#yandere airachnid
yanderes-galore · 1 year
I would love to see Yandere! TFP Arcee vs Yandere! TFP Airachnid
Sure! These two haven't had much attention :) First time writing both so I hope it came out fine. I found this fun to throw my thoughts down with! Not really proofread, pure raw brainrot again.
Yandere! TFP! Arcee vs Yandere! TFP! Airachnid
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Cybertronian/Cybertronian and Cybertronian/Human pairing mentioned, Obsession, Stalking briefly mentioned, Overprotective behavior, Manipulation, Fear of loss, Dubious companionship with Arcee, Forced companionship with Airachnid, Torture mention, Kidnapping, Mention of past death/death in general, Paranoia, Sadism, Blood mention.
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For the sake of this concept I'll be focusing on between an Autobot and human darling for the two.
Arcee and Airachnid are two characters that already have history together.
Airachnid has killed Arcee's first partner Tailgate and often taunts her about her second, Cliffjumper.
I want to say for this concept you're her partner.
You can be one of her closest Autobot partners after Cliffjumper or essentially replace Jack if you're a human?
Either way you're considered her third partner which already makes Arcee concerned about your safety.
I can see Arcee being a bit scared when it comes to taking you places.
The deaths of her previous partners often weigh her down.
Deep down she's nervous to lose you as an Autobot since she's already lost many she's close to.
If you're a human then she knows how fragile you are, which means it's easier to lose you.
She's mature and often tries to look out for you as a partner and guardian.
Arcee is already a bit obsessive about you before Airachnid even shows up.
She's the first to develop an obsession regardless on what her feelings are.
She's loyal and respects you, she fights either by your side or protects you.
When her obsession situates itself she begins to feel safe.
She used to be such a lone wolf buy begins to rely on you more.
She's great to be around, often being a big help to her team.
She's caring and is often found not too far from you.
Even when she grows used to you, deep down there's always that fear that she may lose you.
Her obsession is lowkey, often only following you on missions or to take you home.
Sometimes if you're a human she stays over just to make sure you won't be hurt the moment she takes her optics off you.
Arcee is manageable with her obsession, often just coming off as a protective Autobot and guardian.
Then Airachnid enters the picture.
The arrival of a big rival to Arcee certainly makes the obsession worse.
Arcee knows better than anyone what Airachnid can do.
After all, she killed her first partner.
The moment Arcee realizes how much danger you're in with being around her, she tries to solve the issue herself.
She tries to hide you if you're human and often has you go on missions with the others instead of her.
Arcee feels Airachnid will go after her, so she wants to disassociate from you until things are dealt with.
However... that may not work in this concept.
Regardless on if Airachnid knows you are with Arcee or not she may find you by chance.
Airachnid is capable of tracking even if you hide due to her multiple modes.
There's a good chance, even if Arcee doesn't want it to happen, she may find you.
Airachnid is a hunter and sadist.
Her intentions with you are much worse than Arcee.
Regardless of if you're an Autobot or human she wants to hunt you.
Maybe she plans to kill you at first until she realizes your connections to Arcee.
Then she figures she'll have more fun just capturing and maybe prodding are you a bit just to torment Arcee.
These two are different than the usual Autobot and Decepticon behavior.
Arcee is more protective because of her previous loss of partners.
She's also perfectly capable of putting someone "offline" if she feels it is needed.
She almost did it to Starscream before Bumblebee stopped her.
Airachnid is more sadistic than your average Decepticon I feel.
She has an affinity for torture and hunting and can be rather animalistic in how she treats others at times.
These two can be rather extreme compared to most others.
Arcee doesn't like the idea of murder but will if it's to keep you.
Arcee has a certain desperation with her darling due to her past, while Airachnid feeds on that weakness.
Both yanderes are capable of murder and Airachnid is capable of kidnapping.
As with most Autobot vs Decepticon pairings, Arcee would be trying to keep you out of harm while Airachnid tries to steal you.
Arcee would have trouble explaining the situation to you.
She fears even more if you wants to help confront Airachnid.
Arcee wants to keep you out of the way, often saying she'll take care of things on her own.
Arcee really does try her best to keep you out of the claws of her worst enemy.
She's can't do everything on her own, however.
Airachnid may just take you away eventually.
Honestly if such a thing happened then I feel Arcee would drop her morals to reclaim you.
She refuses to lose another partner.
Airachnid would be teasing when she has you, she's sadistic when she hunts and toys with you.
She tells you Arcee is nothing compared to her and you'll be forced to be the Insecticon's (?) prize.
She won't kill you as now she's a bit attached.
But she will leave her mark on you.
If you're an Autobot she may bite or scratch you.
If you're human she has to use more precision, cutting you to watch the strange red blood of humans flow out.
In a way you're degraded into being a pet, a plaything.
All for her.
Now she's hiding you from Arcee instead of the other way around.
When you're gone I can see Arcee trying to track you.
She swears she'll end things once and for all once she finds the damn spider.
Arcee may even try to fatally wound Airachnid if no one is with her.
To her it'll just be "squashing a bug".
Who cares if some Energon is on her hands?
Airachnid already doesn't mind tormenting and killing Arcee.
She'll even do it in front of you.
At some point these two will have a final confrontation.
It's best Arcee comes to take you home with help...
Or else only one of them is coming out of this to claim you alive.
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Yandere Decepticons
he knows literally everything about you, because people stupidly leave too many traces on the internet…
he doesn't need to tell you to realize you'll never leave him.
soundwave will definitely find a use for his plugs and cassette players
you'll never be able to trick or outsmart that Mech, so you can forget about running away.
What, honey? You can't praise Starscream all the time? It's okay. You'll learn.
Starscream's claws are sharp enough to rip you from the inside out, so wriggle out of the fun with care.
You may be under the misleading impression that this mech is the only one who is kind to you on this ship. well. That's a perception that's extremely favorable to Breakdown.
and yet you shouldn't have been rude to him because his hammer separated your leg from your body too easily.
Don't cry. He and Knockout can comfort you together.
this fur will make you look attractive at all times. for him.
Knockout is a doctor. Practice is essential for him. Now for organics too.
Knockout has invented a wonderful remedy to elevate your mood and arousal. now you break out a little less
He cares about honor, but honor doesn't extend to organics.
Perhaps this fur will give you everything… and ask for everything in return.
Dreadwing was able to prove to Megatron that you're useful on their ship. now it's time to repay the favor.
Emotions are unnecessary, so your hatred and fear are of no interest to Shockwave.
And yet Shockwave can get bored too, so one day he performs an operation where you're no longer bothered by silly human emotions.
Now you're ready to do his bidding without a word.
Airachnid's a collector, and you're her biggest prize.
what? her flasks scare you? don't worry. they're not for you. they're for your family and friends. people like their family close to them, right?
You really shouldn't have run, little butterfly. because now your wings are nailed to the wall
Predacon is not an animal… almost. but he can be as affectionate as the most loyal animal to its master can be.
… and as stern as the most devoted animal.
In the rutting season, you'll hardly have to get on your feet. You won't be able to do it.
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Tfp cons meeting a yandere bot from their past
Who has been stalking and showing their feelings for them in a disturbing way and the cons not reciprocate ?
They stalked Megatron back on Cybertron, back when he was still a gladiator. At the time he was to timid to really deal with them, not wanting to hurt their feelings but feeling deeply uncomfortable with how they followed him everywhere.
When Megatron formed the decepticons they were one of the first bots to join the cause and while he hated their presence he allowed it since they would undertake some of the more dangerous and gruesome missions. When they apparently died in the fall of Cybertron he was nothing but relieved, so them randomly showing up now on Earth is nothing but bad news to him. So, he's gonna send them on a mission. A very special mission! To take down the autobots once and for all. Do that and he will accept their feelings, once and for all. Fail and... Well, he won't lose any recharge over it.
Starscream remembers them very well and only for the wrong reasons. At first it was nice to have someone so devoted to him, who loved him so much that they would do anything to prove it. He didn't really love them back but the attention was nice. At least until it turned downright disturbing. They tried to control him, manipulate his life and what he did and who he spent time with. And if there's one thing Starscream can't take its people controlling him.
Seeing them again brings back a lot of bad memories and Starscream can't wait to get rid of them again. He'll pretend he's happy to see them and that he missed them oh so much but the moment they least expect it he's going to stab them in the back.
They first started stalking Soundwave after the creation of the decepticons and quickly became one of his most useful agents, simply because of their devotion to him. Sadly for them, Soundwave has no feelings for them, other than annoyance and suspicion. He knows that the only reason they are a decepticon are because of their feelings for him, thus making them a loose cannon. Because of this he felt no sense of loss when they seemingly perished back on Cybertron.
Now, showing up on Earth, Soundwave can't help but feel slightly ticked off. Still, they are a decepticon and can be of use for him and the cause, so he will accept their presence. For now that is. The moment they lose their usefulness or become more trouble than they're worth he'll get rid of them. Until then he will grudgingly accept their 'love'.
Knockout immediately wants to turn tail and flee when he sees them. Back on Cybertron, before the war, he had a brief fling with them. Nothing serious, just two grown mechs flirting with each other and hanging out. Well, that was before he saw all the red flags. When he tried to cut contact with them they refused to leave him alone, stalking his home and workplace, hurt themself so that he would have to fix them. He had to move multiple times to get away from them, but they always managed to find him somehow. Because of this he was almost happy when the war started because the sudden commotion caused them to lose track of him and he hasn't seen them since. Well, until now that is.
Seeing them now, Knockout wants nothing to do with them. If they're just a neutral on Earth then he will just straight up ask Breakdown to kill them, because he really, really never wants to see them again. If they are a decepticon then he will reluctantly accept their presence, but only because he can't do anything about them. If they start to seriously stalk him again then he will actually defect to the autobots because he can't deal with the stress anymore.
Yeah, no, Breakdown is super unhappy with this. This bot downright creeps him out and he wants nothing to do with them. Will make it loud and clear to anyone that will hear him that he really, really don't want this bot around him. This is so when they start acting up again he can crush them and claim that he was feeling cornered/threatened. One of the few bots that will not play around, at all. Forget using them for his own gain, or waiting for a later opportunity, the moment he sees them it's on sight, he ain't dealing with their creepy, toxic behavior.
For such an emotionless mech, Shockwave surely feels a lot of things about this one bot. All of it negative. They are a hinderance, a nuisance and he wants them gone. Back on Cybertron, when he was still Senator, they scared him, due to their intense shows of 'affection' and stalking. Now in the present, these memories make his spark stir unpleasantly. Shockwave will try to ignore them but if they interfere with his work then he won't hesitate to turn them into a test subject or a guinea pig for his latest invention.
Just like Breakdown, Dreadwing will make it clear to everyone that he won't tolerate this bot's presence. He will even tell Megatron that if they approach him, if they interfere with is life in any way, that he will kill them. And he will. He outright loathes their presence and feels genuinely sickened by their 'love'.
Airachnid might toy around with them for a little bit, play around with their emotions and even use them for her own gains but in the end she feels nothing for them. Their senseless devotion are a useful tool but grows annoying in the end, like a mosquito that won't leave her alone. Once their novelty have worn off she will simply get rid of them, just like all of her other toys.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 8 months
The more I look into the weird shit with Airachnid in Japan's dub of Transformers Prime, the more I'm like:
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dat-lil-shark · 2 months
I found more TFP Characters Stats and they are VERY Interesting
So over a week ago I found out that in the Japanese airing of Transformer Prime, they put up these commercials in between episodes that displays the characters stats. Back then I only found Soundwave’s, but now I’ve found almost everyone.
Again, I have no guarantee that these are canon enough, cause it's made by Japanese, who made Airachnid a yandere.
But it’s fun to assume they are.
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Not only that but also higher speed and firepower TOO (OP got 7 speed and 9 firepower, and MT got 9 speed and 10 firepower).
Sure Optimus got bigger courage and skills but in battlefields if MT is not so dr**ed up he might just win a lot more.
And speaking of unexpected intelligence.
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Compared to Arcee, Airachnid also got WAY higher intelligence (AH 9 and RC 7) and slightly higher strength (AH 5 and RC 4) AND FIREPOWER (AH 5 and RC 4).
I was at first surprised how Airachnid could be so smart but then it did made sense since she was able to always lure Arcee into her fun cave to beat her up and was able to easily kill Breakdown.
(And I know technically this was supposed to be the Japanese yandere Airachnid but— let’s just ignore that— maybe let’s pretend it’s the normal Airachnid okay? Please?)
But Arcee got 9 on courage.
Airachnid might got the cunning but at least Arcee got the feral.
And the way Arcee only got 7 on the intelligence out here is breaking stereotypes that the only girl in the group has to be smart.
Luckily not all Autobot and Decepticon rivalry ends in a Decepticon topping the Autobot.
For example.
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Bulkhead is a lot— AND I MEAN A LOT better than Breakdown is.
He’s got higher strength (BH 10 and BD 9), intelligence(BH 5 and BD 4), courage (BH 8 and BD7), rank (BH 6 and BD 4) AND firepower (BH 7 and BD 6)
Bruh Breakdown is competing with Bulkhead just because he is insecure 😂😂😂😅😅
Bulkhead can actually sweep the floor with Breakdown if he wanna!
also I think Breakdown got the lowest stat in intelligence and rank than any other characters here.
This actually does explain how Breakdown could be killed so easily by Airachnid, honestly, since Airachnid got more than twice as much intelligence as him.
Well at least we know Knockout married him for true love.
And speaking of Knockout.
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He’s SO WEAK!! 😂😂😂😂
Dude Knockout is an absolute LOOSER!! (At least according to the Japanese)
THAT IS ALMOST THE SAME ENDOURANCE AND ALMOST HALF THE COURAGE AS ARCEE (who is about only 1/2 of his body size btw) (his buff armours are just for shows) AND HALF THE SKILL OF RATCHET!!
He is only a bit good on speeds. Now no wonder he loves racing ITS THE ONLY THING HE IS GOOD AT!! Bro litterally covers himself in makeups cause he’s too self aware 😂😂😂!
I wondered how he managed to lie so perfectly on his job resume.
And speaking of medics.
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Ratchet is WAY better in everything than I expected.
He’s more than twice the medic Knockout would ever be.
He actually got EIGHT endurance which is surprising, cause that is only one star lower than Bulkhead!
The doctor might be old but he’s still got armors and bones as strong as boulders.
No wonder he kept getting beaten up in this serie but just got up fine and never snap his back once like my own grandpa after standing up from his chair.
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Wheeljack on the other hand is also not bad at all.
He got 9 skills. I guess that’s what got him to be able to make all his terrorist toys.
Also it’s funny cause he’s only got 8 endurance, that’s 2 stars lower than Ratchet.
Could you just IMAGINE Wheeljack and Ratchet fist bumping as hard as they could but it was Wheeljack who ended up having to grab his fists in pain??
Also he only got 6 intelligence?? That’s honestly far lower than I excepted tbh. That is only one star higher than Bulkhead.
No wonder Ultra Magnus has such a bad time.
(it’s also funny how Arcee criticized Wheeljack for impulsively going to avenge Bulkhead when she herself is only like, one stat smarter, and does that with Airachnid on a daily basis (sure she didn’t drag any humans in but she is still barely better).
(Also by the way, speaking of Ultra Magnus, he doesn’t have a stat page unfortunately cause the Japanese TFP never got a season 3, it just ends at Optimus breaking the Alpha lock and that’s it, which means Ultra Magnus never appeared, and neither did Shockwave (beside that one Arcee flashback) and Predaking unfortunately).
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Oh and the Dreadwing Skyquake twins are over powered.
Just look at them!
They are almost the exact same in stats except Skyquake got more endourance and Dreadwing got more fire power.! If Megatron had both of them at the same time they could just deep fry the Autobots in episode 10!
RIP Skyquake you had SO much POTENCIALS man. And to think that even the PRIME HIMSELF ALONE can’t take you out without major help from Bumblebee.
And speaking of Bumblebee.
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Listen no one else in this whole list got courage 10 except Bumblebee.
Not Arcee, not Optimus, not Ratchet, not Smokescreen, and not even Wheeljack.
Damn it man now thinking back I don’t think I recall a SINGLE MOMENT in the entire show, although it wasn’t obvious first time through, that Bumblebee actually considered for his own safety before doing anything. And it’s not even in an “I am willing to sacrifice my own safety for the greater good” way but a “Oh I’m gonna lose a leg for this but it’ll be nice? Sign me up!” Way! “Psyc link into Megatron? Count me in!” “Jump on top of Skyquake? You bet!” “Run straight toward Silas when you can litterally wait for 5 more minutes but then you can get your t cog back for five more minute earlier? I’m coming!!”
If it’s not for the fact that Bumblebee got a good dad that he’s happy to listen to he will be a bigger disaster than Wheeljack is.
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The other kid, Smokescreen, is just a tad bit weaker. But he’s way better than I expected since he only just joined this war. (*cough cough* way better than Knockout).
on the other servo.
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Starscream is OVERPOWERED.
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Bro has got EIGHT STRENGTH despite his skinny arms (same as Skyquake & Dreadwing), NINE SPEED (faster than Megatron), NINE FIREPOWER (same as Optimus) and TEN FRAGGING SKILLS (same as RATCHET)
Honestly. If it weren’t for the 3 courage, DUDE COULD ACTUALLY HAVE A CHANCE TAKING OVER MEGATRON!!! He
He honestly doesn’t even need the apex armour tbh! And there are countless times he got defeated probably only because he froze in fear or else he could have absolutely fought back and won!!
That 3 courage ruined him.
Also they don’t have Cliffjumper too and that is very unfair tbh cause Skyquake also appeared for only one episode but got his, and pretty unfortunate cause I really wanna see how strong exactly Cliff was before his death.
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How would starscream,knockout, and sounwave dealing with a yandere female decepticon follow them around and stalking them
~☠ Starscream, Knockout, and Soundwave with a Yandere S/O Who Likes To Stalking and Following Them Around ☠~
A/N: Hello there Anon! Thank you for the request, gosh. This one is quite difficult but I will try my best to write it down please don't be a Yandere in a real life because it's very harmful to your S/O, friends, family, or your partner. Also, I want to make this post gender friendly to every gender people out there so I hope you do not mind if I don't write just female S/O.
Warning: Yandere Tendencies, profanities and violence.
Gender: Neutral
Starscream - Decepticon
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I'm very sorry to sound a bit Ironic but Starscream find it a little bit creepy that you are following him around and looking up his biography despite he does stalk Autobots when he got kicked out by Megatron.
He does find it hot if you had to kill someone to protect him or when you are getting jealous. Especially if you get all Yandere on Airachnid because he despise that spider girl a lot.
Sometimes would ask you to stop being creepy like "Ughhh, could you just stop following me around or stalking me? I'm busy," while working on his data.
Starscreams does know that you are willing to do anything so he would use your killing service so if someone are on your way. He would sweetly say "My dear (Y/N). Would you be kind enough to kill someone for me?" with a golden plate smile.
Starscream also adores that you would be willing enough to be sweet and caring to him. He would also use that side of you if he's injured as he told you who hurt him.
As you kill those who hurt him. He would just gonna watch you from far with a smirk on his face as if he just watch an action or thriller movie.
He does get annoyed that you had just stand there shyly instead of trying to talk to him. He does genuinely wants to talk with you so you don't need to follow him around because he's genuinely an EXTROVERT.
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Behind the automatic door, a certain bots with (Paint job Colour/Skin Colour) standing there and watching her/his/their crush. (Y/N) pulse quickens with every glance she/he/they steal, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. And you can't help but imagine what it would be like to step out from your hiding spot and finally engage in a conversation with Starscream.
The decepticon indeed hear the sound of small clicks that (Y/N) made but not stepping inside of the hallway. The poor bot just standing there behind the door, staring at him from far away instead of trying to talk to him. Even he realizes that (Y/N) would follow him secretly from far. Afterall, he's not deaf, he has a great hearings.
A flicker of impatience dancing across his features. He's well aware of (Y/N)'s presence, the way (Y/N) always seem to be around when he's nearby. While Starscream finds it intriguing that (Y/N) is interested in him, he's growing frustrated by their shyness that renders them utterly speechless in his presence. He wants to engage in a conversation, to hear their/her/his voice, to understand what's behind those bashful optics.
Starscream mutters under his breath, a mix of exasperation and determination in his tone. "If only (Y/N) could muster the courage to speak to me," he grumbles quietly to himself. He paces a few steps, optics narrowing in thought. Then, a spark of inspiration lights up his scheming mind. An almost mischievous grin tugs at the corner of his lips as he hatches a plan. Starscream's crimson gaze fixates on (Y/N)'s hiding spot behind the automatic door.
Starscream's voice takes on a dramatic tone, laden with a hint of desperation. "Oh, if only there were someone out there who had the intellect and willingness to assist me with this data. It need to be given by Lord Megatron today," he sighs. Little does he know, you had been listening all along.
With a quiet exhale, you step out from your hiding spot as you feel your body shakin. Not hearing Starscream whispers to himself 'works like a charm'. (Y/N)'s shy demeanor still evident, yet there's some determination in her/his/their voice. "I... I might be able to help you with that data," they/she/he venture, voice timid but earnest.
Starscream's optics narrow, studying them for a moment before a smug smile tugs at his lips. It seems his subtle ploy has worked, coaxing (Y/N) out of hiding. Starscream's commanding presence asserts itself as he raises a hand, gesturing for (Y/N) to come closer. His optics lock onto theirs, a mix of authority and curiosity in his gaze. "Come here, my dear. Would you be willing to lend your expertise and take the reins on this data?"
(Y/N) was a little bit hesitant but nod in response to his question. "Yes, Starscream, I can certainly give it a try," you agreed. You can't help but feel a secret thrill at the endearment he uses, the word "dear" echoing in your mind, even if it was just a casual part of his speech.
A subtle smirk curls at the corner of Starscream's lips as he observes Y/N's response. While his outer demeanor remains composed, inwardly he's pleased to see them stepping up to the task. While he appreciates Y/N's assistance, a darker thought forms within him. He ponders whether they might be willing to go even further to ensure his success by killing Airachnid.
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Knockout - Decepticon
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Another Ironic character who is low-key scared of Yandere S/O which is Knokout but also low-key finds it hot that you are willing to kill anyone who tries to steal him away from you.
He is also kind of scared that if you are willing to hurt him just because he made you upset so he would try to give you many energon cubes to calm you down if he ever made you upset with his words.
Just like a star scream. He does use your killing service if someone or the Autobot made him upset by scratching his paint job. Or those insecticons scratch his paint job.
He does like it when you are being attentive and sweet around him because he knows that you are willing to help him fix his paint job or help him around with his labs.
Unlike Starscream, he does not mind when you are being shy around him but he just that you just don't hide and follow him even though he's aware you are there. he prefers if you are there and watch him instead of hiding because he does feel it's a bit creepy.
Just like Starscream, he wishes that at least instead of hiding and following you anywhere. You had the guts to talk to him but he won't force you like Starscream does so he would wait for you.
Sometimes would tease you when he is aware that you are following as he pretends that he doesn't notice you "Why, my dear. Why does it feel like the temperature of the room getting hotter? Is there someone in here~" as he knows you are there.
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Knockout usually a pristine finish had been his pride and joy, a reflection of his meticulous self-care. But today after what happened to him when there were the Autobots. There were many Scratches on his paint job. His vents puff with annoyance as he was sitting in his clinical room and buffing his paint job. "Those damn Autobots, they are ruining my perfect paint job."
"Primus-darned scraplets, can't trust anyone around here," he grumbles, his voice dripping with exasperation. His vents hiss angrily. He could still remember when he saw his reflection in the train's mirror. Scratches were everywhere as he screams in misery. Realizing he looks horrible.
What Knockout did not realize that someone has been listening to him ranting about the Autobots had ruined his looks. Hidden behind the automatic door, (Y/N) listens with a mixture of surprise and amusement as Knockout's colourful curses fill the air. You can't help but stifle a small chuckle at his reaction.
(Y/N) curiosity piqued, she/he/they peer through a small gap, watching as Knockout meticulously buffs his paint job. "Perhaps it's time I have a proper conversation with Arcee and Bumblebee," (Y/N) muses quietly to themselves. They take a step back, leaving their hiding spot behind the automatic door and considering how to approach the situation.
As (Y/N) strutted along the hallway and travelled into the main hall of the Nemesis. (Y/N) cross the threshold, feeling the familiar sensation of being pulled through space and time. The world shifts around them, and suddenly, they find themselves standing in the vast expanse of the Nevada desert. The sun casts a warm golden glow over the arid landscape.
(Y/N) seamlessly shifts into their alternate form, a sleek and powerful Jet. Her/his/their mechanical whirring and shifting of parts blend harmoniously as they complete their transformation. The wind rushes past them as they soar over dunes and navigate rocky outcrops, their sensors scanning for any signs of the Autobots, especially Bumblebee or Arcee.
(Y/N) internal systems emit a soft beeping sound. Their onboard GPS system flashes to two familiar signals, projecting a holographic interface in front of her/him/them. A bright red dot blinks on the display, indicating the location of Arcee and Bumblebee. The signal is strong and clear, guiding them towards their destination.
(Y/N) accelerates even further, the engines humming with a loud roar as you have gotten faster than before. The red dot on the display draws closer with each passing moment, fueling their anticipation to finally meet those two Autobots that made Knockout whine for the whole day after his mission.
Arcee's sleek motorcycle form and Bumblebee's compact car form come into view. With a rush of emotions, (Y/N) readies themselves/herself/himself for the moment by shifting their/her/his jet form into your real form. Seeing you, Arcee and BUmblebee were quite surprised as they immediately transform to face you. "Good job you two, for causing Knockout to whine the whole day. And here's the prize for you~" (Y/N) chirps as their/her/his servo shifted into her gun.
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Soundwave - Decepticon
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Unlike Starscream and Knockout. He is not as manipulative and toxic as them when he uses their Yandere S/O. He does not like using other bots service and he is independent.
He doesn't really find it creepy either when he found out that you follow him secretly. After all, he could see everything through the security camera of the Nemesis.
Soundwave do find it a bit confusing when he found out about it. He did not say it out loud or show it through his visor. But he could sense that you are there and staring at him while he is working.
Don't touch him though because if you catch the scene of him versus Airachnid. We know he always has his guards one hundred per cent up
He does find it cute each time he goes into his berth room. He found an energon cube that you brought for him as if you remind him to rest and eat well.
Also finds it cute that you are shy around him although he does not admit it since we know he cannot talk and has a visor on his face. Although it is going to be awkward if you try to talk to him because we know he does not speak and only speaks using voice recording.
Unlike Starscream and Knockout again. If you try to kill anyone except Autobot. He would stop you and reprimand you with the voice recording as he held you with his tendrils
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In the dimly lit nemesis main hallway of the ship, the soft glow of holographic displays illuminates his form. His tall and stoic frame engrossed in his work. His mechanical digits dance deftly over the keypad, producing a rhythmic symphony of clicks and soft hums as he types down lines of code and inputs data with precision.
The monitors display intricate diagrams, encrypted transmissions, and complex algorithms. Soundwave-hidden optics underneath his visor remains focused on the screen, his expressions hidden behind his emotionless visage. The complex symphony of keystrokes under Soundwave's adept fingers is in service of a directive issued by none other than Lord Megatron himself.
The data itself was about the whereabouts of Energon on the earth and picking on the signals through the screen. Not wanting to anger the lord of the Decepticon, he had to be focused on every signal and careful with picking them or Megatron is going to be really angry. At least, among Decepticons that he is the only one who is capable of everything.
In the shadows, (Y/N) remains concealed in the darkness through her/his/their hiding spot. A pang of sympathy and concern tugs at your core. The relentless rhythm of his work is evident, and it's clear that he has been engrossed in his duties for an extended period without any break.
As the silence lingers, (Y/N)'s thoughts turn to whether there might be a way to help Soundwave to ease his burden. (Y/N)'s mind begins to formulate a plan. They realize that even the most dedicated Decepticon needs moments of rest. You decided by showing him support in a small but meaningful way.
The (Paint job colour) Decepticons slip away from the hall of the Nemesis ship. Strutting along the hallway and going down with the lift, going down into the energon storage room where there are millions of them. It cannot be wrong if you just take one of them, no one is going to notice, right? Taking one of them in your room, you began to leave the storage room and came back to the second floor of the Nemesis ship.
(Y/N) slips away and makes their way to his quarters. The cube in their servo, they enter the room with a quiet reverence, not wanting to disturb the vehicons or anyone. (Y/N) also did not want to alarm Soundwave either. Placing the Energon cube on a nearby surface, (Y/N) leaves it as a silent reminder, an unspoken encouragement for Soundwave to take a moment and replenish his energy.
‿︵‿︵\ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/︵‿︵‿Timeskip
Despite standing tall and his chest still puffs up while coming back to his berthroom. His frame exudes a quiet weariness, a testament to the hours he has spent immersed in his duties. The dim lighting casts elongated shadows as Soundwave rises from his workstation, coming back to his room after a long time of working to fix some errors in the computer room.
The door opens and closes with a faint hiss, shutting Soundwave away from the outside world once he enters his room. He turns his head slightly. A momentary pause occurs as he spots something out of place, an energon cube resting on the table nearby. The sight tugs at a corner of his processor, a subtle shift in his usually impassive expression.
Soundwave's sensors analyze the cube for a fraction of a second, his optic lingering on it before he moves to retrieve it. He doesn't show any overt signs of emotion, yet his internal circuits hum with a sense of gratitude. His fingers wrap around the cube, his servos almost reverent as he lifts it. With precision, Soundwave uncaps the cube and takes a sip, the Energon replenishing his systems.
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stunticonbreakdown · 8 months
Is unite warriors comic only cannon the Japanese TF lore, or is it part of the Aligned continuity in general? (I just want that sad blue gay dumbass to be alright T-T)
Canonically, it's only for the Japanese continuities, but I figured out how to fit it into the general aligned continuity so we can pretend he's ok 💪 (just throw him back into the tfp universe after UW/L takes place, really)
Japan didn't air the third seasons of TFP, RID15, or the Predacons rising movie, changed several character personalities (like Airachnid got turned into some yandere lady who was in love with Jack), and changed a couple lines, so it's not exactly the same as TFP, but considering how Breakdown wasn't even in season 3 and didn't have his personality changed too drastically, you could probably see it as general aligned continuity, especially since UW/L is also several continuities as a multiverse 👍
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petitelepus · 3 years
Yandere predacon family where after reader promises not to go near starscream ever again she went into a complete shut down by not talking to anyone and stopped eating or doing anything till starscream escaped by himself and find help like airachnid and soundwave who they once saw as a daughter before they disappeared
Your defiance, tantrums, and eating strike do very little to change the Predacons' minds. You can sulk all you want but in the end, you gotta eat and drink. Predaking can wait because he knows you won't starve yourself to death. In the end, one of you gives up and he won't that one.
Starscream doesn't trust anyone, but he has to learn to if he wishes to have you back. The only thing is that no one trusts him either. Airachnid and Soundwave wouldn't put their lives in the sleek flyer's servos even if he begged them to, but when Starscream said he wanted you back, they changed their minds.
Soundwave actually cares about you like he cares for Laserbeak. Your sire might be a coward and a backstabber, but luckily you didn't inherit any of his infamous traits. You were small, pure, and genuinely kind so he grew attached to you before your disappearance.
Airachnid doesn't really care, but she doesn't have a techno-organic in her trophy room and she doesn't come across them that often. She would have stolen you from Starscream if Predaking hadn't made it first. She wouldn't have killed you necessarily, after all, you could pick up after her hobby.
So while Soundwave wants to save you for your own sake, Airachnid wants to steal you to herself to keep. She is willing to play the good guy role until you're in her claws and she takes you to herself.
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Mom airachnid and the hive with baby arcee platonic yandere hive please
Airachnid cooed as she held her new sparkling. Starscream would love his baby sister, he was such a good and loving sparkling. He always calmed down when she or another member of the hive went to hold him. Little Arcee on the other servo, was a squirmy little thing, but it might be because she wanted to play.
“We can play in a bit,” Arachnid cooed as she watched some other members to the hive walk into her throne room, little Starscream in one of the member’s arms, “first we have a family portrait to do.”
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rocksinmuffin · 6 years
Could I ask for some yandere Airachnid being obsessed w/Arcee? Maybe finding out Arcee has a human S/O, and becoming obsessed with them as well?
Airachnid’s relationship with Arcee is… complicated. It’s dramatic and passionate and so much more intimate than a simple romance because hate and death and agony mix with fear and lust until Arcee is bursting with beautiful rage. Arcee is vengeance and wrath personified, a dangerous killing machine, and Airachnid likes to think that this is due largely in part to her own intervention.
Arcee is a work of art and Airachnid is the one painting the canvas with bold strokes. She chews her lip and dips her brush in energon blue and wonders what to do next to improve her masterpiece.
Then, Airachnid discovers you.
You’re a blemish; too much color where absence of color should be; but she is not too worried about you. Arcee has had partners before and none so far have been enough to break their bond. If anything, Airachnid thinks she can use you to her advantage; incorporate you into her masterpiece, paint your doom in bright red and watch Arcee break down and rebuild herself into something even more beautiful.
But you refuse to become just a smear of color against the canvas. You bleed but you do not die. You fight; not with blades or blasters or body, but with words. You spit venom and blood and, as you bite out something about how Arcee will never feel the same way for her that Arcee feels for you, your tongue cuts deeper than Arcee’s blades ever have.
For a moment, just a moment, she wants to erase your existence.
But then she looks at your narrowed eyes and scowling lips and she realizes you are just as much vengeance and wrath as Arcee. It’s a different medium, perhaps; a different artist’s interpretation; but just as passionate and beautiful.
Airachnid looks down at you, bleeding and biting and shaking with rage, and her lips curl as she’s hit with a hot wave of inspiration.
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yanderes-galore · 11 months
It’s finally October for where I’m from
I would liked to request prompts 9 and 30 for Airachnid with a human darling
Sure, sorry if she seems OOC or something, still not used to writing her and I haven't seen TFP in a bit ^^ I assumed my prompts for this. For those who wanted more violent stories, here ya go. Spider Decepticon is very fitting for October so this is horror oriented. Short but delves into dark territory, read warnings.
Yandere! TFP! Airachnid with Human! Darling Prompts 9 + 30
"The wound in your leg serves as a lesson, does it not?"
"Those lasting marks are signs of our love!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Cybertronian/Human, Sadism, Degrading behavior, Violence, Injury, Blood, Punishments, Human pet companionship, Dark themes, Power imbalance.
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Human are such fragile prey. The smallest knick makes their skin split open. Said wounds tend to leak a beautiful red substance.
Airachnid felt the same way about her human. They were an adorable pet on their own, one trained to obey their hunter. Yet training their obedience was an even better experience.
Other humans she'd like to kill as trophies, like little animals to hunt for fun as much as she desired. Your fate is different... but not necessarily better. You're a pet she can chase around whenever she wishes.
If you disobey or try to leave? She corrects you.
Airachnid doesn't have to do much to reprimand her human pet. All it takes is holding them down... and the slightest scratch of a claw on a limb. In this case, she's chosen your leg.
"The wound in your leg serves as a lesson, does it not?"
It's a lesson for running away. A lesson for underestimating her and thinking she'd truly let you get away. Now she's slashed your leg, the sanguine blood running down your skin and onto her hand. She grins as you stare up at her in delicious fear.
She's sure you can still walk, just not right off.
Aren't you just the cutest?
"Those lasting marks are signs of our love!"
She says such words in a tone that tastes of saccharine. She's so teasing and playful with what she's done. Like she hasn't added another scar to your skin.
Yes, love... this was her form of twisted love. A love not like any other, one born from that of predator and prey. Similar to how a cat would love a mouse.
This mark, no matter what she says, did not remind you of love. This mark stung of defeat. This mark bled as a reminder you're not free.
You're nowhere close to free.
Every mark she leaves is a reminder you're nothing but a toy. Something an alien can play with with sadistic glee as you hiss in pain. She claims this is love to you.
No matter how much she tries to tell you it's love, you're reminded of a dying fly. She's a spider, one who feeds on the weakness of other. You're a fly... trapped in her web... meant to die by her hands.
She says she'll never kill you. Even if that happens you assume you'll expire by other means. Somehow it may relate back to her.
You feel vulnerable with your leg bleeding, those glowing predatory pink eyes staring you down. Even now she coos at you. Like your pain is the cutest thing in the world to her.
"You humans always have so much fight in you. Even now you still fall for me letting you go! You know... I'll always find you wherever you run." Airachnid grins, watching carefully as your hope cracks more and more.
You vision wavers for a moment and you want to rest. Airachnid looks unimpressed and gives a sigh. The game is done, the fun is over.
Maybe the message will get across this time...
Meanwhile she'll have to patch you up to keep up this twisted game.
"Love you, little pet~"
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lunarfeat21 · 3 years
A lovely (yet supposedly boring) gift to @ultracreativelywritten
Thanks for the request ^w^🔪
One’s insanity
Yandere Tfp Autobots & Decepticons that went feral over a scared carrying seeker (spoiler alert Acree is the sire/father OOOOOOOHHHH!!!!)
Oh great, now he’s cornered…
Right at the rocky cliff wall mid noon, the scorching sun gave off adds extra intensity in the air as heat bounces off the metal bodies. His pursuers halted as light dust clouds settled, only colors partly shows of silver, red, hues of purple and blue.
Wings lowered out of fear as Starscream turned to his pursuers while clutching his oversized cockpit, he’s what entering the cybertronian equivalent of the second trimester.
Starscream felt the eyes, those mostly red optics, saved from the purple, yellow and masked, mixture of dumbfounded and anger. The Decepticons found their long lost SiC with a large round cockpit.
“STARSCREAM!” Angrily intoned Megatron as the seeker cowards “how dare you left the Cause and who’s the irresponsible sparked you!”
“Commander? Is that really you!?” Inquiring Knockout, who is dumbstruck as he witness something he shouldn’t see.
Dreadwing, Breakdown, and Soundwave remain mute in shock. Shockwave made a slight tilt helm, trying to rationalize what he is seeing as he cannot come up with a logical answer.
Airachnid, in the other hand, can’t stop smiling at the vulnerable SiC, just look at him and his humbled physique with that cockpit! A thousand thoughts running around, between ending him and the new spark to stealing the sparkling while he’s in labor. It made her riled up as sharp digits twiddling like the creepy bastard she is.
The seeker stuttered a bit, slightly bowing his helm in deep contemplation, how did he let this happened? Why did he let it happen? What made him think he could be with the Autobots, and letting Acree doing courtship with him?
What is utterly wrong with him!?
“Not another word!” A femme voice announced as sounds of blasters rang overhead, the Deceptions (minus Starscream who duck for cover) scatter away. After the first shots, a couple more came to ensure that the rest of the Decepticons are out of Starscream’s reach, all slowly went silent then.
For the next kilk or more, the sounds of engines roar as sand in the distance approach. Five types of wheeled vehicles emerged from the sand trail, a particular blue motorcycle skidded aside the now shaken seeker, she transformed to her grounder form and caressing Starscream.
Arcee’s spark is contented as her chassis purred, Arcee and her family now found their lost member of theirs, it been nearly a day since he ran from them. It made them worry sick while they search for the lost recruit and carrier of Acree’s sparklings, they dreaded for the worst yet they found alive and unharmed.
“Oh Starscream,” she purred in his audials as the rest of Autobots changed and stand to guard the pair. “Why did you leave in such a vulnerable stage, you don’t needed to give us or the developing sparklings a spark attack.”
She messaged his wings and gives flutters of kisses, Starscream was about to relax and succumbed to the affection when that same angry tone of Megatron boomed.
“You slagging glitch! How dare you seduced and sparked MY seeker!”
“He made the choice of leaving your Cause Megatron.” Optimus intoned at the angry warlord, he partially blocked the seeker out of his view as the Prime squared. Blue optics searing at the burning red ones.
Megatron let out an animalistic growl as the rest of the Decepticon officers regrouped with their leader, now antsy to reclaim the seeker.
Starscream may be a scheming annoyance, but the thought of see the SiC and a new spark developing in him had ignited something in their coding.
They wanted to keep the SiC at all cost, they (even Megatron himself) wanted to pamper him, they wanted to eliminate the opposite side to keep the seeker in attempt to recreate the deceased family, and they all wanted to be the god family for the sparklings.
And in the air that the seeker knew when he glances at the aggressors, in their optics which made him feel uneasily afraid, is the looks of something sinister.
However they’re not the only ones who had those same ideals, Acree and Optimus growled in retaliation while Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Smokescreen and Wheeljack hissed in response.
Chest plates puffing, deep engine growls, winglets stood firm, and denta they showed, both factions growled and hissed at each other loudly like Earth’s wild animals. They decided to go feral over the carrying seeker.
‘To be fair,’ Starscream thought as Acree bear hugged to show dominance at the opposing team, who now started to yowl in anger
‘they are what they are: feral animals and things will get ugly quick.’
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snazzy-killer-queen · 3 years
Dixie boy (Knockout X yandere Cybertronian reader)
 ((WARNING, CONTAINS BLOOD AND GORE. LYRICS ARE IN ITALIC AND AREN'T MINE)) www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HExxAdB9YU You hated Starscream, especially when he found out you liked the medic of the Nemesis. He blackmailed you, made you do almost everything for him so he would keep your crush a secret. It stressed you out so much you seeked a bot to get advice from. And that bot was someone you now trusted with your life, Breakdown. He was Knockout's partner and closest friend and you trusted and vented to him all the time.......or well you did. He was recently killed off by Airachnid.......and that hurt. You saw him as one of your closest friends and someone you could trust.......all that was down the drain now. For the last few month's you had kept those feelings deep inside. You, today, were called out on a mission with both Knockout and Starscream. You three were walking now down an old human trail. You walked behind them, helm down as they were chatting away. While they were distracted you snuck away, walking a different way. You soon stood atop a hill, looking at the view. It was pretty nice up here you had admitted. I know you've got designs on my man I see you giving him the eye And I don't like what I see And I know you don't want to get into it with me " Y/N!!! " Starscream called making you groan and turn. You walked back down the trail to see a VERY annoyed Starscream " what do you think your doing?? " " Um having a little time to myself " you snapped, pissed your good mood was now ruined.  Starscream growled " how DARE you snap at a superior, you low life bitch!! No energon for two days for you "  " Now Starscream, she wasn't doing any harm " Knockout defended as he looked at the seeker. A small blush came across your faceplates, welp you didn't expect that. " Shut up Knockout, unless you want two days with no energon too " Starscream grumbled and walked ahead. Knockout rolled his optics and followed after the second in command. You followed after, once again behind them. The three of you reached the place you were sent to, an old energon mine. The two looked at each other before walking in and you walked after them. As the three of you walked it got darker and darker. Knockout turned on the headlights on his chest to light the way as you both were soon following them. Starscream put a servo on your shoulder and whispered into your audials " another act of defiance like you did and your dirty little secrets out " You hissed and pushed his servo off you. Starscream then grinned " Oh Knock- "
He didn't finish his sentence as you pushed him to the ground " I'VE HAD ENOUGH!!! " Knockout stopped and locked his optics on the scene before him as you had Screamer pinned with your ped " get off me bitch!! " " I don't care about the fucking secret anymore, I want to be treated with more respect " you hissed with venom in your voice. Knockout smirked as you let the seeker up and walked on. Starscream looked more shocked then anything and stood, dusting his finish off.  " What was that all about exactly? " Knockout asked as he thought you were out of earshot. " Nothing your sorry ass needs to worry about " Starscream snapped shoving Knockout aside. You stopped, your servos clenched as a small blade came out of your right arm.  Cause like a soldier defends his land Well I stand up, I get up, I defend my man So don't make me ask you twice 'Cause I asked you once and I asked you nice " Well sorry for being curious commonder " Knockout smirked misspronouncing it on purpose. Starscream turned and went to slash Knockout in the faceplated but you turned and lunged, shoving that blade of yours into the side of his neck cables. He yelped, staggering as you just stared the seeker down. Knockout's optics were wide in shock as you retracted the blade and Starscream held his neck cables, his optics wide with fear.  " Keep your damn hands off my Dixie boy " you spat, turning and looking at Knockout. His widened ruby optics met with yours as you grabbed his finish making him yelp but it was cut short when your derma met his. You expected to be rejected but he kissed back, suprising you.  Well he's sweet isn't he? But I'm sorry ladies, he belongs to me My Dixie boy, oh oh oh oh Well he's fine but get in line You pulled back first, looking suprised at the red medic as he chuckled " dam, took you that long to kiss me~ " You grinned " well I had a seeker in my way " you pointed to the now dead second in command. " He always was annoying " Knockout said, pulling you closer.  Cause he's mine He's mine, all mine, all-  " Mine~ "
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tea-mew96 · 3 years
Arcee x Airachnid
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If you were to have asked me about this ship a decade ago, I probably would’ve replied that I liked it or was open to it. Not the case anymore.
What makes this pairing such a hard sell for me is their story in canon. A lot of the trauma and paranoia Arcee has about losing teammates or the people she cares about comes from what Airachnid did to her: killing her partner Tailgate right in front of her eyes, with Arcee unable to say or do anything to stop it from happening. Add that to Airachnid trying to kill Jack in her debut (aka the human child that Arcee is tasked with protecting), the creepy vibe Airachnid has, and the way Airachnid also likes to tease Arcee about her bad luck with teammates and all that leads to a bunch of “nope” factors for me.
I suppose the one appeal I can pinpoint for Arcee x Airachnid-as this was the reasoning for my interest back in the day-is having this ship be based off the headcanon that Airachnid has a crush on Arcee, and she wants to make sure she can have Arcee to herself by getting rid of all the people she’s close to. Back then this idea fascinated me, today it creeps me out and sets off a bunch of red flags.
I'm sure there's some AU out there that executes the idea of Arcee x Airachnid well, and if that headcanon I mentioned above is one a person is invested in, then frankly there ain’t much I can do about that. I used to have interest in this ship a long time ago, so it’s not like I don’t understand how or why people could end up liking this ship.
Ultimately, I’m not interested in a yandere Arcee x Airachnid story, regardless if Airachnid succeeds in winning over Arcee’s affections or not. Neither do I have interest in seeing these two make amends. The only story involving Arcee and Airachnid I’m interested in is the one where Arcee is able to recover from all that trauma Airachnid's actions caused and maybe be able to properly kick spooder butt while she's at it.
TL;DR to each their own but Arcee x Airachnid is a giant nope for me. I’m more into Arcee x therapy.
Send me a ship!
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dat-lil-shark · 2 months
I found something interesting.
So in the Japanese dub of Transformer Prime they made their own stat screen for the characters (that pop out occasionally). Now I don’t know if the English original version had these, but I don’t think so, I don’t remember. But here is Soundwave’s stat which is VERY interesting if you look at it closely.
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See what it says? He doesn’t have enough courage!
We should really talk about this cause this COULD change a lot of things.
Now I don’t know if this is canon or its Japanese people’s headcanons, cause they did put a lot of headcanons into the characters during dub and tried to pose it as canon (hell they made Airachnid a yandere).
But imagine if this is true.
That could be really fun.
What if Soundwave ISNT actually as loyal as he seems, he’s merely too scared of Megatron.
And what if the reason why he doesn’t talk enough is because of suppression not because his own choice.
It also kinda makes me wonder what could Megatron had done to Soundwave to make him too scared to even talk and stand up for himself.
What are your thoughts? Comment them.
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Transformer Prime Headcanons
Hello Everyone, This is the Masterlist of my planned post and the link to the post of the scenarios. You also can see some of the symbols below.
🌹: Smut
🥀: Angst
🍭: Fluff
😂: Comedy
🧐: Random
🧸: Domestic
😐: Non-Specified
🗡️: Gore/Yandere
❤️: Romantic
Also, If you want a commission for a one-shot or a series, you can click this link:
Hello Everyone. I’m starting a commission. If you want a request, you can message me in here, Wattpad and Quotev.  I'm going to make a com
Transformer Prime
Optimus Prime
General Romantic Headcanons❤️
Ultra Magnus
General Romantic Headcanons❤️
General Romantic Relationship with Human S/O❤️
General Romantic Headcanons❤️
General Romantic Relationship with Human S/O❤️
General Romantic Relationship with Human S/O❤️
Having an Autobot S/O ❤️🗡️
Having an Autobot S/O ❤️🗡️
S/O Infected with Cybonic Plague 🥀❤️🍭
With a Yandere S/O❤️🗡️
Having an Autobot S/O ❤️🗡️
S/O Infected with Cybonic Plague 🥀❤️🍭
With a Yandere S/O❤️🗡️
S/O Infected with Cybonic Plague 🥀❤️🍭
Having a Human Assassin S/O❤️🗡️
With a Yandere S/O❤️🗡️
Having a Human Assassin S/O❤️🗡️
Having a Human Assassin S/O❤️🗡️
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