#yandere crash
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helpfandom · 8 months ago
Legion of Zoom Platonic Yandere Analysis.
As per usual, https://www.tumblr.com/helpfandom/724022554446135296/types-of-yandere?source=share is where I get my "Types of Yanderes"
Cars and Owners! Villains first and then the Batwheels, I actually had to cut this to two parts due to how freaking long it was getting.
This is long, by the by. I'm still mad that Tumblr got rid of the yellow font color.
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Quizz//Riddler: Clingy, Obsessive, Overprotective, and Impulsive. He feels the need to protect you from the Batwheels and of course has no problems just trapping you inside of him to keep you safe. He needs your approval of him and his riddles, and needs you to be his, to be his friend and no one else's. He's impulsive in that he doesn't think about what he wants to do in regards to you, and overprotective in that he is not allowing you to interact with anyone in the Legion of Zoom, and would only allow you to interact with Riddler. Speaking of, Riddler is: Impulsive as well, and Possessive, as well as Self-Indulgent. He feels nothing at your wanting to go with others, and thinks it's rather silly to want to talk to others. He's self-indulgent in the way that he would gladly take your affection from others, and possessive in the fact that he wants to signify that you are his apprentice, and would feel nothing at switching your clothing and merchandise to feature him and his 'copter.
Crash//BadComputer: Crash is Overprotective, Clingy, and Self-Indulgent. He's often hurt by those he helps and when you treat him with kindness, he sees it as you giving him attention and then he finds that he begins to need it. He needs your kindness. He's okay with the Legion of Zoom interacting with you, as long as you always go back to him. Showing favoritism means he might not do as good a job in fixing them up... And to reject him would lead to him falling into sadness, affecting everyone around him with his moping. BadComputer is Possessive, Sadistic and a little Delusional, thinking that (Reader) is a-okay with him being mean to them and poking fun at them, hence why BadComputer counts as sadistic, due to his mean nature. He's possessive in that he doesn't want you to ever be away from him, don't you understand that you're his friend? Don't you understand that when he douses humanity under the gas of hatred he doesn't mean you? Don't you understand that he actually cares for you?
Prank//Joker: Prank is Delusional, Self-Indulgent and Impulsive. He never thinks things through and is shown doing whatever he feels like doing at any point in time. He likes having your attention, and is one of the few who can restrain themselves in allowing the Legion of Zoom to know about his friendship with you, but after hanging around the others, he needs you to be around him and be his friend. He needs you to tell him how much you love being his friend and to feed his ego. Joker, on the flipside, is sort of a similar yandere in the sense that they share some traits, but he doesn't need you to tell him how much you love him and being his friend, he just assumes you do, due to his delusion. He's obviously impulsive, but that doesn't leak out into his yandere side, he's actually very thoughtful about his darling and he's clingy. Like... CLINGY. If he sees you walking about, even if he's chased by Batman or one of the Batfam, he will stop and hug you/pat your hair/ say hi before running off.
Jestah//Harley: Jestah knows she's awesome and that leads to her delusion. That seems to be a common thing among the villains... Anyway, she's Delusional, thinking you love being her friend due to how cool she is, and she's Manipulative, she's smart and has no negative feelings upon seeing how you want to see others, and feels nothing manipulating you into hanging out with her. She's a bit Sadistic in that she loves to push you to your limits, to test what you can do and tease you when you can't do what she wants. Harley, on the other hand, is Overprotective, Self-Indulgence is a habit of hers, and so is Impulsivity. She often goes on heists to steal random trophies, hence her impulsiveness, and she steals what she wants, hence self-indulgence, and so it obviously shows in her yandere-ness and care for you. She's quick to just nab your arm and put you in her ATV, not caring if she's about to run into a wall or even get caught by one of the Bats if it means you're safer. You're safer with her, and she's willing to beat anyone if it means you stick with her.
Snowy//Mr. Freeze: Snowy, he's soft-spoken and needy, quick to latch onto friends and focus on them and them only. He's Obsessive, and did I mention Clingy? He's a sad little guy who doesn't want to hurt his friends, and that's why he gets so attached to a little human who isn't his enemy, and knows what he goes through. He talks to you constantly and will insist you hide inside him when there's trouble on the horizon. He knows he's not supposed to, but he also knows that the rush that comes from his emotions overrides his sensibilities. Mr. Freeze is another yandere different from their vehicle, with a sadistic tendency to forget how normal people need warmth, and an impulsive urge to just do what he wants, because he can. He knows he can just take you from whatever you were doing, and no normal people will stop him. He literally kidnapped Ice Sickle because he didn't like the name of the snowman, he's impulsive with a capital "I" and he's possessive in that he just doesn't want you to be near or talk to anyone else, ever again, you have him, and he has you.
Ducky//Penguin: Ducky is... hard to understand, he's a clear thinker, but he has just enough impulsiveness to consider that a trait, and yet he truly does think things through from time to time. I think he's more possessive, that you're his and no one is supposed to be your friend, and sadistic in the sense that he will just go into water when you try to leave him, and now you can't go out or you might drown. He's not afraid to do that, or to begin a twisty turvey ride when you're inside him because he doesn't understand humans very well. Penguin is similar, because he thinks he's entitled to your attention, possessive and unafraid to show it, manipulative in that he, like Toyman, would leave his stuff around and use it as an excuse to see you and be around you. His robot penguins are just an excuse to watch you in your home. He also insists on hopping around to the Iceberg Lounge when he manages to wrangle you next to him, ignoring the looks from his employees for bringing around someone who likely shouldn't be in there.
Toyman: (No vehicle) Impulsive! Have you even met him? Manipulative as well, with his toys and leaving them around and gifting them to you to keep an eye on you, all of them flocking to you when he's arrested and taking over where you live, staying with you no matter what, even when you're at work, school, etc. He will find you. That is a threat.
Kitty//Catwoman: Impulsive, We've spent episodes on her impulsiveness, and Kitty is easy to distract already, so she's clearly impulsive. She could be considered manipulative, however she isn't cognizant of it, hence why I don't think she is, yes you have to make sure she's not distracted and that means you have have to be close to her, but she doesn't realize what she's doing. She's more-so super clingy, especially since Bam and the other Batwheels have a harder time keeping up with her distracted-ness and the Legion of Zoom are insistent on her joining them, and so to have a Darling that is neutral is a breath of fresh air and leads to a clingy Kitty because you don't try to force her into anything! Catwoman is another yandere who is very different from her vehicular counterpart, She's overprotective, most versions of her are, and she's self-aware, which is something that the other vehicular villains and other villains don't have. She's harder to realize that she has an obsession due to her self-awareness, and she's overprotective because she knows that Batman might just realize obsessions for what they are, and she doesn't want to lose her darling.
Poison Ivy: (No vehicle) She's impulsive, as seen by the few episodes we've seen her in such as the one where she attempts to make her own vehicle, and she's also a little sadistic from a bit of apathy, [Eat your Veggies, Gotham for example], but she's overprotective as well from a lack of caring in Gotham, so she's overbearing, making sure you eat everything your supposed to, that you're okay, you're not being bullied, etc etc. She's practically a helicopter parent from her neediness and demanding about your life and news.
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batshit-sis · 4 months ago
I’m sorry I’m sorry im sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so sorry for getting mad puppy please don’t hate me I’m sorry I’m sorry don’t hate me please I’m sorry please don’t hate me I need you puppy please I’m so sorry I’m sorry please I need you I need you please don’t be mad I’m sorry
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devotion-disorder · 1 month ago
making noel my valentine so i can poison his chocolate
he'll probably know it's poisoned, but still hears that intrusive voice in the back of his mind to eat it anyways, since it is a valentine's gift and therefore a romantic gesture...
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luffyadolover · 9 months ago
@acid-ixx here it is :))
(excluding first three drawings)
first drawing:
dick's excuse would always be "sorry, baby bird! but i promised to spar with damian today. ah, but you can watch from the sidelines!" or he would be too busy saving bludhaven to even acknowledge your presence.
second drawing:
you can't deny the bitterness and the clenching of your teeth whenever you stumble upon a room and see your father and your younger brother watching a movie together.
third drawing:
it was your teachers who would be the one having to walk you up the stage whenever you achieved an award. alfred would be too busy sometimes to attend your school ceremonies because he had to assist bruce with missions.
fourth drawing:
it's ironic, really, for a child to prep and plan for their own celebration just to hope that a single member of their family to even walk by the kitchen and join them in on their already lonesome celebration.
too bad everybody only goes to the kitchen when alfred cooks for them. who would want to taste sadness in a sloppily made birthday cake, right? nobody, not even you would have the appetite to eat your cake with the knowledge that it was you who had to put all the effort to bake it because you didn't want alfred to feel obligated to.
fifth drawing:
your family celebrates holidays together as a whole, but you never once attended after that one time where everybody had forgotten to get you a gift for christmas, save for alfred who gave you a bracelet (one that you cherished deeply).
sixth drawing:
the older sibling who he used to threaten with his sword, who he called vile names — a bastard child, he told you one day.
seventh drawing:
you weren't one of his friends, like kon who he would spend weekly video game challenges with; and you probably don't exist as his sibling in his own little world filled with coffee and computers.
eighth drawing:
casual talks are unavoidable, though, when at the dead of the night he would be caught sneaking in to eat some leftovers and you were conveniently awake at the same time as him. he'll recommend you some classic literature he read or 'cafes/restaurants that criminals visit the least' lists, but before it would turn into a full conversation, jason would already be wearing his signature mask again, and with a pat on your head and a "talk to you soon, can't guarantee it'll be tomorrow again though, only here for alfred's meals of course," and he'll be gone. you shouldn't have let your hopes high, you wished you didn't because, duh! he wasn't there to talk to you, specifically. you were just there to bide his time! wiping tears away from your eyes
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habibisagi · 4 months ago
i love you scary freaky unsettling yandere gojo satoru that is still so playful with you amidst the horrors
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katcoin · 5 days ago
Festival of the Lost
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Ch. 1 Festival of the lost. 
(TW: stealing,)
A child walked through the streets of Itahlis, the city of the Gods. Your [favorite color] jacket rubbed up against peoples arms as you walked by. Smoothly after rubbing up against someone's shoulder, you took his wallet from his pocket and walked like nothing happened. You opened the wallet and started to count the money, only a measly twenty bucks. Yeah sure it was money non the less but it won’t pay for anything nowadays. Not even a small pitcher of water at the pipes. You stuffed the money into your backpack and threw the wallet in a random direction. You stomped through the mod with your boots splashing some water onto other people. You didn’t care if people scowled at you and told you to slow down in the streets! You had places to be! And you didn’t care if that man you stole the wallet from was his last money. It was a dog eat dog world! Be the predator or be prey whatever you want to say. But it wasn’t your fault, well the act of stealing was but Ithalis being like this is because of them. The Gods…
“Hey [name]!” You heard a lady call out. You turned your head over and saw Mrs. Trun, the local fisher. First she saw your hair poking out of your hood then your face half hidden in a turtle neck making it look like you were wearing a scarf at all times. You ran over to her with a cheeky smile on your face. 
“Mrs. Trun!” You put your hands on the desk of her stall. “My best buddy, pal, friend, the best fisher in the world!” You started twirling your finger on the desk, giving her puppy dog eyes trying to coax her to give you some fish scraps to eat. “You got, I don’t know… Anything free? To eat? Probably now?” You gave her one of your signature bright wide smiles to sell it even more. 
“Oh you cheeky little thing, here.” She gave you two fish in a paper bag and beer, fried fish filet and some fries. “If you weren’t such a cheeky little thing I would haven’t given you anything to take it.” Mrs.Trun faced away from you and started to chop a head off a fish. 
“Thanks Mrs. Trun! I promise to pay you back one day! Gods’ blessings” You ran off waving to her.
“Yeah yeah go off before a cop catches you stealing again! And tell Howland I said hello!” She shouts towards you. You laughed, another perk of stealing, you met friends you thought you would ever have. You happily started to munch on the fish fillet like a hungry animal, well probably because you were one. You walked past an alley and saw a little girl around five curling into herself, she was dressed in rags and looked worse than most of the slums you see down in the depths of Ithalis. You frowned and finished the first fish fillet and placed the rest of the fish and fries down towards her. You still held the fish in the bag in your arms and spoke. 
“I am only giving you this because I pity you. We kids have it rough down here you know,” You spoke, the girl looked up to you and smiled, some of her teeth were missing and you couldn’t see her eyes from under her hair, but she looked as happy as the God’s would have been if they found Areti. She took the food and started to eat. “Kids down here can get themselves killed, go to the Mr.Truns fish stall, say that [name] sent you, you will be able to get some more food…” The girl said nothing but you knew you she took your word. You turned on your heel and left the alley. Yeah sure you were a classified stealer having your own wanted posters and everything, but you weren’t that heartless. 
You took the rest of your walk dodging local soldier stations in the streets of Itahlis like you have done thousands of times. Like on autopilot you crossed over the abandoned railroad tracks, walked past the slightly better part of Itahlis (it's better because the shops actually have buildings and less graffiti) year sure it was still dirty and you have found both dead and alive rats but it was still better. But nothing could be better than Itahlis’ topside. Or as we all know the heavenly court. Bright lights that made the night look like day, extravagant shops with even more fancy wear, and finally even more delicious food. Your mouth just watered thinking of it. But you snapped out of it from a gust of wind passing you. It was a speeding car. 
“HEY--!” You stopped before you could get another word out, yeah black fancy car. One of the Gods goons. You didn’t want them on your tail again. Never again… Finally you reached Starfall bridge. It was still half built and the once lake that swept under the bridge now swept a few miles away to the water reserve for Itahlis. So now Starfall bridge is just a bridge, over a bare patch of dirt. You walked under the bridge and grabbed a stick with a bell on it. You pounded the stick on the floor, the bell ringing out. You didn’t care if it was loud or not, the only people who come out to the outskirts of this part of the City are only dealers or people who poke the Gods’ goons a little too much for their liking. A quiet but silky voice spoke out. 
“A child who ran to be remembered, gone over the hills and far away…” It was a man’s voice, it was calm and soothing, one you almost heard each day. 
“Just let me in Howland!” You whined, placing back against the bridge wall. “It’s [Name]! Come on! I don’t want some dealer driving by and seeing me here!!” 
“I said finish the verse child…” Howland's voice went annoyed. And you stomped your feet and sighed. 
“Shall rise again to be heard! Now can you-- WOWOWAHHHHHH!!” The trapped door under your feet mid sentence making your free fall. Luckily it was an abandoned sewer so, it was just a tunnel you ended up screaming your head off and sliding down. You finally make it to the end of the tunnel rowling in. You sat up brushing the dirt off of your sweater and stood up. “Next time warn me… I felt like I was about to die…” 
“Take off your boots little one, you will muddy the floor.” Howland sat in the middle of grounds. Yes both of you lived in the sewers, atleast you two weren’t some turtles in hiding or something. The bottom of the sewers were illuminated by candles and the walls were adorned with talismans, books, and scriptures scattered around. “Welcome home [name] I missed you, did Mrs. trun give you some fish?” he turned over to from where he was sitting. Howland was holding different scriptures in his hands looking through them. You walked over to him and opened up the bag of fish. He smiled and pointed over the small pot and stove on the ground. You nodded and placed the bag next the the two pillows used as chairs near the stove and went over the Howland. “Help me stand child,” Howland lifted up his lifted arm for you to put over your shoulder. You raised him up, you saw his missing left leg, you wished that you sometimes didn’t steal. You know what they say, eye for and eye, a leg for a leg. 
“What do you want to make today Howland?” You helped him sit down on one of the pillows and sat on the one adjacent to him. 
“Just grilled fish like always” Howland leaned over and opened up the bag of fish and removed the pot just leaving the spot for the fire. Howland took the flint and steel and started the fire, he placed the fish on top of the fire and let it cook. 
“Howland,” You said, getting comfortable on the pillow. “Tell me another story?” 
“Of course, how about the hare and the star again?” Howland moved some of his white hair away from his scarf tucking it behind his ear. 
“No, how about a new one?” You looked down at the fish cooking, it made a satisfying crackling noise once in a while. 
“How about I tell you the story on how I found you?” Howland reached forward and flipped over both fish, letting the other side cook evenly. You nodded your head and he laughed. “Once upon a time, long ago, maybe 10-14 years in the past,” He blew the smoke  away from the both of you with his fan grabbing some salt near him and sprinkling some on the fish. “A man, me, walked along the path back to the sewers after a festival of the lost and telling stories for all to hear.” He took a breath then looked at you. “He then heard a cry, a baby's cry, the man walked over to the little one’s wails and pleaded for food and saw a little baby [name] wrapped in cloth.” You giggled hearing your name. “Yes, the man picked up the baby, he was panicking thinking, “a child in the middle of Ithalis all alone? What should I do? Where are their parents? But after a bit of searching, the man found out that the baby was abandoned and forgotten.” Howland took the two fishes and put them on sticks, handing one to you and having one for himself. “So being the nice man he is, he took the little babe in and raised them as his own, growing up strong, beautiful, and more amazing than he could ever dream of.” After Howland said this you giggled from his complement. 
“Aww, Howland! You complained to me too much!” You bit into the fish instantly jolting back forgetting it was straight off the fire. “Ow, ow! Hot!” Howland then laughed to himself.
“[name] can you please grab the water for us?” You nodded, placing the flush down on the fire to keep it warm and grabbing a small jug of water and two cups, giving one to him and holding another one for you. He poured himself a cup and then you. “To the Gods, and may they bless our family for years to come.” He raised his glass over the fire. You put your glass against his making a small clink sound. 
“To the Gods…” You took a sip from your drink, and so did howland both of you enjoying your dinner. 
Both of you just finished your dinner, you helping Howland get to his bed and you putting out the fire. After, you removed your coat and layed down in your bed right next to Howland. 
“You must know that the festival of the Lost is tomorrow, yes [name]?” Howland turned over to you, he covered himself in quilts and pillows. “I was invited to tell another one of my fables to the children…” You turned over to him holding your sleeping pillow close to your  chest getting a little sleepy. “You know I can’t drive anymore, and the festival is too far away, please drive me over.” He looked at you sympathetically. 
“Howland…” You took a deep breath and sighed. “I don’t even know how to drive.” You were trying to hold back a smile, it was like asking a newborn to run after coming out of the womb. 
“You know how to ride a bike, I-I have a motorcycle, please [name]? For me?” he looked at you and gave you puppy eyes, dang you can no to that.
“Isn’t it illegal to drive at my age?” You looked at him mockingly of course it was. 
“[name] you steal for us to get by, driving a motorcycle won’t be a problem for you. After a small bit of awkward silence, both of you burst out laughing. “Than--AHAH! Then it’s settled then!” Howland snorted which caused you to laugh harder. “You are going to bring me to the festival of the lost!” You nodded as both of you quieted down and went to sleep.
Now looking back you wish that you never agreed. 
Howland held onto the staff that you used to open the sewer, it was actually his walking cane. He wore his story telling robe meant only for special occasions. It was really fancy too. “Now child you press your foot onto the pedal and--” You slammed your foot onto the pedal making you jolt forward on the bike scaring the living ghost out of you. “[NAME]! Slow down! Ok press it slowly, slowly…” Howland slowly walked towards you as you were done. The bike went at a normal speed, surprisingly, you were learning fast! Unlike the cooking incident. (we don’t talk about the poor chicken you destroyed that day.) 
“I’m getting it!” You drove in a circle around him, it was just like he said, driving a bike. More dangerous, might be able to explode your bike!
“I knew you can do it little one, now come on, let's go,” He handed you a helmet which squished your cheeks a bit, and Howland didn’t wear one since both of you didn’t have a second. Howland climbed onto the bike sitting right behind you hugging you for support. “Now, to the festival of the lost!” He commanded, causing you to drive at full speed, making him yelp, almost dropping his cane which he held while hugging you. But you had your own reason for coming, to steal. Yes it was pathetic that all you can think of is stealing, but not just from anyone, Not someone’s wallet. Not someone's purse. Not some child’s candy, no. You were going to steal from the top. Steal from the harbinger’s crown. And get away with it!  It won’t only just be for your gain, for all the people that suffer under his boot. Ms.Trun with her fish selling going down by the year, the little girl in the streets that you gave food too, for Howland who had to live in the sewers so that the harbinger’s goons won’t steal his other leg, and for all of the people of Italhis who suffers because of the Gods. 
Little do you know they will be the one stealing you. 
You pressed the brake button on the motorcycle coming to a full stop, you parked right in front of the little theatre that Howland was supposed to perform at. “See you later Howland! I’m going to explore!” You were about to skip off (Steal some old ladies pearls) before Howland called out to you. 
“You sure [name]?” He looked to you all worried. “The last thing I want for you is to get thrown in jail, or worse, hurt…” Howland walked over to you and hugged you once more. “Don’t forget to come back before 7 a’clock ok? (19 o'clock military time)” You nodded as he squeezed you once more. “I love you, my child,” He patted your head as you laughed.
“Come on! It’s not like I’m going to be snatched right? I’ll come back.” You were about to skip off until…
“Wait!” Howland called out once more. 
“What about this time?!” You turned around your hands in your pockets.
“Do you have the offering for the procession?” 
“Yeah duh!” You stuck your tongue out as you pulled a singular sugar cube out of your pocket and held it up like it was a priceless gem. 
“Good, now don’t get lost.” Howland waved goodbye as he walked into the theatre. Making you go off onto your stealing mission once more. 
You finally arrived at where the procession of the Gods was supposed to be, it was heavily guarded with royal personnel everywhere. Of course it was! Everyone who lived toward the center of Itahlis got more and more richer, until you reached the heavenly court. The closer you got, the more people who worked for, or were related to the Gods themselves. A guard with a golden helmet and trident walked up to you towering over. “Offering for submission?” The man held out his free hand towards you unmoving. You smirked and handed him the sugar cube. The guard looked at you and scoffed, until he realized you were being serious. “Y-you may pass…” He opened the gate and let you in. As you walked into the procession, it was well what you expected, extravagant. Performers, food venders, pop up shops, and finally the crowd of people for the procession. You could practically feel your mouth drooling with all the beautiful things around you. All of the Beautiful things you can steal. You looked at the floats carefully, each one designed with such detail and accuracy, each one can be its own piece of art, and the subject in the middle, the corresponding god. No, it wasn’t some little actor impersonating them, it was the real deal.
You pushed yourself to the front of the crowd to check where the harbinger’s float was. Exactly where you thought it was, all the way at the end, dang idiot always wanted to make an entrance huh? He was lazing around on his throne, being fed grapes by a servant and another coming his long dark blue hair, and you mean long. Floor touching long. You looked around and found a building with a ladder. You rushed over bumping into a few people and scrambling up to the roof. “Ok, [name] jumping off a roof won’t be that hard! It’s just like falling down a sewer’s hole, just like falling down a sewer's hole…” You gulped as you saw Anris’ float just past by, crowds were hurling her name as she waved kindly to all the children she spotted in the crowd. Finally saw the Harbinger’s float right under your roof it was time. You walked backwards a bit and leaped off at full speed. If you weren’t terrified for your life, it would have felt like flying. You landed right behind the giant fan looking thing on his float, you didn’t care what it was, just how much you were going to take. You stood up seeing you had landed perfectly ok. It seems that you landed at a weird backstage part that no one cared to look at, good. You peeked your head out to see where the float was going, you had to be fast. 
You skillfully climbed to the top of the float making sure not to be seen sitting right above the Harbinger’s throne. You reached over your hand, slightly touching his crown. It was a beautiful black material with silver engraving carved into it. It wrapped around his head like a headband. You started to slightly nudge it. This technique always worked on people you stole hats from. It will work on him, right? Inch by inch, one little touch by the minute. You got the crown off. You held the Harbinger’s crown in your hands. The symbol of all of Ithalis was in your hands. 
“So you were the child who offered the sugar cube at the offerings.” You heard a deep rough voice speak. You went pale, you could feel the blood retreat from your body and your eyes met with the Harbinger’s. You were shaking all over as he stared at you. Well, answer me!” He stood up fully making you fall off from where you were sitting scrambling over to be behind his throne. He scoffed and grabbed you by the scruff bringing you to the center of the float. “Answer for your crimes child or–” 
“I-I didn’t mean to I!” You tried to plead to be let go, but suddenly a splitting headache burst into your mind, it felt like someone was trying to rip your head open and crush it at the same time. These memories started flashing. 
“You’re useless Areti!” flash. 
“Why do I even consider you my child, get out of my sight!” flash. 
“I can’t stay here much longer…” You saw through the eyes of someone who wasn’t you. You saw your hands? No one's hands packing something. But before you can register what was going on, flash. 
“Areti–” flash. “RUN AND NEVER LOOK BACK!” flash. “MY CHILD!” Flash. “ARETI!” flash. It was like your whole life was playing in front of you. Was it even your life anymore? Before you can grab another thought. You opened your eyes. You weren’t at the festival anymore. You were in space, a weird pocket dimension or something. You were laying down water covering you besides your face. You sat up panicking, breathing shallowly. What is going on?! Stars were in the water like they were coconuts and planets were looming over your head, until you heard a voice. 
“[Name] of iIhalis!” You spin your head around frightened. A person around your age floated above you, they had fluffy unruly hair with a poncho with no sleeves covering them like a blanket. And finally holding a staff with a dark star encased inside its curve. They were literally glowing as they landed bare feet onto the water, their feet faded from an inky black to a pearly white, and their hands were detached from their body making them look outlandish by the second. “Do you know who I am?” You shook your head scrambling to your feet. Both of you were the exact same height too. The kid in front of you also had a four cornered star over their right eye. Wait, you knew that star face before. Areti. The kid standing in front of you was Areti deity of the lost, wanderers, and children. 
“A-Areti?” You blinked in disbelief. 
“Ba-ba-ba-BINGO! AHAHA!” Areti flew up into the sky and celebrated, the planets and stars around you lit up or span reacting at the same time as Areti. “I knew I chose the right one!” They floated down towards you, their bare feet landing on your shoulders making you stumble around. “You see, I need a successor!” 
“What?! NOw?!” You voiced cracked as you finally balanced your weight with Areti’s. 
“Yep! And you're perfect for the job!” They floated off of you taking their staff planting it on water below both of you and balancing on it like it was a tightrope. “You stole from the Harbinger! My dad! The ruler of Heaven!” They finally landed on the floor right in front of you. You looked closely, they look almost like you, same face shape, smile, hair type (well more messy) everything! Well besides the star shape over their eye. “I didn’t even have the guts to do that!” Then Areti’s face became serious. “As you know, I jumped down from heaven and ran away blah blah blah blah! But in the process I gave up my immortal power. I still had it with me, just I couldn’t tap into it anymore…” They took their staff and placed it in front of you pointing to the star balancing in it. That star was their power. “I know dumb decision! But, that is where your story begins!” They circled around the water making small ripples. “If you didn’t know already, you are the reincarnation, yours truly, Me!” 
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN REINCARNATION?!” You were terrified, surprised, appalled, flabbergasted, any word you can use to describe this moment, it will work. Who were you anymore? Were you [name]? Or Areti? You started to breathe shallowly again.  What is going on?!
“Well of course you weren’t the only one!” Areti laid back floating in the air. “There were many before you, many!” They started to count on their fingers. “Samantha, James, Liam, Quincy, and the list goes on!” they then flopped over putting their hands on your shoulders. “But they never knew! Just lived, died, and never knew that they were a reincarnation of a literal deity! But you know! So I have to ask you something…” Areti grabbed the star from their staff ripping it out, the cosmos around you faded until both of you were just standing in a black void. “Stop all of this madness, please, for my-- our, Our people.” 
“I-I can’t, I’m just a kid! Why couldn’t you wait until I was an adult?!” You pushed the star away from you Areti stood back. 
“It’s your choice in the end, I can take it back, you don’t have to if you don’t want to be a kid… It’s a dumb Idea anyways… Just gotta wait until the next reincarnation you know?” Areti placed the star back into their staff making the space scenery come back. 
“Wait!” If this means that you will be able to save everyone else from God's reign, then so be it. If this means everything will be better for everyone, for you, Howland, for the rest of the humans in Ithalis so be it! “I-I’ll do it.” You held out your hand for the star, Areti, smiled and pulled out the star. 
Areti pushed the star onto your face giving you the same mark that they had the same star shape over your eye. “Go on kid, do what I didn’t have the guts to do…” The ground started to warp under you pulling you down into the abyss. 
“WILL I EVER SEE YOU AGAIN?!” You grasped at the pit’s walk, they felt like fine silk. 
“MAYBE! GOOD LUCK LITTLE SUGAR CUBE!! AHAHA!” Areti waved to you goodbye as you were pulled into darkness once more. 
You woke up floating in the air, the whole crowd had their eyes on you. You hated it, it was like every since you had been enhanced. The mark on your face made it felt like your face was burning off. Your ears were bombarded with murmurs and whispers but one name was repeated over and over again. Areti… A bright light was behind you making you look. Behind you was a giant silhouette of Areti, they were glowing white they stood stern face unmoving as if three sets of floating arms were just sitting there, one pair held their staff, another was holding a wake ure you stay floated, and another set was caressing their cheeks. Behind them, was their sigil, each god had one. Their eyes that met yours, then it vanished making you fall to the ground. 
“A-Areti?” You whipped your head up again seeing the Harbinger’s. He ran over to you about to hug you. 
“What just happened?! What did you do?!” The whole experience happened because of the Harbinger’s touch, right? Instead of hugging you, he gently brought you up onto your feet. 
“You have their mark…” The Harbinger stroked your cheek making the mark sting, which made you hiss. He didn’t care though, his child, his baby was home. He spun you around the face of the crowd, everyone was silent at this point. You were at the end of the procession seeing that all of the floats were in a circle. Even the Gods were silent, some in the middle of an action stood still. A servant who was fixing the God of war, Adamis hair was stuck frozen in place, while Adamis himself jaw was agave. The harbinger held your hand up high like you won a fight and announced.  “CITIZENS OF ITHALIS!” Everyone was still silent. “ARETI! MY CHILD HAS COME HOME!” A weird awkward silence rang out until the crowd burst into cheers and claps making you jolt back a little. The harbinger bent down to you and picked you up like how you would with a baby. “You’re finally home my sweet, everyone is so happy… I’m sorry for making you run away…” He buried his head into your hair trying to stifle back a sob. He placed you down on the ground again wiping his tears and placing his hand on your back. You looked up at the crowd seeing all the other people cheer. You really hope that Areti chose the right person to give their power to… 
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Note: So even if there wasn't anything really yandere until it's hinted towards the end, this is slightly going to be a slow burn thing where it will occur throughout the story instead of all at once! thank you for reading and bear with me!! I am free for questions about the story so my asks are always open!
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madilynlovesbsdfr · 2 months ago
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well actually he is very big on the forced husband/wife roleplay ……. but also it’s more like an owner/pet type of situation . or parent/child. he doesn’t exactly treat you like a spouse he just likes the idea of that
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yandere-yearnings · 3 months ago
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happy new years to you too nonnie!! i apologise for being late on the reply myself but thank you for your well wishes, hopefully the new year has started on a good leg for you so far🩷 and thank you for the hugs and kitties, i will treasure them❗️❗️ i love you too🥺💕
i don't think any of them would see it as a test to their masculinity per se, but you'd get varying degrees of push back bc their personalities mean that;
Sun would get flustered. Not only from the close proximity of your face and his when you're trying to get a clean stroke of eyeliner, but just the implication that you think he's pretty enough to doll up. He's standing in front of you and watching your eyes rake over his entire form while figuring out whether you like this outfit or the other better, and he loves the attention as much as it has his stomach in knots from the butterflies.
Depending on how much your envy impacts how you interact with him, you could probably be looking at a breakdown on his end. At your feet, on his knees and apologising — there's tears in his eyes and he's sorry that he has what you want for yourself, he'd give it all to you if he could, pluck out every single eyelash and leave them in your hands with zero hesitation. Sun has this need to be seen that even he doesn't realise, and he'd tear himself apart for it. The minute you start to look at him in the pieces of what he is rather than who he is, an ugly desperation begins to rear its head.
Dice is the type to brush you off if you ever say you want to do something. Asking him if you can put makeup on him, or have him try out clothes for you isn't going to get you any sort of response outside of a three-second deadpan stare. He has a business to run, alcohol to drink, money to gamble — there's no time for you and entertaining your whims.
Not unless you make it.
He's a very big advocate of the concept of taking what you want, so it's only if you wrangle him into a seat and prime his face for some powder, that he'll sit back and let you have your way. Use a little bit of force, throw a dress at him and tell him to wear it and he'll be obedient, he likes to get pushed around. If he catches wind of the fact that you envy him, he'll have the time of his life teasing you about it; he meets your stray glances with a smirk and a 'you just wanna be me so bad, huh?'
Vio would be indifferent to an extent, just because it isn't anything out of the ordinary for him. He's an actor, hair and makeup is his second skin, and he's dressed to the nines on rotation — in fact, if you wanted to quit your job as his manager and switch to a station in his dressing room, he really wouldn't care enough to oppose you. All that being said, since his career has taken the novelty from the activity, it isn't his ideal way to spend quality time with you.
On your envy, honestly, Vio would be more surprised if you weren't jealous of him. You should know better than anyone just how perfect he is, right? It's normal that insecurity will rise if you're around him as frequently as you are, so he doesn't even try to understand its source. It isn't very obvious, and probably comes across conceited like most of the things he says, but he will reassure you in his own way. Just a bit. 'It's stupid. You've got me.' Even if you feel you've got gaps in you, Vio is whole, he can cover all the missing parts.
Laurent never fails to be endeared by the things you propose. When he was younger, his little sisters also employed him as their model, but now he's a thirty-something year old man too roughed up by the world to be considered cute, and there you are with a brush in hand promising to make him prettier. It's amusing, sure, yet more than anything, he is enamoured. There's a peace that washes over him, sitting patiently for you as you gauge what top to make him try on first, all he has to do is follow your lead, and he can't remember the last time he was allowed a luxury like that.
You can be assured that Laurent would never judge you if you told him about feeling envious. If anything, it might just open up the doors for a conversation that he likely needed to have with someone at one point in his life. He's a deeply emotionally-repressed person, the context may differ, but the gnawing of want is more familiar to him than the act of breathing. Looking at someone and thinking, if only I could have what they have... could he be happier? He'd never know. The opportunity to find out was never his to take. Thus, he certainly won't misunderstand you, or think you're coming from a place of mal-intent. If offering up his body for you to take for a spin was an option, he'd have done so in a heartbeat.
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otherworldlyaffection · 1 month ago
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2-dsimp · 6 months ago
trapping jericho in a room full of edited pictures of people other than him with y/n and pictures of y/n with all their former romantic lovers, friends, besties, and so on. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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zennotixs · 2 months ago
im tryna be joking about it but if my best friend really did ask her reciprocated crush out on my anniversary week i might actually block her. like im seriously upset. i know i shouldn’t be and i should be happy for her but. seriously. i WILL be upset.
someone please tell me if im being overdramatic…
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carnivorousyandeere · 6 months ago
Lmfao really self-indulgent but Dorian and autistic actor Darling who goes nonverbal and relies on him more after spending so much energy on the craft they love. Dorian enjoying your performances immensely, while also looking forward to you collapsing bonelessly into his arms afterwards, exhausted and unable to mask, yet still seeking him as a source of comfort…
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madilynlovesbsdfr · 13 hours ago
okay fuck it’s 5am and I wanna cut fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you.
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moyazaika · 3 months ago
will you appear again before Christmas?🥲
YES HI!!!! WOWEE sorry for being away longer than i intended! estranged family member showed up on my front door after 18 yeARS of no contact?!?!? went to bali and lost my pasSPORT?!?!?! failed my driver's TEST!?!?!?!
#i've been writing a lot!#so i will post something soon#i missed u all and thank you to the people who checked in with me#it meant so much more than you know :') <3#tumblr has become such a creative outlet for me and retreat for me overtime but i didn't realise how comfortable i got here till now#taking time away has also cemented my own writing style#for a while i was trying too hard to force/fit into what i saw was popular in the yandere niche (art under capitalism xyz competition xyz)#now i've fully embraced what i can write#like to write#and want to be known for writing#so yes it's been an interesting end to an otherwise hellish year. honour roll second yr in a row so it all feels worth it now but jfc#i've never crashed out so much before in one year#so yeah! if u read all that ur a legend#just yapping abt what's been on my mind#consciously reading has also challenged me with how i want to extend my own writing#as if i wasn't ambitious enough bye#but i really hope that 2025 is#above all else#the year of unbroken promises#i don't want to promise things i can't deliver#but i still want you guys to be excited for what i do put out!!#so lesson learned; do not make a series masterlist/seasonal event if all the chapters or stories aren't pre-written out alr :')#2025 writing goals just bcuz i saw people do this with their reading so why not with writing?#1) begin and finish a multi part series (more than 5 chapters! i live for the longform)#2) clear out my inbox fully. i'm at 40ish asks so this isn't too crazy of a goal imo#i'll c ya guys soon tho! thanks for sticking around <3<3<3 love u all#excited for what's next :)
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biribaa · 8 months ago
HII HIIDHDJJFG i’ve been a fan of ur writing for a while now but i recently started getting into Awful Hospital The Worst Ever and i could barely find any content for it and i realized u write for it so if it’s ok i’d like to request Yandere! Crash x reader hcs i love him so much 😭
Yandere!Crash x reader hcs
I love you anon HGDFHGFH keep coming with teh yandere crash requests PLEASE,,,,,,,,,,,,
TW/CW: Yandere behavior, spoilers to AH
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Honestly I think Crash might be one of the worst AI around fiction to become a yandere, along with AM and Proteus. He's a big mess of emotional dependency, possession, obsession and sadism. You're not sure if you find it pitiful or scary with the fact he kinda have control over some good part of the hospital.
You're such a silly thing for him to awe at. You're small, you're flesh, you're warm, you're caring, and honest, he's not that, Crash is the entire opposite. Out of every fleshbag around the hospital, his digital eyes spotted you, and thats where he found a new plaything.
Wanted or not... Crash growed a attachment to you. The computer cant grasps the words... the feeling is almost similar to a Deja Vu.
Crash is possesive with even the smallest of details, he always confront you in one of the hospital's after any chat he holded a suspicion on, and the only thing you could do as some sort of "sorry" for the computer is for spend some layers by his room, right by his side. Otherwise, Crash will keep whining for it.
He may or may not wrap you in his wires and stop you from going out... But its not like you mind much, theres not much to explore around the hospital, why dont just stay with Crash?
While Crash have fun keeping you to himself, that does mean Jay get a break some time or other from the computer, which for him is more than great. If you ever stumble across Jay, he might even just point to Crash where you are just so he can leave him alone for more time.
I mean it when I say Crash pratically treats you like a toy for him to amaze with, he pushes you around in the computer room, rambling and giggling to the reactions of your body while most of your body remain wrapped around his wires. The computer continues to ask silly question to you, just to push a answer from you, all while his wires are entirely around your shape. Arent his human toy so adorable and obedient? He likes to think his ex is jealous of him at these moments.
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