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tiaragqueen · 2 years ago
The Sleeping Horror
Yandere! Izaya Orihara x Female! Reader
Hello! It’s been years, hasn’t it? Idk if you guys missed me, but I do miss writing for other fandom beside genshin and twst. I was planning to make a whole new account, but I was too lazy so here I am! Let’s start with something ‘soft’ and fantastical, shall we? Inspired by the line in the Wikipedia page of his relationship with Shizuo: “Izaya also holds the belief that only humans possess the ability to slay monsters.” And Sleeping Beauty story (would you believe me if I told you I rewrote this three times?).
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Admittedly, marriage wasn’t something Izaya really had in mind.
Not because he was a player, but because he was still young. Still adventurous. Still mischievous. He wanted to see more people, more kingdoms, more chaos. His position as a prince allowed him that much, but it also came with many responsibilities. And one of them was an arranged marriage.
Until now, Izaya wasn’t sure how to react when he found out he was already betrothed since birth. On one hand, he was somewhat irritated with the fate his father had oh-so-kindly lay out in front of him. Even as a child, he should at least have some freedom to choose his own suitor, right? It wasn’t as if he was a particularly naïve kid who thought suitors were equal to playmates. He’d always been intelligent, albeit quieter and more distant.
But on the other hand, you sounded quite… interesting. Yes, sounded, because he’d never seen you. There wasn’t even a painting of you somewhere in your castle. It was either you vanished or you only existed in people’s imagination. Then, his father, Shirou, disproved of the latter because he recounted a story that happened during your christening. Apparently, your father had enraged a wicked fairy by excluding her from the event and she promptly avenged her wounded ego by cursing you to prick your finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel before the sun set on your sixteenth birthday and die. One of the pixie fairies whom your father did invite, used her blessing to weaken the curse so that instead of dying, you’d fall into a deep sleep, only broken by true love’s kiss. Because, apparently, her magic wasn’t strong enough to undo the curse. So, your father ordered all spinning wheels throughout the kingdom be burned and the remains were hidden in the dungeon.
It certainly explained why Izaya heard a few peasants grumbling about the lack of spinning wheels when he occasionally visited your kingdom. But, alas, Shirou didn’t seem to know about your whereabouts. It didn’t help that he forbade him from mentioning the incident to your own father too, despite the fact that Izaya had a right to know as your fiancé.
So, using the intelligence he’d built up after years of scheming and illicit dealings, Izaya managed to pinpoint your location. It was a humble cottage in the middle of the forest, secluded enough to avoid the wicked fairy’s eyes but not enough for his. Izaya smirked as if he’d won a high-staking gamble, and with the leverage he had on your father, it could be described as one. Shirou wasn’t a fool, but his job as a king did prevent him from knowing the full extent of Izaya’s secret occupation and hobby.
And thus, Izaya set out to find his cursed fiancée. As expected, you were every bit of a country bumpkin; naïve and improper. It was clear that you’d never seen a stranger beyond your three bumbling fairy ‘aunts’, judging by how you openly gaped at his sudden appearance when you were singing to your animal friends. And yet, Izaya allowed your curiosity shine through, anyway, if not because of how pathetically cute you looked right now. Like a dog, or a kitten, that he could easily pick up and bring somewhere else because you were just so defenseless.
Did your aunts even teach you not to trust a stranger, whoever it was?
Apparently, no. Because there was a limit to how ‘human’ they could pretend to be, and you wouldn’t have known any better because they were all you had growing up. Even now, a good parent shouldn’t let their daughter play too long in the forest where anything and everything could happen to her, especially when she didn’t possess any self-defense skills.
Especially when she was you, a princess in hiding.
Perhaps you were lucky that he was the one who met you. Izaya couldn’t imagine what would happen if it was that wicked fairy instead?
… Or he could! There was no limit for possibilities in his mind. That was how he could stay entertained despite so many of his plans veering off their tracks.
Truly, it’d be a shame if you were to get caught, right?
Well, it would, but he wouldn’t do that. He wanted to see what would happen if he didn’t intervene in the course of your life. Would it end happily ever after like Shirou hoped? Or would it become a nightmare for you and your kingdom instead? So far, you were the most interesting woman he’d ever met despite your obvious flaws, which some lessons in table manners and etiquette could rectify. And perhaps Izaya would bestow more of his ‘love for humanity’ in keeping you by his side regardless, even if the latter were to befall you.
Was this what the power of bias felt like? It wasn’t that bad, and it might’ve made him feel a bit closer to being a human, but Izaya wanted to know more about your feelings when you found out that he pitied you. Would you be offended? Touched? Upset?
Ah, the possibilities were truly endless, weren’t they?
Apparently, you’d fallen for him at first meeting, and were excited to tell your aunts about him when they revealed your true status as a betrothed princess. You could never meet ‘him’ again, they said. It was somewhat foolish of them to not allow you to tell them about him, but then again, Izaya doubted they’d known him let alone see his face. It was enough that they neglected you most of the time, albeit accidentally. How could he trust them to remember who he was?
Then, the fated thing happened.
The wicked fairy found out about you.
After the fairies brought you to your father’s castle in disguise, they let you grieve over your broken heart in your new room. But the wicked fairy used your sadness to entrance you and led you to an abandoned tower. All this time, Izaya watched from the shadows without anyone’s knowledge, not even your own father. His fingers twitched with an unexplainable urge to help you when you were forced to touch the conjured spinning wheel, while his brain – the more dominant part of him – convinced him to watch a little longer. It wasn’t as if he could challenge the fairy head-on, and he didn’t have any magic to do so despite his yearning heart.
Eventually, you succumbed to the curse, and the wicked fairy gloated over it to your belated aunts.
While waking you up with a kiss sounded ideal, it was more tempting to kill the wicked fairy first of all, if not to feel the rush of adrenaline and victory in his hands. Maybe you’d be grateful for it too, and thus, strengthening your love for him and salvaging your broken heart. But since he didn’t have the appropriate weapon to defeat her, Izaya was left to approach the pixies.
“Excuse me. You three look quite flustered. Is there something wrong?”
“Oh, my! You surprised me there, young man.” the pink one gasped, holding her tiny chest. “A-and no, we’re fine. Thank you for asking.”
“Are you sure?” he asked, still with the amiable smile that took him years of etiquette lessons and scheming to perfect. “You see, I have a fiancée, and I was told that I’d be seeing her today.”
They exchanged quizzical glances at each other.
“My name is Izaya Orihara.” He took a medal from his pocket as a proof of his own identity. “I’m betrothed to the princess of this kingdom. But, unfortunately, I was never able to see her. It upsets me terribly to postpone another meeting with her, when we should’ve been together since the very first start.”
Izaya languished at them through a sad friends as he clutched the medal desperately. Almost all too easily, the fairies fell to his trap with a sympathetic ‘aw’. They didn’t even question why he had the medal in his pocket rather than in his person as a prince should be. But, at least, he wasn’t lying.
“It is against our nature to be in the way of fate, especially a fated love.” said the green one. “A wicked fairy has cursed your fiancée to sleep forever unless awaken by a true love’s kiss, and she’s currently sleeping in this tower right now.”
“Ah, how terrible.” Izaya moaned sadly. “I wish I could do something to that fairy for daring to hurt my precious fiancée.”
Once again, they looked at each other.
“Let us help you with a bit of our magic, Child.” The blue one declared. “Hopefully, with these, you can end the wicked fairy’s reign of darkness once and for all.”
They armed him with the Sword of Truth and the Shield of Virtue, which they stated to be weapons of righteousness that would triumph over evil, and Izaya felt more powerful than ever. He wondered if he could even beat them with these, but they might prove their usefulness again in the future. That, and it’d be easier to manipulate you with them seeing as they were practically a ‘family’ to you.
And so, the group traveled to the mountain where the wicked fairy lived and began the most exhilarating battle he’d ever had. Cornered, the fairy transformed into a fire-breathing dragon. Another wrench to his plan, but Izaya wasn’t too worried because his agility saved their lives at the end of the day. He managed to stab her through her chest with great effort and watched her fall from the cliff.
Truly, only humans had the ability to slay monsters.
“That was wonderful, Child!” the blue fairy gushed, while the others clapped and nodded in agreement.
Izaya feigned a humble chuckle.
“I couldn’t possibly do that without your help, either, so please don’t give me all the credits.”
Flattered as they were, they hadn’t forgotten their second priority: waking you up with a true love’s kiss.
But, shockingly enough, Izaya’s kiss did nothing to your sleeping self.
“H-how could this be?!” the pink one shrieked. “Prince Izaya is supposed to be her fiancé, so why doesn’t it work?!”
While they proceeded to question each other, Izaya took the time to observe you. Your forehead was wrinkled as if suffering from a nightmare, your lips parted slightly as if wanting to say something, and your hands grasped the red roses as if trying to protect yourself with it.
It was far from the peaceful sight he’d expected to see, and the realization brought a mocking, almost humorless laugh from his throat.
“What’s wrong? Why are you laughing?’
“No, it’s nothing. Pardon my unseemly reaction.” said he, wiping his teary eye with his gloved hand. “May I ask you to bring her father here?”
“The King? What can you possibly need from him?”
“You said that only a true love’s kiss can wake her up, right? Well, he’s the one who asked you to protect her. Isn’t that what a ‘true love’ is? The feeling of wanting to protect someone?”
And such feeling wasn’t strong enough within him, or rather, he merely allowed it to wash over him. Otherwise, he would’ve stopped the wicked fairy from bewitching you earlier. Besides, Izaya was too logical to ever fall for someone at first meeting, no matter how interesting they were, and the curse said nothing about needing both parties to love each other for it to be broken.
While the fairies were occupied in bringing your father, Izaya approached one of the maids that happened to pass by.
“Bring me the dragon’s head from the cliff in the wicked fairy’s mountain.”
“Is it her own head?”
He merely smiled, and the spy nodded with a sigh. He wasn’t sure how you’d react once you woke up, but it didn’t hurt to have another ‘decoration’ inside his room. Then, he returned to the tower where your father was already standing at the bedside.
“P-Prince Izaya?!” he stammered. “Since when have you been here? Shouldn’t you notify me beforehand? Why are you dressing so... casually?”
“Now, now, that part isn’t as important as our dear princess is. And I must say, I’m quite hurt to know that you neglected to tell me that she’s been cursed all along.”
Your father flinched and looked down guiltily.
“I didn’t want it to become an international problem.”
“But there were many guests at that time, no? Don’t you think I deserve to know, as her fiancé?” Despite the feelings that Izaya didn’t quite absorb and understand, and your flaws that he mocked and used, a hint of bitterness managed to slip through his tongue. He waved his hand dismissively, both to your father and to his own emotions. “Regardless, you have the duty to save your daughter from the curse. So, go ahead. Don’t worry about the wicked fairy. I’ve slayed her, and her body is at the bottom of the cliff in her own abode. I’ll bring her head if you don’t believe me.”
The fairies gasped, while your father merely gaped, shocked at his callousness. The king glanced at the pixies, and they nodded hesitantly, confirming the part of the battle.
“I… I believe you.”
Slowly, he hovered over your face for a moment before he leaned down to press a deep kiss onto your forehead. Your troubled face relaxed little by little, and Izaya almost felt jealous when you fluttered your eyes open.
“She’s awake!” one of the pixies enthused.
Your father heaved a sigh of relief and smiled almost shakily. And yet, when your eyes landed on Izaya, they immediately widened in fear.
“No, I refuse to marry him!”
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tiaragqueen · 2 years ago
light purple dividers
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requested by anon
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tiaragqueen · 2 years ago
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That kind of thing would be somewhere between torture and paradise for Arrancar >.< One one hand, affection is something they’re all starved for… but none of them really know what to do with it either. 
-Yeah, he’ll happily cuddle with you for hours at a time. Of course, he’ll probably be asleep for a good portion of it, but it’s very literally the best sleep he gets. He actively appreciates and soaks up any kind of physical contact with zero shame. You’ll have to pay just as much attention to Lilynette too, though. 
-He’s mostly confused. As in, he has absolutely no idea why you think that being in physical contact with someone is a good thing. He’s old enough that he has it pretty well settled in that touch is unnecessary and bad, so it’s just a lot of incomprehension. He’s not too eager for cuddles… at least for a while.
-While she’s a little more used to being around others than most Hollows, physical contact is still difficult. It takes her a while to settle into the idea that cuddling and regular contact is safe and good, but once she does, she’s very appreciative of the affection. She’s a lot more touch-starved than she thinks.
-No. He’s adamant that he has absolutely no need or want for physical contact ever… but that kind of falls flat when he keeps unintentionally leaning into (mostly) forced hugs. He’ll resist the urge to stay as close to you as possible for as long as he can, but he’s actually rather sensitive to physical touch. 
-No. No. No. His reason for resisting the contact is that he doesn’t deserve or need it. Hollows aren’t meant for that shit, and the sooner you figure it out, the better. He wants the attention a lot more than he could ever admit, but he’s going to deny that viciously for as long as he can keep you convinced. 
-Once he gets past the initial “touch is bad” phase, he’s all over you. Physical affection is easier for him than words, so keeping close to you for as long as you’ll let him is a great way for him to feel loved. He’s completely down for long cuddle sessions, and tends to fall asleep like an overgrown, affectionate cat. 
-No, thank you. He doesn’t need silly, soft things like physical affection. …or at least, that’s what he tries to convince you. It’s a point of pride and sort of fear for him, but despite all that, he caves almost pathetically quickly. He winds up being almost desperate for the touch and affection once his ego drops. 
-Honestly, he’s scared of letting you get close. Even though you’re a human, he can’t get over the idea that you could hurt him while he’s vulnerable. Once he does cave, though, he’s so touch-starved that you’re basically never getting rid of him. Physical affection is like nothing he’s ever experienced. 
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tiaragqueen · 2 years ago
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Because I’m too tired to have much to say here… :D
-He’s not exactly aware that you’re touch-starved too… just that you both greatly enjoy cuddles. With you so willing, he has every excuse to spend hours in napping cuddle piles with you and Lilynette. 
-She’s hesitant to initiate physical contact, but quickly gets the message that you kind of need it. It takes a lot of practice for her to get used to actively offering closeness, but she really does need it as badly as you do. 
-He mostly tries to ignore it, just the same as he ignores his own hidden longing for contact. If you start asking, though, he caves a lot more quickly than you’d expect, all under the excuse that you must need it. 
-Yeah, he’s still scared to touch you for fear you’ll break. It takes a lot of coaxing to get him to tolerate physical contact, but once he gets the idea that you need it, he will get past his own hangups and reluctantly oblige. 
-He’s an oversized, cuddly cat and both of you know it. Once he figures out that physical affection is acceptable now with you, and that you actively want it, you’re not going to be touch-starved for much longer. 
-He’s kind of awkward about physical intimacy and the vulnerability that goes with it, but he’ll do everything possible to convince you otherwise. Giving you the attention you need is a very convenient excuse. 
-It takes him a while to understand that you really do need and want contact with him, but once he does, he’s glued to you. You’ll be two attention-starved people who wind up sort of inseparable because of it. 
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tiaragqueen · 2 years ago
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I’m assuming that “a lot of scarring” means pretty heavy stuff o3o
-He doesn’t pay much mind to them. Where he’s from, almost everyone has their scars, and while it is kind of unusual for a human to have quite so many, it doesn’t particularly bother him. They’re a part of you is all, and unless you want to tell him what they’re all from, he won’t ask about it. 
-She recognizes that you must have gone through plenty of troubles of your own, and in a way, it makes her feel like you two have a good amount of common ground. As much as she hates to imagine you in any kind of pain, the scars show that you’ve been through some similar things. 
-Scarring is of no consequence to him. Your past is your past, and it’s not like he hasn’t seen scars before. That kind of thing doesn’t make you special in Hueco Mundo by any means. That said, he’s likely to pressure you into explaining what the scars are from solely for the sake of his curiosity. 
-It’s actually sort of reassuring for him. If you’ve been through enough to have scars like those, you aren’t too fragile. Seeing your scarred body makes him feel a little less like he’s too dangerous for you, and a little more like you might be able to sort of understand what his world is like. 
-Fuck yeah, you’re a badass! His view of the scars is that you must have been through a lot of shit to get them, and that just means that you’re tougher than he thought. He doesn’t get hung up on the sight of them, just openly praises you for being strong enough to survive their cause. 
-He finds the scars a bit unsightly, but certainly not offputting. Mostly, he’s just curious as to what those wounds could have been from and how you survived them. He’ll do some pressuring for answers to that, but after his curiosity has been sated, he’s neutral on the scars overall. 
-Ah, so you’ve been through some shit. He takes the scars as a sign that you’ve had a hard life too, and is actually rather fond of them. The only thing he dislikes about them is that someone– or something– marked you, permanently. That kind of thing sets his possessive streak aflame.
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tiaragqueen · 2 years ago
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Because I’m too tired to have much to say here… :D
-He’s not exactly aware that you’re touch-starved too… just that you both greatly enjoy cuddles. With you so willing, he has every excuse to spend hours in napping cuddle piles with you and Lilynette. 
-She’s hesitant to initiate physical contact, but quickly gets the message that you kind of need it. It takes a lot of practice for her to get used to actively offering closeness, but she really does need it as badly as you do. 
-He mostly tries to ignore it, just the same as he ignores his own hidden longing for contact. If you start asking, though, he caves a lot more quickly than you’d expect, all under the excuse that you must need it. 
-Yeah, he’s still scared to touch you for fear you’ll break. It takes a lot of coaxing to get him to tolerate physical contact, but once he gets the idea that you need it, he will get past his own hangups and reluctantly oblige. 
-He’s an oversized, cuddly cat and both of you know it. Once he figures out that physical affection is acceptable now with you, and that you actively want it, you’re not going to be touch-starved for much longer. 
-He’s kind of awkward about physical intimacy and the vulnerability that goes with it, but he’ll do everything possible to convince you otherwise. Giving you the attention you need is a very convenient excuse. 
-It takes him a while to understand that you really do need and want contact with him, but once he does, he’s glued to you. You’ll be two attention-starved people who wind up sort of inseparable because of it. 
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tiaragqueen · 2 years ago
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Because I’m too tired to have much to say here… :D
-He’s not exactly aware that you’re touch-starved too… just that you both greatly enjoy cuddles. With you so willing, he has every excuse to spend hours in napping cuddle piles with you and Lilynette. 
-She’s hesitant to initiate physical contact, but quickly gets the message that you kind of need it. It takes a lot of practice for her to get used to actively offering closeness, but she really does need it as badly as you do. 
-He mostly tries to ignore it, just the same as he ignores his own hidden longing for contact. If you start asking, though, he caves a lot more quickly than you’d expect, all under the excuse that you must need it. 
-Yeah, he’s still scared to touch you for fear you’ll break. It takes a lot of coaxing to get him to tolerate physical contact, but once he gets the idea that you need it, he will get past his own hangups and reluctantly oblige. 
-He’s an oversized, cuddly cat and both of you know it. Once he figures out that physical affection is acceptable now with you, and that you actively want it, you’re not going to be touch-starved for much longer. 
-He’s kind of awkward about physical intimacy and the vulnerability that goes with it, but he’ll do everything possible to convince you otherwise. Giving you the attention you need is a very convenient excuse. 
-It takes him a while to understand that you really do need and want contact with him, but once he does, he’s glued to you. You’ll be two attention-starved people who wind up sort of inseparable because of it. 
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tiaragqueen · 2 years ago
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-The cat is of no consequence to him. If anything, it’s a nice, warm addition to his nap. He’ll go back to sleep with the cat still there, perfectly content to have the creature cuddled up to him while he sleeps. 
-Is… is that something animals usually do? She’s a bit unnerved by the staring and just how close it got, but since she knows that the cat is harmless, she can admit that the closeness is actually kind of flattering. 
-He’s the jerk who will shove the cat onto the floor and stare at it like it personally offended him. He’s not a fan of having your pet creature quite that close to him, even if you’re overly fond of it. 
-Fuck, that’s kinda creepy. He doesn’t really want to try to move something so small and delicate and precious to you, so he just lays there and lets the cat do as it pleases. At least it’s pretty warm where it’s sitting. 
-Oh, so it likes him. He’s pretty chill with the cat, especially considering how warm it is. He’ll pick up the cat and set it on the floor with surprising gentleness, then go right back to sleeping.
-He’s not a fan of having the cat that close to his face, so he moves it to the floor as soon as it registers that it’s that close. He’s sort of pleased that your animal is so fond of him… but not in his space, please. 
-He startles pretty badly upon waking up to eyes that close to his face and probably winds up disturbing the cat enough that it jumps down. Why, why does that thing like him so much???
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tiaragqueen · 2 years ago
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This is a pretty vague ask, so hopefully what I came up with is okay :3
-Grimmjow, at least at first, has no idea what to do with people being nice to him. When you first start treating him like he’s a person with feelings instead of a killing machine to be feared or challenged, he has no idea how to respond. He’s so used to having to fight for everything he gets that having you willingly be kind to him and take care of him goes right to his softer feelings. 
-He really, really loves being able to actually relax, especially with you. In Hueco Mundo, there’s never any time to let your guard down, so having the time and safety to just laze around and let his permanent tension drop is one of the best things he’s ever experienced. Having you around when his guard down makes him feel protected in a way that he really doesn’t want to admit to. 
-In another cat-like feature, Grimmjow is weak to head scritches. Affection in general makes him melt, but something about your nails lightly scratching at his scalp and playing with his hair is particularly nice. He’ll happily curl up in your lap for attention, laying his head back and letting you spoil him. 
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tiaragqueen · 2 years ago
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Awwww, this is gonna be cute :3c
-Pet names get to him. A lot. Grimmjow is used to being a big, scary Hollow that kills anyone who fucks with him… so being called cutesy stuff by a human is downright embarrassing. In a good way. He’ll never admit to liking it, and usually actively tells you to quit being so soft with him, but the way he blushes at just about any sweet pet name gives him away in a second. 
-Just about any pet name gets to him, but the ones that portray him as something soft are the ones that hit the hardest. “Babe” and such don’t have quite the same impact as “sweetheart”, “darling”, or even the truly blush-worthy “kitten”. Being treated and talked to like he’s some sweet, protectable thing is entirely new, and it digs right into some of the softest, most vulnerable feelings he has. He really doesn’t know what to do with that. 
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tiaragqueen · 2 years ago
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Awwww, anon D: I’m sorry you’re going through that… 
-As soon as he understands that you’re going through something tough, he’s ready to show up at your doorstep and intimidate your parents into leaving you alone. As much as he hates every part of his ability to scare people, this seems like a very good use of being downright terrifying towards someone. He starts feeling extremely protective and is really not above showing up at your home. 
-She’ll offer emotional support as best as any Hollow can, and try to reassure you that she’ll always be there to protect you. So long as you can get away to visit her, you’ll have time to be safe, and if not… well, she’s certainly not above taking matters into her own hands. If it means you’ll be safe, she can go out of her way to frighten a couple of troublesome humans into compliance. 
-He spends a long time acting like he doesn’t particularly care, but before long, he offers out of nowhere for you to stay with him permanently. Bothering with your parents is beneath him, but keeping you somewhere where no one can hurt you is a workable plan of action. If you’ll agree to it, he’ll take surprisingly good care of you now that his frustratingly protective instincts have kicked in. 
-Do you want him to kill someone? ‘Cause he can do that. He can definitely do that. You’ll honestly have to talk him out of murdering your parents, and after that, he’s not really sure what to do. Emotional support seems beyond him, he couldn’t confront them without it ending in violence, and he just doesn’t know what to do. All he really wants is to see you safe and away from them. 
-Do you want him to kill someone? You’ll have to convince him not to go to the human world and fight your parents himself. He’s feeling protective as fuck as soon as he figures out what’s going on, and will offer violence pretty much every day. In the meantime, he’ll try to teach you how to stand up for yourself, both physically and verbally… maybe a bit too aggressively, though. 
-Ah, well, he can poison a couple of humans very easily. Once you ban him from that, it’s a simple offer to stay with him forever, away from anyone who could hurt you. He’s very serious about protecting you forever, and will probably start making arrangements for you to stay before you even agree. He can do better than your human family ever could at making you happy and well. 
-Yeah, if you don’t let him kill your parents, you’re staying with him for good, no protests allowed. With a weird sort of protectiveness surging, all he can think about is keeping you somewhere safe, close to him, and away from the people who think they can hurt you. He can take care of you so much better than they could. He can do so much better for you than they ever could. 
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tiaragqueen · 2 years ago
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Oh oof. D: That would be one big ouch
-Just hearing about that gives him some degree of a panic attack. He won’t be leaving you alone for a very long while, even if that means dragging you along with him just so he can keep an eye on you. He has no idea what could be the best means of keeping you safe, but the best thing he can think of is keeping you as close to him as possible, so he can always be there to protect you. 
-Aside from the overwhelming wave of gratefulness that you’re okay, she’s a thousand levels of worried about what exactly happened to put you in so much danger. She’ll, of course, take measures to make sure that that particular accident will never happen again, as well as figuring out a means of keeping you safer while she’s gone. This method probably involves her Fraccion. 
-He tries to act unaffected. The accident was just an accident, and it’s not like you came to any harm. There’s no reason to get upset over something that was just a close call. Even so, he’s feeling vaguely panicky deep down over the lack of control. The idea that you could have died so easily while he was away makes him feel deeply unsettled, even if he won’t admit it. 
-Of course. It’s just his luck that the person he actually cares about could be killed that easy. On one hand, he’s sort of glad that he wasn’t the one to come close to killing you, but at the same time, he kind of just wants to chop anything that could ever hurt you into very small pieces. He’s very frustrated that he couldn’t do more to keep you safe, as well as more than a little scared. 
-Well, you’re never leaving his sight again. He can and will drag you along with him everywhere just to make sure that nothing tries to hurt you again, and he’ll be aggressive about it. He couldn’t stand to lose you, so you have to be safe no matter what. He’ll go on a long overprotective phase that includes even attempting to use his Fraccion as bodyguards for you. 
-That… wasn’t supposed to happen. Szayel prides himself on having perfect control of every situation, and such an unforeseen circumstance puts him ridiculously on edge. He’ll take extra measures to make sure you’re safe from then on out, even going to ridiculously overdone degrees of work just make absolutely sure that nothing can ever come that close to hurting you again. 
-He quickly starts debating the merits of locking you up somewhere in his territory where nothing can hurt you again. He gets overprotective fast, almost dangerously so, and will go to downright weird lengths to try to make sure that you’re safe from then on. He gets almost aggressive about protecting you, but all of it stems from how scared he was when he found out you almost died. 
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tiaragqueen · 2 years ago
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Yeah, Hollows can absolutely cry! We see Tesla cry in canon, which is one of the few things I actually agree with in the portrayal of Arrancar. And as far as what would make them cry, these are just what I think would be most likely. Like people, Arrancar can cry for a lot of reasons, not just the ones that hurt the most.
-I imagine that he’s cried quite a bit in his time as a Hollow. Loneliness gets to him more than anything, and all of his time of isolation has probably ended in quite a few tears. At least, it did before he resigned himself to the suffering and forced himself to numb every feeling towards it all. 
-The thing that would make Halibel cry is harm coming to someone that she cares about. Her Fraccion, most obviously, but if she had a partner, them getting severely hurt or killed would be enough to draw some tears. She’s generally pretty stoic, though, and faces her emotions in different ways. 
-That’s… gonna be difficult. Ulquiorra does everything possible to avoid having feelings, so crying is almost out of the question. I think what could actually get to him would be a realization, a deep, meaningful realization that someone cares about him and that he does have feelings for them, romantic or platonic.
-Nnoitra is the type that I think would cry from frustration, but only in very extreme cases. He’s so numb to things like sadness, despair, and pain that it would take a lot to get to him, but I can see him crying from sheer frustration when the endless misery of the life he’s in starts to corner his thoughts. 
(If anyone sees this, though, they will be very dead.)
-Grimmjow is another one who I think would cry from loss. It would take a lot for him to hit that point, but he’s more sensitive than he wants to admit. Losing his Fraccion was something that may have gotten tears once he was alone and everything sunk in, but once again, he would absolutely never admit to it. 
-He’s the type to cry from pain, since his physical body is more on the delicate side, and he’s not used to direct combat and pain. It would be a massive point of shame for him, though, and one that he’d very likely kill people for witnessing. It would also be very difficult to get him into that situation. 
-The thing that would make him cry the most easily is fear. And not just basic fear, but genuine fearing for his life terror. He’s a coward at heart who doesn’t want to be hurt, and a combination of fear and pain could pretty easily draw out some tears, no matter how much he wants to pretend like he’s tough. 
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tiaragqueen · 2 years ago
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This ask makes me happy!! ;A; Let the Arrancar live
-His heart is breaking in the best of ways. Thinking that he’d lost you absolutely shattered him, so knowing that you’re okay is almost crushing. Coming so close to having you gone makes him all the more aware of how much he needs you, and all he’ll want for a long time is to hold onto you tight. 
-It’s a relief on a thousand levels to know that you’re okay– enough of one that it might actually get some tears out of her. She came so, so close to losing you, be it through her death or yours, and it feels like a blessing that she barely deserves that you’re alive and well after everything that happened. 
-He shouldn’t be alive and he knows it. With Aizen gone, he has little reason for living, little purpose as the strange creature that he’s become. He has absolutely no idea what to do with himself, and seems more confused than anything that he’s alive. Even so, he’s happy deep down that he’s not alone. 
-Whatever the fuck kept him from dying, it’s not fair. He was supposed to be cut down in a proper battle, not live through the whole mess. You were the one meant to live, not him, and Nnoitra almost expects you to be disappointed that he’s still alive. There’s no reason why he should still get to be with you. 
-Fuck yeah you both lived! As soon as he sees you, he’s almost bursting with joy. You were tough enough to live too, and he’s ridiculously proud of you for that. Sure, thinking that he’d lost you hurt, but now that he knows you’re okay, he’s just thrilled that both of you were the strongest this time. 
-Of course you survived. He’ll never admit to thinking anything different, but there’s a visible relief on his face that speaks clearly as to what he’s feeling. He doesn’t want to think about how lost he would have been without you, so he switches to bragging about his outstanding victories instead. 
-Oh. You actually made it. He was terrified that you had been killed… not that he could ever say that. Seeing you alive and well is a relief that shouldn’t have been afforded to someone like him, but there’s no way he’s going to be anything but pleased that both of you got out of everything alive.
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tiaragqueen · 2 years ago
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Awww… this has the potential to be very ouchy… >.<
-Starrk’s panic attacks are on the quiet side, with few signs of distress other than slightly accelerated breathing. When you sit down with him and hold his hand, stroking your fingers over his knuckles, little by little, his body starts to relax. By the time his shoulders drop, he’s calming down for real. Eventually, he’ll wind up slumped against you, too exhausted to stay upright. 
-She gets caught by surprise by the sudden rush of fear that she can’t control, dropping quick and all but freezing up. When she’s caught in a panic attack, she has trouble moving, so just sitting beside her with a hand tracing up and down her back does wonders. Talk her through getting her breathing back to normal and stay beside her until she’s calm enough to regain her composure. 
-His panic attacks take the form of going almost totally unresponsive, staring off into space and not moving no matter what you do. The best thing you can do is sit and talk to him, ease him back to reality little by little with soft words and a softer tone. He’ll be dazed and out of it for a long time after the attack, even if deep down, he’s almost grateful for the caretaking and kindness. 
-When Nnoitra has a panic attack, it’s typically in the form of a violent rampage that gets a lot of people hurt. Being forced to stay down and face the fear hurts, and it may be one of the few times he’ll willingly rely on you. He’s not good at dealing with panic when it hits him hard– at least, not when it’s with someone coddling him instead of merely going on a killing-spree out in the sand. 
-He has the more traditional panic attacks, complete with curling up into a little ball and hyperventilating. These attacks are rare, but when they happen, all he really wants is to get as close to you as possible and listen to your heartbeat until the fear goes away. He’ll never admit to being so needy once he’s calm, but in the moment, it feels like he needs you more than anything. 
-For Szayel, panic attacks come with a desperate need to stay busy and keep control. He’ll pace around his lab, “fixing” everything he can find, all while trying to look perfectly fine. You’ll have to talk him down from the frantic activity, get him to sit down and breathe while you keep him calm. Szayel can barely stand being seen so weak, but even he knows he needs your company now. 
-When he’s in the midst of a panic attack, Aaroniero is almost afraid of you. He’ll try to hide somewhere small and dark where it feels like nothing can hurt him, and honestly, joining him in his panic-nest is the best thing you can do. He gets desperately clingy when he’s scared, even if afterward, he’d sooner die than admit that he all but begged you to stay with him no matter what. 
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tiaragqueen · 2 years ago
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Oh, anon, we love depressing here~ >:3c
-He’s scared for you. Legitimately scared, because now there’s very little way for you to take care of yourself. That said, the injury doesn’t make him see you any differently, and there’s certainly no faltering in his desire to stay by your side. If anything, he’s even more determined to protect you. 
-She fusses over you a lot more than she’d really like to admit to. It hurts to think of you as so badly injured that you can’t even take care of yourself, but the reality is there and she has to deal with it. Keeping you safe has become more complicated, but that doesn’t mean she’s backing down. 
-He tries to act like he doesn’t care, dismissing the injury as your own fault for not being careful enough. Inside, though, he’s very, very tense. It’s a major weakness to be as helpless as you are now, and he hates the surge of protective feelings that your current state is creating in him. 
-He doesn’t like it. And not, that is not saying that he doesn’t like you because of it. The reality is that, now that you’re so helpless, he’s terrified of making everything worse. Someone like him can’t take care of an injured person, and that just means that you’re better off staying far away from him. 
-He gets ridiculously protective, all but growling at anyone who gets close to you. Helpless or not, all he wants is to see you safe, and he gets very, very aggressive about making sure that stays the reality. He’s not the best at taking care of you at first, but he learns surprisingly quickly and well. 
-Oh, he’s going to fix it. Somehow, no matter what he has to do, you’re going to recover perfectly. He simply won’t settle for anything less. He throws himself into his lab, doing everything to try to find a way to help you. Meanwhile, you’ll be well taken care of by a Fraccion made exactly for the purpose. 
-The situation creates an almost dangerous level of protectiveness in him. As in, he very much wants to find a nice, safe place to hide you in and lock you up forever so no one and nothing can ever hurt you again. He’s desperate not to lose you, and that desperation makes him do some strange things. 
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tiaragqueen · 2 years ago
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Cute lil s/o~ Too good and pure for this world~ o3o
-He can honestly hardly believe that you’re willing to put up with him. Starrk isn’t stupid enough to believe that he’s a good person, and having you around makes him acutely aware of now not good he really is. That said, he’s absurdly protective over you, and won’t hesitate to intimidate that life out of anyone that he thinks is trying to harm or take advantage of you. 
-Suddenly, she’s never been more dedicated to protecting something good and pure. You’re too good for the world you’re stuck in now, and it actually sort of bothers her that you’re willingly putting up with an Arrancar. If anyone tries to take advantage of you, though, they’ll meet with one very angry Halibel, making it very clear that any sort of ill-intent to you won’t be tolerated. 
-You sort of irritate him at first. Kindness and… affection aren’t traits that belong anywhere near him, and the sooner you figure that out, the better. He gets frustrated easily with how often you get taken advantage of, but he’s compelled to protect you anyway. The concept of being loved is weird enough– but even more strange when it’s from someone so soft and sweet. 
-Yeah, he’s never felt more disgusting in his life. You make him acutely aware of how horrible he is, all while making him feel disturbingly protective over you. Having something so soft and small and loving attached to him is just weird, but you love him for some reason, and Nnoitra is left wondering what he even could have done to deserve someone like you.
-He’s going to dismember anyone who tries to take advantage of you. Quite possibly literally. You’re sweet and innocent and Grimmjow is going to protect that innocence at any cost. You make him feel kind of awful next to you, sure, but that just makes him even more aware of how disturbingly lucky he got to have someone so damn nice putting up with him. 
-He never thought he’d care much for innocence and affection, and yet, he’s now weirdly set on making sure that no one hurts you ever. Anyone trying to take advantage of you is going to wind up poisoned or in a specimen jar… and you’ll always be none the wiser. He gets invested in making sure you see as little of anything horrible as possible, especially his own. 
-He’s consumed by the impulse to shut you away somewhere safe and comfortable where nothing can try to hurt you ever again. He’s never been one to feel protective, or really even care about anyone but himself, but when he sees you being taken advantage of, all he can think of is keeping you safe. You seem helpless in a way that he’s bizarrely drawn to. 
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