#yandere formaggio x reader
depravitymoon · 10 months
Does the Yandere la squadra have room preferences for the darling post kidnapping?
This is the oldest ask sitting in my inbox and today’s the day I answer it. Right now, I’m gonna be honest. Part of the reason this sat in my inbox for so long is because I was trying to figure out the question. Hence, I’m going to try to guess what it’s asking. 
The questions I’m gonna be asking myself:
What are the general house rules post-kidnapping?
Would your yandere even give you a room?
Would your yandere change their own room for you?
And just to make this simple: This is an Everyone Lives AU where Giorno is Don and actually increased La Squadra's pay by 1000%. La Squadra are roommates in a big ass villa, so it feels like live in through own private apartment complex... but richer. lol
(Some of the pictures of rooms come from here.)
(Warning: Other than yandere, kidnapping, and implied forced labor, Melone also wants kids with you.))
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RIsotto Nero
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Risotto’s rules:
Don’t get sassy with him.
Do what he says.
Do not attempt to run away from him.
If he is not there, then have Pesci or Prosciutto guide you.
Would your yandere even give you a room? NO.
Risotto isn’t as fucked up as some of his teammates, but he likes having control of you. Also, it’s easier to intimidate you when he’s always so close to you (and is a giant). Having your own room might make you feel too comfortable disobeying him and he refuses to let you think that’s an option.
Would your yandere change their own room for you? Yes. You behave and he’s willing to even make the room look like Enid and Wednesday’s. 
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Prosciutto’s rules:
Be a good housewife.
Cook the meals.
Clean the ‘house’.
Run errands with Pesci.
Don’t sass him.
Greet him when he gets home.
Would your yandere even give you a room?  HAHAHAHAHA, NO. You’re funny.  You two are married and married couples sleep together.  Also, you’re in charge of cleaning, do you really want your own room to clean in addition of his room and Pesci’s.
Would your yandere change their own room for you? He will negotiate with you. Have you been a good wife? Have you been completing the chores? What are you willing to give in return to drastically change his room for you? 
Sidenote 01: Prosciutto gets the biggest room because Risotto didn't care to get the Master bedroom. 
Sidenote 02: Proscuitto just wants you taking care of his portion of the villa. If you're being annoying, he'll force you to clean of Pesci's portion (but Pesci's nice enough to help you with your cleaning).
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Pesci’s rules:
Be polite to Risotto.
Listen to what big brother says.
If big bro gets handsy on you, look for Pesci.
Avoid the others except Ghiaccio.
Stay away from Ghiaccio when he’s mad. Don’t walk, RUN.
Would your yandere even give you a room? Pesci would never force you to stay in his room unless he actually thought you were in danger. At worse, he'd manipulate you into staying with him. If La Squadra has room (no pun intended) you can have your own room.
Would he change his room for you? Absolutely! He just wants you comfortable! Hell, you can have half of his room AND your own room. 
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Melone’s Rules:
Be a good parent to his future offspring.
Don’t ask for anything unless you’re willing to do some Not Safe For Work activities for it.
At least pretend you're happy to see Melone once in awhile, especially around bambino!
Would your yandere even give you a room? Honestly, yes. He did kidnap you to force you to have his future children. The least he can do is accommodate you.
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He'll only let you roam the villa if he believes you'll behave. The moment you try leaving is the moment you're literally chained to his bedroom and has to have Pesci follow you around when Melone can't.  Yes, he knows you're mad that he plans to baby trap you. At least you'll be a rich mom, not a pauper with 'freedom'.
Would he change his room for you?  No. If anything, he’d probably make your room also your future baby’s room too, which would force you to come to his room for some peace and quiet.
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((Author's Note: Let's pretend that the floor is an all white carpet. Apparently, most people know better than to have white carpet.))
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Ghiaccio’s Rule:
DO NOT stain his room.
DO NOT yell at him.
DO NOT talk to the other members unless it’s an emergency.
DO NOT be alone with Melone.
You may be asking "Why would you have a white room? Why not just let me go if you dont want a stained room-" SHUT UP AND DONT SASS HIM.
Would your yandere even give you a room?  Depending on if you two are own good terms, he might let you stay in the tinier room right next to his. Just behave. Your room has no bed, because he'll be forcing you to sleep in his bed with him. You're the most likely darling to be allowed to roam the villa, but you can't go outside. 
Would he change his room for you?  No, which is why you get your own room if you behave. 
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Illuso's rules:
Do as he says.
Do as he says.
Do as he says.
Do as he says.
Oh, he keeps you in the mirror world with food all day when he's not with you. Rights? lol Silly darling, you have no rights.
Everything you have is solely due to his desires. While Risotto's darling spends 90% of the time in his room, Illuso's darling spends 99.99% of the time in Illuso's room and the mirror world.
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Doesn’t need rules because he can just shrink you down when he wants.
I imagine the only thing that stands out about Formaggio's room is that it's filled with a dollhouse, dolls, pet cages, and a hamster ball. Why all of that? So he can entertain himself messing with you. 
There is more than enough room for you to be in Formaggio's room. And he doesn't want to break you like Illuso would. Formaggio just likes bullying you, but he does want you functioning like a human being. Having a person he can actually converse with is better han some doll that obeys him, gross. 
Obviously, you wont get your own room, but he will customize your dollhouse room if you behave! Oh and he does like you room the mansion. Keep in mind if you ever try to flee, that privilege is revoked forever.
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May I please for a scenario or headcanons for poly La Squadra including Sorlato with fem darling who knows about their interest towards her and her saying this:
"I know your interest in me, and I'm willing to return those feelings if you let me continue working in my doll shop and you guys work there. Also, I know your original paychecks sucks, so we all get what we want."
Cool, extra hands to help out? Seems like a good bargain, on the surface, there’s no take backs once you say “yes” and being Yandere they will test their dearests mettle to the limits.
Yandere! La Squadra w/ doll shop owner darling
So whether you repair, sell, make dolls, they’re all ready to help. Which depending on the options could be quite chaotic. There will be times they absolutely make you uncomfortable.
Formaggio probably makes comments of how this is rather a bit girly for him and he’d rather just hang around you, Illuso makes a jab at his statement in which these two have a little back and forth. They don’t really end up fighting but there’s a little intensity you can feel.
He then keeps coming up to you for the smallest of tasks or takes forever on certain bits that should be child’s play. It’s absolutely on purpose and almost impossible to get him off your back.
He also mentions you’re so sweet for paying them. That it’s a good thing that he’s there with the others, otherwise you could get taken advantage of. He’s only allowed to do that, and you can feel the irony of his statement thick in the air.
Sewing/clothing repair is interestingly enough right up Pesci’s alley. He’s worked with fishing line and other thin wires so learning isn’t hard when you teach him. Which you likely praise him for how quickly he’s picked things up.
If you compliment him he gets rather shaky, you swear you see some blush to his cheeks, and Prosciutto scolds him to at least try and keep his composure. His heart flys to the moon if you think his nervousness is cute.
Prosciutto is sort of beaming with pride, but at the same time insists having some time with you himself. There might be a lingering amount of jealousy he had for Pesci’s praise coming from you, but he puts that aside and decides he needs to step up his game.
He gets all professional with you and staring at your stitch work, he’ll immediately help you with any snag/mistake you might’ve made. There’s a point he might even guide your own hands if he sees the need.
He absolutely makes sure you can feel him beside you, and is memorizing every type of fabric you use, the measurements, and accessories. Is he much too close to one side of your ear? That’s a yes. He’ll even tell you it’s absolutely necessary, somehow batting off your concerns as if they’re excuses.
Sorbet and Gelato are an interesting pair that love keeping each other company whenever they can dip out. It feels like they’re unproductive in their work, but by the time you’re closing every little thing you asked them to do is done. It seems they’re rather great at keeping your dolls clean honestly. This does come at a personal cost, if no one else is cornering you Sorbet and Gelato will absolutely be there. Gelato seems to recommend certain dolls be rearranged in a certain way. A couple of them are plucked and the money is all in the register. Sorbet on the other hand seems to be great at seeing which ones have massive value if you received a donation or sale. Telling you them to lock them behind glass, the two of them seem to joke about locking you beind a cute glass display. The way they say it seemingly romantically doesn’t feel like a joke however.
Melone does very well with making sure all of your money is accounted for, somehow he knows all your expenses and other things he probably shouldn’t know about you.
If you’re working in the back and he comes into help with a little dusting or cleaning. He will make pretty suggestive comments about you, and suggests some of the outfits the dolls have would be adorable. If you distract him with something such as horoscopes, he immediately explains every little thing about each sign. How you two positively match and were meant to be. Can end up being rather overwhelming.
He does end up having good suggestions on what people seem to gravitate towards. Which of course he tells you this in great detail.
No matter what job he’s put in he almost always manages to be creepy someway, so you’re likely to have him somewhere out of sight out of mind. He doesn’t consider this a punishment in the slightest, and will certainly take advantage with flirting with you behind the scenes. Having him in front of customers is a big no-no however.
Ghiaccio is another handful of his own, he gets sets off pretty easily so you have to figure out a decent way for him to work on something. He does tend to grab your hand occasionally and gently pull you over to him without warning. (Except around risotto).
He does get very agitated if a customer tries to disrespect you. They may not ever come back if he gets their hands on them.
Insists on having you within his eyesight almost constantly, or at least having you around with whatever task you’re having him do.
You do have to coach him out of his jealousy rages or getting aggravated at another member occasionally. Usually you end up making him some type of tea, he indeed relishes this.
Illuso is likely to be the best at being at the front (aside from yourself or prosciutto). He rather enjoys that you don’t mind him “hogging” the position. It gives him an easy way to be almost constantly in your presence.
He’s thorough on whatever you task him with, he wouldn’t be an assassin if he wasn’t capable after all. He’s so thorough he takes advantage and insists to help you himself. Does his best to make you flustered at any given point in the day.
He definitely stalks you and will chillingly mention a show you liked on tv the night before. Unironically engaging in said show’s contents, all while reveling in your conflicting expressions. He’ll fluster you even more if given the chance, up to the point he’s pulled away to do something else.
Risotto is his another enigma with his obsessiveness, he insists on doing everything during closing hours. Taking inventory/stocking, some of your business side paperwork is done even though you didn’t ask him to. He seems normal on the outside but there’s this aura about him that inwardly sets you off. Like he never wants you to leave his sight.
Any troublesome things occurring outside your business (and your home if it’s not right by) cease. He absolutely follows you home every night and early morning when possible. You’ll never see him however, he makes sure of that. He keeps his team in line when need be, but ironically that means you as well.
He wants you comfortable but he’s not afraid of going right to the edge of insanity to keep you around. He’ll certainly coordinate with other members of the team. He considers your “yes” a contract of approval and will do what he sees fit to keep you around. If that means going to the lengths of threatening others so be it. But he and the others already agreed upon this regardless of how you felt about them.
There are dozens of times he just seems to pop out of nowhere on you. He doesn’t seem to have issue with this in the slightest, if you need your hand held from nearly having a heart attack he’s there to oblige.
Just before he goes out on a mission, he always leaves a favorite food of yours (packaged preferably) on your desk.
If you wonder how he got in without giving him with a key, he likely used Metallica to figure out the shape of the keyhole of your locks.
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berylcups · 6 months
Hi I read ur yandere illuso work and it was so good!!
Could you possibly write yandere formaggio x quiet reserved reader?
Yandere Files: Formaggio x Reserved Quiet Reader
Hello there ! I’m glad you enjoyed it!
Yandere Formaggio x Quiet/Shy Reader coming right up! Hope you enjoy because I’m a blushing mess lol 😳
Y/N has been with La Squadra for a few months now. Everyone seems to get along as well as their quirks will allow. Y/N though, doesn’t seem to be opening up to anyone.
They were at the cafe again. They were scoping out another target for the boss.
“What’s Y/Ns date of birth? Also their blood type?” Melone asked as looked up from his laptop for once.
“Why the hell do you wanna know that? Don’t you dare tell me you’re gonna use them as a surrogate!” Prosciutto scolded him.
“No…I mean we know very little about them. It’s important to have their date of birth, and blood type in case they were in need of any medical attention.” Melone defended himself.
“Oh… I guess we would need to know that. All I know is that they’re from _____.” Prosciutto pondered while lighting up a cigarette.
“They’re very sensitive. Maybe their zodiac is cancer?” Pesci speculated.
“Hmm no… that’s too vague. And besides, anyone would get upset if Ghiaccio yells at them for saying a word wrong… I also think I saw them physically recoil when they saw that mother strolling in the park with her twins.” Melone said looking back down at his screen.
“I’m back~! What did I miss???” Formaggio loudly announced as he sat back down.
“Please tell me you washed your hands this time.” Melone side eyed Formaggio.
“Yeah-yeah of course I did. Now what’s going on?” He asked.
“Well, we were talking about Y/N and how little we know about them.” Prosciutto informed him.
“Awww little Y/N is probably just shy . You guys would just scare them!” Formaggio explained. “I’ll tell you what- let me hang around them for a few missions. And I bet I’ll turn them into something that won’t shut the hell up!”
“Fine by me. I’m too busy with mentoring Pesci to help them out.” Prosciutto agreed with the plan.
This cheesy guy will immediately take you under his wing. Especially if you have a “useless” stand. He will teach you his sadistic and creative ways on how to use your stand offensively.
It will take him like only a day for him to get the hots for you. But for him to become obsessed? Maybe give it a month tops. This guy doesn’t ever fall in love but when he does, he does HARD. Want to know why he doesn’t have any exes? They’re in hiding or… you know. But that doesn’t matter anymore because he has you now!🤩
He will stand up for you if Ghiaccio gets crabby on you or if Illuso is being a bully. He’ll wrap an arm around you and hold you while telling them off about what asshole they’re being. They shouldn’t talk to you like that! You’re a foreigner! you didn’t know that Naples is called Napoli!
“Aw sweet heart don’t cry! They don’t mean anything by it! He just has a stick up his ass! Come on sugar muffin, dry those tears and give me a smile. See? That’s my Y/N!”
He’s not very subtle with his attraction. He’ll be staring down at your chest, ass, crotch… anything! Like, my eyes are up here sir. 👀
He get you to open up a little more by telling jokes or doing something stupid just to get you to smile. He’s addicted to that smile 😍
Anything he gets from his missions he gives to you like little trophies. Car keys, miniature cars, tiny bottles, tiny furniture, etc. He likes to give you the most random of objects!
Anyone outside of the squad who’s bothering you like a bad ex, current partner, toxic family members, or anyone he sees as a threat— he’s gonna do his special magic trick and make them disappear. Your happiness is his priority. Well 2nd priority- he wants you in his possession first, but he hopes you want him too and that will all work out perfectly then!
When you’re home alone doing things like undressing or taking a shower, he’s gonna be there watching. Every single time. He needs the image of your body burned into his mind so he has something to jerk off to. And who’s to say he isn’t doing that while watching you?
On missions he’ll get a hotel for the 2 of you. It may not be the nicest but still well managed and clean. He definitely makes sure it’s a 1 bed room. He knows you have trouble sleeping anywhere that isn’t your own bed so he made sure to get you some sleeping pills to help you out! Isn’t that nice?
Once you’re fully knocked out and in a blissful dreamless sleep is when he finally strikes. He pulls your shirt up freeing your chest and your sleep shorts down exposing your pretty cunt.
“Oh sweetie baby… you should never hide these from me~”
He’s gonna eat your pussy out like a man who’s been starved for DAYS. He gonna tongue fuck you and then make sure to pay special attention to your aching clit and suck on it hard. The moaning in your sleep is just going to egg him on.
“Damn angel you taste so good! I could spend the rest of my life down here between your legs!”
He’d pull his aching cock out his pants and line it up with your sopping wet cunt and take you to pound town. He was too lost in the pleasure to care if you wake up.
You eventually wake up half way through and see him on top of . “Fo-Formaggio?! What are you doing?!” You stuttered in confusion and shock. You always liked him and wanted to get closer with him but you never expected it to escalate into this!
“I’m so sorry sweetheart but I can’t help it anymore! I love you so fucking much! Just take it ! Take everything I give you angel doll! God you’re so perfect!”
He’ll throw you into a full mating press and will keep babbling the same pet names and praises and won’t stop till the both of you cum.
“Take it all sugar! You look so pretty taking my cock like this, now take my load! I love you I love you I love you! 💕 “
Now that you’re pleasantly full, you can hope to see more of that in the future. Probably———every night. At least. The guy is super fucking horny lmao good luck with that 🍀
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Serial Killer!Ghiaccio X Fem!reader (Part 1/?)
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TW: NSFW content, Yandere, sexual harassment, kidnapping, violence, blood, gore
PLEASE NOTE: The reader of this story is not going to have much control on her surroundings.
SUMMARY: Fem!reader is invited to a laurea (graduation party) and finds Formaggio, Illuso and finally Ghiaccio. After a flashback explaining how fem!reader and Ghiaccio met, She decides to head to her dormitory with him. That was a poor choice.
Il Santo Bevitore bar,  00:31
October, Graduation month.
This was the third time you heard that chant.
“...Dottore nel buco del cul! VAFFANCUL!VAFFANCUL!”
The chanting was followed by the popping of a Prosecco bottle and a flying cork rolling at the feet of some random students, who probably weren’t even invited to the party.
However, that was never a problem from the start. After all, having gatecrashers at your graduation party is so common that it is now a tradition.
The foamy neck of the bottle, still steaming from its own coolness, slips into your plastic cup supported by Giorno’s quivering hands, who is once again in charge of pouring the alcohol for every single guest. From his rosy cheeks and shaky steps, it was clear that Giorno would not be able to keep himself upright much longer. 
“Grazie Gioà, sei sicuro di non dover vomitare?”
(Thanks Giorno, Are you sure you’re not feeling sick?)
You ask him sheepshly and with a slight note of worry, but before the blondie could answer you’re interrupted by a loud voice.
Your head quickly turns back. It’s Guido Mista, Giorno’s best friend.  He's also kinda drunk...Guido doesn't waste no time and after catching a big breath he starts shouting at the top of his lungs to give an additional toast.
The rhythmic chant ignites a roaring wave of excitement throughout the bar, fueling Giorno's enthusiasm to the point where he eagerly presses his lips against the giant bottle. The poor guy started drinking since early in the afternoon, and the blame undoubtedly fell on Guido.
As a matter of fact, Guido kept filling up his friend’s glass with whatever alcoholic concoction was within arm's reach. Giorno had finished his graduation speech at 3:30 p.m. By 3:37 p.m. Guido had already made him chug half a bottle of shoddy Tavernello, all complemented by the bursting of confetti and colorful streamers.
Since you knew what a dangerous mix of cheap alcohol was broiling in Giorno’s stomach, you swiftly step back as an anonymous blonde boy decides to intervene by firmly confiscating the bottle of Prosecco. He looked a little concerned. However, you’re pretty sure you’ve seen him before, what was his name again?
“UEEEE PANNAAAA’ààà!!A’Pannacotta!! Ué fra, pcchè nu staj bvenn?"
(PANNACOTTA! Why aren’t you drinkin’, brah??)
You hear Guido shouting, while Giorno’s perfectly bowed laurel wreath had already fallen on his delicate, red face, messing up his golden locks. 
“Mannagg a miserij Guido, ma t'e sciumunut? se m mett a bev pur ij, aropp chi a guid a machin?! comm v port a cas? Nun me facc' ritirare la patente n'altra volta."
 (For fuck's sake Guido, have you gone nuts??If I start pounding drinks too, then who the hell's gonna get your ass home? I ain't letting those bastards revoke my damn license... again.)
Replies the friend in annoyance while adjusting the laurel wreath of a drunk and smiling Giorno.
“E ij che n sacc, stu bar è chin r ingegner autoveicolo, fatt costruì na mongolfiera. vann a naft no?”
(That sounds like a you problem, this bar is full of automotive engineers, ask them if they can build you an air baloon .They run on gasoline don't they?)
“Tu staj proprij a for.”
(You can’t be that stupid.)
At least Guido isn’t wrong, the bar is swarming with engineers looking for one thing and one thing only.
“...Aò, ma’ndò sta la figa??”
(...Yo, Where the bitches at?)
A strong smell of Menabrea invades your nostrils before an anonymous arm swiftly sorrounds your shoulders and traps your body against a men’s chest.
You quickly recognize the man’s voice.
It’s Formaggio, your favourite drop-out engineer. 
A legend among your faculty for being the ultimate judge of the nightlife, Formaggio lags two years behind you. Throughout the entire semester of you two chilling together, you've taken an oath that you've never laid eyes on him cracking open a book or even getting close to one.
Formaggio's library visits are solely reserved for bugging his buddies, making quick pit stops at the restroom, exploiting his student discount on vending machine goodies, or diving into his favourite pursuit: charming the ladies.
Since it was common knowledge that Formaggio had a preference for freshmen, he very often did not hesitate to physically show you  his affection in front of other people.
“Zì. Questa festa è per i laureati in biologia, non scienze della formazione.”
(Dude. This party is for biology majors, not education majors).
That saccharine yet disinterested tone could only belong to Illuso. You don’t know much about him except that he lives with Formaggio somewhere in the centro storico and that he's majoring in architecture.
It is common knowledge that architects and engineers are natural enemies, like engineers and mathematicians, engineers and physicists, and engineers and other engineers…Damn engineers! They ruined STEM...
Despite all that, these two seem to get along perfectly.
While immersed in your own thoughts, your left check is refreshed by the condensation of Formaggio’s Menabrea as he tries to hold you closer to his chest. He drank too much, and therefore he’s getting even more touchy.
“Ti vedo accaldata chicca, ti prendo qualcosa da bere?Lulù perchè nun vai dall’oste e ce piji quarcosa? Tiè, prendite ‘no scudo e facce fa’ due gintonic.”
(I see you're sizzlin' up, babe. Need a drink to cool those flames? Lulu, hit up the bar, grab some stuff for us. Get a couple of gintons in the mix)
“Oh no no…sto apposto!”
(UH,Nah…I’m fine!)
Panicked, you encounter Illuso’s sight, who immediately gives you an almost disgusted look, as if it was your fault if his friend is drooling all over you. His eyes narrow above a tight and twist smile, and Formaggio gives him a flickering smile back.
"Facciamo che ci vai tu fino al bancone dato che stai preso bene."
( Why don't YOU go to the bar and get us something?)
"Sei propio da' a Lazio, Lulù."
(You're a fucking cunt, Lulu, you know that?)
“ Immaginavo di trovarti qui.”
(I knew you were here.)
Your body is shaken by a sudden shiver. At first glance, you connected that chill to the Menabrea freezing damp glass, but you soon catch on that the bottle is no longer grazing against your cheek.
It’s his voice that made you shiver.
It’s too familiar.
“Oh, Ghiaccio,ce stai anche tu.”
(Oh Ghiaccio, you’re here too.)
Formaggio turns his head behind his shoulders while still keeping his hands on you. His smile fades and his friendly tone vanishes, now resembling Illuso’s.
Regrettably, you know exactly the reason behind Formaggio’s sudden change. It’s no secret that Ghiaccio is an expert in ruining the mood with his bad attitude. In the past, Formaggio tried to warn you many times about Ghiaccio's sudden violent outbursts. 
You found it hard to believe since Formaggio never looked really concerned for his friend but rather preoccupied about his 'party pooper’ attitude.
According to him:
If sober, Ghiaccio would kill the buzz. 
When drunk, Ghiaccio would kill people. 
Even if you seriously doubted about the 'killing' part, everyone on the faculty thought that Ghiaccio was a bit of a weirdo. 
Not that engineers in general aren’t labeled as ‘weirdos’. However, Ghiaccio was giving all those signs of someone you shouldn't approach. After all: ‘ quale persona sana di mente si iscriverebbe a ingegneria, per di più a ingegneria chimica?’
Every time someone actually took the courage to come up to his desk and try to have a word with him, his responses were always dry and blunt. Hunched over his computer and with a MATLAB tab permanently open, not once had he raised his head to engage in conversation with his interlocutor. 
As a matter of fact, it was only his eyes that tried to move.
The gaze behind those thick glasses became suddenly glacial and sinister, accompanied by a tone so saccharine and dismissive that it would have put anyone off.
Ghiaccio sat stiff and still like a taxidermy animal, looking more dog than human.
Ghiaccio sat there, rigid and lifeless, more canine than human. In fact, he often stood as alone as a rabid dog.
Right now, his friends felt his gaze - that of a rabid dog.
“Qualche problema Maggio? Non hai qualche matricola da seviziare?”
(Any problems Maggio? Couldn’t find any freshman to harass?)
Ghiaccio’s sharp tongue brings you back to reality. The blue-haired boy appeared out of thin hair behind Illuso’s back, startling him. He stands there with his glasses slightly fogged up from the air humidity. His right hand clutches a plastic cup that filled with ice, just ice. Weird.
“Cristo Ghiaccio mi hai quasi fatto prendere un infarto. Sembri un morto che cammina.”
(Jesus Christ Ghiaccio,you almost gave me a heart attack. You look like a walking corpse.)
Comments Illuso, glancing in Formaggio’s directions as he lifts his arm from your shoulders and starts loudly chugging the rest of the Menabrea. This visibly annoys Ghiaccio who instinctively shows his teeth, clenching them in a crooked and forced smile.
“Ciao Ghia, come ti vanno le cose?”
(Hello Ghia, How is it going?)
The smile fades. Ghiaccio starts purposely ignoring the two men, and instead he focuses on you:
“Secondo te, tosa? Domani ho Analisi 2.”
(What you think, tosa? Tomorrow I got the Analysis 2 exam.)
“Non sei preparato-”
(Did you stu-)
“Che domanda der cazzo fai chicca, dove pensi che è stato fin ora, se non chiuso in biblioteca?”
(What a damn dumb question, babe. "Did you study?" Like, where the hell do you think he were just a sec? In a freakin' library, duh.)
Formaggio cuts you, mocking your girly voice.
You cautiously raise your hands, waiting for Ghiaccio to burst out for being interrupted, but that doesn't happen. The blue-haired man just shoots Formaggio a death stare, head slightly cocked, eyes piercing through those thin brows. You notice him instinctively baring his teeth and gums at the man like he's about to bite his neck.
It's a warning.
Formaggio takes the hint and casually peers into the bottle, scrounging for any last drops. Meanwhile, Illuso's ego is so massive that he flat out brushes off Ghiaccio's response and jumps right into schooling his buddy.
“Dove pensi che sia. SIA. Il congiuntivo l’hai lasciato al Quadraro?”
(Where do you think He was. He WAS.)
“Lulù stai cercando una capocciata o una bottigliata? Posso dartele entrambe. Te lascio scegliere l’ordine.”
(Listen Lulu. Do you want to catch these hand or the bottle? I can give you both. Just say a word.)
Formaggio's tone takes on a slurred edge, like he's got a bit too much booze in his system for fooling around. Illuso catches wind of this and takes it as the perfect chance to blow off some steam. Weirdly enough, Ghiaccio stays dead quiet, sitting this convo out.
Now that's a twist.
Still, you catch a little something. Even though the guy's zipped his lip, you spy the plastic cup in his grip utterly squashed.
Why's he holding back? You can read it in his expression, he's just itching to unleash his piece.
“Ziofà facciamo che se sei ignorante non è colpa mia.”
(It’s not my fault you’re ignorant)
Replies the tall man while stiffing up and crossing his arm to feel superior. Now Illuso is not even glaring at Formaggio anymore, and he's perfectly aware this is going to drive him mad.
“Ma chi credi de cojonà a' Pariolino?Ignorante lo dici a tua sorella.”
(You did not just call me ignorant.)
“Ignorante nel senso che ignori la grammatica italiana.”
(Don’t take it personally. I said Ignorant because you're ignoring the Italian grammar)
“Allora tu sei un imbecille perchè Imbelle”
(Then you’re an imbecile because you're imbecilin')
(That doesn’t even make any sense! You just MADE UP. A FUCKING WORD.)
Finally, Illuso comes down from his pedestal and starts hatefully staring at his friend.
Formaggio turns towards you for half a second and hands you the empty Menabrea before turning his gaze back to Illuso.
Formaggio's voice blares like a damn siren, catching the attention of everyone in the joint. A bunch of folks, wreaths atop their heads, swivel around, and others in the joint follow suit. In the midst of the mob, you spot Guido secretively trying on Giorno's laurel wreath while the dude's occupied with some pink-haired girl, fussing over his fancy-ass braid.
"Ragazzi non fate gli stupidi. Non potete fare a botte qui- Ci stano guardando tutti..."
(Guys. Stop this nonsense. You can't fight here. Everyone is looking-)
You make a move to put a stop to their antics, when a chilling voice sneaks into your ear...
(Let's go.)
This sensation is familiar, it’s like being in one of those deep, paralyzing sleeps where the weight of the bed covers feels like a boulder. But this time your body seems as if covered by a light sheet. A cold sheet, as if it had never dried. It’s wet and icy, a cold so sharp that starts biting into your skin.
Your head starts spinning, even though you are sure you haven't moved. 
You remain motionless, unable to do anything but inhale icy air.
You feel as if my whole skin is covered with frost.
Your memories are confused and jumbled...you cannot make sense of them.  Under your clenched eyelids, lights, sounds and colors from llast night mix in a continuous spiral, causing you to feel nauseous. After taking a few breaths, your head finally stops throbbing like the speakers of a disco. Your back hurts as it's lying on a hard surface that is even colder than the surrounding air. The unpleasant sensation given by your skin attached to the icy surface challenges you to move your muscles.... But something is wrong. 
They won't move. They can't move.
You sense your hands resting next to your body, the tips of your fingers numb with cold... However, when you flex them in order to warm them, they do not respond to your thoughts. Panic suddenly makes you lucid. you open your eyes.
Your eyes snap open, only to be assaulted by a blinding white radiance. It's intoxicating, that brilliance. A sea of white stretching to every horizon.
A single source of light reigns, the ceiling lamp above you. You lie atop a slab of metal, nothing but gravity pressing you into its unforgiving surface.
Your breath begins to shorten.
White smoke lazily rises from your lips, disappearing into the neon. The light illuminates your figure yet denies you any heat. You look around, trying to figure out where you are. Your neck slowly begins to loosen, allowing you to get a better look around the room...
Beyond, darkness reigns, a domain devoid of form or presence. Yet, something sinister looms along the walls, whether furniture or pillars, they crawl from floor to ceiling.
Your vision drifts downward, over your frozen feet, past the table's edge, until a glimmer dances at the periphery.
A door? 
“C-C-C’è…c’è q-qualcuno?”
(is-is anybody there?)
Your voice is hoarse, cracking when you try to speak. The icy air scratches your throat, your skin quivers.
The tips of your fingers have now lost sensibility, as if they have become one with the table. You cough... then you try to speak again, louder.
“Pe-Per favore!!COFF! AIUTO!! Sono qui!! Non cè nessuno?!”
(Anyone! Anybody!!Please, some-Cough-SOMEONE HELP!!)
After shouting, you wait panting for an answer... a sign...any sign. 
Suddenly you hear footsteps approaching, slow and measured. A shadow obscures the narrow glimmer coming from the door. The sound of several locks being opened echoes in the room. 
The door slowly opens, letting a much stronger light invade the room, revealing an unknown figure.  A man is watching you from the threshold but the light beyond him prevents you from recognize him.
Your eyes flicker as the light sound of your chattering teeth signals you've just regained control of your jaw muscles.
The expression you’re making seems to amuse the man. A soft chuckle escapes him as he strides into the room, sealing the door in his wake. He drags in a cart, and upon its enigmatic cargo, your gaze falters, unable to discern the details.
“Non ti conviene sforzarti così tanto…rischi di farti male.”
(Oh dear, you shouldn't push yourself too hard...you'll end up hurting yourself.)
His voice slices through the air, sharper than the chill. Dread claws at you, its grip tightening as his teeth catch your attention more than his eyes do. A grin stretches across his face, a gruesome expanse that reveals his gums. His gaze remains unaltered, a predator's stare, unrelenting and piercing.
Behind those glasses, his eyes undress you, baring your vulnerability as if you weren't already stripped bare.
 “Shhh..ti fa male da qualche parte?Come va il respiro?”
(Shhh. Does it hurt anywhere? is your breathing okay?)
All of a sudden, the man puts on a genuinely concerned face, and seems to be focused on your face.
"C-Che è successo??...Ci siamo schiantati?”
(what.... what happened...where am I? did we crash?)
Your voice tremble, it’s stuttering. You gasp as you notice his hand resting on the table, beside your ankle.
" Non c'è niente di cui avere paura...concentrati e rispondi alla domanda: ti fa male da qualche parte?"
(don't worry about it now.... take a breath, stay focused and answer me: does it hurt anywhere?)
The situation is surreal.... what happened? Perhaps you're in a hospital? Did you have an accident? Are you paralyzed because of that?
"n-no. Non c'è niente che mi fa male...ma non riesco a muovermi...h-ho così tanto freddo..."
(n..no.... nothing hurts.... but I can't move..p..I might have something d- to put on...I'm so f-ing cold...)
You murmur, your voice trembling from both cold and unease. Shivers run through you, the icy fingers of anxiety now accompanying the chill. The man's lips curve at your hushed words, his face inches from yours. Your cheeks burn, tainted red by a mix of emotions.
"In un attimo, chicca."
(In a moment, babe.)
He purrs, his tone velvety. However, that ' babe' part is filled with venom and resentment. You quickly notice he's making a sloppy imitation of Formaggio's accent.
His face inches closer, his gaze locked onto yours.
"Sto controllando che sia tutto apposto...dimmi..."
(I must make sure everything's alright... tell me...)
His hand touches the sole of your right foot, a warmth you haven't felt since you woke.
"Senti le mie dita?"
(Can you sense my fingers?)
You're aware of his index finger trailing over your skin, a sensation that sends ripples through your body. Past your knee, ascending your thigh, the warmth causes both your form and fear to tremble. His other fingers join the index, like sinister accomplices, tracing your flesh. With a creeping exploration, his hand moves until it firmly presses against your inner thigh.
"Dimmi quando non le senti più."
(Let me know when you can't feel them anymore.)
(a-ah! Stop!)
You attempt to resist, but your defiance only manifests in the frustrated shake of your head...
He coos, his voice a syrupy assurance.
"Non ti farò niente...per ora. Non sei contenta di ricevere un check up gratuito?"
(I won't do anything... yet. Isn't a complimentary check-up something to be glad about?)
His hand still lingers on your inner thigh, its touch a languid caress that ignites a warmth, craving coursing through your body. You relinquish the sensation, only to be met once again with the unforgiving cold of the table.
"C-Che cosa è successo?"
(What... What's happened to me?)
Breathless, you gasp, your chest heaving. The man's features retain an eerie calm as you sense his touch upon you once more. His fingers slip under your right hand's palm, lifting it, while his other hand blankets your back.
"Solo un attimo chicca, devo finire il chek-up...Poverina, le tue mani sono congelate."
(Just a moment, babe. I need to finish the check-up... Poor thing, your hands are freezing....)
 He smiles as his warm hands rub against yours, giving you such relief that a sigh of pleasure escapes you.
This time, his 'babe' doesn't feel as a mockery.
You catch the sight of his tongue darting across his lips, a prelude to him exhaling gently onto your fingers. His warm breath works its magic, coaxing sensitivity back into your once-numb digits.
"Ti piace, non è vero?...lascia che ti faccia stare meglio..."
(Feels good, doesn't it? let me do something special...) 
Before you can say anything, his mouth is pressed on your fingers as he starts to kiss them, slowly.... how can those lips be so warm.... the gesture is so unexpected that leaves you speechless. You feel your head dipping into a fog-you are still dreaming. You are definitely dreaming. There is no other explanation, 
Your index finger slides into his mouth, encountering the sensation of his warm, wet tongue caressing your nail, descending to its very base. It's a repulsive, slimy sensation, made eerier by the expression he wears—a perverse delight akin to a child sucking their favorite treat.
"M-ma che fai? S-Smettila..."
(N-no... no, stop...)
You stammer, horror clenching at your chest, urging him to cease.
Your gaze locks onto the dreadful scene unfolding before you. Slowly, he extracts your index finger, his lips gripping its tip. Behind the thick lenses of his glasses, Ghiaccio gazes at you, his eyes holding an unsettling glint. As terror courses through you, his teeth begin to close deliberately, his molars biting down, the pressure intensifying with every passing second.
"No-C-Che cosa-AHI. AHIA!! MI FAI MALE! L-Lasciami!! SMETTILA!!"
(No—what are you doing? Ah!AHH! YOU'RE HURTING ME!! It hurts! NO!)
Recognition dawns as you comprehend his sinister intent. The sound that echoes from him—a chilling crunch—is oddly familiar, like the memory of your grandmother offering freshly harvested, crisp carrots from her garden when you were a child.
A scream rips from your throat, pain blurring your sight. His jaw locks around the bone with an aggressive grip.
In a split second that catches you off guard, Ghiaccio tears two of your phalanges away, wrenching your finger free in a swift, brutal motion. The forceful snap of his head results in a gruesome sight—a gushing surge of blood spraying forth.
Your hand remains locked in his.
The vile squelching of his chewing churns your stomach. He's like a rabid dog ravaging his prey.
"Mmh... sapevo ne sarebbe valsa la pena"
(Mhh... delicious... just as I'd imagined.)
Your shrieks of torment transform into violent retches. You twist your face aside, desperate to avoid vomiting, yet there's nothing left to expel. The sound of his swallowing grates on your ears. More convulsions wrack your frame, forcing your eyes to shut.
You can hear him dragging the cart closer, your gaze drawn to the crimson smears that now stain his scrubs. You can't muster the strength to confront your mangled hand.
"Ci vuole calma e sangue freddo, tosa."
(Baby, it's cold outside.)
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No Rest for the Wicked (Villain AU La Squadra)
WARNING: Series focuses on some dark content, such as murder and torture, yandere characters, stalking, kidnapping, and may contain nsfw writing and dubious consent
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The hero association "Passione" takes pride in protecting Italy and it's citizens. From the everyday purse thief, to carjackers... To the underbelly of Italy's society of villains with their arrays of dangerous powers and abilities. But with such strong super heros like Golden Experience and Napoli's own Sticky Fingers, surely you'll be safe.
Hello! Hi! Welcome to my Super Villain LS AU! V excited to finally post this because the idea has been molding in the back of my brain for a good year now. Each member will get multiple chapters for their own stories, maybe even mixing together every once in a while, I'm not sure when I'll be able to officially start posting any of them but in the meantime PLEASE ask me questions about this au if you're interested. Especially if it has anything to do with outfits and costumes because that's my favorite part hehe. *Au won't include Sorbet and Gelato x Reader but they do make their appearances!
File: Somebody's Leavin’
Alias: Little Feat
Formaggio, originally the low fame superhero "Little Feat" has only recently turned to a life of crime, but proves to be a formidable foe. This change now allows him to use his abilities to their fullest extent. With a single scratch, Formaggio is allowed to shrink any living being at will, along with manipulating the size of inanimate objects as well. With a mix of these abilities as well as hand to hand combat, Little Feat originally scouted lesser populated areas and dealt with lesser threats such as purse snatches and bank heists. Now, Formaggio uses these abilities without consequence, reaping chaos. Around this same time, a missing persons case has opened up. The disappearance includes a barista working at a popular cafe in the city Little Feat used to protect. Coincidence? Still unsure.
File: Somebody's Watching Me
Alias: Man in the Mirror
People have reported seeing faces in the reflections of their homes. When called in for police sketching, all reports include a very similar man for each victim. Well built, with fair skin and dark hair, with goggles and his lower face hidden behind a beak shaped mask. He has been titled "The Man in the Mirror", otherwise known as Illuso. Most people that have been visited by the man have stated finding his "calling card" within the frames of their mirrors. These people have wound up dead. The Man in the Mirror seems to only attack the rich and those in power, so citizens who have seen him are asked to stay calm, but alert public authority immediately.
File: Happy Together
Alias: Beach Boy
Pesci is stated to be a freshly turned villain, but despite his late start proves to be difficult to challenge as he's been found shadowing the villain "Grateful Dead", a formidable evil that has been terrorizing Italy for some time now. Though his abilities are ideally for tracking, Pesci makes up for it with brute strength and his incredible size. Studies report that not a single casualty has happened during brushes with Beach Boy, but the same can't be said for the future. It's only a matter of time for the brute to turn away from his humanity and officially become one with the super villain underground.
File: Vermillion
Alias: Grateful Dead
Prosciutto, otherwise known as "Grateful Dead", is a well known and quite popular villain. Despite his title, women and men alike fold at the knee due to his charming appearance and suave personality. Prosciutto doesn't like to get his hands dirty, but will do what the job needs him to. He mainly focuses on the gambling scene and a chain of bars and sultry clubs. His abilities are lesser known, and are quite confusing to understand how they work, but it's easy enough to say if a contract of his doesn't end with a bullet in the head, they're rotting into the dirt instead.
File: Crimewave
Alias: Babyface
Babyface rarely leaves the villains compound, and when he does it's almost always for business. He goes under the alias "Melone" and owns a booming unisex cosmetics line titled "Molto Dolce Productions", enjoyed by men and women and everyone else from all ages as his makeups and serums are vegan friendly and animal cruelty free. As Babyface, he prides himself with a remote controlled army of handmade robots who do his biding for him. His so called "children" range from entirely metallic suits and grotesque cyborg abominations. He lives in a laboratory underground and spends most of his time creating life.
File: Love is like Oxygen
Alias: Gently Weeps
Ghiaccio never wanted to become a villain, but was born into the life of crime. Abandoned by his own family, he stole to survive, he cheated people out of money and food, and at the crisp age of seventeen Ghiaccio was officially brought into the villain hierarchy. In his years of work he's rose through the ranks and has become the villain known as Gently Weeps, and uses cryokinesis. Under a fake name he pretends to be a citizen, walking among Italy's streets, trying to live a normal life as best as he can, finishing school and even joining a gym to help with his icy temper.
File: Enter Sandman
Alias: Metallica
Not much is known about him, as Metallica keeps to the shadows and has never been seen by the naked eye. He lives only to kill, every murder happening in the dead of night. Not a sound to be heard, save the faint jingle of a bell. They say before you die at his hands, you're stared down by the blood red eyes of the devil himself. Each contract dead at his hands are found with their throat cut open, and a pair of bloody scissors settled on their chest.
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nicherayy · 2 years
Yandere La Squadra x Fem! Reader OUTLAST AU
previous chapter: preview
next chapter: chapter two
Chapter one
TW: a lot of blood, murder, violence, dr*gs (just sleeping gas actually), cursing, c*nnibalism
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The loud siren drowned out painful screams of doctors. Shabby walls were smeared with blood, as you ran past you could see strange symbols and phrases, but you didn’t care what it could mean. Although the only thing you were interested in was running away from that inhuman ting that was chasing you. Your breathing was beginning to hitch, but you continued to run down those dimly lit corridors not wanting to meet whatever was running after you. You tried not to think about those people lying on the floor with their stomachs cut open or limbs missing, and the smell of fresh blood made you want to vomit. You cursed your decision and this fucking interview. If only you had listened to your instincts and not agreed to go to this asylum.. Mount Massive Asylum, a place you will hate with all your heart for the rest of your life. If you survive, of course.
The most important is to avoid running into another hostile creature like that one behind you. You were never good with martial arts, either with weapons. Maybe, just maybe you will find another sane person, and if you’ll be lucky enough this person will have gun or something. Or better.. Police! Yes! Police or FBI have definitely have been notified of this incident. You just have to wait until they arrive, they’ll definitely find you. They’ll help you. They’ll save you. Until then, you’re going to run for your life. Just another turn of the corridor and no… dead end. The thing you prayed would not happen. You have nowhere to run now. Tears appeared on your eyes and ears began to ring from this sirens. You were terrified for your your life, terribly exhausted. At some point you thought it wold be better to just let this beast kill you, preferably quickly, so that you wouldn’t suffer that much. You heard this thing approaching you closer and closer. It WILL find you. The last hope is to hide in the locket that was next to you. Is this a locker of one of the staff members? You couldn’t care less, you got a chance to survive. Maybe it won’t guess where you hid.
You covered your mouth with a hand so as not to let out this ragged breath of yours.
“LIARS”, the creature were screaming while looking for you “YOU LIED TO US”.
Now through a small slit you could see this.. thing. It looked like a man, maybe even once was one. It’s hair almost torn from the scalp. The skin was pale, almost white, purple diverging veins could be seen really well. You just closed your eyes and tried not to breathe as much as possible. As long as it doesn’t find you, as long as it forgets about you or finds another victim. Your thoughts were interrupted by a dull thump. Did it fall? You look though the slid again. It.. really fell, from the hit on the head. Must be a hard one, but just hoped that this creature was dead, or at least off for a while. A strange man was standing next to his body. Did he do it? Is he a doctor here? Unlikely. His tall figure mesmerised you, he was more than two meters tall. Before you could even think about whether you should show yourself to him, you hear his deep and surprisingly calm voice.
“I know you’re here”. He turns his head and looks at the locker in which you were hiding. Red glowing eyes, dark sclera. You’ve seen him before. No, it couldn’t be. You already want to run out of this locker when you smell some kind of chemical. And you succumbed to fear and fatigue, whatever it was, and fell into a deep sleep. “You’re interesting” the last thing you could hear.
Two hours before..
The asylum gates have opened to you. Having parked the car, you headed to the central entrance, repeating you questions, before a tall man stopped you. Name “Tiziano” was written on his badge. “Excuse me, are you this interview girl?” He asked you with noticeable disinterest.
“I suppose yes, I am” You extend your hand to give a handshake but this bastard, without even paying attention, immediately goes in the other direction.
“Follow me… oh my god this stupid red press..” And you obeyed without even telling anything. What’s wrong with this guy?
The lobby oh the main building was surprisingly spacious and well-lit. You wouldn’t even guess that this place is an asylum for criminals. The man at the reception looked at you with confusion, you don’t often can see a woman here. Well, women used to work here, but for some reason they were all fired. Maybe you could ask the reason during an interview. You thought you would see dirt in the corridors and hear screams of madmen, but it didn’t happen. Everything was sterile and there was no sound except doctor’s chatting and dull sounds of some machine, perhaps an air conditioner?
“Ah miss Y/N L/N. Just in time! I got it from here, Tiziano, thank you again” a weird green-haired man in a lab coat approached you. After this words the man.. Tiziano quickly stepped into one of the offices.
“My name’s Cioccolata, I’ll be answering all your questions today” with a contempt smile he leads you into a room at the end of a corridor. The room was well equipped with various electronic devices that you didn’t know the purpose of, although it was most likely to be a patient equipment. You looked around this place for so long that you didn’t even noticed Cioccalata’s intense gaze.
“Shall we begin?” He acknowledged you of his presence.
“Oh, sure, yes, my apologies” You replied quickly, afraid to annoy him. You didn’t know what, but you were very stressed by this person, but maybe it’s just the excitement that affects you. Maybe you could even get an exclusive material! Your company will definitely get rid of all debts. And it’s better if your boss will raise your salary. Wonderful thoughts.
“So, tell me about you work, are you a doctor?” Opening your notebook, you sit in the black leather chair opposite the man.
“Well I-” he doesn’t have time to finish when someone from the staff bursts into the room “Doctor Cioccolata, we require you help immediately” he sounds nervous, even scared.
Cioccolata immediately changes his expression. From calm and professional, he becomes serious with a stern look. You didn’t even think that people can change their emotions so quickly.
“Be right away” he already starting to leave the room when he turns to you “I’ll be quick, you just wait here” after this phrase he closes the door behind him.
You left all alone. Even voices from other doctors disappeared from corridors. Something bad happened? Is this the right time? But if something really happened, it would be a great story for your newspaper. Y/N L/N solved the mystery of the Mount Massive asylum! You would be famous after this article, maybe you’ll be offered a job in a better company.
Worst decision of your life, leave this room. And you don’t even expect how much it’ll change your life.
Now corridors were completely empty, all people seem to have died out. What could have happened that they all disappeared somewhere. Time for investigation. But as you walked around the entire building you still couldn’t figure out where are everyone, everything looked surprisingly normal. You were already thinking that this was a stupid idea, and should just go back to Cioccolata’s office when you heard a loud siren through the speakers on the walls. What is it? A fire? What the fuck. You ran to the stairs that would lead to the main entrance. But as you were near it you saw a big man twisting a doctor’s neck. You froze in fear, being afraid that you’ll be next.
This man.. this was a patient. He turned to you, read eyes with dark sclera. He was scary as hell, his white hair stuck to his forehead because of dried blood on him. You couldn’t look at him anymore, you quickly turned and ran back down the stairs without turning back. The siren was bothering you more and more and interfering your thoughts, you just didn’t know where to run, but it didn’t matter.Maybe if you could run to another part of asylum you can call someone for help. Another mistake.
This wing of Mount Massive met you with blood on the floor and dead staff laying everywhere. Your eyes widened in shock and fear, legs shaking. It could be. It’s just a really realistic nightmare, you’re going to wake up soon. But you didn’t wake up. As you were standing there terrified you saw a creature, that was eating a meat.. no.. this was one of the doctors, you squeaked stepping back. But this was too late, it already heard you. You couldn’t stand here any longer, you need to get the fuck out of this place.
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maruzzewrites · 1 year
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cw: abusive relationship
You told him you liked oranges.
That was so long ago, without thinking. You were used to someone who was ready to go pick them up directly from the tree, fresh and scented oranges with uneven peels.
So you said it with levity, almost not expecting anything much. Yet, you didn't know in your words there was something similar to a request; to take care of you, and you will give it back tenfold. Formaggio was a man of words, and most of them were empty but sweet.
Oranges, he says, he will bring them tomorrow. But you have to be home, don't go wandering or the fresh oranges will not be eaten. The first time you just giggled and, on the day he said he'd bring them, you went for a walk on the beach. When you went back home, there was one single orange in the basket, and scented peels in the bin.
The second time, you wait around. Formaggio arrives home with some groceries, and he sees you at home ready for him. He seems surprised, he didn't bring any oranges because he thought you wouldn't be there and, last time, his stomach ached because he couldn't resist eating those tasty treats.
The third time, he is late. Your patience and your hope slowly evaporates before he arrives, another basket of beautiful oranges in his hands. They taste fantastic, you can even bring them with you the next day as you walk joyous towards a commission he asked you to do.
This dances repeats like a valzer. Always the same; one, two, three. Always the same; until you understand, without meaning to, that if you skip the first step, he skips the second. This discovery brings nothing else than happiness because by then you just want the change of music.
Everything is like that with him. Always the same; until you skip the first step, he skips the second, and you both end up more content with the high given by the last note. He gives you more cuddles, he spends more nights with you, he brings you more oranges.
They taste so good. The smells so good. You run your fingers over the peel, feeling the uneven surface.
And you're glad he remembers you like oranges.
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thornybubbles · 9 months
Blood Red String of Fate (Yandere Risotto x Reader)
Scenario: The reader discovers that they are Risotto’s soulmate. Risotto is thrilled. The reader is not. 
Warnings: Yandere themes, canon typical violence, kidnapping, attempted self harm, forced relationship, and other “fun” stuff. 
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You thought that it was just a story; an urban legend spread between lovesick teens and desperate young adults. You never believed for a moment that the whole “red string of fate” thing was true. Soulmates didn’t exist. Relationships didn’t come into being from a whim of chance. You didn’t believe in destiny or naive notions of love at first sight. But all of that changed the day you woke up and found the seemingly endless crimson colored string tied to your pointer finger. It wasn’t endless, of course. You knew that it was attached to the finger of your soulmate (something that you believed to be a fairy tale only a day before). It horrified you, not because you had an aversion to love or the idea of it. It was just that you believed that love should be something that is a mutual choice between two people. It should never be something that was forced onto people by fate. But that wasn’t what had you feeling like your stomach was doing cartwheels. You could actually sense the person on the other end of the string. You could feel their thoughts, emotions, and their very presence as if they were in the room with you. What you felt from them appalled you. You could feel their love for you and it almost had you returning the sentiment, but the warm feeling it gave you was overshadowed by the strong possessiveness that you felt, too. This person, whoever they were, genuinely thought that the string being attached to you meant that they owned you. Not only that, but you could feel an overwhelming blood lust and violence coming from them. Whoever your soulmate was, they were dangerous and the thought of being with them did not appeal to you. As far as you were concerned the two of you were not compatible, soulmate or not. You didn’t give a damn what fate or destiny had to say about it. 
Risotto stared at the red string tied to his finger. He didn’t know how to feel about it at first, but once he sensed you on the other end of the string, it stirred in him an uncontrollable obsession. He never asked to be attached to you, but now that he was, he wanted you. He couldn’t imagine life without you. It wasn’t enough to be bound to you, though. No. He needed you by his side. He had to find a way to bring you to him. It was strange, Risotto never imagined himself to bother with a significant other. He always felt that it would be too dangerous and an inconvenience to him as a member of Passione. Suddenly finding out that he had a soulmate was a bit bizarre. It didn’t matter. Now that he was connected to you, he could feel what kind of person you were. You were everything he needed, everything he desired. He found himself craving you the way a starving man craved food. He truly felt that if he didn’t bring you to him soon, then he would die. He had to have you here. NOW!
“Boss? Whatcha starin’ at your hand for? Didja get hurt?” 
The voice pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked up to see Formaggio looking at him with concern. 
The others couldn’t see the string. No one knew of the bond that he shared with you. It gave him an odd sense of comfort and made him feel even more connected with you. You were meant for each other. No one else could interfere. No one could break the bond that he had with you. The obsession that he felt for you grew even greater knowing that. 
“I’m fine.” Risotto answered his subordinate. He glanced at the string, following it with his eyes as it ran along the ground and out of the room. He could follow it and it would lead him right to you. He could find you easily. He could…
Risotto shot up from his chair and yanked his hand into the air, effectively pulling at the string. He could feel you just then. You were about to do something awful, but he managed to put a stop to it. He glared down at the string as if he was glaring at you. Why would you ever attempt something like that?!
“Boss?” Formaggio asked, giving his Capo a concerned look. “What was that about?” 
Risotto didn’t acknowledge him right away. He gave the string another pull. He wasn’t completely sure how the string worked or what he could do with it, but he quickly figured out he could send his very will through it somehow. He did that just then, to stop your foolishness. It was clear that he couldn’t put off meeting you any longer. 
“Get in contact with the others. Tell them that I’m going to pay someone a visit.” he said suddenly. 
“Huh? What?!” Formaggio cried in confusion. 
He watched as Risotto passed him by and left the room. Formaggio clambered up from the sofa and trailed after him. 
“Wait a minute!” he called. “You’re leaving now? Who’re you gonna visit? Is this a mission? Ain’tcha gonna tell me anything?” 
“This is a personal matter.” Risotto said, his tone implying that Formaggio should stop asking questions. “I won’t be gone long, but I have to leave immediately. Continue with business as normal until I get back.” 
“Wait!” Formaggio said, trying once more to reason with his Capo. “Shouldn’t you tell the others this yourself? Why do you have to run off in such a hurry?” 
Risotto turned his red gaze on his subordinate. 
“I trust you to let them know that I’m gone. Just tell them that I had an emergency that I needed to tend to. I’ll explain when I get back. I have to go now, Formaggio.” he said. 
And with that Risotto left the building. Formaggio stood staring at the door wondering what was going through his Capo’s mind. Risotto was a mysterious guy, but he was acting very strangely all of a sudden. He thought about it for a moment longer before throwing his hands up and turning away from the door. 
“Eh. Can’t be helped. Orders are orders. Guess I’ll let the others know.” 
You’d tried everything. You tried cutting the string with scissors, a knife, or any other sharp thing you could find. You even tried biting through it. Nothing would cut the string. There was only one alternative that you could think of for ridding yourself of the unwanted bond with your equally unwanted soulmate. If you couldn’t sever the string, then you would simply sever the finger that it was tied to. God, you didn’t want to do it, but what choice did you have? 
Every moment you spent bonded to your soulmate, you could feel more and more of what kind of person they were. They were a killer. They’d killed a lot of people and you could tell that they would kill a lot more. It would be just your rotten luck to be stuck with a murderer as a soulmate. You knew that they could sense you and you hated it. You didn’t want a killer knowing as much about you as you did about them. You wanted them gone from your life. So you would disconnect from them. With luck, once the deed was done, they would just think that you died or something and wouldn’t seek you out. 
You set some medical supplies to the side, to be ready to deal with your self inflicted injury. The plan was simple enough. You would cut off your finger, ridding yourself of the bond, then you would quickly patch up your injured hand, wrap and place your severed finger in a container full of ice you had set alongside the medical supplies, then call 911 and have them take you to the hospital where you could hopefully have your finger reattached. You had no idea how you would explain what happened to you. If you told them you cut off your finger to disconnect the bond with your soulmate, they’d have you committed. So you would have to think of something more normal to tell them. An accident cutting food maybe? 
Hesitantly, you paced your finger on the edge of the kitchen counter. You held the knife in your other hand. Suddenly a thought occurred to you. What if you didn’t cut it off in one chop? What if your strength wasn’t enough to cut through the bone? What if the knife wasn’t sharp enough?  What would you do then? You glanced at the knife. It seemed very sharp. Still, it would require some level of strength to cut through the bone. Oh God! What if you had to saw through the bone with another tool? The thought of the prolonged agony made you feel queasy. You could feel the color draining from your face and you swayed on your feet slightly. You shook your head. Determinazione! That’s what you needed now. You had to suck it up and deal with the pain. This was the only way you knew to deal with this. 
You raised the knife high over your finger. You took a few deep breaths and mentally hyped yourself to do what needed to be done. 
Don’t think about the pain. Don’t think about the blood. Think about being stuck bonded to a murderer. You thought to yourself. 
You let out a cry of resolution and raised the knife even higher. 
Suddenly there was a powerful yank on the string that pulled your hand away just as the knife came down on the counter. The blade sank into the countertop, leaving a notch in the Formica. Yeah, that blow definitely would have cut through the bone. Too bad something stopped you. You grabbed the knife by the handle and tried to pull it from the countertop. You managed to pull it free but the string was tugged again with much more force this time. The action caused you to lose your hold on the knife. It fell into the sink as you were yanked nearly to the ground. You fell to one knee in an attempt to regain your balance. You yanked your arm backwards only to find that it wouldn’t budge. The string was somehow pulled taut and you were practically being dragged across the floor. 
“STOP PULLING ON ME, ASSHOLE!!!” you shouted, anger in your voice disguising your terror. 
The pulling stopped and the string went slack again. They stopped you! Whoever was on the other end of the string knew that you planned to chop off your own finger to sever the bond with them. They didn’t want you to disconnect from them! Why? Did they really put value in the bond? Didn’t they know that you had no interest in them? Why would they bother? It was madness! 
Suddenly you could feel a strange sensation through the string. It was as if your soulmate’s presence felt stronger somehow. You couldn’t understand it, until you realized… they were getting closer to you! They were coming for you! Well you wouldn’t be there when they arrived. You jumped up from the kitchen floor and ran to your room. Quickly, you packed a few clothes and other essentials. You didn’t know where you would go, but you weren’t going to fall into their grasp no matter what!
Risotto stared down at the string on his finger as he sat in the back of a cab. He allowed himself a small, bitter smile. You were a fool. Did you really think that you could escape him? Apparently so, because he could sense you moving away from him. It was frustrating, but it didn’t matter. He would find a way to get to you before you got too far away. The problem was that you could sense how far away he was from you at all times. Did you really mean to stay on the run from him for as long as he tried to pursue you? What if there was a way that he could hide himself from you? An idea came to him. He asked the cab driver to drop him off at the next block. The driver did as told and drove away. Risotto looked around. He was standing outside of a vacant lot. It seemed that this was an abandoned part of the city. Good. He could experiment here with no one around to intrude. It was a long shot, but if he used Metallica’s ability to camouflage himself, he might be able to disguise his presence at his end of the string. Risotto activated his Stand’s secondary ability and waited. He could feel you on your end of the string. You stopped pulling away from him. He began to follow the string, half expecting you to start pulling away from him again. You never did. You were staying put. He followed the string until he was in a better part of town. Still, you didn’t move. It worked! As long as he stayed invisible, you couldn’t sense him! You were as good as his!
You had just driven into an unfamiliar part of town when you felt the presence at the other end of the string disappear. What happened? Did they die? Did they disconnect the bond? No, you could still see the string wrapped around your finger. Maybe they just stopped following you? You sighed. Thank the Lord. In the distance you spotted a sign for a hotel. You would stay there for the night and think about what you were going to do in the morning. You pulled into the hotel and walked into the office, dragging your bag along with you. You got yourself a room and collapsed on the bed there. You’d been running from your soul mate for days now. Why did they just stop following you? Did they give up? Did they realize that you weren’t interested in them? What was their game? You had only planned to stay at the hotel for the night, but decided to stay there until you felt that it was safe enough to return home. That was only if your soulmate didn’t decide to start following you again. 
That night, you dreamed of a man in a strange black costume resembling that of a jester, with white hair and red eyes with black scleras. You seemed to know each other, but you couldn’t remember from where. You were afraid of him, but you weren’t sure why. 
Risotto strolled into the parking lot of the hotel you were staying in. He was overwhelmed with joy at having tracked you down, but he would have to be careful from here on out. If you got so much as an inkling that he was nearby, you would start running again. He couldn’t allow that. Not when he was so close. He’d been walking for ages, sleeping in hotel rooms that he broke into and stealing food. If anyone got too nosey about his invisible activities, they met a swift and horrible end. He was exhausted having to travel on foot (an invisible man couldn’t flag down a taxi after all), but it was all worth it now that he finally tracked you down. 
He followed the string until it led under the door of a certain room. Your room. He grinned at the feeling of your presence on the other side of the door. You were sleeping, so he would have to be quiet. Using Metallica’s magnetism, Risotto unscrewed the screws around the doorknob to your room. He was thankful that the hotel was an older one that hadn’t yet converted to the use of keycards. The door knobs popped out of their sockets and clattered to the ground. Risotto froze, afraid the sound would wake you. He was relieved that he could still feel that you were asleep. Carefully, he opened the door and let himself in. 
He spied your sleeping form on the bed. He smiled fondly at you before coming out of his camouflaged state. There was no point in hiding from you anymore. Abruptly, you sat up in bed, gasping and sobbing. 
What a horrible dream. You’ve been having nightmares about the strange man with the scary eyes ever since you started staying at the hotel. The dream was always the same, the man would corner you somewhere, tell you that you knew each other, then try to drag you off somewhere you didn’t want to go. If you weren’t sure before, you were certain now, that man in your dreams was your soulmate. He had the same aura you felt at the other end of the string. The same aura of blood and death that you felt so strongly that it caused you to wake up in a panic… The same aura that you could still feel as if it were in the room with you at that very moment. 
You turned to face that overwhelming presence you could sense nearby and your blood ran cold. 
“You!” you gasped. “It’s you!” 
The man took a step towards you, smiling sweetly. You cringed away from him, pulling the bed covers up as if they could shield you from him. 
“How did you find me without me sensing you?” you demanded. 
“Not important,” he said in a deep voice that would have had your heart fluttering in any other situation. “What matters now is that we are finally together, as fate intended.” 
“To hell with fate and to hell with you! I want nothing to do with you! Now get out of my room before I call the police!” 
The man laughed at your poor attempt at bravado. 
“You can fight it all you want, but you and I will be together no matter what.” 
You jumped up from the bed and made an attempt to run out the door, but he stepped into your path and you ended up in his crushing embrace. 
“Let go of m-- mph!” your demands were silenced by one of his massive palms covering your mouth. 
You struggled in his hold but he was far stronger than you. You could barely move in his grip. Something sharp pierced your neck and you screamed into his hand. You struggled a moment more before dizziness overwhelmed you. Your limbs felt heavy and it became impossible to move them. Your vision grew blurry and you felt yourself going limp in his arms. Just before you passed out you heard him say, 
“You tried to hurt yourself all because you didn’t want to be bonded to me. I couldn’t allow that. I know that you don’t want me as your soulmate, but I know that you can learn to love me. I’ll take you somewhere where I can keep an eye on you and make sure that you never try to hurt yourself, or sever our bond again. Whether you want it or not, you and I were meant to be. You should know by now that you can’t fight fate.”
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ravenzeppeli · 7 months
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🩸A Lesson to Never Be Forgotten |Yandere Formaggio x Reader Dark Lemon|
Warning: strong/violent language, physical abuse, extreme threats, drugging, humiliation/degrading, verbal abuse, emotional abuse, blood, violence, gunplay, abuse, noncon (nonconsentual) MA.
You snuck back into your shared apartment with Formaggio as quietly as you possibly could, gently closing the door behind you. You locked the door, the click of the lock causing you to jump. Fuck - that was too loud. Any sudden movement and your husband would hear you. You couldn't make any sudden -
"Hello Y/N," Formaggio's deep voice filled your ears, sounding low and meanicing as you heard his footsteps slowly creep towards you. Tap, tap, tap. "Wow, I am extremely proud of you. To pull off such a brilliant stunt without me catching on. How long?" Tap, tap, tap - his footsteps were growing louder.
You went to speak but froze when you suddenly heard the familiar rattle that you knew oh so well. Oh fuck.. he found them, you hid them so well. How did he find them? You placed your hand on the doorknob, going to turn it but freezing once you felt the pill bottle hit the back of your head. It caused a light sharp pain, causing you to freeze up once more, knowing how easy it would be for him to catch you.
As soon as you married him he showed you his true colors, your once normal life suddenly being completely taken over by him. As you tried to escape him he easily found you, confessing that his waste management job was actually a completely different profession, confessing that he was a hitman in the mafia. He had been for years - as a matter of fact he was ranked up fairly highly, so highly that he could easily get away with killing you.
He taunted you that day, making fun of you and tearing you down; he would always be able to track you down and find you, and he made it clear to you that night how extreme he would get to teach you a lesson. Since then, you've gotten weaker, more fearful.. the pills were a way for you to have freedom and not deal with his random outbursts of anger at night. You've been.. doing this for six months, constantly breaking into your local drug store with your stand to keep him stabilized. Carefully, you hid the pill bottle in a place he never went in the laundry room, hidden under a loose tile by the dryer. How did he find them?
You heard his gun click, causing instant fear to race throughout your entire body. Tap, tap, tap. Suddenly, you felt the cold barrel press to the back of your head, him forcing your forehead to press up against the wooden door. "Did you not fucking hear me, bitch?" He questioned, this time anger in his tone, all smoothness erased. "Lie to me and I'll blow your brains all over this door. You better be honest."
"Six months," you whispered, the gun instantly leaving your head after you said that, instead being replaced by his hand as he grabbed a fistful of your hair, suddenly dragging you back. "I'm sorry! I.. I don't know what I was thinking!"
A dry laugh escaped his lips as he dragged you through the hallway, you shrugging to stay to your feet as he finally drug you into your shared bedroom with him. With ease, he picked you up and slammed you on the bed, your body roughly hitting the mattress, bouncing back up to collide with his body. He leaned over you, his body stiff and still as you collided with him, his hand wrapping around your throat, squeezing.
"You cheating cunt," he snapped at you, spitting in your face. A whimper escaped your lips as his spit coated your face, tears filling your eyes as he squeezed harder, your face heating up. "You're drugging me to fuck another man. I'm going to fucking destroy you, I told you not to cheat."
You quickly tried shaking your head, unable to move it. "W-what? Cheat?" You questioned, genuinely shocked of being accused of something so insane. Why would you cheat on him? You didn't want another man in your life. You wanted no man in your life. If Formaggio died at work, and you hoped and prayed he would die every single day, you would take all his money and move to Alaska. You would live alone, only caring for yourself and maybe a cat or dog, but never would you seek out another man.
"Huh," he muttered, loosening his grip on your neck slightly. "Then why? Why the fuck have you been drugging me for six months? And why did I catch you sneaking back into the house?" His voice seemed to slightly lighten up.
"I wanted a break from you, and when you're drugged, you're weak until you fall asleep. It was easier then being around you and dealing with your abuse," you told him, causing him to let go of your neck. "I leave the house at night to take walks since I'm never allowed out of the house."
He shook his head, raising his hand and roughly smacking it across your face. "You not cheating.. it just saved you your arms and legs. I know a doctor. He was going to surgically remove them. I'm so glad I trained you well enough not to lie to me, and even if you do, I can tell." He let another dry laugh escape his lips, slapping you again before he grabbed your shirt with both hands, ripping it off of you. "Still, you could have killed me. You wanted to kill me."
You shook your head, cheek throbbing from where he slapped you. As you opened your mouth to speak, his fist instantly crashed into your cheek, a loud pop filling your ears as you felt your jaw cracked. You felt your face wet, wet with your blood as your jaw throbbed.
"Stupid fucking cunt," he sneered as he got off of you, snatching the shoes off of your feet as he violently ripped off your jeans and underwear, almost dragging you off of the bed as he tugged the tight blue jeans off. "Fucking drugging me? How stupid are you, brainless cunt, spread your legs open before I shove the barrel of my gun down your throat!" He snapped suddenly, taking his gun out from the back of his jeans, pointing it at you.
Quickly, you spread your legs, trying to control your sudden uncontrollable shaking throughout your entire body. You wanted to be anywhere, but here, instant regret filling your body for what you've done. The foolish decision to have a few months of privacy might have just cost you your entire life.
"You belong to me, you're my fucking slut. You're mine to kill," he spoke, his voice suddenly dropping to a dark mutter. He stepped closer, the gun suddenly pressing against your clit. "Looks like you've gotten too comfortable. That's really sad.. I really wanted to keep you. You really were a good slut for the time being."
You were afraid to speak, afraid of him punching you in the face again, but you had to attempt to speak. You swallowed the blood that rested in the back of your throat as the gun slide down your clit, lining up with your entrance. "I'll never do it again, I'm really sorry," you choked out, flinching when he raised his hand at you, causing a laugh to escape his lips. "Please don't... please."
He tilted his head to the side slightly, green eyes filled with nothing but pure evil; you saw the devil in his eyes, possessing him to be one of the sickest human beings alive. You hated him, a pained cry escaping your lips as you felt the gun press into your hole, forcing itself in without any lube, the metal scraping against your insides as your pain cry turned into a sob, your legs trembling as you struggled to hold them up.
"You really thought you could play me like that? God, you're such a dumb cunt," he taunted, slowly pumping the gun in and out of you. "This is all you're good for.. you're only good for being a slut." He laughed, a little manically as he picked up the pace, thrusting the gun Iim and out of you with force. "You're so fucking dead."
Tears filled your eyes, pouring down your cheeks as you felt yourself growing wet, a mixture of your wetness and blood. "P-please don't kill me, Formaggio," you sobbed, your voice shaky.
"P-please don't kill me, Formaggio," he mimicked, laughing louder as he grabbed your bra, lifting it up to reveal your breasts. "Rub your fucking clit bitch!" He yelled suddenly, his free hand roughly smacking your breast.
You let go of your leg, keeping them in the air, despite how much it hurt to keep your legs in such an uncomfortable position. Your hand dropped to your clit, rubbing slightly as your sobs grew louder.
"Nah," Formaggio snapped, smacking your right breast as hard as he could, leaving a red handprint behind. "Rub as fast as you can, or I'm pulling the trigger now!" You felt his boner in his pants, rubbing up against your thigh. You felt a wetness on your thigh, more sobs escaping your mouth when you realize that your pain had made him cum in his pants. Just by your suffering.. he was enjoying it.
You began to rub your clit with two fingers as fast as you could, your sobs uncontrollable as the gun continued to pump in and out of you. Your entire body felt a raw, cramping pain. It was agonizing, and you just wanted it to be over. You wanted to beg but you knew that begging only got him off. It was so hard not to beg for him to stop; you just wanted him to fucking stop.
"I had my fun with you," he said suddenly, his face going completely dark. "It's time to dispose of the fucking trash once and for all."
After he said that, he pulled the trigger, causing your eyes to close, your entire body violently shaking as you felt yourself piss all over the gun, fear, and pain taking over your body. But wait.. you weren't dead, and he was laughing at you again, his laugh taunting as he pulled the gun out of you, tossing it to the side.
"It wasn't loaded you dumb cunt. That's a brand new gun I bought, shits never been loaded," Formaggio told you, shaking his head as he shook his hand, droplets of your piss coating your still shaking thighs. "You fucking baby. You pissed all over the gun? Ha! Dumb cunt!"
You dropped your legs, immediately curling into a ball, hiding your face from him. The sobs were uncontrollable, your body still not being able to stop shaking from the pain and utter humiliation that you just went through.
"I bet you'll never cross me again, huh cunt?" He questioned, grabbing you, pulling you into his lap. "You're never leaving the house again. You're mine." He wrapped his arms around you, reaching a hand down to touch your pussy.
You cried softly, burying your head in his chest as his fingers examined your swollen and throbbing area. You felt yourself being lifted into the air, his arms securing around your body as he began carrying you bridal style out of the bedroom.
"I'm going to clean you up and put you to bed. I wouldn't want my pretty little wife getting an infection and dying," he said, voice suddenly filling with a sick kindness. "I love you, Y/N. I love you so much, and that is why I hurt you." He led you into the bathroom, turning the lights on as he sat you down on the toilet, placing a kiss on your lips. "Do you love me?"
You nodded your head weakly as you leaned back on the cool porcelain toilet, the bitter coolness causing a whine to escape your lips. "I.. love you, Formaggio."
He smiled, "I'm glad to see you behaving again. That makes me really happy." He turned away from you, leaning down as he turned the bathtub water on. "Don't forget.. if you ever cross me again, the gun will be fully loaded next time."
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Hi! How about a hcs with a gender neutral reader that gets turned into a cat temporarily by a stand, how would la squadra react?
Have a nice day :>
Sure! I’ll go character by character on this one
Yandere! La Squadra w/ gn! Darling turned into a cat by a stand
Risotto - *bat bat bat* He hears the soft sound of something messing around with his hat (he takes it off every so often aside from showers and sleeping). There’s immediate suspicion as he goes to investigate, finding a cat rather than you mesmerized by the golden baubles that spelled his name. Doesn’t take long for the leader himself to put two and two together that you are the cat. Considering he makes sure you won’t escape whatsoever any other time.
It’s hard to tell but his eyes soften slightly from amusement of cat you playing with his hat. He’ll likely pick you up, expression hardening at a potential stand user looming around. He’ll immediately order the rest of the group to be on high alert and track down the user. As cute as you were in cat form, he was not amused by this little trick no matter how harmless it seemed.
Formaggio - manages to squeeze a crude joke, makes a casual comment of how cute you were like that. How he’d love to spend time with you being like that more, while scratching under your chin. He observes if your full on cat, which seems to be the case. Doesn’t mean he won’t be constantly bringing up how willingly you allowed him to pet you, when you revert back later.
Illuso - Amused you were turned into a cat of all things, he’d love to have alone time with you in his mirror world without disturbance. Just an hour or two of holding you close to him. He wouldn’t lie he would have extra satisfaction of bashing the stand users face in from turning you into a cat. Though before that he snaps a picture with a camera of you in cat form for later usage.
Melone - coos and fawns over you the second he sets eyes on you. Even in cat form you seem to be fairly stiff around him, and he absolutely notes every behavior like a decent scientist would. Light touches and pets down the back, and he doesn’t flinch if you decide to try and scratch. You can be certain he’ll be calling you kitten or similar cat nicknames when you revert. Not to mention maybe receiving cat related clothing or other items.
Ghiaccio - In typical fashion he’s more irate that somehow someone got passed them enough to do something to you. He might pet you a bit while ranting how he’s likely going to freeze the user solid if he narrows down where they are. He does think you’re cute in all honesty, he’s simply pissed a slip up on his part or his team caused this headache. The scene is mildly amusing as he continues his rant and pets your soft fur. He’ll likely mention how cute you were with a smirk when he calms down and you’re back to normal.
Prosciutto - As obnoxious as Ghiaccio’s yelling could be, he’s also aggravated at this massive oversight. He definitely ends up approaching to pet you, knowing full well he’ll have to take care of any fur that gets on his suit later. He notes the color of your eyes in cat formed more observationally than anything. Coaxes you to come closer, while side eyeing Pesci who seems giddy at you being a cat. It’s cute but he wants you in human form back as a soon as possible.
Pesci - He’s pretty much over the moon upon seeing you, but trying to keep it to a lower level so he doesn’t end up being poked fun at. Or alternatively being slightly reprimanded by Prosciutto for losing composure when an enemy could be in the vicinity. He has all sorts of thoughts of using one of those mouse toys with you. The man’s pretty much squeaking internally at how cute you were all while giving you some nice head pats. Though he would diligently help eliminate the perpetrator when it came down to it.
Sorbet and Gelato - both of them are pretty fond of the attitude of cats, and they both laugh that you were turned into one of all things. They’ll likely make fun of the user for such a ridiculous strategy, even if they’re nowhere near around. All taking turns holding you, noting how helpless you were not that it made a difference being human either. They both figure out where you like being pet almost immediately, and of course maybe weaponize it against you later like some of the other members of La Squadra.
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berylcups · 6 months
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I’m wanting to get more bold with my writing and the themes I keep coming back to are yandere/ horror related X Reader one shots and scenarios. Would anyone be interested in it? 👀 I mean, this is not going to be work friendly or for minors AT ALL. Like I’m in the mood to create some very spooky stuff. I wanna see if anyone is interested before I start posting-
Stuff may include(w/ content warnings ofc):
Yandere/ violent reader
Yandere/ violent Canon character
Horror elements (supernatural, slasher, etc )
Dubious consent
I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable despite it being my blog. So I wanna see who’s interested or not before I start digging in. Thanks!
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icerisotto · 6 months
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ about ⟢ me !
☆ i am kero, a huge fan of vento aureo!
★ although i like jojo in general, my heart lies with vento aureo characters, hence why i made this blog.
☆ my ships are very... uncommon (in an unpopular way, of course). i have rare pairings and 90% of the jojotwt community doesn't know about these, so i decided to create a special place to keep in touch with anyone else who likes rare pairings!
★ if you're interested in knowing more about me, consider reading my carrd or visiting my twitter and ao3 profile!
☆ this blog is meant to be a way to communicate with other vento aureo fans, make fans and entertain myself with my writing hobby.
★ i have a brumis only blog with a friend of mine!
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ my ⟢ likes !
☆ favorite characters: bucciarati, mista, abbacchio, risotto, ghiaccio and formaggio.
★ favorite pairs: brumisabba, brumis, misabba, risoghia, prosghia and risoprosghia.
☆ characters i really enjoy: narancia, trish, pesci, prosciutto and polnareff.
★ shipps i really enjoy: brupros and formapros.
☆ characters i slightly enjoy: giorno, melone, illuso, fugo, tiziano, squalo, secco and cioccolata.
★ shipps i slightly enjoy: meloghia, formailluso, seccolata, ghiasecco, formaghia, brupros, and formapros.
☆ characters i don't care about: doppio, carne, zucchero, sale, scolippi, sorbet and gelato (at least not enough to write anything with them alive, sorry).
★ shipps i don't care about: every other ship (including those involving bucci gang members, risopros, bruabba, sorlato and risabba).
☆ characters i hate: diavolo.
★ shipps i hate: anything involving minors with adults or relatives.
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ new ⟢ commissions !
☆ lately, i've been quite busy with uni and struggling with mental health issues, so writing has been heaven and hell to me.
★ that doesn't mean i'm not willing to write if i get any suggestions! my current issue is creativity, since i've been lacking of new ideas.
☆ so, if you checked my profile and felt like making a request, feel free! as long as you follow my rules, of course, which are:
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𖤐 ִֶָ no-go! 𓂃 🧷
☆ incest, rape, sexual harassment, pedophilia, zoophilia, racism, ableism, animal abuse, or any type of prejudice and sex-related crimes.
★ age regression, yandere, furry, vore, vomit or feces eating, knife or needle play, cuckold, wound fingering.
☆ extreme crackfic (example: risotto shoves a hydrant up his ass and dies), non-angst infidelity, arranged marriage, fake dating, self-insert (y/n or character x reader stuff).
★ stereotyped or fetishized trans people, mpreg, dead dove: do not eat.
☆ bruabba without mista, risopros without ghiaccio, mista + anyone aside my personal ships, any ship with giorno or trish, -18 with +18, any character who isn't from vento aureo, any ship with diavolo or doppio.
★ fics without risotto, ghiaccio, mista, bruno or leone.
☆ mom bruno, rapist melone, dumb narancia and any other unfunny, overused, offensive or inaccurate joke/stereotype.
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𖤐 ִֶָ maybe! 𓂃 🧷
☆ infidelity plot (angst/tragedy only).
★ sad ending (depends on my mood).
☆ what if settings (depends on the plot).
★ non-romantic oneshots.
☆ longfics (keep in mind that i have personal projects in production, so there's a slight chance i won't be able to do longfic requests </3 but you'll be contacted and/or credited if your idea gets used).
★ weird kinks (unless they don't fall on any of my previous no-go restrictions).
☆ random pairs (if they don't go against my personal tastes and look interesting to write about, i'll give it a try!).
★ age gap (+10 age gaps only if both parts are +24 adults).
☆ age changing (years passing? fine. characters with no canon ages getting a defined age? fine. turning minors into adults for pairing purposes? hell nah...).
★ solo/centric fics of anyone aside from risotto, ghiaccio, mista, bruno and leone (depends on the character).
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𖤐 ִֶָ yes! 𓂃 🧷
☆ smut.
★ gore and violence.
☆ fluff.
★ light crackfic.
☆ domestic settings.
★ polyamory.
☆ alternative realities (example: bucci gang as lawyers).
★ horror (ghosts, vampires, werewolves, serial killers, etc).
☆ la squadra headcannons (i'm in need of ideas!).
★ brumis, misabba, brumisabba, risoghia, prosghia and risoprosghia.
☆ scenarioss, hc and opinion posts in here.
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ my ⟢ schedule !
☆ i am a student with a busy household, so please understand that external factors may cause delays in my response to your requests. be patient.
★ oneshots may take a week or more to write, but scenarios or drabbles will be posted within 24 hours after you send me your request. <3
☆ if you need to contact me or have any questions, send me a message via inbox or twitter!
★ i always make update or divulgation posts whenever a request or original work has been written. follow me to check if your request has been posted; if not, contact me!
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ᐢ..ᐢ ﹒✦﹒ good ⟢ bye !
☆ please like and reblog.
★ consider following me.
☆ i'll appreciate any feedback on my works, especially positive ones!
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abbacchiosbelt · 8 months
I give you a list + links to my fav posts/posts that have altered my brain chemistry
Formaggio doll house
I feel this in my bones, he for sure has multiple doll houses for you as well. And you know it's a comfy ass tiny bed (when you're behaved)
Toji predator
Diego scent kink
Anyway this woke something inside me, Diego a nasty bitch and I love him for that
Yandere johnny
I need more yandere Johnny in my life
Happy to say
This is one of the posts on ao3 that convinced me to make an account so I could leave kudos - I'm so weak for Abbachio
JJBA: Vento Aureo | Reader-Insert Headcanons Collection
ANON THANK YOU SO MUCH... this is all organized so nicely too, hehe. this made me smile so hard my face hurt 🥹 ty again!!
an abbacchio lover i see 💜😎 good taste!
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nicherayy · 2 years
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Yandere La Squadra x Fem! Reader OUTLAST AU
Next chapter: chapter one
This will be 18+
TW: I think “outlast” is a trigger warning by itself
A/N: what did I create.
“Are you sure this job really suits me? I’m not sure I can have a conversation with psychopaths”, you were sitting in the unlighted office, a little stunned by your boss’s offer.
“Y/N”, he started “you know our company needs money, and you’re also aware of our company depts”. It was true, your newspaper does not have a good reputation, always spreading stupid gossip that turns out to be untrue in the end “This is our big chance, just imagine this headlines! Y/N L/N with the exclusive interview in the Mount Massive Asylum! Our readers would just love it, and moreover, they would love you and your talent”, your boss looked at you smugly “This is your chance to prove yourself to the world”.
Your boss wasn’t the best, often raising his voice at workers and cutting wages. You tried to find another job, but most employers didn’t even looked at your resume. That’s why you waited, not even understanding what for. For a big chance? For a salary increase? For the death of your seventy-year-old boss and for his next better replacement? Or you simply had nowhere to go. Yeah, that was probably the reason.
“Y/N are you listening to me?” he raises his voice a little. You’re interrupted from your thoughts.
Sighing heavily, you stare at him intently, still unsure of the correctness of this idea, “I’ll go”.
The road to the asylum was difficult. Why such places are always placed in the middle of nowhere? To be honest, you thought your old car was going to break down. The road seemed eternal when finally this weird place could be seen in the distance. Quite a big building. Mount Massive, how many rumours have you heard about this mental hospital. But you were here to dispel them.. or maybe to confirm them?
“Just a little interview”, you thought “and this’ll be over” but this was just the beginning.
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iggysolosgoku · 9 months
Get to know me
Name: Johnny
Age: 19
Requests are open!
TikTok: Hxhandjjbafan
Favorite animes: Hunter x Hunter, Jojo's bizarre adventure, jujutsu kaisen,demon slayer and sailor moon
Favorite movies: Scott pilgrim vs the world, repo the genetic opera, scream, the whole Chucky franchise, five nights at Freddy's, the whole trolls franchise, nightmare before Christmas, and Edward scissorhands
Stuff I will write: Fluff, found family, platonic stuff, nsfw, sfw, LGBTQ, yandere, autistic reader, chubby reader,any character reader (ex: mitsuri reader), and poly
Stuff I won't write: incest, angst, age gap,any trolls character x reader cause that's just weird, and animal x reader
Animes and movies I write for: Hunter x Hunter, Jojo's bizarre adventure, Jujutsu kaisen, demon slayer, and Scott pilgrim vs the world
Characters from hunter x hunter I write for: Gon freeces (platonic ONLY), Killua Zoldyck (platonic ONLY), kurapika, leorio, Bisky, wing, illumi Zoldyck, the whole phantom troupe (minus bonolenov, kortopi, and Franklin I like them but not like that), Kite, and Knuckle bine
Characters from Scott pilgrim vs the world I write for: Scott pilgrim, Ramona Flowers, Kim Pine, Stephen Stills, Young Neil, Knives Chau (platonic ONLY), Julie Powers, Stacey Pilgrim, Lucas Lee, Roxie Richter, Gideon Graves, Katayangi Twins, Matthew Patel, Envy Adams, Todd Ingram, and Wallace wells (platonic for girls)
Characters from Jjba part 1 I write for: Jonathan Joestar, Robert E.O Speedwagon, Erina Pendolton, and Dio Brando
Characters from Jjba part 2 I write for: Joseph Joestar, Caesar Zeppeli, Lisa Lisa, Suzi Q, Kars, Wammu, Esidisi, And Santanna
Characters from Jjba part 3 I write for: Jotaro Kujo, Noriaki Kakyoin, Muhammad Avdol, Jean Pierre Polnareff, Joseph Joestar (platonic ONLY), Holly Kujo and Dio Brando
Characters from Jjba part 4 I write for: Josuke Higashikata, Okuyasu nijimura, koichi hirose, Rohan kishibe, yukako yamagishi, toshikazu hazamada (I don't support his actions), Tonio trussaradi, Yoshikage Kira, Reimi Sugimoto, and Mikitaka hazekura
Characters from Jjba part 5 I write for: Giorno Giovanna, bruno bucciarati, Leone abbachio, Trish una, narancia ghirga, mista Guido, panncotta fugo, risotto Nero, melone, formaggio, illuso, prosciutto, pesci (platonic ONLY), diavolo, doppio vinegar, squala, tiziano, cioccolata, sorbet, gelato, and ghiaccio
Characters from Jjba part 6 I write for: Jolyne Kujo, ermes Costello, narsico anasui, weather report, foo fighters, and Enrico pucci
Characters from Jjba part 7 I write for: Johnny Joestar, Gyro Zeppeli, hot pants, Diego Brando, and Lucy steel (platonic ONLY)
Characters for jjba part 8 I write for: I have not read part 8 yet
Characters from demon slayer I write for: Tanjiro Kamado, zenitsu agastuma, inosuke hashibira, nezuko Kamado (platonic ONLY), genya, and all the hashira
Characters from jujutsu kaisen I write for: Yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, maki zenin, toge inumaki, satoru gojo, nanami kento, kamo choso, and geto suguru
I will NOT write for: Hisoka Morrow
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seiyasabi · 2 years
What would​ yandere​ Narancia, Pesci, Melone, Formaggio and​ Doppioreact fem darling​ who​ doesn't​ give​ much​ a​ shit about​ every​thing, especially yandere the​ stalker​.​ While​ she​ playing​ solitaire​ or​ jigsaw puzzle at​ night, he​ sneaked into​ her​ place​ to​ take her.
She​'s like.
"Take​ whatever​ you​ want but​ don't​ take my​ nintendo​ switch​.​ I​'ve worked hard​ for​ months to​ earned​ some money to brought​ it."
This is v funny to think about lol
Yan Narancia, Pesci, Melone, Formaggio, and Doppio x Reader Who Thinks They're Being Robbed HCs
-Is like????
-"Babe, I'm taking you AND the Switch!!!"
-Will take all your valuables, bc he wants to use them too lol
-Will make u play games with him 24/7
-Is concerned and flustered
-Took him weeks to build up the courage to take you
-Will awkwardly try to explain that he wants to take u home
-Ends up calling Prosciutto and having him help
-Laughs in ur face
-Will go on a long rant about how you AND your stuff belong to him
-You're like ???? by the end of it
-Will just snatch you up along w a sack of your belongings.
-Another one that laughs at you
-Will just collect your things, pretend like he's leaving, before drugging you
-Won't hesitate to take that as an inventation to take everything
-Is stressed lmao
-Will leave everything of value that isn't like a prized stuffed animal
-Will buy you new stuff over the coming year to replace the stuff he left
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