#yandere Lady Bella
ravencincaide · 1 year
Surprise, You son of a-
Summary: You acquired a stalker. A man who harmed those around you, but never touched or approached you. The plan was for you to play bait, lure him and mace him. Then Dazai would take care of the rest. Unfortunately there was just one thing you did not calculate with… 
Pairing: Dazai x fem!reader (x dark/ Yandere Chuuya)
Inspired by Sweetober prompt 7: Sharing clothes 
Warnings: Cursing, abduction and drugs, stalking, mention of sexual content including hint/mention of non-con, voyeurism and questionable consent. Insanity- if you really try. It’s dark, okay?
“ I think you’re right, this might actually work!” You exclaimed excitedly as you stared at yourself in the mirror; you were dressed in a pair of light pants and a white shirt. Over it, you borrowed your boyfriend's vest- a dark thing that was just a tad too long coming down to your midthigh. And over it his beige coat, which too was oversized, the sleeves coming past your fingertips and the coat itself stopped mere inches above the ground. Though you didn’t necessarily think it a bad thing, the less of your body that was visible the better. You had gathered your hair up into braids which you then shifted around your head, hiding them beneath the wig cap and the dark brown wig which almost matched Dazai’s shade. 
The rest was just bandages and make up. 
You both noticed that you were not a perfect replica of Dazai; too feminine even with all the binding, wrong hair lengths and colour, wrong height and paler complexion, but you both reasoned that no one would be looking too closely. At least not the one this disguise was intended for. 
“ See Y/N, I told you it wouldn’t be an issue to get you to look exactly like a lady kill-aouch” Dazai hollered in pain as you pinched him, sending him a warning glare not to re-attempt to finish that sentence. The grin you got in return made you wonder if the physical pain was actually a punishment to him- or foreplay. 
Rather than find out you turned your attention back towards the mirror, your fingers moving to fidgeting with the wig. You were playing ignorant to his advances. This earned you a dramatic sigh, as if you were crushing his heart. “ Ohh Belladonna why must you be so cruel to me, my love? If only you’d fulfill my humble request of–
“ No  We’re not turning this into some self-cestious kink-exploration for you.”  you cut him off with a warning glare as your hands finally left your wig and grasped the can of mace from your nightstand. You brought it close to yourself, the control-freak part of you wondering if it worked and a rational part of you reminding you that it was best not to find out. 
Especially inside. 
Sensing your nervousness Dazai came up and rested his hand on top of yours, a moment of seriousness on his face. “ It will go fine Bella” he promised “ I’ll be right behind you. You just need to lure him into an alley and spray the mace. I’ll handle the rest.” Then a quick peck on the lips, which made you smile.
You leaned forward and gave him a slightly deeper kiss salvaging the closeness. Before it could go too far you broke it off and pushed some rogue strands out of his face, staring at him with all the love in your heart. You were so lucky to have him. “ You know If this works and we get rid of this stalking sun of a biscuit quickly we’ll have plenty of time to take a version of this outfit for a ride in bed- what do you think?” 
You were met with a Cheshire’s grin, Dazai’s lips on yours while he carefully walked you backwards towards your front door. “ Then let's get this over and done with Belladonna” he purred before he opened the front door and shoved you out before slamming it in your face, in your typical- he’s-annoyed-you-enough-fashion. 
You stumbled, caught yourself before you made an act of clingy Dazai; banging on the door, a fake cry of ‘why Belladonna why’ before dancing away to the sound of Dazai laughing through the wood. 
You just hoped he didn’t blow it. 
The act was about as perfect as your appearance; but you hoped it was enough to fool your stalker. After all this was a man who never got close to you and never approached you- from what you could tell at least. But he did seem to hold a grudge towards anyone who dared visit your apartment. In fact, if he hadn’t hurt one of your childhood friends a few weeks ago you wouldn’t have even noticed his existence. Now however you felt like you were watched wherever you went. Yet no matter how hard you looked you never saw him.  
Dazai suggested turning this game of cat-and-mouse around; they’d still think they were the pray and be too blind to notice they were walking right into a trap. The only thing you had to do was pretend to be Dazai and lure him away and disarm him, then your boyfriend who’d follow from a distance, would take care of the rest. You shuddered slightly when you thought over what ‘the rest’ meant. But decided against asking. 
Sometimes ignorance really was bliss. 
 As you left your apartment complex you headed down into the half busy streets in a rather relaxed fashion, arms folded above your head, using the sleeves of the coat as a way to keep another part of your face obscured. Your eyes flickered from one person to another; teenagers sharing candy in the corner of the street, a young couple shopping together and a bunch of punks trying to trick an older teen into buying them cigarettes. There were some elderly too enjoying the warm weather, sharing pleasantries and complaining about how things have changed from their youths. 
No one looked particularly threatening and you were beginning to think your charades failed. Just when you were about to turn back around you sensed it; that bone chilling feeling of being watched. You resisted the urge to look around or pick up your pace as you turned off the main road and towards a smaller street filled with tiny mom and pop shops- the route Dazai told you to follow. The narrow street drew less attention and had several decent obscured alleys. You kept your pace slow, listening closely. About a minute after you turned into the alley you heard the fast click clack of dress shoes behind you.
You heard the steps grow closer and quickly rounded a corner towards an even smaller alley. One step, then you pressed your back against the wall, mace in hands. Your eyes closed as you focused on silencing your breathing. Seconds ticked in your head as the footsteps grew closer and closer, growing faster, eager to not let you out of sight. 
  3, 2, 1 .
You jumped out back onto the larger alley. “ Buu you son of a –” you yelled, pressing down on the mace and spraying for a good thirty seconds. It wasn’t until it was too late that you realized who the figure doubling in pain was. But when you did, you dropped your weapon with a bewildered cry. 
Clang of the metal echoed against the walls as the mace rolled away out of sight. 
“ Chuuya what the? I’m so sorry!” You started taking a step towards him. Then as you felt your eyes burn you quickly moved back again and ran a hand through the wig trying to mask your embarrassment. 
“ I-its okay Y/N” he coughed a few times waving his hand in an attempt to get some clean air into his lungs. It took him surprisingly little time to completely recover. The only trace of your little attack being a redness around his eyes and a slightly runny nose which he took care of with a clean handkerchief. Now  his attention was on you, his look clearly demanding to know what the hell you were up to. 
You just shook your head a no- it was best not to ask. “ I’m so sorry again” you mumbled feeling incredibly stupid. “ Come, let me get you a cup of tea as an apology.” 
Chuuya raised his hand as if to say not to worry about it. Then he lowered it and flashed you a smirk; “ Only if we can agree on coffee” 
“ Deal!” you exclaimed before taking a look around. Realizing you were still in the alley you turned on your heel and continued heading straight towards the exit. 
At the corner there would be this wonderful little shop that sold all sorts of imported coffee and coffee-based treats. It was one of the pricier shops in the area so you deemed that it would be good enough to suit the executives tastes. Chuuya followed you, however rather than walk right beside you he kept a step or two behind you. You glanced up at him, then carefully glanced behind him towards the alley entrance with slight confusion. 
You still couldn’t shake off the feeling of being watched- the icy cold dread in the pit of your stomach which grew with each step that you took. A warning bell was going off in your head but you couldn’t quite place a finger on why. The notion was ridiculous after all, Chuuya was your friend. 
“ What are you doing here, Chuuya?” You asked, making small talk. Suddenly you paused mid step as the sense of dread became overbearing. Dazai should have caught up with you already. 
But he didn't. Why? 
Did it mean that the stalker saw through your charade? Impossible. You weren’t perfect but you knew the act was good. You and Dazai had practiced for hours and even fooled Atsushi with it when you took it for a test-run. No, the act was good enough. Unless your target knew Dazai very well. Say, like the back of their hand, familiar with every single mannerism of his down to the way he walked, talked and breathed. If that were the case they’d first prevent your boyfriend from helping you and then, “ Say Chuuya, Dazai was your twin dark. You’d have realized I’m not him unless-” 
You never got to finish your sentence as a sweet scent filled your senses a second before Chuuya took one larger step closing the distance between you. He clasped a cloth over your nose and mouth. His other hand wrapped around you in an iron grip, keeping you in place and restraining your struggles. You screamed and screamed, trying to bite the cloth away from yourself, your fingers clawing at his hands. But with each scream you inhaled more of the substance. You could feel your body growing weaker on you- betraying you. 
It was no use.
“ I’m sorry Y/N, you’re too smart for your own good” Chuuya whispered in your ear as dark dots played in your vision “ You should have just left it alone- you really should have.” That was the last thing you heard as you passed out, praying that Dazai would find you..
Your head was killing you, like a thousand woodpeckers pecking away at your skull. Your body felt heavy, groggy and your limbs refused to cooperate properly. You silently cursed yourself as you tried to pry your eyes open. The mixture of medicines in your body fighting with you, trying to keep you under. What was it? Anastesia? Were you under an operation? No, it was something else, something else and chloroform.  You knew chloroform, you’d recognize it anywhere; the sickly sweet smell that made your stomach turn. So why didn’t you recognize it before it was too late? 
Because it was Chuuya. 
The thought made you angry and with it came a burst of adrenaline: snapping your eyes open, you sat up in one quick motion before you felt your stomach turn. You clutched it, uncertain whether whatever you ate that morning was going to stay inside you or not. The world span, the colors twisting and fleeting into one another making the unfamiliar objects around you almost indistinguishable. One thing you were certain though; this wasn’t a hospital, your room or any kind of mom and pop shop.  
You heard a sound, someone rushing to your side and then felt an arm quickly wrap around your shoulders steadying you. A hand was on your back, rubbing up and down “ Shhh shh shh, not so quickly Y/N, you need more rest, you’ll feel better soon I promise.” You tried to focus on the voice as another wave of nausea rolled over you. On instinct you curled more in on yourself trying to make the world stop spinning
“ Wanna throw up Sweetheart or are you good?” 
That nickname made you freeze. You shook your head making a weak attempt at pushing him away from yourself. Damn traitor was what you wanted to call him but all that came out was a pitiful “ njah” 
You felt something cool press to your lips before he tilted you back slightly. “ Just water. Drink, it will help clear your head.” 
The water splashed against your lips, a drop rolling down your chin. You resisted the temptation. You heard Chuuya sigh before he moved. He shifted the glass more, giving it a deeper angle. The glass pressing past your lips, the water now almost slipping down your throat. You had no choice, so you drank, feeling instant relief. The water felt soothing, like a miracle for a dying man and you could feel your stomach settling down. Almost too quickly it finished, yet you were too stubborn to ask him for another. You felt so tired again, to the point you barely noticed as he lowered you back in bed and covered you with a blanket. 
You were out cold in seconds.
The next time you woke up, you felt well enough to take in your surroundings. You were in an unfamiliar room, laying on a rather large bed with a metal headboard. You could see cuffs dangling from above your head, one set on either side, yet your arms were free, resting beside you beneath a thin fuzzy blanket. You guessed the room wasn’t very big but didn’t dare turn your head and check. Not yet. You could hear him breathing a few paces away and did not want to risk having to look at that traitorous hypocritical bastard without proper assessment of your state. 
When you shifted your legs,you felt the cold metal of the cuff cutting into your right ankle and heard the shift of the metal chain. It was heavy, so much you could say. You doubted you’d be able to break it with sheer force. Your fingers inched towards your pockets, still icy cold and somewhat slow in their movement. As they brushed against your clothes you realized you were still in Dazai’s attire and cursed silently in your head. Then you drew in a deeper breath and closed your eyes, thinking of your next move. 
“ Don’t try to use your ability” you heard Chuuya’s voice ring loud and clear a small distance away from you. “ It’s a government chain, you’ll only end up hurting yourself if you try.” You didn’t grace him with a reply. He didn’t seem to mind as he continued speaking” I’m sorry I had to take your gun away. I couldn’t have you do anything stupid” 
Before you knew it you were back in a sitting position. “ What the fuck do you mean stupid? And why the hell are you doing this.” You yelled at Chuuya who was sitting on a chair a good distance away from your bed. His legs were crossed, his hands resting on top of them palms up. His usual jacket was not on him; it hung casually across the back of another chair with his hat on top. On that second chair was a tray of food, a flimsy bottle of water and a handful of pills in a small white paper cup.  
“ I know it's hard to see it right now, but I’m not here to hurt you Y/N. I’m here to help” He said each word slowly and calmly, clearly hoping to soothe you. 
Your face shifted into an expression of bewilderment and anger “ Help me? How does beating up my friend and then abducting me ‘help me’ Chuuya? How?!” 
“ Because Y/N you’re so caught up in Dazai’s webb you’ve stopped caring about yourself and your future. You just bow your head to his every beck and call and that’s not you” he stated as he leaned to the side and lifted up the tray moving it closer to you. 
“ What are you–” Your sentence got caught in your throat as you took a look, finally took a look at Chuuya. He was older than what you remembered him to be. More worn out perhaps? There wasn’t a hint of a smile on his lips, not even a smirk or a grin. His lips were just set in a straight line, slightly white from how hard he was pressing them together in barely contained anger. But it was his eyes that shook you down to your core; the normally vibrant shimmering blue orbs which put even the sky to shame as they glistered with a wide range of emotion were completely empty. They were a hollow blue grey shade- a shell of their former self. “ Chuuya what did you do?” 
Your question put him in a frenzy, the way you looked at him, as if he was the monster was killing whatever sliver of light that was left in him; “ Don’t think I haven’t seen you Y/N, haven’t seen you cry your eyes out when slimy Dick’s not home cuz he’s fucking another woman.” Chuuya’s hollow eyes stared down at you, his lips pulled up into a sadistic sneer “ or when he forces you to take him whenever or whenever, or pressures you to agree to whatever shit his mind comes up and you’re crying both during and after Y/N. Don’t think I haven’t seen you. Ugly sobbing and all.  It’s not right Sweetheart. It isn’t” 
You gaped: your mouth opening and closing like a fish, your cheeks dusting a light pink, words stuck in your throat. They were refusing to come out. You didn’t know where to even begin, or how you were going to reason with him.
Chuuya wasn’t finished, however.
He moved closer, his gloved hand slowly inching towards you. “ But I’d never disrespect you like that sweetheart, never force you or hurt you. I’d never abandon you- you know that the bastard pretty much gave you away to me? ”
“ Dazai would never” you glared darkly at him. As his fingers grazed your cheek you flinched and turned away putting distance between you. The action made Chuuya sigh heavily and move back, running that hand through his hair. He looked bitter. 
“ You think? The mackerel served you up to me in his attire with an added comment ‘you can have my left overs.’ slimy bandages. And you still think he cares for you?” He was shaking as he stared down at you. Chuuya took a deep breath before his voice took on a sad, heartbroken tone.” While I’ve always been here, waiting and waiting ready to sweep you off your feet and yet you’re eyes were only on him” 
“ Dazai isn’t- he wouldn’t.”  
“ Dazai this, Dazai that. Even now when we both know he’s already balls deep in another woman! And you’re still relying on him hah-!” Chuuya shook his head before something seemed to change in him, the contained anger spilling into something dark and full of malice-  “- You think I’m smaller than him, is that it?! That somehow that womanizing bastard is better in bed? That only he can satisfy you ehh? Is that why?” Chuuya yelled, his hands landing away from his hair, dangerously close to his belt. 
At that moment, for the first time that night, you realized that you were in danger. Real actual danger. This wasn't Chuuya, the sweet hot-tempered ginger man whom you’d share stories and dirty jokes with over a glass of wine. This was a man with slipping sanity capable of anything. His eyes alone were an atonement to that. Those hollow blue orbs told you that if you didn’t think fast enough you’d learn on your own skin- your own pussy- how far he was willing to go to have you. 
You moved, launching forward as far as the chain would let you and pressed both hands on top of his larger ones, trying to get him to leave his belt alone. “ No not at all, I must be still a bit hazy after the drug. I didn't mean to upset you.” 
He didn’t react, his fingers finishing pulling the edge of the belt out of the first loop and starting to fiddle with the clasp. 
You tightened your hold on his arm. Your heart beating loudly in your ears. You thought you were going to throw up. Maybe you should- maybe it would disgust him enough to make him stop. No, a little voice in your head told you. All that could do was enrage him more. And that would end up making it worse on yourself. 
“ I’m definitely still not clear in the head, so lets talk some more later please Chuuya, please stop” You called to him, leaning more of your weight onto him. That didn’t stop him, if anything it made you more aware of the growing tension in his pants.
You needed a plan- a way out and you needed it now. However each plea and logical call fell on deaf ears and you were in no condition to fight him. Ability or not he’d overpower you in seconds. You were running out of options and this was your last card to keep yourself safe;
You forced your mind to think of each embarrassing and humiliating memory until your cheeks glowed a dark red. Then you tilted your head down, faking a shy appearance.“ but you wouldn’t want our first time together like this, right? All dry and then bloody. And me passing out and missing out on the fun mid-way through, right?” You felt his movements grow less erratic and continued; “  So would you let me rest a few hours more, clear my head a bit, please? Please Chuu'' you pleaded 
You glanced up at him, staring up with big pleading eyes. You saw the newly made nickname stir something in those hollow orbs. Like a spark of life glimpsing through insanity.
 “ Please Chuu” you pleaded again, continuing to stare at him, praying that this was enough. A moment passed, two, three before he let his hands drop away from his pants. 
You bit your tongue to stop yourself from flinching as he raised a hand and rested it on the back of your head, then he leaned forward pressing a long kiss on your forehead. “ You’re right, I’m sorry, Sweetheart, it was so selfish of me. You need your rest. And I need to get you something comfortable to wear- slimy mackerel clothing really does not suit you.” With those words he turned around as if nothing happened and grabbed the hat and jacket from the back of the chair. 
He paused in the doorway long enough to wish you sweet dreams and tell you not to eat what he brought earlier, and that he’ll be back later with some fresh food and water for when you’ve had your rest. Then he left. As the door clasped shut you heard the automatic lock kick in, shutting you in place. Then two more additional ones; a chain and a key. 
Slumping back into the bed you curled your knees up to your chest and wrapped your arms tightly around them. Tears were running down your cheeks in steady unpretty streams. 
You bought yourself a few hours tops but what were you supposed to do then? 
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ragazza-whintigale · 6 months
𝓨𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓟𝓪𝓾𝓵 𝓐𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓲𝓭𝓮𝓼 𝔁 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻
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𝔒𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔞 ➵ Dune
𝔄𝔳𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔫𝔷𝔢 ➵ Comportamento yandere, Fem reader, relazione tossica, matrimonio forzato (menzionato), tentato omicidio, avvelenamento, aborto, relazioni extra coniugarli, tradimento, utilizzo della voce, manipolazione psicologica, instabilità emotiva, ricatto, tocco non consensuale.
𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔢 ➵ 3170
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I corridoi a quest’ora della notte erano quasi del tutto vuoti, fatta eccezione per i soldati di guardia e della figura leggiadra della bella donna chiamata (nome) Alithea e in futuro Atreides -se mai il matrimonio fosse andato a buon fine naturalmente-. La bellezza della figura meritava per certo il soprannome che gli era stato affidato quando era ancora una bambina. La principessa degli Alithea. Come unica figlia femmina fino ai suoi 12 anni era stata amata e adorata quasi al pari della contessa che una volta era stata sua madre.
La sua bellezza e purezza non era ancora caduta in disgrazia secondo il pubblico.
La sua bellezza, la sua educazione e il suo carattere mansueto avevano permesso tale nomignolo. Poco si potrebbe immaginare che dietro quella bella facciata si potrebbe nascondere una donna non più diversa.
Una donna fredda e crudele, cresciuta fino a riconoscere la sua unica utilità come scambio tra famiglie. Il nome e l’importanza degli Atreides per una donna fertile ed educata che avrebbe mantenuto alta la discendenza.
Si era quasi stancata di sentire tali voci venire dall’esterno, oramai quasi tutti i servi al servizio del Duca e della sua famiglia avevano familiarità con il caratteraccio della donna.
❝ Mia signora cosa ci fate sveglia a quest’ora? ❞ La donna si fermò barcollante nei suoi passi. ❝ Dovreste essere nelle vostre stanze a riposare. ❞ (nome) ha un aspetto malaticcio nei suoi lineamenti morbidi. Il colore della pelle è sbiadito quel tanto che bastava per farla sembrare tra la vita e la morte. I capelli (colore) scompigliati, sono sciolti dal solito complicato intreccio, permettendo così delle morbide onde ad accompagnare il suo viso. Il piacevole movimento delle ciocche seguiva il suo viso una volta che decise di poter onorare questa persona con le sue attenzioni.
Duncan Idaho era in mezzo al corridoio con aria solenne. La postura eretta e impeccabile è proprio qualcosa che ci si poteva aspettare da casa Atreides e da uno dei suoi fidati.
Lo sguardo dell’uomo affronta con sospetto il corpo gracile ea mala pena sostenuto della sua signora. Non c’è traccia di ostilità verso qualcuno, solo il suo solito io viziato. O almeno è quello degli ultimi 7 anni. Quando d’improvviso la dolcezza della bambina venne sostituita con il gelo caratteristico di casa Alithea.
Duncan non ha mai diffidato di lei. Non che potesse in qualche modo, è una donna talmente fragile e minuta che si poteva dubitare potesse ferire qualsiasi componente della famiglia Atreides. Solo non poteva che notare il cambiamento di carattere durante la sua crescita al fianco all’erede Atreides. Davanti agli occhi ha visto come qualcuno potesse sprofondare nell’oscurità poco a poco.
Lo sguardo affilato della donna cadde sul soldato, fidato agli Atreides e vicino a quello che sarebbe diventato suo marito. ❝ Niente di importante Sir, cerco solo di raggiungere il mio futuro marito nelle sue stanze. Mi ha chiesto di parlare in privato. ❞
Duncan dubitava che Paul potesse essere così dannatamente maleducato da scomodare la sua fidanzata che fino a qualche giorno fa era in letto di morte. Poi nessun -nemmeno Paul- gli aveva parlato di questo incontro e per quanto potesse essere un incontro tra innamorati, di cui dubitava molto, il ragazzo avrebbe comunque avvertito qualcuno della cosa.
In genere lady (nome) non era nemmeno una persona da incontri romantici al chiaro di luna, ne di una avventura in camera da letto. Quindi era ben presumibile stesse architettando qualcosa che avesse a che fare con Paul. Duncan sperava vivamente che questo non li avrebbe messi nei guai.
❝ In tal caso lasciate che vi accompagni.❞ Il suo onore gli impediva di lasciare la sua signora andare in giro per le sale di Castel Caladan alla ricerca del futuro marito, quando nemmeno riusciva a camminare correttamente.
Stava anche tremando a tratti sotto la stola in lama.
Lo sguardo della donna si assottigliò lasciando brillare le pagliuzze argentate annegate nel (colore) delle sue iridi. (Nome) era abbastanza furba da non tentare una discussione per una tale sciocchezza. Per quanto irrispettosa potesse essere, il tutto sarebbe diventato solo più sospettoso. ❝ Se è ciò che desiderate.❞ Duncan camminò fino a sorpassare (nome) e guidarla verso la sua destinazione.
La stanza di Paul non era molto lontana, di conseguenza il viaggio fu breve. La principessa bussò con eleganza alla porta e Paul rispose aprendo la porta. La sorpresa era palese dai suoi occhi verdi, ma si riprese l’attimo dopo aver notato anche Duncan. Salutó l’uomo con un cenno e poi si rivolge alla donna di Alithea ❝ A cosa devo la visita della mia signora? ❞ (Nome) ridusse la sua espressione a puro disgusto e entrò nella stanza lasciandosi alle spalle Duncan e la sua espressione disperata dai capricci e dalle bugie della donna. Paul non fece altro che un’espressione di scuse al compagno fidato chiudendo la porta intimandolo di continuare con i suoi doveri.
❝ Spero ci sia un motivo valido per disturbare il tuo riposo e Duncan. ❞ ❝ Non gli ho chiesto io di disturbarsi. ❞ Lady (nome) ha tralasciato le sue condizioni precarie mentre si fermava nel mezzo della stanza incrociando le braccia al petto. La stola e la vestaglia morbida annientava ogni curva che la donna potesse possedere. Un sospirò lasció le labbra di Paul mentre si avvicinava a lei per avvolgere le braccia intorno alla figura della donna, ❝ La vostra crudeltà non appassisce mai mia signora, nemmeno quando siete malata. E dire che quando eravate piccola possedevate una tale gentilezza. ❞ Il calore della loro pelle che si tocca era qualcosa che (nome) ha detestato, e sapeva che in futuro non gli sarebbe bastato questo da lei.
Si crogiolò segretamente nel tepore del loro abbraccio, forse avrebbe dovuto prendere una stola più pesante ma non è riuscita a trovarla da sola. ❝ Io inizierei a ritermi il colpevole di tale comportamento se fossi in te, Paul.❞ Il suo nome aveva una cadenza sprezzante ma L’Atreides, in qualche modo contorto, sembrò apprezzare. Paul stampa un bacio sul suo collo, incurante dello strato di capelli che si sovrapponeva alla pelle di (nome). Rabbrividì disgustata.
❝ In ogni caso non hai risposto alla mia domanda.❞ Si staccò da lei andando a sedere dall’altra parte della stanza. Si versò qualcosa da bere e lo stesso fece per lei. (Nome) sapeva fare di meglio che cedere a tali galanterie. Era considerata una bellezza a tal punto che in molti hanno cercato le sue attenzioni con trucchi meschini.
In realtà Paul sapeva perché era lì e da cosa era dovuto il suo turbamento. C’era una incrinatura nella sua solita corazza, lasciando intravedere spiragli di rabbia e nervosismo. Aveva letto attentamento i suoi movimenti e le sue parole. Come si soffermava su qualcosa troppo allungo, come teneva coperto il ventre con la stola e come si graffiava i polsi.❝ Devi lasciarlo andare. Lui non ha colpa.❞ ❝ mmh? ❞ Prese un sorso di bevanda tenendo gli occhi su di lei. Sapeva di cosa stava parlando, non c’è stato bisogno di avere conferme, eppure lui ha continuato a fingere di non comprendere. Se lady (nome) non lo conoscesse, avrebbe potuto dire che si stava divertendo a vederla così.
Paul la conosceva a sua volta abbastanza da sapere che: niente avrebbe potuto agitare la donna se non la consapevolezza di aver condannato qualcuno per un suo errore. Non era così crudele come tutti l’avevano dipinta, e Paul lo sapeva meglio di chiunque altro. Sapeva che probabilmente le occhiaie nere sotto i suoi occhi erano solo la causa delle notte insonne per il senso di colpa.
Senso di colpa.
Forse nessuno a parte lui sapeva che Lady Alithea era capace di provare simili emozioni. Era davvero brava a mascherare le proprie intenzioni dietro la sua freddezza, non sempre ma quasi, questo Paul glielo avrebbe concesso. Forse se non fosse per le sue abilità di Bene Gesserit nemmeno lui l’avrebbe notato. ❝ Non vedo perché dovrei, (nome), dopo quello che ti ha fatto.❞ ❝ È TUTTA COLPA MIA! LUI NON C’ENTRA-❞ L’urlo lasciò trasparire tutto il risentimento che aveva nei suoi confronti. Era uscito così spontaneo dalle sue labbra che è riuscita a fermarlo solo dopo aver sfogato in parte. Certamente si era fermata ad un certo punto e una parte di colpa andava allo sguardo che l’erede degli Atreides le ha rivolto. La turbava ancora, anche a distanza di anni e nonostante la loro differenza di età. ❝ … e tu hai utilizzato l'occasione a tuo vantaggio.❞
-Nemmeno i rivelatori di veleno erano riusciti a rilevarlo. Era stata attenta. Talmente attenta che quando il sangue iniziò a colare giù dal naso e dalla bocca una confusione generale riempì la stanza. Alcuni soldati si sono precipitati lì, altri hanno chiamato il dottore Yueh e di seguito arrivò anche Hawat. Era una delle poche volte che anche il Duca era presente, forse tutta quella confusione era dovuto anche a questo.
Nessuno era riuscito a scoprire chi fosse stato e meglio come avesse fatto. Ma Paul aveva un idea. Un’idea che si era rivelata più che giusta. Lo aveva visto chiaramente. -
Le braccia della donna scivolarono dritte lungo il corpo mentre stringeva il tessuto della vestaglia tra i suoi pugni. Non era ben chiaro se si fosse pentita di averlo urlato o se avesse solo temuto per lo sguardo di Paul. Ma il resto della frase è comunque stato ridotto ad un sommesso sussurro.
Forse si sentiva colpevole. Lui non l’aveva mai toccata prima senza il suo permesso. Non le aveva mai fatto del male. Eppure lei aveva agito contro di lui. Prima ha cercato di uccidere Paul mentre dormiva con coltello di fortuna, ma fu troppo codarda per portare a termine l’impresa e crollò tra le braccia di Paul. Non aveva detto una parole ne aveva mostrato paura. Poi aveva cercato di avvelenarlo… ma cambiò obiettivo. Forse ha sperato qualcuno contestasse la sua unione con Paul, forse non ritenendola all’altezza di diventare Duchessa e un’Atreides. Ma non accade. A Paul bastó immagazzinare le informazioni , analizzarle e valutare come risolvere al meglio la situazione. Il suo attentato al giovane Duca non fu mai scoperto, e il suo auto avvelenato fu solo deviato alla soluzione più semplice. Il ragazzo così vicino a Lady (nome) da averla avvelenata per gelosia.
Questo le fece pentire in primo luogo di averlo scelto e portato con sé su Caladan, di essersi compromessa con lui e di essere stata costretta ad abortire per conservare l’onore di entrambi. ❝ Forse avresti dovuto pensarci prima a coinvolgere qualcuno di esterno.❞ È stato stupido ma lo sapeva già. Non lo amava nemmeno come meritava.
Ed è abbastanza palese che Paul stesse giocando con questi sensi di colpa.
Non le avrebbe offerto uno scambio, lui non ne aveva bisogno per farle fare tutto quello che voleva. Non c’era modo che avessero parlato di scambiare la vita del ragazzo con qualcosa che andasse a vantaggio di Paul e Lady (nome) lo sapeva abbastanza bene.
❝In ogni caso ora non dovrai più temere di coprire quella gravidanza indesiderata e io non dovrò tenere un bastardo.❞ Un erede bastardo. Era qualcosa di ironico adesso, agli occhi del giovane Paul. Non gli ricordo minimamente sua madre, che diede al Duca Leto l’erede che tanto desiderava.
La donna era colma di rancore, colpe e imbarazzo, per questo non proferì altra parola. Non cercó di salvarsi o giustificare i fatti evidenti, lui era l’unico oltre a lei a saperlo e poteva dedurre fosse solo grazie alle sue predizioni. Nemmeno il povero Elias era a conoscenza dell’avere messo incinta la futura sposa di Paul. Forse era meglio così.
❝ Dovresti essere grata. ❞ La voce di Paul perse l’affetto e il rimprovero. Divenne solo fredda come se avesse perso la possibilità di provare sentimenti. Si avvicinò alla forma della sua signora prendendo a coppa il suo viso dai tratti morbidi tra le mani. La principessa si sentiva disgustata. ❝ Per cosa? ❞ ❝ Per non averti condannata con lui. ❞
In un lampo di rabbia (nome) spinse le mani sul petto del ragazzo, allontanandosi quel che bastava.
In primo luogo pensava glielo avrebbe concesso, nel suo stato attuale, lui era più forte di lei. Perciò la distanza era quella che lui gli aveva concesso a prescindere. ❝ Avrei preferito morire a causa del mio stesso veleno che rimanere qui con te. ❞ La principessa strinse i denti ad ogni crudele dichiarazione mentre si dirige verso la porta con l’unico intento di andarsene.
❝ Non uscire dalla stanza. ❞ (nome) si fermò nei suoi passi, con la mano sulla maniglia e un piede pronto a dare il primo passo per uscire. Sapeva che Paul era in grado di usare la voce, aveva sentito parlare della cosa molte volte da sua madre mentre si esercitavano. A riguardo c’era un tacito accordo. Lui non avrebbe dovuto usarlo su di lei.
Per quanto non fossero mai stati messi termini e condizioni lui lo aveva fatto solo una volta, esclusa questa. Forse è stata quella volta a convincerlo ad non utilizzarlo. Lei aveva dato letteralmente di matto, urlando e cercando di attaccarlo direttamente.
Nessuno ha saputo dare una risposta a tale comportamento e la situazione tacque in pochi giorni, lasciando un’alone di mistero sulla vicenda.
Lo sguardo della donna era intriso di rabbia e sanguinaria voglia di fargli del male. Paul la guardava a sua volta con una sorta di sfida nei suoi occhi. Sarebbe stata sopraffatta dalla voce o sarebbe stata rinchiusa per aver attentato alla vita di Paul?
Era quasi sicura che nella seconda avrebbe sofferto più lui che lei, per questo quando mosse i suoi primi passi verso il fidanzato lui socchiuse le labbra. Pronto a richiamare qualsiasi ordine l’avrebbe riportata al suo posto. Ma lei si fermò ancora prima di poter fare unaltro passo.
Lo sguardo di Paul era ancora su di lei. I suoi capelli ondulati ricadenti sulle sue spalle cadenti. La sua vestaglia argentata e la stola che era caduta dalle spalle e ora si reggeva solo alle braccia della ragazza. Una visione dannata e patetica proprio come era la sua signora quando nessuno poteva vederla a parte lui. L’orgoglio e la vanità erano scomparsi a favore della dolce disperazione e dai sensi di colpa. Ma in fondo l’Atreides non avrebbe potuto desiderare altro che essere l’unico spettatore di tale vista.
Nessuno avrebbe potuto ammirare la luce fioca e semplice di una donna, che aveva imparato a mantenere le apparenze di freddezza e nobiltà, sfaldarsi davanti a qualcosa che la stava mandando in frantumi poco a poco.
Paul era quella cosa ed entrambi lo sapevano.
I primi passi di lui furono intercettati dalla donna che indietreggiò per mantenere la distanza iniziale. Un sospiro tra l'esasperato e il divertito ha lasciato Paul mentre parlava nuovamente. ❝ Devi smetterla con queste scenate. Non ti serviranno a molto soprattutto se sono l’unico ad assistere.❞ I loro occhi erano fissi l’uno sull’altro. Niente sarebbe cambiato nel comportamento della donna, lo sapeva. Eppure i suoi occhi erano ancora attenti a qualsiasi cosa lui volesse fare di lei. Avrebbe mantenuto le parole eppure lei non era ancora disposta ad avvicinarsi. ❝ Spiegami come posso farmi ascoltare, senza per forza darti un ordine. ❞ Quel potere non era un semplice ordine! Se fosse stato solo un ordine lei avrebbe ignorato il tutto e poi sarebbe andata avanti per quello che credeva meglio. Ma in quei momenti il suo corpo smetteva di essere una sua proprietà e faceva ciò che quel coro di voci le diceva di fare. Cacciata e privata della sua stessa volontà. È così che si poteva descrivere.
❝ Non puoi. semplice, no? Basta solo che mi lasci stare, e che lo scagioni da quelle accuse, e per un po’ continuerò questa recita, per un po’.❞ Per un po’… Non significava per sempre. Non si sarebbe calmata e questo sarebbe solo qualcosa di temporaneo. Era come una pietra che colpiva il vuoto. Non faceva alcun rumore. Nessuno dei due aveva un discorso collegato con quello dell’altro eppure continuavano a parlare sulla medesima linea. Lei era lì per un motivo e poi avrebbe voluto andarsene il più lontano possibile. Anche il fondo del mare di Caladan le sembrava più accogliente e invitante di quella stanza soffusa di luce. Mentre lui desiderava cercare di convincerla a rimanere, nella sua stanza e nella sua vita. Non che lei avesse quella gran scelta in questione ma lui desiderava ancora che lei lo volesse almeno un po’.
Fece un altro passo e poi un’altro e un'altro ancora, verso di lei, in silenzio. Ma lei si allontanava ancora, ancora e ancora. I passi erano traballanti e non si poteva escludere l’eventualità che potesse cadere. ❝ Sai davvero essere crudele mia signora… soprattutto con me. ❞ A Paul sembrava piacere evidenziare come le sue parole taglienti perdessero L’affilatezza in sua presenza, intrecciando le proprie parole con terribile sarcasmo. Lei inciampò su qualcosa e cadde seduta sul letto del ragazzo. Non poteva sapere cosa, ma ha immaginato fosse colpa di Paul. Era sempre colpa sua anche quando non lo era, ai suoi occhi.
Non sapeva esattamente come fosse finita lì, ad un'estremo della stanza, opposto a dove era. Quanti passi senza guardarsi attorno aveva fatto? Quando si era persa troppo in profondità negli occhi di Paul e dell'odio che provava per lui.
❝ Ti odio. ❞ Lui rise alla conferma delle sue parole. Questo era odio. Un odio patetico che gli si addice magnificamente. ❝ Lo so. ❞ Si avvicinò al suo volto, lasciando poco spazio tra loro, tanto che ogni respiro sfiorava le pelle del loro volto. Gli (colore) della donna erano spalancati in cerca di una soluzione, di un indizio o di qualche bagliore, negli occhi del futuro marito. Una qualsiasi scintilla ma niente. Lui era impassibile e illeggibile come lo era sempre stato, e questo l’ha terrorizzata. Come nei loro primi incontri, come nel loro primo incontro. ❝ Cosa vuoi in cambio? ❞ Dopo un lungo silenzio lady (nome) si decise a parlare. Di solito durante i loro scambi di parole non si parlava mai di scambi o mediazioni. Nessuno dei due avrebbe ceduto qualcosa per averne un altra. Specialmente (nome).
❝ Rimani. ❞ Era decisamente generica come risposta e la ragazza si trovava spazientita da tanta indulgenza. Se fosse stata solo una notte potrebbe anche essere un buon affare. Se fosse trasferire le sue stanze in quelle di Paul per il suo ultimo periodo qui a Caladan prima di tornare a casa per organizzare i preparativi per il matrimonio, era eccessivo ma ancora glielo poteva concedere. Aveva chiesto un prezzo molto alto in fondo, per quanto lei stessa non volesse ammetterlo. Ma se intende per tutta la sua vita era troppo. Lei per quando crudele e fredda potesse essere aveva sempre mantenuto la parola data e per questo raramente faceva promesse soprattutto quando non voleva o non poteva mantenerle.
❝ Tutto ma non questo. ❞
❝ Prendere o lasciare, (nome). ❞
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narinni · 9 months
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🎀𝐹𝒾𝓇𝓈𝓉 𝒫𝒶𝑔𝑒🎀
Hello Dear! For my very first post i would like to define exactly what I will be posting and my rules.
🎀𝒩𝓊𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝒪𝓃𝑒🎀
I will be posting drabbles, scenarios, and reactions. Writing is mainly the point of this blog, but I’m definitely open to discussing topics like culture, politics, fashion, but not that often. I also will only post in English. It seems simpler to just post in one language, but you can request things and talk to me in another language, as long as it’s one I understand(see my bio). Also, because there is a pretty big chance of me posting nsfw content, I want NO MINORS to be interacting with NSFW content.
🎀𝒩𝓊𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝓌𝑜🎀
I will write about most genres and scenarios, but here are some I can definitely do:
Genres( like blank!character x reader, or character x reader{fluff}, or character reaction to blank)
~Smut(limited will be explained)
~Yandere(limits will be explained)
~Basically all the deres, lol
~ooh almost forgot, I will write for any gender and specified pronouns! If you have a specific way you want yourself to be referred to(like size, features, race, ethnicity, personality), make sure to include that!
~Monsta x(ot 7, Wonho will always be apart of monsta x to me😭)
~IVE(no smut for minor members)
~AOT(all characters)
~Kakegurui(no smut for minor characters)
~Haikyuu(no smut for minor characters)
~Madoka Magica(no smut for minor characters)
~Howl Pendragon
~No Face
~Literally any Ryan Gosling character
~Patrick Bateman
~Leon Kennedy
~Ada Wong
~Claire Redfield
~Chris Redfield
~Jill Valentine
~Ethan Winters
~Mia Winters
~The Baker family(minus evelyn)
~Lady Dimistrescu
~Bella, Cassandra, and Daniella
~Mother(mommy) Miranda
~Carl Heisenberg
~Ryu(street fighter)
~Ken(street fighter)
~Luke Sullivan
~Cody Travers
~Basically any SF character that isn’t a minor(it’s way to many to list💀)
~Red Dead Redemption
~Horror Movie characters(I’ll look them up if idk, and see)
~XQC(he’s annoying as shit but he’s a cutie)
~Ludwig Ahgren
🎀𝒩𝓊𝓂𝒷𝑒𝓇 𝒯𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒🎀
Here’s some things I will NOT do:
~Rape(self explanatory)
~Nothing too freaky(peepee poopoo stuff💀, feet)
~Smutt or anything remotely sexual for a minor(character or real person)
~Su*cide(self explanatory)
~Overly descriptive gore(yes I will write about death, murder, and injury, but nothing over the top and super descriptive)
Hooray You made it to the end! I will be posting on my own accord, but feel free to request anything that’s on the list. I will try my best to get to any request, but I am a busy college student(yay psychology😒). I do apologize in advance for any bad grammar, English isn’t my first language but I think I do pretty well.
🎀𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀𝓈 𝒟𝑒𝒶𝓇🎀
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Hello can you do a yandre lady bella/Mary please 🥺
Of course! Darling takes over the role of 'Trusted Maid' mentioned in her backstory.
Yandere! Lady Bella! Mary Concept
Possible Trigger Warnings: Yandere behavior, Possessive behavior, Obsessive behavior, Manipulation, Clingy behavior, Slight sadism, Exhibitionist behavior, Forced partnership/relationship, Forced romantic actions, PDA, Threats, Attempted murder, Blood mention.
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- Madame Bella is a talented yet arrogant actress.
- She's met many people and has a temper that spikes at odd times.
- Other than her unique quirks, she is an actress many adore in the theatrical scene.
- She even has a servant who accompanies her daily.
- She could never be seen away from you for long.
- Often throwing fits when you weren't near her or getting her ready for her day.
- "(Y/N)! Where were you? I need my makeup and hair done.... You were preparing my meal...? You could've told me!"
- Madame Bella is Clingy, Possessive, Manipulative, and Needy towards you when you work for her.
- She won't take anything from anyone else other than you.
- You must give her food and water.
- You must clothe and prepare her for her plays.
- It all must be you or it simply won't do!
- The director even said you had to stay outside for rehearsal one time, only for Madame Bella to throw a fit.
- The actress always wants her arms around your waist and you beside her.
- She even gets anxious when she sees you aren't near her in some way.
- "Darling? I want my darling.... (Y/N) must stay until I'm done! I refuse to act without (Y/N)!"
- Madame Bella would also have a poor sense of personal space when it comes to you.
- Often kissing your cheek/lips or hugging you as a thank you for helping her.
- Are people looking?
- Then she'll give them a show if they're so nosy!
- Madame Bella probably would be some sort of exhibitionist.
- Openly showing affection to you in public while being so very innocent about it.
- Her servant's taken.
- No one else can have you.
- "Unwind into my kiss, will you, dear? I don't care if they watch. It only shows you're mine!"
- Madame Bella is a quick one to show she means business.
- Turning borderline sadistic when she sees someone trying to make a move on you.
- Her temper sets off and she's luring said person into a private room.
- Only for a secret blade to be pressed to their neck, blue eyes holding a darkness within them despite her pretty pink getup.
- They have nerve to touch what's hers....
- "My servant is just that, MINE. Get your unworthy hands off of what's mine...."
- Madame Bella is a natural actress.
- She's talented in deception because of this.
- Just know that she isn't just some pretty actress dressed in pink that likes you a little too much.
- She's dangerous and ready to strike if anyone tempts her to do so...
- All so she can keep you to herself as her most trusted servant.
- "The longer I'm with you, the more I adore you. You can't leave me now, I'll promise you that, darling! Even if blood must be spilled to keep you...."
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