#yandere jackson wang x reader
flaneur001 · 8 months
As I was lounging about, I had this idea, what if Angel was buff, super into fitness and manhandled Ren thus giving me a little story inspo~
Ren/dacted x [Fitness Freak/ Gym Rat ] GN-Angel
(Ren Fluff) (proofread)
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Word count-1278
Its sfw
(The characters belong to @14dayswithyou )
Short summary- It’s a Ren/dacted fluff. Angel is a fitness freak and doesn’t like Ren eating unhealthy food. So they punish Ren by making him drink their special breakfast smoothie
(Also I’ve made Angel a ‘Brawns over Brains’ type of character, and comically exaggerated their strength)
TW-Mentions of Calories, weight
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Anything For You, My love
‘Slink…grab’ ‘Slink….grab’
The fluorescent pink yoyo bounced and wound back into Ren’s grasp, as he laid on his back lazily, long legs half dangling down the edge of the bed. His baby blue eyes burned holes on his bedroom door as he wearily stared at his handiwork. The new hinges securing the door looked stronger than the last. But he couldn’t be sure, so he had also stacked a chair against the door for extra measure.
‘Any minute now’,he thought. As if on cue a pair of heavy footsteps thudded on the hardwood floor, as they approached his room. An almost nervous smile broke onto his face as he waited, face scrunched up with anticipation at the complete uncertainty of the situation. His posture straightened and he sat cross-legged on the bed, watching, waiting like a big curious cat.
Knock Knock Knock
A loud rap at his door made his lips quirk up as he answered, “What’s the matter Angel?” He said in a feigned innocent voice.
“You know what! Now open up”, the low voice demanded.
“And what if I don’t?” Ren teased, enjoying it a tad more than necessary. A hint of a smirk lighting up his features.
“Then you leave me no choice RenRen”, they sighed mockingly as they cracked their knuckles.“Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you okay hon?”
‘Huh…no way…not again. They wouldn’t dare’ Ren thought as he peacefully closed his eyes and relaxed into the body-pillow covered with his Angel’s large hoodie. ‘They’re bluffing right…right?!” He opened one eye, a little nervous at the ominous silence in the hallway.
But the silence didn’t last long as a loud BAM followed by a CRASH almost made Ren jump out of his bed. The keyword being almost. The door to his room flew off of its hinges, as he stared stoically at the chair sprawled on the floor of his bedroom. His Angel stood over the remnants of the door with a self-satisfied smirk on their face. Smug little devil
“I can’t believe you actually did it Angel’, he murmured laughing beside himself, God how could he not adore such a crazy cinnamon roll?!
“And I can’t believe you snuck in an entire box of Ramen, when I threw away your last stash just yesterday. I swear if I didn’t love you, I would've…”, Angel trailed off and pinched the bridge of their nose in exasperation. Acting all patronizing as if they didn’t just forcefully enter a room by breaking through a door.
Ren’s eyes lit up half in amusement and half in excitement as he practically leapt out of his bed and wrapped a big arm around Angel’s waist.
Bending down he whispered, his lips almost touching the shell of Angel’s ear teasingly, “Complete the sentence my Angel. You would’ve what? Punished me?” He leaned back only to throw a maddening smirk towards them purposely riling his little firecracker.
They let out a bark of laughter as they simply stared at the pink-haired man, peeved at his baiting, “You would like that wouldn’t you? No but I’ve planned something much much better darling” They smiled condescendingly as they wrapped their arms around his waist, circling him in their embrace like a trap.
“Do you have any idea how unhealthy that is…you practically inhale that trash like it’s some godsend treat. And DO NOT get me started on those damned energy drinks”, Angel rambled, speaking absentmindedly about calories and whatnot, huffily.
What Angel didn’t know was that he was enjoying every little second of this conversation. His heart thudded wildly at the simple intimacy of their actions. ‘My Angel worries about me’ he mused.
To say Ren was whipped would be the understatement of the century. No, he was devoted to his Angel.
‘Aha! Gotchu!’ Angel smiled inwardly sensing Ren’s distraction.They didn’t miss a beat as they swiped a foot under Ren’s feet and knocked him off balance carrying that bulking man on their shoulders, in a fireman’s carry, as if he weighed nothing.
“Ah!” He let out a surprised yelp, but then let his Angel manhandle him, fondly surrendering to their wild antics. He mumbled half to himself, “Sometimes I can’t believe how such a small thing can pack so much strength”, his body shook with laughter as he swatted Angel’s bum playfully.
“Oi hands to yourself mister…right now you are nothing but a sack of potatoes”, Angel ordered as they carried the man towards the kitchen.
“Oh yeah?” He raised a brow, a smile dancing on his lips in amusement, “But I’m your sack of potatoes right Angel?”
Angel groaned rolling their eyes at Ren, but a small grin crept on their face. They too enjoyed these little moments between them, but they wouldn’t admit it to Ren��s face. The man was already so full of himself.
“I’m not answering that. And who are you calling small? Sure I’m a little shorter than you, but I’ve got a sleeper’s build. Annnnd I lift double your weight”, Angel huffed.
With a flourish they dropped Ren on one of the chairs lining the dining table. And went to grab whatever that they had left on the kitchen counter.
“So what is this much better-than-punishment-thingy you have prepared for me, my Angel?” Ren asked, swinging his legs like a child as he stared at his Angel, filling two mugs with a pitcher, emptying the entire contents.
Wearily his eyes scanned his kitchen, studying the crime scene. Broccoli, chicken breast, spinach, oranges, asparagus,kiwi, honey and eggs lay haphazardly strewn across the marble countertops. He stiffened, already knowing what his Angel was up to.
“Here” Angel smiled innocently as they slid the mug full of what looked like sludge—there was no better way to put it—towards him and clinked their mug with his as they winked cheekily,“Cheers RenRen”
Ren almost balked as Angel downed the whole thing in one long gulp. “Angel…what is it?” He asked reluctantly
“My breakfast smoothie duh…I made the recipe myself…here take a look” they said excitedly as they slid the piece of paper across the table towards him.
Ren flinched inwardly as he read the ingredients, surely enough his suspicions were spot on. His Angel had poured all the ingredients on the counter into a blender and made this poison smoothie.
“Darling, this recipe should be censored destroyed pronto, we don’t want people stealing this abomination treasure” Ren chuckled nervously scratching the back of his neck as he stared at the mug with apprehension.
“That so?”, Angel smiled knowingly, as they leaned back folding their arms across their chest. “Then taste it and tell me how you like it” they challenged, eyes gleaming with mischief.
“Ta-taste it Angel? Why, I wanna preserve it like the treasure it is. Pass it down to our children like an heirloom”, he said slowly inching the mug away from him.
Angel maintained a stoic expression, resisting the urge to burst into laughter at their RenRen’s cuteness.
They leaned forward, propping their chin on their hands as an idea formed into their mind. Angel pouted, jutting their bottom lip out as they stared at Ren with puppy dog eyes, “You won’t have it? But I made it especially for you. It’s so healthy. Pretty please?” They mumbled and put on a convincing show, batting their eyelashes and all.
Angel almost broke the façade ready to tease Ren, when he leaned ahead, grabbed the mug and downed the smoothie in one go, startling Angel. They couldn’t believe that Ren actually drank it. They were only teasing him, but he really did it.
As Angel regarded Ren with wonder, tilting their head to the side, the pink haired man simply beamed at them and whispered, “Anything for you my love”
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pynkgothicka · 1 year
Request: can you write where OC who is in the police force/ a detective and trying to catch the world notorious mafia king (no one knows what he looks like). OC found an injured jimin and helped him. Jimin became madly obsessed with oc, stalked oc and kidnapped oc and made oc his
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Wicked Games PJM
Synopsis - Your a new detective who gets put on a rough case to solve a string of cocaine over doses.
Pairing - Yandere! Jimin x Fem! Reader
Featuring - Toni Braxton, Jackson Wang (Begrudgingly.)
Tags and Warnings - Drug mentions, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Jimin being a little bit mean, sexual tones towards the end
Authors Note - I need to write more mob boss fics. Tis was fun.
A friendly reminder that all my works are dark fanfiction! Please if you do not like that do not read them! These depictions don't pertain to reality. This is your final warning before hitting the keep reading button!!
Your office was blistering cold as you stared at a huge file on your desk.
You were tasked with connecting and solving a string of cocaine related deaths. Your boss, the police chief Toni, had gave you the case hoping to give you experience with a big case rather than a little one for your first case under the detective title.
But the scenes you saw with this case haunted you. Slacked jaws and frothing mouths. All while the environments around them showed their hopeless situation. You felt bad for the men, probably all dealing with addiction.
You were shaken from your thoughts as the door opened, Toni handing in a weeks worth of lab data. “The lab work for the coke came back. All of the various samples provided were all of the same, and get this, were all stronger and more concentrated.”
“That would make sense, all these men who died we're big named in the crime world.” You added standing up, grabbing both badge and gun. “That would make all the deaths planned! I'm going out, doing one last swoop of some of the crime scenes. I think I'm looking past a bigger picture.”
“Well who do you think it is?"
“I don't know. But I think it's a power play thing. I just need to do investigate more! got this!” You said rushing out of your office, leaving a stunned Toni.
She began to look at your board, seeing towards the end of your board a blank face with the name Jimin written in red ink. He had no connection to the case, but you were considering him.
Toni took a deep breath before shaking her head. “This can't be good...God please protect her…”
As you drove down to the first crime scene, you tried to clarify any leads as who it could possibly be. This has been your focus for the last week, and you had to prove your worth to Toni. It was a personal goal, but hopefully a goal that would be in good favor.
When you pulled into the first crime scene, the place was obviously a party house. The yard and peeking inside, were both messy. Jackson Wang's body was found here, a known crime boss and partier. This was probably one of his go to rental spaces for parties.
You walked past the yellow tape and glanced at the main room. It reeked of booze and death. The table that sat right in front of Jackson's deathbed was still messy as the night of his death. What's a better place to start looking again rather than here?
The table had split drinks, which were now sticky, all over it. But what caught your eye was a brown paper bag. Upon a closer examination, there was a small “P” written on the top. You rose a brow at that. Then you picked it up, looking inside to see more coke.
What drug dealer would mark their works at a and then leave it there once the area became a crime scene? Wouldn't they want to get rid of any connection to the death? More so why hadn't the police picked it up during their first sweep through? Toni was initially over this case, and she didn't seem to be the type to leave crucial evidence behind.
You slipped on a glove and picked up the brown paper bag, putting it into a small zip lock bag you'd brought. Maybe this would be the key to figuring out the cases? You’d just have to visit the other spots and see if the bag was there as well.
Upon your way out you heard a loud gutteral yell. You followed the sound seeing a dark haired man holding his abdomen. He hissed as he slid down the wall. His assailant hurried off, but you didn't have time to chase him up on close inspection of the injured man. Blood began to seep through his shirt.
“Holy shit! Sir, I…I'm going to bring you to the nearest hospital. Just hold onto me while I bring you to my car.” He gave you a small nod, almost as if he had a choice in the matter. You refused to let this man die.
You got down to his side, grabbing his arm to lift him up. You carried his body to the back seat of your car. He kept hissing and groaning, but you settled him down with a cold water bottle you had. “Keep this on or near the wound. It will slow down your blood flow so you don't lose as much.” You then quickly got in and cranked the engine, setting the car to drive.
Jimin laid in the hospital bed, eyes trained to his right, watching as you slept. The amount of love he held for you, reached no boundaries. Jimin knew he was obsessed, but it's not like he could do anything about it.
Once Jimin saw something he wanted, he had to have it.
Jimin had everything planned out.
The police station was already deep in his grasp majority of them being corrupt and self serving. Especially Toni.
Police Chief Toni Braxton was one of his ex’s. It was a relationship that ended months ago and something he didn't miss. However he knew for a fact she missed him.
All it took was hint the possibility of getting back together. And with that Toni almost immediately to fell into her place for his plan.
“Jimin, I still love you. I know I shouldn't but I do.” Toni told him. He knew if he visited her apartment, she would be all over him again. Which was correct, as she was already on his lap, and he hadn't been there not even 30 minutes.
“Oh baby, I'm willing to bring back what we had. I missed all this.” Jimins hand grasped at her ass hard, knowing she'd bruise. Toni let out a small gasp as Jimin continued. “I just need you to do a small favor for me.”
“Anything for you. You know that.”
“You know that new detective you promoted baby? I want her on my case.” Jimin said leaning into Toni's neck, leaving small hickies.
“Why?” She gasped out. Her hand went to his face, pushing his eyes to meet hers. She placed her forehead on his own, lips almost about to connect.
“You know I don't wanna get caught now? She won't be able to catch me, catch us. Just do it until I get things together, then we can have that life we always talked about.” And with that Jimin connected her lips, sealing his ask with a small hot and heavy makeout.
That marked down Toni, next he needed to play hurt. But he knew he couldn't just fake being seriously hurt. He'd already contacted the hospital about his plan, in hope that they'd receive a small extra shipment of what he has to offer.
So he got one of his guys to stab him in the alley by that dickhead Jackson's place. He knew you'd have to revisit as he made sure to leave some things missing from the initial crime scene. Once Jimin saw you, he waited a few minutes before whispering a small now for his man to stab him.
And it hurt.
It fucking felt like he'd been shot, but ten times worse. The stab wasn't deep but still.
But he was relieved as he saw your worried expression come into view.
All of that hard work led to now, him watching your slumbering face. You'd refused to leave his side upon arrival and he couldn't be more grateful for it. You had such a sweet heart. More so you couldn't see the game he was playing.
He was so rudely pulled from his gaze as Toni walked in, brown locs pulled into a pony tail. She took off her uniform seemingly to present herself to him. Her white button down had a few unbuttoned near the top and her pants hugged her curves just right.
It left such a bitter taste in his mouth.
“Jimin! I heard you were hurt.” She turned around looking at your passed out form in the chair. “She's still here?”
“Yeah. Why are you here Toni? The hospital doesn't play with visitors. They're allowing her to stay as mine right now.” He rambled on.
A lie.
But just maybe he could piss her off enough to where she could go on her own accord. But Toni only came closer hands resting on his shoulder.
“I know, I just worry about you. Shes begun to piece things together.” Toni kissed at his temple. “I just hope she doesn't end up getting hurt. I can't have you go to jail for murder now.”
Jimin shrugged Toni away. “Just not right now. I'm actually fucking hurting and all you can think about is her. Obsessed much?”
Toni took a step back before letting out a huff. “Fine. I'll text you later whenever your not being a asshole. Make sure my detective gets back safe.”
Jimin knew damn well he was going to do the exact opposite. In fact she was never going to see him nor you ever again. As soon as Toni walked through the door, she just about secured his and your future together.
“Don't worry baby, I got some men coming get us. It's going to be so nice. I'm happy your played along with all this. I love you.”
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captain-joongz · 1 year
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♤ nikko × 23y/o ('01) ×
◇ currently fighting for my life at uni :'))
♡ multi-stan: EXO (Baekhyun), BTS (Yoongi, Hobi, Jin), ATEEZ (Hongjoong, Seonghwa, San), Stray Kids (Hyunjin, Felix), Seventeen (S.Coups, Dino, Woozi), TxT (Soobin), DPR Ian, Jackson Wang, Sunmi, Bibi, Oneus (Hwanwoong)
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tags you might wanna check out:
#fic reblog : all the fics I've reblogged onto here (mostly one shots)
#favourites : my favourite reads
#reading list: series : series I'm currently following
#to be read : fics for future reads
#updates : anything concerning the updates of my own fics
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☆ requests are closed
♧ masterlist | library
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currently active series
◇ Abraxas (mafia boss!Yoongi x police officer!reader, crime, investigative, eventual smut, slight humour)
♡ Dragonheart (OT7 dragon!BTS x knightess!reader, dragon rider AU, high fantasy, angst, fluff, eventual smut, war and revolution)
updates/projects in works
♧ A little show (non-idol!Yoongi, uni au, smut)
♡ Deserve you (brother-in-law!Seonghwa, smut)
♤ Dragonheart, ch.1
♡ Cinderella (Yoongi x f!reader x Hoseok, pure smut, club au, non-idol) - new release!!!
☆ a little surprise for my patient lovely babes ;)
♧ Sharp teeth, sweet flesh (yandere!tiger spirit!Hongjoong, dark, smut)
☆ Mummy's little helpers (android!Seokjin x f!reader x android!Hoseok, pure smut)
Status updates and sneak peeks <3
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tiaragqueen · 5 years
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✂ Pairing: Yandere! Jackson Wang x Reader
✂ Word Count: 1,4k
✂ Trigger Warning: Mentions of sex, blackmail, possessive and stalking behaviors, stupor, slight degradation, depression, yandere theme.
✂ This story is fictional and for amusement only. I don’t believe any of these members would do this in real life. As always, thank you for reading and I hope you have a good day! [Edited]
If you like my writing, please support me on ko-fi!
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“Beware, beware. Be skeptical of their smiles of plated gold. Deceit so natural, but a wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning.” - Wolf In Sheep's Clothing [Set It Off]
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          “Oh, so this is the girl you’ve been talking about!”
            The sun illuminated Mrs. Wang's bright features as she stood in the threshold of Wang house. Her eyes glittered like little jewels with a smile that showed the excitement of finally meeting a person so anticipated. Her arms were spread wide, like a mother waiting for her child to embrace her after being separated for a long time.
            It was hard to digest that she was the mother of the lunatic beside you. This woman who displayed an open and welcoming body language to you, a stranger. This woman who hugged you without hesitation. This woman who caressed your face as if you were her long-lost daughter.
            This woman who gazed at you with such a warm look that almost made you break down right here and there had Jackson wasn't present to observe everything.
            It wouldn't be a good thing if you behaved badly, would it?
            You forced a smile, resisting the tears that welled in your eyes. God, how long had it been since the last time you've ever felt the affection of a mother? Three months? Half a year?
            Every day, every second felt like an eternity in that apartment and you yearned for the freedom so you could be reunited with your family again.
            Just for once, that's all you asked for.
            You wanted to apologize to your mother for dismissing her warning of the dangers that lurked in parties. You wanted to apologize for being so fucking naïve. You wanted to apologize for ignoring her attempts in saving you. From yourself, and from this doom.
            So many regrets, so many tears have spent, and so little time to fix them all.
            But what could you, a helpless young woman, do against your possessive boyfriend?
            “Hello, Mrs. Wang.” you murmured, bowing respectfully. Even though you hated her son with every fiber of your being, even though you wanted to break his heart into million pieces the same way he'd broken yours in the past, she was still an elder and - in this case - innocent bystander.
            She wasn't the one at fault here. It was him, and would always be him. And you prayed that she could be your one-way ticket to freedom.
            Yet, how could you report his crimes to her without badmouthing him in the process? How could you convince her that he had degenerated into an obsessive and possessive man? What was the polite way to expose the truth?
            Why did freedom seem so close yet so far to reach?
            “Oh, how polite!” Mrs. Wang squealed, clapping her hands once. Your eyes softened at the sight that reminded you of a happy Jackson every time he saw something endearing.
            The past Jackson.
            The fake Jackson.
            You discreetly clenched your fists, repressing the fond memory. Although you wanted to express these feelings - the emotional baggage that you've carried and hidden in fear of provoking his anger - you knew that there would be a terrible consequence.
            Mrs. Wang stepped forward and pinched your cheeks, unaware of the depressed self that was concealed behind a demure facade. “And cute too! Where did you find her?”
            This wasn't what you were born with.
            This wasn't what you used to be.
            Your old self was much more extroverted; your old self was the kind of girl who bounced up to people and enthusiastically introduced herself. Your old self was the kind of girl who liked to make small talks because she couldn't stand awkward silence. Your old self adorned a beaming face to the world instead of a glum one.
            Your old self was happier than this new self.
            Your old self was fussier than this new self.
            Your old self had twinkles in her eyes instead of dark holes that sucked out every joy from the little things in life. The little things that you often reminisced during your free time. The little things that you used to be grateful for because they made you alive.
            Not happy, but alive nonetheless.
            Jackson blushed, rubbing his nape sheepishly. “I... kinda bumped into her during my first day of college.”
            It had been a cliché encounter; the guy accidentally crashed into the girl when she's carrying a huge stack of books. But the difference was, you weren’t the shy nerd.
            No, you were far from that. The only reason why you'd brought them was that you couldn't afford to repeat a semester just because you'd failed a lot of assignments in the first place.
            If only you rejected his offer to teach you.
            If only you avoided him.
            If only you were a bit sharper to notice that he had been watching you, both from parties and on the campus. That the accident was no accident at all. That he had been waiting around the corner where he knew you’d be passing by soon.
            Like a clueless red riding hood, you’d fallen into a leaf-covered hole the sheep had cleverly set up. And when you looked up to scream - because you’d lost your dignity on that bed after you liquored up your mind and was in an absolute lost - you saw the sheep peeking from the lip of the hole. You didn’t know that he was the culprit yet, and had been relieved to see him.
            Long claws reached for the zipper and slowly pulled it down, revealing a nasty wolf with his sickening grin and gleaming eyes. He spouted on some nonsense about how you belonged to him now - the throbbing pain deep inside you and the purplish markings confirmed it - and it would be useless to run away.
            You had vehemently denied this, even though you couldn’t doubt the validity of that fact. But when he showed you another poof; a heated kiss that instigated his ownership of you, you knew.
            That your world was absolutely ruined.
            That your freedom had been robbed from you.
            That you had given yourself to be manipulated like a fucking puppet in a simple act of blackmail.
            And it was all thanks to your lack of self-control.
            “I must say, Jackson, she’s definitely a keeper!” Mrs. Wang gushed after you demurely answered a barrage of questions from her. From basic things such as your hobbies and the like, to how long you’d been dating him. “You guys are so compatible with each other, I almost feel jealous.”
            Although you were happy with her apparent fondness, you also knew that she had implicitly given him her approval. You might be oblivious in some aspects, but you weren’t entirely stupid either. If there was one lesson during your ‘detainment’, was that you’d learned to be aware of his moods. And the wide, joyous smile displayed his happiness.
            Jackson chuckled and wrapped an arm around you to show her just how much of an affectionate boyfriend he was. You tensed slightly, regardless of how many times he’d done this before. The act didn’t go unnoticed by him too.
            “Thanks, I’m lucky to meet her too.” He rubbed your arm in hope of easing the tension, but it only succeeded in skyrocketing your nerves.
            Did he think that a pure gesture like that could magically solve everything? How fucking naive of him.
            “Aw, you guys are so cute! Wait here while I call your brother first.”
            Your fingers twitched in your lap as you watched Mrs. Wang stood up from the couch, tempting you to grab the hem of her shirt and followed you to God knows where. Anywhere, as long as you didn’t have to be alone with him again. You wouldn’t mind it if she tasked you with other household chores. In fact, that was what you needed right now.
            A distraction.
            “I see that you’ve been very good in acting,” he murmured, destroying any chance of you to approach her and beg her to call the police. Or escape through the backdoor, if they had one. “Very obedient. I like it.”
            His backhanded compliment did nothing to diminish the odium in which he casually sat beside you without any repercussions for his sins.
            “Keep that up, and I might consider giving you a reward.” Jackson tilted your chin up with his other hand and smiled the very same smile that had you fooled in the first place. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
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sweetestofchaos · 3 years
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ㄒ山讠丂七🝗ᗪ  1,504
🆆🅰🆁🅽🅸🅽🅶🆂: SFW. Interracial Relationship. Black!Reader. Cursing. Mental/Emotional Abuse. Toxic Relationship. Yandere!Jackson. Blood. Murder. Attempted Murder. Cheating (if you squint). This is gonna be on the darker side. 
“𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘱𝘪𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘦.  𝘐 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘸𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳,  𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵. 𝘞𝘦 𝘧𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘢𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵... 𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝐼 𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑘𝑛𝑜𝑤 ℎ𝑜𝑤 𝑡𝑜 be 𝑚𝑦𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢.”
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Jackson lost his mind. He knew someone had to have kidnaped Y/N. There was no other explanation for him to come home to an empty house. He called his friends; it was time to go hunting. Finding you was easy; it only took a little over three weeks and you were alone. Jackson was confused if you weren’t kidnaped why did you leave? Jackson’s second in command recommended that they wait to bring you back home. If they watched you, maybe they would be able to understand your thought process better. They watched your every move. You thought you were free, but they allowed you to be lulled into a false sense of security. They watched as you made a new life for yourself, as you became a new woman. They would get you back, it was only a matter of time...
You had played around for much too long and seemed to forget just who you belonged to. They tolerated the flirting and exchanging of numbers. Hell, they even allowed another man to touch you and entertain the idea of ever being able to call you his. Jackson ordered that the man, Choi San, be watched just as closely as Y/N. San unbeknownst to him, decided to play a very dangerous game and he would pay for it with his life. This was all your fault and Jackson would make sure you were aware of the mistake. Bambam and Yugyeom followed San on the night of a full moon. Tonight, was the night everything would go back to the way things were supposed to be. They waited until San walked into your house and shut the door before they called the rest of the guys and made their move.
Youngjae was the one to knock on the front door since he was the best at acting. When San opened the front door like he owned the place, they all wanted to skin him alive. Youngjae cleared his throat and flawlessly lied about being friends of the family; he even went as far as to say they had horrible news to share with you. Seeing the sadness in Youngjae’s eyes, San believed his words and invited the group in.
“San? Who was at the door at this hou-” Your voice carried in the air as you descended the steps in a purple silk nightgown, your unruly curls piled on top of your head. Your face was void of any makeup and it was clear that you weren’t’ wearing a bra. You felt yourself choke on fear as your eyes connected with Jackson’s emotionless brown eyes. You rushed to San’s side, and he wrapped his arm around your waist. “W-what do you want?”
Jackson watched as San openly touched what didn’t belong to him. Rage boiled in Jackson’s heart making the veins in his neck and temple throb as he tried to keep up the act of being sad. Sensing the sift in Jackson’s emotions, Jinyoung smoothly moved in front of Jackson to block San from his view. Mark frowned as he watched you lean into San’s side, and he forced tears to come to his eyes as his bottom lip trembled.
You saw the malice behind their eyes, you weren’t stupid, and it made you nervous. “C-can you give us a moment, San?”
San stared down at you and mistook the fearful look on your face for worry. “I’m not going anywhere, babe.” San tightened his hold on you, and you wished you could stop him, but San loved you and he wanted to make sure you would be okay.
“Y/N.” Mark’s voice was laced in a subtle warning as he took a step forward. Mark ignored San and stared at you, “I’m sorry.”
“W-wait!” You couldn’t beg fast enough before Mark snatched you away from San and held you in his arms while Jinyoung and Jaebeom held San back. They kicked the back of San’s legs, making him fall to his knees and tears were spilling down your cheeks. “J-Jackson please!”
San struggled to get out of their hold and Jackson walked up to stand in front of him. Jackson gripped San’s face forcefully in his hand and San glared up at him making a bitter laugh fall from Jackson’s lips. “You really are a ballsy one, I’ll give you that…” Jackson’s lips twitched at the corners as he ran a thumb over San’s lips. “How many kisses did you steal? How many times did-” Jackson cut himself off and held out his free hand.
“No, please, Jackson! I-I’m sorry!”
Bambam placed a knife in Jackson’s outstretched hand and Jackson hummed at your words. “Sorry?” Jackson turned his head to look at you and raised an eyebrow. “Oh, daisy, you will be.” Jackson smirked and slashed his hand sideways, sending the blade across San’s throat. You screamed and tried to break away, but Mark tightened his hold on. Jackson pushed San away from him and cracked his neck, his eyes were ablaze with a sinister joy as he watched San struggle to stay alive.
“San! S-San!” You cried and swung your leg back, hitting Mark right between his legs. Mark groaned and his hold on you slackened making it easier for you to break away. The others made a move to stop you, but Jackson waved them off. You fell to your knees and cradled San’s head in your lap. “I’m sorry, I’m s-so sorry!” San grabbed your hand; blood instantly made your skin feel sticky. You squeezed San’s hand and cried as he choked, panic and distress clear in his eyes. “I-it’s okay…we’ll be okay.” You whispered, hoping to ease San’s worries as he grabbed at the thin material covering your stomach. San’s grip loosened and his eyes glazed over as he died in your arms.
Jackson clicked his tongue and once again you were held back by Mark. You felt numb, your heartbeat seemed to slow down as your brain tried to process what happened. Where did you go wrong? How did this monster find you? You came back to reality when Jackson scoffed and threw something at your feet, “That’s the best he could do?” Jackson sneered and your eyes zoned in on the small silver band by your feet. A fresh set of tears rolled down your face and you covered your mouth. You felt sick, your legs gave out and Mark was quick to stop your fall. You knew better than you speak your mind, you would be punished for running away. 
You knew Jackson wouldn’t forgive you easily, but you had a plan. If they truly loved you as much as they claimed, they would give you this one gift. Jackson frowned at your current state and the fire in his eyes seemed to fizzle out as he took in your broken form. You looked so small, your brown skin lost its glow, your curls were frizzy, your face was puffy from crying and your purple nightgown was soaked in blood. Jackson held out his arms towards you and sighed, "C'mere, let me hold you-"
You flinched away from him, scared of what he would do to you. “I’m pregnant.”
The words hung in the air, and you watched as Jackson’s arms dropped to his sides. Mark released his hold on you, and you wrapped your arms around yourself. All eyes were on you, and you looked down at the ring by your feet. Everyone was silent, they were disappointed, confused, jealous and joyful. You were pregnant! It seemed to click in everyone’s minds at once what that meant, and all eyes moved to Jackson. You were pregnant by a man…that wasn’t him. Yugyeom, Bambam and Youngjae shared a look before they looked to Jinyoung, Jaebeom and Mark who kept a close eye on Jackson. Jackson’s hand twitched and he tightened his hold on the bloodied knife.
“Get rid of it.”
Everything happened so fast. The shouts and screams of yourself and the guys all mixed when Jackson made his move. Mark pulled you away, Yugyeom and Bambam made a barrier between you and Youngjae pried the knife from Jackson’s hand as Jinyoung and Jaebeom held him back. Jackson was livid. How dare you betray him this way! How could you let another man impregnant you? Jackson trashed around in his friend’s arms, he cursed and called you out of name. Jackson was hurt and it hurt him more to see you look so terrified of him; but nothing hurt worse than your betrayal.
“Jackson! Jackson enough!” Jinyoung’s firm voice reached Jackson and cleared the deadly haze from his mind. “Let’s go.” Jinyoung placed his hand on the back of Jackson’s neck and gave him a firm squeeze. “You could use a drink.” Jinyoung lead Jackson out of the house and glanced back at everyone else as they scrambled to gather everything you would need for the trip back home. Life was once again a reminder that devils were real, and you were stuck with them.
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daemour · 3 years
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Pairing: Jackson Wang x fem!Reader
Warnings: Allusions to death and murder, Jackson’s a dick and a bit of a yandere
Summary: Jackson’s addicted to you
Genre: Angst, straight up just angst and like creepy vibes idk ??? part 5? of dae doesn’t know genre
Word count: 519
Jackson smiled as he turned to his side and looked at the sleeping girl beside him. She was the love of his life, even if her family of one sibling disapproved. She had found him at his lowest and he just wanted to keep her all, all to himself. His own little painkiller. And he wouldn’t have let anyone get in the way of his love.
That’s why the sibling had to go. Jackson would’ve rather the family liked him, but what’s done is done. And thankfully, his love doesn’t know. Jackson would keep it from her for as long as he can, he couldn’t– wouldn’t lose her.
Jackson slips out of bed, making sure his lover did not awaken. He had work to do, but she should be as comfortable as she could be. He would do anything for him and her to have a happy life together, even if it was built on lies. Which is what he needed to do today.
Some little shit, in fact, the same little shit that killed the girl’s sibling, messed up his plans. A politician was getting on his case since that man, Mr Lee-or-what’s-his-face, helped Jackson dispose of the– ahem– liability. So Jackson hired someone else to kill the man, but the first assassin, K, got in his way. Apparently, he had been hired to save Mr Lee or something.
However, Jackson was a businessman through and through, reading the contract and between the lines of the contract. K had fucked up his end when he promised he wouldn’t get in the way of Jackson after the incident. So Jackson would hunt him down and make him regret, regret his choice. It was the least he could do for his love.
“Jackson?” Jackson turns around, a carefully placed smile on his face. “(Y/N),” he coos, “why are you up already?”
You walked closer, warping your arms around Jackson’s waist loosely. “I woke up and you weren’t there.” Jackson plants a kiss on your forehead, and you hum at the feeling. “I was talking to my sibling a few days ago.”
Jackson’s blood runs cold, but while he may be a businessman first and foremost, his career is built on lies, and his face remains impassive. “And? They’ve never been supportive of us.”
You sigh, hands moving up and tangling themselves in Jackson’s rough hair. “I want to visit them. They’ve become a little nicer whenever I mention you, and I just– I want to try one last time. Then I’ll let you whisk me away like you’ve always wanted.”
Jackson just smiles, albeit a little cooly. “Of course we can, baby. Let’s drop in on them this afternoon, yeah? I’m sure they won’t be expecting us.”
He links hands with his lover, letting her warmth seep into his cold hands and overtake his senses. He was numb unless she was there with him, his drug. When she discovers her sibling dead, she will run to him and Jackson can feel his heart pick up at the idea.
If she is forever his, that will be all Jackson needs.
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gongju-juice · 4 years
GOT7 as Types of Yandere
Warnings: Yandere stuff duh
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-Belongs as the leader of a street gang
-You are the daughter of a popular politician
-First saw you at a campaign party where your father and your family made an appearance
-Decided right then the greatest heist he could ever pull is stealing you from your father
-Tried to be “peaceful” about it at first by attempting to get your number over a round of drinks
-You recognized his face from the national news and kindly told him to fuck off
-In retaliation, he fired into the air and got everyone’s attention 
-He told them that you were his mistress
-Of course, you tried to plead for your innocence. Nobody believed you.
-He ripped you from the scene and threw you in his black and silver helicopter that waited for him on the rooftop of the skyscraper
-Has a corruption kink
-Wants to tattoo his name across your body but he’s not sure if that’ll mess up the view of your pretty skin or not.
-Threatens to kill your family members/friends when you misbehave
-Has goons and guards that follow you around and know your every move
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-Is your average college kid doing parkour and failing exams
-First saw you walking from your class one lazy morning, books tucked under your arm
-Followed you around campus, quiet as a mouse. Memorized your weekly schedule so that he knew what time you went to school, when you went to work, and when you finally got home in the evenings
-Would break into your apartment on the days he couldn’t see you so he could catch your scent
-You finally caught him as you came home one night after you came home from work.
-He was sitting there, arms crossed, as you walked in the room. You tried to run for the door, you tried to use your phone—but the door wouldn’t open and your phone wouldn’t turn on.
-Turns out, he is a master hacker in disguise. He had programmed your entire apartment to respond to his command: all at the touch of his watch.
-Would never hurt you but constantly punches his fists against the wall until his knuckles are dripping in blood
-Is actually pretty chill unless you try to leave him. He can see everywhere you go and anything you do. You cannot escape him.
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-Is a hot celebrity icon who everyone adores and can’t take seriously
-First saw you at his fan meet. You actually were one of his fans.
-He had his company staff take you backstage and tie you up in ropes and duct tape. The next thing you knew, you were hurtling down China’s busiest interstate in black SUV.
-Finds you so cute and adorable. Can’t ever keep his hands off you. He must have you. You had to be his woman.
-Will actually bring you out in public with him. But if you try to call him out or escape, he’ll make you seem crazy, thus garnering support—quite the opposite effect you’d hope for.
-Hates when you misbehave because he feels that as the “daddy,” he must discipline you harshly. Says that it pains him immensely and will even punish himself because he feels he didn’t do his job well in training you.
-Wants to get you pregnant soooo bad. He thinks if he can give you a child, you will finally accept him.
-Has sudden mood switches where one moment he is the giddy, normal Jackson, and the next moment he is an unstable demon. In these moments, it’s best to do exactly what he says and prepare for a long night. 
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-Is the successful son of the top prosecutor in Seoul—is a lawyer and a part-time detective
-Is also beloved by the public, government, and the general crowds
-Solves brutal murders, class-one robberies, and puts high-profile criminals in jail just about everyday
-Has connections to literally every person in power in South Korea and Asia in general
-First saw you when doing detective work at a bar down in Gangnam
He decided then that he needed you—he could take out all his frustration on you. After all, seeing all the gore and sin that he did was bound to get to him. 
-He believes it is his right to own you.
-Reported you missing and launched an “investigation”
-”Concluded” you’d committed suicide by jumping into the Han River—even produced a body that looked just like you
-You once escaped from his luxurious penthouse and ran to the police station. 
-When you got there, the police made you wait in the back. You thought they were protecting you. Fifteen minutes later, Park Jinyoung himself showed up to collect his precious jagiya. The authorities are in on it too.
-Basically made you completely disappear from the world
-Would not hesitate to slap you and show you his authority if you disrespect him
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-Is a Thai Prince. He is second-line to the throne after his sickly older brother.
-Nobody questions his authority which is why he is quite spoiled and can do whatever he wants
-First saw you at his birthday party. Despite all of the gold and designer clothes waiting to be open on the present table, he wanted you.
-His servants drug you off to his royal chamber where you were pampered beyond degree. 
-If a man looks at you, they will be killed mercilessly (if he has not given them permission to look at you first)
-Dresses you up in the finest silks, fabrics, and jewelry. You are his doll to spoil, and your clothes must match his to show that he owns you.
-Got rid of his harem because you are the only one he desires
-You once tried to argue for your freedom one day at the Supreme Court. Turns out there is a law that allows the royal family to kidnap and keep anyone they please to their own disposal.
-Likes to fuck you while diamond necklaces hang from your neck.
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-Was an emotionally unstable patient at a psychiatric hospital.
-You were his Psychiatrist and primary physician.
-He fell in love with you because of your maternal-like personality and gestures of kindness.
-He crafted a master plan in order to snatch you away from the hospital and keep you hidden away in an abandoned mansion
-Threatens to kill himself anytime you try to escape or misbehave
-You are his noona (even if he is older than you lol)
-Is schizophrenic and sees you doing things when nothing has actually even happened.
-Refuses to take his medication if he thinks you are being dishonest with him. Is eternally paranoid that you will leave him one day so he literally never leaves your side.
-Is very sweet when he’s not currently experiencing a crisis. Will bring you flowers or make you cake. 
-Expects you to make breakfast, lunch, and dinner and feed him like a child.
-Has manipulated you so far by threatening you with double suicide if you don’t comply. 
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-Actually seemed pretty normal and harmless at first. That was your first mistake.
-He has the worst temper and is the most obsessive man under the guise of those cute cheeks.
-Will straight up lock you in his apartment for weeks on end when he gets “probable cause”
-You used to walk his dogs when he went out for work in the daytime.
-He asked you out on a date, and for three months, you were the happiest couple.
-Then the switch came. You stared at the waiter too long at his favorite restaurant, and he lost it. 
-You didn’t leave his bedroom until a week later.
-He calls your dogs your “kids” and will manipulate you into thinking the dogs are really against you. . .
-And they are. He has trained Coco to bark non-stop if you get within ten feet of the door.
-Has shattered your phone on multiple occasions and gets furious if you get any messages while he is next to you
-Sometimes forgets how cruel he really is. Doesn’t remember punishing you for weeks on end. It’s like his mind completely wipes the bad memories from his mind.
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rikihasthebestsmile · 2 years
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Synopsis: Nishimura Yn and Seo Changbin; everyone knew about their hate for each other so it was a surprise for everyone seeing them leave the same room in a messed up state. It was even more surprising seeing Yn leaving South Korea for Japan one month after that but no one (expect people close to her) knew why: that night she got pregnant with Changbin’s son. But know, four years later she’s back in her hometown for University and with a son to take care of meeting a really changed Changbin wasn’t in her plans.
Pairing: SeoChangbin x f!reader — college AU, non-idol AU
Warnings: mentions of a one night stand, a child, yandere behaviors, stalking, killing/kindnapping intentions (I DO NOT ROMANTICIZE ANY OF THIS wtf).
Genre: “enemies” to lovers
Characters: Stray Kids, Ni-Ki from Enhypen (Hyunjin’s cousin and Yn’s younger brother), fem!OC, yeji and Ryujin from Itzy.
Status: finished
Started: 05 November 2022
Permanent taglist (OPEN)!
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Asahi’s fanclub | 50 shades of dumb
➳ 001. A night to forget…or not (+ written part)
➳ 002. Guess who’s back
➳ 003. That’s my line 🐺
➳ 004. Y’all drinking as if you’re going to die tomorrow (+written part)
➳ 006. Right in front of my salad
➳ 007. Two sunshines in a room (written)
➳ 008. Seriouslix
➳ 009. That’s plan B
➳ 010. Considers murder
➳ 011. I’m going full Mikasa Ackerman
➳ 012. Jeongin in his Iron Man era (written)
➳ 013. Asahi isn’t fatherless anymore (+ written part)
➳ 014. Changbin in his dilf era
➳ 015. Riki has friends?
➳ 016. Why didn’t her plane FUCKING FALL
➳ 017. Alexa play ‘deja vu’ by Olivia Rodrigo (+ written part)
➳ 018. Captain Jackson Wang
➳ 019. My muse (written + 1 screen)
➳ 020. I would rather die (written)
➳ 021. He’s a man now 💔
➳ 022. ᵇʸᵉ ᵇʸᵉ ᵇᵃᵇʸ
➳ 023. Hotel : trivago
➳ 024. 3RACHA in their actually famous era??
➳ 025. Hyunjin in his babysitter era (spoiler: epic fail)
SPECIAL ➳ 026. You know what they say?
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Go and see my other works!
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Permanent taglist: @kailoveskpopstuff @aishidaishi @lumineee @toshijimafarms @mynameisnotlaura @soobin-chois @meowmeowisdaname @vampcharxter @inlovewithallmusic
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
Cruel - Slight Yandere!Demon King!Jackson Wang X Reader
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Slight Yandere AU & Demon AU- Based off of Cruel by Jackson Wang
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst
Pairing: Jackson X Reader
Words: 3,421
Warnings: This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: So I know this isn’t the update I mentioned earlier but as soon as I watched the MV and listened to this song I was hit by the inspiration and motivation freight train (which, honestly, is quite surprising for me as of late) so I really wanted to get this written and posted. I think this MV is honestly going to be one of my favourites, it’s just so amazing and the aesthetic is right up my alley oof.... anyways, I really hope you all like this one even if it’s a bit short! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy~
They took you. They thought they could keep him away from you, but oh, how wrong they were. 
Nobody touches what’s his and gets away with it, least of all if that someone is you.
They took you away from him, and now they must pay.
The underworld can be a cruel place, not meant for the feint of heart. It takes a brave soul to be able to travers its expanses unless you are one of the Seven rulers of the land. One of which has been missing for centuries, leaving the Six remaining to divvy up the territories, and rule over those that remain.
Everyone knows the most basic rule: it is not a land for humans.
Until one was brought here against their will.
Of the Seven rulers, Five Queens and One King remained. Led by Queen Selkie, the Five Queens plotted against the King, for he should not be sharing a bed with someone else. A mortal no less. A mortal who had no idea of the demon they let into their home every night.
Thus, you were kidnapped in the middle of the night. Torn right from within his grasp, weakened by the power of Four under the Fifth, who commanded your capture upon learning of his connection to you.
If she couldn’t have him, no one can.
Selkie’s love for Jackson was strong, her desire for him twisting deep into the darkest parts of her soul. What she didn’t realize, though, was that he was the same way. Only, his darkness ran deeper; was stronger, and all because of you.
Which is exactly why they had to take you from him, to lure him right into their trap once and for all.
It was no easy feat, kidnapping you right from beneath his nose, but they did it. Too many of their underlings lost their lives keeping him busy long enough for the Queens to bring you back to the underworld. By the time Jackson had arrived, his shirt had already been torn to shreds, his skin bathed in the blood of the damned.
Phasing into the underworld in a haze of smoke, Jackson’s feet touch the ashen wasteland of his home. Fires already burn around him as he breathes in the all too familiar toxic fumes. No flame blazes as bright, or as intensely, as his eyes do. Eyes which frantically search for any sign of you.
Taking a step forward, Jackson puffs out a breath of flames, needing to expel some of the pent up energy he’s created fighting off the underlings from earlier. Besides, if he doesn’t find you soon, he may just go insane. That is, if he hasn’t already.
Luckily, it doesn’t look as if he’ll have to look very far, for one of the Four materializes before him, a dagger held in her hand.
“Where are they?” Jackson’s voice is but a growl as he locks eyes with the Queen in front of him.
Her own eyes burn gold as they meet his own, a hiss passing her lips, “soon to be dead. As they should be.”
A roar escapes him as Jackson lunges for the Queen. Extending his arm, he gravitates her body towards his, catching her by surprise as he lands the first hit. Her eyes widen as he mockingly caresses the side of her face, cupping her jaw in his hand.
The dagger falls to the ground as her lips part. The fury blazing within his eyes is like nothing that she’s ever seen before. Incurring the wrath of the One King is not something any one of them should have taken lightly, but now, faced with the full force of Jackson’s rage, his insanity, she cannot stop the tremor that runs through her body.
What have they done?
Moving quickly, the Queen slaps his arm away, bringing her other hand up to wrap around his neck. Unfortunately, she isn’t fast enough, and Jackson shoves her off of him in the next moment. 
He scowls, the Three other Queens materializing out of thin air to surround him.
“You won’t get away with this,” he spits, eyes like liquid gold.
The Four Queens manage to bind him, the Three raising their daggers to strike as one whispers in his ear, “we already have.”
A flash and he’s turned the tables, flinging the Three off of him with a force strong enough to have them dropping their daggers. The Fourth, now trapped in his embrace, struggles to free herself as his hands sear their touch onto her skin.
Tracing his one hand up to her neck, the Queen can feel her essence following in its path. Her lips part, a fiery hue escaping past them as Jackson sucks the soul right out of her. The other Three can only watch on in horror as their sister gets thrown to the side, her body now an empty husk of what it once was.
A battle cry leaves the Queens’ lips as the Three lunge at Jackson.
Taking advantage of their blind rage, Jackson easily lets himself be caught by the Three. Again, he traps one in his arms, sucking the soul right out of her as the other Two claw at him from behind.
“No!” The Two shriek as they watch yet another one of their sisters fall to the ground.
Jackson smirks, grabbing onto each Queen behind him by the neck as he uses his newly gained power to obtain the both of their souls simultaneously. As the fiery wisps enter his system, his whole body glows. Golden veins light up his skin as the Two fall to the ground, lifeless and empty.
For a moment, Jackson stands there, his eyes closed as he lets this new power wash over him. Never before has he felt so alive. Well, other than when he’s with you, of course.
Calming his racing heart, his eyes flare open, gaze lit with the flames of insanity he carries within him now. Nothing will stop him from getting you back. Nothing.
Slowly, Jackson begins to advance towards the throne that sits between the two High Pillars of the underworld. A throne which he knows Selkie has wanted to share with him since the dawn of time.
He scowls, and this time, his rage escapes him in the form of another breath of flame as he raises his head to the scorched sky above. How dare Selkie take away what’s his. How dare she touch you. If she thinks this works in her favour, then she is sadly mistaken. 
The only two things on Jackson’s mind now are killing her, and saving you.
Finally, he reaches the bottom of the stairs leading up to the throne. Looking upwards, Jackson inhales the smoke from his lungs. His golden eyes burn the brightest they ever have, like liquid flame, as he slowly begins the ascent to the throne.
The moment his head breaches the peak of the stairs, a gasp is escaping your lips. Never before have you see the look in Jackson’s golden eyes. The look of a crazed man, who has been betrayed, but will also stop at nothing to reclaim what has been taken from him. 
With wide eyes, you assess his figure. 
Black blood covers almost every inch of his bare torso, smeared along his neck and all over his hands. You swallow your suddenly dry throat as he meets your gaze, and he looks almost relieved to see that you’re still breathing.
There you sit, beaten and bloody on the ground, dirt covering your wounds. Never has he felt so close to you, yet so far away at the same time.
Selkie sits smugly on the throne before him, her legs crossed as she twirls a dagger in her hands. It’ll only take him a minute to wipe that smirk right off of her face, but he still cannot stop the relief from racing through him at seeing that you’re still alive.
His brow nearly furrows. How are you still alive? The climate of the underworld would kill any normal mortal. Unless Selkie has done something to you.
“Jackson.” His name is but a plea from your lips.
So badly does he want to speak, to tell you that he’s here, and that nothing else is going to hurt you. Except, he cannot, for Selkie beats him to it.
“See.” She hisses, a chuckle falling from her lips. “See what a demon he’s become.”
Jackson’s eyes flash briefly to glare at Selkie before softening his gaze to look at you. His heart nearly stops right then and there. You can’t be looking at him in fear, can you? No, that can’t be it. You know he would never hurt you, but who knows what lies Selkie has fed you to further her own desires.
“What have you done to them?” Jackson turns his intense gaze to the Queen before him once more.
“Me?” Selkie hums, pausing the twirling of her dagger as she looks down upon him in her throne. “Why, I simply told them the truth.” She stands. “About who you are.” She takes a single step down from her throne. “What you are.” She takes another, each phrase accented by her slow decent down the stairs of her throne. “What you become.” Another. “Your desires.” Until finally, she’s on even ground with him, standing directly beside you as you brace your hands in the dirt before you. “And how you’re only using them to get what you want.”
A silence settles over the three of you as Selkie’s words sink in. Then, in a voice barely above a whisper, you speak.
“I never said I believed you.”
“Silence!” Selkie’s eyes flare gold as she backhands you across the face, your whole body crashing into the ground as dust rises at the impact.
Jackson sees red.
“Touch them again and it will be the last thing you ever do.” His voice is but a growl as his eyes flare gold, his fists clenching at his sides.
“Honestly, I don’t know what you see in a pathetic mortal,” Selkie rolls her eyes, shrugging off her jacket while cracking her neck. “You deserve a Queen. One that is both strong and cunning. Not some weakling.”
“A Queen, you say?” Jackson hums, mockingly, tilting his head slightly as he look at Selkie before him, her golden, spiked crown glinting through the hazy atmosphere. He smirks. “I already have one.”
With those words, they both lunge for each other. Selkie raises her dagger to strike, but Jackson is quick to counter, grabbing both her wrists in his own. In an instant, Selkie drops her blade, it skidding to the side as she knees Jackson in the stomach. Not even a second later, she uses her powers to flick him away.
Dragging his hand on the ground to steady himself, Jackson skids to a stop, snapping his head up to look at the slowly approaching Selkie. Taking a stand, she waves a hand in the air, making the rocks surrounding her levitate. With a flick of her wrist, she sends the stones flying at Jackson, who easily dodges them. 
Landing back on his feet, Jackson is quick to look around seeing as Selkie has seemingly disappeared. You can see the furrow in his brow as she appears behind him, and you panic.
“Behind you!” You shout, just in time, too, for Jackson manages to duck beneath her next blow.
Turning around, the two come face to face once more. Selkie goes to strike him next, but Jackson parries her blow, managing to get in a hit on her ribs and sending her stumbling back.
She glares at him, and then you. Only, before she can even take another step in your direction, Jackson is stepping between the two of you. All you can see of him now is his back, but you know from the scowl that Selkie wears that she is not pleased about this turn of event.
“Your fight is with me.” He states, voice low and ominous, like the threat of an oncoming storm. “When I’m done with you, there will be nothing left.”
Selkie flexes her fingers, nails sharpening into claws. “You’ll come to regret those words.”
Again, Selkie lunges at him, swiping at his neck with her claws. Luckily, Jackson manages to dodge in time, only to get hit by the kick she sends his way right after. Stumbling forward, she uses this to her advantage, landing another blow to his side and causing him to tumble to his knees.
“Jackson!” Your voice comes out frantic as you watch Selkie hoist him up by his neck.
With her fingers digging into his skin, she uses her powers to raise them both off the ground. She smirks.
“Now, look at where that vain desire got you.” Selkie chastises mockingly, shaking her head in the process. “We could have had it all, you know? Power. Glory. Everything.” She tightens the hold she has around his neck as Jackson chokes out a gasp. “We could have been so good together, but you went and threw it all away for some human.”
Jackson can do nothing but struggle, Selkie’s powers binding him in the air as she maintains the hold she has on his neck. Slowly, she brings both of her hands up to caress the sides of his face, still keeping him bound using her powers. He grits his teeth, golden eyes ablaze as he meets her own.
“The sad part is I now have to kill you,” her eyes flit to you who Jackson can clearly see looking on in horror from over her shoulder, “and I think I’m going to enjoy it. Though, not as much as killing them.”
In an instant, his eyes widen, lips parting in protest at her words. However, before he can say anything, he can feel his soul leaving his body as she sucks the essence right out of him. Those same fiery veins that lit up his skin appear on hers, trailing down her neck as she drains the life right out of him.
Once she’s satisfied, she releases the hold she has on him. Instantly, a portal appears behind Jackson’s body, the dark clouds swirling within as Selkie flicks her wrist, sending him flying through the air. With another flick of her wrist, the portal disappears, Jackson along with it.
Carefully, her feet touch the ground and she’s turning to you once more. You, who sits there, surprisingly still, as shock courses through your body. Jackson couldn’t have been defeated so easily. It’s not possible.
Looking up at Selkie, you watch as she approaches you menacingly, a smirk clear on her features. However, what you’re not expecting, is for a dark smoke to start swirling behind her. You blink.
“Now, to dispose of you.” She snarls, teeth bared as her claws extend once more.
Just as she raises a hand to strike you down, her whole body freeze. Horror paints her face as she feels an arm snake around her torso, a separate hand wrapping around her throat.
“I thought I told you,” Jackson’s voice is low as he speaks from right beside her ear, “I’ll kill you if you touch them again.”
With a spray of blood, Jackson rips her throat out with a snarl on his face. As her ruined body falls to the ground, he absorbs the essence of her soul, the fiery substance setting his eyes ablaze once more.
Taking a deep breath while closing his eyes for a moment, he steadies his breathing. A moment later, his golden eyes are snapping open, locking onto your trembling figure.
“It’s okay,” his voice comes out much softer now, his eyes holding nothing but that fondness for you that you’ve come to know from him so well. “I’m here now. You’re safe.”
Instantly, his arms are around you, pulling you into his chest as your own wrap around his torso. Gently, he rubs circles into your back, using his powers to heal you all the while. Surprisingly, you have not shed a single tear.
“Please tell me you don’t have any more crazy exes,” you mumble, and he lets out a laugh in disbelief.
Slowly, he pulls away to look into your eyes. “I don’t know what’s more shocking. The fact that you’re taking this so well, or the fact that you thought she was my ex.”
“She wasn’t your ex?” Your brow furrows, and immediately his one hand moves to smooth the creases from your forehead.
“She did this because I wouldn’t be with her,” he replies.
This only causes your frown to deepen, “crazy bitch.”
He chuckles, a subtle smile tugging at his lips. “You don’t know the half of it.”
A small silence settles over the both of you as he continues to hold you in his arms, your head now resting on his chest. That is, until he’s breaking it once more.
“Still, you’re taking this surprisingly well.” He repeats his words from earlier.
You take a brief pause before answering, as if you’re hesitant to say your next words. “I’ve always known you were different.”
“Oh?” Jackson cannot help but be surprised. “You have, have you?”
“You’re not very good at controlling your eyes when you get emotional.” You reply, a small smirk causing the corner of your lips to tug upwards.
“I’m not?” He sounds quite appalled by this revelation.
Grabbing his face in your hands, you caress his cheeks. In an instant, you’re bringing your lips to his, wordlessly conveying how grateful you are for him, especially in this moment.
Pulling away slightly, you look into his eyes. Eyes which have once again flared gold as he continues to stare at you with that lovestruck expression on his face.
“See,” you hum, smile clear on your features. “Exactly my point.”
He doesn’t even need to look at himself to know that you’re right. After all, he can already see the glow of his eyes in the reflection of yours. An image of which that has him tightening his grip around you subconsciously.
“I thought you were going to be terrified of me,” he whispers, his gaze now downcast. “When I got here, I thought you were scared of me.”
“I could never be scared of you.” Your words set his heart racing in his chest. “If anything, I was terrified of losing you.”
“You don’t know how much those words resonate with me right now,” he says, staring deeply into your eyes. “I don’t know how I could go on without you.”
A subtle grin begins to tug at the corner of your lips, “you’re being melodramatic.”
“I’m not.” Jackson shakes his head, resting his forehead on yours as he grabs your one hand in his. 
For a moment, all is silent. Even the fires burning around you seem to have gone quiet as the two of you revel in each other’s presence. Nothing could come between you now, and Jackson will always be there to make sure of it.
“Stay with me.” His words are but a whisper on the wind, but you still manage to hear them. “Rule at my side, where you are always meant to be. Never leave me, and I will never leave you. I promise you, for as long as we both shall live, nothing will ever harm you, or take you away from me again.”
You smile, giving his hand a slight squeeze with your own. “Always.”
With those words, his lips are on your once more. 
Slowly, he pulls you closer, one hand finding purchase on the back of your neck while the other grips your waist. Carefully, he parts your lips with his own, breathing his essence into you. 
Your whole body heats, veins of liquid fire igniting along your skin as his power washes over you. Never have you felt more alive.
Keeping your eyes closed for the moment, you feel him pull away, somewhat reluctantly. The weight of his forehead pressing against yours grounds you once more as you feel your head spin.
“I’m yours and you’re mine.” His chest rumbles with every word that he speaks. 
You can only hum in response, your eyes opening to stare deeply into his own. The molten gold hue he sees igniting within your gaze is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen in his life. 
He smirks. “Forever.”
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im-657-mv · 3 years
all fics are gender neutral
yandere types - general types of yanderes
yandere stranger things types
you're mine - yandere reader x will byers
blue eyes - henry creel [I], [II], [III], [full]
little princess - yandere eddie munson
the knight - yandere mike wheeler [requested]
lost - vecna [inspired by the doors - you're lost little girl]
summertime - yandere will byers [requested]
yandere alphabet mike wheeler [requested]
red string of fate - yandere will byers
7. "Your family? I am your family!" - mike wheeler [requested]
10. "It is unnatural what I feel towards you..." - steve harrington [requested]
the haunting - vecna
yandere alphabet will byers [requested]
7. "Your family? I am your family! - joyce byers [requested]
9. "I've always fantasized about this moment, let me enjoy your presence, darling..." - 001 [requested]
3. "I wanted you, I wanted you ever since I laid my eyes on you." - mike wheeler [requested]
yandere nct types
darling dearest - yandere nakamoto yuta
the hounds howl - yandere na jaemin
forever friends - yandere lee jeno [requested]
yandere alphabet ten A,D,G [requested]
"can you at least pretend to love me? just for tonight?" + like lovers do by hey violet + qian kun [requested]
yandere na jaemin alphabet [requested]
yandere lee taeyong alphabet
100 ways - yandere spirit emperor nakamoto yuta [inspired by 100 ways jackson wang]
your fantasy - yandere faerie lee taeyong
yandere shinee types
shinee yandere headcannons
my angel - yandere lee taemin
impressionable - yandere lee taemin [inspired by lee taemin - impressionable]
want - yandere lee taemin [inspired by lee taemin - want]
orgel - yandere lee taemin [inspired by shinee - orgel]
yandere ateez types
ateez yandere headcannons
dont stop - yandere pirate kim honjoong [inspired by ateez - dont stop]
“maybe now you’ll acknowledge me and what we have” + meant to be yours by heathers + yandere choi san [requested]
the deal - park seonghwa x yandere demon kim hongjoong [requested]
birthday present - yandere jung wooyoung
"am i not enough?" + new magic wand by tyler the creator + kang yeosang [requested]
shadow - yandere jung wooyoung [inspired by lee taemin - shadow]
your god - yandere god choi san
number one fan - yandere fanboy jung wooyoung
the sun and the moon - yandere emperor park seonghwa
waves of desire - yandere pirate kim hongjoong [requested]
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pancakpop · 7 years
Behind Closed Doors | One
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Read the texts here first to understand what’s happening!
Next Chapter
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Mature Content (Cursing, Drinking, Smoking)
A/N: Unedited, I’m really trying you guys to write these chapters at lighting speed!
Week One
It was surprising how one person could manage to be so evil you could feel the intensity through the screen of your phone. You weren’t scared, oh no you were not scared you were terrified for your life and you couldn’t move, you could only stay frozen on your be. He was always watching you. 
He owned you. 
That was more terrifying to you than being watched, being owned by someone meant that you had no free will, no mind of your own, your body was not yours now. Everything you did would be under his watch. You hated Jaebum, you fucking hated him now. 
What were you to do now? Going back home on Sunday was not an option to you, but what the hell could you do? Going to the police was a no because he would know and he would no doubt kill you. Or maybe he wouldn’t and he’d lock you downstairs in the basement.
What the fuck were you going to do?
It was Sunday, he gave you two days to prepare yourself to be owned by him. Every hour he would send you ‘comforting’ texts, messages of endearment, and warnings of what you were to do when Sunday came around. He was a confusing man, always has been since the beginning of time. One minute he was caressing your skin and the next he turned into a raging psychopath (not that he already wasn’t).
Part of you left him because of his involvement in the mafia, part of you left him because of the way he was so unstable as a person. He knew he was unstable mentally, he spoke about his whole life one night as you two stared up at the ceiling, he had gone through some traumatic shit. He’s a strong person, too strong for his own good. Giving that much power to a mad man will turn the world upside down.
Your soul had left your body, you no longer were capable of feeling emotion or even processing the littlest of things. As you approached the door to the place you once called home, three heavy ass suitcases, and Jinyoung behind you to catch you if you dared to run again there was no way you could process what the hell you were about to do.
“Are you going to knock or what?” He asked you with aggravation in his voice. Jinyoung was tired of this small bullshit Jaebum had him running around in circles for. He was tired of having to watch you as took part in your day to day activities. It felt wrong to stalk someone and threaten someone as good as you, and it was wrong and that’s why Jinyoung had lost some of his respect for his boss.
You couldn’t see it but behind the face of a harden man it broke him a bit to have you go back to the man you felt the need to escape from. “I’m scared.” But then again it was better you than him and he knocked for you.
“Don’t be scared nothing is going to happen to you.”
You found comfort in those words, for once you had been given some type of tranquility through this whole ordeal. Truly you were grateful that he had some sort of emotion towards you, you finally had a real human to communicate with. The words you wanted to say to him were there, they were at the tip of your fucking tongue but as you heard the locks of the front door open you lost those words and you lost yourself.
He was standing in front of you, in flesh. Jaebum looked sharp as he usually did even if he was wearing a simple white shirt and blue jeans. You noticed he had gotten a new ear piercing—an industrial one with a black bar going straight through one end and out the other. He was a monster, but damn did he look amazing. “Hello pretty lady. Come on in we’ve missed you.”
You stepped inside the house hesitantly, your head was spinning and you felt like you would pass out from how bizarre the situation was. It wasn’t until you saw the small bichon frise running towards you that you put on a small smile and greeted her. You’ve had Snowball for almost four years now, you bought her a few months after you and Jaebum started dating. “I missed you so much.” You mumbled not wanting him to hear, but he could hear a damn pin drop in the neighboring house if he wanted to.
“Don’t worry, she won’t be leaving again.”
You felt his stare on you, you were afraid to turn around and be met with his intense eyes. It was funny how you missed the dog more than you did your boyfriend- if you even wanted to call him that anymore. You stood up, grabbing only one of your suitcases heading towards the guest bedroom. You’d be damned if he thought you were sleeping with him. 
Jaebum didn’t question why you had your things in the guestroom. He didn’t question why you maneuvered around him like he was the plague. He wasn’t stupid, in fact he knew you didn’t want anything to do with him anymore but he was selfish, if he couldn’t have you then no one could have you. In his mind that translated to killing you but he couldn’t bring himself to do it…yet.
The house felt like winter; cold, a drastic change from the house that was once warm and filled with love. It seems like everything was near perfect, you loved each other, you were happy with the materialistic things Jaebum showered you with him and he was happy that you were satisfied with the lifestyle you two had. He was always a man who wanted to protect those he loved from the world, this meant that he didn’t like exposing you to the reality of his job, but he knew he had to show you one day. But you were as soft as a butter, you melted as soon as heat came.
Jaebum use to question himself—due to the pestering of his men—on whether or not to have you lead beside him, but one look at you while your sleeping and it was clear that you were not as crazy as him or any of his men to be able to look past all the gruesome aspects of the mafia life. “I—,” he couldn’t get his words out which was odd for him and you. He was a man of a lot of words, using them to toy with people.
You were curious now, during the eight hours you’ve been here you took it upon yourself to not go anywhere near him. You stayed tucked away in the guestroom, hesitantly packing away your clothes and not even in the home you use to love, in a room far from him did you still feel uncomfortable.
You hummed, “did you say something?” 
Jaebum wasn’t sure if it was the fact that you had actually spoken to him or that he was finally hearing your voice after a few weeks without you but he smiled. Granted he still looked like the crazy man he is, but he smiled in content. “It’s getting late, what do you want for dinner?”
“I’m not hungry-”
“You have to eat something you haven’t eaten all day.”
“I’m not hungry.”
He looked at you, “I just want you to eat something.” There was this submissive yet dominant tone in his voice, like he was giving you your way but not letting you win. It was pathetic to even think about it but Jaebum felt himself go weak for you sometimes, the little cute things that he paid attention to made his legs turn into jello, or at times like this when you were so stubborn he felt weak for you because he would not force you to eat if you didn’t want to.
He holds me hostage then decides when I eat? Hell no. Biting your tongue was the only thing that was probably going to save your life—that and starting to play along with him. But he wasn’t stupid, but damn when it came to you he was easily fooled. For you he made himself vulnerable and dependent on you that in his mind he wouldn’t live without you, if you died he died, and well if you decided to leave…
You wouldn’t be going far.
He had left you to your own space again, a wave of relief taking over your body as you dropped onto the bed, tears welling in your eyes. The severity of the current situation weighed you down a lot and after he had taken your phone while you weren’t looking and hid it (you knew where he kept it) your mind was fried and your emotions were drained. Staying alive now was not something you were looking forward to. 
It was 12 in the morning, you knew he would be asleep around this time as he always tried to get in as much sleep before the new day started. He told you all the time how stressful being a boss was, and how whenever he came home to you he’d have to gain this sudden burst of energy just to keep up with you. Those were the times when you loved him. and yes to some extent you still did love him but the love you had back then was different, it was unconditional, now you didn’t even want to look at him. 
The house was cold, and it wasn’t because of the tension between you two but rather the fact that it was chilly at night around this time of year. The window was partially cracked you noticed- you forgot to close it from earlier today. You locked it, hearing the bed creak as Snowball jumped off to go over to you and rub her little body against your leg. 
“You’re the only one I trust baby.” You scooped her up, walking out the room with her and down the hallway. The Black Russian Terrier that Jaebum owned was comfortably nuzzled up into his little corner. Rocky was an intimating dog, he scared you due to his size and protectiveness around Jaebum, but after spending many times around the him, Rocky had warmed up to you and grew fonder of you each day.
You could smell the cigarette he was smoking in the hallway, it got stronger and stronger until you reached the kitchen where Jaebum was sitting on one of the the bar stool, leaning onto the counter, a glass of whatever next to him with some chips in a bowl. Your stomach growled at the thought of being able to stuff your face with all the food there was in the house. He heard you, way before you were even near the kitchen he heard your feet as your attempts to move lightly failed, he looked up at you, taking in your presence, your damn near Godly presence. He worshiped you, he would do almost anything for you it was pathetic.
“I knew you were hungry. You should have eaten before.”
“I wasn’t hungry.”
“I only worry about you that’s all.”
“You only worry about yourself Jaebum. We both know that.”
“No I worry about both of us, do you think I like to keep you here against your will—”
“You sure as hell don’t have a problem with it.” You snapped.
“I did all of this for you-”
“You did it for your damn self, you need me, admit it, you’re obsessed with me. You watched me, sent me the most disturbing things, forced me back here with you and you want to say that you did this for me? You’re as delusion as you are crazy.”
He looked at you darkly, trying to gain dominance over you, he no longer scared you, at this point you’d like nothing more than for him to kill you, to save you from your growing misery. “I. Did. This. For. You.” He got off the bar stool, throwing the cigarette in the ash tray before walking towards you. 
His breathing was unsteady and hard, he was fighting to keep his cool around you to save him from seeing you distant yourself even more but you were so stubborn he couldn’t take it. “You wouldnt last two months out there by yourself.” He grabbed your face, “do you want to get killed? Because once they see that you aren’t with me they’ll kill you?”
You growled, “get the hell off of me.”
It was odd, you liked the feeling of him touching you, the feeling of his rough hands on your skin, reminding you of intimate moments you’ve shared in the past after a rough time at work. His touch always soothed you in a way you cannot explain without getting weird looks, right now was no exception.
“I love you, I can’t lose you. Do you hear me?” He pulled you against his chest, one hand in your hair and the other wrapped protectively around you. You felt ashamed for thinking about somehow forgiving him and moving past this, and crawling into your formerly shared bed cuddling against him as you slowly forgot about the day. “I won’t make anyone hurt you. You’re mine.”
“Okay I’ll stay. Under a few conditions.”
He pulled from you and smirked, “your such a stubborn one, tell me what you want.” As his hand caressed your cheek you strained a smile.
“You don’t own me, I own myself. I have freedom to go outside whenever I want. I get my phone back—I need my phone. That’s all I’m asking you.”
“Yes, yes, and no. No phone, not until I can trust you again.”
God if you could pick up the big knife that was in the drawer and stab him you would—but you were a pussy—and you’d enjoy. He wanted to talk about not having your trust when he was the one who put a damn bounty out for you and terrified the living hell out of you. He forced you back into a place you didn’t want to be in any longer, if anyone wasn’t trusting someone it was you.
This whole damn place gave you shivers now, and Jaebum’s now harden stars added to it. “You might try to run again so I’ll have a few of my men look after you. Think of it as witness protection—”
You felt sick to your stomach, “are you kidding me? I should be protected from you. Your a madman! You’re fucking crazy, fuck you you fucking fuck!” You knew screaming at him would not move him into the direction you wanted but my, for you it felt so good to say those things to him. He only glanced at you, turning around to approach the dark hallway, slowly fading out of your view.
Next Chapter
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smileysuh · 4 years
SmileySuh to-do list
current wips bellow, includes my current work in progress followed by bullet points of requested and other dynamic plans :) all completed fics go to my masterlist and my date posted list :)
To be tagged when i post, fill out this google form, you can either be notified for all my future works, or works pertaining to specific groups :)
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With the January 2022 roll out, this to do list has been mostly discontinued, to see whats coming next, check out the patreon plan in my enterance fee info post :)
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My top Personal Works in Progress + their word count so far :)
Vouyerist/photographer Johnny - 300 words
rich boy John/Jae love triangle (*oc*) - 500 words
Haechan x Johnny’s fuck buddy - 1.3k words
Hyungwon/Changkyun x idol!reader - 1.8k words
Hyungwon angst - 2.5k words
Jealous Jinyoung - 700 words
Gym Trainer Yunho - 3.7k words
Stoner Meanie - 1.2k words
sticker world au - concept
✨ = requested :)
Switch final chapter ✨
yandere Johnhyuck part 2 ✨
frat Yuta ✨
frat Kun✨
Cam Baby group night- nct ✨
Cam Baby Yuta ✨
a/b/o doyoung ✨ - sneak peak here
a/b/o Yuta ✨
a/b/o Taeyong ✨
a/b/o johnjae ✨
a/b/o Jaehyun part 2✨
Invidious part 2✨
Dotae switch series part 2 ✨
the walking dead au ✨
nct 95 line✨
domestic doyoung
mafia doyoung
angst Hyungwon
Mafia Hyungwon
abo yungi
Cam Baby Yunho✨
Werewolf Bang Chan
Mingyu/The8 x2
Jaebum/Jinyoung x2
single dad Jinyoung
Cam Baby Jackson wang ✨
maknae line x2
best friend namjoon
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hollyhomburg · 5 years
(BTS Omegaverse ask au!) 
Pairing: Omega! reader x Omega! jimin x Omega! Seokjin x Alpha! namjoon x Alpha! Hoseok x Alpha! Jungkook x Beta! Taehyung x Beta! Yoongi
can an omega get another omega pregnant?
if she gets pregnant in one timeline does she get pregnant in all of them?
summary: your world gets turned upside down when the most famous idol pack in the world starts to court you, an omega with a boatload of trust issues. 
warnings: verry few- this is mostly fluff- with a few angsty moments of the reader not thinking she’s enough for all of them. 
The start of Packtan (idolverse)
Their dynamics explained 
Omegas caring for the alphas
Hoseok comforting you (not explicitly Packtan but it belongs here)
Puppie pile 
When the reader gets appendicitis 
Jealous Packtan 
When the reader gets pregnant 
how they meet 
“do they even want pups with me?” 
how many pups?
papa Yoongi’s piano lessons 
are armys aware of y/n?
the almost broken bond pt 1 
the almost broken bond pt 2
the almost broken bond pt 3
when she surprises them on tour 
When all the alphas go into rut
Idolverse yoongi 
when they find out how your old pack treated you
Hoseok is a lil filthy 
how is namjoon with the reader? 
Side story: All Alpha Packtan: (Yandere au!) (check the tags- cuz thats where i hide the smut) 
to want to be wanted 
nasty shit so much knotting oh my god
explanation of dynamics and rare omegas
explanation of consent 
summary: you’re a feral omega without a pack, and after you save Taehyung from certain death his pack alpha, Kim namjoon, decides to take you under his wing and keep you safe. Chaos and romance ensue. 
warnings: omega mistreatment, violence, assault, allusions to rape and forced matings, 
by feral i mean FeRaL 
namjoon ain't no sub in this au 
mating bites 
ALL the abandonment issues 
 when she first sees Taehyung 
being loved is an adjustment 
 heats ruts, and everything in between 
The day Taehyung and namjoon fell in love 
Beta lovein 
her past (v) (WARNING: READ TAGS)
that night (part 1) (WARNING: READ TAGS)
that night (part 2) (WARNING: READ TAGS)
Jungkook is a puppy (check tags for smut) 
more smut hidden in the tags 
Namjoon wants a taste too 
wow namjoon is also feral in a fight 
unavoidable war 
when she receives oral for the first time 
little dove 
when she’s scared she can’t have kids
more 🥛
how Hoseok first falls in love with you 
how jimin, seokjin, and jungkook first fell in love with you
Jungkook has a competence kink 
her pregnancy and the triplets 
who would die first 
Viking packtan doting on pregnant! reader 
how yoongi fell in love with her 
the actual Viking shit in vikingverse 
mating marks 
if the triplets were all jungkook’s 
(while this is technically a Joseon era au, I’m being much looser than historical accuracy would allow for- obviously, my intent isn’t to write a historical au with this as it is poly and abo.) 
warnings: omega mistreatment, mentions of arranged marriages, war, injury, violence, rape, miscarriages, and depictions of emotionally unstable characters, graphic panic attacks, PTSD, eventual healing in the end though. this is the most graphic au. please ask yourself if you're in the right place to read it before you do. 
the start of it all 
the pup 
it not your fault yoongi 
moon Priestess! jimin  
 first touch  
her recovery 
what would have happened had she died 
Yoongi’s reconciliation 
yoongi gets the snuggles he needs 
sad priestess jimin 
her omega  
their outfits 
jimin and the reader are soulmates 
“what do you want jimin?”
her first kiss after she gets better 
after the cuddle puddle 
inspiration (talking bout Jackson wang 100 ways music video)
What is an ask au? an ask au means if you want more of it- send me your headcanon or something and I’ll respond to it with more content! there will be no formal parts to this series. when you ask- please tell me which version of the au you’d like to ask it under!
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btsxmalereaders · 4 years
Masterlist and Guidelines
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Last update: July 6th, 2024
Notes: I will update this often (most likely on weekends). | This masterlist doesn’t have all the groups / soloists I write for, so you can ask if I write for the artist you want*.
Here you will find my works and, if you request anything, you can find it on the ‘Up Next’ section so you know for sure I received your request. Also, you can know which requests I’m taking at the moment.
If within a week your request is not here, please send it again! 
Please do not repost, plagiarize, translate or use my works. 
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Fluff: [♡]
Angst: [✿]
Male Reader: [☆]
Gender Neutral Reader: [✧]
[N/A]: I will add more categories as I open more slots for requests and / or I post original stories.
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Kim Namjoon
Love is nothing stronger. [♡] [☆] 
The Bet.   [♡] [✧]
Hold me Tight.  [♡] [☆]
Kim Seokjin
Nothing to see here... yet
Min Yoongi
Proposal.  [♡] [☆]
♡ Valentine's Special #1. [♡] [☆]
Jung Hoseok
Jealousy.  [smut] [☆]
Park Jimin
Affection.  [♡] [☆]
Impatient.  [smut] [☆]
Kim Taehyung
Untitled. [smut] [☆]
Jeon Jungkook
Paper Hearts. [♡] [✧]
♡ Valentine's Special #1 [♡] [☆]
Nothing to see here... yet.
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Bang Chan
In good hands [♡] [☆]
Truth or Dare [♡] [☆]
Grow Up [♡] [☆]
Untitled.  [♡] [☆]
Even in zero gravity, I would still fall for you! [♡][☆]
I know you always stay. [♡] [☆]
can we stay a while and listen for heaven? [♡][☆]
Lee Minho 
♡ Valentine's Special #1 [♡] [☆]
Play Date [♡] [☆]
When it rains in your heart, I'll take you with me [♡][☆]
Break my heart myself. [♡] [✿]
Seo Changbin
Zero O’Clock  [♡] [☆]
Baby, it's cold outside. [✧] [♡]
♡ Valentine's Special #1 [♡] [☆]
Hwang Hyunjin
Meant To Be [♡] [☆]
Han Jisung
Nothing to see here... yet.
Lee Felix
Nothing to see here... yet.
Kim Seungmin
the sound of your heart. [✿]
Yang Jeongin
'Cause I like you. [♡] [☆]
Reaction to having the same birthday as their s/o. | hyung line | maknae line [♡] [✧]
Reaction to their oblivious boyfriend being flirted with. | hyung line | maknae line [♡] [☆]
3racha reaction to: their idol s/o using a beat they gave them for their new comeback. [♡][✧]
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Im Jaebeom
1:31 AM. [✿] [☆]
Mark Tuan
Nothing to see here... yet.
Jackson Wang
LMLY.[✿] [☆]
Park Jinyoung
Nothing to see here... yet.
Choi Youngjae
Nothing to see here... yet.
Kunpimook Bhuwakul
Nothing to see here... yet.
Kim Yugyeom
♡ Valentine's Special #1 [✧] [♡]
Nothing to see here... yet.
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I’m not very strict about this, but there are some things that I do NOT write:
🚫 Underage
🚫 Female reader
🚫 Incest
🚫 Serious medical conditions I’m not familiar with
🚫 Yandere
🚫 Hybrid
🚫 Magical, Historical AUs — except Harry Potter.
🚫 Basically any thing I don’t feel comfortable writing. I’ll let you know if you request something I don’t like.
However, I do write:
✅ Angst
✅ Fluff
✅ Poly
✅One Shots
✅ Texts
• You can ask what would you want to read in the request, specific reactions, dialogues, etc. It’s up to you! 
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Requests for Reactions/Scenarios: Closed
Requests for One Shots: Open
Requests for Pride: OPEN
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Namjoon, drabble from prompt list #87
Jungkook, drabble from prompt list #61
Reaction to: army wanting the members to break up with reader.
Yoongi fluffy / angst -long distance relationship.
Stray Kids:
Reaction to their idol s/o dyes their hair a primary color for their comeback.
Reaction to s/o having a cynical humor.
Changbin x tattooed bf
Reaction to having a tall/tattooed boyfriend.
Poly chanlix with aussie/british boyfriend.
Reaction to s/o moaning.
Reaction to having a talented s/o but them not being self confident.
Bang Chan - Future AU
Jaebeom using reader's clothes
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junityy · 3 years
the Mafia!Werewolf!Jungkook x Reader AU Yandere 18+ minors DNI ! writers on wattpad are shaking rn plssss im crying yoo
bad boy!jungkook x reader high school au 8k smut wc and jackson wangs party writers are crying rn
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99liners · 4 years
m.list | lebensmüde — pjm;
passenger details: tsundere!park jimin x female reader, kim seokjin x inaya (oc)
extra passengers: kim namjoon, jung hoseok, min yoongi, yandere!jeon jeongguk, kim taehyung, im jaebum, mark tuan, wang jackson, kim yugyeom. (got7 members make special appearance.)
source station: mafia!au, marriage!au, age gap!au (9 years), yandere!au, tsundere!au, toxic relationships.
destination: so!much!angst, smut, fluff, dom!jimin, lbgtq+ themes (hints at taekook).
words: 50.109
status: completed
extra baggage fee details: physical violence, murder, domestic abuse, major character death, pregnancy and miscarriage, drugs over-abuse, free form use of slang words, very gore. 16+ discretion advised.
synopsis: “justice? — you get justice in the next world, in this world you have the law.” — william gaddis, a frolic of his own
somebody got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning — and maybe the bed’s shoved up against the wall, and that attitude is a permanent condition. the stage is set for an unhappy beginning, middle, and ending.
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links :
chapter one (gore, graphic violence) [dated: 2019-11-16]
chapter two [dated: 2020-04-06]
chapter three [dated:2020-04-07]
chapter four [dated: 2020-04-08]
chapter five (smut) [dated: 2020-04-11]
chapter six (smut) [dated: 2020-04-12]
chapter seven (murder, graphic violence) [dated: 2020-04-16]
chapter eight (gore, graphic violence) [dated: 2020-04-17]
chapter nine (major character death, murder) [dated: 2020-04-18]
chapter ten (epilogue) [dated: 2020-04-20] 
crossposted on: wattpad | AO3 |
feedback is deeply appreciated.✨
masterlist | bts masterlist | rules | ask box
- jaimie
© 𝟫𝟫𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓈, 𝟐𝟎𝟤𝟢. 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐃.
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