#yay installer
haunted-xander · 3 months
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Minazuki, who was just born, learns his first emotion: murderous intent!
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judasisgayriot · 6 months
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I got nothing but dreams inside
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syn4k · 4 months
sure yeah the mianite server is pretty self sufficient when it comes to things like food and resources but after like a month of tom and tucker very diligently (and very stubbornly) holding that this is a survival server, you work with what you have and we will NOT rely on outside sources for even the most basic of things, jordan walks up to them and gently puts one hand on each of their shoulders and goes "hey. i respect your dedication to running this shit like we're back in the middle ages. seriously i do. but for the love of ianite me and sonja have been trying to reverse engineer soap for like two weeks now and we're losing our fucking minds and it turns out that life really fucking sucks when you're intentionally depriving yourself of several things necessary to living like a reliable source of clean water and lysol all for the goddamn bit."
after a full server meeting, four days of shouting, and dec all but threatening to get both of the gods involved to settle it for ("good fucking luck with that, they haven't been listening to any of us either," sonja mutters under her breath), tom whispers something in tucker's ear and with an exhausted sigh he finally declares that fine. We can all go to Walmart and Home Depot once a week for stuff like cleaning supplies and machine-made parts that it would be a fucking nightmare to make by hand here.
everyone cheers (except for tucker) and runs off to make lists of things that they Absolutely Need To Survive.
(it takes another five hours for tucker to review those lists and tell sonja that no, she cannot get oatmeal créme pies, those are not a basic necessity for human survival. there is another huge debate over what exactly constitutes as necessary for survival. jordan indignantly pulls up the wikipedia page on the requirements for life on his phone and thats when dec finally force kicks them all off of the server to just get their fucking shopping done.)
when all's said and done they end up spending well over two thousand dollars on everything BUT it was worth it and while tucker still might not exactly be happy that it happened, in the end he did get a nice set of woodworking tools for himself and with that, the Grocery Saga is all neatly wrapped up and over
(well, at least until the wizards show up anyways.)
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joybeantown · 2 months
Kyle and sink
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Drawings from call yesterday
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mhaynoot · 1 year
“Han Sooyoung, thank you for everything,” he says, smiling.
It’s a smile that wrinkles his eyes into little crescents and spreads across his face fully.
And it's a smile she had wanted to see for the longest of time. Like desperation, like salvation, it had haunted her memories for years. Now though when it's finally at last right here in front of her, she can't seem to keep her eyes focused on it, flickering back and forth between his grin and the hospital room. It's like staring into the sun with bare eyes. The sight of it twists her chest up too much. A feeling akin to twining her lungs into tiny ugly knots.
She says, "What are you thanking me for, idiot?"
He laughs, of course, and the quiet laughter only stops when he starts wheezing and hiccoughing instead. She snaps her eyes to him instantly. Oh. Raindrops sliding down his face. Fuck. A familiar panic rises up in her as she scrambles for napkins before she remembers the stupid handkerchief Yoo Sangah gave her. She tugs it out of her pocket and hands it to him. The blue floral print soaks up as he cries silently into them. He keeps smiling even as tears slip down his face. “I really love the story you wrote.”
What an idiot, she thinks, chest shaking too much to properly speak out loud. Couldn’t even pick just one emotion.
For a while she stares back at him, mouth unworking as she tries to breathe. Her lungs shudder and chest continues to shake. Rattling her stupid heart.
She thinks again: What an idiot.
It comforts her.
“I really-” she says and bites her lips fiercely. Takes a shuddering long awaited breath. Finally, “I really wanted to see you again, bastard.”
“Yeah, me too,” he says, voice finally wavering.
Vividly, she remembers another memory just like this one. It unfolds like passages. The lines of their dialogue and brief imagery of snow and that same stupid face crying as the Han Sooyoung in her script shoves a lollipop into an idiot reader's mouth.
“You did a good job,” she says now and watches as the words enter his ears. She knows exactly when it does because it feels like a sledgehammer to her chest when he starts crying even more. Idiot. “You did a good job. You did the best you could. But you- Fuck.” Roughly, she scrubs her hand through her hair. “You and your stupid fucking pride, why did was it always you who took on all the burdens in the world. Always, always- just what the fuck did this world ever do for you that you had to take it all in? Fuck the world, fuck the conclusion- fuck!” She throws her hands forward, shoving away from the bed and getting up from her chair. She grasps onto his hospital gown instead, staring into his wide teary eyes. “It never mattered to me as long as you were there, okay? That conclusion to the story you always went on and on about, that you so fucking desperately wanted to see even when you threw your life away again and again and again, for me- for everyone, it was you! All of you!” She's screaming at the end, she hates it. The anger that boils up her insides. Yoo Sangah probably didn't raise her at him like this. She didn't want to either. This was supposed to be their happy reunion. Fuck. She screws her eyes shut, trying desperately to stop the hot scald from spilling uselessly against the tight press of her eyelids. She can feel her throat throb. “This happy ending didn’t matter if you weren’t there, too.”
For a long time only silence followed her outburst. Her insides squirm and her chest heaves with the impact crater left behind. It feels even worse than the scenarios.
She's about to step away. 'Forget it' and 'we'll talk next time' is just on her tongue when he opens his mouth.
Releasing a deep breath, he tells her, “For a long time, I didn't think I could want to be happy. Without you, I definitely never would have been able to get this far. Because I really needed your story to live. Even when the entire world had to be ruined for it. Even when it drove everyone I loved into misery.”
So, so fucking frustrating.
"Bastard who never learns." She shakes him, anger reignited easily like black flames and dragon fire, and cries out, “It was never your fault!”
“I know, Sooyoung-ah,” he says, quietly in that voice of his, the one that was like his smile. “Because it was never your fault either.”
“What.” She pulls back like whiplash, hands untangling from his hospital gown and revealing the harsh wrinkles she’s left on them. “I- No, this isn’t- This isn’t about me here, you bastard.”
Gently, he holds her hands and looks down as his covers the entirety of hers. He says, “When I was fifteen and you were thirteen and we were in another hospital, you held my hand exactly like this, didn’t you?”
He slots their fingers together. Her chests twinges. They’re bigger and longer than hers now but fingers like branches and wrists like twigs. All bony and sharp like worn out blades. They had once been smaller than hers.
Didn't I write recipes and instructions in that shitty novel, how are you still all skin and bones? The words die in her throat.
He continues, “The world we lived in was already ruined, for both of us. Day to day, I lived because I wanted to see the next chapter, to see the next update. But even after it ended, I think I still would have survived somehow. At least, I could always reread it. I think you would have, too.” He smiles softly, eyes glimmering like when he's thinking about a story he loves. “For thirteen years, we both needed Yoo Joonghyuk’s story to survive. The story you wrote and I read and dreamed about emerged into reality. And then, the scenarios started and we had to survive that too. A lot of horrible, painful things happened. But, a lot of happy things happened too. Because, I found out I was so very happy to be alive. That there are people who love me and who I love as well. And I don't think that could be a tragedy. So, if it wasn’t my fault this story was born then it also wasn’t your fault."
Her heart is crying. She leans her head down and presses her forehead to their clasped hands. Her one reader who surely survived. "Oh."
“Sooyoung, thank you for writing my story.”
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omgpurplefattie · 13 days
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I see GDocs' "die fishing" and raise you Ellipsus' Feisheng => Feigling (German for 'coward') as a hilarious mangling of the guy's name when trying to write fanfic about him.
I am trying to write fanfic in German, for an audience of perhaps two, just out of sheer bloody-mindedness.
I can't help imagining DFS being offended at Ellipsus for calling him a coward, threatening the nice support guy from Ellipsus who helped me with my spellcheck problem in the middle of Sunday (even though their chatbot very sensibly had told me that a human would be available again on Monday) with his Dao...
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nostalgia-tblr · 2 months
far be it from me to suggest a diplomatic marriage but what if rhaenyra and alicent marry each other? either it ends the war or it doesn't but if not then at least they'd get to kiss each other on the mouth, right?
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dailycattails · 23 days
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day 85
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trainingdummyrabbit · 26 days
Hello yes do you recommend a particular PMD. I tried looking for the game and a thousand dfferent ones showed up djksjd
explorers of sky!!! its my favorite :] also a really good installment in th series just in general hehe.. generally considered a fan favorite, for good reason!! stories that changed my entire life and iam Not Joking.
honestly you can play whichever whenever, theyve all got their charm! they dont really have any specific tie in to each other afaik, and theyre pretty easy t just hop into :]
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cosmical-flowers · 10 days
okay im thinking now that lots of people in ES would see my self insert as a little sister atp. Because I see so many people say that Shinobu is like a little brother to them (mainly with yume ship accs, i’ve also seen this with Tetora) and im thinking “huh would Sakura be everyone’s little sister that’s mildly terrifying. Hmmm…..”
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todaysromano · 5 months
Today, Romano finished a big project and was proud of himself.
Arab.com link
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ezra-trait · 2 months
reading the color sliders mod description trying to figure out how it works/how to install it properly with fear in my heart bc it has a lot of words and i got a peanut sized brain 😿
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2k words into THW part 6 🥳
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Was silent for a bit there but do not fret i come back today with the third part of the hanahaki comic and feeling somewhat less depressed!
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andnowrotfront · 11 hours
okay so i'm thinking that rpg maker maybe isn't the best game dev engine for md
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mxanigel · 4 months
<a live look at Ani a moment ago>
oh hey look Pathfinder WOTR is on sale I should open Steam and--
wait whaaaaaat
thank you dear @poetikat :D
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