#yandere stepsister
Platonic Yandere Queen Step Sister
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She wasn’t always a queen 
Like every queen before she was a princess
But before she was a princess she was a count from a low-class duchy
Her mother had found your father
Old, ill, and enticed by the countess willing to entertain him
The countess herself wasn’t awful
She was civil, for the most part the only problem with her was her daughter
“And this is your new sister—Harley! Say hello!”
“Hmph just because your Dad’s the King doesn’t mean I have to like you!”
Harley was a menace
Snooty and rude
Every time she spoke to you it was like liquid acid spraying specifically at you
She was typically spoiled but she never mistreated the servants 
She was decent to your father 
But to you, it was like she hated your guts from the very beginning
“I’m glad I spilled all that cranberry juice on you! The little outfit you were wearing before matched your ugliness a bit too well.”
“That was a gift from my late mother!”
“Hm figures.”
Of course in turn you hate her too
And you don’t bother hiding it from your father when he weakly asks you to hang out with her
“Did you hear what she said to me? I honestly couldn’t care less if that horse she spooked stomped her flat.”
“(Y/n)! Hold your tongue, she’s your new sister.”
“She might be your daughter but that thing is not my sister.”
He doesn’t seem convinced as he continues putting you together with her in hopes it will strengthen your bond
It does not
And it will never be as your father succumbs to his illness
Naturally, you prepare to take on the throne despite your young age
But alas nothing goes the way it should since she’s been forced into your life
“As the former partner of the King, I gladly will take up the role until our child is ready.”
It’s infuriating as the advisor reads a part in his newly written will about this
How he ordained that his second wife have you in her care and the kingdom in her control
And of course decency dwindles as she becomes drunk on the social power
Fueling her gremlin of a daughter
“Mother’s forbidden you from leaving your room. So I figured I’d give you some of my company! You're welcome.”
“Go jump out the window.”
“How dare–MOM!”
It just gets worse and worse
You do think for a moment things will get better as The substitute Queen keels over her wine at a banquet
Thanking the heavens for whoever poisoned her, you’re prepared to take the throne
“I am so sorry (Y/n) but the council has ruled that for your safety as the kingdom’s only true heir, it’d be dangerous to let you take the throne. So we’ll give the role of Queen to Harley.”
It takes you everything not to stab the brat as she puffs her chest and flips her hair
“Won’t you congratulate me on my coronation!”
It’s agony that ripples under your skin as you have no choice but to flee the castle grounds to escape her stabbing presence and that only works for a day at most
With her mother no longer ruling she isn’t forced to take etiquette lessons away from you
Now she can demand your attendance for any minor meeting
“I don’t think we should mobilize our militia on that border. It’s far too much of an overreaction.”
“What about the villages that have been burned there? The people who need medical attention?”
“Hush (Y/n) I didn’t say you could talk in this meeting.”
It's all so frustrating feeling trapped
But you’re not the only one 
Harley is incredibly frustrated because of what keeps her trapped
And that’s her inability to say anything that she truly means
Especially with manners of the heart
Underneath layers of cruel insults, stifling rules, and personal jabs 
Is a step-sister who adores your very being but is stuck with her thorny exterior
She is forced to stick her nose up and sneer at you when you look her direction
When she’ll say “You look like death with the new family brooch. You might do better to just leave it off.”
What she means “I think you look even more gorgeous than usual with the family brooch, don’t ever take it off.”
If she wasn’t as backward demented as she was it probably wouldn’t be so hard to try being nice
To switch her compliments to insults for just a day to give you a kind compliment
But she hates actually making it so that
Naturally, this is why she killed her mother
She’d gotten in the way of her free time with you 
On top of looking down on you which she absolutely hates the most
Granted she’s certain you hate her with how much time she spends attempting to bring you down expressing her affection the only way she can
Sometimes she’s tempted to put it in writing 
just explain her condition so that she can jump into your arms as you connect the dots
But every time she’d written something out, she couldn’t help but confess how obsessed she was with you 
How happy she was that her whole job now was protecting you
She wasn’t exactly fond of the kingdom other than it being an inheritance for you
She hopes you’ll forgive her as she’ll  prioritize you and your safety above all else
No one but your father’s trusted advisor may see past her biting personality
Convinced with the council that it’s best to have her temporarily rule
If only until they get to the bottom of both the King and the Queen’s deaths
Should any council member question her or her motives 
she’d be quick to shut that down
She can’t have these old nobles get in the way of her dominion over you
“I hope you enjoy the joys of being accused of fraud. It’ll be nice to look back on your time when on the council when you’re rotting in jail.”
She has no mercy for anyone but you
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sophiethewitch1 · 8 months
Spoiler? Yes,please. 👀👀👀💕
Wasn't sure what you guys wanted, so here's like a small snippet of chapter 2. If you have want like,,, important spoilers or something just lemme know. I will happily reveal the plot of this entire stupid thing because I'm very in love with it. Girl failure reader versus the world
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lynnuvo · 2 months
Of Course a Prince Needs a Princess
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Characters: Yandere Prince x Female (Y/N) In which you reincarnate into a fairytale where Yan!Prince wants his happy ending too
Having a second chance at life in exchange for the death of your previous one came with a crash. You weren't sure how it happened, but you luckily retained your memories and your wit.
It didn't take long to find out you were in a world akin to Cinderella's story--from the stepmothers to the talking mice to the royalty the citizens praised. Unfortunately, you weren't looking to live in a grand castle. Or maybe you were, but not with being married to a man you don't have feelings for. The original couple got together so quick, yet they barely knew each other. That story was definitely as it was: a work of fiction
Your new plan? Put up with the stepsisters, find a job elsewhere, and make enough bank to live comfortably in the village away from your family. You've never heard of laws in Cinderella's fairytale, but you were certain that the kingdom couldn't possibly force citizens to live with toxic family members.
𝑇̲ℎ̲𝑒̲ 𝐵̲𝑎̲𝑙̲𝑙̲
After spending a few months doing chores and odd jobs around the village (the latter for some extra cash), your family finally received news of the fated ball.
You initially didn't plan on going, but you deserved a break. You didn't bother asking for permission to go; your stepmother definitely wouldn't allow it. The main problem was summoning Fairy Godmother.
Luckily, she couldn't tell the difference between fake tears and real ones. You behaved as close to the actual Cinderella as you could recall, and POOF!
With your new attire and coach, you made your way to the most gorgeous castle your eyes have ever fell upon.
It didn't take long for the prince to notice you, but this is where you drew the line at this fairytale life. You rejected his proposal to dance, shocking the other guests. You had to resist a smirk at your step-family's reaction.
Flabbergasted, the prince left you swiftly and moved onto another fair maiden. You indulged yourself in the catering happily, but after your stomach was filled, the stares of passerby began to discomfort you. The prince was occupied with another dance, so you wasted no time leaving the palace early (much to the confusion of the knights who stood guard).
The spell broke while at home with no evidence of your night out, not even the glass slippers. When your stepfamily returned, they bragged about their time and briefly talked about you (luckily not knowing you were the one who was "stuffing their face like a pig starved."). After that day, life returned to normal.
Or at least what you thought was going to be normal.
𝘙͜𝘶͜𝘯͜𝘢͜𝘸͜𝘢͜𝘺͜ 𝘊͜𝘪͜𝘯͜𝘥͜𝘦͜𝘳͜𝘦͜𝘭͜𝘭͜𝘢͜
Beginning that night, Yan!Prince thought about you often. He never imagined a young lady would ever reject his proposal to dance, though he didn't hold it against you. It was just a shocker.
Despite that, you appeared in his mind before bed and after he woke up, while he ate and while sharpening his combat skills. Even if he told himself that that one incident was nothing more than a brief interaction with a citizen of his kingdom, he couldn't forget the color of your hair, your pretty face, and how you paid oh so much attention to the food his family prepared just for that ball.
Upon overhearing the chefs gush about their gratefulness towards their food being appreciated so much, he made up a personality for you: kind but forward, honest, valuing true intentions and love over gold and high status.
Too bad for him, gold was your highest priority. While he began going on strolls into the village in search of you under the impression of catching up with the townsfolk, you continued job-hunting and tending to the house. You even decided to cater to your stepfamily as best as possible--subtle enough so they wouldn't think you were trying to suck up to them.
Surprisingly, your relationship with them improved just a bit. But it was what you needed to get permission to work at a bakery in the village.
Once you discovered he was visiting the village often, you did your best to avoid the bakery window while working and hurry home once your shift ended.
Unfortunately, you both ran into each other just as you closed up shop. In a small panic, you inquired about him for the sake of courtesy. While you two spoke, he couldn't help but notice a striking resemblance between you and the lady who turned him down at the ball. You could tell from his facial expression he was piecing things together, so you abruptly bid farewell and ran away.
He would visit you a lot. After replying to his inquiry that you weren't the girl at the ball, he'd joke about it a lot (there was no other gal in the village like you). It didn't take long for rumors to spread amongst the kingdom that the prince had taken a fancy to you. You hated it. He didn't mind it. In fact, it no longer mattered whether you were the girl at the ball. Something about you pulled him in like a hook. Perhaps it was the determination he observed through the window. Perhaps it was the way you handled children while taking a breather outside as he ate inside. Perhaps it was destiny.
As time passed, you grew more tolerant of him. While you didn't want him to be your romantic partner, you guessed you were okay with being his friend. As time passed, he grew more frustrated you weren't his. His father took note of his unusual agitated self, but he waved it off as stress when thinking of a future bride.
"What about that lady the people are saying you like?"
"Oh, her? She has....a way with herself. It seems that she's not interested in me."
"Perhaps you both need a bit of a push."
Since then, the King made a few visits to the bakery to chat--no marriage mentioned. He wanted to see what you were like. Although you were a kind girl, he confronted Yan!Prince with the truth that he probably wouldn't have a spouse who didn't want him. It broke his heart to hear, but he wasn't ready to let go yet.
You were already preparing your escape long before the ball, but the pace of your plan sped up now that the prince was on your trail. You found out about the closest kingdom from acquaintances and saved up funds to use on your journey.
When the prince discovered you had quit your job via a disappearance, he visited your home. Your stepfamily was in shambles (literally. The place was filthy.) and shared that you had disappeared overnight with your belongings. There was no mistake in it: you had abandoned him.
Framing your escape as a possible kidnapping, he ordered guards and encouraged the rest of the kingdom to search for you. All of his efforts was on the search.
Photography didn't exist, so you were fortunate that the description he gave out about your appearance was vague. Somehow, you made it to the nearest kingdom with a plea to the guards that you made your way there in search of a better life. The Queen was kind and sponsored a place for you to stay for the first five months while you adjusted to your new life in exchange for you finding a job. It didn't take long to do so with your desperation.
In no time, you were living a much happier life in your home, with your new friends, and even someone who kept catching your eye. Talk of the nearby kingdom's drama was entertaining, even more so with the subject amongst them.
Meanwhile, the prince's mental and physical wellbeing deteriorated. Some say the search took a lot out of him. Some say he was so heartbroken, he had no will to live. Maids in the castle whispered about the prince being locked in his room from the outside because he grew violent--so out of character! Disturbed, the King confided in only those closest to him about his woes. Whatever did that woman do to infatuate his son so much! No one could approach him anymore. He ate and drank only when he needed to. His room became a mess. How did such a sorrow fall on the family of royal blood when there was so much potential for happiness to look forward to?
Anyone could guess that were was no point in a happy ending for romantic fairytale if there was no romance to begin with.
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hitomisuzuya · 10 months
OH OHHHH MMM STEP BROTHER SCARA! He can’t help but fuck his little wholesome sister in her sleep, eating her out till she’s moaning and screaming his name <333
Stepcest. Somnophilia. DNI if it makes you uncomfortable, please. Scaramouche x fem! reader. Smut. Cunnilingus. Tagged as Yandere Scaramouche.
I have been waiting for someone to request stepcest smut from me, ngl.
Scaramouche had taken great care to tip toe as quietly as he could to your room. Fisting his cock to thoughts of you wasn't going to cut it tonight. He needed to look up at his precious, delicate stepsister as his tongue lapped your cunt.
His eyes drank in the sight of you sleeping only in your panties, the blanket exposing your soft skin to him as he gently tossed it off your body. Crawling on the bed, he hooked his fingers through your panties, holding his breath as he made sure you didn't wake up.
Good thing for him his precious darling was such a deep sleeper.
Spreading your legs, Scaramouche groaned quietly into your cunt, flicking his tongue across your clit. He swirled his tongue around it, knowing it wouldn't be long before you enviably started to dream about him. He latched his lips onto your clit, eager to see you writhe and moan for him, that you even craved him in your sleep.
He plunged his tongue sloppily into your cunt, rutting his throbbing cock into the mattress as he held your pussy against his mouth. You tasted as sweet as you sounded.
You'd looked at him so adoringly during dinner earlier. You deserved nothing less than to have him worship your sopping cunt in your sleep with his tongue. His arms hooked around your thighs, his thumbs skimming lovingly over your hips.
He swirled his tongue between your walls, moaning drunk on how sweet you tasted. He nudged your clit with his nose, smirking when you unconsciously reached your hand out to him like you were looking for him before gripping the sheets tight.
"Scara, Scara," You moaned, moving your hips up into his mouth. If he wasn't careful, you were going to wake up your parents when he made you cum.
"Shh, darling," He purred, vibrating a moan on your clit, "relax and let me taste all of you," He sucked on your clit soothingly, making your legs shake. He didn't care that he was going to cum in his pants while he ate you out. You tasted so fucking good, your walls tight and gummy on his tongue as he sloppily fucked it into your drooling hole.
He let you scream just once, coaxing your release your release to gush on his tongue. Not even when his pants were sticky with his cum and he was finished lapping up your slick did he stop eating you out.
You sounded way too sweet squirting on his tongue for him to stop. He always took care of his stepsister, after all.
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diejager · 10 months
Lt. Simon “Ghost” Riley
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Reminder : My blog contains dark/yandere content and have 18+ fanfics, so MDNI with NSFW fics. I also do fluff and angst. All my works are fiction : I don’t own any of the characters I write for; there might be triggering subjects - please see the warnings before reading. None of the gifs or visuals I use in my fics are mine.
Your consumption of media is your responsibility and yours alone.
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[dark, fluff, yandere, nsfw(*), angst, request]
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Phantom Frost Line* |
Price announced that a new Sergeant - Sergeant Winter - would be joining their Task Force. You’re a new face, unknown to Ghost and he isn’t too keen about the news; you’re too nice, soft and innocent, you’re too normal to be trustworthy. If he can’t find faults in your character, he’ll find some in your skills, specializations, anything until he’s prouvent wrong, and you safe for his "family".
Big Brother (*) | r
You're - (Name) Riley - his top priority, his baby sister.
Your Number’s Up (*) | d
Pairing: Ghoap x Ghostface!reader
Johnny’s caught the attention of more than his Lieutenant.
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Childhood Friend | f,d,y,r
You know him as well as he knows you - or so you thought.
A Fantasy* | d,y,r,a Choice
The portal malfunctioned and you were sent elsewhere - in another universe.
Failed Escape* | d,y,r
In moments of fear-inducing adrenaline and hope, you’re driven to escape your captor, but all of your efforts are thwarted in the end and he isn’t as forgiving as he says he is.
Halloween Party* | d
Pairing: cannibal!Ghoap x fem!reader
You follow two men into their car and bed with the promise of a good time.
Surprise Visit* | r,d Pairing: stalker!Ghost x reader
You know these streets like the back of your palm, yet you’ve never once caught the man in black with a staring problem.
You Trust Your Brother, Yeah?* | r,d Pairing: Stepbrother!SImon x stepsister!reader
You have a rather unorthodox relationship with your stepbrother. Though he is a caring and gentle teacher in things you aren’t familiar with.
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Fluffy sex* Wraith* Mask prank Idea: cannibal and kidnapper Ghoap*| d Stay, Pup* | r Soft!Stepdad!Simon* | r,f Saloon | f No Escape | r,d,y The Past* | f,r Tall!reader* | f,r One bed trope | r,f
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chiffxna · 1 year
A Love Too Dark (04)
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The Marquis Vincent de Gramont x Reader
Chapter 04: Insatiable Need For Satisfaction
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This story will contain 18+ mature themes, blackmail, forced kissing, dark romance, toxic behaviour, blood, violence, stalking, manipulation, a lot of smut, dubious consent, non-consensual content, non-consensual creampie, breeding, yandere Marquis de Gramont, power play, and power imbalance, obsession, dark Marquis de Gramont, and abuse of power. The list will be added more as the story progresses. Minors, don't read.
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Story Masterlist
PREV : Chapter 03
NEXT : Chapter 05
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Chapter Summary:
Yn lived the day like normal until it was time to meet the Marquis de Gramont for the deal they made.
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Yn awoke from her slumber with the sun's first light, though it was still far too early for her taste. She lay in bed paralyzed by fear as the full weight of what would happen that evening crashed down on her fragile shoulders. Today, she would fulfill her part of the deal with the Marquis de Gramont which was to spend a private dinner with him that evening. Yn sighed heavily as she stared up at her ceiling and wondered how exactly she got into this position.
She remembered how her life was before she took the bunny-girl job. She, her mother, and her young stepsister was from a small family who was poor in money yet rich in love. They were happy despite the struggles they faced. Yn and Sydney could see how hardworking her mother was in trying to make ends meet while ensuring that both of his daughters were happy. They loved her truly and wanted nothing more than to ease her burden.
Yn did not bother to ask her about her father since her mother showered her with love and praises endlessly. Yn was given so much motherly love that she didn't feel the lack of fatherly affection. She was fine with just her mother. In their dingy apartment, their life was like sunshine and a rainbow.
And then, the storm struck.
When her mother got diagnosed with a rare disease and needed expensive treatment, it was up to Yn who had to take on the burdens and work as a young adult to do whatever it took to save her. She tried getting loans but was turned down due to her lack of collateral. That was when she turned to the casino and took on the job as a bunny-girl.
But never in her wildest dreams did she ever imagine that she would end up being in a situation like this. A shiver ran down her spine as she imagined what the Marquis had planned for her that evening. She knew she had to be strong and brave when that time comes, not just for herself and Amelia, but most importantly, for her mother.
Yn got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to freshen up. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she wondered if the Marquis find her attractive. She had never considered herself a beauty, but the way he had kissed her made her think otherwise. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind of such thoughts, and focused on preparing herself for the day.
Yn turned to see that Rosie, her precious and adorable cat, had entered the bathroom and was sitting and staring up at her with a pair of wide green eyes. Yn couldn't resist herself from bending down and petting its head lovingly. She then spoke, "I know. I know. You must be hungry."
She then busied herself with feeding Rosie and preparing breakfast for both her and Sydney. The latter woke up and suddenly wrapped her tiny arms around Yn's waist, startling the adult female.
"Yn, I had a bad dream," Sydney said in a small muffled voice since she had buried her face into Yn's skirt.
Yn immediately stopped what she was doing, wiped her hands on the apron around her front body, and knelt down to be at eye level with her stepsister. "Oh no. What happened, Syd?"
"I dreamt that mom was sick and we couldn't save her," Sydney said, her eyes filled with tears.
Yn felt a pang of guilt in her chest. She knew that Sydney was feeling the same way she was, scared and worried about their mother. Yn and her mother tried to hide the true severity of her illness and its treatment from Sydney, but the girl eventually felt lonely of her mother's love and became worried about why she was stuck in the hospital for months. It was then she concluded that mom needed saving.
Yn hugged Sydney tightly and said, "Don't worry, Syd. We'll save her. We'll do whatever it takes to make sure she gets better."
Sydney nodded her head, her tears drying up. Yn then stood up and said with a warm smile, "Now, how about we get some breakfast? I made your favorite pancakes."
Sydney's eyes lit up and she grinned, "Yay! Pancakes!"
Yn smiled and took Sydney's hand, leading her to the dining table. She served the pancakes while Sydney set the table. As they ate, Yn stared at her young stepsister quietly. It was at that moment she realized that she really needed the job at the casino. She must maintain her position there and earn enough for her mother's hospital treatment. But first of all, she had to fulfill her promise to the Marquis de Gramont. Hopefully, after tonight, Amelia's job at the casino would maintain and Yn wouldn't have any direct confrontation with the Frenchman.
As they finished breakfast, Yn got up and began to clear the dishes. Sydney offered to help, but Yn told her to go and get ready for school. Once everything was done, Yn walked her to preschool and dropped her off with a tight hug.
Yn then headed to the cafe where she would work her morning shift by boarding a bus. Edric was the first to greet her with a grin as she walked in.
"Good morning, Yn! You're early today," Edric said in his usual calm voice.
Yn smiled back and replied, "Yes, I want to make sure I have everything covered before the evening shift. Is there anything I need to know?"
Edric shook his head and said, "Nope, everything's the same. Just be your charming self and serve that coffee and pastries like a pro."
Yn nodded and was about to saunter to the back to change into her uniform when Edric suddenly called her, "Hey..."
Yn looked at him with a pair of wide doe eyes of curiosity, wondering what it was that Edric needed to talk to her about. The male then hesitantly asked, "Umm. Last night, did that guy disturb you again?"
The lady knew he was referring to the Marquis de Gramont. She had told him about a man who kept pursuing her but she never mentioned the Frenchman's name or identity to him and she would like to keep it that.
Yn hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much to reveal to Edric. She knew that the Marquis was a man of power and influence and she didn't want to get anyone else involved in her problems. So she decided to lie.
"He didn't... Last night was... fine," she lied as she felt goosebumps grow on her skin as she recalled the filthy, rough way the Marquis sucked her mouth last night.
Edric nodded with a stretched smile, an expression that Yn couldn't read. He replied, "That's good then. But stay alert, okay? He is not the only man with bad intentions."
Yn nodded, "I will. Thank you for asking."
With that, she headed to the back to change into her uniform. As she worked her shift, she couldn't help but think about the Marquis de Gramont and what he had in store for her that evening. She tried to push the thought away, focusing instead on her customers and serving them with her usual charm and grace. But the nagging feeling at the back of her mind refused to go away.
Finally, her morning shift was over and Yn headed home to preschool to pick Sydney up. As the former entered the preschool, she saw her adorable sister waiting by the entrance, holding her little backpack tightly. The moment that little girl spotted her, she ran towards her with a wide smile, her pigtails bouncing with each step. To Yn, the sight of her stepsister's innocent smile brought a momentary respite from the heavy thoughts that weighed on her mind.
"Yn!" Sydney exclaimed, wrapping her small arms around Yn's legs in a tight hug.
Yn beamed and patted her head affectionately, "Hey, how was your day?"
Sydney giggled and replied, "It was good! We painted pictures today, and I made one for mom!"
Yn's heart swelled with love and pride for Sydney's sweet gesture. "That's wonderful, Syd! I'm sure mom will love it. Let's go to the hospital and show her, okay?"
Sydney nodded eagerly, her pigtails bouncing with excitement. Yn held her hand as they made their way to the hospital by boarding a bus. Throughout the ride, Yn watched as the little girl hummed a kid's song while admiring the drawing she made with crayons. Yn smiled warmly at the innocent scene, grateful for this moment of serenity amidst the chaos of her life.
Arriving at the hospital, they went through the familiar routine of sanitizing their hands and checking in at the reception desk. Yn noticed the tiredness in her mother's eyes as they entered the room. It broke her heart to see her once vibrant and lively mother weakened by her illness.
"Mom!" Sydney exclaimed, rushing to her mother's bedside, unaware of the sickly condition on the older woman's face.
Yn followed closely behind, a mixture of emotions bubbling inside her. She greeted her mother with a warm smile, trying to hide her own worries. "Hey, mom. Look who's here with something special for you."
Their mother's face lit up with a gentle smile as she saw Sydney holding up her painted picture. "Oh, my sweet Sydney. What a lovely surprise! Thank you, darling."
Sydney proudly presented the artwork to her mother, who admired it with genuine affection. Yn stood by their side, her heart swelling with love and a tinge of sadness. As they spent the rest of the afternoon with their mother, Yn couldn't help but think of the grim reality that loomed over their family. Their mother had been battling her illness for months, and with each passing day, Yn could see her weakening. She knew that time was running out, and it broke her heart to think of a life without her mother.
She knew she must earn enough money fast before the illness could consume her forever. But how? She thought: Does she have to take on a third job every day?
After spending some quality time with their mother, Yn and Sydney said their goodbyes, promising to return soon. Yn held Sydney's hand tightly as they walked out of the hospital, a heavy silence enveloping them. Sydney looked up at Yn with innocent eyes, sensing her sister's unease.
"Sissy, are you okay?" Sydney asked, her voice filled with concern.
Yn crouched down to Sydney's level, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She forced a smile, wanting to shield Sydney from her worries as much as possible. "I'm fine, Syd. Just a little tired. Let's go home."
They boarded a bus and made their way back home. Yn decided to take a shower to wash off the dust and grime of the day. As she stood under the hot water, she felt her body relax. Her mind wandered, wondering what the evening would bring. She tried to push away the image of the Marquis, but it was etched into her mind. She couldn't shake off the feeling of dread and fright that he had evoked in her.
After the shower, Yn put on a wear she deemed fitting for a private dinner - a dress with white and blue floral patterns all over it. The bottom of the dress was just inches above her ankles, and the waist area was made tightened to show her midsection, with a split to show up her left thigh, with short puffed sleeves, and revealing a modest amount of her chest and collarbones. It was a pretty modest dress. It was actually a hand-me-down from her mom and that was the most expensive dress for someone as poor as her.
Before entering the living room to find Sydney, she contacted Barbara yet again. When her cousin agreed to take care of Sydney again, Yn felt an immense sense of gratitude and hoped she wasn't putting too much strain on her.
Yn then put on her skincare routine and light makeup to complement her dress, opting for a natural look that accentuated her features. She brushed some neutral eyeshadow on her lids, added a touch of mascara to enhance her lashes, and applied a soft pink shade to her lips. As she looked at herself in the mirror, she couldn't help but feel in awe of how she looked.
With her appearance ready, Yn made her way to the living room where Sydney was playing with her toys. Her stepsister looked up, her eyes widening in awe as she took in Yn's transformed appearance.
"Wow, you look so pretty!" Sydney exclaimed, her face lighting up with delight, "Like a princess about to talk with people on the streets!"
Yn smiled at the little girl's enthusiasm, her heart warmed by Sydney's innocent admiration. "Thank you, Syd."
"You are going to work like that?" asked Sydney who couldn't keep her eyes off of her sister.
Yn neared her and turned on the television to entertain the little girl. She then rubbed the top of her young sister's head and replied with a small smile, "Yeah. Tonight, I have dinner there."
Sydney tilted her head, her curiosity was evident. "Who are you going to have dinner with?"
Yn hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to explain the situation to a young child. She decided to keep it simple. "A friend, but don't worry, Aunt Barbara will take care of you while I'm gone."
Sydney nodded, accepting Yn's explanation. "Okay! Have fun!"
Yn hugged Sydney tightly, breathing in her sweet scent and cherishing the warmth of their embrace. "I will, Syd. I love you."
"I love you too, Yn," Sydney replied, her small voice filled with affection.
Reluctantly, Yn released the hug and stood up, her heart heavy with both guilt and trepidation about what would happen next. She then boarded a bus with a huge amount of shyness and insecurity, considering she was dressing up prettily, in the dress she rarely wore in public. Of course, she noticed the stares she got from people and that got her feel even more bashful.
Soon enough, she arrived at the casino, one hour earlier than the start of her usual shift. She entered through the back door which was reserved for staff's use only. She refused to go through the main entrance and the casino lobby and be stared at by the patrons. Once inside the staff's changing room, she began to wonder how she was going to meet the Marquis. He said he would pick her up. She wondered: Does that mean she has to wait outside the casino?
Yn took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She glanced at the clock in the changing room and realized she had some time before the scheduled meeting. She decided to freshen up, ensuring she looked presentable when the Marquis arrived.
She touched up her makeup, ensuring everything was in place. The nerves were still present, but she reminded herself to stay composed and focused. As she finished fixing her appearance, she glanced at her reflection in the mirror, trying to muster up confidence.
With a final deep breath, Yn emerged from the changing room, only to have her path blocked by Amelia who seemed to be tip-toeing towards it. The new girl was startled when she saw Yn, her skin visibly jumping in surprise.
"Amelia," Yn greeted her with wide, curious eyes, "You are early."
"Hey, Yn," replied Amelia as she put on a nervous smile. She paused as she scanned Yn's whole figure up and down and commented, "And you look pretty. Is there a special occasion tonight?"
Yn felt her cheeks heat up, flustered by the compliment. "Uh, yeah. I have a meeting with someone tonight."
Amelia made a noise of curiosity, "Oh."
"Anyway, why are you here early?" asked Yn.
An expression of guilt and embarrassment appeared on Amelia's face as she cast her eyes down. She was staring at the ground, apparently unable to look back at Yn, as she answered, "Umm... I figured that I could come early and apologize to Mr. Malone... for being absent without telling him... before anyone comes here."
Yn suddenly realized why Amelia had come in so early. She wanted to speak to Mr. Malone without anyone else around, in case he became angry with her and embarrassed her in front of her colleagues.
Yn felt a pang of sympathy for the new girl. She knew how intimidating Mr. Malone could be, especially when he was angry. Without thinking, Yn reached out and placed a comforting hand on Amelia's shoulder.
"It's okay, Amelia. We all make mistakes. I'm sure Mr. Malone will understand," Yn said, trying to reassure the nervous girl.
Amelia looked up at Yn, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thanks, Yn."
Yn smiled warmly at Amelia. As the both of them stood in the corridor, engaged in their conversation, the casino's atmosphere suddenly shifted. A hush fell over the area, and Yn's heart skipped a beat. She could sense a presence, a powerful one, entering the casino. She turned her head in the direction of the disturbance and saw the Marquis de Gramont making his grand entrance.
Accompanied by his imposing bodyguards, the Marquis exuded an air of confidence and authority. His presence demanded attention, and all eyes were on him as he made his way through the bustling casino floor. His eyes were cold and intense, a shadow projected upon them, as he looked forward with one of his hands hidden inside his pocket.
He was donning a three-piece suit as usual but this time, it was eye-catching and bright. His suit was a shimmering pattern of rich red. His shirt was plain white, and his waistcoat, necktie, and pants were stark black. Yn couldn't help but admit in her head that he looked dashing in the bright attire.
Amelia and Yn instantly became quiet as they watched the Marquis headed straight for his office which was originally a VIP room for the casino. At some point, his eyes strayed and scanned his surrounding as though he was looking for something.
Yn felt a chill run down her spine as the Marquis' piercing gaze landed on her. Even from across the room, his gaze felt heavy and weighty, as if he was reading her very soul. Yn felt perturbation as she locked eyes with the Marquis. She quickly turned her head away from him, hoping to avoid more of his attention.
Yn's heart raced as the Marquis continued to scrutinize her. His lingering gaze made her feel exposed and vulnerable. She was relieved when he finally disappeared behind the closed door of his office. His bodyguards stood on each side of the door, facing the rest of the casino. The momentary respite allowed her to collect herself and turn her attention back to Amelia.
Amelia, visibly shaken by the encounter, looked at Yn with wide eyes. "Yn, I'm scared. I... What if he's going to fire me?"
Yn reached out, placing a comforting hand on Amelia's shoulder. She understood the fear that gripped her colleague. The Marquis's presence was intimidating, and his power within the casino was undeniable. But Yn couldn't let her own fears consume her, not when Amelia needed support.
"I understand how you feel, Amy," Yn said, her voice gentle yet firm. "The first thing you should do is to apologize to him. If you want, I can accompany you to see him."
Amelia looked at Yn, a mix of gratitude and uncertainty in her eyes. "You would do that? You would go with me?"
Yn nodded, a reassuring smile on her face. "Of course. We'll approach him respectfully. Oh, and tell them that you were sick these past few days. I told them that. Just to get the story straight."
With Yn's words of encouragement, Amelia's tense shoulders relaxed slightly. She felt a glimmer of hope, knowing that she wouldn't have to face the Marquis alone. She then replied, "Okay. Thanks for that, Yn."
Yn and Amelia decided to wait for a while before approaching the Marquis. They found a quiet corner of the casino, away from the prying eyes of the patrons. Yn reached out and took Amelia's hand, offering support and solidarity.
"Just remember, Amy, choose your words carefully," Yn said, her voice steady. "Give him respect, even if you dislike him or find his views distasteful."
Amelia nodded, a newfound determination in her eyes. She squeezed Yn's hand, appreciating the strength and compassion her colleague displayed.
With their minds set, Yn and Amelia walked toward the Marquis's office once again. This time, as they approached the closed door, they could feel a mix of nervousness and resolve coursing through their veins.
One of the bodyguards stationed by the door asked them in a very thick foreign accent, "What do you want?"
Yn maintained a respectful tone as she spoke, "We would like to speak with the Marquis if he's available."
The bodyguard, unyielding in his stance, scrutinized them for a moment before stepping closer to the door and knock it. They waited for a few seconds before the door was opened from the inside. It was the loyal and muscular bodyguard in a suit who was accompanying the Marquis wherever he went.
He then asked the bodyguard outside the door in another language. Yn realized it's not French, but Spanish. The two bodyguards exchanged a few words before the man who was stationed by the door turned to Yn and Amelia and said, "You may come in."
The Marquis' loyal bodyguard then opened the door wider and waited. Yn and Amelia said a small thanks to them before they advanced. They stepped into the office, the bodyguard closing the heavy door behind them and he then stood aside, becoming a silent observer of the scene. The room was opulent, adorned with lavish furniture and artwork that spoke of wealth and prestige. The Marquis stood behind a large mahogany desk, facing a full-body mirror on the wall, as he adjusted his waistcoat.
His cold gaze shifted to the two girls in the reflection of the mirror before he focused back on fixing his overall three-piece suit. He did not utter a word. It was either he chose to ignore them or he awaited them to speak.
Yn took a deep breath, gathering her courage before she spoke. "Sir, if I may, I have brought Amelia with me today because she would like to speak with you directly."
The Marquis's cold gaze flickered briefly towards Yn, acknowledging her presence. He turned his attention back to the mirror, adjusting his suit with meticulous precision. The room remained filled with an air of tension, the weight of the Marquis's authority palpable.
Amelia, sensing the need to break the silence, stepped forward and spoke with a voice tinged with nervousness. "Sir, I... I wanted to apologize for my disrespectful behavior that night. I am truly sorry for my action, and it will not happen again. I will learn from my mistake and I will improve myself."
The Marquis resumed adjusting his attire. His cold eyes, projected by shadow, looked as his fingers deftly fixed his necktie. His silence lingered, intensifying the tension in the room. Yn could feel her own heart pounding, unsure of what the Marquis's response would be.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the Marquis turned away from the mirror and faced them with an air of authority, shoulders square and gaze stony and unreadable. His face was illuminated by shadows, highlighting his sharp cheekbones and the strong line of his jaw. His hands were hidden away in the pockets of his suit. His eyes were blazed with a fierce intensity that left Amelia cowering in fear as if he had a personal vendetta against her.
With deliberate slowness, he spoke in a low and measured tone with his usual thick French accent, "Actions speak louder than words. Your apology is worthless… unless you prove it. It has come to my attention that you were absent for two days straight and failed to notify Malone. Do you have an explanation for this negligence?"
The Marquis's words were like a sword, cutting through the air and leaving a trail of unease in its wake. Amelia swallowed hard, her eyes darting nervously at the Marquis and the floor beneath her.
"I… I was sick, sir. I didn't mean to cause any problems," she stammered, hoping to appease the Marquis's wrath, "I'm so sorry for not informing Mr. Malone."
The Marquis's eyes narrowed slightly at her response as if he was skeptical of her excuse.
He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "You were sick for two days and couldn't be bothered to notify your superior? That is unprofessional."
Amelia and Yn's hearts skipped a beat, and fear coiled at the pit of their stomach. Amelia knew she was walking on thin ice then and there, and one wrong move could tip her over the edge. She could feel the weight of his disapproval bearing down on her and that her job was on the line.
The Marquis suddenly advanced forward, striding towards them with his hands remaining hidden in his pockets. He gave a fleeting glance at Yn, who was equally nervous as the coworker beside her, before he turned his gaze back to scowl at Amelia whom he deemed was clumsy and unprofessional.
The Marquis's glare deepened as he towered over the young female adults, his imposing presence suffocating the room. He spoke with a voice that brooked no dissent, "Second chances are always the excuses of those who fail. Your actions have consequences, and I have been contemplating if you are fit to remain in this casino."
Amelia's breath hitched, her eyes welling up with tears as she realized the severity of the situation. She pleaded desperately, her voice trembling, "Please, sir, I will do anything to make it right. I beg for another chance. I will bear any consequences, I swear."
The Marquis's gaze shifted from Amelia to Yn, a calculating glint in his eyes. Yn's heart sank as she braced herself for what the Marquis was about to say.
"Agreed. Consequences must be borne," the Marquis responded as he shifted closer to Yn. This time his eyes were fixated on Yn, watching her reaction, as he revealed, "However, it had been discussed yesterday. Yn will bear the consequences on your behalf."
Amelia's eyes widened in shock and her mouth agape in disbelief at what she heard. Yn, on the other hand, had her gaze averted away from Amelia and her face held a mixture of shame and embarrassment. Her body was stiff with a tense posture as the shock of the situation sunk in. It was evident that Yn did not want her to find out like this. If anything, she wished no one would know about her deal with the Marquis de Gramont and their upcoming private dinner.
The Marquis' lips curled into a faint, satisfied smile. He turned his attention back to Amelia, his gaze piercing through her like a dagger. "Consider yourself fortunate, that Yn is willing to shoulder your burden. Remember this act of loyalty, for it may be your only saving grace."
The Marquis looked Yn up and down in a way that was both appraising and appreciative. His smirk revealed his satisfaction with what he saw, leaving no doubt as to his thoughts. His eyes were sparkling with a hint of pleasure, and his mouth curved upwards into a smug smirk.
He nodded his head quietly before he said, "Come, Yn. We shall tend to the deal we made."
Yn took a deep breath, steeling herself against the Marquis's gaze. She knew that what she was about to do was risky, but if she could satisfy him for the night, Amelia's career would be taken from the chopping block. She had done this to herself and made a deal with the devil, so she'd have to fulfill her end of the bargain.
She chanced a glance at Amelia who was still stunned at the revelation. She gave her a sad smile and said, "Don't forget to talk to Mr. Malone, okay?"
She turned around and followed the Marquis out of his office, aware of Amelia's eyes following her until the new girl was snapped out of a trance by another bodyguard who told her to leave the office.
The Marquis and Yn walked in silence down the winding halls of the casino, the only sound was the click of the Marquis' dress shoes on the polished marble floors. His loyal bodyguard followed them from behind. Finally, they exited the casino through the entrance and out into the city streets.
A sleek black limousine awaited them outside the casino, its engine humming softly. The Marquis opened the door and gestured for Yn to step inside, even placing a hand on her back purposely. She hesitated for a moment, her heart pounding with a mix of trepidation and uncertainty. As she entered the luxurious vehicle, she couldn't help but feel trapped.
The Marquis followed suit, sliding into the limousine with an air of confidence and authority. His smug expression remained firmly in place, his eyes glinting with a mix of satisfaction and intrigue. The door was closed behind him by his loyal bodyguard, sealing them off from the outside world.
The limousine's interior is luxurious and opulent, with plush leather seats, polished wood accents, and dim ambient lighting lending a sense of sophistication. The atmosphere inside the limousine was heavy with a mix of scents; the leather seats had a scent of newness, while the wood accents carried a subtle hint of fresh cedar. There was also the faint aroma of expensive cologne, adding to the air of mystery and power.
The Marquis settled into his seat, his knee bumping against Yn's, causing her to sneakily look over. He was spreading his legs wide enough that one of his knees brushed against hers. When she sensed his gaze landing on her, she averted her gaze and looked out the window. The male beside her stared at her quietly, like he was silently relishing the control he held over her.
The vehicle started moving, the quiet hum of the engine filling the small space, as the limousine glided through the darkening city streets. Yn felt the tension in the air build as she could feel the Marquis's gaze burning into her head.
The Marquis' voice broke the heavy silence, his voice thick with a French accent was dripping with a mixture of amusement and admiration. "You look ravishing, ma lapine."
He paused to scrutinize her. He eyed her figure up and down and harrumphed in pleasure and satisfaction as he spoke, "Hmm... The way that dress hugs your curves, it makes it difficult for me."
Yn's discomfort grew as the Marquis's words washed over her. She tried to maintain her composure, reminding herself of the deal she had struck, but the unease within her intensified. The compliments felt more like veiled manipulation than genuine praise.
"Thank you, sir," Yn responded politely, her voice laced with a hint of unease. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, inching slightly away from the Marquis to create some distance between them. The confined space of the limousine only seemed to amplify her unease.
The Marquis, seemingly undeterred by Yn's reluctance, continued to engage her in conversation. He spoke about the casino's operations, his travels, and various aspects of his glamorous life. Yn responded with polite nods and brief answers, trying her best to keep the conversation at arm's length.
"You seem tense, ma lapine," the Marquis observed, a hint of curiosity and smugness in his eyes. "Is it the anticipation of what lies ahead?"
Yn hesitated, her mind racing to come up with a suitable response. She couldn't reveal her true concerns, the weight of the consequences she had shouldered for Amelia's sake. Instead, she opted for a lie that would redirect the conversation away from her personal predicament.
"No, sir... It's just... I'm worried about what Mr. Malone will think about my sudden absence," Yn replied, her voice tinged with anxiety. "He's a strict man when it comes to punctuality."
The Marquis's lips curled into a knowing smile, amusement flickering in his eyes. His voice carried a hint of something dark as he reassured her, "Ah, don't worry. I have told Malone. He understands the importance of our personal... affair this evening."
As he finished speaking, the Marquis placed his hand on Yn's knee, his touch lingering longer than necessary. Yn's discomfort surged, and she instinctively shifted her knee away from his grasp, her gaze fixed on a distant point outside the window.
The Frenchman withdrew his hand, a faint smirk playing on his lips as if he found it amusing to see how uncomfortable Yn appeared because of him. The air inside the limousine grew heavier, the tension palpable, as Yn felt anxious about what she did.
Her mind raced with conflicting thoughts and emotions. She knew she had to play her part, but the Marquis' advances were testing her resolve. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. But her heart was pounding, and her palms were slick with sweat. Somehow, she had to survive the next few hours with this man, and she didn't know if she could do it.
As the limousine glided through the city streets, Yn's mind was in overdrive, trying to assure herself that she would finish her part of the deal with dignity still intact by the end of this evening. She couldn't shake off the feeling of being trapped, and the Marquis's touch made her skin crawl.
Just then, the limousine came to a stop, and Yn's heart skipped a beat. She realized as she stared out the window that they were located somewhere remote and halted in front of a huge mansion that screamed filthy rich. The door by the Marquis' side was opened by the bodyguard, and he stepped out, offering his hand to Yn to help her out of the car.
Yn hesitated for a moment before taking his hand, feeling a shiver run down her spine as his fingers curled around hers. She stepped out of the limousine, her heels clicking against the pavement as she stood beside the Marquis. She looked up at the mansion, awe-struck by its grandeur and magnificence. It was a stark contrast to the city streets they had just left behind.
Another thing she easily perceived was the great number of bodyguards outside the building. They were all dressed in grey suits, and some of them were women. Their faces were masked with stoic expressions and gazes that can’t be read. They stared straight ahead while they stood in two straight and even lines, a path leading from the limousine to the grand entrance of the mansion.
"Welcome to my humble abode, ma lapine," the Marquis suddenly spoke up, giving out his arm to signify her to grab it. He added, "We have time to spare so I will show you around."
Yn was speechless as she subconsciously grabbed his arm. The Marquis led the way to the front door and passed his numerous bodyguards. Once they stepped inside thanks to two more bodyguards opening the door for them, Yn felt as if she had been transported to another world.
The interior of the mansion was breathtaking, with ornate decorations and furnishings that exuded elegance and sophistication. The Marquis gave her a grand tour, showcasing his collection of art, antiques, and exotic possessions from his travels around the world.
Yn's face lit up, giving her a dreamy and radiant expression, as she took in the grandeur of the mansion. Her eyes sparkled with admiration and awe, and her mouth opened slightly in amazement. The Marquis watched her with a proud and pleased expression, a small smile playing on his lips. His eyes darted from Yn to the various objects around the mansion, as if he was trying to gauge her reaction to each one.
As they walked through the hallways, Yn couldn't help but feel intimidated by the opulence of it all. She felt like an outsider, out of place in this world of extravagance and luxury. The Marquis seemed to revel in her discomfort, his voice dripping with smugness and confidence as he pointed out various artifacts and paintings, as if showing off his wealth and power.
But the tour eventually came to an end as they reached a set of doors that led to a private wing of the mansion. The Marquis turned to Yn with a glint in his eye that made her heart skip a beat.
"Shall we retire to my bedroom, ma lapine?" he asked, his hand reaching out to cup her cheek.
Yn's breath caught in her throat, and she instinctively stepped back, her eyes wide with fear and panic. She was about to protest when the Marquis chuckled in amusement. He told her, "I was kidding. But, come. It's time to see your part of the deal. We would have that private dinner in my bedroom, on the balcony."
Yn let out a sigh of relief. She followed him to the private wing of the mansion, her mind racing with thoughts. She wondered what kind of dinner the Marquis had planned for them since everything inside this mansion was majestic and rich. She looked to the side to see it was his loyal bodyguard still tailing them from behind.
As they entered the bedroom, Yn was struck by its opulence. The room was spacious, with a king-sized bed in the middle and a balcony overlooking the city. The walls were adorned with gold-framed paintings, and the furniture was made of the finest wood.
The Marquis gestured towards the balcony, where a candlelit table was set up with silverware and crystal glasses. Yn could smell the delicious aroma of food wafting through the air.
The Marquis pulled out a chair for Yn and seated her before taking his own seat across from her. The bodyguard stood behind the Marquis, watching their every move with a scrutinizing gaze. Yn felt the cool breeze on her face as she took in the breathtaking view of the city skyline. The Marquis poured her a glass of wine, and they began to eat the sumptuous meal that had been laid out in front of them.
The food was exquisite, and Yn couldn't help but feel in awe of this experience. She had never tasted anything like these before, and she savored every bite. The Marquis watched her with a satisfied expression, his eyes drinking in her beauty as she ate.
Yn was acutely aware of the Marquis's gaze on her, and it made her uneasy even amidst the lavishness of the setting. She maintained a composed facade, gracefully savoring each morsel, though her mind was racing with conflicting emotions and thoughts.
"So, enlighten me, Yn," the Marquis began as he put down his utensils and leaned against the backrest of his chair. One of his legs was resting atop the other and both of his arms were placed on the armrests. He asked, "Do your parents work?"
Yn's heart sank for a moment, realizing that the Marquis was delving into personal territory. It was a topic she preferred to keep tightly guarded, as it held painful memories and private struggles. She had learned to navigate life without the support of her father, and her mother's illness was a burden she carried with a heavy heart.
Besides that, she knew she had to be careful with her responses, as revealing too much could give him leverage over her. She chose her words carefully, attempting to deflect the conversation away from her family.
"My mother doesn't work," she replied, deciding not to divulge the whole truth about her family situation. "She's staying at home, and I help take care of her."
The Marquis raised an eyebrow, seemingly intrigued by her response. "That must be quite challenging for you, balancing your responsibilities here and at home."
"It has its difficulties, but I manage," she replied quietly. She hoped that by ending the topic fast, she could avoid any further probing questions.
But the Marquis was an astute and perceptive man, and he seemed to sense her evasion. He leaned in slightly, his eyes locked onto hers as one eyebrow of his rose, and he asked, "What about your father, hmm?"
Yn's heart raced, and she could feel her palms becoming clammy. She had not expected him to inquire about her father, and her mind raced to find a suitable response that wouldn't give away too much. The truth about her father's infidelity and their broken family was too personal and painful to share with a stranger like the Marquis.
"My father..." Yn hesitated, searching for the right words. "He's not in the picture. My mother and I manage just fine."
The Marquis studied her carefully, his dark eyes seemingly piercing through her facade. She could feel his gaze weighing on her, and she instinctively looked down, pretending to be absorbed in her food.
"I see," the Marquis said, his voice dropping slightly lower. "You've had to shoulder such responsibilities at a young age."
Yn nodded, not trusting herself to speak further. She tried to steer the conversation elsewhere, hoping to divert his attention from prying into her personal life.
"What about you, sir?" she asked, trying to sound genuinely curious. "You must have a family of your own?"
The Marquis chuckled as if amused by the question. He replied, "Ah, my life is rather... complicated. Let's just say that I have my responsibilities as well. Still, I find ways to entertain myself through them."
He flashed a knowing smile, making it clear that he had no intention of divulging his personal life either. Yn felt a shiver run down her spine as she pondered the hidden meaning behind his words. The Marquis was a mysterious man, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease around him. She remembered Sophia, one of her coworkers at the casino, saying that she had heard of the Marquis being involved in the underworld. She thought: Could it be that he was referring to those kinds of responsibilities?
She tried to shake off her discomfort and focus on the present moment, savoring the exquisite food and enjoying the opulent surroundings.
As they continued their dinner, the conversation remained more on the surface, discussing general topics like art, culture, and the city's social scene. Yn was relieved that the Marquis seemed to have let go of prying into her personal life, but she remained cautious, knowing that he was a master manipulator.
Yn realized that navigating this evening would be a delicate dance, a constant balancing act between protecting her secrets and playing along with the Marquis's advances. She knew she had to tread carefully, as one wrong step could have dire consequences for herself and those she cared about.
After dessert, just as a few bodyguards came in and cleaned up the dishes, the Marquis suddenly called for the bodyguard who was always accompanying him, "Chidi."
Yn shot a glance at the bodyguard whom she then knew his name. Chidi advanced forward till he stood next to the Marquis. That's when she saw it. A medium-sized velvet box was given to the Marquis. Chidi then backed away and, for some reason, exited the bedroom wordlessly.
The Marquis uncrossed his legs, leaned closer to the table, and placed it there, pushing it closer to Yn. She was puzzled and made no move or utter a word as she stared at him quizzically. The Frenchman's corners of his lips turned upward as he told her, "For you. You may open it."
Yn's curiosity was piqued as the Marquis urged her to open the velvet box. With a mixture of intrigue and caution, she delicately lifted the lid, revealing its contents. Inside the box lay an exquisite piece of jewelry nestled inside—a minimalist rose gold pearl necklace. Yn was thoroughly captivated by it as her eyes widened in awe.
"It's beautiful," Yn whispered, her voice clearly filled with admiration. She was dazzled by the craftsmanship and elegance of the necklace, unable to deny its undeniable allure.
The Marquis leaned back in his chair, observing her reaction with a smirk. He commented smoothly, "It's a rare piece, just like you."
She could not find it in herself to touch the piece of jewelry so she closed the lid and carefully placed it on the table. Yn’s expression was one of shock as her wide eyes gazed at the handsome Marquis as if she was looking for answers in his face. Her lips were slightly parted and there was a glimmer of wonder in her gaze, as she struggled to comprehend the thoughtful gift that he just bestowed upon her.
Yn's mind was in a whirlwind of emotions. The gift was exquisite, and a part of her was drawn to its beauty, but she couldn't shake off the feeling of unease. It was too extravagant, too much for her to accept from a man she hardly knew. The weight of his intentions and the underlying implications of his gesture pressed upon her.
"Sir, I... I appreciate your gesture," Yn began, her voice filled with uncertainty. "But this necklace, it's too much for me. I can't accept such a gift."
The Marquis leaned forward, his eyes locked onto hers with unwavering intensity. His voice was silky and persuasive as he said, "Beauty deserves to be adorned and cherished. This necklace is a reflection of the allure and elegance I see in you. I insist you accept it."
Yn's heart fluttered at his words, his charm and flattery momentarily clouding her judgment. She was drawn to his words, the way he made her feel seen and valued. But she couldn't ignore the nagging voice of caution in her mind, reminding her of the potential consequences of accepting such a gift from a man of his stature and reputation. She felt like if she accepted it, she would delve into a dark abyss where she would be more involved with the mysterious Marquis.
Suddenly, the Marquis stood up from his seat without giving her enough time to properly mull over her decision. She remained in her seat, looking up at the Frenchman with doe eyes of innocence and curiosity as he strode to her side. He then reached out his hand and spoke, "Let me put it on you."
Yn hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. But the Marquis' persuasive and confident demeanor, along with the allure of the necklace, won her over. She extended her hand and placed it on the open palm the Marquis offered to her, allowing him to guide her to her feet. As she stood before him, she felt a surge of vulnerability coursing through her veins.
He then pulled her gently a few steps away from the table. Once she stood at a spot, he turned her around till she was facing the grand view from the balcony overlooking the city. After grabbing the velvet box on the candlelit table, the Marquis approached her, his fingers delicately grasping the necklace.
He stood behind her, his presence enveloping her in warmth. Yn's heart raced as his fingers lifted her hair, exposing the nape of her neck. Breeze blew softly against her skin, sending shivers down her spine.
The Marquis then fastened the clasp of the necklace, his fingers brushing against her skin in the process and the coolness of the pearls meeting the warmth of Yn's skin. She couldn't help but catch her breath, feeling the weight of the necklace settle around her neck like a shackle.
Yn touched the pearls with her fingertips, feeling the weight of the necklace against her skin. It was undoubtedly a stunning piece, and she couldn't deny the small surge of pleasure it brought her. But alongside that pleasure was a sense of unease, a lingering feeling that accepting this gift would intertwine her fate with the enigmatic Marquis in ways she couldn't fully comprehend.
"Thank you," Yn murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's beautiful. But I don't know if I could accept this."
All of a sudden, she felt large hands grasping her shoulders from behind. She knew without a doubt that it was the Marquis who was still standing behind her. Trepidation coursed through her body, freezing the warm feelings she got from the necklace. She then heard his voice from behind, "Take it. It's a gift, and I want you to always wear it."
Yn could feel his breath on the back of her neck, sending shivers down her spine. The silence was all she could provide him as a reply as she started to tremble in his grip. That was when she felt something press against her bare shoulder, then a smacking noise followed. She did not have to glance over to know that the Marquis was placing kisses there.
Yn's heart raced with fear as the Marquis continued to place kisses on her bare skin. His hands trailed down her arms in a possessive manner, causing her breath to hitch in her throat. She could feel the weight of the necklace around her neck, acting as a physical reminder of the Marquis' hold on her.
His kisses gradually trailed from her shoulder to her neck. He began planting kisses around the area in a slow, methodical manner, his fingers gently caressing her arms in the process. Yn could feel her heart racing, unable to find her voice to speak up. She could only bite her lip and continue to listen to the smacking noises as he began to nibble on her neck.
"Stop..." Yn managed to mutter, her breath hitching in her throat.
But the Marquis was relentless in his assault, his lips continuing to trail down her neck. Suddenly, his hands drifted to her arms and gently grasped them. Instinctively, Yn attempted to pull her arms away and move away from him, but she was met with his unyielding grip around her arms.
"Don't resist," she heard the Marquis murmuring as his lips neared her nape.
Her heart raced, fear coursing through her veins. She could feel his warm breath and his lips against her neck, and she could hear his words in her ear. The adrenaline rush coursed through her body as she tried to push the Marquis away from her.
But it was all in vain. The Marquis was too strong and bigger than she was, and her resistance only aroused him more. Yn could feel his lips moving to the side of her neck, where she felt teeth clamp on her skin. She struggled to free herself from the man's hold, a faint scream escaping her lips.
"Stop!" she raised her voice, still trapped by him, "This is not part of our deal! It's supposed to be just a dinner!"
Suddenly, the Marquis let go of her and he withdrew his head. Yn immediately moved away from him and spun around to face him. Her face contorted with rage, her eyes wide and her lips forming a tight line. Her cheeks flushed red and her fists were clenched as she stared at the Marquis with a look of utter disdain.
The Marquis' face had a look of satisfaction, a smirk playing on his lips as his eyes glazed with lust. His hands were tucked into his pockets as he adjusted his suit and brushed off his jacket. He seemed arrogant and in control with every movement he made. He then met Yn's gaze.
"Ah, our deal," he nodded as his lips curved upside down in amusement for a fleeting moment, "You're right."
Yn stared at him while breathing heavily before she moved to rush past him. She exited the balcony and strode speedily towards the door of the bedroom. She opened the door aggressively, wanting to just leave this building as soon as possible when she halted abruptly in her track.
Chidi was standing in the middle of the doorway, blocking the exit. He stood with his hands grasping one another in front of his body. His eyes were narrowed and his face was solemn as he looked down at Yn, looking completely unsurprised to see her about to rush off. It's as if he had expected her.
The sound of calm footsteps approaching them from behind her made Yn turn around with eyes widening in fear. The Marquis sauntered toward them, his hands still tucked into his pockets, his dark gaze still boring into her. Yn held her breath as she felt completely trapped on the spot despite how huge the mansion was.
"You are forgetting one thing, ma lapine," the Marquis spoke up as he removed his rich red jacket, fully revealing him in the black waistcoat. He then tossed the piece of clothing to the side uncaringly. Then he added to Yn, "The deal is a private dinner with me until I am satisfied. And now..."
He paused to loosen up his necktie from around his neck, and he continued in a dark tone, "I have yet to be satisfied."
Feeling the Marquis' hungry gaze on her, Yn trembled timidly as she looked at the ground. She then scowled at him and said with slight indignation in her tone, "You twist the deal."
"Not at all," answered the Frenchman as he advanced closer to her, "I said exactly that and you agreed. That's our deal, and you haven't fulfilled that part yet. Your friend could still very well be fired now."
Yn frowned in terror and she stared wide-eyed at him. Her heart raced and she felt a chill run down her spine as her blood turned cold. She was so stunned that she couldn't even see the Marquis coming to her and wrapping his arms around her.
He pulled her close to his chest and Yn's heart jumped into her throat at the sudden closeness. The Marquis looked down at her face and the gleam in his eyes seemed to darken. He then leaned in closer to her face and pressed his lips on hers.
His lips were warm and supple. Yn could feel his warm breath on her face and she could smell his scent - a masculine one that smelt of spice and something else that Yn couldn't name. She could feel him, too - his front body against hers, his lips on her own, and his arms encircling her waist.
The feel of his body touching hers overwhelmed her so much that she finally struggled in his embrace. She yelled against his lips, "No! Don't touch me!"
The Marquis responded immediately by clutching her jaw with his hand and pulling her face closer to his. Yn gasped in shock and he took that chance to deepen the kiss, invading her mouth with his tongue, as his other hand traveled her body, caressing her buttocks before it raised up the bottom of her dress.
That's when she heard the door shutting behind her. She thrashed around in his grip and managed to look over her shoulder to see that Chidi had closed the door and left the two of them. Her heart thudded in her ribcage at the sight and she couldn't help but panic.
"Let me go!" she yelled, struggling vehemently and pushing the man away by his chest.
However, she was stunned to silence when the Marquis grabbed her by the jaw forcefully and tugged her close to his face. His rage-filled eyes glared down at her, the shadow projecting over them making them appear even more ominous, as his mouth was in a straight slash with immense contempt.
"You're forgetting the deal," he hissed through his gritted teeth, "But if you want, I could let you go. But I will call Malone and tell him that your precious friend is fired! And since you disobey me, I will cut your earning!"
Yn froze in an instant, her eyes widening like saucers as she stared back at him in absolute disbelief and horror. No. She could not have the money she earned from the casino cut at this moment. Not when she was so close to paying the full amount of her mother's medical bills. Not when her mother's life's on the line. Not when her mother seemed so sick recently.
But she couldn't believe how far the Marquis would go to achieve what he desired. She could see his eyes burning with desire and his grip on her jaw tightened as if to physically make her submit to his whims. One of her hands instinctively grabbed the forearm of the hand that held her jaw. She stared at him wide-eyed with a frown of stupefaction as she pondered.
The Marquis glared down at her before his eyes relaxed due to realization and confusion. He noticed right away how she froze in his grip and how scared she was when he said he would cut her earning. Her reaction intrigued him and he wondered if she took the casino job only for the huge pay she would earn. But for what, he did not know. However, he then knew for sure that his threat about money had a good hold on her.
She was so scared that her hands started to tremble and her vision blurred over. She felt her heart pounding in her chest and her breath became shallow and quick. She felt something wet running down her cheek, but she brushed it off as sweat. That was until the Marquis brought his other hand to her face and gently wiped it with his thumb.
"If you don't want it to be cut," he said, a dark smile on his face, "Then do as I say and it won't be."
Yn shed more tears as she loosened up in his hold. The Marquis noticed this and slowly let her jaw go before he pulled her into his chest, embracing her in a mock show of affection. His arms went around her waist and he pressed the length of her body against his.
"Do not fret," the Marquis said, his mouth beside her ear, "There's no need for tears. I'll be gentle."
She made no move to hug him back as a few more tears rolled down her cheeks as the horrifying predicament of the situation dawned on her. She couldn't let the Marquis do a pay cut to her earning from the casino. She needed the money badly. She had to endure one or two more months to collect the full amount of money to pay her mother's medical bills. Cutting her earning would make the process slower and her mother's life was at stake then.
Plus, the last time she saw her mother, the latter seemed so frail. It's as if death had gotten so close to her this time. If the Marquis cut off her earning and slowed the whole process down, would her mother still be alive?
She couldn't let that happen. She was so close. She couldn't jeopardize it.
Yn then looked up to stare at the smug Frenchman. Her glassy doe eyes gazed at him and she thought: If she gives him what he wants, he would leave her alone, right? He would not chase her around again.
The Marquis was pleased to her staring at him with those eyes. He then gently brushed off her tears with his thumbs and said in a low voice, "Don't fight me on this. It's for tonight only, okay?"
Yn wiped away her tears with her hand and she gave a small nod in response. She was so teary-eyed that she couldn't meet the Marquis' eyes.
The Marquis smirked in victory before he brought her chin up with his hand, leaned in, and kissed her again. This time, Yn didn't struggle like before and she let him kiss her. She shut her eyes and let out a whimper at his soft touch. She felt him pressing her against him as his kisses grew aggressive and impatient.
She felt his hands roam her body as if on their own will. But before long, she felt that gentle touch and the small tingles of his fingers trailing down her arms. She felt a shiver go down her spine when his hands reached down her back and then picked up the bottom of her dress. She was surprised when she felt his hands grope her ass, squeezing and feeling her there, leaving her skin electrified. He did so over and over again until she felt his fingers delve down past her buttocks and rub against her pussy through the panties.
He kissed her so sloppily because he was more focused on his fingers rubbing against her pussy. His tongue had invaded her mouth and dominated hers easily as she gasped at the foreign sensation he did down there.
That's when she felt her panties being moved to the side. For the first time in her life, Yn felt a foreign object rub against the lips of her pussy. She flinched and twitched at the sensation but the Marquis did not relent and he kept rubbing his fingers against her slit, all the while locking his lips with hers incessantly. She was left to lean her whole body fully against his chest as she let out a breathy moan, her tears brimming her eyes as she trembled in his arms.
The Marquis was relentlessly rubbing against her clit and it sent pleasure surging through her body. She was forced to moan into his mouth as she put both of her hands on his chest for something to grip on. She felt a lot of things were happening. Her mouth was thoroughly sucked and dominated by his while her clit was caressed violently by his fingers. She had never felt so suffocated by many sensations, and one thing she could focus on was the nagging pleasure.
She felt her pussy getting wetter by the second. She felt a strange new feeling, one she couldn't describe. A sound that was not human, but rather the primal call of a female, then escaped her lips.
The Marquis picked up the sound and he then continued to lick and suck her lips even more, forcing out more moans from the lady. He felt her whole body shudder in his arms with every move he made, and it was a sight to behold. He lapped at Yn's lips and drank her sweet saliva as he continued toying with her pussy, finding out what gave her the most pleasure.
She knew it was wrong. What he was doing was wrong. She knew she should hate it. But it just felt so amazingly good. The pleasure was getting stronger and stronger and she felt herself getting close to an orgasm. She became tensed in his hold as that sensation got higher and higher. His fingers became swifter too, stubbornly rubbing her pussy and clit with more pressure, and that's when she felt the explosion of a climax.
She moaned lightly as she harshly gripped the Marquis' black waistcoat. Her whole body trembled like leaves due to the orgasm, her mouth was left wide open, giving him easy access to kiss her more fervently. She had subconsciously bent forward, pushing her breasts against his chest as her thighs closed in, leaving his fingers lock against her gushing pussy.
As the climax began to die down, she felt her knees weakening and she was on the verge of collapsing but the Marquis caught her and steadied her. Not only that, he put his hands around her and carried her in bridal style. She was breathing heavily in his arms, her eyes closed, and he stared down at her, enjoying the sight of her flushed face.
She was still coming down from the high of the explosive orgasm when she felt herself being lowered down onto something soft and comfortable. She figured out it was a bed as her hands instinctively grabbed onto the blanket to grip something as she still felt the slowing surge of intense pleasure.
She heard the sound of fabric rustling before something dropped onto the floor. She then felt the straps of her dress on her shoulders being loosened. The dress was pulled down her body, leaving a trail of goosebumps following the trail of the dress. The Marquis pushed the dress down completely and Yn felt it slither off of her body until she lay in only her white lace bra and her plain white panties. She could feel the cold air of the room brush against her exposed skin
She felt the bed shift again as the Marquis got on the bed. Her eyes shot open and she looked towards the source of the movement. She swallowed dryly at the shocking sight. He had gotten rid of his shirt and waistcoat, revealing his upper body fully bare.
He had a strong, muscular physique with distinct chest muscles and a broad, strong back. His abdomen was toned and his arms had visible veins and muscles that rippled as he moves. His skin was smooth, with no blemishes or marks. He had a flat stomach and light six-pack abs that were barely visible against his skin. He had a look of pure lust in his eyes. He stared at Yn's body as if he was going to devour her and it really made her feel naked.
Suddenly, she felt sturdy hands grip her ankles and pull her legs apart. She gripped the blanket tighter as she felt a sudden cool breeze brush against her exposed pussy. She realized that he had just taken off her panties, but she was exhausted and powerless to stop him. She was spread and vulnerable.
The Marquis then went for her bra. He moved his hands underneath her body and unclasped the hook. He then tossed the piece behind him. Her body became exposed to the light of the room. She felt a chill run down her spine as her breasts became exposed to the open air of the room. She felt so shy being naked in front of a man. One she didn't actually know.
He put his hand on each side of her head as he positioned himself in between her legs. She then felt something poking against the entrance of her pussy. Her eyes widened with fear and dread as realization set in. She knew what was going to happen. It was apparently what the Marquis wanted. He had to threaten her to get to this point, and now it was going to be real. She gripped the blanket tighter as she felt the invasion near.
That was when an idea lit up in her head.
The Marquis was startled by the sudden voice of the girl who had been quiet the whole time. He paused his movements and looked down at her.
Yn knew she could not stop him from this. He would threaten her more and make it clear that he would make her life a miserable one. But she had an idea - one that would at least comfort her inwardly as she spread her legs for him.
She began with a soft and whimpery voice, “Please… After this is done, I want compensation… Because this is too much for me… I don’t do this… I want… All I want is just something to compensate for this…”
Understanding registered in the Marquis’ head. He stared her down as his eyes glimmered with filthy lust that plainly told he was desiring her body. He let out a huge exhale as he queried, "What kind of compensation?"
Yn swallowed dryly before she revealed, "50 thousand dollars. Please. That's all. You can have my body and all I want is just that. If you want, you can... reduce it to 25k... or even 10k."
The Marquis scoffed and he looked like he was about to force himself on her, but Yn was adamant this time. She brought her hands to his cheeks and begged, "Please! This matters so much to me!"
He appeared taken aback by her persistence and the way she held his cheeks in her hands. He regarded her with a long stare and Yn could tell how puzzled he was. She could only hope that he did not question her about it.
However, she was astonished when he let out another sigh before he pursed his lips and said, "Fine. 50 thousand."
Yn was surprised. He thought he would choose to pay her the cheapest amount, but he still went with the highest. It was a lot of money, especially for her who was very much poor. She smiled in relief, but then her smile dropped instantaneously as she felt it.
The Marquis' cock rubbed against the entrance of her wet pussy. She was still extremely tight and he could feel her resisting the slight tightness. He slid his cock upwards, sliding it against her sensitive clit. Yn felt like she was going to die from the pleasure that shot up her body. She whimpered as she felt her clit being rubbed by his cock, and she felt like she was going to explode.
She heard the Marquis say as he leaned closer to her ear, "I'm going to fuck you senseless."
She shivered at those words as she felt him push his cock back downwards, rubbing it against her entrance before pushing it in.
She felt her insides being forced to stretch and fit over his girth, which wasn't a small one. Her eyes widened and her mouth opened in a silent scream as he slowly slid his cock into her. She felt her pussy being stretched to the limit, and she felt like she was going to tear soon. The pain was unbearable as he pushed his cock further into her.
She felt like he was tearing her apart and because of the pain, her hands shot up to push against his bare chest. She cried out, "Stop! It hurts!"
The Marquis just looked at her and smirked, "You are full of surprises, ma lapine. You are a virgin."
Yn tried to glare at him but moaned in pain as she did so. Tears began to brim in her eyes as she felt him thrust his cock in deeper. She felt like her insides were going to be torn apart. She let out a cry of pain as she felt her pussy being stretched further to fit his length. She felt like she was about to split open. She felt the Marquis' hands dig into her hips as he pushed more and more of his member inside her until it reached the hilt.
He moaned in pleasure as her tight pussy was wrapped around his penis. He looked down at her expression and saw that one tear had rolled down her cheek. She looked tired and helpless beneath him as her pussy hugged his cock perfectly. He leaned down and licked the teardrop shamelessly.
The pain continued to pierce through Yn's body. She was whimpering, her eyes closing and her teeth sinking into her lower lip. Her hands had stopped pushing against his chest and she laid them down next to her shoulders. She looked up and realized that their missionary position forced her to stare directly at him. She quickly averted her gaze and looked to the side, not wanting to look at him as he got what he wanted.
She felt his cock twitch and jerk as he leaned closer to her. She looked back up to see him staring down at her with a hungry expression. He began to fuck her like that, deep and slow, taking his time in enjoying the tightness of her pussy. He was thrusting in and out of her extremely slowly, savoring the feeling of her tight cunt around his girth. It was a slow rhythm and he seemed to love the feeling of her tight cunt around his cock.
He groaned in pleasure as her face contorted in pain. Her mouth was opened in a silent scream, and her head was moving back and forth upon each thrust. Her hands lay limply upon the bed as she lay there, taking his thrusts. She felt him pulling her against him with each thrust as he began to pick up his speed bit by bit.
Tears rolled down her cheeks as she continued to whimper in pain. She felt like she was being split in two, and the pain was excruciating.
The Marquis just continued to fuck her, thrusting into her as he leaned down and began to lick and suck on her breasts. His tongue licked over her nipples, gently stimulating them as they hardened. He sucked on them and played with them as he continued to thrust into her in a rhythm that gradually sped up.
Yn let out a loud moan as she felt him continue to trace licking over her nipples. They were hardening under his touch and she was beginning to feel pleasure from his tongue. It felt like the Marquis was doing this to purposefully drive her insane. He continued to toy with her nipples with his mouth.
Her pussy tightened even more as that pleasure from her breasts flowed through her body. She moaned lightly as she experienced a mixture of pain and pleasure. She felt overwhelmed by a lot of mixed sensations. It was like pain and pleasure combining into this toxic liquid that surged throughout her body and she couldn't think clearly. She felt like she wanted to take it or run.
The Marquis was groaning in pleasure as he felt the incredible tightness of her pussy. He was driving himself crazy with the pleasure that her pussy provided.
He was patient. Patient enough. He had taken his time to make her his, and now that she was here beneath him, he was going to enjoy it. He was going to fuck her senseless until all she could do was moan. He continued to thrust deep into her pussy, his hips pumping against her soft ass. He thrust forward and pulled out, stretching her pussy with his girth and length. He pushed himself in and out of her, rotating his hips and thrusting strongly into her.
Eventually, his pace became harder and faster. Yn gasped and moaned as he began to thrust in rougher. He raised his upper body, his hands grasped tightly onto her hips and he controlled her hips to his liking. He was pounding into her with force and vigor, and both of their bodies were colliding together. Her pussy felt like it was on fire with the rough fucking he was giving her.
Yn was moaning and staring up at him in shock. She felt it. The tip of his cock rammed against the entrance of her womb repeatedly. It sort of hurt yet pleasurable at the same time. He was filling her up, his cock throbbing within her as he fucked her fast. She could feel his heartbeat inside her and it was racing just as fast as she.
Yn watched as his body glistened with sweat, his muscles flexing and his chest rising and falling rapidly. He was fucking her with so much force, so much strength. His large hands held her hips tightly as he slammed into her with ferocity. She felt him pounding his cock into her, his hips colliding with her ass, and her legs around his waist swinging wildly in the air following his movements. He was taking her hard like she was his fucktoy.
She felt his cock hitting the entrance of her womb as he continued to pound into her. She moaned in pleasure despite the mixture of pain and pleasure. She was sweating under him, her pussy walls tightening around his cock as he continued to plow her.
The Marquis was a powerful figure, his body slick with sweat, muscle tensing and bulging as he thrust and pounded into her. His hands grasped fiercely onto her hips, controlling her movements as he dominated her. His hips moved in a rapid rhythm, ramming into her rear with pummeling energy that sent shockwaves of pleasure throughout her body.
There was a mix of pheromones in the air, a musky scent of aroused bodies entwined that filled the room. Yn could smell his sweat, mixed with her own as they moved together and heated up the atmosphere around them.
His grunting and moaning matched hers as they collided together, their genitals slapping together like thunder amidst a violent storm. His breaths were labored as he pushed himself harder, the sound of skin slapping against skin overlapping with his grunts and hers.
Yn bounced up and down the bed as her breasts and the necklace swung wildly with her motion. She moaned, at this point, the pain had subsided as if her pussy had gotten used to the stretch and the violent thrusts of the cock inside her. Her hand was gripping the sheet hard on each side of her head. The way she looked beneath him was exquisite to the Marquis as she let him violate her like a toy.
That's when she realized that he was watching her. He leaned down, placing each forearm of his on each side of her head, and kissed her, thrusting his tongue into her mouth. Yn moaned as his tongue dominated her from the inside. She swore she felt her eyes roll up in pleasure and suffocation upon feeling the Marquis ravish her in two ways - through her wet pussy and her mouth.
He was pounding her pussy roughly in a mating press. Her legs were pressed against her chest by him as he towered over her directly, slamming his cock inside her relentlessly. She moaned with his tongue inside her mouth as she felt his cock pounding against her G-spot, sending pleasurable shocks across her body again and again. She could almost feel his cock throbbing with a rapid beat within her.
The Marquis felt her pussy tighten around his cock, knowing she was nearing her climax. For Yn, it was all too much for her as she felt her body heating up even more. She couldn't take it anymore and she felt a burst of pleasure build up within her body, her gushing pussy walls gripping his cock tightly.
She suddenly tensed up in the mating press, her moans were muffled by his mouth and tongue, as she climaxed beneath him. Her pussy clenched tightly around his cock over and over again.
However, the Marquis did not stop there, despite knowing she was orgasming within his hold, as he continued to ram his cock into her with brutal force. Yn was dumbfounded that he wasn't stopping and she felt so overstimulated and oversensitive since she was still climaxing.
She cried out as she struggled beneath him, attempting to dislodge his cock and flee from the mating press she was pushed in, "Stop! Pull out! I'm still...!"
But the Marquis did not stop. He ignored her cries as he continued to fuck her with force as she thrashed and cried beneath him. He felt the grip of her pussy tighten around his cock, feeling her vagina squirt juices all over his shaft and balls as her cunt continued to spasm and convulse around his cock. He smirked and continued to fuck her, knowing full well about the explosions her female body could muster.
His cock continued to pound against her G-spot, overloading her senses and overwhelming her mind. It almost felt like she was on the verge of passing out from all the pleasure and pain in her body. She kept struggling in vain to get him off her, but he was too strong, her body was weak and feeble compared to his.
That's when she experienced her second orgasm, a powerful and strong wave of bliss and pleasure coursed through her body, exploding from her pussy and spreading throughout her entire body. She screamed and her eyes were rolling up as she experienced a powerful one. Her body was trembling and twitching under the Marquis' hold. Her pussy spasmed tightly around his cock with such intensity and power that she swore she saw stars.
But the Marquis wasn't done yet. He fucked her with her pussy juices lubricating his cock, thrusting deeper and harder into her with each thrust. His cock was overstimulated by her second orgasm and she felt the man's cock twitch and pulse clearly inside her pussy walls.
Despite the hazy cloud of the climax, the realization fell upon her like bricks as she understood what was going to happen soon. She immediately yelled, pushing against his chest yet again, "Pull out! Don't cum inside!"
But all her attempts at fighting him were in vain. He was too strong and she was too weak. He didn't stop or pull out despite her pleas and cries as he continued pounding his cock into her harshly. She weakly tried to push against his chest while feeling the way his cock rammed in and out of her squelching pussy.
The Marquis grabbed the hands that were attempting to push him and pinned them against the bed on each side of her head, rendering her helpless. She weakly struggled, but he ignored her and slammed his cock against her g-spot. His grip on her wrists was too tight and she was too weak to fight him.
Suddenly, the Marquis slammed hard and stopped deep within her. He groaned loudly as he pressed more into her. That's when she felt it. Yn cried out; her entire body shaking as he climaxed within her. His cock twitched and pulsed as he shot his seed into her womb. She felt the hot seed coat her womb and fill her like hot water filled a glass.
She cried out in despair as she felt his seed fill her completely. Her pussy spasmed around his cock as her body continued to convulse as she was still climaxing. She didn't know why she was still climaxing, but she felt like her entire body was on fire and she was filled with ecstasy.
"No!" she cried out, "No! Pull out! Pull out! Please!"
But that only spurred the Marquis on. He groaned again, this time releasing her wrists and gripping her hips tightly, pulling her deep against him as he emptied his hot seed deep within her womb. He grunted as he continued to come in her warm and tight pussy. He filled her pussy up to the brim and kept shooting into her.
She felt his hot cum fill her pussy, gushing into her and painting her womb white. The male finally stopped cumming after a few more shots within her. He pushed himself off her with his cock still firmly embedded within her pussy. He sat in between her legs and looked at the woman he had taken. He looked at her with a sinister and satisfied smile.
She turned her head away from him and felt tears building up in her eyes. She clenched her pussy tightly around his cock in an attempt to get him to pull out. But the Marquis gripped her thighs tightly, still embedded deeply in her pussy, keeping her legs spread. It's like he was keeping his cum inside her.
He finally pulled out after a long time with a loud wet noise, leaving her gaping pussy open and exposed. Her legs remained spread wide before him. He smirked as he took in the sight of her trembling pussy, still twitching gently. Soon enough, his sperm dribbled out of her hole. Her pussy and her inner thighs were coated with blood since he had plucked her virginity. Her juices were also dripping out of her used pussy, a mixture of hers and his seed.
Yn trembled, her body still convulsing lightly as she was still coming down from her climax. She glanced to see that the Frenchman was still gazing at her abused pussy and she looked away, feeling humiliated enough. She did not see that the Marquis was stroking his drenched cock.
She looked to the side, looking at a window that revealed how dark it was outside. She began to wonder what time it was and remembered about Sydney. She thought about that little girl being taken care of by Barbara at the moment and she should come home by then.
She was about to get up and search for her dress when the Marquis suddenly turned her around in bed. She was on her stomach when she made a noise of confusion. The man behind then mounted on her thighs, leaned on her ear, and said huskily, "We are not done yet."
She gasped as she felt his warm flesh pressed up against her rear, feeling his hot cock head pushing against her pussy again. He was still hard as he pushed his cock head against her womanhood. She moaned in protest and tried to move away.
He managed to enter her wet and warm pussy again before he plunged in deep. Yn tried to push herself up with her arms but he leaned into her, holding her down with his body weight. The Marquis moved to her ear and whispered, "I'm not satisfied with you yet."
He simply held her down by the hips and started to thrust into her wet pussy. The mix of his semen and her juices served as a lubricant for his cock and thus creating squelching noises each time he thrust in.
He continued to pound into her as he placed his hands on her waist, controlling her movements to his liking again as he fucked her. He grunted in satisfaction, his balls slapping against her cum-filled pussy as he used her.
Yn, on the other hand, could only lie there helplessly, her eyes closed as she tried to cope with the pleasure and the pain. She was still feeling slightly sensitive from her last orgasm and his large cock was continuing to inch into her sore pussy. She gasped a few times as he continued to slam into her, bending her body over the bed.
She cried out and groaned as he continued to thrust into her helpless and abused pussy. She could feel his cock slam against her cervix and hit that sensitive area within her body. The semen inside her was sloshing around his invasive cock. Her pussy was sore, but somehow the Marquis was still able to build up an orgasm for her.
The Marquis suddenly stopped and pulled out completely. Yn was about to look over her shoulder when he grasped her hips and lifted it up with his strength until her knees held themselves on the bed. Yn was left in the position where his upper body fully rested upon the sheet while her butt was raised in the air.
The man behind her then held her hips and rammed his cock back inside. Yn gasped from the intrusion as she felt his balls slapping against her again. He started ramming himself into her with deep and fast thrusts and she could feel his cock pushing against her cum-filled womb with each thrust. She felt her cunt stretch to the limit as his large cock kept slamming into her.
Her moans and his grunts ricocheted off the walls of the room, punctuated by the wet squelching of their juices and the slapping sound of his flesh against hers. His deep and fast thrusts reverberated through her body, every movement sending pleasure and pain mixed together in a potent cocktail. There were no pauses, just an unstoppable rhythm as she felt herself being pushed ever closer to the edge as he fucked and used her like she was his cum-dumpster.
She could feel his cock slam against her cervix repeatedly again and it wasn't even a minute when she felt an orgasm building up in her pussy. She cried out in pleasure and tried to escape but the Marquis held her down tightly.
"No! P-Please! No!" she screamed as she was pinned to the bed by one of his hands on her back.
The Marquis groaned and pounded into her again and again as he felt her pussy tighten around his cock. Yn screamed into the sheets as another orgasm exploded from her bottom, causing her to tremble violently beneath him. Her pussy lips were spread open due to the deep thrusts and she could feel her juices squirting out, drenching his cock and crotch.
Her orgasm seemed to spur him on as he thrust even harder. He finally let out a loud groan and came again as he continued to thrust into her, albeit this time sloppily. His cock was pulsing inside her with his orgasm as he delivered a few final thrusts into her vagina. His cum flooded her even more than before as most of his semen from the previous round was still inside her.
The Marquis continued to pin her on the bed until they were both spent and exhausted. Soon enough, he pulled out of her flooded pussy and she felt a gush of cum flowing from her abused pussy. She could feel it running down her thighs and for her, it felt so sinful. She had never thought she would lose her virginity like this - so violent yet pleasurable.
Feeling utterly exhausted, her knees collapsed and she dropped her hips onto the bed, the motion caused the juices inside her to spill more onto her inner thigh and bedsheet. That's when she felt hands pulling her. The Marquis, who was lying on the bed next to her, grabbed her closer to his chest, his arms wrapped around her waist and her head was tucked under his chin. The both of them were facing one another and both were completely worn out and sleepy.
Yn forced her eyes open, staring at the skin on his neck, and wondered what he meant by that.
As if sensing her bewilderment despite not looking at her face, he drawled out more with his eyes closed, "Vincent Bisset de Gramont... my name..."
Yn did not respond as she stared ahead into space. She wanted nothing more than to get up and run off, but after having two rounds of being fucked like a breeding toy, she also wanted to sleep right then and there. She was still feeling the effects of her multiple orgasms and she wondered if she'll ever be able to walk again.
But, she thought: If the Marquis honor her words and give her 50 thousand dollars as promised, then she would have more than enough money to pay for her mother's hospital treatments. The remaining money would be saved and used for her family's future.
She could finally quit her job at the casino after this and never have to lay eyes on the Marquis again.
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PREV : Chapter 03
NEXT : Chapter 05
Story Masterlist
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wifeofsnowbaird · 8 months
coryo x stepsister!reader 🥺🥺
k girl i mean ig i promised 💀💀 but this aint gonna work in the hunger games so im gonna make it modern
btw this got a bit out of hand idk why i made him yandere :|
Believe in me, my angel...
(yandere!coryo x stepsister!reader)
Summary: There seems to be a long list of people who stepped too close to you found in your step-brother's room...
Warning!: insinuated sex at the end
[If you feel uncomfortable, tell me, I hate making people feel that way.]
The Snow's were adopted into the family when Coriolanus' mother married your dad. It was a solemn time when she and the baby died during labor but it incentivized your dad to adopt the two kids into your family when you were 15.
You didn't like Coryo that much, you loved Tigris but he gave you a scary feeling and that caused a gap to grow between you two. You hadn't realized it but he had a crush on you when he first saw you, a month after his mother got remarried into your family.
You were beautiful, sharp [e/c] eyes and shiny hair stood out among the filth that decided they could stand next to you. So he made a list for all the people who passed by you to know who was safe to keep around you.
Your boyfriend was his first kill.
But when you found these lists, all crumpled into a drawer just in case, he responded in the only way he could.
He kidnapped you.
" Coryo! Cory! Coriolanus! Snow!"
He finally turned, he had never heard your future last name exit your mouth.
" My love?" He tilted his head with a small smirk forming on his mouth.
" Let me go! You know Papa will be looking for me if I disappear!"
Coriolanus hummed, his icy blue eyes meeting your gaze, a signal of warning disappearing just as fast as it had come.
" I told him that we were going on a trip because you were invited to a Party in the Bahamas and you knew Tigris wouldn't like it. He believed every word."
You shivered.
You would definitely say that.
A lustful grin crossed his face as he looked you up and down.
" I will have you tonight, my love. But believe me when I say that I will have you forever."
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elryuse · 2 months
Yandere snsd otp 9 please there obsessed with there adopted little brother reader
Yandere SNSD OT9 X Male Reader
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The plane touched down in Incheon, a cold wave of dread washing over me. My parents, the people I trusted most, had ripped the rug from under my feet. They'd sold me, their own son, to a rich family in Korea. Betrayal gnawed at me, a bitter pill I couldn't swallow.
A man in a chauffeur's uniform held a placard with my new name, a Korean name I didn't recognize. He led me to a sleek black car, and the entire ride was a blur of towering skyscrapers and neon signs spewing unfamiliar words. Finally, the car pulled up to a colossal mansion that looked more like a palace.
My jaw dropped as I stepped out. A maid bowed, ushering me inside. There, I found them. Nine girls, impossibly beautiful, clad in luxurious clothes, faces a mix of curiosity and disdain.
"This is our new… brother," the one with the fiercest eyes announced, her voice dripping with ice. Jessica, they'd introduced her later, with a coldness in her eyes that sent shivers down my spine.
"Yoona," a girl with doe-like eyes scolded softly. "Be nice." Sooyoung, her name tag read. The only one who seemed to show a shred of genuine warmth.
The first few weeks were a blur of isolation and silent judgment. I became a ghost, flitting through the edges of their seemingly perfect lives, cleaning their mess, fetching things, and basically acting like their servant. They treated me with indifference, their conversations laced with inside jokes and references I didn't understand.
One rainy night, as I drove them back from a late-night practice, a reckless driver ran a red light. The car swerved, tires screeching. The world became a chaotic blur before everything went dark.
I woke up in a hospital bed, my body a map of aches and pains. But the pain was a mere whisper compared to the sight that greeted me. Nine worried faces surrounded my bed, concern etching lines on their flawless faces.
"Y/n! You're awake!" the one with the soft voice, Yoona, cried, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.
Tiffany, a girl with bright eyes and a seemingly warm smile, held my hand tightly. "You scared the living shit out of us. Don't you ever do that again."
The others, the girls who used to ignore me, surrounded me with a flurry of questions and frantic care. It was overwhelming, this sudden shift in their behavior. Yet, a part of me felt...warm. A flicker of hope ignited in my chest.
Days turned into weeks, and my stay at the hospital became an unexpected haven. They showered me with affection, bringing me my favorite takeout, singing me silly songs in butchered Korean to cheer me up, and even reading me Korean bedtime stories – their attempts hilariously endearing.
As I recovered, I learned more about them, about SNSD, their dream, their struggles. Their ambition, once cold and distant, became something I admired. I found myself drawn to their passion, their love for music, and most unsettlingly, to them.
One afternoon, while they were recording, I sat in their practice room, captivated by the raw emotions they poured into their song. As the last note faded, a heavy silence descended. Then, Yoona spoke, her voice trembling.
"Y/n, W-we…" she began, then stopped, tears welling up in her eyes. "We were terrible sisters. We took you for granted."
Taeyeon, the fierce leader, stepped forward, placing a hand on my shoulder. "You became our family, Y/n. And we scared you away. We… we can't lose you again."
Her words unraveled something within me. I realized I wasn't just drawn to their world; I was trapped. Their love, once suffocating, was now a possessive cage woven from concern and affection.
I looked at their faces, each beautiful in its own way, and a horrifying truth dawned on me. They were obsessed. Not with me as a brother, but as something… more. A possession to be cherished, protected, and never let go of. The warmth I felt earlier turned icy cold, a knot of fear tightening in my stomach.
They were my family, my saviors, but also my captors. A twisted family bound by a love that had crossed the line, and I, Y/n, the unwanted son, was now their prisoner in a gilded cage.
The following days solidified my fear. My room was adorned with SNSD posters, their schedules plastered across my desk like religious icons. My phone was replaced with one monitored by Sooyoung, under the guise of 'keeping me safe.' Sunny, the bubbly one, would burst into tears if I mentioned leaving for a walk. Hyoyeon, the dance machine, started following me everywhere, a silent, watchful shadow.
At night, the nightmares began. I'd wake up in a cold sweat, the scent of lilies – their favorite flower – thick in the air. A single lily would be placed on my nightstand, a silent promise of their obsessive love.
One evening, I managed to sneak my old phone out of my bag. With trembling fingers, I dialed a random international number. A voice, rough with sleep, answered on the other end.
"Mom? Dad? It's me Y/n." Relief flooded me, a lifeline thrown across a vast ocean of despair.
But before I could speak further, the door creaked open. Taeyeon stood there, her face a mask of fury. The phone clattered to the floor, the sound of my shattered hope echoing in the silence.
"Who were you talking to?" Her voice was laced with venom.
Tears welled up in my eyes. "M-my parents. I just wanted to…"
"You don't need anyone else," Tiffany cut in, her eyes blazing with a possessive glint. "You have us."
They surrounded me, a suffocating wall of beautiful faces. Yoona, ever the gentle one, held a syringe filled with a clear liquid.
"This will help you sleep, Y/n. No more bad dreams."
Panic clawed at my throat. I lunged for the door, but Jessica was already there, her grip like iron. A struggle ensued, a pathetic fight against nine determined women. In the end, they subdued me, the syringe finding its mark on my arm.
The world dissolved into a hazy blur. As darkness claimed me, I heard their voices, a chilling chorus that echoed in the recesses of my mind.
"Don't worry, Y/n. You're safe now. You'll never leave us again."
I woke up strapped to a bed, the sterile white room a stark contrast to the opulent prison I called home. An IV dripped into my arm, a constant reminder of my captivity.
On the bedside table sat a bouquet of lilies, their cloying scent filling the air. Despair washed over me, a cold, suffocating wave. There was no escape. I was a prisoner in a gilded cage, a plaything for nine beautiful, deranged women who called themselves my sisters. The once-distant dream of freedom now felt like a cruel joke. My new reality was a life sentence of love, a love so twisted it could only be called obsession.
To Be Continued
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celtigxr · 11 days
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The Pink Dread (Master List) - - - - - ch. v: Aegon's Doom
Chapter Summary: Aegon faces the consequences of his actions, and Valeana is caught in the crossfire.
Word Count: 3172
Sneak Peak: She furrowed her brow, “You wouldn’t dare.” “Oh, sweetling, if I’m going down, I’m taking you down with me.”
Warnings: MDNI, 18+. A little smut. A little yandere.
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T H E   R E D S
Three days and three nights passed since they had arrived at King’s Landing. It was almost like they had never left; their routine seemed to pick up exactly where it left off. Their mornings were spent in their solar, their afternoons were spent with Helaena and Alicent, and their evenings were spent as a family. They would embroider, they would gossip, they would talk of weather and of new trends. Valeana found herself in moments of recognition, as if she had lived those moments thousands of times.
“You’ve become a master of your craft, Lady Valeana,” Queen Alicent had said as she walked around her chair to watch her embroider. “You’ve done things with thread I never thought possible.”
“You flatter me, your Grace,” Valeana smiled over her shoulder, and returned to her work. It was nothing unique, nothing new; a dark purple flower that stared at her every day for the last three days when she sat down in the gardens in the exact same place, under the stone rotunda. She had a pot of ink beside her where she would dip the thread to darken in places where shadows were necessary. 
It was just the two of them there at the moment. Helaena had left to follow a butterfly that flew by, and Shyla had spotted Aegon passing by the balconies that looked over the gardens. She excused herself and hasn't been heard of since. As for her stepmother and stepsister, they were walking through the garden, likely talking of matters that would bore Valeana. 
“I heard you’re now a dressmaker,” Alicent moved around her chair and settled in her own. “I suspect there will be many balls in the following weeks, more than enough opportunities to show your skills.”
Val gave a small smile, “I made a few, but not all. If I made something new for every event, your Grace, I would never leave my quarters.”
“Hm, that is true. And I’d imagine your sisters would demand gowns of their own as well.”
Pale-haired girl gave a humourless laugh, “Oh, they already have, before we even set foot in King’s Landing. But I am not a slave, and so they must suffer with whatever seamstress mother pays for.” 
“Would it trouble you terribly if I asked you to make me a dress?”
Valeana stilled as she looked up with a stunned expression, “A-a dress? I-Of course! It would be an honour, your Grace!”
Alicent’s smile was gentle and maternal, her hand reaching out and placing it on Val’s forearm, “You are a treasure, my dear.”
“What kind of dress would you like?”
“A fortnight after the Tourney takes place, I am hosting a grand ball here in the Keep. The theme is creatures, beasts, animals, where people shall dress up as anything they choose, be it plain, magical or mythical.”
“Intriguing… My mind is already reeling at the possibilities.”
“I’m glad you approve. I suspect my husband and children will be dressed as dragons.”
“I know I am not a Targaryen, but I do not wish to appear an outlier with my own family.”
Valeana smiled gently and gave her a nod, “A dress for a dragon, then.” 
She nodded, “Exactly. A green one; I am still a Hightower.”
The younger girl couldn’t help but chuckle, “Of course, your Grace. I already have some ideas in mind. When do you want to begin?”
“We have time, of course, so when you are ready. I would like to see your ideas, and then we can browse fabrics.”
“I look forward to it, my Queen.”
This was possibly the longest conversation that Val has had with Alicent, she realized. Even as children, it was nothing but small talk, or they’d exchange words when they sat with Helaena. She wasn’t entirely certain the Queen ever liked her, especially after the incident. Aemond got lashes for it, despite his mother begging for him to be spared from the punishment. If she directed any ire onto Valeana, she was unaware of it. Before it happened, Val was always in awe of the Queen’s effortless grace. Both her and Princess Rhaenyra held beauty that felt so ethereal and unreal to her. Valeana wished she could grow up to be as poise and dignified as the Queen Consort, and as tall and proud as the Crown Princess. Alas, she was short, stocky, and the weight of her insecurities were chained on her ankles.
Before an awkward silence could settle between them after the conclusion of their conversation, Alicent was quick to get into what she actually wished to talk to Valeana about. 
“I know… I know this is a sensitive subject, my dear, but…” Alicent’s teeth ran over her bottom lip, her eyes were casted down to her hand, still on Valeana’s forearm. “I heard about what was said during supper the other day.”
Valeana turned away, back at her forgotten embroidery, “Ah.”
“Helaena told me,” the Queen added, as if naming the innocent messenger would change anything. “I do not blame you for showing some animus towards Aemond because of what happened. However, I feel that I must defend my son… He was trying. He was trying to make amends with you, Valeana. I hope you can see it.”
The younger girl raised her shoulders as she took a sharp inhale to ground herself. Her eyes were staring steadily at the flower in front of her, her embroidery loop falling onto her lap. The Queen did not know what she asked of her. She did not know the gravity of pain her son inflicted on her. 
Alicent’s hand gripped her arm slightly tighter, and she continued. 
“Please forgive him, Valeana,” her eyes flickered down, and a shadow of a benign smile appeared on the corner of her lip. “I understand that a broken leg is nothing to bat an eye at, but you’ve healed; you walk again. The evidence of accidents past–”
“I lost my foot, your Grace,” Valeana exhaled, her eyes pinched closed as she held back the words she wished she wanted to say, but couldn’t. 
‘Would Aemond forgive Lucerys? Would you allow Rhaenyra to talk to Aemond the same way?’
At Val’s spoken words, Alicent froze, the ghost of her smile gone, and her eyes wide with confusion. 
“But– you’re walking. You stand—”
In a slow and languid movement, Val removed her arm from under the Queen’s hand, and pulled up her skirts, revealing her calf, covered in a stocking. With her other hand she leaned over and knocked on the wooden appendage. 
“My foot and part of my leg was turning black; it was decaying. They had to amputate it, lest it poison my blood and kill me,” Val swallowed and then unfurled her dress over it again. 
The Queen still stared down at Valeana’s skirts, her face ashen, eyes wide, and mouth slightly parted. She had not known… No one had told her. Valeana suspected not many people in Court knew, outside perhaps the Maesters.
“It was not just my leg he had broken, either, your Grace. Aemond betrayed me – or perhaps played me. I’m not sure which. Either way, I thought we were friends all our lives, and in the final seconds of our friendship he had called me a pig and pushed me. Your son had a place in my heart once, your Grace, but that has since been severed along with my leg.”
The silence was painful, it was stifling. For once the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms was at a loss for words. Her eyes migrated to the stone floor, and her lips finally closed into a thin line. 
“I am–I am sorry–”
The lump in Valeana’s throat caused her to stand up immediately, “Would you please excuse me, your Grace. I have to– I must make water.”
Alicent looked away, lips shut as she nodded. 
And swiftly, Valeana left the gardens, leaving her embroidery forgotten on the floor where her feet stood. 
T H E  G R E E N S 
Aegon had spent the better part of the day dodging Shyla Celtigar. The days before were much the same. At first, it was amusing; Aegon loved the attention, but then it got too much, too fast.
 Well, it might have been because he encouraged her. It began when she appeared at his solar door, holding a plate of pastries and the desire to speak alone. It escalated when Aegon got the grand idea to test how far Shyla’s affections would go, and his uncontrolled desire to get his dick wet. When it involved his pleasures, he would throw caution to the wind. 
It was post nut clarity that made him realize the gravity of the situation. She was on his lap, her fingers wrapped around his member, stroking him vigorously and eagerly, and speaking to him the entire time. He wasn’t paying attention, though. His eyes were shut, his nose pointing to the ceiling as he craned his neck back against the chair. Aegon’s mind was concentrating on pale hair, wide hips, green eyes, and a pair of perfect tits. 
“Oh, I cannot wait to have your children, my Prince.”
When the height of his orgasm left him, he opened his eyes to see Shyla (not her) staring at him. Her hands were coated in his seed, and she was looking at it as if she had discovered a precious gem in a stone.
Damn his cock. It so often replaced his head in the worst possible moments. When Aemond was out fending for his life against their nephews and cousins at Driftmark, Aegon had decided to ignore the screams and dragon’s roar he heard outside his window, because he was already balls deep in a serving wench he met at his aunt’s funeral. 
This was possibly much worse than that, because now he was the victim. There were nary a place for him to hide in the Red Keep where Shyla Celtigar couldn’t reach him. White cloaks betrayed his location after she batted her long lashes and asked in the sweetest voices, or a Maester or Septa who did not know better would point out the corner that he disappeared behind. Aemond, of course, was far too eager to help Shyla find Aegon, even so much as leading the girl right into the small kitchen he was hiding in. 
Fucking Aemond… A traitorous cur, that one. So eager to put his brother under the horse’s hooves when given the opportunity. If only he could crack his marble exterior…
At the moment, Aegon was hiding in a closet of some kind. It was narrow, cluttered with brooms, mops and buckets, and vaguely smelled of vinegar and soap. He heard the sound of swiftly approaching feet, but that was all. He had learned Shyla’s footsteps when they approached, and made note of the noises she would give. She always had her mouth open, and breathed through it loudly. Every once in a while she would talk to herself, or call out his name.
The steps that approached sounded feminine, at least. 
Aegon slowly pushed open the door, poking his head out to peer cautiously down the corridor one way, and then turned to look the other way. 
“Aegon?” Valeana stood behind him, frozen in place, looking at him incredulously. “What are you–”
Aegon had been startled to see her in an otherwise empty corridor, but then when he heard the pitter-patter of another approaching, he shushed her and clamped a hand over her mouth to listen closely. 
“Excuse me, Ser, but have you seen Prince Aegon?” Eyes turning into saucers and panic gripping his throat, Aegon yanked the confused Valeana into the closet with him, keeping his hand firmly over her mouth. Valeana struggled against his hold, curses vibrating against his palm. Aegon pushed his weight on her, eyes wide and pleading, and mouth hiss whispering to her to be quiet.
Shyla’s feet scurried by the door, the shadow of her form could be seen through the crack underneath.
“Aegon~” Shyla sang, “Where are you? Where are you, where are you, my love?”
Aegon looked over at Valeana. She raised an eyebrow at him.
As Shyla walked by the door, Aegon’s muscles relaxed. Her voice and footsteps could still be heard, but he felt safe enough to slowly pull down his hand from Val’s mouth. When he did, he was taken back by the smug look she had on. 
“So when’s the wedding?” 
He scowled, “Never, if the Gods are kind.”
“Did you tell her that?” Val crossed her arms, pushing herself up against the wall, as far away from his body as possible. Should anyone open the door, her virtue would be compromised. It would save her from a prolonged courtship with strangers, but she did not want to be chained to Aegon Targaryen, the self proclaimed dragoncock. 
“No,” the tips of his ears burned, “If I reject her, I fear she may castrate me.” 
“Oh, she’d make your cock explode like a sausage on a spit,” Valeana nodded casually, and Aegon stepped away from her in horror and disgust. “My brother had a steward once, Jon, I believe his name was. He rejected her advances quite harshly, and a sennight later, he disappeared.”
“Gods, your sister is a lunatic–”
“It is men who make her loony,” Val then sharply prodded the prince on the shoulder, “What did you do, Aegon?”
He rubbed his shoulder, “I didn’t do– Ow! Stop doing that, I am your prince, I can have your finger chopped off!”
“I already suffered at the expense of my leg at the hands of another Targaryen Prince, do you think I care if I lose a finger–” she jabbed him again, rougher this time. “Now, what in the Seven Hells did you do?”
She was going to jab again, but he swatted her hand away, “Mother’s Tits, alright, woman.” He tossed his hair back, and looked away from her. His adam's apple bobbed before he spoke, “I, uh, might have let her… Pet my dragon.”
Valeana squinted at him, “You let her touch Sunfyre?”
Aegon rolled his eyes and sunk his shoulders in exasperation, “No, I– let her pet my dragon.” He emphasized the words by gesturing towards his crotch. 
“Oh-Oh, Aegon! ‘The fuck is wrong with you!” She slapped him upside the head. 
“Stop hitting me!”
“I’ll hit you as much as you want, you vile, perverted–” they both ended up swatting each other for a few minutes before more footsteps interrupted their squabble.
“Sh! Sh! Sh!” Aegon put his finger to her lips, and they both froze as the heavy footsteps of a guard walked by the closet. Once it disappeared, Aegon pulled his hand away, and at the same time Val’s fist landed on his shoulder. 
“Ah, fuck, woman! Hitting a prince is treason!”
She pointed a finger at him, and he flinched, “You defiled my innocent sister, you deserve more!”
“Innocent?!” He scoffed, “She knew exactly what she was doing. She held my cock like an expert, your sister–” This time, Aegon caught her with his larger hand wrapped around her wrist. He gave her a warning glare, “Your sister took advantage of me.”
“Do you really think I am going to believe that bullshit?!” She twisted her arm, trying to pull it from his grasp, but his vice grip was much stronger than she’d imagined. “Let go of me, Aegon.” 
“I’ll let you go if you promise not to hit me.”
She calmed for a moment, sighing through her nose and closed her eyes. Aegon was nearly about to loosen his grip, but her other hand came out of nowhere and slapped him across the cheek. It did not nearly hurt as the punch, given it was not her dominant hand, but it was enough to turn his head and take him off guard. But before she could hit him again, he grabbed her other wrist with his free hand and pushed her against the wall, crossing her arms against her chest. 
“Your sister is mad,” Aegon stated while Val tried to push against him, but he put his entire weight on her. Standing a head taller than her, his form was a tower and she had no choice but to crane her neck up at him. The prince found he quite liked this angle, this position. “Do me the favour of diverting her attention away, and I will owe you.”
“I do not need any favour from you, Egg.” 
He smiled, grinned, bared his teeth. 
“Glad to see we’re on a pet-name basis now, my little crab cake. Y’know, this is quite the compromising position. If your sister  finds us like this, what do you think she’ll do… to you?”
She furrowed her brow, “You wouldn’t dare.”
“Oh, sweetling, if I’m going down, I’m taking you down with me.”
Valeana glared at him, resolute in her stubborn silence. Aegon didn’t waver his stare, but he did move his middle closer to hers until their stomachs were flushed against each other. Val’s face twisted and she tried to wiggle her arms free, but she was stuck between a wall and a dragon. 
“Do you hear that,” Aegon’s eyes lifted towards the door, “I think I hear her footsteps coming this way." 
“You’re bluffing.”
He grinned wider, then feigned a moan, “Oh~ my Lady V–” 
“Shhhhtttt—” Valeana hissed in a panic, waving her useless fingers under his grasp, “Fine! Fine! I’ll help you!”
Chuckling softly, Aegon pulled himself off, “That’s what I thought.” He tilted his head at her as she tried to collect herself. Her chest was heaving, and that was when he realized just how close he was to her chest. Her heavy, soft, peachy mounds… His tongue flicked out over his bottom lip. The Prince quickly ripped his eyes away from her before his cock could take control of his mind again. “Now–”
He was cut off by the distinct voice of Shyla, causing the two of them to catch each other’s panicked eye. 
“You say you heard it coming from here?” Shyla’s voice was just beyond the door. 
Aegon spun around, trying to find a place for them to hide in the closet, but there was nothing large enough for them to find cover. Except for…
 Aegon looked down at Valeana’s dress. 
“What are you–” She started to kick Aegon away from her, but he grabbed her leg as he crawled under her skirts. 
“Shut up! Don’t move, and stand still!”
Valeana had no choice, because the door was opening. She stood rigidly still, trying to take up as much space as possible to hide Aegon’s legs that were poking from underneath her dress from behind. Flushed and out of breath, Valeana attempted to appear casual in the servant’s closet when the door swung out and revealed the confused face of her sister. 
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Tag: @queen-of-elves, @keylin1730, @anakilusmos, @weepingfashionwritingplaid, @sugutoad 
( if you wish to be tagged for this story, just give me a reply! )
Please do not re post, redistribute or plagiarize my work. The only other place this story is posted on is ao3 under the same username.
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admirxation · 6 months
˗ˏˋ𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭´ˎ˗
🍙 — NSFW and dark content ahead. Please check the warnings before you read a fic, continue at your own discretion.
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★ — 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐒. 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐲
I've missed this {NSFW} ~ Leon returns from his mission and spends time with his girlfriend. [established relationship]
Beg Me {NSFW} ~ Leon joins the reader in the shower [established relationship]
Pathetic {NSFW} ~ stepbro!Leon secretly desires his stepsister and gets jealous when she prepares for a date with another man. [stepcest]
Make it up to me {NSFW} ~ Leon saves the president's daughter, the reader, and she must thank him for all his work.
Unfaithful {NSFW} ~ the reader cheats on their partner with their partner's dad (Leon). [cheating]
Marriage is just a piece of paper {NSFW} ~ the reader has come back from her honeymoon and her partner's father, Leon, desperately wants her. [cheating + pseudoincest//in-laws]
Delusional {NSFW} ~ the reader is a normal coffee girl Leon gets obsessed with. [dddne//dark content//non-con//yandere]
Secret {NSFW} ~ the reader’s husband has gone on a business trip, a perfect opportunity to seek affection with Leon. [cheating + psuedoincest//in-laws]
★ — 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐊𝐫𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐫
An Imbalanced Deal {NSFW} ~ Krauser can take the reader far, even out of the training programme, but she needs to do something first for that favour. [dddne//dub-con//power imbalance]
★ — 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐒. 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐲
New Sensation {NSFW} ~ the reader is desperate for Leon and cannot wait for him to put protection on. [established relationship]
Actress {NSFW}~ reader meets their boyfriend’s dad, but this turns into an unconventional meeting when her boyfriend goes to sleep. [cheating]
★彡[ᴍɪɴɪ ꜱᴇʀɪᴇꜱ]彡★
★ — 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐒. 𝐊𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐲
Sticky Notes — Leon and the reader return from their mission, but the reader develops feeling for him, deciding to confess to him on a sticky note [COMPLETE]
part one | part two [NSFW]
Rookies First Time — The reader oversees Leon’s training and he’s her favourite trainee [COMPLETE]
part one | part two | part three [NSFW]
Broken Locks — Leon is infected with las Plagas, making him act on a crush he has on the girl next door. [COMPLETE]
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five [NSFW - DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT]
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mobutofu · 6 months
gojo satoru fic rec masterlist
ghost gone solid - ghost!satoru, best friend!suguru
body swap
desperate nonutnov handjob
stepbro!satoru, dacryphilia, breeding
cmming in his pants
clingy high!satoru
got you! - yandere!satoru
virgin!satoru x suguru's gf
everyone knows that i'm a good girl officer
yandere!gojo's first valentine
snow leopard!satoru
obsessive fanboy!gojo x idol!reader
somno bj
meeting a girl who can ride him to tears
virg!gojo makeout gone wild
she ride the d like a carnival
gojo being drunk and loud
dub highlights
needy drunk!gojo
scssoring w shoko + satosugu
boy next door!gojo
suguru loves walking in on you and gojo
perv!gojo x virgin!gf
jealous gojo corrupting you when you start dating boys
fixated promises - yan!gojo
gojo can't resist the urge to rock his hips into you
touching gojo (not)
gojo kissing your ribs
drunk gojo x exgf!reader
needy gojo overstimulated and humping you from behind
shhh dont cry
gojo doesn't know personal space
gojo needy after a mission
fucking you raw for the first time
fucking you hard with company in the other room
possessive bf!gojo buys you a gold necklace with his initials
otaku gojo! x bimbo!reader
my husband's best friend - jealous gojo
satoru making it fit with little step sis
gojo making his stepsister cry
perv!gojo who finally gets to fuck his roommate
college fucktoy ft. geto and shoko
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yourlocaltrashcan657 · 7 months
Mental Hospital AU! Yandere! Attack on Titan x Female Reader.
Chapter 1- Meeting Eren
Y/N walked beside Erwin listening to him as he talked about how the patients could be dangerous at times and how Y/N should be careful.
Making their way to the first cell, Y/N looked at the outside of the room. It had a a metal door that was only opened by the swipe of her land yard. Opening the door she walked in to see a room of white.
The desk was hammered down to prevent any self harm along with the chair. The bed was small and the blanket was sewed down to prevent choking yourself.
"I'll be waiting outside so you can see Eren for yourself." Erwin said leaning against the wall, allowing Y/N to head in.
Y/N looked around to see a boy sat in the corner, huddled up with an annoyed look on his face as he looked up at her but quickly looked down, covering his face with his arms.
"Hello!" Y/N said before making her way to him and crouched beside him at a safe distance. "I'm Y/N L/N and I'll be your permanent doctor. I'd like to get to know you Eren."
"Go away." Was all he said not looking up to speak to her at all.
"Cmon. Can't you tell me a bit about yourself? I'm new around here and I'd really like to know you. Your actually my first patient that I've talked to so it'd be a real bummer if you want to shut yourself out." Y/N said.
"What.. do you want to know?" He asked reluctantly still not looking up.
"Anything! Your family, friends, hobbies."
"My mom and dad.. they're dead." He muttered. "I have a stepsister and she visits me every week.. Armin is my only friend I guess."
"Eren.? I'm sorry if it brought you any past memories back." you said before rubbing his back, causing him to flinch a bit. "I won't hurt you. I just want to help you."
"T-thanks I guess."
"I'd love to talk with you more but I'm on a tight schedule and I have to meet some of my other patients. I'm glad you and I talked. Though I wish I could've seen your face properly." Y/N said brushing his bangs out of his eyes.
She got up and said her goodbyes not realising that the second he left, Eren released himself from his hunched up position and was blazing red. He was breathing heavily.
Never had he ever think he’d meet his soon to be Girlfriend. He blamed himself for pushing you away instead of talking and getting to know more about this woman who genuinely cared for him.
He knew he would see you again. He'd be prepared.
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No one can love you the way I do.
(Yandere stepbrother Neteyam x Sho'ree! Sho'ree is the younger adopted sister of Neteyam who he's in love with her and when Jake talks about setting her up with Ao'nung things get dark and deadly. Neteyam 22 Sho'ree 19 )
(Warning ⚠️! Stepcest, smut, fighting, cursing, taboo affair, arranged marriage and mentions of pregnancy, blood, insanity and Neteyam gets put away for a psychic vow.)
Neteyam was the golden boy of the sully family there's no doubt about that. He was handsome, nice, sweet, charming, a great hunter and a great gentleman perfect for a future chief.
Perfect husband material perfect for a girl to pick him for a mate right? Wrong he didn't want them, the most beautiful girls didn't catch his eye they flirt with him only for him to look at them with distaste or disgusted as if he didn't even want to be around them at all.
Why? Because he wanted her Sho'ree his beautiful step sister and since after her mother passed away she was depressed but she quickly snapped out of it after she met her siblings and her dad Jake was happy that his daughter was happy again smiling that beautiful smile. Neteyam loves her unconditionally as if she was a random woman from the village but he couldn't have her because she was his sister..his stepsister he knew that what he was feeling was wrong but he couldn't help it.
He loved her in a way no stepbrother should love or look at his sister yet his ass memorized by her beauty her face, her eyes, her lips, her hair that flowed down her back like waterfalls in the forest where they used to fish and play. He saw her beautiful body as she was bathing his heart skipped a beat as he took off his loincloth and walked in the water behind her kissing her neck "Hey baby." He said as she turned around "Teyam!"
He giggled as he caressed her cheek "Stop what are you doing?" She said as he looked at her smiling "What does it look like? I'm hugging my woman."
He said as she pulled away he looked at her before laughing "Baby it's ok no one is around to see us plus I made sure." He said before kissing her neck having his tongue graze across her skin as he moaned into her skin touching her body "Teyam... Neteyam stop..stop." he stopped looking at her as she caught her breathe.
"What is it my love?" "Neteyam this is wrong." "What is wrong?" "This, you and me, us." He looked at her with a stone expression as he met her eyes "Why because I'm your brother?"
"Yes we're brother and sister we're not supposed to be doing -" "What? Doing what? Loving each other?"
"Neteyam." "Holding each other close, kissing each other, loving each other.. making love to each other?"
"We're siblings Neteyam we're not even suppose to see each other naked." "We're step siblings we have no blood connection so what we're doing isn't wrong." "Yes it is and father said that he had something to tell us at dinner."
At dinner Neteyam and Sho'ree kept exchanging looks at each other as Jake cleared his throat and smiled "Alright I've brought you all here for a important announcement."
"Ok dad what is it?" Said Neteyam his dad got up to greet Tonowari and Ronal as their son Ao'nung was there Neteyam couldn't stand him because he was always flirting with her and giving her gifts.
Ao'nung sat next to her as he smiled as did she "Neteyam, Lo'ak, Kiri, Tuk I know that you guys are probably wondering what is going on here and we have been talking."
"We've been thinking about you and Ao'nung how close you guys been and how in love you are." Said Tonowari as Neteyam looked up at them seeing Ao'nung holding her hand.
"With the blessing of both sides of the families and having this discussion with Jake we have arranged for Sho'ree and Ao'nung to be married."
Neteyam looked shocked "What?!" He said as Lo'ak was also shocked "Dad are you serious?" "Yes Lo'ak plus your sister seems happy with Ao'nung."
"Dad he can't marry her!" "Neteyam that's enough." "Why can't I have her as my wife? You don't trust me?" Neteyam glared at him "No..I don't trust you with my little sister after what you pulled on us when we got here and what you did to my sister."
He remembers that time he left her out in the sea alone, picking on her, and called her a freak. "I know what I did in the past but let's put that behind us once I become your new brother -."
"You are not my brother! You could never love her the way she deserves!" "That's enough Neteyam! Tonowari I'm sorry about my son-." "It's alright Jake I see that he's protective of his little sister and I understand how he feels but I can assure you that me and my wife have raised our son as the perfect mate for her."
Said Tonowari as Sho'ree was confused and was stuck in the middle in a hard place. On one hand she was in love with Neteyam having a strong bond with him and never wanting to leave him but on the other she also built a bond with Ao'nung and shared a kiss with him they haven't gone all the way but he wanted to.
"Neteyam please -." She said trying to calm him but he glared at him and stormed off "Brother -!" She said as she felt hurt he probably thought she had something to do with it.
After dinner Sho'ree went looking for Neteyam hoping he was ok. She looked all over for him then she remembered their spot no one knew about she thought that were he was.
She got closer to their spot hearing moaning her stomach sank at the bottom hearing a moan then she went to go look and she blushed. There she found him jerking off moaning and drooling "Ahh..ahh Sho'ree ohh Sho'ree I can't wait to hear your voice moaning my name loudly ~!"
She stepped out "Neteyam?" He stopped seeing her beautiful body her pretty face that was his saving grace "S-Shoree.. Sho'ree baby sister please..help me." It was rut season and Neteyam was in heat.. badly in heat."
"I knew I smelled it are you ok Nete?" "No I want you so badly." "Neteyam-." "Don't marry him.. please. Please Sho'ree I-i can be your husband I'll be a better mate for you he WILL never love you the way I do!"
He said as he pushed her on her back on top of her breathing slowly but heavily "Sho'ree please let me love you." "Neteyam... I-." Tears weld in his eyes as he bites his lip "Sho'ree! Please I need you badly!" He said tugging at her loincloth "Yes yes Neteyam you can have me." He smiles as she takes off her loincloth and slowly lowered herself on his hard throbbing cock.
"Please don't ever leave me baby I love you he could never make you feel the way I do." She began riding him feeling his grip on her ass get tight "Ahh! Ah! Ooh Sho'ree ohh Sho'ree!"
He moaned he couldn't help but scream her name "No other woman can make me feel the way you do! I love you so much I don't want to be your brother I want to be your mate!"
He said she was a mess and her mind was melting while inhaling Neteyam's scent and his heat smelled good intoxicating her "Neteyam you don't mean that!" "Yes I do!" "Neteyam Neteyam! Ohh Neteyam ahh yes!" "Your..mine all mine no one else can have your body but me I'm yours and your mine!"
He said as he leans forward having her fall backwards as he thrusts inside her feeling her wet slick walls squeezing him with each thrust "Ah! Ohh fuck Neteyam ohh Eywa!" He couldn't help but lose control as he went faster "Ahh ahh yes! Sho'ree I'm gonna cum! I'm gonna cum sister I'm close!"
She moaned gripping his shoulder clawing his left shoulder "Ahh yes yes Sho'ree ohh Sho'ree yes! Ohh my love, my baby girl, my goddess!" He said as his eyes rolled in the back of his eyes before painting her walls with his seed "Ahh yes." Coming off his high and falls on top of her as she breathes heavily calming down "You.. are amazing Sho'ree Ao'nung can't have you."
"What do I tell him?" "You haven't excepted the proposal?" "No I told dad I'd think about it." He smiled as he knew he had a chance "Don't worry baby big brother will take care of it."
"Ok dad said me marrying Ao'nung he'd provide me a staby, safe, and comfort future like he promised my mom and yours." "Don't worry big Neteyam will protect you.. always."
(Part 2 coming let's see how many comments, likes, reblogs this baby gets!"
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maleyanderecafe · 6 months
I see so much of villains as yanderes but what about villains as Darling? How about a hunter being as obsessed with Cruella De Vil as she is obsessed with fur? A visiting Royal who is not really all that interested in Jasmine but as much a creep towards Jafar as Jafar is towards Jasmine in that one scene? A King who truelly views the Evil Queen in Snow White as the most beautilful woman in the world because of her coldness? Someone royal who walks past Cinderall and her stepsisters and wants Lady Tremaine? A merfolk who thinks Captain Hood is just the funniest and most handsome little human? All I am saying is what about evil being obsesed evil instead of innoncence in the most twisted of ways?
You understand. I think that a lot of yandere media tends to want to make their darlings a bit more normal, but none of them are really downright evil or at the very least a flawed person. I find that mostly BL does a better job of making a more morally gray lovers, as well as a handful of games, such as Past Hope and Sweetest Valentine. There are some darker ones too for comics/manga such as LifeLine, Idyllic Island or even Kill My Mother.
Anyways, that does sound like a really fun concept. I think that having more flawed loves for yanderes, or even straight up villains is such a fun concept. The idea of a yandere liking someone because of their flaws or because of the fact that they are evil isn't really something I see too often either, since most of them tend to be the opposite, where the yandere likes them because of how kind or pure they are, or otherwise their positive traits.
This is also where I plugin my game Perfect Love where your only goal is to get your perfect love. No matter the cost. The main character is a straight up villain and its a very fun time. You can also find more about @perfectlovevn.
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searenbound · 1 year
I have another one for you.
Stepbrother Katsuki who always been obsessed with his stepsister who was a younger than him by a year.
Almost yandere obsessed with her. Her boyfriends will always disappear because they were never good for her. She always come crying to him when they break up with her then she’d never gets to see them again. They ghosted her and how does her big stepbrother help her? By fucking her stupid so she’ll forget about them.
He’s thrusting in her tight pussy that he molded to his dick, she babbling about how she loves him, and how she was stupid for thinking any other guy could be as sweet and caring as he was.
But he hide the evidence that he not as sweet and caring all the time. He hides his weapons just in the closet that he has when he’s deep in her. She wouldn’t ever remember why she wanted anyone else.
It’s a sick devotion, he knows, but it feels so worth it and right when it gets him what he wants.
She’s a goddess, and anyone who doesn’t worship her are idolatrous scum who deserve to be put down like a dog. And if they touch then dare to break her heart they deserve a fate worse than death.
But, he doesn’t need to worry about that anymore. All his assurances and loving words and actions has finally seemed to pay off.
His precious little baby stepsister is finally laying under him, clinging to him for dear life as he drives his hips into hers. Reveling in how perfectly her wet little pussy takes his cock. Making her forget all about her stupid boyfriend troubles and noticing how well he can take care of her every need and desire.
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maxthefryingpan12 · 1 year
Requests are open!
Someone please request something, I’m begging. I have no ideas on what to write!
You can request virtually anything of me(fanfic wise).
But I don’t do:
-stepbrother or stepsister
-characters that are canonically under the age of 12(they have to at least be in 7th grade, people.)
-fics that go against confirmed character sexualities(such as a male reader x Robin Buckley)
-large age gap (reader has to be at least 18 if I do it)
-shows/books/movies that I haven’t read/seen(it makes me nervous about messing up the character)
-ACTUAL PEOPLE(as in celebrities themselves, not live action characters, i am also talking about real people who have had shows made out of them)
-children x adults(unless platonically)
-rape play, dubcon, CNC, stuff of that nature(the concept makes me uncomfortable)
-toxic!(Character) x reader
I will write a variety of other things and I will write for a VERY LARGE variety of characters and fandoms.
I will write for:
Percy Jackson
Magnus Chase
Harry Potter
Detroit: Become Human
Howl’s moving castle
Epic(2013 movie)
Star Wars
Sally Face
Stranger things
Demon slayer
H x H
The promised Neverland(fluff only for now)
The Hobbit & the Lord of the Rings
The black phone
Rise of the guardians
Sinbad(the Disney film)
Pirates of the Caribbean
The spiderverse
The hunger games
Hazbin hotel & helluva boss
Strange magic
The book of life & Maya and the three
Your boyfriend game( I can’t remember the title)
Yandere simulator
Twisted wonderland
Mystic Messenger
Sing & zootopia
Among us
That’s all I can remember for now.
A/n: I couldn’t fit all the tags :’(
Do I need to beg again? I’ve only gotten two requests since posting this and one of them was my friend irl.
Update: I’ve gotten 4 now.
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