#yandere eleven
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fandomnerd9602 · 6 months ago
Yandere Eleven from Stranger Things pretty please
Eleven slams the door shut as Y/N tries to leave…
Y/N: Eleven I have class
Eleven: no you are gonna spend the day with me cuddling and eating eggo waffles!
Y/N: you need cuddles don’t you?
Eleven: I can’t live without yours
Y/N hugs her and picks her up, carrying her to their couch…
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shae-stjohn · 11 months ago
I am DEAD. Deceased. What can I even say? You can truly believe the Doctor as a yandere. The differences between his tenth and eleventh regeneration feel v in character and the alien-ness of the eleventh doctor truly is front and centre here. Beautifully done, I'm in LOVE.
please please give us some yandere eleventh doctor content. the thirst is REAL
(Here's part of a commission I did- since the person who commissioned it said it was okay if I posted it here -in which reader is already being kidnapped by Ten and then Ten regenerates into Eleven; I skipped some parts, for easy readability’s sake. Also I edited out the reader's name.)
You thought you had gotten a pretty good handle on your… companion. (You referred to him as your companion, because it was what he called you sometimes, and it was either that or something serious, like captor, or silly, like alien friend.)
You knew that he was an alien, hundreds of years old, with two hearts and a time-traveling police box that was bigger on the inside.
You knew that he didn’t want to take you back home, and that asking him to do so either resulted in some deflection about some canyon in some other solar system that you had to see– some distraction –or (occasionally, if you were too persistent) a flat, “No, don’t do that.” His eyes suddenly pained, behind the rectangular glasses. His jaw suddenly tight.
“Why not?” you had challenged once.
But his gaze remained too sharp to meet. “Just don’t. Don’t do that.”
(You knew that they called him “the Oncoming Storm”.)
You knew that he didn’t like to be stern. He didn’t like to see signs that you were wary of him. It made him guilty, and when he was guilty, his anger rose to meet his guilt. Anger at himself. Never directed at you, but still frightening to behold.
You knew that he was fiercely protective. Usually he showed this simply by getting you out of dangerous situations before they even arose; many times, you’d been sitting beside him at some quiet alien pub or gala, and then something in his eyes had sharpened suddenly, catching on some sight that you couldn’t notice for the life of you, and he’d suddenly take your hand and drag you back toward the TARDIS, chanting, “Nope. No, no, no, no, not with you, never.” But then other times, when he couldn’t get you out before the danger, he would destroy the threat so unfeelingly, so dead-eyed… a kind of fury that betrayed his age and his inhumanity like nothing else did.
You knew that he was always at his softest when his anger passed. When he was done punishing some enemy or loudly berating himself, that was when he’d just hold you, a white-knuckled grip with his eyes shut tight. Sometimes murmuring apologies over and over, a mantra, a lifeline. It didn’t matter what you said, during those times, whether you said that you forgave him or begged him to let you go. He was too deep in his own shame to hear forgiveness or conviction.
You knew that he had an endless appetite for beauty and wonder. It was why he was always taking you to new places, always finding new things to gape at in delighted awe. And it was why he sometimes sat in silence and just stared at you, his dark eyes seeming to teem with fascination and a hunger as insatiable as that of a wildfire. It was like… On the inside, he was burning, and he needed a constant supply of… of whatever stimulus it was he was getting from you, to keep the flames bearable. To smother them with this planet, and that constellation, and you, you, you, you…
(He seemed to divide his time evenly between looking at the wonders of the universe, and looking at your reaction to said wonders. His gaze flicked back to you every other second, like a compass’s needle always finding the north pole. You were never unobserved.)
You knew that he grew agitated if you looked at him for too long a time, as if he became guilty with too much of your attention– he would turn away, or start jabbering, or, once, kiss you hard on the lips –but if you didn’t look at him enough, you got a similar result– the restlessness, that is. You had to learn, eventually, how much he wanted to be looked at. He wanted enough of your attention that he felt special, but not so much of it that he felt guilty. It was a difficult balance, but through experience, you were managing it. Look, look, look. Now look away. And you learned to recognize the early signs that he needed more or less attention.
You were getting good at it.
You were getting good at being his companion, despite the fact that you didn’t want to be.
And despite the fact that it involved so much cardio.
Now, the Doctor was sprinting down the corridor so fast that the tail end of his trenchcoat had taken flight, and though your hand was linked to his, you found yourself stumbling over your feet.
You hadn’t even seen the threat from which you were both running, which made the desperation of the Doctor’s movements all the more frightening. As far as you knew, nothing was even giving chase, and yet the Doctor was pouring in speed as if a horrible beast was right on your heels.
The pair of you came to the end of the corridor, and you gasped, for it was empty.
“But the TARDIS was just-“
“She still is,” the Doctor interrupted. “It’s an illusion; they want us to think we’re cornered.”
“Who’s ‘they’?”
“Close your eyes. Close them, and reach for the door.”
You did as he said. And you were sure that you hadn’t seen the TARDIS in the place where the pair of you had left it, but nevertheless, when you reached for the spot where the door was supposed to be, you were able to open it.
“Keep them closed,” the Doctor urged. He stood very close behind you, as if blocking the unseen foe from reaching you. “The illusion depends on your eyes deceiving you; don’t open your eyes until I tell you it’s safe. If you do, the TARDIS will vanish from around you. You won’t even be able to touch it.”
(There was often some rule: don’t open your eyes, or don’t close them, or don’t touch, or don’t let go. You had learned to just obey, rather than ask questions. People tended to die when there were rules; the creatures with rules were the scariest, you thought.)
You kept your eyes closed as you entered the TARDIS.
But you could hear something behind you. Some…chattering, like a million insects.
“What’s that sound?” you asked.
“Closing your eyes allows you to reach past the illusion.” His voice was grim-sounding. “Now you can hear the creatures that have been following us.”
A chill shot down your spine. You were advancing into the TARDIS, now; you were back to back with the Doctor, who must have been facing the pursuers. He walked backwards to keep close to you.
It seemed like this was just another threat the two of you had avoided, in your travels through time in space, until it… wasn’t.
You weren’t sure what happened; you had kept your eyes closed. But suddenly you heard the Doctor let out a pained cry.
“Oh, that’s not good,” he babbled. “That is not good.”
“What happened?” you asked.
But he only said, “Keep them closed. Keep moving.”
You walked forward until you heard the TARDIS door close behind the Doctor, at which point he said:
“Alright. You can open your eyes now.” His breathing was labored.
You opened your eyes, and the TARDIS was visible, but something was wrong; the Doctor was clutching his trenchcoat tightly around himself, as if to conceal a wound.
“Doctor, what…?”
“They carry a severe neurotoxin. Darling, could you run and pull the middle lever on the upper right hand… Actually, don’t. Don’t do that. Don’t leave me.” To punctuate his own verbal u-turn, he gripped your hands.
[Skip ahead; he’s dying now]
“I want to stay with you! I don’t…I don’t want…” A shout ripped its way out of him, and he staggered away as an unfathomable sort of energy seemed to fill the space.
There was a bright pillar of yellow light encasing him.
And then…
Then, he was just… different.
He was standing in the same spot, but his face was different. His body was different. He seemed to know it immediately, for he grabbed at the mirror attached to the TARDIS controls and eyed his own face for several seconds.
“Ohhh,” he murmured. “Not bad at all. No, I reckon I can work with this. Ears, right. The hair, though…”
His nonchalance, after such a tearful departure (and “departure” wasn’t even the word, was it?) was already jarring, but then he turned to you, and his face brightened so drastically, it was as if a light switch had been flipped.
“Oi!” he exclaimed cheerfully. “Darling!” He ran to you with his arms outstretched, stumbling on the way like the Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz. 
You couldn’t help yourself; you retreated a step before you could manage your own response. You expected him to have some reaction to your recoil. He always did. Or… he had always used to. But the new him seemed not to pay your reflexive flinch any mind. He kept stumbling towards you until he was close enough to touch. Then he placed his hands on your shoulders (sinking some of his weight on you, likely due to his newfound lack of balance) and just beamed at you.
“Alright there?” he asked. “Hope I didn’t scare you with the theatrics.”
“You changed,” was your obvious observation.
“Regenerated. I told you about regenerating.”
“But… you’re different now.” You were still stating the obvious, but your mouth simply couldn’t keep up with your brain, which was racing with the implications. “You’re a different person.”
“Still not a ginger, though; that’s a bit disappointing.”
“So… if you’re different now… can you take me home? I mean, you’re not the same…” You trailed off as soon as his expression started to change.
“Oh, shush,” he said, exasperated in a lighthearted way. He removed his hands from your shoulders, standing up straight. You searched him for the pained reaction his previous self had led you to expect, but it wasn’t there. He looked offended, but only as offended as a friend would if you told them their hat looked funny. He put his hands on his hips. “I regenerate into an entirely different body right in front of you, and the first thing you can think about is getting back to that blue marble? Honestly.”
He ran to the TARDIS controls and started working at the buttons and levers. The way he moved was so similar, and yet so different. He still had such easy familiarity with the machine, and such high energy, but his movements were lighter, looser. Almost floppy. No agitation in his speed or fierceness in his smile.
He was more alien this way.
Before, you had seen the truth, the pain, but now it was impossible to tell where his mind was.
“Oi!” he called out, for the second time. “Are you paying attention? I’m being awfully clever over here! You see these lighty-uppy bits? Yeah, they’re not supposed to be doing that…”
You began to learn new things about your companion.
And to unlearn the old things.
The intervals of attention you’d been perfecting, for the old Doctor, were the first things to be thrown out the window; the new Doctor wanted all of your attention, as often as possible. It seemed that he viewed any second you weren’t looking at him as a second wasted.
Interestingly, he did not watch you as much as his former self (“Ten” he called him, on rare occasions when he referred to his past self with anything but first person pronouns) had. Sometimes, he could be distracted by things he found “brilliant” or “cool”. But when he looked at you again (And he always, eventually, looked at you again.), he always expected your eyes to still be on him. Otherwise, he would chide you to pay attention, always in that lightly affronted tone. Never serious. Or never seeming so.
Twice, when his attention was elsewhere, you experimented with wandering away. You could never have done it with Ten, who had kept you so close and watched you so raptly, but with the new Doctor, in those moments of distraction (watching some unfamiliar performance or ritual) when you wondered if he had forgotten you were even there, you had managed to put some distance between you. 
The first time, it was only a few paces, just to test that you could do it without him noticing. He hadn’t stopped you, hadn’t stopped looking at the alien dancers, but when the time did come for him to look your way again, he looked straight at you; he hadn’t looked first at the spot you’d vacated. He hadn’t been confused. Which meant that he was keeping track of your movements even when he wasn’t looking your way. Valuable to know.
“Did you see that?” he asked you, giddily shuffling over and grabbing your hand to bring you closer again. “Their species can translate color into music! Think of it- every image a string of notes, every sequence of images an entire song! Right now, they’re dancing to music created by transcribing the movement of a shooting star, but any member of their species could transcribe the movements they’re making now and create a whole new dance around it...”
The second time, you moved farther away, and changed directions so that even his peripheral vision couldn’t tell him where you’d moved to. Or so you’d thought, but once again, when it came time for him to look your way, he found you immediately, as if he’d known where you were at every point, and he none-too-gently traversed the crowded space (at times climbing over aliens in his eagerness, and making impressive time, doing so) to reach you.
“How did you find me so quickly?” you asked. (You had also started to follow his cue in leaving subtlety aside.)
“You think I’d have you roaming around if I didn’t know how to find you?” he asked, as if it were the most obvious thing. “That’s how you lose people.” He let his words hang in the air for a bit. Then he put on his goofy smile again and dragged you off to “come see” something “brilliant”.
You learned that he had incredible spatial awareness, and that he was paying attention even when it seemed he wasn’t paying attention.
The new Doctor was more cheerful. He was friendlier. When he kissed you, the kiss was not desperate, but enthusiastic, and as often on the forehead as the lips. If he felt any shame at all over keeping you trapped, he did not show it, and it certainly never drove him to deliriously babble apologies. There was almost no flaw in his childlike façade. On a day-to-day basis, he was easier to live with, in some ways.
In other ways, he was much more difficult. As his nonhumanity had become more obvious, he started to forget things. In his haste to show you the universe, he sometimes forgot that you needed to eat more often than he did, and sleep longer. Ten had never forgotten; Ten had made a point of ensuring that you ate almost every time food was available.
“Doctor, I’m hungry.”
“You’re what? Oh, right!” He took a handful of loose jam-filled biscuits out of his pocket (When and why had he obtained those?) and dropped them into your hand. “Will that do, for now? I can get us to a feast on Delphon, once the triple solar eclipse is over. Remind me!”
His attentiveness had changed, and his need for attention had changed. His protectiveness, however, had not changed.
Well, maybe it had worsened, for he gave no sign that it tormented him to punish what threatened you. In fact, given how he allowed you to wander off, there were more opportunities, now, for you to come close to harm’s way.
The harm never actually touched you, though; he knew where you were at all times.
Given the Peter Pan-ish way he went through life most of the time, it was startling to see the smile fall away and yield to a look of what you would almost call boredom, as he eyed the thing that had nearly killed you.
“If I were feeling sporting, I’d give you a head start,” he said in a low voice to one such creature. “But you came very close to harming someone of critical importance to me, so no such luck.”
When Ten had destroyed the dangerous things, he’d been the Oncoming Storm, but with this new Doctor…
“Mercy,” the creature implored.
“Not today,” the Doctor said, through a mirthless little smile.
I think the storm has come, you thought.
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gendachocolate · 26 days ago
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.˚ ✦ · (ゝ。∂)ノ ⌗gᥱᥒძᥲᥴһ᥆ᥴ᥆ᥣᥲ𝗍ᥱ ᵕ 。 ̫🍵˳ 𝅄
𐚁 ˖࣪ Ꮺ ,, midori multiverse is real! yipyipsies! " 𑄾 ∘ ✧ °
꒰ 🍏 ° ˖ ໑ 𝖿ᥣᥲᥒ ᥲძძs ;; midori and midorikawa, this was so funky to draw im sooo happy how it turned out, so happy, so satisfied ও ° ❀ ˚ ⊹ 🌱
╰ ︵︵ ˚ ⊹ ୨୧ ⊹ ˚ ︵︵
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z4yan · 18 days ago
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MY TWO FAV CHARACTERS !! They look like sibling from a different parallel universe BUT I would really like to make ocs on Yandere Simulator but I don't have it and I don't know how to do them :C
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yanpotatowriter · 2 years ago
Then can you do Yandere Headcanons for Kidou,Gouenji,Afuro who fallen in love of a rival darling from a other soccer team
It depends on if we are talking about Taikoku Kidou or if we are talking about Raimon Kidou, because Taikoku Kidou will do everything in his power to make sure that he will beat his obsession in soccer and that their soccer cub gets forcefully disbanded after they lost to his team so that he could start to mess with their minds and get them to try and go to Taikoku so that they could join the soccer club there.
He will insult his obsession and really gets into their mind, saying that while they are weak now they could become more powerful and a force of nature if they just go ahead and join Teikoku and its soccer team, of course he does not mention that he wants them to join the team just so that he could keep an extra eye on them and figure out his feelings and his need for his obsessions approval and admiration.
Now Raimon Kidou will go about it in a more strategic yet friendlier way, by befriending their friends and trying to compliment their skills after a match.  Stating ways they could improve if they were to join Raimon but also if they don’t want to that he would not force them.  He does give them his contact info so that he could keep tabs on them and later down the line install trackers and spy apps through the messages on his obsessions phone so that he will be able to know more about his obsession without having to be glued at their side 24/7
He does not know what to do with the information that he has fallen for a rival but soon comes to term with it, trying to seek them out to get contact information, stating that he wants to do a 1 v 1 because he is interested in their skills (and them as well, but he won’t outright state it.) 
He does often do things with his obsession stating them to be for another purpose while he is actually just using it to be around them and learn more about them without having to stalk them and hide in the shadows.
He will also try to get them to leave their club and join his instead, but he is someone who will accept a no and move on, or at least that is what he makes it seem like, as he will sometimes just mention something that happened at the club that is positive or light-hearted and never mentions it if something negative has happened as he wants his obsession to only have a positive view of Raimon.
Zeus Aphrodi will do everything in his power to get his obsession to quit playing soccer in their own team and to join the team of gods, stating how pitiful they are currently due to them being a mere mortal but how joining a team of gods will make them more powerful and is only beneficial towards them.
He cannot accept that he has a weakness that is not directly tied to his team so they better listen to him and join his soccer team already, it is really not that hard of a decision.
Raimon Aphrodi will be more gentle with his approach to convince/manipulate his obsession into becoming an ally instead of a rival, he does so by hanging out with them, buying them small gifts that he thought they might like etc.   Anything he can do in order to convince his obsession to join Raimon or at least support the team in any way they can, he will do it.
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j-crow · 2 months ago
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billyhargrovesslut · 2 years ago
Stick Together
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Imagine: henry and eleven being yandere for you a nurse who worked with them and trying to run from them but they always find you.
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dtaegis · 6 months ago
i make this post like yearly but once again HOW could you expect me to grow normally i was a servant of evil adolescence and alice human sacrifices at the tender ages of 8 and 9
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ericshoney · 1 year ago
Thrill Ride ~ Chapter eleven
The next morning, Lottie woke to see she was in her room. She felt a slight headache and rubbed her eyes, sitting up, trying to remember what happened. Her mind was blank for a moment, until it all came flooding back. Her cheeks heated up at the thought and the slight pain between her legs also reminded her. 
Lottie got up, slipping a t-shirt over her panties, she looked at it and thought it must have belonged to one of the guys due to the large size on her smaller frame. She walked out of her bedroom and slowly down the hall. She saw many of the doors closed and could hear some light snoring from a few of the rooms, indicating the guys were still sleeping. Lottie was about to go downstairs, when she saw one door open wide and Sangyeon inside walking around. She tiptoed over and her heart swelled upon seeing the room. The room that belongs to her brother.
"S..Sangyeon." She called softly, walking into the room.
"Hey sweetheart, how are you feeling this morning?" He asked gently. 
"I...um okay a bit of pain but nothing much." She answered, looking around.
"That's good." Sangyeon replied.
Lottie nodded and then noticed a photo of Jax on the desk. She went to walk over, when Sangyeon blocked her, giving her a sweet smile.
"You should grab a drink and head back to bed." He suggested.
"What's that?" She asked, pointing at the desk.
"Nothing." Sangyeon shortly answered.
"Why are you in here?" She then asked.
"I keep it tidy." He said.
Lottie looked up at the male, something didn't feel right, but she couldn't figure out what it was. The two were frozen for a moment, until Sangyeon guided Lottie out of the bedroom.
"Go get a drink, darling and go back to bed. You also look great in my t-shirt." He said, giving her a wink.
Lottie nodded quietly and slowly walked out. Just as the two went to leave, Lottie dashed back into the bedroom and locked the door behind her, leaving Sangyeon to bang on the door from the hall.
"Real funny baby, now open the door for me and you won't get punished." Sangyeon called with a chuckle. 
Lottie looked around and saw a set of drawers by the door, pushing them to block the door. Sangyeon kept banging on the door, his voice getting louder.
"Come on babygirl don't make this hard on yourself!" He shouted.
Lottie felt her heart beating quickly, the drugs slowly wearing off for the night. The adrenaline over taking. She could hear some more voices, knowing that the others were awake now. She went straight over to the desk, where the photo of Jax was. It confused her why her brother would have a photo of himself in his own room.
More bangs on the door, made Lottie search quicker. She then felt her heart drop. Holding some paperwork with her brother's details on, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. It wasn't true was it?
The door was then kicked in with the guys force and the set of drawers moved out the way, the eleven males slightly shocked to see Lottie crying as she sat on the bed, half expected her to have escaped through the window.
"Sweetheart." Sangyeon softly called as the group surrounded her.
"It can't be true. Tell me it's not true." She said, holding the papers tight.
"Oh sweetie." Changmin cooed as she sat next to her.
"Tell me it's not true! Tell me my brother isn't dead!" Lottie shouted.
"Calm down, princess." Younghoon whispered, rubbing her back.
Lottie's tears dripped down her face and onto the papers. The official papers that Sangyeon received once Jax had died.
"Let's get you back to bed sweetie, someone grab her a drink." Chanhee said, picking the fragile girl up.
Lottie couldn't fight, too upset to think, crying into the male's shoulder. Chanhee smiled happily as she didn't fight his hold, but was concerned about how the truth would affect Lottie.
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origamancy · 1 year ago
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Cringetober day 11: Yandere
I like how this turned out despite the spotty background coloring. Love it when girls do the murder.
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storebranddisaster · 1 year ago
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Day 11 done ^^ I did cringetober's prompt "yandere" today.
Honestly I feel like my drawing process is going faster since starting inktober. Like usually I'm very slow drawing wise but I've gone from it taking 4hrs each day to like 2 to 3hrs. Idk if its a skill thing or if I'm getting more confident in drawing but its a cool thing to notice either way.
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xyfanficarchive · 4 months ago
i am having way way way way way way too much fun with this bot
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shysuccubusstuff · 2 months ago
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Yandere! Caleb:
Content: Non proof-reader; Gaslight + Manipulation + Lying; Established relationship + Somnophilia + Masturbating with clothes + Possessiveness + Riding + Size difference + Praising + Dumbification + Overstimulation + Thigh riding.
Note: I have never been a Caleb hater, so of course I had to write something about this cutie... Have you all seen the trailer? What do you think about him? I'm actually quite glad that they added someone who better fits the role of a dark romance, as Sylus was just a green forest contrary to what he was presented as. Let me know if you want in comments/private messages!! Also, sorry if it seems a bit too short :((
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Yandere! Caleb, who has known you since childhood, thus it is only natural that he knows every single small detail about you. What do you mean by saying that it's not normal for him to know the exact measures of every single inch of your body? He has known you for over eleven years, it's only natural.
Yandere! Caleb who sometimes takes advantage of your kind heart, remarking just how close you are, gaslighting you into thinking that some of the stuff he does for you is completely normal between friends. I mean, of course friends tell each other where are they every single second, and of course they know all of their other friends.
Yandere! Caleb who also uses the advantage of being a bit older than you, so you just have to trust his advices. He knows best, and he loves you, so how could you even doubt him?
Yandere! Caleb who slowly makes sure to get rid of your other friends, specially those who seem a bit too eager to hangout with you. He does this by lying, asking you to help him searching for the perfect gift for grandma, as he wasn't completely sure if that would actuall suit her taste. Or maybe getting sick on purpose, bathing with freezing cold water, staying there for a few hours just to make sure you would refuse to leave him all alone.
Yandere! Caleb who overprotected you since he was young, always holding hands with you until you started to get shy about it. He was always leading you, his magnetic gaze making it impossible to refuse his requests.
Yandere! Caleb who starts to train late at night as a way to stop his own urges to chain you to him. Punching the training bag as he keeps reminding himself that if he does that it would mean breaking the façade he had spent so much time creating just for your entertainment.
Yandere! Caleb who buys you a beautiful necklace for your birthday, he smiles brightly as he helps you put it around your neck. You were still unaware, but this was just one of the most tame ways he came up with to show just how much he wanted you only for him.
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Yandere! Caleb who sometimes makes his way inside your house late at night, the keys to it in his pockets as you had given them to him in case he ever needed a place to rest, or he simply wanted to pay a visit. He rummages around your drawers, searching for anything that has your scent, he presses it to his nose, smelling that sweet scent as he feels his erection grow under his pants. He bites his lips as a way to keep himself from undoing his belt and start to touch himself just from imagining your precious face smiling at him.
Yandere! Caleb who enjoys using his own body weight as he fucks your pretty pussy, making you whine and mewl each time he increases the pressure against your lower tummy causing his dick rubbing even more against your insides. Even despite you cling to the sheets for dear life as he plunges against you, he simply smiles sadistically, one of his hands petting your hair as he keeps watching you try to stop yourself from spilling out all those lewd moans by biting on the pillow. His mind rushing as he imagines all those damn "friends" hearing you melt under him just from him moving his hips a bit as he forces his way into you.
Yandere! Caleb who loves seeing the necklace he gave you recoiling against your chest each time he helped you to move up and down his cock, nails digging on his back as he kept hitting that sweet spot, kissing your neck as he whispered sweet nothings against your ear: "You're doing so good for me, yeah, keep moving your hips baby..." [...] "Are you getting tired, baby? Let me help you." Suddenly, his hands wrap around your hips, forcing his whole length on a single thrust, a squeal leaving your mouth as the tip of his cock suddenly hit against your cervix, eyes rolling back as he kept pressing his cock against you, mainting you completely still as he kept praising you. "Shh... You're doing so good for me, taking my whole cock inside you... So good baby, so good for me... Just a bit more, yeah? Gotta make sure you get all dumb and pretty for me, right?"
Yandere! Caleb who loves dirtying your face with his cum, allowing you to give him head, his fingers making their way into your lower half, using his rough fingertips to play with your clit as you started to spread soft kisses all over his length. By the time he finally cums, your mind was completely melted from cumming all over his fingers and mouth, sucking on his cock mindlessly as he moved his hips in a slow rythm, only increasing it as he came inside your mouth. When he opened his eyes, he found a precious sight, your mouth slightly open as a few strings of his cum escapep from your soft lips, your eyes looking at him as if you were dazed, glistening with a mixture of pure love and devotion. He quickly cleans it, kissing your lips as lets you rest on top of him, peppering soft kisses all over your face. "You did amazing, sweetheart. Such a good girl for me."
Yandere! Caleb, who sometimes becomes extra mean with you, making you mewl as he forces you to orgasm just from using his knee, having you ride them as he looks at you with an unamused look on his face. You keep rubbing against his clothed lower half, pleading between soft moans to get him to touch you, whispering things like: "Please, please, please, just the tip-- Can't take it anymore... Caleb please--". By the time he decides to get you to cum, you are already a panting mess, drool falling down your chin as your mind is already too far gone, tears falling down your face from the frustration. Before you are even able to realise, Caleb is already forcing you to cum all over your panties, his fingers rubbing against your clothed clit as you mumble a few words of gratitude.
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z4yan · 18 days ago
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Another Fanon relatives !! I think Aoi would be more of a cousin than a sister and they act like they're siblings when they're on vacation. Aoi would be like:
Sakuma: "Yo sonic hair, can you help me with my homework?
Aoi: "Oh.. Uhm yeah.." ("Like I remember this bullshit from middle school, I don't even remember what I ate for dinner yesterday -_-")
Aoi: "Lemme see."
Sakuma: "EQUATIONS!"
Aoi: "GASP!"
Aoi: "Ya know what? F**k off. I'm worse off than you at school."
(I'll try to make a little manga about it, if I feel like it)
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yanpotatowriter · 11 months ago
Yandere Break Trio Headcanons
About the break trio together?Likes will they who most tell what would do or maybe helping? —---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not going to lie, I had a hard time trying to figure out what this request meant (as in yandere break trio x reader or just break trio together. I went with the last option) —----------------------------------------------------------------------------
They have a toxic relationship that looks functioning/healthy but they all have their traits that makes it unhealthy, such as Endou becoming uncharacteristically clingy whenever Gouenji or Kidou mention needing to go somewhere until they let him come with them (not that they mind, they quite enjoy seeing how much Endou wants to be around them all the time).
Or how Kidou knows everything about the other two, even things that they hadn’t mention before like a dislike or a secret that they kept close to their chest, nothing is a secret to Kidou as he wants to make sure that they will always stay together and if that means using what the other two love as a way to keep them close to him then he will continue to use that because he cannot live without them.
Not to mention that Goenji keeps outsiders at arms length and tends to threaten those who he feels are trying to take advantage of his lovers to stay away unless they want to find out how it feels to receive a fireball storm to the face. Endou is oblivious to this side of Gouenji however Kidou is well aware and doesn’t care what Gouenji does to keep their relationship safe, as long as he doesn’t start to threaten their friends as well.
I guess you can say that Endou is more oblivious to their dark side than the other two, seeing as Gouenji and Kidou are more observant when it comes to it and not to mention the two do work together to eliminate any possible threats to their happiness.   Not saying that Endou cannot be terrifying in his own way (after all, the male is extremely strong when you realize the amount of training he has done) he just doesn’t get upset that easily, only getting upset when he thinks something is wrong with the others or he thinks that they are planning to leave him (Alius academy events really messed him up in that regard). 
With that being said they are also very sweet to each other, knowing what makes the others happy and spending a lot of time together just hanging out and enjoying each other's presence.
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girlygguk · 5 months ago
CRAZY | JJK (Part 2)
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summary you know it sounds twisted. that most people would see hyungwon as the perfect boyfriend. healthy, balanced, all the things that relationships should be. that’s when you realized... you weren't like most people. but that's okay. because neither is jungkook.
pairing ceo!jk x employee!(f)reader
rating 18+ minors dni; smut, fluff, angst
genre coworkers to lovers au, established relationship
word count 13.2k
chapter content [read part one for full character & story warnings pls.] jk & oc first encounter, jungkook lowkey goes a bit yandere in one two of the scenes 😭, jk punches another guy, love at first fuck lets b real, mention of oc's superior abusing their power (not jk), hyungwon appearance 🙄, heejin appearance 🙄, hobi appearance 🎉, bff jiminie appearance 🎉, time skips, jealous mcs, heated argument, jk lies but like... for the greater good? god idk
warnings dom jk, sub oc, pre established traffic light sw system and degradation consent, doggy, dirty talk, protected p in v sex, praise kink, um slight exhibition kink, rough sex, squirting...(on their first fucking encounter yeeeppp help me god)
a/n this is only 75% edited bc i honestly wasn't going to post it for a whilee as i'm working on some other things atm but i felt bad just watching her sit in my drafts all sad n semi finished 😢 alsoo if a bit of the smut dialogue looks a lil familiar... cough salsa.. its bc i was gonna completelyy change up the sexy scene 🥺 and so i used the smut as inspo for the salsa drabble so it didnt go to waste... bye im such a clown. okay thank u, enjoy, and pls lemme know what u think <3 mwah
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crazy pt 1 | masterlist | join my taglist | banner credit
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Your twelve-month contract as a temp Administrative Assistant at Jeon Corp was creeping to an end, and it was safe to say that you were fucking pissed.
You had put everything into this place—countless overtime shifts, moved into an overpriced house in the city near the firm so you were never late. You eat, sleep and breathe this fucking company. And what did you get for it? An almost certain rejection, apparently.
You were more than sure they'd offer you a permanent position. Your stats spoke for themselves. They were flawless. You’d single-handedly cleaned up the absolute fucking disaster left behind by the previous administrative assistant who bailed after Jeon Jun-seo’s passing—and that was not light work.
And by "bailed," you meant that they were part of the bloodbath that ensued when Jungkook took over and wiped out almost half the staff for incompetence.
The staff who remained still grumbled about it—loyalists, maybe, or just people too comfortable with the way things used to be. They hated him for it. He was ruthless, sure, but effective. Jeon Corp wasn't just successful; it was dominating. They went from merely hitting targets to blowing right past them. And that shift started with him.
Jungkook was good. Really fucking good.
He was young, driven, passionate, and not to mention—a sight for sore eyes. Even as someone who didn't like to openly praise men, you couldn't help but be impressed.
Still, you knew your fate wasn't in his hands directly. He wasn't going to be the one deciding whether your temp position would become permanent. He was the CEO—too high up to care about such things. And besides, you'd never even spoken to the guy. You spent most of your time on the twelfth floor, and he was always buried in work on the nineteenth.
Except for that one time.
Maybe three months ago? You had shared an elevator with him when you both arrived at work around the same time. For eleven floors, you stood silently beside him. Well, you were silent. He was on the phone, speaking in that low, gravelly tone that had a way of crawling under your skin. Being so close, you could hear the slight slip of a Busan accent when he spoke. He wasn't rude, just... intense.
Even while curses slipped from his lips to whoever was on the other end of the line, you couldn’t help but wonder if that was just his usual tone—whether he was speaking to a business partner, an enemy, a lover. Either way, you didn't think it was negative. It was just him.
You knew bits and pieces about the guy from what Jimin had shared—him being Jungkook’s assistant and all—but nothing too personal. Not that you needed to know. Though, admittedly, he had piqued your interest.
A month prior to that elevator ride, you’d caught a glimpse of something that had you squirming in your seat. From your office, you had glanced over to see him leading a meeting on your floor. His suit jacket had been tossed over the back of his chair, revealing the dirtiest, prettiest fucking sleeve you’d ever laid eyes on. His big, tattooed bicep flexed with each movement as he pointed at the projector screen.
The sight had you groaning, pushing your unfinished lunch aside and retreating to the bathroom.
You’d tried calling your boyfriend, hoping to pull him into some filthy phone sex, but he was too nervous to go through with it. In the end, you hung up frustrated, finishing yourself off in the stall, biting your lip to keep from moaning too loudly.
The elevator ride felt quicker than usual. You kept your eyes fixed on the LED screen, watching the numbers tick up, though you were more focused on the way his cologne filled the space, light but somehow intoxicating. By the time the doors slid open on your floor, his call had ended. You adjusted your bag, turning to him with a polite bow.
"Have a good day, seonsaengnim," you'd said, your voice soft as you smiled.
He didn’t say anything back, just looked at you for a second, his dark eyes sweeping over your face. His Adam’s apple bobbed slightly as he gave you a subtle nod, and you walked off, feeling his gaze linger as you left.
And that was it.
You didn't see him again. Not in the lobby, not passing by in meetings, not even when your car and his were the last ones left in the parking lot after late shifts. It wasn't unusual; he was literally the CEO, always busy, always somewhere else. He didn't have time to notice you.
But you couldn’t help but think about it more than you’d like to admit.
If you'd known that you'd never cross paths with him again, never ride the same elevator, never exchange more than those few words before your temp contract ended—would you have done something different? Said something more?
Maybe you would've clicked a higher floor.
But here you were. No offer. No permanence. Just three job offers from other firms sitting in your inbox, waiting for your reply. Of course, you had a backup plan—you weren't that naive. But something about it stung anyway. You'd take one of those offers at the end of the week, move on, and maybe one day, you'd forget about Jeon Corp entirely.
You were really going to miss Jiminie, though.
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“So... how's your shift going?”
You rolled your eyes, a soft laugh escaping as you twisted the cap off your water bottle, taking a sip before tearing the lid off your salad. Your phone sat on your desk, Hyungwon's voice crackling through the speaker.
"It's going good, Hyungwon," you replied, voice tinged with sarcasm. "Same as every day."
A sad chuckle echoed through the receiver. "Oh, yeah? Well, we just got new printers at the firm, you know, the Lexmark MX8s? What about y—"
The forkful of salad that was halfway to your mouth dropped back into the bowl. "Hyungwon," you interrupted, incredulity dripping from your tone. "Did you really call me to talk about printers?"
"Well, I—no, I just—"
You sighed, reaching for your water again and setting your untouched lunch down. "Hyungwon, I hope you're okay, I really do. And I'm happy for you and your fancy printers," yours were two seasons ahead, "but this isn't helping. You're not going to feel better if—"
"I just miss you, Y/N," his voice cracked, and instantly, your appetite evaporated. You let out another deep sigh, rubbing your temples, as Hyungwon's next words came out shaky. "And I just want to know what I did wrong. We were doing so well. W-what did I do?"
"Hyungwon…" You picked up the phone, taking it off speaker as you leaned back in your chair, eyes focused on the ceiling. "You didn't do anything. You're a great guy, okay?"
"Yeah," he scoffed, his voice bitter and teary. "Girls don't break up with 'great guys' after an amazing year together out of the blue, Y/N."
Was it out of the blue? Had it been amazing?
"We've been over this," you sighed, adjusting the phone in your hand. "A hundred times in the last month. It's not about what you did. We just—"
"Weren't right for each other," he finished, his voice robotic, like he was reciting a script he'd memorized against his will. A sniffle followed as you heard him reach for tissues. "Just… wanted you to know I miss you. And… could I come by next week? Pick up my clothes?"
You took a long drink from your water bottle, feeling a headache forming. "I’ll leave it with reception. You can pick it up from the office—"
"No," he cut in, his voice tight with desperation. "Please, from your place. I just��� I need to see you one more time."
You exhaled deeply, eyes unfocused as you stared out your floor-to-ceiling window. It had been a month since you ended things with Park Hyungwon—a month since you stuffed his clothes into a box and offered to drop them off. A month of excuses, a month of him putting it off, dragging out these unbearable phone calls, asking to see you in person, to talk.
You knew why he wanted to make the exchange in person. You weren't stupid. But lately, something about his calls had been giving you a bad feeling—a taste in your mouth that lingered long after you hung up. Hyungwon wasn't dangerous. He wouldn't hurt a fly. But he was... off. These calls always followed a pattern.
First, 1:15pm, right when you started your break, your phone would buzz. You'd glance down, see an incoming call from P.H, and immediately regret ever sharing your lunch schedule with him.
Then, he'd be kind. Sweet. Boring. Asking about your shift, your day, until something—something trivial—would break his composure. He'd start to crack, voice shaking, or worse, he'd burst into tears over something like… printers.
By the end of the call, there was always that weird shift. Not angry, not sad… something in between. A mix of emotions that left you unsettled, and you couldn't quite put your finger on why. You could feel the resentment beneath it all, though—like he definitely blamed you for the breakup, no matter how many times he asked what he could've done to keep you.
That was fine. You were used to people resenting you. You were top of your major, gorgeous, and a bit of a bitch. But hearing that tone in Hyungwon's voice? A human puppy dog you'd spent a year of your life with? It made your skin crawl in a way you couldn't shake.
And now, here he was, asking to see you again. For what? Closure? An emotional showdown? You didn't care. You just knew you had to end this, fast. Another call filled with sniffles and pleas, eating away at what little break time you had? You'd throw yourself out that fucking floor-to-ceiling window before you let that happen again.
"Fine," you sighed, glancing at your watch as you switched the phone to your other ear. "You can come over next week. I'll check my schedule."
"Really?" His voice immediately brightened, and you rolled your eyes. "Shivers! That sounds great! Just text me when—"
You swallowed the bile rising in your throat. Shivers? SHIVERS?
"Break's over, Hyungwon," you interrupted, forcing a smile into your voice. "Talk to you later, okay?"
"Yeah. Thank you, Y/N. I'll call you tomorrow."
The line went dead, and your fist clenched around the phone.
"God," you muttered to yourself, tossing it onto your desk with an exasperated sigh, "I'm changing my fucking break time."
"Should I come back later?"
You yelped at the sudden voice, spinning around in your chair to see your best friend standing in your office doorway, his signature Cheshire grin firmly in place.
"Jiminie!" you beamed, frustration melting away as you rushed over to pull him into a hug. "No, it's okay. It was just—"
"Hyungwon," Jimin finished for you with a knowing, apologetic nod. "You know, you could always just… not answer when he calls?"
You rolled your eyes, brushing a piece of blonde fringe from his face. "And have his suicide on my conscience? No thanks."
"He's a grown man. He can make his own decisions," Jimin shrugged, laughing when you widened your eyes in faux shock.
You shuffled back to your desk, stabbing a cherry tomato from your salad. "Aren't you supposed to be telling me to run back into his arms and admit I was wrong? Some sort of cousin code or something?" you quirked a brow teasingly, humming around the mouthful.
He laughed softly, adjusting the files in his hand. "I'd never tell you to go back to something you were clearly miserable in, Y/N. Even if he is my cousin."
You swallowed another bite, giving him an appreciative smile before finishing the rest of your water bottle. "That is why I love you, Park." You threw the rest of your papers into a folder and linked your arm with his. "And why I'm going to miss you so much." You pouted playfully.
Jimin rolled his eyes, guiding you out of your office. The usual hustle and bustle of level twelve filled the air as he snorted, "Don't say that. You're not going anywhere, Y/N."
"Mm, I beg to differ." You shot back, bitterness lacing your voice. "I haven't heard a word about permanency, and my contract ends in four days." With a dramatic sigh, you added, "Guess you'll just have to visit me at KimCo on your lunch breaks instead."
"First of all," Jimin smirked, "I wouldn't drive across town on my lunch break to visit anyone, even you." You squinted at him as he teased, "And second, yeah, it's shitty that you haven't heard anything about the promotion—"
"And unprofessional," you interjected, rolling your eyes. "And discourteous, and obnoxious, and plain fucking rude—"
He chuckled, cutting you off with a light shrug. "Yes, all of the above," he agreed as you both reached the elevators. Unlinking his arm from yours, he pressed the button to go up. "But… have you accepted the offer at KimCo yet?"
You frowned, glancing at the lit-up arrow pointing up. "No, not yet. I was going to tonight…" You trailed off, turning to him in confusion. "Jiminie, why are we going up? Our meeting's on level seven."
Jimin glanced down at the file in his hand before his mouth opened to respond, but the elevator dinged, catching your attention.
The doors slid open, and you were immediately hit with the faint scent of tobacco and Bvlgari. Your head turned slightly, seeking the source.
Jungkook stood inside, eyes focused on the phone in his hand, dressed in a perfectly pressed designer suit that somehow looked more sinfully casual on him than it had any right to.
You blinked, tearing your gaze away from him and turning back to Jimin, waiting for an explanation.
"Oh yeah, uh, the meeting's been pushed back a bit," Jimin said, nodding to the elevator. "But you're needed upstairs for a moment."
You frowned, glancing down at the heavy folder in your hands as you stepped into the elevator. If the meeting was postponed, you wouldn't have dragged this big fucking thing around with you. You left some space between yourself and the CEO and Jimin happily slid in between, his usual smile bright and easy.
The doors closed, and silence settled over the small space. Jungkook was still looking at his phone. Jimin still hadn't pressed a button.
You frowned. "Jiminie, why haven't you clicked a floor?"
He turned toward you, feigning confusion as his eyes flicked toward the panel. "Oh, because it's already pressed." He shrugged, flashing a quick smile before turning forward again.
You stared harder at the panel. From the corner of your eye, you could see Jungkook's broad frame. His phone was tucked away now, but his gaze remained fixed straight ahead. He hadn't said a word.
"Level nineteen?" you asked, a hint of confusion in your voice.
Jimin nodded, offering you a simple smile.
The elevator crawled its way up slowly with a few more words exchanged between you and Jimin. Then, finally, the elevator dinged open at level nineteen, and the air shifted.
The sleek, pristine hallway stretched out before you, polished floors gleaming so bright that you could almost see your reflection in the tiles. You had only been here once before, for a department meeting with the CCO, Kim Namjoon.
Jimin politely bowed to his boss as you instinctively stepped back, allowing Jungkook to exit first. His gaze never wavered as he nodded in acknowledgment, his movements calm as he stepped out.
As you followed Jimin down the hall, you couldn't help but notice how eerily quiet everything was. The glass-paneled meeting rooms stood empty, the reception desk vacant. The last time you were here, the place had life, but now… nothing.
Jungkook disappeared into his office without a word while you and Jimin continued walking. Your confusion only deepened as you glanced through the glass panes into all the very empty meeting rooms.
Jimin slowed at the entryway to Jungkook's office.
"Jiminie, what's going on?" you asked, gently grabbing his arm. "Am I supposed to have a meeting with Jeon Jungkook-seonsaengnim? Why wasn't I informed? I need to know what's required—"
"Y/N," Jimin interrupted softly, his hand covering yours reassuringly. "I'll explain soon, okay? I know it's last minute, and I'm sorry for that. Let me just make sure everything is on track." He smiled at you before gesturing to the plush seats outside the office. "Take a seat. I won't be long."
You hesitated, but trusting your best friend, you nodded, setting your folder on the table before sitting down. Jimin gave you one last encouraging smile before disappearing inside Jungkook's office, the door clicking softly shut behind him.
Your eyes darted around the hallway as you waited, the clean surroundings feeling almost too sterile, too perfect. The glass walls of Jungkook's office made it impossible not to glance inside. You caught a glimpse of him flipping through a file, his expression focused, detached. Jimin approached him, placing his own file down on the desk as the two exchanged quiet words.
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Jimin greeted his boss again with a respectful bow. "Seonsaengnim," he smiled, placing the file in front of Jungkook.
Jungkook didn't look up from the papers he was thumbing through. "Is she waiting for me?"
"Yes, sir," Jimin replied, his hands clasped neatly in front of him. "You have about thirty minutes before the board meeting, so I thought now could be a good time for you to meet with Y/LN Y/N… The temp administrative assistant from level twelve? Her contract ends in—"
"Four days," Jungkook finished, finally closing the file in front of him. He reached for the one Jimin had brought, flipping it open. "Why hasn't her contract been extended? Her performance is strong, and she has streamlined operations in her department. Does she not wish to stay with the company?"
"She does, sir," Jimin nodded. "But I was informed by Namjoon-seonsaengnim's assistant that Lee Dohyun does not plan to extend her contract. He intends to let it end."
Jungkook's brow twitched slightly, his eyes narrowing as he flipped through the papers. "And why does Dohyun plan to do that? She's efficient, profitable. She cleaned up the mess the last administrative assistant left behind." His tone was clipped, irritation poorly masked.
Jimin shifted on his feet, the hint of hesitation visible in his posture. "I'm not entirely sure, sir. It's mostly hearsay, but…" he cleared his throat, glancing at Jungkook before continuing cautiously, "there's a rumor that she rejected one of Dohyun's advances a few months ago. Since then, word has flown around that he's been less than accommodating toward her."
Jungkook's eyes darkened, his fingers stopping their idle flipping as his gaze snapped back to Jimin. "So, he's punishing her for not entertaining him?"
Jimin's silence was enough of an answer.
Jungkook's jaw clenched, the tension in his shoulders building. He flipped the file shut, the subtle thud of the paper echoing in the quiet office.
"Why have you brought her to me, Jimin?" he asked, shooting a sharp look at his assistant. "There's a chain of command. At least six people between Dohyun and me."
"There are," Jimin acknowledged. "But some months ago, you mentioned noticing a significant increase in productivity and efficiency in Administration… You said the improvements could be attributed to the new assistant's work. I just thought considering her contract ends in four days, you'd want to meet her personally before she accepts another offer."
Jungkook leaned back against his desk, glancing at the glass door where you were sitting, your legs crossed, eyes absentmindedly focused on a strand of your hair. His gaze flicked over your tight black pencil skirt, the cream blouse that hugged your figure, the neat ponytail held in place by four bobby pins.
"She's very good," he admitted, eyes dropping back to the folder. "But I don't meddle in the hiring department. Tell Dohyun to reconsider his decision."
Jimin shifted slightly. "He's on leave for the rest of the week, sir."
Jungkook sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. "Then go to the next in command, Jimin. I'm not—"
"She's accepting an offer from another firm tonight, Jungkook," Jimin said quickly, catching himself. "Jungkook-seonsaengnim," he corrected. "Once she signs the contract with KimCo, there won't be time to make a counteroffer."
Jungkook went quiet; his eyes focused on the closed folder in front of him as Jimin pressed on. "Just five minutes, sir. That's all she needs."
Jungkook's eyes flicked up to meet Jimin's. He rolled his eyes, leaning back on his desk, arms crossing over his chest. "You're supposed to make my life easier, not harder, Park."
Jimin couldn't help but grin, looking over his shoulder to catch you glancing down at your Apple watch. He bit back a snicker when you rolled your eyes, clearly getting impatient.
"She'd be a big loss, seonsaengnim," Jimin said honestly as he turned back to his boss. "I believe I'm making your life easier. You live, eat, and breathe this company."
Jungkook groaned, closing his eyes briefly before nodding. "Send her in. Five minutes."
"Thank you, seonsaengnim." Jimin bowed, turning toward the door.
"Jimin," Jungkook called out, his assistant's hand freezing on the handle.
"Yes, sir?"
"Draft effective immediate termination papers for Lee Dohyun and put them on my desk when you leave for the night."
Jimin bit back a grin. "Yes, sir."
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You straightened in your seat as soon as you saw Jimin approaching, eyes narrowing suspiciously. He looked like the cat that caught the canary, and you didn't trust it for a second.
"Y/N, this way, please—"
"No," you snapped, swatting his outstretched hand away. "Brief me."
There was no way you were walking into a meeting with the fucking CEO without any preparation. Was he fucking high?
Jimin chuckled softly, clearly enjoying this way too much. "Relax, Y/N. It'll only take a few minutes. Jungkook's not much of a talker…" He reached out again, and you batted his hand away once more.
He laughed again, then pouted, blinking at you with wide, innocent eyes. "Please, Y/N? Just trust me."
"God, you're a cunt," you muttered under your breath, shooting him a glare as you stood and smoothed your skirt. Reluctantly, you started toward the office.
"Unprofessional…" Jimin teased with a grin, snickering when you turned and mouthed 'get fucked' at him before stepping inside.
The glass doors clicked softly behind you as you entered the impeccably tidy office. "Seonsaengnim," you greeted with a bow. “Y/LN Y/N. It's nice to formally meet you."
Jungkook barely glanced up, his dark eyes sweeping over you for just a moment before he dropped them back down to the file on his desk.
His nod was curt, his voice low and indifferent. "Jeon Jungkook," he said, as if his name wasn't already plastered across every inch of this building.
When he gestured toward the seat in front of his desk, you sat down, crossing your legs as he settled back into his chair. His attention returned to the open file. "Your contract ends in four days."
"Yes, sir," you nodded, hands resting in your lap as you held back any trace of bitterness.
"Do you not wish to stay here?" His voice was steady as his eyes flicked up to meet yours.
You blinked, a little surprised by the question. "No, sir. I do wish to stay. But I haven't heard anything from management regarding a permanent position."
"Who do you report to?" Jungkook asked, though you were sure he already knew the answer.
"Lee Dohyun-seonsaengnim."
He leaned back in his chair, drumming his tattooed fingers lightly against the desk as he skimmed the file. "Your work is impressive."
"Thank you, sir." You smiled softly, ignoring how those four simple words made your stomach flip. "That means a lot coming from you."
His gaze lingered on you for a second longer before he closed the file and set it aside. "Y/LN Y/N," he said, his voice calm, "Why do you think your contract hasn't been extended?"
You blinked, momentarily thrown off by the question. "I'm not entirely sure, seonsaengnim."
Jungkook hummed. "You've been here almost a year. Your work speaks for itself. Yet your contract hasn't been extended." His gaze locked on yours, and for a second, he almost looked genuinely interested. "Why?"
You inhaled slowly, keeping your expression as neutral as possible. "I've heard rumors, sir. But I'm not one hundred percent certain."
An eyebrow arched, and Jungkook tilted his head slightly. "Let's say the rumors are true. Do you think personal reasons should outweigh performance?"
"No, sir," you answered steadily. "But I don't control the decisions."
A faint smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, and for a moment, his eyes flickered with amusement. Whether he appreciated your honesty or just liked watching you squirm, you weren't sure. "Do you plan on accepting an offer from another company, Y/N?"
You gave a slight nod. "Yes, sir. My first choice is KimCo. They've offered me a permanent coordinator role in their administration department. I plan on sending my letter of acceptance tonight, after my shift."
Jungkook was quiet for a moment, his dark eyes roaming over you lazily, but enough that it was impossible not to notice. "Is there anything I can do to change your mind?" he asked finally, his voice casual as he leaned back in his chair. "Or are you happy to go to KimCo?"
"I would prefer to stay, sir," you said, holding his gaze. "If Jeon Corp is willing to match the salary offer and I'm guaranteed a permanent position."
"What's the offer?"
"₩67m, sir."
Jungkook's expression didn't change. "We can do eighty."
"I'll have your permanent administrative coordinator contract drafted by tonight and emailed to you. Will that work?"
It took you a second to process his words before you blinked in surprise. "Yes, sir," you replied, fighting to keep the smile tugging at your lips in check. "It would."
Jungkook leaned back further in his chair, his eyes flicking over you once more, lingering in a way that wasn't accidental. Then, with a simple nod, he closed the file in front of him. "Good. I'll expect your response by tomorrow morning."
You still don't really know how it happened.
Maybe it started when you stood to give him a polite bow before leaving his office, and he reached out for a handshake at the exact same moment. His cold hand accidentally brushed against the side of your inner breast through your blouse as you leaned forward, and suddenly, both of you froze.
Jungkook pulled his hand back sharply, his brows furrowing as he stared down at the file on his desk like it was the most interesting thing in the world, muttering a low apology, his usual confident tone suddenly gone.
It was... so cute.
Seeing the man who looked like he could ruin your life with just a snap of his fingers suddenly all shy and flustered as if he was more embarrassed than you were? Fucking adorable.
Maybe it was his instinct to avoid an HR complaint, to maintain professionalism in what could have been misconstrued as an inappropriate touch.
But you weren't going to misconstrue it. It was an accident.
And, honestly... you always were kind of a sucker for bad boys with soft eyes.
"Fucking goodddd!!!" you moaned, your voice barely coherent as your cheek pressed against the cold surface of his desk. Each relentless thrust from Jungkook had your body jiggling under him, your mind lost in a haze as his hips slammed into you without mercy. "S-so fucking b-biiiiig."
Your eyes rolled back, throat raw from the croaky whimpers that escaped between each ragged breath. His hand was firm on the back of your head, keeping you pinned down, helpless as he took you apart, piece by piece.
"I know, baby," he cooed, his voice laced with that condescending pout that only made you clench harder around him. "I know it's big, baby. But you can take it, can't you?"
His fingers tangled in your hair, brushing lightly over your flushed cheek in a teasing, mocking pat. Then, without warning, he pulled back and slammed into you harder, deeper, until you felt him hit that spot. That fucking spottt. Your breath caught in your throat as he didn't stop, didn't let up, just kept going, over and over and over.
Your mouth fell open in a silent scream, nails scraping into the polished wood of his desk until you felt the lacquer gathering beneath your fingernails. The loud, wet slaps of his hips against your ass echoed through the room, his heavy balls smacking into your swollen clit.
"'Course you can take it. 'Cause you're such a hard worker, hm? Such an overachiever, aren't you, baby." His voice dripped with dark amusement, each taunting word sending shivers down your spine. His hand pressed your head harder into the desk, the weight of him leaving you trembling, drool pooling on the wood beneath you as you gasped and whimpered, completely at his mercy.
"You can take it, Y/N. Know you can," he murmured, every word like a filthy promise, his gaze locked on the way your body was surrendering to him, giving him everything. He wasn’t going to stop until you broke. Until you were his.
"Color, baby." He growled into your neck, his breath hot against your skin. He hummed in delight when he felt you swallow, your gasps feeding into his satisfaction.
"Green," you choked out, barely able to form the words. "Do anything to me. Green, fucking green to it all," you cried, voice raw as tears blurred your vision, and Jungkook groaned, teeth grazing the delicate skin of your throat in approval.
His grip tightened in your hair again, yanking you upright until your back was flush against his chest. "G-g-godddddd," you choked out, body trembling, tears threatening to spill as his thrusts grew quicker, more brutal, each one slamming harder and louder, drowning out everything else.
Your hands shot up, clawing desperately at the back of his neck as you tried to hold on, your body burning from the inside out as he destroyed you. His lips ghosted over the curve of your neck, teeth grazing your skin just as his hand slipped down your stomach, his fingers finding your swollen, slippery clit with ease.
Jungkook's pace became punishing, driving into you harder and faster, your body quivering under his touch. His lips brushed lazily over your neck, whispering filthy praise into your ear as his fingers circled your clit, sending a jolt through your entire body. The wet, sloppy sounds of his hips smacking into your ass filled the room, each thrust sending you closer to the edge.
"F-fuck, Jungkook," you gasped, your voice cracking as his pace quickened even more at the sound of his name on your lips. "It's s-so… fuck…"
He groaned low in your ear, his hand fisting your hair tighter, yanking your head back as his hips crashed into you over and over. "So good, Y/N baby," he cooed, his voice dripping with lust. "You're doing so fucking well. Taking it so good."
The praise made your throat bob, your entire body teetering on the edge of collapse. You couldn't think of anything but him—full, Jungkook, full, Jungkook. It was all-consuming, the only thing that mattered.
You weren't just wet anymore—you were disgustingly soaked, your arousal dripping down your thighs, mixing with the sweat on your skin as he ruined you. You let out a sob as tears streaked down your cheeks, your mascara no doubt smeared beyond repair as your entire body burned with pleasure.
"Careful, baby," he hummed darkly, voice tinged with amusement. "Don't want anyone to hear you, huh. Coming to check if you're okay..."
Your eyes flicked toward the glass doors, your head lolling back into the crook of his neck as you realized the vulnerability of your position. Fucked out, skirt bunched up around your waist, tits spilling over your bra, completely on display and helpless in his arms—holy fuck. The idea of someone seeing you like this had your thighs pathetically trembling as you felt yourself get even wetter. Sicko.
"S-sir," you stammered, the words forced out between his relentless thrusts that threw your body forward. "Cl-close the blinds."
Jungkook's lips curled into a smile against your neck at the lack of conviction in your words. Fucking perfect. His breath was warm as he whispered, "Why would I want to do that?" His hand slid to your chin, his fingers gripping firmly as he forced your eyes to the glass. "Y'look so fucking pretty, Y/N. Who would want to hide all that?"
Humiliation mixed with need, making your core throb even harder. The reflection of your wrecked form stared back at you—trembling, sweaty, makeup running down your tear-streaked face.
Well, he wasn't wrong. You did look kind of pretty.
The thought of how many other women had been in this same position with him briefly slithered through your mind, but you whimpered, pushing it away.
"H-harder, Jungkook… please," you gasped, voice a broken plea. "P-please, baby?"
That was all it took. His low groan vibrated through you, his hands gripping your waist tight as he snapped his hips into you with a force that made the desk rattle beneath your hands. One hand cupped your breast, tugging harshly at your nipple, while the other slipped down to mercilessly slap at your clit over and over.
"Shit, shit, shit, shittttt!" you sobbed, your voice high and broken, pleasure tearing through your body.
"You're close, aren't you?" Jungkook rasped, his voice rough as his thrusts grew erratic, harder, faster. "Getting so fucking tight around me. Gonna come for me, aren't you, baby?"
Your mind was gone. You couldn't focus on anything but the feeling of him inside you, stretching you, filling you, owning you. "J-Jungkook..." you slurred, your head falling back against his chest, "please make me come, baby, pleasepleasepleaseeee."
Jungkook's arms tightened around your trembling body, and in one quick motion, he sat back in his office chair, pulling you down into his lap. You cried out as his hands hooked under the back of your knees, planting his feet on the ground and spreading your legs wide, completely open, and facing the see-through fucking doors.
He didn't give you a second to breathe before he started pounding into you again, his fat cock hitting so deep at the new angle that your body shook uncontrollably. You couldn't even hear your own cries—just the wet, obscene slapping of skin and Jungkook's gorgeous groans in your ear.
"Rub your fucking clit," he commanded, his voice thick with urgency. "Come. Now, Y/N. Fucking come."
Your hand flew to your clit, trembling fingers rubbing furiously, slipping because you were so fucking wet. "Jungkook," you gasped, voice breaking, tears pouring down your cheeks.
"No, baby, f-fuckkk, I'm sor—" You couldn't stop the sobs, your body convulsing as the tension coiled tighter and tighter inside you. "Jungkook, I'm—I'm so sorry, ahhhh fuckkk! I-I'm gonna squirt, oh my goddddd!"
"Fuck, yes," he growled, and just as your body started to seize up, his hand shot down, pressing hard on your lower belly and bladder, right where he was buried deep inside you. His hips didn't relent, pounding into you with the same brutal pace.
The pressure on your abdomen made everything inside you snap. Your scream tore through his office as your walls clamped down hard on him, your body shaking violently as your hand trembled, losing its grip on your clit. You came so hard that your hand slipped away entirely, but before the overwhelming release could fade, Jungkook's hand was there, replacing yours instantly. His fingers rubbed your swollen clit with intense pressure, refusing to let you stop.
"Fuckk, look at that fucking pussy, Y/N," he growled as he slapped your pulsing clit over and over. "Keep going, fuck, keep squirting on my fucking dick, baby, holy shittttt."
The filthy command tipped you over the edge again. The sensation was too much, and you started to gush even harder. Wetness sprayed everywhere, soaking his lap, drenching the desk. You were fucking gone.
"Holy fuck," Jungkook choked out at the sight of your cunt gushing out liquid, his hips jerking erratically as his body tensed beneath you. He came hard into the condom with a deep, broken groan, his grip on you tight as he rode out his release, still rubbing your clit with nasty, unrelenting strokes, making sure you didn't stop.
Your body convulsed violently, your legs shaking uncontrollably as he kept rubbing, drawing out every last wave of your orgasm until you were a trembling, sobbing mess. His big hand cupped over your warm pussy, feeling it throb beneath his palm as he slowed his thrusts, easing you through the last shudders of your release.
"My godddd," he growled, his voice raw with awe as he moved his hand and looked down at the mess you'd made. Your quivering pussy, glistening and red, his slacks drenched, the chair wet, and even some paperwork on the desk soaked through.
Fuck, he groaned internally. He's obsessed.
Your chest heaved as you slumped against him, completely spent, your head falling onto his shoulder. Jungkook’s hands glided up and down your trembling thighs, suppressing the smile tugging at his lips as you buried your face into the crook of his neck, clinging to him like he was the only thing holding you together.
"Well done," he murmured, his lips grazing your forehead before pressing a soft kiss there. You could still feel his heart racing against your skin as you tried to catch your breath.
"Seonsaengnim," you muttered, still panting, "I'm so sorry about your papers—"
"Shut up," Jungkook cut you off with a roll of his eyes, your sudden shift to formalities clearly grating on him. His hands continued their soothing path over your stomach, fingers brushing lightly over the soft skin before he gently adjusted your legs on his lap. His strong thighs kept your feet dangling above the floor, his touch softening as he patted your belly absentmindedly, his voice easing. "It’s alright."
You tried to gather yourself, your mind still spinning. "I haven't done that in a while," you mumbled into his neck, the words slipping out without thought. "God."
Jungkook swallowed hard, suppressing the mix of emotions rising in his chest. Pride at making you feel this way. Anger at knowing someone else had. His jaw clenched briefly before he cleared his throat, forcing a casual hum of acknowledgment. "Good."
He patted your belly a couple more times, as though resetting his focus. "You okay to get dressed?" he asked, his voice slipping into something nonchalant, though the grip on your thighs lingered a moment longer than necessary. "I've got a meeting soon."
You cleared your throat and nodded, feeling a little unsteady as you began to push yourself up from his lap. His hands helped guide you as you stood, and you winced slightly as he slipped out of you, leaving you feeling oddly empty. Your legs wobbled beneath you, but you ignored the sensation, letting your skirt fall back into place. You glanced around the room, searching for your panties.
You crouched down, looking under the chair, then the desk, even flipping through some of the papers on his desk, but there was no sign of them.
"Have you seen my…?" you trailed off, turning to look at him, feeling the confusion settle in as you noticed his casual indifference. Jungkook, now having disposed of the condom, zipped up his slacks with an air of calmness that seemed just a bit too casual for your liking.
You raised a brow, suspicion growing. His expression mirrored yours with a glint in his eyes.
"Where are they?" you asked, narrowing your gaze.
"I don't know what you're talking about," he replied, a faint smirk playing on his lips as he straightened his shirt. Then, he casually slipped his hands into his pockets, and that's when you caught the faintest flicker of black lace peeking out from one of them.
You scoffed, stepping toward him, but before you could snatch them back, Jungkook caught your hand. He snickered softly as he brought it to his lips, pressing a mocking kiss to your knuckles.
“01J09. Lock the door when you leave, Y/N." His tone was commanding but light as he slipped past you, grabbing his suit jacket as if nothing had happened. He gave you one last look before walking out of the room, leaving you standing in the middle of his messed-up office.
You slumped back into his chair with a huff, quickly adjusting your bra and buttoning your blouse. As you started to tidy the room, you found some disinfectant wipes in a cupboard and began cleaning the desk, trying to distract yourself.
The sound of the door opening behind you startled you, and you quickly turned, assuming Jungkook had returned. But when you locked eyes with your best friend smirking widely at the scene, your stomach dropped.
"You fucking slut!" Jimin shouted, closing the door behind him as he made his way toward you, cupping your face with both hands. His grin was bright, teasing, as he shook his head in disbelief.
"Holy shit! I'm mortified that I just walked past and saw my best friend getting railed by my boss… but I'm also so fucking happy! So, are you staying? Are you guys a thing? How did it happen? Holy fuck—"
"Jiminie," you whined, pulling his hands away and turning back to the desk to finish cleaning, "I'll tell you later. My legs hurt, and we need to get to the meeting—"
"The meeting's over," Jimin interrupted with a snicker, "it's been an hour."
"What the fuck?!" Panic washed over you as you turned to face him, eyes wide.
Jimin just shrugged, still wearing that smug smile. "It's fine, Y/N. I took notes; they're on our shared drive. It wasn't anything important. Definitely not as important as the 'meeting' you were in."
You snorted, tossing the used wipes into the bin and slipping your heels back on as you made your way toward the door, legs still shaky. "Jesus, Jimin, I can barely walk."
"I noticed," Jimin teased, his voice full of amusement. "Want me to carry you?"
"No thanks," you replied quickly, shuddering at the thought. "I'd rather crawl than have anyone see you carry me out of here."
"Are you at least going to the bathroom to fix your hair and makeup?" he asked, eyeing you critically. "You look like you were attacked by a swarm of wasps..."
You groaned. "Yes, Jiminie. I'm going to the bathroom. Now stop pestering me, or you'll be having movie night alone tomorrow."
His smirk softened into a playful smile. "Okay, okay. I'll wait for you in your office."
You waited for him to leave before entering the pin code to lock Jungkook's office door. After hearing the beep and confirming the door was secure, you turned to head toward the bathroom, only to find Jimin still blocking your path, brows furrowed and eyes wide.
"Jimin-ah, move—"
"He gave you the code to his office?" Jimin's voice was serious now, the lightheartedness from earlier gone.
You blinked at him, confused by the sudden shift in his tone. "Yes. Can you please move?"
Jimin didn't budge. His frown deepened as he processed the information. “Y/N… He doesn't just give the code to his office out. To anyone."
Your stomach twisted at his words. "Maybe he'll change it later. He said he had a meeting to go to—"
Jimin shook his head. "He hasn't changed that code since he took over. And… he just canceled his meetings for this afternoon. I thought it was because…"
The sinking feeling in your stomach grew worse. Of course, Jungkook lied and just wanted to leave. What was he supposed to do—sit there and cuddle you? Offer you aftercare? This wasn't new for him. You weren't special. Just another woman in a long line.
You swallowed hard, ignoring the bile rising in your throat. "Jiminie, can I… meet you downstairs? I need to go to the bathroom."
Jimin's expression softened instantly, his hand reaching out to brush some hair from your face before leaning in to kiss your forehead. "Okay, love. I'll get you some water and wait in your office."
You thanked him quietly before heading to the bathroom, locking the door before you leaned heavily against the sink. Staring at your reflection, you sighed at the sight. Your sleek ponytail was merely a distant memory, makeup smeared beyond repair. And there, on your neck, was a deep hickey blooming against your skin.
"Idiot," you muttered to yourself as you turned the tap on, starting to scrub your face clean in attempt to erase every trace of what just happened.
What was happening to you? You never let stuff like this get to you. You'd had more than your fair share of one-night stands, and you knew better than to let them mean anything. It was nothing to him, and it should've been nothing to you.
But god, it felt like so much more than nothing.
"Idiotttt," you muttered again, this time more frustrated. As you aggressively wiped away the mascara and dried tears, your eyes kept drifting back to the hickey. You sighed, knowing you had no makeup to cover it until you got back to your office.
With a huff, you walked toward the toilet and sat down, your hand grazing the mark on your neck while you peed. The memory of his lips still lingered fresh in your mind, and the longer you sat there, the more the reality of it all began to sink in.
Fuck, you groaned internally. You're obsessed.
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Jungkook pulled the keys from the ignition, stepping out of his car and adjusting the collar of his suit jacket when it shifted out of place. The door clicked shut behind him as he locked the Mercedes, casually slipping his phone into his pocket—right next to your panties, still snug in the black fabric of his slacks.
When he reached the reception desk, a fake redhead sat behind it, focused on a stack of paperwork. She didn’t notice him at first, not until the sound of his footsteps caught her attention. The moment her eyes met his, Jungkook noticed the way she straightened in her seat, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
“Oh, hello,” she greeted, her voice sweet but dripping with an attempt at seduction. “Welcome to Jang Merriott. How can I be of service?”
Jungkook swallowed the grimace threatening to surface, but his lips curved into that fake, charming smile he’d perfected for work events. “Hi, darling.” His voice was smooth, just the right amount of warmth. “I’m here for a business meeting, but I’m so silly...” He leaned in slightly, watching her eyes widen. His voice dropped to a lower, more intimate tone. “I forgot which room it’s in. Think you could help me?”
His eyes flicked to her nametag—Cho Minju—and when he looked back, he could practically see her mind spinning. “I-I…” she stammered, fingers hovering over the keyboard. “Do you have the name of the—”
“Lee Dohyun,” Jungkook answered easily, not missing the way she gulped when he added softly, “Thank you, baby.”
“L-Lee Dohyun,” she echoed nervously, typing the name into the system with shaky fingers. Then she paused, biting her lip. “I, um… I really shouldn’t if you aren’t—if you’re not on the guest list…”
“It would really help me out, Minju-yah,” Jungkook murmured, his voice taking on a softer, boyish edge. His brows furrowed just slightly as he leaned in a touch more, looking at her through his lashes. “If I’m late, Dohyun-seonsaengnim will kill me… I’ll make it up to you. Promise.”
Her wide eyes blinked up at him, her lip caught between her teeth. He could see the internal battle playing out in her head—protocol versus the hot guy in front of her. Predictably, protocol lost.
“Floor 13, room 304,” she whispered, her cheeks flushed.
“Thank you, baby,” Jungkook replied with a charming smile, slipping a hundred-dollar bill into her tip jar before walking toward the elevator. Minju’s breath caught again as he turned and walked toward the elevator, not looking back once.
As the elevator doors slid shut with a soft chime, Jungkook’s facade dropped, and he let out a small, amused scoff. He thought that was going to cost him at least a couple grand.
The elevator hummed softly as it ascended. When the monotone voice announced floor 13, the doors slid open, revealing a quiet, plush carpeted hallway. Jungkook strode out, his eyes narrowing slightly as he made his way to room 304.
“Jungkook-seonsaengnim?” Dohyun’s voice cracked in surprise when he opened the door, eyes widening at the unexpected sight of his boss. “I’m on leave, sir, is everything oka—”
The words barely left his mouth before Jungkook’s fist connected sharply with the side of his jaw. The force of the blow sent Dohyun crashing to the ground, his head snapping back as he sprawled out, half-dangling outside the doorway. His feet splayed awkwardly on the floor, barely moving. Jungkook nudged his limp body inside with the toe of his polished shoe, stepping over him as he calmly closed the door behind him with a soft click.
“Everything’s fine, Dohyun.” Jungkook’s voice was casual, almost too calm, as he crouched down to level his gaze with the man on the floor. Dohyun was clutching his jaw, eyes wide with terror, blinking back tears as he struggled to sit up. Confusion mixed with fear spread across his face, trembling as he tried to find his words.
Jungkook tilted his head, a slow, cold smirk pulling at his lips. "Great, actually," he continued, the menace in his voice unmistakable. His eyes flickered over the man on the ground as if he were nothing more than something to be dealt with. “And it’ll be even better in a second.”
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The soft click of heels against tile echoed down the pristine hall of level nineteen. Jimin and Hobi were either side of you, all three of you deep in conversation about Jimin's latest epic love saga.
“And afterward, we went and got ice cream,” Jimin sighed, a dreamy smile spreading across his lips. “And he even paid for my cone. I think he’s the one.”
You and Hobi shared a knowing look before turning back to him. Hobi giggled, shaking his head, while you leaned your head on Jimin’s shoulder, smiling warmly. “I’m sure he is, honey. Was it at least a double scoop?”
Jimin beamed, nodding enthusiastically, but his excitement faltered the second he caught the teasing smirks plastered on your and Hobi’s faces. His expression morphed into a pout as he narrowed his eyes at the both of you.
"Whatever. Just because you—" Jimin shot a pointed look at Hobi, "—don’t sleep with anyone more than once because of your deep-rooted commitment issues, and you—" he turned his accusing gaze to you, "—have found the only person in Seoul as crazy and fucked up as you to spend the rest of your life with, doesn’t make Min Yoongi any less of a perfect prince."
Hoseok grunted, crossing his arms dramatically as you broke into laughter. "You're not wrong," you hummed with a shrug, right as Hobi muttered defensively, "I don't have commitment issues."
It was Hobi’s turn to receive knowing looks from both of you before he sighed, dramatically slowing his pace as you reached the entrance of the meeting room. "Whatever, you guys suck."
Snickering softly, the three of you stepped inside, bowing politely to the handful of executives already seated around the large meeting table. As usual, the three of you were early, but you noticed that a few others had already claimed their seats. Unfortunately, there weren’t three consecutive spots left for you all to sit together.
Your gaze immediately went to the head of the table, the seat reserved for the CEO, which was still empty. You knew Jungkook was in a meeting with Kim Namjoon that had run overtime, so their arrival was indefinitely delayed.
The seat closest to the CEO’s chair—Namjoon’s usual spot—was unoccupied, but the one on the opposite end, typically claimed by you, Jimin, or Hobi, was already taken. You felt your blood boil when you saw Heejin, the newly appointed temp head of Communications while Sana Minatozaki was on maternity leave, sitting there comfortably, scrolling through a document on her laptop.
Jimin caught your eye, noticing Heejin as well, and gestured toward the chair next to her, silently offering it to you. You just shook your head, flashing a small smile as if to say, no fucking thanks. He and Hobi settled into two seats beside each other, leaving you to scan the rest of the room for an available spot.
Your options weren’t great.
A middle seat between Hailey and Vernon—two relentless chatterboxes from levels three and four—caught your eye. You grimaced immediately at the thought of being dragged into their non-stop, ping-pong conversation about god knows what. They could probably talk about fucking office supplies for hours if given the chance.
Then your gaze shifted to the next option: a seat next to Kang Minho, the scruffy finance head. As expected, he was already twirling a cigar between his fingers, his eyes twitching in clear defiance of the new no-smoking rule in meetings. The urge to light it was practically vibrating off him.
You sighed.
That left the only bearable choice: a seat next to Oh Sehun, the head of Technology and Innovation. He was known to be quiet and professional, and most importantly, he's least likely to annoy you.
Resigned, you pulled the chair next to Sehun, placing your laptop and phone on the table in front of you. He glanced over with a polite smile, nodding in greeting. You returned the gesture, settling into your seat and immediately focusing on starting up your laptop.
The room settled into a quiet lull, with only a few hushed conversations breaking the silence. Most of the attendees were either finishing up side discussions or preparing for the meeting as they trickled in. As your laptop booted up, you instinctively picked up your phone, slipping it under the table. Your fingers moved quickly, opening the location app and tapping on Jungkook’s name. The pin was still loading when you heard a throat clear beside you.
Oh, here we fucking go.
You locked your phone and turned toward Sehun with a forced smile. "Yes, Sehun-ssi. How can I help?"
His smile widened slightly, a little shy. "Uh, I just wanted to say… congratulations. Your promotion to Head of Operations & Efficiency—it's no small feat. Not an easy title to earn or handle. But I've seen your work, and it's… admirable. Truly."
You almost frowned, caught off guard. That was… really sweet.
"Oh," you replied, your voice softening. "Thank you, Sehun-ssi, that’s very kind of you. I appreciate it a lot." You smiled genuinely this time. "And I’ve heard a lot about you, too. Running your department is also no easy task, and you do it well."
Sehun grinned, his head dipping slightly as his ears turned a bit red. "Ah, thank you so much," he murmured, looking humbled. "I’ve learned a lot from our CEO, Jungkook-seonsaengnim. He’s incredible. One day, I hope to have my own business and run it just like him."
You bit the inside of your lip, warmth swelling in your chest at the compliment to your man. "He is," you agreed softly, your smile a little more private this time. "And I’m sure you will."
Sehun’s lip was caught between his teeth as his eyes seemed to linger just below yours, but before you could say anything else, the sound of footsteps echoed through the room, drawing your attention. You turned toward the entrance.
Jungkook and Namjoon strode into the room, their presence immediately commanding attention. Namjoon greeted the department heads with a dimply smile, but your eyes locked onto Jungkook. His gaze, however, wasn’t on you—it was unwaveringly fixed on Sehun’s reddened face. A flash of something dark crossed his features, and he didn’t spare you or anyone else a glance as he took his seat at the head of the table.
Straightening in your chair, you swallowed the scoff that rose in your throat. He didn’t even acknowledge you, his attention already on the file in front of him as he flipped through it silently. Namjoon’s eyes flickered over Jungkook’s hardened expression before realizing the CEO wouldn’t be opening the meeting. Clearing his throat, Namjoon stood up and took over.
"Good morning, everyone. Glad to see you all here," Namjoon greeted, flashing a bright, toothy smile. The room responded with polite murmurs. "We’ve got a full agenda today, so let’s start with—"
About thirty minutes into the meeting, you were still focused on your notes. Namjoon was wrapping up his discussion on a new marketing campaign strategy that had piqued your interest. You were typing up the last few points when Jungkook’s deep voice suddenly rang out. Your body reacted instantly, muscles relaxing after hearing him finally speak after what felt like hours of his silence.
"Sehun," Jungkook called out, his tone firm and commanding, and your head snapped up instinctively, surprised to find that Sehun had leaned over, perhaps about to whisper something to you while Namjoon was speaking.
"Did you have a question about the campaign strategy?" Jungkook’s voice was measured, but you felt the tension behind it.
Sehun jerked back, startled by the sudden attention. "Oh, I- no, sir, I was just—"
"Conversing with your colleague while your superior was in the middle of speaking," Jungkook finished for him, his dark gaze unwavering, pinning the tech head in place. "I'm sure I’d be more than capable of answering any questions you have regarding the project. Go ahead."
It wasn’t a suggestion—it was an order.
Sehun swallowed nervously, eyes flicking down to his laptop as if it held the answers. Then, foolishly, he glanced at you, probably hoping for some kind of lifeline. You could only offer him an apologetic look, knowing your boyfriend's ways.
Jungkook’s jaw clenched visibly, his irritation evident as he barked out, "Do you need her to speak for you?" His fist tightened on the table beside him, knuckles paling. "Are you that incompetent?"
Your gaze slowly shifted from Sehun, who was visibly shaken, to your boyfriend, who was fucking seething. You sighed softly, dropping your gaze back to your laptop, fingers resuming their typing with a small shake of your head.
And then his voice came again. A little softer, but still pissed. "Did you have something to add, Y/N?"
Your fingers froze mid-typing. The room fell into an uncomfortable silence. You could feel every pair of eyes turning to you. Everyone knew about your relationship with Jungkook. It wasn’t a secret, but it wasn’t exactly something you had announced over the firm intercom, either. Most of the department heads were aware and knew better than to draw attention to it, but there were still some, like poor Sehun, who hadn’t quite pieced it together yet.
When you looked up, Jungkook’s dark eyes were locked on you. From your peripheral, you saw Jimin and Hobi exchanging wide-eyed glances, while Heejin’s gaze flickered nervously between you and the CEO.
Every fiber in your bratty being wanted to fight back, make him repeat himself, ask him what the fuck he was trying to prove by putting you on the spot in front of a room full of department heads. But the professional in you won out, forcing you to bite your tongue.
You shook your head calmly. "No, sir." The silence was deafening. You turned to Namjoon, whose eyes were carefully trained on his papers. "My apologies, Namjoon-seongsaengnim," you said. "We didn’t mean to interrupt you. Please, continue."
Namjoon nodded appreciatively, sending you a brief smile before moving on. “Right, as I was saying…”
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The meeting finally wrapped up, and everyone began packing up their things. Some were quicker than others to vacate the room, with Kang Minho leading the pack, cigar already halfway to his lips, lighter flicking in agitation.
You closed your laptop with a little more force than intended, irritation still simmering under your skin. Grabbing your jacket off the back of your chair, you stood, feeling Sehun shifting beside you, fumbling to gather his things. You could almost sense the apology hanging on the edge of his lips, and you sighed internally, praying he wouldn’t try and engage in conversation with you again.
Jimin and Hobi walked over, ready to leave, but your attention was drawn to Heejin’s voice as she spoke to Jungkook. Your movements slowed as you listened.
“Thank you for such a great meeting, seonsaengnim,” she said sweetly, her fingers tapping the edge of her laptop.
You clenched your jaw slightly, the inside of your cheek caught between your teeth. Namjoon had handled ninety percent of the presentation—what the fuck was she even thanking him for?
“I actually had a few concerns for the Communications department that I was hoping to run by you—"
"Take them up with your superior," Jungkook replied, not even bothering to glance her way as he slipped his phone into his pocket and made his way toward the door.
Heejin smiled, clearly undeterred as she closed her laptop and followed after him. "But you are my superior," she giggled. Your brows furrowed as you turned to look at her follow after your man like a lost puppy. Your grip on your laptop tightened.
Jungkook sighed, forgetting she had even been promoted recently. Still, he didn’t glance at her. “Make an appointment with one of my assistants, Heejin,” he said, his voice dripping with impatience. “I have somewhere to be. Excuse me, please.”
Excuse me, please? You rolled your eyes. Why doesn't he just tell her to get on her knees and get to work?
Heejin nodded, still all smiles as she left the room, laptop clutched to her chest. You gathered your things and fell into step with Jimin and Hobi. Jungkook paused near the end of the table, his gaze boring into you, but you ignored the stare, slipping between your friends as you headed out.
“Y/N-ssi,” Sehun’s voice cut through the air as he jogged to catch up with the three of you.
You sucked your teeth, glancing down at your watch. Fifteen minutes until your production conference. Enough time to grab something to eat since you’d skipped breakfast—thanks to Jungkook’s insistence on christening yet another room in your new house this morning. The laundry room, this time. And as it turns out, sex on top of a dryer was a lot better and less uncomfortable than you’d expected.
Jimin took your laptop from your hands, giving you a soft smile. "I’ll drop this off at your office. Hobi and I are heading that way."
You nodded in thanks, turning back to Sehun, only to catch Jungkook’s eyes glaring at you from behind the tech leader’s frame. His brows were furrowed, a silent question written all over his face—what the fuck are you doing?
Ignoring your fuming boyfriend, you refocused on Sehun. "You alright?" you asked.
Sehun nodded quickly. "Yeah, I just—" He started to say more but stopped abruptly, his body stiffening as if he could feel Jungkook's glare on the back of his neck. Turning, he blinked, clearly startled to see the CEO still there. "Oh—hi, sir. Once again, I’m so sorry about—"
"It’s okay, Sehun-ssi," you cut him off, drawing his attention back to you. "I need to grab something to eat. Is this important?"
Sehun shifted nervously. "Ah, well... it can wait." His ears were going red again. "How much time do you have? Did you want to stop by the cafe on level 10 before your conference? I was heading there anyway—"
At that, Jungkook’s head snapped up, his gaze zeroing in as he pushed himself off the table. You stepped around Sehun, positioning yourself between him and your clearly furious boyfriend.
"No, thank you, Sehun. I’ll catch you later, okay?" You kept your tone light, ignoring the fact that you had definitely not told him that you were on your way to a conference.
Sehun, still a bit confused, turned slightly to see what had you moving so quickly. And that’s when he saw it—Jungkook’s dark, cold glare burning holes through him. Before Sehun could stutter another word, Jungkook’s eyes flicked down to you, noting the goosebumps on your arms. He grabbed the jacket from your hands and silently made you slip your arms into it.
That’s when the realization hit Sehun like a fucking brick.
His face went ghostly pale, and you could visibly see him swallow nervously. "Oh my god… are you—are you two—"
You nodded simply, sliding your arms into the jacket as Jungkook remained silently brooding behind you.
"I—I am so—sir, I’m so sorry! I would never—"
"Sehun-ssi, it’s fine." You gave him a polite, almost bored smile. "Let's talk later."
Sehun barely managed a shaky nod before he bolted, red-faced and flustered, out of the room.
"You’re such a jealous psycho," you muttered under your breath, turning to face Jungkook, who was still fuming quietly. You puckered your lips for a kiss.
Jungkook just glared, his eyes flicking to your lips for a moment before leaning down to give you a quick, soft peck. You frowned, leaning in for another, but he pulled back, narrowing his eyes at you.
"Why’d you sit there?" he asked, glancing down at your jacket, noticing you hadn’t done up the top two buttons. When he reached to fasten them, you smacked his hand away, refusing to let him make you look like a nun.
"Because your girlfriend was in my usual seat," you shot back, poking him in the stomach before turning on your heel and heading toward the door.
"And I’m the jealous one?" he muttered, flicking the lights off as he followed behind you.
"Yes," you hummed, walking down the now-empty hall, clear of all the departmental seniors and visitors.
You reached the elevator when Jungkook’s arms wrapped around your waist from behind, his head resting comfortably in the crook of your neck. You smiled, pressing a kiss to his warm cheek as you reached out to press the down arrow.
"That poor boy almost pissed himself because of you."
"I felt like I was very soft on him," Jungkook shrugged, taking a deep inhale of your honey scented skin before pressing a kiss to your neck and standing upright. His hands slipped under your jacket to rest on your belly over your blouse, his fingers grazing your skin gently. "Could’ve been a lot worse."
You chuckled, rolling your eyes, but couldn’t resist the urge to look up at his adorable pout. You puckered your lips again, and this time, he gave in, leaning down for a proper kiss. Spinning in his arms, his hands fell naturally to rest on your ass as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss.
A soft moan escaped your lips when his tongue slid between them, licking into your mouth in the way only he could. It felt like only milliseconds before the elevator dinged, snapping you back to reality. You reluctantly pulled away, biting his lip gently before spinning around to face the opening doors.
The elevator revealed Kim Namjoon, standing there with his head tilted, eyebrow raised. "Jungkook-ah, the board is waiting. Answer your fuckin' phone, man," the CCO huffed, gesturing for you both to step inside with a hurried wave of his hand.
You smiled at Namjoon and walked into the elevator, Jungkook right behind you. His hand found its way back to your belly, rubbing absentmindedly as you hit the button for level 12.
Namjoon scrolled through something on his phone, snickering. "What time are you planning on getting there tonight, Kook? The RSVP says 6, but they don’t start serving drinks until 8, so I'll be there around 9," he chuckled.
Your ears perked up at the mention of the event. You fiddled with Jungkook’s tattooed fingers on your stomach, glancing up at him as you waited for him to respond.
"For what?" Jungkook asked, not looking up from his phone.
You almost frowned at his response. He already told you he had a sponsorship function tonight. Jungkook never forgets things like that.
Namjoon barely glanced up. "That promo celebration for the girl taking over for Sana-ssi?" He explained, locking his phone and leaning back. "Shit, I forgot if we need to bring gifts. I'll check with my assistant—"
You didn’t hear anything after that. Everything faded, the muffled sounds of the elevator blending together like white noise. Jungkook’s hand stiffened against your stomach, and that was all the confirmation you needed.
He hadn’t gotten his schedule mixed up. He knew damn well what event Namjoon was referring to. The "sponsorship function" was actually a celebration for that dirty slut from level 7, and that dirty slut from level 7 had gotten a permanent promotion, which would bring her even closer when fucking working with him.
The elevator doors slid open, and without a second thought, you shoved Jungkook’s hand off you and stormed out.
"Baby," Jungkook was immediately on your tail, ignoring Namjoon’s confused calls from behind.
"Wh— Jungkook-ah? What the fuck? Where are you going?"
"Baby, wait." Jungkook's voice was tense as he caught up to you, but when his hand reached out to grab your arm, you shoved it off aggressively.
"I’m so fucking serious right now, don’t touch me, Jungkook." You spat, whipping around to face him. He just shook his head, trying to step closer, but you put your hand up, keeping him at a distance. "I’m not fucking kidding—"
"Baby, listen to me—" he tried, his voice urgent.
"Get the fuck away from me," you snapped, digging into your pocket for your phone, your fingers trembling as you scrolled through your contacts. "God, you know I fucking hate it when you lie, and you just—" You groaned, your fist tightening around your phone as you shoved his hands off you once again.
"Who are you texting?" Jungkook frowned, trying to get a look at your phone over your shoulder.
"None of your fucking business," you spat, stepping out of his reach.
"Y/N, don't. If you're not going to let me explain—"
"My mom," you snapped sarcastically, your fingers flying across the screen as you started typing. "They finally adapted technology so you can get cell reception six feet underground now. It's great."
Jungkook scoffed, clearly unamused, but he continued following closely behind you as you started walking again. "If you can lie to me, then I can fucking lie to you, right?" you added mockingly.
He tried to grab your phone, but you dodged him, sending the message just in time. His jaw tightened when he saw the screen. "Like hell you’re sleeping at Jimin’s tonight, are you fucking crazy?"
"Well, I’m not staying in a house with a fucking liar, that’s for sure," you shot back, your tone sharp as you moved further away from him.
"You’re not staying at Jimin’s," he repeated firmly, his voice absolute.
His certainty made you laugh bitterly. "I’m staying at Jimin’s or I’m staying at Hyungwon’s. You fucking choose."
Jungkook’s fists clenched at his sides, his face hardening in disbelief. "Why the fuck would you say that, Y/N?"
"I don't have anywhere to go, Jungkook!" Your voice rose, frustration and pain bubbling to the surface. You could feel eyes on you from the staff scattered around the floor, but you didn’t care. "You are my home. I don’t have anywhere else to fucking—"
Jungkook’s expression softened when your voice broke, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed hard. He stepped closer, his hands slipping under your jacket, palms smoothing down your hips. "Then don't fucking go, baby. Just don’t go anywhere, please. Don’t go to Jimin’s." He begged.
Your eyes fluttered shut as you felt the warmth of his hands, the familiar comfort of his body close to yours. His face rested in the crook of your neck, and despite your anger, you found yourself leaning into him slightly, knowing full well that getting to your conference on time now was just a lost cause.
"Tell me why you lied then," you mumbled, your voice quieter, your sniffles betraying you.
Jungkook pulled back, his thumbs swiping gently under your eyes, wiping the tears away before they could fully form. His fingers brushed under your nose as he wiped away the dribble there. "Because I knew it would upset you. We’ve been doing so well in our new place, baby—I didn’t want anything to ruin it." His voice was soft, almost pleading. "I’m so sorry, Y/N. I was only going to make an appearance and come home straight away."
You studied his face, your own expression softening despite the anger still bubbling inside you. You understood him, you really did. But you still hated when he lied. "Then why didn’t you just ask me to go with you?" Your voice wavered, doubt creeping in despite yourself. "Did you... not want to be seen with me?"
You didn’t even know where the self-doubt was coming from. Jungkook loved you. He loved letting people know you were his. He didn’t care who was around when he kissed you or rested a hand on your body, claiming you without shame. But something about Heejin… She got under your skin in a way that you couldn’t describe. Maybe it was because she’d been here longer, known him longer. She was going to be in meetings with him now—department head meetings, one-on-one meetings. The thought alone made you feel sick.
Jungkook sighed, his hands cupping your cheeks, and pressed two quick, soft kisses on your lips. "Don’t say dumb shit like that," he murmured, his voice soft but firm. He pulled back slightly, his eyes locking with yours. "I wanted to have a joint office, but you said that was unprofessional or whatever." He rolled his eyes, giving you a little smirk.
You blinked, hugging your arms around yourself, stepping back a little. "Then why?" Your voice was quieter now, laced with the confusion and hurt you couldn’t hide. "Why didn’t you want me to go? I’ve gone with you to plenty of functions."
Jungkook hesitated, and you felt the tension settle back into the air between you. His silence weighed heavy, and that familiar twist of anxiety and anger began to gnaw at you again.
"It’s because of Hyungwon, isn’t it?" you asked, even though you already knew the answer. "You didn’t want me to go because people from his firm are going to be there, and he could be too, right?"
Jungkook’s jaw clenched, his eyes hardening slightly as he averted your gaze. He didn’t need to say anything. His silence confirmed everything.
You let out a short, bitter laugh, shaking your head. Not only did he keep you away from a party celebrating the one woman you couldn’t stand the most when it came to him, but he also made sure you didn’t go because of the one man he had a problem with the most when it came to you was attending.
"Fucking hypocrite," you muttered, stepping further back from him, your stomach turning in disgust.
"Baby, it’s not like that—" he started, his tone filled with urgency.
"Then what is it like, Jungkook?" Your voice rose again, frustration spilling out as you threw your hands up. "You didn’t tell me about the party because you knew it would piss me off that it’s for Heejin. But you also didn’t want me to go because there was a chance Hyungwon could be there! So, what? I can’t go because you have a problem, but I’m supposed to sit at home and wait for you like a fucking housewife while you go to a party for a bitch that you know I can’t stand? How the fuck does that make sense?"
Jungkook’s face was a mixture of guilt and frustration. He took a step toward you, but you held up your hand again, stopping him in his tracks.
"God, can you just go away?" you spat, your voice trembling slightly as you felt the tears begin to well up again. Shaking your head, you started to walk away.
"Baby," Jungkook grunted, his frustration growing as he followed you.
"No, Jungkook. I need space. Seriously." You didn’t even turn around, your voice sharp as you neared your office.
"We don’t do space. That’s not how we work," he argued, right behind you.
"Well, maybe we need to start doing space," you snapped, reaching for the door handle.
Before you could pull the door open, Jungkook grabbed your wrist, spinning you around to face him. His eyes were intense, wild, like he was barely keeping himself together. "If you keep walking away from me, I'm going to follow you into that conference room and make you sit in my fucking lap during your entire presentation."
The seriousness in his voice made you want to roll your eyes, but you kept your expression blank, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a response.
Jungkook’s jaw clenched when you didn’t answer, but he didn’t stop. "I can’t have you two in the same room, Y/N." His voice was low, almost dangerous, as if just saying Hyungwon’s name triggered something in him.
You just blinked, still silent.
“If I see him anywhere near you, I’ll kill him.” Jungkook said it simply, like it was just another fact. “I wouldn’t regret it. But they probably won’t let you stay in my cell with me, would they, baby?” His brows furrowed, head tilting as he asked, like he was genuinely curious to know the answer.
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a/n i cut it here because the rest is nawttt edited at all and very rough 😬 but any takers on a part 3 ??!!?! just give me 6 months and it's all yours xx
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