#yandere Bloody Queen
eunxhan · 8 months
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❝ You are my object of admiration, my precious and perfect possession. You're mine and only mine. From now on, you will always belong to me, and I'll always praise you and worship you ❞
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Ꮺ 😻 Requested ⨾ Hiii just 😻 Anon passing by again, I wanted to request one final time (for now) a simple yan! bloody marry, Btw luv your writing, Thanks!
Ꮺ Eun Replies ⨾ Hello! I'm so grateful for your request and I'm happy you came by again, Your kind words hit my heart. I love her character and how they design her.
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Ꮺ Disclaimer — I do not condone this kind of behavior in real life situations. Unhealthy relationship, violence, delusion, observation. English is not my main!
Reader & Genre ⨾ GN!reader, ( You, They/them, Darling, Beloved ), Can be seen as platonic and/or romantic
Words used ⨾ 8,100 ( 18 headcanons )
Links ⨾ My Navigation and Mandates
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I view her as a possessive and controlling type of yandere. She would have deep and intense feelings for her object of affection, and a strong desire for exclusive companionship and ownership. Her possessive behaviors would likely involve a willingness to monopolize the affection of the one she loves and a need to control and possess them. She would likely see herself as entitled to the sole attention and devotion of the person she is obsessed with, and would probably use manipulative and aggressive methods to ensure she is the only one who has access to her beloved.
She's very observant when it comes to her object of affection. She would pay close attention to all their behaviour, movements, and actions in order to maintain a high level of control. She would likely be highly aware of any potential threats to her dominance and control over the one she loves, and would be quick to take action and make sure that the one she loves remains dedicated to her and only her.
Mary constantly noticing and observing the minute details of their behaviors and actions. This attention and observation include a heightened awareness of their emotions, thoughts and feelings, allowing her to quickly pick up on subtle shifts and changes in their moods and states of mind. No dear, of course she will not use your emotions against you. She just love watching you.
She's easily jealous and prone to intense episodes of possessiveness when the reader is with other survivors. She would likely become extremely controlling over her beloved, demanding absolute exclusivity and ownership over the reader. Any presence or interactions of darling with other survivors would likely cause intense feelings of jealousy and insecurity in blood queen, causing her to respond with anger, aggression and a desire to remove or eliminate any competitors for the Darling's attention and affection.
She'll become extremely possessive and clingy, demanding excessive attention and time from the reader. She would likely become extremely possessive and possessive over her darling, demanding them only interact with her and no one else. She would likely resort to stalking, spying to ensure their attention and affection remained solely with her. She'll show extreme levels of jealousy and aggression towards any perceived romantic competitors for the reader's affection.
She'll manifest in her intense and unhealthy fixation on her beloved, to the point of losing sight of the difference between fantasy and reality. She would likely start to lose the ability to differentiate between their actions and behaviors in reality and those in her fantasies. She would likely act as if she is actually in a relationship with Darling, and would start to act as if they have actual real feelings for her, blurring the lines between the relationship she wants the two of them to have and the actual state of the relationship.
she's likely be plagued by recurring, intrusive thoughts or urges about her darling, such as the need to possess and control over you, or the need to keep you in her life. These urges would likely manifest in her obsession with you and her obsession with owning the you.
Mary would suffer intense feelings of anxiety and discomfort when those urges or thoughts are not being satisfied or followed, and struggle to function regularly unless she is able to fulfill those urges.
She would likely feel frustrated and angry that you're avoiding her, feeling as if you're purposely not interacting with her and trying to snub her. Bloody queen would likely react with more obsessive behaviors, becoming even more possessive and controlling of you in an attempt to force the reader to interact with her and give her attention. She would likely become even more intense and aggressive, becoming more volatile and unpredictable to force you to stop avoiding her.
Bloody queen would react with extreme anger and aggression if her beloved always hit her with the reality that you don't care or love her. She would likely feel hurt by the rejection, and would likely respond with a strong display of anger and hostility, potentially leading to violence and an attempt to hurt you.
Mary would not handle the rejection well, and would likely respond with more obsessive and controlling behaviors that could lead to a greater level of aggression and hostility.
If she felt rejected and ignored by you during trials, she would likely become very angry and aggressive. would likely feel deeply hurt, angry and insulted by the rejection, and might not be able to control her violent impulses or outbursts. She would likely want to cause physical damage to the reader as well as psychological damage, and an attack would likely be a way to do both.
She would likely attack the reader as a way of venting her frustration and expressing her anger at the reader for not giving her attention and affection. She will launch violent attacks towards you, trying to harm and even kill the player as a way to express her angry and aggressive feelings. She would likely want to make you feel the same way she feels, and would likely want to inflict a similar level of pain and damage that you have caused her.
She would act soft and gentle towards you in certain situations. She'll become soft and gentle when you're showing a level of kindness and compassion towards her that you do not normally have during trials.
There are some cases where you may see a softer side of Bloody queen in certain special events. Mary could show mercy or kindness towards the reader in these situations. Her sudden gentleness toward her darling would be jarring and unexpected after her usual hostile and aggressive behavior, but it would also be refreshing to you.
Though she is known for her violent and aggressive behavior, Bloody queen has also been known to express some gentleness and affection towards the one she loves, and dolling you up could be a way she expresses a softer and kinder side of her. Dolling up her beloved would likely involve applying makeup, hairstyling and dressing them in a way that emphasizes your beauty and appeal to Mary.
Bloody queen likely have a desire to see the one she loves look and feel their best, and this would manifest in her dolling up her lover. She would likely pick out nice clothing, accessories, or hair and makeup that she thinks suits you, and would likely feel proud of the appearance and beauty she has bestowed upon the person she loves.
Bloody queen sees you as a source of satisfaction and validation for her obsessive behaviors and her attachment to you. She would likely want to please you and make you happy, and would likely consider your praise and worship as the highest form of attention and affection.
However, her worship of you would likely be in a somewhat dominant and controlling manner, rather than truly praising and worshiping you as a superior being. Bloody queen might express her praise and worship towards you, but with the intention of reminding and enforcing that you're within her control, and also to further express her authority and dominance in the relationship.
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ozzgin · 1 year
Yandere Jane The Killer with Female Reader who is like Mary Bloody Queen from Identity V(It’s ok if you don’t know Identity V. I adored Mary/BloodyQueen. I feel like Jane The Killer would simp over her. So yes, Yandere Jane x Bloody Queen Reader.)
Sadly I’ve never played nor heard of the game, but it seems there are several essays of character analysis for this Madame Red, which makes it easier for me. I think I have a good idea about her and I do agree the two of them would make a tragic but well fitted pair.
Yandere! Creepypasta x Bloody Queen! Reader
Featuring Jane the Killer and a female reader that strongly resembles the Bloody Queen. TW: May contain violence
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Jane has made a promise. She vowed to dedicate herself to a single purpose, that of seeking vengeance. She has abandoned her previous life, the friends she’s known and any hope of normalcy given her fate of an unfortunate test subject. Yes, that much is clear to her. So why, oh why, is she in such pitiful state right now? She’s crouching like a thief in utmost secrecy, hoping to catch the smallest glimpse of your presence. That’s all she needs, nothing more. Why is your sight so soothing to her? She cannot answer. Perhaps it was the way she instantly recognized the look in your eyes, because it’s very much similar to that of her own. The bitterness, the betrayal, the resentful hate boiling within the depths of your black irises, ready to spill over. You’ve been hurt in your past.
She had hoped she’d be satisfied with just observing you from afar. With each day, however, a certain longing seems to bloom and branch out, with powerful tendrils grasping her heart and clouding her mind. She sees your lonely figure and can’t help but fervently wish she could take away your misery. Your only sin is being naïve. Misunderstood. She wants to claw and tear this treacherous world apart, until all that’s left is you and her and…peace.
Once you start dating, Jane is over the moon. Being with you feels like a nightmarish veil has been lifted, and her former self, buried and forgotten in time, digs its way out once again. Warmth floods her body and her lungs expand with fresh, calming air. On your end, you’ve always been somewhat egoistic and burdened by greed. Yet this time it’s different. It’s a paradoxical, directed egoism. You’ve selfishly fallen in love with this mysterious, ghastly stranger that spontaneously invaded your life and your senses. Her bottomless orbs glisten with adoration, but something isn’t quite right about it. It’s twisted, unhinged, a maddening frenzy that traps your being into submission. You don’t mind. You’re a glutton for many things, and nothing is sweeter than unadulterated love. It’s the loyalty that you always desired.
Alas, she hasn’t abandoned her goal. Once you become aware of her intentions, you offer to join her on this intriguing quest of revenge. You can’t say no to such a story of redemption. You arrange your sleeves in the mirror and listen to the worried warnings of your partner. Jane would rather be certain of your safety. Once the outfit appears to be of your desired standard, you linger before your reflection and thoughtfully trace the stitches on your neck. “Have I ever told you why they call me Madame Red?” You turn back towards the pallid woman. A chuckle escapes your mouth upon noticing her nervous expression. “You needn’t concern yourself with my wellbeing. I have faced my fears once and defied my fate.” You pause and search for the words, muddled up in distant memories. This time, when the guillotine falls, you shall be the executioner. At last, it’s your turn to lay the final piece as you glare victoriously at your opponent and announce it: checkmate.
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mariewriting · 2 years
GN reader
Warnings:Mild possessiveness, observation.
Yandere platonic! Galatea, Grace, Yidhra, Mary and Michiko with a child! reader who is afraid of them.
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Galatea Claude
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Sisterly affection.
Galatea simply doesn't care if you are afraid of her, she tries to get closer to you. Only because she saw in you a tenderness, a sister's tenderness.
Even if she doesn't care much for the fact that you are afraid of her, she still finds herself a little bit, will try to make you lose your fear. Whether it is by giving little handmade gifts or just showing a little affection.
She does all this. Because remembering the affection she didn't have in her childhood, and looking at you, a child, makes her want to hold you and care for you like a sister does.
She will make you lose your fear.
She just wants to hold you and never let go. Like a sister.
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Sisterly affection.
Grace is very disappointed to find out that you are afraid of her.
Grace can't think of any reason why you should be afraid of her. But she will accept it.
She won't be on top of you all the time, but she will make sure that you are okay. Even if you don't like her presence very much.
Grace views you with a fondness, a platonic fondness. It was the first time Grace felt comfortable in the presence of a human, a human child.
Even if you are always afraid of her presence.
Grace also feels the desire to protect you, because of her troubled past, and is very afraid of you seeing humans, afraid that they will do the same thing they did to her.
Grace will protect you, like a sister.
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Motherly affection.
I think Yidhra would be amused to see you afraid of her. She thinks it's funny about how desperate you are to see one of her followers following you. But Yidhra would feel a little, I say, a little guilty. But she has no regrets.
Even though Yidhra is sadistic with everyone, she takes it easy on you. She doesn't scare you so much, and if you get too scared, she just stops what she's doing.
Yidhra is incredibly affectionate to you, even though you have never actually seen her before.
She sends her followers to deliver things for you, be it strangely strange things that you have never seen or heard of. You didn't even know what it was, and you didn't care.
Yidhra would feel a great platonic affection for you, and I dare say it is a maternal affection. But she is very strange, so I can't decide if she has a maternal or platonic affection for you.
She really thinks you are a very interesting child.
You always feel someone watching you when you are sleeping.
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Motherly affection.
If Michiko realizes that you are afraid of her because of her Prajna form, Michiko will try to spend less time in Prajna form, and more time in beauty form. In the hope that you will lose your fear.
Michiko will try to show more affection, and spend more time with you.
Michiko feels an enormous maternal love blooming in her heart at the sight of you, because in her mind, you are her child. Even if you are not of blood.
If you start to lose your fear, Michiko would feel very victorious. And she will be smiling all day long. Even after losing a match.
She will treat you as her child, sometimes even asking you to call her Mom, and if you do, she would be smiling and proud for the rest of the day.
Michiko will protect you, no matter what.
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Motherly affection.
Mary would feel a little offended when she realized that you are afraid of her.
However, Mary doesn't know why you were afraid of her, and wouldn't even try to pressure you to tell. Because she knew that it's not nice to be forced to talk or do anything.
Mary thinks you are an adorable child, who feels like taking you out of that game
Mary would try to show more affection. Either with words or with gestures. She also wouldn't be the type to be too clingy like Michiko, but she's not that distant either.
She keeps wondering what such a young child is doing in such a horrible game.
Mary would feel a great deal of maternal affection toward you, which is no surprise to anyone. When Mary gets a chance, she gives you a long hug, which lasts about three minutes. And you come out of it much calmer.
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d3stinyist1red · 1 month
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ɴᴇɪɢʜʙᴏʀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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Yandere neighbor who first notices you when you walk past him with huge boxes in your hand
Yandere neighbor who didnt think anything of it until he saw you more and more around his house
Yandere neighbor who thought you were a stalker until you went inside the house next to his
Yandere neighbor who facepalms for thinking you were stalking him when you were just his neighbor
Yandere neighbor who finally talked to you, saying hello when you walked by him, you smiled sweetly at him, and waved before walking away
Yandere neighbor who fists his cock in his room at the memory of your sickeningly sweet smile, whimpering and crying out tears from the overstimulation
yandere neighbor who finally tries to have a conversation with you, stuttering and muttering every word he says out of pure nervousness
yandere neighbor who stared at your lips during the conversation, wondering how would they feel on his cock lips
yandere neighbor who now everyday waits outside of his house, sitting on his comfy chair he placed on his porch, waiting for you to come out so he could strike up convo with u
Yandere neighbor who you now regularly talk to, and has hearts in his eyes everytime you guys talk
yandere neighbor who finally becomes your bestfriend
yandere neighbor who tells you that your date wasnt worth of your time when they ditched you, patting your back, holding back a smile knowing he beat your date into a bloody pulp so you wouldnt be dating anyone
yandere neighbor who gives you his whole card and tells you to go to a self care day
yandere neighbor who pays for your nails and bills as if you were his girlfriend
yandere neighbor who treats you like an absolute queen, kissing you legs as you watch your fav comfort show
yandere neighbor who now wants you to move in with him, wanting to spend every minute of his day with you
yandere neighbor who pouts when you refused, but perked up when you said you want to go on a date with him
yandere neighbor who treats you as if you were a deity and he was a piece of dirt on the date, opening doors, and everything!
yandere neighbor who kicks his feet and giggles when you say that you loved the date, and you want to go on another one
yandere neighbor who loves his sweet neighbor so much, he would kill! <3
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allfearstofallto · 7 months
This took FOREVER to write, but here you go!!
Blessings Be to The Hero of the Nation
Historical AU
Yandere Hero of the Nation! Childe x Fem! Reader
TW: yandere themes, stalking, minor character death, blood, threatening, forced marriage/engagement
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He kept one of your hair ribbons wrapped around the hilt of his sword. It billowed in the wind constantly and would draw watchful eyes to it. That pastel pink fabric didn't match a single thing on his brutish, usually bloody exterior, but he still kept it regardless. You tragically didn't give it to him in a blatant display of affection and well wishes for him on his journey, instead, he found the little ribbon after it'd blown off your head and up to the wind. A little pout formed on your lips realizing you'd lost it, but you decided against retrieving it. He didn't though. He picked it up and placed it in his pocket, taking it home to clean off the dirt and grime.
That same ribbon was clenched in his hands when he arrived at the gate of your manor, along with a few other gifts that he would give to you. He'd just slayed the dragon, the wretched menace that was terrorizing the nation, now and only now did he feel worthy to ask for your hand. Cleaning off all the blood and gore that was on his armor, polishing it into light metal that could blind anyone who looked directly at it, he was certain that this would charm you off of your feet.
When he was invited into your home by your parents who were surprised to see the hero himself at their door, he didn't care about the tea or the cakes. The praise meant nothing coming from them. He skipped the pleasantries and went straight to the point. He wanted your hand in marriage and he wanted the wedding to be soon.
A skittish expression crossed your father's face as he gritted his teeth, “We've decided to leave that decision up to her.” Childe smirked, that was even better. He'd never met a woman who wouldn't fall for his charms.
You were called down from your room, eyelids heavy and half open, still in your thin sleeping gown with a robe over it. You were rubbing the tiredness from your eyes as you walked down the stairs, your other delicate hand gripping the banister. And when you saw him, you bowed. A deep traditional bow, given to those of a respectable higher status.
He kneeled down on one knee before you. The male kneeled for only one person, the queen herself. His sword pulled from its sheath, he laid it flat against his palms, offering it up to you. That knocked the sleepiness from his body and suddenly your eyes were wide open. Genuine shock was making your body stiff as a board and you looked back and forth to your parents who didn't say a word.
“Your visage has danced around my heart non stop since the first time I laid eyes on you. I wish to use this sword only to fight for you. Won't you please do me the honor of becoming my wife?” Words spoken in honor, with him meaning every bit of it. You were meant to take the sword from his hands, tapping it gently upon each of his shoulders, but you didn't. You just stood there, lips trembling, but not saying anything.
A marriage proposal via a letter was easy to ignore or reject, you didn't have to see their reaction. But never had you had someone be so bold as to propose to you in person. And not only that, the very hero that saved the Kingdom. Rumors told you he'd be marrying the first princess, she obsessed over him before he became the hero and those feelings seemed to only grow stronger after he waltzed into the city with the bloody head of the beast. Yet here he was at your feet, patiently anticipating your answer which he was positive was going to be a yes.
“I-'' you began, trying to think of the easiest way to let him down gently, “I fear that I'm not ready for marriage yet.” You said hurriedly. That wasn’t entirely a lie. You spent countless hours looking at the list of marriage candidates and scoping them out at balls and parties, but quickly realizing that none of them suited your tastes in that way. The entire idea of being wed barely satisfied you. You wanted to push it off for as long as possible.
“I'm willing to wait for you until the world crumbles. I'd even accept being your fiance until the day we die, as long as I can say you're mine,” he was persistent, you'd give him that.
You fiddled with your fingers nervously. Time felt as if it had stopped and this moment would never end. No matter what you did, he was still going to be there, “I thought you were to be wed to her highness, the princess?” You questioned him.
A scoff fell from his cherry pink lips, eyes looking you up and down, drinking in every inch of your body in that thin nightgown, “She does not interest me. Not the way you do.”
“There is really nothing interesting about me,”
“Won't you let me be the judge of that?”
Your shoulders slumped as you looked to your parents. They seemed as surprised by his persistence as you did, but weren't going to step in to help you, they always affirmed that it was your decision, they wanted you to be independent.
“Forgive me, hero, but I can not accept your offer,”
For just a split second you saw that princely expression slip. His eyes grew dark, lips in a deep frown, a rage you'd never seen before. But he was back to his usual expression in less than a second, that charming smile forming on his lips again as he stood from his knees and sheathed his sword a little too slowly.
“You wound me, my lady,” he'd mutter softly, hands still conveniently tight around the hilt of this sword, “Won't you please accept my gifts? And if you are to begin considering marriage, I hope that my proposal will be remembered fondly.”
Childe showed himself out, a little too quickly, but you didn't dare tell him to slow down. It was only once he was out those large double doors, did the air in your home feel breathable, you finally felt safe again. You watched his carriage leave from a window, watching as his eyes went dull again, losing all shimmers and feeling like a hollow mimicry of what humans were supposed to look like.
You were quite embarrassed to say you fell in love after that. Not with Childe, of course. You mentally tried to push the man from your mind after the way he startled both you and your family. Instead, your feelings developed for a commoner boy. You found yourself eyeing him when he'd deliver produce to your home, his face being one of pure beauty despite his messy exterior. As months went by, you'd catch yourself stealing bashful glances at him, locking eyes only for both of you to look away shyly. When the engagement was announced, Childe was one of the first to hear about it.
You twirled around the house in your wedding dress. Something plain and basic, but it was what your family could afford, and quite honestly, you loved it. You didn't want to take it off. Your fear of getting it dirty lessened as the days went by, until the wedding was only a week away.
“A guest for you, my lady,” one of your maids had said. Typically, when the employees of the house saw you dressed in your white gown, they'd smile at you, overjoyed as well. But she didn't. She looked worried, even a bit tense as she made the announcement to you.
“I hadn't arranged to meet anyone today,” you said a bit quietly, going to you closer to pick out something to change into, “Please tell them to wait in the day room.”
She stood stiffly for a second, then opened her trembling mouth to speak again, “I tried to, my lady. But he insisted on seeing you right now. He's just outside the door,”
A part of you wanted to ask who it was, who would be so disrespectful as to barge right up to a lady's room without her permission. But you already knew. There was a sense of unease sinking into your stomach. Unease and recognition. All the gifts and letters he'd sent weren't enough, were they? The man you were ignoring just had to come see you in person.
“Let him in,” you told the maid. She seemed confused at the ease at which you allowed such a thing, but still opened the door, revealing Childe who stood still in the hallway. He stepped past her, eyes only trained on you, “You're dismissed,” you said quietly, with a reassuring smile to the maid. Hesitance danced across her face, looking back and forth between you Childe, but she still did as told, bowing before leaving.
“You look lovely,” he said breathlessly, taking in the sight of you in that pure white dress.
“Thank you,” was all you could think to say back. Now that he was here before you, your mind was growing blank, all the things you wanted to say suddenly getting lost in fear. You tried not to notice the tension in the room, the way he was eyeing you like a predator about to pounce on a rabbit, but even your tough exterior was easy to see through.
“My heart aches for you, my lady,” he speaks softly while taking slow steps towards you. The terror of this situation made you move backwards, until your feet had made you press your back against the wall, “I fear that my haste might've made me do something…irrational.”
His dominant hand seems focused on the sword at his hip, making you look at it. It was only when you saw the red speckles all over his hand, hilt of the sword, and the oddly familiar pink ribbon he kept tied around it, did that coppery smell fill your nostrils.
With a trembling voice and a fake smile, you tried to assure him, “Any mistake is fixable, Sir Childe.”
“Not this one,” his hand continued to hold the hilt of his sword, squeezing it a few times as of testing the weight of his blade, “Do you know the best part of being the hero? The dragon slayer?” He asked, waiting for your response which was just a slow, forced shake of your head, prompting him to continue, “It's not the riches or the praise. It's not even the women.” As he speaks, one of his hands slides down from your cheek, to your neck, to the bodice of your dress. Tearful eyes look down to see him smearing that red liquid, that blood onto you white dress, staining it.
“I don't understand,” you mumbled, but your words fall on deaf ears.
“The best part of being the hero, is the freedom to do what I want. With no prosecution. Who in their right mind would stand up to the man who saved our failing nation? The answer is no one. Not the king, nor his workers, and especially not your weak little fiance,”
The sight and smell of blood, Childe's deep, hollow blue eyes, the way your heart felt as if it wanted to lurch out of your mouth. All things you tried to focus on as his words pounded their way into your skull, understanding washing over you like a wave that was trying to drown you where you stood.
“Wh-what did you do?” Your voice, so high pitched and breaking as the weight of the words forced through your body.
His hand, cold, soft, wet with blood rubbed your cheek, while his face never faltered, those dead eyes never changing, he had no remorse. It made you sick to your stomach, images of your fiance flashing through your head as you tried to imagine what he looked like, the hopeful ones saying that he was at least still alive.
“I'm going to ask again, nicely this time,” he began while pulling a ring from his pocket. Much more intricate than the one your fiance had given you, seeing as he had the hero's budget. But that didn't make you feel any less light headed when it was slipped onto your ring finger, freezing cold against your warm skin, “Will you do me the honor of becoming my bride?”
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aphroditelovesu · 6 months
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*:・゚✧.for you, 𝐼 ★•¸— ̶c̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ pretend like ❝.╭.+I w͟a͟s͟ h𝑎ppy°⊹when I was⋆◟̆๑𝓼𝓪𝓭; for you❝.:*。I could p͟r͟e͟t͟e͟n͟d͟˘.+*✦like I ɯαs▾₊˚𝓈𝓉𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑔 wh𝑒𝑛 I。*☆𝙝𝙪𝙧𝙩; ℐ wish・゚。❥love was ᴘᴇʀғᴇᴄᴛ❀⊰。as love ̶i̶t̶s͟e͟l͟f͟╮ⵓ❞¸I ɯısh all あ.♡my 𝔀𝓮𝓪𝓴𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓮𝓼 could ❞.ᔘ❀be 𝖍𝖎𝖉𝖉𝖊𝖓; I୭.° grew a 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟+*.♡:th𝑎t can't be ↬,。˚𝘽𝙇𝙊𝙊𝙈𝙀𝘿 in a↷.dream•that c͟a͟n͟'͟t͟ come ★*̣̥⁄⁄𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓮৴☽❰❪+
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↳¸•.↑✿cited song: fake love by BTS.
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➷°.[✩] BTS ╭⟡;💜
➷°.[✩] BLACKPINK╭⟡;🖤
➷°.[✩] ITZY ╭⟡;🧡
➷°.[✩] Stray Kids ╭⟡;💙
く く く EXO: Yandere Baekhyun (Romantic), Yandere Suho (Romantic). く く く TWICE: Imagine as Classmates.
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➷°.[✩] Greek Mythology ╭⟡;⚡
➷°.[✩] Egyptian Mythology ╭⟡;𓂀
➷°.[✩] Historical Characters ╭⟡;📜
く く く The Lost Queen | Yandere!Alexander the Great ❝You woke up near a military camp without remembering how and why you got there, you didn't understand why they were dressed like ancient Greeks, all you knew was that you weren't safe and you needed to get out of that place as soon as possible. Too bad for you that you found yourself attracting unwanted attention from the Macedonian King and he won't let you go so easily.❞ The Lost Queen Series Masterlist
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➷°.[✩] The Vampire Diaries // The Originals╭⟡;🧛
➷°.[✩] House of the Dragon╭⟡;🐉
➷°.[✩] Game of Thrones╭⟡;❄️
➷°.[✩] The Sandman╭⟡;⌛
➷°.[✩] Outlander╭⟡;🗿
➷°.[✩] Wednesday╭⟡;🎻
➷°.[✩] Brooklyn Nine-Nine╭⟡;👮‍♂️
➷°.[✩] Bridgerton╭⟡;🐝
➷°.[✩] Shadow and Bone╭⟡;☠️
➷°.[✩] Outer Banks╭⟡;💰
➷°.[✩] K-Dramas╭⟡;❤️
➷°.[✩] Reign╭⟡;👑
➷°.[✩] The Tudors╭⟡;🗡️
➷°.[✩] Hannibal╭⟡;🍽
く く く The Bloody Viscount | Yandere!Anthony Bridgerton ❝You had fallen in love with Viscount Bridgerton and he had fallen in love with you. The marriage seemed perfect, but then why did Anthony Bridgerton always come home late and bloodstained?❞ Prologue; Chapter 1; Chapter 2;
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➷°.[✩] Percy Jackson╭⟡;🌊
➷°.[✩] Harry Potter╭⟡;🔮
➷°.[✩] A Court of Thorns and Roses╭⟡;🌹
➷°.[✩] A Song of Ice and Fire╭⟡🔥
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➷°.[✩] Attack on Titan╭⟡⚔️
➷°.[✩] Naruto╭⟡🍥
➷°.[✩] One Piece╭⟡👒
➷°.[✩] Death Note╭⟡📓
➷°.[✩] Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir╭⟡🐞
➷°.[✩] How To Train Your Dragon╭⟡🐲
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➷°.[✩] Marvel╭⟡۞
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➷°.[✩] Love Letters╭⟡💕
➷°.[✩] Love Letters II╭⟡💕
➷°.[✩] Kinktober 2023╭⟡🎃
く く く A Black Rose | Yandere!Ian Daerier ❝A cruel and narcissistic reaper falls in love with the woman he was supposed to take the life of.❞ Oneshot;
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gremlingottoosilly · 9 months
Tag Team (dark!Price x fem!Reader x dark!Gaz)
Price and Gaz have absolutely zero thoughts against fucking a pretty civilian thing that was so conveniently kidnapped just for them. Dream team if you want to be squished between two big men with even bigger...hands.
TW and tags: non-con to dub-con, size difference, power imbalance, fingering, hurt/comfort(but it comes from the ones who hurt you), yandere, dark!141, possessive 141, obsessive 141, kidnapping. AO3
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Price genuinely had a great day. He woke up at normal time, unlike always – not at 4 AM, with Lasswell urgently sending him a new assignment even though she was the one to convince him to take a break with his boys for a few weeks. 
He woke up at 9 AM – sleeping in, really, felt groggy and tired even after a shower and a cuppa with the best tea he could find at the local Tesco. So, the tea wasn’t very good – but he made the most of it, taking time to cook breakfast for himself because it was still less shitty than whatever slop cooks at the base were making – even though he knew his cooking skills were somewhere on the bottom of his priorities. He chewed on overcooked eggs and caught a fleeting thought of going to the small cafe downstairs. The he thought about eating his breakfast surrounded by families on their Sunday off, students with laptops and bright futures ahead, not even knowing just how fragile everything is – how easy it would be to blow up this whole fucking building to make a perverse political statement. He thought about some cute baristas downstairs and felt…intruding. Not in his place. 
Still, the day was nice. 
And then Captain John Price, Queen’s loyal soldier, a part of the Special Forces, opened his group chat. Just he and the boys. 
And the girl Soap apparently kidnapped.
— Couldn’t wait a bloody minute, Soap? 
— Good mornin’ to ye too, Captain. Pricer frowns when Soap is grinning exactly like a cat who got the cream – and a pretty bitch in heat on the bed, ready for him. He did god the bitch – and by that captain meant the cutest girl he ever saw. Soft, crying, pathetic thing that was currently sprawled on the bed in a pose that immediately made him want to comfort you. To cover you with something, to help you clean up – after the photos Soap sent, it was only obvious that lil’ poor you were too exhausted to take another round of sex in your state. 
Too bad he and Gaz and definitely not going to stop. Gaz is hovering over you already, hands on your hips – spreading them wide, making you groan from displeasure. His sergeant understands everything immediately – you’re tired, exhausted even, you need some time to relax and they can’t just give you this time, no matter how adorable you look while just laying here. John thinks he can hear you sob softly when Kyle pushes you to the side, allowing you to just open your legs a bit. 
Gaz knows how to treat a lady nicely – maybe, even more than Ghost and Johnny ever could. He smiles when you whine and quietly ask him to stop – he kisses the corner of your mouth like he is your boyfriend and you’re just a silly sleepy thing, and he giggles when you frown. He kisses you again, and again, and it’s over and over until your face is tattered with little marks from his bites. Not quite as feral as Soap, but he has his whole team on a mission to impress here – and he had a pretty girl crying under him. 
— So pretty, luv’. Don’t fret, okay? I’ll be quick. 
— Didnae ken ye supposed to tell tha’ to a lady in bed, Gaz. 
Kyle pushes Johnny away with one hand – he already got more of his fill than needed, and he wants you to stop being so scared around them. Seriously, pretty thing, you need to relax already – on your third guy, you should understand that these people aren’t here to hurt you. Well, they are, but not in a way that people like them can hurt other people. You aren’t being tortured. Maybe just a little bit – and still, no torturer would kiss your cheeks and your forehead and whisper sweet nothing in your ear as he slowly creeps with his hand over your pussy, glossy from all the lube that was spread earlier. You just got a bit relaxed after the night – just closed up a little, maybe forgetting the state you were in just a night ago, when Ghost was wrestling you on the bed and…your drunk, hazy mind don’t want to remember any of this – so you moan and you whine when these new people, unknown people, are coming in the room to see you. To touch you. You feel like shit and you probably look like shit – but the guy with the beard, the oldest looking, is putting his hand on your cheek and saying something – you aren’t quite sure what, but you close your eyes and listen. If you close your eyes, you can pretend you want this. 
— Atta girl. Broken her already. — Thought she’d be a challenge, captain. 
— We can always open the door and let her run for it. Want to chase her with your gun hangin’, sergeant? 
— Eh, just takin’ the piss. She is soft. 
— A soft girl for us. Soap had a keen eye. 
Captain smiled and it makes you feel warm – he looks like a bear when he smiles, that kind of a fatherly figure that makes you think of all sorts of weird things. Like how he would look while fucking you, for example – how rough or how gentle he would be. You gave up forcing these thoughts out of your mind a long time ago – if you can’t escape them, you can at least try to enjoy it. They are seriously not hurting you too much – and you never came quite as much as you did now. And still, you beg them like it’s going to change anything. — Pl…please, I…I don’t want to be here. There are new people – you hope they won’t be up for this. You hope that the younger guy with kind warm eyes and an easy smile, the guy who is peppering your face with soft kisses and puts you on your side so you won’t have to spread your sore legs, the guy that gently puts a pillow to make your laying a bit easier, the guy who is acting like a lover and not a kidnapper, would finally cave in, feeling sorry for you. 
You failed to notice the glint in his eyes – that sort of thing that makes everyone trust him, that sort of thing that makes you embarrassed to even think he’d be soft with you. Because, oh little bird, his hand, the warm and big, fingers already covered in an extensive amount of lube, slowly creep over to your ass. You whine, trying to wiggle out of it. 
He only needs one hand to keep you in place. 
— Come on, luv’. No use gettin’ roughen up when we don’t want you to. — Please, pl…just a few hours, I will be good, promise, just…
His palm lays flat between your shoulder blades, making you sink more into the embrace of the other man – the one with the beard and kind smile, who lifts your chin with his hand and pushes a finger inside. Check you out for the biting reflex – like a good girl, all of your bite and bark and claws were lost long ago. Like a good girl, you are closing your eyes and thinking about England – you open your mouth and let his finger in. Your tongue darts to lick it instinctively, the intrusion almost makes you gag. His skin is salty – like sandpaper to your dry tongue, desire to drink to soothe up your throat makes your voice hoarse. 
— No, love. Don’t close your eyes on me. 
You still don’t open them – a small hint of rebellion not because you seriously think you would get away with it so easily, but because you couldn’t bear to look at them right now. He looks too kind, too handsome, too frustrating for your tired mind. You want for him to stop fucking looking like that, you want for him to stop touching you. You are a rebel, not looking at him properly – mostly because you…
A harsh slap lands on your butt. You whine from sharp pain and it gives you another smack – this is the first time any of them laid hands of you in a way that wasn’t sexual, and you want to cry from frustration. If torture is inevitable, you’d prefer it to be sex rather than pain. 
— Listen to the captain, doll. Open your eyes. 
— No. Please. — You don’t want to look at me, eh? — Probably too overwhelmed. Poor girl. We should take it easy for her. — She would be fine. Simon picked a strong girl for us. — Strong? Never saw anyone cry so much before. — Don’t like ‘em a bit more wet, sergeant? — I can take a bit wet. She looks bloody adorable like this. — That she is. They both laugh. You feel like you’re going to throw up again – the knot in your tummy getting tighter, with each second the rough fingertips are caressing your swollen and puffy lower lips, every time Gaz pushes one finger up your clit and massages it like your hips aren’t jolting in overwhelming pleasure this exact second. You can still feel the outline of a giant cock that was inside of you last night – you’re still hurting, feeling like it broke something deep inside, leaving you sore and exhausted. You just want to go home. You don’t want to listen to their banter, friendly and condescending at the same time – the authority levels are making you feel dizzy, trying to understand who they are to each other. Who can be convinced to let you go after this. — Open your eyes before I fuck you, love.
You don’t want to, and it gives you another smack – you feel like it’s going to break the skin soon, the guy behind you isn’t holding any of his strength and it makes you worry about his other hand, still playing with the softness of your cheeks, spreading lube all around your puckered hole. The only thing that wasn’t touched yet – and it’s used just like the rest of your body now. 
One long, thick digit deepens into your anus, making you whine and try to wiggle out – but you open your eyes obediently, finally, looking at his kind smile. You can almost believe he will be softer with you now, maybe just petting your head and checking with the others – but you can hear him grunting, changing the position to stand right in front of you. A hand under your chin pushes your face up, to an uncomfortable degree – while still impaled on his sergeant’s fingers in your ass, spreading your tight entrance to a degree that lets you know you won’t be walking any time soon. Price smiles when you stare at him, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, still sucking on his finger like a good girl. He opens his belt with one hand, just barely bringing his pants and underwear down to let his girthy cock slap against your cheek. It’s too heavy to stand against his stomach properly, so it spreads little beads of pre-cum all over your skin. You whine when he slaps both of your cheeks with his cockhead a few times, mostly teasing himself – preparing for the main course. He’d love to fuck your cunt and give your lower holes a proper welcome on pair with Gaz – but you look fragile and overwhelmed already. Captain does have a heart, after all. — Don’t bite or we’ll rip your teeth off. Got it? — Pl…please, sir… Oh, you smartarse. Knows how to get him going – knows how to press the buttons that would make even more blood run to his cock, making his erection unbearably hard right now. He smiles when you sob and cry, tears are really making you look even cuter – he pushes his cockhead against your swollen lips, allowing you a taste lick. A little something, solely for you. You whine at the bitter taste, not enjoying it even for a second – it’s a good thing Price doesn’t really care about the thoughts of a random civvie they snatched from a street. The last mission went up the devil’s arse and they all deserve someone warm and soft to just spread their legs and look cute. Maybe, you’ll learn to enjoy their company after the first few weeks. Maybe, he’d bring you back to his house in the countryside, tie you up to the front porch, and use you like the perfect little doorbell. Fuck his pretty girl for a few minutes and let her moans tell him that there are guests. You will do nicely as his pet. So, so nicely. — I asked if you got it. No teeth, little minx, or you will never bite anything again. 
— I p…promise. Just don’t hurt me, please, I want to go- — Your home is with us, luv. You know that fighting is useless when Gaz slowly slips his cock inside – not nearly spreading you enough so it won’t hurt. The stretch burns, leaves you sobbing as he slowly bottoms down. Smiling when you wiggle and cry, laughing and kissing the back of your head when his hand slowly slips under your leg to lift it. To provide himself with better access for your small, aching hole. 
You want for it to hurt, one agonizing inch after the other – and it does hurt, the man is by no means small, and the only reason you aren’t crying is because your mouth is too busy sucking off his captain. You just blabber something incomprehensible, something that makes them both laugh. You want for everything to hurt, just so you could stop feeling so fucking weird – but you feel the hand slipping down, between the lips of your pussy. Playing with the button of your clit, making you whine as it becomes wetter by a second. You thought there weren’t any more orgasms left to give, but Kyle smiled and pushed his fingers inside of your pussy. Not even wanting to think, you just whine, tongue swirling around Price’s cock as he pushes deeper and deeper. They rock you from side to side – when you choke on one cock too much, throat hurting from the thick length bottoming somewhere far too deep, Price finds his hand lost in your locks, gently pushing you back – deeper on Gaz’s cock. They are working together, perfectly, like a team that has known together for years – there is no hope to escape them, no chance of ever letting yourself go. You want to close your eyes and forget about everything. But when you close your eyes, you can hear the slaps of skin against skin. The wet sounds of your pussy felt ignored as it only stuffed with fingers – as thick as they could be. — You like to take it in the ass, love? 
— She’s wet, captain. Never knew she could be such a bad girl. 
— Little minxes are the best anyway. Not too much fight left though. — I bet Simon fucked all the fight of her. Didn’t he, doll? You whine, not sure how to answer with a cock in your mouth. They both laugh, knowing your predicament. 
You cum embarrassingly fast after this – the rough fingertips doing their job as you’re pushed deeper and deeper into the bed. You hate the damp sheets against your cheek, you hate that you’re so fucking wet, arousal dripping on the sheets only adds to the mess. You wonder if they would just toss them away after this. You figured that men living this kind of life wouldn’t bother with washing the sheets to get rid of the musk. — Pretty pussy feels lonely, yeah? Gaz kisses you again when you cum, whispering praises. Calling you a good girl, the best boy, taking them like a champ – making him and the captain so, so happy, would be hard not to steal you away from Ghost and Soap while they’re too busy with something else. You’re so tired, desperately, you just want to close your eyes and sleep, but they still aren’t done. Still pounding in your body like it’s just a set of warm, tight holes for them – no matter how many praises they whisper. — Will fill her up later. Little thing needs a proper fucking. — Greedy. Not even goin’ to share with me? — Sergeants get sloppy seconds, Kyle. — Glad I took her ass first then. Soap can have her after. — Boy will get spoiled with her around. You get another kiss on your shoulder, barely registrable as you fall tired again. Barely conscious. They continue to fuck you. You’re not sure they will ever going to let you go. 
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screeching-bunny · 1 year
Dark/yandere king x the queen's lady in waiting mc, perhaps with Anne boleyn vibes👑🌹♟️♥️
Saw the witch x priest post and I have to say that the morally grey protagonist is a really refreshing and unique take
Yandere! King pt.2
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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Even though you were never assigned to him Yandere! King couldn’t help but want to be by his side no matter what. You are the in-waiting for the queen, you’ve been with her for all her life and you adored her. She was strong willed and she was extremely intelligent. You’ve been by her side ever since you were young and have a tight bond with her. She was cold but you were happy to serve someone like her. Yandere! King was someone that people couldn’t be offended easily. When in his presence, everyone needed to watch their tongues if they wanted to keep it. He was a ruthless man who only cared about his own needs and goals. Even though he was married it was clear to see that the marriage was clearly political. There was no love between the two of them and they would almost daily cheat on each other. He sometimes even forgot that she existed. It was due to this loveless marriage that he became so interested in you.
Any normal person would be intimidated by this but you honestly didn’t care. If his attention would help you get a pay raise then let him stare at you all you want. In this economy, there was no way you were letting this money bag go. Something that you noticed about this man was that he was overly possessive and seemingly jealous of the things that he considered “his”. If he remotely took interest in something then it was his until he got bored and discards it. No one is dumb enough to stand in his way; he's cunning, backstabbing, and absolutely brutal. Morality means nothing when faced in his way.
Right now, your current situation was… strange. In a dining hall filled with luxurious food. There was a centerpiece in the middle of the table that no one could take their eyes off of.
“You’re majesty, please let me go! I repent, please forgive me for my sins! Please just don’t kill me!” The man screams with streams of tears pouring down his face. It was quite a pathetic sight to behold.
Yandere! King stared coldly at the man nailed down to the dining table. The look on his face could send shivers down anyone’s spine. He was absolutely pissed off right now. Aside from the man in the middle screaming, the room was filled with absolute silence as everyone held their breath. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut it with a knife.
“Your highness please have mercy on my husband! He didn’t mean to! He wasn’t in the right mind! Please forgive him!” The man’s wife begged.
“Listen to him scream like a pig. He touched someone who belonged to me. A sin like that is unforgivable.” Looking your way the king says in a menacing voice. “Tell me where he touched you.” Oh boy, you knew for sure that this was about to get very bloody. Man you really wanted to leave right now. All you could do was hope that he’d increase your salary pay after this for compensation for having to witness this. Like yeah it sucked that someone was going to die right now but there’s no way that you’re quitting. This job paid way too much and you were way too money hungry to quit.
“Tell me where did he touch you? I’ll make sure to gouge out the exact body parts to match.”
“My cheek, my neck, my waist, and my thigh”
Giving you a dismissive look, the king finally allows you to finally leave. On your way out all you could hear were the screams of the man and the sound of ripping flesh. Thank god that was over, it was starting to get annoying. Now you might be wondering where was the queen in all of this? Well, she was with her lover of course! Like I said, the king and queens marriage was only a political one. As long as they didn’t bother each other or get into the other's business, then they did not care about what the other did. It was just truly a loveless marriage.
Making your way towards the queen’s chambers you begin to perform your daily duties. Mindless tasks that bore you to death. The only reason your pay was so good was because of how fond Yandere! King is of you. Any other person in your position would only get a fraction of your wage. You were a bit thankful for this because if he ever deemed you as boring and fired you. You’d still have enough money to live a fairly decent lifestyle. Something that you’ve learned while working for the royal family was that it was always best to stay away from their personal affairs. It gets real ugly once an outsider ever decides to interfere. You honestly wished you knew this before your parents forced you to sign up for this job. Maybe it would have saved you from an annoying king?
Sometimes he’d hand you little trinkets to indulge yourself in. It seemed that he was quite fond of observing you and witnessing your reaction to new devices. With someone like him running the country most people would think that it’d be in ruins. However, he’s definitely smart and knows how to run a country. It’s thanks to him that his kingdom has one of the best economies in the world.
Even though you were primarily assigned to the queen you saw Yandere! King more than her. To you, he was an obnoxious and dangerous figure. One that can easily win wars and conquer any land he so desires. He is a very selfish man that has a habit of being physically and emotionally manipulative. To be honest you can’t say you were any better. Oftentimes you’d use people to your own benefit but he’d definitely take it to the extreme. The amount of people that he used and discarded was insane. Weakness is a word that seems to be out of his dictionary.You could never tell what exactly he was thinking, he was like an enigma. One thing you were certain about was that with the rate of his obsession he’d never leave you alone.
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deafsignifcantother · 6 months
the newest guest
♥ summary: ur alastor's pookie bear but like in an admiration way not a purely romantic way. "gaze softens as soon as it lands on you" - @urfriendlywriter ♥ relationship: alastor x gender neutral deaf reader ♥ word count: 1.7 ♥ notes: reader is stone deaf, attached alastor but like in a friendly way and not a yandere way, reader doesn't usually wake up early, alastor doodling
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Whether it's the early morning or late at night, the red sky is the same. You and Alastor sit on his balcony, your ankles crossed from under the tea table, and he is copying your position. In his hand is a red mug. He has on his tight red suit while his red ears face forward.
"Now, I can't directly claim the hotel as mine, but I very much do my best to keep it running smoothly," he signs. He finds himself incapable of pushing down the feeling of mischief when he makes eye contact with you. You make him all the more astounded. You're staring at him as if he's an angel. Why are you staring at him with such admiration? It's frightening. His smile grows while the radio static tickles your skin more and more.
You sign to him, "You're doing a good job."
"Yes, I certainly am." He stares at you patiently while your eyes look around for what seems like the 100th time. Every time you look at the city, you notice something different. He doesn't know what you're looking for, but his eyes never follow; he just keeps staring at you.
When you don't turn to look at him again, he taps his nails against the table until your attention goes to him again. His smile grows. "Will you grant me the pleasure of knowing why you're here, my dear?"
"I want to see what it's like in here," your eyes glance at the windows and the bright lights on the roof. "And maybe I feel a little motivated to be good." He hears your throat make a soft, laugh-like noise as you continue, "You don't seem to be here for the same reason."
"Correct" is the only response. When you examine his face closer, you notice how sharp the ends of his teeth are and the multiple shades of red in his eyes. You nod, waiting for him to add anything else. He just stares at you with his usual wide eyes and dangerous smile.
He walks you back to your room as a gentleman should. He lets you lock your arms together as you two walk. Neither of you sign; you both just bask in peace. He always wondered what it would be like to live in silence.
The hallways last forever, and only a few doors are decorated. You both land at your doorstep and when you enter your room, he pushes you in before you can shut the door. The gust of wind his fast body produces brushes your cheek.
Okay, welcome in.
His eyes scan the room as if he hadn't been there before.
"This room is absolutely boring!" He signs with wide eyes as he turns and looks around the room. "What happened to the things I put up?"
He refers to the human skulls he had hung up on the walls and the long stream of bloody handprints, his handprints. Perhaps it was a form of affection, but you did not want it staining your walls.
You give him an eye roll while you shrug off your shoes. He watches you as you walk to the bed unmistakably. Being in your room offers pure relaxation and comfort, especially after he wakes you up at 5AM to have tea with him on the balcony. Before you can sit on the bed, the floor beneath you vibrates.
With a silent snap of his fingers, the bland, unaccustomed bed was replaced by a huge, fluffy-looking queen-size bed.
You glance back at him before switching your gaze to the new furniture. Since when could he do that?
He just stands idly in the middle of the room, creating new decor to impress you. What would his new little darling like next? A chair by the fireplace? A shelf for little trinkets, not human skulls this time?
You sit on the bed and see what the mattress and sheets feel like. Alastor hears the sound of your hums. His toothy smile widens. In the calm, radiating light of your room, his eyes can almost be mistaken for pink.
His mic taps the floor as the bed shakes, trying to grab your attention. Your eyes meet as he twirls the mic and signs with his other hand.
"Enjoying yourself?"
"It's comfortable, thank you."
His smile becomes close-lipped before he bows to you. "It's a joy to pleasure you, sweetheart."
"Of course." 
There's a slight pause. You wait for Alastor to continue, but he doesn't. He just stares with that familiar look in his eyes. With a tiny bit of shyness, you break the eye contact.
It's awful to think about him this way. He's giving you the world, apparent, but is it because he pities you? You think about that every single day while in the hotel. Your impulsive thoughts always tell you these people are only here for you because they pity you.
Is he going out of his way to make you feel better for that reason? And how does that make you feel?
"Anyway," he looks around the room for a final time. "What are our plans for today?"
"Our?" The sign is flighty. With the sign comes the tired look in your eyes; your body calls for you to sleep. A million thoughts go through his head. He stares, and you shrink while his eyes burn into you. It's how he looked at you when you first entered the hotel. Your eyes flickered around the room, taking in every detail as quickly as possible. You counted the number of people in the room while counting them in your head. How many people would you have to teach some sign to? Who has five fingers? Who looks like they'd learn the fastest? By the sight of you, Charlie brought you into a hug, and Alastor appeared behind you just as quickly. He held his microphone behind his back with his crossed arms. Who was this little one? Your eyes flickered up to his tall form. His eyes were burning into you.
He still stares at you this way.
"Yes, our! Would you not wish to spend your day with me?" His head tilts as his eyelids drop. Maybe him knowing sign meant that you are stuck with him.
You give him a small smile. "We do so many things all the time, how about we stay in here for just a little while before going out again."
"Absolutely!" He spins his cane with one hand while he signs. He taps is on the ground, removing his grip, his cane remaining in its place even when he lets go. "Such a brilliant idea, what should we do? Maybe a little game of rummy?" He summons a table with cards and sits at it, all the while you remain sitting on your bed with that same small smile.
"It's early."
"Yes indeed! It is much too early for a game of rummy, maybe that should be postponed into our later evening. Let me see? What could we possible do in this little room of yours?" He was about to snap his fingers to conjure something until you clapped at him, waving your hands, "nothing like that! Can we laze, or something?"
"Ah, a good 'break', as to say."
You turn away from him, hoping he'd catch your hint by laying down on the bed. It is impressively comfortable, more than you would have suspected, especially considering he most likely did it to his liking rather than assuming yours. Surrounded by the comfort of the untouched pillows, you close your eyes, waiting for him to startle you into opening them again.
But he doesn't.
He watches you from his place. Look at you, so tired, it's so cute. It doesn't deter him from his plans on waking you up to hang out with him tomorrow morning as well, but it is a bit charming to see. You feel safe enough in his presence to close your eyes around him. Why are you so comfortable? He teleports closer to you, trying his best to hide the close distance as he leans a bit closer. Your lashes flutter a bit.
Of course you knew how close he was. He is always blissfully unaware of his much his static tickles your skin. How funny would it be if you spring up and wrap your hands around him (obviously you wouldn't, but the impulse is amusing enough to entertain).
You remain there with eyes close, complete alert of what his next steps might be. He doesn't bother you, doesn't try and move you or interact with your space at all. Within no time, he is gone.
Well, he thinks to himself, the little fawn does need rest after all.
And one might remain vigilant and wary of any ulterior motives or hidden agendas behind the kindness being displayed. Wariness and relief are your main emotions when it comes to his patience with you. What does he get out of being so nice to you, is it because you are a guest? Avoiding harm is good, and you do experience his pestering as much as everybody else, but at least it's tolerable. He must appreciate that greatly. His larger scheme is entirely hotel-oriented, of course, but where does that place you?
Close to him, you assume. Perhaps he just likes to exercise his knowledge of ASL.
His sits in the lobby with a pen in his hand, drawing small figures on the pamphlet he's been trying to design. Charlie has come up with an amazing idea; handing out pamphlets! He has said that he will be the one to come up with a fantastical way of alluring people to the hotel, despite his teasing display of the hotel from his commercial. He does love expressing his creative side.
His behavior is a bit different than before you had arrived. The other guests, Vaggie and Husk in particular, took extreme notice in the fact that he's decided to spend his free time in the lobby rather than off in who-knows. He's waiting for your appearance. Everybody can sense it, even though he never glances at the stairs or even offers a twitch of his ears at the footsteps around him. He'll know when you arrive. He always does.
So when you finally land yourself at the top of the stairs, looking down at the lobby, staring at his tilted down head and his bouncing feet from the cushioned chair, you smile to yourself when he lifts his head. His concentrated gaze softens as soon as it lands on you. Within no time, he's folding the paper into his pocket and promptly pops up behind you, wrapping an arm around yours and leads you down the flight.
How excited he is to spend the rest of the day with you. It's cute.
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rowretro · 6 months
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✧warnings: Yandere/toxic themes, Cheshire Riki, manipulation ig? mentions of going mad, blood, mentions of abuse, mentioned of being stoned
❁synopsis: Y/n is a very curious girl, and incredibly creative, having grown up in a heartless, cold, boring family, others always ponderred if the mother perhaps had an affair. She's so sweet and cheery and always curious. Her head always in may books, shows, as she feeds off of whatever knowledge gains... In fact she herself started wanderring whether hse was going mad....
Y/n was stuck in her room, her arms and legs all scratched up and bloody, she sat on the floor of her now, somewhat messy room. There and then she cried. Her eyes landed on the book above her vanity, she got up, limping, tripping over one of her stuffed toys, as she gripped onto the frame of the mirror, her face landing right on the mirror. However to her surprise, she didn't shatter it, or hurt her face, in fact she saw a whole new world.
Perhaps she had hit her head a little too hard and she was now in the afterlife? She immediately pulled away with all her might. Not a scratch on her face. She didn't even hurt herself. Curious, she reached her hand out to touch the mirror again, the mirror rippling as her hand went right. through the mirror. She looked back at her messy room then back at the mirror.
There's a whole crazy world on the other side of that mirror, No boring beings, senseless story books, long science essays that are meant to feed one's knowledge. Maybe behind the silver there's a whole dreamland. Smiling she stepped through the mirror. Boy was she stunned. Shocked, but she loved what she was seeing. "Oi mind your step!" a tulip yelled from beneath her foot.
"Oops- sorry sirmaam maamsir?-" she questioned, as she stared up at the sky "Ooh score tree candy!" she smiled, trying to reach for the gumdrop, only for the tree branch to suddenly go up "awh- can't I have candy mrmissmrrsmx tree?" Y/n asked, assuming the tree would also talk. A smile appeared mid air, and there, a handsome fucking man, smiling mischievously whilst staring down at her. "Well you're one cute lil kitty~" Riki said with a smile.
Since that very moment, everything seemed to be a blur. Y/n woke up gasping for air, there on the ground of her messy room. She had one very vivid, crazy dream, it felt so real yet she barely remembered most of it. She could only make out the figures of actual, human-sized solitaire cards chasing her down, A queen with a heart-shaped head. A white rabbit quite like her pet one, except it's male and it talks.
"Is there a chance I was stoned?" she asked herself as she shrugged, sitting up, there on her wall, surrounding the frame of her mirror, are solitaire cards. Is this some sort of Deja vu? Her shaky hands reached out toward the mirror, touching it. Yet she just left a finger print. It was just a dream. "No it wasn't sweetheart." Shocked, she turned to where that deep, dreamy yet familiar voice was heard. It's the Cheshire man.
"Have I officially gone mad? it's said that too much knowledge makes a human go mad" Y/n asked as the man snickerred, teleporting before her. "Everyone's mad here my darling..." he said "Darling?... no one's ever called me that-" She admittingly said. Riki smirked, walking around her in circles, tutting as he admired every inch of her "What a princess what a princess... why don't you do the honours miss Heart, and be my darling wife?" the handsome man asked as he stared down at her.
"Y/N. WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?!" a woman screamed from the entrance, her eyes doubling in size as she noticed her daughter talking to thin air. "I KNEW IT. WE SHLDN'T HAVE ADOPTED SOME RANDOM 5 YEAR OLD THAT WAS PAINTING ON BRICK WALLS.... WE CAN'T HAVE A MAD WOMAN IN THE HOUSE. NO ONE'D MARRY YOU." she screamed. Ah yes, marriage. She's nothing but a pretty doll to sell to the richest man that'll treat her like his sex slave as he slept with other women, just so her so called family could have the money they want.
As the woman picked up a sharp dagger to stab poor y/n, she suddenly dropped dead, the very dagger pierced into her heart. "It seems you have no other choice my darling... you have to come back with me. Marry me. Let me love you in the place I call home, and you call your dreamland... if you stay here, they'll torture you cand claim that you killed her...." Riki explained as Y/n stood there frozen. Sure the woman was cruel and unloving, but she's still her mother...
"She isn't your real mother darling...... I know you're real mother... The queen of hearts." The male said, nothing but truth in his mouth. "You know you can trust my y/n... I know everything about you... I've been watching you through this mirror, my poor princess, so creative, curious and darling.... being mistreated in this dungeon.... let me take you home~" he said, opening a portal in the mirror. She had no choice, the guards had discovered the body... so through the mirror she went... into her wonderland.
a/n: Idk if this is very yandere or if u cld wrap ur head around it, I'll try to be more active for now my darlings as I will be pretty inactive due to a-levels and soon even uni and work etc etc, I'll work through my requests<3
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idanceuntilidie · 10 months
Can you do Yan detective x murder reader
(If you want a name which is optional I got a few, Jason,Kyle,Ashton <- [most recommend in my opinion],Frank)
I hope it was okay! Sorry for not posting anything for so long- Had small problems with my mental health and school TW; mentions of death, murders, blood, yandere behaviour, kidnapping, stalking
reader is gn
Yan Detective x Murderer reader Requests open
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The messenger strikes again! Whole group of highschool friends were found dead.... click to find out more!
Ashton bit his thumb as he read another article that night. His tired eyes scanned the painfully flashy site. His co-worker sent him a few of the articles along with this one. For anything that could help him catch the murderer.
Hands shaking and lips pressed into a thin line.
So many people have died recently.
He closed his eyes before getting up and walking to the balcony to smoke. The best stress reliever he had right now. The night was cold. The beautiful once view from his tenement house now covered with ruthless modern architecture. It looked fucking ugly. He took a deep breath in, the smoke burned his throat slightly. It felt nice, he exhaled watching as the gray smoke slowly dissolved in the air.  The case he decided to take seemed simple. It started with one person. Judy Millers. Very pretty young adult, she came from a wealthy family. Ashton actually knew her, back in the day they went to high school. 
A queen bee. He was lucky enough not to get crushed by her. People loved her despite her being an absolute asshole. Judy looked like she was dragged out of some highschool drama. Wealthy, pretty and known for being a bitch.
Her father found her dead in her bathroom. Ashton remembers that night so clearly, when he walked into the bathroom the stench of blood and death overwhelmed his senses. Eyes watering. 
Judy was in more than a bad shape, he could barely recognize her. Face slashed,he could see parts of the bone. She was naked, and the girl was gutted like a pig. Homicide. His eyes darted to the wall behind her head.
“It’s not so funny now is it?” That’s how the murderer got their name, messenger, it sounded slightly stupid but it was a name nonetheless. After Judy, the messenger killed more and more people. Oddly enough they were all from his old high school.
He swore to the father that he will solve the case, but months passed and he still hasn't caught the killer.
Suddenly he heard the door open. Someone walked into his apartment, they were slowly approaching him. He didn’t move, but a smile appeared on his lips. Wide, unnatural he waited as the person behind him got closer. Slowly the person wrapped their hands around his waist. The stench of blood hit his nose in an instant.
They whine. He chuckled as he threw away the cigarette. “Someone got to them before me, can you believe it?” Their voice was rough, but oh so beautiful. It made Ashtons heart burn.
“Oh, oh my love I’m so sorry.” He turned around to hug them back, kissing their head. It was messy, the blood started to already dry out.
“You should take a bath y/n, the blood will be hard to get out, huh?” They nodded, smiling at him before dragging their body to the bathroom. He watched them disappear behind the doorway. He must admit, you look hot in bloody red.
Truth to be told, he found the killer or well the killer found him. After a few of the murders, he decided the question the people who went to the same highschool and were still alive. 
You were the last person on the list, and man when he saw you again after all these years the feelings hit him back. You looked like a wreck, dark circles under your eyes and he swore you had the smell of death on you. Man, even after all these years you were so so lovely. He had fallen for you again.
From then on he started to watch you, even getting to your house. It was full of evidence, and plans to kill everyone who bullied you over the years. He saw the photo of judy with huge X and knife plunged into the middle of her face. He admits he might have got off to the smell of blood on your clothes.
You were the messenger, and he was so sure but he didn’t give you away. Hell, he planned to steal you away actually.
He might have killed a few people along the way, mostly co workers. 
Some got too close, some asked too many questions. He couldn’t share you. He couldn’t share his case. You were his, you were his to understand. To solve. To catch.
He watched you kill some of the people on your list, dreamily sighing as he watched you laugh maniacally as you did. You almost died once, not expecting the victims friend coming back early you didn’t notice them slowly creeping on you with a knife. You were oh so lucky he was near. He saved the day, successfully killing that fucker only to find you were nowhere to be seen. He felt so disappointed. He didn’t even get a chance to even talk to you. Then he found a small gift. A single finger and bloody message.
Every week he got a small body part, along with some threatening messages, but in Ashtons mind, those very love letters. He cherished them.
Then you got into his house, full of rage, bloody, ready to kill him. He didn’t fight you, you looked so beautiful. His heart rammed in his chest as you were ready to stab him. His hands grabbed your face and he kissed you. You bit his tongue and blood filled his mouth. It was so romantic. Let’s say you didn’t leave the house for a good year after that. He kept you in his bedroom for a whole year, finally he had you.
You suffered a whole year, in his grip, answered his questions with a wide smile, describing the murders he already witnessed. Music to his ears. He made his love known, he killed the rest of your victims and brought you their hearts. He watched as you ripped them apart.
After that one year, you fell for him too, and that’s how both of you got to this point, and he knew, you won’t leave him.
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yanderehsr · 1 year
Hey! Can you make a yandere Jing Yuan, Blade, Luocha, Dan Heng and Caelus with a Noelle! s/o? I really love that geo queen <3
She protecc, she attacc but most importantly, she heal your bacc. Hope you'll enjoy😄
And since I only do 4 I will remove one. Also while Noelle is 15, reader is 18, just so you know.
Trigger Warning: Yandere, Obsessive behaviour, Possessive behaviour, Kidnapping, Murder
Jing Yuan: He always calls on you to do small meaningless tasks, it's so he can spend a bit more time with you, hell he has asked you to just stand there in his toom a couple of times, just so he can bask in your presence.
Jing Yuan will not allow anyone else to call for you, you are his maid, not anyone elses. He soundproofs his room so you can't hear anyone else calling, now this is how it's supposed to be, he wonders how long it is until you realised he has locked the door.
"Sweetheart, lay down and relax, it is my turn now to take care of you"
Blade: Anyone you help he will kill off, they don't deserve your help and this is the punishment they deserve for wasting your time, this continue until either you notice his killing spree or he gets tired of waiting and just kidnaps you.
You may try and defend yourself, you are very much stronger than a normal human and can create shields, but in the end it is not enough to stop Blade and his one track mind to keep you, both he and you is bloodied yet still alive as he drags you to your new home.
"I did it because I love you, they didn't deserve your help"
Luocha: You helped him alongside Sushang and Dan Heng, he couldn't tear his eyes off you, such beauty and grace, be prepared to get healed in every battle with the other 2 being ignored. You always asked if you could do anything for him, he could think of a lot of things but he just smiled and said that there was nothing, he needs to have patience here.
Luocha will spend more time with you after, asking you to travel with him, it doesn't really matter what you answer, you will come with, either willingly or inside a coffin, it has breathing holes but it's suffocating, he just can't just leave you, not when he has catched such strong feelings.
"Now be quiet in there, we don't need others to get suspicious now do we"
Caelus: You can't convince me he doesn't fancy maids, loves your dress and makes sure to take as many photos as he can before you notice him. He always asks for your help on the train, he wants you help to decorate your his room.
Caelus locks the door behind himself when the room is finally done and you are ready to leave, oh how silly you are, there is no leaving here, you will stay here and be protected (ignoring the fact that you can create barriers and can probably suplex a lawachurl) he will make sure of it.
"Yes, there is something you can help me with, lay down in that bad and don't try to escape, my sweet maid"
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May I request A B I K L with Luffy?
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
I really hope that you aren't touch averse, because your personal space is also his now. Luffy is in a constant state of touching you in one way or another. He's always holding your hand, hugging you, hanging off of you, poking and prodding at you for attention, or carrying/dragging you around depending on your height. Luffy is the clingiest man you'll ever meet, and he's strong enough to make sure that you can't escape it.
He also likes doing stuff with you. His favorite part about going to a new island is bouncing around to all of the local food spots to try them with you. He lives for adventure and wants to experience those with you by his side.
Luffy goes hard with everything he does, and that applies to his love for you. While he is far from a romantic, everyone can tell that you're together in one way or another from watching how Luffy interacts with you. His love is intense and suffocating, and most of all, inescapable.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Luffy is the last person to care about making a mess. If he gets bloodied from beating a rival or threat to a pulp, so be it. He won't even notice until you're cringing away from him and begging for him to bathe first. He's the kind of person that will stop at nothing to protect the people he cares about, and of course that applies to you. You're never going to have to be afraid of anything or anyone besides him with Luffy around.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
Another one of those fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants kind of a guy. He has his ultimate goal of being the pirate king and wants to celebrate that with you by his side, and likewise wants to be with you whenever you achieve your own goals, but outside of that he's just going to see where life takes the two of you. As long as you're with him, and have ideally fully accepted him and his love, he doesn't really care that much what happens.
He's a lot like Ace in the sense that marriage straight up never crosses his mind. He thinks it's kind of dumb and pointless. It's not like he's going to up and throw away his darling one day just because of the absence of a marriage certificate, so what's the point? He's the pirate king, and you're his pirate queen/king/royalty figure of sorts. Isn't that good enough?
I can see him wanting to have a family one day with his darling, but that would be really far down the line. He wouldn't even start thinking about it until he's in his thirties at least. And well, I hope you also want children because once his mind is set, that's it. It's going to happen.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
A lot of people mistake you two for being just friends with the way he acts. He's so carefree and goofy with you. It isn't that much different from how he acts around his nakama, just more excessive and he kisses you sometimes. He's very openly affectionate (see A for more detail on that) and isn't one to shy away from PDA.
If you're acting up and "being difficult", Luffy is prone to just ignoring it while keeping an iron-clad grip on you in hopes that you'll wear yourself out and drop it.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Luffy is never actively looking for love, so any relationship that does happen will be something of a slow burn friends to lovers type situation. More likely than not, you will be a part of his crew well before he starts to catch feelings for you. The love progresses so slowly and naturally, that when paired with his tendency to already go to the extreme for the people in his life, his darling might not catch on to the fact that he's even yandere for them.
Your relationship doesn't even get a label until someone else points it out, and by that point you're going to already be blinded by his friendly demeanor and probably have no objection to it.
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yanderes-galore · 7 months
I have a request. Could I please request a Yandere Princess Cadence for The Yandere MLP Virus AU?
Hm... sure! Doing this with Cadance could be cool! (She's a fav of mine) Using @koipaper 's idea for how the virus started (Hope I tagged the right person 😭) Not fully proofread!
Yandere Virus! Princess Cadance Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Yandere virus, Blood, Violence, Death, Murder, Body horror, DARK THEMES, Forced relationship attempted.
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Poor Cadance has no clue what Twilight has done.
The princess knew of the younger princess's crush, but didn't know the extent.
She had no idea Twilight tried to cast a love spell on you... only to do it wrong and curse you.
Upon being sent a letter of distress, Cadance left Shining Armor and Flurry Heart to check things out in Ponyville.
She worries for Twilight... especially if this really is some sort of emergency.
Cadance has no idea what awaits her.
When she arrives at Twilight's castle everything's a mess.
There's no sign of the princess... and Ponyville itself looks in disarray.
The Alicorn is careful, wandering the streets carefully.
She even cringes back when she sees blood in the streets.
What happened...?
Going further into Ponyville she's met with broken architecture and blood.
Perhaps even a corpse or two.
Soon she even sees the results of the virus.
Emancipated ponies... bloody wounds... all staggering about with smiles and bloodshot/dilated eyes.
It's by this point Cadance knows she has to escape.
But then a pony comes rushing away from a horde, fear on their face.
Cadance charges her magic and steps in, pacifying the infected while standing in front of the pony.
By the time it's all done the alicorn turns to the pony.
Said pony is you... injured and bleeding... shock written all over your face.
"P-Princess Cadance...!" You manage to gasp out. "You shouldn't be here!"
The alicorn is confused as you sob.
"P-Please... leave me be...! Save yourself!"
There's then movement behind the alicorn, she turns around to see a familiar purple alicorn staring her down.
The older princess freezes.
The purple alicorn says nothing, looking maybe the worst out of all the infected.
Then her gaze stares at the other alicorn.
"Why do you have them?"
Cadance glances at you now standing behind her, you're shaking on your legs.
"Twilight... what happened...?"
There's shambling silhouettes that walk closer, Cadance recognizes them as Twilight's friends.
They're all infected....
"Give them back..." The purple alicorn rasps, stepping forward.
"Don't take what isn't yours...!"
It's then Cadance uses her magic to carry you, running off with you.
You're too weak to be able to warn her anymore... you're so tired...
Cadance flies and runs for her life, infected ponies following close behind.
She'll save you... you'll be protected...
She just needs to get out of her.
By the end of the escape attempt Cadance has a few wounds... but nothing bad.
By the time she manages to lose the other ponies she focuses on your wounds.
You're too tired to fight anymore... you're happy to be out of Ponyville...
But you fear for what happens next.
Cadance is oblivious to the curse you have, carefully taking you back to her castle to tend to your weak body.
You're kept in your own room while Cadance explains to Shining Armor what happened.
You may be bandaged... but you still cry.
Not from pain... but at the fact you realize you've caused all this.
Unless anything is done about it... you'll cause it all to happen again.
You fear corrupting Cadance... so you plan to leave once rested.
But as she checks up on you... you can see her gaze shift.
You fear it's already too late...
The Mane Six are long gone in their insanity... the rest of Ponyville might be too...
Your next goal is to escape the Crystal Empire... you have a theory on how to help yourself...
You need either Zecora... or Queen Chrysalis.
So, without thanking Princess Cadance... you leave.
Said Princess then freaks out when she sees you gone.
After all... the virus has settled in...
She won't stop searching for you...
Not until she has you... like every other infected pony you've encountered.
You're in danger without her.
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Dark flames, dark hearts and dark love
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Maegor x sister!wife
warning : Maegor is his own warning, mentioned miscarriages, comfort, blood, murder, targcest,smut nothing too explicit, obsession, yandere, no use of Y/n
Summary : Maegor the Cruel a man she loved, but a husband she learned to fear when his mind, soaked in madness and prophecies, began to trap her in a cage of blood and gold…and yet at the end of the day, she always showed her love until the day blood stained the stones of the castle and she had to make a demonstration.
info : Maegor the Cruel I think he could have been a good king under different circumstances. But it wasn't like that and now we have the monster and our husband have fun reading :)
Dark clouds seemed to lie over Dragonstone for the last few weeks, the great castle, the fortress of dark stone and surrounded by mist, had a household that twitched and retreated hastily into the shadows as soon as its king and lord of Dragonstone passed through the corridors of his castle.
Heavy boots pacing the corridors and rooms when he was angry at the actions and inabilities of others to calm down, dark black and blood red clothing that blew in the wind the exact same color as his mother's.
The Dowager Queen Visenya Targaryen who had given birth to two children her first son Maegor and her daughter the Flame of Dragonstone, the Red Jewel or the Gentle Queen a young woman who took after her Aunt Rhaenys rather than her mother her brother or her father.
But as gentle as she was, she had pure Targayren blood flowing through her, light hair almost white, violet eyes and her dragon Dreamfyre a dragoness to match, but there seemed to be something slumbering in both of them too, a violence that rarely showed itself.
But above all she was the last wife, according to the tradition of her house she had married her brother on the full moon of last winter in the hope of giving him a pure heir, the miscarriages his queens suffered all mistakes that should not have happened women who were killed and never the fault of the king that could not be.
,,I know you will give me an heir dear sister…none of these whores will be able to harm you” he had promised her before the bed ceremony he had kissed her lips gently with his promise before carrying her to his room, the dragon emblems and valyriscene relics surrounding her as he took her, fires from the torches illuminating both their bodies.
Blood stained her thighs as he took her virginity, kisses of certainty warped to brief cruelty as the dragons worlded and danced, surrendering as they should. Violet eyes looked at each other soaked in lust and pain she had to learn to love her brother in this way, learned from her mother she knew she would rule westeros with him in the hours they slept together dream, lust and the reality they woke from at dawn faded.
Several moons passed and even when he visited her bed he kissed her and praised her with words of warning so often he was away on crusades and war left her with the fear of losing him, so afraid that she would lose him that she initially wanted to visit him with Dreamyfre but her mother forbade it. ,,My precious daughter, with his seed in you, you should not put yourself in danger,” she said and laid a hand on her cheek before the older girl turned to the council in her son's absence.
Not hearing the rapid beating of her daughter's heart, she made her way back to her room with the red gemstone diadem, her hand on her stomach full of fear and ignorance, afraid of the other “queens” around the child. The son who came back, bloodied and victorious, turned to face her in her room.
She could smell the scent of smoke and blood of death clinging to him, laying down her needlework with her heart beating wildly she came towards him, hearing the clanking of armor as he eased it away from him, rough hands coming to rest on her hips and running over her body, ,,I long for you,” he growled a voice filled with lust he tried to take her lips as she avoided him.
She felt his grip tighten it wasn't the first time he had been rough and he had never hit her but until when would this last instead she had to give him the news she was heartbroken about, ,,My king…this morning the master he-he said I was with your child” she admitted wincing as he abruptly let go of her his stature changed from relaxed to tense. Didn't he want her? Was she not good enough for him? Was she the worst of the women he had…didn't he want a child from such a marriage?
She was about to speak his name when he suddenly startled her to her knees, she wanted to back away for fear he wouldn't be able to restrain himself but he only said, ,,Don't you dare move” and he gripped her hips painfully tight as he pulled her to him, pressing his head against her middle, inhaling her scent, lustful and aroused but in his eyes as he looked at her she thought she saw satisfaction next to these excesses.
He put his ear to her belly and though it was still moons too early he seemed in his delusion to feel a child kicking, ,,The prince who was promised my dear wife you are the noblest thing I possess forever” he murmured she had never heard him like this, so rough and gentle to her, so absent and so distant he frightened her, Maegor frightened her for the first time because she didn't know how far he would go.
But he didn't leave her room, instead he grabbed her arm and made her walk beside him to the council to announce the news, knowing that this announcement would reach the other “wives” with intentions other than joy and goodwill.
Her mother was positively ecstatic at the tidings and she thought she even saw a glimmer of tears as Visenya stood by the fireplace, but above all she had never seen the Dowager Queen so proud. Thus, Aegon's blood continued to flow even under these conditions, but the other wives, who mostly kept to themselves in their chambers or castles with their families, wished her well with venomous envy.
,,Fearful whores, they know what value you now have for him and the kingdom,” said the Targaryen and turned to her daughter, whose belly was now slowly rounding out after more time had passed; soon further tests and examinations by the masters would reveal the sex, even if Visenya and Maegor knew it would be a boy.
A boy, the prince of the realm, ,,They are still his wives, my husband will still show them mercy,” she said, still feeling his lust for her as he visited her more and more often now, his gaze caressing her cunt so as not to harm the child and feeling her belly while death still seemed to surround him.
But this gaze, the gaze that frightened her every time, full of obsession, as if she were nothing but there for him, did not disappear, on the contrary, it seemed to increase. But as often as she asked her mother for advice, told her what Maegor was like, she interrupted the subject so harshly, saying that this was the love of pure dragons, but could it be love? Wasn't it perhaps madness?
At her words, Visenya laughed amusedly and turned her off, ,,Oh child how naive you still are, what do you think all this world is made of? Out of conciliation and forgiveness….no-no this world is made of blood and death and that's how it will end,” she told her daughter before leaving the queen alone in his leisurely late hours to attend to the council.
Her heart pounded with incomprehension, she had only exchanged a few words with the other women, had been pitied at first and had received words of courage here and there but now, now those words were poisonous and painful.
,,He will protect us” she murmured and placed a hand on her stomach before she settled down after drinking her tea and decided to go to bed But who will protect me from him? was her last thought as the fire burned out and she lay under the warm furs and blankets, her eyes closed and drifting off to sleep.
Sleep came over her, a deep sleep in which she did not notice how a few hours at the hour of the wolf shadows approached her room, shadows of anger and deathly lust towards her.
Her mind immersed in dreams of fire and death, of burning banners and sinking families, the pregnant woman moved slightly in her sleep, her hands clutching the blanket as if she needed a shield to cling to.
Dragons screeching and spitting fire over Dragonstone, Balerion's roar echoing through the nact and Dreamfyre's flames shooting into the air as the door to her room opened and the shadows flitted in. Shadows of magic infused with the blood of single covenants approached her bed, barely visible hands tampering with the furs and dekcne, the cool night air and burnt down fire no longer warming the queen, the light film of sweat on her skin like a thousand tears as a blade threatened to pierce her body.
Whether it was premonition, the bond with the dragons or a mother protecting her child as she woke at the last moment and cried out, the blade slashed her arm that she had raised in defense and tried to scurry out of bed while Dreamfyre was raging outside and she screamed for her guards.
In the dim light she still managed to see them, those shadows, that dark blood magic knew it was a matter of moments how her fate could turn…but then the flame in her fireplace suddenly leapt to life seeming to give her a moment to bypass the shadows and rush to the door as she saw the torches when she saw him.
,,Maegor!” she shouted his name as his arms enveloped her, he himself still in simple clothes with Darksister at his side ready to defend her ,,Who was it?’ he demanded to know, pushing her behind him as he called his guards into the room but they found nothing ,,Shadows-shadows Maegor they tried to kill me…they tried to kill our child" she stammered.
Tears had welled in her eyes as she felt the pain of the wound now full and the blood already a small pool on the floo …they wanted to kill our child” she stammered tears had welled up in her eyes as she felt the pain of the wound fully and the blood was already forming a small pool on the floor.
The hours that followed, full of excitement and worry, he had sent his wife to the master, Visenya stayed with her while the king “interrogated” one after the other who could have committed this atrocious act, but not once had he shown her devotion and concern only his violet eyes had shown a fraction of concern when he had seen the blood on her clothes and placed his hand on her stomach before he had disappeared.
,,Something must be done, they will hang for what they have done,” her mother murmured in agitation and she was afraid that the queen dwarf would still overstress herself but the pain inside her, in her heart and in her belly made her worry even though the master had told her that the child had not lost anything, she did not know if this was true.
,,Maegor, mother he avoids me…I was afraid he would take care of the child and not see me” she admitted her worries and took another prescription tea to calm herself down and stay strong despite the deep scarring wound and Visenya turned to her daughter a hint of affection suddenly appeared.
She saw the gentle look, the slight smile as her mother took her hands, ,,We dragons are gods dear and your king is his father come again, with fire we have taken our throne…with fire you will have to take yours lay down your title and become what you were born to be” she reminded her daughter of what they were, of the rulers they have become through their greatest strength.
Perhaps it was her own desire to finally rise to her mother's greatness in life, to finally be equal to her husband, or perhaps it was her own madness and overflowing softness that she evaded as she walked out of the room, the black and red dress pulling at her body, and she took herself to the council to be the dragon her husband had always seen in her.
,,I want to be alone with my husband the king right now!” she commanded, feeling that sense of enough as the men filed out of the room, Maegor giving her a waiting look as she went to the head of the table and presented him with a parchment, a parchment with six names, a parchment with six offerings she wanted.
Maegor's interest showed as he read the names and placed his hand on her wound but gently almost carefully, ,,My dragoness has licked blood if it is your wish then grant it I will regard you with the utmost respect as the royal couple we were always meant to be” he made her understand as his rough hand moved up her arm, caressing her cheek and he pulled her into a kiss knowing that she herself would carry the scent of fire around blood.
That very night, in the courtyard of Dragonstone, Maegor, his sister-wife with Dreamfyre and his six other wives found themselves crying and begging for mercy from one or the other, but they were all to blame, they were all to blame for the attempted murder of her and her son.
,,You are all regicides for the attempted murder of me the only queen of the kingdoms and his prince, for too long I have shown you mercy with poisonous hope you have taken advantage of me and now you bear the consequences at the hands of a goddess!” she exclaimed and Dreamfyre rose into the air the wings seemed to howl around the castle like the winds of death.
Balerion roared his approval and Maegor's devotion to her grew with each passing second. He had found his true queen, his true love and his dragoness…his only true goddess good enough to rule in his place.
,,Dracarys” she spoke the Valyrian words and the fangs of her beloved Dreamfyre took hold of the six women now screaming in pain as they burned to death by dragonfire while she watched, Maegor a hand on her belly where the promised prince was but her violet eyes reflected the fire of Targayren madness as she finally saw the destiny she was destined for at her brother's sete as queen over all of Westeros and far beyond.
Ps : I had so much fun writing for him that maybe I'll write more and see
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klaus-littlestwolf · 1 year
PLEASE i need more mafia yandere klaus!! Or even elijah!
Mafia!Elijah Yandere NSFW
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A stands for AFFECTION: how would they show affection?
•Elijah, like all Mikaelsons, is very much a gift giver
•He loves to see you in all of the latest fashions, he’s always dressed to the nines so he believes his Queen should be too
•You we’re quite confused how he knew your sizes when he sent you a dress to wear before your first date but you brushed it off
•Once you live with him you have the biggest closet in the entire house, as well as an extra closet just for your shoes
B stands for BLOODY: how bloody are they willing to get for their object of obsession?
•Elijah doesn’t need to get bloody, even when their business was growing before they began hiring men to do their dirty work it was always Kol and Klaus who did it, Elijah was much more the face of the company dressed in Armani and Hugo Boss, the one on the covers of magazines and doing interviews for the company press
•If Elijah is getting bloody it is only because someone took it upon themselves to hurt either his family or his Queen, in any case he is happy to take his time and make them suffer, however he is never willing to allow you to see him in such a way so he ensures he cleans up before he comes home
C stands for CRUELTY: would they ever hurt their object of obsession?
•Elijah’s rage, while very real, isn’t quite as present as his brothers, he learned to control himself a long time ago and he doesn’t allow for bursts of aggression, especially not around you
•Physically he would never harm you, however he makes you very aware of how easily it would be to harm your family, the family you haven’t seen since you ‘moved in’ with him and that usually keeps you under control
D stands for DARLING: would they cross their object of obsession’s limits?
•You and Elijah had a wonderful relationship, he had you under his control from the first date and you didn’t even know it
•He didn’t cross any kind of limit until 5 months into the relationship when you found out that you were pregnant (unless you call switching out your birth control a limit, then yes, he did)
•You found yourself moved into his home later that evening as he told you he couldn’t risk you or his child’s lives if he couldn’t be with you all the time, and while that was true, he mostly just didn’t want to risk you running away after seeing how incredibly possessive he became, the change on his face the moment you told him he needed to ‘take you to the clinic’ was terrifying
•You had assumed of course that this man, the most eligible man in New Orleans as he had been voted consistently for 5 years straight, would not want to ruin what he had for a women he had been with for not even half a year becoming pregnant with his child…you were wrong
•He could no longer risk you being on your own since you had even considered getting rid of his baby, you moved in whether you liked it or not and you found he had been planning for it for a long time
E stands for EXPOSED: how much do they expose their own feelings to their object of obsession?
•Elijah makes it very clear how he feels for you after only a few dates and you are blown away by his dedication
•You assume a man who basically lives at the office doesn’t get the chance to date and fall in love every day so you take it in stride and try to be as understanding as possible, he enjoys how loving and sweet you are, never once making him feel bad for any kind of emotion or memory he talks to you about which only makes him more dependent on you in his life and more willing to share his thoughts and feelings
F stands for FIGHT: how would they react to their object of obsession fighting back?
•While he finds your attempts at escape slightly humorous that you believe you could get away, it is also extremely annoying
•He is patient but his go to method to compliance is tying you to the bed and making sure you need everything done for you until you’re desperate to get up, usually resulting in you behaving so that you can move as you begin to go stir-crazy
G stands for GAME: do they think this is just a game?
•This is not a game
•This is Elijah’s family, and everyone knows how seriously he takes that. You are his Queen, carrying his son in your body, he will never let any harm come to you as long as he is breathing
H stands for HELL: what would be their object of obsession’s worst experience with them?
•Your worst experience with Elijah was probably the moment you were forced to move into his home
•The look on his face terrified you and you tried to calm him down and get away but he had ahold of you the second you turned around, carrying you to your room and sitting you down as he packed your bags with everything you needed to keep, asking you about a few things he was unsure of but not talking beyond that
•On the drive to his home he was on the phone with your landlord buying you out of your lease and having someone come in and trash everything left in there that you ‘didn’t need’. It was truly scary how this man could turn your life upside down so quickly and everyone just went along with it doing as he said…at least he let you keep your sentimental things
I stands for IDEAL: what are their plans for their object of obsession?
•You are to be his Queen
•He proposes quickly after moving you in and you’re aware of the fact that you can’t really say ‘no’ wanting your child to have a father and as much as you hate to admit it at first, you know Elijah would be a wonderful father
•You’re married a few weeks later in a lovely ceremony in their backyard which is like getting married in a forest full of twinkle lights, he make it special with the help of his sister and both Klaus’ and Kol’s fiancées
J stands for JEALOUSY: how they react when jealous? Do they get jealous?
•Elijah only got jealous once
•He visited you at work one day and you had been contracted to photograph a few male models, it was a completely normal thing in big cities but Elijah didn’t like that answer, however he controlled himself
•He made sure, as you changed the lens on your camera, that the men knew they would never work again if they didn’t stop their flirting with you and though they weren’t the smartest men in the world, they were aware of how powerful and influential Elijah Mikaelson is
K stands for KINDNESS: how they act around their object of obsession?
•He is always well behaved and kind from the moment you walk into his office
•Elijah is a master at controlling himself no matter what he’s actually feeling or wanting, he makes you comfortable, makes you feel safe around him
•He always wants you to be happy and loved, Elijah is never unkind to you except for the moments you either try to escape or fight back too hard
L stands for LOVE LETTER: how would they approach their object of obsession?
•You we’re a photographer for one of the magazines that was doing a story on his families corporate company, sent to take pictures of him in his office for the article. He couldn’t help but think you looked like you belonged here as he had you sit behind his desk and teasingly took a few photos of you in the penthouse office with a backdrop of the skyline looking simply perfect
•It was the moment he knew he had to have you, your smile lit up his entire world, a world that had been dark for some time since he and his brothers murdered his father and took the company that Mikael was floundering with and even long before that, you were a shining beacon that he knew he could never lose
•He asked you out immediately, getting your number and taking you to dinner that night. You were blown away by how detail oriented he is, everything was always perfect and he made sure to impress you every single time you were together, Elijah owned your heart almost instantly
M stands for MASK: how different are their public persona from their true selves?
•Elijah is the face of the company but he presents himself mostly as he really is, he is controlled and thoughtful, intelligent and quick witted
•People see him as a bachelor and a billionaire and while his personality isn’t very different from what he presents, people would never expect the reality of the company that is run under the company (even if that’s mostly run by Klaus)
N stands for NAUGHTY: how would they punish their object of obsession?
•Elijah would never physically harm you, especially since you’re carrying his child however you did try to escape a few days after he moved you into his home. You had been forced to stay there with security to watch you while he went to work and you had tried to sneak out while the guards thought you were in the shower
•You got to the corner of the street before you were carried back (as carefully as possible, none of the men wanting to risk Elijah’s anger)
•You we’re tied to the bed and that is where you stayed for the next 2 days, your new fiancée (according to the ring on your finger) tending to your every need which he actually enjoyed, getting to take care of you in every way until you assured him he didn’t have to worry about you getting away again
•He tried to make you understand how many people in the world would happily hurt you and his baby just to get at him or his family and you understood his urgency, you didn’t want anything to happen to your child either so you tried to do as you were told knowing escaping the house was impossible anyway
O stands for OPPRESSION: how many rights would they take from their object of obsession?
•You wouldn’t be able to work anymore however Elijah was willing to take you anywhere you want to go to photograph whatever made you happy which you found was almost better in a way, no one telling you what to do anymore, just photographing anything and everything that made you happy
•You only left the house in his presence but he did try to take you out a few times a week, though the life you had was completely gone the moment you admitted pregnancy and if you thought about it, it was completely gone the second you sat down in his office chair
P stands for PATIENCE: how patient are they with their object of obsession?
•Elijah is an extremely patient man
•He can wait for months or even years to get what he wants, especially from you
•He tries very hard to give you time to get accustomed to your new life, he wanted to ensure you were settled into it when his son was born
Q stands for QUIT: if their object of obsession died or escaped, would they ever be able to move on?
•Died: The only way that could happen was from someone with a grudge against his family coming after you and he would ensure that person and everyone they ever loved was slaughtered in the streets, as well as the security that let you die. It would become his obsession at the cost of all else
•Escaped: If you ever got farther than the driveway and somehow no one noticed until Elijah got home, every single man on their payroll would be looking for you, all of their security and all of the men that Klaus and Kol employ too and considering the type of people that work for his brothers (his name can’t be associated with men like that) let’s just say you wouldn’t be gone for very long
R stands for REGRET: would they ever regret harming their object of obsession? Would they ever let them go?
•Elijah would Never let you go
•You are the mother of his son, and if everything goes according to his plans, you would be the mother of several more children than that
•Elijah was even trying to convince Niklaus and Kol to give his children cousins to play with around the same age in the house, he thought it would give not just his girl but their girls as well reason to never try and run again
S stands for STIGMA: what made their yandere tendencies bloom?
•The moment he met you he was obsessed
•However the true moment he really became Yandere was when he came to pick you up for dinner and you were in your pajamas, wrapped in a soft blanket and eating ice cream, showing him a pregnancy test
•That was the moment Elijah had been waiting for, expecting for the last few months and the moment he put his plan into action of taking you home and making you truly his
T stands for TEARS: how would they react to their object of obsession crying/breaking?
•Elijah doesn’t want a ‘broken’ Queen, he just wants you to give in to your love for him and your new little family
•Crying however, he is on the ball for that one, Elijah expected tears as a pregnant women and he was prepared with tissues, your favorite ice cream and your favorite movies which made you cry harder as this man you wanted to hate so badly knew you better than anyone else in your life
U stands for UNIQUE: something different they would do compared to others yanderes.
•Something different about Elijah was the fact that he wanted you pregnant immediately
•You two began having sex on your second date, which was also planned, as he cooked you dinner himself in his home after clearing his brothers and staff out to ‘woo you’
•He realized however that that night was a waste when you were perfectly happy not using a condom since you were on birth control, his plan had been to pop a hole in the condom but this would change his plans a bit
•He surprised you at home the very next day with flowers and a teddy bear, happily telling you how much he had enjoyed your night together and how he wished you could have stayed over instead of gone home and once again you enjoyed a night together. He made a mental note of the birth control in your bathroom, what brand and the packaging, counting how far into it you were and coming back 2 days later, replacing it with nothing but sugar pills in a new package, changing them out every time you refilled the script
•Honestly it took longer to get you pregnant than he expected but by the time you noticed you were carrying his child you were 8 weeks along, Elijah being thankful he had been giving you vitamins in the food he made you when he realized how far along you were
V stands for VICE: what weakness their object of obsession could use against them?
•You realize quite quickly that Elijah will do anything for you if it’s good for the baby
•You know you will never get away from him and of all people, Elijah will not be the one to lose sight of you in public, but you are able to go outside and enjoy not being cooped up constantly as you read the baby books Elijah had gotten and proved to him that pregnant women need fresh air and sunlight
•After that conversation you actually convinced the eldest Mikaelson to make you a sunroom. It was built in the back yard of the house shockingly quickly and it became your happy place and a place Elijah felt safe leaving you alone as there was only one exit. It was completely glass and had a few couches and plants all over with a bookshelf filled with the books on your list that you had made for him to get you and your husband even put some butterflies in there to make you smile
•He bought a bigger couch than the first one he put in there upon realizing you were going to nap in there and also filled it with some blankets and pillows when you proved to love being in there when it rained, inviting him to join you for a storm once so that he could understand the peace that came with it and it was truly lovely
•The outside building became a place not just for you but for Klaus and Kol’s wives too who you bonded with fairly quickly and whether you considered it trauma bonding or not it wouldn’t matter, they could lean on each other and speak freely in there together which is something they all sorely needed
W stands for WIT’S END: would they hurt their object of obsession?
•Elijah would never hurt his Queen
•He had never hurt you physically and he never would apart from the sore wrists you had from being tied to the bed with him waiting on you hand and foot which made him quickly switch to silk bindings
X stands for XOANON: would they worship their object of obsession?
•Elijah loves every inch of you, he worships the ground his Queen walks on from the moment you met
•It somehow becomes more intense when you find yourself pregnant and continues to be every time you are pregnant with one of his babies
Y stands for YEARN: how long would they pine after their object of obsession before they snap?
•He was switching your birth control on your second night together so fairly quickly though he doesn’t take you until you’re pregnant several months later
Z stands for ZENITH: would they ever break their object of obsession?
•You eventually do give in to what your husband wants, it is towards the end of your first pregnancy especially since you know there will be more pregnancies
•You love your son from the first moment you found out you were pregnant and you hated suggesting going to a clinic to get rid of him, something you later admit to your husband that you only did because you were afraid he would abandon you, pregnant and probably without a job if you pissed the powerful man off, Elijah felt very relieved by that admission and you knew it
•You love Elijah, you had loved him since your third date and you knew that wouldn’t just go away, especially as the father of your child and soon to be children, giving into him especially for your babies, wanting your eventual 3 sons and daughter to grow up in a functional family unlike the one you had grown up in
•You we’re determined that your children would grow up in a family full of love, surrounded by their siblings and cousins, loving aunts and uncles, and a mother and father who loved not just them but each other because that makes all the difference
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Elijah Mikaelson Masterlist
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