Simon began to coo and talk with her nephew, and now she was seeing a new side of him. One she didn’t hate. He was a natural, and it was doing things to her. Making her feel ways she didn’t understand. There was just something about seeing the guy you like holding a baby. Zoey had heard friends use the phrase “ovaries exploding” before but never really thought she had experienced what they were talking about until this very moment. She thought about the fact that Simon didn’t ask her the same question. Do I want kids? In that moment her body definitely did. Her mind raced as she continued to watch them from the kitchen. Then she heard it. It was a distant hum growing louder, distracting Zoey from the wave of desire she was feeling below the waist. A heart song—coming from Simon.
When tears find your eyes and you're feeling like life's got you down
When you feel so alone when there's nowhere to go, don't you cry
When you're thinking you can't go on
'Cause everything you try just goes wrong
I'll be that shelter in the rain
If you say you need a sunny day.
Then I'll be that sun when you need it to shine
And I'll move mountains and lakes,
If you say that they're in your way
Just like the stars I'm your light when it's too dark to see
Just say the word and I'll be whatever you need
And know that you'll always have me
That's what I'll be
Another one Zoey had not heard before. She knew it was for her, though it was almost sung as a lullaby for the baby. A future with Simon. She suddenly had a tinge of desire for it. All of it. Zoey found herself lost in a vision. A cliche: nice house with a yard, two kids and a dog. Them…happy. 
Lost in her own head, Zoey realized there was no more music. She looked around confused. “Simon?” 
She walked around the sofa to find the most Instagram worthy image her eyes had ever seen. Simon had fallen asleep, along with her tiny baby nephew who was now sleeping peacefully on Simon's chest. The physical intensity she had felt before was back. Whelp, yep...goodbye ovaries for sure. If this was a preview of a future with Simon, she didn’t mind it.
Zoey grabbed her phone and took a photo. She smiled as she reviewed it, then looked back at the picture perfect moment in front of her. She breathed in deeply as she soaked it in. The joy. In that moment she truly believed she had found the joy Simon had talked about so much. Maybe they even found it together.
Yeah, I don't hate this. I can live with this.
song found here.
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another-mexico-oc · 5 years ago
The most used Mexico´ cliches in fanfiction and comics (And surely this can apply to any other OC)
Traducción en Español: AQUÍ
This post DOES NOT intend to throw shit and attack specific authors or their work, so out of respect we will not mention names. If you have read my other posts you will know that this only has the purpose of entertaining and to give a personal opinion.
Also, this does not intend to be a manual or guide on how to write a good comic or fanfic. It is only a compilation of repetitive elements found throughout these works.
Now, let's continue ...
Hi! How are you doing? I hope you are safe at home, and in case you have to go outside take your precautions.  
I have been in Hetalia's fandom for more than a year, and the Countryhumans' less than a year, and both my cousin and I have seen and read enough material from Mexico's OCs, enough to compile in a list the most popular cliches when reading a fanfic or comic which involves this character. As I said at the beginning, this is not a guide of what to do and what not, but we invite creators to find new ways to tell the same stories (or even new ones) differently and to not fall into the predictable.
( Perhaps it is because in my university career one of my teachers was very demanding with coherent scripts and stories, and that she tended to review them 10 times before giving the approval, that I became very demanding with the creation of stories and characters. But that's my personal issue! )
Sarcastically, this should be called "The clichés that cannot be miss for your Mexico´ story" :
1. The Mexico´OC was created ONLY to be the love interest of another character (the author's favorite):
In the same way, the author´ comics and fanfics will be of the romantic genre, and it will involve his favorite ship (or his various ships if he/she is a multi-shipper). Making a brief conclusion, there are few works in which Mexico stands out as a character, without having the love interest, or the famous harem, as the main plot.
And if you were curious, here is a chart that shows the most used ships in the Hetalia´ case, although in 2020 it may have slight changes:
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(Denmark and Norway?! I have never found any fic about them being paired with Mexico)
2. María Sue and Gary Estuardo:
More cliché this could not be. Even when I´m mexican myself, I realize that the representation of my country has received the Mary Sue treatment by the fandom, both in Hetalia and in Countryhumas, and mostly by the latino and mexican community. I already talked about this HERE, but I'll summarize it:
Regardless of whether Mexico is a man or a woman:
- They will be the center of the universe, all the characters will kiss the ground they step on, they will be the most cute person in the world, without flaws, and their greatest virtue will be his or her ethereal beauty that will make everyone to fall in love with them, with just an eye blink.
- It´s never their fault and they will never face the consequences of their actions, e.g. causing WW3. What's even more, he or she is just a poor victim of the evil countries that want to take advantage of his/her territory.
- Having got laid or dating half of the world will not cause them serious consequences or a negative reputation.
- Personality? Oh my, that´s very complicated to write, instead I will narrate how my female Mexico arrived at the restaurant with a dress that highlighted her feminine attributes and how her long and abundant hair made more than one person to sigh; Or how my male Mexico wore tight pants that showed his perfect toned legs, and that when he smiled he made blush every country.
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If it was a parody, I'd accept Mexico to be a Mary Sue or a Gary Stu. But usually the authors want you to take the story and the character seriously. So... nope.
3. Plots taken from soap operas, or telenovelas:
Believe it or not, there are authors who have admitted that their Mexico´ fanfics are based on mexican telenovelas. And the worst thing is that telenovelas have the most cliche stories in the world! Think about it, you have a good and humble, but kind of dumb person, who in this case is going to be Mexico, who falls in love with a handsome and rich person, who will obviously be a first world country, but there is someone who wants to finish their romance. You also have forced marriages, fights, misunderstandings, slaps, super dramatic scenes, passionate scenes, cheesy titles...
Mix all this elements together, and you will get:
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For comedy purpose, we will be using my OC)
4. The fanfic or comic always, ALWAYS, has to start with a world meeting:
I propose a challenge for you and your friends. Gather together and search for Mexico fanfics, no matter the fandom where you all came from. Take a shot, or put a coin in a jar, for every time the first chapter begins at a meeting.
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And almost always it is here where the author builds the romantic story, examples:
“It was a normal day in the boardroom, everyone was arguing while Germany (United Nations if it is a Countryhumans fic) tried in vain to put order and discipline. Only a nation was waiting for a certain person with brown skin and delicate features, to enter through that great door… ”
“Suddenly, a brown skin girl with black and curly hair (Seriously guys, where did you got the idea your average mexican girl has natural curly hair?!) entered the room, and the entire room went silent. Everyone who was there had something to do with that young lady, and seeing her there, turned into a full woman, left them stunned. She was gorgeous.”
Another cliché, but this one can be in any story, is: "Realizing that it was getting late, he got up, took off his pajamas, groomed, combed his hair, and put on his yellow shirt with his ...". There are several ways to start the story without the famous world meeting and the character's morning routine.
5. The harem and love triangles (or any other geometric shape):
This cliché could not be missing either. There are a lot of Mexico x TheWorld´ fanfics. As I said before, I am not against the shipping and the harem of Mexico, each one is free to ship whatever they like, as long as there is respect between the community.
But even when an author wants to focus on a single couple, let's take for example Canada x Mexico, he necesarily has to include USAMex and RusMex as secondary couples, and at some point it gets exhausting and reforces the Mary Sue treatment. It seems that for many authors, Mexico's international relations automatically translate into a “romantic relationship”, and not into a friends or business partners one.
And also, the construction of the relationship it feels sometimes very empty. The author doesn't give time to show how they become a couple or how they found the chemistry in the other. In the third chapter they are already making out!
6. The toxicity:
Oh yeah.
I don't blame this clichá, my cousin and I concluded that healthy relationships are rare in Hetalia and Countryhumans. Practically all countries have one or two flaws that at first sight makes them look toxic. And in Mexico's fanfics and comics, particularly those involving USAMex, the character gets involved in a possessive and codependent relationship.
If Mexico is not a dominant male or a femme fatale, it will be a submissive character who will allow all kinds of abuse. Or in each chapter he or she will doubt about his/her relationship, and will make their partner jealous.
To write a healthy relationship, you must work on the characters' strengths and make them both face their flaws, but instead, the authors take these flaws and make them the basis of the relationship.
7. The party´ chapter in which things get ... heavily crazy:
Okay, so we have our first chapter at the world meeting, where we establish the main couple. Now what we need is the stage for the lovebirds to confess their love ... while being drunk. In many works we will find the countries gathered at a party (usually a Latino party), and the author will narrate all the crazy events that occur, including how Mexico and his sweetheart, will confess their feelings after having taken a few bottles, and sometimes this gets to ...
8. The chapter (or chapters) + 18
This is almost a requirement for many fanfic´ writers, and is always written in the same way. The author will narrate you in detail from the moment they begin to undress until the climax moment.
9. Spain will never stop calling Mexico "New Spain", despite the fact that more than 200 years have passed since the country's independence and its recognition:
And in the case of Hetalia, Mexico must have the same last name as Spain: Hernández Carriedo. Yes, in the same way that United States last name is not Jones, but Kirkland, like its ex-colonizer England; or that Belarus last name is Braginski as his brother Russia, and not Arlovskaya.
Also, although Spain continues to call Mexico "New Spain", he will never call Argentina "Rio de la Plata" or Colombia "New Granada". Similarly, England and France will never call America and Canada "13 Colonies" and "New France" respectively. It seems to be something exclusive for Spain and Mexico.
10. Repetitive references and jokes, or lack of knowledge about the country.
Paco the chihuahua dog, Mexico and Sudamericans fighting over the avocado´s name, Mexico having flashbacks of his/her past with the Aztec Empire and with the USA when they were colonies, Mexico complaining about his/her rulers and corruption within the country, Mexico crying over Texas, Mexico demonstrating his/her beautiful culture to other countries …
Not to mention when someone makes an Mexico OC and his knowledge of the country is very basic: tacos, sombreros, Day of the Dead, always hot climate, the wall issue with America, Aztec and Maya as the only ancestors of Mexico, Texas, burritos... Sorry if I sound rude but, those people need to read and investigate more, and watch less movies where Mexico has that yellow filter.
11. Bad translations
Okay, this is something exclusive of the spanish speaking fandom, but I´ll tell you what´s their issue.
Some author had the brilliant idea to make the dialogues of the countries in their respective languages, followed by placing the Spanish translation in parentheses, and from there many followed suit. The problem is when you notice that they don´t speak or understand the language, and instead they use the Google translator, obtaining results like this:
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There have been several occasions when I am reading America and England´ dialogues, and it makes me want to write in the comment section: “DON´T USE THE GOOGLE TRANSLATOR! ” I wouldn´t know what to say from the rest of the countries, since my French is very basic,and I have hardly learned one phrase from the others languages.
My advise for these authors is to find a person who is fluent in the language and who can help them with the dialogues. Or even better, try to avoid this cliché, because at the end of the day people will only read the translation, and it is already implied that each country speaks in its respective language. Also doing this is very pretentious.
The less you can do is to add in the dialogues well know words, like adiós, hola, bonjour, ciao...
12. Changing the canon personalities. Or worse: turn a loved character into a villain.
I already said this HERE too. Basically, for the author to make his Mexico an empathic character and to make other countries to fall in love with him or her, they must conveniently change their canon personalities. This applies more in Hetalia than in Countryhumans, since this last one belongs to the community and nobody can establish what is canon and what is not. On the other hand, in Hetalia the characters already have their own personalities, and neither plays the role of villain. And there is a big difference between being an antagonist or a villain, but I´ll let you to investigate it yourself.  
This cliché is closely related to the Mary Sue treatment, because if I want readers to empathize with Mexico, I must turn another character into an evil person who is going to put him through hardships. And normally this character is the United States or America, whatever you call him.
If I want Russia or Germany to fall in love with Mexico, I must rewrite their characters and throw out the unstable part of Russia, and Germany's little experience regarding romantic relationships, just to make them the most romantic and sentimental people in the world.
✥   ✥   ✥   ✥   ✥   ✥   ✥   ✥
There you have it! I think I already roasted 80% of Mexico fanfiction and fanart, but is not like they are going to dissapear with this post. On the good side, for every time I cringed reading some of these works, I have saved a good amount money, you must try it. I should try an aside blog where I criticize bad fanfiction... But at the moment, that´s all for today! See ya!
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